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Cause and effect transition words for results and reasoning

transition words in cause and effect essay

Cause and effect transition words are important parts of speech when you want to link two actions or occurrences together and describe how one affects the other.

You may also hear these words and phrases referred to as ‘ discourse markers of reason ‘ or ‘ result transition words ‘ because they help with expressing the reason why a particular result will or will not occur.

Below you can find some of the most common transition words for cause and effect used in English, as well as some less common ones that may be reserved for formal writing such as essays and academic papers.

In each section we will explain how to structure sentences correctly using these words. We have also included lots of example sentences to help you understand how they might be used in everyday English.

transition words in cause and effect essay

Cause and effect transition words

When learning new reasoning transition words, it’s important to know not just what they are, but how to use them in a sentence.

Each of the words and phrases listed below can generally accompany either the cause or the effect in a clause, but not both.

Additionally, some of these discourse markers can only be used to state the effect before the cause; others only work when stating the cause before the effect. A few can be used either way.

Therefore, it’s important to consider which type of sentence you are forming, and structure it with an appropriate cause and effect transition word.

You might also want to describe conditional results, and we cover how to do this at the end of the article.

Simple transition words for cause and effect

Let’s begin with some of the most simple cause and effect transition words:

  • Because (of)
  • As a result of
  • In order to/that

These are simple to learn because they all function in the same way. You just need to pay attention to which ones come before the cause, and which ones come before the effect.

“The class achieved excellent grades as a result of their teacher’s dedication.” “I’m going to be late because I missed my bus.” “ Thanks to an anonymous donor, the charity has been able to build a new animal shelter.” “ Due to unforeseen circumstances, the cafe will be closed today.” “ Since it’s your birthday, you may choose anything you like for breakfast.” “ As there is rain forecast today, we’d better not go to the zoo.” “ In order to make our guests more comfortable, we have introduced ergonomic seating.”

It doesn’t matter whether you are stating the cause or the effect first; you just move the position of the discourse marker accordingly. Here are the same statements, arranged the other way around:

“ As a result of their teacher’s dedication, the class achieved excellent grades.” “ Because I missed my bus, I’m going to be late.” “The charity has been able to build a new animal shelter thanks to an anonymous donor.” “The cafe will be closed today due to unforeseen circumstances.” “You may choose anything you like for breakfast, since it’s your birthday.” “We’d better not go to the zoo as there is rain forecast today. “We have introduced ergonomic seating in order to make our guests more comfortable.”

Note that it is not so common to use ‘because’ to begin a sentence, but it is still correct.

More advanced cause and effect transition words

There are other expressions which are not so forgiving and cannot so easily move position in a sentence.

Words and phrases that accompany the result or effect

The following transition words for cause and effect are used in the clause which states the result or effect:

  • As a result [note: this is different to ‘as a result of’]
  • Consequently
  • Accordingly
  • In that case
  • With the result that
  • Under those/these circumstances
  • With this in mind
  • With this intention
  • To this/that end
  • For this reason
  • For this purpose
  • With this purpose in mind
  • For the same reason
  • This/which means that
  • In the hope that
“You’ve done an excellent job during your first three months at the company. Therefore , we’re awarding you a permanent contract.” “Manufacturing costs have increased a lot in the past year. As a result , we’ll have to raise our prices if we want to maintain a steady profit.” “We all had to work overtime at the office so that we could finish the project on time.” “I know there have been a lot of rumors going around the office lately. With this in mind , I want to set the record straight.” “Over half of our staff are off sick. Under these circumstances , we have no choice but to close the business temporarily.” “You must wash your hands regularly so as to avoid the spread of infections.” “One lane of the road is closed for repairs, with the result that the traffic is backed up for miles.” “They spent the day busking in the hope that they would have enough money to buy dinner.”

‘In that case’ is used to respond to information from someone else:

Giles: I’m going to order chocolate cake for dessert. Nicola: In that case , I’ll get a dessert too.

Note that hence and thus are not often used as conjunctions in spoken English, or in everyday writing. You may still see them used in traditional storytelling or in formal writing such as essays and papers. Overall, though, these words are being used less and less.

See also: Affect or effect – what’s the difference?

Words and phrases that accompany the cause or reason

Next, we have transition words which are placed in the clause that states the cause or reason:

  • For fear that
  • For the purpose of
  • On account of
  • In light of
  • Seeing that/as
“Hannah never walks under a ladder, for fear that it will bring her bad luck.” “The store is closed today for the purpose of staff training.” “ In view of the recent attacks, we have increased the number of police on the street.” “ Seeing as Christmas is only a few weeks away, I’d better start shopping for gifts.” “ Owing to the recession, we are having to lay off some staff.” “We have stopped accepting cash on account of the high number of forged bills we were receiving.” “ Based on the evidence provided, we must presume this man is guilty.”

See also: Presume vs assume

Cause and effect transition words with conditions

Sometimes you need to state that a certain result will occur IF a certain condition applies. In this case, you need conditional result transition words .

The most common way to express conditions is with ‘If… then…’:

“If it’s sunny tomorrow then I’ll walk to work.”

And often we replace ‘then’ with a comma:

“If it’s sunny tomorrow, I’ll walk to work.”

We can also reverse this structure:

“I’ll walk to work if it’s sunny tomorrow.” “I’ll walk to work tomorrow if it’s sunny.”

We have a separate article about if vs whether , in case you’re wondering about the difference.

However, there are many more varied cause and effect transition words for conditional results. If an outcome is based on a condition that may or may not be met (in the future), try using one of these:

  • In the event that/of
  • Assuming that
  • On the condition that
  • Provided that
“ In the event that it rains, we’ll have to perform the concert in the hall instead of the garden.” “ Assuming that there are no objections, we will proceed.” “I’ll come with you to the movies, as long as I can choose the film.” “ Unless we receive this payment by the end of the week, your account will be put on hold.” “ Whenever it’s sunny, we walk along the beach.” “You may go out with your friends, provided that you are home by 8pm.” “ Only if I make a profit on this novel will I consider writing another.” “Remember to bring your coat, otherwise you’ll be cold.”

‘Otherwise’ can also be used to present the alternative option in a scenario:

“If it’s sunny tomorrow, I’ll walk to work. Otherwise , I’ll take the bus.”

We have covered a lot of cause and effect transition words here! Can you think of any others? Feel free to leave a comment below to share them.

If you found this article useful, take a look at these other articles which cover different kinds of discourse markers:

Addition transition words Compare and contrast transition words Similarity transition words Discourse markers for giving examples Discourse markers for order and structure Discourse markers for concluding

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Transition words for cause and effect with examples -

Transition words for cause and effect with examples

Transition words for cause and effect.

Have you ever read a piece of writing where the ideas felt scattered and disconnected? Often, the culprit is a lack of transition words . These little gems act like signposts, guiding your reader through the cause-and-effect relationships within your writing.

List of Transition words for cause

  • On account of
  • As a result of
  • In consequence of
  • For the reason that
  • Seeing that
  • In light of
  • Considering that
  • Considering
  • As a result
  • Consequently
  • Accordingly

List of Transition words for effect

  • For this reason
  • This is why
  • For that reason
  • Because of this
  • As a consequence
  • On that account
  • Resulting in
  • Bringing about

Transition words for cause with examples

  • Because : “She stayed indoors because it was raining heavily outside.”
  • Since : “Since it was late, they decided to call it a night and head home.”
  • As : “As the temperature dropped, people bundled up in warm clothing.”
  • Due to : “The event was canceled due to inclement weather conditions.”
  • Owing to : “Owing to his hard work and dedication, he received a promotion.”
  • Thanks to : “Thanks to her support, the project was completed ahead of schedule.”
  • On account of : “On account of his absence, the meeting was postponed.”
  • As a result of : “As a result of the heavy traffic, they arrived late to the party.”
  • In consequence of : “In consequence of the budget cuts, several programs were discontinued.”
  • For the reason that : “They decided to cancel the trip for the reason that they couldn’t secure accommodation.”
  • Seeing that : “Seeing that the store was closing soon, they hurried to finish their shopping.”
  • Given that : “Given that it was a holiday, the roads were congested with traffic.”
  • In light of : “In light of recent events, security measures have been increased.”
  • Considering that : “Considering that it was his first attempt, he performed exceptionally well.”
  • Considering : “Considering the circumstances, their decision was understandable.”
  • As a result : “She missed the bus, and as a result, she was late for work.”
  • Consequently : “They overslept; consequently, they missed their flight.”
  • Thus : “They ran out of fuel; thus, they couldn’t continue their journey.”
  • Therefore : “The bridge was closed for repairs; therefore, they had to find an alternate route.”
  • Hence : “He forgot his keys at home; hence, he couldn’t unlock the door.”
  • Accordingly : “The company’s profits declined; accordingly, cost-cutting measures were implemented.”
  • So : “He didn’t study for the exam; so, he didn’t perform well.”

Transition words for effect with examples

  • Therefore : “She missed the bus; therefore, she was late for work.”
  • Thus : “The road was closed; thus, they had to take a detour.”
  • Consequently : “He didn’t study for the exam; consequently, he failed.”
  • As a result : “The team worked hard; as a result, they won the championship.”
  • Hence : “He forgot his umbrella; hence, he got wet in the rain.”
  • Accordingly : “The project was completed ahead of schedule; accordingly, they received bonuses.”
  • So : “He missed his flight; so, he had to take the next one.”
  • For this reason : “She had a sore throat; for this reason, she couldn’t sing at the concert.”
  • This is why : “He didn’t pay attention in class; this is why he failed the test.”
  • For that reason : “She was allergic to seafood; for that reason, she couldn’t eat sushi.”
  • Because of this : “He forgot to set the alarm; because of this, he overslept.”
  • As a consequence : “The store was closed; as a consequence, they had to find another place to shop.”
  • So that : “She wore a jacket so that she wouldn’t catch a cold.”
  • On that account : “The food was spicy; on that account, he drank lots of water.”
  • Resulting in : “The heavy rain caused flooding, resulting in traffic congestion.”
  • Bringing about : “His hard work brought about positive changes in his life.”

