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समयको महत्वमा निबन्ध |Essay on importance of time in nepali

समयको महत्वमा निबन्ध |Essay on importance of time in nepali

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essay about importance of time in nepali

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समयको महत्व

प्रेरक प्रसङ्ग.

essay about importance of time in nepali

लक्ष्मण श्रेष्ठ

सबै मानिसले समयलाई समान महत्व दिएको हुन्न । कसैले समयको सदुपयोग गर्दछन् भने कसैले फाल्तु काममा समयको दुरुपयोग गर्दछन्। कसैले समयको महत्व बुझेका हुन्छन्, कसैले बुझ्दैनन्। समयको कदमलाई छलेर छल्न सकिन्न। आफ्नो कदम अनुकूल बनाउन समयलाई बुझ्नुपर्दछ । पैसा र समय गलत ठाउँमा लगाउनुभयो भने कहिल्यै पनि प्रगतिपथमा वढ्न सकिन्न। आज तपाईंसँग समय, शक्ति र सामथ्र्य छ तर त्यो भोलि तपाईंसँग हुन्न । भोलि तपाईसँग न समय हुनेछ, न जवानी, न सामथ्र्य वा न पैसा ।  आजको समयलाई सही ठाउँमा लगानी गर्नु पर्दछ, भोलि समयको साँवा सहित व्याज पनि प्राप्त गर्न सकियोस् र समयको विकासका साथै तपाईंलाई मुनाफा पनि प्राप्त होस्। अहिलेको महत्वपूर्ण समय मोवाइल, ल्यापटप जस्ता ग्याजेटमा, विभिन्न गेममा र फेसबुक स्क्रोल गरी वा युट्युबमा झुन्डिएर समयको वास्ता गरिएन भने टिकटकमा भुलियो भने त्यसले भोलि क्षति मात्र दिन सक्छ। सफलताको कदम दोब्बर बनाउन समयलाई बुझ्नु पर्दछ । आजको यो समयलाई जोगाएर भविष्यमा प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्न। तसर्थ समयलाई सही ठाउँँमा लगानी गर्नु पर्दछ ताकि व्यक्ति, समाज र सभ्यताको विकासमा तपाईको योगदान धेर थोर सबै बेलामा पुगोस ।  

एक पटक एकजना विद्यार्थी आफूलाई अध्ययनमा आवश्यक पर्ने पुस्तक किन्न गए । उसलाई विश्व इतिहासको पुस्तक चाहिएको थियो। उसले सो पुस्तक खोज्न धेरै दुःख गरे । विभिन्न पुस्तक पसलमा पुगे। आसपासमा भएका सबै पसलमा पुस्तक खोजे। पुस्तक खोज्दा – खोज्दा उनी पुस्तक खोज्न छोड्ने मनसायमा पुगे । किनभने उनले धेरै पुस्तक पसलमा धेरै ठूलोे एरियामा आफूलाई चाहिने पुस्तक खोजि सकेका थिए  तर पाउन सकेनन् । उनलाई एकातिर पुस्तक नपाएको झोक थियो भने अर्कोतिर थकानले हैरान र लखतरान भएका थिए । उनी वीच बाटोमा एकछिन आराम गरेर बसे । एक्कासि उनको आँखा आफू बसेको सामुन्नेमा रहेको पुस्तक पसलमा पर्यो । उनले यो पुस्तक पसल अन्य पुस्तक पसलभन्दा अलि भिन्दै र फरक खालको देखे। अब यहींनेर पुस्तक पसल छ भने अन्तिम पल्ट कोसिस गरी हेरम न त भनेर त्यो पुस्तक पसलमा गए ।

 आखिरमा उसले आफूले लामो समय लगाएर सयौं पसलमा नपाएको उक्त विश्व इतिहासको पुस्तक भेटाए । पुस्तक लिएपछि काउन्टरमा बसेको मानिससँग उसले पुस्तकको मोल सोधे । काउन्टर क्लर्कले उक्त पुस्तकको मूल्य पचास सेन्ट भएको बताए । उनलाई त्यो पुस्तकको मूल्य अलि महँगो लाग्यो । उसले त्यो पुस्तकको मोल अलिकलि कम गरी ४८ सेन्ट गरिदिन अनुरोध गरे तर काउटरमा बस्ने क्लर्कले सो कुरा मानेनन् । पटकपटक अनुरोध गर्दा पनि उसले त्यो पुस्तक कम मूल्यमा नपाउने भयो । त्यसपछि उसले पसलेलाई त्यो पसलको मालिक वा साहूजीलाई बोलाइदिन कर गरे । पसलेले मालिकलाई बोलाउन नसकिने कुरा गर्यो तर धेरै करकर गरेकाले साहूजीलाई बोलाउन उसलाई करै लाग्यो । काउन्टर बोइले मालिकलाई बोलाइदियो । धेरै जोडबल र जबर्जस्ती गरेपछि मात्र त्यो मानिसले पुस्तक पसलको  मालिकलाई बोलाइदियो ।

 मालिक आएपछि उसले भन्यो सुन्नुहोस् त यो पुस्तकको मूल्य कति होला,  तपाईंको काउन्टरमा बस्ने काउन्टर बोइलाई ५० सेन्ट पुस्तकलाई २ सेन्ट कम गरी ४८ सेन्ट गर्नुहोस् न भनेको मान्नु भएन अलिकति मिलाएर यो पुस्तकको मूल्य कति तिर्नुपर्ने हो थोरै छुट गरेर भनिदिनुस् न भन्यो । पसलको मालिकले सो पुस्तकको मूल्य ६० सेन्ट पर्छ भनेपछि त्यो विद्यार्थी झनै अवाक् भयो । भर्खरै तपाईको कामदारले ५० सेन्ट भनेको थियो, तपाई त पसलको साहूजी हो अलिक मूल्य कम गरिदिनुहुन्छ भनेर पो हजुरलाई अनुरोध गरेको त भनेर उसले बतायो। पुस्तकको मोल तपाईंले अलिकति भए पनि कम गरिदिनु होला भनेको त पुस्तकको मूल्य थपेर झन् किन ६० सेन्छ पुरयाउनुभयो भनी प्रश्न गरे । 

तपाईको कामदारले ५० सेन्ट भनेकाले तपाईले कम गरिदिनुहुन्छ भनेर पो अनुरोध गरेको भनेर उसले आफ्नो कुरा दोह्रायो । त्यसपछि ती किताब पसलका मालिकले  उत्तर दिंदै भने ५० सेन्ट पुस्तकको मोल हो अनि १० सेन्ट मेरो समयको मूल्य हो । तपाईंले जति अबेला गर्नुहुन्छ, जति मेरो समय लिनुहुन्छ जति ढिला गर्नुहुन्छ, यसको मूल्य त्यति नै बढेर उक्त रकम यसै पुस्तकमा थपिएर जान्छ भनेर प्रष्ट पारिदिए । त्यसपछि उक्त विद्यार्थीले बाध्य भएर साहूजीले भने बमोजिमको ६० सेन्ट तिरेर उक्त पुस्तक किने । समयको महत्व र मूल्य बताउने पसलका मालिक थिए बेन्जामिन फ्रेंकलिन । जो पछि गएर अमेरिकाका प्रख्यात आविष्कारक, राजनीतिज्ञ तथा दार्शनिक बने।

आलस्यमा समय बिताउनु भनेको जिन्दगी बरबाद पार्नु हो, उमेर जानु हो र काल कुर्नु हो । आजको काम भोलि भनेर टाल्नु भनेको तपाईले आफ्नो कामलाई टालेको होइन, आफ्नो भाग्य टालेको हो। यो संसारमा त्यो धनी मानिस कोही छैन, जसले आफ्नो बितेको समय खरिद गर्न सकोस् र संसारमा त्यो गरिब मानिस कोही छैन, जसले आफ्नो भाग्य बदल्न नसकोस् ।  

प्रकाशित: ८ असार २०७८ ०७:४१ मंगलबार

विश्वकप खेल्न उत्साहित छु: कुशल भुर्तेल

डिजेल र मट्टितेलको मूल्य घट्याे, ‘उपनिर्वाचनमा चटकेहरु साइडमा आए, ०८४ सम्म ठिक हुन्छन्’, इलाममा एमाले उम्मेदवार सुहाङ ४६८३ मतले अगाडि, दुर्घटनाका घाइते भन्छन्: गाडी पार्किङ गर्न खोज्दा पल्टियो, पुरानै स्वरूपमा फर्काइँदै ‘पुरैना’ ताल, ‘बुबाले देखाउनुभएको मार्गलाई समाएर इमानका साथ काम गर्छु’, हतियारसम्बन्धी गठित समितिको प्रतिवेदनले दिएको सुझाव कार्यान्वयन हुन्छ: गृहमन्त्री, वीरगन्जको नबिल बैंकबाट १ करोड बढी चोरी गर्ने चार पक्राउ, धनुषामा पानीकाे स्रोत सुकेपछि दमकलबाट पानी वितरण.

आगलागीमा परी वृद्ध दम्पतीको मृत्यु

आगलागीमा परी वृद्ध दम्पतीको मृत्यु

गाजामा तत्काल युद्धविराम गर्न इजिप्ट र कुवेतको संयुक्त आग्रह

गाजामा तत्काल युद्धविराम गर्न इजिप्ट र कुवेतको संयुक्त आग्रह

मोटरसाइकल अनियन्त्रित भएर घरमा ठोक्किँदा दुईजनाको मृत्यु

मोटरसाइकल अनियन्त्रित भएर घरमा ठोक्किँदा दुईजनाको मृत्यु

आर्थिक समृद्धिको नवीन आधार सूचना प्रविधिको विस्तार

आर्थिक समृद्धिको नवीन आधार सूचना प्रविधिको विस्तार

लगइन गर्नुहोस्, सब्स्क्राइब गर्नुहोस्.

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Essay (Value of Time)

Value of Time

We are in this world for a few years. We have to do a lot of duties in this period of time, therefore, we must use our time wisely. Time and tide waits for none. Time always moves forward. Time once gone never comes back. It cannot be measured with price or money so it is the most valuable thing in life. Success and failure of the people depend on the use of time. The people who use their time properly will get success in their life.

What we need can be bought but time can never be bought. Time always fleets without any rest. It cannot be controlled or limited by any power. Even the smallest unit of time is more valuable than any of the metals such as gold, silver, and diamond.

Time is equally important for all in this vast world. There is a saying time and tide waits for no man. It means that time once lost can never be regained so we have to make a routine to use our time. We should develop the habit of doing everything in the right time. We shouldn’t waste our time on useless activities like playing cards, gossiping and so on.  People who give great value to time become successful in their lives. Those who missed good opportunities of time were never successful.

We must use our time in good actions. It must not be wasted in idle deeds. Time bears great importance for people to make their future bright. Time is as important as life. If we know the value of time only then we can achieve great success in life.

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How to Give a Webinar Presentation

  • Dorie Clark

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Strategies to make the experience less awkward for you — and your audience.

Presenting in a webinar — when you often don’t have access to visual cues about how the audience is responding — can sometimes feel disconcerting or awkward. Here are a few strategies to improve the experience for you and your audience. First, make use of the camera. Many professionals don’t like looking at themselves on camera, but that’s not a valid excuse when you consider how much more engaged listeners are when watching a real person talk to them. Next, an important corollary point: If you’re using the camera, you have to be mindful of visual aesthetics. Specifically, adjust your camera so that it’s giving a straight-on view of your face, and test out how your chosen backdrop appears to participants. It’s also a good idea to rehearse the mechanics of the webinar software you’re using. And finally, decide in advance how you’ll handle audience participation.

As more and more companies cultivate a global workforce and international client base, it’s increasingly necessary to present remotely. For years, teleconferencing was the best option, but in the past five years internet speeds and web conferencing technologies have become sufficiently robust to support a shift to live video streaming. But presenting in a webinar — when you often don’t have access to visual cues about how the audience is responding — can sometimes feel disconcerting or awkward.

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  • Dorie Clark is a marketing strategist and keynote speaker who teaches at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and has been named one of the Top 50 business thinkers in the world by Thinkers50. Her latest book is The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World (HBR Press, 2021) and you can receive her free Long Game strategic thinking self-assessment .

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Webinars 101: how to create a webinar, share this article.

Welcome to the dynamic world of webinars, where 73% of B2B marketers and sales leaders have found their goldmine for generating high-quality leads. If you’re aiming to connect, educate, or inspire from any corner of the globe, you’ve hit the jackpot. In this guide, we cut through the complexities of webinar creation, offering you top-notch insights to craft your successful online event.

From pinpointing the ideal topic that sparks curiosity to leveraging the powerhouse of tools like Thinkific for your webinar courses, we’ve got your back. Dive into the nitty-gritty of engaging content , nail your technical setup, and discover the art of keeping your audience hooked. And when the curtain falls, we’ll show you how to keep the applause going with savvy post-webinar strategies.

Are you ready to boost your digital presence and create the best webinar for your audience? Let’s turn that virtual stage into your playground!

Skip ahead:

  • What is a webinar?

Planning your webinar, preparing your webinar content, selecting the right tools and software, promoting your webinar, hosting and delivering your webinar, post-webinar activities.

A webinar is an online event that connects individuals with viewers across the globe. Imagine an online stage where the world is your audience. That’s a webinar for you — a digital bridge connecting you with viewers globally — a virtual event that promotes connectivity and collaboration without borders. 

Picture real-time chats, presentations zipping through the internet, and interactive discussions. Webinars are your go-to for everything from snappy workshops and enlightening lectures to dazzling product demos, catering to an array of fields like education, marketing, and business training.

Benefits of hosting webinars

Let’s explore why hosting your first webinar can be your best bet for lead generation, expanding your reach, and much more:

  • Expert positioning: A webinar positions you as an expert in your field, enhancing credibility and trust with your audience. It’s a platform to showcase your in-depth knowledge and address pain points directly, making your brand synonymous with solutions and expertise.
  • Lead generation powerhouse: Webinars are fantastic for lead generation. By offering high-quality content that resonates with your target audience, you attract potential clients who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.
  • Global reach: The digital nature of webinars breaks down geographical barriers, allowing you to reach a global audience. By considering different time zones, you can schedule your live event to maximize attendance from around the world.
  • Building personal connections: Live webinars provide an opportunity for real-time interaction, helping you build personal connections with your audience. This interaction fosters a sense of community and loyalty towards your brand.
  • Flexibility and convenience: Webinars offer the host and the attendees flexibility. They can be accessed from anywhere, making it convenient for a broader audience to join in without the need for travel.
  • Content repurposing: The content from your webinar can be repurposed in various formats like blogs, social media posts, and email campaigns, extending its value beyond the live event.
  • Immediate feedback and insights: Hosting a live event gives you the advantage of immediate feedback. You can gauge audience reactions, gather insights, and understand the effectiveness of your content on the spot.
  • Cost-effective marketing: Compared to in-person events, webinars are a more cost-effective way to reach out and engage with your target audience, reducing expenses on venues, logistics, and more.

Incorporating webinars into your marketing strategy can significantly boost your brand’s visibility, authority, and lead-generation efforts. They are an effective tool for addressing your audience’s pain points while positioning your first webinar as the best solution they’ve encountered.

Types of webinars

There are several types of webinars, each serving different purposes:

  • Zoom webinars: The crowd-pleasers, known for user-friendliness and peppy interaction. They’re perfect for live chit-chats, engaging polls, and breakout brainstorming sessions.
  • Webinar presentations: The structured, often pre-recorded type, delivering your content with crystal clarity. Ideal for educational nuggets, sleek product demos, and in-depth lectures.
  • Webinar courses: Like a series of educational episodes, these webinars unfold over multiple sessions, diving deep into topics, complete with bonus materials like readings and assignments.

Ready to jump onto the webinar bandwagon? Let’s unwrap the planning essentials. Picture your webinar as a masterpiece, blending your know-how with your audience’s curiosity.

Choosing a topic

When picking a topic for your webinar, it’s essential to balance what you’re passionate about and what sparks interest in your audience. Here’s how to nail it:

  • Trendy and relevant: Pick a specific topic that’s buzzing right now. A webinar on emerging technologies like AI could draw a crowd if you’re in tech.
  • Passion meets demand: Choose a subject you love that also has a strong audience interest. If you’re into fitness, a webinar like “5 Home Workouts to Transform Your Fitness Routine” could be a hit.
  • Unique perspective: Offer something different. If you’re a cooking expert, instead of a generic cooking class, how about “Cooking Gourmet Meals in 30 Minutes”?

Target audience

Knowing your audience is key to a successful webinar. Here’s what to consider:

  • Who are they?: Figure out their age, job, and interests. If your webinar is about advanced photography techniques, you’ll likely target professional photographers or serious hobbyists.
  • Customize your content: Tailor your webinar topic to fit your audience’s expertise level. Beginners in digital marketing? A “Basics of SEO: Getting Started” webinar would be ideal.

Setting goals and objectives

Clear goals are crucial for a successful webinar. Keep them specific, measurable, and aligned with what you’re all about:

  • What’s your aim?: Clearly define whether you want to educate, generate leads , or sell something. If lead generation is your goal, aim to capture a certain number of email addresses.
  • Reflect your brand: Make sure your webinar embodies what your brand stands for. If your brand is about simplicity, your webinar should, too.
  • Measurable outcomes: Set goals you can track. Want to educate? A quick quiz at the end can measure how much your audience learned.
  • Efficient planning: Save time with a solid plan. Cover everything from prep to how you’ll promote the webinar , conducting the webinar, and the follow-up process. For on-demand webinars, consider the timing of their release for the best impact.

With a well-chosen topic, a clear understanding of your audience, and defined goals, you’re all set to create a webinar that engages and drives your brand’s message home.

Crafting the content for your webinar is where you get to blend creativity with strategy, ensuring every element aligns perfectly to deliver an effective webinar. Let’s dive into how to make your content engaging, structured, and visually appealing.

Creating engaging content

Your content is what will inspire, educate, and empower your webinar attendees to come back for more. Here’s what to keep in mind when creating your content :

  • Dynamic interaction: Transform your webinar from a standard presentation to an interactive experience. Incorporate live polls to engage your audience, spark discussions with Q&A sessions, and include interactive exercises encouraging active participation.
  • Clarity and relevance: Ensure every piece of content is clear, concise, and relevant to your subject matter. Your audience’s time is precious, so make every minute informative and engaging.
  • Storytelling and examples: Use storytelling techniques to make your content relatable and memorable. Bring in real-world examples to illustrate your points, making complex ideas easier to grasp and more tangible.
  • Guest speakers: Inviting guest speakers can add a fresh perspective to your webinar. Choose experts who can contribute valuable insights and experiences related to your topic, enriching the overall content.
  • Step-by-step guidance: If your webinar is instructional, provide step-by-step explanations. This approach is particularly effective in digital marketing webinars where practical, actionable advice is crucial.

Structuring your presentation

Your presentation structure is the skeleton that holds your webinar together. Be sure it includes the following:

  • Personal introduction: Start with a warm, personal introduction that establishes a connection with your audience. This sets the tone for the rest of the webinar.
  • Logical flow: Organize your content in a logical sequence. Break it down into digestible segments, each focusing on a specific aspect of your webinar’s subject matter.
  • Interactive segments: Intersperse your presentation with interactive elements. This can include live Q&A sessions, polls, or short discussion breaks, keeping the audience engaged throughout.
  • Powerful conclusion: End your presentation with a strong conclusion. Summarize key takeaways and leave your audience with a call to action (CTA), motivating them to apply what they’ve learned.

Visuals and media

In the visual arena, it’s all about complementing, not overwhelming. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Relevant visuals: Select visuals that are directly related to your content. Each visual element should add value and enhance the understanding of your topic.
  • High-quality media: Use high-resolution images and videos to maintain a professional standard. This reflects on the quality of your webinar.
  • Balanced design: Avoid cluttering your slides with too many visuals. Aim for a clean, aesthetically pleasing design that captures attention without overwhelming your audience.
  • Format consistency: Maintain consistency in your visual presentation. This includes using a cohesive color scheme, font style, and layout that aligns with your webinar format and brand image.

The tools and software you pick can be game-changers for your webinar. They’re the unseen heroes working behind the scenes to make your webinar a hit.

Zoom webinar setup

Zoom has become a go-to platform for webinars, offering a range of features to facilitate interactive and engaging sessions. Follow these steps:

  • Sign Up/Login: Start with a Zoom account, and opt for a plan that suits your needs.
  • Schedule your webinar: In the Zoom portal, select ‘Webinars’ and then ‘Schedule a Webinar.’ Fill in the details like date, time, and description.
  • Customize settings: Choose options for registration, audio, video, and interactive features.
  • Invitations: After setting up, use the provided link to invite attendees.
  • Rehearse: Test your setup before the event to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Presentation tools

When it comes to crafting engaging presentations for your webinars, the tools you use can significantly influence the impact and clarity of your message. Here are some top tools to consider:

  • PowerPoint: A pillar in the presentation world, PowerPoint offers a familiar, user-friendly interface with a vast array of templates and design options. It’s ideal for creating slide-based presentations that are both professional and visually appealing. With PowerPoint, you have the flexibility to incorporate various multimedia elements, create custom animations, and leverage its widespread compatibility.
  • Prezi: For those seeking a more dynamic and visually engaging approach, Prezi is a standout choice. Unlike the traditional slide-based format, Prezi allows you to create non-linear presentations with a zoomable canvas, making it perfect for storytelling and keeping your audience engaged. Its unique presentation style emphasizes relationships between concepts and offers a memorable visual journey.
  • Canva: Canva has gained popularity for its simplicity and stylish design capabilities. It’s a go-to for users seeking to create presentations quickly without sacrificing aesthetic appeal. With a vast library of templates, easy-to-use design features, and the ability to collaborate in real time, Canva is an excellent tool for those who prioritize ease of use and visual impact.

Course platforms

When it comes to hosting webinar courses , the platform you choose can greatly impact the success and reach of your program. Here’s a closer look at some top platforms:

how to give a webinar presentation

Thinkific is a top choice for those seeking a comprehensive solution for creating, marketing, and selling online courses. Here’s what makes it stand out:

  • Intuitive course builder: This feature is designed for ease of use, allowing anyone to create professional courses without needing technical skills. It’s a straightforward, user-friendly way to bring your course to life.
  • Advanced customization: You have the freedom to customize the look and feel of your courses and landing pages , ensuring they align perfectly with your brand’s identity. This customization extends to course structure, design, and user experience.
  • Diverse content types: Thinkific supports a variety of content types, including videos, quizzes, surveys, and downloadable resources. This flexibility allows you to cater to different learning styles and keep your content engaging.
  • Marketing and sales tools: The platform comes equipped with an array of marketing tools, such as the ability to offer coupons, run email marketing campaigns, and set up affiliate programs. These features help in attracting and retaining students.
  • Student engagement tools: You can create an interactive learning environment with forums and discussions. Certificates of completion add an extra incentive for students to complete the course.
  • Detailed analytics: Monitor your course’s performance and student engagement with Thinkific’s analytics. These insights can help you fine-tune your content and teaching approach.
  • Community and support: Join a thriving community of course creators where you can share experiences, ideas, and get inspiration.
  • Secure hosting and data ownership: Your content is hosted securely and remains under your control, ensuring your data and intellectual property are protected.

how to give a webinar presentation

Teachable is renowned for its user-friendly approach, making it ideal for those new to online course creation. Key features include:

  • Easy content upload: The platform offers a drag-and-drop functionality, simplifying the process of building your course. It’s a great way to quickly get your content online without any hassle.
  • Customizable landing pages: Create landing pages that attract and captivate students, with easy customization to fit your branding.
  • Integrated payment options: Teachable simplifies the monetization process, allowing you to focus more on content creation and less on the technicalities of payment processing.

how to give a webinar presentation

Kajabi provides a comprehensive all-in-one solution for course creators. Its standout features are:

  • Robust course creation tools: Build and structure your course with a range of powerful tools. Kajabi gives you the flexibility to design your course exactly how you envision it.
  • Marketing capabilities: With built-in tools for email marketing, landing pages, and sales funnels, Kajabi is not just a course platform but also a marketing powerhouse.
  • Membership site creation: This feature allows for ongoing engagement and revenue, providing a space for your community to grow and interact beyond the course.

