Expository Essay

Expository Essay About Music

Caleb S.

Discover How to Write Expository Essays About Music – A Step-by-Step Guide

expository essay about music

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Are you a music student assigned to write an essay on music?

Writing an expository essay about music is a great way to introduce readers to your passion. But people interested in music aren't really cut out for writing great essays.

So are you one of those rising musicians who can't write? Don't worry! By following a few steps and good examples, you will be good to go

In this guide, we’ll show you how to craft an expository essay that focuses on music. So let's dive in! 

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  • 1. Understanding Expository Essay
  • 2. How To Write a Music Essay Step-by-Step
  • 3. Expository Essay About Music Examples
  • 4. Expository Essay Topics About Music

Understanding Expository Essay

So what is the purpose of an expository essay? An expository essay is a type of writing that explains and clarifies something. It provides an in-depth exploration of a topic that can be supported by facts and evidence.

In expository writing about music, it could explore different aspects. For instance, the history of your favorite genre, the evolution of instruments, or the types of music.

To write an outstanding expository essay, you must understand the structure of this type of paper. Read on to know how to write an expository essay about music. 

How To Write a Music Essay Step-by-Step

Writing about music is a great way to ignite your creativity and share your passion with readers. To get you started, here are the steps for crafting a winning paper:

1. Choose Your Topic

Choosing a specific and well-defined topic is essential for a good essay. Select from one of the topics listed above or come up with one of your own. Make sure to choose a topic you’re passionate about and have enough evidence to back up your argument.

2. Research Your Topic

Once you have a topic, research it thoroughly by reading articles, books, and other sources. Consider both primary and secondary sources of information when researching. Moreover, don't forget to note down and cite your sources later in the essay.

3. Create an Outline

Organize the information you’ve gathered into an outline to guide your writing. Expository essay outlines  help you stay on track and ensure that all arguments are adequately supported by evidence. You should include your main points and evidence in a logical order while making your outline.

4. Write the Introduction

Introduce your essay using a hook statement to draw readers in. Secondly, present background information about the topic so your reader knows what the topic is about. Finally, make sure to include a thesis statement that summarizes the main point of the paper.

5. Write the Body

Use your notes and research to support each point in your essay body with facts and evidence. Develop each point with an explanation and examples. Make sure to provide a transition between each paragraph.

6. Craft a Conclusion

End your essay by summarizing the main points and restating the thesis statement. Additionally, include a call to action or closing thought that motivates the reader. In other words, restate your main points and summarize their importance in relation to the topic.

7. Edit & Proofread

Review your essay multiple times for errors, clarity, tone, and structure. Check for spelling and grammatical mistakes as well as any inconsistencies in format or style. 

Here’s a video with a simple explanation of how to write an expository essay:

Now you know how to write a great expository essay about music. So read on to find some good examples to read.

Expository Essay About Music Examples

Download and read these short essay samples to gain a better understanding of expository essays.

Expository Essay About Music Genre

5 Paragraph Essay About Music

Short Essay on Music

How Music Affects Your Life Expository Essay

Expository Essay About Music 250 words

Want more sample essays? Read these expository essay examples if you need inspiration for your expository essay!

Expository Essay Topics About Music

Here are some topics to consider when writing your own expository essay about music:

  • What is the therapeutic role of music in managing mental health?
  • Exploring the symbiotic relationship between music and book reading.
  • How can modern artists create a unique sound within an existing genre?
  • What is the impact of streaming services on the music industry?
  • How music plays a role in social change throughout history?
  • Exploring how shared music shapes and strengthens friendship bonds.
  • What is the importance of musical education for children?
  • How listening to music helps people in everyday life

These topics provide plenty of inspiration.

Need more topic ideas for your essay? Check out our over 100+ expository essay topics !

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Caleb S.

Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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Expository Essay

267 Music Essay Topics + Writing Guide [2024 Update]

Your mood leaves a lot to be desired. Everything around you is getting on your nerves. But still, there’s one thing that may save you: music. Just think of all the times you turned on your favorite song, and it lifted your spirits!

So, why not write about it in a music essay? In this article, you’ll find all the information necessary for this type of assignment:

  • 267 brilliant music essay topics,
  • a sample paper,
  • a step-by-step guide and writing tips.

And don’t forget to bookmark  custom-writing.org  where you can find helpful essay tips in articles like this one.

🔝 Music Essay Topics: Top 10

  • 🎵 Music Essay Definition
  • 🎼 Essay Topics
  • ✍️ How to Write
  • 📑 Essay Sample

🔗 References

  • Compare different recording formats.
  • The purpose of music.
  • Ternary and rondo: compare and contrast.
  • Music as a lifestyle.
  • The benefits of singing.
  • Ethnomusicology as a career.
  • Evolution of the radio.
  • The importance of school musicals.
  • Music as a tool for meditation.
  • Music in sports.

🎵 Essays about Music: What Are They?

A music essay describes or analyzes a piece of music, its context, or one’s personal attitude towards it. This type of assignment requires a compelling primary argument and a clear structure.

To write well about music, you don’t have to be a professional musician. All you need is to be able to listen, understand, and evaluate it. You should also provide your interpretation and opinion on it.

Writing about Music: Assignment Types

An essay on music is a popular assignment in high school and college. However, many students find it hard to describe sounds in a written form. In this article, we will give you some tips on writing about music.

Here are the typical tasks that you might receive:

  • Concert report. It requires describing the music you’ve heard using as many details and terms as you can.
  • Historical analysis of a piece. Your aim is to describe the historical context of a piece or its relation to the historical setting. For this type of assignment, you may need to do some research.
  • Song analysis. In this type of essay, you explore song lyrics’ meaning and show how they work together with the melody.
  • Performance or media comparison. Here you need to compare several interpretations or performances of one piece of music.

The picture shows different tasks related to writing about music.

All of these assignments require a different approach and topic. You will find topics for these types of tasks below.

How to Choose a Music Essay Topic

First things first, you need to find a suitable music essay topic. To accomplish this task, you might want to take the following steps:

  • Analyze your relationship with music . What role does it play in your life? Your topic choice will be different if you are a musician or merely a listener.
  • Think about how music influences your everyday life . For instance, you can study how listening to music affects our mental health. Impressing your readers with some historical facts from the world of music is also a great idea.
  • Try reflecting on the role of different music genres in your life . Whether you prefer rap or classical music, exploring a genre is an excellent topic idea. Topics related to musical instruments are also worth attention.
  • Narrow your topic down. Otherwise, it will be too difficult to focus your essay on just one idea.

🎼 Music Essay Topics List

The first thing you need to do is to choose your topic. We have prepared a variety of music topics perfect for research papers and short essays. You can also use them for speeches or college application essays.

Argumentative Essay about Music: Topics & Ideas

Argumentative essays about music are usually concerned with a specific music-related issue you choose to address. Just like with any other argumentative essay, you should present both sides of the topic. Also, reliable facts are a must for this type of essay.

  • The influence of modern technologies on the music industry. Technologies allow artists to create and promote their songs independently. Because of this, record labels are less critical to musicians than before. However, the emergence of new technologies also gave rise to piracy. Do the positives outweigh the negatives? 
  • What’s the effect of  pop music on the modern generation? Today’s pop songs are usually commercial . Because of this, some people say that pop has ruined the current generations’ perception of music. Others argue that contemporary pop music expanded the possibilities of the genre.  
  • Rock music makes people more aggressive.  Some consider rock music merely an arrangement of aggressive tunes that foster violence. On the counter side, science has proven that people who prefer rock to other genres are calmer and more concentrated. Which position do you agree with? 
  • Can people with hearing impairments become famous musicians?  Many believe that access to fame and fortune is limited for disabled people. The deaf may seem especially unsuited for the  music business . Yet, the examples of Beethoven, Neil Young, and Chris Martin show that hearing problems don’t have to be an issue.  
  • Will  streaming  completely substitute physical copies?  Digitalization is on its way to replacing LPs and CDs. For most people, it’s simply more convenient. But their opponents claim that an MP3 file can never sound as good as a physical copy.
  • Some music genres can be a catalyst for violence.  While their beats may be calm, hip-hop and rap’s  lyrics are often aggressive and brutal. Does it have adverse effects on a listener? 
  • Can a person become addicted to music?
  • Censorship on the radio: why stations shouldn’t bleep out obscenities. 
  • Is mandatory musical education in high schools practical?
  • The impact of Mozart’s music on toddlers.
  • Should a musician’s personal life affect people’s perception of their art? 
  • How susceptible are teenagers to political messages in songs?
  • Music influences one’s mental and physical capabilities .
  • Are children who listen to music more intelligent than others?
  • Music genres are inherently dependent on musical instruments .
  • Is music as an art form more popular than cinema ?
  • Debate whether rap musicians promote a frivolous and careless lifestyle .
  • Many musicians became famous only because they’ve had connections. 
  • Music festivals are the best form of entertainment.
  • Does music always sound better live than on records? 
  • Is classical music better than modern genres?
  • Is it justified that some religions view music as a sin?
  • Typically, music defines a culture and its traditions: true or false? 
  • Rap music has a strong connection to rebellious movements. 
  • Jamaican music’s link to the stoner lifestyle is unjustified.
  • Synesthesia: how is music related to visuals?

Opinion on Music: Essay Topics

Opinion essays about music might seem similar to the argumentative type. Here, you are expected to write your personal opinion on a topic. Naturally, you can have many opinions on musical topics. Why not broadcast them? Keep in mind that you also need to provide reasons for your point of view.

