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PhD: so what does it really stand for?

Recently, during some particularly thorough literature research, I stumbled on a list of alternative interpretations of the acronym PhD. Most were funny: protein has degraded, parents have doubts. But one froze my face in a bittersweet grimace: paid half of what I deserve.

When I was still a rookie PhD student, I read with outrage an Economist article entitled the disposable academic , which argued that doing a PhD is mostly needless. Lately, I've come to think of the PhD as more of a heavily spicy meal. It doesn't matter how much you enjoy the process, once you're done, you still have half of the pain ahead.

The years of academic slog to work your way up to a full tenure slot (professorship? ha – dream on!) are not much different from the work of a PhD in terms of relentless benchwork (pipetting hand disease) and unceasing literature research (pound head on desk), served on a fixed menu with professional uncertainty (please hire: desperate). All of which result in, if not professorship, then potential heavy drinking.

PhD students and postdocs are the working class of academic research and paid accordingly. Although postgraduates are crucial to the generation, discussion and dissemination of knowledge, 50% pay (i.e half of what they deserve) is standard for PhDs in natural sciences and not even guaranteed in the arts and humanities. It's depressing to think that the overall salary of a PhD candidate is less than the cost of much lab equipment. Lab devices are meant to last years – but, hell, what about the work of PhD students in a system where knowledge is incremental?

There could be several reasons for this discrepancy. Equipment and consumables are costly and have a substantial impact on future budget setting. The number of PhDs, meanwhile, is inflated and international competition is fierce. PhD candidates are earning a degree, which shouldn't come for free, and demands motivation and not a little self-denial – including financially.

PhD candidates are at their infancy in science and being trained to do something different from their education to date – lessons in theory combined with practical labwork – as they move into more independent, innovative research. And contributing to the advancement of knowledge requires a certain naive idealism, right? But does this mean it's okay to exploit highly educated individuals ( probably heavily in debt )? No.

The possible solutions are simple. The most obvious is: raise the salary of PhD students. A remedy for the resulting scarcity of resources would be stricter selection so that only the best candidates started a PhD. Realistically though, this is never going to happen. It's not because policymakers are greedy but because it would mean a reduction of PhDs and thus a slowdown of science.

A second option wouldn't hinder research, and might even enhance it: cut the salary of professors by half. If there are solid reasons for PhDs being paid half of what they deserve, then the same hold good for professors. They too are doing something different from their previous jobs. After tenure, natural scientists move out of the lab and into an office from where they supervise the research of their team members. The knowledge acquired before (both theoretical and practical) still counts, but the job looks quite different.

Political and managerial skills are equally essential, and nurtured for the sake of tenure, not science. Top-tier staff write proposals, manage funds and coordinate subaltern research units and are sometimes scarcely involved with the generation, presentation and discussion of results which is the core purpose of science. Some department chairs merely take note of advancements generated from the institutes they preside over, but co-author papers nonetheless.

Wages of these academic administrators, then, don't deserve to sit even at 50%. And however grim this may sound to today's professors and those postdocs close to a permanent role, the benefits might appeal to future professors much more. Reduction in salaries for tenured staff will create new professorial appointments and reduce the imbalance between the number of temporary researchers and professors, while smaller research units will favour better supervision of PhD candidates and reduce fixed costs.

Today's professors probably already earn too little, after so many years of being underpaid. As one reader wrote in response to that Economist article: "The PhD student is someone who forgoes current income in order to forgo future income." But if some of the surplus resulting from a slash in professorial salaries flowed down to PhDs and postdocs, then entry level professors would be put in a better financial position.

In this light, cuts to science funding (like those we have seen recently in the US) could be an opportunity. Will they slow down scientific advancement? Most probably, yes. But here is a chance for the elite to rethink the way science is done and stop placing merit only on the levels of grant money they gain, the papers they publish, and the prestige they acquire, but instead taking a closer look at the predicament of those who prop this community up.

Advocates of competition see it as a positive outcome of the current shortage of funding and resources. But to defend job insecurity as the main incentive to scientific advancement is offensive. Science would benefit more from a harmonious coexistence of its members than by favouring ruthless competition.

Jorge Cham, creator of the wittily depressing PhD Comics series, revealed that a major motivation for his sketches was to give solace to fellow PhDs struggling as he did through their postgraduate years. He interprets the acronym as piled higher and deeper. You might think of the paper bulk on your desk, but I believe he had something else in mind.

PhD actually stands for philosophiae doctor , or doctor of philosophy. As we say in my native Italian: prendila con filosofia (take it easy, take it as it comes). And waiting for a change in the current system, or for a global PhD manifesto to emerge, one cannot take it any other way.

This blog was written by a current PhD student in Italy

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Degrees in Education: Master’s vs Ph.D. vs Ed.D., Explained

by Office of Online Programs, College of Education / Mar 4, 2024

Professor Jessica Li hoods a doctoral student at Convocation.

If you're considering a career in education or looking to advance your existing career, you may be wondering which degree is right for you. In the field of education, there are several options, including a Master's degree (Ed.M.), a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), and a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.). Each of these degrees has its unique features, benefits, and career paths. The question for many is: when it comes to a master’s vs. doctorate , which is right for you?

What is a Master’s Degree in Education?

A master's degree in Education (Ed.M.) is a graduate-level program designed to provide educators with advanced knowledge and skills in various aspects of education. For some students, a master’s degree is a stepping stone to a Ph.D. or Ed.D.

Content and Coursework

The curriculum typically includes a combination of core courses and specialized electives. Common core topics for our programs include intricacies of education policy, leadership and organizational strategies, learning technology, curriculum development, and course instruction. Depending on your chosen specialization, you may delve deeper into areas such as diversity and equity, global studies, human resource development, international education, learning design and leadership, curriculum and instruction, digital learning, and bilingual/bi-cultural education.

Unlike a master's of science program which may require students to complete a thesis or capstone project, an Ed.M. is achieved by completion of coursework and projects to demonstrate their mastery of the subject and content. This component allows students to apply their knowledge in a practical context and contribute to the field of education through research and analysis.

