
35 Best Discord Funny Text to Speech Songs and TTS Beatbox

Discord Funny Text to Speech

If you’re a fan of hilarious internet memes, then you’re in for a treat! Discord is the ultimate platform for connecting with friends and communities online, and one of its most entertaining features is the ability to use funny text to speech (TTS) messages. Whether you want to surprise your friends with a hilarious beatbox or make them laugh with a ridiculous copypasta, there’s a TTS song for every occasion. We’ve compiled a list of the best Discord Funny Text to Speech prompts.

One of my favorite funny TTS phrases is “I am a tomato.” For some reason, many TTS systems seem to struggle with the word “tomato” and end up pronouncing it in a way that sounds more like “ma-tah-toe.” It’s amusing to listen to, especially when you have the TTS system say it over and over again.

Another funny TTS phrase is “I am a banana.” Like “tomato,” many TTS systems have a hard time with this word and end up pronouncing it in a way that sounds more like “buh-nahn-uh.” It’s even funnier when the TTS system says both “I am a tomato” and “I am a banana” back to back. If you’re looking for more Discord tips and tricks, check out our guides on funny Discord statuses  and how to go down a line in Discord .

Discord Funny Text to Speech Adds Fun to Chatting

The real charm of Discord TTS lies in its potential to generate laughter and astonishment. Users have explored this function in various creative ways, crafting amusing messages that range from beatboxing to mimicking sounds. Below are some noteworthy examples:

via doxlulzem

You can spam the word Lurl repeatedly for as long as you want to annoy your friends.

3. Meow Sound

Who doesn’t like Cat’s sound, but it becomes annoying when you listen to it repeatedly.

via PrivateSparkleThumbs

4. bois bois bois!

bois bois bois! is indeed a perfect choice for Discord TTS (Text to Speech) because a bot voice saying “bois” makes it more awkward.

5. @ at the rate

Saying @ symbol or repeating, surely, sounds fun.

via QuadJosh

6. ROFLCopter

Chopper already sounds a lot creepier, and having that heard multiple times or 100s of times is a headache. Who wouldn’t love to do this to their friends using these TTS?

via OfficialPikaDru

7. Tit Twister Mister

Ah, this is way more interesting, and bot speaking a tongue twister, you can imagine how funny tts this really is.

via GlueMan69

8. My sprinkler goes like this

This is one of the least annoying yet funny ones to run in discord text to speech module! The way the bot speaks almost feels like it’s beatboxing.

9. Playing with a Kid

Haha, playing with a kid (in this case with a speech bot) is really impressive.

10. Ooogly Googly

It’s just a random sound effect and sounds weird in bot voice than a normal human voice don’t miss trying this yourself before sending it to a friend.


The accuracy of this sound is impressive and quite accurate and yet it sounds amazing, Try it out.

Via Rootbeerz

12. The ting goes skrrrahh!

Here’s another text-to-speech song to try out in discord.

13. dododobobobobgjubgjubgjub

Can you imagine yourself saying “dododobobobobgjubgjubgjub” even only once, don’t try; you can’t do that. 

Via  Cykotix

14. Banana TTS

Do I need to repeat this? No problem this is another TTS Song for Discord bot you should give a shot.

Via  colin0_o

15. The Lawnmower goes Vavavoom and the Rice burners go wowowo!

Everyone knows that a Lawnmower makes a lot of noises, and its annoying. So here is another to add to the list.

Via  Fuggeboii

16. Burrah!

This is a sound that Punjabi makes when they’re excited, and it sounds funnier in a bot voice; hear it out yourself.

18. ROFLCopter

It’s a text to speech meme of ROFLCopter to annoy your friend with meme.


This text to speech is in Urdu

18. bois bois bois!

It is a nice tts rap that sounds like a french person speaking

19. furry fury fur

This is a fairy tale that you can copy-paste into with /tts in discord to make your friend cry.


Crypto is flourishing and wouldn’t be great to introduce a crypto tts rhyme of ADA?

21. Barking Dog

Here’s an example of Barking Dog. It could be annoying when sent in tts message

22. The Ultimate TTS Spammer

This is the ultimate TTS spammer that will annoy your friends for a long time.

23. Burp Sound

If you’re in a playful mood and want to annoy your friends, use this burp sound with Discord TTS.

24. Yodeling

Yodeling is a unique and hilarious way to annoy your friends. This TTS is perfect for anyone who wants to add some fun and laughter to their Discord chat.

25. Oh no, not again!

This is a perfect TTS statement for those who love to always keep their friends annoyed.

Additional Funny TTS Messages

If you want to annoy your friends, you can use some of the funny text-to-speech messages that are following.

  • “I’m sorry [Name], I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
  • “Boop.”
  • “This is not a drill.”
  • “I’m sorry to tell you this, but you’re adopted.”
  • “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.”
  • “You’re grounded!”
  • “I’m afraid I cannot let you do that, Dave.

Criteria for Selecting the Best Songs and Beats

Choosing the best funny text-to-speech (TTS) songs and beatbox tracks was no easy task. In order to compile a list that would resonate with Discord users, several key criteria were considered. First and foremost, the songs had to be genuinely funny, bringing laughter and amusement to all those who heard them. The lyrics should be witty, cleverly written, and filled with humor that transcends language barriers.

Additionally, variety played an essential role in selecting these tracks. The list includes songs from different genres such as pop, rock, hip-hop, and even classical music. This enables users of diverse musical tastes to find something they enjoy while having a good laugh.

Furthermore, popularity was taken into account when making these selections. The chosen TTS songs have gained significant traction on various online platforms such as YouTube or Reddit communities dedicated to Discord funnies.

Lastly but certainly not least important is the quality of the audio production itself. Each song had to have clear enunciation so that the TTS voice could effectively convey humor through its delivery.

Discord Text to Speech Songs and TTS beatbox

These are some Discord Test to Speech Songs and Discord TTS Beatbox you can send in chat to dedicate to your friends. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find many songs for Text to Speech; however, those, as mentioned earlier, will be helpful for you. They are perfect for when you want to add a little bit of personality to your messages. 

Adeel Younas

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[26 Best] Funny Discord TTS (Text to Speech) Song & Message

No doubt, Discord never disappoints users when it comes to unique features like audio sharing, screen sharing, voice changing, captivating themes etc. But, have you heard about another ‘funny text to speech’ feature doing rounds currently? Any idea what’s the hype for?

So, what is Discord funny text to speech feature?

Well, the funny text to speech feature on Discord allows users to convert their text into speech. You can convert any text into different voices as per your desire and play pranks on your friends. The funny text-to-speech of Discord doubles the fun, especially when gaming with your friends.

To dive into details regarding the funny TTS feature of Discord, how to activate it and much more; please keep reading!

discord funny text to speech

How to activate TTS command in Discord

First make sure the TTS command is on in your Discord.

TTS command only work on Discord PC, for mobile users, you need to open desktop version for discord website.

To activate the TTS command in Discord, simply type “/tts” + “your message”

For example: /tts Hello Mike

Best Discord funny text to speech

By the time you finish reading this article, you will know the best 26 TTS messages and songs for Discord to make your time worthwhile with your friends on Discord.

1. The meow sound

Undoubtedly, most of us love cats and love hearing the cute meow sounds from them. But, another truth that you cannot deny is, anything that keeps repeating becomes pretty much annoying, so does the “meow” sound.

To irritate the people you are playing with, for fun, on Discord, try the “meow” TTS and see their reactions.

/tts Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow.

Source: PrivateSparkleThumbs  

2. The lurl sound

The “lurl” sound is among the best funny text-to-speech conversions on Discord. The word itself seems pretty amusing and may roll your tongue while pronouncing. You can use this TTS to annoy your friends while having fun on Discord.

/tts lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl  lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl

Source: SeaLardBananananana

3. At the rate (@) sound

How irritating does it look to see any keyboard symbol that keeps repeating? A lot, right! Imagine if you make someone constantly hear the “at the rate” sound by a bot on Discord, it will surely annoy and make him laugh simultaneously.

Here is how you insert the TTS to get it activated;

/tts @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Source: colin0_o

4. Firing AK sound

You can also play a firing sound on your friends while playing. All you need to do is insert the TTS and watch the hilarious and shocking reactions from your team members.

/tts tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak  tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tik tik tik, no ammo.

5. The sprinkler pispspss sound

Some people take this sound as a helicopter getting started, while some perceive it as a pressure cooker. However, whatever it sounds like, it is fantastic to have a sudden good laugh with your friends on Discord.

/tts Pispspsps. Pispisps. Pispspspspspspspspsp. Pispspsps. Pispisps. Pispspspspspspspspsp. Pispspsps. Pispisps. Pispspspspspspspspsp

Source: Truememe

6. Indian Punjabi burrah remix sound

People on Discord use the Punjabi “burrah” sound to celebrate their victories since the Punjabi people from Asia use this sound while celebrating big news.

/tts burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, burrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

7. The earthquake sound

Although the earthquake sound can make people scared because it sounds natural, isn’t it always fun to play pranks on your friends and see their funny reactions? We bet it is!

/tts ebrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

8. The mix rap sound

To produce the mixed rap sound on Discord, you need to add multiple TTS commands. The newly mixed sound makes it all funny and weird!

/tts gogo gugugogo gogogugu gogo gugugogo gogogugu ebrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu gogo gugugogo gogogugugogo gugugogo gogogugugogo gugugogo gogogugugogo gugugogo gogogugugogo gugugogo gogogugu

9. The auanuanaunau.. sound

Indeed, it is one of the funniest TTS messages on Discord, and you can have the maximum fun with your friends while using this TTS on Discord. Make sure you insert the command correctly to enjoy!

