Sea Travel Essay Examples

Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Sea Travel.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Sea Travel. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Sea Travel on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Sea Travel, and much more. Keep on reading!

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Essays About Traveling: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

Discover our guide with essays about traveling, including topic prompts that will make you write about traveling and hit the road for your next adventure. 

Traveling is a much-loved activity by many; exploring the world and seeing new and beautiful places can be a great way to unwind and recharge. Many fond memories are created during holidays abroad, and we carry these precious times with us. But for those who only travel for official business purposes and never really get to explore destinations fully, travel can be a more stressful experience. 

Beyond the anxieties one endures in planning a travel or boarding flights, traveling can do wonders for mental health, open our eyes to new experiences, help us be closer to nature, and allows us to reflect on our progress and accomplishments in life.

5 Essay Examples 

1. rebooting the economy: restoring travel and tourism in the covid-19 era by patrick l. osewe, 2.  humans may dream of traveling to mars, but our bodies aren’t built for it by charles wohlforth and amanda hendrix, 3. what’s sustainable about soaring private jet use by terry slavin, 4. instagram travel bragging is killing the family vacation by meagan francis, 5.  pre-travel stress by sally black, 1. travel bucket list, 2. your first solo travel , 3. travel to ghost towns, 4. how technology transformed travel, 5. how movies influence our travel preference, 6. learning cultures from traveling, 7. earn from travel vlogging, 8. traveling through time, 9. your most memorable travel experience, 10. benefits of traveling while working .

“Even as travel restrictions and lockdowns have relaxed, cautious return-to-travel behavior among travelers—due in part to lingering health and safety concerns—suggests that the recovery process for the industry will be long and slow.”

The travel industry was one of the hardest hit during the COVID-19 pandemic. With its importance to the economy, especially in Asia, where the industry could easily account for 80% of the GDP, a fast recovery is imperative. To make this goal more attainable, multisectoral coordination in planning and implementing safety rules will be essential. You might also be interested in these essays about holidays with family and essays about journeys .

“Even a short, sortie mission to Mars and back would be extremely hazardous to human health. A Mars colony is out of the question. Living long-term on its surface is beyond the capacity of our bodies to survive.”

Amid the excitement over sending humans to travel to Mars, there has been emerging research that highlights the dangers of such missions. The space between the Earth and Mars already poses many obstacles. And even if, by rare luck, man reaches Mars, staying will be the next paramount challenge as consequences could mean a halt in blood circulation or blindness. 

“When it comes to the carbon footprint of travel, there is nothing worse than traveling by private jet… Yet despite all the net-zero rhetoric from the corporate sector, and pressure from the flight-shame movement, private jet use is booming.”

As private jet use is starting to burgeon, society is demanding greater accountability from the ultra-rich and the commitment to invest in sustainable technologies for air travel. This could compensate for their use of private jets, a single one of which is estimated to ​​be several times more polluting than commercial planes.

“What, I wonder, does the financial strain of planning a trip you can’t really afford do to your expectation level — and how much can you enjoy your vacation once there? When the bill arrives, do most find that the experience was worth the stress after all?”

The culture of bragging on Instagram is destroying the true meaning of family vacations. Where such experiences used to be for relaxation, fun, and strengthening of family bonds, family travels are now a ticket for boasting, requiring ridiculous expenses for which some families are willing to be in debt. 

“While a vacation maybe me one of the highlights of your entire year, the days leading up to departure can be stressful. For some people, this stress can bubble over into a full-blown anxiety or panic attack complete with physical symptoms.”

Pre-travel stress is a common symptom for many. Worries often stem from hoping for the vacation to be smooth sailing. However, unpleasant incidents may always occur. On our part, we must focus on those we have control of, such as how we pack and how we address our ultimate pre-travel concerns.

10 Topic Prompts To Help With Your essays about traveling

Essays About Traveling: Travel bucket list

How far have you progressed in completing your travel bucket list? Take this essay to share your experiences in traveling to your dream destinations. If you haven’t started ticking anything from your travel bucket list, you can simply enumerate these places and explain what drove your attraction. For example, you may visit Italy for tasty authentic Italian food and drink.

If you’ve traveled solo, this is the essay prompt for you. Turn this essay into a guide for helping people travel solo. So, provide tips on planning a solo trip and making the proper arrangements. Share the places you’ve gone to and travel hacks that helped ensure your safety, especially as safety is a chief concern when traveling solo. Finally, don’t forget to write down what made you bold enough to try a solo flight and how it has benefitted you.

For seekers of thrilling adventures, ghost towns are the best place to travel. First, find a ghost city that allows tourists. Then take on a story-telling essay by narrating the town’s story from its birth to its abandonment. Finally, ensure to provide your readers with a list of what they must do to enter the ghost town’s premises.

Efficiency and convenience in travel are the best gifts technology has given modern generations. Gone were the days when you still had to scout for a hotel upon arriving at your destination. For this writing prompt, compare today’s travel experience with the days before the computer. You may extend your essay by adding what more digital advancements the tourism industry has in store for travel lovers.

Almost always, the setting of a favorite movie becomes a part of your travel bucket list. This desire stems from the longing to connect with your favorite characters and mentally relive your favorite movie scenes, this time with yourself in the picture. For your essay, write about film-induced tourism becoming a key strategy for marketing travel destinations. 

Traveling is the best way to immerse in cultures and better understand the many worlds beyond your own. Share your experience traveling has helped open your mind to new cultures, practices, languages, and beliefs. To help your readers appreciate your trip, write a few paragraphs about the place, starting from its main point of attraction and its economic and socio-cultural statures. You can also interview other travel enthusiasts for this cultural essay. 

Essays About Traveling: Earn from travel vlogging

Travel vlogging is one of the best ways to earn money while having the best time. First, give a short overview of the travel vlog industry to entice your readers into travel vlogging. Next, gather reports that inform how one can generate money from this venture and how much they can expect in time with quality content. Then, provide a list of recommendations. You can use tips from other successful travel vloggers as well. 

Movies that tinker with time travel machines always appeal to many of us. This is certainly true for those thrilled over the possibility of visiting an era we can only imagine through our history books. If you were to time-travel, what historical period would you like to visit? Reveal this in your essay and explain why.

Share the most memorable travel experience with your readers and help them picture it with adjectives and vivid detailing. Your story doesn’t have to be a luxurious experience. It can be as simple as a scenic drive around the lake, a tan from a sunny beach, or your first travel by plane or boat.

Looking for more? Check out our guide on how to write a postcard .

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us realize that work can be done from a distance, pushing the telecommuting trends higher and fulfilling people’s travel vengeance. This essay cites the physical and mental health benefits of traveling while working. Share your opinion on whether companies should incentivize arrangements that allow work while traveling.  For more help with your writing, read our guide explaining persuasive writing . If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips .

essay on sea travel

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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How To Write a Good Travel Essay

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How To Write a Good Travel Essay - Guide with Examples


“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

-Gustav Flaubert

Packing the duffel with the bare essentials and hopping into the car, getting behind the steering wheel and driving with no perfect destination in mind – we all dream to live such a life, don't we? Travelling to unseen places and exploring what it has to offer can be an enriching experience. However beautiful can travel be as an experience, writing a travelling essay can be quite a challenge. It may seem easy to come up with the ideas that you want to include in the essay but putting them into coherent sentences can be difficult. Your words should be impactful enough to be able to sweep the readers off their feet and take them on the cliff or make them feel the saline breeze on a beach.  

A perfect travel essay must reflect the journey and highlight the little-known facts about the region. It should be infused with the character and culture of the place. If you are feeling stymied while writing a travel essay, then we have some brilliant tips for you that can make the task considerably easy for you.

8 tips for an outstanding essay on travelling

Here are 8 tips that you can cash on to produce a winning travelling essay:

  • Be specific with the destination

Before you choose a topic for your travel essay, keep the time spent in the location in mind. If your trip is just for a couple of days, then do not make the mistake of writing about an entire city. Think it out practically – is it possible to travel through a city in just a few days? Take for instance your essay is about London. It is quite an insurmountable task to be able to cover all the distance even in a week. So stick to a particular destination so that you can include the nuances and minutest details of the place to paint a picture in the reader’s mind with your words. 

  • Less guide, more exploring

Also, the destination need not be about an exotic locale. It can be a story about an idyllic rustic location in the suburb of the teeming city. It can be about a cottage up on the hills with just the view of snowy valleys and iced peaks. Your words should give the sense of exploring and not touring. The essay should not be like a guide. It should be a view of the location through your lens.

  • Know the location like the back of your hand

Before starting to write a travel essay, do your research. A travel essay isn’t a made-up story so there should not be any fake information. Readers will be looking for more than just the necessary information about the must-visit tourist attractions. So you need to go beyond the surface and include more about the history of the place. Just do not write about the restaurants – talk about the cuisine of the place and the story behind it, if any. To get into the innermost recesses of the location, you can speak to the residents of the area. To bring richness in your travel essay, you must reveal another side of the destination.

  • Include the nitty-gritty

The key to an impressive travel essay is to be able to break down the location into kernels and write the core details about them. As mentioned earlier, so not just write about the tourist attractions and restaurants in the destination. Write about the lesser talked streets and unknown landmarks and the history behind them. If the place is known for its delicacies, write about how the cuisine has evolved and who had started it. From quaint bookstores to ice cream parlours to run-down shabby pubs – shed light to such nuances to bring your essay to life. You can even mention the negative things that you have faced in the place – like irregular transport modes or impolite locals. These little details will help you make your essay more impactful.

  • Be creative with the writing style

Since a travel essay is more like an anecdote, there is no specific format to write it. Therefore, a travel essay gives you the scope of setting your foot into the unchartered areas of creativity. You have got the creative freedom to write what you want. You can study how the natives of the locale speak and learn some of the basic words and phrases they use. To put them into writing you can read the local newspaper to get the pulse of the city you are in. Using the colloquial lingo can help the reader get a closer peek into the lives of the people living in the place. It will reflect a slice of how they live their way of life. Your words should be simple and yet impactful to portray and not just merely narrate. Touch every bit of the rust in the roof to make the reader feel like they are on the same journey with you.

  • Make it personal

The travel essay is your story. So add some personal experience in the story and at the same time do not make it self-indulgent. Include stories that can resonate with all your readers. Your experiences should be able to bring the reader back to the travel destination and connect him with the place. It should be the perfect blend of narration of the experiences you had while on the trip along with a vivid description of the place. To achieve the balance, write your essay in first person perspective to give a real touch to the story. Include the most interesting bits that will help the reader connect with you. You can even include the quotes of natives living in the area you had visited.

  • Start with a captivating catch

Like every essay, the introduction is the key to make it an impressive read. The opening should be capturing enough to attract the reader’s attention. It should leave an impact and should make them want to go on reading the piece. Start with an unknown fact about the place and leave it hanging from the cliff. Use a tone of suspense to excite the readers to keep them guessing about the contents of the essay.

  • Make it vivid with images

For certain places, words may fall short in being able to explain the exact description of a place. You cannot describe how the sky looked with the mountains seemingly touching the clouds or the horizon fading beyond the sea. Certain things cannot be explained in words – like the color of the sky or the water! This is where pictures come in! Providing real images of the place in between can help the readers stay connected. Vivid photos can also make the readers understand the story better by bringing them closer to it. So make sure you take breathtaking pictures of the place you are writing about. The images will help your essay stay in the readers’ mind longer.

With the above tips, we are sure you will be able to write an excellent travelling essay  that will impress your professor and fetch you a good grade.

And if you are still unsure about putting these to use, then below is a winning sample to show you how it is done!

Travelling essay sample

I have visited London several times, and yet it is amazing how I find something new to explore every time I visit the capital city. My visit last autumn too did not fail to surprise me. With the hustle and bustle and the rich royal history, London city has a lot to offer. Since I just had a few days to spare, I wanted to make the best out of this trip.

Although vast and sprawling, I decided to visit most of the city on foot this time. Now since in my previous visits I had seen most of the tourist-y attractions already, I wanted to take the path less travelled this time to discover the hidden gems of the city. The last time I had been to London, I had missed out on the chance to visit the chock full of literature and history that awaited me in the Shakespeare Globe Theatre. Being a student of literature, visiting the place where the Bard of Avon once enacted the plays he wrote was a spellbinding moment. And guess what? I also caught a staging of the Macbeth before I left the place. Before heading towards the Hyde Park tube station, I grabbed some of London’s famous Fish ‘n’ Chips from the oldest food market of the city, the Borough Market. From Hyde Park to Tower Hill in under fifteen minutes by Tube, I began exploring the Tower of London. It was there that I heard a guard speaking about where he hailed from. A quick conversation with Peter, I had gotten intrigued to know more about his village – Suffolk in Lavenham. I asked him how to get there and Peter, being the quintessential helping guide that Londoners are known to be, told me that I could either take a car from central London. Or I could wait for the next day and take the train from Liverpool to Sudbury and then take the bus route 753 and reach in around two hours. Having nothing to do, I spent that day in the British Museum and walking on Oxford Street.