  • Music therapy can help people with mental illnesses.  It’s a well-known fact that music affects the human brain. This ability makes it perfect for treating mental health problems. On the one hand, psychologists established that listening to classical music increases one’s  cognitive capacity . On the other hand, listening to heavy rock impacts responsiveness. 
  • The questionable treatment of women in the  music industry .  While it may seem that both sexes are treated equally, women still earn much less than they deserve. Moreover, the extreme sexualization of girls persists as one of the most pressing problems in the industry. 
  • Which musician or band impacted your worldview ? Discuss what makes your favorite artist special. Consider analyzing their lyrics, genre, and evolution. If you want to, add a review of one of their albums .
  • What are the challenges of being an independent artist? Typically, independent artists deal with all the financial, promotional, and distributional affairs by themselves. In the increasingly complex music business, this is not an easy task.
  • Is  social media  efficient for promotion?  Almost every modern artist uses social media to promote their albums or songs. Users often check their networks for updates, which increases the musician’s visibility. But do such methods help in the long run? 
  • Passion is the essential personal quality for every musician . If an artist is not eager to continually produce high-quality output, they’re unlikely to succeed. However, qualities such as responsibility, honesty, hard work, and creativity are also vital.
  • Is music good for stress relief? 
  • How does music connect people ?
  • Analyze qualities that good musicians shouldn’t have.
  • Who are the most excellent musicians in the country genre ?
  • Is it possible to live without interacting with music ?
  • Choose three successful rappers and analyze their influence.
  • How can a musician become famous without having money or connections? 
  • What are the difficulties of being in a band? 
  • Who impacted the development of indie music the most?
  • Is pop music losing its popularity? If so, why?
  • Three factors that affected your choice of a favorite genre .
  • Which artists are the most prominent in power metal?
  • Which record label is the most influential now? 
  • Can Justin Bieber’s songs be considered legendary?
  • Did Kanye West introduce a new kind of rap?
  • Which rock bands lost their fame because of a scandal ? How did it happen?
  • Discuss Dire Straits’ impact on music history .
  • Who are currently the most successful women pop singers ?
  • Why are some music genres more popular than others?
  • What does success in the music world depend on? 

Topics for a Persuasive Essay about Music

Is there anything music-related you want to convince people of? A persuasive paper is your chance. Carefully craft your arguments to show your readers you’ve always been right about the beauty of cowbells. If it’s not your jam, consider these essay topics about music:

  • A seven-string guitar is superior to a six-string one. The additional string gives more room for creativity. It might be challenging to master, but in the end, the music has a fuller sound . Do you think it’s worth the effort?
  • The lyrics don’t matter as long as the melody is good. It’s possible to like songs from different countries, even if the listener doesn’t understand the language. The singing is simply part of the composition. Does this mean that what the vocalist says is unimportant?

The picture shows the information about the oldest surviving musical composition.

  • Most people living in big cities neglect country music. People from urban areas tend to think that country music is tasteless. For them, its tunes and lyrics sound too simple. Does the strong association with cowboys, farms, and long roads simply not appeal to the city lifestyle?
  • Should rap music be performed only by black people?  The genre hosts a large portion of  African American artists . Not only that, but black rappers are widely considered the best of their craft. Do white artists do the genre justice? 
  • Music that artists make merely to get money is soulless. Passion is a critical factor for every musician. If money is the primary driver for creating a song , the result is inevitably flawed. Do you agree?
  • Pop music is undergoing a transformation. Listeners acknowledge pop as the primary genre of contemporary music . Yet, new musical instruments are changing the game. Even the lyrics touch on more serious topics than before.
  • Indie is the new pop. Indie music is a relatively novel genre. Still, it continues to gain popularity. The light-hearted tunes paired with existential lyrics have captured the audience’s hearts. Is it possible to envision the future of music without bands such as Coldplay, The 1975, and the Arctic Monkeys?
  • The meaning of freedom for jazz as a musical genre .
  • Punk rock has recently witnessed a renaissance.
  • Exposing plants to classical music makes them grow faster.
  • Classical music: intellectually stimulating or relaxing ?
  • Is it justified that some countries legally prohibit artists from performing?
  • Is it easier for children to learn with music? 
  • Can a person ever become a great artist without a natural talent ?
  • Should workplaces allow their employees to listen to background music ?
  • Jimi Hendrix’s guitar skills are still unmatched.
  • The impact of pop music on European culture and trends.
  • Kurt Cobain’s death should have been a wake-up call for the music industry .
  • Why is music beneficial to society?
  • Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s legacy can be felt even today.
  • Nintendocore is a legitimate genre that the industry should take more seriously.
  • Should you listen to a bands’ music even if you disagree with their opinions ?
  • Musicians should receive more government support.
  • Patriotic songs make people feel passionate and energetic about their country.
  • Depressive and sad tunes can worsen a person’s mood.
  • Doctors and therapists need to understand the importance of music. 

Music Evaluation Essay Topics

Do you want to know how to evaluate music? The point is to divide your overall impression into several parts. Music evaluation requires much attention and concentration, so try to do your best to stay focused while listening.

Use these criteria for evaluating music performances:

Now all you need to do is choose a topic and get down to writing!

  • Discuss the rise and fall of hardcore punk. Many bands that started in the hardcore punk scene softened their sound over time. Why did this genre disappear from the mainstream?
  • Copyright laws are going too far .  It’s getting increasingly difficult to use somebody else’s intellectual property. Creators on YouTube have to fear lawsuits for creatively repurposing copyrighted music. Moreover, laws such as the DMCA are frequently abused to generate revenues. 
  • More bands should use their influence for political purposes. Renowned artists have a broad reach. Bands like Rise Against or Anti Flag use this influence to raise political awareness among their fans. Is it a fair approach?  
  • Borrowing and plagiarism in contemporary music . New artists don’t emerge without having listened to other musicians. They draw inspiration from their predecessors. Thus, songs are always a mix of already existing tracks. In your essay, discuss the difference between homage and plagiarism.
  • What are the similarities between poetry and song lyrics? Songs and poems are similar in that they deliver a message to the audience. Their creation demands extensive knowledge of rhyming, literary devices, and other components.
  • Why do some musicians ask others to write lyrics for them? It is a common practice to have a crew of songwriters who create texts for performers. Sometimes it happens due to a lack of imagination or inspiration. Does finding out that your favorite artist doesn’t write their lyrics destroy the magic of their music?
  • How can popular music diversify as a genre? Pop music reached its peak. Adding and borrowing elements from different genres can be one way to diversify a streamlined genre.
  • The history of music as political propaganda. 
  • Explain the difference between high and low contemporary music culture .
  • How is contemporary music related to that from other periods?
  • What are the connections between pop music and the hip-hop genre?
  • What connects popular music and contemporary culture ?
  • How does music in the United States relate to Spanish music ?
  • Analyze the evolution of Indian music .
  • Discuss why certain albums manage to climb to the top of the charts.
  • The link between social classes and musical genres. 
  • Differences and similarities of music and other art forms .
  • How does a musical instrument’s origin influence its development?
  • What is the role of traditional music today?

The picture shows a Victor Hugo quote about music.

  • What are the main processes in music production? 
  • How is music theory relevant today?
  • Analyze which contemporary artists’ albums had an effect comparable to that of Queen’s A Night at the Opera .
  • Eurodance: Europe’s most extravagant genre.
  • Songs and everyday life of Michael Jackson vs. Madonna: who wins the ultimate pop crown?
  • What difficulties has Eminem faced throughout his career?
  • Over-ear headphones provide a better sound experience than on-ear ones.

Topics for an Expository Essay on Music

An expository essay explains or describes a subject. In the colorful world of music, topics can range from the physics of sound waves to artists’ social impact.

  • The importance of Blues music in the late 19 th  century and now.  Blues originated in the 19 th  century American South. It was an outlet for  African Americans to express their sorrows. Later, it exceeded by far the cultural boundaries that confined it. 
  • The role of music in prison camps.  Singing was an essential part of life in the Nazi concentration camps. One of the most well-known songs of that time is called  Peat Bog Soldiers . In your expository essay, explore why prisoners started singing and how it developed.  
  • How did Chester Bennington’s death impact the music industry? Linkin Park was a giant in the business for decades until depression made their lead singer take his own life. The event sparked debates surrounding mental health and pressure in the creative industry. What long-lasting effects did these discussions have?
  • How did Baroque music reflect the zeitgeist? Compared to the Renaissance period, Baroque was in all aspects very pompous. The artists of the Sun King’s time didn’t shy away from the extravaganza. This ideal is especially prominent in architecture. How does music fit into the picture?
  • Investigate the development of musical harmony. The Ancient Greeks already had an idea of some tones fitting together better than others. However, it wasn’t until the 1600s that tonality became a crucial part of music theory.
  • Music in commercials: an analysis. Songs and jingles are commonplace in TV commercials. But what are they good for? In your essay, you can compare the success of advertisements with and without music.
  • What causes music trends to change? It’s easy to define various eras of music . Naturally, the invention of new instruments has influenced this development. What other factors played a role in these transformations?
  • Why is 4/4 a universal beat?
  • Examine the origins of The Star-Spangled Banner .
  • The effects of dissonance on the human mind .
  • How do staccato, legato, and other forms of articulation influence the perception of a musical piece? 
  • Discuss the significance of music in video games. 
  • Music drives people’s motivation.
  • Explain the calming effects of nature sounds .
  • How does music influence literature? 
  • Celtic music is known to have an extraordinary impact on the psyche. How does it work?
  • How does music impact the discharge of hormones such as dopamine?
  • Music therapy is suitable for those who have bipolar disorder. 
  • What made Falco such a unique artist?
  • How does the perception of a silent film differ from that of a movie with sound? 
  • A rock concert by Kansas: How the relevance of live concerts changed over time. 
  • Is being able to read music important for a composer ?
  • How did Beethoven write music after losing his hearing?
  • Should all songs have proper rhythm and structure?
  • Why do so many indie artists become commercial? 
  • Is it essential for song lyrics to rhyme?

