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Mathematics Personal Statement Examples

Hopefully, these examples of Mathematics Personal Statements will help you create a unique statement for your UCAS application . 

I have always been fascinated by the world of mathematics and its ability to explain and understand complex phenomena in the world around us. From a young age, I have been drawn to the beauty and elegance of mathematical concepts and their ability to provide answers to some of the most challenging questions we face.

At school, I have excelled in mathematics, consistently achieving top grades in my exams and regularly participating in extra-curricular math competitions. I have particularly enjoyed studying topics such as calculus, algebra, and geometry, and I have found that my natural aptitude for problem-solving has allowed me to excel in these areas.

In addition to my passion for mathematics, I have also developed a strong interest in computer science. I have taught myself several programming languages and have enjoyed using these skills to create my computer programmes and simulations. I believe that the combination of my mathematical knowledge and computer programming skills would make me an ideal candidate for a degree in mathematical sciences.

As a university student, I am eager to continue exploring the fascinating world of mathematics and to push myself to the limits of my abilities. I am confident that a degree in mathematical sciences would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this exciting and rewarding field.

I am applying to your university because I believe that it offers an outstanding programme in mathematical sciences, with a strong emphasis on both theoretical and practical applications. I am particularly impressed by the diverse range of research opportunities available, and I am eager to participate in cutting-edge research projects that will challenge and inspire me.

As a student with a passion for mathematics, I am excited at the prospect of studying at such a prestigious institution and I am confident that your programme would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this field.

At school, I have consistently achieved top grades in my mathematics exams, and I have regularly participated in extra-curricular math competitions. I have a particular interest in topics such as calculus, algebra, and geometry, and I have found that my natural aptitude for problem-solving has allowed me to excel in these areas.

In addition to my passion for mathematics, I have also developed an interest in computer science. I have taught myself several programming languages and have enjoyed using these skills to create my computer programmes and simulations. I believe that the combination of my mathematical knowledge and computer programming skills would make me an ideal candidate for your degree programme.

As a university student, I am eager to continue exploring the fascinating world of mathematics and to push myself to the limits of my abilities. I am confident that a degree from the University of Cambridge would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this exciting and rewarding field.

I am particularly impressed by the wide range of research opportunities available at your university, and I am eager to participate in cutting-edge research projects that will challenge and inspire me. I am also excited by the opportunity to study at such a historic and prestigious institution, and I believe that the intellectual environment at Cambridge would be the perfect place for me to grow and develop as a student.

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Successful Personal Statement For Cambridge Mathematics And Physics

Last Updated: 6th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Mathematics and Physics applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Cambridge University. The Mathematics and Physics Course at Cambridge offers the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects: everything from abstract logic to black holes.

Read on to see how this strong Personal Statement addresses both maths and physics to showcase a high level of their ability. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:


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Mathematics And Physics Personal Statement

Since childhood, I’ve always loved complex puzzles, logical problems and challenges. Later on I discovered mathematics and physics which offered a lot of interesting problems and I enjoyed spending time on them. I loved the fact that real-life events, such as throwing a ball, could be described by a virtual language created by humans. However the most impressive fact for me was when I discovered that mathematicians and physicists can predict events just by solving equations. That’s is when I decided that maths and physics are what I want to do in life to contribute to the world.