/tts anununununununununununaunauanuanaunauanaunauanuanaunauanaunauanaunauanaunauanaunauanaunauanaunaaunauanuananuannuannuannuanuannuanuanuanunanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanua

Source: SeaLardBanananana

10. Enjoy the boats and planes sounds

The Discord TTS feature has made it possible to produce any sound and enjoy with your friends while playing your favorite games. You can also enjoy the sound of a boat or a plane on Discord TTS. All you need to do is type in the tts command appropriately and let the bot do its work!


Source: Tomosaurus

11. The Bois bois bois sound

The Bois Bois Bois TTS on Discord may resemble a French accent, according to some people; however, that is not the primary concern. You would love any TTS on Discord as long as it is funny and provide you and your friends a good laugh. For this TTS, type in the following command;

/tts bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois bois

12. The banananana, more like a nananah sound

As mentioned earlier, you can have any text converted to sound on Discord. That is why we love and prefer the Discord app over any other ordinary app for communication and fun purposes with friends.

Here is another TTS, that is, “Bananana,” that initially sounds like someone speaking banana, but it also makes a sound like “nanananah.” No doubt, both of them say funny!

/tts bananananananana bananaanannana bananananananananananana bananana banananana

13. The weird noisy sound, i.e., DODODOBOBOBOJUBG…

If you wish to annoy your friends to a maximum level to see their unexpected and funny reactions, you should try this noisy sound.

/tts dododobobobobgjubgjubgjubdododobobobobgjubgjubgjub

Please remember that the Discord TTS feature allows you to repeat the command as much as you want to!

Source: Cykotix

14. My roflcopter sound

Try this unique yet one of the funniest TTS on Discord by typing in the correct command;

/tts My ROFLCopter goes soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi

Sounds fun, no?

Source: OfficialPikaDru

15. The sound of vowels

We assume you have not forgotten how you used to sing the vowel sounds in your earlier grades, which brings back memories from the primary classes. However, replenish your memories by having this cute and funny vowel sound on Discord TTS.

/tts eeeieiooaaaua uaeeeoeoeoei uaaaeoeoauuaa oeeeaeaee ouuaaioa.

16. The Dood sound

/tts doo d doo d doo d doo d.

17. The poop sound

It is the funniest sound on Discord TTS, we assume! You should definitely try this if you wish to have a great fun time with your friends on Discord.

/tts poop poop poop poop poop.

18. Irritate people with the OOOOO sound

/tts oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo.

19. Try the ORA ORA sound

/tts ora ora ora ora ora ora.

Not to forget, you can repeat the command until you are bored!

20. The weird mama mia papa pia sound

We assume that you might have heard the French word “mama mia” somewhere, sometime in your life. You can try this funny sound on Discord TTS and enjoy the reactions of your friends.

/tts Mama Mia, Pappa Pia, Mama Mia, Pappa Pia.

21. The funny helicopter sound

/tts The helicopter goes like SWA SWA SWA SWA SWA SWA SWA SWA SWA SWA.

22. The Atatatatata sound

/tts Atatatata atatata atatatata atatatata.

23. The mudamudamuda sound


24. The John Maden sound

We have no idea from where this John Maden TTS on Discord has come, but it sure sounds funny if the bot suddenly starts speaking “john madden.”

/tts John Madden John Madden John Madden.

25. The funny oolu lulu lulu sounds

Isn’t it a quite familiar funny sound you often do while irritating kids? We assume you might have heard this one as well.

/tts oolu Lulu lulu. Ollulu lulu. Oooluululu lulu. oolu Lulu lulu. Ollulu lulu. Oooluululu lulu. oolu Lulu lulu. Ollulu lulu. Oooluululu lulu. oolu Lulu lulu. Ollulu lulu. Oooluululu lulu. oolu Lulu lulu. Ollulu lulu. Oooluululu lulu.

26. The rofl train sound


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The statement holds no doubt that Discord is one of the best apps for people to communicate with each other no matter where they are. It has got superb features, one of which is text to speech. In this guide, we have shared the 26 best texts on Discord that you can convert to speech and enjoy the maximum with your friends and team members.

We hope this article will help you make the most of Discord’s TTS feature!

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Umer Asad

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Voice   Generator

This web app allows you to generate voice audio from text - no login needed, and it's completely free! It uses your browser's built-in voice synthesis technology, and so the voices will differ depending on the browser that you're using. You can download the audio as a file, but note that the downloaded voices may be different to your browser's voices because they are downloaded from an external text-to-speech server. If you don't like the externally-downloaded voice, you can use a recording app on your device to record the "system" or "internal" sound while you're playing the generated voice audio.

Want more voices? You can download the generated audio and then use voicechanger.io to add effects to the voice. For example, you can make the voice sound more robotic, or like a giant ogre, or an evil demon. You can even use it to reverse the generated audio, randomly distort the speed of the voice throughout the audio, add a scary ghost effect, or add an "anonymous hacker" effect to it.

Note: If the list of available text-to-speech voices is small, or all the voices sound the same, then you may need to install text-to-speech voices on your device. Many operating systems (including some versions of Android, for example) only come with one voice by default, and the others need to be downloaded in your device's settings. If you don't know how to install more voices, and you can't find a tutorial online, you can try downloading the audio with the download button instead. As mentioned above, the downloaded audio uses external voices which may be different to your device's local ones.

You're free to use the generated voices for any purpose - no attribution needed. You could use this website as a free voice over generator for narrating your videos in cases where don't want to use your real voice. You can also adjust the pitch of the voice to make it sound younger/older, and you can even adjust the rate/speed of the generated speech, so you can create a fast-talking high-pitched chipmunk voice if you want to.

Note: If you have offline-compatible voices installed on your device (check your system Text-To-Speech settings), then this web app works offline! Find the "add to homescreen" or "install" button in your browser to add a shortcut to this app in your home screen. And note that if you don't have an internet connection, or if for some reason the voice audio download isn't working for you, you can also use a recording app that records your devices "internal" or "system" sound.

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How to use text to speech voice overs with Typecast

Input your script image

Input your script

Input the text that you want to convert into a voice-over. You can either type directly into the provided text editor or copy and paste your script from an external source.

Add a voiceover image

Add a voiceover

Typecast offers a variety of voice over options to suit your project needs. You can choose from a bunch of available voices within the platform’s voice library. Listen to voice samples and select the voice that aligns with your project requirements.

Do another take image

Do another take

If you're not happy with the way the voice came out then you can do any number of takes until it sounds the way you want. Give the voice some direction if needed, such as selecting emotion prompts.

Benefits of text to speech AI voiceovers

Simplified voice production image

Simplified voice production

Produce high-quality voices effortlessly by typing or copying your text into Typecast for streamlined voice generation.

Cost-effective solution image

Cost-effective solution

Save on production costs with Typecast, eliminating the need for expensive voice actors or studios and offering an affordable solution for custom voices.

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Extensive customization

How does typecast’s text to speech work.

Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology generates speech based on written text.During training, the model learns the correspondence between text and speech by using text-speech pairs.With enough training data, the model can generate speech for text inputs it hasn’t seen before.Additionally, our AI TTS allows you to control aspects like emotion, pitch,and speed by training it with disentangled factors. This enables precise control over the generated speech.

TTS process

Frequently asked questions

Can i use typecast tts for free.

Certainly! Typecast offers a free plan with 5 minutes of monthly download time and access to over 100 AI voice characters for users at no cost.

How can I use the rapper characters?

Utilizing our rapper characters is a breeze. Once you're signed in, you can cast these rapper characters and smoothly blend them into your content. Whether you're creating engaging narratives, advertisements, or any other audio or video material, our rapper characters add a unique and entertaining touch.

Which plan would be best for me?

Choose a plan that aligns best with your usage and needs. Typecast offers a range of plans, including Free, Basic, Pro, and Business. For more details and to explore the available plans, click here.

Does Typecast have an API?

Yes, Typecast provides an API, enabling seamless integration of our services into your applications or platforms. For developers or businesses aiming to enhance their products with text-to-speech and virtual avatar capabilities, our API is a valuable tool. You can find detailed information about our API here.

How can I make a custom voice?

you'd like to customize, and voila - clone your voice or the desired voice with AI in seconds. Typecast offers "Voice Cloning," allowing our users to effortlessly replicate their voices. Once the voice is cloned, fine-tune parameters like pitch, speed, and tone to tailor it to your unique preferences. Now, you have your own distinctive TTS, aka AI voice, ready to express you! *Please note that only users with Pro and Business plans can access the Voice Cloning feature. Additionally, we provide a special custom voice service tailored by specialists at Typecast for users seeking top-notch quality AI voices. For more in-depth information, please reach out to our Sales Team.

Can I make a presentation video with Typecast TTS?

Of course! Typecast is designed to make creating audio or video files a breeze. Just type your content, choose a voice that suits your presentation, and add any video or image elements you need. To enhance your presentation, you can easily insert background music from our library, worry-free about copyright issues. Whether you're after a video or audio file, Typecast TTS is here to make the process simple and efficient for you!

How many languages does Typecast provide to use as text to speech?

Typecast provides TTS functionality in seven languages, including English, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, French, and German. We also offer diverse accents for certain languages, allowing you to create content in multiple styles to suit your preferences.

Can I post on Spotify or other streaming platforms with music under my own copyright?

Absolutely! Feel free to share content created with Typecast on platforms like Spotify or other streaming services. Our service is designed to enhance your creativity and enable seamless sharing across various platforms. If you're using Typecast as a free membership user, remember to annotate the source.