Transition words for effect

transition words in cause and effect essay

Transition words for cause

Transition words for cause -

So, the next time you write, remember the power of transition words for cause and effect! They’ll help you build a strong logical flow within your writing, guiding your reader on a clear journey from reasons to results.

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


What this handout is about.

In this crazy, mixed-up world of ours, transitions glue our ideas and our essays together. This handout will introduce you to some useful transitional expressions and help you employ them effectively.

The function and importance of transitions

In both academic writing and professional writing, your goal is to convey information clearly and concisely, if not to convert the reader to your way of thinking. Transitions help you to achieve these goals by establishing logical connections between sentences, paragraphs, and sections of your papers. In other words, transitions tell readers what to do with the information you present to them. Whether single words, quick phrases, or full sentences, they function as signs that tell readers how to think about, organize, and react to old and new ideas as they read through what you have written.

Transitions signal relationships between ideas—relationships such as: “Another example coming up—stay alert!” or “Here’s an exception to my previous statement” or “Although this idea appears to be true, here’s the real story.” Basically, transitions provide the reader with directions for how to piece together your ideas into a logically coherent argument. Transitions are not just verbal decorations that embellish your paper by making it sound or read better. They are words with particular meanings that tell the reader to think and react in a particular way to your ideas. In providing the reader with these important cues, transitions help readers understand the logic of how your ideas fit together.

Signs that you might need to work on your transitions

How can you tell whether you need to work on your transitions? Here are some possible clues:

  • Your instructor has written comments like “choppy,” “jumpy,” “abrupt,” “flow,” “need signposts,” or “how is this related?” on your papers.
  • Your readers (instructors, friends, or classmates) tell you that they had trouble following your organization or train of thought.
  • You tend to write the way you think—and your brain often jumps from one idea to another pretty quickly.
  • You wrote your paper in several discrete “chunks” and then pasted them together.
  • You are working on a group paper; the draft you are working on was created by pasting pieces of several people’s writing together.


Since the clarity and effectiveness of your transitions will depend greatly on how well you have organized your paper, you may want to evaluate your paper’s organization before you work on transitions. In the margins of your draft, summarize in a word or short phrase what each paragraph is about or how it fits into your analysis as a whole. This exercise should help you to see the order of and connection between your ideas more clearly.

If after doing this exercise you find that you still have difficulty linking your ideas together in a coherent fashion, your problem may not be with transitions but with organization. For help in this area (and a more thorough explanation of the “reverse outlining” technique described in the previous paragraph), please see the Writing Center’s handout on organization .

How transitions work

The organization of your written work includes two elements: (1) the order in which you have chosen to present the different parts of your discussion or argument, and (2) the relationships you construct between these parts. Transitions cannot substitute for good organization, but they can make your organization clearer and easier to follow. Take a look at the following example:

El Pais , a Latin American country, has a new democratic government after having been a dictatorship for many years. Assume that you want to argue that El Pais is not as democratic as the conventional view would have us believe.

One way to effectively organize your argument would be to present the conventional view and then to provide the reader with your critical response to this view. So, in Paragraph A you would enumerate all the reasons that someone might consider El Pais highly democratic, while in Paragraph B you would refute these points. The transition that would establish the logical connection between these two key elements of your argument would indicate to the reader that the information in paragraph B contradicts the information in paragraph A. As a result, you might organize your argument, including the transition that links paragraph A with paragraph B, in the following manner:

Paragraph A: points that support the view that El Pais’s new government is very democratic.

Transition: Despite the previous arguments, there are many reasons to think that El Pais’s new government is not as democratic as typically believed.

Paragraph B: points that contradict the view that El Pais’s new government is very democratic.

In this case, the transition words “Despite the previous arguments,” suggest that the reader should not believe paragraph A and instead should consider the writer’s reasons for viewing El Pais’s democracy as suspect.

As the example suggests, transitions can help reinforce the underlying logic of your paper’s organization by providing the reader with essential information regarding the relationship between your ideas. In this way, transitions act as the glue that binds the components of your argument or discussion into a unified, coherent, and persuasive whole.

Types of transitions

Now that you have a general idea of how to go about developing effective transitions in your writing, let us briefly discuss the types of transitions your writing will use.

The types of transitions available to you are as diverse as the circumstances in which you need to use them. A transition can be a single word, a phrase, a sentence, or an entire paragraph. In each case, it functions the same way: First, the transition either directly summarizes the content of a preceding sentence, paragraph, or section or implies such a summary (by reminding the reader of what has come before). Then, it helps the reader anticipate or comprehend the new information that you wish to present.

  • Transitions between sections: Particularly in longer works, it may be necessary to include transitional paragraphs that summarize for the reader the information just covered and specify the relevance of this information to the discussion in the following section.
  • Transitions between paragraphs: If you have done a good job of arranging paragraphs so that the content of one leads logically to the next, the transition will highlight a relationship that already exists by summarizing the previous paragraph and suggesting something of the content of the paragraph that follows. A transition between paragraphs can be a word or two (however, for example, similarly), a phrase, or a sentence. Transitions can be at the end of the first paragraph, at the beginning of the second paragraph, or in both places.
  • Transitions within paragraphs: As with transitions between sections and paragraphs, transitions within paragraphs act as cues by helping readers to anticipate what is coming before they read it. Within paragraphs, transitions tend to be single words or short phrases.

Transitional expressions

Effectively constructing each transition often depends upon your ability to identify words or phrases that will indicate for the reader the kind of logical relationships you want to convey. The table below should make it easier for you to find these words or phrases. Whenever you have trouble finding a word, phrase, or sentence to serve as an effective transition, refer to the information in the table for assistance. Look in the left column of the table for the kind of logical relationship you are trying to express. Then look in the right column of the table for examples of words or phrases that express this logical relationship.

Keep in mind that each of these words or phrases may have a slightly different meaning. Consult a dictionary or writer’s handbook if you are unsure of the exact meaning of a word or phrase.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Common Transitions to Use in Cause and Effect Essay

essay words

We should probably start by asking ourselves what are transition words and what value do they add to an essay. You need to connect ideas in your essay to improve readability. If your points are isolated and unrelated, then reading becomes difficult and boring.

As a matter of fact, most software that checks for the readability of texts looks for the correct usage of transition words. Some people recommend that you can add transition words when you are revising the paper. However, you have to get a good flow from the beginning. This means that you should be adding these words as you write. Transition words are very many. Using them might be confusing and that is why this article breaks them down into 4 major types depending on how and where you can use them.

Transition words for essays help to ensure a smooth flow of ideas throughout the paper. They help readers understand the relationships between different parts of the text and navigate through the essay easily. However, sometimes it can be hard to find the right transition words for essays. Fortunately, there are services that provide cheap custom essays that use the right transition words and provide excellent structure to help you get the highest grade. Also, if you can’t do it yourself, we can help with college essays .

These are the kind of words that you will want to use when writing about a list of points in prose.

The words in this category are:

  • Firstly, secondly, thirdly
  • To begin with, initially, to start with, finally
  • Subsequently, afterward, previously

The list is by no means endless. However, what you should know about words in this category is that they help you in introducing sentences of paragraphs that follow a sequence in prose. Using lists or numbers in an essay might be inappropriate and appear untidy. However, you might need to introduce related points and demonstrate that they are related. For instance, you want to write down three factors that lead to global warming. You might use “to begin with” for the first point, “secondly” for the second point, and “finally” for the third point. This will not only make it easy to read but show the reader that the points are related. Using transition words for essays is important to make your written work more professional, and to make your points clear and easy to follow. In addition, do your essays in a relevant way by adding new information that connects the text and the phrase. This will ensure that the essay flows effectively while making make the writing process smoother.

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Casual transition words show the relationship between sentences and paragraphs, where the proceeding point emerges as a cause or effect of the previous.

Some words in this category are:

  • Consequently, as a result, due to the fact that
  • Therefore, thus, otherwise
  • For, since, unless

You can easily identify casual transition words by looking at the relationship they create between two sentences or paragraphs. For instance, you can have two independent sentences like: I was late for school. I was punished by the head teacher. You can improve readability by showing that the second action was as a result of the first. Your sentence can look something like this: “Due to the fact that I was late for school, I was punished by the head teacher. When using casual transitions, you should always be keen on establishing the nature of the relationship between sentences and paragraphs.

If you are stuck with writing your essay, you can even opt to hire an online academic writing service to write academic assignments for you . These services can provide you with a professional writer that can help you to create an essay that is well-written, concise, and equipped with the perfect transition words.

These are the kind of transitions you use when you want to show that the current point is an addition to the previous. You should not confuse additive with sequential. In the case of additive, the current point is only directly related to the previous. However, in the case of sequential, there is a relationship between all the points mentioned in the sequence.

Examples of additive transitions are:

  • In addition to, furthermore, similarly, likewise
  • In other words, to illustrate, for instance

You can use these words to explain in detail the previous point. They can be used to avoid run-on sentences where the reader is forced to read a long sentence without a pause.

For instance, let us consider the following sentences:

  • Technology has made life easier through the introduction of gadgets such as smartphones and technology has also promoted peace
  • Technology has made life easier through the introduction of gadgets such as smartphones. Furthermore, it has also promoted peace.

transition words in cause and effect essay


These transitions accomplish the task opposite to additive transitions. Instead of adding, they show conflict between ideas.

