How to Craft an Outstanding Case Study for Your UX Portfolio

Writing case studies for your UX portfolio can feel opaque and overwhelming. There are so many examples out there, and often the ones that make the rounds are the stunning portfolios of top visual designers. It can be inspiring to see the most beautiful work, but don’t let that distract you from the straightforward format of a good UX case study. 

At the core, a UX case study relies on excellent storytelling with a clear, understandable structure . This article breaks down the anatomy of a UX case study to help you tell a simple and effective story that shows off your skills. We’ll start with some general guidelines and structure, then break it down one piece at a time:

UX portfolio overview

What is a ux case study, general guidelines, how to structure a case study, how to fill in the details, defining the problem, understanding your users, early or alternate ideation, final design solution, next steps and learnings.

  • Final thoughts

1. Before we get started

Before we dive into all the art and science of the case study, here’s a quick refresher on what a job-winning UX portfolio looks like. In this video, pro designer Dee analyses various design portfolios to pick out what works—and what doesn’t:

Simply put, a case study is the story of a design project you’ve worked on. The goal, of course, is to showcase the skills you used on the project and help potential employers envision how you’d use those skills if you worked for them.

A case study is typically written like a highly visual article, with text walking readers through a curated set of images. Curated is an important word here, because it should be short and sweet. It’s a chance to share what you want potential employers to know about your work on this project.

With that in mind, case studies are really a UX designer’s secret weapon in two ways. First, they get you in the door by showing more about your work than a resume and a top UX cover letter ever could. Another benefit is that they’re really handy in job interviews. If someone asks about a past project, you can walk them through the case study you’ve already created (this is sometimes a requirement anyway).

I mentioned that UX case studies are about storytelling. I’d actually say they’re about stories-telling, since they need to tell two intertwined stories .

The first is the story of your project. This answers questions like what problem you solved, who your users were, what solutions you explored, and what impact they had.

The second story is about you as a designer and your process. This is more about which methods you chose to use and why, how you worked within constraints, and how you worked as a member of a team (or without one).

So what are the steps for an effective case study? Well, like most things in design (and life), it depends. Every case study will be different, depending on what stories you’re telling. The six-part outline below, though, should guide you through an effective format for any UX project story. Here’s the outline (we’ll dive into each component in just a minute):

  • Defining the Problem
  • Understanding your Users
  • Final solution

It’s worth it to add a few general notes before we dive into each of the list items above. For each section, include 1-2 short paragraphs and an image of a deliverable that visually tells the story your paragraphs explain. A reader should be able to either just read or just look at the images and roughly get what this moment in the story is communicating.

When choosing images to include, focus on quality over quantity.  Choose your best deliverables for each stage and briefly relate them back to the larger narrative. It can be tempting to overload the page with everything you created along the way, but these extra details should stay in your back pocket for interviews.

Lastly, make sure your case study is scannable . In the best of circumstances, people don’t read word for word on the web. Make sure your text is reasonably concise, use headers and strong visual hierarchy, and use bullet points and lists when possible. If you need a refresher on how to achieve this, check out our guide to the principles of visual hierarchy .

Ok, let’s take a look at each step in a bit more detail.

2. Anatomy of a UX case study

Like any story, the introduction sets the stage and gives much of the necessary context readers will need to understand your project. This is one section where people actually might take some extra time to read carefully as they try to discern what this case study is about. Make sure they have all the details they need.

Some key questions to answer are:

  • What is your company and/or product?
  • What user problem did you try to solve?
  • What was your role?
  • What tools and methods did you use?
  • What are the major insights, impacts, or metrics related to the project

After introducing the project, dive more deeply into the problem you tackled. You touched upon this in the introduction, but this section is an opportunity to make a strong case for why this project exists. Did a competitor analysis or market research demand a new product? Was there past user research in your company that suggests a needed redesign of the product?

Remember that you’ll want to create a through line in the narrative, so try to lay out the problem in a way that frames your design work as a solution.

Deliverables that work really well for this section would be:

  • Analytics or usage data
  • Market research of internal business metrics
  • Survey results or interview highlights

After explaining the problem, show how it impacts your users and their interaction with your product. If you did original user research or you’re seeking user research-oriented jobs, sharing interview scripts, affinity maps , and spreadsheets can be useful in showing your process.

However, this section shouldn’t be only about your process. A key goal of this section is articulating who your users are and what their needs are. These findings should set up your design work that follows, so try to set up that connection.

A few types of the deliverables you might share here are:

  • User personas
  • Mental models
  • Journey maps or customer experience maps

Keep in mind you want to communicate users’ key motivations and challenges, as well as any more specific user groups you identified.

This section can really scale up or down depending on what you have to show. Research shows that hiring managers  don’t just want the final product , so it’s clear that showing some of your process is helpful. Especially for students or designers without a fully built product to show, this can be a moment for you to shine.

Don’t worry about the low fidelity of these documents, but the rougher they are, the more you’ll need to guide readers through them. Everything you show here should teach the reader something new about your process and/or your users.

Artifacts you might include are:

  • Pen and paper or low fidelity digital wireframes

If you did early testing or faced constraints that determined your future design work, be sure to include them here, too.

This section should include the most final work you did on the project (e.g. wireframe flows or color mockups) and any final product it led to (if you have it). Be clear, though, about which work is yours and which isn’t.

Explain any key decisions or constraints that changed the design from the earlier stages. If you incorporated findings from usability testing, that’s great. If not, try to call out some best practices to help you explain your decisions. Referring to Material Design, WCAG, or Human Interface Guidelines can show the why behind your design.

If you’re able to show the impact of your work, this can take a good case study and make it outstanding. If your project has already been built and made available to users, have a look at any analytics, satisfaction data, or other metrics. See what you could highlight  in your case study to show how your design improved the user experience or achieved business goals. Ideally, you can refer back to your original problem statement and business goals from the introduction.

If you don’t have any way of showing the impact of your project, lay out how you would measure the impact. Showing you know how to measure success demonstrates you could do this on future projects.

Lastly, conclude your case study by sharing either your next design steps and/or some key insights you learned from the project. This isn’t just fluff! No project is perfect or final. Showing next steps is a great way to demonstrate your thinking iterative approach (without having to do the work!).

Also, many companies do (or should do) retrospectives after each project to identify challenges and improve future processes. Use this process and the insights you gain from it to inform your case study. Letting employers know you’re capable of reflection shows humility, self-awareness, and the value you can bring to a team.

3. Final thoughts

Since each case study is a unique story you’re telling about your project, it’s a little art and a little science. But starting with the structure laid out in this article will show who you are as a designer and how you solved a problem. And those are two stories companies want to hear!

If you’d like to learn more about how to craft a great UX portfolio, check out these articles:

  • 5 Golden rules to build a job-winning UX portfolio
  • The best UX design portfolio examples from around the web
  • The best free UX/UI portfolio websites to use
  • Salary negotiation for UX designers

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Inside Design

How to write a UX case study

Sarah doody,   •   jul 19, 2019.

H ave you ever been told your UX portfolio lacks depth, or what you did is unclear, or that it doesn’t seem like you have enough experience, even though you know you do?

Or maybe you landed an in-person interview, it didn’t go very well because you stumbled through presenting and answering questions about your projects. 

These are all symptoms of an underlying problem: your UX case studies are not written well enough. 

After doing at least 100 hours of my own research through talking to UX candidates one-on-one, reviewing portfolios, and analyzing survey data, one thing became clear: UX professionals put too much emphasis on learning how to make deliverables, and not enough on articulating their design decisions. 

When you can’t articulate your design decisions, it will make your day to day role harder, because you won’t know how to deal with pushback. And it will also limit your career options because your ability to write a strong case study is the foundation for creating a strong portfolio and doing well in interviews.

We’re going to go into:

  • The role of case studies in your portfolio
  • The anatomy of a case study
  • The steps to writing a thorough, readable case study

Case studies are the UX application differentiator

It’s no longer enough to just show your work. According to the  Center Centre , the job growth of UX designers is expected to rise 22% over the next 10 years. UX is a hot field, and there’s a lot of competition. 

Your portfolio, therefore, can’t simply be a curation of sexy-looking deliverables. Recruiters and hiring managers need you to articulate your process and design decisions. A key skill for UX professionals is the ability to communicate; in any UX role, you’ll find yourself not just doing UX, but explaining it over and over. 

If you don’t have well-written UX case studies, then how can recruiters and hiring managers trust that you’ll be able to communicate what you did and why you did it if they hire you? 

Writing is a skill that we know is important, but as designers rarely practice or study enough. When it comes to UX case studies, though, the quality of your writing is one of the most important variables in the success of your portfolio.

Let’s be real, writing about your UX projects is not an easy task. However, the good news is that by following the steps that follow, you will clearly understand how to write more clearly.

Anatomy of a UX case study

When approaching your UX portfolio and case studies, my advice is to think like a lawyer. Because how do lawyers win legal cases? With strong communication, and even stronger evidence. 

The projects inside your portfolio are like evidence in a legal case. And that’s why you must choose the projects for your portfolio very carefully. 

Here’s what I recommend including in your UX case study:

  • Problem statement
  • Users and audience
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Scope and constraints
  • Process and what you did
  • Outcomes and lessons

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How to write your ux case study.

