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146 Impressive Geography Research Topics Every Student Will Like

geography research topics

Are you a student seeking inspiration for your next geography research project? Look no further! In this article, we present you with a treasure trove of 146 original and top-quality geography research topics, completely free of charge. Whether you’re pursuing a degree in geography or simply passionate about exploring the world around you, these topics cover a wide range of fascinating subjects.

From human geography and cultural landscapes to physical geography and environmental sustainability, we’ve got you covered. Each topic is carefully crafted to ignite your curiosity and help you delve deeper into the field. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey of exploration and discovery as you uncover unique research ideas that will captivate both you and your readers.

Areas Of Geography

Geography is a field of study that explores the Earth’s physical features, human activities and their interactions. It examines the spatial patterns, processes, and relationships between the environment and society. Geographers investigate the Earth’s surface, analyzing its landscapes, climate, ecosystems and resources, as well as the distribution of populations, cultures, economies, and political systems. There are several types of geography, each focusing on specific aspects of the Earth’s physical and human dimensions:

Physical geography examines natural phenomena like landforms, weather and ecosystems. Human geography studies human activities, such as population distribution, urbanization and cultural landscapes. Economic geography explores the spatial patterns of economic activities, trade and resource distribution. Political geography analyzes the political systems, boundaries and geopolitical relationships between regions. Environmental geography investigates the interactions between humans and the environment, including environmental issues and sustainability. Geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing employ technology to analyze spatial data and maps.

These subfields together provide a comprehensive understanding of the Earth’s complexities and its relationship with human society.

Easy Geography Research Paper Topics

Want to write your paper in just a couple of hours? Explore a curated list of accessible and easy geography research paper topics that will make your geography research paper writing a breeze:

  • The impact of climate change on coastal regions
  • Exploring the relationship between geography and tourism
  • Analyzing urbanization trends in developing countries
  • Investigating the effects of deforestation on biodiversity
  • Examining the role of geography in natural disaster management
  • Studying the cultural landscape of a specific region
  • Analyzing the geography of food production and distribution
  • Exploring the impact of transportation on urban development
  • Investigating the geography of renewable energy sources
  • Analyzing the spatial patterns of population growth
  • Studying the impact of globalization on local economies
  • Examining the geography of water resources and management

Human Geography Research Topics

Improve your chances of getting a top grade! Delve into the complex interplay between humans and their environment with this comprehensive list of human geography research topics:

  • Exploring the social implications of gentrification in urban areas
  • Analyzing the influence of gender on migration patterns
  • Investigating the impact of globalization on cultural identity
  • Examining the geography of poverty and social inequality
  • Studying the relationship between health and geographical location
  • Analyzing the spatial distribution of ethnic communities in cities
  • Investigating the geography of political power and governance
  • Exploring the role of geography in shaping human behavior
  • Analyzing the impacts of urban sprawl on communities
  • Studying the geography of education access and quality
  • Examining the spatial patterns of crime and its socio-economic factors
  • Investigating the geography of healthcare provision and disparities

Cultural Geography Research Topics

Interested in cultural geography? Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of cultures and their geographical influences with this captivating list of cultural geography research topics:

  • Analyzing the cultural landscapes of indigenous communities
  • Exploring the impact of globalization on cultural diversity
  • Investigating the geography of language and its preservation
  • Examining the influence of religion on cultural landscapes
  • Studying the role of cultural heritage in tourism development
  • Analyzing the geography of cultural festivals and events
  • Investigating the spatial patterns of cultural diffusion
  • Exploring the impact of migration on cultural identities
  • Analyzing the geography of music and its regional variations
  • Investigating the role of food culture in shaping identities
  • Examining the spatial distribution of cultural institutions
  • Studying the geography of art and its impact on communities

Physical Geography Research Topics

Do you want to write about physical geography? Investigate the natural processes and phenomena shaping our planet through this collection of compelling physical geography research topics:

  • Analyzing the processes of coastal erosion and their impacts
  • Investigating the formation and characteristics of river systems
  • Examining the effects of climate change on glacial landscapes
  • Analyzing the spatial patterns of soil erosion and conservation
  • Investigating the biogeography of specific ecosystems
  • Exploring the impacts of climate on vegetation patterns
  • Analyzing the geography of water resources and hydrology
  • Investigating the formation and classification of landforms
  • Examining the spatial distribution of biodiversity hotspots
  • Studying the interactions between humans and the natural environment
  • Exploring the impacts of urbanization on natural landscapes

Geography Thesis Topics

Are you busy planning your thesis? Engage in an in-depth exploration of geographic concepts and theories with this thought-provoking list of geography thesis topics:

  • Investigating the geographical aspects of sustainable development
  • Analyzing the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities
  • Exploring the role of geography in disaster risk reduction
  • Studying the geography of migration and refugee movements
  • Examining the relationship between urban planning and social equity
  • Analyzing the spatial patterns of energy consumption and renewable solutions
  • Exploring the geographical dimensions of political conflicts and peacebuilding
  • Investigating the role of geography in land use planning and conservation
  • Examining the impacts of globalization on local economies

Urban Geography Thesis Topics

Are you interested in writing about urban geography? Analyze the complexities of urban landscapes and urbanization processes with this curated selection of urban geography thesis topics:

  • Analyzing the effects of gentrification on urban neighborhoods
  • Investigating the role of urban design in creating sustainable cities
  • Examining the spatial patterns of urban sprawl and its consequences
  • Studying the geography of social segregation in urban areas
  • Analyzing the impacts of transportation systems on urban mobility
  • Investigating the relationship between urbanization and public health
  • Exploring the geography of informal settlements and slums
  • Analyzing the impacts of urban green spaces on quality of life
  • Investigating the geography of urban food systems and food security
  • Examining the role of technology in shaping smart cities
  • Studying the spatial distribution of cultural and recreational amenities in cities

PhD Research Topics In Geography

Expand the boundaries of geographical knowledge and contribute to the field with this diverse and stimulating list of PhD research topics in geography:

  • Analyzing the geography of environmental justice in urban areas
  • Investigating the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities
  • Examining the role of geography in disaster risk governance
  • Studying the spatial patterns of land use change in rapidly urbanizing regions
  • Analyzing the impacts of transportation infrastructure on accessibility and equity
  • Investigating the geographical dimensions of health inequalities
  • Exploring the relationship between globalization and urbanization processes
  • Analyzing the geography of political conflicts and territorial disputes
  • Investigating the impacts of natural resource extraction on local communities
  • Studying the spatial dynamics of international migration and its consequences
  • Exploring the geography of innovation and knowledge economies in cities

Captivating Research Topics In Geography

Looking for some captivating research topics in geography? Ignite curiosity and scholarly interest with this awesome collection of research topics that delve into various aspects of geography:

  • Investigating the geography of mega-cities and their challenges
  • Analyzing the impacts of climate change on vulnerable coastal regions
  • Exploring the spatial patterns of cultural landscapes and heritage sites
  • Studying the geography of borderlands and transnational interactions
  • Examining the impacts of tourism on local communities and environments
  • The role of geography in understanding human-environment interactions
  • Analyzing the spatial distribution of environmental pollution and its impacts
  • Exploring the geography of global food systems and agricultural practices
  • Investigating the impacts of natural disasters on urban resilience
  • Examining the role of geography in understanding urban inequalities
  • Studying the geography of geopolitical conflicts and their implications
  • Exploring the impacts of technological advancements on landscapes

Interesting Geography Research Topics

Discover a wide range of interesting geography research topics that will pique your professor’s curiosity and offer new insights into the world of geography:

  • Analyzing the impacts of climate change on glacier retreat and water resources
  • Investigating the geography of renewable energy transition and its challenges
  • Examining the spatial patterns of urban heat islands and their mitigation strategies
  • Studying the impacts of land use change on biodiversity conservation
  • Investigating the role of geography in understanding cultural diversity
  • Exploring the geography of disease outbreaks and their spatial spread
  • Investigating the impacts of natural hazards on human vulnerability and resilience
  • Examining the spatial distribution of ecological corridors
  • Studying the geography of regional economic disparities and development strategies
  • Exploring the impacts of transportation infrastructure on urban accessibility
  • The role of geography in understanding weather patterns

Good Geography Research Topics For 2023

Looking for some current topics to write about? Choose from a list of good geography research topics for 2023 that showcase the relevance and significance of geography in today’s world:

  • Impacts of population growth on urban infrastructure and services in geography
  • Geography of water scarcity and its implications for communities
  • Spatial patterns of environmental conservation and protected areas in geography
  • Impacts of land degradation on agricultural productivity and food security
  • Geography of natural resource management and sustainable practices
  • Relationship between climate change and human migration patterns in geography
  • Spatial distribution of environmental justice and marginalized communities
  • Impacts of urbanization on water pollution and ecosystem degradation
  • Geography of renewable energy sources and their integration into the grid
  • Role of geography in understanding regional conflicts over natural resources
  • Impacts of deforestation on biodiversity loss and ecosystem services

Geography Topics For Research For College

Need some great geography topics for research for college? Explore a comprehensive list of geography research topics tailored for college-level studies, offering opportunities for critical analysis and exploration:

  • Impacts of transportation infrastructure on urban air quality in geography
  • Geography of urban gentrification and displacement
  • Spatial patterns of urban food waste and its environmental consequences
  • Impacts of tourism development on fragile ecosystems in geography
  • Geography of environmental migration and its social implications
  • Role of geography in understanding climate adaptation strategies
  • Spatial distribution of environmental inequalities and environmental racism
  • Impacts of land use change on water quality in agricultural regions
  • Geography of geopolitical conflicts and territorial disputes
  • Impacts of industrial pollution on urban health and well-being
  • Role of geography in understanding disaster preparedness

Interesting Geography Topics For High School

Get the most interesting geography topics for high school. Foster geographical curiosity and critical thinking skills with this intriguing list of essay topics designed specifically by our best dissertation service writers for high school students:

  • Analyzing the impacts of climate change on the polar regions
  • Investigating the geography of natural hazards
  • Examining the spatial distribution of endangered species
  • Studying the impacts of urbanization on wildlife habitat fragmentation
  • Exploring the geography of cultural diversity and multiculturalism in cities
  • Investigating the role of geography in understanding climate variability
  • Analyzing the spatial patterns of population distribution and density
  • Investigating the geography of international migration and refugee flows
  • Examining the impacts of tourism on local communities and cultures
  • Studying the geography of natural resources
  • Exploring the role of geography in understanding global inequality

Engaging Geographical Research Topics

Embark on a captivating journey of geographical exploration with this diverse collection of engaging geographical research topics, connecting people, places and the environment through insightful investigations:

  • Urban sprawl impacts on land use and ecosystem services in geography
  • Geography of renewable energy transition and its challenges
  • Spatial patterns of urban heat islands and impacts on residents
  • Impacts of climate change on coastal erosion and shoreline management
  • Geography of water scarcity and implications for human populations
  • Role of geography in understanding geopolitical conflicts and peacebuilding
  • Spatial distribution of environmental pollutants and health effects
  • Impacts of globalization on local economies and cultural landscapes
  • Geography of gender inequalities and spatial dimensions
  • Impacts of natural disasters on vulnerable communities and recovery
  • Role of geography in understanding migration dynamics and urbanization
  • Geography of political borders and their social and economic implications

Affordable Thesis Help You Can Rely On

When it comes to working on a geography research paper or a thesis for Master’s degree , our company is your trusted source for comprehensive writing help. Our team of expert writers consists of experienced professionals who specialize in geography, ensuring that you receive top marks for your school or class. We pride ourselves on delivering high quality and impressive custom written theses tailored to your specific requirements.

With our secure and fast online service, you can access thesis help that is not only affordable but available 24/7. Rest assured that your work will be handled by native English-speaking experts (ENL writers), guaranteeing exceptional quality and adherence to academic standards. Trust us for all your thesis needs and achieve academic success with ease.

Make sure to check our posts with other topics before you leave:

  • 122 Best Ecology Topics To Sparkle Your Writing
  • 195 Top Anthropology Topics For Great Thesis
  • 170 Fantastic Astronomy Topics For High Scoring Tests

Why is choosing a great topic important when writing a geography essay?

Choosing a great topic ensures that your essay is engaging, relevant, and allows you to demonstrate your understanding of key geographical concepts while capturing the reader’s interest.

How can I choose a great topic for my geography essay?

To choose a great topic, consider current geographical issues, areas of personal interest and the availability of reliable sources. Additionally, ensure that the topic aligns with your essay’s objectives and requirements.

What are some strategies for narrowing down a geography essay topic?

To narrow down your topic, focus on specific geographical regions, phenomena, or concepts. Consider exploring the intersections between different aspects of geography, such as human and physical geography, to create a unique and well-rounded essay topic.

Can I get assistance in choosing a great topic for my geography essay?

