Critics Who Ended Up Being Really Wrong About A Movie

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One of the best parts of watching a movie is the opportunity to discuss the film, to pore over details and wonder at the meaning of certain shots and sounds. While film criticism is often boiled down to a pure "good or bad" spectrum, reviewers experience a movie subjectively and interrogate its quality through their own specific lenses and biases. The best reviewers make the process clear in their writing, inviting fans of the movie to see their perspective and question their own. In other words, to invite a conversation.

Still, just because reviewing a film is often a subjective and personal experience doesn't mean that a reviewer's interpretation is unshakable. Sometimes, a second viewing in a different context can transform a bad film into a good one in the reviewer's mind — or vice versa. Here are critics who ended up admitting that they were wrong about a movie.

Glenn Kenny realized American Beauty wasn't so beautiful

When you first see a movie is often as important of a factor as the actual quality of the film itself. See a near-flawless movie in a bad mood and you might end up dismissing it wholesale; catch a flawed movie at exactly the right moment and you might walk away thinking it is a masterpiece. That's exactly what happened to film critic Glenn Kenny . In 1999, Kenny gave a thunderously positive review to American Beauty , a film that most readers will remember as "that movie with the plastic bag shot. " Directed by Sam Mendes, American Beauty follows Kevin Spacey as a suburban father who experiences a mid-life crisis and becomes infatuated with the teenage friend of his daughter.

Kenny originally said of the film: "While some of the final plot machinations are perhaps a little more cartoonish than they need be, Beauty's final evocation of grace among ruins is both haunting and heartening. Harsh as it often is, American Beauty is genuinely a thing of beauty."

In a 2017 post for Geeks , Kenny walked back his original praise of the film, saying that he was too taken by the movie on a first watch to acknowledge its flaws. "I still think that there are individual components of the film that have legitimacy," Kenny said. "I also think, had I been looking harder, I should have been able to see just how incoherent the movie's finale was."

Matt Zoller Seitz was too happy for Happiness

It can occasionally be awkward for critics and filmmakers to spend time together, especially when a critic has publicly panned that filmmaker's work. Film critic Matt Zoller Seitz certainly had his share of awkwardness when he agreed to moderate a Q&A with director Todd Solondz for Life During Wartime , a pseudo-sequel to Happiness , a movie that Seitz had dismissed years ago. Looking back, Seitz said : "I found it facile, smug, repetitious, and said so in my review for the now-defunct New York Press. I definitely used the word 'adolescent' and probably said a lot of worse things, although the review is no longer online and I didn't save a clipping, so I can't reliably say just how negative I was."

However, Seitz was so impressed by Life During Wartime that he was compelled to revisit Happiness and found that it was "funny, sad, sincere, ugly, tough, weird, occasionally horrifying." Seitz wrote, "You could not watch it and feel nothing. I had no idea why I panned it." For Seitz, the re-evaluation of the movie pushed him to admit to Solondz in person that he had seen the movie at a particularly joyous time in his life, which made it difficult for him to reckon with the darker themes of the movie.

Joe Morgenstern found that Bonnie and Clyde needed an audience

While reviewing a film can be an incredibly personal experience, that doesn't mean that filmmakers are immune to the pressures of other audience members and critics. For Joe Morgenstern, an initial screening of Bonnie and Clyde led him to call it a "squalid shoot-em-up for the moron trade." When the critic revisited the movie on a Saturday, surrounded by audience members rather than those involved in the film's production, he had a decidedly different response: "I think I subconsciously sensed that I'd missed something. When we went out on Saturday and my wife asked what movie I wanted to see, I said 'Bonnie and Clyde.' The audience just went wild, and the cold sweat started forming on my neck. I knew I'd blown it."

While a film critic retracting their earlier work isn't uncommon, Morgenstern wrote an entirely new review praising the movie and regretting his original. Morgenstern later told the LA Times that, "On Monday morning, I went into Newsweek and wrote a six-column review. It began with a description of the previous review, and then I said, 'I am sorry to say I consider that review grossly unfair and regrettably inaccurate. I am sorrier to say I wrote it.'"

David Edelstein enjoyed Wonder Woman for the wrong reason

Not all film critics find themselves reflecting on how their opinion of a movie was wrong; for some critics, like David Edelstein, it is actually their phrasing of an original review that they end up recanting. When Edelstein reviewed Wonder Woman , he came under fire for writing about the film in a way that many perceived to be overly sexualized. His original review was criticized and mocked in equal measure, leading Edelstein to write a follow-up piece explaining his original intent and apologizing for not adequately understanding the cultural relevance of the movie.

Edelstein wrote , "You can find plenty of leering over Gal Gadot (and every other actress) elsewhere on the internet — not in my review. But to have to unpack my descriptions means, in the end, that they weren't good or nuanced or sensitive enough to their ramifications." While Edelstein admitted to improper phrasing, he reiterated that he thought his original review was accurate: "I reserve the right to think that this is not, overall, a very good movie. But it is an important one."

Mike D'Angelo didn't appreciate Animal Kingdom right away

When you first watch a movie, it's not always apparent what the best qualities of the film are. While film critics have more practice in seeking out those qualities, that doesn't mean they're incapable of missing them on a first viewing. Film critic Mike D'Angelo admitted as such in 2010, when he praised Jacki Weaver's performance in Animal Kingdom following her award for Best Actress from the Los Angeles Film Critics Association. While D'Angelo's original review of the film only gave Weaver's performance a two-word summary ("deliciously malevolent"), he later admitted that he had resisted her performance on a first watch, thinking that it was a simple case of using Weaver's age to contrast with her shocking behavior.

D'Angelo wrote, "Watching it again, though, I have to admit I was wrong. There's no fakeout involved here, no simplistic disparity between appearance and behavior... Anyone who manages [to get such acclaim] has to have done something remarkable, and I ought to have recognized that."

Phil Plait thought Interstellar needed more science

Love him or hate him, you can't deny that Christopher Nolan goes to ludicrous lengths to make his movies feel real. In some cases, that involves simulating a rotating hallway in dreamspace by building an actual rotating hallway on set in Inception , and sometimes that involves hiring an actual consulting physicist to make the science in Interstellar as accurate as it possibly can.

Film critic and astronomer Phil Plait found issue with the latter while reviewing Interstellar , arguing that the flaws in the science featured in the movie is too crucial to ignore. He originally wrote that one of the main moments of the movie — a planet's spatial relationship to a black hole that leaves occupants vulnerable to severe relativistic effects — was completely impossible.

However, Plait later admitted that he had made a mistake in his calculations by assuming that the black hole featured in the film was of the non-rotating variety. Still, he emphasized that his overall opinion of the movie's quality hadn't changed: "The science in the movie of time dilation near the black hole was in fact accurate, I made a mistake, and for that I apologize. But for me, the movie as a story still missed the mark. Good science does not necessarily make a movie good."

