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Answer to Question #231192 in HTML/JavaScript Web Application for sonu

Color Palette

In this assignment, let's build a Color Palette by applying the CSS concepts we learned till now.

CSS Colors used:

Text Color Hex Codes Used:

Background Color Hex Codes Used:

CSS Font families used:

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Create a Simple Color Picker using JavaScript

It is quite easy to develop such a client-side application. The primary colors as we know are Red(R), Green(G), Blue(B) and by mixing them we can form any color that we want. 

In this article, we will learn to get the RGB value from the user and use CSS to form the color using RGB(red, green, blue) property.

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of some front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required.

Example: In this example, we will create a simple color picker using JS.

CSS code: The CSS contains some additional lines for a cool hover effect. The following code is the content for “styles.css” code used in the above HTML code.

Filename: style.css

JavaScript code: The following is the JavaScript code “script.js” used in the above HTML code.

Filename: script.js

Output: After running the file, you can choose specific values for R, G, B and get your desired colors.

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How TO - Color Picker

Learn how to create a color picker in HTML.

Color picker

You can use the input type="color" attribute to create a color picker:

Note that you have to use hex values inside the value property. The default value is black (#000000) if nothing is used. You can learn more about HEX values in our HTML Colors Tutorial .

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A lightweight and elegant JavaScript color picker. Written in vanilla ES6, no dependencies. Accessible.

Coloris in light, dark and polaroid themes

A lightweight and elegant JavaScript color picker written in vanilla ES6. Convert any text input field into a color field.

  • Zero dependencies
  • Very easy to use
  • Customizable
  • Themes and dark mode
  • Opacity support
  • Color swatches
  • Multiple color formats
  • Touch support
  • Fully accessible
  • Works on all modern browsers (no IE support)

Getting Started

Basic usage.

Download the latest version , and add the script and style to your page:

Or include from a CDN (not recommended in production):

Then just add the data-coloris attribute to your input fields:

That’s it. All done!

What about NPM and TypeScript?

Thanks to @melloware , NPM and TypeScript support is available in a fork of this project. Head over to @melloware’s fork or to their NPM repo for more information.

Customizing the color picker

The color picker can be configured by calling Coloris() and passing an options object to it. For example, to activate dark mode and disable alpha support:

The new options are applied at runtime and can be updated at any time and as often as needed. For instance, to re-enable alpha support when clicking on a button:

Here is a list of all the available options:

Accessibility and internationalization

Several labels are used to describe the various widgets of the color picker, which can be read aloud by a screen reader for people with low vision. If you wish to customize or translate those labels, you need to add an “a11y” option to the global Coloris object:

Simulating multiple instances

Although there is only one physical instance of the color picker in the document, it is possible to simulate multiple instances, each with its own appearance and behavior, by updating the configuration at runtime. Here is an example of how to do it by manually setting configuration options in response to click events:

This works well and is quite versatile, but it can get a little hard to keep track of each change every “instance” makes and revert them to the default values.

So as of version 0.15.0 , there is a new way to automatically manage virtual instances. This works by assigning configuration overrides to a CSS selector representing one or more color fields. Here is an example:

Any options that haven’t been explicitly set by an instance will inherit the global values. So any common options should be set globally using the method described in the “Customizing the color picker” section above.

Please note that the options el , wrap , rtl , inline , defaultColor and a11y can only be set globally and not per instance.

N.B: There is only one true instance of the color picker, so it is not possible to show multiple instances at same time.

All events are triggered on the last active input field that is bound to the color picker.

In addition to the events above, a coloris:pick event is triggered on the document whenever a new color is picked. Example:

Manually updating the thumbnail

The color thumbnail is updated when an input event is triggered on the adjacent input field. If you programmatically update the value of the input field, you may need to trigger the event manually using the following code:

Closing the color picker

The color picker dialog can be closed by clicking anywhere on the page or by pressing the ESC on the keyboard. The later will also revert the color to its original value.

If you would like to close the dialog programmatically, you can do so by calling the close() method:

Building from source

Clone the git repo:

Enter the Coloris directory and install the development dependencies:

Run the build script:

The built version will be in the dist directory in both minified and full copies.

Alternatively, you can start a gulp watch task to automatically build when the source files are modified:


If you find a bug or would like to implement a missing feature, please create an issue first before submitting a pull request (PR).

When submitting a PR, please do not include the changes to the dist directory in your commits.

Copyright (c) 2021 Momo Bassit. Coloris is licensed under the MIT license .


Create a Color Picker with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


By Faraz - September 26, 2023

Learn how to create a Color Picker for your website with our step-by-step guide using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Perfect for web designers and developers.

Create a Color Picker with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.jpg

Table of Contents

  • Project Introduction
  • JavaScript Code

Color plays a pivotal role in web design. It has the power to evoke emotions, establish brand identity, and significantly enhance user experience. The ability to create a Color Picker using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a valuable skill for both budding web designers and seasoned developers. In this comprehensive tutorial, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of crafting your own Color Picker. Whether you're aiming to finesse your web design or dive deeper into the world of web development, this tutorial is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need. So, let's embark on this journey and bring vibrant colors to your web projects!

Join My Telegram Channel to Download the Project Source Code: Click Here


Before starting this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, you will need a code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text to write and save your code.

Source Code

Step 1 (HTML Code):

To get started, we will first need to create a basic HTML file. In this file, we will include the main structure for our color picker.

After creating the files just paste the following codes into your file. Make sure to save your HTML document with a .html extension, so that it can be properly viewed in a web browser.

1. <!DOCTYPE html> : This is the document type declaration and it tells the web browser that this is an HTML5 document.

2. <html lang="en"> : This is the opening tag for the HTML document. It specifies that the document's primary language is English.

3. <head> : This is the opening tag for the head section of the HTML document. The head section typically contains meta-information and links to external resources.

  • <meta charset="UTF-8"> : This meta tag specifies the character encoding for the document as UTF-8, which is a widely used character encoding for handling text in various languages.
  • <title> Color Picker </title> : This is the title of the web page that will be displayed in the browser's title bar or tab. In this case, it's "Color Picker."
  • <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> : This meta tag is used to control how the webpage is displayed on different devices. It sets the initial zoom level to 1 and adapts the width to the device's screen width.
  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/normalize/5.0.0/normalize.min.css"> : This is a link to an external CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) file named "normalize.min.css." It's often used to reset and standardize default browser styles to ensure consistent styling across different browsers.
  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> : This is another link to an external CSS file named "styles.css." It's used to apply custom styles to the HTML elements on the page.

4. <body> : This is the opening tag for the body section of the HTML document. The body section contains the content that will be displayed on the webpage.

5. <div class="wrap"> : This is a <div> element with a class attribute set to "wrap." It's often used to group and style content together.

