100 Word Prompts for Writing: Boost Your Creativity with These Simple Words

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on August 1, 2023

Categories Writing

If you’re a writer looking for inspiration, one of the best tools at your disposal is word prompts. These are single words or short phrases that can spark your creativity and help you come up with new ideas for your writing. Whether you’re struggling with writer’s block or just looking for a fun challenge, word prompts can be a great way to get your creative juices flowing.

There are many different types of word prompts available, ranging from simple nouns like “tree” or “book” to more complex phrases like “lost in the woods” or “abandoned mansion.”

Some prompts are specific to certain genres, like romance or horror, while others can be used for any type of writing. No matter what kind of writing you’re interested in, there’s sure to be a word prompt that can help you generate new ideas and explore different directions for your work.

Using word prompts can have many benefits for writers. They can help you break out of your comfort zone and try new things, as well as provide a starting point for your writing that you might not have thought of otherwise.

Additionally, by using prompts regularly, you can develop your writing skills and become more confident in your ability to generate ideas and write creatively. So if you’re looking for a way to boost your writing practice, consider incorporating word prompts into your routine.

Key Takeaways

  • Word prompts are a useful tool for writers looking for inspiration and new ideas.
  • There are many different types of word prompts available, including genre-specific prompts and prompts for different age groups.
  • Using word prompts regularly can help writers break out of their comfort zone, develop their skills, and become more confident in their writing abilities.

Understanding Word Prompts for Writing

When it comes to writing, prompts are an excellent way to get your creative juices flowing. A writing prompt is a word, phrase, or sentence that serves as a starting point for your writing. It can be a tool to help you overcome writer’s block or a way to challenge yourself to write something new and exciting.

One type of writing prompt that has gained popularity in recent years is the one-word writing prompt. These prompts are exactly what they sound like – a single word that serves as the inspiration for your writing. One-word prompts can be especially useful for generating new ideas and exploring different themes in your writing.

To make the most of a writing prompt, it’s essential to understand what it’s asking you to do. Before you start writing, take some time to analyze the prompt and consider what it means. Look for key words and phrases that can guide your writing and help you stay on track.

When working with a one-word prompt, think about the different meanings and associations that the word has. Consider how the word makes you feel and what images or ideas it brings to mind. Use this information to guide your writing and create a piece that is both unique and engaging.

In summary, writing prompts can be a powerful tool for writers of all levels. One-word prompts, in particular, are a great way to challenge yourself and explore new themes in your writing. By taking the time to understand the prompt and using it as a starting point, you can create something truly special and unique.

Here Are 100 One-Word Writing Prompts

1. Sunset 2. Raindrop 3. Butterfly 4. Seashell 5. Feather 6. Rose 7. Wind 8. Wave 9. Forest 10. Mountain 11. River 12. Desert 13. Island 14. Ocean 15. Lake 16. Morning 17. Night 18. Dawn 19. Dusk 20. Journey 21. Adventure 22. Discovery 23. Mystery 24. Secret 25. Surprise 26. Imagination 27. Courage 28. Hope 29. Dream 30. Vision 31. Success 32. Failure 33. Friendship 34. Loyalty 35. Betrayal 36. Forgiveness 37. Regret 38. Memory 39. Childhood 40. Growing 41. Learning 42. Searching 43. Finding 44. Losing 45. Waiting 46. Returning 47. Leaving 48. Arriving 49. Beginning 50. Ending 51. Change 52. Stillness 53. Silence 54. Noise 55. Darkness 56. Light 57. Shadow 58. Fear 59. Joy 60. Sorrow 61. Anger 62. Calm 63. Storm 64. Shelter 65. Escape 66. Refuge 67. Peace 68. War 69. Victory 70. Defeat 71. Strength 72. Weakness 73. Pride 74. Humility 75. Kindness 76. Cruelty 77. Love 78. Hate 79. Truth 80. Lies 81. Freedom 82. Captivity 83. Wisdom 84. Folly 85. Courage 86. Danger 87. Safety 88. Risk 89. Reward 90. Loss 91. Serenity 92. Chaos 93. Order 94. Confusion 95. Clarity 96. Obscurity 97. Light 98. Darkness 99. Life 100. Death

Types of Word Prompts

There are different types of word prompts that can help spark your creativity. Here are some of the most common types:

Action Prompts

Action prompts are words that suggest movement or activity. They can be used to write about a character’s physical actions or to describe a scene. Some examples of action prompts include:

Using action prompts can help you create dynamic scenes and add energy to your writing.

Emotion Prompts

Emotion prompts are words that evoke a particular feeling or mood. They can be used to explore a character’s emotions or to set the tone of a scene. Some examples of emotion prompts include:

Using emotion prompts can help you create more nuanced characters and add depth to your writing.

Setting Prompts

Setting prompts are words that suggest a particular location or environment. They can be used to describe a scene or to create a sense of atmosphere. Some examples of setting prompts include:

  • Underground

Using setting prompts can help you create vivid, immersive worlds that draw readers in.

By using different types of word prompts, you can generate a wide range of writing ideas and explore different aspects of your characters and stories. Experiment with different types of prompts and see what works best for you.

Benefits of Using Word Prompts

Using word prompts can offer a variety of benefits to writers of all levels. Here are some of the benefits you can expect when using word prompts:

1. Inspiration

Word prompts can be an excellent source of inspiration for writers who are struggling to come up with ideas. They can help you break out of writer’s block and get your creative juices flowing. By providing a starting point, word prompts can help you generate new and exciting ideas that you might not have considered otherwise.

2. Creativity

Word prompts can also help you develop your creativity by encouraging you to think outside the box. When you’re given a specific word or phrase to work with, you’re forced to come up with creative ways to incorporate it into your writing. This can help you develop your creativity and expand your writing skills.

3. Imagination

Word prompts can also help you tap into your imagination and explore new ideas and concepts. By providing a starting point, word prompts can help you imagine new worlds, characters, and scenarios that you might not have considered otherwise. This can help you develop your imagination and expand your writing skills.

4. Productivity

Using word prompts can also help you become more productive as a writer. By providing a starting point, word prompts can help you get started on your writing more quickly and easily. This can help you overcome procrastination and writer’s block, and can help you produce more writing in less time.

Overall, using word prompts can be an excellent way to improve your writing skills and develop your creativity, imagination, and productivity. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced writer, using word prompts can help you take your writing to the next level.

How to Use Word Prompts Effectively

Word prompts can be a powerful tool to help you generate ideas, begin your writing, and provide direction for your writing journey. Here are some tips on how to use word prompts effectively:

1. Choose the Right Word Prompt

Choose a word prompt that resonates with you or sparks your imagination. Don’t be afraid to choose a word that challenges you or takes you out of your comfort zone. The goal is to use the word prompt as a starting point for your writing, so choose a word that inspires you to write.

2. Use the Word Prompt as a Starting Point

Use the word prompt as a launching pad for your writing. Don’t try to force the word into your writing, but let it guide you in a natural way. The word prompt can be used as a way to brainstorm ideas or as a way to begin your writing.

3. Let Your Writing Take You on a Journey

Let your writing take you on a journey. Don’t worry about where your writing is going or how it will end. The journey is the destination, and the word prompt is just the beginning.

4. Embrace the Process

Embrace the process of writing. Writing is a journey, and it’s important to enjoy the process along the way. Don’t worry about being perfect or having all the answers. The beauty of writing is in the journey, and the word prompt is just the beginning of that journey.

By following these tips, you can use word prompts effectively to generate ideas, begin your writing, and provide direction for your writing journey.

Word Prompts for Different Genres

If you’re a writer, you know that sometimes it can be difficult to come up with new ideas. That’s where word prompts come in. Word prompts are a great way to get your creative juices flowing and to help you come up with new and exciting story ideas. Here are some word prompts for different genres that you can use to get started.

Fiction Prompts

If you’re looking for fiction prompts, there are plenty of options out there. You can use a single word or a phrase to get started. Here are a few examples:

  • “The last time you saw her”
  • “A knock at the door”
  • “The sound of footsteps”

Using these prompts, you can create a story that is unique and engaging. You can use them as a starting point and build your story from there.

Mystery Prompts

Mystery stories are all about suspense and intrigue. Here are some prompts that can help you create a compelling mystery:

  • “A missing object”
  • “A secret room”
  • “A mysterious phone call”

With these prompts, you can create a story that will keep your readers on the edge of their seats. You can use them to create a plot that is full of twists and turns.

Adventure Prompts

Adventure stories are all about excitement and danger. Here are some prompts that can help you create an adventurous tale:

  • “A lost city”
  • “A treasure map”
  • “A dangerous journey”

With these prompts, you can create a story that is full of action and adventure. You can use them to create a plot that is full of challenges and obstacles.

No matter what genre you’re writing in, word prompts can be a great way to get started. They can help you come up with new and exciting ideas that you may not have thought of otherwise. So the next time you’re feeling stuck, try using a word prompt to help you get started.

Creating Your Own Word Prompts

If you’re looking to invent unique writing prompts, you can use your imagination and creativity to come up with words that inspire you. Here are some tips to help you create your own word prompts:

  • Think about your interests and hobbies. What are some words that come to mind when you think about these topics? For example, if you’re interested in gardening, you could use words like “soil,” “seeds,” or “bloom.”
  • Consider using words that evoke strong emotions. Words like “love,” “hate,” “fear,” or “joy” can be powerful prompts that encourage you to explore your feelings in your writing.
  • Use random word generators to spark your creativity. There are many online tools that can generate random words for you to use as prompts. You can use these words as they are or combine them to create your own unique prompts.
  • Create a list of words that you find interesting or unusual. You can use these words as prompts for your writing, or combine them with other words to create more complex prompts.

Once you have a list of word prompts, you can use them in a variety of ways. You can choose one word each day and write a short story or poem inspired by that word. You can also use multiple words to create more complex prompts that challenge you to explore different themes and ideas in your writing.

The key to creating your own word prompts is to be open to new ideas and willing to experiment with different approaches. With a little creativity and imagination, you can come up with word prompts that inspire you to write and help you develop your skills as a writer.

Word Prompts for Different Age Groups

Prompts for children.

Word prompts are a great way to encourage children to write creatively. They can help children to develop their vocabulary, improve their writing skills, and express their thoughts and feelings. Here are some word prompts that are suitable for children:

Prompts for Teens

Teens often have a lot on their minds, and word prompts can be a great way to help them express themselves. Here are some word prompts that are suitable for teenagers:

Prompts for Adults

Word prompts can be a useful tool for adults who want to improve their writing skills or explore their creativity. Here are some word prompts that are suitable for adults:

No matter your age, word prompts can be a fun and effective way to get your creative juices flowing. Whether you’re a student, a parent, or just someone who loves to write, try using some of these word prompts to inspire your next writing project.

Word Prompts for Group Writing Activities

If you are looking for a fun and engaging way to get your writing group to work together, using word prompts is a great option. Word prompts can be used to inspire creativity, encourage collaboration, and provide a starting point for group writing activities.

One way to use word prompts in a group writing activity is to give each member of the group a different word and then have them write a paragraph or short story that incorporates all of the words. This activity can help to build unity within the group as everyone works together to create a cohesive story.

Another option is to use a single word prompt and have everyone in the group write their own story or poem based on that word. This activity allows for individual creativity while still providing a common starting point for everyone.

When choosing word prompts for group writing activities, it is important to consider the interests and skill levels of everyone in the group. You want to choose words that are challenging but not so difficult that they discourage participation.

Here are a few examples of word prompts that could be used in group writing activities:

By using word prompts in your group writing activities, you can encourage everyone to work together, inspire creativity, and have fun while writing.

Incorporating Word Prompts in Daily Writing

If you’re looking to improve your writing skills or simply want to write more frequently, incorporating word prompts into your daily writing routine can be an effective strategy.

Word prompts can be a single word, phrase, or sentence that inspires you to write on a specific topic or theme. Here are a few ways you can incorporate word prompts into your daily writing:

Use Word Prompts in Your Journal

If you keep a journal, using word prompts can help you explore new topics and ideas. You can use a different word prompt each day or week to challenge yourself to write about something new.

For example, if your word prompt is “adventure,” you could write about a recent adventure you had or imagine a future adventure you’d like to take.

Use Word Prompts in Your Letters

If you enjoy writing letters to friends and family, using word prompts can help you add variety to your correspondence. You can use a different word prompt for each letter you write or use the same prompt for multiple letters to explore different angles or perspectives.

For example, if your word prompt is “memories,” you could write about a favorite childhood memory or ask your recipient to share a memorable experience of their own.

Use Word Prompts to Write News Articles

If you’re interested in journalism, using word prompts can help you practice writing news articles on different topics. You can use a different word prompt each day or week to challenge yourself to write about a newsworthy event or issue. For example, if your word prompt is “climate change,” you could write about the latest climate change research or the impact of climate change on a specific community.

Use Word Prompts for Daily Writing Practice

If you want to improve your writing skills, using word prompts for daily writing practice can be a helpful tool. You can set aside a specific time each day to write on a different word prompt or use the same prompt for multiple days to explore different angles or perspectives.

For example, if your word prompt is “time,” you could write about the importance of time management or reflect on a significant moment in your life.

Incorporating word prompts into your daily writing can help you stay motivated, explore new topics, and improve your writing skills. Whether you’re writing in a journal, writing letters, or practicing journalism, using word prompts can be a fun and effective way to enhance your daily writing routine.

Special Word Prompts

If you are looking for some unique and exciting writing prompts, then special word prompts can be a great option to explore. These prompts can help you to unleash your creativity and come up with some truly amazing ideas. In this section, we will explore some of the most popular types of special word prompts that you can use to spark your imagination.

One-Word Prompts

One-word prompts are an excellent way to get started on a writing project. They are simple, yet effective, and can help you to focus your thoughts and ideas. Some examples of one-word prompts include “love,” “fear,” “adventure,” “mystery,” and “hope.” You can use these prompts to write a short story, a poem, or even a novel. The possibilities are endless.

Picture Prompts

Picture prompts are another great option for writers who are looking for something a little different. These prompts involve using a photograph or image as inspiration for your writing. You can use the image to create a setting, a character, or even a plot. Some examples of picture prompts include a deserted beach, a crowded city street, or a spooky forest. You can use these prompts to write a descriptive paragraph, a short story, or even a novel.

Music Prompts

If you are a music lover, then music prompts can be a great way to get inspired. These prompts involve using a song or piece of music as inspiration for your writing. You can use the lyrics or the melody to create a mood, a character, or even a story. Some examples of music prompts include “Yesterday” by The Beatles, “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen, or “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. You can use these prompts to write a poem, a short story, or even a screenplay.

In conclusion, special word prompts can be a great way to get inspired and come up with some truly amazing writing ideas. Whether you prefer one-word prompts, picture prompts, or music prompts, there is something out there for everyone. So, go ahead and give them a try. You never know what you might come up with.

Word Prompts for Self-Exploration and Personal Growth

Writing is a powerful tool for self-exploration and personal growth. When you write, you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe and private space. Word prompts can help you get started and guide you on your writing journey. Here are some word prompts for self-exploration and personal growth:

Writing about yourself can help you gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what makes you unique. Here are some word prompts to explore yourself:

  • Describe your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself.
  • What are your values and beliefs?
  • What are your goals and aspirations?
  • What are your fears and insecurities?

Writing can help you explore new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Here are some word prompts to help you explore:

  • Write about a place you’ve never been before.
  • What are your thoughts on a controversial issue?
  • Write a letter to your future self.
  • Describe a challenge you overcame.
  • What are some things you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?

Writing can help you reflect on your experiences and learn from them. Here are some word prompts to help you grow:

  • Write about a mistake you made and what you learned from it.
  • What is something you’ve changed your mind about?
  • Describe a time when you had to step out of your comfort zone.
  • Write about a person who has had a significant impact on your life.
  • What are some areas you want to improve in?

Personal Growth

Writing can help you track your progress and set goals for personal growth. Here are some word prompts to help you focus on personal growth:

  • What are your priorities in life?
  • Write about a time when you had to make a difficult decision.
  • Describe a time when you felt fulfilled.
  • What are some habits you want to develop or break?
  • Write about a goal you’ve achieved and how you did it.

In conclusion, word prompts can be a valuable tool for self-exploration and personal growth. By using these prompts, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself, explore new ideas and experiences, reflect on your experiences, and track your progress towards personal growth.

Word Prompts for Story Development

When it comes to developing a story, word prompts can be a great tool to help you get started and overcome writer’s block. These prompts can be used for short stories, novels, or any other type of writing project.

Using word prompts can help you to create a plot and develop characters. They can also help you to explore different themes and ideas. Here are some tips for using word prompts for story development:

1. Choose a Word Prompt

Choose a word prompt that resonates with you and fits the type of story you want to write. You can find word prompts online or create your own. Some examples of word prompts include “love,” “fear,” “betrayal,” “adventure,” or “mystery.”

2. Brainstorm Ideas

Once you have chosen a word prompt, brainstorm ideas for your story. Think about how the prompt can be used to develop characters, create conflict, or drive the plot forward. You can use mind maps, index cards, or other brainstorming tools to help you generate ideas.

3. Develop Your Characters

Use the word prompt to develop your characters. Think about how the prompt relates to their backstory, personality, or motivations. Use the prompt to create conflict between characters or to drive their actions forward.

4. Create a Plot

Use the word prompt to create a plot for your story. Think about how the prompt can be used to create tension, build suspense, or drive the action forward. Use the prompt to create a twist or surprise ending.

5. Explore Themes

Use the word prompt to explore different themes and ideas in your story. Think about how the prompt relates to larger issues or questions. Use the prompt to create a message or moral for your story.

In conclusion, word prompts can be a powerful tool for developing a story. They can help you to create a plot, develop characters, and explore different themes and ideas. By following these tips, you can use word prompts to overcome writer’s block and create a compelling story.

Challenges in Using Word Prompts

Using word prompts for writing can be a fun and engaging way to get your creative juices flowing. However, it can also present some challenges that you may need to overcome to fully benefit from this exercise. Here are some of the difficulties you may face when using word prompts:

Challenge 1: Feeling Stuck

Sometimes, the word prompt you are given may not inspire you or may not seem interesting. You may feel stuck and unable to come up with any ideas. In such cases, it is important to remember that you do not have to write a masterpiece every time. Just start writing whatever comes to mind, even if it seems silly or unimportant. This can help you get past the initial hurdle of feeling stuck and may lead to more creative ideas later on.

Challenge 2: Lack of Direction

Another challenge you may face when using word prompts is a lack of direction. You may not know where to take your writing or what direction to go in. In such cases, it may be helpful to brainstorm some ideas before you start writing. You can also try breaking down the prompt into smaller parts and focusing on one aspect at a time.

Challenge 3: Overthinking

When using word prompts, it is easy to overthink and try to come up with the perfect idea. However, this can lead to writer’s block and prevent you from actually writing anything. To overcome this challenge, try to let go of your expectations and just write without worrying about the outcome. Remember that writing is a process, and not every idea has to be perfect.

Challenge 4: Limited Vocabulary

Using word prompts can also be challenging if you have a limited vocabulary. You may find it difficult to come up with different words or phrases to use in your writing. In such cases, it may be helpful to read more and expand your vocabulary. You can also use a thesaurus to find synonyms for words you commonly use.

Overall, using word prompts for writing can be a fun and rewarding exercise. However, it is important to be aware of the challenges that may arise and to find ways to overcome them. By doing so, you can unlock your creativity and improve your writing skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some unique one-word writing prompts.

There are many unique one-word writing prompts that can inspire creativity. Some examples include “Surrender,” “Mirage,” “Euphoria,” “Enigma,” and “Serendipity.” One way to find more unique prompts is to think of uncommon words or concepts and use them as a starting point for your writing.

Where can I find a good writing prompts book?

There are many writing prompt books available online or in bookstores. Some popular options include “642 Things to Write About” by the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto, “The Daily Prompt: A Year of Writing Exercises” by Hannah Braime, and “The Writer’s Block: 786 Ideas to Jump-Start Your Imagination” by Jason Rekulak. You can also find many free writing prompt resources online.

What are some creative writing prompts for adults?

Creative writing prompts for adults can vary depending on your interests and writing goals. Some examples include “Write a story from the perspective of a tree,” “Describe a character’s dream job and how they achieve it,” or “Write a letter to your future self.” You can also find many creative writing prompt generators online that can provide unique and unexpected prompts.

What is an example of a successful writing prompt?

A successful writing prompt is one that inspires creativity and encourages writers to explore new ideas and perspectives. An example of a successful writing prompt might be “Write a story about a character who discovers a hidden door in their house and what they find behind it.” This prompt provides a clear starting point for a story while also leaving room for the writer to explore their imagination.

What are some two-word writing prompts?

Two-word writing prompts can be a fun and challenging way to spark creativity. Some examples include “Broken Dreams,” “Silent Thunder,” “Whispered Secrets,” “Hidden Treasure,” and “Fading Memories.” You can also create your own two-word prompts by combining words that have interesting or contrasting meanings.

Where can I find a daily word prompt generator?

There are many daily word prompt generators available online that can provide a new prompt every day. Some popular options include “OneWord,” “The Daily Post,” and “Writing Prompts.” These generators can be a great way to challenge yourself to write regularly and explore new ideas.

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Make a character’s obsession or addiction an important element of your story.

Write a story in which one of the characters is a narcissist., write about a character who struggles to do the right thing., start your story with a character being followed..

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Your teacher tasks you with writing a story based on an eavesdropped conversation. When the story is published, your subject isn’t happy.

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Creative Writing Prompts

When the idea to start a weekly newsletter with writing inspiration first came to us, we decided that we wanted to do more than provide people with topics to write about. We wanted to try and help authors form a regular writing habit and also give them a place to proudly display their work. So we started the weekly Creative Writing Prompts newsletter. Since then, Prompts has grown to a community of more than 450,000 authors, complete with its own literary magazine, Prompted .  

Here's how our contest works: every Friday, we send out a newsletter containing five creative writing prompts. Each week, the story ideas center around a different theme. Authors then have one week — until the following Friday — to submit a short story based on one of our prompts. A winner is picked each week to win $250 and is highlighted on our Reedsy Prompts page.

Interested in participating in our short story contest? Sign up here for more information! Or you can check out our full Terms of Use and our FAQ page .

Why we love creative writing prompts

If you've ever sat in front of a computer or notebook and felt the urge to start creating worlds, characters, and storylines — all the while finding yourself unable to do so — then you've met the author's age-old foe: writer's block. There's nothing more frustrating than finding the time but not the words to be creative. Enter our directory! If you're ready to kick writer's block to the curb and finally get started on your short story or novel, these unique story ideas might just be your ticket.

This list of 1800+ creative writing prompts has been created by the Reedsy team to help you develop a rock-solid writing routine. As all aspiring authors know, this is the #1 challenge — and solution! — for reaching your literary goals. Feel free to filter through different genres, which include...

Dramatic — If you want to make people laugh and cry within the same story, this might be your genre.

Funny — Whether satire or slapstick, this is an opportunity to write with your funny bone.

Romance — One of the most popular commercial genres out there. Check out these story ideas out if you love writing about love.

Fantasy — The beauty of this genre is that the possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

Dystopian – Explore the shadowy side of human nature and contemporary technology in dark speculative fiction.

Mystery — From whodunnits to cozy mysteries, it's time to bring out your inner detective.

Thriller and Suspense — There's nothing like a page-turner that elicits a gasp of surprise at the end.

High School — Encourage teens to let their imaginations run free.

Want to submit your own story ideas to help inspire fellow writers? Send them to us here.

After you find the perfect story idea

Finding inspiration is just one piece of the puzzle. Next, you need to refine your craft skills — and then display them to the world. We've worked hard to create resources that help you do just that! Check them out:

  • How to Write a Short Story That Gets Published — a free, ten-day course by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn.
  • Best Literary Magazines of 2023 — a directory of 100+ reputable magazines that accept unsolicited submissions.
  • Writing Contests in 2023 — the finest contests of 2021 for fiction and non-fiction authors of short stories, poetry, essays, and more.

Beyond creative writing prompts: how to build a writing routine

While writing prompts are a great tactic to spark your creative sessions, a writer generally needs a couple more tools in their toolbelt when it comes to developing a rock-solid writing routine . To that end, here are a few more additional tips for incorporating your craft into your everyday life.

  • NNWT. Or, as book coach Kevin Johns calls it , “Non-Negotiable Writing Time.” This time should be scheduled into your routine, whether that’s once a day or once a week. Treat it as a serious commitment, and don’t schedule anything else during your NNWT unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Set word count goals. And make them realistic! Don’t start out with lofty goals you’re unlikely to achieve. Give some thought to how many words you think you can write a week, and start there. If you find you’re hitting your weekly or daily goals easily, keep upping the stakes as your craft time becomes more ingrained in your routine.
  • Talk to friends and family about the project you’re working on. Doing so means that those close to you are likely to check in about the status of your piece — which in turn keeps you more accountable.

Arm yourself against writer’s block. Writer’s block will inevitably come, no matter how much story ideas initially inspire you. So it’s best to be prepared with tips and tricks you can use to keep yourself on track before the block hits. You can find 20 solid tips here — including how to establish a relationship with your inner critic and apps that can help you defeat procrastination or lack of motivation.


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Explore more writing prompt ideas:

Adults Writing Prompts ⭢

Adventure Writing Prompts ⭢

Angst Writing Prompts ⭢

Character Writing Prompts ⭢

Christmas Writing Prompts ⭢

Dark Writing Prompts ⭢

Dialogue Writing Prompts ⭢

Dramatic Writing Prompts ⭢

Dystopian Writing Prompts ⭢

Fall Writing Prompts ⭢

Fantasy Writing Prompts ⭢

Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Fluff Writing Prompts ⭢

Funny Writing Prompts ⭢

Halloween Writing Prompts ⭢

High School Writing Prompts ⭢

Historical Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Holiday Writing Prompts ⭢

Horror Writing Prompts ⭢

Kids Writing Prompts ⭢

Middle School Writing Prompts ⭢

Mystery Writing Prompts ⭢

Narrative Writing Prompts ⭢

Nonfiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Novel Writing Prompts ⭢

Poetry Writing Prompts ⭢

Romance Writing Prompts ⭢

Sad Writing Prompts ⭢

Science Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Short Story Writing Prompts ⭢

Spring Writing Prompts ⭢

Summer Writing Prompts ⭢

Teens Writing Prompts ⭢

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts ⭢

Thriller and Suspense Writing Prompts ⭢

Valentine's Day Writing Prompts ⭢

Vampire Writing Prompts ⭢

Winter Writing Prompts ⭢

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Authority Self-Publishing

365 Of The Best Daily One-Word Writing Prompts

Sometimes, when it comes to writing prompts , less is more.

Otherwise, why would you be here looking for one-word topics to write about ? 

One solitary word can contain a universe of ideas — even small words like “if” and “or.”

So, why not keep it simple this coming year with a daily word prompt ?

Who can tell what a full year of using word prompts can do for your development as a writer?

There’s only one way to find out.

And while we’re encouraging you to try, it seems only fitting to share what this practice has done for other writers . 

Why Use One-Word Writing Prompts? 

How to use one-word prompts, ready to use these one-word writing prompts.

One-word prompts give you so much freedom in deciding what to write about. For one thing, a single word can have multiple literal meanings. And besides those, each word has various connotations, depending on its usage and the connections you make in your own mind. 

one-word writing prompt

That’s what we mean when we say one word can contain a multitude of ideas. But it might still help to spell out the benefits of using one-word prompts like the ones in this list:

  • Smaller, less specific prompts = more flexibility
  • One word is sort of like a Rorschach test; write whatever comes to mind. 
  • One word can generate a network of different story ideas .
  • One word doesn’t take long to read and is easier to remember.
  • One-word prompts erase the “I don’t know anything about that” excuse.

Each word on the list below is open to various interpretations, even if you don’t have personal experience with it. Read the word aloud or let it echo in your mind, and see what comes up. 

Here are some ideas on how to use these one-word prompts:

  • Write each word on a slip of paper and draw one from a jar each day.
  • Draw two or three for an extra challenge, or
  • Keep the same word for multiple days, writing something different each day.
  • Place your memorized word under a candle and light it before you begin.
  • Do a free association exercise with an index card mindmap before starting.
  • If you’re stumped, do a quick image search of your word.

You can easily incorporate any rituals you prefer for your writing time, whether that involves a Pomodoro timer, your favorite hoodie, a particular kind of music , or anything else. 

365 One-Word Writing Prompts (One for Every Day)

Think of the following list as your own one-word prompt generator. With one word per day, you’re all set for a year of inspired writing . Read each word and take a moment to call forth your ideas before you choose one and start freewriting.

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Now you’re all set for a whole year of using a single word each day to start a new and potentially life-changing story idea. If you’re thinking, “Well, I’m gonna need a new notebook or journal just for this, ” we’re not about to discourage that. 

But don’t forget, as you read another word from the list, to express gratitude for your creative mind, for your writing tools, and for the time you have to devote to your craft. 

With the words “Thank you” as part of your everyday writing routine , you’ll never lack for inspiration.

There are times when you are lost and don't know what topic you should write about. Read this curated list of 365 one-word writing prompts to help your creative mind in establishing your next story.

