
English Essay – Sports and Games with Quotations

Sports and games.

Sports and games play a crucial role in our lives. They provide us with physical exercise, entertainment, and opportunities for social interaction. Whether it’s playing football, cricket, or any other sport, engaging in these activities brings joy and numerous benefits. In this essay, we will explore the importance of sports and games and how they contribute to our overall well-being.

Sports and games are an integral part of human society. They go beyond mere physical activity and provide a platform for personal growth, teamwork, and competition. Engaging in sports and games offers numerous benefits for individuals of all ages. This essay will delve into the significance of sports and games, highlighting their impact on physical health, mental well-being, and social development.


Sports and games have been an essential part of human civilization since ancient times. They not only provide entertainment and leisure but also contribute to the holistic development of individuals. This essay aims to shed light on the importance of sports and games, emphasizing their positive impact on physical health, mental well-being, and social interaction.

Physical Health: Nurturing the Body

Engaging in sports and games is a wonderful way to maintain physical fitness and overall well-being. Regular participation in sports activities helps improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and enhance agility and coordination. As individuals actively move, run, jump, and engage in physical exertion, they reap the benefits of increased stamina, flexibility, and endurance. In the words of Muhammad Ali, “ Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them—a desire, a dream, a vision. ”

Mental Well-being: Boosting Mind and Spirit

Sports and games not only contribute to physical health but also have a significant impact on mental well-being. Participating in sports activities helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It boosts the production of endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones, which enhance mood and promote a sense of happiness and fulfillment. Moreover, sports and games instill discipline, perseverance, and determination, nurturing important life skills that can be applied in various aspects of one’s life. As the legendary basketball player Michael Jordan once said, “ I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed .”

Social Development: Fostering Camaraderie and Unity

Sports and games serve as a platform for social interaction, fostering camaraderie, teamwork, and unity. Whether it’s playing on a team or engaging in friendly competitions, individuals learn the value of collaboration, communication, and mutual respect. Through sports, people from diverse backgrounds come together, breaking down barriers and building bridges of understanding. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “ Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else does .”

In Pakistan, sports and games hold great significance. The nation has a rich sporting culture, with cricket being the most popular sport. Cricket has not only brought national pride but has also united people across the country, transcending boundaries of class, ethnicity, and language. Pakistani cricketers, such as Waseem Akram and Saeed Anwar have become national heroes.

Furthermore, Pakistan has a strong tradition of field hockey, squash, and football, among other sports. These activities not only promote physical fitness but also provide opportunities for talented individuals to showcase their skills at national and international levels. The government of Pakistan has recognized the importance of sports and games, promoting sports programs and providing facilities to nurture talent and encourage participation.


Sports and games play a vital role in our lives, promoting physical health, mental well-being, and social development. They offer a platform for individuals to engage in healthy competition, learn important life skills, and foster a sense of unity and camaraderie. In Pakistan, sports have a special place, bringing people together and inspiring the nation. As individuals, let us embrace the power of sports and games, reaping their numerous benefits and nurturing a well-rounded and vibrant society.


  • “Sports and games are not just about winning or losing; they are about participating, giving your best, and enjoying the journey.”
  • “Sports and games teach us valuable life lessons of teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship.”
  • “In sports, it’s not about the size of the athlete, but the size of the heart and the will to succeed.”
  • “Sports and games are a universal language that transcends barriers and brings people together.”
  • “Playing sports is not just about physical activity; it is about unleashing your inner passion and pushing your limits.”
  • “Sports and games teach us to embrace challenges, overcome obstacles, and strive for continuous improvement.”
  • “In the game of life, sports teach us the importance of resilience, adaptability, and never giving up.”
  • “Sports and games are a source of joy, laughter, and memories that last a lifetime.”
  • “Sports and games provide a healthy escape, helping us relieve stress and rejuvenate our minds.”
  • “The true spirit of sports and games lies in the camaraderie, friendships, and bonds formed on and off the field.”
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Sports and Games English essay for matric and Inter

 I have given here a complete and easy essay on sports and games. The importance of sports and games essay for class 10, class 9 and 2nd year students can be helpful. This is a short but easy essay. The quotations have been included in the essay.

English essay on Sports and Games

This is a good and standard essay on the importance of sports and games. The essay is best for college students like FSc and FA part 2 and for matric students too. The important points have been discussed in this essay.

