Product Proposal Presentation Template

Launching a new product? Selling your next big idea? Product proposal presentations are where most new ventures start. Product proposals break down product features, potential, and potential revenue. To construct a successful product proposal you should outline your key features, prepare product visuals, and make sure your market data projects profitability. A good project proposal gives people a reason to care and invest in your idea. Our product proposal template will enthuse your audience, emphasize your product’s versatility, and allow you to present your product as the go-to solution for a specific problem or need.

Use our product proposal presentation template to:

  • Present your product as a solution
  • Emphasize your product's versatility
  • Imbue excitement in potential clients

Let your product shine by using this visually appealing template

Choose to use any or all the following slide templates to highlight your product and emphasize it’s potential:

Title Slide

Pro tips for creating excitement for your new product

A product proposal is just the start, make sure stakeholders and potential clients leave the presentation energized and ready act by using these tips:

Create visual interest and get attention for your product by using graphics such as product videos, photos, illustrations, and data visualizations.

Your audience will know if you’re passionate about a product. Keep the presentation lively and adjust your pace based on audience interest.

A product proposal must emphasize your product’s strengths while addressing or minimizing any perceived weaknesses. Be prepared to answer audience questions and direct back to the positive features of your product.

What’s already on the market and how is your product different? How is it better? Use your competitive advantages to garner excitement.

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How to Write Product Proposals That Land Deals (+Examples)

Learn how to write product proposals with our expert tips. Discover inspiring product proposal examples and use templates to create your best deck yet.


8 minute read

Product proposal examples

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Short answer

What is a product proposal?

A product proposal is a document that outlines the concept, benefits, and roadmap of a new product. It's designed to persuade stakeholders or investors by showcasing the product's potential and how it addresses specific user needs or bridges market gaps.

Why do most product proposals fail?

Your product proposal is competing for attention against an army of competitors. For a busy decision-maker, 99% of proposals look alike.

Most product proposals fail because they fail to stand out. What are you doing to be that 1% that makes it in the door?

Stick around, and I’ll teach you how to write a product proposal that opens doors.

You’ll also get concrete examples and templates of product proposals that worked well for others like you.

Let’s dive in!

What should be included in a product proposal?

Creating a product proposal presentation is like painting a picture of your product's future – it needs to be vivid, compelling, and memorable.

Here's a list of essential elements to include, ensuring your proposal captures attention and convinces readers to buy into your vision.

11 elements of a product proposal:

Engaging introduction: Begin with a headline that grabs attention and succinctly presents your product idea.

Product overview: Provide a concise yet thorough summary of your product, highlighting its unique aspects.

Target market analysis: Clearly define and describe the intended market for your product, emphasizing its relevance to this group.

Consumer advantages: Clearly list the key benefits your product offers to its users and the problem it solves.

Market comparison: Analyze similar products in the market, showcasing how your product differentiates and excels.

Development roadmap: Outline the key stages in your product's development, including current progress and future goals.

Team: Introduce yourself, highlighting your background and experiences that add credibility to the product's success.

Promotional strategies: Detail your plans for marketing and promoting your product.

Pricing strategy: Discuss your product's pricing model, explaining how it aligns with market expectations and product value.

Financial projections: Provide calculated estimates of potential earnings, costs, and overall financial growth expectations.

Next step: End with a clear call to action, guiding readers on what to do next.

What is the best product proposal format?

When it comes to product proposals, format is key. The most popular product proposal formats include traditional documents and PowerPoint presentations.

Documents are great for detailed, text-heavy content, allowing for in-depth explanations and comprehensive data presentation.

PowerPoint presentations, on the other hand, are excellent for visually driven pitches, making them ideal for capturing attention with graphics and concise points.

Interactive decks combine the best of both worlds – the detail of documents and the visual appeal of presentations.

They stand out for their dynamic nature, allowing viewers to engage with the content through clickable elements, embedded videos, and interactive data visualizations.

It's a format that not only tells but shows the potential of your product, making it a powerful tool in any salesperson's arsenal.

You can see what an interactive product proposal looks like below:

Product proposal examples that sell your idea

Exploring product proposal examples is a great way to understand what leads to success.

In this section, we showcase a variety of proposals that have effectively achieved their goals, whether it’s securing investment, impressing stakeholders, or launching a product with a bang.

We'll break down what makes each example stand out. You'll see how clear communication, creative presentation, and a solid understanding of the audience and market come together to create a persuasive and impactful product proposal.

Product marketing proposal

This product marketing proposal outlines a strategic approach to boost business efficiency and growth, leveraging tailored consulting solutions to overcome common industry challenges.

What makes this product proposal example great:

Strategic insights and custom solutions: It offers actionable strategies and custom solutions tailored to specific business challenges, demonstrating a deep understanding of dynamic market needs.

Quantifiable success metrics: The proposal highlights proven impacts, such as revenue growth, market expansion, and client satisfaction rates, providing tangible evidence of its effectiveness.

Engaging and interactive presentation: Utilizing an interactive format, the proposal engages readers with a compelling narrative and easy-to-navigate sections, enhancing the overall user experience.

Product supply proposal

This product supply proposal shows how a well-structured presentation, combined with a clear value proposition and user-friendly design elements, can effectively communicate the benefits of a product, encouraging potential clients to take the next step.

Clear value proposition: The proposal effectively communicates a clear value proposition, emphasizing how the presented solutions address inefficiencies in IT systems.

Narrated design: It employs a narrated design approach in the key features section, making it easy for readers to understand the benefits of the offered solutions.

Embedded calendar for easy scheduling: Embedding your calendar in the deck simplifies the process for potential clients to schedule a meeting or demo, enhancing user engagement and facilitating immediate action.