Bradley Steinbacher loved The Hulk until he didn't

Film critics often put themselves at the mercy of the public, especially when they write a rave review of a hated movie or pan a box office smash. The occasional divergence of opinion between critic and audience member has led to years of articles questioning whether film critics matter. Of course, that question usually has to do with how critics affect box office gross and less to do with whether critics matter as a barometer for public tastes or a resource for the public to know whether they might enjoy a movie. For film critic Bradley Steinbacher, the latter question seems more haunting, since he regretted his original review of Ang Lee's 2003 The Hulk so much that he wrote a later piece apologizing for recommending the movie.

Steinbacher's original review declared that "[ The Hulk ] may be the most grown-up — and most emotionally f**ked-up — comic-book movie ever assembled." Less than a year later though, he would regret his original rave review: "I was wrong. And not only was I wrong, but I was wrong in print. For almost 1,000 words."

Peter Bradshaw secretly liked The Devil Wears Prada

Not every film critic feels the need to write an apology article when they find that their mind has changed regarding a movie; some critics just quietly find themselves enjoying a movie they once hated until someone bothers to ask them about it. Film critic Peter Bradshaw originally wrote a negative review of The Devil Wears Prada when the movie was first released in 2006, declaring that, "Now, I'll be the first to admit I don't 'get' fashion, but to intimate its ephemeral pleasures to the non-believer and non-understander, I think you'd need a more astringent and detached — and a funnier — movie than this."

Over a decade later in a 2017 interview , Bradshaw admitted that he sometimes did change his mind regarding a film's quality: "The other movie I was obtuse and fantastically toffee-nosed about was The Devil Wears Prada . I just didn't like it. But soon afterwards I saw it on TV and realized it was actually a really well made and thoroughly enjoyable movie and Meryl Streep is just brilliant, and so are Stanley Tucci, Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt." While the filmmakers might have appreciated his change of heart, they probably would have appreciated a better review in the first place.

Roger Ebert recognized Unforgiven as a masterpiece after he already reviewed it

Roger Ebert is arguably one of the best-known and best-loved film critics to ever pen a movie review. Over the course of his long career, Ebert was able to speak with an often unshakable confidence even (often especially if) his readers would disagree with him. Whether that was declaring that video games would never be art or reviewing only 8 minutes of a film , Ebert wrote with confident declaratory statements. Of course, that doesn't mean that he couldn't be wrong on occasion.

Ebert originally gave Unforgiven two-and-a-half stars in a review for the Chicago Sun-Times that has largely vanished from the internet — although parts of the review are saved in Roger's Worst, a blog catalogues some of Ebert's "worst" reviews. Ebert later wrote a glowing four-star review of the film in 2002, where he declared that the climactic action sequence was "a story told through deliberate strategy, in which events may not be possible, but are somehow plausible."

While his original negative review of Unforgiven is hard to find, Ebert did admit his change of heart when linking to Roger's Worst on his Facebook account , saying, "He lists my 75 worst reviews and says why they're bad. Some of the time, he's right. But Unforgiven and Godfather II eventually made my Great Movies Collection, showing I'm capable of learning."

Lou Lumenick thought Raiders of the Lost Ark was forgettable

It's often impossible to know the kind of staying power a movie may have when reviewing it, which can get embarrassing quickly if a reviewer pans a movie that goes on to become a cinematic classic. That was the situation for Lou Lumenick, who had been a professional film critic for only two months when he panned the first Indiana Jones film, Raiders of the Lost Ark . While plenty of reviewers find themselves at odds with larger audiences' opinions,  Lumenick "later came to regret dissing" the action classic.

It's no wonder Lumenick came to regret his review, since he made a couple of bold predictions in his article that would turn out to be hilariously untrue: "'Raiders' makes for a very entertaining junk-food movie that will be forgotten long before either man's previous work." Lumenick goes on to say that "Ford is pleasantly self-effacing — if hardly memorable — as Indy." It takes a lot of courage to publicly admit in 2011 that you thought that Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Harrison Ford's performance in it, would be completely lost to time.

Rex Reed criticized Identity Thief in a personal way

While our list largely focused on critics who admitted their mistakes, not every film critic feels the need to apologize for being wrong about a movie. Rex Reed found himself in hot water after writing a review of Identity Thief that focused primarily on bashing star Melissa McCarthy; his review referred to her as a "female hippo" and declared that "Melissa McCarthy ( Bridesmaids ) is a gimmick comedian who has devoted her short career to being obese and obnoxious with equal success." 

After his remarks generated a substantial bit of criticism, he refused to admit his error, continuing on to say that his review was "constitutionally protected, so there's nothing anybody can do." He even took credit for the movie's sizable weekend box office , arguing that the controversy from his review buoyed the sales. For her part, Melissa McCarthy handled the uncomfortable situation with aplomb, telling a reporter for The New York Times that , "I felt really bad for someone who is swimming in so much hate. I just thought, that's someone who's in a really bad spot, and I am in such a happy spot."

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The Best Movie Review YouTubers


Can't decide what to watch? Here are the best movie review YouTube channels. From new movies playing in theaters to classic films, these popular YouTube movie reviewers praise the best films and trash the worst movies of all time . What are the best movie review channels on YouTube? 

When ranking the best movie review YouTubers, AngryJoeShow, Jeremy Jahns, and Chris Stuckmann are definitely in the top ten. If you're looking for funny movie reviews , trailer reactions, and film recommendations, check out theres other good YouTube film critics, like CinemaSins , RedLetterMedia, YourMovieSucksDOTorg, kermodeandmayo, and Beyond The Trailer.  

Vote up the best movie reviewers on YouTube, and add your favorite film review YouTube channels missing from this list. 



Chris Stuckmann

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10 best youtube channels for film video essays, according to reddit.

After watching a movie, one of the best things a fan can do is sit by and watch a video analysis by reviewers like Lindsay Ellis and Possum Reviews.

With Wakanda Forever closing off Phase Four on November 11, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is preparing for an introduction to its fifth phase, and many fans are excited to see what the franchise has to offer. Yet, many are also questioning how all these new Phase 4 characters connect to each other, with the multiverse looming as the main arc. After all, most Marvel movies are now somewhat disconnected.

Thankfully, there is a vast host of YouTube reviewers and analysts who are dedicated to explaining the intricacies of movies and anything fans might have missed. Most of these YouTube video essays are made by some key YouTubers who do an excellent job getting fans caught up in the worlds of Hollywood.


Some reviewers do a great job of taking apart popular movies to show why they're excellent. The film YouTuber YourMovieSucksDOTorg is best at showcasing just why fans may dislike certain movies. While that might be inherently more negative, it can still be enjoyable.

"His Toy Story 3 review blew my mind. I knew I hated it but he kind of showed me why," says a now-deleted Reddit user. While he addresses both beloved and critically panned movies, the panned movies tend to be the videos that draw the most love from audiences. Sometimes fans just need to know why a plot feels weak or repetitive.

Possum Reviews

Another YouTuber who tends to focus on movies that received overwhelmingly poor receptions, Possum Reviews has grown a large fanbase by putting his attention on reviewing "garbage" movies, as his possum icon indicates. "I really love watching Possum Reviews even though his reviews of blatantly bad movies are really cynical," says Redditor Owijs .

Most of his reviews tend to be funny, which helps to keep the content engaging even when the actual film he reviews is appallingly bad. While he sometimes addresses beloved movies, it's the mediocre ones that draw the most eyes.