The next morning, I started my journey to the quaint village of Suffolk. I had picked up a book about the village where I learned that the village had once housed Henry III in 1257. And a bonus for all the Harry Potter fans – the village also starred in ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ as Godric’s Hollow where Hermoine and Harry are seen to be visiting Bathilda Bagshot. On reaching the village, the first thing that grabbed my attention was the picture-perfect silhouette of prosperous medieval England with all the half-timbered houses. The lime-washed and brightly coloured buildings added an idyllic element to the village with the De Vere House standing out from the rest. Adding to the rustic touch was the fifteenth-century St Peter Church with its soaring height of a 141ft tower. The autumn breeze welcomed me as I walked on the leaf-covered high streets. I saw some young guns cycling around in a park and called out to them for directions. My stay for the trip was an Air BnB home-stay where I had to put up with an elderly couple – the Havishams. I still remember how on reaching the gate of the house, I had caught a waft of crumpets and hot scones. After an exchange of banalities followed by me gorging on the scones, I had found out about the hidden gems from Mr Havisham who happened to be quite a cheerful talker. He told me what a must-visit Hadley’s was when in Suffolk. I had then set out with a local map to find the hidden gem. On reaching I had found that Hadley’s was a cutesy ice cream shop, almost run down, run by an old lady. Here Rebecca told me how the ice cream parlour was opened back in the 1850s and was still known for their hand-made sorbets.

Like the sorbet, my stay in Suffolk had been a sweet experience – a trip of revelation. The tour – with all the lonely walks – had in an inexplicable way helped me to get my perspectives right. It isn’t the exotic locales and the flight above the clouds that make travelling my drug. Rather, it is little but beautiful discoveries like Suffolk that feed my wanderlust. Thank you, London. Thank you for being a wonderful experience, once again.   

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Why People Travel Essay: Reasons for and Benefits of Travelling

Wondering how to write why do people travel essay? Read our paper example to learn about the benefits of traveling and get ideas for your essay.

Introduction of Why People Travel Essay

Reasons for travel.

  • Conclusion: Benefits of Traveling

Travelling is an important part of the life. There are several reasons for it. The first cause concerns the necessity to change the environment. It motivates people, brings them new experiences and desire to keep moving and living. According to Stellin (2006), most people do not have time for journeys. Usually, everyone has a lot of plans for days off, which include visiting relatives, going to the weddings, birthdays, and parties.

All these activities include travelling as well, but they can become rather frustrating if one does not have enough time for oneself. The author differentiates trip from vacation, stating that the first deals with spending time with family while the latter means having a holiday in exotic places.

Some people do not need to travel far because they can have a rest at home. A staycation is a term for this phenomenon. It may include the changing of the everyday schedule, often going for picnics, or doing exercises for pleasure (Stephenson, Dummet, & Hughes, 2012). In other words, a staycation is everything interesting one can conduct without leaving a house. Consequently, two ways of having a vacation can fulfil the necessity to change the everyday routine.

The second reason is the desire to know the way other societies live. It is an exciting method to have a good rest and become familiar with different cultures. A wish to experience new emotions in foreign countries motivates individuals to travel. They visit galleries, museums, observe the lifestyle and traditions, and participate in many activities (Dale, 2005). Generally speaking, they conduct such activities that are impossible in their society.

Travellers become a part of a dissimilar country for a particular period. New information enhances the broad-mindedness and erases cultural barriers. The absorption into the foreign culture is also a kind of escape from usual life and problems. Everything unpleasant seems so far away among new people.

The next reason for travelling deals with educational purposes. There is no doubt that when one visits the new place, he or she will perceive particular knowledge. Learning for fun is the best way to improve the general state of mind and be in a good mood. The obtaining of a skill of how to cook foreign food makes the human brain work more actively. As a result, the level of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) rises and makes one a happier person ( Eleven Reasons Why Travel Makes You a Happier Person , 2015).

Travelling and education are good companions that make people joyful. The acquisition of the foreign language in the country where it is a native language is the paramount way of the effective studying. Those, who study languages, have no other choice rather than practice it and try to understand everyone around. A learner copies peculiar features of pronunciation and studies the most useful vocabulary. Thus, travelling is a convenient method to acquire necessary knowledge and skills.

The fourth reason for travelling refers to the physical and mental need to relax. This cause is typical for those who have been working hard during the whole year. Such tourists give preference to laying in the sun and swimming in the sea. Another variant is to devote all time to enjoying spa procedures and feeling the relaxation (Dale, 2005).

Frequent stresses usually accompany hard physical work. The best holiday for them is to leave all businesses behind, turn the phone off, and visit some exotic country with beautiful sandy beach. Busy people always have something to do and to think over. Such a change of environment is helpful for those who are sick and tired of constant work and problems.

People often travel to meet somebody or to have a good time with friends. A vacation can be the best decision for a journey with husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend. Usually, an everyday routine slowly kills the relationships and makes individuals tired of each other. That is why some couples decide to travel to a foreign country and enjoy the time rather than quarrel about trivial things (Agarwal, 2015).

Conclusion: Benefits of Travelin

A vacation presupposes going sightseeing, doing shopping, trying the national cuisine, and exploring the new location. Other tourists travel to make acquaintances. Some individuals are communicative and need to make friends and meet interesting people. They can find new contacts everywhere: on the bus, in the street, or on the beach. One may conclude that people travel to forget their problems, receive new impressions and recover from the everyday routine and hard work.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 8). Why People Travel Essay: Reasons for and Benefits of Travelling.

"Why People Travel Essay: Reasons for and Benefits of Travelling." IvyPanda , 8 Apr. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Why People Travel Essay: Reasons for and Benefits of Travelling'. 8 April.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Why People Travel Essay: Reasons for and Benefits of Travelling." April 8, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Why People Travel Essay: Reasons for and Benefits of Travelling." April 8, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Why People Travel Essay: Reasons for and Benefits of Travelling." April 8, 2020.

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About The Beach: My Happiest Place

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Published: Jan 28, 2021

Words: 792 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Works Cited:

  • American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
  • Gallo, C. (2014). Talk like TED: The 9 public-speaking secrets of the world’s top minds. St. Martin’s Griffin.
  • Lee, D. (2014). How to give a TED talk : Presentation secrets from the world’s best speakers. St. Martin’s Press.
  • Lerner, M. J., & Keltner, D. (2001). Fear, anger, and risk. Journal of personality and social psychology, 81(1), 146-159.
  • O'Hair, D., Stewart, R. A., & Rubenstein, H. (2015). A speaker's guidebook: Text and reference. Bedford/St. Martin's.
  • Velasquez, L. (2013, December). How do you define yourself? [Video file]. TEDx Talks.
  • Yousuf, A. (2017). Public speaking skills for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Zarefsky, D. (2013). Public speaking: Strategies for success. Pearson.
  • Zimmerman, J. (2014). TED talks: The official TED guide to public speaking. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Ziv, A. (2015). The ultimate public speaking survival guide: 37 things you must know when you start public speaking. Amazon Digital Services LLC.

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✍️Essay on Travelling: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

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  • May 10, 2024

Essay on travelling

Did you know the tourism industry accounted for $2 Trillion in 2022? Every year, people travel around the world to take a break from their busy routines. This in turn helps them to come back more rejuvenated and more focused. But do you know the importance of travelling and how it helps one mentally and physically? Well, don’t worry as we have got you covered. Here we will give you details on an essay on travelling, which you can use at school, college and other academic levels. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Importance of Travelling 
  • 2 Essay on Travelling in 100 words
  • 3 Essay on Travelling in 200 words
  • 4 Essay on Travelling in 300 words
  • 5 Short Essay on Travelling

Importance of Travelling 

Travelling is a vital facet of personal development and cultural enrichment. Travelling broadens one’s horizons, and fosters tolerance and understanding of diverse cultures. On the positive side of travelling is that it allows one to break free from their routine, and travel and stimulates creativity and problem-solving skills. 

One should make sure they travel at least once a year. By doing so, it will act as a motivation for self-discovery, building confidence and allowing one to navigate several unfamiliar territories.  Moreover, it creates long-lasting memories as well as bonds with friends or other people.

Travelling to new places and exploring nature’s wonders, historical landmarks, or vibrant cities imbues us with valuable experiences. It also promotes lifelong learning as well as appreciation for the beauty and diversity of our world. All in all, travelling to new places acts as an investment in both personal development and in terms of creating connections with new people.

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Essay on Travelling in 100 words

People love to travel around the world for leisure while there are people who travel for educational purposes. At the same time, some people travel for work-related reasons. All those people who love to travel for educational purposes get the opportunity to their classroom learning into practical use as well. 

On the other hand, some people travel only for pleasure and to get a break from their busy schedules. We can extend our horizons by experiencing the location’s food, culture, architecture, and other characteristics. Experiences from real life are always more valuable. We can learn about a different culture, language, way of life, and population by visiting a city in a foreign country. It is occasionally the best teacher for learning about the outside world.

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Essay on Travelling in 200 words

Travelling is a captivating and enriching experience that broadens horizons, fosters personal growth, and connects individuals with diverse cultures and landscapes. It is a journey of discovery, both of the world and oneself.

One of the most profound aspects of travelling is the opportunity to explore new cultures. Immersing oneself in different traditions, cuisines, and languages opens one’s mind to the rich tapestry of humanity. It fosters tolerance, empathy, and a deeper understanding of global interconnectedness.

Moreover, travel provides a break from daily routine and offers a chance to escape the demands of daily life. It allows individuals to recharge, relax, and rejuvenate. Whether it’s lounging on a pristine beach, hiking in majestic mountains, or exploring bustling urban centres, travel offers diverse experiences for every taste and preference.

Furthermore, travelling encourages personal growth. It challenges individuals to step out of their comfort zones, adapt to unfamiliar environments, and solve problems on the go. It promotes self-confidence, independence, and resilience.

At last, travelling is not just a leisure activity; it is a transformative journey that enriches the mind, nourishes the soul, and leaves lasting memories. It is an essential part of the human experience, reminding us that the world is vast, diverse, and waiting to be explored. So, pack your bags and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Your next great discovery may be just around the corner.

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Essay on Travelling in 300 words

Travelling is a transformative experience that opens up a world of possibilities and enriches our lives in countless ways. Whether it’s a weekend getaway to a nearby town or an adventure across continents, the act of travelling transcends mere movement; it’s a journey of self-discovery and exploration.

One of the best aspects of travelling is the exposure to diverse cultures. When we venture beyond our familiar surroundings, we encounter people with different traditions, languages, and perspectives. This exposure fosters empathy and a deeper understanding of the global community. It allows us to break down stereotypes and prejudices, promoting a more interconnected and peaceful world.

Travelling also provides an opportunity for personal growth. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and adapt to new situations. Whether it’s navigating through a bustling market in Marrakech or communicating with locals in Tokyo, these experiences build resilience and self-confidence. We also learn problem-solving skills, become more adaptable, and develop a greater sense of independence.

Furthermore, travel offers a chance to connect with nature. Travelling is a gateway to history and art. Visiting ancient ruins, museums, and historical sites immerses us in the rich tapestry of human civilization. It deepens our appreciation for the accomplishments and struggles of those who came before us, fostering a sense of heritage and a connection to our shared past.

In conclusion, travelling is not just about going from one place to another; it’s a journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, personal growth, and appreciation for the world we inhabit. It broadens our horizons, challenges our assumptions, and enriches our lives in ways that few other experiences can. So, whether you’re exploring a distant land or simply taking a road trip to a neighbouring town, embrace the opportunity to travel and let it transform you.

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Short Essay on Travelling

Here is a sample of a short essay on travelling:

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Travelling Gives You a Whole New Perspective on the World. Exploring new cultures and ideas while abroad can fundamentally alter how you perceive and engage with the rest of the world.

When you travel, you encounter new people, cultures, experiences, and adventures (both good and terrible), and you may even come to a new understanding of what life is all about.

A new language, cuisine, culture, and even new ways of thinking and living are introduced to the people. Travel also helps one realise that you need to pay attention to the various viewpoints, ideologies, and values that are all around you.