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  • Idea Generators

512 One-Word Writing Prompts

You know how sometimes you want to write, but you’re stuck on what to write about? Happens to the best of us! But guess what? We got something super cool for you, over 500 one-word writing prompts! Yup, just one word, and you’re off on a creative adventure. It’s like having a treasure chest full of ideas ready to spark your imagination. Trust me, with these prompts, you’ll never run out of writing inspiration again! Let’s dive in and see where your pen takes you!

One-Word Prompt Generator

Use our quick single-word prompt generator to get a random word to use in your writing:

One-word prompts are fantastic because they give you the freedom to interpret and explore in your own unique way. You know what they say, “less is more,” and that’s true here too.

With just one word, your mind goes wild, connecting ideas you never thought possible. Plus, they’re super time-saving and perfect for those days when you’re short on inspiration. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just getting started, these prompts are a game-changer. They’re versatile, fun, and can lead you down unexpected writing paths. So why not give them a shot? You can even take part in our daily word challenge to practice your skills.

How to Use One-Word Prompts

Using these one-word prompts is a breeze and loads of fun! 

  • First off, grab yourself a list of one-word topics. You can find them in this post or even make your own.
  • Next, find a cosy spot, get your favourite writing tools ready, and take a deep breath. 
  • Now, randomly pick a word from the list or let your gut guide you to the one that jumps out at you.
  • Ready? Set! Write! Don’t overthink it; just let the word work its magic. You can go wild with a short story, delve into poetry, or even kickstart a journal entry. 

The best part is there’s no right or wrong way to use these prompts. Let your creativity loose, and remember, it’s all about having a blast and honing your writing skills along the way.

one word prompts

You might also be interested in viewing this list of words that start with X or this list of the funniest words in the English dictionary for more ideas.

One Word Prompts List

Below is a list of random words. Pick one or a couple to use as inspiration for your next story, poem or journal entry:

  • Spirituality
  • Tranquillity
  • Overwhelmed
  • Opportunity
  • Misunderstood
  • Discredited
  • Celebration
  • Time-travel
  • Discoveries
  • Ambivalence
  • Undesirable
  • Incandescent
  • Mellifluous
  • Reverberate
  • Serendipity
  • Marshmallow
  • Inquisitive
  • Spectacular
  • Incantation
  • Flabbergasted
  • Caterpillar

Did you find this list of one-word writing prompts inspirational? Let us know in the comments below.

one word writing prompts generator

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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350+ Single Word Prompts to Ignite Your Writing Session

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Writing Prompts

350+ Single Word Prompts to Ignite Your Writing Session

The Power of One-Word Writing Prompts

Breaking writer’s block, improving writing skills, classroom activities.

friendly lecturer helping students in writing class

Teachers can provide a variety of words for students to choose from, allowing them to discover new directions while remaining engaged. This can be turned into a challenge or group activity, fostering excitement and creating a supportive environment where students can grow and learn together. Some ideas for classroom activities include:

  • Art and Writing Combos   Students can create illustrations based on a one-word prompt, then write a story or explanation to accompany their artwork.
  • Fiction in group work   Encourage students to write short, self-contained stories in group inspired by a one-word prompt, focusing on concise storytelling.
  • Prompt Journals   Assign students a one-word writing prompt to journal about, helping them reflect on personal experiences and feelings while refining their writing skills.

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Our Curated Collection of One-Word Writing Prompts

word writing prompts page 1

25 of the Best Words to Describe the Almighty Sun

word writing prompts page 3

Discovering Your Own One-Word Prompts in Everyday Life

friends drinking blowing bubble gum sunset happy

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One-word writing prompts offer boundless possibilities for interpretation

  • It could be interpreted as a literal rainstorm happening outside, with rain pouring down like cats and dogs.
  • It could be seen as tears streaming down someone’s face, symbolizing intense emotions.
  • It could be metaphorically used to represent a challenging period in a character’s life, where they find solace in dancing in the rain.

  These examples demonstrate the diverse directions in which a single prompt can take a story. Writers can explore various genres, from romantic dramas to thrilling sci-fi adventures, all stemming from the same prompt. The potential for creativity is limitless.   Let’s take a look at some examples to showcase the diverse interpretations that our collection of one-word prompts can inspire.

One-word prompts about tech

man wearing virtual reality goggles playing games

Writing prompts about social issues topics

boy holding anti bullies sign stop gesture

One-word writing prompts centered on lifestyle

wearing beach hat sitting in pool relaxing enjoying sun

One-word writing prompts about food topics

One-word animal prompts:, prompts in the realm of money, prompts related to mystery subjects.

teller hands holding sun card tarot

Prompts about well-being topics:

practise yoga meditation in office facing pressure

One-word abstract concept prompts

write on blackboard explain lesson

Single word prompts about everyday items

buyer try necklance in front of mirror

One-word prompts regarding daily activities

woman riding bike spreading legs countryside

One-word prompts about time and places

Male student laptop studying university library

Prompts on emotions and feelings

child bored frustrated fed writing no inspiration

Writing prompts centered around human experience topics

mother holding bride kiss forehead on wedding day

One-word prompts related to relationships and interactions

happy laughing travel hanging out sunshine

One-word prompts based on sensory experiences

Nature-inspired one-word prompts.

27 rain city young man holding blue umbrella broken

Conclusion: Embrace the Power of Simplicity


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Self Publishing Resources

One Word Writing Prompts: 150+ Ideas To Create A Brilliant Story

  • July 10, 2022

Whether you’ve been writing for years or starting to explore your creative side, it’s always great to be inspired. 

There are many ways to get inspired – often, it just takes a quick look around you. Music, art, and other stories, writers, and their styles are there to inspire us. 

This article will offer some simple but effective inspiration for your next story – one word writing prompts. 

As you can probably guess, these prompts consist of only one word. That may sound too vague, but that’s just why these one-word prompts exist. They offer a basic idea, allowing each writer to craft their unique tale. 

So if you’re looking for inspiration and a challenge in creative writing , read on. Below you will find 150 one-word writing prompts to spark an idea and get your creative juices flowing. 

150 one-word writing prompts

Below you will find a list of over 150 writing prompts to help you get started. 

There is no particular order to the words below, though with some imagination, you may be able to group two or three words to create unique prompts.


one word writing prompts



single word writing prompts



single word writing prompts




How to use one-word writing prompts

Single word writing prompts can be fun but also frustrating. 

It’s up to you and the situation in which you use these prompts (are you a teacher in a high school, a writing workshop facilitator, or simply a writer looking for inspiration?). 

If you find that sticking with just a single word is hard, use two. Use three even.

Keep it challenging by playing with the words – can you take two random words and use them in the same sentence or paragraph ? 

Can you open your story with one of these words and finish with another?

If you want an extra challenge:

  • Write some of your favorite prompts on small pieces of paper and put them in a hat.
  • Draw a random piece of paper from the hat, give yourself two minutes to think, and then put pen to paper.
  • Start writing whatever comes to mind and watch your story unfold from there.

It’s also fun to ask some friends to join. 

If you’ve friends who also like to write, make a game. Choose the same prompt, write your unique story, then share it with your friends afterward.

single word writing prompts

How to find inspiration as a writer

The one-word prompts above are a great way to get your creative juices flowing. 

Working with one word offers a chance for you as a creative to call upon an idea, thought, or image that already exists in your mind. Two writers can use the same word prompt and write completely different stories.

One-word prompts are not the only source of inspiration you can find. 

If you take a closer look, the world around you is filled with potential ideas and stories. 

At first, it may seem complicated, especially if you don’t notice anything exciting in your environment. 

However, if you un-focus your mind’s eye so it’s not clouded by judgment, labeling, or clichés, you may create just enough mental space for a rich idea to arrive.

This process works like a magic eye picture – the more you try, the less likely you will see the image. 

The inspiration for your story is the image in the magic eye; it takes an open mind to see it. 

Let yourself relax and let go of any self-judgment or criticism about your ability to create. The more you can let go, the more likely you find inspiration.

The world of art is also an incredibly fruitful source of inspiration. 

Paintings, photographs, sculptures, and pieces of music have a profound effect on the imagination and have been sources of incredible inspiration for as long as humans have been telling stories.

Think you can write a story with a simple one-word prompt? 

Take any of the words we’ve included above, or make your own list of one-word prompts from which to write. 

There are many stories to be written using the one-word prompts we’ve offered but writing some of your own may help you get started.

 In making a list of words, you may find several words that work together to clarify a potential storyline .

New ideas are always around the corner, even when you’re stuck on a story to write. 

Look around, label what you see, and let your imagination run free. 

Seasoned writers understand that inspiration can strike anytime and from even the most subtle stimulus. 

So, pick a word, let it brew in your mind, then let your story flow onto the page.

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500 Writing Prompts to Help Beat Writer’s Block

Looking to get your story started with a writing prompt? You’ve come to the right place. In this post we detail everything you need to know about writing prompts and give you 500 writing prompts broken down by genre. Enjoy!

I want to be a writer… but what if I have nothing to write about?

Ever feel like you’d love to write but you’re fresh out of ideas? Like there’s nothing else that you could possibly write about, or you have no idea where to even get started? We get it. One of the hardest steps in writing a book is often knowing where to get started. Coming up with content, getting your pen (or pencil) to paper, and letting your creativity flow is a challenge that many writers struggle with. As we know, facing writer’s block and fighting personal writing doubt is common. An overwhelming number of professional authors admit to getting stuck well before they get to the point of selling books on Amazon . Thankfully, there’s an answer to the question of where to turn when you feel like you’ve hit that proverbial wall: the writing prompt.

What is a writing prompt?

How often do writers use writing prompts?

There’s no right answer to this question because using writing prompts can often be a personal choice. Some authors find it greatly benefits their ability to turn out creative results. Some authors know that they already have the right ideas for a book in their heads. With using writing prompts, you need to decide on what’s best for you . Whatever method helps you generate ideas is what’s best for your writing!

Is there a writing prompt that’s best for me?

You might be wondering if there’s one type of writing prompt that’s best for you. It’s easy to find selections of prompts that are filtered by specific genres (romance, mystery, and so on). However, we recommend sticking to genre-specific prompts if you want your writing to be more focused. With that being said, you never know when inspiration will strike. If your writing needs are less genre-restricted, reading as many writing prompts ideas as possible may be the best option for you! Whenever I write for fun, I love to read as many prompts as I can across all genres. Hey, you can get some pretty fun ideas for a thriller story from sci-fi writing prompts.

Where can I find writing prompts?

Easy – the Internet! And books, too. We recommend checking out our collection of prompts first, but there are numerous great sources throughout the web with writing prompts ideas (blogs, social media, and even AI tools like ChatGPT ). Through combing the Internet for great websites and blogs like Reedsy , Screencraft , The Write Practice , Bryn Donovan’s resources , and the @writing.prompt.s Instagram page, we’ve written and gathered 500 writing prompts to help you kickstart your brain into writing mode. Categorized into ten popular genres, we encourage you to grab your mug of coffee or tea, read through our prompts, and get ready to catch the writing bug.

Have any particular writing prompts that help you get focused? Want to tell us about a great website for writing prompts? Feel free to share those in the comments below. Happy writing!

  • Mystery / Thriller
  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy / Paranormal
  • General Fiction
  • Religion / Spirituality
  • Travel / Adventure
  • Young Adult

What are some mystery and thriller writing prompts?

  • You find strange, muddy footprints leading up to your front door.
  • A stranger sits down next to you on a train and gets up, leaving a package behind. Do you investigate the package?
  • You hear news of your next-door neighbor vanishing without a trace.
  • One day the national news channel shuts off. And the next day after that, too.
  • One day at work, you look across the street to see a hooded figure in a black coat pointing directly at you. What do they want?
  • You stumble upon a strange house you’ve never seen before on your morning run.
  • You get a text message from an unknown number saying, “Meet me outside. Now.”
  • Your parents tell you that they actually don’t know whose child you are.
  • Someone puts a large black box on your doorstep. A note on the front reads, “Caution: may bite.”
  • You wake up to discover a completely different, unknown face staring back at you from the mirror.
  • The protagonist of your story discovers that there is a person who looks exactly like him.
  • An international spy group recruits you to be their latest member.
  • You begin to realize that your reflection is no longer appearing in mirrors.
  • You aunt passes away, leaving you $500,000 in her will under the condition that you resume care for your hundred-year-old home.
  • Your best friend tells you that she feels like someone’s been watching her. The next day she goes missing.
  • Three words: Long lost brother.
  • The day of your wedding, you wake up to find every person in your wedding party has been brutally murdered.
  • The FBI begs you to come back to work on a special case. Your former partner has turned and is now wanted for the murders of three co-workers.
  • Local gravestones begin disappearing.
  • You can solve murders simply by stepping foot at the crime scene. Problem is, no one believes you.
  • Write a short story where the protagonist has a doppelganger. (Reedsy)
  • Your fingers tensed around the object in your pocket, ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice. (Reedsy)
  • You’re sitting by a window watching the flakes slowly and silently fall. Suddenly, you see something outside that snaps you out of your reverie. (Reedsy)
  • You’re at a huge store scouting out Black Friday deals. You start to notice that all the security cameras in the store seem to be following your each and every move. (Reedsy)
  • You work for the CIA who send you undercover in the FBI, who send you undercover in M16, who send you undercover in the CIA, who are very confused that you are back after only two weeks. (Reedsy)
  • A terrorist group has been infiltrated by so many agencies that it is now run by spies, unbeknownst to the spies themselves. This fact becomes apparent to an actual extremist who joins their ranks. (Reedsy)
  • Ever since childhood, a dark figure no one else can see has been following you around, whispering in your ear. Today you see it lying a few feet away, screaming and asking you to run. (Reedsy)
  • You’ve lived an average life up until today, your 20th birthday. You just found out that your dad is the runaway son of a doting criminal warlord, and your mom is the daughter of an equally doting secret agent. Both family businesses are looking to make you the next heir. (Reedsy)
  • She has been walking for hours. Her feet are starting to bleed. But she can’t stop moving… she can’t let him find her again. (Reedsy)
  • The morning after a blizzard you make your way outside and slowly start to realize everyone has disappeared. (Reedsy)
  • You find a hand-written note on your windshield that says, “Drive west for 100 miles.” (Reedsy)
  • You wake up in a jail cell, crusted blood covering your hands. You have no idea how you got there. The cell door clangs open, and an officer walks you to interrogation room where two detectives wait to question you. (Reedsy)
  • You walk into your job and find a secret, coded note pinned to your desk. What do you do next? (Reedsy)
  • Guard this with your life. (Reedsy)
  • A loved one confides in you, but the secret could damage someone else you care about. What do you do? (Reedsy)
  • As you’re browsing through a rack of sweaters, someone approaches you and says, “I need you to listen to me very carefully.” (Reedsy)
  • Write a short dark comedy in which a long-unsolved mystery is finally cracked. (Reedsy)
  • They say a picture is worth a thousand words but you knew the one you’d just taken was worth a million. (Reedsy)
  • You were the oldest person still living in the town and you remembered things no one else did. (Reedsy)
  • Looking through old family photos, multiple generations back, you notice there is a cat in almost every group photo. The same cat – color, pattern, one docked ear – that is currently purring on your lap. (Reedsy)
  • “… and that’s why dividing by three is illegal.” (Reedsy)
  • You’re a serial killer who murders anyone you see hitchhiking up your mountain. One day, you pick up a hitchhiker who kills anyone who picks them up.
  • You are legally allowed to commit murder once, but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions. (Reedsy)
  • You hire two private investigators to investigate each other. One month later both come to you to present their findings. (Reedsy)
  • 20 years after your daughter was abducted, a detective finds you to reopen the case. The detective turns out to be your daughter. (Reedsy)
  • You’re shaking hands with a stranger at a networking event when you ask for their name. “I have no name,” they reply. (Reedsy)
  • As you’re paying for your groceries, you mention to the clerk, “There’s a mess in aisle 16.” They give you a puzzled look and reply, “There is no aisle 16.” (Reedsy)
  • The detective didn’t realize they were being foiled by a competing detective. (Reedsy)
  • The first day you opened your own office as a private investigator, you didn’t expect it to be busy. You were wrong. (Reedsy)
  • You are the world’s greatest detective. With your near superhuman intellect, you have never failed to solve a case before. One day, you finally meet your match: a criminal so unbelievably stupid that you cannot possibly comprehend and predict what he’s going to do next. (Reedsy)

What are some romance writing prompts?

  • Left at the altar, you decide to seek revenge on your ex.
  • You got ditched at the last minute before prom – who will your date be?
  • A stranger texts the wrong number, and accidentally sends you a declaration of love. The message is so sweet and heartfelt that you know you can’t let it go.
  • A divorced former couple find each other on the same flight to Paris… Sitting next to each other.
  • After joining an adult swim league, you realize that your coach is irresistibly cute.
  • Your husband accidentally sends you a text meant for his mistress.
  • You and a hot stranger get trapped in an elevator.
  • Write a love story set at the zoo.
  • A college professor and their teaching assistant hit it off a little too well.
  • You get to make one wish to create your dream romantic partner. What is it?
  • Two strangers on an online chat room hit it off. Turns out they’re childhood sweethearts.
  • A parole officer falls in love with his parolee.
  • After their catamaran crashes, a husband and wife on their anniversary trip are left marooned on an island in the tropics.
  • She’s a burgeoning lingerie model who needs her cute neighbor to take portfolio shots of her.
  • An alien falls in love with a forbidden human.
  • Desperate for cash, a med student signs up to be a nude model for a retired women’s art club.
  • A cutthroat business woman swore she’d never find love until her best friend sets her up on a blind date.
  • Two widowed people meet at a community garden.
  • A chef decides to embark on an international culinary tour for inspiration and falls in love with their tour guide.
  • A daughter tries to set her widowed father up on an online dating app – without him knowing.
  • A Republican presidential candidate and Democratic presidential candidate fall in love.
  • You are a popular book heroine’s love interest. You now have 60 seconds to convince them that saving the city is more important than saving you. (@writing.prompt.s)
  • The love of your life is your brother’s nemesis.
  • You fall in love with every person you make eye contact with.
  • You’re a mail order bride arriving at her new home for the first time.
  • After you move to a new city, you fall in love with your realtor while buying a new house.
  • You realize that you’ve fallen out of love with your new wife while you’re on your honeymoon.
  • You and your best friends decide to try a new dating app for the first time.
  • At your friend’s urging, you begrudgingly attend a Valentine’s Day speed dating event. (Reedsy)
  • Every day, you return to your apartment and say, “Honey, I’m home. Oh wait, that’s right… I live alone.” But then one day, a voice replies, “I picked up some pizza.” (Reedsy)
  • Cupid offers to shoot an arrow into the person you love. He warns you that if the person already has a pre-existing affection towards you, it will disappear when the arrow strikes. (Reedsy)
  • You meet your doppelganger of the opposite sex and find you are strangely attracted to each other. (Reedsy)
  • Write a romantic comedy. Difficulty: both lovers are emotionally mature and have excellent communication skills. (Reedsy)
  • In the future, romantic attraction is literal: each person is fitted with an electromagnetic bracelet which, they claim, will pull you to your soulmate. It’s the day they turn the magnets on, and you’re waiting. (Reedsy)
  • A fortune teller falls in love with their client who has their palm read every month. (Reedsy)
  • It wasn’t love at first sight. But now you were starting to see them in a new light… (Reedsy)
  • Someone with anxiety falls in love with someone extremely adventurous. (Reedsy)
  • The lives of two people are changed forever when they coincidentally meet and engage in a weekend-long affair. (Reedsy)
  • They lived in a world where PDA is forbidden. One day, they slipped up and held hands on the street. (Reedsy)
  • Two characters who are perfect for one another are foiled by bad timing. (Reedsy)
  • Two mortal enemies fall in love when they’re trapped in an elevator together and begin to see the other person’s perspective. (Reedsy)
  • Valentine’s Day at a retirement home. (Reedsy)
  • Well, that was a New Year’s Eve kiss you won’t forget any time soon. (Reedsy)
  • You have the ability to make anyone fall in love with you. You’ve just fallen in love for the first time. Do you use your power? (Reedsy)
  • You and your partner finally have the most romantic vacation planned. Problem is, your in-laws decided to tag along at the last minute.
  • You never would have guessed that in 48 hours you’d be married. (Reedsy)
  • A dog lover and cat lover fall in love… and must find a way to get their animals to fall in love, too.
  • You’ve been bumping into the same stranger for months. Finally, you decide to say hello. (Reedsy)
  • They might have aged 50 years, but when they held you, those hands felt exactly like they did the first time. (Reedsy)
  • An avalanche strands two mortal enemies together… and they start to fall in love.

What are some science fiction writing prompts?

  • You wake up one morning to find out that you get to move to any planet of your choosing.
  • Your wife is a droid.
  • Every day, you get one hour to revisit any moment from your life. What do you pick?
  • Gravity no longer exists.
  • You are chosen to go on the first ever recreational space journey.
  • After people die, their spirits can be brought back from death but at the cost of one random human life. Is it worth it?
  • Everyone in the world has the ability to read thoughts. Except for one person.
  • You have to power to build one separate planet. How do you build it? Who gets to live there?
  • What team do you gather to fight the largest alien and terrorist threat on Earth?
  • The world is dying. In order to save it, you’ve been commanded to sacrifice yourself to an invading alien group.
  • You are the first person able to breathe in outer space.
  • A rare form of cancer is the newest superbug. With a team of scientists, you all must find a cure before the population is wiped out.
  • Human beings begin to find themselves growing extra limbs as global warming amps up.
  • It turns out humans have been the aliens all along.
  • You are in charge of a secretive government agency that aligns people’s fates. Their livelihood is entirely up to you and what you want to do with it.
  • Technology becomes illegal.
  • All plant life on the planet is wiped out, except for in Florida.
  • You are one of the mechanics on the first ever self-flying airplane.
  • Walking through the woods one day, you come across a small animal that has the ability to instantaneously clone itself.
  • Your whole family has fought in the space military, but you’ve decided to no longer take part in it.
  • In an alternate universe where global warming has ruined the planet, you’ve spent your entire life living in an airplane on autopilot.
  • You’re a 15-year-old in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. However, a cure has been found that not only rids the infected person of the virus before they turn but prevents it altogether. Only one problem… Your parents are anti-vaxxers. (@writing.prompt.s)
  • Nasa engineers monitor the curiosity rover’s actions. All seems normal until the robot suddenly changes its course. The scientists attempt to correct it over and over until they suddenly receive a transmission from the rover: “Will Save Oppy” (@writing.prompt.s)
  • What if a nuclear submarine was ordered to launch their nuclear arsenal onto the world? (Screencraft)
  • What if the world we live in is actually a computer simulation? (Screencraft)
  • What if the past and present timelines began to merge? (Screencraft)
  • What if your stepfather or stepmother is actually your future self? (Screencraft)
  • What if the sun began to die? (Screencraft)
  • What if the universe as we know it is actually someone’s imagination? (Screencraft)
  • Everyone on earth begins to experience universal amnesia.
  • The year is 2200. What does the world look like to you?
  • In the future, we no longer require water, air, or food. We are a super efficient team of robots.
  • What do you think happens when the grid goes down?
  • Describe your perfect utopian world.
  • Your penpal lives on the opposite side of the universe.
  • Aliens who only communicate with sign language invade. To avoid war, our governments must engage a vastly marginalized portion of the human population: the hearing-impaired. (The Write Practice)
  • A rogue planet with strange properties collides with our sun, and after it’s all over, worldwide temperature falls forty degrees. Write from the perspective of a someone trying to keep his tropical fruit trees alive. (The Write Practice)
  • Ever read about the world’s loneliest whale? Write a story in which he’s actually the survivor of an aquatic alien species which crashed here eons ago, and he’s trying very hard to learn the “local” whale language so he can fit in. Write from his perspective the first time he makes contact. (The Write Practice)
  • An alien planet starts receiving bizarre audio transmissions from another world (spoiler: they’re from Earth). What does it mean? Are they under attack? Some think so…until classic rock ‘n’ roll hits the airwaves, and these aliens discover dancing. Write from the perspective of the teenaged alien who first figures it out. (The Write Practice)
  • Take anything we find normal today (shopping malls, infomercials, products to remove facial hair, etc.) and write a story from the perspective of an archeologist five thousand years in the future who just unearthed this stuff, has NO idea what any of it was for, and has to give a speech in an hour explaining the historical/religious/sociological significance. (The Write Practice)
  • House cats are aliens who have succeeded in their plan to rule the world. Discuss.
  • A high schooler from fifteen hundred years in our future is assigned a one-page writing project on a twenty-first century person’s life based entirely on TV commercials. Write the beginning of the essay. (The Write Practice)
  • Time travel works, but only once in a person’s life. Write from the perspective of someone who chooses to go back in time, knowing they can never return. Where do they go and why? (The Write Practice)
  • So yeah, ancient Egypt really was “all that” after all, and the pyramids turn out to be fully functional spaceships (the limestone was to preserve the electronics hidden inside). Write from the perspective of the tourist who accidentally turns one on. (The Write Practice)
  • Ten years from now, scientists figure out how to stop human aging and extend life indefinitely—but every time someone qualifies for that boost, someone else has to die to keep the surplus population in check. Oh, it’s all very humane; one’s descendants get a huge paycheck. Write from the perspective of someone who just got a letter in the mail saying they’re the one who has to die. (The Write Practice)
  • In the future, neural implants translate music into physical pleasure, and earphones (“jacking in”) are now the drug of choice. Write either from the perspective of a music addict, OR the Sonforce agent (sonance + enforcer) who has the job of cracking down. (The Write Practice)
  • It’s the year 5000. Our planet was wrecked in the great Crisis of 3500, and remaining human civilization survives only in a half dozen giant domed cities. There are two unbreakable rules: strict adherence to Life Quality (recycling doesn’t even begin to cover these laws), and a complete ban on reproduction (only the “worthy” are permitted to create new humans). Write from the perspective of a young woman who just discovered she’s been chosen to reproduce—but she has no interest in being a mother. (The Write Practice)
  • In the nineteenth century, there’s a thriving trade in stolen archeological artifacts. Write a story from the perspective of an annoyed, minimum-wage employee whose job is traveling back in time to obtain otherwise unobtainable artifacts, then has to bring them back to the present (the 1800s, that is) and artificially age them before they will sell. (The Write Practice)
  • Steampunk! Write a story from the perspective of a hot air balloon operator who caters to folks who like a little thrill… which means she spends half her time in the air shooting down pterodactyls before the paying customers get TOO scared. (The Write Practice)
  • Creation myth! Write from the perspective of a crazy scientist in the year 28,000 who, determined to discover how the universe began, rigs up a malfunctioning time machine, goes to the “beginning” of the universe, and ends up being the reason for the Big Bang. (Logic? Causal effect? Pfft. Hush, it’s time-travel, and that was never logical.) (The Write Practice)

What are some fantasy and paranormal writing prompts?

