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30 Problem Solving Scenarios for Speech Therapy Practice

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SEE ALSO: Houston We Have a Problem! Activities for Problem Solving

Problem solving scenarios.

  • Your friends came over to your house for a movie night. One of your friends brought another friend so there are more people than you planned for. You want to pass out the drinks but you only have five cans of soda and you need 6 for everyone to have one. What could you do?
  • After basketball practice you go back to the locker room with your team to shower and change. When you are done dressing, you can't find your shoes. What could you do?
  • You have been waiting all day for lunch to come because you are starving. Finally class gets over and you get to go to lunch. Except when you go to get to your lunch, it's not there. You probably left it at home. What could you do?
  • There is a guy in your class who is always mean to you. He always bumps you when he walks by and he calls you names. He knocks stuff out of your hands and makes you feel stupid. You don't think you can take it anymore. What could you do?
  • You really want to invite this new girl/guy to come to your birthday party, but you have never talked to them before. You are worried they will say no. What could you do?
  • You rode the bus to school today and on the way in people are pointing and laughing at you. You go in the bathroom and see that you have pink gum all over the back of your pants. What could you do?
  • You wake up and see that your alarm never went off. So you are starting your morning 15 minutes later than you planned. It is a really important day at school and you cannot be late. What could you do?
  • You are giving a group presentation in front of class and it's your turn to talk. All of the sudden you sneeze. You cover it with your hand, but now your hand is full of stuff you sneezed out. What could you do?
  • You are eating dinner at a fancy restaurant with your parents and their friends. You have a really messy dinner and accidentally flip a noodle into the lady's lap. They are busy talking and don't notice it. What could you do?
  • You are taking a test and there is no talking allowed. You are writing your answers on the paper and your pencil breaks. What could you do?
  • You are taking a test and the guy behind you asks you for help. He wants to know what you put for question number two. What could you do?
  • You are at a birthday party and you have waited in line for a long time for your turn to hit the pinata. It is finally going to be your turn and it looks like the next hit will break the pinata. But you suddenly have to go to the bathroom. What could you do?
  • You are hanging outside with your friend and she decides to pick your neighbor's flowers. She gives you the pretty handful of flowers and right then your neighbor opens the door. She asks you why you picked her flowers. What could you do?
  • You borrowed your sister's skates one day without asking and they broke while you were using them. What could you do?
  • You are eating at a friend's house and the mom piles your plate full of food. It looks really good and you want to eat it all but you can't because you just ate a snack. What could you do so you don't hurt her feelings?

SEE ALSO:   The Best Free App for Speech Therapy

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  • Your teacher was working at her desk.  You wanted to ask her a question, but she didn't see your hand raised. What should you do?
  • You started to do your work, but you weren't sure if you were doing it right. What should you do?
  • You were playing tether-ball and were the champion so far.  In the next game, you slightly touched the rope.  Only one student saw you touch the rope. What will you do?
  • The teacher is giving directions, but your friend sitting next to you keeps talking.  You can't hear the directions. What should you do?
  • You didn't do your homework.  Your teacher was upset with you. What should you do?
  • You finished eating and felt a burp coming. What are you going to do?
  • You were waiting to swing.  When it was your turn, another boy jumped in front of you and took the swing. What would you do?
  • You waited a long time, but your mom didn't come to pick you up after school. What should you do?
  • A bully threatened to beat you up after school. What should you do?
  • A boy on the playground keeps pushing you and making you mad. What would you do?
  • You were sitting in class doing your work and you hear the fire alarm. What should you do?
  • An adult you didn't know came on to the playground and asked if you would help look for his lost dog. What would you do?
  • You forgot your lunch at home. What would you do?
  • The person sitting behind you keeps tapping your chair with his foot. What should you do?
  • You finished your work early. What should you do?

This list of functional words was professionally selected to be the most useful for a child or adult who has difficulty with problem solving scenarios.

We encourage you to use this list when practicing at home.

Home practice will make progress toward meeting individual language goals much faster.

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are only able to see students/clients 30-60 mins (or less) per week. This is not enough time or practice for someone to handle Problem solving scenarios.

Every day that your loved one goes without practice it becomes more difficult to help them. 

SEE ALSO:   The Best Books for Speech Therapy Practice

Speech therapy books for targeting multiple goals

We know life is busy , but if you're reading this you're probably someone who cares about helping their loved one as much as you can.

Practice 5-10 minutes whenever you can, but try to do it on a consistent basis (daily).

Please, please, please use this list to practice.

It will be a great benefit to you and your loved one's progress.

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These 100 problem-solving scenarios present real-life problems that clients must navigate at school and home. Have the client discuss what they would do if…

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10 Wordless Videos that Teach Problem Solving

Education · Tips

I work in teletherapy, which means that I use a computer to display my materials and activities for my students. I have a couple extremely quiet older elementary students and I decided that video was a way to engage and encourage them to answer questions and retell events. In particular I wanted them to think about solving hypothetical problems. I found 10 WORDLESS videos on YouTube that show interesting problems and make kids think about how to solve a problem — and they have to provide the language!

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10 Wordless Videos I Love

  • Piper Short Movie — A baby bird finds a way to survive a big wave. 
  • Ormie the Pig — A pig attempts to get a jar of cookies off of the top of the fridge. 
  • Let Me In! — Simon’s cat wants to come inside and makes some bad decisions!
  • Sweet Cocoon — Figuring out how to fit in your cocoon is hard work.
  • Rollin Safari  — What would animals be like if they were round? 
  • Embarked — Should a tree house follow its friend? (minimal English words at the end)
  • TV Dinner — What should you do if your cat won’t leave you alone? (Simon’s cat)
  • Playmate — An old robot toy wants to play. Will the boy play with it? 
  • Birds on a Wire  — Learn how you should treat others (that are different than you)
  • Sticky Tape — What should the cat do when tape is sticking to him? (Simon’s cat)

Since it’s YouTube, so you must preview each video and usually there is an ad in front of it. I would get each video cued up (after the ad) and then share it with students. You will be surprised how much language you will get from your quietest kids as they figure out how to solve the characters’ problems. Enjoy!

If you LOVE wordless videos, check out my other post:

  • 10 Absurd Wordless Videos that Teach Describing .
  • 10 Wordless Videos for Speech Therapy that Teach Inferencing .

Additionally, I created a line of wordless videos focused on life skills. Check it out here:

  • Wordless Life Skills: Recipe Video Series

Can you tell how much I like using video, specifically wordless videos, in my speech therapy sessions? They are a terrific, engaging therapy tool.

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' src=

March 30, 2017 at 7:54 am

Dear Sarah I really find this interesting nd liked it lot thnx for u to sharing with us I m also teacher nd from Pakistan

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April 5, 2017 at 8:40 am

Thank you for sharing this Sarah! I teach in a dual language program and these videos are exactly what I was looking for.

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April 5, 2017 at 10:52 pm

Thank you for letting me know! 🙂

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April 5, 2017 at 4:15 pm

Just wanted to point out that the movie “Fat” might not be too appropriate for kids if you pay attention to the details….

Thank you for commenting. The title is off-putting, but when viewed the short, I saw that the animals turn into balloons and float around. If you feel like that is not appropriate for your students, you can omit sharing that with them.

April 7, 2017 at 9:08 pm

I wasn’t meaning the title. I was meaning the part where the cow he was milking floats away and then he ‘milks’ a bull…

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Exploring the Connection Between Speech Therapy and Problem Solving


Welcome to my blog! Today, we will be delving into the fascinating world of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and exploring the crucial link between speech therapy and problem solving. Problem-solving skills are essential for navigating through life’s challenges, and speech therapy plays a vital role in developing these skills. Let’s dive in and discover how speech therapy can help individuals improve their problem-solving abilities.