Sports and Games essay in English

Essay outlines:, 1. introduction:.

The first wealth is health - R.W Emerson

2. Importance of sports and games:

3. impact on daily life.

Sports do not build character. They reveal it. - Heywood Broun

4. Impact on body and Mind

sports is the greatest physical poetry. - Joe Philips
A sound body has a sound mind

5. Conclusion


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sports and games essay with quotations

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More Than 40 Sports and Games Quotations for the 10th Class

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Here is a collection of quotations for students writing essays on sports and games for class ten. Essays on sports and games are part of the syllabus of class 10th, such as an Essay on a Cricket Match with quotations, an Essay on a Hockey Match, and an Essay on the Importance of Sports and Games. Essays about sports and games can also include the same quotations.

English papers for Class 10th are often written with quotations to obtain high marks. Because of this, I provide them with English essays with quotations on GuidetoExam.com. For 10th Class students, I have developed a category of quotes. In this way, they could get a complete essay with quotes or note down only quotes according to their requirements.

Sports and Games Quotation for 10 Class Students

  • According to Hazrat Ali, the fourth caliph of Islam: “A healthy mind can realize God.”
  • “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” (Proverb)
  • “The first wealth is health” – (R.W Emerson)
  • “Never let a win get to your head or a loss get to your heart.” – (Chuck D)
  • “Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – (Heywood Brown)
  • Sport is a preserver of health. (Keats)
  • “Sports is the greatest physical poetry.” – (Joe Philips)
  •  “If you watch a game, it’s fun. If you play it, it’s recreation.” – (Bop Hope)
  • “A sound body has a sound mind.” – (Thales)
  • “Pain is only temporary but victory is forever.” – (Jeremy H.)
  • “If you can accept losing, you can’t win.” – (Vince Lombardi)
  • “The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” – (Vince Lombardi)
  • “Sweat plus sacrifice equals success.” – (Charles O. Finley)
  • “Life is not merely to be alive, but to be well.” – (Marcus Valerius Martial)
  • “A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.” – (Spanish Proverb)
  • “Health is wealth.” – (Proverb)
  • “Games and sports widen the mental horizon of players and make them true followers of the rule of law.” – (Unknown)
  • “Games and sports develop character and give health which are quite essential for improving the quality of life, acquiring wealth and success.” – (Unknown)
  • “You can’t win unless you learn to lose.” – (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)
  • “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” – (Bobby Unser)
  • “Gold medals aren’t really made of gold. They are made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts.” (Dan Gable)
  • “You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” – (Michael Phelps)
  • “One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than a hundred teaching it.” – (Knute Rockne)
  • “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” – (Vince Lombardi)
  • “To find a man’s true character, play golf with him.” – (P. G. Wodehouse)
  • “Life is about timing.” – (Carl Lewis)
  • “Sports are a microcosm of society.” – (Billie Jean King)
  • “A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever.” – (Mary Lou Retton)
  • “You have to do something in your life that is honorable and not cowardly if you are to live in peace with yourself.” – (Larry Brown)
  • “The five S’s of sports training are stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit.” – (Ken Doherty)
  • “Never give up, never give in, and when the upper hand is ours, may we have the ability to handle the win with the dignity that we absorbed the loss.” – (Doug Williams)
  • “When you’ve got something to prove, there’s nothing greater than a challenge.” – (Terry Bradshaw)
  • “It’s not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” – (Paul “Bear” Bryant)
  • “Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.” – (Marv Levy)
  • “I’ve learned that something constructive comes from every defeat.” – (Tom Landry)
  • “Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.” – (Bo Jackson)
  •  Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears.” – (Laird Hamilton)
  • “Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The opportunity to play.” – (Mike Singletary)
  • “Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking our potential.” (Liane Cardes)

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Top 30 Quotations for Sports and Games Essay Quotes

sports and games essay with quotations

  • January 26, 2024

Kainat Shakeel

Sports and games have been an integral part of mortal civilization, furnishing not just physical exercise but also a platform for social commerce and particular development. From ancient times to the ultramodern period, the significance of sports and games has evolved, impacting societies and societies across the globe. In their substance, sports, and games encompass a different range of physical conditioning that involves skill, strategy, and competition. Beyond the physical aspect, they play a vital part in shaping character, fostering cooperation, and promoting overall well-being. 