Examples in this category are:

  • Regardless, nonetheless, however
  • Otherwise, regardless, on the other hand

The words in this category are mostly used when writing an analysis or argumentative essay. This is because you will mostly find that explaining opposing views will provide a better analysis or argument. You can also use these transitions to provide alternative, not necessarily opposing, views. The list of transition words is long because there are many examples. You will hear most students asking for examples of transition words. However, it is important to understand the different types and how they are used first. Once you are conversant with the types, you will only need to look at an example within a sentence to be able to use the same in an essay. When it comes to transition words, you will definitely need to improve your reading habits. With time they will sink in and you will find using them easy.

When you are writing an essay, it is important to use transition words to help the flow of your paper. Transition words help to make the essay more structured and offer a smoother reading experience. Transition words can be used in the introduction paragraph, in the body paragraphs, and in the conclusion paragraph. For example, you can use the words ‘first of all’ or ‘in order to’ at the beginning of your essay. In the body paragraphs, you can use transition words such as ‘moreover’, ‘furthermore’, or ‘in addition’. Finally, in the conclusion paragraph, you can use words such as ‘to conclude’ or ‘in conclusion’. In addition, you can order essay writing to get a professionally written paper.

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transition words in cause and effect essay


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Cause & effect essays Aka reason and result

The Cause and effect essay is another common essay type, either as an essay type on its own, or as part of a larger essay which includes one or more paragraphs examining causes and effects. This page gives information on what a cause and effect essay is , how to structure this type of essay, and how to use cause and effect structure words (transition signals) for this type of essay. There is also an example cause and effect essay on the topic of women at work, as well as some exercises to help you practice this area.

What are cause & effect essays?


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transition words in cause and effect essay

A cause and effect essay looks at the reasons (or causes) for something, then discusses the results (or effects). For this reason, cause and effect essays are sometimes referred to as reason and result essays. They are one of the most common forms of organisation in academic writing. Sometimes the whole essay will be cause and effect, though sometimes this may be only part of the whole essay. It is also possible, especially for short exam essays, that only the causes or the effects, not both, are discussed. See the examples below.

  • Discuss the causes and effects of global warming ['cause and effect' essay]
  • Explain the high death rate in Chernobyl ['causes' only essay]
  • Discuss the WTO and its effects on the Chinese economy ['effects' only essay]

There are two main ways to structure a cause and effect essay. These are similar to the ways to structure problem-solution essays , namely using a block or a chain structure. For the block structure, all of the causes are listed first, and all of the effects are listed afterwards. For the chain structure, each cause is followed immediately by the effect. Usually that effect will then be the cause of the next effect, which is why this structure is called 'chain'. Both types of structure have their merits. The former is generally clearer, especially for shorter essays, while the latter ensures that any effects you present relate directly to the causes you have given.

The two types of structure, block and chain , are shown in the diagram below.

Cause and Effect Structure Words

Cause and effect structure words are transition signals which show the cause and effect relationships. It is important to be clear which is the cause (or reason) and which is the effect (or result), and to use the correct transition word or phrase. Remember that a cause happens first , and the effect happens later .

Below are some common cause and effect structure words. X is used to indicate a cause, while Y is used to indicate the effect.

  • The first cause of (Y) is (X)
  • The next reason is (X)
  • Because of (X), (Y)
  • As a result of (X), (Y)
  • As a consequence of (X), (Y)
  • because/since/as (X)
  • to result from (X)
  • (X) results in (Y)
  • to be the result of (X)
  • (Y) is due to (X)
  • Owing to (X), (Y)
  • (Y) is because of (X)
  • (Y) is the effect of (X)
  • (Y) is the consequence of (X)
  • Worsening pollution levels in cities are due to the increased use of cars.
  • Because of the increased use of cars, pollution levels in cities are worsening.
  • As a result of the increased use of cars, pollution levels in cities are worsening.
  • The effect of the increased use of cars is a worsening of pollution levels in cities.
  • The first effect of (X) is (Y)
  • Another result of (X) is (Y)
  • As a result, (Y)
  • As a consequence, (Y)
  • Consequently (Y)
  • Therefore, (Y)
  • (X) causes (Y)
  • (X) has an effect on (Y)
  • (X) affects (Y)
  • (X) is one of the causes of (Y)
  • (X) is the reason for (Y)
  • Cars are used increasingly for urban transport. As a consequence , pollution levels in cities are worsening.
  • Increased use of cars for urban transport adversely affects pollution levels in cities.
  • Increased use of cars for urban transport is one of the causes of worsening pollution levels in cities.

Example essay

Below is a cause and effect essay. This essay uses the block structure . Click on the different areas (in the shaded boxes to the right) to highlight the different structural aspects in this essay, i.e. Causes, Effects, and structure words. This will highlight not simply the paragraphs, but also the thesis statement and summary , as these repeat the causes and effects contained in the main body.

Title: More and more women are now going out to work and some women are now the major salary earner in the family. What are the causes of this, and what effect is this having on families and society?

In the past, most women stayed at home to take care of domestic chores such as cooking or cleaning. Women's liberation and feminism have meant that this situation has been transformed and in contemporary society women are playing an almost equal role to men in terms of work. This has had significant consequences , both in terms of the family , for example by improving quality of life and increasing children's sense of independence , and also for society itself with greater gender equality . The main reasons behind the increase of women in the workplace are women's liberation and feminism. The women's liberation movement originated in the 1960s and was popularised by authors such as Simone de Beauvoir. As a consequence of this, new legislation emerged, granting women equal rights to men in many fields, in particular employment. Because of feminist ideas, men have taken up roles which were previously seen as being for women only, most importantly those related to child rearing. As a result of this, women have more time to pursue their own careers and interests. These have led to some significant effects, both to family life and to society as a whole. Although the earning capacity of a woman in her lifetime is generally much less than that of a man, she can nevertheless make a significant contribution to the family income. The most important consequence of this is an improved quality of life. By helping to maintain a steady income for the family, the pressure on the husband is considerably reduced, hence improving both the husband's and the wife's emotional wellbeing. Additionally, the purchasing power of the family will also be raised. This means that the family can afford more luxuries such as foreign travel and a family car. A further effect on the family is the promotion of independence in the children. Some might argue that having both parents working might be damaging to the children because of a lack of parental attention. However, such children have to learn to look after themselves at an earlier age, and their parents often rely on them to help with the housework. This therefore teaches them important life skills. As regards society, the most significant impact of women going to work is greater gender equality. There are an increasing number of women who are becoming politicians, lawyers, and even CEOs and company managers. This in turn has led to greater equality for women in all areas of life, not just employment. For example, women today have much stronger legal rights to protect themselves against domestic violence and sexual discrimination in the workplace. In conclusion, the increasing number of women at work has brought about some important changes to family life, including improved quality of life and increased independence for children, as well as affecting society itself. It is clear that the sexes are still a long way from being equal in all areas of life, however, and perhaps the challenge for the present century is to ensure that this takes place.

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Author: Sheldon Smith    ‖    Last modified: 16 January 2022.

Sheldon Smith is the founder and editor of He has been teaching English for Academic Purposes since 2004. Find out more about him in the about section and connect with him on Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn .

Compare & contrast essays examine the similarities of two or more objects, and the differences.

Cause & effect essays consider the reasons (or causes) for something, then discuss the results (or effects).

Discussion essays require you to examine both sides of a situation and to conclude by saying which side you favour.

Problem-solution essays are a sub-type of SPSE essays (Situation, Problem, Solution, Evaluation).

Transition signals are useful in achieving good cohesion and coherence in your writing.

Reporting verbs are used to link your in-text citations to the information cited.

Transitional Words and Phrases

One of your primary goals as a writer is to present ideas in a clear and understandable way. To help readers move through your complex ideas, you want to be intentional about how you structure your paper as a whole as well as how you form the individual paragraphs that comprise it. In order to think through the challenges of presenting your ideas articulately, logically, and in ways that seem natural to your readers, check out some of these resources: Developing a Thesis Statement , Paragraphing , and Developing Strategic Transitions: Writing that Establishes Relationships and Connections Between Ideas.

While clear writing is mostly achieved through the deliberate sequencing of your ideas across your entire paper, you can guide readers through the connections you’re making by using transitional words in individual sentences. Transitional words and phrases can create powerful links between your ideas and can help your reader understand your paper’s logic.

In what follows, we’ve included a list of frequently used transitional words and phrases that can help you establish how your various ideas relate to each other. We’ve divided these words and phrases into categories based on the common kinds of relationships writers establish between ideas.

Two recommendations: Use these transitions strategically by making sure that the word or phrase you’re choosing matches the logic of the relationship you’re emphasizing or the connection you’re making. All of these words and phrases have different meanings, nuances, and connotations, so before using a particular transitional word in your paper, be sure you understand its meaning and usage completely, and be sure that it’s the right match for your paper’s logic. Use these transitional words and phrases sparingly because if you use too many of them, your readers might feel like you are overexplaining connections that are already clear.

