Advantages and Disadvantages of Sports Essay Sample

Many parents now a day wonder if they should let their children play sports. Most trying to look out for the kids, fearing the downsides of sports, but it is clear to see the benefits clearly outweigh the negatives. Engaging in sports is good for people of all ages, but it especially benefits kids in their maturing days. Sports can be used to build a child's character and can also be used to keep kids healthy. The one downside to sports is the risk of injury. Overall, the benefits of sports can clearly be seen as overweighing the negatives. Sports can be seen as playing a key role in being successful in a countless amount of people's lives.  

To start off, sports play a huge role in building one's character. According to the author, “Sports teaches you to never give up. ‘Success is just round the bend’, being persistent, nothing is impossible. You never know how close you are to success when you give up.” Sports allow children to develop the ability to fail, but still come back and try again. Without sports, people wouldn’t be able to learn that just because they fail or loose, they can still try again and overcome their obstacles. According to the article, “Working together on a sports team encourages socialization, as players become part of a group.” (Kent McGroarty) Sports not only help you build up a good mindset, but also add to your socializing skills too. It allows teammates to set aside their differences and work with each other to achieve a common goal. The author states, “Discipline is the essential foundation for any sport because it builds an athlete's character to help them focus and attain the ability to work towards archiving their targets without any distractions.” (Gaborone International) This discipline that is developed when playing sports can help people excel in other areas of life. For example, a student with good self-discipline is able to focus on what is most important in life and put distractions, like their phone, to the side. This is an important quality to have in life to be able to excel at everything you do. 

Moving on, sports also have a positive physical effect on your body. The author notes, “When you are physically active you strengthen your muscles. Your bones adapt by building more cells and as a result both become stronger.” (The Bone and Joint) When you build up your bones through sports, you are at less of a risk of injury. It also leads to you having improved balance and coordination. Not only does it help your bones, but it also lowers your chances of heart attacks. The author says, “Physical activity is one of the best things you can do to help prevent a heart attack and stroke.” (Michigan Medicine) When playing sports, you are choosing to have a healthier life style. It is an excellent way to prevent yourself from un abundant amount of health diseases. It also very beneficial for your heart.  The goes on to note, “Being active helps keep your heart and blood vessels healthy in many ways.” (Michigan Medicine) One of these ways is it lowers your blood pressure. Without playing sports, one might have a high blood pressure. This can result in the hardening and thickening of arteries, which in the long run can produce a heart attack or stroke. This shows how lifesaving and beneficial sports truly are for the health of people all ages. 

Continuing on, sports are not always as great as they seem. Sports can commonly be linked to injuries. The author says, “In the U.S., about 30 million children and teens participate in some form of organized sports, and more than 3.5 million injuries each year, which cause some loss of time of participation, are experienced by the participants” (Stanford Children) This shows the more than 10 percent of kids get injured when playing sports. All though most of these injures may be minor, some can have a long-lasting effect on people. The author states, “Stress fractures that aren’t properly managed can lead to larger, harder-to heal stress fractures, or even chronic problems where the fracture never heals. That means constant discomfort and limited movement of the area where the stress fracture has occurred.” (Tan Jen) This is only one example where a sports injury can have a long-term effect on you. Sports injuries can change a whole person lifestyle and make them unable to do everyday activities. Another example is a spine injury. This can even lead to the loss of movement in certain areas of your body. This injury could leave a young child in a wheelchair for the rest of their life. Some sports injuries can even be fatal. According to the author, “Rhabdo may come about from overtraining or overtaxing muscles, but it requires a little more than pushing yourself past your limits. You have to push yourself so hard that you cause your muscle tissue to burst and leak a blood protein that clogs the kidneys.” (OSR) This proves sports can even be fatal to kids. All though this is very rare and uncommon, there still is a chance where your child could even die when playing sports. People are putting their lives on the line just for the enjoyment of sports.  

Lastly, it's clear to see sports benefits far over weigh the negatives of sports. Sports allow people to build their character and choose a healthier lifestyle. Sports allow young kids to develop important traits that can be used throughout life. It also allows people to live a healthier life style, where the at a lower risk of heart attacks and other heart complications. The one downside to sports is the injuries and how they can affect your entire life. All in all, sports can be seen as playing a beneficial role in making a person happier and healthier.

