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Elementary Educators (4-6)

Series Sarah Brown Wessling's Visit to Tulare County Schools: Scaffolds for Critical Thinking

Common core State Standards

  • ELA:  English Language Arts
  • RL:  Reading Standards for Literature K-\x80\x935
  • 4:  4th Grade
  • 7:  Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text.

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Scaffolds for Critical Thinking

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Discussion and Supporting Materials

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Thought starters

  • How does Ms. Wessling create an environment that encourages curiosity?
  • How does this lesson help students make progress toward the Common Core standard of making connections between the story's text and the visual presentation of the text?
  • What would you do next to help students continue making progress with this standard?


Private message to Emily Hein

Emily Hein Oct 5, 2021 9:12am

The lesson on working on the concret to the obstract. This helped them develop concepts to meanings. This skill is challanging for young readers so I thought the box was a great idea to get the kids curious. It also made the classroom have more freedom by being able to guess what is in the box.

Private message to Kayla Middleton

Kayla Middleton Oct 16, 2018 4:29pm

Scaffolds for Critical Thinking (Uncut)

wei xiaohong May 28, 2018 7:48am

Private message to J Weldon

J Weldon Mar 30, 2018 2:26pm

Private message to Vanessa Mejia

Vanessa Mejia Mar 10, 2018 7:11pm

Lesson Plans

  • Lesson Plan: Scaffolds for Critical Thinking.PDF

Scaffolds for Critical Thinking Transcript


Speaker 1: Hi!

Children: Hi!

Speaker 1: Are your brains ready to go?

Children: Yes!

Speaker: Today I was in a fourth grade classroom, which was a gift because there are these enthusiastic kids who were so excited to learn and also a challenge because I spend nearly all of my time in a high school. It was really interesting for me to think about how to transfer this idea of teaching critical thinking to a fourth grade classroom, to ‘ really ‘ these emerging learners.

Alright friends, I’m going to tell you something. I have this box.

We have two simultaneous purposes going on in the classroom.

Speaker 1: We have adults in the classroom who are a part of this professional learning experience and then we also have the lesson that’s going on.

There were some things in it; there might be some clues to what we are supposed to learn.

The lesson today was on being able to get students to work from moving to the concrete to the abstract. In fourth grade terms, what that meant was that I wanted them to be able to see the difference between things in what we see in what we read, and then the ideas that they represent. As I designed this lesson and I really thought about what our younger, emerging critical thinkers need, I wanted to make sure that I created an environment that really privileged the disposition of curiosity.

Do you think you could help me out?

Children: Yes.

Speaker 1: That’s where the idea for this box came in.

So, I thought I should just take them out.

I would pull these different components of the lesson out of there, I think it created a natural umbrella of inquiry.

What do you think is going to happen?

I think it just kind of sets the tone for the culture or the environment that we want to have in which the teacher is releasing the responsibility of learning to the student.

This was one of the things that was in here. I don’t know, what do you think about those?

Speaker 2: I think it’s a type of beans.

Speaker 1: Does anybody else think that? Yeah? You thought it was a type of bean? I don’t know if it has anything to do with these, though, but there were these pictures that showed up in this box of mine. Should I give these to you too?

Children: Yeah.

Speaker 1: I don’t know.

Speaker 3: I know one of these, you have to put it in your teeth.

Speaker 4: Yeah, it makes your teeth straight.

Speaker 1: Okay, who has an idea? Yes, what do you think?

Speaker 5: We were saying that it might be to straighten out your teeth.

Speaker 1: Interesting. Should we write that down here? We’re going to see if we can add anything to our ideas about why these two things showed up on your desks.

Speaker 6: We can be taught how to eat healthy food?

Speaker 1: Okay, what do you think?

Speaker 7: Maybe we’re going to learn about how cause and effect, like if you eat these what is it going to do to the braces?

Speaker 1: That’s a really good question.

One of the things that happens when you’re kind of in this mode of inquiry is that you kind of leave some things dangling, really.