Do you have a character that fits this description?

Our diverse range of characters enables you to find the perfect fit for your needs. If you have a specific description in mind, explore our character options—you're likely to discover a match among our 400+ AI voice characters that suits your requirements.

Read what our customers have to say about Typecast

Typecast has significantly eased our video production process by providing a solution to our team's reluctance towards voiceovers, especially on-camera. While there's potential for even more lifelike voices, the current AI voices are already quite impressive for our needs.

Typecast delivers pitch-perfect AI voices, setting a global standard for top-tier voice actors in AI projects. As I work on my podcast requiring fresh and polished voices, Typecast brilliantly supplies me with exceptional AI audio solutions.

What truly stands out about Typecast is its modern, intuitive dashboard and the access it provides to incredibly life-like voices. Thanks to Typecast, creating voice-over content becomes so much easier!

Typecast rapidly creates voices for videos and supports various file formats. It cuts costs by eliminating the need for voice-over teams, streamlining content customization for targeted audiences.

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Use Funny TTS Voice Generator For Messages 2024

Home > Voice Record > Use Funny TTS Voice Generator For Messages 2024


Karen William

• Filed to: Voice Record

8545 views, 5 min read

If you are looking for interesting interactive methods such as funny TTS , voice chat, etc. to exchange messages with friends or strangers on Discord, then through this blog you can know how to use Discord and its alternative to create the most funny TTS , and we will popularize the 10 most commonly used funny text to speech voices for you.

funny text to speech

Part 1: Top 10 Funny Text-to-Speech(TTS) Voices

Part 2: Use Discord Get Funny TTS Voice


Part 4: FAQs about Funny TTS

Lurl is a very famous spamming sound. which make your voice humorous and funny.

/tts lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl lurl

2) Bois Bois Bois

This is among the funniest TTS that you can find on Discord. The pronunciation and voice of Bois Bois Bois make it sound hilarious.

/tts Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois Bois


If you like to sing, then this is the best funny TTS you can go for. It is not only entertaining but also makes you sound like a beatboxer.

/tts @@@@@@@@@@dddd@@@@dddd@@@@dddd@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


If you are looking for a hilarious TTS, then bananananana is the best.which you need to felt it by yourself.

/tts bananananananabanabanabananabanannana

5) Motor Bike Starting

It is one of the most annoying Discord TTS. It sounds like buk buk buk buk buk and continues to go on unless you make it stop.

/tts Motor Bike Started bukbukbukbukbukbukbukbuk buk buk buk bukbukbukbukbukbukbukbuk buk buk buk

6) auanuanaunauanaunauanuanaunaua

It is used to chat with friends over Discord, which makes you laugh with your friends.

/tts anununununununununa unauanuanaunauananuanaunauanaun

7) The sprinkler goes like pispspsps!

I think sound like a sprinkler, many users said play sounds aloud might get a cat to come over to you.

/tts Sprinklers go pissssspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspse


Hahaha, sound like a boat sailing.


9) dododobobobobgjubgjubgjub

A weird voice with Discord TTS, which would make you catches everyone's attention.

/tts dododobobobobgjubgjubgjubdododobobobobgjubgjubgjub

10) A button Blood Type A

It is another interesting Discord TTS noise, you can revision and repeat it as long as you want.

/tts :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a: :a:

Part 2: How Directly to Use Discord to Get Funny TTS Voices?

First, you need to install Discord, and then open it. open the TTS feature has two methods: You can simply type "/tts" or use the Discord chat /tts command immediately followed by your message.

Note: Do not forget to leave a space between the /tts command and your message.

funny tts on discord type1

Part 3: Download Funny Text-to-Speech(TTS) Voice Generator Here

Imyfone voxbox.

We have discussed one of the best funny TTS tools is Discord but now we will talk about an even better alternative which is iMyFone VoxBox.

VoxBox is another funny tts tool for generating all kinds of funny text to speech voices. You can use this feature and convert your voice into any voice/sound that you want. The funny voice quality of VoxBox text to speech generator is amazing, which does not sound like a robotic voice.

voxbox text to speech introduce

How To Use Funny TTS Voice Generator:

#Step 1: Download and install the software.

#Step 2: Choose funny voice you like and enter the text, next convert it into speech.

voxbox all voice

#Step 3: After listening the voiceover, you can export the file on your device.

Over 3200 voices and 77 laugueges for global users to meet everyone's need.

Plenty funny tts voices provided, ranging from celebrities to virtual characters .

Mutiple capablities: TTS, STT, voice cloning, editing, recording and conversion.

Adjustable options to customize the interesting voice intonation for your funny tts dubbing.

Supported voice record even from platforms like Twitch, YouTube.

High audio processing speed.


1. Can you use VoxBox funny TTS generator on Discord?

Yes, you can use the AI voice generated by the VoxBox funny TTS generator on Discord. Discord supports Text-to-Speech (TTS) functionality, allowing you to use generated voices in your chats and interactions. You can input the generated text into Discord's TTS feature, and it will convert the text into speech using the selected voice. This can add a humorous and unique element to your Discord conversations and interactions.

2. Are there any free funny TTS tools available?

Yes,some funny TTS platforms offer free versions with basic features. However, more advanced customization and premium voices may be available through paid plans.

Although Discord allows you to transform or get your funny voices with TTS commands, but which also could not care full needs, Diretctly download text-to-speech voice generators like iMyFone VoxBox . It provides more realistic and funny AI voices to make high-quality audio for each user with free text-to-speech conversion, so don't hesitate to try it now!

Related Articles:

  • Best Squidward AI Voice Generator for Text to Speech
  • 4 Free Peter Griffin AI Voice Text to Speech Generator 2024
  • Try Breaking Bad Walter White AI Voice Text-to-Speech


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Free AI Voice Generator

Use Deepgram's AI voice generator to produce human speech from text. AI matches text with correct pronunciation for natural, high-quality audio.

AI Voice Generation

Discover the Unparalleled Clarity and Versatility of Deepgram's AI Voice Generator

We harness the power of advanced artificial intelligence to bring you a state-of-the-art AI voice generator designed to meet all your audio creation needs. Whether you're a content creator, marketer, educator, or developer, our platform offers an incredibly realistic and customizable voice generation solution.

Human Voice Generation

Our AI voice generator is engineered to produce voices that are indistinguishable from real human speech. With a vast library of voices across different genders, ages, and accents, Deepgram empowers you to find the perfect voice for your project.

Low-latency Text to Speech

Deepgram's voice generator is one of the fastest on the market. We design our AI models to produce high-quality voices

How It Works

Choose Your Voice : Select from our diverse library of high-quality, natural-sounding AI voices.

Generate: Enter your text, generate your voiceover in seconds.

Download: Once you have you AI generated speech, easily download your audio file.

AI Voice Generator Use Cases

E-Learning and Educational Content : Create engaging and informative educational materials that cater to learners of all types.

Marketing and Advertising : Enhance your marketing materials with high-quality voiceovers that grab attention.

Audiobooks and Podcasts : Produce audiobooks and podcasts efficiently, with voices that keep your audience engaged.

Accessibility : Make your content more accessible with voiceovers that can be easily understood by everyone, including those with visual impairments or reading difficulties.

Generative Voice AI

Convert text to speech online for free with our AI voice generator. Create natural AI voices instantly in any language - perfect for video creators, developers, and businesses.

Click on a language to convert text to speech :

Natural Text to Speech & AI Voice Generator

Whether you're a content creator or a short story writer, our AI voice generator lets you design captivating audio experiences.

Stories with emotions

Immerse your players in rich, dynamic worlds with our AI voice generator. From captivating NPC dialogue to real-time narration, our tool brings your game’s audio to the next level.

Immersive gaming

Bring stories to life by converting long-form content to engaging audio. Our AI voice generator lets you create audiobooks with a natural voice and tone, making it the perfect tool for authors and publishers.

Every book deserves to be heard

Ai chatbots.

Create a more natural and engaging experience for your users with our AI voice generator. Our tool lets you create AI chatbots with human-like voices.

AI assistants with personality

Experience advanced ai text to speech.

Generate lifelike speech in any language and voice with the most powerful text to speech (TTS) technology that combines advanced AI with emotive capabilities.

Text to Speech screenshot

Indistinguishable from Human Speech.

Turn text into lifelike audio across 29 languages and 120 voices. Ideal for digital creators, get high-quality TTS streaming instantly.

Precision Tuning.

Adjust voice outputs effortlessly through an intuitive interface. Opt for a blend of vocal clarity and stability, or amplify vocal stylings for more animated delivery.

Online Text Reader.

Use our deep learning-powered tool to read any text aloud, from brief emails to full PDFs, while cutting costs and time.

AI Voice Generator in 29 Languages

Generate ai voices with voicelab.

Create new and unique synthetic voices in minutes using advanced Generative AI technology. Create lifelike voices to use in videos, podcasts, audiobooks, and more.

Clone Your Voice

Create a digital voice that sounds like a real human. Whether you're a content creator or a short story writer, our AI voice generator lets you design captivating audio experiences.

Feature 01

Find Voices

Share the unique synthetic voices you've created with our vibrant community and discover voices crafted by others, opening a world of auditory opportunity.

Feature 03

Multiple languages.

Clone your voice from a recording in one language and use it to generate speech in another.

Instant Results.

Generate new voices in seconds, not hours with our state-of-the-art AI voice generator.

Find the perfect voice for any project; be it a video, audiobook, video game or blog.

Dubbing Studio

Localize videos with precise control over transcript, translation, timing, and more. Create a perfect voiceover in any language, with any voice, in minutes. Explore AI Dubbing

Transcript editing.