History of Music: Essay Topics

If you’re interested in the evolution of music, you’ve come to the right section. Historical research reveals the significance of music throughout time. Unsurprisingly, songs and melodies have been part of human culture for centuries. Dive deeper into this exciting subject with one of the following ideas:

  • How did the Catholic Church influence music development in Europe? During the Middle Ages , religious movements had a significant impact on music. Consequently, composers used to create more sacred music. It became a way of personal expression since it often contained religious texts. 
  • The cultural meaning of Renaissance music and its influence on other styles . During the time of the Renaissance , sacred and secular music heavily impacted each other. As a result, more variety emerged. The chanson and madrigal, for example, became popular around Europe.
  • Research archaeological findings of early musicality.  The search for the oldest musical instrument delivers thrilling insights. Archaeologists have excavated a flute made of ivory and bird bones, dating approximately 43,000 years ago. They found it in a cave in Germany where Neanderthals lived.  
  • History of early music and appearance of  musical instruments.  The beginning of the human culture was the turning point of  musical instruments’ appearance. They were primarily used for spiritual rites; typically, they were horns or drums for ceremonies.
  • Louis Armstrong’s contributions to the jazz world.  Jazz originated in  New Orleans and was a favorite among African Americans. Louis Armstrong’s improvisations forever changed the genre, making the soloist-improviser the center of the performance.
  • The phenomenon of pop music and its origins. Popular music dates back to the second half of the last century. It comes from the US and the UK. Its main peculiarity lies in the variety of tunes and lyrics .
  • Native American music before the discovery of the New World . Incas and Aztecs had particular styles of music. Findings show that these ancient civilizations used instruments for ceremonies. Researchers also discovered that various American cultures mingled, thus creating new techniques. 
  • The use of string instruments in classical Greek songwriting.
  • Famous composers of 18th century Italy and their influence. 
  • Mozart vs. Beethoven: comparison of techniques.
  • Deliver a thoughtful analysis of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony .
  • What role do acoustic instruments play in jazz compositions?
  • Explore the history of the Ocarina.
  • Due to what circumstances did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart become one of the greatest musical geniuses in history?
  • Influence of the Romantic period on modern music.   
  • How and why were the swing era and jazz connected?
  • Rock and roll as an international language in the 20th century.
  • Explore the rise of techno music.
  • Is there a historical connection between music and math? 
  • How did music become a staple subject in many schools?
  • The greatest musicians of World War I. 
  • Industrialization and its effect on music development.
  • How did female producers such as Kate Bush impact the music industry?
  • Analyze Frédéric Chopin’s contribution to classical music .
  • Music evolution in ancient Greece vs. the Roman Empire. 
  • How does archeology help to uncover musical traditions ?
  • Tupac’s influence on modern rap music .

Classification Essay about Music: Topic Ideas

In a classification essay, you explain how a whole relates to parts or vice versa. To do it, you need to divide one broad category into several subcategories. Each classification paragraph focuses on one subcategory, so you need to find a key feature that will be your basis of division. For example, you can divide music by genre, volume, musical instruments, etc.

Here is our list of musical topics for this essay type:

  • The most popular types of alternative music among teenagers.  Naturally, teens like different kinds of rock and experimental music . Try to dig deeper and ask some teenagers about their preferences to get a clear picture.  
  • Types of modern dance music . Describe the tendencies and popular genres. You can also focus on a specific country.
  • The most popular types of jazz music in Europe.  Although jazz emerged in the United States, this genre became recognizable all over the world. You can analyze the most popular streamed songs, or the concerts and other mass events.
  • Rock music in the ’70s.  You can describe the genres, styles, or types of performers. The concerts, clothes, and lifestyles are also suitable for this topic. 
  • Blues musicians of different time periods. Analyze the lyrics, the musical instruments they used, and how long their careers lasted.
  • Classification of music for children . Some of it can be for dancing, development, or just listening. Research the purposes of different kinds of music for children.
  • Types of music used in films. The soundtrack is one of the main things we remember after watching a movie. There can be popular songs or tracks composed specifically for a film .
  • Rock bands that represent different subgenres.
  • Rap subgenres in the United States.
  • Periods of classical music.
  • What motivates people to start a musical career?
  • Different kinds of music for relaxation.
  • The industries where composers work .
  • Types of opera singers and instrumental music. 
  • Different professions in the music industry.  
  • Unpopular genres of independent music.
  • Different types of music listeners .

College Essay about Music: Topics

When you apply to your dream college, you need to write an impressive essay. Admissions officers pay attention not only to your grades and achievements but also to your personality. Your writing can indicate your motivation, academic interests, and how well you fit into the college.  Writing an essay about “music in my life” is a great way to demonstrate your passion and creativity.  

Choose one of these topics related to music for your college essay:

  • The role of music in your life . Describe what music means to you, how often you listen to it, and how it helps you in life. For example, you can write about inspiration, motivation, or the sense of freedom that it gives you.
  • What are the essential aspects of music for you? Try to write down everything you like about music. It might be melodies, lyrics, vocals, or mood. You can choose several aspects if you feel that you can’t decide.
  • The time when music changed your life.  In this essay, you can pick one occurrence or describe how music changed your life gradually. It’s important to indicate where you started from and where it led you. 
  • How do you see the future of the music industry? Demonstrate to the admissions officer how well you know the art and the business.
  • Your  role model  in the music industry.  You may write about the qualities of the person you admire and why you want to develop them in yourself. Remember that admission officers want to read about you, not your idol.  
  • How did your musical  taste change over the last ten years?  Describe the evolution of your preferences. Explain why you have changed some of your past choices. Do you think your musical taste has improved?  
  • Your favorite musical genre .
  • Does listening to music help to heal body and spirit?
  • What is the best music performance you have ever seen?
  • Why do people become fans of particular musicians?
  • Your favorite song lyrics .
  • Can people be judged by their musical taste?
  • Why is music an essential part of human culture? 
  • Quote about music that appeals to you the most. 
  • How can music education help you in the future?
  • Do you prefer listening to music or performing it? 
  • How can music change your mood?
  • Why you want to become a musician.
  • Which culture has the most beautiful ethnical music?  
  • Is music more of an art or business?
  • What are the essential parts of musical education ?

Other Music Essay Topics

  • Why do supermarkets play music? Think of the reasons why marketers use music in advertising and how it impacts customer behavior.
  • An analysis of Robert Wise’s The Sound of Music . Evaluate how the director uses music to tell a story.
  • The impact of music on the human brain.  Examine the latest research in the mental health field and how music therapy affects depression treatments. 
  • The workings of the music industry . Assess how contemporary audio technology and touring lifestyle affect musicians.
  • The role of music in different cultures. Choose and compare two countries to analyze their perspectives on the music industry.
  • Music on television . Evaluate how the music of TV shows and movies impacts the audience’s feelings and behavior.
  • Oliver Sacks’ contribution to music psychology. Explore the theories he discusses in Musicophilia and describe its influence on music psychology.
  • Should all music be available for free download? Think about the ethical and legal aspects of this issue.
  • How did music psychology help the development of music education ? Try to find a correlation between these two fields.
  • Britney Spears and the adverse effects of teen popularity. Writing about this topic, you might want to focus on how her early fame affected her life. What happened after her famous breakdown in 2007?
  • The half-life of one-hit-wonders. Focus your paper on quantitative research. How long do one-hit-wonders stay famous on average? Why do they fail to maintain their success?
  • Journalism and the music industry. Examine the effects positive or negative press had on a musician of your choice.
  • Festivals and sponsorship.  Discuss the benefits that corporate sponsors and the creators of music festivals gain from working together. 
  • Rock songs and pessimistic lyrics.  Why do most popular rock songs have such sad and angry lyrics? 
  • Discuss the development of your music taste. Write about what pushed you to change and how it influenced your life.
  • The psychology of music.  Examine what someone’s favorite music genre can tell about their personality.
  • Is ASMR music? ASMR artists make quiet sounds to soothe their audience. But can we really consider it music?
  • A historical analysis of jazz. Explore how African Americans influenced the flourishing culture of jazz that has spread worldwide.
  • The effect of classical music on children’s cognitive abilities. Supposedly, classical music is great for kids. Study this theory and make your conclusions.
  • Discuss the characteristics of modern Latin American music . Dive into its diversity and describe the reasons for its popularity.
  • How do Chinese artists make traditional music? Write about its complex creation process. Analyze the importance of articulation for composers.
  • The history of music . With this essay, explore the six periods of music history. To top it off, you can predict what music will be like in the future.
  • The music industry goes online. Discuss the importance of the internet for the industry and the challenges associated with it.
  • The magic of instrumental music. Pick your favorite orchestra pieces and find unique features in each of them.
  • Musical education: the sound of success?  Does everyone need a musical background?
  • Explore the latest techniques in songwriting . Look into the song creation process of contemporary musicians. How do they get the audience to enjoy their art?
  • Compare and contrast e-pianos and keyboards. In doing so, consider their structure, sound, and features. 
  • The Woodstock festival as a game-changer. How has the Woodstock Music and Art Fair influenced the current state of the music industry? Additionally, investigate how current festivals hold up to the standards set by Woodstock.
  • Music therapy for stroke patients . Find out whether incorporating elements of music therapy can support the treatment of patients who suffered a stroke.
  • How do amplifiers work? If you’re a musician, you’ve likely used an amplifier before. Now it’s time to figure out what they are actually doing.
  • The Killers’ contributions to indie rock. How would you define their style of music? What makes them a key player in indie music?
  • Analyze the music in Grease . Pick some of the most popular songs from the musical and write about their influence on American culture.
  • What’s the best way to interpret songs?  Describe methods to deconstruct songs and how the music style affects this process. 
  • Teufel vs. Sennheiser: the ultimate comparison.  German sound equipment manufacturers are known for their cutting-edge technologies. But which brand is the best? 
  • What role does harmony play in music composition? Choose several pieces of music and describe how the artists used harmony.
  • How necessary are double bass drums? Do musicians place them on stage just to impress people, or do they have actual use?
  • Compare regular festivals and free ones. Why spend hundreds of dollars on Coachella if you can go to Woodstock for free? In your essay, focus on the differences such as size, participating artists, and general entertainment .
  • A historical analysis of choral music.  Singing in groups is a practice common across various cultures. You might choose one or two to work on.
  • How did The Rolling Stones influence British culture? The Rolling Stones are one of the longest-standing rock bands of all time. Naturally, this left significant marks on their home country.
  • How important are regional accents for English-language singers ? When working on this theoretical topic, include some examples and your personal opinion.
  • The world of musical instruments: medieval music.  This fun essay can focus on different types of medieval instruments and their evolution. 
  • Does the creative process differ for electronic and acoustic music? Look at how artists usually write songs. Do they start with the melody, the rhythm, or the lyrics? Does it depend on the medium? 
  • The correlation between poems and medieval songs.  Find out how composers were reinventing poetry to create songs. 
  • Hip-hop and gender equality . What is the role of women in the development of this music style? Don’t forget to give examples.
  • When politics interferes with art: Eurovision. Analyze the role of the political situation in this song contest. Is there anything left of its original idea?
  • How did Vladimir Vysotsky become a beloved musical figure outside of Soviet Russia? It’s unusual for Russian-language musicians to gain fame outside of their home country. Research how Vysotsky managed to mingle in the USA and have some of his work posthumously released in Europe.
  • K-pop conquers the world .  You may narrow the topic down to a specific artist. Focus on the influence of Korean music in other cultures. 
  • Music school students vs. amateurs. Discuss the different experiences and outcomes of music school students and those who learn to play instruments at home.
  • Do music choices shape one’s identity , or is it the other way around? It’s an exciting question that lets you dig deep into the psychology of music.
  • The music of dissents.  Energizing songs play an essential part in rebellions and revolutions. For example, analyze how protesters used music during the Arab Spring.
  • The development and popularity of electronic music.  Starting from the early experiments, analyze the development of this style and its increasing influence 
  • How do artists use social media to promote their music? You might want to choose one or two examples to illustrate the tools they use.
  • Organum as one of the oldest written types of music . Study the development of this music style throughout various cultures.
  • The appeal of Metallica’s  Nothing Else Matters. Many people consider the song one of their favorites. Examine its structure, melody, and lyrics. What makes it unique? 
  • Africa’s hidden musical gems.   African  music is as diverse as its people. Pick two countries and compare their style. How do they differ from Western art? 
  • Did people’s music  tastes improve compared to previous decades?  Here, you have the chance to express your views on the evolution of people’s music preferences.
  • Is the life of pop stars as easy as people think? Share your thoughts on whether famous musicians and singers have a leisurely lifestyle.
  • Physiological reactions to different types of music . Study how your body reacts to various beats and tones.
  • Why do people tend to listen to specific songs on certain occasions? In your essay, ponder the effects of love songs or powerful anthems on one’s  mood . 
  • What does someone’s ringtone say about their personality ? Think about how it affects your perception of a person.
  • The impact of music on the individual’s  productivity .  Studies suggest a positive effect on people’s performance when they listen to something pleasant while working. But all the noise can get overstimulating. That’s why finding the balance is central. 
  • Music is natural. In the depth of nature, there is music. Rain, a bird’s song, or the tapping of a squirrel’s feet melt together to create a beautiful composition. Music is everywhere—one only needs to listen carefully. 

