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Becoming a Teacher: What I Learned about Myself During the Pandemic

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Introduction to the Article by Andrew Stremmel

Now, more than ever, we need to hear the voices of preservice teachers as well as in-service teachers during this pandemic. How has the pandemic affected them? In what ways has the pandemic enabled them to think about the need to really focus on what matters, what’s important? What were the gains and losses? These are very important questions for our time.  In this essay, Alyssa Smith, a senior studying early childhood education, attempts to address the lessons learned from her junior year, focusing on the positive aspects of her coursework and demonstrating an imaginative, growth mindset. This essay highlights the power of students’ reflection on their own learning. But I think it does so much more meaningful contemplation than we might expect of our students in “normal” times. Alyssa gains a new appreciation for this kind of active reflection—the opportunity to think more critically; to be more thoughtful; to stop, step back, catch her breath, and rethink things. As a teacher educator and her mentor, I believe this essay represents how the gift of time to stop and reflect can open space to digest what has been experienced, and how the gift of reflective writing can create a deeper level of thinking about how experiences integrate with one’s larger narrative as a person.

About the Author

Andrew Stremmel, PhD, is professor in early childhood education at South Dakota State University. His research is in teacher action research and Reggio Emilia-inspired, inquiry-based approaches to early childhood teacher education. He is an executive editor of  Voices of Practitioners .  

I’ve always known I was meant to be a teacher. I could feel my passion guide my work and lead my heart through my classes. So why did I still feel as if something was missing? During the fall of my junior year, the semester right before student teaching, I began to doubt my ability to be a great teacher, as I did not feel completely satisfied in my work. What I did not expect was a global pandemic that would shut down school and move all coursework online. I broke down. I wanted to do more than simply be a good student. I wanted to learn to be a great teacher. How was I supposed to discover my purpose and find what I was missing when I couldn’t even attend my classes? I began to fret that I would never become the capable and inspirational educator that I strived to be, when I was missing the firsthand experience of being in classrooms, interacting with children, and collaborating with peers.

It wasn’t until my first full semester being an online student that I realized the pandemic wasn’t entirely detrimental to my learning. Two of my early childhood education courses, Play and Inquiry and Pedagogy and Curriculum, allowed limited yet meaningful participation in a university lab school as well as engagement with problems of substance that require more intense thinking, discussion, analysis, and thoughtful action. These problems, which I briefly discuss below, presented challenges, provocations, possibilities, and dilemmas to be pondered, and not necessarily resolved. Specifically, they pushed me to realize that the educational question for our time is not, “What do I need to know about how to teach?” Rather, it is, “What do I need to know about myself in the context of this current pandemic?” I was therefore challenged to think more deeply about who I wanted to be as a teacher and who I was becoming, what I care about and value, and how I will conduct myself in the classroom with my students.

These three foundations of teaching practice (who I want to be, what I value, and how I will conduct myself) were illuminated by a question that was presented to us students in one of the very first classes of the fall 2020 semester: “What’s happening right now in your experience that will help you to learn more about yourself and who you are becoming?” This provocation led me to discover that, while the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light (and at times magnified) many fears and insecurities I had as a prospective teacher, it also provided me with unique opportunities, time to reflect, and surprising courage that I feel would not otherwise have been afforded and appreciated.

Although I knew I wanted to be a teacher, I had never deliberately pondered the idea of what kind of teacher I wanted to be. I held the core values of being an advocate for children and helping them grow as confident individuals, but I still had no idea what teaching style I was to present. Fortunately, the pandemic enabled me to view my courses on play and curriculum as a big “look into the mirror” to discern what matters and what was important about becoming a teacher.

As I worked through the rest of the course, I realized that this project pushed me to think about my identity as an educator in relation to my students rather than simply helping me understand my students, as I initially thought. Instead, a teacher’s identity is formed in relation to or in relationship with our students: We take what we know about our students and use it to shape ourselves and how we teach. I found that I had to take a step back and evaluate my own perceptions and beliefs about children and who I am in relation to them. Consequently, this motivated me to think about myself as a classroom teacher during the COVID-19 pandemic. What did I know about children that would influence the way I would teach them?

I thought about how children were resilient, strong, and adaptable, possessing an innate ability to learn in nearly any setting. While there were so many uncertainties and fear surrounding them, they adapted to mask-wearing, limited children in the classroom, and differentiated tasks to limit cross-contamination. Throughout, the children embodied being an engaged learner. They did not seem to focus on what they were missing; their limitless curiosity could not keep them from learning. Yet, because young children learn primarily through relationships, they need some place of learning that helps them to have a connection with someone who truly knows, understands, and cares about them. Thus, perhaps more than any lesson, I recognized my relationship with children as more crucial. By having more time to think about children from this critical perspective, I felt in my heart the deeper meaning children held to me.

My compassion for children grew, and a greater respect for them took shape, which overall is what pushed me to see my greater purpose for who I want to be as an educator. The pandemic provided time to develop this stronger vision of children, a clearer understanding of how they learn, and how my identity as a teacher is formed in relationship with children. I don’t think I would have been able to develop such a rich picture of how I view children without an in-depth exploration of my identity, beliefs, and values.

In my curriculum course, I was presented a different problem that helped me reflect on who I am becoming as an educator. This was presented as a case study where we as students were asked the question, “Should schools reopen amidst the COVID-19 pandemic?” This was a question that stumped school districts around the nation, making me doubt that I would be able to come up with anything that would be remotely practical. I now was experiencing another significant consequence of the pandemic: a need for new, innovative thinking on how to address state-wide academic issues. My lack of confidence, paired with the unknowns presented by the pandemic, made me feel inadequate to take on this problem of meaning.

To address this problem, I considered more intentionally and reflectively what I knew about how children learn; issues of equity and inequality that have led to a perceived achievement gap; the voices of both teachers and families; a broader notion of what school might look like in the “new normal”; and the role of the community in the education of young children. Suddenly, I was thinking in a more critical way about how to address this problem from the mindset of an actual and more experienced teacher, one who had never faced such a conundrum before. I knew that I had to design a way to allow children to come back into a classroom setting, and ultimately find inspiration for learning in this new normal. I created this graphic (above) to inform families and teachers why it is vital to have students return to school. As a result, I became an educator. I was now thinking, feeling, and acting as a teacher. This case study made me think about myself and who I am becoming as a teacher in a way that was incredibly real and relevant to what teachers were facing. I now found inspiration in the COVID-19 pandemic, as it unlocked elements of myself that I did not know existed.

John Dewey (1916) has been attributed to stating, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” Learning may begin in the classroom, but it does not end there. Likewise, teaching is not a role, but a way of being. The ability to connect with children and to engage them meaningfully depends less on the methods we use than on the degree to which we know and trust ourselves and are willing to share that knowledge with them. That comes through continually reflecting on who we are in relation to children and their families, and what we do in the classroom to create more meaningful understanding of our experiences. By embodying the role of being an educator, I grew in ways that classroom curriculum couldn't prepare me for. Had it not been for the pandemic, this might not have been possible.

Dewey, J. 1916. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education . New York: MacMillan.

Alyssa Marie Smith  is currently an early childhood education student studying at South Dakota State University. She has been a student teacher in the preschool lab on campus, and now works as a kindergarten out of school time teacher in this same lab school. In the fall, she plans to student teach in an elementary setting, and then go on to teach in her own elementary classroom.

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Essay About Being a Teacher: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

If you are writing an essay about being a teacher, here are some examples to give you inspiration.

Without a doubt, teaching is one of the most important professions one can have. Teachers give children the lessons they must learn to face the future and contribute positively to society. They can be considered the gateway to success stories such as Oprah Winfrey , Adele , and John Legend , all of whom have cited their teachers as major inspirations to their careers. 

Many educators would say that “teaching is its own reward.” However, it may be difficult to see how this is the case, especially considering the fact that being an educator entails massive amounts of stress and pressure. Teaching has actually been reported to be one of the most underpaid jobs , yet many teachers still love what they do. Why is this?

If you want to write an essay about being a teacher, whether you are one or not, you can get started by reading the 5 examples featured here. 

1. Reflections on being a teacher … by Darren Koh

2. teaching in the pandemic: ‘this is not sustainable’ by natasha singer, 3. why i got rid of my teacher’s desk by matthew r. morris, 4. stress is pushing many teachers out of the profession by daphne gomez, 5. doubt and dreams by katheryn england, top writing prompts on essay about being a teacher, 1. what makes teaching so fulfilling, 2. what can you learn from being a teacher, 3. why do people become teachers, 4. should you become a teacher, 5. how have teachers helped you become who you are today.

“Although strictly speaking, based on the appointments I hold, I really do not have time to do much of it. I say teach, not lecturing. The lecturer steps up to the lectern and declaims her knowledge. She points out the difficulties in the area, she talks about solutions to problems, and she makes suggestions for reform. The focus is on the subject – the students follow. The teacher, however, needs to meet the students where they are in order to bring them to where they have to be. The focus is on the student’s ability.”

Koh writes about how he teaches, the difficulties of teaching, and what it means to be a teacher. He helps his students hone their skills and use them critically. He also discusses the difficulty of connecting with each student and focusing their attention on application rather than mere knowledge. Koh wants students to achieve their full potential; teaching to him is engaging, inspirational, and transparent. He wants readers to know that being a teacher is rewarding yet difficult, and is something he holds close to his heart.

“‘I work until midnight each night trying to lock and load all my links, lessons, etc. I never get ahead,” one anonymous educator wrote. ‘Emails, endless email. Parents blaming me because their kids chose to stay in bed, on phones, on video games instead of doing work.’”

Singer writes about the difficult life of teachers trying to balance in-person and distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. On top of the standard class routine, being a teacher during the pandemic has entailed the burden of handling students who opt for remote learning. They are faced with additional struggles, including connection issues, complaining parents, and being overworked in general- it’s as if they teach twice the number of classes as normal. This is exhausting and may prove detrimental to the American education system, according to the sources Singer cites. 

“What it means to me is that I am checking (or acknowledging) my privilege as a teacher in the space of the classroom and in order to facilitate a more equitable classroom community for my students, erasing one of the pillars of that inequity is a step in the right direction. I am comfortable in my role as the head member in my classroom, and I don’t need a teacher’s desk anymore to signify that.”

Morris, an educator, writes about what teaching means to him, highlighted by his decision to remove his teacher’s desk from his classroom. Being a teacher for him is about leading the discussion or being the “lead learner,” as he puts it, rather than being an instructor. His removal of the teacher’s desk was decided upon based on his desire to help his students feel more equal and at home in class. He believes that being a teacher means being able to foster authentic connections both for and with his students.

“Teachers want to help all students achieve, and the feeling of leaving any student behind is devastating. The pressure that they put on themselves to ensure that they serve all students can also contribute to the stress.”

Gomez writes about the stress that comes with being a teacher, largely due to time constraints, lack of resources, and the number of students they must instruct. As much as they want to help their students, their environment does not allow them to touch the lives of all students equally. They are extremely pressured to uphold certain standards of work, and while they try as hard as they can, they do not always succeed. As a result, many teachers have left the profession altogether. Gomez ends her piece with an invitation for teachers to read about other job opportunities. 

“Then I re-evaluate what I want for myself, and what it is that keeps me working towards my dreams. Through the goals I’ve set for myself, I can maintain focus, move past my self-doubt and succeed. By focusing on my goals, I can make a difference in the world directly around me.”

Taken from a collection of short essays, England’s essay is about why she so desperately wishes to become a teacher. She was previously able to work as a teaching assistant to her former elementary school teacher, and enjoyed imparting new knowledge unto children. Even in moments of self-doubt, she reminds herself to be confident in her dreams and hopes to be able to make a difference in the world with her future profession.

Essay about being a teacher: What makes teaching so fulfilling?

When it comes to teachers, we often hear about either “the joy of teaching” or the immense stress that comes with it. You can explore the gratitude and satisfaction that teachers feel toward their jobs, even with all the struggles they face. Read or watch the news and interviews with teachers themselves.