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Tourism Essay for Students and Children

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500+ Words Essay on Tourism

Tourism Essay – Tourism is a major economic activity that has developed significantly over the years. It’s an activity that can be recognized in both developed and developing nations. In general terms, tourism is the movement of a person from one place to another to visit and mesmerize the beauty of that place or to have fun. Moreover, the concept of traveling is considered a luxury and only people with higher income can afford this luxury.

Tourism Essay

The Growth of Tourism

Earlier our ancestors used to travel by sea routes as it was a convenient and most affordable medium but it was time taking. Due to, technological advancement we can now easily travel to any place without wasting time we can travel thousands of miles within a few hours. Technological advancement has shrunk the earth into a global village. Besides, the modern modes are much safer than the modes that our predecessors used.

Effect of Tourism on a Country

For any country, tourism generates a lot of money especially a country like India. Due to the Taj Mahal (one of the seven wonders of the world) every year the government raise a huge sum of revenue. Also, because of tourism other industries also bloom. Such industries include transportation, wildlife, arts and entertainment, accommodation, etc.

Moreover, this ultimately leads to the creation of job and other opportunities in the area. But there are some drawbacks too which can affect the lifestyle and cultural value of the country.

Importance of Tourism

Traveling is a tiring and difficult thing and not everyone is able to travel. But at the same time, it’s a fun activity that takes your tiredness away. Travelling adds flavor to life as you travel to different places that have a different culture and lifestyle. Also, it’s an easy way to learn about the culture and tradition of a place. Besides, for many areas, tourism is their main source of income.

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India- A Tourist Attraction

The Taj Mahal is not the only destination in India that attract tourist. Likewise, there are hundreds of tourist destination that is spread over the Indian plateau. India has a large variety of Flora and Fauna. Besides, the equator divides the geographical land of India into almost two equal halves that make India a country where six seasons occurs.

Moreover, in almost every city of India, there is a historical monument made by the rulers in their time period.

Benefits of Tourism

Tourism not only benefits the government but also the people that live in the local area. It also creates a business as well as employment opportunities for the local people which ultimately help the government to earn income.

Benefits Due to Tourism

As we know that tourism contributes a lot to the revenue of the country. Also, the government uses this income for the growth and development of the country. Likewise, they construct dams, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, Dharamshala and many more.

In conclusion, we can say that tourism is a very productive activity both for the tourist and the government. As they support each other simultaneously. Also, the government should consider improving the conditions of the country as more and more number of tourist visit their country.

Above all, tourism is one of the fastest-growing industry in the world that has changed the scenario of the world.

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Essay about trip to beach

Essay about trip to beach 12 models

Essay about trip to beach ,that has some ideas to students and scholars looking for new ideas to help them to write Essay about trip to beach with easy and beautiful points .

Essay about trip to beach 

Self needs to rest and relax after a long period of study and exposure to exams pressure, which makes summer holidays and high temperature of the atmosphere ideal opportunity to enjoy the sea and the moderate atmosphere of the beautiful beaches.

The pleasure of going to the sea is incomparable when you go with your family or friends. I remember last year when I went with my family to the beach in summer. The sea is about 400 km away. My father prepared the car and checked engine oil, battery, fuel, tires and belts. He booked for our stay at a hotel near the beach.

My mother and sister prepared everything we needed on our trip as light food and soft drinks to have on the way to the hotel. My sister prepared the necessary clothing for the sea, sunscreen and some essential medicines.

We did not take much food because we would be in a hotel in a coastal city that offers a buffet and there are many fish restaurants around the hotel.

We moved early in the morning to avoid the high temperature of summer and reach before roads congestion.

We stopped on our way for a short break to eat some sandwiches and have soft drinks. It was a simple rest area in the middle of the desert. We felt a sense of serenity and calm.

After four hours of driving, we arrived at the hotel at nine o’clock in the morning and went to our rooms to rest, change clothes and take all what we need to go to the beach.

We headed to the beach and we chose an isolated spot from the people, it had canopy and some comfortable plastic chairs and a large table.

We put our bags on the table and went to swim in the sea and then went out for lunch that my father ordered from a fish restaurant. The fish was fresh and tasty and we enjoyed our meal very much.

After lunch, we sat under the canopy enjoying the sea view, refreshing breaths, listening to music and playing some fun games.

Before returning to the hotel, we went back to the sea to finish our first day on this beautiful trip.

  • A trip to the beach essay

Last holiday I and my family were able to take a trip to the beach in my town, and we were able to gather with members of my mother’s relatives on this holiday.

My relatives are not from my town but from a town a little far from the shore. And they come every year to visit the beach and play with us.

I enjoy a lot in their presence because of the activities and enthusiasm they do. The beach has a different feel when they come. I always find them more interested, happy and willing to have fun than us.

The reason may be that the beach is always in front of us so we don’t get too excited about it. But at times when I accompany my relatives, I find myself more excited and come to know the value of the beach to others who are not able to see it constantly. Now, I really can appreciate this feature.

I find it great to have other people from time to time reminding us of what’s fun and great. We are always surrounded by wonderful things, but we no longer see them as beautiful when we see them for the first time.

Like watching the sunset on the beach, it made me feel so warm and comfortable. Sometimes I could watch the sunrise and I really enjoyed seeing it. I hope that I can enjoy all the moments around me and see my surroundings well.

Short essay about holiday at beach

This holiday, I managed to be on the beach more than previous years. I had so much fun being able to own a simple beach bike rental business. I managed to get this job through a family friend.

It helped me a lot in acquiring some new qualities in my personality. Made me feel a little responsible. I was also able to meet a lot of new people and make new friends. Which made me more self-confident when talking to others and discussing a lot of things without being shy. I also learned to throw some funny topics that others like.

It’s great to be able to get a job like this at my age. It does not represent a lot of pressure and made me aspire in the upcoming holiday to search for something more serious.

Essay about holiday at beach

We spend the end of the year at the beach, it is a beautiful place to spend the holiday, where we all enjoy the beautiful weather, the beautiful scenery, the sunshine and the fresh air. We spend most of the day swimming and playing water polo.

I have made many friends, I met them at the beach. They share the same hobbies as me, so we have a lot of competitions between us.

While we spend the evening watching a movie or a play, or going to one of the luxury malls for shopping. We also enjoy very much the parties held by the hotel. It includes a large number of famous singers and musicians. It’s fun to spend vacation with friends.

Essay about trip to beach

The trip to the beach is the most beautiful trip we take, it is a special trip, especially if it is with my friends, as it combines many activities, we went on the weekend to the beach, the weather was moderate, the sky was clear and the sun was shining, we started our day with breakfast and then jumped In the water, the water was warm so we enjoyed swimming for two hours, then we decided to play tennis, one of my friends played tennis while the others lay on the sand enjoying the sunshine, at two o’clock in the afternoon we had lunch, and we sat under the sun because the temperature was high, and at four o’clock we jumped into the water again, because swimming is our favorite sport.

Essay holiday at beach with family

In the summer vacation my family prefers to go to the beach, so we rent a beach house to be close to the beach, as the house is only 100 meters from the beach.

The house we rent is characterized by the fact that its facade is of glass, so we can see the beach while we are inside our rooms.

We also hear the sound of sea waves crashing. On the first day we can’t sleep well, because we hear the sound of waves crashing, but we get used to it quickly.

Living in a beach house provides us with a lot of pleasure, as we can enjoy the sunrise and sunset.

Narrative essay about a trip to the beach

At the end of the year we decided to go on a trip to the beach. It’s a favorite trip for the whole family. But my city is 200 km from the beach, so we travel by train as it is a safe means of transportation..

In addition to the fact that traveling by train is my favorite means of transportation, because it allows me to see different environments during the trip.

Where I see farms and small villages, industrial cities and arid desert lands that have no cultivation, I don’t get bored while traveling by train.

And when we get to the hotel, we don’t wait to rest, but go straight to the beach and enjoy a swim. We spend all summer vacation at the beach.

Going to the beach essay

I like to spend most of my time at the beach. I go to the beach in summer and winter too. Some may feel that going to the beach in the winter is strange, but I enjoy watching the sea all the time.

I feel happy when I look at the waves of the sea accelerating, as if each wave is trying to catch up with the one that precedes it. This scene continues unabated.

I also enjoy very much when I look at the horizon, where the boundary between the sky and the sea, this view makes me feel the vastness of the universe.

And when I look at the horizon, I feel that my city is narrow and crowded. Looking at the horizon makes me more calm and psychologically comfortable.

Vacation at the beach essay

One of the most beautiful landscapes that you can see, is to sit on the beach and watch the sunset. It is moments of contemplation when you see the sun disc gradually sinking into the sea water, while the red and orange color spreads in the sky after the sun sets.

Watching the sunset at the beach is a wonderful painting, it is one of the most beautiful landscapes. That is why we find many poets wrote poems about this wonderful scene, as it was drawn by artists, and photographed by photographers.

Sitting on the beach and looking at the far horizon gives you peace of mind.

Essay about trip to beach with friends

The most beautiful trip  was a trip with my friends to the beach. Where this beach was characterized by the presence of a mountain next to it, where the scenic landscape.

In the morning we went to the beach and jumped in the water, we enjoyed swimming and playing some water games such as water polo, and we rode a boat and took a walk in the sea until we reached an island 2 km from the shore.

We went up to that island, and the clear water surrounded it on all sides. We watched the fish with their beautiful colors swimming in groups, as there were some plants and trees on this island. We saw great scenery, then got on the boat and came back to shore.

Paragraph about a trip to the beach

My trip to the beach is my favorite trip as I practice a number of my favorite hobbies, such as swimming, where my friends and I race to reach the island, which is 1 km from the shore.

It’s a wonderful island, with some fruit trees growing on it. The green color covers the island completely. It is a healthy place where warm sunshine and fresh air.

We rest on the island for a while, eat fresh fruit, and we also catch some fish, as the place is very suitable for fishing, and then we go back to the beach and we are so happy.

Paragraph about going to the beach

A trip to the beach is a special trip. This is because I practice several of my favorite sports, such as swimming, diving, surfing and other water sports.

My happiness increases when I participate in the local competitions that my city holds, where I always achieve good results. I am looking forward to participating in international competitions in the future.

I go to the beach for fun and training too. When I go to the beach with my family I try to enjoy playing with them and have a good time, but when I go alone to the beach it is for training

In this way, we have given you an e ssay about trip to beach in English ,and you can read more through the following section:

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What is a Travel Essay (Article) in Journalism: Definition, Features, and Travel Essay Examples

  • by Anastasiya Yakubovska
  • 24.03.2023 05.08.2023
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The travel essay allows to tell readers about impressions, interesting human types, new things happening in the world, and to share thoughts about what the author saw and experienced in a relaxed and free form. Journalists actively use the possibilities of this genre. 

In this article, you will learn:

What Is Essay: Definition

Types of essays, what is a travel essay, features of the travel essay, writing a travel essay, what makes a travel essay (travel article) attractive for a journalist, what write about in the travel essay, travel essay examples.

An essay is one of the most versatile and multifaceted literary forms.

An essay is a short narrative that briefly describes events, facts, and people.

An essay is considered one of the varieties of a story that combines elements of literature and journalism. This type of text belongs to a special kind of author’s or writer’s journalism, which is considered the pinnacle of journalistic skill.

The essay refers to the journalistic writing style , namely to its artistic and journalistic genre.

The “sketching” of such texts is expressed in the fact that the author strives to outline the portrait and character of the hero or to display the main points and contours of the problem situation. Therefore, very often the form of presentation of information is quite rough, and free.

There are several types of essay classification. But I propose to study the following four in more detail:

  • Portrait or biographical essay. The portrait essay focuses on a person, and not fictional, but taken from real life. The author’s main task is to reveal the inner world of the hero, his values, and his personality.
  • Problem-solution essay. The purpose of this essay is to study some problematic situations. A problem essay can be compared to an article. As in the article, the essayist explores the problem and finds out the causes of its occurrence, further development, and solutions. The difference between an essay and an article is that in an essay the author engages in a dialogue with the reader: he shares his thoughts, explores conflict situations, tries to get to the heart of the problem, and comprehends what is happening. Such observation of the development of the conflict often causes feelings and various emotions, both in the readers of the essay and in its author.
  • Travel essay . The travel essay is a description of the events, meetings, and incidents that happened to the author during his creative journey. More often, a journalist already has the main idea for a future essay and the purpose of the trip, and the impressions and facts received during the trip are already “working” for this idea. For example, the goal of a journalist is to study what traditions have been preserved among people living in different settlements or explore how the state solves certain social problems in various cities of the country.
  • Historical essay . In such an essay, the author presents historical facts and events related to the subject of research in chronological order, analyzes historical information, and gives his interpretation. 