Length of Program

A master's degree in education can take one to two years to complete, depending on the program's structure and whether you choose to study full-time or part-time. The College of Education at Illinois offers an online Master’s in Education that can be completed in as little as 18 months.

Career Paths

Earning a master's degree in education can open up various career opportunities. Graduates often pursue roles such as classroom teachers, curriculum coordinators, school counselors, education consultants, diversity officers, learning technologists, education technologists, or education administrators. Additionally, a master's degree can enhance your chances of earning a higher salary and taking on leadership roles within the education sector.

What is a Ph.D. in Education?

So what’s the difference between a master’s vs Ph.D. in Education? A doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in education is a research-focused degree that delves deeply into the theoretical and practical aspects of education and builds upon knowledge gained from a master's degree and professional experience.  

The core of the program revolves around conducting original research, contributing to the existing body of knowledge, and addressing significant educational issues. There is a heavy emphasis on the publication of research, which is a significant difference between Ph.D. and master’s programs, in addition to a Ph.D. program requiring a master’s degree prior to applying.  

Students typically engage in coursework related to research methodologies, data analysis, and educational policy. One of the distinguishing features of a Ph.D. in education is the dissertation, a substantial research project that requires students to make a unique contribution to the field. This extensive research work is a testament to the candidate's ability to conduct independent, rigorous research and advance educational knowledge.

A major difference between a Ph.D. vs. master’s degree is the length of the program. Compared to a master's, Ph.D. programs typically require a more extended commitment. On average, it takes three to six years to complete, depending on factors such as the individual's research progress, program requirements, and time devoted to the dissertation.

Graduates with a Ph.D. in education often pursue careers in academia, research institutions, policy analysis, or educational consulting. They may become university professors, researchers, educational policymakers, or experts in the field. This degree is particularly suitable for those who aspire to make significant contributions to educational theory and practice.

What is an Ed.D.?

A Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) is a doctoral degree that focuses on practical applications of educational theory and research. Unlike the Ph.D., the Ed.D. places more emphasis on the application of existing research and theory to solve practical educational problems. 

Many Ed.D. programs do not require extensive research components or a dissertation. However, at the University of Illinois, Ed.D. students deepen their knowledge by gathering and conducting original research to complete a dissertation. A master’s in education is a great stepping stone for an Ed.D., as all students must have their master’s in order to get into the Ed.D. program. 

Exploring the diverse landscape of Ed.D. programs unveils a rich curriculum encompassing educational leadership, organizational management, policy analysis, and the hands-on implementation of educational strategies. Through coursework, candidates embrace practical experiences to confront real-world educational challenges.  

At the College of Education, our Ed.D. program stands out as a practitioner's journey, cultivating practitioner scholars across various fields, not confined to the academic realm. Here, emphasis is placed on the applied aspects of research, nurturing foundational research skills, and instilling research literacy within each participant's domain. Our approach is designed to produce professionals who are well-versed in research methodologies but are not solely confined to the role of researchers, emphasizing a holistic perspective on the dynamic intersection of theory and practice in the field of education.

The duration of an Ed.D. program typically ranges from three to four years, making it a shorter time commitment compared to a Ph.D. The program's structure is designed to accommodate working professionals and individuals seeking leadership positions in educational institutions. 

Graduates with an Ed.D. degree are well-suited for leadership roles in educational institutions, including school districts, colleges, and universities. They often pursue careers as superintendents, principals, deans, educational consultants, or other leadership positions. The Ed.D. is a valuable credential for those who want to effect positive change in education through practical applications of research and theory.  

Ph.D. vs Ed.D.: What’s the Difference? 

Now that you understand the primary difference between master’s and Ph.D. programs, let’s look at the nuances of a Ph.D. and an Ed.D. (Doctor of Education). Ph.D. and Ed.D. programs both offer doctoral-level education in the field of education, but they have distinct differences:  

Ph.D. in Education

  • Focuses on research and the creation of new knowledge.
  • Emphasizes theoretical and academic aspects of education.
  • Typically prepares graduates for careers in academia, research, or policy analysis.
  • May require published research articles and contributions.
  • Requires a dissertation that makes a unique contribution to the field.
  • Prepares students to be primary researchers.
  • Longer program duration, usually three to six years.

  Ed.D. (Doctor of Education)

  • Emphasizes the application of existing and new research and theory to solve practical educational problems.
  • Focuses on the intricacies of education policy, leadership and organizational strategies.
  • Prepares graduates for leadership roles in educational institutions.
  • May require qualifying exams, preliminary and final oral examinations and a dissertation that is different from a traditional dissertation.
  • Prepares students to be research literate but not to be primarily researchers.
  • Shorter program duration, usually three to four years.

While a major difference between a doctorate vs. master's degree is that the former emphasizes research and analysis and the latter focuses on practical application, an Ed.D. places dual emphasis on both of these skills. If you aspire to become a researcher, professor, or academic scholar, a Ph.D. may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you're interested in leadership positions within educational institutions, an Ed.D. may align more closely with your objectives.  

Master’s vs Ph.D. vs Ed.D.: Which is Right for Me?

We’ve covered the distinctions between a Ph.D. vs. master’s vs. Ed.D., but choosing the right degree in education depends on your career aspirations, personal interests, and time commitments. 

Here are some key considerations to help you make an informed decision:

A Master’s program is:

  • Ideal for individuals looking to enhance their teaching skills, advance in their current teaching careers, or explore various educational specializations.
  • Requires a shorter time commitment compared to doctoral programs.
  • Suitable for those who want to make an immediate impact in the classroom or in educational leadership roles.

A Ph.D. program is:

  • Suited for individuals who are passionate about research, want to contribute significantly to the field of education, and aspire to academic or research-oriented careers.
  • Involves a more extended time commitment and a rigorous research-oriented curriculum.
  • Provides opportunities for conducting original research and publishing scholarly work.