Even though my passion in mathematics started very early, I have struggled to get to where I am now. When I got into Bratislava’s best gymnasium in mathematics I found myself at a position I had never been before. That was the first time I wasn’t the best in mathematics in our class, in fact I was one of the weaker students in this field. However over time I made my way to the top, but I still couldn’t surpass my classmates. When I got to the 5th grade, I realized why I didn’t succeed. That year we got a new mathematics teacher and she opened my eyes and showed me the beauty of maths. The most important thing that happened that year however was when I won the regional mathematics Olympiad and they invited me to KMS which is a camp for people interested in mathematics. There I realized that the school mathematics is just a fraction of the possibilities in this area. However the thing that I believe helped me in mathematics is that I started enjoying it. Rather than solving a Sudoku or crossword puzzle I was solving geometry problems. Since then I have won many prizes including bronze medals from the Middle European Mathematical Olympiad and the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Besides maths and physics I also love playing the piano and practicing Kung Fu. I have played the piano for 13 years and my personal favourites are Chopin’s Nocturnes. I may not be great at it, but playing the piano helps me relax and forget about my worries for a while. I practice Kung Fu mainly for health. My favourite style is Bagua. I learned that Kung Fu is not only a martial art, but a way of living. Besides Kung Fu and the piano, I also enjoy teaching kids interesting facts or problems in mathematics. During school, I teach a mathematics club and I want to teach the kids that mathematics isn’t just numbers.

Every summer I help organize a mathematics day camp for children. Mathematics may be the subject which I’m best at, but I don’t want to be ‘just a mathematician’ in the future. Since I was little, I’ve always wanted to do something great like solving global issues or inventing something useful, however I realize that it is very hard to achieve this with pure mathematics. People advised me to go study economics and financial mathematics so I could have a good job and earn money, but that is not what I want to achieve in life. My goal is to shape the world and make it a better place for future generations. This is the reason I want to study physics or engineering. I started doing physics two years ago and since then I participated and won some competitions including the Regional Physics Olympiad. To be better at physics I started reading Feynman’s lectures which helped me a lot, but also taught me that there is much to learn out there about the world. The reason why I want to study in the UK is because there are many opportunities compared to Slovakia. I have many friends who study there and heard from them that it’s an amazing experience. The most important fact, though, is that in the UK I can study and work with people who are ambitious. I know what I want to achieve in life, and even though I don’t yet know exactly how to get there or where ‘there’ will be, I believe that a UK university education will steer me in the right direction.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This is a very good statement. The statement is well-written and structured. The student describes their life experiences without making the statement sound like a list of achievements. This is achieved because the student explains every experience described, rather than listing their life experiences with no context. It is clear that the student has many talents and achievements, and these are stated in a humble manner that does not make it seem as though the student is bragging. It is clear that the student is aware of the significance of their decision to study outside of their native homeland and the challenges that this will bring. The student explains their reasons for applying to study a dual honours course and does not neglect either discipline.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The student uses the word ‘gymnasium’ instead of school/college. Whilst this may be the term used in Slovakia, in the UK a ‘gymnasium’ is a place where people exercise and its use in this statement is somewhat confusing. The way in which the student writes about their personal experiences makes the statement sound somewhat like an autobiography.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 

This is a very good statement. The student clearly has personality and a high level of ability. Strange terminology used can be excused due to the fact that the student’s first language is not English, and that the vast majority of the statement is very well-written.

This Personal Statement for Maths and Physics is a great example of how to showcase a high level of ability. The candidate’s interest and achievements are clearly shown which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

You can find more successful personal statements and our expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Cambridge Mathematics and Physics application.

With our  Oxbridge Maths Premium Programme, we help you craft the perfect Personal   Statement , score highly on the STEP and teach you how to  Interview effectively .

Discover our  Oxbridge Maths Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

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personal statement examples mathematics

Undergraduate Personal Statement Example: Mathematics

personal statement examples mathematics

By taking the time to study personal statement examples , you can learn how to write and structure your own application. Basically, you can pick up some great tips on how to write a personal statement by examining others.

And, of course, examples of personal statements can be valuable when applying to a university or college course. 

But with so many university personal statement examples available, how do you know if you’re reading a good one?

Undergraduate personal statements should highlight relevant academic and practical experience, academic skills, ambitions and suitability for the degree field. This undergraduate personal statement example for Mathematics clearly illustrates these three critical elements.

Undergraduate degree personal statement examples are sometimes referred to as personal mission statements or statements of purpose , so if you’re tasked with writing a personal mission statement, the following example will work for you.

