• Before you start
  • Installation
  • Playground app
  • Launching the app
  • Basic navigation
  • Advanced navigation
  • Screen Lifecycle
  • Passing data to components
  • Using functional components
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  • Bottom tabs
  • External Component
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In human-centered design, when we speak about a modal (or modality), we often refer to a set of techniques, aimed at bringing user attention to a specific event / screen / action / etc. Those often require user input. A pop-up on a website, a file deletion confirmation dialogue on your computer, or an alert asking you to enable location service on your phone - these can all be considered modals.

A modal is a term used in native iOS world ( full description here ), while on Android, dialogs are often used to create similar or identical behavior, alongside other techniques.

Presenting modals #

Modal can be displayed by invoking the Navigation.showModal() command, as shown in the example below:

Or by declaring modal as a Component inside render function:

Available for Android only, for iOS please use Modal from react-native .

( Full code can be found in the Playground ).

Here's how the Modal looks on both platforms.

Adding a dismiss button #

Modals should always have a dismiss button, on left-to-right devices it's typically placed as a left button in the TopBar.

After we've added our dismiss button, we need to dismiss the modal when the button is pressed.

For the LeftButton to be visible, the screen must be displayed in a Stack.

Transparent modals #

Showing transparent modals is a nice technique to increase immersiveness while keeping the user in the same context. When a modal is displayed the content behind it (either root or modal) is removed from hierarchy. While this behavior improves performance, it's undesired when showing transparent modals as we need to see the content behind it.

To configure this behaviour, we'll need to change the modalPresentationStyle option to overCurrentContext and change the layout background color to 'transparent' .

Preventing a Modal from being dismissed #

Preventing a modal from being dismissed is done differently for each platform. While preventing the user from dismissing the modal is possible, the modal could still be dismissed programmatically by calling Navigation.dismissModal()

If the modal has a dismiss button, of course you'll need to handle it your self and avoid calling Navigation.dismissModal() when the button is pressed.

On Android, modals can be dismissed with the hardware back button. You can handle the back press yourself by disabling the hardware back button dismissModalOnPress option:

As a result, pressing the hardware back button will not dismiss the modal and will dispatch navigationButtonPress event with the default hardware back button id RNN.hardwareBackButton .

While iOS devices don't have a hardware back button, PageSheet modals can be dismissed by swipe gesture from the top of the screen. To disable it, set swipeToDismiss option to false.

Presentation Style #

The presentation style determines the look and feel of a screen displayed as modal.

  • Presenting modals
  • Adding a dismiss button
  • Transparent modals
  • Presentation Style

React Navigation half modal with backdrop close

React Navigation half modal with backdrop close

One of the most used components in front-end development is modals. It has a lot of use cases, for example, you can use modals as a select component for filtering lists or alert dialog, etc.

React Navigation offers really good API to create modals. In this tutorial, we will learn how to make a half-modal with backdrop close functionality.

First of all, We need to create our root navigation and a simple screen to open a modal over it.

In the code above, you can see we have another group for the modal. Group API comes with React Navigation 6. it's useful to change the behavior of the stack without creating another one. here we used   transparentModal for presentation which means we can give style for the modal content. and headerShown is false because we don't need to see the header in this modal screen.

In the modal screen, we actually don't have any background color for the main view. but in the child component, there is Pressable the component that fills the entire screen. and the actual content is inside   Animated.View and animates from the bottom to half of the screen.

presentation modal react navigation

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Modal Width in React Navigation

Change Modal Width in React Navigation: Stack.Screen with PresentationMode 'modal'

Abstract: Learn how to change the modal width in React Navigation when using Stack.Screen with PresentationMode 'modal'.

Change Modal Width in React Navigation Stack.Screen Presentation Mode: Modal

In this article, we will explore how to change the width of a modal in React Navigation's Stack.Screen component using the Presentation Mode "modal". By default, modals in React Navigation have a fixed width, but sometimes we may need to adjust the width to fit our specific use case.


Before we begin, it is assumed that you have a basic understanding of React Native and React Navigation. If you are new to these technologies, I recommend checking out the official documentation and tutorials to get started.

Changing Modal Width

To change the width of a modal in React Navigation, we can use the style prop in the options object of the Stack.Screen component. Specifically, we can use the width property of the style prop to set the width of the modal.

In the example above, we set the width of the modal to '80%' . You can adjust this value to fit your specific use case. Note that the width is relative to the parent view, so if you want to set an absolute width, you can use a value in pixels instead.