Speaker 8: [Wait, do you produce this?] its this something about like how it grows?

Speaker 1: Wow!

I knew that I would ask them to draw some conclusions about lima beans and braces and I knew that it wasn’t going to have this nice little bow tied around that understanding, and that was okay, but we needed some anchors for the lesson.

I think we should hang onto all of these really good idea. Can we leave these on your desk for a minute? You think that would be okay?

Speaker 1: Here’s this other thing: there are these words.

Next, we got into this concept attainment component where I put these “yes” examples and “no” examples of the difference between things and ideas.

Video games, Clash of Clans. Does anybody play Clash of Clans in here? Okay, here is the green example. Video games equals frustration. Do you get frustrated because you’re not getting to the next level?

Speaker 1: You know, I could touch Clash of Clans. Couldn’t I point to it on the screen?

Speaker 1: Can I touch frustration?

Children: No.

Speaker 1: Why not?


Speaker 9: Because it’s an idea.

Speaker 10: It’s a feeling.

Speaker 1: Because it’s a feeling, it’s something in your head.

It took us a while to work through those, but that was also really important and, again, really governed by questions.

Do you think you’re pretty good at this now?

Speaker 1: I think you are too, so this is what I’m going to do: I’m going to give you your own piece of blue, okay? Then I’m going to put one up on the board and I’m going to ask you to make a red and a green one for me. Can you do that?

Speaker 1: Okay, here it is. Pet. If you were going to do one that was red you would do pet equals ‘ what would you write afterwards? Everybody do it on their blue piece of paper.

I was hoping that the one that I saved until the end about the pet would be the most relevant to them, which is why I saved it until the end because they actually had to finish the card.

Speaker 10: I have “fluffy.”

Speaker 1: Is that the name of a pet? No? Could it be the name of a pet?

Speaker 1: Okay, so if we’re going to do a green one for pet, it’s kind of tricky.

We are asking them to really practice a more difficult cognitive task, I think it’s really important to make the content more accessible or more relevant.

Before you write this down, what are you going to have to ask yourself? How does your pet ,

Speaker 11: How does your pet feel?

Speaker 1: Not how does your pet feel when you touch it, but how does it make you feel.

By creating this more inductive methodology, they were doing the transfer as they were figuring it out. I actually felt like even though it’s a slower process, it’s a more sure process.

Speaker 12: Happy?

Speaker 1: Happy! Can we touch happy?

Speaker 1: No. Does it work? It does!

Once we practiced, then we took that and we wanted to apply it to a shared text.

Okay, this is called “A Bad Case of Stripes.” Camilla Cream loved lima beans but she never ate them. All of her friends hated lima beans and she wanted to fit in.

I chose to use that book because I wanted to find texts that really had a strong example of an object that represented an idea.

Why would she not eat the lima beans then?

Speaker 13: Because they would make fun of her.

Speaker 1: Oh, does that ever happen?

Speaker 1: “The next day was a disaster. ‘What are we going to do?’ cried Mrs. Cream, ‘It just keeps getting worse and worse!’ She began to sob.”

Speaker 14: Another thing they tell us, “Turn back into a normal kid!”

Speaker 1: What do you think about that word, “normal”? What is normal? Is there a normal?

Speaker 15: Like, to be yourself?

Speaker 1: Oh.

The lima beans in this book definitely represent an idea, and you don’t get it until the second to last page in the book.

“’Yes,’ said the old woman, ‘I knew the real you was in there somewhere.’ She patted Camilla on the head.” But even when we got to that second to last page, they had worked so hard that I as determined that I was not going to tell them what it meant.

If lima beans are over here, lima beans are what? Lima beans are…

Children: Ideas.

Speaker 1: Yes, what’s the idea?

Speaker 16: Someone who eats lima beans?

Speaker 1: To eat them…

Speaker 17: Some where there?

Speaker 1: Closer, I’m going to read it one more time. Listen. Okay? Listen for an idea, something you can’t touch.