As you write your case studies, don’t worry about length. Once you get it all on paper you can decide what to put into your portfolio. As you transition your written case studies to something more visual, you will edit them down and also consider how some of the text can be communicated visually.

Step 1. Give your project a title

The big mistake that people make is not giving the project title enough detail when a strong title can give context for the project.

Good: Home Depot user research for mobile app checkout

So-so: Home Depot user research

Bad: Home Depot

Step 2. Write an outline

Lay out your thoughts before you start giving up the details. An outline’s purpose is to help you understand the “big picture” of your project, so you can decide how to structure your case study or if the project is big enough to merit more than one case study.

Start your outline with the seven sections listed above, and start filling in bullet points under each section. Don’t worry about sentence structure; just write and get it out of your head. If you’ve been  documenting your projects as you work on them , then you may have some of this already written.

Step 3. Fill in the details

Now that you have an outline and you see the big picture, you can start filling in details. 

Give the “Process and what you did” section the bulk of your effort. This is where you’ll document the steps you took, just like documenting science experiments in high school. 

You should be answering these questions:

  • What did you do? For example, what research method did you use?
  • Why did you do it?  For example, why did you choose that research method?
  • What was the result?  For example, did you achieve your research goals?
  • What did you learn? For example, what would you do differently next time?

Continuing with our (completely fictional) Home Depot example:

BAD: “ We did usability testing on the checkout of the Home Depot mobile app.”

Why is this weak? Because it only tells the reader what you did. It doesn’t address why you did it, what happened, and what you learned.

GOOD: To evaluate the new checkout on the Home Depot mobile app, we relied on usage metrics in conjunction with 8 usability tests. This allowed us to gain deeper understanding through combining both qualitative and quantitative information. Although users were able to get through the checkout more quickly, they continued to struggle with the shipping section. Discussions with users discussion revealed that often times, products in one order have different shipping addresses, which was possible, but difficult in the current checkout.

This version is much stronger because it goes beyond just talking about what was done. Providing this depth is what will set you apart; articulating your design decisions and process will help position you as a more mature and thoughtful professional.

Step 4. Write headlines

At this point, you’re probably thinking something like “Who would ever read this novel?” Which is a good point. That’s why the next step will help you start to distill everything down so that you are focusing on the key highlights of the story.

The best way to do this is to pretend that you have to write your case study only in tweets. It sounds crazy, but it works.

For each section of the outline we’re working with, write a single headline or sentence—except for the Process section, where you’ll be focusing your energies. For the Process section, you’ll want to have a headline for each step. Using our previous fictitious Home Depot user research example, some of the headlines for the Process section might be:

  • Step: What type of research you did and why you did it. Example: Analytics revealed customers struggled, and sometimes abandoned, checkout at the shipping section. To understand why, we conducted eight usability tests.
  • Step: Findings from the research. Usability tests revealed that business customers, versus residential, had different shipping needs, which were not being addressed in the current checkout experience.
  • Step: Impact of research on product development. We prototyped two new versions of the checkout, allowing customers to choose shipping address on a per-product basis.

By sticking to a 140 character limit, you’ll force yourself to identify the most important points of the case study—which will then become headlines when you create your actual portfolio. 

A good way to test whether or not you have strong headlines is to ask yourself if someone would understand the main points of your project by skimming the headlines. If not, then re-write your headlines—because if you want the users of your UX portfolio to quickly understand your project, those are the most important points.

Step 5. Distill the text from your case study into your actual portfolio

Regardless of the format you choose for your portfolio , your writing needs to be clear and succinct. 

It won’t happen in one edit! Let’s say you’re working in Keynote with slides, your process will look like this:

  • Take the headlines you wrote and place one headline per slide in Keynote. 
  • Consider that you might merge some bits of information into one slide. For example, you might combine your overview and problem statement. It’s subjective, so you decide! 
  • Now, you need to go back and start to pull the most important and relevant details from your case study and put them on each slide, as supporting details or evidence. 

Examples in action

Simon Pan’s UX portfolio website went viral because he had awesome case studies. Yes, he’s also a visual designer so it looks beautiful. But what you need to focus on is the content. His Uber case study is an excellent example, let’s take a look at why it works:

  • Clear problem and framing of the project. Simon’s case study clearly states the problem and frames the project. So even if I’d never heard of Uber before, I’d have enough context to understand the project.
  • Explanation of the process. Simon does this with a story. It’s easy to read and keeps my attention. It feels like a cool article that’s well thought out … not to mention the visual design helps draw key points out. In the screenshot below, he is explaining part of the Discovery process. It sounds like I’m reading an article, therefore it keeps my attention. And the use of a user research quote helps bring the story to life even more.
  • Thoughtful conclusions and reflection. At the end, Simon concludes the case study with some results, reflections, and insights. People don’t just want to know what you did, they want to know the impact of what you did.

What comes next?

If you follow all these steps, you will have a longform case study edited down into something that’s more readable and scannable for the user of your UX portfolio. 

And remember, the UX case studies you write serve many purposes. Of course, they are the foundation of your portfolio, but they also can feed into your resume, LinkedIn, cover letters, and what you say in an interview. 

Want to read more by Sarah Doody?

  • Seriously, you need to start documenting your UX work
  • 4 steps for choosing the right projects for your UX portfolio
  • How to create a UX portfolio without UX experience

by Sarah Doody

Sarah Doody is a User Experience Designer, Entrepreneur, and Educator. She is the founder of The UX Portfolio Formula, a UX career accelerator that helps UX professionals learn how to articulate their work so they can create an awesome portfolio. In 2011, she created the curriculum for and taught General Assembly’s first 12-week UX immersive, the genesis of their popular UX programs which are now taught worldwide.

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How to Write an Engaging UX Case Study

how to write a ux case study

Would you believe that a good user experience case study has the potential to get your job application noticed in the eyes of recruiters in case you get that job interview? If you are all set to share your portfolio with the hiring managers, why not take the final plunge and include the element that can transform your overall impression as a candidate entirely? 

Case studies lay out a quick roadmap in front of your recruiters that lets them get a sneak peek into your analytical and creative mind. Reading a UX case study is like your hiring manager taking a walk with you through the design problem at hand. You get to explain the process that you followed to curb the user pain points with your unique design thinking and thought process, which also captures the essence of what is a user-centered design.  

Why Case Studies Are A Game-Changer for Your Portfolio?

Case studies should reflect a curious and creative thinker within you. They should also let you demonstrate your ability to turn research and relevant insights into something concrete for design. When you’re interviewing for an analytical position such as a UX role, you’re showing off your problem-solving skills because UX is problem-solving first and design second. Your case study should demonstrate not just your process but also your ability to tackle complex problems.


The Anatomy Of a Great UX Case Study

A  memorable UX case study  explains in graphic detail the design process you follow throughout every stage of the design project. It pens out not only your research but also the reasoning for your ultimate design decisions while accentuating your design skills.   Let’s begin with the structure you should follow to capture everything chronologically:- Step-1: Start with “An Introduction” Step-2: Familiarise with the “Process Followed” Step-3: Lead with “The Research” Step-4: Engage with “Design Iterations” Step-5: Conclude with “Final Observations/Result” The key here is to keep the content of the case study short, crisp and to the point for hiring managers and recruiters. No one’s going to sit there and sift through your case study for an hour.  Reviewing case studies  by experienced professionals means scanning them in mere minutes and knowing whether you have what it takes or not. Also, make it a point to give each section an equal amount of attention when crafting your case study. You never know when recruiters and hiring managers might take notice of something you avoided.

The Process of Writing an Engaging UX Case Study – A Step by Step Process

Step-1: introduction.

If you don’t capture your reader’s attention in the introduction, they probably won’t continue reading. Make the introduction an engaging, concise way to set the stage for your article. Also, don’t forget to articulate the primary problem that you are aiming to solve. Here are a few elements to include in the introduction that will make your content crisp and self-explanatory:- i) Overview of the company: What is this company’s identity? What do they do, and what are their goals and mission statement? ii) Challenge the company was facing: What was the pain point you decided to tackle? What was the ultimate question you were trying to answer? What difficulties do you encounter while addressing the problem at hand? iii) How do you fit in the picture : What was your role in the project? What were the timelines? Were there any constraints that affected the project? iv) Your Take : A methodology is a specified, systematic approach to solving problems or performing tasks. What methods did you use to comprehensively analyze your user data? What methods did you use to test your idea? v) Conclusion : Elaborate on the conclusion for the end product and wrap up with a fully defined objective which you’ve completed and deliverables. Reminder- Don’t go overboard with details in this section, we will get to it later.

Step-2: Process

When highlighting your process, make sure to be explicit about which UX research methods you used and how they helped influence your  design decisions . You should : i) identify the  UX design problem s that you faced with a problem statement, ii) show how you approached the project in terms of information architecture, iii) show how you interacted with your users in order to gather relevant metrics and understand their needs through good ux iv) show what research methods did you implement etc. Explaining the methodology you used to accomplish a specific task is crucial for recruiters and hiring managers to know. 

testing observing user behavior 2

Step-3: User Research

Now is the time to walk everyone through your UX design case study process. It works like a hypothesis that can get approved or rejected based on your findings. So there’s no right or wrong answer to it. This gives you an opportunity to elaborate on the methods you came up with the former stage and bring action-oriented improvements to the process.   The way to go about it is to briefly explain the design research techniques you used (card sorting, user persona, usability testing, etc.), why you chose these specific techniques, and what outcome you hoped to achieve. Ultimately, your research ends with how effective your UX design solution proved for the users.