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Sport Advantages, Disadvantages and Morality Essay

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Sport has a very positive influence on our health. It is possible to say that going in for sports can help a person to improve his health and prolong his life. However, very often, professional sport is connected with different and very often dangerous injuries, which can make a person disabled. Especially it deals with contact sport where players are playing on one field, competing with each other.

Emotions which players feel and adrenaline, flowing in their veins condition a very high level of aggression, that is why sometimes players cannot control their actions, being totally devoured by game. Under such conditions, each clash is extremely dangerous. Football is one of those kinds of sports. The main disadvantage of playing football is a great risk of being injured (Goldsmith, 2013).

A person who is going to play football on a professional level should keep it in mind. Another important disadvantage of this game is that it demands a great time expenditure. Training and games will take a lot of time. However, football also has a lot of advantages. Football influences improving a persons physical fitness.

It goes without saying that constant training can develop the muscles of a person and guarantee his healthy way of living. Moreover, football develops team spirit and the ability to work in a team, which is important for a further career (Silverman, 2014). Another great advantage of this kind of sport is that it is very popular and its popularity can guarantee that a player will become famous and well paid, especially if he is playing at a high level.

Golf is an absolutely different kind of sport. It does not suppose any physical contact between players; that is why there is no risk of being seriously injured while playing golf. It is a great advantage of this kind of sport. Another obvious benefit is that it is available for all people, no matter what their physical conditions are. This kind of sport does not demand any special training, especially if a person does not play on a professional level.

Even more, it can be good for a persons heart, as long walks while playing golf influence positively mens heart (Golf – health benefits, 2014). However, golf has some obvious drawbacks.

The first is that it is a very expensive game which needs special equipment and a field. That is why not everyone can afford it. There are special golf clubs which can rent you a brassy. However, membership in these clubs is also very expensive, and not everyone can pay for it. In these terms, football is more available, as very often ball and players are the needed equipment to play it.

Sport is a great challenge for a person’s moral qualities. It develops such traits of mens character as an insistence, rigidity, will to win, and believe in his own forces. Very often it is possible to hear that to become a good person and develop some qualities a man should go in for sports. Usually, there is no difference whether a person plays on a professional level, or he is just an amateur. The sport will change him. However, there are always better results when a victory can bring something except moral satisfaction.

That is why professional sportsmen are more influenced by sport. It is possible to see how a weaker team beats a stronger one. From the point of view of physical culture, it cannot be explained. A stronger team consists of great professionals who are better than sportsmen from a weaker team in all components. They are faster, higher, stronger, and more enduring. However, they are not motivated. Motivation is one of the main factors which influence the results of every team.

That is why the desire to win is much more important than a win itself. There are some researches that give evidence for a statement that motivation influences the achievement of better results and correct behavior on the field (Ntoumanis & Standage, 2008) greatly. That is why it is possible to call motivation to win a more important issue as a win itself. Coaches of any team or a single sportsman have already understood its significance. That is why they pay great attention to this issue.

There is a psychologist among workers of a team that helps to influence sportsmen and help them to obtain motivation. A teams desire to win can show miraculous results. There were a lot of examples in the history of the sport when weak teams obtained victory only because of their high motivation. A stronger team does not need this victory.

Having won everything, it is very difficult to keep motivation at a high level. This is one of the man tasks of a wise coach. Moreover, even if a team loses, but shows its great desire and makes titanic efforts to win while playing, it is more important than to win this game. Having won, they will achieve their goal and will calm down. However, an overwhelming motivation showed while losing can fasten even a weak team and guarantee its future victories.

Reference List

Goldsmith, B. (2013). Advantages & disadvantages of football . Web.

Golf – health benefits. (2014). Web.

Ntoumanis, N. & Standage, M. (2008). Morality in Sport : A Self-Determination Theory Perspective. Web.

Silverman, S. (2014). What are the benefits of football? . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 1). Sport Advantages, Disadvantages and Morality.

"Sport Advantages, Disadvantages and Morality." IvyPanda , 1 May 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Sport Advantages, Disadvantages and Morality'. 1 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Sport Advantages, Disadvantages and Morality." May 1, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Sport Advantages, Disadvantages and Morality." May 1, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Sport Advantages, Disadvantages and Morality." May 1, 2020.

Marika Lindholm Ph.D.

Sport and Competition

The pros and cons of youth sports aren’t only physical, be mindful of a young athlete’s psychological well-being..