Understanding the Connection Between Speech Therapy and Problem Solving:

Speech therapy, also known as speech-language pathology, is a specialized field that focuses on evaluating and treating communication disorders. It encompasses a wide range of techniques and strategies to address challenges related to speech, language, and social communication. By targeting these areas, speech therapy helps individuals overcome barriers to effective communication, which in turn enhances their problem-solving abilities.

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills through Speech Therapy:

1. Developing language skills:

Language is the foundation of communication and problem solving. Speech therapy helps individuals expand their vocabulary, improve sentence structure and grammar, and understand and use figurative language. These language skills provide individuals with the tools they need to express their thoughts and ideas effectively, enabling them to tackle problems more efficiently.

2. Improving social communication skills:

Effective problem solving often requires collaboration and effective communication with others. Speech therapy focuses on improving social communication skills such as active listening, non-verbal communication, perspective-taking, and empathy. These skills enable individuals to understand others’ perspectives, work collaboratively, and find solutions that consider the needs and feelings of everyone involved.

3. Enhancing critical thinking skills:

Speech therapy also helps individuals develop critical thinking skills, which are essential for problem solving. By working on skills such as sequencing and organizing thoughts, analyzing and evaluating information, and generating creative solutions, individuals become more adept at approaching problems from different angles and finding innovative solutions.

Strategies for Integrating Speech Therapy and Problem Solving:

1. Collaborative approach between speech therapists and educators:

Collaboration between speech therapists and educators is key to effectively addressing communication and problem-solving challenges. By working together, they can identify specific areas of need and develop targeted interventions that integrate speech therapy techniques into the classroom environment.

2. Incorporating problem-solving activities into speech therapy sessions:

Speech therapists can incorporate problem-solving activities into their sessions to provide individuals with opportunities to practice their skills in a structured setting. These activities can range from solving puzzles and riddles to engaging in role-playing scenarios that require creative thinking and decision-making.

3. Generalizing problem-solving skills to real-life situations:

It is essential to help individuals transfer their problem-solving skills from therapy sessions to real-life situations. Speech therapists can work with individuals to apply their problem-solving skills in everyday scenarios, such as resolving conflicts with peers, making decisions, and navigating social interactions.

Benefits of Addressing Problem Solving in Speech Therapy:

1. Improved communication skills:

By addressing problem solving in speech therapy, individuals develop stronger communication skills. They become more proficient in expressing their thoughts, understanding others, and finding effective ways to communicate their needs and ideas.

2. Enhanced social interactions and relationships:

Effective problem-solving skills contribute to better social interactions and relationships. Individuals who can navigate conflicts, understand others’ perspectives, and work collaboratively are more likely to build positive and meaningful connections with others.

3. Increased self-confidence and independence:

As individuals develop their problem-solving skills through speech therapy, they gain confidence in their ability to face challenges and find solutions. This increased self-confidence translates into greater independence and a sense of empowerment.


Speech therapy and problem solving are intricately connected, with speech therapy providing individuals with the tools they need to overcome communication challenges and enhance their problem-solving abilities. If you or someone you know is facing communication and problem-solving challenges, I encourage you to seek speech therapy. Remember, ongoing support and practice are essential in developing problem-solving skills. Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial today and embark on a journey of improved communication and problem-solving!

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Teaching Problem Solving

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Problem solving skills are vital to all aspects of a child’s school day. When teaching problem solving skills, it’s important to determine where the child is having the most difficulty, take a step back, and build from there. Here are some of my tips for teaching problem solving skills to students in speech therapy.

Tip #1 for Teaching Problem Solving

Understand the process . Successful problem solving is a process that begins with identifying that there is a problem, thinking through possible solutions, and then selecting and implementing the best solution to that problem. This process must begin with a child being able to understand the idea of problem and solution. This is a great starting point for students who need instruction in the most basic aspect of problem solving. I do this by providing opportunities for them to identify pictures of problems and pictures of solutions and match them together.

problem solving in speech therapy

Use familiar problems/situations first . It’s going to be much more difficult for a child to identify a particular problem if it’s related to an experience they know nothing about. When teaching problem solving, I prefer to start out with situations that may be familiar to my students, such as having a broken pencil, feeling sick, spilling a drink, etc. These are great types of problems to begin with while building the foundation of problem solving skills. You can move on to different types of situations/problems as their skill develops.

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Practice coming up with multiple solutions to a problem . When teaching problem solving skills, it’s important to practice thinking through multiple possible solutions…even if they are not all good solutions. We want children to be able to think through problems and eventually be able to choose the BEST solutions to a particular problem. For example, if the problem is a spilled drink, possible solutions could be to leave the mess and walk away, or to clean it up. Talking through each of these possible actions is great practice for children. You can discuss situations when walking away and leaving the mess might be a necessary solution, versus when cleaning up the mess would be the best solution.

Be willing to accept different solutions . Often times when teaching problem solving skills, a child may present a solution I didn’t think of. Rather than saying it’s wrong, I allow them to explain why it could be a good solution. If a student can provide an acceptable explanation, it may be a good solution. We want our students to think through situations and sometimes they may see something differently than us. This is okay!

Gradually move away from pictures . It’s so great to start out using pictures when teaching problem solving. Pictures are a great way for students to really visualize and think through a solution. It’s important to move beyond pictures, though, and work on identifying problems in paragraphs/stories. Help students listen/look for problems in books, fairy tales, fables, etc. Identify problems and talk through possible solutions. Use books/stories they are using in their classroom when at all possible.

Teaching problem solving skills is so important. We want to make sure our students understand what problems and solutions are, be able to think through multiple possible solutions, and explain why a solution might be a good one.

Here are some files you can use for teaching problem solving:

  • Problem Solving Visuals (PDF)

Color Coded Matching (PDF)

  • Matching (PDF)

Problem-Solving Real Photos ( Members Only PDF )

Multiple Choice Selections for Photos ( Members Only PDF )

Problem Solving Scenarios (Paragraphs) ( Members Only PDF )

Hypothetical Real-Life Problem Situations ( Members Only PDF )

  • Recording Sheets ( Members Only PDF )
  • 4×6 Storage Box Covers ( Members Only PDF )

Problem Solving Resource Cover

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Problem Solving Goals Speech Therapy

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All children are required to solve-problems throughout their school day. Most curricula, be it the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), or various social emotional learning programs, require students to solve problems. Social communication skills also rely heavily on children’s ability to recognize and solve problems. This is why some students have problem solving goals for speech therapy or in the classroom.

Of course, problem-solving looks different at different levels of development, but opportunities to solve problems are embedded all throughout the school day, from preschool to high school.

Those Darn Squirrels Book Companion for Speech-Language Pathologists

Those Darn Squirrels Book Companion for Speech-Language Pathologists

Problem solving – levels of development.

Preschoolers are expected to follow routines, navigate materials, practice turn-taking, self-advocate, share with peers, and manage unexpected changes and feelings. Elementary school students are expected to practice perspective-taking by reading the facial expressions and body language of their peers in order to find kind solutions to problems that may arise with classmates, and to use context clues to infer the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary to independently support their own reading comprehension. Middle and high school students are expected to identify and describe problems outlined in their reading assignments, solve complex mathematical problems, and comprehend increasingly sophisticated social interactions.

These skills are all forms of problem-solving, and they all have underpinnings in speech, language, and executive functioning – all areas speech therapists are specialized in supporting.