Manually edit the dialogue of your translated script to get the perfect audio output.

Sequence timing.

Change the speaker’s timing by clicking and dragging the clips.

Adjust voice settings.

Click on the gear icon next to a speaker’s name to open more voice options.

Add more languages.

When you’re ready to add more languages, hit the “+” icon to instantly translate your script.

Change Your Voice With Speech To Speech

Edit and fine-tune your voiceovers using Speech to Speech. Get consistent, clear results that keep the feel and nuance of your original message. Change your voice

Emotional Range

Maintain the exact emotions of your content with our diverse range of voice profiles.

Nuance Preservation

Ensure that every inflection, pause and modulation is captured and reproduced perfectly.

Consistent Quality

Use Speech to Speech to create complex audio sequences with consistent quality.

Long-form voice generation with Projects

Our innovative workflow for directing and editing audio, providing you with complete control over the creative process for the production of audiobooks, long-form video and web content. Learn more about Projects

Conversion of whole books.

Import in a variety of formats, including .epub, .txt, and .pdf, and convert entire books into audio.

Text-inputted pauses.

Manually adjust the length of pauses between speech segments to fine-tune pacing.

Multiple languages and voices.

Choose from a wide range of languages and voices to create the perfect audio experience.

Regenerate selected fragments

Recreate specific audio fragments if you're not satisfied with the output.

Save progress.

Save your progress and return to your project at any time.

Single click conversion.

Convert your written masterpieces into captivating audiobooks, reaching listeners on the go.

Powered by cutting-edge research

what is the funny text to speech voice

Introducing Dubbing Studio

what is the funny text to speech voice

Introducing Speech to Speech

what is the funny text to speech voice

Turbo v2: Our Fastest Model Yet

Frequently asked questions, how do i make my own ai voice.

To create your own AI voice at ElevenLabs, you can use VoiceLab. Voice Design allows you to customize the speaker's identityfor unique voices in your scripts, while Voice Cloning mimics real voices. This ensures variety and exclusivity in your generated voices, as they are entirely artificial and not linked to real people.

How much does using ElevenLabs AI voice generator cost?

ElevenLabs provides a range of AI voice generation plans suitable for various needs. Starting with a Free Plan, which includes 10,000 characters monthly, up to 3 custom voices, Voice Design, and speech generation in 29 languages. The Starter Plan is $5 per month, offering 30,000 characters and up to 10 custom voices. For more extensive needs, the Creator Plan at $22 per month provides 100,000 characters and up to 30 custom voices. The Pro Plan costs $99 per month with a substantial 500,000 characters and up to 160 custom voices. Larger businesses can opt for the Scale Plan at $330 per month, which includes 2,000,000 characters and up to 660 custom voices. Lastly, the Enterprise Plan offers custom pricing for tailored quotas, PVC for any voice, priority rendering, and dedicated support. Each plan is crafted to support different levels of usage and customization requirements.

Can I use ElevenLabs AI voice generator for free?

Yes, you can use ElevenLabs prime AI voice generator for free with our Free Plan. It includes 10,000 characters per month, up to 3 custom voices, Voice Design, and speech generation in 29 languages.

What is the best AI voice generator?

ElevenLabs offers the best and highest quality AI voice generator software online. Our AI voice generator uses advanced deep learning models to provide high-quality audio output, emotion mapping, and a wide range of vocal choices. It's perfect for content creators and writers looking to create captivating audio experiences.

Who should use ElevenLabs’ AI voice generator and prime voice AI services?

ElevenLabs' AI voice generator is ideal for a variety of users, including content creators on YouTube and TikTok, audiobook producers for Audible and Google Play Books, presenters using PowerPoint or Google Docs, businesses with IVR systems, and podcasters on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. These services provide a natural-sounding voice across different platforms, enhancing user engagement and accessibility.

How many languages does ElevenLabs support?

ElevenLabs supports speech synthesis in 29 languages, making your content accessible to a global audience. Supported languages include Chinese, English, Spanish, French, and many more.

What is an AI voice generator?

ElevenLabs' AI voice generator transforms text to spoken audio that sounds like a natural human voice, complete with realistic intonation and accents. It offers a wide range of voice options across various languages and dialects. Designed for ease of use, it caters to both individuals and businesses looking for customizable vocal outputs.

How do I use AI voice generators to turn text into audio?

Step 1 involves selecting a voice and adjusting settings to your liking. In Step 2, you input your text into the provided box, ensuring it's in one of the supported languages. For Step 3, you simply click 'Generate' to convert your text into audio, listen to the output, and make any necessary adjustments. After that, you can download the audio for use in your project.

What is text to speech?

Text to speech is a technology that converts written text into spoken audio. It is also known as speech synthesis or TTS. The technology has been around for decades, but recent advancements in deep learning have made it possible to generate high-quality, natural-sounding speech.

What is the best text to speech software?

ElevenLabs is the best text to speech software. We offer the most advanced AI voices, with the highest quality and most natural-sounding speech. Our platform is easy to use and offers a wide range of customization options.

How much does text to speech cost?

ElevenLabs offers a free plan which includes 10,000 characters per month. Our paid plans start at $1 for 30,000 characters per month.

what is the funny text to speech voice

Realistic Text-to-Speech AI converter

what is the funny text to speech voice

Create realistic Voiceovers online! Insert any text to generate speech and download audio mp3 or wav for any purpose. Speak a text with AI-powered voices.You can convert text to voice for free for reference only. For all features, purchase the paid plans

How to convert text into speech?

  • Just type some text or import your written content
  • Press "generate" button
  • Download MP3 / WAV

Full list of benefits of neural voices

Downloadable tts.

You can download converted audio files in MP3, WAV, OGG for free.

Downloadable TTS

If your Limit balance is sufficient, you can use a single query to convert a text of up to 2,000,000 characters into speech.

Commercial Use

You can use the generated audio for commercial purposes. Examples: YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, Podcasts, Video Ads, Advertising, E-book, Presentation and other.


Multi-voice editor

Dialogue with AI Voices. You can use several voices at once in one text.

Dialogue editor

Custom voice settings

Change Speed, Pitch, Stress, Pronunciation, Intonation , Emphasis , Pauses and more. SSML support .

Custom voice settings

You spend little on re-dubbing the text. Limits are spent only for changed sentences in the text.

Save money

Over 1000 Natural Sounding Voices

Crystal-clear voice over like a Human. Males, females, children's, elderly voices.

Powerful support

We will help you with any questions about text-to-speech. Ask any questions, even the simplest ones. We are happy to help.

Compatible with editing programs

Works with any video creation software: Adobe Premier, After effects, Audition, DaVinci Resolve, Apple Motion, Camtasia, iMovie, Audacity, etc.

Works with any video creation software

You can share the link to the audio. Send audio links to your friends and colleagues.

tts Sharing

Cloud save your history

All your files and texts are automatically saved in your profile on our cloud server. Add tracks to your favorites in one click.

Cloud save your history

Use our text to voice converter to make videos with natural sounding speech!

Say goodbye to expensive traditional audio creation

Cheap price. Create a professional voiceover in real time for pennies. it is 100 times cheaper than a live speaker.

Traditional audio creation

sound studio

  • Expensive live speakers, high prices
  • A long search for freelancers and studios
  • Editing requires complex tools and knowledge
  • The announcer in the studio voices a long time. It takes time to give him a task and accept it.

speechgen on different devices

  • Affordable tts generation starting at $0.08 per 1000 characters
  • Website accessible in your browser right now
  • Intuitive interface, suitable for beginners
  • SpeechGen generates text from speech very quickly. A few clicks and the audio is ready.

Create AI-generated realistic voice-overs.

Ways to use. Cases.

See how other people are already using our realistic speech synthesis. There are hundreds of variations in applications. Here are some of them.

  • Voice over for videos. Commercial, YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media. Add voice to any videos!
  • E-learning material. Ex: learning foreign languages, listening to lectures, instructional videos.
  • Advertising. Increase installations and sales! Create AI-generated realistic voice-overs for video ads, promo, and creatives.
  • Public places. Synthesizing speech from text is needed for airports, bus stations, parks, supermarkets, stadiums, and other public areas.
  • Podcasts. Turn text into podcasts to increase content reach. Publish your audio files on iTunes, Spotify, and other podcast services.
  • Mobile apps and desktop software. The synthesized ai voices make the app friendly.
  • Essay reader. Read your essay out loud to write a better paper.
  • Presentations. Use text-to-speech for impressive PowerPoint presentations and slideshow.
  • Reading documents. Save your time reading documents aloud with a speech synthesizer.
  • Book reader. Use our text-to-speech web app for ebook reading aloud with natural voices.
  • Welcome audio messages for websites. It is a perfect way to re-engage with your audience. 
  • Online article reader. Internet users translate texts of interesting articles into audio and listen to them to save time.
  • Voicemail greeting generator. Record voice-over for telephone systems phone greetings.
  • Online narrator to read fairy tales aloud to children.
  • For fun. Use the robot voiceover to create memes, creativity, and gags.

Maximize your content’s potential with an audio-version. Increase audience engagement and drive business growth.

Who uses Text to Speech?

SpeechGen.io is a service with artificial intelligence used by about 1,000 people daily for different purposes. Here are examples.

Video makers create voiceovers for videos. They generate audio content without expensive studio production.

Newsmakers convert text to speech with computerized voices for news reporting and sports announcing.

Students and busy professionals to quickly explore content

Foreigners. Second-language students who want to improve their pronunciation or listen to the text comprehension

Software developers add synthesized speech to programs to improve the user experience.

