
Essay on Healthy Relationships

Students are often asked to write an essay on Healthy Relationships in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Healthy Relationships

What is a healthy relationship.

A healthy relationship is like a good friendship. It is when two people spend time together and enjoy each other’s company. They respect each other, listen to each other, and understand each other’s needs. They support each other in good and bad times. A healthy relationship is full of love, trust, and happiness.

Importance of Communication

Talking and listening are important in a healthy relationship. It helps people understand each other better. They can share their feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Good communication also helps to solve problems and avoid misunderstandings.

Trust and Honesty

Trust and honesty are key in a healthy relationship. Trust means believing in the other person. Honesty means telling the truth. Both help to build a strong and loving relationship. They make people feel safe and comfortable with each other.

Respect and Boundaries

Respect is treating others the way you want to be treated. It is about valuing the other person’s feelings, thoughts, and choices. Boundaries are also important. They are rules that help people feel safe and comfortable. They protect people’s personal space and freedom.

Dealing with Conflicts

Conflicts can happen in any relationship. But in a healthy relationship, people handle conflicts in a positive way. They listen to each other, understand the problem, and find a solution together. They do not hurt each other’s feelings or make each other feel bad.

250 Words Essay on Healthy Relationships

A healthy relationship is a bond between two or more people. It is filled with respect, trust, honesty, and good communication. In such relationships, people feel safe and happy. They enjoy spending time together and support each other in good and bad times.

Key Features

There are some important features of a healthy relationship. These include open communication, respect, trust, and equality. Open communication means that people talk freely about their feelings. Respect means that they value each other’s opinions and feelings. Trust means that they believe in each other. Equality means that they treat each other as equals.

Why are Healthy Relationships Important?

Healthy relationships are important for our well-being. They make us feel happy and secure. They also help us grow as individuals. In a healthy relationship, we learn to trust and respect others. We also learn to communicate our feelings in a better way.

How to Build Healthy Relationships?

Building a healthy relationship takes effort. It starts with respect and trust. We should respect each other’s feelings and trust each other. We should also communicate openly. If there is a problem, we should talk about it and find a solution together. We should also spend quality time together. This helps to strengthen the bond.

In conclusion, a healthy relationship is a beautiful bond. It is filled with respect, trust, and good communication. It makes us feel happy and secure. It helps us grow as individuals. To build a healthy relationship, we should respect, trust, and communicate openly with each other.

500 Words Essay on Healthy Relationships

A healthy relationship is like a good friendship. It is filled with respect, trust, honesty, and good communication. In a healthy relationship, both people feel good about each other and about themselves.

Signs of a Healthy Relationship

There are many signs of a healthy relationship. One of the most important is respect. This means that each person values the other and understands and respects their rights.

Another sign is trust. Trust is like a strong rope that holds the relationship together. If there is trust, each person feels secure and safe.

Good communication is also a sign of a healthy relationship. It’s like a bridge that connects two people. With good communication, both people can express their feelings and thoughts openly and honestly.

Importance of a Healthy Relationship

Healthy relationships are very important for our happiness and well-being. They give us a sense of belonging and help us feel loved and valued. They also provide support when we face challenges or problems.

Moreover, healthy relationships teach us important life skills. They help us learn how to respect others, how to trust, and how to communicate effectively. These skills are very helpful in all areas of our life.

Building a Healthy Relationship

Building a healthy relationship is like planting a seed and taking care of it so it can grow into a strong tree. It takes time, effort, and patience.

The first step is to build respect. This can be done by treating the other person with kindness, listening to them, and valuing their opinions.

The second step is to build trust. This can be done by being honest, reliable, and keeping promises.

The third step is to build good communication. This can be done by talking openly about feelings and thoughts, listening carefully, and trying to understand the other person’s point of view.

In conclusion, a healthy relationship is a valuable part of our lives. It is built on respect, trust, and good communication. It brings us joy and helps us grow as individuals. Building a healthy relationship takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. Remember, everyone deserves to be in a healthy and happy relationship.

This essay is a simple guide to understanding the concept of healthy relationships. It is important to remember that each relationship is unique and may require different approaches. But the basic principles of respect, trust, and communication always remain the same.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Essays About Love and Relationships: Top 5 Examples

Love, romance, and relationships are just as complicated and messy as they are fascinating. Read our guide on essays about love and relationships.

We, as humans, are social beings. Humanity is inclined towards living with others of our kind and forming relationships with them. Love, whether in a romantic context or otherwise, is essential to a strong relationship with someone. It can be used to describe familial, friendly, or romantic relationships; however, it most commonly refers to romantic partners. 

Love and relationships are difficult to understand, but with effort, devotion, and good intentions, they can blossom into something beautiful that will stay with you for life. This is why it is important to be able to discern wisely when choosing a potential partner.

5 Essay Examples

1. love and marriage by kannamma shanmugasundaram, 2. what my short-term relationships taught me about love and life by aaron zhu, 3. true love waits by christine barrett, 4. choosing the right relationship by robert solley, 5. masters of love by emily esfahani smith, 1. what is a healthy romantic relationship, 2. a favorite love story, 3. relationship experiences, 4. lessons relationships can teach you, 5. love and relationships in the 21st century, 6. is marriage necessary for true love.

“In successful love marriages, couples have to learn to look past these imperfections and remember the reasons why they married each other in the first place. They must be able to accept the fact that neither one of them is perfect. Successful love marriages need to set aside these superior, seemingly impossible expectations and be willing to compromise, settling for some good and some bad.”

Shanmugasundaram’s essay looks at marriage in Eastern Cultures, such as her Indian traditions, in which women have less freedom and are often forced into arranged marriages. Shanmugasundaram discusses her differing views with her parents over marriage; they prefer to stick to tradition while she, influenced by Western values, wants to choose for herself. Ultimately, she has compromised with her parents: they will have a say in who she marries, but it will be up to her to make the final decision. She will only marry who she loves. 

“There is no forever, I’ve been promised forever by so many exes that it’s as meaningless to me as a homeless person promising me a pot of gold. From here on out, I’m no longer looking for promises of forever, what I want is the promise that you’ll try your best and you’ll be worth it. Don’t promise me forever, promise me that there will be no regrets.”

In Zhu’s essay, he reflects on his lessons regarding love and relationships. His experiences with past partners have taught him many things, including self-worth and the inability to change others. Most interestingly, however, he believes that “forever” does not exist and that going into a relationship, they should commit to as long as possible, not “forever.” Furthermore, they should commit to making the relationship worthwhile without regret. 

“For life is a constant change, love is the greatest surprise, friendship is your best defense, maturity comes with responsibility and death is just around the corner, so, expect little, assume nothing, learn from your mistakes, never fail to have faith that true love waits, take care of your friends, treasure your family, moderate your pride and throw up all hatred for God opens millions of flowers without forcing the buds, reminding us not to force our way but to wait for true love to happen perfectly in His time.”

Barrett writes about how teenagers often feel the need to be in a relationship or feel “love” as soon as possible. But unfortunately, our brains are not fully matured in our teenage years, so we are more likely to make mistakes. Barrett discourages teenagers from dating so early; she believes that they should let life take its course and enjoy life at the moment. Her message is that they shouldn’t be in a rush to grow up, for true love will come to those who are patient. You might also be interested in these essays about commitment and essays about girlfriends .

“A paucity of common interests gets blamed when relationships go south, but they are rarely the central problem. Nonetheless, it is good to have some — mostly in terms of having enough in common that there are things that you enjoy spending time doing together. The more important domains to consider are personality and values, and when it comes to personality, the key question is how does your potential partner handle stress.”

Solley, from a more psychological perspective, gives tips on how one can choose the ideal person to be in a relationship with. Love is a lifetime commitment, so much thought should be put into it. One should look at culture, values regarding spending money, and common interests. Solley believes that you should not always look for someone with the same interests, for what makes a relationship interesting is the partners’ differences and how they look past them. 

“There are two ways to think about kindness. You can think about it as a fixed trait: Either you have it or you don’t. Or you could think of kindness as a muscle. In some people, that muscle is naturally stronger than in others, but it can grow stronger in everyone with exercise. Masters tend to think about kindness as a muscle. They know that they have to exercise it to keep it in shape. They know, in other words, that a good relationship requires sustained hard work.”

Smith discusses research conducted over many years that explains the different aspects of a relationship, including intimacy, emotional strength, and kindness. She discusses kindness in-depth, saying that a relationship can test your kindness, but you must be willing to work to be kind if you love your partner. You might also be interested in these essays about divorce .

6 Writing Prompts On Essays About Love and Relationships

Essays About Love and Relationships: What is a healthy romantic relationship?

Everyone has a different idea of what makes a great relationship. For example, some prioritize assertiveness in their partner, while others prefer a calmer demeanor. You can write about different qualities and habits that a healthy, respectful relationship needs, such as quality time and patience. If you have personal experience, reflect on this as well; however, if you don’t, write about what you would hope from your future partner. 

Love and relationships have been an essential element in almost every literary work, movie, and television show; an example of each would be Romeo and Juliet , The Fault in Our Stars , and Grey’s Anatomy . Even seemingly unrelated movies, such as the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings franchises, have a romantic component. Describe a love story of your choice; explain its plot, characters, and, most importantly, how the theme of love and relationships is present. 

If you have been in a romantic relationship before, or if you are in one currently, reflect on your experience. Why did you pursue this relationship? Explore your relationship’s positive and negative sides and, if applicable, how it ended. If not, write about how you will try and prevent the relationship from ending.

All our experiences in life form us, relationships included. In your essay, reflect on ways romantic relationships can teach you new things and make you better; consider values such as self-worth, patience, and positivity. Then, as with the other prompts, use your personal experiences for a more interesting essay. Hou might find our guide on how to write a vow helpful.

How love, romance, and relationships are perceived has changed dramatically in recent years; from the nuclear family, we have seen greater acceptance of same-sex relationships, blended families, and relationships with more than two partners—research on how the notion of romantic relationships has changed and discuss this in your essay. 

Essays About Love and Relationships: Is marriage necessary for true love?

More and more people in relationships are deciding not to get married. For a strong argumentative essay, discuss whether you agree with the idea that true love does not require marriage, so it is fine not to get married in the first place. Research the arguments of both sides, then make your claim. 

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays . If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

essay relationships

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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How to Structure an Essay | Tips & Templates

Published on September 18, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

The basic structure of an essay always consists of an introduction , a body , and a conclusion . But for many students, the most difficult part of structuring an essay is deciding how to organize information within the body.

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Table of contents

The basics of essay structure, chronological structure, compare-and-contrast structure, problems-methods-solutions structure, signposting to clarify your structure, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about essay structure.

There are two main things to keep in mind when working on your essay structure: making sure to include the right information in each part, and deciding how you’ll organize the information within the body.

Parts of an essay

The three parts that make up all essays are described in the table below.

Order of information

You’ll also have to consider how to present information within the body. There are a few general principles that can guide you here.

The first is that your argument should move from the simplest claim to the most complex . The body of a good argumentative essay often begins with simple and widely accepted claims, and then moves towards more complex and contentious ones.

For example, you might begin by describing a generally accepted philosophical concept, and then apply it to a new topic. The grounding in the general concept will allow the reader to understand your unique application of it.

The second principle is that background information should appear towards the beginning of your essay . General background is presented in the introduction. If you have additional background to present, this information will usually come at the start of the body.

The third principle is that everything in your essay should be relevant to the thesis . Ask yourself whether each piece of information advances your argument or provides necessary background. And make sure that the text clearly expresses each piece of information’s relevance.

The sections below present several organizational templates for essays: the chronological approach, the compare-and-contrast approach, and the problems-methods-solutions approach.

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essay relationships

The chronological approach (sometimes called the cause-and-effect approach) is probably the simplest way to structure an essay. It just means discussing events in the order in which they occurred, discussing how they are related (i.e. the cause and effect involved) as you go.

A chronological approach can be useful when your essay is about a series of events. Don’t rule out other approaches, though—even when the chronological approach is the obvious one, you might be able to bring out more with a different structure.

Explore the tabs below to see a general template and a specific example outline from an essay on the invention of the printing press.

  • Thesis statement
  • Discussion of event/period
  • Consequences
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement
  • Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages
  • Background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press
  • Thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation
  • High levels of illiteracy in medieval Europe
  • Literacy and thus knowledge and education were mainly the domain of religious and political elites
  • Consequence: this discouraged political and religious change
  • Invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg
  • Implications of the new technology for book production
  • Consequence: Rapid spread of the technology and the printing of the Gutenberg Bible
  • Trend for translating the Bible into vernacular languages during the years following the printing press’s invention
  • Luther’s own translation of the Bible during the Reformation
  • Consequence: The large-scale effects the Reformation would have on religion and politics
  • Summarize the history described
  • Stress the significance of the printing press to the events of this period

Essays with two or more main subjects are often structured around comparing and contrasting . For example, a literary analysis essay might compare two different texts, and an argumentative essay might compare the strengths of different arguments.

There are two main ways of structuring a compare-and-contrast essay: the alternating method, and the block method.


In the alternating method, each paragraph compares your subjects in terms of a specific point of comparison. These points of comparison are therefore what defines each paragraph.

The tabs below show a general template for this structure, and a specific example for an essay comparing and contrasting distance learning with traditional classroom learning.

  • Synthesis of arguments
  • Topical relevance of distance learning in lockdown
  • Increasing prevalence of distance learning over the last decade
  • Thesis statement: While distance learning has certain advantages, it introduces multiple new accessibility issues that must be addressed for it to be as effective as classroom learning
  • Classroom learning: Ease of identifying difficulties and privately discussing them
  • Distance learning: Difficulty of noticing and unobtrusively helping
  • Classroom learning: Difficulties accessing the classroom (disability, distance travelled from home)
  • Distance learning: Difficulties with online work (lack of tech literacy, unreliable connection, distractions)
  • Classroom learning: Tends to encourage personal engagement among students and with teacher, more relaxed social environment
  • Distance learning: Greater ability to reach out to teacher privately
  • Sum up, emphasize that distance learning introduces more difficulties than it solves
  • Stress the importance of addressing issues with distance learning as it becomes increasingly common
  • Distance learning may prove to be the future, but it still has a long way to go

In the block method, each subject is covered all in one go, potentially across multiple paragraphs. For example, you might write two paragraphs about your first subject and then two about your second subject, making comparisons back to the first.

The tabs again show a general template, followed by another essay on distance learning, this time with the body structured in blocks.

  • Point 1 (compare)
  • Point 2 (compare)
  • Point 3 (compare)
  • Point 4 (compare)
  • Advantages: Flexibility, accessibility
  • Disadvantages: Discomfort, challenges for those with poor internet or tech literacy
  • Advantages: Potential for teacher to discuss issues with a student in a separate private call
  • Disadvantages: Difficulty of identifying struggling students and aiding them unobtrusively, lack of personal interaction among students
  • Advantages: More accessible to those with low tech literacy, equality of all sharing one learning environment
  • Disadvantages: Students must live close enough to attend, commutes may vary, classrooms not always accessible for disabled students
  • Advantages: Ease of picking up on signs a student is struggling, more personal interaction among students
  • Disadvantages: May be harder for students to approach teacher privately in person to raise issues

An essay that concerns a specific problem (practical or theoretical) may be structured according to the problems-methods-solutions approach.

This is just what it sounds like: You define the problem, characterize a method or theory that may solve it, and finally analyze the problem, using this method or theory to arrive at a solution. If the problem is theoretical, the solution might be the analysis you present in the essay itself; otherwise, you might just present a proposed solution.

The tabs below show a template for this structure and an example outline for an essay about the problem of fake news.

