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Free download in PDF Research Methodology Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) & Answers. These multiple choice questions on Research Methodology are very useful for PhD entrance exam.

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Answer: Helps those interested in further research and studying the problem from another angle
Answer: It depends on your point of view


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Answer: Pr absorbs red light and becomes Pfr
Answer: Involves testing an explicitly defined hypothesis
Answer: A hypothesis
Answer: Sampling people, newspapers, television programmes etc.
Answer: Introduction; Literature review; Research methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion
Answer: Research questions
Answer: Experimental studies
Answer: Laboratory and field experiments
Answer: Reference collection
Answer: Emphasis upon the control of the immediate situation
Answer: Longitudinal
Answer: Cross-sectional studies
Answer: Variables
Answer: All of these
Answer: General terms
Answer: Inadequate sample
Answer: Fact finding (historical) studies
Answer: Booth

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100 Questions (and Answers) About Research Methods

100 Questions (and Answers) About Research Methods

  • Neil J. Salkind
  • Description

"How do I create a good research hypothesis?"

"How do I know when my literature review is finished?"

"What is the difference between a sample and a population?"

"What is power and why is it important?"

In an increasingly data-driven world, it is more important than ever for students as well as professionals to better understand the process of research. This invaluable guide answers the essential questions that students ask about research methods in a concise and accessible way.

See what’s new to this edition by selecting the Features tab on this page. Should you need additional information or have questions regarding the HEOA information provided for this title, including what is new to this edition, please email [email protected] . Please include your name, contact information, and the name of the title for which you would like more information. For information on the HEOA, please go to .

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"This is a concise text that has good coverage of the basic concepts and elementary principles of research methods. It picks up where many traditional research methods texts stop and provides additional discussion on some of the hardest to understand concepts."

"I think it’s a great idea for a text (or series), and I have no doubt that the majority of students would find it helpful. The material is presented clearly, and it is easy to read and understand. My favorite example from those provided is on p. 7 where the author provides an actual checklist for evaluating the merit of a study. This is a great tool for students and would provide an excellent “practice” approach to learning this skill. Over time students wouldn’t need a checklist, but I think it would be invaluable for those students with little to no research experience."

I already am using 3 other books. This is a good book though.

Did not meet my needs

I had heard good things about Salkind's statistics book and wanted to review his research book as well. The 100 questions format is cute, and may provide a quick answer to a specific student question. However, it's not really organized in a way that I find particularly useful for a more integrated course that progressively develop and builds upon concepts.

comes across as a little disorganized, plus a little too focused on psychology and statistics.

This text is a great resource guide for graduate students. But it may not work as well with undergraduates orienting themselves to the research process. However, I will use it as a recommended text for students.

Key Features

· The entire research process is covered from start to finish: Divided into nine parts, the book  guides readers from the initial asking of questions, through the analysis and interpretation of data, to the final report

· Each question and answer provides a stand-alone explanation: Readers gain enough information on a particular topic to move on to the next question, and topics can be read in any order

· Most questions and answers supplement others in the book: Important material is reinforced, and connections are made between the topics

· Each answer ends with referral to three other related questions: Readers are shown where to go for additional information on the most closely related topics

Sample Materials & Chapters

Question #16: Question #16: How Do I Know When My Literature Review Is Finished?

Question #32: How Can I Create a Good Research Hypothesis?

Question #40: What Is the Difference Between a Sample and a Population, and Why

Question #92: What Is Power, and Why Is It Important?

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Research Methodology MCQ Questions and answers pdf

Solved MCQ on research methodology pdf free download. Research MCQs with answers pdf. Research methodology MCQ questions and answers pdf for students of competitive and academic MBA, BBA for regular and distance mode.

Are you looking for a comprehensive resource that contains Research Methodology MCQ questions and answers in one place? If so, this article is perfect for you!

Here, we provide a detailed overview of the most important topics related to Research Methodology MCQ, as well as an array of PDFs containing multiple-choice questions and answers.