I’ve broken down this personal statement example section by section, with a commentary on each element. 

That way, you’ll see its strengths and weaknesses and get some inspiration for your own personal statement .

Once you’ve read the personal statement example and analysis, you’ll be able to download a pdf of the whole document, to use as inspiration for your own!

personal statement examples mathematics

Personal Statement Example: Introduction

“Whilst an inspiring and encouraging teacher nurtured my formal interest in maths, my dad ignited my love of finding the logic in patterns and puzzles. I’m someone who enjoys solving problems and has always been interested in how different networks and systems operate, inspiring my interest and engagement in logistics. Participating in workshops with the Office for National Statistics gave me a clear insight into the techniques required to analyse trends in data and illustrated a range of potential career opportunities. I am motivated to study Mathematics as I consider it vital to the development of numerous critical industries and for solving global problems such as rising fuel costs and staff shortages. By completing a Maths degree, I aim to gain extensive knowledge and skills that will prepare me to meet a range of professional challenges.”

My Commentary and Analysis 

This undergraduate personal statement example for Mathematics begins in a traditional but effective way. The writer has referenced an inspiring person that acted as an early mentor or introduced them to the subject they are now applying to study at university. 

This personal connection works very effectively, especially as it really just takes the first sentence to hook the reader. This tactic is a useful one, but do make sure you limit any references to people other than yourself, or you may begin to inadvertently write a personal statement about someone that isn’t you!

The writer goes on to talk about logistics, which is clearly a discipline they are keen to pursue within mathematics, and from there, connect their interest to tangible experiences that show engagement with the subject outside of the classroom. This is an excellent strategy, as it shows motivation, a depth of knowledge and a strong array of applicable, transferable skills.

The writer finishes the introduction by outlining their professional ambitions, although in a very general way. This isn’t a tremendous problem at the undergraduate level, but it would have been valuable to have had a little more clarity. What exactly does this candidate know about the various fields they might enter? Do they understand exactly how a degree will help them achieve their goals? These things are implied but not explicit.

If you’re struggling with your personal statement introduction, check out my article on how to write perfect opening paragraphs here .

personal statement examples mathematics

Personal Statement Example: Section 2

“My Grade 8 in Mathematics has provided an excellent foundation for further study, and the data analysis knowledge I acquired has deepened my potential for managing quantitative and qualitative data research. In GCSE Computer Science I gained a good knowledge of the coding program Python, which will be important in this degree. I have excellent independent learning and collaborative skills, maintain high academic standards and always put in maximum effort. I continuously learn and recap critical curriculum concepts and am diligent with my homework and revision, which is a valuable undergraduate skill. My Business A-level course requires me to analyse data from tables, evaluate financial situations and discuss appropriate actions and strategies to improve profitability and stability. In Geography, I value the opportunity to analyse trends and patterns from maps and images. As part of my academic research, I am carrying out an NEA project requiring me to collect and analyse data. I look forward to developing my understanding of these skills and applying complex formulae to generate a specific outcome across various contexts.”

My Commentary and Analysis

The writer refers to related academic qualifications and courses in this next section, but more than this, they focus on the value of the experience and knowledge gained in relation to the subject they intend to study. This is the key to every good personal statement example: the relevant value gained from an experience is more effective than simply describing the experience itself.

They then focus on some higher-level coding and data analysis skills which are exceptionally relevant to their application and impressive at this level. They make the link with valuable transferable skills as well: evidence that they will flourish in higher education.

The writer manages to weave in examples of academic research, real-world awareness and collaborative skills, all of which are relevant and exactly the content an admissions tutor expects to see. More than this, the writing style is concise and detailed and continually works to establish credibility and validity in the mind of the reader. 

A very capable section that reflects the maturity and broader knowledge of the candidate.

