Student Essays

Essay on Personal Hygiene

Essay on Personal Hygiene | Importance & Purpose of Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene is the practice of keeping oneself clean and free from germs and diseases. Personal Hygiene is very important for good health and to prevent illness. Practicing personal hygiene can help in preventing body odor, bad breath and other digestive disorders like constipation.

The human body has various organs like the eyes, nose, ears, mouth and the reproductive organs which help in eliminating waste or toxins from our body. The tongue is designed to scrape off food particles stuck between the teeth, but it also collects bacteria and dead cells as well as other debris that stick within its crevices.

Essay On Personal Hygiene & Its Importance

Personal hygiene is keeping oneself clean by washing, brushing teeth, shaving etc. It is the responsibility of every person to maintain good personal hygiene for both physical and mental health. Maintaining good personal hygiene means keeping one’s surroundings and living conditions in a hygienic condition and preventing the spread of diseases which can be transmitted through unclean surroundings or through lack of personal cleanliness.

Essay on Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene & Personality Development:

Personal hygiene can play a very important role in personality development. It is very significant for the person who wishes to be successful in his personal and social life. Personal hygiene helps to keep our minds free from worries of other persons’ germs, diseases etc., thereby making us happy and contented.

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On the other hand, seeing unhygienic persons gives us a feeling of disgust. As such, we conclude that if we keep ourselves clean and tidy, we can gain respect in the eyes of society and others will be pleased to meet us.

Importance of Personal Hygiene?

Personal hygiene gives us freedom from diseases and infections. When we keep ourselves clean there is no chance of bacteria, germs or virus multiplying in our bodies.

When we go out to meet persons for any purpose (whether it be work or pleasure) they may transmit their diseases through saliva, nasal discharges etc., which would otherwise get transmitted to us if we are not careful about our personal hygiene. It is therefore, the duty of every individual to maintain good personal hygiene for his own sake as well as that of other people.

Maintaining good personal hygiene is a very simple task but it needs regularity and perseverance. The body has natural means of cleansing itself in the form of skin, nails, mouth, teeth and bowels. These must be given proper attention in order that they may remain healthy and work properly.

The overall objective of hygiene is to make the conditions conducive for leading a healthy and fruitful life. The ultimate goal of personal hygiene is to ensure search and destroy the harmful microorganisms present on our body surfaces to the maximum extent possible.

The idea of keeping oneself clean has become very fashionable now-a-days. The personal hygienic products are available in the market are meant for every age group, whether it is a baby, an adult or an old person. Even if some basic hygiene measures are taken regularly by all persons it will lead to healthy living.

Benefits of Personal Hygiene

Regular personal hygiene can ensure a longer life. There are many people who have lived long lives despite having been very sick, simply because they maintained good personal hygiene. When we work or study along with maintaining good personal hygiene, the results will be better and quicker. The memory also improves if we maintain a clean body and mind.

Maintaining good personal hygiene also helps us to be more confident. If we look and feel clean and tidy, we will certainly be more confident than those who are not. Maintaining good personal hygiene is a social habit. If everybody practices it, there will be no need for any special regulation or supervision of public places by the local authorities.

The general impression about people who maintain good personal hygienic is that they are honest, clean and more cultured than the rest of the community. There will be no decrease in industrial production or efficiency of work due to their absence from offices or factories on account of sickness.

Hence, it can be seen that there are many benefits of maintaining good personal hygiene. It should become a habit to practice proper personal hygiene for prevention of many diseases, appearance and personality development.

Personal hygiene is a very important factor of modern life. It is the need of every individual to keep himself clean and tidy in all respects. The most common causes of lack of personal hygiene are: lack of time or energy, dullness etc., such that we do not feel like taking bath daily, brushing our teeth twice a day etc. These can be brought under control by proper planning and fixed timings for taking these measures as was advised in the beginning.

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Short Essay on Personal Hygiene For Class 1,2,3

As humans, we have all learned about personal hygiene from a young age. We are constantly reminded to wash our hands, brush our teeth, and take showers or baths regularly. However, the importance of personal hygiene goes beyond just being polite and looking presentable.

Maintaining good personal hygiene is crucial for our health and well-being. Our bodies are exposed to various bacteria and germs on a daily basis, and proper hygiene practices help protect us from getting sick. Washing our hands regularly with soap and water removes harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can cause illnesses such as the flu or food poisoning.

In addition to preventing illness, personal hygiene also plays a significant role in maintaining good mental health. Poor personal hygiene can lead to feelings of embarrassment, low self-esteem, and even social isolation. On the other hand, practicing good personal hygiene can boost our confidence and improve our overall mood.

Personal hygiene is not just limited to taking care of ourselves physically; it also includes taking care of our surroundings. Keeping our living spaces clean and organized helps prevent the spread of germs and promotes a healthy environment. This is especially important during times of pandemic outbreaks, where maintaining a clean and hygienic environment can help prevent the spread of diseases.

Furthermore, personal hygiene habits are essential for preventing the spread of diseases to others. By practicing good hygiene practices such as covering our mouths when coughing or sneezing and disposing of used tissues properly, we can protect not only ourselves but also those around us.

It is also worth mentioning that personal hygiene habits are not just for our own benefit but also for the well-being of society as a whole. By practicing good hygiene, we contribute to building a healthier and cleaner community.

In conclusion, personal hygiene is not just about keeping up appearances; it is an essential aspect of maintaining good physical and mental health. By practicing good personal hygiene habits, we not only protect ourselves from illnesses but also contribute to creating a healthier and happier society. So, let’s continue to prioritize our personal hygiene and spread the importance of it to those around us. After all, staying clean and healthy is a win-win situation for everyone.

What is Personal Hygiene?

Personal hygiene is the practice of cleanliness that reduces the number of microorganisms on the body. It is important for general health and well-being to wash your hands after using the bathroom, before eating or preparing food, and after handling raw meat

What is healthy & hygiene?

Health is the state of being free from any disease, illness or abnormal condition. Hygiene means practices that are necessary to maintain health, cleanliness etc.

Why Personal hygiene is Important?

Personal hygiene is very important for a healthy and happy living. It helps us to maintain a clean body, mind & soul. If we practice personal hygiene regularly on daily basis then our life becomes full of happiness and joy from inside out side. What are the best ways to improve your mental health? How can I get help with depression or anxiety? How can I get help to deal with stress?

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Health and Hygiene essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on health and hygiene.

In modern times, it has become so important to take care of one’s health and hygiene. With the rising population levels, pollution levels, emission of harmful gases, it has to be a priority for everyone to maintain their health and hygiene. The health and hygiene essay guides you the different ways into which a person should be aware of his/her health. 

Health And Hygiene Essay

For the human body, health is a positive state where every part of the mind and body is in harmony. Additionally, it is also functioning and balancing the other parts. Thus, in other words, when all parts of the body are functioning well, this physical well-being state of the human body is called health. It is well said and proved that a healthy person is someone who has a sound body and a sound mind. Health is one of the characteristics of life that helps a person live longer. 

According to WHO, health is a state of complete mental, spiritual, physical, and social well being and not only the absence of disease. If a person is in a good physical state and free from any diseases but is under constant stress, greed, tension, anger, etc, then that person is not healthy. 

Hygiene refers to good practices and rituals that prevent diseases and leads to good health. Thus, it mainly includes proper sewage disposal, cleanliness, and safe drinking water supply. So, it includes all the activities that are done for preserving and improving as well as maintaining sound health. 

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Good habits for Better Health and Hygiene

Nutritious food .