Categories of Transition Words and Phrases

Causation Chronology Combinations Contrast Example

Importance Location Similarity Clarification Concession

Conclusion Intensification Purpose Summary

Transitions to help establish some of the most common kinds of relationships

Causation– Connecting instigator(s) to consequence(s).

accordingly as a result and so because

consequently for that reason hence on account of

since therefore thus

Chronology– Connecting what issues in regard to when they occur.

after afterwards always at length during earlier following immediately in the meantime

later never next now once simultaneously so far sometimes

soon subsequently then this time until now when whenever while

Combinations Lists– Connecting numerous events. Part/Whole– Connecting numerous elements that make up something bigger.

additionally again also and, or, not as a result besides even more

finally first, firstly further furthermore in addition in the first place in the second place

last, lastly moreover next second, secondly, etc. too

Contrast– Connecting two things by focusing on their differences.

after all although and yet at the same time but

despite however in contrast nevertheless nonetheless notwithstanding

on the contrary on the other hand otherwise though yet

Example– Connecting a general idea to a particular instance of this idea.

as an illustration e.g., (from a Latin abbreviation for “for example”)

for example for instance specifically that is

to demonstrate to illustrate

Importance– Connecting what is critical to what is more inconsequential.

chiefly critically

foundationally most importantly

of less importance primarily

Location– Connecting elements according to where they are placed in relationship to each other.

above adjacent to below beyond

centrally here nearby neighboring on

opposite to peripherally there wherever

Similarity– Connecting to things by suggesting that they are in some way alike.

by the same token in like manner

in similar fashion here in the same way

likewise wherever

Other kinds of transitional words and phrases Clarification

i.e., (from a Latin abbreviation for “that is”) in other words

that is that is to say to clarify to explain

to put it another way to rephrase it

granted it is true

naturally of course

finally lastly

in conclusion in the end

to conclude


in fact indeed no

of course surely to repeat

undoubtedly without doubt yes

for this purpose in order that

so that to that end

to this end

in brief in sum

in summary in short

to sum up to summarize

transition words in cause and effect essay

Improving Your Writing Style

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Clear, Concise Sentences

Use the active voice

Put the action in the verb

Tidy up wordy phrases

Reduce wordy verbs

Reduce prepositional phrases

Reduce expletive constructions

Avoid using vague nouns

Avoid unneccessarily inflated words

Avoid noun strings

Connecting Ideas Through Transitions

Using Transitional Words and Phrases

Enago Academy

The Power of Transition Words: How they connect and clarify your academic writing

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Academic writing demands clear communication of ideas to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, and to ensure that information is conveyed accurately and comprehensively. It serves as a vehicle for critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis, allowing scholars to contribute meaningfully to their fields of study. By employing suitable analogies and metaphors, writers can better understand the significance of their craft and strive to hone their skills in order to contribute meaningfully to the academic community. Let’s understand how we can achieve excellence in academic writing by using transition words.

What Are Transition Words?

Transition words are words or phrases that help establish connections between sentences, paragraphs, or ideas in a piece of writing. They act as bridges, guiding readers through the logical flow of information and signalling relationships between different parts of the text. Furthermore, they provide coherence and cohesion to your writing by clarifying the relationships between ideas, adding structure, and improving the overall readability.

Download this FREE infographic and make appropriate use of every transition word to enhance your academic writing.

Role of Transition Words in Effective Academic Writing

Transition words play a crucial role in enhancing clarity and coherence in academic writing. They act as linguistic signposts that guide readers through the text, helping them understand the relationships between ideas, and ensuring a smooth flow of information. The primary roles of these words in enhancing clarity and coherence can be summarized as follows:

transition words

A. Improving Readability and Comprehension

By facilitating smooth transitions and organizing information effectively, these words enhance the readability and comprehension of academic writing. They help readers navigate through complex texts, understand complex ideas, and follow the structure of the argument. Transition words facilitate reader navigation and comprehension, enhancing the reading experience with increased engagement and accessibility.

B. Organizing Thoughts and Paragraphs

Transition words assist in organizing thoughts and structuring the content of an academic paper. They provide a framework for presenting ideas in a coherent and systematic manner. By indicating sequence, order, or cause and effect relationships, these words help writers create a logical flow that guides readers smoothly from one point to the next. They enable the construction of well-organized paragraphs and facilitate the development of cohesive arguments.

C. Clarifying and Emphasizing

Transition words contribute to the clarity and precision of academic writing. They help define terms, rephrase or restate ideas, and provide necessary explanations. Additionally, they aid in emphasizing key points and drawing attention to important information. By strategically utilizing these words, writers can guarantee clear understanding of their ideas and effective conveyance of the intended message to the reader.

D. Coherence and Cohesion

Transition words are instrumental in creating coherence and cohesion within an academic paper. Coherence refers to the logical and smooth progression of ideas, while cohesion refers to the interconnectedness and unity of the text. They act as cohesive devices, linking sentences and paragraphs together and establishing a cohesive flow of information. They strengthen the logical connections between ideas, prevent abrupt shifts, and enable readers to follow the writer’s argument effortlessly.

E. Connecting Ideas

Transition words bridge the gap between sentences, paragraphs, and sections of an academic paper. They establish logical connections, indicating how ideas are related and allowing readers to follow the author’s train of thought. Whether showing addition, similarity, contrast, or example, these words help readers navigate between concepts and comprehend the overall message more effectively.

Types of Transition Words in Academic Writing

The types of transition words vary based on the situations where you can use them to enhance the effectiveness of your academic writing.

1. Addition

“Addition” transition words are used to introduce additional information or ideas that support or supplement the main point being discussed. They serve to expand upon the topic, provide further evidence, or present examples that strengthen your claims.

Examples of Addition Transition Words: 

  • Furthermore, the study not only analyzed the effects of X but also examined the impact of Y.
  • Moreover, the results not only confirmed the initial hypothesis but also revealed additional insights.
  • Additionally, previous research has shown consistent findings, strengthening the validity of our study.

2. Comparison and Contrast

“Comparison and Contrast” transition words are used in academic writing when you want to highlight similarities, differences, or relationships between different concepts, ideas, or findings. They help to establish clear connections and facilitate the comparison and contrast of various elements within your research.

Examples of Comparison and Contrast Transition Words:

  • Similarly, other researchers have reported comparable findings, corroborating the generalizability of our results.
  • In contrast, previous studies have demonstrated consistent patterns, reinforcing the existing body of knowledge.
  • In comparison, the current study offers a unique perspective by examining the relationship from a different angle.

3. Cause and Effect

“Cause and Effect” transition words are used when you want to demonstrate the relationship between a cause and its resulting effect or consequence. They help to clarify the cause-and-effect relationship, allowing readers to understand the connections between different variables, events, or phenomena.

Examples of Cause and Effect Transition Words:

  • As a result, the data provides compelling evidence for a causal relationship between X and Y.
  • Consequently, the hypothesis can be supported by the observed patterns in the collected data.
  • Hence, the proposed model is validated, given the consistent and statistically significant results.

4. Example and Illustration

“Example and Illustration” transition words are used when you want to provide specific instances, evidence, or illustrations to support and clarify your main points or arguments. These words help to make your ideas more tangible and concrete by presenting real-life examples or specific cases.

Examples of “Example and Illustration” Transition Words:

  • For example, one study conducted by Jackson et al. (2018) demonstrated a similar phenomenon in a different context.
  • To illustrate this point, consider the case of Company X, which experienced similar challenges in implementing the proposed strategy.
  • In particular, the data highlights the importance of considering demographic factors, such as age and gender, in the analysis.

5. Sequence and Chronology

“Sequence and Chronology” transition words are used in academic research papers when you want to indicate the order, progression, or sequence of events, ideas, or processes. These words help to organize information in a logical and coherent manner, ensuring that readers can follow the chronological flow of your research.

Examples of “Sequence and Chronology” Transition Words:

  • First and foremost, the study aims to examine the long-term effects of intervention X on outcome Y.
  • Subsequently, the participants were randomly assigned to either the control or experimental group.
  • Finally, the data analysis revealed significant temporal trends that require further investigation.

6. Clarification and Restatement

“Clarification and Restatement” transition words are used in academic writing when you want to provide further explanation, clarify a point, or restate an idea in a different way. These words ensure that readers understand your arguments and ideas clearly, avoiding any ambiguity or confusion.

Examples of “Clarification and Restatement” Transition Words:

  • In other words, the phenomenon can be explained by the interplay of various psychological and environmental factors.
  • Specifically, the term “efficiency” refers to the ability to achieve maximum output with minimum resource utilization.
  • To clarify, the concept of “sustainability” encompasses the ecological, economic, and social dimensions of development.

7. Emphasis

“Emphasis” transition words are used when you want to place special emphasis on certain points, ideas, or findings. These words help to draw attention to key information, highlight the significance of particular aspects, or underscore the importance of your arguments.

Examples of Emphasis Transition Words:

  • Notably, this study addresses a significant gap in the existing literature.
  • Importantly, the findings have implications for future policy decisions.
  • In particular, the study examined the relationship between age and cognitive performance.

8. Summary and Conclusion

“Summary and Conclusion” transition words are employed in academic writing when you want to provide a concise summary of the main points discussed in your paper and draw a conclusion based on the findings or arguments presented. These help to signal the end of your paper and provide closure to your research.

Examples of “Summary and Conclusion” Transition Words

  • In conclusion, the findings unequivocally support the initial hypothesis, emphasizing the significance of the proposed theory.
  • Overall, the results indicate a consistent pattern, providing a foundation for future research in this area.
  • In summary, this research makes a valuable contribution to the existing literature by extending our understanding of the topic.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Transition Words in Academic Writing

When using transition words in academic writing, it’s important to be mindful of common mistakes to ensure that your writing remains clear, cohesive, and effective.

transition words mistakes

1. Overusing Transition Words

Using too many transition words can make your writing appear cluttered and disrupt the flow of your ideas. Avoid overloading your sentences or paragraphs with excessive transitions. Instead, use them strategically to enhance clarity and coherence.

2. Using Inappropriate or Irrelevant Transitions

Choose transition words that are appropriate for the context and purpose of your writing. Avoid using them when they don’t align with the relationship between the ideas you are connecting. Ensure that the transitions you use are relevant and contribute to the overall coherence of your writing.

3. Neglecting Proofreading and Editing

As with any aspect of writing, proofreading and editing are crucial when using transition words. Carefully review your writing to ensure that you use transitions correctly and effectively. Look for any inconsistencies, redundancies, or errors in your use of transitions and make necessary revisions.

4. Failing to Understand the Meaning

It’s important to understand the precise meaning and usage of transition words before incorporating them into your writing. Using a transition word incorrectly or inappropriately can lead to confusion or misinterpretation. Therefore, it is important to consult reliable resources or style guides to familiarize yourself with the correct usage of each of these words.

5. Neglecting the Logical Flow

Transition words should help guide the reader through your writing and create a logical flow of ideas. Failing to use appropriate transitions can result in a disjointed or fragmented presentation. Ensure that your transitions establish clear connections and maintain the coherence of your writing.

