7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Types of Slides to Include In Your Sales Presentation

Inside the mind of your prospect: change is hard, before-after-bridge: the only formula you need to create a persuasive sales presentation, facebook — how smiles and simplicity make you more memorable, contently — how to build a strong bridge, brick by brick, yesware — how to go above and beyond with your benefits, uber — how to cater your content for readers quick to scan, dealtap — how to use leading questions to your advantage, zuora — how to win over your prospects by feeding them dots, linkedin sales navigator — how to create excitement with color, how to make a sales pitch in 4 straightforward steps, 7 embarrassing pitfalls to avoid in your presentation, over to you.

A brilliant sales presentation has a number of things going for it.

Being product-centered isn’t one of them. Or simply focusing on your sales pitch won’t do the trick.

So what can you do to make your offer compelling?

From different types of slides to persuasive techniques and visuals, we’ve got you covered.

Below, we look at data-backed strategies, examples, and easy steps to build your own sales presentations in minutes.

  • Title slide: Company name, topic, tagline
  • The “Before” picture: No more than three slides with relevant statistics and graphics.
  • The “After” picture: How life looks with your product. Use happy faces.
  • Company introduction: Who you are and what you do (as it applies to them).
  • The “Bridge” slide: Short outcome statements with icons in circles.
  • Social proof slides: Customer logos with the mission statement on one slide. Pull quote on another.
  • “We’re here for you” slide: Include a call-to-action and contact information.

Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing.

Harvard Business School professor John T. Gourville calls this the “ 9x Effect .” Left unchecked, it can be disastrous for your business.

the psychology behind a sales presentation

According to Gourville, “It’s not enough for a new product simply to be better. Unless the gains far outweigh the losses, customers will not adopt it.”

The good news: You can influence how prospects perceive these gains and losses. One of the best ways to prove value is to contrast life before and after your product.

Luckily, there’s a three-step formula for that.

  • Before → Here’s your world…
  • After → Imagine what it would be like if…
  • Bridge → Here’s how to get there.

Start with a vivid description of the pain, present an enviable world where that problem doesn’t exist, then explain how to get there using your tool.

It’s super simple, and it works for cold emails , drip campaigns , and sales discovery decks. Basically anywhere you need to get people excited about what you have to say.

In fact, a lot of companies are already using this formula to great success. The methods used in the sales presentation examples below will help you do the same.

We’re all drawn to happiness. A study at Harvard tells us that emotion is contagious .

You’ll notice that the “Before” (pre-Digital Age) pictures in Facebook’s slides all display neutral faces. But the cover slide that introduces Facebook and the “After” slides have smiling faces on them.

This is important. The placement of those graphics is an intentional persuasion technique.

Studies by psychologists show that we register smiles faster than any other expression. All it takes is 500 milliseconds (1/20th of a second). And when participants in a study were asked to recall expressions, they consistently remembered happy faces over neutral ones.

What to do about it : Add a happy stock photo to your intro and “After” slides, and keep people in “Before” slides to neutral expressions.

Here are some further techniques used during the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Simple Graphics

Use simple graphics to convey meaning without text.

Example: Slide 2 is a picture of a consumer’s hand holding an iPhone — something we can all relate to.

Why It Works: Pictures are more effective than words — it’s called  Picture Superiority . In presentations, pictures help you create connections with your audience. Instead of spoon-feeding them everything word for word, you let them interpret. This builds trust.

Tactic #2: Use Icons

Use icons to show statistics you’re comparing instead of listing them out.

Example: Slide 18 uses people icons to emphasize how small 38 out of 100 people is compared to 89 out of 100.

Why It Works:  We process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

Tactic #3: Include Statistics

Include statistics that tie real success to the benefits you mention.

Example: “71% lift driving visits to retailer title pages” (Slide 26).

Why It Works:  Precise details prove that you are telling the truth.

Just like how you can’t drive from Marin County to San Francisco without the Golden Gate, you can’t connect a “Before” to an “After” without a bridge.

Add the mission statement of your company — something Contently does from Slide 1 of their deck. Having a logo-filled Customers slide isn’t unusual for sales presentations, but Contently goes one step further by showing you exactly what they do for these companies.

sales presentation

They then drive home the Before-After-Bridge Formula further with case studies:

sales presentation

Before : Customer’s needs when they came on

After: What your company accomplished for them

Bridge : How they got there (specific actions and outcomes)

Here are some other tactics we pulled from the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Graphics/Diagrams

Use graphics, Venn diagrams, and/or equations to drive home your “Before” picture.

Why It Works:  According to a Cornell study , graphs and equations have persuasive power. They “signal a scientific basis for claims, which grants them greater credibility.”

Tactic #2: Keep Slides That Have Bullets to a Minimum

Keep slides that have bullets to a minimum. No more than one in every five slides.

Why It Works:  According to an experiment by the International Journal of Business Communication , “Subjects exposed to a graphic representation paid significantly more attention to , agreed more with, and better recalled the strategy than did subjects who saw a (textually identical) bulleted list.”

Tactic #3: Use Visual Examples

Follow up your descriptions with visual examples.

Example: After stating “15000+ vetted, ready to work journalists searchable by location, topical experience, and social media influence” on Slide 8, Contently shows what this looks like firsthand on slides 9 and 10.

Why It Works:  The same reason why prospects clamor for demos and car buyers ask for test drives. You’re never truly convinced until you see something for yourself.

Which is more effective for you?

This statement — “On average, Yesware customers save ten hours per week” — or this image:

sales presentation

The graphic shows you what that 10 hours looks like for prospects vs. customers. It also calls out a pain that the product removes: data entry.

Visuals are more effective every time. They fuel retention of a presentation from 10% to 65% .

But it’s not as easy as just including a graphic. You need to keep the design clean.

sales presentation

Can you feel it?

Clutter provokes anxiety and stress because it bombards our minds with excessive visual stimuli, causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren’t important.

