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The first sentence of each paragraph must be a short brief of the idea you’re going to expose. Then, use connectors to develop the idea and give details. Using a variety of connectors and synonyms will give your text lexical richness. Every once in a while, describe a complicated concept in a thorough way and go into detail. On the other hand, you should also give contra arguments. In addition, your ideas should be backed up by research and data. As a conclusion, you can sum up the most important ideas you have spoken about in the essay. Seems easy, right? Use this modern template to give more tips about how to write the perfect essay!

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Writing a Personal Essay

Published by Bonnie Dayna Pierce Modified over 6 years ago

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Writing a Personal Essay

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Module 4: Writing in College

Writing a personal essay, learning objectives.

  • Describe techniques for writing an effective personal essay

How to Write a Personal Essay

One particular and common kind of narrative essay is the personal narrative essay. Maybe you have already written one of these in order to get to college or for a scholarship. The personal essay is a narrative essay focused on you. Typically, you write about events or people in your life that taught you important life lessons. These events should have changed you somehow. From this choice will emerge the theme (the main point) of your story. Then you can follow these steps:

Someone writing on sticky notes and in a notebook.

Figure 1 . Brainstorming the details of a personal experience can help you to write a more complete story with elements like vivid details, dialogue, and sufficient character development.

  • Once you identify the event, you will write down what happened. Just brainstorm (also called freewriting). Focus on the actual event. You do not need to provide a complete build-up to it. For example, if you are telling a story about an experience at camp, you do not need to provide readers with a history of your camp experiences, nor do you need to explain how you got there, what you ate each day, how long it lasted, etc. Readers need enough information to understand the event.
  • Use descriptions/vivid details.
  • “Nothing moved but a pair of squirrels chasing each other back and forth on the telephone wires. I followed one in my sight. Finally, it stopped for a moment and I fired.”
  • Passive voice uses the verb “to be” along with an action verb: had been aiming, was exhausted.
  • Even though the “characters” in your story are real people, your readers won’t get to know them unless you describe them, present their personalities, and give them physical presence.
  • Dialogue helps readers get to know the characters in your story, infuses the story with life, and offers a variation from description and explanation. When writing dialogue, you may not remember exactly what was said in the past, so be true to the person being represented and come as close to the actual language the person uses as possible. Dialogue is indented with each person speaking as its own paragraph. The paragraph ends when that person is done speaking and any following explanation or continuing action ends. (If your characters speak a language other than English, feel free to include that in your narrative, but provide a translation for your English-speaking readers.)
  • Remember, if it is a personal narrative, you are telling the story, so it should be in first person. Students often worry about whether or not they are allowed to use “I.” It is impossible to write a personal essay without using “I”!
  • Write the story in a consistent verb tense (almost always past tense). It doesn’t work to try to write it in the present tense since it already happened. Make sure you stay in the past tense.

Sample Personal Statement

One type of narrative essay you may have reason to write is a Personal Statement.

Many colleges and universities ask for a Personal Statement Essay for students who are applying for admission, to transfer, or for scholarships. Generally, a Personal Statement asks you to respond to a specific prompt, most often asking you to describe a significant life event, a personality trait, or a goal or principle that motivates or inspires you. Personal Statements are essentially narrative essays with a particular focus on the writer’s personal life.

The following essay was responding to the prompt: “Write about an experience that made you aware of a skill or strength you possess.” As you read, pay attention to the way the writer gets your attention with a strong opening, how he uses vivid details and a chronological narrative to tell his story, and how he links back to the prompt in the conclusion.

Sample Student Essay

Alen Abramyan Professor X English 1101-209 2/5/2022

In the Middle of Nowhere Fighting Adversity

A three-punch combination had me seeing stars. Blood started to rush down my nose. The Russian trainers quietly whispered to one another. I knew right away that my nose was broken. Was this the end of my journey; or was I about to face adversity?

Ever since I was seven years old, I trained myself in, “The Art of Boxing.”  While most of the kids were out playing fun games and hanging out with their friends, I was in a damp, sweat-filled gym. My path was set to be a difficult one. Blood, sweat, and tears were going to be an everyday occurrence.

