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Bride’s Speech Examples

March 5, 2017 By Kate

bride's speech examples

While bride speeches are not necessarily traditional at weddings, there is no reason why the star of the show cannot give her own speech in front of all the people that are near and dear to her. If you are a bride and are not shy or feel like you have something important to express, then you will want to deliver a speech that is sincere and heartfelt.

Since bride speeches are not traditional, there are many things that you can talk about. You can talk about the Groom and how you met. You might decide to thank your parents and about how their marriage inspired you.

If someone you love could not make it to your wedding, you can make them the focus of your speech. If someone close to you recently passed away, then you can talk about them as well.

More than anything, your guests will love to hear you talk about your romance. What was your first impression of the groom? How did you know that he was the one? What are your most favorite things about him?

Brides can also be stereotypically known for being Bridezillas, which is a term for brides who are way too demanding when it comes to planning their weddings. If you like, you can make it a point in your speech to thank your bridesmaids for all the help they have given you while you planned for your wedding

You can also thank your bridesmaids for their unfaltering emotional support and for any other help they may have given to you while you prepared for your big wedding day. Being a bridesmaid can be very demanding and stressful and they might appreciate the shout out and the show of appreciation.

Below are a variety of bride speech ideas that you can use for your own speech at your wedding. Whether you want to talk about your groom, feel like thanking your bridal party, or want to honor someone special, there are many ways for you to craft your wedding speech. Let the bride speech quotes below inspire you to make your own unique and touching speech for your wedding.

As the bride, all eyes will be on you and people will want to hear what you have to say. So make it entertaining, romantic, and if you want and if it is appropriate, you can even use some humor as well. And last of all, do not forget to thank all of your guests for coming to witness your wedding and support you and your husband on your big day.

1. I know that a bride giving a speech at her wedding is a little out of the box, but I have always been the type of person to march to the beat of my own drum. I want to thank my husband, my bridesmaids, and the rest of our family and friends for being so supportive of us. Thank you for showering us with your love and thank you for embracing our weirdness.

2. I will be the first person in this room to admit that I was never the type of girl to dream about her wedding day. A big, romantic wedding was just never something that I thought all that much about. I was not even sure if I would ever get married. But when you meet the right person, you just know, and I am so grateful that I met [groom] and that I get to be his wife. I could not ask for a better husband.

3. Growing up, I was always a little bit skeptical of everything. I never wanted to believe in things that were too good to be true. But sometimes good things just happen. I learned that when I met [groom.] When I met him he was a breath of fresh air and since then he has become much more than that.

What started out as a good friendship blossomed into a wonderful relationship with someone who is truly amazing. I believe in angels and miracles now, because [groom] is my angel, he is my miracle.

4. When I was just a little girl, I used to dream about my wedding day. I would think about the beautiful white dress, the gorgeous flowers, and the delicious cake. And I have to admit all of those things have been nice things about my wedding. At the same time, none of it would mean anything without my wonderful groom, our lovely friends, and our amazing families. All the material stuff is extra, but it is the people you love that make a special day like this so meaningful.

5. This wedding has been a whirlwind of love and happy moments with all of the people that I love the most. But most of all, it is the day that I got to marry the love of my life. [Groom,] thank you for being my husband. I love you with every fiber of my being. Thank you for being my husband.

6. The first day that [groom] and met, I will admit that I thought he was cute and that he was interesting. I wanted to get to know him better. But never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what our future would hold. Every now and then I think to myself, how lucky I am that I got to meet and marry such a wonderful person.

7. [Groom,] I never knew what my wildest dreams were until I met you. You have made me feel immeasurably happy, loved, and content and I know this is only the beginning of our journey together as a married couple.

8. [Groom,] having you in my life has been an absolute blessing. First as a friend, then as boyfriend and girlfriend. Then we became engaged and decided to get married. And as of today, we are husband and wife and I could not be more excited.

9. Hi everyone. Are you all having fun or what? I sure hope you are all having a great time because I sure am. I have to say that I am having the time of my life today.

I want to thank all of you for coming here to witness [groom] and I’s special day. It goes without saying that this day is obviously about the love that [groom] and I share, but there are two other people in this room that I especially want to thank. These are two people who I would not be here without. And these special people of course, are my mom and dad.

My mom and dad did what all good parents do. They always nurtured me, protected me, and loved me. But they also loved each other and I got to witness their love for one another every day when I was growing up. Whether intentional or not, that love that the two of them shared had a deeply profound impact on me, even as a little girl. Because of my parents, I know what real love is.

And now that I’m a lot older and am married, I cannot wait to share my whole entire life with this one person who is so special and means so much to me. Thank you mom and dad, for always showering love on me. I love you both with all of my heart and thank you [groom,] for being my husband.

10. Some of you here know that we have been planning this wedding for some time now. During the whole planning process, I have learned quite a lot about weddings, but most of all, I learned a lot about [groom] and I.

We all know that planning a wedding takes a lot of work and now that the wedding day is finally today, I know that now more than ever. This day could not have been possible without so many people but I especially want to thank the love of my life [groom,] our bridal party, and our parents. You have all provided us with so much support and love throughout the whole wedding planning process and we are thrilled to be celebrating our special day with all of you by our side.

11. If I look overcome with emotion, it is because I am. I never knew life could be like this and that I could be so happy. And I have [groom] to thank for that. Thank you, [groom] for filling my days with joy and filling my heart with love. And thank you for becoming my husband today and letting me be your wife.

12. I would like to give a special and heartfelt thank you to all of my bridesmaids for helping me with this wedding. Not only did you lovely ladies help me with the planning, you sat there through some of my bridezilla moments and did not run away screaming. Thank you for being so patient with me and for being there for me especially on today, which is such an important day to [groom] and I. I love all of you so much.

13. I would first and foremost like to thank the handsome and charming [groom,] who I am now lucky enough to call my husband. Just saying that feels weird, but it also feels so right.

Thank you, [groom] for loving me for me and for standing up with me at the altar so we could exchange our vows. This is not the happy ending to our love story because this day is only just the beginning of a new and more exciting adventure that we get to experience together. We have a lifetime ahead of us and I for one cannot wait to see what lies ahead.

14. All my life, I have always been a very spiritual person and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. So I have never thought that my meeting [groom] was ever a coincidence. I think that we were meant to be together and that God was saving you for me.

15. Thank you to everyone for coming to our wedding. [Groom] and I are truly blessed to have all of you in our lives. And I have to say that for me, [groom] has been my biggest blessing of all. To be able to find someone to share a married life with is something that I can only attribute to God’s grace and I want to thank God for everything that has been given to me and [groom.] We could not be happier.

16. In life, there are so many things for us to constantly think about. Sometimes it can be easy to feel like you can never be sure of anything. In fact, I have often found myself feeling that way. Unsure about some of the choices I have made, about the career I’ve chosen or the home I live in. And sometimes I have even been unsure about the people I surround myself with.

But over time, you learn how to tackle that uncertainty, though you will still find times where you are not always sure about everything. That is just how life is.

When I met [groom] though, I was sure. Of what I was sure of, I didn’t exactly know. But I knew that he was someone special. I was sure that I wanted to know this person and get to know everything about him. I didn’t know at the time whether that meant as a friend or something more, but all I knew was that I wanted to be in his life.

As [groom] and I got to know each other more and more, that certainty only grew stronger. And not only was I sure about him, but having him around made me more sure of other aspects of my life as well. When you are with someone that you are that sure about, you feel much more confident and more sure of things.

[Groom,] thank you for being here with me today and deciding to become my husband. I know without a doubt, that we have a very bright future ahead of us. I know not everything will be easy or perfect, but we will have each other and that is more than enough for me.

17. Most of you probably know that [groom] and I are religious. And for me, my spirituality has often been about taking a leap of faith. My faith has gotten me through so many good times and some not so good times as well. And how did I know that [groom] was the one? I didn’t know right away, it wasn’t exactly love at first sight. But when I took that leap of faith, everything clicked and I am glad we took a chance on each other. Without my faith and without [groom,] my world would not be as bright and as happy.

18. As I look at all of you in this room, I am overcome with emotions. Joy, love, and gratitude just to name a few. Thank you all so much for being here. Whether you were part of the wedding or traveled near and far to see [groom] and I get married today, it means more to me than words can adequately explain.

Check out our other article on Wedding Vows for Him or Her.

19. While this night is about me and [groom,] I just want to take a moment to thank the other two most important people in my life: my mom and dad. Mom and dad, you both have taught me so much. Dad, you are the first guy I ever loved and you have always taken care of our family. You and Mom have always made me feel so safe and so loved.

Mom, you are everything that I always wanted to be. Watching you and Dad, I always wanted to find a love that was as strong as yours. I am so happy that I found that perfect person. Thank you both for teaching me the meaning of love and for preparing me for the world.

20. What can I say about [groom?] You all know that he is smart, hardworking, and funny. And he is pretty handsome as well. But there is a lot more to him than meets the eye. Over the years, I have gotten to know the real [groom.]

[Groom] is a romantic. He has always been thoughtful from day one. And I don’t even mean the gifts. Romance is also about the little things. Saying “I love you” every morning when you wake up and every night when you go to bed.

And [groom] is also the most patient, nicest person I know. He has seen me through a lot of hard times and while he has seen me at my very best, he has also seen me at my worst.

[Groom] is fearless. And with him, I am fearless as well. I know that together, we can explore the world as husband and wife. Together, we will have many adventures together.

21. [Groom,] I just want you to know that you have my heart today and always. I cannot wait to go to bed with you next to me every night and to wake up every morning with you by my side. You are an absolute blessing in my life and I am so happy to be the new Mrs. ____________.

22. When two people decide to get married, there is a lot of talk about the wedding. The couple sits down and goes crazy trying to find a venue, set a date, get together a bridal party, and book a caterer, DJ, and florist among many other countless vendors. You also have to find the perfect dress for the bride and the right dresses for the bridesmaids. Down to every little detail, weddings are something that are discussed and planned in great detail.

But there is a lot more to a marriage, isn’t there? After the fun wedding, when the music is gone and the food and cake has been eaten, when the guests have danced their hearts out, and the newlyweds have driven off together, what is left?

After the wedding, what is left is the marriage itself. And while marriage is certainly not a big party every day, it is something that [groom] and I talked about a lot and in great detail. Who would pay the bills? Who would do the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning? Did we want kids? How many? What would our home look like?

And even then, when all of those questions have been discussed, there is still a lot more to a marriage. How much are two people willing to fight for each other and listen to each other? Will they be strong for each other? So [groom] and I sat down and we talked and talked and talked about the wedding, about what marriage meant to us, and what our future together would look like.

What we realized more and more is how right it all felt. We won’t always have the perfect answer to everything that comes our way, but what we do have is each other. We have our love, our patience, and determination and with that in mind, I am so happy to now be married to [groom.]

You may also enjoy our Groom’s Speech Examples.

23. As many of you know, my grandma and I were close. My grandma was the sweetest lady that ever existed. She was a loving, nurturing, and kind soul and she was adored by everyone who knew her. We had a lot of good memories together, both in my childhood and even as an adult. I still remember her hugs and the soothing sound of her voice. She has had a profound impression on me throughout the years.

So as I celebrate my wedding day, I cannot help but remember my dear grandma. While I would have loved for her to be here today, I know that she is smiling down on us from heaven. And I know that she would have loved [groom] and that she would be over the moon for the two of us. Grandma, I love and miss you.


writing a brides speech

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Wedding Planning

Bride Speech: A Guide to Planning and Delivering Your Perfect Speech

Discover how to write a heartfelt bride speech with examples and top tips. Learn when to start planning, what to include, and how to deliver a memorable wedding speech.

Blush pink wedding dress and bride

Brides - it's your turn to take the mic! Traditionally, wedding speeches and toasts were typically reserved for the groom, father of the bride and best man. But modern weddings have seen a welcome shift in this tradition, giving brides a well-deserved opportunity to take centre stage. This change ensures that both partners have an equal opportunity to express their own words of love.

In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about planning and delivering the perfect bride speech. We'll provide real examples of our favourite speeches too, and answer all the big questions.

Can Brides Give Wedding Speeches?

It may come as no surprise that the answer is a resounding YES. Brides have every right to take the spotlight to share their thoughts and emotions. After all, it's your wedding day too!

However, it's equally important to emphasise that the decision to give a speech should be entirely up to you. There should be no pressure or expectation to speak if you don't feel comfortable doing so. Your wedding day should reflect your desires and preferences as a couple.

When Is the Ideal Time for Brides To Start Planning Their Speech?

Planning a wedding speech requires a bit of preparation. The key is to start early. We recommend beginning no later than a month before your wedding day to give you time to brainstorm ideas, jot down thoughts, and carefully craft your speech. Put aside time each week to gradually work on your bride's speech instead of rushing it in one go.

A great tip is to practise your speech before bedtime - experts suggest this is the optimal time for your brain to absorb information, making memorisation easier.

Romantic puff sleeve wedding dress

Is It Recommended for the Bride’s Speech To Have a Theme?

