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How to Mention a Referral in Your Cover Letter

cover letter friend referral sample

What Is a Referral Cover Letter?

The benefits of being referred, who to ask for a referral, how to mention a referral, tips for writing a referral cover letter, referral cover letter sample.

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If you know someone at a company or someone with a strong connection to a company, it can be helpful to mention them in your cover letter when you apply for a job. Having a referral can help you stand out from the crowd when you're job searching, and including the referral in your cover letter can help get your application noticed by the hiring manager.

Mentioning that you're referred by someone is like getting an employment reference in advance. Hiring managers and recruiters will likely take a closer look at candidates with whom they share a mutual contact, and for good reason: Studies have shown hiring through employee referrals results in faster, cheaper, more effective hiring than relying on job sites.

Applicants with a referral are four times more likely to be offered a job than candidates without one. Referral hires also tend to get up to speed more quickly, fit in better, and stay with the company longer. Referrals can also give the hiring manager additional context on a candidate and their work background.

Mentioning your referral and shared connection in your cover letter can make the difference in helping your application get noticed by prospective employers.

Here's how to write a referral cover letter, including the best way to mention the contact who is referring you and a sample letter with a template to download.

A referral cover letter mentions a mutual connection when applying for a job. You might be referred by a colleague, friend, employee at the company you’re interested in, client or vendor, or college career office.

Referred candidates are a leading source of new hires, and many employers actively seek referrals when hiring for open positions. Even if a company doesn't have a formal employee referral program , referrals are typically welcomed as a way to expedite the hiring process and secure strong candidates for available jobs.

Having a referral name to mention in your cover letter helps the hiring manager understand the shared connection you have with them or their employer. A referral also helps relate your experience to the open position and, depending on how you know the referring party, can provide some insight into how well you might fit in at the company.

Your cover letter also provides an opportunity to briefly highlight your education, skills, and qualifications for the job. In addition to mentioning your referral, you'll have the chance to add a few specific examples of why you are the best candidate for the position and share other details not included on your resume.

There are many different ways to be referred for a job. A connection at a company may inquire into whether you have an interest in exploring new opportunities. You may find that you're connected with an employee on LinkedIn. Before you apply for a job, take a look to see who you know at the organization.

The referral doesn't have to be a business connection. You can ask anyone you know at the company or who has a contact at the company if they would recommend you for a job.

Be sure to check with the individual in advance and ask if they are willing to give you a referral . Even if you’re certain they’d vouch for you, giving a potential referral the heads-up ensures they’ll be ready and able to offer the best possible recommendation, given the job requirements.

You can send a letter or email asking for a referral , which gives the person the time and opportunity to think through what they can do for you and how to proceed. Asking in writing also gives your connection an out if they aren't comfortable referring you.

  • Mention who is referring you. When you use a referral in your cover letter, mention them in the first paragraph. Include the individual by name and describe your connection with them as well.
  • Explain how you know the person. Give a brief account of how you know the person, and explain how they came to be familiar with your work qualifications and skills.
  • Describe why they are recommending you. If the person recommended that you apply for this particular position, take the opportunity to mention why they are endorsing you. What specific qualities of yours made them think you would be a good fit for the company and the job? What do you have to offer the company?

Here's an example of an introductory paragraph mentioning the candidate has been referred by a colleague:

My colleague Amy Smith recommended that I contact you directly about the sales representative position at ABC, Inc. Amy and I have worked closely in the industry for many years, and she thought the company would be a good fit for my style and experience in sales. She pointed out that as a successful, award-winning salesperson, I would be an excellent addition to the team at ABC, Inc.

Name-dropping does not come easily to some people, especially if you're already wrestling with how to write about your accomplishments and sell yourself to a hiring manager. Even though it might be a challenge, being referred for a job can give you a boost over the competition. At the least, it should help you get considered for an interview. At best, it could give you a foot in the door that might lead to a job offer.

Review examples. If you're not sure what to write, it helps to look at examples of cover letters , although you'll want to tailor your letter to fit your specific personal and professional circumstances.

Mention the referral upfront. Remember to include a brief mention of your referral and recommendation right away in your cover letter. This strategy puts the referral at the front of the reader's mind, giving them context for the information that follows.

Make the best first impression. Expand on your strengths and why you're the best candidate for the job. Your cover letter offers a chance to make a strong first impression since it's likely the first thing a hiring manager sees, possibly even before your resume.

Share your accomplishments. Mention brief examples of your successes in the workplace to prove you are the most qualified person for the job.

Carefully proofread your letter. As with all business correspondence, make sure you proofread your cover letter for correct spelling and grammar, and check that the information matches across all the documents you submit. 

This is an example of a cover letter that mentions a referral. Download the referral cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online).

Referral Cover Letter Sample (Text Version)

Betty Forbes 999 Main Street Anytown, MA 02222 555-123-4567 bforbes1223@email.com

February 28, 2024

George Smith Marketing Director Acme Communications 1234 Fragrant Way Citytown, MA 02224

Dear Mr. Smith,

It was with great interest that I learned of the opening in your department for a marketing associate. Your marketing manager, Anna Black, was my supervisor at Catz Marketing before taking her current position with Acme Communications. As she can attest, I bring a unique perspective and can integrate the many facets of a media campaign.

With Anna at Catz Marketing, I worked with a local company to build their business and promote their grand opening. We continued to work with them for the first few years, developing a total media plan and implementing it. Their continued success and recommendations brought other businesses to seek our services as well.

My experience with Catz Marketing has prepared me to take on the challenges of working in a national company such as Acme Communications, and I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how I can be an asset to your team.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Betty Forbes

More Cover Letter Examples 

Need more inspiration for writing your cover letters? Review these  cover letter samples and downloadable templates  for many different types of jobs to get started.

Key Takeaways

  • A cover letter with a referral can help get your application considered.
  • Before naming someone as a referral in your cover letter, ask them for permission to do so.
  • Include the referral in the first paragraph of your cover letter.
  • Also include specifics on why you're a leading contender for the job.

LinkedIn. " Here is Why Employee Referrals are the Best Way to Hire ."

Zippia. " Facts About Employee Referrals in the US ."

Jobvite. " 4 Reasons to Invest in Employee Referrals ."

CareerOneStop. " Make Your Next Cover Letter a Great One ."

SHRM. " Employee Referrals Remain Top Source for Hires ."

How To Include a Referral in Your Cover Letter?

How To Include a Referral in Your Cover Letter?

Including a referral in your cover letter can help get your resume noticed by the hiring manager. It shows that you have a personal connection to someone who can vouch for your skills and abilities. A referral from a colleague or past employer can be a great way to get your foot in the door with a new company.

