CS50: Introduction to Computer Science

An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.


Associated Schools

Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

What you'll learn.

A broad and robust understanding of computer science and programming

How to think algorithmically and solve programming problems efficiently

Concepts like abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development

Familiarity with a number of languages, including C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML

How to engage with a vibrant community of like-minded learners from all levels of experience

How to develop and present a final programming project to your peers

Course description

This is CS50x , Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. The on-campus version of CS50x , CS50, is Harvard's largest course. 

Students who earn a satisfactory score on 9 problem sets (i.e., programming assignments) and a final project are eligible for a certificate. This is a self-paced course–you may take CS50x on your own schedule.


David J. Malan

David J. Malan

Doug Lloyd

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Posted on Apr 6, 2022 • Updated on Apr 7 • Originally published at rivea0.github.io

Solving the Problem Sets of CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python — One at a Time: Problem Set 0

Read the original blog post here ..

Being one of the biggest online courses (and, one of the most popular courses of Harvard ) is not the only thing that defines CS50. Having absolutely zero knowledge on anything related to computer science beforehand, when I finished the course last year with a final project that surprisingly exceeded my expectations, and managed to create a demo site for it, it was a big dopamine rush. If you literally start taking the course without any prior experience, understanding and finally being able to solve the problem sets of the course is almost like a spiritual experience. David J. Malan is a phenomenal lecturer who helps you internalize concepts that seem difficult for a beginner.

CS50 is now not a single course on Introduction to Computer Programming, but has turned into a bigger ecosystem for different courses with various flavors, be it Web Programming, Artificial Intelligence, or, Mobile App Development. Its latest, Introduction to Programming with Python, does not exactly focus on theoretical computer science concepts, but is a more general programming course using Python. I love Python, and I was really excited to see the new problems that CS50 would provide for us to solve in this new course.

Before I start, here is a disclaimer: I am not going to provide full solutions to Problem Sets . See academic honesty .

I am planning to write about how to start thinking about a given problem, maybe as a kind of guidance, and how one might go about solving it. I assume you already read the problem set explanations, as I might allude to them. Generally, the problems start easy and perhaps more friendly, then the curve becomes steeper. It is a nice challenge, though, that is how you realize that you are actually learning.

Indoor Voice

The first problem seems pretty straightforward. Our given input just has to be "quiet" instead of being in "yelling case". What that means is, if 'THIS IS YELLING' , then 'this is not yelling' . And, here is the importance of reading the documentation of the tool that you are using, in this case, Python. Because we work with str data types in the problem, we simply have to look up if Python comes with built-in str methods — and, it does. A lot of them. For example, it has capitalize() , lower() , upper() among many others. Let's see how these would work:

With that example, you might already see how to totally "quiet down" a given string. As for the input() , again, the documentation helps. In the Python interpreter, for example, typing help(input) enlightens you on how to use it.

Playback Speed

This problem wants us to simulate a slower playback, replacing spaces with ... (three dots). What we want to do is to split a given input string into words, and to join them back again with three dots. Or, we can simply replace the space characters with three dots. As with all kinds of problems, there are different ways for a solution. Here, the documentation again is important. We are working with str types again, there are methods named for exactly what we want to do in this case, no matter which method you choose to implement. Simply seek, and you will find them.

Making Faces

With this one , we need to replace any occurrence of :) with the emoji 🙂 and :( with 🙁. One of the most important things to realize here is that the emojis are also str type in this case. What we want to do is, well, literally replace characters of a given string with other characters. Again, consulting the documentation helps with what we exactly want to do.

This problem set also emphasizes the concept of modularity, splitting code into functions. For example, instead of doing everything on a main() function like this:

There is a slightly better way to do it:

And similarly in this problem, we have to split the implementation using a convert function to convert emoticons to emojis, and a main function to call convert inside of it.

This problem set uses Einstein's mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc^2 . For a given mass, we need to output the energy in Joules. c in the formula, is the constant speed of light that is measured approximately as 300000000 (meters per second). The main thing to do is to plug in the variables to their equivalents in the formula, but one thing to remember is how the input function works. Because, in this problem we do not mostly do operations with str types this time, but rather with the int data type. So, for any kind of string in our program, type casting is a helpful thing to do as we only want integers. For example:

Perhaps, why the int type is great and not a slight headache like float s can be appreciated more in later problem sets.

Tip Calculator

The last problem is mostly done, only the remaining two functions are waiting for us to be implemented.

What dollars_to_float and percents_to_float expect as inputs are similar in terms of formatting. The first one expects an input like $50.00 and the second one needs an input like 15% , of course, both being strings. Just like in the Einstein problem, type casting is a useful thing to do in this problem. But, before that, we need to get rid of $ (the dollar sign) and % (the percent sign). Realize that what we need to do in the first case is to remove a prefix (leading characters from the left), and in the second case, to remove a suffix (ending characters from the right). There are more than one way to do these things, we can even slice the string ourselves instead of using any built-in method. And, there is really not much to the solution except these. We do not need to think about edge cases yet, as the explanation says that the input values are assumed to be given in expected formats.

I do not want to give away too much, because the crux of these problems is that you should be the investigator. And, I guess the moral of the story for this problem set is a phrase that might sound annoying to some, but it is what it is: read the documentation . Or, simply, look for the thing that you need and learn to find it in the documentation. For the Problem Set 0, looking up built-in str methods, and some type casting would suffice.

We will see what the next problem set will bring.

Until then, happy coding. 💜

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How CS50 uses GitHub to teach computer science

Professor David J. Malan, Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science at Harvard University, is dedicated to offering his students a robust learning experience. This post outlines how…

Vanessa Gennarelli

Professor David J. Malan, Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science at Harvard University, is dedicated to offering his students a robust learning experience. This post outlines how he uses GitHub and his own custom tools to build hands-on assignments for CS50 students.

With over 700 students, 80 staffers, and 2,200 participants in their end-of-term CS50 Fairs, CS50 has a reputation for rigor, real-life application, and engaging material.

At the same time, says Professor Malan , about half of CS50’s students typically treat the course as “terminal”— as their one and only course in computer science. So the projects touch on applications in a variety of fields, from social sciences and humanities to medicine and finance.

Malan says of the learning goals of CS50: “We want to provide students with a solid foundation in computer science so that they are well prepared for any field. And also bring to bear some practical skills to that world. So that is actually tied in with our adoption of GitHub this past year.”

A gentle onboarding to Git and GitHub

The mental model for cloning, branching, opening pull requests, or pushing can be tricky for newbies just starting out. As a way to onboard students, Malan wrote a command-line tool that wraps a sequence of Git commands called submit50 . They developed submit50 to not “reinvent the wheel” with a new submission system, but to create space for students to grow into comprehensive GitHub use as their learning evolves beyond CS50. Says Malan:

One goal was to have students graduate, so to speak, from the class actually having a GitHub account. And even though they don’t keep their work in public portfolios for the course, the hope is that they’ll have at least enough understanding of GitHub that they can use it after the term ends for personal projects.

Course outline for CS50

Student workflow for submit50

CS50 uses the structure of one branch per problem, and students engage Git and GitHub from the command line.

First, they run a command in their directory on a Linux system with a folder they wish to submit to CS50’s servers. The student then runs submit50 foo where foo is the unique identifier for that assignment.

submit50 models how Git and GitHub work while abstracting away some of the complexity:

Behind the scenes we show them the command so that through a bit of osmosis, they can infer what’s actually going on. We clone their repo, which lives in our submit50 organization. So we have full administrative rights, and students have push and pull privileges only. The submit50 script clones that repo into a temporary directory. We do the equivalent of rm -rf to blow away whatever is currently in there, and then git-add the entire contents of their current working directory into that repo, and then tag it with a tag that corresponds to the problem’s name, and then push it to the server.

Project-based assignments, real-life applications

An example assignment is “C$50 Finance” where students build an application to simulate stock trades using Python with Flask, HTML, CSS and SQL.

Students create tables with user accounts, who can then buy and sell stocks. The application queries Yahoo Finance for stock quotes, almost in real time.

Malan is delighted to see the different personal touches students add to their projects, both functional and aesthetic.

It’s a fun opportunity to introduce students to even the aesthetics of web design. Invariably the first thing students do is customize the aesthetics of the site, and then certainly there are differences in features, and we’re fine with that. The assignment requires ultimately that they add a personal touch, so any feature that’s not been enumerated by us they’re welcome to do so long as it’s of reasonable scope. So we’ll get different outputs from that as well.

Rituals of success

All students exhibit their final projects an end-of-semester “CS50 Fair.” About 2,200 people attend to see the student demos.

homework for cs50

Malan designs the event as a kind of celebration, a capstone ritual where students can show people what they’ve made:

homework for cs50

It’s a fun way to delight in how much you’ve finished, particularly if new to programming just months prior. And it perhaps creates a bit of social pressure too. You know you’re going to be showing this not just to your Teaching Fellow, but to your classmates, and you want to be proud of it. And so, hopefully, that incentivizes all the more of a strong finish.

Computer science and tech news = CS50 Live

Pushing beyond the boundaries of the traditional classroom, Malan connects the course materials with the news in a kind of “Daily Show” for technology, called “CS50 Live.”

Malan and the crew of Teaching Fellows take up current events, like Apple’s implementation of OpenSSL with a bug in it, and dig into the code on the show.

homework for cs50

This is a post in our “Teacher Spotlight” series, where we share the different ways teachers use GitHub in their classrooms. Check out the other posts:

  • GitHub Issues and user testing as authentic assessment at the University of Victoria featuring Alexey Zagalsky
  • Invest in tools students can grow with: GitHub and RStudio for data science at Duke University , featuring Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
  • GitHub Classroom for AP Computer Science at Naperville North High School , featuring Geoff Schmit
  • Real-time feedback for students using continuous integration tools , featuring Omar Shaikh

Join this week’s discussion in the community forum : How to automatically gather or collect assignments?