I just kind of kept reading it, the same sentence maybe 3 or 4 times, because it was theirs. That was theirs to get, not mine to give.

“’Yes,’ said the old woman, ‘I knew the real you was in there somewhere.’” What?

Speaker 18: The real you?

Speaker 1: The real you! Do you think that’s what the lima bean are about?

Speaker 1: I think you’re right.

As soon as students are the ones who actually can offer those concepts, those ideas, we just know that they’ve got it.

Red or green?

Children: Red.

Speaker 1: Red, yes. And what’s the green?

Speaker 19: To be yourself.

Speaker 1: To be yourself. Is that an idea?

Speaker 1: So, once we did this kind of as a shared text, I wanted to move on to make it something a little more individual.

We’re going to look for what those braces mean.

I brought in an excerpt from a graphic novel called “Smile.”

“’That’s it,’ says the dentist, ‘braces work through subtle pressure.’”

There were these moments where the author starts talking about these braces.

Are there any words we can’t touch on this page?

Speaker 20: Power?

Speaker 1: Power, can you circle that word? Should I put power in green or red?

Children: Red. Green!

Speaker 1: We start to realize that this is something that’s very tangible, these braces, but they also seem to be talking about these ideas that go with them. I started to generate a list on the board.

Speaker 22: Problems?

Speaker 1: They’re problems.

Even that was helpful in reiterating this idea about the difference between concept and something tangible.

Have you ever decided you needed a break from a friend? Yeah? Did it ever feel like a little pressure?

One of the things that happens to me that I know that it happens to all kinds of teachers, is that you run out of time. Lo and behold, that’s exactly what happened today.

Okay, let’s do this: can you do this one thing for me?

I took 30 seconds maybe , a minute , and just asked them what do these braces tell us about friendship?

Speaker 23: Tight?

Speaker 1: They sometimes get tight?

I did give a little bit of wait time, just enough until I could see some of their eyes kind of clicking and they started to see how braces and friendship were connected to each other.

But in the end, sometimes you can do what?

Speaker 24: Smile?

Speaker 1: If I had finished “Smile,” the lesson would end with them doing some writing. With them trying to discern , on their own , how these braces connect to friendship as it is presented in this graphic novel.

You guys are wonderful!

I’m a high school teacher and so I don’t get into elementary classrooms that often so this was a really wonderful opportunity to think about how these skills go throughout the grade bands. Because sometimes we may think, “You can’t teach critical thinking to young kids” and I think those kids just showed that they’re just as ready as anyone else to do it.

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Skill Sharpeners Critical Thinking Grade 4 Activity Book from Evan-Moor Clearance Curriculum Express


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Plus, each page lists the critical-thinking skill(s) so that you know what your child is practicing.

Use  Skill Sharpeners: Critical Thinking  for enrichment at home and help your child become a confident problem solver!

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Daily Math Practice Grade 4 from Evan-Moor

"Mathematics is the supreme judge; from its decisions there is no appeal." — Tobias Dantzig, Mathematician There may be multiple ways to get to the solutions, but the answers are concrete. There is no talking your way out of a wrong answer in math. Daily Math Practice Grade 4  from Evan-Moor supplies your students with the best way to learn and practice what they need to be successful in mathematics!

Skill Sharpeners Critical Thinking Grade 4 Activity Book from Evan-Moor Clearance Curriculum Express

Daily Math Practice Grade 3 from Evan-Moor

"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." — Eric Hoffer, Author As your students grow, it is important to instruct them in math, as well as the uses of math. Daily Math Practice Grade 3 from Evan-Moor supplies your student with the practice they need to make them successful in mathematics! This workbook is the foundation you need to teach your children math knowledge they will use for life.

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How to teach 4th Grade Kids: 25 Best Tricks & Tips

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5 Tips to Teach 4th Grade Math

5 tips to teach 4th grade language arts, 5 tips to teach 4th grade science, 10 general tips to teach 4th grade kids.