It’s been shown that referral hires are more likely to stick around at their new job, have higher performance ratings, and are often paid higher salaries than non-referral hires.

The benefits of including a referral in your job application are well worth the effort it takes to obtain one. In fact, according to a report from Jobvite, 59% of job seekers say referrals are their preferred way to find jobs online.

But how do you know whom to ask for a referral? And how do you include one in your cover letter? This guide will walk you through how to ask for and include a referral so you can land that interview.

What is a Referral Cover Letter?

A referral cover letter is a letter that you send to a potential employer with your resume. It is a recommendation from someone within the company that can act as a personal endorsement for you and your job application. The letter includes the name of someone who has referred you to the company. This can be a friend, family member, or professional contact. The referral cover letter is a way to get your foot in the door and stand out from the competition.

Why Should You Use A Referral in your Cover letter?

A referral gives you credibility, as it’s basically an insider saying that you are qualified for the position and would be a good fit. People trust recommendations from people they know, so this person essentially vouching for you makes a huge difference.

According to a recent study from the University of Minnesota, including a referral in your cover letter can dramatically increase your chances of getting an interview . The survey found that applicants who included referrals within their letters were interviewed at twice the rate of those who didn’t include referrals.

There are a few other reasons why you might want to include a referral in your cover letter.

  • It can help you stand out from the crowd. When you have a personal connection to someone who can vouch for your skills, it shows that you’re serious about the job and that you’re willing to go the extra mile.
  • It also makes it easier for the hiring manager to trust you since they can see that you have the endorsement of someone they know.
  • If a referral is a “known name” in the industry, you’ll stand out from the crowd.
  •  It can help you pass the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) screening software.
  • Including a referral in your cover letter can also help you build relationships with the people you’re applying to work with. When you make a good impression on your referral, they might be more likely to refer you to other opportunities in the future.

Is name dropping in a cover letter OK?

Name-dropping does not come easily to everyone, but a referral cover letter is one place where it can work in your favor. Referrals are powerful because they involve an introduction from a known and respected individual. When you can name-drop a referral, it gives the hiring manager an additional reason to trust your qualifications and consider you for the job.

It’s important to be subtle when you’re name-dropping in your cover letter. You don’t want to come across as arrogant or entitled. Instead, focus on how your referral can vouch for your skills and abilities.

How to Ask for a Referral?

You have spent a lot of time perfecting your resume and tweaking your cover letter to match the job description. You have done everything you can think of to make sure that when recruiters read your documents they will be impressed by what they see, but there is one more thing that you need to consider: who are you going to ask for a referral?

1) Choose Professional Contacts over Personal:

When you can, choose someone who is a professional contact, not a personal one. You want to make sure that whoever you ask to be your referral has experience working with you or working with your work, so they can speak about the kind of contributions you make and the results those contributions produce.

2) Check with your Contact before dropping their name in a Cover letter:

Whoever it is, definitely check in with them before moving forward. At the very least, give them a heads up so they aren’t caught off guard if indeed that company does call them for any reason. Ideally, you will ask them if they would be comfortable giving you a referral and then send them a copy of your resume and cover letter so they can be prepared for what to expect if/when called upon by the company.

3) Search through Networking Platforms:

If you don’t have any connections in the company for the job you are applying for then you can use a mutual contact. A mutual contact is someone that you know and the hiring manager knows. You can do this by searching for them on LinkedIn, search through Facebook, Company Website other Professional Forums the contact may be present.

4) Reach out to them via Email:

The best way to ask for a referral is by email . You should explain why you are contacting them and why you want them to refer you, if possible. For example: “I worked on your team last year and our group won an award.” It’s also important to thank them for their time.

5) Apply via an employee referral program?

If you’re applying to a large company, they may have an employee referral program. This is a program where employees can refer candidates for open positions within the company. If you’re lucky enough to know someone who works for the company, be sure to ask them if they can refer you for a position as it is beneficial for both of you.

How To Include A Referral In Your Cover Letter?

When you’re including a referral in your cover letter, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

1) Include the Referral Information in Your Opening Paragraph

One way to include a referral in your cover letter is to use it as part of your opening paragraph.

2) Explain How they know you

The person who referred you will likely have given the hiring manager some context about how they know you. But if they haven’t, or if your connection is weak (you met them once at an event), it’s important to explain how you know each other.

3) Why are they providing this Recommendation

Include a few sentences about why they are qualified to speak about you. For example, if a former manager is recommending you for a position, mention this fact, as well as what your relationship has been like and how long they have known you.

Here’s an example of an introductory paragraph with a referral :

“I am interested in the Marketing Manager position at XYZ Company. I was referred to the position by my friend, Sarah, who knows someone at XYZ Company. Sarah has told me great things about the company and she thinks I would be a perfect fit for the position. I have attached my resume and the job listing to this email. I would appreciate if you could keep me in mind for the position. Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Asking for a referral can help you get your resume noticed and land the job you want. Just be sure to follow these tips and examples so that you can do it correctly.

Examples of adding a referral to your cover letter:

Referral cover letters are structured similarly to application cover letters, but they usually include an additional paragraph that explains how you were referred to the position by someone in your network. Below, you’ll find examples of referral cover letters that indicates who the applicant was referred by, along with tips for writing a referral cover letter sample.

**Adding a referral in the body of your cover letter:**

“Dear Ms. [last name], [Referral source] recommended I reach out to you about the position of [job title]. I have a great deal of experience [briefly describe your relevant experience] and would love to work with you and your team. I am available for an interview at any time that is convenient for you, and I can be reached by phone at [your phone number], or by email at [your email address].”

In the first paragraph of your cover letter, you should mention a mutual connection or referral who suggested that you reach out. Mentioning this person (or people) upfront will give you an instant connection with the hiring manager.

“I’m reaching out because [Name of Mutual Acquaintance] suggested I connect with you. She knew me from my work with [Company Name or Project], and she mentioned that you’re looking for someone to fill your opening for a [Name of Position].- “I am interested in the position of Social Media Manager at GHI company. I was referred to this position by my friend, Tina, who is the Social Media Manager at GHI company.”

Mention the referral in your first paragraph. Use words like “encouraged,” “recommended” or “referred.”

“I was encouraged by [referrer’s name] to apply for the [position name] role at [company name].”

“I was referred by [referrer’s name] to apply for the [position name] role at [company name]. They told me that you’re looking for a [skill-set/role-specific knowledge].”

“Dear [Name],

I am writing to apply for the position of [position] at [company]. I was referred to the role by my friend and former colleague, [Name], who is currently working in the [department] at [Company]. I understand you are currently seeking candidates to fill this position.

