18+ Presentation Design Trends for 2024: Create PowerPoint PPTs With Impact

Looking to knock your next presentation out of the park? Start with one of these design trends that will help you create a PowerPoint presentation with a lot of impact.

Here are some trending examples of current trends and techniques for delivering a modern presentation. From big, bold colors, to photo stories and big backgrounds. There’s no excuse for picking a standard design and delivering a stale, tired presentation anymore. Your audience expects more!

The best thing? If you like any of the examples here, you can download each one from Envato Elements!

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1. Big, Bold Typography

Big, Bold Typography

Nothing grabs attention like a big title with bold letters. That’s exactly what this presentation design trend is all about. To try this design trend, all you have to do is make your titles and headings look bigger on each slide and arrange the content around those big text elements.

The main goal of this approach is to quickly capture your audience’s attention with a big, splashy title. Once you have their attention, persuading them to read the rest of the content on the slide is much easier.

Remember to use a sans-serif font with a clean letter design. A slightly condensed font with all-caps letters would be the perfect choice for this.

2. Aesthetic Vibes

Aesthetic Vibes

Beautiful aesthetic slide designs have been a common choice among specific presentations. Especially when it comes to creating slideshows related to fashion, lifestyle, beauty, and luxury brands, a classy and elegant look does a perfect job of creating a charming vibe across the presentation.

Soft browns, light creamy colors, elegant botanical greens, and pastel colors are common in these aesthetic-style presentation designs. Of course, the slide layouts play an important role too. Make sure to keep a consistent and clean look across the slideshow.

3. Gradient Color Schemes

Gradient Color Schemes

Marketers and designers are slowly moving away from the usual, traditional, and boring corporate-style slide designs and adopting more colorful and vibrant color schemes when designing presentations.

It’s quite a welcome change that makes slideshows look much more attractive and stand out from the crowd. One of the most popular looks in this new trend is using gradient colors for backgrounds and shapes. They do wonders for highlighting the text elements as well as for conveying creativity, inclusivity, and overall an energetic and fun vibe.

4. Retro and Groovy

Retro and Groovy

Being able to create informative presentations combined with a sense of nostalgia and fun is the main reason why this trend has been popular over the past few months. Designers who use this trend often go for various styles of retro-themed looks. Cool 90s vibes, 80s neon color palettes, and 70s groovy psychedelic-style designs are among just a few.

A retro and groovy presentation design is not just about making slideshows look fun but they can also be a tool for storytelling and evoking emotions. This makes this an effective trend to be used in presentations related to marketing and promoting brands.

5. Asymmetrical Layouts

Asymmetrical Layouts

This design trend encourages designers to break away from the usual grid and column-based presentation slide designs and experiment with new layout styles.

Creating asymmetrical slide layouts allows you to use your creativity and imagination to create experimental content designs by placing text, images, and shapes on the slides in an unconventional way. This approach often creates more stimulating presentations and a unique experience for the audience with each slide.

6. Full-bleed Images

Full-bleed Images

Using full-bleed images that expand across the entire slide is a design strategy that allows you to create more impactful and emotional presentations that convey a strong message.

This design trend involves using large images as backgrounds to create more visual-centric slides. While it’s quite effective in photography, studio, and portfolio presentations, the key to creating a balanced slideshow is to only include a few full-bleed image slides among other normal slides.

7. Overlapping Elements

Overlapping Elements

Creating slides with overlapping elements, also known as slide layering, is an innovative trend that offers a more dynamic look for modern presentations.

It involves creating slides with objects that overlap with one another. Like text and shapes that overlap with images. Or content blocks that seem out of place. These slides look much more unique and stimulating than most other styles of presentation designs.

8. Flowing Shapes

new trend presentation

One way to make your PowerPoint presentation design stand out is to use flowing shapes. Too often, templates focus on all blocks and rectangles. With a set of flowing shapes, your presentation design will have an immediate impact.

When thinking about this style use a couple of different shapes and build on them. Ovals and circles are rather nice and partial shapes that extend off the screen and provide another option for these shapes with flow and movement.

Use shapes with a bright color or consider tints with a more subtle impact.

The trick to flowing shapes is to use them in such a way that they create visual flow toward text and other important messaging elements in the design. Plan accordingly!

9. Colorful Text Blocks

new trend presentation

If you are working on a presentation design and don’t have a lot of great images, colorful text blocks can be a fun way to show information without feeling too bland.

There are a couple of ways to make this presentation design trend your own:

  • Use color for text blocks that’s part of your brand palette.
  • Use colors that are unique to a specific theme or project.
  • Include limited imagery with color blocks for additional interest.
  • Make sure the color block and text element has high contrast and is easy to read.
  • Use your brand font palette for an even more custom look and feel.

10. Dark Mode

new trend presentation

Dark mode isn’t just for website design. It’s one of those design trends that has crept into almost every facet of design, including presentations.

While this style looks very trendy and modern, it can present some challenges.

Reverse type can be difficult to read in some situations or lighting. Consider bumping up font sizes larger than you normally would. Don’t feel like dark has to mean black. Experiment with other dark color palettes for the base, such as purple or navy.

As long as the overall design has plenty of contrast and is readable, dark mode can be a fun and striking presentation design option.

new trend presentation

If dark mode is a little too dramatic for your PowerPoint presentations, consider an all-gray aesthetic. Gray has a calming feel, is visually pleasing, and is generally easy to read.

You can pair gray with colorful images or accents or go for a full-mode look, such as the example above, with black and white images and just a small hint of color.

This design scheme is trendy and quite elegant for presentations.

12. Image Overlays

new trend presentation

There are generally mixed feelings about how to use images in presentation design. Some people love full-screen large image slides, while others argue that images can get in the way of messaging.

In the middle is this trend – use images with a color overlay. This allows plenty of room for images and text elements with a softer, more subtle feel.

Image overlays can also create a nice element of design and color consistency to help carry a presentation visually from start to finish.

13. High Color

new trend presentation

High-color designs have been popular for a while in other design arenas, and are bleeding over into presentation design now. This style has a very distinct feel with bold, bright, or even more pastel palettes with a lot of color.

It’s not for everyone or every type of presentation message.

But if you are looking for a lighter, more fun style, this presentation design trend can be a good place to start. Use your brand colors for maximum impact here.

14. Minimal Monotone

new trend presentation

On the other end of the high-color spectrum is choosing a monotone color palette for your presentation design. Monotone does not have to mean low color, but you are working with one predominant hue.

The teal choice in the example above is elegant and modern. It has a fresh feel that works nicely with the minimal outline of the rest of the design. Minimal aesthetics with monotone color palettes are the perfect compliments.

15. Muted Images

new trend presentation

If you are looking to make an impact with the presentation design and want to try something totally different, consider muting the images so that they almost fade into the background.

This design style can be a great way to use imagery so that the words on each presentation slide are the true focus. Go a step further and use interesting shapes to direct the eye through slides using this trending style.

16. Blocky Design

new trend presentation

If you want to go for a modern and trendy look and love the feel of geometric shapes, consider a blocky design. Using colored blocks, squares, or rectangles, you can create interesting shapes and configurations that make your PowerPoint presentation dazzle.

This is a true high-design style that can take a lot of effort and is best for smaller slide decks. It might also be easier to design if you start with a template, such as in the example above.

The blocky design style also works well with another trend already featured here – monotone color palettes. A single-color design helps hold all the pieces together for a unified presentation design.

17. Photo Stories

new trend presentation

A presentation design that uses photos to tell stories is a highly engaging and trendy way to share information. To make the most of this presentation design style, create a template with big image areas that pair with simple text elements.

Keep it interesting with photos of different shapes, sizes, and placements in the design. By pairing text elements with image shapes and sizes, you can create a lot of visual interest with a unified style that does not look repetitious.

A photo story presentation design often doesn’t need a lot of other design elements to work beautifully. All ow images to tell your story and keep other design techniques – color, typography, graphics, and icons – to a minimum.

18. Big Backgrounds

new trend presentation

It’s not something we are used to seeing regularly in PowerPoint presentation design – big, bold backgrounds that carry throughout. When done well, an interesting background can make up for a lack of other visual content to help propel a presentation design.

In the example above, the background is made from a simple color palette with blurred shapes. It’s bold and interesting but doesn’t overpower the overall design. That’s the trick to using a style such as this – create interest without overwhelming it.

19. Clean and Simple

new trend presentation

It seems a little weird to call this a trend because clean and simple are the most classic of design styles. But it’s trending because it always works. When in doubt, a simple design for a presentation can be just the ticket.

When creating a clean and simple design, think about developing reusable pieces that you can carry throughout the presentation, such as the shape of a photo or the color of a box. Stick to typefaces that further push this theme with a simple sans serif.

Top Presentation Design Trends of 2022, According to Creative Experts

Jordan Turner

Updated: December 14, 2021

Published: April 26, 2021

In early 2020, the world as we knew it was flipped upside down. Businesses were forced to pivot in the face of the pandemic, and as a result many companies adopted a remote work culture.

A woman using presentation design trends to create a compelling presentation

Remote work changed the way organizations and teams worked — and even how companies communicated to prospective customers and acquired new business. Employees leaned into virtual designs, presentations, and events to communicate both internally and externally.

The graphic design landscape, as a result, has changed dramatically over the past year.

Now, presentations need to work harder than ever to connect, engage, and inspire audiences into action. In fact, over 35 million PowerPoint presentations  are given each day to over 500 million audiences — but 79% of those audiences  believe most presentations they see are boring.

To help you crush your next presentation deck, we've rounded up the top presentation design trends of 2021, as predicted by creative industry experts and presentation power-users.

Here, learn from three creative experts from leading companies in the tech space on the four biggest presentation design trends that will emerge in 2021.

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1. There will be increased empathy found in design.

Marissa Latshaw, Founder of Latshaw Marketing , says: "Impactful, inspiring design starts with empathy.

Empathy is one of the most powerful tools in the creative toolbox. The good news is that empathy — the ability to feel, understand, and respond to the feelings of others — is innate in us all. Our job as creators is to harness this empathy for better design, marketing, and storytelling.

Empathy boosts creativity. The empathy/creativity connection is strong — as shown in many studies over the past decade. One study asked participants to create and name a potato chip  product for pregnant women. Before beginning the task, half of the participants were told to envision how the consumer would feel  while eating the snack. The other half were asked to imagine what the consumer would think . An independent jury found the product concepts of the first, feelings-focused, empathy-activated group to be more original than the control group.

Empathy is also vital for inclusivity. More than ever, we want to communicate with others in a way that is genuinely inclusive. An empathetic approach ensures we understand the goals, needs, fears, and values of all the people we wish to engage (beyond just the way they relate to our brand or product). This is a call for us all to become proactive about inclusivity, and it starts with empathy.

Empathy creates connection. From in-home fitness giant Peloton to the new voice-based, social network Clubhouse , we are constantly finding new and innovative ways to connect with one another.

Both brands demonstrate empathy as they address the palpable and growing need for connection. They re-imagined how we work out and share conversations in a more socially-connected way.

Designing anything — from a presentation to an ad campaign — is no different. Each is an opportunity to reimagine and innovate how we engage and connect with the world.

Empathy helps us to stand out by standing in another's shoes. Creating one-of-a-kind, empathy-driven experiences ultimately brings us closer together and inspires action."

2. Designers will lean into radical simplicity.

Eliot Garcia Weisberg, Creative Director at Airbnb , talks to us about all things radical simplicity.

He says, "Despite its incredible power to connect us, teleconferencing stunts audience energy and empathy. Attention — already a fleeting resource — is further divided between the screens, speakers, slides, and sounds of the virtual landscape.

The feedback loop from audience to presenter is nearly dead. The impact of environmental design is lost. In our new world, the value of a single pixel on the cluttered screens of remote audiences is immense. And the screens themselves— their quality and colors— vary wildly from member to member.

The key to designing for the 'new normal' is embracing radical simplicity. A designer must reduce a slide to its core idea, then push to simplify even further. They musk ask themselves — 'Do I really need to show this?' Then challenge themselves every time the answer is 'Yes.'

Slide counts will be drastically reduced. Superfluous icons will fade away. Bullets will become a distant memory. Subtle textures will be replaced by solid colors. We'll see a shift away from image masks and bold text over photos. Instead, we'll see full-screen photographs or simple statements that make their point obvious and drive core concepts home.

We'll spend more time on the speaker— full screen— than ever before. Their delivery, from tone to inflection, will become a design element. Rehearsals will replace design reviews. 

The end result will feel much more human. And, if successful, radically simple."

3. Great design will hold the viewers' attention.

"For decades, the job of creative designers, writers, and videographers was to get attention. Cut through the noise. Deliver ads that stand out. Use creativity as a hook," Adam Morgan, Adobe's  Executive Creative Director, says about holding an audience's attention.

He adds, "But in today's ultra-connected digital world, that hammer and nail approach isn't always the answer. People choose what they want. The trend I'm seeing today is to hold attention. Less push and more pull. We have to create experiences that provide real value to an individual — not just catch their attention with shock value or clickbait.

 "We have to create communities where people want to consume our brand experiences. We have to know those individuals and groups, what they care about, and provide new information wrapped in an emotional blanket. We have to stand for things they value."

Rather than a hard sell, we have to share a story that they believe in and be open and transparent with why it matters to them.

What this means for creative teams is that you can't just make it pretty or funny. You have to think deeply about what your brand means to customers and then create immersive experiences that connect. It's no longer just about the creative craft of colors and fonts and icons. It's about stories and meaning and authenticity and purpose. Don't just get attention with your work. Hold  attention. So that you can build brands that grow and last."

