
Essay on Drinking Water

Students are often asked to write an essay on Drinking Water in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Drinking Water

Importance of drinking water.

Water is life’s essential ingredient. Our bodies are about 60% water. Drinking water keeps us hydrated, which is vital for our bodily functions.

Benefits of Drinking Water

Drinking water aids in digestion, nutrient absorption, and maintains body temperature. It also helps in flushing out toxins and keeps our skin healthy.

How Much Water to Drink?

Experts suggest drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily. However, this can vary based on physical activity and climate.

Drinking water is crucial for our health. So, let’s make a habit of consuming enough every day.

Also check:

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Drinking Water

250 Words Essay on Drinking Water

The importance of drinking water.

Water is a fundamental element of life. Covering about 70% of the Earth’s surface, it’s also the primary component of the human body. However, the importance of drinking water extends beyond mere existence. It plays a vital role in our physical and mental health, and even in societal development.

Physiological Benefits

Water is the medium of all metabolic processes in the body. It aids in digestion, nutrient absorption, and waste elimination. It regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, and maintains skin health. Dehydration, on the other hand, can lead to fatigue, headaches, and impaired cognitive function.

Mental Health Implications

The brain is approximately 75% water. Hence, adequate hydration is necessary for optimal brain function. Studies suggest that even mild dehydration can affect mood, concentration, and memory. Furthermore, it can exacerbate symptoms of certain mental disorders.

Societal Relevance

Access to clean drinking water is a global concern. It’s not just about health, but also about social equality and economic growth. Water scarcity can lead to conflicts and migration, while waterborne diseases can cripple communities.

In essence, drinking water is not just a basic need, but a cornerstone of human health and societal progress. As we delve deeper into the intricacies of our bodies and societies, the importance of this clear, tasteless liquid becomes even more apparent. We must therefore strive for its conservation and equitable distribution, recognizing it as a critical component of our collective wellbeing.

500 Words Essay on Drinking Water


Water is the essence of life, a fundamental element for all living organisms on Earth. The significance of drinking water cannot be overstated. It is a critical component of our diet, directly linked to our health and wellbeing. This essay will delve into the importance of drinking water, its health benefits, the challenges of water scarcity, and the need for sustainable management of this vital resource.

Water makes up about 60% of the human body, highlighting its role in maintaining bodily functions. It aids in digestion, nutrient absorption, and waste elimination. It also helps regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, and protect sensitive tissues. Dehydration, or the lack of adequate water in the body, can lead to serious health issues such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and even cognitive impairment.

Health Benefits of Drinking Water

Drinking sufficient water has numerous health benefits. It boosts skin health and beauty, flushing out toxins and promoting a clear complexion. It aids in weight loss by enhancing metabolism and suppressing appetite. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in maintaining cardiovascular health by facilitating the flow of oxygen and nutrients in the blood.

Challenges of Water Scarcity

Despite the critical role of water, it is a scarce resource for many. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 2.2 billion people worldwide lack access to safely managed drinking water services. Water scarcity can lead to a range of health issues, including malnutrition and waterborne diseases. It also exacerbates socio-economic disparities, as the poor and marginalized are often the most affected by water scarcity.

Sustainable Water Management

Given the importance and scarcity of water, sustainable water management is imperative. It involves the efficient use of water resources, reducing waste, and promoting conservation. For instance, rainwater harvesting and wastewater treatment can provide alternative sources of water. Additionally, awareness campaigns can educate the public about the importance of water conservation and the dire consequences of wastage.

In conclusion, drinking water is a fundamental human need and a critical component of our health and wellbeing. However, water scarcity is a pressing issue that threatens our ability to meet this basic need. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize sustainable water management, promoting water conservation, and ensuring equitable access to clean, safe drinking water for all. By doing so, we can safeguard our health and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Essay on Challenges of Clean Water and Their Solutions
  • Essay on Bottled Water

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Why Is Water So Important? Here’s What You Need to Know

How water works in your body, how much water do you need, how to stay hydrated.

Water is a major component of your body, accounting for 50–60% of your total weight. It is vital for many important body functions, from flushing out waste to lubricating your joints.

Your body constantly loses water throughout the day through urinating, sweating, and breathing. You should consume enough water from foods and beverages daily to prevent dehydration .

This article covers research-backed reasons why your body needs water and how much you need each day.

Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

All body cells, organs, and tissues require water to function. Generally, a person can only survive without water for a few days.  

It Maintains a Normal Body Temperature

Water regulates our internal temperature by distributing heat throughout the body and cooling it through perspiration (sweat).

When the body becomes too hot, it loses water through sweat . The evaporation of sweat from the skin cools the body, keeping its temperature within a normal range.

If a person becomes dehydrated, they can't produce enough sweat to cool their body. This can cause the body's temperature to reach dangerous levels, leading to heat stroke .

Avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of water if you're working outside or sweating more than usual.

It Protects Your Joints, Spinal Cord, and Other Tissues

Water acts as a lubricant in the mouth (through saliva ) and the eyes (through tears) to help prevent dryness. It's necessary to produce synovial fluid , which lubricates, cushions, and protects the joints.

Water also helps protect the spinal cord and prevents injuries by increasing tissue flexibility and elasticity.

It Transports Nutrients and Gets Rid of Waste

As a major component of blood, water helps transport nutrients and oxygen to cells throughout the body. Water also helps carry waste from the body for excretion through perspiration, urination, and bowel movements.

The kidneys need water to effectively filter waste from the blood and flush it from the body as urine. Staying adequately hydrated helps prevent kidney stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs) , which can harm the kidneys.

Prevents Dehydration

Drinking water daily can help prevent dehydration, a condition that occurs when you lose more fluids than you absorb.

Early signs of dehydration include:

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Urinating less than usual

Because water is involved in so many body functions, dehydration can eventually cause life-threatening symptoms, including:

  • Rapid breathing
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Inability to urinate

People who exercise in the heat, work outdoors, or have certain health conditions that cause them to urinate or sweat more than usual are at a greater risk of dehydration.

It Aids Digestion

Your saliva is primarily made up of water. Saliva is a digestive juice that moistens food, allowing it to move easily through the esophagus into your stomach. Saliva also contains enzymes that help break down starches in food.

As the digestive process continues, water helps break down food, allowing your body to absorb nutrients. Water also makes bowel movements easier.

It Protects Against Chronic Illness and Boosts Longevity

Adequate hydration is linked to healthy aging and longevity. One potential reason for this is that decreased water intake can lead to higher sodium concentrations in the blood, which raises the risk of chronic disease.

Studies suggest that adults who stay hydrated are healthier and less likely to develop chronic diseases, including heart and lung disease . Well-hydrated adults also seem to live longer than adults who don't consume enough fluids.

It Improves Mood and Cognitive Function

Dehydration may cause fatigue and confusion and may be linked to symptoms of anger and depression. In a small study, it was linked to poor cognitive function, potentially affecting attention span and working memory.

One study of young adults looked at the effects of water on cognitive performance and mood after 12 hours of water restriction. Researchers found that 200 milliliters of water improved thirst, anger, fatigue, and overall mood. However, 500 milliliters was optimal, improving mood and cognitive performance.

The amount of water you need depends on several factors, including age, sex, activity level, and health status.

For healthy individuals, the adequate daily water intake is around 11.5 cups for women and about 15.5 cups for men. This includes fluids consumed from all foods and beverages.

Experts estimate that most people get around 20% of their daily water intake from food. This means women should drink about 9 cups of fluid daily, while men should aim for 13 cups to maintain adequate hydration.

People who live in warmer climates, are more physically active, or are experiencing an illness that causes fever and/or diarrhea or vomiting have increased fluid needs.

One easy way to see if you are properly hydrated is to check the color of your urine. If you are drinking enough water, your urine will be pale yellow. If it is dark, you may need to increase your consumption.

Individuals with heart failure or kidney disease may need to limit their fluid intake.

Can You Drink Too Much Water?

Drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication or overhydration, which occurs when the kidneys cannot flush out excess water. This can cause a medical emergency due to decreased sodium concentrations in the blood ( hyponatremia ). To avoid water intoxication, do not drink more than 48 ounces, or six cups, per hour.

If you find it challenging to stay hydrated, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep a reusable water bottle with you and refill it throughout the day
  • Choose water or sparkling water instead of sugary beverages
  • When you feel thirsty, drink water
  • Change things up by squeezing fresh lemon or lime into your water or adding a few berries or cucumber slices
  • Snack on water-rich fruits and vegetables , including watermelon, cantaloupe, lettuce, and celery, throughout the day
  • Keep track of your water intake by using a water tracker app
  • Drink water with all meals

Water is vital for your health. It is necessary for temperature regulation, digestion, nutrient absorption, and body waste removal. Drinking water daily can prevent dehydration, a condition that can cause mood and memory problems, constipation, and kidney stones.

People who work in high temperatures, exercise at high intensities, or are sick are at a greater risk of dehydration. Talk to a healthcare provider or registered dietitian to determine the right amount of water for you.

Zhou HL, Wei MH, Cui Y, et al. Association between water intake and mortality risk-evidence from a national prospective study .  Front Nutr . 2022;9:822119. doi:10.3389/fnut.2022.822119

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. How much water do you need?

MaineDOT. The importance of hydration .

Johns Hopkins Medicine. Dehydration and heat stroke .

Lorenzo I, Serra-Prat M, Yébenes JC. The role of water homeostasis in muscle function and frailty: a review .  Nutrients . 2019;11(8):1857. doi:10.3390/nu11081857

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Water and healthier drinks .

National Kidney Foundation. 6 tips to be "water wise" for healthy kidneys .

MedlinePlus. Dehydration .

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Your digestive system & how it works .

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Eating, diet, & nutrition for constipation .

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Good hydration linked to healthy aging .

Zhang J, Zhang N, He H, et al. Different amounts of water supplementation improved cognitive performance and mood among young adults after 12 h water restriction in Baoding, China: a randomized controlled trial (RCT) .  Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2020;17(21):7792. doi:10.3390/ijerph17217792

National Kidney Foundation. The dos and don'ts of fluid management for kidney disease .