Yes, you can seek guidance from your instructor, consult reputable academic resources or utilize online platforms that provide topic suggestions. Engaging in discussions with peers or experts in the field can also help generate ideas and refine your topic choice.

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Top 100 geography topics for research.

April 13, 2021

geography topics

Your geography paper or essay can also cover multiple fields. You can also opt to write on scientific or empirical geographic models. Alternatively, you can write about how humans relate to the environment. If your educator has asked you to write a research paper or essay, here are some of the best geographical topics to consider for your project.

Unique Geography Topics

Maybe you like researching and writing about unique ideas. And this is very important because uniqueness is one of the factors that educators consider when grading academic papers and essays. Here is a list of unique geography topics for research that you should consider.

  • Environmental and social-economic effects of gas and oil exploration in your town
  • Demographic and land-use changes in your area
  • Cartography history
  • The emerging grassland agriculture trends
  • Badland areas geomorphological changes
  • How human activities contribute to climate change
  • What causes soil erosion – How to mitigate it
  • How weather variables like wind, temperature, and snow contribute to the vegetation in native grassland
  • Effects of wet summer on agricultural production
  • Effects of modern farming techniques on agricultural production
  • Science historical geographies
  • How to control galley erosion in your area
  • How volcanic action affects land fertility
  • Mapping for landslide hazard and potential solutions
  • How acidification of ocean weather affects the marine life
  • How weather patents relate and possible mitigation in various countries
  • Effects of high urban areas’ population
  • How global warming affects the planet
  • How to manage the aging infrastructure
  • How to deal with urbanization and expansion in big cities

These are some of the best world geography project ideas to explore when writing an essay or a paper. Nevertheless, take your time to research your topic extensively and analyze data to come up with a solid paper.

Cultural Geography Topics

Cultural geography is among the major science branches, alongside social, political, and economic geography. It entails the study of ethnic geography. And this covers religion, art, and languages. Maybe you love researching and writing about cultural geography. In that case, consider these cultural geography essay topics.

  • The educational systems in western and eastern cultures
  • Geographical aspects of the world religions’ study
  • The role women play in the Chinese society
  • Heritage monuments in the geo-cultural space
  • The Native culture’s influence on human psychology
  • How globalization benefits developed and developing countries
  • How cultural superiority affects how humans behave
  • How globalization has affected the Chinese economy
  • The role of cultural geography in promoting tourism
  • The most represented food in my country

These are brilliant cultural geography research paper topics. Pick any of these ideas and then develop them to suit your project.

Human Geography Topics

Human geography entails the study of the network and distribution of people and different cultures across the world. It’s also about the study of how humans relate to their physical environment. Here are some of the best human geography research topics to consider for your papers.

  • India and China – The universal effects of the increasing economic powers of these countries
  • Ethnic Dressing evolution through different centuries
  • Human culture – How it has changed over time
  • The untoward impacts of overgrazing on the Mongolian Steppe’s agricultural production
  • World Power – The evolution of China into a powerful country
  • The development of military geography
  • The expansion of large cities – how does it affect the environment?
  • Settlement movements of the Scythians
  • How the Indian population growth impacts the environment
  • The spread of the South African diseases

These are interesting human geography essay topics. But, you should research your ideas carefully and extensively to come up with a solid paper regardless of your chosen topic.

Physical Geography Research Topics

Physical geography is arguably a major field in this subject. It entails the study of the natural environment. This includes the patterns and processes like the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Ideally, physical geography covers both the built and cultural environment. Here are some of the best physical geography topics to consider for your paper or essay.

  • How climate change affects the intensity of the Australian bushfire
  • The meteorology history and its effects on modern research
  • River ice – The worldwide effects of the high ice loss rate across the globe
  • How the Australian bush fires affect the global weather
  • Organizational forms of the living matter on earth
  • The evolution and origin of the biosphere
  • The geographical envelope and its causes
  • Environmental nihilism and environmental determinism
  • Forms of chemical elements migration
  • The atmospheric vertical structure – Gas composition features of air and the determining factors
  • Characteristics of the elementary geochemical landscapes
  • The significance of the main gases in the atmosphere
  • Alkalinity and acidity of the soil – How to regulate them
  • The soil horizons color – How physicochemical properties of the constituent substances of the soil depend on their color
  • Soil formation – The anthropogenic factors
  • The role of endogenous geological processes in earth l formation

Physical geography is generally a complete sciences’ system that entails the study of dynamics, structures, and functioning of the geological envelope, as well as, its structural parts. Pick your geography topic from this category if you love exploring the environment in its natural and man-made forms.

Interesting Geography Topics

Do you want to research and write about something interesting? In that case, consider this category of interesting geography paper topics.

  • Features and qualities of coastal erosion
  • Why should humans protect the endangered rain forests tree species?
  • Why glaciers melting is happening faster than predicted
  • Which was the worst ecological crisis in the world’s history
  • Meteorological science – Is it accurate or real?
  • How to minimize the effects of deforestation
  • Effects of floods on the lives of humans
  • Hurricanes effects and how to predict them
  • An exploration of geographical features of a desert
  • Human roles in the increasing global warming
  • Why earthquakes and landslides are popular today
  • Can eco-friendly food feed the world?
  • How to use innovative technologies to produce eco-friendly food
  • The role of humans in their extinction
  • How a volcanic eruption occurs
  • How humans have contributed to the ever-changing climate
  • How oil and gas exploration affects the social issues
  • How volcanoes affect nearby settlements
  • The happenings and process of earthquakes
  • Factors that lead to the urbanization of some areas over time
  • Indicators and causes of climate change

Choose your geography research topic from this category and then develop it extensively. Use reliable and authentic sources to find relevant information for your paper or essay to earn the top grade.

The Best Geography Research Topics to Choose from

Maybe you want to pick your geography essay topics from a list of the best ideas. Whether you need AP human geography topics or world geography topics, this list comprises the best ideas to consider when writing your paper or essay.

  • The main causes and effects of earthquakes
  • A description of the Amazon basin formation
  • How flooding helps in sustaining life
  • Environmental effects of oil exploration
  • Common hazards associated with landslides
  • Glaciers formation – Describe this process
  • Dumping waste alternatives
  • Explain the impact of the atomic blasts on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  • Continental drift process from Pangaea until today
  • How geography relates to climate
  • How water bodies affect the climate
  • How public housing affects the housing industry
  • Influence of geographical location on a country’s climate
  • What causes water pollution?
  • What causes the eruption of wildfire
  • Effects of the rising industrialization trend
  • What should humans do to protect rare species
  • How to protect floods
  • How to prevent human-animal conflicts
  • How to deal with the continuing water crisis
  • The severity of natural disasters in the modern world
  • What’s the responsibility of individuals in curbing global warming?
  • How using green energy can substitute fossil fuels

These are amazing topics to consider when writing an essay or a research paper. Take your time to understand each of these ideas to pick the one you will be comfortable working with.

Students have many ideas to explore when writing academic papers and essays. However, the most important thing is to choose a topic you will be happy to research and write about. What’s more, understand the requirements and instructions set by your educator when exploring different geographical project topics. Additionally, take your time to find relevant sources, gather and analyze information before writing. That way, you will come up with a paper that will impress the educator to award you the top grade. You can also contact our writing service to save your time and effort.

physical geography topics for research

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Top 100 Geography Project Topics [Updated]

geography project topics

Geography is more than just maps and place names; it’s a dynamic field that studies the Earth’s features, inhabitants, and processes. Geography projects offer an exciting opportunity to delve into various aspects of our world, from physical landscapes to human societies. In this blog, we’ll explore a range of engaging top 100 geography project topics suitable for students and enthusiasts alike.

Benefits of Exploring Geography Project Topics

Table of Contents

Exploring geography project topics offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Interdisciplinary Learning: Geography projects often integrate elements from various disciplines such as environmental science, sociology, economics, and technology, fostering a holistic understanding of complex issues.
  • Critical Thinking: Engaging with geography topics encourages critical thinking skills as students analyze data, evaluate evidence, and propose solutions to real-world problems.
  • Global Awareness: Examining various regions and cultures enables students to develop a more expansive worldview, nurturing empathy and comprehension of a wide range of societies and environments.
  • Hands-On Experience: Many geography projects involve fieldwork, mapping, and data collection, providing students with practical experience and skills applicable in both academic and professional settings.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Investigating topics like climate change, natural disasters, and sustainable development instills a sense of responsibility towards the environment and encourages environmentally conscious behavior.
  • Cultural Appreciation: Exploring cultural geography topics allows students to appreciate the diversity of human cultures, traditions, and practices, promoting respect and tolerance for cultural differences.
  • Career Opportunities: Geography projects develop skills highly valued in various fields such as urban planning, GIS analysis, international relations, and sustainable development, opening up diverse career paths for students.
  • Personal Growth: Through independent research, problem-solving, and project management, students develop confidence, resilience, and a sense of achievement, contributing to their personal growth and academic success.

Overall, exploring geography project topics not only enhances academic learning but also cultivates skills, knowledge, and attitudes essential for informed citizenship and global engagement.

Top 100 Geography Project Topics: Category Wise

Physical geography project topics.

  • Climate Change and Its Impact on Polar Regions
  • Analysis of Tropical Rainforest Biomes
  • Coastal Erosion and Management Strategies
  • The Formation and Impact of Volcanoes
  • Desertification: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • Glacial Retreat and Its Consequences
  • Hydrological Cycle and Water Management
  • Plate Tectonics and Earthquake Prediction
  • Weather Patterns and Climate Variability
  • Soil Erosion and Conservation Techniques

Human Geography Project Topics

  • Urbanization Trends and Challenges in Developing Countries
  • Migration Patterns in Europe: Causes and Impacts
  • Cultural Diversity in Urban Settings
  • Economic Disparities between Rural and Urban Areas
  • Gender Inequality in Access to Resources
  • Tourism Development and Its Effects on Local Communities
  • Globalization and Its Impact on Indigenous Cultures
  • Population Growth and Urban Sprawl
  • Political Geography of Border Conflicts
  • Sustainable Development Goals and Progress

Geospatial Technology Project Topics

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Applications in Environmental Monitoring
  • Remote Sensing Techniques for Land Use Mapping
  • GPS Technology in Wildlife Tracking and Conservation
  • LiDAR Technology for Terrain Mapping
  • Spatial Analysis of Crime Patterns
  • Mobile Mapping Applications for Disaster Response
  • Drone Technology in Geographic Research
  • Big Data Analytics for Urban Planning
  • Crowdsourced Mapping for Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Web Mapping Applications for Public Participation

Regional Geography Project Topics

  • Case Study of the Amazon Rainforest: Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Comparative Analysis of East Asian Megacities
  • Geography of Conflict: The Middle East
  • Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Environmental Challenges in the Himalayan Region
  • Cultural Landscapes of Europe: UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  • Political Geography of South America: Border Disputes
  • Oceania: Islands, Culture, and Climate Change
  • Arctic Region: Resources and Governance
  • Caribbean Islands: Tourism and Sustainability

Interdisciplinary Geography Project Topics

  • Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Coastal Communities
  • Public Health and Environmental Pollution
  • Urban Agriculture and Food Security
  • Renewable Energy Potential and Implementation
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Environmental Management
  • Smart Cities: Technology and Sustainability
  • Environmental Justice and Equity
  • Gender Perspectives in Disaster Management
  • Climate Refugees: Challenges and Solutions

Geography Education Project Topics

  • The Use of Geospatial Technologies in K-12 Education
  • Inquiry-Based Learning in Geography Classrooms
  • Fieldwork Techniques for Geography Students
  • Integrating Geography into STEM Education
  • Geography Awareness Week: Activities and Resources
  • Virtual Field Trips for Geography Education
  • Story Maps as Educational Tools
  • Gamification in Geography Learning
  • Outdoor Education and Experiential Learning
  • Citizen Science Projects in Geography Education

Environmental Geography Project Topics

  • Air Pollution Monitoring and Mitigation Strategies
  • Water Scarcity and Water Management Policies
  • Waste Management and Recycling Initiatives
  • Urban Heat Island Effect and Green Infrastructure
  • Deforestation and Reforestation Efforts
  • Marine Pollution and Ocean Conservation
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices
  • Energy Transition and Renewable Resources
  • Biodiversity Conservation in Urban Areas
  • Green Building Design and Sustainable Architecture

Social Geography Project Topics

  • Gentrification and Neighborhood Change
  • Spatial Patterns of Poverty and Social Exclusion
  • Health Inequalities and Access to Healthcare
  • Gendered Spaces: Women’s Safety and Mobility
  • Ethnic Enclaves and Cultural Identity
  • Urban Segregation and Housing Policy
  • Rural-Urban Migration and Social Integration
  • LGBTQ+ Geographies: Space, Place, and Identity
  • Ageing Population and Urban Design
  • Disability and Accessibility in the Built Environment