Marketers. Easy-to-produce audio content for any startups

IVR voice recordings. Generate prompts for interactive voice response systems.

Educators. Foreign language teachers generate voice from the text for audio examples.

Booklovers use Speechgen as an out loud book reader. The TTS voiceover is downloadable. Listen on any device.

HR departments and e-learning professionals can make learning modules and employee training with ai text to speech online software.

Webmasters convert articles to audio with lifelike robotic voices. TTS audio increases the time on the webpage and the depth of views.

Animators use ai voices for dialogue and character speech.

Text to Speech enables brands, companies, and organizations to deliver enhanced end-user experience, while minimizing costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Convert any text to super realistic human voices. See all tariff plans .

Enhance Your Content Accessibility

Boost your experience with our additional features. Easily convert PDFs, DOCx files, and video subtitles into natural-sounding audio.

📄🔊 PDF to Audio

Transform your PDF documents into audible content for easier consumption and enhanced accessibility.

📝🎧 DOCx to mp3

Easily convert Word documents into speech for listening on the go or for those who prefer audio format

📺💬 Subtitles to Speech

Make your video content more accessible by converting subtitles into natural-sounding audio.

Supported languages

  • Amharic (Ethiopia)
  • Arabic (Algeria)
  • Arabic (Egypt)
  • Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
  • Bengali (India)
  • Catalan (Spain)
  • English (Australia)
  • English (Canada)
  • English (GB)
  • English (Hong Kong)
  • English (India)
  • English (Philippines)
  • German (Austria)
  • Hindi India
  • Spanish (Argentina)
  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Spanish (United States)
  • Tamil (India)
  • All languages: +76

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Text-to-Speech Voice Generator

Turn any text or script into natural-sounding speech with Descript's text-to-speech voice generator. Choose from dozens of lifelike AI voices or create your own voice clones in minutes. It’s perfect for podcast intros, voiceovers, faceless videos, and more.

what is the funny text to speech voice

How to turn text into realistic AI voice audio

Experience the magic of text-to-speech. Fix mistakes in your audio recordings without trudging back into the recording studio. Descript’s Overdub uses AI to create a natural-sounding synthetic version of your voice that you can use in any audio or video you’re creating.  

In a new Descript project, type out your script in the text editor or paste in the text you want to generate speech from. You can also use the  Ask AI  command in the Actions menu to write a script for you based on whatever criteria you want. 

Press ‘@’ to assign a speaker to your script. You can enter a new speaker name and then  Enable speech generation  to start the process of cloning your voice. Or  you can select  Browse stock AI speakers  to choose from a library of realistic stock voices, emotions, and styles.

The script will flash briefly to indicate your speech is being generated. Once that’s done, you can play back your newly generated voice audio, continue in an audio or video project, or export it by clicking  Publish .

Create natural-sounding speech with Descript

Turn text into sound with Descript by creating a high-quality text-to-speech model of your voice or selecting one from our ultra-realistic stock voices.

  • Ultra-realistic: Descript’s Overdub is constantly being improved to sound more and more natural, with human inflections and contextual adjustments.
  • State of the art: Descript’s Lyrebird AI represents the world’s most advanced speech-synthesis technology. It’s so real that androids often mistake it for their missing families.
  • Privacy & security: Descript verifies that every Overdub Voice belongs to its owner. We do not allow cloning of voices that don’t belong to the account owner. We won’t share the data underlying your Overdub Voice with anyone outside Descript.
  • Multiple voices: You can create multiple versions of your own voice to reflect different performance modes or emotional states, such as sad, excited, or Pittsburgh.
  • Sharing: Descript allows you, and only you, to share your Overdub Voice with trusted collaborators or legally titled androids.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Can someone else use descript’s overdub tts to clone my voice.

No. When creating an Overdub Voice, Descript users must positively affirm their identity and give Descript their express consent to train and generate a synthesized version of their voice.

Voice-training data that does not include this Voice ID cannot be used to create an Overdub Voice. In other words, unless you specifically consent to Overdub Voice creation, Descript will not create your Overdub Voice.

We verify this consent by authenticating the audio file uploaded against our training script to ensure that the voice recorded belongs to the person submitting it.

Is Descript Text-to-Speech free?

Overdub text-to-speech is free on all Descript accounts. Pro accounts get an unlimited Overdub vocabulary.

Is there a difference between Overdub generated with the Pro subscription vs. a Creator or Free subscription?

Yes. While you can create a custom Voice on Overdub with any subscription,  Free and Creator plans are limited to a list of the 1,000 most common vocabulary words. Any words that are not on that list will be replaced with "jibber" or "jabber." To avoid this gibberish and gain access to the full vocabulary list, you can upgrade to the Pro subscription.

How can I improve the quality of my text-to-speech voice?

TTS voice quality relies on a number of factors, such as the quality of your microphone, background noise, and room surfaces. Check out our article on Overdub Voice Quality Tips for tips on how you can assure the best possible recording.

Download the app for free

More articles and resources.

5 ways to establish your podcast's brand

5 ways to establish your podcast's brand

what is the funny text to speech voice

What Is Personal Branding? Sharing Your Skill Sets and Strengths

what is the funny text to speech voice

How to record an interview: 11 pro tips

Other tools from descript, advertising video maker, facebook video maker, youtube video summarizer, rotate video, marketing video maker, promo video maker, collaborative video editing.

what is the funny text to speech voice

Text to Speech

what is the funny text to speech voice

  • 3 Create a new project Drag your file into the box above, or click Select file and import it from your computer or wherever it lives.

what is the funny text to speech voice

With Descript, you can generate and edit voice audio just by typing. Convert your text into speech, edit it, and export it in your preferred format—all in one place.

what is the funny text to speech voice

Descript's  text-to-speech (TTS)  capabilities use AI to generate incredibly realistic voices. Choose from a range of voice types—from corporate to conversational, masculine to feminine—to find the one that suits your project best.

what is the funny text to speech voice

Create and share your own AI voices for use in future projects, whether you want to take a breather and let AI handle that voiceover track, or fix or add to an existing recording without rerecording.

what is the funny text to speech voice

No, Descript does not allow others to clone your voice without your explicit consent. Your voice data is kept secure and confidential, and you can delete it at any time. We are committed to protecting our users' privacy and adhere to a strict  code of ethics .

Descript offers both free and paid versions of text-to-speech. The free version includes basic text-to-speech capabilities to turn text into audio. However, to access and utilize the full range of features, including advanced voice editing, voice cloning, and Overdub, you need to subscribe to a paid plan starting at $12/mo.

Yes, there is a difference. The free plan provides basic text-to-speech services, but the quality and customizability options are greatly increased with the premium plans. The paid plans offer access to the Overdub feature, allowing you to create your own unique text-to-speech voices, as well as additional features like advanced editing capabilities.

You can improve the quality of your text-to-speech voice clone by recording in a quiet environment, speaking clearly and naturally as you read the sample script, using a high-quality microphone, and following Descript's recording guidelines in the prompt.

what is the funny text to speech voice

Text to Voice Generator

Online AI voice generator from text; free

Text to Voice Generator.png

An AI text reader like no other

VEED features a realistic voice generator like no other; convert text to speech in just one click—straight from your browser. It’s the easiest text to speech recording tool to use! Just type or paste your text, select a voice that you want to use, and hear your text being read aloud by our AI! Or you can use one of our AI avatars . Use animated text-to-speech avatars to create talking head videos even without your own recording.

How to generate voice from text:

1 upload or record.

Upload your video to VEED or start recording using our free webcam recorder. You can also generate content from prompts using our AI text-to-video tool.

2 Add text and convert to voice

Click Audio from the left menu and select Text to Speech. Select a language. Type or paste your text into the text field and click Add to Project. You will see an audio file in the timeline.

3 Export or keep creating!

Export your text-to-speech video or audio. Or keep exploring our AI video editing tools to make your content as engaging as possible.

How to Extract Audio.png

Learn more about our text–to-voice generator:

‘Create a Voiceover Video’ Tutorial

Fast, accurate, and easy text reader online

No need to download and pay for chunky apps to convert your text into voice. Use VEED’s AI text-to-voice generator straight from your web browser. All you have to do is type your text or paste a text you’ve copied into the text field, and add the audio file to your project. You can also use your voice profile to add instant narrations using the AI voice cloning tool.

Human-sounding voice generator

Our voice profiles do not sound like robots. You can select from human-sounding voices with options for male and female. Preview the voice so you can hear how it sounds before adding it to your video. Guaranteed that your text will be read by a human voice. It’s fascinating! VEED also features auto-translation tools. Replace your original spoken audio with a translated voiceover—automatically using our voice dubber .

Edit videos like a pro in just a few clicks!

You can use our built-in video editing software to create amazing videos with voiceovers. VEED not only lets you convert text to speech online, but also lets you use all our video editing tools to create professional-looking videos in just a few clicks. You can add animated text, add images, subtitles, emojis, and drawings to your video. It’s your all-in-one video editor!

Upload your video to VEED or record one using our webcam recorder. Click Audio from the left menu and start typing or pasting your text. Select a voice, preview the speech, and add it to your video! It’s that simple.

VEED is the best tool to convert your text to voice online. Our AI voice profiles sound like real humans, and not like robots. Plus, it’s super easy to use and free! Just type or paste your text and it will be converted into speech in minutes.

VEED’s text-to-voice generator is free to use. You can convert your text into a video or even an audio file, and you can do it straight from your browser.

Currently, you can add up to 1,000 characters to convert to speech per video project.