I have been following company developments for several years, and I believe that my experience as a [job title] would be beneficial to your team.”

Referral Cover Letter Sample (Text Version)

Dear [Name],

I am reaching out to you in regard to the [job title] position with [Company name]. I believe my experience in [industry] and role as a [role title] is a good match for this position.

[Name of contact, mutual friend, or colleague] recommended that I contact you and submit my resume because they know I am interested in finding a new opportunity with an outstanding company such as yours. I have been working in [industry] for the last [x years/months], and have developed many of the skills necessary for the role of [job title].

I look forward to hearing from you to discuss how my experience fits your needs. Please feel free to reach me at [phone number] or via email at [email address]. Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your name]

Referral Cover Letter Example

Referral Cover Letter Email

Dear [Recruiter Name]

I’m writing to apply for the [position name] position advertised on LinkedIn. I met [name] at an event last month, and they suggested I reach out to you directly. We discussed my background in [field], and how it would make me a great fit for this role.

If you have any questions about my experience or candidacy, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I’ll follow up with you next week to see if you need any additional information from me, or if we can arrange a time for us to talk.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Email Subject Line for sending a Referral Cover Letter :

  • Referral from [Kevin Rogers – VP Marketing] for Marketing Manager Position.
  • [Kevin Rogers – VP Marketing] referred me to you for the [Marketing Manager] position.

Tips for Writing a Referral Cover Letter

  • Including a referral at the top of your cover letter can help you get noticed by hiring managers and make it more likely that you’ll be granted an interview.
  • Make sure to mention your referral’s name and how you know them, such as “I worked with [name] at [company].”
  • Include a few sentences about why your referral thinks you’d be a good fit for the role and ask if they’d be willing to provide a reference if needed.
  • Don’t forget to say “thank you” to your reader and let them know how they can reach out to learn more about you!.

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How To Include a Referral in Your Cover Letter

  • Cover Letter Tips

A cover letter is a great way to complement your resume. A well-written resume and cover letter may be of interest to a potential employer. It is especially significant if your area has a lot of candidates. Therefore, job searchers can use professional resume editing service to boost their chances of landing a job.

You might include a reference in your cover letter to help it become more effective. In 2017, PayScale surveyed 53,000 employees, and it turned out that 1/3 of respondents sent referral cover letters. While a referral is not necessary for your cover letter, it can nonetheless catch a hiring manager’s or recruiter’s attention.

How To Include a Referral in Your Cover Letter

We have already talked about cover letter do’s and dont’s earlier. For now, we suggest that you focus on referrals in cover letters.

What is a Referral?

A reference or a referral is a recommendation from a current or former employee of the company where the applicant wishes to work. Companies themselves sometimes organize referral programs to attract new qualified personnel. It means that employees can bring in new professionals with whom they have had previous favorable experiences.

A reference cover letter is one in which you refer to a contact who is familiar with hiring managers and recruiters and is connected with that organization. A referral can be beneficial when looking for a job because it helps substantiate your resume and cover letter facts.

Hiring managers and recruiters might benefit from referrals in filling open positions. Applicants should give a reference that verifies the abilities that the organization is looking for. In addition, a cover letter referred by an employee can increase interest and confidence in the candidate.

Is it Necessary to Add a Reference in a Cover Letter?

Referral cover letters are helpful in various situations. For instance, if a job seeker has a contact who recommended them to apply to the company, the job seeker can drop their name in a cover letter.

You can always include a referral from a former colleague, manager, or professor in your cover letter if they are familiar with the organization’s hiring manager or recruiter. Talent acquisition managers, in turn, are always interested in having referrals in your paper.

Read More:  Career Change Cover Letter Writing Tips

How to Mention a Referral in a Cover Letter?

We’ve outlined four procedures that will help you correctly mention a referral in your cover letter:

  • Introduce your reference contact.

Begin your cover letter by mentioning a reference by their full name. A hiring manager or recruiter must establish reliability by verifying your relationship with references. Fill in valuable and concise information about this person so the hiring manager can know the background.

  • Describe your relationships with the referral.

Then explain your connection to the referral. A hiring manager or recruiter can use your link to the reference to assess reliability. Furthermore, the explanation can demonstrate your ability to have a beneficial impact on people as well as your capacity to build meaningful relationships.

  • Explain why they think you’d be a good fit for the job.

Your referral should provide reasons why you can be of service to this company. It will reveal your strengths, which specific situations can bolster. Thus, hiring managers and recruiters can consider a job offer if they know how you react in stressful situations.

  • Describe your experience with referral.

The final step in establishing credibility with recruiters and hiring managers is to describe the experience with a referral. However, it would help if you highlighted particular facts rather than generic or clichéd phrases. Nonetheless, the purpose of a referral is to make it apparent to hiring managers or recruiters who you are and what you do.

What is the Best Way to Acquire a Referral?

We will share three steps to get a referral:

  • Identify possible references

Determine who might be able to assist you. It should be someone who either works for the organization or knows the hiring manager or recruiter somehow. Your reference should be well-versed in your abilities.

  • Obtain your reference’s permission.

After you’ve identified a person who could be a good referral for your cover letter, contact them and ask if they’d be willing to assist you.

More importantly, ask if you can include their name in the document. It’s not only a tribute but also a sign of the referral’s trust in you. Plus, if you let them know ahead of time, they’ll be prepared if recruiters contact them.

  • Send a copy of your covering letter before submitting it.

Before sending your cover letter, you should check it with the referral. Check whether they concur with the statements. It will help them prepare before speaking with the hiring manager or recruiter about your candidacy.

How Should I Ask for a Reference?

Before you begin writing a referral, keep the following suggestions in mind:

  • Respectfully request a recommendation.

Reduce the possibility of rejection by politely asking the person to be your reference. You can begin by explaining the desired position or company, then effortlessly talk about the referral.

  • Give your possible reference information about the position.

When asking for a reference, be specific about the position you’re going for and the qualifications they’re looking for. It will show a referral the characteristics the employer is searching for. Knowing this will make it easier for the referral to highlight your specific strengths.

  • Ascertain that the referral is capable of taking responsibility.

The person who refers you must believe that your skills are compatible with the company’s needs. If someone does not know your skills, they are reluctant to take responsibility and recommend you. That is why you should first find someone familiar with your skills and abilities and ask if they would recommend you.

Referral Cover Letter Sample

Finally, here’s an example of a well-written referral cover letter:

Referral Cover Letter Sample

Is It Necessary To Write A Cover Letter?

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be

How to Tailor Your Cover Letter for Each Job Application

How to Tailor Your Cover Letter for Each Job Application

How to Add a Referral in a Cover Letter

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What is a cover letter referral?