Infusing a theme into your bride's speech can add an extra layer of entertainment! You might want to reflect on your journey as a couple, highlighting key milestones and moments that have bought you together. Some popular themes include:

  • Reflecting on your journey as a couple:  This could involve highlighting key milestones and moments that have brought you together, such as your first date, your engagement, or the birth of your children.
  • Embrace shared passions:  If you and your partner share a common interest, such as travel, sports, or music, you could incorporate this into your speech.
  • Turn your speech into a song:  If you have a good singing voice, you could write a song about your love for your partner and perform it for your guests.
  • Celebrate your differences:  Instead of focusing on the things you have in common, you could talk about the things that make you different and how these differences have enriched your relationship.
  • Involve the audience in interactive elements:  This could involve asking your guests questions, playing games, or giving them a challenge.

If you're not sure where to start, you could work with your partner to create a joint speech. This is another great way to tell your unique story in an entertaining way.

At What Point During the Wedding Should the Bride Deliver Her Speech?

The best part about a bridal speech is that it's all up to you! There are no strict traditions or expectations, so you can decide when it feels right to share your thoughts. You might want to consider going early, before the other wedding toasts.

If you're feeling a little nervous, just remember you're speaking to the most supportive audience you'll ever have - they're all there for YOU! So, take a deep breath, relax, and truly enjoy the moment. It's your time to shine! You've got this.

Romantic wedding inspiration

How Long Should the Bride’s Speech Typically Be?

As the saying goes, keep it short and sweet. Our top tip is to jot down all your thoughts and then edit and trim any unnecessary bits. A perfect duration for the bride’s speech is about 6 minutes, which translates to around 900 words. That's just enough time to share your heartfelt sentiments without dragging it out. If you're unsure about any jokes, ask a friend to sense-check them.

The key is practice, practice, practice! Rehearse your speech multiple times before the big day so that you feel completely comfortable delivering it. You've got all the tools you need, and remember - you're speaking from the heart - so you can't go wrong!

What Key Elements Should a Bride Include in Her Wedding Speech?

The bride's speech is an opportunity to express your feelings. There are no strict rules or templates to follow, allowing you to make it uniquely your own! However, if you're finding it a bit difficult to begin, here's a helpful template to get you started!

  • Welcome Your Guests⁠: Begin your speech by welcoming your wonderful wedding guests and thanking them for celebrating your big day with you.
  • Thank the VIPs: ⁠ Let your bridal party and anyone involved in the build-up to your wedding know how much their support is appreciated. 
  • Share a Unique Story: Next, share a unique story about your relationship! Be genuine and honest, avoiding cliches or generic statements. You can add humour, keep it witty, or go full-nerd. Speak from the heart and show off your personality!
  • Connect the Story to Your Wedding Day: To wrap it all up, find a way to connect the story to your wedding day. For example, if you first bonded over a shared love for climbing, connect this theme to your wedding by saying how excited you are to conquer the world together.
  • Close With a Toast: ⁠ Conclude your speech with a heartfelt toast to celebrate love and happiness. Raise a glass to everything that lies ahead! And not just for the two of you but for all those there to witness and support you!

Bride twirls in romantic wedding dress

What Is an Example of a Bride Speech?

So now, based on the template shared above, let's give this wedding speech thing a go!

Bride Speech Example "Hello everyone! Thank you so much for being here today. It really means the world to us both.

So, I know it's not tradition for the bride to make a speech. But I've spent the last six months planning this day, and I have a whole lot to say about it. I won't bore you with the details, but I wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you to those who've helped along the way. Everyone, please raise a glass to my bridesmaids and family for being the best crew a girl could ask for. I couldn't have done it without you.

To my partner in crime, James: I can't believe we're finally married! It feels like just yesterday we were talking on Hinge. I'm still ashamed to say I found your profile picture funny. To give you all context, it was James in a field with two calves, with the quote "I've been told I have great calves." Astonishingly bad, still to this day.

Since then, James has brought so much more to my life than Dad Jokes. James, you have supported, encouraged, and pushed me outside my comfort zone - in all the best ways. We have gone white water rafting in Mexico and wild camping in Scotland. We've also had our fair share of playing charades with locals, getting many things lost in translation - like accidentally eating fried tarantulas (I could have done without that).

Please join me in raising a glass to my husband! James, you make life everything but boring. I can't wait to see what adventures we have together in the years to come. To all our guests, thank you for coming to celebrate our special day. We know many of you have travelled far, and we're so grateful to have you here with us.


Romantic wedding inspiration bride and groom

Now you have all the tools you need to create a killer bride speech! Just remember, there's no one right way to write one. Keep it short and sweet, practice when you can, and most importantly, speak from your heart. Your big day is already all about love, and your speech will make it even more special.

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We have included third party products to help you navigate and enjoy life’s biggest moments. Purchases made through links on this page may earn us a commission.

Many people will tell you that they’re favourite part of a wedding has to be the  wedding speeches , in particular the words of thanks from the groom and the highly anticipated best man speech .

However, this male dominated wedding tradition is going through a (long-overdue) shakeup, as proven in our recent statistics that show over one fifth of brides are also planning to make a speech of their own.

‘For too long the female voice has been missing from the wedding party,’ says Lawrence Bernstein, CEO of Great Speech Writing . ‘Bring your wedding into the 21st Century and get your voice heard by giving a bride speech at your reception.’

Inspired to make a bride speech but not sure where to start? Read on for our experts tips on how to nail the perfect wedding speech and watch our video from speech guru Heidi Ellert of Speechy .

View this post on Instagram Now’s the perfect time to get writing your bride speech! Not sure where to start? The talented team at @speechyspeeches have shared their top tips for a bride speech that’s romantic, funny and will have everyone cheering! Don’t let the guys have all the fun now! @speechyspeeches are wedding speech gurus who’ve helped write for TV shows and celebs, so they know what they’re talking about. Listen to Heidi share her top 9 tips and use this weekend to start planning yours. It’s a seriously fun #wedminfromhome project, we promise, and you’ll remember giving your speech forever. #weddingplanning #wedding #weddingspeech #weddingspeechwriting #weddings #bride #groom #speech #bridespeech Photo: @markbrownfilms A post shared by Hitched (@hitcheduk) on Apr 9, 2020 at 9:38am PDT

Why Should I Give a Bride Speech?

According to a Hitched survey, more than one in five brides surveyed (22.7%) said that they plan to give a speech at their wedding – therefore challenging the stale tradition that the wedding speeches are only made by the male members of the wedding party!

‘It makes sense in this day and age that more brides are willing to make a wedding speech,’ says Caroline Bradley, director of Sorella and Co. ‘The bride may want to thank her partner’s family for welcoming her, and she is able to thank her own bridesmaids, friends and family for their support.

‘As the groom’s speech traditionally compliments the bride, it’s really only fair the bride can say lovely things about her new spouse in front of everyone too.’

As a professional speech writer, Lawrence completely agrees with this point of view and believes that giving a bride speech gives the proceedings a more balanced feel.

‘Typically, 80% of the speeches given at weddings are from the male point of view,’ he explains. ‘If the bride stands up and speaks then this gives the guests a female prospective on everything already covered by the men, plus it allows her to say her own ‘thank you’s to people who may have been missed out.’

What Angle Should I Go For?

A key speech writing tip that Lawrence offers to everyone is to first put yourself in your guests’ shoes and think about what they want to hear. Try to find an angle that hasn’t been covered in the other speeches and always keep it relevant.

‘There’s a risk that you could end up repeating what’s already been said in the previous speeches so originality can be an issue,’ warns Lawrence. ‘I recommend contacting the best man, the father of the bride and your partner to get an idea of what (and who) they’ll be talking about in their speech.

‘Find your angle and keep it light-hearted and to the point. Humour is great but keep it observational – you’re not there to be a stand-up comic! Perhaps you could say a thank you to people who haven’t already been thanked, or talk about how far people have travelled to be there or if you have any stories from your wedding planning experience.’

Groom speeches are most likely to overlap with the bride speech, so if you’re speaking after him perhaps you could consider following on from what he said and give your point of view about the relationship and how happy he makes you.

There’s no need to worry about the facts, just give your angle and remember to keep it light hearted!

Has there been any interesting holidays or memorable day trips you’ve taken together? What about an anecdote associated with when you first met or shared your first date? There’s lots of things you can talk about but just remember to remain concise.

Another good talking point is to give a big shout out to your bridesmaids, as after all, they’ve been there with you right from the beginning of the planning. Male members of the wedding party usually give a mention to the bridesmaids, but they are unlikely to have the bond that you have with them so there’s certainly room to expand on this.

Dos and Don’ts of Giving a Bride Speech

Do remember that brevity is important so keep your speech brief and to the point. ’10 minutes is probably too long when there around 30 minutes worth of other speeches,’ suggests Lawrence. ‘I’d say keep it to five minutes – you don’t want to bore your guests.’

Don’t fill your speech with too many cliquey ‘in jokes’ if you mention your bridesmaids. ‘Always remember your guests!’ says Lawrence.

Don’t make too many rehearsed jokes as this could sound forced and akward. Keep reminding yourself of your intended angle whilst you write the speech.

Do write for the way that you speak. ‘Forget punctuation, grammar and long sentences,’ says Lawrence. ‘Write in sound bites which are sentences of around six or seven words and then add pauses. Underline any key descriptive words.’

Do be wary of bringing up embarrassing stories in your speech, as this has the potential to make the reception awkward if it goes down like a lead balloon!

Do speak from the heart and really put your own personal stamp on the speech, as opposed to simply just reading out a list of last minute ‘thank you’s.

Don’t forget to make eye contact with everyone in the room and breathe slowly to calm yourself and collect your thoughts.

When Do I Give the Bride Speech?

‘There’s no hard and fast rule about the order of the speeches so perhaps the bride could even go first,’ suggests Lawrence. ‘It’s important that the bride speech isn’t just an accessory to the speeches or thoughtlessly tacked on at the end.’

You could even choose to go in the middle if you’re nervous about going first! As long as you communicate with the other speech makers about when everybody will say their piece.

The bride should be able to take on some of the important ‘thank you’s in her speech, so if there’s particular people you want to give a special mention to then consider whether going first, last or in the middle of the speeches would be better for you.

If you’re not sure how to fill your speech but you have bridesmaid gifts that you want to present to your best girls, then you could incorporate this into your five minutes. This is also a lovely thing to do at the end of the speeches.

How Can I Make My Speech Bride Speech Different?

‘A great speech can really bring the wedding to life,’ explains Lawrence. ‘Reciting a rhyme or a poem is a great way to make it unique and grab your guests’ attention.

‘Again, remember that relevance is key. Think – is there a particular song or a poem that has a significant meaning to you and your partner? Perhaps there is one that represents a milestone in your relationship.’

Another great way to personalise your wedding and make the speech memorable is to incorporate your own words into a meaningful song or poem. You don’t have to break into a song and dance – just a simple reading of the key lyrics can have a big impact.

Whether you choose to go for the humorous or heartfelt angle, this is sure to be something that your guests will remember and your partner will love the effort you’ve put in!

Can I Ask for Help With My Bride Speech?

Absolutely! There’s no harm in a bit of pre wedding communication with some of your guests (preferably close pals who you know will be honest with you) to get an idea of what they want to hear in a speech.

We also have a huge wedding speeches section here on Hitched that is filled with tips and examples of past bride speeches to inspire you in your writing. There’s also joke ideas, famous quotes, poems and toasts to ensure that every kind of speech is covered.

Finally, if you’ve poured your heart and soul into writing your speech but aren’t sure if the finished thing is suitable, you could send it to Lawrence and his team at Great Speech Writing to get a professional opinion.

‘Planning the reception takes ages but remember that the speeches take up quite a lot of time during it, so it’s worth putting the time in to make sure that yours is up to scratch,’ says Lawrence. ‘Many clients send us their draft through to check for them. Others choose to meet us, brief us on how they want the speech and then we write it for them.’

We hope you’re feeling really inspired after reading our guide to giving a bride speech! It’s normal to have a few butterflies in your stomach in the run up to the wedding, however if you feel overcome with worry about your speech or any other aspect of the planning then you need our top tips on banishing wedding day nerves .

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  • Wedding planning
  • Bride Speech: What, When and Examples

Brides speech: what to say, how to say it and examples

groom kissing the bride on her forehead

You’re getting married! So, surely you’ve got something to say about that? Traditionally, you’d expect to hear speeches from the groom, father of the bride and the best man. But we’re totally here for the tradition breakers. It’s becoming increasingly popular for brides to make a speech at their wedding. And we’re here to answer the big questions:

  • So, as a bride, should you make a speech to your bride or groom? Spoiler - HELL YEAH (but only if you actually want to of course).
  • Should it include references to friends and family or just your spouse?

How long should a bride’s speech be?

  • What should it say?
  • Should it be long or short, light and funny or heartfelt and emotional?
  • When during the wedding day should it come?

If you want to know the above and much more, well, you’ve come to the right place!

wedding bride speech

When should brides start planning their speech?

There’s no harm in starting early, just to give you plenty of time to write, edit and practise your speech. As we’ll touch upon later, practice really does make perfect so it’s important not to rush this part! Generally we would suggest you start no later than a month before the big day.

The pros suggest practising your speech before bed, apparently your brain is in the best state to absorb information at this point in the day. Nifty!

What should a bride include in her speech?