A travel essay is a diverse genre; it is both travel notes, sketches, and the author’s travel diary.

What Is Travel Essay and Article: Definition, Features, Writing, Examples

Therefore, in its structure, a travel essay is similar to diary entries: the events are described sequentially, as the author gets acquainted with them.

In addition to the fact that the travel essay allows the reader to get acquainted with real events and people, as well as to see what is happening through the eyes of the author, the essay contains the author’s analysis of what he saw and learned.

The author of the travel essay is faced with the task of holistically recreating a picture of reality. Most often, a travel essay reflects a rather long time process.

The travel essay, apart from its literary form, is actively used in advertising journalism and on television (television travel journalism). Most travel programs are written in the form of a travel essay.

Travel essay features how to write

The main features of the travel essay are:

  • Artistic imagery.
  • Emotional richness.
  • Dynamism and adventurism.
  • The presence of elements of journalistic and artistic writing styles.
  • The author’s opinion.
  • The events and characters described in the essay are taken from real life.
  • The structure of a travel essay is similar to the structure of diary entries.
  • Urgency and relevance of the researched problem.
  • Slang , jargon words, or special terminology. 
  • To confirm a personal point of view, the author uses facts, evidence, quotations, statistics, etc.

The most striking stylistic features of the travel essay are:

  • First of all, this is the expressed position of the author . All narrative is connected with the author’s opinion and view of the situation. Often, the author of the essay acts as a protagonist, interconnected with the main character.
  • Dialogue with the reader. Using various stylistic devices, the journalist seeks to arouse the reader’s interest and emotionally involve him in the plot of his essay, thus making the reader a participant in the described events.

The process of writing a travel essay is quite time-consuming. To write an essay, it is not enough just to choose a topic, to collect and analyze information.

The author’s task is to rethink the information received and transform it into a special essay form.

The degree of the artistry of the essay may vary depending on its purpose: one text may be more specific and documentary, while the other may be as creative as possible.

Thus, in each essay, there should be both artistic creativity and facts in various proportions (depending on the purpose and subject matter). Often the material for the plot is so rich, unpredictable, and sensational that the journalist only needs to present all the information received in the essay, without resorting to additional methods of artistic expression.

Read post “How to Write a Persuasive Essay and Article: Complete Guide.”

First of all, this genre is attractive for a journalist because it makes it possible to speak out on almost any occasion: from studying the culture of the countryside to a global demographic problem.

In addition, the travel essay is designed for a mass audience, and due to its writing style, as well as persuasiveness and reliability, it is effectively perceived by the public.

A travel essay is not an entertaining read. And all because in this genre, the center of the plot will be the study by the author of some socially significant problems during his journey.

The subject of the travel essay is the human character, various conflict situations, as well as socially significant phenomena.

The travel article incorporates elements of both science and art: these are documents, figures, statistics, and, at the same time, the author’s artistic world with portraits, landscapes, and interiors.

Read post “How to Write a Persuasive Article or Essay: Examples of Persuasive Argument.”

An early example is the writing of Pausanias (2nd century CE) who produced his Description of Greece based on his observations. James Boswell published his The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides in 1786 and Goethe published his Italian Journey , based on diaries, in 1816. Fray Ilarione da Bergamo and Fray Francisco de Ajofrín wrote travel accounts of colonial Mexico in the 1760s. Fannie Calderón de la Barca, the Scottish-born wife of the Spanish ambassador to Mexico 1839–1842, wrote Life in Mexico , an important travel narrative of her time there, with many observations of local life.

A British traveler, Mrs. Alec Tweedie, published several travelogues, ranging from Denmark (1895) and Finland (1897), to the U.S. (1913), several on Mexico (1901, 1906, 1917), and one on Russia, Siberia, and China (1926). A more recent example is Che Guevara’s The Motorcycle Diaries . A travelogue is a film, book written up from a travel diary, or illustrated talk describing the experiences of and places visited by a traveler. American writer Paul Theroux has published many works of travel literature, the first success being The Great Railway Bazaar .

In addition to published travel journals, archive records show that it was historically common for travelers to record their journey in diary format, with no apparent intention of future publication, but as a personal record of their experiences. This practice is particularly visible in nineteenth-century European travel diaries. ( Wikipedia about travel literature )

Travel Essay Example #1


FINDING QUIET AMONG THE CHAOS IN KATHMANDU, NEPAL After a warm greeting at Kathmandu International Airport by my travel guide Nora, we rushed into a Nepali ride share car. “They don’t have traffic lights here,” Nora casually mentioned. “It can be a little unnerving.”  LET’S RIDE Groggy after traveling halfway around the world, I didn’t fully comprehend her comment until we were on Kathmandu’s chaotic streets. They were bumper to bumper with cars, trucks, and busses and in between motorcycles squeezed into every inch of space. Lanes were nonexistent and left turns a combination of luck and shear will. With the streets so congested, however, we couldn’t go much faster than 35 mph, so I was more overwhelmed by the incessant honking and smell of exhaust.  All that changed when we arrived at the Green Palm Boutique Hotel, a small family-run hotel in Budhanilkantha in the foothills above Kathmandu. My third-floor room had a queen-size bed with access to a wraparound balcony with stunning views over the terraced hills of the Kathmandu Valley. The hotel was a breath of fresh air, literally, above the city smog. SUNSET, SUNRISE That evening I had dinner with my travel companions, Nora Livingstone, founder of volun-tourism agency Animal Experience International and her business partner and wildlife veterinarian Dr. Heather Reid. In the hotel’s quaint courtyard, we enjoyed a traditional Nepalese meal of dal bhat (lentil stew over steamed rice) from the hotel’s vegetarian café.  After dinner we relaxed by sipping Carlsberg beers and watching the hazy sunset behind Chandragiri Hill. I thought Chandragiri was a Nepal mountain , but when I asked, hotel staff quickly corrected me. In the land of the Himalayas , Chandragiri was merely a hill. No need for an alarm the next morning because barking dogs and prayer bells announced the sunrise. Breakfast was included with our rooms, but when I met my travel mates down in the courtyard, the sun hadn’t climbed high enough to warm the patio yet. Our server, who was also the chef, brought us a large green thermos of hot water.  The water wasn’t hot because we were chilly, however. It had been boiled to kill germs since Nepal ’s tap water is notoriously unsafe to drink. I poured the steaming water into a glass and held it to warm my hands.  Today’s breakfast of a large veggie omelet with toast and jam was delicious, but the best part came last – slightly sweet Nepalese coffee. It would become our morning ritual the rest of our weeklong stay: lingering over warm coffee while watching the playful antics of the hotel’s house dogs, puppies Ruby and Kali, and elder stateswoman Pepper, in the courtyard.  The pastoral mornings at the Green Palm would become a peaceful contrast to our evening excursions into the city. Nora chose this hotel because it was within walking distance to the animal shelter we volunteered at during the day. However, staying in this location was possible thanks to Pathao, Nepal’s version of Uber. Nora used it to summon cars when we transformed into tourists to visit Kathmandu’s historic sites.  Full article here

Travel Essay Example #2

The Incredible Travel Sketches, Essays, Memoirs & Island Works of R. L. Stevenson By the prolific Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer, author of Treasure Island, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Kidnapped & Catriona

Travel essay example

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A Visit To A Seaside (Essay Sample)

A visit to a seaside.

I was Grade 4 already when I first went to the beach and one can only imagine how fascinated I was with it since I was born and lived in the city all my life. It was my birthday and I begged my parents to celebrate it at a faraway coast. I loved long drives and nature, after much persistence, they eventually gave in. At the seaside, I loved the environmental bliss that only a beach can provide, the plentiful seaside activities, and eating with my family with the ocean breeze refreshing us.

The seaside offers many things that a city life cannot. The warmth of the sun was not oppressive at all unlike the polluted air in the city. Instead, the sun’s rays felt like silk on my face and body. I had my bathing suit on and let the sun caress my bony legs. Besides the sun, I felt each step I made on the sand, digging in each foot as deeply as possible. The sand was smooth with very few pebbles and somewhat cold the deeper I went into it. I played with the sand using my hands and built sandcastles with my siblings. I was the monarch of the day with a colossal castle. Later, I dipped into the ocean and swam so freely, like a dolphin gliding through the waters. I am strong swimmer but it is different when I swim in the ocean as the waves fight back. I liked the tension of me intersecting the stunning waves. I dove as deep as possible as well, and with my goggles, I looked at the corals underneath and the fish. Pink, blue, white, orange, and black fish! I felt them brush through my legs! With exhilaration, I dove and tried to swim with them underneath. To be in touch with the gracefulness of nature in the sea gives me bliss.

Apart from experiencing nature, I had a good time with numerous beach activities. I swam with my family and rode a boat with them. They rented a boat and we went island hopping. Beautiful tiny islands, some of them with a few pebbles and nothing else, apart from large ones with coconut trees, filled my mind with stories of hidden treasures and legends. Our guide told a story about lovers whose boat capsized and lived on an island. However, a storm destroyed their wooden home and led to their drowning. When some fisher folk reached the island, they saw two stones that looked like a man and a woman in an embrace. They said that the goddess of the sea preserved them as stone because their passionate love touched her heart. Besides boating, we caught some fish using fishing rods from the locals. I caught a very small orange one and roasted it later on. I loved its sweet taste! Finally, my father taught me how to surf because he surfed during his youth. I kept falling down at first, until I learned the ropes and surfed until I was too tired to stand.

Every dining was heavenly as we ate fresh seafood and the sea breeze blew away the heat. I loved the raw fresh fish that we dipped in soy sauce with lime and wasabi, a green, spicy paste made from horse radish. I also enjoyed different kinds of shellfish, from the pink ones with sweet meat to the bigger ones with white, tough meat. Moreover, we had roasted octopuses and squids. For drinks, we consumed fresh coconut water. As we ate, my parents told me numerous stories including folk tales and family narratives. I cherished the story about their ancestors and how they lived like nomads before choosing to settle in fishing communities. Subsequently, jokes about city and rural life were thrown around and I laughed my heart out. I must say I thought we were in paradise.

One of the happiest days of my life is my first visit to the seaside. With my family, I felt the glory of nature and water activities. Likewise, I tasted different seafood that filled my belly, while laughter and good stories occupied my soul. I thought that in the future, I will buy a house at the beach in order for my future family to experience a slice of this lovely paradise.

essay on sea travel

English Compositions

Essay on Travel Experience [200, 500 Words] With PDF

Travelling plays an important role in our lives as it enriches our experience. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays in three different sets on the importance of libraries. It will help you in articulating your thoughts in the upcoming exams.

Table of Contents

Essay on travel experience in 200 words, essay on travel experience in 500 words.

Feature image of Essay on Travel Experience

We travel to get away from the monotony of our daily lives. It’s a refreshing diversion from the monotony of everyday life. It allows our minds to relax and gives our inner child the opportunity to play. Some trip memories are nostalgic and melancholy, while others are daring and exhilarating. A trip to the graveyard, the poet’s corner in London, or one’s ancestral house, for example, is a voyage to nostalgia.

These travels allow them to relive memories and treasure golden memories from a bygone era. People who go on these journeys are frequently depressed and artistically inclined. Travelling instils a sense of adventure and encourages us to make the most of every opportunity. Some people prefer to travel in groups, whereas others prefer to travel alone.

Trips to amusement parks with massive roller coasters or a deeply wooded forest could be exciting. It’s important to remember that Columbus discovered America due to his travels. The journey becomes much more memorable when things don’t go as planned. For example, if a car tyre blows out on the highway and it begins to rain heavily, the trip will turn into an adventure, even though it was not intended to be such. A visit to a museum or a gothic structure, on the other hand, is sure to be exciting.

Essay on Travel Experience Example

We travel to get a break from the mundane and robust lifestyle. It is a welcome change from the monotonous routine existence. It helps our minds rest and gives the inner child within us to have a good time.

Not all travelling experiences are adventurous and exciting, and some are nostalgic and melancholic. For instance, a trip to the cemetery or the poet’s corner in London or one’s ancestral home will be a nostalgia trip. Such trips help them re-live the moments and cherish the golden memories of bygone times. People who undertake such trips are often melancholic and have an artistic sensibility.

Travelling experiences bring enthusiasm and teach us to make the best of every moment. While some enjoy travelling in groups, some people love to travel solo. Adventurous trips could be to amusement parks with giant roller coasters or a deep, dense forest. One must not forget that travelling led Columbus to discover America. When things don’t go as planned, the trip becomes more memorable. For instance, if the car tyre gets punctured on the highway and starts raining heavily, the trip, even if not intended to be adventurous, shall become one. A trip to a museum or gothic architecture shall be thrilling. 

