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Writing Effective Research Aims and Objectives

  • By: Margaret-Anne Houston , Marissa McDonagh Edited by: Margaret-Anne Houston
  • Product: Sage Research Methods: Business
  • Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Online pub date: March 21, 2023
  • Discipline: Business and Management
  • Methods: Research questions , Writing research , Research design
  • DOI: https:// doi. org/10.4135/9781529668216
  • Keywords: fuel poverty , social media Show all Show less
  • Academic Level: Advanced Undergraduate Online ISBN: 9781529668216 More information Less information

The writing of effective research aims and objectives can cause confusion and concern to new and experienced researchers and learners. This step in your research journey is usually the first written method used to convey your research idea to your tutor. Therefore, aims and objectives should clearly convey your topic, academic foundation, and research design. In order to write effective research aims and objectives, researchers should consider all aspects of their proposed work. For example, the sample(s) to be approached for participation in the primary data collection. Identifying research objectives that are SMART is key to ensuring key aspects of the work are considered prior to any data collection. This includes consideration of access to samples and the ethics of researching the topic and research design. Finally, seeing your work as others will read it, can be an effective evaluation tool to ensure your own research objectives adequately capture and reflect your intended study. Therefore, this guide encourages you to consider common issues with identifying and writing research aims and objectives through consideration of examples.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this guide, readers should be able to:

  • Identify the meaning and purpose of a research aim within business research
  • Understand the link between an effective research aim and the wider topic and literature/secondary sources, where appropriate
  • Understand how to identify and write Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely (SMART) Research objectives, research questions, and consideration of research hypothesis
  • Recognize the link between writing an effective research aim and the research design. Write own research aim and objectives


The writing of effective research aims and objectives can cause confusion and concern to new (and experienced!) researchers and learners. Attempting to identify the scope and focus of a project within a few specific statements, can take time and consideration of all aspects of your research design. If you are still unsure of your approach to your topic, or even the boundaries of the topic itself, this uncertainty can make the framing of an effective research aim seem like an uphill task.

However, even if this is your first time trying to convey your research idea within a few concise and precise statements, there are steps to take to ensure your work clearly communicates your meaning to your audience. This how-to-guide draws on examples of business topic research aims and objectives and explores techniques for reviewing their meaning. This active learning approach will enable you to grow confidence in framing and communicating your own research.

The importance of ensuring the research aim and objectives are not only reflective of the topic choice but are also achievable can be a fluid process, which in itself, can result in anxious researchers. Seeing your work as others will read it, can be an effective evaluation tool to ensure your own research objectives adequately capture and reflect your intended study. Therefore, this guide encourages you to consider common issues with identifying and writing research aims and objectives through consideration of examples.

Identify the Meaning and Purpose of a Research Aim with Business Research

Writing an effective research aim is an integral part of the research process. A research aim is a statement of intent. It should communicate your research goal clearly and should provide a focus for your work from the offset. It is important to differentiate between a research aim and the objectives. If a research aim tells the reader what you plan to achieve, then the research objectives should state how you would reach that goal. Often the objectives will provide a road map of the steps you will take in order to meet the research aim. Therefore, a research aim in business-related topics is typically a single sentence or even two, which conveys the overall purpose of the research-the end goal!

The terminology you use when writing your research aim is important. Note the following example aims from Business related topics:

  • 1. This research aims to evaluate the lasting effects of lockdown and ‘work from home’ initiatives on productiveness in the financial service industry.
  • 2. This research aims to establish a link between innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and recruitment processes for The Royal Bank of Scotland.
  • 3. This research aims to investigate to what extent Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives can influence consumer behavior. A case study of Aldi UK.
  • 4. This research aims to assess the effectiveness of technology companies’ risk management of cyber and information risks measured on the basis of supply chain resilience.
  • 5. This research aims to explore the impact of Government funded initiatives to encourage social entrepreneurship in Scotland.

As evidenced above all of the aims stated contain verbs, these highlight how the research will be undertaken. Words such as to assess, to establish, to explore or to evaluate all reflect research analysis. This conveys your intention clearly to the reader and whilst it may not fully demonstrate exactly how the project will be undertaken, the verbs show what the goal is.