The great thing about making a bridal speech is that there are no expectations and no template, however there’s a few things you might like to include. Generally, it’s stories, humour and meaningful tributes. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to thank your bridal party and family but also drop a few love bombs. While you’re at it, throw a few compliments at your spouse, as well. They’re probably not too bad, after all.

If you’re both making a separate speech or even a joint bride and groom speech, discuss who will cover what with your spouse to be and check who will thank who so that you don’t end up covering the same ground. You may even like to chat with the best man and father of the bride too. Don’t forget to stake your claim on the best stories! And above all else, avoid the cliches. Even in your darkest writing block moments, avoid the temptation of recycling jokes from the internet. The genuine and original anecdotes are the ones that’ll have your guests roaring with laughter. If you’re not comfortable landing jokes, keep things sincere and heartfelt.

If you’re struggling to get started, a good formula to follow is:

  • Welcome and thank your lovely guests
  • Thank your bridal party and family
  • Chuck in a hilarious anecdote or story, don’t forget to relate it to your wedding day
  • Finish off with a toast

Start planning early and brainstorm ideas without pressure - think of the highpoints in your relationship, ask yourself why you think your relationship works so well, and find humour where it doesn’t!

bride wedding speech

Should you include a theme to your bridal speech?

For sure - some of the most entertaining wedding speeches are based on a theme. If you’re both in the medical profession, base it around a humorous diagnosis, if one of you is a musician, include song lyrics. If you’ve travelled together, link your stories back to places you have visited. Consider using props or even an instrument (please… no recorders, unless it’s ironic of course). If you decide to use props, practise your timing so that you nail the delivery.

When does the bride make her speech?

The great thing about a bridal speech is that there are no traditions or expectations. So, you can choose when you give your speech. You might like to get in early, before the other wedding toasts so that you can be first to thank your wedding party and your new spouse (aww). And, let’s face it, guests may be a little bored of speeches by the last one!

If you’re feeling nervous, remember that you’re about to speak to the easiest audience of your life- they’re all there for YOU and are rooting you on. So, take a deep breath and enjoy it.

Keep it punchy, after you’ve written your wedding speech, look to edit and cut back any unnecessary bits (nobody likes a waffler). An ideal length is 900 words, this is the equivalent of 6 minutes speaking time. Any jokes that you’re slightly on the fence about? Have a trustworthy friend sense check and if in doubt, leave it out. Don’t forget, practice makes perfect - run through your speech plenty of times before the big day so you’re totally familiar with it.

When it comes to delivering your speech, fake it ‘till you make it with a smile and don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s no secret that speeches delivered with a smile come across with more warmth and sincerity than a deadpan delivery!

Looking for some more inspiration? Check out some cracking bride’s speech examples.

bride wedding speech

So, I know that a bride’s speech isn’t exactly traditional… but if you know me at all, you’ll know that today of all days, I wasn’t about to let the guys have all the limelight!

First, on behalf of MY HUSBAND and myself (pause for applause) I want to say a massive thank you to all of you for being here today. We were fully ready for today to be amazing, but I don’t think anything can really prepare you for how surreal & overwhelming it is to have all your friends and family, from all the different parts of your life, together in one room. The sheer volume of love here today has blown us away & we are SO grateful.

I know that my wonderful husband (LOVE saying that!) is doing all the proper thank yous in his speech, so I’ll leave those to him. But I do just want to thank my amazing team of bridesmaids… you ladies have made this whole process so much fun – getting me hyped when I needed to be hyped & keeping me calm when I needed to be calm. The impromptu dance party this morning was EXACTLY what I needed to burn off the pre-ceremony nerves!

So, since there are no real rules for a Bride’s speech, I thought it might be nice to tell you the story of how we met. There’s an old saying that a man decides to marry when he feels it’s the right time, while a woman chooses to marry when she feels it’s the right man. Well, I’d argue that the same could be said for online dating.

I had been stuck in an endless cycle of swiping, matching, texting, meeting & (I’m ashamed to say…) ghosting a parade of Mr Wrongs… for YEARS. This guy on the other hand… decides one day to join a dating app, matches with me on his first afternoon of swiping, sets up a date for the next day, meets me. Falls head over heels & the rest is history! … I mean, what can I say… He’s a lucky guy!

Seriously though, I’m the lucky one. This man is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best person I’ve ever met. I mean, sorry guys – you’re all fantastic & I love you…. But I love him the most.

My love, I love your big laugh & your even bigger heart. I love the life we’ve built together – our beautiful home & our gorgeous fur babies. I love the way you can always make me laugh, even when I’m upset & crying… especially when I’m upset & crying! And most of all, I love that even from that very first date, being with you felt like home.

So, everyone, can I ask you please to raise a glass… to love, home & happily ever after!

bride and groom dinner cheers

Ok, so I know it’s not strictly traditional for the bride to give a speech, but I couldn’t let the guys have all the fun now, could I?!

I think between them, they’ve already taken care of all the formal thank yous and shout outs… excellent work guys – smashed it! So, I won’t bore you with more of those.

But, if you’re all sitting comfortably, I thought I’d tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, not too far from here, there was a little girl. She didn’t dream about handsome princes & big white weddings. She was too busy playing with her dinosaurs and splashing in muddy puddles to think about boys, thank you very much!

Around the same time, in a kingdom far away, across the water, there was a little boy. Playing with his dinosaurs & splashing in muddy puddles.

Over the years, these two little people grew up into slightly bigger people, but they kept their love of dinosaurs & muddy puddles. So, when the time came to choose a uni course… Earth Sciences (with a healthy dose of palaeontology) was the only option.

And so it was that come September, the girl from London & the boy from Amsterdam rocked up at Bristol University, young, fresh-faced & single… but not for long.

Their eyes met across the lecture theatre, there was a moment, a little spark. A friend request was sent (hey, it was 2008!) and the rest, as they say… is history.

I will be forever grateful that those two crazy, outdoorsy, dinosaur-loving kids, grew up & followed their dreams. Because if they hadn’t, they would never have met. Never have fallen in love. And they wouldn’t now be spending their days together, splashing in muddy puddles with their dinosaur-replacement dogs – and by the way, can I get a cheer for the world’s greatest ring bearers, Dino & T-rex!

My love, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you. And I can’t wait to keep on loving you, every day for the rest of my life.

So, lovely people, will you please join me in raising a glass, to following your dreams & falling in love!

newlyweds first dance celebration

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” Wise words indeed, written by a very wise woman.

But what, I wonder, about a single WOMAN, in possession of an equally respectable fortune?... It’s an entirely different kettle of fish if you ask me.

In fact, as many of you will know, If you’d have asked this particular woman about her views on marriage, not even 2 years ago… well… she’d have chewed your ear off.

“I’ll never get married. Are you joking? I love my life! I can go where I like, I’m free to travel, financially independent. I don’t need no man. I’m happy by myself!”

And I was. I really, truly was.

BUT. You never know what the universe has in store for you. And for me, it had the most amazing surprise.

Enter stage left… this guy… the actual man of my dreams.

Tall, dark & handsome, kind, funny, adventurous, spontaneous.

It takes a special kind of crazy person to agree to a tandem skydive as a 2nd date… but that just about sums it up really, doesn’t it? I’ve found my person. My adventure buddy, my partner in crime, a match for my particular kind of crazy. And I’m not gonna lie, it feels f***ing amazing.

I get to wake up next to this phenomenal human every day, for the rest of my life. And wherever in the world we are, I know I’ll be home, as long as you’re there with me.

That’s what I believe marriage is all about – and honestly, I can’t f***ing wait.

So please, join me in a toast – to getting married!


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In This Article

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  • How To Write The Best Speech
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  • Wedding Party & Reception

Best Tips for Maid Of Honor Speech 2024: Samples & Ideas

Natalia Bayeva

jennyyoonyc via Instagram

Crafting a memorable maid of honor speech can be both an honor and a daunting task. It’s a chance to celebrate the bride in a heartfelt way while engaging the audience. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or feeling the nerves, this guide will walk you through simple and effective steps to create a speech that will leave everyone touched and smiling. Remember, the key to a great speech lies in authenticity and personal anecdotes – sharing genuine stories and emotions will make your words resonate with everyone present.

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Maid Of Honor Speech Examples

Best friend maid of honor speech.

After years of helping Maids of Honor deliver awesome speeches, founder of Speechy and author of ‘The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’, Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips. The first three-fifths of the speech should include revealing, entertaining stories that give an insight into the bride and your relationship with her. Don’t be shy of some affectionate teasing. 

We’ve made a research and after surveying over 50,000 brides, the maid of honor choice was crystal clear: more than 51% of them chose their best friend as their maid of honor. This role isn’t just about tradition—it’s about an unbreakable bond. A best friend’s speech resonates deeply, filled with shared memories and heartfelt wishes.

“If you haven’t had the chance to meet me yet, my name is X. (Bride) and I have been best friends for about 10 years. We met in high school gym class, and we couldn’t stand each other at first. As you can see, things eventually changed for the better. When (Bride) first asked me to be her Maid of Honor I felt flattered. But as the big day approached, she also told me to give a speech and a toast. I’m kind of the shy type and tried my best to get out of it. But, as (Groom) can tell you, it’s almost impossible to tell (Bride) No and get away with it. I wanted to tell you both how absolutely spectacular you look today. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better-looking couple (except for maybe my boyfriend and I). And I hope you’re all having a lovely evening and I’d like to I wish you two all the love and happiness in the world. How blessed you are to celebrate your love on this beautiful day. I know there are many happy years ahead for you. Let’s all raise our glasses to the bride and groom, and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness!”
“I never had a sister, but (Bride) has been like a sister to me for all these years. We have similar tastes, we like similar clothes… I knew (Bride) had found the one when (Groom) walked into her life. Well, I’m fine with that – she saw him first! Actually, you could see that it was love at first, second, and third sight. He is her Prince Charming and it seems to me he gives her all she needs – a strong arm, a sympathetic ear, and his credit card.”
“I met (Bride) 6 years ago, as we tried to survive in the concrete jungle of NY. To thrive there, your tribe is essential. We are quite protective of each other, so I was a bit skeptical of (Groom) when he first came into the picture. But as time goes by, I can’t imagine anyone else but him to be her one and only. They say that anyone can be passionate, but it takes a real pair of lovers to be silly. Well, together, (Bride) and (Groom) are two of the goofiest people I know.”
“Hello everyone, my name is X, and by my dress, you can tell that I am the Maid of Honor today. For many years, we have been through thick and thin, and we have shared many memories. Today is another great day to add to our collection of sweet memories, so I’m really looking forward to the cake! I know you will have challenges as all relationships do. But you know what’s great about love and relationships and marriages? It is learning to grow together. Caring and sharing, and lots of tenderness. And maybe a bit of patience, or maybe even a lot. So let’s raise our glasses to the power of love, that makes all these wonderful things happen! Today you start a completely new chapter of your lives. What can I say? Never forget the two most important replies: ‘you’re right, dear’ and ‘okay, buy it’. Love and cherish each other! These two are a rare find in today’s world. Here’s to the groom who has a bride so fair, and here’s to the bride with a groom who is so rare.”

How to write a maid of honor speech for best friend?

  • Introduction: Begin by introducing yourself and expressing how honored you are to be the maid of honor for your best friend.
  • Fond Memories: Share special and cherished memories you’ve shared together, highlighting the bond you both share.
  • Praise and Qualities: Speak about your best friend’s wonderful qualities, accomplishments, and the ways they have positively impacted your life and the lives of others.
  • The Friendship: Emphasize the strength and significance of your friendship, and how it has grown over the years.
  • Love and Support: Show appreciation for the bride’s partner and express your excitement about their journey together.
  • Gratitude: Thank the guests for being a part of this special day and acknowledge the couple’s families.
  • Toast: Raise a toast to your best friend and their partner, wishing them a lifetime of love, joy, and happiness together.

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The 60+ Best Engagement Gifts Any Couple Will Love

Sister maid of honor speech.

According to our research, the second most popular choice for the maid of honor role is the bride’s sister. While tradition often places the best friend in the spotlight, a sister brings a unique depth to the role. Their shared history, growing up together, and the intrinsic bond make a sister’s speech incredibly touching. With a wealth of childhood memories and a deep understanding of the bride, a sister’s words carry immense emotional weight. When delivering the speech, draw upon this shared journey, express genuine emotions, and celebrate the love that binds not only siblings but also the newlyweds.

