3 Minute Speech on Friendship

Good Morning to one and all present here. I am going to present a speech about friendship. Friendship is one of the treasures that anyone can possess. God gave us the right to choose friends because they will be with us forever. Our parents and siblings are loving us as they are our own blood. But a friend is someone, who is initially a stranger. Then they take their place in our life above all the other relations. Friendship is nothing but true and pure love without expectations in return.

Speech on Friendship

Role of a Friend

True friends always support each other even during the hardest of times. A true friend is one who feels happy for our success, on the other hand, who feel gloomy for our failures. A true friend may criticize also so that we may come out of our weakness.

He may scold us if we do a mistake and guide the right path. That’s why it is being said that true friend is more precious than any gem in our life. Love from your friend will always be unconditional. They may expect nothing from us but shower their love always.

Friendship – A Divine Relationship

Friendship is a divine relationship, which is beyond the definition of blood relations. It is the only relation that is truly priceless. We may acquire all kinds of pleasures by putting our efforts. But even then life may remain dull, without having someone to share our life with some true friends.

It’s natural that human being always tends to find emotional support and social life. In spite of having everything in life, we may remain in a vacuum. It happens only when we have no such good friend to share our small and small happiness in life. Friends are always there to listen to us unconditionally.

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There is no Second Chance for True Friendship

Friendship will provide us with thousands of fun moments in life which we may memorize in our old age. But side by side, with times this relation may have moments of crisis. A misunderstanding may crop in and this amazing relation may start weakening.

Always be the first one to save the friendship. God forbid, if due to some unfavorable reason distance ever arises within this relation, we must not let our friend go. Hold his or her hand and apologize for any mistake done. There is nothing more pathetic in anyone’s life than losing a true friend.

Friendship is a relationship that is like a newborn baby. Friendship is always pure and like a bundle of joy which only needs more and more nourishment to grow. Never ignore true friends or take them for granted. We may come across various people at different phases of our life. Many may pretend to be our friends but never go by outward glitter.

At last, I wish to say that a good friendship is very difficult to come across. Therefore, we should appreciate this divine relationship having a base on understanding and feelings. We just need friends to live happily. Lasting friendship is a blessing for everyone.

We don`t need to pretend to be someone else when we spend time with our friends. They give us total freedom to be who we are in reality. We should always be grateful to people who make us happy. A true friend is one of the most precious possessions in anyone’s life.

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Speech Script: About Friendship

Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen! Today, I stand before you to explore the beautiful and transformative concept of friendship. Friendship is a bond that enriches our lives, brings us joy, and provides us with unwavering support. In this speech, we will delve into the essence of friendship and discuss how to craft a memorable speech that captures its essence. Together, we will explore the key elements that make a speech on friendship impactful, inspiring, and relatable. So, let us embark on this journey of celebrating and honoring the remarkable power of friendship.

Table of Contents

Friendship Speech Tips

Understanding friendship.

Before we dive into the art of writing a speech on friendship, let us first understand the true essence of friendship. Friendship is a treasured relationship built on trust, mutual respect, and genuine care for one another. It is a bond that transcends boundaries, celebrates our similarities, embraces our differences, and provides us with emotional support during both our triumphs and trials. True friendship is a sanctuary where we can be our authentic selves, where acceptance and understanding abound.

Defining the Purpose and Tone

When crafting a speech on friendship, it is essential to define the purpose and tone of your message. Consider the occasion and audience for which you are delivering the speech. Are you speaking at a graduation ceremony, a farewell party, or a casual gathering of friends? Understanding the context will help you determine the appropriate tone—whether it be celebratory, reflective, or even humorous. Additionally, consider the main message you want to convey about friendship. Is it the importance of loyalty, the power of shared experiences, or the impact of support? Clarifying your purpose will ensure a focused and impactful speech.

Sharing Personal Experiences

One of the most effective ways to connect with your audience when speaking about friendship is by sharing personal experiences. Draw from your own life and reflect on memorable moments that highlight the significance of friendship. Whether it’s a heartwarming anecdote, a transformative journey, or a lesson learned, personal stories add depth and authenticity to your speech. By sharing your experiences, you create a relatable connection and inspire others to reflect on their own friendships.

Utilizing Emotional Appeal

To create an impactful speech on friendship, it is important to tap into the emotions of your audience. Friendship is inherently tied to our emotions, and evoking those emotions can help drive your message home. Use descriptive language, vivid imagery, and heartfelt anecdotes to paint a picture that resonates with your listeners. Whether it’s describing the joy of shared laughter, the comfort of a shoulder to lean on, or the strength of unwavering support, engaging emotions will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Incorporating Inspirational Quotes and Literature

Quotations and references from renowned authors, philosophers, and poets can add depth and richness to your speech on friendship. Seek out quotes that capture the essence of friendship and amplify your message. Whether it’s Aristotle’s reflections on true friendship, William Shakespeare’s poetic musings on companionship, or contemporary authors’ insights, incorporating these literary gems adds credibility and showcases the universality of friendship. These quotes can serve as touchstones throughout your speech, reinforcing your main ideas and inspiring your audience.

Offering Practical Advice and Reflection

A memorable speech on friendship goes beyond anecdotes and emotions; it also offers practical advice and encourages self-reflection. Share tips for nurturing and sustaining friendships, such as active listening, open communication, and being present in each other’s lives. Encourage your audience to reflect on their own friendships, to reach out and mend broken bonds, and to cherish the connections they have. By providing practical guidance and fostering introspection, your speech can inspire meaningful action and personal growth.

Friendship Speech Example #1

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

Today, I stand before you to celebrate a timeless and precious bond that has shaped humanity since the beginning of time: friendship. Friendship is a gift that transcends borders, cultures, and generations. It is a bond that brings light to our lives, adds color to our experiences, and provides us with the support and companionship we need to navigate the ups and downs of life.

Friendship is a testament to the beauty of human connection. It goes beyond mere acquaintanceship and delves into the realm of deep understanding, trust, and shared experiences. A friend is someone who knows us for who we truly are and accepts us without judgment. They see our strengths, our weaknesses, and everything in between, yet choose to stand by our side through it all.

In a world that often feels divided, friendship unites us. It breaks down barriers, fosters empathy and compassion, and reminds us of our shared humanity. Through friendship, we learn to appreciate our differences, to celebrate diversity, and to embrace the richness that comes from engaging with people from various backgrounds and perspectives.

Friendship is a source of joy and laughter. It is in the company of friends that we find ourselves at ease, able to let go of our worries and simply enjoy the present moment. Whether it’s sharing a hearty laugh over a funny story, embarking on adventures together, or simply spending quality time in each other’s company, friends bring a sense of joy and lightheartedness to our lives.

But friendship is not just about the good times. It is during the challenging moments that the true strength of friendship shines through. Friends are there to offer support, lend a listening ear, and provide a shoulder to lean on. They offer words of encouragement, helping us find the courage to face our fears and overcome obstacles. In times of sadness or loss, friends offer solace and comfort, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles.

To cultivate and nurture friendships, we must be willing to invest time and effort. It requires being present, actively listening, and showing genuine care and interest in the lives of our friends. It means being there for them in both good times and bad, celebrating their achievements and providing a source of strength during challenging times. Small gestures of kindness and thoughtfulness can go a long way in deepening the bonds of friendship.

In a world that is increasingly connected through technology, it is important to remember the value of face-to-face interactions and genuine human connection. Put down your phones, step away from the screens, and engage in meaningful conversations with the people around you. Take the time to truly listen, to understand, and to be present. In doing so, you will not only strengthen existing friendships but also create opportunities to form new connections.

In conclusion, let us cherish and honor the power of friendship. Let us celebrate the friends who have enriched our lives, and let us strive to be the kind of friend that we ourselves would like to have. May we continue to cultivate meaningful connections, to embrace the diversity of the human experience, and to uplift and support one another on our respective journeys.

Thank you for your attention, and may the bonds of friendship continue to inspire and illuminate our lives.

Friendship Speech Example #2

Today, I want to take a moment to reflect on one of life’s greatest treasures: friendship. Friendship is a beacon of light that guides us, a source of strength that uplifts us, and a tapestry of shared memories that weaves together the chapters of our lives.

Friendship is a gift that knows no boundaries. It transcends age, gender, race, and background. It is a connection that forms when two souls resonate with each other, when trust is built, and when hearts align. Whether it’s a childhood friend who has been by your side through thick and thin or a new acquaintance who has entered your life and quickly become an integral part of it, friendship has the power to transform and elevate our existence.

True friendship is based on a foundation of trust, respect, and authenticity. It is a safe haven where we can be our true selves, free from judgment or pretense. Our friends see us for who we are, flaws and all, and love us unconditionally. They provide a space where we can express our hopes, dreams, fears, and vulnerabilities without fear of rejection. In their presence, we can grow and evolve, knowing that we have their unwavering support.

Friendship is not just about the good times; it is also about weathering the storms together. It is during the challenging moments that the strength of friendship shines brightest. Friends offer a listening ear, a comforting embrace, and words of wisdom when life becomes overwhelming. They provide a fresh perspective, offering guidance and encouragement to help us navigate through difficult situations. With friends by our side, we are reminded that we are never alone in our struggles.

