Why We Should Give Students a Homework Break Over the Holidays

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I have so many fond memories from holiday seasons growing up: the smell of delicious food being made by my Mexican and Filipino families, warm light on the faces of my relatives, and lots of laughter. As I got older, though, things changed—mostly because I had so much homework to do.

Instead of joking with our relatives at the holidays, my brother and I would often sequester ourselves at the edge of the room, thick textbooks open and pens in our hands. Sometimes, we’d miss events altogether. When we did attend, the ramifications could be intense. During one spring break, I chose to go to an Easter party with my family. But by midnight, I was stress-weeping because I had so much work to do by the next day.

As a teacher, I now understand the temptation to give work over school breaks. There never seems to be enough time to do the projects or read the texts I’d like to with my kids, and asking students to work or read during breaks eases that crunch. I also worry that my students will lose some of their learning in the weeks they are gone.

Recently, though, my school created a new homework policy that, among other things, encourages us to avoid giving students work over extended school breaks. Our administration cited studies that raise questions about the benefits of hefty doses of homework.

I worried about how this new plan would affect my curriculum pacing, and about what my students might “lose.” But I realized that my concerns were really about my desires, not what was best for my students.

The new policy led me to re-evaluate my assignments and timing, and I ended up being able to make adjustments so my kids could complete necessary projects without working when they should be recharging. I’d worried about my students’ learning, but recent research challenges our long-held belief that students’ learning “slides” significantly over long breaks.

Taking the stress of homework out of my students’ holiday breaks is important. They deserve an opportunity to relax and rejuvenate as much as I do—particularly if they are overscheduled to begin with. Young or old, we all need rejuvenation time. In addition, more studies are demonstrating the benefits of down time for students. Having unstructured time recharges them, but also allows their brains to build connections that strengthen and improve their executive functioning.

We need to be mindful of other factors that complicate homework assignments over holiday breaks. We don’t always know what our students’ lives are like outside our classrooms. Do they struggle with access to the resources necessary to complete assignments? Do they have stressful home situations?

Here are a few ways we can send our students off on a positive note when they leave us for holiday breaks. I’m trying them myself this winter!

Provide activities that support students reconnecting with themselves, their loved ones, or their community.

While we want to avoid giving mandatory work to students, we can offer opportunities and ideas for learning-friendly activities they can do during their break. Maybe that’s an optional/extra credit project that asks students to interview a family or community member (though we should also provide time after break for those who couldn’t work over break). Or maybe we can offer students some ideas about how they could use their time to take care of themselves or their communities. We could provide reflection questions once they’re back from break, to help them find meaning in the experience. Encouraging students to use their time to volunteer or take care of themselves allows us to help our kids grow not just as students, but as people.

Offer opportunities to find a new passion, set goals, or reflect.

While some students may travel or connect with family, some of our kids may have a lot of free time over their break. We can encourage them to use the time to set goals for the year, dream big and draw or write their five-year plan (remind them this is for fun and plans will change!), or reflect on their year or life so far. We can also encourage students to discover something they’re passionate about, or use the time to pursue something they love.

Deepen your relationships with students and allow them to open up to you.

Sometimes, our kids are simply not given the space to dive deeply into something that lets them tell us who they are. Give students a project that allows them to explore their identity or have them write a story about their lives. This will not only provide some critical thinking, reading, or writing enrichment, but more importantly will provide valuable insight into our students’ lives and help us build deeper connections with our students. We can return the favor by completing the project ourselves or writing a story and sharing it with them.

After the break, see what stuck with students.

Instead of returning from break with the mindset of what was “lost,” give students a chance to share everything they remember from the last unit. Instead of assuming they all had a great time they want to share, welcome kids back with an opportunity to celebrate the experiences that stuck with them from their breaks. Help students generate a class-created study guide so they can review what they learned before the break. This gives them space to support one another and remind each other what they learned, as well as gives us an opportunity to praise students for what they’ve retained. It also provides important feedback for us on what stuck over the break and what we need to reteach.

