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Video Presentations: A Guide for Engaging Content

Video Presentations: A Guide for Engaging Content

In a time when the Millennials’ attention span can be measured as little as 12 seconds, how can we create genuinely engaging presentations? Is continuously changing slides the answer these days?

A skilled presenter has to master different techniques; therefore, we will examine the potential for video presentations. Join us to discover what video presentations are, the reasons why you should use them amongst your presentation tools, and exciting tips on how to drive engagement from them. 

Table of Contents

What video presentations are

Video presentation stats to consider, different types of video presentations, why should you use video presentations, what are the components of a winning video presentation, the role of accessibility: advanced research on video presentations, 5 tips on how to make your video presentations engaging.

  • How to create a video presentation

Do you need special software to create video presentations?

Closing thoughts.

Presentations are a crucial part of business and academic environments. Thousands of presentations are delivered each day in different environments; still, many are doomed to fail. Although we can blame this on a lack of proper presentation skills , reality tells us there’s a change in how people prefer to see the content.

As a general rule, consider 10 minutes the Goldilocks Zone for traditional presentations in what comes to audience engagement . Inspirational presentations like the ones we see on TEDx don’t follow this rule, as the objective here is to share a compelling story as detailed as possible so the audience can relate. In some cases, academic presentations of the thesis defense style remain loyal to a specific format. Still, trends are also changing, and video presentations have much to offer in terms of exposing complex concepts more plainly.

A video presentation can be represented in multiple formats: as a compendium of animated slides in video format, video files and audio sources packed on a single video file, a video recording made in interview format, a video documentary, etc. Although this definition may sound redundant, the concept behind a video presentation is that they don’t require a presenter to change between slides or windows to browse different assets . Hence, the importance to create a story behind the video presentation, so the various elements don’t feel segregated without logic.

We can say people use the video format to convey information in courses, job training, edutainment, conferences, and any kind of message-sharing purpose that requires connecting with the audience for engagement.

Before dwelling on the specifics of building a video presentation, here we share some video presentation stats that speak about the importance of video presentations these days from a marketing perspective.

  • Online search continues to be the most common way (45%) for users to find instructional and informational video content. ( source )
  • The most commonly-created types of videos are explainer videos (72%) , presentation videos (49%), testimonial videos (48%), sales videos (42%), and video ads (42%). ( source )
  • 57% of consumers said that product videos make them more confident in a purchase and less likely to return an item ( source )
  • Millennials’ attention span can be measured as little as 12 seconds ( source )
  • A minute of video is worth 1.8 million words in terms of information retention ( source )

As you can see, the effort of building a video presentation is well-paid in terms of consumption and content information retention from the audience.

Depending on the requirements of the presentation itself, we can classify video presentations as follows:

In-Company Video Presentations

These video presentations belong to the business and corporate world, but their purpose is to distribute information among coworkers or to coach the personnel for a specific requirement. In-company video presentations are used in workspace training, as part of internal recruitment processes, or other kinds of internal presentations.

In-company video presentations usually carry the company branding; they have restricted access for people outside the organization, so their distribution methods happen in meeting rooms dedicated to these purposes. 

Business Video Presentations

Business video presentations are used for a variety of business purposes: business pitches, workspace training, advertisement, product releases, recruitment, and more. Business video presentations also include the ones dedicated to  B2B or B2C relationships. 

Like In-Company Video Presentations, they carry branding to identify the video presentation’s author quickly. They are shared through official mediums for the company (like a brand’s social media channels and website), during corporate meetings with investors or potential business partners, and through 3rd. party channels.

Example of Product Launch Video Presentation by Xiaomi

Examples of these kinds of videos are product launch sessions, much like what tech giants like Xiaomi do.

Another kind of business video presentation is the explainer video. Explainer videos can be defined as short online marketing videos that are used to explain the company’s product or service. Explainer videos are commonly used for sales, marketing, and training purposes. Here is a real example of a 1-minute video presentation introducing SlideModel.com.

Another application of business video presentations is when sponsorship deals are involved, as brands can present their value to influencers through short reels.

Resume Video Presentations

This is a relatively recent but incredible turn of resume presentations. In resume video presentations , the candidate offers a detailed introduction of their capabilities, skills, interests, and potential value to the employer in a visually engaging format.

Unlike traditional CV presentations, the video format gives little room for anxiety, answering most of the interviewer’s questions or even driving admiration for the effort and dedication to this job-hunting adventure. 

We recommend the usage of resume presentation templates for this purpose, as they save tons of time in crafting a high-quality resume video presentation. 

Educational Video Presentations

This category can be divided into three different sub-categories:

Academic Video Presentations

Intended for University-level presentations or post-Doctorate work, these presentations follow strict format guidelines. They are mainly designed to distribute data comprehensively, with proper documentation backup. Animations usually don’t take part in these video presentations.

Despite being commonly associated with business events, conferences also belong to the academic video presentations category, as the live sessions are recorded to spread the message about important research discoveries. 

Teaching & Training Video Presentations

Teachers introduce the presentations to their students on various topics to understand abstract issues better. Chemistry, Physics, and Geography are typical examples of subjects that use video presentations. However, subjects like History and Philosophy can save countless hours of whiteboard sessions by using educational video presentations. 

Webinars fall under this category, either being released to the public or in-company webinars, as they share common aspects in their structure. Do keep in mind that educational content recorded as video presentations is not the same as a webinar, as the latter requires the presence of a live audience, a moderator, and usually a Q&A session at the end of it. If we talk about educational content being recorded and released as a course platform, then we can say it is a workshop.

According to recent studies, visualizations through video presentations and video-based learning can enhance understanding. It is demonstrated that students who watched learning videos on Statistics, influenced engagement and motivation positively .

Student Video Presentations

Finally, students also make video presentations as requested by their teachers to present a lesson or project exhibition. These presentations vary as the students grow older, becoming less dependent on animated effects, setting the bases for future work or academic presentation formats.

Informal Video Presentations

If you remember seeing videos in situations like 50th birthday parties, baptisms, wedding anniversaries, etc., then you have already experienced informal video presentations. 

These informal presentations are free from any format restriction. As the term implies, they are used for any kind of meetup, making it simpler to share a story rather than to tell a lengthy story.

Inspirational & Motivational Video Presentations

The final category belongs to the video presentations with a strong emotional component. They are built to connect, to empathize with the audience in specific situations or problems. Examples of this are TEDx , Evan Carmichael, or similar influencing platforms.

In general lines, motivational video presentations are recordings of live events shared with the purpose of getting the message to the biggest audience possible (internet consumers). Another possible format for these presentations is recorded interviews or testimonials intended to speak about a person’s contributions to society. An example of this, from an organization’s point of view, are the videos produced by the UK’s NHS to highlight and thank their medical personnel for their efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Inspirational video presentations share common aspects with motivational speeches. A list of requirements for these video presentations would be:

  • Have a clear purpose
  • Make it personal
  • Get the message tailored for the target audience
  • A strong conclusion

Compared with traditional presentation methods, such as presentation slides or speaking in front of an audience, video presentations can offer a series of advantages. 

For starters, as you write the “ story ,” you are also rehearsing the points to be covered. In that way, anxiety or shyness won’t trigger you to forget about essential points or lose track of time. The length of the presentation can be predetermined, depending on the external requirements of the organization party, or how comprehensive or concise you need it to be. 

In the case of people struggling with camera shyness , an animated video presentation with voiceover is the answer to deliver quality work. Since psychologists and doctors agree the common point on fear of public speaking is the delivery of the presentation itself, video presentations shall reduce work-induced anxiety to a great degree. Since psychologists and doctors agree the common point on fear of public speaking is the delivery of the presentation itself, video presentations shall reduce work-induced anxiety to a great degree. You can also convert images to video online using video editor platforms to easily create video from images and voiceover on video.

Video presentations can be persuasive thanks to the usage of graphics and audio. It is far easier to convey emotions through video presentations than to put them in the presentation design. Also, research by Dr. James McQuivey proved that a minute of video is worth 1.8 million words in terms of information retention.

Regarding engagement, the popularity that both TikTok and YouTube gained among the younger generations reflects the behavioral changes in content consumption . It has come to the point that even professionals use TikTok to demystify health hoaxes and help users worldwide. Therefore, using video format for presentations can help to boost your presentation performance, making it attractive for your audience and less effort-demanding. 

The most significant factor in delivering a successful video presentation is keeping the audience engaged. To ensure this, make sure the presentation doesn’t feel robotic-like but that it conveys a personal message. Don’t get this point wrong if we talk strictly about business or academic scenarios; making video presentations to deliver your personal touch can become as simple as selecting the proper color combination to enforce your message . Other solutions come from watching your voice tone not to make it too monotonous. 

Structure your presentation accordingly. In business or academic video presentations is a good idea to introduce a slide in the fashion of a table of contents . It is an extra touch that brings the audience closer to the topics due to be discussed. 

Consider the audience’s perspective as a vital element in video presentations. Check relevant examples of the topic discussed on platforms such as YouTube or DailyMotion. Compare their approach to yours and assert if you would watch your presentation as a spectator or not. This simple test gives insights into which aspects you should work on.

Winning video presentations never miss the usage of CTAs. It’s a good method to direct the audience’s interest to a specific goal.

Video presentations can become an incredible tool for driving engagement, yet there is a problem that not so many presenters address: accessibility. Think about how many times a presenter ends a phrase like “over here,” assuming the audience is watching the item being shown. But what if members of the target audience have visual impairments?

Much like we consider the importance of adding Closed Captioning (CC) to our videos, accessibility in terms of the narrative is a must. On this behalf, we want to introduce an interesting research that led to the production of a tool named Slidecho . Using state-of-the-art technology like video scene detection, AI, and OCR, Slideshow follows these very steps:

  • Step 1: Extract slide frames
  • Step 2: Selecting slide elements
  • Step 3: Detecting described elements from the slide elements
  • Step 4: Aligning slides with the speech

Therefore, Slidecho uses an algorithmic methodology to extract the visual elements from the slides, converting them to an audio reading format whilst aligning it with the original speaker’s narration. Moreover, its interface instantiates new interactions that augment the plain video interface with synchronized slide information and audio notifications to alert users to undescribed elements.

This technological advance helps the audience better understand what is being presented, regardless of the context of the presentation. Imagine an award ceremony where many references apply to visual cues. People with visual impairments get half of the message, with luck, when presenters fall into colloquial language usage, not understanding the context or having to ask for clarification. If instead, the synced narration is available, we then talk about making presentations available for everyone. This is an accurate definition of enriching an event experience.

If we talk about attending to the needs of people with hearing impairments, we have to consider the social factor as a motivator in presentations. It is a common mistake to leave slides filled with text and voiceover narration in the background providing detailed information. A study made by Stanford University speaks about the value of having the presenter’s face available through these slides, as it delivers both social cues plus helps users through lip reading. The human factor also reduces distractions since the audience must check the presenter’s input on written slides.

Example of video instruction with lecture slides in the back - Effects on information retention, visual attention and affect.

Tip #1 – Be mindful of the presentation topic

It’s not the same to create a presentation for a business audience as an inspirational presentation. The category of the presentation shall determine items like

  • Background music
  • Color theme
  • Visual hierarchy
  • Videos to include

Tip #2 – Limit the number of words to include

The whole idea behind the video presentation is to make a dynamic presentation, not having to pause every 5 seconds to allow the spectator to read.

Instead, use words to transmit powerful messages, such as quotes relevant to the presented topic, key information, or CTAs. Use the 7×7 rule: no slide should have more than 7 lines of text, and no sentence should have more than 7 words. 

Tip #3 – Voiceovers can become your best friends

The whole point behind a video presentation is not to create a boring one-person video speaking in front of the camera. Use voiceovers effectively to introduce charts, data feedback, etc., with your voice connecting the points of the entire presentation.

Be mindful of the tone. A monotonous or flat tone can divert attention and induce people to ignore your work. Your voice skills should articulate the importance of the point being discussed as well as your interest in it.

Tip #4 – The power of transitions

Adding suitable transitions and animations makes the presentation more engaging . However, this isn’t equal to adding countless effects. Less is more.

Ask a professional for guidance if you don’t have experience with animation effects. The transition can be part of the conversation, being subtle if the presentation is flowing between data sets or similar topics, or contrasting and powerful to deliver a persuasive message. You may also want to insert a transition when you’ve used a video cutter to remove an unwanted part to smooth out the video flow. Don’t abuse any of the two extremes, or the audience may find it uncomfortable.

Tip #5 – Make video presentations accessible

As we mentioned before, quite often presenters assume the audience can understand every part of a video presentation. Reality tells us to attend to the needs of people with visual and auditory impairments by making audio and video media accessible .

Subtitles or translator screen-over using sign language is a perfect opportunity to help people with auditory impairments feel part of the presentation, making the message available to them as well. 

For people with visual impairments, be mindful about how you create the narrative for your presentation, in particular, avoiding visual cues like: “over here,” “this,” and “there” and gesticulating over an object or person, assuming everyone can get the same reference information. Instead, opt to be descriptive in your speech; software solutions can help a great deal, but you can also use native PowerPoint or Google Slides tools such as voiceovers .

How to create a video presentation & recommended video presentation templates

You can create your own video presentations as easily as using Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynotes, or Google Slides.

Check these links for relevant information on how to create a video presentation:

  • How to Convert a Google Slides Presentation to a Video
  • How to Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to a Video
  • How to Embed a YouTube Video in PowerPoint

In case you feel stuck about which content to input or how to make your video presentation outstanding, a brainstorming technique can do wonders for interactive presentations and creative thinking. It is known as the SCAMPER technique .

Since video presentation templates make our life easier, we also recommend you check the following product categories to access extremely visually appealing designs created by professionals to help you deliver your message in style:

  • Animated PowerPoint Templates
  • Animated Text Banner Templates
  • Academic PowerPoint Templates
  • Business PowerPoint Templates
  • Marketing PowerPoint Templates

Additionally, here you can preview some of our presentation templates that you can use to create a video presentation in PowerPoint.

1. Animated PowerPoint Charts Collection Template

Business Charts Template Slide

Present data in a visually appealing format by using this collection of animated charts in PowerPoint. Fully customizable, this template brings ease to speak about data-driven presentations; hence becoming a vital asset for any presenter in the corporate world.

Use This Template

2. Animated Network Diagram PowerPoint Template

video presentation advantages

Simplify the different streams that take part in your project or product release with the help of this animated template design. This Animated Network Diagram template can help you expose the processes that, with integrated effort, evolve into a successful outcome. It has animations applied to the objects, plus transitions to make the presentation more fluid.

Fully editable with any version of PowerPoint.

3. Free Animated Editable Professional Infographics PowerPoint Template

video presentation advantages

Infographics are a powerful tool that every presenter must consider for their work. This Free Animated Infographics template allows presenters to communicate complex data pieces, build marketing strategies, or prepare professional-looking reports. 

You can find a broad variety of charts and graphs. These are fully editable by using the chart filter option to edit on a spreadsheet.

4. Free Animated Editable Infographic PowerPoint Slides

3D Circular Stack Diagram PPT

If you intend to present financial data or KPIs for your marketing projects, look no further: this Free Animated Editable Infographic Template for PowerPoint has it all. 

Arranged in an 8-slide deck, we find a compendium of graphic elements to represent complex data in a visually compelling manner. Fully editable in all versions of PowerPoint

5. Free Animated Business PowerPoint Template

video presentation advantages

This versatile free presentation template for PowerPoint makes the perfect tool for more than business presentations: it works perfectly for educational video presentations and even inspirational video presentations.

With 9 fully editable slides, you can build your video presentation by using a unique combination of graphic elements, animations, and transitions. The graphics elements on this template are oriented to highlight leadership concepts.

6. Free Animated Business Infographics PowerPoint Template

video presentation advantages

Use this free template to create powerful statements backed by data in your video presentations. With a broad selection of graphs, diagrams, and charts, this fully editable template can help presenters to discuss topics ranging from demographics, economy, marketing indicators, or other relevant research results in an easy-to-understand format.

Compatible with all versions of PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote.

You also need to consider the output format of your video presentations. For maximum compatibility, you can use  MP4 or MOV. Other alternatives include:

  • MKV : The native format of most 4K videos due to being able to store multiple audio tracks. Ideal for presentations with different voiceover languages that presenters can pick from.
  • WMV : It’s a quality format for rendering videos to be shared via e-mail, although not compatible with some devices. Installing codecs is advised. 
  • WebM : This format is one of the preferred choices for online video libraries or live streaming services, but it can present compatibility issues. 