While most moviegoers don't think about soundtracks, the YouTuber Sideways goes into detail on just how the best soundtracks in movies interact with each film and create an environment. Tackling both musical and nonmusical movies, the channel does an extraordinary job of teaching fans about sound in films.

"Genuinely such interesting analysis of music in shows/movies from a very funny, intelligent guy who always sounds like he’s having the best time talking about whatever he’s talking about," states Reddit user ameboleyn . His excitement, even when addressing movies like Cats , is palpable and keeps viewers as engaged as he is.

Red Letter Media

A YouTube channel focused on friends reviewing movies that are both good and bad, RedLetterMedia has picked up many fans through the years, and for good reason. With the channel often known for its dry humor, Redditor TylerKnowy described it as "a mix of comedy and insight."

The channel has different shows with each addressing several topics. From Re:View 's more positive view of film to the often maligning Half in the Bag , the channel has something for everyone — as long as everyone likes their sense of humor. Of course, given that they often tackle movies that divide critics and audiences , they can be contentious.

With videos ranging from 10 minutes to over an hour long, the YouTube channel FilmJoy has things for everyone to enjoy. Of course, while the channel offers several shows, most of the channel's supporters tend to find themselves more engaged by the Movies with Mikey show.

"Intelligent, funny and extremely heartfelt. His whole approach is to discuss beloved films and why they're so special," says Reddit user johnspost . Instead of focusing on cynicism and encouraging fans to dislike certain movies, it brings about positivity, which is somewhat rare among YouTubers.

This Guy Edits

While many film critics focus on acting, character development, plot, or setting, the YouTuber This Guy Edits focuses on the editing in film and how it affects each movie. Instead of critiquing individual movies, the channel educates the public to help them consider editing in their own review of films.

"I find myself analyzing cuts and sound design way more after watching This Guy Edits," shared Reddit user InuitOverit . Considering how many movies are edited after their initial release , it's got a wide array of content to sift through, which means fans have a lot to learn from a true professional.

Lindsay Ellis

A film critic who used her YouTube channel to launch a book of her own, Lindsay Ellis recently left the YouTube scene, but her remaining backlog of content is still fascinating to look through. "Her videos are really funny while also being very interesting," commented Redditor bman9919 .

Often, Ellis considered topics that most fans failed to consider and showcased just why she took that perspective. She focused on a wide array of issues, including animation, the influence of the filmmakers on each film, and even why the greatest movie musicals are no longer particularly popular.

Like Stories Of Old

The YouTuber Like Stories of Old is a critic who likes to go into depth with each video, which is why it's so rare to see content for his channel under 20 minutes long. It's also why he only tends to release videos irregularly, often with a month or more between releases.

"His voice and delivery is so unique and soothing... it's pretty remarkable how well constructed each piece is," says Redditor stumpcity . The channel addresses wide-ranging issues in Hollywood, like the Hero's Journey, entire genres in film, and archetypes within the industry. He offers a fascinating in-depth look at whatever topics he chooses, and it's why he's a beloved critic.

Every Frame A Painting

While there are many visually stunning movies that can awe viewers, the YouTuber Every Frame A Painting takes apart movies to show fans exactly why they come to love the looks and aesthetic of movies. It also takes a look at how to improve those very aesthetic through editing.

"They were mainly about filmmaking techniques, editing, shot composition, blocking, etc., instead of plot/story/theme like the majority seem to be," says Reddit user scoutcjustice . While unfortunately Every Frame A Painting has stopped producing videos, fans still have a lot to learn from the content the channel already produced, as the majority continues to be relevant today.

Thomas Flight

Often addressing topics like director preferences and the impact of particular films, the YouTuber Thomas Flight could give a masterclass in film criticism, as most fans would agree. "Thomas Flight does a really good job at highlighting technical details and is also great at explaining the historical reference points for many directors," posits Reddit user redditaccount001 .

With essays about editing, genres, and sound quality in movies, fans may come for the analysis of their favorite film and leave with a new appreciation for dynamic styles in film. The channel's in-depth analysis explains why each upload comes somewhat inconsistently, but the content is quality enough that fans hardly mind.

Next: 10 Best "Let's Play" YouTubers For Fans To Watch

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Best Cinema Review

2. CinemaSins, A dash of biting humor for film criticism on YouTube

We could not claim to write an article on Top 10 Movie Review YouTube Channels, without naming Cinemasins. If you enjoy a humorous take on movie reviews, CinemaSins is the channel for you. This popular YouTube channel playfully dissects movies with a comedic touch. Through their “Everything Wrong With” series, they humorously point out inconsistencies, plot holes, and clichés in films. While not a traditional review channel, CinemaSins offers a unique and entertaining perspective on movies, making it a great choice for those looking for a light-hearted approach to film analysis.

You may also be interested in this: The Best movie critic websites

3. Jeremy Jahns; owner of best movie review youtube channels

Jeremy Jahns is known for his energetic and entertaining movie reviews. With his charismatic personality and concise delivery, Jahns on his movie review youtube channels manages to capture viewers’ attention with his quick yet insightful critiques. His channel features spoiler-free reviews, trailer reactions, and occasional collaborations with other YouTubers. If you prefer concise and engaging movie reviews, Jeremy Jahns’ channel is definitely worth a visit.

Jeremy Jahns

4. Screen Junkies; one of the best movie youtubers

Screen Junkies is renowned for its Honest Trailers series, where they create humorous and satirical trailers for popular films. Additionally, their Movie Fights segment brings together various movie enthusiasts to debate and discuss different topics related to the film industry. With their mix of informative content and comedic flair, Screen Junkies offers a refreshing approach to movie reviews.

Screen Junkies

5. Red Letter Media; in list of the best movie review youtube channels

Red Letter Media is a unique channel that combines movie reviews with comedic sketches and analysis. Their most popular series, “Half in the Bag,” features in-depth discussions and reviews of recently released films. Their satirical character, Mr. Plinkett, adds a distinctive touch to their content, making it both informative and entertaining.

Red Letter Media

6. Beyond The Trailer

Hosted by Grace Randolph, Beyond The Trailer covers a wide range of movie-related topics, including film reviews, trailer reactions, and industry news. Randolph’s expertise and industry connections provide viewers with valuable insights into the world of cinema. Her channel is particularly popular for its coverage of superhero movies and franchises.

Beyond The Trailer

7. The Cosmonaut Variety Hour

The Cosmonaut Variety Hour offers detailed video essays and analyses of popular movies and TV shows. The channel delves into the creative aspects of filmmaking, exploring themes, symbolism, and narrative techniques. The host’s thoughtful approach and well-researched content make this channel a goldmine for those seeking in-depth cinematic analysis.

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The Cosmonaut Variety Hour

8. Flicks and the City; one of the Top 10 Movie Review YouTube Channels

Flicks and the City stands out for its coverage of film premieres, interviews with actors and directors, and comprehensive movie reviews. The channel provides a unique behind-the-scenes perspective on the film industry, offering viewers an insider’s view of the latest releases. If you’re interested in exclusive interviews and event coverage, Flicks and the City is a channel worth subscribing to.