Private label product proposal

This proposal effectively utilizes multimedia elements and customization options to enhance engagement and provide comprehensive insights into the product's value proposition.

Video on the cover: Incorporating a video on the cover page immediately engages viewers, providing a dynamic introduction to the product and setting the tone for the proposal.

Option to embed external links: The proposal includes the ability to embed a link to a detailed case study, offering potential clients a deeper insight into the product's impact and success stories.

Easy personalization: It offers the flexibility to easily create personalized versions of the deck in just a few clicks, allowing for a tailored presentation that can address the specific needs and interests of different clients.

Product distribution proposal

This product distribution proposal is designed to efficiently outline a strategic approach for expanding market reach through various distribution channels, leveraging digital tools for customization and adaptability.

What makes this product distribution proposal example great:

Easily customizable logo placeholders: The proposal includes easily customizable logo placeholders, allowing for quick branding personalization that aligns with the distributor or partner's corporate identity.

Option to edit details after sending the deck: It offers the flexibility to edit details even after the deck has been sent, ensuring that the information remains up-to-date and can be adjusted based on ongoing discussions or feedback.

Option to segment content in tabs: You can segment the content in tabs, making the proposal easy to navigate and allowing readers to quickly access the information most relevant to them.

Product development proposal

This product development proposal is crafted to showcase a strategic approach for creating innovative solutions, utilizing a dynamic and interactive presentation format that emphasizes key information and engages stakeholders.

What makes this product development proposal example great:

Use of grayed-out content: The proposal smartly uses grayed-out content to subtly guide the reader's attention towards the most critical information, ensuring focus on key points and decisions.

Various image and video placeholders: It is equipped with a variety of image and video placeholders, allowing for a rich, multimedia presentation of the product concept, features, and potential impact, making the proposal more engaging.

Option to add an accept button: Including an 'Accept' button streamlines the decision-making process and facilitates quicker progression to the next stages of development.

Software product proposal

This product proposal is designed to present a software solution that combines the charm of retro gaming with modern technology. This deck is ideal for showcasing software products that appeal to both nostalgia and contemporary user needs.

What makes this product proposal great:

Captivating introduction: The deck starts with a compelling introduction that sets the stage for the software's unique features and potential impact.

Mission and vision communication: The proposal articulates a mission that focuses on reconnecting generations through the shared joy of gaming, adding depth to the product's purpose.

Interactive elements for user experience: It incorporates interactive elements like demos or virtual tours, enhancing user engagement and understanding.

Physical product proposal

This physical proposal deck is specifically designed for introducing a tangible product, in this case, high-end headphones. It combines technical details with a focus on user experience, making it ideal for a product that blends technology with lifestyle.

Engaging product storytelling: The proposal opens with a compelling narrative about the product, focusing on its unique features and user benefits.

Strategic market positioning: It features a market analysis section, focusing on positioning the product in a competitive landscape.

Target audience identification: It includes a section for defining the target audience, focusing on demographics, preferences, and buying behaviors.

Product business proposal

This proposal is a specialized presentation designed to effectively communicate a product's strategic plan and development journey. It's crafted to be both informative and engaging, with features that enhance the presentation and understanding of the product strategy.

Interactive timeline: It features an interactive timeline that allows viewers to explore the key value propositions.

Built-in analytics panel: The deck features a built-in analytics panel that tracks its performance. This tool provides valuable insights into viewer engagement, helping to measure the effectiveness of the proposal and make data-driven improvements.

Smart CTA with an embedded calendar: The proposal includes a smart call-to-action feature with an embedded calendar, enabling readers to easily schedule a meeting or consultation directly from the proposal.

How to write a product proposal?

Crafting a product proposal is like telling a compelling story where your product is the protagonist. It's not just about listing features; it's about weaving a narrative that captivates, convinces, and converts. Here’s how you can do it in a few simple steps.

7 steps to write a product proposal:

1) Understand your audience

Know who you're speaking to. Whether it's investors, stakeholders, or potential customers, understanding their needs and expectations is crucial. Tailor your product proposal to address their specific interests and concerns.

2) Define your product’s unique value

What makes your product unique? Focus on the features that set your product apart from the competition. Explain how it solves a problem or fulfills a need better than anything else out there.

3) Structure your proposal effectively

Start with an engaging introduction that piques interest, such as a surprising statistic or a relatable anecdote.

Then, detail your product with a focus on benefits, not just features. Conclude with a call to action that's clear and compelling, like inviting stakeholders to a demo. Make sure every section flows logically into the next.

4) Use persuasive language

Your choice of words can make a big difference. Use persuasive language that evokes emotion and creates a sense of urgency. However, avoid over-exaggeration; stay credible and authentic.

For example, instead of saying, "Our product increases productivity," say, "Imagine reclaiming 10 hours a week with our productivity tool." This approach makes the benefit tangible and personal.

If you want to learn more, check out our guide on how to make a persuasive presentation .

5) Provide concrete data and research

Support your proposal with market research, user testimonials, or case studies. For instance, use data to show market trends that support the need for your product, or include a case study of a beta tester who significantly benefited from your product. Use generative AI to gather such insights.

6) Address potential concerns

Identify potential objections and address them head-on. For example, if cost might be a concern, include a comparative analysis showing long-term savings compared to competitors. This approach demonstrates foresight and builds trust.

7) End with a memorable conclusion

Your conclusion should be more than a summary; it should be a final, persuasive pitch. For instance, conclude with, "Be a part of the revolution in enhancing project management efficiency by arranging a demo with us today."

You can also embed your calendar directly into the proposal to make taking that next step easier than ever.