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This is CS50 at Harvard College. Looking for CS50 on edX ? Or for CS50’s own OpenCourseWare ?

Announcements 🎉

Check out Fall 2021’s gallery of final projects !

Gallery of Final Projects

Here are just some of Fall 2021’s final projects, randomly ordered.


The Magic of DeBruijn Sequences: An Original Monster Deck Magic Trick by Eric W Tang

A mathematical card trick featuring a monstrous 1024-card deck, magical numbers, and the ability to predict any five-card hand!


Basketball Statistic Simulator by Joshua Kahalelaukanaka Parker

Create a custom NBA basketball player

CSS HTML JavaScript

Website other


Productivity by Jocelyn Hsieh

A glorified to-do list with a productivity leaderboard


Python-Based Website


SpeedReader by Gabe LeBlanc

Turn your lengthy assigned reading into easy-to-read notes!

CSS HTML JavaScript Python


Balkan Ski Resorts Search by Mila Ivanovska

It is a web application that enables the user to search for ski resorts located on the Balkans (based on different filters).



Calorie Counter by Lachlan Henry Roach

A website where you can calculate your daily calorie intake by inputting your daily food intake.


Swiper🧹 by Felix C. Yeung

It's Tinder for jobs!

CSS HTML Java Python SQL

Swiper by Jennifer Xiong

Tinder for jobs

CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL

Swiper by Iris Lang

Tinder for Jobs


YUUMI Bot by Sandra Moon

Discord League of Legends Bot

Discord Bot


Quickr by Brice D Laurent

A website that tells the user whether taking the Harvard Shuttle or walking is quicker.


My Mood Journal by Evelyn Chen

A website to write, read, and learn data about your mood journal entries.

Yuumi Bot by Elisha Doerr


The Pretzel Game by Jarell Cheong Tze Wen

A command-line, two-player, zero-sum game played on pretzel links.

Game Python-Based Website


Boston Planner by Xinrong Yang

Planner for people living in Boston

The Pretzel Game by Emma Cardwell

A command-line game and a website that explains how to play our game.


Movie Recommendation Engine by Madeline Bale

a Python program that takes as input the name of a movie or an actor and outputs a list of up to 5 recommended movies


Movie Watch Party by Jayden E Personnat

In Movie Watch Party, Harvard students can schedule movie nights with their friends.

Movie Watch Party by Avery Yunsoo Park

Our project is a website that allows users to find friends with similar movie genre tastes and schedules times to watch movies with them.

Movie Watch Party by Kimberly (Rain) Wang

An social forum that allows Harvard students to plan movie events.


Down Time by Clara Qingying Chen

An all-in-one wellness and self-care tracker

CSS HTML JavaScript Matplotlib Python SQL


I Get You by Bristol Fales-Hill

My project is a website that helps parents understand their child's mental health.


Route360 by Glen Liu

Finds a running route from and to a given location.

Route360 by Joshua John Halberstadt

Our project is an iOS app that will generate running loops based on an entered distance.


Music Marks by Nicholas Lopez

A web application to rate albums with a social aspect

Node.js-Based PHP-Based Python-Based Website Website Website


Choose One Out of Four and We'll Tell You Which CS50 Phrase Matches Your Personality by Brooke Newbury

After completing a ten-question quiz in which the user chooses one out of a group of people, objects, or concepts that typically come in 4s, the user is presented with a classic CS50 phrase that matches their personality based on the choices they selected.

HTML/JavaScript Quiz


Coffee Enthusiast by Richard Daniel Flores

Coffee informative website


The Antisocial Network by Nathan Deane Evans

A social media site where users can make posts, follow people, and view the posts of others.

The Antisocial Network by Eli Kirtley

The Antisocial Network is a social media platform where users can make posts, follow other users, and like other posts.



Santiago's Photo Filter Editor by Santiago Saldivar

The project takes pictures that users upload to the website and adds 1 of 5 filters to the photo.


Lash Lounge Scheduler by Pedro Manon

A scheduling tool.

Python-Based Tool Website


HUBC Winter Training Website by Douwe De Graaf

tracking training and health data of HUBC athletes over winter break.


YouBook by Gabriel Khoury

YouBook is a website meant to encourage discussion and overall engagement with books.

Node.js-Based Website


Color Automator by John Michael Boesen

A website that takes Color COVID test codes and automatically inputs them into Color for you.


Veritas Quaesitor by Jiayuan Hao

Veritas Quaesitor is a website that aims to connect lawyers and clients.

Veritas Quaesitor by Anna Zhu


Guac n' Roll by Hanna Chang

A virtual piano website

Node.js-Based Website Website other


AstroLove by Kaya Vadhan

An astrology website that provides users with thoughtful insight into astrological compatibility, birth charting, and products.

AstroLove by Vivian Yee

An astrological website that provides user with thoughtful insign on astrological compatibility, birth charting, and products.


VETSTIMATE by Rod Howard

VETSTIMATE is a college admissions calculator for veterans


Travel Destinations by Tobi Ogunfowora

My project was a website that gives a user travel suggestions within the US based on their preferences.


BergOnline by Adarsh Hiremath

A nutrition tracker for Annenberg menu items.

C++ HTML JavaScript Python


BergView by Dan Jonathan Ennis

An iOS app to see what HUDS is serving!

BergOnline by Kushal Chattopadhyay

An intuitive, social platform to see and track Annenberg meals and nutrition data.


CLUB50 by Oscar Lin

A website in which clubs can register and request grants that can be approved or denied by an admin as well as a place for comments by all users.


You-S by Eden Finkelstein

A study tool for the Civics Portion of the U.S. citizenship test

You-S by Sarah Lillian Packman

You-S is a study tool for the Civics Portion of the U.S. Naturalization Test.


ArticleAtlas by Pranay Varada

Our project is an interactive globe where countries can be clicked on to see and share recent and relevant articles.

ArticleAtlas by Michael Joseph Moorman

Globe with articles associated with each country.


Find My Mountain by Emma Ryan

A website where you can find information about ski mountains and log your trips.

Find My Mountain by Matt John Ryan

A website that allows a user to find the perfect mountain for them, and log trips to different mountains.


Q-Search by Gabe Benjamin Brownstone DiAntonio

A Harvard Class search that includes Q score and Hours as search parameters.


SleepS50 by Jolin Chan

SleepS50 helps users improve their sleeping habits and well-being.

Sleeps50 by Sammi Zhu

Sleeps50 is a webapp that helps users to track their sleeping habits.

Guac 'n' Roll by Dhwani Garg

A website with a virtual piano.


MLB Roster Builder by Aaron Benjamin Shuchman

Build a dream MLB roster and project its performance over the course of a season.


Avalanche database by Oscar Olsen

A website which displays the current avalanche stats du


BookSocial by Gerson Egbert Personnat

A web app that helps you find books to read and connect with other book readers.


Geometry Jungle by Kenny Kim

This is Geometry Jungle, an interactive playground that allows users to create 2D and 3D geometries with special visual effects, various materiality, and user-generated manipulations.

Geometry Jungle by Xiying Bao


ur movie taste sux by Rave Starr Andrews

Our website analyzes your movie taste based on your Letterboxd ratings.

ur movie taste sux by Kelly Ding

Our website analyzes your movie taste based on your letterboxd ratings.


The Crimson Muslim by Tabish Soleman

A guide to Muslim life at Harvard.


Animal Crossing Lo-Fi Study/Sleep Aid by Jessica Lao

A website that lets you customize soothing white noise and lo-fi sounds to help you study or fall asleep, inspired by Nintendo's Animal Crossing franchise and www.imissmycafe.com.


MovieGenre by Luis Antonio Renteria

Gives you the best movies that match the genre of a movie you already like!


Boggle Online by Nicholas J DeSanctis

You can play Boggle (Word Hunt) online in singleplayer or with friends.

Geometry Jungle by Ibrahim Ibrahim


HyperBot by Christopher E Lapop Salazar

Discord bot for a Pokémon Interest Group


Zhournalism: An HSK-illuminated Mandarin Headline Study Tool by Catherine Caffey

A tool for interacting with recent Mandarin Chinese news headlines, enhanced by HSK tokenization.

CSS HTML Java JavaScript Python SQL


Phu's Phone Emporium Website and Database by AnhPhu Duc Anh Nguyen

It is a website for my business where I buy, sell and repair phones, that includes a SQL database where customers can search our stock and also find our contact info.


Air Force Fitness Test Scoring by Christina Lowell

A website that scores a user's input to the Air Force Fitness Assesment (FA).


Snoozer by Danilo Austin Thurber

A social website that makes it fun to keep a healthy sleep schedule...

Snoozer by Sofia Marie Giannuzzi

Our project is a social media-driven sleep log that allows you to compare your sleeping data with friends and other users, while also including waking up and bedtime aides.


Dynamic Calendar by Enako Matsumoto

A web calendar application that allows users to manage their schedules and share schedules among groupmates.


Slab: Better Lab Notes by Amulya Garimella

Slab is a web app that'll help you keep track of your lab protocols. Slab's workflow looks like this: first, submit a list describing your lab protocol. Slab will break down the protocol into individual steps. Then, each time you use a protocol, edit and make notes on it!

CSS HTML Python jQuery


Thoban by Ibrahim F Alkuraya

Program translator from English to Spanish (and vice versa)

CSS JavaScript Python


CS50 by Bradley Ross

Javascript match 3 game similar to Candy Crush

HTML JavaScript SQL


Harvard's Closet by Emma Zuckerman

A website that allows Harvard students to rent other's clothes.