4. Designers should use clean, minimalistic fonts and calming colors.

Lastly, we tapped into Beautiful.ai's Creative Director Anuja Kanani's expertise to unravel one more presentation design trend for 2021.

Kanani says, "Choosing the best colors for a presentation, and good presentation fonts, are two of the most important elements of deck design. Each design decision— shapes, words, and images— affect the way your audience feels about the presentation, but colors hold the most influence.

Taking the place of bold, bright primary colors, 2021 has warranted more relaxed, muted colors following the chaos of 2020. Not only are low-saturated and pastel colors more calming, they're more organic and natural, perhaps making audiences feel more at ease and confident in the presentation in front of them.

Using a consistent, complimentary color theme strategically can help position your brand in the mind of your customers," adds Kanani. She recommends limiting your presentation to 3-4 colors in your palette, with one accent color to highlight key points and bring balance and harmony to your presentation.

3 different color options that complement each other, all pastels (light blue, peach, and dark blue)

The trend of minimalism extends to good presentation fonts, too. Seasoned presenters are opting for clean minimal fonts, such as Open Sans or Jost, and rejecting traditional fonts like Arial or Times New Roman in 2021.

Kanani adds, "Custom typography improves your brand recognition, while selecting different weights or styles can help control the narrative on each slide."

Presentation Graphics

You've probably caught onto the fact that over-complicated slides are a thing of the past. Studies show  that 35% of millennials say they will only engage with content they feel has a great story or theme, so to avoid boring them into a snooze, use visuals to control your narrative.

Presentation graphics, or rich visuals, can help you paint a picture in bite-sized chunks so that your audience can digest the information you're presenting to them.

Kanani says, "Engaging, inspiring visuals in presentations make your content compelling, eye-catching, and helps convey your story beautifully."

Choosing rich icons, diagrams or infographics, and quality photos are powerful tools to help make your presentation more memorable and impactful.

graph showing only 35% of millennials say they'll engage with content they feel has a great story or theme

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Presentation Geeks

The Latest Presentation Trends To Keep An Eye On In 2023

Table of contents.

Prese ntations are used in virtually every industry. From teaching and training to sales and marketing, presentations are a vital method of communication that, when used effectively, can have a profound impact on your audience.

Capturing your audience’s attention is key to a great presentation. This often starts with the presentation design and various design elements. Whether it be the color of the background, the type of shapes or elements on each slide, or the overall presentation design, you should be mindful of the design trends in the presentation world.

In this blog, we will explore the hot presentation design trends for 2023 and how you might use them for your business.

Why Is Keeping Up With Presentation Trends So Important?

As we’ve briefly mentioned above, your presentation design can have quite an impact on how your audience engages with the presentation material. When an audience sees a presentation that stands out, it will stick in their mind after the presentation is over. This is what businesses want when it comes to crafting powerful presentations.

If your presentation is bland and stale, your information will feel bland and stale. On the other hand, if your design or visual content is too over the top, it can take away from the information you are trying to convey to your audience.

Striking this balance in your design is key to a successful PowerPoint presentation. Often, presentation trends are popular because they are effective when communicating to an audience while also drawing the eye.

Let's Dive Into Some Of The Latest Presentation Design Trends

A modern presentation usually involves set color palettes, asymmetric layouts, different shape s, and other design elements.

Let’s take a look at a few of the modern presentations and modern design trends for 2023 that you might consider using for your next presentation.

Abstract Shapes That Dominate Slides

new trend presentation

One of the popular presentation design trends taking over the digital world right now is abstract and geometric shapes. Whether you’re creating a Google Slides, Prezi, Canva, or PowerPoint presentation design, shapes, and image overlays can be a great way to take your presentations from boring to bold.

In this example here , triangle shapes and images have been used to keep and direct the attention of the audience.

new trend presentation

It’s also important to note that these shapes and elements don’t take away from the content on the slides, rather, they create an engaging slide that piques the viewer’s visual interest and keeps them informed.

Unique AI Generated Motion Graphics & Images

Another design trend we see emerging in 2023 is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Designers utilize programs to create animated graphics, images, flowing shapes, and other design elements.

AI generated graphics can be used to create a unique design and custom images for your business slide decks. This, along with the growing demand for virtual reality likely means we will see increased use of Artificial Intelligence throughout the graphic design industry.

Inclusive Visuals, Graphics and Fonts

A big presentation design trend we have seen in the past couple of years and into 2023 is the use of inclusive visuals. The graphic design industry has seen a big move towards accessibility and inclusivity. This has meant using different shapes, fonts, and images that reflect a more inclusive community.

Not only do these inclusive visuals, graphics, and fonts have visual appeal, but they also mean that your presentations and slides are more accessible to a larger audience.

Modern Minimalism - Say More With Less

new trend presentation

A design trend we are seeing pop up across a lot of different industries is a kind of modern minimalism. The famous saying goes “keep it simple, stupid” and you could argue that the same applies to PowerPoint presentations.

While a trendy PowerPoint presentation design, neon colors, and colorful text blocks might initially grab the eyes, it can also distract your audience and take away from the information you are trying to communicate.

In this example below, we’ve created modern slides for Indigo that lean towards a minimalistic style. The presentation uses their brand palette and custom fonts to great an engaging presentation with a personal touch that doesn’t distract the viewer.

Dark Modes - Sleek and Secure

new trend presentation

One of the popular graphic design trends for 2023 utilizes dark mode and dark backgrounds to make their slides stand out in the crowd without overwhelming the audience.

A dark background and dark theme can create depth in your graphic designs which can pull your audience in.

These dark PowerPoint presentation trends don’t necessarily require you only to use blacks and greys in your color schemes. Instead, you can use different shades of some dark colors that will create a dark mode style of presentation.

T he end result is something that the audience expects but still engages them throughout your presentation.

Making An Impact With Muted Images

new trend presentation

While color palettes, bold color blocks, serif fonts, and other design trends all seem to be on the rise, current presentation design trends have also seen an increased use of muted image overlays.

Muted images are images that have been edited with a filter that dulls the brightness and makes them a bit moodier. Instead of immediately grabbing the eye of the viewer, these images blend more into the background and can create more depth in your presentations.

BIG, Bold Backgrounds

new trend presentation

One last new trend we’ve seen in presentations this year is big, bold style, particularly when it comes to the background. With eye-catching backgrounds, you can immediately grab your audience’s attention and keep them engaged throughout the entire presentation.

While a minimalistic trend may cater to certain audiences, big backgrounds can help you stand out in the crowd.

When it comes to taking design tips, you need to consider your content, your audience, and your overall brand identity. So while nature-inspired themes and geometric shapes might work for some brands, bold colors, big backgrounds, and fun fonts might work for others.

In this example for the Seatle Krakken , we’ve matched the vibe of the sports brand with bright colors and bold backgrounds.

new trend presentation

Do The Presentation Geeks Keep A Finger On The Pulse?

Staying on top of presentation trends and design trends can be time-consuming and hard to navigate. At Presentation Geeks, we pride ourselves on our design knowledge, especially when it comes to building engaging and creative presentation slides.

Whether it’s keeping up with serif fonts, abstract shapes, colorful text blocks, or other design trends, we are able to help your business succeed with on-trend presentations.

Are You Looking To Up Your Presentation Game? Well, Look No Further.

Are you tired of using recycled presentation templates? Does your schedule leave you little time to spend on c reating unique powerpoint presentations ? Do you want to engage audiences, communicate efficiently, and make the sale? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

The team of experienced designers at Presentation Geeks are experts in presentation design and building slide decks that work. We’ve worked with a variety of businesses and entrepreneurs to help them meet their business goals through powerful presentations.

If you’re ready to take your presentation game to the next level, let us help you!

Want to know more? Contact us today to see how the Geeks can meet your business needs!

Author:  Content Team

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Home / Blog / 7 presentation design trends in 2023

7 presentation design trends in 2023

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From Metaverse- and NFT-inspired designs to authenticity, expressive artistry, and boldness, the changes occurring in presentation trends are substantial and numerous. 

As 2023 unfolds, it reveals an unmistakable hunger for realism, inclusion, and relatability in the branding field. Naturally, those who incorporate these traits into their communications designs will stand out, winning the hearts of people and businesses.

We asked our graphic design wizards and pitch deck experts to distill the key broad themes and trends for this year into actionable pieces of advice. These bits of wisdom can serve as your presentation design inspiration, as well as sparking ideas for your brandbook or a pitch deck for VC fundraising .

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7 defining presentation design trends for 2023

As we move into this year, we are witnessing modern aesthetics transitioning from 2022’s maximalism – with its dopamine-spiking colors, nostalgia, and multiple pallets – to 2023’s bold, personal expressionism. 

Let’s zoom in on practical applications of these trending styles and explore how to use them for your PowerPoint slides inspiration (and other purposes).

#1. Expressive & inclusive artistry

Slogan : Key theme of 2023

Expressive artistry embraces the freedom to express a wide range of diverse personalities, characters, and styles. 

This inspiring trend is rooted in society’s obvious desire to connect and relate to each other, which shows itself in the unprecedented spread of authenticity and groundedness in culture.

Expressive & inclusive artistry

How to incorporate it:

  • Choose unique styles loaded with colors and self-expression – think optimistic color palettes, photography, and video influenced by travel, creative progression, and unapologetic individuality.
  • Embrace inclusive design and visuals that represent people of every age, race, gender, orientation, and a range of visible and invisible disabilities as active members of society.
  • Include authentic illustrations with a familiar, homey look and feel.
  • Use bold fonts and expressive visuals.

When it is a great fit: This trend bodes well with consumer brands or mission-driven B2B firms, so consider all direct-to-consumer (D2C) and business-to-consumer (B2C) companies in areas like health or fashion.

Tips : If you’re going for this emotional style, make sure to always complement it with a more plain and unpretentious layout. You can feed your inspiration on websites like Getty Images . And forget about stock images!

#2. 3D realism 

Slogan : Going mainstream

3D realism (not to be confused with 3D illustrations) is here to give objects and people a sense of depth and show that beauty can be found in imperfections.

3D realism absorbs us into its playful and exciting world, where design elements feel even more relatable and close, but in an almost childish way.

3D realism

  • Use an eye-catching, bright color palette with rich use of candy colors.
  • Include characters and objects that look like toys.
  • Make sure visuals have bumpy, plasticine-like surfaces.

When it is a great fit: This trend is great for B2C companies in creative and e-commerce industries, as well as AR/VR startups.

Tips: Look for unique imagery that you can combine with the expressive and inclusive artistry trend. Don’t incorporate this trend if you’re targeting an older audience or work in a serious industry. 

#3. Nature-inspired design

Slogan : Still here

While the refreshing trend of design taking inspiration from nature is still going strong, there have been a few changes in how we go about it. In 2023, this trend will explore new ways to convey tranquility, inner peace, and harmony.

Nature-inspired design

  • Color and photos are no longer enough to create a convincing look and feel. Now you need to add nature-inspired graphic design elements and botanical visuals.
  • Mix together real nature and fictional reality.
  • Go for a minimalist aesthetic with earthy shades and hues.
  • Use muted earth tones, natural materials, textures, and shapes.

When it is a great fit : This approach will align with all environment-focused ESG companies and B2C companies that sell goods and natural cosmetics. 

Tips : To nail this trend, think beyond imagery and look for unconventional ways to incorporate the theme in the layout. This trend works well with vintage and earthy vibes.

#4. Hyper-minimalism & vivid minimalism 

Slogan: Full mainstream Hyper-minimalism is going full mainstream in 2023, all because of its unmatched versatility. This universal theme is a safe yet trendy presentation design idea for pretty much everyone.

Hyper-minimalism & vivid minimalism

  • Get rid of patterns, ornaments, and decorations to create breathing room for what really matters.
  • Focus on primarily white, light beige, and white-ish tints from the color wheel to convey the feeling of cleanliness in its purest form. 
  • Ensure that any areas with color are bold and vibrant – monochrome with a sudden pop of color continues to be an in-demand look.
  • If appropriate, combine this style with 3D realism for more depth and catchiness.

When it is a great fit : This is the only trend that you can apply to any project. However, it has the most success around enterprise B2Bs and “serious” industries like medicine, healthcare, security, hardware, and tech. 

Tips: Use only high-quality visuals. Combine this style with something else (e.g., 3D realism). Don’t be afraid to throw in bold colors. As a rule of thumb, use the famous “Apple look” to guide your hand.

#5. Motion graphics and AI

Slogan : Hit or miss

Our future looks more and more like a blend between real life and Al, AR, VR, and MR. Of course, brands have taken notice and are already leveraging these elements in their visual communication to create fully immersive brand experiences.

Motion graphics and AI

  • Use animated graphics to demonstrate product applications.
  • Convert images to AI-generated graphics. 

When it might be a great fit: This style should work well with startups in VR, AR, Metaverse, Telecom, and creative industries. 

Tips: Start experimenting with AI-generated images, but be careful, as this can be a massive hit-or-miss endeavor. Just be consistent and double down on the practice.

#6. Nostalgia and retro-futurism

Slogan : Weird mainstream

Our collective need for escapism has officially manifested itself in this chaotic, sometimes blatantly trippy graphic design trend that covers the 80s, 90s, and 00s nostalgia from a new angle.

Nostalgia and retro-futurism

• Make a comeback by using grainy textures and serif fonts. 

• Use nostalgia-driven typefaces and dynamic retro color swatches.

• Reimagine risograph printing by using desaturated colors and abstract graphics. 

When it might be a great fit: For some projects targeting Gen Z in the B2C sector; however, we wouldn’t recommend using this style for pitch deck slides design ideas since, in our experience, investors find it difficult to digest. 

Tips : This style requires a lot of custom work and can take time to implement organically. Go about it lightly, experiment with one layout, and use it only when you’re confident it matches your business’s personality.

