Congressional Committees

Committees decide which bills and resolutions move forward to consideration by the House or Senate as a whole. Committee chairs have enormous influence over this process.

#protip: To track upcoming committee meetings, check out’s committee meetings calendar .

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Committee meetings each weekday over the last year. Darker is more meetings.

Senate Committees

Agriculture, nutrition, and forestry, appropriations, armed services, banking, housing, and urban affairs, commerce, science, and transportation, energy and natural resources, environment and public works, foreign relations, health, education, labor, and pensions, homeland security and governmental affairs, indian affairs, intelligence, rules and administration, small business and entrepreneurship, united states senate caucus on international narcotics control, veterans' affairs, house committees, agriculture, education and the workforce, energy and commerce, financial services, foreign affairs, homeland security, house administration, house select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic, house select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government, natural resources, oversight and accountability, science, space, and technology, small business, strategic competition between the united states and the chinese communist party, transportation and infrastructure, ways and means, joint committees.

The joint committees are made up of both senators and representatives. They typically have an oversight or policy role but no legislative duties.

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe

Joint Committee on Printing

Joint Committee on Taxation

Joint Committee on the Library

Joint Economic Committee

While the Joint Committees on Printing and the Library have nominal responsibility for oversight of the Government Publishing Office and the Library of Congress, respectively, the committees are essentially defunct and oversight takes place within the majority party leadership of each chamber.

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The House’s committees consider bills and issues and oversee agencies, programs, and activities within their jurisdictions.

  • Agriculture
  • Appropriations
  • Armed Services
  • Education and the Workforce
  • Energy and Commerce
  • Financial Services
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Homeland Security
  • House Administration
  • Natural Resources
  • Oversight and Accountability
  • Science, Space, and Technology
  • Small Business
  • Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Veterans’ Affairs
  • Ways and Means
  • Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
  • Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party
  • Joint Economic Committee
  • Joint Committee on the Library
  • Joint Committee on Printing
  • Joint Committee on Taxation

View Committees No Longer Standing from the 117th Congress

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  • 118th Congress, 2nd Session

Committee Profiles

  • Commodity Markets, Digital Assets, and Rural Development
  • Conservation, Research, and Biotechnology
  • General Farm Commodities, Risk Management, and Credit
  • Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry
  • Nutrition, Foreign Agriculture, and Horticulture
  • Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
  • Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
  • Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies
  • Financial Services and General Government
  • Homeland Security
  • Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
  • Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
  • Legislative Branch
  • Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
  • State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
  • Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies
  • Cyber, Information Technologies, and Innovation
  • Intelligence and Special Operations
  • Military Personnel
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  • Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government
  • Energy and Mineral Resources
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Guide to House committee chairs for 118th Congress

Glenn Thompson , a Pennsylvania Republican in his eighth term, assumes the top Agriculture Committee post as the panel prepares to write a 2023 farm bill to set multiyear policy for agriculture, nutrition, conservation and other programs. The current five-year bill expires Sept. 30.  

The Agriculture Committee is likely to debate the agriculture industry’s role in climate change policy. Thompson has expressed skepticism about the Biden administration incorporating climate policies in existing farm bill conservation programs and advancing new climate pilot programs.

However, Thompson successfully tacked on to the fiscal 2023 omnibus spending packag the text of his bill to allow the Agriculture Department to accept private contributions for private-public partnership accounts that could be used for climate and other projects under the Natural Resource Conservation Service. 

David Scott , D-Ga., the panel’s former chairman, will continue in his party’s top slot as ranking member.


Texas Republican Kay Granger takes the helm at Appropriations during a tumultuous time for her party, driven by a near-universal desire to cut federal spending, but less agreement on exactly what to cut. 

First elected in 1996, Granger became the first woman to lead her party on the powerful spending panel in 2019. Her Fort Worth-area district is home to military installations and defense contractors like Lockheed Martin Corp. She has repeatedly made clear that defense won’t bear the burden of any spending cuts that Speaker Kevin McCarthy , R-Calif., agreed to in exchange for conservatives’ support.

Other Republicans quickly came out with similar statements, making it clear that domestic programs are likely to shoulder the brunt of any budget cuts. But it’s unclear that such austere fiscal 2024 appropriations bills can even pass the House, let alone the Democratic-controlled Senate.

Rosa DeLauro , D-Conn., will continue as the top Appropriations Democrat in this Congress.

Armed Services

Mike D. Rogers , R-Ala., will chair the Armed Services Committee.

Rogers backs growth in the U.S. defense budget to deter Russia, China and other potential foes. He will also oversee an assault this year on what Republicans term the Pentagon’s “woke” social agenda, and the committee will help lead a House GOP probe of the problematic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.  

Rogers has represented his eastern Alabama district for two decades. He was the Armed Services Committee’s ranking member in the 117th Congress, and once chaired its Strategic Forces panel. Eastern Alabama is home to several major Army and Air Force installations, and the aerospace and aviation hub of Huntsville is not far to the north.

Adam Smith of Washington remains the panel’s top Democrat.