Last Christmas, my trip to Goa with my friends was an enriching one. The golden sun-soaked beaches offered a refuge from the humdrum city life of Kolkata. The cool breeze, the rising and setting sun, and the chilly wind all transported me to heaven. It was paradisal and divine. The cuisine was exquisite. The Portuguese culture and the museums offer various historical insights.

Although it was the peak season and most crowded places, people were civilised and cultured. The melodious music was in the air in every nook and corner, and the happy vibes were contagious. I danced, sang, played and had a great time. I tried sky diving, and it was a thrilling experience.

Besides fun and frolic, I found the independent spirit of people commendable. We spent three days in North Goa and two days in South Goa. We stayed at a guest house as most hotels were expensive and very occupied. We booked scooters to travel far and near. We also went on the cruise for the casino night.

My favourite spot was Thalassa, where we enjoyed the spectacular belly dance performance by males and females. We spent Christmas at Curlies witnessing the waxing moon at midnight. The lap of nature enriches one travelling experience and soothes their soul. The chirping of birds, the sound of the waterfall, the waves of a beach or the snow-covered mountain uplifts the traveller’s spirit.

One must not restrict oneself to a specific type of travelling experience. Life, after all, is a long journey that offers us different durations of vacations to make us laugh and learn at the same time. As Francis Bacon puts it, “Travel in the younger sort is a part of education, in the elder, a part of the experience.”

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea of the importance of travelling in our lives. I have tried to cover every aspect of a traveller’s experience within limited words. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

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Read our detailed notes below on the essay Of Travel by Francis Bacon. Our notes cover Of Travel by Francis Bacon summary and analysis.

Of Travel by Francis Bacon Summary

Bacon begins the essay by arguing that the young soul learns a lot when he travels around unknown places. He learns a lot from the environment even before he has started going to school. By traveling, the process of learning is enhanced and the child acquires awareness very early.

However, one must seek some knowledge, particularly learning the language of the place where he intended to travel. If he doesn’t have sufficient knowledge, he must not visit that place. Bacon Further adds that it is often desirable for the young ones to travel around the world in the company of a knowledgeable person or tutor, for instance, under the supervision of a person who knows the foreign language and has been there before. The tutor, by virtue his knowledge and experience, must be able to guide the young traveler about where to go and what is worth seeing. On the other hand, without a knowledgeable tutor, the young traveler might fail to perceive the worth and significant things while traveling to new places.

Bacon furthermore says that it is a strange thing that while traveling across the sea, the man observes nothing much but the blue water and the never-ending sky, however, when traveling on the land, there is so much to observe that the traveler finds it hard to note down each and every detail. He should maintain a diary to note down the interesting things and events. Here Bacon suggests the travel about what things they should mention in their diaries while traveling. These include: the courts of prince, especially the reception they give to the ambassadors; the royal courts of justice, the scene of hearing plea from accused; the churches and monasteries and their way of living; the walls and fortification; the country’s ancient buildings and ruins; libraries; colleges, the ways lectures are delivered; the recreational areas; whatsoever that appeals to one’s sight and memorable.

As for social events are concerned, like marriages, funeral, feasts, public execution, and celebration of victories, they should not be neglected and ignored, however, there is no need to mention them in a travel diary.

Bacon continues the essay by guiding the travelers about some “do’s” and “don’ts” so that they take maximum benefit out of it. First of all, the young travel must have some basic knowledge before starting traveling. Second, the young traveler should have a knowledgeable tutor who has profound knowledge about the place. Third, the tutor must carry some catalog or book along with him that can help them in the foreign country. Fourth, the traveler must have a diary in which he can note down all the worth mentioning things. Fifth, the traveler should not stay long in one place than necessary. If in case he stays longer, he must change the place in the town in order to get maximum exposure. Sixth, the traveler should not choose to halt with the people of his own country, rather he must choose to stay with people from a different country. Last but not the least, the traveler must obtain and carry along with him the letters of introduction from the nobility of his own place for the one he is visiting to. This is result in ease in traveling.

As far as the people whose acquaintance should be sought while traveling include secretaries and ambassadors. These people can offer help in visiting particular places, in gathering information, and availing resources that one might need. To Bacon, the traveler should always avoid engaging in any type of quarrel with local. Moreover, he should also be careful about the company of mistresses and quarrelsome people. These people might grind him in their fights.

Bacon, like most of his essays, ends this essay with advice. He says that when the traveler returns to his own country, he shouldn’t forget the country he traveled to especially the people who helped him during his travel. He must establish a contact with them through letters. Furthermore, he must not show off his knowledge and awareness he acquired during traveling. But, he should act well-mannered and disciplined to reflect the new wisdom he acquired during traveling. He should not exaggerate the stories and scenes that he encounters during traveling, rather he should be more concise and factual. Lastly, after traveling the other country, a person should not forget the customs and traditions of his own native land while acquiring the customs and traditions of the country he visited. He should rather adopt some good things from the foreign country.

Of Travel by Francis Bacon Literary Analysis

Of Travel, by Francis Bacon is a persuasive essay in which he uses various persuasive techniques along with figurative language at different instances to support his viewpoint. Bacon opens the essay by mentioning two types of audience: the young travelers and the old traveler, however, he primarily put emphases on the former.

The tone of the author (Bacon) in the essay is of a proficient expert who has profound knowledge and experience of traveling. He knows what he is talking about. It seems that he has the first-hand experience of traveling as he doesn’t refer to any experienced authority but advice through his own experience. He displays the extent of his understanding and guidance repeatedly by means of the use of the lists. It shows that he has a lot of knowledge and inclusive in his board. Furthermore, he criticizes the conventional practice of noting down each and every detail in a diary and also advice the traveler to have confidence in own mind.

Bacon, by using persuasive techniques, bids useful advice to an inexperienced traveler that shows that he has the best interest of the young travelers. He concentrates on the subject matter, none the less, his advice appears to come from 1st hand experience but he doesn’t make his experiences as subject matter. Bacon efficiently presents his advice. Moving logically from one point to another, he maintains his orderly and methodical writing.

At the end of the essay, Bacon once more appears to have foreseen a question by showing a practical concern regarding the manners of the traveler who have returned to his native town. He seems to show his best intentions for the traveler’s interests and status in a sensible way.

There is no strong use of figurative language in the essay as the subject matter is practical. The focus of the author is more on “how-to” than on the use of language. However, use of metaphor at various instances is seen in the essay. For example, [he] goeth to school, go hooded, little room, an “entrance”, adamant, and “Pricking in some flowers”.

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  • Of Discourse
  • Of Followers and Friends
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  • Of Great Place
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  • Of Parents and Children
  • Of Simulation and Dissimulation
  • Of Superstition
  • Of Goodness and Goodness of Nature

Of Travel by Francis Bacon

"Let him sequester himself from the company of his countrymen"

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A statesman, scientist, philosopher, and author, Francis Bacon is generally regarded as the first major English essayist . The first edition of his "Essayes" appeared in 1597, not long after the publication of Montaigne's influential "Essais." Editor John Gross has characterized Bacon's essays  as "masterpieces of rhetoric ; their glowing commonplaces have never been surpassed."

By 1625, when this version of "Of Travel" appeared in the third edition of "Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall," European travel was already part of the education of many young aristocrats. (See the essay by Owen Felltham also titled "Of Travel." )

Observe and Keep a Diary

Consider the value of Bacon's advice to the present-day traveler:  keep a diary, rely on a guidebook, learn the language, and avoid the company of fellow countrymen. Also notice how Bacon relies on list structures and parallelism to organize a number of his recommendations and examples .

"Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder a part of experience. He that travelleth into a country, before he hath some entrance into the language , goeth to school, and not to travel. That young men travel under some tutor or grave servant, I allow well; so that he be such a one that hath the language, and hath been in the country before; whereby he may be able to tell them what things are worthy to be seen in the country where they go, what acquaintances they are to seek, what exercises or discipline the place yieldeth; for else young men shall go hooded, and look abroad little. It is a strange thing, that in sea-voyages, where there is nothing to be seen but sky and sea, men should make diaries ; but in land travel, wherein so much is to be observed, for the most part they omit it; as if chance were fitter to be registered than observation: let diaries, therefore, be brought in use. The things to be seen and observed are, the courts of princes, especially when they give audience to ambassadors; the courts of justice, while they sit and hear causes; and so of consistories ecclesiastic [church councils]; the churches and monasteries, with the monuments which are therein extant; the walls and fortifications of cities and towns; and so the havens and harbours, antiquities and ruins, libraries, colleges, disputations , and lectures, where any are; shipping and navies; houses and gardens of state and pleasure, near great cities; armories, arsenals, magazines, exchanges, burses, warehouses, exercises of horsemanship, fencing, training of soldiers, and the like: comedies, such whereunto the better sort of persons do resort; treasuries of jewels and robes; cabinets and rarities; and, to conclude, whatsoever is memorable in the places where they go; after all which the tutors or servants ought to make diligent inquiry. As for triumphs, masks, feasts, weddings, funerals, capital executions, and such shows, men need not to be put in mind of them: yet are they not to be neglected."

Hire a Tutor

Overseas travel during Francis Bacon's time wasn't something just anyone could do, and without air travel, it wasn't something one did on a lark for a quick vacation, either. It took a lot longer to get somewhere, so once there, you were going to stay a while. In this section he advises travelers to have a tutor in the language or a servant who's been to the place before as a guide. Today this advice still can apply, though you don't have to hire someone to go with you. Maybe you know someone who's been to the country or city before and can give you dos and don'ts. You can have a travel agent put together an itinerary for you. When you get there, you can hire a local guide or find tours at the local tourism office. Bacon's point is to draw on others' knowledge of the place before you go, so you don't end up walking around blindfolded ("hooded") and not able to fully understand the place while you experience it.

Learning any of the local language that you can before you depart only helps you in the daily details of getting from point A to point B and finding the absolute essentials: food and drink, a place to sleep, and lavatory facilities, though Bacon was too genteel to point these items out specifically. 

Record Details of Your Experiences

Bacon advises people to keep a journal of what they see and experience, which is good advice as well. Trips last only so long, and memories of the finer details can fade. If you write them down, though, you'll be able to re-experience the trip later, through your first-impression eyes. And don't just write down a few things on the way over there and then drop it. Keep it up throughout your trip where you'll be seeing new things all the time.

See historical buildings where "courts of princes" or "courts of justice" took place. See churches, monasteries, monuments, town walls and fortifications, harbors and shipyards, ruins, and colleges and libraries. You might be able to see fencing demonstrations or horse shows, though nowadays you're likely not to run into many "capital executions." You can take in plays and attend talks, see artifacts, and do whatever other activities of interest your guide or friend recommended are "musts" for the place.  

Carry a Guide Book

In addition to hiring a tutor and keeping a journal, Bacon suggests using a guidebook to navigate new places. He recommends moving around as much as possible and cautions against staying too long in one area.

"If you will have a young man to put his travel into a little room, and in short time to gather much, this you must do: first, as was said, he must have some entrance into the language before he goeth; then he must have such a servant, or tutor, as knoweth the country, as was likewise said: let him carry with him also some card, or book, describing the country where he travelleth, which will be a good key to his inquiry; let him keep also a diary; let him not stay long in one city or town, more or less as the place deserveth, but not long: nay, when he stayeth in one city or town, let him change his lodging from one end and part of the town to another, which is a great adamant of acquaintance; let him sequester himself from the company of his countrymen, and diet in such places where there is good company of the nation where he travelleth: let him, upon his removes from one place to another, procure recommendation to some person of quality residing in the place whither he removeth; that he may use his favour in those things he desireth to see or know; thus he may abridge his travel with much profit."

Interact With Locals During Your Travels

Don't isolate yourself with your traveling group or people from your home country. Interact with the locals. Get recommendations from residents of the place you're visiting for what to see, do, and eat. Your travel will be richer when you follow advice from locals because you'll find places that you might not have otherwise found.

"As for the acquaintance which is to be sought in travel, that which is most of all profitable, is acquaintance with the secretaries and employed men of ambassadors; for so in travelling in one country he shall suck the experience of many: let him also see and visit eminent persons in all kinds, which are of great name abroad, that he may be able to tell how the life agreeth with the fame; for quarrels, they are with care and discretion to be avoided: they are commonly for mistresses, healths, place, and words; and let a man beware how he keepeth company with choleric and quarrelsome persons; for they will engage him into their own quarrels. When a traveller returneth home, let him not leave the countries where he hath travelled altogether behind him; but maintain a correspondence by letters with those of his acquaintance which are of most worth; and let his travel appear rather in his discourse than in his apparel or gesture; and in his discourse, let him be rather advised in his answers, than forward to tell stories: and let it appear that he doth not change his country manners for those of foreign parts; but only prick in some flowers of that he hath learned abroad into the customs of his own country."

