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Mathematics LibreTexts

1.1: Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities

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  • Page ID 48347

Learning Objectives

  • Verify linear solutions.
  • Use the properties of equality to solve basic linear equations.
  • Clear fractions from equations.
  • Identify linear inequalities and check solutions.
  • Solve linear inequalities and express the solutions graphically on a number line and in interval notation.

Prerequisite Skills

Before you get started, take this prerequisite quiz.

1. Simplify \(2-6(4-7)^2\) without using a calculator.

If you missed this problem, review here . (Note that this will open a different textbook in a new window.)

2. Evaluate \(6x−4\) when \(x=−2\).

3. Evaluate \(-5x^2−x+9\) when \(x=-3\).

4. Simplify \(7x−1−4x+5\).


Solving Basic Linear Equations

An equation 129 is a statement indicating that two algebraic expressions are equal. A linear equation with one variable 130 , \(x\), is an equation that can be written in the standard form \(ax + b = 0\) where \(a\) and \(b\) are real numbers and \(a ≠ 0\). For example

\(3 x - 12 = 0\)

A solution 131 to a linear equation is any value that can replace the variable to produce a true statement. The variable in the linear equation \(3x − 12 = 0\) is \(x\) and the solution is \(x = 4\). To verify this, substitute the value \(4\) in for \(x\) and check that you obtain a true statement.

\(\begin{aligned} 3 x - 12 & = 0 \\ 3 ( \color{Cerulean}{4}\color{Black}{ )} - 12 & = 0 \\ 12 - 12 & = 0 \\ 0 & = 0 \:\: \color{Cerulean}{✓} \end{aligned}\)

Alternatively, when an equation is equal to a constant, we may verify a solution by substituting the value in for the variable and showing that the result is equal to that constant. In this sense, we say that solutions “satisfy the equation.”

Example \(\PageIndex{1}\):

Is \(a=2\) a solution to \(−10a+5=−25\)?

Recall that when evaluating expressions, it is a good practice to first replace all variables with parentheses, and then substitute the appropriate values. By making use of parentheses, we avoid some common errors when working the order of operations.

\(\begin{align*} - 10 a + 5 &= -25 \\ - 10 ( \color{Cerulean}{2} \color{Black}{ ) +} 5 & = -25 \\ -20 + 5 & = -25 \\ -15 &\neq 25\:\: \color{red}{✗}\end{align*}\)  

No, \(a=2\) does not satisfy the equation and is therefore not a solution.

Developing techniques for solving various algebraic equations is one of our main goals in algebra. This section reviews the basic techniques used for solving linear equations with one variable. We begin by defining equivalent equations 132 as equations with the same solution set.

\(\left. \begin{aligned} 3 x - 5 & = 16 \\ 3 x & = 21 \\ x & = 7 \end{aligned} \right\} \quad \color{Cerulean}{Equivalent \:equations}\)

Here we can see that the three linear equations are equivalent because they share the same solution set, namely, \(\{7\}\). To obtain equivalent equations, use the following properties of equality 133 . Given algebraic expressions \(A\) and \(B\), where \(c\) is a nonzero number:

Table 1.1.1

Multiplying or dividing both sides of an equation by \(0\) is carefully avoided. Dividing by \(0\) is undefined and multiplying both sides by \(0\) results in the equation \(0 = 0\).

We solve algebraic equations by isolating the variable with a coefficient of 1. If given a linear equation of the form \(ax + b = c\), then we can solve it in two steps. First, use the appropriate equality property of addition or subtraction to isolate the variable term. Next, isolate the variable using the equality property of multiplication or division. Checking the solution in the following examples is left to the reader.

Example \(\PageIndex{2}\):

Solve: \(7x − 2 = 19\).

\(\begin{aligned} 7 x - 2 & = 19 \\ 7 x - 2 \color{Cerulean}{+ 2} & = 19 \color{Cerulean}{+ 2} & & \color{Cerulean}{Add\: 2\: to\: both\: sides.} \\ 7 x & = 21 \\ \frac { 7 x } { \color{Cerulean}{7} } & = \frac { 21 } { \color{Cerulean}{7} } & & \color{Cerulean}{Divide\: both\: sides\: by\: 7.} \\ x & = 3 \end{aligned}\)

The solution is \(3\).

Example \(\PageIndex{3}\):

Solve: \(56 = 8 + 12y\).

When no sign precedes the term, it is understood to be positive. In other words, think of this as \(56 = +8 + 12y\). Therefore, we begin by subtracting \(8\) on both sides of the equal sign.

\(\begin{aligned} 56 \color{Cerulean}{- 8} & = 8 + 12 y \color{Cerulean}{- 8} \\ 48 & = 12 y \\ \frac { 48 } { \color{Cerulean}{12} } & = \frac { 12 y } { \color{Cerulean}{12} } \\ 4 & = y \end{aligned}\)

It does not matter on which side we choose to isolate the variable because the symmetric property 134 states that \(4 = y\) is equivalent to \(y = 4\).

The solution is \(4\).

Example \(\PageIndex{4}\):

Solve: \(\frac { 5 } { 3 } x + 2 = - 8\).

Isolate the variable term using the addition property of equality, and then multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of the coefficient \(\frac{5}{3}\) .

\begin{aligned} \frac { 5 } { 3 } x + 2 & = - 8 \\ \frac { 5 } { 3 } x + 2 \color{Cerulean}{- 2} & = - 8 \color{Cerulean}{- 2}\quad \color{Cerulean}{Subtract\: 2\: on\: both\: sides.} \\ \frac { 5 } { 3 } x & = - 10 \\ \color{Cerulean}{\frac { 3 } { 5 }} \color{Black}{ \cdot} \frac { 5 } { 3 } x & = \color{Cerulean}{\frac { 3 } { \cancel{5} }} \color{Black}{\cdot} ( \overset{-2}{\cancel{-10}} )\quad \color{Cerulean}{Multiply \:both \:sides\: by\: \frac{3}{5}.} \\ 1x & = 3 \cdot ( - 2 ) \\ x & = - 6 \end{aligned}

The solution is \(−6\).

In summary, to retain equivalent equations, we must perform the same operation on both sides of the equation.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)

Solve: \(\frac { 2 } { 3 } x + \frac { 1 } { 2 } = - \frac { 5 } { 6 }\).

Video Solution:

General Guidelines for Solving Linear Equations

Typically linear equations are not given in standard form, and so solving them requires additional steps. When solving linear equations, the goal is to determine what value, if any, will produce a true statement when substituted in the original equation. Do this by isolating the variable using the following steps:

  • Step 1: Simplify both sides of the equation using the order of operations and combine all like terms on the same side of the equal sign.
  • Step 2a: Add or subtract as needed to isolate the variable.
  • Step 2b: Divide or multiply as needed to isolate the variable.
  • Step 3: Check to see if the answer solves the original equation.

We will often encounter linear equations where the expressions on each side of the equal sign can be simplified. If this is the case, then it is best to simplify each side first before solving. Normally this involves combining same-side like terms.

At this point in our study of algebra the use of the properties of equality should seem routine. Therefore, displaying these steps in this text, usually in blue, becomes optional.

Example \(\PageIndex{5}\):

Solve: \(- 4 a + 2 - a = 1\).

First combine the like terms on the left side of the equal sign.

\(\begin{aligned} - 4 a + 2 - a = 1 & \quad \color{Cerulean}{ Combine\: same-side\: like\: terms.} \\ - 5 a + 2 = 1 & \quad\color{Cerulean} { Subtract\: 2\: on\: both\: sides.} \\ - 5 a = - 1 & \quad\color{Cerulean} { Divide\: both\: sides\: by\: - 5.} \\ a = \frac { - 1 } { - 5 } = \frac { 1 } { 5 } \end{aligned}\)

Always use the original equation to check to see if the solution is correct.

\(\begin{aligned} - 4 a + 2 - a & = - 4 \left( \color{OliveGreen}{\frac { 1 } { 5 }} \right) + 2 - \color{OliveGreen}{\frac { 1 } { 5 }} \\ & = - \frac { 4 } { 5 } + \frac { 2 } { 1 } \cdot \color{Cerulean}{\frac { 5 } { 5 }}\color{Black}{ -} \frac { 1 } { 5 } \\ & = \frac { - 4 + 10 + 1 } { 5 } \\ & = \frac { 5 } { 5 } = 1 \:\:\color{Cerulean}{✓} \end{aligned}\)

The solution is \(\frac{1}{5}\) .