Economic Geography Project Topics

  • Global Trade Networks and Supply Chains
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth
  • Industrial Clusters and Innovation Hubs
  • Informal Economy and Urban Informality
  • Tourism and Economic Development
  • Agricultural Land Use and Food Systems
  • Economic Geography of Natural Resource Extraction
  • Economic Resilience and Regional Development
  • Global Financial Centers and Urban Economies
  • Economic Geography of Post-Industrial Cities

Political Geography Project Topics

  • Geopolitics of Energy Resources
  • Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea
  • Border Walls and Border Security Policies
  • Secessionist Movements and Self-Determination
  • Refugee Camps and Forced Migration
  • Electoral Geography and Gerrymandering
  • Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Geopolitics
  • Geopolitical Implications of Climate Change
  • Geopolitics of Cyberspace and Digital Surveillance
  • Nationalism and Identity Politics in a Globalized World

Things To Avoid Mistakes In Geography Projects

Avoiding mistakes in geography projects is crucial for ensuring accuracy, reliability, and effectiveness. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Lack of Clear Research Objectives: Ensure that your project has well-defined research objectives and a clear focus. Unclear goals can lead to confusion and haphazard research.
  • Insufficient Background Research: Conduct thorough background research on your topic before diving into the project. Lack of understanding can result in inaccurate interpretations and conclusions.
  • Ignoring Methodological Rigor: Follow proper research methods and techniques appropriate for your study. Neglecting methodological rigor can undermine the credibility of your findings.
  • Poor Data Quality: Use reliable and up-to-date data sources for your project. Relying on outdated or inaccurate data can lead to flawed analysis and conclusions.
  • Misinterpretation of Data: Take care to analyze and interpret your data accurately. Misinterpreting data can lead to erroneous conclusions and undermine the validity of your project.
  • Overgeneralization: Avoid making sweeping generalizations based on limited data or observations. Acknowledge the limitations of your study and avoid extrapolating findings beyond their scope.
  • Neglecting Spatial Context: Geography projects often involve spatial analysis, so consider the spatial context of your research. Failure to account for spatial relationships can lead to incomplete or misleading conclusions.
  • Ignoring Ethical Considerations: Be mindful of ethical considerations in your research, particularly when working with human subjects or sensitive data. Respect confidentiality, privacy, and consent guidelines.
  • Inadequate Citation and Attribution: Properly cite and attribute sources for all data, information, and ideas used in your project. Failure to do so can result in accusations of plagiarism and academic misconduct.
  • Poor Communication: Clearly communicate your findings, methodology, and conclusions in your project report or presentation. Use appropriate language and visuals to effectively convey your message to your audience.
  • Failure to Seek Feedback: Seek feedback from peers, mentors, or advisors throughout the project to identify and address potential issues early on. External perspectives can help improve the quality of your work.
  • Procrastination: Avoid procrastination and manage your time effectively throughout the project timeline. Starting early and maintaining a consistent workflow can prevent rushed or incomplete work.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following best practices in geography research, you can ensure the quality and success of your projects.

Geography offers a vast array of intriguing topics for exploration, ranging from physical landscapes to human societies and from traditional fieldwork to cutting-edge technology.

Whether you’re interested in understanding the forces shaping our planet or addressing pressing societal challenges, there are various geography project topics waiting for you to discover and delve into further.

So, grab your maps, data, and curiosity, and embark on a fascinating journey through the diverse and dynamic world of geography. Happy exploring!

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Understanding Assignments (Video Tutorial)

This short video from the UNC Writing Center will help you understand how to use your assignment to understand where to begin with a research project.

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Check out this tutorial from Arizona State Libraries to get started:

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Choosing Your Topic is Research (Video Tutorial)

Watch this short video from NC State University Libraries about choosing a research topic.

Getting Started with Research - Choosing a Topic

Getting started .

  • Make sure you understand your assignment ( Link to UNC video tutorial about understanding assignments ). Talk to your professor or graduate assistant if you have any questions.
  • Think about your interests. What would you like to spend time learning more about? Look over your course materials and lecture notes for ideas. Write down a list of keywords and phrases that interest you.
  • Use a topic ideas database such as CQ Researcher or Opposing Viewpoints in Context (links below). Read current periodicals, browse the internet, and check out reference resources and encyclopedias such as Gale e-books  (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library ).

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  • Be careful not to pick a topic too narrow or too broad. You might not be able to find enough relevant information or you might be overwhelmed with too much information. As you start your research, you might need to adjust your topic. 
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From Topic to Question (Infographic)

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Brainstorming Keywords (Infographic)

You will need to use keywords to search for information online and in library resources. Follow this guidance to identify keywords that will be useful for searching.

"Brainstorming Keywords" infographic: Follow the "long description" link for a web accessible description.

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Selecting the Right Number of Keywords (Video Tutorial)

Check out the video from Kimbel Library to help you locate scholarly journal articles in library databases. 

  • Selecting the Right Number of Keywords

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Pause to Reflect

Step one not only requires that you come up wth a research question or topic that is narrow enough to explore for an undergraduate research paper, but it also requires that you consider what type of information you will need to find in order to answer your research question.

  • Is your topic so large you could write a whole book or PhD dissertation on it? If so, you should try to narrow your topic down to something manageable within the time you have and the number of pages or words your instructor is requiring.
  • Is your topic so specific that you can't find information about it? Go to step 3 to learn how to search more strategically and broaden your search out a bit.
  • Do you need some basic facts, dates, or names of historical people or specific theories? If so, go on to step 2: Find Background Information .
  • When you are ready, go to step 3 to learn how and where to search for information on your topic.

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  Mount Hood reflected in Mirror Lake, Oregon, USA . Image in Public Domain.

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Research Methods and Techniques in Physical Geography

  • First Online: 02 September 2022

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physical geography topics for research

  • Virendra Nagarale 2 ,
  • Subhash Anand 3 &
  • Piyush Telang 4  

Part of the book series: Geography of the Physical Environment ((GEOPHY))

470 Accesses

Scientific research uses a variety of tools and techniques and methods to explain the reasons for the problems and find out the solutions to them, proven to be scientific, i.e., there should be an adorable basis that may explain the solutions to the identified problem. It is, therefore, necessary for each research to stand alone in the field of research and to prove the fact that the research is new and there is no knowledge about it before the humans or it is not available in the literature. Hence each research is unique and it is considered to be unique on the basis of methods and techniques used for finding a solution to a problem. Geographers are more concerned about the spatial arrangements of a phenomenon, its pattern and geographical distribution. The contemporary physical and human spaces, their past arrangements and patterns are documented, and methods and models they have used before are explained to predict different aspects of the physical human world. After the twentieth century, new technologies have emerged which have made a remarkable contribution to the development of new methods in geography helpful in the collection of data and analysis. One of the major innovations is the use of GIS in geographical studies to emphasize mapping as a tool for exploratory research in geography. This chapter provides a structured pattern of research methods used deliberately in physical geography. It also discusses various case studies in accordance with some research methods.

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Portray of Methodologies in Geography: An Inquiry

The importance of methodology in geography, data-driven geography.

Estornell J, Marti Gavilá J, Sebastiá MT, Mengual J (2013) Principal component analysis applied to remote sensing. Model Sci Educ Learn 6(2):83–89. https://doi.org/10.4995/msel.2013.1905

Gomez B, Jones JP (2010) Research methods in geography. United Kingdom. Wiley-Blackwell Publications. ISBN 978-1-4051-0710-5

Google Scholar  

Haldar SK (2018) Chapter 3—Photogeology, remote sensing, and geographic information system in mineral exploration. In: Haldar SK (Eds) Mineral exploration (2nd Ed), Elsevier, pp 47–68. ISBN 9780128140222. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-814022-2.00003-4. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128140222000034

Joseph A (2017) Chapter 7—Citadel-building: tiny creatures in the oceans—Corals. In: Joseph A (Eds) Investigating seafloors and oceans. Elsevier, pp 377–442. ISBN 9780128093573. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809357-3.00007-2

Khromova T, Nosenko G, Muraviev A, Nikitin S, Chernova L, Zverkova N (2016). Chapter 2—Mountain area glaciers of Russia in the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. In: Greenwood GB, Shroder JF (Eds) Developments in earth surface processes. Elsevier, Vol 21, pp 47–129. ISSN 0928-2025, ISBN 9780444637871. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-63787-1.00002-0

Maddison R, Ni MC (2009) Global positioning system: a new opportunity in physical activity measurement. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 6(1):73

Article   Google Scholar  

Rosenlund M, Forastiere F, Stafoggia M, et al (2008) Comparison of regression models with land-use and emissions data to predict the spatial distribution of traffic-related air pollution in Rome. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 18:192–199. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.jes.7500571

Taylor P (1980) A pedagogic application of multiple regression analysis: precipitation in California. Geography 65(3):203–212. Accessed 7 December 2020. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40569273

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Department of Geography, SNDT Women’s University, Pune Campus, Karve Road, Pune, Maharashtra, 411 038, India

Virendra Nagarale

Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi, 110 007, India

Subhash Anand

Department of Geography, SNDT Women’s University, Pune Campus, Karve Road, Pune, Maharashtra, 411038, India

Piyush Telang

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Correspondence to Virendra Nagarale .

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Department of Geography, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Firuza Begham Mustafa

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Nagarale, V., Anand, S., Telang, P. (2022). Research Methods and Techniques in Physical Geography. In: Mustafa, F.B. (eds) Methodological Approaches in Physical Geography. Geography of the Physical Environment. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-07113-3_7

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-07113-3_7

Published : 02 September 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-07112-6

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-07113-3

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physical geography topics for research

136 Clever Geography Research Topics

geography research topics

Do you need clever geography research topics for research? We understand that selecting the right topic is essential to having a project that delivers on your academic goals. Check out these 136 excellent research topics in geography.

What Is Geography?

Geography studies places and the connection between humans and their environments. Geographers study both the earth’s physical properties and the humans that interact with them.

They also explore how man’s culture impacts natural and built environments and how the environment affects humans. Geographers want to explore the origin of things, why they’re in such areas, and how they change with time. There are several fields in Geography:

  • Physical Geography Physical geography studies the planet’s seasons, atmospheres, soils, and climates. It also explores various oceans, landforms, and water bodies. Physical geography addresses the natural processes that relate to the earth. It studies subjects like the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, etc. Various sub-fields in Physical geography include hydrology, climatology, meteorology, and oceanology.
  • Cultural geography
  • Time geography
  • Historical geography
  • Health geography
  • Political geography
  • Transportation geography
  • Social geography
  • Regional geography
  • Animal geography.
  • Integrated Geography This branch of geography finds the relationship between the earth and people. It exploits subject like the big bang, and other aspects of human evolution till date.Integrated geography also studies how humans have used up the Earth’s resources to build its environment. Integrated geography studies topics like disasters, remote sensors and other technological resources.
  • Cartography Cartography creates maps and displays correct information about them. It involves graphic and artistic information on human populations. Interested students in this field of study must have a creative mind that accurately adapts to locations and other details. Additionally, spatial data of maps can help in studying environmental changes.

How To Write An Excellent Geography Essay

You don’t need to be an excellent student or scholar to write a good geography essay, just try to follow these tips:

  • Shortlist some useful geography research topics In selecting a topic, you need to shortlist some geography topics that fall within the range of interesting topics for your project or task. Your shortlist could be in fields like population geography, social geography, or other fields of geography. With these shortlisted topics, selecting the perfect topic becomes much easier.
  • Select a topic The first step to writing an excellent research paper in Geography is selecting a suitable topic. Your topic should be one you find interesting to write your research project, thesis, dissertation, or assignments. Moreover, before concluding on a topic, ensure your tutor or lecturer approves of your choice before going ahead in the research. Whether you’re in college, high school, or college, your choice of an ideal and suitable topic is vital. Remember to listen to your tutor’s advice as that can help reduce your challenges in finding a suitable title.
  • Research and Create a Draft Your research paper has to be as detailed as you can make it. To achieve this, research different materials, books, or resources online in the early writing stages. By creating a good outline for yourself, you make it easier to fit all the various parts of your piece into your research paper.
  • Search for Previous Studies on Your Chosen Topic You often need support from different resources and support online when creating a draft. Here’s why you need to research similar projects and research papers written on your chosen topic area. Previewing past works in your chosen field can help you create your custom paper. However, you don’t need to plagiarize the other person’s work. Only refer to the task while paraphrasing the person’s ideas.
  • Conclude your work Create your final paper. Edit and proofread to see that you added all necessary aspects. At this stage, you’re good to finish your paper. You can also check online for documentaries or films that can help to provide more details on the subject or interest.

Therefore, our professional writers always ready to write a research paper for you . Hire a true expert and get an A+! 