6. <div class="half"> : This is another <div> element with a class attribute set to "half." It's a part of the "wrap" div and contains some content related to the color picker.

7. <div class="colorPicker"> </div> : This is an empty <div> element with a class attribute set to "colorPicker." It's probably a placeholder for a color picker interface that will be generated using JavaScript.

8. <div class="half-readout"> : This is another <div> element with a class attribute set to "half-readout." It's another part of the "wrap" div and contains content related to displaying color information.

9. <span class="title"> Selected Color: </span> : This is a <span> element with a class attribute set to "title." It contains the text "Selected Color:" which is a label for the color information.

10. <div id="values"> </div> : This is an empty <div> element with an id attribute set to "values." It's a placeholder where the selected color's values (e.g., RGB, HSL) will be displayed dynamically using JavaScript.

11. <input id="hexInput" style="outline: none;border: 0;"> </input> : This is an <input> element with an id attribute set to "hexInput." It's a text input field where the user may be able to input a color value in hexadecimal format (e.g., #RRGGBB). The style attribute is used to remove the default input field styling (outline and border).

12. <script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@jaames/iro/dist/iro.min.js'> </script> : These are script tags that include external JavaScript files. The first script tag is linking to a JavaScript library called "iro.min.js" hosted on jsDelivr. This library is used for implementing the color picker functionality.

13. <script src="script.js"> </script> : This is another script tag that links to an external JavaScript file named "script.js." This file contains custom JavaScript code for handling interactions with the color picker and updating the display.

This is the basic structure of our color picker using HTML, and now we can move on to styling it using CSS.

responsive expanding card grid with html, css, and javascript.jpg

Step 2 (CSS Code):

Once the basic HTML structure of the color picker is in place, the next step is to add styling to the color picker using CSS.

Next, we will create our CSS file. In this file, we will use some basic CSS rules to style our color picker.

1. body : This selector targets the <body> element of the HTML document. It sets various styles for the entire webpage.

  • color: rgb(0, 0, 0);: This sets the text color to black (RGB color value: 0, 0, 0).
  • background-color: #fff;: This sets the background color to white (#fff).
  • background-size: 8px 8px, 8px 8px;: This specifies the size of background images. It sets two background images, each with a size of 8 pixels by 8 pixels. This is often used for creating patterns.
  • background-position: center, center;: This positions the background images in the center of the element.
  • background-image: linear-gradient(#ebf4f9 1px, transparent 1px),linear-gradient(90deg, #ebf4f9 1px, transparent 1px);: This sets two background images using linear gradients. These gradients are used to create a checkered pattern with alternating light blue (#ebf4f9) and transparent (clear) squares. The first gradient creates horizontal lines, and the second creates vertical lines.
  • line-height: 150%;: This sets the line height for text within the <body> element to 150% of the font size. It increases the spacing between lines of text.

2. .wrap : This selector targets elements with the class "wrap." It's often used to style a container that wraps other content.

  • min-height: 100vh;: This sets the minimum height of the element to 100% of the viewport height. This ensures that the container takes up at least the entire height of the viewport.
  • max-width: 720px;: This sets the maximum width of the container to 720 pixels, limiting how wide it can become.
  • margin: 0px auto;: This centers the container horizontally by setting the left and right margins to "auto."
  • display: flex;: This uses flexbox layout for the container.
  • flex-direction: row;: This sets the flex direction to "row," meaning that the child elements inside the container will be arranged in a horizontal row.
  • align-items: center;: This centers the child elements vertically within the container.
  • justify-content: center;: This centers the child elements horizontally within the container.

3. .wrap .half : This selector targets elements with the class "half" that are descendants of elements with the class "wrap."

  • width: 50%;: This sets the width of elements with the class "half" to 50% of their parent's width.
  • padding: 32px 0;: This sets top and bottom padding of 32 pixels and no left and right padding for elements with the class "half."

4. .title : This selector targets elements with the class "title."

  • font-family: cursive;: This sets the font family to a cursive font style.
  • line-height: 24px;: This sets the line height for text within elements with the class "title" to 24 pixels.
  • display: block;: This makes the element a block-level element, causing it to start on a new line.

5. .readout : This selector targets elements with the class "readout."

  • margin-top: 32px;: This adds a top margin of 32 pixels to elements with the class "readout."
  • line-height: 180%;: This sets the line height for text within elements with the class "readout" to 180% of the font size.

6. #values : This selector targets the element with the ID "values."

  • font-family: cursive;: This sets the font family to a cursive font style for the element with the ID "values."
  • line-height: 150%;: This sets the line height for text within the element with the ID "values" to 150% of the font size.

7. .link : This selector targets elements with the class "link."

  • margin-top: 16px;: This adds a top margin of 16 pixels to elements with the class "link."

8. .link a : This selector targets anchor ( <a> ) elements that are descendants of elements with the class "link."

  • color: MediumSlateBlue;: This sets the text color of the anchor elements to "MediumSlateBlue," which is a predefined color.

9. .half-readout : This selector targets elements with the class "half-readout."

  • position: relative;: This sets the positioning context to "relative," which allows you to position child elements relative to this element.
  • display: block;: This makes the element a block-level element.
  • bottom: 220px;: This positions the element 220 pixels from the bottom of its normal position.
  • right: 20%;: This positions the element 20% from the right of its normal position.
  • width: 50%;: This sets the width of elements with the class "half-readout" to 50% of their parent's width.
  • font-family: "Lucida Console", "Courier New", monospace;: This sets the font family to a monospace font stack, which is often used for code or terminal-like text.
  • font-size: 0.8em;: This sets the font size to 0.8 times the default font size.

10. .IroColorPicker : This selector targets elements with the class "IroColorPicker."

  • width: 50%;: This sets the width of elements with the class "IroColorPicker" to 50% of their parent's width.
  • position: absolute;: This sets the positioning context to "absolute," allowing precise positioning within its containing element.
  • right: 30%;: This positions the element 30% from the right of its containing element.
  • bottom: 30%;: This positions the element 30% from the bottom of its containing element.

11. @media only screen and (min-width: 700px) : This is a media query that targets screens with a minimum width of 700 pixels. The styles inside this query apply only when the screen width matches the condition.

  • .half-readout: Inside the media query, it adjusts the font size for elements with the class "half-readout" to 1em (the default font size). This change in font size applies only to screens with a width of 700 pixels or more.

This will give our color picker an upgraded presentation. Create a CSS file with the name of styles.css and paste the given codes into your CSS file. Remember that you must create a file with the .css extension.

Step 3 (JavaScript Code):

Finally, we need to create a function in JavaScript. This JavaScript code sets up a color picker interface using the iro.js library and updates the displayed color information based on user interactions.