Ultimately, our students look to us not just for academic growth, but to support their growth as human beings as well. Taking away homework stress over break may cause us to change our short-term plans, but providing them with opportunities and resources instead can have some long-term benefits that can change their self-perception and their lives more than a packet of homework ever could.

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Why Homework Is So Important Essay

Education plays an important role in ensuring children are taught career, survival and intellectual skills that will enable them to live comfortably in the future. Learning institutions have been established to ensure everyone goes to school and gets the required knowledge essential for human survival.

These learning institutions have come up with various programs aimed at ensuring that students make good use of their time while attending schools and also when out of classes. Homework and holiday assignments are the most common tasks that students are given when they are not in school to enhance their learning.

However, the debate continues to rage on regarding the importance of homework to students. The discussion below outlines the significance of homework to the development of the learning process of a student. Every human being has a unique ability to grasp various ideas and information depending on their age, exposure to different environments and levels of interests.

This makes it very impossible for every student to grasp all concepts being taught in class by their teachers. Therefore, when students are given homework, they can take time and study the concepts they did not understand during normal class time, and this makes them be at the same level with other students (Bader 12). Homework plays an important role in ensuring that students can learn at the same pace.

The fact that students have different abilities to memorize what they were taught means that their levels of learning differences and when they are given the same homework slow learners can catch up with fast learners, and this ensures they all stand equal chances of competing effectively.

Also, ninety percent of students are in their active stages of life, and therefore they like playing very much. These plays make students forget what they were taught during the day as their minds are occupied with games and other entertainment activities. When these students are given homework, they have limited time to attend to other activities like games and sports.

It is well known that all children and young adults like playing very much and when left idle they can spend the whole day playing at the expense of their education. Homework plays an important role in ensuring they are kept very busy and indulge in games only after they have finished their work.

Furthermore, homework enables students to make their studies and identify areas they did not understand very well. Sometimes students tend to cheat in their examinations and other class assignments by coping from others, and this earns them false grades.

However, when they are given homework they are not able to copy from their friends and in fact, they make all efforts to ensure they put their brains at work to answer all questions assigned (Bader 134). Therefore, teachers can identify areas that their students did not understand well and go over them again by organizing remedial classes.

Students are also able to identify topics that were not understood and seek the necessary assistance from their teachers. Moreover, homework enables students to be busy during their free time and avoid indulging in bad behavior. The fact that an idle mind gives way to irrational thinking should sound an alarm bell to all parents and students who shy away from homework.

When students are kept busy with homework, they will be in a position to avoid indulgence in bad behavior like drug abuse and premarital sex. When students are given homework, they get prepared for future career obligations that involve assignments and duties out of office.

This offers them an opportunity to develop the flexibility to time schedules and roles assigned in the future when they are employed. Also, they will be in a position to schedule their work programs effectively to meet all the demands of their jobs.

Lastly, homework enables students to read widely regarding other topics to be covered by their teachers. Assignments that are designed to give students an insight into their forthcoming topics makes them mentally prepared for other “hard topics,” and this makes them understand the concepts of such topics with ease (Bader 134).

Some homework is meant to break down complicated topics into subtopics that are easily covered and understood by students within the shortest time possible. Therefore, homework enables teachers and students to take the shortest time possible to handle complicated topics.

However, despite the above benefits associated with homework, there are other factors that make them ineffective in performing their intended roles in students’ developments. The first reason that disqualifies the suitability of homework to access student’s intelligence is the fact that in most cases homework assigned to students is not done by them.

Students ask their elder siblings to do their assignments for them as they sit and chat while watching television. When the teachers mark the assignments, they are pleased to note the outstanding performance by their students. However, the same students register low grades when examinations and assignments are done within the school compound.

Therefore, homework does not help teachers in assessing students’ understanding of various concepts. Also, it does not offer reliable criteria to test the students’ ability to remember and present the ideas learned from teachers. Secondly, students are usually very tired after spending the whole day in class and require time to relax and think of other things that may distract their attention from books for a while.

Over concentration on books and academic materials exposes the students to risks like developing obesity due to their inactiveness. It is known the world over that too much work without play or exercise makes an individual very dull and thus ineffective. Most students are usually between the ages of five years and twenty-seven, and they are still growing and developing (Bader 134).