  • A mysterious creature speaks to you in your dreams and tells you that when you awake, you will have the ability to see into another realm.
  • Your pet dragon transforms into a person.
  • You are gifted with the strongest, most elusive sword in the kingdom, but if you use it you will never be able to speak again.
  • A magical world exists underground. To get there, you’ll need to start digging.
  • You wake up and find out that you’re the only living person left on the planet.
  • On her deathbed, your grandmother tells you that there’s a hidden treasure buried in her backyard. The family has been trying to locate it for decades. It’s up to you to finally find it.
  • The ocean becomes the sky.
  • You must save your kingdom from ruin by learning how to breathe fire.
  • You have the power to read the lost language, making you the only person to decipher the scroll.
  • Fairies are tired of being used for free labor.
  • Your favorite fairy tale is now set in 2019.
  • You are kidnapped by a knight who demands your assistance in sleighing the city’s most dangerous dragon.
  • A man and his wife own the largest potion store in town. Little do the townspeople know, but they’re all being slowly poisoned by the potions.
  • A magical toad begins talking to you, but you’re the only person who can hear him.
  • You come into possession of a ring that can change the weather to whatever you decide.
  • You’re selected to take part in a secretive, underground magic university… but you have to kill someone to go.
  • You wake up to find yourself a member of King Arthur’s Round Table.
  • An underwater society decides to overtake the world.
  • Regular person by day, a shape shifter by night.
  • Satan puts you in charge of Hell.
  • You are the king. After your daughter was kidnapped by a dragon, you offered the standard reward to whoever rescued her. You weren’t expecting a different dragon to rescue her. (@writing.prompt.s)
  • A woman has been dating guy after guy, but it never seems to work out. She’s unaware that she’s actually been dating the same guy over and over; a shapeshifter who’s fallen for her and is certain he’s going to get it right this time.  (@writing.prompt.s)
  • The cocky main character of a popular book is sent to the real world. He is shocked to find that the fans of his book not only like the villain more but favor his side kick over him. (@writing.prompt.s)
  • You’re an immortal who lives at a beach resort. You have many summer flings with mortals on getaways. One day you see someone you had a hot romantic night with 50 years ago. They look exactly the same. (@writing.prompt.s)
  • The stars have been watching you your whole life, as you laughed and cried, loved and suffered. Today, you’re finally going to do something that none of them can bear to watch. They blink out, the whole night sky turning dark, just as you’re about to do it. (@writing.prompt.s)
  • A lord takes a fancy to a peasant girl and kidnaps her for his own. Little does he know that she’s a trained assassin who has been preparing to take his life for years. (@writing.prompt.s)
  • You are the last person on Earth, and you are able to make one wish. What do you wish for?
  • You and your family are on a hike when you stumble upon a group of witches in the forest, in the midst of casting spells.
  • You have the power to transform into whatever mystical creature you choose.
  • You and your ghost best friend are an infamous crime-solving team.
  • No, there’s absolutely no way that ghosts are real. Sure, you just saw a mysterious fuzzy figure you appear before you in your house, but that had to be your imagination… right?
  • You’re the one human who is capable of seeing ghosts. It’s up to you to save them from being removed from the human world for good.
  • You were born to be a villain, but you find yourself leaning more and more towards the good as you get older.
  • Spend some time working on world building. How can you create a believable fantasy world that readers can picture clearly? What types of characters does your world include?
  • Dream up your own, one-of-a-kind mythical race.
  • You and your adventurous crew on a quest for the old King’s hidden gold. Just one problem – so is the rest of your village.
  • 10 cm of snow had fallen overnight, just as the weatherman predicted. The only thing is… the snow isn’t white. (Reedsy)
  • You start realizing that at least one aspect of every dream you have comes true the next day. (Reedsy)
  • You can buy a pill that lets you decide exactly what you will dream about while you sleep. (Reedsy)
  • You find a polaroid camera that seems to predict the future: its pictures show what will happen exactly 5 minutes from the moment you take them. (Reedsy)
  • You were on your way to see a doctor who promised to know the secret to making yourself fall out of love with someone. (Reedsy)
  • Write a story that includes a character hearing their fate by a fortune teller. (Reedsy)
  • As a joke, you put on a tinfoil hat. Suddenly your mind goes completely silent. (Reedsy)
  • Silence is now literally golden. For every day of total silence a person completes, they receive a piece of gold. (Reedsy)
  • A new candy had been invented that allowed the person who ate it to relive any memory they wanted. There was a lineup outside the shop. (Reedsy)
  • It’s 1AM at night. But the sun is out. (Reedsy)
  • You wake up 10 years younger. What do you do? (Reedsy)
  • I wish I could skip next week, you think as you get into bed that night. In the morning, you wake up 100 years in the future. (Reesy)
  • They found out about us. They’re coming. They were the words the kingdom had feared hearing for thousands of years. (Reedsy)
  • A group of scientists on a submarine are alarmed when they spot what looks like a functioning lighthouse at the bottom of the ocean. (Reedsy)

What are some general fiction writing prompts?

  • You’re chasing your dream of being the first person to fly.
  • Coffee is illegal and you have to single handedly smuggle it into the country.
  • You have to get to the bottom of your family’s deepest secret.
  • What was the strangest thing you’ve ever seen in public?
  • Detail the life of the person who inspires you the most.
  • Imagine what would happen if you woke up one morning unable to see, speak, or hear.
  • Think about what you are most proud of. Follow the story of how you got to that point.
  • By way of a lottery system, the king chooses you to be his queen.
  • Use five points of view to describe one situation.
  • Describe the life of a struggling author attempting to make it “big.”
  • Tell the story of one woman on the mission to find her lost biological daughter.
  • Your dream is to open a restaurant and be a top chef, but how can you do that when you were born without taste buds?
  • You’ve just returned home from war only to find your family missing without a trace.
  • A famous shoe designer asks you to quit your job and be his latest model.
  • You have the power to create, and star in, your own reality show. What does it look like?
  • The dark family secret that’s always been hidden comes to light.
  • As an 80-year-old, you decide to finally learn how to swim so you can participate in a triathlon.
  • Write a scene detailing your greatest fear. Now imagine that has come true for your character.
  • What’s the greatest advice you’ve ever been given? What if you lived solely according to it?
  • You live in a world with no stress and fear.
  • Death has been flirting with you for a long time, but they’ve become a bit annoying. After another attempting to hang out with you again, you jokingly tell them, “If I was the last person on Earth, I’d maybe give you a chance.” Death believes you and will double their efforts.
  • When people are born, they are assigned a soulmate. They have a song in their head that only them and their soulmate know. How do you find your soulmate? (@writing.prompt.s)
  • Write a story about a character waking up to something absurd. (Reedsy)
  • Write a story about a character waking up to the best news of their life. (Reedsy)
  • Write a short story with an unreliable narrator that readers can never quite trust. (Reedsy)
  • Write a short story in which the main “character” is the setting: for example, a house. (Reedsy)
  • Write a story about someone who would be described, above all else, as honest. Or kind. Or intelligent. (Reedsy)
  • Using only dialogue, write a short story about a first date, a reunion between old friends, an argument that gets heated, an adult explaining something to a child, or the reveal of a long-hidden secret. (Reedsy)
  • Imagine telling the story of a professional hypnotizer. (Reedsy)
  • Tell a story through text messages.
  • Tell the story of what you would do if you won the lottery.
  • Write your own obituary.
  • Tell a story from your favorite era.
  • Imagine how you would help solve the greatest challenges that the world faces. What would your plan be?
  • What would a world be like with no poverty? What would change? What would stay the same?
  • Tell the story of the first time that you learned to do something really well.
  • Imagine what it would be like to be a pop star.
  • Tell a story through song.
  • Write from the perspective of your worst enemy.
  • Tell a story using only one sense – seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, or touching.
  • After years on the job search, you’ve finally gotten your dream job – but it changes you for the worst.
  • You own a tiny mom and pops-type store that you run with your family.
  • The worst thing that you could imagine happening happens.
  • You’re the judge of the annual pie contest in your hometown but, unbeknownst to you, one of the pies is poisoned.
  • You go on a road trip to visit your late father’s grave.
  • Tell the story of seeing the ocean for the first time. Or the last.
  • You’re allergic to oxygen.
  • Imagine what would happen if every person in the world woke up in a good mood every day.
  • You’re put in charge of taking care of your elderly grandmother towards the end of her life.
  • You get one chance to talk to any person in the world. Who do you choose?

What are some religion and spirituality writing prompts?

  • What makes you believe in God?
  • God speaks directly to you – what does He say?
  • What do you find to be most beautiful in the world?
  • You get to build a religion of your own. What do you make it into?
  • You must live every single day according to a holy text of your choice. What happens?
  • Explore what it means to be religious versus spiritual.
  • What helps you meditate?
  • What is the greatest wisdom that you would like to impart on the world?
  • Who is one religious figure you would like to have dinner with? What do you talk to them about?
  • Describe your idea of heaven.
  • Detail your favorite story in the holy text of your choosing.
  • You live in a world where no Gods exist.
  • What does karma mean to you?
  • What would your ideal world look like?
  • You have the power to make every single person in the world ether religious or nonreligious. What do you do? What changes about the world?
  • What makes you a religious or spiritual person?
  • Describe what a church means to you. Have you had positive or negative experiences in a church?
  • Write a poem about your religious path in life.
  • Write a religious comedy.
  • What happens when a priest decides he doesn’t want to be a priest anymore?
  • Think about what morality means to you.
  • What is the difference in good versus evil? How do you know?
  • How does one know what is innately good?
  • What makes you religious?
  • What makes you non religious?
  • Put yourself in the shoes of someone who has completely opposite spiritual or religious views from you. Why do they think a certain way?
  • Describe what your childhood views in spirituality or religion were.
  • What do you hope your religious or spirituality path to look like as you age?
  • How would you advise someone to strengthen their faith?
  • If you could talk to God, what would you want to say?
  • The Southern Baptist Convention elects its first woman president, though she is subsequently removed from the position due to an obscure rule. In protest, every woman leaves the Southern Baptist denomination to form an independent, women-only sect of Baptists.
  • God needs a vacation from heaven, so he comes to earth to experience life as a dog. He is captured by animal control and is impounded, and you adopt god-the-dog after a tragedy that makes you question your faith.
  • An opiate addict going through severe withdrawal symptoms has a conversation with the Buddha – what did they talk about, and was it the result of a fever dream, or a spiritual awakening?
  • You record a video that seemingly shows a woman walking on water at a small rural pond. The video goes viral as proof that Jesus has returned, and Christians begin to wonder if Christ was the Daughter, not the Son, of God.
  • A secular Jew and a devout Muslim debate food and faith on a train from Quebec to Montreal.
  • What are your personal ten commandments?
  • When was a specific moment where you felt a “divine presence” in your life?
  • Have you ever felt like you’ve experienced a glimpse into the afterlife?
  • What form do you think the afterlife will take, if you believe that it exists?
  • Have you ever had an out of body experience?
  • William Blake, famous British poet, thought that to love was to be in tune with the divine. Do you think this is true? How have you experienced divine love?
  • How have you experienced the divine through love?
  • Emanuel Swedenborg believed that there was a soulmate for every person, and that you couldn’t get into heaven until your soul mate had also passed away. Do you believe in the concept of soul mates?
  • Do you believe in reincarnation?
  • What would reincarnation look like to you?
  • Some religions believe that animals and plants have souls. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
  • Describe a particularly spiritual moment in your life. What were you doing? Were you by yourself or with someone else?
  • What is your most taboo religious belief?
  • Some religions believe that human beings could never truly represent a higher power in art. Do you agree with this? What is an example of art or words that you feel represent the higher power?
  • What are your thoughts on love languages?

What are some travel and adventure writing prompts?

  • Write about your favorite vacation.
  • What culture interests you the most?
  • You get lost in a foreign city with no cell phone and no money. What do you do?
  • Your favorite chef asks you to join them on a culinary tour of the world.
  • What country have you always dreamt of traveling to?
  • What’s your dream vacation?
  • Tell the story of the worst traveling experience of your life.
  • A country of your choosing fuses with North America.
  • You and your best friends go on a road trip across America, with no budget and for however long you want.
  • You are asked to review a luxury hotel on the beach.
  • You are forced to leave your home and move to a remote foreign country. What do you pack with you?
  • What about traveling excites you?
  • Go back in time to the era of your choosing and describe how you live.
  • Rate your top five favorite places in the world. What do you like about each place? What do you dislike?
  • If you could have any travel-related job in the world, what would it be?
  • You and your partner are kidnapped on your honeymoon.
  • Describe a 100-day walking journey around your state.
  • Imagine if you had never left your home in your entire life and then were forced to go outside and never come back to your house.
  • What do you say to your family in a postcard from a new location?
  • Describe what it’s like to sit in rush hour traffic in one of the busiest cities in the world.
  • A journey to a new location is disrupted by natural disaster.
  • Describe what it’s like to travel with a crippling fear of airplanes.
  • What is it that you love about traveling? Explore that feeling.
  • What is frightening about traveling? Explore that feeling.
  • What stories would you most like to share about the town that you’re from?
  • You have the opportunity to move anywhere in the world. Where do you choose?
  • Explore what your travels in Asia have been like.
  • Explore what your travels in Europe have been like.
  • Explore what your travels in South America have been like.
  • Explore what your travels in North America have been like.
  • Explore what your travels in Africa have been like.
  • What is the most unusual place you’d like to travel?
  • What do you think is most misunderstood about the culture of your home country?
  • What cultural norms are you most interested in exploring from foreign countries?
  • Describe the foreign foods that you most want to try.
  • Imagine that you are a successful chef in a foreign city.
  • Describe a time when you have been excited to explore a new place.
  • What is the most beautiful image that you have ever seen while traveling?
  • You get to go to any museum in the world. Which one do you choose?
  • What is your greatest horror story from traveling?
  • What is your happiest story from traveling?
  • Picture yourself on a foreign vacation with a person of your choosing. What do you do?
  • If you had to move to a foreign country tomorrow, what five items would you pack with you?
  • Set the scene for a beautiful beach that you have never traveled to.
  • Set the scene for a gorgeous castle that you have never traveled to.
  • A three day visit to Budapest becomes a maritime adventure down the Danube River to the Black Sea.
  • You are a sales representative for a roulette table manufacturer. While visiting the Harrah’s Cherokee Casino for work, you decide to discard all your possessions, cash out your minimal savings, and hike the Mountains-to-Sea trail from Clingmans Dome to the Ocracoke Lighthouse.
  • While en route to visit your college roommate in Kyoto, Japan you meet a stranger at Tan Son Nhat International Airport who needs your help finding a prophetic monk hiding from persecution in Saigon.
  • You have to make it from Cairo to Alexandria (Egypt). You have no money. Your only mode of transport is a temperamental camel.
  • In a high-stakes game of poker in the French Quarter, you wagered your soul to a voodoo doctor on a pretty bad hand. The only way to null the bet is to find a woman in Port-au-Prince, Haiti who has an item – the only  item – the man is willing to trade for.

What are some horror writing prompts?

  • You wake up to a world in which all prisons are shut down, releasing dangerous prisoners into your neighborhood.
  • A masked stranger appears at your front door with a knife.
  • A random number texts you saying, “Don’t forget, you’re next.”
  • Someone knocks at your door. You open it to find your deceased grandfather who has come back from the dead to pay you a visit. What does he want?
  • Animals take over the world.
  • Strange murmuring sounds being to come from the door that leads to your basement.
  • While watching the evening news, the anchor looks directly at the camera and begins screaming before the camera cuts to black.
  • A polar vortex freezes the entire planet.
  • Whatever building you enter, you can see all of the people who died there.
  • You wake up in a strange room, tied to a chair, with a single knife on the floor pointed at you.
  • A chilling voice appears in your head. It won’t go away. One day, it tells you that you have to run.
  • The old cuckoo clock at your grandmother’s home is haunted.
  • You’re driving at night when you can’t help but shake the feeling that there’s a person in your back seat.
  • One day, while you’re in the shower, you hear your front door open and close. “Hey, roomie, I’m home!” Someone shouts. You don’t have a roommate.
  • A strange man living down the street begins leaving presents at your doorstep.
  • The cruise ship is haunted.
  • While working at a clothing store, you’re closing up the shop for the night when you see five men walk in through the front door and lock it behind them.
  • You’re in the middle of a bank robbery – hiding in the bathroom.
  • Your dog won’t stop barking at a sunken spot in your living room floor.
  • For the last few days, you’ve been getting ominous messages written in blood on your bathroom mirror. Turns out, they’re from an awkward ghost with a serious crush on you. (@writing.prompt.s)
  • The reason no one has ever seen the real Santa Claus is because everyone who sees him dies. You just saw him and now you need to survive. (@writing.prompt.s)
  • You wake up bound to an electric chair, moments before your imminent death.
  • A woman afraid of clowns is forced to work in a travelling circus. (Screencraft)
  • A treasure hunter finds a tomb buried beneath the dirt. (Screencraft)
  • A bartender serves last call to the only remaining patron who is the Devil himself. (Screencraft)
  • A boy’s stepfather is actually a murderous werewolf. (Screencraft)
  • A man wakes up with no mouth. (Screencraft)
  • Deceased soldiers return to their Civil War-era homes. (Screencraft)
  • Suburbia is actually purgatory. (Screencraft)
  • A man suffers from sleep paralysis at the worst possible time. (Screencraft)
  • A man murders his wife while sleepwalking.
  • What appears to be a ghost approaches your car while you’re waiting at a stoplight.
  • It’s late at night, and you hear footsteps in the cellar—but you’re definitely home alone… or so you thought. (The Write Practice)
  • You’ve put that doll in the cabinet, in the closet, in the attic, but no matter where you tuck it, it always shows back up on the sofa. On Halloween night, you come out to find it watching you… (The Write Practice)
  • A bad-tempered businessman is driving home after a long day of work. He thinks he sees his kids trick-or-treating and stops to pick them up—but those aren’t costumes. (The Write Practice)
  • A young woman goes to her grandmother’s house for tea on Halloween night. They have a wonderful time together, sharing stories, joy, and the best times of family. The next day, the woman learns her grandmother has been dead for a week and no one could get ahold of her to tell her. (The Write Practice)
  • Aliens have just landed on Earth—and boy, did they pick a weird day to come. How do they respond to Halloween, supernatural or otherwise? Do they decide this place is just too bizarre and get the heck out . . . or do they stick around and join in the fun? (The Write Practice)
  • On Halloween night, lovers get to come back and spend the evening together one more time. One couple from the Roaring Twenties decides to come back from the grave to help their extreme nerd great-grandchild or the kid will never get married. (The Practice)
  • A little boy’s lost in the woods, but at least his faithful dog is with him. As they look for the way out, the dog defends his master against terrifying monsters and animals. Finally, the boy arrives safely on the other side, beautiful green field, no more fog or night. Then the dog goes home . . . where his owner, the little boy, has died. The good doggy guarded him all the way to his final rest. (The Write Practice)
  • You wake up in the middle of the night to see a dark figure crawling across your floor.
  • Moments after taking off for a flight, the entire plane begins to shake dramatically. The pilot comes on the speaker and says, “This is very bad.”
  • You awake in a dark, small box and can hear strange noises outside.
  • Several weeks after buying your dream house, you start getting strange letters delivered in the mail warning you to move out.
  • Your dog has been acting very strangely recently. Some would say… almost human.
  • You stumble across a website that contains clues to some very disturbing crimes.
  • As you’re settling in to bed for the night, you hear an unusual scratching sound at your bedroom window.
  • You’re on vacation in a new city for the first time. As you walk down a busy boulevard, you suddenly look up to realize you have no idea where you are or how you got there. Come to think of it, you don’t even know who you are.
  • On your way to work, you notice that no one is driving on roads. The busy rush hour traffic is nonexistent, and there are no people walking around, either. It’s just you. What’s going on?
  • You discover, much too late, that your downstairs neighbor is a cannibal.
  • During a renovation of your home, you and your spouse find human remains underneath your back porch – a crime that you are now being charged with.

What are some children’s writing prompts?

  • Your dog begins speaking in a human voice one morning.
  • The sky turns purple.
  • Your best friend’s head turns into a mushroom.
  • Dinosaurs come back to earth.
  • You and your family rescue a turtle who was hit by a car and nurse him back to health.
  • You turn into a goldfish.
  • What would happen if you could turn any food into cotton candy?
  • Rain turns into soda.
  • Your family adopts a pet monkey.
  • The new kid at school wants to be your friend, but you’re very shy.
  • You and your boy scout troop get lost in the middle of the forest.
  • Your parents tell you they’ll give you $20 if you eat your vegetables with every dinner. Do you do it?
  • Write about a special memory from your childhood.
  • What parent were you closest do? What are some of your favorite memories of spending time with them?
  • Write about yourself at age five.
  • Write about yourself at age ten.
  • What was your greatest dream when you were a child?
  • Write about your favorite childhood pet.
  • Get inspiration for your writing by thinking about a vacation you took as a child.
  • What would happen if you woke up one day and kids ruled the world?
  • Tell the story of a child who has just transferred to a new school.
  • Tell the story of a platypus.
  • Imagine running away with a group of your childhood best friends – where would you go?
  • Dream up your own imaginary world.
  • Children’s books are known for their fun and creativity. What’s the craziest, kookiest new breed of animal you can imagine?
  • Give advice to new parents.
  • Give advice to your younger self.
  • Imagine what it would be like to live in a world where instead of taking the school bus, you ride a dragon to classes!
  • Write about your favorite childhood game.
  • Tell the story of a family who decides to hire a new babysitter or nanny.
  • Your parents tell you one day that you’re going to be a big sister – but you really like being the only child!
  • If the world could be any color, what would you want it to be?
  • If you could taste a specific flavor any time you ate something, what would you want it to be?
  • Describe a trip to the zoo with your class.
  • You and your best friends get to leave school to have lunch anywhere in town. Pizza, candy – anything! Tell the story of where you go.
  • Tell the story of your first time at summer camp.
  • Tell the story of your first time away from home.
  • What if we lived in a world where kids were treated like adults? And adults were treated like kids?
  • Take a spin at your very own Dr. Suess-esque book and use rhymes to tell a kooky, crazy story!
  • You’re in charge of babysitting your little sibling for the first time.
  • You decide to run away from home – what are some of the challenges that you face?
  • Picture a world where everything is upside down! What’s life like for you?
  • Write a book advising children on how to overcome adversity.
  • Write a book advising children on how to be a good friend.
  • Write a book advising children on how to be a kind sibling.
  • Bobby the Bunny wants to make friends with a fox pup who recently lost its family.
  • A giraffe and an ostrich live together in a zoo, where they bond over similar neck characteristics and learn how to play one another’s games.
  • A dragon wants to be loved and befriended, but every time he farts, fire erupts from his rear end.
  • Bruce the German Shepherd loves to run through the woods with his human. When he and his human get separated from one another, Bruce has to learn from his forest friends how to get back home.
  • Tell the story of the tooth fairy… Imagine that she just started her job and has to be trained.

What are some young adult writing prompts?

  • It’s your first day of middle school. But when you’re half human, half dragon, that makes things a little tough.
  • What happens when you begin working at the same yogurt shop as your crush?
  • Both of your parents die in a car accident, leaving you an orphan who gets shipped off to your mysterious aunt’s house in Europe.
  • One day you find out that you never have to return to high school. What do you decide to do instead?
  • You’re chosen to go on a school trip to Africa where you’ll be helping to build wells. You’ve never been out of the country, though, and are worried.
  • Your mom disappears one day, and you never see her again.
  • Tell the story of the best high school summer of your life.
  • Your boyfriend gets in a horrible car accident and ends up in the ICU. Another girl is found in the car with him, too – but she died. Who is she?
  • You find out that your brother is adopted.
  • During her freshman year of college, she found out that people in her dorm started to disappear. Almost from thin air.
  • A group of high school freshmen learn that the teachers and administrators at their boarding school are actually human like AI working towards the Singularity and human enslavement. If they don’t act fast, the robots win.
  • A group of at-risk teenagers are on an overnight camping trip with a wilderness counseling group in Badlands National Park when an arctic blast forces them out of a blizzard and into a cave. On day three, their counselors go out in search for help – and never return.
  • Your high school sweetheart dumps you suddenly because of something you posted on social media. But you didn’t post it, and you have to figure out just how different – and difficult – your life is now that you’ve been hacked.
  • Imagine that the world is run amok with vampires. Or zombies. Or authoritarian dictatorships in a dystopian future.
  • In the near future, climate change has led to the extinction of butterfly and bee pollinators. A small group of teen geniuses band together to develop autonomous, robotic insects to replicate the functions of insect pollination before the global food shortage turns from disastrous to extinction-level.
  • You find out that your best friend’s dad is responsible for the growing number of missing people in your hometown. How do you get everyone to believe you?
  • You did it – after years of hard work and try outs, you finally won the coveted spot on the football team. But here’s the thing – you’re the first girl to ever play.
  • One night you wake up to find yourself levitating over your bed. The next morning, strange wings start to grow from your shoulders. Are you turning into some sort of mystical bird?
  • It was pretty freaky to wake up for school one morning, only to see that my parents were literally frozen into blocks of ice in the kitchen. Even freakier? Every adult in town is frozen solid, too.
  • A boy pursues his list of wildly ambitious New Year’s resolutions, with hilarious and touching results. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A girl on the swim team transforms into a part-time mermaid. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A group of “outsiders” become a clique that eventually excludes others. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A girl’s favorite author plagiarizes her fanfiction. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A boy learns who believed his sister died finds out she’s very much alive. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A teenager’s best friend goes missing—and is widely believed to be the murderer of a family member. (Bryn Donovan)
  • Two teens begin to write a fantasy novel together and then cross over into the world they’ve created. (Bryn Donovan)
  • In a dystopian future, college admissions boards have access to video footage of students’ entire lives. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A girl always hangs out at a particular little nook at the library. Then the same boy starts taking the space every day. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A boy learns something terrible about his parents.(Bryn Donovan)
  • In a modern-day Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, three girls ditch class for a day filled with adventures. (Bryn Donovan)
  • 35. A girl who wants to be a virgin until she gets married faces social pressure about her decision. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A teen gains the ability to take the form of any other person she chooses. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A girl’s science fair project yields results that attract the government’s attention. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A teen’s suspicions about a teacher lead him to conduct a private investigation. (Bryn Donovan)
  • A girl struggles with the decision to tell authorities about what the star quarterback did. (Bryn Donovan)
  • Soon after a boy was born, his father went missing. Now, a skeleton has been discovered in the basement of their former home. (Bryn Donovan)
  • You check out a book from the library and discover that it’s telling the story of your life. Do you decide to read ahead and find out what happens, or let it be a surprise?
  • Your beloved dog goes missing, resulting in a cross-country chase to reunite her with your family.
  • Put yourself in your favorite anime or manga series. What type of character would you play?
  • You and your best friends have been playing in a band in your mom’s garage for years. Now you’ve gotten discovered by a major Hollywood scout, but they only want you to go on to fame.
  • Some friends go to an escape room only to discover it’s being run by one of the most elusive serial killers in history.
  • After going to see the circus with your parents, you decide to run away to join the troupe. What act do you take on?
  • What would you tell your younger self as a teenager? What do you wish you had done differently, or not done at all?
  • What would your younger self tell you now? What would they think about your life?
  • Tell the story of someone who switches places with themself as a 14-year-old.
  • Think Princess Diaries – you’ve just found out you’re part royal with a massive inheritance to look forward to. What changes about your life?
  • A small spaceship crash lands in your backyard with nothing inside but an instruction manual on how to rebuild the aircraft. Do you take it back into space?
  • You have the power to shift into whatever creature you want – bear, wolf, etc. When do you choose to utilize your powers?
  • What would happen if you changed places with a rockstar?
  • Your big brother has always been the more successful, studious one of the family. You’ve finally got a chance to prove yourself and one up him – how do you do it?

How to use AI for writing prompts?

While that list was extensive, we understand that authors might need more specific prompts. For example, maybe your prompt needs to include exact examples and a more tailored answer specifically for your characters and story. That’s where Artificial Intelligence tools like ChatGPT can be useful.

By engaging with ChatGPT in a conversation, users can specify their preferences and receive prompts that align with their interests. Whether you’re seeking prompts for fiction, non-fiction, or even poetry, ChatGPT can inspire and spark ideas that you may not have considered otherwise.

With its ability to understand context and generate coherent text, ChatGPT writing prompts can be a valuable tool for writers of all levels.

Some example questions authors can use in ChatGPT to create specific writing prompts include: “I’m looking for a fantasy prompt set in a magical forest with a protagonist on a quest for a lost artifact.” or “I need a mystery prompt set in a small town where a series of strange occurrences unravel a dark secret. Can you provide a compelling scenario?” You could even use some of the 500 prompts above and add them to ChatGPT and ask it to create some similar variations. The possibilities are endless!

There you have it, we hope these 500 writing prompts help you on your way to publishing your next book . For more resources on self-publishing, book marketing, and general indie author trends, make sure you check out these resources . You can also sign up for our free author newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news.

Note: This blog post was updated on 4/25/2024

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49 comments on “ 500 writing prompts to help beat writer’s block ”.

  • Pingback: How to Plot a Novel (Our Easy How-To Guide) – Written Word Media
  • Pingback: February 12, 2020 Meeting | Lakeland Writers

Thanks for sharing the prompt ideas! I am thinking to start writing a book since a long time. But I wasn’t getting any good heads. Your article has helped to understand my area of interest, especially in which I can write a book successfully.

very nice story I like it

Writer’s doubts never end here is a way to solve this issue with 500 writing prompts. It is such a research based and praiseworthy blog, it is a must read. Thank you for this article! This is really very informative for us.

  • Pingback: You find strange, muddy footprints leading up to your front door. – Pen and Paper Adventures

With all 500 of these, I should have no trouble finding something to write about. Thanks so much for these prompts.

  • Pingback: Plano Learns: Creative Writing – Plano Library Learns

My friends and I are doing a competition to see who is the best FANTASY writer. Here’s the catch, you need to include twins, homeless people and abused animals in your story. Plz help???

Hi Ebony! Maybe try a slightly post-apocalyptic slant? I know that subgenre can veer on Science Fiction (instead of Fantasy) but you could definitely apply those required themes to a post-apoc story.

Urban fantasy set in a modern day. The protagonist is a homeless person who has a pet dove-griffin (also called winged rats). One day, he is assaulted and they take his companion, leaving him for dead. He survives, and uses his background as a hunter to track down the people who wronged him, stumbling in the process upon a ring of fantasy animal traffickers called the Chain of Cerberus, which is ruled by three brothers, triplets. He has to fight against all odds using his skills and save his only friend and companion.

The secret motivation for the protagonist is atonement for his past as a hunter, since he helped rich people (like the Triplets) to capture the fantastic animals they were after.

I call it ‘Fantasy John Wick’

Thank you for sharing such a wealth of prompts! These are fantastic. What a tough job to choose 500! If you’re interested in more open-ended prompts (just to switch it up), check out my instagram for (almost) daily writing prompts as well: @sharp.writer .

This is the complete list of writing prompts over the internet. Thanks for sharing.

  • Pingback: Week 7- 9/29/20 – The Blind Stylus

SoI made like a short script bit of a prompt like the one bout you looking in a mirror to see something that does not look like you.