Types of Sports and Games

Sports can be distributed into colorful types, including inner and out-of-door sports, as well as traditional games that have been passed down through generations. Each type offers unique benefits and experiences, contributing to the diversity of the sporting world. 

Quotes for Sport and Games

  • ” Champions keep playing until they get it right.”- Billie Jean King
  • ” Success is where medication and occasion match.”- Bobby Unser
  • ” It’s not about the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.”- Archie Griffin
  • ” You have to anticipate effects of yourself before you can do them.”- Michael Jordan
  • ” The more difficulty the victory, the greater the happiness in winning.”- Pele
  • ” Obstacles do not have to stop you. However, do not turn around and give up, If you run into a wall. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”- Michael Jordan
  • ” Sports don’t make a character. They reveal it.”- Heywood Broun
  • ” Hard work beats talents when talents do not work hard.”- Tim Notke
  • ” You can not always control circumstances. still, you can always control your situation, approach, and response.”- Tony Dungy
  • ” A trophies carries dust. Memories last ever.”- Mary Lou Retton
  • ” Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”- Winston S. Churchill
  • ” Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.”- William Arthur Ward
  • ” There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.”- Roger Staubach
  • ” Every strike brings me near to the coming home run.”- Babe Ruth
  • ” You’re in no way playing an opponent. You’re playing yourself, your own highest standards, and when you reach your limits, that’s a real joy.”- Arthur Ashe
  • ” The topmost glory in living lies not in no way falling, but in rising every time we fall.”- Nelson Mandela
  • ” You were born to be a player. You were meant to be then. This moment is yours.”- Herb Brooks
  • ” The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • “ The first wealth is health ” –(R.W Emerson)
  • “ Sports don’t make a character. They reveal it. ” –( Heywood Broun)
  • Sport is a conserver of health. ( Keats)
  • “ Sports is the topmost physical poetry. ” –( Joe Philips)
  • “ The harder you work, the harder it’s to surrender. ” –( Vince Lombardi)
  • “ Efforts plus immolation equals success. ” –( CharlesO. Finley)
  • “ Games and sports develop character and give health which are relatively essential for perfecting the quality of life, acquiring wealth and success. ” –( Unknown)

In conclusion, sports and games transcend bare physical exertion; they’re an important force shaping societies, husbandry, and individual lives. From fostering fellowship to promoting gender equivalency, the impact of sports is multifaceted. As we navigate the evolving geography of sports, it’s essential to cherish the values they disseminate and the assignments they educate.

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile Content Writer Head and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.

Essay on Sports and Games for Students and Children

500+ words essay on sports and games.

sports and games are essential for both physical and mental of the students. Moreover, it increases the immunity of the person. As it increases the blood flow in the body and makes it adaptable for exertion. The main difference between a sport and a game is, we can play games both indoors and outdoors. But we can only play sports outdoors. Furthermore, there are various advantages to sports and games. Some of them are below:

Essay on sports and games

Advantages of sports

Physical Fitness- Sports and games play a major rule in keeping a person fit and fine. Furthermore, it increases the blood flow in the entire body. So this helps in keeping the heart in the best condition. Moreover, the immunity of the body increases by playing outdoor sports. Also, it helps in keeping your body fat percentage low. This makes the appearance of the body better and makes a person good-looking.

Increase mental health- Games like chess , card games increase the mental health of a person . As it develops Spontaneity and the response time of a person. As a result, a person’s mind can make a decision under pressure. Thus this helps in increasing the IQ of a person and its’ presence of mind.

Increase Stamina- Outdoor Sports like Football , cricket, basketball, swimming builds the stamina of a person. As all these sports require a lot of running, the stamina of a person automatically increases. Therefore a person can work for a longer period of time without getting tired.

Builds a sense of teamwork- Some sports need individual participation, while some require teamwork. Thus sports enlists teamwork in a person. Which is essential in every fieldwork. A company can only run by working together and not individually. So it is important for a person to know how to work together in a team. Only then you can achieve the desired goal .

Stress-relieving- Sports can bring a change to your day to day routine. Moreover, it can relieve you from stress as your body will experience a change. It gives your mind a boost of enthusiasm and happiness. As a result, it will fill you with energy for the next day.

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Disadvantages of sport and games

Dangerous- Some sports like football, cricket , basketball, swimming can be dangerous. Because any injury can occur while playing these sports. Therefore you should wear proper safety gear before playing it. Moreover, it can be harmful if you are playing it while you are sick.