Given a linear equation in the form \(ax + b = cx + d\), we begin the solving process by combining like terms on opposite sides of the equal sign. To do this, use the addition or subtraction property of equality to place like terms on the same side so that they can be combined. In the examples that remain, the check is left to the reader.

Example \(\PageIndex{6}\):

Solve: \(−2y − 3 = 5y + 11\).

Subtract \(5y\) on both sides so that we can combine the terms involving y on the left side.

\(\begin{array} { c } { - 2 y - 3 \color{Cerulean}{- 5 y}\color{Black}{ =} 5 y + 11 \color{Cerulean}{- 5 y} } \\ { - 7 y - 3 = 11 } \end{array}\)

From here, solve using the techniques developed previously.

\(\begin{aligned} - 7 y - 3 & = 11 \quad\color{Cerulean}{Add\: 3\: to\: both\: sides.} \\ - 7 y & = 14 \\ y & = \frac { 14 } { - 7 } \quad\color{Cerulean}{Divide\: both\: sides\: by\: -7.} \\ y & = - 2 \end{aligned}\)

The solution is \(−2\).

Solving will often require the application of the distributive property.

Example \(\PageIndex{7}\):

Solve: \(- \frac { 1 } { 2 } ( 10 x - 2 ) + 3 = 7 ( 1 - 2 x )\).

Simplify the linear expressions on either side of the equal sign first.

\(\begin{aligned} - \frac { 1 } { 2 } ( 10 x - 2 ) + 3 = 7 ( 1 - 2 x ) & \quad\color{Cerulean} { Distribute } \\ - 5 x + 1 + 3 = 7 - 14 x & \quad\color{Cerulean} { Combine\: same-side\: like\: terms. } \\ - 5 x + 4 = 7 - 14 x & \quad\color{Cerulean} { Combine\: opposite-side\: like\: terms. } \\ 9 x = 3 & \quad\color{Cerulean} { Solve. } \\ x = \frac { 3 } { 9 } = \frac { 1 } { 3 } \end{aligned}\)

The solution is \(\frac{1}{3}\) .

Example \(\PageIndex{8}\):

Solve: \(5(3−a)−2(5−2a)=3\).

Begin by applying the distributive property.

\(\begin{aligned} 5 ( 3 - a ) - 2 ( 5 - 2 a ) & = 3 \\ 15 - 5 a - 10 + 4 a & = 3 \\ 5 - a & = 3 \\ - a & = - 2 \end{aligned}\)

Here we point out that \(−a\) is equivalent to \(−1a\); therefore, we choose to divide both sides of the equation by \(−1\).

\(\begin{array} { c } { - a = - 2 } \\ { \frac { - 1 a } { \color{Cerulean}{- 1} }\color{Black}{ =} \frac { - 2 } { \color{Cerulean}{- 1} } } \\ { a = 2 } \end{array}\)

Alternatively, we can multiply both sides of \(−a=−2\) by negative one and achieve the same result.

\(\begin{aligned} - a & = - 2 \\ \color{Cerulean}{( - 1 )}\color{Black}{ (} - a ) & = \color{Cerulean}{( - 1 )}\color{Black}{ (} - 2 ) \\ a & = 2 \end{aligned}\)

The solution is \(2\).

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\)

Solve: \(6 - 3 ( 4 x - 1 ) = 4 x - 7\).

Video Solution:

The coefficients of linear equations may be any real number, even decimals and fractions. When this is the case it is possible to use the multiplication property of equality to clear the fractional coefficients and obtain integer coefficients in a single step. If given fractional coefficients, then multiply both sides of the equation by the least common multiple of the denominators (LCD).

Example \(\PageIndex{9}\):

Solve: \(\frac { 1 } { 3 } x + \frac { 1 } { 5 } = \frac { 1 } { 5 } x - 1\).

Clear the fractions by multiplying both sides by the least common multiple of the given denominators. In this case, it is the \(LCD (3, 5) = 15\).

\(\begin{aligned} \color{Cerulean}{15}\color{Black}{ \cdot} \left( \frac { 1 } { 3 } x + \frac { 1 } { 5 } \right) & = \color{Cerulean}{15}\color{Black}{ \cdot} \left( \frac { 1 } { 5 } x - 1 \right) \quad \color{Cerulean}{Multiply\: both\: sides\: by\: 15.} \\ \color{Cerulean}{15}\color{Black}{ \cdot} \frac { 1 } { 3 } x + \color{Cerulean}{15}\color{Black}{ \cdot} \frac { 1 } { 5 } & = \color{Cerulean}{15}\color{Black}{ \cdot} \frac { 1 } { 5 } x - \color{Cerulean}{15}\color{Black}{ \cdot} 1\quad\color{Cerulean}{Simplify.} \\ 5 x + 3 & = 3 x - 15\quad\quad\quad\color{Cerulean}{Solve.} \\ 2 x & = - 18 \\ x & = \frac { - 18 } { 2 } = - 9 \end{aligned}\)

The solution is \(−9\).

It is important to know that this technique only works for equations. Do not try to clear fractions when simplifying expressions. As a reminder:

Table 1.1.2

We simplify expressions and solve equations. If you multiply an expression by \(6\), you will change the problem. However, if you multiply both sides of an equation by \(6\), you obtain an equivalent equation.

Table 1.1.3

Applications Involving Linear Equations

Algebra simplifies the process of solving real-world problems. This is done by using letters to represent unknowns, restating problems in the form of equations, and by offering systematic techniques for solving those equations. To solve problems using algebra, first translate the wording of the problem into mathematical statements that describe the relationships between the given information and the unknowns. Usually, this translation to mathematical statements is the difficult step in the process. The key to the translation is to carefully read the problem and identify certain key words and phrases.

Table 1.1.4

When translating sentences into mathematical statements, be sure to read the sentence several times and parse out the key words and phrases. It is important to first identify the variable, “ let x represent… ” and state in words what the unknown quantity is. This step not only makes our work more readable, but also forces us to think about what we are looking for.

Example \(\PageIndex{10}\):

When \(6\) is subtracted from twice the sum of a number and \(8\) the result is \(5\). Represent this as an algebraic equation and find the number.

Let n represent the unknown number.


To understand why we included the parentheses in the set up, you must study the structure of the following two sentences and their translations:

Table 1.1.5

The key was to focus on the phrase “ twice the sum ,” this prompted us to group the sum within parentheses and then multiply by \(2\). After translating the sentence into a mathematical statement we then solve.

\(\begin{aligned} 2 ( n + 8 ) - 6 & = 5 \\ 2 n + 16 - 6 & = 5 \\ 2 n + 10 & = 5 \\ 2 n & = - 5 \\ n & = \frac { - 5 } { 2 } \end{aligned}\)

\(\begin{aligned} 2 ( n + 8 ) - 6 & = 2 \left( \color{Cerulean}{- \frac { 5 } { 2 }}\color{Black}{ +} 8 \right) - 6 \\ & = 2 \left( \frac { 11 } { 2 } \right) - 6 \\ & = 11 - 6 \\ & = 5 \quad\color{Cerulean}{✓}\end{aligned}\)       

The number is \(−\frac{5}{2}\).

General guidelines for setting up and solving word problems follow.

  • Step 1: Read the problem several times, identify the key words and phrases, and organize the given information.
  • Step 2: Identify the variables by assigning a letter or expression to the unknown quantities.
  • Step 3: Translate and set up an algebraic equation that models the problem.
  • Step 4: Solve the resulting algebraic equation.
  • Step 5: Finally, answer the question in sentence form and make sure it makes sense (check it).

For now, set up all of your equations using only one variable. Avoid two variables by looking for a relationship between the unknowns.

Linear Inequalities

A linear inequality 138 is a mathematical statement that relates a linear expression as either less than or greater than another. The following are some examples of linear inequalities, all of which are solved in this section:

A solution to a linear inequality 139 is a real number that will produce a true statement when substituted for the variable.

Example \(\PageIndex{11}\):

Are \(x=−4\) and \(x=6\) solutions to \(5x+7<22\)?