The objectives, which follow the aim, can help to show the exact ways the aim will be achieved, highlighting the research methods. It is important to think carefully about whether you plan to or will be to, come to a clear conclusion. Often it is not possible and this can be due to many factors such as the time or scope of the issue. For example, in the aims stated above number 2 is the only one that states it will ‘establish a link.’ This is because the aim is specific and measurable. The objectives should identify the specific processes it will examine and link to effective recruitment practices that are more effective than prior to AI being used.

However, for the other aims it is more appropriate to explore or investigate the topics, as opposed to ‘establishing’ or to ‘evidence an impact.’

Abbreviations are a useful way of shortening words or phrases and they can give writing a more coherent flow. It is worth noting that all abbreviations like AI or CSR should only be used when they are spelled out initially and if they appear frequently throughout your writing.

It is important to always check with your supervisor or course Handbook but typically, you should have a research question, a research aim, and objectives. The research question should capture what the issue is, often it will help to explain your research aim by offering a critical perspective. For example, if your research is to evaluate the effect of something then your question may be to what extent is that something works?

Finally, it is important to remember that the wording of your research aim may change slightly as your research progresses. Often students will modify the words to reflect what they are undertaking as the process develops.

Section Summary

  • An effective research aim should clearly set out the goal of a project.
  • Carefully consider the terminology you use at this stage, and ensure it reflects the outcome of the study.
  • Remember a research aim can be fluid and the exact wording is likely to change as you progress through your research journey.

Understand the Link Between an Effective Research Aim and the Wider Topic and Literature/secondary Sources, Where Appropriate

When developing the research aim it is important to be engaged with the wider topic and associated literature and secondary sources from the offset. These sources will be crucial in helping you to tackle the topic successfully.

Identifying an idea for a research project can sometimes be a relatively simple first step in the research process. It is often narrowing the idea down to a research aim, which can be more difficult. A good way to start is to brainstorm ideas, think about what interests you the most about your studies, and note down keywords which can then be used as search terms. Researchers, at all levels of research and study, should consider information-seeking as a process through which they engage with the primary literature and secondary sources concerning their topic area. This will develop self-confidence in your ability to define the terms of reference of your work and studies. An inquiring mind and openness to a degree of flexibility of approach in these early stages of research, can be key to ensuring initial topic ideas can be molded into achievable research aims and objectives.

Research could be considered to be cyclical, not a one-off process. Therefore, in order to ensure a definable and achievable research topic, many projects use a mixture of sources. This requires a degree of confidence on the part of the researcher; to identify the relevant resources they require, a strategy for how to find them and also, a process for information management.

Many researchers will start with an online search for both academic and non-academic sources. The short-term success of this first step can be dictated by the choice of keywords and phrases. That is, those terms that the researcher believes are most relevant for, and most likely to come up with links to their research topic. However, caution should be employed in this initial task of online searching - this is an important opportunity to consider how we identify these specific keywords. A limited understanding of the area will be enhanced through further reading. It can allow the researcher to access previous studies in the same topic area and identify effective research methods. An informed research aim should be underpinned by reading and evaluating sources in relation to the research idea.

Using the research aims below as examples, note the sources required and some issues to consider for each source. By strategically linking your research aim to the wider area you will ensure your research is robust from the start.

  • Reading combined with ongoing critical appraisal of associated sources can help to refine and focus your research aim and objectives.
  • Think of your research as an ongoing process. Reading associated sources should be embedded in every stage of your research journey.
  • Ensure you are acknowledging the wider research area and associated sources from the offset as this will help to refine and focus your research aim and objectives.

Understanding How to Identify SMART Research Objectives, Research Questions, and Consideration of Research Hypothesis

First-time final year undergraduates are normally expected to identify a research topic and research design that are realistic and achievable. Not only should they be realistic as topics but also achievable within a short time period when most learners have never undertaken such work previously. A common pitfall of many initial research topics is identifying an area that is too wide in scope. A simple step is to consider how to express and convey the work within a series of research objectives. Careful consideration of the content of these statements can help narrow the topic focus, and ensure the research design is relevant to the work to be undertaken. Therefore, writing your objectives should be viewed as a process and not a one-off exercise. Remember, they convey your work to an audience and set out the initial boundaries of the research to be undertaken.