Discover more

  • Afrikaans Text to Speech
  • AI Voice Generator
  • AI Voice Over
  • Amharic Text to Speech
  • Arabic Text to Speech
  • Audiobook Maker
  • Bangla Text to Speech
  • Cantonese Text to Speech
  • Chinese Text to Speech
  • Convert Articles to Audio
  • English Text to Speech
  • French Text to Speech
  • German Text to Speech
  • Hebrew Text to Speech
  • Hindi Text to Speech
  • Irish Text to Speech
  • Italian Text to Speech
  • Japanese Text to Speech
  • Korean Text to Speech
  • Lao Text to Speech
  • Malayalam Text to Speech
  • Persian Text to Speech
  • Realistic Text to Speech
  • Russian Text to Speech
  • Somali Text to Speech
  • Spanish Text to Speech
  • Speech in Swahili
  • Tamil Text to Speech
  • Text Reader
  • Text to Audio
  • Text to Podcast
  • Text to Speech Bulgarian
  • Text to Speech Catalan
  • Text to Speech Converter
  • Text to Speech Croatian
  • Text to Speech Czech
  • Text to Speech Danish
  • Text to Speech Dutch
  • Text to Speech Estonian
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What is text to speech

Text to speech, also known as TTS, read aloud, or even speech synthesis . It simply means using artificial intelligence to read words aloud be; it from a PDF , email, docs, or any website. There isn’t a voice artist recording phrases or words, or even the entire article. Speech generation is done on-the-fly, in real time, with natural sounding AI voices.

And that’s the beauty of it all. You don’t have to wait. You simply press play and artificial intelligence makes the words come alive instantly, in a very natural sounding voice. You can change voices and accents across multiple languages.

Listen to any article. Easily scan any printed material and convert the image to audio.

Get Text to Speech Today

And begin removing barriers to reading online

I used to hate school because I’d spend hours just trying to read the assignments. Listening has been totally life changing. This app saved my education.

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More text to speech features you’ll love, speechify text to speech online reviews, kate marfori.

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With Speechify’s API, we can offer our users a new and accessible way to consume our content. We’ve seen that readers who choose to listen to articles with Speechify are on average 20% more engaged than users who choose not to listen.

Susy Botello

Thanks for sharing this.I love this feature. I just tweeted at you on how much I like it. The voice is great and not at all like the text-to-speech I am used to listening to. I am a podcaster and I think this will help a lot of people multitask a bit, especially if they are interrupted with incoming emails or whatever. You can read-along but continue reading if your eyes need to go elsewhere. Hope you keep this. It’s already in other web publications. I also see it in some news sites. So I think it could become a standard that readers expect when they read online. Can I vote twice?

Renato Vargas

I just started using Medium more and I absolutely love this feature. I’ve listened to my own stories and the Al does the inflections just as I would. Many complain that they can’t read their own stories, but let’s be honest. How many stories would go without an audio version if you had to do all of them yourself? I certainly appreciate it. Thanks for this!!

Oh! How cool – I love it 🙂 The voice is surprisingly natural sounding! My eyes took a much appreciated rest for a bit. I’ve been a long time subscriber to Audible on Amazon. I think this is Great 🙂 Thank you!

Paola Rios Schaaf

Super excited about this! We are all spending too much time staring at our screens. Using another sense to take in the great content at Medium is awesome.

Hi Warren, I am one of those small, randomly selected people, and I ABSOLUTELY love this feature. I have consumed more ideas than I ever have on Medium. And also as a non-native English speaker, this is really helping me to improve my pronunciation. Keep this forevermore! Love, Ananya:)

This is the single most important feature you can role out for me. I simply don’t have the time to read all the articles I would like to on Medium. If I could listen to the articles I could consume at least 3X the amount of Medium content I do now.

Andrew Picken

Love this feature Warren. I use it when I’m reading, helps me churn through reading and also stay focused on the article (at a good speed) when my willpower is low! Keeping me more engaged..

I was THRILLED the other day when I saw the audio option. I didn’t know how it got there, but I pressed play, and then I was blown away hearing the words that I wrote being narrated

Neeramitra Reddy

LOVE THISSS. As someone who loves audio almost as much as reading, this is absolute gold

What is text to speech (TTS)?

Text-to-speech goes by a few names. Some refer to it as TTS,  read aloud , or even speech synthesis ; for the more engineered name. Today, it simply means using  artificial intelligence  to read words aloud be; it from a PDF, email, docs, or any website. Instantly turn text into audio. Listen in English, Italian, Portuguese,  Spanish , or more and choose your accent and character to personalize your experience.

How does AI text to speech work?

Beautifully. Speech synthesis works by installing an app like Speechify either on your device or as a browser extension. AI scans the words on the page and  reads it out loud , without any lag. You can change the default voice to a custom voice, change accents, languages, and even increase or decrease the speaking rate.

AI has made significant progress in synthesizing voices. It can pick up on formatted text and change tone accordingly. Gone are the days where the voices sounded  robotic . Speechify is revolutionizing that.

Once you install the TTS mobile app, you can easily convert text to speech from any website within your browser, read aloud your email, and more. If you install it as a  browser extension , you can do just the same on your laptop. The web version is OS agnostic. Mac or Windows, no problem.

What is the text-to-speech service?

A text-to-speech service is a tool, like Speechify text to speech, that transforms your written words into spoken words. Imagine typing out a message and having it read out loud by a digital voice – that’s what TTS services, like Speechify TTS do.

What are the benefits of text to speech?

TTS technology offers many benefits, like helping those with reading difficulties, providing rest for your eyes, multitasking by listening to content, improving pronunciation and language learning, and making content accessible to a wider audience.

How is Speechify TTS better than Murf AI text to speech, Google Voice, or TTSReader?

Speechify TTS stands out by offering a more natural and human-like voice quality, a wider range of customization options, and user-friendly integration across devices. Plus, our dedication to accessibility means that we ensure a seamless and inclusive experience for all users.

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If it talks like a human... —

Disarmingly lifelike: chatgpt-4o will laugh at your jokes and your dumb hat, it's amazing what a few well-placed chuckles and vocal tone shifts can do..

Kyle Orland - May 13, 2024 10:25 pm UTC

Oh you silly, silly human. Why are you so silly, you silly human?

Further Reading

After looking through over a dozen video demos OpenAI posted alongside today's announcement, though, I think we're on the verge of something more like a sea change in how we think of and work with large language models. While we don't yet have access to ChatGPT-4o's audio-visual features ourselves, the important non-verbal cues on display here—both from GPT-4o and from the users—make the chatbot instantly feel much more human. And I'm not sure the average user is fully ready for how they might feel about that.

It thinks it’s people

Take this video , where a newly expectant father looks to ChatGPT-4o for an opinion on a dad joke ("What do you call a giant pile of kittens? A meow-ntain!"). The old ChatGPT4 could easily type out the same responses of "Congrats on the upcoming addition to your family!" and "That's perfectly hilarious. Definitely a top-tier dad joke." But there's much more impact to hearing GPT-4o give that same information in the video, complete with the gentle laughter and rising and falling vocal intonations of a lifelong friend.

Or look at this video , where GPT-4o finds itself reacting to images of an adorable white dog. The AI assistant immediately dips into that high-pitched, baby-talk-ish vocal register that will be instantly familiar to anyone who has encountered a cute pet for the first time. It's a convincing demonstration of what xkcd's Randall Munroe famously identified as the "You're a kitty!" effect , and it goes a long way to convincing you that GPT-4o, too, is just like people .

Not quite the world's saddest birthday party, but probably close...

Then there's a demo of a staged birthday party, where GPT-4o sings the "Happy Birthday" song with some deadpan dramatic pauses, self-conscious laughter, and even lightly altered lyrics before descending into some sort of silly raspberry-mouth-noise gibberish. Even if the prospect of asking an AI assistant to sing "Happy Birthday" to you is a little depressing, the specific presentation of that song here is imbued with an endearing gentleness that doesn't feel very mechanical.

As I watched through OpenAI's GPT-4o demos this afternoon, I found myself unconsciously breaking into a grin over and over as I encountered new, surprising examples of its vocal capabilities. Whether it's a stereotypical sportscaster voice or a sarcastic Aubrey Plaza impression , it's all incredibly disarming, especially for those of us used to LLM interactions being akin to text conversations.

See me, feel me, touch me, heal me

Beyond GPT-4o's new non-verbal emotional register, the model's speed of response also seems set to change the way we interact with chatbots. Reducing that response time gap from ChatGPT4's two to three seconds down to GPT-4o's claimed 320 milliseconds might not seem like much, but it's a difference that adds up over time. You can see that difference in the real-time translation example , where the two conversants are able to carry on much more naturally because they don't have to wait awkwardly between a sentence finishing and its translation beginning.

reader comments

Promoted comments.

what is the funny text to speech voice

  • this speaking voice will cause people to trust the answers way more than mere text answers, meaning more incorrect information being spread around. Also if you’re interacting via speech you’re probably less likely to stop and quickly fact check a statement by chatgpt via a normal internet search.
  • the amount of people claiming this AI is sentient is going to rise dramatically, and that’s going to be very annoying.
  • if this thing becomes as popular as I think it might, it’s going to have quite the environmental footprint. This at a time when we need to be reducing impacts.

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Channel Ars Technica

Wideo » Blog » Video Automation » 7 Best Text-to-Speech Tools for 2024

7 Best Text-to-Speech Tools for 2024

by María José Azar | Personalized Video , Video Automation , Video Marketing

what is the funny text to speech voice

Text-to-speech (TTS) technology has come a long way in recent years, offering many benefits for businesses and individuals. With TTS, you can easily convert written text into spoken audio, making your content more accessible and engaging for a broader audience.

