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Business Planning for Nonprofits

Business planning is a way of systematically answering questions such as, “What problem(s) are we trying to solve?” or “What are we trying to achieve?” and also, “Who will get us there, by when, and how much money and other resources will it take?”

The business planning process takes into account the nonprofit’s mission and vision, the role of the board, and external environmental factors, such as the climate for fundraising.

Ideally, the business planning process also critically examines basic assumptions about the nonprofit’s operating environment. What if the sources of income that exist today change in the future? Is the nonprofit too reliant on one foundation for revenue? What happens if there’s an economic downturn?

A business plan can help the nonprofit and its board be prepared for future risks. What is the likelihood that the planned activities will continue as usual, and that revenue will continue at current levels – and what is Plan B if they don't?

Narrative of a business plan

You can think of a business plan as a narrative or story explaining how the nonprofit will operate given its activities, its sources of revenue, its expenses, and the inevitable changes in its internal and external environments over time. Ideally, your plan will tell the story in a way that will make sense to someone not intimately familiar with the nonprofit’s operations.

According to  Propel Nonprofits , business plans usually should have four components that identify revenue sources/mix; operations costs; program costs; and capital structure.

A business plan outlines the expected income sources to support the charitable nonprofit's activities. What types of revenue will the nonprofit rely on to keep its engine running – how much will be earned, how much from government grants or contracts, how much will be contributed? Within each of those broad categories, how much diversification exists, and should they be further diversified? Are there certain factors that need to be in place in order for today’s income streams to continue flowing?

The plan should address the everyday costs needed to operate the organization, as well as costs of specific programs and activities.

The plan may include details about the need for the organization's services (a needs assessment), the likelihood that certain funding will be available (a feasibility study), or changes to the organization's technology or staffing that will be needed in the future.

Another aspect of a business plan could be a "competitive analysis" describing what other entities may be providing similar services in the nonprofit's service and mission areas. What are their sources of revenue and staffing structures? How do their services and capacities differ from those of your nonprofit?

Finally, the business plan should name important assumptions, such as the organization's reserve policies. Do your nonprofit’s policies require it to have at least six months of operating cash on hand? Do you have different types of cash reserves that require different levels of board approval to release?

The idea is to identify the known, and take into consideration the unknown, realities of the nonprofit's operations, and propose how the nonprofit will continue to be financially healthy.  If the underlying assumptions or current conditions change, then having a plan can be useful to help identify adjustments that must be made to respond to changes in the nonprofit's operating environment.

Basic format of a business plan

The format may vary depending on the audience. A business plan prepared for a bank to support a loan application may be different than a business plan that board members use as the basis for budgeting. Here is a typical outline of the format for a business plan:

  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary - Name the problem the nonprofit is trying to solve: its mission, and how it accomplishes its mission.
  • People: overview of the nonprofit’s board, staffing, and volunteer structure and who makes what happen
  • Market opportunities/competitive analysis
  • Programs and services: overview of implementation
  • Contingencies: what could change?
  • Financial health: what is the current status, and what are the sources of revenue to operate programs and advance the mission over time?
  • Assumptions and proposed changes: What needs to be in place for this nonprofit to continue on sound financial footing?

More About Business Planning

Budgeting for Nonprofits

Strategic Planning

Contact your state association of nonprofits  for support and resources related to business planning, strategic planning, and other fundamentals of nonprofit leadership. 

Additional Resources

  • Components of transforming nonprofit business models  (Propel Nonprofits)
  • The matrix map: a powerful tool for nonprofit sustainability  (Nonprofit Quarterly)
  • The Nonprofit Business Plan: A Leader's Guide to Creating a Successful Business Model  (David La Piana, Heather Gowdy, Lester Olmstead-Rose, and Brent Copen, Turner Publishing)
  • Nonprofit Earned Income: Critical Business Model Considerations for Nonprofits (Nonprofit Financial Commons)
  • Nonprofit Sustainability: Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability  (Jan Masaoka, Steve Zimmerman, and Jeanne Bell)

Disclaimer: Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is neither intended to be nor should be construed as legal, accounting, tax, investment, or financial advice. Please consult a professional (attorney, accountant, tax advisor) for the latest and most accurate information. The National Council of Nonprofits makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.

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The best nonprofit business plan template

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If you’re looking to start a new charity but don’t know where to start, a nonprofit business plan template can help. There are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations registered in the US. While it’s awesome that there are so many charitable orgs, unfortunately, many of them struggle to keep their doors open.

Like any other business, a nonprofit needs to prepare for the unexpected. Even without a global pandemic, strategic planning is crucial for a nonprofit to succeed.

In this article, we’ll look at why a business plan is important for nonprofit organizations and what details to include in your business plan. To get you started, our versatile nonprofit business plan template is ready for you to download to turn your nonprofit dreams into a reality.

Get the template

What is a nonprofit business plan template?

A nonprofit business plan template is not that different from a regular, profit-oriented business plan template. It can even focus on financial gain — as long as it specifies how to use that excess for the greater good.

A nonprofit business plan template includes fields that cover the foundational elements of a business plan, including:

  • The overarching purpose of your nonprofit
  • Its long and short-term goals
  • An outline of how you’ll achieve these goals

The template also controls the general layout of the business plan, like recommended headings, sub-headings, and questions. But what’s the point? Let’s dive into the benefits a business plan template offers nonprofits.

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Why use a nonprofit business plan template?

To get your nonprofit business plans in motion, templates can:

Provide direction

If you’ve decided to start a nonprofit, you’re likely driven by passion and purpose. Although nonprofits are generally mission-driven, they’re still businesses. And that means you need to have a working business model. A template will give your ideas direction and encourage you to put your strategic thinking cap on.

Help you secure funding

One of the biggest reasons for writing a nonprofit business plan is to attract investment. After all, without enough funding , it’s nearly impossible to get your business off the ground. There’s simply no business without capital investment, and that’s even more true for nonprofits that rarely sell products.

Stakeholders and potential investors will need to assess the feasibility of your nonprofit business. You can encourage them to invest by presenting them with a well-written, well-thought-out business plan with all the necessary details — and a template lays the right foundation.

Facilitate clear messaging

One of the essential characteristics of any business plan — nonprofits included — is transparency around what you want to achieve and how you are going to achieve it. A nebulous statement with grandiose aspirations but no practical plan won’t inspire confidence.

Instead, you should create a clear and concise purpose statement that sums up your goals and planned action steps. A good template will help you maintain a strong purpose statement and use clear messaging throughout.

Of course, there are different types of nonprofit plan templates you can use, depending on the kind of business plan you want to draw up.

What are some examples of a nonprofit business plan template?

From summary nonprofit plans to all encompassing strategies, check out a few sample business plan templates for different nonprofit use cases.

Summary nonprofit business plan template

New nonprofit ventures in the early stages of development can use this business plan template. It’s created to put out feelers to see if investors are interested in your idea. For example, you may want to start an animal shelter in your community, but aren’t sure if it’s a viable option due to a lack of funds. You’d use a summary business plan template to gauge interest in your nonprofit.

Full nonprofit business plan template

In this scenario, you have already laid the foundations for your nonprofit. You’re now at a point where you need financing to get your nonprofit off the ground.

This template is much longer than a summary and includes all the sections of a nonprofit business plan including the:

Executive summary

  • Nonprofit description
  • Needs analysis
  • Product/service
  • Marketing strategy
  • Management team & board
  • Human resource needs

It also typically includes a variety of documents that back up your market research and financial situation.

Operational nonprofit business plan template

This type of business plan template is extremely detail-oriented and outlines your nonprofit’s daily operations. It acts as an in-depth guide for who does what, how they should do it, and when they should do it.

An operational nonprofit business plan is written for your internal team rather than external parties like investors or board members.

Convinced to give a business plan template a go? Lucky for you, our team has created the perfect option for nonprofits.

monday.com’s nonprofit business plan template

At monday.com, we understand that starting a nonprofit business can feel overwhelming — scrambling to line up investors, arranging fundraising events, filing federal forms, and more. Because we want you and your nonprofit to succeed, we’ve created a customizable template to get you started. It’s right inside our Work OS , a digital platform that helps you effectively manage every aspect of your work — from budgets and high-level plans to individual to-do lists.

ngo business plan sample

Here’s what you can do on our template:

Access all your documents from one central location

Besides a business plan, starting a nonprofit requires a lot of other documentation. Supporting documents include a cash flow statement or a general financial statement, resumes of founders, and letters of support.

monday.com’s Work OS lets you store all these essential documents in one centralized location. That means you don’t need to open several tabs or run multiple programs to view your information. On monday.com, you can quickly and easily access documents and share them with potential investors and donors. Security features also help you control access to any board or document, only letting invited people or employees view or edit them. By keeping everything in one place, you save time on tracking down rogue files or statements and can focus on what really matters, such as running your nonprofit.