Jodey C. Arrington , a Texas Republican now in his fourth term, won the Budget gavel after winning a three-way competition that played out before the steering committee on Monday.

Arrington’s already well acquainted with fiscal issues from his time serving on the Ways and Means Committee, which oversees tax policy and swaths of federal spending. He’ll have his hands full trying to unify the fractious GOP Conference around a budget resolution that can be adopted on a party-line vote, with just four votes to spare. But he’s also touted his work across the aisle to try to impose some fiscal discipline.

After winning the Budget slot late Monday, Arrington in a statement invoked James Madison’s admonition that “public debt is a public curse,” and at $31 trillion and counting, is exponentially greater than any of the Founding Fathers could have envisioned. “It will take a team effort across the GOP Conference and across the aisle to restore fiscal responsibility and reverse the curse,” Arrington said.

Brendan F. Boyle , D-Pa., will be the panel’s ranking member after the retirement of former Chairman John Yarmuth , D-Ky.

Education and the Workforce

The GOP Conference backed  Virginia Foxx of North Carolina to chair the Committee on Education and the Workforce, returning her to a position she held from 2017 to 2019.

“To officials in the Biden administration: think about investing in a parking space on Capitol Hill — you will be here often,” she said Monday in a statement after winning the Republican Steering Committee’s nomination, fighting off a challenge by Tim Walberg of Michigan. 

Scrutiny of President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness program, currently tied up in the courts, will be a top priority, Foxx said. 

Robert C. Scott of Virginia is the panel’s top Democrat.

Energy and Commerce

Republican Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington will chair the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee after two years serving as ranking member. 

She’s expected to focus first on energy policy, as Republicans seek to lower gas prices and counter Biden’s energy and economic agenda.

But the health care list is also long. Rodgers has pledged to drill down on the nation’s fentanyl crisis — an issue that also doubles as fodder for Republicans’ promise to secure the southern border and hold Big Tech companies’ feet to the fire.

Republicans also hope to boost their ongoing COVID-19 investigations with the additional power that comes with committee gavels. Ending the public health emergency, reversing worker mandates related to testing and vaccination, finding the origins of the virus, investigating fraud in pandemic aid programs and conducting oversight of the Biden administration’s pandemic-related decisions are all on the agenda.

Former Chairman Frank Pallone Jr. , D-N.J., will be ranking member.

Michael Guest , R-Miss., has the been the acting ranking member on Ethics, though McCarthy hasn’t made any announcements yet regarding his picks for the panel.

Democrats named Susan Wild of Pennsylvania as the new ranking member on Ethics, which could have its hands full right out of the gate investigating the circumstances around the election of Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., among other topics.

Financial Services

The GOP Conference backed Patrick T. McHenry of North Carolina, a key negotiator behind the deal to secure the speakership for McCarthy, to lead the House Financial Services Committee.

“I’m excited to get back to my policy bag,” McHenry said toward the end of speaker negotiations. “I mean, that’s what this whole week has been about, is getting on with the business.”

McHenry, who will take over the panel after four years as ranking member, has vowed to ramp up oversight of banking and market regulators, pursue legislation to protect consumer financial data protections, make it easier to raise capital and establish a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies.

Maxine Waters , D-Calif., stays on as ranking member.

Foreign Affairs 

Michael McCaul , R-Texas, has been selected as the next chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

McCaul was outspoken during last week’s speaker election floor drama about wanting to get started with committee work, including a planned investigation of the Biden administration’s chaotic exit from Afghanistan, as well as issues related to Russia and China as panel priorities in the 118th Congress.

The panel also is expected to debate U.S. aid to Ukraine, a top target of conservatives.

Gregory W. Meeks , D-N.Y., is ranking member.

Homeland Security

Tennessee Republican  Mark E. Green will lead the House Homeland Security Committee, which oversees the third-largest government agency, after winning a contested race Monday at the steering panel. He cited priorities of countering weapons of mass destruction and issues related to the U.S.-Mexico border.

A member of the Freedom Caucus and a veteran and physician, Green emphasized his “breadth of experience,” including in health care, as making him uniquely qualified to lead the panel. Green is a former Army physician who later founded an emergency medical staffing company.

Green will lead efforts to oversee the sprawling department’s myriad duties, including border security, cybersecurity, counterterrorism and emergency response preparedness.

Bennie Thompson of Mississippi remains the panel’s top Democrat.

House Administration

Leadership of the committee that manages the House’s daily operations, various ancillary agencies like the Library of Congress, Capitol security and the U.S. Capitol Police as well as federal election law is up to McCarthy himself, rather than the steering panel. 

Since former Rep. Rodney Davis , R-Ill., lost his primary last year, there remains a vacuum at the top that’s expected to filled by one of two candidates: Wisconsin’s Bryan Steil  or Georgia’s Barry Loudermilk .

Steil has been viewed by some as the favorite since McCarthy tapped him to lead his “Restoring the People’s House” transition team for the 118th Congress, which focused on making the chamber more accessible to the public. But McCarthy, just coming off a weeklong battle to be elected speaker, hasn’t yet publicly signaled his intentions.