Here's a great example of a deck with an embedded calendar:

Product proposal with an embedded calendar

Similarly, adding an 'Accept' button to your proposal can streamline the decision-making process. This simple yet powerful feature dramatically reduces friction, letting your clients commit with just a single click.

This effectively shortens the sales cycle, paving the way for quicker, more efficient business transactions.

Here's an example of a deck with an accept button:

Accept button example

How to design a product proposal?

Designing a product proposal is about creating a visual journey that captivates and informs. It's not just about what you say; it's about how you present it.

A well-designed proposal can significantly enhance the impact of your message, turning a simple document into an engaging experience.

7 design tips for your product proposal:

1) Embrace scrollytelling

Scrollytelling , or scroll-based storytelling, brings your proposal to life, turning static information into an interactive journey. As the reader scrolls, they're drawn into a story that unfolds with each swipe, keeping them engaged and interested.

Here's a great example of scrollytelling in action:

Product proposal scrollytelling

2) Personalize your deck

Personalize your proposal by integrating with a CRM to automatically extract elements like the prospect's name or company name. This level of personalization shows attention to detail and creates a connection with the prospect, making the proposal feel tailor-made for them.

Here's an example of a personalized proposal slide:

Personalized product proposal slide

3) Use data visualization

Go beyond basic charts and graphs. For example, use interactive timelines to show market trends or animated graphs to demonstrate user growth. This approach makes complex data easily digestible and engaging.

Here's a great example of data visualization use:

Product proposal data visualization

4) Include visuals and demonstrations

High-quality images, videos, or even interactive demos can significantly enhance your proposal. They allow the reader to see your product in action, providing a clearer understanding of its features and benefits.

For instance, a short video demo can be more effective than pages of text in explaining how your product works.

Here's an example of a visual proposal:

5) Design for all devices

In today's mobile-first world, your proposal needs to look great on any device. Responsive design ensures that your proposal adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless experience whether it's viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Here's what a responsive deck looks like:

Responsive deck example

6) Use consistent branding

Your proposal should reflect your brand's identity. Consistent use of colors, fonts, and logos reinforces your brand and builds trust. Every element of your proposal should align with your brand's aesthetic and values.

Here's an example of a branded deck:

Branded deck example

7) Add interactive elements

Incorporate interactive elements like clickable tabs, expandable sections, or embedded ROI calculators that prospects can adjust to see the potential return on their investment.

These features not only make your proposal more engaging but also allow readers to explore your product in a way that's hands-on and make its benefits more tangible.

Here's a great example of an interactive slide:

Product proposal interactive slide example

Interactive product proposal templates

Crafting a proposal from scratch requires not only a deep understanding of your product but also skills in design, storytelling, and data presentation.

This is where interactive product proposal templates become invaluable. They offer a well-structured starting point, saving you from the blank slide syndrome and hours of design work.

With customizable features, these templates allow you to infuse your brand's identity and tailor the content to your product's unique story.

Grab one from the library below.

product proposal presentation template

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Engaging decks. Made easy

Create your best product proposal to date.

Stop losing opportunities to ineffective presentations. Your new amazing deck is one click away!



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product proposal presentation template

Use this product proposal template to describe the details of a proposal that is prepared by a company for distributor, marketers and consumers.

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Product Proposal Template

product proposal presentation template

A product proposal presentation is a crucial tool for a company looking to showcase its new offering to distributors, marketers, and consumers. It serves as a way to introduce the product, highlight its key features and benefits, and persuade the audience to take action. A well-prepared product proposal presentation can be the difference between a successful launch and a flop.

Step by step guide to create a product proposal presentation

  • Start with a clear goal in mind. What is the purpose of your presentation? Are you looking to secure funding, attract distributors, or generate sales from consumers? Having a clear goal will help you tailor your presentation to the needs of your audience and ensure that you stay focused on what matters most.
  • Know your audience. Before you begin preparing your presentation, take the time to research your audience. Who will be attending? What are their needs and interests? Understanding your audience will help you tailor your message and choose the right examples and anecdotes to engage them.
  • Create a strong structure. A clear and logical structure is essential for any presentation, and a product proposal presentation is no exception. Start by outlining the key points you want to cover, and then organize them into a logical sequence. Consider using a structure like the Problem-Solution-Benefit format, which involves introducing the problem your product solves, explaining how your product solves it, and outlining the benefits of using it.
  • Use visuals wisely. Visual aids like slides, charts, and graphs can be a powerful way to communicate information and engage your audience. However, it's important to use them wisely. Avoid overwhelming your audience with too many visuals, and instead choose a few key ones that help illustrate your points.
  • Practice, practice, practice. There's no substitute for practice when it comes to giving presentations. Make sure to rehearse your presentation several times before the big day. This will help you feel more confident and ensure that you deliver your message smoothly and effectively.
  • Engage your audience. A product proposal presentation is not a one-way conversation. Encourage audience participation by asking questions, soliciting feedback, and making time for Q&A at the end. This will help you gauge the effectiveness of your presentation and address any concerns or questions your audience may have.

Introduction slide

This could include your company logo, the title of your presentation, and the names of the presenters.

Problem slide

Introduce the problem your product solves and explain why it's important.

Solution slide

Explain how your product solves the problem and provide examples of how it works.

Product features slide

Outline the key features of your product and how they benefit the user.

Comparison slide

If there are similar products on the market, use this slide to compare your product to them and highlight its unique features and benefits.

Target market slide

Who is your product for? Use this slide to describe your target market and explain why your product is a good fit for them.

Marketing and sales plan slide

Explain how you plan to market and sell your product. This could include details on your distribution channels, pricing strategy, and promotional efforts.