Friendship is a source of inspiration and personal growth. Friends challenge us to step outside of our comfort zones, to embrace new experiences, and to discover hidden talents and strengths within ourselves. They believe in our potential even when we doubt ourselves, pushing us to reach for the stars and achieve greatness. They celebrate our achievements with genuine joy, and their unwavering support fuels our drive to succeed.

In a fast-paced world where technology often replaces genuine human connection, it is important to prioritize and nurture our friendships. Take the time to reach out to your friends, to listen to their stories, and to create new memories together. Plan outings, organize gatherings, or simply have a cup of coffee and engage in meaningful conversations. Invest in the relationships that bring you joy and fulfillment, for they are the threads that enrich the fabric of your life.

In conclusion, let us celebrate the gift of friendship. Let us express gratitude for those special individuals who have touched our lives, who have shared our laughter and wiped away our tears. May we cherish and nurture these connections, for they are the foundation of love, support, and understanding. And as we continue our journey through life, may we always be open to new friendships, for each one has the potential to bring new meaning and joy to our lives.

Thank you for your attention, and may the bonds of friendship continue to grace our lives with love, laughter, and profound connections.

Friendship Speech Example #3

Today, I would like to speak about the extraordinary power of friendship—a bond that enriches our lives and shapes our very existence. Friendship is a testament to the beauty of human connection, a source of joy, and a pillar of strength in times of need.

At its core, friendship is a relationship built on mutual trust, respect, and shared experiences. It is a bond that transcends superficial differences and embraces the essence of who we are as individuals. True friends accept us for who we are, flaws and all, and support us on our journey of self-discovery and growth.

Friendship is a sanctuary where we find solace and comfort. It is a space where we can freely express our thoughts, emotions, and fears, knowing that our friends will listen without judgment. They offer a shoulder to lean on, a compassionate ear to hear our sorrows, and a kind heart to share our joys. In their presence, we feel seen, heard, and understood.

Friends are the companions who accompany us on life’s adventures. They are the ones who laugh with us, explore new horizons with us, and create memories that become the fabric of our stories. They bring lightness, laughter, and a sense of playfulness into our lives, reminding us to embrace the beauty of the present moment.

Friendship is also a catalyst for personal growth. Our friends inspire us to be the best versions of ourselves. They challenge us to step outside of our comfort zones, pursue our passions, and confront our fears. They provide honest feedback and constructive criticism, helping us recognize our blind spots and encouraging us to strive for continuous improvement.

In a world that can sometimes feel fragmented and isolated, friendship has the power to bridge divides. It fosters empathy, compassion, and understanding. Through our friendships, we gain exposure to different cultures, perspectives, and worldviews, broadening our horizons and enriching our lives. Friendship teaches us the value of acceptance, tolerance, and embracing diversity.

To cultivate and nurture friendships, we must be willing to invest time, effort, and genuine care. It requires active listening, empathy, and a willingness to be there for our friends in both good times and bad. We must celebrate their successes, support them through their challenges, and be a source of strength and encouragement when they need it most. Small gestures of kindness, such as a heartfelt message or a thoughtful gift, can go a long way in nurturing the bonds of friendship.

In conclusion, let us pause and celebrate the immense value of friendship. Let us express gratitude for the friends who have walked alongside us, bringing joy, support, and inspiration. May we continue to foster these connections, nurturing them with love and care. And as we move forward, may we embrace new friendships, extending our hearts and minds to create a world where friendship knows no boundaries.

Thank you for your attention, and may the spirit of friendship continue to illuminate our lives with love, laughter, and lasting connections.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, friendship is a powerful force that enriches our lives and shapes our very being. Crafting a memorable speech on friendship requires a deep understanding of its essence, purpose, and audience. By sharing personal experiences, utilizing emotional appeal, incorporating inspirational quotes, and offering practical advice, you can create a speech that resonates with your listeners and leaves a lasting impact. So, let us celebrate the beauty of friendship, honor those who have touched our lives, and continue to cultivate meaningful connections that will uplift and inspire us throughout our journey.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for joining me on this exploration of friendship through the art of speechwriting.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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Speech about Friendship

Speculating upon what to write and what not to write when you sit down to prepare a speech on friendship? This article will offer some hand-holding and assist you to write your own friendship day speech.

Speech on How Important It Is to Have a Friend?

As social beings, humans always look out for companionship irrespective of the kind of people they are. Friends make one’s life meaningful and colourful. As kids, your cousins would be the first friends you make. As you grow up, you meet random people who express similar interests, and these are the ones who become your friends eventually.

Friendship is as sweet as it is, but you should always try to make the right kind of friends who would be a strong support in helping you grow. Bad friends can make you feel good about what you do, especially when you do something that is not right. This kind of a friendship would never help you grow to become the kind of person you are destined to be. Good friends, on the other hand, are one of the most wonderful treasures life can possibly give you. Friends are the family you choose. They always stand by you in every situation, no matter what.

Below are a few samples that would aid you in writing a speech on friendship, one that you can say not just on a friendship day but any random day when you want to let your friends know how important they are to you.

Friendship Day Speech

Short speech about friendship, faqs on friendship day.

Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in the month of August. The idea of celebrating Friendship Day globally was first thought of by Dr. Roman Artemio Bracho in 1958. It, however, was made official by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011. July 30 was declared as the International Day of Friendship with the idea of instilling friendly relations between people, countries, cultures and individuals, which would, in turn, inspire peace among different communities. Since then, people all around the world celebrate Friendship Day by exchanging friendship bands, gifts and greeting cards.

Being in school, Friendship Day was one of the most anticipated celebrations when you wait to collect as many friendship bands as possible every year. To a school kid, the number of friendship bands meant that you had a lot of friends. Friendship bands are definitely a good way to make new friends and also to remind your old friends that they matter to you. However, I would like to say that the number of friendship bands you gain on a Friendship Day does not count. All that counts is that you have at least one friend who has always got your back and would not give up on you even when you give up on yourself. You will feel a lot more lively and confident with just this one person by your side. Friends don’t stand by you only when you are happy; they make sure you are holding up and getting better even in the toughest times. They will love you for what you are and hold your hand even at your worst.

Make friends with your kind of people, and you will have the time of your life. There might be misunderstandings and fights among friends, but it is these fights that would make your bond even stronger. Friends eventually become your family. So, on this Friendship Day, I wish you good friendships and a life filled with happiness and adventure. Happy Friendship Day everyone.

Vladimir Lenin said, “Show me who your friends are, and I will tell you what you are.” The friends you keep are a reflection of the kind of person you are. One becomes friends with people who share similar interests. C.S. Lewis said, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” Those who like the same songs, bond over a favourite series or a nostalgic place are the ones who would for sure turn out to be the closest and thickest of friends.

Friends always stand by you. From participating in competitions to getting scolded by parents and teachers, your friends will be there all along. They will keep all your secrets safe and give you the solutions to almost every problem. A good friend guides you and helps you choose the right path.

Have you ever thought what it would be like to live in a world without friends? Those who have had good friends in their life can never imagine a life without them. Friends can influence your life to a great extent in both good and bad ways. It is up to you to choose the right company to keep. Cherish your friends and the times you spend with them because they make the future you. So choose your friends wisely and live life to the fullest.

Why are friends so special?

Friends include the best kind of people you have in your life. Friends can be your unpaid therapist. They can help you out of any mood swings and can cheer you up even if you do not want to feel better. Having a good friend is one of the greatest gifts of life. Cherish your friends and the times you spend with them because they make the future you.

What makes a good friend?

A good friend would be a person who is a well-wisher and the one who would always push you to do your best. A good friend knows you better than you think you know yourself. A good friend would hold your hand and stand beside you in all your happiest and saddest moments of life.

What are the quotes you can use in a friendship day speech?

Some examples of quotes that can be used when you write down your Friendship Day speech are given below: “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” — Walter Winchell “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson “A good friend is a connection to life, a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.” — Lois Wyse “True friends are those rare people who come to find you in dark places and lead you back to the light.” — Anonymous

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Friendship Speech for Students in English

Friends are the family one chooses, and true friends stay with us through thick and thin. A speech on friendship can be given on the occasion of friendship day or any occasion when one wants to celebrate friendship and share the role of friendship in one’s life with others. Here, we will discuss several ways of presenting a friendship speech, like a long speech on friendship and a short speech on friendship. Also, 10 lines on friendship speech in English are discussed below.

Long and Short Friendship Speech in English

Long speech on friendship.

A long version of a speech on friendship can be framed as follows. 

Very good morning to everyone. Today, I would like to deliver a speech on friendship which will take us on a walk through the streets of nostalgia and relive the precious essence of friendship that we all have experienced. 

Friend. That one kid who stole your candy in school or the one student who gained more marks than you in college, or the topper who taught you everything just before an exam in university. Every friend that crosses our path in life always has something to give us, be it good memories, lessons, or just something worthwhile. True friends are always there for us through thick and thin, through good or bad, and through weal and woe. True friends support us in our decisions and correct us for our well-being. Through this speech on friendship, I am delighted to extend my gratitude to all such friends I am blessed with. 