Exhausting- Sports require energy, so a person needs to have proper meals. Moreover, the body needs rest to recover from the exertion. Therefore you need proper sleep every day if you are indulging in any sport.

Takes time- In order to play any sport, you have to take out time from your busy schedule. This may be very difficult for some people. As they work day and night to fulfill the needs of their family. So a person needs to cut off some things from their busy schedule to take out time to play a sport.

FAQ On the essay on sports and games

Q1. What is the main difference between sports and games?

A1. The main difference between sports and games is, we can play sports only outdoors. But games can take place both indoors and outdoors.

Q2. Write any two advantages and disadvantages of sports.

A2. The advantages of sports are it keeps a person fit and is a stress buster. The disadvantages of sports are it can be dangerous to play, injury can occur while playing and it is can be exhausting.

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Published: Mar 20, 2024

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Physical health benefits, mental and emotional well-being, social benefits, educational and cognitive development.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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No one can be mentally stable and strong if he or she is physically weak. Perhaps, this is a reason why all schools compulsorily include physical education among their academic and educational curriculum. As a part of our day-to-day lives, sports and games can help develop a fertile brain and ensure overall immunity and health. My parents always encourage me to actively participate in games and sports. While sports give me a break from everyday routine, my parents believe that it has more valuable benefits to offer.

Adding Spark in Life

Both indoor and outdoor sports are incredible sources of recreation. After a quick run in the field or a short chess session with my father, I feel very energetic and cheerful. It lessens the dullness that I feel after a long, hard day. And remaining mentally charged up does have some positive effects on my body. I have often found it easy to give more effort to my work with a happy heart.

Imparting Value

Playing sports regularly also helps to build a spirit of sportsmanship. It is a virtue essential to many more years to come. Also, it helps to be efficient in teamwork. When a group of the players is in the same game, the performance of each participant matters. The success largely depends on the joint effort and co-operation of the entire team. Any weak link or poor performance can negatively affect the game. Regular participation in sports also helps to build a sturdy physique and has a good sense of humour. Of course, regular participation helps to improve concentration, as well.

Staying Outdoor or Indoor?

After the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, I get a lesser chance to go out and play. The scarcity of big playing fields or parks in my locality is also another big problem. Yet, whenever I get the chance to play outside, it feels good. I get a chance to mix with several boys and girls in my age group. Also, I love the greenery there. It makes me feel very close to Mother Nature. Sometimes, we form small groups to play tiny cricket matches, ball games, and tug of war. Even small group games involved a lot of strategic thinking and teamwork. It helped a shy child like me to socialize better. At least, it gave me some quality time with my playmates.

I also love indoor games because they give me fast entertainment. They are also easily accessible. My room has a lot of board games for timepass. These include Ludo and monopoly. However, I also love mind games like chess and Sudoku. Besides, there are times when my mother allows me to play with her smartphone for a limited time. I have downloaded some interesting games there, as well.

What My Doctor Says

My family doctor strongly recommends that I go out and play. Even during the lockdown, he would ask me to get on the rooftop and do spot jogging or play handball with my family. As he puts it, our stay needs a little bit of sunshine daily. This helps the body to work perfectly. 

Going out with a bike or a balloon for an hour gives some really enjoyable exercising experience. Moreover, while outside, I have often discovered some new games to play alone or with friends. My friends called me innovative. This made me proud and confident about what I can do.

My Favourite Games

I don't have a single favourite game. While outside, I love climbing trees. Whenever I go to a new garden, a park, or any rural areas, I constantly look for new trees to climb. Also, I love playing roadside cricket with my friends. The cricket matches on the TV channels are a treat to watch. 

I also love group games that have some entertainment. For example, the good old hide-and-seek with variations. Sometimes we would count on 100, while sometimes on 10. We would also occasionally keep a home base to run as well as tag. Thus made it a safe spot. Sometimes, I just wait for my friends to find me out. Even when I am with my family, I love playing charades and chess.

The Importance of Sports and Games

Sport is an important segment in the academic as well as in our life. Every sport Each sport has its own set of benefits. Sports is also an excellent career choice. There are many advantages to playing sports and games. Here are some reasons as to why one should include sports and games in our daily life.

Being Physically Fit.

Sports and games help you be more active. When one plays sports regularly, the fatty molecules are used up and as a result, the chances of heart attack are reduced. Not only that, physical games are a natural healer for the body and mind. Playing seems more fun and also has the added benefit of being fit.