Final Project - Time Tracker by Adam Sungoo Park

time tracker for tasks


Cloud Care by Alliyah Nicole Steele

An animated mental health journaling application with minigames.

HTML JavaScript P5

Game Website other


Bubbles by Crystal Wang

A website that allows people to see what political or controversial views are popular within your school and the opposing side.

Cloud Care by Mahia Rahman

Cloud Care is a journaling application to destress with minigames at the end.

HTML JavaScript p5

Game Glitch Website other


My Wallet by Daylyn Brooke Gilbert

Personal budgeting and savings web application


BookSwap by Priyanka Kaul

BookSwap allows Harvard students to lend and pick up books that they need from other students around campus.

BookSwap by Kaitlin Harbour Lampson

BookSwap allows users to give books away and inquire about available books around Harvard College.

CSS HTML JavaScript Jinja Python SQL

BookSwap by Ella M. Lee

We created a website where users and donate and obtain books that people are no longer using.


MoneyManagement by Jasmine Cho

Managing your expenses more effectively

CSS HTML JS Website other


HUBC Training Availability by Christian Tabash

Create a calendar of training availabilities

HTML JavaScript Python


Women's Health/Breast Cancer Awareness Portal by Litsa Kapsalis

My project is a risk calculator for breast cancer and an informational page for breast cancer risk and awareness.


Massabama by Srija Vem

Eat, reserve, and find your taste here, at Massabama!

Massabama by Aaron Zheng

Come eat, reserve a spot, and find your taste, here at Massabama.


Explore Games by Anne Dwojeski-Santos

This is a web app designed to help users find and store information about board games for kids.


Ebook Access by Mario Fares

A cross-platform desktop app to manage, sort, and search e-book files.

Linux App Windows App macOS App


Study Buddy by Marina Nicole Sanchez

A website that reminds an individual to keep studying if they get off track and grants them with breaks after good study behavior.


Memory Lane by Emma Kathleen Price

Memory Lane is a collection of memories surrounding cancer patients that supports the fighters, admires the survivors, and honors the taken.

studyBuddy by Conor Charles Burns

The website attempts to assist users in their study or work sessions by helping them stay attentive and not get distracted.

Ajax and Jinja CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL

Python-Based Website Website other

Harvard's Closet by Michelle Lin

Harvard's Closet allows Harvard students to rent clothes based on monthly packages.


Toppings: Free Food 4 Friends by Raymond Qin

Mobile app that gives free food when they go out and grab food with friends/bring food back for friends

Bash GraphQL JavaScript Typescript (kinda Javascript)

Android App iOS App


Fantasy Football Trade Evaluator by Eric Dongha Hwang

A website that allows you to simulate and analyze fantasy football trades.


Computer Vision in Robotics by Jasmine Zhang

Use computer vision to recognize location of objects, which informs autonomous robot decisions.

Android App robotics


Noms by Phoebe Meyerson

A centralized website for all things food at Harvard for Harvard students

NOMS: The Food Website for Harvard Students by Natty Pazos

A centralized website for all things food at Harvard.


SongMapper by Luke Kolar

Pin your liked tracks on Spotify to a map to keep track of your favorite songs associated with places you've been.

HTML JavaScript Python SQL


WikipediaGame by Doris Yunwen Yang

A chrome extension that sends you to a random Wikipedia page, assigns a target Wikipedia page, and times your speed.

Chrome Extension


BeerReflections by Sean Michael Fallon

This is effectively a beer journal that promotes people to do more journaling overall

BeerReflections by Maxwell Christmas

Journaling through beer reviews.

WikipediaGame by Ethan Shaotran

WikipediaGame, the easiest way to play everyone’s favorite game, right from your Chrome Extension bar!


VirtualEd by Huiwen Chen

VirtualEd is a community-based tool to share, upload, and access high-quality educational content.


The Chew Guide by Liam Keating Norman

A website where users can rate and view ratings for the food at Annenberg.


MyHealth by Rafay Azhar

A website that monitors, tracks, and provides feedback on the user's health

The Chew Guide by Brett Kim

Rating food from Annenberg!


Night at the Harvard Museums by Deuce Anthony Ditton II

A text-based adventure game about Harvard's campus

Night At The Harvard Museums by Charlotte Jerusha-Pearl Hannan

A text-based adventure game scavenger hunt about Harvard's campus.


Rare Disease Buddies by Mia Wright

Connecting people with diseases to each other and helpful doctors


IKO by Vincent Eric Hock

A buy-and-sell marketplace for vintage items.

IKO by Antonio Paolo Gracias Jr

We created a vintage clothing website.


Civicfy by Tracy Jiang

An app that allows people applying to become a U.S. citizen to practice the civics interview questions


Harvard Haircuts by Alex by Sayalee Neelesh Patankar

It's a website made for our friend Alex's haircut business


LanguagePartner by Uluc Kadioglu

A website that allows users to learn what languages are spoken in their travel destinations, practice those languages and quiz themselves.

Alex's Haircuts by Devishi Jha

A haircut website for our friend Alex!


Sullivan Farms' Website by Sophie Campbell

A website for a family owned ice cream stand in Tyngsboro MA.

HTML Python


John’s List by Michael Olufemi Omole

Craigslist for harvard students


√2 Home by Paul Yang

A website that compares the price of bus and plane tickets based on user's priority.


Knit By CC | A Knitting Collective by Caroline Ann Conway

Knit By CC is an online knitting website that allows for customers to order homemade pieces, and knitters to divide projects.


Crimson Marketplace by Mihir Rajendra Kumashi

A place for university student to sell items they don't have use for but could be used by other studnets.

CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL jinja


PSET Buddies by Dhrubhagat Singh

Match students who want to do psets together


Find Me New Beats by Ivy Liang

The program creates a list of songs/artist names based on a user inputted sentence.

Crimson Marketplace by Mohammed Khalil Maarouf

A Marketplace for Harvard students to sell or buy items.

CSS Flask HTML JavaScript Jinja Python SQL


SwapStop by Andrew Palacci

A trading place for students.

Air Force Fitness Test Scoring by Kayra Yaman

A website that automatically scores the air force fitness test.


Lithium Mining and Indigenous Water Rights in Chile by Emil Razook Massad

A basic look at the relationships between the lithium mining industry, indigenous communities, and the government in Chile using Google Maps.

SwapStop by Eyob Anderson Davidoff

Trading place for students


CSFitness by Max Miller

Our website helps you calculate your nutritional requirements and allows you to track your progress!


SwiftSearch by Ava Felicia Zinman

Taylor Swift Playlist Generator


Math Dojo by Kristen Cirincione

Multiplication practice for kids


Workout Log by Abbey Murcek

A log for workouts


Timegiver by Carina Peng

The website allows people to spontaneously find service opportunities based on their busy schedules, and allows organizations to post openings for volunteers to find.


Harvard Sorting Hat by Quinn Brussel

Quiz that matches first years with a freshman dorm.

CSS HTML Jinja Python

Harvard Sorting Hat by Henry Raymond Weiland

User quiz that matches first-years with a freshman dorm.


GratituDaily by Mani Chadaga

A web app for journaling what you're grateful for each day.


PowerPlant by Sky Da-In Jung

Productivity Tracker

PowerPlant by Ray Noh

Productivity Tracker and Recorder


Sudoku Solver by Jess Liang

A website that solves sudokus


Gathr ! by Ryan Stanford

It is an alternative to FB events; a hub dedicated to creating, storing and sharing events.


Silent Night Mapping Fright by Rishabh Dave

Allows the user to create maps of any part of the night sky you want.


Thielverse by Elliott James Detjen

A web-app tool to organize and explore the social network of Peter Thiel.


TRANSPOSE For A and Bflat Clarinet by Catherine Stanton

Renders music written for A clarinet into music written for Bflat clarinet and vice versa.

CSFitness by Luke William Khozozian

A fitness website to keep track of a persons calories and eating habits.


Tiger Mom I Love You by Jacqueline Liu

A role play game in which the users will make a series decision to send their "kid" into colleges.


AXCS Video Player by Kyle Jenkins

An accessible video player to enrich learning experiences.

Tool Website other


The online flight booking system by Sezim Yertanatov

It helps to book flight tickets online.

Python-Based Website Windows App

PowerPlant by Andrew L Cheng

Productivity tracking website


StudyBuddy by Sophia Salamanca

Website that matches you with other users to study with, based on study habits and preferences


Serenity by Sharon Tang

Serenity is a web app that tracks an user’s mental health status.


When2Eat by Julianna Nerrissa Zhao

A spinoff of When2Meet that allows users to coordinate times and locations for meetups with friends!


CWPA Fantasy Water Polo by Josie Rae Mobley

A game similar to fantasy football but using the data from the 2021 men's CWPA water polo season.


Workout Pro by Gabe Twohig

workout journal


SWOLENTRY by Xuanthe Nguyen

Fitness Journal

GratituDaily by Abby Emily Miller

A web app where people can journal what they are grateful for each day

Serenity by Kelsey Wu

A website dedicated to measuring users' mental health


inkdrop by Noah Park Tavares

App for music visualization: audio transformed to video through cGAN -- inspired by ink in fluid.

C CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL


Spanish 101 by Jota Chamorro Matilla

Spanish crash course to learn the basics of Spanish grammar and vocabulary


Assassin by Ben Daniel Jachim-Gallagher

Website that automates the game assassin


Advanced Strength Development by Amar Singh Boparai

A website to become a better powerlifter


PHP-Based Python-Based Website Website


FinAn by Sibi Raja

A financial analysis tool that evaluates stocks, analyzes investments, fosters an online community of finance-enthusiasts, and educates users about finance.