6. Relying Only on Transition Words

While transition words are valuable tools, they should not replace effective writing and organization. Relying solely on transitions to connect your ideas can lead to weak or poorly structured writing. Focus on developing strong topic sentences, clear paragraph organization, and logical progression of ideas alongside the use of these words.

7. Ignoring Sentence Variety

Use transition words to enhance the variety and sophistication of your sentence structures. Avoid using the same words repeatedly, as this can make your writing monotonous. Instead, explore different transitions that convey the specific relationships between your ideas.

In essence, the strategic use of transition words is a powerful tool that connects and clarifies your academic writing. Furthermore, it elevates your work from a mere collection of ideas to a cohesive, well-structured, and thought-provoking piece of scholarship. By mastering the art of using these words effectively, you can enhance the impact of your academic writing and contribute meaningfully to your field of study.

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190 Good Transition Words for Essays

August 23, 2023

Essay writing consists of two primary procedures: coming up with the content we want to include and structuring that content. These procedures might take place in either order or they could occur simultaneously. When writing an essay it is important to think about the ways that content and structure complement one another. The best essays join these two elements in thoughtful ways. Transition words for essays (including for college essays) are some of our most primary tools when it comes to structuring a piece of writing.

When beginning an essay it is often recommended to begin with a messy first draft. The purpose of this draft is to get everything out on the page. You should put down as many ideas and trajectories as you can without worrying too much about phrasing or whether they will make it into the final draft. The key here is to be loose—to get ahead of our self-editors and expel everything we can from our minds.

List of Good Transition Words for Essays (Continued)

While this is a good strategy for beginning an essay it will likely leave you unsure how everything fits together. This is where transition words come in. As you will see in this list (which is necessarily incomplete) the range of transition words for essays is vast. Each transition word implies a different relation, often in subtle ways. After accumulating content, the next step is to figure out how the elements fit together towards an overall goal (this could be but is not necessarily an “argument”). Consulting this list of transition words for essays can provide a shortcut for determining how one piece might lead into another. Along with transition words, rhetorical devices and literary devices are other tools to consider during this stage of essay writing.

Transition Words for College Essays

While this list will be a useful tool for all types of essay writing it will be particularly helpful when it comes to finding the right transition words for college essays . The goal of a college essay is to give a strong overall sense of its author in the tight space of 650 words. As you might imagine, it’s not easy to encompass a life or convey a complex personality in such a space. When writing a college essay you are working with a huge amount of potential content. Students often want to squeeze in as much as they can. To this end, transition words for college essays are essential tools to have at our disposal.

Here is our list of transition words for college essays and other essays. It is organized by the different types of transition words/phrases and their functions. While this organization should be convenient, keep in mind that there’s plenty of overlap. Many of these words can function in multiple ways.

1) Additive Transitions

These words function in an additive manner, accumulating content to build upon what has already been stated. They can be used to construct an argument or establish a scene through the accumulation of details.

  • Additionally
  • In addition to
  • Furthermore
  • Not to mention
  • In all honesty
  • To tell the truth
  • Not only…but also
  • As a matter of fact
  • To say nothing of
  • What’s more
  • Alternatively
  • To go a step further

 2) Comparative Transitions (Similarity)

  These transition words draw a parallel or bring out a similarity between images or ideas. They can be used not only in a straightforward sense but also to establish relations of similarity between objects or ideas that might appear to be dissonant.

  • In the same way
  • In a similar vein
  • Along the lines of
  • In the key of

 3) Comparative Transitions (Difference)

  While also functioning comparatively, the following words demonstrate difference between ideas or images. These transition words are useful when it comes to establishing contrasting points of view, an important component of any argument.

  • On the other hand
  • On the contrary
  • In contrast to
  • In contradiction
  • Nevertheless
  • Nonetheless
  • In any event
  • In any case
  • In either event

4) Sequential Transitions

  The following are particularly effective transition words for college essays. They will allow you to order ideas chronologically or in a sequence, providing a sense of continuity over time. This is particularly useful when an essay leans into something more creative or involves telling a story.

  • Subsequently
  • At the same time
  • Concurrently
  • In the beginning
  • At the start
  • At the outset
  • Off the bat

5) Spatial Transitions

Rather than organizing ideas or images in regards to sequence, these transitions indicate spatial relationships. They are particularly useful when it comes to painting a scene and/or describing objects, but they can also be used metaphorically. Consider, for example, how you might use the transition, “standing in […’s] shadow.”

  • Standing in […’s] shadow
  • In front of
  • In the middle
  • In the center
  • To the left
  • To the right
  • On the side
  • Adjacent to
  • Around the bend
  • On the outskirts
  • In the distance
  • On the horizon
  • In the foreground
  • In the background
  • Underground
  • Through the grapevine

 6) Causal Transitions

These transition words for essays indicate cause and effect relationships between ideas. They will be particularly useful when you are structuring a logical argument, i.e. using logos as a mode of persuasion . Causal transitions are an important element of academic, legal and scientific writing.

  • Accordingly
  • Resultingly
  • As a result
  • Consequently
  • In consequence
  • As a consequence
  • For this reason
  • So much that
  • Granting that
  • That being the case
  • Under those circumstances
  • With this in mind
  • For the purpose of
  • For all intents and purposes
  • In the event that
  • In the event of
  • In light of
  • On the condition that
  • To the extent that

7) Examples/Illustration/Supporting Transition

  These transition words for college essays can be used to introduce supporting evidence, emphasis, examples, and clarification. There is some overlap here with additive transitions and causal transitions. These transitions are also useful when it comes to building an argument. At the same time, they can signal a shift into a different linguistic register.

  • For example
  • For instance
  • In other words
  • As an illustration
  • To illustrate
  • To put it differently
  • To put it another way
  • That is to say
  • As the evidence illustrates
  • It’s important to realize
  • It’s important to understand
  • It must be remembered
  • To demonstrate
  • For clarity’s sake
  • To emphasize
  • To put it plainly
  • To enumerate
  • To speak metaphorically

8) Conclusory Transitions

These transition words for essays serve to bring an idea or story to a close. They offer a clear way of signaling the conclusion of a particular train of thought. They might be followed by a summary or a restatement of an essay’s argument. In this way they also provide emphasis, setting the reader up for what is about to come.

  • In conclusion
  • To summarize
  • To put it succinctly
  • To this end
  • At the end of the day
  • In the final analysis
  • By and large
  • On second thought
  • On first glance
  • That’s all to say
  • On the whole
  • All things considered
  • Generally speaking

List of Good Transition Words for Essays (Final Thoughts)

Even when elements appear to be disparate on first glance, transition words are a great tool for giving your essay a smooth flow. They can also create surprising juxtapositions, relationships, and equivalences. The way a reader will understand a transition word depends on the context in which they encounter it.

Individual words and phrases can be used in a wide variety of ways, ranging from the literal to the figurative to the colloquial or idiomatic. “Through the grapevine” is an example of the colloquial or idiomatic. When we encounter this phrase we don’t interpret it literally (as hearing something “through” a grapevine) but rather as hearing news secondhand. There are, of course, a vast number of idioms that are not included in this list but can also function as transitional phrases.

This list of transition words for college essays (and really any form of writing you might be working on) is a resource that you can return to again and again in your life as a writer. Over years of writing we tend to fall into patterns when it comes to the transition words we use. Mixing things up can be exciting both as a writer and for your readers. Even if you don’t choose to stray from your trusted transitions, considering the alternatives (and why they don’t work for you) can offer a deeper understanding of what you are trying to say.

List of Good Transition Words for Essays (An Exercise)

As an exercise in self-understanding, you may want to try highlighting all of the transition words in a piece of your own writing. You can then compare this to the transition words in a piece of writing that you admire. Are they using similar transitions or others? Are they using them more or less often? What do you like or dislike about them? We all use transition words differently, creating different tonal effects. Keeping an eye out for them, not only as a writer but also as a reader, will help you develop your own aesthetic.

  • College Essay

Emmett Lewis

Emmett holds a BA in Philosophy from Vassar College and is currently completing an MFA in Writing at Columbia University. Previously, he served as a writing instructor within the Columbia Artists/Teachers community as well as a Creative Writing Teaching Fellow at Columbia, where he taught poetry workshops. In addition, Emmett is a member of the Poetry Board at the Columbia Journal , and his work has been published in HAD , Otoliths , and Some Kind of Opening , among others.

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How To Write An Essay

Transition Words For Essays

Barbara P

Transition Words for Essays - An Ultimate List

12 min read

Published on: Jan 1, 2021

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

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Are you tired of reading essays that feel disjointed and difficult to follow? Do you find yourself struggling to connect your ideas smoothly and effectively? 

If so, then you're in luck, because today we're going to take a closer look at the magic of transition words.

In this blog, we'll cover different types of transition words and their precise usage, and how they can elevate your writing. By the end, you'll have the tools to captivate your readers and leave a lasting impression. 

Let's dive in!

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What are Transition Words?

Transition words are linking words used to connect sentences and ideas in the content. They help the audience move from one idea to another, building a coherent relationship within the document.

When  writing an essay , it is essential to make sure that the information provided is readable and understandable by the readers. For this purpose, explicit language, transition words, and phrases are used.

Moreover, these words set a base for the idea that is going to be discussed next.

Transition words can either make or break the entire essay. It is mandatory to keep in view that not every sentence in your essay needs a transitional phrase. 

Types of Transitions

Generally, there are three types of transitions that are used while drafting a piece of document. Depending on the length, complexity, and kind of text, transitions can take the following form:

  • Transition Between Sections - When your document is lengthy, transition paragraphs are used to summarize a particular section for the readers. In addition to this, it also links the information that is to be shared next.

For example:

"In the following section..." "Moving on to..." "Now, let's explore..." "Turning our attention to..." "To delve deeper, we will now examine..."

