the Examdatabase^500

the Klausurdatenbank^500


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Share past exams, protocols, scripts, summaries or whatever helps with your peers.

What is this?

This is the examdatabase of the technical faculty Freiburg. It's basically the exchange platform for digital material related to studying. Eveything you can find is provided by other students, without their contribution this would not work. So consider doing your part and upload something. Don't be shy, everything can be helpful!

How does uploading work?

Just click un Upload , fill out the form and click upload again. We don't store any information on who uploaded what! Your contribution will be checked by the Fachschaft as soon as possible and then be published. We do this to ensure that there is no malware, and you have the best user experience possible.

Why do I sometimes need to log in to download something?

There is a gentelmen's agreement with the university that only members of the university can download stuff. If your download from within the eduroam network, there is no login required. If you are outside the eduroam network, you have to identify yourself at Janus, our authorization provider. Just log in with your RZ-account. That's the one with your Initials, i.e. xy123 .

Why is there nothing for my course?

Probably because nobody uploaded anything yet, you can change that :). Sometimes the names of courses change over time, try finding out previous names of the course and search for those, or search directly for the lecturer of the course.

Other services

  • Course Registry

Faculty of Engineering

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Search engines @ TF

This page has been created on 26.01.2021 by Hannah Bast and is work in progress.

Here is a list of tentative search engines provided for your convenience. The indexed documents are currently all in German.

Vorlesungsverzeichnis (course catalogue) (mit Links zu den Einträgen im HISinOne und den Seiten aus dem Modulhandbuch)

Satzungen (rules and regulations) (Prüfungsordnungen, Promotionsordnung, Habilitationsordnung, Corona-Satzung)

Gesetze (various laws) (Landeshochschulgesetz, Lehrverpflichtungsverordnung, ...)

Protokolle der Studienkommission (access restricted, login with Uni-Account)

Protokolle des Promotionsausschusses (access restricted, login with Uni-Account)


Writing your dissertation with LaTeX

Target group.

Doctoral candidates who want to learn how to use LaTeX for writing academic texts, including but not limited to their dissertation.

Course Description

We‘ve all been are working late into the night trying to finish a paper, but the figures won‘t go where you want them to and the references for your bibliography are getting mixed up....and the footnotes...don‘t even get me started! Thanks, Microsoft Word!

But what if there was another way? Maybe there is: LaTeX .

So what is LaTeX and why should you use it to write your dissertation?

LaTeX is document preparation typesetting system that uses plain text input in order to create an attractive end product. This software has been in use in academia for decades and improvements are continuously made. It is especially useful for formatting large documents such as books, scientific articles or an academic thesis. LaTeX makes it easy to include references, figures with captions, nice looking tables and equations, and can save you some stress when writing your dissertation in addition to making your thesis stand out for its fabulous formatting!

By the end of the workshop, you will:

  • Have a clearer sense of how to use LaTeX and for what purposes
  • Get comfortable with the LaTeX programming environment
  • Learn how to include figures, references, equations, cross-references, table of contents, title pages, etc.
  • Have a clearer sense of the advantages and disadvantages of LaTeX
  • Create a plan of action to organize your written dissertation with LaTeX

In this course, we will be using Overleaf, a free web-based LaTeX editor to demonstrate the functionality of LaTeX and in the end we will create a personalized template that you can use for your thesis! The course wil be taught in English, but if you are writing in German, this is not a problem. The same principles apply and questions can be asked in German or English.



Dr. Tina Lampe Friedrichstraße 41-43 Tel.: +49 (0)761 203-6817 Fax: +49 (0)761 203-9665 [email protected]

University of Freiburg Computer Science Thesis template

Bachelors and Masters thesis template for computer science students of University of Freiburg.

Source and information: .