Interesting Geography Research Topics

Need some quality geography topics with the prospects of interesting the reader from start to finish? Check out the following interesting geography topics for your research.

  • Impact of reforestation on reviving the environment
  • What are the top causes of groundwater pollution?
  • Exploring the peculiarities of extinct wildlife
  • To what degree should sustainable feeding be adopted into everyday lives?
  • What’s the effect of desert spreading on local wildlife populations?
  • Managing water in various world regions
  • Are world resources equally distributed?
  • How humans can harness greenhouse gases?
  • How recycling can best save Earth
  • How today’s ecosystem manages natural disasters such as wildfires
  • What’s the use of studying paleoecology?
  • How the natural ecosystem manages seasonal changes in weather.

Engaging Topics In Geography

Are you interested in engaging topics in Geography? Here are some interesting options to choose from:

  • How do volcanoes erupt?
  • What’s the theory behind the formation of continents?
  • What factors directly influence the growth of hyacinths in aquatic ecosystems?
  • How to reduce hyacinth pollution in natural waters?
  • Exploring the various vegetation forms
  • Understanding the evolution of Homo sapiens
  • What environmental conditions promote the growth of various vegetation types
  • How early men lived
  • What are the dangerous effects of acid rain?
  • How do fossil fuels affect climates?
  • Influence of climate on the distribution of animals around the world
  • What are the top impacts of deforestation?

Awesome Geographical Research Topics

You only need to look around and view all the amazing features of the Earth. Here are awesome geography research topics to expand your knowledge of the field.

  • What factors lead to forest fires the most?
  • How does energy conversation helps solve the challenge of climate change?
  • Defining different climatic regions of the world
  • How to reduce soil erosion
  • What are the impacts of high humidity in an environment?
  • Comparing sea breeze against the land breeze
  • Exploring events that take place on mountains’ leeward sides
  • Earthquake vs. landslide?
  • How do tsunamis form?
  • How do oceans serve as carbon sinks for greenhouse gases?
  • Exploring how ice glaciers form
  • What are the different stages of soil erosion?
  • Stages of the water cycle.

Human Geography Research Topics

The following are fun human geography research topics to explore during your next research.

  • What are the sub-disciplinary fields of human geography?
  • What human events directly lead to climate change?
  • What are the impacts of mining on built environments?
  • What human activities directly lead to ozone depletion?
  • Exploring the history of agriculture
  • How fishing has affected human existence?
  • How has farming affected weather patterns in history?
  • What are the impacts of urban developments on natural resources?
  • What’s the connection between cultural and human geography?
  • Physical geography vs. Human geography
  • What are the significant subject areas in human geography?
  • Exploring the connection between business and urban geography.

Compelling Topics For Geography Research

Selecting the right topic for your geography research isn’t as challenging as you may have thought. Here are geography research topics that are compelling to readers interested in the field. But if you still have difficulties even with the suggested topics, you can always buy research paper online .

  • How important is studying geography today?
  • Exploring how landslides develop
  • What are the various volcano types today?
  • How climate change affects the environment?
  • The ozone layer
  • How stratospheric ozone depletion affects the earth?
  • How acid rain forms?
  • How were fossils discovered?
  • The carbon cycle
  • How trees lead to rainfall
  • What are the various effects of volcanoes on soil quality
  • What are the various layers of planet Earth?

Excellent Cultural Geography Research Topics

Culture can be diverse across countries, continents, and races. Here are excellent cultural geography research topics.

  • Physical geography vs. Cultural geography
  • How is cultural geography a part of human geography?
  • How important is the study of cultural geography today?
  • What is the influence of humans on various activities of natural environments?
  • The connection between cultural activities and urbanization?
  • What are the relationships between cultural landscapes and communication?
  • Culture in modern human geography
  • Cultural ecology and history
  • What’s the role of cultural geography in creating contemporary society?
  • How to counter-map resources in the community
  • The medical treatment of groundwater to prevent incrustation
  • How remote sensing and GIS can help studies on natural water habitats?
  • Why construct geographical models?
  • Why climatology?

Physical Geography Research Topics

With the abundance of geographical features in the environment, you have many physical geography research topic options to choose from. Let’s see some clever physical geography research topics.

  • Exploring the need for geospatial science in the 21st century
  • Why modeling is important today?
  • Activities that can lead to a sustainable and adaptable global climate
  • Exploring fisheries management
  • Understanding ecology
  • What roles does man play in contributing to global warming?
  • Exploring global warming
  • Understanding how pesticides and wastes cause soil contamination
  • How do carbon dioxide concentrations impact the environment?
  • Impact of climate change on farming produce?
  • The connection between mangrove plants and marine habitats
  • What’s the geographical implication of water scarcity?
  • What’s the impact of nuclear power on the environment?

Excellent Topics For Research In Environmental Geography

Do you need environmental geography research topics? Here are helpful options to select from.

  • How coral reef destruction affects the Earth
  • Making a case for a potential new global ecosystem
  • How ocean acidification affects humans
  • How hybrid vehicles can help to reduce atmospheric pollution
  • How crucial are small water resources in the environment?
  • What are the myths about soil pollution and contamination?
  • How important are trees to the natural ecosystem?
  • How crucial are bees to the global ecosystem?
  • How light affects aquariums and water bodies
  • How important crustaceans are in natural environments
  • Understanding sewage treatment
  • Major energy resources on the planet
  • Species dispersal and migration.

Geography Research Topics On Global Issues

Whether you are looking for Ph.D. research topics in geography for your doctorate degree or paper topics for your college studies, current global issues will always come up. The following research topics are helpful for global issues in geography.

  • Explore the concept of the greenhouse effect
  • What are the effects of water pollution?
  • How do plastics in water bodies affect aquatic organisms?
  • What are the impacts of urbanization in the 21st century?
  • Why should we care for forests?
  • Understanding air pollution
  • How to develop renewable energy?
  • What are the effects of climate change on animals?
  • How to properly dispose or recycle plastics?
  • Environmental management issues.

Geography Research Topics For A Tight Deadline

Researching the following geography research topics is straightforward because there are many sources online with materials to guide your research.

  • The major impacts of gully erosion on natural environments
  • How global warming affects the planet
  • How airlines affect the natural environments
  • How traffic congestion impacts built environments
  • How effective is America’s electoral voting system?
  • What’s the impact of ocean water acidification on marine ecosystems?
  • Major world drainage basins
  • How erosion and transportation affect the environment?
  • The erosion cycle
  • What causes landslides globally
  • What are the latest trends in the field of geography?
  • How does weather forecasting shape modern geography?
  • Physical geography vs Biological oceanography
  • Understanding global biodiversity
  • Understanding the basics of Darwin’s evolution theory.

Writing Help For Your Saviour

Geography is a diverse field, and selecting the right topic is vital for getting the best marks. Selecting a potentially challenging topic could eventually breed regrets. However, with the over 130 good geography research topics here, writing a captivating high school or college geography research paper is easy today. After choosing your preferred topic, the next thing to do is conduct detailed research on your paper. Meanwhile, you don’t lack the resources to conduct your adequate research with the help of the Internet and you. However, we understand that writing an excellent, engaging paper could be challenging. That’s why we offer affordable custom research paper service to students 24/7. Are you searching for some paper help? We’re here to help you! Ours is a team of experts and seasoned writers. If you need help writing an impressive paper urgently, feel free to contact our affordable services. We always produce custom, secure and fast professional work to ensure your school class tutor awards you top marks.

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Geography is an incredibly multidisciplinary field, so start your search in a multidisciplinary database, then try a few more databases from the lists below that suit your topic.

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Because migration is such a multi-faceted topic, journals that cover migration are found in many different databases. Here are your best bets for finding articles on migration. Depending on your topic, other databases listed above might also be relevant for your search.

Add a few keywords relevant to your research to this basic search string:

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Where are the top journals about migration indexed?

Like many interdisciplinary topics, the top journals for migration are scattered across different databases, which is why we recommend you search multiple databases.

physical geography topics for research

Two important migration journals didn't fit in the table, because they're each solely indexed by a unique database:

  • Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education: studies of migration, integration, equity, and cultural survival is only indexed in ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Immigration and Nationality Law Review is only indexed in Hein Online (a legal database)
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75 Best Geography Topics For A Top-Notch Project

geography topics

Geography is an exciting subject. You get to see different parts of the world without having to step a foot outside. It is also a broad subject that cuts across various disciplines. Many geography research topics may come to your mind but do you know how to choose the best geography topic for you? We also discovered that geography topics are often scattered all over the place, making it hard for students to review their options.

So, we provided a solution to these problems. In this article, there is a short guide on how to choose the best geographical project topics. We have also compiled all the different geography project ideas that we could find for you. You would find it easier to choose a geography research topic after you finish reading. Let’s dive in!

Selecting Relevant Geography Research Topics

Cultural geography topics, physical geography topics, human geography topics, world geography topics, popular geography topics.

Writing geography essay topics is a part of studying the course that you cannot escape. However, you can ensure that it is not stressful by choosing interesting geography research paper topics. This factor is the first step in selecting a good research topic. You need to ensure that you find the subject interesting.

  • All geography paper topics can be exciting, but you can’t just pick randomly . There is still more to be considered than your passion for the subject, though. You need to check on the available information sources on the subject.
  • You need to ensure that your topic has been well-researched before . It would make it easier for you to find references and evidence for your research. However, if you choose a relatively new field of study, you might have difficulty putting all your resources together for the paper.
  • There are different aspects of geography . Therefore, there are different types of geography topics for research. You might have found that there are differences between cultural geography topics and physical geography topics. Human geography research topics also differ from world geography topics.

How do you then choose the aspect you want to focus on? Well, you can use our compilation of topics in the different fields to determine what you like. Ready to explore some interesting geography topics prepared by our geography experts ? Let’s get started!

Writing on cultural geography essay topics would enable you to explore how cultures and geography mix. You would learn more about the effects of culture on geography and vice versa. You can start by exploring these examples that we have provided and see if any appeals to you.

  • What is the most representative food of your country?
  • A study of the informal economic activities and income of women in a particular area
  • What are the characteristics and role of the aging population in a chosen location?
  • An analysis of the role of culture and arts in the urban change in your country
  • How contemporary urban issues have changed your country’s geography
  • A study of the waste management practices in selected households
  • An analysis of the perception of urban beautification programs
  • A social analysis of homes situated near a mast: Focus on its effects on residents
  • A geographical study of the causes of traffic congestion and its effects on residents in the environs
  • Why people live on homes built at crossroads – A social analysis
  • The effects of global warming on cultural choices
  • The socio-economic impact of population growth on people in a locale
  • An analysis of domestic solid waste management programs and strategies
  • A study of the perceived factors affecting students in a geography examination
  • The impact of information technology on the study of geography
  • An empirical study of the commuting behavior of public transport users
  • A comparative analysis of how rural or urban locations can influence sexual preferences

Physical geography research topics help you take a close look at your physical environment. You also stand a chance to proffer solutions to the anomalies that you find. We have provided some topics to point you in the direction of what physical geography is all about.

  • A study of key concepts in physical geography
  • Understanding the causes and effects of floods – A case study of a chosen location
  • A study of the corrosion inhibition of aluminum in an acidic medium
  • The laboratory analysis of the physio-chemical properties of clay
  • A technical study of the effects of solar radiation
  • A geophysical delineation of aquifer depths and their characteristics
  • A study of the effects of gully erosion
  • The effectiveness of drainage networks to combat floods
  • Sedimentology and reservoir quality analysis of outcropping sediments
  • The determination of the flowing bottom-hole pressure from a well-head data

Whether you are looking for AP human geography topics or simple human geography topics, you would find something in the examples we have provided. Check out these human geography essay topics today!

  • A study of the geomorphic and human influence on land resources
  • An analysis of socio-economic variations in an urban area
  • An analysis of how field studies affect the performance of geography students
  • The effects of runway capacity on flight delay or efficiency
  • The human geography of any choice location
  • The impact of the plantation age on the present age
  • The influence of planning on housing development projects
  • A study of the relationship between aircraft movements and airfares
  • An assessment of how cargo delivery can be improved in your country
  • How has the government helped in the supply of potable water
  • Causes and effects of road traffic crashes
  • The consequences and impact of child labor on the demography and economy
  • The effects of holding excursions on geography students
  • Study of the effects of rainfall on farming communities

World geography is a fascinating aspect of geography. You get to look at the bigger picture instead of focusing only on what is happening in your locale. If that sounds exciting to you, then you might want to consider these world geography project ideas below.