For a 17th century aristocrat, it was probably easier to make acquaintance with ambassadors' employees, but they didn't have travel agents or the internet, either, to find out about destinations. It's definitely good advice to be on good behavior while traveling, though.  

Learn From Your Experiences

Upon your return, as Bacon points out, your friends aren't going to want to hear you go on and on ad nauseam about your trip. Neither should you discard your previous way of life and completely adopt the customs of the place you've just returned from. But definitely do learn from your experience and incorporate knowledge and practices that you've picked up to make your life better—at home.

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Essay on Sea | Paragraph on Sea

Sea is a large body of saltwater surrounded in whole or in parts by land. Sea is the interconnected system of Earth’s salty oceanic waters, considered as on global ocean or as several principle oceanic divisions.

Seas and oceans occupy most of the Earth’s surfaces and it plays a very important role to support life. Sea moderates Earth’s climate and has important roles in the water cycle, carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle.

Our Earth is basically covered with seas and oceans at its Southern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere have almost comparable portion of land and water.

102315 1924 EssayonSea1

There is a difference of temperature and salinity at different portions of the sea such as at different depths and different areas. This differences produces deep sea currents. Also surface currents are formed by friction of waves produced by the wind and by tides, changes in the local sea level produced by gravity of The Moon and the Sun.

Sea is a storehouse of treasure in the form of uncountable life forms of which a lot more are yet to be discovered. Also it is a storehouse of minerals. Sea is a very mysterious place and due to its vast nature it always drives human beings curious about it.

The nature of sea is different at different places because of various geographical features surrounding it. At some places the salinity is so high that human beings do not drown in that sea. And of course no living thing can survive. The seas and oceans are the reservoir of the most important ingredient in our food. I.e. Salt.

The sea provides livelihood to many fishermen and villages on the seashore. The sea is home to a lot of life forms of which some are very important for humans because of its high demand and nutrition. For example fishes, shellfish, mammals and seaweed. These are both harvested from wild and farmed.

The sea contains some form of life or the other at every part. Of course the sunlit areas are very less in deep sea. Also the penetration of light is effected by turbidity of water, surface tides, etc. So the sea vegetation is adapted to photosynthesis at minimal light available to them. The same goes to some fishes and other marine animal. The oxygen is also very scarce in deep seawater.

Essential aspect of human life such as trade, culture, travel, power generation and mineral extraction are provided by the sea. Sea is important during warfare too.

Sea imposes many weather conditions on the earth such as hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, tsunami, earthquake, volcano, etc. mainly at lands which are in direct contact with the sea. These areas are very vulnerable to earthquakes especially if the epicenter is in the middle of the sea. Same goes for winds and storms.

However there are various ways in which sea, oceans and the marine life are threatened by man made reasons. Earlier killing of whales was not done judiciously. The fish oil is used for many purposes. This had led to lessening in the number of the whale fish. So now it is not legal to kill whales above a certain limit. The sea is exploited a lot for mineral extraction too. This again seems to exhaust the resources available. So now boundaries have been given to the major countries who are dependent on the sea for resources in the form of few hundred nautical miles counted from their land. Exploiting resources beyond that limit is illegal. Before the imposing of these laws overfishing was also a problem but not now.

Then, releasing of industrial sewages and waste products containing harmful chemicals also effects the marine life available.

Global warming have also effected marine life by increasing the temperature of the seawater and oceans. This increase however small have resulted in lowering of availability of dissolved oxygen. And so the marine animals are affected by it very much.

The sea finds a special mentioning in our tradition and folk tales too. The tales of pirates, traders losing their treasure somewhere at the middle of the ocean or sea is common. Even in our religious Scriptures or epics, there is special mentioning of sea.

So overall we can say that seas and oceans have a lot of secrets still not unveiled properly by humans. It will continue to amuse humans as he will try to reveal those secrets one by one.

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Blogger and Digital Marketer by Choice and Chemical Engineer By Chance. Computer and Internet Geek Person Who Loves To Do Something New Every Day.

New Zealand by Sea: Queenstown to Auckland on Heritage Adventurer

November 11 - 24, 2025


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Group Size: up to 128 participants across all sponsors Price: Starting from $9,990 per person double occupancy, $12,490 single occupancy Co-sponsored with: To be announced

Trip Overview

Discover the best of Aotearoa/New Zealand exploring its three main islands (the North Island, South Island, and Stewart Island) on this unforgettable 14-day New Zealand cruise. Trade the fall in the U.S. for springtime in New Zealand—with plenty of time to return to home for Thanksgiving. Begin with one night in Queenstown, the country’s adventure capital, followed by 10 nights cruising from Fiordland National Park to Auckland, a diverse menu of excursion options offers travelers generous access to the island nation’s dramatic glacial fiords, geothermal wonders, cultural richness, and untamed wilderness.

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  • One night at the Novotel Queenstown Lakeside Hotel
  • Ten nights aboard the Heritage Adventurer

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Optional post-trip extension to Auckland and the Bay of Islands:  details coming soon

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A girl with long dark hair wearing shorts walks up steps to a roofed portico. An arch frames a view of cedar trees behind her.

Cinematic, Undiscovered, Cilento

In this less-traveled region of Italy, the scenery is spectacular, the water wine-dark. It has sun and sea, along with important Greek ruins, wild nature, curious legends and medieval religious sanctuaries.

The baroque Certosa di Padula, a former monastery and one of the largest in Europe, was inhabited by monks who kept a vow of silence. Credit... Francesco Lastrucci for The New York Times

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By Nina Burleigh

  • May 21, 2024

From a piazza in the town of Castellabate on the Cilento coast of Italy, you may lift your eyes over the rim of your cappuccino and drink in a panorama of sky and Mediterranean Sea from Salerno to the Gulf of Policastro. Looking way, way down, a fruited plain of vineyards, lemon trees and white fig stretches to the flanks of green mountains decked with wisps of vapor.

Standing at the same point in 1811, Napoleon’s brother in law, appointed King of Naples in the early 19th century, uttered words that the town has engraved on its town hall: “Qui no si muore.” Roughly, Here you do not die.

Of course, people do die in the Cilento, a region south of the Amalfi Coast. But they also live longer than most, thanks to the Mediterranean Diet, first studied in these parts. It is more accurate to say that here, eternal life is a more appealing proposition.

Last spring, I decided to explore Italy’s second largest national park, the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park, which encompasses both sea and mountains, and its environs, on foot. I made the town of Acciaroli my home base, from an Airbnb with a bedroom window that opened on the port. My goal was to “staccare la spina,” or unplug, in Italian. It was early May, no summer crowds. At dawn, cooing doves and trilling Eurasian blackbirds woke me. I swam in the cold, silvery bay, grabbed a caffe macchiato at one of the port bars, donned hiking boots and, armed with a guidebook called “Secret Campania,” and a trekking app called Komoot , set off in my rented manual Fiat Panda.

One of the great things about Italy, for non-Italians anyway, is how easily one slides into the sense of being in a movie. Driving the Via Bacco e Cerere east from the sea into the Alburni mountain, downshifting up switchbacks with puffy clouds casting shadows on towering white cliffs, I felt like Ms. James Bond.

The scenery is cinematic, the views spectacular, the water wine-dark, but the Cilento is not as internationally popular as the Italian playgrounds of Capri and Positano. It is a rather well-kept secret. Here the same sun and sea can be had at a fraction of the cost, along with important Greek ruins, wild nature, curious legends and medieval religious sanctuaries.

Americans are rare in these parts. Many of the residents don’t speak English. A raffish vibe appeals to a certain type: Ernest Hemingway hung out with fishermen around here. After World War II, the American Army doctor Ancel Keys stumbled into the region, bought an old villa and devoted his life to studying the salubrious effects on the heart of a diet of olive oil, fish and fresh vegetables. There’s a museum devoted to the Mediterranean Diet he made famous in the fishing hamlet of Pioppi.

It has been wild country for a long, long time. After the fall of Rome, the coastal populations here dwindled. Wild boar, wolves and bear retook the mountains. In the Middle Ages, Christian hermits and monks moved in. Long into the 19th century, the region retained a savage reputation. Local criminals became heroic “Briganti” during fighting over the unification of Italy, then formed the mafia that has run southern Italy since.

The Italic warrior tribe Lucani were the first recorded inhabitants of the Cilento (the name comes from the Latin “Cis Alentum,” meaning the other side of the Alentum River, which flows through Campania). Ancient Greeks colonized the coast, and their stupendous Doric temples at Paestum, which inspired writers like Goethe and 18th-century architects across Europe, are among the best preserved in the Mediterranean. The museum in the ancient city of Paestum displays Lucanian tomb paintings, paint still bright, mute testaments to the mystery of a gone religion involving sphinxes, female guides to the underworld and male warriors.

A young water buffalo stares straight into the camera, as other members of its herd stand in the background.

Buffalo country

My trekking plan always had an ulterior motive: to justify gorging on Cilento food and wine. The region produces some of the finest basics of Italian cuisine. Extra virgin olive oil obtained from oak-sized trees; fresh seafood; homemade pasta and sauces; buffalo, cow and goat cheeses; and of course pizza, all washed down with the local rosso .

The road to Paestum is lined with shops selling caseificio ( homemade) mozzarella from the milk of Asian buffalo, possibly first introduced to Italy by the Greeks. On a rainy afternoon, I joined a tour of the Tenuta Vannulo , an organic mozzarella farm, where men in white coats transformed milk from 200 buffalo into creamy balls of cheese beloved by foodies everywhere. The farm itself is mechanized to a crazy extent: The animals are trained to voluntarily enter a self-serve Swedish-made milking machine. After six minutes they exit to a reward of forage and an automated buffalo massage machine.

The Cilento and Vallo di Diano Park covers 699 square miles of beaches, cliffs, emerald vales, river gorges and mountain meadows, with plenty of well-marked trails. I walked about five miles a day in different zones of the park. I regretted that I didn’t have time to cycle just a leg of the 373-mile “via Silente” bike path that circuits the park with nightly stops at various hamlets.

I started my hiking along the water. A sinuous, rutted coastal road links the fishing towns of the Cilento coast and a knee-high guardrail is all that lies between a car and hundreds of feet of air above the sea. The cliffs inspired tales of nymphs who seduced sailors to come close to the rocks where they shipwrecked. If the sailors didn’t respond, the nymphs would dash themselves on the rocks for unrequited love.

An easy, flat walk from the port of San Marco Castellabate, through olive trees and native Mediterranean shrubs, leads to the site of one of the mermaid legends, Punta Licosa. Leukosia was one of three sirens who, in “The Odyssey,” tried to enchant Ulysses and his men. The great voyager had his men stuff their ears with wax and he tied himself to the mast to resist their song. For failing to seduce the sailors, the sea god Poseidon turned Leukosia into the rocky cliff that bears a version of her name.

A trickier walk, over a steep rock path, led up from the bay at Palinuro, a town of countless gelaterias and restaurants that in summer mostly serve vacationing Italians, around a mountain to a point overlooking the Grotta Azzura (blue grotto), a major draw for cave divers.

Often enough, I had trouble finding trail heads despite Komoot (which kept me on course once I started). One afternoon I wandered for two hours in a light rain around a hilltop hamlet called Ogliastro Cilento, seeking in vain the entrance to an evocative-sounding walk called Sentiero dell’Albero Centenario (path of the 100-year-old trees). I never found it, but I did wander several miles through olive groves, trailed for part of the way by two friendly farm dogs.

A valley of orchids

Deeper in the Alburni range, the hamlet of Sassano, an assemblage of biscuit-colored houses with red roofs planted on the flank of Monte San Giacomo, is the gateway to the Vallee dell Orchidee. In May, more than 100 species of wild orchids bloom in a microclimate. A few miles of easy walking wound through an astonishing spectacle of tiny pink, yellow, red and purple blossoms on single stems. These rare flowers proliferated like common dandelions as far as the eye could see.

I got lost driving to Sassano and pulled over at a caffe bar. A row of middle-aged men sat in a line of chairs under the awning in the morning sun like a 1940s photograph. This was Teggiano, my “Secret Campania” guidebook informed me, built around a medieval fortress with 25 towers, and home of one of the more peculiar Cilento legends: During a monthslong siege in the 15th century, Teggiano women supposedly breastfed soldiers to keep them vigorous.