The answer to this question entirely depends on your aim for creating video presentations. For most presenters, PowerPoint and Google Slides will do a good job, allowing them to use features such as voiceovers, transitions, animations, and high-quality graphics.

If instead, you desire to make advanced effects, screen recordings, or toon-like animations with voiceovers, then you should check the following list of solutions:

  • Camtasia (Techsmith) : It is a professional video editing software, much lighter and easier to use than Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas. You can create professional transition or animation effects, work with layers to add multiple sounds or video sources and create screen recordings.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro : The industry-leading software in video editing. This often intimidating software by Adobe has all the requirements for professional video editing, plus full integration with third-party plugins or other software from the Adobe suite to enhance the video result.
  • Sony Vegas Pro : It is considered a direct competitor to Adobe Premiere Pro, less demanding in hardware requirements, and somewhat more user-friendly.
  • Final Cut Pro : For Mac users, this is the option to consider if we talk about video editing. Powerful and tailored for the hardware the Mac device has.

As we have seen in this article, video presentations are far from obsolete. It is a truly engaging method to divulge our ideas, especially if we target a younger audience. 

Take your time to write a compelling story to tell rather than spilling animations and transitions along the way. Professional-made video presentations always care about details and the takeaway message for the spectator. 

video presentation advantages

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video presentation advantages

5 Reasons to Use Video In Presentations

video presentations

If you’re looking for a way to get your presentation to stand out and really captivate your audience, look to the video. Not only are videos easy to publish inside of PowerPoint , but they can deliver results. Adding a video or two will break up your slides in a smooth and effective way that will keep your audience more focused and engaged with the overall content. Here are five ways that video presentations can make all the difference:

1. Tell stories and provoke emotional responses

Mother kissing her child by Nejron Photo

We’ve all witnessed either boring or stale presentations that are text-heavy and where every slide seems to resemble the previous one. It’s easy to improve the viewer’s experience through video, which utilizes sight and sound to reel the the audience in. We connect better through visual accompaniment. Moreover, it will lead to a more enjoyable experience producing the presentation, as a short clip will give someone a better idea of your vision or approach, and more efficiently. Everyone benefits.

2. Communicate more with less

Rising markets chart by Aaliya Landholt

Presentations often go long because the presenter tries to cram too much information into some of his or her slides. Take advantage of video to illustrate processes, movement, and growth. For example, instead of using a static graph to signal an upward tend, use one in motion. It’ll have a greater impact on the viewer. As we have become more reliant on technology in general, you should embrace video as an opportunity to more capably outline complex demonstrations and plot lines.

3. Increase purchase intent

Shopper paying for products by Dmitriy Shironsov

This one is for the business-minded folks. Surveys show that customers respond overwhelmingly more favorably to video ads than to print or banner ones. It’s become the way of the Web to hook people with pre-roll ads before their favorite TV shows or viral videos. If you’re presenting to a potential client, it’s worth investing in these methods of persuasion and brand awareness that have established a new landscape for marketers to reach people.

4. Create atmosphere and add drama

Soft and dynamic motion background by rpancake

It doesn’t have to be a clip or a chart that livens up your presentation — you can achieve the same effect through the use of a motion background. Add text over the moving background and it’s instantly more visually interesting than if it was standalone text. What’s important, though, is to choose a background that won’t be distracting and won’t overpower the other elements. Many textures and graphics come with copyspace built in, making it easy to insert your bullet points amid a more compelling graphic.

5. Break the monotony

Man surfing a wave by Paul Topp

The name of the game is variety. To maintain people’s attention for a long period of time, it requires you to anticipate where the trouble spots might occur. Once you reach a more dense or complicated section, quickly follow it up with a video that reinforces that message, making sure that the clip is both distinct and memorable. Viewers will be more likely to recall the information afterward if they have something to hold onto. Concepts and feelings prevail over words and stats, and video offers much-needed breaks in the action to let everything settle in.

Now that you know why you should opt for utilizing video as part of your presentations, check out how to easily add video to your PowerPoints !

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Your Guide to Video Presentations: Ideas, Benefits & How-To

Sep 1, 2023

The remote workforce has reshaped business dynamics, introducing both challenges and opportunities. Surprisingly, one aspect that remains unchanged is the mode of presentation. PowerPoint transitions seamlessly from the office to virtual meetings, yet unfortunately, static presentations fail to excite in this new digital space. Video presentations , on the other hand, offer a dynamic and engaging platform for sharing information effectively. According to Social Media Week , viewers retain 95% of a message conveyed through video.

2022-06 SEO-Blog-Post-Images Q2-Batch1 Video-Presentation-Ideas

How to Make an Eye-catching Video Presentation in Minutes | InVideo

  • video presentation

video presentation advantages

Video is now the undisputed king of mediums in business communication. HubSpot reports that 85% of companies use videos in their marketing efforts. From webinars to demos, from sales presentations to investor pitches, and from welcome videos to online tutorials, videos are the go-to channel. Clearly, video marketing  is on the surge.

And video presentations are among the most widely used formats for video marketing. But how exactly can you create winning video presentations, to begin with?

Simply by signing up to InVideo for business where you get tailor-made template and video editing services on demand so you can spend your time running your business. Sign up for a free demo here. 

Video Presentations Q&A

Before we get into the meat of our guide, let’s quickly answer a few commonly asked questions.

1. What is a Video Presentation?

A video presentation is a form of communicating with an audience with the aid of a video or completely using a video. The video could be made of PowerPoint slides , still images, animation, or actual video footage.

2. Why Should I use Video Presentations?

Common reasons for using videos as presentation aids include:

- Overcoming space/time limitations - Using video as a visual aide to drive your point home - Video enables you to compress a lot of information into a digestible size

3. How do I make a Video Presentation?

Thanks to the advancements in technology, making video presentations has become very easy. It has also become more affordable than it was a couple of years ago. While different video makers have different steps to take when making a video , here are the basic steps to follow:

- Come up with a concept for your presentation. - Craft an engaging script . - Decide on the visual assets (and format) you’ll use. - Use a professional video editing app to bring it all together. - Promote the video.

Pro tip: To make things even easier, you could sign up to InVideo for business and get presentations made for your brand using the editing-on-demand services.  Sign up for a free demo here . 

4. How do you begin a Presentation?

You can open your presentation in 7 ways:

1. Share an anecdote or short personal story. 2. Kick-off with a provocative statement. 3. Present a startling statistic or data. 4. Tell a good clean joke that suits the audience. 5. Ask a loaded rhetorical question. 6. Show the audience a compelling visual. 7. Hook people with a fascinating quotation.

5. How do you Make a Video Presentation with PowerPoint?

Turning a PowerPoint presentation into a video is easy. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: On the File  menu, select Save  to make sure you have saved all your recent work in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx).

Step 2: On the File  menu, select Save As .

Step 3: Select the folder location where you want to store your PowerPoint Show file.

Step 4: In the Save as type  box, choose PowerPoint Show (*.ppsx) .

PowerPoint Show Save as Options

Step 5: Select Save . That’s it.

Now that we’ve answered a few basic questions, let’s dig deeper into why videos are so powerful.

What Makes Video Presentations so Effective?

Why do they increase the impact of your message?

Well, it’s simple, really – people are visual creatures. This means we take in more information by watching than by reading. Remember the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”? Besides that, here are 4 other reasons video is so effective:

1. Conveys emotions better

No other communication channel conveys emotions better than video. That’s because video caters to the brain’s visual and auditory systems, helping the viewer pick up on cues like body language, facial expressions, imagery, and music.

2. Cements information better

According to research , people remember 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read. However, they remember a staggering 80% of what they experienced. In short, visuals are easier to remember than text or audio because they help your audience “experience” your message. It makes video an essential part of creating presentations your audience will remember for a long time.

3. Makes it easier to digest information

Especially when explaining complicated concepts, video is a great way to present information in an easy-to-understand way. Not only is the format easy to take in, but it also makes breaking down concepts easier.

4. Builds relationships fast

I’m sure you know the marketing mantra: people buy from people they know, like, and trust. Nothing beats video in making prospects or your audience know, like, and trust you…   fast. Video is an instant relationship builder. It’s the next best thing to live face-to-face communication.

A video is a great tool that has made it easier to communicate thoughts and ideas with people – not just in a room, but even across the globe.

6 Types of Video Presentations You Need to Know

Video presentations come in different flavors, depending on their purpose.

types of video presentations

1. Educational Presentations

These are mainly used in teaching and learning sets online or in a classroom setting. These make it easier for the teacher to convey information and the students to grasp the concepts.

Use this template

2. Sales Presentations

The field of sales has evolved tremendously in the past decade. With customers being savvier, sales reps must play the game well if they’re to bag sales. One way they can do that is by creating story-based sales video presentations.

Sell more with pro video presentations

Use 5000+ InVideo templates to get started

Sell more with pro video presentations

3. Investor Pitches

Need to woo an investor? One of the best ways to do that is by using a video pitch. This will help you present your business plan in a visually appealing way so they can easily grasp your business concept.

4. Promotional Videos

Whether you’re promoting an existing product or a new one, video is your best bet for getting eyeballs on your product (or cause). People relate better to what they can see, making video the best medium for presenting your promotions (like product reviews, for example).

5. Employee Training and Onboarding

Video presentations are great for conducting employee training and onboarding. One of the main reasons for this is that video helps reduce the resources spent on these 2 important aspects of employee relationship management.

6. Informational Videos

As the name suggests, the informational/how-to type of presentation serves to pass on important information. Why video in this case? Because it’s more engaging and can pack a lot of information in a short clip.

Pro tip: You can get tailor-made templates to create any kind of presentation for your brand or business using InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

How to create killer Video Presentations – 4 Tips

Now you know why video presentations are important and which scenarios to use them in. Now to the fun part – tips on creating killer video presentations. Let’s get to it, shall we?

Tip #1 - Know your Audience

how to create a killer video presentations - know your audience

The most important aspect of creating a stellar presentation is to know and understand your audience. Even if you use the best video presentation maker , if you don’t target a specific, clearly defined audience, your presentation will flop. Understanding your audience will help you:

A. Communicate effectively

Effective communication involves knowing the language and examples that resonate with your audience.

B. Choose the right visuals

Certain visuals are more impactful when used on a particular audience. Study those that your audience will easily understand and relate to.

C. Connect on an emotional level

No matter the type of presentation, it’s crucial to connect with your audience on an emotional level. And to do that, you need to understand the emotional triggers to push in your video presentation.

Invest in adequate audience research. While it may be time-consuming (and a bit costly), it will pay off in the end.

Idea #2 - Brainstorm video content ideas

Create Killer Video Presentations - Brainstorm Video Content Ideas

Now that you have gathered enough audience data, it’s time to brainstorm some content ideas. Whether you’re creating your talk solo or as a team, 3 crucial questions will lay the foundation of your brainstorming session:

1. What do you want the video to achieve? 2. Which emotions do you want the video to evoke? 3. What will visual elements help your video achieve its goal?

The answers to these questions will help guide your ideas. They are key to creating a killer video that your audience will love.

Tip #3 - Craft engaging scripts

Craft Engaging Scripts

Audience research? Check.

Great idea? Check.

Now we get to another interesting stage of creating great video presentations  – crafting an engaging script. Whether it’s a live presentation, a webinar, or even a product review, you’ll need a great script to ensure you keep your audience engaged.

Even if you love creating impromptu videos, having a script for your video presentations is important. And no, you need not be Quentin Tarantino to produce a great video script (although it won’t hurt to learn how to become a good copywriter). Here are 3 reasons a good video script is a must:

1) Helps structure your video

To ensure your video has a smooth and progressive flow, you’ll need a good script.

2) Eliminates “dead spots”

Dead spots, or moments of inactivity, are a great turn-off in a video. They reek of unprofessionalism and can lead to your audience disengaging. The best way to eliminate dead spots is to craft a solid video script .

3) Keeps you on track

It’s very easy to get sidetracked when creating a video . However, with a script, you minimize the instances of going off-topic.

Creating scripts for your videos is a best practice that shouldn’t be overlooked. If anything, invest more in your script than the visuals as a good script can save a video with poor visuals.

Pro-tip: Once you’re confident about your script, it is time to make things even more clear. A  storyboard will allow you to break down your video visually, scene by scene, describing what is happening in it.

Tip #4 - Invest in the Right Tools

video presentations right tools - InVideo

With video, one thing you should never skimp on is the tools you use, particularly your video editing software. While there is a gazillion free video editing software on the market, it’s highly recommended that you use a professional video editor . And that means going the paid route.

Why should you spend on a video editor when there are countless free options available? Here’s why:

A. Get more (professional) features

Creating professional-looking videos requires a lot of resources and features. Most free video editors lack the features that will enable you to create professional videos.

B. Avoid branding and ads

With video editing software, free is never free. That’s because you pay through being forced to include the video editors brand in your work. In other words, you pay by advertising for them. Besides branding, some free video editors may subject you to irritating in-app ads.

If there’s one thing that’s inevitable when it comes to software, it’s that one time or another you’ll encounter glitches. This is where paid video editors have a great advantage over their free counterparts – you’ll have access to customer support.

From hardware (like cameras) to software (like video editing software), the tools you use will determine the quality of your videos. Invest in professional tools, and your presentations will sweep your audience off their feet because they’ll be more polished.

Pro tip: If you don't have the time or bandwidth to find your way around an editing tool, simply sign up to InVideo for business and get presentations created using tailor-made templates and on-demand editing services. Sign up for a free demo here . 

Tip #5 - Adopt Video Presentation Best Practices

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when creating presentations . Most winning video presentations are based on common fundamental principles that work. Here are some you need to know:

1) Create impactful intros (and outros)

Your intro is the most important part of your presentation as it sets the tone for the rest of the talk. If you can’t engage your audience with your intro, you probably won’t get another chance to engage them.

2) Keep it short, sharp, and sweet

No matter how engaging your video is, always remember it’s not a movie. The point is to keep your audience engaged enough to pass on your information, no more no less.

3) Be professional

Don’t throw out your professional etiquette just because you’re on (or using) video. Maintain professionalism in your video presentations by, for example, using clean language and maintaining a good posture.

4) Use quality sound

Sound plays an integral part in presentations. Whether it’s music or speech, make sure it’s crisp, clear, and audible.

By following these (and other) video presentation best practices, success is inevitable. Remember, the presentation is not about you; it’s about your audience. So, ensure that your presentations provide a good user experience for your audience.

Make video presentations in minutes

With customizable InVideo templates

Make video presentations in minutes

Looking for a great Video Presentation Template? Here’s what you should consider

video presentation templates in InVideo

Templates are lifesavers. They help you create a decent presentation in a snap, even if you are a newbie.

Here are 3 simple questions to help you determine if a template is good:

1) Is it editable? – Are you able to change things like playback speed, effects, or text, so you produce something you like? Stay away from rigid templates that don’t give you the freedom to create with ease.

2) Is it customizable? – Can you design brand-specific clips using your company’s colors, fonts, and styling? Good templates give you wiggle room to include your brand’s specific needs.

3) Is it campaign-specific? – Different videos fit different scenarios. Ideally, you want templates tailored to your current campaign.  That way, you have less tweaking to do because the templates are close to what you want.

Pro Tip: Get more tailor-made templates for your video presentations by signing up to InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

5 Awesome Video Presentation ideas to bring The House Down

Presentation is both an art and science. Get the balance right, and you have the audience eating out of the palm of your hand. Here are some ideas to help you do just that.

Idea #1 - Tickle them with humor

Humor is a powerful learning tool.

According to studies by Physiology Org humor leads to learning because of it:

- Attracts and sustains attention. - Relieves tension and produces a relaxed atmosphere. - Enhances participation. - Increases retention and motivation. - Bonds the student and the teacher.

However, to reap all these benefits, the humor must be appropriate and on-topic. So spice up your presentation with a joke or two. The result? Your audience will laugh and learn.

Idea #2 - Use Relevant Examples

Effective presenters use timely, powerful illustrations.

The word illustration comes from the Latin term ‘illustration,’ which means illumination. So practical examples are like windows of your presentation. They let light in. They help people see or understand the material better.

Here are 5 questions to ask about your illustrations:

1. Are they relevant to the topic? 2. Are they suited to the audience? 3. Are they suited to the time limit? 4. Are they enlightening? 5. Are they well told?

Grab compelling examples from books, movies, TV shows, history, children, current events, and captivating real-life incidents. Use good illustrations ram your points home.

Idea #3 - Wield Questions like a Ninja

Questions are an integral part of learning.

Sharp questions aid learning. Plus, they keep listeners highly engaged.

Ask questions:

- At the beginning of your presentation to draw your audience in. - In the middle of the presentation to revive waning audience interest. - At the end of the talk, so the audience reflects on the material.