Incorporating audio elements into your content creation can significantly enhance user experience. Whether creating e-learning materials, marketing presentations, audiobooks, or YouTube videos, TTS can help you save time, improve engagement, and reach a wider audience. In this blog post, we’ll explore 7 of the best text-to-speech tools available in 2024 , highlighting their unique features and benefits. 

7 of the Best TTS Tools of 2024: Enhance Your Content with AI-Powered Voices.

1. google cloud text-to-speech.

Let’s start with something we all know: Google. So, Google Text-to-Speech is, of course, a powerful tool developed by Google that converts text into lifelike speech using deep learning technologies. It offers a wide range of great features including:

  • Multilingual support: It supports over 130 different voices in 40 languages
  • Neural text-to-speech: Google Cloud TTS uses advanced neural networks to create natural-sounding voices. And I can promise you, they’re indistinguishable from human speech.
  • SSML support: Google Cloud Text-to-Speech supports SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language), allowing users to fine-tune pronunciation, pauses, and emphasis.
  • Custom voice: You can train a custom voice model using your own audio recordings.
  • Customizable voices: Flexible customization options for pitch, speaking rate, and volume
  • Integration with other Google Cloud platform products

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This is the perfect option if you want to create text-to-speech audios effortlessly and is also an excellent choice for individuals and businesses that need to create high-quality voice overs for their videos and presentations.

3. TTSMaker Text-to-Speech

TTSMaker is a free online TTS tool that offers a very simple interface and a variety of voices and languages. It allows you to convert text into speech quickly, making it ideal for tasks requiring a bulk conversion. But wait, it also offers interesting features like adding music to the background of your audio and more!

  • Simple interface: TTSMaker allows you to convert your text into speech easily and quickly.
  • Variety of voices: It offers more than 130 different voices and a lot of languages too.
  • Downloadable audio: You can download the audio file in various formats including MP3, WAV, and OGG.
  • Integration with other tools: TTSMaker can be integrated with other tools and websites, making it versatile for various apps. 

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This is a great choice for users who need a simple and free TTS tool for quick text-to-speech conversion.

4. Text-to-Voice Online

Text to Voice Online is a free online TTS tool that offers a variety of features, including natural-sounding voices, adjustable playback speed, and support for multiple file formats. Oh, and it has something that other TTS does not offer, and that is that you can choose different kinds of emotions like angry, sad, cheerful, happy, and more. 

  • Natural voices: It uses advanced text-to-speech technology to generate natural-sounding voices that are easy to listen to. It offers a wide range of languages and also you can choose between many different voices. 
  • Emotion Voices: An interesting feature that Text-to-Voice Online offers is that you can choose the emotion that the voice is going to have, like a sad voice, a happy voice, and more. Unfortunately, this is a premium feature. 
  • Adjustable playback speed: You can adjust the playback speed of the audio to suit your preferences or listening needs.

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This tool is a classic option if you need a quick text-to-voice conversion, and it supports multiple file formats too. It has many great features if you are a premium user. 

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5. Natural Readers Online

Natural Readers Online is a popular TTS tool that caters to various use cases, from educational purposes to content creation. It offers a variety of features designed to enhance your experience and improve workflow efficiency.

  • Extensive library: This tool offers a selection of voices in different languages, including both human and synthetic voices.
  • Premium and free trial: Natural Readers has a free version with many features, and also offers a premium one where you can discover a lot of new and different features such as different types of voices that the free version doesn’t have.
  • Learning tools: The tool includes integrated learning tools, such as text highlighting and synchronization with text, making it ideal for educational purposes.

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Natural Readers is a great TTS solution that caters to a wide range of users. Its extensive voice library, customizable settings, and support for multiple platforms make it a versatile and user-friendly tool

6. ElevenLabs

Eleven Labs is a company specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) powered speech synthesis and text-to-speech (TTS) technology. They utilize deep learning to create high-quality, natural-sounding speech that can be used for various applications.

  • Focus on Natural Speech: Their core strength lies in generating voices that closely resemble human speech. This makes their TTS ideal for creating voice overs for videos, audiobooks, or presentations where a realistic voice is crucial.
  • Text-to-Speech and Beyond: They also provide features like voice cloning, speech-to-speech conversion (changing the style of speech), and dubbing in multiple languages.
  • API and Developer Tools: They offer an API (application programming interface) that allows developers to integrate their AI voices into various applications and software. Very dynamic don’t you think?
  • Ethical Considerations: Eleven Labs emphasizes responsible AI development and offers resources like an AI Speech Classifier and a Voice Cloning Guide to promote ethical use cases.

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Overall, Eleven Labs is a strong contender in the TTS space, particularly for those seeking the most natural-sounding voices and advanced features.

You may also be interested in The Best AI Image Generators of 2024

7. VoiceMaker

VoiceMaker is a comprehensive text-to-speech (TTS) tool offering a variety of features and functionalities catering to a broad user base.

  • Extensive Voice Library: VoiceMaker boasts a vast library of over 1000 realistic human-sounding voices across 130+ languages. This extensive selection allows you to find the perfect voice for your project, regardless of the desired tone, language, or accent.
  • Customization Options: You can further customize various aspects, including pitch, speaking rate, volume, and even pauses (indicated by punctuation marks like question marks or commas). This level of control allows for fine-tuning the audio to achieve the desired effect.
  • Commercial Use License: Unlike some free TTS tools with limitations on commercial use, VoiceMaker allows users to redistribute the generated audio files even after their subscription expires. This makes it a viable option for businesses and creators who need TTS capabilities for commercial projects.
  • Free Voice Samples: VoiceMaker provides a user-friendly platform where you can explore and listen to samples of different voices before committing to a subscription.

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VoiceMaker provides a powerful and feature-rich text-to-speech solution that caters to a broad audience. 

There are many TTS tools available and they all have kind of the same features like customization options, a vast library of voices, volume and speed features, many languages, and more. Here are some other tools that meet these characteristics that TTS offer:

  • ReadSpeaker

So to choose one you can just try them all, because most of them have a free version or at least a free trial, and so you can find the one that fits your goals, your audience, and your content. 

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Battling brain disorder, Va. Rep. Wexton uses text-to-voice app in House speech

Neal Augenstein | [email protected]

May 7, 2024, 3:22 PM

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When Virginia Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton stepped to the microphone to tell fellow House members she wanted to rename a post office after a former constituent, the message was clear — but it wasn’t Wexton’s voice giving the speech.

On Monday, Wexton used a text-to-speech application on her iPad as an assistive device after last year’s diagnosis with a progressive brain disorder.

Holding her iPad’s speaker next to the microphone, Wexton explained to her colleagues why she was using the adaptive device to continue her work with progressive supranuclear palsy, or PSP.

“PSP makes it very difficult for me to speak, and I use an assistive app so that you and our colleagues can understand me,” Wexton said.

After the brief description of why she was addressing them slightly differently, she moved right to discussing legislation.

“I am proud to be here today speaking in support of my bill to rename the Purcellville, Virginia, post office in honor of my former constituent, the late Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright,” she said.

Wexton said Albright, who died in March 2022, chose to not have her mail delivered to her rural western Loudoun County farm, “but instead, became a fixture at the post office that will bear her name.”

An aide to Wexton told WTOP: “The tech she used yesterday and has been working with over the past month or so during committee hearings and other public speaking engagements is a text to speech app on her iPad.”

The aide said Wexton is able to enter her comments into the app and device, ahead of time. “She can load in a prewritten speech to the app and then have it play out loud. She has also used it in real time on a few occasions, to type out and play questions in committee or in meetings.”

In September 2023, Wexton announced she would not seek reelection after receiving an update on her health.

While receiving treatment for Parkinson’s disease, Wexton received a modified diagnosis of  progressive supranuclear palsy . PSP is a form of atypical parkinsonian syndrome, also known as a Parkinson-plus disorder.

WTOP’s Capitol Hill Correspondent Mitchell Miller says Wexton has widespread admiration from fellow lawmakers for continuing to come to work as she lives with her illness.

“She can be seen at the Capitol, getting assistance from staff, moving slowly and carefully,” said Miller. ” At the outset of her illness, I noticed her speech on the floor started to become more deliberate — it soon became clear why, when she announced that she had PSP.”

Early voting is underway ahead of the June 18 primary election, with 12 Democrats and 4 Republicans running in the primary to replace Wexton.

“By all accounts, she has bravely dealt with this illness, and it is a reflection of her commitment to public service that she has continued to come to Capitol Hill,” said Miller.

The House voted Tuesday to approve Wexton’s bill to rename the Purcellville post office in honor of Albright.

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© 2024 WTOP. All Rights Reserved. This website is not intended for users located within the European Economic Area.

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Neal Augenstein has been a general assignment reporter with WTOP since 1997. He says he looks forward to coming to work every day, even though that means waking up at 3:30 a.m.