Here’s a tip from Yesware’s Graphic Designer, Ginelle DeAntonis:

“Customer logos won’t all necessarily have the same dimensions, but keep them the same size visually so that they all have the same importance. You should also disperse colors throughout, so that you don’t for example end up with a bunch of blue logos next to each other. Organize them in a way that’s easy for the eye, because in the end it’s a lot of information at once.”

Here are more tactics to inspire sales presentation ideas:

Tactic #1: Personalize Your Final Slide

Personalize your final slide with your contact information and a headline that drives emotion.

Example: Our Mid-Market Team Lead Kyle includes his phone number and email address with “We’re Here For You”

Why It Works: These small details show your audience that:

  • This is about giving them the end picture, not making a sale
  • The end of the presentation doesn’t mean the end of the conversation
  • Questions are welcomed

Tactic #2: Pair Outcome Statements With Icons in Circles

Example: Slide 4 does this with seven different “After” outcomes.

Why It Works:  We already know why pictures work, but circles have power , too. They imply completeness, infiniteness, and harmony.

Tactic #3: Include Specific Success Metrics

Don’t just list who you work with; include specific success metrics that hit home what you’ve done for them.

Example: 35% New Business Growth for Boomtrain; 30% Higher Reply Rates for Dyn.

Why It Works:  Social proof drives action. It’s why we wait in lines at restaurants and put ourselves on waitlists for sold-out items.

People can only focus for eight seconds at a time. (Sadly, goldfish have one second on us.)

This means you need to cut to the chase fast.

Uber’s headlines in Slides 2-9 tailor the “After” picture to specific pain points. As a result, there’s no need to explicitly state a “Before.”

sales presentation

Slides 11-13 then continue touching on “Before” problems tangentially with customer quotes:

sales presentation

So instead of self-touting benefits, the brand steps aside to let consumers hear from their peers — something that sways 92% of consumers .

Leading questions may be banned from the courtroom, but they aren’t in the boardroom.

DealTap’s slides ask viewers to choose between two scenarios over and over. Each has an obvious winner:

sales presentation example

Ever heard of the Focusing Effect?

It’s part of what makes us tick as humans and what makes this design move effective. We focus on one thing and then ignore the rest. Here, DealTap puts the magnifying glass on paperwork vs. automated transactions.

Easy choice.

Sure, DealTap’s platform might have complexities that rival paperwork, but we don’t think about that. We’re looking at the pile of work one the left and the simpler, single interface on the right.

Here are some other tactics to use in your own sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Tell a Story

Tell a story that flows from one slide to the next.

Example: Here’s the story DealTap tells from slides 4 to 8: “Transactions are complicated” → “Expectations on all sides” → “Too many disconnected tools” → “Slow and error prone process” → “However, there’s an opportunity.

Why It Works:   Storytelling in sales with a clear beginning and end (or in this case, a “Before” and “After”) trigger a trust hormone called Oxytocin.

Tactic #2: This vs. That

If it’s hard to separate out one “Before” and “After” vision with your product or service because you offer many dissimilar benefits, consider a “This vs. That” theme for each.

Why It Works:  It breaks up your points into simple decisions and sets you up to win emotional reactions from your audience with stock photos.

Remember how satisfying it was to play connect the dots? Forming a bigger picture out of disconnected circles.

That’s what you need to make your audience do.


Zuora tells a story by:

  • Laying out the reality (the “Before” part of the Before-After-Bridge formula).
  • Asking you a question that you want to answer (the “After”)
  • Giving you hints to help you connect the dots
  • Showing you the common thread (the “Bridge”)

You can achieve this by founding your sales presentation on your audience’s intuitions. Set them up with the closely-set “dots,” then let them make the connection.

Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use:

Tactic #1: Use Logos and Testimonials

Use logos and  testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation.

Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box.

Why It Works: It’s called  social proof . Prospects value other people’s opinions and trust reputable sources more than you.

Tactic #2: Include White Space

Pad your images with white space.

Example: Slide 17 includes two simple graphics on a white background to drive home an important concept.

Why It Works:  White space creates separation, balance, and attracts the audience’s eyes to the main focus: your image.

Tactic #3: Incorporate Hard Data

Incorporate hard data with a memorable background to make your data stand out.

Example: Slide 5 includes statistics with a backdrop that stands out. The number and exciting title (‘A Global Phenomenon’) are the main focuses of the slide.

Why It Works:  Vivid backdrops are proven to be memorable and help your audience take away important numbers or data.

Psychology tells us that seeing colors can set our mood .

The color red is proven to increase the pulse and heart rate. Beyond that, it’s associated with being active, aggressive, and outspoken. LinkedIn Sales Navigator uses red on slides to draw attention to main points:


You can use hues in your own slides to guide your audience’s emotions. Green gives peace; grey adds a sense of calm; blue breeds trust. See more here .

Tip: You can grab free photos from Creative Commons and then set them to black & white and add a colored filter on top using a (also free) tool like Canva . Here’s the sizing for your image:


Caveat: Check with your marketing team first to see if you have a specific color palette or brand guidelines to follow.

Here are some other takeaways from LinkedIn’s sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Include a CTA on Final Slide

Include one clear call-to-action on your final slide.

Example: Slide 9 has a “Learn More” CTA button.

Why It Works:  According to the Paradox of Choice , the more options you give, the less likely they are to act.

Step One : Ask marketing for your company’s style guide (color, logo, and font style).

Step Two: Answer these questions to outline the “Before → After → Bridge” formula for your sales pitch :

  • What are your ICP’s pain points?
  • What end picture resonates with them?
  • How does your company come into play?

Step Three: Ask account management/marketing which customers you can mention in your slides (plus where to access any case studies for pull quotes).

Step Four:  Download photos from Creative Commons . Remember: Graphics > Text. Use Canva to edit on your own — free and fast.

sales presentation pitfalls

What are the sales presentation strategies that work best for your industry and customers? Tweet us:  @Yesware .