Also, allow the audience to ask questions. When your audience asks questions, they switch from passive spectators to active participants.

Idea #4 - Be Minimal

Have you ever sat through a presentation and felt:

- Dazed? - Confused? - Strained?

More than likely, the reason is the presenter drowned you in a blaze of inessential stuff. There was too much going on you couldn’t cope with.

Minimalism is removing all unnecessary material, leaving only the bare minimum needed to put your points across. It means using just enough text, visuals, scenes, or slides to make the point and no more. A minimal presentation is clean and uncluttered.

Simple yet intriguing. Plain but profound. Basic but punchy.

Most importantly, it makes learning easy and enjoyable.

Idea #5 - Connect emotionally with a story

Stories are speakers’ most powerful weapons. That’s because stories play a dual purpose –

- Engage intellectually - Connect Emotionally

And an emotional connection is key to bringing the house down with your presentation. Why?

An emotional connection:

- Endears you to your audience - Makes your presentation memorable - Inspires your audience to take action

By using a relevant story in your video presentation, you’ll ensure that your audience walks the entire journey with you from intro to outro.

6 PowerPoint Presentation tips to wow your audience

powerpoint presentation tips

No business video guide is complete without PowerPoint, the staple software for business presentations.

Here are 6 golden rules to help you nail your next PowerPoint presentation and leave your audience crying for more:

1. Keep Things Simple

Legendary artist Leonardo da Vinci once said something profound:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".

With the plethora of apps and templates at your disposal, you will be tempted to complicate things. Don’t. Keep things simple.

Simple design. Simple colors. Simple story.

People get swamped and confused by complicated stuff but easily absorb and appreciate straightforward material.

2. Good visual contrast

What use is your blockbuster presentation if the audience can’t see it?

You want people to enjoy your presentation, not endure it. If you use dark fonts on dark backgrounds or light fonts on light backgrounds, you’ll strain your audience’s eyes. They’ll struggle to see your lovely slides.

Classic black-on-white color contrast does just fine. You can use colors like red, blue, or yellow for headings and images. If you don’t like black and white, you can use other colors you prefer as long as the contrast of your combination is bold and strong.

3. Use a few words and animations

It’s easy to go overboard with fancy animations and a gushing stream of words. Only use as many words as it takes to get your point across and no more.

Too many words cause the audience to read rather than listen. Remember, your slides are there to compliment your talk, not substitute it. Also, a lot of words will fill up many slides that wear your audience down.

Ruthlessly cut out senseless animations that don’t add value to your talk.

4. Use excellent images

Images are to a presentation, what water is to fish. Without them, your presentation becomes bland. It lacks the needed fizz to keep your audience hooked. But only include relevant images.

Not only that. Above all, make sure all pictures are of high quality. Amateur-looking clip art causes the audience not to take you seriously.

Pro-tip: Get access to millions of stock assets and tailor-made templates with InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

5. Smooth and fast transitions

While PowerPoint transitions can make your presentation engaging, don’t overdo them, especially the advanced ones. Not only do they quickly drain power on weaker machines, but they also distract the audience. Stick to simpler and faster transitions like wipe or slide.

6. Avoid overloading your slides

In presentations, less is more.

Having a lot going on your screen confuses and overwhelms listeners.

Cramming too much info into your slides is a big no-no. Clutter is your enemy. Strip your slides down to essential words and images. Your audience will love you for it and leave you with many takeaways.

Pro looking Video Presentations – No longer an option

With Industry 4.0 fast coming into its own, going digital is no longer an option for businesses and speakers.

And one of the most important communication mediums in the digital age is video. That’s why you can’t afford to ignore video any more. Whether you’re speaking before a live audience or seeking to disseminate information to a global audience, video presentations are the way to go.

Need a great tool to create stunning video presentations? Then make sure to schedule a demo and see just how much you can do with InVideo for business. 

Let’s create superb videos

Why Video is Important: What You Need to Know

video presentation advantages

Justin Simon

video presentation advantages

Table of contents

Why video is important.

  • The four E’s of great video content

Video is now a requirement, not a recommendation

Are you ready to start making videos, subscribe to techsmith’s newsletter.

These days organizations are expected to create all types of content:

  • Infographics
  • Presentations
  • Social media posts

It’s not a matter of one solution being right and the other wrong. But when you consider what type of content to create, video should be on the top of your list.

According to Demand Metric, in partnership with Vidyard , 83% of survey respondents said that video is increasing in importance.

And this doesn’t just apply to marketers.

A video is ideal to use any time there are many steps, or the process involves movement. This why video is becoming a key tool for marketing , sales, training, and support teams.

Today you’re going to learn exactly why video is the most important type of content you can create this year (and what videos you can start making today ).

If you’re still wondering if video is worth the hassle, I hope we’ll be able to convince you to get started.

First, understand that video is demand from consumers. Learning and educational content alone drives over a billion views a day on YouTube.

According to Wyzowl’s State of Video Marketing Survey 68% of people say they’d like to learn about a new product or service by watching a short video.

video presentation advantages

That a big opportunity for you to create valuable content around what people are searching for.

Wyzowl’s research reveals that video is much more desirable than text-based articles (15%), infographics (4%) presentations (4%) ebooks, or manuals (3%) for learning information.

video presentation advantages

But why exactly are videos becoming more popular compared to the rest of the options?

Look no further than The Four E’s of Video:

The four E’s of great video content

video presentation advantages

To get a better view of the video and business landscape, we recently sat down with Vidyard’s VP of Marketing, Tyler Lessard and he shared with us what he feels makes video much more effective than other content mediums.

When comparing video to other types of content, Tyler says there are four qualities, the Four E’s of Video as he calls them, that video has to stand out amongst a sea of choices.

And videos that have these qualities are especially powerful in a business environment .

So, why video? Because good videos are:

1. Engaging

“Our brains are hard-wired to engage in storytelling, as a narrative arc compared to other forms. And video is a great way to tell a story and engage.”

There’s a reason that often times the best communicators are the best storytellers. People are drawn to a good story. The better you are at telling a story with your video content, the better your video will be received.

2. Emotional

“There’s an opportunity to connect more emotionally with prospects and buyers through video as a medium…having people on camera and connecting can stimulate different kinds of emotions that the written word can’t.”

A video, even if it’s just your voice over a screen recording, provides valuable context that cannot be gained from text alone. Videos let you establish authority and a more personal feel to your message.

You will be far more likely to connect on an emotional level with your audience if you use video versus another content type.

3. Educational

“Our brains process visual information faster than text. We store either long-term memory and text the short-term memory and so on. And, so there are lots of reasons why video is a great educational medium and can be more memorable.”

In today’s world, organizations must put an emphasis on providing educational videos to employees .

In fact, according to  Forrester Research , employees are 75% more likely to watch a video than to read documents, emails, or web articles. If you want something communicated effectively throughout your organization a video is a go-to medium.

video presentation advantages

4. Empathetic

“The ability to establish greater empathy with our audience by, again, putting the human face out there…I think video and having real people talk to you about solving real problems, in real language goes a long way.”

Not only do you want to help your audience with your video, but you want to show that you truly care about the problem they are having and how you can help solve it. The more authentic you are with your audience the more likely they are to see you as a trusted guide.

Whether you work in a large organization, a small business, or educational institution you can’t avoid it, video is now a must.

But it can be daunting to even know where to begin.

That’s why one of the best videos to start with is an instructional video .

These videos simply show off your knowledge to someone else. Whether you need to demonstrate a technical process for a new product feature or teach your new coworker how to use her email, a video is a great way to communicate.

Over half of the most common type of videos that marketers are investing in are a type of instructional video . That gives you a lot of good videos to start with.

video presentation advantages

Here are a few ‘how-to’ guides we’ve put together to help you get started:

  • Explainer video
  • Product Videos
  • Tutorial videos
  • How-to / Educational videos
  • Process videos
  • Screencast videos
  • Training videos

Camtasia is built for anyone who needs to make any kind of screen recorded video and has a ton of help videos to get you started. We make 100% of our tutorials and other screencasts using Camtasia.

Additional Resources

How to create a video storyboard, how to make a youtube channel: step-by-step guide, snagit vs. camtasia: which screen recorder is right for you.

video presentation advantages

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Communication Gap

The Importance of Video in Presentations

Chetan saiya.

video presentation advantages

It’s no secret that videos are a valuable way of communicating information. With attention spans dropping and the need to get larger amounts of information across in a shorter period, a well-placed video can take your presentation to the next level.

While many presentation software programs may not support seamless video integration, you really can’t afford to not make this an important consideration when making your purchasing decisions.  What is the cost of not using video in all of your corporate presentations ?

According to eMarketer, YouTube will bring in $1.13 billion in video ad revenue this year, or roughly 19% of the US digital advertising business . Any CMO would agree that video is the most powerful digital marketing tool available.

With that said, surprisingly most companies don’t use video in their presentation. Powerpoint makes this challenging, and sending large attachments with embedded video files can also be a pain. No sales executive ever wants to be in a pitch and navigate to a slide with a big red X on it.

Read more on : What is the Best Way to Deliver Presentations with Authenticity ?

Online presentations

Reasons why video is key:

The emotional resonance of video.

Its unparalleled ability to convey emotion is at the heart of video’s dominance in presentations. Unlike any other medium, video engages both the visual and auditory senses, creating a powerful channel for emotional and informational content . Through the nuanced conveyance of body language, facial expressions, and music, video forms an emotional bridge to the viewer, influencing decisions and actions in a way static images and text simply cannot. This emotional connection is pivotal in decision-making processes, as the human brain is wired to respond to narrative and emotional cues.

Read more on  How to Prepare a Sales-Focused Research Presentation

Educating and Engaging Consumers

In a world of information, capturing and retaining audience attention is paramount. Over 60% of consumers are willing to invest at least two minutes watching a video that educates them about a product they are interested in purchasing, according to MarketingCharts. This statistic underscores the video’s exceptional ability to engage viewers, making it a critical tool for presenters aiming to inform and persuade. Furthermore, video dubbing extends this engagement, breaking language barriers and making content accessible to a broader audience, thereby enhancing comprehension and relatability.

Simplifying Complexity

One of the video’s most significant advantages is its ability to demystify complex or abstract concepts from just fonts and images. Through visual demonstration, shoppable videos can illuminate intricate topics, such as the workings of a new software tool, more effectively than the most eloquent verbal description. This clarity not only aids understanding but also ensures the retention of information, a key objective in any presentation.

Professionalism and Personal Touch

Incorporating high-quality video content can markedly elevate the professionalism of a presentation. A well-produced video signals attention to detail and a commitment to quality attributes highly valued in professional contexts. Simultaneously, video offers a unique opportunity to infuse presentations with a personal touch. By allowing presenters to connect with their audience on a human level, video fosters a sense of intimacy and engagement that static slides cannot replicate.

Read more on : How to Hand Over A Presentation to the Next Person?

The Versatility of Video

The adaptability of video as a presentation tool is unmatched. Whether used to kickstart a discussion, underscore a critical point, or visualize data, the video’s flexibility enhances its value. This versatility enables presenters to craft messages that are not only informative but also memorable and engaging.

A new infographic from Wyzowl shows that only 10% of people remember what they hear. Reading doesn’t help much either since only about 20% of people remember what they read. But conversely, 80% of people remember what they see and do. And it’s more than just that. They also learned that visuals are processed 60,000 faster than text and that 93% of communication is nonverbal. Check out the full infographic below (Click the image to see a larger version)

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The Power of Visual Communication Infographic via Wyzowl

For more information on CustomShow’s presentation software, connect with us here . If you’re interested in design information, connect with our partner design agency SalesGraphics.

Read more on: What do you Need to Think About Before Designing the Presentation?

Every good presentation is a good presentation builder that fits the intricacies and identity of your organization. At CustomShow, we believe our presentation software can do just that. Overall, the importance of video in presentations cannot be overstated. Whether you are giving a presentation at work, in school, or to a group of friends, video is a powerful tool that can help you to engage and educate your audience in a way that is both effective and enjoyable.

Read more on : When Creating a Presentation Based on Lots of Data, What Principle Should You Bear in Mind

video presentation advantages

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Let us show you how customshow does so much more than powerpoint & google slides for your business presentations..

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Top 8 Benefits of Video Lectures in the Classroom

Before diving into the world of e-Learning, consider the remarkable benefits of incorporating video presentations into your classroom. By leveraging the power of video lectures, you can elevate the teaching experience and foster a more engaging and effective learning environment for your students.

Enhanced Accessibility

Flexibility in learning schedules.

Grant your students the freedom to learn at their convenience. By uploading video lectures online and sharing the links, you allow students to tailor their learning schedules to better suit their individual needs.

Individualized Pace of Learning

Recognizing that each student learns at their own pace, video lectures provide a solution for personalized learning experiences. This flexibility maximizes the effectiveness of e-Learning by accommodating the diverse learning speeds of your students.

Versatile Applications

While video lectures are commonly associated with distance learning, they also bring innovation to in-class teaching. Embrace this versatility to captivate your students and inspire your colleagues with a modern and engaging approach to education.

Effortless Delivery

Simplify the dissemination of learning materials by effortlessly uploading video lectures to the Web or Learning Management System (LMS). Alternatively, distribute content via CD or email, ensuring unlimited access for your students.

Ensuring Continuous Learning

Should a student miss a live lecture, provide them with the link to the recorded video or maintain an accessible online repository for all students. This ensures that everyone stays on track with the curriculum.

Encouraging Self-Study

Elevate your interactive video lectures by referencing additional materials and resources for self-study. Consider recording supplementary lectures that complement in-class activities, providing students with valuable resources for independent learning.

Self-Reflection and Improvement

Video lectures serve not only as a learning tool for students but also as a valuable resource for teachers. Reviewing recorded lectures allows educators to assess and enhance their presentation skills, fostering continuous professional development.

In summary, integrating video lectures into your teaching toolkit offers a myriad of advantages, empowering both you and your students to embrace a more flexible, engaging, and effective learning experience.

Related Articles

  • What type of video lecture should I choose?
  • How to record a video lecture with PowerPoint
  • How to Create A Video Lecture with iSpring

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video presentation advantages

From ideas to screen: How to make presentation videos that shine

video presentation advantages

What type of content do you primarily create?

Visuals can mean the difference between a killer presentation and a lost opportunity.

For salespeople, it’s difficult to close a deal without business presentations to back up your pitches. For marketers and business owners, video presentations help communicate ideas and share results from projects to ensure future success. 

Customers also love high-quality visuals, like branded explainer videos and product tours. They’re the fuel that drives eight in 10 people to make online purchases. 

But what makes a good presentation? And how can you engage viewers throughout your video? This guide covers what you need to know about creating video presentations, no matter the purpose.

What is a video presentation ?

A video presentation refers to a sequence of visuals combined with audio to convey information, arguments, ideas, or narratives. It can be about a product, service, internal business reports, or even a topic of interest.

Video presentations can range from simple slideshow-style videos with voiceovers to more complex productions involving animations, live-action footage, music, sound effects , and more.

A good video presentation provides information clearly and concisely. But the best video presentations engage your target audience with professional video quality: a good camera and mic, skilled editing, and a confident presenter. 

There are a ton of different types of video presentation formats you can choose from, including:

  • Animated explainer videos
  • Employee onboarding videos
  • Screen recordings
  • Training videos
  • Product demos
  • Microsoft PowerPoint presentations with a talking head
  • Sales presentations
  • Awards presentations

Benefits of a video presentation 

These are great reasons to put in the effort to produce this type of video content.

Enhanced engagement

Video recordings—whether on social media or hosted on your website—are great for engagement and getting your audience’s attention. Wyzowl found that 95% of marketers have said video marketing has helped them increase brand awareness, 90% say it has helped generate leads, and 87% said it has helped them increase sales.

Visual clarity

There's a reason many people suggest something like "If you can learn it, you'll find it on YouTube." The presentation video format is unique in its ability to teach and demonstrate, similar to the in-person experience you'd get with a tutor or salesperson. 

The same Wyzowl report found that 96% of marketers say videos have helped increase user understanding of products and services. In short: video helps customers retain your information.

Global reach and accessibility

Video presentations are a great way to reach a global audience. More than half of people say they’re more likely to share a video with others than any other type of content. 

A video presentation is also better for accessibility than other content types. With video editing software , you can:

  • Easily add subtitles and annotations to your video footage for those with hearing loss.
  • Add an audio description voiceover for those with sight loss.
  • Change the color filters for those with color blindness.

Personal connection

Building a personal connection with your audience is critical for overall brand engagement. A video presentation, especially one with a person in the video, helps you do that. Research shows that students have positive feelings for videos presented by an instructor, for example.

