25 Python Projects for Beginners – Easy Ideas to Get Started Coding Python

Jessica Wilkins

The best way to learn a new programming language is to build projects with it.

I have created a list of 25 beginner friendly project tutorials in Python.

My advice for tutorials would be to watch the video, build the project, break it apart and rebuild it your own way. Experiment with adding new features or using different methods.

That will test if you have really learned the concepts or not.

You can click on any of the projects listed below to jump to that section of the article.

If you are not familiar with the basics of Python, then I would suggest watching this beginner freeCodeCamp Python tutorial .

Python Projects You Can Build

  • Guess the Number Game (computer)
  • Guess the Number Game (user)
  • Rock, paper, scissors
  • Countdown Timer
  • Password Generator
  • QR code encoder / decoder
  • Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Tic-Tac-Toe AI
  • Binary Search
  • Minesweeper
  • Sudoku Solver
  • Photo manipulation in Python
  • Markov Chain Text Composer
  • Connect Four
  • Online Multiplayer Game
  • Web Scraping Program
  • Bulk file renamer
  • Weather Program

Code a Discord Bot with Python - Host for Free in the Cloud

  • Space invaders game

Mad libs Python Project

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will learn how to get input from the user, work with f-strings, and see your results printed to the console.

This is a great starter project to get comfortable doing string concatenation in Python.

Guess the Number Game Python Project (computer)

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will learn how to work with Python's random module , build functions, work with while loops and conditionals, and get user input.

Guess the Number Game Python Project (user)

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will build a guessing game where the computer has to guess the correct number. You will work with Python's random module , build functions, work with while loops and conditionals, and get user input.

Rock, paper, scissors Python Project

In this Kylie Ying tutorial , you will work with random.choice() , if statements, and getting user input. This is a great project to help you build on the fundamentals like conditionals and functions.

Hangman Python Project

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will learn how to work with dictionaries, lists, and nested if statements. You will also learn how to work with the string and random Python modules.

Countdown Timer Python Project

In this Code With Tomi tutorial , you will learn how to build a countdown timer using the time Python module. This is a great beginner project to get you used to working with while loops in Python.

Password Generator Python Project

In this Code With Tomi tutorial , you will learn how to build a random password generator. You will collect data from the user on the number of passwords and their lengths and output a collection of passwords with random characters.

This project will give you more practice working with for loops and the random Python module.

QR code encoder / decoder Python Project

In this Code With Tomi tutorial , you will learn how to create your own QR codes and encode/decode information from them. This project uses the qrcode library.

This is a great project for beginners to get comfortable working with and installing different Python modules.

Tic-Tac-Toe Python Project

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will learn how to build a tic-tac-toe game with various players in the command line. You will learn how to work with Python's time and math modules as well as get continual practice with nested if statements.

Tic-Tac-Toe AI Python Project

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will learn how to build a tic-tac-toe game where the computer never loses. This project utilizes the minimax algorithm which is a recursive algorithm used for decision making.

Binary Search Python Project

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will learn how to implement the divide and conquer algorithm called binary search. This is a common searching algorithm which comes up in job interviews, which is why it is important to know how to implement it in code.

Minesweeper Python Project

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will build the classic minesweeper game in the command line. This project focuses on recursion and classes.

Sudoku Solver Python Project

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will learn how to build a sudoku solver which utilizes the backtracking technique. Backtracking is a recursive technique that searches for every possible combination to help solve the problem.

Photo Manipulation in Python Project

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will learn how to create an image filter and change the contrast, brightness, and blur of images. Before starting the project, you will need to download the starter files .

Markov Chain Text Composer Python Project

In this Kylie Ying tutorial, you will learn about the Markov chain graph model and how it can be applied the relationship of song lyrics. This project is a great introduction into artificial intelligence in Python.

Pong Python Project

In this Christian Thompson tutorial , you will learn how to recreate the classic pong game in Python. You will be working with the os and turtle Python modules which are great for creating graphics for games.

Snake Python Project

In this Tech with Tim tutorial, you will learn how to recreate the classic snake game in Python. This project uses Object-oriented programming and Pygame which is a popular Python module for creating games.

Connect Four Python Project

In this Keith Galli tutorial, you will learn how to build the classic connect four game. This project utilizes the numpy , math , pygame and sys Python modules.

This project is great if you have already built some smaller beginner Python projects. But if you haven't built any Python projects, then I would highly suggest starting with one of the earlier projects on the list and working your way up to this one.

Tetris Python Project

In this Tech with Tim tutorial, you will learn how to recreate the classic Tetris game. This project utilizes Pygame and is great for beginner developers to take their skills to the next level.

Online Multiplayer Game Python Project

In this Tech with Tim tutorial, you will learn how to build an online multiplayer game where you can play with anyone around the world. This project is a great introduction to working with sockets, networking, and Pygame.

Web Scraping Program Python Project

In this Code With Tomi tutorial , you will learn how to ask for user input for a GitHub user link and output the profile image link through web scraping. Web scraping is a technique that collects data from a web page.

Bulk File Re-namer Python Project

In this Code With Tomi tutorial , you will learn how to build a program that can go into any folder on your computer and rename all of the files based on the conditions set in your Python code.

Weather Program Python Project

In this Code With Tomi tutorial , you will learn how to build a program that collects user data on a specific location and outputs the weather details of that provided location. This is a great project to start learning how to get data from API's.

In this Beau Carnes tutorial , you will learn how to build your own bot that works in Discord which is a platform where people can come together and chat online. This project will teach you how to work with the Discord API and Replit IDE.

After this video was released, Replit changed how you can store your environments variables in your program. Please read through this tutorial on how to properly store environment variables in Replit.  

Space Invaders Game Python Project

In this buildwithpython tutorial ,  you will learn how to build a space invaders game using Pygame. You will learn a lot of basics in game development like game loops, collision detection, key press events, and more.

I am a musician and a programmer.

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50+ Python Projects with Source Code: Beginner to Advanced

Faraz Logo

By Faraz - February 17, 2024

Popular 50+ Python projects with source code, suitable for all skill levels. From basic to advanced, start coding today! #PythonProjects

50+ Python Projects with Source Code Beginner to Advanced.jpg

Table of Contents

Introduction to python projects.

Python is a versatile programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It's widely used in various domains such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, automation, and more. One of the best ways to master Python is by working on projects. In this blog post, we present a comprehensive collection of over 50 Python projects complete with source code. Whether you're a beginner looking to practice your skills or an experienced programmer seeking new challenges, these projects offer something for everyone.

1. Alarm Clock

alarm clock using python

Are you looking to build your Python skills while creating something useful? Start with a simple yet practical project like an Alarm Clock. With Python, you can code an alarm clock that wakes you up with your favorite tune or a custom message.

2. Calculator

python calculator gui using tkinter

Mastering Python isn't just about complex algorithms; it's also about solving everyday problems. Build a calculator using Python to perform basic arithmetic operations. It's a great way to understand functions, user input, and mathematical operations in Python.

3. QR Code Generator

qr code generator using Python

QR codes are everywhere these days, and understanding how to generate them using Python can be a valuable skill. Create a QR code generator application that allows users to input text or a URL and generates a QR code image that they can save or share.

4. Password Generator

password generator and manager

Security is crucial, especially in the digital age. Develop a password generator application in Python that creates strong and random passwords based on user-defined criteria such as length and character types. It's a practical project that enhances your skills while promoting cybersecurity.

5. Guess the Number

guess the number with python

Embark on a classic programming challenge by creating a "Guess the Number" game in Python. Challenge the user to guess a randomly generated number within a certain range. This project will reinforce your understanding of loops, conditionals, and user interaction in Python.

6. Age Calculator

python age calculator

Explore date and time manipulation in Python by building an Age Calculator. Allow users to input their birthdate, and then calculate and display their age in years, months, and days. It's a practical application that demonstrates Python's datetime module functionalities.

7. Weather Forecast App

python weather forecast app

Combine your Python skills with web scraping to develop a Weather Forecast App. Utilize APIs or web scraping techniques to fetch real-time weather data from online sources and present it in a user-friendly interface. This project will enhance your knowledge of data retrieval and visualization in Python.

8. Photo Compressor

photo compressor using python

Optimize images with a Python-based Photo Compressor. Create an application that reduces the file size of images while preserving their quality. You can explore image processing libraries like Pillow to implement various compression techniques and improve your understanding of image manipulation in Python.

9. Vending Machine

vending machine with python

Simulate the functionality of a vending machine using Python. Design a program that allows users to select items, input payment, and receive their chosen product. This project will help you grasp concepts such as conditionals, loops, and data structures while simulating real-world scenarios.

10. Youtube Downloader

python based youtube downloader

Build a Youtube Downloader application in Python to download videos from YouTube. Utilize third-party libraries like pytube to fetch video URLs, download videos, and save them to the local filesystem. This project will introduce you to working with APIs and handling multimedia data in Python.

11. Typing Speed Test

python typing speed test

Sharpen your typing skills while practicing Python programming with a Typing Speed Test project. Develop an application that prompts users to type a passage within a specified time limit and calculates their words per minute (WPM) and accuracy. This project will enhance your understanding of string manipulation and timing functions in Python.

12. Currency Converter

python currency converter

Dive into the world of financial applications by creating a Currency Converter in Python. Utilize exchange rate APIs or manually input conversion rates to allow users to convert between different currencies. This project will deepen your understanding of data manipulation and user input handling in Python.

13. Quiz Application

quiz application using tkinter

Create an interactive Quiz Application using Python to challenge users with a variety of questions. Implement features such as multiple-choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank questions, along with scoring and feedback mechanisms. This project will reinforce your knowledge of data structures and user interfaces in Python.

14. Word Counter

python word counter gui

Enhance your text processing skills by building a Word Counter application in Python. Develop a program that analyzes text input and calculates the frequency of each word, along with other statistics such as total words and unique words. This project will strengthen your understanding of dictionaries, strings, and file handling in Python.

15. Bitcoin Price Tracker

bitcoin price tracker with python and bs4

Stay up-to-date with cryptocurrency trends by creating a Bitcoin Price Tracker in Python. Fetch real-time Bitcoin prices from cryptocurrency APIs and display them in a graphical or text-based interface. This project will introduce you to working with APIs and handling JSON data in Python.

16. MP3 Player

python mp3 player

Immerse yourself in the world of multimedia applications by developing an MP3 Player in Python. Utilize libraries like pygame or tkinter to create a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to play, pause, stop, and navigate through their music library. This project will enhance your understanding of audio playback and GUI programming in Python.

17. Generate Random Jokes

python generate random jokes

Inject some humor into your Python projects by building a Random Jokes Generator. Fetch jokes from online APIs or create a collection of jokes and randomly select and display them to the user. This project will reinforce your skills in working with APIs, strings, and randomization in Python.

18. Text Editor/Notepad

python text editor/notepad

Create a simple Text Editor or Notepad application in Python to manage and edit text files. Implement features such as opening, editing, saving, and formatting text, along with functionalities like search and replace. This project will deepen your understanding of file handling and GUI programming in Python.

19. Digital Clock

digital clock in python with tkinter

Explore graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python by building a Digital Clock application. Design a clock interface that displays the current time and updates in real-time. You can use libraries like tkinter or pygame to create the GUI elements and handle time-related functionalities. This project will enhance your knowledge of GUI programming and event handling in Python.

20. Flappy Bird

python flappy bird

Challenge yourself with game development by creating a Flappy Bird clone in Python. Utilize libraries like pygame to design the game mechanics, graphics, and user interface. Implement features such as bird movement, pipe generation, collision detection, and scoring. This project will deepen your understanding of game development concepts and object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python.

21. Brick Breaker Game

brick breaker game

Experience the thrill of classic arcade gaming by developing a Brick Breaker game in Python. Use libraries like pygame to create the game environment, paddle, ball, and bricks. Implement features such as ball movement, collision detection, power-ups, and scoring. This project will reinforce your understanding of game physics and event handling in Python.

22. Captcha Generator

python captcha generator

Protect websites from spam and bots by creating a Captcha Generator in Python. Design an application that generates random Captcha images with distorted text, which users must correctly identify to proceed. This project will deepen your understanding of image manipulation and randomization in Python.

23. Scientific Calculator

scientific calculator using python

Delve into advanced mathematical concepts with a Scientific Calculator project in Python. Develop a calculator application that supports functions like trigonometry, logarithms, exponents, and more. This project will challenge you to implement complex mathematical algorithms and enhance your problem-solving skills in Python.

24. PDF 2 Image Converter

python pdf 2 image converter

Unlock the potential of document processing by creating a PDF to Image Converter in Python. Utilize libraries like PyPDF2 and Pillow to extract pages from PDF files and convert them into image formats like JPEG or PNG. This project will introduce you to working with different file formats and image processing techniques in Python.

25. Hash Cracker

hash cracker using python

Explore the world of cryptography by developing a Hash Cracker application in Python. Design a program that can crack hashed passwords using techniques like dictionary attacks or brute force. This project will deepen your understanding of encryption algorithms, string manipulation, and cybersecurity concepts in Python.

26. Python Bounce Game


Immerse yourself in game development by creating a Python Bounce Game. Utilize libraries like pygame to design the game environment, ball, and paddles. Implement features such as ball movement, collision detection, and scoring. This project will deepen your understanding of game physics and event handling in Python.

27. Dino Game

google chrome dino game made with python

Explore the world of web browser games by recreating the classic Dino Game from Google Chrome's offline mode. Use libraries like pygame to design the game environment and implement features such as jumping, ducking, and avoiding obstacles. This project will challenge you to create a game with simple mechanics while honing your skills in Python.

28. PNG to JPG

png to jpg using python and tkinter

Expand your image processing skills by developing a PNG to JPG Converter in Python. Utilize libraries like Pillow to load PNG images, convert them to JPG format, and save them to the local filesystem. This project will deepen your understanding of image file formats and manipulation techniques in Python.

29. Connect Four Game

connect four game in python

Challenge yourself with board game development by creating a Connect Four game in Python. Design the game board, pieces, and rules, and implement features such as dropping pieces, checking for win conditions, and handling player turns. This project will reinforce your understanding of game logic and algorithms in Python.

30. Car Race Game

game car race in python

Experience the thrill of racing games by developing a Car Race Game in Python. Utilize libraries like pygame to design the game environment, cars, and tracks. Implement features such as car movement, collision detection, and scoring. This project will deepen your understanding of game physics and simulation in Python.

31. Digital Certificate Creation

digital certificate creation using python

Enter the realm of cybersecurity by developing a Digital Certificate Creation tool in Python. Design a program that generates digital certificates using cryptographic techniques such as public-key encryption. This project will deepen your understanding of cryptography and secure communication protocols in Python.

32. Chatbot


Explore the exciting field of natural language processing (NLP) by creating a Chatbot in Python. Design an interactive conversational agent that can respond to user inputs and engage in meaningful conversations. This project will introduce you to NLP libraries like NLTK or spaCy and enhance your skills in text processing and machine learning in Python.

33. Rock Paper Scissors Game

rock paper scissors game in python

Relive the timeless fun of the Rock Paper Scissors game by creating your own version in Python. Design the game mechanics, user interface, and implement features such as player input, computer AI, and scoring. This project will reinforce your understanding of conditional statements and randomization in Python.

34. Music Player


Immerse yourself in multimedia applications by developing a Music Player in Python. Utilize libraries like pygame or tkinter to create a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to play, pause, stop, and navigate through their music library. This project will enhance your understanding of audio playback and GUI programming in Python.

35. Restaurant Management System

restaurant management system in python

Explore the world of software solutions for businesses by developing a Restaurant Management System in Python. Design a program that allows restaurant staff to manage orders, inventory, and customer information efficiently. This project will deepen your understanding of data management and user interface design in Python.

36. Python Dictionary

python dictionary

Dive into data structures by creating a Python Dictionary application. Design a program that allows users to add, remove, and search for entries in a dictionary. Implement features such as key-value pair management and dictionary manipulation. This project will reinforce your understanding of dictionaries and data organization in Python.

37. Test Internet Speed

python test internet speed

Monitor your internet connection with a Test Internet Speed tool in Python. Design a program that measures the download and upload speeds of your internet connection and displays the results. This project will introduce you to network programming concepts and enhance your skills in working with external APIs in Python.

38. Task Management System

task management system in python

Stay organized and productive with a Task Management System in Python. Design an application that allows users to create, update, and track tasks and deadlines. Implement features such as task categorization, priority levels, and reminder notifications. This project will deepen your understanding of data management and user interaction in Python.

39. To-do List

python to-do list

Simplify your daily tasks with a To-do List application in Python. Design a program that allows users to create, edit, and delete tasks, along with setting deadlines and reminders. Implement features such as task categorization, sorting, and search functionalities. This project will enhance your skills in working with lists and user interfaces in Python.

40. WebScraper

python webscraper

Explore web scraping techniques by developing a WebScraper in Python. Design a program that extracts data from websites and saves it for further analysis or processing. Implement features such as data extraction, parsing, and storage. This project will deepen your understanding of web technologies and data manipulation in Python.

41. Paint Application

paint application in python

Unleash your creativity with a Paint Application in Python. Design a program that allows users to draw, paint, and manipulate images using various tools and brushes. Implement features such as color selection, brush sizes, and saving and exporting artwork. This project will enhance your understanding of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and image processing in Python.

42. School Management System

python school management system

Streamline educational processes with a School Management System in Python. Design an application that manages student records, class schedules, grades, and attendance. Implement features such as user authentication, data encryption, and reporting functionalities. This project will deepen your understanding of data management and security in Python.

43. Translator / Language Converter

language converter in python

Bridge language barriers with a Translator or Language Converter application in Python. Design a program that translates text or phrases between different languages using translation APIs or libraries. Implement features such as language detection, input validation, and user-friendly interfaces. This project will introduce you to working with external APIs and text processing in Python.

44. Hangman Game

python hangman game

Challenge your vocabulary and logic skills with a Hangman Game in Python. Design a program that randomly selects a word for the player to guess, with limited attempts. Implement features such as displaying the hangman figure and tracking incorrect guesses. This project will reinforce your understanding of strings, loops, and user interaction in Python.

45. Chess Game

chess game in python

Enter the world of strategy and tactics with a Chess Game in Python. Design a program that simulates a chessboard, pieces, and rules, allowing players to compete against each other or against a computer AI. Implement features such as legal move validation, check detection, and checkmate conditions. This project will challenge you to implement complex game logic and algorithms in Python.

46. Minesweeper Game

python tkinter minesweeper game

Test your puzzle-solving skills with a Minesweeper Game in Python. Design a program that generates a grid of cells containing hidden mines, and allows the player to uncover cells without detonating any mines. Implement features such as mine placement, cell revealing, and game logic. This project will reinforce your understanding of nested loops, conditionals, and algorithms in Python.

47. Ping Pong Game

python ping pong game

Experience the excitement of classic arcade gaming with a Ping Pong Game in Python. Design a program that simulates a virtual ping pong table, allowing two players to compete against each other. Implement features such as paddle movement, ball physics, and scoring. This project will enhance your understanding of game mechanics and event handling in Python.