Step-4: UX Design Decisions

When you start the design phase, you look back at your research and start thinking about how you could design to accommodate your findings. Use the results of your research to inform your design decisions. This is an important part of user-centered design. Take the findings from your user research and apply them to your designs. If your project is to build a new site or landing page, make sure each iteration includes visual design mockups. You can include steps such as: i) Sitemaps ii) User Flows iii) User Journeys iv) Paper wireframes v) Medium/High fidelity wireframes v) Prototypes

uxpin design color mobile

Step-5: Result

Employers should be able to quickly and easily find the content that’s most relevant to what they want to know about. To show your final UX design, you can use any tool that suits your needs. It can be a wireframe, high-fidelity mockup , or even something more sophisticated like an interactive prototype. Don’t forget to link to the source and voila! You’re done! If you want to show off your skills and use an intuitive tool for that, try out UXPin . Take your interactive prototyping to a higher level.

By following these steps, you can turn a good case study into a relevant  design portfolio  piece that showcases your problem-solving skills while bringing your creative side to the table to achieve maximum harmony between functionality and aesthetically fine design work. At the end of the day, the whole point behind a case study is to establish expertise in the area of UX research and design and be perceived as a UX professional in the eyes of potential prospects. Use an intuitive design tool that will help you show your skills – sign up for a 14-day trial .

UXPin is a product design platform used by the best designers on the planet. Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes.

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UX Case Study Guide

Adam Fard

Case studies can often feel like a hefty, impenetrable task. Where do you even start? Compressing, structuring, and organizing a few weeks or even months of work in a few hundred words can be quite challenging to many of us. 

Fortunately, creating one isn’t really that complicated once you’ve learned the basics—and this is precisely what this article is all about. 

Read on to learn about the purpose of a case study and how you should go about creating one. Also, we’ll take a closer look at some valuable tips to get you through your first case study that’ll safeguard you from the most common pitfalls. 

how to write a good ux case study

UX Case Studies

Take a look at the UX case studies we've created.

Okay, so what are case studies?

Basically, a case study is an in-depth exploration of the decision-making of a person or group of people. The idea behind them is to document the subject’s actions in a particular setting and analyze their behavior and choices. 

When writing one, think of yourself as a protagonist in a story or novel. While this may sound somewhat pompous to some, it’s actually a helpful approach to take when creating a case study, and there are a couple of reasons for that. 

First off, the point of a case study is to present your thought process and reasoning skills within your field of expertise. While most projects are undoubtedly different, they all have relatively similar phases they go through—the same goes for the types of decisions you make throughout these phases. Being descriptive and analytical about the types of issues you’ve faced as a designer and the solutions you’ve come across is an awesome way of showcasing your skills. 

Secondly, storytelling is an extremely powerful persuasion tool—and there’s an extensive body of research to support these claims. People are passionate about stories. We empathize with the characters in the novels we read and the movies we see, to a point where we can drop an occasional tear once in a while. We’ve never seen or known these people, but we still happen to care. 

Well, this is all fine and dandy, but why even create a case study in the first place? 

What might you need them for?

Case studies are a great way of outlining your qualities as a designer and decision-maker. However, these documents can take a wide array of shapes and sizes.  

Designers will often create case studies to showcase their creativity, analytical skills, quantitative reasoning skills, and communication skills during job interviews. 

On the other hand, design firms or agencies typically create them to highlight the quality of the services delivered and the impact that they had on the client’s bottom line, market share, or overall success. 

What does a UX case study include?

Before discussing structure, we’d like to mention that when working on the first of your case study, don’t focus on length too much. Later, you’ll have the opportunity to trim things down with some visual support. But for now, be as descriptive as you can be with the information that’s relevant to your input in the project at hand. Alright, let’s talk about structure.  

1. Outline the task at hand

The purpose of the outline is to provide your reader with a “big picture” understanding of the project. Typically, this section should be fairly brief—think of it as a really quick onboarding.

Here’s a fictitious example: 

Project title: Headspace App Redesign

Problem: The Headspace app is continuously losing engagement from its users. Their main areas of concern are:

High uninstall rates

Dwindling MAU

Solution: Rethink Headspace’s content strategy. Design better push notifications. Gamify the experience to create long-lasting meditation streaks.

2. Highlight your role and the process 

This section gives you the chance to expand on how you or your team has planned on delivering the solutions outlined above and what your personal contribution was in the grand scheme of things. 

For instance, you can state that your responsibilities on this project predominantly revolved around interaction design and visual design.  

Then, you can follow it up with a process outline that allows you to highlight the quality of your decision-making. Ideally, the process should abide by modern industry standards. 

3. Expand on the outcomes

It’s always a great idea to focus on hard numbers when speaking about outcomes. Of course, the quality of your design will play a significant role in how your work will be appreciated, but at the same time, the people reviewing your case studies are organizations or clients that need solid results. The more specific you can get about the impact your design has had on the clients’ bottom line, the better. 

Here are a few examples of outcomes that we’ve presented in some of our case studies: 

78% increase in conversion rates. Thanks to better usability, the schools are a lot more likely to upgrade their trial accounts and become paying customers.

4x increase in perceived value. Good-looking apps look more trustworthy and valuable, which is why we’ve invested our time in creating a modern and sleek interface.

Acquisition of new clients. Based on new tailored features and interactive prototypes, we helped acquire big Governmental and Corporate clients.

Reduced costs by 3x: Increased developers’ efficiency and reduced costs by having a user-centered design approach.

It’s always best to focus on actual numbers rather than arbitrary improvements. Your viewpoint as a designer is quite different from a client who probably has a different background and different goals in mind. By sticking with hard numbers, you’ll be able to accentuate the objective value your team or yourself can produce. 

Tips for writing a great case study

On the surface, writing a case study may appear simple. I mean, a project outline, the process, and the outcome—nothing complicated there. That’s only partly true. The hard part is creating an impactful and engaging case study. Below, you’ll find some useful recommendations to make your project overview captivating and legible. 


We mentioned storytelling above, and we’re going to do it again. Yes, storytelling is an incredibly overlooked part of creating a case study. Your goal here is to be descriptive—you want to get your readers to empathize with you. You want them to feel what you felt at the beginning of the project. Don’t hesitate to create some dramatic tension where you can (but don’t go overboard). 

Clear structure

Given that you don’t get too excited with the dramatic tension, you should think of a very clear and easy-to-scan structure for your case study. The person reading it should have a clear understanding of what section they’re reading at all times. 

Use bullet points where you can. They help organize the text, make the information much more accessible , and provide your case study with clear information architecture. 

Avoid large blocks of text

This is critical. There’s nothing more dissuading than a wall of text with no paragraphs. You’ve probably been there as well, reading something mildly interesting where you see a 20-line paragraph, thinking to yourself “Nah.”

Typically, it’s a good idea to keep your paragraphs up to 5 lines in length, but in a case study, it’s reasonable to even go with less. 

Add visuals where you can

Remember the wall of text we mentioned above? That applies to content that doesn’t have visual support as well. There are many reasons why you’d want to include some images in your case study, but the most important ones are:

After all, this is a highlight of your design skills;

You’re providing visual support to your storytelling, making it more compelling and captivating;

You make the text much more accessible by watering down all that text with some media while allows the eyes to rest a bit; 

Pet projects work too

Case studies don’t necessarily have to be about “Headspace-tier” redesigns. Feel free to write one about a pet project of yours—the most important part here is highlighting your thought process between a problem and a solution. 

Even if you can’t code, you can still showcase, come up with an idea, validate it, and come up with a UX solution. These ideas or problems don’t have to be anything too drastic either. We would suggest picking a struggle that you yourself are dealing with so that you have some insight into it right off the bat.

Seek inspiration

Check out the links below for inspiration:

The bottom line

By following the steps above, you’ll be able to knock out an awesome case study while also avoiding the most common pitfalls first-timers face. However, bear in mind that case studies have a wide array of purposes, and you should always adjust them to your particular needs.

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How to Write a UX Case Study: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

how to write a good ux case study

As a digital product designer, one of the most effective ways to showcase your skills and expertise is by creating a compelling UX case study for your online portfolio.

A well-crafted case study not only demonstrates your design process but also highlights your problem-solving abilities and the value you bring to the table.

In this blog post, we'll briefly touch on what a UX case study is, we'll then walk you through the essential steps how to write a UX case study that will impress potential clients and employers.

Let's get started!

What is a UX case study?

How to Write a UX Case Study

A UX case study is like a story that designers tell to explain how they solved a design problem.

It's a way to show others how they researched , planned, and created a digital product or experience that is user-friendly and effective.

It includes details about the project's goals , the people they designed for, the steps they took, and the final design they came up with.

A UX case study helps designers demonstrate their skills and expertise in making things easy to use and enjoyable for users.

It's a friendly and simple way for them to share their design journey and showcase their problem-solving abilities.

Video on how to write a UX case study:

8 Simple steps to creating a UX case study:

1. choose the right project:.