Teaching 4th grade presents its own set of unique challenges and rewards. As someone who has been in the trenches of 4th-grade classrooms, I’ve gathered firsthand experience in how to teach 4th grade . This age is a critical point in a child’s education, where they transition from concrete learning to more abstract thinking. They’re more curious and independent yet still need significant guidance and support.

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Adapting our teaching methods to meet the needs of 4th graders is essential. This stage is vital for reinforcing foundational skills and introducing new academic concepts. In this blog, I’ll share insights and strategies from my experience to guide you in effectively teaching this vibrant and diverse group of students.

1. Incorporate Story Problems

Story problems are a key tool as they help students apply mathematical concepts to real-life scenarios. This enhances their problem-solving skills and makes math more relevant and engaging for them.

  • Create scenarios involving grocery shopping to teach budgeting and subtraction .
  • Use sports statistics to introduce concepts of averages and simple statistics.

Encourage students to write their story problems based on classroom topics or personal interests.

Start with these word problem games :

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2. Start with Concrete Examples

Collage of kids playing with blocks

Using concrete examples is crucial for building a solid foundation. At this age, students transition from concrete operational thinking to more abstract concepts. Starting with tangible examples makes this transition smoother.

  • Use physical objects like blocks to demonstrate multiplication or division .
  • Draw shapes to teach geometry , allowing students to visualize angles and sides .
  • Utilize measuring tapes or rulers in class to connect math with real-world dimensions.

3. Focus on Understanding, Not Just Memorization

Understanding the rationale behind mathematical processes is crucial for 4th graders. It helps them grasp concepts deeply rather than memorizing steps, leading to better problem-solving skills and a stronger mathematical foundation.

  • Break down time tables to show the repeated addition concept.
  • Use visual aids like number lines for addition and subtraction.
  • Explain fractions using real-life examples like slicing a pizza.

4. Use Technology and Interactive Tools

In today’s digital age, the traditional chalk-and-talk method of teaching math is evolving. For 4th graders, whose attention spans and learning preferences vary widely, the use of technology and interactive math tools can significantly enhance their learning experience.

SplashLearn offers a blend of fun and education that is both engaging and effective. It turns math problems into interactive games . This approach resonates with 4th graders, who often find traditional math problems daunting or boring. By gamifying the learning process, SplashLearn ensures that children are engaged and motivated to learn more.

SplashLearn caters to a range of learning styles , ensuring that whether a student prefers hands-on activities, visual aids, or auditory instructions, there’s something for everyone.

Teachers can use SplashLearn to track the progress of their students. This feature helps in identifying areas where a student might be struggling, allowing for a more personalized teaching approach.

5. Introduce Step-by-Step Problem Solving

How to teach 4th grade math effectively involves guiding students through step-by-step problem-solving. This methodical approach helps them understand each part of a problem, fostering a deeper comprehension of mathematical processes.

  • To solve a long division problem, break it down into smaller, manageable steps and go through each step slowly.
  • Use a problem-solving framework, like ‘Read, Question, Solve, and Check’, to structure their approach to math problems .
  • Encourage them to write out each step when solving a problem, which can help identify where they struggle and need more practice.

1. Introduce Literary Analysis

At the 4th grade level, introducing basic literary analysis helps students delve deeper into texts, encouraging critical thinking and a better appreciation of literature. This involves examining elements like plot, characters, and setting, and understanding how they contribute to the story’s overall impact.

  • Discuss the motives and actions of characters in a story and how they affect the plot.
  • Analyze the setting of a story and its influence on the narrative.
  • Encourage students to identify themes and messages in stories and relate them to their own experiences.

Begin introducing these literary analysis games for 4th grade kids:

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2. Enhance Writing Skills

Developing writing skills is a key aspect of how to teach 4th grade language arts . Students should learn to express their thoughts clearly and coherently. This skill is not only important for academic success but also for effective communication in general.