48. Snake Game

python snake game

Relive the nostalgia of old-school gaming with a Snake Game in Python. Design a program that simulates a snake moving around a grid, eating food to grow longer while avoiding collisions with itself and the walls. Implement features such as snake movement, food generation, and scoring. This project will deepen your understanding of game logic and data structures in Python.

49. Memory Tile Game

memory tile game in python

Challenge your memory and concentration with a Memory Tile Game in Python. Design a program that generates a grid of tiles, each containing a hidden image or symbol. Implement features such as tile flipping, matching pairs, and scoring. This project will reinforce your understanding of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and event handling in Python.

50. Sudoku Solver

python sudoku solver

Master the art of puzzle-solving with a Sudoku Solver in Python. Design a program that can solve Sudoku puzzles of varying difficulties using algorithms such as backtracking or constraint propagation. Implement features such as puzzle input, solution validation, and step-by-step solving. This project will challenge you to implement advanced algorithms and enhance your problem-solving skills in Python.

51. Tic Tac Toe Game

tic tac toe game using python

Enjoy a timeless classic with a Tic Tac Toe Game in Python. Design a program that simulates a Tic Tac Toe board, allowing two players to take turns marking spaces until one player wins or the board is full (resulting in a draw). Implement features such as player input, win detection, and replayability. This project will reinforce your understanding of game logic and conditional statements in Python.

52. 2048 Game

2048 game in python

Experience the addictive gameplay of 2048 with a Python implementation of the game. Design a program that generates a grid of numbered tiles, allowing players to combine matching tiles by sliding them across the board. Implement features such as tile movement, merging, and scoring. This project will deepen your understanding of game mechanics and algorithms in Python.

Python projects with source code offer an excellent opportunity to enhance your programming skills and explore various domains. Whether you're interested in web development, data analysis, machine learning, or just looking for fun projects to try, there's something for everyone in this diverse collection. Start coding, learning, and building with Python today!

Q1. How can I get started with Python projects?

Begin by learning the basics of Python programming and then gradually progress to more complex projects. You can find project ideas online or create your own based on your interests.

Q2. Are there any prerequisites for working on Python projects?

Having a basic understanding of Python syntax and programming concepts is helpful. Additionally, familiarity with relevant libraries and frameworks for your chosen project domain can be beneficial.

Q3. Where can I find Python project ideas?

You can find project ideas on websites, forums, and GitHub repositories dedicated to Python projects. Additionally, brainstorming based on your interests and goals can help generate project ideas.

Q4. How do Python projects contribute to skill development?

Python projects provide hands-on experience, allowing developers to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. They also encourage problem-solving and foster creativity, leading to skill development.

Q5. Why is community involvement important in Python projects?

Community involvement allows developers to learn from others, collaborate on projects, and receive feedback on their work. It also fosters a sense of belonging and contributes to the growth of the Python community.

How to Create a Hoverable Dropdown Menu with HTML and CSS.jpg

That’s a wrap!

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Thanks! Faraz 😊

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{{ activeMenu.name }}

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python assignment ideas

30 Best Python Projects Beginner to Pro With Code [2024]

If I could go back in time to help my younger self learn Python, I'd tell them to build more Python projects!

That's exactly why I wrote this article: to share 30 Python projects to help programmers like you.

Whether you’re looking to start a career in Python development or enhance your portfolio, these Python projects are perfect for leveling up your Python skills.

I’ve personally designed each of these Python projects, including a range of step-by-step tutorials so you can follow along with me to get hands-on and code some cool stuff.

You can think of these tutorial projects as taking a free Python course while growing your Python portfolio!

I'm also regularly adding new Python projects with step-by-step tutorials, so make sure you bookmark this page and check back for the latest Python projects to grow your skills.

Without further ado, let’s dive in and start building with Python!

Plus, if you're looking for some extra help, I've also released my own course, Python with Dr. Johns , where I take an academic approach to teaching while also building portfolio-worthy Python projects.

  • Best Python Projects for Beginners in 2024

1. Python Hangman Game with GUI

What is this Python project?

In this Python project, you'll build a Hangman game, an engaging and fun game that challenges users to guess words letter by letter.

I've also designed this project to be a step-by-step tutorial so you can follow along with me to build something very cool and fun!

This project also goes beyond merely creating a functional application; it serves as an excellent example of utilizing Python's simplicity and the Tkinter library to create interactive and visually appealing desktop applications.

It's also a perfect addition to your portfolio, particularly if you're looking to demonstrate your proficiency in Python development, as it showcases fundamental programming concepts in a context that's interactive while also showing your understanding of user interface design and event-driven programming.

So get ready and fire up your favorite Python IDE , and let's get building!

Python Skills Covered:

  • Game Logic: Craft the core logic for processing guesses, managing game states, and determining win or loss conditions, offering a deep dive into conditional statements and data structures.
  • Dynamic UI Updates: Utilize Tkinter to dynamically update the game interface, reflecting the progress of the game and user interactions in real-time, thus enriching the user experience.
  • Event Handling: Employ event listeners to capture user inputs such as letter guesses and actions to restart or exit the game, showcasing how to interact with GUI elements in Python.
  • User Interface Design: Use Tkinter to design a clean, intuitive interface for the Hangman game, demonstrating skills in creating visually appealing and user-friendly desktop applications.
  • Tkinter and Python Basics: Harness the power of Python and its standard GUI toolkit, Tkinter, to implement and manage the game's interface.
  • Best Practices in Python: Write clean, efficient, and well-documented Python code, adhering to best practices for code structure, readability, and maintainability.

Build This Python Project Here

2. Mad Libs Generator 

This is one of the most fun beginner Python projects, not to mention it lets you practice how to use strings, variables, and concatenation, which are essential skills for all Python applications at all skill levels.

The Mad Libs Generator gathers and manipulates user input data as an adjective, a pronoun, and a verb. The program takes this data and arranges it to build a story.

Source Code:

3. Number Guessing 

This beginner Python project is a fun game that generates a random number (in a certain range) that the user must guess after receiving hints. For each wrong guess the user makes, they receive extra hints but at the cost of worsening their final score.

This program is a great way to experiment with the Python standard library, as it uses the Python random module to generate random numbers. You can also get some hands-on practice with conditional statements, print formatting, user-defined functions, and various Python operators .

4. Rock Paper Scissors

This Rock Paper Scissors program simulates the universally popular game with functions and conditional statements. So, what better way to get these critical concepts under your belt? You'll also be using the Python list to store a collection of valid responses, which you can then use to create an elegant and Pythonic conditional statement.

As one of many Python coding projects that imports additional libraries, this program uses the standard library’s random , os , and re modules.

Take a look at the code below, and you’ll see that this Python project idea asks the user to make the first move by passing in a character to represent rock, paper, or scissors. After evaluating the input string, the conditional logic checks for a winner.

5. Dice Roll Generator

As one of the most relatable Python projects for beginners with code, this program simulates rolling one or two dice. It’s also a great way to solidify your understanding of user-defined functions, loops, and conditional statements. These are fundamental skills for Python beginners and are likely to be some of the first things you’d learn, whether that’s from an online course or a Python book .

As one of our easy Python projects, it’s a fairly simple program that uses the Python random module to replicate the random nature of rolling dice. You’ll also notice that we use the os module to clear the screen after you’ve rolled the dice.

Note that you can change the maximum dice value to any number, allowing you to simulate polyhedral dice often used in many board and roleplaying games.

6. Password Strength Checker

If you fancy learning how to create an app , this Python project could be a great addition, as it lets you check whether your password is strong enough.

It does this by checking the number of letters, numbers, special characters, and whitespace characters within a given password and generating a score based on these results. So, it’s another great way to learn about conditional statements, functions, and string formatting.

We also use the string and getpass modules from the Python standard library. This allows us to access the full range of string characters to compare with our password’s character composition, while the .getpass() function lets us hide our password when we enter it.

7. Number to Words

This Python project idea converts an integer number provided via user input to its equivalent words. This program is set up to support numbers with a maximum of 12 digits, but feel free to modify the program to handle larger numbers (hint: requires conditional statements and loops).

As an easy-to-understand example of basic Python projects, this simple but effective program can expand your skills with loops, user input, and conditional statements, not to mention Python tuples and lists.

You’ll also be able to experiment with some mathematical operations that may be new to you like the modulo (%) operator to return the remainder from integer division.

If any of these techniques are new to you, you might consider installing an AI coding assistant in your Python IDE to help offer help with any code blocks you find challenging to understand.

8. Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Tic-Tac-Toe is a classic two-player game that involves a nine-square grid. Each player alternately marks their space with an O or an X, and whichever player manages to mark three Os or Xs diagonally, horizontally, or vertically wins. Each player must also block their opponent while attempting to make their chain.

This is a really fun Python project that’s unique for beginners, as it uses object-oriented programming. 

This is one of the most essential Python concepts to learn, and in this project, you will create a new class called TicTacToe. We’ll then use this to represent the game's features via the class attributes and methods.

Carefully study these methods to see how we can use object-oriented programming to neatly package the various behaviors needed to simulate this game.

Some new aspects of this Python project idea for beginners include nested loops to check the grid's columns, rows, and diagonals for a winning state, along with the Python set data type, which is used to contain unique values. This program also uses the Python random module to select a random player to start the game, but this is more familiar to you now.

9. Calculator

Another of our easy Python projects, this program creates a basic calculator application with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functions.

This is one of the Python practice projects that are great for learning how to use loops, functions, conditional statements, user input, and string formatting. We’ve also used the Python os module to clear the screen after the user completes their calculation actions.

Once you have the concepts under your belt with this project, consider ways to extend the features to include exponentiation or other more complicated calculations.

If you’re already using an AI coding assistant like GitHub Copilot or Amazon CodeWhisperer , you could also consider experimenting with this to add new features. Try to do it yourself first though!

Sample Code:

10. Countdown Clock and Timer

This Python project idea is fun! Here, we’ve created a countdown timer that asks the user for a number of seconds via user input, and it then counts down, second by second, until it displays a message.

We’ve used the Python time module’s .sleep() function to pause for 1-second intervals. We combine this with some nifty string formatting to produce the countdown display.

  • Intermediate Python Projects With Source Code

11. Binary Search Algorithm

It’s a rite of passage for all aspiring coders to tackle Binary Search in one of their Python programming projects at some point! I know when I was starting out, some of my most common Python mistakes involved classic algorithms like this.

This Python project for binary search takes in a sorted list (array), then continually compares a search value with the middle of the array.

Depending on whether the search value is less than or greater than the middle value, the list is split (divide and conquer strategy) to reduce the search space, which hones in on the given search value. This continual division results in logarithmic time complexity.

If you look at the code below, you’ll see that we’ve implemented two solutions: conditional loops and recursion. Both approaches are elegant, so feel free to experiment with each.

If you’re new to recursion, this is a great introduction as it demonstrates how we ‘reduce’ the size of the problem with each recursive call, namely by splitting the list to one side of the current middle element.

We’ve also defined the recursive base case as the point when the middle element equals the search element. In this case, the recursion will stop and return the True value up through the call stack.

If this all sounds alien to you, consider using something like GitHub Copilot to make more sense of this classic algorithm.

12. Merge Sort Algorithm

Merge Sort is another popular coding challenge faced by aspiring coders when looking for things to do in Python.

This divide-and-conquer strategy uses division to separate a list of numbers into equal parts, and these are then recursively sorted before being recombined to generate a sorted list.

If you’ve just completed the Binary Search example, you might notice some similarities with division and reducing a problem’s size. You’d be right, which means you’ve likely realized we need to use recursion.

This Python implementation of Merge Sort uses recursion to handle the divide and conquer process. The continual reduction of the problem size allows the problem to be solved when the recursive base case is reached, namely when the problem size is one element or less.

In essence, this Python program continues to recursively divide the list until it reaches the base case. At this point it begins sorting the smaller parts of the problem, resulting in smaller sorted arrays that are recombined to eventually generate a fully sorted array. If you’re familiar with Big O notation, you’ll be curious to know that Merge Sort has a Big O of (n logn).

13. Password Generator

This is an interesting Python project that uses the secrets and string modules to generate a strong and secure password, much like you can with popular password managers.

The string module obtains all possible letters, digits, and special characters, while the secrets module allows us to obtain cryptographically secure passwords.

The code for this project is relatively simple as it uses a loop to continually generate passwords until it contains at least one special character and two digits. You can, of course, modify this to fit your own super-strong password rules!

14. Currency Converter

This is one of several Python project ideas that require us to install one of the most popular Python libraries , which in this case, is the requests module. This is not included with the Python standard library, so use the pip command shown in the source code to install it on your system.

With the requests module, we can make HTTP requests to the Fixer API, allowing us to convert one currency to another. You’ll likely notice that we’re using a 3rd party API, so you’ll need to sign up to get a free API key . You can then enter your API key into the field shown in the source code, and you’ll be ready to go!

This project allows you to gain some more practice with loops and user input, but it expands on this with HTTP requests to retrieve API data in JSON format.

If you’re unfamiliar with JSON, it’s very similar to a Python dictionary, meaning we can access key-value pairs to fetch the data we’re after. In this case, we are looking for the currency conversion result from the API call.

Look at the docs on the Fixer API site for more details on the different data you can retrieve.

15. Automatic Birthday Mail Sending

This Python project uses the standard smtplib , EmailMessage, and datetime modules, in addition to pandas and openpyxl (these need to be pip installed, as shown below) to send automated birthday emails.

This program reads from an Excel sheet that contains all of your friends’ details (see Excel sheet format in source code below). It then sends them an email if today is their big day before making a note in your spreadsheet to say they’ve received their email.

We’ve used the smtplib and EmailMessage modules to create an SSL connection to our email account and message. We’ve then used a pandas dataframe to store spreadsheet-style data within the Python program (an essential skill for data scientists). Finally, we used date formatting with the datetime module’s .strftime() function.

So, lots of new skills to get to grips with!

Important note: since May 2022, Google has tightened its restrictions on ‘less secure apps’ accessing Gmail. You’ll need to follow some extra steps to use this code with your Gmail account. But don’t worry, they’re easy to do, and we’ve listed them for you.

  • Go to the ‘manage account’ page for your google account
  • Click on Security
  • Enable 2FA (use whichever method you prefer)
  • Click on ‘App Passwords’
  • Click on ‘Select App’ and select ‘Mail’
  • Click on ‘Select Device’ & select ‘Other (custom name)’, enter ‘Python Birthday App’
  • Click on ‘Generate’ then save this password

You can now use this app password in the code below to access your Gmail account with no trouble!

This Python project creates a new class to implement a Queue . This is a common data structure in computer science when you need to handle First-In-First-Out (FIFO) scenarios, such as message queues, CPU tasks, etc.

The code is straightforward and offers some more practice with object-oriented programming. Test out the queue to get your head around how it works, and then you’ll be ready to use this data structure in your other projects.

17. Pascal’s Triangle

This Python project prints out Pascal’s Triangle using conditional statements and loops. It also uses the standard library’s math module and factorial function to evaluate the ‘number of combinations’ equation used to generate the values in the triangle.

Experiment with the seed number for the triangle to examine how the ‘combinations’ equation is used to generate successive values in the triangle. 

18. Blackjack

As one of the coolest Python projects, this will appeal to anyone who enjoys card games, as we will emulate Blackjack. This is a super popular card game with relatively simple rules: the most important being you need 21 to win, or you need a higher score than the dealer without going bust!

This is the largest project on the list so far. It combines most of the skills we’ve already covered in previous projects, including creating classes, loops, conditional statements, importing modules, accepting user input, and string formatting.

Take your time to work through the different sections of this code, and relate it to the earlier projects to see how the different techniques work together. There’s nothing you haven’t seen before; it’s just been packaged slightly differently and combined to create a fully functional game emulator.

And we should say, try not to spend all day playing with it! But we totally understand if you do!

19. Reddit Bot

This Python project creates an automated Reddit bot with some new modules, namely praw and enchant (see the pip install commands).

This is a fairly simple concept as the program checks every comment in a selected subreddit and then replies to any comments that contain a predefined ‘trigger phrase’. To do this, we use the praw module to interact with Reddit, and enchant to generate similar words to the comment, allowing us to make an appropriate reply.

This idea is really useful if you’re looking for Python projects to learn how to answer questions in your own subreddit. You’d just need to expand this code to include automated responses for predefined questions (you’ve probably already noticed this being used by others on Reddit!). 

Important note: You’ll need to check out these instructions to get hold of a client_id, client_secret, username, password, and user_agent. You’ll need this information to make comments to Reddit via the API interface.

20. Fibonacci Generator

The Fibonacci numbers may be some of the most important numbers in our lives as they appear so often in nature.

The Python code below generates the Fibonacci numbers up to a certain length using recursion (yes, more recursion!). To stop the computation times from getting out of hand, we’ve implemented memoization to cache values as we calculate them.

You’ll notice that for this recursive algorithm, the base case is set to check whether the given Fibonacci sequence value is already stored in the cache. If so, it returns this (which is a constant time complexity operation), which saves a tremendous amount of computation time.

  • Advanced Python Project Ideas

21. Chatbot

This Python project uses the chatterbot module (see pip install instructions below) to train an automated chatbot to answer any question you ask! I know; we’re now using AI!

You’ll see that the program is one of the relatively small Python projects in this list, but feel free to explore the ChatterBot documentation along with the broader field of AI chatbots if you’d like to learn more or expand the code’s features.

If this has whet your appetite for building AI bots, check out our 24-Hour Python Chatbot course to learn how to build an AI-powered chatbot with the same tools that power OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

And if you're hungry for even more AI goodness, check out OpenAI,'s latest feature that lets you  build your own GPT .

Important note: ChatterBot is no longer being actively maintained. This means you need to make a small change to the tagging.py file located in the ‘Lib/site-packages/chatterbot’ directory of your Python installation folder.

Don’t worry; it’s straightforward to do, and we’ve included the exact source code you need to use, as shown below.

Modify tagging.py:

Find the first code snippet, which is part of the __init__ method for the PosLemmaTagger class. Replace this with the if/else statement.

Note: this example is for the English library we used in our example, but feel free to switch this out to another language if you’d prefer.

22. Text to Speech

This Python project uses a range of new libraries to convert an existing article into a playable mp3 file. You’ll need to install nltk (natural language toolkit), newspaper3k, and gtts (see pip install instructions).

You’ll see that the program is simple, as we simply pass in a URL for an article to convert, then let the function we’ve defined handle the text-to-speech conversion with our newly installed modules.

So, consider trying this out the next time you fancy turning an article into a playable podcast as it’s definitely one of the cool Python codes to copy! 

23. Library Management System

As one of the more advanced Python projects, this program uses object-oriented programming to simulate a library management system.

In this example, we create a Library and Student class, which we can use to create our library system and its users. We’ve then implemented a simple user interface that asks users to select from a range of standard library actions, like borrowing or returning books. 

This is a simple yet powerful example of how you can build out real-world systems via Python and object-oriented programming. Feel free to expand the classes to include other useful features, like unique book IDs, multiple copies of the same book, return dates, fees for returning books late, or any other features you think a library should have!

24. Pong Arcade Game

This is a really fun and interesting project, as we’ve used the Python turtle module to emulate the classic arcade game Pong!