“As you may know, I am the bride’s younger sister. As we were growing up, I always wanted to be like her. Do the things she did, have the things she had –  I was probably a bit annoying, I always wanted to tag along. She taught me how to care, how to share, and how to try to reach for the stars. And as I grew up I wanted to be just as beautiful, caring, smart, and successful as her. (Bride) has always set an example for me to follow. Over the years she has shown me how to love and care. Today she shows me how to find a best friend, a partner, and a true lover, all in one person. I hope that I am just as lucky someday. It’s a great happiness to find someone who loves you as much as (Groom) loves my sister. Today, I want to thank both of you for being a part of my life, and to celebrate the love you both share. Like many sisters, we weren’t always best friends. I remember fights, screaming, and door-slamming, but I couldn’t have picked a better sister and a friend. Now that we are older, I can finally admit how happy I am to have grown up with such a great sister. Having a sister is one of the greatest things in life. Having a little sister is even better because I liked to be bossy. (Bride) always wanted to be a bit more like me… But actually, there is so much that I admire about her! I have watched her grow into the gorgeous woman that she is. It is a great honor for me to be her big sister!”
“First of all, I want to thank you all for being here with us today. As most of you know I am (Bride’s) sister. As we grew, we were as close as can be. We were always in trouble and I remember wondering if there will be a guy brave enough for someone as wild as my sister is. Well, here he is!My sis has just tied the knot. And I do believe that (Groom) is her perfect match. And today I realize that all she needs is a guy who will love her just the way she is, with all her craziness. Their commitment to each other inspires all of us because that’s what we call true love. So let’s raise our glasses to this amazing couple!”
“I want you to know that it took me 3 weeks to write this speech over and over again. And I couldn’t think of anything perfect enough to describe just how much I love you. I couldn’t find words to define the kind of sister you are to me. This is your big day and there is so much I want to say… I Googled a lot of maid of honor speech examples. The one piece of advice I kept finding over and over again was to start off with a quote. I did some research and I think their love is best described by Dr. Seuss: “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because the reality is finally better than your dreams.”
“Love, be true to her; Life, be dear to her; Health, stay close to her; Joy, draw near to her; Fortune, find what you can do for her, Search your treasure house through and through for her, Follow her footsteps the wide world over – And keep her husband always her lover. – By Anna Lewis, from “To the Bride”

How to write a maid of honor speech for sister?

  • Introduction: Start by introducing yourself and your relationship with the bride, emphasizing your sisterly bond.
  • Anecdotes: Share heartfelt and funny stories that highlight your sister’s qualities, achievements, or memorable moments you’ve shared together.
  • Praise the bride: Compliment her personality, kindness, and the positive impact she has on others.
  • Address the groom: Welcome him into the family and share a warm message about their relationship.
  • Express gratitude: Thank the guests for attending and acknowledge your parents and other family members.
  • Toast: Raise a glass and propose a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds and their future happiness together.

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Funny Maid Of Honor Speech

As a close friend of the bride, you would have a lot of material for wedding speeches bridesmaids, you just need to know how to put them all together. A few sample wedding speeches would give you the right kind of inspiration to get you on your way.

“Well, for those of you who I haven’t had the chance to meet yet, my name is [NAME]. [BRIDE] and I have been best friends for around the last 10 years. We first met at work one day, when she stole my carrot cake out of the fridge in the lunchroom and I threw away her pineapple yogurt cartons in revenge. I never had a sister, but [BRIDE] has been my stand-in sister for all these years. You could say we are even closer than sisters. We don’t fight like sisters, but we do wear each other’s clothes. Somehow she can still fit into my clothes but I can’t fit into hers anymore. I’m sure that is just because her dryer must be shrinking them. I knew [BRIDE] had found the one when [GROOM] walked into her life. Sure, she dated a few guys…after I was done torturing them. But [GROOM] was different. Unlike those jerks, he was kind and thoughtful. And he had a job. You could see that it was love at first, second, and third sight. Clearly [GROOM] is charming and it seems to me he offers her what she needs – a strong arm, a kind ear, and an American Express Black Card. I trust [BRIDE] and [GROOM] completely. I remember the time I asked them to watch my dog Benji when I went skiing in Europe. They were so nice to help out. I got back and Benji was so happy to see me. He was 40 pounds lighter and now he sees a therapist twice a week. Of course, we are having fun today. The test of this relationship will be over the long term. Will she still love [GROOM] when he leaves his underwear on the floor and cuts his toenails at the dinner table? The answer is no. God, please, disgusting. No, seriously, I know they will have challenges as all relationships do. And [GROOM] will learn what all men learn eventually. Keep your wife happy! Happy wife, happy life. No, really, what’s great about love and relationships and marriage is learning to grow together. The communication it takes to keep a marriage going is massive. But half the fun is working things out, talking, communicating, and launching kitchen appliances at each other – real love. Today has been a great day. Family and friends are here, the sun is shining and the champagne is flowing. And we’ll need it to get through this chicken dinner.”

Sometimes the hardest part of being a maid of honor to your bestie might be writing the wedding speech. Speaking with your friend face to face is always easy, however, making toasts or speeches in front of a group of people would be totally different and not as easy. This is why anecdotes and funny wedding speeches maid of honor could help you cruise through your speech while giving the wedding guests a laugh at the same time.

Funny Lines For Maid Of Honor Speech

  • “I did some research on how to give the perfect maid of honor speech, and the first tip I found was to imagine everyone in their underwear. So, here we are, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my nightmare!”
  • “Being the maid of honor is like being a ninja. You have to be quick on your feet, prepared for anything, and ready to attack at a moment’s notice. But instead of throwing shurikens, I’m armed with embarrassing stories about the bride.”
  • “As the maid of honor, I’ve been given the responsibility of keeping the bride calm and relaxed throughout the wedding planning process. Which is why I’ve been slipping her Xanax in her coffee every morning.”
  • “When the bride asked me to be her maid of honor, I was thrilled. But then I realized it meant I had to give a speech in front of all these people. So if I faint halfway through, just drag me off stage and make it look like part of the act.”

Bridesmaid Wedding Speech

A list of example wedding speeches maid of honor could act as a template of sorts, helping you figure out just how to structure your speech.

Some of the best wedding speeches maid of honor, shine a light on the friendship between the bride and her maid of honor, as well as the beautiful personality of the bride. Most introductions begin with the story of meeting the groom for the first time. The intro is usually a good time to inject a funny quote, poem, or actual occurrence.

“Hi everyone, I am one of the bridesmaids at this wedding and I just wanted to say how happy and lucky I am to be here to celebrate [bride] and [groom’s] wedding with everyone. Today, everything looks effortless. From the beautiful wedding ceremony to the food, music, and decorations at this venue, every little detail was planned by [bride] and [groom.] And lots of time was spent shopping for dresses and doing fittings. When you get to peek behind the scenes, you see how much work really gets put into planning a wedding. There were a lot of late nights and hours spent working on this wedding and I have to say that it all turned out quite beautifully. Let’s all give a round of applause for [bride] and [groom.] [Bride] and [groom,] thank you for such a wonderful day. I raise my glass to the two of you and wish you nothing but the best in your life together. May each day be full of love and laughter between the two of you.”

Speeches are generally not as difficult as we imagine. So, you can relax, go through these samples, and create one of the best wedding toast speeches made of honor.

Short Maid Of Honor Speech Examples

“Greetings to all of you. I’m [Name], the maid of honor. I would like to express a few words about the lovely bride and groom. [Bride] has always been a wonderful friend to me, and it’s an honor to be her maid of honor today. And [Groom], I am delighted that you are joining our family. You two are a perfect match, and I wish you all the happiness and love in the world. Let’s raise a glass to the happy couple!”
“Hello, everyone. I’m [Name], the maid of honor. [Bride], you look breathtakingly beautiful today, and I feel grateful to be a part of your extraordinary day. [Groom], you’re a fortunate man! [Bride] is intelligent, gorgeous, and has a heart of gold. I am confident that you both will have a lifetime of love and happiness together. Congratulations on your special day!”
“Good evening, all. I’m [Name], the maid of honor, and for those who don’t know me, it’s lovely to meet you. I have known [Bride] for several years, and I have never seen her as happy as she is with [Groom]. You two bring out the best in each other, and it’s evident that you are destined to be together. It’s an honor to stand here today as a witness to your love and commitment. Congratulations to the joyful couple!”
“Hello everyone, I’m [Name], the maid of honor. [Bride], you’re my best friend and I couldn’t be happier to see you marry [Groom]. You two are perfect for each other and I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations!”
“Good evening, all. I’m [Name], the maid of honor, and I’m honored to celebrate [Bride] and [Groom]’s special day. [Bride], you’re my best friend and I’m so happy to see you with someone as wonderful as [Groom]. Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations!”
“Hi everyone, I’m [Name], the maid of honor, and I’m thrilled to celebrate my best friend [Bride] and her groom [Groom]. [Bride], I’m so proud of you and I know that [Groom] is the perfect partner for you. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and love. Congratulations!”
“Good evening, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and I have the incredible honor of standing by [Bride’s Name]’s side today as her maid of honor. First and foremost, I want to say how breathtakingly beautiful she looks tonight. As I stand here, I can’t help but reflect on the journey that led us to this moment. [Bride’s Name] and I have been inseparable since childhood, and I am beyond grateful for the memories we’ve created together. We’ve laughed together, cried together, and supported each other through life’s ups and downs. And now, as I watch her embark on this new chapter with [Groom’s Name], my heart overflows with joy. I’ve witnessed the love between them grow and flourish, and it’s truly something special. [Groom’s Name], thank you for making my best friend the happiest she’s ever been. To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your love continue to blossom and may your journey together be filled with laughter, love, and adventure. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness. Cheers!”
“Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I have the honor of being [Bride’s Name]’s slightly crazy, but totally awesome, maid of honor! When [Bride’s Name] asked me to take on this role, I knew it would be an adventure. From choosing the perfect dress to planning wild bachelorette parties, we’ve had our fair share of laughs and tears. And let’s not forget about all the emergency wedding dress fittings! But in all seriousness, I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. [Bride’s Name] is compassionate, hilarious, and always there to lend a helping hand. She lights up every room she enters, and I know that [Groom’s Name] feels incredibly lucky to have her as his partner in crime. [Groom’s Name], welcome to the family! We’ve all been waiting for someone to take on the challenge of dealing with [Bride’s Name]’s terrible dance moves, and it looks like you’re up for it. To the happy couple, may your love be as endless as the dance floor at the reception. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness, laughter, and love. Cheers!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and most importantly, the beautiful couple of the day, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. I’m [Your Name], and I have the privilege of being [Bride’s Name]’s maid of honor. Today, I stand here with a heart full of emotions, for I’ve had the honor of witnessing the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] blossom into something truly extraordinary. Their love is like a gentle breeze, calming our souls and reminding us of the beauty in life. [Bride’s Name], you’ve always been the ray of sunshine in my life. Your kindness, grace, and unwavering love inspire all who know you. And now, as you embark on this new journey with [Groom’s Name], I know that you’ll be a guiding light in his life as well. [Groom’s Name], thank you for cherishing and loving [Bride’s Name] with all your heart. Your dedication to making her happy is evident in every glance you share. Let us all raise our glasses to the newlyweds. May your love continue to grow, like the mighty oak standing tall through the changing seasons. May your days be filled with laughter, and your hearts forever intertwined. Congratulations, and here’s to a lifetime of happiness and love!”

When delivering a speech, remember to speak from the heart, keep it concise, and maintain a positive tone. Make sure to customize the speech to fit your relationship with the couple and the overall vibe of the wedding.

How to write a short wedding speech?

  • Start by introducing yourself and briefly mentioning your relationship with the bride. This will help the audience understand your perspective and why you were chosen to be the maid of honor.
  • Take a moment to express your gratitude for being a part of the special day and your well wishes for the newlyweds.
  • Say a few words about the bride and groom, highlighting their qualities and how they complement each other. You can talk about their journey as a couple and your hopes for their future together.
  • End your speech by raising a toast to the newlyweds.

Maid Of Honor Toasts

One of the tips for giving good wedding speeches – to use a good toast. A toast is basically well wished to the newlyweds and their family, followed by a signal for guests to raise their glasses.

If you are unsure what exactly to say, here are some beautiful maid of honor toast examples to inspire you.

  • “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. – Philippians 1:9”
  • “Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. – Ephesians 4:32”
  • “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Here’s to love, laughter and happily ever after. – Romans 12:10″
  • “As (Groom) and (Bride) start their new life together, Let’s toast to the new husband and wife!”
  • “Here’s to the husband And here’s to the wife; May they remain Lovers for life.”
  • “Here’s to the health of the happy pair; may good luck follow them everywhere; And may each day of wedded bliss be always as sweet and joyous as this.”
  • “May you grow old on one pillow. May their joy be as bright as the morning, and their sorrows be shadows that fade in the sunlight of love.”
  • “Let’s drink to love, which is nothing—unless it’s divided into two with someone you love. May your joys be as sweet as spring flowers that grow.”
  • “As bright as a fire when winter winds blow; As countless as leaves that float down in the fall; And as serene as the love that keeps watching over us all.”

As the maid of honor, you need to find the one speech, that is short and sweet, and resonates with you! Great Maid of Honor wedding speeches often includes great quotes . Famous quotes have a way of painting a picture that our own words can’t seem to do on their own.

The Maid Of Honor Speech Template


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The biggest worry that most maids of honor have is freezing and forgetting the speech. A great solution is breaking your speech into sections and writing them down on cards that you carry with you. As you practice your speech it will be easier to memorize, and having all the words with you will keep you from panicking.

To get you started, stick to our basic Maid Of Honor Speech Outline:

  • Introduce yourself (your name, your relationship to the bride, and how long you’ve known each other)
  • Thank everyone involved in the wedding planning for their hard work
  • Talk about the bride (why she’s a good person and friend, share a story to illustrate it)
  • Tell the love story (The most romantic version of how the bride and groom met)
  • Talk about the groom (Compliment him, why he’s great for your friend, what he does for her etc)
  • Celebrate the couple (Why they’re so good together)
  • Wish the newlyweds wonderful things for the future You could also insert a quote or a poem.
  • Toast to the bride and groom – Raise your glass, say: “Here’s to the happy couple”, take and sip and voila! You’ve nailed it!