While Teachable and Kajabi offer excellent functionalities, Thinkific stands out with its blend of user-friendly course creation, extensive customization options, powerful marketing tools, and a supportive community. This makes Thinkific an ideal platform for creators looking to launch, market, and scale their webinar courses effectively.

Laying out the red carpet for your webinar registration means more than just spreading the word — it’s about creating a buzz that resonates with your potential audience. Here’s how to ensure your webinar is the talk of the town:

Marketing strategies

To maximize attendance, use these promotional strategies:

  • Email marketing: Whether you’re preparing to launch a webinar for the first time or emailing attendees that have attended previous events, your webinar email flow should be enticing, empowering, and inspire readers to register. Craft compelling emails that entice readers with the promise of valuable insights. The subject line should grab attention, and the body of the email should succinctly convey the benefits of attending your webinar. Don’t stop at one — keep the momentum going with a series of reminder emails, stirring up anticipation as the webinar day approaches.
  • Social media savvy: Harness the power of social media platforms to amplify your reach. LinkedIn is perfect for targeting professionals, X for snappy, attention-grabbing announcements, and Facebook for broader audience engagement. Customize your content for each platform, using graphics or video teasers to pique interest. Remember, your social media posts are not just notifications — they’re invitations to a can’t-miss event.
  • Collaborative charm: Partnering with influencers or brands can catapult your webinar’s visibility. These collaborations open doors to new audiences and add a layer of credibility to your event. Choose partners whose audience aligns with your webinar’s theme and message, creating a synergy that benefits all parties involved.
  • SEO-optimized landing page: Create a landing page that looks good and ranks well on search engines. Utilize SEO best practices to ensure your registration page appears in relevant searches. The content on this page should clearly articulate the value of your webinar, encouraging visitors to take the next step and register.

Registration process

For a smooth registration process:

  • Keep it simple: Your registration form is the gateway to your webinar. Design it to be straightforward and user-friendly. Request only the essential information to minimize barriers to entry, making the sign-up process quick and effortless.
  • Confirmation and reminders: Automation is key here. Set up an automated system to send out a confirmation email as soon as someone registers. Leading up to the webinar, schedule reminder emails. These can include a sneak peek of the slide deck, special messages from your guest speakers, or any last-minute information about the live stream, keeping your webinar fresh in the minds of your registrants.
  • Crystal clear instructions: Clarity is crucial. Ensure your emails provide explicit instructions on how to access the webinar. If your webinar platform might be new to some attendees, consider including a simple ‘how-to-join’ guide or a link to a tutorial. This approach helps reduce any anxiety or confusion about attending the live event, especially for first-time webinar attendees.

By implementing these strategies, you set the stage for a successful webinar, filled with engaged attendees ready to absorb what you have to offer. Whether it’s your first webinar or one of many, these approaches ensure a smooth experience for your participants and a rewarding outcome for your efforts.

When it’s time to host your webinar, think of it as your moment to shine and connect. It’s about bringing all your preparation to life and creating a memorable experience for your audience. Here’s how to ensure your webinar is an event that resonates:

  • Test your tech: Before the big day, do a trial run to ensure all your technical equipment is in tip-top shape. Check your internet connection, audio and video clarity, and familiarize yourself with the webinar software’s features. This will help avoid any technical hiccups during the live event. You can also use a moderator on the day of to ensure your tech is working, the conversation is flowing, and everyone is enjoying your webinar. 
  • Create a welcoming environment: As you start your webinar, set a warm and engaging tone. A friendly introduction can put your audience at ease and build a connection right from the start.
  • Engage and interact: Throughout the webinar, encourage participation. Use interactive features like polls, Q&A sessions, and chat functionalities. This keeps the audience involved and provides valuable feedback and insights.
  • Deliver high-quality content: Ensure your content is well-researched, relevant, and presented in an engaging manner. Use your slide deck effectively to highlight key points and maintain audience interest.
  • Manage time effectively: Be respectful of your attendees’ time. Start and end the webinar as scheduled, and keep each segment of your presentation concise yet informative.
  • Provide value: Your attendees are there for a reason. Make sure they leave with new knowledge, insights, or skills. The content should address their needs and offer real solutions.
  • Follow up post-webinar: After the webinar, send out a follow up email , share a recording of the session, or provide additional resources. This follow-up is an excellent opportunity to keep the conversation going and nurture your relationship with the attendees.

Hosting a successful webinar is about blending seamless technical execution with engaging content delivery. By focusing on these aspects, you can ensure your webinar not only imparts knowledge but also leaves a lasting positive impression on your attendees.

The work doesn’t stop when your webinar ends. Post-webinar activities are crucial for maximizing the impact of your session and setting the stage for future success.

  • Collecting feedback: Gather those immediate reactions with post-webinar surveys and direct chats. It’s like having a backstage pass to your audience’s thoughts.
  • Repurposing content: Turn your webinar into a content treasure chest. Share recordings, spin off blog posts, pepper your social media with highlights, and enrich your emails with webinar wisdom.
  • Analyzing success: Measure your success by attendance rates, engagement levels, and feedback quality. It’s like taking a telescope to your webinar stars, helping you navigate better for the next one.
  • Engage your attendees: Touch base with past attendees and offer value with content that will resonate. You can even use your webinars to promote your online courses and other helpful content. 

You now have a roadmap to creating and delivering a successful webinar. From planning and preparation to post-webinar activities, each step is crucial in crafting an engaging and impactful experience. 

Remember, the key to a great webinar lies in understanding your audience, delivering valuable content, and continuously improving. So, start creating your webinar today and unlock new opportunities for growth and engagement!

What equipment do I need to host a webinar?

To host a webinar effectively, you’ll need a few essential pieces of equipment:

  • Computer: A reliable computer with sufficient processing power is crucial. It should be able to handle your webinar software smoothly.
  • Microphone: Good audio quality is essential. Invest in a quality microphone that can clearly capture your voice without picking up too much background noise.
  • Webcam: A good webcam is necessary for visual engagement. Ensure it provides clear, high-definition video.
  • Stable internet connection: A consistent and high-speed internet connection is key to prevent buffering or connection issues.
  • Headphones: To avoid audio feedback and enhance sound clarity, consider using headphones, especially if your webinar involves interactive components.

Are there any free webinar hosting options?

Yes, there are several free or low-cost options for hosting webinars:

  • Zoom: Offers a free basic plan with a 40-minute time limit for group meetings.
  • Google Meet: Free for users with a Google account and supports up to 100 participants.
  • Skype: Suitable for smaller, more informal webinars.
  • Cisco Webex: Has a free version with limited features.
  • Jitsi Meet: An open-source platform that is completely free and doesn’t require an account.

How long should a webinar typically be?

The ideal length of a webinar varies based on its type and purpose:

  • Educational webinars: Typically last between 45-60 minutes, with additional time for Q&A.
  • Product demonstrations: Usually shorter, around 20-30 minutes.
  • In-depth workshops or training: Can extend up to 90 minutes or longer, with breaks.

The key is to ensure that the duration aligns with the content’s depth and the audience’s attention span.

Can I charge for my webinar course?

Yes, you can charge for your webinar courses. When monetizing, consider the following:

  • Value proposition: Ensure your course provides significant value and unique content that justifies the price.
  • Market research: Understand what similar courses are charging and position your pricing competitively.
  • Platform capabilities: Use platforms like Thinkific or Teachable that facilitate course monetization.
  • Payment options: Provide multiple, secure payment options for accessibility.

How do I handle technical issues during a live webinar?

To manage technical issues during a live webinar:

  • Pre-webinar testing: Conduct a thorough test of your equipment and software before going live.
  • Backup plans: Have alternative options ready, like a backup microphone or a secondary internet connection.
  • Quick fixes knowledge: Be familiar with common issues and know how to quickly solve them, such as restarting the software or checking audio settings.
  • On-call support: If possible, have a technical support person available during the webinar.

What are the best practices for promoting a webinar on social media?

Effective strategies for promoting webinars on social media include:

  • Teasers and countdowns: Generate excitement with teaser posts and countdowns leading up to the event.
  • Engaging visuals: Use eye-catching graphics and videos to grab attention.
  • Hashtags: Create a unique hashtag for your webinar for easy tracking and visibility.
  • Influencer partnerships: Collaborate with influencers to expand your reach.
  • Live snippets: Share live snippets or behind-the-scenes looks to engage your audience.

How can I improve audience engagement during my webinar?

To enhance audience engagement:

  • Interactive polls and surveys: Use these tools to encourage participation and gather instant feedback.
  • Q&A sessions: Allocate time for questions and encourage audience interaction.
  • Engaging visuals: Use slides and visual aids to make your presentation more dynamic.
  • Real-time chat: Utilize chat functionalities for instant engagement and feedback.
  • Breakout rooms: If your platform allows, use breakout rooms for small group discussions.
  • Storytelling: Incorporate stories and anecdotes to make your content more relatable and engaging.

Stephanie is a content marketing expert with a passion for connecting the dots of strategy and content. She has worked with industry leaders including HubSpot, Oracle, Travel + Leisure, and Forbes.

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How to create a webinar presentation to win over attendees

March 29, 2021

how to give a webinar presentation

If you want to convert your webinar attendees, get our tips on how to create a webinar presentation. They’re straightforward and will help you wow your audience.

You’re getting ready to put together your slide deck for your next webinar presentation.

And you find yourself staring at a blank laptop screen.

Sure, you can open PowerPoint and quickly bust out some presentation slides.

But, what’s going to make it an engaging webinar that actually converts?

The last thing you want to do is waste time creating a lengthy slide deck that prematurely ends up in your archive folder.

Today, we’ll fill you in on how to put together a successful webinar, including seven straightforward steps, plus webinar slide examples.

Let’s hop to it.

7 steps to create a high-converting webinar presentation

Step #1. begin with your title slide concept.

Before beginning any design work for your presentation slides, it’s worth outlining the content for your slide deck, starting with your title page.

While your title page should be a visually pleasing slide that’s easy to digest, it’s also important to carry this general rule from your title slide throughout your entire slide deck:

Stick to the 1-to-1 ratio rule of including one concept per slide.

It’s very similar to the 1-to-1 attention ratio when designing a high-converting landing page. The highest converting landing pages include one single link .

how to give a webinar presentation

The reason why the single-focused approach works so well is that it’s a way to keep your target audience away from overchoice and cognitive overload .

Specifically with your title slide, you can leverage this less-is-more idea by sticking to these basic elements:

Your webinar title

A subheading

The webinar presenter’s name

A compelling visual

We’ll address more details about the visual design later, but for now, just understand that the main goal for your title page is simplicity, and the visual image is a prominent part of it.

This also means it’s a great branding opportunity where you can show off your brand identity and personality a bit.

To put it into context, check out this title slide template , which is both compelling and simple.

how to give a webinar presentation

Alternatively, this one from leading branding expert Mark Lack includes his webinar title, his headshot, and four quick visual points about what to expect.

how to give a webinar presentation

The gist is to start with a clean title slide that leads into an equally simple slide deck presentation.

Before diving into the meat of your presentation, there are two steps that help you build credibility and trust among your attendees.

Step #2. Include a brief overview of your experience

To say that building trust and credibility is important is a big understatement.

A mighty 81% of consumers need to trust the brands they purchase from.

how to give a webinar presentation

On top of that, another 66% of consumers believe transparency is one of the most attractive qualities of a brand.

That being said, it’s vital to give your target audience a reason to trust you.

Presenters can accomplish this in the form of sharing a bit of their own story.

Back to our Mark Lack example, at the intro of his webinar, he shares his transformation from a “punk and failure in school” to becoming a “multi-millionaire and top personal branding expert by the age of 30”.

how to give a webinar presentation

If you don’t want to divulge how you’ve morphed from your teen years, you can also share your business experience.

Like webinar presenters Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton did, who started their first online business ideas back in 2005 and 2003 respectively.

how to give a webinar presentation

While Aidan and Steve squeeze in a lot of info on their background slide, they’re able to share credibility-boosting qualifications, like their “30 years of combined online business experience” and how they “run multiple 7-figure businesses”.

In sum, provide a few slides explaining why people should listen to you. It doesn’t have to be elaborate — just share some points that build your credibility as an expert in your field.

Your background story isn’t the only aspect that builds trust, though.

There’s also your happy customers’ stories — head to our next step for more.

Step #3. Introduce testimonials and social proof

Your next step for creating a successful webinar presentation is to include a healthy dose of testimonials and social proof.

Testimonials are so powerful that 72% of consumers claim positive testimonials and reviews increase their trust in a brand.

Not to mention, if people see that others are getting results, they’ll believe they can get results, too.

To feature your happy customers, you can include screenshots of people sharing their wins in social media posts, like in this example from Mark Lack’s webinar .

how to give a webinar presentation

Or individual client success stories that are more drawn out.

how to give a webinar presentation

Of course, the more you have, the better. Here’s how to show off a range of client testimonials in one slide .

how to give a webinar presentation

Basically, the point here is short and sweet:

It’s a good idea to include testimonials and social proof both before and after your main webinar content.

It’ll help your viewers pay more attention to your main lesson and be more inclined to follow your next steps.


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Now, for your webinar’s main course.

Step #4. Outline your main webinar topic

Whether it’s jotting down bullet points or scripting out your key points, it’s important to lay out the main chunk of your webinar content in a clean and clear way before heading into any slide deck design work.

Simply map out the flow of your tutorial and try to keep your perspective scaled back when outlining your main webinar content.

Bonus tip: While you may be the expert in your field (and you certainly want to position yourself as a thought leader in your niche), it’s important to stick to a specific topic in your webinar.

The point of your webinar presentation is less about sharing everything you know about your webinar topic or subject matter, and more about sharing a very focused tutorial that teaches your audience how to achieve one main goal.

One way to stay focused while crafting your webinar slide content is to think of your outline in terms of an agenda or table of contents.

In slide form, here’s another screenshot from Mark Lack’s Masterclass webinar presentation. It puts you in the mindset of the purpose of your webinar, anticipating the upcoming lesson layout.

how to give a webinar presentation

If you want to dig a little deeper, you can map out a simple framework for your webinar tutorial, like in this Introduction to Blockchain webinar description, which breaks up the presentation into three main points:

  • Introduction

Who the webinar is most beneficial for

how to give a webinar presentation

Just adapt the format to suit your specific topic.

Pretty simple, right?

This simplicity applies to not only the flow of your presentation slides, but also the content of each slide.

Given that a whopping 90% of marketers believe that visual content is either very important, quite important, or that their strategy is nothing without visuals, it’s wise to rely heavily on graphic content throughout your webinar presentation.

how to give a webinar presentation

Take, for example, successful entrepreneur and expert marketer Blake Nubar’s Partner Program webinar presentation.

It’s not unusual for one of Blake’s slides to include mainly visual content, like this one:

how to give a webinar presentation

Even his text-heavy slides include images, like this one:

how to give a webinar presentation

Notice that, while Blake includes several bullet points, they’re all super short.

His slides that are text-only are also very focused, like this one that highlights a single idea.

how to give a webinar presentation

The main point to glean is: If there’s an opportunity to slim down the information while still getting your main point across, do it.

With graphs, for instance, cut out any clutter possible, like in this chart that grays out the extra colors making it super simple to understand the graph’s trend.

how to give a webinar presentation

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, less is more. Keep it simple — from your presentation flow to the content on each presentation slide.

After the meat of your webinar presentation is mapped out, you’re ready to inspire your webinar attendees to take action — our next tip.

Step #5. Focus on your call-to-action

The final slides of your webinar presentation should focus on your main call-to-action (CTA).

In question form, what specific action do you want your attendees to take next?

This is particularly important if you’re selling with webinars .

KIBO Code Quantum ’s CTA is to redeem a free discount gift for enrolling in their program by heading to their featured URL.

how to give a webinar presentation

Coach Trainer Kendall SummerHawk ’s CTA is to click the button below her webinar or head over to her site URL to join her coaching program.

how to give a webinar presentation

Course creator David Siteman Garland even adds a layer of urgency to his final CTA page with a blue timer at the top right of his slide screen.

how to give a webinar presentation

In addition to his CTA’s URL at the top of the slide, David also adds a CTA at the right of his webinar screen to time the countdown of his 20-minute closing Q&A session, which you can do using WebinarJam’s webinar platform.

Fancy CTA boxes aside, the common theme here is your attendees take the next step toward converting into customers.

Even if it’s not to purchase on the spot, make it an obvious CTA that urges your attendees to take action.

Beyond your CTA, it’s also important to include a Q&A if you’re hosting a live webinar.

After all, out of all webinar resources, people see Q&A sessions as a resource that’s 81% better than all other webinar resources.

This makes sense, especially when you consider the overwhelming 92% of attendees that want a live Q&A session at the end of webinars.

how to give a webinar presentation

If you can, invite a colleague to be your webinar moderator, so they can feed you questions from the webinar platform ’s chatbox. This allows you to focus on answering questions instead of fishing through comments.

If you’re worried about going over your set webinar time, just be sure to build the Q&A time into your presentation time.

These days, the average time attendees spend consuming webinar content is 53 minutes .

how to give a webinar presentation

So try to find a slot in there, and of course, experiment and iterate as needed.

In a nutshell:

At the close of your webinar, include a Q&A for live webinars to overcome any objections, and end with a very clear CTA that your attendees can follow next.

As far as your webinar slides go, that’s a wrap. It’s time to put your ideas and bullet points into an actual slide deck design.

Step #6. Use a slide deck template to design your presentation slides

Now that you’ve done most of the heavy lifting, the fun part is to add your webinar content to actual slides.

To do this, we recommend using presentation slide templates.

Why? For one, it saves a ton of time.

As in, going from between 5–8 hours to between 45–120 minutes when you start with an existing presentation template.

how to give a webinar presentation

Another reason why we love templates is most of them are beautifully pre-designed and available at a low cost, without having to hire a designer.

Venngage , for instance, offers a wide range of professionally designed templates to choose from.

how to give a webinar presentation

Same with Canva , which offers hundreds of customizable presentation templates.

how to give a webinar presentation

And if you’re a Microsoft Office user, PowerPoint has built-in slide deck templates that you can customize and design as you input your content.

how to give a webinar presentation

If you do the pre-work, this step is also short and sweet:

After you’ve completed the bulk of work by outlining your webinar flow and content, transferring it to presentation slides should be straightforward if you use a slide deck template.

If you’ve made it this far, congrats . You’re well on your way to presenting an impressive webinar. We’ll leave you with just a few more details to seal the deal.

Step #7. Practice and prepare for your webinar presentation

Beyond your slide deck, there are a few more key points worth sharing, the first being — practice.

Do a dry run and rehearse your webinar presentation as many times as you need to feel comfortable.

The more you run through your subject matter, the more you’ll overcome your presentation jitters .

And to help boost your camera confidence , look the part. People who dress the part have more confidence.

In fact, your attendees will subconsciously take you more seriously, and most importantly, so will you.

Even if you focus the majority of your webinar on your slide deck, you can still face your webcam and present face-to-camera, either at the beginning or end of your webinar.

Another option is to show up in a small corner alongside your webinar slides, which most webinar software lets you do.

Like in this recording layout using Zoom ’s webinar platform, for example.

how to give a webinar presentation

Or in Buffer’s Optimizing your Social Channels for Success webinar, which displays their presenter’s face-to-camera shot in the corner of the main presentation window.

how to give a webinar presentation

Either way, it’s worth making an appearance in front of your target audience to build credibility and get your audience to know, like, and trust you.

From a tech standpoint, it’s also vital to have your audio quality come through as crystal clear.

No matter the webinar format — whether you’re presenting as a guest speaker at a live event or hosting your own webinar as a prerecorded online event — make sure your audio set up is clean.

It’s also worth getting your hands on a reliable headset, so you can express yourself hands-free. The last thing you want to do is get distracted by unclear audio or fumble around with your tech setup.

And, last but not least, our final bonus tip is to nurture your email list and follow up with your webinar attendees.

Given that 80% of sales are made in the fifth to twelfth contact, it’s important to continue nurturing your webinar attendees.

how to give a webinar presentation

Here’s the recap:

While your slide deck may be the meat of your webinar presentation, it’s not the only thing that needs fine-tuning before, during, and after your big day. Don’t forget to practice, check your equipment, and snag yourself a spot for some face-to-camera interaction during your webinar.

And, of course, don’t forget to follow up. No one likes to be left on read, and that definitely includes your audience.

Here’s to hosting a successful webinar presentation and growing your business

While there’s no shortage of webinar presentation formats and types out there, if you focus on your main goal of teaching your attendees how to achieve one main result, the rest should take care of itself.

Especially with a trusty structure to follow.

Just follow our seven steps to craft a successful webinar presentation:

Start with a compelling and simple title page that sets the stage for your whole webinar.

Build trust by sharing a story that positions you as an expert in your field.

Nurture even more credibility by sharing testimonial stories and social proof.

Outline your main webinar content in a clean streamlined format. Use lots of visuals.

Include a clear CTA at the end of your webinar (and Q&A if it makes sense).

Transfer your webinar content to a slide deck format using design templates.

Practice your webinar, dress on-brand, properly set up tech details, and continue to nurture your target audience.

In the market to sell your webinars ? Podia is the perfect platform to manage, schedule, and sell your webinars — along with all of your other digital products like online courses and digital downloads.

Get started for free today.

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About the author

Cyn Meyer was a content writer for Podia , an all-in-one platform where online courses, digital downloads, and communities scale with their creators. Cyn also enjoys playing music, helping retirees live active, healthy, engaged lifestyles, and hopping into the ocean.

how to give a webinar presentation

How to Give a Good Presentation: 8 Tips For Better Webinars

If you’re planning a webinar event , you probably have one question on your mind: How do I give a good presentation to my audience and make sure they engage with my content?

The simple answer is, follow the tips, tricks, and best practices outlined in this article!

The truth is, public speaking—whether in-person or online—is a difficult skill to learn for most people. But to succeed with webinars, you must master it. Fortunately, we’re here to help. Keep reading to learn how to give a presentation you can be proud of.

Table of Contents

Giving a Presentation: Content

We’ve separated this article into two parts: content and delivery.

If you want to learn how to give a good presentation, you need to learn how to create good content and how to disperse it to your audience in an engaging way .

Let’s start by talking about the actual content you’ll share during your webinar presentations:

1. Keep it Simple

The best presentations are easy to understand.