For good health, one needs to eat wholesome food. Some part of the food that we take in serves as fit to keep the body warm. While another part results in the flesh that helps in giving strength. One of the most nutritious food is considered as pure milk. There are many other things like vegetables that we generally take in order to have nutritious food. For a human body, a mixed diet is considered the best option. It should have an adequate amount of minerals, vitamins, and calories required to run our body. 

One of the major sources of good health and hygiene is pure water. Although it seems like a normal thing, water is one essential that makes up our body. Many people get sick because of drinking impure water. Also, it mostly happens in villages where people bathe, washcloths, and clean the cattles in the same water. Thus, when this water is used for drinking purposes, then it may result in hazardous health. 


Cleanliness is one of the most important elements of good health. Thus, it is an important hygiene habit to keep yourself and your surroundings neat and clean. Whenever there is dirt, there are germs that thrive in it. Also, the dirt is light in air and thus it moves around in the air. So, a dirty man is often the one that is attacked easily with various diseases. 

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Health and Hygiene Essay for Students and Children

The term "health" refers to a mentally healthy state and a physically fit body free from any disorders, illnesses, or diseases. Simply put, a person's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being is referred to as their state of health. Cleanliness, proper wastewater disposal, and access to clean water are all examples of good hygiene practices that promote health and prevent disease. It includes all of the actions taken to maintain and improve one's health. Here are a few sample essays on health and hygiene.

Health and Hygiene Essay for Students and Children

100 Words Essay on Health and Hygiene

A person's overall physical, social, and mental well-being is referred to as their "state of health." According to the World Health Organization, health also refers to the means of supporting daily life and not just the goal of living. In order to maintain our health, we must practice hygiene. Maintaining good hygiene helps our immune systems develop and shields our bodies from disease. Health requires a diet that is both well-balanced and nutrient-dense . Vital minerals and vitamins that we require are present in fruits and vegetables. Toxin removal is aided by drinking enough water. Furthermore, cleanliness is crucial. Regular baths and wearing clean clothes help us maintain better hygiene. Personal hygiene can be improved by frequently washing hands, trimming nails, and brushing and flossing teeth every day. Since it helps our organs function properly and removes toxins, pure drinking water is essential for keeping us hydrated.

200 Words Essay on Health and Hygiene

Our capacity to function is improved by being in good health. Maintaining good health enables us to fend off illnesses and strengthen our bodies. Hygiene refers to routine actions we take to maintain our health. We are shielded from illnesses by these procedures.

A balanced diet containing a variety of foods is necessary for good health. Vital minerals and vitamins that we require are present in fruits and vegetables. All the toxins in our bodies can be eliminated by drinking plenty of fluids. To stay hydrated, we should drink pure water. We must consume fewer processed foods and more meals high in protein. Our bones are strengthened by milk. It's important to wash fruits and cook vegetables before eating them.

It's also important to keep things tidy. Regular baths and wearing clean clothes help us maintain better hygiene. Hand washing reduces the spread of germs. When our nails get too long, we must trim them, and we must brush and floss our teeth every day. Daily exercise keeps us fit and healthy. Our immune system is strengthened by these activities.

Keeping our surroundings clean is another aspect of hygiene and good health. Garbage must be disposed of properly; it cannot be dumped on the streets. It's very unsanitary to defecate outside. We need to implement these behaviours not only for our society's sake but also to stay healthy.

500 Words Essay on Health and Hygiene

Taking care of one's health and hygiene has never been more crucial than it is today. Everyone needs to make maintaining their health and hygiene a priority due to the growing population, pollution, and emissions of harmful gases.

When the body's various organs are functioning harmoniously, it is said to be in a healthy state. It also helps the other parts balance and function properly. In other words, the physical well-being state in which the human body is when all of its parts are functioning properly is referred to as "health" .

The idea that a healthy person is someone who has a sound body and a sound mind is well-stated and supported by research. One of the aspects of life that contributes to a longer lifespan is health.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , health is a complete state of mental, spiritual, physical, and social well-being and does not merely refer to the absence of disease. If a person is in a good physical state and free from any diseases but is under constant stress, greed, tension, anger, etc., then that person is not healthy.

Good habits and customs that promote health and disease prevention are referred to as "hygiene" . So, the main components are cleanliness, a safe drinking water supply, and proper sewage disposal. As a result, it covers all of the actions taken to maintain and improve one's overall health.

How I Maintain Health and Hygiene?

By incorporating these practices into my daily life, I promote health and hygiene.

by keeping a healthy, balanced diet.

by taking a bath every day.

by twice daily brushing my teeth.

by abstaining from junk food.

Good Habits for Better Health and Hygiene

Nourishing Food | A healthy diet is necessary for good health. We consume food, and some of it keeps our bodies warm. While another component produces the flesh that contributes to providing strength. Pure milk is regarded as one of the most nutrient-rich foods. In order to eat nutritious food, we typically consume a variety of other foods, such as vegetables. A mixed diet is regarded as the ideal choice for the human body. It ought to contain the right number of calories, vitamins, and minerals that our body needs to function.

Clean And Fresh Water | Pure water is one of the main ingredients in a healthy and hygienic lifestyle. Water is one of the components of our body, despite appearing to be a commonplace item. Drinking tainted water is a major cause of illness for many people. Additionally, it occurs most frequently in villages where people wash their clothes, bathe, and clean their cattle in the same water. The use of this water for drinking could therefore be harmful to one's health.

Clean Surroundings | One of the most crucial components of good health is cleanliness. Therefore, keeping yourself and your surroundings tidy and clean is a crucial hygiene habit. There are germs that thrive wherever there is dirt. The dirt also moves around in the air because it is light in weight. Consequently, a dirty man is frequently the one who is susceptible to various diseases.

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  • Health and Hygiene Essay


Introduction to Health and Hygiene

The term "Health" refers to the body's natural and healthy state. It is a wonderful source of calm and joy. A healthy state of mind and a physically fit body are considered to be free of disorder, illness, or disease. Health refers to a person's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being in basic terms. Cleanliness, adequate wastewater disposal, and safe drinking water supply are all examples of hygiene practices that help to avoid disease and promote good health. It encompasses all activities aimed at enhancing, preserving, and maintaining excellent health.

Health and Hygiene

Health is a positive state of being in which all components of the body and mind are in proper balance and harmony with one another. As a result, all of the body's organs are in good working order. It is well believed that only those people may be considered healthy if they have a healthy mind and a healthy body. For a healthy and happy existence, health and cleanliness are essential. In terms of community hygiene, health education is critical. To avoid disease and have a positive attitude about health, you must have accurate and comprehensive health knowledge. 

Hygiene is another word for sanitation and cleanliness. Great personal hygiene is essential for health reasons. One must practice good hygiene. We must cover our mouth while sneezing and immediately wash our hands to prevent the germs from spreading. This shows our consciousness about health through hygiene. Keeping a decent standard of cleanliness prevents the spread of disease. Social awareness must be spread amongst the civilians so that they would realize the importance of hygiene.

What Exactly is Health?

Health is a quality of life that enables you to live a longer life. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as "a condition of complete physical, mental, spiritual, and communal well-being, rather than only the absence of illness."A person is not regarded as healthy if he is free of sickness or in good bodily shape but is stressed, tense, angry, greedy, or in any other way.

Aspects of Health

Let's look at the health concerns for a moment.

Physical well-being

Mental well-being:

Emotional wellness

The well-being of the community

Spiritual well-being

Hygiene is the science and art of maintaining and improving one's physical and mental well-being. Hygiene enables people to have a healthy interaction with their surroundings. It is applicable to both individuals and communities. Recognize the importance of hygiene and sanitation in maintaining good health.