Joseph D. Morelle of New York will be the panel’s top Democrat, succeeding California’s Zoe Lofgren .


Another speaker-appointed role, the Intelligence chair slot hasn’t been made official yet. But it doesn’t appear that Rep. Michael R. Turner , R-Ohio, who’s been ranking member for the past year, has any competition for it.

First elected in 2002, Turner is the third-most senior Republican on the Armed Services Committee and has served on the Intelligence panel since 2015. He represents Ohio’s 10th District, an Air Force-heavy area that is home to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

As ranking member of the Intelligence panel, Turner touted the expansion of intelligence operations at Wright-Patterson under his watch. He is also a staunch China hawk.

It’s not yet clear who’ll be ranking member on the committee; McCarthy has pledged to boot Rep. Adam B. Schiff , D-Calif., the former chairman, off the panel altogether.

Ohio Republican  Jim Jordan will lead the Judiciary Committee, which oversees the Justice Department and a wide array of issues related to crime, policing, internet and tech companies, immigration, border policy and more.

The former college wrestling coach has taken a lead role in his party on oversight of the Biden administration and said the committee’s work would be vigorous and aggressive. He has remained one of Trump’s fiercest allies, who has widely panned Biden’s policies on the U.S.-Mexico border and the economy.

Jordan has said Republicans plan to focus on “problems which have all happened in the past two years,” including migrant crossings at the southern border and what he calls the weaponization of the government and the Justice Department against citizens. 

The panel’s former chair, Jerrold Nadler of New York, will be ranking member in this Congress.

Natural Resources

House Natural Resources Chairman Bruce Westerman , R-Ark., said that under his leadership the committee will focus on “responsible stewardship of the incredible natural resources we’ve been given.”

Westerman will lead the committee after one term as its ranking member, having taken over the top Republican spot in 2021.

A licensed forester and engineer prior to entering politics, he has leaned on his experience and pointed to forestry as a possible area for bipartisan consensus. A frequent critic of both the administration and the current federal permitting process, he has called for the government to support greater development of oil, gas and mineral resources on public lands.

Arizona Democrat Raúl M. Grijalva will continue to lead his party on Natural Resources as ranking member.

Oversight and Accountability

Kentucky GOP Rep. James R. Comer ‘s quick rise up the House Republican ranks has landed him the chairmanship of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee in the new Congress.

A McCarthy ally, Comer is vowing to investigate a list of issues related to Biden, his family and his administration.

“I mean, when you hear more stories about outrageous activities that the Biden family’s engaged in, you have to ask yourself, where is Joe Biden on this? Why doesn’t he have the decency to rein the family in?” he told Fox News on Dec. 9. “Their business is influence peddling.” No Biden has been charged with criminal wrongdoing. 

Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin is the top Democrat on the committee.

Sometimes referred to as the “speaker’s committee,” each of its majority members, including its chair, is hand-picked by McCarthy.

The speaker hasn’t yet named the panel’s full GOP roster — which conservatives expect to populate in part with Freedom Caucus members — but on Tuesday he officially tapped  Tom Cole , R-Okla., to move over from the ranking member slot to the chair.

Rules derives its power from its key role in setting the terms of floor debate, deciding which amendments can be offered, how long debate will last, which points of order can be waived and so forth. Any bill with any controversy attached to it has to go through Rules, which can modify legislation with all manner of last-minute fixes to win votes.

The panel’s top Democrat remains Jim McGovern of Massachusetts.

Science, Space and Technology

Frank D. Lucas , R-Okla., is taking over the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, which oversees science agencies and federal research.

Lucas describes the panel, which has jurisdiction over NASA, the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as well as digital technology like artificial intelligence, as a committee of the future due to its focus on emerging issues.

“America has long been the global leader because of our commitment to innovative, fundamental research and our ability to leverage public-private partnerships,” Lucas said. “It will be our job on the Committee to ensure the U.S. stays at the cutting edge of science and technology by supporting and protecting American research.”

Lofgren is the panel’s new top Democrat, replacing former Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas, who retired after the 117th Congress.

Small Business

New Small Business Chairman Roger Williams says he will draw on his decades as a car dealer “to be the voice of Main Street America” as the panel digs into regulations issued by the Biden administration. 

Williams, R-Texas, said he plans to take on rules he considers costly and burdensome. He seems unlikely to use the committee to scrutinize the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program, a lending program to help businesses retain workers during COVID-19 shutdowns. 

Government watchdogs say there is evidence of fraud and lax lending standards. Williams received at least $1 million in 2020 for his auto business, money that he said helped to save many jobs.

Nydia M. Velázquez of New York will continue in her role as the panel’s top Democrat.

Transportation and Infrastructure

Sam Graves , R-Mo., will lead the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in the 118th Congress. Graves, who has led Republicans on the panel as ranking member since 2018, ran uncontested and secured the Steering Committee’s favor soon after the November midterms when Republicans won control.