#7. Dark modes

Slogan: It’s back

Already the go-to for fintech startups, the dark theme is taking over a wide range of industries and will soon become a popular vogue and a persistent trend, especially for app designs. Why? The dark mode is one of the best presentation design ideas for showcasing professionalism, creating a sense of security and certainty, and making your slides stand out.

Dark modes

  • Minimize pure black and consider dark shades of colors like gray.
  • Use less-intense colors to minimize strain on the eyes. 
  • Make sure there’s still enough contrast and color. The theme pairs well with opaque brand elements.
  • When appropriate, pair it with minimalism and non-flat designs.

When it might be a great fit: It meshes well with most B2B companies, specifically ones in the Web3 space, fintech, hardware products, and consumer electronics. 

Tips: Think beyond simple dark modes and use them for sleek UI/UX, product designs, etc.

How do bold and vibrant colors impact presentations?

Color is a powerful tool that affects how humans perceive information. Colors and their combinations hit our emotions way before we even begin to analyze what’s in front of us. Therefore, understanding the psychology behind color allows you to find the perfect context for delivering your idea. The brighter the color, the stronger its emotional charge. Thus, sprinkling bold and vibrant colors throughout your presentation can help establish a stronger emotional connection, create an optimistic mood, and load your message with more power.

How do textured backgrounds enhance the visual appeal of presentations?

Textured backgrounds are a great way to hint at what your content is about or set the desired mood. Textures help to transport a person to a particular place or time; for example, natural textures can remind us of the forest or a desert, while old, paper-like textures take us back to ancient times. But there is a nuance: textured backgrounds only work well when your slides contain a small amount of content. For example, if your presentation is already loaded with text or diagrams, textured backgrounds will make it feel heavy and hard to digest.

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2023 Presentation Design Trends

2023 Presentation Design Trends - by PresentationGO

You have prepared a rock-solid presentation. Now, it’s time to prepare a slide deck that matches your great ideas, products, and stories. In order to impress your audience and leave an unforgettable impression, you need to design brilliant visuals that stand out. To achieve this goal, it is crucial that you are in touch with the latest trends in design. These 2023 Presentation Design Trends will guide you on some of the essential trends for this year that you don’t want to miss.

After two years of pandemic and a huge development in virtual presentations, 2023 is a year full of hope as the world is returning to a new normal. Therefore, knowing the multiple trends in graphic design will help you create the best possible visuals for your specific purposes. A great number of these trends aim at offering clear and memorable slides to your attendees. For instance, forget about long presentations and slides packed with text. Remember that “a picture is worth a thousand words” and make use of minimalist, less-is-more designs. Clean and easy-to-read data visualization charts are also on the rise. Additionally, don’t forget to convey success and optimism with fresh, soothing, and inspiring colors. Consider using natural greens, passionate purples, and pastel hues as they are fantastic options to communicate feelings such as abundance, safety, wisdom, spirituality, and peace.

However, you should not worry about being unoriginal or fashion victims! The 2023 design trends are varied, and you will definitely find an option that fits your field of work, personality, and intentions. To achieve a successful presentation, don’t overlook any element in your visual aids! The choice of images, infographics, fonts, colors, and layouts are all equally important. With this in mind, we are happy to present to you 10 presentation design trends that will inspire your audience in 2023.

1. Short Presentations

Short Presentations - 2023 Presentation Design Trends

The shorter the presentation, the greater the impact! You must indeed focus on the most relevant information and convey them in a striking and effective manner. This implies never losing your attendees’ attention. Social media has transformed the way we relate to information: we want it all and we want it now! Attention span has been widely reduced and this means you need to convey your big ideas in the shortest possible lapse. For a 5 or 10-minute presentation, you generally need no more than 5 or 10 slides. Have a look at our large collection of presentation templates and pick the one that will give the strongest and most lasting impression.

2. Trading Text for Pictures

Trading Text for Pictures - 2023 Presentation Design Trends

Part of the less-is-more philosophy is to replace words by images. Apart from key concepts and big ideas, you should be able to replace text with pictures. These images will illustrate and emphasize your oral presentation. If you combine a visual impact with an auditive one, you can rest assured your ideas will be understood and stored into your attendees’ brains. So take a peek at our collection of templates with picture placeholders to include striking images into your presentation.

3. 3D Charts and Diagrams

3D Charts and Diagrams - 2023 Presentation Design Trends

A clear chart will always be better than just mentioning a number, percentage, or statistic. Your key figures will be remembered more easily by using a clear, colorful, and original infographic. Even better if you use a 3D design: this will indeed bring dynamism to your slides. Time to breathe life and movement into your presentations thanks to our collection of more than one hundred 3D charts and diagrams !

4. Memphis Design

Memphis Design - 2023 Presentation Design Trends

Created in Italy during the 1980s, the Memphis Group has revolutionized design. How? By presenting objects with several bright colors and changing typical geometric shapes for creative and uneven ones. Using this kind of design will convey optimism to your slides and leave no one indifferent. Now take a look at our presentation templates inspired by Memphis design for inspiration!

Doodles - 2023 Presentation Design Trends

Doodles will make your slides fun and human! These simple hand-drawn illustrations really contrast with the classical and sometimes soulless graphics. Although they look childish at first sight, designers have brought professionalism to them so that you can convey serious information in a lighter way. Time to browse our collection of presentation and chart templates with doodle designs .

6. Flat Lays

Flat Lays - 2023 Presentation Design Trends

Flat lays refer to pictures taken directly from above and including an array of carefully arranged objects. These images shots from above have never been more fashionable and there are very good reasons for it. They are not only eye-catching but they also allow you to tell a story thanks to the objects and elements present in the picture. This is our collection of Flat Lay presentation templates . Take your pick!

7. Pastel Colors

Pastel Colors - 2023 Presentation Design Trends

If you don’t like the vibrant colors of the Memphis design, don’t worry: we have another option for you. No need to aggress your attendees’ eyes with too vivid colors: lighter tones can do the trick too! Cheerful pastels are definitely the fashionable colors for 2023. From light reds to pale blues and greens, you can play with these hues to offer eye-pleasing backgrounds. Pastel gradients, mixing several tones, are one of the hottest trends of the moment. Click on the hyperlink and discover our pastel templates and infographic templates.

8. Retro Designs

Retro Designs - 2023 Presentation Design Trends

Seventies, eighties, or nineties: 2023 does not discriminate! The nineties revival is at its peak now, so get ready for a voyage back to the future! Old designs suddenly look young and fashionable again. Why don’t you take the best elements of the past and reinvent them with today’s vision? Have a look at our collection of retro designs for inspiration!

9. Purple Tones

Purple Tones - 2023 Presentation Design Trends

Let the color purple rain over your slides! This mix of red and blue has not always been designers’ favorite but 2023 is definitely a purple year. For instance, Pantone has chosen Very Peri as its color of the year, a dynamic periwinkle blue hue with a vivifying violet red undertone. Remember that purple conveys feelings such as bravery, wisdom and spirituality. Why don’t you try your chance with these presentation templates with purple elements ?

10. Light, Fresh, and Natural

Light, Fresh and Natural - 2023 Presentation Design Trends

Give a breath of fresh air to your visual aids thanks to templates full of natural elements and soothing colors. These combine several of the most important trends of 2002. For instance, this flat lay design with green leaves , this other one with pastel leaves and this one about ecology .

In conclusion, incorporating the 2023 Presentation Design Trends into your visual aids can take your presentation to the next level and leave a lasting impression on your audience. A successful presentation relies on various elements such as concise information, powerful visuals, and creative design. By focusing on the most relevant information and delivering it in a striking and effective manner, attendees are more likely to retain the key ideas. Using images to replace text, incorporating 3D charts and diagrams, and experimenting with design trends such as Memphis, doodles, flat lays, pastels, retro designs, and purple tones can bring life and movement to your presentation. Finally, incorporating natural elements and soothing colors can provide a breath of fresh air and make your visual aids more appealing. With these tips and the vast collection of presentation templates available, you can create a memorable and impactful presentation.

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Top presentation trends to use in 2023

new trend presentation

As we move further into 2023, the world of presentation trends continues to evolve with new and emerging designs. SketchDeck has designed thousands of presentations over the years. Our team of presentation design experts keep working to stay ahead of the curve. We’ve compiled the top presentation design trends in 2023 that will help you captivate your audience and deliver a memorable presentation.

Example of two minimalist slides with limited blue and white color pallet, lots of space between text, and no imagery.

The concept of minimalism has been around for a while and continues to be a top presentation trend. The focus is on simplicity, with a clean and uncluttered layout that allows your message to stand out. Use of whitespace, simple typography, and a limited color palette can help you achieve a minimalist look.

Interactive elements

Interactive elements are not a new presentation trend, but they continue to gain popularity in 2023. Adding interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and clickable infographics can help engage your audience and make your presentation more memorable.

Bold typography

Example of a slide with an eye-catching, classic font choice (similar to times new roman).

In 2023, typography will play a significant role in presentation trends. Bold typography can help emphasize important points, create contrast, and add visual interest to your slides. Sans-serif fonts like Helvetica and Arial will be popular choices for presentation design.

Example of 5 dark mode slides, all with a dark black background and white text.

Dark mode has been a popular trend in app and website design for a while. Now, it has made its way into presentation design trends. Dark backgrounds with light text can help reduce eye strain and create a sleek and modern look.

Motion graphics

Motion graphics are a great way to add a dynamic element to your presentation. They can be used to animate graphs, charts, and other visual elements. In 2023, we will see more use of motion graphics in presentations to add a wow factor and engage the audience.

Custom illustrations

Example of three slides featuring colorful custom illustrations and icons.

Custom illustrations can add a personal touch to your presentation and make it stand out. In 2023, we will see more use of hand-drawn illustrations as a presentation design trend. Above all, custom illustrations can add warmth and a human touch to your presentations.


Example of sustainable postcard that says "You've played a huge role in making the world more human friendly".

As sustainability continues to be a hot topic, we will see more use of eco-friendly design elements in presentations. This includes the use of recycled paper for handouts, reducing paper waste, and using sustainable materials for presentation materials.

Incorporating these top 2023 presentation design trends will help you create engaging and memorable presentations. Whether you’re using PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, or another presentation tool, these trends can help you stay ahead of the curve and make a lasting impression on your audience. So, embrace these trends and make your next presentation a success!

Picture of Ivy Croteau

Ivy Croteau

  • Originally published on April 24, 2023

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new trend presentation

5 Presentation Design Trends to Try in 2023 

5 Presentation Design Trends to Try in 2023 

In any type of design— interior, graphic, or fashion— trends are a revolving door. What’s popular one year might not be prominent in designs the next. Staying on top of these trends keeps your designs fresh and relevant, with a better chance of grabbing the attention of your audience. The same applies to presentations. 

You can pull inspiration from graphic design trends into your presentation. Things like colors, typography, image styles, and layouts can all vary from year to year. And with the principles of good presentation design in mind, it can be fun to test out new design options in your decks without compromising professionalism. 

Here are 5 presentation trends to try in 2023. 

Big backgrounds

In the coming year you can expect to see bigger backgrounds with more impact. This can be background images on every slide, bigger images on title slides, or flowing shapes that complement the slide layout. By using big backgrounds (not to be confused with loud or cluttered backgrounds), you’re demanding your audience’s attention to the slide in front of them.

In Beautiful.ai you can upload slide background images to your theme. For optimal design, you can choose whether it is treated as a light or dark background to ensure legibility, and opt to select one as a default background for all of the slides in the deck.

Modern minimalism

There’s something to be said about a clean, minimalistic presentation. Sure, it looks modern and professional (a win in and of itself). But more importantly, it’s easier to absorb the information being presented to you.

To create a minimalist presentation, keep these design tips in mind;

  • Stick to one idea per slide
  • Avoid lengthy blocks of text
  • Use modern colors that complement each other
  • Only include the most meaningful metrics and information
  • Add modern photos and icons

Unique AI-powered images

Playing around with images— image grids, muted images, branded filters, and image overlays— is nothing new and groundbreaking. We’ve always encouraged people to use images throughout their presentations to lead the story. Why? Most humans are visual learners and will actually retain information better if there is an image associated with what you’re telling them. Plus, going image-heavy on your slides can help break up the dull blocks of texts.

In 2023 we will still see images and videos play a big role in presentation design. However, with evolving technology, the bar for images has gotten higher. With AI on the rise, we’re expecting to see more unique AI-powered images in 2023 and beyond. In anticipation of this trend, we added our new ImageBot (Beta) feature. You can make custom presentation images in seconds with our new AI-powered ImageBot. Simply describe what you're looking for, and let ImageBot create a unique AI image to take your story to the next level.

Bold colors

In up and coming graphic design trends, we’re seeing a lot of retro and bold color combinations. It’s no surprise since the Pantone color of the year is the vibrant Viva Magenta. These color palettes can easily translate into presentations, too. While you don’t want to risk losing your branding to a new trend, it could be fun to incorporate bolder hues in your custom themes. You can select a bolder shade in the same family as your brand color(s) to use as an accent to call-out key metrics. Similarly, you can play around with background colors on your slides to create more attention-grabbing designs.

Sophisticated Serif fonts

Typography is subjective, and can look different for every brand and business. To maintain brand integrity, your branded fonts should take precedence over what’s trending. That said, we’re seeing a lot of sophisticated Serif fonts at the forefront of designs for 2023. Serif fonts are a fan-favorite known for its refined professionalism and dependability. They are a great option for any presentation. 