Sports Makes One Humble.

Playing sports comes with its own rules and regulations. It comes with ethics. Sports teaches us many life skills such as teamwork and honesty. These kinds of skills are important in life as well. Sports will help one grow mentally and stay more humble and conduct themselves in a good way in society.

Sports help in Developing the Emotional Intelligence

One might have noticed that players aren't afraid of losing the game, they just play. Sports teaches us that rejections, as well as defeats, are part of life. Also, one should not get carried away by the wins. It helps in the development of intuition. While the players must always guess the move of the opponent, the intuitive skills help us there. Sport teaches us to be emotionally intelligent.

Sports will help in being better in The Academics

The sports and games will help immensely in getting better at academics. It increases the concentration power, teaches us the importance of practising and so these skills will help in academics as well. One is always ready to take up any challenges in sports. In sports, one learns the importance of time management.

Sports help in Making New Friends

Team playing is a crucial part of any sport. It's helpful to meet new people and interact with them. Sharing ideas while playing and other added benefits. Interacting with new people will boost one's socializing skills. Not only does playing sports help you make new friends, but it also helps you make quality friendships as the people who play sports tend to be moral and idealistic.

Sports is an Amazing Stress Buster

Stress is caused by various factors. In the long term, it affects the health of the person. One must always keep their health in check. Not only recreation but sports is proven to reduce stress. Be it outdoor activities or indoor games, taking a break from studies will reduce stress and clear the mind. It is seen that healthy children have inculcated the habit of playing and engaging more in outdoor activities. 

Engaging in creative indoor activities will also have the same effect. For a short time, it will help in distracting the mind and engaging it in creative pursuits. Playing sports and being physically active helps ease the stressed mind.

Sports Enhances the Leadership Qualities

One is inspired to take up leadership in the school and other areas when sports becomes a part of life. Playing sports has such a positive effect on the overall personality of the person. It helps in being courageous and managing people. People who play sports regularly are always in one or the other leadership roles. 

Sports help in Being Disciplined

Disciplined people always have one thing in common, and that is sports. Playing sports regularly makes us organized and disciplined. Being a disciplined person not only helps in academics but also in other disciplines of life as well. A hard worker and a disciplined person are always respectable in society. Outdoor games like football and basketball are some of the games that will teach the importance of discipline. 

Indoor Games help in Building Creativity

Indoor games boost creativity in individuals. During an indoor game, the kids face a couple of problems that help them develop problem-solving skills. It encourages them to come up with creative ways to solve problems. One becomes more curious while playing indoor games and this will help explore our creativity. Chess will help in critical thinking and help to develop intuition and the logical side of the brain in children. Games like carrom, ludo etc help in finding creative ways to engage the mind.

Sports help in Experiencing New Things

With the help of varied indoor games, one can explore new concepts and ideas. Playing with others also helps in discussing ideas and this, in turn, enhances our imagination. These new experiences shape us into better individuals. Experiencing new things should always be given importance. With experiences, one learns new things, and learning should never stop.


FAQs on Sports and Games Essay

1. When is the National Sports day commemorated in India?

Since 2012, the ministry of youth affairs and sports of India's Government has marked August 29 as the national sports day. It is the date of birth of Sri Dhyan Chand Singh, the hockey wizard of India. The day serves as a reminder to cater to the needs of sports-related activities in everyone's life. The government also uses the occasion to launch its different sports-related schemes. For example, on this day, Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, launched the Khelo India movement in 2018. Many sports-related awards are also distributed on this day.

2. What are the different Sports-related awards that the government Confers?

The main government awards in sports include:

Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award: It is the most honourable award in sports in the country.

Arjuna Award: The sports and youth affairs ministry confers the award to the sportsmen showing outstanding achievement in their respective fields.

Dhyan Chand Award: It is the lifetime achievement award for sportsmen.

Dronacharya Award: It is the award for outstanding coaches and mentors in sports.

3. What is SAI?

The Sports Authority in India or SAI is the central sports body. The government of India established it in 1982. It has its headquarter in New Delhi, along with many regional offices. The SAI regularly engages foreign experts and coaches, as well as national coaches, for better training. It also offers many promotional schemes for aspiring sportsmen. 

Essay on Value of Sports and Games With Quotations and Outline

Sports and games essay with quotations for fsc 2nd year students.

