
Chapter outline.

You have likely heard the term “critical thinking” and have probably been instructed to become a “good critical thinker.” Unfortunately, you are probably also unclear what exactly this means because the term is poorly defined and infrequently taught. “But I know how to think,” you might say, and that is certainly true. Critical thinking , however, is a specific skill. This chapter is an informal and practical guide to critical thinking and will also guide you in how to conduct research, reading, and writing for philosophy classes.

Critical thinking is set of skills, habits, and attitudes that promote reflective, clear reasoning. Studying philosophy can be particularly helpful for developing good critical thinking skills, but often the connection between the two is not made clear. This chapter will approach critical thinking from a practical standpoint, with the goal of helping you become more aware of some of the pitfalls of everyday thinking and making you a better philosophy student.

While you may have learned research, reading, and writing skills in other classes—for instance, in a typical English composition course—the intellectual demands in a philosophy class are different. Here you will find useful advice about how to approach research, reading, and writing in philosophy.

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  • Authors: Nathan Smith
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Introduction to Philosophy
  • Publication date: Jun 15, 2022
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL:
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  1. 6 Main Types of Critical Thinking Skills (With Examples)

    what is critical thinking in philosophical

  2. PPT

    what is critical thinking in philosophical

  3. How to promote Critical Thinking Skills

    what is critical thinking in philosophical

  4. Critical thinking: an essential skill for every student

    what is critical thinking in philosophical

  5. Critical Thinking Activity

    what is critical thinking in philosophical

  6. 8 elemental steps to critical thinking:

    what is critical thinking in philosophical


  1. SOCRATES: HIS METHODS IN THE MODERN WORLD 🌍#Socrates #Philosophy #Self-Awareness #Critical

  2. Introduction to Philosophy

  3. Why I read philosophy

  4. I English Speak 🙊 🤦‍♀️

  5. CRITICAL THINKING CLASSROOM Day 77 LIVE Sept, 6 @ 10::45 a.m. EST Dr. Annette Feravich, Teacher

  6. Critical Thinking: an introduction (1/8)


  1. Ch. 2 Introduction

    Critical thinking, however, is a specific skill. This chapter is an informal and practical guide to critical thinking and will also guide you in how to conduct research, reading, and writing for philosophy classes. Critical thinking is set of skills, habits, and attitudes that promote reflective, clear reasoning. Studying philosophy can be ...