MedlinePlus. Heart failure .

Joo MA, Kim EY. Hyponatremia caused by excessive intake of water as a form of child abuse .  Ann Pediatr Endocrinol Metab . 2013;18(2):95-98. doi:10.6065/apem.2013.18.2.95

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Heat stress: hydration .

By Lindsey DeSoto, RD, LD Desoto is a registered dietitian specializing in nutrition and health and wellness content.

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  • Importance of water


An English Essay on the Importance of Water for the Students

Without water there cannot be life on our planet, that is to say on earth. Because every living organism needs water, and therefore having a good understanding and care for the water is a must for all of us. Hence, students should write an essay discussing the importance of water in the English language.

Writing an essay on such a topic opens a series of good ideas in the mind of the students regarding the role that water plays in our lives, and it can also make the students aware of the importance of water.

Also, if you wish to write an English essay on the topic My aim in life you may find this link helpful My Aim in Life Essay in English for Students | Easy Essay on My Aim in Life (vedantu.com)

Advantages of Writing an Essay on the Importance of Water.

Writing an essay on any topic helps the students be good writers, and the same goes for the topic of, Importance of water, but there are quite a few more advantages to writing the essay.

One of the most important things for everyone is to express oneself, and the practice of doing so must be given to the child from a very young age. And writing an essay helps the students in this very important thing.

For writing a good essay on any topic, the students must have a good understanding of the subject of the essay. And hence, writing an essay on the Importance of water, helps the students in learning about the value of water, not just our lives, which is to say humans, but the life of the whole planet.

In his famous play Hamlet Shakespeare writes, Brevity is the soul of wit, meaning being short or concise is very important in speech, or shortness of words is the essence of intelligence. The same rule applies in writing the essay, and doing as clear an understanding of the topic at hand is required as possible. And hence composing an essay on the importance of water helps the students understand the same.

One of the most important gifts that humans are blessed with is the gift of language, and this gift has to be used effectively. Writing an essay helps the students in learning the methods of using the language in such a manner that it makes everything clear to the reader. A good essay does not only touch the heart of the readers but it opens the mind of the reader, it can move them, that is to say, if a good essay is written on the importance of water it can make the readers aware about the same, and not just aware but also careful about using the water.

Water means Life. Water is a prime natural resource. It is a basic need for humans and a precious asset that living beings have. Water is equally vital for the survival of the plant and animal kingdoms. Soil needs water for sustaining plants. The water cycle is essential for ecological balance too. Though a big portion of the Earth is covered with water, only a small portion of it can be used for various human activities. So we need to be judicious and rational, regarding the usage of water.

Why is water important for our bodies?

Water is important for our body for the following reasons. 

 Above 70% of our body contains water so it is pivotal for the human race to survive. 

Water helps in regulating our body temperature. 

 Water helps in the digestion of solid food. 

It also keeps our skin healthy and hydrated. 

Water helps in excreting waste from our body through sweat, urination, and defecation. So replenishing the water in our body is essential to prevent dehydration.

Drinking water also helps in reducing calories and maintaining body weight because it can increase the rate of metabolism.

Water consumption lubricates the joints, spinal cord, and tissues.

Importance of Water

All living organisms, plants, animals, and human beings contain water. Almost 70% of our body is made up of water. Our body gets water from the liquids we drink and the food we eat. Nobody can survive without water for more than a week. All plants will die if they do not get water. This would lead to the death of all the animals that depend on plants for their food. So the existence of life would come to an end.

Role of Water In Life Processes

Water plays an important role in most of the life processes by acting as a solvent. The absorption of food in our body takes place in solution form with water as the solvent. Also, many waste products are excreted in the form of solutions through urine and perspiration. 

Water helps in regulating our body temperature. In hot weather, we drink a lot of water. This maintains our body temperature. Also, water evaporates from the surface of our body as sweat. This takes away heat and cools the body. 

Water is essential for plants to grow. Plants need water to prepare food. They also absorb dissolved nutrients from the soil through their roots. 

Aquatic plants and animals use the nutrients and oxygen dissolved in water for their survival. 

Uses of Water In Everyday Life

Water is used for drinking, washing, cooking, bathing, cleaning, in our day-to-day life.

It is used to generate electricity in hydroelectric power stations.

Water is used for irrigating fields and in the manufacture of various products. 

Other Uses of Water

Water serves as a means of transportation for goods and people.

It provides a medium for recreational sports such as swimming, boating, and water skiing. 

Water is also used to extinguish fires. 

Importance of Oceans

Oceans are of immense use to man. They are useful in many ways, directly and indirectly. They not only play a significant role in the climate of adjoining countries but also serve mankind in many ways. They are a storehouse of several resources. 

An ocean is a major source of water and forms a major part of the water cycle. Oceans contribute water vapor to the atmosphere and we get the same in the form of precipitation.

The oceans are the biggest storehouse of edible forms of marine food, fish being most important. In addition to food, sea animals provide other products like oil, glue, etc.

Oceans have enormous mineral and chemical wealth. A variety of dissolved salts like sodium chloride (common salt), magnesium chloride, and potassium chloride are found in plenty in the oceans.

Oil and gas are important fuels obtained from oceans.

Importance of Lakes and Rivers

Economic and industrial development

Water storage

Hydroelectric power generation

Agricultural purposes

Modern multipurpose dams

Source of food

Source of minerals

Tourist attractions and health resorts

Rivers provide fresh drinking water

Ports can be built on them as they form good natural harbors 

Major Concerns

Although our planet Earth is covered with 71% percent of water and 29% of the land, the fast-growing contamination of water is affecting both humans as well as marine life. The unequal distribution of water on the Earth and its increasing demand due to the increasing population is becoming a concern for all. 

Water pollution makes it difficult for marine animals to sustain themselves.

Covering over 71% of Earth’s surface, water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without the seemingly invaluable compound comprising Hydrogen and Oxygen, life on Earth would be non-existent. 

We are slowly but harming our planet at a very alarming rate.

Characteristics of a Good Essay.

It must be brief: As pointed out earlier, a good essay must be short, and also to the point. So, if students are writing an essay on the importance of water it must only deal with the water, and anything which does not directly serve the purpose must be excluded.

Must cover the whole topic: Though it may seem a little contradicting to the first point, what is meant by covering the whole topic is that the maximum number of aspects dealing with the importance of water must be covered in this essay. For instance, water is important for all living organisms and not just humans, and so the same has to be covered in one or the other way in the essay on the importance of the water.

Must be to the point: The essay must remain true to the central idea of the topic, which is the importance of water in this case. Hence, almost all the sentences written in the essay must serve the main topic in one or another way. And also, writing should not be vague or ambiguous, or illogical.

Human beings should realize how important and precious water is. At the individual level, you can be more responsible and avoid wasting water so that our future generation can make the best use of this natural resource abundantly.


FAQs on Importance of water

1. Why is water important?

Water is important because it sustains all living organisms on Earth.

2. How is ocean water useful to Mankind?

Ocean water is useful to mankind in the following ways.

Oceans are a major source of water through the water cycle. 

Oceans have direct control over the climate.

Oceans are the biggest storehouse of marine food.

Oceans have enormous mineral and chemical wealth.

3. How is water important for our Body?

Water helps to carry nutrients and oxygen to each and every cell of our body. It helps in digestion. It keeps our skin healthy and hydrated. Water consumption lubricates the joints, spinal cord, and tissues.

4. What are the uses of water in our Daily Life?

Water is used for drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning, and irrigation of crops and manufacturing various products.

5. Why should I use the essay provided by Vedantu on the Importance of water?

The essay that Vedantu provides on the topic of the Importance of water is prepared by expert teachers, for the students of the English language. And hence this essay can be used by the students as an outline or an example of the essay on the Importance of water, it does not necessarily mean that the students have to copy it completely, but it serves the purpose of guiding the students in attempting the essay. Furthermore, the essay is completely free for download for all the students and also it is available in a PDF file format.

Why is water important?

We're often told that we need to drink more water, but exactly why is water important?

why is water important

Why do we need to drink water?

What happens if you don’t drink enough water, what effect does water have on the body, drinking enough water.

If you’ve been pondering the question ‘why is water important?’ rest assured, you’re not alone. While it probably won’t come as a surprise to hear that everyone needs to drink water to survive, most of us invest in one of the best water bottles and commit to guzzling down our daily water intake without really understanding what makes water so vital.

There are quite a few things that make water necessary to the human body, from cellular functions, to aiding digestion, and even improving concentration and exercise performance. You’ve probably even heard the recommendation to drink a certain amount of water every day (usually about 8 glasses or so), but where does that number come from? And what happens if you don’t drink enough?

This article will tackle everything and anything you would need to know about why water is important, including why we need to drink water, what happens when we don’t get enough and the effect water has on our body. Let’s dive in!

Knowing how to stay hydrated with water is super important. Why? Well, largely because the human body is about 60% water and because we are continuously losing water through urine, sweat and even just breathing, we need to ensure we’re replacing that fluid so that our cells, tissues and organs can all function optimally.

Water is a solvent, which means that other substances can dissolve in it, which allows for their transportation between cells in the body. Substances like glucose (the body’s preferred fuel source) and amino acids (the building blocks of protein) dissolve very effectively in water, and use water as a carrier for them throughout the body. 

woman drinking from her water bottle

Water also carries vitamins and minerals to and from the cells, and is vital in removing waste products from individual cells, as shown by research in the Biochemical Journal . Further, water consumption ensures appropriate blood volume, viscosity, and circulation, which is vital for the proper function of all organs and tissues of the body, according to a paper in Nutrition Reviews .

Water is also vitally important for regulating body temperature. It has a great capacity to store heat, preventing large, rapid drops in internal temperature, and through sweating, water has arguably the most efficient avenue to lose heat when environmental temperature is higher than body temperature, as per an article in Military Medicine .

