Go by Example : Multiple Return Values

Next example: Variadic Functions .

by Mark McGranaghan and Eli Bendersky | source | license

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Error handling in Go: Best practices

go assignment mismatch

Editor’s note : This article was last updated and validated for accuracy on 18 November 2022.

Error Handling Go

Tackling errors in Go requires a different approach than the conventional methods in other mainstream programming languages, like JavaScript, which uses the try...catch statement, or Python with its try… except block. Oftentimes, developers misapply Go’s features for error handling.

In this article, we’ll consider the best practices that you should follow when handling errors in a Go application. To follow along with this article, you’ll need a basic understanding of how Go works . Let’s get started!

The blank identifier

Handling errors through multiple return values, defer, panic, and recover, error wrapping.

The blank identifier is an anonymous placeholder. You can use it just like any other identifier in a declaration, but it does not introduce a binding. The blank identifier provides a way to ignore left-handed values in an assignment and avoid compiler errors surrounding unused imports and variables in a program.

Assigning errors to the blank identifier instead of properly handling them is unsafe, meaning you have decided to explicitly ignore the value of the defined function:

The rationale behind this is likely that you’re not expecting an error from the function. However, this could create cascading effects in your program. The best practice is to handle errors whenever you can.

One way to handle errors is to take advantage of the fact that functions in Go support multiple return values. Therefore, you can pass an error variable alongside the result of the function you’re defining:

In the code snippet above, we have to return the predefined error variable if we think there’s a chance that our function may fail. error is an interface type declared in Go’s built-in package , and its zero value is nil :

Usually, returning an error means that there is a problem, and returning nil means there were no errors:

Whenever the iterate function is called and err is not equal to nil , the error returned should be handled appropriately.

One option could be to create an instance of a retry or a cleanup mechanism. The only drawback with handling errors this way is that there’s no enforcement from Go’s compiler. You have to decide how the function you created returns the error.

You could define an error struct and place it in the position of the returned values. One way to do this is by using the built-in errorString struct. You can also find the code below in Go’s source code :

In the code sample above, errorString embeds a string , which is returned by the Error method. To create a custom error, you’ll have to define your error struct and use method sets to associate a function to your struct:

The newly created custom error can then be restructured to use the built-in error struct:

One limitation of the built-in error struct is that it does not come with stack traces, making it very difficult to locate where an error occurred. The error could pass through a number of functions before being printed out.

To handle this, you could install the pkg/errors package, which provides basic error handling primitives like stack trace recording, error wrapping, unwrapping, and formatting. To install this package, run the command below in your terminal:

When you need to add stack traces or any other information to make debugging your errors easier, use the New or Errorf functions to provide errors that record your stack trace. Errorf implements the fmt.Formatter interface, which lets you format your errors using the fmt package runes, %s , %v , and %+v :

To print stack traces instead of a plain error message, you have to use %+v instead of %v in the format pattern. The stack traces will look similar to the code sample below:

Although Go doesn’t have exceptions, it has a similar type of mechanism known as defer, panic, and recover . Go’s ideology is that adding exceptions like the try/catch/finally statement in JavaScript would result in complex code and encourage programmers to label too many basic errors, like failing to open a file, as exceptional.

You should not use defer/panic/recover as you would throw/catch/finally . You should reserve it only in cases of unexpected, unrecoverable failure.

Defer is a language mechanism that puts your function call into a stack. Each deferred function is executed in reverse order when the host function finishes, regardless of whether a panic is called or not. The defer mechanism is very useful for cleaning up resources:

The code above would compile as follows:

panic is a built-in function that stops the normal execution flow. When you call panic in your code, it means you’ve decided that your caller can’t solve the problem. Therefore, you should use panic only in rare cases where it’s not safe for your code or anyone integrating your code to continue at that point.

The code sample below demonstrates how panic works:

The sample above would compile as follows:

As shown above, when panic is used and not handled, the execution flow stops, all deferred functions are executed in reverse order, and stack traces are printed.