1. First, it creates a color picker object and associates it with an HTML element with the class " colorPicker ". The color picker has various configuration options:

  • width: Sets the width of the color picker to 280 pixels.
  • color: Sets the initial color of the color picker to red (RGB value: "rgb(255, 0, 0)").
  • borderWidth and borderColor: Customize the appearance of the color picker's border.

2. It retrieves two HTML elements with the IDs "values" and " hexInput " using the getElementById method. These elements are used to display color information and input a hexadecimal color value, respectively.

3. The code sets up an event listener for the color picker's events " color:init " and " color:change ". When these events occur (typically when the user interacts with the color picker), a callback function is executed. This callback function updates the content of the "values" element to display the color information in three different formats: hexadecimal, RGB, and HSL. These values are joined together with line breaks (" <br> ") and inserted into the "values" element. Additionally, it updates the value of the "hexInput" element with the current hexadecimal color value.

4. Another event listener is added to the " hexInput " element, listening for the "change" event. When the user enters a new value in the " hexInput " input field and presses Enter or blurs the input field, this event is triggered. The event listener updates the color picker's color to the one entered by the user in hexadecimal format.

Create a JavaScript file with the name script.js and paste the given codes into your JavaScript file and make sure it's linked properly to your HTML document so that the scripts are executed on the page. Remember, you’ve to create a file with .js extension.

Final Output:

learn how to build a dynamic calendar with html, css, and javascript.jpg


Congratulations! You've successfully created a Color Picker using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tool will be a valuable asset in your web development projects, allowing you to choose and preview colors with ease. Experiment with different designs and features to make it uniquely yours.

Start designing with confidence and add vibrant colors to your web creations. Happy coding!

That’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Now, with these examples, you can create your own amazing page.

Did you like it? Let me know in the comments below 🔥 and you can support me by buying me a coffee.

And don’t forget to sign up to our email newsletter so you can get useful content like this sent right to your inbox!

Thanks! Faraz 😊

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Open Web Components profile image

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Let's Build a Colour Picker Web Component

Let's build a colour picker web component using HTML, CSS, and a little bit of JavaScript. In the end, we'll have a custom element that:

  • Displays a colour spectrum using CSS Gradients
  • Tracks the mouse position using a Reactive Controller
  • Updates it's Shadow DOM via a small class mixin
  • Fires a Custom Event when the user clicks or drags


  • Defining our Element
  • Shadow CSS Q-and-A
  • Color Picker Styles
  • Reusable, Composable Controllers
  • Adding Controller Support to our Element
  • Hooking up the Cursor
  • Firing Events
  • Accessibility
  • Using our Colour Picker

To get the most out of this article, you should have a comfortable understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; including:

  • How to load resources with <link>
  • Basic CSS syntax
  • How to use the DOM API to query for elements
  • Object-oriented programming for web developers and the JavaScript class keyword
  • What a JavaScript module is

You don't need to be an expert, but you should have the basics covered. You should also be familiar with the concept of component-based UI design and have an idea of what a web component is. If you've ever written a component with one of the popular JS frameworks, you're good to go. To catch up on what web components are, check out my blog series:


Lets Build Web Components! Part 1: The Standards

Benny powers 🇮🇱🇨🇦 ・ sep 18 '18 ・ 10 min read.

Before we define our component, let's set up a project folder to work in and spin up a quick dev server to reload the page when we save a file. Paste the following script into a BASH terminal on a computer that has nodejs and npm installed :

These commands create a working directory in your HOME folder with some empty files, then start an auto-reloading development server. Next, open the newly created folder in your text editor of choice and edit the index.html file, adding this snippet:

And let's put some initial styles in style.css

We don't see anything on screen yet, since we haven't defined the <color-picker> element. Let's do that now.

Web components (or custom elements) are HTML elements that we the users define. Let's define the <color-picker> element by extending from the HTMLElement class. Open color-picker.js and add this code:

Let's take that file block-by-block.

We start by declaring a <template> element to hold our element's HTML. We'll add a link to our component's private CSS and two nested <div> elements that we'll use later on to enhance our component. By using a <template> , we make sure the browser does the work of parsing our HTML only one time, when the page loads. From then on, we can create as many <color-picker> elements as we want, but each one will stamp a clone of the existing HTML, which is much faster than parsing it again .

Next we declare our custom element class. In the constructor, we attach a ShadowRoot to our element, then stamp the contents of the template we created into it.

Last, we call customElements.define() , which assigns the HTML tag name <color-picker> to custom element class, and instructs the browser to upgrade the <color-picker> elements already present in the document.

If you save the file, the dev server will reload the page, but we still won't see any changes because our element's content is invisible. Let's change that by applying some good-old CSS.

  • Styling our Element

Open up color-picker.css and paste in the following.

We'll get into the details of our CSS rules shortly ( skip ahead ). For now, save the file to see our changes on the page. That's more like it. Now our element looks like a colour picker!

If you're unfamiliar with web components, you might be asking yourself some questions at this point:

What the heck is :host

The :host CSS selector gets the element that hosts the root containing the stylesheet. If that doesn't make any sense to you, don't worry, we'll explain more shortly. For now, all you need to know is that in this context, :host is synonymous with the color-picker element itself.

ID Selectors (e.g. #loupe )

ID selectors!? Aren't they a huge CSS no-no?

In the cascade , ID selectors have an extremely high specificity, which means they'll override rules with a lower specificity like classes or element selectors. In traditional (global) CSS, this can very quickly lead to unintended consequences.

I was shocked by this line "Don't use ID selectors in CSS". Is it true? I found many posts have written this.

  • http://mattwilcox.net/archive/entry/id/1054/
  • http://screwlewse.com/2010/07/dont-use-id-selectors-in-css/
  • http://oli.jp/2011/ids/

I think we can use the ID for the selectors.

I still want to clear this up.

Our stylesheet isn't global though, since we <link> to it from within a ShadowRoot instead of from the document, the styles are strongly scoped to that root. The browser itself enforces that scoping, not some JavaScript library. All that means the styles we define in color-picker.css can't 'leak out' and affect styles elsewhere on the page, so the selectors we use can be very simple. We could even replace that #loupe selector with a bare div selector and it would work just the same.

The shadow root encapsulation also means that the element IDs we're using in our template HTML are private. Go ahead and try this in the browser console:

Without shadow DOM, we should see our <div id="loupe"></div> element in the console, but we don't. Shadow DOM puts us in complete * control of our component's HTML and CSS, letting us put whatever HTML and CSS we want inside it without worrying about how they affect the rest of the page.

CSS-in-JS, BEM, etc.

If this is supposed to be a reusable component, won't those styles and IDs affect the page? Shouldn't we use BEM, or add JavaScript or a command-line tool to transform those IDs into unique random class names?