Our hands keep touching so many surfaces such as handrails, smartphones, steering wheels while driving, etc. Hands are the part of the body that spreads germs the most easily. It takes less than a minute to wash our hands; still, many people refrain from doing this. Good hand hygiene is proven beneficial in preventing the spread of diseases amongst society and family. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), washing hands with soap and water is sufficient to prevent the spread of certain diseases by almost 50%. The next important part of the body that needs proper hygiene is the eye. We are all aware that the eyes are the most delicate part of the body. So taking care of it is not only essential but a necessity. We are surrounded by thousands of electronic things which have a bad impact on the eyes. Keeping the eyes clean must be a frequent task in our daily routine.

While playing in the school, kids must take care of their belongings, such as their water bottles. It is important to keep such things in a clean place. Keeping the bottle here and there and then drinking from the same water bottle is harmful to health. Parents and teachers play a vital role in creating awareness about hygiene in kids.

Hygiene is like a preventive measure that keeps us away from diseases and various other health ailments. No matter how much you care about cleanliness, if the potable water itself is not clean, then it is of no use. Water needs to be not only clean but also healthy. Water is used throughout the day, from drinking, cooking to cleanliness activities. Hence, it is important to use clean water. 

Civilians must be made aware of how to maintain hygiene in public places like hospitals. Hospitals are generally crowded with patients and it is obvious that the place will be a hotspot of bacteria and viruses. Hence, it is important to use hand sanitisers and maintain a safe distance from visibly sick people. The next critical step towards a healthy life is oral hygiene—proper oral hygiene wards off gum diseases, bad breath and many infections. Understanding the importance of hygiene will make it easier to eradicate the disease from the world.

How Do You Keep Your Hygiene?

The only thing that helps a person feel healthy is good hygiene. Otherwise, bacteria developing in the dirt generate a slew of ailments, and our health suffers as a result.

When we are surrounded by cleanliness, it makes us feel happy and motivates us to complete our tasks. If there is dirt surrounding us, no matter how focused we attempt to work, we will not be able to complete the task successfully. Our health will decline as well.

Hygiene is Crucial!

It helps to lessen the need for medical assistance: we are all susceptible to a variety of ailments around the world. Diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, gastrointestinal problems, asthma, and lung disorders affect a large portion of the world's population. Some of these diseases are deadly, and there is no treatment that can save a person's life. There are extremely few sicknesses in a sanitary living individual. This person will not require medication to remain healthy. It protects against numerous germs and viruses by preserving personal cleanliness.

Health is more valuable than money, and everyone's health is paramount. It has a strong link to hygiene and health. There will be good health when there is cleanliness. Our health is heavily influenced by our surroundings.


FAQs on Health and Hygiene Essay

1. What are some of the ways to maintain personal hygiene?

We come in contact with millions of germs and viruses every day, all of which can make us sick. Some methods for maintaining personal hygiene and preventing the spread of germs and viruses include Toilet and Bath Hygiene: After using the restroom, we should always wash our hands. To maintain our nails clean, we must avoid biting them and trim them on a regular basis. Bacteria and viruses can quickly enter our bodies through the mouth, nose, and eyes. When handling garbage, touching animals, cleaning, etc., we should always wash our hands with soap and water.

2. Why is hygiene important for good health?

It is important to maintain good hygiene in order to avoid the spread of germs and infectious diseases. Coming into close contact with patients, handling contaminated food, and unclean surfaces or things can all pass on germs that cause many diseases. Poor hygiene can readily spread diarrhea, respiratory ailments, tooth decay, and other diseases. Seasonal flu, viruses, and other bacterial illnesses can all be aided by good cleanliness. As a result, sustaining good health requires a high level of hygiene.

3. Where can I find a well-written essay on Health and Hygiene?

You can find a well-written essay on the topic ‘Health and Hygiene’ on many online educational sites such as Vedantu. Vedantu offers well-curated study materials and articles on various topics. Students can find free essays on Health and Hygiene and other commonly-asked topics in exams.

4. Why is it important to train young kids on the importance of hygiene and sanitation?

Antibiotics and vaccinations are becoming less effective against viruses and bacteria. Many of these viruses are now being encountered all over the world, and the world is enabled to cope with them. Germs can readily spread among children because they play outside without paying attention to their health. To avoid getting sick, parents must educate their children on the value of cleanliness. In addition, basic personal cleanliness will help them feel more confident and self-assured. As a result, it is important to teach children about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.

5. Is writing the Health and Hygiene Essay for Students in English difficult?

Regular practice and back to back sessions on essay writing can help students to write proper English essays. The Health and Hygiene Essay for Students in English requires some prior knowledge about health and hygiene and hence one should study about the same before writing it. After you've grabbed the concepts, the writing part isn't difficult. Vedantu can help you in framing proper English sentences with proper grammar, tone, clarity, and essay.


Essay on Cleanliness and Hygiene

Students are often asked to write an essay on Cleanliness and Hygiene in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Cleanliness and Hygiene


Cleanliness and hygiene are crucial for our health. They prevent diseases and promote well-being.

Importance of Cleanliness

Cleanliness means keeping our bodies, homes, and surroundings neat and tidy. A clean environment is refreshing, reduces stress, and increases productivity.

Role of Hygiene

Hygiene is about practices that maintain health. Regular hand washing, brushing teeth, and bathing are hygiene habits that keep us healthy.

Cleanliness and hygiene are not just about looking good, they’re about feeling good and staying healthy. Let’s make them a part of our daily routine.

Also check:

  • Paragraph on Cleanliness and Hygiene

250 Words Essay on Cleanliness and Hygiene

Cleanliness and hygiene are fundamental aspects of a healthy life. They not only reflect an individual’s personal standards but also influence public health outcomes. In the context of a global society increasingly conscious of infectious diseases, the importance of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene cannot be overstated.

The Importance of Cleanliness and Hygiene

Cleanliness is the state of being clean, free from dirt and germs, while hygiene refers to practices associated with ensuring health and preventing disease. Together, they form the first line of defense against various infections and diseases. They also contribute to an individual’s self-esteem, personal satisfaction, and overall mental wellbeing.

Role in Public Health

In a broader context, cleanliness and hygiene play a crucial role in public health. Poor hygiene practices can lead to the spread of contagious diseases. A clean environment, on the other hand, can significantly reduce the transmission of diseases. It is, therefore, a collective responsibility to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in public spaces.

In conclusion, cleanliness and hygiene are not just personal habits but also societal norms that contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of a community. As we navigate a world increasingly aware of the importance of public health, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene becomes an even more critical responsibility for every individual. As the saying goes, “Cleanliness is next to godliness,” implying that cleanliness and hygiene are essential for a healthy and fulfilling life.

500 Words Essay on Cleanliness and Hygiene

Introduction to cleanliness and hygiene.

Cleanliness and hygiene are two essential aspects of human life that significantly impact our health and well-being. Cleanliness refers to the habitual acts of keeping the dirt away, while hygiene is a set of practices performed for the preservation of health. These concepts are not just about an individual’s cleanliness but also about a clean environment.

Cleanliness and hygiene play a crucial role in maintaining physical and mental health. Clean surroundings prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses, thereby reducing the risk of diseases. On a psychological level, a clean and organized environment can enhance mood, reduce stress, and promote mental clarity.

Hygiene: A Holistic Approach

Hygiene is not limited to personal cleanliness; it encompasses several dimensions. Environmental hygiene involves keeping our surroundings clean, including public areas like parks and streets. Food hygiene is about safe handling and cooking of food to prevent foodborne illnesses. Occupational hygiene focuses on identifying and controlling physical, chemical, and other hazards in the workplace to prevent occupational illnesses.