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20+ Best Sales PowerPoint Templates (Sales PPT Pitches)

Learning to craft successful and better-looking sales presentations is one of the key skills you should master as a marketer or sales rep.

In this digital era, being able to deliver great presentations is not enough. You also need to be able to design attractive and beautiful slides that engage with your audience while adding more context to your speech.

The good news is that you don’t have to be a designer or take courses to design such effective PowerPoint presentations. All you need is the right PowerPoint template.

In this post, we bring you a collection of PowerPoint sales presentation templates to help you find the right designs for your sales plan, proposal, and pitch slide decks. Be sure to save these templates for future events and meetings.

How Does Unlimited PowerPoint Templates Sound?

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

The X Note

Pitch PowerPoint


Explore PowerPoint Templates

Business Sales PowerPoint Presentation Template

Business Sales PowerPoint Presentation Template

Sales presentations don’t always have to be all stats and data, they can be beautiful too. This PowerPoint template allows you to design more effective slideshows with modern layouts with creative animations. There are more than 50 unique slide designs included in this template. You can easily edit and customize them to your preference.

Sales Strategy Powerpoint Template

Sales Strategy Infographic Powerpoint Template

If you want to make your sales strategy presentations more effective, you should consider creating a slideshow with more visual elements. This PowerPoint template will help you get that job done. It includes 30 unique slides you can use to present your sales plan and strategy in a step-by-step approach.

Sales Pitch PowerPoint Template

Sales Pitch PowerPoint Template

A great pitch deck goes a long way to make sure your sales pitch stays on point. It will also help convince your audience of your skills and knowledge on the topic. Be sure to use this PowerPoint template to design such a killer slide deck for your sales pitch presentations. It includes 20 master slide layouts with fully customizable layouts.

Marketing & Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template

Marketing & Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template

There are many different types of charts, graphs, and infographics you need to use in your sales presentations to visualize data and key points. This PowerPoint template includes 30 unique slides you can use to add some of the most popular charts and graphs to your presentations. There are slides for sales cycles, planning, strategy model, B2C and B2B strategy plans, and much more.

B2B Marketing and Sales PowerPoint Template

B2B Marketing and Sales Powerpoint Template

Whether you’re working on a smart strategy for your B2B marketing approach or creating a master plan to beat your competitors, this B2B marketing PowerPoint template will help you create the best presentation to showcase your plan. It includes a total of 60 slide layouts that can be used to create both marketing and sales presentations.

Sales Meeting – Free PowerPoint Template

Sales Meeting - Free PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template that comes with a set of slides you can create professional slide decks for sales meetings. It features 30 unique slides with modern designs and fully customizable layouts.

Free Sales Planning Process PowerPoint Template

Free Sales Planning Process PowerPoint Template

With this free PowerPoint template, you can create visual presentations for your sales process presentations. There are 35 different slides included in this template that you can edit and customize to change colors, fonts, and images.

Sales – Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

Sales - Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

This professional PowerPoint sales presentation template uses a beautiful color scheme to create a consistent look across all its slides. The template lets you choose from 40 different slide designs to create slideshows for all kinds of sales and marketing presentations. The template includes master slides as well.

Sales Funnel PowerPoint Template

Sales and Digital Funnel PowerPoint Templates

Sales funnels are an important part of creating an effective sales strategy. With this PowerPoint template, you can create a presentation to showcase your plan for sales funnels with lots of visual elements. There are 20 unique master slide layouts included in this template that feature important charts, graphs, and infographics for sales funnel presentations.

Sales Proposal PowerPoint Template

Sales Proposal PowerPoint Template

With this PowerPoint presentation, you can create professional slideshows for presenting your sales proposals. The template comes with some of the most important slides for sales slide decks, including slides for showcasing your marketing plan and business strategy. Each slide comes in 5 pre-made color schemes as well.

Anasalez – Sales Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

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Sales and Digital Funnel PowerPoint Templates

This professional PowerPoint template allows you to create more effective slides for showcasing your sales funnels. There are 20 different styles of sales funnel designs included in this template. Each slide can be customized to your preference to change colors, fonts, and images.

Free Creative Sales Strategy Presentation Template

Free Creative Sales Strategy Presentation Template

Another free PowerPoint template for creating sales strategy presentations. This template has over 30 unique slides with very creative designs. It features colorful shapes, illustrations, and graphs as well.

Free Sales Process PowerPoint Infographic Slides

Free Sales Process PowerPoint Infographic Slides

Grab this free PowerPoint template to design effective presentations for outlining your sales process. It includes 32 unique slides with many different styles of sales infographic designs.

Dashi – Sales Report PowerPoint Presentation

Dashi Sales – Sales Report PowerPoint Presentation

Dashi is a PowerPoint template made just for professional marketers. You can use it to design visual and beautiful slideshows for presenting your sales dashboards and reports. The template has 10 slides featuring more than 30 character positions, over 2000 vector icons, and 30 business concepts. Each slide is available in light and dark color themes as well as 30 pre-made color schemes.

Sales Pitch Presentation PowerPoint Template

Sales Pitch Presentation Powerpoint Template

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Sales Playbook PowerPoint Template

Sales Playbook Powerpoint Template

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Sales Process PowerPoint Presentation Template

Sales Process PowerPoint Presentation Template

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Kanigara – Marketing & Sales PowerPoint Template

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Felicia – Free Sales Presentation PowerPoint Template

Felicia - Free Sales Presentation PowerPoint Template

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Ardall – Free Sales Presentation Template

Ardall - Free Sales Presentation Template

Ardall is another free PowerPoint template that’s also available in Google Slides format. This template features a set of modern and professional slides for making sales and marketing presentations. There are 20 slide layouts included in the template.

B2B and B2C Digital Marketing & Sales Presentation

B2B and B2C Digital Marketing & Sales Presentation

This PowerPoint template works perfectly for creating presentations for both B2B and B2C marketing slideshows. The template includes over 35 unique slides and you can choose from 5 pre-made color schemes as well. The slides are easily customizable to your preference.