If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, you’re welcome to use our topic generator .

✍️ Music Essay: How to Write

So, you have chosen your essay title. Now it’s time to start writing! But before you begin, read the sections below and learn how to organize your work.

How to Describe Music in Writing

You might think that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. Well, it is not an easy task, but we know how to cope with it.

Follow these tips while writing:

  • Make a comparison.  Explain which characteristics of a piece remind you or are identical to those of another one. It’s better to avoid comparing music from different composers in this case. Instead, evaluate and analyze two musical pieces from the same composer.
  • Describe the melody and dynamics.  You may want to use musical terms to show your knowledge and proficiency. Define the genre and what kind of instruments and tones are used.
  • Explain how it makes you feel.  You can use basic human emotions to describe the feelings of a listener. For example, it can be anger, tenderness, irritation, excitement, or nostalgia.
  • Use metaphorical language.  You may try using your imagination to create analogies. Be careful not to make your metaphors overcomplicated, as it may confuse the readers.

Essays about Music: Descriptive Words

Do you want your essay on music to be interesting and expressive? Then you may want to use descriptive vocabulary. Here are some of the terms that you can use in your essay to make it sound more professional:

  • Tempo is the “speed” of music. There are fixed expressions to define tempo—for example, largo, moderate, or presto. You can also describe how fast the music feels.
  • Timbre is the term that evaluates the “color” of music. Even if two instruments play the same note of the same volume, the sound is still different. This is how you can notice the color of the tone. For example, gentle, clear, heavy, or warm can be the adjectives to describe timbre.
  • Dynamics define the volume levels of music. The volume can be the same all the time, for example loud or soft. If the volume of music changes, you can use such expressions as “gradually gets louder” “or suddenly becomes soft.”
  • Harmony characterizes how all the notes and chords sound together. The sequence of chords—chord progression—defines how satisfying the melody is for the listener. For example, if the transitions are smooth, you can use such words as “relaxed” or “warm.”

Music Essay Outline

Like any other assignment, writing about music requires a proper essay outline that will guide you through the writing. The following sections will help you with that.

Before you start, here are some tips that will help you prepare for writing:

  • Do some prior research. Try to learn as much as possible about the piece you will be writing about. It’s also helpful to listen to the music several times with headphones to notice more details.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions. Consult your instructor if you’re unsure about your topic or the piece you have chosen.
  • Choose the topic that you like. If you’re passionate about a subject, it is always easier to write about it. Who said that homework could not be interesting?
  • Follow the recommendations that your instructor gives. It includes word limit, formatting style, deadline, and essay type.

Music Essay Introduction

The introduction is the section where you come up with a brief explanation of the topic. You may start it with a quotation, definition, or short statement that catches your reader’s attention and leads them to the essay subject.

A thesis statement is usually the last sentence of the introduction that defines the content of body paragraphs. It needs to be specific and not longer than two sentences. If you decide to shift the focus of your essay while writing, it’s crucial to change your thesis too.

Different types of essays require different thesis statements. Let’s take a closer look:

Music Essay Body

Your essay’s body is the most significant part of your writing. Here, you provide evidence and explanations of your claims.

The typical body paragraph structure includes:

  • A topic sentence explaining the argument for a particular paragraph.
  • An introduction to the evidence you gathered to support an argument.
  • Quotes and facts (don’t forget about proper citation!) and their explanation.
  • A connection between the evidence and the essay topic.
  • Paragraph transitions  leading your reader to the next section.

Topic Sentence about Music

Topic sentences can be used as a roadmap to writing your essay. Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence that defines what the paragraph is about. It introduces the argument or main thought that will be explained. It’s also connected with the thesis statement.

It’s essential to make your thesis easy to understand, so it’s better not to overcomplicate it. For example, here’s an unsuccessful topic sentence with unnecessary words:

As stated above, the guitar is an essential musical instrument in rock music that defines how it sounds.

Instead, you can formulate it like this:

The guitar is the most iconic musical instrument in rock music that defines how it sounds.

Music Essay Conclusion

When writing a conclusion for your essay on music, you can use the following structure:

  • Summarize the text in a few sentences.
  • Review the key points of your paper.
  • Paraphrase the thesis.

To make your essay conclusion more effective, avoid the following:

📑 What Music Means to Me: Essay Example

Now you know all about writing an essay on music! To make it even easier for you, we’ve prepared an essay sample that you can use for inspiration. Check it out:

Now all you need is to turn the music on and get down to writing! We hope you liked this guide. If you did, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends.

Further reading:

  • How to Write a Good Critique Paper: Killer Tips + Examples
  • How to Write an Art Critique Essay: Guidelines and Examples
  • How to Write a Movie Critique Paper: Top Tips + Example
  • Modern Fairy Tale Essay: How to Write, Topics and Ideas
  • 200 Creative Topics for Opinion Essays
  • 182 Free Ideas for Argumentative or Persuasive Essay Topics
  • 180 Excellent Evaluation Essay Topics

✏️ Music Essay FAQ

Music is a vast topic. An essay might deal with anything ranging from trends in the 1950s to the best guitarists of all time. Writing an introduction to certain music styles or bands is also possible. In any case, the paper should be well-structured, logical, and cohesive.

Writing about music doesn’t necessarily require any specific skills. If you’re not familiar with the theory of music and can’t play musical instruments, you can just write about the music you like. Here are some topic ideas: favorite music band, style, or how you perceive music.

You can interpret music as a topic in various ways. If you are getting a degree in this field, you might want to write something more specific and technical. If your essay aims to merely inform and entertain, write about your favorite music style or band.

If you are writing an essay for school, a good choice would be an expository essay. It doesn’t require any specific knowledge of the music industry. Title suggestions might be: “My perception of music,” “My favorite band,” “How music can change the world.”

  • What is the Music Industry? Definition and Facts: Study.com
  • What Music Do You Write To?: Writers & Artists
  • A Music Review: British Council
  • Music: UNC Writing Center: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Sound and Sense: Writing about Music: Colorado State University
  • Music analysis Research Papers: Academia.edu
  • The Power of Music Therapy: Belmont University
  • Musicology: Northwestern Bienen School of Music
  • Musicology: Areas of Study: Indiana State University
  • Music Facts: Facts.net
  • Music History from Primary Sources: Library of Congress
  • Music: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • A History of Classical Music: Part 1: The List
  • What Is Jazz: Smithsonian Institution
  • The 50 Greatest Composers of All Time: Classical Music
  • Musical Terms and Concepts: SUNY Potsdam
  • Ethnomusicology: University of Oxford
  • Music Research Process: Syracuse University
  • Journal of Popular Music Studies: University of California Press
  • The History of Pop Music in 5 Defining Decades: The Culture Trip
  • Music of the 20 th Century: Lumen Learning
  • Explainer: Indie Music: The Conversation
  • Your Brain on Music: University of Central Florida
  • Music and Health: Harvard University
  • The Psychological Function of Music Listening: NIH
  • Essays that Worked: Hamilton
  • Writing in Music: Writing Thesis Statements: The City University of New York
  • Academic Writing about Music: University of Denver
  • How to Write Song Lyrics: Berklee
  • Essay Introduction: University of Maryland
  • Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements: Purdue University
  • Writing Body Paragraphs: Monash University
  • Some Tips for Writing Efficient, Effective Body Paragraphs: University of California, Berkeley
  • Writing a Paper: Conclusions: Walden University
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  • Share to email

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Thank you very much for this post on music essay writing! You don’t know how long I looked for the helpful information on writing music essays!

Music takes an important part in my life. I wake up and go to bed listening to music. And now when I’m writing my music essay, I also listen to music. And it’s also a pleasure to read an article on how to write an essay on music!

Essay on Music for Students and Children

500+ words essay on music.

Music is a vital part of different moments of human life. It spreads happiness and joy in a person’s life. Music is the soul of life and gives immense peace to us. In the words of William Shakespeare, “If music is the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.” Thus, Music helps us in connecting with our souls or real self.

Essay on Music

What is Music?

Music is a pleasant sound which is a combination of melodies and harmony and which soothes you. Music may also refer to the art of composing such pleasant sounds with the help of the various musical instruments. A person who knows music is a Musician.

The music consists of Sargam, Ragas, Taals, etc. Music is not only what is composed of men but also which exists in nature. Have you ever heard the sound of a waterfall or a flowing river ? Could you hear music there? Thus, everything in harmony has music. Here, I would like to quote a line by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the greatest musicians, “The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.”