Finally, water is essential to form many bodily fluids: tears, saliva, sweat, urine, and blood, amongst others. Water is also a highly effective lubricant for joints helping to produce synovial fluid and cartilage, which help keep joints healthy through smooth movements. Water also helps with joint health by maintaining cells’ shapes, acting as a shock absorber during impacting activities like walking or running, which even protects the brain and spinal cord, according to a review article in Nature . 

Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration very quickly, and it’s more common than we think. According to a 2020 paper in StatPearls , between 28% and 75% of adults in the US are dehydrated at any given moment. This is

attributed to a number of factors, notably overconsumption of caffeinated drinks like coffee and soft drinks, which a 2018 study in Nutrients lists as common replacements for water that act as a diuretic that cause the body to lose even more water. 

Even ‘mild’ dehydration (a loss of water corresponding to 1-2% of body weight) can lead to significant impairments in cognitive function, concentration, alertness, memory, physical performance, sport-specific skills, and physical endurance, according to research in Nutrition Reviews .

According to a study in the Journal of Applied Physiology , larger losses in water corresponding to 4% of body weight (which research still considers ‘mild’) can lead to poor cardiovascular function as blood plasma volume drops which causes an increase in heart rate and stroke volume (the amount of blood the heart perfuses per beat). Dehydration of this level can also cause decreases in skin blood flow and sweating, which leads to an increase in body temperature, which can complicate any heat-induced dehydration, as per another study from the Journal of Applied Physiology . 

As you may be able to tell, drinking water will have more or less the opposite effect to not drinking water, for all the reasons outlined earlier in the article. In an ideal world, we would all stay hydrated by drinking water regularly, and so we may never notice the effect that drinking water has because we’d never be dehydrated. However, we know that not to be the case. 

Given the host of cognitive problems that dehydration can have on the body, drinking water can often improve your ability to focus, concentrate, and retain information. A lot of people also ask the question ‘does drinking water help you to lose weight?’ and evidence suggests that it absolutely can. Not only that, it aids in digestion, due to its role in nutrient absorption, and creation of digestive fluids and enzymes like hydrochloric acid. Drinking water can also reduce joint pain or wear and tear, due to its role in joint cushioning and maintenance of synovial fluid and cartilage.

woman getting a glass of water from the tap

Clearly, drinking water is utterly vital for a whole host of reasons, and unfortunately, just drinking water when thirsty isn’t going to be enough. Thirst is only triggered when water losses correspond to 1-3% body weight, which is enough to lead to mental and physical impairments. Plus, the issue with only drinking when thirsty is that thirst can be quenched before proper hydration is achieved, according to Nature . 

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommend drinking 92 fluid ounces (11.5 cups) per day for women, and 124 fluid ounces (15.5 cups) of water per day for men. However, many factors can affect how much water someone needs to drink: warmer environments increase sweating and water loss, drinking caffeinated drinks leads to a diuretic affect, and when exercising, sweat and respiration-induced water losses can reach 65 fluid ounces per hour according to a paper in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition .

It’s important to adjust your water intake appropriately to get all of its benefits, and avoid the potential downfalls of dehydration. If you’re keen to find new and novel ways to increase your water intake, check out our guide to how to drink more water.

HÄUSSINGER, D. (1996). The role of cellular hydration in the regulation of cell function. Biochemical Journal, 313(3), 697–710. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8611144/

Jéquier, E., & Constant, F. (2009). Water as an essential nutrient: the physiological basis of hydration. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(2), 115–123. https://www.nature.com/articles/ejcn2009111

José, G. A., Mora-Rodríguez, R., Below, P. R., & Coyle, E. F. (1997). Dehydration markedly impairs cardiovascular function in hyperthermic endurance athletes during exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 82(4), 1229–1236. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9104860/

Montain, S. J., Latzka, W. A., & Sawka, M. N. (1999). Fluid Replacement Recommendations for Training in Hot Weather. Military Medicine, 164(7), 502–508. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10414066/

Murray, B. (2007). Hydration and Physical Performance. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 26(sup5), 542S-548S. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17921463/

Nishiyasu, T. S., Shi, X. G., Mack, G. W., & Nadel, E. R. (1991). Effect of hypovolemia on forearm vascular resistance control during exercise in the heat. Journal of Applied Physiology, 71(4), 1382–1386. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1757361/

Reyes, C., & Cornelis, M. (2018). Caffeine in the Diet: Country-Level Consumption and Guidelines. Nutrients, 10(11), 1772. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30445721/

Ritz, P., & Berrut, G. (2005). The Importance of Good Hydration for Day-to-Day Health. Nutrition Reviews, 63, S6–S13. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16028567/

Water: How much should you drink every day? (2020, October 14). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/water/art-20044256?reDate=14042022

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Will McAuley

Will McAuley is a London-based Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach who’s writing has appeared in Men’s Fitness and GQ magazine, covering exercise, nutrition and health. He has a Master’s degree in Strength & Conditioning from Middlesex University in London, is a published scientific author in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics from Trinity College Dublin. 

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Fifteen benefits of drinking water

Drinking water has numerous benefits. Water is crucial for many bodily functions, such as lubricating the joints, delivering oxygen throughout the body, preventing kidney damage, and more.

Around 60 percent of the body is made up of water, and around 71 percent of the planet’s surface is covered by water.

Perhaps it is the ubiquitous nature of water that means drinking enough each day is not at the top of many people’s lists of priorities.

Fast facts on drinking water

  • Adult humans are 60 percent water, and our blood is 90 percent water.
  • There is no universally agreed quantity of water that must be consumed daily.
  • Water is essential for the kidneys and other bodily functions.
  • When dehydrated, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and wrinkling.
  • Drinking water instead of soda can help with weight loss.

Benefits of drinking water

To function properly, all the cells and organs of the body need water.

Here are some reasons our body needs water:

1. It lubricates the joints

Cartilage, found in joints and the disks of the spine, contains around 80 percent water. Long-term dehydration can reduce the joints’ shock-absorbing ability, leading to joint pain.

2. It forms saliva and mucus

Saliva helps us digest our food and keeps the mouth, nose, and eyes moist. This prevents friction and damage. Drinking water also keeps the mouth clean. Consumed instead of sweetened beverages, it can also reduce tooth decay.

3. It delivers oxygen throughout the body

Blood is more than 90 percent water, and blood carries oxygen to different parts of the body.

4. It boosts skin health and beauty

With dehydration, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkling.

5. It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues

Dehydration can affect brain structure and function. It is also involved in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning.

6. It regulates body temperature

Water that is stored in the middle layers of the skin comes to the skin’s surface as sweat when the body heats up. As it evaporates, it cools the body. In sport.

Some scientists have suggested that when there is too little water in the body, heat storage increases and the individual is less able to tolerate heat strain.

Having a lot of water in the body may reduce physical strain if heat stress occurs during exercise. However, more research is needed into these effects.

7, The digestive system depends on it

The bowel needs water to work properly. Dehydration can lead to digestive problems, constipation , and an overly acidic stomach. This increases the risk of heartburn and stomach ulcers.

8. It flushes body waste

Water is needed in the processes of sweating and removal of urine and feces.

9. It helps maintain blood pressure

A lack of water can cause blood to become thicker, increasing blood pressure .

10. The airways need it

When dehydrated, airways are restricted by the body in an effort to minimize water loss. This can make asthma and allergies worse.

11. It makes minerals and nutrients accessible

These dissolve in water , which makes it possible for them to reach different parts of the body.

12. It prevents kidney damage

The kidneys regulate fluid in the body. Insufficient water can lead to kidney stones and other problems.

13. It boosts performance during exercise

Dehydration during exercise

Some scientists have proposed that consuming more water might enhance performance during strenuous activity.

More research is needed to confirm this, but one review found that dehydration reduces performance in activities lasting longer than 30 minutes.

14. Weight loss

Water may also help with weight loss, if it is consumed instead of sweetened juices and sodas. “Preloading” with water before meals can help prevent overeating by creating a sense of fullness.

15. It reduces the chance of a hangover

When partying, unsweetened soda water with ice and lemon alternated with alcoholic drinks can help prevent overconsumption of alcohol.

Kidney damage

Water helps dissolve minerals and nutrients, making them more accessible to the body. It also helps remove waste products.

These two functions make water vital to the kidneys.

Every day, the kidneys filter around 120-150 quarts of fluid.

Of these, approximately 1-2 quarts are removed from the body in the form of urine, and the rest is recovered by the bloodstream.

Water is essential for the kidneys to function.

If the kidneys do not function properly, waste products and excess fluid can build up inside the body.

Untreated, chronic kidney disease can lead to kidney failure. The organs stop working, and either dialysis or kidney transplantation is required.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the second most common type of infection in the body. They account for around 8.1 million visits to health care providers in the U.S. every year.

If infections spread to the upper urinary tract, including the kidneys, permanent damage can result. Sudden, or acute, kidney infections can be life-threatening, particularly if septicemia occurs.

Drinking plenty of water is a simple way to reduce the risk of developing a UTI and to help treat an existing UTI.

Kidney stones interfere with how the kidneys work. When present, can complicate UTIs. These complicated UTIs tend to require longer periods of antibiotics to treat them, typically lasting 7 to 14 days.

The leading cause of kidney stones is a lack of water. People who report them often do not drink the recommended daily amount of water. Kidney stones may also increase the risk of chronic kidney disease .

In November 2014, the American College of Physicians issued new guidelines for people who have previously developed kidney stones. The guidelines state that increasing fluid intake to enable 2 liters of urination a day could decrease the risk of stone recurrence by at least half with no side effects.

Dehydration happens if we use and lose more water than the body takes in. It can lead to an imbalance in the body’s electrolytes. Electrolytes, such as potassium , phosphate, and sodium, help carry electrical signals between cells. The kidneys keep the levels of electrolytes in the body stable when they function properly.

When the kidneys are unable to maintain a balance in the levels of electrolytes, these electrical signals become mixed up. This can lead to seizures, involving involuntary muscle movements and loss of consciousness.

In severe cases, dehydration can lead to kidney failure, which can be life-threatening. Possible complications of chronic kidney failure include anemia , damage to the central nervous system , heart failure , and a compromised immune system.