We take a look at the various types of questions that you can expect to see on examinations and provide useful tips on how to approach them.

Research methodology

What is Research Methodology

Research methodology is a vital aspect of scientific inquiry that plays an important role in ensuring the validity and reliability of research findings.

It refers to the systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data in order to answer research questions or test hypotheses. The significance of research methodology lies in its ability to provide a framework for conducting research that is both rigorous and transparent.

The process of conducting research begins with identifying the problem or question to be investigated. Once this has been determined, researchers must then select an appropriate methodology based on the nature of their study and the type of data they wish to collect.

This may involve using quantitative methods (such as surveys or experiments), qualitative methods (such as interviews or focus groups), or a combination of both.

Regardless of the specific methodology chosen, it is essential that researchers follow established protocols for data collection and analysis in order to ensure that their findings are reliable and valid.

Solved Research methodology MCQ questions and answers

1. The researcher who is conducting the research must be ___ and neutral in approach. Answer: Objective

2. Research always requires a ___ and ___ method of inquiry Answer: Structured, sequential

3. Research is done for ___ existing theories or arriving at new ___ Answer: Proving, models

4. An important aspect of business research is its ___ assisting nature. Answer: Decision

5. Applied research is the kind of research where one needs to apply specific statistical procedures. (True/ false) Answer: False

6. In basic research, the context is vast and the time period is flexible. (True/ false) Answer: True

7. The research that is especially carried out to test and validate the study hypotheses is termed (a) Fundamental resaeach (b) Applied research (c) Conclusive research (d) Exploratory research Answer: (C)

8. The research studies that explore the effect of one thing on another and more specifically, the effect of one variable on another are known as (a) Causal research (b) Applied research (c) Conclusive research (d) Exploratory research Answer: (A)

9. Every research study always begins with a hypothesis. (True/ false) Answer: False

10. The group of individuals from whom one needs to collect data for the study is called the sample. (True/ false) Answer: True

11. The assumption about the expected result of the research is called the ___. Answer: Hypothesis

12. The data collection methods may be classified into ___ and ___ data methods. Answer: Primary, secondary

13. Marketing department of a business organization carries out research related to: (a) Product (b) Pricing (c) Promotion (d) All the above Answer: (D)

14. Demand forecasting and quality assurance and management are part of (a) Personnel and human resource management (b) Marketing function (c) Financial and accounting research (d) Production and operations management Answer: (A)

15. The research study must follow a ___ plan for investigation. Answer: Sequential

16. One of the most important aspects of a research study is that it must be ___ if one follows similar conditions. Answer: Replicable

17. The management decision problem must be reduced to a ___ problem. Answer: Research

18. A research problem can be defined as ___ in the decision makers’ existing body of knowledge which inhibits efficient decision making. Answer: A gap

19. Simple research problems usually test ___ relationships. Answer: Linear

20. Complex problems look at the interrelationship between ___ variables. Answer: Multiple

21. The management problem is a difficulty faced by the ___ Answer: Decision maker

22. The management research problem has to be converted into a ___ before it can be tested. Answer: Research problem

23. The management decision problem can be tested, that is, subjected to research inquiry. (True/ False) Answer: False

24. How can students be made to learn the course on research methodology is a research problem. (True/False) Answer: False

25. Which of these is not a step in the problem identification process? (a) Discussion with subject experts (b) Review of existing literature (c) Theoretical foundation and model building (d) Management decision making Answer: (D)

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It is encouraging.


Thank you so much. But I get confused by the answer provided under question 14.

wow! it helpful

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Research Methodology

Student resources, multiple choice questions.