Real Estate Marketing & Sales PowerPoint Template

Real Estate Marketing & Sales PowerPoint Template

If you’re working on a marketing presentation for a real estate agency, this PowerPoint template will come in handy. It includes 50 unique slides that are designed with property and real estate marketing presentations in mind. They are available in 7 different color schemes.

3D Stairs Diagram for Sales Process Presentation

3D Stairs Diagram for Sales Process Presentation

The stairs diagram is commonly used in marketing and sales presentations to showcase various stats and reports. This PowerPoint template will help you add such diagrams to your presentations with ease. It includes 6 unique slides with 3D-like stair diagram designs.

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Ozone Sales & Marketing Portrait PowerPoint Template

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7 Presentation Templates For Sales Managers and Teams

7 Presentation Templates For Sales Managers and Teams

The foundation of a successful sales team is communication— both internally and externally. Offering solutions to prospective clients’ business needs is how you scale your own business, and that’s done through in-person meetings, virtual pitch decks, emails or lead generation strategies. But before you prepare any client-facing communications, your sales team needs to be aligned on sales strategies, account management, and sales projection. It’s a sales manager’s job to facilitate those conversations with their team and give them the tools necessary to close more deals. 

Presentations are a crucial tool for sales teams’ scalability. From all-hands meetings to sales proposals, presentations act as a vessel to communicate your story to the appropriate audiences. Of course, sales managers aren’t designers by trade and the presentation creation process can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. 

Luckily, there’s a presentation template for that. Beautiful.ai offers a robust library of pre-built, customizable presentation templates curated by industry experts. They serve as a starting point to give you the inspiration you need to package up your own story.

To save you time, we rounded up the 7 presentation templates that every sales manager can benefit from having in their back pocket. 

Sales strategy

A sales strategy helps sales teams achieve their sales goals and close more deals. Beautiful.ai’s sales strategy template enables managers and sales reps to prioritize and engage with potential customers, while developing different selling models to reach prospective clients. 

Our customizable template has everything you need for a sales strategy like key performance indicators (KPIs), sales process, and product overview. A thoughtful sales strategy presentation can help teams understand things like target market, response time between inbound leads and first sales touch-point, and how to properly demo the product.  

Our sales strategy template can also help you identify objectives and provide guidance to your sales team, create product positioning guidelines, and share sales pipelines and wins with the team and other stakeholders.

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

Key account management

Not all of your clients provide the same value to your business. Your key accounts should have a low cost-to-revenue ratio with opportunity to grow in the future. A key account management (KAM) presentation helps teams identify their key accounts and nurture those relationships to their full potential. A successful KAM presentation can help teams define their target accounts, and outline your objectives, for a more favorable outcome. 

Our KAM template can also help you focus sales efforts more effectively, build better relationships with high-profile clients or customers, or optimize sales team results and increase revenue growth for the business.

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

Sales go to market

A sales go to market plan helps sales teams identify market size, define a value proposition, and achieve their sales goals with better product positioning and messaging. Sales leaders can set their teams up for success with Beautiful.ai’s sales go to market presentation template with things like market size and trends, KPIs, and an actionable plan. A thoughtful sales go to market presentation can help teams understand buyer personas and how to position their product or offering when talking to prospective customers.  

Our sales go to market template can also help you identify your sales go to market plan and provide guidance to your sales team, evaluate target market and market trends, or share financial projections with upper-management and other stakeholders.

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

Case studies address consumer challenges and highlight the solutions your service or product can deliver. This kind of presentation helps instill confidence in your brand and convert prospective clients to paying customers. Include your company background, past customers, a product demonstration or video, and outline how you can provide each client with positive results. A quality case study presentation illustrates real-world success using data. Our case study template will help you keep your clients engaged while you show them potential business solutions in a polished and professional presentation.

Our case study presentation template can be used as an effective way to showcase your success stories, convert prospective clients, and up-sell current clients.

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

Sales proposal

Sale proposals are used to demonstrate how your business, brand, service or product will positively influence a buyer, partner company, or investor. For a sales proposal to be successful it must include a straightforward message, be visually impactful, and show specific stats or data that reference your company’s strengths.

A sales proposal template streamlines the creation process for your proposal slideshow. Rather than limiting yourself to a series of blank slides and adding copy and images as you go, sales proposal templates provide all the basic placement and design for you to fill with customized content.

A sales proposal template can be used for responding to requests for proposals (RFPs), communicating ROI to sales prospects, and pitching sales ideas, concepts, or strategies. 

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

Sales projection

A sales projection is the amount of revenue your business expects to earn in the future. Also called a sales forecast or a business forecast, a sales projection gives you insight into the short-term and long-term health of the company. A set of sales projection slides is essential for sharing the results of your calculations companywide. 

Use the sales projection presentation template to analyze the health of the company, compare projections to past sales numbers, or inform company operations.

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

Team stand-up

Make your daily sales meetings more effective by starting with a template that lets teammates easily track what's going on and how to best optimize processes. Our team stand up template is a pre-built, customizable presentation optimized for team meetings and collaboration. Your sales team meeting will run smoothly with an agenda slide, talking points slide, deliverables update slide and more to keep everyone organized and focused.

Use the team stand up template to keep team members on the same page about pending deals, get executives up to speed on recent sales’ numbers, and ensure everyone is on track toward larger goals or quotas. 

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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Home PowerPoint Templates Sales

Sales PowerPoint Templates & Sales Presentation Slides

Download creative sales PowerPoint templates and e-commerce presentation designs that you can use to prepare reports in PowerPoint, innovative dashboards, and presentations to impress your audience and make the job easier for sales managers.

Our easy-to-edit Sales PowerPoint Templates ease the stress of creating designs from scratch. After downloading, you can customize any of these templates to suit your brand or personal needs.

With our Sales Presentation Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides, all you need to do is to replace all our placeholder texts with your sales content. It will save you time, energy, and cost. Whether you’re creating a report on your company’s latest sales figures or presenting a new product to potential clients or stakeholders, our templates will help you achieve your sales goals.