In 2023 we can expect to see designers adding a fun and artistic flare to the otherwise simple and traditional font. With different letter shapes and sizes, intertwining letters, and intentional distortion, there will be a new take on Serif. These iterations could be fun to upload as a custom font option for title slides or headings, while using a more subtle Serif for body text. 

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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new trend presentation

Top 35 Presentation Design Trends to Look Out for in 2024

Keep up-to-date with changing presentation design trends in 2024 .

Are you curious to find out what presentation design trends will be popular in 2024? This blog post gives a comprehensive list of the top 35 presentation design trends that will dominate in the world of presentations. From creative designs to professional looks, learn more about the trends that will set the tone for successful business and consulting presentations in 2024!  

Before discussing on the presentation design trends in 2024, we shall see the importance of PPT designs in effectively conveying the message to audience.

Need for PowerPoint designs

Creating an impactful and visually appealing PowerPoint design is essential for effectively delivering a message. The first step in achieving this is through the expert design PowerPoint . Whether it’s a professional presentation or an academic lecture, a well-designed ppt slide design can captivate and engage the audience. The design elements, such as the layout, color scheme, and font choice, all contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal.

From creating eye-catching title slides to incorporating visually appealing graphics and charts, the PowerPoint slide design ensures that the information is presented in a clear and engaging manner. With a well-designed PowerPoint presentation slide design, the audience can easily follow along and retain the information being shared. The PPT slide design and PowerPoint slide design focus specifically on the individual slides, ensuring that each one is visually engaging, concise, and conveys the key points effectively.

Presentation designs – Medium for engaging audience

A PowerPoint presentation is a powerful tool for delivering information and engaging an audience. With the use of PowerPoint presentation slides, complex ideas can be simplified and organized in a visually appealing manner. The design of a ppt presentation plays a crucial role in capturing the attention of the audience, as well as conveying the intended message effectively.

From choosing the right color scheme to using captivating images and fonts, every element of the PPT design should be carefully considered. The slides should be strategically designed to support the presenter’s speech and enhance the overall presentation. A well-designed ppt presentation slides can significantly enhance the impact and effectiveness of any presentation.

Creating an effective and impactful PowerPoint presentation is crucial for effectively communicating ideas and engaging an audience. However, not all presentations are created equal. A best ppt presentation is one that is well-organized, visually appealing, and effectively conveys the intended message. It is the result of meticulous planning and attention to detail, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Crafting presentations that captivate audience attention 

Similarly, a great ppt presentation is one that captivates the audience through creative use of visuals, clear and concise content, and a seamless flow. Nice PowerPoint presentations, on the other hand, are those that are polished, engaging, and visually appealing. Ultimately, the best looking PowerPoint presentations are a combination of all these elements, delivering a professional and impactful presentation experience.

PowerPoint format, also known as PPT format, is a widely used file type for creating presentations. It allows users to combine text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements to effectively deliver information to an audience. The PPT format offers a variety of design options, including PowerPoint themes, animations, and transitions, to enhance the visual appeal of the slides.

A professional PowerPoint layout is crucial for a successful presentation as it creates a cohesive and organized structure that aids in conveying the message clearly. It is important to choose a suitable layout that is visually appealing and aligns with the overall theme of the presentation. The use of a professional PowerPoint layout can greatly enhance the impact and effectiveness of a presentation.

Looking ahead to 2024, there are a number of presentation design trends that are gaining momentum. From bold typography to minimalist layouts, here are the top 35 presentation design trends to keep an eye on.

1. Minimalism

For presentation design in 2024, look out for the trend of minimalism! Focus on content rather than clutter with streamlined backgrounds and layouts. Incorporate subtle gradients, line illustrations and simple typography for a modern feel. Keep your visuals impactful but subdued for maximum effect. Consider using minimalist designs that focus on one idea per slide, and keep text to a minimum. Incorporate bright colors, meaningful metrics, photos and icons into your slides to add visual interest. By following these steps and keeping up with the latest trends you can create an impressive presentation.

Presentation Design Trends 2023 - Minimalism

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Minimalism

2. Minimalism is gaining popularity as an aesthetic choice

Think warm tones such as beige, brown and white. Neutral colors are currently trending and will remain popular going into the new year. Consider using a neutral shade for the background with beige or brown shades for your headings, while white is perfect for images and overlays.

3. Visually engaging slide backgrounds

These visuals don’t just have to be simple loops of abstract patterns or scenic footage, they can be custom-designed to give presentations a unique, dynamic feel – both as standalone slides and transitions between sections. This technology promises stunning visual effects that are sure to make any audience sit up and pay attention.

Presentation Design Trends 2023 - Visually Engaging Backgrounds

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Visually Engaging Backgrounds

4. Utilizing bold backgrounds

2024 promises to be full of dynamic and eye-catching presentation design trends, such as those featuring bold and impressive backgrounds. These types of designs will be especially useful for companies trying to stand out in the industry with their messages. The addition of abstract shapes and colorful blocks is also a positive trend to incorporate for a visually impactful presentation.

5. Big backgrounds

We will see more focus on big and bold visuals as the primary backdrop throughout presentations, as well as geometric shapes to give a sense of flow to slide layouts. Additionally, titles should be given extra attention so that they stand out against the busy backgrounds. For example, using background images on slides and adding light/dark treatments for optimal legibility is a great way to make an impact. Additionally, making one handle the default background across all slides is a great way to keep continuity.  Keeping up with these trends will help ensure your presentation stands out this year!

6. The latest trend will be dark mode

For years, dark mode is becoming increasingly popular among digital users, as it helps reduce eye strain by emitting less blue light. As more and more people move to the online world, this trend is expected to stay prominent in presentation design for years to come.

7. Text blocks with vibrant colors

Colorful blocks and color palettes can give presentations a modern and visually appealing look. Employing a brand palette into your presentation helps communicate your company values and messaging effectively. By strategically using colorful blocks of color, you can create slides that captivate viewers and make your presentation outstanding. Vibrant colors are very “in” this year, particularly a bright vibrancy of Magenta. Try incorporating different shades of the same color family as accents in your next presentation to make those key metrics stand out, or go bold and select a statement-making background color instead.

8. Graphic text design

Graphics design trends for 2024 are leaning towards bolder, more expressive fonts that push the limits of traditional ‘web safe’ designs. Experimental type treatments such as 3D renders and cutouts will also be prominent, bringing a fresh edgy flair to presentations that resembles music festival posters !

9. Serif typefaces could experience a revival

In 2024, designers will give a fun and artsy feel to the classic and traditional Serif font style. We can expect to see different letter shapes, sizes, and even intentional distortion of the letters. These exciting changes of Serif fonts could be used for title slides or headings for presentations, with more subtle Serif on body text. Serif fonts always create a feeling of tradition, commitment, and security – something that won’t go away any time soon!

Reasons to use Serif fonts

  • Symbol of professionalism and depict consistency
  • Used for highlighting titles, headings, and sub-headings
  • Easily blend with most kinds of designs, color palettes, and dynamic themes

10. Motion graphics

In today’s presentations, motion graphics are the norm. This trend is set to become even more popular in 2024 with new techniques such as kinetic transitions between slides, subtle hover states for objects and pictures, expanding text and diagrams becoming animated when clicked upon. With these new visuals, presentations will become more captivating and engaging than ever before.

Presentation Design Trends 2023 - Creative Motion Graphics

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Creative Motion Graphics

11. Flowing shapes

Consider using ovals, circles and other partial shapes that extend off the screen to create a visual flow towards text and other important messages in the design. Additionally, adding tints of bright color or more subtle shades will help bring life to your otherwise plain shapes. Finally, remember to plan ahead so that all elements fit together seamlessly!

In 2024, consider utilizing a sleek all-gray aesthetic for your presentations if dark mode is too much. Gray offers a calming feel and sets the perfect backdrop for colorful or black and white images with small bursts of color. This trendy yet elegant design scheme is great for any presentation.

13. Image overlays

Are you looking to keep up with presentation design trends? In 2024, much of the focus will be on using images with color overlays. This strategy strikes a balance between allowing plenty of room for images and text elements while imparting a softer, more subtle feel. Furthermore, this type of design can create color consistency that helps move the presentation along visually from one slide to the next.

14. Suppressed visuals

Get creative with your presentation design and try something totally unique in presentation designs 2024 – mute the images so they blend in with the background. This style allows you to use imagery while letting the words on each slide remain the focal point of your work. To add even more visual interest, incorporate interesting shapes to guide viewers through every one of your slides utilizing this must-watch trend.

15. Blocky Design

If you’re looking to update your PowerPoint presentation and make it a cut above the rest, look no further than the blocky design trend! This modern style uses colored blocks, squares, or rectangles to create abstract shapes that add interest and a unique aesthetic. To work with this trend, you might want to start off with a PowerPoint presentation template or use a monotone color palette, which can help pull the entire design together. It may take some effort to create this stylish look, but it will be worth it in the end!

Presentation Design Trends 2023 - Creative Blocky Design

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Creative Blocky Design

16. Photo Stories

Are you looking to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to presentation design trends? Then photo story presentations should be at the top of your list. This trend pairs big, bold images with simple text elements. To create visual interest and a cohesive look while avoiding repetition, you can experiment with images of different shapes, sizes, and placements. Don’t forget to allow the images to tell the story – use minimal color, typography, graphics, and icons. With this trend in mind, you’ll have an eye-catching presentation design that will be sure to wow any crowd.

Presentation Design Trends 2023 - Photo Stories Design

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Photo Stories Design

17. Clean and Simple

2024 presentation design trends is all about the clean and simple presentation design trends. To create a bold and effective presentation, think of creating and reusing elements, like shapes or colors. For the font choice, stick to simple sans serif types that support this look and feel. Clean and simple is the way to go – it’ll always do the job!

18. Monochromatic Design

In the coming year, presentation design trends are heavily focused on the use of simplicity. People no longer prefer designs with bold colors and complex typography in their slides. Instead, they are drawn to subtle, single-tone color palettes that provide a clean and minimalist look. This will be highly beneficial to companies as consistent branding of simple colors can establish brand recognition more effectively, much like Coca-Cola’s red or Apple’s white and grey combination. As such, it is safe to say that single colors in various shades will be one of the top 30 design trends for presentations in 2024.

19. 3D Realism

Tech companies are leading the charge, implementing 3D elements into their branding and web design for a deeper sense of depth and reality. As businesses continue to embrace the power of presentation technology to tell stories visually, we can expect to see even more innovative, hyper-realistic designs over the coming years – so make sure you’re prepared by incorporating 3D elements into your presentations now.

20. Motion graphics titling

In 2024, presentation design trends are leaning heavily towards motion. Gifs and typography effects, inspired by lyric videos, have become far more than just a trend – they offer captivating visuals that engage viewers while displaying words in new and creative ways. Moving text, numbers and even letters helps to keep the audience’s attention as well as create unique data visualization presentations. Make sure to incorporate this type of animation into your presentations for an eye-catching result!

21. Anti-Design

Presentation 2024, the trend of anti-design is expected to make its mark in presentation design. Anti-design involves breaking all the fundamental rules of design and letting creativity take over. We can expect to see warped and stretched elements– sometimes that might not be very functional but it certainly results in a work of art! Creative agencies who want something extra-ordinary will likely use this form of design for their PowerPoints or Google slides.

22. Cinemagraphs & Placeholders

Presentation design trends such as Cinemagraphs and playful placeholder animations will be all the rage. A Cinemagraph looks like a still image at first glance, but with looping elements within it. With its timeless appeal, this design trend will persist across devices. Similarly, brightly-animated placeholders provide a captivating visual that grabs audience attention.

23. 2D Illustrations

Think imaginative artwork inspired by comic books that uses bold colors and striking imagery to convey corporate messages and data – perfect for making mobile presentations pop. Look out for plenty of superhero-themed designs as heroes fight against evil forces!

24. Virtual reality experiences

One of the most exciting developments to look out for is the advent of virtual reality experiences. Presentation audiences can now take a fully immersive journey and step into a brand new 360 degree environment – be it a retail store or product launch event – all virtually before they experience it physically!

25. Animated graphics & virtual reality

Animations , motion visuals and even 3D graphics will bring a dynamic effect to your presentation. Adapting to the modern customer demand for virtual reality experiences can turn heads with audiences across industries such as education, technology and services.

Use of incorporating animated graphics and virtual reality into your slides

  • Demonstrate product application
  • VR experiences – Showing the manufacturing process of products
  • Convert images to AI-generated graphics

26. Inclusive visuals and graphics

As we look ahead to 2024, one graphic design trend that is sure to be prominent is inclusivity. This movement touches every facet of life and will be reflected in graphic and design trends, allowing for better representation and giving people the ability to connect with businesses and brands through inclusive visuals and graphics, Infographics play a vital rule in conveying messages succinctly. Canva is a good platform for designing creative visuals and graphics.

Presentation Design Trends 2023 - Inclusive Visuals and Graphics

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Inclusive Visuals and Graphics

27. Botanicals and nature inspired elements

Companies are increasingly incorporating botanical themes and symbols of earth and trees into their presentations to reflect their corporate social responsibility goals. Furthermore, as more environmentally-friendly industries continue to grow, nature-based visuals and graphics will likely be the top trend of next year.

28. Unique AI-powered images

In 2024, presentation design trends to watch out for include playing around with images such as image grids, muted visuals, branded filters and overlays. This is hardly a new concept; using images throughout presentations helps the story better resonate with an audience of visual learners, and also breaks up those sometimes-boring blocks of texts. Visuals will still be an integral part of presentation design – but with artificial intelligence (AI) becoming more prominent, expect to see AI-powered images become the norm.

29. Accessibility

In 2024, we anticipate accessibility becoming increasingly important when it comes to presentation design. Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides are making advancements that enable users to create presentations that are more easily accessible by those with disabilities.