  • Introduce the problem
  • Provide background
  • Describe your approach to solving it
  • Define the problem precisely
  • Describe why it’s important
  • Indicate previous approaches to the problem
  • Present your new approach, and why it’s better
  • Apply the new method or theory to the problem
  • Indicate the solution you arrive at by doing so
  • Assess (potential or actual) effectiveness of solution
  • Describe the implications
  • Problem: The growth of “fake news” online
  • Prevalence of polarized/conspiracy-focused news sources online
  • Thesis statement: Rather than attempting to stamp out online fake news through social media moderation, an effective approach to combating it must work with educational institutions to improve media literacy
  • Definition: Deliberate disinformation designed to spread virally online
  • Popularization of the term, growth of the phenomenon
  • Previous approaches: Labeling and moderation on social media platforms
  • Critique: This approach feeds conspiracies; the real solution is to improve media literacy so users can better identify fake news
  • Greater emphasis should be placed on media literacy education in schools
  • This allows people to assess news sources independently, rather than just being told which ones to trust
  • This is a long-term solution but could be highly effective
  • It would require significant organization and investment, but would equip people to judge news sources more effectively
  • Rather than trying to contain the spread of fake news, we must teach the next generation not to fall for it

Signposting means guiding the reader through your essay with language that describes or hints at the structure of what follows.  It can help you clarify your structure for yourself as well as helping your reader follow your ideas.

The essay overview

In longer essays whose body is split into multiple named sections, the introduction often ends with an overview of the rest of the essay. This gives a brief description of the main idea or argument of each section.

The overview allows the reader to immediately understand what will be covered in the essay and in what order. Though it describes what  comes later in the text, it is generally written in the present tense . The following example is from a literary analysis essay on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein .


Transition words and phrases are used throughout all good essays to link together different ideas. They help guide the reader through your text, and an essay that uses them effectively will be much easier to follow.

Various different relationships can be expressed by transition words, as shown in this example.

Because Hitler failed to respond to the British ultimatum, France and the UK declared war on Germany. Although it was an outcome the Allies had hoped to avoid, they were prepared to back up their ultimatum in order to combat the existential threat posed by the Third Reich.

Transition sentences may be included to transition between different paragraphs or sections of an essay. A good transition sentence moves the reader on to the next topic while indicating how it relates to the previous one.

… Distance learning, then, seems to improve accessibility in some ways while representing a step backwards in others.

However , considering the issue of personal interaction among students presents a different picture.

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The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

An essay isn’t just a loose collection of facts and ideas. Instead, it should be centered on an overarching argument (summarized in your thesis statement ) that every part of the essay relates to.

The way you structure your essay is crucial to presenting your argument coherently. A well-structured essay helps your reader follow the logic of your ideas and understand your overall point.

Comparisons in essays are generally structured in one of two ways:

  • The alternating method, where you compare your subjects side by side according to one specific aspect at a time.
  • The block method, where you cover each subject separately in its entirety.

It’s also possible to combine both methods, for example by writing a full paragraph on each of your topics and then a final paragraph contrasting the two according to a specific metric.

You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay . However, if your ideas change or it becomes clear that your structure could be better, it’s okay to depart from your essay outline . Just make sure you know why you’re doing so.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Structure an Essay | Tips & Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved March 14, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/essay-structure/

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Jack Caulfield

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Monogamy And Polygamy: No Wrong Way To Love

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Learning Patience And Its Importance In Life

How to learn patience when you don't see what you want to happen materialize in your life. You make an effort, but you would like it to go anyway faster! Here are some ways to allow time for things to build naturally: Everything you learn...

  • Personal Growth and Development

Interview Research on the Ideal Partner Qualities for Male and Female Genders

In the past, there was an huge differences between the standards of male and female choosing their ideal partner. While male mainly focused on the partner's personality and female will focus on the outer factors such as financial statement. However, for the standards of ideal...

  • Marriage and Family

Analysis of the Movie Black Swan by Darren Aronofsky: A Tragic Story of Self-Destruction

Directed by Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan is a heart-wrenching and spine-chilling horror film starring Natalie Portman as Nina Sayers and Mila Kunis as Lily. Nina is a dedicated 28 years old ballerina who lives with her obsessive and controlling mother, Erica Sayers (Barbara Hershey). When...

The Role of Jealousy in the Conflict in "A Midsummer Night’s Dream"

Jealousy is a powerful trait that can lead to conflict and influence decisions. It is something that can impact relationships and pull people apart. In the play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, jealousy seems to drive one’s emotions to manipulate another out of...

  • A Midsummer Night's Dream

Analysis of the Changes in Character of Andrea in The Devil Wears Prada

Andrea’s commitment to her work life destroys her relationship with her loved ones as she no longer has time for them. Firstly, due to Miranda’s demands, Andrea’s personal life begins to crumble under the weight of her career commitments. Andrea no longer has time for...

  • The Devil Wears Prada

Reciprocity Of The Gift And Mauss' Obligation To Reciprocate

Introduction This essay will critically discuss reciprocity of the gift. Firstly, the essay will explain the type of the gift I have received and the relationship between me and the gift giver, the feeling I felt during the moment, how it affected our relationship and...

Overview of Advantages Co-Ed Schools Have Over Single-Sex Schools

Let’s turn back time to the 16th century, where mixed gender schools were unheard-of and considered blasphemous. The preference for the education of boys over girls was obvious. Nevertheless, Sparta, a city state in ancient Greece took it up a notch and introduced an education...

  • American Education System
  • Single Sex Schools

Relationships As The Reason For Downfall In Tess And Atonement

McEwan and Hardy both use relationships as a plot device to drive conflict and opposition towards the protagonists eventual downfall however both authors use this concept of relationships differently by tailoring the way in which relationships are perceived to the characters personal attributes. This acts...

  • Tess of the D'Urbervilles

"Compassion and the Individual": Article Summary and Response

In the article “Compassion and the individual,” the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso talks about the importance of love and compassion for one’s well-being. He argues that the purpose of life is to be happy, but the achievement of happiness is impossible without love and...

Cheryl Flake: The Famous Alumni of Brigham University

They say behind every great man is a great woman, and while the famous phrase may no longer fit the beliefs and opinions of modern feminist rhetoric, its sentiments about the value of a good partner remain true. So far, that is something former US...

  • Brigham Young University

The Nature of Love in Percy Bysshe Shelley's Love's Philosophy

The theme of “Love’s Philosophy” by Percy Bysshe Shelley is a mixture of love, nature and disappointment. The author puts himself out there by suggesting him and his beloved should become one by contrasting how natural it would be for them to kiss. While using...

  • Percy Bysshe Shelley

Beatrice's Character Analysis in "Much Ado About Nothing"

Everyone in this world wants to be loved and to feel like they are wanted but unfortunately love also comes with consequences. In Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, the main characters demonstrate that love leads to hardship. Beatrice and Benedick are perfect evidence...

  • Much Ado About Nothing

The Psychological and Political Factors of Infidelity and Adultery

It is often said that, in the case of infidelity, once a cheater, always a cheater. Infidelity is a moral dilemma for people involved in extradyadic relations because it undermines the foundation of trust and love established between partners, as well as violates the social...

The Charm of Marilynne Robinson's Epistolary Novel Gilead

Gilead is a book written by Marilynne Robinson; the book is an epistolary novel, meaning that it is told in the form of letters. the book is about a dying man named John Ames III who is a third-generation Congregationalist minister in Iowa struggles most...

Giovanni Boccaccio's Ideas on Love and Gender Roles in The Decameron

In The Decameron, Giovanni Boccaccio presents new ideas about love and physical love, women, and their role within society through one hundred novellas. Boccaccio dedicates The Decameron to women, expressing his prolonged dedication to them throughout his life. In fourteenth century Florence, women did not...

  • Gender Roles
  • The Decameron

The Inevitable Tragedy of Romeo in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is an unforgettable tale of two young lovers caught in a bitter feud between their families. While the play is widely recognized as a story of love and tragedy, it is equally important to understand why the death of Romeo...

  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Teenage Love

The Unconditional and Diverse Loves Of Twelfth Night

Love, one of the most impactful and meaningful words in the English language. Stories have been told about it, poems and sonnets, and even grandiose gestures. It is what keep the heart pumping. In Twelfth Night we see evidence of this “true love” but in...

  • Twelfth Night

Spiritual Bond In A Valediction Forbidding Mourning

In this poem, Donne suggests a woman to “grow erect” and undermines her femininity by comparing her to “stiff twin compass” and show his “firmness” in this male-dominating society. The marginalization is the reason for feminism. Feminists believe that women are equal to men. Many...

  • A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
  • Gender Equality

Religious Spiritualism in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

A metaphysical poet, John Donne was renowned for his work, many of which employed the use of conceits, a striking parallel between two highly dissimilar things. In his poem, “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning,” Donne employs the use of symbols and rhetoric to combine the underlying...

Attachment Theory and Romantic Relationships

The topic I chose for my essay is attachment theory and romantic relationships. I will first start off with a story of a romantic relationship that will portray one of the attachment styles. Then, I will give a brief description of the attachment theory and...

  • Attachment Theory
  • Self Esteem

An Analysis of Babylon Revisited: Creating a Relationship Between Narrator and Character

This is the most anthologized short story that Scott Fitzgerald had wrote through his writing career. It is considered by many to be his best work. Also, it is possible to compare the background material of the story according to his own biography in order...

  • Babylon Revisited

The Lifestyle of Cohabitation and Domestic Life

In today’s society, cohabitation has become a open lifestyle which is not so new and strange towards the youth around the world. “Cohabitation” is the word that usually refers to the couples who live together and share a common domestic life in a close-knit relationship...

  • Cohabitation
  • Women's Health

The Tradition of Cohabitation in the Western Countries

Cohabitation is when two people who are romantically involved choose to live together without making the formal commitment of marriage (Gilles 1988). In these days, cohabitation becomes a norm in Western world with the number or people living together before tying the knot is rising...

The Comparison of Marriage Versus Cohabitation

Love makes the world go round. It’s not money, neither is it corruption. It is Love. Love can be seen as having strong intense affection for something or someone. Love’s role is very vital in this argument. I will start with marriage first. According to...

Unrequited Love and Obsession in Enduring Love

‘A mighty pain to love it is, And 'tis a pain that pain to miss; But of all pains, the greatest pain It is to love, but love in vain.’ - Abraham Cowley Cowley portrays all-compassing love as ‘the great pain’ when it is not...

"The Reader": Guilt as a Central Theme in Hannah and Michael's Relationship

“The Reader” by Bernhard Schlink read in class. In the beginning of the book, I was open-minded in order to see how the relationship between a young boy and an older woman could develop. As I kept reading, I became more interested in how their...

Fifty Shades of Grey: Fanfiction as a Valid Form of Literature

If you’ve ever read Fifty Shades of Grey, you may or may not know that the bestselling novel started as Twilight fan fiction. Popular opinion states that it is a bad book with terrible writing yet there were enough people to disagree because the story...

  • Fifty Shades of Grey
  • Human Sexuality

The Pleasure and Purpose of Music in Fifty Shades of Grey

The piece of music that I chose is titled “Love me like you do”, performed by Ellie Goulding, co-written by Savan Kotecha, Ilya Salmanzadeh, Ali Payami và Tove Lo with producers are Max Martin and Ali Payami. This is an electronic pop power ballad with...

The Human Relationships in the Life and Death of Ivan Ilych

The book tells the story of Ivan until his death. It belonged to the elite, to the Russian aristocracy, a class very coveted socially and very rich, this bourgeoisie occupied the highest social positions, that is, had a great status and therefore, always wanted more,...

  • The Death of Ivan Ilyich

Self-Deception as the Ruination of Our Society

“We fight because we love each other.” A couple months before leaving for college I started to get seriously involved with a guy from my high school. I knew we were only hurting ourselves by progressing with the relationship despite knowing I would be moving...

The Three Advantages of Teenage Love

Everyone might experience a captivating relationship during adolescence. Normally the relationship we call early love is known as a crush and romantic love relationship between teenagers during adolescence, especially in high school. We also call it puppy love popularly. In the 1920s, American media widely...

Positive And Negative Sides Of Teenage Love

As a teen, love is confusing but love is also a beautiful thing that can be an enjoyable one not the painful one. Us, teenagers by this time we are testing the depth of our emotions, we are testing how comfortable we are to each...

Importance of Nurturing Relationships in Life

Each and every one of us are connected in some way or the other. Usually a family comprises of parents and their children. They are either related as a husband-wife, father-child, mother-child or siblings. Likewise larger families (or) joint families have more relations like for...

The Attractive Complexity of Human Relationships in the Play King Henry IV

To capture the audience’s interest in this text, Shakespeare applies an in-depth, prolonging text set up upon human relationships. In William Shakespeare’s, King Henry IV, Part 1 he uses human relationships to speak to his audience not only in the Elizabethan period but also for...

  • William Shakespeare

The Role of Uncertainty Reduction Theory in Online Dating

This study tries to analyze how the Uncertainty Reduction Theory plays a role in the world of online dating. Specifically between the behaviors, self-disclosure, and privacy concerns of the online dating partakers. The three researchers, Jennifer L. Gibbs, Nicole B. Ellison, and Chih-Hui Lai, focused...

  • Online Dating
  • Uncertainty Reduction Theory

Advise About Staying Friends with Your Ex After a Break-Up

What people do after a break up varies from couple to couple and may depend on the sort of break up they had. There’s a possibility the couple can patch up or be friends if the breakup was a mutual choice. While this is also...

Analysis of Storyline of The Fault In Our Stars

My Opinion on the Storyline In my opinion, the storyline of The Fault In Our Stars is really interesting and original. This was the first book I read in which the main character was suffering from a disease. In my opinion, the plot structure was...

  • The Fault in Our Stars

The Archetypal Characters in Friends and How I Met Your Mother

What is the difference between a good comedy series and a great one? Certainly, humor has to be in place and it should be of high quality. However, even when the viewers laugh every third minute of the show, there is no guarantee that they...

The Survey to the Child's Behaviour in Mother-Daughter Relationship

In patriarchal traditional family sex-segregated relationship is portrayed as a norm. Father-son and mother-daughter relationship is seen more prevalent pattern of family relationship. The mother-daughter relationship is arguably the closest and most important parent-child relationship, particularly with regarding to interactions between generations, communication and interpersonal...

  • Parent-Child Relationship

Relations Between Substance Abuse and Crime

Substance use, like other risky behaviors, is initiated and escalates during adolescence (Colder, Campbell, Ruel, Richardson, & Flay, 2002). Indeed, the rates of alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use are very low prior to about 11 years of age, and increase dramatically from eighth to 12th...

  • Substance Abuse

Character Relationships in The Help

The story shows the good relationship between the color maids and the children of the white people they are working for, and how they took care of them and loved them like their own children. Constantine and Skeeter have a really good relationship and Aibileen...

Gilgamesh and Enkidu’s Relationship in the Epic of Gilgamesh

From the beginning of the epic, we find out that Gilgamesh is the son of a king and a goddess. This in turn makes Gilgamesh half god and half human. This is due to who his parents are, Gilgamesh is very spoiled as a kid...

  • Epic of Gilgamesh

Concept of the Butterfly Effect: Playing with Cause-Effect Relationships

Have you ever laughed at somebody’s situation only to be struck with the thing that goes around comes around? Do you believe that whatever you do will come back to get you, such as an injustice? If you have experienced these events, you have either...

Childhood and Relationship with Father in the Fun Home

Fun Home, by Alison Bechel, is a tragicomic based on Alison’s childhood and distant relationship with her father, Bruce. Alison and Bruce want to believe they are different when in reality they face similar inward struggles that ultimately result in broken ties between them. Bruce...

