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13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family

13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family

5 Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family

8 advantages of living in a joint family.

In India, the system of a joint family hails from the Vedic times and was popular even when the kings ruled this land. Living in a joint family means adjusting with all the uncles, aunts, and cousins. But, growing up with a set of different individuals, sacrificing your needs for the happiness of a loved one, and fighting over little things, pretty much makes you ready for the world. Joint families still prevail in India, but the number has depleted. Let’s find out what are the pros and cons of living in a joint family.

A family is that ‘umbrella’ whose value is not realised until the stormy clouds loom over you. But, when you look up with a hope that someone will come to your rescue, the first silent approaching steps will be of your family members. This is ‘FAMILY’. You grow up together, learn together; agree-disagree; fight and make-up, move on in your lives, but in the end, when you need someone, you know your siblings and your family will be right there.

India has always been known for its rich culture, various languages, and for the system of living in a joint family. A joint family does not only mean a group of people living together, it means that these people are tied with a blood relation and choose to live in a single household for many reasons – sometimes out of will and sometimes because of compulsion. Although the tradition of living in a joint family is shrinking with time, if you go in small cities and village of the country, where the roots of westernisation have still not touched, you will find many families living together as ‘one’ with a Basil/Tulsi plant in their yard. It might seem that you are watching a ’90s movie but it will be there.

With time the culture of living in a joint family is certainly plummeting in huge numbers, but why is that? Have you ever wondered why people now prefer living in nuclear families over a joint family? It is not just about privacy…there are many factors responsible, but are these reasons really justified? Does living alone or with just 2 people make you any happier?

Nuclear families are the deal of the day, there are many reasons for that. Let’s get you acquainted with the cons of living in joint family. It will present a better picture to let you decide if you want to settle for it or not:

1. Privacy is Compromised

Lack of privacy is a common complaint among people who live in a joint family. You are never alone. If you are distressed and want to be alone and cry to let it out, you’d prefer crying in your bed and telling your sad stories to your pillow. But that’s not possible if you are living in a joint family. Everyone knows everything about all the members of the family and this leads to interference in daily matters. More often than not, this interference is not appreciated and people end up hiding things so that others mind their own business. You will always be surrounded by people and they will try to help you for your sake, but sometimes it gets too much.

2. A small Decision Runs by Everyone

The problem of living in a joint family is even a small decision has to go through and get a green signal by every member of the family, particularly the head of the family. Whether it is about going out after 7 at night or a sleepover at a friend’s place. Sometimes, even trivial matters are given so much attention that it annoys you.

3. Financial Responsibility

In a joint family, it is about ‘us’. When it comes to financial responsibility, usually, the ‘Karta’ (the head of the family) handles financial matters while other male members of the family contribute. However, many times it happens that the burden of 2 or more families is on the ‘Karta’ of the family, and other members become idle and the burden on one person only increases.

4. Interference in Parenting

Living in a joint family sometimes deprives you of taking right decisions for your child. As a mother, you might not get to parent your child the way you want to, because there will be others in the house who will keep teaching you about what to do and what not to do. This may create hindrance in your style of parenting and ultimately it fuels your anger.

5. Woes of a Common Kitchen

Generally, in a joint family, all female members cook together and for all. When it comes to food, everyone has different choices and catering to the demands of all often makes them tired. Also, people cannot cook what they want and they have to strictly adhere to the rules of the family. If the family is a vegetarian one, then it will be very difficult to cook an egg or non-vegetarian food in the same kitchen.

These were certain cons of living in a joint family. Of course, living together is difficult because in a joint family you have to put someone else’s needs before yours, you have to compromise but all these situations make you a better person.

Your privacy will be compromised but there is a lot more than it that you will receive living in a joint family that you will always want to live in one. Here are some pros of growing up in a joint family that you would always cherish them:

1. A child is Never Lonely

If you are a working mom living in a joint family, you can rest assured of your child’s daily needs. If you are worried about who will serve him food or take care of him when he is sick, you need not. As you know in a joint family, there will always be people to take good care of him.

2. Happiness Doubles

If you have ever lived in a joint family, you must have experienced that sharing little joys and achievements with your family members makes them so happy. Even small achievements are rejoiced by one and all. And in the moments of sorrow, your family is always there to support you.

3. You Learn The Art of Sharing

If you notice a child raised in a nuclear family and the one raised in a joint family, you will observe difference in their behaviour. A kid brought up with many people is obviously more social but he also has a habit of sharing. Living in a joint family inculcates the habit of sharing from childhood. If your child has a chocolate, he will know that he has to distribute it among his siblings and cousins. As a kid, he might not like to share it, but it only prepares him for the future. The habit of giving and sharing makes you a person who is liked by all. Living in a joint family makes you focus on ‘we’ than on ‘me’.

4. You Learn to Respect

Growing up in a family with so many elders develops a sense of respect for others. Keeping your tongue in check around elders, respecting them, and obeying their commands…somehow shapes your personality. And a person who shows respects and treats others with respect is always appreciated.

5. Education Beyond Books

The education of a child living with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents is not only restricted to academics and school but the horizon of his education is much wider. Living with grandparents, a child gets acquainted with the world of their times. With aunts and uncles, he gets familiar with their struggles. All in all, living in a joint family makes one understand that there is more to education than just school books.

6. Love and Care

The amount of love and care that one receives in a joint family cannot be uttered in words. If you are sick or sad, you will never find yourself alone. There will always be people to take care of you. It is the major benefit of living in a joint family; the love you receive is immeasurable and something you can never pay off.

7. The Feeling of Togetherness

If you live in a joint family, you can be sure that your child will never be bored or feel alone. He will always have cousins as his partners in crime. He will never be deprived of friends as he will always have his cousins to play with. As he grows, his bond with his cousins will only get better. In the lonely crowded world, your child will always have someone to share his problems.

8. One Becomes Socially Adept

A person coming from a joint family knows how to communicate with people of different age groups. Living with elders, siblings/cousins, nephews and nieces moulds his personality. All these basic elements of communication which are necessary for living happily in a society are inculcated in him right from the start when he lives in a joint family.

So, there were some benefits of growing up in a family with different individuals. If you have lived in a nuclear family adjusting with many people will be hard. But, choose wisely. It’s not as bad as you think it to be.

In this modern world, where a family is restricted to just 4 members, living in a joint family will obviously pose a challenge. But, if you want to make your life fun and experience the joy of togetherness, consider living in a joint family. There will be feuds, compromises, sacrifices, but at the end of the day, you will have a lot more people to depend on.

So, make a wise decision and remember that you can always overcome pitfalls with patience and love. After all, a joint family also has some wonderful benefits, especially for your kids whose grandparents adore them!

essay on joint family advantages and disadvantages


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Here Are The Many Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Family

Growing up in a joint family can have a significant influence on a child. So, is a joint family setup the right choice? Examine the characteristics of a joint family and take an informed decision.

Here Are The Many Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Family

The joint family is a beautiful institution—most of us have grown up listening to this idea and believing in it as well. Our movies portray a joint family as one where everyone eats together, laughs together, and supports each other during both good and bad times.

Like every other social system, the joint family system also has its share of advantages and disadvantages. But, the importance of a joint family is still acknowledged by many. Even in this age of the nuclear family, the joint family system exists and remains relevant.

What is a joint family?

In India, a joint family is usually a large undivided family where members of more than one generation live together under one roof (grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, and their children).

As with every system, the family structure is also evolving. Some reasons for this change are scarcity of living space, an increase in the number of households where both partners work, a jump in the number of single parents, and so on. But, even with changing times, a sizable number of Indians still seem to be inclined towards the joint family system.

So, is the joint family a good or bad system? Let's delve deeper to understand what is keeping this old system alive, evolving, and relevant.

Characteristics of a joint family

  • The family is usually headed by the eldest member of the family.
  • The responsibility of making decisions rests with the head of the family, although family members can give suggestions.
  • The family members share a single kitchen
  • All the members are expected to contribute financially towards running the family.
  • All the members have to share the household chores.
  • They should cooperate with and support each other, making the system have its share of both merits and demerits.
  • After marriage, the children also live in the same house along with other family members.

Advantages of a joint family

  • Togetherness : Growing up with cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents gives children the opportunity to connect with everyone and forge close bonds. Especially, the bond with grandparents, which almost every child cherishes. This feature is among the key characteristics of a joint household.
  • Imbibing family values : Many values that parents want to teach children are taught well in the joint household. Growing up together, children learn to share, care for and respect everyone. They also learn how to empathize with those around them.
  • Shared support system : For working parents, who need someone trustworthy to be around their children, this family system is a boon. With uncles, aunts, or grandparents around, who care for children and have their best interest in mind, parents feel less worried. Thus, they have the freedom to make time to socialize, catch up with each other at a private dinner, or hang out with friends.
  • Division of labor : A big family works as a big team, especially when it comes to doing household chores like cooking or cleaning. Family members get together and ensure that tasks are done on time and, sometimes, even before time. As a result, no family member ever feels stressed about work.
  • Financial security : All the earning family members contribute to the common fund for household expenses. This system also acts as a security net. When a member suffers monetary loss or loss of job, others get together to ensure that his or her daily needs are taken care of.

Importance of the joint family

The joint family:

  • Teaches cooperation and optimum use of resources
  • Helps members understand and bond with each other
  • Teaches the concept of "one for all and all for one"
  • Makes elders feel wanted and supported

Disadvantages of a joint family

  • Lack of together time/privacy : With many family members around, the lack of privacy and/or together time, can become an issue. If a particular family member is called up frequently to shoulder responsibilities, it can lead to disharmony in married life. Also, in a joint household, a couple always has to be mindful about being watched and heard when they want to exchange a compliment or a gesture or engage in a discussion or an argument.
  • Decreased freedom to express : A couple, especially a woman, might struggle with finding her comfort zone outside her room. She might not have a say in many aspects like deciding on food choices, decorating the house or even, wearing something that is comfortable for her and stepping out of her room. At times, her ideas may also be dismissed by other family members.
  • Disagreement on finances : Contributions towards running the household and how the money should be spent is a major issue in joint households. While everyone is expected to contribute money towards running the house, it is the head of the family who controls the funds and decides on how the money will be spent. Sometimes, the decisions taken by the head of the family may not go down well with some family members, leading to disagreements and arguments.
  • Conflicts over parenting styles : Parenting becomes a challenge in a big family. Many adults with differing styles may bombard parents with advice on what to do and what not. There might be interference in almost everything related to childcare and upbringing, right from the use of diapers to food to disciplining. For a new mom, such intrusions can prove to be even more confusing and upsetting.
  • Discontent and distress : Over a period, all or some of the above factors might lead to discontent and unhappiness among members of the family. Along with these, even trivial issues like not being able to make a dish as per one's own recipe or inviting a friend over for a birthday bash can snowball into a confrontation. At times, a family member may try to take undue advantage of others, which can also cause immense frustration. Also, those who earn more than others may try to dominate, leading to friction among family members.

The HUF Act

The relevance of the joint family is supported by the HUF (Hindu Undivided Family) Act in India. This law states that a Hindu family can come together and create a HUF. However, all the members of a HUF should descend from a common ancestor. Along with other advantages, a HUF also enjoys tax benefits. Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs can also form a HUF.

Preferred family structure

No family system in the world is perfect, and the same is true for a joint family. However, there are families that make the system work by demarcating responsibilities and duties, respecting each other, and being generous and helpful. In the end, it boils down to what we want for ourselves and our children, and what is feasible.

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Nuclear Family vs Joint Family Essay

Mostly, there are two types of the family i.e. Joint family and Nuclear family, joint family systems are very ancient in the society of India.

Many differences are found in various religions, castes in terms of property rights, marriage, divorce etc. Yet the ideal of joint family is acceptable.

The reason for joint family in India lies in ancient traditions and ideals in addition to the economy of the farming.

This ideal is transmitted to the people through the epic of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but nowadays people are living in single family.

Prior to single family people lived together in joint family, there was a head in the joint family, whom everyone believed.

Joint families are ending nowadays and there has been an increase in single-family due to many reasons.

Nuclear Family vs. Joint Family Essay:

A typical single family is a husband, a wife, some children, the number of members in a nuclear family is very small.

In the joint family system, the number of dependents living under the roof is very large.

The grandparents, married brothers, sisters, son’s wives, grandchildren, grandchildren, other dependents and relatives living in a joint family.


The responsibility of one nuclear family rests on the couple.

The joint family system places a responsibility on the head of the family, trains elderly youth for various occupations, marries them, gives them the start of life, and takes care of the frail and the old.

Binding of unity and affection:

Compared to the nuclear family, there are higher bonds of unity and affection between members of each other family and relationships in a joint family.

In a joint family, the prosperity and adversity of the family are shared equally.

A subsistence single family is dependent on the spouse or both.

A joint family system ensures the least subsistence of all family members

In single family, young couples get more freedom, they can do the things they love freely.

They can also take a risk with their money and demonstrate their commercial nature.

In joint family, individuals get less independence.

Family members have joint rights in family property and property, there is less potential for personality development.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint family Vs Nuclear Family Essay:

Experience and self-reliance:

In joint family i.e. where there are experienced married couple as parents who can give good advice to new couple.

Other experienced and intelligent members like grandparents, uncles and aunts can also help the new couple to manage with those problems.

Along with this, the attitude of looking at domestic problems in the joint family is also different.

Others get experience in joint family, so that you can solve problems easily and correctly, such as raising children, solving financial and marital problems.

On the other hand, in a single family, the couple has the freedom to make decisions themselves.

In a single family, the couple can make all the rules, rituals or traditions according to their own this creates self-sufficiency in them.

Raising children:

Raising children in a joint family is satisfactory, but it is difficult to teach them discipline because there are many instructors.