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

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Conclusion Slide Template for PowerPoint

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Sales Pipeline Slide Template for PowerPoint

A Sales Presentation is used to inform potential customers about the benefits and features of your product or service. Sales managers and business development professionals often use it to showcase their products or services to their stakeholders and potential customers to generate interest and leads.

An effective Sales Presentation must be able to introduce the product or service and sell it. Many people view Sales Presentations as showcasing the product or service, but you can use them to reach a broader audience and take them through their buyer journey from leads to sales.

Using Sales Templates is crucial for your business growth as they provide a consistent visual look for your presentations. They also help to save time and resources by providing pre-designed layouts, charts, and graphics that you can easily customize to fit the specific needs of your presentation. Hence, it helps you focus on the content of the presentation and the message you want to convey rather than spending time creating design elements from scratch.

Sales Templates can also improve your presentation effectiveness by providing a visual guide for the audience. Using charts, graphics, and other design elements can make complex information understandable and provide a more engaging experience for your audience. It ultimately leads to more leads, sales, and better communication with potential customers, which is the ultimate goal of any sales presentation.

What is a Sales Presentation?

A Sales Presentation is a formal or informal template used to inform and persuade potential customers about a product or service. It is used to inform potential customers about the benefits and features of your product or service. Sales managers use it, and business development professionals showcase their products or services to potential customers, generating interest and leads.

What is the difference between a Sales Presentation and a Sales Pitch?

The major difference between a Sales Presentation and a Sales Pitch is the scope and duration of the presentation.

A Sales Presentation is a more detailed and comprehensive presentation that provides in-depth information about the product or service. At the same time, a Sales Pitch is a shorter, more focused presentation designed to persuade the customer to purchase or take a specific action.

What are the 7 steps to making a good sales pitch?

The seven steps to making a good sales pitch include:

  • Identifying the target audience.
  • Researching the product or service.
  • Creating a clear and compelling message.
  • Tailoring the pitch to the audience.
  • Building rapport with the customer.
  • Addressing objections and concerns.
  • Closing the sale.

What should be in a sales presentation?

A Sales Presentation should include the following:

  • An introduction of the product or service.
  • Detailed information about the features and benefits of the product or service.
  • Testimonials or case studies from satisfied customers.
  • Comparison of the product or service to competitors.
  • Information about the company and its history.
  • A call to action.
  • A Q&A session.

You consider using accurate graphical visual design elements such as charts, graphs, and images to help illustrate the information and make the presentation more engaging.

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sales meeting powerpoint presentation

How to Run an Effective Sales Meeting in Under 20 Minutes

Alex Berman

Published: July 21, 2022

Sales meetings are crucial to a sales team’s success. But a poorly-run, disorganized meeting is inconvenient and a waste of everyone’s time.

Sales manager running an effective sales meeting

Over my career, I’ve learned how to run productive sales meetings that only last 20 minutes. The technique I use covers all the bases without spending too much time on a single agenda item.

Learn how to run more effective sales meetings using this playbook. 

Here's my proven technique for running an efficient sales meeting.

Sales Meeting

A sales meeting is an internal meeting where sales team members discuss organizational goals, pending deals, and company announcements.

Sales Meeting Topics

On my team, the overarching question for these meetings is, "How can you progress each deal as quickly as possible and stay on track towards your goal?"

To help the team best answer this question, our sales meetings focus on two main points:

1. Ask for deal statuses.

The salesperson and I run through every deal in our CRM that’s about to close. For example, if we’re trying to sell to ACME corporation, I’ll ask the representative if they’ve reached out to the contact recently.

If they haven’t reached out recently, I’ll ask a few simple questions about the deal. This typically instills some urgency around contacting the prospect. Then, we’ll cover deals in the earlier stages of the sales process.

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

Free Sales Meeting Playbook

This easy-to-follow checklist will help sales reps:

  • Understand prospects' current situation and need to change
  • Demonstrate the value of your products to prospects
  • Agree on a plan / path forward

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

2. Track progress on outreach.

Every representative’s goal is to reach out to 150 people per week via email or phone. So, during our meetings, I ask my representatives about the number of emails and calls they’ve logged since our last meeting.

If necessary, I look at the data to get an exact number. There's a good chance the representatives will either overestimate or underestimate how much outreach they're doing.

This is how we track progress on outreach:

Our representatives use this Google Sheets template to track their work. We’ve set up conditional formatting rules to turn the cell green when a salesperson reaches a target, let’s say, 200.

sales meeting spreadsheet

The colors change depending on how far off-target someone is. It’s a gradual progression from red to green.

Results have improved since our salespeople started following this process. We’ve also seen an increase in the number of meetings they booked by filling in these documents.

Before we implemented this, we gave our sales team a goal. For example, booking two to three meetings per week.

weekly targets sales team

Our new structure helps representatives see exactly what they have to do every day. This makes executing much simpler and easier.

More importantly, it helps us keep our meetings short. We can find all the information we need in the document, so our meetings are locked in on what's most important.

Watch this video to see a full breakdown of this document and download a template.

Any effective sales meeting starts with a focused, intentional agenda. Let's look at the value and necessity behind that key component.

Weekly Sales Meeting Agenda

An agenda is the heartbeat of any productive sales meeting. Having a clearly defined, well-structured one will help your representatives understand what information they can expect to walk away with after a meeting.

For most sales teams, weekly sales meetings are a place to discuss current sales deals, targets, and projects. These items should take up the bulk of your agenda. Here's a suggestion for what yours might look like:

  • Reviewing numbers from last week.
  • Planning for the coming week.
  • Answering any questions sales representatives have.
  • Discussion items (assigning specific tasks, etc.).

1. Reviewing numbers from last week.

Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track your team’s progress each week and review the KPIs during your team’s weekly sales meetings. Keeping track of KPIs can help your team quantify its successes and help your company make insightful business decisions.