Research on the skills and qualifications people need to be teachers, as well as any qualities they may need to do their job well. What skills can you get from teaching? What traits can you develop? What lessons can you learn? 

Despite the seemingly endless barrage of stories about the difficulties that teachers face, many people still want to teach. You can explore the reasoning behind their decisions, and perhaps get some personal insight on being a teacher as well. 

Based on what you know, would you recommend teaching as a job? If you aren’t too knowledgeable on this topic, you can use the essay examples provided as guides- they present both the positive and negative aspects of being a teacher. Be sure to support your argument with ample evidence- interviews, anecdotes, statistics, and the like.  

Teachers, whether in a school setting or not, have almost certainly helped make you into the person you are now. You can discuss the impact that your teachers have had on your life, for better or for worse, and the importance of their roles as teachers in forming students for the future.

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

about myself essay for teacher

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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What Inspires Me as an Educator: A Lifelong Commitment

Table of contents, impactful teachers, student growth and success, diversity and inclusion, life-long learning, making a difference.

  • Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Basic Books.
  • Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Random House.
  • Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • Palmer, P. J. (1998). The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life. John Wiley & Sons.
  • hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. Routledge.

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19 Top Ideas for a “Why I want to be a Teacher” Essay

Here are the 19 best reasons you would want to be a teacher that you can include in your essay:

  • To help children learn more effectively.
  • To ensure children have positive mentors.
  • To improve children’s lives.
  • To help future generations solve the problems of today.
  • To help the future generations become good citizens.
  • To inspire future generations to create a more equal world.
  • To give back to the community I grew up in.
  • To be a part of helping my community thrive.
  • To be a part of my community’s decision-making processes.
  • Because you have the patience for working with children.
  • Because you have compassion for children.
  • Because you want to learn from children.
  • Because you’re enthusiastic about learning.
  • Because you are a generous person.
  • Because you’re interested in learning how to teach difficult students.
  • Because you’re interested in learning how to work with difficult parents.
  • Because you’re interested in learning diverse strategies for teaching,
  • Because you’re interested in learning to master classroom management.
  • Because you’re interested in learning what works and what doesn’t in teaching.

The ‘Why I want to be a teacher’ essay is all about showing you have thought in-depth about what a teacher does and what their role is in society. It’s also about showing you think you’d be a good person to conduct that role.

The 9 Tips are split into five categories. You can scan this whole post or browse through the categories here:

This essay is hard to get right.

Most students write the exact same thing as one another with the same old cliché statements like “because I love kids” (ugh, wrong answer!). If you do this, your teacher will just give you an average grade (or worse).

You need your essay on “why you want to be a teacher” to be different – indeed excellent – so it stands out for your teacher.

I’ll show you how.

Why should you listen to me? Well, I’ve been teaching university students in education departments for 8 years. In that time I’ve marked several thousand essays by people aiming to become teachers. I know what essays get top marks and which ones are average. I also know exactly what mistakes students make that make their essays seem … dull.

So, let me get you started out by introducing 19 points that you should make in your essay on why you want to be a teacher. I’ll break these 19 points down into 5 separate categories. Check them out below.

Read Also: Is Being a Teacher Worth It? (Why I Quit a Good Job)

1. Definitely do not say “because kids are fun”. Do this instead.

The word ‘fun’ is a big red flag for markers. Too many people want to become teachers because they think it would be a fun profession. Or, they might think that they want to help children have fun . No, no, no.

This is an incorrect answer in your essay about why you want to become a teacher.

Yes, teaching is fun a lot of the time. And it is really nice to see students having fun based on activities you’ve set for them.

But society isn’t paying you to have fun, or even to make children have fun. You’re not going to be a child minder, aunt, uncle or clown. You’re going to be a professional who has a bigger social purpose than having fun.

Now, a lot of students say to me “But, students learn more when they’re having fun.” Sure, that might be true – but it’s not a central reason for teaching.

If making learning more fun is genuinely a reason why you decided to become a teacher, then you need to frame it in a way that shows the importance of teaching for the good of students. Here’s three better ways to say ‘because kids are fun’; for each on, we can start with “I want to become a teacher because…”:

  • I want to help children learn more effectively. You could say something like: …When I was in school, learning was hard and I therefore hated teaching. There were a lot of teachers who seemed uninspired and uninterested in whether their children are learning. I was inspired to become a teacher so I could help children like myself to learn in ways that are engaging, motivating and inspiring.
  • I want to ensure children have positive mentors. You could say something like: …Many children in the world don’t have positive mentors at home. A teacher is often the one person in a child’s life who is a stable mentor that the child can lean upon. I chose to become a teacher because I believe all children need a positive mentor that instils in them an interest in the world and a belief that they can make something of themselves.
  • I want to improve children’s lives. You could say something like: …Being a teacher will give me the power to make children’s lives better. Learning opens doors to new opportunities, ways of thinking and paths in life that children wouldn’t have had before me. I am inspired by the idea of helping a child who is sad, uncertain and lacks confidence to see their own potential for creating a fulfilling life for themselves.

All three of those ideas still skirt around the idea that helping children have fun is something you want to see happen, but they also point out that there’s something deeper here than the idea that children should have fun: they should have fun for a reason. That reason could be so they learn more, develop an interest in the world, or see that their lives are full of potential.

Note that in my three examples above, I never used the word ‘fun’: it’s too much of a red flag for your markers.

2. Explain how teaching helps the world! Here’s how.

Have you ever heard someone say that ‘Teaching is a noble profession’? Well, it is. And this is something you really should be talking about in your essay on why you want to become a teacher.

Your teacher will be impressed by your understanding that teaching is a profession that keeps the world turning. Without teachers, where would we be? Probably back in the dark ages where people couldn’t read or write, technology wasn’t advancing very quickly at all, and people mostly lived in ignorance of their world.

So, being a teacher is has a bigger social purpose. As a teacher, you’ll be an important piece of society. You’ll be one of the army of tens – no, hundreds – of thousands of people helping future generations to propel our world towards better days. Below are some ways teaching helps the world. You can start these off with “I want to become a teacher because…”

  • I want to help future generations solve the problems of today. Being a teacher gives you the opportunity to propel students to greater heights. The children in your classrooms will be the people who solve climate change (oh, goodness, I hope so!), create the technologies to make our lives more comfortable, and get us out of the ecological, economic and political messes we seem to have gotten ourselves into!
  • I want to help the future generations become good citizens. There’s a concept called the ‘ hidden curriculum ’. This concept points to the fact that children learn more at school than what’s in the tests. They also learn how to get along, manners, democratic values and the importance of sharing. These soft skills are more than just a by-product of education. They’re incredibly important for showing our students how to get along in our society.
  • I want to inspire future generations to create a more equal world. A lot of what we talk about at school are moral issues: what’s the right and wrong thing to do? How do our actions ensure or hinder equality of races, genders and social classes? As a teacher, you will be instilling in children the idea that the decisions they make will lead to a more or less equal world. And of course, we all want a more equal world for our children.

These points are some higher-order points that will help you teacher see that you’re becoming a teacher for more than ‘fun’. You’re becoming a teacher because you see the noble purpose in teaching. If you do this right, you’ll surely impress your teacher.

3. Discuss your commitment to community. Here’s how.

Teachers are at the center of communities. Parents take their children to school, drop them off, then go to work. They busily get on with their jobs: architect, shop assistant, nurse, builder, and so on… Then, they all come back at the end of the day to collect their children from school.

School is one of the few things that brings all of these different members of a community together. Parents gather around the pick up location to gather their kids, and there they stand around and chat about sports and politics and community issues.

School is at the heart of community.

And you, as a teacher, will be one of the respected members of that community: there to serve all the members of the community by helping to raise their children with the values of the community in which you live.

You can talk about this as a central reason why you want to be a teacher. How about you start off with: “I want to become a teacher because…”

  • I want to give back to the community I grew up in. You could say …I grew up in a close-knit community where we all looked out for one another. Being a teacher will give me the opportunity to give back to my friends and mentors in the town who need someone to raise their children who they trust will do a great job.
  • I want to be a part of helping my community thrive. You could talk about how you are from a growing community that needs good quality, respectable people who will educate future members of your community. As a teacher, you will be at the heart of ensuring your local town remains a great place to live.
  • I want to be a part of my community’s decision-making processes. Teachers hold a certain authority: they know how students learn, and they usually have a very deep understanding of what is best for children in order to ensure they thrive. You can talk about how you want to become a person with deep knowledge about the children in your community so you can help guide you community’s decisions around how to raise their young people.

Note that in this group of ideas, ‘community’ represents the close-knit town in which you live, whereas in point 2, I talked about ‘society’, which was the bigger picture of the future of our nation or world rather than just your town.

4. Discuss the personality traits you think you can bring to the role. Here’s how.

You should show how you have reflected on the requirements of the role of teaching and thought about whether you have the personality traits that are required.

Why? Well, you need to be able to show that you know what being a teacher is all about… and that you think you’d be good at it.

So, let’s dive in to 5 personality traits that teachers have, and how you can show you have those traits:

  • Patience. Patience is an enormously popular skill for teachers to have. You’ll have kids who just don’t understand concepts one iota, and you’ve got to sit there and work with them until they get it. It’s tedious, let me tell you!
  • Compassion. Patience and compassion go hand-in-hand. If you don’t feel empathy for the kid who’s struggling super hard at learning, you’ll get pretty mad and just give up. You might also say some mean things to the kid! So, compassion is really necessary if you want to become a good teacher.
  • Open minded. Teachers always need to be learning new things. We often talk about the importance of learning with students more than directly teaching If you set a student a task, you’ll be sending them out to gather as much information on the topic as possible. They’ll often come back with new knowledge and you will want to praise them for teaching you something new.
  • Enthusiasm. Let me tell you, when it’s Wednesday afternoon in the middle of a hot school week and everyone’s depressed and flat there’s one person to rally the troops: you! Teachers need to wake up every morning, put their happy face on, and march into the classroom with boundless enthusiasm. It’ll motivate your students and make them feel welcome in the learning environment.
  • Generosity. You need to be generous with your time and praise. You need to be constantly thinking about the students in your care and doing anything you can to help them learn, instil in them a love of learning, and give them the confidence to try anything. Teachers need to be very generous people.

There’s a ton more traits that make a good teacher that you can talk about. These are just a few. Go forth and learn more, and add them to your essay!

5. Conclude with the things you still need to learn. Here’s how.

One more thing: good teachers are constantly learning. As someone studying to be a teacher, you need to remember that there’s a long way to go before you have all the answers. Heck, I’ve been a teacher for nearly a decade and I’m not even half way towards knowing everything about being a good teacher.

So, conclude your essay by highlighting that you understand what the role of a teacher is in society and the key competencies required of a teacher; but then go further and mention your enthusiasm to learn more about the profession over the coming years.

Here’s 5 things you can mention that you still need to learn:

  • How to teach difficult students. Some students hate school – mostly because of their terrible experiences in the past. You need to learn to get through to difficult students, and this takes time and patience to learn the art of inspiring the uninspired.
  • How to work with difficult parents. Oh boy, you’ll have a lot of these. You can highlight this as one of the key things you want to work on in the coming years: again, you’ll need to draw on that skill of patience (as well as the skill of diplomacy ) when it comes time to deal with an angry parent.
  • Diverse strategies for teaching. There are a lot of different ways to go about teaching. Over the years you’ll pick up on the various strategies and tricks different teachers have to help children learn.
  • Classroom management. This is one of the hardest things young teachers need to learn. And really, it just takes time. Discuss how this is something you want to focus on, and how you’ll use mentors to really work on this skill.
  • What works and what doesn’t. Great teachers have this intuitive knowledge about what works and what doesn’t, all based upon their deep experience and trial-and-error. The only way to learn to teach is to do it. Over the coming years, you’ll be learning about this. A lot.