But in a single family it is easy to discipline a child because the children get all the instructions from their parents only.

In such a situation, the child easily accepts everything from the parents and behaves properly.

Everyone’s loneliness:

A child living in a single family feels lonely because he has no siblings to play as a joint family.

In distinction, this does not happen in a joint family.

Many times in single family parents are making mistakes, then there is no one to fix it, which has a bad effect on the upbringing of children.

Outside interference:

A single family is a separate couple family that survives the hassle of other reforms.

Due to lack of members and no interference in a family, the couple get a chance to understand each other.

All members in the joint family help each other. For example, you will also get support from other members of the household in handling the newborn.

Status of women:

The condition of women in the joint family is not very good, it only lives in the kitchen and the education of children, whereas in a single family, women have the right to live their own life.




There are various advantages and disadvantages of joint family as well as single-family, but in the end, it is entirely up to you in which circumstances you want to raise your life and your children.

There is nothing right or wrong, some people prefer to live in single family and some in joint family.

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Joint Family | Advantages & Disadvantages | Essay

December 10, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Joint family can be defined as a place or unit where the grandparents, father, mother, sons, daughters, grandchildren, uncles, aunts stay together. Family is very important in our life. It means everything to us. Our needs are fulfilled by our family. They support us during both our happy and sad times.

No matter what happens our family will always be there beside us. They take care of us every day. We grow and develop with the different values taught in our family. When we are small children, our parents and elders sacrifice for us so that our needs are fulfilled and we stay happy.

They do a lot for us. So, we should always respect our family and love them. We should take care of them when needed and always obey them. We should always remain united with the family and help any of the members in need.  

Family may of different forms. Some of them are joint family, nuclear family, extended family, single parent family etc. These days all of them are popular.  

Table of Contents

What is joint family?  

Joint family is very rare in the present day. Its existence is decreasing with time. But we can still see some joint families in a few areas. Joint family refers to the family where three or more generations stay together. Like the family includes the grandparents, their children and their grandchildren.

Everyone stay under the same roof with a common property, rights and obligations. In a joint family, all the members eat, pray and celebrate together. They are always there for each other. In a joint family, the grandfather or the eldest male member is the head. He is the one who takes all the major decisions of the family. His decision is always taken into consideration.   

Why is joint family important?  

A joint family has several advantages. In a joint family, the wealth is distributed equally among all the members. Even if any of the members earn more than the other, still the wealth is given equally to all. There is economy and expenditure in this type of family.

This means that all the necessary items and resources that the family needs is bought as a whole not for a single person. All the members contribute equally for the expenditures. Only one member who earns the highest does not take the burden of paying for everyone.   

There is social security in a joint family. For example: If a member of the family falls sick or meets with accident or is disturbed by any problem, the entire family takes care of the member. Only one person is not responsible to take care of that person.

Or if the eldest member of the family is retired, he does not have to worry anymore because the family is there to take care. As there are three or more generations in a joint family, the children get to learn different values and culture from everyone.

This way even the culture of the family is carried forward. The children are loved and taken care of equally. The parents do not have to worry about their children when they go to work because the grandparents are there to take care of them. If any one member from the family need financial help or suggestions for job or to start a business, all the members contribute to solve the problem. All the works are divided equally.  

Staying in a joint family everyone learns to share things rather than being selfish and helping each other in need. The family celebrates together during the festivals. They enjoy and have fun together. The children get to study and play together. The family is always there to support. They spend quality time together.  

Disadvantages of a joint family  

Every single thing on this earth will have disadvantages along with its advantages. So, even a joint family has many disadvantages. There is no individuality. Due to this a member cannot focus to develop one’s own personality. The personal development is hindered.

There is no privacy. They do not have much freedom. In a joint family, all the members contribute equally for the family. But some of the members may become lazy to contribute and work hard. They know even if they do not work hard, still they will get everything in front of them.

Every person has different personality, opinions and the way to understand things which may create conflict. The members of the family earn different.

Some may have a high income while some may earn less. Due to this there are chances of being jealous with each other. In most of the joint families, women are not allowed to work outside. Their life is just about the household chores.   

As there are three or more generations staying together, there is age difference among the members of the people. Due to this age difference there are changes of conflict to take place.

This might happen because the elders or the old members of the family may not be ready to adapt the changes like the young people. Sometimes a single person is burdened with a lot of work. As the eldest male member of the people takes all the major decisions, the members may start to fight because they do not support a particular decision.

Sometimes the parents feel that their children are not able to get sufficient love, care and necessary facilities. The reason behind this is that there are so many people to take care due to which the children are suffering.  

Does joint family still exist?  

The visibility of joint family in the present day is very less compared to before. There are many reasons to the less visibility of joint family. The family might have separated due to urbanization, search for proper education and job, to get all the necessary facilities etc.

There must have been troubles in the family due to which they had to settle somewhere else. Due to over population there might be less space for everyone to stay and live. This is another reason contributing to disintegration of the family.

The members of the family do not like to make adjustment for someone else. In most of the joint families, women are allowed to study further or even if they study it is of no importance. But her education is necessary for the upbringing of the children. So, the women of today after marriage are staying separately with their husband.   

As the number of joint families is decreasing, this is giving birth to other forms of family like nuclear family, single parent family etc. These forms of family might be a benefit for some but the advantages which a joint family has can never be replaced.  

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family  

Get the information you need before planning to have a big family.

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Image: Shutterstock

Joint families are like music with high and low notes. If you want to know the advantages and disadvantages of a joint family, this post will help. One of the plus points for children who grow up in joint families is to make close bonds with their family members besides their siblings and parents.

Despite the recent trend of nuclear families and growing urbanization, many still prefer joint families for various reasons . In this post, we talk about some advantages and disadvantages of a joint family.

10 Advantages Of Being In A Joint Family

A joint family has more people than a nuclear family, and hence, the perks and benefits are multiplied. Listed here are a few benefits you can reap by being part of a joint family.

1. Shared chores

A family is like a big team, a collaboration where everyone plays their part. You don’t have to do everything on your own. Household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, washing, or buying groceries, will be shared by family members, thereby lessening the burden on one individual.

Growing up together in a joint family , children learn the division of labor and work together to achieve a common goal . In the long run, working together as a team is an upside as it will help children hone social skills and learn teamwork, a crucial aspect of their overall personality development.

2. Sharing becomes a habit

In a joint family, one learns to accommodate others and share what they have. In a joint family, people do things together. They share the expenses, groceries, household appliances, and furnishings with the rest of the family. Kids are encouraged to share whatever they get with their siblings as well as cousins . The concept of ’sharing is caring’ becomes the norm in a joint family, it leads to one’s betterment, making every individual less self-centered and more generous.

3. Less financial stress as everyone contributes

One of the ground rules in a joint family system is that members should share the financial expenses equally . This is one of the bonus points of living in a joint family. Every earning member contributes to the family’s larger goals, including house maintenance, grocery spending, rents, monthly power, and water bills so that a single individual does not feel the burden. Each member tries their best to provide all they can for the people in their family financially.

4. Stronger emotional bond

In a nuclear family, you may rarely meet your cousins, grandparents, or even parents and siblings with whom you share a strong bond. One of the positives of living in a joint family is that you get to spend a lot of time together, strengthening the relationships among all members. A joint family system creates a strong bond of unity at an early age.

5. Family values

Image: IStock

In a joint family, the value system becomes the core. Elders follow certain principles, and children may naturally inherit the value system. Children learn the lessons of ethics and morality under the guidance of the elders. Another merit of a joint family is if something goes against the family values, the elders correct it immediately, ensuring that the family’s values are not compromised.

6. Good support system

For many, home is not just a place; it’s an emotion. It’s their comfort zone, their go-to destination at the end of a day. A joint family home is filled with people who love and support you, giving you the strength for all your endeavors. All individuals are committed to safeguarding each other’s welfare. A home with compassionate aunts, uncles, and grandparents can be comforting and helpful when dealing with a financial or emotional crisis. An added feature of a joint-family home is the sense of community and belonging it provides.

7. Improved social skills

No two people are the same, even though they belong to the same family. You will find members with different personalities, likes, dislikes, and temperaments in a joint family. You cannot deal with every member of the family in the same manner. You adapt yourself to communicate or work together with each individual according to their style. This also gives you a unique perspective towards life and people, thus improving your social skills and acumen, which are essential when you have to deal with others outside your home.

An important social skill is teamwork. Ankur Kashyap, in his blog ’My experience of growing up in a joint family’, says “I have apple orchards at my hometown in Shimla. I remember we all family members together used to do all apple related work by ourselves. Your work gets divided when you work together. No matter how tough or complicated the work is, if you work as a team, you can easily complete that work ( i ).”

8. Practical lessons

Elders of the family can be the repository of knowledge and wisdom, and their usefulness cannot be overstated. When you live in a joint family, the insight you gain from the elders is something that you may not even find in self-help books. Grandparents with vast experience, judgment, and knowledge can guide you in transforming your life.

9. Quality time with the family

The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us to value life, family, and health. Mother Nature pushed us back to where we belong – our home and our family. More people could spend quality time with their families, as they went back to their hometowns owing to the lockdown. Children couldn’t go to school, but they learned a lot from their parents.

In a joint family, the learning multiplies as children get to spend such quality time with their parents and their grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. Joint families let you have good times and create memories every day, with or without the pandemic.

10. Love and bonding

When you’re living in a joint family, your kids are never alone, which means you don’t have to rely on babysitters to take care of them while you go to work. They are always in safe hands and will be taken care of with love and affection.

10 Disadvantages Of Living In A Joint Family

The joint family system comes with certain disadvantages too. Discussed here are a few negative sides of living in a joint family.

1. Lack of privacy

In a joint family, privacy could be the biggest causality. A newlywed couple may not get enough space and time to talk, considering the many people around them. People who love their independence may feel claustrophobic living with so many new people.

A personal matter could become the entire family’s business, and there could be too many interventions or interference than one may like. Younger family members may not get TV privileges, with the older ones always around. You might miss sharing the same couch to binge watch TV shows during your weekends; you may not be able to cook together and eat alone.

2. Personal preferences may take a back seat

You may want to decorate the home as per your taste. You may want new furniture or home appliances, but you may not have the freedom to get what you want or deck the house as you wish. Even a simple thing like wanting something specific to eat could become difficult when you have to consider what the rest of the family members like or don’t like.

3. Single point of control

The head of the family is usually in charge of everything in a joint family. In such a set-up, you may feel dependent on others and that others are controlling your life . Living in a joint family could be difficult if you are an independent person.

4. Parenting style issues

Although children learn from the wisdom and knowledge of elders, there could be some interference in your parenting style. Members of the family could interfere with your choice of food for the children. A lot of advice, do’s, and don’ts may come your way. This could make you feel uncomfortable if you prefer to bring up your children in your own way.

5. Difference of opinion

Clash of ideas or opinions could be quite common when you’re surrounded by different individuals. Every individual has an opinion, and it may be hard to convince everyone in the family to agree with it. If your idea is not valued, you may feel offended. This could lead to conflict, misunderstanding and may add some edge between you and the members of the family.

6. No preference for individual decisions

Individual decisions have no place in a joint family. You have to heed to the family’s collective decision, which can sometimes mean that you have to sacrifice your personal choices or preferences.

7. Financial differences

Differences may crop up over the earning potential of family members as one individual may earn more than the other. Consequently, the member who makes less contributes less to the family’s expenses, which could lead to conflict in who has a say in these matters and eventually, lead to differences.

8. Less modern approach

Joint families are often a mix of individuals with conservative and modern outlook. In a joint family, it is not uncommon to witness a clash between the orthodox opinions of the elderly versus the modern perspective of the younger generation. Often, the older people in the family have the last word, and they hold on to their set approach, giving little chance for the younger members to express their viewpoint. This could be a source of disturbance in the family.

9. Not everyone feels responsible

A joint family works on the basis of collective or shared responsibility. Unemployed members can put pressure on family expenses. Some members may not be responsible enough to contribute to the family’s larger goals, and the earning family members could feel its pinch. The shifting of the financial burden to one or a few individuals could create some disturbance and conflict in the family.

10. Might affect the personality

There is little scope for independent thinking as the elders of the family take a call on everything. As a result, individuals who follow the elders’ diktat may remain mere followers and could never get a chance to unlock their true potential or follow their passion.

Due to the need for more independence and addressing their own needs, people tend to move out of joint families while still keeping in touch with them. This has led to the growth of nuclear families, with more and more joint families disintegrating due to various factors, including migration for jobs and better living.

The choice of living in a joint family mostly depends on how well you can adjust. This type of family set up works well for individuals who can adapt to any situation and accommodate all kinds of people. If you believe in greater independence and self-sufficiency, then a nuclear family may work well for you.

Why Are People Moving From Joint Families To Nuclear Families?

Several factors influence the transition to nuclear families:

1. Urban employment opportunities: Better job opportunities attract individuals to move away from joint families and pursue their careers in growing cities. 2. Individual independence: The desire to establish independence is one key factor. Many individuals choose nuclear families to pursue personal interests, careers, or businesses, deviating from traditional family professions. 3. Equality in nuclear families: Nuclear families often promote gender equality, allowing both men and women to make decisions and lead independent lives. This contrasts with traditional setups where roles may be predefined. 4. Autonomy and decision-making: In nuclear families, individuals are free to make decisions without interference from extended family members. This autonomy is valued as people seek to live life on their own terms. 5. Personal lifestyle choices: People desire the freedom to shape their lifestyles according to their preferences. Living in nuclear families allows them to make choices without external imposition.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the characteristics of a joint family?

Some of the characteristics of a joint family are a shared kitchen, joint property, and large family size with at least three generations living together. Joint families also generally have common worship, a firm head of the family, shared responsibilities, and a common and shared wallet for household expenses.