How to Write a UX Case Study

Selecting the right project for your case study is crucial. Aim for a project that best represents your skills and aligns with the type of work you want to attract. It should be a project where you had a significant impact and can showcase your problem-solving abilities and design thinking process effectively.

2. Define the Problem:

How to Write a UX Case Study

Start your case study by clearly defining the problem you were trying to solve. Explain the context, the pain points, and the goals of the project. Highlight the challenges you faced, as well as any research or data that supported your problem identification process.

3. Describe the Research and Discovery Phase:

How to Write a UX Case Study

In this section, describe your research methodologies, including user interviews, surveys , and competitive analysis. Share insights you gained from your research and how they influenced your design decisions. This demonstrates your ability to empathize with users and make informed design choices based on their needs.

4. Outline the Design Process:

How to Write a UX Case Study

Present your design process in a structured and coherent manner. Include wireframes , prototypes, and iterations that show the evolution of your design. Explain the rationale behind your design decisions and how they addressed the identified problem. Be sure to highlight any user testing or feedback loops that helped refine your solution.

5. Showcase the Visual Design:

How to Write a UX Case Study

This section is an opportunity to showcase your visual design skills. Include high-fidelity mockups or screenshots that highlight the aesthetics, typography, color schemes, and overall visual appeal of your design. Explain the reasoning behind your design choices and how they enhance the user experience .

6. Present the Final Solution:

How to Write a UX Case Study

Describe the final solution you arrived at and how it effectively addresses the initial problem. Include metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) to demonstrate the success of your solution. Whenever possible, provide real-world results , such as increased user engagement, improved conversion rates , or positive user feedback.

7. Reflect and Share Learnings:

How to Write a UX Case Study

Take a moment to reflect on the project and share any lessons or insights gained during the design process . Discuss what worked well, what challenges you encountered, and how you overcame them. This demonstrates your ability to learn and grow as a designer.

8. Present the Case Study Effectively:

How to Write a UX Case Study

Pay attention to the presentation and formatting of your case study. Use clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make it easy to read and skim. Include relevant visuals, such as images , diagrams , and charts, to enhance the visual appeal. Make sure your case study is concise, engaging, and aligned with your personal brand.

Frequently asked questions on how to write a UX case study:

How to Write a UX Case Study

Why are UX case studies important?

UX case studies are important for several reasons. They provide insights into the design process , showcase a designer's skills and abilities, and demonstrate how user-centered design principles were applied to solve a specific problem. They are also useful for sharing knowledge, building credibility, and securing job opportunities.

How long should a UX case study be?

The length of a UX case study can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the information you want to convey. However, it's generally recommended to keep it concise and focused, aiming for a length of 800 to 1,500 words. Including visual elements like images , diagrams, or prototypes is also encouraged to enhance understanding and engagement.

What are some tips for creating an effective UX case study?

Here are a few tips to create an effective UX case study:

  • Clearly define the problem: Start by clearly articulating the problem statement and why it is important to address.
  • Show the design process: Walk through the design process, highlighting key decisions, iterations, and insights gained along the way.
  • Include visuals: Incorporate visual elements like wireframes , prototypes, and user interface designs to provide a visual context and make the case study more engaging.
  • Share the impact: Demonstrate the impact of your design solution by including user feedback, success metrics, or before-and-after comparisons.
  • Be concise and organized: Keep the case study concise and well-structured, making it easy for the reader to follow your thought process and understand the project's evolution.
  • Tailor it to the audience: Adapt your case study to the audience you're targeting, focusing on aspects that are most relevant and impactful to them.

Can I include confidential or proprietary information in a UX case study?

It's generally advised to avoid including confidential or proprietary information in a public UX case study. If you need to showcase sensitive information, consider anonymizing or obfuscating the data to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals or organizations involved. Always respect any non-disclosure agreements or intellectual property rights you may have signed.

Should I include negative feedback or challenges faced in a UX case study?

Yes, it's important to be transparent about the challenges and obstacles encountered during a UX project. Including negative feedback or hurdles you faced demonstrates your ability to navigate difficulties and adapt your approach. Highlighting how you addressed and overcame challenges can also provide valuable insights into your problem-solving skills and resilience as a designer .

Can I use visuals created by others in my UX case study?

If you use visuals created by others, such as stock photos , icons , or illustrations , make sure you have the necessary permissions and licenses to use them in your case study. It's important to respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights. When in doubt, it's best to create your own visuals or use resources that are explicitly licensed for free or commercial use.

How should I present my UX case study?

UX case studies can be presented in various formats, depending on the context and requirements. Common formats include a written document, a slide deck presentation, or a web page . Consider the needs of your audience and the platform where you plan to showcase your case study. Ensure it is well-organized, visually appealing, and easy to navigate , allowing the viewer to understand your design process and the outcomes clearly.

Writing a compelling UX case study is an essential skill for any digital product designer. 

It allows you to showcase your problem-solving abilities, design process, and the impact you have made on real-world projects. 

By carefully selecting the right project, highlighting your research and design decisions, and presenting your case study effectively, you can create a captivating narrative that will impress potential clients and employers. 

Remember, a well-crafted case study is not just a reflection of your design skills, but also an opportunity to tell a compelling story about your expertise and approach to UX design.

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How to write a UX case study

Case studies are an essential part of any UX designer’s portfolio. They fill up the main part of your portfolio and are a must-have when you want to get hired in UX. But how to write a UX case study? That’s what you’ll learn in this article.

  • Updated on December 3, 2022

How to write a UX case study

When you’re looking for  UX design jobs , it is very important to have a  UX portfolio  that is on point. Case studies show your next client or employer how you go about your UX work.

Here’s everything you need to know about UX case studies. We’ll discuss everything from structure to content and the number of case studies you need in your portfolio. I’ll also share my  UX case study template  below.

Table of Contents

What is a ux case study.

Let’s start at the beginning. What is a UX case study exactly? If you bring it down to the core, a case study examines your design process around a particular project or job.

In the case of a UX designer ,  this will most likely be a project you’ve completed previously at a company or client.

Your case study can be an individual document or be part of a more extensive document like a pitch, proposal, or UX portfolio. The goal of a case study is always to show your process, skill, and, most importantly, your impact as a designer.

We’ve created a video on The Designer’s Toolbox YouTube channel that can help you write better UX case studies. It compares the case studies you’re taught at a UX bootcamp with actual real-world case studies and teaches you how to get started. Take a look here.

How to structure a UX case study

A good UX case study showing your skills, process, and impact as a UX designer requires a clear structure.

Did you know recruiters and hiring managers only take a very short time to look at your work? Yet another reason why a solid UX case study structure is essential.

It gives your readers something to hold on to. Good case studies make your work scannable and easy to digest.

If you look at it like that, creating a thorough case study that is easy to read is the perfect job for any UX designer. I mean, isn’t that what we do?

Structure your case study using the ‘STAR’ method. STAR stands for situation, tasks, activities, and results.

If you follow this method, your case studies will be a breeze to go through. Let’s take a closer look at this case study structure.

First up is the situation. This part of your case study is also known as your project’s challenge or problem statement.

In this part of the UX case study, you mention the business goal your client wants to achieve or a problem your users keep running into.

You’re hired or assigned to work on that business goal or problem. State your role and responsibilities in this part of the case study.

Second, we have your tasks.   What tasks did you do to address the challenges mentioned in the first section of the UX case study? This is the place to name them.

As a UX designer, these could be anything from conducting user research to delivering a state-of-the-art visual design concept. Make sure you mention skills and tools relevant to your role and the role you’re looking for. 

Activities   show what you have done to complete the tasks mentioned above. Tasks are abstract. Activities are detailed and together make up a bigger task.

If we stick to the user research example, activities might include recruiting participants, conducting user interviews, and presenting your findings to stakeholders.

Again, mention relevant activities here by connecting this and the previous section together.

In this final section of your UX case study, you link your results to the challenges mentioned at the beginning of your case study.

What was the original problem or goal, and what was the result of your work? Make this as specific as possible. Then, focus on the impact you have made as a UX designer.

If the challenge was to increase a low conversion rate, mention the new and improved rate that was only possible by your work. It is okay to exaggerate a bit here, as long as you don’t lie.

Best practices

If you put this all together, you will get a nice case study of about five to eight paragraphs. That’s one or two paragraphs for each of the sections mentioned above.

Once this is all in place, it is time to look at best practices to enhance your UX case studies. Here’s a list.

Headers for your case study

You do not have to name the title of every paragraph after the ‘STAR’ method.

Instead, you can use headers that fit your personal style or branding. Or even better, do not name your paragraphs at all. Go for a fluent story. That is better and more fun to read.

I recommend adding relevant pictures to specific paragraphs to make an even stronger UX case study. These could be images of your progress, photos of workshops, or pixel-perfect visual design mockups.

There’s no good or bad in this case as long as the pictures are relevant to your case study.

Highlighting your UX skills

You can add extra paragraphs to zoom in on a particular skill you want to highlight.

Let’s say you mention design thinking as a task you worked on for a particular case study. You’re super proud of the workshops you’ve facilitated and are eager to do more workshops in the future.

This is an excellent example of a skill to which you can dedicate a paragraph or two. You can also add images here, as I mentioned before.