A church website


Hangman in C by Ethan Ocasio

A hangman game you can play in your terminal


Plant Pal by Angela H Song

A website app that calculates/determines the watering amount and watering frequency for your plant.


Swimsistant by Ben Jago Littlejohn

A web app for tracking, recording, and improving your swimming


Harvard ToGo by Chris Wright

A food ordering service


History Class Matcher by Meredith Elaine Kent

It is a website that helps history concentrators figure out their requirements.

HTML Jinja Python SQL


Harvard Q Board by Emma Tatum Carney

Site for Harvard first year students to ask and answer questions related to any of their classes

Harvard Q Board by Drew Robert Kishi Hesp

Our site is a question-asking site that allows Harvard freshmen to ask questions related to any of their classes; peers in their class can then help answer their questions.


HFit by Celeste Nicoll Carrasco Zuniga

A Workout App


Murr Tennis Court Reservation by David Lins

Help facilitate reservation of Murr center tennis courts as well as pair people to play tennis together.


YellowSaffron by Sofia Gayle Cagliero

A website that outputs recipes given select ingredients

CSS HTML Java Python


Poker Odds Calculator by Kevin Wang

Calculates the odds of winning/losing/tying in poker


Harvard WECode by Kamryn Ohly

My project is an iOS application for attendees of Harvard WECode to connect and stay up-to-date during our conference, as well as build the women in stem community!

Objective-C Swift


Room Escape by Felix Deemer

A ASCII-based roguelike room escape game.


Peer2Park by Justin Xu

Peer2Park is a website that allows users to share and explore parks all over the world.


Orpheus by John Rho

Orpheus is a music splitter and stem player that allows you to extract different parts (vocals, drums, piano, bass, and other sounds) of a song.


Mental Motions by Henry Fintan Austin

Website application with mood tracker to improve mental health.

CSS HTML JavaScript PHP Python SQL


Fantasy Footy by Harry Moore

A fantasy five-a-side website


Roomies by Laura Xuan Nguyen

A website that allows one to find compatable roommates based off of a personality quiz

Roomies by Shirley Zhu

A website that allows you to find the best match for your college roommate.


Study Buddy by Natnael Mekuria Teshome

An app that matches students with similar study preferences.


ProDo by Jon Syla

Productivity tool

ProDo by Scott Arbery

ProDo is a productivity website that allows you to set a work timer, create and edit a to-do list, and write in a journal.


AquaHealth by Sanjna Kedia

data platform to view, log, track waterway health


Lung.ai: An Automated Approach to Lung Cancer Prognosis Prediction Using OpenCV and Flask by Jay Pratap

Lung.ai is a web application that aids doctors in tracking lung cancer progression of their patients, using PET scans and prognosis markers determined by computer vision.

Lung.ai: An Automated Approach to Lung Cancer Prognosis Prediction Using OpenCV and Flask by Shefali Prakash

Fantasy Footy by Edwin Dominguez

A fantasy league webapp to draft real players and build a team.



NBAinfo by Keegan Joseph Harkavy

Getting and betting on stats and games.


FashionKilla by Emily Dickinson Vermeule

A Virtual Closet Organizer


America's Monument by Eshaan Joyen Vakil

An interactive map of America's historic places.

Orpheus by Jonah Wolfsdorf Brenner

Orpheus is a music splitter and stem player that allows you to extract different parts (vocals, drums, piano, bass, and other sounds) of a song and play them separately or together.


αmail by Derek Hu

An email webapp that sorts your inbox by order of importance.

Fashionkilla by Anthony Malysz

Website to which you can upload clothing and outfits to a digital closet.

FashionKilla by Filip Dolegiewicz

A website that lets users upload photos of their clothing into a virtual closet, view other users' outfits, and generate random outfits.


RSA Encryption by Sophie Boulware

A website that generates keys for RSA encryption, as well as encrypts and decrypts.


O.Y.O by Fergus Jackson Ritchie

A workout logging and comparison website


The Harvard Whisky Society by Alexander Kolesnikoff

The Harvard Whisky Society Website - an educational resource and review platform


NBAkinator by Elliott Matthew Fairchild

Remake the Akinator app but with NBA All-Stars


TASK MANAGER by Ploy Assawaphadungsit

A web-based application that helps you keep track of your assignments and plan your day


Pitches Music Database by Rena Cohen

A website to store songs and build set lists for the Radcliffe Pitches, an a cappella group at Harvard.

NBAkinator by Sreetej Digumarthi

NBAkinator guesses the NBA All-Star you're thinking of.

When2Eat by Nadine Han

Schedule meals with friends using this awesome website! :)

O.Y.O by Josh Luke Gordon

a website that allows rowers to see their workouts and compare with others


Rhythm! by Cici Zeng

Forever God


H-Mart by Paul J Chin

Online marketplace for harvard students

Poker Odds Calculator by Luke Richey

Calculates the odds of winning for hands in Texas Hold'em

Songmapper by David Aley

A website built by two music lovers to track map favorite songs across the world!


DStorage: Decentralized Storage App by Sid Bharthulwar

Decentralized secure file-sharing and file-storage app using React and smart contracts.

JavaScript Solidity


Botify by Brian Siwoo Ham

In essence, Botify translates words into music using natural language processing.

H-Mart by Bryan Han

H-Mart is a website that serves as an online marketplace for Harvard students to buy and sell their items.


Glance by Aghyad Deeb

A social media that only allows a post a day


study.group by Edward Sunhyuk Kang

A CS50 stack website and algorithm (Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript) that helps users find study groups based on course, time, group size, and location.

Harvard Whisky Society by Kyle John Murphy

An online hub for Harvard whisky enthusiasts to learn and share all things whisky.

NBAkinator by Adrian Eduardo Guzman

NBAkinator guesses the NBA All-Star you're thinking of!

study.group by Arjun Nageswaran

We match people into study groups for their courses based on their preferred days, times, and group sizes.


PREG by Isabel Kim

A website that pregnant women can use to track their pregnancy journey.


PaperRank by Eca Boboc

Our projects implements Google's PageRank algorithm in order to help students decide which Paper to start reading first.


Nutritrak by Jack William Schwab

A website to help you maintain your health!

JavaScript PHP Python SQL

Node.js-Based Python-Based Website Website Website other


ROTC Review by Jacob Perry Bicknell

A quiz for ROTC cadets to test they military knowledge.

ROTC Review: Quizzes for Cadets by Jack Richard Walker

Our project is a military knowledge trivia game that tests cadets involved in the Air Force, Army, and Navy ROTC programs.

study.group by Aurora Zoe Lee

Website to create study groups based on course and day, time, group size, location preferences


Trend Trackers by Robert Escudero

Making money for the small guys.


Weather or Not by Nico Barlos

Giving life tips based on weather data for a user-inputted location.


What Should I Listen To? by Manny Andres Yepes

Playlist generator tailored to your specific activity.


Feeder by Erika E. Dickinson

Menu creation with food and data scraping


LoveTest50 by Hever Arjon

A python-based website app that gives the compatibility of two people and solves love triangles.

PREG by Evelyn Ma

A website called PREG for pregnant women to use to keep track of and learn more about their pregnancy experience.


My Carbon Footprint by Darius Mardaru

A website which lets you keep track of your personal impact on the environment.


A collection of memories surrounding cancer patients in order to support the fighters, admire the survivors, and honor the taken.


Scheduler50 by Matthew Haines Andrews

This locally hosted website allows users to schedule events with other users and select the best time to host an event (an improved when2meet if you will).


Harvard Hub by Josephine Schizer

A website to compile all the different Harvard websites students need to access


At10Dance by Sam Mucyo

This is a flask web application to mark attendance using facial recognition.


Stud Bud by Caroline Elizabeth Behrens

Matching students to find study buddies

HTML Java Python

Node.js-Based Python-Based Website Website

PaperRank by Rares Avram

My Carbon Footprint by Dennis Du

A website that lets you keep track of your personal impact on the environment.


HarvEats by Isha Agarwal

A Harvard square restaurant reviewing site by and for Harvard students.

HarvEats by Matthew Robert Cabot

Scheduler50 by Grayson Macallister Martin

A website to schedule events and determine when the most invitees are available to attend.


My Fantasy League Athleticism Scores by Sean O'Connell

Its a webscraper that matches available players in your league to better information to highlight the best available players.


ASL Image to Text Translator by Robert McKenzie

A web app that converts images of ASL signs into their corresponding English characters.


HUDS Green by Jessica Wu

HUDS Green lists carbon-friendly options for the day and suggests personalized carbon-friendly meals given your dietary needs.


Algo by Malik S Sediqzad

API based stock analysis tool

Command-line program Python-Based Tool

Harvard Whisky Society website by Alexander Arber

Our website enables members of the (future) Harvard Whisky Society to learn about and review different whiskies.


Foodie by Sam Suchin

A website that allows you to find restaurants and dishes from Harvard Square and Cambridge.


Harvard College French Club Interactive Extension Website by Solene Pauline Marie Aubert

A fun interactive website to complement the official club website.

Harvard College French Club Interactive Extension Website by Victor Crouin

A fun and interactive website to complement the official club website.


Conspiracy Theories by Jack Tian

A website where people can share and vote on conspiracy theories, as well as take a quiz to find their conspirist personlity.


Aware Africa by Yeabsira Tofik Mohammed

A website mainly focused on educating teenagers from Africa about mental health


Tetris by Alexandra Dmitrievna Dorofeev

An out-of-this-world Tetris game.


Revelation Journal by Krishi Kishore

a scientific journal built exclusively for high school and undergrad students

Rhythm! by Carl Ma

A perfect rhythm game with songs of your own choice!


Assassin by Aaron Berger

A web application that organizes a game of Assassins, allowing the creator to play and spend less time in the details.