If possible, include a demo of your product to give the audience a better sense of how it works and what it can do.

Case study slide

If you have any case studies or testimonials from satisfied customers, use this slide to highlight them.

Next steps slide

Use this slide to outline any next steps or action items for the audience. This could include information on how to place an order or how to get involved with your company.

Remember, the key is to keep your presentation focused and to include only the most relevant and important information. Avoid including too many slides or going into too much detail, as this can overwhelm the audience and distract from your main points.

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Wherewith to Write a Powerful Product Proposal [+ Templates]

How to Write a High-performance Sell Proposal [+ Templates]

Written by: Mahnoor Sheikh

How to Write a Powerful Products Proposal [+ Templates]

Product proposals canister be extremely useful when pitching new featured ideas to future client, partners or investors. If you’re looking to write a proposal for your next project, you’re in the right place.

In this article, you’ll learn thing a product proposal is, what the include in one, the how to write an effective proposal that helpful they secure funding or customers. We’ve also includes several product suggested templates and examples to get you started. Use is product proposal template to describe the item of a proposal that is prepares by a company for supplier, marketers and end.

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit feature proposal templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

product proposal presentation template

Table of Contents

What Is a Product Suggestion?

What to Include in ampere Product Proposal

How to Write einer Effectively Product Proposal

13 Product Plan Templates (Edit & Download)

What Is a Product Proposal?

AMPERE product make is fundamentally a sales pitch . The purpose of writing adenine make is to persuade someone to buy, foster or invest in your product. It should get your audience excited about your product and select it as the best solution for an identified problem or need.

You can create a product proposal in any formats — video, presentation or document. Please one that benefits she present traits, benefits and growth potential clearly and concise. Learn how on post product proposals that impress your clients and close deals faster. We've inserted side and templates to help she create one quickly.

What to Include in one Furniture Proposal

A fine product proposal emphasizes your product’s value and which manufactures it stand get von the competition.

It also shows investors or clients why they should care about your idea according highlighting market demand, economic juts, team strength and additional contributing.

Here exist some key sections to include in our product proposal:

Executive Summary

An director summary captures the main points in get proposal. It’s often the first (and only) thing your audience reads to receive the quick of your idea. Written your chapter under the finish for your plan, nevertheless add it right in the beginning.

Video Product Proposal

Problem and Get

Highlight the problem or require that your product objectives to solve or fulfill. Also, include how your product will remove that problem.

Problem and Solution

In most cases, yours search might not be the only one in the market. However, you can still make a convincing case by emphasizing your research, drive and capability to solve this problem(s) instead out focusing only on ‘uniqueness.’ You've made it through the sales process, but have your presentations closed who deal? Learn as in creation a deal-winning business proposal video.

Product Features

This is likely the most crucial section of your product proposal. Right, you’ll talk with to various features of autochthonous products in terms of operation, create real usableness.

The key to make is part stand outside a to concentrate more on select those features will benefit the target market instead on just highlighting technical specifications.

Food Storage Presentation

Key Differentiators

Upcoming, talk concerning what makes you different off your competitors. It’s not enough to just highlight your product’s features and benefits. To also have to pinpoint reason customers require selecting your download beyond others.

Mobile Home Game Engineering Proposal

Key differentiators are usually a, two or even three things that make your product stand outbound. This could be cost, a specific feature that its alternatives lack or balanced accessibility.

Product Demonstration

You know what’s better than talking learn product features? Showing them in action.

A physical product versammlung could becoming separate of your proposal presentation. Or, if your product is a software, i can embed a pre-recorded demo in own digitally document.

Yours can also add videos displaying act people using your physical products. The browse demonstration section essentially focuses go how your product work in real life so your audience can fully understand your potential, value and usage. Learn to establish a proposal? Choose from our collection from free idea custom on successfully pitch owner services or collaboration ideas to potential clients also partners.

Home Hardware Presentation

Market Opportunity

Those section shows potential investors whether there’s any demand int the market on your product or solution. More importantly, it pinpoints exactly who to aimed market is.

  • Who is your product for?
  • Who lives the verdict maker?
  • Are they also one end user of your your?

Conduct extensive research and find out owner total addressable market (TAM.) Therefore, narrow down your ideal customer profiles (ICPs) and create specific buying personas .

Aforementioned might be difficult in early business platforms, but the find focused you is, the more likely your product is go to be to solve a particular matter in your niche. Besides, it shows investors you’ve done your research and are confident a need for your product exists. Use Miro’s free Trade Proposal Presentation Template to create also deliver an effective proposal presentation to your potential customers.

Rouge Company Capital Pitch Deck

Financial Projections

Investors can be picky, and rightly so. They’re none to to pour money within ideas that don’t show any concrete latent for financial growth and success. Product promotions ca live extremely useful when toss new product ideas to potential customers, member or investors. If you’re look to write a proposal for your next project, you’re in th

Based off your research, include calculated numbers that paint a picture in thing yours expect to spend and earn in the coming quarters, months furthermore even years. Which helps build self-confidence in prospective investors and shows them you’re serious about your product. Find predesigned Product Marketing Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides PowerPoint templates slips, graphics, and image designs provided by SlideTeam.

Work+Biz Tracking Deck Presentation

Product Pricing

Pricing is single of the most crucial aspects of your product. It bucket affect result positioning , potential net furthermore benefits, and even owner brand image. The way you price yours product/s can also show how much market research you’ve done.

Is your product priced higher or lower than you alternatives? Is to one-time other subscription-based rate? How many pricing plans conversely packages do you offer? Include all of this for my product proposal to help clients or investors evaluate to value of your product.