Substitute the values in for \(x\), simplify, and check to see if we obtain a true statement.

Table 1.1.6

\(x=−4\) is a solution and \(x=6\) is not

Linear inequalities have either infinitely many solutions or no solution. If there are infinitely many solutions, we graph the solution set on a number line and/or express the solution using interval notation.

Expressing Solutions to Linear Inequalities

What number would make the inequality \(x>3\) true? Are you thinking, "\(x\) could be four"? That’s correct, but \(x\) could be 6, too, or 137, or even 3.0001. Any number greater than three is a solution to the inequality \(x>3\). We show all the solutions to the inequality \(x>3\) on the number line by shading in all the numbers to the right of three, to show that all numbers greater than three are solutions. Because the number three itself is not a solution, we put an open parenthesis at three.

We can also represent inequalities using interval notation . There is no upper end to the solution to this inequality. In interval notation, we express \(x>3\) as \((3,\infty)\). The symbol \(\infty\) is read as “ infinity .” It is not an actual number. Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\) shows both the number line and the interval notation.

The figure shows the inquality, x is greater than 3, graphed on a number line from negative 5 to 5. There is shading that starts at 3 and extends to numbers to its right. The solution for the inequality is written in interval notation. It is the interval from 3 to infinity, not including 3.

We use the left parenthesis symbol, (, to show that the endpoint of the inequality is not included. The left bracket symbol, [, would show that the endpoint is included.

The inequality \(x\leq 1\) means all numbers less than or equal to one. Here we need to show that one is a solution, too. We do that by putting a bracket at \(x=1\). We then shade in all the numbers to the left of one, to show that all numbers less than one are solutions (Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\)). There is no lower end to those numbers. We write \(x\leq 1x\leq 1 \)in interval notation as \((−\infty,1]\). The symbol \(−\infty\) is read as “negative infinity.”

The figure shows the inquality, x is less than or equal to l, graphed on a number line from negative 5 to 5. There is shading that starts at 1 and extends to numbers to its left. The solution for the inequality is written in interval notation. It is the interval from negative infinity to one, including 1.

Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\) shows both the number line and interval notation.


The figure shows that the solution of the inequality x is greater than a is indicated on a number line with a left parenthesis at a and shading to the right, and that the solution in interval notation is the interval from a to infinity enclosed in parentheses. It shows the solution of the inequality x is greater than or equal to a is indicated on a number line with an left bracket at a and shading to the right, and that the solution in interval notation is the interval a to infinity within a left bracket and right parenthesis. It shows that the solution of the inequality x is less than a is indicated on a number line with a right parenthesis at a and shading to the left, and that the solution in interval notation is the the interval negative infinity to a within parentheses. It shows that the solution of the inequality x is less than or equal to a is indicated on anumber line with a right bracket at a and shading to the left, and that the solution in interval notation is negative infinity to a within a left parenthesis and right bracket.

The notation for inequalities on a number line and in interval notation use the same symbols to express the endpoints of intervals. Notice that \(\infty\) and \(-\infty\) always use parentheses in interval notation, never brackets.

Example \(\PageIndex{12}\)

Graph each inequality on the number line and write in interval notation.

  • \(x\geq −3\)
  • \(x<2.5\)
  • \(x\leq −\frac{3}{5}\)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{3}\)

Graph each inequality on the number line and write in interval notation:

  • \(x\leq −4\)
  • \(x\geq 0.5\)
  • \(x<−\frac{2}{3}\).

The graph of the inequality x is less than or equal to negative 4 is indicated on a number line with a right bracket at negative 4 and shading to the left. The solution in interval notation is the interval from negative infinity to negative 4 enclosed within an left parenthesis and right bracket.

Solving Linear Inequalities

All but one of the techniques learned for solving linear equations apply to solving linear inequalities. You may add or subtract any real number to both sides of an inequality, and you may multiply or divide both sides by any positive real number to create equivalent inequalities. For example:

\[\begin{align*} 10 &> - 5 \\[4pt] 10{\color{Cerulean}{-7}}\,&{\color{Black}{>}} -5{\color{Cerulean}{-7}} & & {\color{Cerulean}{Subtract\: 7\: on\: both\: sides.}}\\[4pt]  3 &> - 12 & & \color{Cerulean}{✓}\quad\color{Cerulean}{True.} \\[20pt] 10 &>-5\\[4pt] \frac{10}{\color{Cerulean}{5}}\,&\color{Black}{>}\frac{-5}{\color{Cerulean}{5}} & & \color{Cerulean}{Divide\: both\: sides\: by\: 5.}\\[4pt] 2 &>-1 & & \color{Cerulean}{✓\:\:True} \end{align*} \]

Subtracting \(7\) from each side and dividing each side by positive \(5\) results in an inequality that is true.

Example \(\PageIndex{13}\):

Solve and graph the solution set: \(5x+7<22\).

\(\begin{array} { c } { 5 x + 7 < 22 } \\ { 5 x + 7 \color{Cerulean}{- 7}\color{Black}{ < 22}\color{Cerulean}{ - 7} } \\ { 5 x < 15 } \\ { \frac { 5 x } {\color{Cerulean}{ 5} } < \frac { 15 } { \color{Cerulean}{5} } } \\ { x < 3 } \end{array}\)


It is helpful to take a minute and choose a few values in and out of the solution set, substitute them into the original inequality, and then verify the results. As indicated, you should expect \(x=0\) to solve the original inequality and that \(x=5\) should not.

Table 1.1.7

Checking in this manner gives us a good indication that we have solved the inequality correctly.

We can express this solution in two ways: using set notation and interval notation.

\(\begin{array} { r } { \{ x | x < 3 \} } &\color{Cerulean}{Set\: notation} \\ { ( - \infty , 3 ) } &\color{Cerulean}{Interval\: notation} \end{array}\)

In this text we will choose to present answers using interval notation.

\((−∞,  3) \)

When working with linear inequalities, a different rule applies when multiplying or dividing by a negative number. To illustrate the problem, consider the true statement \(10 > −5\) and divide both sides by \(−5\).

\(\begin{array} { l } { 10 > - 5 } \\ { \frac { 10 } { \color{Cerulean}{- 5} } \color{Black}{>} \frac { - 5 } { \color{Cerulean}{- 5} } } \quad \color{Cerulean}{Divide\: both\: sides\: by\: -5.} \\ { - 2 \color{red}{>}\color{Black}{ 1} \quad \color{red}{✗} \color{Cerulean}{ False } } \end{array}\)

Dividing by \(−5\) results in a false statement. To retain a true statement, the inequality must be reversed.

\(\begin{array} { l } { 10 \color{OliveGreen}{>}\color{Black}{ - 5} } \\ { \frac { 10 } { \color{Cerulean}{- 5} } \color{Black}{<} \frac { - 5 } { \color{Cerulean}{- 5} } } \quad \color{Cerulean}{Reverse\: the\: inequality.} \\ { - 2 \color{OliveGreen}{<}\color{Black}{ 1} \quad \color{Cerulean}{✓} \color{Cerulean}{ True } } \end{array}\)

The same problem occurs when multiplying by a negative number. This leads to the following new rule: when multiplying or dividing by a negative number, reverse the inequality . It is easy to forget to do this so take special care to watch for negative coefficients. In general, given algebraic expressions \(A\) and \(B\), where \(c\) is a positive nonzero real number, we have the following properties of inequalities 140 :

Table 1.1.8

We use these properties to obtain an equivalent inequality 141 , one with the same solution set, where the variable is isolated. The process is similar to solving linear equations.

Example \(\PageIndex{14}\):

Solve and graph the solution set: \(−2(x+8)+6≥20\).

\(\begin{aligned} - 2 ( x + 8 ) + 6 & \geq 20 \quad\color{Cerulean}{Distribute.} \\ - 2 x - 16 + 6 & \geq 20 \quad\color{Cerulean}{Combine\: like\: terms.} \\ - 2 x - 10 & \geq 20 \quad\color{Cerulean}{Solve\: for\: x.} \\ - 2 x & \geq 30 \quad\color{Cerulean}{Divide\: both\: sides\: by\: -2.} \\ \frac { - 2 x } { \color{Cerulean}{- 2} } & \color{OliveGreen}{\leq} \frac { \color{Black}{30} } { \color{Cerulean}{- 2} } \quad\color{Cerulean}{Reverse\: the\: inequality.} \\ x & \leq - 15 \end{aligned}\)


Interval notation \((−∞,  −15] \)

Example \(\PageIndex{15}\):

Solve and graph the solution set: \(−2(4x−5)<9−2(x−2)\).