Productive Procrastination by Jack Francis Griffin

An online quiz to assess the best way for you to procrastinate.

Assassin by Kaleena Roeva

Our web application organizes a game of Assassin online that circumvents the manual labor that creates a difficult and tedious process for the game organizer.

HUDS Green by Matthew Su

Productive Procrastination by Claire Yoo

A program to help you decide how to procrastinate by doing other productive activities

Foodie by Lucy Marie Hurlbut

A website that is social media for food, allowing users to find dishes and restaurants in Harvard Square.


Birthday Party by Olafade Omole

An interactive fiction about your friend throwing you a birthday party.


Fast Facts about the Fifty States by Brendan Franz

Displays information about all 50 US states.


E-Z Flashcards by Sebastian Marroquin

A website that allows you to create decks of flashcards.

Revelation Journal by Jake Carmine Pappo

A scientific journal made by young researchers for young researchers


Bounce50 by Ari Joseph Firester

I made an HTML page that models parabolic motion in a vacuum given changeable parameters such as ball size, initial velocity, launch direction, and gravity.


This is Sequence50 by Harry Sage

Basic melodic step sequencer written in p5.js


Space Survival by Alex Ian Fung

Survive the onslaught of space ogres for as long as possible.


Eating Pretty by Brandon Dang Pham

Allowing users to select dietary restrictions and displaying safe food items from popular restaurants


Blackjack by Ean and Chris by Christopher Michael Ramundo

The most classic way to play blackjack.


The College Shop by Ramzi Elased

A marketplace platform for college students.

Productive Procrastination by Alex Pipkin

The perfect tool to determine the best thing to do in order to maximize your time and productively procrastinate!

ROTC Review: Quizzes for Cadets by Trey Whitehead

Multiple-choice quizzes with randomized questions to help Harvard ROTC cadets memorize their military knowledge curriculum.


Mileage Calculator by Henry Gordon Laufenberg

My project separates a runner's weekly mileage goal into daily distances recommendations using tips I've picked up throughout my running career.


Talk Story by Bella Nesti

A website for people to share stories and where they took place!


Music Reference by Jack Despres

A website to look up information on music artists.

Music Reference by Owen Asnis

A webpage to search for information about musical artists.


Query Your Database with Natural Language by Henry Xuan

A web application that allows non-Computer Science proficient users to query for the PSET7 movie database using natural language.


Tower Power by Megan Yeo

Tower Defense Game inspired by Plants vs Zombies


Queer Flag Maker by Brett Alonso Cardenas

A website that makes unique queer flags representing a sexual orientation, gender identity, and romantic orientation

CSS HTML Jinja Python SQL


SUSTENANCE by Rayhaan Ahmed Saaim

Nutrition Tracker


Color Code Scanner by Rachel Zhou

Scans the barcode on the Color Test Kit to provide users with an easy to paste D-code

Chrome Extension Python-Based Website


The Dorsiflexer by Ben Thomas Fichtenkort

Firmware for a device to combat ankle spasticity in post-stroke patients.

Medical Device Tool

Tower Power by Nithya Sri Gottipati

A tower defense game in which the user must place various vegetable and fruit-themed towers on the game board in order to protect their territory from oncoming “enemy” foods.

Tower Power (or Power Tower) by Michael Hu

Tower defense game of Fruits/Veggies versus Evil Foods

NBA Info by Nikhil Milind Datar

Sports Statistics and Betting Application


Groupie by Tami Kabiawu

Enables students to organize events where they can meet with other students that can center on a plethora of possible topics.


Predicting Win Percentages in Football 2021 by Andrew William Seybold

Effectively, this program is an algorithm that attempts to predict which team is currently strongest in the nfl.


BETTER by Florian Linus Theis

A website to track your bets with friends and family!


SoundingBoard by Derek Yuan

A soundboard for all of your sound effect needs.


tasky by Kenny Gu

tasky is a lightweight task manager and reflection website.

BETTER by Caroline Elisa Kloepfer


Escape Room by Kaitlyn Zhou

We created an escape room dedicated to help people relieve stress, especially during finals week.

Blackjack by Ean Printy Norenberg

It is a website that helps beginner's learn the basics of blackjack by (mostly) practicing.


ml5+ by Quinn He

A machine learning education tool that reduces creative coders' learning curve of ml5.js, a web-based ML library, to better support the creation of their ML-assisted artwork!

CSS HTML JavaScript MongoDB


B^2 Card Games by Cole Oakley Branca

A website where you play war and compete against other users through a leaderboard.

B^2 Card Games by Liam Kendrick Bieber

A website where you can play war and compete against friends.

SoundingBoard by Rhea Lily Acharya

a soundboard for all of your sound effect needs


Bicycle Trader by Adam Reid

A website to sell bicycles for college students


Matchify by Humza Khalid Mahmood

A dating or friendship site that matches users based on their music taste.


C2F: A VC for the People by Nosher Ali Khan

A crowdfunding platform where you can source, vote on, and invest in your favourite startups.

C2F: A VC for the People by Joao Antonio Abdalla Pinheiro

A crowdfunding platform where you can source, vote on, and invest in your favorite startups.


RunJournal by Zan Danoff

A running logger and journaling website.


SLAAP: Sleep Tracker by Anna Dong

SLAAP: the 2-in-1 personalized sleep tracker & social network!

Escape Room by Kevin Chen

An online escape room game with CS50 inspired puzzles

C2F: A VC for the People by Hashem Abdou

A crowdfunding platform where you can source, vote on and invest in your favorite startup,.

SLAAP: Sleep Tracker by Brad Wolf


MACROPal by Ibrahim Qasem

Wellness app aimed to motivate you to keep your nutrition content in order!

MacroPal by Mariam Fadi Markabani

Macropal is a wellness and fitness site that enables users to track their daily macros and calories intake depending on their fitness goals.


CS50 Kids, Roblox - CS50KIDS 1 by Amy Mangino

This is CS50Kids.

CSS HTML JavaScript Python Roblox SQL

Crimson Marketplace by Justin Zixin Liu

An online marketplace for Harvard students to buy and sell used goods.


PRVD by Eric Li

A website hub that allows people to provide and subscribe to different services

CSS Firebase Flask HTML JSON Jinja Pyrebase Python Stripe


TicketMatch by Aditi Raju

A college student marketplace for tickets, rideshares, and more


Human Computer: Computer Edition by Julia Adele Mansfield

My project creates a schedule based on participant preferences, the number of time slots, and the capacity of each activity within a time slot.

Python based algorithm/program

PRVD by Aneesh Chennareddy Muppidi

PRVD is a subscription service platform for small creators; Users can create subscription services and subscribe to other users’ services.

CSS Firebase Flask HTML JSON Jinja Python REST API,

PRVD by Rohan Shah Naidoo

A small scale subscription service platform that allows users to create and join subscription services

CSS Firebase HTML Jinja Python Stripe


InvenStory by Tomas Arevalo

Inventory Management and Replenishment Reports that pulls for the Vend API of the Harvard shop


Meet&Eat by Alexander Kei Karbowski

Website that let's first year students find someone to eat with at Annenberg.


Quorum (quorumvote.com) by Felix Young Chen

An online voting platform for simulated parliamentary debate (Model UN/Congress)

CSS HTML JavaScript PHP SQL jQuery

PHP-Based Website


MapMates by Jessica P Chen

Mark your favorite places and try this social take on markers from Google Maps!


tk-seq by Alec Whiting

tk-seq is a 4-track 8-step sequencer built with the tone.js framework, designed to play in your browser.


CollegePal by Celine Opeyemi Ibrahim

A website that helps college students with scheduling, budgeting, and studying.

Meet&Eat by Alessandro Guido Barbiellini Amidei

Website that allows Harvard freshmen to find someone to eat with at Annenberg.


Music Transposition Tool by Andrew Lobo

Write sheet music and transpose notes.


Spanish Study Guide by Evans Alexander Schultes

Sign in to take a couple tests on spanish conjugations and record your results for others to see!


PottyPicker by Nithyani Anandakugan

Yelp for Harvard Bathrooms


Blackjack by Lucas Tiberio Hilsenrath

online blackjack game against an online dealer.

Game Python-Based Website command line program (suggested it under possibilities on final project page)


Fantasy Basketball Analyzer by Kobe Y Chen

Import fantasy basketball team and get player projections.


Twicketmaster by Amari Butler

Find people reselling event tickets on twitter


Phago by Lucy Chen

A game in which you play as a macrophage trying to eat all of the bacteria.

Lua with LOVE2D as a framework

Game Windows App macOS App


Bubble pop by Frederico Araujo

It is a chrome extension that allows users to rate the bias of a website and see other user's ratings.



Cookbook.com by Ricardo Shawki Marrero-Alattar

Make recipes and find recipes from users using specific search filters to optimize your recipe search.


ChatLingo by Tracy Chen

ChatLingo is a web app that connects language teachers around the world through a shared timetable and helps them organise class exchanges through it.


SmartBudget! by Eric Jose Vasquez Reyes

A web application that helps users budget their money in a better, easier, and funner way!


Harmon-E by Robert Mitchell Sharum

An interactive piano teaching website that allows user to create actual music.


Pokedex by Steve Dalla

It provides the user with information regarding all Pokémon.


Roadtrip.io by Adam Shokry Mohamed

A webapp that generates an efficient roadtrip plan given user preferences


CivicEngine by Pratyush Mallick

CivicEngine is a Peer-2-Peer Campus Voter Canvassing tool. It allows students to find information how to take civic actions and participate in elections at all levels of the ballot.

Civic Engine by Albert Jie Qi

Civic Engine is a Peer-2-Peer Campus Voter Canvassing tool.