Posted May 5, 2017 | Reviewed by Lybi Ma


Against a backdrop of increasing childhood obesity, the physical benefits of sports participation are clear. Kids today need to move more, and being on a team or involved in a sport is a great way to stay healthy. But there has also been more discussion of the physical risks that children face in sports, and with good reason. As a nation, we are coming to terms with the epidemic of knee (soccer and track), shoulder (tennis and baseball), and head (football) injuries related to specific sports. What’s talked about less often are the psychological risks and benefits related to youth sports.

While teaching “Sociology of Sport” at Northwestern University (a Big 10, Division 1 school), I did the research and heard from hundreds of students. Here are six risks and six benefits that parents of athletes of all ages should consider as they help their kids navigate the world of sport.

Psychological Risks of Youth Sports

  • Self-esteem is tied to sports performance. Who your child is as a person shouldn’t be tied closely to the ability to hit home runs or score touchdowns. If it is, that’s a guaranteed set-up for feelings of failure and low self-esteem. Most young athletes feel great when they win, but it’s how they handle the loss that defines their long-term character. Remind your sporty kid that she’s always a winner in your book, even if she loses.
  • Coaches who demoralize and bully. There are more wonderful coaches than those who do damage, but it would be naïve to expect all coaches to have your child’s psychological interests at heart. Too often, a win-at-all-costs mentality devastates young athletes. Be on the lookout for behaviors that humiliate your child. Does the coach rant and rave at games? Call out and embarrass players? The best coaches inspire through positive reinforcement and role modeling, not harassment and bullying .
  • Delusions that sport will provide college scholarships. Too many parents believe that their child is destined to receive a Division 1 college scholarship. This is akin to playing the lottery: Don’t bank on it. Putting all your eggs in the sports basket is misguided and dangerous for your child’s emotional well-being. In addition to the statistical improbability, there is a strong chance that an athlete will face a sport-ending injury or simply burn out . Make sure that your athlete has other interests and doesn’t believe that sports are the only route to success.
  • Strained relationships with over-invested parents. Have you ever said “we won” after your child’s game or match? Don’t do it. Too many parents become over-invested in their children’s athletic pursuits, which can lead to unconscious behaviors that will hurt young athletes. I’ve seen parents scream and berate their children for missing a goal or not winning a race. Love and affection should never be tied to athletic performance. In fact, children need you most when they fail to perform well.
  • Unhealthy performance pressure. Sports psychologists are in high demand because parents, coaches, teams, and schools put undue pressure on young athletes to perform well every time they step on the field, court, or track. Remember, they’re children, not professional athletes. As a mom of five competitive tennis players, I understand the inclination to demand more, but kids are kids. Some days they will miss every serve just because, and other days they will look like they’re destined for greatness. Work with them to maintain perspective and understand that it’s only a game.
  • Inappropriate feelings of superiority. Our society’s obsession with sports puts a premium on athletes and athleticism, which can imbue young athletes with an inflated sense of self. Schools and towns may even afford young athletes privileges and leeway that other students don’t receive. There are too many instances of successful athletes who thought they were above the law or the norms of a school. Parents need to be vigilant for signs that their young athletes lack humility and empathy. It’s up to us to make sure that sports don’t bring out the worst in our children.

Psychological Benefits of Youth Sports

  • The ability to take criticism and work collaboratively. To help young athletes improve, coaches must point out mistakes and faulty technique. Learning to handle this feedback establishes a foundation for adult skill-building and collaboration . In addition, with their team and coaches, athletes learn the give-and-take of working together and managing conflict. Research suggests that athletic girls become women who are better equipped than their non-athletic counterparts to handle criticism and stress . Effective coaching and competition can help build internal resources that will serve kids well into adulthood.
  • Self-esteem and efficacy. Skill-building in sport enhances self-esteem, which carries over into other areas of life. Going from not being able to make a basket to rarely missing a foul shot can boost a young person’s ego. Gaining efficacy in one arena, especially when helped by a coach or a parent, demonstrates that listening and practicing yield positive results. This self-awareness helps young athletes make an invaluable connection between their goals and effort.
  • Acquisition of a work ethic. Sports require effort and commitment, both traits that serve us well in adulthood. I’ve seen how my children apply the aptitude for hard work and effort that they acquired in athletics to almost everything they do in their lives, from hobbies to academic assignments. Excelling in sport is all about the work we expend, which sets up an excellent foundation for long-term success.
  • Positive body image . Our contemporary addiction to social media and adulation of seemingly “perfect”-looking people can wreak havoc on children’s body image. While not always a perfect antidote, sports can make young athletes feel proud of their bodies and what those bodies can do. Serena Williams shared that she was ashamed of her athletic frame until she won a Grand Slam and understood that her success was tied to her very strong body. Female athletes, in particular, have been shown to benefit from positive feelings about their bodies, regardless of whether they conform to society’s very rigid standards of female beauty.
  • Resilience . Too many tweens and teens are unable to handle the rigors of school. They are easily overwhelmed and crumble when they do poorly in class. In fact, parents often protect their children from defeat by fiercely advocating for them, doing their homework, and even asking teachers to change poor grades. Overprotection undermines the development of resilience. Youth sports provide a nice balance since parents can’t protect athletes from defeat and hardship. It’s good for your kids to learn how to both lose and win.
  • Self-regulation , organization, and time management . Combining sports and school requires an ability to self-regulate. Getting to practice on time with the proper equipment helps student-athletes learn to organize themselves and say no to other activities, such as video games, social media, and excessive socializing. Learning when to say no is a great skill to carry over to adulthood. Many Northwestern athletes shared with me that they actually got better grades during their regular season because they were forced to take a more organized approach to their schoolwork.