During the meetings, discuss essential KPIs. Rhythm Systems recommends creating a KPI dashboard and making a list of 10–12 KPIs with four categories: customers, revenue, processes, and employees. Then, review the previous week’s KPIs and use them as a springboard to create the KPIs for the current week.

2. Planning for the coming week.

Your sales meeting agenda should help your team set goals and plan for the week. Focus on discussing new metrics, customer feedback, new opportunities for your team, action items for the week, and pipeline updates .

Planning for the coming week will help your team members stay on the same page and develop solutions to potential obstacles that may slow your progress.

3. Answering any questions sales representatives have.

Your team’s sales representatives may have questions about prospects or require clarification of missing information. Take time to address these questions to prevent misunderstandings or delays during the week.

4. Discussion items (assigning specific tasks, etc.).

Before you end the sales meeting, summarize the main points and your team’s tasks for the week. In addition to assigning tasks to the team as a whole, assign each team member specific tasks. Note each task’s deadline and who has been assigned each task.

Once you've set your agenda, send a calendar invitation to your team to let them know when and where the meeting is taking place.

Use the following tips to keep your meeting on track when the time comes.

How to Run a Sales Meeting

  • Set an objective.
  • Share the agenda.
  • Create meeting norms and establish expectations.
  • Facilitate the conversation to stay on track.
  • Have representatives provide relevant data before the meeting.
  • Celebrate your team’s wins.
  • Share action items and next steps.
  • Ask team members for feedback.

1. Set an objective.

Setting clear objectives helps keep the sales meetings short and focused. Remember, you're asking your team members for their time, so you should respect and acknowledge that by not taking too much of it.

What’s the purpose of your sales meetings? It could be any of the following:

  • Getting everyone up to speed.
  • Reviewing project plans.
  • Setting and monitoring KPIs.
  • Resolving issues and tackling challenges.

Ideally, a sales meeting has just one goal, but that can be hard to pull off. Still, as long as you’re tackling less than three objectives during each session, you can reliably and consistently conduct effective meetings.

You can use a meeting agenda template to outline these goals and share it with your team beforehand, so everyone's on the same page about what to expect in a meeting.

sales meeting playbook

2. Share the agenda.

We've already touched on how important concise, well-planned agendas are when running effective sales meetings, but simply putting together an agenda for a meeting and holding onto it won't do much for you.

You need to share those plans with your team ahead of time. When attendees know what your meeting is about, they'll be better prepared and more inclined to engage in meaningful discussion.

Provide an agenda in the calendar invite for a meeting. This gives your representatives time to do their homework, so they’ll develop ideas and relevant questions. Ideally, you'll put together a consistent agenda with updated information for your meetings every week. That kind of continuity will allow your meetings to run as efficiently as possible.

3. Create meeting norms and establish expectations.

Your team should have a set of agreed-upon meeting norms and expectations that everyone abides by for maximum productivity.

Make sure your meeting norms outline the roles and responsibilities of everyone in attendance to help minimize the chaos that large teams are usually susceptible to. Here are some meeting norms and expectations that may be helpful for your sales team:

  • Sales team meetings will start and end on time.
  • All team members are expected to come prepared to discuss meeting agenda topics.
  • Team members are to stay on track.
  • We will engage in one conversation at a time.

Based on your sales team’s dynamic and current meeting style, you can adjust these expectations.

4. Facilitate the conversation to keep things on track.

We’ve all attended meetings that have gone off the rails a bit. The ones where the agenda wasn't followed and the main objectives of the meeting weren't addressed.

It might go without saying, but you need to do what you can to avoid that kind of chaos and the productivity loss that comes with it. If you want to keep things on track, have a facilitator oversee your meetings to ensure your representatives remain focused and discuss the agenda items.

What if one of the team members raises a critical topic? If it’s related to the agenda, address it. But set a time limit for those kinds of discussions, and be prepared to get back to the core points of the meeting quickly.

You can also implement a "parking lot" where someone from the team writes down important topics for the team to follow up on later.

5. Have representatives provide relevant data before the meeting.

Does your agenda include information that needs to be prepared or presented by sales representatives? If so, make sure you have a process in place for how you can gather this information beforehand.

This might include having a standard deck that you share with representatives and asking them to update their information the day before the meeting. When you have the materials you need from representatives ahead of time, you aren’t cutting into the meeting time by looking for files or data during the meeting.

6. Celebrate your team’s wins.

Celebrating your team’s wins at sales meetings can help to boost morale, improve productivity, and give your team the recognition it deserves.

In an episode of Jostle's People At Work podcast, Matt Thieleman, a leadership coach, discusses “future focus,” the tendency to achieve a goal, then immediately focus on accomplishing the next goal. Thieleman states that we should celebrate milestones instead of focusing on the future because recognizing your team’s small achievements is crucial for keeping everyone on track .

7. Share action items and next steps.

So you’ve successfully run an efficient sales meeting with your team, congratulations! But what happens when it ends?

A productive sales meeting should always end with an action plan. Your representatives must move forward with an achievable goal in mind. Then, in the next meeting, you can discuss whether they've achieved it or not.

Here are a few examples:

  • Get the client to the proposal stage.
  • Land on a defined budget.
  • Identify and book a meeting with the decision-maker.

Make sure you incorporate these items into your next meeting agenda for continuity.

8. Ask team members for feedback.

Asking your team members for feedback during sales meetings can help your team improve efficiency, increase collaboration, build trust, and eliminate roadblocks. During meetings, ask your team members about their performance and the team’s overall performance.

Sentric HR suggests asking one or two feedback questions during weekly meetings. Sentric HR says that questions should focus on weekly growth and encourage team members to think critically about the impact of the previous week’s work on the team’s current performance. Asking questions and initiating discussions during team meetings can help to build camaraderie between team members .

Preparing for an Internal Sales Meeting

  • Determine whether this meeting needsto happen.
  • Know what you're trying to get across.
  • Practice any sections that don't require off-the-cuff discussion.
  • Be prepared to enforce time restrictions.
  • Invite the right people.