9. The Nostalgia Critic

The Nostalgia Critic, played by Doug Walker, specializes in reviewing films and TV shows from the past, particularly those that hold a nostalgic significance. With a humorous and often satirical approach, Walker dissects beloved classics, pointing out both their strengths and flaws. His channel offers a delightful blend of entertainment and nostalgia for movie lovers.

The Nostalgia Critic

10. FilmJoy

FilmJoy, formerly known as “Movies with Mikey,” offers unique and passionate film analysis. Hosted by Mikey Neumann, the channel explores the emotional impact of movies and dives into the storytelling techniques that make them memorable. Neumann’s love for cinema is evident in his passionate delivery and well-crafted content, making FilmJoy a compelling choice for movie enthusiasts.

As Hindi YouTube channels for movie critiques are gaining popularity, we aim to introduce two of them. “Shemaroo Movies” and “Ultra Bollywood” are two of the best Indian movie review channels on YouTube.

We want to introduce 2 more film critics populare Indian YouTube Channels:

1. Film Companion 

Film Companion is one of the best Indian YouTube channels dedicated to movie criticism and analysis. Led by renowned film critic Anupama Chopra, the channel offers insightful reviews, interviews, and discussions about Indian and international cinema. Anupama Chopra’s deep understanding of films and her ability to articulate her thoughts in a clear and engaging manner make Film Companion a go-to destination for movie enthusi asts. She is  one of best female movie reviewers. 

Film Companion

Film Companion’s content goes beyond mere reviews and explores the various aspects of filmmaking. The channel features in-depth conversations with filmmakers, actors, and industry professionals, providing viewers with valuable insights into the creative process. Moreover, Film Companion has a diverse roster of critics and hosts, ensuring a variety of perspectives and opinions. Whether it’s dissecting the nuances of storytelling, analyzing performances, or commenting on social and cultural impact, Film Companion offers a comprehensive and thought-provoking exploration of the world of cinema.

2. The Quint 

The Quint is another exceptional Indian YouTube channel that excels in movie criticism and analysis. With a team of insightful reviewers and journalists, The Quint offers a unique blend of entertaining and informative content related to films. The channel covers a wide range of movies, from mainstream Bollywood releases to independent and regional cinema, ensuring a diverse range of reviews and discussions.

The Quint

What sets The Quint apart is its ability to connect movies with broader social and political contexts. The channel’s content often delves into the social issues depicted in films, providing a deeper understanding of their relevance and impact. The Quint also features interviews with filmmakers and actors, shedding light on their creative process and the thought behind their work. With its engaging hosts, well-researched analysis, and thoughtful approach to cinema, The Quint offers a refreshing perspective on movies that goes beyond surface-level critique.

All of them are commendable YouTube channels that provide exceptional movie criticism and analysis. Their commitment to exploring various aspects of filmmaking, engaging with industry professionals, and offering diverse perspectives make them invaluable resources for cinephiles seeking intelligent and insightful discussions about movies. You could find best movie reviewers there. Do not hesitate to find more about best film critics in the history of Cinema in our other article .

These top 10 movie review YouTube channels provide a diverse range of perspectives and styles for film enthusiasts to explore. Whether you prefer in-depth analysis, light-hearted humor, or behind-the-scenes insights, these channels offer something for everyone. From Thoughtful reviews like Chris Stuckmann to comedic critiques like CinemaSins, there’s a channel to suit every taste. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and let these YouTube movie reviewers guide you through the world of cinema with their unique perspectives and engaging content. Happy watching!

Fayza Ghasemi

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14 Best Movie Review YouTube Channels

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Mark Berger

Best Movie Review YouTubers

Finding a new film to watch can be a daunting task, with countless genres, directors, and hidden gems waiting to be discovered. It is in these moments that the guidance and recommendations of trusted sources become invaluable!

Thankfully, YouTube is full of passionate movie reviewers who provide inspiration on what movies to watch.

In this article, we present 14 exceptional YouTube channels dedicated to movie reviews, offering insightful critiques, engaging discussions, and a roadmap to your next unforgettable film experience.

Wanna know how and where to review YouTube channels ? Check out this article !

Top Film Review YouTube Channels

1. redlettermedia – 1.5m subscribers.

RedLetterMedia is a veritable institution for movie reviews. The channel offers insightful critiques, hilarious satires, and in-depth analyses of both mainstream and lesser-known films.

2. Jenny Nicholson – 1M subscribers

Jenny Nicholson brings a refreshing and humorous take on movie reviews. With her witty observations and engaging storytelling, she dissects films with an unapologetic charm that keeps her subscribers coming back for more.

3. Alt Shift X – 1.7M subscribers

Alt Shift X explores the fantasy and science fiction genres, delivering intricate breakdowns and theories that satisfy the most ardent fans.

From Game of Thrones to Westworld, this channel offers compelling insights into complex narratives. Perfect if you are a fan of the series!

4. History Buffs – 1.5M subscribers

History Buffs stands out by exploring the historical accuracy of movies. With meticulous research and attention to detail, the channel examines how well films portray the past, separating fact from fiction with an expert touch.

5. Cinema Therapy – 1.4M subscribers

Cinema Therapy combines psychology and film analysis to explore the therapeutic value of movies. Through thought-provoking discussions, the channel explores how films can heal, inspire, and provide catharsis for viewers.

6. Dead Meat – 6M subscribers

For horror enthusiasts, Dead Meat is a must-watch channel. Hosted by James A. Janisse, this channel dissects the gory details of horror movies, counting kills, exploring tropes, and sharing behind-the-scenes trivia.

7. Just Write – 700K subscribers

Just Write delves into the art of storytelling in movies. Through analysis of plot structure, character development, and thematic elements, the channel offers valuable insights into what makes a great film.

8. The Closer Look – 1M subscribers

The Closer Look takes a meticulous approach to movie analysis, dissecting every frame to uncover hidden details, symbolism, and deeper meanings. Their videos are a treasure trove for fans seeking a deeper understanding of their favorite films.

9. Accented Cinema – 440K subscribers

Accented Cinema focuses on non-English language films, providing an exploration of cinema from different cultures. From international classics to hidden gems, this channel offers a fresh perspective on global cinema.

10. Cinema Wins – 2.2M subscribers

Cinema Wins celebrates the positive aspects of movies. Rather than nitpicking flaws, the channel highlights the best moments, character arcs, and storytelling choices that make films truly special.

11. MauLer – 450K subscribers

MauLer’s channel shines as a guiding light for movie enthusiasts who crave detailed and analytical reviews.

With a meticulous approach, MauLer dissects films, examining elements such as plot structure, character development, and thematic consistency. Their in-depth analysis helps viewers make informed decisions about which movies to add to their watchlist!

12. Screen Crush – 1.5M subscribers

Screen Crush offers a wide range of movie-related content, including trailer breakdowns, Easter egg compilations, and engaging discussions on various film topics. With their informative yet entertaining approach, they keep film lovers hooked.

13. Every Frame a Painting – 2M subscribers

Although Every Frame a Painting has not been active in recent years, it remains an iconic and influential channel for film enthusiasts.