An Ed.D. program is:

  • Geared toward individuals seeking leadership positions in educational institutions, such as school districts or higher education administration.
  • Focuses on practical applications of educational theories and research.
  • Offers a shorter program duration compared to a Ph.D.

Get Your Degree with UIUC

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's College of Education believes in the transformative power of education. We offer a range of programs to help you achieve your educational and career goals. Whether you're interested in pursuing an Ed.D., master’s or Ph.D., Illinois provides a supportive and enriching educational environment.

Our world-renowned faculty members are leaders in their respective fields, and our diverse student community fosters collaboration and innovation. With access to cutting-edge research facilities and resources, you'll have the opportunity to make a lasting impact in the field of education.

UIUC offers flexible online options and graduate certificates to accommodate your schedule and needs. Whether you're a working professional or a recent graduate, our programs can help you reach new heights in your educational career. Get started today!

Northeastern University Graduate Programs

EdD vs. PhD in Education: What’s the Difference?

EdD vs. PhD in Education: What’s the Difference?

Industry Advice Education

If you’re interested in pursuing a doctoral degree in education, one of the first questions you’ll face is: Should I apply for a Doctor of Education (EdD) or a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education?

The decision between these two culminating degrees can be career-defining as each serves a very different purpose despite being equivalent in level. In order to ensure you choose the path that best aligns with your future goals and career path, it’s important to take the time to first understand the differences in program curriculum and future career opportunities that relate to each degree.

Read on to learn about the defining qualities and key differences of an EdD and a PhD in Education to determine which program is the right fit for you.

EdD vs. PhD in Education

A Doctor of Education (EdD) is a professional degree designed for practitioners pursuing educational leadership roles. A PhD in education , on the other hand, is designed to prepare graduates for research and teaching roles.

“With a PhD, [students are] reviewing the research, seeing a gap in the literature, and generating new knowledge based on a theory or hypothesis,” Joseph McNabb , a professor of practice in Northeastern’s Graduate School of Education , explains. “Conversely, an EdD student starts with a problem of practice and [works to learn] the skills it will take to resolve that complex problem of practice.”

EdD vs PhD

What is an EdD Degree?

An EdD, or Doctor of Education , is a professional doctorate best suited for experienced educators and mid- to senior-level working professionals who want to lead and implement change within their organization.

EdD candidates work in a broad range of fields ranging from K-12 and higher education to nonprofits, government, healthcare, and the military. What each share is a desire to transform their everyday environment and apply the lessons learned through their doctorate to a complex, critical issue facing their workplace. 

The EdD is practice-based. Students in an EdD program don’t want to just research their area of interest, but leverage that research in ways that could positively influence their community or organization’s decision-making process.

Learn More: 5 Tips for Choosing Your EdD Concentration

Those who pursue an EdD focus on qualitative, exploratory research. Students collect data and conduct individual interviews, observations, or focus groups to construct hypotheses and develop strategies that can help solve or clarify a specific problem of practice, such as how to support student veterans transitioning to civilian life or how to foster more female leaders in higher education—two dissertation topics recently explored through Northeastern’s EdD program .

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

Learn how an EdD can give you the skills to enact organizational change in any industry.


What Can You Do with an EdD Degree?

While an EdD can be applied to a variety of industries and career options—such as K-12, higher education, the nonprofit sector, or civic service—there are several job titles you’ll likely come across within your cohort of classmates. They include:

  • Postsecondary Education Administrators: Postsecondary education administrators work in colleges or universities, and typically oversee faculty research, academics, admissions, or student affairs. Some job titles that fall under this category include president, vice president, provost, and dean. The average annual salary for a postsecondary education administrator rings in at $99,940 .
  • Elementary and Secondary School Education Administrators: Superintendents, who are the top executives of a school district, fall under this category. They manage academic programs, spending, and the staffing of all educational facilities within their district, and typically earn an average of $106,850 per year .
  • Top Executives : In education, a top executive could be a “chief learning officer” or “chief academic officer”—senior-level professionals who drive and develop strategies that help their organization meet critical business goals. Top executives make an average of approximately $100,090 per year .
  • Instructional Coordinators : Instructional coordinators create and manage school curricula and other educational materials. They help teachers implement effective classroom learning strategies and measure the effectiveness of what’s being taught and how. The average annual salary for instructional coordinators is roughly $66,490 .

phd meaning not in education

These are just a few of the many career opportunities available to EdD graduates.

Learn More: Top Careers with a Doctorate in Education

What is a PhD in Education?

A PhD in Education is a terminal degree best suited for individuals who want to pursue a career in academia or research at the university level.

Students in PhD or doctoral programs take a more theoretical, study-based approach to learning. In most cases, their goal is to master a specific subject or add their unique findings to a body of existing literature. PhD candidates conduct original research in the hopes of driving change in their field or inspiring others to make change based on their work.

A PhD is the degree most popular amongst those who aspire to become a professor or obtain a tenure position. Through these programs, students tend to focus on getting published in well-respected journals, presenting at national conferences, and learning how to teach future educators.

What Can You Do with a PhD in Education?

While some of the above roles can also be earned through a PhD program, the most common job titles for PhD-holders include:

  • Postsecondary Teachers: Postsecondary teachers instruct students at a college or university. When they’re not in the classroom, they’re often focused on conducting research, attending conferences, and publishing scholarly papers and books. Postsecondary teachers earn an average $80,840 per year .
  • Academic Researcher : Researchers often have the opportunity to create their own centers or institutes, hire staff to help carry out their work, and secure funding for that work. Salaries often vary by subject area, but a general academic researcher typically earns an average $83,971 per year .

EdD or PhD: Which is Better For You?

Once you’ve explored the differences between an EdD and PhD in Education, the most relevant question to consider will be: What’s the next step I want to take in my career, and which degree can help me achieve my professional goals? The answer to this question will determine which degree program you ultimately pursue.