He’s set to focus on oversight of the Biden administration’s implementation of the 2021 infrastructure law, as well as Federal Aviation Administration and Pipeline Safety and Hazardous Materials Administration reauthorization bills.

Graves replaces former Rep. Peter A. DeFazio , D-Ore., who retired, as chairman. The Democratic Caucus elected Rep. Rick Larsen , D-Wash., as ranking member of the infrastructure panel in December.

Veterans’ Affairs

Mike Bost , R-Ill., will continue to serve as top Republican on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Bost, a veteran himself who has also held jobs as a firefighter and a truck driver, has served on the committee since coming to Congress in 2015.

Bost says he’s “committed to ensuring full transparency for veterans and taxpayers so that [veterans] have access to the care, support, and services they have earned and to lead fulfilling lives as civilians.” 

He initially opposed 2022 legislation to establish a costly new benefit program for veterans suffering illnesses due to toxic exposure, such as open burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. But he came around and ultimately backed the final version negotiated with the Senate.

The previous chairman, Mark Takano , D-Calif., will move over to Bost’s old ranking member slot.

Ways and Means

Jason Smith , R-Mo., won a three-way race on Monday to become the next chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, with jurisdiction over tax and trade policy, Medicare, Social Security and other entitlement programs and the statutory debt ceiling that the Treasury is set to hit later this year.

Smith is pledging more of a working-class tone at Ways and Means and a populist-tinged trade policy in line with Trump’s approach to China, for instance. He’s also gearing up for the coming battle over federal spending, while at the same time seeking extensions of Trump’s signature tax cuts.

Smith, who was the top Republican on the Budget panel in the last Congress, will be the youngest-ever Ways and Means chairman.

His Democratic counterpart is Richard E. Neal of Massachusetts, who’d been Ways and Means chairman since 2019. 

Peter Cohn, Ellyn Ferguson, Aidan Quigley, John M. Donnelly, Paul M. Krawzak, Lindsey McPherson, Caitlin Reilly, Lauren Clason, Herb Jackson, Benjamin J. Hulac, David Jordan, Valerie Yurk, John T. Bennett, Suzanne Monyak, Mark Satter, Laura Weiss and Michael Macagnone contributed to this report.

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What the 21 McCarthy holdouts got in committee assignments

WASHINGTON — The 21 House Republicans who initially blocked Rep. Kevin McCarthy from winning the speakership had demanded big changes to House rules, but they also wanted more influence on the congressional committees that will set the GOP agenda over the next two years.

While not every holdout got exactly what he or she had asked for, some won plum committee assignments from McCarthy, R-Calif., and his allies after they helped him secure the speaker's gavel , a process that took 15 rounds of voting.

As part of his deal with detractors, McCarthy named three conservative rabble rousers — Reps. Chip Roy of Texas, Ralph Norman of South Carolina and Thomas Massie of Kentucky — to the influential Rules Committee, which decides how exactly bills come to the House floor.

Here's what we know so far:

  • Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona , a former head of the Freedom Caucus and one of the five so-called Never Kevins , will keep his spots on the powerful Judiciary and Oversight committees. He was also named chairman of Judiciary's subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance. Biggs changed his vote to "present" on the final ballot for speaker, helping push McCarthy over the finish line.
  • Rep. Dan Bishop of North Carolina , one of 13 holdouts who flipped to back McCarthy on the 12th ballot, will continue to serve on both the Judiciary and Homeland Security committees. McCarthy also named Bishop to Judiciary's new subcommittee on the "Weaponization of the Federal Government."
  • Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado , a vocal McCarthy critic who voted "present" on the 14th and 15th ballots, was awarded a seat on the Oversight and Accountability Committee, which plans to launch numerous investigations into the Biden administration. She will continue to serve on the Natural Resources panel, on which she served in the previous Congress.
  • Freshman Rep. Josh Brecheen of Oklahoma , who flipped to McCarthy on the 12th ballot, won seats on the Homeland Security Committee and Budget committees.
  • Rep. Mike Cloud of Texas , who also flipped to McCarthy on the 12th ballot, won a new seat on the powerful Appropriations Committee, which controls federal spending. McCarthy also named him to the new select committee investigating the origins of the Covid pandemic.
  • Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia , another lawmaker who flipped to McCarthy on the 12th ballot, will serve for the first time on Appropriations.
  • Freshman Rep. Eli Crane of Arizona , who voted "present" on the 15th ballot, will serve on the Homeland Security Committee.
  • Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida , who was nominated to run against McCarthy for speaker and flipped to him on the 12th ballot, was named by McCarthy as the "speaker's designee" on the influential Steering Committee, which decides which lawmakers get committee gavels and seats. Donalds also won a coveted spot on the Financial Services Committee, a top panel known on Capitol Hill as an "A" committee.
  • Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida , perhaps the most vocal McCarthy foe during the speaker fight, who flipped to "present" in the 14th round, will continue to serve on the Judiciary panel and was appointed by McCarthy to the new weaponization subcommittee .
  • Rep. Bob Good of Virginia , one of the Never Kevins who flipped to "present" in the last round of voting, will serve on the Budget and Education and Workforce committees.
  • Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona , who flipped to McCarthy on the 12th ballot, was reinstated by Republicans on two committees —Oversight and Natural Resources panels — after Democrats removed him two years ago for posting threats to lawmakers on social media. He was named chairman of the Natural Resources subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.
  • Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland , who flipped to McCarthy on the 13th ballot, will continue to serve on the Appropriations panel. Harris, a physician, will be the chairman of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration subcommittee.
  • Freshman Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida , who flipped to McCarthy on the 12th ballot, won a seats on the Oversight and Natural Resources panels.
  • Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois , who flipped to McCarthy on the 12th ballot, will remain on the Agriculture Committee.
  • Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina , one of the Never Kevins who flipped to McCarthy on the 12th ballot, was named by the speaker as one of nine Republicans on the Rules Committee. Norman also will remain on the Financial Services panel, which he joined in June, and will serve on the Budget Committee too.
  • Freshman Rep. Andy Ogles of Tennessee , who flipped to McCarthy on the 12th ballot, also won a seat on Financial Services.
  • Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania , the chairman of the far-right House Freedom Caucus who brokered a deal between conservatives and McCarthy, will remain on the Foreign Affairs Committee. A subject of Jan. 6 investigations , Perry won a new seat on the Oversight committee.
  • Rep. Matt Rosendale of Montana , a Never Kevin who flipped to "present" on the final ballot, will continue to serve on Natural Resources.
  • Rep. Chip Roy of Texas , who along with Perry helped negotiate a deal with McCarthy, was tapped to serve on the Budget committee and the influential Rules Committee. Roy will also keep his seat on the Judiciary panel.
  • Freshman Rep. Keith Self, R-Texas , who flipped to McCarthy on the 12th ballot, will serve on the Foreign Affairs panel.
  • Rep. Victoria Spartz of Indiana , who flipped from "present" to vote for McCarthy on the 12th ballot, will continue to serve on the Judiciary panel.