How To Write The Best Maid Of Honor Speech Ever

We’ve all seen when speeches go wrong, so how you do you get it right? After years of helping Maids of Honor deliver awesome speeches, founder of Speechy , Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips.

  • Introduce yourself & explain how you know the bride.
  • Include humor throughout. Yes, your speech should be a loving tribute to a true friend, but it’s also meant to entertain a crowd.
  • Once you’ve written your speech, try to edit it in half. Promise, your speech will be better the punchier it is. No one ever wished a speech was longer!
  • Pay tribute to the bride’s partner with than a cursory platitude. Prove you genuinely know and like them!
  • Rehearse as often as you can but use notes on the day. Delivering the speech shouldn’t be a memory test.
  • Remember to smile throughout your delivery. It’s a powerful (and infectious) communication tool.


  • Resort to cheesy cliches about love and friendship.
  • Google gags.
  • Thank anyone. It’s not your job.
  • Take up more than 10 mins mic time.
  • Pretend the bride is perfect. Instead cherish the crazy character she truly is, with all her quirks and eccentricities.
  • Talk over laughter when you deliver your speech. If you’ve written a funny line, leave a pause after you’ve said it to allow your audience to get the joke and respond. Don’t start talking till the last giggle has died down.
  • Drink more than a glass of bubbles prior to your speech. Alcohol actually increases the stress hormone.

How to Get Started Maid of Honor Wedding Speech

  • Know Your Audience: Consider the bride and groom’s personalities, the formality of the event, and the sensibilities of the guests. Tailor your speech to the audience.
  • Start Early: Begin writing your speech well in advance. This allows time for revisions and practice. Don’t wait until the last minute.
  • Personalize It: Share anecdotes and stories that reflect your relationship with the bride. Highlight special moments and inside jokes.

Examples of How to Get Started:

  • Opening with a Quote: Start with an inspiring or humorous quote related to love or marriage. For instance,

“Maya Angelou once said, ‘Love recognizes no barriers.’ Today, we’re here to celebrate a love that knows no bounds.”

  • Anecdotal Introduction: Begin with a personal story about your friendship with the bride.

“As I stand here today, I can’t help but think back to the time we met in kindergarten. Who would’ve thought that our friendship would lead us to this beautiful wedding?”

  • Express Your Gratitude: Begin by expressing your gratitude for being chosen as the maid of honor.

“First and foremost, I want to thank [bride’s name] for giving me the honor of standing by her side today as her maid of honor.” Remember, the key to a memorable maid of honor speech is sincerity and a touch of humor, sprinkled with personal anecdotes that capture the essence of your relationship with the bride.

How To End A Maid Of Honor Speech

When figuring out how to write a maid of honor speech, keep in mind that the latter part of the speech should be where you talk about the couple. In that vein, it’s also important to know how to end the speech flawlessly. Here are a few tips.

  • Keep it short and sweet. While you might have a lot to say, there are time slots for each speech, so keeping things short would be best.
  • Use sentimental wedding quotes. You might have a maid of honor speech template you follow but adding inspirational quotes to your speech is a great way to wrap things up.
  • Finish with a toast. At the very end, it is customary to raise a toast to the happy couple.

10 Maid Of Honor Speech Tips

After years of helping Maids of Honor deliver awesome speeches, founder of Speechy and author of ‘The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’, Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips.

Planning Your Speech

  • Think of the speechwriting process as writing a dissertation (only this time, don’t leave it till the night before your deadline!).
  • Firstly, jot down all your ideas and favourite stories and then construct a central idea (narrative theme) that you stick to through. It could be that your friend is always right, or maybe the newlyweds prove that opposites really do attract. Whatever it is, make sure your speech flows from one idea to the next, rather than being a list of random thoughts.

Speech Structure

  • Remember to introduce yourself and how you know the bride at the start of the speech and try to include humor within the first 30 seconds. Resist the urge to include any of those tired googled-wedding-gags and ensure your line is original and relates to the couple themselves or the surroundings you find yourself in.
  • The first three-fifths of the speech should include revealing, entertaining stories that give an insight into the bride and your relationship with her. Don’t be shy of some affectionate teasing.
  • Towards the latter half of the speech, introduce her partner and explain why the couple are suited. Again, make sure to include some good-natured humour here.
  • The final fifth of your speech could be a full-on love-bomb of a tribute to your friend. Make sure you avoid the usual cliches and platitudes about friendship and instead, try to nail the bride’s individual characteristics and quirks that make you love her.

Edit Your Speech

  • When you’ve finished writing your speech, try to edit it in half. You may not achieve it but once you get editing, you’ll be surprised by the amount of needless waffle that’s in there.
  • Remember, a speech is better punchy, so be brutal. A good maid of honour speech is generally between 700 and 1,100 words. No more than 10 minutes airtime!

writing a brides speech

Choosing Quotes for a Memorable Maid of Honor Speech

Talking about love and trying to sum up a friendship, can be hard. Luckily, some other clever people have already done it and we can all exploit their genius! Whilst plagiarism isn’t ever cool, finding the perfect quote to supercharge your speech is a great idea. Founder of Speechy (the bespoke speechwriting service), Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips for hunting the perfect quote to honour your bestie.

How to Use Quotes

  • Don’t resort to a generic ‘marriage advice’ quote. They’re over-used.
  • Don’t overload your speech with quotes. One, maximum two.
  • Quote recognisable names – or at least provide some context. Don’t quote someone you need to Google or someone who’s a random ‘relationship coach’.
  • Once you add the perfect quote to your speech, script a comedy back ref or put it into the context of the couple’s real-life relationship.
  • Remember, quotes can be used to add the necessary humor, as well as the sentiment.

Where to Find Quotes

  • Don’t just search for ‘wedding quotes’ on Pinterest.
  • Quotes become more meaningful if they come from somewhere that means something to the couple. Could the quote come from the bride’s favourite book, her partner’s favourite film, or maybe it’s from that song you play when you’ve both had a few too many dirty martinis.
  • Quotes can be found everywhere from children’s books to rom-coms, from hip-hop classics to the great philosophers, from historical icons to classic sitcoms so enjoy the search!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the maid of honor have to give a speech.

It’s definitely customary for the maid of honor to give a toast to the newlyweds at the reception, but usually, she gave a sweet speech.

How long should a maid of honor speech be?

A maid of honor speech should ideally be around 3 to 5 minutes in length. This timeframe allows you to convey your message effectively without losing the audience’s attention or making other speeches feel rushed.

What should be avoided in a maid of honor speech?

When delivering a maid of honor speech, there are a few things to avoid to ensure it is memorable for the right reasons:

  • Avoid embarrassing or offensive stories: You shouldn’t share anything that may make the bride uncomfortable or might be inappropriate for the audience.
  • Steer clear of inside jokes: Inside jokes may exclude or confuse other guests who are not familiar with the context. Keep your speech inclusive and relatable for everyone present.
  • Don’t overshadow the couple: Avoid making the speech all about yourself or unrelated topics that detract from the celebration of the couple’s special day.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can impair your ability to deliver a coherent and meaningful message.
  • Don’t go on for too long: Avoid rambling or dragging out the speech, as it may lose the interest of the audience.

Remember, the maid of honor speech is an opportunity to celebrate the couple and express your love and support for them.

We hope that now you have everything you need for your perfect maid of honor speech. So just keep all of this in mind as you prepare and deliver your maid of honor speech, and you will be amazing. Make the bride proud she chose you!

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The bridesmaid speech

What must your maid of honor speech include.

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 08-31-2022

Your best friend, or your sister, is getting married and you've been asked to be the principal bridesmaid or maid of honor.

It's exciting and a privilege.

Once the euphoria settles, you realize there's also a bridesmaid speech or maid of honor speech to prepare.

What you'll find on this page:

  • a 4 step outline or template to follow to ensure your speech is well structured and covers the expected content 
  • content suggestions, with examples
  • links to bridesmaid speech examples, wedding poems and readings
  • guidelines on how to best to prepare to deliver your speech

Bridal party circa 1927

Here's a basic 4 step outline to follow

Don't worry that through using it your speech will be the same as every other bridesmaid. Because you are "you" and your relationship to the bride is unique, what you bring to the essential content list will make your speech original.

The guide is only here to give your speech structure - a logical easily followed format, and to help you cover off what's expected. How you do that is up to you!

Be yourself, honest, and, ready!

Vintage image of a fully open white rose, a bud and deep green leaves.

Aim to keep it real, sincere and to be original!

Do try to steer away from lashings of stereotypical saccharine sweetness to describe the bride: "the most beautiful", "my best friend for ever", "the kindest, most adorable girl in the universe", "the cutest", "the funniest", "totally angelic",  ...

And to avoid a last minute panic stricken rush, allow yourself approximately three weeks to write and then, practice, practice, practice.

Read an example maid of honor speech for a sister

How do you begin to write a bridesmaid or maid of honor speech when it's for your sister?

The same way as you would for a very dear friend. Do check this example speech out.

I've written it following the guidelines here but with one significant extra step: an explanation and example of the beginning brainstorming process. 

Read more: an example maid of honor speech for a sister .

Read MOH speech examples from a best friend's point of view

Both these speeches use a similar outline to the one featured on this page. Reading them will help you begin the process of deciding what to put in the speech you need to prepare.

Go to: maid of honor speech examples

1. Introduction

In the opening segment of your bridesmaid speech include a greeting to welcome all the guests. Mention any special ones by name, your name and your relationship to the bride.

If your speech follows the best man's you may like to reference that too.

Here's an example of an introduction:

“Good evening! It's fabulous to see you all here including one very special lady, Teri's extra-mother Sally. Not even flight delays on the other side of the world could keep her away!

My name is Joan, and I have been best friends with Teri, our bride, since the second grade.

Thank you Mike ( the best man ) for your very gracious, and expected, compliments on the beauty of the bride and bridesmaids. What can a woman do but agree? We are indeed exceptionally gorgeous!

The bride is already spoken for. However let's see if your actions speak as well as your words. I'll be in the bar later. Mine's a double!”

writing a brides speech

2. History of the your relationship & a story 

Your introduction should segue nicely into the next part of your bridesmaid speech: a brief history of your relationship to the bride, followed by a short anecdote or story.

This is essential content as it puts your relationship with the bride into context for the guests.

Avoid stories mentioning any of the bride’s ex-boyfriends or incidents she would find too embarrassing. Your goal is to honor the bride, not humiliate her.

Stories that would be suitable here are those that illustrate the qualities you admire about her, the shared experiences at the heart of your relationship that keep it ongoing.

These are your classic childhood/school/work-life tales, the ones suitable for and understood by everybody. They are the "feel-good" stories, making people smile regardless of their age.

(To see an example of a suitable story to share read my  bridesmaid speech for a sister  or either of these maid of honor speech examples .)

The final touch in this segment is to thank the bride for the honor of being her bridesmaid.

3. History of the couple's relationship & story

This is the part of your bridesmaid speech where you discuss the relationship of the bride and the groom.

If you knew the groom before they began dating, you might have a funny story about how he was before he met the bride. Or this could be the part where you tell how you helped them get together, or how you knew the bride was in love with the groom.

Again, avoid any mention of previous relationships, leave out stories that are overly embarrassing or that highlight any problems the couple may have had in the past, and stay away from anything too risque or off-color.

Your role is to positively present the relationship and the commitment they have jointly made.

(You can see examples of this step in these MOH speeches: a  maid of honor speech for a sister sample  and 2 maid of honor speech examples from a best friend's point of view. )

4. Conclusion

This section should include your best wishes for the couple and your hopes for their future. You could express that with a well-chosen quote, a brief poem, or even a song. Whether it is funny and playful or serious and sentimental, whatever you do needs to match the tone or mood of what has gone before.

Your final remark should be a definitive statement indicating to the guests that you've finished. You could achieve that by simply raising your glass and saying "To Susie and Bill!"

For more go to: How to end a maid of honor speech You'll find twenty example endings of varying sorts. Some are funny. Some use quotations...Find a conclusion you like, and adapt it to make it your own.

More pages to help you prepare:

Image: oval frame made of colorful vintage drawings of roses. Text: Wedding poems and readings - Our happily ever after begins here.

Here's a diverse collection of c lassic wedding poems and readings drawn from many cultures and eras to help you find just the right words to express what you want to say.  

Collage of 5 different photos of women with their best friends.

Reading other MOH speeches is a good way to jumpstart  ideas for your own speech. Here are two maid of honor speech examples  written from a best friend's point of view. One is heartfelt and the other more light-hearted. Both are rich with personal stories!

Use cue cards to help you deliver your speech well

Do not be that woman who stands up to speak and tries to hold a mike plus several pieces of paper with her speech on them, and then read, speak and gesture at the same time.

It's a very public juggling act that could go sideways quite quickly. And it doesn't have to be like that.

Find out how to make and use cue cards .  Save yourself from potential stress.

Speech writer graphic with text: Are you finding writing your speech hard? I could do it for you. Click and find out more.