Its 5 o’clock in the morning. As I came out of my cream sheets with speckles of generally grey all around, I fixed my bed. From patting down pillows to rearranging my duvet for the most part placing my silk pretty black blanket to definitely finish it off. I basically was heading for the fridge to get the creamer for coffee when I stared into the actually metal fridge looking for my reflection but instead kind of found that something looking back at me and it was not my reflection, which really is quite weird. Its kind of looked nothing like me, or so I thought. I really tried to really come up with excuses; I am in a daze, I am still half-asleep, I for the most part am asleep. IT CAN’T BE. I said, until I saw that it can. But that thing in the mirror particularly was scaring me because it stared back at me and it was waving now in a kind of like I AM WATCHING YOU kind of way. but before I could do anything it….

I found your blog very helpful in my writing project someday. Thank you for sharing your wonderful article.

I’m so glad this was helpful to you, Monique. You’re very welcome!

I have been reading posts regarding this topic and this post is one of the most interesting and informative one I have read. Thank you for this!

You’re very welcome, Patricia!

i need to do a story in which the main character is a demigod (as in percy jackson yknow) and i don’t know what to write.

Here’s one you might enjoy , Anika! Found on the #demigod prompts Tumblr page.

This is an excellent list of prompts! For me, though, I don’t lack story ideas or character scenarios. After plotting out my story, I tend to get stalled after a few chapters or in a particular scene, even when I have a good conflict for the characters to work through. ****** I found this great little book on Amazon called “What Would Your Character Do?” It really helped me because the prompts are designed to get you brainstorming about your character’s next actions when you’re stuck in a scene. I can always find a prompt in the book to get me unstuck! I’ll definitely share this particular list with my writer friends though!

Great recommendation, Jackie! Thanks for sharing

  • Pingback: RML Hobbies: Writing – Russell Memorial Library

thank you for these prompts. they really helped with my writer’s block

these are so helpful! I’ve been trying to figure out how to continue my dystopian story for weeks then I found this website! I can’t wait to continue working!

  • Pingback: Argumentative essay on alternative energy : MLA style of documentation.

Thank you so much for compiling such an array of prompts. Reading through these and of course changing them up in my head has me scrambling to write again. Have a Blessed Day!

Was looking for some takes regarding this topic and I found your article quite informative. It has given me a fresh perspective on the topic tackled. Thanks!

What a great list of writing prompts. I have saved this page to share with my writing partner. I am sure we will use some of these.

Hello! I wanted to ask you, if I am allowed to use some of you prompts. (of course I will give credits to you and add a link to this site). I am leader for a community on an app called Amino, it’s quite similar to Instagram, where the member can post some stuff. I wanted to post some writing prompts, since everyone there likes to write. So I wantet do aks, if i can use some of your prompts. (And sorry for my bad english, I have a german community there, since I speak german…)

Absolutely, please feel free to share and we would appreciate linking back!

Of course I do, thank you!

This was so helpful! Every prompt in this article was amazing You’ve really outdone yourself Kelsey!!!!!<3

This is extremely helpful. I am in 2nd year of high school and struggle with writers-block. I decided to do number three in the ‘horror’ section, and the options written in this article are extremely ‘flexible’ — there is a prompt for everyone. Thank you.

These writing prompts are fun! Thanks for putting it all together.

I’ve started several books. None completed, Although a few stories were published in a small town newspaper. A couple of years ago I began a book when the work came to an abrupt end. My husband fell off the roof. Now, after 2 years, I find myself wanting to write, but stymied as how to pick up where I left off. I’ve read your prompts. Some of the fiction, thriller, mystery and prompts in other areas have been true life experiences for me. Now, as I stand in the aftermath of the train that hit me, in need of a battery jump to restart, I have hopefully found a way forward.

I absolutely loved these! Thanks so much! Writing prompts really help me keep the wheels turning.

Thanks so much for these amazing prompts! I had nailed down a genre and topic but needed some help getting down to the nitty gritty specifics. You saved the day (and my essay). Thank you!

I am impressed with your sharing. Helpful for new writers. Thanks for your share.

  • Pingback: How To Overcome Writers Block Quickly And Easily - Stay Earning

Unbeatable listing. A lot of quality and tremendous compilation.

I love these prompts! They help me get started when I’m feeling stuck.

I have all the actual writing material I need, but I am using writing prompts to get myself in the zone for writing. This list is outstanding. It’s a bit of a struggle to stop perusing because there are so many that entice me. I’m pretty sure that many of these will little warm-ups will end up in my Ideas file. Thanks so much for this.

To the prompt about scientists figuring out how to extend life but someone has to die:

The mail held a few worthless ads, nothing to be worried about. But then my heart stopped at the sight of a letter. My hands trembled as I took it out of the box. I wracked my brain for ways to escape. If I never read it, could I claim ignorance? No, it would never work. Shakily I tore open the envelope and unfolded the paper inside. When it began with “We sorrowfully regret to inform you,” I recognized the words from my sister’s letter and the grief came flooding back. Half for her and half for myself. I wasn’t ready to let go of the wonderful life I had. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. But it didn’t matter. Getting this letter meant I was going to die, and it also meant that I had no choice.

Just a blurb. Thoughts?

These gave me some great ideas!

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365 Creative Writing Prompts

Here are 365 Creative Writing Prompts to help inspire you to write every single day! Use them for journaling, story starters, poetry, and more!

365 creative writing prompts

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If you want to become a better writer, the best thing you can do is practice writing every single day. Writing prompts are useful because we know sometimes it can be hard to think of what to write about!

To help you brainstorm, we put together this list of 365 creative writing prompts to give you something to write about daily.

Want to Download these prompts?  I am super excited to announce due to popular demand we now have an ad-free printable version of this list of writing prompts available for just $5. The  printable version  includes a PDF as a list AND print-ready prompt cards. {And all the design source files you could ever need to customize any way you would like!}

Here are 365 Creative Writing Prompts to Inspire:

Whether you write short stories, poems, or like to keep a journal – these will stretch your imagination and give you some ideas for topics to write about!

1. Outside the Window : What’s the weather outside your window doing right now? If that’s not inspiring, what’s the weather like somewhere you wish you could be?

2. The Unrequited love poem: How do you feel when you love someone who does not love you back?

3. The Vessel: Write about a ship or other vehicle that can take you somewhere different from where you are now.

4. Dancing: Who’s dancing and why are they tapping those toes?

5. Food: What’s for breakfast? Dinner? Lunch? Or maybe you could write a poem about that time you met a friend at a cafe.

6. Eye Contact: Write about two people seeing each other for the first time.

7. The Rocket-ship: Write about a rocket-ship on its way to the moon or a distant galaxy far, far, away.

rocket ship writing prompt

8. Dream-catcher : Write something inspired by a recent dream you had.

9. Animals: Choose an animal. Write about it!

10. Friendship: Write about being friends with someone.

11. Dragon : Envision a dragon. Do you battle him? Or is the dragon friendly? Use descriptive language.

12. Greeting : Write a story or poem that starts with the word “hello” or another greeting.

13. The Letter: Write a poem or story using words from a famous letter or inspired by a letter someone sent you.

14. The Found Poem : Read a book and circle some words on a page. Use those words to craft a poem. Alternatively, you can cut out words and phrases from magazines.

15. Eavesdropper : Create a poem, short story, or journal entry about a conversation you’ve overheard.

16. Addict: Everyone’s addicted to something in some shape or form. What are things you can’t go without?

17. Dictionary Definition : Open up a dictionary to a random word. Define what that word means to you.

dictionary success

18. Cleaning: Hey, even writers and creative artists have to do housework sometimes. Write about doing laundry, dishes, and other cleaning activities.

19. Great Minds: Write  about someone you admire and you thought to have had a beautiful mind.

20. Missed Connections: If you go to Craigslist, there is a “Missed Connections” section where you can find some interesting storylines to inspire your writing.

21. Foreclosure : Write a poem or short story about someone who has lost or is about to lose their home.

22. Smoke, Fog, and Haze: Write about not being able to see ahead of you.

23. Sugar: Write something so sweet, it makes your teeth hurt.

24. Numbers:  Write a poem or journal entry about numbers that have special meaning to you.

25. Dread: Write about doing something you don’t want to do.

26. Fear: What scares you a little? What do you feel when scared? How do you react?

27. Closed Doors: What’s behind the door? Why is it closed?

word prompts for creative writing

28. Shadow: Imagine you are someone’s shadow for a day.

29. Good Vibes: What makes you smile? What makes you happy?

30. Shopping:  Write about your shopping wishlist and how you like to spend money.

31. The Professor: Write about a teacher that has influenced you.

32. Rewrite : Take any poem or short story you enjoy. Rewrite it in your own words.

33. Jewelry: Write about a piece of jewelry. Who does it belong to?

34. Sounds : Sit outside for about an hour. Write down the sounds you hear.

35. War and Peace: Write about a recent conflict that you dealt with in your life.

36. Frame It: Write a poem or some phrases that would make for good wall art in your home.

37. Puzzle: Write about putting together the pieces of puzzles.

38. Fire-starters: Write about building a fire.

39. Coffee & Tea: Surely you drink one or the other or know someone who does- write about it!

40. Car Keys: Write about someone getting their driver’s license for the first time.

41. What You Don’t Know: Write about a secret you’ve kept from someone else or how you feel when you know someone is keeping a secret from you.

42. Warehouse : Write about being inside an old abandoned warehouse.

warehouse writing prompt

43. The Sound of Silence: Write about staying quiet when you feel like shouting.

44. Insult: Write about being insulted. How do you feel? Why do you think the other person insulted you?

45. Mirror, Mirror: What if you mirror started talking to you? What might the mirror say?

46. Dirty: Write a poem about getting covered in mud.

47. Light Switch : Write about coming out of the dark and seeing the light.

48. The Stars : Take inspiration from a night sky. Or, write about a time when “the stars aligned” in your horoscope.

writing prompt star idea

49. Joke Poem : What did the wall say to the other wall? Meet you at the corner! Write something inspired by a favorite joke.

50. Just Say No : Write about the power you felt when you told someone no.

51: Sunrise/Sunset : The sun comes up, the sun goes down. It goes round and round. Write something inspiring about the sunrise or sunset.

52. Memory Lane : What does Memory Lane look like? How do you get there?

53. Tear-Jerker : Watch a movie that makes you cry. Write about that scene in the movie.

54. Dear Diary: Write a poem or short story about a diary entry you’ve read or imagined.

55. Holding Hands : The first time you held someone’s hand.

56. Photograph : Write a story or journal entry influenced by a photograph you see online or in a magazine.

57. Alarm Clock: Write about waking up.

58. Darkness: Write a poem or journal entry inspired by what you can’t see.

59. Refreshed: Write a poem about a time you really felt refreshed and renewed. Maybe it was a dip into a pool on a hot summer day, a drink of lemonade, or other situation that helped you relax and start again.

60. Handle With Care : Write about a very fragile or delicate object.

61. Drama: Write about a time when you got stuck in between two parties fighting with each other.

62. Slip Up: Write about making mistakes.

63. Spice: Write about flavors and tastes or a favorite spice of yours.

64. Sing a New Song: Take a popular song off the radio and rewrite it as a poem in your own words.

65. Telephone: Write about a phone call you recently received.

66. Name: Write a poem or short story using your name in some way or form.

67. Dollhouse: Write a poem or short story from the viewpoint of someone living in a doll house.

68. Random Wikipedia Article : Go to Wikipedia and click on Random Article . Write about whatever the page you get.

69. Silly Sports: Write about an extreme or silly sport. If none inspire you, make up the rules for your own game.

70. Recipe : Write about a recipe for something abstract, such as a feeling.

71. Famous Artwork: Choose a famous painting and write about it.

72. Where That Place Used to Be : Think of a place you went to when you were younger but it now no longer there or is something else. Capture your feelings about this in your writing.

73. Last Person You Talked to: Write a quick little poem or story about the last person you spoke with.

74. Caught Red-Handed: Write about being caught doing something embarrassing.

75. Interview: Write a list of questions you have for someone you would like to interview, real or fictional.

76. Missing You: Write about someone you miss dearly.

77. Geography: Pick a state or country you’ve never visited. Write about why you would or would not like to visit that place.

geography writing prompt

78. Random Song: Turn on the radio, use the shuffle feature on your music collection or your favorite streaming music service. Write something inspired by the first song you hear.

79. Hero: Write a tribute to someone you regard as a hero.

80. Ode to Strangers: Go people watching and write an ode to a stranger you see on the street.

81. Advertisement: Advertisements are everywhere, aren’t they? Write using the slogan or line from an ad.

82. Book Inspired: Think of your favorite book. Now write a poem that sums up the entire story in 10 lines.

83. Magic : Imagine you have a touch of magic, and can make impossible things happen. What would you do?

84. Fanciest Pen: Get out your favorite pen, pencils, or even colored markers and write using them!

85. A Day in the Life: Write about your daily habits and routine.

86. Your Muse: Write about your muse – what do they look like? What does your muse do to inspire you?

87. Convenience Store : Write about an experience you’ve had at a gas station or convenience store.

88. Natural Wonders of the World: Choose one of the natural wonders of the world. Write about it.

89. Status Update: Write a poem using the words from your latest status update or a friend’s status update. If you don’t use sites like Facebook or Twitter, you can often search online for some funny ones to use as inspiration.

90. Green Thumb: Write about growing something.

91. Family Heirloom: Write about an object that’s been passed through the generations in your family.

92. Bug Catcher: Write about insects.

93. Potion: Write about a magic potion. What is it made of? What does it do? What is the antidote?

94. Swinging & Sliding: Write something inspired by a playground or treehouse.

95. Adjectives: Make a list of the first 5 adjectives that pop into your head. Use these 5 words in your story, poem, or journal entry.

96. Fairy Tales: Rewrite a fairy tale. Give it a new ending or make it modern or write as a poem.

97. Whispers: Write about someone who has to whisper a secret to someone else.

98. Smile: Write a poem about the things that make you smile.

99. Seasonal: Write about your favorite season.

100.  Normal: What does normal mean to you? Is it good or bad to be normal?

101. Recycle : Take something you’ve written in the past and rewrite it into a completely different piece.

102. Wardrobe: Write about a fashion model or what’s currently in your closet or drawers.

103. Secret Message : Write something with a secret message hidden in between the words. For example, you could make an acrostic poem using the last letters of the word or use secret code words in the poem.

104. Vacation: Write about a vacation you took.

105. Heat: Write about being overheated and sweltering.

106. Spellbinding: Write a magic spell.

107. Collection : Write about collecting something, such as salt shakers, sea shells, or stamps.

108. Taking Chances: Everyone takes a risk at some point in their life. Write about a time when you took a chance and what the result was.

109. Carnival: Write a poem or story or journal entry inspired by a carnival or street fair.

110. Country Mouse: Write about someone who grew up in the country visiting the city for the first time.

111: Questions: Write about questions you have for the universe. Optional: include an answer key.

112. Rushing: Write about moving quickly and doing things fast.

113. Staircase : Use a photo of a staircase or the stairs in your home or a building you love to inspire you.

114. Neighbors: Make up a story or poem about your next door neighbor.

115. Black and Blue: Write about a time you’ve been physically hurt.

116. All Saints: Choose a saint and create a poem about his or her life.

117. Beach Inspired: What’s not to write about the beach?

118. Shoes: What kind of shoes do you wear? Where do they lead your feet?

119. The Ex: Write a poem to someone who is estranged from you.

120. My Point of View: Write in the first person point of view.

121. Stray Animal: Think of the life of a stray cat or dog and write about that.

122. Stop and Stare : Create a poem or story about something you could watch forever.

123. Your Bed: Describe where you sleep each night.

124. Fireworks : Do they inspire you or do you not like the noise and commotion? Write about it.

125. Frozen: Write about a moment in your life you wish you could freeze and preserve.

126. Alone : Do you like to be alone or do you like having company?

127. Know-it-all: Write about something you are very knowledgeable about, for example a favorite hobby or passion of yours.

128. The Promise: Write about a promise you’ve made to someone. Did you keep that promise?

129. Commotion: Write about being overstimulated by a lot of chaos.

130. Read the News Today : Construct a poem or story using a news headline for your first line.

131. Macro: Write a description of an object close-up.

132. Transportation : Write about taking your favorite (or least-favorite) form of transportation.

133. Gadgets: If you could invent a gadget, what would it do? Are there any gadgets that make your life easier?

134: Bring on the Cheese: Write a tacky love poem that is so cheesy, it belongs on top of a pizza.

135. Ladders: Write a story or poem that uses ladders as a symbol.

136. Bizarre Holiday : There is a bizarre holiday for any date! Look up a holiday for today’s date and create a poem in greeting card fashion or write a short story about the holiday to celebrate.

137. Blog-o-sphere : Visit your favorite blog or your feedreader and craft a story, journal entry, or poem based on the latest blog post you read.

138. Mailbox: Create a poem, short story, or journal entry based on a recent item of mail you’ve received.

139. Sharing : Write about sharing something with someone else.

140. Cactus: Write from the viewpoint of a cactus. What’s it like to live in the desert or have a prickly personality?

141. It’s a Sign : Have you seen any interesting road signs lately?

142. Furniture: Write about a piece of furniture in your home.

143. Failure: Write about a time you failed at something. Did you try again or give up completely?

144. Mystical Creatures: Angels or other mystical creatures – use them as inspiration.

145. Flying: Write about having wings and what you would do.

146. Clear and Transparent: Write a poem about being able to see-through something.

147. Break the Silence : Record yourself speaking, then write down what you spoke and revise into a short story or poem.

148. Beat: Listen to music with a strong rhythm or listen to drum loops. Write something that goes along with the beat you feel and hear.

149. Color Palette: Search online for color palettes and be inspired to write by one you resonate with.

150. Magazine: Randomly flip to a page in a magazine and write using the first few words you see as an opening line.

151. The Grass is Greener : Write about switching the place with someone or going to where it seems the “grass is greener”.

152. Mind & Body: Write something that would motivate others to workout and exercise.

153. Shaping Up : Write something that makes a shape on the page…ie: a circle, a heart, a square, etc.

154. Twenty-One: Write about your 21st birthday.

155. Aromatherapy: Write about scents you just absolutely love.

156. Swish, Buzz, Pop : Create a poem that uses Onomatopoeia .

157. What Time is It? Write about the time of day it is right now. What are people doing? What do you usually do at this time each day?

158. Party Animal: Have you ever gone to a party you didn’t want to leave? Or do you hate parties? Write about it!

159: Miss Manners : Use the words “please” and “thank you” in your writing.

160. Cliche: Choose a common cliche, then write something that says the same thing but without using the catch phrase.

161. Eco-friendly : Write about going green or an environmental concern you have.

162. Missing You: Write about someone you miss.

163. Set it Free: Think of a time when you had to let someone or something go to be free…did they come back?

164: Left Out : Write about a time when you’ve felt left out or you’ve noticed someone else feeling as if they didn’t belong.

165. Suitcase: Write about packing for a trip or unpacking from when you arrive home.

word prompts for creative writing

166. Fantasy : Write about fairies, gnomes, elves, or other mythical creatures.

167. Give and Receive : Write about giving and receiving.

168. Baker’s Dozen: Imagine the scents and sights of a bakery and write.

169. Treehouse: Write about your own secret treehouse hideaway.

170.  Risk: Write about taking a gamble on something.

171. Acrostic : Choose a word and write an acrostic poem where every line starts with a letter from the word.

172. Crossword Puzzle: Open up the newspaper or find a crossword puzzle online and choose one of the clues to use as inspiration for your writing.

173. Silver Lining : Write about the good that happens in a bad situation.

174. Gloves: Write about a pair of gloves – what kind of gloves are they? Who wears them and why?

175. All that Glitters: Write about a shiny object.

176. Jealousy: Write with a theme of envy and jealousy.

Want to Download these prompts?  I am super excited to announce due to popular demand we now have an ad-free printable version of this list of writing prompts available for just $5. The  printable version  includes a PDF as a list AND print-ready prompt cards. {And all the design source files you could ever need to customize any way you would like!}

177. How Does Your Garden Grow? Write about a flower that grows in an unusual place.

178. Jury Duty : Write a short story or poem that takes place in a courtroom.

179. Gifts: Write about a gift you have given or received.

180. Running: Write about running away from someone or something.

181. Discovery: Think of something you’ve recently discovered and use it as inspiration.

182. Complain:  Write about your complaints about something.

183. Gratitude: Write a poem or journal entry that is all about things you are thankful for.

184. Chemistry: Choose an element and write a poem or story that uses that word in one of the lines.

185. Applause: Write about giving someone a standing ovation.

186. Old Endings Into New Beginnings:  Take an old poem, story, or journal entry of yours and use the last line and make it the first line of your writing today.

187. Longing: Write  about something you very much want to do.

188. I Am: Write a motivational poem or journal entry about positive traits that make you who you are.

189. Rainbow : What is at the end of a rainbow? Or, take a cue from Kermit the Frog, and ask yourself, why are there so many songs about rainbows?

end of the rainbow writing idea

190. Museum: Take some time to visit a nearby museum with your journal. Write about one of the pieces that speaks to you.

191. Cartoon: Think of your favorite cartoon or comic. Write a poem or story that takes place in that setting.

192. Copycat: Borrow a line from a famous public domain poem to craft your own.

193. From the Roof-tops:  Imagine you could stand on a rooftop and broadcast a message to everyone below – what would you say?

194. Time Travel: If there was a time period you could visit for a day, where would you go? Write about traveling back in time to that day.

195. Changing Places: Imagine living the day as someone else.

196. Neighborhood: Write about your favorite place in your neighborhood to visit and hang out at.

197. Pirates: Write about a pirate ship.

198. Interview : Write based on a recent interview you’ve read or seen on TV or heard on the radio.

199.  Hiding Spaces : Write about places you like to hide things at. What was a favorite hiding spot for you as a child playing hide-and-seek?

200. Extreme Makeover: Imagine how life might be different if you could change your hair color or clothing into something completely opposite from your current style.

201. Empathy: Write about your feelings of empathy or compassion for another person.

202. Opposites: Write a poem or story that ties in together two opposites.

203. Boredom: Write about being bored or make a list of different ways to entertain yourself.

204. Strength : Think of a time when you’ve been physically or emotionally strong and use that as inspiration.

205. Hunger: Write from the perspective of someone with no money to buy food.

206. Greed: Write about someone who always wants more – whether it be money, power, etc. etc.

207. Volcano: Write about an eruption of a volcano.

208. Video Inspiration : Go to Vimeo.com or YouTube.com and watch one of the videos featured on the homepage. Write something based on what you watch.

209. Sneeze: Write about things that make you sneeze.

210. Footsteps on the Moon:  Write about the possibility of life in outer-space.

211: Star-crossed: Write a short modern version of the story of Romeo and Juliet or think of real-life examples of lovers who are not allowed to be together to use as inspiration for your writing.

212. Font-tastic: Choose a unique font and type out a poem, story or journal entry using that font.

213. Schedule: Take a look at your calendar and use the schedule for inspiration in writing.

214. Grandparents: Write about a moment in your grandparent’s life.

215. Collage: Go through a magazine and cut out words that grab your attention. Use these words to construct a poem or as a story starter or inspiration for your journal.

216. Oh so Lonely: Write a poem about what you do when you are alone – do you feel lonely or do you enjoy your own company?

217. Waterfall: Think of a waterfall you’ve seen in person or spend some time browsing photos of waterfalls online. Write about the movement, flow, and energy.

218. First Kiss: Write about your first kiss.

219. So Ironic: Write about an ironic situation you’ve been in throughout your life.

220. Limerick: Write a limerick today.

221. Grocery Shopping: Write about an experience at the grocery store.

daily writing prompt ideas

222. Fashion : Go through a fashion magazine or browse fashion websites online and write about a style you love.

223. So Close: Write about coming close to reaching a goal.

224. Drinks on Me: Write a poem or short story that takes place at a bar.

225. Online Friends: Write an ode to someone online you’ve met and become friends with.

226. Admiration: Is there someone you admire? Write about those feelings.

227. Trash Day: Write from the perspective of a garbage collector.

228. Mailbox: Open your mailbox and write something inspired by one of the pieces of mail you received.

229. Fresh & Clean: Write about how you feel after you take a shower.

230. Energized: Write about how you feel when you’re either at a high or low energy level for the day.

231. Rhyme & No Reason: Make up a silly rhyming poem using made up words.

232. Tech Support: Use computers or a conversation with tech support you’ve had as inspiration.

233. Hotel: Write from the perspective of someone who works at a hotel or staying at a hotel.

234. Underwater: Write about sea creatures and under water life. What’s under the surface of the ocean? What adventures might be waiting?

underwater life picture

235. Breathing: Take a few minutes to do some deep breathing relaxation techniques. Once your mind is clear, just write the first few things that you think of.

236. Liar, Liar: Make up a poem or story of complete lies about yourself or someone else.

237. Obituaries: Look at the recent obituaries online or in the newspaper and imagine the life of someone and write about that person.

238. Pocket: Rummage through your pockets and write about what you keep or find in your pockets.

239. Cinquain: Write a cinquain poem, which consists of 5 lines that do not rhyme.

240. Alphabetical: Write a poem that has every letter of the alphabet in it.

241.  Comedy Club: Write something inspired by a comedian.

242. Cheater: Write about someone who is unfaithful.

243. Sestina: Give a try to writing a sestina poem.

244. Fight: Write about witnessing two people get in an argument with each other.

245. Social Network : Visit your favorite Social Networking website (ie: Facebook, Pinterest, Google, Twitter, etc.) and write a about a post you see there.

246. Peaceful: Write about something peaceful and serene.

247. In the Clouds: Go cloud watching for the day and write about what you imagine in the clouds.

248. At the Park: Take some time to sit on a park bench and write about the sights, scenes, and senses and emotions you experience.

249. Sonnet: Write a sonnet today.

250. Should, Would, And Could: Write a poem or story using the words should, would, and could.

251. How to: Write directions on how to do something.

252. Alliteration: Use alliteration in your poem or in a sentence in a story.

253. Poker Face: Write about playing a card game.

254. Timer: Set a timer for 5 minutes and just write. Don’t worry about it making sense or being perfect.

255. Dance: Write about a dancer or a time you remember dancing.

256. Write for a Cause: Write a poem or essay that raises awareness for a cause you support.

257. Magic : Write about a magician or magic trick.

258. Out of the Box: Imagine finding a box. Write about opening it and what’s inside.

259. Under the Influence: What is something has impacted you positively in your life?

260. Forgotten Toy : Write from the perspective a forgotten or lost toy.

261. Rocks and Gems: Write about a rock or gemstone meaning.

262. Remote Control: Imagine you can fast forward and rewind your life with a remote control.

263. Symbolism: Think of objects, animals, etc. that have symbolic meaning to you. Write about it.

264. Light at the End of the Tunnel: Write about a time when you saw hope when it seemed like a hopeless situation.

265. Smoke and Fire : “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Use this saying as inspiration to write!

266. Railroad: Write about a train and its cargo or passengers.

word prompts for creative writing

267. Clipboard: Write about words you imagine on an office clipboard.

268. Shipwrecked: Write about being stranded somewhere – an island, a bus stop, etc.

269. Quotable: Use a popular quote from a speaker and use it as inspiration for your writing.

270. Mind   Map it Out: Create a mind map of words, phrases, and ideas that pop into your head or spend some time browsing the many mind maps online. Write a poem, story, or journal entry inspired by the mind map.

271. Patterns : Write about repeating patterns that occur in life.

272. Scrapbook : Write about finding a scrapbook and the memories it contains.

273. Cure: Write about finding a cure for an illness.

274. Email Subject Lines: Read your email today and look for subject lines that may be good starters for writing inspiration.

275. Wishful Thinking: Write about a wish you have.

276. Doodle : Spend some time today doodling for about 5-10 minutes. Write about the thoughts you had while doodling or create something inspired by your finished doodle.

277. Chalkboard: Imagine you are in a classroom. What does it say on the chalkboard?

278. Sticky: Imagine a situation that’s very sticky, maybe even covered in maple syrup, tape or glue. Write about it!

279. Flashlight : Imagine going somewhere very dark with only a flashlight to guide you.

280. A Far Away Place : Envision yourself traveling to a fictional place, what do you experience in your imaginary journey?

281. On the Farm : Write about being in a country or rural setting.

282. Promise to Yourself: Write about a promise you want to make to yourself and keep.

283. Brick Wall : Write a poem that is about a brick wall – whether literal or figurative.

284. Making a Choice: Write about a time when you had to make a difficult choice.

285.  Repeat: Write about a time when you’ve had to repeat yourself or a time when it felt like no one was listening.

286. Outcast : Write about someone who is not accepted by their peers. (for example, the Ugly Ducking)

287. Scary Monsters: Write about a scary (or not-so-scary) monster in your closet or under the bed.

288. Sacrifice: Write about something you’ve sacrificed doing to do something else or help another person.

289. Imperfection: Create a poem that highlights the beauty in being flawed.

290. Birthday Poem: Write a poem inspired by birthdays.

291. Title First : Make a list of potential poem or story titles and choose one to write from.

292. Job Interview : Write about going on a job interview.

293. Get Well : Write a poem that will help someone who is sick feel better quick!

294. Lost in the Crowd: Write about feeling lost in the crowd.

295. Apple a Day: Write about a health topic that interests you.

296. Cravings: Write about craving something.

297. Phobia: Research some common phobias, choose one, and write about it.

298. In the Moment: Write about living in the present moment.

299. Concrete : Write about walking down a sidewalk and what you see and experience.

300. Battle: Write about an epic battle, whether real, fictional or figurative.

301. This Old House : Write about an old house that is abandoned or being renovated.

302. Clutter: Is there a cluttered spot in your home? Go through some of that clutter today and write about what you find or the process of organizing.