When creating content for your webinar, ask yourself, “What are the three things I want my audience to learn during this presentation?” Then make sure everything you share during the online event relates to these three things in one way or another.

We also suggest using the “10-20-30” rule, which was pioneered by marketing expert, Guy Kawasaki, and states that effective presentations should have less than 10 slides, take less than 20 minutes to deliver, and use, at minimum, a 30 point font size.

You can’t overcomplicate your presentation if you stick to these principles!

(Note: Successful webinars are usually between 30 and 60 minutes long . This does not contradict the “10-20-30” rule. You can deliver a 20 minute presentation and make up the extra time with a quick introduction at the beginning and a Q&A session at the end.)

2. Create a Structure

Your webinar presentation should flow from one topic to the next. This is easy to accomplish when you follow this simple structure: introduction, body, conclusion.

Start with a compelling introduction that (you guessed it!) states the topic of your webinar and tells your audience why it’s important. Then move to the body portion of your presentation and share the facts, quotes, and other bits of evidence that support your main points. Finally, conclude your webinar with a quick conclusion that sums up key details.

That’s it. If you follow this structure, you’ll be able to present your content in a cohesive, logical way that really resonates with your webinar attendees .

3. Use Visual Aids

Text-heavy webinar slides are a recipe for disaster.

Use visuals whenever possible to spice up your presentations. This includes pictures, charts and graphs, videos, and even props. That’s right, we said props .

Like images and videos, props can help reinforce the information you share during your webinar. Depending on the ones you use, they might help make your presentation more memorable, too. As an added bonus, many public speakers find that props act as an emotional support, which is really handy if you’re terrified of speaking in front of strangers.

Just make sure the visual aids you choose fit your webinar content and company brand. 

4. Get the Design Right

Lastly, make sure the design of your webinar slides is on point. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Limit the amount of text you use on each slide. Your audience doesn’t want to read a novel when they attend your webinars. Keep things short and sweet.
  • Consider what’s behind your text. The background of your slides should be minimalistic and plain. That way they don’t distract from your content.
  • Don’t go crazy with color. In general, we recommend using muted shades, so as not to distract your audience. When you do use bright colors, use them sparingly.
  • Aim for consistency, especially when it comes to your fonts. Stick to the same fonts and text sizes throughout your presentation. It will look more professional.

You don’t need to be a design wizard, to create a stellar webinar presentation .

Follow the four tips above and you’ll create slides that look good and, more importantly, don’t distract your audience from the content you share with them.

Giving a Presentation: Delivery

Now that you know how to create engaging content for your webinar attendees, we can talk about delivering that content in a compelling way. Here are four techniques to master:

5. Start Strong

Best-selling author, Jim George, once said , “It’s not how you start that’s important, but how you finish.” This is usually true—except when it comes to webinar presentations.

The beginning of your webinar is crucial. Get it right and your audience will hang on your every word. Get it wrong and they’ll tune out. They may even leave your event before it ends, which is never a good sign. No pressure, right? Don’t worry…

Here are a few ways to start your next webinar presentation with a bang:

  • Tell a Joke: A bit of humor goes a long way. Start your webinar with a quick joke, get your audience laughing, and then dive into your pre-planned material.
  • Share a Story: Stories are naturally engaging. Share one and easily capture your attendees’ attention. (More on storytelling in the next section.)
  • Ask a Question: Draw your audience in by asking them a question. The right query will prepare your attendees’ minds for the content you plan to share with them.

6. Tell Stories

The best public speakers are fantastic storytellers. Why? Because the human brain is wired to engage with stories. We can’t help it. As soon as we hear a story, we’re hooked.

Use this to your advantage and share funny, emotional, and/or impactful anecdotes throughout your webinar presentations. Doing so will help you capture the attention of your audience, connect with them in a real way, and make you more likable.

Now, the stories you share must be relevant to your webinar topic and attendees, of course. As long as they are, a bit of storytelling will instantly make you a better presenter.

7. Be Passionate

Here’s a wild idea: actually care about the content you share and the people you share it with. More than that, be enthusiastic about these things and let your passion show.

If you’re bored—or even appear bored—during your presentation, you won’t be able to engage your attendees. They’ll think, “Well, if this person isn’t even interested in the material, why should I be? Then they leave your webinar and go do something else. No bueno.

So get excited. Show your audience how much you care. One of the worst things you can do is keep your passion bottled up. Let it out and connect with attendees on a deeper level.

8. Practice. A Lot.

Finally, run through your presentation before you deliver it to a live audience. Then run through it again. And again, and again, and… You get the idea.

The more you practice your webinar presentations, the more comfortable you’ll feel giving them. And when you feel comfortable, your webinars will feel more authentic. As such, your attendees will be able to connect with you in a real way and you’ll become more successful.

If you really want to learn how to give a good presentation, practice in front of a mirror so that you can see your delivery. Or use your phone to record yourself. Then watch the replay, offer up a few critiques, and try to do better the next time you do a run-through.

While it may seem tedious, practice is the best way to improve your webinar presentations.

Final Thoughts

Public speaking is a valuable skill. To master it, implement the tips listed in this article. Once you do, you’ll be able to present your ideas with clarity and confidence.

Just remember, the best presenters use the best tools. When it comes to webinar technology, it doesn’t get better than ClickMeeting. With our platform, you’ll be able to host engaging online events thanks to a host of industry-leading features, including custom branding , presentation mode , polls and surveys , moderated chat , in-depth analytics , and more.

Sign up for a free 30-day trial today to experience the power of ClickMeeting for yourself!

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Posted by Jacob Thomas

Content writer @ ClickMeeting

Time to move your events online. Do it with ClickMeeting


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Creating a Webinar Presentation: Tips for Successful Webinars

A guide to creating webinars: how to be a success.

Webinars are the latest trend. They are convenient for both audience and presenters and can be used for countless different topics and scenarios. Whether it’s online marketing, lead generation, building a brand or conveying content, a webinar is a flexible tool that reflects the current zeitgeist.

But the webinar is still a fairly new medium and planning and conducting one can be a pain in the neck for many. Here you’ll find useful information about the unique nature of a webinar and what you need to consider when creating one.

What exactly is a webinar and what’s unique about it? A webinar is a presentation conducted over the Internet. Unlike a video uploaded somewhere else, the webinar takes place in real time and with participant involvement. Participants are integrated into the webinar through various interactive tools – short surveys, quizzes or Q&A periods.

A webinar can serve various purposes; most often it’s used to communicate content, but it sometimes has another purpose, such as part of a marketing campaign.

How does a webinar work? Webinars require an online platform. Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams are all popular choices. PowerPoint is also a good choice for webinars.

Media content, such as documents or videos, can also be shared with the audience using compatible programs. Recommended, but not a must, is the use of a camera so that the audience can see the presenter.

The webinar presentation: just a typical presentation? So, a webinar presentation is basically not much different from an ordinary presentation, right? Yes and no. In fact, many elements are similar, but the virtual space offers many unique features. These features are what you need to understand to ensure your webinar is a success. So here are the crucial differences between presenting in real and virtual space.

  • Communicating is different This is something no one should underestimate. When presenting in person, communication goes far beyond what is being said. Audience and presenter are in the same room and can actually see each other. Facial expressions, gestures and eye contact are important communication tools. Even though there is a lot one can do with video technology, it can’ t replace direct, in-person interaction. This means that the content and how it is presented is all the more important. At the same time, the voice becomes more important. Avoid a monotonous delivery by paying attention to inflection.
  • Informal environment: There is always a degree of formality during an in-person presentation and there’s usually little opportunity to be distracted. At home or in the office, things are a bit different. If a webinar is dry and slow, the temptation to quickly take a look at the documents or to send an e-mail on the side is strong. This is why it is all the more important to communicate the value of the webinar and structure it accordingly.

Presenting in webinars: different, but not more challenging Keep in mind that these differences are often double-edged swords – they can both advantages and disadvantages. An example: If you’re not aware that your webinar audience is slipping away from you, you won’t be able to draw them back in, but you also won’t be thrown off track, either.

A webinar shouldn’t make you more nervous than any other presenting situation. Having a bit of webinar know-how can help you avoid issues and feel more confident. Here are some useful tips.

Creating a Webinar Presentation: Key Factors and Tips

Factor 1: Careful preparation and planning Tools to share content in a webinar are limited. This means it can be hard to make spontaneous changes during a webinar presentation. If you add something to your spoken content, you may not have the visual material to support it. 

The option to write or sketch something down on a flip char or board – something we take for granted during in-person presentations – is possible with the right equipment, but not always easy.

Choose and promote your topic wisely Your challenge is to engage an audience and keep their attention. You need to plan very carefully what you want to communicate and how. This starts with the topic. Think about what appeals to your audience and how they can benefit from it.

Also remember to advertise your webinar early (four weeks in advance is a good rule of thumb). E-vites are a great way to do this. Afterwards, don’t forget to send out more than one reminder.

Time management is key A webinar presentation usually has a set time and length (usually 60-90 minutes). Running too long can annoy your audience – coming up short can give the impression you didn’t prepare well enough. The best thing to do is to create a kind of script in which you determine how many minutes you dedicate to each stage of the presentation.

Incidentally, there is no such thing as a perfect time of day for a webinar. Your target group and goal are the decisive factors here. Employees are generally available in the evening, whereas self-employed people are often available in the morning.

Factor 2: Choose and present content intelligently There’s actually not too much to say here, because it’s your webinar and you most definitely know your topic. Your webinar will normally have some kind of goal or purpose. Now you need to generate an audience.

Supply and demand The basic rule is: Identify your audience and try to put yourself in their position. Who do you want to address? What is interesting for these people? What added value can your webinar offer them? No one will sign up for a webinar to hear that a circle is round. But the topic shouldn’t be too specific and complicated either. Align your webinar with the interests of your target group.

Find the intersection between what you have to say and what people want to know!

Factor 3: Know your software and equipment In a webinar, success hinges far more on the technology than in other presentations. Technical difficulties, or even failures, are difficult or impossible to make up for. On the other hand, you can score major points in a webinar if you are a pro at using the software and multimedia.

This is reason enough to dedicate enough time and attention to your equipment and how it works.

The right software There are so many software solutions that can be used for webinars or have been specially developed for them. Choose one that fits your requirements and is easy to use. The PowerPoint presentation webinar is popular with many users – it can be used on many devices and most people have used the program for in-person presentations. Using PowerPoint for a webinar is an obvious choice.

The visuals If you decide to use a camera, make sure it’s properly aligned and positioned. The camera should at eye level, and your face should be lit from the front. When using a laptop camera, a laptop stand can create a better angle. FYI: artificial light usually works better in video than natural light. Light sources in the background (e.g., windows or mirrors) can be distracting.

Setting the scene When using a camera, also consider your surroundings. Depending on the purpose of the webinar, you can choose a neutral or complementary background (e.g., bookshelves). Think about small things that should be left off camera, like that framed photo of you in full Klingon gear at last year’s Star Trek convention. If you want to go pro right away, you could purchase a green screen.

During the presentation, make sure you actually look into the camera and are aware of your posture.

The audio There are also a few points to consider when it comes to sound. Make sure that the audio settings are adjusted to your surroundings and try to minimize background noise. Close windows and switch off devices (phone, smartphone, PC notifications, etc.) or mute them. If necessary, ask people in the next room or house to be quiet.

Something that is often overlooked: Feedback and distortion can occur if an internal microphone and speakers are used simultaneously. An external microphone, headphones or a headset may be a good idea. If you’re using a lot of equipment, a checklist can help you keep track of all the necessary steps and settings.

The golden rule for every piece of equipment: Familiarize yourself with it before using it!

Factor 4: Clear, concise structure!

The preshow Webinars are often started with a “warm up”. This could be a short introduction (about five minutes), during which the participants can join the webinar. Or, you can join in directly and chat a little with the first participants, just like an in-person presentation.

Have a few small-talk topics ready to go; this relaxes the atmosphere and can help with any nervousness.

The introduction Check the technical features and welcome your audience. If necessary, give them a few technical notes and instructions on how to proceed. Then start with a short, concise overview of your content. If you want, you can use a slide to communicate this.

The very beginning is also the best opportunity to capture the audience’s attention by summarizing the purpose of your webinar and what added value it will offer your audience.

The main event The main presentation should be clearly structured and easy to understand. Your audience should always be aware of a central theme – a leitmotif. More tips on this can be found in the following sections.

The conclusion Summarize your content and key messages again and/or include your call to action. If you’re giving a sales and distribution webinar, this is the right time to introduce any offers, promotions and/or campaigns.

Remember to ask your participants for feedback. A final, short survey is a good way to do this.

Factor 5: Clear and diversified slide structure The ideal number of slides and how they should be designed always depends on the presentation itself and its content. This is when you have to rely a little more on your own expertise. However, the following tips are worth considering:

Less is more Avoid using too many slides. Although it’s hard to set a concrete amount, as a rule of thumb we recommend about 10-15 slides for content and another 5-7 slides for instructions, interactive elements, etc.

Never overload the slides. They should only contain the essential information and have a clear structure. Limit yourself to one point per slide. A few meaningful words will be remembered better and more concisely than a lot of complicated text. The content of the slides should offer variety. Supplement text with tables, pictures, diagrams and other media to attract the attention of the audience.

The right layout The layout should be the same for all slides and, if applicable, align with the corporate design. Master slides can be extremely helpful. Make sure that the font is large enough. Not all participants will be using a large screen.

Keep the slides simple and use colors and effects sparingly. Otherwise, they’ll distract from the content and can also lead to display issues and problems with some programs. Highlighting important content should be your focus.

Factor 6: Practice, check, back up

A test run is a must Even if you prepare everything perfectly, always assume that mistakes and problems will creep in somewhere. A test run is a sure-fire way to detect any weak points. It will also help your delivery and confidence. Run through your webinar a couple of days in advance, perhaps with a friend or colleague as your test audience. This will provide you with useful feedback.

Constructive self-criticism If you’d rather rehearse alone or can’t find a test audience, you can record yourself. These kinds of recordings can be a bit awkward if you’re not used to it – hearing your own voice for the first time can be a shock! Nevertheless, they’re a great tool for practicing and improving as a presenter. Just remember to not be too hard on yourself. We are always our own worst critics!

Check processes and equipment If you’ re not the only one organizing the webinar, coordinate the processes and content with the other participants well in advance of the event. Make sure that your equipment is ready and working on the day of the webinar (laptop, software, camera, sound, Internet connection, etc.).

When it starts: Double check your equipment so you can begin the webinar on time. Always expect that something may not work at the last minute. If possible, have back-up devices and options on hand.

More tips and hints:

  • Try to incorporate lots of different tools (chat, survey, quiz, etc.) to make the webinar even more interactive and varied. Those who feel involved are always more engaged than a purely passive listener!
  • Think about how you would like the interaction with the participants to happen. For example, how and when can they ask questions (chat box, requests to speak, …)? Explain these rules to the audience right at the beginning (and again in between if necessary).
  • It’s always a good idea to prepare a script or at least notes. Even if you are a bona-fide expert on the topic, you may your train of thought. A script can also help you manage your time more effectively.
  • The webinar situation might be unfamiliar to many participants. You can help them feel more comfortable by letting them know how the webinar will proceed and by addressing any technical questions they may have. Also try to create a relaxed atmosphere by behaving like you would in a normal meeting or presentation.
  • A small detail that many forget: Have a glass of water ready. For longer presentations, it can be a lifesaver.
  • A person’s average attention span is about seven minutes. This means you’ll probably have to “wake up” your audience throughout your webinar. A dry tropic can make this even more challenging. Add a bit for entertainment by throwing in some short anecdotes or funny stories. This generates attention, shows your personality and keeps the atmosphere relaxed.
  • A good webinar is one that helps participants remember you and your content. You can encourage this with a recap. Create a summary or recording of the webinar and send the material to the participants after the webinar. Added bonuses like this are typically well received.
  • Many webinars take place at a desk and there’s nothing wrong with this. But you may want to think about standing up during your delivery. Your posture and voice will automatically improve.
  • If you use PowerPoint for your webinar, don’t be tempted to simply recycle a presentation you’ve already given in person. As mentioned earlier, a webinar is completely different from a “live” presentation and needs a different approach.
  • Certain organizational issues arise in almost every webinar. People usually want to know if the webinar will be recorded and if such a recording or other material will be available to them. It’s best to clarify these issues right at the beginning. If you plan to hold webinars frequently, you can create a slide outlining this information and use it over and over again.
  • A well-designed webinar can be used over and over again. Why do all that work for a one-off event?

No amount of tips and advice can guarantee that nothing will go wrong. In webinars – as in everything else – there are no guarantees. But we hope these tips provide a solid starting point to help you design successful webinars.

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How to make a successful webinar using a presentation

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How to make a successful webinar using a presentation

When organized correctly, a webinar presentation is an excellent tool for both educating participants on any subject imaginable and attracting new leads. Whether it’s your first time putting up a presentation or you want to enhance your skills, we’ll provide you with the steps and tips you need to become a webinar preparation professional!

how to make a successful webinar using presentation

How to make a webinar presentation: 7 key steps

Creating a presentation necessitates meticulous preparation and planning. However, with these seven steps in mind, you equip yourself to face whatever comes your way:

1. Research your topic

Do research on the subject and note down the essential points. After that, choose a compelling topic. It will help generate more interest and involvement.

2. Create an outline

Even if you don’t have a lot of time to prepare, devote a moment to organizing your webinar PPT presentation by producing an outline and including essential elements such as summaries and key points. The goal here is to help you put your thoughts in order and shape your slides.

3. Work out a template

Company branding, a title slide, a Q&A slide, an index slide containing the agenda, a CTA slide, and a thank you slide are all important elements to include in your template.

If design is not your thing, you can always look for webinar presentation example on the web or consider a professional business PowerPoint presentation service to save time and get guaranteed results.

4. Add quality visuals

Include easy-to-understand tables, graphs, and charts in your presentation. This will help convey your message more effectively.

5. Include a CTA

Calls to action are essential elements of any presentation, including a webinar with PowerPoint, whether educational, training, or product demonstration. They encourage the audience to take action either by visiting your website or purchasing.

6. Review your presentation

Always proofread content for grammatical issues, typos, and inconsistencies for your presentation to look professional. Specialized grammar checker services like Grammarly or professional editors might be of great help.

7. Practise

When you’re done with the steps above, allow ample time to rehearse your presentation. According to a recent study, people are 22 times more likely to recall facts if they are shared as a story.

Expert tip: Record yourself while you practice, then watch your recording to see how you can improve.

Key slides to include in your presentation

No matter what topic you will cover, there are some key slides to include in your presentation. They are as follows:

1. Webinar introduction slide

The “About me” slide is integral to any presentation, including the webinar one. Use it to introduce yourself quickly, share your qualifications and expertise, and explain why you’re the person to host the webinar.

2. Table of contents

A “Table of contents” slide is another essential slide to include in your presentation. That’s a fantastic way to pique the audience’s interest and inform them about the issues you will cover during the webinar. Consider interlinking slides to make your PowerPoint more dynamic and easy to browse for later use.

3. Slides with visuals

One of the webinar presentation best practices is to include visual elements such as graphs, charts, and diagrams to help your audience understand complex ideas and concepts more easily. Therefore, always prefer visuals over walls of text.

4. Slides with quotes

Such slides, especially if they include quotes from trusted sources or loyal customers, can be used for social proof and building credibility with the audience.

5. Q&A slide

Webinar attendees will have questions at the end of the presentation, but they may be too shy to ask them in front of the rest of the audience. So, incorporate a Q&A slide to break the ice and initiate conversation.

6. Call to action

End your presentation with a solid call to action, and you’re halfway to achieving your goals. If you aim to raise brand awareness, your CTA can invite participants to share information about the webinar on social media.

What makes a good webinar presentation design?

  • Clarity and simplicity: Use legible fonts and eliminate clutter.
  • Visual appeal: Include high-quality graphics and images relevant to the topic.
  • Consistent theme: Maintain the same style and color theme throughout your presentation.
  • Readable content: Make sure your content is large enough to read easily.
  • Storytelling: Arrange slides to tell an engaging story.
  • Compatibility: Strive for compatibility with various webinar platforms, devices, and screen sizes.

6 webinar presentation tips for audience appeal

If appropriately designed, presentation slides are an excellent way to capture and hold the audience’s attention. Here are the top 6 ideas to consider when you create webinar slides:

1. Experiment with formats

Yes, you can utilize text slides to save time, but embracing alternative formats such as diagrams, data charts, images, videos, GIFs, or animation will help you grab your audience’s attention right from the start and make your virtual event more engaging. Experiment with different formats to determine what would help you best deliver your presentation.

2. Highlight important information

Whether it’s critical statistics or a statement, making it big and bold will allow you to better capture your audience’s attention.

3. Avoid overlapping

When designing, make sure to put all essential information in the area where it will not overlap.

4. Be concise

Another great tip is to use bullet points instead of text. Don’t overwhelm your audience with walls of text that they will struggle to read while listening to the presentation.

5. Brand your deck

Branding your presentation is an excellent way to promote visibility, increase recognition, and make a good impression on the audience. So, always place your company logo on slides and use brand colors.

Here’s a good example of webinar presentation in brand colors:

zoom presentation

6. Stick to your schedule

It’s always an excellent move to let attendees know how long the webinar will last. So, share the agenda with them before the event and stick to the time limit to have enough time for the Q&A session.

7. Make your presentation readily available

You’ve put a lot of effort into your presentation. Why not use it more than just once? Record it and allow viewers to access it on demand. Alternatively, you can upload it on specialized platforms to generate more leads in the days, weeks, and even months following the event.

Bonus hints on how to present a great webinar

  • Use interactive features like surveys, chat, polls, and quizzes to boost audience engagement.
  • Make a script you can refer to throughout the presentation if you get distracted.
  • Consider standing for the duration of the entire webinar. It will enhance your posture and voice and make you appear more confident.
  • Keep a glass of water in the hand reach.

By now, you should understand how to give a compelling presentation like a pro. However, if you need any help with polishing or creating memorable slides from scratch, reach out to our pitch deck service for a free consultation and a quote.

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Tips for webinar presenters.

13 Tips for Webinar Presenters: A Guide to Engaging Webinars

  • Engagement & Interactivity
  • Published: September 21, 2023

The Power of Webinar Presentations

In the world of virtual communication, webinars have emerged as a game-changer.

Webinars connect businesses, organizations, and individuals to connect with their audience in an engaging virtual environment. 

how to give a webinar presentation

As a webinar presenter, you hold the key to unlocking a treasure trove of knowledge. Inspire your attendees to take action. 

Mastering webinar etiquette and best practices helps you conduct seamless and successful webinars.

Our comprehensive guide covers tips and strategies for presenters on all aspects of webinar presentations from planning to follow-up.

Use these tips to become a better webinar host, whether you’re new to it or have experience.

Learn how to successfully engage your audience and make your webinars unforgettable.

Embracing Your Role as a Webinar Presenter

As the face behind the screen during a webinar session, you play multiple roles:

  • Subject Matter Expert (SME): You need to be familiar with the topic at hand to answer questions confidently while providing valuable insights.
  • Master Facilitator: Your role is much more than information sharing. Keep the content flowing smoothly and encourage participation from attendees. Guide participants through the material with skill, manage your time wisely and quickly address any technical issues.
  • Engaging Dynamo: Actively engage with your audience by asking thought-provoking questions, encouraging participation, and promptly responding to comments.