Earning your doctorate can pay off no matter which path you choose. Professionals with a doctoral degree earn an average $98,000 a year —nearly $20,000 more a year than master’s degree holders. Similarly, doctoral degree holders see an unemployment rate of only one percent compared to the national unemployment rate of two percent.

Regardless of which degree you ultimately pursue, there is enormous potential for you to advance your career in the field of education. Evaluating your needs and values will help you understand whether an EdD or PhD in Education is best suited to your personal and professional goals.

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

This article was originally published in July 2017. It has since been updated for accuracy and relevance.

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The median annual salary for professional degree holders is $97,000. (BLS, 2020)

Doctor of Education

The degree that connects advanced research to real-world problem solving.

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Teaching, learning, and teacher education, doctor of philosophy (ph.d.), you are here, a doctoral program preparing education researchers, teacher educators, curriculum specialists, and instructional leaders..

The Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education focuses on the preparation of researchers and teacher educators in universities and colleges. Focal areas include teaching and learning, research and practice in teacher education, mathematics education, science education, and the study of urban education and urban contexts. 

What Sets Us Apart

About the program.

The Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education focuses on the preparation of researchers in education. The program includes formal courses, mentored research, and informal seminars.  The program is designed to draw together coursework, research apprenticeship, and other professional academic activities to build a complete professional program that is tailored to your interests and needs.

Fall: 3; Spring: 3

Culminating experience Dissertation

Coursework and research experiences address a range of practice-based and theoretical problems in schools and community settings from sociopolitical, cultural, philosophical, psychological, and historical perspectives. Taking an interdisciplinary stance, faculty and students explore issues of equity, social justice, and educational change in a range of formal and informal educational settings. You will build a program of study that includes courses in teaching and learning, social foundations, and research methods.  Applicants interested in the focal area of literacy are encouraged to consider the doctoral program in Literacy Studies .

Field-based research and collaborative projects with practitioners in schools or other educational settings are key components of the program. The program is designed to draw together coursework, research apprenticeship, and other professional academic activities to build a complete professional program that is tailored to your interests and needs.

As a full-time Ph.D. student, you are expected to be in residence and participate in practicum activities, courses, and other academic experiences throughout the first two years, where you will be enrolled in 3 course units per semester. Coursework and experiences are arranged around three areas or strands, including specialization courses, research methods courses, and electives/professional experiences, as well as a set of core courses. For more information about courses and requirements, visit the  Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education Ph.D. program in the University Catalog .

Research Apprenticeship Course (RAC)

The RAC is part of the Professional Experiences strand and is designed to assist you in developing, conducting, and presenting your own original research. The course focuses on the research interests of the students and requires participation in the scheduling of activities, presentations, and directing part of the RAC agenda as it pertains to the collective needs of the group. Students from the different stages of the doctoral program will serve as mentors to one another, with faculty oversight. You will participate in the RAC beginning in the spring of your first year and continue participation until the completion of your dissertation.

Annual Self-Evaluation : Each year, doctoral students complete a Professional Self-Evaluation that is used as part of the ongoing evaluation and planning process. You are introduced to the evaluation form in the proseminar and will work on it in the spring Research Apprenticeship Course (RAC). The deadline for the Professional Self-evaluation falls in mid-autumn or mid-spring.

Qualifying Examination : The Qualifying Examination is taken by all doctoral students, most often at the end of the first year. Passing this exam is an important step in being admitted to program candidacy. In order to take the qualifying exam, you need to have completed the Doctoral Proseminar, Doctoral Foundations of Teaching and Learning, Education, Culture, and Society, 1 RAC, and 1 research methods course.

Program Candidacy : You are assessed for program candidacy after successfully completing the  Doctoral Proseminar, Doctoral Foundations of Teaching and Learning, Education, Culture, and Society, 1 RAC, and 1 research methods course, and passing the Qualifying Examination. You must be in good academic standing to receive program candidacy.

Preliminary Examination : The Preliminary Examination is taken after you have completed all courses and before you begin work on your dissertation. Passing the Preliminary Exam allows you to be admitted to doctoral candidacy. You may submit a Preliminary Exam from the start of the fall semester through April 1. A description of the Preliminary Exam is available from the Division Coordinator. 

Dissertation : To complete the Ph.D., you must design and undertake an original research study under the direction of your dissertation committee. Students should see Penn GSE and Penn-wide policies and speak with their advisor about the requirements of the dissertation.

Our Faculty

Penn GSE Faculty Ed Brockenbrough

Affiliated Faculty

Ryan S. Baker Professor Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

Bodong Chen Associate Professor Ph.D., University of Toronto

Matthew Duvall Lecturer Ph.D., Drexel University

L. Michael Golden Executive Director, Catalyst @ Penn GSE Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania

Zachary Herrmann Adjunct Assistant Professor Ed.L.D., Harvard University

Charlotte E. Jacobs Director, Independent School Teaching Residency Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Michael C. Johanek Senior Fellow Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Yasmin B. Kafai Lori and Michael Milken President’s Distinguished Professor Ed.D., Harvard University

Andrea M. Kane Professor of Practice, Education Leadership Ph.D., Northcentral University

Rand Quinn Associate Professor Ph.D., Stanford University

Sharon M. Ravitch Professor of Practice Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Susan A. Yoon Graduate School of Education Presidential Professor Ph.D., University of Toronto

A picture of Penn GSE alum Justice Toshiba Walker, a former high school biology teacher.

"Penn taught me, Penn GSE especially, that if you have the right combination of ingredients—commitment from the structure, mentors, and colleagues—then risk-taking, innovation, and progress will for sure ignite."

Justice Toshiba Walker

Our graduates.

Our graduates are prepared for research and academic careers in education, psychology, and related human services fields.

Alumni Careers

  • Adjunct Professor, Moore College of Art and Design
  • Assistant Professor of Special Education, Villanova University
  • Assistant Professor, Montclair State University
  • Assistant Professor, Utah State University
  • Director, Out of School Time Resource Center
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Temple University

Admissions & Financial Aid

Please visit our Admissions and Financial Aid pages for specific information on the application requirements , as well as information on tuition, fees, financial aid, scholarships, and fellowships.