  • Ecosystems – The Phenomenon, What and Why everyone should know
  • Are deserts an abnormality or a pattern on the earth?
  • How do the different types of dwelling depend on the environment?
  • How do floods influence the lives of people?
  • Are there possibilities of volcanoes in our nearest futures?
  • Can we have enough eco-friendly food to feed the entire world’s population?
  • What ecological crisis have we had on the earth before?
  • Are the actions of a man responsible for climate change?
  • Deforestation – Analysis, Causes, and Effects
  • How has man aided the extinction of sea wildlife?

If you didn’t find any of the above geography topics interesting, you don’t have to worry. We still have more for you. Check out these geographical research topics for inspiration.

  • The history of cartography
  • Ho does wet, and cold summers affect food production?
  • How do volcanoes affect land fertility?
  • How to control galley erosion in your chosen location
  • The environmental and socio-economic impact of oil exploration
  • Emerging trends in grassland agriculture that you should know
  • How have modern farming methods improved agricultural production?
  • Landslide hazard mapping with proffered solutions to the problem
  • Demographic changes in your chosen location
  • How does weather relatively contribute to native grassland vegetation?
  • The rise of industrialization in Africa
  • A detailed insight on the United States’ political geography
  • How do water bodies contribute to the climate?
  • How the atomic bomb blasts affected Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  • How do glaciers form?
  • How does global warming affect geography?
  • Coastal Erosion – What are the causes and effects?
  • How do earthquakes form natural reservoirs?
  • Do floods have an advantage?
  • What are the alternatives to dumping or burning waste?
  • How was the Amazon basin formed?
  • What is the process of continental drift (from Pangaea till today)?
  • How did public housing programs affect the housing industry?
  • Causes and effects of wildfire eruption in the chosen location

Writing a geography paper can be either exciting or tiresome based on the geographical topics you choose. Follow our guide and use our comprehensive list to find the best topic for you! Also, we have environment research topics . Don’t hesitate to check them out.

earth science topics

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  • Department of Geography
  • Funding opportunities

Physical geography example PhD topics

We welcome contact from potential applicants, who are encouraged to contact staff before applying to discuss their own PhD topic ideas or, if preferred, to discuss any of the topic ideas below.

An eroded sand dune with a warning sign on it

Important information for applying for PhD study:

The information below outlines example topics and suggested programmes of research. Please contact the named staff member to check the availability of a particular project before making an application. Alternatively, you can contact us to discuss your own topic ideas.

To apply for a PhD study place, you will need to prepare your own research proposal that follows the guidelines described on our website (see links below). We strongly recommend that you discuss your topic idea and the requirements of the proposal document with an appropriate member of staff.

How to apply Writing your proposal Find a supervisor

Note: All information on this page is correct as of November 2022 and applies to entry for PhD study in academic year 2023/4. Please do not rely on the above information if the deadlines for 2023/4 entry have passed.

Glacier ‘collapse feature’ formation: mechanisms and significance in relation to glacier retreat

Lead supervisor: Dr Darrel Swift

Other supervision team members: Dr Robert Bryant

Project description:

Circular ‘collapse features’ (or funnel-like depressions) characterised by ring-like concentric crevasse formation around a subsiding central zone of ice have been observed on temperate Alpine glaciers for nearly a century but recent observations indicate their increasing presence and possible significance for rapid terminus disintegration and retreat. Few detailed studies of collapse feature formation have been undertaken, meaning the precise context and timing of formation during ongoing glacier retreat remains poorly known. Even fewer studies have collected field-based observational data on rates and sources/processes of collapse, including hydrological measurements required to constrain localised drainage system morphology. This project would combine longitudinal analysis of collapse feature formation acquired using remote sensing approaches with information on glacier mass balance change and bed topography as well as field-based measurements of glacier and collapse feature characteristics to improve knowledge of their context, evolution and mechanisms. At the same time, these observations will provide important insight into the relationship between collapse feature formation and rapid mass loss from mountain glacier systems in the Alps.

For further information, please contact Darrel Swift ( [email protected] ).

Projecting the mass balance of glaciers in Alaska

Main supervisor: Dr Jeremy Ely

Other supervision team members: Dr Julie Jones , Dr Sihan Li

Glaciers are sensitive barometers of climate, growing and shrinking as climate changes. The size of glaciers and the amount of mass they store is determined by a balance of inputs such as snowfall and outputs such as melting. Like a bank balance, the mass balance of glaciers decreases if snowfall goes down or melting increases. In our warming world, snowfall patterns are changing, and rising temperatures are increasing levels of melt. Unfortunately, this is causing glaciers to go into their overdraft, with the vast majority losing stores of ice due to their negative mass balance. The additional melt is spent on rising sea levels, as the water that should be stored in glaciers reaches the oceans. For several decades, the biggest spenders have been Alaskan glaciers; a spree which many predict is set to continue. However, projections of future glacier mass balance are currently highly uncertain, presenting a challenge when planning for future sea level rise. In this project, we will explore means for improving the projections of glacier change. To achieve this, we will combine state of the art climate, energy balance and ice-flow models, and explore data assimilation techniques. 

For further information, please contact Jeremy Ely ( [email protected] ).

The final fling of glaciation in Britain and Ireland

Other supervision team members: Professor Chris Clark

Approximately 30 thousand years ago, an ice sheet grew over Britain. It reached its maximum extent a few thousand years later, at which point an ice sheet which was several kilometres thick covered most of the British Isles and the surrounding sea floor. But, as the last glacial ended, the warmer climate and ocean caused the ice sheet to shrink. Getting rid of the ice sheet took several thousand years, but before ice completely disappeared, cold conditions returned to Britain and Ireland. At this point, glaciation had its final fling, causing the growth of several ice caps, including a large one which engulfed the highlands of Scotland. These ice caps likely resembled those which exist in places such as Iceland today, and therefore studying their dynamic may improve our understanding of how such systems operate. In this project, we will use numerical models to simulate the flow of ice during the final fling of glaciation in Britain and Ireland. We will use these simulations to test the sensitivity of these now extinct glaciers to past rapid climate change, perhaps elucidating how many glaciers will respond to our warming world. 

The Dynamics of Basaltic Volcanism

Lead supervisor: Dr Tom Pering

Other supervision team members: Dr Thomas Wilkes

Basaltic volcanism is one of the most spectacular forms of volcanic activity on this planet, these gas-rich magmas can produce a range of activity styles at the surface, such as quiescent gas release and strombolian explosions. However, basaltic eruption mechanisms are not yet fully understood. There are multiple ways we can investigate these in more detail, including the use of gas monitoring techniques, such as the ultraviolet camera which measures sulphur dioxide and produces high temporal resolution data. We can also use analogue laboratory experiments to understand how gas flows at depth before reaching the surface. A project at Sheffield could focus on one of these areas alone or look to combine to make rigorous links between measurements and hypothesised models of activity.

For further information, please contact Tom Pering ( [email protected] ).

Wind Power Potential in a Changing Climate

Lead supervisor: Dr Sihan Li

Other supervision team members: Dr Julie Jones

To meet climate mitigation targets, power systems are having to rapidly change from relying on fossil fuels to renewables such as wind, and investment in wind power has become part of many countries’ strategies to meet emission reduction goals. Weather and climate variability and the possible effects of climate change are likely to change availability of wind resources for power generation, and these effects will be felt differently across the world.

One phenomenon worth considering when assessing the reliability of wind energy is wind-drought: periods of low wind, which have been observed in recent years. Previous studies have suggested that warming is likely to dampen winds in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas the impact in the South Hemisphere is the opposite. However these results are based on climate models with low spatial resolution, which makes it difficult to assess the usefulness of such conclusions.

In this project, we will use a combination of observational records and high-resolution models (on the order of several km), to investigate the past trends and future projections of wind resource availability, with a special focus on wind-droughts, and to explore the implications of such events on wind power potential in this century. We will also explore the physical mechanisms causing the changing wind patterns and wind-drought events.

For further information, please contact Sihan Li ( [email protected] ).

Long-term evolution of pebble beaches and their resilience to change

Lead supervisor: Professor Mark Bateman

Other supervision team members: TBC

Imagine hearing the story of a beach pebble, the storm that brought it there and how long the beach has sat protecting its hinterland. Innovative new luminescence research is opening up the possibility of finding the age of pebble deposition for the first time. Why worry? Climate change is causing sea-level rise, more storminess and higher coastal erosion rates whilst coastal populations and infrastructure are increasing. 2013/14 saw UK coastal storms causing widespread flooding costing over £250 million. Dating old storm deposits and raised beaches would allow better understanding of longer-term sea level changes and the return periodicity and impact of past storm events.  This would allow key stakeholders to better mitigate this risk and protect the coastal environment.

This research will develop a proof of concept to luminescence date beach pebble deposition in order to better understand long-term beach evolution, sea-level changes and storm impacts.

For further information, please contact Mark Bateman ( [email protected] ).

Erosion by the Greenland ice sheet

Other supervision team members: Dr Stephen Livingstone , Dr Jeremy Ely

Ice sheets and their outlet glaciers are responsible for carving spectacular bedrock topography including overdeepened troughs that discharge ice to the oceans. Erosion beneath large ice sheets is also important because the weathering of fine erosion products produced within and evacuated from subglacial areas play an important role in long-term global carbon cycling. The rates of erosion beneath ice sheets and the controlling factors are, nonetheless, poorly known. This study would explore means of quantifying sediment export from areas of the Greenland ice sheet that can be used to tune glacial erosion models that permit exploration of the significance of key controlling factors, including sliding speed and hydrology. Potential approaches to quantifying sediment volumes span both remote sensing and field-based methods, from large-scale analysis of coastal progradation and suspended sediment export, to in-situ monitoring of suspended- and bed-load transport rates close to glacier margins.

Holocene glacier extent in the European Alps and implications for landscape evolution

Other supervision team members: Dr Sihan Li, Dr Julie Jones , Dr Jeremy Ely

Patterns of glacial erosion in tectonically active mountain regions are important for setting the base level for above glacier slopes and therefore play an important role in landscape evolution. For example, cirque floor elevation across many mountain regions has been observed to correlate with mean and maximum topographic elevation, indicating that cirque-floor base-level (and therefore cirque-style glaciation) plays a central role in the operation of the ‘buzzsaw effect’, where glaciation appears to set maximum limits on mountain range height. However, interglacial extent of Alpine glaciers remains poorly known. Notably, Holocene glaciers may have been largely confined to cirque basins; however, it is also possible that glaciers extended beyond cirque lips and into deeper valleys below for long periods of time. The latter situation would fundamentally change the spatial pattern and speed of glacial erosion in the landscape, with likely significant implications for mountain landscape evolution. This project intends to use numerical glacier models driven by Holocene climate reconstructions to explore both glacier extent variation and, through implementation of simple glacial erosion laws in these models, the possible implications for rates and patterns of glacial erosion and associated mountain landscape evolution.

Glacier Lake Outburst Flood Hazards in a Changing Climate

Other supervision team members: Dr Jeremy Ely

Glacier-related floods, especially floods from lake outbursts (GLOFs), are among the most impactful and far-reaching glacier hazards, affecting regions tens to hundreds of kilometres downstream and causing damage to human settlements as well as infrastructure. This type of hazard has been documented over various mountain ranges worldwide. Climate change may aggravate the situation, with continued warming leading to increased melting, further degradation of permafrost, as well as melting of ice buried in lake dams, increasing the threat to human society and the built environment. However, the past trends and projected future change of GLOFs remain poorly quantified, which makes it challenging to assess the risks posed by GLOFs and to implement risk reduction and hazard mitigation measures. In this project, we will use a combination of observations and numerical models (climate→glacier→ hydrological), to understand past GLOFs and to inform better projections of future GLOFs, with a focus on high mountain areas.

For further information, please contact Dr Sihan Li ( [email protected] ).

Drainage system sensitivity of Alpline glaciers

Other supervision team members: Dr Rob Storrar (Sheffield Hallam University), Dr Rob Bryant , and members of the SHARDS team (led by Storrar)

Seasonal evolution of melt volumes and sources at Alpine glaciers has been observed to drive evolution of en- and sub-glacial drainage system morphology and consequently ice dynamic response to melt input changes, including ice flow ‘speed-up’ behaviour in spring and possibly late-summer situations that reflect routing of melt through contrasting subglacial drainage system morphologies. In addition, undulations in bed topography are thought to affect drainage system and ice dynamic sensitivity to melt volume evolution that could modulate overall glacier response to longer-term trends in warming. This project would use latest-generation UAV (unmanned autonomous aerial vehicle) platforms to explore ice dynamic responses to melt variability at high spatial and temporal resolution to enhance understanding of the influence of drainage morphology and on basal slip patterns and processes and assess the overall implications for future changes in glacier flow.

Historical storminess in the North Sea

Knowing the long-term variability of storm tracks, as well as the return period of severe storms is critical for present coastal management, particularly given future rising sea-levels and that winter cyclone activity is projected to increase in the future in the North Sea region.  The return period for the major 1953 storm was thought to be ~50 years but may be less in the future. Whilst advances in hydrological modelling have been made to better predict peak storm-tide height along coastlines refinement requires better understanding of beach parameters and other coastal zone factors.  To achieve this also requires an understanding of how coastlines have responded to change over millennial time-scales.