2. How do you introduce a joint family?

When introducing a joint family to a new person, begin by introducing the heads of the family, generally the grandparents, followed by the parents, other elders, and then siblings and cousins.

3. How can I address issues related to privacy and personal space in a joint family?

Have a respectful and open conversation to communicate your concerns and privacy needs. Call for a family meeting and discuss different options to help everyone have their personal space within the home, such as designated private zones and time when the members can engage in independent activities. Additionally, use dividers or curtains to enhance privacy and go for walks to have some me-time.

4. What are some strategies for effective communication in a joint family

One way to communicate effectively in a joint family is by having daily meals together while sharing each other’s experiences of the day. You may also host family meetings to discuss vacation plans, upcoming birthdays, and anniversaries. Furthermore, take time to sit and talk with each other at least once a day to create a comfortable environment for each other to seek and provide support in times of need.

5. How can I adjust to living in a joint family, especially if I am used to living in a nuclear family?

You may begin with understanding the dynamics of the members in the joint family and gradually get to know each one. Try to understand their perspectives and respect their values and traditions. However, you should also respectfully establish your personal boundaries to avoid arguments and misunderstandings. Although it may seem difficult initially, be adaptable and try to find common ground to spend quality time and foster closer relationships.

Families play a crucial role in our lives. Unfortunately, as people become more isolated and disconnected from even their closest relatives, joint families have become a rare occurrence. In contrast to nuclear families, joint families are larger in size and live together under one roof.

Infographic: Ways To Strengthen Bonds In A Joint Family

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Get the high-quality PDF version of this infographic.

Key Pointers

  • Compared to a nuclear family, a joint family nurtures an emotional bond and teaches sharing between the members.
  • Staying in a joint family could compromise privacy and financial insecurities.
  • Knowing the pros and cons could help you decide about living in a joint family.

Image: Dall·E/MomJunction Design Team

Personal Experience: Sources

i. My experience of growing up in a joint family;

  • Fact-checker

Dr Nisha Khanna PhD

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Joint Family Advantages and Disadvantages

15 Joint Family Advantages and Disadvantages-Real Experience

I lived in a joint family for 21 years until I joined my job and moved to a different city. Hence, this article on Joint family advantages and disadvantages is written with practical experiences, not a theoretical write-up like hundreds of articles available on the internet.

I request you post your opinion in the comments – it helps me and other readers to understand if the details shared in this article are true or not. Feel free to criticize if you think there is something wrong.

I personally feel that lot of anti-social things are happening in the society because of the broken families. Will there be any frustrated teenagers who carry guns to school if they have parents and grandparents looking after their behavioral growth? Bullying and depression among children can be reduced if they get a good joint family system.

Joint Family doesn’t mean they live under one roof, they live under one value system.

Article Contents

A Brief About My Joint Family

My father has 3 brothers and he is the 3rd son of my grandparents. Each couple has 2 children. So, it’s a total of 4 couples of 8 children plus my grandparents (a total of 18 people) living together in a big house for over 20 years.

The joint family concept is very popular in India. People are following this concept since the Vedic times. It was even popular when the British were ruling our land. Joint families have various advantages and disadvantages . Not everything suits everyone. If you are living in a joint family, then you need to adjust with your aunts, uncles, and cousins.

However, there can be many advantages to living with different individuals. You need to sacrifice your needs. Also, you can fight over small things with your cousins. Joint families are still very popular in India. However, the number of joint families is decreasing very rapidly.

A family is very important for everyone. We don’t understand the value of family until we are going through tough times . If someone will come to your rescue, then it will be your family members first. You grow up with your cousins. Sometimes you might even fight with time. After some time you will eventually move on with your lives. However, you know that your family and cousins will always help you in tough times.

Happy Family

India is famous due to its rich culture. Many people think that a joint family only means that a group of people is living under the same roof. However, these people are actually tied by blood relations. The tradition of the joint family is decreasing with time.

You will find that many families in the villages are still living together. However, this concept is slowly shrinking in urban areas . There are various factors behind this phenomenon. Sometimes people want to live alone. However, can you stay happy if you are not living with your family? In this article, we are going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Joint family

Joint Family vs Nuclear Family LinkedIn Survey Results

We have conducted a survey on LinkedIn to understand what people prefer between a joint family and a nuclear family. The results are interesting – 60% preferred joint family and 40% preferred nuclear family.

  • More women preferred the nuclear family than women who preferred a joint family.
  • More men preferred joint family than the men who preferred nuclear family.

Joint Family vs Nuclear Family LinkedIn Survey Results

Which Type of Family Do You Prefer?

Please let us know which type of family do you prefer by voting below.

Joint Family Poll

Which type of Family do you prefer?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family – Comparison List

10 advantages of joint family.

There are many advantages to living in a joint family. Some of the benefits of living in a joint family are:

1. Your child will never feel lonely

A joint family is perfect for children. You can easily go to work without worrying about your child’s needs. Your family will serve him food. Also, they will take good care of them. Your child can also play with his cousins. Thus, he will never feel lonely in your house. He will always have permanent friends.

2. You will learn the importance of sharing

Kids Sharing and Caring Each Other

You will notice many differences between the children that are raised in a joint family and in a nuclear family. If your child is raised in a joint family, then he will be more social. Also, he will have a very good habit of sharing things. They share their things with their cousins. Thus, they have a habit of sharing since childhood.

Your child will share his chocolate with his siblings before eating it. He might not like sharing things with his cousins. However, this will prepare him for the real world. If you are sharing your things, then people will automatically like you. The joint family will help you in understanding the importance of “we”.

3. You will respect everyone

If you are growing up in a joint family, then you will automatically start respecting everyone. You will live with so many elders. Thus, you will have a habit of keeping your tongue in check. Also, you will obey their commands and respect them. This will shape your overall personality. Everyone likes people who respect them.

4. Togetherness

If you are living in a joint family, then you will never feel alone. Your children will also never feel bored. They can always play with their siblings. Your children will never feel alone. They will always have their cousins. In this big world, your children will always have a best friend. They can easily share their problems with their cousins. Also, their cousins will always have their back.

5. Family Values

Values are very important for every child. Every parent wants to teach good value to their children. However, this can be very hard if you are living in a nuclear family. You need to attend the office for earning money. Thus, you won’t have time to spend with your children.

If you are living with a joint family, then your children will automatically learn family values. They will learn important values like caring and sharing. Also, they will respect everyone.

old joint family photo

6. Education Beyond textbooks

Your children will learn many amazing things from their aunts, cousins, grandparents, and uncles. They will not be restricted to academic books only. These books will only help them in scoring good marks . However, these books won’t help them in real life.

If your children are living with your parents, then they will learn about their time. They will learn about their struggles. Thus, they will understand that school books are not everything. There are many things that matter in life.

7. Support System

If you are a working parent, then the joint family is a boon for you. You will always have someone trustworthy in your house. They will take care of your children. Your uncle, parents, and aunts will take care of your child. Thus, you don’t need to worry about their safety.

This will give more freedom to parents. They can socialize with other people. Also, they can go for a private dinner without worrying about their child.

8. Financial Security

If you are living in a joint family, then all the earning members will help you in handling the household expenses. Thus, you don’t need to worry about paying all the bills. Also, this system will act as a security net. If someone is suffering monetary loss, then other family members will help them.

9. Care and Love

You will receive a lot of love and care if you are living in a joint family. If you are feeling sad, then your family members will help you. You will never feel alone. Your family members will act as your support system.

If you are sick, then your family members will take care of you. You can never experience this if you are living alone. The amount of love that you will receive in a joint family is immeasurable.

joint family walking on grass

10. You will become Socially Adept

If you are living in a joint family, then you will automatically learn how to communicate with other people. Your cousins, nephews, and elders will mold your child’s personality. They will know how to effectively communicate with other people. Thus, your children will easily mold into society. They can easily make new friends.

5 Disadvantages of Joint Family

Nuclear families are becoming more common with time. There are some disadvantages to living in a joint family. Thus, many people are living in nuclear families now. We are going to talk about the biggest disadvantages of a joint family.

1. Lack of privacy

This is the biggest disadvantage of living in a joint family. If you are living in a joint family, then your privacy will be compromised. You will never be alone in your house. If you are feeling lonely, then you might want to cry on your bed. However, this is not possible in a joint family.

couple walking on beach

Every family member knows everything about other family members. Thus, they might sometimes interfere in your daily matters. Most people don’t want any interference in their daily matters.

People don’t want to share every secret with their family members. Your family members will always try to help you. However, this can be annoying sometimes.

2. Interference in Parenting

If you are living in a large family, then parenting will be a difficult task for you. Your family members might interfere with your parenting style. They will advise you about what to do. This can be very annoying for new moms. They might become confused due to these tips.

3. Disagreement on finances

There can also be disagreement on finances. Everyone will contribute to the household fund. However, the head of your family will control these funds. They will decide on how to spend this money.

Sometimes other members don’t like the decisions of the head of the family. Thus, this might lead to arguments and disagreements. Also, sometimes the head of the family has to handle the burden of 2 families. Thus, they need to deal with a lot of financial pressure.

4. Disagreement on Cooking and Shopping Matters

In almost all joint families, all women cook together for all the family members. Everyone has their own preferences because of tastes, cooking style,s and health reasons. This would create some discussions and disagreements among the women.

Also, shopping matters would also create differences among the family members, especially women. You cannot create an equal budget for all women to buy whatever they like. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. The gender, generation, and education gaps play a very important role.

5. Collective Decision Making

Collective decision-making has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is very beneficial if all the family members sit together and take everyone’s opinion for any important event like marriage, new business etc.

At the same time, it would be frustrating if this has to be done for small things like movie, picnic etc. Do you think this is a real disadvantage of a joint family?

Infographic : Tips for Love and Bonding in Joint Families

I have created a simple infographic to show you some tips to increase love and bonding in joint families.

Tips for Love and Bonding in Joint Families

Why are Joint Families Declining?

Joint families are declining in most cultures across the world due to two main reasons – employment opportunities in other places and independent thought processes.

Urban Employment Opportunities:

The increased number of employment opportunities in urban areas is one of the main reasons why people leave their ancestors and their properties to live in small rented apartments in the growing cities.

Individual Thought Process:

The thought process of proving themselves as an independently successful person is also a reason for many to part ways from their joint families. This could be because of their individual interests in jobs, business, etc. They may not be interested in continuing their traditional family professions.

joint family advantages and disadvantages

Joint Families in USA

Surprisingly, according to the results of a study by  Pew Research Center  , the number of joint families in the USA is increasing in this century as compared to the previous century. The main reasons for this are the availability of social security for elders, increased unemployment in the younger generation, and rising costs. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are around 3 million grandparents raising their grandchildren in the USA.

These were the advantages and disadvantages of living in a joint family. If you are living in a nuclear family, then it will be very difficult to adjust to a joint family. Most families are restricted to only 4 members only. However, many families are still living together in small villages and cities.

There are many advantages to living in a joint family. Your children will never feel alone in a joint family. There will be many sacrifices and arguments. However, you can always depend on your family.

The disadvantages of joint families are also discussed in detail above. It is an individual’s thought process and choice.

Humans are social animals and dependent beings. The question is about how much social and how much dependent. With each generation and financial independence, we are becoming less social and less emotionally dependent on others. We are learning to cherish individuality. This is leading to nuclear families.

Please let me know what advantages and disadvantages of joint families you agree with and do not agree with. We can have a great discussion on this very important topic.

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Very detailed information given. It is individual’s choice but we live in a society. Families are the pillars of society.

Information has been given in a very concise manner. I personally am from a nuclear family and feel that it has its equal pros too.

Hey, to be honest, I loved the way you’ve shaped this post. It is not only written in simple language that can be understood by people who have not done their Masters in English Literature but also in a friendly style. I have always loved to read your blog posts and hence I keep coming back for more. Everytime I visit your website, I am always welcomed with a new interesting post. Thanks. Keep them coming!

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10 Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family!

Hey my reader friend, why do you want to know the advantages and disadvantages of joint family?

The nuclear family, and joint family, and their pros and cons are a few famous topics in the essay writing space. Unfortunately, these topics are too formalized and restricted to writing essays and giving talks on the stages on special occasions.

What if we simplify these concepts and see how they are related to our daily lives? Is there a possibility of eliminating the disadvantages of a big family?

Let us try to find answers to such basic questions in this blog post. Read till the end to avoid the possibility of missing some important points that may help you to get new insights.

Table of Contents

How to Understand The Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family?


Before we directly jump into the pros and cons of big families, it’s important to know the contexts behind them. There are differences in interpreting a situation between an extremely suffering person, a casually bored one, a person who doesn’t want to leave the comfort zone at all, and another who wants to explore new possibilities, etc.

Hence, considering both the individual and family standpoints will help you to understand the merits and demerits of joint families in a better way.

Now we have set the foundation correctly, Let’s begin;


1. the feeling of security:.


Our actions are naturally based on confidence when we feel secure. One way to feel secure is to be surrounded by people.

Especially, children are the one who needs such security at least in their early stage of life. The study “ Children’s Security in the Context of Family Instability and Maternal Communications ” has reported that;

” For children, the family is the primary source of protection and stability. When the family context is instead associated with chaos and unpredictability, children may be left with a lack of confidence in the family as able to provide a predictable, secure environment”.

As there are more members in a joint family, the possibility of being in a secure environment increases. This is also beneficial to those who feel lonely very often.

2. Availability of Helping Hands:


Mutually helping is a common activity in a friendly and healthy relationship.

Here are a few points on how the joint family is beneficial in terms of the availability of helping hands.