As school-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs), we are ideally positioned to help children with their problem-solving abilities, given that many problem-solving skills are language-based, and because our therapy sessions allow us to teach our students in a small group setting with a small number of peers, or even one-on-one.

Before we dive into writing Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals that are specific to problem-solving, let’s get a quick refresher on best practices when writing speech and language goals in general.

The speech therapy IEP goals we write for our students should target the speech or language challenges they having that are preventing them from reaching the grade-level benchmarks and expectations in their classroom curriculum. The goals we choose should be informed by a good-quality speech and language assessment, which will identify both the specific difficulties a child is having with respect to their speech and language, as well as the ways in which these deficits are manifesting in the classroom.

Once we have developed a good understanding of a student’s speech and language weaknesses, and how this is impacting their academic and social success, we are ready to generate IEP goals for speech and language therapy.

While it can be tempting to recycle IEP goals from other students with similar needs, or to use a goal bank to generate goals, we should be using these sources as a starting point at most when writing long-term goals (and short-term objectives, if applicable); remember that the “I” in IEP stands for “individualized.” Every child is unique, with their own strengths, weaknesses, and personality; and the goals we write for them should reflect this.

The IEP goals we write should be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Let’s quickly go through what each of these qualifiers mean.

  • Specific means that the skill should be observable, and measurable. It should be described using teacher- and parent-friendly language. We can also include any stimuli we’ll provide (prompts, verbal cues, and visual cues) with examples as needed.
  • Measurable means we need to outline the criteria and conditions under which we’ll measure the child’s performance. This can include accuracy levels (e.g., percentages, number of trials, the number of consecutive sessions the student will demonstrate the skills), and under what conditions we should measure the child’s ability to demonstrate this skill. For example, if a child is learning how to use a strategy to manage annoying peers that involves going through a set of steps, do we expect them to demonstrate this skill in a busy classroom, or in the context of a quieter therapy room with two other peers?
  • Attainable means that we can reasonably expect the child to achieve this goal within the allotted timeframe, based on our clinical judgement, knowledge of developmental norms, and input from other members of the child’s team.
  • Relevant means that the goal should be related to supporting the student with a skill they need in order to be more successful in the classroom setting. This can be a skill found in the CCSS or other curricula, or any skill that is part of the expectations for that student in the classroom. Our goal should be a speech or language-based component of a larger skill, and can be a building block towards a more complex skill. Goals can also target a child’s ability to use a compensatory strategy if there is a reason they can’t demonstrate a particular skill in the classroom.
  • Time-bound means that we expect the child to reach the goal within 12 months, when the IEP has to be renewed.

How to Write IEP Goals Workbook

How to Write IEP Goals Workbook

Examples of problem solving goals for speech therapy.

Now that we know that SLPs can help to support children with the language- and executive functioning-based underpinnings of problem-solving, and we know how to write SMART IEP goals, let’s look at a few examples.

Liam is a preschooler with expressive language delays. Because of his expressive language challenges, he is not making requests in the classroom to get his basic needs met, such as asking for help putting his shoes on after nap time or asking teacher to open containers like his milk at lunch. Liam gets frustrated and cries often. His teachers would like him to problem-solve by asking for help in times like this. Here is a potential goal we could write for Liam:

“Within one year, Liam will ask for help/desired items using short phrases (e.g., “help me please”, “can I have (item)”, “open please”) in the classroom setting with faded models in 3 out of 4 observed opportunities, over three consecutive school days, as measured by the speech therapist and/or classroom teacher.”

Maya is a third-grader with pragmatic language and executive functioning challenges. She is having a difficult time problem-solving and managing her reactions when she perceives other children in her class to be annoying her. Because of this, Maya is often having big reactions, including aggression, in the classroom where her teacher needs to co-regulate her 1:1, which is taking away from instruction time for the other students and is negatively impacting Maya’s social interactions and friendships with her classmates. Here is a potential goal we could write for Maya:

“By the end of the school year, Maya will correctly use a 5-step strategy (ignore, move away, ask nicely, ask firmly, get a teacher to help) to manage her classmates’ behaviors she finds distracting or annoying independently during role playing scenarios in the therapy room with one to two other peers in 4 out of 5 trials over 5 consecutive sessions, as measured by the speech therapist.”

Malcolm is a sixth-grader who has a language disorder which is impacting a variety of skills, including his reading comprehension. His teacher reported that Malcolm has particular difficulty responding to comprehension questions when there are idioms and metaphors in the text, and he does not know how to use strategies when he encounters this type of language. A comprehensive language assessment confirmed that Malcolm has difficulty comprehending figurative language. Here is a potential goal we could write for Malcolm:

“In one year, Malcom will use context clues in reading passages to choose the correct meaning of 30 previously unfamiliar idioms and 30 previously unfamiliar metaphors, each from a field of 5 multiple choice answers with a minimum of 90% accuracy as measured by the speech therapist.

Remember that your speech therapy goals will look different, based on the specific needs and profile of your student!


Problem-solving is an important skill to help children develop, and speech therapists play a key role in helping them achieve their goals. From preschoolers learning how to ask for help when needed, to third graders managing social interactions with peers and sixth graders comprehending complex language structures – problem-solving can be applied across all ages. With the right SMART IEP goal writing strategy and techniques from cognitive neuroscience principles, SLPs are well-equipped to support students of any age to reach their fullest potential. It’s up to us as practitioners to ensure that we provide our clients with the best possible care so they can continue on their road toward success!

The Problem Solving Speech Therapy Goals article was written by Jane Clapp, MA, CCC-SLP. She has worked as a pediatric speech-language pathologist in New York City schools for over 20 years. She is the creator of StoryWhys book companions, which help SLPs provide high-quality, literature-based language therapy with elementary aged students. You can find resources, ideas, and information for busy SLPs on her blog, StoryWhys.com


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List of Strengths and Weaknesses for IEPs

Written Expression IEP Goals

Daily Living Skills – Goals and Objectives

Social Emotional IEP Goals

Behavior IEP Goals

Self Regulation IEP Goals

Executive Function IEP Goals

Fine Motor IEP Goals

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31 Best Wordless Videos to Teach Problem Solving

Wordless videos are a fun and entertaining way to get your students learning and talking. Using wordless videos to teach problem-solving is a great way to keep your students stay engaged all while working on their goals.

Who Could Benefit From Wordless Videos?

Students who struggle to solve social problems can benefit from first practicing problem-solving someone else’s problems in a wordless animation, for example, prior to having to solve the social problems in their own lives. It’s easier to identify problems in someone else’s life than it is in your own life.


Ways in Which to Use Voiceless Videos

  • Answering wh-questions: Have your students watch the animated short film and then ask them wh-questions.
  • Retell a story/sequencing: After watching the films have your students retell or sequence the short film.
  • Solving hypothetical problems: Use the following wordless videos to teach problem-solving. Stop the video throughout and have your students identify the problem and a possible solution to the problem. Then you can move on to practice solving problems in real life .
  • Predictions/inferences: Stop the video throughout and have your students make predictions and inferences about what might happen next in the film.

Don’t Forget to Grab your Freebie!

Be sure to grab the freebie that goes along with this bundle of wordless videos. The freebie comes with:

  • Problem-solving
  • A set of wh-questions
  • Story retell with predictions

There are 31 sets of the following worksheets.

problem solving in speech therapy

Before you begin…

  • I have watched all of these short animations to make sure they are appropriate. However, please preview the entire video prior to showing your students as you know best what is appropriate for your level of comfort and for your individual students.
  • Almost all of these videos show ads prior to the start of the animation short. I suggest cueing up the video prior to showing the video to your students as some ads may not be appropriate.