Therefore, research aims and objectives should provide focus and direction for the research topic. Many business research methods texts will introduce the writing of research aims and objectives as a specific skill required to ensure they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely (SMART). By following the SMART guidelines and analyzing examples of common issues within aims and objectives, learners can build confidence and ensure their aims and objectives are strong. Together with these five criteria, the language used can convey the depth of the inquiry. By way of explanation, consider the following topic submitted for consideration as a final-year project:

The research aim is to evaluate consumer perceptions of the impact of social media advertising on their car purchasing decisions. The fieldwork will examine consumer attitudes toward social media advertising and the benefits of this approach. This will be explored through the following research objectives:

  • 1. Examine relevant literature concerning advertising, and trends in social media within the car industry;
  • 2. Identify the attitudes of key players and stakeholders within the advertising industry toward the use of social media;
  • 3. Discuss the effects of new technology on social media and advertising trends;
  • 4. Evaluate how consumers relate to new technology with a view to making recommendations for improvement in the use of social media within online advertising.

S pecific – the research objectives reflect the terminology also used within the research aim.

M easureable – this does not necessarily mean that the work will involve quantitative data. Consider that the objectives identify the issues and samples and so the target of the work.

A chievable – does the work appear to be a piece of research that could be undertaken and completed within the confines of the undergraduate program? It could be achievable on the basis that the work does not appear to require a long time period to complete and the samples should be accessible. Achievability is also a consideration of university ethical consideration processes. For example, although a researcher is able to identify a sample of participants who are experiencing fuel poverty, consideration must be given to the possible ethical issues that surround requesting their participation. It may be deemed that the research could in some manner cause harm to the participants, such as stress through talking about their lived experiences. This stress could also be felt by the researcher who may not be trained to deal with such emotional situations. In both of these examples, the university ethics process could decide this work is unachievable.

R ealistic – the issue of social media advertising is realistic within the stated industry. The samples identified also appear linked to the topic. Furthermore, the academic foundation of the work is also identified – advertising. The work also appears to be realistic in terms of the resources required to complete it. The ethical use of data gathered from social media could also be relevant to determining if this topic is realistic. As with Achievability above, issues such as how the data was originally gathered and how it will then be used by the researcher, would be scrutinized by the Ethics process. Again, the principle of ‘do no harm’ would be applied to determine if the work is realistic.

T imely – although the work does not offer a specific timeframe, the use of social media for advertising is evident within the car industry. Therefore, this could be said to be timely.

Furthermore, the terminology is important. If you choose words that are descriptive, they will convey work that is also descriptive. So, try to use words such as ‘describe,’ ‘understand,’ or ‘gain an insight into’ only where they adequately reflect that your research is not an in-depth study. Consider using terms to evidence how you will approach each objective including: evaluate; critique; critically discuss and examine. All infer the research will go beyond a surface inquiry.

Now, at this stage, consider if the research wished to study the possible relationships between variables such as the impact on consumers of exposure to social media advertising on car sales decision-making. As with the approach to the similar topic above, this could be explored using qualitative data by gathering the experiences of consumers and/or people within the car industry. However, research that specifically wishes to explore possible links between issues and/or specific variables, could sometimes be better framed using a research hypothesis. This is a statement that identifies possible c ause and effect ’ relationships between variables. Therefore, the focus of the above topic could be reconsidered to identify the impact of social media advertising within the car industry. The new research question and hypothesis could be thus:

The research question: Do consumers perceive the impact of social media advertising on their car purchasing decisions?

Null Hypothesis: There is no difference in car purchasing decisions between those consumers who are exposed to social media advertising of cars compared to those who are not.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is a relationship between whether or not a consumer has been exposed to social media advertising and their car purchasing decision.