For them to develop their physical fitness, they need time to indulge in sports and games to ensure their bodies get enough exercise. Moreover, the mind needs some time to reflect on other things and enable the brain and the blood vessels to relax as the student reduces pressure from thinking about school assignments and tests.

It is estimated that homework and other assignments are responsible for a huge percentage of causes of stress and depressions in many youths. This is due to the pressure to finish their homework in time and deliver quality results that drive most students to concentrate on them and ignore meals and stay awake the whole night.

Human beings have varying degrees of learning and memorizing, and thus homework helps students to ensure they do not forget what they were taught. It enables students and teachers to identify the study areas that need more attention. However, it should not compromise the students’ time to indulge in other equally beneficial activities like sleeping and exercising.

Works Cited

Bader, John. Dean’s List: Eleven Habits of Highly Successful College Students. Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 14). Why Homework Is So Important. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homework-significance/

"Why Homework Is So Important." IvyPanda , 14 Mar. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/homework-significance/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Why Homework Is So Important'. 14 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Why Homework Is So Important." March 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homework-significance/.

1. IvyPanda . "Why Homework Is So Important." March 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homework-significance/.


IvyPanda . "Why Homework Is So Important." March 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/homework-significance/.

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Short Essay on Importance of Homework [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Our today’s session is targeted to discuss writing essays on the topic of the ‘Importance of Homework.’ Here, you will have a holistic idea after going through three different sets of essays on this topic covering different word limits.

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Short essay on importance of homework in 100 words, short essay on importance of homework in 200 words, short essay on importance of homework in 400 words.

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Homework is the work that students get assigned to do at home. It can often include going through the chapters that have already been taught at school, answering questions related to those chapters as well as writing assignments to increase one’s knowledge. Doing homework is very important because it helps students understand chapters better.

It makes them memorise important details and realise if they have any doubts regarding the chapters. It can also improve their reading and writing skills. If students don’t practice at home, they may forget whatever they have been taught in class. However, it is important to not give students too much homework. Excessive homework can burden young kids, making them lose their interest in learning. When given in the right amount, homework helps a student learn and perform better. 

Students often get a lot of classwork as well as homework to do. Classwork is the work students do in class while homework is the work that students are asked to do at home. Usually, homework includes going through whatever has been taught in class and answering questions related to the same. It can also include making students read a chapter that is meant to be taught in class next.

This helps students understand the chapter better and see if they are able to understand new concepts by themselves. Practising at home also improves their reading and writing skills. It makes them memorise important details and realise if they have any doubts regarding the chapters. 

Sometimes, students complain about getting too much homework. Excessive homework can burden young kids and make them lose interest in learning. Even if they finish all the work, they may do it just for the sake of finishing it instead of trying to learn in the process. It is important to give students the right amount of homework that may help them learn better without burdening them or stressing them out.

Students also must understand that doing homework is important and benefits them. It makes them memorise important details and realise if they have any doubts regarding the chapters. Homework makes students learn and perform better. This in turn helps them secure good grades. 

When students go to schools or colleges to study, they are often given a lot of classwork and homework. Classwork is the work students do in class while homework is the work that students are assigned to do at home. Teachers usually explain new chapters to students in class and show them how to solve problems. But a class is at most an hour long and one cannot practice a lot in an hour.

For this reason, students are given assignments to do at home. Homework can include going through the chapters that have already been taught at school, answering questions related to those chapters as well as writing assignments to increase one’s knowledge. Sometimes, teachers also ask students to read a chapter at home before it is taught in class. This helps students understand the chapter better and see if they are able to understand new concepts by themselves. 

Practising at home improves the reading and writing skills of students. It also helps them memorise important details and understand if they have any doubts regarding the chapters. At times, students complain about getting a lot of homework and do not want to do it. Too much homework can often burden children and make them lose interest in learning new things.

Even if they finish all the work, they may do it just for the sake of doing it instead of trying to learn something from it. This would then make homework meaningless. Students should have the time to play and engage in other fun activities apart from studying, or else they may feel dull and sad. It is important to give students the right amount of homework so that it doesn’t burden them. 