As parents, we should all be aware of the psychological risks that come with sport participation while reinforcing the positives. Sports are supposed to be fun. When it stops being fun and has the potential to hurt your child, it’s time to shift gears and reevaluate. However, if your young athlete is having fun, the rewards can last a lifetime.

Marika Lindholm Ph.D.

Marika Lindholm, Ph.D. , taught at the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University and is the founder of of (Empowering Solo Moms Everywhere).

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Essays About Sports: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

Almost nothing compares to the thrill of sports; discover our guide with helpful tips for writing essays about sports through essay examples and prompts. 

Most people would agree on the importance of sports for a well-balanced life. Sports provides us with a multitude of benefits, both physically and mentally. But more than this, sports provide people with fun, even in the darkest times. The thrills of sports games and competitions are almost unmatched in the joy it brings others. 

It is important to keep in mind several risks of playing sports. First, the competitive mindset may consume you, as some of the best books about rugby show, and you are susceptible to various injuries, depending on the sport. However, a healthy love of sports often does not involve these risks.

5 Examples of Essays About Sports

1. importance and benefits of sports by melih sozdinler, 2. the importance of sports in empowering women by jo ousterhout, 3. the fastest growing sport in the world by sean monaghan.

  • 4.  Extreme Sports by Archie Simmons
  • 5. ​​The Mental Health Awakening Has Reached the Sports World  — Now What? by Maggie Ryan

1. My Favorite Sport

2. physical benefits of sports, 3. psychological and mental benefits of sports, 4. opinions on sports, 5. comparing and contrasting sports, 6. an unconventional sport, 7. an extreme sport, 8. values needed for sports, 9. sports in the modern world.

“We can conclude that there are several advantages and benefits of sports. First, sports are required by people to be fit, smart, and good looking. Second, sports are entertaining due to many facts. Third, sports are the huge market for countries’ economies. In my opinion, despite sports’ advantages, many people can’t believe that sports are useful and beneficial. I hope that in the future these people will tend to be more optimistically to sports since they are the necessity of our lives.”

Sozdinler writes about why people should play sports, elaborating on several benefits of sports. First, sports help improve coordination, cognition, circulation, and physique. Second, they provide us with entertainment and relief from the stresses of life. Finally, sports competitions are economically beneficial, allowing countries to expose their people and goods to foreigners. 

“Women who participate in sports are more likely to do better in school, attend college and make higher wages. In a survey of 401 female executives, 82 percent reported playing organized sports while growing up. Hillary understands the role sports can play in empowering women. As she has said, “Sports can make you stronger, tougher, more confident, more resilient, and those qualities can stay with you long after you finish the race or the final buzzer sounds.”

In this essay, Ousterhout discusses a speech by Hillary Clinton in which she stressed the importance of empowering women through sports. Clinton recognizes women’s talent in all fields, sports included, and Ousterhout, citing research, discusses how sports can help women succeed academically and otherwise. Finally, she uses this as a basis to support Clinton’s 2016 campaign for the presidency of the United States. 

“From a game played by the Navajo tribe, to a game broadcasted to millions of people each weekend. Having a sport that is fast paced and filled with incredible skill, lacrosse is bound to see even more growth in the future. The PLL, college lacrosse, and social media have all impacted lacrosse and all sports forever, proving that lacrosse is the fastest growing sport in the world.”