  • Transition Between Paragraphs -  The transition between paragraphs is when you logically connect the two paragraphs. This connection summarizes the paragraph’s primary concern and links it to the next idea of the other paragraph.

"Furthermore..." "On the other hand..." "Similarly..." "In contrast..." "Moreover..." "Additionally..." "In addition to..." "Conversely..." "Likewise..." "In a similar vein...

  • Transition Within Paragraphs -  They act as cues for the readers to prepare them for what is coming next. They are usually single words or small phrases.

"For instance..." "In particular..." "To illustrate..." "Additionally..." "Moreover..." "Furthermore..." "On the contrary..." "However..." "In contrast..." "In other words..."

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Types of Transition Words

Here's a table showcasing different types of transition words and their corresponding functions:

Transition Words For Different Types of Essays

Transitional words depend on the relationship you want to convey to the audience about the ideas and paragraphs. Below is a list of words and phrases that can be used to link different sentences, paragraphs, and sections.

Identify which transition expression you want to share for your logical relationship.

Transition Words for Argumentative Essay

  • In the same way
  • Equally important
  • Furthermore
  • Comparatively
  • Additionally
  • In addition
  • Not only...but also

Transition Words for Compare and Contrast Essay

  • In contrast
  • Different from
  • On the contrary
  • In spite of

Transition Words for Informative Essay

  • Provided that
  • With this in mind
  • For the purpose of
  • In the hope that
  • In order to
  • With this intention

Transition Words for College Essays

  • In other words
  • By all means
  • To demonstrate
  • As in illustration
  • To put it another way

Transition Words for Cause and Effect Essay

  • As a result
  • For this reason
  • Because the
  • Under those circumstances
  • Accordingly
  • Consequently

Transition Words for Expository Essay 

  • Not long after that
  • Specifically
  • To begin with
  • Without doubt
  • Undoubtedly
  • Due to circumstances
  • In similar fashion

Transition Words for Different Parts of Essay

Here's a table listing transition words for different parts of an essay:

How Transitions work

Transitions work by creating a bridge between ideas, sentences, paragraphs, or sections in your essay. They help to establish logical connections and guide the reader through the flow of your writing. 

Here's how transitions work:

  • Coherence : Transitions create smooth connections between ideas, ensuring a coherent flow in your writing.
  • Signal Relationships: Transitions clarify how ideas are related, such as cause and effect, comparison, contrast, or sequence.
  • Guide the Reader: It acts as signpost, guiding readers through your essay and indicating the direction of your thoughts.
  • Enhance Clarity: Transitions improve clarity by organizing ideas and helping readers understand logical progression.
  • Improve Flow: It ensures a seamless flow between sentences, paragraphs, and sections, preventing choppiness.
  • Emphasize Key Points: Transitions can be used strategically to highlight important ideas and make them more impactful.

Let's consider an example:

In the above example, transitions like " one such source " connect the idea of solar power to renewable energy sources. " Similarly " then introduces the concept of wind power, creating a logical progression. These transitions help readers follow the flow of ideas and understand the relationships between different energy sources.

Tips to Use Transition Words in your Essay

Here are some tips to effectively use transition words in your essay:

  • Understand the Purpose: Familiarize yourself with the different types and functions of transition words, phrases, or sentences. Recognize how they connect ideas, provide structure, and indicate relationships between different parts of your essay.
  • Plan your Essay Structure: Before you start writing, outline the main sections, paragraphs, and points you want to cover. Consider where transition words can be used to improve the flow and coherence of your essay.
  • Use Transition Words Appropriately: Ensure that the transition word you choose accurately reflects the relationship between ideas. Don't force a transition where it doesn't fit naturally.
  • Vary Transition Words: Avoid repetitive or excessive use of the same transition word throughout your essay. Use a variety of transition words to maintain reader interest and enhance overall readability.
  • Pay Attention to Placement: Place transition words at the beginning, middle, or end of sentences, depending on the desired effect. Consider the logical flow of your ideas and choose the appropriate placement for each transition word.
  • Use Transitional Phrases: Instead of using single transition words, consider incorporating transitional phrases or clauses. These can provide more context and clarity, strengthening the connection between ideas.
  • Revise and Edit: After completing your essay, review it for the effectiveness and smoothness of transitions. Ensure that they serve their purpose in guiding the reader and enhancing the overall coherence of your writing.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your essay with others and ask for feedback, specifically on the use of transition words. Others' perspectives can help you identify any areas that need improvement or where transitions could be strengthened.

To sum it up! While mastering transition words may require time and practice, it is a skill well worth developing. These words are crucial for creating coherence and flow in your essays. Throughout this blog, we have explored various transition words and phrases that can greatly enhance your writing.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to apply these newfound skills in your future essays. You can utilize an AI essay writer to enhance and refine your writing skills.

If you still need assistance or have further inquiries, our team at is available to provide legit essay writing service . 

Contact us today, and let us be a part of your journey toward academic excellence!

Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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transition words in cause and effect essay

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Common transition words and phrases.

In an effort to make our handouts more accessible, we have begun converting our PDF handouts to web pages. Download this page as a PDF: Transitions Return to Writing Studio Handouts

Transitions clarify the logic of your argument by orienting your reader as you develop ideas between sentences and paragraphs. These tools should alert readers to shifts in your argument while and also maintain the smoothness and clarity of your prose. Below, you’ll find some of the most commonly used transition categories and examples of each. Depending on the example, these suggestions may be within sentences or at the beginning of sentences.

Transitions by Category

1. addition.

Use when presenting multiple ideas that flow in the same direction, under the same heading/ idea also, another, finally, first, first of all, for one thing, furthermore, in addition, last of all, likewise, moreover, next, and, second, the third reason

2. Sequence/ Order

Use to suggest a temporal relationship between ideas; places evidence in sequence first, second (etc.), next, last, finally, first of all, concurrently, immediately, prior to, then, at that time, at this point, previously, subsequently, and then, at this time, thereafter, previously, soon, before, after, followed by, after that, next, before, after, meanwhile, formerly, finally, during

3. Contrast

Use to demonstrate differences between ideas or change in argument direction but, however, in contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary, yet, differ, difference, balanced against, differing from, variation, still, on the contrary, unlike, conversely, otherwise, on the other hand, however

4. Exception

Use to introduce an opposing idea however, whereas, on the other hand, while, instead, in spite of, yet, despite, still, nevertheless, even though, in contrast, but, but one could also say…

5. Comparison

Use to demonstrate similarities between ideas that may not be under the same subject heading or within the same paragraph like, likewise, just, in a different way / sense, whereas, like, equally, in like manner, by comparison, similar to, in the same way, alike, similarity, similarly, just as, as in a similar fashion, conversely

6. Illustration

Use to develop or clarify an idea, to introduce examples, or to show that the second idea is subordinate to the first for example, to illustrate, on this occasion, this can be seen, in this case, specifically, once, to illustrate, when/where, for instance, such as, to demonstrate, take the case of, in this case

7. Location

Use to show spatial relations next to, above, below, beneath, left, right, behind, in front, on top, within

8. Cause and Effect

Use to show that one idea causes, or results from, the idea that follows or precedes it because, therefore, so that, cause, reason, effect, thus, consequently, since, as a result, if…then, result in

9. Emphasis

Use to suggest that an idea is particularly important to your argument important to note, most of all, a significant factor, a primary concern, a key feature, remember that, pay particular attention to, a central issue, the most substantial issue, the main value, a major event, the chief factor, a distinctive quality, especially valuable, the chief outcome, a vital force, especially relevant, most noteworthy, the principal item, above all, should be noted

10. Summary or Conclusion

Use to signal that what follows is summarizing or concluding the previous ideas; in humanities papers, use these phrases sparingly. to summarize, in short, in brief, in sum, in summary, to sum up, in conclusion, to conclude, finally

Some material adapted from Cal Poly Pomona College Reading Skills Program and “ Power Tools for Technical Communication .” 

Writing Effective Sentence Transitions (Advanced)

Transitions are the rhetorical tools that clarify the logic of your argument by orienting your reader as you develop ideas between sentences and paragraphs. The ability to integrate sentence transitions into your prose, rather than simply throwing in overt transition signals like “in addition,” indicates your mastery of the material. (Note: The visibility of transitions may vary by discipline; consult with your professor to get a better sense of discipline or assignment specific expectations.)

Transition Signals

Transition signals are words or phrases that indicate the logic connecting sets of information or ideas. Signals like therefore, on the other hand, for example, because, then, and afterwards can be good transition tools at the sentence and paragraph level. When using these signals, be conscious of the real meaning of these terms; they should reflect the actual relationship between ideas.

Review Words

Review words are transition tools that link groups of sentences or whole paragraphs. They condense preceding discussion into a brief word or phrase. For example: You’ve just completed a detailed discussion about the greenhouse effect. To transition to the next topic, you could use review words like “this heat-trapping process” to refer back to the green house effect discussion. The relative ability to determine a cogent set of review words might signal your own understanding of your work; think of review words as super-short summaries of key ideas.

Preview words

Preview words condense an upcoming discussion into a brief word or phrase. For example: You’ve just explained how heat is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. Transitioning to the theory that humans are adding to that effect, you could use preview words like “sources of additional CO2 in the atmosphere include” to point forward to that discussion.

Transition Sentences

The strongest and most sophisticated tools, transition sentences indicate the connection between the preceding and upcoming pieces of your argument. They often contain one or more of the above transition tools. For example: You’ve just discussed how much CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere. You need to transition to a discussion of the effects. A strong set of transition sentences between the two sections might sound like this:

“These large amounts of CO2 added to the atmosphere may lead to a number of disastrous consequences for residents of planet earth. The rise in global temperature that accompanies the extra CO2 can yield effects as varied as glacial melting and species extinction.”