31 Wordless Videos to Teach Problem Solving

1. t he small shoemaker: 5:32 minutes.

This short is about Mr. Botte’s shoemaker’s shop, and the passionate and skillful shoemaker’s daily life is about to be disturbed as another shoemaker creates a street vendor stall just in front of Mr. Botte’s store!

2. The Sweet Cocoon: 5:57 minutes

End video by 4:55. Please preview the end of this video prior to showing it to your students. I have decided to end this video by 4:55 minutes to avoid the sad ending for some of my students.

This animation is about two insects that decide to help a struggling caterpillar in her metamorphosis process!

3. The Wishgranter: 4:48 minutes

This short film is about a world where wishes are granted by mythical beings that live under fountains. The wish granter is forced to go above ground in order to grant a wish of love.

4. Dustin: 7:45 minutes

This super cute animation is about a pug learning to have a new roommate of an automatic cleaning robot.

5. Rollin’ Safari: 2:01 minutes

Enjoy this fun short film about what the world would be like if animals were round.

6. Piper: 3:20 minutes

Watch a hungry sandpiper hatchling as she ventures from her nest for the first time to dig for food by the shoreline. However, the only problem is that the food is buried under the sand where scary waves roll up onto the shore.

7. Hola Llamingo: 3:52 minutes

Enjoy this film about the beautiful, fleeting friendship between a boy and his pinata which comes to life.

8. Soar: 6:14 minutes

This short film called Soar is about a young girl who must help a tiny boy pilot fly home before it’s too late.

9. Brush A Fox Tale: 3:37 minutes

A young fox who enjoys painting has a crush on his neighbor. When he tries to hide it his other paintings come to life to try to convince him otherwise.

10. Fishing with Sam: 5:53 minutes

A pesky little penguin keeps stealing all the fish from a bear, a seal, and two other penguins, but they disguise a plan to take care of that pesky little penguin.

11. The Box: 7:01 minutes

This animation is about an old man who finds a mouse in his house. He ends up taming the mouse he first wanted to get rid of.

12. Coin Operated: 5:14 minutes

Watch this short film about the life of a young man that spans over 70 years in the life of one naive explorer.

13. Partly Cloudy: 5:49 minutes

Enjoy this super cute film. Everyone knows that it is a stork that delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answer comes from the clouds, where cloud people sculpt babies from clouds and bring them to life.

14. Lifted: 5:03 minutes

A cute animation about a young alien who is in training to capture a human but gets overwhelmed with all the switches.

15. Ormie The Pig: 3:52 minutes

This fun short is about a pig named Ormie. Ormie wants a cookie. But they are out of reach…or are they? See Ormie’s attempts to gain the warm sweet taste that is his obsession.

16. Embarked: 4:24 minutes

Watch this super cute short about a treehouse who follows his family even after the young boy moves away.

17. SpellBound: 3:06 minutes

A young girl who is jealous of her sister must save her after writing negative thoughts that unexpectedly transform into monsters.

18. The Birds: 3:25 minutes

An animated short about a group of small birds that make fun of a larger funny-looking bird, but when they try and get rid of the larger funny-looking bird their plan backfires and the large bird is soon laughing at his bullies.

19. A Fox and A Mouse: 6:23 minutes

Enjoy this sweet animation as a lonely fox hunts a mouse – and their relationship evolves as two owls begin to get in the middle of the fox’s hunt!

20. Pigeon Impossible: 6:15 minutes

A newbie secret agent is faced with a problem seldom covered in basic training: what to do when a pigeon gets trapped inside your multi-million dollar, government-issued nuclear briefcase.

21. The Children’s Tree: 1:58 minutes

This short film is about an imaginative little girl, a good-hearted old tree, and a helpful butterfly.

22. Hey Deer: 6:15 minutes

This fun short film is about an adorable, cocoa-drinking deer who is eager to tidy and shovel show in front of his house every day. However, there is a suspicious earthquake every night which causes the mess day by day. Between two cups of cocoa, the amazing truth reveals itself which changes the deer’s life forever…

23. Catch It: 5:25 minutes

A group of meerkats takes care of their beloved and unique fruit but a twist happens when a vulture comes and disturbs their peace of mind.

24. Mouse for Sale: 4:16 minutes

This short is about a lonely mouse in a pet shop, craving to be bought by someone. But he’s got one big problem: his huge ears. The kids entering the store keep laughing at him. Will Snickers find the buddy he so desires, someone who will take him for who he is?

25. One Man Band: 4:02 minutes

Watch this super cute short about a young peasant girl with one coin left when she encounters two competing street performers who’d prefer the coin find its way into their tip jars. The little girl is caught in the middle as a musical duel ensues between the one-man-bands.

26. Dust Buddies: 4:05 minutes

A story about the friendship between two dust bunnies who live peacefully under a couch. When an evil maid comes to clean the house and sucks Fuzz into her vacuum, Lint must overcome his fears and set out to rescue his friend.

27. The Stubborn Donkey: 4:25 minutes

The short film is all about a stubborn donkey who is difficult to move but a bit of greek music just could do the trick.

28. The Egyptian Pyramids: 3:36 minutes

This cute animation is about an archaeologist who is about to discover the secret of the Egyptian Pyramids.

29. Minuscule: 5:09 minutes

The short film revolves around the day-to-day existence of slugs and how a caterpillar tries to blend into the family.

30. Jinky Jenkins and Lucky Lou: 3:52 minutes

When the misfortunate Jenkins and the Lucky Lou run into each other one morning, they find a thrilling and fulfilling change of pace as they hurtle down the hills of San Francisco in an ice cream cart.

31. Can I Stay: 3:48 minutes

This sweet short animation is about an apprehensive homeless girl who must traverse a dangerous, wintry city in order to escape her adorable pursuers.

Get me my Problem Solving Wordless Videos Freebie!

Problem Solving Restorative Justice Graphic Visual :

Use this Flip Book Graphic Visual to help your students solve their conflicts with others and to make things right.


  • 1. Identify the Problem: Fill out the scenario by writing down what happened and drawing what happened.
  • 2. Have your Student Identify their Feelings: Draw their emotions and write down their thoughts in the thought bubble.
  • 3. Have the other Student Involved Identify their Feelings: Draw the other person’s emotions and write down the other person’s thoughts in the thought bubble.
  • 4. Make Things Right: Identify how to make things better.
  • 5. My Notes: Fill in any additional information you might find helpful to know or remember.

Get your students talking and problem-solving using these super cute wordless animation videos to teach them problem-solving skills. Also, you can use these short videos to teach story retell, sequencing, answering wh-questions, or inferences/predictions. Are your students ready to start solving real-life problems? Be sure to grab the 71+ problem-solving scenarios freebie to get additional problem-solving practice!

Tuesday 7th of February 2023

I have used this resource numerous times. This is amazing! I appreciate you taking the time to create this and for making it free. My students love them. you visuals and graphics are on point. Will you be making more. I would pay for it as I find it worth it and very useful. Some of the other Wordless Video I have seen that I like include: The Present, Snack Attack, Carrot Crazy, and The Bridge. There are others...Please let us know! Thanks again!

Melissa Berg

Wednesday 8th of February 2023

Hi Judith, Thanks so much for reaching out! I'm happy to know you like this resource. I currently don't have another set in the works, but since it is a fan favorite I can definitely add it to my list of ideas for the future. Thanks for the suggestion and additional videos to look into. All my best, Melissa

Monday 7th of November 2022

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Table of Contents

Problem Solving Activities for Adults Speech Therapy

problem solving in speech therapy

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This blog will highlight the problem solving questions and exercises that are most commonly used in Adult Speech Therapy. It will also explore the rationale and process of Speech Therapy, what problem solving entails and how it fits into the practise of speech therapy. 