Role of Cleanliness and Hygiene in Public Health

Cleanliness and hygiene are the cornerstones of public health. Poor sanitation and hygiene conditions can lead to the spread of diseases like cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis. By maintaining cleanliness in public spaces and practicing good personal hygiene, we can prevent the transmission of these diseases.

The Social Aspect of Cleanliness and Hygiene

Cleanliness and hygiene also have social implications. They reflect the discipline and orderliness of a society. Clean public spaces indicate a community’s collective responsibility and respect for shared resources. Moreover, personal hygiene is often associated with an individual’s self-respect and consideration for others.

Education and Cleanliness and Hygiene

Educating people about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene is crucial. Institutions, especially schools and colleges, should incorporate hygiene education in their curriculum. This can foster a culture of cleanliness among students, preparing them to become responsible citizens.

Conclusion: The Way Forward

Cleanliness and hygiene are not just about keeping diseases at bay; they are about fostering a healthier and more productive society. They require collective effort, from personal habits to public policies. By prioritizing cleanliness and hygiene, we can contribute to a healthier, safer, and more sustainable world.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Cleanliness Swachh Bharat
  • Essay on Cleanliness Is Godliness
  • Essay on Cleanliness

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Much of it follows traditional cold-season admonitions, but some is more specific

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Washing hands with plain soap and plain water kills viruses, but only if it’s done thoroughly and often.

This is the latest story in our   Coronavirus Update  series, in which Harvard specialists in epidemiology, infectious disease, economics, politics, and other disciplines offer insights into what the latest developments in the COVID-19 outbreak may bring.

Turns out Mom was right.

Health experts say the best, simplest ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus that has killed more than 3,200 people and affected more than 100,000 around the world, follow the tried and true cold-season admonishments given out for generations. Wash your hands. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your face. Stay home if you are sick.

But some of the advice has gotten a little more specific.

COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets, which typically travel about three to six feet and settle on surfaces, where they can live for a few hours up to several days, according to the World Health Organization. There is a risk of catching the disease by inhaling those particles, but there is a more significant risk of getting it by touching surfaces, such as desks, handrails, or doorknobs, where those droplets may have settled.

“The disease transmission goes from a cough or sneeze to a surface to your hand to your face, and that’s how people get infected,” said Paul Biddinger , director of the Emergency Preparedness Research, Evaluation, and Practice Program, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health . “Good hand washing really matters. If people cough or sneeze into their elbow, that limits the spread of respiratory secretions. What all of us can do together is follow basic hygiene measures that will actually slow the spread of disease in communities.”

“Most people don’t wash their hands very well. As silly as it sounds to go watch a YouTube video on handwashing, people should do it to learn how to do it properly.” Paul Biddinger, Harvard Chan School

Basic hygiene measures may seem obvious, but they are important. Washing hands with plain soap and plain water kills viruses, but only if it’s done thoroughly and often. Hands should be scrubbed for at least 20 seconds, the time it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice, to ensure germs won’t be transferred to objects or spread from person to person.

“Most people don’t wash their hands very well,” said Biddinger. “As silly as it sounds to go watch a YouTube video on handwashing, people should do it to learn how to do it properly. Washing hands has been clearly proved to decrease disease transmission and lower your chance of getting infected.”

Hand sanitizers may be helpful, if they contain at least 60 percent alcohol, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But if your hands are dirty or greasy the sanitizer won’t work, which is why the agency favors hand washing. A 2006 study found that hand washing can cut the risk of respiratory infection by 16 percent and a 2008 study showed a 21 percent reduction.

Experts acknowledge the hardest of the self-protective measures to follow is not touching one’s face. A 2015 study that observed medical students at the University of New South Wales found that each of them touched their face 23 times per hour on average.

It’s important to avoid face touching because germs can get into the body through the eyes, nose, and mouth. Contaminated hands can transfer the virus when people rub their eyes, scratch their noses, or touch their mouths. “We all reflexively touch our face,” said Biddinger. “But trying to be more mindful of touching our face decreases our chance of infection.”

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The importance of following basic hygiene measures was highlighted by Mark Lipsitch , professor of epidemiology at the Harvard Chan School and director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics.

“Slowing the epidemic is what we have to do if we can’t stop it,” Lipsitch said in a Facebook Live event on Monday sponsored by the Forum at Harvard Chan School and PRI’s “ The World .”

“All those measures, small as some of they may be, help to slow the epidemic. There is a real coalescence between individually self-protective measures and measures that will benefit the community. Basic hygiene and self-protection measures are in fact socially beneficial.”

In the U.S., the coronavirus death toll rose to 12, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the number of reported COVID-19 cases climbed to 148 across 13 states as of March 5. The New York Times reported 163 cases in 18 states.

The World Health Organization said Tuesday that the new coronavirus is deadlier than the common flu, with a mortality rate of 3.4 percent. Seasonal flu kills fewer than 1 percent of those infected.

As the number of new cases outside China surges, concerns of a global pandemic are also rising. According to a March 4 report by the World Health Organization, there were only 120 new cases in China in the previous 24 hours, while 2,223 new cases were reported around the world. Eighty percent of the cases outside China were reported in South Korea, Italy, and Iran.

Health experts expect to see more coronavirus cases in New England, Massachusetts, and the Boston area, but Biddinger reminded the public to consult reputable information sites, such as the CDC or the Massachusetts Department of Health, to quell unfounded fears.

“Fear is not productive, and fear doesn’t protect you from illness in any way,” said Biddinger. “I encourage people to avoid the tremendous amount of misinformation that is out there on different social media sites. People need to get good information because being informed decreases fear, and they need to take basic hygiene measures that protect them. And even though those measures don’t sound very exciting, they are absolutely proved, by the data, to protect your health.”

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Cleaning and hygiene tips to help keep the covid-19 virus out of your home, from doing laundry to preparing meals — every day measures to help protect your family..

a girl cleaning the floor

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Can you catch the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from food? How should I do laundry now? Mundane household tasks have turned into a source of uncertainty and anxiety as families grapple with getting the basics done all while keeping their loved ones safe and healthy. Widespread misinformation about the virus puts everyone at risk and adds to the stress of having to filter fact from fiction.  

While research into the COVID-19 virus is ongoing, we know the virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person (through coughing and sneezing), and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. The virus may survive on surfaces for a few hours up to several days. The good news? Simple disinfectants can kill it. Now what does this mean for your home?

To give parents a helping hand, we compiled the latest expert information on what is known about COVID-19 and tips to help keep it out of your home.

Cleaning and hygiene tips to protect against COVID-19

Personal hygiene.

Simple hygiene measures can help protect your family’s health and everyone else's. 

Don’t touch your face

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. 

Don’t cough or sneeze into your hands 

Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used tissue immediately.

Keep your distance 

Maintain a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from people who are coughing or sneezing.

Wash, wash, wash your hands 

Yes, you’re hearing it everywhere, because it’s the best line of defence. Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds. 

An easy way to time it with your children is by singing the full happy birthday song, twice. 

Make sure to wash hands after you blow your nose, sneeze into a tissue, use the restroom, when you leave and return to your home, before preparing or eating food, applying make-up, handling contact lenses etc.

If using a hand sanitizer ensure that it contains at least 60 per cent alcohol, ensure coverage on all parts of the hands and rub hands together for 20-30 seconds until hands feel dry. If hands are visibly dirty, always wash hands with soap and water.  

Did you know?  Cold water and warm water are equally effective at killing germs and viruses — as long as you use soap and wash your hands the right way!

>>   Everything you need to know about washing your hands to protect against the COVID-19 virus

Cleaning around the home

Cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces in your home regularly is an important precaution to lower the risk of infection. 

Follow cleaning product instructions for safe and effective use, including precautions you should take when applying the product, such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good ventilation.