How to include a referral in your cover letter, cover letter referral examples.

A referral is someone who recommends you for a particular job. Colleagues, people employed by the hiring company and former teachers can all be appropriate referrals. With their permission, you can mention the name of a referral in your cover letter. When you add a referral to your cover letter, it can make a positive first impression and help move your application ahead in the hiring process.

Add your referral to your cover letter’s introduction. You should catch the hiring manager’s attention, and a referral is a great way to do this. This also creates an instant personal connection between you and the company. 

Follow these steps to include a referral in your cover letter:

1. First, ask for your referral’s approval

You must get approval before adding that individual’s name to your cover letter. By doing so, you are confirming that they are happy to recommend you for the job.

If they tell you about the position, you have an opportunity to ask whether you can use their name as a referral. If you see a job posting first, call them and ask whether they would mind giving you a referral. Discuss the position, the company and why your contact thinks you are a good candidate. Your referral is staking their reputation on you, so be sure to thank them.

2. Next, mention the referral by name

Mention your referral by their full name. This takes away any confusion about who they are. If their name is common, you might also add details about how the hiring manager may know them. Do not use their nickname, even if they are commonly known by this. Double-check the spelling of their first and last name.

3. Then, explain your connection to your referral

Note whether your referral is a former or current colleague or a person connected to you in some other way. Explaining your connection gives the hiring manager some context for the referral.

4. Next, describe why the person referred you

Explain why your referral feels you are suitable for the position. This provides an opportunity to outline your strengths. If you have worked with your referral before, provide a brief explanation of this working relationship. If your referral is a former teacher, you can note the relevant course. Mention any experiences or skills your referral witnessed that might be applicable to the position. If this person works at the hiring company, note any qualities they think you have that would suit the business culture.

5. Last, send a copy of your cover letter to your referral

It is a good idea to send a copy of your cover letter to your referral. When they know exactly what you have written, they will not be surprised by anything the hiring manager says to them about your application or relationship. It will also help your referral prepare for what they might want to say if the hiring manager has any follow-up questions for them.

Every referral is different, as it reflects your personal relationship with that particular contact. However, the following cover letter referral examples can help you write your own:

Dear Ms. Gutherson,

I was excited to hear about the opening in your engineering department from one of your lead engineers, Dale Forrest. Before joining your company, Dale worked with me for five years on the engineering team at Practical Software Solutions. During that time, Dale praised me for my attention to detail and creative problem-solving skills. Dale said he felt those skills would make me an excellent addition to your engineering team.

Dear Mr. Lane,

Your receptionist Kelly Price suggested I contact you about your vacant social worker position. I met Kelly last year when she began volunteering with me at a local soup kitchen, Soul Food. Working closely together allowed her to see my ability to connect with others and my compassion for people with financial hardships and mental health difficulties.

Dear Ms. Nelson,

I was thrilled to hear about the vacant position on your design team from Hayley Saunders. Hayley and I completed a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design at the University of Central Oklahoma together in 2003 and have remained close friends. She felt my creativity and 10 years’ experience working as a designer in the media industry would make me a natural fit for the role with you at Parent and Baby Monthly Magazine.

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How to Include a Referral in a Cover Letter

Last Updated: July 19, 2022 References

This article was co-authored by Amber Rosenberg, PCC . Amber Rosenberg is a Professional Life Coach, Career Coach, and Executive Coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As the owner of Pacific Life Coach, she has 20+ years of coaching experience and a background in corporations, tech companies, and nonprofits. Amber trained with the Coaches Training Institute and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 82,094 times.

Today's job market is very competitive. To get your cover letter noticed, you want to do anything possible to increase your chances of procuring an interview. When a company’s employee, vendor partner, or well-known customer refers you to apply for a job, it can be a huge advantage to include this information in your cover letter. If the person is a strong reference, using this referral in your cover letter will increase your odds of being spotted by the hiring manager. The trick is securing a referral and making sure to effectively capitalize on your connection.

Knowing When to Use a Referral

Step 1 Understand the value of a referral.

  • There are also other ways to find someone to serve as a referral for you. For example, utilize your contacts from alumni organizations, social networks, and professional organizations. Of course, it is also important to make sure that your Linked-In profile is current so that potential employees can find you that way.

Step 3 Asking a contact for a referral.

  • Whichever contact method you choose, make sure it is both personal and professional. For example, if you choose to make the request via email, you might say something like, "Dear Jane, It was wonderful meeting you at the Annual Meeting of the People Who Have a Job Similar to Mine. I enjoyed our conversation! I'm currently looking for a new position, and I notice that your company has an opening for Manager of Important Things. I'm very interested in this job, and think I would be an excellent fit. Would you be willing to serve as a referral? I would like to use your name in my cover letter, if you are agreeable."

Step 4 Confirm your contact knows that they are your referral.

  • For example, if you choose to confirm with a phone call, you could say, "Hello, Joe. I just wanted to let you know that I am in the process of finishing up my cover letter for the position at your company. I wanted to confirm that you're fine with me using your name as a referral. I really appreciate your help."

Step 5 Confirm that your reference knows the appropriate people at the potential employer.

Writing Your Cover Letter

Step 1 Emphasize your contact in the introduction.

  • For example, you could write, "Mary Smith, your sales manager, recommended that I apply for this job. Mary and I have known each other through the executive board of the Association for Sales Managers, and over the past five years, we have worked together on many projects for that organization."

Step 3 Highlight your qualifications.

  • For example, you could write, "I excel at interpersonal communication. In my current role, I am responsible for managing a team of seven other employees and providing them with verbal feedback."

Step 4 Demonstrate an understanding of the employer's needs.

  • One effective way to convey your understanding is by writing, "Your advertisement notes that you are looking to improve your employee training program. I have significant experience in this area, and in fact, have developed several onboarding methods that would benefit your organization." [9] X Trustworthy Source Harvard Business Review Online and print journal covering topics related to business management practices Go to source

Step 5 Indicate why you want the job.

  • An example of a strong statement is, "I am excited about this opportunity because I am seeking a new professional challenge, and heading up your training program is something I can confidently handle. Additionally, your company has a reputation for a positive corporate culture that I think would be an ideal fit for my outgoing personality."

Finishing Your Cover Letter

Step 1 Edit your cover letter.

  • If you choose to follow up with an e-mail, you could write, "Dear Bob, Thank you again for agreeing to let me use you as a referral. I just wanted to let you know that I am sending my letter to Stan at your company. I'm attaching a copy, for your information."

Step 4 Review your cover letter one last time.

  • Edit any sentences such as, "The big project was completed by me." Instead, try "I successfully completed revising the training manual ahead of deadline."