Instagram's Hidden Flaws and Harm to the Relationships

Instagram is one of the visited organize site with long associating relational correspondence for young people. While it may have points of interest, for instance, interfacing one with allies, it may in like manner have especially negative effects that could be irreversible. One may not...

Falling in Love: The Past Experiences and Defintion of Love

When asked about love; what love is, who we love, and why we love, it is oftentimes difficult for one to pin-point simple definitions to answer these questions. Is it because no one really knows? Or is it that there is no single correct definition...

Lack of Respect in the Modern and Digital Dating and Relationships

Dating can be a very complicated thing to some’ but an easy thing to others. Dating back then was better than dating now. Back then, dating was something that was taken very seriously. It was like an early stage of getting married. In order for...

  • Digital Communication

The Most Important Basics of Nonverbal Communication

Communication is key to success when it comes to a personal and professional relationship. Whether it’s a body language, gestures, facial expression, and voice they are believed to be the strongest communication tools. Facial expression tends to be more expressive, as we can read through...

  • Nonverbal Communication

Positive Nonverbal Communication in Bussiness Relationships

In today’s global business world, communication plays vital role in maintaining a good quality of understanding with each other so that there comes no problem in linking up with fellow workers. Workplace’s success and efficiency wholly depend upon how effective the communication takes place. Many...

A Comprehensive Movie Analysis of Eran Riklis' Lemon Tree

Movie Review: Lemon Tree (2008) The film is about, Salma, a Palestinian widow - living there for decades - has to stand up against her new neighbour, the Israeli Defense Minister, when he moves into his new house opposite her lemon grove, on the green...

  • Movie Review

Well-Being and Spirituality: Understanding the Relationship

Abstract Well-being and spirituality have been examined for quite some time throughout history. The study presented examined the relationship between level of spirituality and well-being (Lun et al., 2013). There were 49,943 participants in the study. Participants answered eight surveys related to the study. Results...

  • Spirituality

How Conflict Can Be Normal In All Relationships

While conflict can be normal in all relationships, it should be a last resort by all means. Relationships should be a mutual effort and be based on communication. Reason being, it can lead to an unhealthy relationship, create a negative perception of the relationship, and...

Human Sexuality Research On Beverly Whipple

Dr. Beverly Whipple is not only a sex researcher, but a certified sexuality educator, and sexuality counselor. Her research has been emphasized primarily in women’s health issues and the sexual physiology of women. Her education history started in getting a BS in Nursing from Wagner...

  • Sex, Gender and Sexuality

Our Treatment Of Kids Affects How They Create

Older upbringing and educating are frequently recognized by an inability to comprehend what kids can do or understanding, or to give the help they require and the regard they merit. However, does that mean children are being belittled — or overestimated? The appropriate response is...

Some Hardships In Human Relations

For a great deal of untouchables who don't know there is a tremendous measure of reason that causes this tormented condition. Infer a 2006 review by DivorceMagazine.com that asked scrutinizes what had caused their parcel or separation, I found that unfaithfulness or extramarital issue is...

The Bilateral Relationship Between Malaysia And Indonesia

The relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia is known to be a diplomatic pleasantry among the region with a special relationship of shared values and common cultural traditions originating from the same ancestors. This bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia is considered as one of the...

The Five Love Languages According To Dr. Gary Chapman

Lao Tzu once said that being able to love someone deeply is what gives us courage and being loved by someone deeply gives us strength and he was very right. Normally when in romantic relationships, we all tend to show love and affection to our...

The Impact Of Cultural Differences On A Couple's Relationship

Opposites attract? Perhaps, most durable and happiest are marriages of people who are compatible and perfectly matched. Two people should get married no matter what races they are. In the United States, the number of interracial marriages has nearly tripled since 1980. At the same...

  • Cultural Diversity

The True Understanding Of Love

Famous advice communist Anna Landers once said “Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. ” I...

What Is True Life & How To Save Your Happy Love Life

As we know that getting falling in love with someone is a natural feeling that comes in everyone’s life. Basically, It will happen when a boy and a girl having some attraction or some kind of strong feeling that automatically force both people to fall...

The Importance Of Self-Concept In The Development Of Human Relations

The self-concept is an important model in the development of human relations. It has been studied by many researchers for a long time. It is used to understand oneself, and to explain human behaviour and unique characteristics of individual. Firstly, self-concept is highly related to...

  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Self Awareness

Evasion Or Enhancing Connection In Prof. Chaspari's Article

Summary In this paper, the author Prof. Chaspari and her colleagues have tried to establish a cognitive synchrony among the partners romantically involved by capturing the co-occurrence of electrodermal activity (EDA). Here the ‘Evasion or enhancing connection’ and ‘Disquietude or avoiding connection’ results are computed...

Analysis Of Relationships in the Movie "Mean Girls"

Mean Girls For this extra credit, I watched Mean Girls which was released in 2004. I enjoyed watching this movie and trying to analyze and apply the concepts I have learned throughout this course. The two relationships in the movie that I will discuss and...

Best topics on Relationship

1. The Enigma of Crushes: Navigating Emotions and Relationships

2. My First Crush: A Journey into Innocent Affection

3. About My Crush: A Tale of Feelings and Discovery

4. Navigating the Complex Waters: About Relationship with Boyfriend

5. Understanding the Impact of Broken Trust in Human Relationships

6. Navigating the Path to True Love: the Journey to Finding “The One”

7. Love and Social Hierarchy: An Analysis of Half Girlfriend

8. Understanding Love: Emotions, Behaviors, and Attitudes

9. “A Rose For Emily”: Emily Grierson Character Analysis

10. Alcohol-Related Deaths Due to Peer Pressure

11. Peer Pressure in Teenage Society

12. The Concept of Perception and Poor Relationship in 12 Angry Men

13. The Role of Comprehensive Test for a Duty of Care

14. Examining Relationships in Indian Horse and Only Drunks

15. The Question Of Whether Age Matters In A Relationship

  • Perseverance
  • Personal Experience
  • Career Goals
  • Actions Speak Louder Than Words
  • Electric Car

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12 Elements of Healthy Relationships

In every relationship , it’s important to consider how we treat  one an other.  Whether it’s  romantic , platonic , familial, intimate , or sexual , your relationship  with another should be respectful, honest, and fun.  

When relationships are healthy, they promote  emotional and social  well ness .  When relationships are unhealthy,  you  may feel drained, overwhelmed, and  invisible .   

In a pandemic, it’s even more important to consid er how you engage with others.   B oundaries, communication, and time apart  are vital to having relationships everyone  involved  feels good about.   Reflect on your current relationships and consider how you can incorporate the  elements  listed below:  

  • Communication . The way you talk with friends or partners is an important part of a relationship. Everyone involved should be able to communicate feelings, opinions, and beliefs. When communicating, consider tone and phrasing. Miscommunication often occurs when individuals choose to text versus talking in person or a phone call. Figuring out the best ways to express your feelings together will help eliminate miscommunication.
  • Boundaries . Boundaries are physical, emotional, and mental limits or guidelines a person sets for themselves which others need to respect. You and your partners or friends should feel comfortable in the activities you are doing together. All individuals involved should be respectful of boundaries. Whether it’s romantic, sexual, or platonic, consider what you want the relationship to look like and discuss it with the other(s).
  • Consent . Consent is important in all relationships. Consent is uncoerced permission to interact with the body or the life of another person. Coercion can look like pressure to do something, physical force, bargaining, or someone holding power over another to get what they want. Consent can look like asking about boundaries in relationships, actively listening to responses, and always respecting those boundaries.
  • Trust . Each person in the relationship should have confidence in one another. If you are questioning whether to trust someone, it may be important to communicate your feelings to them. Consider what makes you not trust someone. Is it something they did, or is it something you’ve experienced in other relationships?
  • Honesty . Honesty is important for communication. Each person within the relationship or friendship should have the opportunity to express their feelings and concerns. If you don’t feel comfortable being honest with someone, consider why and seek support if needed.
  • Independence . It’s important to have time to yourself in any relationship. Having opportunities to hang with others or time for self-care is important to maintain a healthy relationship. If you live with your partner(s) or friend(s), set up designated areas within your place where you can spend time alone.
  • Equality . Each person in the relationship should have an equal say in what’s going on. Listen to each other and respect boundaries.
  • Support . Each person in the relationship should feel supported. It’s important to have compassion and empathy for one another. In addition to supporting one another, it’s important to recognize your own needs and communicate boundaries around support.
  • Responsibility . Some days you may find you said something hurtful or made a mistake. Make sure to take responsibility for your actions and do not place the blame on your partner(s) or friend(s). Taking responsibility for your actions will further trust and honesty.
  • Healthy conflict . You may think conflict is a sign of an unhealthy relationship, but talking about issues or disagreements is normal. You won’t find a person that has the exact same interests, opinions, and beliefs as you; thus, at times disagreements may occur. Communicating your feelings and opinions while being respectful and kind is part of a healthy relationship.
  • Safety . Safety is the foundation of connection in a relationship. In order to set boundaries, communicate, and have fun, everyone must feel safe. If you do not feel safe to express your feelings, have independence, or anything else on this list, seek support using the resources below.
  • Fun . In addition to all these components, you should be enjoying the time you spend with others. Again, it’s important that your relationships promote your well-being and do not diminish it.

Want to learn more about healthy relationships? Check out this quiz by Love is Respect , a project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline .

If you or someone you know is in an unhealthy or abusive relationship, the university has confidential, non-confidential, and peer-led resources you can contact for help and support.

Confidential resources provide assistance and support and information shared is protected and cannot be reported unless given explicit permission from the individual that disclosed; there is imminent threat of harm to the individual or others; the conduct involves suspected abuse of a minor under the age of 18; or otherwise permitted by law or court order.

Non-confidential resources are available to provide support or assistance to individuals but are not confidential and may have broader obligations to report information. Non-confidential resources will report information only to the necessary departments, such as Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).

Peer-led resources are available to provide support and assistance. Services are provided by Johns Hopkins students, and are non-confidential.

Hopkins Confidential Resources

  • Counseling Center : 410-516-8278 (press 1 for the on-call counselor). Serves all full-time undergraduate & graduate students from KSAS, WSE, and Peabody.
  • Counseling Center Sexual Assault HelpLine: 410-516-7333. Serves all Johns Hopkins students.
  • Student Health and Wellness Center : 410-516-4784. Serves all full-time, part-time, and visiting undergraduate and graduate students from KSAS, WSE, and Peabody. Serves post-doctoral fellows enrolled in KSAS, WSE, School of Education, and Sheridan Libraries.
  • Religious and Spiritual Life : 410-516-1880.
  • Gender Violence Prevention and Education: Alyse Campbell, [email protected] , book a time to chat at: tinyurl.com/MeetwAlyse . Serves all Johns Hopkins students.
  • University Health Services (UHS): 410-955-3250
  • Mental Health Services : 410-955-1892
  • Johns Hopkins Student Assistance Program (JHSAP): 443-287-7000. Serves graduate, medical, and professional students, and immediate family members.

Hopkins Non-confidential Resources

  • Hopkins Sexual Assault Response and Prevention website
  • Campus Safety and Security : 410-516-7777
  • Office of LGBTQ Life : [email protected]
  • Office of Institutional Equity : 410-516-8075
  • Office of the Dean of Student Life : 410-516-8208

Peer-Led Resources

  • Sexual Assault Resource Unit (SARU): Private hotline: 410-516-7887. Serves all Johns Hopkins students.
  • A Place to Talk (available on Zoom). Serves Homewood undergrads.

Community Resources

  • TurnAround Inc. Hotline : 443-279-0379
  • Rape, Abuse, and Incest, National Network : National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673
  • Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA)
  • Love Is Respect
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  • Love & Relationships

The Science Behind Happy Relationships

W hen it comes to relationships , most of us are winging it. We’re exhilarated by the early stages of love , but as we move onto the general grind of everyday life, personal baggage starts to creep in and we can find ourselves floundering in the face of hurt feelings, emotional withdrawal, escalating conflict, insufficient coping techniques and just plain boredom. There’s no denying it: making and keeping happy and healthy relationships is hard.

But a growing field of research into relationships is increasingly providing science-based guidance into the habits of the healthiest, happiest couples — and how to make any struggling relationship better. As we’ve learned, the science of love and relationships boils down to fundamental lessons that are simultaneously simple, obvious and difficult to master: empathy, positivity and a strong emotional connection drive the happiest and healthiest relationships.

Maintaining a strong emotional connection

“The most important thing we’ve learned, the thing that totally stands out in all of the developmental psychology, social psychology and our lab’s work in the last 35 years is that the secret to loving relationships and to keeping them strong and vibrant over the years, to falling in love again and again, is emotional responsiveness,” says Sue Johnson, a clinical psychologist in Ottawa and the author of several books, including Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love .

That responsiveness, in a nutshell, is all about sending a cue and having the other person respond to it. “The $99 million question in love is, ‘Are you there for me?’” says Johnson. “It’s not just, ‘Are you my friend and will you help me with the chores?’ It’s about emotional synchronicity and being tuned in.”

“Every couple has differences,” continues Johnson. “What makes couples unhappy is when they have an emotional disconnection and they can’t get a feeling of secure base or safe haven with this person.” She notes that criticism and rejection — often met with defensiveness and withdrawal — are exceedingly distressing, and something that our brain interprets as a danger cue.

To foster emotional responsiveness between partners, Johnson pioneered Emotionally Focused Therapy , in which couples learn to bond through having conversations that express needs and avoid criticism. “Couples have to learn how to talk about feelings in ways that brings the other person closer,” says Johnson.

Keeping things positive

According to Carrie Cole, director of research for the Gottman Institute , an organization dedicated to the research of marriage, emotional disengagement can easily happen in any relationship when couples are not doing things that create positivity. “When that happens, people feel like they’re just moving further and further apart until they don’t even know each other anymore,” says Cole. That focus on positivity is why the Gottman Institute has embraced the motto “small things often.” The Gottman Lab has been studying relationship satisfaction since the 1970s, and that research drives the Institute’s psychologists to encourage couples to engage in small, routine points of contact that demonstrate appreciation.

One easy place to start is to find ways to compliment your partner every day, says Cole — whether it’s expressing your appreciation for something they’ve done or telling them, specifically, what you love about them. This exercise can accomplish two beneficial things: First, it validates your partner and helps them feel good about themselves. And second, it helps to remind you why you chose that person in the first place.

Listen to the brain, not just your heart

When it comes to the brain and love, biological anthropologist and Kinsey Institute senior fellow Helen Fisher has found — after putting people into a brain scanner — that there are three essential neuro-chemical components found in people who report high relationship satisfaction: practicing empathy, controlling one’s feelings and stress and maintaining positive views about your partner.

In happy relationships, partners try to empathize with each other and understand each other’s perspectives instead of constantly trying to be right. Controlling your stress and emotions boils down to a simple concept: “Keep your mouth shut and don’t act out,” says Fisher. If you can’t help yourself from getting mad, take a break by heading out to the gym, reading a book, playing with the dog or calling a friend — anything to get off a destructive path. Keeping positive views of your partner, which Fisher calls “positive illusions,” are all about reducing the amount of time you spend dwelling on negative aspects of your relationship. “No partner is perfect, and the brain is well built to remember the nasty things that were said,” says Fisher. “But if you can overlook those things and just focus on what’s important, it’s good for the body, good for the mind and good for the relationship.”

Happier relationships, happier life

Ultimately, the quality of a person’s relationships dictates the quality of their life. “Good relationships aren’t just happier and nicer,” says Johnson. “When we know how to heal [relationships] and keep them strong, they make us resilient. All these clichés about how love makes us stronger aren’t just clichés; it’s physiology. Connection with people who love and value us is our only safety net in life.”