In order to address the hypothesis, some form of statistical testing would be required which is not covered in this guide. However, as a researcher, you should always consider what it is specifically that you wish to research when framing your work. This topic consideration could identify specific issues and/or variables which you wish to explore further to test if there are statistical relationships. In this situation, you could consider including hypothesis testing within your research design. As can be viewed above, related topics may be presented in different ways, with the inclusion or exclusion of a research hypothesis. The existence of possible relationships may be explored through research that seeks perceptions of advertising. However, research which seeks statistical evidence would be best represented with hypothesis testing.

  • Research aim and objectives convey to your audience the topic and possible boundaries of your work. Therefore, ensuring they are presented as SMART, allows others to assess your work in the way you intended.
  • Research ethics should be considered when writing research aims and objectives, including the potential impact of participation on individuals. Research should do no harm to the individuals involved, including the sample and researchers themselves.
  • Research does not always necessitate consideration of the research hypothesis. However, in some circumstances, a well-considered hypothesis could offer statistical weight to your findings.

Recognizing the Link Between Writing an Effective Research Aim and the Research Design

The research aim and objectives should be written in a way that conveys the specific area or problem to be researched. This should allow anyone reading your research aim to understand the main focus of the work. For example, your work may aim to examine the lived experiences of individuals living with fuel poverty within a specific geographic area or demographic. In this example, you can clearly identify the topic – lived experiences of fuel poverty – and the focus – individuals within the chosen geographical area/demographic . To a more experienced researcher, it can also offer insight into the research design which may be reasonably expected. So, studies of ‘lived experiences’ can involve the gathering and/or analysis of qualitative data from individuals/communities as the researcher seek to gather the first-hand experiences of participants (individuals).

Clearly written research aim and objectives should allow the reader to consider the following information:

  • 1. Wider academic area(s) within which the topic falls (for example, accountancy; marketing; management);
  • 2. The main areas of the literature identified within the aim and/or objectives;
  • 3. The data which would be expected to be gathered to in order to meet/address the research objectives;
  • 4. The data collection methods which could be deemed relevant to the research aim and,
  • 5. Overall, if the research aim and objectives are SMART (see above).

Consider the wording in the example below:

The research aim of this dissertation is to examine the lived experiences of people living with fuel poverty and their attitudes towards support services within a local council area. This research aim will be addressed through the following research objectives:

  • 1. Critically review previous literature and evaluate the origins and purpose of different definitions of ‘fuel poverty.’
  • 2. Explore the attitudes of individuals currently experiencing fuel poverty towards support agencies and other stakeholders.
  • 3. Analyze the opportunities and barriers to support agencies and related stakeholders within a local council area with specific regard to supporting those experiencing fuel poverty.
  • 4. Compare and contrast the lived experiences of individuals experiencing fuel poverty with those of the support agencies to identify potential service gaps.

Looking closely at the work above, it could be reasonable to make the following assumptions about the research:

The academic area(s) within which the topic falls (for example, accountancy; marketing; management; social sciences; economics). This can be researched and explored by keyword searching the research aim. In this example, there appear to be multiple academic roots to the work:

  • ‘lived experiences of people living with fuel poverty’ – this could be viewed as a social science/economics topic or even an engineering area. Either would depend on the specific view taken to investigate fuel poverty, i.e., real-world examples of lived experiences, specially such as narratives about their daily life. Alternatively, this aim could encapsulate studies within engineering areas that seek to understand the impact of construction and design decisions on the daily life of individuals.
  • ‘…and their attitudes towards support services within a local council area’ – by adding a focus for the study as being specific to support services, this work is now narrowed to more reflect the social sciences area.
  • If the work was indeed to study any issues such as building construction, this would be expected to appear within the research aim to convey the topic clearly and precisely.

Therefore, it could be expected that if the research draws on wider academic areas, this should be evident from the terminology within the research objectives. A consistent use of terminology ensures the academic foundation of the work is identifiable throughout. It could also be reasonably presumed that the relevant issues of each sample (individuals within fuel poverty, the support services, and stakeholders), would be refined to include specific factors to ensure the work is focused on specific issues.