If you’d like to learn more about how to structure your personal statement or statement of purpose , check out my awesome Personal Statement Template eBook here . It’s full of detailed examples of what to include!

personal statement examples mathematics

Personal Statement Example: Section 3

“Completing work experience at Marshall Logistics, I learnt about freight industry operations and developed my collaborative and listening skills. This included evaluating factors behind customer acquisition, vehicle choice concerning the transport of materials and contemporary issues affecting the business, such as rising fuel costs. I also familiarised myself with numerous operating systems including delivery tracking and efficient import/export analysis, dealt with invoices and solved logistical problems. Learning to work accurately at a fast pace, managing a large volume of work and dealing with the stress of unfamiliar and challenging environments are skills that I have developed as a result.”

Having undertaken work experience is an increasingly important aspect of university preparation, and one which is becoming widespread for a range of courses. Once the preserve of medicine and practical subjects, admissions teams now frequently expect to see evidence that applicants have gone ‘out there’ and seen how their proposed subject can be applied in the real world.

The writer has made this quite a descriptive passage, almost a list of the duties they undertook, but this is then put into context when they explain the value of what they learned. 

There isn’t any real suggestion of how these skills or experiences might be of value on the degree course they are applying for, but the examples tie in with the earlier mention of logistics, so the reader can certainly see a relevant theme emerging, which is likely to reassure them of this candidate’s potential for success.

Check out lots more examples of personal statements here , and see how they can inspire your application!

personal statement examples mathematics

Personal Statement Example: Section 4

“I work well independently, taking responsibility for my organisation, timekeeping and learning. This has been evident in my piano lessons, where I had particularly challenging pieces of music to learn for my Grade 6 exam. When practising, I prioritised work on challenging sections to improve the quality and command of my interpretation. I also had to show great resilience at secondary school in the years after my dad passed away. I maintained an excellent attitude to learning and a high standard of work despite going through a difficult time. During lockdown, I completed my work to a high standard and my teachers praised my commitment. Applying these skills during my degree will be critical because modules such as Vector Calculus are likely to be challenging.”

My Commentary and Analysis: 

A slightly weaker paragraph. The co-curricular activities mentioned do add to the overall picture of the candidate, but the transferable skills mentioned are quite general and a bit of a stretch in terms of application. 

This makes the reader think that either this person doesn’t have a developed level of social skills and may lack the maturity needed for higher education or that they are filling the word count with extra elements because they don’t have enough content to add which relates directly to their proposed major.

The writer then makes a connection with a generic course topic (it is not advisable to refer to specific topics in the UK undergraduate admissions system), which shows awareness of the kinds of course elements they are likely to encounter and reassures the reader that they have an understanding of the courses they are applying for.

The one thing that all successful personal statements have in common is that they are concise, engaging and accurate in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Consequently, I always recommend Grammarly to my students and clients. 

It’s an outstanding tool for ensuring your personal statement is rich with detail whilst hitting those all-important word limits. Check out the free version of Grammarly here , or hit the banner for more information.

personal statement examples mathematics

Personal Statement Example: Conclusion

“After graduating, my extensive knowledge of maths will enable me to succeed in a job requiring a high percentage of problem-solving, potentially in the finance industry. My motivated and informed approach gives me a clear understanding of the steps I need to take to achieve this goal. Undertaking a Maths with Finance degree will enable me to support people and businesses by finding solutions to their problems, and I am confident that my diligent and supportive approach will make me a valuable addition to your university.”

The writer identifies the skills and qualities that they aim to possess as a result of studying this subject and connects that with what potential employers are looking for. This shows that they have an understanding of the course and its potential outcomes, which, again, admissions readers expect to see.

The rest of the section is more general, less specific, and recaps information and ideas mentioned previously. This makes it less effective, and it would be far better to introduce new material here which strengthens the application. Perhaps a reference to research and reading or a clearer description of the kinds of companies or industries the writer might be keen to explore.