At a very young age I learned the meaning of hard work and dedication. Most kids jumped from one activity to the next. Some quit because it was too hard; others quit because they were too bored. My father pointed this out to me on many occasions. Adults would ask my father, ” why do you let your son box? It’s such a dangerous sport, he could get hurt. My father always replied, “Everyone is going to get hurt in their lives, physically, mentally and emotionally. I’m making sure he’s ready for the challenges he’s going to face as a man. I always felt strong after hearing my father speak that way about me. I was a boy being shaped into a man, what a great feeling it was.

Year after year, I participated in boxing tournaments across the U.S. As the years went by, the work ethic and strength of character my father and coaches instilled in me, were starting to take shape. I began applying the hard work and dedication I learned in boxing, to my everyday life. I realized that when times were tough and challenges presented themselves, I wouldn’t back down, I would become stronger. This confidence I had in myself, gave me the strength to pursue my boxing career in Russia.

I traveled to Russia to compete in Amateur Boxing. Tournament after tournament I came closer to my goal of making the Russian Olympic Boxing team. After successfully winning the Kaliningrad regional tournament, I began training for the Northwest Championships. This would include boxers from St. Petersburg, Pskov, Kursk and many other powerful boxing cities.

We had to prepare for a tough tournament, and that’s what we did. While sparring one week before the tournament, I was caught by a strong punch combination to the nose. I knew right away it was serious. Blood began rushing down my face, as I noticed the coaches whispering to each other. They walked into my corner and examined my nose,” yeah, it’s broken,” Yuri Ivonovich yelled out. I was asked to clean up and to meet them in their office. I walked into the Boxing Federation office after a quick shower. I knew right away, they wanted to replace me for the upcoming tournament. “We’re investing a lot of money on you boxers and we expect good results. Why should we risk taking you with a broken nose?” Yuri Ivonovich asked me. I replied, “I traveled half-way around the world to be here, this injury isn’t a problem for me.” And by the look on my face they were convinced, they handed me my train ticket and wished me luck.

The train came to a screeching halt, shaking all the passengers awake. I glanced out my window, “Welcome to Cherepovets,” the sign read. In the background I saw a horrific skyline of smokestacks, coughing out thick black smoke. Arriving in the city, we went straight to the weigh ins. Hundreds of boxers, all from many cities were there. The brackets were set up shortly after the weigh ins. In the Super Heavyweight division, I found out I had 4 fights to compete in, each increasing in difficulty. My first match, I made sure not a punch would land; this was true for the next two fights. Winning all three 6-0, 8-0 and 7-0 respectively. It looked like I was close to winning the whole tournament. For the finals I was to fight the National Olympic Hope Champion.

The night before the finals was coincidentally the 200th anniversary of the city. All night by my hotel, I heard screams of laughter and partying. I couldn’t sleep a wink. The morning of the fight I was exhausted but anxious. I stepped into the ring knowing that I was tired. I fell behind in points quickly in the first round. I felt as if I were dreaming, with no control of the situation. I was going along for the ride and it wasn’t pleasant. At the end of the second round, the coach informed me that I was far behind. “?You’re asleep in there,” he yelled out to me, confirming how I felt. I knew this was my last chance; I had to give it my all. I mustered up enough strength to have an amazing round. It was as if I stepped out and a fresh boxer stepped in. I glanced at my coaches and see a look of approval. No matter the outcome, I felt that I had defeated adversity. My opponent’s hand was raised , he won a close decision, 6-5. After I got back to my hotel, I remembered Yuri Ivonovich telling me they expected good results. “How were my results,” I asked myself. In my mind, the results were great, with a broken nose and with no sleep, I came one point shy of defeating the National Olympic Hope Champion.

Even from a very young age, I knew that when my back was against the wall and adversity was knocking on my door, I would never back down. I became a stronger person, a trait my family made sure I would carry into my adult years. No matter what I’m striving for; getting into a University; receiving a scholarship; or applying for a job, I can proudly say to myself, I am Alen Abramyan and adversity is no match for me.

Link to Learning

Sandra Cisneros offers an example of a narrative essay in “Only Daughter”  that captures her sense of her Chicana-Mexican heritage as the only daughter in a family of seven children.

Do Personal Essays have Thesis Statements?

While many personal essays include a direct statement of the thesis, in some personal essays the thesis may be implied, or suggested, rather than stated outright.