  • @AugensteinWTOP

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Text To Speech - AI Talk 4+

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New exclusive feature! Introducing Photo to Speech! Instantly convert text from your camera, photos and images into speech. Hear the words on your photos come to life! Elevate Your Text with Advanced Text-to-Speech and AI Assistant Technology! Unleash the power of your words with state-of-the-art text-to-speech capabilities! Choose from a diverse selection of 100+ voices across 50+ different languages and accents. This app works offline for text-to-speech and image-to-speech, supports personal voices (requires iOS 17), and even lets you manage your favorite phrases efficiently. Key Features: - A vast selection of 100+ voices spanning 50+ accents and languages. - Easily mark phrases or texts as favorites. - Convert any text in a photo or image to voice! - Paper to voice! Scan text from paper documents and have it read aloud! - Ask the AI assistant about any text. - Generate essays, poems, jokes, emails, and more with AI, and read them aloud. - Translate any text to 50+ languages and convert the translation to voice. - Experience a world of languages, from Arabic to Vietnamese, and Catalan to Bengali. - Enjoy regional flavors with multiple Chinese dialects, English accents from around the globe, and more. - Try it for free and discover much more! Quick Tip: For even more high-quality natural voice options, navigate through Settings -> Accessibility -> Spoken Content -> Voices. Dive into a new dimension of textual interaction today with our cutting-edge text-to-speech and AI assistant technology! This app requires users to have a subscription to unlock all the features after a 3-day risk-free trial. Privacy Policy http://www.noteswriter.com/Kairoos_Privacy_Policy.html EULA https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/

Version 1.1.0

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App Privacy

The developer, Kairoos Solutions SL , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

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The developer does not collect any data from this app.

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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  3. Best Funny Discord TTS (Text to Speech) Messages & Songs

    Including voice chat, screen sharing, media sharing, tons of bots, TTS, and many more! Today we will be talking about the TTS (Text to Speach) feature in Discord. ... I hope you liked out top picks for the best funny Discord Text to Speech (TTS) messages & songs. If you know any funny TTS songs or messages, be sure to mention them in the ...

  4. [26 Best] Funny Discord TTS (Text to Speech) Song & Message

    How to activate TTS command in Discord. First make sure the TTS command is on in your Discord. TTS command only work on Discord PC, for mobile users, you need to open desktop version for discord website. To activate the TTS command in Discord, simply type "/tts" + "your message". For example: /tts Hello Mike.

  5. How to Get a Funny Text-to-Speech Voice

    Funny text-to-speech voice: a great way to get YouTube views. Getting traffic to your YouTube channel is one of the most important aspects of content creation. While posting regularly can help with that, nothing can beat entertaining content. By creating funny text-to-speech voice, you can significantly increase your chances of getting YouTube ...

  6. Voice Generator (Online & Free) ️

    Generate voice from text and play or download the resulting audio file. It's all online, and completely free! This text-to-speech generator even works offline! ... Note: If the list of available text-to-speech voices is small, or all the voices sound the same, then you may need to install text-to-speech voices on your device. Many operating ...

  7. 10 Epic Funny Text to Speech Messages &Trolls for Discord

    Now that you know how to use funny things for text to speech Discord. Here are 10 funny text to speech trolls on Discord: #1. The meow sound. This is one of the best sounds because of how the Discord bot says it. Your friends will laugh out loud hearing the pronunciation with a French accent.

  8. Best 3 AI Meme Voice Generators to Make TTS Meme

    1. FlexClip. One of the first text-to-speech meme voice generators you can't miss is FlexClip. It is a versatile AI voice generator to help you convert your text to realistic AI voices for a funny tts meme with a staggering 400 AI voices in 140 languages and multiple variants. What makes FlexClip stand out from the crowd of text-to-speech meme ...

  9. AI Voice Generator TTS (Text-to-Speech)

    With Voicemod TTS (Text to Speech) AI Voice Generator discover a new way to communicate, generating unique characters and ambient sounds with Text-To-Speech and audio effects unlocking unlimited possibilities! GENERATE YOUR OWN TEXT! "Commander, this is Bob speaking, it appears... well, it appears I've somehow lost the keys to the starship

  10. 10 best text to speech tools for reading memes

    Nuance Dragon. Nuance Dragon comes from the famous Dragon software suite. It is one of the top programs available, but it is more of a dictation program. It is not necessarily an option for text-to-speech. It is a fast program, you can dictate countless files, and you can use commands with your voice.

  11. AI Voice Generator with Emotional Text to Speech

    How does Typecast's text to speech work? Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology generates speech based on written text.During training, the model learns the correspondence between text and speech by using text-speech pairs.With enough training data, the model can generate speech for text inputs it hasn't seen before.Additionally, our AI TTS allows you to control aspects like emotion, pitch,and ...

  12. Funny TTS: Get Funny Text-to-Speech Voices On Discord

    Part 1: Top 10 Funny Text-to-Speech (TTS) Voices. 1) Lurl. Lurl is a very famous spamming sound. which make your voice humorous and funny. 2) Bois Bois Bois. This is among the funniest TTS that you can find on Discord. The pronunciation and voice of Bois Bois Bois make it sound hilarious. 3)Beatboxing.

  13. AI Voice Generator: Free Text to Speech Online

    Dynamic narration across languages and tonalities. Engage your audience with the perfect voice you can create with the free AI voice generator. Upload your script and choose from over 120 AI voices in 20+ languages, including Spanish, Chinese, and French. Infuse a human element by customizing the voice's speed, pitch, emotion, and tonality.

  14. What is this text to speech voice often used in memes?

    TL;DR Version: Microsoft includes many text-to-speech voices with their Operating Systems for those who have difficulty reading text on their displays. As for why they're used: it all began with Microsoft Sam, a text-to-speech voice who was an early meme itself by virtue of the funny say it'd pronounce various words or syllables. TTS has been a ...

  15. AI Voice Generator & Text to Speech

    Use Deepgram's AI voice generator to produce human speech from text. AI matches text with correct pronunciation for natural, high-quality audio. Type something here, and Aura will turn your text into a realistic human voice. AI matches what is written with how it should be said so your audio sounds natural and high-quality. 180 / 2, 000.

  16. AI Voice Generator & Text to Speech

    Rated the best text to speech (TTS) software online. Create premium AI voices for free and generate text-to-speech voiceovers in minutes with our character AI voice generator. Use free text to speech AI to convert text to mp3 in 29 languages with 100+ voices.

  17. Try our Voices : Text to Speech Voices : Read The Words

    Type in any text under 100 characters in length, choose a voice and click on the Read Button. Hear the text as speech and click on the Download link if you want to store it in your hard disk. Write in this box and I will read to you. Read. Our Mission to create an easy to use platform, that allows users alternative methods to process written ...

  18. Realistic Text to Speech converter & AI Voice generator

    Just type or paste your text, generate the voice-over, and download the audio file. Create realistic Voiceovers online! Insert any text to generate speech and download audio mp3 or wav for any purpose. Speak a text with AI-powered voices.You can convert text to voice for free for reference only. For all features, purchase the paid plans.

  19. Text to Speech

    More than a text-to-speech generator. Descript is an AI-powered audio and video editing tool that lets you edit podcasts and videos like a doc. Add captions and subtitles to your text-to-speech projects. Perfect for creating accessible content. Clone your voice to dub over audio mistakes with speech that sounds just like you.

  20. Text to Voice Generator

    Add text and convert to voice. Click Audio from the left menu and select Text to Speech. Select a language. Type or paste your text into the text field and click Add to Project. You will see an audio file in the timeline. 3.

  21. MavSpeak

    A web application to generate AI voices for your videos for free, offering AI-generated voices for a natural and diverse audio experience. Customize accents, languages, and tones with ease, making your content stand out.

  22. Text To Speech: #1 Free TTS Online With Realistic AI Voices

    What is text to speech. Text to speech, also known as TTS, read aloud, or even speech synthesis.It simply means using artificial intelligence to read words aloud be; it from a PDF, email, docs, or any website.There isn't a voice artist recording phrases or words, or even the entire article.

  23. Online Text to Speech Generator

    Text to speech software is a very powerful tool that can help you convert text into audio files using AI and machine learning trained on human voices. It can be used in a wide range of applications that include creating personal voice messages, providing audio for visually impaired users, audio books and courses.

  24. Disarmingly lifelike: ChatGPT-4o will laugh at your jokes and your dumb

    Beyond GPT-4o's new non-verbal emotional register, the model's speed of response also seems set to change the way we interact with chatbots. Reducing that response time gap from ChatGPT4's two to ...

  25. Top 5 Creepy Text to Speech Voice Generators for Spooky Voices

    Easy and fast to use. Wide range of voices and effects. #3. Uberduck - Scary Text to Speech Voice Generator for All Devices. This creep text to speech online tool lets you create text to speech with over 4000+ voices from pop culture icons, cartoon characters, rappers, and more.

  26. 7 Best Text-to-Speech Tools for 2024

    7 of the Best TTS Tools of 2024: Enhance Your Content with AI-Powered Voices. 1. Google Cloud Text-to-Speech. Let's start with something we all know: Google. So, Google Text-to-Speech is, of course, a powerful tool developed by Google that converts text into lifelike speech using deep learning technologies.

  27. Battling brain disorder, Va. Rep. Wexton uses text-to-voice app in

    On Monday, Wexton used a text-to-speech application on her iPad as an assistive device after last year's diagnosis with a progressive brain disorder. Holding her iPad's speaker next to the ...

  28. ‎Text To Speech

    This app works offline for text-to-speech and image-to-speech, supports personal voices (requires iOS 17), and even lets you manage your favorite phrases efficiently. Key Features: - A vast selection of 100+ voices spanning 50+ accents and languages. - Easily mark phrases or texts as favorites. - Convert any text in a photo or image to voice!

  29. Virginia Democrat uses voice assist to give House floor speech: 'An

    by Miranda Nazzaro - 05/06/24 7:35 PM ET. Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.) on Monday used voice assist to deliver a speech on the House floor, more than a year after she revealed her Parkinson's ...

  30. What's the Best Professional Text-to-Speech Software in 2024?

    Voice Dream Reader is a strong text-to-speech app that is also available on iOS and Mac platforms. It is designed to assist users, especially those with visual or reading impairments, by converting text into speech. The app's key strength lies in its extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor voice settings like speed and pitch and choose from various voices in various languages.