Research: A Way of Thinking

The Research Process: A Quick Glance

Reviewing the Literature

Formulating a Research Problem

Identifying Variables

Constructing Hypotheses

The Research Design

Selecting a Study Design

Selecting a Method of Data Collection

Collecting Data Using Attitudinal Scales

Establishing the Validity and Reliability of a Research Instrument

Selecting a Sample

Writing a Research Proposal

Considering Ethical Issues in Data Collection

Processing Data

Displaying Data

Writing a Research Report

Research Methodology MCQ with Answers

Research Methodology MCQ with Answers

Research Methodology MCQ with Answers

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Table of Contents

Research Methodology MCQ Questions Set-1

1. In “ RESEARCH ”  “R” means

2. In the word “RESEARCH”  “A” means

(A) Articulate

(C) Article

(D) None of the above

3. Research is derived from

(D) Japanizes

4. Who defined “Research” as “systematized effort to gain new knowledge”

(A)Tom & Zerry

(B) Redman and Mory

(C) F.W Taylor

(D) Ross Taylor

5. Which of the following is the Objective of the Research?

(A) To become familiar with a phenomenon

(B) To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables

(C)To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with it is associated with something else.

(D) All of the above

6. Research is basically

(A) a methodology of enquiry

(B) search of truth

(C) a systematic exploration of facts

7. A test of research aptitude for candidates of the UGC NET, is aimed at

(A) providing basic idea of search to the candidates

(B) Screening the persons having scientific bent of mind

(C) providing a database of ‘future’ scientists of the country to the Government

(D) putting obstacles to the candidates

8. The main purpose of research in education is to

(A)-help in individual’s personal growth 

(B) increase the social prestige of an individual

(C) increase individual’s market value of jobs 

(D) help the individual to become an eminent educationist

9. Where is the objective observation used?

(A) In conducting experiments

(B) In research

(C) In normal behaviour 

(D) In almost all the situations

10. Inferring about the whole population on on the basis of the observations made on a small part is called

(A) deductive inference

(B) inductive inference

(C) objective inference

(D) pseudo-inference

11. A hypothesis is a

(A) Tentative statement whose validity is still to be tested

(B) Supposition which is based on the past experiences

(C) Statement of fact

12. What do you mean by synopsis of a research project?

(A) The blue print of research

(B) Extracts from the research observations

(C) A plan of the research

(D) Summary of the findings of the research

13. Can a problem be stated?

(A) By putting forward a question

(B) Making a statment which is declarative in nature

(C) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’

14. What do you mean by an assumption?

(A) It is a framework in which research work has to be done

(B) It simplifies the logical process of arriving at the solution

(C) It is a restrictive condition

15. A null hypothesis is

(A) hypothesis of no difference

(B) Hypothesis that assigns value of zero to the variable

(C) Hypothesis of zero significance

16. The preparation of a synopsis is

(B) a science

(D) None of these

17. The advantage of sampling is

(A) time-saving

(B) capital-saving

(C) increased accurary

(D) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’

18. In case of destructive testings, the best method of research is

(A) Sampling

(B) Complete enumeration

(C) Census survey

 (D) None of the above

19. The method of Randomization involves

(A) lottery

(B) Coin method

(C) Tippit’s table of random digits

(D)All of the above

20. The advantages of random sampling is that

(A) It is free from personal biases

(B) It produces reasonably accurate results

(C) It is an economical method of data. Collection

21. Tippit table is

(A) A table of random digits

(B) Used in statistical investigations

(C) Used in sampling methods

22. The demerits of sampling methods is

(A) Existence of sampling errors

 (B) Requirements of adequately trained personnel for sample survey

 (C) Non-uniformity in sample units

23. What is the meaning of Randomization?

(A) Each and every unit of the population has an equal chance of selection in the sample

(B) The selection or non-selection of a unit of population does not affect the selection or non-selection of the other unit of the population in the sample

(C) It is a method of selection which is free from subjective biases.