Imagine, for example, that in your personal essay you decide to write about the way someone influenced you. The influential individual could be a relative, a friend or classmate, an employer or a teacher. As you shape your essay, you would not simply assemble a collection of miscellaneous observations about the person; instead, you would be selective and focus on details about this person that show his or her impact upon you.

Let us say that the person who influenced you is a grandparent. You may know a lot about this individual: personality traits, family and marital history, medical history, educational background, work experience, military experience, political and religious beliefs, hobbies, tastes in music, etc. As you shape your essay, you wouldn’t try to catalog all that you know. Instead, you would try to create a dominant impression by including details that guide your reader toward the idea that is central to the essay.

For example, if you developed certain habits and attitudes as you and your grandparent worked together on a project, that experience might provide the focus for the essay. If you chose details consistent with that focus, then you wouldn’t need to state that this was the point of the essay. Your readers would understand that that was the governing idea based on the details you had so carefully chosen.

Whether the thesis is stated outright or implied, then, the personal essay will have a governing idea—an idea that is “in charge” of what you decide to include in the essay in terms of content, vocabulary, sentence structure, and tone. In short, the personal essay may not have a thesis statement, but it  will  have a thesis.

Consider a personal essay in which a student was asked to write about a person she admired, and she wrote about her cousin. She wrote:

  • I admired my cousin’s decision to enlist because she had to withstand criticism from people who thought women shouldn’t be in the army and because in basic training she had to stand up to physical and mental challenges that I don’t think I could face.

The thesis statement provides guidance for both writing and reading the essay. Writer and reader alike are able to see what the subject of the essay is and what is being stated about the subject and how the essay should be organized. No matter how many body paragraphs there are, this thesis implies that the paper will be divided into two sections. One section will group together the paragraphs on this topic: cousin “had to withstand criticism from people who thought women shouldn’t be in the army.” Another section will group together the paragraphs on this second topic: “in basic training she had to stand up to physical and mental challenges.”

Are Narratives Persuasive?

In a personal essay, you may not think of your thesis as “arguable” in the same way as a claim in a persuasive essay would be arguable, but in fact, you can think of it as something that should need to be demonstrated—backed up through explanations and illustrations. Usually, the idea that should be demonstrated is that you are a thoughtful, reflective person who has learned from the events and people in your life.

If the thesis does  not   need to be demonstrated, then there may not be much purpose in writing the essay. For, example, a statement that “George W. Bush was the forty-third president” or the statement that “Senior proms are exciting” would not be considered arguable by most people and likely would not spark a reader’s interest to make them want to keep reading.

On the other hand, the thesis statements below would need to be explained and illustrated. In that sense, these personal essay thesis statements are equivalent to claims that are “arguable.”

  • The evening was nearly ruined because parents acting as dress-code vigilantes threw several people out of the prom.
  • My team spent hours planning the prom and managed to head off a repeat of the after-prom drinking that caused some parents to question whether the prom should be held this year.
  • Everyone was able to attend the prom proudly because our prom committee got several stores to loan outfits to make certain everyone would feel like they fit in.
  • I opted to attend an alternative prom because the principal refused to allow a same-sex couple to attend.

Keep in mind that the actions or events in your essay do not have to make you look heroic. You could write a convincing and powerful essay about how you attended the school-sponsored prom, even though the principal refused to allow a same-sex couple to attend. Your essay, in this case, might, for example, focus on your regret over your decision and your subsequent understanding of how you think you can best challenge the status quo in the future. In other words, you can write an effective personal essay about a moment of regret.

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  • Narrative Essays. Authored by : Marianne Botos, Lynn McClelland, Stephanie Polliard, Pamela Osback . Located at : . Project : Horse of a Different Color: English Composition and Rhetoric . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Sample Narrative Essay. Provided by : Georgia State University. Located at : . Project : Writing For Success. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Writing a Narrative Essay. Provided by : Boundless. Located at : . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • Image of person writing on sticky notes. Authored by : Nappiness. Provided by : Pixabay. Located at : . License : Other . License Terms :
  • Do Personal Essays have Thesis Statements?. Provided by : Radford University. Located at : . Project : Radford University Core Handbook. License : Public Domain: No Known Copyright

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Essay Outline PowerPoint Template

The Essay Outline PowerPoint Template is designed with the objective of helping writers present their essay. The Essay outline is a skeleton, a platform on which you can build your own writing and come up with your own thoughts. These outlines help you (the presenter) structure ideas and thoughts logically to build towards a meaningful and strong conclusion, which is the main point of presenting an essay. In fact, the outline is the main aspect towards writing an effective essay too.