You’ll only need one or two paragraphs on this final point, but it’s a great way to end your essay on why you want to become a teacher. It’ll show your humility and eagerness to take on one of the noblest professions in the world.

If you want to learn to write a top notch conclusion, you might also like my post on the 5 C’s Conclusion method .

Before you finish up your essay, you might want to check out my awesome posts on how to improve your essays, like these ones:

  • How to write a killer Introduction
  • My perfect paragraph formula , and
  • How to edit your essay like a pro .

I promised 19 thoughtful points to make in your essay about why you want to be a teacher. Here they are, all summed up in one final list:

  • Say you want to help children learn more effectively.
  • Say you want to ensure children have positive mentors.
  • Say you want to improve children’s lives.
  • Say you want to help future generations solve the problems of today.
  • Say you want to help the future generations become good citizens.
  • Say you want to inspire future generations to create a more equal world.
  • Say you want to give back to the community you grew up in.
  • Say you want to be a part of helping your community thrive.
  • Say you want to be a part of your community’s decision-making processes.
  • Say you want to share your patience with your students.
  • Say you want to share your compassion with your students.
  • Say you want to learn from your students (be ‘open minded’)
  • Say you want to share your enthusiasm for learning with your students.
  • Say you want to share your generosity with your students.
  • Say you’re interested in learning how to teach difficult students.
  • Say you’re interested in learning how to work with difficult parents.
  • Say you’re interested in learning diverse strategies for teaching,
  • Say you’re interested in learning to master classroom management.
  • Say you’re interested in learning what works and what doesn’t in teaching.

Why I want to be a teacher essay

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 5 Top Tips for Succeeding at University
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Essay on My Teacher My Inspiration

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Teacher My Inspiration in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Teacher My Inspiration


Teachers play a crucial role in shaping our lives. They are the ones who ignite the spark of curiosity and help us discover our passions. My teacher, Mrs. Smith, is my inspiration.

Guidance and Support

Mrs. Smith always guides and supports me. She has a unique way of making learning fun and interesting. She encourages creativity and critical thinking.

Life Lessons

Beyond academics, Mrs. Smith teaches important life lessons. She emphasizes the values of honesty, kindness, and resilience. These teachings inspire me to be a better person.

In conclusion, Mrs. Smith, my teacher, is my inspiration. She has greatly influenced my life and I am grateful for her presence.

250 Words Essay on My Teacher My Inspiration

Teachers are the guiding lights that illuminate our paths to knowledge and wisdom. They are not just educators, but role models, mentors, and inspirations. My teacher, in particular, has been a significant source of inspiration for me.

Embodiment of Knowledge

My teacher is a veritable treasure trove of knowledge. Their profound understanding of the subject matter and ability to simplify complex concepts has always left me in awe. It is their knowledge that has ignited the spark of curiosity within me, encouraging me to delve deeper into my studies.

Instilling Values

Beyond academics, my teacher has been instrumental in instilling in me values of integrity, discipline, and empathy. They have shown me that education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about developing character and becoming a responsible and compassionate individual.

Perseverance Personified

My teacher’s resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges have been a source of great inspiration. Their determination to overcome obstacles and their unwavering commitment to their profession have taught me the value of perseverance and hard work.

In conclusion, my teacher has been a beacon of inspiration in my life, shaping my character and guiding me towards knowledge. They have shown me the importance of perseverance, instilled in me valuable life values, and ignited my curiosity. It is through their guidance that I have been able to navigate my academic journey with confidence and enthusiasm.

500 Words Essay on My Teacher My Inspiration

The beacon of knowledge: my teacher.

Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the minds of students. They are the architects of a nation’s future, molding young minds into responsible citizens. My teacher, a paragon of wisdom and patience, has been my greatest inspiration, instilling within me a thirst for knowledge and a love for learning.

The Epitome of Patience

Patience is the hallmark of my teacher’s persona. I have observed her dealing with the most challenging situations with an unruffled calmness. She has the ability to transform complex concepts into simple, digestible information. This patience is not confined to the academic realm alone. She extends it to understanding the unique personality of each student, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses, and guiding them accordingly. Her patience has taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience, shaping my approach towards challenges in life.

A Source of Motivation

My teacher is a constant source of motivation. Her passion for teaching and dedication to her profession is infectious. She has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, which she passes on to her students. Her words of encouragement have always been a source of strength to me, pushing me to strive for excellence. She has shown me that learning is not a destination, but a journey of discovery, exploration, and enlightenment.

The Power of Empathy

Empathy, a virtue often overlooked, is another quality I admire in my teacher. She has the ability to understand the emotional state of her students, providing comfort and guidance during difficult times. This empathetic approach fosters a nurturing and inclusive environment in the classroom, allowing students to express themselves freely. Her empathy has inspired me to be more understanding and compassionate towards others.

Beyond the academic sphere, my teacher has instilled in me the importance of ethical values. Honesty, integrity, respect for others, and self-discipline are some of the values that she emphasizes. She leads by example, demonstrating these values in her interactions with students and colleagues. These lessons have been instrumental in shaping my character and guiding my actions.

Conclusion: A Lasting Impact

The influence of a good teacher can never be erased. My teacher, through her knowledge, patience, motivation, empathy, and moral teachings, has left an indelible mark on my life. She has not just taught me academic lessons, but also life lessons that I will carry with me throughout my journey. She is more than just a teacher; she is my inspiration, my guiding star leading me towards knowledge and wisdom. In the words of Henry Adams, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”

In conclusion, my teacher has played an integral role in my personal and academic development. Her influence extends beyond the classroom, shaping my values, attitudes, and outlook on life. She is, indeed, my greatest inspiration.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher
  • Essay on I Want to Become a Teacher Because
  • Essay on A Class Without a Teacher

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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15 Tips for Writing a College Essay About Yourself

What’s covered:.

  • What is the Purpose of the College Essay?
  • How to Stand Out Without Showing Off
  • 15 Tips for Writing an Essay About Yourself
  • Where to Get Free Feedback on Your Essay

Most students who apply to top-tier colleges have exceptional grades, standardized test scores, and extracurricular activities. How do admissions officers decide which applicants to choose among all these stellar students? One way is on the strength of their college essay .

This personal statement, along with other qualitative factors like teacher recommendations, helps the admissions committee see who you really are—the person behind the transcript. So, it’s obviously important to write a great one.

What Is the Purpose of the College Essay? 

Your college essay helps you stand out in a pool of qualified candidates. If effective, it will also show the admissions committee more of your personality and allow them to get a sense of how you’ll fit in with and contribute to the student body and institution. Additionally, it will show the school that you can express yourself persuasively and clearly in writing, which is an important part of most careers, no matter where you end up. 

Typically, students must submit a personal statement (usually the Common App essay ) along with school-specific supplements. Some students are surprised to learn that essays typically count for around 25% of your entire application at the top 250 schools. That’s an enormous chunk, especially considering that, unlike your transcript and extracurriculars, it isn’t an assessment of your entire high school career.  

The purpose of the college essay is to paint a complete picture of yourself, showing admissions committees the person behind the grades and test scores. A strong college essay shows your unique experiences, personality, perspective, interests, and values—ultimately, what makes you unique. After all, people attend college, not their grades or test scores. The college essay also provides students with a considerable amount of agency in their application, empowering them to share their own stories.

How to Stand Out Without Showing Off 

It’s important to strike a balance between exploring your achievements and demonstrating humility. Your aim should be to focus on the meaning behind the experience and how it changed your outlook, not the accomplishment itself. 

Confidence without cockiness is the key here. Don’t simply catalog your achievements, there are other areas on your application to share them. Rather, mention your achievements when they’re critical to the story you’re telling. It’s helpful to think of achievements as compliments, not highlights, of your college essay.  

Take this essay excerpt , for example:

My parents’ separation allowed me the space to explore my own strengths and interests as each of them became individually busier. As early as middle school, I was riding the light rail train by myself, reading maps to get myself home, and applying to special academic programs without urging from my parents. Even as I took more initiatives on my own, my parents both continued to see me as somewhat immature. All of that changed three years ago, when I applied and was accepted to the SNYI-L summer exchange program in Morocco. I would be studying Arabic and learning my way around the city of Marrakesh. Although I think my parents were a little surprised when I told them my news, the addition of a fully-funded scholarship convinced them to let me go. 

Instead of saying “ I received this scholarship and participated in this prestigious program, ” the author tells a story, demonstrating their growth and initiative through specific actions (riding the train alone, applying academic programs on her own, etc.)—effectively showing rather than telling.

15 Tips for Writing an Essay About Yourself 

1. start early .

Leave yourself plenty of time to write your college essay—it’s stressful enough to compose a compelling essay without putting yourself under a deadline. Starting early on your essay also leaves you time to edit and refine your work, have others read your work (for example, your parents or a teacher), and carefully proofread.

2. Choose a topic that’s meaningful to you 

The foundation of a great essay is selecting a topic that has real meaning for you. If you’re passionate about the subject, the reader will feel it. Alternatively, choosing a topic you think the admissions committee is looking for, but isn’t all that important to you, won’t make for a compelling essay; it will be obvious that you’re not very invested in it.

3. Show your personality 

One of the main points of your college essay is to convey your personality. Admissions officers will see your transcript and read about the awards you’ve won, but the essay will help them get to know you as a person. Make sure your personality is evident in each part—if you are a jokester, incorporate some humor. Your friends should be able to pick your essay from an anonymous pile, read it, and recognize it as yours. In that same vein, someone who doesn’t know you at all should feel like they understand your personality after reading your essay. 

4. Write in your own voice 

In order to bring authenticity to your essay, you’ll need to write in your own voice. Don’t be overly formal (but don’t be too casual, either). Remember: you want the reader to get to know the real you, not a version of you that comes across as overly stiff or stilted. You should feel free to use contractions, incorporate dialogue, and employ vocabulary that comes naturally to you. 

5. Use specific examples 

Real, concrete stories and examples will help your essay come to life. They’ll add color to your narrative and make it more compelling for the reader. The goal, after all, is to engage your audience—the admissions committee. 

For example, instead of stating that you care about animals, you should tell us a story about how you took care of an injured stray cat. 

Consider this side-by-side comparison:

Example 1: I care deeply about animals and even once rescued a stray cat. The cat had an injured leg, and I helped nurse it back to health.

Example 2: I lost many nights of sleep trying to nurse the stray cat back to health. Its leg infection was extremely painful, and it meowed in distress up until the wee hours of the morning. I didn’t mind it though; what mattered was that the cat regained its strength. So, I stayed awake to administer its medicine and soothe it with loving ear rubs.

The second example helps us visualize this situation and is more illustrative of the writer’s personality. Because she stayed awake to care for the cat, we can infer that she is a compassionate person who cares about animals. We don’t get the same depth with the first example. 

6. Don’t be afraid to show off… 

You should always put your best foot forward—the whole point of your essay is to market yourself to colleges. This isn’t the time to be shy about your accomplishments, skills, or qualities. 

7. …While also maintaining humility 

But don’t brag. Demonstrate humility when discussing your achievements. In the example above, for instance, the author discusses her accomplishments while noting that her parents thought of her as immature. This is a great way to show humility while still highlighting that she was able to prove her parents wrong.

8. Be vulnerable 

Vulnerability goes hand in hand with humility and authenticity. Don’t shy away from exploring how your experience affected you and the feelings you experienced. This, too, will help your story come to life. 

Here’s an excerpt from a Common App essay that demonstrates vulnerability and allows us to connect with the writer:  

“You ruined my life!” After months of quiet anger, my brother finally confronted me. To my shame, I had been appallingly ignorant of his pain. 

Despite being twins, Max and I are profoundly different. Having intellectual interests from a young age that, well, interested very few of my peers, I often felt out of step in comparison with my highly-social brother. Everything appeared to come effortlessly for Max and, while we share an extremely tight bond, his frequent time away with friends left me feeling more and more alone as we grew older.