In addition to committee assignments, McCarthy had made other concessions to his right flank.

In the package of rules changes McCarthy and the Freedom Caucus negotiated for the 118th Congress was a provision allowing a single lawmaker to force a floor vote to oust McCarthy as speaker. They also agreed to make it harder to raise federal spending, taxes and the debt ceiling, and to create select committees to investigate the Chinese Communist Party and the "weaponization of the federal government."

Some Freedom Caucus members who stuck with McCarthy from the very start also did well for themselves. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., a McCarthy ally whom Democrats stripped of her committee assignments two years ago, won seats on the Oversight and Homeland Security committees.

Meanwhile, Rep. Warren Davidson of Ohio, a Freedom Caucus member who nominated McCarthy on the fifth ballot , was named chairman of the Financial Services subcommittee on Housing and Insurance.

committee assignments in congress are

Scott Wong is a senior congressional reporter for NBC News.

committee assignments in congress are

Kyle Stewart is a field producer covering Congress for NBC News.

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The Most (And Least) Lucrative Committees In Congress

Andrea Seabrook

Alex Blumberg

This story is part of Planet Money's series on money in politics . This post was originally published on March 30. It was updated on April 6.

Most of the nitty-gritty action in Congress happens in committees.

Not surprisingly, campaign contributions flow to members of the committees that big donors are really interested in — like, say, the ways and means committee, which oversees the tax code.

This makes a huge difference to lawmakers, who need a steady stream of donations to fund their re-election campaigns.

Both parties rank each committee for its fundraising potential. There are lists of the A, B, and C committees, and fundraising targets for the members. Those lists aren't public. Many lawmakers say these lists exist, but no one would give one to us.

So we created our own list, based on publicly disclosed fundraising numbers. At our request, Lee Drutman of the Sunlight Foundation, crunched data going back to the early '90s .

The analysis found that Ways and Means is the most valuable committee for fundraising. Lawmakers on the Ways and Means committee raise an extra $250,000 a year compared to the average Congressman.

The judiciary committee was the worst. Congressmen on that committee raised $182,000 less than the average Congressman.

Here's a list of the bottom three and top three committees:

The Value of a Committee Seat

Source: The Sunlight Foundation

Credit: Lam Thuy Vo / NPR

One thing this graph doesn't show: The value of being a chairman.

Being a committee chairman carries huge power in Congress. Not surprisingly, it also leads to a huge fundraising boost. But the lawmakers who land these spots are expected to raise lots of money, and turn it over to the party, which spreads it around to other members.

"Where much is given, much is required," says Rep. Jeff Flake. "You're given dues, assessments, and if you're a senior member on committees that lend themselves to fundraising, and you're either a ranking member or a chairman, then you're expected to raise a lot of money. When you come up every two years to either retain your position or move to another committee, those things are certainly taken into account"

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Senator Jamaal Bowman

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House Progressives Call for Rep. Lauren Boebert to Be Removed From Committee Assignments

WASHINGTON —  Representatives   Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) ,  Cori Bush (MO-01) ,  André Carson (IN-07) , and  Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) , were joined by 34 House progressives to issue the following statement today calling for Representative Lauren Boebert (CO-03) to be removed from her committee assignments following her Islamophobic comments and incitement of anti-Muslim animus.