UX case study resources

Let’s be honest for a moment. Even when using all the information above, creating a UX case study is much work.

This gets even worse when you want to make multiple case studies showcasing projects you completed a while ago.

Here’s a list of recommended resources to help you write better UX case studies.

UX case study template

Learn how to create a UX case study within 24 hours.  

  • How to make your case study stand out.
  • Step-by-step guide to write your case study.
  • Includes examples.

That’s the theory behind case studies in the field of UX. If you follow the structure and best practices outlined in this article, you will get a UX case study example that looks like this.

A UX case study example

The UX Bank has a mortgage calculation tool that does not reach the targets set by the bank. Furthermore, there are delays in customer service due to the increase in demand.

As an entry-level designer, I have designed a new version of the mortgage tool. In addition, I completed a design thinking project with the calculation tool at its center to determine why the bank didn’t meet the set targets.

After completing my user interviews, I discovered that users didn’t like the level of detail found on the results page of the tool. They found the results to be unclear. Users flooded customer service with questions about the unclear results.

Finally, I’ve designed a high-fidelity prototype to validate a new version of the mortgage calculation tool. After testing and refining the prototype, I did a handoff for development.

Since the release of the new calculation tool, users have been much happier with the test.

As a result, the UX Bank has seen an increase in mortgage requests of 8%. The customer service delays are decreasing as well.

This is an excellent example of a UX case study. It is short, to the point, and focuses on the impact you made as a designer.

All you have to do from here is add your visuals, like the featured image and a stunning mockup.

Once that’s done, it is time to add your case study to your portfolio. I recommend hosting it on your website, but  Dribbble or Behance  is also fine.

And finally, some frequently asked questions on the topic of UX case studies. I will answer as much as possible based on my UX design experience.

How many case studies should I put in my UX portfolio?

Add at least one excellent case study to your UX portfolio that showcases a relevant project.

I’m not going to mention a specific number. Many other UX designers will say you need three or five case studies, for example. However, it’ll hurt the quality of your work when you force yourself to hit that number.

Instead, show what you want to do more of. Do you want to create stunning UI design mockups? Pick a case study that shows just that!

Is it okay to only have student case studies in my portfolio?

Yes, it is perfectly fine to have case studies you made in school or during a bootcamp in your portfolio.

Your portfolio would be stronger if you had some real-life case studies as well, but we all have to start somewhere.

To make that happen, you need to work to get some work experience. Luckily, there are many ways to get hired in UX without experience .

How do I present my UX case study?

For most companies, you have to present your case studies during the second interview. That’s scary! Make sure you have the basics right. In doing so, you will most likely beat a few of your competitors already.

The biggest tip I can give you is to keep it short first. That way, you can focus more on questions and having a good discussion.

Where can I share my case study?

You can share case studies on platforms like  Dribbble  and  Behance  or your website. Be visible! It’ll help you reach a larger audience full of recruiters and potential clients.

You can also share your case study on Medium and LinkedIn. Both are excellent platforms to share your work and build a professional network.

Further reading

I can’t stress enough how critical case studies are for a UX designer. You write your case studies by sharing the business challenge, what you did to tackle that challenge, and how your work has impacted your client.

Case studies are the foundation of your  UX portfolio . You need that portfolio to get a job in UX. You can read about your portfolio next.

Do you have feedback on this article? Missing something? Or just a question? Reach out to me and I’ll get back to you!

Profile picture of author Nick Groeneveld, a senior UX designer and mentor for The Designer's Toolbox

About the author

Hi! I'm Nick Groeneveld , a senior designer from the Netherlands with experience in UX, visual design, and research. I'm a UX coach that supports other designers and have completed design projects in finance, tech, and the public sector.

Through The Designer's Toolbox, I'm an Educational Partner for Interaction Design Foundation.

☎️ Book a 1:1 mentor meeting with me or let's connect on LinkedIn , Twitter and Medium .

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How to Write a Killer UX Case Study?

how to write a good ux case study

We are glad to present our comprehensive guide on how to create an outstanding UX case study. These case studies are the core of every design expert’s portfolio. They define whether a dream company will hire you and whether you will get a higher salary. Like any meaningful story, a case study shows your achievements in UX design most effectively. So, how to craft your secret weapon? Let’s see...

The Role of Case Studies in Your Portfolio

UX design is a very hot field and getting a job offer from a dream company is far from easy. You need to stand out to get it! Showing your work results is great, but employers are too busy to solve the puzzle themselves. They want to see your most significant milestones in one place. Your portfolio needs something more substantial than just nice deliverables and screenshots of web and app interfaces.

One of the core components of UX design is communication, so you have to communicate your success to potential employers. So, writing skills (or, rather, storytelling skills) are as crucial as design-related ones.

The Anatomy of a Good Case Study

How can one fit years of experience into a couple of case studies? Let's find out and start with the principal components of a good product design and user experience case study.

#1 — Overview

An overview is a quick summary of a product, a service, or a company. Mention all the basic things about the project you have been working on.

#2 — Problem Statement

Here you state your goals. Why did you work on this project? What was its goal?

#3 — Users and Audience

Briefly describe the target audience you had in mind while working on the product or service. Who exactly was it meant for?

#4 — Roles and Responsibilities

What was your team like and how did you share your responsibilities? Were you the only expert or were you leading your own team of designers?

#5 — Scope and Constraints

What were your working conditions? What were your limits? These may be tight deadlines, a low budget, working across different time zones, etc.

#6 — The Working Process and Actions Taken

This is an essential stage of your story. Describe what you did step-by-step. Specify each step and why you did that (for example, to increase conversion, or to solve user pain points etc).

#7 — Outcomes and Takeaways

This is the grand finale to your story. Tell the readers the result of your work. What goals have you achieved? Which lessons have you learned? What experience have you gained?

The Power of Storytelling

Even though images and pictures cause a stir on socials, fascinating stories continue dominating the market. People use stories to learn, share information, impressions, and emotions — and to pose questions and find solutions for their problems.

  • Easy-to-read design case studies command a potential employer’s attention because they are representative. With only one case study on a designer’s portfolio site, recruiters and team leads can make conclusions on one’s design thinking.
  • Also, they show how designers work. Case studies answer all the possible questions and employers can decide whether these tactics fit their usual workflow.
  • Future team members see how a designer acts when they’re having issues. They grasp one’s way of learning from challenges and mistakes.

As you can see, UX design case studies are a great way to showcase both your hard skills and soft skills! Why not make one?

The Steps to Writing Your Best Case Study

Let’s get started with your best UX case study ever! 

1. Name Your Project

The title should reveal the main features of the project. Make it detailed enough and mention your activities (e.g. user flow research), the product (e.g. an app), and the platform (e.g. mobile and desktop).‍

2. Create an Outline

This should be a short schematic for a bigger picture. You may use the blocks from the ‘The Anatomy of a Case Study’ section. Write a draft for each part.

3. Add Details

Once you have the backbone of your case study, add some context about your design decisions to the process section. To get more ideas, answer these questions:

  • What exactly did you do?
  • What was the purpose of this activity?
  • What results have you achieved?
  • What have you learned?

As a product designer, you may mention such important stages as user research and user testing . There are lots of UX activities that go beyond design itself.  When writing descriptions, don’t be too vague and keep your content deep and concise. This will create an image of an experienced professional who knows what they’re talking about.

4. Add Attractive Headlines for Activities

User interface and user experience case studies might look like novels. So, take care of those who are about to read yours. Spice up your long story with short and to-the-point headlines. Your reader will take a look at those and get the main idea before reading into the details. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

5. Edit Your Story

Once you’ve done with your case study, look it over again. Make the text more logical and coherent. If it sounds bothersome, keep in mind that even world-known authors always edit their books. Some of them even do that several times. The goal of editing is to achieve exceptional quality. This means more chances that you’ll be hired by your dream company!

Using Case Studies

Any UX design case study is too good to be confined to your hard drive. Share yours online! Make it work in favor of your image — you might be surprised that recruiters actively search for and contact candidates who have prominent case studies published on the web. 

  • The best format is a web page on your site or blog. If you choose web pages as containers for your brilliant UX case studies, make sure that they work equally smoothly on mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers.
  • Then come text docs, PDFs, and presentations. Downloading a file is an extra step for the reader — and an extra step between you and your dream company. Keep this in mind!
  • If you don’t have your own site or blog, use specialized design platforms like Dribbble, Behance, blogging platforms like Medium, or socials like LinkedIn.

Tracking the performance of your UX design stories will give you an understanding of what works best. You’ll know that you’ve done it right when you’re invited to your next interview! 

The Best Examples of UX Case Studies

To give you an idea of what to strive for, we collected the top 5 examples by experienced designers:

  • Here is an example you might like the most . Lucy Qi has a marketing background, which is noticeable. Her case study is logical and well-structured. Her approach is classic and can be used as a tutorial for creating top-notch UX case studies. Everything is mentioned in the story. You get the ultimate answers to any question. This is brilliant!
  • Another great example is brief yet informative. The summary of adding learning value to quizzes on Udemy by Frances Tung . Everyone knows Udemy and you might have even participated in their quizzes. If so, now you know that they are so witty and informative thanks to this product designer!
  • Remember we told you that UX case studies can be published on your blog? Here is an example from Danielle Borisoff . A clear structure, an abundance of important details, and a description of each stage all make this story a perfect example for newbies.
  • Another interesting case study of cinema UX has been published on Medium by Ariel Verber. It tells us about the steps Cinema City took to make their iOS app outstanding. The structure of the study is concise and clear — as well as the results the company achieved!
  • And the last — but certainly not the least — brilliant case study about a cooking app resides in Vitaly Dulenko’s Medium blog. Everything necessary is mentioned and shown in pictures, even the process of creating the IA (Information Architecture)!