All types of friendships have something or the other that’s unique and special, a best friend, an acquaintance, or a group of friends. Whoever that may be, a friend should always be the one who fuels our passion to flying rather than clipping our wings. As we grow older, making new friends seems to be a tough job as we create a comfort zone of our own. So, the ones who remain friends since childhood and never give up on each other are the ones who are valuable. 

Friendship shouldn’t be accompanied by jealousy, ego, or insecurity. A good friendship is one where people can share all their emotions heart to heart without the fear of being judged. Although friends have numerous memories to giggle about, friendship is not only about smiles or jokes. Friends should always respect each other, understand each other and support each other throughout. No one is perfect in this world. So, insecurities and flaws just make a person complete and friends are the ones who never judge each other over each other’s flaws or insecurities, rather support each other when they get agitated due to the same. Searching for the good in people, accepting their flaws, and staying loyal help people end up being good friends. 

Friends are very special as we choose them to be with us and include them in our lives. So, one must make sure that they choose good ones. In this busy world, people tend to drift apart from each other due to work or other engagements. Friendships are the strongest when they reach a stage where they don't need to communicate every day to maintain the bond. 

In conclusion, I would like to say that with time, friends also become family and a place for us to seek closure. Such friends should be cherished and celebrated as much as possible, and gratitude should be expressed from time to time. I am so grateful to have such amazing friends who are like a family to me. I am thankful for these precious bonds that I have created over time and spending time with them makes everything better. Friendship is the only bond that survives through thick and thin.

Short Speech on Friendship

A short friendship speech can be given on any occasion. Here, students can find an easy way to express their views on friendship in simple words.

Good morning all, today I will speak on friendship. It’s an apt topic for me; a few years ago I would not even have the courage to stand on this stage before you all. I owe a lot to my friends who have supported me and converted my weaknesses into my strengths. Friends are the ones who bring out the best in you. They will always be there for you and turn to your side in good and bad times. Friends are special as they never make you feel alone. They uplift you when you feel discouraged. They are the ones who also bring us to the right path when we are lost.

In friendship, there is no room for negativity or negative emotions. Negative emotions like ego, jealousy, hatred, possessiveness, and anger can only ruin relationships. A true friend is one who can recognize such emotions and help you bring them out. This proves their sincerity and loyalty towards you and such friends should always be held close. We all lose some friends along the way due to distance or misunderstandings. On the other hand, we also gain many real friends who believe in us and support us no matter what the circumstances are. 

In conclusion, I would like to add, friendship is a mixed bag and there is every emotion in it and many ups and downs along the way. We should enjoy this gift of friendship and always lead with love, honesty, and understanding.

10 Line Friendship Speech

This form of friendship speech is very useful for students in grades 1-3, who are only discovering friendship in their way, and in these 10 lines, they can understand it simply and more clearly.

Friendship is the first relationship we form after the family.

Making friends is a very natural tendency in one’s life.

When one is younger, they form more friends easily as they are curious and new in this journey of life.

Such early formed friendships can last a lifetime together.

As these childhood friends grow along with us through the good and the bad times.

They are sincere, loyal, honest, understanding, and non-judgmental.

As one becomes older, one becomes angry, jealous, and egoistic.

No friendship should be led with harboring negative feelings.

Friendship is the purest form of bond between two people or more.

The more true friends you have the more sweet life becomes and we can live life to the fullest.

Friendship is one of the most beautiful relationships people can have. A speech on friendship can be given on the occasion of friendship day or even any other normal day because friendship, whenever celebrated, just warms everyone's hearts. So, these are some ways of giving a good speech on friendship like a long speech on friendship, a short speech on friendship and a 10 lines friendship speech in English.


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15 Prompts for Talking and Writing About Friendship

Questions to help students reflect on the meaning of friendship in their lives

topic about friendship for speech

By Natalie Proulx

Who are your closest friends? How much do you share with them? Do you actually like your friends? What have you learned from them?

Below, we’ve rounded up 15 questions we’ve asked students over the years all about friendship. You can use them as prompts for writing or discussion, inside the classroom or out. We hope they’ll inspire you to reflect on your friendships, consider how you can strengthen the ones you have, and motivate you to reach out and make new ones.

Each prompt includes an excerpt from a related New York Times article, essay or photo; a link to the related piece; and several questions to help you think deeply about it. Many of these questions are still open for comment from students 13 or older.

You can find even more ideas for teaching and learning about friendship in our related lesson plan: How Students Can Cultivate Meaningful Friendships Using The New York Times .

1. Who Are Your Friends?

Do you have a “best friend,” a few close friends or a large group of friends? What interests, experiences, passions and circumstances forge those relationships? What are some of your favorite memories or admirable characteristics you associate with your friends?

Use this Picture Prompt to talk or write about your most important friendships.

2. How Alike Are You and Your Friends?

Did you know there is science behind how we choose our friends? Research has shown that we tend to befriend people who are much like us in a wide array of characteristics, including age, race, religion, even our handgrip strength.

In this prompt , you’ll read more about the things that bond us, and then share what you and your friends have in common.

3. Do You Have Any Unlikely Friendships?

Though we tend to connect with people who are like us, sometimes friendship happens with someone we’d least expect. That was the case for Spencer Sleyon, a 22-year-old rapper and producer from East Harlem, and Rosalind Guttman, an 81-year-old woman living in a retirement community in Florida, who met playing the Words With Friends game.

Do you have any surprising friendships like this one?

4. How Much Do You Share With Your Friends?

Do you often express your innermost thoughts, feelings and struggles to those closest to you? Or do you tend to keep those things to yourself? Being vulnerable can be scary, but research shows it’s important for building connections with others.

Use this prompt to reflect on what it feels like to open up to your friends, and how you might try to do more of it.

5. Do You Have Satisfying Friendships?

Are internet friendships as fulfilling as in-person ones? In a guest essay, a writer argues that “The kind of presence required for deep friendship does not seem cultivated in many online interactions. Presence in friendship requires ‘being with’ and ‘doing for.’”

Do you agree? Can online “friends” be true friends? Share your opinion.

6. Do You Have Any Close Friends?

Do you prefer to have many casual friends or just a few close ones? What makes a person a “best” friend? Do you wish you had more close friendships? This prompt explores these questions and more, as well as shares expert advice for developing deeper friendships.

7. How Do You React When Your Friendships Change?

Have you ever become less close to a friend over time? Have you ever felt jealousy when your friend joined another friend group? Have you ever had a friendship just fizzle out? These kinds of changes happen all the time, but they can be difficult to navigate.

Tell us what you do when you feel a friendship start to shift.

8. Do Social Media and Smartphones Make Your Friendships Stronger?

topic about friendship for speech

Does being able to stay constantly in touch with your friends via social media, texting and location sharing strengthen your friendships and make them easier to maintain? Or does it do the opposite? Weigh in with your experiences on this prompt .

9. Do You Like Your Friends?

It may sound like a strange question, but a 2016 study found that only about half of perceived friendships are mutual. That means you might not even like someone who thinks of you as a best friend. And vice versa.

Is this is true for any of your relationships?

10. How Often Do You Text Your Friends Just to Say ‘Hi’?

When was the last time you texted, called, emailed or messaged a friend just to say “hello”? Research suggests casual check-ins might mean more than we realize. Do you underestimate how much your friends would like hearing from you?

Read what experts have to say and then share your thoughts.

11. Is It Harder for Men and Boys to Make and Keep Friends?

American men appear to be stuck in a “friendship recession,” according to a recent survey. Less than half of men said they were truly satisfied with the number of friendships they had. The same study also found that men are less likely than women to seek emotional support from or share personal feelings with their friends.

Does this reflect your experience? Weigh in.

12. Do You Have Any Intergenerational Friendships?

“When applying to my job, I had no idea of the friendships I would be making with 70+ year old women. They teach me new things every day while I hear their life stories and things they have done,” Laura from Ellisville wrote in response to this prompt.

Do you have any friends who are significantly younger or older than you? What do you think we can gain from these kinds of intergenerational friendships? Tell us here.

13. Have You Ever Been Left Out?

Imagine it’s a Saturday. All your friends told you they were busy, so you’re sitting at home, alone, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. But then you see a post that stops you in your tracks. It’s a picture of all of your friends hanging out together — without you. This is what happened to Hallie Reed in her first semester at college.

Has something like this ever happened to you? Use this prompt to talk or write about how it felt.

14. What Have Your Friends Taught You About Life?

“My friends taught me different perspectives on life.” “My friends have taught me to not care what other people think.” “My friends have taught me to be myself.”

These are just a few of the responses teenagers had to this prompt. What have your friends taught you?

15. Have You Ever Had a Significant Friendship End?

Few relationships are meant to last forever. In a guest essay, Lauren Mechling writes that “even bonds founded on that rare, deeply felt psychic connection between two people” are “bound to fray.”

Have you experienced this with someone with whom you were once very close? What happened? Share your story.