  • Regular practice with different types of writing: narrative, descriptive, persuasive.
  • Teach the basics of structuring an essay – introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Use writing prompts to stimulate creativity and expression.

Here are some writing worksheets to enhance your 4th graders writing skills:

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3. Expand Vocabulary and Grammar

A strong vocabulary and a good grasp of grammar are essential for 4th graders. It aids in both reading comprehension and effective writing.

  • Introduce new words weekly and use them in various contexts.
  • Engage in fun activities like word games or crossword puzzles .
  • Incorporate grammar lessons into writing exercises.

Expand vocabulary with these festive-themed vocabulary worksheets :

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4. Incorporate Listening and Speaking Activities

Listening and speaking are critical components of language arts. They enhance comprehension and communication skills, preparing students for more advanced interactions.

  • Organize group discussions on various topics.
  • Conduct read-aloud sessions where students take turns reading.
  • Implement storytelling activities where students narrate stories or experiences.

5. Focus on Comprehensive Reading

In 4th grade, shifting focus to comprehensive reading is vital. It’s the stage where students transition from learning to reading to reading to learning. This skill is crucial for understanding more complex texts and concepts they will encounter in higher grades.

  • Use a variety of texts ( stories , poems , informational texts) to broaden exposure.
  • Discuss the main ideas, themes, and characters in each reading session.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and share their interpretations.

Begin with thes printable worksheets to enhance comprehension skills :

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1. Integrate Science with Daily Life

In teaching 4th-grade science, connecting scientific concepts with everyday life is effective. This approach helps students understand the relevance and application of science in their surroundings, making it more engaging and memorable.

  • Discuss weather patterns by relating them to seasonal changes they observe.
  • Explore ecosystems by examining local plants and animals.
  • Study simple machines through objects they use daily, like scissors (levers) or bicycles (wheels and axles).

2. Focus on Observation and Data Collection

Kid practicing germination

Teaching science to 4th graders should emphasize observation and data collection. This age is ideal for nurturing these foundational scientific skills, as students are naturally curious and detail-oriented.

  • Nature walks to observe and document different types of plants and insects.
  • Simple experiments where they measure and record temperatures or growth of plants.
  • Projects involving the collection and analysis of data, like a rainfall chart.

3. Use Age-Appropriate Scientific Explanations

Providing scientific explanations that are appropriate for 4th graders’ understanding is essential. Complex concepts should be broken down into simpler terms, using analogies and examples they can easily relate to.

  • Explain the concept of evaporation and condensation through the water cycle.
  • Use baking soda and vinegar reactions to demonstrate chemical changes.
  • Describe the solar system with models or drawings to simplify spatial concepts.

4. Introduce Basic Scientific Vocabulary

Science vocabulary flashcards

Introducing and consistently using basic scientific vocabulary prepares 4th graders for more advanced studies. It’s important to teach these terms in context so that students can fully grasp their meanings and applications.

  • Teach terms like ‘habitat’, ‘precipitation’, and ‘photosynthesis’ in relevant lessons.
  • Use vocabulary flashcards or word banks to reinforce new terms.
  • Encourage students to use scientific terms in their observations and reports.

5. Encourage Scientific Questions and Curiosity

A kid looking at a flower with magnifying glass

Fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural world is a key tip for 4th graders. When students are encouraged to ask questions and explore their interests, they develop a deeper appreciation for science.

  • Have a “question of the day” related to the science topic being studied.
  • Allow students to conduct simple research on a science question of their choice.
  • Organize a science fair where students can present findings on a scientific inquiry.

1. Establish Clear Communication

Clear communication tops the list when considering how to teach 4th grade. Fourth graders are developing better language skills and understanding. It’s crucial to use clear, concise instructions and check for understanding. This can be done through simple questioning techniques or quick activities that assess their grasp of the instructions. 

2. Encourage Independent Learning

Teaching fourth graders means encouraging them to take more responsibility for their learning. Introduce tasks that require them to work independently, like reading assignments or simple research projects. This boosts their confidence and prepares them for more complex tasks in higher grades.