This research will take a unique approach in combining documentary evidence (including ships logs), newly available climate reanalysis approaches, and sediment dune archive data using novel portable luminescence dating to investigate past storm events in the North Sea.

Arsenic in the food chain

Lead supervisor: Dr Manoj Menon

Arsenic is a significant concern affecting millions across the world, through contaminated water and food. Amongst the cereals, rice is known to accumulate more arsenic than other cereals and our research broadly aimed to reduce arsenic exposure through agronomic practices. Specifically, we are looking for PhD students interested in the following themes.

(1) Plant and soil factors affecting the uptake

(2) Rice root system responses to arsenic

(3) Optimisation of irrigation practices to reduce arsenic uptake in rice

(4) Bioaccessibility of arsenic across different rice types.

(5) Socio-economic impacts of arsenic on the affected population

For further information, please contact Dr Menon ( [email protected] ).

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Geography - Human and Physical: Articles, Journals & E-journals

  • Books & E-books
  • Articles, Journals & E-journals
  • Web resources

Databases for Human Geography

These are the major Geography databases that you have access too. But don't stop there. To make your literature search complete I suggest you also search other subject specific databases that compliment your research topic. You can find them, by subject, in the Database Menu

  • GeoRef Covers geology and physical geography with citations from 1669 to the present. The database includes all USGS publications, theses and dissertations from universities across North America and indexes more than 3,500 journals in 40 languages as well as new books, maps, and reports.
  • SAGE Knowledge Books, reference works, handbooks, in the social sciences, from Sage and CQ Press.
  • Scopus An abstract and citation database covering more than 17,000 peer-reviewed, open access, and trade journals, conference proceedings, and book series in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences literature. Covers 386 million quality web sources and 22 million patents.

Databases for Physical Geography

  • Arctic and Antarctic Regions Interdisciplinary index covering many cold regions publications that are not found in the larger subject databases  
  • Compendex The world's largest engineering index. Includes literature related to hydrology, geomorphology, soils etc. Coverage from 1884  
  • Dissertations & Theses (new interface) Full text access to nearly one million dissertations published from 1997. Abstracts only for earlier dissertations and for masters theses  
  • ProQuest Research Library For non-scholarly coverage of topics in physical geography, this comprehensive interdisciplinary database also includes full text articles from trade journals, magazines, newspapers etc. Browse the Databases Main Menu for more subjects.

E-Journals & Resources

  • OPEN ACCESS Journals in Geography Searching "geography" with only the "Journals" box checked, will yield 563 open access journal titles that cover various sub-disciplines of Geography.
  • Cartographica Helvetica Full-text & full run of this journal on cartographic history. There is a 12 month delay for the latest two issues.
  • Bibliographia Cartographica Currently only available in German. English version is coming.
  • Cartographica The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization. An international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes transformative research, education, and practice contributions to the social, political, technological, and historical aspects of cartography and geovisualization.
  • Literary Geographies A peer reviewed journal that combines the topics and methods from literary studies, cultural geography, cartography, and spatial theory.

Core Geography journals

Listed in ranked order of impact are the top 20 journals in the field of Geography.

For full-text or print availability click on each title for information

  • Progress in human geography Call Number: GF1 .P76
  • Transactions (Institute of British Geographers) Call Number: G1.I67a
  • Annals of the Association of American Geographers Call Number: G3 .A7
  • Economic geography Call Number: HF1021.E4
  • Antipode Call Number: G1 .A5
  • Environment and planning. D, Society & space Call Number: H1 .E58
  • Environment and planning. A Call Number: HT166 .E55
  • Regional studies Call Number: OVERSIZE HT390 .R4
  • Geoforum Call Number: G1 .G28
  • International journal of geographical information science Call Number: G70.2.I59
  • Political geography Call Number: JC319.P591
  • Area Call Number: G7.A742
  • Geographical analysis Call Number: G70.G43
  • Landscape and urban planning Call Number: HT166.L33
  • Professional geographer Call Number: G3 .P7
  • Australian geographer Call Number: G1 .A93
  • Journal of historical geography Call Number: G141.J6
  • Geographical journal Call Number: G7 .R91
  • Singapore journal of tropical geography Call Number: G515 .J65
  • Urban geography Call Number: GF125 .U73

Grey Literature

  • Web guide on Grey Literature Links, information and some tutorials on what and where to find sources of grey literature from Cornell University Library
  • Sources of Grey Literature Links and sources of grey literature from University of Michigan Library

Horseshoe Bend, Glen Canyon, AZ

Photo by Lars Jensen

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  • Last Updated: May 24, 2024 11:29 AM
  • URL: https://researchguides.library.syr.edu/HumanGeog
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What Is Physical Geography?

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  • Key Figures & Milestones
  • Urban Geography
  • M.A., Geography, California State University - Northridge
  • B.A., Geography, University of California - Davis

The vast discipline of geography is divided into two major branches: 1) physical geography and 2) cultural or human geography. Physical geography encompasses the geographic tradition known as the Earth sciences tradition. Physical geographers look at the landscapes, surface processes, and climate of the earth—all of the activity found in the four spheres (the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere) of our planet.

Key Takeaways: Physical Geography

  • Physical geography is the study of our planet and its systems (ecosystems, climate, atmosphere, hydrology).
  • Understanding the climate and how it's changing (and the potential results of those changes) affect people now and can help plan for the future.
  • Because the study of Earth is vast, numerous sub-branches of physical geography specialize in different areas, from the upper limits of the sky to the bottom of the ocean.

In contrast, cultural or human geography spends time studying why people locate where they do (including demographics) and how they adapt to and change the landscape in which they live. Someone studying cultural geography might also research how languages, religion, and other aspects of culture develop where people live; how those aspects are transmitted to others as people move; or how cultures change because of where they move.

Physical Geography: Definition

Physical geography consists of many diverse elements. These include: the study of the earth's interaction with the sun, seasons , the composition of the atmosphere, atmospheric pressure and wind, storms and climatic disturbances, climate zones , microclimates, the hydrologic cycle , soils, rivers and streams , flora and fauna, weathering, erosion , natural hazards, deserts , glaciers and ice sheets, coastal terrain, ecosystems, geologic systems, and so much more.

The Four Spheres

It's a little deceiving (even overly simplistic) to say that physical geography studies the Earth as our home and looks at the four spheres because each possible area of research encompasses so much.

The atmosphere itself has several layers to study, but the atmosphere as a topic under the lens of physical geography also includes research areas such as the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, wind, jet streams, and weather.

The hydrosphere encompasses everything having to do with water, from the water cycle to acid rain, groundwater, runoff, currents, tides, and oceans.

The biosphere concerns living things on the planet and why they live where they do, with topics from ecosystems and biomes to food webs and the carbon and nitrogen cycles.

The study of the lithosphere includes geological processes, such as the formation of rocks, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, soil, glaciers, and erosion.

Sub-Branches of Physical Geography

Since the Earth and its systems are so complex, there are many sub-branches and even sub-sub-branches of physical geography as a research area, depending on how granularly the categories are divided. They also have overlap between them or with other disciplines, such as geology.

Geographical researchers will never be at a loss of something to study, as they often need to understand multiple areas to inform their own targeted research.

  • Geomorphology : the study of Earth's landforms and its surface's processes—and how these processes change and have changed Earth's surface—such as erosion, landslides, volcanic activity, earthquakes, and floods
  • Hydrology : the study of the water cycle, including water distribution across the planet in lakes, rivers, aquifers, and groundwater; water quality; drought effects; and the probability of flooding in a region. Potamology is the study of rivers.
  • Glaciology : the study of glaciers and ice sheets, including their formation, cycles, and effect on Earth's climate
  • Biogeography : the study of the distribution of life forms across the planet, relating to their environments; this field of study is related to ecology, but it also looks into the past distribution of life forms as well, as found in the fossil record.
  • Meteorology : the study of Earth's weather, such as fronts, precipitation, wind, storms, and the like, as well as forecasting short-term weather based on available data
  • Climatology : the study of Earth's atmosphere and climate, how it has changed over time, and how humans have affected it
  • Pedology : the study of soil, including types, formation, and regional distribution over Earth
  • Paleogeography : the study of historical geographies, such as the location of the continents over time, through looking at geological evidence, such as the fossil record
  • Coastal geography : the study of the coasts, specifically concerning what happens where land and water meet
  • Oceanography : the study of the world's oceans and seas, including aspects such as floor depths, tides, coral reefs, underwater eruptions, and currents. Exploration and mapping is a part of oceanography, as is research into the effects of water pollution.
  • Quaternary science : the study of the previous 2.6 million years on Earth, such as the most recent ice age and Holocene period, including what it can tell us about the change in Earth's environment and climate
  • Landscape ecology : the study of how ecosystems interact with and affect each other in an area, especially looking at the effects of the uneven distribution of landforms and species in these ecosystems (spatial heterogeneity)
  • Geomatics : the field that gathers and analyzes geographic data, including the gravitational force of Earth, the motion of the poles and Earth's crust, and ocean tides (geodesy). In geomatics, researchers use the Geographic Information System (GIS), which is a computerized system for working with map-based data.
  • Environmental geography : the study of the interactions between people and their environment and the resulting effects, both on the environment and on the people; this field bridges physical geography and human geography.
  • Astronomical geography or astronography : the study of how the sun and moon affect the Earth as well as our planet's relationship to other celestial bodies

Why Physical Geography Is Important

Knowing about the physical geography of Earth is important for every serious student studying the planet because the natural processes of Earth affect the distribution of resources (from carbon dioxide in the air to freshwater on the surface to minerals deep underground) and the conditions of the human settlement. Anyone studying processes involving Earth and its processes is working within the confines of its physical geography. These natural processes have resulted in a plethora of varied effects on human populations throughout the millennia.

  • The 5 Themes of Geography
  • Major Sub-Disciplines of Geography
  • Exploring the Earth's Four Spheres
  • Geography 101
  • Geography Definition
  • Geography for Kids
  • The Four Traditions of Geography
  • Seven Things You Need to Know About the Ocean
  • Explore Earth - Our Home Planet
  • Definition of Geography
  • Is There Any Upside to Global Warming?
  • Cultural Ecology
  • The Hydrologic Cycle
  • The Water Cycle
  • The Basics of Geology
  • Human Geography

Physical Geography

  • Defining Physical Geography
  • Biogeography
  • Meteorology
  • Geomorphology
  • Oceanography
  • Scholarly communication This link opens in a new window

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  • British Society for Geomorphology Geomorphologists are also “landscape-detectives” working out the history of a landscape. Most environments, such as Britain and Ireland, have in the past been glaciated on numerous occasions, tens and hundreds of thousands of years ago. ...


Defining geomorphology

The science concerned with understanding the form of the Earth’s land surface and the processes by which it is shaped, both at the present day as well as in the past (British Soc. Geomorphology). Since many landforms cannot fully be explained by present-day geomorphic processes, geomorphologists also consider the impacts of past events on the present-day landscape; the landscape is a physical system with a history (S. Schumm 2003). B. Rhoads and C. Thorne (1996) show geomorphology as having the potential to change character as it evolves through time. The process geomorphology approach focuses upon the dynamic elements of geomorphological, hydrological, geological, and ecological systems; see D. Ritter et al. (2001). Harrison and Dunham (1998) TIBG 23, 4 stress that landscape change is dominated by uncertainties and probabilities, arguing that an idealist approach to geomorphology (that recognizes the primacy of consciousness) can better appreciate the world’s unpredictable and probabilistic nature. Lane (2001) TIBG 26 observes geomorphology pays attention to the ‘way in which the real becomes contingent to form the actual’; it is place-dependent. Harrison (2001) TIBG 26, 3 argues that process geomorphology is essentially reductionist, but that landforms are not amenable to reductionist explanations.   ...

Mayhew, S. (2015).  Geomorphology . In  A Dictionary of Geography . Oxford University Press. Retrieved 30 Jun. 2023

In the Library's collections

The collection for Geomorphology is now in Baker-Berry Library under the call number range GB 400 through GB 649 on Berry Level 4 .

Below are some of the relevant subject headings:

  • geomorphology Geomorphology covers the call number range of GB 400 through GB 649 .
  • eolian processes
  • fluvial geomorphology

Introductory reading(s)

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Finding scholarly articles & journal titles

Articles and other writings about Geomorphology can be found in many publications. Our collection includes several journals which look at Geomorphology. To see the entire list, do the following subject search in the online catalog: " geomorphology periodicals ."