Students 13 and older in the United States and Britain, and 16 and older elsewhere, are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public and may appear in print.

Find more Student Opinion questions here. Teachers, check out this guide to learn how you can incorporate these prompts into your classroom.

Natalie Proulx joined The Learning Network as a staff editor in 2017 after working as an English language arts teacher and curriculum writer. More about Natalie Proulx

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Importance of Friendship Speech

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  • Updated on  
  • Sep 16, 2022

Importance of Friendship Speech

Among the many people, we meet, some click with us and become our friends. One gets to know about the authenticity of their friendships as and when time passes and people get to know the other ones in a better way. Importance of Friendship Speech is one of the popular ASL Topics and given below are two sample speeches that can help you prepare for your English assessment.

Learn how to write a speech along with many tips and tricks!

Sample 1: Importance of Friendship Speech (200-300 words)

Good morning everyone! I am ABC and today I stand before you to present a speech on the importance of friendship. Friendship is among the few relations we choose for ourselves, all other relations are the ones we are born with. People who become friends soon turn as close as our families. Friendship is not a blood relation instead it is a heart-to-heart connection that is voluntary. It rejuvenates the soul, gives a purpose to live life, makes good times memorable and rough phases liveable.

According to a study, people who have genuine friends in their life are less susceptible to chronic illnesses such as depression, high blood pressure, anxiety, and obesity. However, just like a coin, friendship has two sides. One may come across people who are highly manipulative, selfish, and narcissistic. Such people are deemed toxic and can ruin one’s life. A not-so-genuine and fake friendship makes your life appear bland, hampers self-confidence and self-esteem. On the other hand, a true friendship helps you embrace positivity, look for meaning in life’s problems, make life enjoyable, and elevates self-confidence and self-esteem. Be cautious of your company and if you have found a set of few genuine friends, then make a voluntary effort to keep in touch with them and make them feel important. Honest friends are a valuable and priceless treasure that very few people come across in their life. Finally, I would like to conclude on a positive note that a true friendship is a journey with an end.

Explore English Speech Topics for Students

Sample 2: Importance of Friendship Speech (400-500 words)

Good morning everyone! I am ABC and today I stand before you to present a speech on the importance of friendship. Well-known philosophers from across the globe have talked about how friendships have helped them in shaping up their personalities and achieve success. The most valuable and priceless gift one can get is an honest friend.

In today’s world, it is becoming very difficult to trust someone completely, people fear betrayal and deception from their friends and that tells us how important true friendship is for an individual. We all, at times, fail to recognize who our true friend is and it is important to look out for certain qualities in your friends to trust them.

True friends are honest with each other, give each other time and stay with each other through thick and thin. One can freely communicate with their true friend without any kind of hesitation and be their true authentic selves with them. People don’t need to appear pretentious in front of their true friend. When life is smooth sailing, everyone wants to befriend you but see the ones who stand with you in tough phases of life. These are the people whom you should trust and count upon. A true friend will genuinely appreciate and criticize you because they believe in mutual growth and success. Acceptance and sacrifice are the prerequisites of an authentic friendship. Remember, selflessness unites and selfishness divides. For being a genuine friend, be clean-hearted and trustworthy enough, so that someone can count on you.

Friendship makes life worth living, refreshes the soul, makes you feel good about yourself.

However, an ugly friendship can ruin an individual completely and hamper self-esteem. Some of the modern problems, such as depression, divorce, obesity, and suicidal tendencies are connected to friendship. Whereas a genuine friendship can transform you in the best possible manner and help you self-actualize.  Friendship is what children, adults, and old people crave because a real friendship helps you smile more, cry less, and enjoy life to the fullest.

But always stay away from people who ghost you in times of need, never care about your well-being and make it difficult for you to live your life and stay happy. Finally, I would like to say that friendship is not a one-way street on which you can walk alone. Friendship is a two-way highway where, on both sides, love and communication must flow unhindered. Thank you so much to all of you for being patient listeners.

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That was the importance of friendship speech. Hope you found the speech to be impactful and moving. For more such interesting and educational content, stay tuned to  Leverage Edu . You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.  

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Speech on Friendship for Students in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Friendship: Selecting intriguing English speech topics is the key to engaging an audience and delivering a compelling presentation. Talking about friendship is easy and really interesting for students because it’s about things they experience every day, like fun times with friends and the important things we learn from them. We have provided below various speech on friendship. All the friendship speech are written well using very simple and easy words for the students. Speeches on friendship are given according to the time limit of 3 mins, 5 mins, 7 mins, etc. Yes students, you are at right place, select any of the speech according to your requirement.

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Speech on Friendship

Friendship speech 1.

As we have gathered here at this auspicious occasion, I would like to speech over the friendship. First of all I would like to say Good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers and my dear friends. A friend is a most precious gift to all of us. We should always understand its importance and give value without having any misunderstanding. Friendship is a relationship where no any blood relation exists. It is a limitless relation goes forever without the rule of give and take. It is the special and unique relation of love and affection to any other person in the world. True friendship never sees the caste, creed, religion and colour of person; it only sees the internal beauty, simplicity and soul of the two or three person going to be involved in the friendship.

Friend of anyone is someone with whom one may feel comfortable and belief to each other as well as share their thoughts, ideas and personal feelings. Friend is one with whom we can feel safe and secure and do not need to think twice for any matter. True friends involved in the friendship love each other unconditionally and understand each other need without judging on the matter. They always ready to support each other and provide good knowledge and advice. There is a most famous friendship of Krishna and Sudama in India which has become a great example of true friendship from the ancient time. There is a common saying about the friendship by the Elbert Hubbard “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”

A true friend always stands together and helps whenever another one need help and support. A true friend never cares his/her own important works and leaves all works to help friends. He/she never leave a friend alone especially during the difficult times of life. It is said that time takes hard exams of true friends in their difficult times. Actually difficult time is a best time which realizes us about the value and importance of true friends. The people having true friends in the life are really blessed with most precious gifts. Making number of friends in the life does not matter with the quality of friendship. True friends (whether one, two or three) are enough for whole life; instead of having many friends who never understand the situation of the needy one. Friends are the real supporter in life who teaches us how to face difficulties of life. They are the real well wishers of us who changes our bad viewpoints about anything for good.

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Friendship Speech 2

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers and my colleagues, at this great occasion I would like to speech on the friendship. I have especially selected this topic to keep my views in front of you about the value and importance of friendship. Friendship is the purest forms of relation exist between two, three or more people. Getting a true, sincere and loving friend in this world is really the matter of luck. True friendship is a special gift from God to one of us who get it. True friends make our meaningless life meaningful and show us a true path of success in the life. They are friends who make our journey of life easy, joyous and vibrant. They never laugh at our mistakes instead they lead us on right path by continuous support.

True friends always become free for their friends and ready to help them in their difficult times of life even after being involved in the busy schedule. Friendship is a truly priceless relation in this world which can never be bought or sold to anyone. It depends on the true love created in the heart of people involved in the friendship. It never depends on the materialistic pleasure of the world. Genuine friends are the real happiness of the life who never forget each other and always support. We as a human being always get problems in the life time to time according to the situation and get difficulty in living the social life which needs emotional and moral support. In such conditions, our true friends plays great role and take us out of the difficulties. A life without true friend is considered as incomplete life. It does not matter that you have a happy and luxurious life however it matters when you does not have any true friends all through the life.

A good friend is one whom we can share every small and big happiness, secrets and problems of life without any hesitation. Friendship is a relation which prevents us from the emotional problems as it promotes us to share our inner thoughts and feelings. True friends never criticize their friends instead they help them to come out of the shortcomings. They guide them like a tunnel of light whenever one follows wrong path. True friends always understand full rights of them on their friends and advice them truly to chose right path. They take our every mistake seriously and try to show us right way in right direction. We can say that true friend is more precious than any priceless gem in the world.

Friendship Speech 3

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers and my lovely friends. The topic of my speech today is friendship. As we all know that true friendship is a precious gift in the life. As being a social animal we cannot live our life alone. We naturally get attracted towards each other according to our need and requirement and in the particular course of time our intimacy grows between us which remains for long time. There exists high level of trust between each other which is called friendship. Generally, persons of the same age, similar passions, emotions, sentiments and status gets involved in the friendship however it is completely independent of the age, sex, social status, etc. True friendship can be between two people of any age, religion, caste, sex, and social status.

Friendship is a true relation required by all of us for our goodness. We all need company of true friends whole life to pass our days cheerfully. They stand with us together in our all happy and bad days as well as give us real joy in life by sharing our happy and sad moments. The example of real friendship is very rare to see in the life. The true and historical friendship we know ever is the friendship of Krishna and Sudama. Some people become very selfish and do friendship with rich, clever and high social status people only for their own benefits. Such friends never support in bad times of the life instead always want to get benefited by them. They leave their friends in bad times however true friends never leave their friends alone and help them whenever they need.

Many selfish people make rounds of the good people to make friendship with them. The recognition of true friends become only in bad times as true friends never left alone and bad friends always do opposite. We should take caution of such selfish friends while making friendship to them anytime in the life. Real friends always help their friends whenever they become in need. There is a common saying about true friendship “A friend in need is a friend indeed” and “Fortune brings friends but adversity tries them”.