Through their meticulously crafted video essays, the channel explored various aspects of filmmaking, including cinematography, editing, and storytelling techniques.

Their insightful analysis and captivating visuals provided a deeper understanding of the artistry behind cinema, making Every Frame a Painting a beloved resource for cinephiles.

14. Mr Sunday Movies – 1.4M subscribers

Mr Sunday Movies injects humor and fun into movie reviews. With his charismatic style, he explores the latest blockbusters, comic book adaptations, and cult favorites, delivering entertaining and informative content that keeps viewers entertained.

Thankfully, YouTube has become the go-to destination for movie reviews, providing a platform for talented creators to share their thoughts and analysis.

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Snarcasm: YouTube Is Killing Film Criticism

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Snark + Sarcasm = what’s you’re about to read. This week: It turns out no one should be a film critic unless they’re like every other critic. 

This is a tough Snarcasm to write because I agree with a lot of what Will Mann has to say about how film criticism has changed over the last decade. We just arrive at completely different conclusions because…well, you’ll see.

Writing for  Medium , which was made to be longform Twitter, Will Mann writes:

Why I Miss Roger Ebert

Yeah, I miss him, too. He was a legendary—

(Youtube) Video Killed the (Film Criticism) Star

But the song is “Video Killed the Radio Star.” So shouldn’t “Film Criticism” at least be outside its parentheses? I don’t understand this reference, but that’s OK.

Will Mann begins his piece with a loving look back at Roger Ebert, one of the greatest film critics of all time, who sadly passed away in 2013.

Ebert was the gatekeeper when it came to my interest in cinema. His reviews were easily accessible on the Internet, and I had done my fair share of both Google searches to find out exactly what he said about all of my favorite movies and late-night Youtube binging of old episodes of Siskel and Ebert.

siskel and ebert

Keep in mind that Mann discovered Roger Ebert’s film criticism via YouTube. That might become irony, soon.

I think if I could explain why I felt such grief at Ebert’s death, it would be because I felt like there was an emptiness, a hole that didn’t used to be there before.

…Go on.

Who would, or even could, replace Ebert?

No one, probably .One of the great things about Ebert was how personal his critiques were. You can’t replicate that experience. This isn’t  The Daily Show , after all.

Was film criticism destined to decline in the absence of such an influential figure?

Roger Ebert was influential, but there are many other still-living critics who are just as good. Some could be better, depending on who you ask. And as long as films are still being made, good film critics will be around to talk about them.

Now, some two and a half years after his death, it looks increasingly like film criticism as we know it, and as Ebert knew it, will change forever.

Well, yeah. Film criticism changes all the time . You know why? Because films change. And the people who watch them change. This shouldn’t be surprising.

Suddenly, with the rise of social media, the old expression “everyone’s a critic” is more truth than fiction at this point.

Everyone has always been a critic. Because  everyone who watches a movie is a critic . They may not be a professional film critic or even a particularly influential one, but everyone does, in fact, have an opinion.

Youtube critics, or non-professional film reviewers, have risen to prominence, and with that comes some problems that are worth discussing.

So I’m probably lumped into this category since film criticism isn’t my main profession. I do get paid for it, and I see enough movies a year to be taken seriously, but my medium (get it?) is solely online.

Hyperbole and a certain ineloquence that would make Ebert himself cringe define these online critics.

“A certain ineloquence” should be a safe word. Also, Ebert cringed at many critics, all the time. Including his longtime frenemy, Gene Siskel.

While there are online critics doing some great things in terms of film criticism (there’s even an Online Film Critics Society which hold awards every year), most of the critics I’ll be referring to are not members of the OFCS, nor are their reviews tallied on either Rotten Tomatoes or MetaCritic.

This makes sense because applying to be a part of OFCS, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic is a very difficult process. Even great critics get rejected for the sake of keeping numbers down, and Rotten Tomatoes in particular requires a high average of users visiting your site to justify your inclusion. As they should.

In fact, you can’t even apply for OFCS whenever you want (they only accept applications five months out of the year). So many online film critics don’t bother because they don’t need to, anyway.

They mostly exclusively review genre movies, and turn a blind eye to independent or other smaller, non-genre fare. 

I agree with Mann, here. But at the same time, I’d prefer an online critic be honest about the movies they’re knowledgeable about. There’s room in the world for “genre critics” who only focus on movies they have a passion for.

In this era of “clickbait” and easiness of accessibility, there is a feeling like we’re losing something when these online personalities talk about film.

Working for websites who deal with entertainment news, I’ve noticed time and again that reviews almost never bring about “clickbait.” In that the headline promoting the article is misleading or written in a way to create shock value. Because reviews don’t bring about clicks quite as much as celebrity gossip, so they’re typically left to the machinations of SEO.

Once in a while, a movie like  Fantastic Four will bring about some clickbait headlines catering to the “fanboys” who obsess over studio rights like it’s celebrity gossip. But most of the time, reviews survive because the critic slowly builds a dedicated following.

Critics used to be gatekeepers, an indicator, a gauge as to whether or not a movie was worth investing time and money into.

Good thing they still are.

Now, with fervent fanbases that resemble cults and a relative inexperience in the field of film criticism, these online critics are changing the way movies are reviewed, and not in a way that’s positive, nor in a way Ebert would’ve wanted.

The premise is the problem, here. Mann is arguing that because some bad film critics give bad reviews, it’s negating any of the good reviews that come out all the time. He even manages to lump “fanboys” into a cult to get his emotional point across, then pretends to know what Ebert would have wanted.

This is a weak argument. Relative inexperience is natural, as everyone has to start somewhere. Snarcasm has certainly taught me that, as I mainly read through scores of reviews that are painful to read. But I don’t call them out just because a review is bad. I only review a review if they truly deserve it (i.e. when they attack other critics for having a different opinion).

Also, it’s important to mention that yes, online critics are changing the way movies are reviewed for some. But to say that’s it not positive because it’s  different is certainly troubling. Critics before Ebert lambasted him for having a TV show and hated his review style. I’m sure someone back then said he was changing the way movies were reviewed, and not in a positive way.

Take, for example the case of Boyhood. In summer of 2014, Richard Linklater Boyhood came out, earning a 98% Rotten Tomatoes score and many critics from all across the country proclaiming it to be a landmark, groundbreaking film.

A lot of online critics loved it, too. Myself included. I even included it in my Top 10 of 2014 list.

But as you no doubt guessed, Mann cherry picked one of the few “online personalities” who didn’t like it to prove his point.

Shortly after the film debuted, Half in the Bag, an online movie-review-show from RedLetterMedia, reviewed Boyhood, with both hosts, Jay Bauman and Mike Stoklasa coming out overwhelming against the film. They said things like, and I am quoting directly from their review, that Boyhood “sucked,” “sucked so bad,”

film critics

What’s interesting is that Mann is citing a comedy website as a representation for all online critics, here. If you’ve watched any of the RedLetterMedia videos, you know that most of what they do is satire laced with their true opinions. Yeah, they didn’t like it. But their show isn’t about artful critiques.

In fact, they’re famous for reviews of older movies that provide new insight into why we liked or disliked them, including  Plinkett’s legendary takedown of  Star Wars: The Phantom Menace .