We’ve used various methods from the turtle module to create our game components and detect ball collisions with the player paddles. We’ve also defined a range of keybindings to set the user controls for the left and right player paddles. Feel free to experiment with the game’s settings to better understand how each setting works and affects the overall game.

Outside of these newly introduced turtle graphics functions, we’ve used string formatting to output the current scoreboard and user-defined functions to keep our code tidy. These are concepts you should be familiar with at this stage.

25. Speed Typing Test

This is an interesting Python project that tests how quickly you can accurately type out a sentence.

This program requires us to create a graphical user interface (GUI) via the tkinter module. If you’re new to GUIs, this example is a nice introduction as we use a range of simple labels, buttons, and entry fields to create a window. We’ve also used the Python timeit module to handle the timing aspect of our typing test, and the random module to randomly select a test phrase.

We’ve only added two test phrases to this example, but feel free to experiment with more or even integrate a 3rd party dictionary for a wider array of examples.

26. Text Editor

Building on our last tkinter example, this fun Python project creates a GUI to simulate our very own text editor. This example also uses standard GUI components, including labels, buttons, and entry fields.

However, we’ve also added the ability to open and save files like a real text editor. If you’re new to file handling, this Python project is a great way to understand how to read-in and save files.

Experiment with the code below to solidify your understanding, and see if you can expand on this code to create other features you’re used to using with a text editor, like a ‘find word’ function.

27. Sudoku Solver

This Python project uses the pygame library (see pip install instructions) to implement a GUI for automatically solving sudoku puzzles. We use several user-defined functions to create the GUI, as shown below.

To solve a sudoku puzzle, this program uses a backtracking algorithm that incrementally checks for solutions, either adopting or abandoning the current solution if it’s not viable.

This step of abandoning a solution is the defining feature of a backtracking approach, as the program steps back to try a new solution until it finds a valid one. This process is incrementally carried out until the entire grid has been correctly filled.

Feel free to experiment with different sudoku problems, and even think about expanding the size of the problem grid (you’ll need a new base image if you do this).

28. Site Connectivity Checker

This Python project uses the urllib and tkinter modules to test website connectivity.

We’ve used the tkinter module to create a GUI allowing users to enter a web address. Much like our previous examples, this includes labels, buttons, and entry fields.

After we’ve collected the user’s web address, we pass this to our user-defined function to return an HTTP status code for the current website via the urllib module’s .getcode() function.

For this example, we simply determine whether the HTTP code is 200. If it is, we know the site is working; otherwise, we inform the user that it is unavailable.

You could expand this code to consider a more granular approach to handling the various HTTP response codes, so feel free to add this!

29. Language Detector

This Python project uses the langdetect module (see pip install instructions) to help us identify the language that has been entered. This can be really useful if you’re unsure which language you’re dealing with. 

This is another example where we’ve used tkinter to create a simple GUI involving labels, buttons, and an entry field. We can then collect text from the entry field and process this with the langdetect to determine which language was entered. Finally, we print this result to the GUI to let the user know the result.

Note that the results returned by langdetect are abbreviated language codes. For example, if we enter English text, we will see ‘en’ as the return value.

30. Netflix Recommendation System

To cap it all off, we’ve saved a particularly exciting Python project for last! This is a Netflix recommendation system, ideal for aspiring data scientists. In fact, if you’re considering a machine learning course , this is a great project to reinforce your new skills.

To create this project, you’ll need to import a range of modules, including tkinter, re, nltk, pandas, and numpy (see pip install instructions for new modules). You’ll also need to download a Kaggle dataset containing Netflix movies and TV shows. 

We’ll use tkinter to create our GUI, which will use labels, buttons, and entry fields. The user will then be able to enter a TV show or movie they enjoyed on Netflix to return recommendations based on their taste. 

The recommendation engine uses cast, director, ratings, country, and genres as machine learning (ML) ‘features’. The code then uses the ‘cosine similarity’ approach to find similar results based on user input. This extensively uses pandas and numpy to clean the data and prepare it for processing.

There is a lot to unpack in this example, as it uses lots of Python concepts for data science .

The best approach is to slowly work through the code and then carry out further research on Machine Learning (ML), ‘features’, and ‘cosine similarity’. 

You’ll then be able to understand how to use a dataset to derive recommendations based on similarities. If you’re an aspiring data scientist, this is a terrific project to get your feet wet!

  • Where To Start With Python

Today, we’re experiencing an ever-growing adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and data science across the vast majority of business sectors. One of the main things these fields have in common is that they use the Python programming language in one way or another.

When it comes to learning Python in 2024, you have so many choices. Plus, if you'd prefer an in-depth and interactive learning experience, we’d also recommend our new Python course . 

  • What Should I Build Using Python?

This is a great question, especially if you’re brand new to coding in Python.

Well, first things first, you should know that there are so many Python applications in various disciplines, so you have lots of options.

Of course, Python has developed a solid reputation for data science, data analysis, machine learning, and AI, but it doesn’t end there.

It’s also really good when it comes to web development, thanks to popular web application frameworks like Django and Flask .

Equally, it’s also ideal for automating repetitive tasks, hence its origin as a scripting language.

To put it simply, you can build a lot with Python, but if you’re looking for inspiration, you’re in the right place!

That's why I put together 30 Python projects for you to get stuck into, ranging from beginner to advanced.

  • Wrapping Up

And there we have it! If you've taken the time to build these 30 Python projects, you should be feeling much more competent and confident with Python.

You'll also have a burgeoning Python portfolio that's packed full of interesting and practical Python projects, each demonstrating your dedication and abilities.

I also hope you enjoyed following along with my step-by-step tutorial in the first Python project!

My motivation with these Python tutorials is to guide you through the nuances of Python development while also giving you hands-on experience that you'd usually only get when taking a Python course.

Here at hackr.io , we're huge fans of project-based learning, so I hope these Python projects have bolstered your confidence and sparked a deeper interest in web development or any other form of Python development.

Remember, the journey doesn't end here!

With new projects and step-by-step tutorials regularly added to this page, be sure to check back often for new opportunities to refine your Python skills and expand your portfolio.

Happy coding!

Enjoyed tackling these Python projects and are ready to dive deeper into Python? Check out:

Our Python Masterclass - Python with Dr. Johns

  • Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Python Suitable for Large Projects?

Although there is the argument that Python is slower than other popular languages like C and C++, Python is still widely used by many top tech companies because it is super versatile, easily maintainable, and offers a ton of libraries and support from the community.

2. What Should My First Python Project Be?

Check out any of the Python beginner projects we’ve covered above, including Mad Libs, Rock Paper Scissors, Hangman, or Tic-Tac-Toe!

People are also reading:

  • Python Interview Questions
  • Python Web Scraping Guide
  • Python Frameworks
  • Python While Loop
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  • Python Conditional Statements
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  • Python Interpreters

1. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Outlook Handbook, Software Developers [Internet]. [updated 2021 Sep 8; cited 2024 Jan 15]. Available from: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/software-developers.htm

2. apilayer. FIXER API - Pricing [Internet]. apilayer; [date unknown; cited 2024 Jan 15]. Available from: https://apilayer.com/marketplace/fixer-api#pricing

3. [no author]. OAuth2 Quick Start Example [Internet]. GitHub; [updated 2016 Apr 26; cited 2024 Jan 15]. Available from: https://github.com/reddit-archive/reddit/wiki/OAuth2-Quick-Start-Example#first-steps

4. Makhija, S. Netflix Movies and TV Shows 2021 [dataset]. Kaggle; 2021. Available from: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/satpreetmakhija/netflix-movies-and-tv-shows-2021?resource=download

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In this article

  • 10 Vital Python Concepts for Data Science
  • 10 Common Python Mistakes in 2024 | Are You Making Them? Python Data Science Programming Skills
  • 10 Python Concepts I Wish I Knew Earlier For Interviews [2024] Python Career Development Interview Questions

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python assignment ideas

all codes has so many mistakes

3 years ago

python assignment ideas

Robert Johns

Thanks for pointing this out. If you take a look at our latest projects, they should be all bug-free.

6 months ago

Esther Ndosi

Thank you for all these cool projects. Its great to start a year with them. On the second project I think the attempts should be appended after the guess == rand_num as it always print 1 and i think it should be the lowest attempts the user has. thank you.

3 months ago

Thanks for taking the time to build these projects and spotting that. The second project has been updated, check it out and see what you think.

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30 Python Projects For Beginners and Advanced Learners

python assignment ideas

updated Jan 22, 2023

So you’re done with your first Python programming course ? Congrats!

Now you’re probably wondering:

How can I practice my Python skills now? What Python projects for beginners can I build next?

Now that you know the basics of Python programming, it’s time to put your skills to good use and build something useful. This is when the fun part of learning Python starts!

But where can you find Python project ideas that are easy and fun to build?

The truth is: the sooner you start building your first Python projects, the better.

You should start practicing on fun and easy Python projects asap. This will help you understand how the language works much better as you create something on your own, step by step.

Building your own Python projects is the only way to put together a stellar portfolio, which is your #1 goal if you want to become a Python developer and start a career in tech.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your projects are, as long as you’re building them without following a video tutorial or a book every step of the way. You need to work independently as much as you can to learn how to apply your skills on your own.

To help you get started, I’ll walk you through 10 fun Python projects for beginners in this post. All of them are easy, fun, and perfect for you if you are relatively new to programming.

By the end of this article, you will be armed with a bunch of Python projects for practice to take your skills to the next level starting right now!

Here are a few related articles about Python programming:

  • 19 Best YouTube Channels to Learn Python for Free
  • 12 Essential Advantages of Python (Why You Should Learn Python)
  • How to Finish Your Coding Projects Faster? 15 Smart Tips for Beginners

What is Python?

If you are not familiar, Python is a high-level, object-oriented programming language.

Python is a multi-purpose programming language, so it’s very versatile. Companies use Python for a plethora of projects in areas like:

  • Data collection and database creation
  • Data analysis and science
  • Machine learning algorithms
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Web development
  • Scripting and automation

Hence, if you are new to coding and not sure what area you wish to specialize in, Python is a tool you can use for a plethora of different projects in the future.

Python is relatively easy to learn, too. Its syntax is clean and clear, and it reads a lot like English.

If you are new to programming, you will spend less time troubleshooting your code and more time learning and building projects.

These are just a few reasons why Python is the perfect first programming language to learn .

Because of its advantages, Python has become one of the most popular coding languages worldwide; Python currently ranks at #1 on the TIOBE Index , for example:

The most popular programming languages worldwide – TIOBE Index December 2022

Also, over 48% of respondents in the 2022 Stack Overflow Survey had used it.

Because Python is so popular, it’s also in high demand on the job market.

On average, Junior Python Developers earn $96,697 annually according to Indeed .

Junior Python Developer Salary in United States (December 2021)

I’ve written more about my own Python journey in my guide on how I learned Python in 4 weeks (with no experience) .

10 Python projects for beginners

Now that you know what Python is, let’s look at some interesting Python projects you can build as a beginner.

Once you have learned the basics of Python, the most important thing is to start using it for solving small problems asap.

If you have finished your first Python tutorial or online course, you’re a more capable programmer than you may think.

You have a basic sense of how Python works and how you can model real-life situations in small programs.

I encourage you to keep a running list of small Python project ideas of your own in Google Sheets or Trello, for example.

Think of simple web apps you would want to create, small data sets you could analyze, or basic 2D video games you would like to program, for instance.

If you’re short of ideas right now, let’s go through a few project ideas for inspiration!

Here are 10 simple Python projects for beginners to build:

  • Odd or Even?
  • Guessing the Number
  • Rock Paper Scissors
  • Password Generator
  • Tic Tac Toe

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Fun Python project ideas for beginners - Learn Python programming online

1: Odd or even?

Let’s start with a super easy project you can build right away. Write a small Python program that asks the user for a number and tells them if it is odd or even.

To help you get started, here’s a good article about the Modulo operator in Python.

2: Guessing the number

Making a user guess a number is another easy Python program you can write in just a few lines of code. It should generate a random number between, let’s say, 0 and 100. The player then needs to guess what that number is.

Should the user guess wrong, the program should respond by telling them their guess is either too low or too high. When the user guesses right, your program should ask them if they want to play again.

For a little added challenge, you can limit the number of guesses to 5, for example.

3: Horoscope

Create a simple horoscope program that asks the user for their star sign and outputs a fun horoscope for them. Bear in mind that your program should display an error message if the user types in their sign wrong.

4: Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors (or RPS) is one of my favorite Python projects for beginners. It’s simple enough but still challenging since you need to think about how to turn the game rules into logic for the program.

The rules are simple:

  • Paper wins over rock
  • Rock wins over scissors
  • Scissors win over paper

Have your program generate a random answer for the computer – but don’t display it. Then, ask the player for their answer.

Hangman is one of the best Python projects for beginners who want a bit of a challenge. The game is about guessing a random word with a limited number of guesses.

Although Hangman may sound rather simple, you need to consider a few key points, such as:

  • You need to set a maximum limit for guesses.
  • The player needs to be notified about the remaining number of guesses.
  • Your player needs to be able to input their guesses.

To get started, you need a way to generate random words to be guessed. The best way is to simply create a separate text file where you store the words or short phrases.

This Python project will probably take you a bit longer, but it’s great practice. You will have to think about random choice, variables, boolean values, inputs and outputs, strings, length, and much more.

To build a very basic text-based Hangman game, here’s a step-by-step tutorial video for some helpful tips:

An acronym Python program will take a given phrase or text and convert it into its acronym. That is, a word that consists of the first letters of each word in the text.

To make your acronym easier to read, go ahead and turn the letters into uppercase with Python. Also, think about how the program will take text as input from the user while separating that user input from the logic itself.

7: Password Generator

Create a Python program that generates a random password for the user. Make sure your program takes a few inputs from the user:

  • How long should the password be?
  • How many characters should there be?
  • Should it have both uppercase and lowercase letters?
  • Should it include numbers and special symbols, too?

The best part about this small Python project is that you can actually use it for generating strong passwords for your own user accounts across the Web!

7: Word Count

Write a Python program that takes a text file as an input and outputs how many times each word occurs in the text.

You can start small by counting the number of words in a list, for example. Use the Counter collection for this.

Once you understand how the collection works, move on to more advanced inputs, such as longer text files. You can access complete book scripts for free at Project Gutenberg for this.

8: Pong Game

Creating a simple Pong game is one of the easiest projects to learn how to use Python for simple video games. You can use the Pygame library to speed up your workflow for designing and writing your game.

Using Python to build simple but fun games is definitely one of the most enjoyable ways to learn the language. Moreover, you will get more ideas for developing your game further and adding new features while you’re playing.

If you’re ready to start building your first video game with Python right away, here’s a full video course from freeCodeCamp including a Pong game tutorial:

9: Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe is a fun Python project to build in a single day. It’s the game where two players take turns marking the 3×3 grid with cross and circle symbols.

The player who gets three marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.

This little Python project is fun to build but it requires you to think about the logic of the game in your code.

The players need to take turns and the game needs to keep going until (1) someone wins or (2) the grid is full, for example.

Hence, before you start writing actual Python code, map out the different features of the game.

First, write down all the steps your program needs to go through. Only then start writing out those steps using Python.

If you want to build your Tic Tac Toe game right now, here’s a beginner-level walkthrough tutorial from Clever Programmer:

10: Data analysis with Python

Conducting data analysis with Python is a great idea for an intermediate Python project.

Python supports a number of powerful libraries you can use for analyzing, visualizing, and mining data.

Small data analysis projects will familiarize you with a few popular Python libraries, such as Matplotlib, NumPy, and Pandas, for instance.

My first Python book, Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes, had a fun project where I learned how to do data analysis with Python. If you’re looking for an all-in-one Python book for absolute beginners, I definitely recommend checking it out.

If you learn better by watching videos, here’s one of my favorite videos for learning the basics of Matplotlib and Pandas for absolute beginners:

20 advanced Python project ideas

If the projects above feel too easy, you may be looking for more advanced Python project ideas.

If you are familiar with the fundamental Python libraries and a few external libraries, you should know how to install external libraries and use them for your projects.

If that’s the level you are at right now, here are 20 advanced Python projects for you:

  • Desktop notification app
  • Digital clock with Python
  • Calculator GUI with Python
  • Number guessing game
  • Instagram filters with Python
  • Send emails with Python
  • Build a web scraper
  • Build a Wikipedia scraper
  • Barcode and QR code reader
  • Face detection with Python
  • Telegram bot
  • Keyword research
  • Calendar GUI app
  • Text editor GUI
  • Weight converter GUI
  • Image converter GUI
  • Image filtering with Machine Learning
  • Text To Speech
  • Create an audiobook

How to build coding projects in Python?

Now that you have a few ideas for practical Python projects for beginners, let’s go through a few essentials about how to go about building them.

What you want to do first is to make sure you find good resources for learning the basics of how Python works.

You can choose books, online courses, or Python YouTube tutorials for this. Choose whatever method fits your learning style the best.

Next, you should study the code you see in your tutorials or books. Familiarize yourself with how the syntax works and how it follows a certain logic in each program. This step is super important for understanding how to solve problems with code.

Step-by-step, you will start feeling more comfortable with reading and writing Python code yourself. And by this, I mean very simple programs, nothing too advanced.

Once you have solved a few small exercises, you’re pretty much all set for building small programs on your own.

Hence, I strongly encourage you to break away from your tutorials and try to solve a few small problems by yourself using Python.

Read next: The Best Way to Learn to Code: Beginner’s Guide

How to finish your Python projects faster by breaking down your problem

Are you ready to start building your first Python project? Great!

The most important thing to keep in mind is to start small. You don’t want to set your expectations too high. Otherwise, you will just end up feeling overwhelmed and disappointed.

Now, before you start writing Python code, let me walk you through a few helpful tips first.

Essentially, this is what it all boils down to:

For any Python program you write, you need to understand the underlying problem and figure out how to solve it with Python step-by-step.

If solving problems feels fun to you, programming could just be your thing!

So what you want to do when you start a Python project is:

  • Figure out your problem
  • Break it down to smaller steps
  • Map out the individual steps your program should perform
  • Solve each step individually

These four steps will help you stay focused on what you’re supposed to do. Also, they will keep you motivated as you solve smaller parts of the main problem one by one.

Final thoughts: Python projects for beginners and advanced learners

The fun Python projects for beginners above should keep you busy building your own programs for a while.

Start with the first ones since they are the easiest.

Then, challenge yourself to learn Python by practicing with more complex projects. They are still quite easy, but they include more steps to solving the main problem.

Therefore, you will need to think more about how to construct your program to perform all the necessary steps.

All in all, building Python projects boils down to learning how to solve problems by yourself using Python code.

There are tons of project ideas to explore and you will probably come up with a few ideas of your own as you go.

I hope you found a few Python project ideas in this post. If you have an idea I should add to the article, drop me a line in the comments below!

If you are looking to learn Python for machine learning, check out these machine learning project ideas for Python , too.

To learn more about Python, here are a few related posts for you:

  • The Best Websites to Learn Coding and Web Development
  • What Programming Language Should I Learn? The Ultimate Guide
  • 30+ HTML and CSS Projects for Beginners (With Source Code)

If you liked this article about Python projects for beginners, please leave me a comment!

P.S. If you found my Python project ideas useful, please share this post with others! Thanks for your support!