Students must also understand that doing homework is important for them and benefits them. If they want to understand and learn a chapter better, they must do their homework diligently. If they want to perform well in tests and examinations, homework prepares them for that as well. Since there is no teacher to discipline the student when he does the homework given to him, it also develops a sense of personality responsibility and discipline in the student.

He must control his urges to go play outdoors or get busy on his computer and focus on doing the homework. It also helps him develop time management skills as he needs to finish the work assigned to him in a limited amount of time. All of these things help students develop good habits and skills that help them throughout their lives. 

In this session, I have tried to write the essays in very simple language that all kinds of students can easily understand. If you still have any doubts post them in the comment section below. Keep browsing our website for more such sessions. 

Connect us on Telegram to get all the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you. 

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paragraph on importance of holiday homework

Essay on Holiday for Students and Children

500+ words essay on holiday.

Holidays are very important parts of everyone’s life, be it a student or a working person. Everyone deserves to take a break from the monotony to rejuvenate and maintain their health. Holidays help us do exactly that.

Essay on Holiday

Other than that, a holiday allows us to complete all our pending work. Nowhere will you find a person who dislikes holidays. From a school going toddler to your house help, everyone looks forward to holidays and see them as a great opportunity to relax and enjoy .

Importance of Holidays for Students

When one thinks about what a holiday means for students, we notice how important it is for the kids. It is a time when they finally get the chance to take a break from studies and pursue their hobbies.

They can join courses which give them special training to specialize in it. They can get expert in arts, craft, pottery, candle making and more. Furthermore, they also make new friends there who have the same interests.

In addition, students get to visit new places on holiday. Like during summer or winter holidays , they go with their families to different cities and countries. Through holidays, they get new experiences and memories which they remember for a lifetime.

Furthermore, it also gives them time to relax with their families. Other cousins also visit each other’s places and spend time there. They play games and go out with each other. Moreover, students also get plenty of time to complete their homework and revise the syllabus.

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Importance of Holidays for Working People

Holidays for working people are somewhat similar to what they mean for students. In fact, they carry more importance to them than students. Though they are adults, they also yearn for the holidays. Why so? They do not get as many holidays as students do.

Most importantly, the holiday no matter how little it gives them a great chance to relax. More so because they work tirelessly for so many hours a day without a break. Some even work when they get home. This makes their schedule very hectic and gives them little time to rest. A holiday fills the gap for this rest.

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Similarly, due to such a hectic schedule working people get less time to spend with their family. They get distanced from them. Holidays are the perfect chance to strengthen their bonds and make amends.

In other words, a working person needs holidays for the smooth functioning of life. Without holidays they will face pressure and won’t be able to be productive when they work non-stop. After all, when a person earns, they must spend it on something recreational from time to time so they also remain happy and work happily.

Thus, we see how holidays play an important role in maintaining a great balance between our work and play. We must try to make the most of the holidays and spend them wisely so we do not waste time. Never waste a holiday as they are very few in number where you can actually, rest or utilize it properly.

Q.1 What importance does a holiday hold?

A.2 A holiday is one of the most important parts of anyone’s life. It brings joy and comfort to everyone. Everyone loves holidays as they give them time to relax and enjoy themselves with their families.

Q.2 How can one spend their holidays?

A.2 There are many ways to spend a holiday. You can pursue your hobby and take professional classes to master the art. Furthermore, you may also travel the world and discover new places and experiences to get more exposure.

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Importance of Holiday Homework

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Gone are the days when kids used to spend their vacation time in a care-free manner, without a worry in the world! With flats and apartments becoming the norm of the day and with most parents becoming working parents, more and more it is seen that kids are being left to their own devices, to find entertainment and engage themselves. Thus, with time on hands and without any constructive activity to involve themselves in, children are turning to the TV, their computers and their mobiles to spend time. There are also instances when parents themselves are asking the school and teachers to give their children Holiday Homework, so that they can be gainfully engaged for sometime at least. Hence, Holiday Homework has become inevitable and what’s more it is here to stay!