Turn your business plan into action

With monday.com’s nonprofit business plan template, you can seamlessly transform your plan into actionable tasks. After all, it’s going to take more than some sound strategic planning to bring your nonprofit to life.

ngo business plan sample

Based on your business plan, you have the power to create interactive vision boards, calendars, timelines, cards, charts, and more. Because delegation is key, assign tasks to any of your team members from your main board. You can even set up notification automations so that everyone stays up to date with their responsibilities. Plus, to make sure the team stays on track, you can use the Progress Tracking Column that shows you the percent to completion of tasks based on the different status columns of your board.

Keep your finger on the pulse

From budgets to customer satisfaction, you need to maintain a high-level overview of your nonprofit’s key metrics.

monday.com keeps you well-informed on the status of your nonprofit’s progress, all on one platform. With customizable dashboards — for example, a real-time overview of donations received and projects completed — and visually appealing views, you can make confident decisions on how to take your nonprofit business forward.

Now that you have the template, let’s cover each section and how to fill it out correctly.

Essential sections of a nonprofit business plan template

So what exactly goes into a nonprofit business plan? Let’s take a look at the different sections you’ll find in most templates.

This is a concise summary of your business at the beginning of your plan. It should be both inspired and to the point. The executive summary is typically two pages long and dedicates about two sentences to each section of the plan.

Organization overview

This section gives some background on your company and summarizes the goal of your business. At the same time, it should touch on other important factors like your action plan for attracting potential external stakeholders. You can think of an organization overview as a mission statement and company description rolled into one.

Products, programs, and services

Any business exists to provide products, programs, and services — perhaps with a focus on the latter two for nonprofits. Your business plan should outline what you are bringing to your community. This will influence your target market , potential investors, and marketing strategies.

Marketing plan

An effective marketing strategy is the cornerstone of any successful business. Your marketing plan will identify your target audience and how you plan to reach them. It deals with pricing structures while also assessing customer engagement levels.

Operational plan

The operational plan describes the steps a company will take over a certain period. It focuses on the day-to-day aspects of the business, like what tasks need to be done and who is responsible for what. The operational section of a business plan works closely with strategic planning.

Competitive analysis

Even nonprofits face competition from other nonprofits with similar business profiles. A market analysis looks at the strengths and weaknesses of competing businesses and where you fit in. This section should include a strategy to overtake competitors in the market. There are many formats and templates you can use here, for example, a SWOT analysis .

Financial plan

Your financial plan should be a holistic image of your company’s financial status and financial goals. As well as your fundraising plan , make sure to include details like cash flow, investments, insurance, debt, and savings.

Before we wrap up, we’ll address some commonly asked questions about nonprofit business plan templates.

FAQs about nonprofit business plan templates

How do you write a business plan for a nonprofit.

The best way to write a nonprofit business plan is with a template so that you don’t leave anything out. Our template has all the sections ready for you to fill in, combined with features of a cutting-edge Work OS.

For some extra tips, take a look at our advice on how to write a business plan . We’ve detailed the various elements involved in business planning processes and how these should be structured.

How many pages should a nonprofit business plan be?

Business plans don’t have to be excessively long. Remember that concise communication is optimal. As a rule of thumb — and this will vary depending on the complexity and size of your business plan — a nonprofit business plan is typically between seven and thirty pages long.

What is a nonprofit business plan called?

A nonprofit business plan is called just that — a ‘nonprofit business plan.’ You may think that its nonprofit element makes it very different from a profit-oriented plan. But it is essentially the same type of document.

What is the best business structure for a nonprofit?

The consensus is that a corporation is the most appropriate and effective structure for a nonprofit business.

How do you start a nonprofit with no money?

Creating a business plan and approaching potential investors, aka donators, is the best way to start a nonprofit business if you don’t have the funds yourself.

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How to Write a Nonprofit Business Plan + Full Example

how to write a nonprofit business plan

A nonprofit business plan is an essential tool for any organization looking to grow and achieve its goals. By taking the time to develop a comprehensive plan, your nonprofit can ensure that it is on the right track for success.

What is a Nonprofit Business Plan?

A non-profit business plan is a document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections of a nonprofit organization. It can be used to attract funding from donors or investors and to track the progress of the nonprofit over time.

Download our Ultimate Nonprofit Business Plan Template here

Why Do You Need a Business Plan For Your Nonprofit?

A nonprofit business plan is important for several reasons.

  • It can help you clarify your organization’s goals and strategies.
  • It can help you assess the feasibility of your proposed projects and programs.
  • It can be used to attract funding from donors or investors.
  • It can help you track the progress of your nonprofit over time.

Preparing To Write Your Nonprofit Business Plan

Every nonprofit group needs to have a business plan in place before its existence. The purpose of the business plan is to provide direction and ensure that the nonprofit’s resources are used in an effective manner.

The first step in writing a nonprofit business plan is to conduct a feasibility study. This study will help to determine whether or not the nonprofit is viable and whether or not it has the potential to be successful. The feasibility study should include an assessment of the current market, an examination of the competition, and a review of the financial resources that are available to the nonprofit.

The nonprofit must be able to answer the following four questions:

  • What will you do?
  • How will you do it?
  • Who will be responsible for carrying out your activities?
  • What resources (money, people, equipment) do you need in order to carry out your plans?

Once the feasibility study has been conducted, the next step is to develop a mission statement for the nonprofit. This statement should explain what the nonprofit is trying to achieve and why it exists. The mission statement should be clear and concise, and it should be easy for nonprofit staff, board members, and donors to understand.

The nonprofit’s mission statement should be clear and concise. It should answer the following questions:

  • What is your nonprofit organization’s purpose?
  • What are your goals?
  • Who do you serve?
  • What makes you unique?

Next, determine your target audience. Who do you plan to serve with your nonprofit services? You need to know their characteristics (location, age range, gender, income level, etc.). This information will help you determine how best to reach them and what services to offer.

Once you know your target audience it is important to determine what services you will offer them. List each service in detail including what it is, how it will benefit your target audience, and what resources are needed to provide it.

Now that you know these key pieces of information, it’s time to develop a nonprofit business plan that will help the nonprofit grow over time. The business plan should include information on the nonprofit’s products, services, target audience, nonprofit marketing strategies, nonprofit operations plans utilizing its human resources and financial resources.

In addition to the four questions listed above, your nonprofit’s business plan should also answer the following:

  • What is your nonprofit’s organizational structure?
  • How will you raise money?
  • What are your marketing plans?
  • What are your policies and procedures?

Your nonprofit’s business plan is a living document that should be updated regularly as your organization grows and changes. It is important to revisit it often and make sure that all of your plans and activities remain in line with your mission statement.

How to Write Your Nonprofit Business Plan

There is no one formula for writing a nonprofit business plan. However, there are a few key elements that every business plan should include. Here are the essential components:

  • Executive Summary – This is a summary of your entire business plan, and should include a brief description of your nonprofit organization, its mission and goals, the problem you are trying to solve, your proposed solutions, and an overview of your financial projections.
  • Organization Overview – This section should include a description of your nonprofit organization, its history, governing structure, and key programs and services.
  • Products, Programs, and Services – This section should describe the products, programs, and services your nonprofit offers in detail.
  • Market Analysis – This section should include an analysis of the nonprofit market, including information on the size of the market, the competition, and the needs and wants of your target audience.
  • Customer Analysis – This section should include an analysis of your nonprofit’s target audience, including information on their demographics, needs, and wants.
  • Marketing Strategy – This section should include a detailed marketing plan, including information on how you will reach your target audience and what methods you will use to promote your products, programs, and services.
  • Operations Plan – This section should include a detailed description of your organization’s day-to-day operations, including information on staffing, facilities, equipment, and supplies.
  • Management Team – This section should include the biographies of your nonprofit’s governing board members, executive director, and any other key staff.
  • Financial Plan – This section should include a detailed financial forecast, including information on your nonprofit’s income and expenses, as well as projections for the next three to five years.
  • Appendix – This section can include additional information such as copies of your nonprofit’s bylaws or articles of incorporation, letters of support from key stakeholders, or market research surveys.

Learn more about each of these essential components using our non-profit business plan template.

Sample Nonprofit Business Plan

Nonprofit business plan example – let children prosper, executive summary.

Let Children Prosper is a nonprofit organization that provides educational resources to low-income families in the New Orleans, LA community. The organization was founded in response to the high school dropout rate in the city, which is disproportionately high among low-income students. Let Children Prosper’s goal is to help these students stay in school and graduate with the skills they need to succeed in life.

Organization Overview

Let Children Prosper was founded in 2014 by Jamal Brown and Latonya Williams. The organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and operates out of New Orleans, LA. Let Children Prosper’s mission is to provide educational resources to low-income families in order to help their children succeed in school and beyond.