CSS JavaScript


Suplyr Pro by Ryan Ixtlahuac

A vendor management platform for small businesses


Anagrams & Palindromes by Joel Rakhamimov

It finds anagrams and palindromes and can check for them too!


Veritas by Finnian Robinson

A chrome extension to flag fake news sites


Fruitfully by Devinder S. Sarai

Fruitfully is a mobile app that scans expiry dates of products and reminds the user when they are about to expire so that they do not go to waste.


TogetherHealth by Khoi Anh Nguyen

Matches users with health insurance plans

TogetherHealth by Raunak Daga

Matching customers with appropriate health insurance plans


Personify by Brandon Lee Kingdollar

The Spotify Personality Test


U.S. School Shootings by Sam (Sam'aan) Saba

A deeper look into school shooting occurrences in the United States.


Vocabuilder by Alyssa Ross

Will help you remember the words you didn't know from your class reading.

TogetherHealth by Saketh Bharadwaj Mynampati

A website that allows users to find a health plan best suited to their needs.

Study Buddy by Callum Charles Taylor

Study budy monitors the user's attentivenes and awards breaks for attentive studying.

Ajax CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL Swift


LearnOnline by Rodrick Naphtal Shumba

A web app for tutors and threes to interact world wide


The Allergenius by Ricardo Razon

This is a search-engine of reviews and ratings of how restaurants in Cambridge, MA accommodate food allergies/sensitivities.


benjy and will listen to your music by Benjy Wall-Feng

website presenting facial analysis of user's spotify data

benjy and will listen to your music by Will Seokwon Hahn

A python application which analyzes Spotify user data.

Orpheus by Michael Zhao

Orpheus is a music splitter and stem player that lets you play individual instrumental/vocal parts of your favorite song.


Golf Stat Tracker by Adam Xiao

The Ultimate Website for Avid and Amateur Golfers to track their key statistics

CollegePal by Vanessa Oreoluwa Ibrahim

A Website to help college students organize their lives.


Medic.ly by Omar Mohammad Siddiqui

Medical Hub for logging patients, checking prescriptions, and learning about covid.


Prudent by Oziel Flores

Finding an affordable place to stay - made easy!


book club by Kenny Chidi Ikeji

social media app for readers


Crimson Connections by Eliza Kimball

A tutoring company with a homework organizer


Interworld by Devin Doherty

Computer game

Tetris by Christopher Thaddeus Doyle

An out-of-this-world gaming experience.


CultureBoos by Nia Orakwue

Website to assist Igbo or Yoruba Language learners


Fitness50 by Yegor Tverdokhlibov

Fitness50 is a fitness platform that helps achieve your personal goals


Music By Diary by Ni Ye

Create your own music by writing texts.


The Fashion Guide by Brave Jeremie Mugisha

A web app that stores outfits.

αMail by Andrew Lu

An app or website that sorts your emails in order of importance based on relevant features.


Style Calculator by Jessica Shiflett

A calculator that determines your specific style and offers outfit recommendations and inspiration.

CSS Flask HTML JavaScript Python

Style Calculator by Edward Lee

This is a website that takes in fashion preferences and offers relevant styling advice.

Music Transposition Tool by Azim Bankole Raheem

A music transposition tool which will take an original key, a key that you want to transpose to and 4 notes to be transposed in the new key


Quotebot by Lauren Byunn-Rieder

Quotebot will accept submitted quotes, store them in a SQL database per server, and return random quotes when prompted.

Route to Home (stylized as √2 Home) by Raymond Wu

A plane and bus travel ticket comparison tool


Homerunner by Cara Xinyi Yu

A webapp that allows users to submit, fulfill, and view homeless peoples’ requests on a map.

Ruby-Based Website

Homerunner by Matt Tengtrakool

Homerunner is a webapp that allows community members to share resources with homeless individuals.

Homerunner by Janny Liao

A webapp that allows community members to share resources with homeless individuals


Data Processing and Analysis Using Four Parameter Logistic Regression in Python by Joel Enrique Ramirez

Processing and Analyzing ELISA data using non linear regression in python

Processing data specific to the lab work I will be doing.


BlockTrade by John Fitzgibbons

A website that allows users to research and paper trade cryptocurrencies.


Infinite Money Hack by Andrew Chonghao Li

AI Bitcoin trader


Napchat by Jared Hu

A social media app for logging sleep hours so students can motivate each other to sleep more


HealthFreak by Sadaf Tazbir Khan

It is a website with tools one can utilize to improve their health with.

The Chew Guide by Sierra Frisbee

You know how we have the Q Guide for deciding if a class is worth taking or not? Well the Chew Guide is the same thing but for deciding if it’s worth eating at Annenberg for a given meal in which people rate the foods they try, and the average is displayed for the whole freshman class to see!

CSS Flask HTML JavaScript Python SQL


EliteSleep by Niels Heise Korsgaard

EliteSleep is a webapplication for student athletes to make them more aware of the importance of sleep.


Harry's Workout Generator! by Harry Shams

A website that generates a single workout session either randomly or based on specific preferences from the user.


Feedback50 by Chris Nash

A PHP and SQL-based web app for doctors to leave feedback to trainees in the emergency department.



Techytyper by Yesake A Teshale

Typing speed game


Financial Literacy by Adan Salcedo Perez

Introduction to investment asset classes and behavioral biases.


Bot Arena by Mack W Fina

Top down arena shooter

Roomies by Anapaula Barba

Our projects helps college students find matches to their personalities so they can be roommates.


Retrofit Kendall Square by Sihui CHEN

A web app for visualizing the geospatial data analysis

Music Transposition Tool by Kai Hylton Reed

A system allowing users to transpose music and visualize musical notes.


StudyCal by Rebeca Roza Fontoura

A web application that schedules study sessions and lets the user report on such sessions, based on the reports that are accumulated, our website creates a customized feedback page with study statistics that can help the user build better study habits.

CSS HTML JavaScript Jinja Python


DTC CS Camps by Nicole Yee Chen

A website that displays the nonprofit, DTC Computer Science Camp's, information, registration, and resources to name just a few.


3D Solar System Model by Rohil Dhaliwal

A webpage that simulates an interactive 3D model of the solar system as well as information about each planet.


Stagemix by Hoon Shin

A card game where players compete to build the best kpop group.


John's List by Blake Orion Woodford

This is a craigslist type website for harvard students to list and buy stuff on campus.


moodify by Vincent Boersch-Supan

Create color palettes randomly or from an image, search for images based on a color palette, or apply color palettes to an image

C CSS HTML JavaScript Python


ArtHist - An iOS App by Melinda Leyuan Modisette

ArtHist allows users to either take a photo of a painting or select a photo from their Photo Library, and the app will then find the name of the famous painting using an image matching algorithm I created.


StageMix by Lindsay Acacia Blocker

A multiplayer card-game where players compete for the best k-pop lineup

Timegiver by Kyra Mo

Directly match your available time with service opportunities.

3D Solar System Model by Daniel James Sun-Friedman

It simulates the orbits of the planets of the sun and contains webpages with details on each individual planet.


Spark by Hannah J Kim

Questbridge mentorship matching website

3D Solar System Model by Omar Mohamed Elsayed Elshamy

3D animated model of the solar system with specific information about each planet.

"Live Server" Extension Chrome Extension JavaScript VS Code macOS App


Sorter by Kayla Mauricia Zethelyn

Analyzes songs in your playlist and sorts them into newly created playlists based on mood

Python program


Secret Santa by Danai-Christina Avdela

Platform which randomly selects which person will send a gift to which within a group of friends


StoryMagna by Alphania Wanjira Muthee

A webapp that allows users to post, read and like short stories and poems


Sculptor by Isabella Edsparr

An exercise website for women


Jovan's Creative Portfolio by Jovan Lim

A collection of my poetry - my creative portfolio!


PackMyBag by Martin Herrera

Save your trips and get a packing list for them based on your destination and real-time weather data.

The sudoku solver by Henry Cohen Fisher

A website which takes in an unsolved sudoku and gives a step-by-step explanation of how to solve it.

StudyCal by Joao Henrique Teixeira Santos

A calendar to schedule study sessions and report your experiences in each of them.

History Class-Matcher by Collin Robert Bergstrom

Helps History Concentrators see what classes they need to take to fulfill their requirements


Beat Bearing by Connor Watson Carriger

A tangible online drum sequencer based on an instrument invented by Peter Bennet

Fitness50 by Mir Zayid Alam

A fitness education guide and planner, including diet and exercise.

TechyTyper by Eyad Yasser Elsafoury

A typing game


My Golf Tracker by Mario Palarino

My Golf Tracker is a web-based application using JavaScript, Python, and SQL that lets golfers log stats from prior rounds of golf.


TYPE WON by Will Berkley

It is a web app that lets users interact with their dexcom data.


Cupid's Arrow by Fadzai Ngwerume

Dating website

Music by Diary by Guangya Zhu

Allow users to create their own music by writing texts. Music is created by detecting text's emotion and length


Trick or Rate by Kyle Shin

Rate streets based on different attributes on Halloween!


SENSE by Namira Mehedi

It is a mental health web application to see how emotionally well-balanced.

CSS HTML Java JavaScript

Node.js-Based PHP-Based Website Website


CS50 Hone Security Camera by Marcus Edward Shoberg

A self managed home security camera reachable by an html webpage

Raspberry Pi App


I'm First by Aisha Mubashir Khan

An all-in-one resource for first-gen college students


It's Always Sunny (So Wear Sunscreen!) by Carrie Luk

Provides a sunscreen recommendation based on a quiz.


Lift Record by Luke Nicholls

Save your favorite workouts and personal weightlifting records


Content Design 101 by Tiffany Ng

A website introducing the up-and-coming discipline of content design


tier.io by Thomas Orozco

A tierlist web game.