This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

University of Freiburg Computer Science Thesis template

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Abschlussarbeiten/Thesis opportunities

Themen für Abschlussarbeiten (Bachelor und Master) werden individuell vergeben. Zur Orientierung sind Abschlussarbeiten (inkl. Dissertationen) der letzten Jahre gelistet. Topics for theses (Bachelor, Master) are assigned individually. For orientation, completed Bachelor, Master (and PhD) theses are listed below. Kontakt/Contact: Christiane Werner , Jürgen Kreuzwieser und Simon Haberstroh

Master thesis

Simon Keller

Spatio-temporal impact of deuterium-labeled stemflow in an European beech forest assessed by water stable isotopes

Isotopic deuterium tracing shows differential water uptake across over- and understory species in a mixed beech forest

Bachelor thesis

Luisa Möller

Modelling leaf water potential from point dendrometer data

Biosynthesis and emission of isoprenoids of boreal and tropical tree species in response to drought

Samuel Odenwäller

Ecophysiological response to drought of the invasive shrub Cistus ladanifer to competiton by Salvia officinalis

Fabio Scarpa

Ecophysiological response of competing Pinus sylvestris L. and Carpinus betulus L. after years of recurrent severe droughts

Anaïs Dittrich

The effect of drought stress and hydraulic redistribution o n Buddleja davidii

Tamara Bretzel

Crop Response of Open and Closed Agrivoltaic Systems: A Case Study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Niklas Wolf

In Vivo Quantifizierung stabiler Wasserisotope des Xylems über die Transpiration

Milena Waas

Spatio-temporal patterns of stemflow infiltration around beech trees in forest stands of the Black Forest (with Chair of Hydrology)

Stefanie Dumberger

Difference in the water use strategies of four common temperate tree species

Alexandra Geiger

Impact of manipulated drought under future climate conditions on gas exchange of Dactylis glomerata and Plantago lanceolate in an Austrian alpine grassland ecosystem

Karim Fahmy

Modelling the impact of an agrivoltaics system on Potato Production in a semi-arid climate: A case study for Algeria

Pia Echtler

Quantifizierung von Antioxidantien in Buchen naturnaher und bewirtschafteter Wälder

Simon Haberstroh

Impact of extreme drought events and shrub invasion on Mediterranean cork oak ( Quercus suber L.) ecosystem functioning and recovery

Fabian Fritz

Soil water infiltration and distribution patterns under different forest stands in application of stable water isotope analysis (with Chair of Hydrology)

Philipp Nolte

Effects of Drought Stress on VOC Emissions of Norway Spruce Saplings

Rebecca Botello Finger 

Tree vulnerability to drought of Cistus ladanifer -invades Quercus suber plots (with University of Lisbon)

Jan-Alexander Petersen

Auswirkungen von Trockenheit und Stickstoff auf zentraleuropäische Baumarten

Mariella Zwickel

Einsatz von Mykorrhiza-Präparaten in der Baumpflege: Überblick und in-Vitro Versuche

Sophie Seitz

Einfluss von Waldbewirtschaftung auf die Antioxidantien in Buche

Angelika Kübert

Extreme drought and nitrogen loading in grasslands: assessing the impact on vegetation-soil-atmosphere processes across scales

Mirjam Meischner

Impact of shrub encroachment on soil respiration and soil VOC Emission in a Mediterranean cork oak ecosystem

Lars Erik Daber

Understanding drought induced responses in leaf CO 2 and BVOC fluxes through position specific isotope labelling

Nicolai Marggrander

Influence of Water Availability on Physiology and BVOC Emissions of Silver Fir ( Abies alba Mill.)

Michel Grün

BVOC-emissions of Scots pine, 13 C-metabolic tracing and changes under drought

Helena Böddeker

Drought effects and resilience of Quercus suber in Montado ecosystems (with University of Lisbon)

Clara Sommer

Einfluss von Trockenstress auf die VOC-Emission von Fagus sylvatica unter kontrollierten Bedingungen

Überprüfung einer Methode zur Extraktion von Duftstoffen aus Bäumen

Christoph Eiferle

Water use strategies of beeches and firs in the Black Forest (Freiamt)

Emma Kuester

Effects of Drought and Nutrient Availability on the Biodiversity and Water Use Efficierncy of Grassland Species

Julian Reimer

Universal Autonomous Low-Power RF Sensor Module with a Custom Pulse Amplitude Modulated Chlorophyll Flurorometer (with IMTEK)

Lucas Malau

Auswirkungen von Hitzestress auf CO 2 -Assimilation und Emissionen von biogenen flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen (BVOCs) bei zwei tropischen Baumarten ( Ficus benjamina und Pachira aquatica )

Jasper Mohr

Identification of species-specific water use strategies of cork oaks and Cistus shrubs by stable isotopes (with University of Lisbon)

VOC Emissionen zweier mediterraner Pflanzenarten

Helene Gutte

Der Einfluss von Umweltfaktoren auf die Terpenemission mediterraner Pflanzenarten

Carl Markus Thorn

Thermische Oxidation der Fettsäuren im Holz der gewöhnlichen Douglasie ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ) bei hohen Trocknungstemperaturen. 