  • Helping on health-related issues: If any of the family members have some health issues, there are people to show some care and concern. For instance- the help may be as simple as reminding and giving medicine to a bedridden family member.
  • Helping in kitchen works: In big families, there is more kitchen-related work. So generally women do get help from other members of the family. Helping in washing the dishes, and chopping vegetables are a couple of tasks that could be named here. Of course, you can not ignore the fact that we can not find this kind of benefit in all joint families.
  • Looking after the babies: living in a friendly joint family is one of the noticeable benefits to parents who have a small baby. The other experienced parents of the family help in calming down the baby while it cries or looking after it whenever there is a need.

3. Joint Family Helps to Understand The Value of Sharing:


True sharing is a way to feel happy . Because it prevents us from being unnecessarily selfish.

A large number of members and various situations provide opportunities to share in a joint family. Then what are those sharing items or opportunities?

  • House/ space
  • Wealth or equivalents
  • Time and Energy

You can even say that “a joint family helps to learn the art of sacrificing”. The art here is to understand the difference between necessary and unnecessary sacrificing.

4. It’s a Good Emotional Support:


How to control emotions in relationships and family matters is a challenging question for almost everyone.

Here comes the advantage of collective families. Usually, there are at least one or two members who can deal with situations objectively. Such members help others to manage their emotions in situations like career losses, bad health, misunderstandings in relations, etc.

5. It Provides Good Learning Opportunities:

A joint family is a mini-society in itself. So it provides great learning opportunities under the same roof.

Let’s consider a few among them;

a. Relationship Management:

Generally, people and conflicts go together. There are various types of relationships and more members in a mutual family. There is a major difference in roles and responsibilities, needs, wants, and requirements of members. It demands good people skills to manage all relationships and the entire family in the right way.

b. Wealth Management:

The requirements and the movement of money in big families are high. Here the elder members are conscious of the difference between needs and wants. Identifying ways of wealth creation, prioritizing the order expenses and many other skills can be directly learned being in a joint family.

c. Leader vs Labour:

Giving and receiving orders/instructions is common in every family. The frequency and number of instructions are naturally high in big families. This helps you to understand yourself in terms of a leader, only labor or the possibility of a good combination of having both qualities.

d. The Value of Branding:

Irrespective of the scale of publicity of the family, it’s every member’s responsibility to manage if not grow the values, good qualities, the name, morals, and ethics of the joint family. Elder members are skilled in executing and monitoring these family branding-related matters.

Now don’t get me wrong by saying “These are only commerce subjects, what about others?”

Cooking-related secrets, basic first aid skills, communication tricks , and many more subjects can be learned while living in collective families. Though these opportunities may exist in small families as well, the situation and its repetitiveness are different in big families.

Before we move on I would like to mention a quote published by The Hindu ( in “ Famous quotes on education “, that is;

“Liberty without Learning is always in peril and Learning without Liberty is always in vain.” John F. Kennedy


1. noisy family environment:.


If you’re a person who likes to spend time alone, then the joint family is disadvantageous to you. One, or the other topic keeps on wandering among a large number of members in such big families.

It becomes hard to differentiate the necessary and unnecessary topics in a collective family. The volume of various issues and the wide range of relationships make it difficult to handle easily.

This noisy environment leads to giving unnecessary suggestions and interfering in everyone’s personal space.

2. Dominance of Authority:


Yes! We can not deny the fact that it is challenging to manage a big group of people in a family. But when the elder members or people who handle the major responsibility of the family miss use the power, it turns into a disadvantage to others to live in such a family.

A few areas in which the authority reflects are;

  • No freedom to ask questions about family culture, rules, and regulations. Irrespective of their relevancy, members must follow whatever parameters have been set by the elders or the previous generation.
  • Following a particular dress code.
  • Restrictions to maintain a particular food culture.
  • Lack of freedom for young members to create and build their careers.

3. Difficulty of Solving Conflicts:


Every human being wishes to be in a conflict-free state of mind . Achieving this while living in a combined family is a great challenge.

Different needs, requirements, opposite opinions, and a lack of flexible mindset of members disturb the unitary movement of the family. This happens even in the micro family of just two persons. But complexity is greater in macro families because of the added number of members in it.

To name a few- conflicts of taste and preferences related to food, wealth distribution-related matters, and clashes between children which carryforwards to elder members. Conflicts may start on these occasions and reflect in a different way like in the above image. All these are the barriers to solving joint family problems .

4. Problem of Inequality:


The size and its complexity of issues make it difficult to bring equality in various aspects in a big family.

Here are some examples of situations where you can find inequality;

  • Treating the family children unequally.
  • Every member is not ready to take and handle the responsibility equally.
  • Gender discrimination in terms of defined works.

Of course, I’m not talking about mathematical equality here. It is mostly impossible to achieve in any family for that matter. However, inequality by dominance and ignorance are the main factors that affect the growing children of the family as well.

5. Over-Rated Family Name:


There are downsides to living in well-known joint families. It feels a burden when a member of such a family wants to live as he/she wants to. It creates pressure to act in a defined way and prevents creativity.

On the other side, many known joint family members use their family names to play power games. I mean, to influence surrounding people in a wrong way or to mislead the public at large.

Again, though this issue can be seen even in a small family, the impact and the intensity are much greater in big families. That makes all the difference.

Is it Possible to Eliminate Disadvantages in a Joint Family?

It can not be answered as yes or no directly. Because the question is subject to the following factors;

  • Who wants to eliminate the disadvantages- Young members of a joint family may not be able to do so due to the lack of decision-making ability and power.
  • Inter-dependent nature of the disadvantages- For instance, the possibility of eliminating authoritative disadvantage is linked to the problem of inequality.
  • Patience to work on long-term solutions- Finding ways to eliminate the disadvantages, requires a great deal of patience, interest, and intensity.

It’s easier said than done. A passionate person may eliminate the disadvantages to a large extent. Even if he/she fails to eliminate the drawbacks, he/she’ll succeed in managing them efficiently and effortlessly.


The size of the family has a major impact on the advantages and disadvantages of a joint family. To keep it simple yet useful, I have considered only the main points in this blog post.

Benefits mentioned above such as the availability of helping hands, knowing the value of sharing, and learning opportunities are unique in themselves. Similarly, the noisy environment, the problem of inequality, and the difficulty of solving conflicts are the major drawbacks of living in a big family.

You and I have also tried to examine the possibility of the elimination of disadvantages where we find it is subject to a few conditions.

Is there anything else you would like to add? Comment your reply.

Do not forget to share this blog post with those to whom this may be beneficial.


Table of Contents

Benefits of Living in a Joint Family

A child is never lonely.

On the off chance that you are a functioning mother living in a joint family, you can have confidence of your kid’s every day needs. In the event that you are stressed over who will serve him food or deal with him when he is debilitated, you need not. As you probably are aware in a joint family, there will consistently be individuals to take great consideration of him.

Satisfaction Doubles

In case you have at any point lived in a joint family, you probably encountered that sharing little delights and accomplishments with your relatives makes them so cheerful. Indeed, even little accomplishments are cheered by everyone. What’s more, at the times of distress, your family is consistently there to help you.

You Learn the Art of Sharing

In the event that you notice a kid brought up in a family unit and the one brought up in a joint family, you will notice distinction in their conduct. A child raised with numerous individuals is clearly more friendly however he likewise has a propensity for sharing. Living in a joint family instils the propensity for sharing from adolescence. In the event that your youngster has a chocolate, he will realize that he needs to disseminate it among his kin and cousins.

You Learn to Respect

Experiencing childhood in a family with such countless seniors builds up a feeling of regard for other people. Holding your tongue under control around older folks, regarding them, and submitting to their orders by one way or another shapes your character. What’s more, an individual who shows regards and approaches others with deference is constantly valued.

Schooling Beyond Books

The training of a kid living with aunties, uncles, cousins, and grandparents isn’t simply limited to scholastics and school yet the skyline of his schooling is a lot more extensive. Living with grandparents, a kid gets to know the universe of their occasions. With aunties and uncles, he gets comfortable with their battles. All things considered, living in a joint family causes one to comprehend that there is a whole other world to instruction than simply textbooks.

The Feeling of Togetherness

On the off chance that you live in a joint family, you can be certain that your kid won’t ever be exhausted or feel alone. He will consistently have cousins as his sidekicks. He won’t ever be denied of companions as he will always have his cousins to play with. As he develops, his bond with his cousins will just improve. In the forlorn swarmed world, your youngster will consistently have somebody to share his issues.

Love and Care

The amount of adoration and care that one gets in a joint family can’t be expressed in words. On the off chance that you are wiped out or pitiful, you won’t ever get yourself alone. There will consistently be individuals to deal with you. It is the significant advantage of living in a joint family; the adoration you get is endless and something you can never pay off.

Benefits of Nuclear Family

Advancement of personality.

Family unit assumes a significant part in the advancement of character of people. Kids are all the more near the guardians and can have all the more free and plain conversation about their issues with guardians which helps for the better advancement of their character.

Better Condition of Women

In family units the state of lady is superior to joint families. She gets sufficient opportunity to care for her kids. She additionally gets time to design and deal with her home as per her own thought. There is no obstruction of seniors. Her better half can likewise give more consideration regarding the spouse in family unit.

Less number of kids

Family arranging program gets fruitful in family units. The individuals from family unit need to plan and restrict their family as they need to bear every one of the duties and costs themselves to raise their youngsters. The kids likewise are profited over the long haul as they acquire straightforwardly property from their folks.

Harmony and Peace

Harmony and concordance are basic for a lovely day to day life. In nuclear families there is no misconception and they partake in an agreeable air by living respectively.

Issue Free Unit

There is no possibility of parents in law struggle. Monetary issue doesn’t emerge in nuclear families. Cash can be put something aside for future accomplishment and to confront dubious emergency of family. All appreciate autonomous life and can be occupied with any financial exercises to enhance family pay. The will of kids are thought of and are given legitimate weight. All individuals from family unit are passionate gotten. No prevalence complex is felt by anyone. All are given equivalent weightage.

Singular Responsibilities

In family unit there is no moving of obligation like in joint family. The guardians will undoubtedly assume liability of their kids without anyone else. The head of family needs to endeavor to deal with his family.

Along these lines, settle on a savvy choice and recall that you can generally defeat entanglements with tolerance and love. All things considered, a joint family additionally has some great advantages, particularly for your children whose grandparents love them!

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Nuclear Family and Joint Family

  • Last Updated: Aug 15, 2023

A family forms the first line of socialization for an individual and plays a pivotal role in shaping their perspective and behavior. The two primary types of family structures worldwide are nuclear family and joint family. A nuclear family typically includes parents and their offspring, while a joint family is an extended kinship network consisting of grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.

 The two primary types of family structures worldwide are nuclear families and joint families. A nuclear family typically includes parents and their offspring, while a joint family is an extended kinship network consisting of grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.

Nuclear Family

A nuclear family, also referred to as an elementary family, consists of two parents and their children, all living under one roof [1] . It is considered the basic unit in many societies.

Joint Family

A joint family, or an extended family, is a large family unit that includes three or more generations living together. It includes the parents, their children, and other relatives such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins [2] .

Comparison Between Nuclear and Joint Family

Advantages and disadvantages of a nuclear family.

  • Autonomy : Nuclear families provide a high degree of independence and freedom to make decisions [3] .
  • Financial Management : It is simpler to manage expenses and savings as there are fewer family members involved.
  • Less Conflict : There may be fewer conflicts and disagreements as fewer people live together.


  • Lack of Support : In a nuclear family, parents often need to manage work and childcare simultaneously, which can be stressful.
  • Lack of Shared Responsibility : With fewer adults in the household, responsibilities cannot be distributed as evenly as in joint families.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Joint Family

  • Shared Responsibilities : Duties and tasks are shared among members, reducing individual workload.
  • Support Network : Joint families offer a built-in support network in terms of child-rearing, elder care, and emotional support [4] .
  • Preservation of Traditions : Traditions and cultural practices are more likely to be preserved and passed down through generations.
  • Less Privacy : Due to the large number of family members, privacy can be limited.
  • Conflicts : Larger family sizes can lead to more disagreements and conflicts [5] .
  • Financial Pressure : The responsibility of supporting a larger number of people may result in financial pressure.

Changing Trends in Family Structure

Over time, societal shifts and economic pressures have led to a transformation in family structure. More families are transitioning from joint to nuclear families, primarily due to urbanization and globalization.

However, there is also a new trend of ‘joint-nuclear’ families emerging, especially in urban areas. These are nuclear families that maintain close ties and frequent interaction with their extended families while still maintaining separate households. This system aims to blend the benefits of both nuclear and joint families.

The Way Forward: Building Healthy Family Relationships

Regardless of the family structure, what matters most is creating a supportive, nurturing environment. Open communication, mutual respect, and shared responsibilities can foster healthy relationships within any family setting.

Whether it’s a nuclear family offering a sense of autonomy or a joint family providing a robust support network, each family type has its unique strengths. Recognizing these strengths and navigating through the challenges will help maintain harmonious relationships within the family.

In conclusion, both nuclear and joint families have their distinct advantages and challenges. The choice between a nuclear family and a joint family can depend on several factors, including cultural norms, economic conditions, personal preferences, and the need for support or autonomy. The family type does not determine the quality of relationships and values within; instead, it’s the nurturing environment that makes the family healthy and fulfilling.

[1] O’Neil, D. (2006). Nuclear Family: Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages .

[2] Oxford Reference (2021). Extended (or joint) family . Oxford University Press.

[3] McGoldrick, M., Carter, B., & Garcia-Preto, N. (2016). The Expanded Family Life Cycle: Individual, Family, and Social Perspectives . Pearson.

[4] Beteille, A. (1961). The Joint Family and Social Change . Economic Weekly.