True friends have good character, good feelings and well wishes about their friends. They never try to give pain to their friends in the life instead they help them always by being in touch forever. True friendship has no any blood relation however does more than any blood relation.

Friendship Speech 4

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers and my dear friends. I would like to speech on the topic of friendship. First of all I would like to say lots of thanks to my class teacher who has given me such a great chance to speech at this occasion. Friendship is one of the most precious and beautiful relationships in this world. This relationship is not a blood relation however do a lot more than all blood relations which we cannot imagine and express into words. Real and true friends become the pillar of strength for us who always give us needed emotional support and physical support.

True friends never feel bad in spending their precious time and feel greatest joys of them whenever their friends need help in bad moments of life. It is very tough to get true friendship in this world however not impossible. We should not get tired and always search for the good friends throughout the life because it is hard to get but not impossible.

True friends always become together throughout the life together with fulfilling their responsibilities towards their family. Friendship is a lovely relationship memorizes us with sweet moments all through the life. We see movies, listen songs, see TV serials, eat food, study and other works together without any hassle. Some questions arises in the mind of everyone such as why good friends are necessary in the life, why true friends have more value than other relations in our life, what is the truth of this invisible bond which holds two or more friends together for years or lifetime, what lessons a true friendship teaches us and so many questions.

Trust is very necessary in all relations however it comes naturally in the matter of friendship. True friendship goes on forever with the mutual trust and proper understanding. Trust and understanding increases when relationship becomes deep and mature with time. Sometimes our best friends take deeper place in our heart more than our parents, brothers and sisters. We always believe on our best friends and follow their judgement blindly with the confidence that they never lead us on wrong way.

We always remember all the nice moments with friends such as sharing toys, favourite possessions, lunch boxes, clothes, books, home works, etc. The habit of sharing with friends teaches us of being unselfish and generous whole life.

  • My Best Friend Essay
  • Essay on Importance of Friends in our Life
  • A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Essay
  • Essay on A Good Friend
  • Slogans on Friendship
  • Paragraph on Friendship
  • My Best Friend Paragraphs

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FAQs on Speech on Friendship

What is a best friend speech.

A best friend speech is a heartfelt tribute or expression of appreciation for a close and cherished friend.

How do you start a speech with a friend?

To start a speech about a friend, you can begin with a warm greeting, a personal anecdote, or a memorable quote about friendship.

What is friendship short speech?

A short speech about friendship typically highlights the importance of companionship, trust, and mutual support in one life.

What is true friendship?

True friendship is characterized by trust, loyalty, understanding, and unwavering support between individuals.

What is friendship 5 sentences?

Friendship is a special bond that brings joy, laughter, and comfort; it thrives on trust, empathy, shared experiences, and mutual respect.

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127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

When you have a good friendship topic, essay writing becomes as easy as it gets. We have some for you!

📝 Friendship Essay Structure

🏆 best friendship topic ideas & essay examples, 💡 good essay topics on friendship, 🎓 simple & easy friendship essay titles, 📌 most interesting friendship topics to write about, ❓ research questions about friendship.

Describing a friend, talking about your relationship and life experiences can be quite fun! So, take a look at our topics on friendship in the list below. Our experts have gathered numerous ideas that can be extremely helpful for you. And don’t forget to check our friendship essay examples via the links.

Writing a friendship essay is an excellent way to reflect on your relationships with other people, show your appreciation for your friends, and explore what friendship means to you. What you include in your paper is entirely up to you, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t structure it properly. Here is our advice on structuring an essay on friendship:

  • Begin by selecting the right topic. It should be focused and creative so that you can earn a high mark. Think about what friendship means to you and write down your thoughts. Reflect on your relationship with your best friend and see if you can write an essay that incorporates these themes. If these steps didn’t help – don’t worry! Fortunately, there are many web resources that can help you choose. Browse samples of friendship essays online to see if there are any topics that interest you.
  • Create a title that reflects your focus. Paper titles are important because they grasp the reader’s attention and make them want to read further. However, many people find it challenging to name their work, so you can search for friendship essay titles online if you need to.
  • Once you get the first two steps right, you can start developing the structure of your essay. An outline is a great tool because it presents your ideas in a clear and concise manner and ensures that there are no gaps or irrelevant points. The most basic essay outline has three components: introduction, body, and conclusion. Type these out and move to the next step. Compose an introduction. Your introduction should include a hook, some background information, and a thesis. A friendship essay hook is the first sentence in the introduction, where you draw the reader’s attention. For instance, if you are creating an essay on value of friendship, include a brief description of a situation where your friends helped you or something else that comes to mind. A hook should make the reader want to read the rest of the essay. After the hook, include some background information on your chosen theme and write down a thesis. A thesis statement is the final sentence of the first paragraph that consists of your main argument.
  • Write well-structured body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should start with one key point, which is then developed through examples, references to resources, or other content. Make sure that each of the key points relates to your thesis. It might be useful to write out all of your key points first before you write the main body of the paper. This will help you to see if any of them are irrelevant or need to be swapped to establish a logical sequence. If you are composing an essay on the importance of friendship, each point should show how a good friend can make life better and more enjoyable. End each paragraph with a concluding sentence that links it to the next part of the paper.
  • Finally, compose a conclusion. A friendship essay conclusion should tie together all your points and show how they support your thesis. For this purpose, you should restate your thesis statement at the beginning of the final paragraph. This will offer your reader a nice, well-balanced closure, leaving a good impression of your work.

We hope that this post has assisted you in understanding the basic structure of a friendship paper. Don’t forget to browse our website for sample papers, essay titles, and other resources!

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 24). 127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/

"127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 24 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 24 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "127 Friendship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/friendship-essay-examples/.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Friendship In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on the importance of friendship. Friendships are important in life since they teach us so much about it. We gain knowledge through friendship that we cannot acquire otherwise. You come to discover how to love someone other than your family.

When you are around friends, you know how to be authentic. In difficult times, friendship is always there. You get the ability to trust others and comprehend people. Your true friends will support you and inspire you at all times. They’ll guide you in the proper direction and guard you against any bad.In life, friendships are crucial because they teach us so much about them.

Through friendship, we learn knowledge that we would not otherwise have. You learn how to love someone other than your family. You know how to be genuine when you are around pals. Friendship is always there for you when times are tough. You learn to be able to understand and trust other individuals. Genuine friends will always encourage and support you. They’ll point you in the right route and protect you from harm.

Therefore, there is no question that our closest friends support us through life’s challenges and difficult moments. They constantly make an effort to protect us from harm and provide timely counsel. Because they share our grief, ease our suffering, and spread happiness in our lives, true friends are like the best possessions we could ever have. Thank you. 

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Friendship Speech in English for Students

August 7, 2021 by Sandeep

Speech on Friendship: Friends are the most valuable assets in a person’s life. Friendship is a bond between two individuals or a group of like-minded persons who love each other’s company. This bond can be thicker than blood relationships too. Living with friends can be a huge roller coaster ride, but having friends makes life worth living. Love , respect for each other, faith, and no give-and-take obligations are some of the essential elements in friendship.

Below we have provided friendship speech in English suitable for classes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Students can deliver this emotional speech on friendship day occasion, where they can share highlights on the value and importance of friendship.

Speech on Friendship 500 Words in English

Good morning to one & all present here. I am here to express my views on friendship. I am extremely overwhelmed that I am allowed to speak on this friendship day occasion. Friendship is the most sacred & beautiful relationship on this earth. A friend is a gift that we all give to ourselves. It is one of the most important human relationships. It is all about love, care, trust, sharing & happiness.

A best friend is someone who is always there for you in your hard as well as happy times. Friends are those who scold us for our wrongs did & also do praise us when we do something great. They are part of all the ups & downs of our lives. They understand us to the fullest & show us the right path. They are the ones who make us comfortable in any situation, with whom we can share all our thoughts openly.

A friend is someone who never judges us & gives us the right pieces of advice. A friend is essential to understand life, as the influence of a friend is so high that it even changes the meaning of life for us. Friendship is a divine relationship that is beyond the definition of blood. It is priceless & cannot be compared with anything else in this world. So it is always very vital that you choose your friends wisely, as God has given us the right to choose a friend.

Choosing someone with good thoughts, positivity leads our life in that direction, but it often ruins life if we do not choose friends wisely. There should be love, care, understanding & sacrifice for each other. If there is ego, selfishness & jealousy, then it can never be termed as friendship. Krishna & Sudama from age-old is the best example of friendship, who were always there for each other in their difficult times.

Those persons are fortunate who come across a true friendship as it is tough to find today’s world. We all have friends but having a long-lasting friendship is very rare. Having a good friend is like a true blessing of God, who will be the person of your needs. The person who can turn your mood on & can make you happy in any circumstances. Friends are like chocolate chips in the cookie of life to whom we all need to preserve for a lifetime.

Happy Friendship Day!