“Rep. Boebert has repeatedly weaponized dangerous, anti-Muslim bigotry at our colleague Representative Ilhan Omar (MN-05). Instead of apologizing, Rep. Boebert has continued her Islamophobic rhetoric and chosen to spread hateful speech even further. In the face of death threats and vitriol being spewed at Rep. Omar, Representative Kevin McCarthy (CA-23)’s decision to allow and embolden continued hostility from his members speaks clearly to the Republican party’s willingness to allow hate and division to grow at the expense of our people, our values, and our institutions.

“But we refuse to stand by as Islamophobia, anti-Blackness, anti-immigrant sentiment, and xenophobia are trafficked into the halls of Congress by members of the Republican party. Today, we are calling for Rep. Boebert to be removed from her committee assignments. Our response to behavior that creates a dangerous work environment and furthers a climate of toxicity and intolerance cannot be silence. Congress cannot forgo accountability when a Member engages in hate speech that dehumanizes not only a colleague, but an entire people. We cannot be complicit as members of this body, who swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States, trample on the fundamental right of religious freedom. 

“Muslims across the country are looking to Congress at this moment, watching to see if those they sent to represent their interests in Washington are going to stand up in the face of blatant, vicious Islamophobia. We owe it to them, and to every person who has been the recipient of harassment and verbal abuse based on their religion, race, gender, sexuality, or other identity, to stand up and show them that their votes to send us here mean something — that our values mean something, and are worth defending. We stand in solidarity with Rep. Omar, and urge every single one of our colleagues to join us in demanding action.”

The following members joined Reps. Bowman, Bush, Carson, and Jayapal in signing on to this statement: Alma S. Adams, Ph.D. (NC-12), Brendan Boyle (PA-02), Judy Chu (CA-27), Yvette Clarke (NY-09), Lloyd Doggett (TX-35), Veronica Escobar (TX-16), Adriano Espaillat (NY-13), Dwight Evans (PA-03), Jesús “Chuy” García (IL-04), Jimmy Gomez (CA-34), Raúl Grijalva (AZ-03), Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18), Sara Jacobs (CA-53), Hank Johnson (GA-04), Mondaire Jones (NY-17), Kai Kahele (HI-02), Teresa Leger Fernández (NM-03), Barbara Lee (CA-13), Andy Levin (MI-09), Ted Lieu (CA-33), Carolyn Maloney (NY-12), Marie Newman (IL-03), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Chellie Pingree (ME-01), Mark Pocan (WI-02), Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-05), Jan Schakowksy (IL-09), Melanie Stansbury (NM-01), Rashida Tlaib (MI-13), Ritchie Torres (NY-15), Lori Trahan (MA-03), Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12), and Nikema Williams (GA-05).

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Cole Releases Fiscal Year 2025 Markup Schedule

Washington, D.C. – House Appropriations Committee Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK) today released the markup schedule for Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations bills. This schedule is subject to change. An official notice for each markup will be sent in accordance to the Committee's rules.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Bill

Thursday, May 23, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 Legislative Branch Bill
  • Subcommittee Allocations

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Bill
  • Fiscal Year 2025 Homeland Security Bill

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 Defense Bill
  • Fiscal Year 2025 Financial Services and General Government Bill

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Bill

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Bill

Thursday, June 13, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 Financial Services and General Government Bill

Thursday, June 27, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Bill
  • Fiscal Year 2025 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Bill

Friday, June 28, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Bill
  • Fiscal Year 2025 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Bill

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Bill
  • Fiscal Year 2025 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Bill

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

  • Fiscal Year 2025 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Bill

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  • Guidelines and Guidance Library
  • Core Practices
  • Isolation Precautions Guideline
  • Disinfection and Sterilization Guideline
  • Environmental Infection Control Guidelines
  • Hand Hygiene Guidelines
  • Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDRO) Management Guidelines
  • Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) Prevention Guideline
  • Tools and resources
  • Evaluating Environmental Cleaning

Infection Control Basics

  • Infection control prevents or stops the spread of infections in healthcare settings.
  • Healthcare workers can reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections and protect themselves, patients and visitors by following CDC guidelines.

Germs are a part of everyday life. Germs live in our air, soil, water and in and on our bodies. Some germs are helpful, others are harmful.

An infection occurs when germs enter the body, increase in number and the body reacts. Only a small portion of germs can cause infection.

Terms to know

  • Sources : places where infectious agents (germs) live (e.g., sinks, surfaces, human skin). Sources are also called reservoirs.
  • Susceptible person: someone who is not vaccinated or otherwise immune. For example, a person with a weakened immune system who has a way for the germs to enter the body.
  • Transmission: a way germs move to the susceptible person. Germs depend on people, the environment and/or medical equipment to move in healthcare settings. Transmission is also called a pathway.
  • Colonization: when someone has germs on or in their body but does not have symptoms of an infection. Colonized people can still transmit the germs they carry.