This essay outline template is ideal for content writers and ghost writers when they need to present an essay pitch. It follows best practices structure and provides professional presentation layouts to accommodate content (texts, images, visuals and videos) in a way that make it easy to create a document style presentation.

The Essay Outline Template sections included are:

  • Introduction : Containing Background and Thesis statement slides, this section should get the reader’s attention – intended to ask a leading question; relay something enticing about the subject in a manner that commands attention. Then State the thesis – what you are going to discuss.
  • Essay Body : The body is the largest part of the essay. While creating your Essay outline, list down the supporting points you are supposed to cover when writing the essay. Make sure that you provide the main idea of the topic you will be discussing. Each Body supporting paragraph should reveal an argument that support the thesis statement and ague with Evidence and Examples.
  • Conclusions : The conclusions section summarizes the essay idea. It is the evaluation of the statements made and the arguments given. The conclusion therefore refers to the thesis statement of the work.
  • References : Referencing is a system that allows you to acknowledge the contributions and work of others in your writing by citing your sources. A feature of academic writing is that it contains references to the words, information and ideas of others. A well done research always includes investigating other authors about the state of the art of the topic or thoughts about the thesis statement.

Writing an essay implies a formal writing technique that can be mapped to more professional con complicated works, for example an academic thesis. Check our thesis presentation tips in the article  How To Do a Proper Thesis Defense Using the Right PowerPoint Presentation.

Impress professional audiences with the Essay Outline PowerPoint Template. User the structure as your base and transmit your message with the proper visual support and documentation. Check out our wide variety of Education PowerPoint Templates .

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How to write a Personal Essay - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to write a Personal Essay

Great presentation which has all the necessary information regarding your personal essay. you can follow the tips we provide and also ask for help in case of problems. more information is presented on this website – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • When you enter college, personal essay may be the first assignment you get from your professor.
  • You dont need to worry because such essays are often considered the easiest during studying in college or university.
  • The reason is, you need to give information about the moment from your life so there is not a lot of research to do.
  • However, it is important to remember that there should be some specific elements that your professor will be looking for during evaluation of your work.
  • Always remember that personal essay is a test which is intended to give the professor an idea of your writing style, language and voice.
  • So lets see how to write a great personal essay in this post.
  • We all know that essays should contain introduction, body and conclusion.
  • These elements are essential but will focus on the techniques on how to make your essay interesting and show your grasp on voice and language.
  • It is important to remember that using right language for your personal essay is much more than using correct grammar.
  • First of all, this work is personal. Therefore, you should use more active voice in your text. Lets compare the following examples
  • An interesting assignment was given.
  • The second day and Ms. Johnson has already given me an interesting personal essay to write.
  • The first example shows passive structure of the sentence.
  • It uses more academic style of writing and does not sound personal.
  • Besides, the sentence does not give any information on who is performing the action.
  • Your professor will most definitely looking and examining how you used active voice so make sure you included it in your personal essay.
  • Be specific when describing the events in your work.
  • You need to keep in mind that personal essays are your own view on the topic which is original and unique.
  • In case when you do not include enough descriptions to your sentences, they might become boring so the readers interest will be lost.
  • Lets compare the examples once again and see the difference between boring and interesting structures.
  • Ms. Johnsons assignment was exciting.
  • 2. The moment Ms. Johnson told us about the new assignment, I immediately had several ideas on how to write it and the class was over before I knew it.
  • The second example gives information about your feelings and how you were excited about new task form your teacher.
  • Your readers will most definitely find it more interesting than the first one.
  • Write from your heart.
  • It will be much easier for your readers to connect with you and respond to your paper.
  • Make your personal essay full of your feelings so people can relate to it.
  • Stay close and distinctive to your own opinion and make sure others understand your position.
  • Personal essays should not use weak words.
  • They are should, would and could.
  • These words show that the writer is not sure about what position to take.
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Writing a Personal Narrative

Sep 02, 2014

1.16k likes | 2.48k Views

Writing a Personal Narrative. Narrative – A spoken or written account of connected events; a story. A Personal Narrative:. Is an interesting story about you – the writer! (The narrator is the person who tells the story, either through writing or speaking.)