The importance of rehearsal: practice, practice and more practice

Image: cross legged girl with wings levitating.

Please  don't skimp on rehearsa l . You need to practice your speech aloud (a lot) to find out if it flows well, fits the time allowance you've been given and to build your confidence before you deliver it at the reception. 

Making time for rehearsal is one of those things you will thank yourself for. Truly.

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writing a brides speech

How to Write the Perfect Father of the Bride Speech, in 7 Easy Steps

Here are some tips for how to floor your daughter (and the wedding guests!) with your father of the bride speech.

Nora Shepard

Vitaly M Photography

Your daughter is getting married. It’s a monumental day for not only her, but also for you, her father. She’s asked you to present a father of the bride speech (on of the traditional  father of the bride duties ), and you’re probably honored, but also a bit apprehensive. You want this father of the bride toast to floor her, like she’s floored you so many times in her life. Traditionally, father of the bride speeches either starts off or concludes the wedding reception toasts , so you’ll have everybody’s attention. You, as the father, have a unique perspective on this woman standing in front of everyone. Whether you're bursting with ideas or have a serious case of writer's block, it can be tricky to sit down and figure out how to write a father of the bride speech. 

It’s time to write the father of the bride speech you’ve always dreamed of giving. We’re here to help.

1. start your father of the bride speech with a few thank-yous..

As with any wedding toast, it's extra important that you kick off your father of the bride speech by introducing yourself and thanking whoever needs to be thanked in your early sentences. Many father of the bride speeches thank the guests for attending, as well as those who were instrumental in planning the big day (this may include your spouse). Introduce yourself as the father of the bride and feel free to make a joke about yourself. You can make a “dad joke,” or a pun, if that’s your style.

2. Mention any loved ones who you are remembering. 

If it feels right to you, mention any family members who aren't physically present at the wedding in your father of the bride toast. “I keep thinking of your mom, who would have absolutely loved to be here.” You can keep this sweet and simple. You don’t have to include it at all, but it could be a nice tribute to loved ones .

The Secret Garden at Rancho Santa Fe

3. Share any special memories of your child. 

Unless her older sibling or mother presents a speech, you have a plethora of memories to include in your father of the bride speech from a time in her life that no one else has tucked away. People love hearing stories from childhood, and you should capitalize on that . It can be sentimental or embarrassing – though, not too embarrassing. It is her day, after all.

Recall the day you brought her home from the hospital, and what you were thinking and feeling. Remember the time she brought a wounded bird into your house and demanded, through tears, that you two nursed it back to health? That was one moment out of many that you realized just how caring and generous your daughter has always been. Bring up the time she broke a bone (for the sixth time), because she was always so incredibly adventurous. You’ve always worried about her, but you know she can take care of herself. Our favorite father of the bride speech examples are ones where the giver uses an anecdote to share something about the bride's personality or his relationship with her. 

4. Talk about your new in-law.

Your daughter is the light of your life, but you have a new “child” in your life now. It would be nice to address her partner directly in your father of the bride speech, and thank them for making your daughter so incredibly happy. However you feel appropriate doing this, depending on your relationship with your new in-law , is up to you.

Use your father of the bride speech reminisce about the time when you first met him/her. If you’re particularly close with your daughter, maybe she called you after their first date – what were you thinking? Has there been a time you were particularly glad to have them around? This can be sentimental or funny, but it should be genuine – regardless of your true feelings. Maybe, on a family vacation, the car broke down, and her partner’s handy skills in a crisis made you really appreciate their presence. This is a funnier story, but can lead into a genuine appreciation. Most importantly, they have made your daughter incredibly happy, so definitely make sure to express gratitude and a warm welcome to the family.

Christy Renee Photography

5. Give some advice in your father of the bride speech.

You are older and wiser, so if it makes sense for you, give the new couple a piece of advice toward a happy marriage — or just happiness in general — in your father of the bride speech. Whether you’re married, divorced, or happily single doesn't matter. If you don’t feel equipped to offer advice, then don't force it. But, considering how many dads love to offer unsolicited advice to their children, this is a great opportunity.

If you are married, offer your secret . It can be real or a joke. But try to avoid sexist tropes, if you can. Jokes like, “Married men always have the same boss,” are tired and overused. More importantly than that, it presents an image of marriage to the new couple that isn’t ideal. If you do have genuine advice, though, feel free to offer it – even if you aren’t married. Don't joke about the divorce rate, though. It will only succeed in ensuing awkwardness for everyone present.

6. Use a quote, but don't force it.

This won't necessarily work for all father of the bride speeches. But, if it feels natural to work a quote that particularly speaks to you in your toast, you shouldn't feel like you have to shy away from it. It can be a sweet way to end your speech. Also, it doesn't have to be some profound quote — and this is what I mean about not forcing it. Don't use a quote just for the sake of using one. But, if there’s a quote that speaks to you on a personal level, it can be great. It doesn’t have to be serious. If you and your daughter have a special bond over something, like, The Simpsons , a comedic quote can be great provided you deliver it with confidence.

7. End with a toast.

If you're unsure of how to end your father of the bride speech, a toast is a crowd-pleaser. Offer up your congratulations and invite everyone to toast to the happy couple. Remind your daughter that you are proud of her, that you love her, and that you're so happy for her that she found someone who treats her well. Welcome your new in law to the family one last time, take a sip of your drink, and go hug your daughter – who may very well be crying .

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writing a brides speech

How to write a (kick-ass) bridesmaid speech!

Easy Weddings

how to write a bridesmaid speech

In the past, only the father-of-the-bride, the groom and the best man tended to give wedding speeches but, today, it could also be the bride, her mother, a close friend or, of course, her bridesmaids. Here are some tips for pulling off the perfect bridesmaid speech though, of course, they could be used by anyone tasked with speaking at a wedding.

It’s just like telling a story

Start by jotting down a few bullet points, then think about expanding on each of those points.

Also, consider your overall message. What are you trying to convey? Is it your feelings for the bride/the couple? Is it what she means to you? What is your intent in giving this speech? Keep this in mind when you’re expanding on each of the points.

Finally, maintain a logical sequence to your toast. Consider your wedding toast to be a miniature tale: you need a beginning which captures their attention, a middle which keeps it and an end that wraps your story up neatly.

Think Goldilocks: not too short and not too long

Keep it brief, but not too brief. Ideally, you’ll speak for around three to five minutes. It may not sound like much, but it’ll feel like forever when all eyes are glued to you. Remember there will be other speeches, either before or after yours, and you do not want guests nodding off, so don’t drone one!

Practice makes perfect

It’s an old adage, but it couldn’t be truer: practice makes perfect.

Don’t just turn up on the day and wing it. Once happy with your speech, practice, practice, practice. That way, you’ll have the chance to refine your speech before the big moment and, by the time you’re ready to deliver it, you’ll be able to do it with your eyes closed!

Really knowing your material will also help calm any nerves as you’ll be so across your material, you won’t be lost for words.

Be humorous but also sincere

As wonderful as a sincere and loving toast can be, they can also be a little dull if not delivered properly. To ensure your speech is memorable for all the right reasons, sprinkle a few humourous stories and anecdotes throughout your bridesmaid speech to give guests a bit of a chuckle, but don’t be derogatory and don’t embarrass your friend/s in front of their nearest and dearest.

End your your toast with a story that, perhaps, even they don’t know, but one that illustrates to you just how much they love each other. You can end on a high, but aww-worthy note, by telling the assembled crowd about that very special moment that you realised they were destined for each other.

Talk about the bride and  the groom

If you are the bride’s bestie, sister or cousin (or someone else special to her), it is easy to tell stories about her – and the antics that have occurred in your relationship together, but it is important to remember that you need to talk about her new spouse too!

If you are not particularly close to the groom, talk to other friends or family members that have gotten to know him and be sure to include him in the speech. By making the effort to learn enough about the groom to weave him into your bridesmaid speech, you will make both the bride and groom feel important and special, as well as both their families.

Planning your wedding? Find gorgeous bridesmaids gowns here.

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Salman Rushdie wearing an eye patch

Salman Rushdie warns young people against forgetting value of free speech

Author also discusses prospect of second Trump presidency and writing about his stabbing in launch event for his book Knife

Salman Rushdie has warned young people against forgetting the value of free speech and discussed the “very big and negative” impact of a second Trump presidency in a rare public appearance since his stabbing.

The Indian-born British-American author of books including the Satanic Verses and Midnight’s Children also discussed the attack in 2022 that left him blind in one eye during a Q&A at an English PEN event at the Southbank Centre .

“I have a very old-fashioned view about [free speech],” said Rushdie, appearing by video from his home in New York to mark the launch of his new memoir, Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder . “The defence of free expression begins at the point at which somebody says something you don’t like.

“It’s a very simple thing, but it’s being forgotten. That is what’s enshrined in the first amendment … In the US, you feel there’s a younger generation that’s kind of forgetting the value of that. Often, for reasons they would believe to be virtuous, they’re prepared to suppress kinds of speech with which they don’t sympathise. It’s a slippery slope. And look out, because the person slipping down that slope could be you.”

Rushdie said academia in America was “in serious trouble … because of colossal political divisions. And everybody is so angry that it seems very difficult to find a common place.”

The Booker-prize-winning author, whose books have been translated into more than 40 languages, discussed the prospect of a second Trump presidency with the author and critic Erica Wagner and encouraged young people in the US to “not make the mistake of not voting”.

He said: “The impact would be very big and negative. He’d be worse a second time around, because he’d be unleashed and vengeful. All he talks about is revenge. And that’s a bad policy platform, that you want to be president to deal revenge against your enemies.

“In New York, people had got the point of Donald Trump long before he ever tried to run for office. Everybody knew that he was a buffoon and a liar. And unfortunately, America had to find out the hard way. I just hope they don’t fall for it again.”

Rushdie was about to give a talk at the Chautauqua Institution in New York state on 12 August 2022 when a man rushed on stage and stabbed him about 10 times. “I saw the man in black running toward me down the right-hand side of the seating area,” he recalls in his new book . The writer was hospitalised for six weeks.

On Sunday, he said he hadn’t been able to think about writing for six months, but then it struck him that it would be “ludicrous” to write about anything else.

He described the difficulty of penning the first chapter, “in which I have to describe in some detail the exact nature of the attack. It was very hard to do.”

Knife, the writer said, was the “only book I’ve ever written with the help of a therapist. It gave me back control of the narrative. Instead of being a man lying on the stage with a pool of blood, I’m a man writing a book about a man live on stage with a pool of blood. That felt good.”

Rushdie also spoke about the postponement of the trial of his attacker, Hadi Matar . He said Matar’s not-guilty plea was “an absurdity” and that he would testify at any future trial. “It doesn’t bother me to be in the courtroom with him. It should bother him.”

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In Knife, Matar is not named, but referred to as “the A”. Rushdie said he was inspired by a Margaret Thatcher line about “wanting to deny the terrorists what she called the oxygen of publicity. That phrase stuck in my head. I thought, ‘This guy had his 27 seconds of fame. And now he should go back to being nobody.’

“I use this initial A because I thought there were many things he was: a would-be assassin, an assailant, an adversary … an ass.”

However, Rushdie said, “the most interesting” part of the book to write was the 30 pages of imagined dialogue between him and his attacker.

“I actually wanted to meet him and ask him some questions. Then I read about this incident where Samuel Beckett was the victim of a knife attack in Paris by a pimp. He went to the man’s trial, and at the end of it said to him: ‘Why did you do it?’ And the only thing the man said was: ‘I don’t know, I’m sorry.’ I thought: if I actually were to meet this guy, I would get some banality.”

So Rushdie decided it would “be better to try to imagine myself” into the head of a person who chose to attack a stranger despite reading “no more than two pages of something I’d written”.

‘There is in my mind an absence in his story,” he said. “This is somebody who was 24 years old. He must have known that he was going to be wrecking his life as well as mine, and yet he was willing to commit murder. He’s somebody with no previous criminal record and not on any kind of terrorism watch list. Just a kid in Fairview, New Jersey. And to go from that to murder is a very big jump.”

  • Salman Rushdie
  • Southbank Centre

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MIT Office of the President

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Video transcript: MIT Community Message from President Kornbluth

View the video.

Hello, everyone.

As you surely know, campus communities across the country are struggling to cope with strongly contending views on the war in the Middle East – and MIT is too. 

So I want to let you know what I see here, and what I believe is at a stake.

Last Sunday night, 30 or so students set up around 15 tents on the Kresge lawn. They also put up signs – some deeply critical of Israel, some expressing their support for the Palestinian people and their demands that MIT cut research ties with Israel. They have repeatedly stated their commitment to these views. 

From the start, this encampment has been a clear violation of our procedures for registering and reserving space for campus demonstrations – rules that are independent of content – rules that help make sure that everyone can have freedom of speech.

Over the course of the week, several more tents have been added. The students have sometimes been noisy – but the situation has so far been peaceful. For instance, after the first day, the demonstrators agreed not make noise after 7:30 pm, as students across campus are focused on end-of-semester assignments. 

That said, there have been rallies that include bullhorns and loud chanting. Some of these chants are heard by members of our community as calling for the elimination of the state of Israel. More pointed chants have been added that I find quite disturbing.