Now that we've learned a little more about Shadow DOM works, we can answer that question for ourselves: The Shadow DOM (supported in all browsers) removes the need for complicated css-in-js tooling or class naming conventions like BEM. We can finally write simple, à la carte selectors in CSS, scoping our work to the task at hand.

Equipped with our knowledge of the Shadow DOM, let's dive into our element's styles.

The business-end of our element's :host styles is a pair of linear-gradient() calls, one which fades from transparent to grey, the other which turns 360 degrees around the colour wheel in 10% increments as it moves from the far left of our element to the far right. We also threw in a cross-hair cursor and some default dimensions for good measure.

Our #loupe rule gives our colour-picking loupe a pleasing circular shape, but - crucially - defines its background-color and position in terms of CSS Custom Properties also called CSS Variables . This is going to come in handy in the next step when we use JavaScript to animate the loupe element. We also nod to the browser, letting it know that the background and transform properties are likely to change.

  • Tracking the Mouse with a Reactive Controller

Every component needs HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to handle properties, events, and reactivity. We covered HTML and CSS with <template> , ShadowRoot , and :host . Now let's move on to reactivity, meaning to update our element's state-of-affairs in reaction to some input like user actions or changing properties.

Oftentimes when writing components, we come across a bit of logic or behaviour that repeats itself in multiple places. Things like handling user input, or asynchronously fetching data over the network can end up in most if not all of the components in a given project. Instead of copy-pasting snippets into our element definitions, there are better ways to share code across elements.

JavaScript class mixins are a time-tested way to share code between components. For example you might have a component which fetches a file based on it's src attribute. A FetchSrcMixin would let you write that code in one place, then reuse it anywhere.

But mixins have a limitation - they have an 'is-a-*' relationship to their element class. Adding a mixin to a class means that the result is the combination of the base class and the mixin class. Since mixins are functions, we can compose them with function composition , but if one of the composed mixins overrides a class member (e.g. field, method, accessor), there could be trouble.

To solve this problem, the Lit team recently released a new "composition primitive" called Reactive Controllers , which represent a 'has-a-*' relationship. A controller is a JavaScript class that contains a reference to the host element, which must implement a certain set of methods called the ReactiveControllerHost interface.

In plain terms, that means you can write a controller class and add it to any element class that meets certain criteria. A controller host can have multiple independent or interdependent controllers, a controller instance can have one host, controllers can independently reference shared state.

If you're familiar with React hooks, you might recognize the pattern that controllers fit. The downside to hooks though is that you can only use them with React.

Similarly, the downside to controllers vs mixins is that they require their host element class to fulfill certain criteria, namely: the class must implement the ReactiveControllerHost interface.

Unlike React, though, controllers can be made to work with components from different frameworks or custom element classes other than LitElement . Controllers can work with React , Angular , Vue , Haunted , and others by virtue of some clever glue-code.

In my Apollo Elements project, I wrote some reactive controllers that do GraphQL operations like queries and mutations . I wanted to use those controllers in any custom element, so I decided to solve that problem with a class mixin called ControllerHostMixin . By applying it to an element's base class, it adds the bare-minimum required to host a reactive controller. If you apply it to a base class that already implements the ReactiveControllerHost interface, it defers to the superclass, so you could safely (if pointlessly) apply it to LitElement .

Let's update (controller pun!) our element to accept controllers. Open color-picker.js and replace the contents with the following:

Whoa what's that? We're loading the ControllerHostMixin over the internet from a CDN, no npm required!

This time, when you save the file and the page reloads, it will take a moment before you see the colour picker, while the page loads the necessary files from unpkg. Subsequent reloads should be faster, thanks to the browser cache. Go ahead and save colour-picker.js again to see what I mean.

Now that we're set up to host reactive controllers, let's add one which tracks the position and state of the mouse. Open mouse-controller.js and add the following content:

Notice how this module has no imports of its own. Controllers don't have to bundle any dependencies, they can be as simple as a single class in a single module, like we have here. Notice also where we reference the host element:

  • in the constructor by calling addController() to register this as one of the element's controllers
  • in hostConnected and hostDisconnected to run our setup and cleanup code
  • in our MouseEvent handlers, calling host.requestUpdate() to update the host element

That host.requestUpdate() call is especially important, it's how reactive controllers inform their hosts that they should re-render. Calling it kicks off an asynchronous pipeline which includes a call to the host's update() method. Read @thepassle 's formidable deep dive into the LitElement lifecycle for more details.

Open Web Components

LitElement: A Deepdive Into Batched Updates

Pascal schilp for open web components ・ dec 3 '20 ・ 14 min read.

Let's add the MouseController to our element and use console.log to observe updates. in color-picker.js , import the controller:

Then add it to the element's class:

Full source import { ControllerHostMixin } from ' https://unpkg.com/@apollo-elements/mixins@next/controller-host-mixin.js?module ' ; import { MouseController } from ' ./mouse-controller.js ' ; const template = document . createElement ( ' template ' ); template . innerHTML = ` <link rel="stylesheet" href="color-picker.css"> <div id="loupe"></div> ` ; class ColorPicker extends ControllerHostMixin ( HTMLElement ) { mouse = new MouseController ( this ); constructor () { super () this . attachShadow ({ mode : ' open ' }) . append ( template . content . cloneNode ( true )); } update () { console . log ( this . mouse . pos ); super . update (); } } customElements . define ( ' color-picker ' , ColorPicker ); Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

After saving, when you move the mouse around the screen, you'll see the mouse' position logged to the console. We're now ready to integrate the MouseController 's reactive properties into our host element.

We'd like our #loupe element to move with the mouse cursor, and for it's background color to reflect the colour under the cursor. Edit the update() method of our element like so, making sure not to forget the super.update() call :

In short, we get the mouse position from the controller, compare it to the element's bounding rectangle, and if the one is within the other, we set the --x , --y , --hue , and --saturation CSS custom properties, which if you recall, control the transform and background properties on our #loupe element. Save the file and enjoy the show.

Ok, we've done the lion's share of the work, all we have left to do is communicate with the outside world. We're going to use the browser's built-in message channel to do that. Let's start by defining a private #pick() method that fires a custom pick event, and we'll add a color property to our element to hold the most recently selected colour.

Let's listen for click events in our element, and fire our pick event.