Happy coding! – Mikke

Python coding projects for beginners

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About mikke.

python assignment ideas

Hi, I’m Mikke! I’m a blogger, freelance web developer, and online business nerd. Join me here on MikkeGoes.com to learn how to code for free , build a professional portfolio website , launch a tech side hustle , and make money coding . When I’m not blogging, you will find me sipping strong coffee and biking around town in Berlin. Learn how I taught myself tech skills and became a web dev entrepreneur here . And come say hi on Twitter !

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55 Python Project Ideas With Helpful Tutorials

What can you do with Python? Well, with Python, you can do endless things. It is a multi-purpose programming language, and that means that almost anything can be done.

Python has libraries for everything, even for artificial intelligence. But it can be overwhelming to start.

In this article, I’m going to show you a list of Python project ideas for beginners, intermediates, and experts to improve your skills and build your portfolio.

I’ll list down some pretty cool python project ideas in several fields such as data science , web development, raspberry pi systems, desktop applications, blockchain, game development, etc.

Let’s start the list with project ideas for desktop applications using Tkinter.

Python Tkinter Project Ideas

If you are a beginner, and you only know the basics of Python , the easiest way to create an app is by using Tkinter. Tkinter is a graphical user interface (GUI) library of Python, which we can use for creating desktop applications .

I created my first ever app by using Tkinter back in 2015. It gave me a lot of confidence to learn more in programming and create more useful apps.

So, for a beginner, I would highly recommend you to start with Tkinter. You can learn it pretty quickly start doing projects right away.

I’ll list down below some cool ideas and tutorials that will help you.

1. Rock Paper Scissors Game using Tkinter

Have you ever played the “Rock Paper Scissors” game with your hands? Now, let’s play it with an app. We will create a desktop application from scratch to play this game. We can do it with ease using the Tkinter library of Python.

In this game, we will be playing against the computer. The app will contain three buttons – Rock, Paper, and Scissor. The player (user) can click on one of these buttons to select his choice. 

Rock Paper Scissors Game using Tkinter

Once the user clicks a button, the computer will automatically select a random choice. The app will compare both choices and will give a point to the winner. We can leverage some awesome Python libraries to implement the logic.

If you’re interested in doing this project, I’ve written a step-by-step article with code snippets to walk you through the entire process.  Check out this article for more information .

2. Age Calculator App using Tkinter

Age Calculator App is yet another awesome app that you can easily create with the help of the Tkinter library. In this app, the user can type in his date of birth, and the app will calculate his age and display it.

You can leverage the Python library called datetime for doing this easily. This library will help you to write the logic for calculating the age of a person within a few lines of code.

Age Calculator using tkinter

Also, you’ll learn how to display images on a desktop application. Python has an amazing library called PIL (Python Imaging Library) that you can use for opening, manipulating, and saving many different image file formats.

If you’re interested in doing this project, check out this  helpful illustrated guide  with code for more details.

3. Bookmark App using Tkinter

Bookmark app is a simple app that you can make with Python. The idea of the app is simple. We’ll create an app where you can bookmark and save the links to your favorite websites. You can do this with a few lines of Python and the Tkinter module.

Bookmark app

If you want to learn in-depth about the Tkinter library and do this project, click here to find this helpful guide .

You can do a lot of things with the Tkinter library. If you want some more ideas to do projects, here is a list of fascinating Tkinter project ideas:

  • Graphical Register and Login System
  • Pharmacy Management System
  • Restaurant Management System
  • Tic Tac Toe Game
  • Snake Game using Tkinter
  • Color Game using Tkinter

If you’re interested in any of these ideas and want to implement them,  check out this Tkinter Projects Guide , where you’ll learn more about these with the help of some exciting tutorials.

Course Recommendation

If you’re interested in learning Tkinter in-depth, I would suggest you check out the GUI Development with Python and Tkinter course on Udemy. This course comes with a lot of high-quality tutorials and projects at a very small price. You can click here to check out the course contents and current price .

Python Machine Learning Project Ideas

Let’s look at some interesting machine learning projects that you can do with python. By the way, if you’re new to machine learning, don’t worry. You can  read this article  to get a basic idea of machine learning.

Machine learning is a technology that provides systems the ability to learn by themselves from experience without being explicitly programmed. 

Machine learning is not as hard as you might think. It is definitely not rocket science. You can learn it and do projects if you dedicate some time. We also have the help of a lot of libraries and tools to make our lives easy.

Here are a bunch of machine learning project ideas that you can do without much difficulty:

1. Say “Hello world!” to Machine Learning

Ok, Machine learning is undoubtedly a critical field of understanding if we want to learn or develop in artificial intelligence. But with those names so shocking, it can be very intimidating to start working with those tips. To top it all, it is a volatile field of knowledge that is constantly changing.

But luckily, there are a good number of resources in the network that can accompany us while we immerse our fingers in the world of data science . For example, I leave a  tutorial by Jason Brownlee  which is a wonderful introduction to the use of Python in machine learning.

From the beginning, you will see some of the most common machine learning algorithms, and also the Python libraries that serve to make predictions.

I know it may seem tedious, but it is extremely simple and very easy to follow. To complete it, it will only take a few hours.

In the end, we will have enough understanding of how to use Python to perform data science.

Once you are ready, consult  this stock of data science tutorials , there are explanations of several types of uses: how to analyze fingerprints and  people’s faces  for example.

2. Cats and Dogs Image Classification using Deep Learning

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning which helps us to do complex tasks by training artificial neural networks. You can do a lot of stuff with it. One such important application of deep learning is image classification.

Cats and Dogs Image Classification

Let’s say we have a bunch of images belonging to two types: cats and dogs. We need to teach our system to understand the differences between cats and dogs by providing several example images. Then, our system will learn from all these images and will be able to identify the type when we give it a new random image to test. How cool is that?

This is a very interesting project, and you can apply the same logic to classify any type of image data. I’ve written a complete tutorial about this project to help you do it step by step. If you’re interested in doing this project, check out this tutorial .

3. Cifar-10 Image Classification using Keras

Cifar-10 is a standard machine learning dataset. This dataset consists of images of 10 different classes, viz., airplanes, automobiles, birds, cats, deers, dogs, frogs, horses, ships, and trucks.

This is yet another image classification project, but this time the dataset is a big one. We have ten classes of objects, and we’ll teach all these classes of images to our machine learning model. 

testing input image

After we train the system with all these data, the system will learn about all these classes. Later, when we give a sample image as an input to the system, it will predict what the image actually is, with an 80% accuracy.

I did this project when I was doing my computer science degree back in college. I’ve learned a lot in doing that, and I’ve prepared a detailed article so that you also can try doing this project without any struggle.

If you’re interested in doing this project,  check out this helpful tutorial .

4. Color Recognition Project

For humans to detect some color and name it is something really simple. But for computers, however, it becomes more tricky. Despite that, you can make strategies to recognize colors through algorithms.

Python has powerful libraries to help you do this easily, such as OpenCV (Open Computer Vision Library). If you are interested in knowing more you can find more details about this kind of project  here .

5. Recognition of Emotions Through Speech

Python can be applied to try to break down the emotional states of an individual through speech.

Of course, a generalized operation is not entirely simple, so to do it well it´s a much more challenging idea than others in this list, but it may work nicely enough for certain voices that we use as a test standard.

If you are interested in the challenge,  here you will find more details about it.

I don’t want to end this list of interesting machine learning ideas. Here are 20 more machine learning project ideas:

  • Credit Card Fraud Detection
  • Spam classifier
  • Predicting the winning team in Football (Soccer)
  • Handwritten Digits Recognizer
  • Malaria detection 
  • Iris Flower Detection
  • Movie Recommendation App
  • Facial Recognition
  • Fake News Detection
  • Plant Disease Detection 
  • Machine Learning Project Ideas Generator
  • Self Driving Toy Car
  • Stock Prices Prediction
  • Desktop Virtual Assistant
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Logo Detection
  • Image to Recipe Translator
  • Text Summarization
  • Creating a Chatbot
  • Boosting the Accuracy of an Image Classifier

If any of these ideas interest you, and you want to learn them in-depth, I’ve written a separate article specifically for listing out machine learning project ideas. You can check out 21 machine learning project ideas ripe for the taking!

If you want a great resource to learn the basics of machine learning and data science with Python, I recommend you take the Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp by Jose Portilla on Udemy. Click here to check out the course contents and get a sneak peek.

Python Raspberry Pi Project Ideas

Wait for a second…What is a Raspberry Pi?

It´s a tiny computer system, almost the size of a credit card, which is not only composed of the basic hardware of a computer (processor, memory unit, etc.) but also by various types of connections (like USB, HDMI, video, sound, etc.). It has a slot to insert a microSD card, which acts as a hard disk and contains the operating system.


In this regard, it´s recommended to use the Raspbian system, which is based on Debian, although other Linux distributions or a special version of Windows can also be used. The power is provided by a micro-USB charger (for example, a smartphone), and the Internet connection can be established using a network cable through an Ethernet interface.

Other items such as the mouse, keyboard, or external hard drive can be connected via USB slots, and the HDMI port represents the easiest way to connect a screen to the Raspberry Pi. There are also several pins (contact pins) that can be programmed with other functions.

The components of this device vary depending on the model. The first (Raspberry Pi 1) was released in February 2012, and this was followed by others.

The price of the raspberry pi always remained low. Click here to check the current price of a complete Raspberry Pi Kit . The Raspberry Pi 3 was launched in February 2016 with a 64-bit CPU, and for the first time, it is suitable for connection via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

The name of the computer is a pun. The first part of its nomenclature follows the tradition of computer companies, whose names are characterized by fruit names, such as Apple, Blackberry, or Acorn. The second part, Pi, refers to the abbreviation of “Python interpreter” since Python is the main programming language of Raspberry Pi.

1. Make a 3D Printer

Yes I know, this is a very expensive project with Raspberry Pi ( around 11,000 dollars), but equally impressive. It´s the Pi 3D Scanner, developed and perfected by the dutchman, Richard Garsthagen, in recent years.

100 Raspberry Pi minicomputers, each equipped with an SD card, and its own camera module, make up the basic structure of the two-meter full-body scanner. Thanks to a proprietary 3D scanning management software, the values obtained can be optimized and subsequently used to print 3D models.

If you are curious  here is a video of this printer.   Now keep in mind that I am not suggesting you make such an amazing 3D printer, but I want to show you the possibilities. Maybe you can start with a  simpler tutorial  and make your way from there.

2. Create a Webserver

Many people make use of the Raspberry Pi as a web server. To do this, you can use various web server programs such as Apache, Lighttpd, or Nginx. 

For the correct hosting of wide and dynamic web content, the normal performance of Raspberry Pi is insufficient, since this small computer is suitable, rather, as a local test environment for web pages. 

Although simple static pages that do not have many visits, they can also stay in a Raspberry Pi. In this  digital guide , you´ll find information to make Raspberry Pi the edge of your web project.

3. Make a Central System for a Smart Home

The connection between home automation and appliances is increasingly popular. The smart home paradigm, which allows centralized management and control of heating lamps, blinds, refrigerators, washing machines, etc., not only increases comfort and quality of life but also contributes to more efficient energy consumption. 

Thanks to its affordability, the possibility of connecting to the Internet, and its fully functional system status with excellent hardware support, there are more and more electronics enthusiasts who turn to Raspberry Pi to develop projects for the home. 

Open-source tools such as  openHAB  or  Home Assistant  are some examples of the necessary basic software. See more about this in this tutorial video.

4. Create a Raspberry Pi Security System

A Raspberry Pi can not only provide comfort but also increase domestic security. This assumption led Max Williams to use his minicomputer (Raspberry Pi 3 Model A +) as the basis for a modest but refined security system that, once turned on, scans the environment live and notifies any recorded movement, including a photo sent by Telegram message. 

The system also sends a message if the device is connected or disconnected. To learn how to make this project a reality with a Raspberry Pi, read the detailed instructions in  hackster.io . There you will also find, among other things, the program code written in Python to direct the security camera.

5. Configure a Private Cloud Service with ownCloud

Raspberry Pi also offers the possibility to configure a private cloud-based service with free software ownCloud. In this case, Raspberry Pi returns to act as a server to which you can upload your data and from which you can access them. 

Having your own cloud server offers, in front of commercial file hosting services such as Dropbox or iCloud, the great advantage of having full control over the server and the data hosted on it.

Therefore, you can also save sensitive data in it without any problem. If you want to know how this works exactly and know the rest of the advantages of this possibility of hosting in the cloud,  see the tutorial in this digital guide .

If you need a quality course to learn the basics of Raspberry Pi with Python, check out The Ultimate Guide to Raspberry Pi on Udemy. Click here to have a sneak peek into the course on Udemy.

Python Web Development Project Ideas

We can use Python to create web applications too. We have two amazing web app development frameworks in Python (Django and Flask) to help us.

To create a web application in its fullest form, you need to have a little bit of knowledge in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. These are the languages that we use to design the front-end part of a website. Python can be used at the back-end to handle requests, data, access, and other logical stuff.

I’ll list down some project ideas that you can implement using Python at the back-end.

1. Create a Blog using Django

Do you want to create your own blog, where you can write down your thoughts and ideas? You can create one with the help of Python and Django.

A blog is a website where you can create, read, update, and delete articles (A CRUD application). The blog contains a homepage where all the articles are listed out, and if a user clicks an article link, it will redirect to that individual article.

python assignment ideas

It is a basic project that anyone having a little bit of knowledge in Django can do. The best part is that Django comes up with a built-in admin interface. So you don’t need to write code for that. You can use the admin interface and focus more on other essential things.

I’ve written a step-by-step article to help you do this project. If you’re interested,  create a blog with the help of this article .

2. Build Your Portfolio Website using Flask

A portfolio website is a place where you can list down all the projects that you’ve done and all the skills that you have. It can work as an online resume.

Having a portfolio website is really important, especially if you want to get a job or you want to get freelance clients. You can just point clients or employers to this website, and they’ll get to know your skills and all your work. That is really impressive.

Since it is a one-page website, you can create it with ease using HTML, CSS, and Flask. Flask is a pretty lightweight Python framework, and hence it is really easy to learn.

If you want to create a portfolio website using Python, check out this tutorial by Kalle Hallden .

3. Build a Full-Stack Social Network App using Flask

Have you ever thought of creating a social media app? We use social media every day, and wouldn’t it be cool to create your own social media application? You can create a social media app using Python.

You can use Flask as a backend for this project. The full-stack social media app will contain a database, server, and front-end. I’ve found a pretty interesting tutorial that teaches you to do it easily.

If you’re interested,  check out this tutorial  by John G. Fisher at FreeCodeCamp.

4. To-Do List App using Django

A To-Do list app can help you with improving productivity and time management. You can use this app to list all the tasks that you need to complete on a particular day. It will help you efficiently plan your work.

You can create a basic To-Do List web application using the Django framework. You can add new items to the to-do list by clicking a button. Once the task gets completed, you can delete that item from the list.

To Do List App using Django

You only need to know the fundamentals of Python, Django, and a little bit of HTML to do this. I’ve written a step-by-step tutorial on creating a to-do list web application using Django. If you’re interested in doing this project,  check out this tutorial .

5. Deploy your Django Web Apps on Heroku

If you have already done some projects in Django, it is a great time to learn how to deploy those web applications online. You don’t need to buy a server for that. You can use a free service like Heroku.

I looked around the Internet to find tutorials to deploy my web apps online. All I could find were pretty long intimidating blog posts and videos. Hence, I did some research and finally deployed my app on Heroku.

Deploy Django web app on Heroku

I’ve written a simple guide to help you deploy Django web applications on Heroku. If you want to publish your web apps online,  check out this step-by-step tutorial .

If you learn either Django or Flask, the possibilities are endless. You can do whatever you want and give life to your ideas. If you’re looking for some more creative ideas, then here is a list of some cool projects that can be done with the help of Django:

  • Hacker News Clone App
  • Login System using Django
  • Chatbots using Django
  • Weather App using Django
  • E-commerce Website using Django
  • Video Subscription Website using Django
  • Online School System using Django

If you’re interested in any of these ideas, check out my article on  12 Django Project Ideas for Beginners , where I explain each of these projects in detail with helpful tutorials.

If learning Django thoroughly is your goal, I would recommend you take the Python Django Dev To Deployment course by the famous YouTuber Brad Traversy. This course follows a project-based approach having a lot of high-quality tutorials on building web apps using Django. Click here to check out the course contents if you are interested.

Some More Python Project Ideas

Apart from web development, machine learning, raspberry pi, and desktop application development, we can use Python for a lot of other stuff as well. Python has a huge potential in several areas of technology. Here are some more cool projects that you can do with the help of Python.

1. Automate Facebook Login using Python

Web automation is an exciting field of technology. We can use Python for automating any boring tasks with the help of libraries such as Selenium. 

Selenium is a module that helps to automate scripts, and it lets you do a lot of things with your web browser. In this project, what we’ll do is, we’ll automate the Facebook login process.

We’ll write a Python script and run it in our system. This script will automatically launch the Chrome browser, visit the Facebook website, and log in to your Facebook account. Interesting, isn’t it?

python assignment ideas

You can play around with Selenium and Python to automate whatever you want to do. Automation is an anti-boring technology, and it will really excite you to write code.

If you’re interested in doing web automation and log in to your Facebook account using Python,  this article will walk you through everything . Check it out!

2. Choose Your Own Adventure

Maybe you like storytelling, and in that case, you are lucky because with Python you can build a great interactive story.

Python as a language is extremely easy to write. And that makes it an ideal environment to develop interactive fiction. You can rely on  this free resource  to start the process of writing a text-based adventure game completely compiled in Python.

The guide assumes that you have basic programming knowledge in Python, but it is useful to bridge the gap between that basic knowledge and how to use it to build an application.

In case this idea excites you, you can take it to the next level by applying a software engine like  RenPy  to add sounds and images to the game. In this way, the result will be a complete visual novel (Maybe you can even upload it to Steam and see how it works!).

3. Build A Blockchain

It is true that the blockchain was initially developed as financial technology, but now it is spreading to a variety of other industries. Let’s not forget that blockchains can be used for almost any type of transaction: from real estate transactions to transfers of medical records.

What better way to get a better understanding of how they work than to build one yourself.  This tutorial by Hackernoon  will help you implement a blockchain from scratch. The positive fact is that, at the end of this project, you will have acquired a deep understanding of how this important transactional technology works for the future.

In the process, you will work with HTTP clients and the “request” library. Once the “ Flask ” web framework is installed, you can use HTTP requests to communicate with your blockchain over the Internet.

Remember, blockchain is not only applicable to cryptocurrency enthusiasts. When you´re finished creating your own, you´ll find a creative way to implement this technology in your field of interest.

4. Scrap the Web using Python

We do web scraping when we want to extract some important data from a website. We can use Python to do web scraping with ease. Python has a module called BeatifulSoup, which is really powerful in doing web scraping.

python assignment ideas

I’ve written a beginner’s guide to help you learn the fundamentals of web scraping with Python. If you want to scrap some websites,  check out this tutorial for more details .

So, what to do after this?

You already have everything you need! A bunch of projects to focus on and start working on. This way you will be able to go from a beginner level to becoming an expert in Python.