Equally, the writer could have made more detailed reference to exactly what they hope to contribute to the university environment, as this is only referenced in general terms. By outlining the value they hope to offer, a candidate can often evidence their suitability more convincingly.

In summary, this is a strong undergraduate personal statement example, which would be improved with some greater reference to academic mathematics skills and experiences.

For more great advice, check out my article on writing an excellent final personal statement paragraph here .

personal statement examples mathematics

Click here or on the banner below to get your free download of this complete personal statement example . 

personal statement examples mathematics

Whether you’re looking for personal mission statement examples or an example of personal purpose statement, I hope this personal statement example has been helpful. Above all, I wish you every success in your academic career. 

If you’d like to work with me to develop your personal statement 1:1 and write a powerful mission statement, I’d be delighted to hear from you. 

Find out about my personal statement support services by clicking here or on the image below.

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Research and content verified by Personal Statement Planet .

David Hallen

I've worked in the Further Education and University Admissions sector for nearly 20 years as a teacher, department head, Head of Sixth Form, UCAS Admissions Advisor, UK Centre Lead and freelance personal statement advisor, editor and writer. And now I'm here for you...

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Author: solene vidal, applied in: winter 2019, university offers: ucl, warwick, imperial college.

Mathematics has become a true passion for me over the years, generating increasing excitement as I experience its deepening complexity and gain insight into its endless possibilities that explain the workings of the universe. I am fascinated at its underpinning of developments in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, allowing the human world champion of Go – a game supposedly too complex for machines - to be beaten for the first time by the computer AlphaGo. Conversational artificial intelligence similarly probes new boundaries, with chatbots such as Siri and Alexa mirroring human communication strategies and answering more challenging queries everyday.

Thriving on academic challenge, I pursue a science-based Baccalauréat with Further Maths, consistently gaining highest class ranking. I enjoy the demands of complex problems that require logic for their solution, seeing it as a form of game. This lies behind my choice of Russian as an option, a language I have studied for seven years. Although considered difficult, I am attracted by its logical grammatical structures which greatly facilitate my learning and enable me to excel. Mathematics has similarly helped develop my critical thinking, teaching me that there may be many different approaches to solving a given problem. Calculating the digits of Pi (an irrational number), for example, triggered my curiosity because there are various algorithms providing a way in. The real challenge, as described by Bellos in “Alex’s Adventure in Numberland”, is to be sufficiently creative to find a new method that converges faster than previous ones.

I enjoy reading extensively about my interests. A favourite piece is “Closing the Gap” by Vicky Neale, highlighting the complex world of prime numbers - which have always surprised me by their numerous and unexpected applications in fields such as cryptography. I was particularly struck by the joint effort made by mathematicians to find the least gap separating consecutive primes attained infinitely often, through the Polymath8 project. Although the first proof was a major achievement, proving that the gap could be no more than 70,000,000, thanks to many improvements from a huge community of mathematicians, it quickly went down to 246. This project surprised and impressed me as I found discoveries often to be the result of many small contributions.

My curiosity has drawn me increasingly to the field of computer science, leading me to attend a 2017 summer course at Cambridge University focused on website development. Leveraging coding languages HTML, CSS and Javascript, I managed to create an interactive image gallery written on Github. Dealing with programming taught me to be not only meticulous - as a small syntax mistake may well induce a program error - but also to think ahead, as coding difficulties often arise from lack of planning. The pleasure I gained helped me understand the innumerable opportunities enabled through programming. I was able to reinforce the experience through a two-week internship shadowing different teams at ASOS, discovering software engineers to be the backbone of this online platform.

The piano (currently preparing Grade 7) represents for me a contrasting, but very real, source of pleasure. In music as in maths, I have been fascinated to discover a point where investment in study allows a level to be reached where I can detach from the academic process, to join the flow and elegance of the material. I believe also in active recreation – representing my school in Handball at the 2016 London Youth Games. Here, as elsewhere, team participation teaches me that major achievement often depends upon cooperation with others. I am eager to continue playing Handball at university.