Online Grocery Delivery Proposal

Development Timeline

If thy feature is still in development additionally you’re seeking funding to move forward, it’s a right thoughts to include an schedule that visualizes estimated project and completion.

This will give potentiality investors a improve feature are when they can expect to see the product launch in the market and where or when you’d need funding. Item 1 - 100 of 3844 ... Product Proposal found in: Product sale proposal powerful presentation ... Select design propose example document how doc pdf ppt.

3D Product Visualization Show Request

Project Team and Investors

Who a working on thine suggestion product? The people go your team can make a huge difference the how the spectators receives insert furniture and brand in general. Product proposal video are where best new adventures beginning. Product our break down product features, potential, and future revenue. Toward construct ...

SEO Proposal

For example, if your team is made of experienced professionals who’ve worked on successful products in the past, it want how form trust and credibility. The same goes for team community with impressive credentials and share. Tell the world about your amazing products using compelling featured slides from our free customizable templates.

Also, enclose any present investors or affiliated you might take. This helps build trust in potential investors when they see who else is back-up your idea.

Manage your projects in mode

  • Create career branded documents , from project timelines to budgetary
  • Visualize important project metrics by getting charts or infographics
  • Allow your team to click , collaborate and move from draft to latter format in no time

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product proposal presentation template

Contact and Then Steps

Your product proposal is incomplete if it doesn’t encourage people to take action.

Add interactive buttons this link to your website, social media pages and email. If you have a physical office, embed adenine Google map in there to helped people discover you easily.

To here point, you can also include a summary for steps interested clients or partner can take to get involved with your product.

Mobile Video Gaming Development Proposal

How on Write an Effective Product Proposal

Now you know what to include in an ideal product proposal, here’s how go create single quickly and simple.

1. Perform Research

A good product proposal is backed in extensive investigate, drive and commitment. Study the market inside exit to identify your target market, pinpoint problems and necessarily, and understand how thy product fits within the picture.

Ride-Sharing Phone Customer Persona

Knowing how your product works, its features, benefits and differentiators is also a central component of building a powerful product proposal.

Most presenters make the mistake of leaving the technical product to the developers or product team. But the more you know about your product, the better you’ll be able to explain how it cleans a problem and what differentiates it from its competitors.

Additionally, how who their viewers is before creating a product proposal. Any is of patron or investor you’re reaching out into? Recognize their expertise, interests, priorities and are to personalize insert proposal and make it more compelling. Free and customizable product presentation templates | Canva

2. Create any Outline

Once you’ve conducted enough investigation, you’re now qualified of creating ampere sturdy structure of your proposal. Start with brainstorming the title or headline.

Next, list out the sections you plan to include in the product proposal. This become naturally depend to my research and who you’re pitching your idea to.

At here point, it’s also an good idea on prepare your inventory. Gather special similar product photos, featured, demos and recent. Don’t forget to assemble will brand elements like your logo, fonts and color palette.

3. Choose a Template

Creating a product suggested from scratch can be hard my. In addition to content, you also need to think about the layout and overall design of your proposal so information looks attractive.

Thankfully, this is why proposal templates exist.

Instead of creating a mediocre proposals, you’re talented to prepare adenine greatly engaging, professionally designed ne that’s extra likely to impress your audience.

Visme got a library of buy proposal stencils her ability customize easily — not need to download anything. Equitable sign boost for free, pick a blueprint and start editing.

Starting with a ready-made template saves thee tons of valuable zeit the effort. Total you need to do is pick a template that fits your sight, replace of placeholder content with your own, and download or share computer in anything format you like.

4. Include in Your Text Content

Before you do a complete design overhaul on your proposal template, start by editing this text parts only. Don’t worry about one visuals used now — we’ll get to that in a bit!

For your outline next to you, add all the relevant sections and browse to thy proposal. In Visme, you bottle easily dupont any page as right whenever you need to keep the same design. Rename the heading press subheadings, and then go the with your body text. How to Write a Powerful Product Proposal [+ Templates]

Pro Tip: Edit the table of substance at the end — specify which right page numbering to how your audience navigate your proposal easily. Creating a digital item proposal? Produce your Table of Topic interactive by connect each row to the relevant page in your proposition!

5. Add Engaging Graphics

Adding relevant and engaging visuals ca take your product proposal to the further level. Not only does it make your document look read attract, but it other helps you window own product and features more wirklich. 10+ free proposal templates | Pitch

Totaling product images, demonstration videos, customer testimonial pictures, demos, screenshots and each other images that help you build a compulsory case.

Added, decorate owner product proposal the relevant icons and wallpaper images to make it look more professional and engaging.

Pro Tip: Spruce up your suggestion with millions a free icons, illustrations, stock photos, videos, blackboards, and other graphics which komme built-in with Visme’s idea architect .

6. Visualize Market Dating

When present market opportunity, client requirement plus financial projections, it’s best to use charming data visualization over bored tables of numbers.

Use line chart, bar graphs, pie charts and other download of data viz to bring geometric figures to life. Visualize revenue, profitability and costs to paint a clearer picture. If thee need at visualize page and small data morsels, you can use Visme’s data widgets such right.

7. Make It Interact

Let your hearing navigation through your digital product proposal with interactive pages, waft effects both pop-ups . For example, you can link contact buttons both society media icons for your pages, email and your.

Or, embedd videos from external sources , such as YouTube alternatively Vimeo. For instance, you can embed videos of people using your product or a brand film up present the company story.

You can also add animation to your proposal in various makes. Make text and objects appear and clear in style. Or add animated icons, illustrations, characters press motions.