How to create a video presentation

Step 1. plan and prepare.

Proper planning and preparation can help the rest of your presentation creation process run smoothly. 

Think about what you’ll say, and use a storyboard to build out a visual plan of your presentation ideas. Storyboarding your presentation, instead of making it on the fly, will help you stay focused when you fire up your presentation software. (You don’t need to be an artist; just set out the scenes in a way that makes sense to you.)

At this point, start writing the video script for your presentation. You’ll know what to say and when to say it, and won’t fill your presentation up with filler words like “um” and pauses when trying to think about what to say next. 

Step 2. Gather resources

After you’ve completed your paper storyboard and script, it’s time to go digital. With Descript, you can build your slideshows into the video editor just like any slideshow tool . 

To create a presentation video in Descript:

  • Hit New project .
  • Import any media (images, infographics, short video clips, GIFs, or sounds) you want to include in your presentation.
  • Drop your visuals into the script and edit them into a sequence, or work scene by scene by adding a / at the beginning of each slide.
  • Add the background of your presentation, then your script in the left panel.
  • Add captions to your presentation by hitting the T icon at the top and choosing Captions.

When you've set up all your slides, you can get fancier and add transitions, extra media, and special effects later.

But maybe you’d prefer to create the presentation using more familiar software, like Prezi, PowerPoint slides, or Google Slides. In that case, you can import the presentation into Descript later or use its screen recording functionality. (If you upgrade your Descript plan, you can create your own video presentation templates to use over and over again, if that’s your style.)

Step 3. Record your presentation video

With your slides all set up, it’s time to turn them into a video. This step is pretty straightforward if you’ve used Descript to make the presentation slides. All you’ll need to do is go to the beginning of the presentation and hit the Record button at the top of the screen:

 If, like in the image example above, you’ve written your script into the scenes, change the default setting Record into script to Record new layer . This preserves your script so you can read from it whil recording your presentation video. 

Decide if you want to record a voiceover only (leaving the record option as Audio only ), or add a floating head video with your webcam to show yourself as the speaker by clicking the Screen option. Either way, go through your script as the slides move along. 

If you created your presentation in another software like Google Slides, there may be no built-in option to record your presentation over the slides. In that case, use Descript’s screen recorder to film your screen with audio. The video file will be ready and waiting for you in the video editor when you finish recording.

Step 4. Edit and enhance

At this point, you’ve got the basic presentation down. It’s time to bring out your inner filmmaker and turn the slideshow into something special. 

With Descript’s free video editor, you can:

  • Add title screens to introduce your presentation.
  • Choose from a library of background music.
  • Change the fonts of your captions and any other text layer.
  • Add cool slide transitions.
  • Improve audio quality with Studio Sound .

Descript’s video editing is different (and easy) since you can edit the video using the script instead of a traditional timeline editor. This makes the process super efficient since you can quickly identify what needs cutting. Simply delete the part of the script you don’t want, and the accompanying video will disappear.

Step 5. Review and fine-tune your video

What makes Descript extra special is the ability to edit your audio by taking out filler words you might have accidentally recorded. Remove “ums,” “uhs,” and awkward pauses in a single click with filler word removal . 

If, like me, you also have a habit of forgetting to say something important, you can use Descript's Overdub feature to add those few missed words without re-recording the whole scene. The software will create an AI clone of your voice to fix audio mistakes. 

With your video presentation fine-tuned, you’re ready to save and share it with the world. Click the Publish button in the top right corner and download the MP4 file, or export it directly to a platform like YouTube or Wistia.

6 key elements for crafting a great video presentation

Now you know the practical how-tos of making a presentation video, let’s look at some key elements that turn a good video presentation into a great one. 

Clear and engaging content

Visual appeal, narration and voice quality, engagement techniques, structure and flow.

  • Audience-centric approach 

No one likes feeling confused. If your presentation isn’t clear, you’ll end up frustrating your audience. A nice trick for clarity is to imagine you’re explaining your presentation to a child; don’t use big words to sound smart. Presentations that are clear from the start are naturally more engaging.

Gone are the days of 360p Nokia footage. Even if you don’t have a professional camera setup, you can still record a video on a PC, phone, or webcam with high quality. But don’t forget about the images and text overlays. No one wants to try deciphering pixelated visuals—use the highest quality video resolution you can.

Even the best-quality video presentation can be ruined by bad audio. Poor-quality narration is hugely frustrating to viewers. Prioritize your audio quality, especially for information-rich videos like presentations, and use Studio Sound to remove distracting background noise from your presentation video.

When it comes to video presentations, you should think like a salesperson. You can't expect your audience to believe the information you give them if they don't trust you. Engage your audience by telling a personal story, describing relatable scenes, or emphasizing important points throughout your video.

Treat your presentation like a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Information should flow nicely from one point to the next. Do a test run through your slides before you start recording to ensure any questions don't crop up prematurely because the viewer thinks you haven't covered it (when you do a few slides later). 

Learn: Narrative structure: How to compose the best story for your footage

Audience-centric approach

It's pretty much always to the audience's benefit when you make a presentation video, so you shouldn't focus too much on yourself. Address your audience's needs and go above and beyond to answer any questions they may have. Otherwise, why would they listen to you?

5 tips to help you craft remarkable video presentations

Now we know what makes a great presentation video, here are five bonus presentation tips to create yours. 

1. Practice and rehearse

You won’t always get it right the first time, and that’s okay. But the more you practice before hitting record, the better your presentation video will be—and the less legwork you’ll need to do throughout the video editing process.

2. Invest in good equipment

Top-notch equipment makes your life easier throughout the video creation process. Replace your webcam with your iPhone to improve picture quality, and invest in editing tools that allow you to record and edit in the same dashboard.

3. Optimize lighting

Another area where you can improve the quality of your video is the lighting technique . If you have the budget, you can use a simple ring light, but if you don’t have the cash to invest in video equipment, use natural light (such as a window) behind your camera.

4. Engage with eye contact

If someone was talking to you and they weren’t looking at you, you’d probably be a little confused or uncomfortable, right? It’s the same with video. Look into the camera when making video presentations to simulate real eye contact with your audience. If you forget, use Descript’s Eye Contact AI effect to fix it.

5. Keep it concise

If you waffle on with unnecessary information or get sidetracked on a story, you’ll lose your audience’s attention, and they’ll click away or switch off. Stick to your video script and keep your presentation concise.

Elevate your video presentations with Descript

Creating an informative and engaging video presentation isn’t the easiest task in the world. You’ve got to know your audience and what they want, present the information confidently, and do it with visually appealing content.

With Descript, you can take your presentation video to the next level with an editing experience that allows you to:

  • Record your screen on a Mac or Windows device
  • Create and record slides (with voiceover) in one dashboard
  • Remove filler words with a single click
  • Use Studio Sound to remove background noise from your presentation
  • Turn your presentation into a YouTube video, or download it as an MP4 file

Take a free tour of Descript and see why thousands of creators love its video editing platform.

How to make presentation videos FAQ

How do i make a presentation video for free.

  • Choose a slideshow software like Descript
  • Create your slides
  • Add transitions 
  • Record your voiceover
  • Edit your presentation
  • Share your video 

How do I video myself when presenting a PowerPoint?

Use PowerPoint’s built-in recording feature and choose the “Cameo” option to record yourself when presenting. Or, use Descript’s screen recording feature and have the presentation ready for editing when you finish recording. 

How do I make an audio-video presentation?

If you don’t want to record yourself on video, use a screen recorder to film your presentation slides. Video presentation makers like Descript allow you to record a voiceover.

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Tips for Creating the Best Video Presentation

Video presentations are a useful communication tool in a variety of use cases. They are efficient, engaging, and easy to produce. Use them for product demos, stakeholder reports, training, sales, or any other situation where clear messaging is required.

Here is everything you need to know to create the best video presentation.

Video Presentation Benefits

Video presentations are:

  • Cost-effective –It costs next to nothing to produce a video presentation. You don’t need specialized equipment or software, just video creation tools and elementary media production skills.
  • Shareable –You can share video presentations across different channels with minimal adjustments. Use them on websites, social media, email, live chat, or events.
  • Engaging –Watching a video is more engaging than reading a summary on a topic. It engages more of our senses and drives us towards action more easily.
  • Informative –Video presentations can explain difficult concepts and ideas in an easy-to-understand way. They accomplish this by utilizing images, animation, graphs, text, speech, and other media elements.

Video Presentation Types

There are several kinds of video presentation. Here are the 5 most common types:

  • Sales presentation – Used for pitching products to customers by showcasing the item’s features, benefits, and use-cases.
  • Educational presentation – Used for educating viewers about a topic, event, or technique.
  • Training presentation – Used for teaching employees essential workplace skills.
  • Business planning presentation – Used for summarizing business plans and achievements.
  • Fundraising presentation – Used for generating interest for a business venture.

How to Create an Effective Video Presentation in 5 Steps

To create an effective video presentation, follow these 5 steps.

1. Create an Outline

Start by writing an outline. This will be your guide through the rest of production. A good outline should specify the following:

  • Main topic –What is the presentation about? Why is it useful?
  • Target audience – Which demographic group do they belong to? What is their level of education? What are their expectations for the presentation?
  • Goal – What is the purpose of the presentation? Generating interest in a product? Attracting investors? Teaching a skill?
  • Duration –  Is the presentation short-form or long-form? Will it have multiple parts?
  • Key takeaways – What are the key points the audience will take away from the presentation?

2. Write a Script

Once you have your outline ready, start working on the script. There are two ways to go about this. You can either start with a rough audio recording, or write the script from scratch. 

Some people find it easier to start with an improvised version of the presentation, and then edit out the parts that don’t mesh well with the rest of the material.  Others prefer to write a demo version of the script, do a test presentation, and then edit based on feedback.

Both approaches require a lot of iteration, but this is preferable to working with an unpolished script.

3. Assemble Media Assets

Next, assemble the assets you will use as supplementary material during the presentation. Most video presentations use a combination of images, clip art, graphs, geometric shapes, and animations. Most of these can be acquired for free on stock image websites.

Audio assets such as music or sound effects are used more rarely, but they work really well in some video presentation types. Sales and marketing video presentations are the notable examples here. If you want to add audio assets to your presentation, use something subtle and non-intrusive. Audio is there to enhance the experience, not take center stage.

4. Record the Narration

In this phase you will record the narration for your presentation. Professional narrators can really bring life to a presentation, but any subject-matter expert should do an adequate job. Record in a sound-proof environment if possible, and use a quality mic.

5. Produce and Edit the Video

After you’ve assembled the assets and finalized the script, the next step is production. Most video presentations follow the slide-show format. Each slide elaborates a single concept through images, text, and narration. In this case, production simply involves adding the elements to individual slides.

A more complex approach would be to use the explainer video format. Here you would combine footage of the speaker, b-roll footage, animations, transition effects, and other visuals to create a more engaging video presentation.

10 Video Presentation Tips

That covers the basic of making a video presentation. In addition to this broad guideline, there are specific techniques that can improve the quality of your presentation. Here are 10 tips to keep in mind:

  • Share an anecdote during the introduction. This will help break the ice, and it will make the speaker more relatable to the audience.
  • Share interesting facts, statistics, and other kinds of hard data. This will make your presentation feel grounded in reality.
  • Show compelling visuals. You can use creative misdirection – present an image, ask the audience to think about it, and then subvert their expectations by providing an unlikely explanation.
  • Keep the presentation short. It’s better to have a presentation that is short but memorable, than one that is exhaustively informative, but long.
  • Use an online video creation tool for production. You will save on costs, and the results will be on par with anything you can accomplish in professional software.
  • Use visual contrast to highlight important information.
  • Be sparse with animation and other visual effects. It will help them stand out.
  • Use high-resolution images if possible. This will make the presentation scale better to screen of different size.
  • Use subtle transitions between frames. Transition effects can be quite jarring after staring at a static slide for minutes at a time.
  • Avoid adding too much information to the slides. This will make them illegible, leaving the audience to rely on your voice as the sole source of information.

Creating video presentations is an essential business skill. With the right tools and a bit of creativity, you can create video presentations for any occasion. If you want to put what you’ve learned to practice, try making a video presentation on Binumi. The template system combined with free stock assets and effects makes it easy to create video presentations in minutes. You can use Binumi to create other business video types as well – sign up for free and start creating quality video content.

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15 Video Presentation Ideas: Engaging Your Audience Like Never Before

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In today’s digital age , video presentations have become an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike. Whether you’re delivering a sales pitch, presenting a project, or teaching a class, a well-designed video presentation can make all the difference in engaging your audience and delivering your message effectively. However, coming up with innovative and captivating video presentation ideas can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 15 video presentation ideas to inspire and help you create a memorable video presentation.

What is a Video Presentation?

Information, ideas, or messages can be visually represented in a video presentation. It’s a great tool for communicating difficult concepts in a way that’s interesting and accessible to the audience. There are plenty of uses for video presentations.

  • Marketing and sales
  • Education and training
  • Corporate communication
  • Entertainment

7 Steps H ow to Create a Video Presentation

Creating a video presentation can seem like a daunting task, but it is easier than you think. Here are the steps you need to follow to create a successful video presentation:

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Who is your target audience? What are their interests, needs, and preferences? Understanding your audience will help you create a presentation that is relevant and engaging.

2. Define Your Message

What is the message you want to convey? What do you want your audience to learn or take away from your presentation? Defining your message will help you stay focused and ensure that your presentation is clear and concise.

3. Create an Outline

Once you have identified your audience and defined your message, it’s time to create an outline. Your outline should include the main points you want to cover in your presentation, as well as any supporting information or visuals you plan to use.

4. Write Your Script

With your outline in hand, it’s time to write your script. Your script should be conversational and easy to understand. It should also be engaging and persuasive, with a clear call to action. You can use ChatGPT for this to make it quicker but more effective.

5. Choose Your Visuals

Visuals are an essential part of any video presentation. They help to illustrate your message and keep your audience engaged. Choose visuals that are relevant to your message and that support your key points. Custom visuals are ideal but you can also look for stock footage and images.

6. Record Your Presentation

With your script and visuals in hand, it’s time to record your presentation. Make sure to rehearse your script and practice your delivery before recording.

7. Edit and Finalize

Once you have recorded your presentation, it’s time to edit and finalize it. This is where you can add any additional visuals or effects, adjust the timing and pacing, and make any final tweaks. You can get an idea of what is missing by using computer mockups to visualize your creation.

Benefits of Video Presentations

Video presentations offer several benefits over traditional presentations, including:

Increased Engagement

Unlike traditional presentations, video presentations incorporate visuals, audio, and text to deliver a message in a more dynamic and interactive way. By engaging multiple senses, video presentations are able to captivate and maintain the attention of viewers for longer periods of time, which can help to increase information retention.

Improved Retention

Visual aids like photos, graphs, and charts can help to illustrate crucial points and make them easier to learn and recall. Meanwhile, audio can serve to reinforce knowledge and provide additional context, both of which can help with information retention. With a multitude of sensory cues, video presentations can provide viewers with a more immersive and memorable experience.

Greater Reach

Because video presentations can be quickly shared and distributed online, they can reach a considerably bigger audience than traditional presentations. This is especially beneficial for firms trying to reach out to new clients or market their products or services to a larger audience. Businesses can access new audiences and expand their reach beyond their local area by making video presentations available online. Additionally, video presentations can be included in an online catalogue , making them easily accessible to a broader audience and allowing viewers to browse through a variety of presentations at their convenience, further enhancing the reach and impact of your message

Increased Conversions

Video presentations are more effective than traditional presentations at persuading viewers to take action. This is because videos may make an emotional connection with viewers and convey a message more effectively. Video presentations can drive viewers to take action and make a purchase , join up for a service, or take any other desired action by using storytelling techniques and establishing a sense of urgency. Moreover, you can leverage videos by converting them  into shoppable videos . With the effective use of Call-To-Actions (CTAs), you can thereby increase your chances of making your customers convert even more. A study shows that with the utilization of shoppable videos, you can increase your chances of conversion by  30% .

8 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Video Presentations

When creating a video presentation, there are a number of common mistakes that you should be aware of and take steps to avoid. Some of the most important mistakes to avoid include:

1. Using too much text on slides

When creating slides for your video presentation, avoid using too much text. This can overwhelm viewers and make it difficult for them to engage with your message. Instead, use images, graphics, and other visual elements to illustrate key points and break up the text.

2. Speaking too quickly or too slowly

Speaking too quickly can make it difficult for viewers to follow along while speaking too slowly can be boring. Practice your delivery ahead of time to find the right pace that allows your audience to easily understand your message.