On a plateau deep in the mountains, beyond a maze of farm roads, the baroque Certosa di Padula , a former monastery and one of the largest in Europe, is almost as unbelievable as the opera house in Werner Herzog’s “Fitzcarraldo.” Among its hidden gems is a library with a self-supporting spiral staircase from the 15th century and an 18th-century glazed earthenware floor in blue and emerald green.

For five centuries, Carthusian monks lived and died here, after committing to silent, solitary lives. They only spoke once a week, on Sunday walks in the woods. On the Sunday I visited, the compound was ringing with Italian families enjoying a sunny afternoon outing. Laughing children played hide and seek in the shadows of arched arcades while elders sipped espresso and Aperol spritzes at tables nearby.

The Certosa is not Padula’s only tour-worthy attraction:the Joe Petrosino House Museum honors the life of a hero New York police officer, Joe Petrosino. An Italian emigrant who grew up in New York City, he fought the mafia in the mid 20th century, and died in Italy when he came over to collar a New York mafia boss and was assassinated by the villains.

During my five days in the Cilento, I did not staccare la spina entirely: I lived by my navigational apps, Google translate, a birdcall identifier, and of course my iPhone playlist. But I returned to Rome in muddy shoes, with a sweatshirt that retained the scent of the buffalo farm and a new appreciation for the backcountry of the pulchra terra that is Italy.

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Exploring the Outdoors, One Step at a Time

Hiking is a great way to immerse yourself in nature and tune out the chaos of city life. the tips below will help you get ready before you hit the trail..

Hiking offers a host of mental and physical benefits. If you’re new to it, here’s how to get started .

Fourteen years and one Apple App of the Year award in, AllTrails has become something rare: a tool that works for both experts and newbies .

Make sure you have the right gear . Wirecutter has recommendations for anything you might need — from hydration packs  to trekking poles . And remember to try on hiking boots  at the right time of the day .

These clever apps and devices  will help you to find your way, triage an injury and generally stay out of trouble on the trail.

Planning to venture out for a nighttime  hike ? Opt for wide, easy-to-navigate paths.

Experts say failing to alert family or friends of your plans is one of the biggest mistakes hikers make. Here are some more safety tips .


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We Got a First Look Inside Disney's Newest Theme Park Land — Here’s Everything to Know About Fantasy Springs

We rode every ride and ate everything at Fantasy Springs — the newest land at Tokyo DisneySea.

Elizabeth Rhodes is a special projects editor at Travel + Leisure , covering everything from luxury hotels to theme parks to must-pack travel products. Originally from South Carolina, Elizabeth moved to New York City from London, where she started her career as a travel blogger and writer.

essay on sea travel

Frozen Kingdom

  • Rapunzel’s Forest

Peter Pan’s Never Land

  • Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel
  • How to Access Fantasy Springs

Elizabeth Rhodes/Travel + Leisure

In Disney's newest land, fantasy meets real life with adventures and eateries inspired by "Peter Pan," "Frozen," and "Tangled."

Aptly called Fantasy Springs, it's the newest themed land and the eighth “port of call” at nautically themed Tokyo DisneySea, a theme park regarded as one of the very best in the world thanks to its super-immersive, larger-than-life design and unique attractions.

As you walk through the land’s entrance between Arabian Coast and Lost River Delta, a cinematic score with musical themes pulled from Disney films builds as you approach the stunning carved rockwork featuring Peter Pan, Anna and Elsa, and Rapunzel — along with several of their companions — amid colorful blooms and waterfalls. The lush landscaping and intricate carvings continues throughout the springs with dozens of Disney characters hidden (and not-so-hidden) in coves and grottos spread from the entrance to the new Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel.

Fantasy Springs officially opens on June 6, but we got a first look at the land’s rides, restaurants, and gorgeous mini-lands themed to favorite Disney stories. So, after riding every new attraction (several times!), taste-testing all the new food items, and exploring the land before it opens to the public next month — here’s everything you need to know about Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea, broken down by each mini-land.  

Elizabeth Rhodes/Travel + Leisure

Step into the world of Arendelle in Frozen Kingdom. The gorgeous land inspired by the hit Disney film series features a restaurant — the Royal Banquet of Arendelle — located inside Arendelle Castle, Anna and Elsa’s Frozen Journey attraction, and, not to mention, some of the prettiest bathrooms I’ve ever seen at a Disney park. 

Anna and Elsa’s Frozen Journey 

A stunning retelling of the events of the original “Frozen” movie, this 6.5-minute boat ride showcases stellar audio-animatronic figures singing beloved songs from the film including “For the First Time in Forever” and “Let It Go.” Throughout the attraction, guests sail forward and backward through beautiful scenes — including a few that incorporate mind-blowing effects that make the journey all the more immersive. Of the four all-new Fantasy Springs rides, this was my favorite, thanks to the impressive show scenes (using primarily practical sets, rather than screens), fluid ride movement that drives the storytelling, and the inclusion of the most popular songs from the movie. These details also make the ride a unique experience compared to the existing “Frozen” attractions in other Disney parks. 

And like all the attractions in this new land, the audio is completely Japanese, but guests familiar with the stories will have no trouble following along, no matter what language they speak. 

Royal Banquet of Arendelle

Join a celebratory banquet and explore the halls of Arendelle at this new “Frozen”-themed counter-service restaurant. Here, guests can indulge in “Arendelle’s Royal Set,” with a warm savory pie, potatoes, salad, dessert, and a fluffy roll. Guests used to the American parks may be surprised to find that each dining location (throughout the Tokyo parks) only has a couple of menu options, so definitely check out the offerings ahead of time so you know where to find the dishes you want to try. 

 Oaken’s OK Foods 

This snack stand, inspired by the cheerful Oaken, serves Oaken’s Yoo-Hoo Bread. It’s a cardamom-flavored bread filled with Scandinavian-inspired meat with lingonberry jam for a delightful mix of sweet, savory, and spiced. 

Related: More Disney news and vacation ideas

Rapunzel’s Forest 

This “Tangled”-themed land is instantly recognizable thanks to Rapunzel’s soaring tower. Rapunzel’s Forest is home to the Rapunzel’s Lantern Festival ride and The Snuggly Duckling quick-service restaurant. 

Rapunzel’s Lantern Festival 

Sail through iconic scenes from the fan-favorite movie during Rapunzel’s Lantern Festival, a peaceful five-minute boat ride. Seeing Rapunzel sing from her tower high in the sky is a highlight of the beginning of the attraction, but the beautiful recreation of the lantern festival scene is undoubtedly the best part of the romantic ride. 

The Snuggly Duckling

The Pub Thugs’ favorite hangout, The Snuggly Duckling comes to life at this quick-service restaurant just steps from the ride. Find a cheeseburger, fried shrimp burger (my preferred option of the two burgers), milk tea, and a Dutch baby-adjacent dessert served in a plastic  mini frying pan (a reference to Rapunzel’s weapon of choice). 

Join Peter Pan and the Lost Kids in Never Land, a sizeable mini-land with plenty of space to play in the shadow of smoking mountains that look like they’re straight out of the animated film. This land has two rides plus a recreation of Captain Hook’s Jolly Roger ship and a quick-service restaurant. 

Peter Pan’s Never Land Adventure

Board a boat and get sprinkled with pixie dust to take off on an adventure to save John from the pirates on this six-minute motion simulator dark ride. After a cute pre-show, guests will don their 3D glasses and take off on an adventure through Never Land and the skies of London. The ride uses a mix of practical sets and 3D motion simulators to give guests the feeling that they’re really flying alongside the Lost Kids. The motion is very smooth, and I loved the final sequence where you fly from London back to Never Land — it’s charming and even a little thrilling. 

Guests must be 102 cm or taller to ride, and guests who struggle with severe motion sickness on motion simulators may want to consider sitting this one out — but don’t worry, there’s another ride in this land for you. 

Fairy Tinker Bell’s Busy Buggies

This adorable two-minute ride takes guests on an outdoor journey through the four seasons of Pixie Hollow. Darling scenes and fun details (like the scent of honey when you pass the bees) make this a great attraction for younger guests. 

Lookout Cookout

This counter-service restaurant serves up snack boxes filled with fried chicken tenders, seaweed fritters, shrimp chips, and more (I loved the butter chicken flavor), plus a kiwi-flavored Pixie Dust Soda. You can also find the roast beef popcorn wagon (specially flavored popcorns are a big deal at Tokyo Disney!) nearby. 

Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel 

Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel offers two distinct hotel concepts overlooking Fantasy Springs. Fantasy Chateau is a deluxe hotel with 419 guest rooms and easy access to the new land, and Grand Chateau is a luxury hotel — the highest-level hotel at the resort — with just 56 rooms and exclusive amenities. The pastel hotel has a whimsical art nouveau design with Disney princess-inspired touches throughout the rooms and common spaces. Downstairs, there’s also a park-facing shop, Fantasy Springs Gifts. 

How to Access Fantasy Springs 

To enter Fantasy Springs, guests will need to obtain either a free standby pass or a Disney Premier Access pass for an eligible attraction (for a fee). Currently, the only attraction that does not offer Premier Access is Fairy Tinker Bell’s Busy Buggies. Guests staying at the new hotel and those who have purchased eligible vacation packages can also access the land with a 1-Day Passport . Find more information on the Tokyo Disney website.  

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Essay on Sea

Students are often asked to write an essay on Sea in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Sea

The magnificent sea.

The sea, a vast body of saltwater, covers 71% of our planet’s surface. Its depth varies, creating a diverse habitat for countless marine species.

Life in the Sea

The sea teems with life, from the smallest plankton to the largest whales. It’s a vibrant ecosystem, providing food and shelter to all marine life.

Importance of the Sea

The sea plays a crucial role in maintaining Earth’s climate. It absorbs heat, helping to regulate temperatures. Additionally, it generates oxygen, contributing to the air we breathe.

Threats to the Sea

Sadly, human activities like pollution and overfishing pose threats to the sea, endangering its delicate balance. We must strive to protect it.

Also check:

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250 Words Essay on Sea

The sea: a vast universe.

The sea, an immense expanse of saline water, covers approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface, serving as a testament to the planet’s life-sustaining capabilities. Encapsulating a world teeming with diverse life forms and ecosystems, the sea is a vital part of our planet’s biosphere.

The Sea’s Biodiversity

The sea is a cradle of biodiversity, hosting an array of organisms that range from the microscopic plankton to the colossal blue whale. Coral reefs, often referred to as the ‘rainforests of the sea’, are particularly rich in species diversity. These complex ecosystems not only provide shelter and food for numerous marine species but also play a critical role in carbon sequestration, aiding in the fight against climate change.

Sea as a Resource

The sea is a critical resource for humans, providing food, minerals, and energy. Fisheries and aquaculture are significant contributors to global food security, while offshore drilling and wind farms harness the sea’s potential as an energy source. Moreover, the sea acts as a major conduit for international trade, with countless vessels traversing its waters daily.

However, the sea faces numerous threats, primarily from human activities. Overfishing, pollution, and climate change-induced warming and acidification are causing unprecedented changes to marine ecosystems. These threats, if left unchecked, could lead to a significant loss of biodiversity and the collapse of vital ecosystem services.

In conclusion, the sea is an integral part of our planet, teeming with life and providing invaluable resources. Its preservation is not just a moral imperative but a necessity for our survival.

500 Words Essay on Sea

The sea: a deep dive into its significance.

The sea, a vast expanse of salt water that covers approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface, is a fundamental part of our planet. It supports a diverse range of life, influences climate patterns, and plays a significant role in human culture and economy.

The Sea as a Biodiversity Hotspot

The sea is home to an estimated 230,000 known species, but the actual number may be in the millions. This biodiversity spans from microscopic phytoplankton, which contribute up to 50% of the Earth’s oxygen, to the largest animal ever to have lived, the blue whale. Coral reefs, often referred to as the ‘rainforests of the sea,’ are particularly rich in species diversity. However, the sea’s biodiversity is under threat due to human activities such as overfishing, pollution, and climate change, which can lead to habitat destruction and species extinction.

The Sea and Climate

The sea plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate. It absorbs about a quarter of the carbon dioxide humans produce, reducing the impact of greenhouse gases. The sea’s surface also absorbs the majority of the sun’s radiation, leading to the evaporation of water and the formation of clouds. This process, along with the sea’s currents, helps distribute heat around the globe, influencing weather and climate patterns.

The Sea and Human Culture

The sea has had a profound influence on human culture, shaping our history, literature, and art. It has been a source of inspiration for countless poets, writers, and artists, who have depicted its beauty, power, and mystery in their works. The sea has also played a crucial role in human exploration and trade, with seafaring civilizations and maritime routes shaping the course of history.