Is Holiday Homework really good? Does it serve any good? What purpose does it serve? Let us take a look at the advantages of setting children Holiday Homework during vacations.

Delhi School of  Excellence, enjoys a top ranking position as one of the  best CBSE schools in the Twin Cities of Hyderabad . It was one of the forerunners amongst the schools in the Twin Cities to adopt the online system of education and thus enjoyed the privilege of being able to offer the best online classroom experience.

Holiday Homework  has always been a tradition at Delhi School of Excellence. The Management and the Faculty opine that Holiday Homework reinforces the concepts taught and makes learning and comprehension of difficult concepts easier. We list out the various reasons, showcasing the benefits of Holiday Homework.

Quality learning time:  Holiday Homework helps students learn and practice difficult concepts taught during the year that have life-long importance and will benefit the students in their future years. They can deal with this learning without pressure and at a steady pace.

Ensures Continuity:  Research has proved that students who attend to a little academic work every day, steadily, find it easier to cope with the challenges of academic work when compared with those students who tend to do away with academic work completely during vacations. Thus, Holiday Homework ensures that students attend a certain amount of academic work for a fixed time regularly.

Healthy Routine:  Attending and attempting a fixed routine always ensures good health, both physically and mentally. Following a routine ensures that children adhere to a fixed schedule which will keep their minds away from confusion.

Teaches Value of Time:    ‘All play and no work makes Jack fritter away his valuable time’! Rather than allow your child to spend the entire day in play, a certain amount of academic work is set at a fixed time every day which will help your child learn the value of time. He will learn to respect both his play time as well as his study time if you introduce him to a fixed routine. Setting realistic, achievable academic targets for him to realise would be even better! This would help him learn to honour deadlines and learn and appreciate the value of time.

Teaches Independent Work:  At home, your child is working alone and independently without the supervision and guidance of the Mentor and the support and companionship of his classmates. So attending Holiday Assignments calls for creativity and independence from the student and fosters  a sense of freedom in the minds of the students. It teaches your child to work independently. This can prove to be a great confidence booster, particularly when it is coupled with positive results and can encourage the child to work independently.

Fosters Togetherness:  Holiday Homework can be fun family time! Your child doesn’t have to sit in a closed room to do his homework. He can sit at the dining table to do his homework or in the verandah with the family around him. This will ensure the warmth and the much needed family time that is so essential. Sometimes, the parents can get involved and help their child do the holiday homework and this will ensure that the bonding between family members becomes stronger.  Hence, we find that Holiday homework is a great way to nurture quality family time.

Thus, we find that Holiday Homework is truly beneficial and features a lot of advantages. Delhi School of Excellence, the  top CBSE school in Hyderabad , differs from other schools in the quality of the Homework that it sets the students. Extensive reading of stories and then writing them out in their own words, memorising multiplication tables, solving sums, practical demos of science experiments followed by recording the observations, maintaining journals while travelling are some of the fun Holiday Homework assignments that students are given during vacations. They are the perfect amalgamation of work and enjoyment. Such features make Delhi School of Excellence the  best school  to be in. There are three branches at Banjara Hills, Attapur or Manikonda. All three are equally good. Come to Delhi School of Excellence and be assured that your children are pursuing their education at one of the  Best CBSE schools in Hyderabad .

Holiday Homework — It’s Essential!

Holiday Homework — It’s Essential!

Amongst many teachers and parents, homework is a pretty hot conversational topic. While some believe that homework is an essential part of the school experience, others think it's a waste of our children’s time.

It’s not always easy to know what’s best for your child when it comes to schooling, but at William Clarence Education, we’re big supporters of homework – particularly when it comes to the holiday season. Here’s why.

The Summer Break Lasts A Long Time…

The long summer break is a great opportunity to spend quality time together as a family, but it can also lead to your child being intellectually understimulated. In an age of social media and Netflix, it’s easier than ever for our youngsters to spend their downtime frying their brains in front of screens. While every child should be allowed their own time to relax and recover from the stresses of school, it’s important not to let that behaviour dictate their entire summer break. Holiday homework provides the perfect opportunity to keep their "school brain" ticking over, and keeps them challenged and stimulated.