303. Go Fly a Kite: Write about flying a kite.

304. On the TV: Flip to a random TV channel and write about the first thing that comes on – even if it is an infomercial!

305. Fruit: Write an ode to your favorite fruit.

306. Long Distance Love: Write about a couple that is separated by distance.

307. Glasses: Write about a pair of eyeglasses or someone wearing glasses.

308. Robotic : Write about a robot.

309. Cute as a Button: Write about something you think is just adorable.

310. Movie Conversation: Use a memorable conversation from a favorite movie to inspire your writing.

311. Easy-Peasy : Write  about doing something effortlessly.

312. Idiom: Choose from a list of idioms one that speaks to you and create a poem around that saying or phrase. (Ie: It is raining cats and dogs)

313. Playground: Whether it is the swings or the sandbox or the sliding boards, write about your memories of being on a playground.

314. Romance: Write about romantic things partners can do for each other.

315. Rock Star: Imagine you are a famous rock star. Write about the experience.

rock star life

316. Come to Life: Imagine ordinary objects have come to life. Write about what they do and say.

317. Airplane: Write about meeting someone on an airplane and a conversation you might have.

318. Health & Beauty: Take some time to peruse your medicine cabinet or the health and beauty aisles at a local store. Write a poem, short story, or journal entry inspired by a product label.

319. Determination: Write about not giving up.

320. Instrumental Inspiration: Listen to some instrumental music and write a poem that matches the mood, beat, and style of the music.

321. Wait Your Turn: Write about having to wait in line.

322. Personality Type : Do you know your personality type? (There are many free quizzes online) – write about what type of personality traits you have.

323. Decade: Choose a favorite decade and write about it. (IE: 1980’s or 1950’s for example)

324. I Believe: Write your personal credo of things you believe in.

325. Lost and Found: Write about a lost object.

326. Say it: Write a poem or story that uses dialogue between two people.

327. The Unsent Letter: Write about a letter that never made it to its recipient.

328. The Windows of the Soul: Write a poem about the story that is told through someone’s eyes.

329. Trial and Error: Write about something you learned the hard way.

330. Escape : Write about where you like to go to escape from it all.

331. What’s Cooking: Write something inspired a favorite food or recipe.

332. Records : Go through your file box and pull out old receipts or records…write something inspired by what you find!

333. Banking: Write about visiting the bank.

334. Sweet Talk: Write about trying to convince someone of something.

335. Serendipity: Write about something that happened by chance in a positive way.

336. Distractions: Write about how it feels when you can’t focus.

337. Corporation: Write about big business.

338. Word of the Day: Go to a dictionary website that has a word of the day and use it in a poem, story or journal entry you write.

339. Pick Me Up:  What do you do when you need a pick me up?

340. Unfinished: Write about a project you started but never completed.

341. Forgiveness: Write about a time when someone forgave you or you forgave someone.

342. Weakness: Write about your greatest weakness.

343. Starting: Write about starting a project.

344. Mechanical: Think of gears, moving parts, machines.

345. Random Act of Kindness : Write about a random act of kindness you’ve done for someone or someone has done for you, no matter how small or insignificant it may have seemed.

346. Underground: Imagine living in a home underground and use that as inspiration for writing.

347. Classic Rock: Pick a classic rock love ballad and rewrite it into a story or poem with a similar theme.

348. Night Owl : Write about staying up late at night.

349. Magnetic : Write about attraction to something or someone.

350. Teamwork: Write about working with a team towards a common goal.

351. Roller-coaster : Write about the ups and downs in life.

352. Motivational Poster: Look at some motivational posters online and write a poem or journal entry inspired by your favorite one.

353. Games: Write about the games people play – figuratively or literally.

chess game story starter

354. Turning Point: Write about a point in life where things turned for the better or worse.

355. Spellbound: Write about a witch’s spell.

356. Anniversary: Write about the anniversary of a special date.

357. Gamble:  Be inspired by a casino or lottery ticket.

358. Picnic: Write about going on a picnic.

359. Garage: Write about some random item you might find in a garage.

360. Review: Review your week, month, or year in a journal entry or poem format.

361. Detective: Write about a detective searching for clues or solving a mystery.

362. Camera: Take your camera for a walk and write based on one of the photographs you take.

363. Visiting : Write about visiting a family member or friend.

364. Trust: Write about putting trust in someone.

365. Congratulations : Did you write a poem, short story, or journal entry every day for a whole year? Write about what you’ve learned and celebrate your achievement!

We hope you enjoy these creative writing prompts! And of course, if you write anything using these prompts, we’d love to know about it! Tell us how you’ll use these everyday creative writing prompts in the comments section below!

And of course, if you’d like the printable ad-free version of these prompts to reference again and again or to use in your classroom, you can find them at our Etsy shop !

Chelle Stein wrote her first embarrassingly bad novel at the age of 14 and hasn't stopped writing since. As the founder of ThinkWritten, she enjoys encouraging writers and creatives of all types.

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I have been on a reading binge since being on vacation from school. By rereading Little House, Anne of Green Gables, and Little Women among others, one wonders about writing a book. I stumbled across this while looking up unit supplements for my kiddos, and thought, hey, write a page a day and see what happens! Thank you for this collection of prompts! I’ve linked back to this page several times so others can try their hand at writing. Thank you again!

The Flicker, The Teeth, and A Warehouse in the Dark (the warehouse prompt)

I am in a large abandoned warehouse with a flickering light The only light in the whole room. It flickered leaving me in temporal darkness It flickered again and as it was dark I swore I saw something glowing It looked like glowing teeth The lights return and I see nothing Flickers on Flickers off I see the teeth closer Flickers on I see nothing Flickers off The teeth so close Flickers on An empty warehouse Flickers off The glowing teeth are inchings away bright red blood drips from their tips Flickers on Panic rises in my chest but nothing is there Turns off The mouth of bloody teeth is before my eyes I wait for the light to flicker back on I wait in complete darkness I wait And wait And wait The teeth open wide I try to scream by the darkness swallows it A hear the crunch of my bones I see my blood pore down my chest But I wait in darkness for the pain I wait And wait And wait The mouth of teeth devours my lower half I wait for pain and death I wait And wait And wait The light flickers on I see no monster Only my morphed body And blood And blood And blood And so much blood The light flickers off The monster eats my arm Flickers on I wait for pain Flickers off I watch as the creature eats my limbs Flickers on I wait for death Flickers off Slowly the teeth eat my head All I see is dark I wait for it to flicker on Where is the warehouse light? Where is the only light in the room? Where is the flicker? Where am I? Where are the bloody teeth? I wait for the light to come back And wait And wait And wait And wait And wait And wait And wait in eternal darkness

WOW. Thank you!

This is such a helpful tool! I’ve learned a lot about my self through picking a random prompt and writing the first thing that comes to mind. I’d love to see a follow up list of possible! Definitely a recomended sight!

I agree. Very helpful.

I am new at the blogging game. You have provided some wonderful ideas for blog posts. Great ideas just to get used to writing every day. Thanks

This list is really impressive and useful for those of us who are looking for good topics to blog about. Thanks!

Thank you! That somes in handy

Very nice list. Thanks for compiling and posting it. It’s not only good for bloggers, but poets, as well.

yess im using it for my new years resolution, which is to write a poem daily!

Wow, thanks so much for all these wonderful prompts! They are lots of fun and very helpful. I love how you’ve provided 365 of them–A prompt for every day of the year! 🙂

Not if it’s a leap year…

Haha. Yea. This is great though all the same.. ;-;

Lol actually there’s 364 days in a year and 365 in a leap year so……yeah

are you fucking stupid

There are actually 366 days in a leap year so… yeah

I use this for my homeschooling-I love it! Thank you so much!! This is a wonderful list. So creative! 🙂 🙂

Thanks! I’m preparing for writing every day next year and this will come in really handy. It’s just 364 writing prompts though. 164 is missing. 😉

MiMschi is wrong 164 is there i looked

I think they meant that as a joke, 164 is called left out…

Good it is useful

no its not you nonce

You Don’t Love Me, Damn You

things left unsaid

and then some

anger strangles the baby

in its crib,

flowers wilt,

rivers dry up

harsh words clatter upon the day,

echo unfortunately

till silence smothers

in its embrace

you wish you could take it back

what’s done is done

never to be undone

though things move on

part of you remains

locked in the middle of protesting

one last thing,

mouth open,

no words emerging

why must you be misunderstood?

why must everything you say

no way of straightening things out

gestures halted mid-air

an accusatory finger

shoulders locked

in sardonic shrug

dishes smash on the floor

spray of fragments

frozen mid-air

slam the door

it doesn’t open

but in spite of yourself

you turn and look

one last time…..

(Greg Cameron, Poem, Surrey, B.C., Canada)

Love these. Thank you!

This is really amazingly deep. I love it so much. You have so much talent!!

Thanks SOOO much for the prompts but I have another suggestion!

A Recipe for disaster- write a recipe for a disastrous camping trip…

that one sounds awesome.

Haha. Reminds me of the old twin’s show.. what was it.. where the two girls switch places when they meet at camp?

Pretty sure I know what you’re talking about. The Parent Trap, right? Never seen the whole movie, but it seems funny.

and also #309, everyone should have thought of a hamster “write” away XD!

May I have permission to use this list at my next Ozarks Chapter of the American Christian Writers meeting. Thank you for consideration.

Hi Leah, please send some more info here: https://thinkwritten.com/contact

i am using it for my homeschooling and i love it

i am using it for my homeschooling

where is prompt 165?

sorry I meant 164, my mistake.

well kay, there is a 164 AND 165. So your head is clearly ????????????

What I like most about these is how you can combine them and get really weird ideas. For example, empathy from the rooftops: what if you shouted something positive in public every day – or if everyone did so? It might be fun to try, and then write a diary about it. Online time travel: if people could live virtually in incredibly well=constructed versions of different time periods, what would the effects be on today’s society? Could it change our language or customs?

It would be cool if we could have goggles that showed places during a certain time period. Like Seattle 1989. And you could buy special plugins, like specific people you want to hang out with, famous or non.

That one about online time travel is crazy brilliant!!! And highly thought-provoking.

It is amazing what creative writing could do to you. Daily prompts have proven to be very inspiring and overtime writers develop their own style of writing depending on how passionate they are about it. I would love to write about all 3, online, space, and time travel. cheers! and Don’t stop writing!

I belong to a writing club. We seem to have a lot of prompts to use. I love stories having to do with rain. Would you join me. I am jim

Wow! Inspiration right here.

May I use this list for a speech at my Ozarks Chapter of the American Christian Writers?

Love the inspiration


What about a leap year? You’re missing one topic.

Wonderful! I love writing and these prompts are very helpful. Thank you very much! ♥

It’s been really useful in getting me to write again! Thank you very much!

I really love the list of writing ideas you have compiled here. I will be using it and others to get myself back into writing every single day if I can be away with it. Also, I have noticed a few problems with this list. One is a repeat topic. Those are numbers 76 and 162. And you skipped a number. And have only 364 days of writing. Still through! All these ideas are absolutely amazing and awesome ideas! I commend you for putting it all together in an easy to read format too. Thank you so very much.

I think we have the list all fixed now, but thanks for catching a couple of early mistakes!

Thank you for helping me edit Lora! I don’t always have a second pair of eyes + appreciated this to fix + update the post! I always say my readers are my best editors. 🙂

these days get brighter, mine gets darker, why does it has to be me , why not life.

Mirror, Mirror: What if you mirror started talking to you?

u r awesome man

Wonderful compilation of ideas! I will send your blog along to my many Creative Writing students. I’m enjoying reading your posts.

wow!! great tips! but how long did it take you to write that? its a lot of words!! lol great stuff though..

This is so cool! I love these prompts and will definitely recommend some to my teacher!!

The promise “I made a promise with my best friend, I said i’d never break, Our personalities really did blend, But then I lied awake, The people disappearing, Her gaze was always leering. I never thought she was serious, I always took it as a joke, But it really made me curious, When she was digging around that oak, My best friend is a serial killer, And i knew the truth, My life turned into a thriller, And eating at me took away my youth, I couldn’t take it any long living with this weight, To the police I went to tell my tale, Looking at me with eyes of hate, she smiled and said, without her I would fail. Now i sit in the prison cell, Waiting for my call My friend across the room smiling, my eyes begin to swell, My neck snapping on the, from my sides my hands fall

Although my writing style is dark, that’s the way I enjoy writing, and thank you for this list, even though I didn’t do one per day, scrolling through I was able to see keywords that formed ideas in my mind

I love this <3 It's amazing :))

These are really nice I absolutely love them.

This is very helpful and I’ve been finding a way to help improve my creative writing!!! Thank you very much!

You are such a life developer, who can virtually transform a life busy with unnecessary activities humans are posted to through internet. And who can restore the appetite of people to purchase pen and paper which have considered the last commodity in the market at the expense of that great vampire ‘social media’ that left both old and young paralyzed. Thanks to the proponent of this great idea.

These are great. The Closed door one gives me a great idea for a new story! Thank you so much!

man what the fuck is this shit! i was looking for short story writing prompts and I get stuck with shit like “write about the weather outside”. Damn this shit is disappointing.

Hi John, the weather might seem boring, but there are a lot of ways you can springboard from that – maybe you write a story about a character who despises the sunshine or melts if they get rained on or they live in a underground tunnel and the house gets flooded…You can also use it as an exercise in developing more descriptive writing that shows, not tells for the scenes in your story. Writing about the weather seems “easy and boring” but seriously challenge yourself to write about it in a way that makes it interesting – it is not so easy to avoid the cliches as you might think!

I LOVE IT SO MUCH i do not know why but my kids, they will just like come on this website every time it is time to have a little bit of video games! XD

The weather outside that day was dark.

It was a perfectly reasonable sort of darkness. The kind of darkness you might get if you wake up an hour before sunrise. But it was late in the morning.

He had to make sure of that. He checked his alarm clock, his microwave oven clock, and his cell phone.

The sun was supposed to be out. But the moonlit sky was starlit and clear.

And as he looked outside again, he saw that people were out, going about their business, as if none of this really mattered at all.

What was he missing here?

(There. Now you have a short story writing prompt..)

You know what “John” i think this website is great so fuck you.

yeah you tell him john

It depends on how you view it. That one topic for instance has given me a beautiful story telling. I am currently about to round up with it and trust me the feedback has been amazing.

That is great! I’m glad it helped inspire you!

Dude kids go on here so stop swearing “John”

Maybe you need to work on improving the quality of your writing. Your use of expletives is totally uncalled for. I see nothing wrong with “writing about the weather outside”. In fact, this is a great topic and can lead to awesome discussions.

Very useful indeed. Thank u

i think this is a good prompted

I think it’s awesome, I looked for inspiration, I found inspiration, thank you

well! i fall in love with all these ideas! i loved this page! thanks for sharing these amazing ideas!

Great stuff mat Keep up the good work


When I read your comment, I thought you said “DAIRY,” not “DIARY.”

So… why not both? Write something based on a dairy farmer’s diary. Or… a dairy COW’S diary. Tell their stories, their private dreams. Or hidden shame…

That’s the way to think + use this list 🙂

Great idea!

Awesome list! Thank you!

Thanks so much! I’ve always been told I’m a great writer and should publish. I haven’t done a lot of leisure writing because I’m afraid I might realize I’m NOT a good writer. My therapist wants me to write more and these prompts are perfect!

This is fun i will keep doing this no matter what every year. I can’t stop writing either. Thanks for making this, it is very fun.

This helps so much! love these ideas

Can this website give me a write on the following topic. –

Imagine that the scientists could replace the human brains with computers or invent the computers with human feelings. What do you think would happen?Would the world become a better place to live in???

I’ve been looking for prompts to work through my creative art/collage journal for 2017…and love the ones you offer here….LOVE THEM! I like that they are more than just one word and give me something to think about before I start creating each day as a warm up to what is ahead.

I hope don’t mind, but I shared them on both Instagram and my FaceBook page in hopes to get my artist/creative friends to follow along with me in creating each day. I would like to include a link to your page in a near future blog post about my creative journal.

Thank you for posting and sharing you prompts…I’m excited to get started!

I’m on number 43 and I’ve already discovered a whole bunch about myself! These prompts are amazing and I can’t wait for the next 322 of them. I’ve recommended this to several of my friends. Totally worth several notebooks chock full of prompts and a years worth of writing 🙂

Very inspiring….

Hello! Is it alright if I add some of these to a little book I’m making for my Grandmother? She hasn’t opened a computer in her life but I know these prompts would do her a world of good. I believe in the importance of asking permission to use the creative property of another person 🙂 Cheers!

Hi Maxx, of course you may share with your grandmother – the only thing we would worry about is if you were to publish them for monetary gain. Enjoy! 🙂

This is really helpful. I’m glad I saw it first. ♥

OMG!! I’ve never been in this website before!!

Thank u so much this was so helpful. Idk how u came up with all thoughts prompts. It was very helpful. Thank u again.

For the first time in a long time it finally felt like I knew was going to happen next. I was gazing into her eyes and she was gazing back. I remember it like it was just yesterday, when she was still the one for me but never forgave me. I miss the sweet sound of her laughter and now all i hear are friends. I have tried to go back and apologize to her just to see if the answer will change but even I know that it will never change because I will never be enough for her. But if she ever decides that she wants me back she can have me because a life without love is one not worth living.


can u give me one using the prompt “normal”

Thanks for this!!!!! Will definitely help me in learning to tap into my creative writing genius 🙂

Thanks, this helped me a lot!

u have a typo!!!! 364

Thanks for pointing out, got it fixed 🙂 Sometimes my brain goes faster than the computer. 🙂

I wrote this, tell me what you think; prompt #4-dancing You see her tapping her toes, always listening to music. Although she doesn’t like the music, what she doesn’t know yet is it will be stuck in her head for the next year. She’s as graceful as a butterfly yet as strong as a fighter. Many only see a pretty face yet those close enough to the fire know the passion burning deep inside of her. At home she’s quiet, always in her room yet making loud noises through the floorboards. Her parents know what she’s up to but her little brothers don’t quite understand yet. All they know is that when she goes up there she’s listening to music and soon she will play it for the whole neighborhood to hear. They don’t know that she’s practicing, practicing for the most important day of the year. The one she’s been waiting for since she’s been a little girl. Tapping her toes at the table only stops when her parents beg her to rest. Even in her dreams she on stage, dancing like a swan. Yet deep down she’s scared of the failure that she will feel if this one day goes a bit to south. Tapping her toes to the beat of her music gives her a bit of pip in her pep when she walks down the halls. No one quite understands the stress she’s going through. Through her smile she’s worries, scared that one misstep might end it all for her. But she won’t let anyone see that she’s nervous. She’s used to getting bruises, she falls on the ground but always gets back up. Because she’s a dancer, the show must go on.

Brilliant. Loved it.


I’m working on a site in Danish about writing and I would love to translate these awesome prompts into Danish and use it on the site. Would that be OK? I’ll credit with links of course!

Hi Camilla, you cannot copy + post these on your site, but feel free to link to the article – our site is compatible with Google translate 🙂

Hi Camilla, this list cannot be republished, even if translated into another language. However, if you would like to link to our website that would be great, your readers are able to translate it into any language if they use a web browser such as Google Chrome.

My goal is to write all of these prompts before 2018

This is amazing! I am writing for fun and this is a list of amazing prompts!

Ha, Ha . I see what you did , #164 was missing and now it say write about being left out .

Thanks a ton !!!

This link has been really helpful for my blog, loved the ideas.

Thanks for not publishing my email address

You are welcome! We never publish email addresses. If you’d like to learn more about how we collect and use information you may provide us with on this website, you can read more on our privacy policy page. Hope that helps! https://thinkwritten.com/privacy/

I have another suggestion, What about “The Secret Journey to the Unknown”. I reckon it’s awesome!

I was wondering if you could please send new ideas to me, much appreciated thanks.

I love all of these so much and i try to write referring to these at least once everyday thank you so much for these!

Trust, It is a beautiful thing. You give it to others, For them to protect. They can keep it forever, Or they can destroy it.

Wow what a treasure! Am glad I have found the right place to begging my writing journey.Thanks guys

Super awesome! Thanks so much for this collection of writing prompts!!

Today is the last day of the year 2017. I’m proud to say that I was able to complete this challenge. Thank you for the inspiring prompts! 🙂

That is awesome! We might just have to think of some new ones!!

how about one with sports like the NBA

I thought my life was over when I couldn’t access this for a couple weeks. These prompts are excellent. I write two page short stories on one every day. I hope you guys never take down this site but I’m printing these for insurance because it truly was devastating. I’m very emotionally attached to this list. Thank you so much for sharing.

Yes, we did have a small glitch in our hosting services for a few days! Fortunately, it was only temporary and unexpected! {Though I’m sure it did feel like 2 weeks!} Good to hear you are using the prompts!

Very nice article. Very useful one for improving writing skills

Thank you Sid! Glad it is useful for you!

Oh my god.. This is something a different, thought provoking and a yardstick to those who cultivated passion on writing, like me, beginners. Wishes for this website. I really wanted to try this 365 days of writing. Thanks in tons.

Glad you find it helpful! I hope it keeps you inspired to keep growing as a writer!

i love writing too! i am writing a book and this website inspired me too!

i have been writing lots of things and am getting A + on writing

thxs for your time with the web

i am making a epic book. it is because of this website. you really help. i will share a link of my book once i am done with it to your awesome cool really helpful website! thank you for your time

That is great to hear Christopher! Would love to see some of your work when you are ready to share! 🙂


I’m going to write few marvelous essays based on ideas in your impressive list. Thanks!

Just to tell some people that 165 or 164 is not missing because some people probably can’t see but just to let u know that 164 is a prompt called “Left Out”

Dang. The second idea about writing about what it feels like to love someone who doesn’t love you back, I wrote something like that BEFORE I found this website.

You can always try writing it again, maybe from the other person’s perspective this time? That is the beauty of the open-ended writing prompts – you can always interpret them in a way to push and challenge you as a writer!

Thank you for these prompts! I enjoyed looking through them and writing them! They gave me great ideas and inspired me so much.

This is my favorite website to find inspiration to write. I had run out of ideas and i had a huge writers block but this made it all go away. Here’s something i wrote:

He is a mess She is beautiful He has tears streaming down his face She glides across the room as if it were her kingdom And she’s The reigning queen He’s curled up in a ball In the corner of the room He looks at me I wonder what he thinks I can’t take my eyes off her The way she subtly smiles when she realizes Someone is looking She seems to be happy all the time But I can see through the smile It’s my first time noticing It’s not complete That was the first time I wanted to say hi But I thought Why would he look at me? The nerd with all the answers in her head All the books in her hands And Her sleeves full of hearts She looked at me From the corner of her eye She saw me looking The boy with the tear stains She saw me His tears were no longer streaming He had finally stood up Tall and handsome As he is Eyes Bluer than the blue jay that sat outside my bedroom window She had opened a book and started reading She hadn’t changed pages for a while Safe to assume She was distracted She looked up and Without knowing I was in front of her “Hi” Her brown eyes Stared in to my soul Erased the memory of why the tears Were streaming in the first place “Hi”

I love it Cynthia, thank you for sharing and glad that it inspired you to keep writing! 🙂

Thank you for so many amazing ideas! I love the sound of mirror, mirror!

Glad you found it inspiring Ar!

read the whole thing and didn’t find anything I’d enjoy writing 🙁

What kinds of things do you like to write? We have a whole collection of additional writing prompts lists here. Sometimes challenging yourself to write something you don’t like all in its own can be a good exercise for writing. Hope that helps!

These are ingenious!

I love these prompts! They’re inspiring! I’ve chosen to challenge myself by using one of these prompts every day of this 2019 year. I posted my writings for the first prompt on my Tumblr and Facebook pages with the prompt and a link back to this article- I hope that’s alright. If not, I can take it down, or I would love to discuss a way I could continue to do this. I hope more people can see and use these prompts because I have already found joy in using the first one.

Hi Elizabeth! Glad you are enjoying the prompts! You can definitely post what you write with these prompts as long as you do not copy the entire list or claim them as your own. Linking back to our website or this post will help others find the prompts so they too can use them for writing! If you have any questions feel free to contact us anytime using our contact form. Thanks!

Amazing original prompts Thank you so much!

Good list, but you’re not supposed to mistake it’s for its. Not on a website for writers, of all places!

I appreciate your comment, especially because after triple checking the article AND having a few grammar-police personality type friends do the same we could not find any typos. All of the instances of its and it’s are the correct usage.

However, one thing we did remember is that it is very easy for the person reading to accidentally misunderstand and not interpret it the way as the writer intended.

To clarify when we should use it’s vs. its:

We use it’s when we intend the meaning as the contraction. This is a shortened way of writing it is . We use its without an apostrophe when we use it as a possessive noun. Any instances you may note here are correct for their intended meaning.

Some examples:

Prompt #141 It’s a Sign : In this case we intend it to be interpreted as IT IS a Sign , where the usage is a contraction.

Prompt #7 The Rocket Ship : In this case we intend it to be interpreted as the possessive form.

I hope that helps clear up any possible confusion for you!

Thank you soooo much! That helped me a lot!

You’re welcome Keira! Glad you enjoyed our list of writing ideas!

It is so rich in bright and thought-provoking ideas. Thank you so much. Get inspired to have more, please

Thanks for this. I love to write things like this. Some of these though, weren’t as interesting as I wanted it to be, not saying that they aren’t interesting. I like the help you’ve added in, such as being led into a dark room with only a flashlight to help so it gets us started. Great job!

Thanks Maya, I’m glad you like the prompts. Sometimes the prompts that seem boring are the best ones to help you practice your skills as a writer to make them interesting topics. Some of the best writers can make the most mundane topics fun!

Nice….I don’t think I’ll ever lack something to write on … I so appreciate your ideas ..,they are great

Thank you, glad you enjoyed them!

Thank you for providing these writing prompts! They are great!

Thank You so much, these are amazing to start of with to get the creative juices flowing

Thank you very much

Sweet! Thank you so much! I plan to use some of these for some creative writing on CourageousChristianFather.com

I’m glad they inspired you Steve! I always love seeing what everyone writes with these prompts – I really enjoyed your post about the cookie ad jingle! 🙂

Thanks so much for this list. I needed something to kickstart my writing. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! I just wrote #1. WooHoo!!

Thank you for your list. This is great!

I write feature articles for our church library’s monthly newsletter. Perusing this list has helped me come up with a couple dozen ideas to consider for future issues! Thanks much for putting this together – it is being used beyond the scope of what you intended, I think!

That’s wonderful Debbie! There are so many ways to apply these prompts to any sort of project – thank you for sharing how you are using them!

Thanks for your prompts, an idea I have for a prompt is write a story based on your favorite story for example I’m writing a fantasy book based on the game dungeons and dragons…

i guss its ok

cgv hbvkd vjvhsvhivhcickbcjh

Just needed to ask: I’d like to think these prompts are for free writing with no pauses? But, does one edit and polish the piece after that? I keep reading about writing every day…like brain dumping. But, there is never a mention of what one does with the piece after that??

This article has been written with sheer intelligence. Such 365 creative writing prompts has been written here. This article is worth marking as Good. I like how you have researched and presented these exact points so clearly.

Thank you for this list! You’ve inspired me to take up the challenge, though I haven’t written anything in years!

I have even created a blog to post my ideas, and keep myself accountable. I hope this is okay, I will credit, and provide a link back to this page on each post. https://thefishhavegotitright.blogspot.com/

I love it Ariadne, I’ll definitely come check out your site! Keep at it!

This is really Helpful thanks I love it😊

I never knew how much I had to write about. This should definitely keep me busy! Thank you so much for the list.

Hi! I saw a note saying this had been updated for 2020. I was curious if there are plans to update it for 2021. If so, when would the 2021-updated list become available?

Hi Gabrielle, I am not sure when we will next update this list, but feel free to check out some of our other writing prompts lists if you’ve exhausted this one! Writing Prompts for Kids {which is for grown-ups too!} and Poetry Writing Prompts are two great ones to check out. Hope that helps!

Loved this a lot! I would like to ask permission for using these prompts for my poetry and stories page on Instagram. Kindly let me know if I can use these and let my followers write on them too.

Hi, Piyusha, I’m just a user of the site like you, so I’m not “official”. But if you hit CTRL + F in your browser, that should open the “Find” dialog. Search on “Camilla”, and that will take you to a post and response concerning your request. Have a great and productive writing day. K. B. Tidwell

very informative thank you

I have always had problems finding something to write about. My problem is solved🥰 Thank you

I love this

Oh great. Good for everyone who enjoys picking the pen and writing something readable

Love these prompts. I am going to write a story about a group of people creating and building a city where homeless people can live, where everyone has access to as much money as they need because money is in endless supply. Where no one has too little or too much of anything.

I decided to write a poem about prompt 41, I have been writing poetry for 2 years now and haven’t had much inspiration so I appreciate these prompts!