24. Type-1 Error occurs when

(A) The null hypothesis is rejected even when it is true

(B) The null hypothesis is accepted even when it is false

(C) The null hypothesis as well as Alternative hypothesis, both are rejected

25. What is/are the base(s) of formulation of a Hypothesis?

(A) Reflection

(B) Deduction

(C) Observation

(D) All of these

Research Methodology MCQ Questions Set-2

1. Which is not the characteristic of research

(A) Basic Research

(B) Holistic Perspective

(C) Context Sensitivity

(D) Ex-Post Facto Research

2. The different between the Ex-Post Facto Research and Experiments research is

(B) Control

3. Ex-Post Facto Research could be

4. Part of social research is

(A) Laboratory experiment

(B) Field Experiment

(C) Survey research

5. Kotz has been divided field studies into

(A) Exploratory

(B) Hypothesis testing

(C) Both of the above

6. Which of the following is a step of research design?

 (A) Defining the problem and formulating a hypothesis

(B) Collecting data

(C) Drawing inferences from the data

7. Which of the following is the chief characteristic of sampling methods?

(A) Economy

(B) Reliability

(C) Feasibility

8. Scientific methods are used in

(A) only research projects in pure sciences

(B) social science researches

(D) Neither ‘A’ nor ‘B’

9. Which of the following is a type of hypothesis?

(A) Interrogative hypothesis

(B) Declarative hypothesis

(C) Directional hypothesis

10. Which of the following is a non-probability sampling method?

(A) Simple random sampling

(B) Systematic sampling

(C) Cluster sampling

(D) Quota sampling

11. In which of the following cases, the formation of hypothesis may not be necessary?

(A) Investigative historical studies

(B) Experimental studies

(C) Normative studies

(D) Survey studies

12. A researcher divides the whole population in different parts and then fixes the no. of units from each of the parts that are to be included in the sample. The method of sampling used by him is

(A) Stratified random sampling

(B) Cluster sampling

(C) Quota sampling

13. For the population with finite size which of the following sampling method is generally preferred?

(A) Cluster sampling

(B) Area sampling

(C) Preposive sampling

(D) Systematic sampling

14. A research is based on

 (A) Ideas of the scientists

(B) Experiments

(C) Scientific method

(D) Some general principles

15. The scientific study of the historical back ground of the events to determine its bearing on the present conditions is called

(A) Philosophical research

(B) Action research

(C) Experimental research

(D) Historical research

16. Research and Development (R&D) has now become the index of development of country because

(A) R&D reflect the true economic and social conditions prevailing in a country

(B) R&D targets the human development

(C) R&D can improve the standard of living of the people in a country

17. The word ‘unscientific means

(A) Prejudices and biases

(B) Useless arguments

(C) Not being in harmony

18. Who put forward the statement, “Research is an honest effort carried out through insight”?

19. The Data of research is, generally

(A) Qualitative only

(B) Quantitative only

20. Which of the following is a paramount requirement of a Researcher?

(A) Scientific thinking

(B) Scientific feeling

(C) Scientific behaviour

(D) Scientific attitude

21. A research aims at

(A) Verifying the existing knowledge

(B) Acquiring new knowledge

(C) Filling the missing links in the existing Knowledge

 (D) All of the above

22. Longitudinal approach of Research deals with

(A) Short-term researches

(B) Long-term researches

(C) Horizontal researches

23. Action research means

(A) A longitudinal research

(B) An applied research

(C) Research which are initiated to solve the immediate problems

24. Why Yamuna Action Plan’, is an Action Research Plan?

(A) It has a definite goals and objectives

(B) It is to be finished in a pre-determined schedule

(C) It has a definite socio-economic objective

25. Which of the following Researches emphasise primarily the factual aims?

(A) Philosophical researches

(B) Historical researches

(C) Theoretical researches

(D) Behavioral researches

Research Methodology MCQ Questions Set-3

1. A successful research requirements

(A) Planning

(B) Guidance

2. Which of the following is the research purpose?

(A) To study a phenomenon or to achieve a new insight in to it

(B)To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with

(C) To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship, between variables