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Why Communication In Relationships Is So Important

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

essay relationships

Ivy Kwong, LMFT, is a psychotherapist specializing in relationships, love and intimacy, trauma and codependency, and AAPI mental health.  

essay relationships

Willie B. Thomas / Getty Images

What Kind of Communicator Are You?

  • Why Communication Matters
  • Limitations
  • Characteristics
  • Communication Problems
  • Improve Your Communication

When to Get Help

Communication is vital for healthy relationships . Being able to talk openly and honestly with the people in your life allows you to share, learn, respond, and forge lasting bonds. This is a vital part of any relationship, including those with friends and family, but it can be particularly important in romantic relationships. 

At a Glance

While all relationships are different and each one has its own ups and downs, being able to talk to your partner means that you'll be able to share your worries, show support for one another, and work together to handle conflict more effectively.

If the communication in your relationship is lacking, you can strengthen it by being present in your conversations, focusing on your relationship, and really listening to what your partner has to say.

Our fast and free communication styles quiz can help give you some insight into how you interact with others and what it could mean for your interpersonal relationships, both at work and at home.

This communication styles quiz was medically reviewed by Ivy Kwong, LMFT.

Benefits of Communication in Relationships

According to Dr. John Gottman, a clinical psychologist and founder of the Gottman Institute, a couple's communication pattern can often predict how successful a relationship will be. Good communication can help enhance your relationship in a variety of ways:

Less Rumination

Communication in relationships can minimize rumination . Instead of stewing over negative feelings, good communication allows people to discuss their concerns and resolve them in a more positive, effective way.

Greater Intimacy

Good communication in relationships also fosters intimacy. Forming a close emotional connection with another person requires a mutual give-and-take when it comes to sharing things about yourself and listening to the other person.

This reciprocal self-disclosure means talking about your experiences, beliefs, values, opinions, and expectations. In order to do this, you both need to possess communication skills that foster this connection and allow it to grow and deepen with time. 

Less Conflict

Communication in relationships reduces and resolves conflict. Every relationship is bound to experience conflict from time to time.

When you are able to talk about your problems in an open and honest way, however, you can resolve arguments and disagreements more readily.

Rather than getting caught up in a cycle of misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and emotional strife, you can address your problems and take steps to improve your relationship .

Communication Doesn't Solve Everything

While the common assumption has long been that if you want to improve your relationship, you should start by improving your communication, some research has suggested that the answer might not be so simple. 

A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that while there is certainly a connection between communication and relationship satisfaction, good communication alone doesn't definitively predict how happy you'll be in your relationships.

Other Factors Play a Role

Other factors—including how much interaction a couple has, the personality characteristics of each partner, and stress—all play a part in determining how satisfied people feel in their relationship.

Another study found that positive communication did not have a strong connection with relationship satisfaction over time. However, couples that reported less negative communication than usual and reported feeling more satisfied with their relationship than they usually did.

So while research suggests that communicating well isn't a guarantee for a happy relationship, there is plenty of research indicating that good communication skills enhance relationships and well-being in a number of ways.

Effective communication is one way to foster a positive, supportive relationship with your partner.

When you actively listen and respond to your partner (and they do the same for you), both of you are more likely to feel valued and cared for. 

For example, one study found that when people feel that their partner values them, they are more likely to sleep better. And ultimately, feeling more valued, positive, and happy in your relationships can have a beneficial impact on your overall well-being. 

Communication is just one part of a good relationship. Research suggests that people who are happy in their relationships are more likely to communicate well with one another. 

Signs of Great Communication in Relationships

So what do experts mean when they talk about "good communication?" Are you and your partner both on the same page or are there signs that might indicate a problem in how you relate to one another? 

First, it is important to think about what we mean by communication. On the surface, it involves the words that people use to convey information to one another.

But it can also involve other ways of transmitting information including tone of voice, body language , and other forms of nonverbal communication . In many cases, what you don’t say can mean just as much if not more than what you do say.

Some of the hallmarks of effective communication in relationships include:

  • Active listening : Active listening involves being engaged in the conversation, listening attentively, and reflecting back on what people have said. It also involves asking for clarification when needed and avoiding making judgments. 
  • Not personalizing issues : When communicating in relationships, people who are good at it avoid personalizing their partner's actions. Instead, they focus on the situation and how things can be resolved.
  • Using "I feel" statements : I-statements can be helpful in interpersonal conflicts. Instead of saying, "You never clean up after yourself," try using an I-statement like, "I feel uncomfortable when there is clutter accumulating around the house."
  • Kindness : Kindness is important because it makes people feel cared for and understood.
  • Being present : When talking with your partner, it is important to be fully present in the moment . Getting distracted by outside sources–including electronic distractions such as your phone–can lead to a lack of communication and a poor connection.
  • Showing acceptance : Healthy communication is about accepting and validating the other person , even if you might not agree with them. When you communicate well with your partner, you’re able to recognize that people have a right to feel their feelings even if those emotions and reactions are different from your own.

Communicating well in relationships involves actively listening, avoiding judgments, and practicing kindness instead of trying to win the argument.

Signs of Poor Communication in Relationships

Some signs that your relationship is being negatively affected by communication problems include:

  • Assuming that you know what your partner thinks or feels
  • Constantly criticizing one another
  • Engaging in passive-aggressive behaviors
  • Feeling like you can't really talk to your partner
  • Getting defensive when your partner tries to talk to you
  • Giving each other the silent treatment
  • Having the same arguments over and over without reaching a resolution
  • Refusing to compromise or listen to the other person's perspective
  • Stonewalling in order to avoid problems or conversations

It is also important to learn to recognize some of the more subtle signs of poor communication. This can include avoiding arguments for the sake of keeping the peace.

If you never disagree, it means that one of you is hiding what you really feel or think just to avoid a fight. This deprives you both of experiencing authentic, open, and honest discussions.

Withholding issues can be another common communication problem in relationships. Instead of having tough conversations with your partner, you might avoid the issue and then end up dumping all of your anger, irritation, worries, or problems on the other people in your life. 

For example, when you don’t tell your partner you are upset, you might end up ranting to your friend about your frustrations. While this might provide you with an emotional outlet, it doesn’t do anything to resolve the problem. And it might result in passive-aggressive actions designed to "punish" your partner for not being able to read your mind.

Criticisms, defensiveness, silence, and feeling misunderstood are just a few signs of communication problems in a relationship. And a lack of arguing isn't necessarily a sign that you're communicating well. Instead, it may mean you are holding back in order to avoid conflict.

5 Ways to Improve Communication in Relationships

If you think that poor communication is having a negative impact on your relationship, there are strategies that can help you improve your connection.

Consider Your Attachment Style

Think about how your attachment style might affect your communication patterns. Attachment styles are your characteristic patterns of behavior in relationships. Your early attachment style, which emerges in childhood based on relationships with caregivers, can continue to affect how you behave and respond in adult romantic relationships.

If you have an insecure attachment style , you may be more likely to engage in communication patterns that can be seen as anxious or avoidant. Recognizing how your attachment style affects how you interact with your partner (and how your partner's style affects how they interact with you) can give you clues into what you might need to work on.

If you or your partner have an insecure attachment style, it can have an impact on how you communicate and interact with your partner. Knowing your style and being aware of how it may manifest as anxious or avoidant behavior can help you find ways to overcome less effective communication patterns.

Be Fully Present

In order to make sure that both of you are listening and understanding, minimize distractions and focus on being fully present when you are communicating. This might involve setting aside time each day to really focus on one another and talk about the events of the day and any concerns you may have. 

Limiting your device use at certain times of day, such as during meals or at bedtime, can be a great way to focus on your partner without having your attention pulled in different directions.

Use "I" Statements

Sometimes the way that you talk to each other can play a major role in communication problems. If you are both focusing on arguing facts without talking about feelings, arguments can quickly turn into debates over who is "right" or who gets the last word.

Examples of "I" Statements

"I" statements are focused on what you are feeling instead of your partner’s behavior. For example, instead of saying, "You are never on time," you might say "I get worried when you don’t arrive on time."

Using this type of statement can help conversations seem less accusatory or blaming and instead help you and your partner focus on the emotions behind some of the issues you are concerned about.

Avoid Negative Communication Patterns

When you are tempted to engage in behavior like ignoring your partner, using passive-aggressive actions, or yelling, consider how your actions will negatively affect your relationship.

It isn’t always easy to change these patterns, since many of them formed in childhood, but becoming more aware of them can help you start to replace these destructive behaviors with healthier, more positive habits.

Focus on Your Relationship

While good communication is important, research suggests that it is just one of many factors that impact the success, duration, and satisfaction in relationships. 

In fact, research seems to suggest that your satisfaction with your relationship might predict how well you and your partner communicate.

The more satisfied people are in their relationship, the more likely they are to openly talk about their thoughts, feelings, concerns, and problems with one another.

If you want to improve your communication, focusing on improving your relationship overall can play an important role.

There are many steps you can take to improve the communication in your relationship on your own, but there may be times that you feel like professional help might be needed. Couples therapy can be a great way to address communication problems that might be holding your relationship back. 

A therapist can help identify unhelpful communication patterns, develop new coping techniques, and practice talking to one another in more effective ways. They can also address any underlying resentments or other mental health issues that might be having a detrimental impact on your relationship.

Keep in Mind

Effective communication in a relationship allows people to tell other people what they need and to respond to what their partner needs. It allows people to feel understood, validated, and connected to another person. 

Always remember that the goal of communicating is to understand one another. It isn't about sweeping problems under the rug in order to prevent all conflict. Instead, focus on listening to understand and responding with empathy and care. If you and your partner are struggling with communication issues, consider talking to a therapist for advice and tips on how to cope.

Gottman J, Silver N. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work . New York, NY: Crown Publishers; 1999.

Lavner JA, Karney BR, Bradbury TN. Does couples’ communication predict marital satisfaction, or does marital satisfaction predict communication?: couple communication and marital satisfaction . Journal of Marriage and Family . 2016;78(3):680-694. doi:10.1111/jomf.12301

Johnson MD, Lavner JA, Mund M, et al. Within-couple associations between communication and relationship satisfaction over time .  Pers Soc Psychol Bull . 2022;48(4):534-549. doi:10.1177/01461672211016920

Selcuk E, Stanton SCE, Slatcher RB, Ong AD. Perceived partner responsiveness predicts better sleep quality through lower anxiety . Social Psychological and Personality Science . 2017;8(1):83-92. doi:10.1177/1948550616662128

Rogers SL, Howieson J, Neame C. I understand you feel that way, but I feel this way: the benefits of I-language and communicating perspective during conflict .  PeerJ . 2018;6:e4831. doi:10.7717/peerj.4831

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Essays on Relationship

Writing a relationship essay is an important task that will prove helpful in understanding human communication. Throughout life, people enter into various kinds of relationships, which are based on their interaction with each other. Relationship essays explore different kinds of relationships: professional, romantic, family, friendly, trade, political, and so on – they are countless. Interpersonal relationships are a basis for most human activities. They are built and strongly dependent on communication. Essays on relationship point out that in order for any relationships to be successful and fruitful, people must be honest, respectful, caring, and supportive to one another. Look through relationship essay samples below. We made an effort to compose highly informative and interesting essay samples for you to read so your essays could be even better.

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Society construct on the issue of marriages are strict and enshrined in religious, political and demographic foundations. According to Christianity, marriage is divine and is only between a man and a woman as God created Eve to be a helper to Adam (Gen 2:18, NIV). Sex is the most sacred...

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The style of attachment affects everything from the way we develop a relationship with our partners to how well we select the partners themselves to sadly, how relationships break up. Recognizing the attachment styles and its impacts on love can help us to understand our vulnerabilities and strengths in a...

Generally, human beings understand the term attachment as a form of constant feeling in which one is emotionally sealed to another person or something. Psychologically, the attachment is widely viewed as that feeling of love and the want for someone else or another individual majorly for care and security. For...

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Marriage: Marriage is a socially accepted joining of two people that establishes obligations and expectations or rights between the spouses (Allen & Jaramillo-Sierra 2015). It is a union sanctioned by society, traditionally between a man and a woman. Marriage operates based on customs, rules, and laws, with accompanying attitudes and beliefs...

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Feb 20, 2023

250-500 Word Example Essays About Love and Romance

Got an Essay assignment about Love and Romance? Let us help you out with these inspiring Examples!

Love, an emotion that has captivated the hearts and minds of poets, authors, and artists throughout history, remains a profound and multi-faceted subject. While the depth and complexity of this emotion can make it a daunting topic to explore in an essay, the right resources can turn this challenge into a rewarding endeavor. For those looking to capture the essence of love and romance in their writing, our essay writer can be a beacon of inspiration and assistance. This tool, powered by Jenni.ai, offers a seamless journey through the essay-writing process, from brainstorming ideas to refining the final draft. 

Whether you're delving into argumentative, persuasive , or reflective essays about love, Jenni.ai ensures clarity, coherence, and a touch of elegance in your prose. It's a trusted companion for students, educators, and seasoned writers alike, simplifying the writing journey every step of the way.

1. The Evolution of Love: A Study of the Changing Nature of Romance throughout History


Love is one of humanity's most complicated and mysterious emotions. People have strived to comprehend and define Love throughout history, resulting in many works of literature, art, and music dedicated to the subject. Despite its universal appeal, the nature of Love has evolved significantly throughout time, reflecting evolving cultural, social, and economic situations. In this essay, we will look at the evolution of Love, from ancient times to the present.

Ancient Love

A. Greek and Roman Love

Love was viewed as a complex and varied feeling in ancient Greece and Rome, comprising characteristics of desire, friendship, and awe. Love was frequently represented as a tremendous force in ancient civilizations, capable of both propelling individuals to high heights of success and bringing them down into the depths of sorrow. This was especially true of romantic Love, which was glorified in epic poems like the Iliad and Odyssey , as well as works of art and literature depicting the hardships and sufferings of star-crossed lovers.

B. Medieval Love

A chivalric code known as courtly Love emerged in medieval Europe. Its core tenants were the importance of Love, honour, and devotion. During this time, romantic Love was typically portrayed as an unrequited emotion, with the lover pining for the affections of a faraway and unreachable beloved. Medieval poets and troubadours mirrored this romanticised picture of Love in their works by singing and writing about the highs and lows of passionate Love.

Modern Love

A. The Renaissance

The idealized picture of Love that had ruled for centuries was called into question by artists and intellectuals during the Renaissance, marking a turning point in the development of romantic relationships. During this time, romantic Love was portrayed as more tactile and visceral. Shakespeare, for instance, reflected the shifting beliefs of his day by exploring the nuanced and often tragic nature of Love in his works.

B. The Enlightenment

The concepts of reason and individuality began to gain root during the Enlightenment, and with that came a shift in how people saw Love. Political marriages and alliances were often formed based on Love, which was now considered a more sensible and practical feeling. Thinkers from the Enlightenment period, including Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, shared this perspective on Love as a tool for bettering society and the individual.

C. The Modern Era

Today, the word "love" is most often used to describe a feeling one has when they are in a committed relationship or when one has achieved their own goals. Love has become a consumable good thanks to the spread of consumerism and the worship of the individual. The media and arts reflect this conception of Love by depicting it as a means to one's fulfillment and contentment.

The changing cultural, social, and economic conditions of each historical epoch are reflected in the history of Love. The essence of Love has changed dramatically throughout the years, from its idealised image in ancient Greece and Rome to its depiction as a spiritual tie in mediaeval Europe to its current identification with romantic relationships and personal fulfilment. Despite these changes, Love remains a strong and enduring force in human existence, inspiring numerous works of art, literature, and music and affecting how we live and interact with one another.