3. Not practicing enough

Failing to practice your presentation ahead of time can lead to mistakes or stumbles during the actual recording. Take the time to practice your delivery and become familiar with your content, so you feel confident and prepared during the presentation.

4. Not considering the audience’s perspective

When creating your presentation, it’s important to consider your audience’s interests and knowledge level. This allows you to tailor your content to their needs and make it more engaging for them.

5. Using low-quality visuals or audio

Poor audio or video quality can distract from your message and make it difficult for viewers to engage with your presentation. Make sure your visuals and audio are of high quality to keep your audience’s attention.

6. Not ending the presentation on a strong note

A strong ending is key to leaving a lasting impression on your audience. You can end a video presentation on a strong note by summarizing key points, ending with a call to action, or leaving the audience with a memorable quote or visual.

7. Failing to tailor your presentation to your audience

To make your presentation more engaging, you should consider your audience’s interests, needs, and knowledge level. This allows you to create content that is relevant to them and keeps them engaged throughout.

8. Not having a clear structure or message

Your presentation should have a clear structure and message that is easy for viewers to follow and understand. Make sure your content is organized and flows logically, so your audience can easily follow your message.

By being aware of these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, you can create a more effective and engaging video presentation that effectively communicates your message and resonates with your audience.

15 Best Video Presentation Ideas

1. interactive whiteboard presentation.

Create a presentation that engages your audience and invites involvement using an interactive whiteboard. This style of presentation enables you to draw, write, and add images in real time, making it excellent for brainstorming sessions or classroom instruction.

2. Kinetic Typography Presentation

Kinetic typography is a technique that uses animated text to deliver your message. This type of presentation is perfect for showcasing quotes or highlighting key points in your message.

3. Explainer Video

An explainer video is a short video that explains a concept or product in an engaging way. This type of video can be used for marketing purposes, or to teach a concept in a classroom setting.

4. Screen Recording Presentation

A screen recording presentation is ideal for showcasing software or a digital product. This type of presentation allows you to record your screen while demonstrating the product, making it easy for your audience to follow along.

5. Storytelling Presentation

A storytelling presentation uses a narrative to convey your message. This type of presentation is great for capturing your audience’s attention and creating an emotional connection.

6. Motion Graphics Presentation

Motion graphics presentations use animated graphics to deliver your message. This type of presentation is ideal for showcasing complex data or statistics in an engaging and visually appealing way.

7. Live Streaming Presentation

Live streaming presentations allow you to connect with your audience in real-time. This type of presentation is perfect for webinars or Q&A sessions, as it allows for direct interaction with your audience.

8. Testimonial Video

A testimonial video is a great way to showcase the success of your product or service. This type of video features satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with your product or service.

9. Virtual Tour Presentation

A virtual tour presentation is a great way to showcase a physical space or location. This type of presentation allows your audience to explore and experience the space from the comfort of their own device.

10. Animated Video Presentation

An animated video presentation uses animated characters or objects to deliver your message. This type of presentation is perfect for conveying complex ideas in a fun and engaging way.

11. Product Demo Video

A product demo video showcases the features and benefits of your product. This type of video is ideal for marketing purposes, as it allows potential customers to see the product in action.

12. Documentary-Style Video Presentation

A documentary-style video presentation tells a story through real-life footage and interviews. This type of presentation is great for showcasing the impact of your product or service on real people.

13. Infographic Video Presentation

An infographic video presentation uses visual representations of data to deliver your message. This type of presentation is perfect for showcasing complex statistics or data in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand way.

14. Picture Slideshow Presentation

A picture slideshow presentation uses images to tell a story or convey a message. This type of presentation is great for personal or creative projects, as it allows you to showcase your photography or artwork in a visually appealing way.

15. Collaborative Video Presentation

A collaborative video presentation allows multiple presenters to contribute to the same video. This type of presentation is great for team projects or panel discussions, as it allows for a diverse range of perspectives to be presented.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, video presentations are an excellent way to engage your audience and make a lasting impression. With the right video presentation ideas, you can create a dynamic and memorable experience that will captivate your viewers and leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re looking to promote a product, educate your audience , or deliver a message, video presentations offer a range of benefits that can help you achieve your goals.

From explainer videos and product demos to customer testimonials and event recaps, there are countless video presentation ideas to choose from. By using a mix of visuals, audio, and text, you can create a multi-sensory experience that will help your message resonate with your audience. And with the ability to easily share and distribute videos online, you can reach a wider audience than ever before.

Overall, being innovative, entertaining, and memorable is essential for crafting a great video presentation. By adding these characteristics into your videos, you can leave a lasting impression on your viewers and keep them coming back for more. So, for your next project, why not try some of these video presentation ideas and see how they may help you connect with your audience like never before?

Q: What are some tips for creating an engaging video presentation? A: Some tips for creating an engaging video presentation include: keeping it concise and focused, using visuals to convey your message, using a clear and engaging speaking voice, and using storytelling techniques to capture your audience’s attention.

Q: What software can I use to create a video presentation? A: There are several software options available for creating video presentations, including Ssemble, PowerPoint, Prezi, and Adobe Premiere Pro. Ssemble provides you with free but user-friendly features so that you can make video presentations easily. Why don’t you sign up and try now?

Q: How long should a video presentation be? A: The ideal length of a video presentation can vary depending on the topic and purpose of the presentation. As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to keep the presentation as concise as possible while still delivering the necessary information.

Q: What are some creative ways to start a video presentation? A: Some creative ways to start a video presentation include using humor, telling a story, asking a question, or using a dramatic visual.

Q: What are some ways to keep your audience engaged throughout a video presentation? A: Some ways to keep your audience engaged throughout a video presentation include using humor, changing up the pace or tone, using interactive elements, and using visuals to illustrate key points.

Q: How can you tailor a video presentation to a specific audience? A: You can tailor a video presentation to a specific audience by considering their interests, needs, and knowledge level, and by using language and examples that are relevant to them.

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A Quick Guide to Presentation Videos

Presentation Videos

Do you know a surefire way to avoid those boring, yawn-inducing presentations? Add a presentation video.

Giving a presentation in front of so many people is nerve-wracking for some. You’ve practiced a thousand times, studied your topics back and forth, got your notes and all materials ready. 

After all the things you’ve gone through, the audience still finds it downright boring.

Maybe that’s because you rely heavily on those 35-slide presentations, no visuals, only texts. Those colorful, dynamic PowerPoint slide designs don’t help much. And I can say whoever can stay focused and remember all the things you said until the very last slide is superhuman.

If you want to make your presentation stand out, more fun, and more importantly, more digestible, try to insert presentation videos.

What Can a Presentation Video Do For You?

Adding a video or two will break up your slides in a smooth and effective way that will keep your audience more focused and engaged with the overall content.

That way, they can easily retain the information you deliver without trying way too hard. Here are five ways that video presentations can make all the difference:

Tell Stories and Provoke Emotional Responses

Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to communicate a message. When done well, it can stir emotions and create connections with your audience.

Telling stories in your presentation videos can help you capture and keep your audience’s attention.

In addition, storytelling with the background music and even characters you use in the video also provides an opportunity for you to share insights and provoke emotional responses. 

That way, you can get your audience to relate to the message and feel inspired by it.

Convey Your Messages Better

Videos, in general, are well-known for their ability to break down even complicated, complex topics in a way that makes them easier to understand. 

You can present complex ideas, theories, and concepts in an engaging manner by using presentation videos. As you do so, keep your target audience in mind at all times.

So, instead of providing your audience with endless slides just to get your whole information across, you can rely on one single presentation video. 

You can also use animation like motion graphics or videographics to make the video content easy to follow and much easier on the eyes.

Create Strong Impression in the First Few Seconds

Your audience will only give you a few seconds to make a good first impression. 

That is why it is important that your presentation videos are interesting and engaging right from the start. You can do this by using an attention-grabbing intro, putting a face to your voice, or even starting with a powerful statement.

Anything you can do to hook them in and keep their attention focused on the video is worth trying.

Remember, getting them interested in the first few seconds is key when it comes to giving a memorable presentation.

Increase Purchase Intentions

This one is for the business-minded folks. If you deliver a presentation to your prospects, you can use a presentation video to move them through the sales funnel. 

By inserting a video, you can visualize your pitch or ideas, even show them how your products or services work. 

This way, you can gain the trust of your audience because they see what they expect to get.

When Do You Need to Add a Presentation Video?

Now that you understand the benefits of well-crafted presentation videos, you might be wondering, “oh, great, but how do I know that I really need one for my presentation?”

Adding a presentation video to your arsenal of content marketing tools is always a good idea, but there are some instances where it is more crucial than others. 

Here are some signs that you might need to create a video for your presentation:

#1. You Host a Webinar

Webinars are a great way to deliver information to a large audience. However, they can be quite dry if there is no visual aid accompanying the audio. 

By adding a presentation video, you will get a chance to increase 61% of attention at virtual events.

You can help keep your audience more engaged and make sure that they get the most out of your webinar.

In addition, you can use the video to convey your messages in a way that is easier for them to digest. 

Most importantly, if you are conducting a webinar with other people, adding presentation videos will make it much more interesting and engaging for everyone involved. 

#2. You Have Complex Messages to Deliver

If you are trying to communicate complex information to your audience, using a presentation video is the way to go. 

Not only will it help keep them more engaged, but it can also make the process of understanding what you’re saying much easier. 

In fact, you can use animation and motion graphics to create explainer videos that will help break down your complex concepts into easy-to-follow visuals.

Remember, even if you are dealing with a sophisticated or highly educated audience, they still need to be able to understand what you’re saying. 

A presentation video can make that possible.

#3. The Topic of Your Presentation is Difficult to Visualize 

If your topic is difficult to visualize, using a presentation video can be very helpful. 

For example, if you are giving a presentation on quantum physics, it might be difficult for your audience to understand what you’re talking about without some sort of visual aid. 

However, by adding a well-made presentation video, you can help them see the concepts that you are discussing in a more concrete way.

This is also true for topics like history, economics, and other subjects that might be difficult to understand without some sort of visual representation.

#4. You Want to Impress Your Audiences

If you want to impress your audience, a presentation video is the way to go. 

Providing a presentation video means that you’ve come fully prepared. You care about your presentation with your whole heart.

That’s how you create a long-lasting first impression.

Also, not only will the video help keep audiences’ attention focused on what you are saying, but it can also make them more likely to listen and understand what’s being said.

Best Types of Videos for Your Presentation

Now that you know when to use a presentation video, it’s time to start thinking about what type of video would be best for your needs. 

There are many different types of videos that can be used for presentations, but some work better than others. 

One thing that needs to bear in mind is that short-form and straightforward videos are the best types for presentation.

Here are the three best types of videos for presentations: 

Motion Graphics Videos

Motion graphics videos are one of the most popular videos many businesses used in video marketing campaigns.

This simple yet intriguing animation is a great way to communicate complex information in an easy-to-follow way.

They are also very visually appealing, which can help keep audiences’ attention focused on the video.

Those seamless but simple motions can make audiences feel comfortable, not bored of the same thing over and over again.

Whiteboard Videos

If you need to convey more complex information in a simple way, whiteboard videos are your best bet. 

They use drawings on a digital whiteboard that are brought to life with animation and music. 

This can make it easier for audiences to understand difficult concepts. It puts them in a study-like environment, which makes them feel comfortable while learning complex information.

Screencast Videos

If you have a PowerPoint or other presentation format that needs to be converted into video form, screencast videos are the way to go.

They take your slides and turn them into an engaging visual experience for audiences by adding music, animations, and more. Screencasts are perfect for repurposing content that already exists.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are great for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-follow visuals. 

They can be used to explain a wide variety of topics, and are perfect for presentations that involve a lot of technical information.

You can also use animation and create fictional characters to tell a story and make the presentation more engaging for the audience.

For a better-looking, more versatile explainer video for your presentation, you can invest in a professional production from an explainer video company .


Videographics are a great way to share data in an engaging way.

They use infographics and motion graphics to illustrate statistics, trends, or other types of information that might otherwise be difficult for audiences to understand. 

So, if you need to deliver tons of data or statistical numbers in your presentation–  and want to make it more engaging for audiences, videographics are one of the best options.

How to Create a Well-Performing Presentation Videos: A Quick Checklist

Not all presentation videos work the same, though. 

Well-crafted ones bring you the results you want, but poorly-crafted ones can bring more harm to your presentation than good.

Below are some essential, best practices you should consider when creating your presentation videos:

Understand Your Audiences

The more you understand your audiences, the higher chances you’ll have to connect with them and speak their languages. 

In this way, you’ll communicate knowledge and the right message to your audiences.

Keep the Video Script to the Point

Long intros and big fluffy explanations can only make your audiences even more bored. So, don’t stray from the message. 

Remember that the video acts as a visual aid, so it’s crucial that you keep the video script straightforward so that your core messages can be delivered smoothly and easy to retain.

Make the Videos Short and Sweet

The presentation video should help you communicate your messages in a straightforward yet engaging way. 

That’s why it’s important to keep it short and concise. It’s always best to keep it under 5 minutes.

Add Engaging Elements

Enrich your video presentation with useful and interesting elements, such as interactive mini-quizzes, background music, or even a simple customized animated character. 

End on a Meaningful Note

A good presentation video always leaves the audience with something they can take away from the presentation. 

You can add a thought-provoking question, or even a link to your website can work to provide a strong ending that can create a lasting impression.

Pick the Right Video Format

PowerPoint allows you to save your presentation in these video formats: 

  • MPEG-4 (or MP4 / .mp4)
  • Windows Media Video (.wmv)
  • MOV (if it’s PowerPoint on a Mac)

MPEG-4 is the most common video format and is widely supported. You can opt for this format if you have PowerPoint versions of 2013, 2016, or 2019. 

Meanwhile, while you’re using PowerPoint 2010, the Windows Media format would work best and more preferable.

presentation video checklist infographic

Tools You Need to Make Great Presentation Videos

Creating a great presentation video might seem like a daunting, backbreaking task. 

In fact, there are some video tools you can use to make the production process thousands of times easier. Thanks to the internet. 

We’ve listed some of our favorites below:

Powtoon is unique because it allows you to create animated presentations that are geared toward the web. The platform features tons of templates, voice-over capabilities, and special effects including transitions and objects for making interactive presentation videos.


Videoscribe presentation videos

VideoScribe is a highly popular and intuitive presentation video creation tool. It helps you to create professional-looking whiteboard animated videos. 

The website features an object-based visual scripting language for building presentations, which can be exported to .SWF, .HTML5 and .MP4 formats.

Camtasia Studio

Camtasia presentation videos

The perfect screencasting software, Camtasia offers a wide range of tools including voiceovers and video editing. It’s also exceptionally easy to use.

You can even create tutorials for websites or walkthroughs for your apps! All you have to do is start recording your screen, edit as you see fit, and save the final file as a video.


keynote presentation videos

This particular presentation software has an additional bonus. If you’re looking to create a video out of your Keynote slides, all you have to do is highlight the text and images, click export, and pick one of the many video resolutions. From there, just save it as a .mp4 file

biteable presentation videos

Biteable helps you to create presentation videos hassle-free. All you have to do is upload the slides, enter your text, choose a background music track, and download the ready-made video. There are tons of templates you can use to craft presentation videos in minutes.

Make Your Presentations More Fun With Videos

Whether it’s for educational or marketing purposes, presentation videos can help you communicate your messages more effectively if they’re done right. 

Your audiences can easily retain the information, and it makes it much easier for you to break down even complicated topics. 

With a quick guide above, now you’re ready to impress your audiences with your presentation. No more yawns, no more blank faces.

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Video presentation types: how to captivate any audience.

Lidia Vijga

Written by Lidia Vijga

  • CEO at DeckLinks, Speaker, Podcast Host
  • Published on September 6, 2022
  • Updated on March 6, 2024

Did you know that most people completely tune out after just 10 minutes into a traditional presentation? In today’s fast-paced world, capturing your audience’s attention is more crucial than ever. In this article, we’ll explore various types of video presentations that can captivate any audience. We’ll dive into stunning video presentation ideas, discuss the importance of engaging visuals, and provide actionable tips to create memorable and persuasive presentations. So, are you ready to transform your presentations and leave a lasting impression on your audience? Let’s get started!