\(\begin{array} { c } { - 2 ( 4 x - 5 ) < 9 - 2 ( x - 2 ) } \\ { - 8 x + 10 < 9 - 2 x + 4 } \\ { - 8 x + 10 < 13 - 2 x } \\ { - 6 x < 3 } \\ { \frac { - 6 x } { \color{Cerulean}{- 6} } \color{OliveGreen}{>} \frac { \color{Black}{3} } { \color{Cerulean}{- 6} } }\color{Cerulean}{Reverse\:the\:inequality.} \\ { x > - \frac { 1 } { 2 } } \end{array}\)


Interval notation \((−\frac{1}{2}, ∞)\)

Example \(\PageIndex{16}\):

Solve and graph the solution set: \(\frac{1}{2}x−2≥\frac{1}{2}(\frac{7}{4}x−9)+1\).

\(\begin{array} { c } { \frac { 1 } { 2 } x - 2 \geq \frac { 1 } { 2 } \left( \frac { 7 } { 4 } x - 9 \right) + 1 } \\ { \frac { 1 } { 2 } x - 2 \geq \frac { 7 } { 8 } x - \frac { 9 } { 2 } + 1 } \\ { \frac { 1 } { 2 } x - \frac { 7 } { 8 } x \geq - \frac { 7 } { 2 } + 2 } \\ { - \frac { 3 } { 8 } x \geq - \frac { 3 } { 2 } } \\ { \left( \color{Cerulean}{- \frac { 8 } { 3 }} \right) \left(\color{Black}{ - \frac { 3 } { 8 } x} \right) \leq \left( \color{Cerulean}{- \frac { 8 } { 3 }} \right) \left( \color{Black}{-} \frac { 3 } { 2 } \right) \quad \color{Cerulean} { Reverse\: the\: inequality. } } \\ { x \leq 4 } \end{array}\)


Interval notation: \((−∞,  4]\)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{4}\)

Solve and graph the solution set: \(10 - 5 ( 2 x + 3 ) \leq 25\)

\([ - 3 , \infty )\);


Video Solution:

Translation of Linear Inequalities

Some of the key words and phrases that indicate inequalities are summarized below:

Table 1.1.9

Key Takeaways

  • Solving general linear equations involves isolating the variable, with coefficient \(1\), on one side of the equal sign. To do this, first use the appropriate equality property of addition or subtraction to isolate the variable term on one side of the equal sign. Next, isolate the variable using the equality property of multiplication or division. Finally, check to verify that your solution solves the original equation.
  • If solving a linear equation leads to a true statement like \(0 = 0\), then the equation is an identity and the solution set consists of all real numbers, \(ℝ\).
  • If solving a linear equation leads to a false statement like \(0 = 5\), then the equation is a contradiction and there is no solution, \(Ø\).
  • Clear fractions by multiplying both sides of an equation by the least common multiple of all the denominators. Distribute and multiply all terms by the LCD to obtain an equivalent equation with integer coefficients.
  • Simplify the process of solving real-world problems by creating mathematical models that describe the relationship between unknowns. Use algebra to solve the resulting equations.
  • Inequalities typically have infinitely many solutions. The solutions are presented graphically on a number line or using interval notation or both.
  • All but one of the rules for solving linear inequalities are the same as solving linear equations. If you divide or multiply an inequality by a negative number, reverse the inequality to obtain an equivalent inequality.

129 Statement indicating that two algebraic expressions are equal.

130 An equation that can be written in the standard form \(ax + b = 0\), where \(a\) and \(b\) are real numbers and \(a ≠ 0\).

131 Any value that can replace the variable in an equation to produce a true statement.

132 Equations with the same solution set.

133 Properties that allow us to obtain equivalent equations by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing both sides of an equation by nonzero real numbers.

134 Allows you to solve for the variable on either side of the equal sign, because \(x = 5\) is equivalent to \(5 = x\).

135 Equations that are true for particular values.

136 An equation that is true for all possible values.

137 An equation that is never true and has no solution.

2.1 The Rectangular Coordinate Systems and Graphs

x -intercept is ( 4 , 0 ) ; ( 4 , 0 ) ; y- intercept is ( 0 , 3 ) . ( 0 , 3 ) .

125 = 5 5 125 = 5 5

( βˆ’ 5 , 5 2 ) ( βˆ’ 5 , 5 2 )

2.2 Linear Equations in One Variable

x = βˆ’5 x = βˆ’5

x = βˆ’3 x = βˆ’3

x = 10 3 x = 10 3

x = 1 x = 1

x = βˆ’ 7 17 . x = βˆ’ 7 17 . Excluded values are x = βˆ’ 1 2 x = βˆ’ 1 2 and x = βˆ’ 1 3 . x = βˆ’ 1 3 .

x = 1 3 x = 1 3

m = βˆ’ 2 3 m = βˆ’ 2 3

y = 4 x βˆ’3 y = 4 x βˆ’3

x + 3 y = 2 x + 3 y = 2

Horizontal line: y = 2 y = 2

Parallel lines: equations are written in slope-intercept form.

y = 5 x + 3 y = 5 x + 3

2.3 Models and Applications

C = 2.5 x + 3 , 650 C = 2.5 x + 3 , 650

L = 37 L = 37 cm, W = 18 W = 18 cm

2.4 Complex Numbers

βˆ’24 = 0 + 2 i 6 βˆ’24 = 0 + 2 i 6

( 3 βˆ’4 i ) βˆ’ ( 2 + 5 i ) = 1 βˆ’9 i ( 3 βˆ’4 i ) βˆ’ ( 2 + 5 i ) = 1 βˆ’9 i

5 2 βˆ’ i 5 2 βˆ’ i

18 + i 18 + i

βˆ’3 βˆ’4 i βˆ’3 βˆ’4 i

2.5 Quadratic Equations

( x βˆ’ 6 ) ( x + 1 ) = 0 ; x = 6 , x = βˆ’ 1 ( x βˆ’ 6 ) ( x + 1 ) = 0 ; x = 6 , x = βˆ’ 1

( x βˆ’7 ) ( x + 3 ) = 0 , ( x βˆ’7 ) ( x + 3 ) = 0 , x = 7 , x = 7 , x = βˆ’3. x = βˆ’3.

( x + 5 ) ( x βˆ’5 ) = 0 , ( x + 5 ) ( x βˆ’5 ) = 0 , x = βˆ’5 , x = βˆ’5 , x = 5. x = 5.

( 3 x + 2 ) ( 4 x + 1 ) = 0 , ( 3 x + 2 ) ( 4 x + 1 ) = 0 , x = βˆ’ 2 3 , x = βˆ’ 2 3 , x = βˆ’ 1 4 x = βˆ’ 1 4

x = 0 , x = βˆ’10 , x = βˆ’1 x = 0 , x = βˆ’10 , x = βˆ’1

x = 4 Β± 5 x = 4 Β± 5

x = 3 Β± 22 x = 3 Β± 22

x = βˆ’ 2 3 , x = βˆ’ 2 3 , x = 1 3 x = 1 3

2.6 Other Types of Equations

{ βˆ’1 } { βˆ’1 }

0 , 0 , 1 2 , 1 2 , βˆ’ 1 2 βˆ’ 1 2

1 ; 1 ; extraneous solution βˆ’ 2 9 βˆ’ 2 9

βˆ’2 ; βˆ’2 ; extraneous solution βˆ’1 βˆ’1

βˆ’1 , βˆ’1 , 3 2 3 2

βˆ’3 , 3 , βˆ’ i , i βˆ’3 , 3 , βˆ’ i , i

2 , 12 2 , 12

βˆ’1 , βˆ’1 , 0 0 is not a solution.