Here is an essay on the Value of Sports and Games for the students of Class 12 and Graduation. Students of FSC 2nd Year can write the same essay under the title, essay on the value of games and sports, essay on importance of games and sports, essay on games, essay on sports, an essay on importance of games and essay on importance of sports. If you need more Quotations for Essays then you should visit this link. I have already shared Essays with Quotations on ilmihub too. I have also shared Quotations for Essay Sports and Games for FSC part 2 students. So, if you need only quotations you can take from this post .

  • Games and sports are imporatnt for human health.
  • Two groups of games in our country.
  • The games and sports build our character too.
  • A good player is a lover of mankind

Essay on Importance of Games and Sports for Class 12 and Graduation

The games and sports are very important for human health. They build our body and develop our mind. They give ample exercise to our muscles. In this way, they make our body strong and prevent us from getting unhealthy fats. They refresh our mind and give us sufficient amusement. After a day’s hard work, man feels tired and exhausted. He needs rest. He plays the game in order to refresh his mind. Games and sports remove the boredom of life and make him fit tor the next day’s work.

“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – (Heywood Broun)

In our country, the games can be divided into two groups, the outdoor games and indoor games. The outdoor games include cricket, hockey and football. Cricket is more popular than other games. During the days of cricket matches, everybody talks about it. The cricket matches are seen and watched by everybody with great interest. The cricket stars are discussed everywhere. There is a great excitement and thrill in the entire population of the country. The hockey matches are also viewed and watched with great interest. They are full of interest, thrill and suspense. They last for a short duration but they create more excitement than cricket matches.

The indoor games also keep us busy, fit and healthy. They include such games as table tennis and playing Carrum. They give exercise to our mind and memory. They are a test of the power of our intelligence and skill. They become harmful if we devote much of our time to them.

“Sport is a preserver of health. (Keats)

The games and sports build our character too. It is on the playground that the qualities of a player come to the surface. A good player plays the game in a sporting spirit. It means that he is always fair and just in his dealings. He plays the game for the sake of it. Victory or defeat has no meaning for him. If he wins the game, he does not feel proud at it. If he loses it, he is not discouraged. He does not violate the rules at the games. He is impartial in his judgements. He is only interested in the glow and zeal of the game.

“Pain is only temporary but victory is forever.” – (Jeremy H.)

A good player is a lover of mankind. He is always for love, goodwill and good sense. If he goes abroad, he carries with him the message of love. He is the true ambassador of his nation. The honour and glory of his nation is uppermost in his mind. He does not do anything which may shatter the image of his nation. He is always dignified and upright in his dealings. In the playground, his conduct is always marked with sportsman spirit. He does not get angry even at his insult. He does not abuse his rivals. He is free of ill will hatred and malice. He is tolerant and broad-minded. A good player plays the game in a team Spirit. He does not play his game for his honour but he plays the game for his team. As a member of the team, he is very helpful and co-operative. He may lose his points and score, but he will not let his companion suffer. He obeys the discipline of the team faithfully. The word of the captain is a law for him. A good player is a selfless and sincere worker. He is devoted to his mission. In short, in the playground, he learns to be fair, just and good.

“Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.” – (Marv Levy)

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Essay on Sports And Games With Quotation

Do you have a penchant for playing and watching sports? The number of people who do has been increasing in recent years, to the point where many people are now trying to get into competitive sports and compete.

Sports is a field that has seen many new changes and innovations in recent decades, so it’s no surprise that there are so many different techniques for sporting events.

Table of Contents

Sports & Games Essay With Quotation For Students

What is a sports game?

A sports game is a competition in which participants attempt to achieve an objective, usually by playing a sport. Sports games range from simple games that can be played on a playground, to complex simulations of professional sports.

“Games are one of the oldest and most popular pastimes. They have been around for centuries and continue to be enjoyed today by people of all ages. There are many different types of games and each has its own unique features. Some of the more common games include chess, backgammon, checkers, Monopoly, Scrabble, and poker.” (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Why play sports or games?

Games and sports provide an opportunity for people to achieve physical, social, and intellectual goals. They also provide a way to release energy and build teamwork.

Athletic events provide an excellent opportunity for people to improve their physical health. Studies have shown that participating in athletic activity can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, type II diabetes, and some types of cancer. Athletics also improve overall fitness and coordination.