In this essay, the writer isn’t afraid to share his insecurities and feelings with us. He states that he had been “ appallingly ignorant ” of his brother’s pain, that he “ often felt out of step ” compared to his brother, and that he had felt “ more and more alone ” over time. These are all emotions that you may not necessarily share with someone you just met, but it’s exactly this vulnerability that makes the essay more raw and relatable. 

9. Don’t lie or hyperbolize 

This essay is about the authentic you. Lying or hyperbolizing to make yourself sound better will not only make your essay—and entire application—less genuine, but it will also weaken it. More than likely, it will be obvious that you’re exaggerating. Plus, if colleges later find out that you haven’t been truthful in any part of your application, it’s grounds for revoking your acceptance or even expulsion if you’ve already matriculated. 

10. Avoid cliches 

How the COVID-19 pandemic changed your life. A sports victory as a metaphor for your journey. How a pet death altered your entire outlook. Admissions officers have seen more essays on these topics than they can possibly count. Unless you have a truly unique angle, then it’s in your best interest to avoid them. Learn which topics are cliche and how to fix them . 

11. Proofread 

This is a critical step. Even a small error can break your essay, however amazing it is otherwise. Make sure you read it over carefully, and get another set of eyes (or two or three other sets of eyes), just in case.

12. Abstain from using AI

There are a handful of good reasons to avoid using artificial intelligence (AI) to write your college essay. Most importantly, it’s dishonest and likely to be not very good; AI-generated essays are generally formulaic, generic, and boring—everything you’re trying to avoid being.   The purpose of the college essay is to share what makes you unique and highlight your personal experiences and perspectives, something that AI can’t capture.

13. Use parents as advisors, not editors

The voice of an adult is different from that of a high schooler and admissions committees are experts at spotting the writing of parents. Parents can play a valuable role in creating your college essay—advising, proofreading, and providing encouragement during those stressful moments. However, they should not write or edit your college essay with their words.

14. Have a hook

Admissions committees have a lot of essays to read and getting their attention is essential for standing out among a crowded field of applicants. A great hook captures your reader’s imagination and encourages them to keep reading your essay. Start strong, first impressions are everything!

15. Give them something to remember

The ending of your college essay is just as important as the beginning. Give your reader something to remember by composing an engaging and punchy paragraph or line—called a kicker in journalism—that ties everything you’ve written above together.

Where to Get Free Feedback on Your College Essay 

Before you send off your application, make sure you get feedback from a trusted source on your essay. CollegeVine’s free peer essay review will give you the support you need to ensure you’ve effectively presented your personality and accomplishments. Our expert essay review pairs you with an advisor to help you refine your writing, submit your best work, and boost your chances of getting into your dream school. Find the right advisor for you and get started on honing a winning essay.

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The 10 Most Important Qualities of a Good Teacher, According to Real Educators

This is what it takes to succeed in this challenging career.

Qualities of a Good Teacher: Build relationships with kids and families. Be firm but fair. Show patience and compassion. Be flexible.

It’s a standard teacher interview question : “What do you think is the most important quality of a good teacher?” While everyone has a different answer, there are some that come up more often than others. We asked a group of experienced educators and administrators to share their thoughts on the key qualities of a good teacher. Here’s what they had to say.

1. Patience

about myself essay for teacher

This was far and away the most commonly mentioned characteristic by educators in our survey. “Patience can be used in virtually every situation,” says high school ELA teacher Ann Cox. “If a teacher is able to remain calm, consider others’ point of view, and think through scenarios, they will be able to navigate just about anything that comes their way.”

She continues: “Patience helps teachers not to react in the moment when students are off task, disrespectful, etc. It’s also helpful when dealing with angry parents so you don’t say or do something you might regret later. And patience is definitely needed when sitting through meetings and professional development sessions!”

For ELA teacher Kenly CG, patience means “paying attention to each student’s needs and showing that you care about your students’ learning.” UK special school teacher Sarah Brown also advises “remaining calm, listening and observing students’ needs, repeating instructions, and modelling again when necessary.”

Learn more: 7 Ways To Cultivate Patience at Calm

2. Empathy and Compassion

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These two traits were a close second behind patience when we asked about the qualities of a good teacher. “They have to know you care before they can learn from you,” explains middle school teacher Samantha Wheeler. As a special ed teacher from New York notes: “You have to teach the child before you can teach the curriculum.”

“Empathy is a constant exercise in stepping outside of yourself and your perspective to see the children you teach for who they are,” notes Indiana preschool teacher Maile C. Quinton. “Contact talks. Get down on the same level as a child, listen to what they say, and emphasize their shared feelings by validating them. Don’t try to silver lining everything—you can validate a situation, a moment, an emotion without condoning a behavior or a problem. Empathy isn’t sympathy.”

Learn more: Cultivating Empathy at American Psychological Association

3. Flexibility and Adaptability

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Being open-minded to change is critical in this field. So many of the educators we surveyed agree with this North Carolina ESL teacher: “There is nothing constant in teaching. Good teachers have to be able to adapt to the changing needs of students, to new administrators, new curricula, new colleagues, and new technology.”

“With so many different needs from students and parents, teachers need to be flexible to accommodate and meet students where they are at,” says elementary school counselor Lisa K, while high school English teacher Nicole P. adds, “There are often times where you need to think on your feet, so being flexible is important to go with the flow in different situations.”

Elementary special ed teacher Brianna Vuori sums it up like this: “We can only begin to predict what the future will hold and with that what we need to prepare students for, so adaptability is critical to being able to survive and thrive in this ever-changing profession.”

Learn more: Teachers, To Succeed, It’s Important To Be Flexible at EdWeek

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Teaching can be a tough gig, and you’ll need to be dedicated and passionate in order to thrive. “Passion is what drives us forward and what sees us through rough times,” emphasizes ELS department head Katerina T. “It is the driving force behind every lesson plan or decision we make and what lies at the foundation of life-changing relationships with our students.”

“Teachers that have passion will always find a way to meet the demands of the job,” says Florida teacher Jamie Cabaniss. “Teachers can lean on their passions when feeling frustrated and burnt out. Passions are what reignite us to get back in the classroom to teach our hearts out.”

Preschool teacher Christina H. couldn’t agree more. “You have to have a love and passion for what you are doing,” she declares. “Teaching isn’t just ‘teaching.’ It is also being a second mom (or dad), a counselor, a referee, a nurse, and so much more. To wear these many hats, you need to love what you are doing. You also need to love your students to help them succeed. Loving them on their best and worst days is what will make you successful.”

Learn more: 5 Ways Educators Can Grow and Sustain a Passion for Teaching at NSHSS

5. Kindness

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Over and over again, educators emphasized kindness as one of the most important qualities of a good teacher. “We are in the business of teaching human beings. We must teach them to be good people,” stresses Adam Peterson, Illinois music teacher and tutor.

Tina Jones agrees: “Teachers need to be kind, caring, compassionate and understanding. In our world today, with kids getting so much information and misinformation via social media, children need examples of those qualities more than ever.”

Learn more: The Case for Professional Kindness in Teaching at Teacher magazine

6. Collaboration

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“Good teachers need to be able to give ideas, ask for help, share, and communicate with coworkers and families,” advises one Washington second grade teacher. “Be able to take suggestions, offer help, and not take things personally.”

Teachers regularly have to work collaboratively, and not just with their fellow colleagues and administrators. Developing strong, collaborative relationships with parents and families is vital. To succeed in this field, you need to learn to work well as part of a team.

Learn more: The Importance of Teacher Collaboration at American University School of Education

7. Professionalism

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It probably feels like professionalism should be a given in any job, but it’s one of the most important qualities of a good teacher because you need to gain and maintain the respect of students, families, and administration. “Some days are going to be frustrating, discouraging, and stressful,” warns an Ohio 7th grade science teacher, “but you need to remain professional by staying calm and encouraging and being a good mentor for your students.”

Learn more: The Five P’s of Professionalism in Teaching at Grand Canyon University

8. Sense of Humor

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There’s no doubt about it, teachers do best when they have a sense of humor. “Laughing at yourself is a great relief, and laughing with children builds trust with them,” says Maile C. Quinton. Find ways to bring humor into your classroom, and you’ll find that students relax and learn a little more easily. (Plus, it’s much easier to deal with the small daily annoyances of teaching when you learn to laugh them off!)

Learn more: Engaging Students With Humor at Association for Psychological Science

9. Open-Mindedness

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“Be open to learning from more (and even less) experienced teachers, and open to trying out new teaching and classroom management methods,” recommends middle school ELA teacher Abigail Perry.

“We are building relationships with a diverse student population,” notes Cheryl Rizzo, a middle school ELA teacher. “This can be a source of stress or create divide. However, with an open mind, it can create new opportunities or a chance to grow. Teachers are open-minded when they allow students to have a voice and take an active part in their education.”

Part of being open-minded means demonstrating a willingness to grow and a dedication to growth mindset. According to a literacy coach from North Carolina: “This job requires constant reflection, learning, and growth.”

Learn more: How To Be Open-Minded and Why It Matters at Very Well Mind

10. Resilience

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Marilyn Weber, a retired principal from Massachusetts, names this as the quality she looked for in a good teacher. “In order to navigate the world of education with all its related constituencies and responsibilities, an educator needs to be knowledgeable, flexible, an impeccable communicator, and should be able to withstand all the highs and lows of what comes their way and needs to be accomplished,” she states. She added that educators must be able to “do so without allowing any of that to shake their confidence and resolve in order to do what’s best for their students.”

That’s a tall order! Fortunately, Andrea Perry, a certified coach for educator well-being, has some advice. “Develop emotional intelligence. It’s critical for keeping our calm and being proactive, not reactive. This supports the teacher not only in serving their students well but also helps them remain joyfully in the profession as well.”

Learn more: How To Be Resilient at Work at Positive Psychology

More Qualities of a Good Teacher To Consider

These qualities of a good teacher didn’t make the top 10, but they’re definitely worthwhile attributes for every educator to cultivate:

  • Inclusive mindset: “There is such a huge stigma against disabilities and it is often hushed away, which creates shame. All children are general education first and receive special education services second. Build a classroom community with respect by explaining differences to students and celebrating everyone’s strengths. True inclusivity helps all students grow, not just the students in a special education classroom. True inclusivity should help you as a teacher grow.” —Katie M., Functional Life Skills Teacher
  • Love for all children: “A good teacher must truly like kids, even the naughty ones. Too often teachers only seem to like the ‘good’ kids or the ones from ‘good’ families. They attribute the student’s behavior to something personal or bad about them. Instead, those are the kids in whom we need to diligently look for the good.” —Kathryn Roe, retired educator and administrator
  • Love of learning
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Hopefulness
  • Imagination
  • Reliability
  • Knowledge of content and pedagogy
  • High expectations

What do you feel are the most important qualities of a good teacher? Come share your thoughts in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, the complete guide to becoming a teacher, from choosing a college to landing a job ., you might also like.

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Teacher Interview Questions

Learn how to ace your interview and get the job

How I see myself as a future teacher? Interview questions answered

Whether you are writing a short essay as a part of your application for a place in a study program for future teachers, or interviewing in front of an admission committee at school, you will always face some questions about the vision of your future . The goal of the people from the school is simple: They try to understand your real motives , why you want to study teaching. They wonder if this really is your dream , or you are just following the dreams of your parents. Your answer also helps them understand what you hope to offer to your students in the future, and whether it aligns with the values they try to promote at their school.