  • To change the width of a modal in React Navigation, use the style prop in the options object of the Stack.Screen component.
  • Use the width property of the style prop to set the width of the modal.
  • The width is relative to the parent view, so you can use a percentage or an absolute value in pixels.
  • React Navigation: Stack Navigator - Presentation Style
  • React Native: View Style Props

Tags: :  React Navigation Stack.Screen PresentationMode

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Opening a full-screen modal

Dictionary.com provides no satisfactory definition of modal as it relates to user interfaces, but semantic UI describes it as follows:

A modal displays content that temporarily blocks interactions with the main view

This sounds about right. A modal is like a popup — it's not part of your primary navigation flow — it usually has a different transition, a different way to dismiss it, and is intended to focus on one particular piece of content or interaction.

The purpose of explaining this as part of the React Navigation fundamentals is not only because this is a common use case, but also because the implementation requires knowledge of nesting navigators , which is an important part of React Navigation.

Creating a modal stack ​

There are some important things to notice here:

tree diagram

  • The mode configuration for StackNavigator can be either card (default) or modal . The modal behavior slides the screen in the from the bottom on iOS and allows the user to scope down from the top to dismiss it. The modal configuration has no effect on Android because full-screen modals don't have any different transition behavior on the platform.
  • When we call navigate we don't have to specify anything except the route that we'd like to navigate to. There is no need to qualify which stack it belongs to (the arbitrarily named 'root' or the 'main' stack) — React Navigation attempts to find the route on the closest navigator and then performs the action there. To visualize this, look again at the above tree diagram and imagine the navigate action flowing up from HomeScreen to MainStack , we know that MainStack can't handle the route MyModal , so it then flows it up to RootStack , which can handle that route and so it does.
  • To change the type of transition on a StackNavigator you can use the mode configuration. When set to modal , all screens animate-in from bottom to top rather than right to left. This applies to that entire StackNavigator , so to use right to left transitions on other screens, we add another navigation stack with the default configuration.
  • this.props.navigation.navigate traverses up the navigator tree to find a navigator that can handle the navigate action.
  • Full source of what we have built so far
  • Creating a modal stack

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presentation="modal" not working on android #1650


Kotpes commented Dec 1, 2022 • edited

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lokeshdangi commented Dec 21, 2022

Sorry, something went wrong.


jaredly commented Feb 8, 2023


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ArtyEmsee commented Apr 3, 2024

Suryanshsingh2001 commented apr 8, 2024 • edited.

Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.


Create a modal

In this tutorial, learn how to create a modal from React Native to select an image.

In this chapter, we'll create a modal that shows an emoji picker list.

Declare a state variable to show buttons

Before implementing the modal, we are going to add three new buttons. These buttons will only be visible when the user picks an image from the media library or decides to use the placeholder image. One of these buttons will trigger the emoji picker modal.

Add buttons

Let's break down the layout of the option buttons we will implement in this chapter. The design looks like this:

Break down of the layout of the buttons row.

  • label : the text label displayed on the button.
  • onPress : the function called when the button is pressed.

Open in Snack

Let's take a look at our app on Android, iOS and the web:

Button options displayed after a image is selected.

Create an emoji picker modal

  • onClose : a function that closes the modal.
  • children : used later to display a list of emoji.

Let's learn what the above code does.

  • Its visible prop takes the value of isVisible and controls if the modal is open or closed.
  • Its transparent prop is a boolean value that determines whether the modal fills the entire view.
  • Its animationType prop determines how it enters and leaves the screen. In this case, it is sliding from the bottom of the screen.
  • Lastly, the <EmojiPicker> onClose prop is called when the user presses the close <Pressable> .
  • Then, create an isModalVisible state variable with the useState hook. It has a default value of false to ensure that the modal is hidden until the user presses the button to open it.
  • Replace the comment in the onAddSticker() function to update the isModalVisible variable to true when the user presses the button. This will open the emoji picker.
  • Create a onModalClose() function to update the isModalVisible state variable.
  • Place the <EmojiPicker> component at the bottom of the <App> component, above the <StatusBar> component.

Here is the result after this step:

A modal working on all platforms

Display a list of emoji

Display the selected emoji.

Now we'll put the emoji sticker on the image.

This component receives two props:

  • stickerSource : the source of the selected emoji image.

We successfully created the emoji picker modal and implemented the logic to select an emoji and display it over the image.

In the next chapter, let's add user interactions with gestures to drag the emoji and scale the size by tapping it.