Preparing For University Life

As our children grow up, homework becomes a more important part of their schooling, allowing them to develop vital skills such as independent research. It also helps them to prepare for the demands of a university career. Many undergraduate degrees will involve a lot of directed learning, but others will rely upon the students going away and spending their own time reading, researching and writing. One way to begin learning these skills is through holiday homework assignments while your child is still in school.

Learning Outside the School Environment

When a child struggles at school, it often has less to do with their academic potential than with social distractions – and the manner in which they are taught. Put plainly, the school environment is not always conducive to learning. For this reason, homework over the holidays can be the perfect opportunity for your child to catch up on work they have missed or found too challenging. If your child is really struggling, you might even consider private tuition – educational consultancy services around the London and the UK, such as William Clarence Education, can supply excellent private tutors who will specialise in home schooling and exam preparation.

The key thing to remember when it comes to holiday homework is balance. Your child deserves a break during which they can enjoy themselves and have some freedom, so opt for a fair working schedule that is flexible around their needs.


William Clarence Education is the leading education advisory and consultancy service in the UK. With an unrivalled reach into the UK Schooling and University network, we help and advise families from around the world to reach their maximum potential and gain access to the very best of British education.  

William Clarence put the student’s needs and welfare at the centre of every programme of study we deliver with a focus on integrity and discretion.  Services include UK School and University Placement, Residential Tutoring, Oxbridge Application, US College Admission and Homeschooling. 

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Vendredi 15 janvier 2021, benefits of holidays & importance | writing , essay, introduction, importance of holidays for students, importance of holidays for working professionals, benefits of holidays.

  • Holidays serve as busters of natural tension.
  • Offer your family and friends free time to spend with them.
  • Kids get some extra time to play and celebrate.
  • Give yourself time to read the book that you want to read.
  • You can also complete any pending school or office work if you wish.
  • It gives you time to talk over the phone with old friends.
  • You play and you remain satisfied, which is good for your wellbeing.
  • A time to make and begin to execute future plans.
  • Socialize by visiting relatives and friends.
  • With family and friends, watch your favorite movie.
  • For forthcoming working days, holidays recharge you.

paragraph on importance of holiday homework

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Paragraph on Holiday

Everyone wants to get some relief from their busy schedule. Our metabolism even requires some time to relax. The holiday provides the best time to relax and pursue our favorite hobbies. We have poured all the interesting facts about the holiday in the paragraphs mentioned below. Kindly go through it.

Short and Long Paragraph on Holiday

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

A holiday is an awaited break from a busy life. Everybody wants some time to relax from the monotonous schedule. Whether it is one day leave or a couple of days, everyone spent it well. Holidays are also important for working people as important for students.

Working people utilize their holidays in relaxation, finishing other important work, or spent it with family and friends. For students, it provides the joy of being at the home and not attending the school or college. They don’t have to get up early and rush for the school.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

The holiday is the best time to rest and to chase hobbies. Holiday brings joy and a sense of comfort to everyone. One could use their holidays in many ways. After a busy schedule workaholic wants some time to spend with their family and for their self-rejuvenation. They plan trips with their family and friends. It is scientifically proved that a break in between working life is helpful for reducing work stress.

In school life summer vacation, winter vacation and festive vacation are considered the longest break from their academic session. A single Sunday is also as important as other breaks. It provides a break from their regular studies, parents plan movies and other engaging activities for their kids. A relaxing day is like detoxification of mind and body.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

Holiday, the name even provide consent of relief and relaxation in students and working people .  A single Sunday or single national holiday even refill joy in people. A long break from routine provides ample of opportunities to chase for students and working people. They get time to stay at home and follow their hobbies. In working life 4-5 days leave is sufficient for boosting up people’s energy to starting with a new zeal.