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers to this intriguing question. I tried to include on my list both conventional answers –a wise choice when you have a good GPA and high chances of getting accepted to the school of your choice, and unconventional replies , or out of the box answers if you want–they may be your best bet if your chances to get in are rather slim (due to your academic record), and more than anything else you try to stand out with your application. I hope at least one of the answers will fit your needs, your situation, and the message you hope to convey to whoever reads or hear it.

about myself essay for teacher

7 sample answers to “How do you see yourself as a future teacher?” interview question

  • I see myself as a popular teacher amongst my students . But not because I take it easy with them, giving them better grades than they deserve, or letting them do what they please in the lessons. I hope to gain their trust by offering them engaging and interesting teaching, making sure that they stay motivated and do not find the classes mundane or boring. In my opinion, many students lack motivation nowadays. Hence it is crucial to make the classes more interesting for them, applying different teaching methods, using technology in the classes, and so on. I see myself as a teacher who does all these things , with a sole goal of helping each of their students to reach their full potential.
  • More than anything else I see myself as a special education teacher . I am aware of the problems we face, and the fact that more and more children have special needs . What’s more, I really like working with these people, and believe to have some talent for it as well. Hence I imagine myself working one on one with the students , in a special setting, step by step, helping them to achieve their individual educational goals.
  • Honestly speaking, I have not come up with this image yet . I enjoy teaching, and I have great role models in my former and present teachers. But I also believe that I am yet to find my may , to understand exactly what I want to specialize in, what grade I want to teach, and what mark I hope to leave in the lives of my students . No doubt these things will become clear over the years, when I study and eventually also teach. Today the only thing I can say with certainty is that teacher is my dream job , and I hope to get into your study program and get one step closer to my dream again.
  • I see myself as an excellent Math teacher . Not only that Math is my strongest subject. I also enjoy teaching it, already giving classes to my schoolmates. And I am good at it, because most of them eventually get it and pass the exams. In my opinion, it isn’t enough being a good Mathematician. One also needs to be a good teacher, to be able to explain the lessons in a simple way , and make sure that even students who do not excel in Math achieve some progress. I honestly believe I have such strengths, and that’s why I dream of becoming a Math Teacher.
  • Reaching for the stars, I hope to be the bar raiser at the school where I will teach. Let me explain. I always love to think outside of the box , coming with new ideas, trying new concepts. And I believe each school needs at least one such teacher or administrator, because things evolve, each generation of children has their own expectations , and we can hardly succeed with teaching methods we used twenty years ago. In my opinion, we need to constantly innovate our teaching, and I hope to be the teacher who brings this innovation to schools.
  • Speaking frankly, I do not see myself as a teacher in the future. My goals are much bigger . I actually hope to lead an entire school as a principal , setting the vision, the values, the processes, and of course leading other staff members. Needless to say, you cannot really become a principal unless you have a degree and practical experience with teaching. That’s why I try to get to your school, but I can assure you that my journey won’t end with a teaching degree . I hope to have a much bigger impact, and end up working as a school principal.
  • I see myself teaching in the slums of Rio de Janeiro , or on the outskirts of Kathmandu. I’ve always had a deep compassion with people in poor countries, and I also know that getting education is the only way how they can end their misery . Of course, I do not hope to change the world. Such years are behind me already. But I hope I can play my part on some positive change in the world , and teaching children in one of these poor places is exactly what I imagine doing. That’s how I see myself– as a teacher of poor , aiming to make a positive change in specific communities of people.

The more specific your answer the better

As a rule of a thumb, you should come up with a positive and tangible vision of your future as a teacher. People in the admission committees are looking for applicants with a concrete vision, perhaps even a specific place where you want to teach, or at least a specific subject, grade level , etc. Saying that you simply want to be a great teacher won’t do the trick, unless you have a great GPA and application is a mere formality in your case.

So, think about your vision–teaching Physics at secondary school, PE at elementary, or even lecturing at the University. Maybe you want to teach in slums, or bring huge innovation on board of some school, or you even do not dream of becoming a teacher –that’s just a milestone on your journey towards the role of a school principal. All of that is fine, and they will love that, as long as you explain it clearly in your answer. I hope you will do so, and wish you best of luck in the application process!

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How to Write an About Myself Essay With Example

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When you may have to write about yourself.

  • Career advancement opportunities
  • Internship inquiry letters
  • Biographies
  • Graduate school applications
  • Cover letters
  • Grant proposals

How to Write an Essay About Myself?

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Make sure to include your most important professional experience.
  • Talk about significant awards or personal achievements.
  • Introduce details about your personal life.
  • Use a friendly and casual tone unless stated otherwise. 

What Else Do You Need to Include in Your Self Introduction Essay? 

  • The things you want to learn.
  • Your aspirations and dreams.
  • The things you are good at.
  • Your hobbies.

A Sample About Myself Essay

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, tell us about yourself essay examples.

I'm applying to some scholarships, and some of them have a 'tell us about yourself' essay prompt. I'm a little unsure of where to start and how to structure this essay. Can anyone share some examples or tips on how I can write an engaging, effective essay without sounding cliché or braggy?

Sure, I can provide some guidance on structuring a "tell us about yourself" essay and provide tips on making it engaging and effective without sounding cliché or braggy.

1. Start with an attention-grabbing hook: Open your essay with a brief anecdote, piece of dialogue, or thought-provoking statement that reveals something interesting about you.

Example: "As I stood on the roof of my family's house in [hometown], peering through my homemade telescope, I was struck by the vastness of the night sky."

2. Focus on a specific aspect of yourself: Rather than trying to cover every aspect of your life, pick a theme or personal characteristic that plays a major role in your interests, experiences, and goals.

Example: "My curiosity about the universe and the natural world led me to volunteer at a local science center, where I conducted hands-on experiments with visitors of all ages."

3. Provide a brief background: Give some context to the topic you're discussing, such as your upbringing, community, or family background, if it's relevant to the theme.

Example: "Growing up in a small, rural town, I didn't have the same access to resources and educational opportunities as kids in larger cities, but my determination to learn about the world around me never waned."

4. Showcase your growth and accomplishments: Talk about specific experiences, achievements, or events that shaped your development, values, or interests. Be humble but honest about your achievements, and focus on how they've impacted your growth rather than dwelling on the awards themselves.

Example: "Despite the challenges, I pursued my passion for astronomy and managed to secure a coveted summer internship at a renowned observatory, where I worked alongside professionals and contributed to a research project."

5. Connect your past experiences to your future goals: Explain how the things you've learned and accomplished thus far have motivated and prepared you for your future academic and career aspirations.

Example: "My experiences have confirmed my passion for science and astronomy, leading me to pursue a degree in astrophysics and dedicate myself to researching the mysteries of our universe."

6. Close with a memorable statement: Finish your essay by leaving a lasting impression on the reader, perhaps by tying back to your opening hook or sharing an inspiring thought.

Example: "As I continue to explore the cosmos, both academically and personally, I'll never forget those nights spent stargazing in my hometown and the curiosity that propelled me forward."

Remember, a well-rounded and engaging "tell us about yourself" essay will focus on a specific aspect or theme, be genuine and personal, and effectively showcase your growth and future aspirations. Good luck with your scholarship applications!

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Teacher interview questions: Tell me about yourself – Sample answers & more

When they ask you what’s your favorite teaching method , or how do you want to gain trust of the students, it is relatively easy to answer the question. It is easy, because they specify exactly what they want to hear from you, what you should talk about. With “ Tell me about yourself ” question, or “ Please introduce yourself ” the story is quite different. They do not ask you to talk about your education, teaching experience, hobbies, family, secret addictions , or whatever. The choice is yours, and you can (and have to) pick some area of your life to talk about. But what do they really want to hear from you? And what should you focus on? We will try to find the answers together.

Let’s start directly with 7 sample answers to the question. I tried to come up with some variety on the list, to help you choose the best self introduction in your teacher job interview. Answers fitting for different levels of education and experience, for teachers who are just starting out, as well as for seasoned professionals. I also included a couple of unconventional answers , just to give you some food for thought and perhaps an idea that you can actually make an impression saying something not many people would dare to say in the interviews. Do not forget to read also my notes below the answers, for additional hints and explanations.

7 sample answers to “Tell me about yourself” question in an interview for a teaching job

  • Well, I’m Marry, 24 years old, fresh from college , and extremely excited about finally interviewing for my first real teaching job. I love being around children, and feel a big responsibility as someone who’s supposed to be not only a skilled teacher, but also a good role model for their pupils . My favorite subjects to teach are reading and writing, but I do not particularly dislike teaching any subject–they are all important after all. In my free time I enjoy handicrafts, and having a discussion with like-minded people about anything related to elementary teaching.
  • My name’s Aaron, I’m 31, and I’ve been teaching at XYZ school for five years already. I have passion for teaching and for trying to have an individual approach to each child , with a goal of achieving the best possible progress with everyone. There have been some changes in my life lately, however. I will get married soon , my fiancee is a professional singer in the Opera and because of her work I have to move to this city . That’s the reason why I am applying for a job with you, hoping to benefit from my existing teaching experience, and bring some value onboard your school. Would you like me to elaborate on my education, hobbies, or on anything else?

* Do not forget to read also : Teacher interview – where do you see yourself in five years?

  • I’m Krystal, 23, native speaker, and I’ve always dreamed of teaching English abroad . I am interested in many things, including traveling, history, literature, and arts. I’ve always wanted to have a job with a meaningful purpose , and teaching English the underprivileged children here in South-East Asia will allow me to do so, while realizing my passion for traveling and getting to know new people and cultures. I would characterize myself as responsible, passionate about teaching and life, and still a bit idealistic about life–which isn’t a bad quality to have after all…
  • My name is Michael, and I’ve been a history teacher for over two decades . It seems like a long time–and it indeed is, but I still enjoy my time in the classroom, trying to teach the important lessons of history to my pupils. With my divorce going on and everything related to it, however, I am looking for a new place of work, and I am extremely excited about the vacancy at your school. I’ve always liked this place, the leadership and management of the school . What you try to do here with the children resonates with my values , and with the way I would characterize great education. It would be wonderful to teach here. In my free time I enjoy easy hikes in the nature, or working in a garden. It is important for me to balance the time I spend teaching with healthy relaxing activities, such as hiking or gardening. Would you like to know anything more about my education or teaching experience?
  • I’m just another university graduate , eager to get his first teaching job. I have passion for innovative teaching methods , such as learning by playing or reversal of roles in the classroom, and it is the main reason why I decided to apply for a job with your private school. People say that I am a great listener and communicator in general, and it is easy for me to win the hearts of children. But I honestly believe that I still have to improve on many things , if I am to become a great teacher one day. I am eager to give it my best though , and your school is an ideal place to follow my dreams.
  • If I should characterize myself with three words only , I would pick enthusiasm, drive, and commitment . And that’s true about both my personal life and teaching. I am committed to my roles of wife, mother, and teacher , and try my 100% in every interaction with fellow human beings. If you are interested in some details and numbers, I can tell you that I’ve graduated from Teaching in 2012 and have been teaching ever since, and I have been married since 2013 and have one daughter with my husband. Please tell me if you’d like me to elaborate on any aspect of my professional life.
  • Let me start with a super quick bio. I was born in 1987, graduated from Teaching in 2011, and currently teach at ABC secondary school, with a specialization in Math and Physics. As you can see on my resume, it is my second teaching job. I’m an avid reader and enjoy spending time with friends and family. I decided to apply for a job with you because I would like to start teaching at high school. I have progressively realized it is a better match to my personality and teaching methods than secondary school. Anyway, I do not want to brag about my skills or experience at this point. But I hope to have a chance to convince you that it makes sense to hire me….

* Another tough question : Teacher interview – What are your weaknesses?

Share something from both your teaching and personal life in your self introduction

“Tell me about yourself” is typically the first question you will get in your teaching interview. It is an icebreaker question, but at the same time they ask it with a purpose . And the purpose is to get some basic grasp of who you are, your communication skills, and personality .

That’s why it is always good to share something from your personal life with the interviewers. Whether you are married and have kids, one or two hobbies you enjoy in your spare time, and so on. Show them that you have some life outside of work , and are ready to talk in a friendly and genuine manner in the interviews. If you manage to make such an impression with your answer, you are up and running for a good result in your teaching interview.

about myself essay for teacher

Turn the attention from you to them

At the end of the day, everyone cares mostly for their own good . And while they are interested in you as a person, what matters for them more is how their school can benefit from your skills , education, experience, and personality. That’s why you should always try to connect your past and present with their future .