Importance of Music:

Music has great qualities of healing a person emotionally and mentally. Music is a form of meditation. While composing or listening music ones tends to forget all his worries, sorrows and pains. But, in order to appreciate good music, we need to cultivate our musical taste. It can be cited that in the Dwapar Yug, the Gopis would get mesmerized with the music that flowed from Lord Krishna’s flute. They would surrender themselves to Him. Also, the research has proved that the plants which hear the Music grow at a faster rate in comparison to the others.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Magical Powers of Music:

It has the power to cure diseases such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc. The power of Music can be testified by the legends about Tansen of his bringing the rains by singing Raag Megh Malhar and lighting lamps by Raga Deepak. It also helps in improving the concentration and is thus of great help to the students.


Music is the essence of life. Everything that has rhythm has music. Our breathing also has a rhythm. Thus, we can say that there is music in every human being or a living creature. Music has the ability to convey all sorts of emotions to people. Music is also a very powerful means to connect with God. We can conclude that Music is the purest form of worship of God and to connect with our soul.

FAQs on Essay on Music:

Q.1. Why is Music known as the Universal Language?

Ans.1. Music is known as the Universal language because it knows no boundaries. It flows freely beyond the barriers of language, religion, country, etc. Anybody can enjoy music irrespective of his age.

Q.2. What are the various styles of Music in India?

Ans.2. India is a country of diversities. Thus, it has numerous styles of music. Some of them are Classical, Pop, Ghazals, Bhajans, Carnatic, Folk, Khyal, Thumri, Qawwali, Bhangra, Drupad, Dadra, Dhamar, Bandish, Baithak Gana, Sufi, Indo Jazz, Odissi, Tarana, Sugama Sangeet, Bhavageet, etc.

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expository essay about music

Guide on How to Write a Music Essay: Topics and Examples

expository essay about music

Let's Understand What is Music Essay

You know how some school assignments are fun to write by default, right? When students see them on the course syllabus, they feel less like a burden and more like a guaranteed pleasure. They are about our interests and hobbies and therefore feel innate and intuitive to write. They are easy to navigate, and interesting topic ideas just pop into your head without much trouble.


Music essays belong to the category of fun essay writing. What is music essay? Anything from in-depth analysis to personal thoughts put into words and then to paper can fall into a music essay category. An essay about music can cover a wide range of topics, including music history, theory, social impact, significance, and musical review. It can be an analytical essay about any music genre, musical instruments, or today's music industry.

Don't get us wrong, you will still need to do extensive research to connect your opinions to a broader context, and you can't step out of academic writing standards, but the essay writing process will be fun.

In this article, our custom essay writing service is going to guide you through every step of writing an excellent music essay. You can draw inspiration from the list of music essay topics that our team prepared, and later on, you will learn what an outstanding essay on music is by an example of a music review essay.

What are Some Music Topics to Write About

There are so many exciting music topics to write about. We would have trouble choosing one. You can write about various music genres, be it country music or classical music; you can research music therapy or how music production happens.

Okay, forgive us for getting carried away; music makes us enthusiastic. Below you will find a list of various music essay topics prepared from our thesis writing service . Choose one and write a memorable essay about everyone's favorite art form.

Music Argumentative Essay Topics

Music essays can be written about an infinite number of themes. You can even write about performance or media comparison.

Here is a list of music argumentative essay topics. These edge-cutting topics will challenge your readers and get you an easy A+.

  • Exploring the evolution of modern music styles of the 21st century
  • Is it ethical to own and play rare musical instruments?
  • Is music therapy an effective mental health treatment?
  • Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity in electronic music
  • The Relevance of traditional music theory in modern music production
  • The Role of musical pieces in the Transmission of cultural identity
  • The value of historical analysis in understanding the significance of music in society
  • How does exposing listeners to different genres of music break down barriers
  • Exploring the cognitive effects of music on human brain development
  • The therapeutic potential of music in treating mental disorders

Why is Music Important Essay Topics

Do you know which essay thrills our team the most? The importance of music in life essay. We put our minds together and came up with a list of topics about why music is so central to human life. Start writing why is music important essay, and we guarantee you that you will be surprised by how much fun you had crafting it.  

  • Popular Music and its Role in shaping cultural trends
  • Music as a metaphorical language for expressing emotions and thoughts
  • How music changes and influences social and political movements
  • How the music of different countries translates their history to outsiders
  • The innate connection between music and human beings
  • How music helps us understand feelings we have never experienced
  • Does music affect our everyday life and the way we think?
  • Examining the cross-cultural significance of music in society
  • How rock music influenced 70's political ideologies
  • How rap music closes gaps between different racial groups in the US

Consider delegating your ' write my essay ' request to our expert writers for crafting a perfect paper on any music topic!

Why I Love Music Essay Topics

We want to know what is music to you, and the best way to tell us is to write a why I love music essay. Below you will find a list of music essay topics that will help you express your love for music.

  • I love how certain songs and artists evoke Memories and Emotions
  • I love the diversity of music genres and how different styles enrich my love for music
  • I love how music connects me with people of different backgrounds
  • How the music of Linkin Park helped me through life's toughest challenges
  • What does my love for popular music say about me?
  • How the unique sounds of string instruments fuel my love for music
  • How music provides a temporary Release from the stresses of daily life
  • How music motivates me to chase my dreams
  • How the raw energy of rock music gets me through my daily life
  • Why my favorite song is more than just music to me

Need a Music Essay ASAP?

Our expert team is quick to get you an A+ on all your assignments!

Music Therapy Essay Topics

One of the most interesting topics about music for an essay is music therapy. We are sure you have heard all the stories of how music cures not only mental but also physical pains. Below you can find a list of topics that will help you craft a compelling music therapy essay. And don't forget that you can always rely on our assistance for fulfilling your ' write my paper ' requests!

  • The effectiveness of music therapy in reducing stress and pain for cancer patients
  • Does pop music have the same effects on music therapy as classical music?
  • Exploring the benefits of music therapy with other genres beyond classical music
  • The potential of music therapy in aiding substance abuse treatment and recovery
  • The Role of music therapy in Addressing PTSD and Trauma in military veterans
  • The impact of music therapy on enhancing social interaction and emotional expression in individuals with developmental disabilities
  • The use of music therapy in managing chronic pain
  • Does musical therapy help depression?
  • Does music reduce anxiety levels?
  • Is music therapy better than traditional medicine?

History of Music Essay Topics

If you love analytical essays and prefer to see the bigger picture, you can always write a music description essay. Below you can find some of the most interesting topics for the history of music essay.

  • The Significance of natural instruments in music production and performance
  • Tracing the historical development of Western music theory
  • How electronic music traces its roots back to classical music
  • How the music industry evolved from sheet music to streaming services
  • How modern producers relate to classical composers
  • The Origins and Influence of Jazz Music
  • How folk music saved the Stories of unnamed heroes
  • Do we know what the music of ancient civilizations sounded like?
  • Where does your favorite bandstand in the line of music evolve?
  • The Influence of African American Music on modern pop culture

Benefits of Music Essay Topics

If you are someone who wonders what are some of the values that music brings to our daily life, you should write the benefits of music essay. The music essay titles below can inspire you to write a captivating essay:

  • How music can be used to promote cultural awareness and understanding
  • The benefits of music education in promoting creativity and innovation
  • The social benefits of participating in music groups
  • The Impact of Music on Memory and Learning
  • The cognitive benefits of music education in early childhood development
  • The effects of music on mood and behavior
  • How learning to play an instrument improves cognitive functions.
  • How music connects people distanced by thousands of miles
  • The benefits of listening to music while exercising
  • How music can express the feelings words fail to do so 

Music Analysis Essay Example

Reading other people's papers is a great way to scale yours. There are many music essay examples, but the one crafted by our expert writers stands out in every possible way. You can learn what a great thesis statement looks like, how to write an engaging introduction, and what comprehensive body paragraphs should look like. 

Click on the sample below to see the music analysis essay example. 

How to Write a Music Essay with Steps

Writing music essays is definitely not rocket science, so don't be afraid. It's just like writing any other paper, and a music essay outline looks like any other essay structure.

music steps

  • Start by choosing a music essay topic. You can use our list above to get inspired. Choose a topic about music that feels more relevant and less researched so you can add brand-new insights. As we discussed, your music essay can be just about anything; it can be a concert report or an analytical paper about the evolution of music.
  • Continue by researching the topic. Gather all the relevant materials and information for your essay on music and start taking notes. You can use these notes as building blocks for the paper. Be prepared; even for short essays, you may need to read books and long articles.
  • Once you have all the necessary information, the ideas in your head will start to take shape. The next step is to develop a thesis statement out of all the ideas you have in your head. A thesis statement is a must as it informs readers what the entire music essay is about. Don't be afraid to be bold in your statement; new outlooks are always appreciated.
  • Next, you'll need a music essay introduction. Here you introduce the readers to the context and background information about the research topic. It should be clear, brief, and engaging. You should set the tone of your essay from the very beginning. Don't forget the introduction is where the thesis statement goes.
  • One of the most important parts of essay writing is crafting a central body paragraph about music. This is where you elaborate on your thesis, make main points, and support them with the evidence you gathered beforehand. Remember, your music essay should be well structured and depict a clear picture of your ideas.
  • Next, you will need to come up with an ideal closing paragraph. Here you will need to once again revisit the main points in your music essay, restate them in a logical manner and give the readers your final thoughts.
  • Don't forget to proofread your college essay. Whether you write a long or short essay on music, there will be grammatical and factual errors. Revise and look through your writing with a critical mind. You may find that some parts need rewriting.

Key Takeaways

Music essays are a pleasure to write and read. There are so many topics and themes to choose from, and if you follow our How to Write a Music Essay guide, you are guaranteed to craft a top-notch essay every time.

Be bold when selecting a subject even when unsure what is research essay topic on music, take the writing process easy, follow the academic standards, and you are good to go. Use our music essay sample to challenge yourself and write a professional paper. 

If you feel stuck and have no time our team of expert writers is always ready to give you help from all subject ( medical school personal statement school help ). Visit our website, submit your ' write my research paper ' request and a guaranteed A+ essay will be on your way in just one click.

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FAQs on Writing a Music Essay

Though music essay writing is not the hardest job on the planet, there are still some questions that often pop up. Now that you have a writing guide and a list of essay topics about music, it's time to address the remaining inquiries. Keep reading to find the answers to the frequently asked questions. 

Should Artists' Music be Used in Advertising?