Still, if you really want a more nuanced opinion about  Boyhood that isn’t positive, you can certainly find it.  

Rather than admitting they might have gone overboard in their dislike, they followed up with a video where they made fun of what they viewed as the overwhelmingly positive reception of the film

Because they’re a comedy…ah, never mind.

It used to be that the purpose of having two critics discuss movies is that they could disagree with one another,

I’ve seen my fair share of  Half in the Bag , and I can assure you that they don’t always agree ( Jurassic World , for example). But since you’re treating this one review like their gospel…

Debate between two movie critics can be informative, for them and for us, the viewer. In contrast, Stoklasa and Bauman only reinforce each other’s worldview.

Yes, for this one movie you picked. Why are we still talking about this?

Moreover, all the attention they gave towards what I’m calling a “hate campaign” against a film that is so well respected by industry insiders, critics, and seemingly the general public (with the exception of RedLetterMedia’s fans, apparently) over actually-bad films that deserve scrutiny is truly baffling.

That’s the point. They don’t think the movie deserves the praise it’s getting because it doesn’t stand on its own (in their opinion) when the gimmick is removed.

Mann goes on to compare this  Half in the Bag  review with a review by Ebert, who also hated a film once. The point is that Ebert is a better critic…and?

Again, we’re still fixating on this  one  review. Proving that one critic is better than another doesn’t shed light on anything besides itself.

Compare Ebert’s exquisite insight on Contact to popular Youtube film-reviewer Jeremy Jahn’s perspective on a film he was very fond of, 2015’s Mad Max: Fury Road:

film critics

Seriously? You’re going to compare a 1997 review about a science fiction drama with a George Miller action movie from this year? This doesn’t prove anything except that Mann is impatient when it comes to Google results.

I’ll admit that I’m not a fan of Jeremy Jahns, probably for the same reasons as Mann. The difference is that I don’t blame him for the decline of an entire industry. Or even the medium he’s delivering on.

Jahns, on top of other prominent critics like RedLetterMedia, YourMovieSucks, Chris Stuckman, etc. utilize simplistic language and quick edits to get their point across.

First of all,  no . 

Chris Stuckmann in particular is a fantastic film critic, certainly more credible than anyone else on that list. And the guy is only in his mid-20s. Lumping him in with  YourMovieSucks is almost criminal in my opinion.

Second of all,  what?

Since when was simplistic language a bad thing? Or quick edits? Would you rather bore people and make your reviews less accessible? Why is it wrong to add entertainment value to a video review? It’s essentially the same as Siskel and Ebert using their friction to drum up some dramatic passion that kept people returning.

Most of the time, the reviews of these Youtube critics boil down to the most basic levels of “this was good, this was bad, this could’ve been better” rather than tackling the film as a whole the way Ebert used to.

So because they don’t review like Ebert, they’re…basic? I find this weird because a good review should essentially boil down to talking about what you like. There are other ways to do it, but many professional critics do the same thing you’re criticizing online film critics of doing.

Youtube critics almost always use a mix of hyperbole and language intentionally dumbed down for your everyday layman in order to get their points across.

In a way, Mann is correct. I would add that professional critics are also guilty of doing this in order to draw in readers.

But he doesn’t seem to understand that this isn’t inherently bad. He seems to think that everyone is looking for the same type of film review backed up by the same type of people who run organizations that promote a certain type of review.

film critics

He, and other critics, understand that many people simply want to view an emotional response to a movie. They don’t want to know all of the nuts and bolts in the same way other critics like Ebert liked to talk about. They just want to know if these critics  liked the movie.

YouTube reviews have skyrocketed in popularity for the same reason we loved  Siskel and Ebert . Because we were able to visibly see the emotional reactions displayed by these film critics. Their emotional responses were much more memorable than some of the smaller details these guys would talk about, not that one thing is better than the other.

The beauty is that you can watch these reviews and go deeper if you choose to. You can hear some of Stuckmann’s rants about how excellent Deakins’ cinematography is, realize you love learning about that aspect of filmmaking, and then seek out other critics who note these nuances.

And I haven’t even mentioned Nostalgia Critic, arguably the best online video critic, who received praise from Roger Ebert himself for his show.

film critics

So, no, YouTube isn’t killing film criticism. It’s enabling more people to dive deeper into the medium. You’ll come across inexperienced film critics all the time, but your reaction shouldn’t be to silence them because they aren’t as good as the legends. Someday, they might be ready to take on that level of influence.

But, with Ebert gone, who would the young me choose to listen to if he was coming of age today?

The first step is accepting that Ebert can’t be replicated, much like I’ll never get to watch Movie Mob again. You can only connect with something new. It doesn’t have to be a YouTube film critic you can’t relate to. But it can certainly be someone more aligned with your tastes.

I, for example, get my fix from a recent show called “ Film Club ” on  AV Club.  In this video series, A.A. Dowd and Ignatity Vishnevetsky critique films in a format similar to Siskel and Ebert , and their condensed half-hour conversations can be just as insightful. I won’t try to convince anyone it’s better, but it’s certainly worthwhile.

 Remember, all these Youtube film critics are just as, if not more, accessible to young viewers as those Ebert reviews were to me. Young viewers, who are just coming into their own cinematic tastes. They, like I was towards Ebert, might be susceptible to older, more experiences voices, and align their tastes with these tastemakers. Does that mean that there are young film fans out there today who will never see a Richard Linklater film because RedLetterMedia told them to? Or that there is a young fan who will avoid anything out of the hyper-masculine genres of superhero films, action films, and horror films simply because Jeremy Jahns doesn’t look as excited when he reviews a drama than when he reviews the latest Marvel movie?

These are questions we need to ask ourselves.

And here’s the answer. The person who won’t watch  Boyhood because one comedy website told him not to probably isn’t the type of person who’d find value from an Ebert review. The person who watches Jeremy Jahns to enjoy someone else’s opinion on a genre he loves isn’t there for an insightful critique. He just wants to find out what his friend thinks about the latest Marvel movie.

But the people who love all types of film have little to worry about. Because we have more choices than ever, and a lot of them are worth our time.

I’m Jon and thanks for reading this. You can subscribe to my posts by clicking “Follow” in the right sidebar. Or just say hey on Twitter!  @JonNegroni

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14 thoughts on “ Snarcasm: YouTube Is Killing Film Criticism ”

He said so much bull about Jeremy jahns. For example , his favorite movie of last year wasn’t a super hero movie or anything like that , it was a small budget drama called whiplash. He reviews movies for the average movie goer though , not for quote on quote “film lovers”. But he himself is a film lover and he does like movies outside your average big budget films , again his favorite movie of last year had a budget of 3 million dollars.

Thanks for bringing this up. I’ve tried to watch Jahns before, but his review style just isn’t for me. From what I can tell, though, he certainly doesn’t seem like a brainless fanboy.

Reblogged this on wwwpalfitness .

Just checked out Film Club, and it’s stellar! Like you said, it’s no At the Movies, but the critics in it are fun to watch.

Who do you think you are? I wrote this and you stole it

My favorite film critiques are Stuckmann and Negroni!