Monaghan writes about lacrosse and how it is becoming more popular. He briefly describes its history, dating back to the Navajo tribe. It started being played as an organized sport in the 1900s and has only grown in popularity. Monaghan believes that Lacrosse is the fastest-growing sport in the world, and its popularity is much-deserved. Check out these essays about badminton.

4.   Extreme Sports by Archie Simmons

“Various news stories, movies, and other sources in the media help spread the impression of the risks and dangers of the sports. Although the public hears mostly about all the negative effects of extreme sports, there are a variety of ways to decrease one’s risk of injuries through proper precautions and practice. In saying that, there are also many benefits to extreme sports as seen in Bode Miller’s memoir, as well as interviews with other extreme sport athletes.”

Simmons gives a brief introduction to the world of extreme sports in his essay. Extreme sports require specialized gear and much preparation and has an increased risk of injury. Simmons writes that athletes continue to participate in extreme sports because they know the risks and prepare to avoid them. He cites a memoir by Bode Miller, explaining his methods and training to ski quickly and carefully. 

5. ​​ The Mental Health Awakening Has Reached the Sports World  — Now What? by Maggie Ryan

“Sports can provide community, boost physical and mental health, foster self-confidence, and serve as an escape. Sports can also be the opposite of all those things: isolating, physically and mentally debilitating, or something that athletes can come to dread. The dividing line between the two, Post says, lies in the tools and preventative care that athletes have at their disposal.”

Ryan writes about the effects of competitive sports on athletes’ mental health. Sometimes athletes are pressured into making sports the center of their lives, affecting their mental health and social life to their detriment. Ryan cites several athletes who have been open about their struggles, including Simone Biles and Jasmine Blocker. The industry must work on this issue and break the stigma around mental health. 

9 Prompts for Essays About Sports

Essays About Sports: My favorite sport

All sports enthusiasts follow one particular sport. Whether you play it or not, choose your favorite sport and briefly describe how it is played. Also, explain why it is your favorite; this should be based entirely on your opinion. 

Participating in a sport can make you stronger and healthier. In your essay, write about a few of the many physical benefits playing sports can have. This can include, muscle strengthening, cardio workout, increased stamina, and good mental health. Give examples of specific sports and the body parts they can help you strengthen, such as football increasing leg strength and increasing stamina.

Playing sports can also clear your mind and make you healthier mentally. Discuss how sports can improve your cognition and mental health, such as certain skills, values, and emotions they can promote. Ensure your argument is well-supported and provide research and statistics for a convincing essay.

In your essay, write about your stance on playing sports, specifically whether you like playing them or not. Discuss the pros and cons of playing sports, and include anecdotes of the different kinds of sports you have tried out. Conclude your essay by deciding whether you are a fan of playing sports or not.

This essay topic is simple and straightforward. Choose any two sports and give a short description of each. Organize your essay according to their similarities and differences in gameplay, physical activity required, and training. Be sure to choose sports that are not too different, and make sure they have some similarities. For example, you could compare and contrast American football with Rugby, discuss the similarities and differences for an exciting piece of writing.

Some sports are deemed “unconventional” due to a lack of physical activity or belittlement for their more art-centric practices. These include chess, thumb wrestling, and dance. Choose a more niche sport and write about its mechanics and popularity in the world today. 

Many sports force athletes to risk their lives, such as bungee jumping and paragliding. In your essay, you can write about one of these “extreme sports” and what they entail. Focus on your chosen sport’s health risks and dangers and perhaps explain why people still participate despite the risk. 

To excel in sports, one needs to have values such as commitment, courage, and teamwork. Discuss one or more of these skills and values, giving their definition and usage in sports. Be as detailed as possible for an engaging, well-supported essay.

Like everything else in the 21st century, the sports landscape is changing drastically due to the rise of esports and other developments. Research on the state of sports and sports competitions in the modern world. To you, is this a good thing? Briefly explain your stance in the essay as well. 

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing .

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pros and cons of sports essay

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Home Essay Samples Sports College Sport Teams

Advantages and Disadvantages of Team Sports: Fostering Unity and Individual Growth

Table of contents, advantages of team sports, disadvantages of team sports, striking a balance, 1. teamwork and collaboration, 2. social interaction and camaraderie, 3. discipline and time management, 4. physical fitness and health, 1. pressure and performance stress, 2. conflict and team dynamics, 3. time commitment, 4. injury risk.