[5] Jayson, S. (2005). Family Face-off: Traditional vs. the Modern . USA Today.

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Pros Cons

Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family System Essay

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Joint family system and living separate after the marriage both have advantages and disadvantages. But in this topic we will discuss some pros and cons of Joint family system especially in the Asian countries. So let’s read some advantages first;

Table of Contents

The advantages of a joint family system are many. It allows for a greater sense of stability. It also provides for an environment where everyone is able to succeed, no matter what their background, upbringing or status in life may be. In this article, I will explain how joint families can help you as a business owner.

advantages of joint family system

What are the Advantages of Joint Family System?

  • The joint family system secures the benefits of social division of labor. Each member of the family shares the responsibility for their personal affairs. Each member in the household is given personal work based upon their skills. All phases of the family’s existence is handled by each member of the household including children and women. This helps the entire family unit develop a sense of community.
  • A family structure also allows for a great sense of support. No one is left behind in any area, and every member is able to contribute to the success of the other members of the household.
  • If the family can be built upon strong roots, then the children will have a better chance of staying in school. When a family is cohesive and unified, there is a much greater possibility that the children will stay with the same school district throughout their lives.
  • Another advantage of a joint family system is that they tend to grow up together. If you decide to separate at some point in time, your children may not be able to follow the same path. By living in a household where all members are close to each other, your children will be able to understand their parents’ decisions and be able to understand the different aspects of their family. This will make them more responsible adults, who are less likely to be involved in rebellious actions.
  • In addition, a joint family system also tends to keep the children away from drug and alcohol abuse. These problems can be difficult for a child to overcome when they are raised by his own parents, but with a family structure, this is not an issue.
  • There is a greater chance that children will achieve self-esteem and confidence when living in a joint family system. They are able to socialize with the rest of their peers and the entire family unit is able to benefit from their efforts. The socialization process encourages creativity, self expression, and problem solving skills.
  • The advantages of having a family unit also include the advantages that come with it. You can get closer to your loved ones because you know them. If your family is very close then it becomes easier for you to bond with your family. This bonding also makes your relationship with your family stronger. So if you want your family to grow together, then it is best if you should have a strong family unit.
  • You also can save on your family expenses. This would include buying groceries for the family, since food is cheap, babysitting, house care, etc. In fact, there is hardly any family that could function without the services of their relatives. Next, there is less risk in losing a family member due to sickness. The children are also less susceptible to various diseases due to the presence of a larger number of members. When your child goes to school, you don’t need to go out to look after him since the parents of the child to take care of everything for him.

We all love our families and we can never stand having to deal with the disadvantages of having a household of one. There are so many different advantages to having a household, but right now I am not going to be biased so let’s discuss the disadvantages of joint family in more detail in the following blog.

I know, you can’t help but ask why I would even mention the disadvantages of a family. You know it’s bad enough living alone and without your spouse, and if you have kids then it gets even worse. Well if you have a family then obviously they are going to be there all of the time. They are your family too and if one of them is sick then the whole family is affected.

Conflicts in a family do occur and it is important to take the time to talk about the issues with each other. Be sure to discuss how you feel about the situation. Conflits have to be solved by mutual discussion and it can only be done when you are in a joint family system.

Disadvantages of a family do not necessarily have to come from your relationship with your spouse or significant other. Some of the greatest disadvantages can be caused by the difficulties that you experience trying to keep up with your children when you are on your own.

disadvantages of joint family system

What are the Disadvantages of Joint Family System?

  • The biggest disadvantage occurs when the children do not get the proper attention that they need. This can cause them to become unruly and disobedient. When a parent is not present, they are far more likely to start trouble because they are more interested in themselves and are unable to focus on other issues.
  • The next disadvantage is that it is difficult to make sacrifices if the couple does not want to. . One may decide to stop going to MASJID or church or go on vacation, but this choice will eventually affect the other family members as well.
  • Sometimes, it is also hard to let go of a loved one because they feel that they are still part of the family. When a parent decides to leave, the children sometimes feel that they are not getting all of the love and attention that they deserve. It can even lead to resentment between the two families.
  • Disadvantages of a joint family system may include the loss of friends, privacy, and independence. When you leave the home, you also lose the ability to support each other in your endeavors. A family system is one that allows both parents to work together and give their full attention to the kids.
  • The disadvantages are basically due to the disadvantages of having your family together. If one of you has a problem, which may be psychological, that affects everyone and is therefore out of everyone’s control then it can become a very nasty situation indeed.
  • I just mentioned the disadvantages in the previous paragraph, which are directly related to the disadvantages of having children together. If one of you has a physical problem, which is oftentimes the case, then it becomes the problem of altogether. It also makes having children a whole lot more difficult.
  •  Another disadvantage is that a joint custody arrangement requires both parents to work and live with the children. This is actually an unfair and unbalanced division of responsibility and one parent is left with all the children. If the parent that works does not get paid they will have to get a second job to make up for the lack of money and the other parent can simply spend more time with the children, which will also leave the child with a lack of supervision. This can leave both of them resentful.
  • Although we all like to be with each other all of the time this does have some disadvantages. When one parent is away from home and on vacation or on business this leaves the other parent with no time for themselves and their children. It can leave both parents resentful and depressed and you can find yourself with a family who simply doesn’t feel the connection that you do between you and your children.
  • You will have to pay for your home too if one of you is staying longer than the other and if one of you decides to stay longer it will mean that you both have to live in the same house. The disadvantages of living in the same house can be offset if you get a better property to rent and you get more money, but that means the disadvantages for the kids and you are still living in the same house.

Final Words:

There are plenty of disadvantages but I feel that the disadvantages are so great that we should look at them and see them as an advantage. The biggest disadvantage is that we have to be able to make time to spend with each other and enjoy the time together. So maybe if we all agree that our children are better off living with us then we should just let go of the disadvantages of having a household and have them grow up as a family.

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20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family in India

20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family in India

posted on November 26, 2022

Like any other system that runs globally, the joint family also comes with its pros and cons . Now, if you live in a Joint family, you’ll prefer a nuclear family instead, but believe me, that’s no treat either. Well maybe, but that’s not for me to decide,

In this blog, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of joint family  so you can decide if it’s the right place for you to stay in.

Joint families are one of the most important parts of many subcontinental cultures, and they have been going on for centuries. In India, a joint family consists of the whole parental family tree that involves grandparents, uncles, aunts, and their children .

Here are some merits and demerits of living in a joint family .

advantages and disadvantages of living in joint family in india

Page Contents

10 Major Advantages of Joint Family in India

1. a child is never lonely..

Living in a joint family can be pretty fun for a child . Usually, he is surrounded by his age fellows, mostly his cousins. So you never have to worry about whether he is in good company or not.

2. Learning the concept of sharing

Living in the dynamics of a joint family can help you understand the joy of sharing . And by sharing, I am not just talking about materialistic things. It means sharing all the happiness and woes that life brings with itself.

It’s only by living with people you’ll understand that sharing happiness doubles it, and sharing a problem mostly shrink it, or with the emotional support added you’ll be able to face that issue being more strong than ever.

3. Learn to respect others opinions

Living in a joint family builds up a tolerance to a different set of views and personalities. It may seem a little overwhelming while living in that family circle, but believe me, it helps a lot when you face the outside world and take up the new life challenges.

I consider this one of the greatest advantages of living in a joint family: you’ll learn to respect others ‘ opinions and haggle your way around it without getting anyone hurt. And this type of people skills will help your life much easier with the people outside your family, making you socially adept.

4. Education beyond books

As a part of a nuclear family, the only elders you’ll have to look up to will be your parents. But in a joint family, you’ll get a lot of role models with a variety of expertise in different areas. Let me give you a for instance,

What if you come home with a school project and your mom or dad is too busy to help you out, you’ll have your aunts, uncles, and cousins to fill that void and get that task done. You’ll learn a lot of new things from your grandparents as well.

5. Learn to care and love and share

Living in a joint family has its ups and downs but the thing I loved the most is learning to care, shower, love, and share. It’s the most characteristic of a human’s personality because that’s what we live upon and rely on at the end of the day.

6. Feeling of togetherness

It’s really easy to get the money part of life hit you while living in a nuclear family. But there is no chance for you to feel lonely in a joint family because there is always someone for you to share your ups and downs in life.

You’ll get everything you have been looking for If it’s either a good listener or advice. The feeling of togetherness in a joint family is what bachelors miss the most when they move out for college or jobs. It always gives you something calm to come home to.

7. Shared chores

Something to look forward to the cost in the joint family is the system on which it runs. You’ll get everything by just playing the minimal part. For example, since there are many family members, the chores just split out and get done in no time.

If you have ever experienced living in a nuclear family, you’ll probably experience that nothing gets done by itself unless you have help, even if it’s overwhelming.

And it’s fine until one day you aren’t feeling well and the whole system falls apart one day. Now in a joint family, there is no such thing. You’ll always be taken care of, especially if you are sick.

8. Less financial stress or burden of responsibilities

Given the world’s economic condition, it’s hard to live a stress-free life if you are the sole provider of your family.

But if you live in a joint family, all the financial burdens are split up among the members, making life so much easier.

9. Quality family time

Living in this world of constant chaos, we have strict schedules to survive. And after a day of hard work is over, you need to have someplace or someone to make you feel supported and human again.

This kind of thing is usually hard to find If you live alone. In a joint family you’ll get to spend quality family time to rewind and refresh for the next day.

10 Inheriting property

Inheriting the property of your grandparents is one of the most cherished elements of living in a joint family member, well, that for some people.

I inherited a copious amount of blood pressure, anger issues, and diabetes from them. You may be lucky to get a few lands, and it’s still something to look forward to.

10 Disadvantages of Joint Family in India

1. helicopter parenting.

Yup, it’s exactly what you think it is. You’ll get minimal to zero privacy. Everyone will be observing your behavior unconsciously. So, if you want to take some time off from the world, cry or meditate, better lock those doors.

Even so, if you do that right after 5 minutes, someone will start to banging that door like crazy to see if you are okay. You’ll rarely get alone time for yourself.

2. Bill becomes a law

You might have studied this process in your social sciences or political subjects. It’s quite boring I know, but if you are living in a joint family, you’ll get to experience it. It doesn’t sound fun, does it?

Even the minor decisions have to run through the entire generation living under the same roof. And even if it seems like a voting system, haha, No, it’s just a clever ruse to keep you distracted, and the final word is always the one suitable for the eldest of the family member or the most democratic person.

3. Financial responsibility slash differences

Now the financial burdens can be an issue in the joint family. Most of the time it’s like going out on dinner with friends, and when it comes to paying the bill, all of them split it equally.

Even if you ordered the small sandwich to save money, you’ll need to pay more than what you ate. I hope it’s clear that you’ll be paying for things that you barely use. It might cause some tension between the family members.

4. Interference in living standards and parenting

This point is just a different angle to look at the problem above. You’ll face a lot of criticism if you are a new mother on the way you live or treat your child. In times like these, joint family members come up with a lot of myths.

They do mean well, but sometimes it’s exhausting debusting every single myth.

You won’t be able to discipline your child because their grandparents might think you are being too harsh on them and stuff like that.

5. Games of Stove

Here’s the fun part: in most Indian daily soaps, we get to see Saas bahu fighting on every silly thing. The one thing that they ignored is what to cook for dinner. And that’s what you should be showing with a proper solution because even with a family of two, there is always a clash about what to eat.

Now in a joint family, there are more than two people obviously, and they can’t all have dinner of their liking every single day. That’s where the game of stove begins.

6. Less modern approach

Given that in a joint family you might be living under a family house with your grandparents, most of the lifestyle is probably old fashion. Now that may bug a lot of people, but it’s something natural.

You can’t just make someone change their lifestyle, which they had for half of their life.

7. You might be the only responsible one.

Living under the same roof with many people might be mentally exhausting sometimes. I’ll explain this point with an example. As a child, let’s imagine that you had to share your room with your siblings.

Now all of you are responsible for the room’s tidiness, but some of them are just there to make a mess, not clean. If you are a carefree kind of person, it might be okay with you, but if you are someone like me who is on the verge of OCD, it might haunt you while sleeping in a messy room.

Keep that situation in mind that in the joint family, you might have some family members who aren’t as responsible as you are, which might create some issues.

The bottom line:

Even though after reading these disadvantages, you might be like it’s not worth the risk, all of these issues can be tackled with some proper management, a lot of care, and tolerance. It requires a good binding person or ahead and some responsible members of the society.

You might think that this seems kind of an ideal situation, but it’s not. The joint family system has run the Indian subcontinent for centuries, and until now it’s going great.

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  • Research article
  • Open access
  • Published: 28 January 2021

Factors associated with quality of life among joint and nuclear families: a population-based study

  • Fahad Saqib Lodhi 1 , 2 ,
  • Unaib Rabbani 3 ,
  • Adeel Ahmed Khan 4 ,
  • Owais Raza 5 ,
  • Kourosh Holakouie-Naieni 2 ,
  • Mehdi Yaseri 2 ,
  • Umer Farooq 6 &
  • Ali Montazeri   ORCID: 7 , 8  

BMC Public Health volume  21 , Article number:  234 ( 2021 ) Cite this article

26k Accesses

18 Citations

Metrics details

Advantages and disadvantages associated with joint and nuclear family systems can affect quality of life (QOL). However, there is scarcity of literature about QOL among joint and nuclear family systems. This study aimed to assess the factors associated with QOL in joint and nuclear family systems.

We conducted a population based cross sectional study in all 52 Union Councils (UCs) of District Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan from March 2015 to August 2015. Multistage cluster sampling technique was used to select participants from both nuclear and joint family houses. The validated Urdu version of World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF) was used to assess quality of life among participants. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to explore the associations of different socio demographic variables with QOL among both family systems. Also a multilevel linear regression using backward analysis to obtain final model for each domain was performed to find out the variables that are associated with QOL score in each of family systems.