Expert Q&A

  • As you are in the process of applying for this job, don't forget to keep your connections current. Networking is extremely important to connect you to more referrals and opportunities. Attend local professional meetings or basic networking groups regularly. [14] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Convey a positive and professional attitude when approaching potential references. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Pay attention to detail. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2012/02/02/the-skinny-on-employee-referral-programs
  • ↑ Amber Rosenberg, PCC. Pacific Life Coach. Expert Interview. 8 July 2022.
  • ↑ https://www.pongoresume.com/blogPosts/381/when-and-how-to-name-drop-in-your-cover-letter.cfm
  • ↑ https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/CoverLetters.html
  • ↑ https://hbr.org/2014/02/how-to-write-a-cover-letter
  • ↑ http://guides.wsj.com/careers/how-to-start-a-job-search/how-to-write-a-cover-letter/
  • ↑ http://www.papercheck.com/cover-letter-editing.html
  • ↑ http://www.careerchoiceguide.com/referral-cover-letter.html
  • ↑ http://www.businessinsider.com/the-importance-of-networking-2011-5

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Cover Letter With a Referral From an Employee Example

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The saying goes, "It's not what you know, but who you know"—and when it comes to getting hired, it's true. Get an employee referral, and you may have an easier time catching the hiring manager's attention.

Many companies reward their employees for referring job candidates. The fact is that hiring via referral is  cheaper, faster, and more effective  than hiring through job sites or recruiting.  

Candidates who come recommended are often better qualified, more loyal, and a better fit for the team.

It makes sense: if you were the hiring manager, would you rather interview a candidate with no connection to the company or one that comes recommended by a current employee in good standing?

The latter person is more likely to know what it's like to work for the company – plus, the employee who referred them probably understands that their reputation is at stake. Most likely, they'd avoid referring someone who was less than qualified.

The Power of Using Employee Referrals in Your Cover Letter

According to data from Jobvite, there are significant advantages for employees who land their jobs through referral. Consider:  

  • 40% of referred applicants receive a job offer and they comprise only 7% of potential candidates.
  • Want to get to work in a hurry? Referred candidates start sooner than those who come in through other channels. Per this data, employees who come in via referral start their new positions after 29 days on average, compared with 39 - 55 days through job boards.
  • Referred employees have greater job satisfaction, according to Jobvite, and show it by staying put: 47% stay longer than three years.

How to Write a Cover Letter Mentioning an Employee Referral

  • Ask for a referral.  This might seem obvious—of course, you'll ask for a referral before you name-drop a current employee in your letter! But it's important that your connection is clued in before you send your cover letter. Bottom line, you want them to be prepared to sing your praises when the hiring manager asks for their opinion. Also: there's always the chance that they'll say no, or that they'll advise you not to apply, for reasons that only an insider would know.)
  • Give your referrer the details.  Speaking of singing your praises, your contact can only do that if you let them know which job you're applying for. Don't assume that just because they work at the organization, they'll know what the job entails. Share the job description, and match the requirements to your qualifications. This will give them some talking points to keep in their back pocket, in case they're asked about you.
  • Provide a copy of the cover letter.  Forward your email or give your contact a physical copy of your cover letter, for their reference.
  • Say thank you.  Whether the employee is writing a referral letter or merely agreeing to be included in your cover letter, it's important to say thank you. Send a  thank-you note or email  to let them know that you appreciate their help. They'll appreciate the gesture, and it will strengthen your connection.

Employee Referral Cover Letter Template

Download the employee referral cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) and review more examples.

Sample Employee Referral Cover Letter (Text Version)

Stephanie Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 stephanie.applicant@email.com 

September 1, 2018 

Laurel Lee Director, Human Resources Sunnyside Group Home 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

 Dear Ms. Lee,

I am writing in reference to the position of Youth Counselor at the Sunnyside Group Home. I have the pleasure of being acquainted with one of the Counselors on your staff, Eleanor Seville. Eleanor and I did our undergraduate work together at Sunnyville University and have been in touch professionally and personally since then. She let me know about the open position and recommended that I contact you. 

I have been working with at-risk youths for 15 years, and have found the experience extremely rewarding. I have counseled young people with a variety of challenges, including family situations, drug use, eating disorders and behavioral issues. My experience makes me well suited to help the residents at Sunnyside learn and grow in a protected environment.

While I have experience in working with all ages, I believe that the adolescent population at your facility would benefit from the knowledge I gained during the past five years while working in Student Services at Sunnyville High School. I was recognized by the District as "Outstanding Teen Leader 2018" for the After-School Job Mentoring program I developed and implemented with the cooperation of several local businesses.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss what I have to bring to the position at Sunnyside. Thank you for reviewing my attached resume.

Stephanie Applicant

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How to Write a Referral Cover Letter - Examples & Tips

In this guide, we'll teach you how to write a referral cover letter . A referral cover letter is a type of cover letter that centres around an employee at the company you're applying to referring you to the job role that your cover letter and application are for.

  • # Referral Cover Letter Sample
  • # How to Mention an Employee Referral
  • # How to Get a Referral
  • # Tips for Writing Referral Cover Letter
  • # How to Edit Referral Cover Letter Template

Referral Cover Letter Template

referral cover letter

This is a free cover letter template for referral. Free Download and customize it according to the sample text below.

Supported formats

Referral cover letter sample (text).

Joanne Smith Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Postcode Phone Number Email

Mr. Blogg CopyWrite Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Postcode Phone Number Email Day/Month/Year

Dear Mr. Blogg,

Re: Referral from Elizabeth Zen

I am writing to express my interest in your Marketing Operative position, as referred to me by Elizabeth Zen, who as you may know, is part of your managerial team for the Marketing department. Elizabeth and I worked together in a previous role at White Papers Inc. and suggested that I might be a good fit as an applicant.

In my previous position at White Papers Inc., and again later on in my most recent role at Typist Limited, I was tasted with creating the marketing materials and copywriting for the various pieces of company marketing. I have excellent self-management skills, and a good ability to motivate my team members at all times.

I have a very positive attitude, and I can complete tasks that I am given within any time constraints. I have been known to frequently exceed what is expected of me in all of my previous roles. Currently, I am looking for the opportunity to take my marketing experience to the next level, and I feel this role with CopyWrite would allow me to grow as a person and an employee, as well as develop my career path in a direction that would benefit your company.

I hope we can schedule a time to speak at a later date.

Kind regards, Joanne Smith

How to Mention an Employee Referral

When writing a cover letter with a referral mentioned, there are several ways to note the referral without it seeming out of place. In the above referral cover letter, you can see that the referral is placed in the first paragraph of the cover letter. This is because the job application is based around the referral and notes the referral as the subject line ("Re: Referral from Elizabeth Zen").