2. The Power of Love: Examining the Impact of Love on Our Lives and Relationships

Love is a strong feeling that may dramatically alter our life and the bonds we form with others. love, whether romantic, familial, or platonic, can unite us and improve our lives in countless ways., the benefits of love.

A. Improved Physical Health

Love has been demonstrated to improve physical health by decreasing stress, lowering blood pressure, and increasing immunity. The hormone oxytocin, which is released in response to social bonding and has been demonstrated to reduce physiological responses to stress, is thought to be at play here.

B. Enhanced Mental Health

In addition to its physical benefits, Love has been shown to have a beneficial effect on our mental health, lowering stress and anxiety levels and boosting our general sense of happiness. The protective powers of Love against the negative consequences of stress and other difficulties in life are well accepted.

C. Strengthened Relationships

A stronger tie may be formed between two people via the power of Love. Relationships of all kinds, whether romantic, familial, or platonic, may benefit from the strengthening effects of Love by increasing their levels of closeness, trust, and mutual understanding.

The Challenges of Love

A. Love can be painful

Sometimes Love hurts, as when a relationship ends or when we can't find the one we're looking for. One of life's most trying events is losing someone we care about, which may leave us feeling isolated, discouraged, and empty.

The Power of Love to Overcome Challenges

Despite these difficulties, Love may help us overcome them and grow closer to one another. The strength of Love is that it may help us learn and grow, both as people and as a community, via its many forms, such as forgiveness, compromise, and the willingness to persevere through adversity.

Finally, Love is a strong and transformational force that may profoundly influence our lives and relationships. Love may provide us joy, comfort, and a feeling of purpose, whether between friends, family, or romantic partners. Despite its numerous advantages, Love may also bring with it difficulties such as heartbreak and strife. Nonetheless, never underestimate the power of Love. 

It has the potential to draw people together and form deep, long-lasting bonds. Love has the power to make the world a better place, whether through acts of kindness, selflessness, or simply being there for one another. So, let us embrace Love in all of its manifestations and harness its potential to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.

3. The Science of Love: Understanding the Biology and Psychology Behind Love and Attraction

For millennia, people have been drawn and intrigued by the intricate and intriguing feeling of Love. Despite its enormous global significance, the science of Love is now being thoroughly investigated. This paper will investigate the biology and psychology of Love and attraction, delving into the different elements that impact these powerful emotions and how they form our relationships.

The Biology of Love

A. Hormone Function

Love is a biological process controlled by chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. These hormones influence our sensations of attraction, enthusiasm, and enjoyment and boost sentiments of trust and closeness.

B. The Influence of Genetics

Genetics also has an impact on Love and attraction, with some personality qualities and physical characteristics that are considered to be appealing to potential spouses being handed down from generation to generation. This suggests that particular preferences for specific sorts of people are hardwired into our genetics, influencing our romantic and sexual attraction patterns.

The Psychology of Love

A. The Role of Attachment Styles

Our attachment types, which we acquire from our early connections with our caretakers, also affect our Love. These attachment types can significantly influence our later relationships, influencing how we build and keep deep attachments with others.

B. The Impact of Social Norms and Values

Cultural Values

Social conventions and cultural ideas also impact Love and attraction, with societal expectations and values impacting our romantic and sexual impulses. These social conventions and cultural ideas influence everything from who we are attracted to and how we approach and pursue relationships.

The Meeting of Biology and

Love Psychology

The biology and psychology of Love are inextricably linked and interdependent, with one having a complicated and subtle impact on the other. This suggests that, while biology influences our sentiments of attraction and Love, our psychological experiences and beliefs may equally shape these emotions.

To summarise, love science is a complicated and intriguing discipline that encompasses the biology and psychology of this strong and transformational emotion. By investigating the elements that impact Love and attraction, we may gain a deeper understanding of the systems that underpin these feelings and how they shape our lives and relationships. The study of Love is a vital and beneficial effort, whether we seek Love, attempt to preserve Love, or wonder about the science underlying this feeling.

4. The Fine Line Between Love and Obsession: Exploring the Dark Side of Love

Love is a powerful and transformative emotion that can bring immense joy and fulfilment to our lives. But Love can also turn dark and dangerous when it crosses the line into obsession. This essay will examine the fine line between Love and obsession, exploring how Love can become unhealthy and dangerous.

The Characteristics of Obsessive Love

A. Unhealthy Attachment

Obsessive Love is characterized by an unhealthy attachment to another person, with the obsessed person becoming overly dependent on their partner for emotional fulfilment. This can lead to feelings of possessiveness and jealousy, as well as a need for constant attention and validation.

B. Control and Manipulation

Obsessive Love can also involve control and manipulation, with the obsessed person trying to control every aspect of their partner's life and behaviour. This can range from minor acts of manipulation, such as trying to dictate what their partner wears or who they spend time with, to more serious forms of control, such as physical abuse or stalking.

The Dark Side of Love

A. Stalking and Harassment

The dark side of Love can take many forms, with stalking and harassment being among the most extreme and dangerous forms of obsessive behaviour. Stalking and harassment can have serious and long-lasting consequences for the victim, causing fear, stress, and trauma that can impact their mental and physical well-being.

B. Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is another form of the dark side of Love, with physical, sexual, and psychological abuse being used as a means of control and domination. Domestic violence can have devastating consequences for the victim, often leading to serious injury or even death.

The Roots of Obsessive Love

A. Psychological Issues

Obsessive Love can have its roots in psychological issues, including depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder. These conditions can lead to feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem, making it difficult for individuals to form healthy relationships.

B. Cultural and Social Factors

Cultural and social factors can also play a role in the development of obsessive Love, with certain societal beliefs and norms promoting possessiveness and control in relationships. This can include gender roles, expectations, and cultural beliefs about Love and relationships.

In conclusion, the fine line between Love and obsession is delicate and dangerous, with Love crossing over into unhealthy and dangerous territory when it becomes obsessive. By understanding the characteristics of obsessive Love and how it can take dark and dangerous forms, we can better protect ourselves and our loved ones from the negative consequences of this powerful emotion.

5. The Concept of Unconditional Love: An Analysis of the Ideal of Selfless Love

All kinds of different things count as Love since it's such a complicated and diverse feeling. Unconditional Love is frequently depicted as altruistic, all-encompassing, and unshakable, making it one of the most romanticized types. In this essay, I'd discuss the idea of unconditional Love, defining it and contrasting it with other types of affection.

An Explanation of Selfless Love

A. Selfless Love

The term "unconditional love" is commonly used to describe a type of Love that puts the other person's needs before its own. In this kind of Love, one person cares for another without any thought of return or compensation.

B. Love that encompasses everything

Many people use the term "all-encompassing" to express how unconditional Love embraces a person regardless of who they are or what they've done in their lives. A love like this doesn't depend on the other person changing or improving in any way; rather, it's an unconditional embrace of the person as they are.

The Ideal of Unconditional Love

A. Love Without Conditions

Unconditional Love is a romantic ideal in which the lover places no restrictions on the object of his affection. Since it involves so much giving of oneself, this kind of Love is typically held up as the pinnacle of romantic relationships.

B. Putting the Feeling into Action

However, since we are all flawed human beings, practising unconditional Love can be challenging in daily life. Although this may be the case, the ideal of unconditional Love is still significant since it motivates us to improve our Love and compassion towards others.

The Advantages of Unconditional Love

A. Stronger Connections

Unconditional Love has the potential to improve our connections with others, leading to deeper and more meaningful bonds. This kind of Love creates a non-judgmental and welcoming attitude towards people, which can assist to lessen conflict and improve understanding.

B. More Joy and Satisfaction

As a result of the more profound relationships it fosters, unconditional Love may also increase a person's sense of well-being and contentment. Finding Love like this may give our life new meaning and make us feel whole.

In conclusion, many of us hold unconditional Love as a relationship goal. Even if it's not always possible, the ideal of unconditional Love is worthwhile since it motivates us to increase our Love and compassion. The concept of unconditional Love may lead us to a more meaningful and happy lifestyle, whether our goal is to better our relationships or to find more pleasure and contentment in general.

6. The Importance of Communication in Love Relationships: A Study of the Role of Communication in Maintaining Love

Love relationships, like all others, benefit greatly from open lines of communication between partners. Connecting with one another on a regular basis, whether it's to chat about the day, express emotions, or problem-solve, is crucial to keeping the Love alive between you. This essay will discuss the significance of communication in romantic relationships, specifically how it helps couples stay together and grow closer over time.

Advantages of good communication

Increased Compatibility and Mutual Understanding

Love partnerships benefit significantly from open lines of communication that facilitate mutual understanding and closeness. Sharing our innermost ideas, emotions, and experiences with our partners via direct and honest communication strengthens our bonds with them.

Reduced Conflict

As we can better address difficulties and find positive solutions to differences when communicating effectively, we experience less conflict in our relationships. Relationships may be stronger and more loving by talking through differences and finding common ground.

The Difficulties in Expressing Your Feelings in a Romantic Relationship

A. Confusing Messages and Confused Intents

Good communication can sometimes be difficult, especially in romantic partnerships, despite its many advantages. Conflict, anger and a lack of trust may all result from poor communication and misunderstandings in relationships.

B. Vulnerability and Emotional Safety

Likewise, it takes courage and trust to open up and talk about your feelings with the person you love. It may be nerve-wracking to communicate our innermost thoughts and feelings with a partner because of the risk of being judged harshly or rejected.

The Importance of Active Listening

What is Active Listening?

Maintaining positive connections with others requires not just good talkers but also good listeners. Paying close attention to the other person as they speak and making an effort to get their viewpoint and requirements is an essential component of active listening.

The Benefits of Active Listening

The ability to listen attentively and process information can have a significant influence on interpersonal bonds. You may show your spouse how much you value their opinion and the commitment you have to the relationship by listening attentively to what they have to say.

Finally, it's important to note that communication is a cornerstone of successful, loving partnerships. Communication is crucial for developing and maintaining healthy relationships , whether it is via problem-solving, venting, or just listening. Your relationship may grow stronger and become more rewarding and loving if you put an emphasis on communicating well with one another.

Final Words

Love is a complicated and varied theme that has inspired numerous works of art, literature, and music. Whether it is the science of Love, the power of Love, or the development of Love, there is a great deal to learn and comprehend about this universal feeling. 

Students now have access to a potent tool that may assist them in writing essays about Love with ease and assurance thanks to Jenni.ai. From giving ideas and recommendations to leading you through the writing process, Jenni.ai is the ideal option for anyone who wants to write about Love and relationships. Why then wait? Sign up for a free trial of Jenni.ai today and explore its numerous writing perks!

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Guest Essay

How ‘Past Lives’ Changed My Mind About My Relationship

essay relationships

By Euny Hong

Ms. Hong is a cultural critic.

My most stressful moviegoing experience last year was not the mushroom cloud in “Oppenheimer” or the murder trial scenes in “Anatomy of a Fall,” but watching the story of a love triangle among a Korean American woman, a Korean guy and a white guy in the Oscar-nominated “Past Lives.” In the film, Nora, our 30-something heroine, and Arthur, her white husband, are living happily in New York when Nora is contacted by Hae Sung, her childhood sweetheart in South Korea, with whom she had reconnected online as a young adult.

He tells her he’s planning to visit the city. When he arrives, it’s clear he still has feelings for her. Given this situation, I knew at least one person would be very upset by the end of the movie. For most of the film, I felt that person was going to be me.

On the one hand, as a Korean woman, I really wanted Nora to pick the Korean guy. As Arthur says to Nora, “If this was a story someone was telling, I’d be the evil white American husband keeping you two apart!” Every Asian American woman is aware of a longstanding Hollywood trope: The white male savior who sweeps in to save an “exotic” Asian woman, a scenario that goes back at least as far as Anna May Wong’s roles in the 1920s.

The maddening corollary to the white savior trope is that the Asian guy never gets the girl. I still recall the incredulity my friends and I felt coming out of a theater in 1998 having just watched “The Replacement Killers,” a movie in which the dreamy Chow Yun-fat saves the gorgeous Mira Sorvino, yet it doesn’t even occur to them to hook up.

On the other hand, I was having these thoughts while watching “Past Lives” in a movie theater sitting next to my boyfriend, who is white.

As an Asian woman living in the West, I learned long ago that every dating choice I make becomes a referendum: on race, on feminism — you know, just some of the most explosive issues of our day. If you happen to be dating a white guy, well, your relationship feels as if it’s being policed by loved ones and strangers alike. Some of them will accuse you of being psychologically damaged or of plotting to extinguish your people. You may even internalize some of these beliefs.

Before I was old enough to know how babies were made, I was taught by my whole extended family that marrying a white guy would damn my descendants and that an Asian couple was the correct, harmonious order of things. (It also made for a tidier Christmas card photo, or so I was told.)

The first time I watched “Past Lives,” I had this kind of policing in mind. I was fixated on Hollywood’s historical depictions of Asian women and recalling how the very first time I ever saw two Asian characters kissing in a Hollywood film wasn’t until 2018, with “Crazy Rich Asians.” (I think I audibly gasped.)

Of course I hoped for Nora to get together with Hae Sung: I could view the love triangle story line only through a lens that presumed that one outcome was necessarily good while the other was necessarily bad. I dutifully rooted for the good one, although it contradicted my real-life experience, as personified by the man sitting in the theater next to me.

But when I rewatched the film, which is up for best picture on Sunday, I realized it’s a smarter movie than that and truer to life as well. The broad premise of “Past Lives” may be “who will she choose?” but the reason it’s an affecting experience is not that it’s concerned with abolishing tropes or righting representational wrongs. Instead, it’s a story about three good people, trying to do right by one another, fumbling and faltering but finding their way through.

For Nora, the only fitting choice in the end is her husband, Arthur, not because he is (or isn’t) white but because he is the right choice for her. To run off with Hae Sung — whether he’s Asian or not — would not have made any sense, given what we learn about her character and relationship. Reflexively rooting for that to happen made no sense for me, either.

I have my own “Past Lives” moment, sort of. I first met my boyfriend in 1996 at a party thrown by mutual friends from college. We went on one horrible date — I take responsibility; being dense, I didn’t realize it was a date and kept whining about some clown who had just dumped me — and both decided we wanted nothing more to do with each other. Unexpectedly, 26 years later, in late 2022, I had to interview him in my role as a journalist. Reacquainted, we hit it off.

Why did things click this time and not previously? As Heraclitus wrote, you can’t step in the same river twice. To me, that’s the real lesson of “Past Lives”: We have to move forward, not back. As Nora ends up saying to Hae Sung, referring to her Korean name, Na Young, and her new home, New York: “The Na Young you remember doesn’t exist here.” When she chooses to stay with Arthur, she explains it by saying, “This is where I ended up.”

It might sound like a blowoff, but, in the film, it’s a deep and moving declaration of commitment. It’s also a moment that felt deeply authentic to me. The first time I watched the film, I worried that someone’s feelings would be crushed, maybe mine. But when I left the theater with my boyfriend, I didn’t feel heartbroken at all.

Euny Hong is a cultural critic.

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Essay on Relationship for Students in English | 500 Words Essay

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Relationship: Humans are social animals; they love to connect and interact with people because we are all interdependent on each other. In the process, we tend to build beautiful, and long-lasting bonds called relationships. We forge relationships with our family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, neighbours and even animals. We have to nurture ties in a relationship with love, care, self-respect and mutual understanding. Transformation and change are also part of beautiful relationships.