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  • good transitions
  • topic sentence
  • chronological time order
  • interesting topic sentence


Presentation Transcript

Writing a Personal Narrative Narrative – A spoken or written account of connected events; a story.

A Personal Narrative: • Is an interesting story about you – the writer! • (The narrator is the person who tells the story, either • through writing or speaking.) • Is written in the first person (using the pronouns I, me, and my. • Presents events in a clear order. • Uses details to help readers see people, places, and events. • Shows how the writer feels about the experience and why it is meaningful to him or her.

What to Write About • A memorable event • A good time • A bad time • An important time • A first time • A last time

What to Write About Remember, your narrative does not need to be about an extraordinary event. Just make sure that it is about an experience that is interesting and important to you!

How to Start Think of a topic – your personal experience that you want to share. List several events and details that you want to include in your story. Put the events in chronological (time) order.

Writing your Story Write a topic sentence that clearly introduces the purpose of your narrative. Connect your events using good transitions. Use vivid1 details to describe the characters and events in your narrative. 1Vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.

Writing a Vivid Sentence “I was so embarrassed that my face turned red.” “I was so embarrassed that my face turned as red as a tomato!”

Writing your Story Try to recreate the events as they happened, rather than simply telling about them. Sometimes it’s OK to use dialogue to make the story more interesting for the readers. Make sure your narrative includes: a plot – including setting and characters – a climax, and an ending.

Finishing your Story Review your story. Read it aloud to yourself or a partner. Did the introduction capture your attention? Is the order of events clear? Did you include good transitions? Did you use vivid details? Does the conclusion finish the story appropriately?

Practice: Is this an interesting topic sentence? Once I almost drowned. It’s a good start, but not enough details. X

When Robert was fifteen, he made his first gift of true love to his father. ✓

A journey of 1 mile or 5000 miles begins the same way: with a single step. This sentence might be a good beginning for an essay, but not for a personal narrative. We don’t really know what the story will be about. X

When I was five, I discovered that learning was fun. ✓

The 5-minute drive to the hospital seemed to have taken hours. What’s the central idea of the narrative? X

He was driving home one evening, on a two-lane country road. What’s the central idea of the narrative? X

Xiao Wang has proved once again that he is an incurable optimist. Not too bad, but a little bit more detail would be nice. ✓

The day I got the letter of admission from BFSU (Beijing Foreign Studies University) was one of the happiest of my life. Great! ✓

My family believed that if something went wrong, it was always someone else’s fault. A good start to an essay, but not a personal narrative. X

One of my most memorable experiences took place when I worked as a school teacher in a mountain village. Excellent! Lots of details. We know the writer’s role (school teacher) and the setting (mountain village). ✓

Transitions Time/Order – Later (on), a little bit later, soon, while, when, (shortly) afterward, after that, shortly thereafter, before, then, subsequently, the next day. Importance – First, next, finally, most of all, more importantly, last but not least. Cause & Effect – Because, since, for, so, therefore, as a result, consequently. Comparison – Similarly, in the same way, unlike, on the other hand, nevertheless Examples – For example, for instance, such as, like, in other words, along with

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Writing a Narrative

Writing a Narrative. Grade 7/8 Language Arts. What is a Narrative?. An account of a sequence of events, usually in the order that they occurred. Narrative is the general term for telling a story. Types of Narrative. There are two main kinds of narratives: Fictional (made up)

781 views • 47 slides

Writing a Personal Narrative

Writing a Personal Narrative. MS.AYESHA SHAHID ENGLISH LECTURER DA DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN PHASE VII(EXTN). 4 Writing Purposes. Expository – provides information or an explanation about a topic Narrative – tells a story Descriptive – describes a subject using sensory details

695 views • 35 slides

Writing a Narrative

Writing a Narrative. Writing a narrative essay from start to finish!. Narrative Essay Prompt. *Every essay starts with the essay “prompt” or question.

309 views • 15 slides

Expository Writing vs Personal Narrative Writing

Expository Writing vs Personal Narrative Writing

Expository Writing vs Personal Narrative Writing. Quick look at each:. Personal Narrative: Retell about a life event Hook reader Connect to prompt in lead and conclusion Must remember life event well enough that writer can give details Event should be important, meaningful, memorable .