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  • Last Updated: Apr 12, 2024 10:17 AM
  • URL: https://researchguides.dartmouth.edu/physical_geography


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A large group photo taken indoors. The background features three large insignias: one for the International Space Station, the NASA logo in the center, and a mission patch on the right.

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image of an experiment facility installed in the exterior of the space station

Resultados científicos revolucionarios en la estación espacial de 2023

The full moon is pictured as the International Space Station orbited 254 miles above the Pacific Ocean northeast of Guam.

Melissa L. Gaskill

Tracking tiny stowaways, getting there and back, refining radiation detection, robot helpers.

Space, the saying goes, is hard. And the farther humans go, the harder it can get.

Some of the challenges on missions to explore the Moon and Mars include preventing microbial contamination of these destinations, navigating there safely, protecting crew members and hardware from radiation, and maintaining and repairing equipment.

Research on the International Space Station is helping NASA scientists develop tools and processes to ensure success on these important missions. Here are highlights from some of the investigations making space a little easier.

Bacteria and fungi live in and on all humans and all around us on Earth. Most of these microorganisms are beneficial or harmless but introducing them to other celestial bodies could adversely affect our ability to study ecosystems on those other worlds.

Crew members will conduct a spacewalk to collect samples near space station life support system vents for ISS External Microorganisms , an investigation to assess whether the orbiting laboratory releases microorganisms into space. Results could provide insight into the potential for organisms to survive and reproduce in space and help researchers determine which microbes would most likely contaminate other planetary bodies visited by crewed missions.

Underwater at the Neutral Buoyancy Lab pool, Glover is wearing a white spacesuit and helmet as he uses a tool in his right hand and holds on to a rail with his left hand. A black box of circular sample containers is attached to the front of his suit.

A miniature, hand-held digital microscope designed to make in-flight medical diagnoses, the Moon Microscope , also can test water, food, and surfaces for contamination. The device images samples at high resolution and processes data on web-enabled devices such as phones or tablets. Multiple users can access the microscope simultaneously, and some applications run autonomously.

Spacecraft must have sophisticated high-tech systems for navigating. Sextant Navigation tests the function of sextants in microgravity as an emergency backup navigation technique for Artemis and other future exploration missions. These mechanical devices have guided navigators for centuries, and Gemini and Apollo missions demonstrated they were useful for astronauts.

Gerst, wearing a short-sleeved black t-shirt and a watch on his left wrist, holds the sextant up to his right eye as he faces a window in the cupola. The black device has a sighting eye piece and a curved positioning piece across the bottom that Gerst is adjusting with his left hand. There is a laptop behind him and a sheet of instructions in front of him.

Missions beyond low Earth orbit increase exposure to radiation, which can pose a hazard to human health and interfere with equipment operation. As NASA prepares for future missions, providing adequate protection is vital.

The Hybrid Electronic Radiation Assessor, or HERA, was built to serve as a primary radiation detection system for the Orion spacecraft, which will carry crews into orbit around the Moon. The International Space Station Hybrid Electronic Radiation Assessor investigation modified the system to operate on the space station to provide researchers input for use on future exploration missions.

Artemis HERA on Space Station further modified the radiation detection system so researchers could continue to evaluate the hardware in the space radiation environment prior to Artemis II.

Pesquet, wearing a red polo, green pants, and a black belt, holds a rectangular black device smaller than a cell phone in his right hand. An ESA flag is visible over his left shoulder, equipment and storage bags to his right, and several laptops and cables to his left.

Active-Dosimeters , an investigation led by ESA (European Space Agency), tested a wearable system to measure radiation exposure to crew members on the space station and how it changes with the station’s orbit and altitude. Data from the wearable dosimeter improved radiation risk assessments and could lead to better protection for astronauts, including the ability to quickly respond to changes in exposure throughout future exploration missions.

On future exploration missions, robotic technology can help crew members with basic tasks, monitor and maintain equipment, and conduct operations such as sample collection, reducing the need to expose astronauts to harsh environments. Integrated System for Autonomous and Adaptive Caretaking demonstrates using autonomous robots to transfer and unpack cargo and to track and respond to maintenance issues such as leaks and fires, which could protect valuable equipment and reduce costly repairs on future missions. The investigation uses the space station’s Astrobee and Robonaut robots.

Cassidy, wearing a blue polo shirt and khaki shorts, holds the yellow Astrobee in his left hand as he reaches for a clipboard with his right hand. Also visible is the blue Astrobee in the docking station to his right, a round white hatch behind him, and a string of small flags just above his head.

Multi-Resolution Scanning uses the station’s Astrobees to test sensors and robotics to support automated 3D sensing, mapping, and situational awareness functions. On future Gateway and lunar surface missions, such systems could automatically detect defects and conduct remote maintenance and autonomous operation of vehicles such as rovers.

Cristoforetti, wearing a gray sweatshirt and a headset, looks at a computer screen in front of her as she works a joystick with her left hand and holds a white control arm with her right hand.

Surface Avatar evaluates crew operation of multiple autonomous robots in space. The investigation also assesses crew member responsiveness to feedback on the consoles used to operate robots remotely, which supports design of effective setups for operating robots on the ground from a spacecraft orbiting above. Results contribute to the development of other uses of robotic assistance such as returning samples from Mars and asteroids.

Melissa Gaskill International Space Station Research Communications Team NASA’s Johnson Space Center

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New method makes hydrogen from solar power and agricultural waste

University of Illinois Chicago engineers have helped design a new method to make hydrogen gas from water using only solar power and agricultural waste, such as manure or husks. The method reduces the energy needed to extract hydrogen from water by 600%, creating new opportunities for sustainable, climate-friendly chemical production.

Hydrogen-based fuels are one of the most promising sources of clean energy. But producing pure hydrogen gas is an energy-intensive process that often requires coal or natural gas and large amounts of electricity.

In a paper for Cell Reports Physical Science , a multi-institutional team led by UIC engineer Meenesh Singh unveils the new process for green hydrogen production.

The method uses a carbon-rich substance called biochar to decrease the amount of electricity needed to convert water to hydrogen. By using renewable energy sources such as solar power or wind and capturing byproducts for other uses, the process can reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero.

"We are the first group to show that you can produce hydrogen utilizing biomass at a fraction of a volt," said Singh, associate professor in the department of chemical engineering. "This is a transformative technology."

Electrolysis, the process of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, requires an electric current. At an industrial scale, fossil fuels are typically required to generate this electricity.

Recently, scientists have decreased the voltage required for water splitting by introducing a carbon source to the reaction. But this process also uses coal or expensive chemicals and releases carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

Singh and colleagues modified this process to instead use biomass from common waste products. By mixing sulfuric acid with agricultural waste, animal waste or sewage, they create a slurry-like substance called biochar, which is rich in carbon.

The team experimented with different kinds of biochar made from sugarcane husks, hemp waste, paper waste and cow manure. When added to the electrolysis chamber, all five biochar varieties reduced the power needed to convert water to hydrogen. The best performer, cow dung, decreased the electrical requirement sixfold to roughly a fifth of a volt.

The energy requirements were low enough that the researchers could power the reaction with one standard silicon solar cell generating roughly 15 milliamps of current at 0.5 volt. That's less than the amount of power produced by an AA battery.

"It's very efficient, with almost 35% conversion of the biochar and solar energy into hydrogen" said Rohit Chauhan, a co-author and postdoctoral scholar in Singh's lab. "These are world record numbers; it's the highest anyone has demonstrated."

To make the process net-zero, it must capture the carbon dioxide generated by the reaction. But Singh said this too could have environmental and economic benefits, such as producing pure carbon dioxide to carbonate beverages or converting it into ethylene and other chemicals used in plastic manufacturing.

"It not only diversifies the utilization of biowaste but enables the clean production of different chemicals beyond hydrogen," said UIC graduate Nishithan Kani, co-lead author on the paper. "This cheap way of making hydrogen could allow farmers to become self-sustainable for their energy needs or create new streams of revenue."

Orochem Technologies Inc., who sponsored the research, has filed for patents on their processes for producing biochar and hydrogen, and the UIC team plans to test the methods on a large scale.

In addition to Singh, Kani and Chauhan, the paper was co-authored by UIC graduate student Rajan Bhawnani. Other co-authors come from Stanford University, Texas Tech University, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Korea University and Orochem Technologies Inc.

  • Energy and Resources
  • Alternative Fuels
  • Energy Technology
  • Solar Energy
  • Energy and the Environment
  • Renewable Energy
  • Environmental Science
  • Sustainability
  • Alternative fuel vehicle
  • Hydrogen vehicle
  • Hydroelectricity
  • Water resources
  • Renewable energy

Story Source:

Materials provided by University of Illinois Chicago . Original written by Rob Mitchum. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Nishithan C. Kani, Rohit Chauhan, Samuel A. Olusegun, Ishwar Sharan, Anag Katiyar, David W. House, Sang-Won Lee, Alena Jairamsingh, Rajan R. Bhawnani, Dongjin Choi, Adam C. Nielander, Thomas F. Jaramillo, Hae-Seok Lee, Anil Oroskar, Vimal C. Srivastava, Shishir Sinha, Joseph A. Gauthier, Meenesh R. Singh. Sub-volt conversion of activated biochar and water for H2 production near equilibrium via biochar-assisted water electrolysis . Cell Reports Physical Science , 2024; 102013 DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2024.102013

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  • Exercise is Medicine

physical activity guidelines banner featuring a woman wearing a hijab doing kettlebell swings

ACSM and CDC recommendations state that:

  • All healthy adults aged 18–65 years should participate in moderate intensity aerobic physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes on five days per week, or vigorous intensity aerobic activity for a minimum of 20 minutes on three days per week.
  • Every adult should perform  activities that maintain or increase muscular strength and endurance for a minimum of two days per week.

Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd Edition

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd Edition, were published in the fall of 2018. Learn what the recommendations are here.

  • Bill Kraus, M.D., FACSM, Introduces ACSM's New Scientific Pronouncements 2019
  • Behind the Scenes of ACSM’s Collection of Scientific Pronouncements | Physical Activity Guidelines

Online Learning

  • CEPA Webinar: The 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans: What’s New? | Continuing Education Course 
  • 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines – How to Meet the Goals in Everyday Activities
  • Daily Steps and Health | Walking Your Way to Better Health
  • Five Frequently Asked Questions About the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd Edition
  • High-Intensity Interval Training: For Fitness, for Health or Both?
  • New ACSM Pronouncements Make the Case, Find the Gaps  | Introduction to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition and the accompanying ACSM pronouncements 
  • Paradigm Shift in Physical Activity Research: Do Bouts Matter?
  • Physical Activity: A Key Lifestyle Behavior for Prevention of Weight Gain and Obesity
  • Physical Activity and Function in Older Age: It’s Never too Late to Start!
  • Physical Activity and Health: Does Sedentary Behavior Make a Difference?
  • Physical activity, decreased risk for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease: No longer any doubt and short bouts count
  • Physical Activity for the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer
  • What’s New in the ACSM Pronouncement on Exercise and Hypertension?

General Activity and Health Recommendations

  • Physical Activity in School-Aged Children | Blog  | Infographic
  • Being Active as a Teen | Handout
  • Being Active as We Get Older | Handout
  • Being Active for a Better Life  | Handout
  • Being Active with Your Young Child | Handout
  • Exercise Preparticipation Health Screening Process | Infographic
  • Exercise Prescription Form  | Form
  • Monitoring Aerobic Exercise Intensity | Infographic
  • PAR-Q+/ Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire | Form  
  • Physical Activity Vital Sign  | Form
  • Resistance Training for Health  | Infographic
  • Sit Less, Move More | Handout

Chronic Disease and Special Populations

Exercise is Medicine ®  offers many handouts on being active with a variety of medical conditions as a part of their Exercise Rx Series .

  • Being Active When You Have Cancer | Handout
  • Exercise for Cancer Prevention and Treatment | Infographic
  • Moving Through Cancer, Exercise Prescription Form | Form 
  • Physical Activity Guidelines: Cancer | Infographic


  • American Heart Association Updates Blood Pressure Guidelines | Blog
  • Being Active with High Blood Pressure | Handout
  • Exercise for the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension - Implications and Application | Blog 
  • FITT Recommendations for Hypertension | Infographic
  • What’s Changed: New High Blood Pressure Guidelines | Blog
  • Being Active During Pregnancy | Handout
  • Fit Pregnancy Guidelines, A Simple Guide | Blog 
  • Pregnancy and Physical Activity | Handout
  • Pregnancy, Physical Activity Recommendations | Infographic
  • ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10th Edition
  • ACSM's Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual
  • ACSM’s Exercise Testing and Prescription
  • ACSM’s Health/Fitness Facility Standards and Guidelines, Fifth Edition

Official Positions

ACSM is pleased to present the scientific reviews underlying the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines . Health professionals, scientists, community organizations and policymakers can use the papers included in the  ACSM Scientific Pronouncements: Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd Edition  to promote more active, healthier lifestyles for individuals and communities. All papers were published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise . 