Holidays are Loved by Everyone

We all love holidays, the reason is simple everyone wants to sit back at home spent a day without any tension. We all get time for finishing our pending talks and school home works. Holidays are loved by students as they spent a lot on playing and watching Television. Parents organize family trips and picnic for their kids. Family members whether they are working or non-working love to be together on the holiday.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

Holiday’s are the best days to be with family and friends. Everybody eagerly observes the calendar for the days of the holiday. We love to be at home and utilize the days of relaxation. Kids wait for their parents to spend sometimes with them. This innocent wish of kids is fulfilled by the holidays of their parents. People of every age and profession wait for the holiday. Children also find happiness for not getting dressed up for school.

How to Spend Long Holiday: A Long Holiday can be enjoyed by planning a trip with family and friends. Students can join hobby classes and help their parents in daily work. Parents can develop a habit of regular study and yoga or fitness activities during a long vacation. Visiting grandparents’or cousins’ place can also be a good idea for spending a vacation.

How to Spend 1-2 Day Holiday: The best utilization of short or one day holiday is relaxation and spending time with family members. For working women, healthcare and skincare can be the best method for utilizing a holiday. Parents can help their kids in their studies and homework. Staying at home and spending time with family members is the best holiday plan one could get.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

Holidays can also be called as stress busters for the people. The regular rush of life needs some days to relax. Holidays are welcomed and long-awaited for all.

What one could get from the Holidays?

There are many benefits of holidays. One could derive a source of joy and happiness from the days of relaxation. Let’s have a look at the amazing perks of holidays:

  • Mental Peace: One could derive mental peace and calm by being at home and spending some time with their loved ones. The time spent on trips and other recreational activities provides a feeling of happiness and calm.
  • Social Activities: One could enjoy with their family and friends’ by organizing a party or visiting some friends’place. The feeling of being around with people of the same wavelength is recharging the minds.
  • Family outing: People can plan a family outing with their friends and family.  Parents can plan a visit to an amusement park or similar activities for their kids.

Every person needs some time for recreational moments; earning money is important for livelihood but for the smooth functioning of life a break is required. The mental stress can be released by the days of relaxation. A holiday is important for students and working people both. They both get some time to spend with their family and finish their remaining tasks.

A vacation spend on traveling can give a lifelong impression on our minds. A Sunday can bring mental refreshments for the next working days. Everybody seeks for a weekend for relaxation.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. People enjoy holidays by staying at home, watching TV programs and reading books.

Ans. The three national holidays of India are Independence Day, Republic Day and Gandhi Jayanti.

Ans. Sunday is a day which holds holiday every week.

Ans. From 1843 Sunday was started marking as holiday.

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Paragraph on Holiday

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Holiday in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Holiday in 100 Words

Holidays are fun times when we don’t have to go to school. We can play, rest, and spend more time with our family and friends. On holidays, we can wake up late and do things we like such as drawing, reading, or playing games. We can also visit new places like parks, zoos, or museums with our parents. Sometimes, we have special holidays like Christmas or Halloween when we get presents or wear fun costumes. Holidays make us happy because they give us a break from school and let us enjoy fun activities. They are the best part of the year!

Paragraph on Holiday in 200 Words

Holidays are the best part of the year for everyone, especially for school-going kids like us. They are the days when we don’t have to wake up early for school and get a break from homework. Holidays can be on special days like Christmas, New Year, or summer break. On these days, we can do a lot of fun things. We can play our favorite games, read interesting books, or spend time with our families. Sometimes, we go on trips to new places, like the beach or the mountains. Holidays are also the time to learn new things like painting, dancing, or cooking. We can also help our parents at home. We can spend time with our friends, have sleepovers, and share our favorite snacks. It is the time when we can watch our favorite cartoons or movies without worrying about school work. Holidays give us a chance to relax and enjoy. They help us to recharge and get ready for the school days ahead. We all wait for holidays because they bring a lot of joy and happiness. They are like a treat for all the hard work we do during our school days.