I look forward to my university studies in Mathematics and Computer Science deepening my understanding so that I may play my part in tomorrow's digital revolution.

Please note UCAS will detect any form of plagiarism. PSE and its contributors do not take any responsibility for the way in which personal statements are used.

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Mathematics and computer science personal statement example.

When asked why I like Mathematics, I realised that it is all down to my personality. Being a composed, explicit person, I enjoy the challenge of questions with unequivocal answers.

My character’s orderly side draws me enthusiastically towards neat solutions, my creativity gives rise to my acceptance of new ideas and my positive mind results in my wish to succeed.

All questions have definite answers; we just need to construct ways of reaching them.

Mathematics at AS Level opened my mind to several new areas of algebra, sequences and series, and functions. I keenly welcomed the new techniques and enjoyed all aspects of the course.

Some of my favourite areas, however, were trigonometry and calculus; it was fascinating to see how trigonometric functions come together in a few simple identities!

Being new to the methods of differentiation and integration, I spent extra time going over examples, which soon became clear in my mind. I look forward to investigating these topics further in the A2 modules.

In addition to retaining a strong interest in Mathematics, my fascination for computers has grown. Nevertheless, I was unsure of whether or not I wanted to pursue a joint honours course of Mathematics with Computer Science, or a single degree course of Mathematics.

My decision to apply for the joint course was confirmed after I attended a number of Computer Science Summer School courses in London.

Joining Dubai College has given me the chance to explore new horizons. Responsibilities, such as being a prefect and Year 7 liaison, have made me realise our importance in the school as sixth formers.

I am currently in the process of completing my Duke of Edinburgh Gold award, for which I successfully finished an 80km expedition through the mountains of Mauritius. I will never forget the feelings of pure enjoyment and adventure; it was truly a challenging experience!

Although A Levels take up a great deal of time, I manage to maintain personal fitness by horse riding daily. I routinely enter dressage and show jumping competitions throughout the U.A.E., where I frequently achieve a medal place. Riding horses brings on a sense of freedom and allows me socialise out of school.

I have also obtained an understanding of what it is like to work amongst a large group of people through working in various companies around Dubai.

These included Barclays Bank, Prolab Digital and Palms Nursery. I particularly benefited from my experience at Barclays, as it introduced me to many fields, such as trading, accountancy and exchange, and taught me to appreciate the evident need for teamwork.

Although I am still unsure of the path I will take after graduating, I know that having a Mathematics and Computing degree will give me many transferable skills.

I am currently investigating a number of regions that appeal to me, which include actuarial science and further postgraduate study.

For now, I intend to approach the future positively and have many exciting thoughts. I hope to encounter new opportunities, make new friends and rise to the challenge of university!

Profile info

This personal statement was written by weirdo for application in 2003.

weirdo's university choices University of Bristol Imperial College London Oxford University The University of Warwick King's College London University College London

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

Degree Mathematics and Computer Science at Oxford University

Related Personal Statements

This statement is very good.

Mon, 03/01/2005 - 00:00

this statement is very good and i recon this person would achieve good things in future.. good luck coz

its really good man. cant

Sun, 11/09/2005 - 00:00

its really good man. cant believe you have got so many work experiences thought..ive got none. neway good luck

man absolutely fantastic

Tue, 20/09/2005 - 00:00

man absolutely fantastic couldnt have done better myself good luck chase your dreams.

Brilliant personal statement

Fri, 07/10/2005 - 00:00

it's very good, especially

Mon, 28/08/2006 - 00:00

it's very good, especially the 1st paragraph!

this needs improving

Fri, 06/10/2006 - 17:59

Probably the best first

Wed, 03/10/2007 - 12:42

Probably the best first paragraph I've ever seen mate. No wonder they all wanted you!

that last message was by one

Wed, 10/09/2008 - 09:45

that last message was by one Oliver Sheffield

wow! this is just about

Thu, 11/09/2008 - 20:28

wow! this is just about perfect! Hopefully mine will be as good as this (im in the process of writing one...)