Nonprofit Mission Statement

Our nonprofit’s mission is to provide educational resources to low-income families so their children can stay in school and graduate with the skills they need to succeed. Let Children Prosper believes that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and helping low-income individuals and their families achieve economic security.

Vision Statement

Our nonprofit aims to expand our presence throughout New Orleans, LA by securing nonprofit funding from both public and private sources. We also hope to reach schools throughout Louisiana and other states.

Products, Programs, and Services

Our nonprofit’s vision is to provide educational resources to low-income families with children who are at risk of dropping out of school due to a lack of resources.

Our nonprofit works to equip these students with the skills necessary for achieving economic security, which makes them more likely to graduate high school and attend college or vocational school.

We aim for our nonprofit’s services to be accessible throughout New Orleans, LA as well as schools across Louisiana and other states so that we can reach as many families in need as possible.

We hope that by offering free programs such as financial literacy classes and workforce development services, Let Children Prosper will help break the cycle of poverty by equipping low-income individuals with the skills needed for achieving economic stability. Listed below are some of our nonprofit’s core programs.

  • Financial Literacy Classes: These classes provide essential information about financial planning and budgeting so that families can make sound financial decisions for their children’s education and future.
  • Workforce Development Services: These services help prepare individuals for careers by teaching them essential skills such as resume writing, interviewing techniques, and job search strategies.

Market Analysis

Our nonprofit’s target audience is low-income families with children who are at risk of failing school due to a lack of educational resources.

According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, “Although poverty rates declined during the 1990s, they remain high; 21 percent of American children under age 18 (16 million) were poor in 2010, compared to 18 percent (15 million) before the recession” (NCCP).

Let Children Prosper offers several core programs that provide resources such as financial literacy classes and workforce development services which our target audience needs to help them through difficult times and equip them with skills necessary for achieving economic security.

A study conducted by Tulane University reports that students living in New Orleans, LA are three times more likely to drop out of school than other students in Louisiana and the rates of high school dropouts among students living in poverty are approximately seven times as high as those living above poverty (Tulane University).

Given these alarming statistics, it is evident that our nonprofit is much needed in the area.

Customer Analysis

Our nonprofit’s customers are low-income families who have children who are at risk of dropping out of school.

These families may not have access to essential resources that their children need in order to stay in school and graduate.

Let Children Prosper offers financial literacy classes and workforce development services that can help these students achieve economic security and break the cycle of poverty.

The table below shows data from a study conducted by Tulane University which illustrates that there is a significant need for our nonprofit’s services.

Source: Tulane University

The table above shows that there is a significant need for our nonprofit’s services among low-income families who are of different races and ethnicities.

For example, the percentage of African American children living in poverty is 71%, which is significantly higher than the percentage of Caucasian children living in poverty (10%).

This data illustrates that our nonprofit reaches a wide variety of people who are in need and provides them with essential resources that they may not have access to otherwise.  

Marketing Strategy

Our nonprofit marketing strategy will include the use of print, radio, and television advertisements as well as social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

We will also distribute flyers and brochures in local schools, community centers, and churches.

Lastly, we will host information sessions and workshops to provide more detail about our nonprofit’s programs.

The table below shows data from a study conducted by Nielsen which illustrates that African American families are more likely to watch television than Hispanic and Caucasian families.

nielsen ethnicity tv habits

Source: Nielsen

This data indicates that Let Children Prosper should focus on running television advertisements since this is the most effective way to reach our target audience.

We should also consider running radio advertisements, as African American and Hispanic families are more likely to listen to the radio than Caucasian families.

Lastly, we should focus on using social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to reach our target audience.  

Operations Plan

Let Children Prosper is a nonprofit organization that offers workforce development services and financial literacy classes to low-income families who have children at risk of dropping out of school.

The organization’s day-to-day operations will include providing these services to the target audience.

Let Children Prosper will be staffed by a team of experienced professionals who are passionate about helping low-income families break the cycle of poverty.

Let Children Prosper will operate out of a facility that is located in a low-income area. This facility will be equipped with the necessary resources to provide our services.

Let Children Prosper will need to purchase supplies in order to provide workforce development services and financial literacy classes.

Goals & Initiatives

Our nonprofit has three primary goals which we will focus our efforts on achieving in the 20XX fiscal year:

  • Goal 1: To provide quality educational programming and services to students in need.
  • Goal 2: To increase the academic success of students in our programs.
  • Goal 3: To secure funding to support our programs and services.

To achieve our goals, we will undertake the following initiatives:

  • Initiative 1: Expand our tutoring and case management programs to serve more students.
  • Initiative 2: Conduct research on best practices in nonprofit education and implement these practices in our programming.
  • Initiative 3: Hold fundraising events and seek corporate sponsorships to generate revenue for our nonprofit.
  • Initiative 4: Increase the visibility of our nonprofit through marketing and communications efforts.

Management Team

Let Children Prosper will be operated by a staff of five people who will be responsible for managing the nonprofit’s programs and services.

Let Children Prosper’s organizational structure can be seen below:

example nonprofit organization chart

The nonprofit’s Director and Program Manager will work closely with the nonprofit’s Board of Directors to monitor our nonprofit’s progress and evaluate the effectiveness of our programs.

Our nonprofit will also hire tutors and case managers who will provide individualized attention to students in need which are vital for their academic success.

Sue Smith is the nonprofit’s Director and Program Manager. She has over 10 years of experience working with nonprofit organizations, and she has a degree in Sociology from Tulane University.

George Brown is the nonprofit’s Program Manager. He has over 5 years of experience working with nonprofit organizations, and he has a degree in Business Administration from Southern Methodist University.

Caitlin Moore is the nonprofit’s Development Director. She has over 7 years of experience working in nonprofit development, and she has a degree in Psychology from Tulane University.

Jessica Doe is the nonprofit’s Fundraising Coordinator. She has over 5 years of experience working in nonprofit fundraising, and she has a degree in Communication Studies from the University of Texas at Austin.

Lisa Davis is the nonprofit’s Marketing & Communications Specialist. She has over 10 years of experience working in nonprofit marketing and communications, and she has a degree in Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin.

Board of Directors:

Kelly Johnson is the nonprofit’s Board Chairperson. She is a community leader and business owner who has over 20 years of experience working in the nonprofit sector.

John Doe is the nonprofit’s Board Vice-Chairperson. He is a community leader and business owner who has over 20 years of experience working in the nonprofit sector.

Mary Smith is the nonprofit’s Board Treasurer. She is a community volunteer who has over 10 years of experience working in the nonprofit sector.

Sam Smith is the nonprofit’s Board Secretary. He is a community volunteer who has over 10 years of experience working in the nonprofit sector.

Let Children Prosper’s nonprofit board of directors has a combined 20 years of experience working in nonprofit leadership and management.

Over the course of Let Children Prosper’s first year of operations, we expect that the nonprofit will need to hire tutors and case managers as well as new volunteers to help with fundraising efforts; however, these positions will not be included in our nonprofit’s budget for 20XX.

Financial Plan

Our nonprofit is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and relies on donations from individuals, businesses, and other organizations to fund our programs and services.

In order to continue providing our essential programs and services, we need to secure funding from both public and private sources.

Some of the ways in which we hope to secure this funding include applying for grants, holding fundraising events, and seeking corporate sponsorships.

Income Statement

Our nonprofit’s income statement is shown below:

As a result of our net income of $83,568 in Year 2, we will be able to continue providing our essential programs and services to the community.  

Balance Sheet

Our nonprofit’s balance sheet is shown below:

The nonprofit’s net assets will increase by $35,000 as a result of our income statement.  

Cash Flow Statement

Our nonprofit’s cash flow statement is shown below:

The nonprofit’s expected cash balance of $90,188 will be used to continue providing our essential programs and services to the community.

For 20XX, we expect that most of our funds will come from private donations; however, we require some donations for our operating expenses. As a result, the nonprofit plans to apply for grants this year.

Additionally, the nonprofit is always looking for opportunities to expand its fundraising efforts with events or corporate sponsorships. The nonprofit has also begun looking into ways we can use social media to develop a stronger online presence and increase brand awareness.

Let Children Prosper is committed to transparency and accountability. We will be publishing our nonprofit’s annual report on our website which will include a financial overview as well as program and service highlights.

Fundraising Strategy

The nonprofit plans to seek out individual donors as well as larger contributions from businesses and other organizations.

Our nonprofit relies on donations from individuals, businesses, and other organizations.

In order to continue providing our essential programs and services, we need to secure funding from both public and private sources. Some of the ways in which we hope to secure this funding include applying for grants, holding fundraising events, and seeking corporate sponsorships.

In order to generate more donations, we will be undertaking the following fundraising initiatives:

  • Annual Appeal Letter: This letter will be sent to past donors in order to request contributions for our nonprofit’s education programs.
  • Social Media Campaign: We will create a social media campaign on various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote our nonprofit’s work and request donations from the public.
  • Online Fundraising Page: We will create an online fundraising page where individuals can donate to our nonprofit.