3. Incorporate Technology Mindfully

At this stage, integrating technology can greatly enhance learning. Use educational apps and interactive online resources that align with your lesson plans . However, balancing screen time with traditional learning methods is important, ensuring a well-rounded educational experience.

4. Focus on Critical Thinking

Developing critical thinking skills is essential. Present them with problems that require analysis and decision-making. Group discussions, debates, or problem-solving tasks can be very effective. This approach teaches them to think independently and express their thoughts clearly.

5. Implementing Collaborative Learning

Group work is key. It helps them develop social skills and learn how to work collaboratively. Projects where they need to work in teams teach them about cooperation, listening to different perspectives, and conflict resolution.

6. Adapt to Different Learning Styles

Every child learns differently. Some may prefer visual aids, while others learn better through auditory or hands-on activities. It’s important to vary your teaching methods to cater to these different styles, making learning more effective and inclusive.

7. Set and Review Goals Regularly

Goal setting is crucial at this stage. Work with your students to set achievable academic and personal goals. Regularly review these goals to track progress and make adjustments. This practice teaches them the value of setting objectives and working towards them, a skill that will benefit them beyond the classroom.

8. Promote Self-Assessment and Reflection

Evaluate 4th graders work is essential for their growth. Encourage them to reflect on their assignments and identify their strengths and areas for improvement. This practice fosters self-awareness and helps them become more responsible and independent learners. Regular reflection sessions can be incorporated after completing significant tasks or projects.

9. Promote Emotional and Social Growth

Emotional and social development is as important as academic growth. Encourage activities that promote empathy, respect, and self-awareness. Discussing feelings, group dynamics, and personal challenges openly in class can create a supportive learning environment.

10. Enhance Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving is a critical skill for 4th graders. Incorporate puzzles, logical games, and real-life scenarios that challenge them to think and find solutions. This sharpens their reasoning abilities and prepares them for complex subjects they’ll encounter. Encouraging them to explain their thought process helps in deepening their understanding.

As we wrap up this blog on teaching tips for 4th graders, remember teaching 4th grade is all about patience, creativity, and understanding each child’s unique way of learning. Keep your lessons engaging and relevant, and don’t forget to have fun. After all, when you enjoy teaching, your students will likely enjoy learning!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What makes a good 4th grade teacher.

A good 4th grade teacher is patient, creative, and adaptable, with a strong understanding of the developmental needs of this age group. They should be skilled in making learning engaging and accessible, while fostering a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.

What are the activities for Grade 4?

Activities for Grade 4 include hands-on science experiments , interactive math games , creative writing exercises, group projects, and multimedia learning tools. These activities are designed to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative skills.

What are the lessons in Grade 4?

Lessons in Grade 4 typically cover more advanced math concepts like multiplication and division, comprehensive language arts including reading and writing , basic sciences such as biology and physical science, social studies focusing on history and geography, and introductory technology and computer skills.

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Foster critical thinking and effective problem-solving in your students with this 6-page, 72-question worksheet set. Perfect for students in grades 4 to 6, and sure to test many students beyond that age range.

These teacher-friendly, no-prep Logic & Reasoning worksheets are perfect for fast finishers, warm-up material, homework and enrichment.

Activities feature a combination of multiple-choice and short answer questions, encouraging deductive and inductive reasoning skills.

Designed for both US and UK/AUS/NZ, with no location-specific language used.

· 6 pages of questions (3 x 2-page activity sets, 72 questions in total)

· Answer Keys for Every Activity

· Recommended Directions for Teachers and Students

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  1. Educational Classroom Posters And Resources

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  3. Lesson Plans Critical Thinking Middle School

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  4. Tools Of Critical Thinking

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  2. What is Critical Thinking? A Definition

  3. 5 tips to improve your critical thinking

  4. What is critical thinking?

  5. “Critical Thinking Skills” by David Sotir

  6. Episode 1.1: What is Critical Thinking?


  1. Worksheet Library: Critical Thinking: Grades 3-5

    Scratch Your Brain. Use addition and subtraction to figure out solutions to these brain benders. (Grades 3-5) From One Word to the Next. Change a letter in the previous word to make the word that completes each phrase. (Grades 3-5) Root Words. Complete this activity about words that have /capt/ or /tact/ as a root.