Instead of just saying that you’ve been teaching this and that here and there, explain them how their school and students can benefit from your experience, teaching methods, attitude, or anything else. The secret of successful interviewing is to always talk about the employer –and what you can do for them, even when you are seemingly talking about yourself…

Special Tip: This is just one question you may face while trying to get a job of a teacher, and to be honest, it i sn’t the most difficult one . If you want to learn how to answer the really tricky questions , check out the eBook from one of our core writers, Glen Hughins, the Teacher Interview Guide . Brilliant answers to all questions you may face in your teacher interview will help you pass this test with flying colors and land the job of your dreams.

Do not forget on enthusiasm and non-verbal communication

Talking about your passion for teaching and helping children is one thing, looking and sounding as someone who’s really passionate another. Remember that the words you say form just a small part of the message you are sending over, to the other side of the table. And in order to have any credibility in the eyes of the interviewers , your verbal and non-verbal communication has to correspond.

Try to talk with enthusiasm in your voice while introducing yourself to the hiring committee. Show positive gesticulation and non-verbal language in general. You should look pumped for the opportunity of interviewing for this very job with this very school –because that’s exactly the place where you want to work. If you manage to do so, you will be just a step away from a new employment agreement…

Ready to answer this one? I hope so! But it isn’t the only tricky question you will face in your interview for a job of a teacher. Check also sample answers to the following questions:

  • Why do you want to be a teacher?
  • Teacher interview: what are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years as a teacher?
  • Can you tell us more about your teaching experience?
  • Recent Posts

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How to Describe a Teacher in Writing (100+ Examples & Guide)

Ever noticed how certain teachers linger in your memory long after you’ve left the classroom?

It’s often not just what they teach, but how they teach and who they are as a human being.

Here is how to describe a teacher in writing:

Describe a teacher in writing by focusing on their appearance, teaching style, classroom environment, interactions with students, and voice. Mention attire, posture, teaching methods, classroom decor, communication style, and speech characteristics to create a vivid portrayal.

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to describe a teacher in writing.

Types of Teachers to Describe

Teacher in glasses holding a coffee - how to describe a teacher in writing

Table of Contents

I have a soft spot in my heart for teachers – some of my family are teachers and a teacher changed my life when I was a kid.

There are at least five common types of teachers that you can describe in writing.

  • The Inspirational Mentor : Charismatic and passionate, this teacher type ignites a love for learning.
  • The Strict Disciplinarian : Known for their firm rules, they command respect and instill discipline.
  • The Innovator : Always on the cutting edge of teaching methods and technology.
  • The Supportive Confidant : Approachable and empathetic, they often become students’ trusted advisors.
  • The Old-School Traditionalist : Sticks to classic teaching methods and often has a wealth of experience.

How to Describe a Teacher’s Appearance

When describing a teacher’s appearance, consider not only their clothing but also the subtleties of their personal style.

Is their attire crisply formal, suggesting a no-nonsense approach, or do they prefer comfortable, approachable clothing that reflects a more relaxed teaching philosophy?

The way they groom themselves, from neatly trimmed hair to a more carefree look, can also say much about their personality.

Pay attention to their posture: a straight-backed, authoritative stance versus a relaxed, open posture can convey very different messages.

Observe their gestures: are they expansive and expressive or more reserved and precise?

Facial expressions are equally telling – a constant smile can indicate warmth and approachability, while a more serious demeanor might suggest a more disciplined approach to teaching.

  • Mr. Jenkins always wore crisp suits, his tie perfectly knotted, exuding an air of formality.
  • Ms. Rivera’s flowing skirts and colorful scarves mirrored her creative teaching style.
  • Dr. Lee’s glasses perched on the tip of his nose, eyes twinkling behind them with a hint of humor.
  • Coach Thompson’s athletic attire and energetic stride reflected his dynamic personality.
  • Mrs. Smith’s hair was always in a neat bun, echoing her organized and methodical approach.
  • Mr. Patel’s warm, constant smile made students feel immediately at ease.
  • Ms. Johnson’s quirky jewelry and bright sneakers showed her playful side.
  • Mr. Grey’s stern expression rarely changed, commanding respect and attention.
  • Ms. Thompson’s casual jeans and t-shirts made her seem more like a friend than a strict teacher.
  • Dr. Anderson’s posture was always upright, exuding a sense of confidence and authority.

How to Describe a Teacher’s Teaching Style

A teacher’s teaching style is a window into their educational philosophy and personality.

Some teachers prefer a highly interactive style, encouraging lively discussions and group activities, fostering a dynamic learning environment.

Others might lean towards a more traditional, lecture-based approach, imparting knowledge in a structured, methodical manner.

Consider if they favor hands-on learning experiences, allowing students to explore and discover through practical activities.

Do they integrate storytelling into their lessons, making learning more engaging and memorable? Technology usage is another aspect to consider; are they adept at incorporating digital tools and multimedia into their lessons?

Their teaching style can also reveal their adaptability, patience, and how they cater to different learning styles within the classroom.

  • Mr. Brown’s lectures were filled with fascinating historical stories, bringing the past to life.
  • Ms. Kim’s classroom buzzed with group discussions and collaborative projects.
  • Mrs. Allen preferred quiet, focused individual work, guiding students through complex problems.
  • Mr. Harris used technology seamlessly, his slideshows and videos making learning more interactive.
  • Dr. Martin’s hands-on experiments made her biology classes exciting and insightful.
  • Ms. Lopez often took her class outside, believing in learning through nature and exploration.
  • Mr. Wilson’s teaching was flexible, adapting to the needs and interests of his students.
  • Ms. Davis was patient, ensuring every student understood the concept before moving on.
  • Mr. Khan’s math classes were a mix of traditional methods and innovative problem-solving activities.
  • Dr. Roberts had a knack for simplifying complex theories, making them accessible to all students.

How to Describe a Teacher’s Classroom

The layout and decoration of a teacher’s classroom can be a reflection of their teaching style and personality.

A neatly organized, minimally decorated classroom might suggest a teacher who values order and structure, focusing on discipline and efficiency.

On the other hand, a classroom filled with vibrant artwork, student projects, and creative displays could indicate a teacher who encourages creativity and self-expression.

Consider the arrangement of desks – are they in traditional rows facing the front, promoting an individual learning experience, or are they arranged in groups to facilitate collaboration? The presence of technology, like smartboards or computers, can also hint at a teacher’s inclination towards modern teaching methods.

Even the lighting, whether bright and invigorating or soft and calming, plays a role in setting the classroom’s mood and atmosphere.

  • Mr. Clarke’s classroom was a kaleidoscope of student art and colorful educational posters.
  • In Ms. Hall’s room, desks were arranged in circles to encourage open discussion.
  • Dr. Edwards’ classroom was minimalistic, with a focus on a clear, uncluttered learning space.
  • Mrs. Lopez had a cozy reading corner, filled with cushions and a variety of books.
  • Mr. Chang’s high-tech classroom had the latest gadgets, perfect for his computer science lessons.
  • Ms. Foster’s room was bathed in warm, soft light, creating a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Mr. Thompson had a traditional setup with rows of desks, each student facing the front.
  • In Ms. Patel’s classroom, plants and nature-inspired decor created a serene learning environment.
  • Dr. Gomez’s walls were adorned with historical timelines and maps, complementing his teaching.
  • Mrs. Jennings’ room had flexible seating options, allowing students to choose where they learned best.

How to Describe a Teacher’s Interaction with Students

How a teacher talks and acts with their students is really important. It’s part of how they teach and can change how the classroom feels.

Some teachers maintain a formal and authoritative distance, ensuring a disciplined and structured classroom.

Others foster a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere, where students feel comfortable participating and expressing their opinions.

Observe how they respond to questions – are they patient and encouraging, or do they prefer quick, concise answers? How do they handle conflicts or disruptions?

A teacher who navigates these situations with calm and fairness can create a safe and respectful learning space.

Their approach to feedback, whether constructive and supportive or more critical, can also affect students’ confidence and willingness to engage in the learning process.

  • Mr. Hughes always had time for every student’s question, his responses thoughtful and thorough.
  • Mrs. Garcia navigated classroom conflicts with a fair and unbiased approach.
  • Mr. Ellis’ feedback was always constructive, aimed at helping students improve.
  • Ms. Wright’s classroom was a hub of lively debates, encouraging students to voice their opinions.
  • Dr. Kumar’s calm demeanor helped maintain a peaceful and focused classroom environment.
  • Ms. Chen’s encouragement and praise boosted her students’ confidence.
  • Mr. Bradley maintained strict classroom discipline, but was always fair in his decisions.
  • In Ms. Johnson’s class, every student felt heard and valued.
  • Mrs. Smith was known for her patience, especially with students who needed extra help.
  • Dr. Lee often used humor to defuse tension, keeping the classroom atmosphere light and engaging.

How to Describe a Teacher’s Voice and Speech Style

The way a teacher speaks can leave a lasting impression on students.

An authoritative voice, clear and firm, can command attention and convey confidence. A gentle, soft-spoken teacher might create a calm and soothing classroom atmosphere.

Consider their speech pace – a rapid, energetic speech might reflect their enthusiasm and dynamic nature, while a slower, deliberate pace can be calming and give students time to absorb the information.

The use of humor, anecdotes, or storytelling can make their lessons more engaging and relatable.

A teacher’s voice and speech style not only influence how they are perceived but also how well students engage with the material.

  • Ms. Parker’s voice was always gentle and encouraging, making students feel at ease.
  • Mr. Johnson’s booming voice filled the classroom, capturing everyone’s attention.
  • Dr. Ahmed spoke slowly and clearly, ensuring every student understood the lesson.
  • Ms. Lee’s lectures were peppered with humorous anecdotes, making learning enjoyable.
  • Mr. Foster’s enthusiastic tone made even the most mundane topics interesting.
  • Dr. Simmons used storytelling effectively, turning complex concepts into engaging narratives.
  • Ms. Gomez’s articulate speech was both captivating and inspiring.
  • Mr. Thompson’s commanding tone left no room for disruptions.
  • Mrs. Clark often varied her pitch and pace, keeping students engaged and attentive.
  • Mr. Davis’s passionate speeches about literature often left students inspired and thoughtful.

If you want to describe a good or great teacher, watch this video:

30 Best Words to Describe a Teacher

Consider using these words to describe teachers in your stories:

  • Knowledgeable
  • Compassionate
  • Charismatic
  • Approachable
  • Authoritative
  • Enthusiastic
  • Encouraging
  • Inspirational
  • Disciplined

30 Best Phrases to Describe a Teacher

Here are phrases you can use to describe a teacher:

  • A beacon of knowledge
  • Commands the classroom with authority
  • Nurtures curiosity and creativity
  • A pillar of patience
  • Engages students with interactive lessons
  • Voice resonates with passion
  • Cultivates a love for learning
  • Approachable and always willing to listen
  • Has a knack for simplifying complex concepts
  • Infuses humor into lectures
  • Master of storytelling
  • A guiding light in students’ academic journey
  • A fountain of wisdom
  • Fosters a collaborative learning environment
  • Maintains high expectations for all students
  • A true mentor at heart
  • Embodies the spirit of lifelong learning
  • Has an infectious enthusiasm for the subject
  • Known for their meticulous attention to detail
  • Balances discipline with compassion
  • An innovator in educational strategies
  • Cultivates independent thinkers
  • A guardian of academic integrity
  • A reassuring presence in the classroom
  • Skilled in addressing diverse learning needs
  • A natural orator
  • Exemplifies professionalism and dedication
  • A champion for student success
  • Has a calming influence on students
  • A master at engaging reluctant learners

3 Full Writing Examples of How to Describe a Teacher

Here are examples of how to describe a teacher in writing in different kinds of stories.