  • Eime, R. M., Young, J. A., Harvey, J. T., Charity, M. J., & Payne, W. R. (2013). A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for children and adolescents: Informing development of a conceptual model of health through sport. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10, 98.
  • Holt, N. L., Neely, K. C., Slater, L. G., Camiré, M., Côté, J., Fraser-Thomas, J., & Tamminen, K. A. (2020). A grounded theory of positive youth development through sport based on results from a qualitative meta-study. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13(1), 223-245.
  • Lucas-Carrasco, R., & Skevington, S. M. (2011). Cultural issues in quality of life measurement: The role of personal values, relatives' values and cultural values among three cultural groups. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 6(3), 261-281.
  • Parnell, D., Curran, K., & Philpott, M. (2015). The health and well-being of young people in the Republic of Ireland: A review of the literature. Health Education, 115(5), 420-436.
  • Vella, S. A., Oades, L. G., & Crowe, T. P. (2013). The relationship between coach leadership, the coach-athlete relationship, team success, and the positive developmental experiences of adolescent soccer players. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 18(5), 549-561.

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Essay on Importance of Sports for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of sports.

First of all, Sport refers to an activity involving physical activity and skill . Here, two or more parties compete against each other. Sports are an integral part of human life and there is great importance of sports in all spheres of life. Furthermore, Sports help build the character and personality of a person. It certainly is an excellent tool to keep the body physically fit. Most noteworthy, the benefits of Sports are so many that books can be written.  Sports have a massive positive effect on both the mind and body.

importance of sports

Physical Benefits of Sports

First of all, Sports strengthen the heart. Regular Sports certainly make the heart stronger. Hence, Sport is an excellent preventive measure against heart diseases . This certainly increases the life expectancy of individuals. Furthermore, a healthy heart means a healthy blood pressure.

Sports involve physical activity of the body. Due to this physical activity, blood vessels remain clean. Sports reduces the amount of cholesterol and fats in the body. This happens because of the increase of flexibility of the wall of the blood vessels. The flexibility increases due to physical exertion, which is the result of Sports.

Furthermore, the sugar level in blood also gets lower thanks to Sports. The sugar certainly does not accumulate in the blood due to physical activity.

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A person experiences a good quality of breathing because of Sports. Sports strengthen the lungs of the body. Sports certainly escalate the lung capacity and efficiency of the body. Hence, more oxygen enters the blood which is extremely beneficial. Furthermore, there are fewer chances of developing lung diseases due to Sports.

Appropriate body weight is easy to maintain because of sports. A Sports playing person probably does not suffer from obesity or underweight problems. Sports certainly help the body remain fit and slim.

Furthermore, Sports also improves the quality of bones. A person who plays sports will have strong bones even in old age. Several scientific research reports that Sports prevent many diseases. For example, many researchers conclude that Sports prevent the development of cancer.

Other Benefits of Sports

Sport is certainly an excellent tool to build self-confidence . Playing Sports increases confidence to talk properly. A sport certainly improves the skills of communicating with others. Furthermore, the person experiences confidence in sitting, standing, and walking properly. Hence, Sports enriches the social life of an individual.

Sports bring discipline in life. It certainly teaches the values of dedication and patience. Sports also teach people how to handle failure. Furthermore, the importance of following a time schedule is also present in Sports.

pros and cons of sports essay

Above all, Sports improves the thinking ability of individuals. Sports certainly sharpen the mind. Children who play Sports probably perform better at exams than those who don’t.

Finally, Sports reduces the stress of mind . A Sports playing person would certainly experience less depression. Sports ensure the peace of mind of those playing it. Most noteworthy, Sports brings happiness and joy in the life of individuals.

A sport is an aspect of human life that is of paramount importance. It certainly increases the quality of human life. Sports must be made mandatory in schools. This is because it is as important as education. Everyone must perform at least one Sport activity on a regular basis.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [ { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do Sports clean blood vessels?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Sports clean blood vessels by physical activity. This physical activity certainly reduces the amount of fat and cholesterol.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How Sports improves the quality of breathing?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Sports improves the quality of breathing by strengthening the lungs. This certainly results in increasing lung capacity.” } } ] }

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Team Sports: A Comprehensive Review

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  • Topic: Competitive Sports , Training , Types of Sports

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