Some national authorities have made lists of recommended products for use against the COVID-19 virus. 

High-touch surfaces to clean and disinfect

Every home is different, but common high-touch surfaces include: Door handles, tables, chairs, handrails, kitchen and bathroom surfaces, taps, toilets, light switches, mobile phones, computers, tablets, keyboards, remote controls, game controllers and favourite toys. 

What to use to clean and disinfect

If a surface is dirty, first clean it with soap or detergent and water. Then use a disinfectant product containing alcohol (of around 70 per cent) or bleach. Vinegar and other natural products are not recommended.

In many places it can be difficult to find disinfectant sprays and wipes. In such cases, continue to clean with soap and water. Diluted household bleach solutions may also be used on some surfaces.

How to disinfect

It’s important not to wipe cleaning solutions off as soon as you’ve applied it to a surface. Many disinfectant products, such as wipes and sprays, need to stay wet on a surface for several minutes in order to be effective. Always read the directions to make sure you’re using the products as recommended and to avoid damaging sensitive items such as mobile phones and other electronic devices. Consider using wipeable covers for electronics. 

Cleaning clothes

It is currently unclear how long the COVID-19 virus can survive on fabric, but many items of clothing have plastic and metal elements on which it might live for a few hours to several days.

Exercise caution and common sense. Good practices to consider include removing your shoes when you enter your home and changing into clean clothes when you return home after being in crowded places, and washing your hands with soap and water immediately afterwards. 

Doing laundry at home

Clean bedsheets, towels and clothes regularly. 

  • Don’t shake dirty laundry to minimize the possibility of dispersing the virus through the air.
  • Launder items with soap or detergent, using the warmest appropriate water setting and dry items completely — both steps help to kill the virus.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand rub, immediately afterwards.
  • Wash or disinfect your laundry bag and hamper as well. Consider storing laundry in disposable bags.

Doing laundry outside your home

If you need to use laundry facilities outside of your home, take sensible precautions:

  • Prepare laundry before leaving your home to help minimize the amount of time you spend outside. 
  • Try to go at a time when there are fewer people.
  • Maintain physical distance to other people.
  • Wear disposable gloves if available, disinfect the surfaces of all machines you use and don’t touch your face.
  • For indoor laundry facilities, wait outside for your laundry to finish if you can.
  • Fold your laundry at home.
  • Wash or disinfect your laundry bag/ hamper as well. Consider storing laundry in disposable bags.

If you don’t have access to laundry facilities, hand wash your clothes at home with soap or detergent and the warmest appropriate water.

Handling and preparing food

While at present there is no evidence of people catching the COVID-19 virus from food or food packaging, it may be possible that people can become infected by touching a surface or object contaminated by the virus and then touching their face. 

The greater risk comes from being in close contact with other people while outside food shopping or receiving a food delivery (as receiving any delivery in areas with local transmission). As always, good hygiene is important when handling food to prevent any food-borne illnesses.

Food packaging and handling precautions 

  • Remove any unnecessary packaging and dispose into a waste bin with a lid.
  • Remove food from take-out containers, place on a clean plate and dispose of the container. 
  • Packaging like cans can be wiped clean with a disinfectant before being opened or stored. 
  • Wash unpackaged produce, such as fruit and vegetables, thoroughly under running water.

General food hygiene tips

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before preparing any food.
  • Use separate chopping boards to prepare uncooked meat and fish.
  • Cook food to the recommended temperature.
  • Where possible, keep perishable items refrigerated or frozen, and pay attention to product expiry dates. 
  • Aim to recycle or dispose of food waste and packaging in an appropriate and sanitary manner, avoiding build-up of refuse which could attract pests.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before eating and make sure your children do the same.
  • Always use clean utensils and plates.

>>  Easy, affordable and healthy eating tips for parents   

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  • Need For Hygiene And Sanitation

Need for Hygiene and Sanitation

What is hygiene.

Hygiene is a set of personal practices that contribute to good health. This includes washing hands, cutting hair/nails periodically, bathing, etc.

What is Sanitation?

Sanitation refers to public health conditions such as drinking clean water, sewage treatment, etc. All the effective tools and actions that help in keeping the environment clean come under sanitation.

Also Read:  Health and Hygiene

Read on to explore the importance of hygiene and sanitation.

Importance of Hygiene and Sanitation

Maintaining personal hygiene and sanitation is important for several reasons such as personal, social, psychological, health, etc. Proper hygiene and sanitation prevent the spread of diseases and infections. If every individual on the planet maintains good hygiene for himself and the things around him, diseases will eradicate to a great level.

Importance of Hygiene

Hygiene, as defined by the WHO refers to “ the conditions and practices that help maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases. ”

This means more than just keeping ourselves clean. This means shunning all practices that lead to bad health. Throwing garbage on the road, defecating in the open, and many more. By adopting such a practice, we not only make ourselves healthier but also improve the quality of our lives.

Personal hygiene means keeping the body clean, consumption of clean drinking water, washing fruits and vegetables before eating, washing one’s hand, etc. Public hygiene refers to discarding waste and excreta properly, that means, waste segregation and recycling, regular disinfection and maintenance of the city’s water reservoir. Quality of hygiene in the kitchens is extremely important to prevent diseases.

Diseases spread through vectors. Say the vector is contaminated water as in the case of typhoid, cholera, and amoebiasis (food poisoning). By drinking clean water, we can completely eliminate the chances of getting diseases.

Some diseases are caused by pathogens carried by insects and animals. For eg., plague is carried by rats, malaria, filarial, roundworms by flies and mosquitoes, etc.

Mosquitoes thrive in stagnant water and rats in garbage dumps and the food that is dumped out in the open. By spraying stagnant water bodies with kerosene or other chemicals, we can completely eliminate mosquitoes from our neighbourhood. If that is unfeasible, we can all use mosquito nets prevents us from mosquitoes while we’re asleep. This poses a physical barrier for the mosquito.

Rats thrive on unsystematic waste disposal. By segregating the waste we can ensure that we don’t leave food lying around for rats to eat. Close contact with sick people is also another way of contracting diseases .

A country has to strive to educate more doctors so that medical need of every citizen is taken care of. The importance of cleanliness should be inculcated in every citizen and this will in turn show in the cleanliness of the places we live in.

Importance of Sanitation

Sanitation is another very important aspect. Many of the common diseases mentioned earlier such as roundworms spread through the faeces of infected people. By ensuring that people do not defecate in the open, we can completely eliminate such diseases and even more severe ones such as the one caused by E. Coli. The advancement in biology has given us answers to many questions, we are now able to identify the pathogen and treat an ailment accordingly.

Also Read:  Health and Diseases

For more detailed information about what is hygiene, what is sanitation, the Importance of Hygiene and Sanitation, keep visiting BYJU’S website or download BYJU’S app for further reference.

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Hand Hygiene as an Evidence-Based Practice Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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Critical Discussion of an Identified Everyday Practice

The identified practice issue is hand hygiene that is considered an essential element in preventing the spread of infection in the medical environment. The purpose of the paper is to present a critical discussion of the issue and analyze whether it is appropriately evidence-based and meets the best practice guidelines. The structure of the paper includes a critical analysis of the identified everyday practice, interpretation of the types of knowledge informing the issue, and recommendations for future practice.