A total of 2063 participants were included in this study (51.0% joint family, 49.0% nuclear family) with the response rate of 97.4%. In multiple linear regression analysis of each domain for joint and nuclear family systems, rural residence compared to urban ( p  < 0.001), being female ( p  < 0.001), older age ( p  < 0.001), having comorbidity ( p  < 0.001) and lower socioeconomic status ( p  < 0.001) were found to be a strong predictor of poorer QOL. Furthermore, social capital ( p  < 0.001) had a positive effect on joint and nuclear family QOL scores.

This study was the first of its kind which determined the factors of QOL in joint and nuclear families using the validated Urdu version of WHOQOL-BREF in Pakistan. Male gender, urban residence, younger age, higher socioeconomic status and social capital were positive predictors of QOL score while older age and presence of illness were associated with lower QOL scores among both family systems.

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In general family is one of the fundamental units of societies and takes care of the diverse needs of people [ 1 ]. It is also one of the basic sources of providing care to all of its members. Because of this fact elderly persons of the house occupy respectful position in Asian culture. Family system encourages the life of individuals in all aspects which enables them to live happy and productive life [ 2 ]. Culture has been shown to regulate the family network by building family type, family size and form [ 3 , 4 ] and the family functioning by defining barriers, cooperation rules, connection patterns, adequate practices, regulation and ranking in the family [ 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ].

Family is a social group of one or more parents and their children. Family systems refer to members and their interrelationship (structure) with each other. There are different classifications of family systems [ 8 , 9 ]. Most commonly used classification has two types i.e. joint and nuclear family systems [ 10 ]. A nuclear family system is defined as ‘a two generation family consisting of a father and mother and children or a single, possibly widow, parent and his/her children’ [ 11 ]. Similarly, joint or extending family is defined as ‘three or more generations lived together with both vertical and lateral extension having a single line of authority, either patrilineal or matrilineal’ [ 11 ]. A number of advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of family has been reported such as social support, protection during crises, physical space, autonomy a freedom of decision making [ 12 ].

Extent of these systems varies from countries to countries and within countries as well. Traditionally Pakistan had joint family system and bonding within a family. Like other Asian countries, over the time, balance is shifting towards nuclear family system in Pakistan [ 13 ]. Multiple factors are responsible for this shifting trend from joint to nuclear system. These include; financial pressures, decreasing living space, movement for job and rapid urbanization [ 13 ]. It also seems to be an outcome of increasing prosperity. This trend is faster in urban areas than rural areas. The superiority of one of these systems is a matter of debate these days. The researchers are on a quest for evidence based information regarding the current debate about the quality of life of an individual, based on a family system [ 14 ].

In Pakistan, a large number of the aged people depend on their family especially on their children or grandchildren for physical, communal and financial support [ 2 ] which is more convenient in joint families. It was recommended by Mason (1992) that urbanization is expected to negatively affect the family’s capacity and willingness for care of the elderly and it will also decrease the chances of living grown up children with their parents [ 15 ]. Studies from Asian countries have shown that most of the help for the elderly people comes from their home by their children/grandchildren [ 16 , 17 ].

Limited studies have been conducted on different study populations that have assessed the predictors of quality of life. A study conducted among elderly population in India reported that occupation, higher income, 60–69 years age group, staying with partner and absence of co-morbidity were found to be the determinants of better QOL [ 18 ]. Studies from Kuwait and Lebanon also reported that female gender, older age, social disadvantage, and presence of anxiety/ depression were associated with poor QOL [ 19 , 20 ]. Although all of the works done before were on health-related QOL all around the world, there are no such study exploring the predictors of quality of life of people who live in nuclear or joint family system. Our study presented the predictors of quality of life scores in joint and nuclear family systems in Pakistani general population.

Study design and setting

We conducted a population based cross sectional study in all 52 Union Councils of District Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan from March 2015 to August 2015. We recruited 2063 participants for our study. Abbottabad is the main district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan having more than 1.2 million population living in 52 union councils. The primary language spoken here is Hindko (used by 94% of the rural population and 75% of urban residents) followed by Urdu which is also spoken and understood in rural & urban areas [ 21 ].

Sample size

We used the Statulator, an online statistical calculator for sample size determination [ 22 ]. Assuming a standard deviation of 12 units (derived from pilot study) and a design effect (DEFF) of 2, the study would require a sample size of 969 for each group (i.e. a total sample size of 1938, assuming equal group sizes), to achieve a power of 90% at 5% significance level (two sided) for detecting a true difference of 2.5 points in quality of life score between joint and nuclear family systems.

Sampling procedure

Participants were selected from all union councils (UCs) of District Abbottabad. Multistage cluster sampling technique was employed in this study. Each union council was further divided into several blocks called Mohallah. We did proportionate sampling according to the 1998 population census [ 23 ] of UCs for the selection of Mohallah & on the next stage households. In the first stage we randomly selected these blocks (Mohallah) in each of the UC from a list by using simple random sampling technique. In the next stage we selected households in that selected block by using a random sampling technique again. The total number of houses selected in each block was also proportional to the population size of respective block. For the selection of family type, from the list of household of each block, we made a list of joint & nuclear family system households and enrolled equal number of houses from both family types. A simple random sampling technique was used for the selection of person (≥18 years) from each house. Simple random sampling was done by applying the lottery method for selecting the ≥18 year’s participant for the study. The inclusion criteria used for selection of individual were age greater than 18 years and permanent resident of union council for at least 5 years. Guests and temporary residents were excluded from the study.

We used the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-Brief version (WHOQOL-BREF) for measuring quality of life. It is in public domain and contains 26-items that covers four domains of QOL (psychological 6 items, physical 7 items, social relationships 3 items and environmental 8 items). Each question scored on a scale from one to five, with high score indicating good QOL with the exception of three questions, which include pain and discomfort, need for medical treatment and negative feelings [ 24 ]. The seven items included in the physical health domain were mobility, daily life activities, pain, sleep, functional capacity and energy. The psychological domain measured negative thinking, self-image, positive approach, self-esteem, mindset, ability to learn, memory, consolidation, religion and the psychic conditions. Questions such as social support, sex-life and personal relationship come under the social relationship domain. The environmental health domain contains questions on financial assets, security, health and social services, living in natural environment, opportunities for advance learning experience, relaxation, and natural environment (air, noise, pollution and transportation) [ 25 ]. The total raw score for these four dimensions were transformed into 0 to 100 scale according to the standard procedure defined in WHO QOL user manual [ 24 ], and then analysis of this reconstruct score was done. Psychometric properties and validation of this WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was done in the national language “Urdu”. The Cronbach’s alpha for each of four domains were 0.78, 0.71, 0.73 and 0.65, respectively [ 26 ]. To assess the feasibility and clarity of the items, a pilot study was conducted on 30 individuals conveniently selected from the study area.

We also developed a structured demographic questionnaire which included variables such as age, gender, marital status, type of family (joint and nuclear), residence type (urban and rural), house ownership (owner, not owner), respondent education (no education, madrassa, can read/write, primary- up to grade 5, secondary education-up to grade 12 and tertiary-up to grade 16 or above), working status (employed, unemployed and retired).

The socio-economic characteristics were assessed by taking household conditions, sources of drinking water, sanitation facilities, availability of electricity, housing facilitates, possession of durable goods, mean of transport, inventory of house hold and personal items such as chairs, clocks, buckets, radios, television sets, fans, stoves or cookers, cars, and telephones. This list was composed of 21 such items used in the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2013 [ 27 ]. Wealth index was measured by an index constructed from principle component analysis (PCA) [ 28 ] of items indicating ownership of household durables and dwelling characteristics.

The World Bank’s Social Capital Integrated Questionnaire (SC-IQ) was also used to study social capital among families. It is an open-domain questionnaire and consists of 27 questions in six domains [ 29 ]. Of these five questions on overall trust, trust in local government, trust in central government, community cooperation and safety at home were selected and used in this study. These questions were translated by the research team into Urdu and then back translated into English by independent bilingual expert to assess the validity of the translation. The internal consistency of the items as assessed by the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was found to be acceptable (alpha = 0.64). The concurrent validity as assessed by correlation between the trust subscale of the SC-IQ and the social relationship of the WHOQOL-BREF showed satisfactory result (r = 0.74).

Data collection

One-day training session was conducted for administering the questionnaires prior to data collection for lady health workers of all UCs by principal investigator. In 1994, Pakistan’s Ministry of Health (MOH) implemented the Lady Health Worker Program (LHWP) as part of a national strategy to reduce poverty and improve health by bringing health services to the doorsteps of underserved communities. Lady health workers are out reach health workers who provide preventive and health promotion services specially for maternal and child health issues [ 30 ]. The questionnaire was administered through face to face interviews in the households by trained lady health workers of that union council. To ensure privacy and confidentiality, interviews were conducted in an independent room or area separate from other members of the family.

Statistical analysis

The data was analyzed using the Stata version 13.0 (Stata Corp, College Station, TX, USA). First, we conducted descriptive analyses such as frequencies, proportions and means. Then, we carried out univariate linear regression analyses with domain scores as dependent and other variables as independent variables. Next, in the multivariate analysis, we included all independent variables and used stepwise backward approach to eliminate variables with a p value > 0.05. Finally, multi-level analysis was performed with two –level continuous random intercept model with individuals nested within clusters was applied to explore the variability explained by individuals and cluster level variables taking the correlated nature of data into account. P -value of < 0.05 was considered as significant.

Demographic characteristic of study participants

A total of 2116 households were approached. Of these, 56 refused (non-response 2.64%) to participate in this study giving a total number of 2063 [1053 (51.04%) belonged to joint family system and 1010 (48.6%) to nuclear family]. Younger (18–30 years) and elderly (> 50 years) were more in joint families (39%) and (20%) respectively compared to (20%) and (10%) in nuclear families. Educational status of the participants was comparable in two groups as proportions of individuals with no education were 15.5% and 15.7 in joint and nuclear families respectively. Majority were living in their own houses 849 (80.5%) in joint and 750 (74.3%) in nuclear family. A higher proportion of the participants (80.5%) in joint family groups owned a house compared to (71%) in nuclear family group. Proportions of employed persons were (56.5%) in joint families and (56.1%) in nuclear families. Higher proportion of the participant were satisfied in living in joint family system (87.5%) compared to (81%) in nuclear family system (Table  1 ).

Joint family system WHO QOL-BREF scores

Table  2 shows mean score of WHOQOL-BREF scores of participants in joint families. Those living in the urban areas, had significantly higher scores in all four dimensions. Male had higher scores in physical and psychological domains compared to females. However, no differences were observed in relationship and environmental domains. Younger age group < 30 years had higher scores than elderly > 50 years of age. Divorced had highest scores in physical and psychological domains while married had highest scores in relationship domain. No significant differences were observed in environment domain between different categories of marital status. Lack of education, presence of any physical disability or disease, unemployment, lower socio-economic status and low social capital were associated with lower scores in all domains.

Multivariate linear regression model for joint family system

Table  3 shows the results of the multivariate linear regression model for joint family system. In multivariate model, rural residence was negatively associated with physical, psychological and environmental domains QOL scores and there was 4.59 units [95% CI: − 7.77 to − 1.41], 3.54 units [95% CI: − 6.44 to − 0.63] and 5.32 units [95% CI: − 8.75 to - 1.89] reduction when changing from urban to rural ( P  = 0.001) respectively. There was no significant association with relationship domain. Female gender was also negatively associated with QOL scores in physical, psychological and social relationship domains − 3.94 units [95% CI: − 5.88 to − 0.01], − 3.10 units [95% CI: − 4.7 to − 1.47] and − 0.11 units [95% CI:-3.06 to- 0.84] respectively, and no significant association was observed in environmental health domain. Increasing age was negatively associated with QOL scores. One-decade increase in age lead to 0.22 units [95% CI: − 0.29 to − 0.19], 0.11 units [95% CI: − 0.2 to - 0.05] and 0.12 units [95% CI: − 0.19 to − 0.05] reduction in scores of physical, psychological and relationship domains respectively. Presence of disease was also significantly associated as scores declined with the presence of disease in physical and psychological domains. However, there was no significant association of disease status with relationship and environment domains. Socio-economic status also had a significant association as a change in SES from high to low resulted in a reduction of QOL scores in all the domains. Similarly increase in social capital was also positively associated with QOL scores in all four domains.

Nuclear family system WHOQOL-BREF scores

The mean score of each domain among different subgroups in joint family system is presented in Table  4 . Pattern of differences between the subgroups in nuclear family system was similar to joint family system. The mean of all four domains was significantly higher among those living in urban areas. Male had higher scores than female. Younger age people < 30 years of age had significantly higher scores than elderly in physical domain only. There were no significant differences in other three domains with respect to age. House ownership did not affect the QOL scores in any of the domain. Significant differences in scores were observed across different marital status strata. Those with no education generally had lower scores than others. Presence of any disease or disability significantly reduced the QOL scores. Compared with working/employed subjects, unemployed subjects had lower QOL scores. Participants with higher socioeconomic status, and social capital levels had higher QOL scores in all domains.