  • Sales video presentations are designed to capture the viewer’s attention and persuade them to buy a product or service. They often include information about the product, demonstrations, testimonials, and a call to action.
  • Educational video presentations aim to provide information and teach specific concepts or skills. They can be used in various settings, such as classrooms, conferences, and training, and often feature a narrator providing information to viewers.
  • Promotional video presentations are short videos used to introduce or promote new products, raise brand awareness, or increase sales. They often use persuasive techniques and emotional appeals, and include a call to action.
  • Employee training video presentations are tools used by companies to educate employees on various topics. Asynchronous video presentations are a time-efficient way to conduct employee training.
  • Product demo video presentations showcase a product’s features and benefits, helping potential clients understand how the product works and its value.
  • Informational video presentations provide detailed information about a specific topic, often using visuals and narration to convey complex information in an engaging format.
  • Client onboarding video presentations help new clients understand a company’s products or services, guiding them through the initial stages of their relationship with the company.
  • Prospecting video presentations target potential clients, providing an overview of a company’s offerings and demonstrating the value of their products or services.
  • Client update presentations keep existing clients informed about new developments, product updates, or company news.
  • Internal video presentations are used within a company to communicate important information, updates, or training to employees.
  • To create stunning video presentations, focus on engaging visuals, clear and concise messaging, and ensuring that visual assets aid prospects in better understanding your products and services.
  • Avoid using flashy graphics and animations that may distract the audience from your message

What are the most important types of video presentations?

Here is the list of 10 most important types of video presentations:

  • Sales video presentations.
  • Educational video presentations.
  • Promotional video presentations.
  • Employee training video presentations.
  • Product demo video presentations.
  • Informational video presentation.
  • Client onboarding video presentations.
  • Prospecting video presentations.
  • Client update presentations.
  • Internal video presentations.

While there are many different video presentation types you don’t have to implement all of them right away.

Your company can start making video presentations that fit an existing strategy and then adopt the ones that make the most sense. A video narrated presentation makes it easy to explain even the most complex products and services and convey information in an engaging video format that will get your audience hooked through the entire presentation.

Thankfully, these days you can create stunning video presentations without having to spend hours in video editing software!

Types of video presentations What is a sales video presentation?

A sales video presentation is a video that is designed to capture the viewer’s attention and interest and persuade them to buy the product or service.

Sales executive

Video sales presentation can include information about the product or service being sold, product demonstrations, testimonials as well as a call to action for the viewer.

A video sales presentation is an effective way to engage new or existing clients and communicate important information about your product or service. A video sales presentation makes it easy to convey complex information in an engaging and easily digestible video format. A video presentation can be easily shared with all the decision-makers. This allows the sales reps to stay in control of the sales process and not rely on a product champion or a gatekeeper to deliver their sales pitch to all of the stakeholders.

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Sales video presentations can be an effective way to reach potential customers who may not be able to physically see the product in person.

Sales video can also be used to provide an overview of a product or service for potential clients who are interested in learning more. Engaging video presentations can get the client curious, learn more about the product and ideally get them convinced to buy from a company. Or when used in marketing efforts, sales video presentations can help to build brand awareness and create an emotional connection with your target audience.

Sales video presentations is an effective tool for increasing sales and boosting client engagement.

One thing to keep in mind when creating presentations, try to avoid using flashy graphics and animations. An animated video presentation may look cool but motion graphics can distract the client from your message.

The most important question to ask yourself is: Do your visual assets aid prospects in better understanding your products and services?


How to get clients fast with the most engaging sales presentations.

Follow our GUIDE to create and deliver the best sales presentation that will resonate with your prospects and help you Close Deals Fast.

Watch sales video presentation example by Duane Dufault - B2B SaaS Sales Leader

We cannot stress enough how important it is to keep your video presentation short and to the point. Green’s study showed that people will miss 95% of all activity in a video scene after only 20 minutes!

In fact, a recent study found that the average person’s attention span has declined by almost one-third over the past decade, thanks to smartphones!

Types of video presentations What is an educational video presentation?

An educational video presentation is a digital video that is created to educate an audience.

Educational video presentations

The purpose of educational video presentations is to provide information and/or to teach a specific concept or skill. It can be used in a variety of settings, such as in classrooms, conferences, and training. Educational video presentations may include text, relevant images, and/or video content of real-world examples. In most cases, it will feature a narrator who will provide information to the viewers.

These videos can be an effective way to present information, as they can get viewers engaged and hold their attention. When done right, educational video presentations can be an effective learning tool.

When designing educational video presentations, it is important to consider the following: the target audience, the purpose, the content, and the delivery method.

In a business setting, a live or asynchronous educational video presentations (pre-recorded) can be used to convey information about a new product or service to new or existing clients.

Asynchronous video presentations are a very time-efficient way to do employee training.

When creating educational video presentations, it is important to consider the needs of the audience and to ensure that the video content is engaging and informative. By carefully planning and designing educational video presentations, you can create engaging and valuable learning tool that will get your target audience hooked through the entire presentation.

How to create a video presentation for B2B sales

Types of video presentations What is a promotional video presentation?

A promotional video presentation is a short video that sales and marketing teams use to introduce or promote new products, raise brand awareness, or increase sales.

Promotional videos

Promotional videos are typically very short and can be used on social media, websites, or video email marketing efforts. They can also be shown at trade shows or events.

Promotional videos often use persuasive techniques and emotional appeals to get their message across, and they typically include a call to action, such as asking viewers to visit a website or buy a product.

When creating promotional videos or video infographics, sales teams should focus on creating a clear and concise message that will resonate with their target audience. Additionally, the promo videos should be visually appealing and not overloaded with motion graphics that can distract the clients from the main message.

Creating effective promotional videos requires careful planning and execution. Whether you’re promoting a new product launch or trying to increase brand awareness, promo videos and video infographics can be an effective way to reach and wow your audience.

Types of video presentations What is an employee training video presentation?

An employee training video presentation is a tool that can be used by companies to educate employees on a variety of topics.

Employee training video presentation

Typically done in a static powerpoint presentations format that is not very engaging. However, when done in a video form can keep the audience engaged from start to finish.

Employee training videos can be an effective way to target specific learning objectives. An asynchronous video presentation (pre-recorded) makes it easy to deliver and present information in a timely fashion, as they can reach a large audience at once and can be viewed multiple times.

A training video can be used to introduce the company culture and values, and to provide an overview of the company’s history and achievements.

Employee training videos can be used to teach new employees about company policies and procedures or to provide continuing education for existing employees. Employee training video presentations can be used to explain the company’s procedures for handling client complaints and inquiries, and to provide an overview of the company’s products and services. Employee training videos can also be used to explain the company’s policy on vacation time, sick days, and benefits packages.

Asynchronous video presentations can also be used to introduce the employees to the management team, and to provide an overview of the company’s organizational structure.

Finally, the asynchronous video can be used to thank the employees for their hard work and dedication!

When used effectively, employee training videos can be a valuable asset for any business.

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Types of video presentations What is a product demo video presentation?

A product demo video presentation is a type of video that is used to show how a product works to potential customers or investors.

Product demo video presentation

It allows sales and marketing teams to demonstrate how their product works highlighting its features and benefits, and demonstrate its capabilities. A well-prepared demo video can be an extremely effective sales tool, helping to increase conversion rates and accelerate the sales cycle. Product demo video presentations can be shared online or shown at trade shows.

When creating product demo video presentations, it is important to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Keep it short and sweet – Most people have short attention spans. So when you create video presentations, it is important to keep them as concise as possible. Cut out any unnecessary fluff and get straight to the point.
  • Focus on the benefits – Be sure to stress how your product can benefit the client, whether it is saving them time, and money, or providing some other tangible benefit. Showcase your competitive advantages.
  • Deliver messages in a storytelling format – A good story will get viewers engaged and help them connect with your product.
  • Use powerful illustrations – The right visuals and video style can make or break your demo video. Be sure to use high-quality relevant images and footage that clearly showcase your product in action. Avoid creating an animated video presentation with motion graphics. Irrelevant motion graphics will distract the client from the main message. Instead use visual assets that help you communicate information clearly.
  • Use an engaging voice-over – The voice-over should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Audio visual storytelling is very powerful!
  • Avoid using industry jargon or technical terms that might not be familiar to your clients.

Ultimately, a good product demo video should be informative and persuasive, convincing viewers that the product is worth their time and money. Hopefully these tips will help you create a video demo that will get your audience engaged, accelerate the sales cycle, and close more deals.

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Types of video presentations What is an informational video presentation?

An informational video presentation is a type of educational video that provides information about a specific topic.

Informational video presentations

Informational video presentations can be used to educate the viewer about a certain subject or to provide an overview of a product or service.

In many cases, informational videos are used in conjunction with other marketing materials, such as brochures or website pages.

Unlike traditional educational video presentations, which often focus on one specific aspect of a topic, informational video presentations provide a more comprehensive overview. As such, they are often used as an introduction to a subject or as a supplement to other materials. When used correctly, informational video presentations can be an effective way to increase customer awareness and understanding of a company or product.

Whether you’re looking to provide your audience with information about a new topic or simply want to brush up on their existing knowledge, informational video presentations can be a helpful and engaging resource!

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Types of video presentations What is a client onboarding video presentation?

A client onboarding video presentation is a type of educational video that companies use to introduce and orient new clients to products or services, and provide an overview of your process.

Client onboarding video presentation

When new client comes on board with a company, they are typically given a lot of information all at once. This can be overwhelming, and it can be difficult for the client to remember everything that they need to know.

Client onboarding video presentations are a great way to help new clients feel welcome and informed about the company, and it can help them to better understand what the company does and how they can get the most out of their relationship with the company.

Companies can ensure that they are providing their clients with the best possible buying experience by offering essential information in a concise and engaging manner. Well-made onboarding video presentations and welcome videos can help to build trust and confidence with new clients.

When creating an onboarding video, be sure to keep your audience in mind. Keep your onboarding video presentations concise and focused, and they should cover all of the important information that the client needs to know. When done right, client onboarding video presentations can save businesses time and money while improving customer satisfaction.

With a little planning, you can create an onboarding video that will leave a lasting impression on your new clients and show them that you are invested in their success. Onboarding and sales video presentations should be in the arsenal of every high-performing sales and marketing team.

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Types of video presentations What is a prospecting video presentation?

A prospecting video presentation is a powerful marketing tool that can help companies reach prospective clients.

Email video presentation prospecting

This type of presentation can be an effective way to reach a large number of people in a short amount of time, and it can be used to introduce potential customers to your product or service before they meet with you in person.

By creating a short prospecting video presentation you can capture the attention of potential customers and persuade them to learn more about what you have to offer. It is an excellent way to introduce yourself and your products or services in a way that is engaging and visually appealing.

In addition, prospecting video presentations can be an excellent way to follow up with potential customers after they have met with you in person. By sending them a link to the video presentation, you can provide them with additional information about your product or service and remind them of the benefits of doing business with you.

Prospecting video presentations can be used as part of a larger video marketing campaign, or they can be standalone pieces that are distributed online, via a video email , or through social media channels.

When creating a prospecting video presentation, it is important to keep your audience in mind and focus on delivering a clear message. You don’t need to spend hours in video editing software, you just need to make sure that your video looks clean and professional.

If you are looking for the best way to create professional looking video presentations in minutes using your existing presentations, you should check DeckLinks.

When done well, prospecting video presentations can be an extremely effective way to reach new customers and promote your products and services.

Types of video presentations What is a client update video presentation?

A client update video presentation is a presentation given to a client in order to update them on the status of their project, changes, or any other relevant information.

Client update video presentation

It is an opportunity for the company to give insights into their work process and show how they are progressing with the project, as well as any new developments that may be relevant to their business.

It’s also a chance to build or maintain relationships with clients, and to get feedback on your work. Client update video presentations should include new information, such as changes that have been made or progress that has been made, as well as any problems that have arisen and how they are being addressed. Your powerpoint presentations should be clear and concise and should leave the client feeling informed and reassured about the project.

When preparing a client update presentation, it’s important to focus on the client’s needs and objectives. Keep in mind that a client update video presentation is not an opportunity to sell additional services or products! Instead, it should be a chance to provide value and build trust with your clients.

Types of video presentations What is an internal video presentation?

An internal video presentation is a type of business video communication that is used to share information with employees of an organization.

video presentation advantages

These presentations are typically used to communicate important information about the company, announce changes or initiatives, provide training, declare changes in corporate policy, or announce the launch of a new product line.

Internal video presentations can be highly effective, as they allow organizations to reach a large audience in a short amount of time.

Internal video presentations can be extremely effective in engaging employees and fostering a sense of community within the organization.

These video presentations can also be used to recognize employee achievement, share best practices, or simply boost morale.

When creating an internal video, it is important to keep the audience in mind and to make sure that the content is relevant and engaging. A well-made internal video presentation can help to promote a positive work environment and improve communication within a company.

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BONUS: What is an investor video pitch presentation?

As a fast-growing company, at some point you have or you will probably look for outside funding to accelerate your growth. This is where the video pitch decks come into play.

A video pitch deck is a video presentation that entrepreneurs use to raise awareness and funding for their startups.

video presentation advantages

These video presentations are typically 5 to 10 minutes long and contain powerpoint slides with information about the problem, the solution, the market, the team, and the financials.

The goal of the video pitch deck is to get potential investors excited about the company and convince them to invest. Effective video presentations will include succinct, persuasive talking points and powerful visuals that tell a compelling story about the company and the founder’s vision. A pitch deck is an essential tool for any startup that is looking to raise capital.

A well-crafted video presentation explaining the business clearly and concisely can capture the attention and interest of investors, increasing the chances of a successful fundraiser.

Why every fast-growing company needs to use video presentations to stay ahead of the competition?

Fast-growing company

As the pace of business and competition continues to accelerate, more and more companies are finding that they need to use video presentations to communicate with their customers, employees, and partners. And gain competitive advantages over competitors.

There are five main reasons why fast-growing companies need to use video presentations:

  • Video presentation makes it easy and extremely efficiently to convey information. A two-minute video can communicate the same amount of information as a ten-page document. It is often easier for people to process and remember information that they have seen in a video than information that they have read in a static PowerPoint presentation.
  • Video is a very flexible medium. It can be used for everything from sales video presentations to training videos to customer onboarding and welcome videos.
  • As any successful Sales executive or a B2B marketer knows, first impressions are important. When you’re trying to sell your company’s products or services, you need to make a lasting impression on potential customers. One of the best ways to do this is through prospecting or sales video presentations. Engaging video presentations can showcase your company in the best possible light, highlighting its strengths and capabilities.
  • Video presentations can help to build trust with customers and they are increasingly easy to create and distribute.
  • A video presentation can reach a wide audience very quickly. In today’s fast-paced world, people often don’t have time to read long marketing materials. However, they will often watch a short video if it’s interesting and informative.

For all these reasons, fast-growing companies should use video presentations to their advantage if they want to stay ahead of the competition.

Video selling guide

For more information on how you can leverage video sales to accelerate the sales cycle and close more deals, read our guide here. It has a lot of great video presentation ideas!

Making video presentations is fast and easy with the right tools

Although a static PowerPoint presentation has always been essential for sales and marketing teams, it can be quite boring. Adding video narration to your PowerPoint slides can make your presentation much more engaging and lively, which will help grab the audience’s attention.

If you’ve ever tried to create a video presentation using video editing software and a video recording of your powerpoint presentation, you know how challenging, frustrating, and time-consuming it can be.

With DeckLinks, you can forget all those complicated and time consuming video editing software tools. DeckLinks is an easy-to-use video presentation maker tool that doesn’t require any prior experience. It was built specifically for sales and marketing teams that need to create video presentations fast. With DeckLinks you can video narrate any existing PDF presentation and share it in a single trackable link. It reports granular video presentation analytics so you can measure the performance of your presentations, identify the most engaged prospects and clients, and know when and how to follow-up. If you are looking to create stunning video presentations in minutes using your existing PowerPoint presentations, you should try DeckLinks.

Also if you are looking for some video presentation ideas, you should watch some of the best video presentation examples here.

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What are the main types of video presentations?

The main types of video presentations include sales video presentations, educational video presentations, promotional videos, welcome videos, video infographics, and training videos. These formats cater to different purposes, such as informing, educating, persuading, or engaging the target audience.

What are the benefits of using video presentations in B2B sales and marketing?

Video presentations can help build trust with customers, convey complex information in an easy-to-understand manner, and keep the audience engaged. They can also enhance marketing efforts, improve sales pitches, and create a lasting impression on the target audience.

How can I use video presentations for employee training?

Video presentations can be used for employee training by creating engaging and informative content tailored to the learning needs of new employees. This can include step-by-step instructions, demonstrations, and interactive elements to enhance the learning experience.

How can I use video presentations to support my marketing efforts?

Video presentations can support marketing efforts by showcasing product features, sharing customer testimonials, offering educational content, and providing promotional offers. They can also be used to create brand awareness and generate leads through social media and other marketing channels.

How can I measure the success of my video presentation?