What type of music is best for writing an essay, why do people love music.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

expository essay about music

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5 Tips for Writing an Expository Essay on Music Genres

Not everyone has a favorite book or short stories these days, but one thing most people have is a favorite song and a favorite genre or two of music they like, such as country, rap, rock, easy listening, techno, or classical. A lot of people might like music of certain time periods only, such as 80s music, 90s music, or classic rock from the late 60s and early 70s.

Here are five tips to make sure your next expository paper is a big hit with your teacher.

1. First, understand what the real purpose of an expository essay is

The primary purpose of an expository essay is to both analyze and explain your topic to the reader. Think about it as presenting an interesting lecture to a class, if you were the teacher. You would want to both instruct and entertain your class so they won’t get bored, right? Some teachers want research in these types of essays and some don’t.

2. Pick one genre if you want to analyze several pieces of music or artists in one paper

A four or five-page paper can only address several musicians or one really well. Narrow your topic in your thesis statement if you will and know that if you have a lot to say about a certain type of music or are in love with so many songs by this artist you want to write about them all, be careful. In your rush to address everything, you won’t expose anything or explain anything in enough detail. Your teacher, and your reader, would rather you taught them a lot about one artist than discussed ten haphazardly and in not enough depth.

3. Fall in love with your topic

If you’re in love with your topic, chances are your readers will fall in love with it too. Your writing will be enchanting and your knowledge on the topic will contain your fresh insights into your favorite topic. Your love for your topic will make them enraptured with it too. And if you really do your job right, they will be wanting more knowledge on this very topic.

4. Write an introductory paragraph that will whisk them away like a good song

All great papers begin with a great introductory paragraph. All a really good intro paragraph does is (a) grab the reader’s attention like crazy, (b) immediately help them relate to you, and (c) lead to a strong thesis statement that helps both you and them know what the real, laser focus of your essay is. For example: “This essay will discuss three musicians that I feel took us out of the Elvis more rockabilly area and really into what is today called classic rock.”

5. Write a closing paragraph that will echo in the mind and ear of the reader, much like good music will.

A good teacher online once explained a closing paragraph in a way that is very easy for students to understand. He said, “A good closing paragraph gives the reader something to contemplate long after they have read your paper.” Another great teacher said that your last sentence should echo in the mind, the soul, the heart, and the ear of your reader. So make it really “hit” the ear and mind of your reader. For example: “What does a good song really do? It makes you hear it in your head long after it was played.”

Music essays are both fun to write and fun to read, if you do it right. Create something with these tips that both you and your teacher will love to read.

Music Argument: Composing Music Expository Essay

Messages are conveyed through music quickly and intelligently across the universe. It happens because of music which is one of the most well spread art compared to others such as drawings and paintings. People from all over the world have an unlimited access to different types of music.

Pitch (tune and harmony), rhythm (tempo, meter and articulation), dynamics and sonic qualities of resonance and texture are the most common essentials of any music. The traditions and social context of a community have a sturdy sway on the formation, performance, significance and even definition of music.

Various groups and folks make use of music for diverse purposes. Some people use it to promote peace, oppose an authority or habit and instigate people, conserve environment, entertainment while others use it to spread the gospel. Music influences on people in different ways. Therefore, an artist should find ways to persuade the audience. It goes without saying that the purpose of the goal of argumentative writing is to persuade people that your ideas are very interesting and worth of using and paying attention to.

It is also important to make the audience believe that your ideas may be very helpful in this or that issue or be appropriate in different problems or complicated situations. The means of persuasion categorized into three. This paper will attempt to explore the three means of persuasions in music.

Music is a part of life and can greatly affect the emotional condition of a person. Each nationality uses its own music according to the languages and some corresponding like of the folk. Listening to some music, a person feels a lot including the moments when he/she feels that the moment has already happened, or feels something very dear and close to the heart. When used say in advertisement, the rhythm and melody tend to move people to like the product or the information being relayed.

An emotion is a way of creating a strong connection between the target audience and the message, especially, if the beats and tempo of the music are arranged in an alluring style. In William Blake (early romantic poet 1757-1827) songs of experience, in the second stanza, “calling the lapsed soul, and weeping in the evening dew, the might control, the starry pole, and fallen, fallen light renew”, we see use of well arranged lyrics which easily moves the audience.

The arrangement of words in the song emotionally relays his appalling demonstration of the contemporary London. The tone of the poem brings out the bottomless grief that he intends to put across. This example portrays well how emotion in an argumentative writing has profound connection with the audience and can easily persuade them to like the music.

Further, for music to project impression to the audience, there has to be some ethical appeal. One of the most important and first points is to ensure the audience that your arguments are interesting to take and that the ideas are quite valuable on the background of this or that aspect.

It is important to work as a leader who is worth to betaken seriously and with appropriate respective attitude. Artists engage themselves in extra ordinary activities such as charity, giving back to the community in order to earn respect of the audience. For instance, R.E.M, an American music rock band based in Georgia and founded in the early 80s is considered ne of the most politically correct and liberal rock groups of time.

The group earned its respect by donating funds to local charities and to help renovate and preserve historic buildings in the town. Further, R.E.M spoke eloquently and loudly on feminist, human rights, and environmental causes and is involved in voters’ registration encouragement. Besides, the group was very active in telling Americans of the suffering in Burma. It is clear that artist have to go a long away in order to earn admiration of the audience.

In their composition titled, it’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine), in the second stanza, six o’clock TV hour, don’t get caught in foreign towers, slash and burn, return, listen to yourself churn. The tone of this piece indicates authority. That authority they gained from respect earned. Therefore, to persuade an audience, the person who relays music should be respectable.

Reasoning is also another important point when trying to persuade somebody. Reasoning is a key to a successful persuasion that works out in the most of the cases that take place in a daily life. Paul “Sage” a hip-hop artist based in providence, RI quoted that style blends a varying tone and delivery with subject matter that focuses on intricate sequences of widely varying imagery, metaphors, the occasional pun, or absurdist word play often times in the form of phonetic mix-ups and rhetorical excursions and pop culture references.

In response to his refusal to identify as straight edge, Francis stated that one should not define yourself by what you don’t do. Further, he referenced his vegetarianism in his lyrics and has appeared in promotional material for PETA. In one of his poem titled narcissist, we see a profound use of logic.

The lyrics are I don’t look at myself in the mirror because I am a narcissist, I simply like to watch myself exist, now I’m in a fog and mist, now my reflection is anonymous, Ponder this. He uses logic and the audience would easily get allured due to the logic in his lyrics.

In summary, composing music is just not adequate. An artist should persuade the audience to listen to his/her lyrics. For them to appeal to the audience, artists can use any of the three categories of persuasion, that is, ethos (credibility or ethical appeal), pathos (emotional) and Logos (logical) in their work. Further, the lyrics, tone, melody and rhythm of music can be arranged to embrace the three categories of persuasion.

  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2018, October 17). Music Argument: Composing Music. https://ivypanda.com/essays/music-argument/

"Music Argument: Composing Music." IvyPanda , 17 Oct. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/music-argument/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Music Argument: Composing Music'. 17 October.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Music Argument: Composing Music." October 17, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/music-argument/.

1. IvyPanda . "Music Argument: Composing Music." October 17, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/music-argument/.


IvyPanda . "Music Argument: Composing Music." October 17, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/music-argument/.

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How to Write an Expository Essay


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is An Expository Essay?
  • 2 What Is the Purpose of Expository Writing?
  • 3.1 Expository Essay Topics about Culture
  • 3.2 Expository Essay Topics about Music
  • 3.3 Expository Essay Topics about Education
  • 3.4 Expository Essay Topics about History
  • 3.5 Expository Essay Topics about Literature
  • 3.6 Expository Essay Topics About Social Issues
  • 3.7 Expository Essay Topics about Psychology and Philosophy
  • 3.8 Controversial Expository Essay Topics
  • 3.9 Expository Essay Topics about Science and Technology
  • 3.10 Expository Essay Topics about Health
  • 3.11 Expository Essay Topics about Ethical Issues
  • 3.12 Expository Essay Topics About Social Problems
  • 3.13 Expository Essay Topics for Middle School
  • 3.14 Expository Essay Topics for High School
  • 3.15 Expository Essay Topics for College
  • 4.1 How to Organize Expository Essays
  • 5.1 Step 1: Select a Topic
  • 5.2 Step 2: Write a Thesis Statement
  • 5.3 Step 3: Select Your Method of Development
  • 5.4 Step 4: Organize Your Ideas
  • 6 Structure of an Expository Essay Outline
  • 7 An Expository Essay Format and Style
  • 8 What is a Good Expository Essay Outline Example?
  • 9 Conclusion

When it comes to writing an expository essay, it can be a challenging task that requires researching, analyzing evidence, and organizing information in a structured manner. To help make the process easier, Papersowl provides expert guidance on the structure and requirements of a successful expository essay.

What Is An Expository Essay?

There are many essay writing types, including descriptive, persuasive, contrast, effect, and personal opinion essays. As explained earlier, a good expository essay is an explanation, investigation, or exposition for clarification. It is different from a descriptive essay or a definition essay. The main difference between this type of write-up and an argumentative essay is that the tone used in an expository essay is neutral. However, in an argumentative essay , the style must highlight the position taken before the argument is presented.

Ideally, an expository essay aims to make the reader aware of all the key points in the article. It is different from descriptive writing.

What Is the Purpose of Expository Writing?

According to the definition of an expository essay, this type of writing aims to inform and clarify a particular topic. Its primary goal is to present facts, information, or opinions. This should be done in a clear, concise, and straightforward manner. The academic tone does not have the purpose of persuading.

It is commonly used in academic settings, such as in research papers, essays, and reports. It is also used in everyday life in instructional manuals, news articles, and online blogs.

One of the key features of expository writing is its focus on clarity and critical thinking. The writer must present the information in a way that is easy to understand. They should also provide clear and detailed explanations of complex concepts to ensure the reader grasps the topic.

Another crucial aspect of expository writing is the use of factual information to support the writer’s position. By citing credible sources, the writer can provide evidence that supports their argument. Presenting facts is particularly important when discussing scientific theories or historical events.

Overall, the goal of the entire essay is to help the reader gain a better understanding of a specific topic or concept. It effectively bridges the gap between experts and the general public. It provides a means for complex ideas and information to be communicated clearly and concisely. It also allows the reader to understand the position that the writer takes.