4 Essential Skills for a Successful Webinar Presenter

As an expert webinar presenter, you possess a unique set of skills essential for delivering a captivating and impactful presentation. Let’s dive into these skills in detail:

  • The Power of Effective Communication : Communication lies at the heart of every successful webinar presentation. Practice strong verbal and non-verbal communication skills to connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Technical Know-How of Webinar Tools : Have a solid understanding of the technical aspects involved in hosting webinars. Be familiar with various webinar platforms, troubleshooting common issues seamlessly. Use screen sharing or interactive polls for interactive engagement .
  • Presentation Techniques for Audience Engagement : Keep your audience engaged throughout the entire duration of the invested in your webinar by adding storytelling techniques and unique examples or case studies. Create visually appealing slides to support your message.
  • Time Management Expertise and Strategic Planning: Master time management during your presentations by planning ahead . Always outline or script your content. Ensure you cover all necessary points within the allocated timeframe while leaving room for questions or discussions.

Delivering an Engaging Webinar Presentation

A well-structured presentation keeps your audience engaged from start to finish.

1. Craft an Organized, Engaging Presentation

How can you connect with your audience?

  • Create a logical flow.  Organize your presentation in a way that tells a coherent story and moves smoothly from one point to the next. Use transitions between key sections.
  • Hook the audience early on . Start strong to grab attention right away. Consider an intriguing question, statistic, or anecdote on your topic.
  • Focus on key takeaways.  Don’t try to cover too much. Highlight the 3-5 most important points you want viewers to remember. Reinforce these.
  • Use striking visuals.  Webinars are a visual medium. Slides with compelling images, charts, and graphics will boost engagement. Avoid text-heavy slides.
  • Add interactive elements.  Get the audience involved with polls, Q&As, and live demos. These activities keep participants attentive and provide valuable feedback.
  • Practice your delivery.  Rehearse your webinar with slides to polish your pacing, tone, and smooth transitions between concepts. Time yourself.
  • Check timing.  Leave room for questions and interactive portions. A 45-60 minute webinar works best for most topics.

2. Introduce Yourself Professionally

Your introduction sets the tone for the webinar and builds your credibility. What does a strong intro include?

  • Welcome. Thank attendees for joining and express enthusiasm for the topic and having them attend.
  • Agenda overview. Give a quick rundown of the webinar sections and topics you’ll cover.
  • Speaker bio. In 1-2 sentences, highlight your expertise and background related to the subject. Keep it concise and relevant.
  • Company information (if relevant). Briefly share your role and key facts about the host organization. Keep branding subtle.
  • Housekeeping. Cover any key webinar features to highlight such as how to ask questions.
  • Transition to content. End your intro smoothly and transition into the meat of your presentation.

3. Speak Slowly, Clearly and With Expression

Your voice is a crucial means of keeping viewers engaged during a webinar. Follow these vocal best practices:

  • Pace yourself. Speak slowly and clearly to be easily understood. Pauses give participants time to digest information.
  • Enunciate and project. Articulate words fully and avoid mumbling. Project your voice to be heard through speakers.
  • Vary tone for emphasis. Use inflection and volume strategically to stress key points. A dynamic tone keeps interest piqued.
  • Show enthusiasm. Bring energy to your voice. Passion for the topic is contagious for the audience.
  • Avoid filler words. Reducing “um” and “ah” improves professionalism. Pauses work better for transitions.
  • Check audio quality. Make sure audio is clear without echoes or background noise on your end.

4. Use Body Language That Aligns With Your Message

Presenters on video should match their body language to their message for maximum impact:

  • Make frequent eye contact. Look into your webcam often to feel connected with participants. Don’t just read slides.
  • Limit distracting movements. Adjust your position infrequently. Shifting around is visually disruptive.
  • Use purposeful gestures. Reinforce key points with relevant hand movements and facial expressions. 
  • Sit up straight. Good posture projects confidence and engagement. Avoid slouching.
  • Lean into the camera for emphasis. Subtle forward movement during key moments helps reinforce your point.
  • Stay within the frame. Keep your full face visible within the webcam shot. Avoid cropping at the forehead or chin.
  • Have a consistent background. Pick a plain backdrop and keep it the same in every webinar. A professional background adds credibility.

5. Engage Attendees With Questions

Questions give participants an active role and provide feedback for you as the presenter:

  • Ask early questions to warm up the audience. Start with easier questions to get responses flowing. Offer quick polls or icebreakers.
  • Spread questions throughout the webinar. Insert 2-3 questions per 10-15 minutes. Leave room for wrapping up with Q&A.
  • Offer a mix of open and closed questions. Yes/no and multiple choice polls are good for quick feedback. Open questions provide more detailed responses.
  • Repeat or rephrase questions as needed. If participants seem confused or don’t respond, clarify the question.
  • Allow enough time for participants to respond. 10-20 seconds is usually sufficient for polls. Leave 30-60 seconds for open questions.
  • Acknowledge all responses neutrally. Thank everyone for participating without judgment of quality.

6. Manage Live Q&A Smoothly and Efficiently

The live Q&A allows participants to get direct answers. Manage it effectively with these tips:

  • Set Q&A guidelines upfront. Explain if questions should be held until the end or can be asked anytime in chat or unmute.
  • Repeat each question out loud before answering. This ensures all attendees hear the question.
  • Keep answers focused. Provide direct, concise responses tailored to the question asked. Don’t go off topic.
  • Modify unclear questions. It’s OK to rephrase convoluted questions for clarity before answering.
  • Defer questions if needed. If faced with a question you don’t know the answer to, let the asker know you’ll follow up with them after the webinar.
  • Don’t get dragged into arguments. Stay professional and neutral if questions feel hostile or combative. Move on swiftly if necessary.
  • Wrap up when time is up. If the webinar time is ending, let attendees know you need to wrap up even if hands are still raised.

7. Appear Relaxed and Confident On Camera

Appearing relaxed, comfortable, and confident on video keeps participants engaged and builds credibility:

  • Smile and make eye contact. A friendly expression and direct eye contact makes you seem approachable.
  • Avoid stiff or nervous body language. Keep movements fluid and natural. Shake out tension before going on camera.
  • Sit up straight. Good posture projects confidence without seeming tense.
  • Have a drink available. Take small sips of water if your mouth gets dry. Avoid noisy gulping sounds.
  • Breathe deeply. Slow steady breaths reduce stress and racing thoughts. Inhale before speaking if needed.
  • Channel your excitement. Think of your enthusiasm for the topic rather than any nerves about presenting. Passion is contagious.
  • Imagine you’re speaking to a friend. Envision a supportive, familiar face rather than an anonymous audience.

8. Troubleshoot Minor Technical Issues Smoothly

Despite thorough preparation, small tech issues may still pop up. Handle them with poise:

  • Have tech support’s contact handy. Keep the email/phone of your webinar tech assistance within reach. Don’t hesitate to contact them.
  • Take a deep breath. Acknowledge the issue calmly and remind attendees that technical glitches happen. Stay cool under pressure.
  • Narrate your actions to fix the problem. Let participants know step-by-step what you are doing to address the issue.
  • Apologize briefly. Offer a simple “sorry about that” and move on once resolved. Don’t dwell or get flustered.
  • Have backup slides/activities ready. Be prepared to go to a backup agenda if needed due to technical difficulties.
  • Take it offline. Ask the attendee with the problem to connect with you offline for complex individual issues.
  • Remain visibly unflappable. Keep your composure even if you are feeling anxious. Participants will follow your cue.

9. Monitor Chat Questions and Participation

Actively monitoring the chat and participation metrics ensures you respond at the right times:

  • Position chat where you can see it easily. Place the chat box near your webcam to make reading questions natural.
  • Scan for questions often. Check for new questions or comments every 2-3 minutes. Respond promptly.
  • Designate helpers to monitor the chat. Make co-hosts or assistants responsible for chat questions.
  • Review participation metrics after polls. Note the percentage of attendees responding. Follow up if it seems low.
  • Save time for written Q&A. Allow 5 dedicated minutes for chat questions at the end. Scroll up to address unanswered questions.
  • Acknowledge chat responses when possible. Give quick verbal or non-verbal recognition when participants write answers.
  • Keep responses concise. Provide short, focused answers in chat. For longer replies, address verbally or follow up later.

10. Wrap Up with Key Takeaways and Next Steps

Close out your webinar by summarizing key points covered and next steps for the audience:

  • Repeat the main takeaways. Remind viewers of your webinar content’s 3-5 most important points.
  • Provide resources for learning more. Share links, downloads, or other tools if attendees want to delve deeper.
  • Clarify the next steps. Explicitly tell participants your recommendation for what actions they should take after the webinar.
  • Promote future events or offers briefly.  Mention upcoming webinars  or offers tied to the topic without an overly salesy pitch.
  • Thank attendees again. Express gratitude for those who attended and their interest in the subject.
  • End punctually. Finish within the promised webinar time. Avoid cutting into the next hour unexpectedly.
  • Keep the webinar open briefly. Give participants 1-2 minutes after your presentation to view resources and connect.

11. Follow Up After the Webinar

The work doesn’t end when the webinar does. Follow up for maximum impact:

  • Send a thank you and follow-up email. Reiterate your appreciation and key takeaways in  a prompt email to registrants . Include any promised resources.
  • Share the recording and slides if appropriate. Give access as promised to attendees who missed the live event.
  • Analyze webinar metrics and feedback. Review analytics and survey data to improve future webinars.
  • Respond to outstanding questions. Address any questions you couldn’t answer during the live event via email.
  • Reach out to high-value attendees. If desired, start a conversation with attendees who could be qualified leads.
  • Adjust future webinars based on feedback. Use attendee reactions and suggestions to enhance your ongoing webinar program.
  • Highlight webinar performance in reports. Quantify the webinar’s reach and engagement for stakeholders.

12. Optimize the Presentation Experience

Beyond your presentation skills, optimize the experience with these tips:

  • Start with an engaging webinar title and description. Use keywords attendees are searching for. Provide details on what the webinar will cover.
  • Build buzz with promotions. Get the word out by promoting through social media, email lists, and colleague networks.
  • Send reminder emails. Gently remind registered attendees 1-2 days prior and again the day of the event. Include a calendar invite and login instructions.
  • Open the webinar 15 minutes early. Allow participants to get settled with audio, video, and materials beforehand. Greet early arrivals.
  • Use an organized webinar dashboard. Enable clear controls for muting, chat, screen sharing, whiteboarding, and other features you plan to use.
  • Create well-designed visual slides. Craft slides with large text, relevant graphics and ample white space. Use slide themes consistently.
  • Test connectivity beforehand. Do a full webinar run-through on the platform to spot connection issues before going live.
  • Start right on time. Don’t make attendees who show up promptly wait. But don’t panic if some straggle in late. Carry on professionally.

13. Select the Best Webinar Platform

Choosing the right webinar software can make or break the presentation experience:

  • Evaluate essential features. Assess which platforms offer must-haves like screen sharing, recording, chat, Q&A, and polling.
  • Compare audience capacity. Make sure the platform can handle your expected number of live attendees. There’s often tiered pricing.
  • Check mobile functionality. Test attending from a mobile device if you expect viewers to use phones or tablets. Optimize for mobile if needed.
  • Review platform reputation. Search for reviews and use free trials to assess the platform’s reliability and ease of use.
  • Assess visual appeal. Compare how customizable, professional, and visually engaging each software’s webinar environment appears.
  • Confirm tech support options. Look for 24/7 tech troubleshooting via chat, email, and phone. You never know when you’ll need help.
  • Evaluate price and value. Weigh pricing tiers based on features offered and expected frequency of use. Don’t overpay for unnecessary bells and whistles.

Presenting successful webinars takes practice and preparation. 

Are you ready to take your webinar hosting skills to the next level? Master the art of the webinar. 

By following these key tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a dynamic and engaging presenter who delivers real value to your audience.

With the right mix of organization, visuals, engagement, and technical execution, you will create a webinar experience that your audience will crave. 

Establish your authority, and generate more leads and results. 

Remember, stay focused on your audience, refine your methods, and aim to turn each attendee into an active participant. 

So, what are you waiting for? 

Stop settling for lackluster webinar results. 

Transform your virtual events into riveting experiences that inspire action with We & Goliath. 

For over 20 years, we’ve helped clients captivate audiences, achieving up to 7X higher attendance. 

Our passionate team of experts will craft a customized webinar strategy to engage participants, spark meaningful connections, and drive conversions. 

Unleash the full potential of your webinars. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with our specialists and discover proven techniques to deliver your message powerfully. 

Claim your free consultation now to learn how we can work together to create show-stopping webinars that exceed expectations and generate real impact for your business.

Words are empty without action.

We practice what we preach — and we deliver.

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What Is a Webinar & How Does It Work? [Beginner’s Guide With 10+ Presentation Templates]

By Aditya Sheth , Apr 08, 2021

With a global pandemic taking the world by storm and forcing people to work from home, webinars have seen a resurgence in popularity and usage across the globe.

In the last decade (especially in the last few months) webinars have become a staple for educating students and potential customers, lead generation for your business, and captivating large online audiences.

If you’re new to webinars, you’re probably asking yourself…

How does a webinar work.

  • Why are webinars so effective?

What are the different types of webinars?

  • How do I create and host a webinar?

In this guide, I’ll give you a crash course on what is a webinar, how you can create a webinar and showcase plenty of presentation examples to answer all your webinar-related questions!

Let’s dive right in.

What is a webinar? Webinar definition:

According to  Merriam-Webster , a webinar (or web seminar) is “a live online educational presentation during which participating viewers can submit questions and comments.”

You might be wondering, “well, what is a seminar?” Seminar definition: “a meeting for giving and discussing information.”

Webinars are events, video presentations, workshops, seminars, training sessions, or classroom lectures hosted and delivered online using webinar software .

What makes webinars effective is that they’re a two-way form of communication where the attendees and presenters give, receive and share information with each other, in real time.

Webinar vs. Webcast

A webinar is not a webcast. Webcasts are pre-recorded sessions that broadcast online (on TV or YouTube). Webinars are live sessions allowing real-time interactivity between the presenter and attendees.

For example, our growth by content live webinar teaches business owners how to use content marketing to drive business growth without a massive budget:

Growth By Content Webinar Banner

If you’re new to webinars, a great way to familiarize yourself is to attend other webinars (like the one above) and take notes.

Hosting webinars has plenty of uses and benefits, but before we dive into creating a webinar it’s important to understand how and why webinars work in the first place.

Webinars allow presenters to share documents of all kinds including but not limited to voice notes, videos, presentations and other documents, etc with their attendees.

Webinars have plenty of uses (often business-related) but the most important and biggest use for webinars is to educate and engage an audience).

Your audience could be anyone from new or existing customers, industry peers or even the students in your classroom.

This means webinars are useful in any industry where communicating with your audience is a key factor in your personal or professional success.

Webinars can also help you with all of the following: 

  • Educate your audience about your business.
  • Build authority in your industry or niche.
  • Demonstrate your product to customers. 
  • Onboard new customers to your product. 
  • Training both new and existing employees. 
  • Generating leads for your business. 

In the marketing world, the main use for webinars is lead generation.

For example, our “ Infographic Design 101 ” webinar is aimed at helping our current customers visualize their ideas and attracting potential customers to sign up for Venngage:

What is a webinar

If you’re new to webinars or want to learn how to visualize your ideas, I highly recommend checking out this webinar.

Another way marketers use online webinars is to build authority, credibility and thought leadership in their industry.

Drift ’s approach to thought-leadership webinars is a prime example:

What is a webinar

Drift leverages webinars for multiple purposes ranging from educating new and current customers, establishing thought leadership, and collaborating with other SaaS companies.

This helps Drift position themselves as a subject matter expert in the SaaS industry.

Another example is  R&D tax credit software  Boast.AI.

Webinar Boast Capital Boast.ai

Boast Events  produces two webinars per week in their community, branded Traction, bringing founders and leaders from some of the fastest-growing companies to share actionable, tactical advice on business growth.

If you’re creating a marketing plan and your goal is consistently generating high-quality leads for your business, webinars should be a crucial piece of your strategy.

Webinars are also used extensively in eLearning. As an educator, your ability to reach more students expands dramatically. Right from the comfort of your home.

Students don’t need to travel and with the current crisis that’s forced everyone to stay home, online webinars can be the most important learning tool in a teacher’s arsenal.

Here’s an example of how HBR approaches educational webinars:

What is a webinar

After reading this guide in its entirety, you’ll have a better understanding of how to replicate their approach to webinars for your own institution or classroom.

Why are webinars effective?

What makes webinars effective (compared to physical events or workshops) is that with webinars, you don’t need to rent out a physical location or deal with complex logistics that arise from hosting in-person events. 

In fact, in 2020, the number of organizations planning a virtual event has doubled .

With a plethora of webinar pros (vs physical events), rich-feature sets, support for multiple content types, the possibilities are essentially endless.

Advantages of webinars

Since webinars are online events , they’re convenient for both presenter and attendee as you can host and attend webinars right from the comfort of your office (or home.) 

Whether it’s presenting to a small group or a group of 100+ attendees, webinars work in both these scenarios.

Webinars can be pre-recorded and played at any time for participants. This makes them easier to set up, repurpose, and budget-friendly compared to in-person events.

What is a webinar Shareable Infographics Pinterest Presentation Template

Offline events have their own merits, but with live webinars you don’t need to spend time agonizing over venue rentals, food, beverages or making sure your presentation equipment works. 

People have used webinars creatively for education, marketing, sales, branding, human resources, user onboarding, etc. So when it comes to what you can do with webinars: the sky’s the limit.

A lot of webinar tools come with interactive whiteboards, surveys and polls, live-chat features which make them far more personalized, engaging and interactive for your audience.

These are just some of the reasons why webinars have been exploding in popularity in recent times. 

Webinar formats

Webinars come with tons of customizable features as well as support various content formats such as:

  • Live video: the most common type of webinar. Live webinars tend to garner the most engagement.
  • Pre-recorded: most webinars are live, but you can always record a live webinar and future participants can register for them as they please. Most Ideal for evergreen topics.
  • Text: Most webinars tools come equipped with text chat features. Ask and answer your audiences’ questions, in real time.
  • Whiteboard: used to draw out and explain important concepts.
  • Surveys and polls: want to keep your audience engaged? Use surveys and polls to get attendees to answer questions and organize it all in one place.

But the most common way to conduct webinars is by creating and presenting a slide deck presentation .

Here’s an example of a webinar presentation you can edit and customize right now:

What is a webinar

Once you learn how to make a great webinar presentation, you can always kick things up a notch by experimenting with different webinar tools as well as whiteboards, polls, surveys, etc.

Venngage has a fair amount of experience when it comes to participating and hosting webinars for marketing, lead generation, and joint collaborations.

But that’s not their only use. Here are just some ways you can harness the power of webinars:

Webinars for marketing, lead generation and partnerships

When it comes to lead generation, there’s a lot you can do: 

  • Creating in-depth industry white papers , 
  • Publishing case studies to promote your product, and 
  • Designing ebooks and offering them up as lead magnets.

But, the greatest bang for your marketing buck can come from hosting webinars due to the high-quality leads they help generate.

Companies like Drift , ConvertKit , G2 , etc have successfully leveraged webinars to scale their lead generation and in turn, increase revenue.  You just need to learn some essential webinar statistics if you’re planning to create one. If webinars worked for them, they can work for you too. 

For example, G2 hosts webinars regularly with the goal of generating leads for their software:

What is a webinar

G2 covers a wide variety of topics in their webinars. Not only that, joint webinars are the perfect way to team up with other companies and subject matter experts in your industry. 

Conducting joint webinars allows you to:

  • Partnering with other companies gives you access to their audience. They could even be potential customers who would otherwise be oblivious about you. 
  • Collaborating with other companies adds credibility and authority to your content establishing you as a thought leader in your industry. 

At Venngage, we use webinars to educate our audience and lead generation becomes a natural by-product of this goal:

What is a webinar

With this webinar our goal was simple: helping businesses navigate the pandemic by outlining how they can grow using content marketing (like we have).

With physical event cancellations and the world being forced to work from home, companies are slowly transitioning from hosting physical events to events hosted virtually (with webinars).

For example, Wishpond opted for a virtual event to make it easier for participants and attendees to partake (even from home):

What is a webinar

Pro Tip: If you provide massive value to your audience in your webinars, chances are you won’t even need to promote your product. Help your audience with their struggles, and they’ll not only become a customer but also a raving fan.

Webinars for education

Webinars have exploded in popularity in the last few years as a powerful learning tool, not only for marketers but also for schools and universities.

For educators, webinars are the best way to reach and engage students. No classroom required. For students, they get to learn from the comfort of their own homes.

Due to the pandemic, colleges and universities have transitioned to distanced learning. So webinars as a learning tool have surged in popularity.

My alma mater, Seneca uses educational webinars for all occasions—from educating potential students to onboarding new students and also hosting virtual open houses:

What is a webinar

If you’re a college or university trying to onboard incoming students for the new semester, webinars are an absolute no-brainer. Here’s an onboarding webinar template you can use:

What is a webinar

I f you’re a professor looking to experiment with webinars as a learning device, you can use this webinar presentation template for your next online class:

What is a webinar

Pro Tip: Want to make your webinar even more engaging? Invite external educators and subject matter experts to collaborate with you on your next webinar.

Webinars for product demos

Companies have started adopting webinars for product demos to strategically sell their products and build a deeper relationship with prospective customers.

But when is the ideal time to start using webinars for product demos? The answer: Now!

Today’s buyers are digitally savvy and comparing competing products to make the best buying decision. Sending over a business proposal and hoping for the best isn’t going to cut it anymore.

A product demo webinar is an opportunity for you to showcase real case studies of your current customers, how they’ve used your product successfully, and how your prospect can achieve the same results.

OroCommerce, the B2B eCommerce platform  does a great job with product demo webinars . Every time they release a major product update they hold product demos going over the benefits of every new feature.

When presenting a live webinar that targets your audience’s pain points , strategically tie in your product into your presentation and how it helps your attendees solve their burning problems. 

Here’s an example of a product demo webinar presentation you can use to demo your products or services:

What is a webinar Customers to Subscribers presentation template

Pro Tip: Product demo webinars also helps you gather critical customer feedback . If you’re a startup, start conducting regular webinars to gather crucial feedback to make your product better.

Webinars for employee training

Webinar tools can double as meeting software and training tools for training both new and existing employees.

This is especially useful if you’re communicating with a remote team . Or even a team that’s too big to sit in one room together.

What is a webinar Remote work struggles presentation template

You can start by including webinars in your onboarding materials or conduct a webinar-esque orientation where you outline your company’s expectations, vision, mission and address questions your new hires might have.

They can also be used to showcase your company’s culture and how it will matter to your new recruits. 

Related : How to Create a Successful Employee Training and Development Program

Webinars are the perfect tool for educating your employees on niche but important topics like productivity, workplace diversity, safety, employee engagement, etc.

Want your next company-wide webinar to cover the topic of workplace accessibility? Here’s a presentation you can use for your next webinar:

What is a webinar Accessibility Workplace presentation template

Webinars for user onboarding and retention

Webinars have been among the most popular marketing  trends among SaaS businesses .

If you’re a digital storefront or Software as a Service (SaaS) company like us, you know how important customer onboarding and retention is for the bottom line of your business.