For an infection to occur, germs must transmit to a person from a source, enter their body, invade tissues, multiply and cause a reaction.

How it works in healthcare settings

Sources can be:.

  • People such as patients, healthcare workers and visitors.
  • Dry surfaces in patient care areas such as bed rails, medical equipment, countertops and tables).
  • Wet surfaces, moist environments and biofilms (collections of microorganisms that stick to each other and surfaces in moist environments, like the insides of pipes).
  • Cooling towers, faucets and sinks, and equipment such as ventilators.
  • Indwelling medical devices such as catheters and IV lines.
  • Dust or decaying debris such as construction dust or wet materials from water leaks.

Transmission can happen through activities such as:

  • Physical contact, like when a healthcare provider touches medical equipment that has germs on it and then touches a patient before cleaning their hands.
  • Sprays and splashes when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This creates droplets containing the germs, and the droplets land on a person's eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Inhalation when infected patients cough or talk, or construction zones kick up dirt and dust containing germs, which another person breathes in.
  • Sharps injuries such as when someone is accidentally stuck with a used needle.

A person can become more susceptible to infection when:

  • They have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer or organ transplantation. These can decrease the immune system's ability to fight infection.
  • They take medications such as antibiotics, steroids and certain cancer fighting medications. These can decrease the body's ability to fight infection.
  • They receive treatments or procedures such as urinary catheters, tubes and surgery, which can provide additional ways for germs to enter the body.


Healthcare providers.

Healthcare providers can perform basic infection prevention measures to prevent infection.

There are 2 tiers of recommended precautions to prevent the spread of infections in healthcare settings:

  • Standard Precautions , used for all patient care.
  • Transmission-based Precautions , used for patients who may be infected or colonized with certain germs.

There are also transmission- and germ-specific guidelines providers can follow to prevent transmission and healthcare-associated infections from happening.

Learn more about how to protect yourself from infections in healthcare settings.

For healthcare providers and settings

  • Project Firstline : infection control education for all frontline healthcare workers.
  • Infection prevention, control and response resources for outbreak investigations, the infection control assessment and response (ICAR) tool and more.
  • Infection control specifically for surfaces and water management programs in healthcare settings.
  • Preventing multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs).

Infection Control

CDC provides information on infection control and clinical safety to help reduce the risk of infections among healthcare workers, patients, and visitors.

For Everyone

Health care providers, public health.


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  1. Committees of the U.S. Congress

    Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission) Congressional-Executive Commission on China. Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. House Democracy Partnership. Congressional Oversight Commission. covers the activities of the standing committees of the House and Senate, which provide legislative, oversight ...

  2. Committee Assignments of the 118th Congress

    Committee Assignments of the 118th Congress. Below are all current senators and the committees on which they serve. Baldwin, Tammy (D-WI) Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies. Subcommittee on Defense. Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development.

  3. About the Committee System

    The committee assignment process in the Senate is guided by Senate rules as well as party rules and practices.. Senators are formally elected to standing committees by the entire membership of the Senate, but in practice each party conference is largely responsible for determining which of its members will sit on each committee.

  4. Frequently Asked Questions about Committees

    Congress has historically engaged in oversight of the executive branch—specifically the review, monitoring, and supervision of the implementation of legislation. ... For more information on how senators are assigned to committees, read about committee assignments from the Senate Historical Office or Committee Assignment Process in the U.S ...

  5. Committees of the United States Congress

    The joint committees are made up of both senators and representatives. They typically have an oversight or policy role but no legislative duties. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Joint Committee on Printing. Joint Committee on Taxation.

  6. United States congressional committee

    A congressional committee is a legislative sub-organization in the United States Congress that handles a specific duty (rather than the general duties of Congress). Committee membership enables members to develop specialized knowledge of the matters under their jurisdiction. As "little legislatures", the committees monitor ongoing governmental ...

  7. House Committee Organization and Process: A Brief Overview

    Summary. Committees are integral to the work of Congress in determining the policy needs of the nation and acting on them. This report provides a brief overview of six features of the committee system in the House: organization, hearings, markup, reporting, oversight, and publications. Committees in the House have four primary powers: to ...

  8. Committee Assignment Process in the U.S. Senate: Democratic and

    The rules of the Senate divide its standing and other committees into categories for purposes of assigning all Senators to committees. In particular, Rule XXV, paragraphs 2 and 3 establish the categories of committees, popularly called the "A," "B," and "C" committees. The "A" and "B" categories, are as follows:2.

  9. Rules Governing House Committee and Subcommittee Assignment Procedures

    Rules Governing House Committee and Subcommittee Assignment Procedures Members of the House are assigned to serve on committees at the start of every Congress. Most assignments involve a three-step process involving the party caucuses and action on the House floor. First, a Member is nominated to committee assignments by their party's steering

  10. Committees

    The House's committees consider bills and issues and oversee agencies, programs, and activities within their jurisdictions. Agriculture. Appropriations. Armed Services. Budget. Education and the Workforce. Energy and Commerce. Ethics. Financial Services.