To measure the success of your video presentation, track metrics such as view count, watch time, time spent per slide, downloads, audience retention, click-through rate, conversion rate, etc. Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement and optimize future presentations.

How can video presentations help my business?

Video presentations are a great marketing and sales tool. They allow you to showcase products, promote services, train new employees, and educate your target audience in an easy to understand, memorable way.

What are the competitive advantages of using video presentations in B2B Sales?

Video presentations capture the audience’s attention and convey important information efficiently. They make your sales pitch more memorable and enable you to wow your audience with stunning visuals and engaging content.

Lidia Vijga

Lidia Vijga

About the author.

Lidia Vijga is a seasoned professional with 10 years of first-hand experience in B2B sales and B2B marketing. She has a proven track record of driving growth for companies across various industries. Throughout her career, Lidia has led numerous successful sales campaigns and implemented innovative marketing strategies that have significantly increased revenue and reduced customer acquisition cost for her clients. Lidia regularly shares her insights and experiences on LinkedIn, webinars, and public speaking engagements. Lidia believes in the power of personal qualities such as kindness, empathy, and the willingness to understand others. She is committed to empowering client-facing teams with tools that enhance their talent instead of automating it, and she firmly believes that teams that show their human side grow companies much faster.

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Videos: How Can They Improve Your Presentation?

May 15, 2017 / Blog, PowerPoint Design, PowerPoint Tips, Tips & Tricks audience engagement, PowerPoint Design, presentation tips, video

How Videos Can Turn Your Presentation Around

We can no longer ignore the growing hype around videos. These electronic media are gaining traction, and it wouldn’t be surprising if they soon become the most popular type of content, since more social media channels are popping up to underline their importance. Today, the effectiveness of videos in capturing people’s attention is apparent. In YouTube, for example, 400 hours of videos are uploaded every minute and almost 5 billion are viewed every day. These staggering statistics show that we create and consume video content in a rapidly increasing rate.

Still, while all this hype around videos is nice, we can’t really claim that it’s something new. Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., included this medium in his presentations as early as 1984 . The potential of videos as the trendiest type of content will continue to grow, so if you haven’t explored the possibilities of video marketing, now is the time.

The Purposes of Using Videos in Presentations

video presentation advantages

Isn’t it ironic that although most marketers recognize video content as a powerful tool, only four percent use it religiously in presentations? That leaves a glaring 96 percent in the dark, stuck in traditional methods that are only half as effective as video marketing. This isn’t to say that you should add a video in every presentation—of course, if it isn’t appropriate, do away with it. But if you find an opportunity to use this type of content to support or highlight your message, why not grab it?

Here are the four main purposes of adding videos in your presentation:

  • To explain a complex idea. It’s hard to explain a technical idea to a group of people who know nothing about it. Sure, you can put that idea into words, but you can’t guarantee that your equally perplexing explanation will translate into something cohesive in the audience’s mind. If it’s too complicated to grasp, why not find another means of expressing it? Perhaps a video could render it more comprehensible?
  • To engage the audience in discussion. Videos have a certain pull that makes them effective in grabbing people’s attention. A relevant video presented at the right moment can keep the audience bolted to the screen. Make sure that the video you use can establish an emotional connection with your audience and can generate a meaningful discussion that will fire up their energy.
  • To break the monotony. You can’t expect the audience to listen to you for hours on end. Their attention is bound to wane at some point, and one way to recapture their interest is by giving them a break in the form of a video to watch. If possible, inject humor in your presentation to lighten up the mood and make room for a seamless transition.
  • To help in memory retention. An experiment conducted by Dr. Richard Mayer from the University of California, Santa Barbara revealed that people immersed in “multi-sensory environments” had better recall even years after a presentation. This is because when the human brain builds two mental representations of something (i.e. a verbal and a visual model), it typically results to better memory retention.

Things to Remember When Adding Videos to Your Slides

You’d think that adding a video to a presentation is a piece of cake, but some people still seem to miss the basics. To make sure that you do things right, take these pointers:

1. Embed the video in the presentation itself

Think of how unprofessional it would look to show the audience a video separate from the original presentation. You’d look like an amateur who didn’t bother to assemble your knowledgebase in one place. Plus, it would be inconvenient on your part when switching from one to the other, so it’s only practical and professional to insert the video in the presentation itself. In PowerPoint, you can embed a video directly in the slides to make for a smoother transition.

2. Keep it short and simple

Videos are meant to enhance your presentation, not replace it. That’s why you should only designate a short chunk of time for this type of content. Otherwise, you’ll lose your connection with the audience and destroy your momentum. An effective video presentation shouldn’t make the audience forget that you’re the main source and “relayer” of information.

Things to Remember When Adding a Video in Your Presentation: Keep it Short and Simple

3. Lean towards the authentic

People are more interested in realistic videos that reflect genuine experiences than in corporate ones that are too alien to relate with. To add a dab of authenticity in your videos, you can use testimonials that feature real customers who truly value and uphold your brand. Testimonials, especially when unsolicited, are a persuasive tool for inviting more people to consider your message.

4. Check its relevance to the topic

Relevance is the number one criteria when adding video clips in a presentation. You can’t just throw in anything that doesn’t relate to the points you’re trying to make. Every video clip must have a purpose—and that purpose should have something to do with underlining your core message .

5. Use narratives to draw emotional responses

Everyone responds to narratives. Stories have a certain quality that evokes emotional responses from people. A video content structure that follows a narrative can make for a more compelling presentation that will allow the audience to make sense of abstract ideas that would otherwise be lost in translation.

Now you know the secret to making your next pitch stand out. Use videos more wisely in your next presentation, and see the difference in your audience’s level of energy and engagement.

Bell, Steven J. “Using Video in Your Next Presentation: A Baker’s Dozen of Ideas and Tips.” Info Today. n.d. www.infotoday.com/cilmag/jul10/Bell.shtml

Blodget, Henry. “The Lost 1984 Video: Steve Jobs Introduces the Mac.” Business Insider. August 25, 2011. www.businessinsider.com/video-steve-jobs-introduces-mac-2011-8

Boone, Rob. “How and Why You Should Use Video in Your Next Presentation.” Live Slides. January 22, 2016. www.liveslides.com/blog/how-to-use-video-in-presentations

Gallo, Carmine. “Four Easy Tips on Using Video to Make Your Presentation Stand Out.” Forbes. January 31, 2017. www.forbes.com/sites/carminegallo/2017/01/31/four-easy-tips-on-using-video-to-make-your-presentation-stand-out/#2ed99f26e3a0

Marshall, Lisa B. “How to Use Video in a Presentation.” Quick and Dirty Tips. August 9, 2012. www.quickanddirtytips.com/business-career/public-speaking/how-to-use-video-in-a-presentation

“3 Reasons to Add Video to Your Presentation.” Meetings Imagined. n.d. www.meetingsimagined.com/tips-trends/3-reasons-add-video-your-presentation

“36 Mind-blowing YouTube Facts, Figures, and Statistics 2017.” Fortunelords. March 23, 2017.

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Why should We have Video Presentation Like Corporate Video / Multi-media Video (Info-Graphics) / Animated Video Etc?

Some of the benefit of videos presentation are:.

  • Video can help establish your image. A video will share the personality of you & your company’s Image more than text ever will.
  • Visitors will be more engaged in your Webpage, if you have Corporate Video or Infographics, It has been proved that a person who views a video will stay an average of two minutes longer in the Site.
  • Creatively & Graphically created Information will give more interest of your Viewers or Customers to know more about your Company Information & Streath.
  • Videos encourage sharing on the social pages. People are more likely to share a video than text, especially on different social media platforms.
  • Human Voice Over gives a human touch to your video and can explain company details in a better way.
  • Engaging your customer and develop the interested in your company.
  • Visually showcase your factory and product quality.

Type of Videos:

  • Corporate video will give the over all details of your company and their projects, work quality and customer satisfaction as over all the company profile.
  • Company show customer Testimonials Videos to increase the trust on your company or brand.
  • Training Videos give visual demonstrations that can be better than studying a manual or staring at static diagrams it can be viewed again and again till they retain the information
  • Time-lapse video will show the information about your current project , Progress, and their quality of work in a very short time.

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A picture is worth a thousand words, your media represents your business, customers want to get to know you, images can help you get found on the web, professional photos are versatile assets.

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6 benefits of integrating audio and video into your presentations.

  • By Kristin Haas
  • August 24, 2023

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One of the most impactful ways to elevate your presentations is to add audio and video. It enhances engagement, enables powerful storytelling, and transforms your content into a memorable and persuasive experience. Let’s take a look at the 6 benefits you experience when you integrate audio and video into your presentations.

1. Increase Engagement

Incorporating audio and video in presentations can immediately capture your audience’s attention. Visual aids are processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text , and with the addition of audio, the multisensory experience is even more immersive. Video and audio break the monotony of traditional presentations and make your content more exciting and engaging.

2. Enhance Understanding

It is difficult to explain complex concepts using just text and static images. Audio and video can help you explain intricate ideas so your audience can understand them. You can take your audience on a virtual tour, give a demo, explain a complex document, or showcase before-and-after scenarios. This helps keep the audience’s interest and helps you present information in a format that is easy to follow and absorb.

3. Enable Storytelling

Human beings are hardwired to connect through stories. You can weave narratives that resonate deeply with your audience when you add audio or video to your content. A well-crafted story can evoke emotions, and make your message more memorable and relatable. Imagine presenting a case study with video testimonials – these elements add authenticity and emotional depth to your content.

4. Evoke emotion

Emotion plays a significant role in decision-making. You can infuse your presentations with emotions that resonate with your audience when they hear your voice. A heartfelt video clip, or even the tone of your voice can evoke emotions and establish a connection between you and your audience. This emotional bond is often crucial when persuading your viewers to take action.

5. Show you’re an expert

Including well-produced audio and video content in your presentations shows a level of professionalism and authority. It conveys you invested time and effort into creating a polished experience for your audience. This attention to detail can enhance your credibility and leave a lasting impression.

6. Provide Accessibility and Flexibility

Audio and video elements can cater to different learning styles. This ensures your content reaches a wider audience. Plus, you can share recorded presentations across various platforms so viewers can access the information whenever.

From enhancing engagement and understanding to enabling storytelling and emotional connection, audio and video can create an impactful presentation experience. Remember, the key lies in finding the right balance – strategically using audio and video to complement your content without overwhelming your audience. So, the next time you prepare a presentation, consider adding audio and video to create a truly memorable experience.

Did you know AirDeck allows you to add audio or video to any type of document or presentation? Try it for free.

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Kristin Haas

Kristin Haas

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The Benefits of Video Presentations

Students consistently rank video presentations as an essential tool, and most often use it to review concepts and revise. The majority of students still attend classes, even when video of lecture is in place. Instructors have been experimenting with many useful techniques for integrating lecture capture into their courses. Other benefits are:

  • Saving time giving face to face lectures. Video presentations replace repeat face to face lectures, this creates time for active learning in tutorials.
  • Recording presentations provides an opportunity to re-organize teaching time, and to rethink content delivery.
  • Students who watch an online video presentations may be better able to apply what they had learnt than students who attended the same lecture in person.
  • Audio and video capture with PowerPoint slides may be particularly useful for ‘equation heavy’ disciplines.
  • Some students rarely ask questions in lectures, particularly in large groups, and prefer to focus on the captured lecture.
  • Students are more likely to interact in an online forum where they have more time to consider and compose their question carefully.
  • Provide students with a valuable resource to complement their studies. Students can stop, start and rewind the video to address their specific
  • Allow students to catch up if they miss a face-to-face lecture. This also enables them to adopt a more flexible learning pattern if they wish.
  • Can improve students’ learning and increase their overall level of satisfaction and confidence with the course.

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How to create and deliver a winning team presentation

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera May 31, 2024

Team presentations are about creating a dynamic experience for your audience whilst working together to share valuable information.

You might need to do a team presentation in various situations. For example, in a school project, a team presentation lets each member highlight their contributions. In the workplace, team presentations are great for updating projects, pitching ideas to clients, or sharing research findings with stakeholders. 

Using a platform like Prezi can really boost your team’s presentation. Let’s look at what makes team presentations effective and how you can create a successful one.

video presentation advantages

Team presentations explained

So what exactly is a team presentation? Simply put, in a team presentation you’re working with others to share information or ideas. Each person brings their strengths and viewpoints, making the presentation more engaging.

Typically, the team divides the content so everyone has a part to focus on. This involves planning, creating visual aids like slides, and practicing together. The goal is to ensure everything flows smoothly and the message is clear. By combining everyone’s efforts, you end up with a presentation that effectively shares your team’s insights and knowledge.

How to create a great team presentation: a step-by-step guide

When done right, team presentations can be a really rewarding experience for everyone involved. To make sure the creation process runs smoothly, follow this step-by-step guide.

1. Gather your team

To start, you need to get everybody together. Use this opportunity to discuss the purpose of the presentation and what you want to say. This way, everyone understands the goal and can be on the same page with the project.

2. Divide the responsibilities

During the discussion, pinpoint what each team member is good at and assign roles based on their strengths. For example, one person might be great at research, another at designing slides, and someone else might excel at public speaking. By dividing tasks this way, you ensure a high-quality presentation as everyone gets to contribute the best way they can.

3. Plan the content

When planning your content, outline the key points you want to cover. Break down the presentation into sections and decide who will handle each part. Make sure the content flows logically from one section to the next. This planning phase is crucial for a cohesive presentation.

4. Develop visual aids

Great visuals can make your presentation stand out. That’s where Prezi steps in to help you create engaging visuals that complement your content. Also, make sure to keep the design consistent and not too cluttered. Remember, visual aids should enhance your message, not distract from it.

5. Rehearse together

Practice makes perfect! Schedule a few rehearsals where everyone presents their part. Pay attention to the transitions between speakers to ensure they’re smooth. Rehearsing together helps you catch any issues and make sure everyone is comfortable with their role.

6. Get feedback

To improve your delivery, practice in front of a trusted audience of friends or colleagues, and get their honest opinions. They can give you feedback on any tweaks you can make to improve your presentation. Following this, you can then make any necessary adjustments based on their feedback.

7. Prepare for Q&A

Be ready to answer questions from your audience. To prepare, discuss potential questions with your team and decide who will answer which types of questions. This preparation helps ensure you can handle the Q&A session confidently.

8. Present with confidence

On the day of the presentation, stay calm and confident. Trust in the preparation you’ve done. Remember to engage with your audience, make eye contact, and speak clearly. Most importantly, support each other as a team, and have fun with it.

To learn more about delivering a successful presentation with two or more people, explore our article on co-presenting tips and techniques .

9. Reflect and learn

After the presentation, gather your team to reflect on what went well and what could be improved for next time. Learning from each experience helps you continually improve your presentation skills.

By following these steps, you can be sure that every aspect of creating a team presentation is covered, allowing maximum success. 

What are the advantages of team presentations?

Collaborating as a team for presentations has many advantages, including: 

The opportunity to work together as a team provides a sense of unity. Whether it’s in the workplace or an educational setting, relying on each other and sharing insights can really improve morale in any team. Also, being in a group provides motivation and excitement that you may not necessarily experience in solo presentations. 

Understanding of each other

In education and business settings, working on a team presentation means interacting with other members. Hearing other’s opinions and suggestions can help in getting to know your team better, which can help in other aspects of work or school. 

video presentation advantages

Promotes teamwork 

The ability to work together effectively for a team presentation can improve other team interactions further down the line. It’s a great opportunity to get everyone involved, especially those who might usually shy away from group discussions. This creates a more forthcoming team for the future. 

Less opportunity for errors

Having more than one person contributing to a presentation means that there’s less chance of making mistakes. There’s going to be more than one person looking over progress, which means that any initial errors will likely be spotted by someone in the team. Even when working on your own sections, the chance to rehearse together means that you can all pick up on potential mistakes before the big day. 

Diverse perspectives

Having a whole team involved means that several different viewpoints are brought together. Having each team member contribute their unique insights can lead to a richer and broader presentation overall. This ensures your presentation has a bigger impact on your audience. 

Shared workload

With a team presentation, the workload is distributed among the group, making it more manageable. This should reduce the pressure off any one individual and allows for more thorough preparation before you take to the stage. 

Improved audience engagement

Having multiple speakers can help to keep your audience interested. Each presenter will have different voices and styles of presenting, which can help maintain the audience’s attention throughout the whole presentation. 

Demonstrates team strength 

For business professionals in particular, creating and presenting a successful team presentation shows the power of your company. It portrays to your audience how reliable you are as a team and how you can work together to deliver great results. This is going to help you with future prospects and gaining the trust of clients, investors, and partners. 