Evidence-based practice is associated with the prevention of repeated practice, productive decision making, and improved clinical efficiency. Being an evidence-based issue, hand hygiene occupies an important place in the investigations of practices and their efficiency (Nguyen et al. , 2022). While the necessity of evidence-based practice is undoubted, its practical application may meet various obstacles. One of such restrictions is presented with the hierarchy of evidence. Such hierarchy has popularized randomized control trials (RCTs) as the most accurate evidence origin. Still, nurse practitioners frequently find it complicated to apply as RCTs tend to disregard some types of knowledge which eventually proves to supply beneficial data for nursing practice (Zia et al. , 2022). Since evidence-based practice and reflection have common targets and methods, it may be necessary to disregard the hierarchy of evidence and allow reflection to evolve into the basic elements of the evidence-based practice activity. Evidence, as a result, brings about subjective connotations related to reflective approaches.

Disregard of hand hygiene may lead to failure of patient safety; thus, this evidence-based practice requires special attention of the medical workers. Patient safety is the most crucial purpose of healthcare activity, and therefore, its importance cannot be overestimated. Some scholars remark that the problem of evidence is that it is not always applied in practice (Ahmed et al. , 2020). The necessity of evidence implementation is proved by numerous cases of inadequate practices. What is worse, such unproductive activity may lead to serious damage to patients’ health (Keleb et al. , 2021). Thus, scholars suggest that successful alterations should be realized to eliminate the adverse outcomes of ineffective practices.

The research of required evidence is an essential part of nursing knowledge. Nurses need to combine various types of knowledge and practices to accumulate their knowledge base. Providing evidence-based care is the basic aim of professional nursing care (Alwatifi and Hattab, 2022). Nurse staff should realize the importance of enriching their knowledge with research pertinent to their practice (Krämer et al. , 2022). As it is further illustrated, research evidence about the practice of hand hygiene is successfully implemented in medical workers’ activity.

Explication of and Justification for the Origin of the Practice Associated with the Issue

Hand hygiene is one of the most crucial issues in nursing as disregarding it may lead to spreading disease among patients and staff. Thus, hand hygiene remains the basic preventive action against microbe transmission. Scholars have investigated the medical workers’ compliance with the practice requirements (Ayyappan, Varghese and Ismail, 2021), compare the level of diseases connected with health care in pre- and post-implementation of hygiene guidelines (Greene and Wilson, 2022), analyze how hand hygiene can prevent spreading of microbes (Rasmussen et al. , 2021), and explore the causes of insufficient hand hygiene among medical workers (Sierra, Perez-Jaimes and Díaz, 2022). Thus, numerous researches on hand hygiene have supported this practice to be an appropriately evidence-based issue.

Healthcare workers’ hands are known to be a source of spreading the disease from patient to patient or other workers. While performing their usual work, medical staff can get contaminated with dangerous organisms. If they neglect hand hygiene, these organisms may survive and spread in the hospital environment (Kumar et al. , 2021). Such evidence shows that proper hand hygiene conduct is a key element of blockage of infection connected with healthcare. Moreover, explicit site infections can be prevented by applying correct hygiene methods (Ayyappan, Varghese and Ismail, 2021). In this context, one of the successful prevention procedures is environmental cleaning, and another suggestion is to replace the use of water and soap with an alcohol-based waterless antiseptic.

Due to the research, hand hygiene conduct may be typified into two kinds of practice: inherent and elective. The first one takes place when hands are dirty or greasy. The second kind encompasses the cases excluded from the inherent practice (Ahmed et al. , 2020). In their investigation of poor hand hygiene, Rasmussen et al. (2021) conclude that the cases of negligence happen due to the lack of constructive examples and untrustworthy evidence of the ability hand hygiene to prevent infection. Thus, factors regulating the lack of hand hygiene compliance are numerous.

Other issues causing the lack of hand hygiene include the understanding of the effect of infections, social tension, assessment of expected advantages against the present limitations, and the desire to carry out the hand hygiene procedures. One of the reasons why medical workers may neglect hand hygiene is that it is not always easy to comply with its requirements (Greene and Wilson, 2022; Lungu, 2023). The most common determinants of poor hygiene are being classified among a special medical profession category, operating in specialized care units, insufficient number of healthcare workers, and exceeding the number of patients, and wearing gloves and robes.

Other cases of disregarding hand hygiene are connected with the apprehension of skin injury, inattention, time shortage due to more urgent tasks, and limited access to water facilities. Nnate (2022) defines five points of hand hygiene: before patient contact, before an aseptic chore, post body fluid disclosure danger, after the contact with a patient, and after communication with the patient environment. According to the author, there are cases when two hand hygiene moments may happen simultaneously (Nnate, 2022). In order to eliminate the negative outcomes of risks, monitoring of and reporting on the medical workers’ compliance is suggested.

Analysis of Evidence-Based Practice

To provide the best knowledge practice, it is necessary to combine it with research. Therefore, some scholars differentiate and explain a discourse of knowledge translation between research and knowledge. Nguyen et al. (2022) argue that a link between researchers and practicing nurses is simultaneous with data assembling and examination. The need for analyzing such a relationship is caused by the existing disparity between collecting of evidence and its application in practice. The main components of the relationship between practitioners and researchers are liability, cooperation, and esteem of each other’s experience (Nguyen et al. , 2022). Knowledge translation cycle illustrates the progressive process of knowledge interpretation and is characterized by a continuous dialogue about the arising findings (Greene and Wilson, 2022; Shikongo and North, 2023). Such dialogue makes it possible for the practitioners to employ the research results in their everyday practice and thus guarantee that the research is consistent with the practice.

Apart from evidence-based practice, an important role in decision-making belongs to the autonomy of nursing staff. Autonomy presupposes the jurisdiction of making resolutions and the ability to act according to professional expertise. Comprehension of autonomy is necessary for the interpretation and development of the nursing profession in evolving healthcare circumstances. Therefore, there exists a consideration about how the basic nursing components are dealt with when attention is paid to increase of nursing roles (Ayyappan, Varghese and Ismail, 2021; Zia et al. , 2022). According to the research by Ayyappan, Varghese and Ismail (2021), nurses’ characterization of autonomy falls under four types: having an integrated view, knowing the patient, understanding one’s knowledge, and being able to face the challenge. The analysis of the nurses’ explanations allows to conclude that autonomy presupposes the realization of one’s knowledge and confidence in it.

Nursing practice has some obstacles hindering successful work as well as some facilitators promoting better results. The basic restrictions include time and autonomy shortage. The most helpful issues are possibilities to learn, accessibility of resources, chances to cultivate culture and knowledge (Rasmussen et al. , 2021; Zia et al. , 2022). To promote evidence-based practice, cooperation between managers and educators is necessary. Such cooperation will make it possible to deal with the obstacles and provide support for nursing practice. Rasmussen et al. (2021) conclude that to organize successful practice, nurses need additional autonomy and time for their self-education on the most important professional issues. What concerns the practice of hand hygiene, the biggest obstacle to this aspect is presented by time shortage.

Analysis of the Types of Knowledge that Inform the Practice

Types of nursing knowledge informing the practice of hand hygiene are concerned with historically developed stages. The first stage perceives nursing knowledge as a combination of explanatory regulations, the second as the evolution of dualist analytical theories, and the third as the creation of analytical and unifying comprehension (Nguyen et al. , 2022). The researchers dedicated their work to explain how the various types of knowledge are applied in practice and what influence they have on patient care. Each of the stages of nursing knowledge history has proven to be present in the current nursing practice (Greene and Wilson, 2022; Nguyen et al. , 2022). Descriptive knowledge is realized via procedural and ward experience, explanatory dualist knowledge is reflected via personal practice and theoretical experience, and integrative knowledge is represented by reflexive experience.