Some of the water required by the body is obtained through foods with a high water content, such as soups, tomatoes, oranges, but most come through drinking water and other beverages.

During everyday functioning, water is lost by the body, and this needs to be replaced. We notice that we lose water through activities such as sweating and urination, but water is lost even when breathing.

Drinking water, whether from the tap or a bottle, is the best source of fluid for the body.

Milk and juices are also good sources of fluid, but beverages containing alcohol and caffeine, such as soft drinks, coffee , and beer, are not ideal because they often contain empty calories . Drinking water instead of soda can help with weight loss.

It was previously thought that caffeinated beverages had diuretic properties, meaning that they cause the body to release water. However, studies show that fluid loss because of caffeinated drinks is minimal.

Recommended intake

The amount of water needed each day varies from person to person , depending on how active they are, how much they sweat, and so on.

There is no fixed amount of water that must be consumed daily, but there is general agreement on what a healthy fluid intake is.

According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the average recommended daily intake of water from both food and drink is:

  • For men: Around 3.7 liters or 125 ounces
  • For women: Around 2.7 liters or 91 ounces

This would be around 15.5 cups for men and just over 11 cups for women. However, around 80 percent of this should come from drinks, including water, and the rest will be from food.

This means that:

  • Men should drink around 100 ounces, or 12.5 cups of fluid
  • Women should drink around 73 ounces, or just over 9 cups

Fresh fruits and vegetables and all non-alcoholic fluids count towards this recommendation.

Times when it is most important to drink plenty of water include:

  • when you have a fever
  • when the weather is hot
  • if you have diarrhea and vomiting
  • when you sweat a lot, for example, due to physical activity

Here are some facts about water:

  • Babies and children have a higher percentage of water than adults. When babies are born, they are about 78 percent water, but this falls to 65 percent by the age of 1 year.
  • Fatty tissue has less water than lean tissue.
  • Men have more water than women, as a percentage.

Do we drink enough water?

A study carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2013 analyzed data from the National Cancer Institute’s 2007 Food Attitudes and Behaviors Survey .

Out of a sample of 3,397 adults, the researchers found:

  • 7 percent of adults reported no daily consumption of drinking water
  • 36 percent of adults reported drinking 1-3 cups of drinking water a day
  • 35 percent of adults reported drinking 4-7 cups of drinking water a day
  • 22 percent of adults reported drinking 8 cups or more a day

People were more likely to drink less than 4 cups of drinking water daily if they consumed 1 cup or less of fruits or vegetables a day.

The study only measured the intake of drinking water. Fluid can be gained from other beverages, but water is best because it is calorie-free, caffeine-free, and alcohol-free.

Seven percent of respondents reported drinking no water at all daily, and those who drank a low volume of water also consumed less fruit and vegetables. This suggests that a certain number of people are risking their health by not getting enough fluid.

Even if the respondents reporting low levels of water intake were obtaining enough fluid, it is likely that they would be obtaining it from sources that could potentially compromise their health in other ways.

“The biologic requirement for water may be met with plain water or via foods and other beverages,” write the study authors. “Results from previous epidemiologic studies indicate that water intake may be inversely related to volume of calorically sweetened beverages and other fluid intake.”

Last medically reviewed on July 16, 2018

  • Nutrition / Diet
  • Urology / Nephrology
  • Environment / Water / Pollution

How we reviewed this article:

  • Alyson B. Goodman, Heidi M. Blanck, Bettylou Sherry, Sohyun Park, Linda Nebeling, Amy L. Yaroch. (2013, April 11). Behaviors and attitudes associated with low drinking water intake among U.S. adults, food attitudes and behaviors survey, 2007. Preventing Chronic Disease, 10 http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2013/12_0248.htm
  • Carlton, A., & Orr, R. M. (2015, December). The effects of fluid loss on physical performance: A critical review. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 4 (4), 357-363 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095254615000046
  • Dietary reference intakes: Water, potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate. (2004, February 11) http://www.nationalacademies.org/hmd/Reports/2004/Dietary-Reference-Intakes-Water-Potassium-Sodium-Chloride-and-Sulfate.aspx
  • Functions of water in the body. (n.d.) http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/multimedia/functions-of-water-in-the-body/img-20005799
  • Get the facts: Drinking water and intake. (2017, May 12) https://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/data-statistics/plain-water-the-healthier-choice.html
  • How much water is there on, in, and above the Earth? (2016, May 2) http://water.usgs.gov/edu/earthhowmuch.html
  • How the body regulates heat. (n.d.) https://www.rush.edu/health-wellness/discover-health/how-body-regulates-heat
  • Mann, L. (2013, June 5). Study finds nearly half of Americans not drinking enough water http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-06-05/health/ct-x-0605-drinking-water-20130605_1_dietary-guidelines-much-water-drinking-water
  • Maughan, R. J., & Griffin, J. (2003, December). Caffeine ingestion and fluid balance: a review. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics . 16 (6):411-20 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19774754
  • Qaseem, A., Dallas, P., Forceia, M. A., Starkey, M., & Denberg, T. D. (2014, November 4). Dietary and pharmacologic management to prevent recurrent nephrolithiasis in adults: A clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine, 161 (9), 659-667 http://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/1920506/dietary-pharmacologic-management-prevent-recurrent-nephrolithiasis-adults-clinical-practice-guideline
  • Questions and answers about the kidneys and kidney disease. (2012, March 1) https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-communication-programs/nkdep/a-z/questions-answers-kidney-disease/Pages/default.aspx
  • Sawka, M. N., Latzka, W. A., Matott, R. P., & Montain, S. J. (1998, June). Hydration effects on temperature regulation [Abstract]. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 19 (2), S108-10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9694412
  • The water in you. (n.d.) https://water.usgs.gov/edu/propertyyou.html
  • Urinary tract infection In adults. (2012, May) https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-topics/urologic-disease/urinary-tract-infections-in-adults/Pages/facts.aspx
  • Why are the kidneys so important? (n.d.) https://www.kidney.org/kidneydisease/howkidneyswrk
  • Your kidneys and how they work. (2014, May) https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-topics/Anatomy/kidneys-how-they-work/Pages/anatomy.aspx

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The Importance of Water: The Vital Essence

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Words: 652 |

Published: Sep 7, 2023

Words: 652 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Water and human health, environmental balance, agriculture and food security, industrial and economic significance, challenges of water scarcity and pollution, responsible water management.

Image of Alex Wood

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drink water essay

Dehydration and Importance of Water Essay

Introduction, importance of water in health maintenance, functions of water in the body, what happens to the body when there isn’t enough water, how different electrolytes function in the body, effects of alcohol and caffeine on hydration levels in the body, steps to be taken to ensure that one does not become dehydrated.

Water is a chemical compound that exists as a liquid in the body. It is a crucial part of the body systems and has even been called ‘the liquid of life.’

Water has been known to prevent a number of illnesses hence restoring ones health. Most of these illnesses are; cancer of the colon, breast and the lungs. Drinking water may not necessarily eliminate the possibility of getting these cancers; it simply reduces the probability of their occurrence.

Due to the crucial role played by water, lack of it causes some immediate symptoms. First of all, one experiences headaches and fatigue. Subsequently, one may loose part of their memory and may have trouble remembering small things. Water ensures that one does not have trouble concentrating because it is said that absence of water reduces one’s concentration span. (Kent, 1997)

Constipation is prevented by water. This is done through easing digestion by providing a solvent in which the toxins can dissolve.

Water is said to be the perfect moisturizer for our skin and prevents patchiness. It is also used to control one’s emotions.

Water has numerous bodily functions. Perhaps its most important is the fact that it is a constituent of most cells, organs and systems in the body. It is a fact that water makes up about 90% of the lungs, over ninety percent of the brain and about eighty percent of blood. There are plenty of fluids in the body that mainly consist of water; one of these is saliva.

Water is used to protect the interior organs from external shock. One such organ is the heart. In line with this role, water makes up most of the fluid that is found in between joints, as such, it is used as a lubricant to ease bodily movements.

Transportation in the body is mainly done by water. It transports waste products from their areas of production such as the kidneys to the external environment. It therefore gets rid of toxins from the body. Water also transports oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body that are in need of it. Nutrients are also transported by water from the digestive system to muscles and other body parts in need of it.

Temperature regulation is another very important function of water. It acts as a kind of thermostat in the body. When body temperature exceeds optimum levels, the body sweats. Sweat mainly consists of water which normally leaves with a lot of heat when it evaporates thus cooling the body. This property of water is called high latent heat of vaporization.

Water is used for detoxification purposes by getting rid of wastes that are carried by the intestinal tract. As such it ensures that the body is in great health.

Lack of water in the body causes thirst. This is incase the amount of water under consideration is a small amount. The thirst then graduates to a more uncomfortable symptom; fatigue. One’s body feels restless and inactive. Eventually, headaches set in as the brain is now complaining. If the condition persists, then dizziness sets in and eventually one complains of feeling heaviness in their head. These are all signs of dehydration.

When the body is constantly denied access to water, reverse osmosis occurs. Instead of water leaving the body and getting filtered into the brain cells, the opposite occurs. Water leaves the cells and enters the system. This means that the body develops an elevated blood pressure since it is going against the norm. High blood pressure can be disastrous if allowed to continue without checking it.

There are some emotional manifestations of a lack of water in the body. One who has not had a lot of water is normally quite irritable and moody. They are quick to anger and are full of impatience.

Constant dehydration also causes a number of illnesses that may be fatal. Some of these include; weak immunity, hypertension and the very dangerous diabetes.

Sodium is mostly obtained from salt which is a compound made of both sodium and chlorine. It is put to use in the nervous systems during transportation of a message from one part of the body to another or from the external environment to the body. These messages may include; pain, heat and electric shock. There is a need for proper electrolyte balance within the body for any stimulant to be recorded well by the body.

Potassium is used to control the sodium balance within the body to ensure that metabolic systems function well. Chlorine serves to neutralize sodium because it is negatively charged while sodium is a positively charged ion. The two complement each other and thus chlorine maintains adequate balance in the body.