They don’t know. They don’t know the dread I feel, The pain I feel, The crippling anxiety And the depression that I feel.

For I have worn this mask, Sealed to my face with wax, To make sure no one knows That I am suffering, Every Single Day.

Telling someone these feelings I feel, Well that would surely Be a relief, But if something goes wrong, If they send my thoughts Throughout everyone I know, And anyone I could know.

Well, if that happens, I’ll have to travel abroad. To a distant land, Start over.

And hope and make sure, No one finds out what Might be under this mask Sealed with wax. And that they won’t know how I feel.

Because I’d rather deal with being a Trainwreck, A teenage disaster, And keeping everything about me a secret, Then having everyone Look at me as if I’m not human For having problems just like them.

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The Wordling

The Wordling - The info and tools you need to live your best writing life.

100 Creative Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Writing

word prompts for creative writing

With this list, you’ll never run out of story ideas again!

By Natasha Khullar Relph

Starting a new project feels like stepping into a world of endless possibilities, yet it can also be like staring into the abyss of the unknown. While the battle between a writer and their blank page is well documented, you don’t have to go to war with your creative self just to get some words on a page.

Creative writing prompts can be the answer to a blocked writer’s prayers, offering story starters and writing ideas to jumpstart your creative thinking. To aid in your efforts, we’ve put together a curated collection of 100 creative writing prompts. From thought-provoking scenarios to whimsical adventures, these prompts are guaranteed to jumpstart your writing, transport you to new worlds, and breathe life into your stories.

What is a writing prompt?

A writing prompt is a specific, often short, phrase, question, or statement designed to stimulate and inspire creative writing. Writing prompts can help you overcome writer’s block , generate new ideas, or simply get your creative juices flowing. You can use them in various forms of writing, including fiction, poetry, journaling, and essay writing, and they vary widely in their content and purpose. Some prompts are open-ended, encouraging writers to explore their thoughts and emotions freely, while others may be more specific, asking you to write about a particular topic or scenario.

Writing prompts serve as creative triggers, helping you to explore new story ideas , develop characters, or practice different writing styles. They can be a valuable tool for both beginners who need writing inspiration and more experienced writers looking to build a writing habit or become better writers through a regular writing practice .

100 creative writing prompts for writers

Fiction writing prompts.

Whether you’re writing adult novels or children’s books, these fiction and short story writing prompts will inspire new worlds and scenarios for your characters to play in as you write your first draft .

  • Write a modern-day fairy tale set in a bustling metropolis . Your story should feature a main character who stumbles upon a hidden, magical world within the city. Explore how this discovery changes their life and the challenges they face as they navigate between the ordinary and the extraordinary in the heart of the urban jungle.
  • Write a story in which the main character discovers a superpower , but it comes with a mysterious and unexpected side effect. Explore the challenges they face in harnessing their newfound ability while dealing with the consequences of the side effect. How do they adapt and ultimately use their power for good or ill?
  • Imagine you stumble upon an ancient, dusty time traveler’s journal in an antique shop. As you flip through its pages, you realize it contains detailed accounts of the past, present, and future. Write a story about the discoveries you make within the journal and how they shape your life and decisions.
  • In a post-apocalyptic society, a group of survivors discover a hidden library containing books from every era. Describe their journey to preserve knowledge, as they grapple not only with the challenge of safeguarding these precious texts but also with the moral dilemmas and conflicts that arise when they must decide who has access to this invaluable resource in a world defined by scarcity.
  • In a world where people’s dreams become real, a person with chronic nightmares suddenly possesses unimaginable power , forcing them to confront the fine line between their inner demons and the extraordinary possibilities that now lie at their fingertips.
  • Write a story set in a future where civilians can take vacations to outer space . Describe the adventures, challenges, and experiences of a family or group of friends as they embark on a journey beyond the earth’s atmosphere for the first time.
  • Craft a science fiction tale set in a world where technology has reached unimaginable heights , but human emotions and relationships remain unchanged. Explore how advanced AI, virtual reality, and futuristic inventions impact the characters’ lives, love, and the essence of what it means to be human.
  • Write a story that begins with a group of childhood friends building a secret treehouse in the woods. Years later, they reunite as adults to discover that their beloved hideaway holds a mysterious and enchanting secret that will change their lives forever.
  • Write a story set in a small American town during the 1950s, capturing the essence of post-war America and the lives of its diverse residents as they navigate love, ambition, and the pursuit of the American Dream.
  • Imagine a future where Earth faces an impending catastrophic event, and humanity has initiated a mission to colonize a distant planet . Write a story from the perspective of one astronaut on this interstellar journey, capturing the emotions, challenges, and sense of hope as they leave behind their home planet and embark on a journey into the unknown.
  • Your favorite book has always been a cherished escape, but one day, as you open its pages, you find yourself transported into the world within . Write a story about your adventures in the world of your favorite book, exploring the characters, places, and challenges you encounter along the way.
  • Imagine a world where everyone knows the exact date of their last day on Earth . Write a story about a person living through their last day, exploring how they choose to spend it and the emotions, reflections, and last moments they experience as they prepare to say their farewells.
  • Set your story in a future where a society of advanced learners, equipped with a unique ability to acquire new skills and knowledge rapidly , faces a mysterious threat. Write about their quest to unravel the enigma, the extraordinary challenges they encounter, and how their insatiable thirst for learning becomes their greatest asset in this high-stakes adventure.
  • Write a story in which each chapter shifts between the first-person point of view of two characters who have drastically different perspectives on the same events. Explore how their contrasting viewpoints shape the narrative and challenge the reader’s understanding of the story’s central conflict.
  • Imagine a world where gods exist but are not all-powerful . Write a story about a god who, despite their divine status, faces a unique and formidable challenge that forces them to confront their limitations and question the very nature of godhood.
  • Write a story set in a world where time travel is possible but limited to a single day . Describe the adventures and dilemmas of a character who can only revisit or change events in their life within the confines of that single day. What choices do they make, and how does it impact their future and the world around them?
  • In a near-future world, video games have evolved to become the primary form of communication and competition . Write a story where a skilled gamer is recruited for a high-stakes mission within a virtual reality game, blurring the lines between the digital and physical worlds. Explore the challenges, alliances, and ethical dilemmas they face as they navigate this immersive and unpredictable gaming landscape.
  • Imagine a writer who discovers an ancient, enchanted book that can bring its characters to life and grant them free will. Write a new story in which the writer and the characters they create must work together to navigate the challenges and consequences of their shared existence, blurring the lines between creator and creation.
  • Imagine a character whose favorite things are slowly disappearing from their life one by one . Write a story about their journey to hold on to the essence of what they love most, the challenges they face in preserving their cherished favorites, and the unexpected discoveries they make along the way.
  • Two strangers find themselves washed ashore on a deserted island after a shipwreck . They have no memory of their past lives and must work together to survive. Write a story about their journey of discovery, resilience, and the bond that forms as they navigate the challenges of the deserted island.
  • Your favorite holiday has always been a time of joy and celebration, but this year, it’s under threat of cancellation. Write a story about the determined efforts of a group of individuals who come together to save and rekindle the spirit of their favorite holiday , facing unexpected challenges and finding new meaning in the process.
  • Write a story set in a quaint English village, where an eccentric resident claims to have discovered a hidden portal to another dimension in their garden shed . As rumors spread and curiosity grows, explore the adventures and mysteries that unfold when the villagers decide to investigate this bizarre claim and step into the unknown.
  • Your favorite Tumblr blog suddenly starts posting cryptic messages that seem to predict events in your life . Write a story about the growing intrigue and obsession as you try to uncover the identity of the blog’s enigmatic author and the source of their uncanny knowledge.
  • Your favorite season has always been winter, but this year, it never ends . Write a story about the challenges, wonders, and unexpected consequences that arise as your world becomes perpetually blanketed in snow and ice, and you must navigate the eternal winter that now defines your life.
  • Write a story about a high school student who stumbles upon a mysterious diary hidden in the school library . The diary seems to contain entries from a former student who experienced extraordinary and supernatural events during their time at the school. As the current student reads the diary, they begin to notice strange occurrences happening around them, blurring the line between reality and the paranormal.

Nonfiction writing prompts

Here’s a selection of nonfiction writing prompts to help you delve into your own experiences , share your expertise, and craft powerful narratives rooted in the world around us.

  • Explore the concept of “utopia” and “dystopia.” Write an analytical essay comparing and contrasting two fictional utopian or dystopian worlds from literature, film, or popular culture, and discuss their societal ideals, flaws, and relevance to contemporary society.
  • Consider a unique or unusual skill or hobby you possess , such as extreme knitting or competitive tree climbing. Write a how-to guide or tutorial that explains the fundamentals and intricacies of this skill, offering practical advice and personal anecdotes to inspire others to explore it.
  • Take a nature walk or visit a local park, and choose a specific tree as your subject . Write a detailed and poetic nature essay that describes the tree’s appearance, its role in the ecosystem, and the stories it could tell if it could speak.
  • Choose an everyday object that holds special significance to you , such as a childhood toy or a family heirloom. Write a detailed essay exploring the memories, emotions, and stories connected to this object, and how it has shaped your identity.
  • Imagine you have the opportunity to interview your future self 10 years from now . Draft a list of thought-provoking questions you would ask to gain insights into your future experiences, decisions, and reflections.
  • Select a word from a language other than your own that encapsulates a feeling or concept you find intriguing but that has no direct translation in your language. Write an essay exploring the word’s meaning, cultural context, and the emotions it evokes, reflecting on the beauty of language and its ability to convey complex ideas.
  • Imagine you are given the chance to host a dinner party with five historical figures , living or deceased, from any time period. Create a detailed guest list, describe the menu, and write an essay outlining the topics of conversation you would explore with your eclectic group of guests.
  • Write a personal essay about a specific sound or noise that holds deep meaning to you . Explain why this sound resonates with you, its significance in your life, and the emotions or memories it triggers.
  • Consider a peculiar or unusual museum exhibit you’ve encountered or would like to visit . Write an engaging review or critique of the exhibit, examining its historical, artistic, or cultural value, and sharing your insights and reactions as a visitor.
  • Think about an unsolved mystery, conspiracy theory, or urban legend that has always intrigued you . Write an investigative essay delving into the facts, theories, and speculations surrounding this enigma, presenting your own analysis and conclusions.
  • Explore the concept of “lost cities” or “hidden civilizations.” Write an investigative essay about a real or legendary lost city, such as Atlantis, discussing the historical evidence, theories, and mysteries surrounding its existence and disappearance.
  • Imagine you have the ability to witness and document a day in the life of a famous historical figure or celebrity of your choice. Write a detailed and immersive diary entry that captures their experiences, thoughts, and emotions on this hypothetical day.
  • Reflect on the idea of “space tourism” becoming a reality in the near future . Write an opinion piece discussing the ethical, environmental, and cultural implications of commercial space travel and colonization.
  • Select an everyday object or phenomenon, such as rain, a traffic light, or a pencil , and write an in-depth exploration of its history, evolution, and societal impact. Share surprising facts and anecdotes that shed new light on this seemingly ordinary subject.
  • Write an i n-depth profile of a local unsung hero or community leader who has made a significant impact on your town or neighborhood. Share their story, accomplishments, and the lasting effects of their work.
  • Explore the concept of “found family.” Write a personal essay reflecting on the importance of the friendships and relationships you’ve built with individuals who may not be biologically related but have become like family to you.
  • Consider the phenomenon of life hacks and practical tips shared on the internet. Write a guide or compilation of your favorite life hacks, along with personal anecdotes of how they’ve improved your daily life.
  • Reflect on the concept of digital nostalgia. Write an essay about the emotional connections people form with digital content, such as video games, social media, or online communities, and how it shapes their sense of identity and belonging.
  • Explore the world of extreme sports or unconventional hobbies. Write a feature article about individuals who engage in activities like base jumping, extreme ironing, or underwater pumpkin carving, and delve into their motivations and experiences.
  • Imagine you have the opportunity to curate an art exhibition featuring the work of artists from different time periods and backgrounds . Describe the themes, connections, and narratives that tie these diverse artworks together.
  • Write a reflective essay about your personal journey with mental health , highlighting a specific turning point or moment of insight that led to a deeper understanding of your own well-being. Discuss the strategies, resources, or support systems that have helped you on this path and how your experience might offer inspiration or guidance to others facing similar challenges.
  • Explore the cultural and personal significance of your favorite food . Write an essay that delves into the history, traditions, and memories associated with this dish, and how it has become a symbol of comfort, celebration, or connection in your life.
  • Create a comprehensive FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document for your own life , highlighting the questions people often ask you about your experiences, beliefs, or expertise. Write detailed and thoughtful responses to these questions, providing insights into your unique perspective and experiences. Reflect on how compiling this FAQ helps you understand the common themes and curiosities that surround your life and the impact they have on your relationships and identity.
  • Explore the concept of “first days” in human history . Write a historical analysis that delves into the pivotal first days of significant events, discoveries, or eras, such as the first day humans walked on the moon, the first day of the Industrial Revolution, or the first day a groundbreaking scientific theory was proposed.
  • Imagine you have the ability to observe and document the everyday life of an individual from a completely different culture or time period. Write a descriptive essay that vividly portrays the daily rituals, customs, and experiences of this person, highlighting the contrasts and similarities between their everyday life and your own.

Journal prompts

These prompts are designed to encourage self-discovery, mindfulness, and the art of capturing the essence of your life’s moments on paper. Use them for directed journaling or as part of your Morning Pages practice .

  • Choose an object in your immediate environment, such as a book, a plant, or a piece of artwork. Write a journal entry from the perspective of that object , describing its history, observations, and the emotions it might feel as it silently witnesses your life.
  • Create a gratitude journal entry in the form of a letter to your past self, expressing appreciation for the experiences, challenges, and lessons that have shaped you into the person you are today. Reflect on how these past moments have contributed to your growth.
  • Imagine you’re given the opportunity to have a conversation with your future self 20 years from now . Write a journal entry in which you ask your future self three questions about your life, dreams, and accomplishments, and then respond as you believe your future self would.
  • Imagine you have a “time capsule” journal in which you can write messages to your future descendants . Write a journal entry addressing your great-great-grandchildren, sharing personal stories, values, and advice you would want them to know about your life and the world you lived in.
  • Write a journal entry as if you were a detective or investigator documenting your own life’s mysteries and unsolved questions . Explore the enigmas, unanswered questions, or unresolved situations you’ve encountered, and brainstorm potential solutions or paths for exploration.
  • Create a reverse bucket list in your journal —a list of experiences, achievements, and moments from your life that you’re proud of and grateful for. Reflect on each item and the significance it holds for you.
  • Write a journal entry as if you were a traveler from the future, visiting the present day . Describe your observations of contemporary life, technology, culture, and the changes that have occurred since your time.
  • Imagine you possess a magic journal that can answer any question you pose to it . Write a series of questions about life, the universe, or personal dilemmas, and then provide detailed answers as if the journal responded.
  • Select a word from a foreign language that has no direct translation in your native language. Write a journal entry exploring the word’s meaning, cultural context, and the emotions or concepts it represents. Reflect on how this word might enrich your understanding of life.
  • Create a journal entry capturing your ideal day from start to finish . Describe the perfect morning routine, activities, interactions, and moments of joy you would like to experience. Reflect on what elements of this ideal day you can incorporate into your current life.
  • Imagine you have a “memory map” in your mind that marks the locations of significant moments from your life . Write a journal entry where you choose a location on this map and describe the memories associated with it, delving into the emotions, people, and events that make it special.
  • Write a journal entry from the perspective of your favorite fictional character . Imagine their thoughts, experiences, and feelings in a specific moment from their story, and explore how their perspective might differ from your own.
  • Create a “ soundtrack of your life” journal entry . List songs or pieces of music that have been significant at different stages of your life, and describe the memories and emotions each song evokes.
  • Imagine you have the ability to visit parallel universes and experience different versions of your life . Write a journal entry about a day in the life of an alternate “you” in a parallel universe, describing the choices and outcomes that diverged from your current reality.
  • Reflect on the idea of “unfinished stories” in your life —those moments or relationships that you wish you could revisit or complete. Write a journal entry exploring these unfinished stories and consider what closure or resolution might mean to you.
  • Reflect on a cherished memory with your best friend that you haven’t shared before . Write a journal entry describing the moment—the sights, sounds, and emotions that made it special. Consider how this memory has shaped your friendship and what it reveals about the unique bond you share.
  • Choose a family member whose life story or experiences you find intriguing . Write a journal entry where you explore their perspective, challenges, and defining moments from their point of view. Consider how understanding their journey can deepen your connection and appreciation for the complexities of family dynamics.
  • Imagine your favorite place, whether it’s a bustling city square, a tranquil beach, or a cozy corner of your home . Write a journal entry that transports yourself and your readers to this cherished spot. Describe the sights, sounds, and sensations that make it your favorite place, and reflect on why it holds such a special space in your heart.
  • Select a random word from a dictionary and let it guide your journal entry today. Write about the first memories, emotions, or thoughts that come to mind when you encounter this word. Explore its connections to your life, experiences, or the world around you, and see where this unexpected word takes your reflections.
  • Recall your earliest memory, no matter how faint or fragmentary it may be. Write a journal entry that delves into the details of this memory—what you saw, felt, or experienced. Reflect on how this seemingly distant moment may have shaped your perceptions, fears, or interests as you grew older, and consider what hidden treasures might lie within your earliest recollections.
  • Think about your favorite story from childhood , whether it’s a fairy tale, a classic novel, or a bedtime fable. Write a journal entry that explores why this particular story resonated with you so deeply and how its themes, characters, or lessons continue to influence your life and perspective.
  • Imagine planning the ultimate road trip of a lifetime with no constraints or limitations. Write a journal entry detailing the destinations you would visit, the people you’d travel with (or not), and the experiences you’d seek along the way.
  • Describe a recent dream or vivid daydream in detail. Dive into the symbolism, emotions, and hidden meanings behind the dream’s elements. Consider how this dream might relate to your current thoughts, fears, or aspirations.
  • Reflect on a memorable encounter with a stranger that left a lasting impression on you . Write a journal entry describing the details of this encounter, the emotions it stirred, and any insights or lessons you gained from the brief connection.
  • Create a life garden in your journal, where each flower or plant represents a person, experience, or aspect of your life . Write a journal entry about the state of your life garden—which plants are thriving, which need nurturing, and the symbolic meaning behind each one.

Fun writing prompts

Here are some fun writing prompts that will take you on whimsical journeys, tickle your funny bone, and remind you that writing can be as joyful as it is expressive.

  • Write a story where the characters have the ability to swap bodies with one another, but they can only do it for one day. Explore the humorous and chaotic situations that arise as they navigate each other’s lives and personalities.
  • Imagine a world where all forms of transportation, from bicycles to rocket ships, are powered by something unexpected , like laughter, music, or compliments. Write a whimsical tale set in this world, where the power of positive emotions fuels extraordinary journeys.
  • Write a dialogue between a superhero and their arch-nemesis as they meet for coffee on their day off. Explore the dynamics of their relationship when they’re not in the midst of battling each other and consider the unexpected topics they might discuss.
  • Create a story set in a magical library where the books come to life at night . Write about the adventures of the librarian and their bookish companions as they go on quests within the pages of the books, encountering characters and worlds from classic literature.
  • Imagine a future where humans can communicate with animals through a universal translator . Write a humorous narrative from the perspective of a pet who has overheard some surprising conversations and secrets among their human family members.
  • Write a story set in a world where time moves backward for one hour each day . Explore the consequences and comedic situations that arise as people try to navigate a daily rewind hour.
  • Imagine a future where robots have taken over mundane household tasks, but they’ve also developed quirky personalities . Write a series of humorous vignettes about the misadventures of a family and their eccentric robot helpers.
  • Create a story where the characters discover a magical paintbrush that brings anything they draw to life . Explore the imaginative creations and unexpected challenges that arise as they wield this extraordinary tool.
  • Write a dialogue between a famous historical figure and a modern-day teenager who accidentally time-traveled to the past. Explore the clash of perspectives, cultural differences, and humorous misunderstandings that occur during their conversation.
  • Imagine a world where dreams are physical objects that can be collected, traded, and even stolen. Write a thrilling heist story where a group of dream thieves plans to steal the most valuable dream ever recorded.
  • Write a story in which the main character has a time-traveling pet —a dog or cat that can transport them to different time periods by touching specific objects. Explore the adventures and challenges they face together as they navigate history.
  • Imagine a world where everyone’s dreams become real, but only for 24 hours. Write about the chaos and hilarity that ensue as people try to make the most of their dream days. What unusual dreams and desires come to life?
  • Create a story set in a town where every resident has a superpower, but each power comes with an unusual and often comical drawback . Explore the everyday challenges and humorous situations that arise in this extraordinary community.
  • Write a tale about a character who discovers a magic book that allows them to rewrite one event from their past. Explore the consequences, both intended and unintended, of altering a pivotal moment in their life.
  • Imagine a reality where technology allows people to swap personalities for a day. Write a story about two individuals who decide to exchange lives, exploring the comedic and thought-provoking results of their temporary personality swap.
  • Write a story set in a world where every time someone tells a lie, a colorful tattoo appears on their skin, revealing the nature of the falsehood. Explore the adventures and misadventures of a charismatic con artist in this truth-telling society.
  • Imagine a reality where people can communicate with objects, from talking to their toaster to negotiating with their car. Write a humorous tale about the challenges and comedic situations that arise when inanimate objects have opinions and demands.
  • Create a story about a group of time-traveling tourists who accidentally land in a pivotal historical event. How do they handle being unexpected witnesses to history, and what comical twists and turns result from their presence?
  • Write a narrative in which a group of misfit superheroes forms a support group to discuss their quirky and seemingly useless powers. Explore their camaraderie and how they come together to solve a surprisingly mundane problem.
  • Imagine a town where each day is themed differently , from “Pirate Day” to “Outer Space Day.” Write a day-in-the-life story of a resident navigating the zany challenges and adventures that come with living in a town of perpetual themed days.
  • Write a story in which a middle school’s annual talent show becomes a time-traveling extravaganza . Students’ talents inadvertently transport them to different historical eras. Describe the hilarious and surprising adventures as they try to make their way back to the present, using their unique talents to navigate history.
  • Imagine attending a summer camp where everything is topsy-turvy! Campers become the counselors, and counselors become campers. Write a story about the humorous and unexpected challenges, pranks, and adventures that unfold when kids are in charge of running the camp, from organizing activities to dealing with the chaos that ensues.
  • Create a story about an unusual camping trip where the characters discover their campsite is a portal to a fantasy realm . Write about the magical creatures, enchanted forests, and unexpected challenges they encounter while trying to enjoy a traditional camping experience with a fantastical twist.
  • Write a story about a quirky character who believes they have the power to predict when things will happen for the last time . Explore the humorous and imaginative ways in which they navigate everyday life, from savoring last time moments like the last scoop of ice cream in the tub to the last raindrop before a storm.
  • Imagine a world where the word “finish” holds the power to complete any task or goal instantly. Write a story about a protagonist who stumbles upon this word’s magical ability and the humorous and unexpected situations that unfold as they navigate life with the ultimate shortcut at their disposal.

(You can also download this prompts list as a printable pdf sheet and sign up to the Wordling’s weekly newsletter for more writing and publishing tips.)


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word prompts for creative writing

Natasha Khullar Relph

Founder and Editor, The Wordling

Natasha Khullar Relph is an award-winning journalist and author with bylines in  The New York Times, TIME CNN, BBC, ABC News, Ms. Marie Claire, Vogue,  and more. She is the founder of  The Wordling , a weekly business newsletter for journalists, authors, and content creators. Natasha has  mentored over 1,000 writers , helping them break into dream publications and build six-figure careers. She is the author of  Shut Up and Write: The No-Nonsense, No B.S. Guide to Getting Words on the Page  and  several other books .

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Home / Book Writing / One-Word Writing Prompts: Dozens of Ideas to Get You Started

One-Word Writing Prompts: Dozens of Ideas to Get You Started

A lot of people tend to overthink writing. Especially those who have done much of their reading in a genre like literary fiction. A lot of books that fall under that very broad and fluid genre have flowery language, unclear character goals , and often don't follow the story structures that are popular with genre fiction, television shows, movies, and even comic books. That's why in this article, we're going to simplify things with one-word writing prompts. 

The idea behind these single-word writing prompts is twofold. Not only can they help strengthen your imagination and creativity muscles, but they can also illustrate how good stories don't have to be complex, convoluted, or complicated . Good stories can be birthed from a single word. Let's get to it. 

  • How to use one-word writing prompts for ultimate effect.
  • How to choose from the list of one-word writing prompts.
  • What to do if you want to share your work with the world. 

Table of contents

  • Combine Two or More Words for a Challenge
  • Less is More
  • Not Just Fiction
  • General One-Word Prompts
  • One-Word Mystery Writing Prompts
  • One-Word Romance Writing Prompts
  • One-Word Thriller Writing Prompts
  • One-Word Horror Writing Prompts
  • One-Word Sci-Fi Writing Prompts
  • One-Word Fantasy Writing Prompts
  • Ready to Share Your Story With the World?

Getting the Most Out of One-Word Writing Prompts

The benefit of using just a single word as a prompt for your short story, novella, or novel is simple: there's flexibility. Another prompt may turn you off because it describes a story or situation you don't like or know nothing about. (Don't even get me started on that old writing advice “write what you know.”) But a single word can be used in several ways, depending on the person reading it. Here are some ways you can use a single-word prompt below:

  • Have it be the first word a character speaks—or include it in the opening sentence. 
  • Expound on the emotions or images a word conjures in you. 
  • Challenge yourself to start and end the story with the word. 
  • Have the word describe one of the characters in the story. 
  • Relate your own experience with the word through fictional characters . 

Here's an example. Let's say you choose the word Manhood . What does that word mean to you? Is the concept of manhood in our society changing? If so, is it changing for the better or worse? What images does the word conjure? What emotions?

You can do the same thing for Womanhood, or Childhood. Or, if you feel so inclined, you could combine all three and write a story about how they're all interconnected. 

It may be the case that the word brings up something in your mind that really has nothing to do with the meaning of the word . That's okay. If you want to explore it, go ahead! What you end up with might be a thousand miles away from where you started. Let the story take you where it wants.

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While it's obvious that Manhood, Womanhood , and Childhood are all related, that doesn't mean you have to stick to that kind of story if you don't want to. If you don't feel any inspiration from a one-word writing prompt, then combine two or three (or even four) words and write a story that encompasses all of them. For more of a writing challenge, pick words that don't seem to have any connection at all. This will help strengthen your creative writing skills while getting your imagination fired up!

While it's common to focus on daily word counts when writing a book, this can sometimes be detrimental to developing different writing skills. For these prompts, we suggest sticking with that oft-quoted writing suggestion: omit needless words. Whether you're a nonfiction or fiction writer—or both—these one-word writing prompts are a great exercise for paring down your words and keeping things concise. 

So far, we've been discussing things in terms of fiction writing prompts. However, you can use them however you like. Try writing a piece of flash fiction , a poem, or a nonfiction essay. Maybe you need to overcome a case of writer's block or you want daily journal writing prompts. No matter the case, these free writing prompts can help! 

One-Word Writing Prompts

Whether you're looking to write nonfiction , poetry, or fiction, the prompts below can help. Choose a random word that sticks out to you and see where it takes you!

  • Deleterious
  • Inspiration
  • Untouchable
  • Constructive
  • Entertained
  • Established
  • Matriculate
  • Illustrated

Whether you like mystery stories with an amateur sleuth or a grizzled detective, the prompts below can help you get your fictional character into some intriguing trouble. 

Romance is a varied genre with plenty of room for creative inspiration. The words below should help you spark a line of dialogue or a general idea for your romantic story . 

Action and intrigue, revenge and justice. The following thriller creative writing prompts can help you get your story writing started.

Horror is a lot of fun to write, and it works well for stories of all lengths. Choose a one-word creative writing prompt below and pit your main character against a gruesome evil. 

  • Malevolence 
  • Supernatural

Struggling with a story idea for your science fiction tale ? Choose a one-word story prompt from the list below and let the words flow!

  • Extraterrestrial
  • Hydroponics

Get your creative juices flowing with these story-starter writing prompts for fantasy tales . 

  • Transmogrify
  • Necromancer

While practicing your craft with these one-word prompts is a worthy time investment, you may have an idea for a full-length novel. If so, it's best to do a bit of research to ensure that the idea is commercially viable. And the easiest way to do this is with Publisher Rocket .

You can think of the information you get from Publisher Rocket as the foundation for your writing career. You get insights directly from Amazon on:

Keywords – Metadata to position your book on Amazon.

Competition – Allowing you to see what's selling and how stiff the competition is.

Categories – So you know where people who are looking for books like yours go to find them.

Amazon Ads – Helps you quickly configure a list of profitable keywords for running ads. Check out Publisher Rocket here to get started.

Dave Chesson

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

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The most common advice out there for being a writer is, "if you want to write, write." While this is true (and good advice), it's not always that easy, particularly if you're not writing regularly.