30. Interactivity

This will enable presenters to have more dynamic conversations with their audience as the presentations will be able to be navigated more easily. Apps such as PowerPoint and Google Slides make it relatively simple to add extra features such as interactivity making it easier for people to find what they need faster.

31. Diversity

Businesses want their presentations to accurately reflect their organization’s diverse make-up, requiring creative teams to look for new and interesting ways to use imagery and illustrations that accurately showcase the range of identities present. By crafting stories that leverage this, it is possible to create a powerful and memorable impact.

32. Geometric and aesthetic components

In 2024, presentation design is set to have a retro-revival feel, with Bauhaus elements coming back in style. We will see bold primary colors and geometric shapes used in unexpected ways. Both minimalist and maximalist designers may embrace strange-shaped treatments that create dramatic visual impressions. Be prepared to be awed by unexpected bubbles, blobs and other fun shapes!

33. Age of illuminating coloration

Wellness brands especially are likely to incorporate gradients in conjunction with cultural concepts like aura and noise, along with botanical elements. We predict this part of presentation design will gain traction over the next year.

34. Photos galore

Companies are starting to rebuild design campaigns with images instead of just photos, as well as shifting towards 3D designs. There is also an increased trend towards creative logos, packaging and print ads that stand out from the crowd and creatively deliver messages.

35. Retro line art

In 2024, designers are increasingly turning to minimal line art to create illustrations that are both humorous and engaging. This technique draws on the classic aesthetic of felt-tip marker drawings, evoking a sense of nostalgia.

We have discussed the 35 key pointers for the presentation design trends for 2024!.

Before concluding, let us reiterate the importance of the structural elements in designing and improving the ppt presentations.

Best PowerPoint Templates bring consistency

PowerPoint slide templates are essential tools for creating impactful presentations. They provide a pre-designed structure and layout that can be customized to suit specific needs. Whether it’s for professional or personal use, having a variety of templates for PPT presentations is advantageous, offering a range of styles and PPT presentation themes that cater to different topics and audiences.

They ensure consistency and streamline the process of creating visually appealing slides. With PowerPoint presentation themes, users can focus on the content and message they want to convey, confident that the design elements are already taken care of. From business presentations to educational lectures, PPT slide templates enables users to create engaging and professional slides with ease.

When it comes to creating a visually appealing and impactful PowerPoint presentation, having the right slide template is essential. Look no further as we present the best PowerPoint template that will elevate your presentations to the next level.

Our PowerPoint presentation template design is meticulously crafted to showcase your content in a professional and engaging manner. With its sleek and modern design, this template is perfect for any business or academic presentation. In addition, our pro PowerPoint template offers a wide range of customizable options, allowing you to tailor your presentation to your specific needs.

Whether you are presenting to clients, colleagues, or students, our professional slide presentation template will impress and captivate your audience. Say goodbye to boring and outdated presentations and welcome the power of our top-notch PowerPoint template.

Images and backgrounds attracts audience attention

When creating a presentation, it is crucial to include visually appealing elements such as images and pictures to enhance the overall impact of the material being presented. Images for presentations can serve as powerful tools to convey complex information in a concise and easily understandable manner. They can also add an element of interest and engagement to an otherwise text-heavy presentation.

Choosing the right images and pictures for a presentation requires careful consideration and should be relevant to the topic at hand. Utilizing high-quality and professional images can elevate the overall quality of the presentation and leave a lasting impression on the audience. In today’s digital age, incorporating images and pictures into a presentation is not only recommended, but expected.

When creating a background for presentation, the background serves as a crucial element in enhancing the overall visual appeal and professionalism. Choosing the right background for ppt presentation can greatly impact the effectiveness of the presentation. Utilizing professional PowerPoint backgrounds is essential for creating a polished and cohesive visual experience. These backgrounds are specifically designed to enhance the content and make it visually appealing to the audience.

PowerPoint slide backgrounds can be customized to match the theme slides or topic of the presentation, ensuring consistency throughout. Whether it’s a formal business presentation or an educational slideshow, having an appropriate background for PPT slides is essential in capturing and maintaining the audience’s attention. With the right slides background, the presenter can create a visually engaging and memorable experience for the audience, making the slides presentation background more impactful and effective.

From animation to illustrations, learn which presentation design trends you should consider for your next project. Get ahead of the game with these expert tips from professional presentation design services . Get ahead with professional presentation design trends for 2024! Discover the must-haves when it comes to innovative presentations and how to use them effectively.

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in many industries, making it a crucial topic to understand. To effectively educate and inform others on this complex subject, a well-prepared presentation on artificial intelligence is essential. The presentation content has to cover the history, current applications, and potential future impact of AI. It should also address any concerns or ethical considerations surrounding this technology. By creating a visually engaging and informative Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint slides, presenters can effectively convey the intricacies of this rapidly advancing field and spark meaningful discussions. A well-crafted AI presentation has the power to educate, inspire, and spark innovation.

The AI innovation plays a key role in shaping the presentation design trends for 2024! The future of presentation designs will make the best use of AI driven technologies for improving the designs and PowerPoint slides creation.

Looking for design support

We offer the best presentation services tailored to meet your individual needs, whether you require an informative video presentation, an interactive PowerPoint/PPT presentation for a boardroom, or an engaging webinar. Our team of Ex-McKinsey Presentation Designers will work with you to create a business presentation that best represents your company and brand. Maximize your competitive edge and create a strong impression through the effective utilization of our Management Consulting Presentation Services. We can ensure that our designs are on trend 2024 and will make your presentation stand out from the crowd.

  • How to be creative in ppt?

Some tips for being creative in PowerPoint include using visuals, incorporating storytelling, using unique fonts and colors, adding animations and transitions, and thinking outside the box with your design choices. It’s also important to keep your audience in mind and tailor your presentation to their interests and needs.

2. What makes a PPT attractive?

A visually appealing PowerPoint presentation should have a clear and concise message, use high-quality images and graphics, have a consistent color scheme and font style, and incorporate engaging animations and transitions. It should also be well-organized and easy to navigate.

3. What are the five rules of PowerPoint?

The five rules of PowerPoint presentations are: keep it simple, use high-quality images, limit text on each slide, use consistent formatting, and practice your delivery. By following these rules, you can create effective and engaging presentations that will keep your audience interested and focused.

4. What are the 5 qualities of creative presentation?

The 5 qualities of a creative presentation are:

  • Originality
  • Memorability

A creative presentation should be unique and fresh, easy to understand, relevant to the audience, engaging and interactive, and leave a lasting impression.

5. How can I make my PPT attractive and professional?

Some tips for making your PowerPoint presentation look attractive and professional include using a consistent color scheme, choosing easy-to-read fonts, using high-quality images and graphics, and keeping the design simple and uncluttered. You can also add animations and transitions to make the presentation more engaging, but be careful not to overdo it.

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Presentation design trends: 2023

  • Written by: Olivia Kippax Jones
  • Categories: Industry insights

new trend presentation

Ah! 2023 has dawned and it’s full of fresh possibilities and new opportunities for effective communication. Like boy scouts, BrightCarbon is always prepared. So, we asked our designers and presentation experts what they expect 2023 to bring for presentation design. Is it new year, new you? Or business as usual? The results are in!

The big hitters…


Improved accessibility came out on top, with 40% of our presentation designers naming it as a key area of development for presentations and presentation creation platforms in 2023. Both PowerPoint and Google Slides are regularly adding new features, making it easier for users to create more accessible presentations. So, we’re expecting increased use of alt text, better adherence to contrast guidelines , and an improved understanding of screen-reader compatibility. We’re also expecting to see more requests for presentation slides with room left at the bottom for live caption generation.

As presentations are usually mediated by a presenter, presentation accessibility is a fairly complex topic. If you’re creating your own decks, you might find this starter guide useful: 5 tips for more accessible presentations .


The silver medal goes to interactivity – predicted to be a trend by a third of our designers. Presenters wanting to have better conversations with their audience will lean on presentations with robust navigation to facilitate agile, non-linear paths through their content. Most importantly, with proper menus and navigation, everyone avoids the awkward spectacle of a presenter exiting Show Mode and scrolling through their slides to find what they need. The good news is that it’s pretty easy to add basic interactivity to your decks in PowerPoint and Google Slides .

Our presentation experts expect these interactive presentations to be large, modular decks designed to be broken up into smaller, more targeted presentations. These decks will empower presenters to have better, more flexible conversations. On the one hand, decks like these give salespeople the flexibility they need whilst protecting carefully crafted structure and messaging. On the other, they can quickly become scarily long and unwieldy and your salespeople might need a specialised tool, like our PowerPoint add-in ShowMaker , to stay in control!

We’re also predicting more audience interaction, including live surveys, use of tools like Mentimeter , and the triumphant return of the QR code – all boosting audience engagement and helping presenters collect useful data and feedback.

Our final big hitter is doing diversity better. Our clients want their presentation design to reflect the diversity of their organisations in authentic and meaningful ways. So, we’re looking forward to celebrating diversity through imagery and illustrations, as well as through the stories we’re telling.

A specific focus we’re expecting for 2023 is an awareness of disability diversity. Poor disability representation can look like a token image of someone in a wheelchair – let’s leave this behind in 2022. As explored in Getty Images’ VisualGPS , good disability representation means representing people with a range of visible and invisible disabilities as active members of society across ages and intersecting identity factors.

Honourable mentions…

Though some things are returning to how they were pre-Covid, many won’t be the same again. One reversal we’re not expecting is a complete return to in-person presenting, so don’t delete your custom Zoom backgrounds just yet!

With more flexible working, asynchronous knowledge transfer is becoming more and more popular. We’re expecting an uptick in requests for self-running, scripted videos. Whether it’s talking-head videos or illustrative dynamic animations, videos with bold colours and diverse characters that your audience can enjoy when and where they like are going to be crowd-pleasers in 2023.

With in-person conferences ramping up again, we’re expecting the return of beautiful, bespoke decks developed for specific events. With presenters tackling unusual screen sizes and configurations, big audiences in big rooms, and online and offline attendees – getting a specialist in can really make a difference.

And, as we all pack our bags and jet off to network, BrightCarbon’s presentation design experts are expecting 2023 to bring more requests for one-pagers, leave behinds, and worksheets for in-person events with clear, engaging storytelling and visuals.

Are the robots taking over?

Like most of you, our presentation experts are keeping a beady eye on the robots – and by that we mean AI design. Though AI-generated art is still novel, images generated by AI following user prompts could allow presentation designers to create things that stand out from the generic stock photos others are using – they could even avoid some of the copyright implications of sourcing photos on Google. That said, there are ethical questions about AI generated art that we should be aware of. Will AI art help truly visualise meaning? Probably not. Will everyone be sick of it by the end of the year? Probably! Will everyone try it anyway? Yes, yes they will.

Beauty is in the eye… Presentation design trends for 2023

So, those are the key presentations trends we expect to see in 2023, but what about the design trends that will transform our slides from dull to dazzling this year? Here’s what our presentation design experts predict:

  • Clean, minimal design is going nowhere, so expect to see slides with plenty of white space, clear hierarchy, and minimal text on lots of corporate decks this year. However, where there is colour, it’s going to be bold and vibrant making these slides stand out from the crowd.
  • Gradients are here to stay. They’ve been popular in graphic design for a while and were gaining popularity in presentation design in 2022. A twist we’re expecting in 2023 is custom mesh gradients.
  • In 2023 presentation design, we’ll see less hand-drawn/doodly animations, but patterns and textures will be popular, replacing flat colours in backgrounds and vector illustrations.
  • The new year will bring a touch of nostalgia with it – our presentation designers predict grainy textures and serif fonts to make a comeback.

Now you’ve read BrightCarbon’s predictions for 2023 presentation design trends, it’s time to share yours! Let us know what you’re hoping to see on slides across the world this year in the comments below!

new trend presentation

Olivia Kippax Jones

Managing consultant; content marketing lead, related articles, insights from a presentation templates expert.

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Julie Terberg

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8 Possible Presentation Design Trends 2022 We Need to Prepare

Ulfah Alifah

Ulfah Alifah

  • Published on December 20, 2021

possible presentation design trends 2022

Table of Contents

When putting together an engaging presentation slide, there are two things we need to keep in mind: design and function. In other words, your slides look attractive, but they also need to give people information and ideas in the most user-friendly format possible.

A professionally designed PowerPoint template exploding with new design trends through customizable slides is the only way to achieve that.

Design trends can shape everything from how designers create user interface design to future websites to package design iterations. They can also zoom in or fade out quickly, making it essential to pay attention to what’s trending now so that you don’t end up with a design that falls out of style quickly.

All in all, before we settle into this brave new year, here are 8 possible presentation design trends that we predict in 2022 some of the best presentation templates to execute them.

What are the big presentation design trends that will pop up next year?

The 80s and 90s are returning, typography is taking a leading role, and dynamic gradients are ascending to new heights. Visual styles, meanwhile, run the scale from psychedelic high-tech to whimsically handcrafted.

Three-Dimensional Design Elements

While 2020 and 2021 saw lots of designers tackling full, three-dimensional designs for any design project, the emerging trend is to incorporate elements of 3D with a flatter overall aesthetic.

Three-dimensional elements can help provide extra understanding for a design, such as the architectural rendering above, or enhance visual interest.

Think about how to capture your story or product in a way that highlights the depths of the field and shadows.

Memphis Design

Memphis design—one of the defining aesthetics of the 1980s—is sometimes thought of as a flashy style, pairing many chaotic patterns and shapes together.

This attitude rings especially true today when minimalistic approaches have led to a sea of interfaces that (while intuitive) are overwhelmingly uniform.