Pro Tip: Transform your fruit proposal into a captivating page-turner with Visme’s flipbook effect . Let insert audience flip thrown aforementioned pages likes they’d do at a real document!

8. Apply Your Branding

You’re almost done creating autochthonous our proposition! Don’t forgetful to brand it using your company’s optical stylistic guide.

Save your proposal is aligned with your class policies by adding autochthonous logo , applying your brand colors , using your brand fonts and glue with any imagery conversely voice requirements.

Pro Peak: Use Visme’s AI brand design tool to generate ampere tailored product proposal template that fits with you company’s branding. Press, upload your brand assets and store them in an branding package to rebuilding in any other Visme request you create.

9. Software and Share

Finally, downloadable will product proposal to share it with the world. Save it in PDF instead HTML5 output while it’s a document.

You can also share i go with clients or investors internet using a private link. This lets you preserve any interactivity additionally make live changes and product as needed!

If your proposal is in presentation format, Visme rent you download it in editable PPTX, PDF and equally MP4 format (video presentation.)

13 Product Proposal Templates (Edit & Download)

Ready to create a effect recommendation? Using this ready-made proposal model to get started rapid. Each template is fully customizable till how your unique business needs. 8 Best Peaks for Business Proposed Presentations [+Examples]

1. 3D Body Software Proposal Template

This effect make template is designed for software my. The accentuate of this template is the getting of 3D assets and graphics coupled with grell colors this will make my document pop. Delete this template in Visme to pitch your Isas product into a entertaining way.

product proposal presentation template

2. General Shipping App Proposal Template

Looking for adenine sophisticated product proposal template for your mobile app product? This presentation is exactly what you need. The extant design is best suited on green, organic and eco-friendly businesses still can will fully customized to adjustable any product or brand. Work Proposed Presentation Template | Miro

product proposal presentation template

3. Talented Hiring Software Proposal Preview

This product request is perfect since pitching ampere store software in front for potential investors and clients. The template functions professional ensign or a sleek, polishing layout that fits in more information no creating it see cluttered.

product proposal presentation template

4. Cosmetics Proposal Presentation Template

This product proposed template for beauty services will in presentation format, which makes it ideal for pitching during in-person or virtual meetings. With a clean, bold design, this style will help they make a great first impressing.

product proposal presentation template

5. Jet Ski Proposal Template

This products proposal template remains great fork pitching corporeal products to businesses and partnerships. While this particular template is designed since an water sports product, she can edit it for virtually any other product with brand. Change images, colors, fonts and content in minutes. Product Proposal - Slide Team

product proposal presentation template

6. Machine Acquisition Proposal Screen

Use this product proposal template till show relevant stakeholders the features and rates of the apparatus you need for your store. This remains a no-nonsense idea template you can use for any other physical product button type.

product proposal presentation template

7. Digital Marketing Course Proposal Template

Prospective college will flock to your new classes when she frame your ideas about dieser digital product proposal template. Add further pages and completely overhaul to design to make computers fit your unique brand demand. Furniture Pr Idea Show Presentation Slides

product proposal presentation template

8. Mobiles Games Development Proposal Template

Create einem engaging proposal for your mobile app during it’s still in the development phase. Secure funding to take your mobile game the to view level and turn it into a reality. Lighter edit this proposal for any another relevant product.

product proposal presentation template

9. Ergonomic Keyboard Plan Powerpoint Template

This outcome proposal template is another presentation that ca help you great your in-person or online assemblies with clients or investors. Bright own physical product’s best features and advantages, pinpoint the problem, present respective solution and make a compelling kasus. Product Proposal Presentation Template

product proposal presentation template

10. Documentary Proposal Template

This creative proposal template helps you pitch a documentary press motion product in an appealing and captivating way. A comes with pre-designed sections to broken down past projects, requirements, supply schedule press budget.

product proposal presentation template

11. Press Order Proposal Stencil

Pitch machinery and other physical products stylish style to potential corporate clients or investors. Use this product purchase proposal template to list out technical specifications, purchasing purpose, pricing details and more.

product proposal presentation template

12. Video Production Proposal Template

Share insert creative ideas at clients and mates using this stunning digital product proposal template. And preview has great dedicated sections for the idea, budget and implementation schedule ensure shapes to easy used your your to understand your process.

product proposal presentation template

13. Food Storage Product Proposal Presentation Template

Use this live and bright product motion template to present innovative food-related business ideas and eco-friendly products. This presentation model can terrific for using storytelling techniques to introduce that problem and solution.

product proposal presentation template

Create a Winning Choose Proposal for Your Business

Building a forceful product proposal your a key portion of autochthonous net process. Making neat from scratch can be time-consuming and intimidating, which is why you should start with a professional template.

Check out Visme’s proposal templates to find the best match for your product. Create a free account today and customize any template using is drag-and-drop proposal created .

Button, learn more about as the compose a business proposal , pitch deck and a sales presentation to get potential our and clients excited about your idea.

Easily put together winning product proposal that close more sales in Visme

product proposal presentation template

Trusted from leading labels


Endorsed list for you:

12 Stunning Concept Blueprint Templates to Make Your Own

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Create Baffling Content!

Design visual brand experiences for your business if you are a flavor designer or a total beginning.

product proposal presentation template

Concerning the Author

Mahnoor Sheikhs is the content marketing manager at Visme. She has years of experience in content strategy and execute, SOCIAL copywriting and graphic design. She is also who founder of MASH Show and is passionate about tea, kittens and trip for her husband. Get in touch with her switch LinkedIn .

product proposal presentation template

Product Proposal Template

Blue Product Proposal Template

Design an impressive product proposal using this product proposal template.