Another way to mention a referral from a company employee is referring to them in a casual way, for example, you could mention them nearer the middle or end of your referral cover letter by dropping their name as someone you know at the company that you used to work with, or worked under in a previous role. Link the referral to the job that you're applying for and ensure that you're referring to a person that works in a similar position, who is of good standing in the company.

Ideally, you should mention the referral in the beginning of the cover letter, by including the referral's full name, and giving the manager a brief idea of how you know the person, and what your relationship to them is. Describe your connection to your referral as well as you can and show a long working partnership.

How to Get a Referral

The main way to get a referral to an open job role is by being notified by an old colleague that there's a position available at the company they're currently working at. This usually happens when you still have a good relationship with a previous colleague, and it happens to come up in conversation.

Another way to get a referral from a company employee to is network. Networking means that you put yourself out there and get to know various people in your industry. If you're lucky, you might run into or have a conversation with someone that works at a reputable company. When you network, you're forming professional relationships with working individuals, who will know vacancies come up in the company that they work for. You'll find out about these vacancies through these individuals, and you could then ask for a referral if they personally let you know about the job.

Tips for Writing a Referral Cover Letter

When you introduce a referral in a referral cover letter, always expand on how you know the person, and why you're referring to them in your cover letter straight away. Avoid referring to a person in your cover letter and then moving on to another subject. Once you've brought up a company employee, you need to spend some time properly expanding on the subject of the referral in your cover letter. Ensure that you proofread your cover letter with referral attached before you send it.

Referring to a previous colleague in a cover letter doesn't work for everyone, it can be difficult to know where to put the explanation paragraph, or how to refer to your old colleague properly, but with the guide in this article, you should be able to write an effective referral cover letter.

How to Edit Referral Cover Letter Template

After learning the tips for referral cover letter, you can now choose a beautiful cover letter template for editing. To edit the PDF cover letter template in this page, you can use a smart PDF editor, Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor . This tool will help you create, edit and customize the PDF templates based on your requirements.

referral cover letter

Step 1. Open the Referral Cover Letter Template

cover letter with referral

Step 2. Click on "Edit" and Enter Your Text as You Like

cover letter referral

Step 3. Complete and Save Your Referral Cover Letter

referral cover letter

Posted by Elise Williams to Updated: 2024-04-18 13:58:49


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referral cover letter

How to Mention Referral in Cover Letter: Tips to Consider in 2023

  • Cover Letter

Know How to Gain Employer’s Confidence by Showcasing Your Reference

Getting a job could be difficult sometimes, especially when you are a fresher. Generally, companies do not prefer inexperienced candidates due to various reasons. But, if you have got some sort of referral in any organization, the hiring process can be simplified. That is the major reason why every student asks how to mention referral in cover letter to get a starting job.

Using a particular reference, it becomes easy to introduce yourself when attending interviews. You can let the employer know that you are being referred by a person who is currently working in the company. Sometimes, people also use references that are in close contact with the hiring managers. This works pretty well in terms of describing yourself and getting a job in any company. 

If you are also looking to know how to write a cover letter and mention a referral, you have certainly come to the right place. This blog will define some key principles of including a referral in cover letters.

Let’s first understand the basics of the referral and why it is important for the cover letters. 

What is a Referral Cover Letter?

A referral cover letter helps you to define the mutual contact that has referred you for the job. It lets the employer know about your background and connection with the relevant employee. A lot of times, this reference helps people to get jobs in the organization. That is the reason why every fresher always asks about how to mention referral in cover letter appropriately.

Meanwhile, it should also be understood that mentioning a reference is just enough to get a job. You need to showcase a particular set of skills as well to impress the employer. It is an obvious fact that anyone will only refer you when you’ll show the required skills. That is why it is also necessary to mention the right skills on a resume to take best advantage of relevant references.

Benefits of Adding Referral in Cover Letters

There are numerous benefits of adding referral in a cover letter or resume. All the hiring managers do look for such candidates that are referred by the current employees. It gives them a feel of trust on their hard skills and attitude for the job.

Every manager knows that a candidate is only referred due to his/her proven skills. It neglects the lack of experience in a candidate’s profile, giving them an opportunity to get hired on the basis of capabilities. Then it falls on the relevant candidate to showcase his/her defined skills and prove the given reference worthy enough to get a job. 

For hiring managers, these references simplify their work. It allows them to find talented candidates quickly without going into a rigorous conventional hiring process. They know that a particular candidate is coming on the basis of some skills that will fit good enough for the job.  

How to Mention Referral in Cover Letter?

It is important to know the correct way of mentioning a reference in the cover letter. If you don’t know how to mention them properly, try taking assistance from various cover letter writing services . These agencies will help you to craft a proper document as per the standard guidelines.

Here are the three important points you need to keep in mind while mentioning a reference in the cover letter.

  • Mention about your reference correctly 

The first thing you need to do is to mention your referring person properly. You need to define his designation and role in the company. This is necessary as it lets the hiring manager know about the profile of that person. If he will be working on a senior level position, your chances of getting hired will certainly become bright. 

  • Describe your connection with the person

Afterwards, it is also important to describe how you know the referring person. Due to various types of scams , many hiring managers want to know about the full details of your connection with the person. Therefore, it is important to describe your relation with that employee and why you have been referred by him for the job.

  • Mention what makes you worthy for the job

Now, it is time to describe what makes you good enough to get hired in the company. This is an important part as it will elaborate your proven skills in the field. Every employer wants to know about your capabilities after knowing about the reference. Therefore, try to express your skills correctly in the document to gain the confidence of the employer. 

Important Tips on How to Mention Referral in Cover Letter

Being a fresher, you would have no knowledge how to write a resume or referral cover letter. Well, this is quite an important thing that you must need to learn quickly. It will allow you to present a strong profile to the employers, no matter how little experience you have.

Here are some important tips that will help you to write a referral cover letter properly. 

Describe Your Referral Upfront

If you have a strong reference that can make a difference in the hiring process, include it straightaway at the starting of the cover letter. This can work very well in terms of letting the manager know about your background. A strong reference is always seen as a credible source by the recruiters. It makes up their mind that a candidate is referred due to high skills. 

If you are a fresher, you must need to include the reference at the start. It will bolster your profile and increase the chances of getting hired in any organization. 

Learn How to Mention Referral in Cover Letter by Reviewing Examples

Many people do not know how to mention referral in cover letter. They can certainly learn this art by looking at different cover letter examples given on the web. We all know pretty well about the searching power of Google. It can help you to analyze different types of referral cover letters and their writing style perfectly.