Essay on Relationship 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Relationship Essay in English, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

A relationship is a state of being connected. It is also referred to as a close connection between two people. The concept of a relationship is broad, interconnected and varies from person to person. It is the outcome of emotional bonds and interactions. Mutual experiences, love and affection strengthen these strong ties. There are various types of relationships like family, friendship, acquaintanceship and romantic relationships.

Family relationships: Family plays a vital role in developing strong bonds and instilling values. It is our foundation for future endeavours and successful connections. As a member of the family, we are associated with blood through the relationship with parents, brother and sister and non-blood such as aunts or uncles. We grow up together with siblings and other relatives and eventually form a healthy bond. It is in the family that children learn to be compassionate and considerate towards each other and then follow the legacy ahead. Guidance, support, boundaries and disciple are all necessary elements that should run in the family.

Friendship: Friends are again considered as second family whom we trust, respect, care, and love. A good company is based upon loyalty, honesty and support. How strong your friendship is depending upon how close you are to the person. Out of many, only a few of them are considered as best friends and confided to share personal problems and happiness. We can choose our friends and create a comfortable space with them. The quality should matter over quantity.

Romantic relationship: It is a relationship that we attach ourselves firmly. It exists between the husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, boyfriend and boyfriend and girlfriend and girlfriend. They marry or stay in a live-in relationship together. It is the closest and essential relationship of all. The people develop profound connection and bond that they do not feel with any other person. Such relationships are built on respect, love, support, acceptance, consideration and shared interests. Here, the compatibility, attitude and thinking guide the relationship ahead to become successful.

Acquaintances: These are the people we encounter regularly but are not our relatives or friends. It can be a neighbour or a work colleague, but it is necessary to show respect and politeness. Greeting them with a smile is the most crucial action to show that the world is kind. Moreover, such relationships later evolve into friendships or even marriage.

The relationships mentioned above mould our personal life. However, the success of these relationships depends upon what we as individuals are prepared to invest in them. The core ingredient required for any relationship to sustain is the amount of trust and willingness we show to each other. It is imperative to communicate effectively, apologise and accept mistakes, take responsibility, maintain humility and give each additional space and time.

We face challenges like breakups, loss of a job, infidelity and fluctuations in financial status, which affects our bond and impacts the relationship. Therefore, in such hard times, it is essential we hold on to each other patiently and lovingly. When a relationship is working fine, and everything is merry, we tend to become complacent ignoring or stop attending to other person’s needs and expectations. Due to this, misunderstandings develop further making it worse.

Therefore, it is necessary to check up on each other regularly by engaging in meaningful conversations and to bring changes if required. Moreover, instead of pointing out at others, we need to self-analyze and be aware of our actions. We need to ask questions such as, Am I communicating openly? Have I hurt anyone through my words? Am I expecting too much, or do I assume my responsibility appropriately? In doing so, we need to acknowledge others for their hard work and time.

Developing a positive attitude is the key to strengthen the connection. There should be a frequent display of appreciation and usage of kind words. Furthermore, listening is the utmost important communication skill of all. Understanding another person’s situation is essential to solve problems and avoid conflicts. Since arguments are inevitable in any relationship, it is mandatory to demonstrate modesty and forgiveness instead of taking a stance of I win, you lose. Lastly, all relationships go through hell; only real ones get through it and emerge victoriously.

Short Essay on Relationship 250 Words in English

Relationship Essay, suitable for classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Humans interact with each other every day. Through such interaction and communication, relationships are formed. The quality of any relationship depends upon the following three essential traits such as reliability, trust and healthy conversation. If these traits are fulfilled then only the bond sustains for a more extended time. Moreover, having a relationship is crucial to our mental status, which ensures a healthy mind and a happy family.

Every person seeks a perfect relationship but lacks the mechanics to achieve one. In such conditions, we fail to develop a supportive relationship. It is necessary to provide emotional and psychological support, love and affection to one another so that it gives meaning to life.

To have a good and successful relationship, people need to be patient, peaceful and motivate each other. As a member, everybody should strive hard to maintain a healthy relationship with each other. The children should be imbibed with the values concerning the relationships. To do so, one must convey ideas, thoughts, feelings and expectations among the people. Any obstacle or difficulty must be dealt with a successful contribution.

Furthermore, each member should understand their role in a particular relationship and play their part accordingly. A relationship can be with your family, friends, colleague, husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend. Therefore, knowing our position and its accountability enhances the essence of any relationship. An individual realizes his/her worth and identity when they have a significant connection to each other.

According to the researchers, people need each other to live long. As man is a social animal, he needs to surround himself with associations and robust connections. If not so, then humans undergo depression and start feeling lonely. They neglect their purpose and enter into a self-damaging mindset. Hence, to heal from problems to share happiness, we require positive and supportive people who will guide and encourage us.

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Essay on Relationship

The term “relationship” refers to a close bond between two people.

Humans cannot live alone they need someone to share their feelings, enjoy the moments, or live happily. But we cannot do these things with strangers. We need someone whom we can trust and also win their trust. For this reason, we need healthy relationships in our life. From birth to death, humans are tied to several relationships. So, today we will discuss about “relationship” in detail.

Short and Long Relationship Essays in English

Here, I’m presenting short and long essays on Relationship in different word limits of 100 words, 250 words and 500-600 words. This topic is useful for students of all the classes to write creative essays and paragraphs. However, this topic is of immense importance for every individual to know the significance of a healthy relationship in life.

Relationship Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Relationshipis a bond of love and connection between two people.

2) Life is incomplete without relationships.

3) Respect is necessary in every relationship.

4) A healthy relationship makes life happier.

5) Family, friendship, romantic, and acquaintances are the four main relationships.

6) Relationship reduces stress and loneliness.

7) Relationship takes time to form.

8) Proper communication is required to maintain any relationship.

9) Without a relationship, life will become dull and boring.

10) Researches show that a good relationship helps to live longer.

Short Essay on Relationship (200-250 Words)

A relationship is a bond between two people based on mutual like, understanding, need, or love. It can be family relationships, friendships, romantic relationships, or acquaintances. The strongest relationship in which we are tied since birth is family. Friendship is another beautiful relationship that fills our life with joy. A romantic relationship mainly exists between a husband and wife. Acquaintances refer to the people who are not our relatives but we meet them often. This type of relationship can later turn into friendship.

In every sphere of life, relationships have a crucial role to play. Having a relationship is one of the most beautiful things that one could ever experience in life. Maintaining strong relationships in your life have an enormous number of benefits in the long run. However, it requires efforts to maintain a good relationship. Respect and trust are very important in every relationship. A healthy relationship generates a positive environment. It also affects our mental state. However, a bad relationship can even ruin our life. Therefore, it is necessary to play your part in a relationship with honesty.

In earlier times, relationships were very precious for people. But today, people are turning selfish and greedy. They make relationships mainly for profit. This is the major reason that people are not happy and it seems very difficult to maintain the existing relationship.

Long Essay on Relationship (500-600 Words)


Relationships are defined as the feeling of love between two people and the connection that exists between them. The best feeling in the world is to love and to be loved by someone you care about. A relationship can be with parents, friends, or others. Each type of relationship plays an essential role in our life.

Types of Relationship

The four types of relationships are as follows:

Family: A family relationship is the first step towards interacting with others. Among all forms of human relationships, it is the strongest. In difficult times, they can provide support and a sense of belonging. Family relationships play a vital role in socialization.

Friendship: Our friends are the second family whom we trust, respect, keep in touch with, and love. They are the important relationship that we make our own. Friendship is necessary to share emotions and feelings.

Romantic: It is a relation to which we attach ourselves with a great deal of commitment. Among all relationships, it is the closest and most essential. Usually, this type of relationship is seen between husbands and wives.

Acquaintances: Regularly, we come across people who aren’t our friends or relatives. The person can be a neighbor or coworker, but we show respect and politeness. Such type of relationships can develop into friendship if treated with respect and care.

Importance of Relationships in Life

A relationship is an important part of our life. It is relationships that allow us to stay connected to each other. Humans depend on it for survival and it contributes greatly to their happiness and well-being. In a relationship, emotions, attachments, love, and sincerity are present. With relationships, we can grow up well, increase our awareness, improve our talents, and do many other things necessary to lead a happy and healthy life.

Without a relationship, you won’t be able to share your thoughts and obtain respect from others. When people have relationships with one another, they are able to discover who a person is at the core. In addition to bringing us a lot of joy, they are also a source of lots of laughs. However, a healthy relationship is crucial for a positive working environment, as it leads to mental peace as well as a more energetic attitude at work.

Benefits of a Healthy Relationship

Some benefits of a healthy relationship are mentioned below:

Less stress: Relationships help us to live a stress-free life. A relationship develops good understanding and sharing capability, thus reducing the chances of stress and depression.

Support: Having a relationship gives us people with whom we can share our lives and who can support us in time of need. It gives a support system that encourages us to do our best every time.

Happy life: Relationships play a very important role in the quality of life, without which life would be dull. A happy relationship in life can influence your health in a positive way. It saves you from boredom and makes life more joyful.

Relationships are a vital part of our lives and we cannot live without them. Relationships are a part of us from the moment we are born to the day we die. However, you can’t build a relationship in a day. A constant focus and attention are needed for them to succeed. A healthy relationship gives you joy while an unhealthy one can leave you exhausted. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a good and healthy relationship.

I hope the above given essay on Relationship will be helpful in understanding the importance as well as different aspects of Relationship in life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Relationship on Relationship

Ans. Communication, respect, trust, and love are the most important things in a relationship.

Ans. Friendship is considered the best relationship in the world.

Ans. Irresponsibility, immaturity, insecurity, etc are some dangers to a healthy relationship.

Ans. The word “relationship” first appeared in 1744, according to the Online Etymology Dictionary.

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I took my fiancé wedding dress shopping — and he hated everything

My fiancé went to all eight of my wedding dress appointments at salons across Southern California. Sometimes he joined my mom, a friend or my future sister-in-law. But sometimes just the two of us waded through rows of tulle. 

A man was a rare sight in a dress shop, and the bridal attendants usually reminded me of such. “Oh! He’s your fiancé?” they’d say, with a not-so-subtle look toward the door. “And is he planning to ... stay?”

But my soon-to-be husband wanted to be there. And I wanted him there, too.

It was part of my “all-for-two, two-for-all” approach to wedding planning . When my fiancé and I got engaged, we decided we should both play an equal role in party planning. I was tired of the expectation that the bride would handle the wedding and we agreed it would be healthy to practice compromising. Between his modern tastes and my love of all things boho and floral, I knew my sweetheart and I would have to get creative to find middle grounds. Since we’d be doing this for the rest of our lives, why not start now?

For a while, it worked.

Choosing music was easy (we both love David Bowie and The Shins) and we both gravitated toward the same colorful flowers. For the venue, we found a museum that felt like a compromise between his preference, a historic church, and mine, a casual winery.

But dress shopping wasn’t so smooth. Because we were going against the tradition of the fiancé not seeing the dress pre-ceremony, we always had to explain our situation to the bridal consultant before she tried to shoo him away. And once we started shopping, another problem arose: None of the dresses were quite good enough for him.

I remember stepping out of a dressing room, the first wedding dress I’d ever worn flowing down to my feet.

This dress was a no from my fiancé.

My mom, sitting on the couch, lit up. “It’s perfect!”

“You look amazing,” my friend said.

I wasn’t sure if the dress was exactly “perfect.” The big tulle skirt made it hard to walk and the sequined material was scratchy but I liked the neckline and the sash around the middle. Plus, I loved my mom’s and my friend’s reactions.

I looked at my fiancé, expecting tears or at least two thumbs up. He just cocked his head. “I thought you wanted sleeves,” he said with a shrug. “And it’s so poufy.”

The air went out of my balloon and I couldn’t hide my surprise at his less-than-pleased response. But I had to admit, he was right: The fluffy, sparkly dress didn’t seem to match our refined venue. And I did want sleeves. I’d shown him dozens of photos of dress inspiration, and every photo featured a gown with lace sleeves.

I stepped off the pedestal and reminded myself that I had wanted both of us to have an equal say in wedding planning — the dress was no exception. I liked the dress, so did my mom, and the stylist couldn’t stop complimenting my figure in it. But if my fiancé didn’t like it, I didn’t want it. After a few more beautiful dresses, a lot of praise from the stylist, my mom and my friend — plus some blasé looks from my future husband — we left the shop empty-handed.

Another no — like all the others.

The following weekend, we made an appointment at another salon. The following week, we visited a third shop. At each place, I tried on everything in my budget: simple cocktail dresses, long gowns with pockets and a couple of blush-colored options. They weren’t all crowd-pleasers but everyone seemed to like a few. Everyone, that is, except my future husband. Some were too matronly, some too sexy. He pointed out weird jewels and unflattering cutouts.

I couldn’t win. Everyone seemed easygoing and happy to see me in any dress — just not the person whose opinion I valued most.

At the eighth appointment, after trying on a dress that my fiancé said was weirdly asymmetrical, I sat in my square little dressing room and cried. I hated shopping for dresses and I was starting to feel embarrassed leaving all these salons without buying something. But I didn’t know what to do.

You guessed it: He didn't like this one, either.

I wondered if him pointing out the problems was causing the issues. Maybe I wouldn’t have noticed the imperfections if he didn’t say something. Yet the things he saw were things I had, or would eventually, notice. But I felt like picking a dress, having this one chore checked off my list, and having everyone else happy with the dress, was worth overlooking some weird appliqués. 

Wedding planning was a lot harder than I’d anticipated. Between the ever-changing guest list, family drama, price tag guilt, my inability to find a hairstylist for the morning of the big day, I was drained. So was my fiancé. I guess I’d just wanted an easy win. Why was shopping for a dress so hard?

On the way home, I decided to get to the bottom of this. “Why don’t you like any of the dresses?” I asked my future husband in the car.

“I do! Most of them are great,” he said.

I couldn’t believe his response. “Then why haven’t we bought anything yet?” I insisted.

He shrugged. “None of them are the dress you said you want.” 

When we stopped at a light, he grabbed his phone and opened it to our shared Pinterest list. “You said you wanted a dress with off-the-shoulder lace sleeves, and you wanted the skirt to come to your calf,” he said, pointing to a photo of Grace Kelly in “Rear Window.” “You also said you wanted to have two different looks, maybe a tear-away skirt or something. None of those dresses were what you said you wanted.”

I could have cried again. I realized that he just wanted me to have the dress I wanted. “But this kind of dress doesn’t exist,” I said as we pulled forward through the green light. “I’ve tried on just about every dress and that combination isn’t out there.”

I could feel myself getting frustrated again. “During all these appointments, I never saw a dress that was calf-length,” I said. “I’d have to buy a full-length gown and hem it.”

“Okay, let’s do that,” he said.

“Sure, OK, but then I’d probably have to get sleeves made because none of the lace sleeves I saw were off the shoulder,” I said.

“Sounds good,” he said.

I looked at my fiancé and he looked at me. After all those dress appointments and trying on dress after dress, he made it sound so easy.

We went back to one of the dress shops and bought an inexpensive white ball gown. We then found a seamstress who reminded me of my favorite elementary school teacher. She hemmed the dress until it looked like the swishy Grace Kelly dress I loved and she made an off-the-shoulder lace top, which simply went over the bodice of the dress. “If you want to take it off for the reception, and have a whole different look, you can,” she said.

Me on my wedding day. I ended up having a dress custom-made — and it was perfect.

The dress was perfect. I loved the shorter hem and the lace sleeves were exactly what I’d envisioned. I’d wanted to combine my husband’s and my styles to create the perfect mesh of us for this party, and while my dress was technically all me, it represented my partner too, maybe more than I consciously realized at the time.