Have you received enough inspiration from these UX case studies? If yes, try creating your own success story with FlowMapp . It’s easy and convenient.

how to write a good ux case study

Key Takeaways

A good UX design is the end product summarizing all your activities. This is what sells you as a professional. It drives your image and lets this image work for you. Creating a great case study to showcase your achievements might take you a couple of full-time business days, but you will be more confident in your future success — so it’s definitely worth the effort! 

Show your future employer your way of thinking and convince them that you’re the perfect match for their UX design team. Surely you have at least one case study in mind? Grab our guide, sign up to FlowMapp for free , and start telling your success story right away!

how to write a good ux case study

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How to Write a UX Case Study to Showcase Your Skills, Experience, & Process

14 min read

By: Sarah Doody on May 22, 2023

A sketch in black marker of a brainstorm of business and creative topics and ideas.

UX case studies are the foundation of an excellent UX portfolio and have a direct impact on how well you’ll do in job interviews. 

To demonstrate your skills to recruiters and hiring managers, user experience (UX) professionals of all types – whether UX writers, content strategists, product strategists, product managers, UX researchers, or any other roles in product development – should create case studies for various projects they’ve worked on. The purpose of UX case studies is to articulate what you did, how you did it (your process and thinking), and what happened (the results and impact).

A well-written UX case study tells the story of each project and represents how well you can communicate not just what you did, but why you did it.

How would your UX career change if you could write UX case studies you’re actually proud of? What would happen if you had a clear and powerful story to tell about each project in your UX portfolio? You’d likely … 

  • Apply for more roles.
  • Get more interviews.
  • Make it further in the interview process.
  • Be far more confident presenting your projects.
  • Stand out as an effective communicator.
  • Get more offers.
  • Reach your next role faster

But, how exactly do you write more effective UX case studies? Even if you don’t think you’re a good writer, it is possible. You just have to know what questions the recruiters and hiring managers need you to answer in the UX case studies. UX recruiters and hiring managers want your case studies and portfolio to share the details and your process for each project, but not have it be an essay or read like a white paper.

In this article, you will learn:

How to structure a UX case study

  • The 5 steps to write a UX case study
  • How to actually tell a story of your process

At the end of the article, you’ll find some examples of effective UX case studies. A wordf of caution though, I know you’re tempted to go look at example case studies and copy them. But don’t forget, copying other people’s UX case studies won’t do you any good. You’ll get enamored with the “design” of these case studies and not actually consider the content and the story that each case study tells. Do yourself a huge favor and read the steps below to structure and write your UX case studies. Let’s go! And by the way, this free resource will be tremendously helpful for you: 

Featured Resource

Get a UX case study template. It’s a Google Doc so you’ll be able to make a copy and then start writing your own case studies.

Why UX case studies matter

According to Center Centre , the job growth of UX designers is expected to rise 22% over the next 10 years. UX is a hot field, and there’s a lot of competition. 

This is why your UX portfolio can’t simply be a curation of sexy-looking deliverables. Recruiters and hiring managers need to see your process. It’s your job to articulate not just what you did, but why you did it.  

Communication is a crucial skill for UX professionals. In most UX roles, you’ll find yourself not just doing the actual work, but explaining it over and over as stakeholders challenge your decisions and colleagues who may not be versed in design need a bit of help understanding the process. So ask yourself this … 

If you don’t have well-written UX case studies, then how can recruiters and hiring managers trust that you’ll be able to communicate what you did and why you did it if they hire you? Your UX case studies are a reflection of how you think and communication and they’re a preview of how you’ll think and communicate in a role once you are hired.

There are two parts to being an effective communicator, your writing skills and ability to verbally discuss what you did. If you struggle with verbally presenting your projects, chances are it’s because you did not invest time in writing about your projects first. 

By literally writing out your UX case studies in a Google Doc first, you’ll become much clearer on what you might say as you get further down the UX job interview process. How you perform in the interviews is what will likely get you hired, but to get in the door for an interview, you need a solid portfolio. The quality of the writing for your case studies is one of the most important variables in the success of your portfolio.

When approaching your UX portfolio and case studies, my advice is: think like a lawyer. Because how do lawyers win legal cases? With strong communication, and even stronger evidence. The projects inside your portfolio are like evidence in a legal case. That’s why you must choose the projects for your portfolio very carefully. 

When you write a UX case study, there are 7 main sections that you should cover. It’s important to note this structure does not mean that you will literally have a page in your PDF or section on your website for each of these. Furthermore, not all of these sections will apply for each project. For example, if a project didn’t have many constraints, don’t feel like you must invent or stretch some constraints, just to include it. Use your best judgment, this structure for your UX case study is a guideline, not the gospel. 

Here is the high level structure of an effective UX case study:

  • Problem statement
  • Users and audience
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Scope and constraints
  • Process and what you did
  • Outcomes and lessons

A rectangle divided into 3 sections to show how a UX case study should be divided up: Introduction, Process, and Conclusion

Get this UX case study template. It’s a Google Doc so you’ll be able to make a copy and then start writing your own case studies.

5 steps to write a UX case study for your portfolio

A UX case study is not just about having something for your UX portfolio, but it also equips you for interviews and provides you with content you can also use on your resume and LinkedIn profile.

As you write your case studies, don’t worry about length. If your case study ends up being 2,000 words in a Google Doc, it’s not as though you are going to take all that text and cram it into your portfolio. That would be insane.

There will be a process of editing as you decide which bits of the story in the Google Doc are what hiring managers and recruiters want to hear about. As you take the content in your Google Doc and move it into a more visual format, you’ll pair down what you wrote and come up with a more compact version of the story that you want to share in your UX portfolio.

1: Outline your UX case study

An outline’s purpose is to help you understand the big picture of your project, so you can decide how to structure your case study. It may also help you realize that the project already feels like it’s too big, in which case you should consider breaking it up into multiple smaller projects so that you don’t overwhelm the user of your UX portfolio.

Start your outline with the seven sections listed above ( use this Google Doc template ), and start filling in bullet points under each section. Don’t worry about sentence structure; just write and get it out of your head. If you’ve been documenting your projects as you work on them , then you may have some of this already written.

2: Write the details of your process

Now that you have an outline and you see the big-picture story of the project, you can start filling in details. The bulk of what you write will be for the “Process and what you did” section. This is where you’ll document the steps you took during the project, just like documenting science experiments in high school.

The Process section of your UX case study should address these questions:

  • What did you do? For example, what research method did you use?
  • Why did you do it? For example, why did you choose that research method?
  • What was the result?   For example, did you achieve your research goals?
  • What did you learn? Anything unique happen? What would you do differently next time?

To continue learning by example, let’s refer back to our fictional example of the Home Depot project that focused on user research for the mobile app checkout. Below are examples of content that could be for the Process section of the project. Imagine this part of the case study is meant to address the research step of the process.

  • Poor explanation of the research step: “We did usability testing on the checkout of the Home Depot mobile app.”

Why is this weak? Because it only tells the reader what you did. It doesn’t address why you did it, what happened, and what you learned. It’s too vague and provides no insight into what actually happened. Instead, consider this more descriptive explanation of the user research step of the process:

  • Good explanation of the research step: “To evaluate the new checkout on the Home Depot mobile app, we relied on usage metrics in conjunction with 8 usability tests. This allowed us to gain a deeper understanding by combining both qualitative and quantitative information. Although users were able to get through the checkout more quickly, they continued to struggle with the shipping section. Discussions with users discussion revealed that oftentimes , products in one order have different shipping addresses, which was possible, but difficult in the current checkout.”

Why is this good? This version is much stronger because it goes beyond just talking about what was done. Providing this depth is what will set you apart; articulating your design decisions and the process will help position you as a more mature and thoughtful professional.

Screenshot of a Google Doc showing an example "Process & What You Did" section of a UX case study

3: Write headlines to summarize

At this point, you’re likely freaking out and worried your UX case study is too long. You’re right, it probably is. But remember, what you wrote in your Google Doc is not going to all make its way to your actual UX portfolio

Imagine that your Google Doc is a movie and now it’s time to make the 60-second trailer! This next step will help you start to distill everything down so that you are focusing on the key highlights of the story in your case study.

The best way to do this is to pretend that you have to write your case study only in tweets. It sounds crazy, but it works. For each section of the case study outline, write a single headline or sentence, except for the Process section. For the Process section, you’ll want to have a headline for each step. Continuing with our Home Depot user research example, some of the headlines for the Process section might be:

  • Step: What type of research you did and why you did it Headline: “Analytics revealed customers struggled and sometimes abandoned, checkout at the shipping section. To understand why we conducted eight usability tests.”
  • Step: Findings from the research Headline : “Usability tests revealed that business customers, versus residential, had different shipping needs, which were not being addressed in the current checkout experience.” 
  • Step: Impact of research on product development Headline: “We prototyped two new versions of the checkout, allowing customers to choose shipping address on a per-product basis.”