2.7 Linear Inequalities and Absolute Value Inequalities

[ βˆ’3 , 5 ] [ βˆ’3 , 5 ]

( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’2 ) βˆͺ [ 3 , ∞ ) ( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’2 ) βˆͺ [ 3 , ∞ )

x < 1 x < 1

x β‰₯ βˆ’5 x β‰₯ βˆ’5

( 2 , ∞ ) ( 2 , ∞ )

[ βˆ’ 3 14 , ∞ ) [ βˆ’ 3 14 , ∞ )

6 < x ≀ 9 ​ or ( 6 , 9 ] 6 < x ≀ 9 ​ or ( 6 , 9 ]

( βˆ’ 1 8 , 1 2 ) ( βˆ’ 1 8 , 1 2 )

| x βˆ’2 | ≀ 3 | x βˆ’2 | ≀ 3

k ≀ 1 k ≀ 1 or k β‰₯ 7 ; k β‰₯ 7 ; in interval notation, this would be ( βˆ’ ∞ , 1 ] βˆͺ [ 7 , ∞ ) . ( βˆ’ ∞ , 1 ] βˆͺ [ 7 , ∞ ) .

2.1 Section Exercises

Answers may vary. Yes. It is possible for a point to be on the x -axis or on the y -axis and therefore is considered to NOT be in one of the quadrants.

The y -intercept is the point where the graph crosses the y -axis.

The x- intercept is ( 2 , 0 ) ( 2 , 0 ) and the y -intercept is ( 0 , 6 ) . ( 0 , 6 ) .

The x- intercept is ( 2 , 0 ) ( 2 , 0 ) and the y -intercept is ( 0 , βˆ’3 ) . ( 0 , βˆ’3 ) .

The x- intercept is ( 3 , 0 ) ( 3 , 0 ) and the y -intercept is ( 0 , 9 8 ) . ( 0 , 9 8 ) .

y = 4 βˆ’ 2 x y = 4 βˆ’ 2 x

y = 5 βˆ’ 2 x 3 y = 5 βˆ’ 2 x 3

y = 2 x βˆ’ 4 5 y = 2 x βˆ’ 4 5

d = 74 d = 74

d = 36 = 6 d = 36 = 6

d β‰ˆ 62.97 d β‰ˆ 62.97

( 3 , βˆ’ 3 2 ) ( 3 , βˆ’ 3 2 )

( 2 , βˆ’1 ) ( 2 , βˆ’1 )

( 0 , 0 ) ( 0 , 0 )

y = 0 y = 0

not collinear

A: ( βˆ’3 , 2 ) , B: ( 1 , 3 ) , C: ( 4 , 0 ) A: ( βˆ’3 , 2 ) , B: ( 1 , 3 ) , C: ( 4 , 0 )

d = 8.246 d = 8.246

d = 5 d = 5

( βˆ’3 , 4 ) ( βˆ’3 , 4 )

x = 0          y = βˆ’2 x = 0          y = βˆ’2

x = 0.75 y = 0 x = 0.75 y = 0

x = βˆ’ 1.667 y = 0 x = βˆ’ 1.667 y = 0

15 βˆ’ 11.2 = 3.8 mi 15 βˆ’ 11.2 = 3.8 mi shorter

6 .0 42 6 .0 42

Midpoint of each diagonal is the same point ( 2 , –2 ) ( 2 , –2 ) . Note this is a characteristic of rectangles, but not other quadrilaterals.

2.2 Section Exercises

It means they have the same slope.

The exponent of the x x variable is 1. It is called a first-degree equation.

If we insert either value into the equation, they make an expression in the equation undefined (zero in the denominator).

x = 2 x = 2

x = 2 7 x = 2 7

x = 6 x = 6

x = 3 x = 3

x = βˆ’14 x = βˆ’14

x β‰  βˆ’4 ; x β‰  βˆ’4 ; x = βˆ’3 x = βˆ’3

x β‰  1 ; x β‰  1 ; when we solve this we get x = 1 , x = 1 , which is excluded, therefore NO solution

x β‰  0 ; x β‰  0 ; x = βˆ’ 5 2 x = βˆ’ 5 2

y = βˆ’ 4 5 x + 14 5 y = βˆ’ 4 5 x + 14 5

y = βˆ’ 3 4 x + 2 y = βˆ’ 3 4 x + 2

y = 1 2 x + 5 2 y = 1 2 x + 5 2

y = βˆ’3 x βˆ’ 5 y = βˆ’3 x βˆ’ 5

y = 7 y = 7

y = βˆ’4 y = βˆ’4

8 x + 5 y = 7 8 x + 5 y = 7


m = βˆ’ 9 7 m = βˆ’ 9 7

m = 3 2 m = 3 2

m 1 = βˆ’ 1 3 ,   m 2 = 3 ;   Perpendicular . m 1 = βˆ’ 1 3 ,   m 2 = 3 ;   Perpendicular .

y = 0.245 x βˆ’ 45.662. y = 0.245 x βˆ’ 45.662. Answers may vary. y min = βˆ’50 , y max = βˆ’40 y min = βˆ’50 , y max = βˆ’40

y = βˆ’ 2.333 x + 6.667. y = βˆ’ 2.333 x + 6.667. Answers may vary. y min = βˆ’10 ,   y max = 10 y min = βˆ’10 ,   y max = 10

y = βˆ’ A B x + C B y = βˆ’ A B x + C B

The slope for  ( βˆ’1 , 1 ) to  ( 0 , 4 ) is  3. The slope for  ( βˆ’1 , 1 ) to  ( 2 , 0 ) is  βˆ’ 1 3 . The slope for  ( 2 , 0 ) to  ( 3 , 3 ) is  3. The slope for  ( 0 , 4 ) to  ( 3 , 3 ) is  βˆ’ 1 3 . The slope for  ( βˆ’1 , 1 ) to  ( 0 , 4 ) is  3. The slope for  ( βˆ’1 , 1 ) to  ( 2 , 0 ) is  βˆ’ 1 3 . The slope for  ( 2 , 0 ) to  ( 3 , 3 ) is  3. The slope for  ( 0 , 4 ) to  ( 3 , 3 ) is  βˆ’ 1 3 .

Yes they are perpendicular.

2.3 Section Exercises

Answers may vary. Possible answers: We should define in words what our variable is representing. We should declare the variable. A heading.

2 , 000 βˆ’ x 2 , 000 βˆ’ x

v + 10 v + 10

Ann: 23 ; 23 ; Beth: 46 46

20 + 0.05 m 20 + 0.05 m

90 + 40 P 90 + 40 P

50 , 000 βˆ’ x 50 , 000 βˆ’ x

She traveled for 2 h at 20 mi/h, or 40 miles.

$5,000 at 8% and $15,000 at 12%

B = 100 + .05 x B = 100 + .05 x

R = 9 R = 9

r = 4 5 r = 4 5 or 0.8

W = P βˆ’ 2 L 2 = 58 βˆ’ 2 ( 15 ) 2 = 14 W = P βˆ’ 2 L 2 = 58 βˆ’ 2 ( 15 ) 2 = 14

f = p q p + q = 8 ( 13 ) 8 + 13 = 104 21 f = p q p + q = 8 ( 13 ) 8 + 13 = 104 21

m = βˆ’ 5 4 m = βˆ’ 5 4

h = 2 A b 1 + b 2 h = 2 A b 1 + b 2

length = 360 ft; width = 160 ft

A = 88 in . 2 A = 88 in . 2

h = V Ο€ r 2 h = V Ο€ r 2

r = V Ο€ h r = V Ο€ h

C = 12 Ο€ C = 12 Ο€

2.4 Section Exercises

Add the real parts together and the imaginary parts together.

Possible answer: i i times i i equals -1, which is not imaginary.

βˆ’8 + 2 i βˆ’8 + 2 i

14 + 7 i 14 + 7 i

βˆ’ 23 29 + 15 29 i βˆ’ 23 29 + 15 29 i

8 βˆ’ i 8 βˆ’ i

βˆ’11 + 4 i βˆ’11 + 4 i

2 βˆ’5 i 2 βˆ’5 i

6 + 15 i 6 + 15 i

βˆ’16 + 32 i βˆ’16 + 32 i

βˆ’4 βˆ’7 i βˆ’4 βˆ’7 i

2 βˆ’ 2 3 i 2 βˆ’ 2 3 i

4 βˆ’ 6 i 4 βˆ’ 6 i

2 5 + 11 5 i 2 5 + 11 5 i

1 + i 3 1 + i 3

( 3 2 + 1 2 i ) 6 = βˆ’1 ( 3 2 + 1 2 i ) 6 = βˆ’1

5 βˆ’5 i 5 βˆ’5 i

9 2 βˆ’ 9 2 i 9 2 βˆ’ 9 2 i

2.5 Section Exercises

It is a second-degree equation (the highest variable exponent is 2).