Add some user feedback by changing the loupe's border colour:

Let's also let the user scrub around the picker with the mouse down, we'll add some conditions to our update function, right before the super call:

Full source import { ControllerHostMixin } from ' https://unpkg.com/@apollo-elements/mixins@next/controller-host-mixin.js?module ' ; import { MouseController } from ' ./mouse-controller.js ' ; const template = document . createElement ( ' template ' ); template . innerHTML = ` <link rel="stylesheet" href="color-picker.css"> <div id="loupe"></div> ` ; class ColorPicker extends ControllerHostMixin ( HTMLElement ) { mouse = new MouseController ( this ); constructor () { super () this . attachShadow ({ mode : ' open ' }) . append ( template . content . cloneNode ( true )); this . addEventListener ( ' click ' , () => this . # pick ()); } update () { const x = this . mouse . pos . x - this . clientLeft ; const y = this . mouse . pos . y - this . clientTop ; if ( x > this . clientWidth || y > this . clientHeight ) return ; const hue = Math . floor (( x / this . clientWidth ) * 360 ); const saturation = 100 - Math . floor (( y / this . clientHeight ) * 100 ); this . style . setProperty ( ' --x ' , ` ${ x } px` ); this . style . setProperty ( ' --y ' , ` ${ y } px` ); this . style . setProperty ( ' --hue ' , hue ); this . style . setProperty ( ' --saturation ' , ` ${ saturation } %` ); this . style . setProperty ( ' --loupe-border-color ' , this . mouse . down ? ' white ' : ' black ' ); if ( this . mouse . down ) this . # pick (); super . update (); } # pick () { this . color = getComputedStyle ( this . loupe ). getPropertyValue ( ' background-color ' ); this . dispatchEvent ( new CustomEvent ( ' pick ' )); } } customElements . define ( ' color-picker ' , ColorPicker ); Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

We should take our social responsibility as engineers seriously. I'm ashamed to admit that I treated accessibility as an afterthought when originally drafting this post, but hopefully this section can do something to make it better.

Let's add screen reader accessibility to our element. We'll start by giving our loupe div a button role and an aria-label. We could use a <button> as well with visually hidden text content, but since we've already styled things the way we want, I think this is an acceptable use of role="button" .

Let's also add a <div role="alert"> which we'll use to announce our chosen colour.

Give the alert 'visually hidden' styles, since we'll be setting it's text content to announce our colour.

Last thing we need to do is set the alert's text when we pick the colour.

And we're good, screen readers will now announce the chosen colour.

With our custom element finished, let's hook it up to the document by listening for the pick event. Edit index.html and add an <output> element to display our picked colour and an inline script to listen for the pick event. Let's also add some global styles in style.css :

Well we're done! We've met all our goals from above with a few extras laid on top. You can play with a live example on Glitch:

You can also follow along with the steps by tracing the commit history on GitHub:

bennypowers / controller-host-color-picker

Color picker web component with reactive controller.

  • Object-oriented programming for web developers…

Can you improve on the design? Here are some ideas to get your gears turning:

  • Display the picked colour in HEX, HSL, or RGB
  • Use the picker in a popover menu
  • Add a lightness slider
  • Implement WCAG contrast checking
  • Use alternate colour spaces
  • Keep the loupe always within the colour picker area
  • Animate the cursor
  • Build a magnifying loupe element that wraps graphics elements
  • How would you rewrite MouseController if you knew that an arbitrary multiple number of components in your app would use it?

Show us what you come up with in the comments. If you're looking for a production-ready colour picker element, check out @webpadawan 's <vanilla-colorful> .

Inherited Styles

While Shadow DOM does provide strong encapsulation, inherited CSS properties are able to 'pierce' the shadow boundary, so things like color , font-family , and any CSS custom properties can reach down into our shadow roots and style our private shadow DOM.

Top comments (13)


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Cool... but I am the laziest developer ever... drop the this in this:

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fine, but if you copy that into a typescript file, it will break everything.

That's not a criticism of your change as much as it's a criticism of typescript, though. Still, it bears saying.

LOL, that is the drawback of me not using TypeScript (any more). I don't learn where it fails. Even more LOL to consider I worked in the Microsoft world for 15 years; and "nudged" my Typescript colleagues unlearn ES3 patterns they applied to cool new TypeScript: Clark Kents' TypeScript Adventures

dbatiste profile image

  • Work Senior Software Developer at D2L
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Native color pikers are all different and impossible to customize, so if cross-browser consistency is a requirement, then rolling with the native color picker is a "no-go". It may also be a requirement to align with other aspects of the consumer's design system. They also don't provide much in terms of a11y. In short, there may be many design requirements that lead to a custom color picker since native picker are (unfortunately) quite inflexible.

westbrook profile image

  • Location Brooklyn
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Very cool Benny! Thanks for sharing. Wondering if you might have a clever way to make this sort of experience accessible to screen readers?

Good idea! As the focus of the post was custom elements and reactive controllers, I didn't cover all the bases, I'd love to see a remixed glitch that builds in accessibility code down here in the comments though. I'll add that idea to the "next steps" section

For production needs, check out <vanilla-colorful>

A nice a11y related feature is to include the ability to specify a background or foreground reference color, and show the color contrast along with WCAG AA/AAA compliance. In some contexts, this is an important (yet rarely implemented) feature as it goes beyond standard a11y to include authoring accessible content. I know your sample component wasn't meant to include all the bells & whistles though. Thanks for sharing this Benny!

I'd love to see a remix that includes this

Good point! if the native widget fulfills your needs, it would be irresponsible to use JavaScript of any flavour to deliver the feature.

There could be lots of reasons to want a custom element for this, though. Off the top of my head I can think of two:

  • design system integration
  • colour controls that native doesn't provide (like colour spaces)

To answer the question "Why write a blog post about making a colour picker?" - The specific content here isn't as important as the concepts of

  • How Reactive Controllers work with Custom Elements
  • That you can use Controllers without using LitElement, via the mixin

@codingsafari do you have another idea for how to use a MouseController ? I'd love to see how you remix the glitch

cristoferk profile image

  • Joined Apr 8, 2021

cool! This is very usefull!

I wrote a version of this example but using Haunted instead of extending HTMLElement directly:


I added an a11y section, which I should have done in the first place. Thanks @westbrook and @thepassle

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How to use a color picker in JavaScript

31 March 2015

Today we’ll build a small part of a web based user interface, that will allow us to change the background colour of an iPhone icon. To choose the colour, we’ll use a colour picker made in JavaScript, as the native input types are not supported on all browsers.

There are many colour pickers around the web, but we’ll test Spectrum jQuery plugin, “The No Hassle jQuery Colorpicker” for this project.

All the markup needed for Spectrum is an input element:

Notice the type color , which in the browsers that support it, will show a native colour picker.

To make our project more credible we’ll add some context markup:

The output will show the hex code of the colour picked, and the result is our iPhone icon.

Just before we close the body tag we add the “jQuery* and Spectrum scripts.

Let’s add some style to organize the elements a bit:

Much better! It looks like a real web app now. We also add a link to our Spectrum CSS file. Next the interaction.