Nursing knowledge can also be classified into propositional and non-propositional. The first type is represented by so-called public knowledge and is included in educational programs. The second type is personal knowledge connected to one’s experience. What concerns the sources of knowledge, scholars recognize three: authority, a priori, and tenacity (Greene and Wilson, 2022; Zia et al. , 2022). Tenacity is connected with the issues which are automatically trusted because they have always existed in people’s minds as reliable ones. Authority represents the type of knowledge coming from a trustworthy source or person. A priori knowledge pertains to the mechanism of reasoning, which considers it acceptable to suppose that something may be true (Yingling, 2021). In the clinical decision-making process, four kinds of knowledge are employed: superstition, craft, science, and folklore. Superstition is close to tenacity. Folklore is connected with earlier beliefs which are not easily replaced by more efficient modern ones. Craft knowledge is the one grounded on personal experience. Science knowledge is based on a wide notion of comprehending the world.

A different typology of knowledge has been suggested by other researchers. In the study by Keleb et al. (2021), the authors differentiate between such kinds of knowledge as tradition and authority, experience and intuition, logical reasoning, assembled information, and disciplined research. Tradition is helpful as it gives some common ground for health practitioners and patients. Authority is represented by a specialist with particular expertise and proper recognition (Keleb et al. , 2021; Zia et al. , 2022). Experience presents the ability to observe and discern the relevant information. Intuition is a kind of knowledge impossible to explain via instruction or reasoning. It plays a vital role in nursing practice, but it is difficult to base policies on it. Logical reasoning, divided into inductive and deductive, assists in problem-solving. Information assembled for different objectives helps the nurses in making decisions regarding their practice (Lungu, 2023). Research is the most reliable method of acquiring knowledge as it is based on evidence rather than assumptions. Modern evidence-based practice requires close connections to the research process.

Recommendations for Future Practice

A lot of investigation has been dedicated to the issue of hand hygiene practice. This evidence-based practice has been reflected in the studies by many researchers as a vital issue in the health care environment. However, not all aspects of the problem have been covered. Thus, specialists admit the necessity of future adjustments in hand hygiene practice to reach the most beneficial outcomes for medical staff and patients. Further research is necessary to assess the relative productiveness of the key constituents in hand hygiene practice strategies. The usefulness of their implementation in environments with restricted resources and collecting the data on successful approaches is necessary (Keleb et al. , 2021). The First Global Patient Safety Challenge has an aim of making accessible the application tools for hand hygiene practice and of evaluating their endorsement in countries with various income rates (Krämer et al. , 2022; Pedersen et al., 2022). Another suggestion is to implement multidisciplinary programs at hospitals and collected the medical workers’ feedback, which would enhance the staff’s compliance. Such programs cannot be successfully introduced without an exhaustive approach including several levels in an establishment. Therefore, infection control units should employ supplementary aid from the administration.

Hand hygiene is one of the core aspects of providing patient safety and sustaining positive environment at the workplace. Hand hygiene is an evidence-based practice, which is illustrated by numerous scholarly researches. While a lot of publications have been dedicated to this aspect of nursing practice, some improvements are still necessary. For instance, further investigation is needed for investigating the reasons for disobedience with the hand hygiene requirements. Also, the causes of neglect of such practice need to be more thoroughly studied. The practice of hand hygiene impacts not only the patients but also the medical staff and other people with whom they communicate. Therefore, it requires the most competent investigation and most thorough implementation.

Ahmed, J. et al. (2020) ‘ Compliance and knowledge of healthcare workers regarding hand hygiene and use of disinfectants: a study based in Karachi ,’ Cureus . Web.

Alwatifi, M. H. and Hattab, W. A. A. (2022) ‘ Attitudes to Hand Hygiene Performance among Nursing Staff during Covid-19 Pandemic ,’ Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences , 16(3), pp. 909–911. Web.

Ayyappan, J.P., Varghese, V.J. and Ismail, G.M. (2021) ‘ Assessment of knowledge, practices, and attitude of hand hygiene among university nursing and optometry undergraduate students in their final year of training ,’ Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine , 21(2), pp. 226–233. Web.

Greene, C. and Wilson, J. (2022) ‘ The use of behaviour change theory for infection prevention and control practices in healthcare settings: A scoping review ,’ Journal of Infection Prevention , 23(3), pp. 108–117. Web.

Keleb, A. et al. (2021) ‘ Prevention practice of COVID-19 using personal protective equipment and hand hygiene among healthcare workers in public hospitals of South Wollo Zone, Ethiopia ,’ Frontiers in Public Health , 9. Web.

Kumar, A. et al. (2021) ‘ Assessment of healthcare worker’s hand hygiene and infection prevention practices of their personal belongings in a healthcare setting: a survey in pre COVID-19 era and literature review on standard disinfection practices .,’ PubMed , 62(1), pp. E104–E109. Web.

Krämer, A. et al. (2022) ‘ Ethanol is indispensable for virucidal hand antisepsis: memorandum from the alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) Task Force, WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety, and the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention (KRINKO), Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany ,’ Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control , 11(1). Web.

Lungu, D. (2023) ‘ Patient safety: a systematic review of the literature with evidence based measures to improve patient safety in healthcare settings ,’ Texila International Journal of Academic Research , 10(2), pp. 27–35. Web.

Nguyen, H. et al. (2022) ‘ Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practices of hand hygiene among nursing students in the south of Vietnam ,’ International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS) , pp. 11145–11153. Web.

Nnate, D.A. (2022) ‘ A competency-based approach to promoting effective hand hygiene in long-term care facilities ,’ Investigación En Enfermería: Imagen Y Desarrollo . Web.

Pedersen, L. et al. (2022) ‘ Influential papers that shaped paradigms and changed practice in infection prevention in the last 60 years: then, now, and future directions ,’ Current Infectious Disease Reports , 24(2), pp. 29–37. Web.

Rasmussen, L. et al. (2021) ‘ Infection Prevention Performance among Hospital Staff during Vaginal Birth: Results from a Criterion-Based Audit at a Zonal Referral Hospital in Tanzania ,’ East African Health Research Journal , 5(1), pp. 36–43. Web.

Shikongo, B. and North, N. (2023) ‘ Prevention of injuries in children with a peripheral intravenous catheter: a modified evidence-based nursing practice guideline ,’ Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery [Preprint]. Web.

Sierra, C.U.M., Perez-Jaimes, G.A. and Díaz, L.J.R. (2022) ‘ Interventions to improve knowledge or compliance to hand hygiene in nursing students: A scoping review ,’ Journal of Infection Prevention , 24(1), pp. 30–44. Web.

Yingling, J.K. (2021) ‘ Rationing evidence-based nursing practice: considering a resource-based approach, ‘ Online Journal of Issues in Nursing , 26(1). Web.

Zia, I. et al. (2022) ‘ Hand hygiene knowledge, attitudes, and self-reported practices among medical and nursing staff of a tertiary-care military hospital: a cross-sectional study ,’ International Journal of Infection Control . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 6). Hand Hygiene as an Evidence-Based Practice.

"Hand Hygiene as an Evidence-Based Practice." IvyPanda , 6 Aug. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Hand Hygiene as an Evidence-Based Practice'. 6 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Hand Hygiene as an Evidence-Based Practice." August 6, 2020.

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Essay on Importance of Hygiene (822 Words)

January 22, 2018 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Hygiene is an all-inclusive aspect of our life essential for a healthy well-being. It is the factor that determines the health of our body.  Hygiene is the practice of maintaining cleanliness in our daily lives in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Individual hygiene can also play an important role in the hygiene of the society. It is our self-awareness that we are part of a community that urges us to maintain hygiene in our lives. Thus hygiene is an essential part of our day to day lives.  

Table of Contents

Individual Hygiene 

We as individuals can make sure that we practice hygiene. Our food habits, cleanliness and the awareness that we are responsible for our own health shall ease the situation.