We want to take advantage of the zero property of multiplication in the fact that if a β‹… b = 0 a β‹… b = 0 then it must follow that each factor separately offers a solution to the product being zero: a = 0 o r b = 0. a = 0 o r b = 0.

One, when no linear term is present (no x term), such as x 2 = 16. x 2 = 16. Two, when the equation is already in the form ( a x + b ) 2 = d . ( a x + b ) 2 = d .

x = 6 , x = 6 , x = 3 x = 3

x = βˆ’ 5 2 , x = βˆ’ 5 2 , x = βˆ’ 1 3 x = βˆ’ 1 3

x = 5 , x = 5 , x = βˆ’5 x = βˆ’5

x = βˆ’ 3 2 , x = βˆ’ 3 2 , x = 3 2 x = 3 2

x = βˆ’2 , 3 x = βˆ’2 , 3

x = 0 , x = 0 , x = βˆ’ 3 7 x = βˆ’ 3 7

x = βˆ’6 , x = βˆ’6 , x = 6 x = 6

x = 6 , x = 6 , x = βˆ’4 x = βˆ’4

x = 1 , x = 1 , x = βˆ’2 x = βˆ’2

x = βˆ’2 , x = βˆ’2 , x = 11 x = 11

z = 2 3 , z = 2 3 , z = βˆ’ 1 2 z = βˆ’ 1 2

x = 3 Β± 17 4 x = 3 Β± 17 4

One rational

Two real; rational

x = βˆ’ 1 Β± 17 2 x = βˆ’ 1 Β± 17 2

x = 5 Β± 13 6 x = 5 Β± 13 6

x = βˆ’ 1 Β± 17 8 x = βˆ’ 1 Β± 17 8

x β‰ˆ 0.131 x β‰ˆ 0.131 and x β‰ˆ 2.535 x β‰ˆ 2.535

x β‰ˆ βˆ’ 6.7 x β‰ˆ βˆ’ 6.7 and x β‰ˆ 1.7 x β‰ˆ 1.7

a x 2 + b x + c = 0 x 2 + b a x = βˆ’ c a x 2 + b a x + b 2 4 a 2 = βˆ’ c a + b 4 a 2 ( x + b 2 a ) 2 = b 2 βˆ’ 4 a c 4 a 2 x + b 2 a = Β± b 2 βˆ’ 4 a c 4 a 2 x = βˆ’ b Β± b 2 βˆ’ 4 a c 2 a a x 2 + b x + c = 0 x 2 + b a x = βˆ’ c a x 2 + b a x + b 2 4 a 2 = βˆ’ c a + b 4 a 2 ( x + b 2 a ) 2 = b 2 βˆ’ 4 a c 4 a 2 x + b 2 a = Β± b 2 βˆ’ 4 a c 4 a 2 x = βˆ’ b Β± b 2 βˆ’ 4 a c 2 a

x ( x + 10 ) = 119 ; x ( x + 10 ) = 119 ; 7 ft. and 17 ft.

maximum at x = 70 x = 70

The quadratic equation would be ( 100 x βˆ’0.5 x 2 ) βˆ’ ( 60 x + 300 ) = 300. ( 100 x βˆ’0.5 x 2 ) βˆ’ ( 60 x + 300 ) = 300. The two values of x x are 20 and 60.

2.6 Section Exercises

This is not a solution to the radical equation, it is a value obtained from squaring both sides and thus changing the signs of an equation which has caused it not to be a solution in the original equation.

He or she is probably trying to enter negative 9, but taking the square root of βˆ’9 βˆ’9 is not a real number. The negative sign is in front of this, so your friend should be taking the square root of 9, cubing it, and then putting the negative sign in front, resulting in βˆ’27. βˆ’27.

A rational exponent is a fraction: the denominator of the fraction is the root or index number and the numerator is the power to which it is raised.

x = 81 x = 81

x = 17 x = 17

x = 8 ,     x = 27 x = 8 ,     x = 27

x = βˆ’2 , 1 , βˆ’1 x = βˆ’2 , 1 , βˆ’1

y = 0 ,     3 2 ,     βˆ’ 3 2 y = 0 ,     3 2 ,     βˆ’ 3 2

m = 1 , βˆ’1 m = 1 , βˆ’1

x = 2 5 , Β±3 i x = 2 5 , Β±3 i

x = 32 x = 32

t = 44 3 t = 44 3

x = βˆ’2 x = βˆ’2

x = 4 , βˆ’4 3 x = 4 , βˆ’4 3

x = βˆ’ 5 4 , 7 4 x = βˆ’ 5 4 , 7 4

x = 3 , βˆ’2 x = 3 , βˆ’2

x = 1 , βˆ’1 , 3 , -3 x = 1 , βˆ’1 , 3 , -3

x = 2 , βˆ’2 x = 2 , βˆ’2

x = 1 , 5 x = 1 , 5

x β‰₯ 0 x β‰₯ 0

x = 4 , 6 , βˆ’6 , βˆ’8 x = 4 , 6 , βˆ’6 , βˆ’8

2.7 Section Exercises

When we divide both sides by a negative it changes the sign of both sides so the sense of the inequality sign changes.

( βˆ’ ∞ , ∞ ) ( βˆ’ ∞ , ∞ )

We start by finding the x -intercept, or where the function = 0. Once we have that point, which is ( 3 , 0 ) , ( 3 , 0 ) , we graph to the right the straight line graph y = x βˆ’3 , y = x βˆ’3 , and then when we draw it to the left we plot positive y values, taking the absolute value of them.

( βˆ’ ∞ , 3 4 ] ( βˆ’ ∞ , 3 4 ]

[ βˆ’ 13 2 , ∞ ) [ βˆ’ 13 2 , ∞ )

( βˆ’ ∞ , 3 ) ( βˆ’ ∞ , 3 )

( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’ 37 3 ] ( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’ 37 3 ]

All real numbers ( βˆ’ ∞ , ∞ ) ( βˆ’ ∞ , ∞ )

( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’ 10 3 ) βˆͺ ( 4 , ∞ ) ( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’ 10 3 ) βˆͺ ( 4 , ∞ )

( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’4 ] βˆͺ [ 8 , + ∞ ) ( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’4 ] βˆͺ [ 8 , + ∞ )

No solution

( βˆ’5 , 11 ) ( βˆ’5 , 11 )

[ 6 , 12 ] [ 6 , 12 ]

[ βˆ’10 , 12 ] [ βˆ’10 , 12 ]

x > βˆ’ 6 and x > βˆ’ 2 Take the intersection of two sets . x > βˆ’ 2 ,   ( βˆ’ 2 , + ∞ ) x > βˆ’ 6 and x > βˆ’ 2 Take the intersection of two sets . x > βˆ’ 2 ,   ( βˆ’ 2 , + ∞ )

x < βˆ’ 3   or   x β‰₯ 1 Take the union of the two sets . ( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’ 3 ) βˆͺ ​ ​ [ 1 , ∞ ) x < βˆ’ 3   or   x β‰₯ 1 Take the union of the two sets . ( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’ 3 ) βˆͺ ​ ​ [ 1 , ∞ )

( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’1 ) βˆͺ ( 3 , ∞ ) ( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’1 ) βˆͺ ( 3 , ∞ )

[ βˆ’11 , βˆ’3 ] [ βˆ’11 , βˆ’3 ]

It is never less than zero. No solution.

Where the blue line is above the orange line; point of intersection is x = βˆ’ 3. x = βˆ’ 3.

( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’3 ) ( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’3 )

Where the blue line is above the orange line; always. All real numbers.

( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’ ∞ ) ( βˆ’ ∞ , βˆ’ ∞ )

( βˆ’1 , 3 ) ( βˆ’1 , 3 )

( βˆ’ ∞ , 4 ) ( βˆ’ ∞ , 4 )

{ x | x < 6 } { x | x < 6 }

{ x | βˆ’3 ≀ x < 5 } { x | βˆ’3 ≀ x < 5 }

( βˆ’2 , 1 ] ( βˆ’2 , 1 ]

( βˆ’ ∞ , 4 ] ( βˆ’ ∞ , 4 ]

Where the blue is below the orange; always. All real numbers. ( βˆ’ ∞ , + ∞ ) . ( βˆ’ ∞ , + ∞ ) .