The two of us have been together since high school and in the 10 years between meeting and marrying, every so often, I heard the advice not to settle for a comfortable relationship. Through college, I watched friends break up with their partners after years together, shrugging and saying, “Well, what was I going to do, marry my high school boyfriend?” In my mid-20s, the only friend I knew who had also been with her boyfriend since high school, suddenly found herself single. “I didn’t want to settle,” she said.

I think a part of me wondered if I was too comfortable in my relationship, going along because it was so easy to be with someone I’d loved since I was 17. But dress shopping together made me realize that my husband wasn’t the type to let me choose the easy option. He wasn’t going to let me settle for a dress that seemed fine; he wanted me to be in the right gown for me. I think he’s always known he was right for me too.

Now, five years after our wedding, with two little girls, I keep a big portrait of my husband and me on our wedding day over the fireplace. I still love the dress I wore and I still love us. We’re the perfect fit.

Jillian Pretzel is a California-based writer and mom of two. You can find her on Instagram or at www.jillianpretzel.com .

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Interpersonal Relationships Essay

Introduction, barriers to effective communication, principles and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communication, improving communication competencies.

Interpersonal relationships are normally evidenced between two or more individuals and may be based on (among other factors) love and solidarity (Berscheid, 1983, p. 1). These bases of interpersonal relationships normally vary but basically, they are centered on social, cultural, family or kinship relationships (in addition to other forms of social relations). This fact is affirmed by Jeannette (2010) who states that:

“Interpersonal communication is derived from the close relationships we have in our life of our choosing. Yet, we have interface with people on many levels in our life, ranging from personal to professional. Interpersonal relationships constantly change and shift and can derive from formal settings. Relationships can vary from friendships, family members, lovers, acquaintances, professionals and even adversaries. Life welcomes and encompasses most relationships in each of these categories” (p. 12).

It is important to note that interpersonal relationships command some level of interdependence but there are often incidences where people in interpersonal relationships influence each other in thought, actions, activities and feelings (Fincham, 2010, p. 4).

The level of interdependence among partners in interpersonal relationships allows for the influx of opinions, thoughts and feelings but the success and longevity of interpersonal relationships basically thrives on communication as a basic component, determining the thriving of interpersonal relationships. Dr. Ramesh Rao, a sociology researcher, explains that “We thrive when we communicate well, and we starve ourselves of companionship, camaraderie and community when we fail to communicate effectively” (Rao, 2010, p. 1).

When communication lacks, people tend to live in worlds completely and needlessly alienated from each other, and in extreme cases, miscommunication may lead to excessive boredom and even the eventual breakup of two individuals. Those who decide to live with communication problems are normally subjected to a lot of despair, agony and frustration. However, the positive thing regarding the controversy surrounding miscommunication in interpersonal relationships is that it need not be that way.

In other words, there are a number of ways and strategies through which if properly applied can avoid instances of miscommunication. From this basis of understanding, this study will explore the barriers to effective communication as the background research to understanding how to avoid miscommunication in interpersonal relationships. Secondly this study will explain the principles and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communications, which consequently causes miscommunication in interpersonal relationships.

Lastly this study will identify how people in interpersonal relationships can assess their personal communication strategies to improve their communication competencies. Comprehensively, these elements when applied sequentially will eventually lead to the avoidance of miscommunication within interpersonal relationships.

Communication essentially defines the basic social fabric of any society and it is an effective tool that has been used in upholding social cohesion for centuries (Mystic Madness, 2011, p. 1). However, there are barriers to communication that prevent the conveyance of thoughts or ideas from one individual to another.

Consequently, this causes ambiguous communication between individuals because if there are barriers to effective communication, the messages passed across cannot be appropriately received. If the sender or receiver finds himself or herself in such a situation; it means that there are surmountable barriers to communication.

The barriers to effective communication therefore become a hurdle for many individuals to express their thoughts and feelings, and in extreme situations; this scenario has been seen to limit professional and social progression. In fact, Mystic Madness (2011) affirms that “According to various psychologists, approximately 50 percent of message looses its meaning while being conveyed from the sender to the receiver” (p. 3).

There are therefore a number of stages where communication between two or more individuals loses its meaning and they are summarized in the following paragraphs:

Physical barriers have been identified as the main problem why people across the globe have found it difficult to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships (Jain, 2011).

This was the problem I experienced a year ago in my workplace where the company had a large working area and existing employees were physically estranged from each other. Also, each office had its own doors where each worker operated under closed doors and the general employee population was divided on the basis of ranks (where high-ranking employees operated in their own environment while low-ranking employees also operated in their own environment).

The organizational environment was therefore not conducive for effective interpersonal communication and it was further aggravated by the fact that there was a lot of noise from cars on the background. This type of environment significantly strained the development of interpersonal relationships within my workplace.

Mystic Madness (2011) categories physical barriers to communication in four categories; the first is environmental barrier where the physical environment becomes non-facilitative to the development of a good interactive atmosphere (probably because of excessive humidity, excessive lighting, high or low temperatures, or even poor ventilation and the likes).

The second category of communication barrier is the challenging stimulus where if there is a disturbing stimulus such as noise in the background or a wide distance between a sender and receiver of information, miscommunication may eventually occur because it would be quite difficult for both parties to interpret what each other is saying.

Thirdly, Mystic Madness (2011) identifies subjective strain as another barrier to communication where miscommunication may occur if one of the parties is in bad health, is of poor mental state, lacks adequate sleep (and the likes). Miscommunication is bound to occur because effective communication occurs only if there is high concentration about the message conveyance process among the two parties involved.

Lastly, Mystic Madness (2011) identifies media ignorance as the last category to physical barriers to communication because of the fact that some communicators are not versant with the best mode of media to convey their messages. For instance, in my organization, the senior managerial team used to explain the company’s progress to workers using maps and charts. This mode did not seem effective for the workers.

Linguistic barriers are also identified as a major barrier to communication because in scenarios where it is present, language becomes excessively vague and the words mentioned by one party (for example) are rather symbolic and may convey a number of meanings to the receiver (if he or she understands it at all).

The miscommunication evidenced here basically occurs where the sender and receiver variably interpret different language symbols. In fact, it has been affirmed in many research studies that communicating to someone in his or her own language is an effective communication tool as opposed to someone communicating using an alien language (Mystic Madness, 2011).

Cultural barriers have also been identified to be a strong barrier to communication, especially where two or more people in an interpersonal relationship are from different religions, cultures or places. However, cultural barriers does not only end in form of cultural, religious or place variations; it also extends to age, social position, mental behaviors, social status and other socioeconomic parameters.

If communication occurs within the confines of a given culture, there is a very minimal probability that misinterpretation will occur, but when communication occurs between two or more cultures, there is a high probability that misinterpretation will occur.

Lastly, emotional barriers have been advanced as a critical barrier to effective communication because people who are emotionally distant are bound to differ from each other in situations and affairs (Mystic Madness, 2011). There are often many types of emotions that present themselves in form of anger, fear and hostility and all result in a number of reactions encompassing sudden reactions, unfair assumptions, terror, overconfidence and defense (Jeannette, 2010). These factors comprehensively define the major barriers to communication.

Misconceptions about interpersonal relationships often arise out of the fact that people are different and it is therefore very easy for someone to misunderstand the other. The biggest misconception among many people regarding interpersonal communication is that it is an innate trait that often does not need to be perfected (HR Council for the Nonprofit Sector, 2011).

It is also widely misconceived that interpersonal communication applies to all individuals and can be applied in virtually all social contexts (HR Council for the Nonprofit Sector, 2011). This assumption is wrong because interpersonal communication has its own shade of grey areas where different people are in different relationships, and therefore, not all relationships are the same.

Moreover, each person is different from each other and therefore the characteristics of one person in a relationship may sometimes disparage the personality of the other or in another way, compliment it. It is therefore essential that the right attitude is applied to different situations because relationships are different and so are people.

There is also a common misunderstanding about interpersonal communication where one person thinks that if he or she communicates, the other person will automatically understand them. This is not necessarily the case considering there are usually many factors that can cause wrongful misinterpretation of information and therefore it is important to carry out a follow-up conversation to determine whether the previously conveyed information was correctly understood.

Many people also carry on the misconception that the more the quantity of information a person conveys; the more he or she will be understood (HR Council for the Nonprofit Sector, 2011). This is normally not the case because if a person is misunderstood, talking more would not essentially be the correct approach to take because this would only mean that there will be more misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the information being conveyed.

While a person may think that he or she is clarifying the information conveyed, he or she may only be exacerbating the situation. In such situations, one would be tactful to know when to tone down, keep quiet and explain further.

The reason why the above misconceptions about interpersonal communication are evidenced is because many people don’t understand the principles to effective communication. It is therefore important for people to understand relevant principles surrounding effective communication so that they can be able to communicate effectively in the first place. The first principle in effective communication is understanding oneself.

Even though interpersonal communication occurs between two people, it is normally recommended that people who want to effectively communicate with each other need to understand themselves first (their goals, personalities and the likes). Mares (2010) affirms that “Self-awareness helps you identify the actions required to behave competently in different situations. The more self-aware you are, the more able you are to manage your own behavior and your ability to adapt your behavior to changing circumstances” (p. 12).

Another principle of communication in interpersonal relationships is to communicate effectively. Mares (2010) explains that in this type of situation, the sender or receiver should describe various behaviors without being judgmental or giving evaluative statements which may change the course of the communication process. He also explains that people should maintain congruence between verbal and nonverbal messages in addition to precisely describing ones feelings.

Lastly, listening and responding is also another important communication principle in interpersonal relationships where people will be able to understand one another’s feelings and thoughts more effectively (Mares, 2010). In fact, it has been affirmed that taking into consideration the other person’s feelings is an effective communication strategy. Conversely, this can be linked to talking from the “shoes” of the other person (Mares, 2010).

Using the obliging style has been advocated as one of the most basic ways through which people can effectively develop their communication competencies (Jeannette, 2010). This style has been pit against the avoidance strategy where people avoid conflict in relationships by ignoring miscommunication altogether (Jeannette, 2010).

The obliging style empowers people to be more empathic and critical listeners to what the other party in the relationship says. This style also proposes that if a person feels like expressing his or her opinion, he or she should do so gently, without being assertive. Comprehensively, the obliging strategy has been evidenced to provide the bedrock to the development of interpersonal relationships because it essentially lays the groundwork through which two people relate (Jeannette, 2010).

The other competence element identified by many social researchers, with regards to improving interpersonal competence, is basically related to the principles of effective communication which is putting oneself in the other’s shoes. This is congruent to understanding the values of the other person, their beliefs and points of view. Jeannette (2010) explains that:

“It can be challenging to assess each individual and how to correctly approach communication when there are so many factors involved. With the proper effort and evaluation, one can identify personality traits of an individual and build positive communication around those aspects. This not only develops proper interpersonal relationships, but also broadens the skills necessary to effectively communicate and represent oneself in a positive manner” (p. 29).

Understanding these communicative variables is essential to developing genuine empathy with another party in a relationship, but more importantly, understanding them enables the other party to better empathize with the other.

Lastly, inquiry is another competence element that if well inculcated among individuals, it can expressly show genuine concern about the other person’s welfare. Genuine concern is a good attribute in avoiding miscommunication in interpersonal relationships and this is the reason why many researchers advocate that people should be more inquisitive of each other at all times (Jeannette, 2010).

This study points out that the avoidance of miscommunication within interpersonal relationships is a simple process that can be avoided if people understand the barriers to communication, develop an understanding of the principles and misconceptions about personal relationships and eventually horn specific competencies needed in developing personal relationships. It is only through understanding communication problems in interpersonal relationships that people can be able to avoid miscommunication altogether.

Berscheid, E. (1983). The Emerging Science of Relationships: Close Relationships. (pp. 1–19). New York: W.H. Freeman and Company.

Fincham, F. (2010). Of memes and marriage: Toward a positive relationship science. Journal of Family Theory & Review , 2, 4–24.

HR Council for the Nonprofit Sector. (2011). Workplaces that Work . Web.

Jain, R. (2011). The Barriers to Effective Communication . Web.

Jeannette, V. (2010). Interpersonal Relationships and Communication . Web.

Mares, T. (2010). Avoiding Miscommunication: This Darned Elusive Happiness. Web.

Mystic Madness. (2011). 4 Main Barriers to Effective Communication . Web.

Rao, R. (2010). Communication Studies . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 28). Interpersonal Relationships. https://ivypanda.com/essays/interpersonal-relationships/

"Interpersonal Relationships." IvyPanda , 28 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/interpersonal-relationships/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Interpersonal Relationships'. 28 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Interpersonal Relationships." December 28, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/interpersonal-relationships/.

1. IvyPanda . "Interpersonal Relationships." December 28, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/interpersonal-relationships/.


IvyPanda . "Interpersonal Relationships." December 28, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/interpersonal-relationships/.

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CREATE’s Frankenstein Essay Contest

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In celebration of Women’s History Month , CREATE is thrilled to announce a Mary Shelley Frankenstein essay contest, an initiative that bridges the remarkable legacy of women in literature and their enduring influence on society. Mary Shelley’s influenced by her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, whose ideas on equality and education, articulated in her seminal work “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,” resonated through Shelley’s life and writings.

Calling all fifth-grade and Middle School students at Muncie Community Schools! Do you love reading stories like Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”? Are you passionate about exploring themes related to the author and her iconic book? Here’s your chance to showcase your writing skills.

Essay Prompt : Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” delves into themes of creation, responsibility, and society. Write a short story or reflection about individual responsibility towards the creations we bring into the world.

Submission Guidelines :

Judging : All submissions will be judged by students in the Honors College at Ball State University. Winners will be selected based on creativity, clarity, and depth of analysis.

First Prize : The winning student will receive a gift card and teacher and student will be publicly recognized at the 2024 Civic Learning Symposium.

All essays must be submitted by April 20, 2024.

How to Submit : Please email your essay to [email protected] or drop off a physical copy at Teachers College Room 805 (Attn: David J. Roof)

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to engage with literature, explore civic themes, and showcase your writing talents For inquiries or more information, contact David J. Roof at [email protected]

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The United States Healthcare System Systemic Racism and Discrimination Towards American Minorities

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Today, United States citizens live in a society guided by a false consciousness. [1] The presiding culture of the United States (US) has painted a picture – a distorted and surreal mythology – that continues to be admired. This picture is characterized by conservative dogma and intolerance within the political, economic, and ideological spheres of society, leaving individuals unable to ascertain truth. US citizens are provided the inability to see reality for what it is, and instead encouraged to live by a means of pseudo-reality as described by Debord. [2] As a result, many US institutions, including the prison system and the healthcare system, have become platforms of masked discriminatory and racist practices within today’s world of “colorblindness.” The right to universal health care represents yet another opportunity for US institutions to deploy covert and underlying racist and discriminatory tactics, and continues to remain largely unacknowledged by non-minority citizens of the US, contributing to significantly higher rates of untreated health concerns and concomitant higher death rates in US minority populations.

To understand this assertion, it is important to start by examining the ways in which the US prison system acts as a discriminatory and racist institution. Today, African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities account for roughly 40% of the US population, yet they comprise around 60% of the US’ total incarcerated population. [3] That is, they are disproportionately represented amongst the incarcerated. To put this in perspective, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, nearly “one in every 15 African American men [become] incarcerated, as opposed to only one in every 106 white men.” [4] Looking back to the early 1970s when Black Americans were making progress in obtaining civil rights, there was a substantial increase in the number of incarcerated Black individuals, acting as a “stealth counterweight to political and economic progress.” [5] Thus, prisons were used as a means to suppress the growing success of Black individuals, furthering the disproportionate number of incarcerated minorities.