Next, consider the type of data you would expect to gather to in order to meet/address the research objectives. The following options appear to be linked to the wording of the objectives:

  • Secondary Data: The objectives identify the need for literature in the first stages of work in order to address objectives 1, 2, and 3. As the research is based on lived experiences, this could include not only academic work but also charity and government reports. Given that this is a real-world issue, examples could also be identified from reputable news agencies. All of these sources could help identify possible issues that may be identified by research participants during the data gathering. If these issues are not identified by the participants, they could be used to form a critical discussion around opportunities or barriers (objective 3).
  • Primary Data: Given the focus on lived experiences related to support services, the research may be presumed to include a qualitative study. A qualitative study would allow participants to use their own voices and language to explain their lived experiences. Whereas a quantitative study, by its nature, could explore the issues already known to the researcher when the instrument was written, e.g., survey. Qualitative data could perhaps encourage more personal issues to be identified by the individual participants, and also offer some context for their position.

Subsequently, consider which data collection methods you would expect to be used to address the research aim.

  • Quantitative data gathering tools: Could quantitative data gathering explore the lived experiences of this sample? Many areas could be effectively explored however lived experiences tend to be personal to the individual and so qualitative could offer more depth and richness to the data.
  • As both the research aim and objectives identify specific samples, the research could be considered to have a boundary around those to be invited to participate. Therefore, secondary data may identify the definitions of fuel poverty and offer reasons for any differences. It could also allow the identification of the roles and remits of support services and stakeholders. However, it will not offer specific lived experience details that can come from the sample of individuals.

If specific organizational sectors or companies were identified, the use of quantitative data-gathering tools, such as a survey, may allow more specific information to be gathered. Remember, the research aim identifies that the focus is the individuals who experience fuel poverty. Therefore, a survey could address issues such as knowledge and understanding of these service providers. However, it could then miss hearing about the informal networks used by individuals for support, which could come to light during a qualitative study.

Finally, if in doubt, show your research aim and objectives to a colleague and ask them to tell you , what they think your research is about. This simple exercise will enable you to realize what other people understand from your work and so, allow you to tweak where necessary. This should ensure your research is not only accessible to different audiences but ultimately, is a fair reflection of your topic choice.

  • Clearly written research aims and objectives can effectively convey information about your work. This allows a reader to consider the key aspects of your topic and sets expectations about the contents of your report/dissertation/thesis.
  • Always ensure that the language used to write a research aim and objectives, adequately convey the meaning and depth of your research. It should be specific to your topic but also accessible to the intended audience(s).
  • SMART research objectives can convey your understanding of research design. This should be apparent from the layering of issues and identification of relevant samples.

In conclusion, this guide has offered practical steps through example-based exercises to help you format your idea into an effective research aim and objectives. Having progressed through the exercises, you will have considered issues such as the importance of understanding how a research aim can help you refine your idea. It is also the mechanism to convey your research intention to your audience. Through exploring the importance of linking your research aim to the wider research area this will give you the confidence to develop SMART objectives. Following this, your work will reflect key areas of your research design through the use of relevant research methods terminology.

Therefore, by following the steps in this guide you should now be confident to take your idea and form it into robust research aims and objectives.

Multiple-Choice Quiz Questions

1. The purpose of a research aim is to ______.

Incorrect Answer

Feedback: This is not the correct answer. The correct answer is C.

Correct Answer

Feedback: Well done, correct answer

2. It is important to understand the link between the research aim and the wider topic because ______.

Feedback: This is not the correct answer. The correct answer is B.

3. How many research objectives are necessary to ensure a successful final-year project?

4. Research objectives reflect ______

5. Research design can be reflected in the research aim and objectives by ______.

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  1. Writing Effective Research Aims and Objectives

    In order to write effective research aims and objectives, researchers should consider all aspects of their proposed work. For example, the sample(s) to be approached for participation in the primary data collection. Identifying research objectives that are SMART is key to ensuring key aspects of the work are considered prior to any data collection.