Where the blue is below the orange; ( 1 , 7 ) . ( 1 , 7 ) .

x = 2 , βˆ’ 4 5 x = 2 , βˆ’ 4 5

( βˆ’7 , 5 ] ( βˆ’7 , 5 ]

80 ≀ T ≀ 120 1 , 600 ≀ 20 T ≀ 2 , 400 80 ≀ T ≀ 120 1 , 600 ≀ 20 T ≀ 2 , 400

[ 1 , 600 , 2 , 400 ] [ 1 , 600 , 2 , 400 ]

Review Exercises

x -intercept: ( 3 , 0 ) ; ( 3 , 0 ) ; y -intercept: ( 0 , βˆ’4 ) ( 0 , βˆ’4 )

y = 5 3 x + 4 y = 5 3 x + 4

72 = 6 2 72 = 6 2

620.097 620.097

midpoint is ( 2 , 23 2 ) ( 2 , 23 2 )

x = 4 x = 4

x = 12 7 x = 12 7

y = 1 6 x + 4 3 y = 1 6 x + 4 3

y = 2 3 x + 6 y = 2 3 x + 6

females 17, males 56

x = βˆ’ 3 4 Β± i 47 4 x = βˆ’ 3 4 Β± i 47 4

horizontal component βˆ’2 ; βˆ’2 ; vertical component βˆ’1 βˆ’1

7 + 11 i 7 + 11 i

βˆ’16 βˆ’ 30 i βˆ’16 βˆ’ 30 i

βˆ’4 βˆ’ i 10 βˆ’4 βˆ’ i 10

x = 7 βˆ’ 3 i x = 7 βˆ’ 3 i

x = βˆ’1 , βˆ’5 x = βˆ’1 , βˆ’5

x = 0 , 9 7 x = 0 , 9 7

x = 10 , βˆ’2 x = 10 , βˆ’2

x = βˆ’ 1 Β± 5 4 x = βˆ’ 1 Β± 5 4

x = 2 5 , βˆ’ 1 3 x = 2 5 , βˆ’ 1 3

x = 5 Β± 2 7 x = 5 Β± 2 7

x = 0 , 256 x = 0 , 256

x = 0 , Β± 2 x = 0 , Β± 2

x = 11 2 , βˆ’17 2 x = 11 2 , βˆ’17 2

[ βˆ’ 10 3 , 2 ] [ βˆ’ 10 3 , 2 ]

( βˆ’ 4 3 , 1 5 ) ( βˆ’ 4 3 , 1 5 )

Where the blue is below the orange line; point of intersection is x = 3.5. x = 3.5.

( 3.5 , ∞ ) ( 3.5 , ∞ )

Practice Test

y = 3 2 x + 2 y = 3 2 x + 2

( 0 , βˆ’3 ) ( 0 , βˆ’3 ) ( 4 , 0 ) ( 4 , 0 )

( βˆ’ ∞ , 9 ] ( βˆ’ ∞ , 9 ]

x = βˆ’15 x = βˆ’15

x β‰  βˆ’4 , 2 ; x β‰  βˆ’4 , 2 ; x = βˆ’ 5 2 , 1 x = βˆ’ 5 2 , 1

x = 3 Β± 3 2 x = 3 Β± 3 2

( βˆ’4 , 1 ) ( βˆ’4 , 1 )

y = βˆ’5 9 x βˆ’ 2 9 y = βˆ’5 9 x βˆ’ 2 9

y = 5 2 x βˆ’ 4 y = 5 2 x βˆ’ 4

5 13 βˆ’ 14 13 i 5 13 βˆ’ 14 13 i

x = 2 , βˆ’ 4 3 x = 2 , βˆ’ 4 3

x = 1 2 Β± 2 2 x = 1 2 Β± 2 2

x = 1 2 , 2 , βˆ’2 x = 1 2 , 2 , βˆ’2

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  • Book title: College Algebra
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Unit 6: Ch6: System of equations and inequalities

Solving systems by graphing | 6-1.

  • Systems of equations: trolls, tolls (1 of 2) (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations: trolls, tolls (2 of 2) (Opens a modal)
  • Testing a solution to a system of equations (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with graphing: y=7/5x-5 & y=3/5x-1 (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with graphing: exact & approximate solutions (Opens a modal)
  • Setting up a system of equations from context example (pet weights) (Opens a modal)
  • Setting up a system of linear equations example (weight and price) (Opens a modal)
  • Interpreting points in context of graphs of systems (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations number of solutions: fruit prices (1 of 2) (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations number of solutions: fruit prices (2 of 2) (Opens a modal)
  • Solutions to systems of equations: consistent vs. inconsistent (Opens a modal)
  • Solutions to systems of equations: dependent vs. independent (Opens a modal)
  • Number of solutions to a system of equations (Opens a modal)
  • Number of solutions to a system of equations graphically (Opens a modal)
  • Number of solutions to a system of equations algebraically (Opens a modal)
  • How many solutions does a system of linear equations have if there are at least two? (Opens a modal)
  • Number of solutions to system of equations review (Opens a modal)
  • Solutions of systems of equations Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Systems of equations with graphing Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Creating systems in context Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Interpret points relative to a system Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Number of solutions to a system of equations graphically Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Number of solutions to a system of equations algebraically Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!

Solving systems using substitution | 6-2

  • Systems of equations with substitution: potato chips (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with substitution: -3x-4y=-2 & y=2x-5 (Opens a modal)
  • Substitution method review (systems of equations) (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with substitution Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!

Solving systems using elimination | 6-3

  • Systems of equations with elimination: King's cupcakes (Opens a modal)
  • Elimination strategies (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with elimination: x-4y=-18 & -x+3y=11 (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with elimination: potato chips (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with elimination (and manipulation) (Opens a modal)
  • Elimination method review (systems of linear equations) (Opens a modal)
  • Combining equations Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Elimination strategies Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Systems of equations with elimination Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Systems of equations with elimination challenge Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!

Applications of linear systems | 6-4

  • Age word problem: Imran (Opens a modal)
  • Age word problem: Ben & William (Opens a modal)
  • Age word problem: Arman & Diya (Opens a modal)
  • System of equations word problem: walk & ride (Opens a modal)
  • System of equations word problem: no solution (Opens a modal)
  • System of equations word problem: infinite solutions (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with elimination: TV & DVD (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with elimination: apples and oranges (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with substitution: coins (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of equations with elimination: coffee and croissants (Opens a modal)
  • Age word problems Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Systems of equations word problems Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Systems of equations word problems (with zero and infinite solutions) Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!

Linear inequalities | 6-5

  • Testing solutions to inequalities (Opens a modal)
  • Testing solutions to systems of inequalities (Opens a modal)
  • Intro to graphing two-variable inequalities (Opens a modal)
  • Graphing two-variable inequalities (Opens a modal)
  • Two-variable inequalities from their graphs (Opens a modal)
  • Writing two-variable inequalities word problem (Opens a modal)
  • Solving two-variable inequalities word problem (Opens a modal)
  • Interpreting two-variable inequalities word problem (Opens a modal)
  • Solutions of inequalities: algebraic Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Solutions of inequalities: graphical Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Solutions of systems of inequalities Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Graphs of inequalities Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Two-variable inequalities from their graphs Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Two-variable inequalities word problems Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!

Systems of linear inequalities | 6-6

  • Intro to graphing systems of inequalities (Opens a modal)
  • Graphing systems of inequalities (Opens a modal)
  • Graphing inequalities (x-y plane) review (Opens a modal)
  • Modeling with systems of inequalities (Opens a modal)
  • Writing systems of inequalities word problem (Opens a modal)
  • Solving systems of inequalities word problem (Opens a modal)
  • Graphs of systems of inequalities word problem (Opens a modal)
  • Graphs of two-variable inequalities word problem (Opens a modal)
  • Systems of inequalities graphs Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!
  • Systems of inequalities word problems Get 3 of 4 questions to level up!