By presenting information in a straightforward and accessible manner, expository writing enables readers to develop informed opinions. They can then make well-informed decisions.

Choosing a Type of Expository Essay

The format of expository essays mostly features words such as “define” or “explain”. For example, “Write an essay on how to curb global warming.” In this case, you must “explain” the ‘measures that can be implemented to help minimize climate change and its effects.’

If you noticed, no instruction requires you to form an opinion or argument on whether or not there is global warming. However, explaining a certain topic is challenging.

It is paramount to know the various types of expository essays.

  • Cause and Effect Essays

Outlines reasons that cause something and then discusses its results and effects.

  • Problem and Solution Essays

They highlight all the problems associated with a particular situation and suggest solutions to those problems.

  • Classification Essay

This sorts things out things into different categories based on the pre-defined criteria of each type.

  • Comparison or Contrast Essays

It focuses on similarities and differences between objects, events, or notions.

  • Definition Essays

They explain a complicated concept.

  • Process Essay

A process essay, a “how-to-essay, ” explains the procedures involved in doing something.


Expository Essay Topics about Culture

Culture has always been a prevalent aspect of people’s lives, which makes it a great expository essay topic for students. You can select one direction and narrate about local cuisine, the country’s folk music, a certain poet’s writing, and anything that would be suitable for a subject. Without knowing the distinctive features of such an essay idea, it might be complex to come up with a decent title. The options that you see below are some of the most intriguing and exciting within the cultural field. Consider that even using our sample expository essay topics, you need time to complete the assignment, so start early.

  • Development of Jewish culture
  • Why is Oriental culture that different?
  • How does gambling affect culture in the United States?
  • How does culture affect personality?
  • Gender inequality in the culture
  • Benefits and perks of multicultural education
  • Industry of the culture
  • Education in Chinese and American culture
  • Handling media manipulation properly
  • The way political and cultural issues affect you

Expository Essay Topics about Music

To add a bit of entertainment to your studies, you can write an essay about music. The imagination is wide open: talk about the influence of your favorite boys-band on American teenage culture or write a paper about the positive influence of symphony on the human brain. Specifications are completely up to you. Moreover, by picking something of your interest, you will ease your mind and decrease the workload.

  • Connections Between Different Genres
  • Can Music Be Considered a Propaganda?
  • Advancement Of Sound Production
  • Correlation of Tunes of Your Motherland and Foreign Countries
  • Evolution Of Tunes
  • Tunes And Other Types Of Media Comparison
  • Explanation of High Cultural and Low Cultural Tunes Explained
  • How Tunes Shape The Society Today
  • Current Key Points of Itunes Production
  • The Connection Between Poetry And Tunes

Expository Essay Topics about Education

The field of education is pretty broad. You can turn to different branches of knowledge, their sources, and teaching methods. Choosing this option is a nice idea if you don’t want to put that much effort into doing deep research. Remember that your goal is just to explain and describe one of the processes that are anyhow connected to the educational activity. Below, you’ll see several offers from us. One of them may even become the basis of your expository.

  • Why Higher Education Has Huge Positive Effect On Career
  • Traditional Versus Online Learning
  • The Essential Meaning of Homework
  • Teaching: a Complete Struggle or a Noble Profession
  • Why People With A Higher Degree Get The Job First
  • How to Come Up With a Decent Title for Your Essay?
  • The Future Changes of Literature and Its Impact on Society
  • How Can You Complete a Perfect Paper?
  • How Learning Foreign Languages Benefit Your Life
  • Difference between literate and illiterate individuals


Expository Essay Topics about History

Similar to previous suggestions, history has a variety of essay options. You can start from the very beginning of time or select a subject out of current events. Any point on the world’s timeline would be both — interesting for the author to describe and for the audience to read. Make sure to create a solid statement and provide 100% accurate shreds of evidence. In case, use some of our variations as prompts.

  • The Changes in the Economy after Titanic Sinking
  • Spanish-American War: Cultural Effects
  • What caused the Battle of Germantown?
  • Child Labor within the Puritan Era
  • The Impact of the US on WWI
  • The Impact of the US on WWII
  • Aztectimes Religion
  • The Great Depression And Unemployment Of Women
  • How the Industrial Revolution Impacted the Planet
  • The Outcomes and Consequences of the WWII

Expository Essay Topics about Literature

School always means lots of reading as much as writing. At some point, you will receive an assignment with the descriptive task. You may talk about the main idea of a certain drama or compare the literary features of several works. Although learners frequently get such homework, narration about literature would be harder than other good expository essay topics. For starters, you have to read the whole book to be able to create a title for your expository essay and analyze the writing. Mainly, remember to stay focused and provide enough details.

  • Romeo and Juliet: explaining the use of language in Shakespeare’s masterpiece
  • Examples of Dramatic Irony in Shakespeare’s Plays
  • Two Examples of Figurative Language and the way it’s implemented in Literature
  • The Causes and Clarification of Hamlet and Claudius Dispute
  • The Lesson I’ve Learned from My Favorite Shakespeare Play
  • The Development of Women Role in Literature
  • Opinion Personal Opinion on Character development in Ophelia
  • Personal Impression of Romeo and Juliet
  • The Importance and Effect of Huge Poems on individuals
  • The Author that Changed Your Lifestyle The Most?

Expository Essay Topics About Social Issues

If you’re interested in the way society works and how it correlates to individuals, picking social issues as your expository topic would be suitable action. It gives lots of opportunities to describe and explain certain complications, current problems, and specific processes and elements. You can also account for anthropological and psychological issues when they relate to the social aspect. Be aware that you will need plenty of data and the skill to manage it wisely. First, start with an outline, add a description to each paragraph you’re going to write, and then form a solid essay step-by-step. If needed, apply to the topics proposed by us.

  • What Problems Do Young Individuals Regularly Face?
  • Can You Use Poetry To Deal With Life Problems?
  • Why Should Individuals Change Their Appearance?
  • Social Issues: Definition and Clarification
  • How Essential is the Social Structure of Childhood?
  • The Way Local Community Prevents Crimes
  • The View on Abortion: Is It Really Supposed to Be Regulated by Law
  • Cyberbullying: The Current Condition and The Way It Affects Individuals
  • Beauty Standards Appropriateness
  • Does The Government Sets Proper Mandates?
  • Free unlimited checks
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  • Intuitive interface

Expository Essay Topics about Psychology and Philosophy

Lots of decent expository essay topics take their place in this section. Psychology is a great part of people’s lives, careers, etc. It may be simple and clear on the one hand, but at the same time, complex and versatile on another. Needless to mention, it is one of the hardest ideas to research and requires attentiveness. Yet, it’s easier to come up with a title for an essay as they are based on the individual’s life processes.

  • Modifying Lifestyle in 2 weeks: possible or just a myth?
  • How to Define the Friend is Lying
  • Receptivity of the concept of time by different people
  • How Our Specific Features Shape Our Character
  • Specifications and Distinctive Features of a Particular Region
  • The Main Life-Lesson Elderly People Would Advice
  • How to Reduce Stress Among Students
  • Mental Disease Description
  • Why Do Teenagers Tend To Be Depressed
  • What Qualities You Need to Become Popular at School

Controversial Expository Essay Topics

The audience is always keen on something that makes them question the whole process; therefore, a controversial expository essay would be just the option to catch readers’ attention. Although it seems entertaining and interesting to dig in, you have to be highly professional and do accurate research. Controversial stories also require staying focused and they have to be written in detail. If you feel like you can handle it, then go for it.

  • Dispute: how many negotiations are required?
  • Communism as a Compound of Dictatorship
  • The danger of military activity in Asia
  • Art as a Way to Treat Mental Disorders
  • The Effect and Outcome of Prohibitions after 20’s
  • Main Points of John Kennedy’s Political Activity
  • How important is IQ?
  • What Causes Racism?
  • Crusaders: good guys or villains?
  • How can you become a good therapist?

Expository Essay Topics about Science and Technology

Technology is a crucial part of our world nowadays. Developing subjects out of this field will be exciting and interesting. Choose anything that is relevant and touches on scientific and tech aspects, and try to be specific within the narration. Even the feature perspective of technology may be suitable for your essay title or overall theme. Below are several options that we’ve created to help you to start.

  • Current Influence of Tech
  • Suitable Projects for Online Format
  • The Way Lifestyle Changes 25 Years from Now
  • Are People Truly Connected Online?
  • AI: Benefits and Drawbacks
  • Selling a specific item
  • The Invention Of A Specific Object In Your Home
  • Description of Another Planet
  • Memory and How it Works
  • The Causes of Global Warming


Expository Essay Topics about Health

Those students who dream of becoming doctor or nurse would benefit from selecting health as the field of their research. For starters, you will learn lots of essentials for your future occupation and provide readers with something they didn’t know before. You can connect your essay to medication, various diseases, different kinds of procedures, etc. We’ve tried our best to gather the most remarkable titles to ease your mind and quickly start the writing process.

  • How Do Doctors Get Their Licenses?
  • Most Common Myths
  • How Does Anesthesia Work?
  • How does an X-ray machine work?
  • Explain Hip Replacement Surgery
  • Why Chemically Induced Coma Is Important
  • Ebola crisis Explanation
  • The Most Complicated Surgeries
  • Skin Graft: Definition and Importance
  • How To Protect Yourself From Viruses

Expository Essay Topics about Ethical Issues

Living in current society, people often ask themselves why the ethical part of our culture is on such a low level. You can become one of a few learners who would share their essays on a topic like that. Tell the audience about the ethical changes in the US, show them the ways to improve the situation, or mention anything relevant to your preference.

  • Caught bullying: report or not?
  • Should assisted suicide be legalized?
  • Is Plastic Surgery a Good Idea for Kids?
  • What if your friend cheats on the test?
  • Should Church And Politics Be Completely Separated?
  • Should you report if your friend abuses animals?
  • Should coaches earn more than professors?
  • Should All Companies Increase Data Collection?
  • Should the death penalty be mandatory?
  • Would you tell if your friend drinks at the prom?

Expository Essay Topics About Social Problems

In comparison to social issues, social problems have a slightly different direction in the field. Here you should write your expository essay about the issues that are happening around you. For instance, global pandemic or discrimination based on the color of the skin or sexual orientation, etc. If there is anything that concerns you in terms of social activity, make it the basis of your paper and research the topic from the inside out. Apply our suggestions when you need some inspiration.