Carbon Footprint Calculator by Axel Kaellenius

Carbon Footprint Calculator


A Yalie's Food Adventure by Tia Hsieh

A Yalie's Food Adventure allows you to input any combination of mealtime, cuisine, and budget, to give you food recommendations of restaurants that will encourage you to explore the diverse New Haven food scene!


Coup by Efe Torunoglu

Its a digital version of the game coup


Comedy@Yale by Lauren Salzman

Helping first-years understand and keep-up with the thriving Yale comedy scene, with some fun surprises along the way.


Build Your MLB Team by Jared Fel

A web-based application that allows a user to select from a database of all MLB players — current and historic — as they build up a lineup of eight hitters that represent one of eight positions in baseball and five pitchers that represent the five-man pitching rotation most MLB teams currently employ.


Capybara Crossing by Miranda Jeyaretnam

A 2D side-scrolling game where you play as a capybara and try to avoid cacti by jumping over them — some of the cacti may chase you!

PyGame Python


YalEats by Jacqueline Rossi

A website that enables Yalies to schedule meals on campus with fellow Yalies.

YalEats by Andrea Cardenas

Social network that allows you to schedule meals with friends.


Yale Nutrition by Peter Williams

It is a web app that allows you to track Yale Dining options in a calorie log.


Physics Simulation by Jenny Giampalmo

Interactive model of physics problems


F.A.T - Fitness Assistance Tool by Dylan Oberst

Workout tracker and recommender


The Nexum Project by Lucie Warga

The Nexum Project is a website that connects companies who need web development help with students who want more coding experience.

The Nexum Project by Sharon Lin

A platform satisfying the demand for website developers by connecting students and businesses


Offside by João Bernardo Souza Pachêco

Website where soccer players can log in their stats, check the stats' progressions and compare their performance to their friends'.

CSS HTML JavaScript SQL jinja and json


Lie-Ability by Parisa Vaziri

Lie-Ability allows users to make informed decisions when deciding whom to hire by analyzing crime scene DNA to ensure that they understand the backgrounds of their potential employees!


swifted by Cheryl Chen

A social website for Taylor Swift fans

swifted by Carly Benson

A social media site for Taylor Swift fans

swifted by Isaac Yu

A social website for fans of Taylor Swift


Pixelation Pro by Tony Potchernikov

Provides a way for artists to create an online gallery to share their work, much like they might when creating a gallery in a museum

Pixelation-PRO by Judith Chang

Online social website specially designed for artists to create and share galleries.


Blackjack Decision Maker by Paul Chiu

A website that can support your maximize your expected return in casino.


Yale Lost and Found Network by Joseph Ismail

A social network that allows Yale students to help each other recover lost belongings on campus.


Ben's Amazing Chinese Writing Tool by Ben Sterling

Classifying Chinese Characters using a Convolutional Neural Network with user inputted characters

F.A.T.- Fitness Assistance Tool by Rohit Misra

Fitness tool, that records workouts, calculates caloric deficit/surplus, and recommends new workouts based on user input height, weight, age and sex


yalies eat by Winiboya Aboyure

A website that allows Yale students to explore local restaurants.

Yalies Eat by Alika Ting

Website that gives Yalies easy access to New Haven restaurants


Wild Switch by Andrew Cramer

Wild Switch is an online platform that allows users to view, "buy", and "sell" baseball cards.


Wild Switch by Nicole Pierce

It's a virtual baseball card trading platform.


Nine Lives by Philomena Wu

A text-based adventure game


Welcome to Desmos! by Julia Levy

For my Final Project for CS50, I decided to make a website that makes Desmos more accessible for anyone to learn.


E-MOTION by Daniel Metaferia

A social space for dancers


Gift Directory by Lydia Kaup

Our project helps users find gifts for loved ones using a personality quiz.


Bouncer by Camila Otero

It is a website that allows hosts to create parties and allows people attending parties to see the parties they've been invited to and parties that are open to all.


Librerapy by Ashley Duraiswamy

A mental health resource that assesses an emotional problem you're currently facing and offers you a corresponding book recommendation


Bake: What's Cookin' Good Lookin' by Megan Grimes

website that tells you what you can bake with the ingredients you have

What's Cookin' Good Lookin'? by Meredith Ryan

Returns recipes that you can make based on the ingredients in your pantry


Impossible RPG by Jeffrey Zhou

An action based game in which you kill monsters and level until you kill the boss.

Game Python-based

Gift directory by Victoria Lacombe

We assign potential gift ideas based on a personality quiz result.


Rowing training Diary by Harry Keenan

An online platform where we can record our training data.

Lie-Ability by Urszula Solarz

Web app offering users the ability to compare two types of genetic information to determine if a certain person committed a crime in a certain location.


QSol by Abubakar Abdi

Web app that allows users to track their position in queues.


Self-CBT by Zakaria Nfaoui

A self therapy website with a stress log, self-diagnoses quiz, and additional mental health resources.


Epic Music SIte by Adam Zapatka

Social media to connect users based on music taste.

Rowing Training Diary by Nick Phillips

A training log specifically for rowers, where users can input sessions and metrics data


Yale Tree Hole by Lindsay Chen

ale Tree Hole is a forum where users can post, reply, search for, edit, and/or delete their own posts. All posts and comments are anonymous and will be deleted after 24 hours of their posting, creating a safer space for users to speak their minds, as compared to identifiable social media platforms.

JavaScript Python


Wings by Dalina Morón

Website for a Patagonian artist (AKA, my mom)



Typing Terror by Aryaan Khan

Typing Terror is a 2D typing game where you must type fast in order to protect a town from incoming boulders threatening to destroy it.


The Extra Mile by Adalen Hammond

An interactive website for aspiring marathon runners to find training resources

Yale Tree Hole by Xinning Shao

Yale Tree Hole is an anonymous forum where all posts will be deleted in 24 hours.


MusicReviewer by Nathan Mai

A website to review music albums.

CSS Flask HTML Java JavaScript Jinja Python SQL

Treehole by Wenyi Xu

Yale Treehole is an anonymous forum where all posts will be deleted in 24 hours.

MusicReviewer by Leila Nsangou

A website to review music albums socially.

CSS Flask HTML JavaScript Python SQL jinja


Secret Santa by Annie Nguyen

This website allows users to organize a Secret Santa activity among their friends.


Recess by Beecher Porter

An interactive platform where college students can share a variety of places to help escape the stresses of a busy college schedule.


Survival Guide to Layering by Iris Tsouris

A website that instructs users on how to dress based on the weather of their current location.


Fitprog by Sameeran Das

The project is a weightifting planner.

Fitprog by Christopher Yoo

A fitness planning website

Recess by Tommy Martin

A place for Yale students to find things to do outside of school.


Music's Home by Joshua Bialkin

A sheet music reader and annotator.


PONG by Alex Deng

A game of PONG

PONG by Jed Jones

GML it is the language in GMS2

Bouncer by Tetsu Kurumisawa

Party invitation website


ErgData 50 by Cameron Matossian

A website that allows the user to track, submit, and analyze their erg data.


Rubiks Cube Solver by Marcus Ramirez

Solves a Rubik's Cube

ErgData50 by Michael Garchitorena

A website that allows a user to submit, analyze, and track one's erging data.

Secret Santa by Alexander Oh

It is a website that allows friends to choose secret santas in private for the holidays.


Tech Scandal Detector by Josh Lam

A web app that measures the reputation of large tech companies in the media


Music Mixing 50: MM50 by Kenny Li

A centralized hub to share my own work and allow users who are interested in making their own mashups to get started!


Hookshot Havoc by Sam Crumlish

Short Puzzle-Platformer game made in LOVE2D


Wavy by Federico Lora

Discord Music Bot


Talk to Me Nice by Yasmeen Adeleke

Positive Affirmations Catalog


Daily Questions by Lucy Minden

You answer a question/day, and the website stores your responses and returns analytics about them.

JavaScript Python SQL


GreedyKitty by Ziyao Zhang

2D platform game

Daybook by Marla Mackoul

Every day of the year has a unique question, track your answers across the years.


TCHR's Assistant by Michelle Zheng

Discord bot for Nitrotype Team TCHR

Chrome Extension Discord Bot

DayBook by Isabel Coleman

The user has the option to answer a different question each day of the year. The website tracks the responses and allows the user to see how they've changed over time.

CSS HTML JavaScript Python if that counts jinja


Who Represents Me? by Matthew Cline

Web app that provides users information about everyone who represents them in government, from the President to the town dogcatcher.


Where's My Bulldog by Guy De La Rosa

Where's My Bulldog


Jukebox by Ariana Delgado

A platform to create, share, and discover what makes music great.


SweatStep by Joshua Bolchover

A website for workout scheduling


PickUp! by Liam Geenen

A website to help organize pickup sports games!

Jukebox by Tran Doan


SweatStep by Jinwoo Kim

A website for workout scheduling.


Plan Yale by Yara Chami

A website to allow yale students to choose their next semester courses with distributional requirements in mind.

Plan Yale by Avery DiMaria

A website that allows students to plan their next year at Yale to fulfill all of their distributional requirements.


Alpha by Jesus Cebreros

Website to learn 2 of the Japanese Alphabets.


The Hub Piece by Richard Corrente

A website for fans of the manga series/anime called One Piece


Yalieats by Marcus Lisman

Yalieats: A better way to discover your next New Haven meal


Tetriscript by Jieming Tang

Tetris implemented as a Javascript Web application

Game Node.js-Based Website


Astro by Randy Munoz

Casual Stargazing Aid


Chess50 by Gabriel Thomaz Vieira

Chess game against friend or engine


Choose Your Own Variable by Carlos HerbozoOsco

"You decide."


i can sign! by Fatima Kamara

I teaches the user ASL.