Paragraph on Holiday in 250 Words

Holidays are a special time for everyone, especially for students like us. They are days when we can take a break from the usual routine of school and homework. It’s a time for relaxation, enjoyment, and to explore new things. The best part about holidays is that we get to spend quality time with our family and friends. Some of us go on trips to exciting places, while others stay at home, enjoying the comfort of their own space. Holidays are also a great time to pursue hobbies. If you love painting, you can spend your day creating a beautiful piece of art. If you enjoy reading, you can lose yourself in the pages of an interesting book. Besides enjoyment, holidays also provide an opportunity to learn outside the classroom. You can learn about different cultures if you travel or you can learn new skills like cooking, gardening or even playing a musical instrument. A holiday can also be a time to help others. You can spend a day at a local charity or help your parents with house chores. In short, holidays are not just about taking a break from school, but also about developing ourselves in different ways. So, next time when you’re on a holiday, remember to enjoy, learn, and contribute to your personal growth.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

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Class 3 Holiday Homework: Session 2024-25

paragraph on importance of holiday homework

  • Updated on  
  • Apr 20, 2024

Class 3 Holiday Homework

Class 3 Holiday Homework: Holiday homework plays an important role in the academic life of a student. The main purpose of these homework assignments is to engage the students and help them to learn the concepts outside the classroom. To serve this purpose teachers prepare special holiday homework assignments for the students to keep their sharp minds engaging and to explore their interests and creativity.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Class 3 Holiday Homework Do’s and Dont’s 
  • 2 Class 3 Holiday Homework For English 
  • 3 Class 3 Holiday Homework For Mathematics
  • 4 Class 3 Holiday Homework For EVS 
  • 5 Class 3 Holiday Homework For Computer

Class 3 Holiday Homework Do’s and Dont’s 

Students are required to read the following instruction list of Do’s and Dont’s before starting their homework:

1. Listen to instructions: Listen carefully to what the teacher says or writes about homework.

2. Schedule your time: Set aside a specific time and place for homework where you can concentrate and concentrate.

3. Gather your supplies: Make sure you have all the necessary books, papers and supplies before you start.

4. Be organized: Keep your room tidy and organised to avoid distractions.

5. Ask for help if necessary: ​​If you run into a problem, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher, parents, or classmates for help.

6. Work independently: Try to complete homework on your own to develop your skills and understanding.

7. Check your work: Before you submit your homework, check your answers to make sure they are correct and complete.

8. Rest: If you feel tired or frustrated, take a short break to rest and recharge before returning to your homework.

9. Stay positive: Be positive and remind yourself that you can do it.

10. Celebrate your accomplishments: When you finish your homework, take some time to celebrate your efforts and efforts.

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Class 3 Holiday Homework For English 

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Class 3 Holiday Homework For Mathematics

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Class 3 Holiday Homework For EVS 

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Class 3 Holiday Homework For Computer

Learning more about Computers can be fun with holiday homework for computers. Let us learn some important and interesting questions on the Computer for Class 3 holiday homework. 

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Ans. To plan your holiday homework effectively, follow these steps: – Make a list of all the assignments and projects you need to complete during the holidays. – Prioritize the tasks based on their due dates and level of difficulty. – Break down each task into smaller, manageable steps. – Create a realistic schedule, allocating specific time slots for each task. – Factor in breaks and leisure activities to avoid burnout. – Gather all the necessary materials and resources you’ll need. – Set up a dedicated study space that is conducive to learning. – Consider working on the most challenging tasks first while you’re fresh. – Stay organized and track your progress regularly.

Ans. Holiday homework can be beneficial for students if assigned and approached correctly. Here are some potential advantages: It prevents learning loss and keeps students’ minds engaged during the long break. – It develops time management and self-discipline skills. – It allows students to explore topics of interest in greater depth. – It provides an opportunity for independent learning and research.

Ans. To write a plan for a holiday, follow the steps: – Start by listing all the tasks, assignments, and projects you need to complete during the holidays. – Estimate the time required for each task and prioritize them based on due dates and importance. – Create a calendar or schedule, allocating specific time slots for each task. – Factor in breaks, leisure activities, and family commitments to maintain a healthy work-life balance. – Identify the resources and materials you’ll need for each task and ensure you have access to them. – Set realistic goals and deadlines for yourself, but also allow for some flexibility. – Consider working on the most challenging tasks first when you’re fresh and motivated.

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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