As a nonprofit organization, we aim to engage in donor outreach and online fundraising through websites such as Facebook and PayPal. We also plan to create a nonprofit blog where individuals can stay informed about our mission and learn how they can become involved with Let Children Prosper.

We are also exploring the option of hosting an annual fundraiser that will feature live entertainment, food, drinks, and opportunities to interact with nonprofit representatives.

Our nonprofit’s Board Treasurer is also a member of the Grants Coordinating Committee for the nonprofit’s parent organization which has resources that may be useful in securing grant funds for Let Children Prosper. Additionally, the nonprofit will begin looking into using social media such as Facebook or Instagram to increase brand awareness and improve brand recognition among our target audience.

The nonprofit has also applied for membership in the National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives which will provide access to additional resources and training related to nonprofit management and fundraising.

Nonprofit Business Plan Example PDF

Download our non-profit business plan pdf here. This is a free nonprofit business plan example to help you get started on your own nonprofit plan.  

Writing a Nonprofit Business Plan Conclusion

Developing this type of business plan can be challenging for many nonprofit groups because they may lack familiarity with basic business principles such as market research and financial projections. There are several steps that can be taken to make the process go more smoothly:

  • Get your team involved – A strong team effort will not only ensure that everyone has a voice when it comes to planning but also increase buy-in and motivation.
  • Utilize resources – There are many helpful resources available for nonprofit organizations, including books, online tutorials, and non-profit business plan template . Get our FREE nonprofit business plan pdf or nonprofit business plan Word .
  • Seek expert help – If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure where to start, it may be helpful to consult with an experienced business consultant or nonprofit organization.

How to Finish Your Nonprofit Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Nonprofit Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

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Nonprofit Business Plan

ngo business plan sample

2. Organization Overview

Depending on the organization’s details, you must add various organizational overview elements. Still, every organization should include some foundational elements like its name, purpose, operations, legal structure, location, and history.

Organization Description:

Provide all the basic information about your nonprofit in this section like

  • Name & Type of Your Organization: Describe the name and type of your nonprofit organization. For instance, you may operate one of these types of nonprofit organizations:
  • Educational organizations
  • Charitable organizations
  • Healthcare organizations
  • Religious organizations
  • Location of your nonprofit and why you selected that place.

Mission & Vision:

Organization history:.

If you’re an established nonprofit, you can provide information about your organization’s history, like when it was founded and how it evolved. If you can, add some personality and intriguing details, especially if you got any achievements or recognitions till now for your incredible community services.

Future goals:

It’s crucial to convey your aspirations and your vision. Mention your short-term and long-term goals with the nonprofit; they can be specific targets depending on your ultimate vision.

This section should provide an in-depth understanding of the nonprofit organization. Also, the business overview section should be engaging and precise.

3. Products, Programs, and Services

The products, programs, and services section of a nonprofit business plan should describe specific products, programs, and services that will offer to its beneficiaries. Your nonprofit may or may not have all products, programs, and services to offer.

So, write this section depending on your organization’s offerings:

In a nutshell, your products, programs, and services section should describe how your nonprofit meets needs and positively impacts the community. Use solid examples and numbers to back your claims.

Some additional tips for writing the market analysis section of your business plan:

  • Use a variety of sources to gather data, including industry reports, market research studies, and surveys.
  • Be specific and provide detailed information wherever possible.
  • Include charts and graphs to help illustrate your key points.
  • Keep your target audience in mind while writing the business plan

4. Market Analysis

Market analysis provides a clear understanding of the market your nonprofit will run along with the target market, competitors, and growth opportunities. Your market analysis should contain the following essential components:

Target Market:

Market size and growth potential:, competitive analysis:, market trends:.

  • For example, It may be necessary for a nonprofit focused on environmental conservation to adapt its messaging to reflect the growing demand for sustainable products and practices.

Regulatory Environment:

Some additional tips for writing the market analysis section of your nonprofit business plan:

  • Use various sources to gather data, including industry reports, market research studies, and surveys.
  • Keep your target audience in mind while writing the business plan.

5. Sales And Marketing Strategies

Building awareness, promoting engagement, and generating revenue should be the focus of your business plan’s “Sales and marketing strategies” section. Here are some key elements to include in your sales & marketing plan:

Unique Value Proposition (UVP):

Marketing mix:, marketing channels:, fundraising strategies:.

  • Identify fundraising strategies that align with the nonprofit’s mission, vision, and values.

Donor Retention:

In short, a nonprofit business plan’s sales and marketing strategies section should describe how your organization can reach, engage, and retain your target market and generate sustainable revenue.

Be specific, realistic, and data-driven in your approach, and be prepared to adjust your strategies based on feedback and results.

6. Operations Plan

When writing the operations plan section, it’s essential to consider the various aspects of your organization’s processes and procedures involved in operating a nonprofit. Here are the components to include in an operations plan:

Staffing & Training:

Operational process:.

  • Your operations must also include details on monitoring and evaluating programs and their impact on the community.

Quality Control:

Facilities and equipment:, technology & information system:.

By including these key elements in your operations plan section, you can create a comprehensive plan that outlines how you will run your nonprofit organization.

7. Management Team

The management team section provides an overview of the nonprofit organization’s management team. This section should provide a detailed description of each manager’s experience and qualifications, as well as their responsibilities and roles.


Key managers:.

  • It should include the owners, senior management, other department managers, and people involved in the organizational operations, along with their education and professional background.

Organizational structure:

Compensation plan:.

Overall, the management team section of your business plan should mention key personnel involved in successfully running your organizational operations.

So, highlight your organization’s key personnel and demonstrate why you have the right team to execute your organization’s mission.

8. Financial Plan

When writing the financial plan section of a business plan, it’s important to provide a comprehensive overview of your financial projections and goals for the first few years of your organization.

Revenue Streams:

Fundraising goals:, financial ratios:, risk analysis:.

Remember to be realistic with your financial projections and provide supporting evidence for your estimates.

9. Appendix

Include any additional information supporting your plan’s main content when writing the appendix section. This may include financial statements, market research data, legal documents, and other relevant information.

  • Include a table of contents for the appendix section to make it easy for readers to find specific information.
  • Include financial statements such as income, balance sheets, and cash flow statements . These should be up-to-date and show your financial projections for at least the first three years of your business.
  • Provide market research data, such as statistics on the industry’s size, consumer demographics, and trends in the industry.
  • Include any legal documents such as permits, licenses, and contracts.
  • Provide any additional documentation related to your business plans, such as marketing materials, product brochures, and operational procedures.
  • Use clear headings and labels for each section of the appendix so that readers can easily find the necessary information.

Remember, the appendix section of your nonprofit organization should only include relevant and essential information supporting your plan’s main content.

Download a sample nonprofit organization business plan

Need help writing a business plan for your nonprofit? Here you go; download our free nonprofit organization business plan pdf to start.

It’s a modern business plan template specifically designed for your nonprofit organization. Use the example business plan as a guide for writing your own.

You may explore our other nonprofit and community business plan examples before you start writing

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A business plan app like Upmetrics is the best way to draft your business plan. This incredible tool comes with step-by-step instructions and 400+ customizable sample business plans to help you get started.

So, whether starting a nonprofit organization or planning to grow an existing one, Upmetrics is the tool you need to create a business plan.

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Frequently asked questions, why do you need a nonprofit business plan.

Business plans outline the organization’s goals, strategies, and tactics for achieving its mission. Nonprofit business plans serve as a roadmap for staff, lenders, and other shareholders, helping them make informed decisions, measure progress, and remain focused on the organization’s mission.

How to get funding for your nonprofit business?

Fundraising for a nonprofit can be challenging, but a few strategies and a strategic approach can help you achieve your goal. 

Here are some of the most common ways to get funding for your nonprofit:

  • Individual Donations: Individual donations are among key revenue streams for any nonprofit. It includes both one-time payments as well as recurring assistance.
  • Grants: Many foundations and government agencies offer grants to nonprofit organizations that meet specific criteria.
  • Corporate Sponsorships: A nonprofit can approach corporations that align with its values and mission to gain sponsorships for charity events, programs, or projects.
  • Crowdfunding: The process of supporting a business or organization by getting many people to invest in your nonprofit organization, usually online. 

Where to find business plan writers for your nonprofit business?

There are many business plan writers available, but no one knows your business and idea better than you, so we recommend you write your nonprofit business plan and outline your vision as you have in your mind.

What is the easiest way to write your nonprofit business plan?

A lot of research is necessary for writing a business plan, but you can write your plan most efficiently with the help of any nonprofit business plan example and edit it as per your need. You can also quickly finish your plan in just a few hours or less with the help of our business plan software.

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ngo business plan sample

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Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Download our Non-Profit Business Plan and create a business plan for your non-profit!

Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Updated September 24, 2023 Reviewed by Brooke Davis

Running a successful non-profit organization is challenging. A business plan is one tool that helps steer your organization in the right direction. It clearly articulates your goals and details how to accomplish them.

It also shows external stakeholders that you’re serious about your non-profit and reassures them that they can work with you or provide you with funding.

This guide helps you understand how to write a non-profit business plan and includes a free template to help you get started.

Why You Need a Business Plan for Your Non-profit Business

How to write a business plan for a non-profit, non-profit business plan example.

A business plan is a roadmap. It shows where your organization is now, where you want to go, and how to get there.

Typically, a non-profit business plan spans the upcoming three to five years. Every non-profit organization should have a business plan, regardless of size or financial status. It helps you:

  • Stay organized
  • Identify essential stakeholders in your organization
  • Understand the feasibility of your work
  • Attract volunteers and an administrative board
  • Uncover new opportunities

A non-profit business plan is also an essential document for securing funding. If you hope to get significant donations or grants, you must show donors or grantmakers your goals and objectives.

They want proof that your organization will achieve its goals, and there’s no better way to reassure them than with a clear, concise business plan.

Writing a business plan is easy if you take it step-by-step and use a template to create each section. As you write, keep your target audience in mind: How do you want them to respond to this business plan?

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary gives a general outline of your entire business plan. It gives the reader a clear idea of what to expect in the rest of the document. An executive summary also contains enough information so that someone who doesn’t have the time to read your entire business plan can get a sense of your organization, goals, and methods.

In your executive summary, cover what your non-profit does, the basic need you address, and why that need exists. Most importantly, explain how your organization plans to meet the demand. This first section of your business plan concisely tells your story. Your goal in crafting it should be to sum up the whole document while convincing the reader to keep reading.

As this section is a general summary of the rest of your business plan, it helps to write the executive summary last.

2. Management Team

The second section in your non-profit business plan covers your management team or organizational structure. Here, you explain who runs your organization and what their tasks are. You should also mention which type of non-profit you are (501(c)(3), fraternal beneficiary, horticultural, labor, etc.).

In addition to discussing your management team or board of directors, mention if your organization has employees, utilizes volunteers, or both.

If you have a facility dedicated to running your non-profit, here is the place to describe it. Noting your previous successes in this section may help convince donors to fund you.

If you are a new organization, use this section to describe your vision and how you’ll use practical methods to solve real problems.

3. Products and Services

In the products and services section, discuss your plans for achieving your goals. Describe, in detail, the needs of your community that your organization addresses.

Then, document how you will meet those needs. Do you create and offer products that improve lives? Do you run programs that provide needed services and support? Be explicit about what you do and how it helps people in need.

When describing your products and services, use numbers. For instance, if you run a food pantry, provide statistics about food insecurity in your area. Mention your daily capacity for distributing food based on your expected number of donations.

Also, include information about the people administering your products and services. Who works at your food pantry? Who organizes the donations and assigns volunteers?

This section should contain specific and concrete facts about your non-profit’s work, as these numbers will help convince donors and partners to fund or work with you.

4. Customers and Marketing

Your non-profit business plan should contain a marketing strategy. In the customers and marketing section, describe how you promote your efforts and be specific. Some common types of non-profit marketing channels include:

  • Printing and distributing promotional materials
  • Online marketing
  • Social media posts
  • Email newsletters
  • Maintaining and updating a website
  • Marketing partnerships
  • Fundraisers
  • Outreach events

If you’re a new non-profit and haven’t started marketing, mention your plan. State the scope of your marketing efforts, including your target demographics and whether your strategy is local, national, or international.

In addition to marketing methods, this section of your business plan should iterate your messaging.

What type of language will your campaigns focus on? Do you have critical slogans, logos, or other brand assets you plan to use? If not, how will you develop those assets? If you’ve done a marketing analysis, include it in this section.

5. SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT analysis is a critical part of any business plan, whether for-profit or non-profit. SWOT is a strategic framework that helps you identify your vital areas and room for improvement.

To find your strengths , ask what your organization does well. Which unique resources do you have that you can draw on? Also, evaluate what competitors or other organizations might see as your strengths.

To find your weaknesses , ask what your organization can improve upon. Which resources are you lacking? What might external stakeholders identify as your weaknesses?

To find opportunities , look at the trends in your field upon which you might capitalize. Opportunities usually come from outside your organization and require a forward-thinking mindset.

To find threats , think about what could harm your non-profit. What is your competition doing better than you are? Which external factors may hurt your operations?

6. Financials

Your non-profit cannot operate without funding. Your financial section covers how you plan to pay for everything you need. This section is essential because you can’t carry out your other activities without a solid funding source.

Mention your current financial status, including assets and liabilities. Also, include essential financial documents such as income statements, a cash flow sheet, and a balance sheet.

What else should go in your non-profit business plan’s financial section? Be sure to highlight:

  • Your fundraising plan
  • Grants you’ve received or a plan for applying for grants
  • Potential obstacles to gathering funding and proposed solutions
  • What you’ll do with surplus donations
  • Startup costs if you’re not established yet

You cannot give too much financial information, so always include anything you think might be relevant. Your potential partners and donors want a clear picture of your financial situation.

7. Operations

Explain how you plan to carry out your programs or provide your services in your operations section. Your products and services section is the “what,” and your operations section is the “how.”

Retake the food pantry example. You’ve already described what it is using numbers and statistical data; now, you explain how it runs.

Is it open every day, and for how long? Where and from whom will you collect food donations? Are there any goods you will not accept? Can you hold food drives with schools, churches, or other organizations? What rules will you have about distributing food for volunteers and the recipients?

As you develop your operations strategy, ask yourself, “How.” Keep asking until you have a clear, detailed plan that describes your work. Don’t forget to include a sub-section about your team, volunteers, or the people carrying out your operations.

Their strengths will also keep your non-profit running, so you should mention them in your business plan.

8. Appendix

The appendix of your non-profit business plan is where you attach additional documents that your readers may find helpful. Charts, data, or lists typically go in the appendix. Add any information that seems too lengthy or complex to read in the body of your business plan.

Some examples of appendix documents include:

  • List your board of directors
  • Status letter from the IRS
  • Balance sheets
  • Management flow chart
  • Budget for the current fiscal year
  • Market analysis

With an appendix, you don’t have to be as concerned about structure as you are with the body of the business plan. Think of it as a reference section for your readers.

A sample business plan already has the structure for you; you have to fill in each section with the relevant information.

Writing a non-profit business plan is simpler when you work from a template. Download our free PDF or Word template and fill it out independently.

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11 Best Non Profit Business Plan Examples + Template (2024)

Non Profit Business Plan

What Is Non Profit Organization?

The non-profit sector, also known as the nonprofit business sector or the third sector, consists of organizations that operate for purposes other than making a profit. These organizations focus on serving the public or specific communities by addressing social, cultural, educational, environmental, or humanitarian needs.

Non-profit organizations rely on donations, grants, fundraising, and government support to finance their operations and fulfill their mission. They encompass a wide range of entities, including charities, foundations, religious organizations, educational institutions, social service agencies, healthcare providers, environmental organizations, and arts and cultural organizations. Non-profit organizations play a vital role in advocating for social change, providing essential services, and improving the well-being of society.

In the United States, non-profit organizations often seek tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code . This designation allows them to receive tax-deductible donations and grants. Non-profit organizations are governed by a board of directors or trustees, ensuring adherence to legal and ethical standards. They are subject to specific regulations and reporting requirements to maintain transparency and accountability. Through the dedication of volunteers, support from donors and funders, and the commitment of staff members, the non-profit sector makes a significant impact by addressing societal issues and fostering positive change in communities.

Things to Consider When Starting a Non-Profit Business

  • Clearly define your non-profit’s mission and vision for guidance.
  • Research the non-profit sector to understand opportunities and challenges.
  • Identify your target audience to tailor programs and services.
  • Develop a strategic plan with clear goals and objectives.
  • Choose a suitable legal structure for your non-profit organization.
  • Establish a dedicated board of directors for guidance and governance.
  • Create a strong fundraising strategy to secure funds.
  • Build partnerships for collaboration and extra support.
  • Implement effective marketing and outreach plans to raise awareness.
  • Manage finances wisely for transparency and sustainability.
  • Recruit passionate individuals who share your mission.
  • Track and evaluate impact using measurable indicators.
  • Stay informed about legal and regulatory changes affecting non-profits.
  • Continuously learn and improve to meet evolving needs.
  • Nurture relationships with stakeholders for engagement and support.

Need a comprehensive guide on developing a non-profit business plan, check out our sample non-profit business plans .

Here are 11 best non profit business plan examples for your inspiration.

When it comes to creating a business plan for a non-profit organization, following a traditional business plan format can provide a solid framework. Here are 11 examples of non-profit business plans that adhere to the traditional structure:

Executive Summary

For instance, a non-profit focused on providing education to underprivileged children may have an executive summary that highlights the organization’s mission, the target population, and the key strategies for achieving educational goals.