There’s a hormone in the body that is responsible for absorption of water back from the kidneys. It is called vasopressin. This hormone helps the body to maintain a balance of water thus preventing excessive loss. Consumption of alcohol causes a depression of Vasopressin meaning that plenty of water will not be reabsorbed and most of it will go to waste as urine. (Ellen, 1980)

Alcohol also causes severe loss in nutrients that are quite important to the body. These nutrients include; calcium, zinc, potassium and sodium. This in turn affects the body’s nervous system and balance of fluids.

It causes prolonged dehydration; this was shown in a research where people’s blood was tested. Most of them were found to have thicker blood especially due to frequent urination.

Caffeine also lowers levels of hydration. This happens by dieresis which is the process of excess absorption of water from blood in the kidneys. Caffeine also inhibits the reabsorption of sodium hence interrupting the hydration process.

The first step is to drink plenty of water. Doctors advise us to take about 8 glasses of water per day. This will ensure proper physical and psychological health.

One should avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks. This is because the latter mentioned substances enhance the loss of water through the kidneys and must be kept at a minimum or avoided altogether (Barbara, 2004).

If one engages in heavy activities, then one should not wear heavy clothes because they increase the rate at which a body is sweating. The more one sweats, the more the fluid they loose from the body and the more the chances of dehydration.

There are some tell – tale signs that come with hydration. Individuals must learn to recognize them as soon as possible and to do something about them. These include; patchy or dry lips, thick urine, heavy eyes and mild headaches.

Individuals must also protect themselves from excessive sunshine which brings about sweatiness hence water loss from the body. They can do this by standing under a shade when exposed.

  • Barbara, K. (2004): Anatomy and Physiology the Easy Way; Barron’s Educational Series
  • Ellen. E. (1980): Basic physiology and anatomy; Lippincott
  • Kent, M. (1997): Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of human anatomy and physiology; McGraw-Hill Professional
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"Dehydration and Importance of Water." IvyPanda , 3 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/dehydration-and-importance-of-water/.

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IvyPanda . 2024. "Dehydration and Importance of Water." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/dehydration-and-importance-of-water/.

1. IvyPanda . "Dehydration and Importance of Water." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/dehydration-and-importance-of-water/.


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  • Drinking Water Essays

Drinking Water Essays (Examples)

620+ documents containing “drinking water” .


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Drinking water have you ever forgotten to.

Drinking Water Have you ever forgotten to water your houseplants or garden? What do you notice? When you give the plants water, what do you see happening? Likely, within a few moments, you see the plant begin to perk up, to stretch, and to look healthier. Well, our bodies are similar in that water is an essential part of our daily intake -- every cell, tissue and organ in our bodies need water for proper function and it is important to drink enough fluids each day to remain hydrated (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Water is very important to our bodies because it helps to do many things that keep our cells, joints, and blood flow working properly. or instance, water helps the body flush wastes through urination, perspiration and excretion. Without enough water, the body holds onto these toxins and buildup may lead to illness or discomfort (Salzman, 2012). Water….

Falkenmark, M., & Rockstrom, J. (2004). Balacing Water for Humans and Nature. Wiltshire, UK: Cromwell Press.

Salzman, J. (2012). Drinking Water: A History. New York: Peter Mayer Publishers.

United States Department of the Interior. (2013, January 10). The Water in You. Retrieved April 2013, from USCS.Gov:  http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/propertyyou.html

Benefits of Drinking Water vs Soda

water v. soda ater is the building block of life; our bodies are composed mostly of water, as is the earth on which we live. If we "are what we eat," then it makes the most sense to drink more water than any other beverage available. However, many people fall out of the habit of drinking water because of all the flavored beverages on the market. Although most beverages are based on water, many of them can cause health problems and add unnecessary calories to the diet. Soda is one of the most popular beverages available. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, "These popular beverages account for more than a quarter of all drinks consumed in the United States." Soda, also known as pop, refers to a variety of carbonated beverages that use water as their base. However, sodas embellish the water with a number of different chemical additives, flavorings, colors, and….

Works Cited

Brett, Jennifer. "Why Drink Water?" Online at .

Squires, Sally. "The Amazing Statistics and Dangers of Soda Pop." Online at .

"Study: Sodas Linked to Obesity." CNN.com. Online at .

Safe Drinking Water Act Was

The EPA had been developing new regulations at a pace that was deemed too slow by Congress. Only one of the interim standards set in 1975 had been updated. There were also deficiencies in the implementation. Microbial contamination had not been sufficiently addressed. By the early 1980s, synthetic chemicals were being found in drinking water with increasing frequency. The 1986 Amendment therefore addressed these issues. Maximum levels for many contaminants were either set or updated. The Federal government also took a greater role in the provision of drinking water by compelling the EPA to establish regulations within specific time frames. Further amendments to the law were enacted in subsequent years, governing specific issues that had not been addressed in the original legislation. New components included stricter crackdown on coliform, the elimination of giardia, legionella and other pathogens and rules governing pipes and welding, specifically to curtail the use of lead….

Works Cited:

No author. Safe Drinking Water Act. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved May 21, 2009 from  http://www.epa.gov/OGWDW/sdwa/basicinformation.html 

No author. (1999). 25 Years of the Safe Drinking Water Act: History and Trends. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved May 21, 2009 from  http://permanent.access.gpo.gov/websites/epagov/www.epa.gov/safewater/consumer/trendrpt.pdf 

No author. (2007). Safe Drinking Water Act. Water Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 21, 2009 from http://www.waterencyclopedia.com/Re-St./Safe-Drinking-Water-Act.html

Cadmium in Wastewater and Drinking Water the

Cadmium in Wastewater and Drinking Water The importance of efficiently controlling and monitoring potential toxins in water systems is extremely important. The potential contaminant known as Cadmium (Cd) is a naturally occurring trace metal that is regularly found in various types of ores. Its most common commercial uses are in the metal plating and coating of transportation vessels, household-cooking utensils, machinery and nickel-cadmium batteries (Advanced Purification Engineering Corporation, 2010). As a result of its multitude of uses, there are an equally large number of ways in which Cd can find its way into water systems. The most common of these are leaching, pipeline corrosion, corrosion from transportation vessels, runoff from metal and ore refineries among others. Cd is also capable of resulting in various negative health effects to humans unfortunate enough to consume it. Failure to adequately monitor Cadmium levels can result in numerous unsolicited health outcomes such as: "nausea,….

Advanced Purification Engineering Corporation, 2010, 'Drinking Water Contaminants: Cadmium', Retrieved April 13, 2011, from  http://www.freedrinkingwater.com/water-contamination/cadmium-contaminants-removal-water.htm 

Ahmed, FE 2001, 'Analysis of pesticides and their metabolites in foods and drinks', Trends in Analytical Chemistry, vol. 20, pp. 649-661.

Ansari, IA, Dewani, VK & Khuhawar, MY 1999, 'Evaluation of metal contents in Phulleli canal and Hyderabad city sewage by flame atomic absorption spectrometer', Journal of Chemical Society (Pakistan), vol. 21, pp. 359-368.

Bag, H, Lale, M & Turker, ART 1999, 'Determination of Cu, Zn and Cd in water by FAAS after preconcentration by baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) immobilized on sepiolite', Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, vol. 363, pp. 224-230.

Drinking Water and Water

Seawater and Desalination The seas are made up of water, but that water is not drinkable, requiring treatment in desalination plants prior to distribution in drinking water systems. To understand how and why it is not drinkable, and the complexities of desalination, it is necessary to look at the chemical and physical properties of seawater. Following this, two different desalination methods are discussed. Chemical and Physical Properties of Sea Water Seawater is made up of water and various salts. Water, which makes up approximately 96.5% of all seawater (Anthoni, 2006), is believed to originate mainly from water which condensed in the earth's early atmosphere, falling to the ground when the crust of the earth solidified (Pidwirny, 2006). Additional water has been added through volcanic activity, while some scientists speculate comets entering the atmosphere may also have been a water source (Pidwirny, 2006). The dissolved salts in the water have a continental source, released into….

Anthoni, J. F. (2006). The chemical composition of seawater. Retrieved from  http://www.seafriends.org.nz/oceano/seawater.htm#composition 

Bullard, E. (2015). Physical properties of sea water. Retrieved from  http://www.kayelaby.npl.co.uk/general_physics/2_7/2_7_9.html 

Cipollina, A., Micale, G., & Rizzuti, L. (2009). Seawater Desalination: Conventional and Renewable Energy Processes. New York: Springer.

IETC. (1997). Source Book of Alternative Technologies for Freshwater Augmentation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Retrieved from  http://www.oas.org/dsd/publications/unit/oea59e/begin.htm#Contents

Water Purification Natural Drinking and

"Raw water and post-treatment water are tested for bacterial, physical, and chemical standards, particularly pH, color, and turbidity. The Safe Drinking ater Act of 1974 established maximum contaminant levels, which are the national drinking water standards. These apply to any water distribution system that serves at least twenty-five units daily. Standards may vary from state to state, but they cannot be lower than those prescribed by the federal government" (Robson 2010). "astewater treatment means removing all the contaminants that are found in wastewater. This is a type of water that is composed of wastes found in industries, hospitals, homes, and other establishments that can be found in a particular community…. food scraps, soap, oil, human waste, and chemicals" ("astewater," 2010, All ater purification). In contrast to water that is rendered safe for drinking, wastewater is merely rendered safe for disposal into the environment, to ensure that it does not imbalance….

Robson, Mark G. "Water treatment." Encyclopedia of Public Health. January 24, 2010.


"Wastewater treatment." All water purification. January 24, 2010.


Water Geography Part One Terms

But after local wastewater plants were "...upgraded and farms' management practices were improved, the amount of phosphorus declined and the copper sulfate was no long considered necessary" (Royte, 2007). The Times' story reports that to prevent the dumping of partially treated sewage water into the waterways, septic tanks need to be upgraded and "cleaning the water in sewage treatments plants even more thoroughly before it is discharged into the watershed..." is necessary. That will be quite a job, because "more than two dozen of the roughly 100 wastewater treatment plants that discharge into the city's watershed use a suboptimal cleaning process." TO: The flooding problem. hy has it become a more serious problem in recent years? Taking New York City as an example of the problem and its roots, the New York Times article alluded to in the previous section points out that recently, as developers began clearing more and….