In the first sentence, the review words are “These large amounts of CO2 added to the atmosphere”; the preview words are “number of disastrous consequences”; the transition signals are “may lead to.” The topic sentence of the next paragraph indicates the specific “disastrous consequences” you will discuss.

If you don’t see a way to write a logical, effective transition between sentences, ideas or paragraphs, this might indicate organizational problems in your essay; you might consider revising your work.

Some material adapted from Cal Poly Pomona College Reading Skills Program  and “ Power Tools for Technical Communication .”

Last revised: 07/2008 | Adapted for web delivery: 05/2021

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Transition Words: Cause & Effect

Learn how to use  transition words in English to show  cause  and  effect.  In this free English lesson you will learn how to use  because, since, as, because of  and due to  to show a  cause  or  reason.   You will also learn how to use  so, therefore, thus, hence  and  as a result of to show an  effect  or  result. 

If you like this free English grammar lesson, then make sure to download it below in pdf format and sign up for our free newsletter. Oh, and don’t forget to  turn your LANGUAGE ON English Schools ! 

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transition words in cause and effect essay

Transition Words to Show  Cause / Reason

Because & since.

Because  and since  are used to show a cause  or reason .

We went to the beach because it was sunny.    

We stayed home ** since it was raining.

( **Be careful:   Since can also be used to show time, for example:   I have lived in Miami since 2006.)

We sometimes use as  to show a cause or reason.   As  is used in formal writing more often than in speech.

        We went to the beach as it was sunny.

As it was raining, I stayed home and watched a movie.

Due to & Because of

Due to  and  because of  are followed by a noun clause or ‘the fact that’ .

We were late due to the traffic.   We were late due to the fact that there was a lot of traffic.

We were late because of the traffic.   We were late because of the fact that there was a lot of traffic.

How to Use Transition Words  &  Commas

If the transition word comes at the beginning of the sentence, we use a comma; otherwise, we do not.

Because it was sunny , we went to the beach.   →   We went to the beach because it was sunny .

Since it was raining , we stayed home.  →   We stayed home since it was raining .

As I was late , I didn’t eat breakfast.  →   I didn’t eat breakfast as I was late.

Due to the traffic , we were late.  →   We were late due to the traffic.

Because of the traffic , we were late.  →     We were late because of the traffic.

Transition Words to Show  Effect / Result

So & therefore.

So  and therefore  are used to show an effect  or result .

It was raining, so we stayed home .

I woke up late ; therefore , I didn’t eat breakfas t.

I have a headache . Therefore , I will stay home tonight .

Thus & Hence

We sometimes use thus  & hence  to show an effect  or reason .   Thus  and  hence  are used in formal writing more often than in speech.

It was sunny; hence , we went to the beach.

There was a lot of traffic; thus , we were late.

As a Result Of

As a result of  is a transitional phrase and can be followed by a noun phrase or an independent clause.

We were late as a result of the traffic.   (noun clause)

We were late as a result of driving through traffic.   (noun clause)

We were late; as a result , we missed the beginning of the movie. (independent clause)

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Transition words ~ exercise and practice.

Transition Words and Phrases   Combine the two sentences using an appropriate transition word or phrase. Do not repeat transition words or phrases! Each one may only be used once!

1. We stayed inside. There was a tropical storm.


2. Tracy failed the exam. She didn’t study.

3. Dave had a car accident. He was sending a text.

4. Mike is a good volleyball player. He wins many games.

5. My flight was delayed. I didn’t make it home in time for the wedding.

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Cause and Effect

Cause and effect generator.

transition words in cause and effect essay

In every aspect of life, actions lead to outcomes. Understanding cause and effect is crucial for making informed decisions, predicting consequences, and solving problems effectively. This principle underpins scientific discoveries, historical events, and daily interactions. By recognizing the connections between actions and their impacts, we gain insights into the world around us and improve our ability to navigate complex situations. In this article, we will explore the fundamental nature of cause and effect, illustrating its importance through various examples and highlighting its role in critical thinking and decision-making processes.

What is Cause and Effect?

Cause and effect is a concept used to describe the relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. This concept is fundamental in various fields, including science, philosophy, and everyday reasoning. Here’s a detailed definition and meaning:

  • Cause: The reason something happens; an event or action that leads to a certain outcome.
  • Effect: The result or outcome that occurs due to a specific cause.

The relationship between cause and effect implies that certain events (causes) directly bring about other events (effects). Understanding this relationship helps in explaining why things happen and predicting what might happen next based on current actions or events.

Historical Context of Cause and Effect

The exploration of cause and effect can be traced back to ancient philosophies. Aristotle, for instance, discussed the principles of causality in his works, emphasizing the importance of understanding causes to comprehend the world around us.

Cause and Effect Examples

Cause and Effect Examples

In Sentence

  • Heavy rain causes flooding in the streets .
  • Studying hard for a test leads to getting a high score .
  • Eating too much junk food results in gaining weight .
  • Exercising regularly improves physical fitness .
  • Forgetting to water the plants causes plants to wilt .
  • Leaving a candle unattended can start a fire .
  • Not wearing sunscreen on a sunny day results in getting sunburned .
  • Saving money every month leads to building a substantial savings account .
  • Breaking a bone requires needing a cast to heal .
  • Global warming leads to melting polar ice caps .
  • Not getting enough sleep results in feeling tired and irritable .
  • Overfishing in the oceans causes a decrease in fish populations .
  • Practicing a musical instrument daily leads to becoming proficient at playing it .
  • Not paying attention while driving can result in a car accident .
  • Smoking cigarettes leads to developing lung disease .
  • Spending too much time on social media causes decreased productivity .
  • Implementing green energy solutions results in a reduction in carbon footprint .
  • Conflict between countries can lead to war or heightened political tensions .
  • Cutting down forests results in loss of wildlife habitat .
  • High levels of stress cause health problems such as high blood pressure and anxiety .

For Students

  • Not completing homework can lead to lower grades .
  • Attending all classes results in better understanding of the material .
  • Studying in groups can help with improving problem-solving skills .
  • Using a planner helps in managing time effectively .
  • Participating in class discussions can boost confidence .
  • Sleeping well the night before ensures alertness during the exam .
  • Reading additional resources can enhance knowledge .
  • Turning in assignments on time leads to better grades .
  • Taking notes during lectures aids in better retention of information .
  • Seeking help when needed prevents falling behind in studies .

In Research

  • Increasing sample size often results in more accurate data .
  • Applying a new technique can yield different results compared to traditional methods.
  • Proper citation of sources prevents plagiarism .
  • Using control groups ensures validity of the experiment .
  • Consistent methodology leads to reproducible results .
  • Analyzing data carefully avoids misinterpretation .
  • Formulating a clear hypothesis guides the research direction .
  • Reviewing literature extensively provides context for the study .
  • Collaborating with peers can enhance research quality .
  • Adhering to ethical guidelines maintains research integrity .
  • If you touch a hot stove , you will burn your hand .
  • Eating too much candy can cause a stomach ache .
  • Sharing your toys will make your friends happy .
  • Brushing your teeth prevents cavities .
  • Doing your chores can earn you an allowance .
  • If you run in the house , you might break something .
  • Being kind to others makes you a good friend .
  • Going to bed late means feeling sleepy the next day .
  • Playing outside helps you stay healthy .
  • Listening to your parents keeps you safe .

For Grade 3

  • Reading every day helps you learn new words .
  • If you water the plants , they will grow .
  • Eating healthy food gives you more energy .
  • Paying attention in class helps you understand the lesson .
  • Playing outside makes you feel happy .
  • Helping your classmates makes you a good friend .
  • Finishing your homework on time makes your teacher proud .
  • Wearing a coat in winter keeps you warm .
  • If you clean your room , it will look nice .
  • If you follow the rules , you will stay out of trouble .

In Real Life

  • Driving too fast can cause car accidents .
  • Not saving money may result in financial problems .
  • Getting regular exercise improves overall health .
  • Not getting enough sleep leads to feeling tired .
  • Using public transportation reduces traffic congestion .
  • Eating a balanced diet contributes to better health .
  • Not paying bills on time results in late fees .
  • Being on time for work shows professionalism .
  • Using a budget helps in managing finances .
  • Recycling helps protect the environment .

Types of Causes

  • Immediate Causes : Directly responsible for an effect.
  • Contributory Causes : Factors that play a role in creating an effect but are not solely responsible.
  • Necessary and Sufficient Causes : Necessary causes must be present for an effect to occur, while sufficient causes alone can produce the effect.

Importance of Cause and Effect in Decision Making

Understanding cause and effect is crucial for making informed decisions. By anticipating the outcomes of actions, individuals and organizations can plan more effectively and avoid unintended consequences.

Signal Words in Cause and Effect Sentence

Signal words in cause and effect sentences help indicate the relationship between actions or events. They clearly show that one event is the result of another. Here are some common signal words and phrases used in cause and effect sentences:

Cause Signal Words

These words indicate the cause or reason something happens.

  • As a result of
  • On account of
  • Because it rained, the event was canceled.
  • Due to heavy traffic, she was late to the meeting.

Effect Signal Words

These words indicate the effect or outcome of a cause.

  • Consequently
  • As a result
  • For this reason
  • She studied hard; therefore, she passed the exam.
  • The power went out; as a result, we had to use candles.

Combined Signal Words

These words or phrases can indicate both cause and effect in a sentence.

  • If it rains, then the game will be postponed.
  • She was so tired that she fell asleep immediately.

Sample Sentences

  • Because it was raining, we stayed inside.
  • The roads were icy; consequently , there were many accidents.
  • Due to the high demand, prices increased.
  • He didn’t study; therefore , he didn’t pass the exam.
  • Since the store was closed, we couldn’t buy groceries.

Activities to Learn About Cause and Effect

For young children.