We’ll add our code inside an immediate calling function:

First we create references to the DOM elements for later use, then instantiate the Spectrum plugin. Spectrum has many options that you can checkout at their website , we have used only a few here.

chooseText - determines the text of the confirmation button

color - the initial value of the input

move - the event fired when choosing a colour

change - the event fired when confirming a colour

hide - the event fired when canceling picking a colour, either by clicking outside the palette, or by clicking on the cancel button.

All the callback functions accept a color object argument, which represents the colour selected in each instance. This object has a toHexString method, which returns the hex code of the colour.

The broadcast function shows the selected colour on the screen, but only when it is confirmed. Let’s add it after the start function:

Now let’s implement the callbacks:

The main functionality in the methods above is to change the background colour of our iPhone icon. The bottom two also update the output window.

We then open the HTML file on a browser, and our colour picker works well.

One of the benefits of Spectrum is its simple markup, that can be styled easily. Let’s do that next:

Now the picker fits better to our overall style of the page.

That was all: a simple but powerful colour picker plugin. Don’t forget to check the github repo for this tutorial, where you can see how all fits together.

Happy coding!

ColorPicker (v. 1.0) and Colors

ColorPicker v1.0 is a small (45.4KB, 19.5KB gZip) but very advanced framework independent javaScript color picker and color conversion / calculation tool that supports the following color spaces: rgb, hsv, hsl, hex, cmyk, cmy, XYZ, Lab but also alpha, WCAG 2.0 readability standards (based on opacity levels of all layers), contrast, color similarity, grayscale, 2-layer or 3-layer overlap mix, etc...

Demo and test area

This demo section shows how ColorPicker's and Colors' APIs work and how they communicate to the outer world. The initial setup: ColorPicker UI (user interface) to the left as a standalone instance and test patches to the right (also interactive) connected to a separate instance of Colors. Use the drop down menu to connect the patches with its own Colors instance or to sync with the instance of ColorPicker.

Some hints : resize colorPicker to see 4 different possible sizes; use keybord, arrow/page keys our mouse in input fields to manipulate values; try all buttons on right side of colorPicker to explore functionalities. (Better description will follow...)

Demo of simple javaScript implementation

This demo uses jsColor.js (3.8KB), a javaScript only implementation of colors.js and colorPicker.js Calling the colorPicker on all inputs with the className 'color': jsColorPicker('input.color');

See also a simple jQuery implementation preview here

Short description

ColorPicker is very convenient and intuitive to use due to

  • its 4 different UI sizes (advanced, smaller, simple and tiny. From expert use to simple color picking),
  • its big variety of visualized color spaces (rgb, hsv and hsl),
  • its convenient multiple usage of input fields (typing, arrow/page keys or dragging for value changes),
  • its practical color value memory slots,
  • its fast, responsive and supportive cursor rendering,
  • its feasible color comparison tools,
  • its big variety of options and API for out of the box configuration for individual needs,
  • its compact design that tries to fit all possible situations while giving best overview over relevant data,
  • etc... play around with the demo to find out what ColorPicker provides...

ColorPicker runs within all browsers including IE7+ (theoretically also IE5.5+ and mobile devices with some modifications) can be called within 1 single file (color.all.min.js 45.4KB, 19.5KB gZip including HTML, CSS and some images), although it's separated into 4 components for flexible customization, developing and handling:

  • colors.js the brain that calculates all colors and color dependent components. Can be used separately to build your own color tool. colors.js can convert 182 different combinations of color spaces (rgb2HSV, RGB2hsl, cmyk2hsl, rgb2RGB, HEX2Lab, ...)
  • colorPicker.js the UI (user interface) that renders in your browser and handles user interactions
  • colorPicker.data.js the HTML, CSS (functional and visual UI) and 5 images including transparent cursor. All those can be customized. There are tools for customizations available, or it can be dropped for development or if there is custom components available
  • jsColor.js or jqColor.js the plain javaScript or jQuery implementation for out of the box usage of ColorPicker or for simple development for all your needs without having to dig deep into the rest of the code. See this as a simple API usage example for your implementations. Find single file versions in according folders.

The demos and the implementations show how easy it is to build your own color picker with colors.js (8.46KB) that could be used as a mobile device color chooser or an advanced color calculation tool. Be creative and use colors' or ColorPicker's clean, intuitive and convenient API to create your own great tools.

Some technical facts:

ColorPicker is faster and more efficient than most other tools of its kind due to a smart combination of some technics like:

  • intensive usage of fast cache, cache queries and buffering of elements, styles and color calculations
  • simple and effective DOM manipulation (fastest old school technics for broadest browser coverage)
  • strict separation of UI interactions, calculations and rendering
  • usage of requestAnimationFrame for optimized rendering speed
  • heaviest (pre-)calculations in non-critical situations
  • a smart layer rendering technic makes ColorPicker also small and compact (fast download of a single small file)
  • shared and pre-calculated resources (almost all functions, HTML, CSS, etc.) between instances makes processing way faster and needs less memory. A newly developed OOP design pattern makes privacy and reuse possible and results in a clean and non distracting API and data model.

Documentation: API and technical details

For more details and the full API description of ColorPicker see https://github.com/PitPik/colorPicker

Chrome extension and old versions?

If you're looking for the Chrome extension and / or the old version of colorPicker then follow this link .

Tiny jQuery ColorPicker

Looking for mobile first, tiny foot print, fast, scaleable, flexible and pluggable... There is a tiny jQuery version: TinyColorPicker , a 4.5KB small HSB color picker, supports all modern features like touch and MS pointer, GPU accelerated rendering, battery friendly requestAnimationFrame and provides a lot of hooks for developers to write plugins. See Tiny jQuery ColorPicker or Tiny jQuery ColorPicker on GitHub for details.

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Color picker libraries to use in 2021

color picker in javascript assignment expert

There is no denying the importance of colors on the web. Brands out there are identified with the help of colors as well as preferred color schemes. Thankfully, developers are provided with multiple options due to the myriad of popular color libraries by JavaScript. The color picker libraries in JavaScript are known to offer access to a wide range of color options or color codes that developers can use in their projects.

Color pickerlibrariestousein2021

With the help of the given color picker libraries in JavaScript, you can simply play around with the varying frequency values of RGB (red, green, and blue) shades to obtain the desired frequency or color schemes.

In this article, we are going through a list of several JavaScript color picker libraries in JavaScript to learn about their features while showing a sample usage. In the end, we will compare all of the libraries’ performance, based on the library’s size as well as their relative impact on page load time.

Bootstrap Colorpicker

Bootstrap Colorpicker is a leading modular form of color picker plugin for Bootstrap. The given plugin allows you to select from a number of colors. You can easily use it in any editor functionality or product variant scenario where the end-user can select a color.