Top tips for creating and presenting your team presentation

Here are some top tips to help you nail a team presentation, with some advice on what to do and what to avoid.

Do: plan early

Start planning your presentation as soon as possible. Early planning gives you ample time to organize content, assign roles, and create visuals. Don’t wait until the last minute – good preparation is key to a smooth presentation.

Two young cheerful businesswomen working on laptop computer together on laptop computer in cafe. One of them is jotting down notes during the meeting.

Don’t: overload slides

Avoid cramming too much information onto your slides. Instead, keep them clean and simple with key points and visuals. Your audience should be listening to you, not reading dense text on the screen.

Do: practice together

Rehearse your presentation as a team several times. This helps ensure smooth transitions between speakers and a cohesive delivery. In addition, practicing together builds confidence and helps you refine your timing.

Don’t: ignore feedback

Constructive criticism can help you improve your presentation. However, don’t take feedback personally – use it to make your presentation stronger.

Do: engage your audience

Keep your audience engaged by incorporating questions or a brief activity into your presentation. This interaction helps maintain their interest and makes your presentation stand out.

video presentation advantages

Don’t: monopolize the presentation

Ensuring everyone on the team has a chance to speak values each member’s contribution and keeps the presentation dynamic and interesting.

Do: use effective visuals

Visuals are great for engaging your audience and capturing their attention! That’s why make sure to incorporate charts, images, and videos to illustrate your points. Compelling visuals can make complex information easier to understand – just make sure they’re relevant and support your message.

Don’t: forget to smile

A friendly demeanor can make a big difference. Smiling helps you appear confident and approachable, and it can put both you and your audience at ease. Remember, you’ve prepared well, so enjoy the experience!

Do: use Prezi

If you want to stand out, use Prezi for your presentation! Its dynamic, non-linear format can make your content more engaging and visually appealing. Prezi allows you to create a more interactive and memorable presentation experience and makes the presentation creation process even easier with AI-powered functionalities .

Don’t: rush through transitions

Transitions between speakers are crucial. Don’t hurry through them; take your time to smoothly hand over to the next person. This maintains the flow of the presentation and keeps the audience engaged.

Creating a team presentation is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your collective talents and knowledge. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a presentation that’s both impressive and enjoyable.

Why Prezi is perfect for team presentations: the power of Prezi AI

Prezi is the go-to platform for team presentations, thanks to its incredible AI features. Prezi AI makes creating a polished, professional presentation a breeze, allowing you to focus on your content while it handles the design.

With Prezi AI, you can simply provide a prompt about your subject, and it will suggest the best layout, color scheme, and design elements. This means you don’t have to be a design expert to create a visually stunning presentation. Prezi AI can even put your entire presentation together for you, ensuring that it looks cohesive and engaging.

One of the standout features is the Prezi AI text tool. It can suggest edits to improve your content, recommend the best way to display your text—whether it be in lists, bullet points, or paragraphs—and even adjust the length of your text to fit perfectly on your slides. This not only saves time but also means you don’t need to constantly double-check your work. You can present with assurance, knowing your presentation is professionally polished.

Presenting with Prezi is incredibly easy, making it ideal for both virtual and in-person settings. For virtual presentations, Prezi Video allows you to display your slides live next to you, creating a more engaging experience for your audience. Prezi’s collaborative features are perfect for team presentations, enabling the entire team to present together virtually. Each member can take turns presenting their sections seamlessly, making it feel as if you’re all in the same room, even if you’re miles apart.

Prezi AI takes the stress out of creating and presenting, making it the best tool for team presentations. With its intelligent design suggestions, text editing capabilities, and seamless virtual presentation features, Prezi ensures your team can deliver an impressive and professional presentation every time.

Here’s a summary of the key things Prezi AI can do

Build your presentation: Prezi AI can literally put together your team presentation for you. It will come up with the best theme and layout and put the whole presentation into action. 

Suggest improvements: Prezi AI can offer suggestions to make sure your presentation looks visually appealing and engaging. By proposing matching color palettes, images, and layouts, Prezi AI helps you create a polished presentation that leaves a lasting impression.

Text editing: To make your message clear and concise, use the Prezi AI text editing tool. It can generate text based on prompts you provide as well as offer edit suggestions on existing text. This way, you know your text is correct and makes sense. 

Team presentation ideas from Prezi

Here are some Prezi presentation examples that would work well as team presentations: 

TED talks: From Inspiration to innovation

The Prezi presentation by Neil Hughes is a great example of a team presentation because it’s divided into sections, giving each participant a chance to share their insights. Incorporating videos for each section, where specific team members speak, effectively ensures that everyone has their say. This approach helps convey the message clearly and makes sure all voices are heard.

Adopting a gratitude frame of mind

The layout chosen for this presentation is ideal for a team effort. With four main points, each delved into further, it allows each team member to take responsibility for one point. This ensures a fair division of speaking time and workload among all team members.

UX design tips for product managers

Similar to the previous example, this serves as great inspiration for team presentations due to its division into five main points, each explored in detail. Assigning one team member to focus on each area allows them to dedicate their full effort to their section, resulting in a high-quality presentation overall. Additionally, this showcases how Prezi’s open canvas can create an immersive experience by zooming in and out of points, making your message much clearer.

Hopefully, these examples have given you more of an insight of what your team presentation could look like. Allocating one team member to each key point is a great idea to split the workload and ensure everyone gets their chance to speak and show off their expertise. 

However, not all team presentations require every team member to be involved in the presenting stage. Sometimes, tasks may be split in a way where some participants focus on the creation process, while others focus on the presenting aspect. It purely depends on where the talents of your team members lie. 

Wow your audience with a team presentation created with Prezi

Team presentations provide many positives that may not be attained with solo presentations. The opportunity to have different ideas and points of view can really broaden the perspective of your audience. They can deliver a sense of team unity and strength, which is particularly important in business. When it comes to educational settings, team presentations are a great opportunity to practice working in a group and identify each student’s strengths and weaknesses. 

Creating a team presentation should be more about the content you’re sharing and less about spending hours on design. This is why utilizing Prezi AI to create your finished product is a great choice, as you can focus more closely on working as a team. 

By using Prezi for your next team presentation, you can take your audience on an immersive journey through your words, ensuring your audience is hooked from start to finish.  

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Presentation

Exploring the 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Presentation,' this blog explores how presentations can effectively communicate ideas yet sometimes hinder creativity. It discusses the ease of conveying complex information visually and the potential for engaging audiences but also considers the challenges of over-reliance on visuals and potential misinterpretation.


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Table of Contents  

1) What is a Presentation: A brief introduction 

2) Advantages of Presentations 

3) Disadvantages of Presentations 

4) How to make a successful Presentation? 

5) Conclusion 

What is a Presentation: A brief introduction  

A Presentation refers to a method of conveying information, ideas, or data to an audience using visual aids and spoken words. It is a formal or informal communication tool used in various settings, such as business meetings, educational environments, conferences, or public speaking engagements. 

During a Presentation, the presenter uses visual elements like slides, charts, graphs, images, and multimedia to support and enhance their spoken content. The goal of a Presentation is to engage the audience, effectively communicate the message, and leave a lasting impact on the listeners. You can ace your presentation skill by understanding various presentation skills interview questions and answers . It will expand your horizon to elevate your skills. 

Presentation Skills can be used to cover a wide variety of Presentations, from business proposals and academic research to sales pitches and motivational speeches.The success of a Presentation depends on the presenter's ability to organize the content coherently, engage the audience, and deliver the information in a clear and compelling manner, showcasing strong principles of presentation skills. Therefore, it is essential to understand the elements of presentation .

Unlock your full potential as a presenter with our Presentation Skills Training Course. Join now!  

Advantages of Presentations  

Advantages of Presentation

Effective communication  

One of the primary advantages of Presentations is their ability to facilitate effective communication. Whether you're addressing a small group of colleagues or a large audience at a conference, Presentations help you to convey your message clearly and succinctly. By structuring your content and using visuals, you can ensure that your key points are highlighted and easily understood by the audience. 

Visual appeal  

"Seeing is believing," and Presentations capitalise on this aspect of human psychology. The use of visuals, such as charts, graphs, images, and videos, enhances the overall appeal of the content. These visual aids not only make the information more engaging but also help reinforce the main ideas, making the Presentation more memorable for the audience. 

Engaging the audience  

Captivating your audience's attention is crucial for effective communication. Presentations provide ample opportunities to engage your listeners through various means. By incorporating storytelling, anecdotes, and real-life examples, you can nurture an emotional connection with your audience. Additionally, interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and group activities keep the audience actively involved throughout the Presentation. 

Simplifying complex information  

Complex ideas and data can often be overwhelming, making it challenging to convey them effectively. However, Presentations excel in simplifying intricate information. By breaking down complex concepts into digestible and interconnected slides, you can present the information in a logical sequence, ensuring that the audience grasps the content more easily. 

Persuasive impact  

Presentations are powerful tools for persuasion and influence. Whether you're convincing potential clients to invest in your product, advocating for a particular cause, or delivering a motivational speech, a well-crafted Presentation can sway the audience's opinions and inspire action. The combination of visual and verbal elements enables you to make a compelling case for your ideas, leaving a lasting impact on the listeners. 

Versatility in delivery methods  

Another advantage of Presentations lies in their flexibility and versatility in terms of delivery methods. Gone are the days when Presentations were limited to in-person meetings. Today, technology allows presenters to reach a wider audience through various platforms, including webinars, online videos, and virtual conferences. This adaptability makes Presentations an ideal choice for modern communication needs. 

Enhanced understanding and retention  

When information is presented in a visually appealing and structured manner, it aids in better understanding and retention. Human brains process visuals faster and more effectively than plain text, making Presentations an ideal medium for conveying complex concepts. The combination of visual elements and spoken words create a multi-sensory experience, leading to increased information retention among the audience. 

Professionalism and credibility  

In professional settings, well-designed Presentations lend an air of credibility and professionalism to the presenter and the topic being discussed. A thoughtfully crafted Presentation shows that the presenter has put effort into preparing and organising the content, which in turn enhances the audience's trust and receptiveness to the information presented. 

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Disadvantages of Presentations  

Disadvantages of Presentation


Creating a compelling Presentation can be a time-consuming process. From researching and gathering relevant information to designing visually appealing slides, a significant amount of effort goes into ensuring that the content is well-structured and impactful. This time investment can be challenging, especially when presenters have tight schedules or are faced with last-minute Presentation requests. 

Technical glitches  

Presentations heavily rely on technology, and technical glitches can quickly turn a well-prepared Presentation into a frustrating experience. Projectors may malfunction, slides might not load correctly, or audiovisual components may fail to work as expected. Dealing with such technical issues during a Presentation can disrupt the flow and distract both the presenter and the audience. 

Overdependence on technology  

In some cases, presenters may become overly reliant on the visuals and technology, neglecting the importance of direct engagement with the audience. Overloaded slides with excessive text can make presenters read directly from the slides, undermining the personal connection and interaction with the listeners. This overdependence on technology can lead to a lack of spontaneity and authenticity during the Presentation. 

Lack of interactivity  

Traditional Presentations, particularly those delivered in large auditoriums, may lack interactivity and real-time feedback. In comparison, modern Presentation formats can incorporate interactive elements; not all Presentations provide opportunities for audience participation or discussions. This one-sided communication can lead to reduced engagement and limited opportunities for clarifying doubts or addressing queries. 

Public speaking anxiety  

For many individuals, public speaking can be a nerve-wracking experience. Presenting in front of an audience, especially in formal settings, can trigger anxiety and stage fright. This anxiety may affect the presenter's delivery and confidence, impacting the overall effectiveness of the Presentation. Overcoming public speaking anxiety requires practice, self-assurance, and effective stress management techniques. 

Not suitable for all topics  

While Presentations are an excellent medium for conveying certain types of information, they may not be suitable for all topics. Some subjects require in-depth discussions, hands-on demonstrations, or interactive workshops, which may not align well with the traditional slide-based Presentation format. Choosing the appropriate communication method for specific topics is crucial to ensure effective knowledge transfer and engagement. 

Accessibility concerns  

In a diverse audience, some individuals may face challenges in accessing and comprehending Presentation materials. For instance, people with visual impairments may find it difficult to interpret visual elements, while those with hearing impairments may struggle to follow the spoken content without proper captions or transcripts. Addressing accessibility concerns is vital to ensure inclusivity and equal participation for all attendees. 

Information overload  

Presentations that bombard the audience with excessive information on each slide can lead to information overload. When the audience is overwhelmed with data, they may struggle to absorb and retain the key points. Presenters should strike a balance between providing adequate information and keeping the content concise and focused. 

How to make a successful Presentation?  

Now that we know the Advantages and Disadvantages of Presentations, we will provide you with some tips on how to make a successful Presentation. 

1) Know your audience: Understand your audience's needs and interests to tailor your content accordingly. 

2) Start with a strong opening: Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction to captivate the audience from the start of presentation .

3) Organise your content logically: Structure your Presentation in a clear and coherent manner with a beginning, middle, and end. 

4) Limit text on slides: Keep slides simple and avoid overcrowding with excessive text; use bullet points and keywords. 

5) Use visuals effectively: Incorporate high-quality images, graphs, and charts to enhance understanding and engagement. 

6) Practice, practice, practice: Rehearse your Presentation multiple times to improve your delivery and confidence. 

7) Be enthusiastic and confident: Show passion for your topic and maintain good eye contact to build trust with the audience. 

8) Tell stories and use examples: Include relevant anecdotes and case studies to make your points more relatable and memorable. 

9) Keep it interactive: Encourage audience participation through questions, polls, or discussions to keep them engaged. 

10) Manage time wisely: Respect the allotted time for your Presentation and pace your delivery accordingly. 

11) End with a strong conclusion: Summarise your key points and leave the audience with a clear takeaway or call to action. 

Presentation Skills Training


All in all, Presentations have altered the way we communicate and share information. While they offer numerous advantages, such as effective communication, visual appeal, and persuasive impact, they also come with their share of disadvantages, including technical challenges and public speaking anxiety. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of presentations and employing best practices, we can Improve Presesntation Skills , create engaging and impactful presentations that leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Want to master the art of impactful Presentations? Explore our Presentation Skills Courses and elevate your communication prowess!  

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    2. Communicate more with less. Rising markets chart by Aaliya Landholt. Presentations often go long because the presenter tries to cram too much information into some of his or her slides. Take advantage of video to illustrate processes, movement, and growth. For example, instead of using a static graph to signal an upward tend, use one in motion.

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    Here's how it works: 1. Choose a video presentation template from our library to get started. 2. Upload your photos and video clips and then drag and drop them into your presentation. 3. Personalize your video presentation with text, animations, and your brand colors and logo to make it truly your own. 4.

  4. How to Make an Eye-catching Video Presentation in Minutes

    Step 1: On the File menu, select Save to make sure you have saved all your recent work in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx). Step 2: On the File menu, select Save As. Step 3: Select the folder location where you want to store your PowerPoint Show file. Step 4: In the Save as type box, choose PowerPoint Show (*.ppsx).

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    Awards presentations; Webinars; Benefits of a video presentation These are great reasons to put in the effort to produce this type of video content. Enhanced engagement. Video recordings—whether on social media or hosted on your website—are great for engagement and getting your audience's attention.

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    In addition, you can use the video to convey your messages in a way that is easier for them to digest. Most importantly, if you are conducting a webinar with other people, adding presentation videos will make it much more interesting and engaging for everyone involved. #2. You Have Complex Messages to Deliver.

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    Employee training video presentations are tools used by companies to educate employees on various topics. Asynchronous video presentations are a time-efficient way to conduct employee training. Product demo video presentations showcase a product's features and benefits, helping potential clients understand how the product works and its value.

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    To make sure that you do things right, take these pointers: 1. Embed the video in the presentation itself. Think of how unprofessional it would look to show the audience a video separate from the original presentation. You'd look like an amateur who didn't bother to assemble your knowledgebase in one place.

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    video presentations . Just like any other method that is introduced into the curriculum, it is important for students to understand the value that videos will have on their communication skills. As part of this understanding, a set of benefits and considerations need to be kept in mind: 4.1. Benefits of video presentations: -

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    Plan the content. When planning your content, outline the key points you want to cover. Break down the presentation into sections and decide who will handle each part. Make sure the content flows logically from one section to the next. This planning phase is crucial for a cohesive presentation. 4.

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    Now that we know the Advantages and Disadvantages of Presentations, we will provide you with some tips on how to make a successful Presentation. 1) Know your audience: Understand your audience's needs and interests to tailor your content accordingly. 2) Start with a strong opening: Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction to captivate the ...