3. Which is the Design of sampling?

(A) Probability selection

(B) Purposive Methods

(C) Mixed Sample

4. Survey research methods come under

(A) Pre-empirical research methods

(B) Descriptive research methods

(C) Experimental research methods

5. Ethical principle is available in which report

(A) Belmont Report

(B) Finance report

(C) Research Report

6. The logic of induction is very much related with

(A) The logic of sampling

(B) The logic of controlled variable

(C) The logic of observation

7. The aims of research

(A) are descriptive in nature

(B) are founded on human values

(C) cause-effect-relatedness

8. The aims of research is/are

(A) Verification

(B) Fact finding

(C) Theoretical development

9. Objective or unbiased observation is most vital in

(A) All walks of life

(B) Performing experiments

(C) Normal behaviour

(D) Research methods

10. The reporting of Research findings should be done

(A) by the scientists themselves

(B) in a scientific and effective way

(C) through internet

(D) through scientific journals

11. Reliability of a research result implies its

(A) Verifiability

(B) Validity

(C) Uniqueness

(D) Usefulness

12. Watson and Mcgrath defined research as

(A) An intellectual exercise

(B) Using exploratory methods

(C) Using scientific methods

13. A research is

(A) A serious and investigative study

(B) Being illuminated

(C) Based on standarized conclusions

14. A person who is repeating the same mistakes again and again without trying to rectify it, is

(A) A foolish person

 (B) An excellent researcher

(C) An excellent forgetter

(D) An insane person

 15. In Hindi, the word “Anusandhan’

(A) Praying to achieve

(B) Attaining an aim

(C) Being goal-directed

(D) Following an aim

16. The word “Research” means

(A) To know

(C) To move

(D) To innovate

17. Social research can be divided into

(A) Two categories

(B) Three categories

(C) Four categories

(D) Five categories

18. Which of the following is/are categories of social research?

(B) Field experiment

19. Which of the following is/are types of field studies?

(A) Exploratory testing

20. Survey research studies

(B) Populations

(C) Circumstances

(D) Processes

21. Evaluation research is concerned with

(A) What are we doing?

(B) Why are we doing?

(C)  How well are we doing?

22. Action research is a type of

 (A) Applied research

 (B) Quality research

(C) Working research

(D) Survey research

23. Which of the following is the key factor in determining the success of group research?

(B) Organization

(C) Researcher

(D) Creativity

24. Which of the following have a direct bearing on research tools and techniques?

(A) Concepts

 (B) Knowledge

(C) Aspirations

25. The aim of group research is to achieve integration on

(A) Conceptual level

(B) Technical level

(C) Human level

Research Methodology MCQ Questions Set-4

1. The evolution of operation research could be associated within well-known development of

(A) Industrial organization

(B) Institutional organization

(C) Small scale organization

(D) Traditional organization

2. The problem and techniques can be classified broadly into

(A) Inventory control

(B) Game theory

(C) Network analysis

(D)All of these

3. Which of the following is/are essential requirement/s to carry out a successful research

(C) Experts

4. Which of the following has a great impact mind of the researcher?

(A) References

 (B) Finance

(C) Journals

(D) Library

5. Which of the following is the first step in a research process?

(A) Selecting a topic

(B) Formulating research problem

(C) Development of a hypothesis

6. Hypothesis relate generally or specifically

(A) Variables to variables

(B) Constant to variables

(C) Variables to constant

(D) Constant to constant.

7. The source of hypotheses may be based

(A) Chance-intuition

(B) Expectation

 (D) None of these

8. Research design is

(B) A structure

(C) An strategy

9. Which of the following is/are purposes of the research design?

(A) Providing answers of research questions

 (B) Controling the variance

10. In which of the following selection depends on chance?

(B) Purposive method

(C) Mixed sample

11. In the purposive method of sampling design, items are selected according to

(A) Law of probability

(B) Personal judgement

(C) Law of certainty

12. If samples are taken concerning all probable characteristics then there are

(A) No chances of any error

(B) More chances of error

(C) Lesser chances of more errors

13. Primary data for the research process can be collected through

(A) Experiment

 14. A belief becomes a scientific truth when it is

(A) Established experimentally

(B) Arrived logically

15. In order to study the relationship of family size to income a researcher classifies his population into different income slabs and then takes a random sample from each slab. Which technique of sampling does he adopt?