  • The U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report—Introduction
  • Physical Activity Promotion: Highlights from the 2018 PAGAC Systematic Review
  • Daily Step Counts for Measuring Physical Activity Exposure and Its Relation to Health
  • Association between Bout Duration of Physical Activity and Health: Systematic Review
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for Cardiometabolic Disease Prevention
  • Sedentary Behavior and Health: Update from the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee
  • Physical Activity, Cognition and Brain Outcomes: A Review of the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines
  • Physical Activity in Cancer Prevention and Survival: A Systematic Review
  • Physical Activity and the Prevention of Weight Gain in Adults: A Systematic Review
  • Physical Activity, All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality, and Cardiovascular Disease
  • Physical Activity and Health in Children under 6 Years of Age: A Systematic Review
  • Benefits of Physical Activity during Pregnancy and Postpartum: An Umbrella Review
  • Physical Activity, Injurious Falls and Physical Function in Aging: An Umbrella Review
  • Physical Activity to Prevent and Treat Hypertension: A Systematic Review
  • Effects of Physical Activity in Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Umbrella Review

Earlier Papers

  • Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratory, Musculoskeletal, and Neuromotor Fitness in Apparently Healthy Adults: Guidance for Prescribing Exercise

physical activity guidelines for americans

Guidelines for Physical Activity and Health: Evolution Over 50 Years

Presented as the D.B. Dill Historical Lecture at the 2019 ACSM Annual Meeting, William Haskell, PhD, FACSM, and ACSM past president, presented a timeline of the developing science behind the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

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  • Alzheimer's disease & dementia
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  • Heart disease
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  • Full List »

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May 31, 2024

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Research offers hope and reassurance for adults with eating disorders

by Curtin University


New Curtin University research has found an inpatient treatment approach can help adults with eating disorders improve not only their physical health, but also their psychological health. The research is published in the Journal of Eating Disorders .

"High-energy refeeding" is frequently used to treat malnourished adolescents with anorexia nervosa and involves patients consuming a progressively higher energy intake over a short period of time, to quickly restore their nutritional health.

It's been thought this approach could prove problematic when treating adults with the same condition. However, this may not be the case.

Researchers from Curtin's School of Population Health investigated 97 voluntary hospital inpatients (55 adults and 42 adolescents) with eating disorders, the majority anorexia nervosa, who were treated using a high-energy refeeding protocol.

The team found both age groups responded well to high-energy refeeding, reporting very similar positive weight change and improvements in measurements of their psychological health .

Masters student and study lead Fiona Salter said there had been previous concerns that adult patients undergoing high-energy refeeding could be at increased risk of developing refeeding syndrome, a potentially fatal condition which can occur when a severely malnourished person starts eating again and causes a sudden shift in fluid and electrolytes.

"In addition, more frequent mental health issues in adult patients could complicate their medical care ," Ms. Salter said. "However, only one adult participant in our study did not tolerate the high-energy protocol due to oedema, which is an excess of fluid accumulating in body tissues."

Study co-author Dr. Emily Jeffery said the findings indicate high-energy refeeding in adults who are mildly and moderately malnourished can be administered safely and has both nutritional and psychological benefits.

"However, clinicians need to be aware [that] severely malnourished adults may require adjustments to prevent complications," Dr. Jeffery said.

Ms. Salter said the improvements in adult patients ' psychological well-being were critically important in using high-energy refeeding in the future.

"There was some concern feeding too quickly could put them under too much distress, which is why we wanted to measure these psychological scores," Ms. Salter said.

"We found psychosocial questionnaire scores improved significantly over the hospital admission, but psychological recovery from an eating disorder takes months and years, so while it's great we can physically restore someone's nutritional health quite quickly, the important thing is to keep that going. It needs to be maintained after they leave hospital for their longer-term psychological recovery."

With this in mind, Ms. Salter said the next step was to see how patients with a similar severity of illness respond to high-energy refeeding in a less structured environment, such as an intensive treatment day program.

"We'll be investigating whether a similar high energy refeeding protocol to that used in the hospital study has the same outcomes when patient meals are only partially supervised," she said.

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  1. ALL The ULTIMATE AQA A-Level PHYSICAL Geography Topics Content With

    physical geography topics for research

  2. Research Examples of Physical Geography

    physical geography topics for research

  3. 100 Best Geography Topics For Research Papers

    physical geography topics for research

  4. Physical Geography Chapter 3: Physical Geography

    physical geography topics for research

  5. Physical Geography

    physical geography topics for research

  6. Physical Geography

    physical geography topics for research


  1. Physical Geography Practice part-2

  2. Physical geography notes #ncert#study

  3. Physical Geography Part 4

  4. Frequently asked questions in Geography & Topics to be focused in Geography #study #geography

  5. World Geography (Topics:-Internal Structure of the Earth) for Civil Services,BPSC &S.I other Exams #

  6. physical geography important questions MCQ //#geography


  1. Top 50 Geography Research Topics [Revised]

    50 Geography Research Topics: Category Wise Physical Geography Research Topics. Impact of climate change on polar ice caps. Patterns of desertification in arid regions. Formation and evolution of volcanic islands. Study of river meandering and channel migration. Factors influencing the distribution of biomes worldwide. Human Geography Research ...

  2. 146 Exquisite Geography Research Topics To Write About

    Explore our free list of 146 exciting geography research topics. Physical, human, economic, political, and environmental geography topics. Toll-free: +1 (877) 401-4335. Order Now. About; ... Choose from a list of good geography research topics for 2023 that showcase the relevance and significance of geography in today's world:

  3. 100 Best Geography Topics For Research Papers

    Here are some of the best physical geography topics to consider for your paper or essay. How climate change affects the intensity of the Australian bushfire. The meteorology history and its effects on modern research. River ice - The worldwide effects of the high ice loss rate across the globe.

  4. Top 100 Geography Project Topics [Updated]

    By avoiding these common mistakes and following best practices in geography research, you can ensure the quality and success of your projects. Conclusion. Geography offers a vast array of intriguing topics for exploration, ranging from physical landscapes to human societies and from traditional fieldwork to cutting-edge technology.

  5. Physical Geography

    Physical Geography: The Key Concepts is a thought-provoking introduction to the central ideas and debates within the field. It provides extended definitions of terms that are fundamental to physical geography and its many branches, covering topics such as: biogeography, ecology, climatology, meteorology, geomorphology, hydrology and pedology. ...

  6. A horizon scan for novel and impactful areas of physical geography

    The foregoing topics highlight how physical geographers can contribute to improved documentation and analysis of many crucial scientific and applied issues, but also raise important questions regarding how physical geography is conducted in diverse research, outreach and higher education contexts. Physical geographers rarely work in isolation ...

  7. Physical Geography

    Journal metrics Editorial board. Physical Geography publishes original research on physical processes that shape the physical landscape and are critical to human-environment interactions. Papers focusing on the integration of climatology, geomorphology, hydrology, biogeography, and soils and their impact on human-environment interactions are ...

  8. Physical Geography Studies

    Physical geography encompasses the study of the land, oceans, seasons, climate, atmosphere, and Earth's soil. It looks at how these elements change and have changed over time, the spatial relationships they have with shaping current environments. Subfields of physical geography are as vast as the Earth and include meteorology (the study of ...

  9. Choosing a Topic

    Geography. Guide for undergraduates writing a paper or doing research in either physical or human geography. Starting with a research question means approaching your research with curiosity and an open mind. You should let your question guide you both in practical terms of helping you come up with search terms (keywords) as well as in avoiding ...

  10. Research Methods and Techniques in Physical Geography

    A literature review provides vast information related to the topic of research. In physical geography, a continuous review process becomes an important part of any kind of research because of the dynamic nature of the physical environment. To understand this let us take an example. A river changes its course with time and in accordance with the ...

  11. 57375 PDFs

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on ...

  12. PDF Research Methods and Techniques in Physical Geography

    any further research to take place related to the topic of research in physical geography. A liter-ature review provides information about the present world simultaneously, allowing a researcher to find a gap in the chosen research topic. The literature review is important for knowing the past theories, models and methods

  13. 136 Excellent Geography Research Topics To Impress A Teacher

    There are several fields in Geography: Physical Geography Physical geography studies the planet's seasons, atmospheres, soils, and climates. It also explores various oceans, landforms, and water bodies. Physical geography addresses the natural processes that relate to the earth. It studies subjects like the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere ...

  14. Library Guides: A Guide to Geography Research: Journal articles

    Includes historical geography, political geography, cultural geography, human geography, and other topics of interest to geographers. Allows you to search by time period (i.e. 1800-1849 or 1950-1970). Historical Abstracts with Full Text. Covers world history (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450-present.

  15. Research Guides: Physical Geography: Biogeography

    Call Number: eBook. ISBN: 9780198850069. Biogeography is the study of geographic variation in all characteristics of life - ranging from genetic, morphological and behavioural variation among regional populations of a species, to geographic trends in diversity of entire communities across our planet's surface.

  16. Top 75 Geography Topics

    Physical Geography Topics. Physical geography research topics help you take a close look at your physical environment. You also stand a chance to proffer solutions to the anomalies that you find. We have provided some topics to point you in the direction of what physical geography is all about. A study of key concepts in physical geography

  17. Physical geography example PhD topics

    Amongst the cereals, rice is known to accumulate more arsenic than other cereals and our research broadly aimed to reduce arsenic exposure through agronomic practices. Specifically, we are looking for PhD students interested in the following themes. (1) Plant and soil factors affecting the uptake.

  18. Research Guides: Geography

    To make your literature search complete I suggest you also search other subject specific databases that compliment your research topic. You can find ... Covers geology and physical geography with citations from 1669 to the present. The database includes all USGS publications, theses and dissertations from universities across North America and ...

  19. What Is Physical Geography?

    Physical geography is the study of our planet and its systems (ecosystems, climate, atmosphere, hydrology). Understanding the climate and how it's changing (and the potential results of those changes) affect people now and can help plan for the future. Because the study of Earth is vast, numerous sub-branches of physical geography specialize in ...

  20. Latest articles from Physical Geography

    The modern natural tombolos of Greece. Stelios Petrakis, Dimitra I. Malliouri, Dimitrios Vandarakis, Vyron Moraitis, Georgios-Angelos Hatiris, Paraskevi Drakopoulou, Manolis Arapis & Vasilios Kapsimalis. Published online: 20 Sep 2023. 161 Views. 1 CrossRef citations. 0 Altmetric. Browse the latest articles and research from Physical Geography.

  21. Physical Geography

    Call Number: Baker-Berry GB 400.3 .E53 2004 v. 1 - 2. ISBN: 9780415272988. Geomorphology, the discipline which analyzes the history and nature of the earth's surface, deals with the landforms produced by erosion, weathering, deposition, transport and tectonic processes. In recent decades there have been major developments in the discipline and ...

  22. Human Geography Studies

    Geography is the study of the natural physical environment, including the characteristics of and the arrangement of landforms and the spatial relations of places on Earth as well as the impact of the natural environment and environmental change on humans. As a science, geography has many fields and subfields but the main branches of geography ...

  23. List of issues Physical Geography

    Browse the list of issues and latest articles from Physical Geography. All issues Special issues . Latest articles Volume 45 2024 Volume 44 2023 Volume 43 2022 Volume 42 2021 ... Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. Sign me up. Taylor and Francis Group Facebook page. Taylor and Francis Group X Twitter page.

  24. Space Station Research Advances NASA's Plans to Explore the Moon, Mars

    Space, the saying goes, is hard. And the farther humans go, the harder it can get. Some of the challenges on missions to explore the Moon and Mars include preventing microbial contamination of these destinations, navigating there safely, protecting crew members and hardware from radiation, and maintaining and repairing equipment.

  25. New method makes hydrogen from solar power and agricultural waste

    University of Illinois Chicago engineers have helped design a new method to make hydrogen gas from water using only solar power and agricultural waste, such as manure or husks. The method reduces ...

  26. Physical Activity Guidelines Resources

    All healthy adults aged 18-65 years should participate in moderate intensity aerobic physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes on five days per week, or vigorous intensity aerobic activity for a minimum of 20 minutes on three days per week. Every adult should perform activities that maintain or increase muscular strength and endurance for ...

  27. Supervised physical exercise can improve the well-being of caregivers

    The Ageing On research team has shown that lower back pain in caregivers is significantly improved by a 12-week program of physical exercise A study into professional caregivers of the elderly has ...

  28. Research offers hope and reassurance for adults with eating disorders

    Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain. New Curtin University research has found an inpatient treatment approach can help adults with eating disorders improve not only their physical health, but also ...