I believe these chants are protected speech, under our principles of free expression.   But as I’ve said many times, there’s a distinction between what we can say ­– what we have a right to say – and what we should say as members of one community. 

But this is what makes this situation different from past protest movements, and uniquely difficult: t he fact of two opposing groups on campus, both grieving, – and both painfully at odds with each another. These opposing allegiances extend to faculty and staff as well.

As you’d expect, to avoid any further escalation, we’re working closely and constantly with our Student Life team, the faculty members who are advising the students, and our own campus police. Out of an abundance of caution, at my direction, the MITPD is on the scene 24 hours a day. 

The situation is not static, of course, but that’s the current picture. I and other senior leaders have also spent hours in intense meetings with people across a broad range of views. We’ve received scores of messages from students, alumni, parents, faculty, and staff. 

We are being pressed to take sides – and we’re being accused of taking sides. We’ve been told that the encampment must be torn down immediately, and that it must be allowed to stay; that discipline is not the answer, and that it is the only answer. 

I can only describe the range of views as irreconcilable. 

Under the circumstances, what I must continue to do, here on our campus, is to take every step in my power to protect the physical safety of our community – and to strive to make sure everyone at MIT feels free to do the work they came here for.

In support of that goal, I want to be clear about certain aspects of how we operate at MIT, and about guardrails that will allow us to live together.

  • First: I appreciate very much that the situation has so far been peaceful. But this has not been the case at several schools across the country where different groups have clashed.  To be clear to everyone concerned: violence and threats of violence on our campus are utterly unacceptable. Anyone who breaks that trust should expect serious consequences.
  • Second: Rules have already been broken. Those who break our rules – including rules around the time, place and manner of protest – will face disciplinary action.
  • Third: I am not going to compromise the academic freedom of our faculty, in any field of study. Our faculty represent a wide range of viewpoints that are appropriately expressed in a university dedicated to broadening our students’ minds.   And faculty routinely work with colleagues around the world, including in Israel – and all sponsored research on our campus is openly shared, publishable, and freely available to investigators everywhere. 

MIT relies on rigorous processes to ensure that all funded research complies with MIT policies and with US law. Within those standards, MIT faculty have the fundamental academic freedom to pursue funding for research of interest in their fields. 

In an open academic community, it is certainly acceptable to ask questions about someone’s research and funding sources. But that should never rise to the level of intimidation or harassment.

  • Fourth and finally, I want to speak directly about the encampment. 

We have heard the views of our protesting students. The grief and pain over the terrible loss of life and suffering in Gaza are palpable.

Out of respect for the principles of free expression, we have not interfered with the encampment.

But it is creating a potential magnet for disruptive outside protestors. 

It is commandeering space that was properly reserved by other members of our community. 

And keeping the encampment safe and secure for this set of students is diverting hundreds of staff hours, around the clock, away from other essential duties. 

We have a responsibility to the entire MIT community – and it is not possible to safely sustain this level of effort.

We are open to further discussion about the means of ending the encampment.   

But this particular form of expression needs to end soon.

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Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Examples and Writing Tips

Here's how to write and deliver the perfect toast on this special day.

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Photo by Bokeh Company

In This Article

Raise your glasses to the moms taking the mic at wedding receptions to give their very own mother-of-the-bride speech. While we know moms are basically superhuman creatures with an endless array of skills and abilities, public speaking can be a feat to shake even the heroes among us—not to mention the added flood of mixed emotions that will be present throughout the day.

Delivering a heartfelt speech to a crowd of family members and newly minted in-laws will surely have you feeling a bit nervous, and we can't dismiss the act of finding the right words to convey everything you're feeling in the first place. But rest assured, mamas, we've got a guide to help you ease your minds and fortify your wits. We tapped three experts—wedding planners Amy Abbott and Paulette Alkire and Kylie Carlson, CEO of Wedding Academy Global —to walk you through the process of giving a pro-level mother-of-the-bride speech.

Meet the Expert

  • Amy Abbott is a wedding planner and the owner of Amy Abbott Events , a Los Cabos–based wedding and event planning company that designs celebrations throughout Mexico.
  • Kylie Carlson is the CEO of Wedding Academy Global , an educational service that offers certification training for the wedding industry.
  • Paulette Alkire is the lead wedding planner at Chalet View Lodge , a full-service wedding venue, boutique resort, and spa in Graeagle, California.

Below, find expert tips that will help you write—and deliver—the perfect toast on your son or daughter's big day.

Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Template

Just as all moms are unique, and no two mother-daughter relationships are alike, your mother-of-the-bride speech will be entirely personal to you and the bond you share. However, there are a few components that should be present in your toast. Here's a general outline to help you get started.

Acknowledge your guests.

Every great speech should start with a few words of gratitude for the people who have gathered to partake in the celebration with you. You can mix this into a full greeting to welcome guests if you are the first speech on the schedule of events.

Welcome your new son- or daughter-in-law.

No mother-of-the-bride speech would be complete without a warm welcome to their daughter's new partner. Abbott explains that a good way to honor your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law is to make it clear that you feel you're gaining a new family member and that they are welcome. You should also nod to how they have changed or complemented your daughter for the better.

Choose happy memories to share.

As you choose memories, focus on positive, happy moments. Telling a story that highlights how your daughter overcame something unpleasant or embarrassing shouldn't be shared on their wedding day.

Never mention your daughter's previous relationships or marriages, and don't talk about unfulfilled dreams. Only bring up the best memories of your daughter's life.

Highlight one or two big accomplishments.

Theoretically, the guests should already know what the bride does for a living. Reciting every success they've ever had, in detail, is completely unnecessary. You should, instead, express how proud you are of their accomplishments and highlight one or two.

Mother of the Bride Speech Tips

Here are our experts' best tips for writing and delivering your mother-of-the-bride speech.

Write your thoughts down on paper.

This momentous occasion is probably not the best time to wing it. Whether you use bullet points or an outline, make sure you pen everything you want to tell your daughter in your speech to avoid leaving out anything special. “Start the process informally by simply writing down any and all things you want to make sure to include, from fond memories to advice on love for the newlyweds. As you lay it out on paper, you’ll see that an organic flow may come together quickly,” says Carlson.

Remember to pause and breathe.

If your nerves are starting to get to you, you might start speeding through your speech; to combat this, take a deep breath and remember that it’s alright to take a pause. “Many people forget just how powerful a pause can be. If your nerves are getting to you, take a moment to gather yourself before continuing. Most guests will take this silence as you giving them a moment to fully receive the last bit of sentiment you shared. Center yourself by making eye contact with the bride, breathe, and continue,” says Alkire.

Don't feel pressured to be funny.

Sure, humor is great—but if you're not a naturally funny person, don't push your limits on your daughter's most important day. Just be your sincere and honest self. The rest will follow, and your daughter will love it.

Practice your speech beforehand.

Write your mother-of-the-bride speech well in advance of the wedding so you’ll have plenty of time to practice it. “Try giving the speech out loud on your own, run it by a few trusted friends or family members, and then set it aside for a bit. This gives you time to return to the speech in a week or two with a fresh perspective," says Carlson.

Increase the amount of time you practice your speech in the month before the wedding, advises Carlson. No matter what the speech, the calmest of presenters are always the most practiced.

Avoid inside jokes.

You might have some amazing inside jokes that will make your daughter laugh, but no one else will find them funny. "Avoid inside jokes to keep the speech inclusive of everyone listening," says Alkire.

Keep it short and sweet.

You're talking about your daughter, and we know you could probably go on about how amazing they are for hours, but a good rule of thumb is to limit your speech to three to five minutes.

Don't worry about crying.

This is one occasion that indisputably warrants tears—if you're afraid of getting choked up during your delivery, just remember no one will judge you for it. In fact, most people will think it's incredibly sweet and you just might make them need a tissue, too.

Olivier Truan Photography / Getty Images

Get Brainstorming!

Now that you have a slew of tips for writing your mother-of-the-bride speech, here are some questions to ask yourself to get the brainstorming process started.

  • Which of your daughter's qualities do you really want to highlight?
  • What's one of the best memories you have of raising your daughter?
  • When did you first know that their partner was "the one"?
  • What advice do you wish you'd heard from your mom on your wedding day?
  • What about their new marriage makes you the happiest?

Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Examples to Make Your Own

Does the mother of the bride give a speech? For these women, the answer was a resounding “Yes!” Get inspired with these actual toasts from loving moms.

Today is your wedding day. It's something a mother wishes and waits for from the time her daughter is born until she walks down the aisle.

"When Jewel was young she surrounded herself with lots of friends, some of whom are here today. They know our basement was always full with high school friends, just as your wedding is full of yours and Jason's friends today.

Time doesn't stand still; it is fleeting and it is amazing how quickly it passes. Like time, Jewel has never stood still. It seems like she is always running after one adventure after another. When her sister Mindy ran a marathon, Jewel had to keep up, so she started running. Mindy was content to say she checked a marathon off her bucket list, but Jewel had to keep on running, competing in a triathlon, and then an Ironman. Even getting her engagement ring was a race, a scavenger hunt adventure but still a race. This one she and Jason won together. Partners all the way.

Jewel and Jason, now it is your turn to embark on your own journey as a couple, to experience life with a loving partner. As you find your own route through life, remember to cherish each other. We know that through all the twists and turns of the road, you will support and care for each other with true love.

As you celebrate this wedding day, know it is not the best but the first of many blessed events in your lives together. We're thrilled you two have found the one for you. We wish you both joy, laughter, and love—from our hearts to yours.”— Eileen Roth

Thank you all for coming. I’m a strong mom, I have a strong daughter, and after this, I know I will need a strong drink.

"I would like to welcome Steve, and his parents Helen and Larry, and all of his wonderful, huge family into our family. I will not begin to mention all his brothers and sisters lest I forget one.

Steve: You are an amazing young man that I have grown to know and love. I met you after I fell skiing and I had cracked my ribs. I was on morphine and I was very please note that I am not always that crazy. Steve, when you asked to take me to lunch at my office, I knew that something was up. And it was—you asked to marry my daughter and we both cried. You have such a kind heart.

Adrienne: You are a strong, smart, and beautiful woman. I’m going to take this opportunity to apologize for the many things that I did with and to you while you were growing up. I’m sorry for many of them but not really for others, as they may have helped make you who you are today.

  • I am sorry for always giving you peanut butter for lunch every we found out later that you were deathly allergic to peanuts.
  • I am sorry for dragging you to all the boys’ hockey and baseball games; however, you and Alysse retaliated by dragging them to all your dance recitals.
  • I am sorry for the overkill of health foods—especially quinoa. But on the bright side, you have become a fabulous cook. (And have now married a cook).
  • I am sorry that I made you follow me down the black diamond ski hills...but you have become a great skier.
  • I am sorry for taking you on all those crazy adventures—an impromptu helicopter ride; a million Walk of Life events; travel to England, Wales, California, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans...but hey, they were lots of fun.
  • I am sorry I made you watch all-night episodes of Gilmore Girls.
  • I am sorry for eating bags of BBQ chips...actually, that was just me.
  • I am sorry for taking you to so many dance workshops and involving you in many choreographies...but wow, you have become an accomplished dancer, actress, and teacher.

So, as a tribute to your dancing, I offer a musical toast to you and Steve. And the music is to ‘New York, New York’...the place where Steve proposed to you.”— Barbara Kennedy

“I want to thank everyone for being here celebrating Kayleigh and Adam; the Hodgins family, our family, and friends who have become family—welcome. Kayleigh’s father, her Derd, and I are tickled pink to host this beautiful evening.

As most of you know, Kayleigh faced physical challenges as a newborn and toddler but with every year, grew stronger and even more delightful. As she got older, she excelled in basketball and show choir, and happily graduated from FIDM. She then embarked on what promises to be a fulfilling career.

Kayleigh—it always has been and always will be an honor and absolute joy to be your mom. You light up any room just by being in it.

As a parent, you, of course, want your child to succeed in life—both personally and professionally. But one of the most satisfying rewards is seeing your child experience true love and happiness, which she has absolutely found with Adam. Thank you, Adam, for loving our girl, we’re thrilled you are part of our family.

Please join me in a toast to the bride and groom—congratulations! We all wish you the best for everything this new journey has to offer.” — Marla White

While every wedding is different, the mother of the bride typically delivers their speech during the  wedding reception  following the father of the bride's speech. In some instances—whether the father is deceased or unable to attend—the mother of the bride will kick off the wedding toasts by going first.  

Focus on personal anecdotes from your daughter regarding how the two met or when they knew that they had found " the one ." 

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Colin Jost sleepwalked through his White House Correspondents Dinner speech

When your best joke of the evening is about how donald trump looks like "the grinch had sex with the lorax," things are clearly looking rough.

Sleepy Colin and President Joe Biden

Tonight was the annual White House Correspondents Dinner, when America celebrates its most teeth-grittingest night of blazing-tepid comedy. Yes, the annual tradition that sees Washington D.C.’s funniest people prove that depressing reality in dismal detail, while a paid comedian prepares themselves to be compared unfavorably to Stephen Colbert , has come and gone again, producing upwards of two whole big laughs in the entire process.