In a Mystery

Ms. Hawthorne stood at the front of the dimly lit classroom, her piercing blue eyes scanning her students. She spoke in a slow, calculated manner, each word dripping with intention. Her presence was commanding, yet there was an air of mystery around her. She often paused mid-lecture, lost in thought, as if hiding a secret only she knew.

Professor Elarion, with his flowing robes and twinkling eyes, seemed to have stepped out of a tale of old. His voice, filled with wonder, spoke of ancient magic and realms beyond. In his class, the walls shimmered with enchantments, and every lesson was an adventure into the unknown.

Mr. Adams, with his charming smile and warm, inviting voice, had a way of making every student feel seen. His laughter filled the room, creating an atmosphere of ease and comfort. There was a gentle grace in his movements, and his eyes sparkled with genuine care and interest in his students’ lives.

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a Teacher in Writing

Capturing the essence of a teacher in writing is like painting a portrait with words.

Each stroke reveals a unique blend of characteristics that shape their identity and influence in the classroom.

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The Educators Room

The Educators Room

Empowering Teachers as the Experts

A Letter to Myself as a First Year Teacher

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Dear First Year Teacher…Me,

Remember when you said you would NEVER step foot into a classroom and teach?

Jokes on you!

Your life is going to be forever changed from this moment on. From the moment you step into that classroom, you are a teacher.

You’ll wake up every morning, tired from lesson planning and preparing materials, but ready to impact the lives of kids who were strangers a few months ago, but those strangers will become your kids. You will fight for them, cry for them, dream of them, and remember them forever. Some will call you mom, and that’s exactly how you’ll feel as you try your best to mold and shape them into the people you believe they can be. They just don’t see it yet.

I want to warn you before you get started.

The Initial Shock

As a first year teacher, your first few months in the classroom will be “survival mode”. You will feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility to not just the students but to the world. You’ll realize that in the short time you have with them, you will be an influence on the adults they will become. Kids will test you and the expectations you set. You will feel overwhelmed at the 20+ different personalities and needs in one room, and you’re the only one with the answers. You will wonder if you made a mistake. At times, you will look at the door and think about running.

Lesson plans, observations, walkthroughs, collaborative planning, professional development, small groups, snotty noses, attitudes, parent involvement (and non-involvement) and the list goes on will overwhelm you. There will be times that you wonder back to your days in school and think to yourself, “This must be karma.”

Breathe. Step Back. Gather Yourself.

Which brings me to the second aspect we need to discuss, self-care.

You will want to give it everything you’ve got every day. You’ll feel guilty when you don’t plan like you know you should. Sometimes, you’ll try and take time for yourself, and the responsibility for your students’ learning and lives will creep up on you and cause more guilt, making you feel restless and anxious.

You cannot put that amount of pressure on yourself and accept that amount of responsibility. You will find yourself burned out. The teacher you want to be will slowly disappear, and an angry, dismissive, anxious, and frustrated teacher will appear. In moments when you feel overwhelmed, take a day or two. Finish all your planning and grading before you leave school and have work-free weekends. Take time to work on what makes you happy and fulfills you…and no, I’m not talking about Chipotle and Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

The last point I want to talk to you about is comparing yourself.

Comparing Yourself

When you go for professional development, you will meet a few different types of teachers.  It is easy to start the comparison process.

You’ll meet the veteran teacher, who has been teaching for 20+ years and knows content like the back of his or her hand. These teachers know all the strategies to use if a student is falling behind or has gaps in their learning. In other words, these teachers will be PERFECT to help you grow in the profession. Ask one of them to be your mentor or express to them when you need help with teaching a certain topic or concept. They are amazing. As a first year teacher, you NEED them in your life.

Another teacher you may meet will be the Pinterest teacher. His or her room will look amazing 99.9% of the time. That .1% will only be the days they’re absent. They will have amazing handwriting, beautiful centers, and room decor that will blow you away every time you walk in…and make you feel like your room sucks. Don’t even go there. You don’t need to have it all together. It’s just your first year. Appreciate their craft, ask for some tips, and if they’re willing, ask for some help on how to spruce up a corner or two in your room.


As the years go by, you will start to create your own space and way of doing things, from your teaching techniques to how you set up your classroom. Let’s be realistic. You’re a first-year teacher. Your room will probably look like crap for a few months, and that’s okay. You may have to go back and research a few topics after going over them again and realizing you made a mistake. That’s okay too. Focus on being the best teacher YOU can be, not what you think students want to see.

The last thing, don’t get stuck. Be A Lifelong Learner.

Be A Lifelong Learner

One of the things that happen as a first-year teacher is that you come in confident in what you know, or at least try to act like it. You’ve picked up teaching techniques throughout your training, aced your exams, and your kids seem to be learning and loving you.

This is where you come to a crossroads. At this moment, you can either choose to learn more from other teachers, professional developments and pieces of training, or decide that you know what’s best as a teacher and stop learning. You will think you got it down, and you don’t need help.

You’re wrong.

Students change. Curriculums change. People create alternative ways of learning for students that work better than what you’re doing. Don’t be afraid to learn more. Sometimes professional developments will seem boring and redundant. However, there is always something you can learn or master as a teacher. So don’t sit in the back of meetings and trainings doing everything else but listening and engaging. Pay attention and get in the mindset of being a student. Keep an open mind, an open heart, and an open hand to receive everything available to you, especially when it’s free.

Allyson, teaching will change you. You will look at the world differently. You’ll start to see flaws in our world that you know will negatively affect your kids. It will make you angry. It will make you feel hopeless.

Above all, remember, you’re a part of a strong group of people all over this planet, educators. These people are your tribe. You’ll see them fighting against the injustices you see. Some of them even stepped out of the classroom and into government to help you fight. You aren’t alone in this journey.

So every night, when you’re the only one awake in the house, planning and prepping for tomorrow under a dim office light, take a second and look out the window.

I’m 100% sure you’ll see…you’re not alone.

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Allyson A. Robinson

With a deep commitment and passion for all things youth, Allyson began her teaching journey in 2014.... More by Allyson A. Robinson

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Essay on Myself: 100 Words, 250 Words and 300 Words

about myself essay for teacher

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  • Mar 12, 2024

essay on myself

Every Individual is different from each other and it is important to self-analyze and know about yourself. Only you can know everything about yourself. But, when it comes to describing yourself in front of others many students fail to do so. This happens due to the confusion generated by a student’s mind regarding what things to include in their description. This confusion never arises when someone is told to give any opinion about others. This blog will help students and children resolve the confusion and it also includes an essay on myself. 

While writing an “essay on myself” you should have a unique style so that the reader would engage in your essay. It’s important to induce the urge to know about you in the reader then only you can perform well in your class. I would suggest you include your qualities, strengths, achievements, interests, and passion in your essay. Continue Reading for Essays on myself for children and students!

Quick Read: Essay on Best Friend

Table of Contents

  • 1 Long and Short Essay on Myself for Students
  • 2 Tips to Write Essay on Myself
  • 3 100 Words Essay on Myself
  • 4 250 Words Essay on Myself
  • 5 10 Lines on Myself Essay for Children
  • 6 300 Words Essay on Myself

Quick Read: Trees are Our Best Friend Essay

Long and Short Essay on Myself for Students

Mentioned below are essays on myself with variable word limits. You can choose the essay that you want to present in your class. These essays are drafted in simple language so that school students can easily understand. In addition, the main point to remember while writing an essay on myself is to be honest. Your honesty will help you connect with the reader.

Tell me about yourself is also one of the most important questions asked in the interview process. Therefore, this blog is very helpful for people who want to learn about how to write an essay on myself.

Tips to Write Essay on Myself

Given below are some tips to write an essay on myself:

  • Prepare a basic outline of what to include in the essay about yourself.
  • Stick to the structure to maintain fluency.
  • Be honest to build a connection with the reader.
  • Use simple language.
  • Try to include a crisp and clear conclusion.

100 Words Essay on Myself

I am a dedicated person with an urge to learn and grow. My name is Rakul, and I feel life is a journey that leads to self-discovery. I belong to a middle-class family, my father is a handloom businessman, and my mother is a primary school teacher .

I have learned punctuality and discipline are the two wheels that drive our life on a positive path. My mother is my role model. I am passionate about reading novels. When I was younger, my grandmother used to narrate stories about her life in the past and that has built my interest towards reading stories and novels related to history.

Overall I am an optimistic person who looks forward to life as a subject that teaches us values and ways to live for the upliftment of society.

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250 Words Essay on Myself

My name is Ayushi Singh but my mother calls me “Ayu”. I turned 12 years old this August and I study in class 7th. I have an elder sister named Aishwarya. She is like a second mother to me. I have a group of friends at school and out of them Manvi is my best friend. She visits my house at weekends and we play outdoor games together. I believe in her and I can share anything with her.

Science and technology fascinate me so I took part in an interschool science competition in which my team of 4 girls worked on a 3-D model of the earth representing past, present, and future. It took us a week to finish off the project and we presented the model at Ghaziabad school. We were competing against 30 teams and we won the competition.

I was confident and determined about the fact that we could win because my passion helped me give my 100% input in the task. Though I have skills in certain subjects I don’t have to excel in everything, I struggle to perform well in mathematics . And to enhance my problem-solving skills I used to study maths 2 hours a day. 

I wanted to become a scientist, and being punctual and attentive are my characteristics as I never arrive late for school. Generally, I do my work on my own so that I inculcate the value of being an independent person. I always help other people when they are in difficult situations. 

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10 Lines on Myself Essay for Children

Here are 10 lines on myself essay for children. Feel free to add them to similar essay topics.

  • My name is Ananya Rathor and I am 10 years old.
  • I like painting and playing with my dog, Todo.
  • Reading animal books is one of my favourite activities.
  • I love drawing and colouring to express my imagination.
  • I always find joy in spending time outdoors, feeling the breeze on my face.
  • I love dancing to Indian classical music.
  • I’m always ready for an adventure, whether it’s trying a new hobby or discovering interesting facts.
  • Animals are my friends, and I enjoy spending time with pets or observing nature’s creatures.
  • I am a very kind person and I respect everyone.
  • All of my school teachers love me.

300 Words Essay on Myself

My name is Rakul. I believe that every individual has unique characteristics which distinguish them from others. To be unique you must have an extraordinary spark or skill. I live with my family and my family members taught me to live together, adjust, help others, and be humble. Apart from this, I am an energetic person who loves to play badminton.

I have recently joined Kathak classes because I have an inclination towards dance and music, especially folk dance and classical music. I believe that owing to the diversity of our country India, it offers us a lot of opportunities to learn and gain expertise in various sectors.

My great-grandfather was a classical singer and he also used to play several musical instruments. His achievements and stories have inspired me to learn more about Indian culture and make him proud. 

I am a punctual and studious person because I believe that education is the key to success. Academic excellence could make our careers shine bright. Recently I secured second position in my class and my teachers and family members were so proud of my achievement. 

I can manage my time because my mother taught me that time waits for no one. It is important to make correct use of time to succeed in life. If we value time, then only time will value us. My ambition in life is to become a successful gynaecologist and serve for human society.

Hence, these are the qualities that describe me the best. Though no one can present themselves in a few words still I tried to give a brief about myself through this essay. In my opinion, life is meant to be lived with utmost happiness and an aim to serve humanity. Thus, keep this in mind, I will always try to help others and be the best version of myself.

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A. Brainstorm Create a format Stick to the format Be vulnerable Be honest Figure out what things to include Incorporate your strengths, achievements, and future goals into the essay

A. In an essay, you can use words like determined, hardworking, punctual, sincere, and objective-oriented to describe yourself in words.

A. Use simple and easy language. Include things about your family, career, education, and future goals. Lastly, add a conclusion paragraph.

This was all about an essay on myself. The skill of writing an essay comes in handy when appearing for standardized language tests. Thinking of taking one soon? Leverage Live provides the best online test prep for the same. Register today and if you wish to study abroad then contact our experts at 1800572000 .