If you wish to obtain its latest version, you can ensure the same in several ways, including:

  • Downloading the ZIP file from the respective releases
  • Cloning with the help of GIT
  • Installing with the help of NPM
  • Installing with the help of Composer

There are different color picker versions available for Bootstrap as well in the v2.x documentation and v3.x documentation . Let us see an example in action :

React Color

React Color is a collection of color pickers from tools like Photoshop, Chrome, Sketch, Github, Material Design, Twitter, and more. There are as many as 13 color pickers to choose from. Using the given color picker in JavaScript, web designers can also look forward to creating their own color ranges by making use of the existing building block components.

The installation can be done by installing react-color with the help of NPM . Simultaneously, color components can be included in the given library with the help of importing some color picker from react-color at the component’s top and then using the same in the render function. Some of the component APIs of React Color are:

  • color : It is used for controlling what color remains active on the color picker. You can make use of the given component for initialing the color picker with a specific color or keeping the same in sync with the parent component’s state
  • onChange : You are required to pass the function for making a call every time the color gets changed. Then, the same can be used for storing the color in the parent component’s state or for making other significant transformations

Based on the color picker component you choose to import, there are several other props available to use:

Pickr serves to be a simple, flat, responsive, hackable, and multi-themed color picker for JavaScript. With the help of this color picker, there is no requirement of using any dependencies or jQuery. Moreover, the given color picker is also highly compatible with all the available CSS frameworks.

Pickr is known to help you in the creation of a highly elegant, touch-enabled, and customizable color picker for your website or app. The given color picker is capable of supporting RGB, HEX, HSV, HSL, CMYK color codes. At the same time, the Pickr color picker is also known to provide a specific function that is capable of converting the default color codes or values (HSVa) to the respective RGBa, HSLa, CMYK, and HEX values. The given color picker is known to provide support to both node.js and the browser.

If you wish to make use of the same color picker in your JavaScript library to add colors, here are some steps to follow:

  • Install the Pickr using NPM
  • Add the JavaScript of Pickr to the page
  • Add a specific theme CSS to the given page
  • Create a well-defined container element for placing the color picker
  • Initialize the color picker for generating the default color picker
  • Customize the given position of the color picker upon being triggered

Consider the example given below:

In addition to these popular color pickers, some more options for the developers are:


colorPicker is a highly intuitive, lightweight, and compatible JavaScript framework that serves as an independent color picking tool. It features multiple capabilities for covering color conversions as well as calculations such as color difference, layer mix, and contrast. colorPicker tool is capable of fully supporting even the bad range of color spaces. Whatever your requirement might be –RGB, HSV, HSL, CMY, CMYK, HEX, XYZ, and more, the tool is capable of delivering the desired results to you. Let’s see an example:


evol-colorpicker is an adaptable JavaScript library for color picker capabilities that can be used inline. evol-colorpicker is known to push the right buttons as far as ensuring transparent color support, color history tracking, and color palette selection is concerned.

As the given color picker is a fully-fledged UI (user Interface) widget, it is also known to be available with configurations and themes that can be tweaked easily for suiting your preferences. Have a look at the example below:

JSColor is one of the leading web-based color pickers that aims at giving the designers and developers the best-ever experience during installation and end of use for the given component. The overall ease of use and its simplicity makes the given color picker highly preferred amongst the users. JSColor is known to provide support to all browsers, including Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer 7 and above, Mozilla, Opera, and more. Let us see an example in action:

Farbtastic helps in presenting you with a specialized color-picking plugin for adding a single or even multiple color picker widget onto the web project. This is achieved with the help of JavaScript. As you would link each widget to existing elements like text fields, the element value is going to be updated automatically upon picking some color. Let’s see it in action:

colorjoe is a highly scalable color picker. It offers you the overall ease of instant color picking. With this tool, you can get RGB as well as other color codes or values upon selecting and clicking on the available color selection area. The scalability offered by colorjoe is immensely functional. This is because it’s not dependent on eternal images and is known to be based on CSS. Therefore, you can go ahead and modify the size of colorjoe by utilizing CSS to suit individual needs:

Performance test

The page loading time of the above color picker libraries is given in the table below. It shows an average of 10 tests.








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JavaScript Color Wheel Picker

JavaScript Color Wheel Picker

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a color wheel picker. It renders a color wheel along with color plates and a color tune slider. Users can easily pick any color and copy the hex code for the color.

This color picker is purely built with JavaScript without using any library. You can integrate this into your website/app project as a general-purpose color picker.

How to Create JavScript Color Wheel Picker

1. In order to create a color picker, first of all, create the HTML structure as follows:

2. Add the following CSS for the color picker to your project.

3. Finally, add the following JavaScript code for the color picker, and you are done.

That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully created JavaScript color wheel picker. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below.

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How to Generate Random Colors in JavaScript (4 Approaches)

color picker in javascript assignment expert


When developing modern websites and web apps with JavaScript, there could be instances where you need to generate random colors, such as:

  • You want to reduce boredom and increase the freshness of your websites
  • To test or debug the appearance and functionality of web elements under different color schemes or contrasts.

This article will show you how to create random RGB colors, random hex (hexadecimal) colors, random HSL colors, and random HTML color names just by using vanilla JavaScript. No third-party libraries are necessary.

Generating random RGB color codes

An RGB color code is three numbers between 0 and 255 that represent the amount of red, green, and blue in a color: rgb(redValue, greenValue, blueValue) . They are enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.

To generate a random RGB color in JavaScript, you need to create three random integers between 0 and 255 using the Math.random() function. And then, you can concatenate them into a string with commas and parentheses.

Output (note that the output is not consistent due to the randomness):

You can set a random background color for a div element like so:

Generating random hex color codes

A hex color code is a six-digit code that starts with a # and represents the amount of red, green, and blue in a color. Each digit can be from 0 to F (or 15 in decimal).

The solution to creating a random hex color code is to use the Math.random() function to generate random numbers between 0 and 15 and then convert them to hexadecimal using the toString(16) method. You can also use a loop or an array to concatenate the characters into a string.

Your output might be different from mine. As always, the reason is the randomness.

Generating random HSL color codes

To generate random HSL color codes, you can create a function that returns a string of three numbers that represent the hue , saturation , and lightness of a color. The hue is a number between 0 and 360 degrees, while the saturation and lightness are percentages between 0 and 100. You can use the Math.random() function to generate random numbers within these ranges and then use template literals to format them into a string.

Get a random color name from an array of color names

HTML color names like red , blue , orange , and orangered are intuitive and easy to remember than color codes. You can create an array containing a limited number of different color names and then randomly pick a color from that array. The benefit of this approach is that the selected color will only be among the ones you have preset and will not produce unwanted results.

The result could be one of the five predefined color names.