  2. Skill Sharpeners: Critical Thinking, Grade 4

    Grade 4 activities include puzzles, word problems, riddles, and word games that involve critical thinking skills such as: Analyze; Infer; Visualize; Solve; Create, and more! Plus, each page lists the critical thinking skill(s) so that you know what your child is practicing.

  3. Skill Sharpeners: Critical Thinking, Grade 4

    Grade 4 activities include puzzles, word problems, riddles, and word games that involve critical thinking skills such as: Analyze; Infer; Visualize; Solve; Create, and more! Plus, each page lists the critical thinking skill(s) so that you know what your child is practicing.

  4. Free 4th grade critical thinking worksheets

    Browse free 4th grade critical thinking worksheets on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  5. Evan-Moor Skill Sharpeners Critical Thinking, Grade 4 Workbook, Problem

    Grade 4 activities include puzzles, word problems, riddles, and word games that involve critical thinking skills such as: - Analyze - Infer - Visualize - Solve - Create, and more! Plus, each page lists the critical thinking skill(s) so that you know what your child is practicing. Includes answer key.

  6. Elementary Educators (4-6)

    CRITICAL THINKING LINKS FOR 4th to 6th GRADE EDUCATORS(complimentary) Tactical and Structural Recommendations. Teaching Tactics that Encourage Active Learning. Using Intellectual Standards to Assess Student Reasoning. The Art of Redesigning Instruction. Remodeled Lessons: 4-6.

  7. Scaffolding Critical Thinking For 4th Graders

    Emily Hein Oct 5, 2021 9:12am. Scaffolds for Critical Thinking (Uncut) May 28, 2018 7:48am. Lesson to help 4th graders delve into critical thinking. From building an environment for curiosity to aligning the lesson to the Common Core, this video will help you develop lessons to scaffold critical thinking for your students.

  8. Comprehension and Critical Thinking Grade 4

    Item 50244. Grade 4. ISBN 9781425802448. Language English. Description. Build Grade 4 students' comprehension and critical-thinking skills and prepare them for standardized tests with high-interest nonfiction articles from TIME For Kids®. This easy-to-implement resource includes accompanying document-based questions that focus on key ...

  9. Critical and Creative Thinking Activities, Grade 4

    Engage your grade 4 students in thinking skills practice with Critical and Creative Thinking Activities! 140+ pages of fun, imaginative activities motivate students as they practice thinking in multiple ways about a variety of curriculum and theme-based topics. 46 theme-based units make it easy to find activities that fit your core curriculum ...

  10. Comprehension and Critical Thinking Grade 4

    Build Grade 4 students' comprehension and critical-thinking skills and prepare them for standardized tests with high-interest nonfiction articles from TIME For Kids®. This easy-to-implement resource includes accompanying document-based questions that focus on key strategies for breaking down informational text to help students build cross-curricular reading skills.

  11. Skill Sharpeners Critical Thinking Grade 4 Activity Book from Evan-Moor

    Fifth Grade. Skill Sharpeners Critical Thinking Grade 4 Activity Book from Evan-Moor. SKU: 9781629383521Categories: Clearance, Evan-Moor, Grade 4, Language Arts, Math, Workbook. Price: $7.14$10.99Save 35%! Skill Sharpeners Critical Thinking Grade 4 Activity Book from Evan-Moor quantity. Add to cartBack To Shop.

  12. Skill Sharpeners: Critical Thinking, Grade 4

    The Evan-Moor Skill Sharpeners: Critical Thinkingseries features engaging full-color exercises across four different themes. In this grade 4 workbook, students will enjoy exercises about the animal kingdom, time, technology, and places. 'Read All About it' pages provide content for children to read for the theme-based activities that follow.