We need to ensure that we keep ourselves healthy and clean. For instance, if you are suffering from a cold or a cough, make sure that you use a clean handkerchief or tissue.

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During the time, take necessary precautions so that no one ever gets affected by sitting near you. These are communicable diseases and can easily spread. This is why we have to take the necessary steps to prevent its spread rather than find a cure for it. If we practice a hygienic lifestyle, it will in turn determine the hygiene of our society.  

Hygiene of the society  

Along with individual hygiene, maintaining hygiene of the society is also an important component. Individual and societal hygiene are the two sides of the same coin. Our hygiene is determined by our surroundings and the maintenance of hygiene among other people.

For example, if people live in an overcrowded area with no sanitation facilities and garbage piled up on streets, it is an unhygienic area. People living in slums face this problem the most. In this case, maintaining individual hygiene alone cannot be of any use. Society as a whole should practice hygiene in order to create a clean environment for them.  

Poverty –  The leading cause of lack of Hygiene 

The poor are the worst victims of the lack of proper hygiene among people. Rising population and increased migration to cities may leave the government in a fix, unable to accommodate all in their development policies. But that is no reason for denying them their right to a dignified existence.

Many a time we blame the poor their plight claiming they are responsible for their own hygiene. How can that happen if we don’t give them the basic necessities of life?   

The truth is that it is the upper class sections of society who inflict the most harm upon them. Waste collected from residential areas and factories are dumped near slums. They may have encroached upon land but this was a necessity for survival. Lack of sanitation facilities forces them to openly defecate on streets.  This is a major cause of the spread of diseases.  

Caste discrimination – An indirect reason for Poverty and Lack of Hygiene 

Members of lower caste are ill-treated and forced to live in unhygienic conditions. They are made to do manual scavenging or clean toilets based on the ancient belief that they should practice their hereditary occupation. In such a situation, one can never simply ask the people to mend their ways.

It is mindsets that have to change. We need to realize that the poor never wanted to live such a life. It is the circumstances that pushed them into such an existence. As long as factors such as poverty and caste discrimination exist, proper hygiene in society will always be a far cry. Thus, we should take steps in this direction.  

Swachh Bharat Mission

The present government’s initiative to transform India into a cleaner and greener country is the most revolutionary of all. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan , a mission put forth by Prime Minister Narendra Modi aims to create a clean India according to the vision of Mahatma Gandhi .

It not only aims to maintain cleanliness but also practice hygiene by creating toilets and other civic amenities. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a mission where the citizens also take up the initiative to practice hygiene through their own innovative methods.

Students are encouraged to engage in cleanliness drives and create awareness in their community about the importance of hygiene. This mission also aims to eradicate manual scavenging. This has proved to be a holistic approach towards hygiene and cleanliness.  

The way forward 

We have set our future path with many goals to achieve and dreams to fulfill. This may be including our career choices, our ambition or our resolve to face challenges that may occur. In the race to get ahead of others, we must not ignore our health.

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In 2023, the Academy of American Poets awarded a combined total of $1.1 million to its 2023  Poet Laureate Fellows . These funds supported their respective public poetry programs throughout the year as presented in their proposals to the Academy. The fellowship program is made possible by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The 2023 Poet Laureate Fellows and the communities they serve are:  Diannely Antigua  (Portsmouth, NH);  Lisa Bickmore  (Utah);  Jennifer Bartell Boykin  (Columbia, SC);  Joseph Bruchac  (Saratoga Springs, NY); Lauren Camp  (New Mexico);  Laura Da’  (Redmond, WA);  Oliver de la Paz  (Worcester, MA);  Farnaz Fatemi  (Santa Cruz County, CA);  Nicholas Gulig  (Fort Atkinson, WI);  Peter J. Harris  and  Carla Rachel Sameth (Altadena, CA);  Taylor Johnson  (Takoma Park, MD);  Yalie Saweda Kamara  (Cincinnati, OH);  Brandy Nālani McDougall (Hawaiʻi);  Gloria Muñoz  (St. Petersburg, FL);  Sharon Kennedy-Nolle  (Sullivan County, NY); Shin Yu Pai  (Seattle, WA);  Willie Perdomo  (New York);  Jason Magabo Perez  (San Diego, CA);  Glenis Redmond  (Greenville, SC);  Erin Elizabeth Smith  (Oak Ridge, TN);  Junious Ward  (Charlotte, NC); and  Joaquín Zihuatanejo  (Dallas, TX).

Learn more about the 2023 Poet Laureate Fellows, their communities, fellowship projects, writing practices, and thoughts on poetry, by reading these interviews and essays from their fellowship year. 

LIsa Bickmore

Poet Laureate Fellow Interview: Lisa Bickmore

Jennifer Bartell Boykin

Poet Laureate Fellow Interview: Jennifer Bartell Boykin

Joseph Bruchac

Poet Laureate Fellow Interview: Joseph Bruchac

Lauren Camp

Poet Laureate Fellow Interview: Lauren Camp

Laura Da'

Poet Laureate Fellow Interview: Laura Da’

Oliver de la Paz

Poet Laureate Fellow Interview: Oliver de la Paz

Farnaz Fatemi

Poet Laureate Fellow Interview: Farnaz Fatemi

Nicholas Gulig

On Poetry and Community: Nicholas Gulig

At the age of forty-three, in what is, I hope, the middle of my life, I became the tenth poet laureate of the s

Peter J. Harris

On Poetry and Community: Peter J. Harris

Carla Rachel Sameth

On Poetry and Community: Carla Rachel Sameth

Usually, I am one to find the thread of dark humor even in the worst of circumstances.

Sharon Kennedy-Nolle

Poet Laureate Fellow Interview: Sharon Kennedy-Nolle

Shin Yu Pai

Poet Laureate Fellows Interviews: Shin Yu Pai

Willie Perdomo

On Poetry and Community: Willie Perdomo

Jason Magabo Perez

On Poetry and Community: Jason Magabo Perez

Glenis Redmond

On Poetry and Community: Glenis Redmond

Erin Elizabeth Smith

On Poetry & Community: Erin Elizabeth Smith

Joaquín Zihuatanejo

On Poetry and Community: Joaquín Zihuatanejo

When I applied to be the inaugural poet laureate of Dallas, I did so with the idea of service in mind.

Gloria Muñoz

Poet Laureate Fellow Interview: Gloria Muñoz

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    This paper examined why sleep hygiene practices work in some cases and not in others with a focus on non-clinical population. Sleep hygiene rules target lifestyle and environmental factors. Changing sleep-wake routines, avoiding alcohol, caffeine, bright light, and vigorous exercise near bedtime, and improving the sleeping environment (making it darker, quieter, and cooler) should yield a ...

  24. Hygienic Practices and Level of Contamination in Toothbrushes at

    Interestingly, a higher microbial count was found in toothbrushes stored in cases, while the use and disposal of toothbrushes following recommendations of life expectancy limited bacterial growth, reducing the possible growth of pathogens such as Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas. In the present study, a Google Forms survey open questionnaire was applied to identify variables in hygiene ...

  25. 2023 Poet Laureate Fellows Essays & Interviews

    In 2023, the Academy of American Poets awarded a combined total of $1.1 million to its 2023 Poet Laureate Fellows. These funds supported their respective public poetry programs throughout the year as presented in their proposals to the Academy. The fellowship program is made possible by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The 2023 Poet Laureate ...

  26. Top Ten Ways to Improve Your Mediation Skills

    This article uses Real Practice Systems (RPS) theory to identify things that mediators can do to improve their mediation skills. This begins by mediators recognizing that they have a complex mediation practice system if they mediate regularly. The article includes links to a short video and articles to help mediators understand their unique ...