  • Getting started
  • Hello React Navigation
  • Moving between screens
  • Passing parameters to routes
  • Configuring the header bar
  • Header buttons
  • Nesting navigators
  • Navigation lifecycle

Opening a full-screen modal

  • Glossary of terms
  • Compatibility layer
  • Troubleshooting
  • Limitations
  • Tab navigation
  • Drawer navigation
  • Authentication flows
  • Supporting safe areas
  • Hiding tab bar in specific screens
  • Different status bar configuration based on route
  • Screen options with nested navigators
  • Custom Android back button behavior
  • Preventing going back
  • Call a function when focused screen changes
  • Access the navigation prop from any component
  • Navigating without the navigation prop
  • Deep linking
  • Configuring links
  • Web support
  • Server rendering
  • Screen tracking for analytics
  • State persistence
  • Testing with Jest
  • Type checking with TypeScript
  • Redux integration
  • MobX State Tree integration
  • Localization
  • Optimize memory usage and performance
  • Upgrading from 4.x
  • NavigationContainer
  • ServerContainer
  • Options for screens
  • Navigation prop
  • NavigationContext
  • Navigation events
  • Developer tools
  • createStackNavigator
  • createNativeStackNavigator
  • createDrawerNavigator
  • createBottomTabNavigator
  • createMaterialBottomTabNavigator
  • createMaterialTopTabNavigator
  • useNavigation
  • useNavigationState
  • useFocusEffect
  • useIsFocused
  • useLinkProps
  • useLinkBuilder
  • useScrollToTop
  • CommonActions
  • StackActions
  • DrawerActions
  • Custom routers
  • Custom navigators
  • Supported React Native versions
  • Community Navigators and Libraries
  • More Resources
  • Pitch & anti-pitch
  • Alternative libraries
  • Apps using React Navigation
  • Contributing

A modal displays content that temporarily blocks interactions with the main view.

A modal is like a popup — it's not part of your primary navigation flow — it usually has a different transition, a different way to dismiss it, and is intended to focus on one particular piece of content or interaction.

The purpose of explaining this as part of the React Navigation fundamentals is not only because this is a common use case, but also because the implementation requires knowledge of nesting navigators , which is an important part of React Navigation.

# Creating a modal stack

There are some important things to notice here:

tree diagram

The mode prop for stack navigator can be either card (default) or modal . The modal behavior slides the screen in from the bottom on iOS and allows the user to swipe down from the top to dismiss it. The modal prop has no effect on Android because full-screen modals don't have any different transition behavior on the platform.

When we call navigate we don't have to specify anything except the route that we'd like to navigate to. There is no need to qualify which stack it belongs to (the arbitrarily named 'root' or the 'main' stack) — React Navigation attempts to find the route on the closest navigator and then performs the action there. To visualize this, look again at the above tree diagram and imagine the navigate action flowing up from HomeScreen to MainStack . We know that MainStack can't handle the route MyModal , so it then flows it up to RootStack , which can handle that route, and so it does.

  • To change the type of transition on a stack navigator you can use the mode prop. When set to modal , all screens animate-in from bottom to top rather than right to left. This applies to that entire stack navigator, so to use right to left transitions on other screens, we add another navigation stack with the default configuration.
  • navigation.navigate traverses up the navigator tree to find a navigator that can handle the navigate action.
  • Creating a modal stack

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Computer Science > Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Title: hammr: hierarchical multimodal react agents for generic vqa.

Abstract: Combining Large Language Models (LLMs) with external specialized tools (LLMs+tools) is a recent paradigm to solve multimodal tasks such as Visual Question Answering (VQA). While this approach was demonstrated to work well when optimized and evaluated for each individual benchmark, in practice it is crucial for the next generation of real-world AI systems to handle a broad range of multimodal problems. Therefore we pose the VQA problem from a unified perspective and evaluate a single system on a varied suite of VQA tasks including counting, spatial reasoning, OCR-based reasoning, visual pointing, external knowledge, and more. In this setting, we demonstrate that naively applying the LLM+tools approach using the combined set of all tools leads to poor results. This motivates us to introduce HAMMR: HierArchical MultiModal React. We start from a multimodal ReAct-based system and make it hierarchical by enabling our HAMMR agents to call upon other specialized agents. This enhances the compositionality of the LLM+tools approach, which we show to be critical for obtaining high accuracy on generic VQA. Concretely, on our generic VQA suite, HAMMR outperforms the naive LLM+tools approach by 19.5%. Additionally, HAMMR achieves state-of-the-art results on this task, outperforming the generic standalone PaLI-X VQA model by 5.0%.