The various possible problem solving approaches that can be used within adult speech therapy would be discussed in detail, along with a brief into speech therapy and it’s need for adults. The blog will also list other approaches that can be used within the domain of speech therapy apart from problem solving. 

What Is Speech Therapy?

Human wings are social animals that are able to function within their environment through effective communication. Communication, whether the form of speech or written word enables individuals to express and understand each other, it helps them in forming and sustaining relationships with other people. 

Understanding what people are saying and responding to them through effective communication channels is an essential part of being a human, it almost comes as second nature to individuals. Although such is not the case for individuals battling speech and communication disorders. For such people, speech therapy may prove to be an essential tool. 

Speech therapy is a psychological intervention that seeks to improve an individual’s ability to understand and produce language. It can help in better comprehension and expression of both verbal and non-verbal language. Speech therapy can also be called speech language therapy, and it helps build communication skills in people. This kind of therapy provides successful support and treatment to individuals with speech problems and communication disorders. 

Do Adults Need Speech Therapy?

It is a very common misconception that speech therapy can only serve as useful for children with speech and communication disorders. While speech therapy can help direct children’s language development onto the right path, it’s applications do not end there. Speech therapy can be extremely useful even in the case of adults with long-drawn or newly acquired speech problems. 

Adults may seek out speech therapists for a variety of reasons, ranging from regaining communications skills and confidence after trauma or injury or to simply improve on public speaking skills. 

Some of the most common reasons for adults to seek out speech therapy can be:

  • Stuttering: stuttering is a speech issue wherein a person has a hard time pronouncing certain sounds. It can cause people to either repeat their words or stretch them out. This condition may become exaggerated due to stress and can also be influenced by the person’s feelings. 
  • Swallowing Issues: Individuals with diseases such as cancer of the jaw, lips, mouth or tongue, and people with neurological issues can develop issues with speech production and clear expression of verbal content. When there are physical problems such as these, a speech therapist may help clients in regaining lost speech functions or to work around them and find alternative routes. 
  • Trauma and Speech Reception: Speech therapy is not limited to speech production, it can also aid in better comprehension and speech reception. Trauma or accidents are likely to interfere with how people process and understand spoken content; they may face difficulties in focusing attention, understanding what others are saying or retaining information they have received. Speech therapy can also help with developing these skills and improving speech reception. 
  • Cognitive Disorders or Aphasia: Aphasia is a common communicative disorder which interferes with a person’s ability to clearly speak or understand others. It is often acquired as a result of illness or injury. An individual could also require speech therapy if they have a cognitive-communication disorder, which means that the parts of their brain responsible for speech production are facing problems. 

What Happens in Adult Speech Therapy?

A Speech and Language Pathologist is likely to use various techniques as part of adult speech therapy. These can involve:

  • Breathing exercises: A speech therapist can use breathing exercises to help people with resonance issues.
  • Mouth exercises: Mouth exercises in speech therapy can be a suitable way to strengthen the oral muscle which help control and improve communication.
  • Social communication: Speech pathologists could also make use of problem-solving, memory activities, and conversation exercises to improve communication.
  • Swallowing exercises: Organic illnesses, like Parkinson’s disease, oral cancer, or a stroke, may cause swallowing difficulties which can also affect clear speech. A speech therapist can use swallowing exercises to help a person resolve and better deal with these issues. 

What is Problem Solving In Speech Therapy?

Before understanding how problem solving fits into speech therapy, it is important to review what problem solving means. The term problem solving essentially highlights the mental processes that people use to identify, understand, analyse and overcome problems. It is a multi-step, goal-directed behaviour aimed at overcoming a mental or physical obstacle. 

The problem solving process starts with defining a problem. This step usually involves the diagnosis of a situation to collect facts and information for later processing.  While a person is attempting to define a problem, they take in information from various sources and try to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between various factors involved in the situation. After a problem situation is successfully conceptualised, people try to look for alternatives solutions that may bring about a resolution. As various solutions are found and evaluated for usefulness, the final stage of problem solving is reached, which is implementation of the shortlisted solution. After scouring through dozens of possible solutions to a particular problem, an individual narrows down on the most feasible option and seeks to implement it as a final solution to the situation. 

Within the domain of speech therapy, problem solving exercises, or activities that involve the use of memory systems, organisation and decision making behaviours are most commonly used to treat cognitive communication disorders. Such disorders can affect the way in which people produce or comprehend speech, and they can be a result of either injury or illness. 

Adopting a problem solving approach with respect to communication disorders can help adults in adapting to undesirable situations that arise throughout their days. It can even help them gain a better understanding of their speech problems and come to terms with it. Once people are able to comprehend their issues, they will be better equipped to deal with the problems and take steps to improve their situation as suggested by their speech therapists. Problem solving exercises within speech therapy also help in building a person’s confidence and their capabilities for social interaction; which in turn would have benefits for their personal and professional relationships. 

Problem Solving Activities In Adult Speech Therapy

Some of the commonly practised problem solving activities within adult speech therapy are:

  • Tongue Exercises: The first step in re-training oneself to practise correct speech patterns should be to gain better control over the tongue. Moving and exercising is an essential part of speech therapy. Tongue training exercises can help the mouth to move easily in coordinated patterns which can greatly improve the quality of speech production. 
  • Expression Game: Standing in front of a mirror and practising a list of expressions is also a great cognitive exercise within speech therapy. Reading a list of expressions and then attempting to recreate them in the mirror provides the rain with essential feedback. This stimulates the brain and allows individuals to observe their progression real time. Not only this, it can also help in strengthening the muscles in a person’s face and mouth. 
  • Reading and Sentence Production: Patients with organic speech disturbances like apraxia can benefit from reading activities. Reading small passages and repeating them out loud can help such patients to strengthen their lip and tongue muscles. A speech therapist may start off by asking them to practice one or two sentences initially for short periods of time, and gradually increase theory timings and workload.  
  • Word Games: Word games either through the use of computers or with people around oneself can prove to be a great way to exercise the brain’s speech and language centers. These games can either rely on quick production or quick comprehension and repetition of speech. They force individuals to pay and sustain attention, and make use of their speech centers. 
  • Computer Games: Computer games like solitaire or alchemy are sometimes also used with speech therapy clients. Although these games do not rely on active production of speech, they can still help exercise the cognitive-linguistic pathways because the brain’s language processing skills are still being actively used. 
  • Counting Syllables: When working with a speech therapist, a client may be asked to speak various words to the therapist while the therapist does the same. When one person finishes saying a word, the other’s role is to guess how many syllables are there in the word. As a client and therapist both say words and provide each other with feedback, the individual showing up for speech therapy learns to identify and break down words for better speech comprehension and also makes improvements in the production of speech. 
  • Special Focus Games: Sometimes clients may face extreme difficulties in pronouncing certain words or sounds. In such cases they are encouraged to pair the problem consonants with all the five vowels and to practice the sounds they make over and over. 
  • Role-Play Conversations: Sometimes speech therapists may engage in role-plays with clients to enable them to slowly ease back into communicating and regain the verbal skills and confidence required to form and maintain personal and professional relationships. 
  • Speech Exercises through apps: With the advent of technology, there are various speech problem solving mobile and internet applications available today. These applications come with unique plans and exercises that can be tailored to a client’s specific problems. Apps can also be used to assess an individual’s problems areas which can help both the therapist and the person concerned to understand where they are lacking and what they need support with. 