Untersuchungen zum Terpengehalt in Blättern adulter Buchen

Jospeh Rombach

Einfluss reduzierter Wasserverfügbarkeit auf die VOC-Emissionen bei Buchen

BVOC emissions of Quercus suber and Cistus ladanifer in response to drought stress (with University of Lisbon)

Eva Ballering

Respiratory use of an animal diet by the venus fly-trap

Mario Seidel

Analysis of total and assimilatory nitrate uptake in the lower Bode, Saxony-Anhalt

Einfluss des Nadelalters auf den Terpengehalt in Tannen

Jeremias Hurst

Einfluss von Licht und Temperatur auf die Terpenemission von Buchen (Fagus sylvatica)

Johannes Steurer

Untersuchungen zur Komposition volatiler Verbindungen in Atmosphäre und Böden verschiedener Waldbestände

Florian Maurice Thibaut

Parametrisierung des Terpenprofils der Weißtanne ( Abies alba ) unter Laborbedingungen

Hannes Vogel

Emission flüchtiger Verbindungen in Waldböden bei unterschiedlicher Temperatur


  1. So erstellst du dein Deckblatt Masterarbeit + 11 Univorlagen

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  2. Freiburg, neue Gebäude der technischen Fakultät der Uni Freiburg auf

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  3. Willkommen an der Technischen Fakultät!

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  6. thesis

    uni freiburg tf thesis


  1. Lustige Ostergrüße von Michael Schreiber

  2. CGI Animated Short Film "Laika and Rover" by Lauren Mayhew

  3. Borussia Mönchengladbach vs SC Freiburg ᴴᴰ 30.03.2024

  4. Purdue 3MT Finals Paul Knudsen

  5. Effects of Active Landing Gears on Attitude Dynamics of a Quadrotor

  6. 3-666 Decoding History Robin Ince on creationism


  1. Examinatons: Thesis

    Thesis registration. The registration form is only available via the Examinations Office. Please send us an e-mail. If you would like to register your thesis, send us an e-mail to [email protected] and we will send you the registration form electronically by e-mail with a brief description of how the form should be completed.

  2. Examination Regulations for the Degree Program Master ...

    (1) The master's thesis must be written within a period of six months and is worth 27 ECTS credits. (2) At least one of the two evaluators of the master's thesis must be a full-time faculty member of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Freiburg. (3) The master's thesis must be written either in German or in English.

  3. Doctoral Studies

    Golnoosh Baghi Georges-Köhler-Allee 101, Room 02-009b 79110 Freiburg Tel.: 0761-203- 97954 [email protected]. Andrea Will Georges-Köhler-Allee 101, Room 02-009b

  4. Exam Database

    This is the examdatabase of the technical faculty Freiburg. It's basically the exchange platform for digital material related to studying. Eveything you can find is provided by other students, without their contribution this would not work. So consider doing your part and upload something. Don't be shy, everything can be helpful!

  5. Grade calculation in the master's degree programs

    The overall module grade is the weighted average (weighted arithmetic average) of the module grades. The grade of the thesis module is weighted with a factor of 2. If all of the module grades are each 1.3 or better or is the total grade a 1.0, you will pass "with distinction."

  6. Templates Theses (access only via university's network)

    Templates Theses (access only via university's network)

  7. Guidelines for preparing an MSc-thesis

    3.1 Selection of a topic and a supervisor. The first step in working on a master's thesis is the selection of a topic and a supervisor. Essentially, a topic is a title of your prospective master's thesis. It is closely related to a research problem, research objectives and research questions of your study.

  8. TF Search @ Uni Freiburg

    Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Search engines @ TF. This page has been created on 26.01.2021 by Hannah Bast and is work in progress. Here is a list of tentative search engines provided for your convenience. ... Protokolle der Studienkommission ...