Multivariate linear regression model for nuclear family system

Table  5 presents the results of the multivariate linear regression model for nuclear family syste. In multivariate model, rural residence was negatively associated with physical − 2.55 units [95% CI: − 5.42 to − 0.33], psychological − 1.90 units [95% CI: − 4.9 to − 1.13] and environmental domains − 3.69 units [95% CI: − 7.27 to − 0.09]. Female gender was also negatively associated with QOL scores in physical, psychological and social relationship domains − 2.64 units [95% CI: − 4.59 to − 0.68], − 3.56 units [95% CI: − 5.5 to − 1.65] and − 1.92 units [95% CI: − 3.91 to − 0.07] respectively, no significant association was observed in environmental health domain. Increasing age was negatively associated with QOL scores. One-decade increase in age lead to 0.27 units [95% CI: − 0.35 to − 0.20], 0.15 units [95% CI: − 0.2 to − 0.06] and 0.12 units [95% CI: − 0.05 to − 0.12] reduction in scores of physical, psychological and relationship domains respectively. Presence of disease or disability led to significant decline in the QOL in physical domains. However, there was no significant association of disease and disability with QOL scores in other domains. QOL scores significantly declined with changing socio-economic status from high to low in all four domains. Social capital was also positively associated with QOL scores in all the domains.

Our study is one of its kinds to assess the predictors of QOL domains in joint and nuclear families in Pakistan. We found that male gender, urban residence, younger age, higher socio-economic status and social capital were positive predictors in both types of family systems. Increasing age and presence of illness were associated with lower QOL scores in joint and nuclear families. Predictors were similar in for all domains of QOL across two types of families with few exceptions.

Family type has been reported to affect the mental and social wellbeing. A study from India reported that adolescents from joint family have better mental health compared to nuclear family [ 31 ]. Another study from India found no difference in the QOL scores between joint and nuclear family types except for social relationship domain where scores were significantly high for those living in nuclear families [ 18 ]. One study from Pakistan reported that elderly living in joint families had better social support and quality of life than those in nuclear families [ 32 ]. Another study from Japan reported that couples living as couples did not have any significant difference in the perceived physical and mental health while they were more likely to have severe hypertension compared to those in extended families [ 33 ].

Our study found higher scores for males in all four domains of QOL. This finding is similar to a study from India where females had lower scores [ 18 ]. A study from Kuwait also reported negative association of female gender with QOL scores [ 19 ]. A study from Iran also found that there were significant association between QOL and greatly varied by socio-demographic variables including gender [ 34 ]. These findings indicate that family members even within same family have different views about the family environment which could affect their QOL [ 35 ] and that of female members.

Ageing is associated with physical and mental changes in the body which affects the health and QOL. We found that increasing age was associated with decrease in the QOL scores in all domains except environmental domain in both types of families. Other studies have also reported similar association of age with QOL scores [ 18 , 36 ]. With the increasing life expectancy countries will experience increasing proportion of elderly population. This calls for reorientations of systems and services to ensure healthy elderly.

Our study found significant association of socio-economic status with QOL scores in both types of families. Socio-economic status is associated with availability of resources and access to services which ultimately affect QOL. Studies on different populations have shown positive association of higher socio-economic status with higher scores in different domains of QOL [ 18 , 34 , 36 ]. Likewise, social capital was also associated with higher QOL scores in all domains a finding similar to studies from China and Malaysia [ 37 , 38 ].

We found that presence of diseases was associated with lower scores in physical and psychological domains in joint families and with physical domain in nuclear families. Presence of any physical deformity or illness affect the physical and psychological health. Studies have consistently shown negative association of QOL with presence of diseases [ 19 , 36 , 39 ]. A study reported that people with mental and physical illness had significantly lower scores than healthy people in all three domains of QOL life except environmental domain [ 40 ].

We did not find any significant difference in the predictors of QOL among both family types. Our findings are interesting in a way that it is considered that QOL differs in both family systems and their predictors would also be different. There is a need to do further studies to explore this finding.

Our study is one of its kinds from Pakistan to assess the levels and predictors of QOL in joint and nuclear families from the randomly selected general population. We used robust statistical procedures and performed multi-level analysis to draw conclusions. However certain limitations need to be considered while interpreting the results of this study. First our sample was drawn from a single city which may limit the generalizability of our results. Second, questionnaire was administered by the interviewer which could introduce social desirability bias in the response. To minimize this, we ensured privacy during interviews and no other household member was allowed in the interview room. Thirdly, this was a cross-sectional study and temporal associations could not be ascertained with certainty and we cannot say surely whether the predictors of our study preceded the quality of life.

Our study determined the levels and predictors of QOL scores of individuals in joint and nuclear families using validated WHO QOL BREF. Predictors were similar across both types of families. Male gender, urban residence, younger age, higher socio-economic status and social capital were positive predictors of QOL score while increasing age and presence of illness were associated with lower QOL scores among both family systems. These findings call for policy actions such as women empowerment, improvement in facilities in rural areas and poverty alleviation to improve quality of life. We also recommend further studies in different segments of population to further characterize the predictors of QOL.

Availability of data and materials

Corresponding author will provide all the relevant data used in this study upon request.


Quality of life

World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire Brief version

Standard deviation

Beta coefficient

Confidence Interval

Reference group

Social Capital Integrated Questioners

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This study was originated from the Ph.D. thesis of the first investigator at Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. We also acknowledge the efforts and collaboration of Non-Communicable Diseases Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

This research was funded by International Campus Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

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Authors and affiliations.

Department of Community Medicine, Women Medical and Dental College, Abbottabad, Pakistan

Fahad Saqib Lodhi

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Fahad Saqib Lodhi, Kourosh Holakouie-Naieni & Mehdi Yaseri

Family Medicine Academy, Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Unaib Rabbani

Saudi Board Program of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health, Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Adeel Ahmed Khan

School of Public Health, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan

Community Medicine Department, Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad, Pakistan

Umer Farooq

Population Health Research Group, Health Metrics Research Center, Iranian Institute for Health Sciences Research, ACECR, Tehran, Iran

Ali Montazeri

Faculty of Humanity Sciences, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran

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FSL and AM conceptualized the study, conducted literature review, and drafted the manuscript. KHN and AM supervised the study. MY was the study advisor and contributed to analysis. UR, AAK, OR, and UF helped in data collection and provided input on the successive version of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Lodhi, F.S., Rabbani, U., Khan, A.A. et al. Factors associated with quality of life among joint and nuclear families: a population-based study. BMC Public Health 21 , 234 (2021).

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Received : 03 June 2020

Accepted : 19 January 2021

Published : 28 January 2021


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  • Quality of life (QOL)
  • Family system
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BMC Public Health

ISSN: 1471-2458

essay on joint family advantages and disadvantages

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Family

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Family | What is a Nuclear Family and Joint Family | Pros and Cons

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Family : Family is the base of a person that makes him/her build his/her personality based on culture and values. A family is the first school for a boy and girl where they learn the moral values such as how to behave, how to respect, how to speak, etc. The basis of a person’s life comes from family. Family teaches us good habits and daily routines to us. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to have a family. Here, we are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both nuclear and joint families.

Students can also find more  Advantages and Disadvantages  articles on events, persons, sports, technology, and many more.

What is Family? Advantages And Disadvantages Of Family 2022

A family is that ‘umbrella’ whose worth isn’t understood until the turbulent mists loom over you. However, when you turn upward with an expectation that somebody will act like the hero, the main quiet moving toward steps will be of your relatives. This is ‘FAMILY’. You grow up together, learn together, concur dissent, battle and makeup, and continue on in your lives, however, eventually, when you want somebody, you know your kin and your family will be there as soon as humanly possible.

Advantages of Family

Disadvantages of family, comparison table for advantages and disadvantages of family, faqs on pros and cons of family.

There are two types of families, one is nuclear and another is joint. Here we will discuss the advantages of both nuclear and joint families.

For Nuclear Family

  • Protection and Security: The couple can get their security in their own home in family units, while you can’t get your security in a joint family. Individuals can experience their own specific manner and can do anything that they like. The older folks set no such limits to follow.
  • Monetary or Financial soundness: When we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the family unit, then monetary strength is probably the most grounded point in the family unit. One can be a major area of strength for monetarily restricted costs. There are less number of individuals in the family unit and subsequently fewer costs. You can’t have areas of strength for steadiness on the off chance that you are the main individual who is procuring in a joint family.
  • Opportunity and Freedom: The older folks confines adolescents to avoid specific undertakings since they think this isn’t really great for them. However, the present age is extremely shrewd. They know what is great and terrible for themselves and have sufficient scientific power so they can do without confining themselves. All things considered, they need their opportunity so they can do and accomplish anything they desire in their life.
  • Easy to move: When you have a family unit, you deal with fewer issues while moving from a house. You can deal with your things as indicated by you without upsetting the existence of others. This is one of the significant benefits of the family unit.
  • Aversion of stress and distress: Some individuals are close to home. They can’t endure any sort of fun that is on them and in the joint family, one needs to have a lot of high persistence. Yet, family units enjoy the benefit that assuming you live in the organization of those with whom you are truly agreeable, then there is compelling reason need to take any pressure and your uneasiness likewise get evaporates in a second.

For Joint Family

  • Support of social ethics: Joint family resembles a nursery to show social ideals. It assists with creating social ideals like co-activity, compassion, penance, warmth, the soul of caring, help, submission and progress.
  • Protection against olds: Joint Family Acts as protection for the individuals from the family in the hour of emergency. It gives federal retirement aid to its individuals, particularly to the old, the decrepit, the jobless people, the vagrants, the bereaved little girls and sisters, as well as the physical and intellectually debilitated among them. For all such people, the joint family goes about as an insurance agency.
  • Division of work: In a joint family, every part is given work as per their ability. Everyone needs to work. For instance, in a labourer joint family, every one of the individuals works effectively as per their capacity. The old people and offspring of the family watch the harvests in the field. During the collect season, the ladies in certain families help in reaping. This means there is no need of obtaining work from outside the family.
  • Communism in Wealth: According to Sir Henry Maine joint family resembles a co-usable society with the dad as the legal administrator. Each part of the joint family works, adjusting to the deep-rooted communist equation; each works as per their capacity and gets as per their necessities.
  • Keeps away from fracture of land: Joint family evades the disasters or discontinuity of land by holding the property in like manner. A joint family is practically similar to a business entity.
  • An organization of social control: Another benefit of a joint family is that it goes about as an office of social control. In the joint family, there are nearby management over-the-counter friendly and unsocial exercises for the youthful part.
  • A chance for relaxation: Joint family manages the cost of more than adequate recreation for its individuals. Both the male and female individuals partition the family works and finish it in a brief time frame spending the remainder of the day in recreation. They never feel over troubled.
  • Cash saving gadget: Joint family is invaluable from the monetary perspective. This framework helps in getting the economy into use. Since things are consumed in a huge amount, they can be gotten at a modest rate. An enormous family can be kept up with inside a little means in the event that it lives mutually.

Similar to the advantages, we will discuss the disadvantages of both nuclear and joint families here.

While pondering the benefits and weaknesses of the family unit, an individual ought to likewise feel that living in a family unit isn’t great all the time. In specific places, you understand the worth of a joint family. Here are those focuses which will show you the significance of joint family and disservices of family units.

  • No consideration: If the guardians are working and kids experienced any little or huge sickness, then, at that point, it is necessary to manage it single-handedly as they don’t have older folks and other relatives to deal with. This is a significant detriment to the family unit. One is distant from everyone else and feels considerably more wiped out when he sees nobody around.
  • Issues to kids: If your kid is little and necessities extraordinary consideration, then you will track down the family unit not sufficient. You will constantly believe that in the event that you were in a joint family, this condition could never emerge as you have other relatives who can deal with the kid and meanwhile, you can take care of your responsibilities.
  • Security and wellbeing: Security is each other weakness in the family unit. Individuals feel unreliable in the family unit. There are countless instances of theft and murders and a considerable lot of them are from the family unit itself, as it is more straightforward to get somebody who resides alone in a house or with less number of individuals.
  • No help: When we discuss the benefits and hindrances of the family unit, support is what one will constantly miss. In the event that there is a contention between the couple, there is nobody to help any of them. They need to manage their concern alone with practically no help. At times because of their open nature and self-image, the battle brings about separation or division since there is nobody to cause them to grasp the fundamentals of a relationship.
  • Additional Expenses: When you live locally or in a joint family, then, at that point, you have the responsibility to keep others cheerful and recognizable to you. To do this, you want to do a few additional costs. Assume you bring some gifts for your kid, then acquiring some gifts for different youngsters in the family is additionally significant.
  • Family culture and values: In a more distant family, guardians and their kids’ families may frequently live under a solitary rooftop. This kind of joint family frequently remembers various ages of the family. From one culture to another, the fluctuation of the term might have various implications.
  • Home for Idler: Joint family lays on aggregate liability. This occasionally represents lethargy among certain individuals. Most likely dynamic individuals accomplish difficult work. In any case, when they get an equivalent offer in the food prepared at the normal hearth, a few individuals might become lethargic and may not feel the need of accomplishing any useful work. They invest their energy in eating, resting and conceiving youngsters.
  • The obstacle to the advancement of character: Joint family thwarts the improvement of character. Under the joint family framework, the top of the family or Karta is with everything taken into account. He is the sole power to make any choice in family undertakings. Different individuals, particularly youngsters, don’t be able to think autonomously to make any free choice. In this way, the advancement of character is captured.
  • Favours uncontrolled multiplication: Joint family is supposed to be related to a higher rate of birth. The part doesn’t feel the need for conception prevention in light of the fact that the youngsters lay on the family overall.
  • Ring of Fighting: Joint family is the hotbed of fights and quarrels. Squabbles are normal among female individuals from the family. Fights between the spouses of siblings, mother by marriage and little girl in-regulation are exceptionally normal.
  • Wellspring of prosecution: Sometimes joint-family framework energizes suit. At the hour of the segment of versatile or steadfast property in the family, debate accepts genuine extent and more often than not, these are not settled without the obstruction of the official courtroom.
  • No room for women: Under the joint family framework, the lady is consigned to low status. Her condition in the family is more regrettable. Especially the state of a little girl’s in regulation is entirely hopeless. She is many times abused by her mother during the marriage. Her life is no chance better compared to that of a slave. Much of the time, the evil treatment by the old ladies turns out to be deplorable to the point that they look for a super durable help in ending it all.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Family

Question 1. What is Joint Family?