Executive Summary: Samaritan’s Purse is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping communities worldwide that are affected by natural disasters and humanitarian crises. Our mission is to show God’s love in action by providing physical aid, spiritual support, and hope to those in need. We work quickly to respond to emergencies and provide immediate help like food, shelter, and medical assistance. Our caring team, made up of professionals and volunteers, is committed to helping communities recover and rebuild after a disaster. We believe in working together with local partners and using efficient strategies to make a lasting difference in the lives of those affected. Through our core values of compassion, integrity, and faith, Samaritan’s Purse strives to be a source of hope and support during difficult times.

Organizational Description

An example of an organizational description could be a non-profit that supports environmental conservation, providing details about its establishment, the board of directors, and the legal status as a registered non-profit organization.

Organizational Description: Samaritan’s Purse, established in 1970 by Franklin Graham, has evolved into a worldwide organization, supported by a dedicated team of staff and volunteers. As a registered non-profit, we prioritize transparency, accountability, and meaningful outcomes in everything we do. Our reach extends across the globe, enabling us to respond swiftly to emergencies and provide assistance to communities in need. With a strong commitment to making a positive impact, we uphold the highest standards of integrity and efficiency in our operations. By leveraging the combined efforts of our compassionate workforce and the support of our generous donors, we are able to deliver essential aid and long-term solutions to those affected by natural disasters and humanitarian crises. At Samaritan’s Purse, we remain resolute in our mission to provide practical support and spiritual comfort to individuals and communities facing hardship, fostering hope and promoting resilience in the face of adversity.

Mission Statement

A non-profit dedicated to empowering women in entrepreneurship may have a mission statement that states, “Our mission is to provide resources, training, and support to women entrepreneurs, enabling them to thrive and succeed in their business ventures.

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Mission Statement: Samaritan’s Purse is driven by a mission to extend spiritual and physical aid to individuals facing adversity worldwide. We diligently offer solace and care, imparting the Good News of Jesus Christ to bring hope during times of crisis. With a profound commitment to serving the hurting, we strive to alleviate suffering, restore dignity, and foster transformation. Our dedicated team passionately delivers practical support, comforting the afflicted, and embodying God’s love in action. Through compassionate engagement, we aim to be a beacon of hope, touching lives and communities with lasting impact. By combining spiritual nourishment with tangible assistance, Samaritan’s Purse seeks to inspire faith, uplift hearts, and empower individuals to embrace a brighter future. Together, we are united in our mission to demonstrate unwavering compassion, as we extend a helping hand and share the message of hope to those in need across the globe.

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Vision statement.

For instance, a non-profit focused on reducing homelessness might have a vision statement that envisions a future where every individual has access to safe and affordable housing, free from homelessness and its associated challenges.

Vision Statement: At Samaritan’s Purse, we have a profound vision of a world that undergoes a remarkable transformation, where suffering is alleviated, hearts discover profound healing, and lives experience enduring change. We envision this transformation being brought about through the unwavering power of God’s love, which we demonstrate through our dedicated actions. In this transformed world, we envisage pain and anguish being replaced by comfort and relief, broken hearts finding solace and restoration, and individuals experiencing profound personal growth and empowerment. Through our commitment to service and compassion, we aspire to be agents of positive change, bringing hope, love, and light to even the darkest corners of the world. We believe that God’s love knows no bounds and can permeate every aspect of society, ultimately leading to a world where justice, equality, and compassion prevail. With unwavering determination, we work towards this vision, striving to make a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve.

Market Analysis

An example of market analysis could involve a non-profit conducting research on the local community’s needs, analyzing existing social service organizations, and identifying gaps in services that they can fill.

Market Analysis: Samaritan’s Purse diligently conducts comprehensive research to assess the specific needs of communities that have been affected by disasters. We recognize the importance of collaborating closely with local partners and government agencies to gain a deep understanding of the challenges and vulnerabilities faced by these communities. Through this collaborative approach, we identify areas where our assistance can make the greatest impact, both in the immediate aftermath of the disaster and in the long term. By carefully analyzing the data and insights gathered, we ensure that our resources and interventions are tailored to address the specific needs and priorities of each community. This approach allows us to deliver effective and targeted assistance, maximizing the positive outcomes and sustainable impact of our programs. Through ongoing research and analysis, we remain adaptive and responsive to the ever-evolving needs of disaster-affected communities, continually refining our strategies to best serve those we seek to assist.

Programs and Services

A non-profit dedicated to animal welfare may outline programs and services such as animal adoption, spay/neuter initiatives, veterinary care, and community education on responsible pet ownership.

Programs and Services: Samaritan’s Purse is dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of programs and services to meet the diverse needs of communities. We understand that each community has unique challenges and requirements, and we strive to address them effectively. Our offerings include emergency medical care to provide immediate relief and save lives. We also focus on providing clean water and sanitation facilities, recognizing their vital role in promoting health and preventing the spread of diseases. Shelter and housing assistance are crucial components of our response, ensuring that individuals and families have a safe and secure place to rebuild their lives. We also provide livelihood support to help communities recover economically, offering training and resources for income-generating activities. Education and vocational training programs empower individuals to acquire valuable skills and knowledge for sustainable futures. Lastly, we provide spiritual counseling and discipleship, recognizing the significance of emotional and spiritual well-being in times of crisis. Through these varied programs and services, we aim to holistically address the needs of communities and contribute to their long-term recovery and development.

Marketing and Outreach Strategy

Marketing and Outreach Strategy: Samaritan’s Purse implements a comprehensive marketing and outreach strategy to raise awareness and foster engagement among supporters. We utilize various digital platforms, including websites, social media channels, and online campaigns, to effectively communicate our mission and share impactful stories of those we serve. Direct mail appeals are also employed to reach individuals who may prefer traditional forms of communication. Strategic partnerships with churches, organizations, and influential stakeholders help amplify our message and extend our reach to diverse audiences. Additionally, we leverage high-profile events to create opportunities for increased visibility and networking, enabling us to connect with potential supporters and collaborators. By employing a multi-faceted approach, we strive to maximize our impact, ensuring that our mission resonates with a broad audience and mobilizing the necessary resources to support our vital work. Through these marketing and outreach efforts, we seek to inspire compassion, build lasting relationships, and garner the support needed to bring hope and aid to those in need.

Operational Plan

A non-profit operating a community food bank may include details about the facility, the staff responsible for daily operations, and the systems in place to receive, store, and distribute food to those in need.

Operational Plan: Samaritan’s Purse operates through a well-established network of regional offices and field teams strategically positioned across the globe. Our dedicated staff members play a vital role in ensuring the efficient coordination of resources, logistics, and partnerships. By strategically locating our offices and teams, we can respond swiftly and effectively to crises and emergencies, reaching those in need promptly. Our operational plan focuses on streamlining processes and optimizing the use of resources, enabling us to deliver aid and support in a timely manner. We prioritize effective communication and collaboration among our teams, fostering a cohesive and coordinated approach to our operations. Through strong partnerships with local organizations, governments, and communities, we maximize our impact and ensure the delivery of aid reaches the most vulnerable populations. With a well-structured operational plan in place, we are able to navigate complex logistical challenges and deliver our services promptly, efficiently, and effectively.

Financial Plan

An example of a financial plan could involve a non-profit outlining its projected revenue sources, such as grants, donations, and fundraising events, as well as the anticipated expenses for program implementation, staffing, and administrative costs.

53 Best Non-Profit Business Ideas

Financial Plan:   The financial plan of Samaritan’s Purse focuses on ensuring the efficient and effective allocation of resources to support our mission of providing aid and assistance to those in need. Here are some key aspects of our financial plan:

Diverse Funding Sources: We rely on a range of funding sources to sustain our operations. In the previous fiscal year, our total funding amounted to $10 million. This included $6 million in individual and corporate donations, $2 million in grants from foundations and government agencies, $1 million from partnerships with organizations, and $1 million from fundraising events.

Strong Financial Stewardship: We prioritize responsible financial management and transparency. Our dedicated team ensures that funds are allocated effectively and transparently to maximize the impact of our programs. In the past year, 85% of our total expenses went directly towards program activities, with only 10% allocated to administrative costs and 5% to fundraising expenses.

Budgeting and Financial Planning: We develop comprehensive budgets and financial plans to guide our activities. For the upcoming year, we have projected a budget of $12 million, allowing us to expand our reach and enhance the impact of our programs. This includes allocating $8 million toward direct program expenses, $2 million for administrative costs, and $2 million for fundraising efforts.

Monitoring and Reporting: We implement robust monitoring and reporting systems to track the financial performance of our programs and projects. Monthly financial statements and quarterly reports are prepared, reviewed, and shared with our board, stakeholders, and donors to ensure accountability and transparency. We also conduct annual audits by independent auditing firms to maintain financial integrity.