Short Speech on Friendship 200 Words in English

Below we have provided a 2-minute short speech about friendship, suitable for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. This persuasive speech on friendship is helpful for the school students who are participating in a speech writing competition.

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I am going to deliver my speech on friendship. The old saying, “ A friend in need is a friend indeed ,” goes a long way.

Friends are like the second family to all of us. Friends will always hold that unique position in our lives, with someone we are most comfortable. They are the ones who are always there for us in our bad times, who always stand to support us. Friends are like those angels with whom we can share all our thoughts. They are the ones who understand us to the best.

It is tough to come across a true friendship. However, it is my pleasure to tell all of you that my best friend is the one who is always there for me in my needs. He always motivates me & keeps me positive. He sometimes scolds me when I am not on the right track, which never annoys me as I know he always thinks about my happiness.

He is the one who made me understood the importance of discipline & punctuality. He is always eager to help me with my academics. We love & care for each other a lot. I am thankful to God for giving me such a good friend in my life. I will preserve this friendship for my whole life. I wish him a happy & prosperous life ahead. I hope you all have such a friend who will be your best acquaintances. I want to end my speech with this beautiful quote by Eleanor Roosevelt.

“Many people will walk in & out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”

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Speech on Friendship for Students and Children in 800 Words

Speech on Friendship for Students and Children in 800 Words

In this post, we have published a Speech on Friendship for Students and Children in 800 Words. You can take help from this article for your school and college works or on International friendship day event.

Dear principal Sir, all teachers, sir, and all my colleagues, good morning! Today I want to give a speech on friendship on this occasion. I have chosen this topic to express my views on the importance of friendship in front of all of you.

Friendship is the most required and important relationship which is accepted at all times. It is natural that humans cannot live with no friends or colleagues. It is indeed a matter of luck to find a true, honest and dear friend in the world. A loyal friend is a special gift from God to any of us. 

A loyal friend makes our meaningless life meaningful and shows us the correct path to success. They are the friends who make the journey of our life easy, full of joy and excitement. They make no joke at our mistakes; rather, show us the correct path by constant support. 

The friend who is helping hands is always ready to help their colleagues and friends in hard times of life, no matter how busy they are. Friendship is, in fact, a valuable relationship in this world that can never be bought or sold to anyone.

It depends on the love for each other in the hearts of two friends. It never depends on the materialistic pleasures of the world. Genuine friends are genuine joys of life who never forget each other and always help.

As a human, we need encouragement to get out of the problems we face in life and social life according to the circumstances from time to time. Under such times, our true friends play an important role in our lives and bring us out of hardships. Life without a true friend is incomplete. Despite a happy and luxurious life, it is important not to have any true friends in life.

A wonderful friend is one with whom we share all the small and big joys, secrets, and struggles of our life with no hesitation. Friendship is the relationship that protects us from emotional problems because it motivates us to share our inner thoughts and feelings. True friends never criticize their friends; also, they help to overcome his shortcomings. 

Further, sometimes there are few disputes, and wrong understanding comes. We see that friends escalate these slight issues for a long time. So I want to that in this situation we should adopt the way of forgiveness. If any friend does any wrong and he felt that he made any mistake. The friend should finish the matter at the same, and he should break his friendship for this minor reason.

Whenever they choose the reverse path, they guide it towards the end of the tunnel-like light. Best or True colleagues and friends always understand the responsibility and his full rights and advise him to adopt the right path with the truth.

They take all our mistakes seriously and try to show us the right path in the right direction. We can say that a true friend is more valuable than precious stones like diamonds in the world. 

Friendship is the genuine relationship that we all need. We all need true friends to spend the day happily throughout our lives. They give us genuine happiness by standing with us on our good and bad days and sharing moments of our happiness and sorrows. It is rare to see examples of true friendship in life.

We all have always known the true and historical friendship of Krishna and Sudama. But some people are very selfish and befriend people of wealth, cunning, and high social status only for their benefit.

Such friends never help in terrible times; instead, they always want to enjoy them. They leave their friend in bad times. However, true friends never leave their friends alone and always help him in times of need. 

Many selfish people revolve around good people to make them their friends. But true friends are tested only in awful times because true friends never leave their friends alone, and bad friends always do the opposite. We should always take care of such friends while making friends in life. Loyal friends always help their friends in times of need. 

Sir, at the end of my speech, I want to say that one key is very important, and trust is very important for all relationships; however, it comes naturally in the ties of friendship. Genuine friendship always remains because of mutual trust and understanding.

When the relationship deepens, confidence and understanding increase. In some time, our most dear friend takes a deeper place in our hearts than our parents, siblings. We always trust our dear friend and blindly follow his decisions with the confidence that he will never show us the wrong path.

I hope you liked this informative speech on friendship for students. If this helped you in your exam and class must share your comments below.

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Discussing Friendship Lesson for English Learners

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Friendship is central to everyone's life. I've found over the years that students are always happy to speak about their friends . An added bonus is that speaking about friends requires students to speak in the third person — always useful practice for the dreaded 's' in the present simple . Discussing work or conversations about love can be fruitful, but if there are problems at work or at home, students might not want to discuss these popular topics. Friendship, on the other hand, always provides good stories.

Use these quotes about friendship to help students explore their notions, preconceived ideas, expectations, etc. about their own friendships, as well as discuss what true friendship really means. As quotations generally provide insight into the topic, ask students to use the questions to help guide them through a discussion of each quotation.

  • Aim: Improving conversational skills related to friendship
  • Activity: Exploration of the meaning of quotes related to friendship
  • Level: Intermediate to advanced
  • Take a quick classroom survey rating their workplace asking students for a definition of friendship.
  • Compare and contrast traditional views of friendship with the current trend of 'liking' and 'friending' on social networks.
  • Read one of the quotes on work. Discuss as a class using the questions provided in the handout.
  • Have students get into small groups of three to four students.
  • Ask students to use the questions to discuss the quotes and how they relate to their own friendships.
  • As a class, ask students if there were any comments/views that surprised them and why.
  • As a class, clarify the characteristics of a good friend. Write a list on the board separating acquaintance and friend . What are the differences between the two?
  • As a follow-up exercise, ask each student to write a short cause and effect essay based on their favorite quote about friendship. Students should include the reasons why they believe the quote is true and what effects following the advice should have.

Evaluate each quote below using these questions.

  • Does the quote define friendship? How?
  • Does the quote seem to suggest the differences between a true friend and someone who is not?
  • Does the quote provide a 'key' to success in friendships? If yes, what seems to be the key?
  • Does the quote caution you about something concerning friendship?
  • Is the quote humorous? If yes, what's the point of the joke?
  • Which quote seems the closest to your own definition of friendship?
  • Which quote do you disagree with? Why?
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  • “The capacity for friendship is God's way of apologizing for our families.” ― Jay McInerney, The Last of the Savages
  • “The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you.” ― Bette Midler
  • “Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend's success.” ― Oscar Wilde
  • “Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.” ― Aristotle
  • “A friend may be waiting behind a stranger's face.” ― Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughter
  • “Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks” ― Waqar Ahmed
  • “Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.” ― Kahlil Gibran, The Collected Works
  • “The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend.” ― Aristotle
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Speech about friendship [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Minutes]

speech on Friend ship

2 Minutes Speech on Friendship

Ladies and gentlemen!

Greetings to all.

Today, I want to discuss friendship with you. Everyone should value and nurture their friendships since they are wonderful things. A good friend is someone you can always count on to stick by your side, who is there for you through good times and bad, who encourages and supports you.

However, friendship is a two-way street. Both parties must put out some effort and devotion. Being dependable, encouraging, and always there for your buddy when they need you will go a long way toward being a good friend in return.

Additionally, friendship is about enjoying one other’s company and having fun. Spending time with friends is one of life’s greatest pleasures, whether it be just hanging out and chatting or going on excursions and creating memories.

So let’s be careful to cherish and care for our friendships. We should never take them for granted because they are an important aspect of our lives. I’m grateful.

Quotes for Speech about friendship

  • “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'”
  • “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”
  • “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”
  • “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
  • “Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words.”
  • “A friend is someone who makes it easy to believe in yourself.”
  • “True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.”
  • “A friend is someone who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.”
  • “Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.”

3 Minutes Speech on Friendship

I’d like to talk to you about friendship today. We all need to appreciate and develop our friendships because they are such an essential part of life.

A true friend is someone who stands by you no matter what, through both good and terrible times. You can confide in and trust them, and they’ll always be there to support and uplift you.

Having a friend is more than just having someone to hang out with or go on activities with. It is about developing a close relationship with someone in which you feel free to be who you are and are accepted for who you are.

The fact that friendship can fill our lives with so much joy and happiness is one of its best qualities. When we have close friends, we feel loved and supported, and this can give us the courage and fortitude to deal with any difficulties that may arise.

However, friendship is a two-way street. Being a good friend in return means being there for your friends, offering encouragement and support, and letting them know how much you value their friendship.

So let’s be sure to cherish and treasure the friendships we already have while also making an effort to forge new ones. Always keep in mind that having good friends is important because they are difficult to find.

I’m grateful.