Sat, 31/10/2009 - 17:51

This statement is fake.

the person above should learn

Sat, 09/10/2010 - 11:07

the person above should learn how to spell before they go around swearing at other people.

Got chills just reading the

Wed, 13/10/2010 - 17:09

Got chills just reading the first paragraph

Too many Commas for my liking

Thu, 21/10/2010 - 16:16

Too many Commas for my liking and I don't like the use of exclamation marks in formal writing like this.

Stating that you are unsure about course choice (joint honours vs single) cannot be a good thing IMO. It doesn't demonstrate commitment or certainty about your choice of subject.

Otherwise I quite like it but I'm not an admissions tutor so what do I know.

The thing that stands out

Wed, 23/11/2011 - 06:05

The thing that stands out about this letter is that the applicant rides horses for a hobby; this is a clue to what really lead to their acceptance.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement

Submitted by Arnav

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Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement

The combination of the holistic approach of Economics with the precise detail of Mathematics is exciting and would give me the skills to excel in the field that I am interested in: the financial sector. I was reading a BBC article about issues Scotland had with the public expenditure they received, which initiated my interest for understanding a broader range of economics. This brought my attention to the Barnett formula, which uses the accurate nature of Mathematics in Economic methodology and is a model used by the Treasury in the UK to distribute the amount of public spending that is allocated to Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

A-level Further Mathematics has helped me develop skills such as critical thinking and creativity through attempting complex questions which often need considerate methodology. I have always tried to push myself when it comes to Maths and this has been shown through my participation in the UK Maths Challenge, attaining a gold certificate and the "Best in the Year" award. Studying Further Maths has introduced me to matrices and vectors, so having the opportunity to simultaneously manipulate the two when studying Linear Algebra at University would be quite captivating. I am intrigued by the way statistics at A-level can be used as a means of drawing conclusions from data and I would like to be able to extend these ideas and have the opportunity to analyse experiments and collate information that can genuinely be useful to society. A full understanding of Economics will allow me to engage with the current affairs and explain why certain economic phenomena occur by relating it to the economic performance of a country.

In order to gain a stronger understanding of macroeconomics beyond my studies, I applied for an extremely competitive week-long summer work experience programme with Lloyds Banking Group in 2017, providing me with a greater insight to their Group Corporate Treasury (GCT) sector - arguably the bank's most important team known for being the “bank to the bank”. I learnt that GCT manage the flow of cash between the deposits that divisions bring in, and the loans they lend out through four main functions: balance sheet management, funding and liquidity, capital and issuance. The most valuable skills I gained from the programme was through the trading game that I played. I had 6 assets and used the stock market to judge how much of my assets I should buy or sell and when would be the best time to make the trades. This gave me an idea of the level of risk-taking that is involved, not just in trading but also with how banks operate. Presenting to employees on what I had learned about the FTSE 100 was also a vital experience as it allowed me to work on relevant skills in relation to my aim of wanting to apply economic theory to real world scenarios. I was required to identify drivers of the index, both economic and fundamental, and answer technical Q&A raised by the audience.

I have developed a range of transferable skills through non-academic activities; by playing tennis outside of school at a county level, representing my age as well as the men's team and winning many club tournament competitions. My passion for tennis extends beyond playing, as I coach younger children aged 4-9 to develop their playing skills. I have captained my school cricket team on several occasions as well as doing my Higher Sports Leaders Award (Level 3), where I worked with younger students by getting them involved in a variety of sports. My communication skills have been further enhanced during my National Citizen Service (NCS) programme as I volunteered with the elderly at the Royal Chelsea Hospital, providing them with entertainment. This has enabled me to gain confidence in my communication skills through adapting them in different situations depending on my audience, which I believe is an important skill to have, not only at university but also in the world of work.

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