How Can Problem Solving In Speech Therapy Help Adults? 

The various ways in which speech language pathologists can utilise problem solving exercises within speech therapy are:

  • Using cognitive exercises to help recovery after strokes
  • Using breathing, mouth and tongue exercises to provide comfort from swallowing difficulties
  • Using conversational exercises that stimulate the brain to help repair communication between friends and family 
  • Improving the clarity of spoken language by working on speech production and pronunciation
  • Using cognitive exercises to create a strong link between language comprehension and production centres of the brain
  • Improving brain plasticity through various cognitive problem solving exercises that help individuals gain new skills in speech development 

Is Speech Therapy The Only Option For People With Speech Disturbances?

Sometimes, people who have been diagnosed with speech production or comprehension issues may not be able to benefit from speech therapy. This could be because speech therapy is unable to target their problem areas or other therapeutic factors beyond the control  of the individual or therapist. Sometimes speech therapy alone may not be able to cater to the problems of an individual. There are various approaches that can be applied in the care of such individuals, like: 

  • Music Therapy: Musical activities can  be used to facilitate speech recognition and processing in adults that have suffered traumatic brain injuries or brain damage due to illness. These exercises can strengthen language processing, communication and social skills. 
  • Neurofeedack: Neurofeedback makes use of sensors attached to a client’s scalp which provides them with realtime information about their physical states. by receiving constant information about brain processes and physical arousal, an individual can learn to manage these states better. 

In this blog we discussed the applications of problem solving exercises within the domain of speech therapy – what exactly is speech therapy, what is meant by problem solving and problem solving exercises, what these exercises entail and how exactly they help in speech therapy. Other applications and the most commonly used problem solving exercises were described in detail, along with alternatives to replace them in special cases. The process and scope of speech therapy was also explored to understand how the process unfolds and helps treat speech disturbances. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Problem Solving Questions for Adults Speech Therapy

What exactly is speech therapy.

When children or adults have speech problems that prevent them from clearly using verbal language and communicating effectively with people around them, they can seek speech therapy to get help for their issues. Speech therapy is a form of psychological treatment that helps people to coordinate mouth movements to be able to etter produce certain sounds, address articulation, fluency, language comprehension and production. It can also help improve the understanding and expression of language. 

How do you know if a person needs speech therapy?

A person may need speech therapy if they suffer from problems such as stammering or stuttering, if they are unable to produce or understand certain sounds and words or if they are unable to use verbal and body language appropriately in social situations. Speech therapy may also be needed in cases where people are unable to comprehend verbal cues from the people around them, in such cases speech therapists can help aid the language comprehension of individuals. Speech therapy can also be used with individuals who have suffered traumatic brain injuries or are unable to communicate effectively due to brain cognitive or neurodegenerative disorders. 

What do speech therapists do?

The first and foremost task of speech therapists is always to identify speech and language pathologies in their patients. This can be done by giving people certain exercises that can help highlight their problem areas and help a therapist gain better understanding of their issues. After identification and isolation of the problem, speech therapists work on targeting these areas and giving the client exercises that will help improve their condition. Apart from carrying out interventions, speech therapists also act as a constant source of motivation and support for their clients, urging them and giving them the warmth and understanding needed to continue working on their problems. 

How does speech therapy last for adults?

Adults are not as malleable as children, they are more set in their ways and have ingrained methods of understanding and producing language. In order to bring about a change in how an individual understands and communicates veral content a speech therapist needs longer times as compared to children. Speech therapy with adults also includes providing constant support and encouragement to keep the client motivated towards the final goal of speech therapy. This can become an intensive and time-consuming process that might spread across months. In case of injuries or brain disorders, the severity and prognosis of the conditions is also likely to influence the length of therapy.


Bedell, J. R., & Lennox, S. S. (1997). Handbook for Communication and problem-solving skills training: A cognitive-behavioral approach . Wiley.

Belsky, G. (2021, May 24). What is speech therapy? Understood. Retrieved November 18, 2021, from https://www.understood.org/articles/en/what-you-need-to-know-about-speech-therapy.

MEDIAmaker. (2020). Cognitive communication difficulties . Headway. Retrieved November 18, 2021, from https://www.headway.org.uk/about-brain-injury/individuals/effects-of-brain-injury/communication-problems/cognitive-communication-difficulties/.

Rowden, A. (2021, January 5). Speech therapy: For adults, kids, and how it works . Medical News Today. Retrieved November 18, 2021, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/speech-therapy#conditions.

Smith , B. (2014). What is speech therapy? Parents. Retrieved November 18, 2021, from https://www.parents.com/kids/development/learning-disabilities/what-is-speech-therapy/. 

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Communication Community

How to Write Cognition Goals for Speech Therapy [with goal bank]

Cognition goals for speech therapy include the areas of attention, memory, problem-solving, executive functions, and using compensatory strategies. Individuals with cognitive-communicative deficits may benefit from speech therapy to address these areas and improve cognitive functioning.

Cognition and Speech Therapy

Individuals with diagnosed cognitive-communicative disorders are usually referred for speech therapy services. These cognitive-communicative disorders may result from a brain injury or acquired neurological disease. Often, individuals with cognitive-communicative disorders receive speech therapy because they have communication difficulties, which impact their ability to participate in day-to-day activities that they once were able to. These may include social interactions, job duties, or academics.

Areas of cognitive-communicative challenges may include:

  • Executive functions
  • Problem-solving
  • Language (often related to semantics and pragmatics)

problem solving in speech therapy

How to Write Cognition Goals

If you haven’t already, check out our article that outlines How to Write Speech Therapy Goals.

For the purpose of this article, we will discuss the process of goal writing for individuals receiving speech therapy for cognitive-communicative challenges.

The first step to writing goals is identifying the area(s) of need . These needs may be identified through formal and informal assessments, observations, and interviews. For example, a formal assessment to test cognitive-communicative function may include the RBANS , and an informal assessment may include a questionnaire about how the individual’s memory and attention skills may be impacting their life.

Getting a detailed case history and asking specific questions about what has been affecting the client and what they want to work on is key! For example, if they want to return to work, goals may be tailored to their job. If they want to live independently, goals may be related to completing activities of daily living (ADLs). For individuals receiving cognitive-communication services, person- and/or family-centered care has shown to be greatly beneficial for personal outcomes and clinical decision-making (like developing goals!).

Once you have identified the area(s) or need, you can begin creating the goals you are going to write and target.

problem solving in speech therapy

As seen above, speech goals should be written with 3* components in mind: the DO statement , the CONDITION statement , and the CRITERION statement .

*Also commonly included is consistency (we incorporate this!). Aka: does the individual have to meet a specific criterion more than once? A common example of this may include across 3 consecutive sessions . This is usually something understood by the therapy organization/service provider and is sometimes/sometimes not included in the written goal itself. Including consistency statements ensure that the skill has been generalized and provides more reliable data that the skill has been properly mastered.

DO statement

What the client is actually going to DO and the specific skill they will be working towards.

Example: complete divided attention tasks

CONDITION statement

T he specific setting and/or context where your client will work on this skill.

Example: related to their profession

CRITERION statement

How the client’s performance will be measured.

Example: with 85% accuracy


Example: [Client] will complete divided attention tasks, related to their profession, with 85% accuracy.

There you have it! An example using our Goal Writing Formula containing the DO + CONDITION + CRITERION (don’t forget to think about consistency!) for increasing communication skills for services targeting cognitive skill areas.