By sticking to a tweet-length character limit, you’ll force yourself to identify the most important points of the case study—which will then become headlines when you create your actual portfolio.

A good way to test whether or not you have strong headlines is to ask yourself if someone would understand the main points of your project by skimming the headlines. If not, then re-write your headlines—because if you want the users of your UX portfolio to quickly understand your project, those are the most important points.

4. Create a compelling title

The big mistake that people make is not giving the project title enough detail when a strong title can give context for the project. As an example, imagine you worked on a user research project related to the checkout process on Home Depot’s mobile app. Consider each of these project titles:

  • Poor Title: Home Depot
  • So-so Title: Home Depot user research
  • Good Title: Home Depot user research for mobile app checkout

Let’s break this down … a title with just the company name, such as “Home Depot” tells the reader absolutely nothing about what you did. It could have been visual design or app development. But the user of your UX portfolio has no idea because the project title was not clear.

A title such as “Home Depot User Research” is a bit better. But it still is vague. Yes, it tells the reader that the project was about user research. But it doesn’t reveal the specific area of focus within the product.  Something more specific provides a lot more clarity of your experience such as, “ Home Depot User Research For Mobile App Checkout” .

This is the purpose and strategy of an effective case study project title. It’s much clearer, can you see the difference?

5: Edit & move into portfolio slides

Regardless of the format you choose for your portfolio, your writing needs to be clear and succinct. It won’t happen in one edit! Let’s say you’re making your UX portfolio in Keynote or PowerPoint. Your process will look like this:

  • Take the headlines you wrote and place one headline per slide in Keynote.
  • Consider that you might merge some bits of information into one slide. For example, you might combine your overview and problem statement.  It’s subjective, so you decide!
  • Now, you need to go back and start to pull the most important and relevant details from your case study and put them on each slide, as supporting details or evidence.

Examples of UX case studies

To help you see what makes a good UX case study, let’s break down a few good ones. Simon Pan’s Uber case study definitely has reached “viral” status … have you read it? A quick word of caution, yes, it looks good. Simon’s a visual designer. But the reason it went viral goes way beyond the visuals. So don’t let that spin you into Imposter Syndrome.

Simon understands how to write a solid story about the problem, people, product, process, and solution. Here’s what Simon’s Uber case study does well:

  • Simon’s case study clearly states the problem and frames the project. Even if I’d never heard of Uber before, I’d have enough context to understand the project.
  • Next, Simon explains his process. And he does so as a story. It does not read like a white paper. It’s easy to read and keeps my attention.
  • At the end, Simon concludes the case study with some results, reflections, and insights. People don’t just want to know what you did, they want to know the impact of what you did.
  • Simon creates a scannable and skimmable experience for the user of his case study. Obviously, Simon is a visual designer and was able to nail the visual presentation of this. 

In the video below, I do a quick 5-minute teardown of Simon’s Uber case study. 

A well-written case study can serve you for years to come in your UX career

If you follow all these steps, you will have a long-form case study and you’ll have edited it down into something that’s more readable and scannable for the user of your UX portfolio. And remember, the UX case studies you write serve many purposes. Of course, they are the foundation of your portfolio, but they also can feed into:

  • Bullet points for your  resume and LinkedIn problem
  • What you include in cover letters
  • How you present a project in a UX job interview
  • Articles you publish in the future
  • Talks you may give at local UX meetups

Learning to write effective UX case studies will also equip you with crucial written communication skills. This will help you in your day-to-day role as a UX professional as you not only do the work but also educate others and advocate for UX.

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How to Write the Perfect Conclusion to Your UX Case Study

If you nail your case study’s conclusion, you’re much likelier to get called to an interview, because employers tend to recall the last parts of a case study the most. Let’s see how you can craft the perfect ending to your UX case study.

So, you’ve written a great introductory hook to your UX case study, where you defined your problem statement, your approach to solving it and your role in the project. You then brought your reader through your design process and highlighted the decisions and challenges that led to your final result. One question remains: how do you end your UX case study with a bang? As it turns out, you need to include 3 things in your UX case study’s ending to make it truly satisfying: the final product, its impacts and your reflections.

What’s the Purpose of Your UX Case Study’s Conclusion?

To wrap your story up satisfactorily.

The conclusion of your UX case study serves as your story’s resolution. It’s where you tie up loose ends and close your story’s arc by answering the main question you asked in your introduction. When done right, your case study’s ending will create immense satisfaction and a lasting impression on a recruiter.

how to write a good ux case study

In the last part of your UX case study’s 5-part story arc, create a nice resolution to your story. The conclusion is where you bring everything together to leave your reader satisfied, if not wowed, with what you did and the outcome. Author / Copyright holder: Teo Yu Siang and the Interaction Design Foundation. Copyright terms and license: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.

To Create a Great Last Impression

The lasting impression you create through your UX case study’s conclusion is absolutely vital. This is because of the serial-position effect , discovered by the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, where people tend to remember the first and last parts of a series best and forget the middle parts the most.

For instance, do you remember your most recent stay at a hotel? Chances are, you can recall how your stay ended when you checked out and how it began when you checked in—but nothing much of the middle. That’s the serial-position effect.

how to write a good ux case study

In 1913, Hermann Ebbinghaus discovered that we tend to remember only the beginnings and endings of things, and largely forget the middle parts. This means your UX case study’s introduction and conclusion are crucial parts! Author / copyright holder: Teo Yu Siang and the Interaction Design Foundation. Copyright terms and license: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.

In particular, the serial-position effect is found to be strongest in the last items of a list. People tend to recall the last parts of an experience the most —that’s how vital your UX case study’s ending is! That isn’t to say you can afford to neglect any part of your case study’s middle part, though—it’s merely a scientific observation as to how recruiters will remember you. In other words, if you nail your case study’s conclusion, you’re much likelier to get called to an interview.

How Long Should Your UX Case Study’s Conclusion Be?

Your conclusion should ideally be as short as your introduction, or 4–5 sentences long . However, unlike in an introduction, you’ve got room for flexibility in your conclusion. That’s because while your introduction’s role is to quickly provide the needed information to move on to the main story, your conclusion has a different purpose—to make a great last impression. So, if you think a slightly longer conclusion can impress a recruiter more, you should go for it.

For instance, if you’ve got interesting lessons learnt or incredible results, you can afford to make your conclusion slightly longer, at around 3–4 paragraphs. Generally, the longer your case study’s middle portion is, the longer you can make your conclusion. But just like any other part of your case study, include only the essential and remove the rest. Every word counts!

3 Things You Should Include in Your UX Case Study’s Conclusion

A great UX case study’s ending contains these 3 things:

The final product;

Results and impact of the final product; and

Reflections and lessons learnt.

1. Show the Final Product

If you haven’t already showcased your final product in the middle part of your UX case study, now is the time to show it. Your final product will differ from project to project. For instance, a design thinking project will likely have a high-fidelity prototype as the final product. In a user research project, however, the final deliverable might be a set of user personas or a research report that contains recommendations.

If your final product is visual in nature—for example, an app—show it in a visual way. Screenshots, videos and interactive embedded prototypes are great ways to impress a recruiter. At the same time, practice restraint so that you don’t dump 100 photos of your entire project. Use only the most impactful ones.

If you’ve revamped an existing design, then this is a great time to showcase a before-and-after comparison. Include some screenshots of the problems in the old design in your introduction—and show and point out where you’ve improved it in your conclusion.

Even if your role is specialized and you therefore didn’t contribute directly to the final design of a product, you can still show the final product. This helps recruiters understand how your work shaped the final results. For example, if you specialize in visual design and have created an icon library, feel free to show how the icons are used throughout the product. If you do so, remember to make it clear what you worked on and what your colleagues created.

2. Demonstrate the Impacts of Your Project

Results are a must-have in your case study’s conclusion. Recruiters hire you to bring value to their organization, so they want to see the impact your work has generated.

Show results that are linked to the problem statement you introduced at the beginning of your case study. Since your problem statement should involve a business need, your results should also be business-oriented . For instance, show how your work has improved conversion rates or decreased drop-off rates. If you’ve created an app, show the app download or user rating metrics.

We encourage you to show numerical results, because they easily show your impact on a business. However, you can also show qualitative results—for instance, you can quote positive feedback and anecdotes from users and stakeholders .

how to write a good ux case study

Product designer Simon Pan’s UX case study is a great example of how to show the business results of your project. In his case study on his work for the ridesharing app Uber, Simon clearly shows how his work positively impacted the business. Author / copyright holder: Simon Pan. Copyright terms and license: Fair use.

3. Reflect on What You’ve Learnt

It’s vital that you reflect on your work in your conclusion. That’s how you create a sense of resolution and end in a satisfying way.

Furthermore, recruiters like to see designers who reflect on what they’ve learnt. According to Anett Illés from the UX design portfolio site UX Folio:

“UX recruiters and UX leads search for problem solvers motivated to explore and learn new things. So don’t hide your thirst for knowledge. On the contrary, highlight it!”