One of the benefits of playing team sports is the development of teamwork skills. Team members must work together to achieve common goals. This type of cooperation can be invaluable in career settings or in other areas of life.

Sports and games also provide a way to release energy and build teamwork. When athletes compete against each other, they are often working together as a team. This type of competition can be very intense, but it also creates a sense of camaraderie among players.

What are the Benefits of playing a sport?

Playing a sport has many benefits, both physical and mental. Physical benefits include increased strength, endurance, agility, and flexibility. Playing a sport also helps build self-confidence and teamwork skills. Mental benefits include improved concentration, problem solving, and teamwork skills. Playing a sport can also help improve moods and stress levels.

Types of Sports Games

Games come in many different types, but all share some common features. First and foremost, games are entertaining. They can be fun to play and watch, and offer a way for people to interact with one another. Secondly, games require skill or physical prowess in order to be successful. Players need to be able to think on their feet and make quick decisions in order to win. Games can also be challenging, requiring players to devote a lot of time and effort in order to achieve success.

Finally, games can provide an opportunity for players to learn new skills or improve on existing ones. By playing competitively or learning from experienced players, players can develop their abilities in a number of ways.

Pros and Cons

1. Sports and games help to improve physical fitness and coordination.

2. They provide an outlet for aggressiveness and competitiveness.

3. They can be a form of recreation or entertainment.

4. They can promote teamwork and cooperation.

5. They can help people learn new skills or strategies.

6. They can be a source of social competition.

1. Some sports and games can be dangerous, especially if they involve contact with other players or objects.

2. Some people may become excessively obsessed with sports or games, becoming unable to pursue other interests or affairs in their lives.

Sports and games have always been an important part of human culture. They provide us with an opportunity to come together and experience moments of joy, triumph, and camaraderie. Sports and games often require hard work and dedication on the part of the athlete or player, but they are also a source of entertainment for everyone who watches them. Whether you are a fan of one sport or another, it is important to remember that sports and games are expressions of respect and love.

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Sports And Games Essay in English {Outstanding}

July 22, 2019 by Muhammad Faisal 5 Comments

Sports and Games Essay

This Essay is on Sports and Games

Billie Jean King says,                                                                                                                      Sports teach you character, it teaches you to play by the rules,                  it teaches you to  know what it feels like to win and lose,                              it teaches you about real life.                                                                   Human life is a series of problems and tensions. People are surrounded by a variety of concerns. Games and sports make us free from these troubles, tensions and concerns. Games and sports are necessary part of life which enable us to face these problems manly . These are helpful in proper operation of the various organs of the body . They improve blood circulation . Keats says,                                                                                                                                            ”Sports is a preserver oh health”                                Sports and games keep our bodies healthy, fil and robust. Sports require the participant to undertake quick movementof limbs . This stimulates the participant’s blood circulation, hence it makes the body to become stronger, sturdier and healthier . Immunity against diseases, better sleep, retention and prevention of memory loss are the other health benefits of sports and games. Sporta bring freshness in our body and mind . We feel energetic by playing sports. Games and sports give a good shape to our muscles. They change the laziness of our body into fresh ness. They give us something probably which anything cannot give. Bophop says,                                                             ” If you watch a game, it’s fun. If you play at it, it’s recreation” 

They offer us a change from the monotony of daily life. It is a useful means of entertainment and physical activity. Sports and games help in character building. They give us energy and strength. Everyone likes sports and games because they are very important in our life. They play an important role in the development of our personality. Therefore, sports and games are given great importance almost all over the world. They are an important part of our education. that is why in every school they are held. Sports and games are a means of mental and physical growth. During sports, we come to learn many things. we learn how to maintain mental balance in the midst of hopes and despair. They make us learn how to tackle a difficult situation. Sports develop a sense of friendliness. They develop in our team spirit. They help in developing mental and physical endurance. They give us energy and strength. They remove tiredness and lethargy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy Sports are an integral part of education. Education without sports is incomplete. keeping their value in life, children are taught some sorts of games in the very early stage in school. These days sports are a part of academic curricula. There are two major types of sports and games; outdoor and indoor. Outdoor sports such as football, cricket, hockey, tennis, baseball, basketball, and volleyball are famous and popular all over the world. Indoor games such as chess, wrestling, badminton, table tennis, boxing, squash, and snooker are also renowned and have a significant participant and fan base. George F. Will appreciates the sports in these words: ”Sports serve society by providing vivid examples excellence.”