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Hi, I am Kajal, a pharmacy graduate, currently pursuing management and is an experienced content writer. I have 2-years of writing experience in Ed-tech (digital marketing) company. I am passionate towards writing blogs and am on the path of discovering true potential professionally in the field of content marketing. I am engaged in writing creative content for students which is simple yet creative and engaging and leaves an impact on the reader's mind.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Myself — About Myself

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Essay Examples About Myself

Engaging prompts for your essay about myself.

Prompt 1: Describe a moment in your life that significantly influenced your personal development. How did it shape the person you are today?

Prompt 2: What are your major achievements, and why do you consider them as such? Discuss what these achievements reveal about your character and values.

Prompt 3: Reflect on a challenge you've faced. How did you overcome it, and what did you learn about yourself in the process?

Brainstorming and Choosing a Unique Essay About Myself Topic

Brainstorming is crucial for uncovering unique aspects of your story. Reflect on memorable experiences, achievements, and lessons learned to find a central theme or unique angle for your essay.

Unique Essay Topics Beyond the Common Narratives

  • The Intersection of Personal Adversity and Academic Pursuit
  • From Hobby to Purpose
  • Cultural Heritage and Identity
  • Innovation in Solitude
  • Navigating the World as a Neurodiverse Individual

Inspirational Writing Samples for Your Essay About Myself

"Facing the mountain, I felt an unprecedented mix of fear and exhilaration. Climbing had always been a metaphor for my life's challenges. Each step upward mirrored my journey of overcoming [specific challenge], teaching me resilience, focus, and the importance of trust. Through this experience, I discovered that perseverance, even in the face of uncertainty, is the key to surmounting obstacles."

Phrases for Inspiration:

  • "Transforming setbacks into comebacks, I learned..."
  • "In the crucible of [experience], I forged..."
  • "Navigating the intricate tapestry of [situation] revealed to me..."
  • "The confluence of [event] and my response to it underscored the importance of..."
  • "Drawing from the well of my experiences, I find strength in..."

Understanding My Personality Profile

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My Plans for a Successful Future

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What is Your True Self: The Importance of Self-awareness

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  • Personal Goals
  • Personal Strengths
  • Self Assessment
  • Self Reflection
  • Personal Beliefs

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about myself essay for teacher

English Compositions

Short Essay on Myself [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn how you can write short essays on the title ‘Myself’. In this session, there will be three sets of essays written within different word limits. 

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Short Essay on Myself in 100 Words 

My name is Priya Raj and I live in Kolkata with my family. My father is an engineer while my mother is a housewife. I have a younger brother and we both attend the same public school. I am the monitor of my class. My favourite subjects are science and social studies. I have a lot of hobbies like painting, dancing and playing badminton.

At home, I help my mom with the household chores and help my brother with his studies. I also tutor the children of our housemaid for free, whenever I get the time because she cannot afford to send them to tuition. I believe every human being has the right to live well and be happy. 

Short Essay on Myself in 200 Words 

If I have to describe myself in a sentence, I would say that I am a humble, kind, honest and hard-working person who wants to help make this world a better place. My name is Priya Raj and I live in the city of joy – Kolkata, with my family. My father is an engineer and my mother is a housewife. I have a brother who is three years younger than me. Both of us go to the same public school. 

I love to learn and am very attentive at school. My favourite subjects are science and social studies. I am the monitor of my class. I also love to play and am a part of our school’s basketball team. Other than basketball, I can play chess, badminton and table tennis. I also have a lot of hobbies like painting and dancing. At home, I help my mother in the kitchen and with other household chores.

I help my brother study and do his homework. I also tutor the children of our housemaid for free, whenever I get the time because she cannot afford to send them to tuition. I participate in all the charitable activities that take place in our neighbourhood. I believe that every human being has the right to live well and be happy. 

Short Essay on Myself in 400 Words 

We all have different personalities, ideas, habits, talents and interests and each one of us would describe ourselves differently. I like to describe myself as a humble, kind, honest, caring and hard-working person. My name is Priya Raj and I live in the city of joy – Kolkata, with my family. My father is an engineer and my mother is a housewife. I have a brother who is three years younger than me. Both of us attend the same public school. 

I like to learn new things and am attentive at school. My favourite subjects are science and social studies. I find the study of ancient civilizations very fascinating and read a lot of books on the subject. My school teachers are very kind and answer all my questions. I also love to play and am a part of our school’s basketball team. Other than basketball, I can play chess, badminton and table tennis. My father always encourages me to play outdoor games and take part in various activities. He says it will help me stay fit and healthy. Many parents do not want their daughters to participate in sports, so, I feel blessed to have such a supportive family. 

I have a lot of hobbies like painting, dancing and doing embroidery. I have always been very creative and my parents provide me with everything necessary to explore my creative side. I recently finished painting a portrait of my parents for their anniversary and they loved it. I felt very happy seeing my parents happy and proud. 

When I am at home, I help my mother in the kitchen and with other household chores. I also help my brother with his studies and homework. He is a good student and always pays attention whenever I am explaining something. Our housemaid has two little children who are in elementary school. Because she cannot afford to send them to tuition, I tutor them for free whenever I have the time. The children love to spend time with me. 

I am someone who wants to contribute to society and make this world a better place. I always take part in charitable events in our neighbourhood. Last summer vacation we took the initiative to teach underprivileged children how to read and write. It was a nice experience. I want to open free schools for underprivileged children and care homes for the elderly when I grow up. I believe that every human being has the right to live well and be happy. 

That was all you can write in short essays on ‘Myself.’ In this lesson, I have written these essays in simple words that all kinds of students can easily understand. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through some quick comments below. To read more such essays on various important topics, keep browsing our website. 

To get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions, keep connected with us on Telegram . Thank you. See you again, soon.

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Guest Essay

An Octopus Took My Camera, and the Images Changed the Way I See the World

A colorful illustrated collage of animals, sea creatures and a person, intertwined.

By Craig Foster

Mr. Foster’s film, “My Octopus Teacher,” won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2021. He wrote from Simon’s Town, South Africa.

I was gifted with a new way of seeing the day I got mugged underwater. I had been filming creatures living in the Great African Sea Forest off the coast of South Africa about a year ago when my camera was grabbed straight out of my hands by a young octopus thief. Wrapping her arms around her bounty, she zoomed backward across the ocean floor.

This was not the first time I’d found myself at the mercy of an eight-armed robber. A couple of years earlier, another curious octopus stole the wedding ring off my wife’s finger, never to be recovered. Octopuses love novel shiny things. Peering into their dens, I’ve found earrings, bracelets, spark plugs, sunglasses and a toy car with a revolving cylinder that the octopus spun round and round with its suckers.

As I wondered how to get my camera back without alarming my young friend, something surprising happened. She turned the camera around and began to film my diving partner and me.

The intriguing images she captured — videos of her own arms draped over the camera lens with our bodies in the background — had a profound effect on me. After many years filming octopuses and hundreds of other animals that call the Sea Forest home, for the first time I was seeing the world — and myself — from her perspective.

We must have looked strange to her in our masks and with our underwater flashlights. But in that moment I remembered that despite all our technology, we are not so different from our animal kin. Every breath of air, every drop of water, every bite of food comes from the living planet we share.

Monday is Earth Day, and I am tempted to ask myself how humanity can save our wild planet and undo the devastation we have unleashed upon the natural world. Where I live, in the Cape of Good Hope, I am privileged to be surrounded by nature, but we are grappling with pollution and dwindling numbers of shellfish, fish, raptors and insect species. Worldwide, we are at a tipping point with an estimated 69 percent decline in wildlife populations.

When I consider the vast network of living creatures on earth, it’s clear that “saving the planet” is the wrong goal. Unless earth gets obliterated by an asteroid or experiences some similar catastrophic event, the planet could go on for several billion years. But without the biosphere that makes it possible for us to eat and breathe, humanity could not survive.

The question we should be asking is what caused the precipitous increase in species loss and what can we do to reverse it. To me, it all started when we disconnected from our wild origins. While agricultural and technological revolutions have enabled massive population growth and innovation , they have also instilled the belief that we can control nature, that our planet is an infinite resource to be mined for our advancement, comfort and entertainment.

Today 56 percent of the world population lives in urban areas, a percentage expected to grow to nearly 70 percent by 2050 . That means that more than half of us are cut off from reminders that we are still part of nature and utterly dependent on its health. It’s only when something truly devastating happens, like the recent flooding in Dubai, that we remember that even the greatest human advancements can be brought to a standstill by nature’s power.

I am not calling for us to leave all modern comforts behind, just pleading for us to get to know nature better, rather than try to “save” her.

In the past decade I have taken more than 4,000 dives in the Sea Forest. My encounters with mollusks, sharks and jellyfish there have convinced me that there is much we will lose if we do not value the tremendous abundance of life on earth.

We do this first by protecting biodiversity hot spots and by restoring degraded ecosystems; the enormous regenerative power I see every day in nature is what gives me hope for the future. It also means learning from and supporting Indigenous people who protect 80 percent of the world’s biodiversity and who have, over millenniums, developed many innovative ways to live with the land and sea. One promising example of partnership is a recent grant from the National Science Foundation to support collaboration between Indigenous ecological knowledge and Western science.

Activities that cause long-term destruction of the sea and earth, such as strip mining , deep sea mining and industrial trawling, need to be halted immediately. Farming methods have to change, with greater emphasis on soil recovery and regeneration . We must continue to find alternatives to fossil fuels and push for a worldwide reduction in the production and use of plastics.

But each of us has a role to play, too; it starts with challenging ourselves to reconnect with the wild. So much of our modern world seems designed to tame us: to dull our minds, to separate us from the natural world, to convince us that what will help us survive is more consumption.

Like my octopus friends, we fill our houses with shiny new things. But our piles of stuff are much bigger and the cost of acquisition much greater.

We can break free of this tame conditioning. When we dedicate even just a few minutes per day to observing wild creatures on their own terms, in their own homes, regardless of where we live, we connect with the concept of biodiversity not simply on an intellectual level but also on an emotional level. We see the world differently — and ourselves, too.

How strange it is that one silly primate can see itself as separate from all those it shares this world with. What might happen if we remembered we are a part of this wild world — and let that understanding and humility guide every choice we make?

Craig Foster is a co-founder of the Sea Change Project and the author of the forthcoming “Amphibious Soul: Finding the Wild in a Tame World.” His film “My Octopus Teacher” won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2021.

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    Here is how to describe a teacher in writing: Describe a teacher in writing by focusing on their appearance, teaching style, classroom environment, interactions with students, and voice. Mention attire, posture, teaching methods, classroom decor, communication style, and speech characteristics to create a vivid portrayal.

  21. A Letter to Myself as a First Year Teacher

    As a first year teacher, your first few months in the classroom will be "survival mode". You will feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility to not just the students but to the world. You'll realize that in the short time you have with them, you will be an influence on the adults they will become. Kids will test you and the expectations ...

  22. Essay on Myself: 100 Words, 250 Words and 300 Words

    250 Words Essay on Myself. My name is Ayushi Singh but my mother calls me "Ayu". I turned 12 years old this August and I study in class 7th. I have an elder sister named Aishwarya. She is like a second mother to me. I have a group of friends at school and out of them Manvi is my best friend.

  23. Essay about Myself for College Students Samples on GradesFixer

    Letter About Myself from The 3rd Person. Essay grade: Good. 1 page / 633 words. Hello I'm Sophia's phone and for being around her for almost two years I know a lot about her, and I'm going to let you in on some of the stuff I know about her. Sophia and I spend all her free time together, she's... About Myself.

  24. Short Essay on Myself [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on Myself in 400 Words. We all have different personalities, ideas, habits, talents and interests and each one of us would describe ourselves differently. I like to describe myself as a humble, kind, honest, caring and hard-working person. My name is Priya Raj and I live in the city of joy - Kolkata, with my family.

  25. Opinion

    Mr. Foster's film, "My Octopus Teacher," won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2021. He wrote from Simon's Town, South Africa. I was gifted with a new way of seeing the day ...