—Anett Illés, UX Folio

If you’re stuck at coming up with reflections, here are some questions you can ask yourself:

What is your main challenge in the project, and how have you handled it? For example, it could be the first time you’ve ever led a project. Or the project could’ve required you to step out of your comfort zone. Ideally, you should include a challenge that you have overcome, although sometimes a failure can make for an effective reflection, too.

What are some lessons you’ve learnt through the project? We are bound to make mistakes in our projects—and while we shouldn’t dwell on them in our UX case studies , we can turn them into learning points. Demonstrate how you’ve grown through your project.

Has the project changed your outlook as a designer? For instance, you could’ve learnt that a designer’s job is not only to delight users but also to bring value to the business.

What are your next steps for the project? Remember that design is an iterative process, so there’s no clear end point. If you could, how would you continue your work and take your project to the next level?

Download Our Template to Guide You

We’ve created a PDF guide to help you write your UX case study’s conclusion. Download your copy now:

3 Things to Include in Your UX Case Study’s Conclusion

An Example of a UX Case Study Conclusion

Let’s end with a sample conclusion we’ve created. This hypothetical UX case study is a design thinking project where we redesigned the home page of an ecommerce site. In this case study, we’ll assume that we’ve already introduced the final product in our middle portion.

We start with a long, first draft of our conclusion. We’ve included headings so you can clearly see its different components:

Results and impact: Compared with the previous version of the home page, our newly designed home page increased the conversion rate by 20%. Our admin team also reported a marked drop in the number of enquiries about how the platform works, which demonstrates an increase in ease of understanding. Main challenge and lesson learnt: This was the first time I led a project. Although I was nervous at the beginning, I soon learnt to trust my team-mates. I also learnt that active communication and short daily stand-up meetings were key to ensuring the project’s success. Next steps: This home page redesign validated our hypothesis that the most effective value proposition is one that is centered around a person’s core motivation . I’m looking forward to applying the same approach to other key pages of the platform.

Now that we’ve got all the main points, we can focus on shortening it to fit 4–5 sentences. Don’t skip this step, because it will make your conclusion drastically better!

Here’s our shortened and final conclusion:

Our redesigned home page had a 20% higher conversion rate. We also received fewer enquiries about how the platform works, which shows the new design is easier to understand. This was the first time I led a project. While I was nervous initially, I learnt to trust my team-mates and that daily stand-up meetings were key to the project’s success. This project validated the value of using copy that is centered around a person’s core motivation, and I look forward to applying the same approach to the rest of the site.

If you’ve revamped an existing design, you should also point out the specific areas you’ve improved in the design.

The Take Away

A well-written conclusion to a UX case study ensures that a recruiter leaves with a great last impression. This is extremely valuable because we tend to remember the last parts of an experience best, due to what’s called the serial-position effect.

Your conclusion should be 4–5 sentences long, although a longer middle portion or more elaborate reflections and results can justify a lengthier conclusion. To create a satisfying end to your project’s story and deliver a great last impression, you should include the following in your UX case study’s conclusion:

The final product (if you’ve not already shown it in your case study’s middle portion);

Business-oriented results and impacts of your project; and

Reflections on your work.

References and Where to Learn More

Our UX case study writing guides take inspiration from Gustav Freytag’s 5-part story structure, also called Freytag’s Pyramid. The pyramid was first written in Freytag’s 1863 book Die Technik des Dramas , or “Technique of the Drama”.

Hermann Ebbinghaus first published about the serial-position effect in 1913 in his paper titled “On memory: A contribution to experimental psychology” .

You can check out Simon Pan’s UX design portfolio for inspiration:

Your use of English can make or break your UX case study. Check out our guide, which contains 8 tips to write effectively

Anett Illés writes about how to follow UX recruiters’ logic in your UX case study in her article in UX Folio

Hero image: Author / Copyright holder: Matt Botsford. Copyright terms and license: Unsplash License.

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    Beginning - Title of Case study, Introduction/Overview. The process - UX Process, User Research, Define Problem, Ideation Steps. Conclusion - Test Solution and Iteration, Next Steps and ...

  6. Build a Robust UX Case Study: A Step-by-Step Guide

    How to build a robust UX case study — by Mohamed Essam The Definition. ... Write the case study in clear and straightforward language, making it easy for the reader to understand and follow the design process and decisions. ... Just as a well-crafted dish can showcase a chef's skills, good design can also impress people. I started to ...

  7. How to Write Great Case Studies for Your UX Design Portfolio

    The best way to write a case study is to tell it like a story. This way, your case studies become a vessel through which recruiters can imagine a future working with you, since they get to experience and understand exactly how you solve a design problem. Your recruiters will also enjoy the familiarity and structure of a story arc, and they'll ...

  8. How To Create Your UX Case Study

    Most UX case studies follow this similar formula, with a walkthrough of your design process, and can be broken down into 5 sections: Define the scope. Give your audience a high-level project overview and context of the project. The first paragraph should tell the reader what you're planning to talk about. Don't ramble.

  9. What are UX Case Studies?

    Writing a UX case study involves several key steps: Identify a project you have worked on. Describe the problem you addressed. Detail your role in the project and the specific actions you took. Explain your design process, including research, ideation, and user testing. Highlight key challenges and how you overcame them.

  10. How to write a UX writing case study

    Step-by-step guide to how to conduct a UX writing case study. Consult your style guide. An established brand, like Dell, might have both a style guide that addresses aesthetic and a style guide that addresses writing. This guide, like the example created by Lisa Collins, might feature common UI terminology, a walkthrough of the brand's voice ...

  11. How to Write an Engaging UX Case Study

    Why Case Studies Are A Game-Changer for Your Portfolio? The Process of Writing an Engaging UX Case Study - A Step by Step Process. Step-1: Introduction. Step-2: Process. Step-3: User Research. Step-4: UX Design Decisions. Step-5: Result.

  12. How to Create a UX/UI Case Study: A Step-by-Step Guide

    In this article, we'll guide you through the process of creating an effective UX/UI case study that leaves a lasting impression. 1. Choose a Project. The first step in creating a compelling UX/UI case study is to select the right project. Choose a project that not only showcases your design skills but also aligns with your interests and passions.

  13. How to create the perfect structure for a UX case study

    A UX case study has to tell a story about you. Like all good stories, case studies benefit greatly from a solid structure that guides the reader through your thinking and experience. Here, we will explore how to craft the perfect structure for your UX case studies. Let's begin with a few quotes about case studies and interviews, from UX ...

  14. UX Case Study Guide

    Basically, a case study is an in-depth exploration of the decision-making of a person or group of people. The idea behind them is to document the subject's actions in a particular setting and analyze their behavior and choices. When writing one, think of yourself as a protagonist in a story or novel. While this may sound somewhat pompous to ...

  15. How to Write a UX Case Study: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

    2. Define the Problem: Start your case study by clearly defining the problem you were trying to solve. Explain the context, the pain points, and the goals of the project. Highlight the challenges you faced, as well as any research or data that supported your problem identification process. 3.

  16. How to write a UX case study

    Your case study can be an individual document or be part of a more extensive document like a pitch, proposal, or UX portfolio. The goal of a case study is always to show your process, skill, and, most importantly, your impact as a designer. We've created a video on The Designer's Toolbox YouTube channel that can help you write better UX ...

  17. How to Write a Killer UX Case Study?

    Create an Outline. This should be a short schematic for a bigger picture. You may use the blocks from the 'The Anatomy of a Case Study' section. Write a draft for each part. 3. Add Details. Once you have the backbone of your case study, add some context about your design decisions to the process section.

  18. How to create a successful UX case study in 2023 to ace your first

    A case study should reflect a meaningful, learning or growth design experience where you worked with real stakeholders and created something of value for the customers. If you are creating case studies solely for the purpose of populating your portfolio, I guarantee those won't be competitive enough. So please don't think of a case study as ...

  19. How to write the beginning of your UX case study

    Writing the beginning of the case study can take whatever form you like. You can include the above information under separate headings, or you can write it all in a paragraph. No matter the case, the content shouldn't be longer than 4-5 sentences. The story of how the project came to be could be really interesting, but it's not why ...

  20. 8 Tips for Writing Better UX Case Studies

    Case studies work equally well for design portfolios and blog posts. In this article, I want to discuss the techniques that designers can follow to write better case studies. 1. Use storytelling techniques. Quite often, when UX designers write case studies, they focus on the deliverables and not the journey.

  21. How to write a UX case study to showcase your process & skills

    To help you see what makes a good UX case study, let's break down a few good ones. Simon Pan's Uber case study definitely has reached "viral" status … have you read it? A quick word of caution, yes, it looks good. Simon's a visual designer. But the reason it went viral goes way beyond the visuals. So don't let that spin you into ...

  22. How to Write the Perfect Introduction to Your UX Case Study

    Your role: Let your readers know how you have contributed to the project. Your role in the project should be linked to the job you apply for. For example, if you apply for a UX researcher job, then ideally you should have played a UX research role in your case study project. Your introduction should be 4-5 sentences long.

  23. How to Write the Perfect Conclusion to Your UX Case Study

    2. Demonstrate the Impacts of Your Project. Results are a must-have in your case study's conclusion. Recruiters hire you to bring value to their organization, so they want to see the impact your work has generated. Show results that are linked to the problem statement you introduced at the beginning of your case study.