Clausen, Jan. (2000). Northwest Tribes Fight Against Formidable Odds to Save Endangered

Salmon. Nation. 270(3), 22-24.

Gelt, Joe. (2005). Managing the Interconnecting Waters: The Groundwater-Surface Water

Dilemma. University of Arizona. Retrieved Oct. 16, 2007, at  http://cals.arizona.edu/axwater/arroyo/081con.html .

Water and Plastic Bottle Burden

With this information, people can make informed decisions regarding the water they consume. Which additives are healthful? Which are not? These are examples of only some of the questions responsible consumers should have when choosing their water. Regarding the use of plastics, the solution is simple. By simply changing their habits from plastic water bottles to stainless steel or any of the other alternatives, not only is the consumer choosing something that supports of the well-being of the planet, but also supports the well-being of themselves. This is merely one solution of many meant to work towards a more sustainable lifestyle across the globe. That the consumption of water increased so quickly, all over the world, signifies the impact of advertising on consumer choices. This can be a reason for hope, since just as quickly the use of stainless steel water bottles and clean water can be brought into individual….

7. Fluoride Action Network, Health Effects, ( http://www.fluoridealert.org/health ...)

8. Fluoridation/Flouride, Toxic Chemicals in Your Water, ( http://www.holisticmed.com/fluoride/ )

9. Worth Health Organization, Water Related Diseases, ( http://www.who.int/water_sanitation ...)

Water Gatorades and Powerades I Am a

Water, Gatorades and Powerades I am a registered dietician, presenting my piece of work on the different types of beverages. I am giving this presentation because water is an overlooked nutrient in the hydration process while it can be an excellent sports beverage. Water is the most essential nutrient in the body because death can occur rapidly in the absence of water than any other nutrient. Knowing this, does not take much imagination when dehydration occurs during sports performance or training. Around 60% of the human body is inside water called intracellular cells, and the muscle tissues have 70% of water which is critical during exercise. Gatorade and PowerAde contain added proteins, sodium and carbohydrates, which help in increasing blood glucose levels and high cycling performance. PowerAde has low calories while Gatorade is lightly flavored with enhanced vitamins also with low calories. These power drinks are moderately isotonic because, they provide a….

Heather, F.A. (2011). Practical Applications In Sports Nutrients. Atlanta: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Jones, R.S. (2010). Nutrition for Sport and Exercise. Atlanta: Jonnes and Bartlett Publishers.

Water Supply the Dearth of

Water infrastructure and safety issues are far more pressing in the developing world, and large numbers of research teams and laboratories are engaged in developing better and safer water system in Africa and much of Latin America (Helmholz 2009). A lack of clean drinking water and reliable systems is a growing problem in much of the world, and so attention is shifted away from infrastructure issues in the developed world to where there is a greater need (Helmholz 2009). This leads to a lack of research in domestic water supply infrastructure issues. eferences Briscoe, J. (1983). "Selective primary health care revisited: water supply and health in developing countries." Arlington, Virginia, Water and Sanitation for Health Project NO. 28, pp. 18. Accessed 11 October 2009. http://www.popline.org/docs/0627/023354.html Helmholz. (2009). "esearch to secure a safe water supply." Helmholz association of German research centres. Accessed 11 October 2009. http://esciencenews.com/articles/2009/03/20/research.secure.a.safe.water.supply.

Briscoe, J. (1983). "Selective primary health care revisited: water supply and health in developing countries." Arlington, Virginia, Water and Sanitation for Health Project NO. 28, pp. 18. Accessed 11 October 2009.  http://www.popline.org/docs/0627/023354.html 

Helmholz. (2009). "Research to secure a safe water supply." Helmholz association of German research centres. Accessed 11 October 2009.  http://esciencenews.com/articles/2009/03/20/research.secure.a.safe.water.supply

Water Legislation Origins of Environmental

The Leblanc alkali production processes were especially pernicious, but they followed along the lines of previous industrial processes. In other words, the first British environmental legislation was a response not so much to a qualitative change in industrial processes and their environmental impact but more to a quantitative increase in sources of pollution that had up to that point been (if only barely) tolerable. Legislation Arising From Public Anger At the center of the first British environmental legislation was the Leblanc process, an industrial process that produced of soda ash (which is chemically sodium carbonate) that came into use in the first decades of the 19th century. Named after its inventor, Nicolas Leblanc, it replaced an older process in which soda ash had been produced from wood ash. However, as the availability of wood ash declined (because of deforestation, a process that was occuring both in Great Britain and across Europe….

Resources Act (WRA) of 1991. This act "establishes the duties of the Environment Agency (EA) on flood defence and other areas relating to water management and quality."

"The EA has discretionary powers to improve and maintain river conditions. This means that the EA is not obliged to construct or maintain such works. In practice, the EA will only proceed with schemes that are not only beneficial but cost-effective.

"The Act also grants the EA powers to issue flood warnings and regulate what can be discharged into rivers, estuaries, coastal waters, lakes and groundwaters."

Canadian law on flooding is similarly divided between common law and statutory law.

First Nations

Water in Sub-Saharan Africa

Water in Sub-Saharan Africa is of special interest because of my background but water is a fascinating issue in general, one that I think will play an increasingly large role in the 21st century, as the effects of population growth and climate change bring about significant changes to our water usage and availability. A lack of water in particular has a substantial destabilizing effect. Water as a social issue combines a lot of different elements. As an issue, water sits at the intersection of social justice, politics, economics and agriculture are all areas weather. This is probably because water is so essential to human life. We drink it, we use in for domestic purposes, agricultural, industrial, transportation. Yet clean water is not always easy to come by. Some feel that access to clean water is a human right. So there is a significant importance attached to water in most parts of….

Acerman, M. & Hollis, G. (1996). Water management and wetlands in sub-Saharan Africa. IUCN: Switzerland.

Bayliss, K. & Fine, B. (2007). Privatization and alternative public sector reform in sub-Saharan Africa: Delivering on electricity and water. Palgrave MacMillan.

Bojo, J. (1996). The costs of land degradation in sub-Saharan Africa. Ecological Economics. Vol. 16 (2) 161-173.

Conway, D., Persechino, A., Ardoin, S., Hamandawana, H., Dieulin, C. & Mahe, G. (2008). Rainfall and water resources variability in sub-Saharan Africa during the 20th century. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Retrieved April 18, 2014 from  http://tyndall.ac.uk/sites/default/files/wp119.pdf

Water in Your Area Your Perspective on

water in your area? ("Your perspective on water differs whether you live near the Great Lakes, in the arid west, or by the coast."(McCarthy, 2009) Outline a brief water conservation plan for your own daily use. How will these changes affect your personal life? What impact will it have on your local water supply? There is plentiful water in my region (I live in the Great Lakes region). Nonetheless, a brief water conservation plan is the following: To use water for just its needs and to ensure that tap water is not left running in between those needs. To double used bathwater as water that can be used for washing the floor. To, as much as possible, use rainwater for gardening In order to supply water to humans certain technologies must be utilized. Desalination is one of the methods that are used for promoting pure water supply. It literally means separating slat form water and thereby….

FAO report reveals GM crops not needed to feed the world  http://www.psrast.org/faonowohu.htm 

Forbes.com (11/03/2012) GMO Food Debate in the National Spotlight  http://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelhennessey/2012/11/03/gmo-food-debate-in-the-national-spotlight/ )

Greenopolis. Top 10 Environmental Success Stories and 10 Future Challenges. http://greenopolis.com/goblog/joe-laur/top-10-environmental-success-stories-and-10-future-challenges

Groves, J (19 December 2009 ) Climate change summit accepts 'toothless' U.S.-backed agreement - but deal is not legally binding DailMail.com  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1236659/Copenhagen-climate-change-conference-World-leaders-reach-Copenhagen-agreement  -- officials-admit-enough.html#ixzz2Cg3714zQ

Water Sanitation We Discuss the

¶ … water sanitation. We discuss the need for water to be safe for human consumption and the need for water in times of disasters such as floods and hurricanes such as hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. This paper then outlines the actions that are to be taken by individuals as well as the community as a whole in ensuring that there is adequate supply of safe drinking water. The concepts of water and sanitation are intrinsic to the very survival of humans on the face of this planet. This is because the human body comprises of about two thirds water and it does several functions to one's body (AC,2010). Functions of water in the human body It is essential for the process of digestion. It also removes toxic substances from the human body in the form of urine, fecal matter and sweat. It cushions our joins and also prevents shocks in the same….

Struggling to come up with an essay topic to write about. It has to have two perspectives and be a global issue.

Global issues are those issues that have an impact on more than one area of the globe, whether that impact is direct or indirect.  These issues can be things that impact all people, such as global warming, or issues that may not currently impact all people but have a potential global impact, such as the political unrest in the modern day United States.  We have compiled a list of suggested topics for an essay on global issues.  Each of them has at least two perspectives, though one of the perspectives may be stronger or more....

Share your best advice on writing a compelling managing human waste thesis statement!

Thesis Statement: The effective management of human waste is crucial for safeguarding public health, preserving the environment, and promoting sustainable development. Introduction: In the tapestry of human existence, managing human waste is an intricate thread that intertwines with public health, environmental well-being, and sustainable development. Inefficient or inadequate waste management practices pose significant risks to human health, contaminate water bodies, pollute the air, and contribute to climate change. Recognizing the urgency of addressing this issue, this thesis delves into the complexities of managing human waste, exploring strategies and solutions to mitigate its adverse effects. Body Paragraph 1: Public Health Implications The improper handling of....