1. Determine whether this meeting needs to happen.

"This could have been an email."

Those six words can frustrate your team members and undermine their faith in your management if they're said consistently. Some information doesn't warrant taking time out of everyone's schedule to sit down and talk things out.

When you're thinking about calling for a meeting, assess if your announcements lend themselves to constructive discussion, are urgent enough to need to be conveyed immediately, and can't be effectively relayed in text or via a video service like Loom . If you determine that your messages meet that criteria, call a meeting. If they don't, consider sending out an email.

2. Know what you're trying to get across.

Every meeting should have a clear-cut purpose. You need to understand what you need to say, fold that into your agenda, and be prepared to keep your discussion both concise and informational. Your team's time is valuable, so make sure you're not going to waste it.

3. Practice any sections that don't require off-the-cuff discussion.

If your meeting will revolve around specific action items, drill down what you will say to get them across. Take some time to rehearse those elements.

You can better manage your time during meetings by practicing and preparing to minimize rambling.

4. Be prepared to enforce time restrictions.

Effective internal sales meetings are typically time-bound, and if you expect to have your team members plan around them, you need to respect their schedules. That means setting firm time constraints and abiding by them.

Try to frontload the key aspects of your agenda and let the less important elements fall back a bit. If you notice you're coming up on time, you need to be prepared to cut things off and either save the ground you didn't cover for next time or send that information out via email.

5. Invite the right people.

Will the information you cover in your meeting have legitimate implications for all your attendees? Will your sales organization benefit from having the team members you tap in the meeting?

Those are questions you need to consider before inviting someone to your meeting. As we've established, internal sales meetings can be a frustrating time drain when done wrong — with the potential to take a toll on morale — so make sure you're only inviting your team members who stand to gain from it when you prepare.

How often should you have a sales meeting?

There's no definitive answer to this question. The optimal frequency of your sales meetings will lean on factors like the size of your sales org, how your team is performing, what you want out of your meetings, and your company culture.

Effective sales management is a matter of striking a balance between trust and guidance. For example, scheduling too many meetings can make you come off as overbearing, but booking a few might let your team's performance get away from you.

As we mentioned earlier, weekly sales meetings are often the sweet spot. But they can't be too over-the-top or time-consuming. If they drag on, you'll waste everyone's time, and your team's morale might take a hit. So follow these tips to keep your meetings short and productive.

Editor's note: This post was originally published on January 4, 2020, and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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We are proud to present our 0914 sales meeting powerpoint presentation. This image slide displays sales meeting. This image has been designed with various graphics to depict communications, collaborations and globalization. Sales meetings are a fact of life and business and they are important for a variety of reasons. They allow larger companies to address the entire sales team as a group. They offer opportunities to provide additional training product, skills, and technical. They help keep your team up-to-date. And, they present a tremendous opportunity for your team to connect and develop stronger relationships with each other. This image slide may be used in your presentations of sales meeting in any business. This image slide will enhance the quality of your presentations and will impart a professional appearance to it.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

In the world of sales, where every interaction counts, meetings are deemed to serve as the heartbeat of businesses. Surging with the rhythm of strategies, insights, and collaborative efforts, sales meetings are not routine processes. Rather, these are akin to key tools that drive businesses towards their revenue goals and beyond.

However, maintaining the perfect level of engagement to impart the complexities of data, there are manifold hurdles in the course of launching seamless sales meetings. Moreover, aligning trajectories of diverse sales experts to facilitate an outcome-backed meeting is a tedious task.

Given these challenges and the ever-rising demands of delivery and efficiency, SlideTeam’s Sales Meeting PowerPoint Presentation slides can be considered as the ideal solution. Our next-generation content - friendly, editable slides are bound to take any business from the realms of the mundane to the magnificent.

SlideTeam’s slides are not mere visuals. Our PPT Templates are builders of persuasion, revealing that data can indeed be visual. Coupled with meticulous designs and structures, these 100% editable and customizable slides can be the torchbearers of ease of communication.

Navigating the ever-growing clutter of presentation tools is not always easy. Let’s explore how our slides are useful.

Take your sales success to the next level with Sales Playbook Templates and grow now.

Template 1 - Goals and Objectives

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

This slide is designed to inspire your sales to new levels. Whether you are working on launching advertising layouts for victory, hoping for a competent scope for raising ROI, or simply imagining boosting your leads, this slide is there to inform you and keep you oriented.

Designed for sales teams and their managers and executives, this slide is dedicated to stating what and how a sales team should achieve. In this regard, this slide reads as a particular tool for aligning all levels of a sales team toward unified goals and, because of this, success.

Template 2 - Sales Process Flow PPT Template

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

This carefully-designed PPT Template reflects central phases of the sales process, which ensures that nothing will be missed. The steps are illustrated in five process groups, including initiating, planning, monitoring and controlling, executing, and closing.

This slide is perfect for sales teams or managers, as it allows them to see the process in bird’s-eye view. This slide will provide significant help no matter if you are an experienced professional or a newbie in sales. It will give you the necessary structure and support to feel confident about your actions.

Check out our blog on Quarterly Sales Meeting Plan With Agenda to make your goals clearer than before.

Template 3 - Product Categories

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

This slide represents a semantic vision, meaning, each product category is made to tangential touch and correlate with specific business goals. From methods to coordinated functional designs, Ecommerce to Enterprise Resources, product categories are meticulously penned down to be clear and receiving.

Business leaders, directors, sales teams are ideal to use this slide to set their Product Competency and ‘best to use for’ standards. Also, the slide is beneficial for those, who are thinking of which business resources to attract with which products to maximize revenue. Use this slide to see what product categories create your product competencies.

Template 4 - Roadmap

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

This slide is a strategic resume of the path to success that highlights stakeholders and their initiatives. From optimizing Google Places and native SEO using lead seizures, website, blog, social media, and advertisement, we established clear steps to hit with every versatile trade of your venture.