You may already have onboarding flows in your product, but it’s never a bad idea to explain to your new customers how your product works by inviting them to a user onboarding webinar. Also, utilizing a user onboarding software can help create a seamless user journey.

With your user onboarding webinar, make sure you cover the most important aspects of your products, keep the learning curve as low as possible and invite users to ask questions while you’re presenting.

What is a webinar make Infographic 5 steps Venngage template

Saas company Drift takes the cake with their ingenious use of webinars (especially the third one) to onboard new customers:

What is a webinar

Once you sign up for Drift, they send you an email with a webinar-style video tutorial on how to get started with Drift. Genius.

Pro Tip: It’s 5x more expensive to acquire new customers than to retain an existing one. Use tools like onboarding emails, push notifications, webinars, etc. to retain your new customers so they stick around, upgrade to your paid plans and spread the word about you.

How to create and host a successful webinar

There are plenty of free, paid as well as ad-supported webinar tools available in the market. And most of these webinar hosting tools come with similar features.

Picking a webinar tool that’s right for you comes down to your business goals, budget as well as what you value in a webinar tool.

Here are some webinar tools to help you get started:

  • Zoom (freemium): The most well-known online meeting tool also doubles as a webinar tool. Starts with a free plan and offers paid business plans with robust features.
  • WebinarJam (paid): Starts at 499$/year and includes features such as live chat and automated recordings.
  • WebinarNinja (paid): Starts at 39$/month for upto 100 attendees. It also comes with a free 14-day trial so you can take them for a test drive.
  • ON24 (free trial): Comes with powerful attendee, reporting and marketing features. Integrates with plenty of other tools, but every integration is priced.
  • Zoho Meetings (paid): Starts at 15$ for 25 attendees. You can also host up to 250 attendees for just 63$/month.

Want to dig deeper? Our friends at G2 have reviewed every popular webinar tool to help you make the right buying decision for your specific needs.

Create your own webinar in five steps:

Once you’ve spent the time on picking the right webinar hosting tool, now onto better things: creating your first webinar!

Creating your first webinar can be overwhelming but I’ll outline the exact steps you need to follow to make your first webinar a roaring success. Here they are:

1. Identifying the goal of your webinar

Webinars have many uses and by extension, webinars also help you accomplish different goals.

Start by asking yourself, “What’s my goal with this webinar?” Is it:

  • Generating more leads for your sales team?
  • Educating your students studying from home?
  • Selling an idea or concept to potential customers?

Once you’ve identified the goal of your webinar, think about what your key performance indicators ( KPIs ) will be to determine the success of your webinar. 

After determining your goals and KPIs, make sure everything you do: creating your webinar content, promoting it, etc ties back to this goal.

If the goal of your webinar is to teach potential clients motivation 101, your best bet would be a purely educational and non-salesy presentation:

What is a webinar Motivation in Busy world presentation template

Pro Tip: Above all else, put your audience first. What are their pain points? What kind of content do they care about? If you tailor your webinar to your audience’s needs and pain points, success is imminent.

2. Attend other webinars

The best way to plan, create, and host a webinar successfully is to scope out the competition.

Look at your industry and start researching companies that are successfully using webinars to educate or sell to their audience.

What can you do differently or do better? Can you better interact with your audience? Can you ask better questions? Can you improve the content of your webinar?

Be curious and take notes whenever you can.

Once you attend a few webinars, you’ll have a general understanding of which webinars are hits and which are misses. All that’s left is to emulate webinars that were a roaring success.

To start, check out our webinar on driving business growth with the help of content marketing:

3. Plan and outline your content

In this step, you’ll start putting together your webinar outline and lay down the groundwork i,e. Invite your attendees, plan your event logistics, and decide on a webinar promotion strategy.

Creating an outline for your webinar content is easy if you already have a goal in mind.

For example, if the goal is to educate new users on how to create an infographic using Venngage, here’s what an outline might look like:

  • What is an infographic?
  • Use cases for an infographic
  • How to make an infographic?
  • How companies use infographics

A webinar outline can help you stay focused on the topics your audience cares about (based on research) and prevent you from getting side-tracked. 

The best part? You will eventually end up with a webinar presentation like this:

What is a webinar guide to creating infographics presentation template

Pro Tip: Like any presentation, you need to rehearse for your webinar. This is even more important if you’re presenting to a large crowd online many of which could be potential customers. First impressions are everything, as they say.

4. Design your webinar presentation slides

Once you’ve identified the contents of your webinar, time to start designing the actual webinar presentation!

To start off, hop onto Venngage and pick a presentation template you like. We’ve got 100s of templates for all occasions and types ranging from professional to quirky:

What is a webinar

Starting from a blank presentation is hard. Trust me, I’ve tried. 

So pick a presentation template you like, you can customize it to your heart’s content anyway.

Start playing around with the template, editing various elements like fonts, headers as well as the presentation layout .

If you’re on our business plan, you can use MyBrand Kit to automagically import your brand guidelines (logos, colors, and fonts) into your designs:

What is a webinar

Need a helping hand? Bring on your team to edit your presentations and bring your webinar to life! Turn on real-time team collaboration (a business plan feature):

Once you’ve put all the final touches, export or download your presentation:

What is a webinar

The real kicker? Venngage’s presentation maker can export your presentation in a .pptx format for importing within Powerpoint. Pretty cool right?

If you’re a fan of keeping it simple, you can present your webinar from right within Venngage using our presenter view feature.

And that’s it — once you’ve made an engaging presentation , prepared your speaking notes, and tested your webinar you’re officially ready to present your webinar to a live audience! 

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to collect feedback from your audience after the webinar! A tool like Paperform can help you survey attendees and improve your future webinars.

5. Marketing (or Promoting) your webinar

You’ve front-loaded the most important work: planning your webinar, setting up webinar tools, goal setting, competitor research, etc.

But unless you promote your virtual event , nobody will know how valuable it will be for them. So the final piece of the puzzle is webinar marketing.

Webinar marketing isn’t complicated, all you have to do is create event posters , social media visuals as well as event timelines informing attendees about the agenda of the event.

Here’s an example of a virtual event poster template you can edit (paid plan only) right now:

What is a webinar virtual marketing summit flyer

If you’re a business that engages in email marketing and has an existing email list, leverage it.

 If not, use email marketing software like Brevo or Hubspot to build your email list and automate your email marketing campaigns.

We promote all our webinars to our customers through our email newsletter and I recommend you do the same. 

Here’s a webinar invitation newsletter template you can send out to your email list:

What is a webinar

Promoting your webinars on different social media networks is the lowest hanging fruit you should go after.

Head over to our templates page and you’ll find a huge collection of eye-catching designs for every social network (all sized to the right dimensions).

Need to promote your next non-profit webinar on Instagram? But don’t want to use boring stock images? We’ve got you covered:

What is a webinar

Creating, customizing, and sharing promo materials for your next webinar is easy and intuitive with Venngage.

With access to 1000+ professional templates, an ever-growing collection of icons and illustrations (all of which are free), features like Brand Kit and real-time team collaboration :

What is a webinar

Looking for a one-stop shop to design event posters , banners , social media graphics , email newsletters , and much more? Sign up for Venngage today!

Now you know the basics of everything from what’s a webinar, how to make a webinar, and the webinar conferencing software you will need to host a webinar. 

If you’re ready to start creating webinars that educate and captivate your audience regardless of industry or profession, make sure you keep the following webinar hosting best practices in mind:

  • Pick the right webinar tool. This comes down to your budget, goals as well as features you want in your webinar hosting software.
  • Identify your goal. What are you trying to achieve with your webinar? What content does your audience care about? What are their pain points? Clarity on your goals is crucial above anything else.
  • Snoop on your competitors. How are your companies leveraging webinars? Take notes and think about what you can do differently or better with your webinars.
  • Promote your webinar. You’ve worked days, weeks (or even months) to create an awesome webinar. Let the world know about it! 

This article is also available in Portuguese: O que é um webinar e como ele funciona? [guia para iniciantes]

Did you enjoy this in-depth guide on webinars? What was your favorite tip? What are you struggling with? Drop them in the comments below, and let’s talk about it! 

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June 17, 2022

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Posted on June 17, 2022

7 step guide to create an amazing webinar presentation.

Webinars are becoming an increasingly significant tool for organizations to communicate with their consumers directly – to educate and enlighten, maintain connections, and even establish a brand. They’re also great list-building tools, whether you use them live or as evergreen lead magnets .

Furthermore, webinars are a fantastic tool for digital learning, which is critical during a crisis like the one we are now facing, when people work from home and are seeking learning opportunities and staying updated.

Presentations are an effective way of conducting a webinar because they allow the speaker to express their message visually while also allowing the audience to picture the subject being covered.

If you want to create a thriving presentation for your next webinar, you must check out these amazing PowerPoint themes .

Our tutorial below describes the processes for developing an excellent webinar presentation, as well as crucial aspects and success tips and tactics.

Step By Step Process To Create An Impactful Webinar Presentation 

Making a presentation requires preparation and thinking. When creating a webinar presentation, you need to take certain procedures to guarantee a successful conclusion.

1. Do Proper In-Depth Research on Your Webinar Topic

It goes without saying that you should undertake significant research on your topic before producing any material, whether it’s social media campaigns, landing sites, or a webinar.

This is particularly true for a webinar, which is meant to both transfer knowledge and inspire discussions. A webinar’s quality can improve your leads and revenue. It’s better to begin by considering your target audience’s demographics, difficulties, and reason for attending the webinar.

Set a goal for your presentation now that you’ve identified your audience. What is the primary idea that attendees will take away from this webinar?

You should also think about what action you want them to do throughout the webinar.

2. Create The Outline Of Your Presentation

Structure your presentation before fleshing out the webinar material to remain on track and cover your essential topics. The way you must structure an essay outline , you should also structure your presentation, since it’s another way of telling a story.

Some points will take longer to accomplish than others, and some may need to be subdivided. This procedure will be facilitated by the development of a deck structure.

This outline can also be utilized as a content index later on as a marker for the presentation when you share it with your audience.

Attendees want an agenda, which is an overview of the information to be covered in the presentation, so they know how long it will continue and what subjects will be addressed. When making your outline, consider which themes are too broad to discuss in this presentation and which need additional clarity.

Working on an outline is significantly more efficient than pounding stuff together, only to realize that your presentation lacks cohesion.

3. Choose a Professional Webinar Presentation Template

While each narrative is unique, many components in a webinar presentation are universal. Using presentation templates makes it easy to replicate the slides as required.

The following are the essential components of any webinar presentation:

  • Company branding
  • Title slide
  • About slide
  • Index slide with the agenda
  • Meat slides
  • Q&A slide
  • Call-to-action slide
  • Thank you slide

4. Add Attractive Visuals to Your Presentation

Text-heavy presentations should be avoided, particularly if they will be streamed over the internet. Participants’ signal strengths will vary, and displays freezing up or getting pixelated can make reading a lot of text difficult.

Using pictures instead will facilitate information transfer, but select your graphics carefully. The photos should be relevant to the topic of your webinar. Choose graphics that aren’t overly cluttered but yet have distinguishable components.

Use the transparency slider if you use an image as the background for your presentations so that the text on the slides can still be read. Icons are another form of graphic that can be utilized in presentations. They transmit a lot of information in a short amount of time and add to the context of your message.

It’s also a good idea to clean up any photos you pick for your presentation, focusing both on the quality of the image and the framing of the elements it contains. This is easier thanks to modern tools, and you can transform your visuals with Picsart’s background remover, getting great results in seconds. After removing the background, you can use a free background generator to create a new, cool background for your photo.

Memes can also be used to bring comedy to your presentation, but pick them wisely depending on your theme. Charts are a fantastic technique for expressing statistics and facts to audiences in a clear and simple manner when displaying figures.

Visuals are a wonderful method to make your presentation more interesting and memorable, and they should be used fully.

5. Include a Call-to-Action Slide

Include a call-to-action slide in your presentation, whether your webinar is about sharing knowledge, a case study, or product promotion. Call-to-action will urge viewers to visit your website, buy something, take advantage of a deal, or sign up for another webinar.

Your webinar should not be a one-time event; rather, it should inspire registrants to remain connected with your company. 

Creating a separate slide for your call to action will help it stand out from the rest of your content. Include a strong call to action in your presentation to give audiences a cause to return to your organization.

6. Don’t Forget To Proofread Your Presentation

Before submitting your content to anybody, whether internally or externally, you must proofread it. Typos, grammatical errors, and other errors seem unprofessional. This might seem trivial to do this check, but failing to do so can substantially harm your efforts to establish yourself as a thought leader.

Always utilize grammar-checking software while generating text. As soon as you complete your presentation, go through it again. Then give it a day break before editing it again.

It would be wonderful if you could pass it on to someone else. A fresh pair of eyes on your material is always useful.

7. Practice Your Presentation Before Your Webinar

The presentation design is simply one component of the webinar process; the next step is to deliver the webinar to your audience. You will be given a certain length of time to finish the webinar presentation, including time for Q&As.

Because webinars are held online, practice looking at your audience via webcam. Looking at oneself on-screen is normal, but it alters the sightline. To gain additional experience with the controls and display dimensions, do practice your presentation using the real webinar software .

Depending on whether you utilize presentation mode or share your screen, the quality of your slides, transitions, and animations can decrease. These kinks will be worked out with time and practice.

If you don’t have a response to a question during the webinar, provide a mechanism for people to contact you so they can obtain one – either through Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.

Practice as much as possible so that you can present the webinar with ease. You may still make mistakes from time to time, but it will not be the end of the world.

9 Must-Have Elements For A Webinar Presentation

  • Captivating
  • Informative
  • Screenshots
  • Visual Aids
  • Call-to-action (CTA)

Wrapping It Up

Webinars are opposed to conventional presentations and are highly visual experiences. And the design of your slides will help you get there. As a result, ensure that your final presentation has an eye-catching professional appearance.

About the Author / Akeem Okunola

InEvent author image

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How to Create a Webinar Presentation: Tools and Tips to Make it Easy

Written by Molly Hocutt

Drive webinar registrations with this webinar promotion Ebook.

When hosting webinars and meetings, it's easy to lack emphasis and rhythm. This impacts the end goal of your presentation: passing a message.

Getting your audience hooked to your presentation while being as clear as possible can be harder online than in the real life. You will have to fight for their attention: after 30 minutes, people start to lose interest.

In this article, we'll show you how to design a deck for your webinar presentation, the right tools to use, and how to use them efficiently.

You can learn some other webinar best practices in our complete guide.

Webinar Promotion Handbook

Everything you need to promote your webinars and increase attendance.

How to design a deck for your webinar presentation?

The design of your presentation will set the tone of your webinar. A good design creates a professional look that reassures your attendees. Here are some tips on how to design your webinar presentation:

Tip 1: Choose a presentation tool

Determine where you’ll design your presentation. You can always create your slides in tools like Canva, PowerPoint, or Adobe Illustrator and share your screen.

But if you want to have control over your presentation and interact with it without changing screens, pick a tool that integrates with your software for live events .

If you’re using Livestorm, choose Visme, Slido, or Miro.

Tip 2: Outline your webinar presentation

Working on the skeleton of your presentation will help you determine what needs to be said and in what order. A webinar presentation deck usually includes the following slides:

  • A brief introduction of the topic
  • The main points or agenda of the webinar
  • A slide for each main topic
  • A summary of the key takeaways
  • Additional resources

From showcasing a product demo , delivering customer training , or hosting a sales webinar , establishing an outline straight away will make designing your slides much easier.

Tip 3: Start your webinar with a powerful introduction

A compelling title slide and engaging introduction will reel in your audience from the start. The title slide should be simple and to the point, giving your audience an idea of what to expect.

Here are a few ideas of what to include:

  • An intriguing question
  • A statistic or data point
  • Stating the outcome
  • How-to-formulas
  • List of best practices

When creating the intro slide, ask yourself the question: what will my audience learn from this presentation?

Tip 4: Use bullet points to break down the main points

Follow the “keep it simple, stupid” (K.I.S.S) rule, and avoid writing a full script on your slides.

Too much text will distract your audience and encourage presenters to simply read the slides aloud instead of adding value for your audience. Don’t go over 30 words and 8 lines per slide.

Use the same font family throughout, but use different sizes or bolding options to add texture.

Bullet points are easier to digest than large paragraphs of text. Use short sentences or phrases to keep your audience engaged and prevent information overload.

But it is important not to overdo it with the bullet points.

The "2019 Annoying PowerPoint Survey" by David Paradi revealed the top three things that annoy people the most about PowerPoint:

  • when the speaker reads directly from the slides
  • slides with small text
  • slides that are text-heavy.

If your presentation ticks the above points, your audience is trying to read and listen simultaneously. So they're not focusing on either.

The solution here is to use bullet points strategically to break down complex topics, list key points and takeaways, and guide the viewer's gaze.

Tip 5: Use your company branding

Webinars mostly help you increase brand awareness and invite your audience to connect with your company. Not all of your attendees will be people who’ve heard of your company.

Subtle branding across all communications and assets will make everything more visually appealing and keep attendees focused on your brand.

Pro tip: Choose a video engagement platform, like Livestorm, that lets you customize your room design and add plugins—for actions like file sharing.

Tip 6: Use strong visuals in your webinar slide deck

Switching things up helps keep webinars interesting. Use image-only slides or videos to give the audience a rest from intently reading slides or listening to your voice.

Every webinar should include visuals to illustrate the content and highlight key points, especially if the aim is to share complex data or statistics. Here are some ideas for visuals to use in your webinar presentation:

  • Graphs and charts

Visualizations are memorable and can help your audience retain information.

Tip 7: Emphasize important information with colors

Color plays an important role in your presentation. You can use it to communicate your brand, and to highlight the keywords or phrases you want your audience to remember

You can also use color to show a connection between two ideas or to highlight a cause-and-effect relationship. For example, you can use a green arrow to show an increase or a red arrow to show a decrease.

Tip 8: Add simple fonts in your webinar presentation

When choosing fonts for your webinar presentation, less is more. Stick to one or two simple fonts that are easy to read. Sans serif fonts are typically the best choice for presentations because they are legible from a distance and easy to read on a screen.

Some of the best fonts for presentations include:

You can experiment with bold fonts and text weight to draw attention.

Tip 9: Use templates to save time

Designing a presentation from scratch can be time-consuming. Luckily, there are many free and paid templates available online. Simply choose one that fits your brand identity and style. Then, add your own text and visuals.

When using templates, ensure you don't simply replace the placeholder text with your own content. Templates are meant to be a starting point, not a crutch.

Here are a few ideas to help you make the most of a template:

  • Opt for a minimalistic template with plenty of white space.
  • Choose a template with built-in animations and transitions.
  • Look for a template that is compatible with the software you are using.
  • Replace the placeholder text with your own text.
  • Add visuals, such as images, graphs, and charts.

Tip 10: Plan interactive elements

Webinars that rely on the presentation alone tend to get boring fast, especially online. If people aren’t summoned to participate they can start to feel like they’re not there and zone out. Make interactivity a core part of your presentation.

Use an interactive whiteboard, ask poll questions, and invite them to participate in the chat or by raising their hands. Plan these interactive interventions ahead so they don’t get forgotten.

Tip 11: Include a call-to-action

The last part of your presentation should include a call to action (CTA). CTAs direct your audience to take the next step, whether that's to follow your social media accounts, download more resources, or sign up for future events. With Livestorm, you can add a clickable CTA directly in your live webinars, which is handy!

Follow these best practices for writing a CTA:

  • Make the offer sound appealing
  • Include a sense of urgency
  • Be clear, concise, and actionable
  • Use strong language

What are the top webinar presentation tips ?

Our list of webinar presentation tips can help you create a successful presentation that engages your audience and drives results.

Tip 1: Know your attendees

When you host a webinar , always prioritize your audience. If you don’t understand their pain points and desires, you won’t be able to create a rapport with them or give them the information they need.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • Who are my attendees?
  • What is their level of expertise?
  • What challenges do they face?

The more specific you can be about your target audience, the easier it will be to create a webinar that appeals to them.

With Livestorm’s contact profiles feature, you can collect information about your attendees (job profiles, demographic info, social media profiles, etc.) when they sign up for your webinar. You can use this information to segment your audience and send them targeted follow-ups after the webinar.

Tip 2: Encourage audience engagement

If you want your webinar to be successful, you need to encourage audience engagement. You can do this by using webinar live polls and surveys .

  • Use an engaging opening : get your audience’s attention from the beginning with an interesting story, statistic, or question.
  • Include polls and surveys : pose questions to your audience throughout the webinar to gauge their understanding and get them involved.
  • Encourage questions and comments : make it easy for your audience to ask questions by providing a dedicated chat box or Q&A section. And don’t forget to answer the question with the most upvotes!

This two-way interaction can help break barriers between the presenter and the attendees, increase viewing time and improve attendee satisfaction.

Using rich media elements like images, GIFs and videos can also help to make your webinar more engaging.

Tip 3: Be passionate and energetic

When it comes to webinars, energy is key. Keeping your audience's attention will be difficult if you’re not passionate about your topic. Showcase your personality and let your energy levels shine.

This doesn’t mean you have to be bouncing off the walls – but try to avoid sounding monotone or bored. Instead, sound like you’re having a conversation with a friend.

Remember, webinar scripts are meant to guide. So don’t rely on them too much – improvise and have fun.

Tip 4: Keep your time limit in mind

Be respectful of everyone’s time and write an agenda that you’ll stick to. Get a moderator to help you with backstage processes like handling the Q&A panel and changing your slides, but also, to message you in private and alert you on how much time you have left.

Practice the presentation with the moderator before the event to ensure you have enough content to meet the proposed duration or determine if you need to cut things off.

Tip 5: Keep your webinar presentation concise

Your webinar should be focused and to the point. No one wants to sit through an hour-long sales pitch masquerading as a webinar.

The best webinars are those that get straight to the point and deliver valuable information in a concise way. So, before creating your webinar, ensure you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and what points you need to hit.

Once you know this, it will be much easier to structure your webinar and keep it on track.

Tip 6: Gather feedback

Meeting the expectations of your audience, or serving user intent, can only be done if you know what they are.

For example, if your webinar promotion guarantees registrants that you’ll teach them ‘How to improve website conversion rate in 5 minutes,’ but your webinar only covers the basics of copywriting – you would have failed to meet their expectations.

Gathering feedback is a great way to ensure that you’ve delivered on your promises and that your attendees found your webinar valuable. This can be done in a few ways:

Surveys : use surveys to collect data before, during, or after your webinar. This is a great way to gauge interest levels and get detailed feedback.

Polls : include interactive video engagement elements in your webinars such as polls to encourage audience engagement and make it easy for them to provide feedback.

Tip 6: Practice, practice, practice!

Webinars are live events, which means anything can happen. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for anything that might come up – from technical difficulties to awkward silences.

One of the best ways to ensure a smooth webinar is to practice, practice, practice! Before going live, test that your microphone and webcams for the webinar are working properly.

It’s also a good idea to do a few run-throughs of your presentation with friends or colleagues to get feedback and identify any areas that need improvement.

By taking the time to prepare and practice, you can avoid any stressful surprises on the day of your webinar.

What are the best webinar presentation tools ?