The prison system is not the only institution within the US that deploys underlying discriminatory, exploitative, and racist tactics towards American minorities. For example, there have been mortgage lending procedures that have “disproportionately exposed minority borrowers to the risky subprime loans that triggered the financial collapse of 2008 and widespread foreclosures in minority communities.” [6] Also discovered have been numerous obscure tax and insurance policies that have targeted neighborhoods with substantial minority populations. [7] There are many more examples of US institutions exploiting and discriminating based upon race, yet minority groups cannot simply avoid these tactics; that is, taking out loans and paying taxes can be essential life tasks for most individuals. Thus, as society continues to be governed by a false consciousness, true reality will indefinitely remain uncertain. This becomes clear, as even today there have been minimal studies regarding the exploration of this institutionalized racism. [8]

As it is clear numerous institutions have and continue to behave in discriminatory ways, it must be considered that the US’ lack of a nationwide right to health insurance represents another means of discrimination based upon race. While at this point in the essay a discussion of the history of slavery within the US may seem extraneous, the lasting effects of slavery continue to play a key role in discrimination towards minorities, contributing to diminished resources for health insurance for minorities in the US. To understand the role of slavery in decreased access to nationwide health insurance, one must come to see the foremost factor as to why individuals do not carry it. That is, “in 2022, 64.2% of uninsured nonelderly adults said they were uninsured because coverage is not affordable, making it the most common reason cited for being uninsured.” [9]   As for the role of long-term effects of slavery, minorities, especially Black Americans, face far greater poverty than their counterparts, predominantly in places where there is a stronger connection to slavery in the past. [10] Thus, as it is commonly understood the southern half of the US to have experienced the largest impact from slavery, this would indicate the largest impact on poverty struggles as a result of slavery would be in the south. Coincidentally, as one might say, “reflecting geographic variation in income and the availability of public coverage, most uninsured people live in the South.” [11]

As Black Americans have faced substantial struggles with poverty due to the lasting effects of slavery and previously exploitative southern economies, bearing in mind the primary reason for not carrying health insurance is a lack of funds, it is plain that past discrimination and racism of yesterday has set the stage for wealth and health disparities and discrimination today . That is, the “average wealth of white households in the United States [has become] 13 times as high as that of Black households.” [12] To further put this problem into context, minorities “made up 45.7% of the nonelderly US population but accounted for 62.3% of the total nonelderly uninsured population.” [13] Looking at minorities other than Black Americans, the uninsured rate for “nonelderly Hispanic (18.0%) and American Indian and Alaska Native people (19.1%) are more than 2.5 times the uninsured rates for white people (6.6%)” [14] Moreover, of the uninsured population, most of the 25.6 million nonelderly uninsured adults were from minority groups. [15]

As posited, Black Americans and other minority groups’ inability to afford health insurance has been created by US citizens themselves, through past legality and support of slavery, leaving lasting effects that have made health insurance unaffordable. In return, some US citizens and their government have failed to remedy the situation, choosing instead to endorse the idea that minorities lack funds to carry health insurance by arguing they are ‘lazy,’ ‘unmotivated,’ or ‘irresponsible.’  In doing so, US citizens have further engaged in the stereotyping of minority groups as inferior through their inability to obtain health insurance. Consequently, through an unfair health insurance access system, US society has maintained a discriminatory attitude towards minority groups. Once there is a determination of a belief of inferiority, a blind eye will indefinitely turn away from discrimination within society’s governance of the false consciousness, leaving its citizens unable to ascertain reality, chiefly developing and supporting their own self interests. Thus, through the contribution and failure to remedy the poverty struggles inflicted on minority groups, including those inflicted on Black Americans largely through the past slavery in the southern US, minority groups, making up 62.3% of all uninsured nonelderly adults, have been made into the problem by society. These individuals have been labeled, ideologically transformed into ‘inferior beings’ per conservative dogma, and thus become further discriminated against with respect to their inability to obtain health insurance in the US.

Considering the ethicality of the lack of a nationwide right to health insurance, one must take the stance of Mill’s Utilitarianism, which revolves around providing the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people through consequence of action. [16] First, it is clear by failing to provide a national right to health insurance, the U.S. is leaving indigent, uninsured groups, largely consisting of minorities, to find the means to fund their own insurance. This may contribute to higher and disproportionate crime rates of minority groups out of need for survival and fulfillment of basic human needs; to institutionalized racism; to false ideologies; to stereotypes wrongly placed upon minority groups; and to untreated illness. The resulting human tragedy is seen in myriad situations: minority woman facing high maternal death rates in childbirth, uninsured minority individuals being turned away from hospitals who only take those with insurance, silent suffering and untreated illnesses including high rates of diabetes and heart disease, and more recently, higher death rates and worse outcomes for minorities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. [17]

Thus, as the result of a non-existent nationwide right to health insurance, the US is plainly failing to provide the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people and therefore, per Mill, the failure to provide a national right to health insurance is clearly unethical. The lack of national access for all individuals to health insurance is not only an underlying form of racism and discrimination towards American minorities, but it is unethical as well. To address this, American society must alter its picture of the distorted and surreal reality that has been painted, and shatter its lens of the pseudo-reality that shapes many individuals’ view of the world. That is, there becomes the need for a higher form, or a deeper level, of collective experiential consciousness in order for a symbiotic relationship to occur – a relationship advantageous to all simultaneously – in the biological and sociological realms. Only then can the trend of institutionalized racism and discrimination be broken, and as a part of this, only then can all individuals receive access to health insurance and related healthcare that would improve their quality of life.   

[1] Little, Daniel. “False Consciousness.” False Consciousness , www-personal.umd.umich.edu/~delittle/iess%20false%20consciousness%20V2.htm.

[2] Debord, Guy. The Society of the Spectacle . Translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith, Zone Books, 1995.

[3] Harris, Fredrick C., and Robert C. Lieberman. “Racial Inequality After Racism: How Institutions Hold Back African Americans.” Foreign Affairs , vol. 94, no. 2, 2015, pp. 9–20. JSTOR , http://www.jstor.org/stable/24483477.

[4] Harris, Fredrick C., and Robert C. Lieberman. “Racial Inequality After Racism: How Institutions Hold Back African Americans.”

[9] Drake, Patrick, and Jennifer Tolbert. “Key Facts about the Uninsured Population.” KFF , www.kff.org/uninsured/issue-brief/key-facts-about-the-uninsured-population/.

[10] O’Connell, Heather A. “The Impact of Slavery on Racial Inequality in Poverty in the Contemporary U.S. South.” Social Forces , vol. 90, no. 3, 2012, pp. 713–34. JSTOR , http://www.jstor.org/stable/41682675.

[11] Drake, Patrick, and Jennifer Tolbert. “Key Facts about the Uninsured Population.”

[12] Harris, Fredrick C., and Robert C. Lieberman. “Racial Inequality After Racism: How Institutions Hold Back African Americans.

[13] Drake, Patrick, and Jennifer Tolbert. “Key Facts about the Uninsured Population.”

[16] Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. London, Parker, Son, and Bourn, 1863. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <www.loc.gov/item/11015966/>.

[17] Tai, Don Bambino Geno, et al. “Disproportionate Impact of Covid-19 on Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups in the United States: A 2021 Update.” Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities , U.S. National Library of Medicine, Dec. 2022, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8513546/#:~:text=Black%2C%20Latinx%2C%20and%20American%20Indian,children%20in%20a%20worrying%20trend.

Jacob Pollock

Editor’s pick in Voices in Bioethics' 2023 persuasive essay contest.

Disclaimer: These essays are submissions for the 2023 essay contest and have not undergone peer review or editing.

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Win a trip to Japan by writing the best essay

This essay contest is organised in an effort to strengthen this relationship. The theme of this year's competition is ' Sustainable Mental Health and Wellbeing: Exploring Dutch-Japanese Solutions for Designing a Future Society' . The student that wins the 1st prize, will win a trip to Japan!


  • Essays may be submitted by Bachelor’s and Master’s students
  • Only one entry per individual will be accepted
  • Deadline for submitting the essay is 31 July 2024
  • Essays must be written in English with a length between 500 and 1,000 words
  • Detailed guidelines and FAQ can be found here
  • The results will be announced at the award ceremony taking place on 27 November at VU Amsterdam. If you cannot attend the ceremony, you will be informed of the results shortly afterwards

1st Prize:  Trip to Japan  2nd Prize:  Yamazato Dinner Voucher for 2p 3rd Prize:  TIME & STYLE Gift Set (worth €150)


If you are interested to participate, please fill in the registration form . You will then receive a confirmation by email with detailed instructions for submitting your essay.

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16 June 2023

Highlights of Japan trip by VU student and NLJP Essay Contest winner 2022

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    5 Essay Examples. 1. Love and Marriage by Kannamma Shanmugasundaram. "In successful love marriages, couples have to learn to look past these imperfections and remember the reasons why they married each other in the first place. They must be able to accept the fact that neither one of them is perfect.

  7. How to Structure an Essay

    The chronological approach (sometimes called the cause-and-effect approach) is probably the simplest way to structure an essay. It just means discussing events in the order in which they occurred, discussing how they are related (i.e. the cause and effect involved) as you go. A chronological approach can be useful when your essay is about a ...

  8. Relationships' Types and Differences

    Common types of relationships include family relationships, intimate relationships, professional relationships, and friendships (Duck, 2000, p.34). Each of these relationships is expressed in a different stage of development. However, two or more relationships can be present at the same time. Family relationship is the first relationship a baby ...

  9. Free Romantic Relationship Essay Examples & Topics

    Typically, "being in a relationship" refers to a romantic connection between two people. This kind of love is an emotional attachment between individuals, with passion being just one of the prominent features. Romantic relationships involve both spiritual and physical intimacy, commitment, and trust. In your romantic relationship essay, you ...

  10. Relationship Essays: Samples & Topics

    Essay Samples on Relationship. Essay Examples. Essay Topics. The Enigma of Crushes: Navigating Emotions and Relationships. Introduction Crushes, those ephemeral yet potent feelings of infatuation and attraction, have intrigued and confounded individuals across cultures and generations. From the flush of excitement to the pang of uncertainty ...

  11. 12 Elements of Healthy Relationships

    Independence. It's important to have time to yourself in any relationship. Having opportunities to hang with others or time for self-care is important to maintain a healthy relationship. If you live with your partner (s) or friend (s), set up designated areas within your place where you can spend time alone. Equality.

  12. The Science Behind Happy and Healthy Relationships

    In happy relationships, partners try to empathize with each other and understand each other's perspectives instead of constantly trying to be right. Controlling your stress and emotions boils ...

  13. Communication in Relationships: Importance + How to Improve It

    Keep in Mind. Effective communication in a relationship allows people to tell other people what they need and to respond to what their partner needs. It allows people to feel understood, validated, and connected to another person. Always remember that the goal of communicating is to understand one another.

  14. The Significance of Respect in a Relationship: [Essay Example], 639

    Furthermore, the importance of respect in relationships extends to the emotional well-being of the individuals involved. Feeling respected by a partner or loved one nurtures a sense of security and self-worth. It contributes to a positive self-image and fosters emotional resilience. In a respectful relationship, individuals can be vulnerable ...

  15. Free Essays on Relationship, Examples, Topics, Outlines

    Essays on relationship point out that in order for any relationships to be successful and fruitful, people must be honest, respectful, caring, and supportive to one another. Look through relationship essay samples below. We made an effort to compose highly informative and interesting essay samples for you to read so your essays could be even ...

  16. 250-500 Word Example Essays About Love and Romance

    C. Strengthened Relationships. A stronger tie may be formed between two people via the power of Love. Relationships of all kinds, whether romantic, familial, or platonic, may benefit from the strengthening effects of Love by increasing their levels of closeness, trust, and mutual understanding. The Challenges of Love. A. Love can be painful

  17. Essay on Relationships

    Essay on Relationships. 1167 Words 5 Pages. Whether it occurs in the home, at work, or many other places, human beings maintain relationships everywhere they go. People have different types of relationships. A person keeps a relationship with their mother, pastor, friend, and boss, but those relationships are all different.

  18. How 'Past Lives' Changed My Mind About My Relationship

    As Heraclitus wrote, you can't step in the same river twice. To me, that's the real lesson of "Past Lives": We have to move forward, not back. As Nora ends up saying to Hae Sung ...

  19. Jocasta And Oedipus Relationship: [Essay Example], 751 words

    In conclusion, the tragic relationship between Jocasta and Oedipus serves as a timeless cautionary tale about the dangers of ignorance, denial, and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. Through an exploration of themes such as love, secrets, and fate, we have gained insight into the complexities of human nature and the profound impact of our choices.

  20. Love and Relationship

    For instance, according to love psychologists, the reason as to why we fall in love will depend on our minds. The way our minds perceive love is what comes out to us as love. Sometimes, these perceptions may match with the perceptions of another person and in that case love is certain to be realized. Different groups of people have different ...

  21. Essay on Relationship for Students in English

    Essay on Relationship: Humans are social animals; they love to connect and interact with people because we are all interdependent on each other. In the process, we tend to build beautiful, and long-lasting bonds called relationships. We forge relationships with our family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, neighbours and even animals.

  22. Essay on Relationship for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English

    Relationship Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) Relationshipis a bond of love and connection between two people. 2) Life is incomplete without relationships. 3) Respect is necessary in every relationship. 4) A healthy relationship makes life happier. 5) Family, friendship, romantic, and acquaintances are the four main relationships.

  23. Love & Relationships

    For a more detailed guide on how to achieve top marks for your essay, please see our easy-to-follow How to answer the poetry anthology question pages. Key themes. Romantic love. A good number of the poems on the Love and Relationships cluster explore romantic relationships. Many also explore the complexity of love and relationships. The ...

  24. An Essay On Relationship

    Essay about Sibling Relationships in A Yellow Raft in Blue Water. Relationships play an important role in one's life. They are formed on the basis of love and understanding. Relationship helps various people in every aspect of life and assists them in being a better person. Such a relationship was found in the novel. 700 Words.

  25. I Took My Fiancé Wedding Dress Shopping and He Hated Everything

    The two of us have been together since high school and in the 10 years between meeting and marrying, every so often, I heard the advice not to settle for a comfortable relationship.

  26. Interpersonal Relationships

    Introduction. Interpersonal relationships are normally evidenced between two or more individuals and may be based on (among other factors) love and solidarity (Berscheid, 1983, p. 1). These bases of interpersonal relationships normally vary but basically, they are centered on social, cultural, family or kinship relationships (in addition to ...

  27. CREATE's Frankenstein Essay Contest

    First Prize: The winning student will receive a gift card and teacher and student will be publicly recognized at the 2024 Civic Learning Symposium. All essays must be submitted by April 20, 2024. How to Submit: Please email your essay to [email protected] or drop off a physical copy at Teachers College Room 805 (Attn: David J. Roof) Don't miss ...

  28. The United States Healthcare System

    Voices in Bioethics is currently seeking submissions on philosophical and practical topics, both current and timeless. Papers addressing access to healthcare, the bioethical implications of recent Supreme Court rulings, environmental ethics, data privacy, cybersecurity, law and bioethics, economics and bioethics, reproductive ethics, research ethics, and pediatric bioethics are sought.

  29. Win a trip to Japan by writing the best essay

    This essay contest is organised in an effort to strengthen this relationship. The theme of this year's competition is 'Sustainable Mental Health and Wellbeing: Exploring Dutch-Japanese Solutions for Designing a Future Society'.The student that wins the 1st prize, will win a trip to Japan!