Contact us if you have any questions about the program.

Graduate School of Education University of Pennsylvania 3700 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 898-6415 [email protected] [email protected]

Noemí Fernández Program Manager [email protected]

Please view information from our Admissions and Financial Aid Office for specific information on the cost of this program.

All Ph.D. students are guaranteed a full scholarship for their first four years of study, as well as a stipend and student health insurance. Penn GSE is committed to making your graduate education affordable, and we offer generous scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships.

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The Collaboratory for Teacher Education at Penn GSE is a laboratory for the design, implementation, and study of experimental approaches to teacher education.

Colleagues discussing an issue in education.

Core Practice Consortium

The Core Practice Consortium brings together teacher educators from across institutions, disciplines, and theoretical perspectives to grapple with questions about how better to prepare novice teachers. 

TLL Students in a classroom

Our Students

Current students in the Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education program are researching a range of topics including mathematical practices, teacher education, maker-based project education, culturally responsive pedagogy, science education, and media making. 

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Doctorate in education (edd) vs doctor of philosophy (phd) in education: understanding the differences.

Doctorate in Education (EdD) vs Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education: Understanding the Differences

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Making an Informed Decision

Selecting the right doctoral programme in education can be challenging. At the doctoral level, understanding the distinctions between a Doctorate of Education (EdD) and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is key to making an informed decision. Individuals should consider their professional goals, career aspirations, and preferred approach to learning and research when evaluating these two options. 

By understanding the unique features and objectives of each degree, prospective students can choose a programme that aligns with their personal and professional journeys.

When contemplating a doctoral degree in Education, choosing between an EdD and a PhD can shape one’s professional path significantly. 

This article aims to provide a concise overview of the different characteristics of an EdD and a PhD in Education to help individuals make an informed decision that aligns with their academic and professional aspirations.

Similarities and differences

Let’s begin by looking at the similarities between the two degrees, and then at their differences. Then in the next section, we will go a bit deeper to examine the specific nature of each degree and take a look at the pre-dissertation modules, which are different for each option.


  • Both degrees hold equal academic value
  • Both degrees are a doctoral qualification in Education
  • You will have to write a dissertation for both degrees 
  • Both degrees are of the same duration and take an average of 4.5 years to complete


  • An EdD is addressed to individuals who want to apply their knowledge to practise.
  • A PhD is addressed to individuals who want to focus on research.
  • In order to pursue an EdD the applicant needs to have professional experience within the Education sector.
  • Differences in curriculum: the pre-dissertation modules are different for each degree
  • Potential career opportunities: the PhD is better for those who seek a career in academia, whilst the EdD is more suited to those working professionally within education

EdD: Empowering Change Agents

The EdD degree is primarily recognised as a professional doctorate, catering to experienced educators and professionals in mid- to senior-level positions who aspire to drive transformative initiatives within their institutions.

EdD candidates come from diverse sectors such as K-12 and higher education, non-profit organisations, government, healthcare, and the military. Their common goal is to effect positive change in their respective environments, utilising their doctoral knowledge and skills to address critical professional challenges. The EdD programme places a strong emphasis on practical applications, with a focus on conducting research and utilising the findings to enhance decision-making processes within specific communities or organisations.

EdD pre-dissertation modules:

The EdD is focused on the real-world application of doctoral research, to help inform decision-making in a specific field or organisation.

Each pre-dissertation module of the EdD is structured so as to emphasise the practical application of your research and theoretical framework to real-world educational institutions and problems. The pre-dissertation modules of the EdD will leave you well versed as to the current state of theory in the educational field. During these modules, you are also taught how to conduct research at the doctoral level, and the tools you will need to do so.

A full description of the content of each module can be found on our website. 

PhD in Education: Advancing Scholarship

The PhD in Education, on the other hand, centres on advanced research and scholarship in the field of education. It is geared towards individuals aspiring to careers in academia, research, or leadership positions in educational organisations. The PhD curriculum encompasses research methods, educational theories, specialised subjects within the field, and a significant research project or dissertation. 

Considered a terminal degree, the PhD is ideal for those seeking a career in academia or research within a university setting. PhD candidates adopt a research-oriented approach to learning, aiming to achieve mastery in a specific area or contribute new knowledge to the existing scholarly literature. The programme requirements include independent research to drive transformation within the education discipline while inspiring others to create positive change through scholarly contributions.

PhD pre-dissertation modules: 

The PhD in Education is an academically-oriented degree focused on enhancing scholarship and research in the field of education.

The pre-dissertation modules of the PhD are structured to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the tools and methods of academic research in the field of Education at the doctoral level. Once you complete the pre-dissertation modules you will know how to apply both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, with an emphasis on the triangulation of results. You will also understand the current state of the theory within the field of Education.

The pre-dissertation modules will equip you to carry out your research, applying the research methodologies within the context of existing theory to examine your own research question.

A full description of the content of each module can be found on our website . 

The choice between an EdD and a PhD in Education holds significant implications for individuals pursuing a doctoral degree in the field. While the EdD focuses on professional practice and driving change within organisations, the PhD emphasises research and scholarship, making it suitable for those aiming for careers in academia or research. 

By comprehending the differences outlined in this article, prospective students can make an informed decision that suits their academic and professional goals in the dynamic field of education.

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Sebastian Heller, Doctoral Studies Liaison, Unicaf

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Academic Degrees , Education Degree News

Considering a PhD in Education? Here’s What You Need to Know

Updated: February 13, 2024

Published: December 17, 2018


For anyone looking to pursue a career in education in academia or research, a Ph.D. in education is the degree to seek. A doctorate degree in education is a terminal degree in the field, which means it is the highest level degree you can get. So the natural next question is, “What can you do with a Ph.D. in education?

Here, we will share Ph.D. in education jobs, as well as answer all your big questions surrounding a doctorate degree in education.

phd meaning not in education

What is a Ph.D. in education?

A doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in education is a graduate degree that is well-suited for anyone who wants to focus their career on academics or research. Just like a Ph.D. in education is a terminal degree, so is a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree.

Although it can be confusing when faced with two terminal degrees in the same field, it helps to clarify when we understand what each of their focus is. An EdD in education is more hands-on and practice-oriented, which means that it’s of use to those who want to work in education, for the government, or in a non-profit organization.

A Ph.D. in education is theoretically-focused and more study-based, in comparison. For this reason, it’s best for anyone looking to work in research or academia at the university level.

There are more differences between the two, including:

  • A Ph.D. in education takes four years to complete, while an EdD takes two.
  • A Ph.D. requires doing a dissertation, while an EdD doesn’t.
  • A Ph.D. focuses on developing new research. EdD students, on the other hand, use existing research to guide decisions about issues within their area of study.
  • A Ph.D. requires taking 90 credits, whereas an EdD requires 60.

Why Earn a Ph.D. in Education?

There are many reasons why a Ph.D. in education is valuable and worthy of your effort. Here’s why:

1. It’s one of the most highly respected credentials in education, and as mentioned, it is a terminal degree (which means its the highest level that you can achieve in this field).

2. You’ll use research-based methods to solve problems and identify gaps in your specialization of choice.

Plus, you will have the expertise and credentials to publish in professional journals and/or present your findings at conferences around the world.

3. You’ll be advancing in an area of education in which you’re passionate.

Are you fascinated by childhood development? Or do you have a passion for classroom management? If you have a desire to advance a particular field in education, a Ph.D. is an excellent way to do so.

4. You’ll earn respect in your field and gain personal satisfaction.

Since a Ph.D. in education requires doing a dissertation, that alone is not an easy feat! Accomplishing it will surely give you a rewarding feeling. Plus, being called Doctor isn’t so bad either. Just like any degree, a Ph.D. in education involves a certain skill set . Some learned along the way, and some you may have naturally. These are some skills involved in a Ph.D. in education:

Technical skills:

Analysis and problem-solving, project management and organization, research and information management, and written and oral communication are all important in such a research-based degree.

Soft skills:

Interpersonal and leadership skills, self-management and work habits, concentration, and patience are all important personal skills to have when you’re spending lots of time on one specific topic.

The Doctorate in Education Salaries You Can Expect

Did you know that in America, Ph.D. graduates will earn $1.3 million more than BA holders in their working lifetimes? There are all kinds of career options for Ph.D. education graduates.

Here are some examples of typical careers for Ph.D. in education holders, as well as their average salaries in the US:

  • Clinical, Counseling and School Psychologists: $79,820
  • Education Teachers, Postsecondary: $80,56 0
  • Survey Researchers: $59,870 
  • Sociologists: $86,110
  • Training and Development Specialists: $62,700

Many PhD in education graduates want to become professors. Here’s what the average annual salaries look like around the globe for professors in the top-paying countries (in their equivalent USD):

Denmark: $109,600

Switzerland: $185,000

UK: $110,000

US: $102,400

Finland: $95,000

Canada: $93,000


France: $82,000

There are other career options as well, such as school administrator, superintendent, curriculum coordinator, and principal.

phd meaning not in education

What are the Requirements?

Considering that a Ph.D. in education is the highest level you can achieve in education, it means that you will already have a bachelor’s under your belt, and in most cases, a master’s degree, as well. In other words, you probably like being a student. There are lots of years of studying that get dedicated to earning a Ph.D. If you plan on doing a doctorate in education, earning a master’s degree in education can be the right first step.

Another important thing to know is that almost all Ph.D. candidates have background experience in research. So if education is your field of interest, getting a Ph.D. will mean coming to the table with previous research experience from your undergraduate (and potentially graduate) degrees.

Every institution may differ on their prerequisites for enrolling in their Ph.D. in education program. Be sure to consult directly with your school of choice to find out what they are.

Where Can I Earn My Ph.D. in Education?

There are many schools that offer Ph.D. in education programs. Just like most subjects, there are going to be online /on-campus options as well as throughout the world. Some are even fully funded.

Online programs

University of the People has a Master’s in Education (M.Ed) degree. This could be a great choice for those of you who may be aiming for a Ph.D. in education but only have a BA. The next step is getting that MA. So, why not choose a tuition-free program ?

Liberty University, Walden University, University of Colorado, and the University of Nebraska are just a few popular universities that offer a Ph.D. in Education. Here’s a look at some of the most affordable online Ph.D. programs.

Studying in Europe

Studying in Europe can be both exciting and low-cost . Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Finland offer free doctorate tuition for university students, regardless of their nationality! France offers low-cost Ph.D. tuition fees. If you want to see some specific schools in these countries, look at this list.

Fully-funded Programs

Fully-funded sounds wonderful, and it is! But, it doesn’t mean there are no costs associated. Fully-funded actually means that your tuition is covered, but you’ll still have to cover costs for textbooks and supplies, living expenses, and other fees.  no cost. That said, it’s still an awesome option. One condition: it has to be on campus. Why? Because you need to pay with your time — by teaching and performing research.

University of Michigan School of Education, Vanderbilt Peabody College, and Steinhardt School at NYU all offer tuition-free on-campus Ph.D. in education programs.

Online vs On-campus

You might be wondering what it’s like to get your Ph.D. online, as compared to on-campus institutions. Like all degrees, there are advantages and disadvantages to earning your degree entirely online. In regards to a Ph.D. in education, you will need to consider a few things.

Online Ph.D. programs are best suited to students who work better solo. They are also great for those who have worked in the field for some time and want to advance in their area of study. And, of course, it’s the best option for those who work and are raising families. On the other hand, you aren’t in the presence of peers and professors that can be a valuable resource in the research-driven program of a Ph.D.

Earning a Ph.D. on-campus has its pros and cons, too.. While they’re generally more expensive than online programs, on-campus Ph.D. programs allow you to communicate face-to-face with your professors, supervisors, and other students.