(B) Random sampling

(C) Stratified random sampling

 16. A researcher uses statistical techniques in his problem to confirm

(A) Whether worthwhile inferences could be drawn

(B) Whether the data could be quantified

(C) Whether appropriate statistical techniques are available

(D) Whether analysis of data would be possible

17. Which of the following qualities do you consider essential for a research scientist?

(A) Keenness of observation

(B) Persistence

(C) Logical reasoning

18. With which of the following propositions about research you do not agree?

(A) Research improves the quality of teaching

(B) Research contributes to social progress of the country

(C) Research is a joy in itself

(D) Research leads to finding solution

19. Which of the following is/are essential for communicating a research work?

(A) Command over language

(B) Conclusions drawn

(C) Procedure followed

20. A researcher should consider himself as

(A) Open minded and radical

(B) A status-quo maintainer

(C) Fairly knowledgeable

(D) Entirely dependent on the teacher

Research Methodology MCQ Questions Set-5

1. A good researcher lays his hands on

(A) A specific area and tries to understand it great details in

(B) A specific area and tries to understand it in minute details

(C) Several areas and tries to understand them at basic level

(D) Any area of his interest

2. The research is always

(A) Verifying the old knowledge

(B) Exploring the new knowledge

3. The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is

(A) Action research

(B) Experimental research

(C) Applied research

4. Which of the following process is not needed in experimental research?

(A) Observation

(B) Reference collection

(C) Controlling

(D) Manipulation

5. A research problem is not feasible only when

(A) It consists of independent and dependent variables

(B) It is researchable

(C) It has utality and relevance

(D) It is new and adds something to knowledge

6. Research methods can be put into which of the following category?

(A) Pre-empirical research

(B) Descriptive methods

(C)Experimental method

7. Choosing a specific behaviour and counting its occurrences comes under

(A) Correctional research

(B) Naturalistic observation

8. Determining the relationships between two or more variables comes under

(A) Naturalistic observation

(B) Correctional research

(D) Action research

9. Participant observation is the process of immersing yourself in the study of

(A) Processes

(D) Methods

10. A research method ‘ethnography’ is the process of describing a

(A) Culture

(B) way of life

11. Which of the following is an way of doing social science research?

(A) Case study

(B) Game study

(C) Plan study

(D) Process study

12. Dramaturgical interviewing is a technique of doing research by

(A) case study

(B) Role playing

(C) Planning

(D) Sampling

13. Which of the following is the goal of evaluation research?

(A) Situation-based decision making

(B) People-based decision making

(C) Data-based decision making

(D) Trend-based decision making

14. Under the evaluation research which type/s of decision is/are made?

(A) Need assessment

(B) Process evaluation

(C) Context evaluation

15. Usually which type of questions is asked during interviews?

(A) Close-ended

(B) Natural

(C) Open-ended

(D) Puzzling

16. Which of the following is not a component of ethical research?

(A) Competence

(B) Voluntariness

(C) Consent

(D) Suitability

17. Which of the following completes the research process?

(A) Research note

(B) Report writing

(C) Summary writing

(D) Preface writing

18. Which of the following is a suggested outline for report writing?

(A) Prefatory material

(B) Primary material

(C) Supplementary material

(D) Analytic material

19. Which of the following is the most eye catching part of the research report?

(A) Summary

(B) Conclusion

(C) Preface

(D) Glossary of terms

20. A research report is the presentation of

(A) Positive evidences.

(B) Negative evidences

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