It doesn’t really matter where you choose to start. It will only be the first step among countless paths that will serve to develop your programming skills.

It may be that none of these projects ends up convincing you. Perhaps they are very difficult, or on the contrary very simple. But ideas are not really that important. You can find an endless number of interesting project ideas if you just brainstorm.

What’s really important is the execution. Pick one project to do and commit to it. Don’t be lazy. Be a finisher!

Do you have any other cool ideas for doing a Python project? If you have any, feel free to add them in the comments section. We will make this a great resource with awesome ideas. So add your valuable contributions as well.

It took me a long time to create this article. I would appreciate it if you would be willing to share it. It will encourage me to create more useful articles like this.

Happy coding!

I'm the face behind Pythonista Planet. I learned my first programming language back in 2015. Ever since then, I've been learning programming and immersing myself in technology. On this site, I share everything that I've learned about computer programming.

9 thoughts on “ 55 Python Project Ideas With Helpful Tutorials ”

A Wonderful Person you are indeed !!!

i have a raspberry pi!!

Hey Ashwin sir! I’m Chetan from Pune!

Can you please guide me personally, how to learn stuffs or improving programming language and what is the right path to learn programming.

Btw, I’m second year computer student from Sinhgad Academy Of Engineering, Kondhwa, Pune.

Hi Chetan, If you’re looking for a session or something, shoot a mail to [email protected]. Thanks

Thank you for this article….

Cheers mate

hello sir, I am looking for python codes for creating a steganography app with all 4 types for a school project. can u help me with reference and codes??

i want to make money online as a python developer

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42 python project ideas for beginners to advanced.

42 Python Project Ideas for Beginners to Advanced

Author is a seasoned writer with a reputation for crafting highly engaging, well-researched, and useful content that is widely read by many of today's skilled programmers and developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Python has applications in numerous domains due to its versatility. You can undertake projects regarding machine learning, artificial intelligence, web development, scientific scripting, networking, game development, etc.

Any beginner can start rudimentary projects like tic-tac-toe, Hangman, basic data analysis with visualizations, etc.

You can begin with small projects like number guesser, Hangman, interactive quizzes, dice roller, etc.

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  • Python Projects
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  • AI With Python
  • Learn Python3
  • Python Automation
  • Python Web Dev
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  • Python Projects - Beginner to Advanced

Projects for Beginners

  • Number guessing game in Python 3 and C
  • Python program for word guessing game
  • Hangman Game in Python
  • 21 Number game in Python
  • Mastermind Game using Python
  • 2048 Game in Python
  • Python | Program to implement simple FLAMES game
  • Python | Pokémon Training Game
  • Python program to implement Rock Paper Scissor game
  • Taking Screenshots using pyscreenshot in Python
  • Desktop Notifier in Python
  • Get Live Weather Desktop Notifications Using Python
  • How to use pynput to make a Keylogger?
  • Python - Cows and Bulls game
  • Simple Attendance Tracker using Python
  • Higher-Lower Game with Python
  • Fun Fact Generator Web App in Python
  • Check if two PDF documents are identical with Python
  • Creating payment receipts using Python
  • How To Create a Countdown Timer Using Python?
  • Convert emoji into text in Python
  • Create a Voice Recorder using Python
  • Create a Screen recorder using Python

Projects for Intermediate

  • How to Build a Simple Auto-Login Bot with Python
  • How to make a Twitter Bot in Python?
  • Building WhatsApp bot on Python
  • Create a Telegram Bot using Python
  • Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Python
  • Employee Management System using Python
  • How to make a Python auto clicker?
  • Instagram Bot using Python and InstaPy
  • File Sharing App using Python
  • Send message to Telegram user using Python
  • Python | Whatsapp birthday bot
  • Corona HelpBot
  • Amazon product availability checker using Python
  • Python | Fetch your gmail emails from a particular user
  • How to Create a Chatbot in Android with BrainShop API?
  • Spam bot using PyAutoGUI
  • Hotel Management System

Web Scraping

  • Build a COVID19 Vaccine Tracker Using Python
  • Email Id Extractor Project from sites in Scrapy Python
  • Automating Scrolling using Python-Opencv by Color Detection
  • How to scrape data from google maps using Python ?
  • Scraping weather data using Python to get umbrella reminder on email
  • Scraping Reddit using Python
  • How to fetch data from Jira in Python?
  • Scrape most reviewed news and tweet using Python
  • Extraction of Tweets using Tweepy
  • Predicting Air Quality Index using Python
  • Scrape content from dynamic websites

Automating boring Stuff Using Python

  • Automate Instagram Messages using Python
  • Python | Automating Happy Birthday post on Facebook using Selenium
  • Automatic Birthday mail sending with Python
  • Automated software testing with Python
  • Python | Automate Google Search using Selenium
  • Automate linkedin connections using Python
  • Automated Trading using Python
  • Automate the Conversion from Python2 to Python3
  • Bulk Posting on Facebook Pages using Selenium
  • Share WhatsApp Web without Scanning QR code using Python
  • Automate WhatsApp Messages With Python using Pywhatkit module
  • How to Send Automated Email Messages in Python
  • Automate backup with Python Script
  • Hotword detection with Python

Tkinter Projects

  • Create First GUI Application using Python-Tkinter
  • Python | Simple GUI calculator using Tkinter
  • Python - Compound Interest GUI Calculator using Tkinter
  • Python | Loan calculator using Tkinter
  • Rank Based Percentile Gui Calculator using Tkinter
  • Standard GUI Unit Converter using Tkinter in Python
  • Create Table Using Tkinter
  • Python | GUI Calendar using Tkinter
  • File Explorer in Python using Tkinter
  • Python | ToDo GUI Application using Tkinter
  • Python: Weight Conversion GUI using Tkinter
  • Python: Age Calculator using Tkinter
  • Python | Create a GUI Marksheet using Tkinter
  • Python | Create a digital clock using Tkinter
  • Create Countdown Timer using Python-Tkinter
  • Tkinter Application to Switch Between Different Page Frames
  • Color game using Tkinter in Python
  • Python | Simple FLAMES game using Tkinter
  • Simple registration form using Python Tkinter
  • Image Viewer App in Python using Tkinter
  • How to create a COVID19 Data Representation GUI?
  • Create GUI for Downloading Youtube Video using Python
  • GUI to Shutdown, Restart and Logout from the PC using Python
  • Create a GUI to extract Lyrics from song Using Python
  • Application to get live USD/INR rate Using Python
  • Build an Application for Screen Rotation Using Python
  • Build an Application to Search Installed Application using Python
  • Text detection using Python
  • Python - Spell Corrector GUI using Tkinter
  • Make Notepad using Tkinter
  • Sentiment Detector GUI using Tkinter - Python
  • Create a GUI for Weather Forecast using openweathermap API in Python
  • Build a Voice Recorder GUI using Python
  • Create a Sideshow application in Python
  • Visiting Card Scanner GUI Application using Python

Turtle Projects

  • Create digital clock using Python-Turtle
  • Draw a Tic Tac Toe Board using Python-Turtle
  • Draw Chess Board Using Turtle in Python
  • Draw an Olympic Symbol in Python using Turtle
  • Draw Rainbow using Turtle Graphics in Python
  • How to make an Indian Flag using Turtle - Python
  • Draw moving object using Turtle in Python
  • Create a simple Animation using Turtle in Python
  • Create a Simple Two Player Game using Turtle in Python
  • Flipping Tiles (memory game) using Python3
  • Create pong game using Python - Turtle

OpenCV Projects

  • Python | Program to extract frames using OpenCV
  • Displaying the coordinates of the points clicked on the image using Python-OpenCV
  • White and black dot detection using OpenCV | Python
  • Python | OpenCV BGR color palette with trackbars
  • Draw a rectangular shape and extract objects using Python's OpenCV
  • Drawing with Mouse on Images using Python-OpenCV
  • Text Detection and Extraction using OpenCV and OCR
  • Invisible Cloak using OpenCV | Python Project
  • Background subtraction - OpenCV
  • ML | Unsupervised Face Clustering Pipeline
  • Pedestrian Detection using OpenCV-Python
  • Saving Operated Video from a webcam using OpenCV
  • Face Detection using Python and OpenCV with webcam
  • Gun Detection using Python-OpenCV
  • Multiple Color Detection in Real-Time using Python-OpenCV
  • Detecting objects of similar color in Python using OpenCV
  • Opening multiple color windows to capture using OpenCV in Python
  • Python | Play a video in reverse mode using OpenCV
  • Template matching using OpenCV in Python
  • Cartooning an Image using OpenCV - Python
  • Vehicle detection using OpenCV Python
  • Count number of Faces using Python - OpenCV
  • Live Webcam Drawing using OpenCV
  • Detect and Recognize Car License Plate from a video in real time
  • Track objects with Camshift using OpenCV
  • Replace Green Screen using OpenCV- Python
  • Python - Eye blink detection project
  • Connect your android phone camera to OpenCV - Python
  • Determine The Face Tilt Using OpenCV - Python
  • Right and Left Hand Detection Using Python
  • Brightness Control With Hand Detection using OpenCV in Python
  • Creating a Finger Counter Using Computer Vision and OpenCv in Python

Python Django Projects

  • Python Web Development With Django
  • How to Create an App in Django ?
  • Weather app using Django | Python
  • Django Sign Up and login with confirmation Email | Python
  • ToDo webapp using Django
  • Setup Sending Email in Django Project
  • Django project to create a Comments System
  • Voting System Project Using Django Framework
  • How to add Google reCAPTCHA to Django forms ?
  • Youtube video downloader using Django
  • E-commerce Website using Django
  • College Management System using Django - Python Project
  • Create Word Counter app using Django

Python Text to Speech and Vice-Versa

  • Speak the meaning of the word using Python
  • Convert PDF File Text to Audio Speech using Python
  • Speech Recognition in Python using Google Speech API
  • Convert Text to Speech in Python
  • Python Text To Speech | pyttsx module
  • Python: Convert Speech to text and text to Speech
  • Personal Voice Assistant in Python
  • Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python
  • Python | Create a simple assistant using Wolfram Alpha API.
  • Voice Assistant using python
  • Voice search Wikipedia using Python
  • Language Translator Using Google API in Python
  • How to make a voice assistant for E-mail in Python?
  • Voice Assistant for Movies using Python

More Projects on Python

  • Tic Tac Toe GUI In Python using PyGame
  • 8-bit game using pygame
  • Bubble sort visualizer using PyGame
  • Caller ID Lookup using Python
  • Tweet using Python
  • How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame?
  • Face Mask detection and Thermal scanner for Covid care - Python Project
  • Personalized Task Manager in Python
  • Pollution Control by Identifying Potential Land for Afforestation - Python Project
  • Human Scream Detection and Analysis for Controlling Crime Rate - Project Idea
  • Download Instagram profile pic using Python

Python Projects – Beginner to Advanced

In this guide, we’ll explore a range of Python projects suitable for beginners to advanced programmers. These Python projects are designed to help you gain practical experience with Python programming while building real-world applications. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to deepen your understanding of Python, there’s something here for everyone.

Python Projects

Recent Python Projects !!

  • Number guessing game in Python
  • Word guessing game in Python
  • Flames game in Python
  • Pokémon Training Game
  • Rock Paper Scissor game in Python
  • Python – Cows and Bulls game
  • Make a Twitter Bot in Python
  • Whatsapp birthday bot
  • Fetch your gmail emails from a particular user
  • How to scrape data from google maps using Python?
  • Automating Happy Birthday post on Facebook
  • Automate Google Search
  • Simple GUI calculator using Tkinter
  • Compound Interest GUI Calculator using Tkinter
  • Loan calculator using Tkinter
  • GUI Calendar using Tkinter
  • ToDo GUI Application using Tkinter
  • Weight Conversion GUI using Tkinter
  • Age Calculator using Tkinter
  • Create a GUI Marksheet using Tkinter
  • Create a digital clock using Tkinter
  • Simple FLAMES game using Tkinter
  • Simple registration form using Tkinter
  • Spell Corrector GUI using Tkinter
  • Sentiment Detector GUI using Tkinter
  • How to make Indian Flag using Turtle – Python
  • Create pong game using Python – Turtle
  • Extract frames using OpenCV
  • White and black dot detection
  • OpenCV BGR color palette with trackbars
  • Draw rectangular shape and extract objects
  • Invisible Cloak using OpenCV
  • Background subtraction – OpenCV
  • Unsupervised Face Clustering Pipeline
  • Saving Operated Video from a webcam
  • Opening multiple color windows
  • Play a video in reverse mode
  • Cartooning an Image using OpenCV – Python
  • Vehicle detection in a Video frame using Python – OpenCV
  • Count number of Faces using Python – OpenCV
  • Python – Eye blink detection project
  • Connect your android phone camera to OpenCV – Python
  • Determine The Face Tilt Using OpenCV – Python
  • Creating a Finger Counter Using Computer Vision and OpenCV in Python
  • Python Web Development – Django Tutorial
  • How to Create an App in Django?
  • Weather app using Django
  • Django Sign Up and login with confirmation Email
  • Translator App Project using Django
  • How to add Google reCAPTCHA to Django forms?
  • College Management System using Django – Python Project
  • Python Text To Speech using pyttsx module
  • Convert Speech to text and text to Speech
  • Create a simple assistant using Wolfram Alpha API
  • Face Mask detection and Thermal scanner for Covid care – Python Project
  • Pollution Control by Identifying Potential Land for Afforestation – Python Project
  • Human Scream Detection and Analysis for Controlling Crime Rate – Project Idea

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Top 30 Python Projects for Beginners to Advanced - Flexiple

Top 30 Python Projects for Beginners to Advanced

Mayank Jain

Mayank Jain

Last updated on 16 Apr 2024

Python Projects for Beginners to Advanced offers a comprehensive guide for Python enthusiasts at varying levels of expertise. These Projects include a diverse range of Python projects with source code that enhances coding skills and theoretical knowledge. Beginners find projects like simple calculators, to-do list applications, and basic games, which solidify foundational concepts. Intermediate projects, such as web scrapers , chatbots, and data visualization tools, bridge the gap toward more complex programming challenges.

Advanced learners tackle sophisticated projects involving machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence applications, and large-scale data analysis. Each project in the list provides hands-on experience and practical application of Python concepts. The article ensures that learners develop a robust understanding of Python's capabilities and real-world applications, irrespective of their starting skill level.

Top 10 Python Projects for Beginners

In Python programming, beginners seek easy Python projects to kickstart their journey. These basic Python projects serve as excellent learning opportunities, allowing newcomers to apply their newfound knowledge and build confidence in their coding skills.

Here are the top 10 Python Projects for Beginners listed below.

1. Calculator

Develop a simple calculator application to perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This project teaches beginners how to handle user input, perform calculations, and display results. It's an excellent way to reinforce understanding Python's syntax and basic programming concepts.

2. Number Guessing Game

Create a game where the user has to guess a randomly generated number within a certain range. The program provides hints as to whether the guess is too high or too low. This project introduces beginners to control structures like loops and conditional statements, along with the concept of random number generation in Python.

3. To-Do List Application

Build a to-do list application where users are able to add, delete, and view tasks. This project helps beginners understand file handling to store the tasks, and basic data structures like lists to manage them. It's a practical introduction to organizing and manipulating data.

4. Basic Alarm Clock

Design a simple alarm clock program where the user sets a specific time for the alarm. The application should alert the user when the set time is reached. This project involves working with Python's time and date functionalities and scheduling tasks, providing a hands-on experience with real-world applications.

5. Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

Implement the classic Rock, Paper, Scissors game where the user plays against the computer. This project focuses on using conditional statements to determine the game's outcome and handling user input. It's a fun way to get familiar with Python's control flow.

6. Temperature Converter

Create a program that converts temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa. This project demonstrates how to perform basic math operations in Python and process user input. It's a great exercise in implementing formulas and understanding unit conversions.

7. Hangman Game

Develop a simple text-based Hangman game where the player guesses letters to form a word. This project enhances understanding of string manipulation, arrays, and control flow. It's a challenging yet enjoyable way to delve into more complex Python concepts.

8. Contact Book

Build a basic contact book application where users add, edit, delete, and search for contacts. This project introduces file handling for storing contact information and fundamental data management techniques. It serves as an introduction to creating more complex data-driven applications.

9. Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Create a Tic-Tac-Toe game with a graphical user interface using libraries like Tkinter. This project helps beginners understand GUI programming in Python, event handling, and developing interactive applications. It's a step towards more advanced Python programming.

10. Simple Web Scraper

Develop a simple web scraper to extract information from websites. This project introduces external libraries like Beautiful Soup and Requests, teaching beginners how to retrieve and parse web data. It's an excellent starting point for those interested in data mining and web automation.

Each of these projects provides a practical and engaging way for beginners to apply their Python skills, paving the way for more advanced learning and development.

Top 10 Python Projects for Intermediate

Python offers a diverse range of possibilities for intermediate learners to enhance their skills. The following intermediate Python projects are designed to challenge and expand your understanding of Python, covering various domains like web development, data science, machine learning, and more.

Here are the top 10 Python Projects for Intermediate listed below.

1. Web Scraper

Develop a web scraper using Python. This project involves fetching data from websites using libraries like BeautifulSoup or Scrapy and parsing it into a structured format. It's a great way to understand HTTP requests, response parsing, and data extraction from HTML or XML documents.

Create a chatbot utilizing Python's Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities with libraries like NLTK or spaCy. This project focuses on enabling the chatbot to handle conversational logic, and user queries, and even integrate with web APIs for more dynamic responses.

3. Data Visualization Tool

Build a data visualization tool using Python libraries such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Plotly. This project emphasizes creating interactive plots and charts from various datasets, understanding data trends, and presenting data in a visually appealing manner.

4. Machine Learning Model

Implement a machine learning model with Python's sci-kit-learn library. Choose a dataset and perform tasks like classification, regression, or clustering. This project allows you to delve into data preprocessing, model selection, training, and evaluation.

5. Automation Script

Write Python scripts for automating repetitive tasks. Utilize libraries like PyAutoGUI or Selenium for tasks such as file organization, data entry, or web browser automation. This enhances your understanding of Python's application in reducing manual workload.

6. RESTful API

Develop a RESTful API using Flask or Django frameworks. This API must handle HTTP requests, and CRUD operations, and serve data in JSON format, offering a practical insight into backend development and API design principles.

7. Game Development

Create a simple 2D game using the Pygame library. This project covers the basics of game mechanics, graphics, sound, and user input handling. It's a fun way to learn Python while exploring the fundamentals of game development.

8. Financial Analysis Tool

Build a tool for financial analysis that processes and visualizes historical stock data. Utilize libraries like pandas for data manipulation and NumPy for numerical calculations, focusing on extracting insights from financial data.

9. Social Media Sentiment Analysis

Perform sentiment analysis on social media posts using Python's text processing and machine learning capabilities. This project involves collecting data from social media platforms, processing text data, and using sentiment analysis algorithms to gauge public opinion.

10. IoT Project

Develop an Internet of Things (IoT) project with Python. This involves creating applications like home automation systems, environmental monitoring, or integrating with hardware platforms like Raspberry Pi or Arduino. It offers practical experience in interfacing software with hardware components.