Whether you're looking for help getting started on your next project, or just want to spend 20 minutes being creative, writing prompts are great ways to rev up your imagination. Read on for our list of over 100 creative writing prompts!

feature image credit: r. nial bradshaw /Flickr

10 Short Writing Prompts

If you're looking for a quick boost to get yourself going, these 10 short writing prompts will do the trick.

#1 : Write a scene starting with a regular family ritual that goes awry.

#2 : Describe exactly what you see/smell/hear/etc, right now. Include objects, people, and anything else in your immediate environment.

#3 : Suggest eight possible ways to get a ping pong ball out of a vertical pipe.

#4 : A shoe falls out of the sky. Justify why.

#5 : If your brain were a tangible, physical place, what would it be like?

#6 : Begin your writing with the phrase, "The stage was set."

#7 : You have been asked to write a history of "The Summer of [this past year]." Your publisher wants a table of contents. What events will you submit?

#8 : Write a sympathetic story from the point of view of the "bad guy." (Think fractured fairy tales like Wicked or The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! , although the story doesn't have to be a fairy tale.)

#9 : Look at everyday objects in a new way and write about the stories one of these objects contains.

#10 : One person meets a stranger on a mode of transportation. Write the story that ensues.


11 Writing Prompts for Kids

Any of these prompts can be used by writers of any age, but we chose the following 11 prompts as ones that would be particularly fun for kids to write about. (Most of them I used myself as a young writer, so I can vouch for their working!)

#1 : Include something falling in your writing.

#2 : Write a short poem (or story) with the title, "We don't know when it will be fixed."

#3 : Write from the perspective of someone of a different gender than you.

#4 : Write a dumb internet quiz.

#5 : Finish this thought: "A perfect day in my imagination begins like this:"

#6 : Write a character's inner monologue (what they are thinking as they go about their day).

#7 : Think of a character. Write a paragraph each about:

  • An important childhood experience that character had.
  • The character's living situation.
  • Two hobbies or things the character likes to do.
  • The room where the character sleeps.
  • An ambition of the character.
  • Two physical characteristics of the character.
  • What happens when a second person and this character meet.
  • Two important defining personal traits of this character.

#8 : Start a story with a quote from a song.

#9 : Begin a story with, "It was the summer of ______ when ______"

#10 : Pretend everyday objects have no names. Think about what you would name them based on what they do, what you can use them for, and what they look like.

#11 : Start a story with the phrases "My grandparents are/were," "My parents are/were," or "My mother/father/parent is/was."


15 Cool Writing Prompts

#1 : List five issues that you're passionate about. Write about them from the opposite point of view (or from the perspective of a character with the opposite point of view).

#2 : Walk around and write down a phrase you hear (or read). Make a story out of it.

#3 : Write using no adjectives or adverbs.

#4 : Write a character's inner dialogue between different aspects of a character's self (rather than an inner monologue).

#5 : Write a true story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.

#6 : "Saying goodbye awakens us to the true nature of things." Write something in which someone has to say goodbye and has a realization.

#7 : Begin by writing the end of the story.

#8 : Write a recipe for an intangible thing.

#9 : Write a horror story about an ordinary situation (e.g., buying groceries, going to the bank, listening to music).

#10 : Write a story from within a bubble.

#11 : Write down 2-3 short character descriptions and then write the characters in conversation with one another.

#12 : Write a story in second person.

#13 : Write a story that keeps contradicting itself.

#14 : Write about a character with at least three big problems.

#15 : Write something that takes place on a Friday, the 13th (of any month).


15 Funny Writing Prompts

#1 : Write a story which starts with someone eating a pickle and potato sandwich.

#2 : Write a short script where the plot has to do with evil dolls trying to take over something.

#3 : Write about writers' block.

#4 : List five election issues that would be ridiculous to includes as part of your election platform (e.g. outlawing mechanical pencils and clicky pens, mandating every person over the age of 30 must own an emergency last rites kit). Choose one of the ridiculous issues and write a speech in favor of it.

#5 : Write a children's story that is insanely inappropriate but can't use graphic language, curses, or violence.

#6 : List five careers. Write about someone with one of those careers who wants to quit it.

#7 : Write down a list of murder methods. Choose one at random from the list to use in a story.

#8 : Write a romance story in which the hero must have a last name corresponding with a physical characteristic (e.g. Jacques Hairyback or Flora Dimple).

#9 : Come up with 10 different ways to:

  • order a pizza
  • congratulate someone on a job well done
  • return to the store something that's broken

#10 : Search for "random Renaissance painting" (or any other inspirational image search text you can think of) on any online internet image search engine. Picking one image, write half a page each of:

  • Statements about this image (e.g. "I meant bring me the BREAD of John the Baptist").
  • Questions about this image (e.g. "How many of those cherubs look like their necks are broken?").
  • Explanations of this image (e.g. "The painter ran out of blue paint halfway through and had to improvise for the color of the sky").
  • Commands said by people in this image or about this image (e.g. "Stop telling me to smile!" or "Bring me some gasoline!").

#11 : Write starting with a word that sounds like "chute" (e.g. "chute," "shoot," "shooed").

#12 : Write about a character named X "The [article of clothing]" Y (e.g. Julie "The Yellow Darted Skirt" Whyte) or simply referred to by their clothing (e.g. "the man in the brown suit" or "the woman in black").

#13 : Write down a paragraph each describing two wildly different settings. Write a story involving both settings.

#14 : Think of a fictional holiday based around some natural event (e.g. the Earth being at its farthest point from the sun, in memory of a volcanic eruption, that time a cloud looked like a rabbit riding a bicycle). Write about how this holiday is celebrated.

#15 : Write a "Just-So" type story about a fictional creature (e.g. "how the dragon got its firebreath" or "how the mudkip got its cheek gills").


54 Other Writing Prompt Ideas

#1 : Borrow a character from some other form of media (or create your own). Write from that character's perspective.

#2 : Write for and against a non-consequential controversy (e.g., salt vs. pepper, Mac vs. PC, best kind of door).

#3 : Choose an ancestor or a person from the past to write about or to.

#4 : Write a pirate story with a twist.

#5 : Have a character talk about another character and their feelings about that other character.

#6 : Pick a season and think about an event in your life that occurred in that season. Write a creative nonfiction piece about that event and that season.

#7 : Think of something very complicated and long. Write a page about it using short sentences.

#8 : Write a story as a dream.

#9 : Describe around a food without ever directly naming it.

#10 : Write a monologue (one character, talking to the audience/reader) (*not* an inner monologue).

#11 : Begin a story with the phrase, "It only took five seconds to..."

#12 : List five strong emotions. Choosing one, write about a character experiencing that emotion, but only use the character's actions to convey how they are feeling (no outright statements).

#13 : Write a chapter of the memoir of your life.

#14 : Look through the (physical) things you're currently carrying with you or wearing. Write about the memories or emotions tied with each of them.

#15 : Go be in nature. Write drawing your story from your surroundings (both physical, social, and mental/emotional).


#16 : Write from the perspective of a bubble (or bubble-like creature).

#17 : A person is jogging along an asphalt road. Write a story.

#18 : Title your story (or poem, or play, etc) "Anti-_____". Fill in the blank and write the story.

#19 : Write something that must include an animal, a mineral, and a vegetable.

#20 : Begin your writing with the phrase, "6 weeks later..."

#21 : List 5-10 office jobs. Pick one of them and describe a person working in that job as if you were a commentator on an Olympic sporting event.

#22 : Practice your poetic imagery: overwrite a description of a character's breakfast routine.

#23 : Write about a character (or group of characters) trying to convince another character to try something they're scared of.

#24 : Keep an eye out in your environment for examples of greengrocer's apostrophes and rogue quotation marks. Pick an example and write about what the misplaced punctuation implies (e.g., we have the "best" meat or we have the best "meat" ).

#25 : Fill in the blank with the first word that comes to mind: "_______ Riot!" Write a newspaper-style article describing the events that that took place.

#26 : Write from the point of view of your most-loved possession. What does it think of you?

#27 : Think of five common sayings (e.g., "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"). Write a horror story whose plot is one of those common sayings.

#28 : Write a scene in which two characters are finally hashing out a long-standing misunderstanding or disagreement.

#29 : You start receiving text messages from an unknown number. Tell the story of what happens next.

#30 : Write one character bragging to another about the story behind their new tattoo.

#31 : Superheroes save the world...but they also leave a lot of destruction in their wake. Write about a normal person in a superhero's world.

#32 : Sometimes, family is who we are related to; sometimes, family is a group of people we gather around ourselves. Write a story about (some of) a character's found family and relatives meeting for the first time.

#33 : Write a story that begins in the middle of the plot's action ( en media res ).

#34 : Everyone says you can never have too much of a good thing. Write a story where that isn't true.

#35 : What do ghosts do when they're not creating mischief? Write about the secret lives of ghosts.


#36 : Every year, you dread the last week of April. Write a story about why.

#37 : Write a story about what it would be like to have an animal sidekick in real life.

#38 : Heists don't just have to be black-clad thieves stealing into vaults to steal rare art or money. Write about a group of people (adults or children) who commit a heist for something of seemingly little monetary value.

#39 : "Life is like a chooseable-path adventure, except you don't get to see what would have happened if you chose differently." Think of a choice you've made and write about a world where you made a different choice.

#40 : Write a story about a secret room.

#41 : You find a message in a bottle with very specific directions. Write a story about the adventure you embark upon.

#42 : "You'll always be okay as long as you know where your _______ is." Fill in the blank and write a story (either fictional or from your life) illustrating this statement.

#43 : Forcing people into prolonged proximity can change and deepen relationships. Write about characters on a road trip together.

#44 : In music, sonata form includes three main parts: exposition, development, and recapitulation. Write a short story that follows this format.

#45 : Begin writing with a character saying, "I'm afraid this simply can't wait."

#46 : Write a story with a happy ending (either happily-ever-after or happy-for-now).

#47 : Write about a character before and after a tragedy in that character's life.

#48 : Choose an object or concept you encounter in everyday life (e.g. tables, the feeling of hot or cold, oxygen) and write an infomercial about it.

#49 : "Life is a series of quests, whether important or mundane." Write about a quest you've gone on (or would like to go on, or will have to go on).

#50 : List 10 different ways to learn. Choose one (or more) and write a story where a character learns something using that one (or more) method.

#51 : You've been called to the principal's office for bad behavior. You know what you did. Explain and justify yourself.

#52 : A character discovers their sibling owns a cursed object. Write about what happens next.

#53 : Write a character description by writing a list of items that would be on a scavenger hunt about them.

#54 : The slogan for a product or service you're advertising is, "Kid-tested, _____." Fill in the blank and write the copy for a radio or podcast advertisement for your product.


How to Use Creative Writing Prompts

There's no wrong way to use a creative writing prompt (unless it's to harass and hurt someone)—the point of them is to get you writing and your imagination flowing.

To help you get the most out of these writing prompts, however, we've come up with the six tips below. Try them out!

#1: DON'T Limit Yourself to Prose

Unless you're writing for a particular assignment, there's no reason everything you write in response to a writing prompt has to be prose fiction . Instead of writing your response to a prompt as a story, try writing a poem, nonfiction essay, play, screenplay, or some other format entirely.

#2: DON'T Edit as You Write

The purposes of writing prompts is to get you writing, typos and weird grammar and all. Editing comes later, once you've finished writing and have some space from it to come back to what you wrote.

It's OK to fix things that will make it difficult to read what you've written (e.g., a weird autocorrect that changes the meaning of a sentence), but don't worry too much about typos or perfect grammar when you're writing; those are easy enough to fix in edits . You also can always insert asterisks or a short note as you're writing to remind yourself to go back to fix something (for instance, if as you're writing it seems like you want to move around the order of your paragraphs or insert something earlier).

#3: DO Interpret the Prompt Broadly

The point of using a writing prompt is not to write something that best exemplifies the prompt, but something that sparks your own creativity. Again, unless you're writing in response to an assignment with specific directions, feel free to interpret writing prompts as broadly or as narrowly as you want.

For instance, if your prompt is to write a story that begins with "The stage was set," you could write about anything from someone preparing to put a plan into motion to a literal theatre stage constructed out of pieces of old sets (or something else entirely).

If you're using a writing prompt, it doesn't have to be the first sentence of your story or poem, either; you can also use the prompt as a goal to work towards in your writing.

#4: DO Try Switching Up Your Writing Methods

If it's a possibility for you, see if you write differently in different media. Do you write the same kind of stories by hand as you would typing at a computer? What about if you dictate a story and then transcribe it? Or text it to a friend? Varying the method you use to write can affect the stories you're able to tell.

For example, you may find that it's easier for you to tell stories about your life to a voice recorder than to try to write out a personal essay. Or maybe you have trouble writing poetry, but can easily text yourself or a friend a poem. You might even find you like a writing method you've not tried before better than what you've been doing!


#5: DO Mix and Match Prompt Ideas

If you need more inspiration, feel free to combine multiple prompts (but don't overwhelm yourself with too much to write about).

You can also try switching genres from what might be suggested in the prompt. For instance, try writing a prompt that seems funny in a serious and sad way, or finding the humor in something that otherwise seems humorless. The categories we've organized the prompts into are by no means limiters on what you're allowed to write about.

#6: DO Try to Write Regularly

The more regularly you write, the easier it will be to write (with or without writing prompts).

For some people, this means writing daily; for others, it means setting aside time to write each weekend or each month. Set yourself an achievable goal (write 2x a week, write 1000 words a month) and stick to it. You can always start small and then ramp your wordcount or frequency up.

If you do better when you have something outside yourself prompting to write, you may also want to try something like morning pages , which encourages you to write at least 750 words every day, in any format (story, diary entry, social media postings, etc).


What's Next?

Thinking about attending college or grad school for creative writing? Our articles on whether or not you should major in creative writing and the best creative writing programs are there for you! Plus, if you're a high schooler, you should check out these top writing contests .

Creative writing doesn't necessarily have to be fiction. Check out these three examples of narrative writing and our tips for how to write your own narrative stories and essays .

Just as writing prompts can help give form to amorphous creative energy, using specific writing structures or devices can be great starting points for your next story. Read through our discussion of the top 20 poetic devices to know and see if you can work at least one new one into your next writing session.

Still looking for more writing ideas? Try repurposing our 100+ easy drawing ideas for characters, settings, or plot points in your writing.

Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel in high school.

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300+ One-Word Writing Prompts

Michael has spent years as a freelance writer and editor submitting works to several accomplished magazines as well as publishing his own works about freelancing as a business.

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A great creative writing exercise you can try when you're feeling stuck in the depths of writer's block is to start with just one word and see where it takes you. A single word may be the simplest of writing prompts , but it can also be the most open to original interpretation.

The Human Experience

As Carol Shields once wrote , great novels "shorten the distance between what is privately felt and universally known." There is nothing more universal than human emotion and thought; seeking to capture what it means to be human can make for some truly insightful writing.

  • Expectation
  • Sentimental
  • Forgiveness

A Time and a Place

While an entry in a personal journal or diary may focus on the immediate events of the day and the near future, you can also look beyond your immediate surroundings. Transport your narrative to another location or era with one of these single word writing prompts.

  • Kilimanjaro
  • Interstellar
  • Johannesburg
  • Prehistoric
  • Renaissance

A Twisted Mother Tongue

The English language traces its origins back to a random mishmash of multiple languages, deriving and adopting terms from multiple sources. These prompts can add some worldly flair to your writing.

  • Consigliere
  • Doppelgänger

The Hybrid Theory

While the term is also used to describe a large leather suitcase, a portmanteau is a word that is formed when you combine two different words together. This can result in some rather striking and stimulating language.

  • Manspreading
  • Animatronic
  • Californication
  • Snowpocalypse
  • Edutainment
  • Gerrymandering
  • Blaxploitation
  • Blogosphere
  • Guesstimate
  • Nontroversy
  • Meritocracy
  • Solopreneur
  • Paratrooper
  • Frankenfruit

The Five Senses

A subtle aroma can elicit strong memories of the past and few things are quite as satisfying as the perfect morsel of food. Humans experience the world through all five senses, and depicting those sensations through words is a noble endeavor for any writer, author or journalist.

  • Homeostasis

Everyday Objects

The greatest inspiration can sometimes be derived from the banalest of circumstances. Consider how you can elevate the mundane to the sublime, starting with these everyday, one-word writing prompts.

Is This Just Fantasy?

Illuminating the complexities and nuances of common, everyday life can lead to some incredible revelations. On the other hand, exploring the fantastical and paranormal where all notions of accepted reality are completely thrown out the window can lead to truly remarkable narratives.

  • Telekinesis
  • Metamorphosis
  • Precognition
  • Shape-shifter
  • Mirrorverse
  • Lilliputian

One Word After Another

When drawing a blank on ideas, the right writing prompts can help kids, students and adults alike get those creative juices flowing. Sometimes, all it takes is a single word to inspire the beginning of an incredible story or thoughtful essay.

The Self Publisher

111 Creative Writing Prompts to Inspire You

By ali luke.

writing prompts

Maybe writing comes easily to you. You simply sit down at your computer, open up a document, and the ideas—and the words—flow instantly. No? That’s not how it goes for me either!

Like most writers, I have days when I feel completely uninspired. Even looking at my novel in progress feels daunting. Writing prompts make a great warm-up if you’re struggling to get into writing mode. They can be lots of fun and even give you short story ideas.

Table of Contents

What is a writing prompt?

A writing prompt can be anything from a word to a few sentences. It’s perfect when you’re wondering what to write about.

Writing prompts aren’t quite the same as writing exercises.

If you’ve taken a creative writing course (or read a book that includes exercises), these are usually designed to help you learn how to write fiction by practicing different skills—like showing instead of telling, or writing great dialogue .

While there’s certainly some overlap between writing prompts and writing exercises, writing prompts are generally starting points for your own creativity . They aim to give you writing inspiration and things to write about.

How To Use Writing Prompts

writing prompts

Using a writing prompt is easy : pick a prompt, and write. There’s no right or wrong way to use them.

Prompts can help you “warm up” at the start of a writing session. They can get you moving again when you’re stuck partway through a story (one-word prompts are great for this). Story prompts can even help you come up with new short story ideas.

Most of the prompts I’ve listed are fiction writing prompts but the one-word prompts could work well for non-fiction too. I’ve also included ten non-fiction prompts.

100+ Writing Prompts

Feel free to alter the prompts if that suits you better. E.g. change the gender, age, or number of characters involved in a situation, or combine two or more prompts.

Fiction Writing Prompts

  • Three teenage children are left alone at home all summer.
  • A man flicks idly through a newspaper while waiting for a doctor’s appointment. He reads about a crime…and realizes he knows who did it.
  • While digging in the garden of her newly bought house, a woman uncovers a pile of bones.
  • A group of people met at summer camp as teenagers a decade ago. They hoped never to see one another again. Now, their lives become entwined once more—and they must come to terms with what happened at camp.
  • A 40-year-old woman walks away from her former life, taking nothing except the clothes she’s wearing and £1,000 in cash.
  • A couple return home after a night out to find all their furniture missing.
  • Two children find out a terrifying secret about one of their teachers.
  • A family is camping in an isolated cabin when a blizzard begins one evening. They’re miles from any neighbors and the snow has closed the roads. There’s a knock on the door.
  • A man in his 50s receives a cryptic crossword in the mail each day. He begins to suspect that whoever’s compiling the crosswords is sending a secret message.
  • An ordinary trip to buy groceries goes horribly wrong.

Romance Writing Prompts

  • Two strangers marry for a bet between a group of friends in Vegas…and slowly begin to realize they’re falling in love.
  • Two highly competitive members of a sales team end up stuck together in a hotel room after their work accommodation plans fall through. They begin to realize they have feelings for one another.
  •  A misunderstanding leads to two lifelong friends being mistaken for lovers. This makes them see one another in a new way…
  • Two friends agree to a marriage of convenience to surmount a legal hurdle. It’s only intended to be platonic, but then they begin to fall in love.
  • A woman on a terrible blind date is rescued by a stranger who pretends to know her to give her an easy way to leave. He’s handsome but unforthcoming.
  • Two high school friends meet again many years later in a retirement village. The love they couldn’t admit 50 years ago now flourishes.
  • Two strangers sit next to one another (and behind a screaming baby) on a long-haul flight. They’re exchanging numbers when they realize they’re going to be staying at the same hotel.
  • One day, a college student who’s always early to class arrives a few minutes later than usual to find his usual chair taken. He ends up sitting next to someone who he’s barely noticed…until now.
  • After a very long day at work, a woman finds she’s lost her front door key. She keeps a spare with her neighbor, a spritely grandmother—but when she knocks on the door, she finds a handsome young man there instead.
  • Two students in an art class are told to draw “Anything that catches your eye.” At the end of the session, they find that they’ve drawn each other.

Sci-Fi Writing Prompts

  • A plane that went missing five years ago lands at a major airport—with all the passengers on board. None of them appear to have aged at all.
  • Unsettling new evidence suggests that our universe isn’t expanding, after all. It’s closed in—and it’s being taken somewhere.
  • A group of teenage kids are wandering around in the woods behind their neighborhood when they find an abandoned shack. Little do they know they have stumbled upon a portal to another universe.
  • In a futuristic society, elective surgery is extremely common, but not just nose jobs and wrinkle correcting. People are adding extra limbs and cartoonish features.
  • A new device helps you track your brain’s dopamine levels. Some people become obsessed with mood optimization.
  • Each morning for the past week, you’ve received a note with the word “Powerball” and six numbers on it. Each evening, they turn out to be the winning Powerball numbers. Today, you get a similar note, except this one says “LAST CHANCE!” You buy a ticket.
  • New technology develops, creating a way for humans to communicate with animals.
  • A deadly pandemic kills 95% of people within 24 hours of contracting it—but 5% of people develop mild (but unusual) symptoms before recovering in full. It’s not immediately clear what protects them.
  • A spaceship traveling hundreds of lightyears, with children being born, raised, and dying on board, is hijacked.
  • A huge alien craft crash lands on Earth, bringing hundreds of refugees from a far-off war.

Fantasy Writing Prompts

writing prompts

  • A child discovers they have the ability to rewind time for 10 seconds. They can only use this ability 2 – 3 times per day before being too tired to continue.
  • One day, a teenager bunking off school slips and falls in an abandoned quarry—ending up in a deep lake at the bottom. Something lurking beneath the water comes to the rescue.
  • A college student brings cookies to a two-hour class. After thirty minutes, the people who’ve eaten cookies realize they can hear one another’s thoughts.
  • In a world where dwarves using technology scorn fairies who use magic, it’s discovered that the dwarves’ most impressive work yet is powered by magic.
  • An enchanted book makes everything written in it become true, but often in unexpected ways.
  • An ancient artifact could destroy the world…and it’s up to a small group of heroes to see that it doesn’t.
  • Two friends step through a portal into a different world. Too late, they realize that the portal is only one way.
  • A magical coin lets the bearer visit the afterlife and return again, alive. These coins are very rare and very valuable, and forgeries are hard to detect—so royalty often “test” their coins using willing peasants.
  • A woman digs a deep pit at a crossroads and buries a name written on a piece of paper. As she does so, the sky turns dark.
  • In a very old house, there’s a huge mirror that’s always blurry, however much it’s cleaned. One morning, it isn’t reflecting the room. Instead, there’s another world there, showing up sharp and clear.

“Three Nouns” Writing Prompts

These are inspired by the Writing Exercises “ Take Three Nouns ” prompt generator (though they’re not taken directly from there). The idea is to create a piece of writing that uses all three nouns.

  • Computer, sword, grandmother
  • Dinner, necklace, tree
  • Shed, coffin, backpack
  • Meat, audience, tooth
  • Beer, virus, birthday
  • Sidewalk, potato, shield
  • Ship, apple, speech
  • Castle, paper, eyes
  • Host, knife, egg
  • Honey, army, winner

Mystery Writing Prompts

111 writing prompts

  • One man leaves a party early. He turns back 10 minutes later, realizing he’s forgotten his coat. By the time he gets back there, everyone is dead.
  • Four friends take part in an escape room adventure to try to get past recent difficulties. But there’s a power cut. The room is plunged into darkness, the cameras stop working, and the emergency exit is jammed shut. By the time the escape room team gets the room open, one of the friends is dead. The other three swear none of them did it.
  • A woman moves into a new apartment, only for a visitor to arrive an hour later. He’s looking for the previous visitor and asks, urgently, if they left a small wooden box behind in the top left kitchen cupboard.
  • Seven rich Silicon Valley CEOs decide to spend a week in their high-tech, very expensive, impossible-to-break-into bunker, with no phones, laptops, or any contact with the outside world. On the second day, one of them is found stabbed to death. The emergency alert to contact the outside world doesn’t work. Then another CEO is killed, and another.
  • Ten banks were broken into simultaneously…with all the security systems mysteriously malfunctioning. All potential eye-witnesses claim not to remember anything from the past few hours.
  • A man wakes up on the side of the highway with a phone number scrawled in biro on his arm along with the word “DEVON”. He has no idea how he got there and whether Devon is a person, place, or something else.
  • In the middle of the school year, a new student arrives, but no one can figure out where he came from or even who he is. The school administrators simply say, “He’s supposed to be here.”
  • Twenty classmates gather for the 21st birthday party of a rich, self-important fellow student none of them liked. His self-driving car pulls up outside but he doesn’t get out. Someone goes to check on him—only to find that he’s dead, with a note pinned to his tux.
  • The groom is missing on his wedding day. His bride is a police detective. As her family members try to comfort her, believing she’s been jilted and is in denial, she continues to insist that she’ll find him.
  • A woman is surprised when a man comes to the door claiming to be her long-lost twin brother. She’s an only child to two close, loving parents. He gives her a bag containing a map, a letter, and five thousand dollars in cash—then drives away.

Dialogue Writing Prompts

I love writing dialogue, and dialogue prompts can be a great way to spark a story idea as they instantly set you up with two characters—the one speaking, and the one they’re speaking to.

  • “That’s not where I left it.”
  • “I suppose you think you’re funny, do you?”
  • “I swear, I don’t know anything about it.”
  • “Come on. You can do better than that.”
  • “You’ll really take care of everything for me?”
  • “That isn’t how I’d have put it … but, yes.”
  • “He’s an even bigger idiot than he looks.”
  • “No, I can’t lend you the money.”
  • “This is as good as it gets, so enjoy it while it lasts.”
  • “I don’t care what you say. I’m not moving.”

Funny Writing Prompts

  • A police sergeant’s favorite mug has gone missing at work. He conducts an extremely thorough investigation, complete with interrogating suspects.
  • A group of supervillains go on a team-building retreat, with hilarious results.
  • You’ve heard of “angel investors”—these startups are funded by “demon investors”…
  • Everyone on an ordinary suburban street wins a million dollars on the lottery, simultaneously.
  • Elementary school friends promise to marry one another at the age of 35 if they’re still single. It turns out they are…but they discover they’re now very different people.
  • Someone who’s an inveterate liar wakes up one day and finds they can’t help blurting out the truth.
  • A woman buys a dress in a hurry online to wear for her friend’s wedding, thinking a size 8 will be about right. It turns out to be a child’s dress for an 8-year-old—but she only discovers this while getting ready in her hotel room. She has nothing else to wear.
  • After the kids’ pranks get out of hand, a group of teachers decide to get their own back. Unfortunately, no one remembered to give the Principal a heads-up.
  • An unfortunate stumble in a museum results in the destruction of two priceless artifacts.
  • Three friends in a retirement home suffer from insomnia. They decide to sneak out to a nightclub.

Non-Fiction Narrative Writing Prompts

  • Picture a place you love. Write about what you love most about it and why.
  • Write about your family’s holiday traditions, particularly anything that’s special or unusual.
  • Write about five moments in your life you hope you never forget.
  • Write about your most special birthday gift. Why was it so precious? Who gave it to you? Do you still have it?
  • Share your best advice for living a happy life, whatever that means for you.
  • Tell the story of someone who shaped your life without even knowing it.
  • Write about your favorite teacher from childhood and share three things you learned from them.
  • Explain how you got started on your favorite hobby. Was it tricky to begin with? What drew you to it?
  • Share some of the biggest “lessons learned” in a particular area of your life (e.g. work, studying, parenting).
  • Choose a photograph you love and tell the story behind it—perhaps it was a special trip, a birthday party, or someone’s wedding.

One-Word Writing Prompts

  • Underground
  • Disturbance
  • Thunderstorm
  • Consequence
  • Eclectic  (my favorite word)

Here’s your challenge for today: grab a prompt and set a timer for 5 minutes. See what you can come up with—you just might surprise yourself.

word prompts for creative writing

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102 One Word Writing Prompts

The creative muse.

The universe.

Whatever you believe helps you to be creative and write a story that takes the reader on a journey, let’s give it a helping hand – through just a single word.

Let’s use one single word to spark the imagination, and let creativity take over.

One word not enough to trigger your creative writing?

Ok, fine. How about 102 in quick succession?!

I’ll eat my hat if that doesn’t activate your neurons enough to get a concept for a story bubbling to the surface.

How to use one word prompts?

Creativity has few rules.

And nowhere is that more evident than with writing.

Maybe you want to create short story after short story. Perhaps you’re working on your novel and want to try and give each new chapter an overarching theme.

Whether you’re creating your own work of fiction, creatively challenging yourself, or encouraging students to get writing, making use of the prompts below should be helpful to you.