It is no wonder why many presentation designers are turning to Memphis design for an explosion of colorful personalities no visitor will soon forget.

See also: Glassmorphism Presentation Templates 2022: New Design Trends with Glass Morphic & Overlay Glassy

Typography as the central figure.

In 2022, there’s no wrong way to do typography. Big, bold fonts — even serifs — are everywhere. And they look fantastic.

When playing with this presentation design trend, think about how the typefaces will respond (everything looks different on a mobile screen) and maximize impact for visitors.

From outlines to color fonts to shifting shapes and fills, bold and experimental type options dominate presentation designs.

The design of those presentation templates uses multiple type effects on the homepage that exemplify this trend: Mix and match characters within the main headline, a somewhat experimental font choice, and colored fill layers with images and backgrounds.

See also: 10 Top Presentation Design Trends 2021, Bye Minimalism!

Minimalism is still a noteworthy style as the possible presentation design trends 2022.

Minimal presentation design is always in fashion because it’s a surefire way of showing information clearly and concisely.

In its most simple terms, Neumorphism is a minimalist approach that’s all about giving buttons, switches, and other design elements a real-life 3D look and feel, which has made it wildly popular among app developers.

new trend presentation

Did you know that the Neumorphism style is also popular in the presentation design world?

See also: 5 Design Trends That Aren’t Cool Anymore

Muted earth tone.

We strode out into the great outdoors with indoor spaces closed down, whether for a hike up a mountain or a stroll around the local park. And this renewed relationship with our environment is influencing contemporary presentation design too.

Lockdown life may have restricted our options, but it also reintroduced many of us to nature.

Up and down the presentation agency, we’re seeing designers choose muted, calm, and earth tones in terms of background colors and illustrations.

This is a modest approach to design. It is also easier to look at and doesn’t strain our eyes too much. If you’re hoping to increase the time audiences stick around on your slides, you could do far worse than follow it.

That’s a philosophy that’s right in the wheelhouse of LA digital agency  Signature Creative , who create ‘digital products & design for the people of Earth’ and describe themselves as ‘Good people making great things. Their design combines muted earthy colors with clear, easy-to-read typography and a restrained layout that incorporates calming white space.

See also: 2020 Best Presentation Design Trends


The first hints of glassmorphism started with neomorphic in late 2020 and early 2021 and evolved into the full glass effect that’s popular now.

Glassmorphism is just what you might think: Design elements that have a look that’s reminiscent of glass.

Designers have played with this one of the possible presentation design trends 2022 in a major way on Dribbble.

Dynamic Gradients

Colorful gradients will be a comeback in 2022, and it looks like they’re here to stay! Gradients are the gradual transition from one color to another, creating a blended effect. So, what makes them so awesome? Firstly, they add a vibrant pop of color to your design in a way that doesn’t feel overbearing. They’re also a great way to add extra visual depth to your presentation design, as they create a dynamic, almost multi-dimensional effect.

The designer has artfully blended three different colors to create an eye-catching aesthetic that personifies the brand’s fun, modern qualities.

The beauty of this design trend is how versatile it is. You can create gradients using similar colors such as blue or yellow or create unexpected combinations using contrasting shades like purple and orange.

No matter how you want to play with gradients, these PowerPoint templates are a great place to start. You can easily swap out the colors, fonts, and images with your own to create a design that is unique to your brand.

Retro Revolution/Retro

As the beginning of the World Wide Web increasingly becomes a distant memory, today’s up-and-coming designers are taking inspiration from those early Wild West days. Web 1.0 of the 90s was characterized by bright background colors, visual table layouts, and robotic typefaces like Courier.

While the 90s internet was a showcase of unnecessary gimmicks, graphics, and colors, it was also a time when the rules had not yet been written—when “a web designer” wasn’t even a job.

The designers that have come up since—reigned in by industry standards—now see those early days as a hotbed for the free creativity of all graphic designers, especially for presentation designers nowadays.

So, what are the possible presentation design trends 2022?

The possible presentation design trends 2022 describe another step forward, but that’s nothing fresh on the internet. The future drives quickly in our current era, and digital designers often spread the way. But what makes these trends feel refreshing is their focus on creating satisfaction.

Whether they are bringing back a forgotten decade, delighting the user with interactions and animations, or offering up something handmade, the goal of this year’s presentation design trends is to tell a momentary sense of astonishment. No matter how unconventional their approach.

Let’s visit RRSlide to  download free PowerPoint templates . But wait, don’t go anywhere and stay here with our  RRGraph Design  Blog  to keep up-to-date on the  best pitch deck template  collections and design advice from our  PowerPoint experts .

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7 Presentation trends to watch out for in 2023

Get inspired.

  • Flat Design
  • Minimalist Design
  • Colorful, Bright, and Bold Design
  • Infographic-Style Slides in Presentations
  • Bold Typography Design

7 Presentation trends to watch out for in 2023

As the world of graphic design progresses, presentation trends progress alongside it. There are new design trends that grab our attention each year that can make your presentation timely and contemporary. This blog will discuss… ... read more As the world of graphic design progresses, presentation trends progress alongside it. There are new design trends that grab our attention each year that can make your presentation timely and contemporary. This blog will discuss our predicted design trends for presentation slides in 2023 as well as what elements make a presentation trendy at any point in time. close

Who said that presentations can’t be on trend? Believe it or not, the world of presentation design is not immune to the styles and fads of the design world. You can prove that your brand is fresh and contemporary through the presentation design of your slides. But tastes change, and as we approach the new year, the trend cycle will change and bring new ideas to the forefront of graphic design.

However, there are presentation trends that will always be timeless. These elements will always make a presentation appeal to the audience, no matter what. They grab the audience’s attention right away and hold onto it throughout. So regardless of the trend cycle, these points consistently boost any presentation and are important to keep in mind.

Timeless presentation features:

Engaging and interactive content.

The core of any presentation is the material and how it is shared. It is not enough to list facts; there needs to be room to breathe. By including icebreakers, games, polls, and activities, the listener can directly interact with the information and ideas shared. It bridges the gap between them and gives the audience a chance to connect with the content.

Use of data and visualizations

When data is visualized in charts, graphs, or infographics , is easier to understand. It is helpful for your audience to have a visual medium that they can follow that simplifies your data for them to understand. With the sheer volume of information available, data visualization helps guide the audience through your ideas and data in a way that doesn’t overwhelm them.


Stories have a universal appeal. People relate to them and they can never fail you. Spinning together a story draws the audience into your world, evokes empathy, and establishes a level of trust. Learning how to tell a story is more effective than learning how to persuade. A story can simplify a complex idea while moving your audience to action.

Creative and unique designs

A good presentation design relies on its creative use of design elements, colors, and images. Creative slide design maintains its impact the same way it maintains the audience’s attention. Using engaging design trends can also help explain your ideas more effectively and support your presentation’s flow.

7 Presentation Trends in 2023

The presentation trend cycle is similar to the regular design trend cycle, which makes it easier for our presentation experts to predict what presentation design trends will take over in 2023. There is an emphasis on connecting with your audience in a new way inspired by the Internet age and social media.

01 Dark mode

In interface design, the increasing preference for dark mode for mobile users has translated to incorporating the dark style into web design. For a long and extensive presentation, it is wise to go for a sleek and dim aesthetic that is easier on the eyes and can maintain focus for longer.

Dark mode UX/UI

02 3D graphics

The rise of VR technology, the metaverse, and the love of all things Y2K have revived a strong interest in 3D graphics. Creating a visual experience that draws the viewer into the image has a powerful appeal across several mediums that could continue to rise. 3D backgrounds go beyond the clever use of shadows and now use texture and motion for a touch of attention-grabbing realism.

3D design

03 Experimental typography

Fun and experimental typography are having a moment this year, becoming more popular for film and TV posters. Playing around with different typefaces is a fun approach for your slides to illustrate your brand identity and mission. Serif fonts, in particular, are making a comeback as they are legible, bold, and graceful, achieving both a practical and aesthetic function.


04 Monochrome

Monochrome color palettes are made by selecting a single color and its various hues. Following the idea of a more comfortable aesthetic, the monochrome trend is simple, practical, and elegant. On another note, a simple color scheme helps brand recognition when creating a presentation design built around the brand’s primary color.

Monochrome design

05 Inclusive visuals

Beyond the world of graphic design, there has been a surge in efforts to include individuals of different cultures, backgrounds, ages, disabilities, locations, and classes. In presentation design, this translates into an effort to showcase a variety of people in the illustrations and visuals used to celebrate diversity.

Inclusive design

06 Branded memes

Memes are an essential part of the fabric of social media; they’re perfect for adding a touch of humor to your presentation. Adapting memes to fit your brand makes your slides more relatable, and adding humor to your presentation helps build a connection with your audience. The art of a tastefully utilized meme can be tricky, but all in all, the main rule is to avoid a controversial meme and stick to a lighthearted approach.

Design Meme

07 Bold and vibrant colors

In previous years, we’ve seen a rise in minimalist and muted styles. But now, designers and viewers alike yearn for a return to brighter and bolder colors. Vibrant colors create attractive and energetic designs, especially when contrasting the trend of geometric and clean shapes. This style doesn’t use these hues as an accent or emphasis, rather they are the design itself.

Bold design

What should you do for a rich and trendy presentation?

Note that presentation trends go beyond quirky graphics and thoughtful color palettes. As technology evolves and progresses, we expect presentation design and graphic design to evolve alongside it. Slide design is an essential component of your presentation, but they are in no way the core, rather they are the starting point. These are factors to consider that will make your presentation stand out from your slides:

Going beyond PowerPoint

As we mentioned, PowerPoint is merely the starting point. But what comes after it? Earlier, we mentioned how interactive games and icebreakers allow your audience to connect with the material. They can also switch up the pace with a diverse approach. Another way to branch out of the typical presentation format is to add videos that can further simplify and explain your point. Hand out brochures as tactile souvenirs that summarize your presentation to leave your listeners with. Have a questions and answers session afterward to open up room for any further inquiries.

Making it mobile-compatible 

It is not uncommon for presentation slides to become resources that are reused and revisited. When designing your presentation, make sure that whatever design trend you opt for can be adapted to different formats. The key to a mobile-friendly presentation is simplicity. Increasing the font size, creating cleaner visuals and charts, using mobile-friendly resolutions, and exporting the final product as a PDF.

Utilizing new technology 

If you’re ready to truly go above and beyond for a presentation, utilizing new technologies is a surefire way to stand apart from the competition. New technologies now grant new ways for presenters and audiences to interact with and visualize the material. From holograms to augmented reality to real-time data visualization, these technologies offer exciting opportunities to explore ideas and concepts through an original and stimulating channel.

Incorporating presentation design trends into your slides ensures that your brand is as relevant as ever. As graphic design evolves as a field, there will be a trickle-down effect that reaches presentation design. Presenters and designers alike are constantly thinking of new and innovative ways to share ideas, so why not ride the wave?

  • (1) https://dribbble.com/shots/15110279-Wallet-Hero-Header-v-4#
  • (2) https://dribbble.com/shots/9517316-TV
  • (3) http://luc.devroye.org/fonts-51855.html
  • (4) https://www.creativeboom.com/inspiration/alex-valentina/
  • (5) http://createsend.com/t/d-6E0C5BE989E4E3912540EF23F30FEDED
  • (6) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPqAbcehax5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  • (7) https://www.behance.net/gallery/80889667/Cult-Beauty-Patterns

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  • Presentation Design

Presentation Design Trends in 2022

  • By: Amy Boone

You’ve got great ideas. Exciting products. A cutting edge company. A compelling story. So a tired 2010 PowerPoint slide template just won’t cut it in 2022. It’s time to update your presentation to reflect current design trends.

We’ve scoured online design sites and recent presentations to compile a list of current presentation design trends. Some of our favorite trends include creative color palettes, less-is-more design, infographics, custom fonts, and original elements. Here’s how to use these trends to freshen up your presentation design.

Creative Color Palettes

Presentations in 2022 are all about creative color palettes, particularly retro ones. Kimp design company says, “The retro color tones work well in graphic design because they act as standalone design pieces.” One of the more popular retro color palettes gives a nod to mid-century design by featuring muted and earthy rusts, mustards, and greens. And the 80’s are also making a comeback with everything from bold neon to Memphis design elements (think shapes and squiggles). Presentation slide decks in 2022 aren’t afraid to put a new spin on retro color palettes. For example, check out the TED poster for their April conference.

Less-Is-More Design

Presentation designs in 2022 are bold and simple. It’s not about adding more design elements, it’s about making the ones that you use pop. The more you have on your slides, the more everything gets diluted. So slide decks of 2022 keep the focus strong and simple. In other words, slide clutter is out. Remember that the main job of your slide deck is to do what words can’t. In other words, save the words for your talk, and save the slides for everything else. That means you should avoid slides that are all words and instead use a few simple, powerful graphics to back up what you are saying.


Granted, infographics have been a design trend for some time now, but they continue to be important elements in slide decks in 2022. Infographics blend words and visuals in a pleasing and easy-to-understand layout. For example, Canva (one of our favorite free design tools) offers infographic templates to help get you started. Check out this one on charity action. The great thing about infographics is that they have layers of information which allow your audience members more individualized interaction with your content. You can get everything you need to know in a quick glance, allowing you to shift your attention quickly back to the presentation. Or, if it’s something that really interests you or something that you don’t quite understand, you can “dive in” further and explore the infographic in more detail.