  13. PDF Grade 4 English Language Arts Unit 3: Critical Thinking

    Grade 4 ELA Unit 3 Critical Thinking 3-2 GLE # GLE Text and Benchmarks 03. Determine word meanings, word choices, and pronunciations using a broad variety of reference aids such as dictionaries, thesauruses, synonym finders, and reference software (ELA-1-E1) 14a. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts by

  14. Skill Sharpeners: Critical Thinking

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  15. Critical Thinking Skills Grade 4 Worksheets

    Displaying all worksheets related to - Critical Thinking Skills Grade 4. Worksheets are The critical thinking, 81 fresh fun critical thinking activities, Grade 4 english standards based skills work 2010, Critical thinking, Empower the mind critical thinking, The test of critical thinking, Critical thinking classic tales fables, Critical thinking in the language classroom.

  16. How to teach 4th Grade Kids: 25 Best Tips & Tricks

    5 Tips to Teach 4th Grade Science. 1. Integrate Science with Daily Life. In teaching 4th-grade science, connecting scientific concepts with everyday life is effective. This approach helps students understand the relevance and application of science in their surroundings, making it more engaging and memorable.

  17. 4th grade critical thinking resources

    Created by. Christy Howe. Math Logic Puzzles for 4th grade includes 14 higher order thinking puzzles designed to challenge and engage your high flyers and fast finishers. Your students will utilize critical thinking and problem solving skills while building a solid understanding of essential math concepts and skills.

  18. Critical Thinking: Student Edition Grade 4, Level D

    ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0811466035. Reading age ‏ : ‎ 9 years and up. Grade level ‏ : ‎ 4 and up. Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 10.4 ounces. Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.39 x 0.28 x 10.79 inches. Best Sellers Rank: #350,076 in Books ( See Top 100 in Books) #1,964 in Children's Reading & Writing Education Books (Books) #13,645 in Children's Literature ...

  19. Analogies for Critical Thinking, Grade 4 from Teacher Created Resources

    Analogies for Critical Thinking Grade 4 . Analogies are types of comparisons that allow us to find the likenesses between two unlike things. They also make for fantastic interdisciplinary teaching tools! Students will have fun flexing their critical-thinking skills by finding connections between two pairs of words. The activities in this book ...

  20. Analogies for critical thinking. Grade 4 : Foster, Ruth : Free Download

    Analogies for critical thinking. Grade 4 by Foster, Ruth. Publication date 2011 Topics Critical thinking, Problem solving Publisher Westminster, CA : Teacher Created Resources ... 4.5-initial-80-gce32ee1e. Show More. Full catalog record MARCXML. plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews

  21. Grade 4 Critical Thinking Bundle

    Grade 4 Critical Thinking Bundle Bundles = Great Savings! 25-35% Off. Grade: 4. Critical Thinking. Grade: 4. Critical Thinking. Reproducible - Paperback Books - $121.93. $91.43. Qty: Add to Cart. Add to Wish List. Grade 4 Critical Thinking Bundle. Special Price $91.43. Regular Price $121.93. Description and Features. SKU.

  22. Logic & Reasoning Worksheets

    Description. Foster critical thinking and effective problem-solving in your students with this 6-page, 72-question worksheet set. Perfect for students in grades 4 to 6, and sure to test many students beyond that age range. These teacher-friendly, no-prep Logic & Reasoning worksheets are perfect for fast finishers, warm-up material, homework and ...

  23. TRENDS SUMMATIVE TEST 4 (answers key) (docx)

    Anthropology document from STI College (multiple campuses), 2 pages, QUARTER 3 - 4th WRITTEN WORK AND PERFORMANCE TASK GRADE 11 - TRENDS, NETWORK AND CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS Name: _ Grade & Section: _ Date: _ Score: _ A. Match Column A with Column B. Read each item carefully and use your notebook to write your answers. 1