5 Minutes Speech on Friendship

Our lives wouldn’t be the same without our friends. They are the ones we go to when we need assistance, direction, or someone to simply be there for us.

But what characteristics mark a true friend? In a friendship, honesty, loyalty, and reliability are all crucial traits. Someone you can confide in and trust with your secrets is a wonderful friend. They are also devoted, being by your side no matter what and not criticising you for your errors. Speaking openly and honestly with your friends enables a better connection and understanding, therefore honesty is also important in a friendship.

But the friendship is much more than just what we gain from it. It also depends on the effort we put forth. Being a good friend is being there for your friends, giving them support and motivation, and listening well. It involves practising selflessness and occasionally prioritising your friend’s needs over your own.

Both parties must put forth effort and devotion in a friendship. It’s about supporting one another even when it’s difficult. Being a source of joy and laughter as well as a shoulder to weep on is important.

In essence, love, trust, and support are the foundations of friendship. It’s about supporting one another in both good and difficult times. As a result, treasure your friendships and dedicate time to the important people in your life.

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Friendship Speech

We have provided below various speech on friendship. All the friendship speech are written well using very simple and easy words for the students. Speeches on friendship are given according to the time limit of 3 mins, 5 mins, 7 mins, etc. Yes students, you are at right place, select any of the speech according to your requirement.

Speech on Friendship

Friendship speech 1.

As we have gathered here at this auspicious occasion, I would like to speech over the friendship. First of all I would like to say Good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers and my dear friends. A friend is a most precious gift to all of us. We should always understand its importance and give value without having any misunderstanding. Friendship is a relationship where no any blood relation exists. It is a limitless relation goes forever without the rule of give and take. It is the special and unique relation of love and affection to any other person in the world. True friendship never sees the caste, creed, religion and colour of person; it only sees the internal beauty, simplicity and soul of the two or three person going to be involved in the friendship.


Friend of anyone is someone with whom one may feel comfortable and belief to each other as well as share their thoughts, ideas and personal feelings. Friend is one with whom we can feel safe and secure and do not need to think twice for any matter. True friends involved in the friendship love each other unconditionally and understand each other need without judging on the matter. They always ready to support each other and provide good knowledge and advice. There is a most famous friendship of Krishna and Sudama in India which has become a great example of true friendship from the ancient time. There is a common saying about the friendship by the Elbert Hubbard “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”

A true friend always stands together and helps whenever another one need help and support. A true friend never cares his/her own important works and leaves all works to help friends. He/she never leave a friend alone especially during the difficult times of life. It is said that time takes hard exams of true friends in their difficult times. Actually difficult time is a best time which realizes us about the value and importance of true friends. The people having true friends in the life are really blessed with most precious gifts. Making number of friends in the life does not matter with the quality of friendship. True friends (whether one, two or three) are enough for whole life; instead of having many friends who never understand the situation of the needy one. Friends are the real supporter in life who teaches us how to face difficulties of life. They are the real well wishers of us who changes our bad viewpoints about anything for good.

Friendship Speech 2

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers and my colleagues, at this great occasion I would like to speech on the friendship. I have especially selected this topic to keep my views in front of you about the value and importance of friendship. Friendship is the purest forms of relation exist between two, three or more people. Getting a true, sincere and loving friend in this world is really the matter of luck. True friendship is a special gift from God to one of us who get it. True friends make our meaningless life meaningful and show us a true path of success in the life. They are friends who make our journey of life easy, joyous and vibrant. They never laugh at our mistakes instead they lead us on right path by continuous support.

True friends always become free for their friends and ready to help them in their difficult times of life even after being involved in the busy schedule. Friendship is a truly priceless relation in this world which can never be bought or sold to anyone. It depends on the true love created in the heart of people involved in the friendship. It never depends on the materialistic pleasure of the world. Genuine friends are the real happiness of the life who never forget each other and always support. We as a human being always get problems in the life time to time according to the situation and get difficulty in living the social life which needs emotional and moral support. In such conditions, our true friends plays great role and take us out of the difficulties. A life without true friend is considered as incomplete life. It does not matter that you have a happy and luxurious life however it matters when you does not have any true friends all through the life.

A good friend is one whom we can share every small and big happiness, secrets and problems of life without any hesitation. Friendship is a relation which prevents us from the emotional problems as it promotes us to share our inner thoughts and feelings. True friends never criticize their friends instead they help them to come out of the shortcomings. They guide them like a tunnel of light whenever one follows wrong path. True friends always understand full rights of them on their friends and advice them truly to chose right path. They take our every mistake seriously and try to show us right way in right direction. We can say that true friend is more precious than any priceless gem in the world.

Friendship Speech 3

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers and my lovely friends. The topic of my speech today is friendship. As we all know that true friendship is a precious gift in the life. As being a social animal we cannot live our life alone. We naturally get attracted towards each other according to our need and requirement and in the particular course of time our intimacy grows between us which remains for long time. There exists high level of trust between each other which is called friendship. Generally, persons of the same age, similar passions, emotions, sentiments and status gets involved in the friendship however it is completely independent of the age, sex, social status, etc. True friendship can be between two people of any age, religion, caste, sex, and social status.

Friendship is a true relation required by all of us for our goodness. We all need company of true friends whole life to pass our days cheerfully. They stand with us together in our all happy and bad days as well as give us real joy in life by sharing our happy and sad moments. The example of real friendship is very rare to see in the life. The true and historical friendship we know ever is the friendship of Krishna and Sudama. Some people become very selfish and do friendship with rich, clever and high social status people only for their own benefits. Such friends never support in bad times of the life instead always want to get benefited by them. They leave their friends in bad times however true friends never leave their friends alone and help them whenever they need.

Many selfish people make rounds of the good people to make friendship with them. The recognition of true friends become only in bad times as true friends never left alone and bad friends always do opposite. We should take caution of such selfish friends while making friendship to them anytime in the life. Real friends always help their friends whenever they become in need. There is a common saying about true friendship “A friend in need is a friend indeed” and “Fortune brings friends but adversity tries them”.

True friends have good character, good feelings and well wishes about their friends. They never try to give pain to their friends in the life instead they help them always by being in touch forever. True friendship has no any blood relation however does more than any blood relation.

Friendship Speech 4

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers and my dear friends. I would like to speech on the topic of friendship. First of all I would like to say lots of thanks to my class teacher who has given me such a great chance to speech at this occasion. Friendship is one of the most precious and beautiful relationships in this world. This relationship is not a blood relation however do a lot more than all blood relations which we cannot imagine and express into words. Real and true friends become the pillar of strength for us who always give us needed emotional support and physical support. True friends never feel bad in spending their precious time and feel greatest joys of them whenever their friends need help in bad moments of life. It is very tough to get true friendship in this world however not impossible. We should not get tired and always search for the good friends throughout the life because it is hard to get but not impossible.

True friends always become together throughout the life together with fulfilling their responsibilities towards their family. Friendship is a lovely relationship memorizes us with sweet moments all through the life. We see movies, listen songs, see TV serials, eat food, study and other works together without any hassle. Some questions arises in the mind of everyone such as why good friends are necessary in the life, why true friends have more value than other relations in our life, what is the truth of this invisible bond which holds two or more friends together for years or lifetime, what lessons a true friendship teaches us and so many questions.

Trust is very necessary in all relations however it comes naturally in the matter of friendship. True friendship goes on forever with the mutual trust and proper understanding. Trust and understanding increases when relationship becomes deep and mature with time. Sometimes our best friends take deeper place in our heart more than our parents, brothers and sisters. We always believe on our best friends and follow their judgement blindly with the confidence that they never lead us on wrong way.

We always remember all the nice moments with friends such as sharing toys, favourite possessions, lunch boxes, clothes, books, home works, etc. The habit of sharing with friends teaches us of being unselfish and generous whole life.

Related Information:

My Best Friend Essay

Essay on Importance of Friends in our Life

Essay on Friendship

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Essay

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Speech On Friendship

We are providing here many speeches on friendship. All speeches are written in simple sentences for students, using simple and simple words. Speeches on friendship are given according to the time limit of 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes etc. You are at the right place for the selection of speeches, you can choose any speech according to your need and requirement:

Speech on Friendship in English

We have gathered here on this auspicious occasion, on this occasion I want to give a speech on friendship. First of all, my morning greetings to all the dignitaries, teachers and teachers present here. A friend is a priceless gift for all of us. We should always understand its importance and give importance without any misunderstanding. Friendship is the relation where blood relation does not exist.

It is an infinite relationship, which always goes on without any transactional rule. It is a special and unique relationship of love and affection with any other person in the world. True friendship never looks at one’s caste, creed, religion and colour: it only looks at the inner beauty, simplicity and intimacy of the two or three persons who join the friendship.

Someone’s friend is someone with whom a person feels comfortable and trusts each other as well as shares all his thoughts, ideas, personal feelings. A friend is someone with whom we feel safe and fearless and with whom there is no need to rethink on any subject. True friends truly love each other and understand each other’s need without saying anything.

They are always ready to support each other and provide good advice and knowledge. Krishna and Sudama had the most famous friendship in India which is a great example of true friendship since ancient times. There is a common saying about friendship by Albert Hubbard, “A friend is someone who knows everything about you and still loves you.”