Answer: A joint family is a family where all the members of the family, including grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins, live together.

Question 2. What is Nuclear Family?

Answer: A nuclear family is a small unit of family members that includes only a husband, wife and children.

Question 3. Which is better to live in a nuclear family or a joint family?

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IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essays 2024 – Samples, Model Essays and Topics


Updated On Mar 14, 2024

essay on joint family advantages and disadvantages

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IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essays 2024 – Samples, Model Essays and Topics

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In the writing task 2 advantage and disadvantages essay of IELTS, you will be asked to write the benefits and drawbacks of the topic given. Here, you have to be careful that you write the advantages and disadvantages of the topic given and NOT your opinion about the topic!

While explaining these kinds of essays, you can divide the content into 2 paragraphs.Paragraph 1 for Positive points and Paragraph 2 for negative points.

To help you understand this advantage and disadvantages essay of IELTS better, given below are some tips and a sample essay with a detailed outline. Along with this, there are numerous advantages and disadvantages of essays to help you practise during your preparation.

Tips to Crack Writing Task 2 Advantage and Disadvantages Essay of IELTS

Given below are some points which you can refer to master this question type!

  • When the topic statement is given, you need to spend at least 5-10 minutes in understanding the benefits and the drawbacks related to the topic.
  • Make sure that you have relevant points, supporting the topic. Do not deviate from the topic.
  • Make sure whatever you write is structured.
  • Put the advantages of the topic in one paragraph and the disadvantages in a separate paragraph.

Structure of an Advantage and Disadvantages Essay of IELTS 

The IELTS Writing Task 2 is considered one of the most dreaded tasks among all other tasks by IELTS aspirants. This task requires writing an essay encompassing various topics from all walks of life, from social issues to workplace issues. These essays are of various types, including opinion essays, discussion essays, advantage-disadvantage essays, etc.

Now, we will see the structure of advantage disadvantage essays and what should be the approach of writing one!


Now, the first thing that you have to do is to write an introduction. Your introduction should paraphrase the topic of the essay and try to use different vocabulary/synonyms for the words in the topic, wherever possible.

Then, give a brief idea about what could be expected in the essay, i.e. the advantages and the disadvantages of the concerned topic and state which side you think weighs the most (when asked for an opinion.)

Body paragraphs

Body paragraph 1:  This should state the advantages of the topic. This should be backed by practical points, and the examples would be even better. Day-to-day incidents and instances can be brought to notice.

Body paragraph 2:  This should state the disadvantages of the topic. This as well, should be supported by valid points, and the daily incidents and examples can be highlighted to back your points.

Conclusion:  Conclude the topic by providing a summary of the points put forth in the entire essay and how the advantages or disadvantages of the topic outweigh the other (if applicable).

Wondering the Trick to Score a Band 8 in Writing Task 2?  Know the Secret!

Advantages and Disadvantages IELTS Essay Questions and Sample Answers

Given below are some sample questions for the advantages and disadvantages type of essay and band 9 methodologies of answering them.

Sample Question 1

More and more students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in a foreign country. Do the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks?

Given below is a brief outline of what to write in the essay after identifying the essay type.

Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

  • Paraphrase the topic of the essay
  • Mention the contents of the subsequent paragraphs

Body Paragraph 1

  • Foreign education has various advantages like better educational facilities, gaining valuable experience and international exposure. Studying abroad also opens up several high paying employment opportunities.

Body Paragraph 2

  • Travelling abroad for educational purposes also has some disadvantages like increased tuition fees and living expenses. Other disadvantages include learning to live in a foreign society and prolonged periods of time away from home.
  • Summarize the essay and mention the final view on the topic.

Sample Answer

Foreign education has become one of the most sought-after ventures in this day and age. A majority of students plan on pursuing higher education in a foreign nation, especially when it comes to a master’s degree. One of the reasons why studying abroad has become such a popular phenomenon is the relaxation of travel laws and procedures across the world. However, there are pros and cons to studying abroad and the following paragraphs, will explore the topic and elaborate on why the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

One of the primary reasons for studying abroad is the presence of a more refined and sophisticated education system in several first-world countries. It is common for students from underdeveloped or developing countries like Brazil, China, India, Argentina and other countries to look for better opportunities than the ones available in their native country in terms of academics. Also, residing in a foreign country helps individuals to gain international exposure and also helps them develop social and interpersonal skills, which are extremely important for being eligible for lucrative job opportunities..

Nevertheless, there are numerous drawbacks to travelling abroad for education. First of all, from the beginning of applying to a foreign university to staying in the host country for the entire duration of your degree, it is an exorbitant affair. Such a costly endeavour is often unaffordable for the household of many people. That being said, becoming accustomed to the norms and conventions of an unfamiliar country can be a tough ordeal for many due to differences in culture and social traditions.

Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that foreign education can be a blessing if it is financially feasible for aspiring students. That being said, the benefits of studying abroad surpass the drawbacks for the same.

Sample Question 2

What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization? Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

  • Paraphrase the essay topic using synonyms for the words used in the question.
  • Mention the contents of the following paragraphs.
  • Globalisation has led to a lot of positive changes, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries. There has been an increase in employment opportunities, products and services are easily available to people around the world.
  • Globalisation also has various disadvantages like the exploitation of cheap labour from developing countries and also the decline in quality of products and services.
  • Summarize the topic and state the final view.

Globalisation has been one of the most significant phenomena in the last few decades, and it has changed several aspects of human society both economically and socially. There has been remarkable progress in terms of economic and financial development for developing countries due to the expansion of global organizations. However, there are several drawbacks to this rapid progress that need to be addressed. Evidently, globalization has more advantages than disadvantages and the following paragraphs, will elaborate on the topic and justify these views.

First of all, the most advantageous aspect of globalization is the advent of numerous international companies and franchises in developing countries. Ever since global brands and corporations have expanded their operations in countries such as India, China, Sri Lanka and many more, there has been a notable increase in employment in these countries. Additionally, due to the remarkable rise in the number of imports and exports, people from third world countries now have access to a vast catalogue of products and services that were previously unattainable.

That being said, there are drawbacks to globalization that create concerning issues for a sizeable portion of the global population. One of the most disturbing consequences faced is the exploitation of labour. Many corporations are known to outsource their operations to developing countries due to cheap labour costs. This enables them to accomplish their manufacturing operations without having to provide proper remuneration. Also, due to the use of inexpensive labour, the quality of products is diminished, and customers receive inferior products.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that the effects of globalization are not entirely positive or negative. Nonetheless, the benefits brought by this occupation outweigh the drawbacks.

Bonus Advantages and Disadvantages IELTS Essay Topics

  • Is it good for children to start using computers from an early age and spend long hours on them? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
  • What are the pros and cons for children of watching television? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your knowledge or experience.
  • The internet has brought about many changes into our day-to-day life. Nowadays we are doing things such as mailing, contacting, banking and communication much faster. Do these developments have more advantages than disadvantages?
  • The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent language in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken globally. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one language in the world?
  • At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?
  • These days, many people have their own computer and telephone, so it is quite easy for them to do their job at home. Does working at home have more advantages or more disadvantages?
  • A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks?
  • Tests and examinations are a central feature of school systems in many countries. Do you think the educational benefits of testing outweigh any disadvantages. Give reasons for your answer.
  • What do you think are the strengths and weakness of the education system in your country. Use your own experience to support your idea.
  • In the last decade, there has been a great increase in the number and variety of online courses available to adults. This has been welcomed as a great opportunity by many students, however, other students see these courses as less effective than classroom teaching. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying an online course?
  • Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the child of having a large number of toys?
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones in our daily lives.
  • In some countries, more and more adults are living with their parents after graduating from college , University or even after finding a job. Do the advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?
  • Every year large numbers of people migrate from one country to another for different reasons. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of migration for the individual and for society as a whole.
  • Nowadays online shopping becomes more popular than in-store shopping. Is it a positive or a negative development? Give your reasons and examples.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large city.
  • Some companies and organizations require their employees to wear uniform. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniform?

Do you have an essay on any of these topics? Post yours in the comment section so that, One of our expert IELTS trainers can evaluate it and reply!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an advantage/disadvantage essay? How do you identify that the essay falls under this category?

What is the structure of an advantage/disadvantage essay?

Is it mandatory to put advantages and disadvantages separately in two paragraphs or can I club them?

In case of questions where advantages outweigh disadvantages, I might have to write disadvantages first? Will it affect my score?

In the conclusion part of the advantage/disadvantage essay, is it ok to support one side?

Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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Janet had been an IELTS Trainer before she dived into the field of Content Writing. During her days of being a Trainer, Janet had written essays and sample answers which got her students an 8+ band in the IELTS Test. Her contributions to our articles have been engaging and simple to help the students understand and grasp the information with ease. Janet, born and brought up in California, had no idea about the IELTS until she moved to study in Canada. Her peers leaned to her for help as her first language was English.

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Post your Comments

essay on joint family advantages and disadvantages

Ashlin Devi

Posted on Oct 5, 2023

Nowdays, technologies are in high demand. People are possessed with their own computers and cell phones, so it is quite easy for them to do their job at home. Even though it is acknowledged with several points that working from home is quite easier, the essay will argue that the drawbacks of working from home will outweigh its strength. The main disadvantages are ineffective communication and the relationship amongst people becoming distant. First of all, people need internet to communicate. The internet connectivity is very poor at times, especially in the remote areas. Furthermore, during virtual meetings, discussion gets difficult due to connection issues where meeting is not worthwhile since no voice or no video. Moreover, working from home gives distance amongst people where you will not be able to have interact with colleague. Face-to-face discussion is very important where you get to work more effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, working from home is indeed benefit. People do not have to travel to reach work. The time which are spend on travelling, can be utilized on other activities such as house cores, leisure activities or even can work extra hours to meet the given deadline. Furthermore, people get flexibility in working hours, since there are no superior workers supervising employee. To conclude, there are some strengths on working from home but drawbacks overweigh strengths since working from home is not as easy task as people think since ineffective communication and people interaction is very important.

ria mahajan

ria mahajan

Posted on Oct 6, 2023

Overall Band 5.5 Main ideas are relevant, but some are insufficiently developed and lack clarity, while some supporting arguments and evidences are missing for the question.Simple vocabulary is used accurately but the range does not permit much variation in expression.A mix of simple and complex sentence forms is used but flexibility is limited. For detailed analysis,you can avail a Free trial class Find the link below: or you may reach out to us: +91 8929053019

essay on joint family advantages and disadvantages

Posted on May 29, 2022

Nowadays, studying abroad is a new trend among students. Undoubtedly, there are positive and negative aspects of studying in a foreign country. However, the benefits of attending colleges and universities in a foreign country outweigh the drawbacks. The next couple of paragraphs will explain the topic and justify these viewpoints.

To begin with, studying abroad has several advantages for students. For instance, a student who is studying in a foreign country will probably improve language skills better than others. Learning a foreign language is extremely significant in a global environment. Moreover, living outside of a home country will enhance students’ worldview thanks to the culture of the host country. Therefore, it can be said that studying abroad paws the way for great career options.

However, there are undesired sides to education in a foreign state. One of them is education expenditure. Studying abroad might be expensive. Thus, it might lead to a huge economic burden for both student and his family. When a student moves to another country for education, he must face several challenges caused by living alone. For instance, some students might have some psychological problems during the first couple of weeks following their move. It can be claimed that being homesick is a common problem among young students.

In conclusion, having a graduate degree from a foreign country has both negative and positive sides. Although there are significant advantages, the benefits of studying abroad surpass the drawbacks for the same.


Posted on May 30, 2022

Band Score – 6

Concentrate on the correct usage of quantifiers and subject-verb agreement.

In some places words are used incorrectly, pay attention to them.

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essay on joint family advantages and disadvantages

Purnima Koli

Posted on Oct 25, 2021

Parents tend to give the children better resources as compared to their own childhood. This way they also feel compensated in the process while bringing up their own child. While having a huge collection of toys to play with is not all that bad, at the same time can lead to some issues.

Firstly, having a diversity in the range of toys have multiple benefits. The child can learn how to manage or organize better. Varied exposure to different themes of toys makes one more aware.

Secondly, sharing can also develop social skills among the child’s friend circle. To get hands-on-experience with toys such as Rubix’s cube, puzzles hone mental capacity of the kid. Similarly, educational and infotainment toys help shape likes and dislikes, opinions, communication skills. Thus, caters to holistic development which is often a cause of worry for parents.

On the other hand, if the child is given more and more, this may result in losing the value of individual toy. Not only is this expenditure wasteful but also teaching consumerist tendencies to the child. Perhaps unconsciously the child stops valuing his toys and takes them for granted in desire for more.

To have enough needs to be inculcated rather than frivolous costs being incurred. The parents need to be also mindful of teaching holistic habits like outdoor games, reading, painting apart from playing with toys for all round development.

Having many toys is also burdensome when it comes to maintenance. If that could be sorted then it’s much easier to assemble and play as per the child’s convenience. Gifting once in a while is a good option to keep the spirits of the child happy.


Posted on Nov 13, 2021

If you would have presented this same as a 4 paragraph structure and added the conclusion you would have score 7 easily.

Janice Thompson

Overall band: 5

Coherence: It is better to follow a 4 paragraph structure so that it is easy for the examiner to mark you for coherence. Conclusion is missing in your essay. Conclusion is where you sum up and restate points.

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