Next Article: 4 Ways to Extract a Substring from a String in JavaScript

Previous Article: 3 Ways to Reverse a String in JavaScript

Series: JavaScript Strings

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A color picker in JavaScript. Supports adapters for integrating other popular color pickers, and can use native color selection controls. In the public domain.


Folders and files, repository files navigation, color picker.

Download source code: ZIP file

If you like this software, consider donating to me at this link: http://peteroupc.github.io/

A color picker in JavaScript. Supports adapters for integrating other popular color pickers, and can use native color selection controls. In the public domain under CC0.

See: http://peteroupc.github.io/colorpicker/demo.html

The homepage is: http://peteroupc.github.io/colorpicker

How to use:

In general, include the scripts "cbox.js" to your HTML:

When the page is ready, it will convert certain textboxes into color pickers:

  • Textboxes with IDs or class names starting with "color_". and input elements with type "color", will be converted into normal color pickers.
  • Textboxes with IDs or class names starting with "rgbahex_" will be converted into alpha color pickers that use the color format RRGGBBAA, with no "#" character, and with hexadecimal components.
  • Textboxes with IDs or class names starting with "argbhex_" will be converted into alpha color pickers that use the color format AARRGGBB, with no "#" character, and with hexadecimal components.
  • Textboxes with IDs or class names starting with "acolor_" will be converted into alpha color pickers.

For more advanced features, use the following functions.

Available Functions

PDColorPicker.setColorPicker( input , extra ) - sets up a color picker for the given textbox. The input parameter is the HTML element for the input text box. The extra parameter takes the following keys:

  • usealpha - whether this color picker should use the alpha channel or not.

info - the color model used. If null, the default color model is used, which is initially PDColorPicker.HueSatVal .

flat - if true, shows the color selection control in-line rather than in the form of a text box and button. Default is false.

  • rgbahex - if true, the color format used is RRGGBBAA, with hexadecimal components.

argbhex - if true, the color format used is AARRGGBB, with hexadecimal components. PDColorPicker.getDefaultColorModel() - gets the default color model used by the color picker. The model is a JavaScript object with the following keys:

  • fromrgbcolor - a function that takes an RGB color as an input and returns a converted form of the color as output. The RGB color is a three-element array consisting of the red (0-255), green (0-255), and blue (0-255) components.
  • torgbcolor - a function that takes a converted form of the color and returns an RGB color.
  • maxes - an array containing maximum values for each component of the converted color.
  • reversed - an array containing boolean values for each component of the converted color. Each value indicates whether the value goes down to up in the display rather than up to down.
  • indexes - an array that determines which axes of the display correspond to which color component. 0 refers to the X-axis, 1 to the Y-axis, and 2 to the sidebar.

Two color models are included: PDColorPicker.HueLumSat and PDColorPicker.HueSatVal .

PDColorPicker.setDefaultColorModel() - sets the default color model used by the color picker.

PDColorPicker.getColorChangeEvent().add( handler ) - adds a function to call when a color picker's color changes. The function takes two parameters: a four-element array representing the color (red/green/blue/alpha, each 0-255) and the HTML element (the text box) whose value changed.

PDColorPicker.getColorChangeEvent().remove( handler ) - removes an event handler for a color change event.

PDColorPicker.getColorPreviewEvent().add( handler ) - adds a function to call when a color picker's color is being previewed. The function takes the same parameters as for color change events.

PDColorPicker.getColorPreviewEvent().remove( handler ) - removes an event handler for a color preview event.

PDColorPicker.addColorPickerAdapter( handler , extra ) - adds a function to call when setting up a color picker. This is used mainly to support third-party JavaScript color pickers; the function should include code that links the text box with the third-party color picker. If this function returns true, the code was linked to the third-party color picker successfully. The input parameter is the HTML element for the input text box. The extra parameter takes the following keys:

  • info - the color model used.
  • flat - if true, shows the color selection control in-line rather than in the form of a text box and button.
  • argbhex - if true, the color format used is AARRGGBB, with hexadecimal components.

The following methods are generally only useful when making color picker adapters:

PDColorPicker.createColorPickerButton( input , extra ) - adds a color picker button next to the color text box. This is a helper function used within functions called via addColorPickerHandler() . input and extra have the same meaning as in addColorPickerAdapter() . Returns the HTML element for the button just added.

PDColorPicker.doColorChange( input , extra , button ) - triggers the color change event, using the current value of the color text box. input and extra have the same meaning as in addColorPickerAdapter() . button should be the button returned from createColorPickerButton .

PDColorPicker.doColorPreview( input , extra , button ) - triggers the color preview event, using the current value of the color text box. input and extra have the same meaning as in addColorPickerAdapter() . button should be the button returned from createColorPickerButton .

Version 1.0

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Server-Side Processing

Every form sent to the server should be validated on the server side. The color boxes accept a wide variety of values for colors, which need to be validated and converted to a common format. Use the server-side scripts in another of my projects:


That project contains scripts for five popular server-side languages: PHP, Python, Ruby, C#, and Java. These scripts are also released to the public domain.

Written in 2012-2015 by Peter O.

Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/

If you like this, you should donate to Peter O. at: http://peteroupc.github.io/

  • JavaScript 81.1%


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  • Color picker in HTML and JavaScript

Color picker in HTML and JavaScript

In this article, we will be creating a simple Color picker in HTML and JavaScript where the user can see and select a color and also copy its hex code. We will be using simple HTML and some basic javascript to get the job done.


  • Code Editor (VS Code Preferred)
  • Chromium Browser (Chrome Preferred)
  • Basic Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Bootstrap
  • Selecting a color from the color picker
  • Seeing the color in the background box
  • Getting the hex code of the selected color

The project will include just one file, index.html, we will be adding the small script within the HTML page itself and the same goes for the CSS file, we will be doing the CSS within the HTML page

Coding the Color picker in HTML and JavaScript

Javascript code and logic.

To define the function for selecting color we write a small function in js which is supposed to do the job.

The simple UI for the components of the site lies within simple divs

Complete code for Color picker in HTML and JavaScript:

In general, if we sum up the whole logic for the color picker, we can do all this in one index.html file

Image output:

output for Color picker in HTML and JavaScript

Video output:


I hope this was easy to understand and that you enjoyed building and learning this at the same time, we learned to generate colors and get their hex values as well. Along the way, we did some basic dom-manipulation to change the background color of the div representing the selected color in Color picker in HTML and JavaScript.

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' src=

Author: Aman Raj

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    A color picker in JavaScript. Supports adapters for integrating other popular color pickers, and can use native color selection controls. In the public domain. Resources. Readme License. View license Activity. Stars. 6 stars Watchers. 1 watching Forks. 3 forks Report repository Releases 1.

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