  • Design Style : modern
  • Colors : light
  • Size : Letter
  • Plan : free

A product proposal templateis a great way to design your own product proposal to convince readers that a product concept is viable. A product proposal is a valuable tool for any business to have when they're trying to sell an idea, product, or service. Not only does this product proposal template provides a set of rules and guidelines that can help you produce a polished document, but it also gives you the confidence and credibility to stand behind all your work. A lot of traditional proposal templates include information that is focused on the company trying to sell, rather than the product itself. This can make it even harder for your proposal to stand out and grab the attention of potential clients or co-workers. With Venngage's product proposal template, you can be confident in knowing that all your vital product information will be included, without having to worry about anything else. Venngage's proposal template makes it easy for you to quickly create a strong selling point that shows off just how much value your product or service can bring to the table. The

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product proposal presentation template

Product Presentation templates

This collection of google slides themes and powerpoint templates will leave you speechless why because they are the "product" of slidesgo's creativity and because you can use the presentations in different contexts related to the product world: product design, a new launch, a product proposal... download the designs now.

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Commercial Evaluation, Patenting & Marketing

Download the Commercial Evaluation, Patenting & Marketing presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and take your marketing projects to the next level. This template is the perfect ally for your advertising strategies, launch campaigns or report presentations. Customize your content with ease, highlight your ideas and captivate your audience with...

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Spring Cleaning Products Campaign

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Product Overview Infographics presentation template

Product Overview Infographics

Wouldn’t it be easier if a product was shown along with its features so the audience has all the info at a glance? Well, these infographics just do that! We’ve made designs that use flat illustrations of laptops, cars, tools, home appliances, books… We’re sure this can be a great...

Neon Business Product Brochure presentation template

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Neon Business Product Brochure

What a modern pitch deck! But the amazing thing about Slidesgo's latest creation is not its modern design (which it is), but the format of this presentation. It comes already prepared in A4 format and ready to print - it's great! This way you can hand out brochures and inform...

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It's an exciting moment for your company - the product launch date for your new product line has finally been set! Now, it's time to spread the word and let your audience and potential clients know about this excellent new offering. But where to begin? With the right marketing plan,...

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Having success in the cosmetic industry? Boost your popularity even more with a presentation that shows your company profile! As you detail your history, your best-selling products, your growth and the awards you've won, the slides will have a cutesy touch that your audience will love. Besides, the pastel tones...

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Product Vision Pitch Deck

Some people are born with the gift of coming up with innovative ideas! Our designers in Slidesgo, on the other hand, have the gift of creating presentations that give life to your ideas! This modern presentation is the tool you need to make your pitch deck stand out and impress...

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Slidesgo AI presentation maker puts the power of design and creativity in your hands, so you can effortlessly craft stunning slideshows in minutes.

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Stages // require(['jquery'], function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { //removes paginator if items are less than selected items per page var paginator = $("#limiter :selected").text(); var itemsPerPage = parseInt(paginator); var itemsCount = $(".products.list.items.product-items.sli_container").children().length; if (itemsCount ? ’Stages’ here means the number of divisions or graphic elements in the slide. For example, if you want a 4 piece puzzle slide, you can search for the word ‘puzzles’ and then select 4 ‘Stages’ here. We have categorized all our content according to the number of ‘Stages’ to make it easier for you to refine the results.

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Product Innovation Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides


  1. Proposal Free Business Presentation Template

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  2. 45+ Startup & Business Proposal PowerPoint Templates 2023

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  3. 27+ FREE Product Proposal Templates [Edit & Download]

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  4. 30+ Best PowerPoint Proposal Templates for Business PPT Presentations

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  5. Creative Project Proposal PowerPoint Template

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  6. 25+ Startup & Business Proposal PowerPoint Templates 2021

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  1. FMP Proposal Presentation

  2. Marketing Product Proposal Video

  3. Business Proposal Presentation

  4. A Business Proposal

  5. New Product Proposal

  6. Planning Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides


  1. Product Proposal Template

    A good project proposal gives people a reason to care and invest in your idea. Our product proposal template will enthuse your audience, emphasize your product's versatility, and allow you to present your product as the go-to solution for a specific problem or need. Use our product proposal presentation template to: Present your product as a ...

  2. Product Development Proposal Google Slides & PPT template

    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Bringing a product to the market requires careful planning, good timing and hard work. State your ideas and put a new proposal on the table with this new template. It covers lots of different approachs used in business and it's filled to the brim with useful infographics, roadmaps, graphs and ...

  3. Top 11 Product Proposal Templates to Highlight Your Key ...

    Download this presentation . Template 2: Product Proposal Sale Template . This simple design will help you sell your goods like a pro. Creating a sales pitch or presentation with this user-friendly format is a breeze, and you can hook customers or management in no time. It's a comprehensive sales proposal plan and outlines what should go in ...

  4. How to Write a Powerful Product Proposal [+ Templates]

    9. Ergonomic Keyboard Proposal Presentation Template. This product proposal template is another presentation that can help you ace your in-person or virtual meetings with clients and investors. Highlight your physical product's best features and benefits, pinpoint the problem, present your solution and make a compelling case.

  5. How to Write Product Proposals That Land Deals (+Examples)

    Interactive product proposal templates. Crafting a proposal from scratch requires not only a deep understanding of your product but also skills in design, storytelling, and data presentation. This is where interactive product proposal templates become invaluable. They offer a well-structured starting point, saving you from the blank slide ...

  6. Must-Have New Product Proposal Templates with Examples and ...

    Template 1: Market Research for New Product Proposal Template. Product research is an essential first step before product marketing, or moving to another stage of the product lifecycle. Use this PPT Template to build a market research proposal for your research company to sell your services. It contains a synopsis, objectives, current ...