In this way, sales team members and marketers, as well as business leaders, will have a powerful tool to highlight their sales strategy. Whenever you need to discern digital marketing channels, this roadmap template will give you a clear and concise credit check.

Template 5 - Challenges in Sales and Perceiving them Correctly PPT

sales meeting powerpoint presentation

In sales, challenges are not just obstacles- they are opportunities. This slide offers a categorization of challenges from low to high, as well as a guide on how to cope with each type. Designed in the matrix format, this slide shows and helps you understand the nature of the challenge you are currently facing. Whether you are a seller, a sales manager, or an executive – this template is a perfect tool to cope with all kinds of sales-related issues. From overcoming low to facing high challenges, it will help you to adjust and win.

Take Your Sales to the Next Level

In the world of sales, where every meeting and every slide counts, SlideTeam’s Sales Meeting PowerPoint Presentation slides emerge as the ultimate reinforcements. They help a business emerge over the plateau of mere presentations rather than empowering them to captivate, persuade, and inspire with every slide. Aided by SlideTeam’s sales meeting slides, businesses can be set to transition from mundane meetings to life-changing occurrences – empowering them to succeed in every sales meeting. Before it’s too late, explore and download the one that meets your needs to the peak today.

PS Look out for the blog on the slide Sales Methodology Playbook Sales Meeting Plan and Know the methodology of the sales.

0914 sales meeting powerpoint presentation with all 18 slides:

Get on the bus with our 0914 Sales Meeting Powerpoint Presentation. Get to your destination in good time.

0914 sales meeting powerpoint presentation

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  5. Sales Presentation Template and Examples

    A sales presentation (although it's still a sales pitch) is a point-in-time event that usually happens when your sales team is trying to close a more lucrative deal. It's not a simple phone call, as it often involves a meeting and a demo. Because you're likely presenting to a group of senior decision-makers and executives, sales ...

  6. 24 Top Sales PowerPoint Templates (Sales Presentation PPT Examples 2024

    This is a great sales PowerPoint presentation template that has a simple but professional design. Customize it with colors, vector icons, and charts and make it look amazing in this product presentation PPT template. Slab - Sales Pitch Presentation Examples.

  7. 20+ Best Sales PowerPoint Templates (Sales PPT Pitches)

    It includes a total of 60 slide layouts that can be used to create both marketing and sales presentations. Sales Meeting - Free PowerPoint Template. This is a free PowerPoint template that comes with a set of slides you can create professional slide decks for sales meetings. It features 30 unique slides with modern designs and fully ...

  8. Free Sales Presentation Templates & Google Slides Themes

    What are the 4 steps of sales presentations? Research has found that many successful sales cycles follow four steps: ease, ask, solve, execute (EASE). Earn the right: establish trust first. Ask the appropriate questions: know what your client needs. Solve the problem: be the best person to meet those needs.

  9. 7 Presentation Templates For Sales Managers and Teams

    Our team stand up template is a pre-built, customizable presentation optimized for team meetings and collaboration. Your sales team meeting will run smoothly with an agenda slide, talking points slide, deliverables update slide and more to keep everyone organized and focused. Use the team stand up template to keep team members on the same page ...

  10. Sales PowerPoint Templates & Sales Presentation Slides

    Download creative sales PowerPoint templates and e-commerce presentation designs that you can use to prepare reports in PowerPoint, innovative dashboards, and presentations to impress your audience and make the job easier for sales managers. Our easy-to-edit Sales PowerPoint Templates ease the stress of creating designs from scratch.

  11. How to Run an Effective Sales Meeting in Under 20 Minutes

    4. Discussion items (assigning specific tasks, etc.). Before you end the sales meeting, summarize the main points and your team's tasks for the week. In addition to assigning tasks to the team as a whole, assign each team member specific tasks. Note each task's deadline and who has been assigned each task.

  12. Sales Meeting

    Presenting this set of slides with name qualified sales meeting ppt powerpoint presentation slides clipart cpb. This is an editable Powerpoint four stages graphic that deals with topics like qualified sales meeting to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 ...

  13. Sales meeting powerpoint slide presentation examples

    PowerPoint presentation slides: Presenting sales meeting powerpoint slide presentation examples. This is a sales meeting powerpoint slide presentation examples. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are trade shows, client office work, sales meeting, internal meeting.

  14. Sales Meeting PowerPoint Template

    Sales Meeting PPT Template is a set having 20 slides of business presentation. It is designed without losing the prime ingredients of sales data. Slides are included for an ideal company profile presentation image to sales data demonstrations. With the sales meeting cover slide, this template has about the company, agenda slide, brand story ...

  15. Sales Meeting PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Download Free and Premium Sales Meeting PowerPoint Templates. Choose and download Sales Meeting PowerPoint templates, and Sales Meeting PowerPoint Backgrounds in just a few minutes.And with amazing ease of use, you can transform your "sleep-inducing" PowerPoint presentation into an aggressive, energetic, jaw-dropping presentation in nearly no time at all.

  16. 0914 sales meeting powerpoint presentation

    Take Your Sales to the Next Level. In the world of sales, where every meeting and every slide counts, SlideTeam's Sales Meeting PowerPoint Presentation slides emerge as the ultimate reinforcements. They help a business emerge over the plateau of mere presentations rather than empowering them to captivate, persuade, and inspire with every slide.

  17. Free Google Slides and PowerPoint Templates about Sales

    Make your sales strategy understandable and impress everyone with this business template. Use the different infographics to explain the whole process from start to finish. Show all the different elements of the sales procedure and how they interact with each other and indicate the goals and deadlines of your plan.

  18. Sales Meeting Template for PowerPoint Presentation

    Sales Meeting PPT Template. Upgrade your business presentation using the 30 slides of the sales meeting PPT presentation template.This PowerPoint pitch is a combination of different graphical objects such as mockup presentation slides, timeline presentations, company history visuals, pyramid infographics, circle shape slides, roadmap PowerPoint and so on.