  11. 117th Congress: House & Senate Committee Rosters

    The US Congress - comprised of two chambers: the House of Representative and the Senate - considers, shapes and passes legislations into laws to govern the nation. The committees within each chamber serve an important role to help organize the work of the US Congress. Our publication lists final committee assignments for the 117th US Congress.

  12. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives

    There are no subcommittees assigned to this committee. Committee on Education and the Workforce. Subcommittees. Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education. Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions. Higher Education and Workforce Development. Workforce Protections. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittees.

  13. List of United States House of Representatives committees

    Members of the Committee on Financial Services sit in the tiers of raised chairs (R), while those testifying and audience members sit below (L).. There are two main types of congressional committees in the United States House of Representatives, standing committees and select committees.Committee chairs are selected by whichever party is in the majority, and the minority party selects ranking ...

  14. Guide to House committee chairs for 118th Congress

    Republican Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington will chair the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee after two years serving as ranking member. She's expected to focus first on energy ...

  15. U.S. Senate: Committees

    Membership & Assignments. Hearings & Meetings. History . 118th Congress Committees. Committee Chair Ranking Member Total Members Subcommittees: Appropriations: Murray, Patty (D-WA) Collins, Susan M. (R-ME) 29 (Committee Member List) Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies;

  16. What the 21 McCarthy holdouts got in committee assignments

    The 21 House Republicans who initially blocked Rep. Kevin McCarthy from securing the speaker's gavel are getting their committee assignments.

  17. The Most (And Least) Lucrative Committees In Congress

    The analysis found that Ways and Means is the most valuable committee for fundraising. Lawmakers on the Ways and Means committee raise an extra $250,000 a year compared to the average Congressman ...

  18. House Committees: Assignment Process

    Introduction. Committee assignments often determine the character of a Member's career. They are also important to the party leaders who organize the chamber and shape the composition of the committees. House rules identify some procedures for making committee assignments; Republican Conference and Democratic Caucus rules supplement these ...

  19. Six takeaways from House committee assignments so far

    More committee assignments remain to be handed out, but here are the six main takeaways so far: Greene, Gosar back on committees. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., joined at left by Rep. Paul ...

  20. Committies & Caucuses

    Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is a proud member of the following caucuses: Election Integrity Caucus. Republican Study Committee. Second Amendment Caucus. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has been assigned to the following committees for the 118th Congress: House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Government ...

  21. Committee Schedule for the Week of April 24

    House Committee on Natural Resources 9:45 AM (EDT) | 1324 Longworth House Office Bldg, Washington, D.C. Markup: FC Mark-up of: • H.J. Res. 29 (Mann), Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service relating to "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Lesser Prairie-Chicken ...

  22. U.S. Senate: Senate Committee & Subcommittee Assignments

    Frequently Asked Questions about Committees provides information about the committee system, researching committee documents, finding committee hearings, and much more. SENATORS Contact

  23. House Progressives Call for Rep. Lauren Boebert to Be Removed From

    House Progressives Call for Rep. Lauren Boebert to Be Removed From Committee Assignments. WASHINGTON — Representatives Jamaal Bowman (NY-16), Cori Bush (MO-01), André Carson (IN-07), and Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), were joined by 34 House progressives to issue the following statement today calling for Representative Lauren Boebert (CO-03) to be removed from her committee assignments following ...

  24. Cole Releases Fiscal Year 2025 Markup Schedule

    Washington, D.C. - House Appropriations Committee Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK) today released the markup schedule for Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations bills. This schedule is subject to change. An official notice for each markup will be sent in accordance to the Committee's rules. Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Subcommittee Markup

  25. House Committee Chairs: Considerations, Decisions, and Actions as One

    The steering committees are called on throughout a two-year Congress to make committee assignments or choose committee chairs or ranking minority members when individual committee members die, retire, or resign, creating one or more committee vacancies. An individual Member taking an open committee slot who then or thereby chooses to

  26. Infection Control Basics

    Terms to know. Sources: places where infectious agents (germs) live (e.g., sinks, surfaces, human skin).Sources are also called reservoirs. Susceptible person: someone who is not vaccinated or otherwise immune. For example, a person with a weakened immune system who has a way for the germs to enter the body.

  27. King to VA: Fix 'Ineffective' Oversight of Community Care Network

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - In response to a recent report from the VA's Office of Inspector General (OIG), U.S. Senators Angus King (I-ME), Jon Tester (D-MT), and Sherrod Brown (D-OH), all members of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee (SVAC), are pressing the VA to improve oversight of its Community Care Network contracts to ensure veterans have timely access to providers in the community.

  28. Rules Governing House Committee and Subcommittee Assignment Procedures

    Most assignments involve a three-step process involving the party caucuses and action on the House floor. First, a Member is nominated to committee assignments by their party's steering committee. Next, the full party caucus or conference votes to approve the steering committee's nominations.