Top 10 Python Projects for Advanced

Advanced Python projects challenge learners to integrate multiple concepts and libraries, pushing the boundaries of their knowledge and skills. Each project in this list is designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience, incorporating aspects like machine learning, web development, data analysis, and more. These projects are ideal for those who have a solid foundation in Python and are looking to delve deeper into its practical applications.

Here are the top 10 Python Projects for Advanced listed below.

1. Machine Learning Model Deployment

Develop a full-stack application to deploy machine learning models using Python. This advanced project involves creating a web interface using frameworks like Flask or Django to interact with a Python-based machine-learning model. The focus is on understanding how to operationalize machine learning algorithms, manage data flow, and ensure model performance in a live environment.

2. Cryptocurrency Trading Bot

Build a cryptocurrency trading bot that uses Python to automate buying and selling decisions based on market data. This project requires integrating APIs for real-time market data and executing trades. It combines financial knowledge with Python programming, focusing on algorithm development, real-time data processing, and understanding market dynamics.

3. Social Media Sentiment Analysis

Develop a tool to perform sentiment analysis on social media posts using Python. This project involves using natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze text data, understand public opinion, and gauge emotional responses. It requires familiarity with NLP libraries in Python and an understanding of machine learning algorithms for text classification.

4. Advanced Data Visualization Tool

Create a sophisticated data visualization tool using Python libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn. This project is centered around presenting complex data in an interactive, user-friendly manner. It involves working with large datasets, creating dynamic and interactive plots, and understanding advanced visualization techniques.

5. Real-Time Object Detection System

Implement a real-time object detection system using Python and deep learning libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch . This project is about training machine learning models to recognize and classify objects in images or videos in real-time. It covers aspects of computer vision, model training, and optimization for real-time performance.

6. Blockchain-Based Application

Develop a blockchain-based application in Python to understand the principles of decentralized networks and ledger technology. This project includes creating a simple blockchain, implementing security features like hashing, and understanding how transactions are verified in a decentralized manner.

7. IoT System Integration

Create a Python-based project that integrates Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This involves programming Python to interact with various IoT sensors and devices, collecting and processing data, and possibly controlling these devices in real-time. It encompasses knowledge of network protocols, data processing, and hardware interfacing.

8. Natural Language Processing Chatbot

Build an advanced chatbot using Python and natural language processing techniques. This project requires a deep understanding of NLP to enable effective human-computer interactions. It involves language parsing, response generation, and implementing learning algorithms to improve the chatbot’s performance over time.

9. Facial Recognition Security System

Develop a facial recognition security system using Python and libraries like OpenCV. This project involves detecting and recognizing faces for security purposes, such as access control or identity verification. It covers aspects of image processing, pattern recognition, and machine learning.

10. Advanced Web Scraper

Create a comprehensive web scraper using Python. This advanced project involves extracting data from complex web pages, handling various data formats, and dealing with issues like web page navigation, dynamic content loading, and data storage. It requires an understanding of web technologies, HTML parsing, and efficient data extraction techniques.

Importance of Python Projects

The importance of Python projects for beginners to advanced learners lies in their practical application of theoretical knowledge. Engaging in these projects helps solidify understanding of Python concepts, from basic syntax to complex algorithms. Projects range from simple scripts to intricate applications, catering to a wide spectrum of skill levels.

Learners gain hands-on experience, which is crucial for mastering programming skills through these projects. They tackle real-world problems, encouraging creative solutions and critical thinking. Completing projects builds a portfolio that showcases a learner's capabilities, essential for career advancement in fields like data science, web development, and automation.

FAQs on Python Projects

How do python projects help in improving my programming skills.

Python projects, particularly those ranging from beginner to advanced levels, play a crucial role in enhancing programming skills. These projects offer practical experience, which is vital for understanding and applying Python concepts. Engaging in diverse projects such as data analysis, web development, and machine learning enables learners to explore and master different Python libraries and frameworks.

Working on varied Python projects develops problem-solving skills and coding proficiency. Beginners start with simple tasks like building calculators or tic-tac-toe games, which solidify their grasp of basic syntax and logic. As they advance, tackling more complex projects like web scrapers or AI algorithms improves their understanding of data structures, algorithms, and software design principles. Completing these projects instills confidence and prepares individuals for professional coding challenges.

How long does it typically take to complete a Python project?

The completion time for a Python project directly depends on its complexity and the experience level of the programmer. A beginner undertaking simple projects, such as a basic calculator or a text-based game, complete them within 1 to 3 days. These projects are designed to be straightforward, focusing on basic syntax and core concepts.

For intermediate projects, such as a basic web scraper or a simple web application using frameworks like Flask or Django, the timeframe extends to about 1 to 2 weeks. These projects require a better grasp of Python's libraries and more complex logic.

Advanced Python projects, like a machine learning model or a complex web application with database integration, take from 2 weeks to over a month. These involve a comprehensive understanding of advanced concepts, external libraries, and often, the integration of multiple technologies. The timeline is extended further based on the project's scope and the learning curve of the individual.

How can I get feedback or support for the Python projects I'm working on?

Join online communities and forums to get feedback or support for the Python projects you are working on. Websites like Stack Overflow, Reddit’s r/Python, and GitHub provide platforms where you post your projects and receive constructive feedback from experienced developers. These communities are home to both beginners and advanced programmers who actively share insights and solutions.

Leveraging social media groups and Python-specific meetups is beneficial. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Meetup host numerous Python-focused groups where members regularly discuss projects and programming challenges. Engage with these groups to get diverse perspectives and support. Remember to present your projects clearly and ask specific questions to get the most helpful feedback.

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42 Exciting Python Project Ideas & Topics for Beginners in 2024 [Latest]

42 Exciting Python Project Ideas & Topics for Beginners in 2024 [Latest]

In this article, you will learn the 42 Exciting Python Project Ideas & Topics in 2024 . Take a glimpse below.

  • Mad Libs Generator
  • Number Guessing
  • Text-based Adventure Game
  • Dice Rolling Simulator
  • Contact Book
  • Binary search algorithm
  • Desktop Notifier App
  • Python Story Generator
  •  Python Website Blocker
  • Spin a Yarn
  • What’s the word?… and more…

Read the full article to know more about all the 42 project Ideas & Topics in detail.

Python Project Ideas

Python is one of the most popular programming languages currently. It looks like this trend is about to continue in 2022 and beyond. So, if you are a Python beginner, the best thing you can do is work on some real-time Python project ideas. Also, you can check out some of our data science free courses that may help you understand python better.

We, here at upGrad, believe in a practical approach as theoretical knowledge alone won’t be of help in a real-time work environment. In this article, we will be exploring some interesting Python project ideas which beginners can work on to put their Python knowledge to the test. In this article, you will find 42 top python project ideas for beginners to get hands-on experience with Python. 

Moreover, project-based learning helps improve student knowledge. That’s why all of the upGrad courses cover case studies and assignments based on real-life problems. This technique is ideal for, but not limited to, beginners in programming skills. Also, check out our Python Programming Bootcamp which is for beginners in coding who want to explore a career in Data Science. 

After completing this course, you can choose from job roles like python intern , Jr python developer, and much more.

But first, let’s address the more pertinent question that must be lurking in your mind: why build Python projects?

When it comes to careers in software development, it is a must for aspiring developers to work on their own projects. Developing real-world projects is the best way to hone your skills and materialize your theoretical knowledge into practical experience. Learn Python Programming with SQL and explore a career in Data Science. If you work on live projects, it will help:

To boost your confidence

As you work with real tools and technologies, you will become more confident about your strengths while also identifying your weak points. 

To experiment

You will need to acquaint yourself with new tools and technologies while working on a python project. The more you learn about cutting-edge development tools, environments, and libraries, the broader will be your scope for experimentation with your projects. The more you experiment with different python project ideas, the more knowledge you gain.

To know the nitty-gritty of SDLC

When you develop a project from scratch, you will gain a deeper understanding of how the software development life cycle functions. With time you will learn how to plan before writing the code, execute the code, manage the testing process, fix bugs, deploy the code, and also update your software product from time to time.

To master the concepts of programming

One of the biggest advantages of building real-world projects is that with continuous practice, you will master the concepts and patterns of programming in different languages. 

Python -The most sought-after industry application

As per Python project reports, enterprises have significantly focused on analytics and data science hiring in the past few years. Candidates excelling in Python programming skills attained more preference than ever before. As one of the leading industry technologies, beginner Python projects offered excellent opportunities and benefits to young minds. 

Earning Potential

As per recent statistics, Python turned out to be the highest-paying computer language, with students doing python small projects. Due to this reason, the average remuneration of a candidate excelling in Python is comparatively skyrocketing, simply by having python mini project topics. Many information technology experts showed interest in gaining and honing their skills in Python to attain a career boost with doing projects in python or doing best python projects

Robust Community Support

Python is an advanced programming language that was introduced several years back. It already built a community that can significantly aid programmers with several varied levels of experience. Python small project is an ideal platform for both specialists and rookies in the field. The community of Python helped it expand and develop much more rapidly compared to the other languages.

The programming language of Python comes with various instructions and guides. They also include interesting explanatory videos, which makes them easy to understand for beginners. The documentation is quite easy to understand and assists developers in learning languages efficiently and rapidly, especially those doing their final year project on various final year project topics.

Rapid and Major Development

Another strong advantage of Python is that users are able to generate innovative applications with the help of a particular programming language. Due to its versatile nature, the language allows an operator to try out and experiment with new aspects. One can prefer Python Projects if they are looking for liberty and flexibility when it comes to executing their skills. 

Easy learning ad using the interface

If you are a newbie in the world of Python, the good news is it offers a simple interface for learners. One can pick up skills quite rapidly and also experiment with the significantly progressive language program. The language is quite easy to adapt due to its systematic and rational process of operation. The fundamentals of Python can easily be executed compared to that of different programming languages, especially for simple python projects or python mini projects for college students

Looking to challenge yourself or expand your portfolio? Check out our curated list of computer science project ideas to inspire your next groundbreaking project.

Offers High Flexibility to Learners

Basic python project is not just easy to explore and learn, but it also provides great flexibility. A large percentage of the third-party libraries of Python are still operated and allow the use of the application in machine learning. It also supports areas like biology and web processing.

The data-centric libraries such as matplotlib, Numpy, and Pandas make it quite capable when it comes to visualizing, processing, or manipulating data in Python Projects. Due to its highly accommodating nature, it is often known as the leading entity among computer languages.

So, here are a few Python Projects for beginners can work on:

Python Project Ideas: Beginners Level

This list of python project ideas for students is suited for beginners, and those just starting out with Python or Data Science in general. These python project ideas will get you going with all the practicalities you need to succeed in your career as a Python developer.

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Further, if you’re looking for Python project ideas for a final year , this list should get you going. So, without further ado, let’s jump straight into some Python project ideas that will strengthen your base and allow you to climb up the ladder.  

Here are some python topics list that will help beginners build a strong foundation in Python .

Alternatively, you can also enroll yourself in  Free Python Certification Course.

1. Mad Libs Generator

One of the best ideas to start experimenting with your hands-on python projects for students is working on Mad Libs Generator. This is the perfect project for beginners who are just starting out with software development. Primarily focused on strings, variables, and concatenation, this project will teach you how to manipulate user-inputted data. The program design is such that it will ask users to enter a series of inputs that will be considered a Mad Lib. Mab lib is one of the python projects for beginners .

The input could be anything, an adjective, a noun, a pronoun, etc. Once all the inputs are entered, the application will take the data and arrange the inputs into a story template form. Sound fun, right?

Our learners also read – python online course for free !

2. Number Guessing

This is one of the simple python projects yet an exciting one. You can even call it a mini-game. This project is particularly useful for beginners. Make a program in which the computer randomly chooses a number between 1 to 10, 1 to 100, or any range. Then give users a hint to guess the number. Every time the user guesses wrong, he gets another clue, and his score gets reduced. The clue can be multiples, divisible, greater or smaller, or a combination of all.

python assignment ideas

You will also need functions to compare the inputted number with the guessed number, to compute the difference between the two, and check whether an actual number was inputted or not in this python project. The main aim of this coding project idea from the Python projects list is to introduce beginners to coding basics . 

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3. text-based adventure game.

This is a basic version of the Adventure game. It is completely text-based. In this version of the game, users can move about through different rooms within a single setting, and based on the user input, it will provide descriptions for each room. This is one of the more interesting python projects for beginners.

python assignment ideas

Movement direction is crucial here – you must create walls and set the directions in which the users can move through the rooms, set movement restrictions, and also include a tracker that can track how far a user has walked or moved in the game. Mentioning Python projects can help your resume look much more interesting than others.

Check out all trending Python tutorial concepts in 2024

4. Dice Rolling Simulator

python assignment ideas

As the name of the program suggests, we will be imitating rolling dice. This is one of the interesting python projects and will generate a random number for each dices the program runs, and the users can use the dice repeatedly for as long as he wants. When the user rolls the dice, the program will generate a random number between 1 and 6 (as on a standard dice).

The number will then be displayed to the user. It will also ask users if they would like to roll the dice again. The program should also include a function that can randomly grab a number between 1 to 6 and print it. This beginner-level python project  allows you to explore programming fundamentals and different coding concepts.

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This is more of a “guess the word” game. The core concepts you have to use while developing this project are variables, random, integer, strings, char, input and output, and boolean. In the game, users have to enter letter guesses, and each user will have a limited number of guesses (a counter variable is needed for limiting the guesses). The Hangman is among the most highly recommended projects to master python for beginners. 

You can create a pre-organized list of words that users can grab words from. Also, you must include specific functions to check whether or not a user has entered a single letter or if the input letter is in the hidden word, so if the user has actually inputted a single letter, and to print the correct outcomes (letters).

Must read : Data structures and algorithms free course !

6. Contact Book

python assignment ideas

This is one of the excellent python projects for beginners. Everyone uses a contact book to save contact details, including name, address, phone number, and even email address. The main objective of this project is to generate a contact book using python where users can add a new contact, edit, or delete existing contacts and view the details of all their contacts. This is one of the coolest project ideas in python for beginners to help strengthen their command of the programming language .

This is a command-line project where you will design a contact book application that users can use to save and find contact details. The application should also allow users to update contact information, delete contacts, and list saved contacts. The SQLite database is the ideal platform for saving contacts. Handling a project with  Python for beginners  can be helpful to build your career with a good start.

7. Email Slicer

This is one of the convenient python projects that has a lot of use in the future. To create an Email slicer with python, users have to generate a program to retrieve the username and domain of the email.  You can even customize the application and send a message to the host with this information . Although it is a simple coding project idea, it is instrumental in enhancing your coding skills.

8. Binary search algorithm

Have you ever heard the proverb, “finding a needle in a haystack.” This program is designed to do just that- by using a binary search algorithm. You can create a list of random numbers between 0 to 100, with every succeeding number having a difference of 2 between them.

python assignment ideas

When the user inputs a random number, the program will check if that number is included in the list. It will do so by creating two halves of the list. If the program finds the number in the first half of the list, it will eliminate the other half and vice versa. The search will continue until the program finds the number input of the user or until the subarray size becomes 0 (this means that the number is not in the list). This python project idea will help you create and implement an algorithm that searches for an element in a list. 

9. Desktop Notifier App

Have you ever wondered how notifications work? This small python project idea will throw some light on this. The desktop notifier apps run on your system and send you a piece of information after a fixed interval of time. We suggest you use libraries such as notify2, requests, etc. to build such a program.

10. Python Story Generator

python assignment ideas

Did you think the most complex way of using a random module in python is random sampling? This idea cannot be further from the truth. It is also possible to create random stories and even beyond using the random module. 

Here, the aim is to create a random story each time the user runs the program. The story will be the same always but with little variation in the input. This is a fun but exciting python project which will work wonders with beginners to gain confidence in python .

In a nutshell, the program will ask users for inputs such as the name of a place, action, etc., and then build a story around the data.  

11. YouTube video downloader

python assignment ideas

One of the best ideas to start experimenting with your hands-on python projects for students is working on a YouTube video downloader. This is the best example of introducing python to beginners in a fun way. More than a billion people watch YouTube every month. Sometimes there are videos we like to download permanently. YouTube doesn’t give you that option, but you can create an app with a simple UI and the ability to download YouTube videos in different formats and video quality. This project looks tough, but it is straightforward when you start working on it.

12. Python Website Blocker

python assignment ideas

When we surf the internet, many unwanted websites keep showing up. In this real-life python project, you build a program that blocks unwanted websites from showing up when you are working. Building such programs will boost the confidence of beginners in Python as they master its fundamentals . This program is beneficial for students who want to study without any social media distractions and also for those who do not want to be bugged by unwanted websites while working .  Having this kind of python project on the resume   can help your resume look much more interesting than others.

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13. spin a yarn.

Things get more interesting here since strings are infinitely more complex to play with at the beginning.

The program first prompts the user to enter a series of inputs. These can be an adjective, a preposition, a proper noun, etc. Once all the inputs are in place, they are placed in a premade story template using concatenation. In the end, the full story is printed out to read some misintended madness!

14. What’s the word?

This name focuses on the user having to guess the randomly generated word. You can create a list from which the word would have to be guessed and also set a cap on the number of guesses allowed.

After this, you can create the rules yourself! When the user inputs the word, you can indicate whether the alphabet written appears in this particular position or not. You will need a function to check if the user is inputting alphabets or numbers and to display error messages appropriately.

15. Rock, Paper, Scissors

If you are tired of having no playmate, then a 5-minute stint of rock, paper, scissors with the computer and designed by you, yourself will improve your mood.

We again use the random function here. You make a move first and then the program makes one. To indicate the move, you can either use a single alphabet or input an entire string. A function will have to be set up to check the validity of the move.

python assignment ideas

Using another function, the winner of that round is decided. You can then either give an option of playing again or decide a pre-determined number of moves in advance. A scorekeeping function will also have to be created which will return the winner at the end.

16. Leap it!

In this python project, you input a year and check whether it is a leap year or not. For this, you’ll have to create a function that recognizes the pattern of leap years and can try fitting the inputted year into the pattern. In the end, you can print the result using a boolean expression.

This project requires a good command of Python operators and Python if-else statements . So, it is perfect for those who are academically strong in python and looking for hands-on experience in developing their Python project.

17. Find out, Fibonacci!

You input a number and the function created checks whether the number belongs to the Fibonacci sequence or not. The underlying workings are similar to the above ‘Leap it!’ program.

One common theme in all the above projects is that they will help you to get your basics right. You will be the developer and the bug fixer. Not to mention, you’ll be closely working with creating and implementing a variety of functions along with working with variables, strings, integers, operators, etc. Just like 2 + 2 is the building block of your mathematics knowledge, so are these concepts, and learning about them in a fun way through building projects will help to understand and retain them more.

These are some of the most straightforward Python project ideas for you to work on. Once you finish these, let’s move to the next level.

Read: Machine Learning Project Ideas For Beginners

Python Project Ideas: Intermediate Level

18. calculator.

python assignment ideas

Although there isn’t much use for a calculator, however, building your graphical UI calculator will make you familiar with a library like Tkinter in which you can create buttons to perform different operations and display results on a screen.