Not Specified

Drinking Water Have you ever forgotten to water your houseplants or garden? What do you notice? When you give the plants water, what do you see happening? Likely, within a…

water v. soda ater is the building block of life; our bodies are composed mostly of water, as is the earth on which we live. If we "are what we…

Transportation - Environmental Issues

The EPA had been developing new regulations at a pace that was deemed too slow by Congress. Only one of the interim standards set in 1975 had been…

Cadmium in Wastewater and Drinking Water The importance of efficiently controlling and monitoring potential toxins in water systems is extremely important. The potential contaminant known as Cadmium (Cd) is…

Seawater and Desalination The seas are made up of water, but that water is not drinkable, requiring treatment in desalination plants prior to distribution in drinking water systems. To understand…

"Raw water and post-treatment water are tested for bacterial, physical, and chemical standards, particularly pH, color, and turbidity. The Safe Drinking ater Act of 1974 established maximum contaminant…

But after local wastewater plants were "...upgraded and farms' management practices were improved, the amount of phosphorus declined and the copper sulfate was no long considered necessary" (Royte,…

Research Paper

With this information, people can make informed decisions regarding the water they consume. Which additives are healthful? Which are not? These are examples of only some of the…

Water, Gatorades and Powerades I am a registered dietician, presenting my piece of work on the different types of beverages. I am giving this presentation because water is an overlooked…

Urban Studies

Water infrastructure and safety issues are far more pressing in the developing world, and large numbers of research teams and laboratories are engaged in developing better and safer…


The Leblanc alkali production processes were especially pernicious, but they followed along the lines of previous industrial processes. In other words, the first British environmental legislation was a…

Water in Sub-Saharan Africa is of special interest because of my background but water is a fascinating issue in general, one that I think will play an increasingly large…


water in your area? ("Your perspective on water differs whether you live near the Great Lakes, in the arid west, or by the coast."(McCarthy, 2009) Outline a brief water…

¶ … water sanitation. We discuss the need for water to be safe for human consumption and the need for water in times of disasters such as floods and…

English Compositions

Short Essay on Water [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson today, I will discuss how exactly you can write short essays on the important topic ‘Water.’ There will be three sets of essays in this following session, each within different word limits. 

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Short Essay on Water in 100 Words

Every living being on the earth needs some basic things for its survival. It includes food, water, shelter, and money as well for humans. Water is by far the principal need of living beings. About two-third part of the earth is covered with water.

Water is available in several forms on earth. Some amount is frozen in glaciers, while the larger amount of water is salty. Fresh water on earth is very little. We need water for every purpose. Drinking, cooking, bathing, washing are the basic needs, while water is also used by bigger industries to run their machines. Water is an important source of electricity. So, being the most valuable resource water must never be wasted.

Short Essay on Water in 200 Words

Water is the most significant resource among everything that humans and animals can receive. Water helps a living being to live for longer days, even when food is scarce. It is one of the most beautiful gifts of nature. Water has enormous benefits and is the life of the earth. Its medicinal properties cure several ailments in our bodies. Without it, we cannot imagine living a second on earth. The world will be a huge desert if the water on earth is destroyed.

Our earth is unique in its creation. About two-third part of it is covered with water, while the rest of it is land. If we take a deeper study, then a major part of the water is either frozen as glaciers or is present in the oceans as saltwater. The reserve of fresh water on earth is a limited amount. It can exhaust at any moment. Hence we must spend water wisely. We need water for drinking, bathing, washing clothes and utensils, cooking, cultivating, etc.

Big industries require lots of water to run their machines. Today due to the scarcity of coal, hydroelectricity is the new way of generating electrical power. This process requires huge amounts of water. In several ways, water is our saviour. It is the beauty of nature as a wonderful waterfall or a stream, and also the help to a thirsty person.

Short Essay on Water in 400 Words

Water is the basic strength behind all life forces on earth. It is the necessity of every life and is the biggest shelter for us to survive. If there is no water suddenly on earth, then it will only be a lifeless planet filled with dust and stone.

The green earth will become a long stretch of a desert without this component. Water forms about two-thirds of the earth, while only one-third is given for the land. Yet how much greater the amount of water on earth be, the availability of fresh water on earth is the minimum.

A large amount of water is left unused. It is either frozen as glaciers or is present as salty ocean water. This water cannot be applied for regular usage. So we must understand the wise utilization of water. It is a scanty but most important resource. So only its proper utilization can make it sufficient.

Water is the source of all activities in our lives. From the olden days, human beings have always tried to live near water bodies. Because those places are fertile for cultivation. A vast desert-like Egypt also survives because of the river Nile. The Ganges in India is not only a water body but one of the most sacred rivers in the world. The most important use of water is in agriculture.

Every plant needs it to grow. If crops do not receive adequate water, then they will be stunted. We use water for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing. A living body needs lots of water intake. Insufficient water intake can result in lots of ailments. Water is beneficial for this medical property. Besides these, all industries need water for producing electricity and running the turbines. Water is the potential of civilization. A civilization operates because of the availability of water

But at present, we are observing the pollution of water bodies. It is dangerous for all living beings to survive if all water sources are contaminated. Polluted water is a threat to the earth. Households, industries, insufficient cleanliness, lack of awareness, all are enough to increase pollution in several degrees. With increased consumption of water, it is being equally polluted. Thus many aquatic plants and animals, humans, other land animals are regularly dying after intaking the dirty water.

This is harming our ecosystem. So we must preserve freshwater. It is important and is available in little amount. Clean water can exhaust at any moment. It is our duty even to preserve the rainwater and use it. Every drop of water means life. A correct utility of it is the best way.

So, that was all about writing short essays on Water. In this session above, I have adopted a simplistic approach to writing all these essays for a better understanding of all kinds of students. You can let me know your queries by commenting down below. If you want to read more such lessons on various important topics regarding English composition, keep browsing our website. Thank you. 

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Benefit Of Drinking Water Essay

drink water essay

Show More Our bodies are composed of 60% water hence we cannot over emphasize the need for water for the benefit of the human body. Doctors and other medical professionals recommend that we drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or sometimes they encourage us to at least drink 2 litres of water daily. Water has its natural health benefits to the body which will give us a lot of good to our bodies when we drink water religiously. Here are some of the benefits of drinking water to the human body: 1. Water Helps to Improve Physical Performance- Our bodies require a good balance of water daily, this is especially important because the body loses water through different activities like for instance during intense exercises the body loses a lot …show more content… Hydration Affects Energy Levels and Brain Function- The human body is highly dependent on water hence the need for a balanced hydration levels. “Studies reveal that even very low dehydration (1-3% of body weight) can impair many aspects of brain performance”. www. authoritynutrition.com. It has also been revealed that Mild dehydration (fluid loss of 1-3%) can affect energy levels and mood, and can also reduce memory and brain performance. 3. Drinking Water May Help to Prevent and Treat Headaches. Lack of water in the body can trigger headaches, migraines in selected individuals. It has been revealed that water can reduce tension headaches, migraines and in some cases eye sight problems. 4. Hydration May Help Relieve Constipation. Constipation is a common occurrence in the human body. It results from infrequent bowel movement which leads to problems in passing stool. Water helps with the improvement in the digestion performance as the bowels easily move in the digestive system and in the end passing of stool is enhanced. It is highly recommended that drinking plenty of water can help reduce and relieve the problem of constipation, especially in individuals who has a low preference of …show more content… Another research has revealed that Drinking Water May Help Clear Kidney Stones in the body. The more water you drink the less the risk of accumulation of kidney stones in the body which can be a health hazard. 6. Another important aspect of drinking water is the quenching of thirsty which is a more common reason why people drink water. It helps to clear a dry throat and reduces the risks of colds and flus especially in winter. There are a lot more health benefits of drinking safe water and we cannot exhaust them in this document. It is for this reason that I have embarked on a research on bottled water as product which I intend to adopt on the market in order to satisfy the customer need of safe, reliable, modern and trusted water. I have chosen water as a product I will embark on the market and as a manager I believe that bottled water is profitable, easily accessible and feasible for the shareholders. “Bottled water is drinking water (e.g., well water, distilled water, mineral water, or spring water) packaged in plastic or glass water bottles. Bottled water may be carbonated or not. Sizes range from small single serving bottles to large carboys for water coolers”.

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The Importance Of Lead Drinking

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Argumentative Essay-It's Time To Drought In California

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Fresh Water In America

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Informative Speech: Attention Getter For Drinking Water

As we know, drinking water will keep our organs functioning and our minds straight. But what are some of the benefits of in-taking more water on a routinely basis? According to Organicfacts.net, upping your water intake will help you lose weight. Studies have found that when participants drink water before a meal, they lose weight faster than those who did NOT drink water before a meal. By drinking extra water right before eating, you will help yourself to eat less by making yourself feel full.…

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Informative Speech: Important Benefits Of Drinking Water

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Drinking Water Persuasive Speech

Drinking Water Is the Way to Go Specific Purpose: To show to my audience the importance of water to our body and to encourage them to drink water more often. Central Idea: Many people may take drinking water for granted, but keeping hydrated can have a huge impact on overall health. Despite how crucial it is that people drink enough water, a significant amount of people may be failing to drink recommended levels of fluids each day. I. The Attention Step Water is virtually everywhere, from soil moisture and ice caps, to the cells inside our own bodies. Depending on factors like location, fat index, age and sex the average human is composed of between 55 and 60% water. At birth, human babies are even wetter. Being 75% water they are swimmingly …show more content…

A dehydrated brain works harder to accomplish the same amount as a normal brain and it even temporarily shrinks because of its lack of water. Over-hydration, or hyponatremia, is usually caused by over consumption of water in short amount of time. Athletes are often the victims of over-hydration because of complications in regulating water levels in extreme physical conditions. Whereas the dehydrated brain amps up the production of antidiuretic hormone, the over-hydrated brain slows, or even stops, releasing it into the blood. Sodium electrolytes in the body become diluted, causing cells to swell. In severe cases, the kidneys can’t keep up with the resulting volumes of diluted urine. Water intoxication then occurs, possibly causing headache, vomiting and in rare instances, seizures or death. But that’s a pretty extreme situation. On a normal, day-to-day basis, maintaining a well hydrated system is easy to manage for those of us fortunate enough to have access to clean drinking water. For a long time, conventional wisdom said that we should drink eight glasses a day. That estimate has been fine-tuned. Now the consensus is that the amount of water we need to imbibe depends

Summary Of The Big Thirst: The Secret Life And Turbulent Future Of Water

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As you may know, there's nothing better than sitting in a hot tub, after a hard day's work or a long day of driving the kids from one place to the next, grabbing dinner on the run and ending it near complete exhaustion No, there is nothing that can get you physically and mentally relaxed like a long soak in a hot tub, that's for sure. So what is it about sitting a hot tub that helps take all of the worries of the day and makes them disappear? Seriously, it sounds almost magical, doesn't it? Is it the steam from the hot water that grabs hold of the tension in your body and then floats it all away that does it?