I’d love to hear your short stories that you’ve written following reading these!

102 One Word Writing Prompts:

  • underground
  • unbelievable
  • opportunity

Looking for a one word prompt generator?

Well you’re in luck. I’m making one for you all to use, so keep a look out for that. I’ll update this as soon as it’s released.

I’m still deciding how much complexity to build into it – ironic given the number of words involved. But I think I’ll keep it nice and random to keep your ideas flowing – the brain seems to love that and create plots out of thin air from a series of prompts!

You might like to jump on our newsletter to keep informed about new tools and resources we’ve published (all for you to use free!).

Want more prompts?

Well, you’re in luck! WE have plenty more where that came from, just check out our writing prompts section for hundreds more! 🙂

Thanks, Matt & Hayley

word prompts for creative writing

  • Work + Money
  • Relationships
  • Slow Living


99 Creative Writing Prompts For Overcoming Writer’s Block


I want to start writing fiction this year. It’s a goal I’ve had on my mind for a while now, but as an essayist and nonfiction writer, I’ve been getting in my head about it. I have no idea how to create stories or characters. But it’s something I want to learn.

In preparing to make this pivot, I’ve discovered that writing prompts are invaluable. They can help us think about stories and subject matter in new ways and serve as a source of inspiration. Even for writers who aren’t looking to explore a new genre, prompts can be useful when we’re in a rut or need some creative magic. Instructions and parameters can help get the words flowing.

While these writing prompts are organized by month, they are designed to be used at your leisure. Feel free to follow it weekly or jump around. You may need to take breaks throughout the year or come back in the summer when you have more time to write—that’s okay, too! Use this list however it works for you and your creative flow!

For further inspiration and encouragement, here are some tips for starting a writing practice .

1. The human spirit is strong. Write about an experience in your life that has made you more resilient .

2. Releasing resolutions can be as important as reaching them. Write an essay in which you reflect on a resolution you didn’t keep.

3. Martin Luther King Jr. said , “I am not interested in power for power’s sake, but I’m interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is good.” Write a story in which your main character uses their power for good. End it with a time jump showing the long-term ripple effects. 

4. Craft a story where your main character gets caught outside in a winter storm. How do they find their way home?

5. The darker months can sometimes feel lonely, but moments alone often shape us in powerful ways. Write a lyrical essay about your own isolation experiences and what you’ve discovered about yourself through these seasons.

6. Write a story about a group of friends who travel somewhere warm for a winter holiday.

7. Imagine a group of strangers meeting while trapped in an airport for 24 hours due to flight delays. Who are they? What types of conversations do they have? How will these new relationships evolve and shape the rest of their lives?

8. Begin a short story in which your main character accepts an important award.

9. What does it mean to say, ‘I love you?’ Write an essay that includes an anecdote about the first time you remember feeling loved.

10. Write a comedic story from the perspective of a restaurant server on Valentine’s Day.

11. Who was your childhood best friend? Write an essay using the second-person (try crafting it as a letter ) about what that friendship meant to you. 

12. Think about a favorite story or fairytale from your childhood. Rewrite it with an alternative ending.

13. Begin a short story in which your main character is at a coffee shop with their love interest on a winter day.

14. Write about a time you did something that scared you.

15. Imagine a world in which the days are getting progressively shorter. How will your characters stop this countdown and save humanity before it’s too late?

16. Create a story in which two friends meet at a Lunar New Year celebration.

17. Write a scene based on a recent encounter with a stranger. 

18. For International Women’s Day (March 8), write a first-person story that takes place at a protest during the women’s liberation movement .

19. In an essay, reflect on the women who’ve helped you become who you are today.

20. Craft a poem from the sun’s perspective in honor of the spring equinox (March 20). 

21. In spring, there is a turning. Write an essay about how seasonal changes mirror a transformation in your own life.

22. Try your hand at an allegory using natural elements to convey a larger message about humanity.

23. Your main character just came home from a trip to find their house has disappeared and been replaced with a supermarket. It’s like it was never even there. What happens next?

24. Consider the meaning of beauty and how it has shifted and evolved with time. Write an essay about this.

25. Write a poem about the power of music. Use these playlists for inspiration. 

26. Create a short story that begins with you waking up on a train destined for somewhere tropical.

27. For Earth Day 🌎 (April 22), write an essay about sustainable living . What does it mean to you? If you need help getting started, try opening the piece with an anecdote about the first time you thought about climate change and sustainability. 

28. In the circle of life, beginnings are preceded by endings. Write about an ending that has led to a new beginning in your life. 

29. Begin a story in which your main character wakes up with a superpower.

30. What was the last great novel you read? Try your hand at a book review, writing as if you’re a famous critic for a publishing house or magazine.

31. Imagine a famous chef loses their sense of taste and serves an overly salted meal to eager patrons. What happens next?

32. Write an essay about your childhood home.

33. Write a third-person story about two friends playing in the rain. Rather than focusing on creating climax, aim to capture their feelings of pure love and friendship. 

34. What is something you’ve always been scared of? Write a future-tense essay about when and how you will overcome this fear. 

35. Toni Morrison once wrote , “Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.” Write an essay defining yourself, starting with the sentence, “To others, I may seem…but that is not who I am.”

36. Write a poem about your first pet. If you’ve never had a pet, write about your plants or something else you’ve cared for.

37. Write an essay about the day you got your driver’s license.

38. Creativity can be a tool for processing our heartaches. Craft a personal essay about the last time you felt grief—and be gentle with yourself as you get the words on the page.

39. Your main character is on a rooftop in New York City, escaping the crowd of a party. What happens next?

40. Write a summer scene that begins with dialogue. 

41. In a personal essay, describe your last vacation, but write about the trip in present tense . 

42. Write a short story from an inanimate object’s perspective, either in nature or in your home.

43. The main characters in your story have gone on a camping trip. But when they return from the woods, their city is no longer there. In fact, they can’t find any sign of civilization. Write a suspenseful thriller about what happens next. 

44. Craft a poem using the word “citrus.” 

45. A couple is sharing a picnic lunch on a beach. By the end of the story, one of them is walking away in tears. What happens? Focus on building tension and the backstory that leads to this moment.

46. Write an essay about a time you worked tirelessly for something, and it didn’t turn out as you hoped or planned.

47. Create a story in which your main character is experiencing profound joy.

48. In a personal essay, revisit a moment when you learned to take your own advice .

49. Using this list of instrumental covers , rewrite the lyrics to a hit song. 

50. Write a story in which you’re a tourist and visiting your home city for the first time.

51. Two friends take out a boat on the lake and discover the water has magic powers. Write a fantasy scene about their adventure.

52. Learn about your Enneagram number , then write a personal essay with anecdotes that exemplify your basic desire and basic fear.

53. You and your best friend are on a sailboat off the coast of Italy when suddenly the captain disappears. What happens next?

54. Write a story about an encounter with a sea creature.

55. Create a lyrical essay in which the main character is “summer heat.”

56. Write an essay through the lens of your childhood self about your first year at school. Try to be as specific as possible, including the names of friends and teachers. You can use old photos or talk to your parents for reference if needed. 

57. Write a story that begins with your main character swimming in a lake.

58. Sometime this week, spend a few minutes sitting outside or staring out your window to observe another person. Write about what you notice that can help to sketch them as a character. 

59. Make a case for one of your favorite traditions —whether it be celebrating a recognized holiday or a personal ritual. 

60. Write a short story that begins with the ending. For example, perhaps your story is about a girl who gets lost at sea and then captured by pirates—only to become a pirate herself. Begin the story with the girl as a pirate, and then show the readers how she got there. 

61. What is the happiest you’ve ever been?

62. Create a short story that starts with your main character going off to college.

63. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned this year?

64. Lidia Yuknavitch says , “There is so much to learn from the edge of things, from the cracks and cuts and fissures of the earth, of our hearts.” Write a lyrical essay about the cuts and fissures in your own heart and how they’ve led you to this very moment.

65. Write a sensory essay about nature without naming the objects you’re writing about. For example, “The towering giants boast cherry-ripe foliage at this time of year.” 

66. Craft a short story about the final day of summer (September 22). 🍂

67. Try your hand at children’s lit by creating a story for a younger audience. Have your main character learn a valuable life lesson, and use these stories for inspiration if you need help!

68. When was the last time you felt most alive?

69. Write an essay about a change you knew was coming and how you prepared for it.

70. Create a story where the main character is a caregiver for a loved one.

71. Write a poem about shadows. 

72. On Indigenous People’s Day (October 10), write a historical nonfiction essay about the native land you’re living on . For guiding questions, use the Catalyst Project’s worksheet and Resource Generation’s Land Reparations Toolkit and Indigenous Solidarity Toolkit .

73. Write a story in which a “monster” turns out to be a “hero,” or vice versa. This can be either nonfiction or fiction. 

74. You and your significant other are at home watching a scary movie when the power goes out. Create a spooky story about what happens next!

75. Create a spooky children’s story that takes place in a magical forest.

76. Write a story that begins with a girl making her own Halloween costume.

77. Write a persuasive essay about an unconventional fear. Make a case for why more people should consider this fear.

78. A group of friends escapes to a private island for an end-of-year holiday. But when they arrive, the hotel is deserted, and the boat has already left the dock. What happens next?

79. Write about the last time you felt hopeful.

80. In preparation for losing an hour of daylight this month, write a poem about all your favorite cozy things. 

81. Write a story that begins with your main character dreaming.

82. In “ Braiding Sweetgrass ,” Robin Wall Kimmerer writes, “In some Native languages the term for ‘plants’ translates to ‘those who take care of us.’” In an essay, write about how the earth cares for humanity. Begin with a personal anecdote about a time you felt nurtured by nature.

83. Write a first-person essay that revolves around food or a family recipe.

84. Practice shifting between past and present tense by writing an essay about a childhood experience that impacts who you are today.

85. Write a letter to your younger self.

86. Create a story based on a time you went on a spontaneous adventure.

87. Your main characters are at a college football game when, suddenly, the sky goes black. What happens next?

88. How do you overcome self-doubt? Write a how-to essay.

89. What are you most grateful for this year?


90. Write a poem about your favorite sound.

91. Reflect on winter pastimes. What do you love most about this season? Write a short essay about it.

92. Make up your own holiday poem reminiscent of “Night Before Christmas” (or the equivalent for your celebrated traditions).

93. Your main character is a ballerina performing in The Nutcracker, but secretly, they wish to be a teacher. Write a story about this.

94. Who is someone you admire in your life? Write a tribute essay to them.

95. To get in the spirit, create a Hallmarkesque script for a cheesy holiday film.

96. Write an essay that begins with your favorite holiday memory.

97. Your main character is a flight attendant working the holiday season. Write about a strange encounter they have on the plane.

98. What is the importance of rest, and why is it such a necessary practice for our lives?

99. In your final prompt of the year, write an essay about time and forward motion. Begin by reflecting on the past, write about the importance of mindfulness and living in the present moment, and then welcome whatever comes next.

If you write a story with one of these writing prompts and you’d like to share, feel free to link or paste it in the comments below! 💛

Kayti Christian (she/her) is the Managing Editor at The Good Trade. She has a Master’s in Nonfiction Writing from the University of London and is the creator of Feelings Not Aside , a newsletter for sensitive people.


99 Inexpensive Self-Care Ideas For Your New Year

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30 Creative Picture Writing Prompts

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 27, 2024

Picture Writing Prompts

Picture prompt writing, as Carp et al. (2010) define it, is a technique that uses visual stimuli to inspire and guide students’ writing. Picture prompts are an excellent tool for overcoming writer’s block. They provide a visual stimulus that can ignite creativity and help students generate ideas and organize their thoughts, making the writing process more approachable and less intimidating.

In today’s post, I share practical tips for effectively using picture prompts in writing. I will start with some tips on how to best utilize picture prompts, discuss their numerous benefits, and provide examples to get you started. Additionally, I encourage you to read the references at the bottom of this page for a deeper understanding of this powerful educational tool.

All the picture prompts in this post are available for free download in PNG format. You can easily access and use these resources to enhance your teaching and engage your students in creative writing activities.

What Are The Benefits of Picture Writing Prompts?

The importance of picture writing prompts is well documented in the research literature. These visual tools have been shown to significantly enhance student engagement and creativity in writing tasks. By providing a concrete image to spark imagination, picture prompts help students of all ages and proficiency levels generate ideas more easily, organize their thoughts coherently, and express themselves more vividly.

Picture writing prompts offer a range of benefits supported by various studies:

  • Enhanced Engagement and Motivation : Picture prompts capture students’ interest and motivate them to write, as they provide a stimulating visual context (Mukramah et al., 2023; Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).
  • Improved Idea Formulation : Visual prompts help students generate and organize ideas more effectively, leading to richer and more detailed writing (Mukramah et al., 2023; Carp et al., 2020).
  • Support for Diverse Learners : They are particularly beneficial for English Language Learners and students of different age groups, helping them overcome language barriers and express their thoughts clearly (Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).
  • Encouragement of Creative Thinking : Picture prompts inspire creative storytelling and imaginative responses, allowing students to explore different narrative possibilities (Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).
  • Facilitation of Critical Thinking : Analyzing and interpreting images encourages students to think critically about what they see and how they translate those thoughts into writing (Mukramah et al., 2023; Carp et al., 2020).
  • Ease of Use Across Subjects : These prompts can be used in various subjects, not just language arts, to inspire writing related to science, social studies, and more (Gonchar & Schulten, 2017).

Picture Writing Prompts

Tips for Using Picture Prompts in Writing

Using picture prompts in writing activities can be incredibly effective in enhancing students’ creativity and writing skills. However, to maximize their benefits, it’s essential to implement them thoughtfully. Below are some tips to help educators effectively use picture prompts in their writing lessons. These suggestions are designed to engage students, stimulate their imagination, and improve their overall writing abilities, making the writing process both educational and enjoyable.

  • Select Diverse Images : Use a variety of pictures, including different subjects and settings, to cater to different interests and stimulate diverse ideas.
  • Connect to Writing Goals : Choose images that align with specific writing objectives, such as descriptive, narrative, or persuasive writing.
  • Encourage Observation : Ask students to closely observe details in the picture, fostering critical thinking and attention to detail.
  • Ask Guiding Questions : Provide prompts like “What is happening in this scene?” or “How do you think the characters feel?”
  • Incorporate Group Activities : Use picture prompts for group discussions to generate collaborative story ideas.
  • Allow Creative Freedom : Encourage students to interpret the images in unique ways, supporting creativity and individual expression.
  • Combine with Other Prompts : Mix picture prompts with text or question prompts to provide more structure and support.
  • Use for Various Genres : Adapt picture prompts for different genres, such as poetry, essays, and fiction.
  • Reflect and Share : Have students share their stories with peers and reflect on how the images influenced their writing.
  • Integrate Technology : Utilize digital platforms to display images and enable students to write and share their responses online.

Using Picture Prompt Writing with Students with Special Needs

Picture prompt writing is also beneficial for students with special needs, particularly those with developmental delays such as autism. The research conducted by Carp et al. (2012) found that picture prompts significantly improved the acquisition of auditory-visual conditional discriminations in children with autism, compared to pointing prompts and trial-and-error learning.

The study showed that picture prompts facilitated faster learning and greater accuracy by enhancing the participants’ ability to discriminate relevant features of the comparison stimuli. This suggests that picture prompts are a valuable tool in teaching complex skills to children with developmental delays, supporting their use in educational programs for individuals with autism.

Additionally, Fisher, Kodak, and Moore (2007) demonstrated that picture prompts facilitated the acquisition of auditory-visual conditional discriminations in children with autism. Their study found that picture prompts were more effective than pointing prompts in promoting correct comparison selections.

Carp et al. also cited additional studies that explored various prompting tactics and their effectiveness in teaching complex skills to individuals with developmental disabilities. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating picture prompts into educational strategies to support the learning and development of students with special needs.

Picture Writing Prompts Examples

In this section, I’ve categorized picture writing prompts into three groups to suit different age levels: kids, middle school, and high school. Each category contains tailored prompts designed to engage students at their respective developmental stages.

For Kids (Elementary School)

In this section, we will explore picture writing prompts designed for elementary school students. These prompts are tailored to engage young minds with topics that are both fun and educational. Whether it’s imagining a day in the life of a lion or describing the wonders of a magical garden, these prompts encourage creativity and help children develop their descriptive writing skills.

1. Animals and Nature

Prompt: “Write a story about a day in the life of a lion in the savannah. What adventures does the lion have? Who are its friends?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe what happens in a magical garden that changes with each season. What do you see, hear, and smell during spring, summer, autumn, and winter?”

Picture Writing Prompts

2. Fantasy and Adventure

Prompt: “Imagine you found a dragon egg. Describe what happens when it hatches and the adventures you go on with your dragon.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write about a group of friends who find a treasure map and go on a pirate adventure to find the hidden treasure.”

Picture Writing Prompts

3. Daily Life

Prompt: “Describe a fun day at the park with your friends. What games do you play? What do you see around you?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about your family cooking dinner together. What do you make, and how do you all help?”

Picture Writing Prompts

4. Holidays and Celebrations

Prompt: “Write about the most exciting Halloween night you can imagine. What costumes do people wear? What surprises do you find?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a special family tradition during Christmas. What activities do you do together? How does it make you feel?”

Picture Writing Prompts

5. Community and Helpers

Prompt: “Imagine you spent a day with a firefighter. Describe the different tasks you help with and how you save the day.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about a community event like a parade or fair. What different activities and people do you see?”

Picture Writing Prompts

For Middle School

Middle school is a time of expanding horizons and growing curiosity. This section focuses on picture writing prompts that challenge students to think critically and creatively. From historical events to futuristic cities, these prompts are designed to foster deeper thinking and help students make connections between their writing and the world around them.

1. Historical Events

Prompt: “Imagine you are a reporter covering the moon landing. Describe the events as you see them unfold and how people react.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a diary entry from the perspective of a child living in ancient Egypt. What is your daily life like?”

Picture Writing Prompts

2. Science and Technology

Prompt: “Describe a futuristic city where robots help with everyday tasks. How do people live and interact with these robots?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write about an environmental project you would start to help reduce pollution in your city.”

Picture Writing Prompts

3. Mystery and Suspense

Prompt: “A foggy forest path leads to an abandoned house. Write a story about what you find inside and the mystery you uncover.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe the events of a night when you and your friends decided to explore a rumored haunted house.”

Picture Writing Prompts

4. Emotions and Relationships

Prompt: “Write about a time when you felt incredibly happy. What caused this happiness, and how did it change your day?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a friendship that started unexpectedly and became very important to you.”

Picture Writing Prompts

5. Exploration and Travel

Prompt: “Imagine you are exploring the Great Wall of China. Describe your journey and the sights you see.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about a scuba diving adventure where you discover a hidden underwater city.”

Picture Writing Prompts

For High School

High school students are ready to tackle more complex and abstract themes in their writing. In this section, we provide picture writing prompts that encourage them to explore social issues, abstract concepts, and literary inspirations. These prompts are intended to provoke thoughtful responses and help students develop their analytical and expressive abilities.

1. Social Issues

Prompt: “Write an essay on the impact of climate change on your community. What changes have you observed, and what solutions do you propose?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a protest you attended or would like to attend. What is the cause, and what do you hope to achieve?”

Picture Writing Prompts

2. Abstract and Symbolic

Prompt: “Look at an abstract painting and describe what it represents to you. How does it make you feel, and what do you think the artist was trying to convey?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story inspired by a symbolic image, such as a broken chain or a lone tree in a vast field.”

Picture Writing Prompts

3. Literary Inspiration

Prompt: “Imagine you are a character in a classic novel like ‘Pride and Prejudice’ or ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ Write a new scene that fits into the story.”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe a painting from the Renaissance era and create a story based on the characters and setting.”

Picture Writing Prompts

4. Career and Future

Prompt: “Write a day in the life of your dream job. What tasks do you perform, and what challenges do you face?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Describe your first day at college. How do you feel, what do you do, and who do you meet?”

Picture Writing Prompts

5. Cultural Diversity

Prompt: “Describe a cultural festival you attended. What traditions did you observe, and what did you learn?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Prompt: “Write a story about a family from a different culture moving to your town. How do they adapt, and what do they teach you?”

Picture Writing Prompts

Related: 9 Great Books on Essay Writing

Final thoughts

In this post, I talked about picture writing prompts and covered their importance, practical tips for using them, their benefits, and examples to get you started. Picture prompts are excellent tools for overcoming writer’s block and enhancing students’ creativity and writing skills. I hope these insights and strategies will inspire you to incorporate picture prompts into your writing activities. For further reading and a deeper understanding, I encourage you to explore the references provided.

  • Carp, C. L., Peterson, S. P., Arkel, A. J., Petursdottir, A. I., & Ingvarsson, E. T. (2012). A further evaluation of picture prompts during auditory-visual conditional discrimination training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis , 45 (4), 737–751. https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.2012.45-737
  • Dube, W. V., & McIlvane, W. J. (1999). Reduction of stimulus overselectivity with nonverbal differential observing responses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 32, 25-33. doi:10.1901/jaba.1999.32-25
  • Fisher, W. W., Kodak, T., & Moore, J. W. (2007). Embedding an identity-matching task within a prompting hierarchy to facilitate acquisition of conditional discriminations in children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 489–499. doi:10.1901/jaba.2007.40-489
  • Gonchar, M., & Schulten, K. (2017). A Year of Picture Prompts: Over 160 Images to Inspire Writing. The new York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/01/learning/lesson-plans/a-year-of-picture-prompts-over-160-images-to-inspire-writing.html
  • Mukramah, C., Mustafa, F., & Sari, D. F. (2023). The Effect of Picture and Text Prompts on Idea Formulation and Organization of Descriptive Text. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 325-341

Further Readings on Picture Prompt Writing

If you’re looking to delve deeper into the benefits and applications of picture prompts in writing, here are some valuable resources:

  • “5 Reasons to Use Pictures as Writing Prompts” by The Write Practice
  • “How to Use Images to Inspire Creative Writing” by Edutopia
  • “ 144 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing” by The Learning Network

word prompts for creative writing

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Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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10 Summer Reflection and Goals Writing Prompts

10 summer vacation writing prompts, 10 summer outdoor adventures, 10 summer journal prompts.

Summer is the perfect time for kids to explore creativity and improve their writing skills. With these summer writing prompts , children can reflect on their experiences, imagine new adventures, and set goals for the upcoming school year. Our collection of writing prompts for summer will keep kids engaged and inspired throughout the sunny season. Let’s dive in!

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40 Summer Writing Prompts for Kids

  • Write about your favorite memory from the past school year.

This prompt encourages kids to reflect on a positive experience and practice descriptive writing by detailing their memorable moment.

  • What are three goals you have for the next school year? How will you achieve them?

This prompt helps kids set specific, achievable goals and think critically about the steps needed to reach them.

  • Describe a time you overcame a challenge and what you learned from it.

Encourages kids to reflect on their problem-solving skills and the lessons learned from facing difficulties.

  • What new skill would you like to learn over the summer? Why?

Prompts kids to think about personal growth and the reasons behind their interests in new activities.

  • Reflect on a book you read this year that had a big impact on you. What did you learn from it?

Encourages kids to analyze and articulate the influence of literature on their thoughts and feelings.

  • Write about a person who inspired you this past year and explain why.

This prompt helps kids practice gratitude and recognition of positive role models in their lives.

  • Describe a project or assignment you were particularly proud of this year. What made it special?

Encourages kids to take pride in their achievements and articulate what made their work stand out.

  • Think about a time you helped someone this year. How did it make you feel?

This prompt fosters empathy and reflection on the positive impact of helping others.

  • What is something you want to improve about yourself this summer? How will you work on it?

This is one of the best summer writing ideas to encourage self-awareness and goal-setting for personal development over the summer.

  • Imagine it’s the end of next school year. Write a letter to your future self about what you hope to have accomplished.

This creative exercise helps kids envision their future success and the steps needed to achieve their goals.

  • Describe your dream summer vacation. Where would you go and what would you do?

This prompt encourages kids to use their imagination and detail the perfect vacation, enhancing their creative writing skills.

  • Write a story about a summer vacation that didn’t go as planned.

This prompt helps kids practice narrative writing by imagining unexpected events and solutions during a vacation.

  • What are three things you always pack for a vacation? Why are they important to you?

Encourages kids to think about their personal essentials and explain their significance, fostering organizational skills.

  • Imagine you are a tour guide in a place you’ve visited. Write a tour for new visitors.

This prompt enhances descriptive writing and creativity as kids detail interesting facts and sights about a place.

  • Write a diary entry from the perspective of someone on a vacation in a place you want to visit.

Encourages kids to practice empathy and perspective-taking by imagining a vacation through someone else’s eyes.

  • Describe the best summer vacation you’ve ever had. What made it so special?

This prompt allows kids to reflect on past experiences and practice detailed, narrative writing.

  • If you could travel anywhere in the world this summer, where would you go and why?

Encourages kids to research and dream about different cultures and places, broadening their geographical knowledge.

  • Write a story about a magical vacation where anything can happen.

This prompt sparks creativity and imagination as kids invent a fantastical vacation adventure.

  • What would you do if you had a summer vacation on another planet?

Encourages creative thinking and science fiction writing as kids imagine the possibilities of interplanetary travel.

  • Imagine you’re visiting a country where you don’t speak the language. How would you communicate and what would you do?

This prompt helps kids think critically about communication and problem-solving in new environments.

  • Write about a time you went camping. What did you see, hear, and feel?

This prompt encourages kids to use sensory details to describe their camping experience, enhancing their descriptive writing skills.

  • Describe an ideal day spent at the beach. What activities would you do?

Kids can practice creating vivid imagery as they outline their perfect beach day, from building sandcastles to swimming in the ocean.

  • Imagine you found a secret path in the woods. Where does it lead and what do you find?

This prompt sparks creativity and adventure as kids invent a mysterious journey through nature.

  • Write a story about a treasure hunt with your friends in your backyard or a local park.

Encourages kids to craft an exciting narrative, complete with clues, challenges, and hidden treasures.

  • What is your favorite outdoor game or sport to play in the summer? Describe a fun game you played.

This prompt helps kids reflect on their physical activities and practice detailing rules and experiences of their favorite games.

  • Describe a nature walk you took. What plants and animals did you encounter?

Enhances observational skills and descriptive writing as kids recount their discoveries on a nature walk.

  • Imagine you are an explorer discovering a new island. What do you find and how do you survive?

This prompt encourages imaginative thinking and adventure as kids create a story about exploring an uncharted island.

  • Write about a day spent fishing. Did you catch anything? What was the experience like?

Kids can reflect on patience and the joys of fishing, detailing their experience and any catches they made.

  • What would you do if you had a treehouse? Describe your perfect treehouse and how you’d spend your time there.

Encourages creative thinking and detailed description as kids design and enjoy their ideal treehouse.

  • Describe a summer picnic. What food do you bring, and who do you invite?

This prompt allows kids to plan a fun, social outdoor event, detailing the setting, food, and activities with friends or family.

  • Write a daily journal entry for a week during your summer break. What did you do each day?

This prompt encourages kids to practice consistent writing and reflection on their daily activities and experiences.

  • Describe your perfect summer day from start to finish.

Kids can use their imagination to detail an ideal day. This is one of the best summer journal topics to practice narrative and descriptive writing.

  • Write about a new hobby or activity you tried this summer. How did you feel about it?

Encourages kids to reflect on new experiences, helping them articulate their thoughts and feelings.

  • What is your favorite summer tradition with your family? Describe it in detail.

This prompt fosters appreciation for family traditions and helps kids practice descriptive writing.

  • Imagine you are a character in your favorite book or movie for a day. Write about your adventures.

Kids can practice creative writing and perspective-taking by immersing themselves in a familiar story world.

  • Write a letter to a friend or family member about your summer so far.

Encourages kids to summarize their experiences and practice writing letters, an important communication skill.

  • Describe a summer day when the weather was extreme. What did you do to stay cool or warm?

This prompt helps kids practice descriptive writing and think about how they adapt to different weather conditions.

  • Imagine you kept a nature journal for the summer. What would you write about and draw?

Encourages kids to observe and document the natural world around them, fostering an appreciation for nature.

  • Write a story about finding a mysterious object while playing outside. What happens next?

This prompt sparks creativity and adventure, allowing kids to invent a narrative around a found object.

  • Reflect on the best part of your summer so far. Why was it special to you?

This is one of the best summer writing prompts for students that will help them practice reflection and gratitude by identifying and describing their most memorable summer moments.

With these summer writing prompts, kids can enjoy a creative and fun-filled summer. Encourage them to write regularly and watch their imaginations soar. Happy writing!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are some fun camping writing prompts.

Fun camp related summer writing prompts include describing a night under the stars, writing about a campfire story, or imagining an adventure in a hidden forest.

What are some ocean writing prompts?

Ocean writing prompts can include imagining a day as a marine biologist, writing a story about finding a message in a bottle, or describing an underwater adventure with sea creatures.

What are some summer writing prompts for elementary students?

Summer writing prompts for elementary students include reflecting on their favorite summer memory, describing a perfect picnic, or imagining a day at a magical amusement park.

word prompts for creative writing

  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Kindergarten

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