19. Countdown Clock and Timer

It is another utility app in which the user can set a timer, and the app notifies you when the time is up.

This nifty app helps in furthering knowledge of python coding. It is an intermediary-level project in which the codes will take gather the input corresponding to the length of the countdown within seconds. After receiving the input, the countdown will be initiated and will appear on the screen in “minutes: seconds” format.

20. Random Password Generator

This is one of the most popular coding project ideas in python. Online security is quintessential in this modern world where everything happens online. Passwords are the armors that protect our accounts from getting hacked or compromised. Having said that , creating a strong password and remembering it is a tedious task. You can build a program that intakes some words from the user and then generates a random password using those words. The user can remember the password with the help of the words he gave as input.

21. Random Wikipedia Article

This is a complicated yet straightforward program. The program searches Wikipedia and fetches a random article. Then it asks the user if he wants to read that article or not. If the answer is yes, the material is shown; otherwise, another random report is presented. This is an apt project for those developers at the intermediary level looking to further their careers by developing creative and complex Python programs . 

22. Reddit Bot

python assignment ideas

This is one of the excellent python project ideas for beginners. Reddit is a handy platform, and many people want to be online as much as they can. You can program a bot that monitors subreddits and reports whenever they find something useful. It will save Redditors a lot of time and provide helpful information with it.

23. Python Command-Line Application

Python is known for building outstanding command-line applications. You can create your program, which can help you send emails to other people. The program will ask for your credentials and the content of the email, then send the data using your created command line.

24. Alarm Clock

python assignment ideas

This is one of the interesting python project ideas. People all across the globe use alarm clock applications. It is quite a simple Command Line Interface (CLI) Python application for an intermediate-level developer. However, this project isn’t your run-of-the-mill alarm clock. In this application, you can input YouTube links in a text file and design the application to read the file. If you set a particular time in the alarm clock, it will pick a random YouTube link from the text file and play the YouTube video.

25. Tic-Tac-Toe

We all have fond memories of playing Tic-Tac-Toe with our friends in school, don’t we? It is one of the most fun games you can play anywhere – all you need is a pen and paper! Usually, two players can play Tic-Tac-Toe at a time. The players create a 3×3 square grid. This is one of the coolest python project ideas. 

While the first player puts “X” in any one of the squares, and the second player will put an “O” in any square. This process will continue until all the squares are filled with each player putting X and O alternatively. The player who succeeds in creating a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal with three consecutive X or O on the grid wins.

You can use the Pygame library for building this project. Pygame is loaded with all the modules you need for computer graphics and sound.

26. Steganography

Steganography is the art of hiding a secret message in another form of media, for example, hiding a coded message in an image or video. You can create a program that protects messages inside pictures for you . This coding project in Python can encode and decode images at a quick pace. It is apt for entry-level aspirants looking to enhance their coding skills. 

27. Currency Converter

python assignment ideas

This is a simple GUI application that you can develop using Python. As you can guess by the name, you will build a currency converter that can convert currencies from one unit to another, for example, converting the Indian rupee into a pound or euro.

The design of this application will be straightforward – the main focus should be the primary function, that is, converting currency units from one to another. You can use Tkinter , the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped along with Python.

28. Post-it Notes

Post-it notes are an excellent way to note down trivial chores so that you don’t forget to do them. In this project, we’ll make a virtual version of the physical, adhesive post-it notes. The main goal of building this application is to allow users to carry their post-it notes wherever they go (since it is on a digital platform).

The application should have an option for account creation, different layouts for post-it notes, and a categorization feature to allow users to segment their notes. You can consider using Django for this project since it has an in-built user authentication feature.

29. Site Connectivity Checker

The job of a site connectivity checker is to visit a URL and display the status of that URL, that is, whether or not it is a live URL. Usually, site connectivity checkers visit URLs at regular intervals and return the results each time. This project will work on the same lines – it will check the live status of URLs. Site connectivity checker is one of the interesting python projects for beginners.

You must design the code for this application from scratch. As for your connections, you can either opt for TCP or ICMP . You can use click , docopt , or argparse frameworks for adding commands that will enable users to add and delete URLs from the list of URLs they want to check. 

30. Directory Tree Generator

A Directory Tree Generator lets you visualize the relationship between files and directories, thereby making it easier to understand the positioning of files and directories. For this project, you can use os library to list the files and directories within a specific directory. Again, docopt or argparse frameworks are excellent tools for the project.  

Read: Python Developer Salary in India

These are some intermediate Python project ideas on which you can work. If you still like to test your knowledge and take on some tough projects

Python Project Ideas: Advanced Level

31. speed typing test.

python assignment ideas

Let’s start advanced python project ideas for beginners. Do you remember the old typing test game which was used in Windows XP and before? You can create a similar program that tests your typing speed. First, you need to create a UI using a library like Tkinter. Then create a fun typing test that displays the user speed, accuracy, and words per minute in the end. You can also find source code for the program online.

32. Content Aggregator

The internet is filled with websites, articles, and information. When we want to find something, it is tough to go through each of them. For this use, you can create a content aggregator that automatically searches popular websites and looks for relevant content and then complies with all the content and lets the user choose which content they want. It is very much like Google but unbiased. And this is the perfect idea for your next python project!

33. Bulk File Rename/ Image Resize Application

This is an advanced project which needs you to be well-versed in Machine Learning. We will begin by teaching the program on how to pre-process data, then perform a few resize and rename images tasks. As the program starts learning, it can handle bulk functions at once.

34. Python File Explorer

This is a significant project as it will test your knowledge of the various concepts of Python. You need to build an app that anyone uses to explore the files in their system. You can also add features like searching and copy-paste. Tkinter is a commendable choice for this project as it makes the development of GUI applications fast and easy.

To create the Python File Explorer using Tkinter, you have to import the file dialog module from Tkinter. This module is designed for opening files and directories and saving them.

35. Plagiarism Checker

Content writing is one of the most prolific online businesses. The market lacks a free tool that can be used to check for plagiarism in documents. You can use a natural language processing library along with the Google search API to create a program that searches the first few pages of Google and checks for plagiarism.

36. Web Crawler

A web crawler is an automated program script that surfs the internet and stores the content of a particular webpage. A web crawler is one of the most useful python projects to find up-to-date information. You will need to use a multi-thread concept for such a program. You can use Python’s request module to make the crawler bot, or you can use Scrapy. It is Python’s open-source web crawling framework explicitly designed for web scraping and extracting data by using APIs.

37. Music Player

Everyone likes listening to music; you can also create your music player app. Other than playing music, your program can explore your file directories and search for music. This is one of the creative python projects you might face is creating an interactive interface that can be used by regular users.

The app will have a neat interface that will allow users to browse through tracks, increase/decrease volume, and display the name of the song, artist, or album. This project will mainly involve the basics of Python programming, database management, algorithm construction, and data processing

38. Price Comparison Extension

This can be an interesting and useful python project idea. Just like Trivago, you can create a program that searches a few notable websites for the price of a product and then show you the best deal. It is a convenient program, as many businesses started on this small program. You can use this extension for groceries, stationery, etc.

39. Expense Tracker

As you can guess by the name, an expense tracker is a software application that lets you keep track of your expenses, and even analyze the expenses. In this python project, you will build a simple expense tracker that can keep track of the user’s expenses.

Expense tracker is one of the trending python projects which should also be able to perform statistical analysis to give accurate insights to users on their expenses so that they can plan their expenses better. You can use PySimpleGUI to create the interface for this application, and even Python libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib can be handy tools for the project .

40. Regex Query Tool

Regular search tools often fail to produce the desired results for specific queries. In such events, what you need is a Regex Query Tool. In simple words, a regex is a set of strings, which means that when you enter a query in this tool, it will check the validity of your query.

If the regex can match patterns in the text query entered by the user, it notifies the user by highlighting all the matching patterns. A Regex Query Tool is one of the trending python projects which allows users to quickly check the validity of their regex strings on the Web, thereby making the search process much easier. Python’s re library is the perfect tool for running the query strings on the user-inputted text.

41. Instagram Photo Downloader

python assignment ideas

This would be an app that automatically downloads all the Instagram images of your friends. As Instagram is growing everyday, this is one of the useful python projects and it is quite similar to the above command line app as this app will use your credentials to open your account and then look for your friend’s ID and download their photos. This app would be handy when people want to delete pages and save just the images.

42. Quiz Application

This is one of the interesting python project ideas to create. This is a standard quiz application that presents a set of carefully curated questions to the users (a questionnaire), allows them to answer the same, and displays the correct answer if they are wrong. Each test will display the final score of the user. The application will have an account creation option, wherein some users can be appointed as Admins.

These Admins can create tests for other users. In this way, the tests and quizzes continue to be updated. This application requires a database to store all the questions, answers, and scores of the users. You can also include additional features like timers for tests.

Also read: Python Interview Questions & Answers

Bonus Python Project Ideas You Shouldn’t Miss Out [With Python Libraries]

#1 sentiment analysis.

One of the most popular mini project in python now under development in multiple disciplines is sentiment analysis. It leverages computational linguistics, text analysis, biometrics, and natural language processing to identify, extract, and research affective states systematically. From review and poll systems to eCommerce, this project idea is applicable on a range of contexts. 

Most Implemented Libraries

The NLTK in Python aims to provide a wholesome solution for natural language analyzing issues. This library aids with all aspects, from splitting paragraphs, word statements, and highlighting parts to identifying speech. This lets the machine understand what exactly the text is regarding. 

  • Scikit-learn

This is one of the most uncommon machine learning libraries that helps in featuring several clustering algorithms, classifications, and regression. It often involves random forests, DBSCAN, k-means, and vector machines. This library is also created for inter-operating with the final year project of Python Projects libraries such as Pandas and Numpy.

#2 Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation is the practice of grouping customers based on shared traits or characteristics so that businesses may effectively and correctly cater to each group. 

Numpy is one of the unique libraries that provide support for matrices, multi-facet arrays, and large arrays. It comes with a collection of mathematical functionalities for operating the arrays. 

Matplotib is a prevalent Python library that is utilized for plotting graphs and charts from derived information and data.

#3 Object Detection

We can recognize and find items in an image or video using the computer vision technique known as object detection, which is also a well-liked Python project idea. This method can be used to count objects in a scene, locate and track them precisely, and accurately identify them, among other things. 

This is a prevalent Python library that is often utilized for deep learning in Python Projects . The Tensor flow usually emphasizes the interface and training of neural networks and deep learning. One can perform multiple tasks at the same time with the help of this library. 

The Open CV is a unique yet popular library that has an open-source interface. It is generally used for computer vision and machine learning. It offers a common platform for software related to computer vision and accelerates machine perception. It usually speeds up the perceptions of commercial products. 

Keras is also a popular library with an open-source interface that is implemented in imitated neural networks. It supports various deep learning and machine learning libraries. However, with the arrival of the 2.4 version, it only supports the TensorFlow interface. 

#4 Twitter Bot

Through the Twitter API, a Twitter bot can operate and administer a Twitter account. The bot is capable of carrying out any task on its own, including tweeting, retweeting, liking, following, and unfollowing, among others. 

Most Implemented Library

Tweepy is one of the popular Python libraries that help you access the Twitter API. The library allows Python to interact with the platform of Twitter and implement the API efficiently.  

#5 Currency Converter

Currency converter is one of the dynamic schemes among Python projects that include creating applications and software with a simplified interface. These applications help in transforming a single currency into a different type of currency for determining the corresponding value. 

Libraries implemented

The request model lets the users fetch HTTP requests with the use of Python. The request of HTTP then sends back a reply object with all of the data responses, such as status, content, and encoding. 

Forex is free of charge foreign exchange percentage and conversion of currency in Python library. It comes with multiple features such as Bitcoin pricing, a list of currency percentages, Bitcoin conversion, and more.  

Tkinter is a prevalently used strategy when it comes to generating graphical user interfaces. It is one of the standard interfaces when it comes to a toolkit of TK GUI and is usually provided with Python projects . It is one of the quickest and most convenient applications of GUI.

#6 Web-Crawler

Web crawler is often known as the short form of crawler in today’s tech industry. It is basically a web bot that methodically searches the WWW to accomplish web indexing. Internet search engines and other web pages utilize web crawling or relevant ways to upgrade their content. Crawler is one of the unique schemes among Python begineer projects that can copy pages in order to conduct processing with the help of search engines. This lets users browse more content freely as the downloaded pages are indexed.

Scrapy is a framework implemented by Python projects. This framework can be implemented for extracting data by utilizing API or a generic purpose crawler.

  • Beautiful Soup

This is another Python package due to parsing the XML and HTML documents. It generates a parse tree for parsing pages that can take out data from the HTML that is effective for internet scraping.  

#7 Calculator

The calculator is one of the apt Python Projects for beginners to get their hands dirty and doing python simple projects.

Python Projects come with an in-built model that you can utilize for mathematical activities. The mathematics models have a set of constants and methodologies. 

#8 Currency Converter

The currency converter is another one of the Python Project ideas that involves developing simple software or an application that converts one currency into another to check its corresponding value.

It offers a simple interface that makes functioning with HTTP quite simple. It simplifies the procedure of receiving and sending data from sites by offering an equal interface for both POST and GET strategies. 

As explained above, Forex is a powerful tool when it comes to the library of Python projects. It mostly deals with the conversion of BitCoins. 

#9 Rock Paper Scissors

The Rock Paper Scissors is a traditional game and simultaneously one of the entertaining Python Projects for beginners. It is an excellent medium to hone your practical skills in Python.

Pygame is usually a cross-interfaced set among the Python modules that are specially created for coding games. 

#10 Tic Tac Toe

This is one of the last ideas of Python Projects that have left a massive impact on the processing of computer language. One can use it by executing mathematical functionalities offered by Python. His project is enriched with Python basics and fundamentals.  

This popular library encapsulates the n-dimensional arrays when it comes to homogeneous data categories with several operations that are being performed. 

#10 Dice Rolling Simulator

This is one of the simplified but efficient Python projects that is showcased in a portfolio or resume. This can create the knowing credibility of the fundamental concept of Python. 

Random is a pre-determined model that is utilized for creating and functioning with the random values. The random values offer several tactics that can be utilized for generating and manipulating the random variables.

Which Project Platform Should You Choose?

You may wonder which project platform should you select for your python projects. It is essential to develop your software projects on a specific platform so that others (particularly those lacking technical expertise) can also use your product. There are three main platforms that developers use to build python projects – Web, desktop, and command-line.

Web applications are software projects that can run on the Web. Anyone with a working internet connection can access web applications on any device – you don’t need to download them separately. Thus, if you want to make a software product for public use, the Web is the ideal platform for such applications. 

Web applications are elaborate projects having both back-end and front-end. While the back end refers to the business logic of your application that manipulates and stores the data, the front end refers to the user interface of your application – the part that users can see and interact with. Keeping the back end as the focus of your web application, you must also learn the basics of front-end development with tools like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. 

However, if you work with Python, it can take care of all your back-end and front-end development needs. Python has an exclusive library that eliminates the need for using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS – Anvil . Apart from this, there are many other Python-based web frameworks like Django , Flask , Web2Py , CherryPy , and Pylons , to name a few. 

Desktop GUI

Since desktop applications are widely used by people across the globe, building a desktop application is a great project idea for both freshers and intermediate-level Python developers. The best part about developing desktop GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) is that you need not learn any front-end technology. Python is all you will need for creating desktop applications.

Python comes with several frameworks for building desktop applications. While PySimpleGUI is a user-friendly Python framework, PyQt5 is one of the advanced Python-based GUI frameworks. 

Once you develop a desktop GUI, you can even make it compatible with all three major operating systems (Linux, Windows, or macOS) by compiling it into executable code for the OS you wish to run it on. 


Command-Line Applications are those applications/programs where user interaction is entirely dependent on the terminal and shell. These applications function in a console window. As such, they are devoid of any form of graphics and visual interface for the users to see. Thus, to use command-line applications, you have to enter specific commands – while users can enter their input (commands) using ASCII characters, the app will also provide the output through ASCII. This is one of the most popular python projects in recent times. 

Naturally, command-line applications demand a certain level of technical know-how of commands. Although they aren’t as user-friendly as web or desktop applications, common-line applications are robust and powerful. Python has a range of useful command-line frameworks, including click , docopt, Plac , Cliff , and Python Fire .

Choose the Right Program

If you are looking forward to building a career in data science, picking the right program is imperative. Being a part of data science courses that can arm you with scholastic and practical expertise is paramount. State-of-the-art language program courses will help you attain exposure to real-world cases and studies, providing pragmatic knowledge and acumen. Python programs deliver the ultimate insight to generate insightful reports, analyze data, and reach data-driven business decisions.  

Python Project Ideas: Conclusion

In this article, we have covered 42Python project ideas. We started with some beginner projects which you can solve with ease. Once you finish with these simple python projects, I suggest you go back, learn a few more concepts and then try the intermediate projects. When you feel confident, you can then tackle advanced projects. If you wish to improve your python skills, you need to get your hands on these Python project ideas. Now go ahead and put to test all the knowledge that you’ve gathered through our python project ideas guide to building your very own python project!

I hope you will learn a lot while working on these python projects. If you are curious about learning data science to be in the front of fast-paced technological advancements, check out upGrad & IIM-K’s Professional Certificate Program in Data Science for Business Decision Making  and upskill yourself for the future.

Check out our other data science courses at upGrad.com


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some interesting Ml projects that use Python as the main programming language: Some of the tweets can be a bit offensive for a respective audience and the Tweets Sorting Tool can be used to avoid them. This machine learning project filters the tweets based on some keywords. Working on the neural network is one of the best domains to test your machine learning concepts. Handwritten characters classifier works on neural networks to identify handwritten English alphabets from A-Z. The Sentiment Analysis Model is used to detect and identify a person’s feelings and sentiments behind a post or picture posted on social media.

The following components highlight the most general architecture of a Python project. The problem statement is the fundamental component on which the whole project is based. It defines the problem that your model is going to solve and discusses the approach that your project will follow. The dataset is a very crucial component of your project and should be chosen carefully. Only large enough datasets from trusted sources should be used for the project. The algorithm you are using to analyze your data and predict the results. Popular algorithmic techniques include Regression Algorithms, Regression Trees, Naive Bayes Algorithm, and Vector Quantization.

Python has a wide range of rich libraries and modules that makes it one of the best and most versatile languages for development purposes. The following are some of the most popular Python libraries - TensorFlow is a boon to Machine Learning engineers. This library is developed by Google and can be considered a computational library. If you are working with complex data then you must have Scikit-Learn in your arsenal. This library provides a cross-validation feature which allows various methods to check the accuracy of your model. Numpy is again a machine learning library used by other Python libraries like TensorFlow to perform internal operations. Keras is another popular Python library that provides a convenient mechanism for neural networks.

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Python Practice for Beginners: 15 Hands-On Problems

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Want to put your Python skills to the test? Challenge yourself with these 15 Python practice exercises taken directly from our Python courses!

There’s no denying that solving Python exercises is one of the best ways to practice and improve your Python skills . Hands-on engagement with the language is essential for effective learning. This is exactly what this article will help you with: we've curated a diverse set of Python practice exercises tailored specifically for beginners seeking to test their programming skills.