Great post, Jon! I’m loving this series! But… I’m still wondering… are you ever going to start making YouTube videos? They’d be great! But it’s okay if you prefer blogging. You’re awesome anyway.

You lost me when you said the Nostalgia Critic is the best online critic, when he is the complete opposite

Unfamiliar with Mann, but I think I can safely say, “pompous ass” would be a good description. Our apologies Mr. Mann for the audacity of the unwashed masses to have opinions on the apparently imponderable (unless you have proper education and training, of course) Art of Film. I agree we should all be wringing our hands over the fact that we will be driven like cattle with cattle prods to watch certain films and completely ignore others because we watch a film critic on you tube. The only answer, of course, is to completely shut down you tube and only be allowed to read film reviews done by those who have been approved to do them by a twelve member panel of former reviewers, none under the age of 65.

You think Stuckmann is a good critic, your opinion is thus..invalid.

There goes my smile.

How can any YT critic be taken seriously when pretty much all of them say the exact same thing? Every time a movie comes out it’s like they’re all reading off the same script. At least with SIskel and Ebert, and then later Ebert and Roper you got some variety. They didn’t always agree, which made it seem like you were listening to real people give you their real opinion on the quality of a movie. Compare that with nowadays and almost all critics sound like a broken record. I always check out reviews after I’ve seen a movie because I like knowing whether or not my opinion matches the general consensus of the masses, and it almost never does. YT critics often throw out the same phrases seemingly to make it sound like they actually know what they’re talking about, even when what they’re saying in no way pertains to what actually happened in the movie. How anyone could take them seriously as film critics is beyond me. Next time a popular movie comes out watch a few reviews on YT and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

in what world is nostalgia critic a good critic LMAOOO

Basic rule of thumb for Dunning Kruger Syndrome. If your opponents use phrases like LMAOOO or make statements more geared towards groupthink and humiliation rather than coherent arguments, it only makes the person they are attacking more intellectual because their detractors do not make arguments.

In what world is Albert Einstein a good scientist? LMAAOOOOO See how I just sucked out my credibility?

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(Photo by New Line Cinema/courtesy Everett Collection)

100 Worst Movies of All Time

It’s bad movies galore as we encounter the Rottenest of the Rotten: 100 movies that scored less than 6% (from at least 20 reviews) with the critics on the Tomatometer!

You’re going to see lots of 0% movies, and there’s even more out there, but the ones on this list all have at least 20 reviews. We wanted to make sure the movies we’re “vouching” for as the worst ever have inflicted a minimum threshold of agony on critics. And the 20-review entry applies for every other movie on this list, and that includes the usual suspects of garbage cinema, like the deep space train wreck  Battlefield Earth , the box office turkey (turtle?)  The Master of Disguise , Netflix’s lazy western  The Ridiculous 6 , and flaccid softcore  Killing Me Softly  (which also makes a dubious appearance in the  200 best and worst erotic movies ).

You may also note a number of significant stinkers are from the past 20 years. It’s not just because Uwe Boll was employed during this time period. And, by the way, he’s actually beat by dubious directing duo Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg, who have  four  movies on the list. Instead, it’s the fact more reviews are being written and collected than ever before, so today’s disasters have a better chance of vaunting over 20 reviews. (And for movies that share the same score, more reviews means you’re placed higher within the ranking.)

But fret not: Plenty of yesteryear’s bombs are here. After all, the decade that produced  Mac & Me  has a lot to account for. Some of the classic trash featured includes the soul-sucking  Mortal Kombat: Annihilation ,  Speed 2: Cruise Control  (see what happens when you throw Keanu overboard?), off-the-deep-end  Jaws: The Revenge , and prime directive-violating  RoboCop 3 .

What you  won’t  see: Some legendary bad movies like  Cats ,  Birdemic , and  The Room , all of which have cleared at least a 10% Tomatometer. That’s right, they were  too good . And  Miami Connection  and  Plan 9 From Outer Space  are actually Fresh!

Most recently, Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey has squeezed in, the first movie to appear since 2020’s The Last Days of American Crime . Then we added the Alison Brie/John Cena joint Freelance .

Now that we set the mood for truly bad movies, start the most painful watchlist you’ll ever make with the 100 worst movies of all time! — Alex Vo