426 views • 8 slides

Writing a Great Narrative

Writing a Great Narrative

Writing a Great Narrative. OCHS English Mr. Allen. Start with a hook?. Beginning at the end… Story within a story… An anecdote, quote, or joke… SHOCK! Beginning with a pastoral description of the setting… Others? What do the above things look like?. Setting.

201 views • 9 slides

Tips for Writing a Personal Narrative

Tips for Writing a Personal Narrative

Tips for Writing a Personal Narrative. Purpose and Audience. Structure. Methods. Purpose and Audience

335 views • 22 slides

Writing a personal narrative

Writing a personal narrative. Purpose: To tell something that happened to you and your feelings about it. It is a story in which you show a realization about yourself and your life, and share that with the audience. Audience:

320 views • 16 slides

Personal Narrative

Personal Narrative. Nia Brown. Best Vacation EVER !.

298 views • 20 slides

Personal Narrative

Personal Narrative. Writing that is about a person’s personal experiences written by that person. Elements of a Personal Narrative You will probably use several, but not all of these elements in your personal metaphor paper. Point of View Strong Lead Character and Setting Conflict

700 views • 11 slides

Personal Narrative

Personal Narrative. What is a personal narrative?. Webster’s dictionary defines a memoir as: a narrative composed from personal experience AND an account of something noteworthy.

216 views • 6 slides

Writing a Personal Narrative

Writing a Personal Narrative. Team Voyager. Purpose and audience. Personal narratives allow you to share your life with others. Your job as a writer is to put the reader in the midst of the action.

192 views • 5 slides

Writing Workshop Writing a Personal Narrative Essay

Writing Workshop Writing a Personal Narrative Essay

Writing Workshop Writing a Personal Narrative Essay. Feature Menu. Assignment Prewriting Think About Purpose Choose an Experience Reflect on Your Subject Gather and Record Details Organize Your Reflective Essay Practice and Apply. Writing a Reflective Essay.

205 views • 16 slides

Writing a Personal Narrative

343 views • 33 slides

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Personal Reflective Writing PowerPoint Lesson

Personal Reflective Writing PowerPoint Lesson

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Lesson (complete)


Last updated

6 April 2021

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This PowerPoint is a lesson that introduces students (National 4/5/Higher/Key Stage 3/4 etc.) to personal reflective writing. It explains what personal writing is, and it offers prompts, models and exemplars.

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  6. How to write a personal essay

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  1. Chapter 4: Writing a Personal Essay

    Figure 3.1: A process for discovering a personal essay topic. This slide introduces the methods of generating ideas and emphasizes the key questions students need to ask themselves as they are generating ideas. Refer to the sidebar "Clustering or Mapping" (page 91) to illustrate how to generate ideas with this strategy.

  2. PDF Constructing a Well-Crafted Academic Essay

    •Write your introduction last; it may be easier to write your body paragraphs and argument first so you will know what to state in your introduction. •Start with a hook (a quote, interesting fact, anecdote, etc.). •Make sure your first sentence says something useful!! Write with confidence, and avoid statements like "In this

  3. ThePersonalEssay

    Writing a Personal Essay; Qualities of a Good Essay; A Good Personal Statement; Five Steps; Step 1: Understand the Prompt; Step 2: Brainstorm; Examples of Brainstorming; Step 3: Outline Your Essay; Step 4: Write the Essay; Sample Essay; The Hook; Step 5: Review; Now You're Ready; Questions or Help? ThePersonalEssay (00:00 / 16:28)

  4. Writing PERSONAL Essays

    7 Let's Get Personal PERSONAL ESSAYS are About YOU Written using "I". These essays are about you—your life, your experiences, your feelings, your thoughts. 8 Sample: My Job in an Apple Plant By John Langan. Working in an apple plant was the worst job I ever had. First of all, the work was physically hard.

  5. PPT

    Writing a Personal Essay Topic 5 Thesis 10 Brainstorm 10 Outline 10 Rough Draft 10 Editing 5 MLA Style Final Draft 50 100 points. Topic • Generate at least 5 potential topics about which you could write. • With a partner- think aloud. (We will do this activity in class) Discuss for 30 seconds why you chose this topic and some of the ideas you will touch upon for your essay.

  6. Essay Writing Workshop

    100% editable and easy to modify. 22 different slides to impress your audience. Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups. Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon's extension for customizing your slides. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for ...