Custom Fonts

When designing your presentations, don’t skip past font choice. Modern presentations are serious about choosing a font that helps add to the overall tone of the presentation and content. Forget Arial, Times New Roman, and even Calibri. Modern presentation designers know that fonts communicate, too. So what you use matters. Designers often use the mantra “purpose is paramount.” Meaning you have to keep in mind how your audience will be using the text. When choosing a font, ask yourself:

  • How large will the screen be?
  • What other elements will be on the slide?
  • How much text will my audience be reading?
  • How long will this slide be on the screen?
  • What tone do I want my font to set?

Once you’ve answered these questions, choose a font that is attractive, legible, and interesting without being boring. And don’t be afraid to play around with line spacing, letter spacing, and kerning to help give your font choice some distinction. For some more creative ideas on font selection, check out DesignShack’s list of 2022 font trends .

Original Elements

With the increase in free design and online drawing programs, we are seeing more hand drawn and original design elements in slide decks. Artists like Morgan Harper Nichols have gained incredible popularity in large part due to the ease of creating art with technology and sharing it quickly through social media. Another one of my favorite creatives is Austin Kleon , who describes himself as a writer who draws. His incredible presentations often include hand drawn elements like the one below.

new trend presentation

So instead of trying to find the perfect graphic (or font), consider creating one yourself. You might find that your hand drawn element gives your presentation a unique appeal and charm that is right on trend.

Embracing Design Trends

Outdated presentation designs aren’t doing you any favors. If your slide deck looks outdated, you risk the audience thinking your ideas are outdated, too. But when you update your presentation design to reflect some or all of the trends listed above, you can build energy around your presentation and ideas.

Need help creating a fresh, new presentation or updating a current one to reflect modern design trends? We’ve got you.

Picture of Amy Boone

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PowerPoint Trends 2022

Theresa Spiller

They are rare, but they do exist: brilliant PowerPoint presentations that stand out visually, look modern and contemporary, and thus leave a lasting impression on the audience. The question is: how do you create such a presentation? Just follow the latest trends, like many of the best presentations. But beware, the trends often change at least annually and do not fit every corporate identity .

What are the key PowerPoint trends in 2022? In this article, you will find 10 PowerPoint trends to take with you in 2022. In addition to design trends, we will also give you tips for making presentations easier to create.

Put an end to boring PowerPoint presentations

PowerPoint Trends - presentations are boring?

As far as PowerPoint is concerned, most users find it difficult to keep up with the latest developments. Just when you have developed a good PowerPoint routine, there are new features or design trends and master slides need to be renewed.

Worst case scenario for PowerPoint presentations: Your audience gets bored and loses interest. This is exactly what you want to avoid. The reason for this is usually not the content of the presentation itself, but its preparation and presentation. Learn, how to hold better presentations with PowerPoint .

79% of people think that "most presentations are boring". (Source: Presentationpanda ).

10 PowerPoint trends 2022

The following trends show you not only how you can modernize your PowerPoint presentation / template visually, but also which functions help you to more ease in PowerPoint.

PowerPoint Trends and TikTok

  • ...there is "template chaos".
  • ...a uniform outward appearance is not possible.
  • ...the company appears unprofessional.
  • ...employees work inefficiently.
  • ...there is a risk that outdated company information will be used.

Speaking of templates: keeping up-to-date is not difficult. In most cases, all it takes is a few adjustments to your PowerPoint templates or your PowerPoint master and you will have introduced the trends company-wide. The empower ® Content Enablement solution provides a reliable document library as well as a central source of current and design-compliant content for your entire organization. You can instantly share content across your organization with just a few clicks. 

Conclusion: it is the mix that counts

PowerPoint Trends for 2022 are all about nostalgia. Design styles from the 90s and 00s are making a comeback in PowerPoint, but with a touch of modernization. Extra pixelated images and backgrounds and 3D effects feature strongly.

Trends are exciting, but you should pay close attention to which trends fit your business and brand.

But how can new trends be implemented company-wide in a timely manner without losing control of one's own brand through inconsistency in appearance? With the Content Enablement solution from empower ® ! Our Content Enablement solution allows you to centrally manage and update office documents. That way you can immediately launch changes to templates company-wide with just a few clicks. This saves your employees a lot of work and ensures more productive workflows.  Are you curious about our solution? Contact us for more information! Our experts are looking forward to hearing from you!

Rebranding in M&A whitepaper

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Fashion Trends

Fashion trends presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Whether you dedicate yourself to the world of fashion or if it is your hobby, you will love this template. It has in abstract doodle style with red tones and floral motifs. You can use it to present the new collection of your clothing brand, to explain what fashion trends we will see in the next season or to present your company to potential investors. It includes images, maps, graphs, timelines, infographics and tables, as well as illustrated concepts for stories.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 33 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

How can I use the template?

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This template can be combined with this other one to create the perfect presentation:

Fashion Trends Infographics

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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The weird PowerPoint craze

Exhibit A that work still dominates our lives: PowerPoint parties

new trend presentation

The pandemic made hanging out weird in a lot of ways. Group activities became highly coordinated — if they happened at all. There was a ream of questions to answer before even the most casual interactions: Who's going to be there? Who else have they seen lately? Are they vaccinated? Have they tested recently? Even once you got to wherever you were going, there were rules and expectations. You were supposed to awkwardly stand or sit 6 feet away from each other and try to figure out what everyone was saying from behind a mask, with all the muffled noises and half-blocked facial expressions that came with them. A lot of social interactions moved online, which came with its own sense of formality — group Peloton rides , Zoom trivia, whatever the Houseparty app was , or Clubhouse . Chill time, for good reason, required work to achieve.

Over the past few years, life has become much more normal for many people. They're back in the office, going to restaurants and live events, gathering with friends and family in person. Some of the structured nature of their social interactions, however, have not reverted to their previous form. The stilted nature of some pandemic-era habits — many that come with a dash of work — stuck around as a permanent feature. Case in point: the PowerPoint party, where people get together to show each other presentations on various topics in the name of having fun.

PowerPoint parties supposedly started in 2012 as "drink, talk, and learn" gatherings in Canada. Over time, they spread. Kids at Harvard were doing them in 2018 because, come on, it's Harvard kids. Of course, they were. When COVID-19 hit, they really took off, especially among the youngs. It made some sense during the period when we were trapped inside. It's easy enough to share your screen on Zoom or Google Meet, and it was better to have some sort of activity to do instead of just staring at people's faces (and your own) for the eighth day in a row.

But even as we've gotten back to normal hangouts, people are still connecting their laptops to TVs and sharing slides in social settings. Take a spin around TikTok, and you can find loads of PowerPoint-party content. There are presentations on which Beyoncé songs best represent each friend, what to do if you're trapped in an elevator, or whether pigeons are a pest or a pet. In March, Cosmopolitan put out a list of 55 PowerPoint ideas to "spice up your next at-home hang," which included ideas such as making a pitch for each of your friends' celebrity look-alike or "ranking cartoon characters by hotness."

Must we turn something we do at work into something we do in our personal lives? Just hanging out without a plan is fine and pleasant.

I guess I can see how this might be enjoyable, and some of the presentations do seem genuinely clever and funny, but I don't know, man. I love my friends, and also I absolutely do not want to do this with any of them.

Sure, a PowerPoint night is not that far off from, say, a game or movie night. It's a chance to be creative and turn something you do at work into something silly and social. But also, must we turn something we do at work into something we do in our personal lives? Just hanging out without a plan is fine and pleasant. Spontaneity is exciting! Another way to be creative is to put yourself in a situation where you have to be creative by thinking on your feet about conversation topics and activities at random.

The rise of the PowerPoint party also speaks to the workification of our day-to-day lives. The border between work and time off has been blurring for years. The ability to always respond to emails or messages on your phone has made "personal" time more porous . And especially among young, ambitious people, there's a sense that you constantly have to be busy, that everything has to be optimized, that there's always space for programming or growth. People post their workouts on Strava to show off their activity and compare it with their friends' and obsess over their VO2 max to track their fitness. They maintain tightly managed to-do lists and approach even a casual encounter like a networking opportunity. It's a constant rat race that feels exhausting. Even if it's supposed to be goofy, making a presentation for a party entails a level of productivity that we already have to bring to so many other spaces at work or school.

We should be able to embrace unstructured time. Indeed, culturally, that's a norm that's declining, especially for kids. As Vox's Anna North laid out last year , the amount of children's unstructured playtime in the US dropped by 25% from 1981 to 1997. For various reasons, kids don't have as much experience just getting along doing stuff on their own anymore, which can influence their sense of autonomy and deprive them of opportunities to develop important social skills and tools to combat anxiety and depression. It may also mean that as adults, they struggle to go with the flow. Perhaps it's no surprise that young adults who had their childhood activities scheduled down to the minute are embracing the PowerPoint party. But unstructured time is good for people of all ages. It can help with stress and anxiety, add space for rest, relaxation, and creativity, and give people a mental break.

Even if it's supposed to be goofy, making a presentation for a party entails a level of productivity that we already have to bring to so many other spaces at work or school.

Instead of embracing a bit more randomness, people are constantly squeezing friends and family into their calendars. It's not uncommon for someone to send out a Google form to pick out a new book-club book and date, just like they might at work. Responding to a group text message using classic office speak like "touch base" or "circle back" has become the norm in some circles. And, yes, this isn't to say there hadn't been theme parties that required a little planning or game nights with structure, but using products made by tech giants like Microsoft and Google to enjoy a night in with friends feels a lot sadder than relearning the rules of Monopoly. Bonding is important for forming relationships, and collective effervescence is a real thing, but it's hard not to wonder whether there are ways to achieve those things without emulating what we do 9 to 5 or requiring homework before the "fun" begins.

If you absolutely insist on having a PowerPoint party, God bless. Good for you. I don't want to yuck your yum. But also, maybe think about why you feel the need to do it, and, really, don't invite me.

Emily Stewart is a senior correspondent at Business Insider, writing about business and the economy.

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Press Release

Amd reports first quarter 2024 financial results, related documents.

SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) today announced revenue for the first quarter of 2024 of $5.5 billion, gross margin of 47%, operating income of $36 million, net income of $123 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.07. On a non-GAAP ( *) basis, gross margin was 52%, operating income was $1.1 billion, net income was $1.0 billion and diluted earnings per share was $0.62.

“We delivered strong first quarter results with our Data Center and Client segments each growing more than 80% year-over-year driven by the ramp of MI300 AI accelerator shipments and the adoption of our Ryzen and EPYC processors,” said AMD Chair and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. “This is an incredibly exciting time for the industry as widespread deployment of AI is driving demand for significantly more compute across a broad range of markets. We are executing very well as we ramp our data center business and enable AI capabilities across our product portfolio.”

“AMD started the year strong, delivering record quarterly Data Center segment revenue,” said AMD EVP, CFO and Treasurer Jean Hu. “In addition, we drove solid gross margin expansion. Moving forward, we are well positioned to continue driving revenue growth and margin improvement while investing in the large AI opportunities ahead.”

GAAP Quarterly Financial Results

Non-GAAP(*) Quarterly Financial Results

Segment Summary

  • Record Data Center segment revenue of $2.3 billion was up 80% year-over-year driven by growth in both AMD Instinct™ GPUs and 4 th Gen AMD EPYC™ CPUs. Revenue increased 2% sequentially driven by the first full quarter of AMD Instinct GPU sales, partially offset by a seasonal decline in server CPU sales.
  • Client segment revenue was $1.4 billion, up 85% year-over-year driven primarily by AMD Ryzen™ 8000 Series processor sales. Revenue decreased 6% sequentially.
  • Gaming segment revenue was $922 million, down 48% year-over-year and 33% sequentially due to a decrease in semi-custom revenue and lower AMD Radeon™ GPU sales.
  • Embedded segment revenue was $846 million, down 46% year-over-year and 20% sequentially as customers continued to manage their inventory levels.

Recent PR Highlights

  • Lenovo announced the highly performant ThinkSystem SR685a V3 8GPU server with AMD Instinct MI300X for both enterprise on-premise AI and public AI cloud service providers. Dell Technologies and Supermicro also showcased early performance of their AMD Instinct MI300X systems.
  • The AMD AI software ecosystem continues to mature with several key optimizations and additional features in the latest AMD ROCm™ 6.1 software stack that enable native support for additional generative AI tools and frameworks, further extend the leadership performance of AMD Instinct MI300X solutions and expand support for AMD Radeon PRO W7800 and Radeon RX 7900 GRE workstation and desktop GPUs.
  • AMD expanded its commercial AI PC processor portfolio with the launch of new AMD Ryzen™ PRO notebook and desktop processors with leadership AI and compute performance and advanced security. HP and Lenovo announced new enterprise PCs powered by Ryzen PRO 8000 Series processors.
  • At the “ Advancing AI PC Innovation Summit ,” a broad set of partners joined AMD to showcase how AMD is enabling emerging AI experiences. OEMs including Lenovo and HP showcased over 100 AI experiences already available through AMD platforms, and AMD expects to have more than 150 ISVs developing for Ryzen AI by the end of the year.
  • AMD launched new Versal™ Series Gen 2 devices, including the Versal AI Edge Series Gen 2 SoCs that combine multiple compute engines on a single chip for highly efficient end-to-end acceleration of AI-driven embedded systems. Subaru plans to deploy Versal AI Edge Series Gen 2 to power their next-gen EyeSight ADAS vision system.
  • The new AMD Embedded+ architecture combines x86 embedded processors with adaptive SoCs to accelerate time to market for edge AI applications.
  • Japanese bullet train operator JR Kyushu is using the AMD Kria™ K26 System-on-Module AI-based solution to automate track inspection.
  • Sony Semiconductor Solutions selected the AMD Artix™-7 FPGA and Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC for its LiDAR automotive reference design.
  • Lenovo announced two new platforms powered by 4 th Gen AMD EPYC processors, the ThinkAgile MX455 V3 Edge Premier Solution, an AI-optimized fully integrated solution with the Microsoft Azure Stack HCI, and the ThinkSystem SD535 V3, which is tailor made for mixed enterprise workloads.
  • AMD, Samsung and Vodafone demonstrated virtualized RAN solutions powered by AMD EPYC CPUs.
  • Ericsson and Telstra are using 4 th Gen AMD EPYC processors to deliver energy efficiency and modernization for innovative 5G core functions.
  • AMD continues to enhance its software offerings for gamers with AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution 3.1 that brings significant image quality improvements and expanded developer support, as well as AMD Fluid Motion Frames , increasing frame generation for thousands of games.