  9. PDF Declaration for the Final Thesis

    DECLARATION. hereby declare, that I am the sole author and composer of my thesis and that no other sources or learning aids, other than those listed, have been used. Furthermore, declare that I have acknowledged the work of others by providing detailed references of said work. also hereby declare that my thesis has not been prepared for another ...

  10. Master's Thesis Administrative Guideline

    The thesis must be submitted to the Examinations Office by the agreed upon submission date. You may submit your thesis earlier if you wish. Submitting personally: The thesis can be handed in Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 12.30. You do not have to submit only during the consultation hours of the Examinations Office.

  11. PDF Master's Thesis Guidelines: Organisational Aspects

    You submit your thesis a month or two before the semester ends, but would like to stay enrolled as long as possible, preferably for the following semester. As long as your thesis is not graded, you have the right to stay enrolled. Example: Your thesis is not graded before the registration period starts (15.01.-15.02. or 15.6.-15.7.)

  12. Guidelines for the Master's Thesis

    The thesis must be submitted to the Examinations Office by the agreed upon submission date. You may submit your thesis earlier if you wish. The thesis can be handed it from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 12.30.You don ́t have to stick to the consultation hours of the examination office.

  13. Writing your dissertation with LaTeX

    LaTeX is document preparation typesetting system that uses plain text input in order to create an attractive end product. This software has been in use in academia for decades and improvements are continuously made. It is especially useful for formatting large documents such as books, scientific articles or an academic thesis.

  14. PDF How to Write a Thesis

    b)Your Master's thesis should not exceed 35 pages. c)Exceptions are possible on request; align decision with your supervisor. • You must submit your thesis according to the deadline. You have to hand in 2 hard copies and one digital copy of your thesis (refer to the examination office for latest changes). If you write an empirical thesis ...

  15. PDF Application for admission to the PhD examination

    The emphasis of my thesis work was on engineering or natural sciences and I therefore apply for the title of Dr.-Ing. or Dr. rer. nat. The following documents are enclosed with this application: • Police record / certificate of good conduct • CV with photo • Five identical copies of my thesis

  16. Step by Step manual for doctoral studies

    Step 6: Submitting the Doctoral Thesis. Once you have finished your dissertation, you can apply for its submission at the examination office. This includes the submission of 6 bound copies of your dissertation and 1 digital version (CD/DVD) as well as other documents which are listed in the form application for submission of the doctoral thesis.

  17. PDF master thesis guidelines 20191127

    The Master thesis is to be composed in English language and should not exceed 35 DIN-A4 pages. (M.Sc. PO § 11 (2)). The 35 pages are to be counted from the first page of the introduction until the last page of the conclusion. Cover page, Glossary, Index, Appendices and Reference List are not included in the page count.

  18. PDF Guideline Master Thesis (administrative aspects)

    • The thesis will be evaluated by your supervisor and the second examiner within 6 weeks after submission. The final grade of your master thesis is the average of the two grades awarded by the two examiners. • To pass, the master thesis must be graded as sufficient (4.0) or better.

  19. University of Freiburg Computer Science Thesis template

    % documentclass options: % ngerman is needed for hyphenation if the thesis contains parts written in German % BCOR is binding correction % if you'd rather have a one sided thesis, add `onside' to the documentclass \documentclass[11pt, a4paper, BCOR=10mm, english, ngerman]{scrbook} % include all packages and define commands in setup.tex \input{setup} \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} % no ...

  20. Bachelor theses

    Quelle: Bachelor theses — Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering - INATECH ...

  21. PDF Master's Thesis Guidelines: Organisational Aspects

    You submit your thesis a month or two before the semester ends, but would like to stay enrolled as long as possible, preferably for the following semester. As long as your thesis is not graded, you have the right to stay enrolled. Example: Your thesis is not graded before the registration period starts (15.01.-15.02. or 15.6.-15.7.)

  22. Abschlussarbeiten/Thesis opportunities

    Zur Orientierung sind Abschlussarbeiten (inkl. Dissertationen) der letzten Jahre gelistet. Topics for theses (Bachelor, Master) are assigned individually. For orientation, completed Bachelor, Master (and PhD) theses are listed below. Kontakt/Contact: Christiane Werner, Jürgen Kreuzwieser und Simon Haberstroh. 2024.