When selecting webinar software , consider a few factors such as ease of use, useful features like virtual backgrounds , price, and integrations. Here are the best tools for engaging webinar presentations:

Simple plugins for a better screen-sharing experience

1 . Mouse Pointer Highlighter 2 . Muzzle 3 . Clean

Whiteboards for an engaging webinar

4 . Prezi 5 . Miro

Audio and video tools for a flawless webinar presentation

6 . Krisp 7 . Manycam

Live chat tools for an interactive webinar

8 . Intercom 9 . Drift 10 . Help Scout

Let's take a look at each one in more detail.

Simple plugins for a better screen-sharing webinar experience

Webinars are all about sharing information in an engaging way – and one of the best ways to do this is by sharing your screen.

Screen-sharing tools allow you to show the audience your computer screen in real-time. This is a great way to showcase presentations, product demonstrations, or step-by-step instructions.

Here are a few:

1. Help your audience follow along with Mouse Pointer Highlighter

For: Mac OS - free

This chrome extension is specially designed for presenters who give webinars or presentations frequently. It makes your mouse pointer more visible on the screen so your audience can easily follow along.

This simplicity makes it a great plugin for those who want to focus on their presentation without worrying about the technicalities.

2: Silence embarrassing notifications with Muzzle

For: Mac OS only — Free

Speaking of external disturbance, we're overwhelmed with desktop notifications all day. So, when you are hosting a webinar presentation, you want to avoid all of those distractions.

On Mac and Windows OS there are already built in features to mute your desktop notifications.

But you can also look at Muzzle. The beauty of Muzzle is that it turns on automatically as soon as you start screen sharing, and it works with Livestorm!

Plus, it's 100% free.

3: Clear your desktop with Clean before your webinar presentation

If you're like us, your desktop is probably your main computer folder, which means that it's probably filled with a few hundred screenshots and random files.

Webinar presentations are like staging houses for sale, if there's too much "you" in the room, people won't be able to contextualize the demo for their use case. Removing the clutter of your desktop will definitely help.

On Mac, Clean does just that. In a single click, you can turn on and off the icons on your desktop. PC users may want to test Fences as an alternative.

Whiteboards for an engaging webinar presentation

Whiteboards are an essential part of any webinar presentation. They help you engage with your audience, add visual interest to your presentation, and make it easy for viewers to follow along.

Here’s a list of the best whiteboard tools:

4: Powerful presentations with Prezi

For all devices - Starts at $3/mo

Prezi is a cloud-based whiteboard tool that allows you to create engaging, visually-stunning presentations. With Prezi, you can zoom in and out of your presentation to highlight important information. This makes it easy for viewers to follow along and understand your message.

Prezi also offers a wide range of templates and tools to help you create your presentation.

5: Collaborate visually with Miro

For all devices - Offers a freemium

Miro is a cloud-based whiteboard tool that allows you to collaborate with team members in real-time. Miro also offers a wide range of templates and plugins to help create an engaging and interactive webinar presentation.

Pro tip : use Livestorm’s Miro interactive whiteboard integration to share and get feedback or ideas from team members during your presentation.

Perfecting your audio and video quality is essential for any webinar presentation. After all, if your audience can't see or hear you, they won't be able to engage with your content.

There’s a wide range of audio and video tools available, but here are a few of the best:

6: Krisp for zero noise distractions

For all devices - Offers a freemium and starts at $3/mo

Krisp is an AI-powered noise-canceling software for your microphone. It also adds a virtual filter between your microphone and your calling app. This ensures that your audio is crisp and clear of any background noise.

Pro tip : use Livestorm's integration with Krisp to boost the quality of your webinar presentation

7: Manycam — Virtual webcams

For: Mac OS and Windows — Free and starts at $29 / year

Manycam, just like Loopback, enables you to virtualize devices. This means that you can use different sources as video inputs and combine them into one single video input compatible with the browser, and, therefore compatible with Livestorm.

With Manycam during your webinars, you will be able to:

  • Manage multiple cameras with a different setup for physical round tables,
  • Use YouTube as a video source,
  • Use web pages as video sources,
  • Add overlays of text on top of your videos, webcam, etc. for your live events,
  • Play different media as a playlist for pre-recorded webinars,

Interactions are key before, during, and after a webinar. You'll want to hear from your attendees, take questions, and give the audience a voice. Here are some of the best live chat tools to do just that.

8. Intercom to boost registrations and nurture leads

For: Mac OS and Windows — Starts at $11.99 per user/month.

Intercom is a live chat tool that aims at building customer relationships. It's a great way to nurture your leads and give them the right information at the right time.

With Intercom, you can:

  • Add a live chat widget on your registration page
  • Automatically send follow-up emails to registrants who didn't attend
  • Send personalized emails to webinar attendees
  • Track how many people registered, attended, and watched the replay
Pro tip : use Livestorm's Intercom integration to scale registration conversion rates and webinar attendance.

9. Generate qualifying leads with Drift during virtual events

For: Mac OS and Windows

Drift enables you to build relationships and engage with attendees by answering questions, scheduling a demo, qualifying leads, and more—right from your live chat. You can set triggers for certain actions to happen based on how your attendees interact with you.

With Drift, you can:

  • Start a live chat with an attendee to answer their questions in real-time
  • Prompt conversation with FAQs
  • Schedule a demo with a lead after the webinar
  • Send follow-up emails to attendees
Pro tip : use Livestorm's Drift integration to start conversations with your attendees and turn them into qualified leads

10. Use Help Scout Beacon to provide answers to common questions

Help Scout Beacon is a live chat tool that allows you to provide quick answers to common questions. It's great for FAQs, product information, and webinar details.

With Help Scout Beacon, you can:

  • Display different messages based on which page of your website someone is viewing
  • Customize the look and feel of your live chat widget
Pro tip : use Livestorm's Help Scout integration to add Beacon to your webinar registration pages and on-demand event rooms.

Ready to create a webinar presentation?

Webinar presentations are a great way to engage with customers and increase leads. Now that you know the basics of how to create a webinar presentation, it's time to start planning your content. Remember to keep your audience in mind and make sure that your content is engaging and useful.

With the right tools and a well-rounded webinar platform like Livestorm that integrates seamlessly with your existing tools, your webinar presentation will be a success. You can also use Livestorm features like automatic email reminders and calendar syncing to help automate your workflows. Compelling events inspire action and leave a lasting impression.

Frequently asked questions about how to create a webinar presentation

How to create a webinar presentation on zoom.

To create a webinar presentation on Zoom, create an account or sign in, click on the 'Webinars' tab, and click start.

How to prepare a webinar presentation?

To prepare a webinar presentation, you must first create an outline of your presentation, create or use a presentation template, add visuals and a CTA, and finally upload your presentation to a webinar software to ​​avoid any technical glitches during your live presentation.

How do you structure a webinar presentation?

The structure of your webinar presentation will depend on the purpose of your presentation. A typical webinar presentation structure includes an introduction, the body of the presentation, and a conclusion.

How do I start a webinar presentation?

To start a webinar presentation, have a clear idea of what you want to present, and have an outline of your presentation and any supporting materials such as slides or an infographic.

What makes a good webinar presentation?

A good webinar presentation is well planned and structured, has interesting and relevant content, and is easy to follow. Keep your audience engaged with Livestorm's live Q&A, polls, survey, and chat features.

Increase webinar attendance

Read this Ebook to grow your webinar attendance rate and generate leads.

Molly Hocutt - Content Manager

Molly joined Livestorm in 2019 as a Content Manager and manages written content production. Her work focuses on lead generation and organic website traffic.

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how to give a webinar presentation

20 Practical Presentation Tips for Successful Webinars

how to give a webinar presentation

Presenting a webinar is far from a walk in the park. The success of any presentation hinges on its content. Undoubtedly, content forms the core of your story, but equally vital is the way you present that story. Consider that one uncle at family gatherings who always has jokes ready but struggles to deliver them with a punchline that resonates. While his jokes may not be terrible, his delivery might not be on point. This analogy holds for a webinar presentation .

A webinar involves both storytelling and visual content, akin to a performance. Picture yourself on a stage where you must captivate your audience's attention and draw them into your narrative. Presenting is often a novel and intimidating experience for many. Using a webcam or camera exposes you to audience feedback, and initial moments might feel awkward, making practice essential. 

Webinar presentation tips for presenters 

Now, the one thing you must practice is your delivery. While it might be tempting to "wing it," proper preparation can prevent time-wasting issues like rambling and not knowing what to say next. Ensuring your message is delivered effectively and sticks with the audience will be challenging. We have compiled a list of tips every webinar presenter should know. Equipping your presenters with this know-how will enable them to consistently deliver engaging and memorable presentations.

1. Host from a noise-free webinar environment

Ensure you host your webinar in a noise-free environment to guarantee clear audibility of your voice and eliminate distractions, allowing you to maintain a smooth flow of thoughts.

To achieve this, follow these steps:

  • Close all background tabs to prevent unintended sounds from playing during the webinar.
  • Choose a room with soft surfaces like carpet and curtains that absorb sound and reduce echo. If working from home, ensure the room is inaccessible to children and pets.
  • Wear headphones to minimize background noise and echo.
  • Invest in a professional microphone, as audio quality is more crucial than visual quality. Avoid relying on your laptop's built-in microphone and consider a lavalier or clip-on mic to enhance audience comprehension.

Find the right pace in your presentation by slowing down and avoiding rushing through it. Practice your talk several times, preferably out loud, to become more comfortable. During the webinar, seek feedback from attendees after a few minutes, asking, "Am I going too fast or too slow?" The audience will assist you in determining the ideal pace for an engaging presentation.

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Experiment with your tone of voice to maintain the audience's attention over an extended period. Utilize the nuances of your voice to emphasize crucial points, aiding the audience's memory of critical aspects of the presentation. Identify your strengths in public speaking to effectively leverage your tone of voice and turn it into an advantage!

4. Add humor

Incorporate humor appropriately during your presentation, avoiding attempts to be a comedian or cracking constant jokes. Instead, consider using self-deprecating humor to connect with the audience. This approach will create a sense of relatability, making the audience feel like you are approachable and one of them. As a result, they can identify with you better, enhancing their engagement and receptivity to your message.

5. The power of repetition

Reiterate the key takeaways that form the core message of your presentation, ensuring their consistent presence throughout your story. Repeating these key points is a straightforward and effective technique. After every few slides, summarize the topics discussed to reinforce their importance and help the audience retain the critical information. This repetition reinforces the main ideas, ensuring your message sticks with your audience.

6. Be passionate and energetic

32% of attendees felt most engaged when the webinar host is passionate and energetic. Encourage your webinar presenters to showcase their personalities while presenting. Interacting with the attendees is a crucial aspect of a successful webinar. The most effective way to achieve this is by demonstrating your passion for the subject. Present the topic with enthusiasm and joy, as it encourages attendees to respond actively and establish a quicker connection with the subject matter. 

Bringing energy to your webinar presentation will boost audience engagement and reduce drop-offs. Attendees prefer listening to an enthusiastic industry expert over a monotonous speaker reading from a script. So let your passion shine through and make your webinar a memorable experience for your audience. Your genuine enthusiasm will resonate with the audience, creating a more engaging and unique webinar experience for everyone involved.

7. Share personal experiences

Webinar presenters should share their personal experiences to connect with the audience. Presenters can engage attendees and prompt meaningful interactions by sharing real-world applications of the discussed topics. However, keeping the stories relevant to the webinar's primary focus is essential.

8. Encourage audience engagement

To capture and maintain your audience's attention during a webinar, focus on the first minute to make a strong impression. Utilize interactive features like live polls, live chat, and Q&A sessions to encourage real-time engagement . This two-way interaction will enhance viewer satisfaction and keep them involved throughout the presentation.

To improve engagement, incorporate rich media, such as images, GIFs, and videos. Visual content is powerful, as 90% of information processed by the brain is visual. A short video can convey vast data, making it an effective tool for connecting with your audience.

webinar engagement

9. Meet audience expectations

Meeting audience expectations and serving user intent is crucial for the success of your webinar. You aim to leave your audience with a sense of investing their time wisely, gaining newfound knowledge, solutions, or inspiration during the 30-60 minutes.

Ensuring the delivery of promised content is vital. For example, you must fulfill that promise if you guarantee registrants teach them how to create a step-by-step email workflow.

Gathering feedback is an excellent method to ensure you have delivered a satisfactory webinar and met attendees' expectations. You can achieve this by simply sending a webinar follow-up email .

10. Curate questions for the Q&A session

To facilitate a smooth Q&A session, proactively request questions in advance. 92% of attendees expect a live Q&A session at the end of the webinar. This approach allows you to jump into the Q&A without experiencing awkward silences while waiting for attendees to share their queries. Gather questions through the webinar sign-up form or actively seek them from your social media or newsletter community. This way, you can be well-prepared and provide valuable answers during your webinar.

webinar presenter QnA sessions

11. Present to a global audience

When presenting to a global audience, using language that resonates with them and considering the difference in time zones in your opening and closing statements is essential. Keep your introduction open and inclusive.

For instance, use greetings like "welcome" or "hi everyone, thanks for attending" to avoid alienating any portion of your audience and ensure everyone feels valued and included. Tailoring your language will create a more positive and engaging experience for all participants.

12. Practice each slide

Without practice, you are likely to ramble, making your argument less concise, and filling your speech with "umms" and other fillers that can distract the audience. To hold your audience's attention effectively, the solution is simple: Practice extensively. Consider seeking assistance from someone on your team or record yourself to identify areas where you stammer or digress.

If the webinar involves multiple speakers, it is wise to plan the flow of the presentation and allocate time slots for each presenter. Conduct a run-through to assess each presenter's performance and refine the flow and transitions between speakers. Practicing diligently ensures a more polished and engaging webinar experience for your audience.

how to give a webinar presentation

13. Smile and look into the camera, not on the screen

Webinar presenters should focus on looking at their camera rather than the screen. This practice creates a more personal and attentive experience for the audience. When presenters direct their gaze at the camera, it gives the illusion of direct eye contact with the attendees, fostering a sense of connection and enhancing the overall engagement of the presentation.

Smiling and maintaining eye contact with the camera exude confidence and relaxation, which is noticeable to the attendees. When you appear relaxed and consistently engage with the camera, the audience will feel a sense of connection, as if they are having a one-on-one conversation with you in the same room. This change in approach transforms the entire webinar experience. The attendees will feel a more personal connection to your story and perceive your message as explicitly directed to them, resulting in a deeper and more impactful engagement with your content.

14. Stand up while presenting

Most webinar hosts typically choose to sit during their presentations. However, adopting the practice of standing up can be beneficial. Standing allows for better breathing, enabling you to convey your story with tremendous enthusiasm and power. As a result, your persuasiveness increases, and the overall effectiveness of the presentation improves.

Read and Learn: How to Harness Webinars for a 2X Pipeline Boost

15. Pay attention to body language

Nonverbal communication plays a significant role, accounting for approximately 80-90% of overall communication . To convey your message effectively, focus on your tone of voice and body language. Regularly changing your position and using hand gestures can enhance your presentation. Avoid displaying 'lazy' or 'closed' body language, like crossing your arms or hiding your hands. Instead, adopt open body language and exude confidence to create a more engaging and impactful webinar experience for your audience.

16. Use storytelling

Stories are powerful tools that aid in focus and memory retention. Incorporating storytelling into your webinar enhances participants' ability to remember key presentation aspects even after it concludes. Therefore, when you begin your presentation, consider starting with a compelling story. This storytelling approach captivates the audience, making the information more memorable and leaving a lasting impact on the attendees.

17. Be calm and cool

Stay calm throughout the process, and remain composed in handling any unexpected challenges. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. If you lose your internet connection or your phone gets cut off, you should have a contingency plan ready.

Prepare plans A, B, and C for the presentation to alleviate potential issues and reduce stress. Always carry a printed or local version of your slides to ensure you can continue the presentation in case of internet connection problems. Remember, your moderator or fellow presenters can take over transitioning slides. At the same time, you log back in, and if you lose your phone connection, your moderator can step in to keep the audience informed.

18. Be punctual and on time

Arriving on time is crucial for webinars, unlike being fashionably late at a party. Make sure you show up on time, so you can start promptly at the scheduled time and avoid making your audience wait.

Always log in to your webinar platform at least 15 minutes before the scheduled starting time to check and ensure everything is working correctly, including your mic, internet connection, and webcam. This step is crucial when international attendees from different time zones cannot attend your live webinar.

Moreover, it's essential to adhere to your allocated time. If you advertised a 60-minute live webinar, stay within that timeframe and avoid going over. However, if you anticipate running overtime, inform your audience in advance, allowing them to plan accordingly and ask any final questions before they need to leave.

Be punctual on Webinars

19. Think outside the box

When presenting, engage your audience by thinking outside the box and grabbing their attention. You can take various creative approaches, such as showing a video of yourself presenting at a conference or using a news article to introduce yourself to the attendees. Remember, there are no strict rules when presenting, so feel free to be innovative.

To enhance webinar engagement , consider utilizing screen share or webcam features, depending on your webinar platform. However, ensure that you activate the webcam mindfully and remember to lock the door if you choose to do so. These creative elements can make your presentation more dynamic and captivating for the audience.

20. Check your lighting and background

Emphasizing the importance once again, checking your lighting and background is crucial for creating a professional and visually appealing webinar environment. If the lighting is too bright or dim, attendees may struggle to see you clearly, making you appear ghost-like or obscured.

Moreover, a cluttered or distracting background can divert attendees' attention from your presentation content. Prioritize finding the best lighting setup, and consider investing in a ring light if needed. Also, ensure your background is free from distractions by dedicating some time before the webinar to set up a suitable space. This simple effort can significantly impact the overall quality of your presentation.

Presenting your webinar

Have these tips been helpful to you? Are you feeling enthusiastic and ready to get started? With the knowledge you've gained, presenting a successful webinar should be easier for you. Applying the advice shared here will undoubtedly contribute to the success of your first webinar.

Remember, you have the opportunity to shine in the spotlight, capturing your audience's attention with a captivating presentation. Embrace any nerves you may feel as a natural part of the learning process and enjoy the moment.

To enhance your webinar experience further, consider utilizing Hubilo's webinar platform . With Hubilo, you can deliver seamless and engaging webinars, making it easier to connect with your audience and share your story with enthusiasm. Embrace this learning experience, avoid common mistakes, and deliver a fantastic presentation that leaves a lasting impact on your attendees. Ready to take your webinars to the next level?

Request a demo of Hubilo's webinar platform today and discover how it can elevate your webinar presentations. Best of luck on your webinar journey!

how to give a webinar presentation

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

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how to give a webinar presentation

How to Create a Webinar in 10 Easy Steps

If you’re wondering how to create a webinar, chances are you’re already familiar with its relationship-building capabilities. 

But if you’re not, here’s a 30-second introduction. 

A webinar is an interactive online seminar that lets you present virtually to anyone in the world. 

You can invite people to attend in real-time, as well as record the presentation and send the replay to those who registered but weren’t able to attend the live event.

Meanwhile, you get to collect attendee information you can use to conduct personalized outreach. 

What’s more, you can integrate a Q&A session into your webinar to directly address any queries or concerns your audience may have. 

So how do you create a webinar? Follow these 10 steps to learn how to set up a webinar, and start engaging your audience today.

how to create a webinar

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how to give a webinar presentation

How to create a webinar presentation

1. choose a specific topic .

Your webinar can be about anything, but make it about one specific, relevant thing that your audience will find useful. 

For example, if you’re targeting people interested in ecommerce marketing, you can host a webinar on ecommerce SEO in particular.

To find out what will most likely resonate with your audience, try one of these methods:

  • Analyze your social media pages. Look for posts and images with the most shares. These will lead you to content that could convert nicely into a webinar. 
  • Review your FAQs. Do your customers and prospects always ask the same questions? Identify any gaps in knowledge that you might be able to address.
  • Research your customers’ queries: Use a tool like AnswerThePublic to find out what people are asking. Look through the results and choose the questions you could answer through your webinar.

webinar research answerthepublic

Once you have an idea of your audience’s interests, you’re ready to finalize the webinar topic. Expertise is very important here, so be sure to choose something that aligns with your capabilities and skills.

2. Select a webinar format

Identifying the best way to present your topic can help you structure your webinar more efficiently. This comes down to choosing a format that will complement your personality and goals. Here are some popular formats:


This is one of the most used webinar formats. 

Presentation webinars involve a single presenter delivering a PowerPoint presentation with audio or video running in the background. 

You can choose this format if you’re targeting a small audience. 

Pro tip : Add polls and Q&As to create a more visually stunning webinar and keep your audience engaged.

webinar format

Another option is to invite an expert from your field to discuss a particular topic and answer attendee questions.

This could be a thought leader, a knowledgeable professional, or a micro-influencer . 

To get the most out of this webinar format, provide your expert with a list of questions beforehand, asking them to prepare answers in advance. 


Product webinars allow you to demonstrate how to use your product or service effectively.

You can show the participants how to use a product physically on camera, or with tools such as screen sharing if it involves software. If someone is still wondering how a certain feature of your product works, they’ll have their answer, after which they may decide to purchase. 

3. Choose a webinar platform

There are many paid and free webinar tools you can use to host your webinar. 

For example, there’s WebinarJam and GoTo Webinar if you’re looking for a well-established platform.

There’s also YouTube Live , which allows you to host webinars for free. 

Then there are livestreaming platforms that let you deliver many types of webinars.

When deciding between options, consider your needs. How many participants are you expecting? Do you need a record function? What’s your budget? And can you do without customization and branding? 

Based on these questions, pick a webinar software that makes sense for you and start using it. 

Pro tip : Use a free tool to record your first webinar. Doing so will help you get a practical feel of how webinars work and what additional functions you may need to enhance the attendee experience. 

4. Create the registration page

Once you’ve chosen your platform, you can set up your webinar registration page. This is essentially a landing page that encourages people to sign up. 

First, write a few pointers highlighting the agenda of your webinar. Next, mention the background of the hosts and what they’ve achieved in a professional capacity. Then, put a registration form where attendees will leave their contact information and close it with a clear call to action.  

If you’re using a paid webinar tool, you should see an option to create a registration page. But if you don’t, or if you’re using a free tool for webinar hosting, consider using a landing page creator like Leadpages .

Leadpages has pre-made webinar templates for you to choose from. Pick your desired template, then customize it using a drag-and-drop builder. 

leadpages webinar registeration

Another tool is JotForm . It’s free to use for up to five registration forms and up to a hundred registrations. If you’re hosting a webinar for a small audience, this might be the perfect option for you.

But regardless of whether you use Leadpages or JotForm, you should be able to integrate them with your webinar solution.

Important: Don’t forget to mention the date and time of your webinar on the registration page. If you’re targeting working professionals, it might be best to choose an evening or weekend slot. Be sure to mention the timezone if you expect attendees from all across the globe.

5. Sort out the space and equipment 

It’s best to record your webinar in a quiet room, as it’s likely to be free from outside noises and disturbance. 

Before the recording, talk to your family members and explain that you have work to do and don’t want to be disturbed for the next few hours.

Also, put your phone, tablet, and other devices on silent. You don’t want notifications to interfere while you’re in the zone.