  • Impact of COVID 19
  • Supply chain during the COVID 19 pandemic
  • Discrimination by skin color
  • Green Energy Convention
  • Modern Society: Healthcare Bias
  • US soldiers in Afghanistan
  • Remote Education Challenge
  • Global Vaccination And Pandemic
  • The environmental situation in Arctic Pole
  • Political Polarization Increase

Expository Essay Topics for Middle School

A middle school is the first place where you get acquainted with such things as expository essays. Usually, teachers ask you to describe a simple subject to shape your writing skills and teach you the essay’s specifications. You are free to pick anything you want, as the aim of the assignment here is to let children complete the paper all by themselves. Doesn’t matter how good the quality will be, but matters how much effort you put into creating it.

  • The Way You Spend the First Day of School
  • The Picture of Your First Teacher
  • Your Weekend with a Favorite Pet
  • Your Favorite Hobby and Why
  • The Best Place in the World

Expository Essay Topics for High School

When choosing expository essay topics for high school, you need to try something mature and more complex. The title may remain ordinary, but the focus has to be on a broad range of aspects. However the initial goal is to practice and get prepared for college expository assignments in the future.

  • Can a dog smell fear?
  • How do you manage stress?
  • Aliens: real or a myth?
  • How significant is the universe?
  • Can people truly change for the better?

Expository Essay Topics for College

Now you’re at the final level, where you have to show all you’ve learned throughout the years. For excellent results, it’s advisable to use online writing tools for college students or ask your professor to give you more guidelines. Still, in creating expository essays for college, you have to put in much more effort.

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The Expository Essay Structure

Expository essay assignments are common in academic writing and can also be used in everyday life, such as in instructional manuals or news articles. The structure of an expository essay typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Typically, it needs to be a five-paragraph essay.

An expository essay’s introduction paragraph sets the tone for the report and grabs the reader’s attention. It should include a thesis that provides the paper’s main focus and previews the main points to be discussed in at least three body paragraphs.

Each body paragraph of an expository essay should present and develop the essay’s main points. Each section should begin with a topic sentence that relates to the thesis statement and provides a clear focus for the paragraph. Supporting evidence, background information, and examples should be included in each section.

An expository essay’s conclusion summarises the main points made in the body paragraphs and restates the thesis statement. It should not introduce any new information or arguments. Instead, it should provide a sense of closure to the essay and leave the reader with a clear understanding of the topic.

How to Organize Expository Essays

In addition to the traditional structure, several different approaches to organizing an expository essay exist. One common method is the “compare and contrast” approach, where two or more subjects are compared and contrasted by explaining similarities and differences. Another approach is the “cause and effect” method, where the writer describes how one event or action leads to another.

Regardless of the approach used, the structure of an expository essay should be logical and easy to follow. The writer should strive to present information clearly and concisely, using evidence and examples to support their arguments. By doing so, they can effectively explain and clarify a topic for their audience.

Steps to Write Expository Essays

In most cases, your tutor will assign you a topic to write on; however, choosing the right topic is crucial when you have to develop your topic. You should always cover an issue you are conversant with since it will be easier to explain the case to your readers and will need minimal research.

The two crucial aspects of your write-up that form the hook for an expository essay are the topic and statement of thesis. These two things strike your reader’s attention and determine if they will be triggered to read your entire paper. Thus, it is always advisable to choose an appealing topic and a good thesis statement for an expository essay.

Another critical aspect is maintaining clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion of the expository essays.

Lastly, ensure that everybody’s paragraphs feature evidential support. This means that each expository essay body paragraph should be limited to the exposition of one general idea. This gives your reader clarity and direction.

Step 1: Select a Topic

Brainstorm a list of topics you’re interested in. Then narrow down the list of the  good expository essay topics you feel would be easiest to write and that which is manageable within the required word count.

Step 2: Write a Thesis Statement

If you are used to writing argumentative papers, you will likely take a strong position on the topic or a particular idea. However, this should be the case with an expository essay. Here, your thesis statement should only give an insight into what you are writing about and why it is important.

Step 3: Select Your Method of Development

This is the most important part of essay writing. Determine the type of expository essay you will be writing. Is it compare and contrast, process analysis, cause and effect, or other types?

Step 4: Organize Your Ideas

Before you begin writing the body section, you must clearly understand how to plan an expository essay. In this case, you should list the major divisions to be discussed in the main paragraphs and the direct support for each body paragraph.

Structure of an Expository Essay Outline

Although writing any great essay is primarily creative, it should have a clear structure and plan. The structure is one of the most important elements because it involves highlighting the main meaningful elements of the text and establishing logical connections between them. An expository essay outline includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your outline should show which three main arguments you want to discuss in each paragraph.

Usually, the introductory part of any essay is similar to each other. If, even on this part, the idea of writing an outline for an expository essay scares you, or if you have particular questions, don’t hesitate to contact expository writing services online . We will gladly take this odious problem upon ourselves.

The very structure of the text plays a very important role in expressing the structure. First of all, its main function is to interest and encourage the reader to read the covered topic. Second, it will give the reader an idea of your  expository essay topic .

Your first sentence statement should be like a hook that captures the reader’s thoughts from the first second. A great tip for this is to start with a general statement about your topic. It can be anything, such as a certain quote, a question, an anecdote, a fascinating fact, or a dilemma that needs to be solved.

If, at this point, you have thoughts like who would write essays for me , then don’t worry. We already have a solution. That way, after learning something new in the first sentence, people will be interested to see what you talk about next. The following sentences briefly present the main points and emphasize their connection with the thesis. It is important to add that the thesis of an essay, as a rule, is also based on facts and not on one’s thoughts.

The main part of the essay is where the most difficulties and problems arise with understanding where to start and how to write an essay. The main part consists of one or several paragraphs. First, start with a general sentence that expresses the paragraph’s main idea. Most body paragraphs have three sections covering concepts, explanations, and any arguments that may arise. To make things easier, write out specific textual evidence from other sources that you use to support your thesis. A variety of apt quotes and paraphrases are suitable for this. It is also essential to use reliable facts. An extraordinary hint on how to write an expository essay outline is also useful here. Avoid using the first or second person. When moving from one paragraph to another, it is important to remember to use transitional words. Each paragraph should be connected by one or two sentences that demonstratively lead from one idea to the next. This is necessary to ensure the linguistic flow is maintained.

After writing the two parts listed above, you are ready to complete the text. This part of the work is also quite responsible. How is it built? Conclusion – specific and brief information about what was listed in the introduction and body. In simple words – a simplified version of the entire text. Despite its brevity, it should be a strong enough reinforcement not to spoil the general impression and all previous efforts. Here it can be useful to restate the main idea of your subject, but in different words to emphasize its importance. In addition, this technique nicely directs the reader’s attention to important things. Remind him why this topic should interest him. Do not introduce new information in this part, as this will lead to a new discussion.

An Expository Essay Format and Style

The main feature of this genre that distinguishes it from others is the provision of all relative information without the author taking any specific point of view.

Recognizing the format and style required for writing an expository essay is essential. Also, it is necessary to present details and various examples clearly and concisely. Use facts to reinforce the content of the text. If you do not understand what style to choose for writing and doubt your decision, remember whether the professor gave you a certain task. Usually, they guide you. If not, then use the well-known APA and MLA standards. If you still do not know how to choose a citation style , then realize that the topic often determines the style of writing. So, for example, if your work concerns the discussion of humanities, it can be foreign languages or history, it is better to use MLA. If the chosen topic concerns expressing ideas in psychology or social sciences, APA is the most appropriate format.

What is a Good Expository Essay Outline Example?

Below is an expository essay template that you can follow.


It is important to know that the body paragraphs of an expository essay may consist of two or more parts. The outline for expository essay includes the following:

I. Introduction Hook sentence to grab the reader’s attention Background statements Clear, focused thesis statement Body paragraphs II. Main concept 1  Fact 1 and testimony to support the main idea Fact 2 and testimony to support the main idea Analysis III. Main concept 2  Fact 1 and testimony to support the main idea Fact 2 and testimony to support the main idea Analysis IV. Main concept 3 Fact 1 and testimony to support the main idea Fact 2 and testimony to support the main idea Analysis V. A conclusion Summarize the question of the thesis Discuss the large significance Reveal unanswered question

To sum up, there are four main kinds of essays, each with its role and task. As for the expository essay, it is needed to transmit information that is based on real facts. To write it correctly, you need to play on contrasts, your strong facts should speak for themselves, and it is equally important to provide commentary analysis. Be sure to take enough time to write an outline of an expository essay. That’s how your paper will gain new colors. If you don’t have time to write this essay, you can always pay for college papers . This is a great way to get a top quality paper without spending too much time and effort.

In conclusion, expository writing is a challenging task. This form of academic writing differs from descriptive essays, classification essays, and even persuasive essays. However, by following the guidelines in this article, such as the proper essay structure, the different types of expository essays, and the steps to write an expository essay, you can effectively clarify a topic for your audience.

Expository writing is a powerful tool that bridges the gap between experts and the general public, providing a means for complex ideas and information to be communicated clearly and concisely. By presenting detailed explanations in a straightforward and accessible manner, expository writing enables readers to develop informed opinions and make well-informed decisions.

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Music in My Life: How Music Has Shaped Me

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Works cited:.

  • Baker, L. (2005, January 29). Richmond Rebound/High school basketball players hit books, coach lifts his lockout. San Francisco Chronicle. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/RICHMOND-REBOUND-High-school-basketball-players-2736478.php
  • Coach Carter. (2005). Paramount Pictures.
  • Just Call Him “Sir”. (2005, January 12). The Root. https://www.theroot.com/just-call-him-sir-1790861888
  • Klein, G. (2005, January 10). Q&A with Coach Carter. Time. https://content.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1014704,00.html
  • McDermott, B. (2019). The coach’s guide to teaching. Routledge.
  • Parker, S. (2013). Positive psychology coaching: Putting the science of happiness to work for your clients. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Raglin, J. (2016). Psychological factors in competitive sport. Human Kinetics.
  • Ryska, T. A., & Yin, Z. (2007). Coaching and learning in schools: A practical guide. Guilford Press.
  • Snyder, E. E. (2018). Handbook of positive psychology in schools. Routledge.
  • Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (2019). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. Human Kinetics.

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