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  1. Modal

    presentation modal react navigation

  2. Opening a full-screen modal

    presentation modal react navigation

  3. React Native Modal

    presentation modal react navigation

  4. React Native Modal Tutorial with Examples

    presentation modal react navigation

  5. reactjs

    presentation modal react navigation

  6. React Native Notes 30: How to iOS Modal Presentation like Navigation on

    presentation modal react navigation


  1. Presentation about the modal verb CAN

  2. How to add Bottom Tab Navigation in Expo

  3. Modal Verbs

  4. Подключаем и стилизуем React-modal

  5. 🚨 Avoid useState for Modals & Dialogs

  6. Senior-Level Understanding of React Portals


  1. Opening a modal

    Creating a stack with modal screens. onPress={() => navigation.navigate('MyModal')} title="Open Modal". Here, we are creating 2 groups of screens using the RootStack.Group component. The first group is for our regular screens, and the second group is for our modal screens. For the modal group, we have specified presentation: 'modal' in ...

  2. How to use modalPresentationStyle .fullscreen in React Native navigation

    12. The accepted answer states: If you want a full-screen screen, you probably don't want a modal. That's not necessarily true. Use. screenOptions={{ presentation: 'transparentModal' }} or. screenOptions={{ presentation: 'fullScreenModal' }} for a full screen modal animation you can't dismiss on iOS.

  3. Better Modals in React Navigation

    React Navigation is an incredibly useful library for handling navigation in your React Native project. It can be a bit confusing at first, particularly when it comes to sharing data between ...

  4. Modal

    Presenting modals. Modal can be displayed by invoking the Navigation.showModal() command, as shown in the example below: Or by declaring modal as a Component inside render function: Available for Android only, for iOS please use Modal from react-native. ( Full code can be found in the Playground ).

  5. React Navigation 5

    In this video I'll show how we can combine all the navigators in the simplest way possible and still get access to full screen modals from React Navigation, ...

  6. React Navigation half modal with backdrop close

    In the code above, you can see we have another group for the modal. Group API comes with React Navigation 6. it's useful to change the behavior of the stack without creating another one. here we used transparentModal for presentation which means we can give style for the modal content. and headerShown is false because we don't need to see the ...

  7. Change Modal Width in React Navigation: Stack.Screen with

    In this article, we will explore how to change the width of a modal in React Navigation's Stack.Screen component using the Presentation Mode "modal". By default, modals in React Navigation have a fixed width, but sometimes we may need to adjust the width to fit our specific use case. Prerequisites

  8. Opening a full-screen modal

    A modal displays content that temporarily blocks interactions with the main view. This sounds about right. A modal is like a popup — it's not part of your primary navigation flow — it usually has a different transition, a different way to dismiss it, and is intended to focus on one particular piece of content or interaction.

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    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window.

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  11. presentation="modal" not working on android #1650

    Hi, sorry for late response! There is likely no workaround, because as @jaredly reported, indeed Android modal view are effectively not implemented. I recently started looking into it while attempting to implement bottom-sheets for Android -- and unfortunately there are some technical reasons why it is the case and Android modals were left behind.

  12. Create a modal

    Let's learn what the above code does. The <Modal> component displays a title and a close button.; Its visible prop takes the value of isVisible and controls if the modal is open or closed.; Its transparent prop is a boolean value that determines whether the modal fills the entire view.; Its animationType prop determines how it enters and leaves the screen. In this case, it is sliding from the ...

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  15. Opening a full-screen modal

    The mode prop for stack navigator can be either card (default) or modal. The modal behavior slides the screen in from the bottom on iOS and allows the user to swipe down from the top to dismiss it. The modal prop has no effect on Android because full-screen modals don't have any different transition behavior on the platform.

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    It seems like you need to specify this information for a group, rather than for the specific screen. You were also assigning properties which the typescript compiler did not think were valid for React Navigation 6. Check that your text editor is showing the compiler errors as you type. <Stack.Group. screenOptions={{.

  22. HAMMR: HierArchical MultiModal React agents for generic VQA

    This motivates us to introduce HAMMR: HierArchical MultiModal React. We start from a multimodal ReAct-based system and make it hierarchical by enabling our HAMMR agents to call upon other specialized agents. This enhances the compositionality of the LLM+tools approach, which we show to be critical for obtaining high accuracy on generic VQA.

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    If you don't want to use the new animations, you can change it to your liking using the animation related options. To use the iOS modal animation from React Navigation 5, use TransitionPresets.ModalSlideFromBottomIOS. In addition, a new presentation: 'transparentModal' option to make it easier to build transparent modals.