  • Simple Experiments : Use water, food coloring, and paper towels to show how colors mix. Explain how one action (adding color) causes a change (new color formation).
  • Storytime Discussions : Read stories and discuss the events that lead to outcomes. Ask questions like, “What happened when the character did this?”
  • Domino Effect : Set up a line of dominos and show how knocking one down causes a chain reaction. Let them experiment with different setups.
  • Cooking Activities : Baking cookies can illustrate how mixing ingredients and applying heat (the cause) results in baked cookies (the effect).

For Older Children

  • Science Experiments : Conduct experiments where they can change one variable at a time and observe the outcomes, like growing plants under different conditions.
  • Interactive Games : Use games that require problem-solving and critical thinking, such as “The Incredible Machine” or “Minecraft”.
  • Chain Reactions : Create Rube Goldberg machines. These are complex devices that perform simple tasks through a series of cause-and-effect steps.
  • Historical Events : Study historical events and discuss how one event led to another. This helps in understanding broader cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Physics Projects : Building simple machines or engaging in robotics projects can illustrate cause and effect in a hands-on manner.
  • Programming : Learning to code can show direct cause and effect as students write commands (causes) and see the results (effects) immediately.
  • Debates and Discussions : Analyze current events or historical scenarios, debating how certain actions led to specific outcomes.
  • Environmental Studies : Investigate how human actions impact the environment, such as pollution leading to climate change.
  • Case Studies : Examine case studies in various fields (business, medicine, engineering) to understand cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Simulations and Models : Use computer simulations to see how changing variables affects outcomes in systems like economics or weather patterns.
  • Critical Analysis : Write essays or reports analyzing cause-and-effect relationships in literature, film, or real-world events.
  • Project Management : Implement project management techniques to see how planning and execution impact project outcomes.

General Activities

  • Mind Mapping : Create mind maps that outline causes and their potential effects.
  • If-Then Scenarios : Play “if-then” games, predicting what will happen if certain actions are taken.
  • Reflective Journals : Keep journals where you reflect on daily actions and their outcomes to see patterns over time.
  • Experiential Learning : Engage in hands-on learning activities, where the process and results are directly linked, such as gardening, carpentry, or art projects.

Cause and Effect Questions and Answers

What is the definition of cause and effect.

Cause and effect describe the relationship where one event (cause) makes another event happen (effect).

Why is understanding cause and effect important?

Understanding cause and effect helps identify reasons behind occurrences, allowing for better decision-making and problem-solving.

How can cause and effect be identified?

Identify cause and effect by looking for events that trigger other events, using words like “because,” “therefore,” and “as a result.”

What are examples of cause and effect in everyday life?

Examples include eating healthy (cause) leading to better health (effect) or studying (cause) resulting in good grades (effect).

How do cause and effect impact science?

In science, cause and effect help explain natural phenomena and develop theories by identifying the reasons behind events.

Can cause and effect be used in writing?

Yes, writers use cause and effect to structure arguments, explain reasons behind actions, and enhance narratives.

What is a cause and effect diagram?

A cause and effect diagram, also known as a fishbone diagram, visually maps out the causes of a specific event.

How do you teach cause and effect to children?

Teach cause and effect to children through simple examples, storytelling, and hands-on activities that show direct relationships.

What is the difference between cause and correlation?

Cause directly leads to an effect, while correlation indicates a relationship between two variables without proving one causes the other.

How does cause and effect relate to critical thinking?

Cause and effect analysis enhances critical thinking by encouraging examination of reasons behind events and their outcomes.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Write about the Cause and Effect of global warming on polar ice caps.

Create an essay discussing the Cause and Effect of daily exercise on mental health.


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  1. Cause and effect transition words for results and reasoning

    The following transition words for cause and effect are used in the clause which states the result or effect: "You've done an excellent job during your first three months at the company. Therefore, we're awarding you a permanent contract.". "Manufacturing costs have increased a lot in the past year.

  2. Transitions

    Transitions. Transitions help your readers move between ideas within a paragraph, between paragraphs, or between sections of your argument. When you are deciding how to transition from one idea to the next, your goal should be to help readers see how your ideas are connected—and how those ideas connect to the big picture.

  3. Cause and Effect Transition Words

    A cause and effect essay shows how two or more events are related. The transition words help to provide either a reason or a consequence and give the reader a better idea of where to find the connection between two separate things. Transition words to show cause (reason) These are words and phrases that introduce a cause or reason. They should ...

  4. Transition words for cause and effect with examples

    Transition words for effect with examples. Therefore: "She missed the bus; therefore, she was late for work.". Thus: "The road was closed; thus, they had to take a detour.". Consequently: "He didn't study for the exam; consequently, he failed.". As a result: "The team worked hard; as a result, they won the championship.".

  5. Transition Words & Phrases

    Transition words like "because" and "however" communicate the logic and structure of your arguments to the reader. ... "Therefore" and similar cause-and-effect words are used to state that something is the result of, or follows logically from, the previous. ... Transition sentences are used to start a new paragraph or section in an essay ...

  6. Transitions

    A transition between paragraphs can be a word or two (however, for example, similarly), a phrase, or a sentence. Transitions can be at the end of the first paragraph, at the beginning of the second paragraph, or in both places. Transitions within paragraphs: As with transitions between sections and paragraphs, transitions within paragraphs act ...

  7. PDF Common Transition Words and Phrases

    Common Transition Words and Phrases ... Cause and Effect: use to show that one idea causes, or results from, the idea that follows or precedes it. because, therefore, so that, cause, reason, effect, thus, consequently, since, as a result, if…then, result in ... might indicate organizational problems in your essay; you might consider revising ...


    CAUSE AND EFFECT The Writing Centre Department of English 2 When moving between causes and effects in your essay, the following transitional words/phrases may be used. Transitions for Cause & Effect Essays Transitions for Causes: is a result of, results from, the reason for, since, because (of), due to, leads to, is caused by

  9. Common Transitions to Use in Cause and Effect Essay

    Transition words can be used in the introduction paragraph, in the body paragraphs, and in the conclusion paragraph. For example, you can use the words 'first of all' or 'in order to' at the beginning of your essay. In the body paragraphs, you can use transition words such as 'moreover', 'furthermore', or 'in addition'.

  10. Transition Sentences

    Transition words and phrases come in four main types: Additive transitions, which introduce new information or examples; Adversative transitions, which signal a contrast or departure from the previous text; Causal transitions, which are used to describe cause and effect; Sequential transitions, which indicate a sequence

  11. Cause & effect essays

    A cause and effect essay looks at the reasons (or causes) for something, then discusses the results (or effects). For this reason, cause and effect essays are sometimes referred to as reason and result essays. They are one of the most common forms of organisation in academic writing. Sometimes the whole essay will be cause and effect, though ...

  12. Common Transitional Words and Phrases

    Common Transitional Words and Phrases. The following list, categorized by type of relationship, provides examples of some common and useful transitional words and phrases. cause and effect: consequently, therefore, accordingly, as a result, because, for this reason, hence, thus

  13. Transitional Words and Phrases

    Transitional words and phrases can create powerful links between ideas in your paper and can help your reader understand the logic of your paper. However, these words all have different meanings, nuances, and connotations. Before using a particular transitional word in your paper, be sure you understand its meaning and usage completely and be sure…

  14. PDF transitions

    Transitions are tools to create coherence and consistency (i.e., "flow") in your paper. Without them, the relationship between ideas may be unclear to the reader. Academic English relies heavily on these transitional words to clarify relationships among ideas and sentences. USE WORDS FROM THIS CHART to make logical relationships explicit.

  15. Transition Words

    Transition words assist in organizing thoughts and structuring the content of an academic paper. They provide a framework for presenting ideas in a coherent and systematic manner. By indicating sequence, order, or cause and effect relationships, these words help writers create a logical flow that guides readers smoothly from one point to the ...

  16. 190 Good Transition Words for Essays

    6) Causal Transitions. These transition words for essays indicate cause and effect relationships between ideas. They will be particularly useful when you are structuring a logical argument, i.e. using logos as a mode of persuasion. Causal transitions are an important element of academic, legal and scientific writing. Accordingly; Resultingly ...

  17. PDF Transitions

    don't agree with everything, or you may disagree. Transitional words that signal agreement, concession, and disagreement include however, nevertheless, actually, still, despite, admittedly, still, on the contrary, nonetheless. • showing cause and effect Transitional phrases that show cause and effect include therefore, hence, consequently ...

  18. A Complete List of 200+ Transition Words for Essays

    Vary Transition Words: Avoid repetitive or excessive use of the same transition word throughout your essay. Use a variety of transition words to maintain reader interest and enhance overall readability. Pay Attention to Placement: Place transition words at the beginning, middle, or end of sentences, depending on the desired effect. Consider the ...

  19. Common Transition Words and Phrases

    Common Transition Words and Phrases. ... 9. Emphasis. Use to suggest that an idea is particularly important to your argument important to note, most of all, a significant factor, a primary concern, a key feature, remember that, pay particular attention to, a central issue, the most substantial issue, the main value, a major event, the chief factor, a distinctive quality, especially valuable ...

  20. Transition Words: Cause & Effect

    Transition Words: Cause & Effect. Learn how to use transition words in English to show cause and effect. In this free English lesson you will learn how to use because, since, as, because of and due to to show a cause or reason. You will also learn how to use so, therefore, thus, hence and as a result of to show an effect or result.

  21. Cause and Effect

    A link between two or more variables in a scenario where one factor (the cause) results in a particular event, phenomenon, or item is known as a cause-and-effect relationship (the effect). There are several underlying causes and consequences that interact with one another in our environment. A person must be able to demonstrate and put the notion of this relationship into reality if they wish ...

  22. The death of Iran's president will spark a high-stakes power struggle

    And Mr Raisi's death could also throw Iran's looming struggle into chaos, by removing one of the two leading candidates for Mr Khamenei's job. Much is still unclear, starting with why Mr ...