Once you will analyze these examples, you will feel at ease writing your own referral letter. Besides that, you can also take help from the referring person to write a sample document effectively. 

Build a Strong Impression

As defined above, it is not just important to include references in your profile. You need to showcase some capabilities as well to convince the hiring managers. Keep in mind that a reference will only help you to get a strong introduction. Moving forward, you will have to impress the employer by showcasing the required skills. 

For instance, if you are applying in a high school, your teacher cover letter should briefly define the core teaching skills. Though you can include some references in this documents, but in the end everything will depend on your skills. It is therefore advised to build a strong first impression, so that you can impress all types of employers.

List Down Your Achievements

Listing your achievements is another good way to impress employers. These accomplishments help to build the credibility of your profile. It lets the employers know that you have earlier worked on the technologies and products required for this job. This will build their confidence on your profile which will eventually lead you towards getting hired in the company. 

Proofread Your Letter

Lastly, do not forget to proofread your document before submitting to the hiring manager. This is necessary because it helps you to rectify various types of grammatical errors found in the document. These things do not come into notice while writing a cover letter, which is why a final proofread is required by the writer. 

You can use various types of automated tools such as Grammarly, Ginger etc. to properly check your document. These tools will help you to find out all types of writing mistakes, that too in a quick time. 

How to Include References in Cover Letter or Resume?

Looking for job referral examples? Here is a sample referral letter with which you can learn from.

kevin hendricks referral for cover letter

Name Dropping in Cover Letter Examples

Name dropping is a unique way to mention a person who has referred you for a specific position. It is done in a decent manner without describing extensively about the referring person. Here’s a short paragraph demonstrating how to do it in a subtle way.

“Dear Mr. Smith,

On the recommendation of Mr. Kevin Jones, I would like to apply for the position of Senior Analyst in your company. I have been told many good things about your organization, which is why I am willing to become a part of it. Having five years of experience, I am sure that my skills will prove good enough to take this position in Multiplex technologies.” 

Grab employer’s attention with a professionally written cover letter!


Cover Letter with Reference Number

Sometimes, cover letters are written with a particular reference number. This defines that you have seen this position listed on any website or newspaper. Here’s how you can mention it at the start of the letter.

peter jones referral for cover letter

Other Insightful Reading:

  • Impactful Data Analyst Cover Letter Examples
  • 5 Steps For Writing Teacher Cover Letter

Final Words

That brings us to the end of this blog in which we have described how to mention referral in cover letter. It is a great practice to mention someone who has a strong position in the company. It allows you to gain the confidence of the employers and stand out from the other candidates.

This article has defined some key tips to formulate a referral cover letter correctly. Using them, you can write a letter to describe your professional connection with any existing company employee. Meanwhile, just make sure to also highlight your skills properly so that your job profile can become strong. 

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How To Write A Reference Letter For A Friend (With Examples)

  • Personal Reference Letter
  • Recommendation Letter for Employment
  • Professional Reference Letter
  • Reference Letter Template
  • Reference Letter for a Friend
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  • Character Reference Letter
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Summary. To write a reference letter for a friend, you should first state your relationship with your friend and how long you have known them. In the body of your letter, you should focus on your friends strengths and accomplishments and why they would b the best person for the position.

If a friend ever asks you for a reference letter and you are unsure if you are even able to write one for them, chances are you can.

This article will give you an overview of how to write a glowing reference letter for your friend and provide examples of how to format them.

Key Takeaways:

A good reference letter should leave a positive impression on the employer, and allow them to understand what makes your friend special. If you do that, the letter will be a great help to your friend, and bring them one step closer to getting that shiny new position.

The letter should focus more on what makes them an ideal worker, rather than the professional experience they’ve already mentioned in their own application materials.

When writing the letter, it is important to keep the letter professional and without bias.

How to write a reference letter for a friend.

What Is a Letter of Recommendation for a Friend?

How to format your letter of recommendation for a friend, what to include in your letter of recommendation for a friend, example reference letters for a friend, tips for your recommendation letter for a friend, recommendation letter for a friend faq, final thoughts.

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A letter of recommendation for a friend is a document used to help an individual land a job, gain admittance to a school, or become a member of a private organization. It can also be called a character reference or a personal reference.

A personal recommendation for a friend may not be as powerful as a professional reference, but it’s certainly better than no reference and it can still round out a job application that already has one or two professional references.

By definition, a personal recommendation comes from an individual who has never worked with the referee in a professional setting. Regardless, not all professional attributes are reserved for purely professional settings.

Which friends can you write a reference letter for?

In general, it’s difficult to write a reference letter for a friend unless you have a second relationship with them. Let’s take a look at relationships can help you write a stronger character reference:


Current or former classmate

Coach, mentor , or mentee

Family friend whom you’ve known a long time

Fellow member of an organization, club, or extracurricular group

With these additional relationships come more opportunities to talk about your friend’s skills in action. After all, it’s pretty hard to sing your buddy’s praises if all you’ve done together is watch movies and play video games.

Format your reference letter. As with other job-related letters, such as a cover letter , you will include a heading. You should include your name and address, as well as the company’s name and address.

Here is an example of a heading:

Robert Sperling 888 Lyne St. Hillsburg, KY, 01230 September 16th, 2020 Sarah Parker History Museum 742 Dru Rd. Hillsburg, KY, 01230 Dear Ms. Parker,

Note that this only applies if you’re mailing a physical letter; if you’re emailing it, you can leave off the recipient’s contact information and include yours after your signature rather than as part of the header.

If you don’t know employers name. It is very common not to. If you don’t know the potential employer’s name, simply address the letter “ To Whom It May Concern .”

While this phrase is a big no-no for job-seekers themselves, it’s fine for recommendation letters. After all, your friend may want to keep your reference letter in their back pocket for a number of job opportunities down the line, so it’s understandable to leave your greeting vague.

However, if your friend wants a recommendation letter for a specific opportunity, your friend should do your best to find the hiring manager or recruiter’s name so that you can address your letter appropriately. Make sure to use an appropriate title.

Never assume. You shouldn’t assume women are married, so it’s good to favor Ms. over Mrs. In addition, if you know they have a doctorate or Ph.D., you should use the title Dr.

Dear Ms. Burns, Dear Dr. Jones, Dear Rev. Baker ,

Length of letter. Now that you know how to address your letter, it’s also important to understand what employers are looking for in your 3-4 paragraphs. Keep in mind that most employers prefer a short reference letter.

Therefore, your letter shouldn’t exceed a page , and ideally, should be around half a page. That being said, you should focus on writing only what you believe will have the most impact on getting your friend hired.