What You Can Expect to Study in a Ph.D. in Education

Completing a Ph.D. means doing your dissertation, or research thesis. Naturally, it is going to be based on the field of study that you are most interested in. You can specialize in a certain area. Some common specialization options for a Ph.D. in education are:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Special Education
  • Adult Education
  • Teacher Leadership
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Educational Psychology

Aside from the research involved in planning and executing your thesis, you will also have professional development activities and coursework relevant to your area of study. They’re designed to help give you the skills needed to succeed in your research and your future career in education.

While the curriculum is going to vary according to your specialization, there are some general core courses that most PhDs in education involve. You will likely take the following: group psychology, leadership, learning models, ethics, education and globalization, and analytics courses as part of your curriculum.

Is a Ph.D. in Education for Me?

If you choose to study for a Ph.D. in education, chances are you’re passionate about teaching and learning, and everything in between. Even if you’re not looking to stand in front of a lecture hall and teach, you may wish to improve upon the field of education as a whole through research and other means. With a Ph.D. in Education, you open the door to that possibility and many more.

How you choose to earn your degree is up to you. Whether you conclude upon enrolling online or on-campus, prepare yourself for lots of reading, writing, researching, and communicating. Whatever you chose, we’re sure you’ll give it your best shot. Here’s to reaching the top in the field of education!

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Considering a PhD in Education? Here’s What You Need to Know

Blog summary.

If you have a sharp intellect, are enthusiastic about teaching, and want to advance in your profession, you might consider pursuing a PhD in education. You will need to commit to becoming a lifelong learner since you have a strong interest in education and want to pursue a PhD. Since you are reading this, you have likely decided to pursue a PhD. You should be aware of a few things before beginning your doctoral program. A bachelor’s degree in education from an accredited university is required, followed by a master’s degree. Taksha Smartlabz in association with the University of Central Nicaragua (TSL-UCN) is a popular university for those with a master’s degree for joining the online PhD in Education.

Things you need to know before starting a PhD in Education

What does it take to earn a phd in education, scope of phd in education.

  • Does a  PhD In Education have any Scope Abroad?

Are you passionate about teaching? Do you want to transform the education system of your country? With a PhD in Education , you will get the opportunity to do so.

Another benefit of a PhD is that they will place your name in the halls of educational laureates one day. Get to be part of the elite class who have made a difference in the education system.

By joining Taksha Smartlabz in association with the University of Central Nicaragua (TSL-UCN), you will get an opportunity to be part of the finest educational institution. Cannot move from your home country? Do not worry; TSL-UCN has a distance learning PhD you can take online.

This article will help you learn everything there is to know about what a PhD in education programs entails. By the end, you will see if the program will suit your needs.

There are many aspects and requirements one has to have to apply for a PhD in Education . Let’s learn about each of them one by one-

1)Have a bright mind: Doing a PhD is the highest degree, and qualification one can meet. Only 2.5 percent of colleges provide this level of academic accreditation and even less for PhD in education programs .

Most opt for distance PhDs because of their convenience and the number of options you get.

Very few have the high level of thinking and mindset to reach such academic heights.

Do you have what it takes, then apply for a distance learning PhD from TSL-UCN?

2)Be Passionate: Being an educator and consulting institution is a huge responsibility. You are responsible for a curriculum and setting learning guidelines for hundreds if not thousands of students. A level of sensitivity but also a disciplined understanding of the learning process is required.

3)Be meticulous with your work: Being in education management, you must set up a framework incorporating many aspects. Even one small error or miscalculation can have unforeseen consequences in an educational institute. Having a PhD in education leadership means more responsibilities which only makes the job more fulfilling.

4) A perpetual learner: While a PhD in Education is the highest learning course there is. The process of learning never stops, and that is the beauty of it. Education is a field that is ever-growing and evolving with the world.

New ideas come to life frequently, and you have to incorporate them into a curriculum. To ensure students are always ready and prepared for the rest of their lives.

5) Great Management Skills: Running an educational institution is all about management and teamwork. Managing teachers, students, and parents is all part of your job when working in the field.

Here are just a few qualities and learning you will have for a PhD in education programs at TSL-UCN.

Getting a PhD in Education can be a long and winding process.

Here’s a brief breakdown of what are the steps required to get to a PhD degree-

  • You have to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Education from a select college.
  • You would have to then prepare for the entrance exams and get accepted into a college.
  • You would have to select either doing a master’s or a PhD from a specified college. Generally, it is ideal to do a master’s. TSL-UCN university requires a minimum master’s degree for PhD in Education Online
  • At TSL-UCN, it can take up to 3 years or more after getting a master’s degree.

Getting more specific, a PhD in Education program requires you to:

  • Go through the BRICS model coursework at TSL-UCN.
  • Create a dissertation topic and original research on it.
  • Your Dissertation will be challenged thoroughly and examined by the academic mentors.
  • Finally, the study will get published for everyone to see and read.

After getting your distance PhD from TSL-UCN, doors will get open for the following Jobs-

1) A University Professor – If you feel that teaching is your passion, then being a professor is the best job there is. With a PhD degree, you can quickly join the finest universities in India. Expect a minimum pay scale of 1 lakh rupees right after college.

2) School teacher or Principal- School teachers and principals have changed many people who study in the educational field. They have helped them in their formative years, which is why many are passionate about the subject.

Become a principal and be the guide for other students.

3) Education Consultant- Many schools and other institutions need people who can come in to fill managerial positions. PhD in educational leadership is the best way to reach the top.

You will be required to do the following as a consultant.

  • Train teachers in the new changes happening in the educational curriculum.
  • Work with guidance counselors to create a curriculum best for a child’s growing mind.
  • Create educational programs online for students and teachers to follow.
  • Survey the student’s capabilities and the effectiveness of programs.
  • Work with the colleges to ensure students get to fill the positions.

4) Government jobs- The Ministry of Education constantly looks for bright and talented people to reform the education system. A PhD in Education will allow you to be at the forefront of many education state boards.