These Python practice exercises cover a spectrum of fundamental concepts, all of which are covered in our Python Data Structures in Practice and Built-in Algorithms in Python courses. Together, both courses add up to 39 hours of content. They contain over 180 exercises for you to hone your Python skills. In fact, the exercises in this article were taken directly from these courses!

In these Python practice exercises, we will use a variety of data structures, including lists, dictionaries, and sets. We’ll also practice basic programming features like functions, loops, and conditionals. Every exercise is followed by a solution and explanation. The proposed solution is not necessarily the only possible answer, so try to find your own alternative solutions. Let’s get right into it!

Python Practice Problem 1: Average Expenses for Each Semester

John has a list of his monthly expenses from last year:

He wants to know his average expenses for each semester. Using a for loop, calculate John’s average expenses for the first semester (January to June) and the second semester (July to December).


We initialize two variables, first_semester_total and second_semester_total , to store the total expenses for each semester. Then, we iterate through the monthly_spending list using enumerate() , which provides both the index and the corresponding value in each iteration. If you have never heard of enumerate() before – or if you are unsure about how for loops in Python work – take a look at our article How to Write a for Loop in Python .

Within the loop, we check if the index is less than 6 (January to June); if so, we add the expense to first_semester_total . If the index is greater than 6, we add the expense to second_semester_total .

After iterating through all the months, we calculate the average expenses for each semester by dividing the total expenses by 6 (the number of months in each semester). Finally, we print out the average expenses for each semester.

Python Practice Problem 2: Who Spent More?

John has a friend, Sam, who also kept a list of his expenses from last year:

They want to find out how many months John spent more money than Sam. Use a for loop to compare their expenses for each month. Keep track of the number of months where John spent more money.

We initialize the variable months_john_spent_more with the value zero. Then we use a for loop with range(len()) to iterate over the indices of the john_monthly_spending list.

Within the loop, we compare John's expenses with Sam's expenses for the corresponding month using the index i . If John's expenses are greater than Sam's for a particular month, we increment the months_john_spent_more variable. Finally, we print out the total number of months where John spent more money than Sam.

Python Practice Problem 3: All of Our Friends

Paul and Tina each have a list of their respective friends:

Combine both lists into a single list that contains all of their friends. Don’t include duplicate entries in the resulting list.

There are a few different ways to solve this problem. One option is to use the + operator to concatenate Paul and Tina's friend lists ( paul_friends and tina_friends ). Afterwards, we convert the combined list to a set using set() , and then convert it back to a list using list() . Since sets cannot have duplicate entries, this process guarantees that the resulting list does not hold any duplicates. Finally, we print the resulting combined list of friends.

If you need a refresher on Python sets, check out our in-depth guide to working with sets in Python or find out the difference between Python sets, lists, and tuples .

Python Practice Problem 4: Find the Common Friends

Now, let’s try a different operation. We will start from the same lists of Paul’s and Tina’s friends:

In this exercise, we’ll use a for loop to get a list of their common friends.

For this problem, we use a for loop to iterate through each friend in Paul's list ( paul_friends ). Inside the loop, we check if the current friend is also present in Tina's list ( tina_friends ). If it is, it is added to the common_friends list. This approach guarantees that we test each one of Paul’s friends against each one of Tina’s friends. Finally, we print the resulting list of friends that are common to both Paul and Tina.

Python Practice Problem 5: Find the Basketball Players

You work at a sports club. The following sets contain the names of players registered to play different sports:

How can you obtain a set that includes the players that are only registered to play basketball (i.e. not registered for football or volleyball)?

This type of scenario is exactly where set operations shine. Don’t worry if you never heard about them: we have an article on Python set operations with examples to help get you up to speed.

First, we use the | (union) operator to combine the sets of football and volleyball players into a single set. In the same line, we use the - (difference) operator to subtract this combined set from the set of basketball players. The result is a set containing only the players registered for basketball and not for football or volleyball.

If you prefer, you can also reach the same answer using set methods instead of the operators:

It’s essentially the same operation, so use whichever you think is more readable.

Python Practice Problem 6: Count the Votes

Let’s try counting the number of occurrences in a list. The list below represent the results of a poll where students were asked for their favorite programming language:

Use a dictionary to tally up the votes in the poll.

In this exercise, we utilize a dictionary ( vote_tally ) to count the occurrences of each programming language in the poll results. We iterate through the poll_results list using a for loop; for each language, we check if it already is in the dictionary. If it is, we increment the count; otherwise, we add the language to the dictionary with a starting count of 1. This approach effectively tallies up the votes for each programming language.

If you want to learn more about other ways to work with dictionaries in Python, check out our article on 13 dictionary examples for beginners .

Python Practice Problem 7: Sum the Scores

Three friends are playing a game, where each player has three rounds to score. At the end, the player whose total score (i.e. the sum of each round) is the highest wins. Consider the scores below (formatted as a list of tuples):

Create a dictionary where each player is represented by the dictionary key and the corresponding total score is the dictionary value.

This solution is similar to the previous one. We use a dictionary ( total_scores ) to store the total scores for each player in the game. We iterate through the list of scores using a for loop, extracting the player's name and score from each tuple. For each player, we check if they already exist as a key in the dictionary. If they do, we add the current score to the existing total; otherwise, we create a new key in the dictionary with the initial score. At the end of the for loop, the total score of each player will be stored in the total_scores dictionary, which we at last print.

Python Practice Problem 8: Calculate the Statistics

Given any list of numbers in Python, such as …

 … write a function that returns a tuple containing the list’s maximum value, sum of values, and mean value.

We create a function called calculate_statistics to calculate the required statistics from a list of numbers. This function utilizes a combination of max() , sum() , and len() to obtain these statistics. The results are then returned as a tuple containing the maximum value, the sum of values, and the mean value.

The function is called with the provided list and the results are printed individually.

Python Practice Problem 9: Longest and Shortest Words

Given the list of words below ..

… find the longest and the shortest word in the list.

To find the longest and shortest word in the list, we initialize the variables longest_word and shortest_word as the first word in the list. Then we use a for loop to iterate through the word list. Within the loop, we compare the length of each word with the length of the current longest and shortest words. If a word is longer than the current longest word, it becomes the new longest word; on the other hand, if it's shorter than the current shortest word, it becomes the new shortest word. After iterating through the entire list, the variables longest_word and shortest_word will hold the corresponding words.

There’s a catch, though: what happens if two or more words are the shortest? In that case, since the logic used is to overwrite the shortest_word only if the current word is shorter – but not of equal length – then shortest_word is set to whichever shortest word appears first. The same logic applies to longest_word , too. If you want to set these variables to the shortest/longest word that appears last in the list, you only need to change the comparisons to <= (less or equal than) and >= (greater or equal than), respectively.

If you want to learn more about Python strings and what you can do with them, be sure to check out this overview on Python string methods .

Python Practice Problem 10: Filter a List by Frequency

Given a list of numbers …

… create a new list containing only the numbers that occur at least three times in the list.

Here, we use a for loop to iterate through the number_list . In the loop, we use the count() method to check if the current number occurs at least three times in the number_list . If the condition is met, the number is appended to the filtered_list .

After the loop, the filtered_list contains only numbers that appear three or more times in the original list.

Python Practice Problem 11: The Second-Best Score

You’re given a list of students’ scores in no particular order:

Find the second-highest score in the list.

This one is a breeze if we know about the sort() method for Python lists – we use it here to sort the list of exam results in ascending order. This way, the highest scores come last. Then we only need to access the second to last element in the list (using the index -2 ) to get the second-highest score.

Python Practice Problem 12: Check If a List Is Symmetrical

Given the lists of numbers below …

… create a function that returns whether a list is symmetrical. In this case, a symmetrical list is a list that remains the same after it is reversed – i.e. it’s the same backwards and forwards.

Reversing a list can be achieved by using the reverse() method. In this solution, this is done inside the is_symmetrical function.

To avoid modifying the original list, a copy is created using the copy() method before using reverse() . The reversed list is then compared with the original list to determine if it’s symmetrical.

The remaining code is responsible for passing each list to the is_symmetrical function and printing out the result.

Python Practice Problem 13: Sort By Number of Vowels

Given this list of strings …

… sort the list by the number of vowels in each word. Words with fewer vowels should come first.

Whenever we need to sort values in a custom order, the easiest approach is to create a helper function. In this approach, we pass the helper function to Python’s sorted() function using the key parameter. The sorting logic is defined in the helper function.

In the solution above, the custom function count_vowels uses a for loop to iterate through each character in the word, checking if it is a vowel in a case-insensitive manner. The loop increments the count variable for each vowel found and then returns it. We then simply pass the list of fruits to sorted() , along with the key=count_vowels argument.

Python Practice Problem 14: Sorting a Mixed List

Imagine you have a list with mixed data types: strings, integers, and floats:

Typically, you wouldn’t be able to sort this list, since Python cannot compare strings to numbers. However, writing a custom sorting function can help you sort this list.

Create a function that sorts the mixed list above using the following logic:

  • If the element is a string, the length of the string is used for sorting.
  • If the element is a number, the number itself is used.

As proposed in the exercise, a custom sorting function named custom_sort is defined to handle the sorting logic. The function checks whether each element is a string or a number using the isinstance() function. If the element is a string, it returns the length of the string for sorting; if it's a number (integer or float), it returns the number itself.

The sorted() function is then used to sort the mixed_list using the logic defined in the custom sorting function.

If you’re having a hard time wrapping your head around custom sort functions, check out this article that details how to write a custom sort function in Python .

Python Practice Problem 15: Filter and Reorder

Given another list of strings, such as the one below ..

.. create a function that does two things: filters out any words with three or fewer characters and sorts the resulting list alphabetically.

Here, we define filter_and_sort , a function that does both proposed tasks.

First, it uses a for loop to filter out words with three or fewer characters, creating a filtered_list . Then, it sorts the filtered list alphabetically using the sorted() function, producing the final sorted_list .

The function returns this sorted list, which we print out.

Want Even More Python Practice Problems?

We hope these exercises have given you a bit of a coding workout. If you’re after more Python practice content, head straight for our courses on Python Data Structures in Practice and Built-in Algorithms in Python , where you can work on exciting practice exercises similar to the ones in this article.

Additionally, you can check out our articles on Python loop practice exercises , Python list exercises , and Python dictionary exercises . Much like this article, they are all targeted towards beginners, so you should feel right at home!

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Ultimate Python Project Ideas for Your Next Assignment – Python Projects


Ultimate Python Project Ideas for Your Next Assignment 🐍

Are you a budding IT student ready to take on the world with your Python skills? Look no further! I’ve got the juiciest Python project ideas to spice up your next assignment. From beginner-friendly projects to more advanced challenges, these ideas will test your Python prowess and keep you engaged for hours on end. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Python projects ! 💻

Getting Started with Python Projects

The python playground 🎉.

Imagine this: you’re staring at a blank screen, the cursor blinking expectantly. You’re about to embark on a Python project that will dazzle your peers and astound your professors. But where do you start? Fear not, dear reader, for I have the perfect Python project ideas to get those creative juices flowing.

  • Interactive Chatbot : Create a chatty chatbot using Python that can engage in conversations with users. Give it a personality, a sense of humor, and watch it come to life!
  • To-Do List App : Build a sleek to-do list application that allows users to add, delete, and update tasks. Add colorful tags, due dates, and priority levels for extra pizzazz.
  • Weather App : Develop a weather application that fetches real-time weather data using APIs. Display the weather forecast, temperature, and maybe even throw in a few weather-related jokes!
  • Recipe Scraper : Scrape recipe websites to create your own virtual cookbook. Let users search for recipes based on ingredients, cuisine, or cooking time.

Code Breakers’ Delight 🔒

Are you ready to crack the code and unravel the mysteries of Python programming ? These projects will challenge your logic and problem-solving skills while keeping you entertained.

  • Encryption and Decryption Tool : Create a tool that can encrypt and decrypt messages using various cryptographic algorithms . Test it out by sending secret messages to your friends!
  • Number Guessing Game : Build a classic number guessing game where the computer randomly selects a number, and the player has to guess it within a certain number of attempts.
  • Maze Solver : Dive into the world of algorithms and AI by developing a program that can solve mazes of varying complexities . Watch as your code navigates through twists and turns to find the exit.

Advanced Python Projects for the Brave 🚀

The python prodigy challenge 💼.

Feeling confident in your Python skills? Ready to tackle projects that will elevate you to Python Prodigy status? Brace yourself for these advanced project ideas that will push your boundaries and expand your coding horizons.

  • Stock Market Analyzer : Develop a tool that analyzes stock market data, predicts trends, and suggests potential investments. Impress your finance-savvy friends with your data-crunching prowess.
  • Natural Language Processing Chatbot : Dive into the world of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and create a sophisticated chatbot that can understand and respond to human language.
  • Computer Vision Projects : Explore the realm of computer vision by working on projects like object detection, image classification, and facial recognition using Python libraries like OpenCV.
  • AI-Generated Art : Combine your love for art and coding by developing a program that generates unique pieces of art using AI algorithms. Who knows, you might just create the next Mona Lisa!

Conclusion 🎊

In conclusion, Python projects are a fantastic way to hone your coding skills, unleash your creativity, and impress your peers. Whether you’re a beginner looking for a fun challenge or an advanced coder seeking to push the boundaries of Python programming, there’s a project out there waiting for you. So what are you waiting for? Grab your laptop, open your favorite code editor, and start coding your way to Python glory! 🚀

Overall, thank you for reading my Ultimate Python Project Ideas blog post. Stay tuned for more tech-savvy content! Remember, keep coding and keep shining bright like a Pythonic diamond! 💎

🌟 Happy coding, fellow Python enthusiasts! 🐍

Program Code – Ultimate Python Project Ideas for Your Next Assignment – Python Projects

Expected code output:.

(Note: The output may vary since it chooses a random project idea every time you run the program.)

Code Explanation:

The program starts by importing the random module, essential for picking a random choice from a list.

  • __init__ : The constructor initializes a list project_ideas , which contains various Python project ideas .
  • random_project_idea : This method uses ‘random.choice()’ from the random module to select a random item from project_ideas .
  • Generator Instantiation : Next, we create an instance of PythonProjectGenerator named project_generator .
  • Generating Project Idea : We call the random_project_idea method on the project_generator instance to obtain a random project idea.
  • Printing the Output : Finally, the chosen idea is formatted into a string and printed, indicating the next Python project idea.

This simple Python script effectively helps students or learners in generating ideas for their next Python projects through object-oriented design and the use of modules.

FAQs on Ultimate Python Project Ideas for Your Next Assignment

Q1: how can i start a python project.

A1: Starting a Python project is as easy as pie 🥧! All you need to do is fire up your favorite code editor, create a new Python file, and start coding away. Don’t overthink it, just dive right in and let your creativity flow!

Q2: What are some beginner-friendly Python project ideas to start with?

A2: Ah, for Python newbies, I’d recommend starting with simple projects like a To-Do List app, a calculator, a text-based game, or even a basic website scraper. These projects will help you get the hang of Python syntax and build your confidence.

Q3: Where can I find inspiration for Python projects?

A3: Inspiration is everywhere, mate! 👀 You can get ideas from everyday problems you encounter, challenges your friends face, or even from browsing through GitHub repositories. Keep your eyes open, and you’ll find project ideas jumping at you from all corners!

Q4: Are there any cool Python project ideas for intermediate-level coders?

A4: Absolutely! 🚀 Intermediate coders can stretch their skills by working on projects like a weather forecasting app, a chatbot, a mini-blog platform, or even a simple data visualization tool. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself!

Q5: How can I keep myself motivated while working on a Python project?

A5: Ah, staying motivated is key! Set small, achievable goals, celebrate your wins (no matter how small), take breaks when needed, and most importantly, remind yourself why you started this project in the first place. You’ve got this! 💪

Q6: What resources can I use to improve my Python skills for project development?

A6: There are plenty of resources out there to level up your Python game! From online tutorials and courses to Python documentation and forums like Stack Overflow, the world is your oyster. Dive in, explore, and never stop learning! 🌟

Q7: How important is it to document my Python project?

A7: Documenting your project is like leaving breadcrumbs for your future self (and others) to follow. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later when you’re trying to figure out what that piece of code you wrote three months ago does. So, document away and make your life easier! 📝

Q8: Is it okay to ask for help when I’m stuck on a Python project?

A8: Absolutely! Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Reach out to your fellow coders, join online communities, or even seek guidance from your professors. Collaboration and learning from others are the best ways to grow as a programmer. Don’t be shy! 🤝

Q9: How should I showcase my completed Python project in my portfolio or resume?

A9: Ah, flaunt it like a boss! 💼 Create a GitHub repository for your project, write a detailed README.md file explaining what your project does and how to run it, add some cool visuals or screenshots, and voilà! You’ve got yourself a shiny new project for your portfolio.

Q10: Any final tips for acing a Python project assignment?

A10: Last but not least, have fun with it! Coding should be an exciting, creative process. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, experiment with new ideas, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of bringing your Python project to life. You’ve got this, rockstar! 🌟

Hope these FAQs help kickstart your Python project journey! Happy coding, fellow programmers! 🐍💻

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Optimizing Job Assignments with Python: A Greedy Approach

Job Assignment

In this article, we will learn the skill of job assignment which is a very important topic in the field of Operations Research. For this, we will utilize Python programming language and the Numpy library for the same. We will also solve a small case on a job assignment.

Job assignment involves allocating tasks to workers while minimizing overall completion time or cost. Python’s greedy algorithm, combined with NumPy, can solve such problems by iteratively assigning jobs based on worker skills and constraints, enabling efficient resource management in various industries.

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What is a Job Assignment?

Let us understand what a job assignment is with an example. In our example, three tasks have to be completed. Three workers have different sets of skills and take different amounts of time to complete the above-mentioned tasks. Now our goal is to assign the jobs to the workers to minimize the period of completing the three tasks.

Now, we solve the above problem using the concepts of Linear programming. Now there are certain constraints as well, each worker can be assigned only a single job at a time. Our objective function is the sum of all the time taken by the workers and minimize it. Let us now solve this problem using the power of the Numpy library of Python programming language.

Let us now look at the output of the problem.

Job Assignment Output

From the output, we can see that The assignment is complete and optimized. Let us now look at a small case and understand the job assignment further.

A Real-World Job Assignment Scenario

Continuing with the example of assigning workers some jobs, in this case, a company is looking to get some work done with the help of some freelancers. There are 15 jobs and we have 10 freelancers. We have to assign jobs to workers in such a way, that we minimize the time as well as the cost of the whole operation. Let us now model this in the Python programming language.

This problem is solved using the greedy algorithm. In short, the greedy algorithm selects the most optimal choice available and does not consider what will happen in the future while making this choice. In the above code, we have randomly generated data on freelancer details. Let us now look at the output of the code.

Job Assignment Case Study

Thus, we complete our agenda of job assignment while minimizing costs as evidenced by the output.

Assigning jobs optimally is crucial for maximizing productivity and minimizing costs in today’s competitive landscape. Python’s powerful libraries like NumPy make it easy to implement greedy algorithms and solve complex job assignment problems, even with larger sets of jobs and workers. How could you adapt this approach to accommodate dynamic changes in job requirements or worker availability?

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