Current Outlook AMD’s outlook statements are based on current expectations. The following statements are forward-looking and actual results could differ materially depending on market conditions and the factors set forth under “Cautionary Statement” below.

For the second quarter of 2024, AMD expects revenue to be approximately $5.7 billion, plus or minus $300 million. At the mid-point of the revenue range, this represents year-over-year growth of approximately 6% and sequential growth of approximately 4%. Non-GAAP gross margin is expected to be approximately 53%.

AMD Teleconference AMD will hold a conference call for the financial community at 2:00 p.m. PT (5:00 p.m. ET) today to discuss its first quarter 2024 financial results. AMD will provide a real-time audio broadcast of the teleconference on the Investor Relations page of its website at www.amd.com .

For more than 50 years AMD has driven innovation in high-performance computing, graphics and visualization technologies. AMD employees are focused on building leadership high-performance and adaptive products that push the boundaries of what is possible. Billions of people, leading Fortune 500 businesses and cutting-edge scientific research institutions around the world rely on AMD technology daily to improve how they live, work and play. For more information about how AMD is enabling today and inspiring tomorrow, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) website , blog , LinkedIn and X pages.

Cautionary Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) such as expected AI opportunities; AMD’s ability to ramp its Data Center business and enable AI capabilities across its product portfolio; AMD’s ability to drive revenue growth and margin improvement while investing in future AI opportunities; the features, functionality, performance, availability, timing and expected benefits of AMD products; and AMD’s expected second quarter 2024 financial outlook, including revenue and non-GAAP gross margin, which are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are commonly identified by words such as "would," "may," "expects," "believes," "plans," "intends," "projects" and other terms with similar meaning. Investors are cautioned that the forward-looking statements in this press release are based on current beliefs, assumptions and expectations, speak only as of the date of this press release and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. Such statements are subject to certain known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond AMD's control, that could cause actual results and other future events to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. Material factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, without limitation, the following: Intel Corporation’s dominance of the microprocessor market and its aggressive business practices; economic  and market uncertainty; cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry; market conditions of the industries in which AMD products are sold; loss of a significant customer; public health crises, such as pandemics and epidemics; competitive markets in which AMD’s products are sold; quarterly and seasonal sales patterns; AMD's ability to adequately protect its technology or other intellectual property; unfavorable currency exchange rate fluctuations; ability of third party manufacturers to manufacture AMD's products on a timely basis in sufficient quantities and using competitive technologies; availability of essential equipment, materials, substrates or manufacturing processes; ability to achieve expected manufacturing yields for AMD’s products; AMD's ability to introduce products on a timely basis with expected features and performance levels; AMD's ability to generate revenue from its semi-custom SoC products; potential security vulnerabilities; potential security incidents including IT outages, data loss, data breaches and cyberattacks; potential difficulties in operating AMD’s newly upgraded enterprise resource planning system; uncertainties involving the ordering and shipment of AMD’s products; AMD’s reliance on third-party intellectual property to design and introduce new products in a timely manner; AMD's reliance on third-party companies for design, manufacture and supply of motherboards, software, memory and other computer platform components; AMD's reliance on Microsoft and other software vendors' support to design and develop software to run on AMD’s products; AMD’s reliance on third-party distributors and add-in-board partners; impact of modification or interruption of AMD’s internal business processes and information systems; compatibility of AMD’s products with some or all industry-standard software and hardware; costs related to defective products; efficiency of AMD's supply chain; AMD's ability to rely on third party supply-chain logistics functions; AMD’s ability to effectively control sales of its products on the gray market; long-term impact of climate change on AMD’s business; impact of government actions and regulations such as export regulations, tariffs and trade protection measures; AMD’s ability to realize its deferred tax assets; potential tax liabilities; current and future claims and litigation; impact of environmental laws, conflict minerals-related provisions and other laws or regulations; evolving  expectations from governments, investors, customers and other stakeholders regarding corporate responsibility matters; issues related to the responsible use of AI; impact of acquisitions, joint ventures and/or investments on AMD’s business and AMD’s ability to integrate acquired businesses;  impact of any impairment of the combined company’s assets; restrictions imposed by agreements governing AMD’s notes, the guarantees of Xilinx’s notes and the revolving credit facility; AMD's indebtedness; AMD's ability to generate sufficient cash to meet its working capital requirements or generate sufficient revenue and operating cash flow to make all of its planned R&D or strategic investments; political, legal and economic risks and natural disasters; future impairments of technology license purchases; AMD’s ability to attract and retain qualified personnel; and AMD’s stock price volatility. Investors are urged to review in detail the risks and uncertainties in AMD’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to AMD’s most recent reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q. 

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, EPYC, Radeon, Ryzen, Instinct, Versal, Alveo, Kria, FidelityFX, 3D V-Cache, Ultrascale+, Zynq, Threadripper and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Media Contact:

Drew Prairie AMD Communications 512-602-4425 [email protected]          Investor Contact: Mitch Haws AMD Investor Relations 408-749-3124 [email protected]  

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  6. Predicting Palates


  1. 25 Presentation Design Trends for Cool PowerPoint PPTs 2024 (+Video

    A presentation trend in 2024 is to have a presentation design that includes diverse personalities and characters. Embrace inclusive design and visuals that represent people of every age, race, gender, orientation. Also look for designs that show a range of visible and invisible disabilities as active members of society. ... This new trend ...

  2. 18+ Presentation Design Trends for 2024: Create PowerPoint PPTs With

    6. Full-bleed Images. Using full-bleed images that expand across the entire slide is a design strategy that allows you to create more impactful and emotional presentations that convey a strong message. This design trend involves using large images as backgrounds to create more visual-centric slides.

  3. Top Presentation Design Trends of 2022, According to Creative Experts

    Here, learn from three creative experts from leading companies in the tech space on the four biggest presentation design trends that will emerge in 2021. 1. There will be increased empathy found in design. Marissa Latshaw, Founder of Latshaw Marketing, says: "Impactful, inspiring design starts with empathy. Empathy is one of the most powerful ...

  4. Presentation design trends

    Innovation in Presentation Design. To conclude, as we enter the new year, cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) are poised to redefine presentation design trends. Let's see what they are about!

  5. The Latest Presentation Trends To Keep An Eye On In 2023

    Inclusive Visuals, Graphics and Fonts. A big presentation design trend we have seen in the past couple of years and into 2023 is the use of inclusive visuals. The graphic design industry has seen a big move towards accessibility and inclusivity. This has meant using different shapes, fonts, and images that reflect a more inclusive community.

  6. 7 Presentation Design Trends in 2023

    7 presentation design trends in 2023. Core knowledge. Pitchdeck. From Metaverse- and NFT-inspired designs to authenticity, expressive artistry, and boldness, the changes occurring in presentation trends are substantial and numerous. As 2023 unfolds, it reveals an unmistakable hunger for realism, inclusion, and relatability in the branding field.

  7. Unveiling presentation design trends set to dominate in 2024

    Typography continues to be a driving force in design trends. Dynamic typography, animated text, and creative font choices enhance the expressive power of your messages, making your presentations visually striking and memorable. Express tone & emotion or lead the audience through the visual hierarchy seamlessly with dynamic typography elements.

  8. 2023 Presentation Design Trends

    These 2023 Presentation Design Trends will guide you on some of the essential trends for this year that you don't want to miss. After two years of pandemic and a huge development in virtual presentations, 2023 is a year full of hope as the world is returning to a new normal. Therefore, knowing the multiple trends in graphic design will help ...

  9. 8 Presentation design trends you should know about for 2024

    Posted 2023-12-27. Flat Design. Minimalist Design. Colorful, Bright, and Bold Design. Infographic-Style Slides in Presentations. Bold Typography Design. Bonus Tip. Summary. 2024's presentation design trends blend minimalism, interactive charts, infographics, and innovative styles like dot display graphics and pixels.

  10. 8 Trends That Will Dominate Presentation Design in 2024

    In this article, we will delve into the presentation styles and trends that will shape 2024! 1. Rise of Minimalism. One of the prominent styles that will be the talk of the town in 2024 is the minimal and aesthetic layout. This trend emphasizes simplicity and focuses on essential elements to convey information effectively.

  11. Top presentation trends to use in 2023

    Bold typography. In 2023, typography will play a significant role in presentation trends. Bold typography can help emphasize important points, create contrast, and add visual interest to your slides. Sans-serif fonts like Helvetica and Arial will be popular choices for presentation design.

  12. 5 Presentation Design Trends to Try in 2023

    In 2023 we will still see images and videos play a big role in presentation design. However, with evolving technology, the bar for images has gotten higher. With AI on the rise, we're expecting to see more unique AI-powered images in 2023 and beyond. In anticipation of this trend, we added our new ImageBot (Beta) feature.

  13. Top 35 Presentation Design Trends to Look Out for in 2024

    17. Clean and Simple. 2024 presentation design trends is all about the clean and simple presentation design trends. To create a bold and effective presentation, think of creating and reusing elements, like shapes or colors. For the font choice, stick to simple sans serif types that support this look and feel.

  14. Presentation design trends: 2023

    In 2023 presentation design, we'll see less hand-drawn/doodly animations, but patterns and textures will be popular, replacing flat colours in backgrounds and vector illustrations. The new year will bring a touch of nostalgia with it - our presentation designers predict grainy textures and serif fonts to make a comeback.

  15. Presentation Design Trends in 2024 to Watch Out For

    A new trend in presentation design will be the use of immersive and interactive image elements. This includes using 360-degree images, clickable image galleries, or images that change when hovered ...

  16. 8 Possible Presentation Design Trends 2022

    Memphis Design. Typography as the central figure. Minimalism is still a noteworthy style as the possible presentation design trends 2022. Muted Earth Tone. Glassmorphism. Dynamic Gradients. Retro Revolution/Retro. When putting together an engaging presentation slide, there are two things we need to keep in mind: design and function. In other ...

  17. 7 Presentation Trends To Watch Out For In 2023

    The presentation trend cycle is similar to the regular design trend cycle, which makes it easier for our presentation experts to predict what presentation design trends will take over in 2023. There is an emphasis on connecting with your audience in a new way inspired by the Internet age and social media.

  18. Best New Presentation Template Designs for 2024 (Top PPTs & More

    2. Stysus - Clean Creative Cyan Purple Modern Company Profile. Stysus is also one of the best presentation templates for Keynote. Present your content in a clean and modern style with this presentation template design. This download comes with: PPTX, PPT, GS and Keynote files.

  19. 2023 Presentation Trends: 3 New Ways to Create Fresh and Engaging

    2023 Presentation Trends. The SlideRabbit team is always keeping our eyes peeled for the latest presentation trends. We keep an eye on related design industries like website, software, marketing, and advertising. Each year, we share our predictions. The presentation trends we've spotted for for 2023 all revolve around embracing and harnessing ...

  20. Top 10 Biggest Presentation Design Trends

    To learn more about turning the heat up (or down) in your next design, check out our Color Trends round-up for 2021. Kayla Fashion Powerpoint Template. Lances - Art Deco Google Slide Template. Thunder Pastel Keynote. 5. Simple Data Visualization. This year, data visualization has gone back to basics.

  21. Presentation Design Trends in 2022

    Presentations in 2022 are all about creative color palettes, particularly retro ones. Kimp design company says, "The retro color tones work well in graphic design because they act as standalone design pieces.". One of the more popular retro color palettes gives a nod to mid-century design by featuring muted and earthy rusts, mustards, and ...

  22. PowerPoint Trends 2022

    Conclusion: it is the mix that counts. PowerPoint Trends for 2022 are all about nostalgia. Design styles from the 90s and 00s are making a comeback in PowerPoint, but with a touch of modernization. Extra pixelated images and backgrounds and 3D effects feature strongly. Trends are exciting, but you should pay close attention to which trends fit ...

  23. Fashion Trends

    Fashion Trends Presentation. Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Whether you dedicate yourself to the world of fashion or if it is your hobby, you will love this template. It has in abstract doodle style with red tones and floral motifs. You can use it to present the new collection of your clothing ...

  24. PowerPoint Parties: Gen Z Trend Is a Misguided Mix of Work and Fun

    PowerPoint parties, where people get together to show each other presentations on various topics in the name of having fun, is a terrible way to spend social time. iStock; Rebecca Zisser/BI

  25. Sonatype: The Evolution of Enterprise AI: Navigating New Trends and

    Sonatype: The Evolution of Enterprise AI: Navigating New Trends and Challenges Posted on Apr 22, 2024 in Presentations Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have emerged as transformative forces reshaping software development-but also present a variety of security challenges.

  26. AMD Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial Results

    SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) today announced revenue for the first quarter of 2024 of $5.5 billion, gross margin of 47%, operating income of $36 million, net income of $123 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.07.

  27. Trends in Small Satellite Presentations from 2017

    Trends in Small Satellite Presentations from 2017 - 2019 As the small satellite community expands and new technologies emerge, it is important to understand and interpret these changes over time. In doing so, we observe progress and aid future development within the field. During the summer of 2020 we compiled for assessment purposes, archived presentation data for years 2017-2019 from three ...