Skin Disorder Research Paper

Now, you want to assume what a dumb issue this can be to mention since water are some things you already drink each day and it hasn’t created abundant of a distinction. Well, the trick isn 't to drink simply water. The trick is to drink a great deal of water! If you 'll manage it, drink double or thrice the number of water you drink typically. Most men and girls don 't grasp that their body is really dehydrated.

Why Do Water Stay Hydrated

There are many researchers in the world that are trying to figure out how much water you should drink in a day. Since, water is 60 percent of your body weight you still need to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Studies show that women should be drinking about 2.2 liters a day and men should be drinking 3 liters a day. Also, how much water you drink a day depends on your health, how active you are and where you live. With that said, it is important that people are drinking the proper amount of water each day to stay hydrated and to stay in good shape.

Est1 Task 2

The opposite of dehydration is water intoxication. In an occurrence of water intoxication, what happens is that an individual may consume too much water without giving the body the equal amount of nutrients to counterbalance the water consumed. The recommended intake of water is 64 oz. a day; in comparison to the amount of water I drank, I fell short by 22.4 oz. of water with an average intake of 41.6 oz.

Drinking Water Hydrated

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Water Scarcity Essay

This essay will therefore critically discuss water scarcity and how one can prevent a war fought over water, as well as how one can save water and implement change to better our future nationally and globally. 2. The Importance of Water With two thirds of the earth 's surface covered by water and the human body consisting of 75 percent of it, it is clear that water is one of the core elements responsible for life on earth (Anderson, 1986). Water is very important to us because human bodies, as well as animals, cannot function without water in their systems.

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Essay on Water Conservation: Samples in 150, 200, 250 Words

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  • Oct 17, 2023

Essay on Water Conservation

What makes you curious to write an essay on water conservation? This life-saving resource is essential for all forms of life on Earth. Water is the essential natural resource present on Earth. Out of the total water present on Earth, 97.5% is salt water and 2.5% is fresh water. 70% of the human body is made of water. But, with the growing population , and climatic crisis , we are facing the urgent need to conserve water.

drink water essay

Water conservation is a hot topic, if you need a sample essay on water conservation then, you are at the right place. In this blog post, we have covered essays on water conservation in 100, 200, and 250 words. So, stay tuned and read further to get some ideas about water conservation!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Water Conservation in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Water Conservation in 200 Words
  • 3.1 Water Scarcity
  • 3.2 Ways to Conserve Water

Also Read: World Water Day

Essay on Water Conservation in 100 Words

Water is crucial for all components of life which makes it a necessary resource for day-to-day activities. We use water for domestic activities like cooking, bathing, drinking, washing, etc. So, ultimately the consumption of water is very high. This makes it necessary to conserve water. Just as air, water is also important for life. Besides, water consumption, water pollution, and water scarcity are also some of the major water-related issues that need attention so that we can conserve water.

Every year we celebrate World Water Day on 22 March. This day is celebrated to spread awareness about the importance of water and run campaigns to conserve water on Earth. There are several ways to conserve water such as switching to showers, turning off taps when not in use, don’t pollute water bodies, storing rainwater, etc.

Also Read: Essay on Water Pollution

Essay on Water Conservation in 200 Words

Water is one of the Earth’s most precious resources. But the world is facing water scarcity. As per the SDA report 2022, around 2 billion people worldwide are lacking safe drinking water. This means they are more vulnerable to diseases and unhealthy life. 

Apart from the increasing population, climatic change is also hampering the quality of water. Floods and Droughts are more frequent due to the vulnerability of climate, thereby increasing the need to conserve water.

Water conservation is vital to meet the growing global demand for fresh water. Water consumption is very high for agriculture, industry, and households. By conserving water, we can ensure that there is a surplus amount of water to use and avoid conflicts over this limited resource.

Water conservation helps to maintain a balance in the ecosystem because every living thing on this planet is directly associated with the use of water. Reducing water consumption reduces the energy footprint associated with water supply.

The best ways of water conservation are rainwater harvesting , installing water plants, reusing water for gardening purposes, turning off taps when not in use, proper irrigation, installing automatic tap shut-off devices, not polluting water sources, and many more.

If we don’t want to witness the world die due to water scarcity then, it’s high time to conserve water and save the planet and future generations.

Also Read: Essay on Save Water

Also Read: Speech on Save Water

Water Conservation Essay 250 Words

Water conservation is a crucial step in protecting the environment. It is an important compound that supports life on Earth. The world has been facing water-related disasters due to scarcity of freshwater. 70% of the earth as well as the human body is composed of water, but there is a limited amount of freshwater to use. Owing to the ever-increasing population, climatic changes, global warming, and pollution, the need for the conservation of water is increasing. To do so, it is our fundamental duty to conserve water by planting more trees, managing water plants, storing rainwater, and making smart use of water. 

Water Scarcity

Water scarcity is a critical global issue that needs strict attention when the demand for freshwater exceeds the available supply of water. It can manifest in various ways, including a lack of access to clean drinking water, inadequate water for agriculture and industrial processes, and stressed or depleted natural water sources. 

Here are some factors that contribute to water scarcity:

  • Climate change
  • Growing population
  • Global warming
  • Inefficient water management
  • Water pollution
  • Increasing demand
  • Poor irrigation techniques
  • Wastage of water, and much more.

Ways to Conserve Water

Conserving water is crucial to help address water scarcity and ensure a sustainable water supply for both present and future generations. You can contribute individually by taking small measures to conserve water like turning off the tap. Likewise, here are some ways to conserve water:

  • Drip irrigation technique
  • Soil management
  • Plantation of drought-tolerant crops
  • Apply Mulching
  • Recycle and reuse water
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Desalination
  • Spread awareness to conserve water
  • Donate to the water cleaning campaign
  • Implement proper water management techniques.

Also Read: Types of Water Pollution

Related Articles:

Water conservation is the individual or collective practice of efficient use of water. This helps in protecting the earth from the situation of water scarcity. We can individually contribute to water conservation by not wasting water, reducing the over-consumption of water, rainwater harvesting, etc. Water conservation is an important call because there is a limited amount of fresh water available on earth.

Here are 10 ways to save water. 1. Rainwater harvesting 2 Install water plants 3. Reuse water 4. Maintain proper water management plans 5. Fix the irrigation system 6. Use a bucket 7. Turn off the tap when not in use 8. Keep a regular check on pipe leakage 9. Do not pollute water bodies 10. Participate in water cleaning campaigns

Here are 5 points on the importance of water conservation: It helps the ecosystem; Water conservation is necessary for drought-prone areas; It helps reduce costs; Water conservation improves the quality of water; and Maintains the health of the aquatic ecosystem.

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Essay on Save Water Save Life for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save water save life.

Water has become a highly necessary part of human being’s existence on Earth. Thus, the importance of water can be compared to the importance of air. All living organisms whether it is human, animals, or plants. Everyone is completely depending on fresh and potable water. Thus, essay on save water save a life is an insight into some of the unknown and important benefits of water for human beings. 

Essay on Save Water Save Life

Water is perhaps the second most important substance on Earth after the air. Apart from drinking, there are other benefits of water as well. Thus, it includes cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. Water is not a vital part of the human being’s survival. Also, it important for the survival of trees and plants. Additionally, it is a precious element required for the agricultural as well as various other industrial sectors. 

Currently, the biggest problem related to global warming is a huge water depreciation on Earth. This is mainly caused due to misuse of water happening at various places. In the current scenario, it is important to understand the formula for the conversation of water and thereby save water. Because pure water resources are the primary sources for all our necessities. And when it becomes depreciated, it can lead to huge catastrophic conditions for human beings. 

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Need to Save Water

Currently, there are many regions in the world that are facing extreme water scarcity due to deçline of groundwater and scanty rainfalls. Also, in some areas, the groundwater is contaminated or it has been overused. Thus, these factors have to lead to drought situations and in these areas it has lead to water scarcity. Furthermore, urbanization and industrialization have added to the problems where groundwater has been overused to fulfill the increasing demands of the population. 

According to the WHO report, 1 out of people does not have access to safe drinking water. Seeing this, the water crisis in the future does seem inevitable. Also, it calls for an immediate action plan in order to conserve water so that precious resource can be saved for today as well for future generations. 

Save Water Initiative

This initiative can help and promote the conservation of water . Also, it can be spread awareness among the people about the importance of water. Additionally, the save water campaign helps people realize that the sources of fresh and pure water are very limited. So, if it is overused that there are chances that they might not be able to fulfill the increasing demands of the population. Through this campaign, we can create awareness among the people about the benefits and preserving water and using it diligently.

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  22. The Essence of Hydration: Unlocking the Health Benefits of Water

    Hydration's impact extends beyond the realms of skeletal well-being to encompass skin health. Water's hydrating, revitalizing, and detoxifying properties contribute not only to wrinkle prevention but also to the control and prevention of acne. Beyond the superficial, staying adequately hydrated plays a pivotal role in enhancing concentration ...

  23. The Importance of Drinking Water Essay

    That is good drinking water is not a opulence but one of the most crucial requirements of life itself (3).Water makes up more than two thirds of human body weight , human brain is made up of 95% of water, blood is 82% and lungs 90% . However, developing countries have endures from a lack of access to safe drinking water from recovered sources ...