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  1. Unit 1 Test Study Guide Equations And Inequalities Answers

    unit 1 equations and inequalities homework 6 answers

  2. Solved Name: Lindsen Rackley Date: $-26 2021 Unit 1:

    unit 1 equations and inequalities homework 6 answers

  3. Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities Activity FREE: First Step, Stop!

    unit 1 equations and inequalities homework 6 answers

  4. Algebra II: Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities: Homework #6

    unit 1 equations and inequalities homework 6 answers

  5. Equations and Inequalities (Algebra 2 Curriculum

    unit 1 equations and inequalities homework 6 answers

  6. Algebraic Equations and Inequalities

    unit 1 equations and inequalities homework 6 answers


  1. unit 4 / lessons 2&3 / exploring inequalities / solving inequalities / Ω…Ψ§Ψ« الءف Ψ§Ω„Ψ³Ψ§Ψ―Ψ³

  2. Maths 9 unit 7 Ex 7.1 Q2 (1 & 2) #linear equations and inequalities

  3. Math


  5. Solving Systems of Inequalities

  6. Equations , inequalities/ prep 2 Algebra


  1. Equations & inequalities

    Unit test. Level up on all the skills in this unit and collect up to 2,200 Mastery points! Start Unit test. Solving equations is a superpower. It means we can model a situation with an equation in any way that makes sense to us, even with an unknown value in the middle. Inequalities are for situations with many true options, like how many pages ...

  2. solving quadratic equations and inequalities (100%) Flashcards

    solving quadratic equations and inequalities (100%) 5.0 (1 review) 1) ____ is an equation of the form ax2+bx+c=y where a,b, and c are real numbers and aβ‰ 0. Click the card to flip πŸ‘†. quadratic equations. Click the card to flip πŸ‘†. 1 / 8.

  3. Solving equations & inequalities

    Unit test. Level up on all the skills in this unit and collect up to 1,100 Mastery points! There are lots of strategies we can use to solve equations. Let's explore some different ways to solve equations and inequalities. We'll also see what it takes for an equation to have no solution, or infinite solutions.

  4. Algebra 1 Common Core

    Find step-by-step solutions and answers to Algebra 1 Common Core - 9780133185485, as well as thousands of textbooks so you can move forward with confidence. ... Chapter 6:Systems of Equations and Inequalities. Section 6-1: Solving Systems by Graphing. Section 6-2: Solving Systems Using Substitution. Section 6-3: Solving Systems Using ...

  5. Solved Name: Lindsen Rackley Date: $-26 2021 Unit 1:

    See Answer. Question: Name: Lindsen Rackley Date: $-26 2021 Unit 1: Equations & Inequalities Homework Real Numbers & Properties 3.0.6 Directions: Name ALL SETS to which each number belongs 1. 2. 49 Q,R Q,R N, W, 2,Q,R *Z,Q,R 6. 1.125 36 5. QR IR 7. Place the LETTER of each value in its location in the real number system below.

  6. Unit 6

    Unit 6 - Equations and Inequalities. Lesson 1 Equations and Their Solutions. LESSON/HOMEWORK. LECCIΓ“N/TAREA. LESSON VIDEO. ANSWER KEY. EDITABLE LESSON. EDITABLE KEY. SMART NOTEBOOK. Lesson 2 ... (Answer Keys, editable lesson files, pdfs, etc.) but is not meant to be shared. Please do not copy or share the Answer Keys or other membership content.

  7. Algebra 1

    The Algebra 1 course, often taught in the 9th grade, covers Linear equations, inequalities, functions, and graphs; Systems of equations and inequalities; Extension of the concept of a function; Exponential models; and Quadratic equations, functions, and graphs. Khan Academy's Algebra 1 course is built to deliver a comprehensive, illuminating, engaging, and Common Core aligned experience!

  8. Unit 1 Expressions & Equations

    Unit 1 - Expressions, Equations and Functions 1.1 : Order of Operations 1.2: Expressions, Equations, Inequalities 1.3: Functions as Rules and Tables...

  9. Review

    A = (pi)r^2. The area A of a circle is pi times the radius r squared. P = a + b + c. The perimeter P of a triangle is equal to the sum of the side lengths of a, b, and c. V = lwh. The volume V of a rectangular prism equals the product of the length l, the width w, and the height h. 3 (d + 4) = 32.

  10. 1.1: Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities

    Solving Basic Linear Equations. An equation 129 is a statement indicating that two algebraic expressions are equal. A linear equation with one variable 130, \(x\), is an equation that can be written in the standard form \(ax + b = 0\) where \(a\) and \(b\) are real numbers and \(a β‰  0\).For example \(3 x - 12 = 0\) A solution 131 to a linear equation is any value that can replace the ...

  11. Answer Key Chapter 2

    Introduction to Systems of Equations and Inequalities; 7.1 Systems of Linear Equations: Two Variables; 7.2 Systems of Linear Equations: Three Variables; 7.3 Systems of Nonlinear Equations and Inequalities: Two Variables; 7.4 Partial Fractions; 7.5 Matrices and Matrix Operations; 7.6 Solving Systems with Gaussian Elimination; 7.7 Solving Systems with Inverses; 7.8 Solving Systems with Cramer's Rule

  12. PDF model, write, and solve one-step equations and inequalities determine

    Unit: Equations & Inequalities Homework 8 Name Date SOLVING INEQUALITIES Solve the following one-step inequalities, check your work, and graph the solution. ex < 54 v' CHECK. v' CHECK: v' CHECK. Use your understanding of inequalities to answer the questions below. D. 18 < x -8 4. 5. 6. C. Which inequality .s true when x _ 4? x +5<3 B. qx > 36

  13. Algebra 1

    Select a Unit. Unit 1 Sequences; Unit 2 Linear and Exponential Functions; Unit 3 Features of Functions; Unit 4 Equations and Inequalities; Unit 5 Systems of Equations and Inequalities; Unit 6 Quadratic Functions; Unit 7 Structures of Quadratic Expressions; Unit 8 More Functions, More Features; Unit 9 Modeling Data

  14. PDF Unit 6

    Now, we calculate the value of variable "x" by substituting the result of "y" into one of the equations. = βˆ’. = βˆ’ =. Solution (10/9, 7/9). Independent System. 12. Find the solution of the following systems by elimination and determine if it is an independent, inconsistent or dependent system. + =. βˆ’ βˆ’ =.

  15. Ch6: System of equations and inequalities

    Systems of equations with graphing: y=7/5x-5 & y=3/5x-1. (Opens a modal) Systems of equations with graphing: exact & approximate solutions. (Opens a modal) Setting up a system of equations from context example (pet weights) (Opens a modal) Setting up a system of linear equations example (weight and price)

  16. PDF Unit 5

    Unit 5 - Systems of Equations & Inequalities (Updated October 2016) copy. Name: Date: Unit 5: Systems of Equations & Inequalities Homework 1: Solving Systems by Graphing ** This is a 2-page document! ** Solve each system of equations by graphing. Clearly identify your solution. -16 β€” 6y = 30 9x + = 12 +4 v = β€”12 O Gina Wilson (All Things ...

  17. Unit 5

    Unit 5 - Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities. This unit begins by ensuring that students understand that solutions to equations are points that make the equation true, while solutions to systems make all equations (or inequalities) true. Graphical and substitution methods for solving systems are reviewed before the development of the ...

  18. Algebra 1-Unit 6: Systems of Linear Equations Flashcards

    solution of a system of linear equations. a set of values that make all equations in a system true. substitution method. a method of solving a system of equations by replacing one variable with an equivalent expression containing the other variable. system of linear inequalities. a set of two or more linear inequalities with the same variables.

  19. Unit 5 systems of equations & inequalities homework 6

    Hw solving by graphing ws 1 6. Systems of equations inequalities test freebie! great for assessment or a great review tool. Absolute value equations practice 3 5 proportions in figures . Review worksheet answers. unit 6 solving systems of equations. Systems of equations inequalities notes, homework, and study guide bundle! .

  20. Unit 1 Equations And Inequalities Homework 6 Answers

    The final product will meet all your specifications regarding the content and formatting style. What is more, you will not have to proofread it for any grammatical or spelling errors, because our professionals have a really good command of the English language. 17 Customer reviews. Unit 1 Equations And Inequalities Homework 6 Answers -.