Having the right equipment is another important prerequisite for conducting webinars. While you don’t need to invest in a lot of gear, make sure that you have access to the following:

  • Camera: You don’t have to jump straight into buying an external HD webcam for your webinar. Test your inbuilt computer camera first (in a setting with plenty of light). You can also test your smartphone’s camera for webinar recording.
  • Microphone: Unlike the camera, I don’t trust the quality of built-in computer mics. That’s why I recommend investing in an external unit. Blue Yeti and Samson are two good microphones for hosting webinars. They’re also easy to set up, as you only need a USB cable to connect them with your laptop.

When planning a webinar checklist, make sure to add these essentials under the equipment section.

webinar equipment

6. Produce your content

Here’s where all your hard work shines.

As we discussed earlier, your webinar can take several forms, like a slide deck, a video of you using your product, or a video of you interviewing a guest.

Regardless of the format, there’s one golden rule on how to host a webinar that accomplishes your goal: It has to be engaging. Another way to think of this is that it can’t be boring!

So put on your creativity hat. How can you make something special that keeps people interested and logged on for the entire webinar?

Don’t be afraid to break some expectations. Now’s the time to stand out.

Even if your webinar stays on the tame side, there are some webinar best practices to keep in mind for your content:

  • If you have the resources, create beautiful custom visuals to make your brand and mission stand out.
  • Keep your slides short and sweet, with one main idea per slide.
  • Focus on visuals over words. Include videos, GIFs, and animations where you can — just to shake things up and keep people’s attention.
  • Don’t type out giant blocks of text. Instead, type a few key words for attendees to follow, then elaborate on them verbally.
  • Include a poll in the middle of your presentation. This is another technique to shake up the structure and flow while making sure your audience is engaged.
  • The average webinar is 45 to 60 minutes long. I recommend staying in this timeframe, especially if you want to add engagement opportunities like a poll and Q&A session.

Pro tip: I recommend using Canva to design your slide deck. Canva offers a free plan while you learn the ropes of making amazing webinar presentations. It also has plenty of presentation templates to choose from.

Canva webinar slides

7. Send out invitations

You won’t have any webinar attendees if nobody knows about it, right?

Send an email to your marketing list to let them know.

When you write this email, focus on the benefits. What’s in it for them? Why should they attend? Why should they even care?

In general, showing your audience the benefits will be much more effective than just boringly listing the details of the webinar.

But of course, you do need to give them the main details, like the title, what you’ll cover, and the date and time. Add a clear call-to-action (CTA) button that takes them directly to your landing page so they can sign up.

Here’s a short and sweet example from project management platform Asana:

Asana webinar

8. Promote the webinar outside your email list

If you don’t have an extensive email list (and even if you do), the best way to get more attendees is with solid promotion.

Just like any event or sale, there are plenty of digital marketing techniques you can use to generate interest for your webinar.

Let’s go over some options.

Social media platforms

In the one-to-two weeks leading up to the webinar, post regularly on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels. 

You can use Canva to create promotional images, as well as record yourself talking about the webinar.

how to give a webinar presentation

Another option is to create a webinar event page on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, which allow you to invite your followers directly and lead them to the landing page to register.

Don’t forget to create a special hashtag for your webinar, and do some research on other popular hashtags that can generate extra attention.

Paid promotions and advertisements

If you can swing the extra investment, paid ads will help you reach a bigger audience than your organic channels.

You can run ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google.

Another option is influencer marketing, where you pay influencers in your industry to promote the webinar and ask their own audience to register.

If you’re not sure how to run paid campaigns, check out these helpful resources:

  • The Definitive Guide to Facebook Advertising
  • Instagram Ads Made Simple: How to Create Instagram Ads In 2023
  • The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Ads: How to Get Started With Your First Campaign
  • How to Crush Your Online Revenue Goals With Google Ads

9. Do a test run

A critical webinar best practice is to never skip your test run.

While it might feel like you have a handle on everything, you’d be surprised what can go wrong despite the best planning.

When you do your test run, make it as close to the real thing as possible. If you plan to have a guest, have them join you to run through the presentation, interview, or demo.

Use all the same tech, as well as the finalized version of your presentation materials.

This is also a great opportunity to iron out the smaller details that you may have missed up until this point. For example, how you’ll transition between two speakers or two topics, or how long someone’s speaking part should be.

Depending on what’s left to plan, hold your dry run one to two days before the final presentation. This way, it’s close to your live date while still giving you time to address any issues or last-minute changes.

10. Go live!

You made a killer presentation. You set your stage and created your slide deck. You promoted it to your network and beyond.

It’s showtime.

Host a live webinar and unleash the power of your knowledge.

One more thing: the webinar isn’t over once your 60 minutes are up.

Your follow-up can make a huge difference in working toward the goals you were trying to accomplish in the first place, like getting more leads or sales.

Be sure to send an email to all of your attendees thanking them, with a link to the replay if you’re offering that option.

In that email, you can also send them a special offer or otherwise lead them further through your sales funnel . You should continue to nurture these relationships regularly so they grow and deepen.

That’s the whole point, after all.

Host a successful webinar today

There you have it: 10 steps to planning and executing an awesome webinar.

If it feels overwhelming at first, don’t sweat it. There’s a lot of work that goes into hosting an event like this, and you’ll continue to get better with every one you do.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is to make sure you’re always providing unique value to your audience, while keeping them engaged and entertained along the way.

If you can manage to do this, you’ll captivate them, nurture them, and turn them into a warm lead, then a paying customer—and eventually a loyal customer who keeps coming back for more.

Want to Learn More?

  • The Complete Guide to Video Marketing for Businesses
  • 23 Inspirational Videos That Will Completely Blow You Away
  • List of the Best Marketing Automation Software Tools
  • 10 Animation Software Program to Make Marketing Videos in 2021

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41 Tips & Best Practices To Create Great Webinars

Want to improve your webinars? Check out this guide with 41 best practices to target your audience, generate leads, and maximize conversions.

webinar best practices

Webinars can be an invaluable tool for marketers. When done right, they can:

  • Act as great content for your brand.
  • Build your brand as an authority in your industry
  • Generate leads based on your ideal audience.
  • Be repurposed as evergreen content for your brand.

But where do you start?

Marketers are flooded with webinars daily, some better than others.

How do you stand out above the rest and ensure you’re not presenting to only a few dozen audience members?

It’s a fact of life that many webinars fall flat, with low attendance and high drop-off rates.

That’s where we want to help.

In this guide, you’ll learn 41 tips for turning your webinar from middling returns to reaching your ideal audience and hitting your key performance indicators (KPIs) .

If you need a refresher first, let’s look at what a webinar actually is.

What Is a Webinar?

As you may have guessed (or already know), a webinar is an online seminar.

It has all the necessary elements of a seminar: a moderator, a presenter who is an expert on their topic, a slide deck or other visual media, and an audience.

The main difference between webinars and online videos is that webinars offer live interaction between the presenter and the audience through live chats, interactive Q&As, and even video chats with attendees.

Why You Should Use Webinars

So, you’ve never run a webinar before – why should you start now?

Here are five reasons.

  • Your ideal audience can be found anywhere in the world. No plane tickets, no booking a room. You can engage with new and existing audiences no matter their location.
  • You can interface with your audience directly and in a more interactive way. You don’t have to wait to catch up with interested audience members after the presentation. You can respond to their questions and see what their focus is live on air, thanks to a moderated chat and Q&A.
  • You establish yourself as a thought leader in your space. By hosting a free webinar that’s powerful and enticing, your audience will believe your paid content must be even better. (Conversions!)
  • You gain tons of qualified leads. Registering for a webinar requires email addresses, and since they’re expressing interest in your webinar, you can count on qualified leads .
  • You gain a huge source of evergreen content . The live webinar is only the beginning. With some extra work after, you can repurpose it into blogs , video content, infographics, and more.

What Do You Need For a Webinar?

To present a webinar, you’ll need a few elements working together:

  • An online webinar application, like BigMarker or GoToWebinar, to have a place for your audience to watch the hosted webinar.
  • A compelling slideshow presentation or other visual media designed to educate and entice.
  • An expert or thought leader in your field to present the information and field questions from the audience.
  • A good headset or microphone, with a high-quality camera for the presenter.

You also should build a promotional schedule in advance to ensure your audience is aware of your webinar with plenty of lead time before the presentation. This should include:

  • A landing page detailing what the webinar will present, along with a form for registering.
  • Social media posts hyping up the upcoming webinar.
  • An email campaign to your list.
  • A blog post or other similar content pointing to the landing page and elaborating on what the audience can expect.

We’ll go into more detail on these elements below.

Ready to create a webinar that stands out above the rest? Use these 41 tips when crafting your next webinar.

41 Tips Only The Greatest Webinar Hosts Know

Worried about being ignored or abandoned by your audience? Follow these tips to make sure it doesn’t happen.

Webinar Strategy

1. know your attendees.

Ask yourself:

  • Who will be attending?
  • What challenges/problems are they facing?
  • What are their goals?

Answering these questions will help you plan a webinar that’s laser-focused on improving your attendees’ lives.

For instance, Teachable does a great job with its webinars because it knows that its audience:

  • Is composed of people dreaming of creating their own profitable online courses…
  • …but don’t know where to start.

Know Your Attendees

2. Think About Visual Branding

Be consistent and try to align everything with your brand’s visual tone.

For example, be sure to insert your logo where it makes sense, such as the opening animation or the main slides.

You also need to use fonts, colors, and other visual elements that match your brand’s overall style. These small details are essential to creating a cohesive experience for your webinar attendees.

Also, they’ll make your brand more recognizable, especially if you utilize the same visual style in your other content.

For example, check out how Search Engine Journal links its promotional image to its branding style.

sej webinar screenshot

3. Keep Mobile In Mind

Not everyone who views your webinar will do so on a desktop computer.

25% of webinar viewers prefer mobile over desktop, so it’s important to ensure they’re taken care of during the webinar.

To give them a flawless experience , increase the size of your text and visuals.

Choose a webinar platform that supports mobile. A great example is ClickMeeting. (You can download its app if you want to run the webinar on your phone.)

Choose a webinar platform that supports mobile.

4. Offer Your Products Or Services As An Add-On

Offering your product in the middle of a webinar won’t turn the whole thing into an ad.

As long as your webinar delivers everything it promises, your audience should be more receptive to whatever you pitch.

There are only two things you need to remember:

  • The rest of the advice presented in the webinar should still be useful with or without your product.
  • Make sure to present the product when it makes sense.

5. Consider A Paid Webinar Series

Webinar marketing can be costly. A paid webinar series could pay for itself.

Asking attendees to pay for a webinar raises their expectations that the quality will be top-shelf. Make sure you deliver on that promise.

Once you’re confident in the value and quality you can provide, consider producing a paid webinar series for extra income.

Just remember to wait until you’re absolutely sure your target audience is willing to pay for your webinar content.

Test different price points until you find one that’s right for your audience.

While a paid model might keep your numbers down, you will likely get a more engaged audience.

Webinar Planning & Preparation

6. get help.

Hosting a webinar by yourself is possible, but it can drive you crazy.

To avoid this, consider getting someone (or a team) to work with you to make sure things go smoothly – from the planning and the promotion to the webinar itself and everything that follows.

They don’t necessarily have to be knowledgeable about the webinar topic, but they should be able to troubleshoot issues and moderate interactions with attendees. (An assistant who knows about webinar equipment and software is great.)

7. Pick Your Topic

Always focus on content first.

You must maintain high editorial standards.

People attend webinars to learn.

So, you need to make sure you are offering topics they find interesting.

One of your goals is to demonstrate your authority as an information source. You must show that you know your stuff and that you’re in tune with what’s going on in your space.

For a powerful webinar, you need to narrow it down to a specific topic that will be informative to your target audience.

For example, a webinar about content marketing would be a broad and vague topic to discuss in a webinar.

Instead, try to pick one area of content marketing, such as visual content. This will help you plan the webinar more efficiently and stay focused on a topic.

Here are five ways you can find a webinar topic your audience will be interested in:

  • FAQs: Mind your frequently asked questions page for topics your customers frequently search .
  • Search Google Analytics for top traffic pages: You can pick a topic by seeing what content is being discussed and shared the most on your site.
  • Ask sales or your social team: Ask your team members what topics they discuss with customers daily. These may be areas where more information may be needed.
  • Poll your audience : You can also ask your audience directly for topics they would find useful.
  • Competition: Look at your competitors to see if there are any topics or ideas you can adapt and make your own.

8. Write An Attention-Grabbing Title

Your webinar’s title is your first interaction with your audience.

When they see it, they’ll decide whether to sign up.

This means the first step toward crafting a magnetizing title is to know your audience and their pain points.

For instance, you learn that your audience struggles to find share-worthy topics to write about in their blog.

To excite their interest, give your webinar a title like this.

sej webinar screenshot

  • Don’t be too fancy. Simply identify your audience’s problem and craft a title that promises to solve it.
  • Use power-punching words. “ Fill” and “ease” spark up your audience’s imagination. Think about how much less engagement you’d get with a title like “Know What to Write About.”
  • Never be misleading. Your title shouldn’t make promises your webinar content can’t keep.

9. Find A Great Speaker

You can either use speakers from within your company or industry experts or influencers.

Regardless of your route, the key is making sure the speaker has the proper knowledge and experience to talk about the topic of your webinar.

Your speakers should be credible and demonstrate authority.

If your webinar is sponsored, and the sponsor will choose or provide the speaker, make sure to maintain editorial control.

Insist on an executive or subject matter expert who knows the topic well and is a polished presenter.

Work together to define a topic that balances the sponsor’s messaging with the needs of your audience.

10. Pick A Date/Time

Keep these scheduling secrets in mind:

  • Wednesday and Thursday emerge as the strong days for holding webinars; the optimal day ultimately depends on your goals and audience.
  • 10 a.m. GMT is the best time for webinars.

Remember to keep time zones in mind. If you’re based on the West Coast, then starting a webinar at 6 p.m. PT is probably too late for attendees living on the East Coast.

11. Decide On Your Webinar Format

Once you know what topic you want to cover, break it down into more specific topics and plan the webinar formats you will use.

Here are some of the most popular formats you should consider:

  • Single expert presenter: One expert shares their insights or tips.
  • Dual presenters: Instead of just one presenter, you have two presenters. This helps engage and educate the audience and may allow you to share more information.
  • Panel: Like a live panel, you could host a group of experts discussing a specific topic.
  • Q&A webinar: A Q&A webinar is a great opportunity to maximize the engagement of attendees. An expert (or a panel) simply answers the questions asked by your audience via chat or social media.
  • Interview webinar: Having a popular influencer as a guest speaker is a great way to boost attendance and build your authority. You just need to be up for the extra work of influencer outreach , which can be time-consuming and tedious.
  • Product demonstration: If the goal of your webinar is to promote a product, then you can choose the product demonstration or tutorial format.

Test different formats until you find the one that works best for your audience – then stick to it.

You can also do a mix of formats. For example, you could have a mix of a single expert presenter and Q&A.

12. Do A Dry Run

Before the day of the presentation, get everyone together to do a dry run of the webinar, acting as if it were the real thing.

Ensure all the equipment is working properly, the slides are all in order, and the speakers know what they’re doing.

Remember, things will go wrong on a dry run.

(I’m saying this from experience.)

To avoid glitches and embarrassing gaffes during the webinar, conduct a complete “dress rehearsal” a few days before going live.

13. Document Your Webinar Process

You may need to craft dozens or even hundreds of webinars to reap the full benefits of this amazing marketing tool.

That’s why you need to document your entire process.

Doing so will streamline your webinar production in the future.

Create an editorial calendar where topics, speakers, and dates are tracked and planned weeks in advance.

Also, list every task and to-do item for every stage of your webinar so nothing gets forgotten.

You can use a project management tool to ensure everyone stays on time.

Make sure to keep separate records for different webinar formats.

Over time, you’ll be able to identify what works, what doesn’t, and what you can do to fine-tune your process.

Technical Requirements

14. choose the right webinar platform.

Worried that technical problems will lead to poor feedback and ratings?

You don’t have to be – once you pick the right webinar platform.

Here are four questions to ask when selecting one:

  • Does it fit your budget?
  • Does it include the features you need, such as the ability to offer surveys?
  • How many attendees does it allow?
  • Can you record?

Search Engine Journal uses BigMarker as the webinar platform for its SEJ Webinar series. Its easy interface allows for a seamless user experience.

It is also easy to schedule and configure the settings of each webinar.

BigMarker also provides automated polls, the ability to load supplemental handouts, and follow-up emails to promote attendee engagement.

It also has chat capabilities that allow for more engagement and a live Q&A function that allows the audience to upvote their favorite questions.

The webinar reports generated by BigMarker are segregated by what metrics you wish to see – whether it’s about attendance, registration, performance, a poll, Q&A questions, or just the overall webinar analytics.

It gives a good measure of what you did well and what else you can improve on.

Other webinar platform options include:

  • EasyWebinar.
  • WebinarNinja.
  • Webinar Jam.
  • GoToWebinar.

15. Invest In A Great Headset Or Microphone

You don’t want your audience to be straining just to catch every word you say.

You want them to sit back comfortably as they listen to your crystal-clear voice.

To achieve this, stop using your laptop’s built-in mic for webinars.

Upgrade to a high-quality headset or microphone. You’ll notice the difference in no time.

This doesn’t mean you need to shell out $500. You can get excellent microphones for under a hundred dollars if you know where to look.

Check out our recommendations here .

16. Make Sure Your Internet Connection Is Stable

Have you ever gotten kicked out of a webinar?

Now imagine this: getting kicked out of your own webinar!

Yup, this can happen if you have an unstable internet connection.

To avoid the embarrassment of this webinar gaffe, test your internet connection first.

Remember, this is true for both the host and the presenter.

17. Test Your Gear

Be careful not to overlook the basic stuff.

Make sure you are equipped to deliver a high-quality webinar that people will remember.

The best way is to set up a test webinar including every feature you wish to use, starting with your audio and video recording equipment.

You don’t need to have an elaborate plan. Just record a test clip and ask for someone’s opinion regarding your sound, video quality, or any other elements your audience will notice.

If you use a particular webinar platform, familiarize yourself with all its useful features (e.g., interactive features like polls that can help you improve engagement).

On the day of the webinar, be ready 10 to 15 minutes early to ensure you’re prepared and that all of your gear is working.

Bonus tip: Never use new equipment on the day of the webinar. Use the equipment you’re familiar with so that if there is a problem, you can troubleshoot.

18. Eliminate Any Potential Sources Of Noise

Here’s a short checklist of the things you should do right before the webinar to prevent any distracting noises:

  • Mute every other device that isn’t necessary for the webinar.
  • Inspect your room for anything that produces noise.
  • Make sure your webinar area is inaccessible to pets and children.
  • Close applications running in the background of your computer.

Marketing Your Webinar

19. create a webinar landing page.

Don’t forget to create a landing page for your webinar.

Use this page to drive registrations and provide important information, including:

  • Speaker information.
  • Date and time.
  • What attendees will learn.

Remember, you don’t need to get super fancy.

A simple page like this will work.

Don’t forget to create a landing page for your webinar.

20. Write A Blog Post About Your Webinar

Write a blog post to help promote the webinar in advance.

Even if you don’t have a huge blog following, you can share this on social and email.

21. Promote Your Webinar On Social Media

Promoting your webinar on social media is one of the best ways to boost attendance.

Naturally, you need to promote your webinar through your existing social media channels, but you should also leverage the power of hashtags.

A branded hashtag can also work well as an interaction tool during your webinar.

For example, you can have a contest requiring viewers to tweet using a specific hashtag. The winner can then be chosen live by performing a quick hashtag search.

A more straightforward strategy, however, is simply encouraging attendees to use your hashtag when asking questions or discussing the webinar.

Not only will this strategy heighten the audience’s sense of involvement, but it will also further extend your brand’s social reach – introducing more people to your brand as a result.

22. Promote Your Webinar Via Email

If you already have an email database , make sure to promote your webinar to your subscribers.

Keep it concise, and make it easy for people to register.

Also, make sure you send out email reminders to people who have already registered for your webinar.

For example, you can email participants one day before the webinar or perhaps one hour before it starts.

Test what works best for you.

Bonus tip: Keep promoting after the webinar is over through all these channels as well, especially any content you publish based on it. You want to squeeze the most value out of your webinar.

23. Promote Your Webinar Via A Pop-Up

Do you say “ewww” whenever you think of pop-ups?

Those don’t work, right?

The top-performing pop-ups have a conversion rate of 9.3% . (Compare that to the average click-through rate of paid display ads – a meager .35% !)

So, no, pop-ups aren’t dead.

It may be that you’re simply doing them wrong.

To turn things around for your webinar invitation pop-ups:

  • Be clear about what you’re offering (and ensure your audience desires it).
  • Don’t show your pop-up immediately (show it when your visitor has been on your page for at least 15 seconds).
  • Be unique and let your brand’s personality shine through.

Here are examples of pop-ups we’ve used in the past.

sej pop up screenshot

Tips For Webinar Hosts

24. start on time.

Your attendees are busy. Don’t waste their time.

If your webinar is scheduled to start at 1 p.m., then make sure that everyone is all ready to go at 1 p.m.

There’s nothing more frustrating than being kept waiting on a hold screen.

You’ll lose attendees – and potential customers, clients, or subscribers.

25. Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

First impressions matter.

When the webinar starts, you set the tone – so you will need to keep everyone engaged by welcoming them.

Know the bios of your speakers so you can introduce them without shuffling through papers or stumbling.

26. Hook Them Quick

You need to capture your audience’s attention immediately.

Remember, it only takes a couple of clicks to leave a webinar.

To keep your audience around:

  • Avoid banter. People have better things to do, and if you bore them with your childhood story or your favorite ice cream brand (or any unnecessary, irrelevant details), they won’t stick around.
  • Get straight to the point as soon as you can.
  • Outline your audience’s pain points…
  • …and make it clear you’ll solve them by the end of the webinar.
  • List everything your audience is going to learn.
  • Show them your enthusiasm and excitement.

27. Have Questions Ready For Q&A

Although attendees will likely ask plenty of questions, it is always a smart idea to have a list of prepared questions ready, just in case the audience isn’t as engaged as you expected.

28. Accept That Things Might Go Wrong

No matter how prepared you are, always remember that some things are out of your hands.

You could lose electricity.

Your WiFi could go down.

Or, your laptop could choose today to die.

Usually, the problems won’t be that dramatic. They’ll be more like hiccups.

But things can – and will – go wrong.

Tips For Webinar Presenters

29. write a great script.

Just like any other type of live event, whether it’s a talk show or podcast, a script can do wonders for your webinar.

Your script is essentially your road map.

These notes will keep you on course.

Do you have to pre-plan every word you’re going to say?

But no matter how knowledgeable or passionate you are about a specified topic, trying to present or conduct an interview for an hour can be extremely challenging if it isn’t (at least slightly) scripted.

30. But Don’t Be Afraid To Go Off Script

Preparing a well-written script may be an essential step in webinar planning, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow it to the letter.

Sometimes, you need to go off script and elaborate to keep your audience engaged and entertained.

Always remember that your goal isn’t to go through everything as fast as possible – rather, it should be to convey your message as comprehensively as possible.

31. Practice Your Presentation

There is no such thing as too much rehearsal.

Some people can just “wing it.”

But these typically result in “OK” presentations, not fantastic or memorable webinars.

Whether you’re reading your script word for word, or following cue cards, you need to rehearse in order to inject proper tonality and personality in your words.

If not for that, at least make sure your sounds and slides are working well.