Cognition Goal Bank

The following are some examples of speech therapy goals that may be targeted in sessions. You can take these goals as is, or take the “do” statement from one, the “condition” from another, and the “criterion” from another. Remember: the best goals are the ones that most closely align with the client’s needs, and all clients are different!

Example #1: [Client] will complete divided attention tasks, related to their profession, with 85% accuracy.

Example #2: [Client] will complete alternating attention tasks, in structured settings, with 90% accuracy, across 2 consecutive sessions.

Example #3: [Client] will complete a sustained attention task, in a quiet environment, for 15 minutes, in 2/3  opportunities.  

Example #1: [Client] will use external memory aids to retell daily activities, while communicating with a familiar partner, in 7/10 trials, across 2 out of 3 sessions.

Example #2: [Client] will use internal memory aids to recall the steps of a simple recipe (i.e., 3 to 4 steps), in a natural setting, with 75% accuracy.

Example #3: [Client] will recall at least 4/5 of their daily medications, using learned strategies, for 3 consecutive days.

Executive Functions

Example #1: [Client] will determine 3 tasks to complete each day, related to their occupation, in 90% of opportunities.

Example #2: [Client] will self-monitor their ability to complete activities of daily living (ADLs), using a checklist while at home, with 80% accuracy.

Example #3: [Client] will create a grocery list for a week of meals, in a natural setting, with 80% accuracy, across 3 consecutive weeks.


Example #1: [Client] will identify a basic problem and its corresponding solution, related to personal ADLs, in 75% of opportunities.

Example #2: [Client] will identify whether or not they can solve a problem independently, while working on an academic assignment, in 8/10 trials.

Example #3: [Client] will state 2 possible problems, related to a medical issue, in 80% of opportunities.

We hope you found this helpful! Find more goal banks below.

  • How to Write Aphasia Goals
  • How to Write Executive Functions Goals
  • How to Write Self-Determination Goals
  • How to Write AAC Goals

problem solving in speech therapy

Looking for a goal bank that we don’t have? Let us know! You can email us at [email protected] or DM us on Instagram @communicationcommunity.




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Urgent Care

Problem Solving Activities For Adults Speech Therapy: Improve Communication

Skills and Cognitive Function

Are you an adult struggling with communication difficulties or cognitive impairments? Speech therapy can be a valuable tool in improving your quality of life. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of problem solving activities in speech therapy and how they can help you enhance your communication skills and cognitive function.

Why are problem solving activities important in speech therapy?

Problem solving activities are an essential component of speech therapy for adults. These activities help individuals develop and improve their communication skills by challenging their cognitive abilities. By engaging in problem solving tasks, adults can enhance their problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and decision-making abilities.

Benefits of problem solving activities in speech therapy

  • Improved communication skills: Problem solving activities require individuals to think critically and communicate their thoughts effectively. By engaging in these activities, adults can enhance their ability to express themselves clearly and confidently.
  • Enhanced cognitive function: Problem solving activities stimulate the brain and promote cognitive function. These activities can improve memory, attention, and concentration, leading to better overall cognitive abilities.
  • Increased confidence: Successfully solving problems can boost self-confidence and self-esteem. By participating in problem solving activities, adults can gain a sense of accomplishment and feel more confident in their communication abilities.
  • Real-life application: Problem solving activities in speech therapy often simulate real-life situations. By practicing problem solving in a controlled environment, adults can transfer these skills to their daily lives and improve their ability to navigate various communication challenges.

Examples of problem solving activities for adults in speech therapy

  • Storytelling: Encourage adults to create and tell stories using specific vocabulary or themes. This activity promotes problem solving skills, as individuals need to organize their thoughts, structure their narratives, and communicate effectively.
  • Role-playing: Engage adults in role-playing scenarios that require problem solving and effective communication. For example, simulate a job interview or a social gathering where individuals need to navigate conversations and express themselves clearly.
  • Puzzle solving: Provide adults with puzzles or brain teasers that require problem solving skills. This activity challenges cognitive abilities and promotes critical thinking and communication.
  • Group discussions: Facilitate group discussions on various topics, encouraging adults to express their opinions, listen actively, and engage in problem solving as a team.

How can Statcare help?

At Statcare, we understand the importance of problem solving activities in speech therapy for adults. Our digital health platform offers comprehensive healthcare solutions that cater to the unique needs of each individual. Through our innovative technology and expert therapists, we provide cost-effective and superior quality multispecialty services to enhance communication skills and cognitive function.

Problem solving activities are a valuable tool in speech therapy for adults. By engaging in these activities, individuals can improve their communication skills, enhance cognitive function, and gain confidence in their abilities. If you're looking to enhance your quality of life and unlock your full potential, start incorporating problem solving activities into your speech therapy routine. Contact Statcare today to embark on your journey to improved communication and cognitive abilities.

1. How often should I engage in problem solving activities in speech

The frequency of problem solving activities in speech therapy may vary depending on individual needs and goals. It is best to consult with a speech therapist who can assess your specific requirements and recommend an appropriate schedule.

2. Can problem solving activities benefit adults with cognitive


Yes, problem solving activities can be beneficial for adults with cognitive impairments. These activities can help stimulate the brain, improve cognitive function, and enhance overall communication abilities.

3. Are problem solving activities only for adults in speech therapy?

While problem solving activities are commonly used in speech therapy for adults, they can also be beneficial for individuals of all ages and in various therapeutic settings. These activities promote critical thinking, communication skills, and cognitive function.

4. How can I incorporate problem solving activities into my daily life?

You can incorporate problem solving activities into your daily life by practicing problem solving in various contexts. For example, you can solve puzzles, engage in critical thinking exercises, or participate in group discussions that require problem solving and effective communication.

5. What other services does Statcare offer?

Statcare offers a wide range of comprehensive healthcare solutions, including telehealth consultations, remote monitoring, and personalized treatment plans. Our platform combines cutting-edge technology with expert care to deliver superior quality multispecialty services.

6. Is Statcare's digital health platform cost-effective?

Yes, Statcare's digital health platform is designed to be cost-effective while providing superior quality healthcare services. We prioritize affordability without compromising on the quality of care and support we offer.

7. How can I get started with Statcare?

To get started with Statcare, simply visit our website and explore our range of services. You can schedule a telehealth consultation or contact our team for more information on how we can help you improve your communication skills and cognitive function.

8. Does Statcare offer personalized treatment plans?

Yes, at Statcare, we believe in personalized care. Our expert therapists assess each individual's unique needs and goals to create personalized treatment plans that address their specific requirements. We tailor our services to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

9. Can Statcare help with other healthcare needs?

Yes, Statcare offers comprehensive healthcare solutions to address a wide range of needs. From speech therapy to remote monitoring and personalized treatment plans, our platform caters to various healthcare requirements.

10. Is Statcare covered by insurance?

Statcare works with various insurance providers to ensure our services are accessible to as many individuals as possible. We recommend contacting your insurance provider to determine your coverage and eligibility for our services.

Please note that the information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. It is always best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance and recommendations.

  • https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/urgent-care/
  • https://urgentcareassociation.org/

Discover the power of problem solving activities in speech therapy and unlock your full potential. Start your journey to improved communication skills and cognitive function today!

Let us help you today.