Your first paragraph serves as an introduction, your second serves as the body, and the third is your conclusion and contact information.

Closing. Once you are finished you can end the letter with “Sincerely”, followed by your name.

Now that you understand formatting, it’s time to discuss the content of your letter. Remember that while templates can assist in writing a reference letter, it’s still important that a majority of your letter is in your own words. Do your best to make it feel personal, so the employer truly believes that you can speak for your friend.

Opening paragraph. As mentioned previously, your first paragraph is your introduction. Therefore, you should state your relationship with your friend, and why that relationship is valid in the context of the letter.

You may want to include how long you’ve known your friend, especially if it’s a long period of time, so the employer will believe that you know them on a personal level.

Here is an example of an introductory paragraph:

I’m pleased to recommend Heather Ingrid for the Government position at Town Hall. I have known Heather for over a decade now, and know that she is a passionate, caring person who’s organized several community events throughout her life. With that in mind, I know she is highly qualified for a position at Town Hall.

As you can see, the first paragraph should focus on stating what the letter is for, and what your relation is to your friend.

Body paragraph(s). Next, your body paragraph should focus on your friend’s strengths and accomplishments. What are some positive things about their personality or work ethic? Do they have defining credentials such as a previous job, internship , community service, or college experience? These are all things to include in your body paragraph.

Generally speaking, a reference letter will focus more on complimentary fluff, rather than your friend’s credentials. After all, you’re trying to sell their personality, work ethic, etc. Some examples of complimentary words are: hardworking, diligent, passionate, motivated, leader , cooperative, patient, and intelligent.

With that in mind, here is an example of a body paragraph:

This year Willow graduated with her Graphic Design degree from Arts University, and as her friend I know it was a tireless effort for her. When in class she worked diligently on her pieces and often finished before the rest of us. Yet, she never sacrificed the quality of her work, as she carefully executed every detail. Willow has a truly creative mind, and would produce amazing artwork for your company.”

Closing paragraph. Finally, your last paragraph is rather simple, as it should reiterate that you are happy to recommend your friend for the job, and contain your contact information.

Here is an example:

Without hesitation, I am happy to recommend James for this position, as I know he would be an amazing asset to your team. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or (222) 222-2222. Sincerely, Jerry Fitz

Now that you’ve seen all the pieces of a reference letter, it’s time to assemble them to get a full picture. Here are a few sample reference letters for you to use:

Letter of Recommendation for a Friend Example

Alice Newberry 20 Williams St. Cheshire, CO, 77777 September 8th, 2020 JP Bank 38 Newgrange Rd. Cheshire, CO, 77777 To Whom It May Concern, I’m pleased to recommend Josh Parker for the Teller position at JP Bank. I have known Josh for over half a decade now, and this summer I had the privilege of working with Josh in our BD Bank Graduate Program, where I watched him excel at his work. With that in mind, I know he is highly qualified for a position at your bank. In college Josh often tutored me in many of our classes, as the way he communicates makes difficult topics easy to understand. He’s intelligent and hardworking, so it’s not surprising that he graduated at the top of his class. In addition to that, he has prior experience working in customer service at Finance Co., and took part in an accounting internship at Morgan Accounting. Without hesitation, I am happy to recommend Josh for this position, as I know he would be an incredible asset to your company. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or (111) 111-1111. Sincerely, Alice Newberry
Molly Smith 433 Snape Rd. Froon, NH, 01230 September 8th, 2020 Rune National Park 833 Rune Rd. Marigold, TX, 10987 To Whom It May Concern, I’m writing to recommend Arthur Grant for the Park Ranger position at Rune National Park. I have known Arthur for nearly a decade now, and can easily say that he is highly qualified for a position at your park. In high school, he did environmental work for our local school districts, and in college, he created an experimental program that aimed to get more kids involved with our National Parks. As a child in our hometown near the White Mountains, Arthur always talked about how much he wanted to visit Rune National Park. He’s poured his heart and soul into his education, and he has such a passion for your park in particular. On top of that, he’s a hardworking and intelligent young man, who has a bright attitude and eagerness I’ve seldom seen elsewhere. Without hesitation, I am happy to recommend Arthur for this position, as I know he would be an amazing asset to your team. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or (555) 555-5555. Sincerely, Molly Smith

Be clear on expectations. When your friend approaches to ask for a recommendation letter, be certain that they’re asking you to write in a personal capacity rather than a professional one. If you’ve never worked with this friend in a professional setting, it’s best to decline a request to serve as a professional reference.

Make sure they know that you’ll be serving as a character reference instead. Also, make sure that you’re a quality choice for this sort of letter.

Remember our tip from above: if you have a second relationship with this individual outside of pure friendship (e.g., classmates, co-volunteers, etc.), then you’ll be able to write a much stronger letter. If you don’t, let your friend know that you might not make the best choice.

Get details about the job opportunity. If your friend is asking you to write a recommendation letter for a specific opportunity, you should learn everything you can about it.

Ask what your friend wants. The easiest way to figure out what to write is to simply ask your friend precisely what they’d like you to highlight. Don’t lie, but do ask what your friends’ long-term career goals are and why they’re interested in this position.

Use examples. Simply rattling off a list of positive adjectives is not going to cut it. You need to give the hiring manager a bit of context with real-world examples of when you’ve seen your friend put their soft skills or winning personality to work.

Can you write a reference letter for a friend?

Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to write a reference letter for a friend if you believe they are the best candidate for the position. You should state your relationship with your friend and why the relationship is valid in the context of the letter. Be sure to focus on your friends strengths, accomplishments and any other positive things that would make them the best fit for the position.

Who should not write a letter of recommendation?

Avoid asking family members to write a letter of recommendation. Family and friends can often seem biased in their letter so it’s best not to use them if possible. If you do, make sure they are unbiased in their writing and they include why you are the best candidate without any personal reasons.

Can a letter of reference letter hurt you?

Yes, a negative reference letter can actually hurt your chances of landing a job. When choosing who writes your letter of recommendation or reference letter, be sure to find someone who is a reliable source to write about your accomplishments. Avoid getting any letters from someone who does not know you well or personally.

Remember, keep your letter brief and focus on personalizing it to fit your friend’s needs. Make sure you make it clear to the potential employer that you really know your friend, and try your best to make them seem like a memorable, positive person for the employer to look forward to working with.

Keeping all these tips and formatting rules in mind, you’re ready to get started on a glowing reference letter for your friend!

Penn State – Sample Short Recommendation Letters

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Jack Flynn is a writer for Zippia. In his professional career he’s written over 100 research papers, articles and blog posts. Some of his most popular published works include his writing about economic terms and research into job classifications. Jack received his BS from Hampshire College.

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