A government job provides you stability and has many other benefits included like:

  • Subsidized healthcare
  • Government allowances
  • Flexible hours and much more

5) Chief Learning Officer (CLO)- Many large private firms are looking for people with a doctorate in Education to conduct training programs.

You will be required to work in different exciting fields like Information Technology, banking, and other sectors. A CLO ensures that employees are aware of new changes and technologies.

You will get an opportunity to work in the biggest firms in the world.

Does a  PhD In Education have any Scope Abroad ?

Yes, having a PhD in Education ensures that you can immigrate to almost any country. You can get any job that we mentioned in the previous section with higher pay.

The need for great educators is much higher abroad, and Indians with PhDs are at the top of the ladder.

An average pay scale for people with PhD in education programs in the US are-

  • Average professor salary- 100,000 USD
  • Average School Principal pay- 57,000 USD
  • Average US Department of Education salary -112,724 USD
  • Average Chief Learning Officer (CLO) salary- 120k – 350k USD
  • Average Education Consultant salary- 35,000 USD

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Getting a PhD in Education is the maximum accreditation you can achieve. Applying for one can help you maximize your professional career and be at the top echelon of brightest minds.

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If you are reading this, you know about the importance of Education and its transformative effect. But one can be hesitant of the challenge that lies ahead.

However, some people even manage to fast-track their PhD and finish it before the duration.

Enroll today for a PhD in Education at TSL-UCN!! They also provide PhD in Education online for people who can’t be on campus.

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DPhil vs PhD – What Are the Differences?

There is a common misconception that a DPhil and PhD are two different degrees. This is not the case.

The abbreviations ‘PhD’ and ‘DPhil’ both relate to the same academic qualification – a Doctor of Philosophy. A  Doctor of Philosophy is a professional research qualification usually undertaken after a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree. It’s awarded to students who successfully undertake a novel research project and usually involves the production and defence of a thesis during an oral examination.

Whilst both abbreviations refer to the same qualification, ‘PhD’ is far more common and well known compared to ‘DPhil’. In fact, it’s likely that most doctoral students located outside of the UK have never even stumbled upon the abbreviation ‘DPhil’ before!

The reason for this is that ‘DPhil’ is a British abbreviation and is only currently used by a handful of UK universities such as Oxford, and occasionally, Sussex and York. While almost all UK universities adopt the term ‘PhD’, the University of Oxford still uses ‘DPhil’ as you can see on their admissions page . As a result, almost all doctorate students graduating today do so with ‘PhD‘ written on their official manuscript.

Are There Any Differences in Funding, Eligibility Requirements or Duration?

In short, no.

As ‘DPhil’ and ‘PhD’ both refer to the same qualification, a ‘Doctor of Philosophy’, there are no differences in programme between them. This is true regardless of whether you’re a UK/EU or international student.

With respect to entry requirements, both will require graduate students to possess a relevant Master’s degree (or a very strong Bachelor’s degree), have the same funding opportunities attached to them and take approximately 3 to 4 years to complete if studied full-time.

There are no additional costs associated with a DPhil compared to a PhD in Philosophy, and external funding sources within the UK are the same.

Potential DPhil Concerns

In the past, several current and post-doctoral students have expressed concerns about whether they will be at a disadvantage due to having ‘DPhil’ on their official degree manuscript as opposed to ‘PhD’.

In almost all cases, these concerns have arisen when an individual is contemplating moving abroad. The reason for this is that the abbreviation ‘DPhil’ is not always as well understood in countries outside the United Kingdom. For example, a recent post-doctoral student once shared with us how she spent two days going back and forth with a potential US employer while trying to explain that her degree is the same qualification as a PhD. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be an isolated event given the number of stories and personal anecdotes available through various post-doctoral forums.

However, in all the above cases, the affected individuals were able to address the employer’s confusion once they explained the difference in the abbreviation system.

Therefore, while obtaining a Doctor of Philosophy which has ‘DPhil’ written on its official manuscript may raise a few questions, it’s not a factor that you should be concerned about.

To summarise, ‘DPhil’ and ‘PhD’ both correspond to a ‘Doctor of Philosophy’. Apart from the differences in abbreviation convention, both degrees are the same higher education qualification.

How Long is a DPhil?

Just like a PhD, a DPhil typically takes 3 to 4 years of full time study. This usually comprises of three stages:

  • Research, where the DPhil student carries out a literature review, providing critique on a wide range of sources, before carrying out their own research.
  • Thesis, where the student writes up their research project in a single document which outlines the importance of the project, methodology, findings and conclusions.
  • Viva Voce, the final step before coming a Doctorate of Philosophy. In this stage the DPhil or PhD student sits an oral exam and is required to discuss and defend their original contribution to the field of study.

Tips for a DPhil

You should now be aware of the DPhil meaning, however if you are still unsure whether this is the right PhD degree for you, here are some tips you can use to reassure yourself, particularly if you are an international student looking to study in the UK:

Talk to an academic supervisor, or even your potential supervisor themselves. They will be able to reiterate the points above and give you confidence that your doctoral study will result in a doctoral degree with the same academic merit as a PhD.

If you are pursuing international study, just like any doctorate degree you should confirm English language requirements, study costs, living costs, travel expenses or any other additional expenses associated with the project.

Doctoral study is a big commitment, so as a DPhil or PhD candidate you need to ask yourself ‘is a PhD worth it?’. If you are genuinely interested in your field or research or wish to gain expert knowledge and contribute to a specific topic, then PhD study could be for you. Doctorates are well equipped to pursue academic careers. Academic positions include lecturers, postdoctoral researchers and PhD supervisors. However, the transferable skills developed over the course of their programmes give them an edge beyond just the academic job market. The research and development industries in particular often look to recruit PhD holders for their expertise in novel techniques. It is important therefore to consider your career goals, and how a DPhil may influence your job prospects.

To conclude, when considering a DPhil vs PhD, either way you will hold a Doctorate of Philosophy. The two advanced degrees differ in name only and are of equal academic merit.

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