I Can Sign by Nana Akua Annoh-Quarshie

A website that teaches ASL


Content by Luke Mozarsky

A web application that gives tv show and movie recommendations based on custom parameters, or parameters corresponding to an existing title of the user's choice.


Study Docs by Julian Tweneboa Kodua

A centralized resource hub for academic classes at Yale


Money Manager by Kat Moon

Website that allows users to manage money better.

Where's My Bulldog by Walker Wells

Our website displays an interactive map that shows the home addresses of all Yale students, and allows Yalies to find others from their home town.

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Here are 140 public repositories matching this topic..., mayconpm / cs50x_2021.

Harvard CS50x — 2021 solutions

  • Updated Oct 3, 2021

wbsth / cs50ai

CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python - projects solutions

  • Updated Aug 9, 2021

BogdanOtava / CS50x

My notes & solutions for CS50x 2022-2023.

  • Updated Jul 19, 2023

W8jonas / CS50-Course

🤩📚🤩📚🤩 Todos os exercícios do curso CS50 de Harvard.

  • Updated Dec 23, 2020

kylekce / CS50x-2023

Harvard University’s introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. This repository contains all of Kyle Español's projects and files made for the course.

  • Updated Sep 23, 2023

emiliegervais / CS50

Solutions to problem sets from CS50's Introduction to Computer Science✨

  • Updated Apr 6, 2020

VerisimilitudeX / CS50

This is CS50x. Fall 2023 Solutions.

  • Updated Mar 19, 2024

alisharify7 / CS50x

Solve All Cs50 - 2021 (Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming) problem sets - C - Array - Memory - Python - Html - CSS - JavaScript - SQL - Flask

  • Updated Mar 17, 2024

wbsth / cs50w

CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript - projects

  • Updated Sep 23, 2021

tektite00 / cs50

🎓 Harvard CS50X - 2019 Solutions 🏫

  • Updated Jul 3, 2019

joeyqlim / cs50

Notes and solutions to HarvardX: CS50's Introduction to Computer Science.

  • Updated Apr 19, 2021

LoriaLawrenceZ / CS50

Repository to save all the projects and exercises from CS50 course

  • Updated Oct 9, 2023

huaminghuangtw / Harvard-CS50x-2021

🎓 A collection of Labs, Problem Sets code files for "CS50's Introduction to Computer Science", HarvardX, October-December, 2021.

  • Updated Jan 31, 2022

husamahmud / SQL-CS50

CS50 Intro to Database with SQL course.

  • Updated Dec 4, 2023

Aadv1k / cs50

Source code and Solutions for HarvardX CS50's 2023-2024; Includes all the PSets and Project work for CS50x, CS50W (web), CS50P (python)

  • Updated Feb 8, 2024

nessabauer / plurality

Plurality - CS50

  • Updated Oct 4, 2021

amoshnin / Harvard.Python-Machine.Learning

📘 Harvard University - CS50's "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python" course solved assignments. Files include complete source code, data & video illustrations of problem solutions

  • Updated Sep 6, 2021

AbdelrahmanSherifHadeya / CS50

solutions for CS50 2020

  • Updated Mar 24, 2020

rohanrdy / CS50-Python

My solutions for CS50P's problem sets

  • Updated Jul 18, 2023

mohammad26845 / Harvard-CS50x-2020-Solutions

Harvard's CS50x-IRAN (Solutions to the Problem Sets in the CS50x Harvard Course 2020) جواب سوالات و حل تمرین‌ها

  • Updated Jan 18, 2021

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  1. Harvard CS50 Guide: How to Pick the Right Course for You (with Free

    homework for cs50

  2. Harvard CS50 Guide: How to Pick the Right Course for You (with Free

    homework for cs50

  3. Harvard University's CS50 Free Certificate Guide

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  4. Harvard Cs50 Guide How To Pick The Right Course For You

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  5. (homework) Yale CS50 Mario Code

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  6. How To Check Your CS50 Progress 2023

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  1. CS50 final project presentation

  2. CS50 Final Project

  3. CS50 introductory video

  4. CS50 Final Project Pharmacy inventory System

  5. cs50 project 0

  6. cs50 final project


  1. Problem Set 1

    Introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. This course teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, and software engineering. Languages include C, Python, and SQL plus students' choice of: HTML, CSS, and ...

  2. GitHub

    CS50. This repo contains all of the problem sets and challenges (homework) for the course CS50 in edx. I am sharing them in the spirit of open source, and hoping someone can benefit from the them. I decided to enroll in this course, because although I have been working as a Software Developer for nearly 3 years at the time of this writing I ...

  3. GitHub

    javascript css python c html computer-science sql algorithms python3 data-structures sorting-algorithms cs50 cs50x webdevelopment cs50problemsets cs50problemsetssolved Resources. Readme Activity. Stars. 164 stars Watchers. 8 watching Forks. 241 forks Report repository Releases No releases published.

  4. CS50: Introduction to Computer Science

    This is CS50x , Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently.

  5. CS50's Introduction to Computer Science

    The homework assignments, which were offered via the same appliance that the live students used and submitted to the same grading tool as well, took me anywhere from four to twelve hours apiece. ... CS50's Introduction to Computer Science is an outstanding course that stands out from the multitude of online programming courses available today ...

  6. Solving the Problem Sets of CS50's Introduction to Programming with

    Being one of the biggest online courses (and, one of the most popular courses of Harvard) is not the only thing that defines CS50.Having absolutely zero knowledge on anything related to computer science beforehand, when I finished the course last year with a final project that surprisingly exceeded my expectations, and managed to create a demo site for it, it was a big dopamine rush.

  7. CS50 Problem Set 1

    CS50 Problem Set 1 (PSet1) Hello Walkthrough / Solution (Step by Step for Beginners) - Problem Set 1 proves to be very challenging, especially for those who ...

  8. CS50: Computer Science Courses and Programs from Harvard

    CS50x , Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. - GitHub - Adrian-Kohan/CS50x: CS50x , Harvard University's ...

  9. CS50 Week 1 Practice Problem

    CS50 Practice Problem 1 (PSet1) Half Walkthrough / Solution (Step by Step for Beginners) - Problem Set 1 proves to be pretty difficult, especially for those ...

  10. CS50x 2024

    This is CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming, for concentrators and non-concentrators alike, with or without prior programming experience. (Two thirds of CS50 students have never taken CS before.) This course teaches you how to solve problems, both with and ...

  11. CS50

    👨‍💻 Learn How to Code with Private Classes - https://www.codingdors.com/coachingplans Having a hard time with CS50, FreeCodeCamp or Odin Project? Practice ...

  12. CS50: Computer Science Courses and Programs from Harvard

    We are excited to offer a series of introductory CS50 courses and Professional Certificate programs from Harvard that are open to learners of all backgrounds looking to explore computer science, mobile app and game development, business technologies, and the art of programming. Play Video.

  13. How I Learned to Code with Harvard's CS50: A Detailed Roadmap

    To sum up, this is the path I recommend: Start with CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python. Then progress to the main course, CS50X. Take the Web Programming with Python and JavaScript. Optionally, enroll in the Artificial Intelligence course. Lastly, dip your toes into Algorithms, ideally via Princeton's course on Coursera.

  14. Problem Sets

    CS50's Introduction to Computer Science. OpenCourseWare. Donate. David J. Malan [email protected] Facebook GitHub Instagram LinkedIn Reddit Threads Twitter. Menu Ready Player 50; Zoom Meetings; CS50.ai; Ed Discussion for Q&A; Visual Studio Code; CS50 Educator Workshop; CS50x Puzzle Day 2024;

  15. CS50 Problem Set 1

    CS50 Problem Set 1 (PSet1) Cash Walkthrough / Solution (Step by Step for Beginners) - Problem Set 1 proves to be pretty simple, even for those who have not p...

  16. How CS50 uses GitHub to teach computer science

    Student workflow for submit50. CS50 uses the structure of one branch per problem, and students engage Git and GitHub from the command line. First, they run a command in their directory on a Linux system with a folder they wish to submit to CS50's servers. The student then runs submit50 foo where foo is the unique identifier for that assignment.

  17. GitHub

    Problem Set 4. Whodunit - Iterates over a bitmap file, changes all red pixels to white ones, in order to discover the hidden message. Resize - Takes an input bitmap, and a float as a parameters, and creates a new bitmap scaled in dimensions by the float value. Recover - Can look over a raw binary dump of data, finding and extracting block ...

  18. Hey all! about to start the cs50 course. Tips would be greatly ...

    hi there, I started CS50 in Dec 2021. my suggestions: a. Watch the lectures as many times as you like. b. Set a daily schedule and stick to it. The more hours you practice, the more proficient you become. I personally start at 830 pm, and work on it 30 min, 60 min, up to 2 hrs per day.

  19. CS50

    Introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. This course teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, and software engineering. Languages include C, Python, and SQL plus HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Problem sets ...

  20. cs50problemsets · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    🤩📚🤩📚🤩 Todos os exercícios do curso CS50 de Harvard. python c c-plus-plus lua cs50x harvard harvardcs50 cs50problemsets harvard-extension-school Updated Dec 23, 2020; Lua; kylekce / CS50x-2023 Star 30. Code Issues Pull requests Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of ...

  21. submit50

    submit50 . submit50 is a command-line tool with which you can submit work (e.g., problem sets) to a course (e.g., CS50). It's based on git, a "distributed version control system" that allows you to save different versions of files without having to give each version a unique filename (as you might be wont to do on your own Mac or PC!).Via submit50 and, in turn, git can you thus submit ...