' sborder=

Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002) 0%

' sborder=

One Missed Call (2008) 0%

' sborder=

Left Behind (2014) 0%

' sborder=

A Thousand Words (2012) 0%

' sborder=

Gotti (2018) 0%

' sborder=

Pinocchio (2002) 0%

' sborder=

SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004) 0%

' sborder=

Gold Diggers (2003) 0%

' sborder=

The Last Days of American Crime (2020) 0%

' sborder=

Jaws the Revenge (1987) 0%

' sborder=

The Ridiculous 6 (2015) 0%

' sborder=

Dark Crimes (2016) 0%

' sborder=

Stratton (2017) 0%

' sborder=

London Fields (2018) 0%

' sborder=

The Nutcracker (2010) 0%

' sborder=

Return to the Blue Lagoon (1991) 0%

' sborder=

Wagons East! (1994) 0%

' sborder=

Problem Child (1990) 0%

' sborder=

Cabin Fever (2016) 0%

' sborder=

3 Strikes (2000) 0%

' sborder=

The Disappointments Room (2016) 0%

' sborder=

Redline (2007) 0%

' sborder=

Staying Alive (1983) 0%

' sborder=

Look Who's Talking Now (1993) 0%

' sborder=

Highlander II: The Quickening (1991) 0%

' sborder=

Homecoming (2009) 0%

' sborder=

Bolero (1984) 0%

' sborder=

Precious Cargo (2016) 0%

' sborder=

Max Steel (2016) 0%

' sborder=

Killing Me Softly (2002) 0%

' sborder=

Merci Docteur Rey (2002) 0%

' sborder=

Transylmania (2009) 0%

' sborder=

Freelance (2023) 8%

' sborder=

Stolen (2009) 0%

' sborder=

Dark Tide (2012) 0%

' sborder=

Folks! (1992) 0%

' sborder=

Simon Sez (1999) 0%

' sborder=

Alone in the Dark (2005) 1%

' sborder=

The Master of Disguise (2002) 1%

' sborder=

Daddy Day Camp (2007) 1%

' sborder=

Disaster Movie (2008) 1%

' sborder=

Twisted (2004) 2%

' sborder=

Epic Movie (2007) 2%

' sborder=

Crossover (2006) 2%

' sborder=

The In Crowd (2000) 2%

' sborder=

One for the Money (2012) 2%

' sborder=

Texas Rangers (2001) 2%

' sborder=

Meet the Spartans (2008) 2%

' sborder=

King's Ransom (2005) 2%

' sborder=

Strange Wilderness (2008) 2%

' sborder=

Baby Geniuses (1999) 2%

' sborder=

Kickin' It Old Skool (2007) 2%

' sborder=

Nina (2016) 2%

' sborder=

The Haunting of Molly Hartley (2008) 2%

' sborder=

Battlefield Earth (2000) 3%

' sborder=

Rollerball (2002) 3%

' sborder=

Jack and Jill (2011) 3%

' sborder=

Bless the Child (2000) 4%

' sborder=

Getaway (2013) 3%

' sborder=

FeardotCom (2002) 3%

' sborder=

Half Past Dead (2002) 3%

' sborder=

The Roommate (2011) 3%

' sborder=

Deuces Wild (2002) 3%

' sborder=

The Mod Squad (1999) 3%

' sborder=

The Apparition (2012) 3%

' sborder=

House of the Dead (2003) 3%

' sborder=

Down to You (2000) 3%

' sborder=

Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023) 3%

' sborder=

Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star (2011) 3%

' sborder=

Deal (2008) 3%

' sborder=

The Darkness (2016) 3%

' sborder=

Passion Play (2010) 3%

' sborder=

Getting Even With Dad (1994) 3%

' sborder=

McHale's Navy (1997) 3%

' sborder=

Arsenal (2017) 3%

' sborder=

Twelve (2010) 3%

' sborder=

The Toy (1982) 3%

' sborder=

Shadow Conspiracy (1997) 7%

' sborder=

Because I Said So (2007) 4%

' sborder=

Godsend (2004) 4%

' sborder=

The Whole Ten Yards (2004) 4%

' sborder=

Serving Sara (2002) 4%

' sborder=

Vampires Suck (2010) 4%

' sborder=

Movie 43 (2013) 5%

' sborder=

Code Name: The Cleaner (2007) 4%

' sborder=

Flatliners (2017) 4%

' sborder=

Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997) 4%

' sborder=

The Covenant (2006) 4%

' sborder=

The Fog (2005) 4%

' sborder=

Zoom (2006) 4%

' sborder=

A Little Bit of Heaven (2011) 4%

' sborder=

Material Girls (2006) 4%

' sborder=

Mortal Kombat Annihilation (1997) 4%

' sborder=

BloodRayne (2005) 4%

' sborder=

Scary Movie V (2013) 4%

' sborder=

In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007) 4%

' sborder=

The Cold Light of Day (2012) 4%

' sborder=

A Low Down Dirty Shame (1994) 4%

' sborder=

Just Getting Started (2017) 4%

' sborder=

The Last Airbender (2010) 5%

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5 Most Popular Movie Reviewers on YouTube

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On YouTube, movies is an extremely popular niche. There are tons of channels that focus on the movie industry. However, because this niche has such a fierce competition, many YouTubers have dedicated their channels in just one type of content. If you browse various YouTube channels, you will find some that only create Top 10 lists, others the upload video essays and analysis, some that create fun and satirical content, and some YouTubers who dedicate their channel to movie reviewing.

In this article, you will find the most popular movie reviewers on the platform that millions of users trust. Once you establish your own channel, follow their footsteps, and get cheap YouTube likes to grow your channel. Soon, you will also gain a loyal following that will want to hear your opinion. Your views on the videos also increase gradually. If you do not get the target views then you may look for sources to get  cheap YouTube views .

#1 Chris Stuckmann Subscribers: 1.81 million

Chris Stuckmann’s YouTube channel is probably the most popular one when it comes to movie reviews. With almost 2 million subscribers and over 560 million video views, there is no denying that he has become a successful YouTuber. The YouTube channel is very active with 3 videos per week and the content is almost entirely dedicated to reviews. The only exception is at the end of the year when you will find lists with the best films of the year.

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#2 Jeremy Jahns Subscribers: 1.72 million

Jeremy Jahns is another popular YouTuber with almost 2 million subscribers and more than 670 million video views. His video content is only about movie and trailer reviewing, with some additional vlogs. Jeremy Jahns is very relaxed and funny, thus gaining the viewers’ attention. If you want to become a movie reviewer, take an example of his style. By finding your own voice and getting cheap YouTube likes, you can bring your channel to great success.

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#3 Channel Awesome Subscribers: 1.21 million

Channel Awesome is a channel established in 2008 and the current channel was created in 2014. As an old channel, all of its contributors have become very popular. At the moment, you can find the well-known Nostalgia Critic, Tamara Just Streamed, First Viewing, Dark Toons, and other segments. The majority of Channel Awesome’s content focuses on movie reviewing.

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#4 Red Letter Media Subscribers: 1.2 million

Red Letter Media is a YouTube channel that many viewers trust for their opinions. All of the series you will find on this channel are about movie reviews. Namely, the current segments are Half in the Bag, Best of the Worst, and re:View. This channel’s videos are quite lengthy and so they have enough time to also analyze the films in depth.

#5 Mr. Sunday Movies Subscribers: 1.18 million

Mr. Sunday Movies is a YouTube channel that creates various types of content on movies. First of all, there are movie reviews and movie theories. Moreover, some videos point out Easter eggs in movies, and others are trailer breakdowns, supercuts, and even movie scenes in 8-bit.

Movie reviews are among the most popular videos on YouTube. Discover its potential by creating great content with cheap YouTube likes.

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Tagged with: Channel Awesome , Chris Stuckmann , Jeremy Jahns , Mr. Sunday Movies , Red Letter Media

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‘don’t tell mom the babysitter’s dead’ review: a remake without a reason.

Simone Joy Jones plays the Christina Applegate role in this new spin on the 1991 dark comedy.

By Frank Scheck

Frank Scheck

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Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead

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Once again, the story revolves around what happens when a harried mom (comedian Patricia “Ms. Pat” Williams) unexpectedly leaves town for a two-month immersive retreat in Thailand after having a meltdown at work. This disappoints her 17-year-old daughter Tanya (Simone Joy Jones, Peacock’s Bel-Air ), who had been planning to go to Europe with friends but now is stuck babysitting her younger siblings.

Her mother had hired a babysitter in the form of the elderly Mrs. Sturak (national treasure June Squibb ). But the seemingly sweet old woman, who shows up bearing a Bible, reveals a darker streak. As soon as the mother leaves, she fires a starter pistol and announces to the frightened children, “I watch Madea movies, I know how to discipline you little N-words.”

To score some money to keep them afloat, Tanya pretends to be much older and applies for a job at a fashion design firm headed by Rose ( Nicole Richie ), who hires her as her executive assistant much to the chagrin of Caroline (Iantha Richardson), a receptionist who had been angling for the job herself. Meanwhile, Tanya begins a tentative romance with Bryan (Miles Fowler), a handsome young architect whom she met while working as a rideshare driver.

Mildly involving plot complications ensue, including Tanya spotting Rose’s boyfriend making out with a younger woman; her siblings maxing out a credit card to splurge on such home improvements as a skateboard ramp; and Caroline becoming increasingly suspicious of the new hire. Along the way, the screenplay by Chuck Hayward does feature some amusing lines, as when Tanya, hearing that the firm’s finances are in jeopardy, announces, “I need this job! I don’t have the booty for OnlyFans!”

Neither the romantic nor work subplots amount to much, with the latter never approaching the Devil Wears Prada level it might have gone for (Richie’s boss, although sharp-edged at times, doesn’t begin to approach Miranda Priestly levels). After its darkly comic set-up, the mild proceedings seem generally undercooked, lacking the subversiveness that could have given the remake a reason for being. It coasts along mainly on the charms of Jones, who displays considerable comic chops as the beleaguered Tanya.

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