The Sea and Economy

The sea is a significant contributor to the global economy. It provides a wealth of resources, including fish, shellfish, and seaweed, which are vital sources of food and income for millions of people. The sea also facilitates international trade, with about 80% of global trade by volume being carried by sea. Moreover, the sea is a major destination for tourism and recreation, contributing billions to the economy.

The Sea: A Call for Conservation

Despite its importance, the sea is facing unprecedented threats due to human activities. Overfishing is depleting fish stocks, pollution is causing harm to marine life, and climate change is leading to ocean warming and acidification. These issues underscore the urgent need for marine conservation. Through sustainable practices and international cooperation, we can help protect the sea and ensure its health for future generations.

In conclusion, the sea is more than just a vast body of water. It is a complex and dynamic system that supports a rich diversity of life, regulates the Earth’s climate, influences human culture, and drives the global economy. As we continue to unravel its mysteries, we must also strive to protect it from the growing threats it faces.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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  • Essay on Satellite
  • Essay on Sanitation

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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essay on sea travel

Real ID deadline is rapidly approaching, what to know about the new flight requirement

essay on sea travel

The really real deadline to make your state-issued identified card, or driver’s license Real ID compliant will be here before you know it. 

And you won’t be fly domestically after 2025 without it. The government has been trying to make Real IDs a thing for a while, initially passing The Real ID act in 2005 in an attempt to set “minimum security standards” for state-issued identification documents.

The law was set to take effect in 2020 but was pushed back by the Department of Homeland Security over “backlogged transactions” at MVD offices nationwide as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to USA TODAY reporting . 

The May 2025 extension was necessary, DHS says, as state driver’s licensing agencies worked to address the mountains of paperwork, which in turn impacted the MVD’s ability to make any real progress on the Real ID rollout. 

“Following the enforcement deadline, federal agencies, including the Transportation Security Administration, will be prohibited from accepting driver’s licenses and identification cards that do not meet these federal standards,” DHS said in 2022. 

Learn more: Best travel insurance

That means every every traveler, 18 or older, must have a compliant form of identification in order to travel.

Here’s what to know. 

When does Real ID go into effect? 

The Real ID “full enforcement date” is Wednesday, May 7, 2025, according to DHS. 

When will a Real ID be required to fly?

You or your loved ones need to have a Real ID compliant document, driver’s license or identification card, by May 7, 2025. 

If you have another form of identification that is TSA-approved, like an up to date passport or a permanent resident card then you probably don’t need a Real ID compliant document.

Here are a couple TSA-approved alternatives, if you’re on the fence about getting a Real ID.

  • State issued enhanced driver’s license
  •  DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
  • U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents
  • Border crossing card
  • An acceptable photo ID issued by a federally recognized Tribal Nation/Indian Tribe
  •  HSPD-12 PIV card
  • Foreign government-issued passport
  •  Canadian provincial driver's license or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada card
  • Transportation worker identification credential
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
  • U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential
  •  Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)

How long does it take to get a Real ID?

It will take about two weeks , or 15 business days to get your Real ID or Enhanced Driver’s License from your state's Motor Vehicle Department.

Enhanced driver’s licenses, which are only issued in a couple of states, including Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, New York and Vermont, are considered acceptable alternatives to REAL ID-compliant cards, DHS says. 

How do I know if I have a Real ID? 

All Real IDs will have a stamp on the right hand corner to show that the identification document meets federal standards set forth by The Real ID Act of 2005. 

The symbol stamped on your Real ID card will vary, depending on which state you obtain your new identification card from. 

What does a Real ID look like? 

Your Real ID will have most, if not all of the information that’s included on your driver’s license. 

The only difference is the seal included in the right-hand corner. 


  1. A Visit to a Sea Beach: My Memorable Journey

    There's something inherently soothing and captivating about the vast expanse of the sea, the gentle waves, and the soft sands of a sea beach. A visit to a sea beach is an experience that rejuvenates the soul and leaves an indelible mark on one's heart. In this essay, I'll share my memorable journey to a sea beach and the sensory delights that ...

  2. My View on The Beauty of the Seashore: [Essay Example], 486 words

    The golden sand swept around the beach, hemmed in by the towering dunes. Far out to sea, rivers of pulsing light immersed the sea with gold. The horizon appeared to be stitched with a silver line. The seagulls were squawking over my head and squabbling over the pieces of bread that I threw at them.

  3. Essay on Sea Beach

    A sea beach is a beautiful place where the ocean meets the land. It is a long strip of area covered with sand or small rocks. People love going to the beach because it is a great place to relax, play, and enjoy the beauty of nature. The sound of waves crashing on the shore and the smell of the salty water create a peaceful atmosphere that many ...

  4. Essay on A Journey by Boat

    250 Words Essay on A Journey by Boat The Aesthetic Appeal of a Boat Journey. A journey by boat is a unique experience that transcends the mundane aspects of life, offering a profound exploration of nature's grandeur and our relationship with it. The rhythmic lapping of waves, the gentle sway of the boat, and the infinite expanse of water ...

  5. Get Access To Sea Travel College Essay Examples

    Sea Travel Essay Examples Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Sea Travel.

  6. Sun, Sand, and Memories: A Trip to the Beach Trip with Family

    Whether building sandcastles with siblings or engaging in deep conversations with friends under the stars, the beach trip is a reminder of the simple yet profound joys of life. The sand and the sea become a canvas upon which we paint moments of connection, unity, and love that remain with us long after the sun has set on our sandy paradise.

  7. Essay on Sea Life

    250 Words Essay on Sea Life Introduction to Sea Life. The ocean is like a big house for many plants and animals. Just like we have different rooms in our house, the sea has different parts where different types of creatures live. ... For example, some fish travel in groups to stay safe, while octopuses change color to hide from danger. Plants ...

  8. Essays About Traveling: Top 5 Examples And 10 Prompts

    5 Essay Examples 1. Rebooting The Economy: Restoring Travel And Tourism In The COVID-19 Era by Patrick L. Osewe "Even as travel restrictions and lockdowns have relaxed, cautious return-to-travel behavior among travelers—due in part to lingering health and safety concerns—suggests that the recovery process for the industry will be long and slow."

  9. How To Write a Good Travel Essay

    8 tips for an outstanding essay on travelling. Here are 8 tips that you can cash on to produce a winning travelling essay: Be specific with the destination. Before you choose a topic for your travel essay, keep the time spent in the location in mind. If your trip is just for a couple of days, then do not make the mistake of writing about an ...

  10. Essay on Travel

    Answer 1: Real experiences always have better value. When we travel to a city, in a different country, it allows us to learn about a new culture, new language, new lifestyle, and new peoples. Sometimes, it is the best teacher to understand the world. Question 2: Why is travelling essential? Answer 2: Travelling is an incredibly vital part of life.

  11. Why Do People Travel? Essay Example

    Introduction of Why People Travel Essay. Travelling is an important part of the life. There are several reasons for it. The first cause concerns the necessity to change the environment. It motivates people, brings them new experiences and desire to keep moving and living. According to Stellin (2006), most people do not have time for journeys.

  12. Descriptive A Visit To The Beach: [Essay Example], 792 words

    The salty ocean scent floating in the wind. Walking down the beach, there is a campfire. The fire is burning as brightly as the sun rays. Majestic flames grabbed for the sky. Sitting down in the circle of people. A warm feeling lingering in the air. Shutting my eyes and deciding to activate my other senses.

  13. Essay on Travelling: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

    Essay on Travelling in 200 words. Travelling is a captivating and enriching experience that broadens horizons, fosters personal growth, and connects individuals with diverse cultures and landscapes. It is a journey of discovery, both of the world and oneself. One of the most profound aspects of travelling is the opportunity to explore new cultures.

  14. Tourism Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Tourism. Tourism Essay - Tourism is a major economic activity that has developed significantly over the years. It's an activity that can be recognized in both developed and developing nations. In general terms, tourism is the movement of a person from one place to another to visit and mesmerize the beauty of that place ...

  15. Essay About Trip To Beach 12 Models

    A trip to the beach essay. Last holiday I and my family were able to take a trip to the beach in my town, and we were able to gather with members of my mother's relatives on this holiday. My relatives are not from my town but from a town a little far from the shore. And they come every year to visit the beach and play with us.

  16. What is a Travel Essay: Meaning, Features and Examples

    The most striking stylistic features of the travel essay are: First of all, this is the expressed position of the author. All narrative is connected with the author's opinion and view of the situation. Often, the author of the essay acts as a protagonist, interconnected with the main character. Dialogue with the reader.

  17. A Visit To A Seaside (Essay Sample)

    The seaside offers many things that a city life cannot. The warmth of the sun was not oppressive at all unlike the polluted air in the city. Instead, the sun's rays felt like silk on my face and body. I had my bathing suit on and let the sun caress my bony legs. Besides the sun, I felt each step I made on the sand, digging in each foot as ...

  18. Essay on Travel Experience [200, 500 Words] With PDF

    Essay on Travel Experience in 200 words. We travel to get away from the monotony of our daily lives. It's a refreshing diversion from the monotony of everyday life. It allows our minds to relax and gives our inner child the opportunity to play. Some trip memories are nostalgic and melancholy, while others are daring and exhilarating.

  19. Essay on Trip To The Beach

    Conclusion. A trip to the beach is more than just a day out. It's an opportunity to make lasting memories, enjoy the beauty of nature, and spend quality time with loved ones. Whether it's the thrill of playing in the waves or the calm of watching a sunset, the beach offers something special for everyone.

  20. Of Travel by Francis Bacon Summary & Analysis

    Of Travel, by Francis Bacon is a persuasive essay in which he uses various persuasive techniques along with figurative language at different instances to support his viewpoint. Bacon opens the essay by mentioning two types of audience: the young travelers and the old traveler, however, he primarily put emphases on the former.

  21. Classic British Essays: Of Travel by Francis Bacon

    Of Travel by Francis Bacon. "Let him sequester himself from the company of his countrymen". Francis Bacon (1561-1626). Stock Montage/Getty Images. A statesman, scientist, philosopher, and author, Francis Bacon is generally regarded as the first major English essayist. The first edition of his "Essayes" appeared in 1597, not long after the ...

  22. Essay On Sea

    Essential aspect of human life such as trade, culture, travel, power generation and mineral extraction are provided by the sea. Sea is important during warfare too. Sea imposes many weather conditions on the earth such as hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, tsunami, earthquake, volcano, etc. mainly at lands which are in direct contact with the sea.

  23. New Zealand by Sea: Queenstown to Auckland on Heritage Adventurer

    Explore New Zealand's three main islands (North Island, South Island, and Stewart Island) on this unforgettable 14-day cruise. Begin with one night in Queenstown, the country's adventure capital, followed by 10 nights cruising from Fiordland National Park to Auckland. A diverse menu of excursion options offers generous access to the island nation's dramatic glacial fiords, geothermal ...

  24. The Italian Region of Cilento is Cinematic, Spectacular and

    In this less-traveled region of Italy, the scenery is spectacular, the water wine-dark. It has sun and sea, along with important Greek ruins, wild nature, curious legends and medieval religious ...

  25. Everything to Know About Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea

    Elizabeth Rhodes/Travel + Leisure. Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel offers two distinct hotel concepts overlooking Fantasy Springs. Fantasy Chateau is a deluxe hotel with 419 guest rooms and ...

  26. Buying a dream home in Italy can be a nightmare. This couple says ...

    Their business, Calabria Sea Side, offers tailored services, including customized renovations and guided tours of the region that forms the toe of Italy's boot, showcasing its unspoiled nature ...

  27. Disney lovers are going to flip for Tokyo DisneySea's Fantasy Springs

    "Tokyo Disney Resort is a fantastic, must-visit destination with a truly innovative approach to storytelling. And Fantasy Springs, our breathtaking new port at Tokyo DisneySea, builds on that ...

  28. 100 Words Essay on Sea

    10 Lines on Sea; 250 Words Essay on Sea The Sea: A Vast Universe. The sea, an immense expanse of saline water, covers approximately 71% of the Earth's surface, serving as a testament to the planet's life-sustaining capabilities. Encapsulating a world teeming with diverse life forms and ecosystems, the sea is a vital part of our planet's ...

  29. Joe Biden to fly through SEA Airport during Seattle visit

    Biden is expected to touch down at SEA at 5:50 p.m. on Friday. A temporary flight restriction is in effect within a 30-mile radius around SEA airport from 5:15 p.m. Friday until 2:45 p.m. Saturday ...

  30. Real ID required to fly in US by May 2025: Here's how to get a Real ID

    The really real deadline to make your state-issued identified card, or driver's license Real ID compliant will be here before you know it.. And you won't be fly domestically after 2025 without ...