  7. Writing a Personal Essay

    3 Steps to Writing a Personal Essay 4 Introduction Sometimes called a "hook" or a "grabber." Grab the reader's attention with dialogue, an anecdote, or an interesting statement.

  8. Narrative Essay: Powerpoint on How to Write a Narrative Essay

    Essays: The Different Kinds and How to Write Them; Personal Narrative Essay; Narrative Essay: Powerpoint on How to Write a Narrative Essay; Narrative Essay: Powerpoint on How to Write a Narrative Essay To print or download this file, click the link below:

  9. How to write a narrative essay

    Planning the Narrative Essay. Write a thesis statement, just as with any other essay. Brainstorm for a personal story or observation that illustrates or proves the thesis statement. Outline or web the important parts of the story to be told. Write an introductory paragraph that includes the thesis statement, and then write the story.

  10. Writing a Personal Essay

    Figure 1. Brainstorming the details of a personal experience can help you to write a more complete story with elements like vivid details, dialogue, and sufficient character development. Once you identify the event, you will write down what happened. Just brainstorm (also called freewriting). Focus on the actual event.

  11. Essay Outline PowerPoint Template

    The Essay Outline PowerPoint Template is designed with the objective of helping writers present their essay. The Essay outline is a skeleton, a platform on which you can build your own writing and come up with your own thoughts. These outlines help you (the presenter) structure ideas and thoughts logically to build towards a meaningful and strong conclusion, which is the main point of ...

  12. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Writing a Personal Essay CH.4. Personal Essay • Places the writer at center stage • Photographic self-portrait • Written with openness & honesty • Written in the first-person as a narrative • Subject is often commonplace • Thesis can be implied or stated at any point in the narrative • Relies on memory ...

  13. PPT

    Writing the Narrative Essay. DEFINITION: A narrative essay tells a story, usually of a personal experience, that makes a point or supports a thesis. The purpose of narrative writing is to recreate the experience for your readers so that your readers can imagine events and share your experience. Qualities of a Good Narration Essay • Limited ...

  14. Narritive Writing PPT.pptx

    The story should make a point or lead to a conclusion. 5-sentence Narrative Stories. So far this year we have been working on writing five sentence narrative stories. Sentence 1- Topic Sentence introducing the main idea. Sentence 2- Beginning. Sentence 3- Middle. Sentence 4 -End. Sentence 5- Concluding Sentence.

  15. Essay Writing Lesson PowerPoint

    This comprehensive, student-friendly 46-slide PowerPoint is all you need to yield the results you want. With a focus on the five paragraph essay, product addresses organizational patterns, transitional phrases, signal words, the hook, and proofreading checklist and tips. Includes an essay example, writing prompts, and a graphic organizer to use ...

  16. How to write a Personal Essay

    Write from your heart. It will be much easier for your readers to. connect with you and respond to your paper. Make your personal essay full of your feelings. so people can relate to it. 10. VOICE. Stay close and distinctive to your own opinion. and make sure others understand your position.

  17. PPT

    Writing a Personal Narrative Narrative - A spoken or written account of connected events; a story. A Personal Narrative: • Is an interesting story about you - the writer! • (The narrator is the person who tells the story, either • through writing or speaking.) • Is written in the first person (using the pronouns I, me, and my.

  18. PPTX Personal Essays

    Personal Essays. A personal essay is a piece of writing that reveals your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Your personality comes through in a personal essay. Personal Essay (example) Personal Essay (example) Personal Essay (example) ... PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by:

  19. Personal Reflective Writing PowerPoint Lesson

    Subject: English. Age range: 14-16. Resource type: Lesson (complete) File previews. pptx, 49.53 KB. docx, 12.2 KB. This PowerPoint is a lesson that introduces students (National 4/5/Higher/Key Stage 3/4 etc.) to personal reflective writing. It explains what personal writing is, and it offers prompts, models and exemplars.

  20. 29 Essay English ESL powerpoints

    This is a PowerPoint. 476 uses. marcosoin. Essay Writing Hambur. Presenting essay wri. 1947 uses. kathrynleavitt. Five Paragraph Essay ... 753 uses. fromhandtohand. Writing Essay Paper . Please, convert the . 317 uses. Eslenglishneeds. FCE Essay Writing Pr. A thorough presentat. 38 uses. amazingMarKow. Quick guide on Opini. Please check out my ...