Sounding like a robot is bad. Sounding like someone confident and personable is good.

Your goal is to be remembered.

People typically only remember great speakers.

The rest is quickly forgotten.

32. Develop Visual Slides

What’s the point of using slides in your webinar if they’re only going to contain bulleted lists or lengthy paragraphs?

This is lazy and a mistake.

Some presenters even make it worse by reading what the viewers can clearly see for themselves.

If that’s been your plan all along, then you might as well forget about it – your webinar is probably going to be boring and fail.

When developing your slides, think of more visuals and fewer words.

Use data visualizations rather than creating lists to iterate statistics.

Getting more visual isn’t too hard to do, as there are plenty of free and affordable design tools available.

33. Use Different Media Formats

Instead of just relying on slides and video of the presenter speaking, use different forms of media.

For example, you could add a video or animation to illustrate your points further.

If you’re demonstrating how a product works, walk the attendees through the process in real time instead of just showing previously taken images.

It breaks up the monotony of the standard webinar and can keep your audience interested.

34. Plan For Interaction

You may think that holding a webinar, which uses video, text, and audio content, is a surefire way to maintain engagement.

But after listening to someone talk for 20 minutes or longer, your audience may get bored or distracted.

To ensure they pay attention up to the end of your webinar, you need to encourage them to participate.

Ask poll questions, provide challenges, and just try to be conversational as you divulge the contents of your webinar.

Fortunately, most webinar platforms provide a handful of interactive tools – the most common of which is a chat area where attendees can communicate freely.

You should have no problem finding a platform with everything you need to carry out your ideas.

35. Are You Inexperienced?

If this is your first webinar – or your first attempt at public speaking – you can expect to be nervous.

It’s perfectly fine. Just about everyone does.

Cracking a joke and acknowledging your nervousness is acceptable, but just don’t let your nerves affect the flow of the webinar.

If you’re ever in doubt, steer the conversation toward the host or another guest speaker to take the lead.

Also, mind your use of pauses to control the pace and learn to prevent fillers like “ummm,” “err,” and so on.

Ultimately, your speaking abilities can only improve with practice.

36. Teach & Sell

You should teach and sell at the same time.

Most people make the mistake of teaching and then selling.

This mistake leads to a very awkward transition when it’s time to make the offer.

Throughout the webinar, you need to teach your audience what to want.

When you get to the offer, your product or service will be exactly what they want!

After The Webinar

37. offer a call to action.

Make sure the audience knows what next step you want them to take.

For example, if you want them to download a whitepaper or sign up for a free trial, let them know and provide links in the webinar and the follow-up email.

If you offer something to attendees, make sure it is:

  • Clear and easy to understand.
  • Easy to use and saves them either time or money.
  • A great deal that they can’t get anywhere else. The price should be a no-brainer.
  • Solves problems.
  • Only available during the webinar promotion. If they wait, they’ll miss out completely.
  • Easy to buy.

38. Ask Attendees To Decide On The Next Webinar Topic

How can you keep attendees coming back for more?

Simple – let them decide what the next webinar will be about.

You can run a poll, ask them on social media, or tell them during the webinar to comment on what they want to see next.

This also makes it easier for you to come up with engaging topics.

Giving your attendees a voice and letting them influence the direction of your webinar strategy also builds brand loyalty.

39. Survey Your Attendees

Want to know whether your attendees loved or hated your webinar?

Ask attendees to take a brief survey so they can provide feedback that will help you improve moving forward.

40. Send People More Content

After the event, follow up with participants by sending them additional content. This includes:

  • People who registered but didn’t show up.
  • Attendees who left the webinar early.
  • People who converted.

For example, you could email the participants a full recap blog post, a SlideShare of the webinar, or a link to the video recording.

Remember: Your audience likes to consume content in many different formats , so repurposing content isn’t about being lazy or rehashing the same old thing. It is about creating strong, standalone pieces of content that your audience will find useful.

41. Track Your Results

Some webinar metrics you can track include:

  • How many people registered?
  • What were the top sources of registrations?
  • How many people actually attended?
  • How much time did they spend watching the webinar?

As you can see, webinars are a highly effective way to reach your ideal audience with educational content that lasts.

The first step is deciding what your goals are and then choosing a platform and format that meets those needs.

Creating a webinar takes a lot of planning, coordination, and follow-through – from settling on a specified topic and finding an awesome speaker to preparing for the live event.

The topics, content, and speakers should provide true value to your target audience.

For an effective webinar, you should always:

  • Listen to your audience.
  • Play to your current strengths.
  • Practice for a polished presentation.
  • Repurpose your content.

More Resources:

  • The Three Pillars Of Content Marketing Strategy
  • 20 Best Content Marketing Tools
  • B2B Lead Generation: Create Content That Converts

Featured Image: GaudiLab/Shutterstock

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...

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how to give a webinar presentation

First, make use of the camera. Many professionals don't like looking at themselves on camera, but that's not a valid excuse when you consider how much more engaged listeners are when watching ...

Final Step: Your Webinar Presentation Design . Unlike traditional presentations, webinars are highly visual experiences. And to get there, the design of your slides plays a huge role. So, make sure to give your final presentation an eye-catching professional aspect. Click on the image to read: "Your Top 8 Sites to Find Presentation Design ...

Schedule your webinar: In the Zoom portal, select 'Webinars' and then 'Schedule a Webinar.'. Fill in the details like date, time, and description. Customize settings: Choose options for registration, audio, video, and interactive features. Invitations: After setting up, use the provided link to invite attendees.

How to Create a Webinar Presentation in 6 Steps. By following the steps below, and adding your own touch of creativity, you can create a professional webinar that audiences will love. 1. Choose and Research a Topic. Step one is to have a full understanding of what your webinar presentation is about.

14. Follow Brand Guidelines. A webinar is a great chance to introduce first-time visitors to your brand. Follow your brand guidelines closely when working with your chosen slide deck and incorporate your brand color, consistent fonts, and a logo in the corner of each slide. 15.

Don't be afraid of repetition — throughout your presentation, loop back to the main points from your outline and continually drive your webinar takeaways. 5. Trim your script to fit the presentation's duration. Before you consider your webinar script done, give it one last round of edits. Read your script out loud.

5. Add a Call-to-Action Slide. Example of how GetResponse uses a thank you slide to provide a subtle CTA that leads to their survey. Whether your webinar is focused on sharing information, a case study, or for product promotion, make sure your presentation includes a call-to-action slide.

8 Tips To Create a Highly Effective Webinar. The first step into creating a virtual presentation for a webinar is to create a suitable blueprint, which details the flow that the presentation is going to take. As per the flow, start creating content. Textual content for a virtual presentation should be crisp and to-the-point.

Step #3. Introduce testimonials and social proof. Your next step for creating a successful webinar presentation is to include a healthy dose of testimonials and social proof. Testimonials are so powerful that 72% of consumers claim positive testimonials and reviews increase their trust in a brand.

(Note: Successful webinars are usually between 30 and 60 minutes long. This does not contradict the "10-20-30" rule. You can deliver a 20 minute presentation and make up the extra time with a quick introduction at the beginning and a Q&A session at the end.) 2. Create a Structure. Your webinar presentation should flow from one topic to the ...

Find the intersection between what you have to say and what people want to know! Factor 3: Know your software and equipment. In a webinar, success hinges far more on the technology than in other presentations. Technical difficulties, or even failures, are difficult or impossible to make up for.

Stick to your schedule. It's always an excellent move to let attendees know how long the webinar will last. So, share the agenda with them before the event and stick to the time limit to have enough time for the Q&A session. 7. Make your presentation readily available. You've put a lot of effort into your presentation.

5 Practice and rehearse. One of the most important steps for a great webinar presentation is to practice and rehearse as much as possible. This will help you improve your confidence, timing, tone ...

Transition to content. End your intro smoothly and transition into the meat of your presentation. 3. Speak Slowly, Clearly and With Expression. Your voice is a crucial means of keeping viewers engaged during a webinar. Follow these vocal best practices: Pace yourself. Speak slowly and clearly to be easily understood.

3. Plan and outline your content. In this step, you'll start putting together your webinar outline and lay down the groundwork i,e. Invite your attendees, plan your event logistics, and decide on a webinar promotion strategy. Creating an outline for your webinar content is easy if you already have a goal in mind.

Step 4: Create a registration page for your webinar. You can see the registration page for my webinar above. We highly recommend using Leadpages for this part of the process. They have a ton of great out of the box templates as well as plug and play integrations with most email providers and webinar software.

Visuals are a wonderful method to make your presentation more interesting and memorable, and they should be used fully. 5. Include a Call-to-Action Slide. Include a call-to-action slide in your presentation, whether your webinar is about sharing knowledge, a case study, or product promotion.

First, you'll need to create a landing page for your webinar. Your emails, banners, social posts, and other promotional efforts will link to this page. Make your landing page branded and visually attractive. Announce the topic, the speakers (illustrate their authority), and the date and time of the event.

Tip 2: Outline your webinar presentation. Working on the skeleton of your presentation will help you determine what needs to be said and in what order. A webinar presentation deck usually includes the following slides: Title slide. A brief introduction of the topic. The main points or agenda of the webinar.

Regularly changing your position and using hand gestures can enhance your presentation. Avoid displaying 'lazy' or 'closed' body language, like crossing your arms or hiding your hands. Instead, adopt open body language and exude confidence to create a more engaging and impactful webinar experience for your audience. 16.

2. Select a webinar format. Identifying the best way to present your topic can help you structure your webinar more efficiently. This comes down to choosing a format that will complement your personality and goals. Here are some popular formats: Presentation. This is one of the most used webinar formats.

Work together to define a topic that balances the sponsor's messaging with the needs of your audience. 10. Pick A Date/Time. Wednesday and Thursday emerge as the strong days for holding webinars ...

Make sure everything's working. You don't want to click the broadcast button without checking to make sure your PowerPoint presentation's actually working and not corrupted. Double check the microphone and your webcam if you want to show your face. Minimize distractions.

Are you thinking of closing a deal? If you're thinking of creating webinar presentation, you might as well step up your game and learn how to create an aweso...

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Guest Essay

Why Losing Political Power Now Feels Like ‘Losing Your Country’

A man with his head bowed is wearing a red hat with only the words “great again” visible in the light.

By Thomas B. Edsall

Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C., on politics, demographics and inequality.

Is partisan hostility so deeply enmeshed in American politics that it cannot be rooted out?

Will Donald Trump institutionalize democratic backsliding — the rejection of adverse election results, the demonization of minorities and the use of the federal government to punish opponents — as a fixture of American politics?

The literature of polarization suggests that partisan antipathy has become deeply entrenched and increasingly resistant to amelioration.

“Human brains are constantly scanning for threats to in-groups,” Rachel Kleinfeld , a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, wrote in a September 2023 essay, “ Polarization, Democracy, and Political Violence in the United States: What the Research Says .”

“As people affectively polarize, they appear to blow out-group threats out of proportion, exaggerating the out-group’s dislike and disgust for their own group, and getting ready to defend their in-group, sometimes aggressively,” Kleinfeld argued.

Kleinfeld acknowledged that “a number of interventions have been shown in lab settings, games and short experiments to reduce affective intervention in the short term,” but, she was quick to caution, “reducing affective polarization through these lab experiments and games has not been shown to affect regular Americans’ support for antidemocratic candidates, support for antidemocratic behaviors, voting behavior or support for political violence.”

Taking her argument a step further, Kleinfeld wrote:

Interventions to reduce affective polarization will be ineffective if they operate only at the individual, emotional level. Ignoring the role of polarizing politicians and political incentives to instrumentalize affective polarization for political gain will fail to generate change while enhancing cynicism when polite conversations among willing participants do not generate prodemocratic change.

Yphtach Lelkes , a political scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, succinctly described by email the hurdles facing proposed remedies for polarization and antidemocratic trends:

I don’t think any bottom-up intervention is going to solve a problem that is structural. You could reduce misperceptions for a day or two or put diverse groups together for an hour, but these people will be polarized again as soon as they are exposed once more to campaign rhetoric.

The reality, Lelkes continued, is that “a fish rots from the head, and political elites are driving any democratic backsliding that is occurring in America. Most Republican voters do not support the antidemocratic policies and practices of their elected officials.”

In their March 2024 paper, “ Uncommon and Nonpartisan: Antidemocratic Attitudes in the American Public ,” Lelkes, Derek E. Holliday and Shanto Iyengar , both of Stanford, and Sean J. Westwood of Dartmouth found that public opposition to antidemocratic policies is not adequate to prevent their adoption:

More ominous implications of our results are that 1) public support is not a necessary precondition for backsliding behavior by elites, and 2) Americans, despite their distaste for norm violations, continue to elect representatives whose policies and actions threaten democracy. One explanation is that when partisanship is strong, voters place party and policy goals over democratic values. Indeed, one of the least-supported norm violations — removing polling places in outparty-dominated areas — has already been violated by elected officials in Texas, and there are concerns about pending similar laws in other states. Such unconstrained elite behavior suggests that threats to democracy could well manifest themselves in both parties in the future.

The level of public support for democratic institutions will be a crucial factor in the 2024 elections. President Biden is campaigning on the theme that Trump and his MAGA allies are intent on strengthening authoritarian leadership at the expense of democracy.

Political scientists and reform groups seeking to restore collegiality to political debate and elections have experimented with a wide variety of techniques to reduce partisan hostility and support for antidemocratic policies.

These efforts have raised doubts among other election experts, both about their effectiveness and durability. Such experts cite the virulence of the conflicts over race, ethnicity and values and the determination of Trump and other politicians to keep divisive issues in the forefront of campaigns.

I have written before about the largest study of techniques to lessen polarization, which was conducted by Jan G. Voelkel and Robb Willer , sociologists at Stanford, along with many other colleagues. Voelkel and Willer are the primary authors of “ Megastudy Identifying Effective Interventions to Strengthen Americans’ Democratic Attitudes .” Given the heightened importance of the coming election and the potential effects of polarization on it, their study is worth re-evaluating.

Voelkel, Willer and 83 others

conducted a megastudy (n=32,059) testing 25 interventions designed by academics and practitioners to reduce Americans’ partisan animosity and antidemocratic attitudes. We find nearly every intervention reduced partisan animosity, most strongly by highlighting sympathetic and relatable individuals with different political beliefs. We also identify several interventions that reduced support for undemocratic practices and partisan violence, most strongly by correcting misperceptions of outpartisans’ views — showing that antidemocratic attitudes, although difficult to move, are not intractable.

Their own data and their responses to my inquiries suggest, however, that the optimism of their paper needs to be tempered.

In the case of the “six interventions that significantly reduced partisan animosity,” the authors reported that two weeks later “the average effect size in the durability survey amounted to 29 percent of the average effect size in the main survey.”

I asked Voelkel to explain this further, posing the question: “If the initial reduction in the level of partisan animosity was 10 percentage points, does the 29 percent figure indicate that after two weeks the reduction in partisan animosity was 2.9 percentage points?” Voelkel wrote back to say yes.

In an email responding to some of my follow-up questions about the paper, Voelkel wrote:

I do not want to overstate the success of the interventions that we tested in our study. Our contribution is that we identify psychological strategies for intervening on partisan animosity and antidemocratic attitudes in the context of a survey experiment. We still need to test how big the effects could be in a large-scale campaign in which the psychological mechanisms for reducing partisan animosity and antidemocratic attitudes get triggered not once (as in our study) but ideally many times and over a longer period.

Voelkel cautioned that “one-time interventions might not be enough to sustainably reduce affective polarization in the mass public. Thus, successful efforts would need to be applied widely and repeatedly to trigger the psychological mechanisms that are associated with reductions in affective polarization.”

Willer sent a detailed response to my queries by email:

First, to be clear, we do not claim that the interventions we tested have large enough effects that they would cure the problems they target. We do not find evidence for that. Far from it. I would characterize the results of the Strengthening Democracy Challenge in a more measured way. We find that many of the interventions we tested reliably, meaningfully and durably reduce both survey and behavioral indicators of partisan animosity.

Willer wrote that “the interventions we tested were pretty effective in reducing animosity toward rival partisans, particularly in the short term. However, we found that the interventions we tested were substantially less effective in reducing antidemocratic attitudes, like support for undemocratic practices and candidates.”

Other scholars were more skeptical.

I asked Lilliana Mason , a political scientist at Johns Hopkins and a leading scholar of affective polarization: “Are there methods to directly lessen polarization? Are they possible on a large, populationwide scale?”

“If we knew that,” she replied by email, “we would have definitely told people already.”

There is evidence, Mason continued, that

it is possible to correct misperceptions about politics by simply providing correct information. The problem is that this new correct information doesn’t change people’s feelings about political candidates or issues. For example, you can correct a lie told by Donald Trump, and people will believe the new correct information, but that won’t change their feelings about Trump at all.

“We think of affective polarization as being extremely loyal to one side and feeling strong animosity toward the other side,” Mason wrote, adding:

This can be rooted in substantive disagreements on policy, identity-based status threat, safe versus dangerous worldview, historical and contemporary patterns of oppression, violations of political norms, vilifying rhetoric, propagandistic media and/or a number of other influences. But once we are polarized, it’s very difficult to use reason and logic to convince us to think otherwise.

Similarly, “there are methods that reduce polarization in academic research settings,” Westwood, an author of the March paper cited above, wrote by email. He continued:

The fundamental problems are that none “cure” polarization (i.e., move the population from negative to neutral attitudes toward the opposing party), none last more than a short period of time and none have a plausible path to societywide deployment. It is impossible to reach every American in need of treatment, and many would balk at the idea of having their political attitudes manipulated by social scientists or community groups.

More important, in Westwood’s view, is that

whatever techniques might exist to reduce citizen animosity must be accompanied by efforts to reduce hostility among elected officials. It doesn’t matter if we can make someone more positive toward the other party if that effect is quickly undone by watching cable news, reading social media or otherwise listening to divisive political elites.

Referring to the Voelkel-Willer paper, Westwood wrote:

It is a critically important scientific study, but it, like nearly all social science research, does not demonstrate that the studied approaches work in the real world. Participants in this study were paid volunteers, and the effects were large but not curative. (They reduced partisan hatred and did not cure it.) To fix America’s problems, we need to reach everyone from fringe white nationalists to single moms in Chicago, which is so costly and logistically complicated that there isn’t a clear path toward implementation.

One problem with proposals designed to reduce partisan animosity and antidemocratic beliefs, which at least three of the scholars I contacted mentioned, is that positive effects are almost immediately nullified by the hostile language in contemporary politics.

“The moralized political environment is a core problem,” Peter Ditto , a professor of psychological science at the University of California, Irvine, wrote by email:

Unless we can bring the temperature down in the country, it is going to be hard to make progress on other fronts, like trying to debias citizens’ consumption of political information. The United States is stuck in this outrage spiral. Partisan animosity both fuels and is fueled by a growing fact gap between red and blue America.

Ditto argued that there is “good evidence for the effectiveness of accuracy prompts (correcting falsehoods) to reduce people’s belief in political misinformation,” but “attempting to reduce political polarization with accuracy prompts alone is like trying to start a mediation during a bar fight.”

Attempts to improve political decision making, Ditto added, “are unlikely to have a substantial effect unless we can tamp down the growing animosity felt between red and blue America. The United States has gone from a politics based on disagreement to one based on dislike, distrust, disrespect and often even disgust.”

Citing the Voelkel-Willer paper, Jay Van Bavel , a professor of psychology and neural science at N.Y.U., emailed me to express his belief that “there are solid, well-tested strategies for reducing affective polarization. These are possible on a large scale if there is sufficient political will.”

But Van Bavel quickly added that these strategies “are up against all the other factors that are currently driving conflict and animosity, including divisive leaders like Donald Trump, gerrymandering, hyperpartisan media (including social media), etc. It’s like trying to bail out the Titanic.”

Simply put, it is difficult, if not impossible, to attempt to counter polarization at a time when partisan sectarianism is intense and pervasive.

Bavel described polarization as

both an illness from various problems in our political system and an outcome. As a result, the solution is going to be extremely complex and involve different leadership (once Trump and his inner circle leave the scene, that will help a lot), as well as a number of structural changes (removing gerrymandering and other incentive structures that reinforce extremism).

Affective polarization, Bavel added,

is really just a disdain for the other political party. Political sectarianism seems to be an even worse form because now you see the other party as evil. Both of these are, of course, related to ideological polarization. But affective polarization and political sectarianism are different because they can make it impossible to cooperate with an opponent even when you agree. That’s why they are particularly problematic.

Stanley Feldman , a political scientist at Stony Brook University, pointed to another characteristic of polarization that makes it especially difficult to lower the temperature of the conflict between Republicans and Democrats: There are real, not imaginary, grounds for their mutual animosity.

In an email, Feldman wrote:

There is a reality to this conflict. There has been a great deal of social change in the U.S. over the past few decades. Gay marriage is legal, gender norms are changing, the country is becoming more secular, immigration has increased.

Because of this, Feldman added:

it’s a mistake to suggest this is like an illness or disease. We’re talking about people’s worldviews and beliefs. As much as we may see one side or the other to be misguided and a threat to democracy, it’s still important to try to understand and take seriously their perspective. And analogies to illness or pathology will not help to reduce conflict.

There are, in Feldman’s view,

two major factors that have contributed to this. First, national elections are extremely competitive now. Partisan control of the House and Senate could change at every election. Presidential elections are decided on razor-thin margins. This means that supporters of each party constantly see the possibility of losing power every election. This magnifies the perceived threat from the opposing party and increases negative attitudes toward the out-party.

The second factor?

The issues dividing the parties have changed. When the two parties fought over the size of government, taxes and social welfare programs, it was possible for partisans to imagine a compromise that is more or less acceptable even if not ideal. Compromise on issues like abortion, gender roles, L.G.B.T.Q. rights and the role of religion is much more difficult, so losing feels like more of a threat to people’s values. Feldman continued:

From a broader perspective, these issues, as well as immigration and the declining white majority, reflect very different ideas of what sort of society the United States should be. This makes partisan conflict feel like an existential threat to an “American” way of life. Losing political power then feels like losing your country. And the opposing parties become seen as dangers to society.

These legitimately felt fears and anxieties in the electorate provide a fertile environment for elected officials, their challengers and other institutional forces to exacerbate division.

As Feldman put it:

It’s also important to recognize the extent to which politicians, the media, social media influencers and others have exacerbated perceptions of threat from social change. Take immigration, for example. People could be reminded of the history of immigration in the U.S.: how immigrants have contributed to American society, how second and third generations have assimilated, how previous fears of immigration have been unfounded. Instead there are voices increasing people’s fear of immigration, suggesting that immigrants are a threat to the country, dangerous and even less than human. Discussions of a “great replacement” theory, supposed attacks on religion, dangers of immigration and changing gender norms undermining men’s place in society magnify perceptions of threat from social change. Cynical politicians have learned that they can use fear and partisan hostility to their political advantage. As long as they think this is a useful strategy, it will be difficult to begin to reduce polarization and partisan hostility.

In other words, as long as Trump is the Republican nominee for president and as long as the prospect of a majority-minority country continues to propel right-wing populism, the odds of reducing the bitter animosity that now characterizes American politics remain slim.

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Thomas B. Edsall has been a contributor to the Times Opinion section since 2011. His column on strategic and demographic trends in American politics appears every Wednesday. He previously covered politics for The Washington Post. @ edsall


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