Compliance and Legal Requirements: We comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to financial management, taxation, and reporting. We work closely with legal and financial professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest requirements and maintain compliance. This includes filing annual tax returns as a registered non-profit organization.

Risk Management: We identify potential financial risks and develop risk management strategies to mitigate them. This includes ensuring appropriate insurance coverage, maintaining strong internal controls, and conducting regular risk assessments. We allocate a contingency fund of 5% of our total budget to address unforeseen circumstances or emergencies.

Donor Stewardship: We prioritize building and maintaining strong relationships with our donors. We provide regular updates on our programs and their impact, express gratitude for their support, and ensure donor funds are used in accordance with their intentions. Last year, we achieved a donor retention rate of 85%, reflecting the trust and satisfaction of our supporters.

Here are some more business plan examples you can use as a starting point to plan your new business.

Evaluation and Measurement

A non-profit focused on youth development may establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of their programs, such as tracking the percentage of participants who graduate high school and pursue higher education.

Evaluation and Measurement:

Evaluation and measurement are crucial components of Samaritan’s Purse’s approach to ensuring the effectiveness and impact of our programs. We are committed to continuously assessing our work and making data-informed decisions. Here’s an overview of our evaluation and measurement practices:

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): We establish specific KPIs for each program to track progress and measure outcomes. For example, in our clean water and sanitation program, our KPIs include providing access to clean water for 10,000 people and constructing 500 latrines in underserved communities.

Monitoring Systems: We implement rigorous monitoring systems to collect data throughout the duration of our programs. For instance, in our health program, we conduct monthly health screenings and track the number of patients treated for various illnesses. Last year, we conducted 500 health screenings and provided medical treatment to over 2,000 individuals.

Post-Project Assessments: Once a program is completed, we conduct comprehensive post-project assessments to evaluate its overall impact and sustainability. In our education program, we conducted a post-project assessment that showed a 30% increase in literacy rates among children who participated in our literacy classes.

Learning and Adaptation: Insights and lessons learned from our evaluations inform the design and implementation of future programs. For example, based on feedback from beneficiaries and partners, we adapted our livelihood support program by introducing vocational training in high-demand sectors. As a result, we saw a 50% increase in income generation for program participants.

Beneficiary Feedback: We actively seek feedback from the communities we serve. In our recent survey, 90% of respondents reported improved access to basic healthcare services as a result of our medical outreach program.

Collaboration and Research: We collaborate with research institutions to conduct studies that contribute to the knowledge and understanding of effective humanitarian practices. In partnership with a local university, we conducted a study on the long-term impact of our housing assistance program, which showed a 40% decrease in homelessness among program participants after one year.

Transparency and Reporting: We regularly communicate our evaluation findings, outcomes, and impact to our donors, supporters, and stakeholders. Last year, our annual report highlighted that 95% of funds were allocated directly to program activities, demonstrating our commitment to financial stewardship.

Risk Management

An example of risk management could involve a non-profit identifying potential risks, such as changes in government regulations or funding cuts, and developing contingency plans to mitigate those risks, ensuring the organization’s sustainability.

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Risk Management: Risk management involves careful analysis and preparation to mitigate potential risks. While it primarily focuses on qualitative assessments, there are instances where quantitative calculations are relevant. Here are some examples:

Risk Probability Assessment: We assign probabilities to various risks based on historical data or expert opinions. For instance, if we determine there is a 30% chance of a security threat in a specific region, we factor that into our risk assessment.

Risk Impact Evaluation: We quantify the potential impact of identified risks. For example, if we assess that a regulatory change may lead to a 20% reduction in funding for a particular program, we can calculate the financial implications.

Cost-Benefit Analysis: In evaluating risk mitigation measures, we conduct cost-benefit analyses. This involves comparing the expected costs of implementing preventive measures against the potential losses from the identified risks. By quantifying these factors, we make informed decisions about risk mitigation strategies.

Insurance Coverage: We calculate the insurance coverage required for different types of risks. For example, we determine the value of property and assets at risk in a specific location and secure insurance coverage accordingly.

Financial Reserves: We allocate financial reserves to mitigate potential risks. By estimating the potential financial impact of various risks, we calculate the appropriate level of reserves needed to address unforeseen events.

Non Profit Business Plan Faq's

A non-profit organization, also known as a nonprofit or not-for-profit organization, is an entity that operates for a specific purpose or mission other than making a profit. Its primary goal is to serve the public or a particular cause.

The main difference is the purpose and distribution of funds. Non-profits reinvest their surplus back into the organization to further their mission, while for-profit organizations distribute profits to their owners or shareholders.

The purpose of a non-profit organization is to address a specific societal or community need. It can be focused on various areas such as education, healthcare, environment, social services, or arts and culture.

Non-profits rely on various sources of funding, including donations from individuals, grants from foundations or government agencies, corporate sponsorships, fundraising events, and revenue from services or programs they provide.

In many countries, donations to registered non-profit organizations are tax-deductible for the donors. However, tax laws may vary, so it’s important to consult local regulations or seek professional advice.

Non-profit organizations are typically governed by a board of directors or trustees. The board provides oversight, sets strategic direction, and ensures the organization’s compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Starting a non-profit involves several steps, including defining your mission, drafting bylaws, incorporating the organization, applying for tax-exempt status, and establishing governance and financial management structures. Consulting with legal and accounting professionals is recommended.

Board members of non-profit organizations have various responsibilities, including strategic planning, financial oversight, fundraising, hiring and evaluating the executive director, ensuring legal compliance, and representing the organization in the community.

Non-profit organizations use various metrics and evaluation methods to measure their impact. This can include tracking the number of beneficiaries served, outcomes achieved, changes in the community, and feedback from stakeholders. Evaluations help assess the effectiveness and adjust strategies as needed.

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How to build a strategic plan for your nonprofit (with template)

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Every organization needs a strategic plan—even if you’re a nonprofit. A strategic plan helps you define who you are, what you want to achieve, and how you’ll get there. Use our template to walk through the three steps of creating a strategic plan: Assessing your situation, developing your strategy and building your plan.

If you’re not quite sure where to start and how a strategic plan will help your nonprofit grow, this article is for you. Learn what a strategic plan for nonprofit organizations should entail, how to write one, and check out our template for further inspiration.

What is a nonprofit strategic plan?

A nonprofit strategic plan is a tool that helps you define where your nonprofit organization wants to go and what actions you will take to achieve your goals.

At its core, the process for nonprofits doesn’t differ too much from the strategic planning process other organizations and industries embark on. Regardless of your form of work, you need a strategic plan to define where your organization wants to go and what actions you need to take in order to get there.

This plan should be updated every three to five years to ensure your organization continues challenging itself and growing.

[inline illustration] what is a strategic plan (infographic)

Before you can create an action plan or a roadmap for your nonprofit that drives results, you need to walk through the following three steps of strategic planning:

Step 1: Assess your current situation

Step 2: Develop your strategy

Step 3: build your strategic plan.

Once you’ve built your strategic plan, you can set KPIs and schedule the milestones your organization needs to hit in order to be successful.

Whether you’re creating a strategic plan for the first time or updating your existing one, it’s important that you consult and involve the right people in this process. Create a strategic planning team that consists of senior executives, board members, and key team members who can contribute to the long-term success of your nonprofit.

We’ll walk you through the steps your strategic planning team will take on this journey and provide a template that you can use to assist your team during this process. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Assess your situation

Before you can figure out where you want to go, you need to assess where you are right now. Gather all the information you can about your nonprofit so your strategic planning team has a clear understanding of who you are and where you’re at.

Demographics: While some of these questions may seem trivial, it’s a good idea to start with questions that are easy to answer and align your strategic planning team.

How big is your organization?

Where are you located?

What is your annual net asset?

How many people do you employ?

What is your target demographic?

Success and goals: Before you dive into the details, it’s good practice to give yourself credit for the things you’ve accomplished in the past. First of all, this will give you better clarity on your strengths and opportunities (which you’ll analyze in more depth later). But this also puts your strategic planning team in a positive and optimistic mood which will make the process much easier and more enjoyable.

What were your biggest accomplishments so far?

Do you have any goals set for the future?

How thought-out are these goals, and do they meet SMART goal criteria ?

Capital: As a nonprofit, money may not be your main driver. However, in order to make an impact, you need capital. So ask yourself where you’re currently getting your revenue.

Does the government fund you?

How successful has fundraising been in the past?

Who are your donors or sponsors?

What other revenue streams do you have?

Are there any revenue sources you haven’t considered yet?

What does your grant management process typically look like?

Stakeholders: A stakeholder analysis is key in strategic planning. Your internal and external stakeholders are the people who can impact the success of your organization, so you need to know who they are and what their roles are. 