Sports and games also have a sense of psychological and emotional bearing on participants. By following the rules of sports or games a person learns discipline and obedience. When someone wins, it emboldens the participant and awards a sense of pride to the winner. The loser, however, learns to accept defeat with an aim to win for the next time. Vince Lombardi says, ” Winner never quit and quitters never win.” They are also of great moral value. They teach us team spirit. sports and games teach cooperation and discipline. Players obey the orders of their captain and umpire without any question. These values are of much importance in everyday life. Sports and games, therefore, teach us to become good citizens. Every true sportsman is an honest, straightforward and generous. Sports are particularly important for youth. They contribute to the formation of character. They inculcate in them good values. It is, therefore, sports competitions are held at school and college levels. The students who perform well in this competition are promoted to play at the national and international levels. Thus sports help in career growth also. Muhammad Ali Kalay Says, ”He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” They teach us the lesson of discipline, teamwork, patience, punctuality, and obedience. Heywood Broun explains the uniqueness of sports in these Words: ”Sports do not build character. They reveal the Character.”

Sports and games give us the opportunity to grow in life. these days’ sports have been commercialized. They have become a good means of earning. The sportsperson who does well in sports is showered with name, fame and wealth. He becomes a hero overnight. Sports have great potential to offer career opportunities. So we should take them very seriously from the very early age of our life. Sports are a good means of earnings. Sports offer the opportunity to prove talents. In schools and in other higher institutions games are also considered an essential part of education. There are different kinds of sports competitions are held in schools. Schools have annual sporting events. In school, one period is daily given for games. A teacher teaches how to play different games for students. There is a unique bond between childhood and games. Students learn new things from games. Sports develop courage and self-confidence. They become agile and swift. Victory fills them with new enthusiasm and motivation. Juli Foudy says, ”Sports build good habits, confidence, and discipline. They make players community leaders and teach them how to strive for a goal, handle mistakes, and cherish growth opportunities”

Sports build healthy habits, self-confidence, and discipline. They make players into society leaders and guide them on how to strive for a goal, handle mistakes, and cherish growth opportunities.


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Essays on quotations on sports and games

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Wednesday 28 August 2019

The importance of sports and games english essay for 10th and 12th class.

The Importance of Sports and Games English Essay for 10th and 12th Class

The Importance of Sports and Games English Essay

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Angrezi PK

Quotations For Essay Sports And Games

“Sports and Games” is the second essay in the PTB composition book at the matriculation level. Students find it dull and dry when it comes to adding quotes in it.

And as a matter of fact, we don’t find enough quotes on sports and games essay. I found it a dire need to write quotes for this essay that can alleviate the concern of students.

Besides the matriculation, even at the intermediate level, it is said to the candidates to write quotes about the essay sports and games.

Following are the quotes worthy to add in your essay “Sports and Games.” None of these is irrelevant. What you need is to sort out which ones can be added to the different paragraphs of your essay.

Sports And Games Essay Quotations in Pakistan For 10th Class

Here are the best quotations on sports and games essay in English. You can use these quotes about essay sports and games quotations in your test or paper with confidence.

From the couch those who came, And they made excuse no lame, They have health wealth and fame, Those who enjoy sports and game. Calym Nush

quotes about sports and games in english

Lust for wealth, craze for fame, Some want money some want name, Futile is all, all is lame, If you detain, “sports and game.” Calym Nush

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If you have a packed playground, Never thy youth will be drowned, You can avoid being judge in courts, If thy schools stimulate the sports. Calym Nush

sports and games essay with quotations for 10th class

Games make you fit and healthy, In thy health, you become so wealthy, Don’t be lazy in getting up early, If you save your day being curly. Calym Nush

sports and games essay quotations

By body healthy, by mind wealthy, Games save you from being stealthy, Pop thy sweat out on ground, In real life it is first round. Calym Nush

sports and games quotations for essay

Before you brag, before you claim, Indulge your youth in the game, Set them target give them aim, So ahead they feel no shame. Calym Nush

best quotations on sports and games essay in English

To avoid the reports, Support the sports, Will lit off flames, Promote the games. Calym Nush

essay sports and games quotations

Cricket, hockey or volleyball, I mean sports, all in all, Play that you want to play, Don’t care for dust and clay. Calym Nush

Sports And Games Essay Quotations in Pakistan

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