You can use the built-in recover function to handle panic and return the values passed from a panic call. recover must always be called in a defer function, otherwise, it will return nil :

As you can see in the code sample above, recover prevents the entire execution flow from coming to a halt. We added in a panic function, so the compiler would return the following:

To report an error as a return value, you have to call the recover function in the same goroutine as where the panic function is called, retrieve an error struct from the recover function, and pass it to a variable:

Every deferred function will be executed after a function call but before a return statement. Therefore, you can set a returned variable before a return statement is executed. The code sample above would compile as follows:

Previously, error wrapping in Go was only accessible via packages like pkg/errors . However, Go v1.13 introduced support for error wrapping .

According to the release notes :

An error e can wrap another error w by providing an Unwrap method that returns w . Both e and w are available to programs, allowing e to provide additional context to w or to reinterpret it while still allowing programs to make decisions based on w .

To create wrapped errors, fmt.Errorf  has a %w verb, and for inspecting and unwrapping errors, a couple of functions have been added to the error package.

errors.Unwrap  basically inspects and exposes the underlying errors in a program. It returns the result of calling the Unwrap method on Err if Err ’s type contains an Unwrap method returning an error. Otherwise, Unwrap returns nil:

Below is an example implementation of the Unwrap method:

With the errors.Is function, you can compare an error value against the sentinel value.

go assignment mismatch

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go assignment mismatch

Instead of comparing the sentinel value to one error, this function compares it to every error in the error chain. It also implements an Is method on an error so that an error can post itself as a sentinel even though it’s not a sentinel value:

In the basic implementation above, Is checks and reports if err or any of the errors in its chain are equal to the target, the sentinel value.

The errors.As function provides a way to cast to a specific error type. It looks for the first error in the error chain that matches the sentinel value, and if found, it sets the sentinel value to that error value, returning true :

You can find this code in Go’s source code . Below is the compiler result:

An error matches the sentinel value if the error’s concrete value is assignable to the value pointed to by the sentinel value. As will panic if the sentinel value is not a non-nil pointer to either a type that implements error or to any interface type. As returns false if err is nil .

The Go community has been making impressive strides as of late with support for various programming concepts and introducing even more concise and easy ways to handle errors. Do you have any ideas on how to handle or work with errors that may appear in your Go program? Let me know in the comments below.

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[SOLVED] Getting this error messge using go get hugo

go get -u -v github.com/spf13/hugo github.com/spf13/hugo (download) github.com/spf13/hugo/parser


…/go/src/github.com/spf13/hugo/parser/frontmatter.go:55: assignment count mismatch: 2 = 1

Solved this myself by deleting entire folder contents of /go/src/github.com and then go getting.

This issue is closed.

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go assignment mismatch


stringconv.Atoi などのerrを二つ目の返り値として返してくれる関数を利用する際、errに代入した後使用しないと実行時にエラーが発生します。



このような状況の場合、 _ (アンダースコア)を利用するとエラーが発生しなくなります。

これはGo公式では Blank identifier という名称になっているようです。

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Computer Science > Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Title: finematch: aspect-based fine-grained image and text mismatch detection and correction.

Abstract: Recent progress in large-scale pre-training has led to the development of advanced vision-language models (VLMs) with remarkable proficiency in comprehending and generating multimodal content. Despite the impressive ability to perform complex reasoning for VLMs, current models often struggle to effectively and precisely capture the compositional information on both the image and text sides. To address this, we propose FineMatch, a new aspect-based fine-grained text and image matching benchmark, focusing on text and image mismatch detection and correction. This benchmark introduces a novel task for boosting and evaluating the VLMs' compositionality for aspect-based fine-grained text and image matching. In this task, models are required to identify mismatched aspect phrases within a caption, determine the aspect's class, and propose corrections for an image-text pair that may contain between 0 and 3 mismatches. To evaluate the models' performance on this new task, we propose a new evaluation metric named ITM-IoU for which our experiments show a high correlation to human evaluation. In addition, we also provide a comprehensive experimental analysis of existing mainstream VLMs, including fully supervised learning and in-context learning settings. We have found that models trained on FineMatch demonstrate enhanced proficiency in detecting fine-grained text and image mismatches. Moreover, models (e.g., GPT-4V, Gemini Pro Vision) with strong abilities to perform multimodal in-context learning are not as skilled at fine-grained compositional image and text matching analysis. With FineMatch, we are able to build a system for text-to-image generation hallucination detection and correction.

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False positive Assignment count mismatch #2554


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