True friends always stand by each other and help and support each other in times of need. A true friend never even cares about his important work to help his friend and also leaves all his work to help friend. She never leaves her friend alone especially during difficult times of life. It is said that time tests true friends hard in times of adversity. In fact, times of adversity are the best times that make us feel the importance and importance of a true friend.

Those people who have a true friend in life, in fact, have the most precious gift in the world. Making a lot of friends in life doesn’t make any difference to the quality of the friendship. Instead of having many such friends, who do not help at the time of need, only one or two true friends are enough for life. Friends are the real supporters in life who teach us to face the difficulties of life. They are our real well wishers who can turn even our bad thoughts towards any good thing.

Respected teacher sir, my humble good morning to the teachers and my dear colleagues. I want to give a speech on friendship on this great occasion. I have chosen this topic to share my thoughts with you all on the importance and importance of friendship. Friendship is the most sacred relationship in every relationship, which exists between one, two, or three people. It is indeed a matter of luck to find true, honest and dear friend in the world. A true friend is a special gift from God to any one of us that he receives.

A true friend makes our meaningless life meaningful and shows us the true path to success. They are the friends who make the journey of our life easy, full of excitement and alive. They never laugh at our mistakes, instead they show us the right path through constant support.

True friends are always ready to help their friends in difficult times no matter how busy they are in the routine. Friendship is, in fact, a valuable relationship in this world that can never be bought or sold to anyone. It depends on the love for each other in the heart of two friends. It never depends on the materialistic pleasures of the world. True friends are the real happiness of life who never forget each other and always help.

As a human, we need courage to get out of the problems that we face in life and social life from time to time according to the circumstances. In this situation, our true friends play an important role in our lives and bring us out of difficulties. Life is considered incomplete without a true friend. Despite having a happy and luxurious life, the absence of any true friend in life matters.

A good friend is one with whom we share all the small and big joys, secrets and problems of our life without any hesitation. Friendship is that relationship which saves us from emotional problems as it motivates us to share our inner thoughts and feelings. True friends never criticize their friend, moreover they help to overcome his shortcomings.

Whenever one of them chooses the wrong path, they guide him like the light at the end of the tunnel. True friends always understand his full rights and advise him to choose the right path with truth. They take all our mistakes seriously and try to show us the right path in the right direction. We can say that true friends are more valuable in the world than a precious stone like a diamond.

Greetings to the dignitaries present here, respected teachers and my dear friends. Today the topic of my speech is friendship. As we all know that true friendship is the most precious gift of life. Being a social animal, we cannot live our life alone. We get attached to each other naturally according to our need and requirement and within a sufficient time frame, the closeness between us increases even more which lasts for a long time.

There is a high level of trust between them which is called friendship. Generally, friendship occurs between individuals of the same age, same enthusiasm, sentiment, emotion and level, however, it is completely independent of age, gender, social status etc. True friendship can be between two persons of any age, religion, caste, gender and social status.

Friendship is that true relationship which we all need. We all need a true friend to spend the day happily in the whole life. They give us real happiness in life by standing with us in our good and bad days as well as sharing our happy and sad moments. It is very rare to see examples of true friendship in life.

We all have always known about the true and historical friendship of Krishna and Sudama. But some people are very selfish and make friends with people of rich, cunning and high social status only for their own benefit. Such friends never help in bad times, instead they always want to take advantage of them. They leave their friend in bad times However, true friends never leave their friend alone and always help him in times of need.

Too many selfish people go around good people to make them their friends. But true friends are tested only in bad times because true friends never leave their friends alone and bad friends always do the opposite. We should always be careful with such friends while making friends in life. True friends always help their friend in times of need. There is a common saying about true friendship, “A friend is a friend in times of need” and “Good fortune brings friends but adversity tests them”.

True friends wish good character, good feelings and well being of their friend. They never try to hurt their friend, moreover they always try to be in touch with them. True friends do not have any kind of blood relation, however, whatever they do, they do more than any blood relative.

Morning Greetings to all respected dignitaries present here. I want to give a speech on the topic of friendship. First of all, I am very grateful to my class teacher/teacher for giving me a chance to speak in front of you all on this great occasion. Friendship is one of the most precious and beautiful relationship in the world. This relationship is not a blood relation, however, it plays more relationship than any blood relation, which we can neither imagine nor can explain in words.

Genuine and true friends are the epitome of our spirits who are always passionate about us and provide physical support. True friends never mind spending their precious time together and enjoy life to the fullest when their friend needs them in bad times. It is very difficult to find a true friend in this world, however, it is not impossible. We should not get tired but keep looking for good friends throughout life because it is hard to get but not impossible.

True friends always stay together and fulfill all their responsibilities towards each other and towards each other’s family throughout life. Friendship is a very lovely relationship whose beautiful memories remain for the whole life. We watch movies, listen to songs, watch TV serials, eat food, study etc. and do other things together without any problem. Some questions always arise in everyone’s mind like; Why are true friends necessary in life? Why are true friends more important than other relationships in our lives? What is the name of the invisible bond that binds two or more friends together for years or a lifetime? What does a true friendship teach? Etcetera.

Trust is very essential for all relationships, however, it comes naturally in friendship relationships. True friendship lasts forever because of mutual trust and understanding. As the relationship deepens, trust and understanding grow more and more with time. Within no time our dearest friend takes a deeper place in our heart than our parents, brothers and sisters. We always trust our dear friend and blindly follow his decisions with confidence that he will never show us the wrong path.

We always remember all our good memories with our friend like; Play with toys, share tiffins, books, clothes, planetary work etc. The habit of sharing with friends teaches us to be selfish and generous throughout life.

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Speech on My Bestfriend

Everyone has a special person in their life who knows them inside out. That’s your best friend, the one who stands by you through thick and thin.

Your best friend is like a mirror, reflecting your true self. They bring out the best in you, making life more fun and meaningful.

1-minute Speech on My Bestfriend

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to talk about one of the most beautiful relationships in life, ‘Friendship’, and to share some insights about my best friend. Friendship is an invisible thread that connects two individuals irrespective of their backgrounds, cultures, or beliefs. In this vast universe, if there is one person who knows me inside out, it is my best friend.

My best friend is not just a friend, but a family. He is someone who has stood by me during my thick and thin, in joy and sorrow, and illuminated my path when it was dark. His companionship is like a beautiful melody that fills my life with enchanting symphony.

His understanding nature deserves a special mention. He is not quick to judge but listens to my problems with patience and often comes up with practical solutions. His optimistic attitude is infectious. No matter how difficult the situation is, he always sees it with positivity and encourages me to do the same.

He is a storehouse of knowledge, a book that never ends. I admire his passion for learning new things and his curiosity that never ceases to amaze me. Our intellectual conversations are something I look forward to every day. They open up my mind to new perspectives and help me grow as an individual.

To sum it up, my best friend is a blessing in my life. His presence adds joy, strength, and meaning to my existence. He is the one who makes the journey of life smoother and more enjoyable. To have such a person in life is indeed a blessing, and I am grateful for that.

2-minute Speech on My Bestfriend

Good morning everyone,

Today, I have the privilege to talk about a very special person in my life – my best friend. We all have many friends, but there is always that one friend who stands out from the rest. This friend is none other than my best friend.

My best friend is not just a friend, but an extension of me. Our friendship began in kindergarten and strengthened as years passed by. We are not just friends, we are like two bodies with one soul. Our bond is such that we understand each other’s silence better than anyone else. We have laughed together, cried together, fought, and made up, shared our darkest secrets and brightest moments.

My best friend is like a mirror to me, reflecting my strengths and weaknesses alike. She holds a mirror up to my soul and helps me see myself through her eyes. She is my constant support system, a shoulder to lean on in the times of distress, and my partner in crime in all my fun escapades. She stood by my side when no one else did, cheering me up when I was down, and celebrating my victories as if they were her own.

My best friend is a perfect blend of courage and compassion. She has taught me the true meaning of friendship, which is not about being inseparable, but about being there for each other even when we are apart. She is the person who understands my sense of humor and laughs at my most random jokes. She never judges me for my flaws but helps me to improve and be a better person.

I am truly blessed to have her in my life. She has been my guiding light, navigating me through the darkest storms. Our friendship has not only stood the test of time but has grown stronger with each passing year. Our bond is not bound by the chains of expectations but is a free spirit that thrives in the essence of pure love, trust, and mutual respect.

My best friend has made me realize that true friendship is not just about spending time together, but about creating memories that last a lifetime. Our friendship is the quintessence of trust, love, and understanding. It is a tale of countless shared secrets, laughter, and tears. It is a tale of two hearts that beat as one, despite being two separate individuals.

In conclusion, having a best friend is like having a treasure. It is precious, rare, and priceless. My best friend is my treasured possession, one that I will cherish forever. She is my guiding star, my source of inspiration, my pillar of strength, and above all, she is the one who knows the real me and yet chooses to be my friend. I am grateful to have her in my life and I hope our friendship stands the test of time and continues to flourish.

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