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  1. Problem Solving Goals Speech Therapy

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  2. 13+ Problem Solving Goals Speech Therapy

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  3. 13+ Problem Solving Goals Speech Therapy

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  4. Problem Solving Scenarios for Speech Therapy: Real Pictures, Visuals

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  5. Speech Therapy Download: Social Problem Solving Scenarios Essential

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  6. Problem solving speech therapy. Problem solving picture cards speech

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  1. 30 Problem Solving Scenarios for Kids & Teens

    Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are only able to see students/clients 30-60 mins (or less) per week. This is not enough time or practice for someone to handle Problem solving scenarios. Every day that your loved one goes without practice it becomes more difficult to help them. SEE ALSO: The Best Books for Speech Therapy Practice

  2. Teaching Problem Solving

    Here are some of my tips for teaching problem solving skills to students in speech therapy. Tip #1 for Teaching Problem Solving. Understand the process. Successful problem solving is a process that begins with identifying that there is a problem, thinking through possible solutions, and then selecting and implementing the best solution to that ...

  3. 21 Practical Cognitive Tasks That Work

    7. Browse The Web. Review how to open web browsers, use search engines like Google, check email, and close tabs. Even these seemingly simple tasks can be life-changing for motivated patients. 8. Update a Calendar. An ongoing practical cognitive task for patients is updating their calendars.

  4. 22 Executive Functioning Activities For Adults

    Use problem-solving strategies when learning to use a smart speaker. Create a worksheet to help teach the steps. SET AN ALARM. SET A TIMER. SET REMINDERS. ADD AN APPOINTMENT TO A CALENDAR "Set a speech therapy appointment for every Monday at 10 am" CHECK A CALENDAR "When is Mother's Day?" SPELLING. CALCULATIONS

  5. Speech Therapy Strategies for Effective Problem Solving

    B. Role of speech therapy in enhancing problem-solving abilities. Speech therapy is an invaluable resource for individuals who struggle with communication and language skills. Through targeted interventions, speech therapists can help individuals develop the necessary skills to become effective problem solvers. By addressing language and social ...

  6. 71+ Free Social Problem-Solving Scenarios

    Use the 71 social problem-solving scenarios to have your students get great experience practicing how to solve a social problem. Also, included are 6 blank scenarios. Then laminate them so you can use them over and over again. Therefore, create social problems that the student experiences and needs help solving.

  7. Inferencing and Predicting: Activities, Goals, and EBP ...

    #4 Problem Solving. Make a smart guess about how a character will solve a problem. How will they fix that? This skill leads fantastically into size of the problem activities and solving problems in the real world! Photographs are perfect to work on social inferences in speech therapy. ... Speech Therapy Inferencing Research and References: van ...

  8. Understanding the Role of Speech Therapy in Problem Solving Development

    Speech therapy plays a crucial role in supporting individuals with speech and language disorders in developing their problem-solving skills. By addressing communication difficulties, speech therapists provide individuals with the necessary tools and strategies to express themselves, understand others, and engage in effective problem-solving ...

  9. Enhancing Problem-Solving Abilities with Speech Therapy Techniques

    Difficulties in problem-solving can impact an individual's social-emotional well-being, leading to frustration, low self-esteem, and interpersonal conflicts. Role of Speech Therapy in Enhancing Problem-Solving Abilities. Speech therapy is a holistic approach that addresses communication and cognitive-linguistic skills.

  10. Problem Solving Scenarios

    These 100 problem-solving scenarios present real-life problems that clients must navigate at school and home. Have the client discuss what they would do if…. 1. You are visiting relatives that you don't know very well. Your parents ask you to sit down and talk to them. 2. Your family sits down for a special meal.

  11. Developing Problem-Solving Skills Through Speech Therapy

    Before we dive into the connection between speech therapy and problem-solving skills, let's first understand what problem-solving skills are. Problem-solving skills refer to the ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems effectively. They involve critical thinking, reasoning, and decision-making. ...

  12. PDF Just for Adults Deductions

    thinking difficulties. Communication, decision making, and problem solving can become very confusing or overwhelming if these skills are impaired. Many factors can hinder the ability to use deductive reasoning, such as: • Difficulty understanding language or concepts due to aphasia. • Difficulty using convergent and divergent language skills.

  13. 10 Wordless Videos that Teach Problem Solving

    10 Wordless Videos for Speech Therapy that Teach Inferencing. Additionally, I created a line of wordless videos focused on life skills. Check it out here: Wordless Life Skills: Recipe Video Series; Can you tell how much I like using video, specifically wordless videos, in my speech therapy sessions? They are a terrific, engaging therapy tool.

  14. Exploring the Connection Between Speech Therapy and Problem Solving

    Conclusion: Speech therapy and problem solving are intricately connected, with speech therapy providing individuals with the tools they need to overcome communication challenges and enhance their problem-solving abilities. If you or someone you know is facing communication and problem-solving challenges, I encourage you to seek speech therapy.

  15. 13+ Problem Solving Goals Speech Therapy

    Visual Cue - Problem Solving Goals Speech Therapy. I always love using visual cues with my students. It can really help teach a concept that can be overwhelming. Here is my problem solving graphic organizer that helps teach problem solving. As your child or student fills out the form you can start by providing helpful verbal prompts and hopefully, the more they work on their problem solving ...

  16. Teaching Problem Solving

    Here are some of my tips for teaching problem solving skills to students in speech therapy. Tip #1 for Teaching Problem Solving. Understand the process. Successful problem solving is a process that begins with identifying that there is a problem, thinking through possible solutions, and then selecting and implementing the best solution to that ...

  17. Problem Solving Goals Speech Therapy

    The Problem Solving Speech Therapy Goals article was written by Jane Clapp, MA, CCC-SLP. She has worked as a pediatric speech-language pathologist in New York City schools for over 20 years. She is the creator of StoryWhys book companions, which help SLPs provide high-quality, literature-based language therapy with elementary aged students. ...

  18. 31 Best Wordless Videos to Teach Problem Solving

    31 Wordless Videos to Teach Problem Solving. 1. T he Small Shoemaker: 5:32 minutes. This short is about Mr. Botte's shoemaker's shop, and the passionate and skillful shoemaker's daily life is about to be disturbed as another shoemaker creates a street vendor stall just in front of Mr. Botte's store! 2. The Sweet Cocoon: 5:57 minutes.

  19. Problem Solving Activities for Adults Speech Therapy

    Problem Solving Activities In Adult Speech Therapy. Some of the commonly practised problem solving activities within adult speech therapy are: Tongue Exercises: The first step in re-training oneself to practise correct speech patterns should be to gain better control over the tongue. Moving and exercising is an essential part of speech therapy.

  20. How to Write Cognition Goals [with goal bank]

    Cognition goals for speech therapy include the areas of attention, memory, problem-solving, executive functions, and using compensatory strategies. Individuals with cognitive-communicative deficits may benefit from speech therapy to address these areas and improve cognitive functioning.

  21. Tackle Problem Solving with Cause and Effect!

    If you are looking for simple, effective, systematic ways to target skill such as size of the problem, inference, deductive reasoning, problem solving, and perspective taking, check out my products below: Describing and Solving Problems in Speech Therapy: Emotional Regulation Activity. Inferencing and Predicting Using Real Pictures for Speech ...

  22. Problem Solving Activities For Adults Speech Therapy

    Problem solving activities are an essential component of speech therapy for adults. These activities help individuals develop and improve their communication skills by challenging their cognitive abilities. By engaging in problem solving tasks, adults can enhance their problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and decision-making abilities.

  23. Problem Solving Scenarios

    Problem Solving Scenarios. $ 20. This problem solving resource for speech therapy facilitates improved understanding of problems, their causes, and how to solve problems including a self-advocacy component. Add to cart. Buy on TPT. Description. Reviews (0) This problem solving resource for speech therapy facilitates improved understanding of ...