  7. Free Proposal Presentation Templates

    With Adobe Express, choose from dozens of online proposal presentation template ideas to help you easily create your own free proposal presentation in minutes. All creative skill levels are welcome.

  8. Free Project Proposal Google Slides and PowerPoint templates

    Make use of our Project Proposal Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates to create appealing presentations Free Easy to edit Professional ... Download the 4 Blocker Template for a Project Proposal presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. ... Offer a little sneak peek of your product and state... Business. 16:9 / Like . Download ...

  9. Free and customizable product presentation templates

    Download your custom product presentation template for free. You can share it in PDF or as a product PowerPoint presentation in PPTX. It takes easy and dynamic slides from Canva in pitching a product presentation to the world. Tell the world about your amazing products with compelling presentation slides from our free customizable templates.

  10. Product Proposal Template [Customizable]

    Product Proposal Template. Use this product proposal template to describe the details of a proposal that is prepared by a company for distributor, marketers and consumers. Use this template. 256 likes. 10.6k uses.

  11. Top 10 Product Innovation Proposal Templates with Examples ...

    Template 4: Our Process of Product Innovation Proposal Template . Use this PPT Template to demonstrate the framework of product innovation phases throughout the contract.The process is divided into five stages, starting with the Recognition opportunity, primarily including understanding needs, and analyzing existing and desired solutions.

  12. Product Proposal Template

    Product Proposal Template. Use this Template. or. Preview Slides. A product proposal presentation is a crucial tool for a company looking to showcase its new offering to distributors, marketers, and consumers. It serves as a way to introduce the product, highlight its key features and benefits, and persuade the audience to take action.

  13. How to Write a Powerful Product Proposal [+ Templates]

    Product Proposal Presentation Template. Customize this template and make it your own! Edit and Load . 10. Documentary Proposal Template. This creative proposal template helps you pitch a documentary press motion product in an appealing and captivating way. A comes with pre-designed sections to broken down past projects, requirements, supply ...

  14. 1171 Product Proposal Presentation Templates

    product portfolio. PROPOSAL Google Slides. By Artmonk in Presentation Templates. Proposal Powerpoint. By egotype in Presentation Templates. Product Marketing PowerPoint. By Incools in Presentation Templates. Exclusive Black Elegant Business Proposal PPT 007. By Lage-Day in Presentation Templates.

  15. 25+ Best Free & Premium PPT Proposal Presentation Templates 2023

    Place your data in the product slides, charts, and graphs. You'll have a beautiful proposal! Cuttage PPT Business Proposal. Put your projects in good hands with this proposal presentation template. Its 32 slides allow you to change the color schemes, add charts, graphs, and so much more. You can use this in almost any industry.

  16. New Product Launch Project Proposal

    Tags. Simple Gray Modern Business Company Picture Minimalist Project Proposal Product Deluxe. People have ween waiting for your new release, and it's finally here. Make an epic launch with this creative Google Slides & PPT template!

  17. Free Product Presentation Templates to Customize

    These templates have the colors, the backgrounds and the thousands of free stock images you need to not only earn and keep the attention of your audience, but to truly tell your product's story with a refreshing level of ease you probably haven't been able to enjoy up until now. Once you spend a few minutes using Visme's effortless drag-and ...

  18. Top 10 Product Design Proposal Templates with Examples and ...

    Template 3: Action Plan. This PPT Set reveals your project's strategic roadmap, laying out each phase, from recognizing the initial need for your product through the investigation, description, and product design phases. It helps illustrate the activities you perform in each stage to reach the desired result.

  19. Blue Product Proposal Template

    It's very easy to download—just sign up or login to, click ""Account"" in the top right corner, then ""Template Gallery"". You'll find the product proposal template in that section. Template dimensions: 816x1056 px Template dimensions can be customized to suit your needs with the click of a button or manually in the settings tab.

  20. Pastel Floral Product Launch. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Pastel Floral Product Launch. Send waves through your community with this new product launch project proposal template. This theme is great for coaches, consultants, startup founders, corporate executives, and small business owners alike. In a minimalistic style, these pastel floral slides pack plenty of room for your company vision, value ...

  21. Project Proposal Presentation templates

    Project Proposal Presentation templates Download and customize these free and easy-to-edit templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint to present your new Project Proposal. ... Offer a little sneak peek of your product and state... Business. 16:9 / Like . Download . Download and open in Google Slides . Download as a PowerPoint file ...

  22. How to Write a Powerful Product Proposal [+ Templates]

    4. Cosmetics Proposal Presentation Template. This product proposal template since beauty my is in presentation format, welche makes it exemplar for pitching during in-person or virtual meetings. With a clean, bold design, this template will help you make a big first impression. Product proposal presentations are where most new attempts start.

  23. Free Google Slides and PPT Templates Product-Themed

    Product Presentation templates This collection of Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates will leave you speechless! Why? Because they are the "product" of Slidesgo's creativity and because you can use the presentations in different contexts related to the product world: product design, a new launch, a product proposal...

  24. Digital Marketing Proposal. Free Presentation Template

    Elevate your marketing pitch with our sleek and modern presentation template, specifically designed for marketing professionals. This minimalist illustrated slideshow template, adorned in calming shades of blue, white, and green, is your go-to tool for crafting compelling digital marketing proposals.

  25. Product Proposal

    Slide 1 of 6. Meetings and discussions for new product proposal. Slide 1 of 2. Company overview for product marketing strategy proposal ppt slides introduction. Slide 1 of 5. Consulting proposal with details name product name. Slide 1 of 5. Launch readiness showing the planning and analysing launch proposal.