Internal stakeholders are team members who are directly impacted by the strategic plan and likely the ones who are already on your strategic planning team. External stakeholders are usually agencies, clients, or other parties who are involved financially or contribute otherwise to the performance of your organization.

Who are our top stakeholders (internal and external)?

Why do they believe in our nonprofit?

What do we need from them (e.g., labor, capital, marketing, etc.)?

Why do we believe and trust in these stakeholders?

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats: Finally, you’ll want to conduct a SWOT analysis to find out  your internal strengths and weaknesses and how external threats and opportunities can influence your nonprofit’s success. 

What makes us stand out from other nonprofits in the industry?

What past events have impacted our success and why?

Are there any weaknesses that have prevented us from reaching our full potential in the past?

Once you’ve completed your SWOT analysis, you’re ready for the next step: developing your nonprofit’s strategy.

In this phase of the strategic planning process, you’ll take the information you’ve gathered in step one and put your heads together to define who you want to be as an organization—more precisely, you’ll define your values, mission, and vision statements .

[inline illustration] Mission, vision, and values definition (infographic)

Mission and vision statement

You’ll want to start out with your mission and vision statements. If you already have these statements in place, review and consider updating them to match your new strategy.

It’s not always easy to come up with vision and mission statements for your nonprofit organization. That’s why it can be helpful to check out how others have put their dreams into writing. Take a look at three examples of how nonprofit organizations define their vision and mission:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s mission and vision statements are very closely intertwined. The organization’s mission is to “Create a world where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy, productive life.” Their vision is to help all people lead a healthy and productive life.

The American Red Cross

The mission statement of the American Red Cross is to prevent and alleviate “Human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.​”

Their vision statement reads as follows: “The American Red Cross, through its strong network of volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in times of need. We aspire to turn compassion into action.”

The Research Foundation for The State University of New York

The Research Foundation of SUNY’s mission is to provide “Talent, services, and technology that empower SUNY to research, innovate, and transfer discoveries that transform the world’s knowledge economy.”

Their vision is to “Make it the best place for faculty, students and staff to research, innovate, and solve the world’s most pressing problems.”

Company values

Next, you’ll want to define your nonprofit’s core values . Try to define anywhere between five to 10 values that describe your organization and align with your mission and vision.

Here are some examples of values that could describe your nonprofit:





Assessing where you’re at and defining who you are are two crucial steps in the strategic planning process. They build the foundation for your strategic plan that you’re ready to create now that you’ve put in the groundwork.

The heart of your strategic plan consists of your strategic priorities and goals for the future. They will inspire your implementation plan and ultimately define how effective and successful your new strategy will be. 

You should pick at least three main strategic priorities based on what you’ve learned from your SWOT analysis. For example, if your SWOT analysis showed that you only have a couple of revenue sources, you could make “diversifying revenue streams” a strategic priority. 

Your strategic priorities don’t have to be super built out—that’s what happens in the next and final step of your strategic plan.

Step 4: Create SMART goals

Creating SMART objectives is crucial so you can successfully put your new strategy into action.

Your SMART goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. For example, to diversify your revenue streams, your SMART goal could be:

“Over the next three years, we plan to add at least seven new revenue streams to our repertoire by applying to one new government fund per quarter, hosting monthly fundraisers on social media (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter), and bi-annual in-person charity events.”

Nonprofit strategic plan template and example

Use our template to build a strategic plan for your nonprofit that drives results. Don’t forget to include stakeholders, your board of directors, and key staff members in your strategic planning process—their insight and ideas will shape the future of your company.

Here is what your nonprofit strategic plan can look like once you start working on it:

[inline illustration] nonprofit strategic plan template (example)

You can download the template using the button below and modify it to your organization’s needs.

Put your plan into action

After you’ve built your strategic plan, there’s just one step left: put it into action. Implementing your strategic plan is both rewarding and scary. All the hard work you put into building a strategy for your nonprofit is about to come to fruition.

With the support of Asana’s goal-setting software, you can turn your strategic plan into actionable steps so you can easily track, manage, and share your strategic initiatives with shareholders and teammates.

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Sample NGO Business Plan

Ngo business plan sample.

Are you interested in starting an education or youth NGO? By the way, an NGO stands for a Non Governmental Organization.

Do you plan on writing your NGO business plan yet possess little or no knowledge on how to go about it?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you are at the right place as this article seeks to provide you with necessary tips through the unveiling of a sample NGO strategic business plan that will provide guidance.


For the person with interest in writing an NGO business plan , all you have to do is follow this sample carefully, while brainstorming on the realities faced by your business. It will sure be worth your time, especially if you dedicate enough time into writing one for your business.

Here is a sample business plan for starting an NGO business.

We will write the business plan under the following headlines;

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Products and Services

Vision Statement

Mission Statement

Target Market

Source of Revenue

Publicity and Advert Strategies

Giving Hope is an NGO business located in New Orleans which would be involved in the provision of humanitarian services to inner city teenagers, especially those most vulnerable to abuses, drugs and violence (mostly gun related).

By the nature of our operations, we are a nongovernmental body seeking to effectively contribute to the progress of society. There are challenges and associated risks which will definitely be encountered. To ensure that these risks are considerably reduced, we will be forming a partnership with law enforcement to enable us reach our targets.

Many of our targets are victims of rape, alcohol and drug abuse, prostitution and several other types of problems and vices. We have discovered that to have a saner society, the problems should be tackled from the source. To do this effectively, we are not only going to rescue these youths, but will also be involved in sensitizing parents and all other members of society about their roles as a way of mitigating unwanted situations in America’s inner cities and suburbs.

As the name suggests, our services are basically that of giving hope to the down-trodden and to those who have lost of hope and are at risk of committing suicide. These services will be driven and handled by competent hands which include counsellors, social workers, people who have been there themselves (to serve as motivation to others that they can get a better life).

We have also entered into partnerships with businesses operating within New Orleans to provide jobs for rehabilitated youths, as a way of teaching them to take responsibility.

Our vision is to make society a better place. We are driven by a passion of service to humanity and plan on spreading our operations to cover other cities beyond New Orleans to offer succour to those in need of it. Starting from New Orleans, we are determined to make the streets a lot safer through enlightening and rehabilitating youths with troubled backgrounds.

Our mission is simply that of reaching as many as possible through the process of expansion of our operations to all the Cities within the United States.

We have set a time frame for achieving this target, and we have a firm belief that in within 8 years from the time of commencement of business operations, we would be able to achieve our objective.

Although a non-profit organization, we will be raising funding for our activities through soliciting for well-meaning donors as well as establishing small scale business ventures where rehabilitated youths and teenagers will be trained in several skills and taught the basics of taking responsibility as they owe a responsibility to themselves and to society.

Our target will basically consist of the young, mostly persons ranging from 10 to 25 years.

We are embarking on a strong revenue drive aimed at enabling us generate the required funding to remain operational. A capital funding of $120,000 has been kept aside for this purpose by the found of Giving Hope, Susan Price.

The rest of the funding will be sourced by soliciting for donations from businesses within the neighbourhood, as well as donor groups.

We require a lot of publicity and advertisement in order to spread word about our services. This is a requirement to attract funding for Giving Hope.

Therefore, we are adopting far-reaching and effective advert strategies aimed at attracting these donors and also as a way of spreading word about the services we offer. We will do this as a way of attracting willing targets, and also as a way of encouraging the society to support our efforts by coming out to lend a hand.

We will use all advert and publicity tools in helping us reach a wide audience. This is in addition to building a website for our NGO.

Through the use of the internet via the website and social media, we believe that the right publicity will be achieved. We are will not restrict our publicity and advert to the internet alone, as we would also place paid adverts in both print and electronic media among several other strategies.

This sample NGO business plan  has provided some of the most basic requirements a business plan document should contain. While using this as a reference, difficulties normally faced when writing your own NGO business plan will be greatly reduced.

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Promoting the importance of learning from an early age is vital. But not every teacher, school or student have the support they need to grow. If you have a passion to advocate for educational services and want to go a step further, starting a nonprofit may be a natural next step. To get everything in order, download a business plan from our library of growth and education nonprofit sample plans today.

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    Any articles, templates, or information provided by Smartsheet on the website are for reference only. While we strive to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the website or ...

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    BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE DISCLAIMER Any articles, templates, or information provided by Smartsheet on the website are for reference only. While we strive to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accura cy, reliability,

  22. Sample NGO Business Plan

    This sample NGO business plan has provided some of the most basic requirements a business plan document should contain. While using this as a reference, difficulties normally faced when writing your own NGO business plan will be greatly reduced. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.

  23. Growth & Education Nonprofit Business Plan Examples

    Youth Sports Nonprofit Business Plan. YouthSports will be a nonprofit youth sports program promoting youth sports participation, healthy growth and increased health care access for children. Promoting the importance of learning from an early age is vital. But not every teacher, school or student have the support they need to grow.