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As people who watched the event—possibly because they were being paid to, on the off, and ultimately unfounded, chance that Colin Jost would say more than one funny or newsworthy thing—will know, it was full, as always, of wholesome stuff before getting to the main event. Journalists calling out for their imprisoned friends to be released; scholarship kids shining big smiles; impressionist Matt Friend making a joke about the guy who self-immolated outside Donald Trump’s New York trial. (Classy!) But people were, presumably, mostly watching for the traditional comedy sets that wrap up the night: A joke-heavy speech from the President, and then a follow-up from professionally funny person Jost.

Uncharacteristically, though, Biden got the biggest laugh of the night, to our minds. Not one of his many digs at Trump—although pointing out that one of the differences between them was that “My vice president actually endorses me” wasn’t bad. No, what caught us was a surprisingly sharp “Lauren Boebert caught vaping and handjob-ing at Beetlejuice ” reference, noting that Congress can’t just be “political theater,” because “they’d have thrown out Lauren Boebert a long time ago.” Kudos to whichever White House staffer gave, but did not explain, that particular gag to the president.

Jost, meanwhile, seemed distinctly out of his element without a desk (or Michael Che) to hide behind, fielding tons of jokes about his far-more-famous wife (who was in attendance) and swinging weakly at print journalists. (Correcting himself, at one point, after addressing the New York Times as “Wordle.”) Working his way through the usual array of “Biden is old” jokes, he got off only a handful of genuinely cutting lines. (“Like many of you here tonight,” he noted at one point, “I pretend to do news on TV.”) His best material was lobbed at the familiar, very mockable target of Trump, with Jost’s biggest line of the night coming when he stated that every court room sketch of Trump at his current trial looks “Like The Grinch had sex with The Lorax.”

Mostly, though, Jost’s material was just toothless, despite a single reference to “dangerous geopolitical hot spots like Columbia University.” If the big appeal of the White House Correspondents Dinner is in seeing a comedian actually speak a little truth to power, Jost mostly passed the buck, instead peddling middle of the road material before ending his whole speech on a slightly mawkish, “I love my grandpa” note. We’d love to tell you it was hilarious, because it’d mean we’d have spent the last half hour of our lives laughing, instead of jotting down about a dozen half-smiles’ worth of jokes. But outside of one other line, comparing Obama and Biden’s first terms—“Obama got Bin Laden, you got O.J.!”—it was just sort of a waste of everyone involved’s presumably very expensive time.

Did a gas lobbyist write an Ohio Senator’s speech about a pipeline resolution?

  • Updated: Apr. 26, 2024, 11:14 p.m. |
  • Published: Apr. 26, 2024, 2:46 p.m.

Ohio State senate members 2024

Michael A. Rulli, District 33, looks on during the recent Senate session in Columbus on Wednesday, January 24, 2024. David Petkiewicz, David Petkiewicz,

COLUMBUS, Ohio – When Republican state Sen. Michael Rulli took the podium to address his colleagues about a resolution declaring natural gas as “vital” to Ohio’s economy, his rhetoric matched nearly word-for-word what an oil and gas lobbyist sent him privately as a “sample script.”

Rulli stood before the Ohio Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee and, absent some minor changes and reshuffling of some paragraphs, made statements identical to what was sent to him by Mitch Given, an industry lobbyist.

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How to Write a Great Mother of the Bride Speech for Your Daughter's Big Day

bride in wedding dress smiles with mother of the bride wearing a korean hanbok

  • Lauren is a contributor for The Knot covering topics such as music, cakes, venues and speeches.
  • She has been published in a wide array of lifetsyle-oriented publications including SELF and Allure.
  • Lauren is a proud graduate of Syracuse University's SI Newhouse School of Public Communication.

Your daughter's wedding day is arguably one of the most special events you'll get to experience as a mom. And, what better way to welcome your daughter's new spouse into the family than with a thoughtful mother of the bride speech during the reception? If you're asking the question, 'does the mother of the bride give a speech?,' the answer is yes—but writing a wedding speech for your daughter doesn't need to be intimidating. Besides, we all know moms are practically superheroes. So when the time comes for your speech, it's no surprise that you'll deliver by exceeding expectations (on top of nailing the rest of your mother of the bride duties ). But if you struggle with public speaking or you're having trouble crafting the perfect speech, know that you're not alone. We're outlining everything you need to know about mother of the bride speeches so you can happily toast to your little girl (turned beautiful bride!) and her partner on their special day. Our first tip? Make sure you're wearing waterproof makeup—happy tears are bound to be shed.

In this article:

Printable Template | How to Write | Examples | Tips | FAQs

Printable Mother of the Bride Speech Template

Bookmark this template to make sure you check all the boxes when writing your mother of the bride speech.

printable mother of the bride speech template

How to Write a Mother of the Bride Speech Step-by-Step

Still feeling stuck on your mother of the bride speech? Stick to this simple, six-step template, courtesy of Hester Parks, an award-winning event planner and founder of Park Avenue Events based in Atlanta, Georgia. Fill in the blanks by adding your own personal details and you'll be good to go.

1. Introduce yourself.

It's pretty clear that most people will know who you are, but you'll still want to start your speech by introducing yourself. Start with a simple hello or other greeting, then share your name and specify that you're the mother of the bride.

2. Thank the guests for coming.

Mind your manners and remember to thank everyone for coming out to celebrate this joyous occasion, especially those who have traveled from out of town or went to great lengths to be present.

3. Share a heartfelt message about your daughter.

Here's your chance for a little humble brag. "Talk about how proud you are of her and how amazing she has turned out to be," says Lauren Smith, founder of EventSmith Planning and Productions in Houston, Texas. You can also share an anecdote or memory about your daughter—talk about something you love doing together or reminisce on a cute story from her childhood.

4. Talk about your daughter's partner.

Now is the perfect time in your mother of the bride speech to officially welcome your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law to the family. Share what you love about them, why they're the perfect match for your daughter, and how happy you are that they're in your life.

5. Speak about the couple's relationship.

After you've spoken about each of them individually, it's time to talk about your daughter and her partner—and why they make a great match. You could share a memory from when you first saw them together or talk about how you've watched their relationship grow and flourish.

6. Close with a toast to the newlyweds.

Finally, ask all of the guests to raise their glasses in honor of the newly married couple. Remember to congratulate both of them (not just your daughter) and wish them well.

Mother of the Bride Speech Examples

Decide if you want to give a speech that feels classic, funny, short and sweet—or all of the above. Then, use these mother of the bride speech examples to fill in the blanks for your own speech.

Touching Mother of the Bride Speech Example

"Hello everyone and welcome—I'm [insert name] , Casey's mom. I want to thank you all so much for coming out to celebrate Casey and Rory's wedding day. On behalf of our entire new extended family, we're incredibly thrilled and eternally grateful to ring in this joyous occasion with you. My heart is full of love, gratitude, and appreciation for our friends, family members, and loved ones who came from all over to attend the wedding.

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While Casey's father and I raised her to be strong and independent, we couldn't be more thrilled for her that she's found her real-life fairytale with Rory. Rory, you are kind, gentle, empathetic and comforting, and I couldn't have wished for anything more. More importantly, you embody everything and more I could have hoped for in a husband for my daughter.

I've been dreaming of this day since Casey was a little girl when she'd dress up in her favorite princess ballgowns, reminisce about her very own Prince Charming and watch Cinderella on loop for hours on end. Looking back, I can't help but smile at these precious memories. However, I wish I knew then how quickly time flies by—and if I could offer you and Rory one piece of advice, it would be to cherish every moment by living life to the fullest. Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't go to bed angry or sad. Don't waste one second worrying about something that's not important in the bigger picture. The reason is simple: Life is too damn short.

Casey, I'm so proud of the beautiful young woman you've grown into. I'm not sure what I did to deserve you—or how you ended up turning out so wonderful, but I couldn't be happier for you as you take this next step. I can't wait to celebrate many more happy occasions with you and Rory. Everyone, please join me in raising a glass to the handsome couple. Here's to a lifetime of love, health and happiness."

Short Mother of the Bride Speech Example

"Thank you all for joining us today. I'm [insert name] , Marianne's mom, and I couldn't be more thrilled to be celebrating her marriage to Jeremy. Watching Marianne grow up, I loved [blank] about her and dreamed that she would someday find a partner who [share a quality of your daughter's partner that you admire] . Jeremy, we couldn't have asked for someone better to love our daughter, and we're so blessed to welcome you into our family. I'm filled with joy for you both and wish you every happiness for this next chapter in your story. Cheers and congratulations!"

Bride and groom kissing on steps surrounded by friends and family

Funny Mother of the Bride Speech Example

"As Lauren's slightly older sister—just kidding!—I want to thank you all so much for coming out to celebrate Lauren and Chelsea's wedding day. As her mom, I want to start by telling you all a story about Lauren from way back in the day. [Share a slightly embarrassing but funny childhood or teenage memory about your daughter that sums up her personality.]

They say a mother's love is like no other, and oh boy, it was at that moment that I fully understood the meaning of the phrase. I knew that Lauren would someday need to find a partner who could lovingly accept her not only at her best, but also in moments when [make a reference to the funny childhood story you told earlier] . When I first met Chelsea, I could see that Lauren had found her perfect match after all—someone who understands and embraces Lauren's [share a quirky trait about your daughter] as much as (if not more than) we do. Chelsea and Lauren, I'm so grateful that you've found each other, and I have loved watching your relationship grow. Everyone, please raise your glass and join me in congratulating the newlyweds. Here's to many more years of happiness, health and excitement!"

Mother of the Bride Speech Tips

You've got the mother of the bride speech basics, now it's time to start writing your own. Keep these tips in mind, including what not to say in a mother of the bride speech.

When in doubt, speak from the heart.

If you're worried that nerves will get the better of you during your mother of the bride speech, remind yourself that the speech doesn't need to be overly complicated. Speaking from the heart will be more than enough to get your message across—and your daughter will be able to feel your emotion, which is what it's really all about.

Include light humor but avoid inside jokes.

Many wedding planners we spoke to warned that making jokes during your MOB speech could be hit-or-miss depending on the context of the joke, as well as the delivery. However, Elyse Dawn, a Chicago-based wedding planner for The Wedding Planning Guide , says, "We think jokes in a mother of the bride speech can be a great touch, as long as it's tasteful. And of course it helps if it's funny !"

Most importantly, you should avoid inside jokes that wouldn't make sense to the larger crowd. Although it might seem cute to include a reference that only your daughter would understand, it could end up feeling uncomfortable or awkward for the rest of the room.

Write down your thoughts and practice out loud.

To help you organize your thoughts, Jesse Reing, wedding planner and founder of Events by Jesse in New York, New York, recommends writing down the main points you want to make during your mother of the bride speech. "These can include feelings about the couple, childhood stories, anecdotes from when you first met your now-in-law, comments on the wedding itself, or well-wishes for the future," says Reing. "Having an outline of points to refer to will help fill in the gaps and create transitions, while also having a sense of preparedness in case nerves take over."

It's also a good idea to practice your speech at least once before the wedding, especially if you don't have a lot of experience with public speaking. Read it to yourself out loud to get comfortable and familiarize yourself with what you want to say.

Steer clear of sensitive topics.

Your mother of the bride speech should be a highlight reel—not an in-depth account of your daughter's life or the ups-and-downs of her relationship. Avoid mentioning any topics that might feel uncomfortable or touchy, like past flames, future grandchildren or the stressful times she went through while wedding planning. Keep it lighthearted, positive and focused on the couple.

End the speech by toasting to the future.

Congrats! You've officially written your speech for your daughter's wedding, and now it's time to bring it home. Congratulate the couple on a beautiful relationship so far, and conclude with a sentence or two about all the happiness you wish them as they begin their new chapter.

Mother of the Bride Speech Frequently Asked Questions

If this is your first time writing a mother of the bride speech, it's expected that you've got questions—and we've got answers. Here's the who, what, when and why.

When does the mother of the bride give her speech?

"Typically, the mother of the bride speaks at the wedding reception after cocktail hour and before dinner is served," says Katelyn Peterson, founder of Wedding Words , a wedding vow and speech writing service. Alternatively, the mother of the bride can give her speech during the rehearsal dinner instead, depending on the couple's wishes.

Who does the mother of the bride thank in her speech?

While you should certainly thank everyone for coming at the beginning of your speech, you won't need to individually name-drop every single attendee (phew!). Aside from potentially giving a special shoutout to your partner—especially if the two of you helped your daughter and her partner plan the wedding—you can also mention your new in-laws and their family, says Peterson.

How long should a mother of the bride speech be?

According to wedding planner Fátima Falcon of Momentos Weddings and Events in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico: "There is no doubt that listening to the speech of the bride's mother is one of the most anticipated moments of the wedding." However, short and sweet speeches are ideal. "Brevity and preparation are the keys to success," says Karen Riley Love of AMI Beach Weddings in Anna Maria Island, Florida. She adds that two to three minutes is the "perfect" amount of time for the mother of the bride speech.

Samantha Iacia contributed to the reporting of this article.

Three modern mother-of-the bride dress options


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    Introduce yourself. It's pretty clear that most people will know who you are, but you'll still want to start your speech by introducing yourself. Start with a simple hello or other greeting, then share your name and specify that you're the mother of the bride. 2. Thank the guests for coming.