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Cognitive neuroscience perspective on memory: overview and summary

Sruthi sridhar.

1 Department of Psychology, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB, Canada

Abdulrahman Khamaj

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia

Manish Kumar Asthana

3 Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India

4 Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India

Associated Data

The original contributions presented in this study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

This paper explores memory from a cognitive neuroscience perspective and examines associated neural mechanisms. It examines the different types of memory: working, declarative, and non-declarative, and the brain regions involved in each type. The paper highlights the role of different brain regions, such as the prefrontal cortex in working memory and the hippocampus in declarative memory. The paper also examines the mechanisms that underlie the formation and consolidation of memory, including the importance of sleep in the consolidation of memory and the role of the hippocampus in linking new memories to existing cognitive schemata. The paper highlights two types of memory consolidation processes: cellular consolidation and system consolidation. Cellular consolidation is the process of stabilizing information by strengthening synaptic connections. System consolidation models suggest that memories are initially stored in the hippocampus and are gradually consolidated into the neocortex over time. The consolidation process involves a hippocampal-neocortical binding process incorporating newly acquired information into existing cognitive schemata. The paper highlights the role of the medial temporal lobe and its involvement in autobiographical memory. Further, the paper discusses the relationship between episodic and semantic memory and the role of the hippocampus. Finally, the paper underscores the need for further research into the neurobiological mechanisms underlying non-declarative memory, particularly conditioning. Overall, the paper provides a comprehensive overview from a cognitive neuroscience perspective of the different processes involved in memory consolidation of different types of memory.


Memory is an essential cognitive function that permits individuals to acquire, retain, and recover data that defines a person’s identity ( Zlotnik and Vansintjan, 2019 ). Memory is a multifaceted cognitive process that involves different stages: encoding, consolidation, recovery, and reconsolidation. Encoding involves acquiring and processing information that is transformed into a neuronal representation suitable for storage ( Liu et al., 2021 ; Panzeri et al., 2023 ). The information can be acquired through various channels, such as visual, auditory, olfactory, or tactile inputs. The acquired sensory stimuli are converted into a format the brain can process and retain. Different factors such as attention, emotional significance, and repetition can influence the encoding process and determine the strength and durability of the resulting memory ( Squire et al., 2004 ; Lee et al., 2016 ; Serences, 2016 ).

Consolidation includes the stabilization and integration of memory into long-term storage to increase resistance to interference and decay ( Goedert and Willingham, 2002 ). This process creates enduring structural modification in the brain and thereby has consequential effects on the function by reorganizing and strengthening neural connections. Diverse sources like sleep and stress and the release of neurotransmitters can influence memory consolidation. Many researchers have noted the importance of sleep due to its critical role in enabling a smooth transition of information from transient repositories into more stable engrams (memory traces) ( McGaugh, 2000 ; Clawson et al., 2021 ; Rakowska et al., 2022 ).

Retrieval involves accessing, selecting, and reactivating or reconstructing the stored memory to allow conscious access to previously encoded information ( Dudai, 2002 ). Retrieving memories depends on activating relevant neural pathways while reconstructing encoded information. Factors like contextual or retrieval cues and familiarity with the material can affect this process. Forgetting becomes a possibility if there are inadequate triggers for associated memory traces to activate upon recall. Luckily, mnemonic strategies and retrieval practice offer effective tools to enhance recovery rates and benefit overall memory performance ( Roediger and Butler, 2011 ).

Previous research implied that once a memory has been consolidated, it becomes permanent ( McGaugh, 2000 ; Robins, 2020 ). However, recent studies have found an additional phase called “reconsolidation,” during which stored memories, when reactivated, enter a fragile or liable state and become susceptible to modification or update ( Schiller et al., 2009 ; Asthana et al., 2015 ). The process highlights the notion that memory is not static but a dynamic system influenced by subsequent encounters. The concept of reconsolidation has much significance in memory modification therapies and interventions, as it offers a promising opportunity to target maladaptive or traumatic memories for modification specifically. However, more thorough investigations are needed to gain insight into the mechanisms and concrete implications of employing memory reconsolidation within therapeutic settings ( Bellfy and Kwapis, 2020 ).

The concept of memory is not reducible to a single unitary phenomenon; instead, evidence suggests that it can be subdivided into several distinct but interrelated constituent processes and systems ( Richter-Levin and Akirav, 2003 ). There are three major types of human memory: working memory, declarative memory (explicit), and non-declarative memory (implicit). All these types of memories involve different neural systems in the brain. Working memory is a unique transient active store capable of manipulating information essential for many complex cognitive operations, including language processing, reasoning, and judgment ( Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968 ; Baddeley and Logie, 1999 ; Funahashi, 2017 ; Quentin et al., 2019 ). Previous models suggest the existence of three components that make up the working memory ( Baddeley and Hitch, 1974 ; Baddeley, 1986 ). One master component, the central executive, controls the two dependent components, the phonological loop (speech perception and language comprehension) and the visuospatial sketchpad (visual images and spatial impressions processing). Some models mention a third component known as the episodic buffer. It is theorized that the episodic buffer serves as an intermediary between perception, long-term memory, and two components of working memory (the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad) by storing integrated episodes or chunks from both sources ( Baddeley, 2000 ). Declarative memory (explicit memory) can be recalled consciously, including facts and events that took place in one’s life or information learned from books. It encompasses memories of both autobiographical experiences and memories associated with general knowledge. It is usually associated with the hippocampus–medial temporal lobe system ( Thompson and Kim, 1996 ; Ober, 2014 ). Non-declarative memory (implicit memory) refers to unconscious forms of learning such as skills, habits, and priming effects; this type of implicit learning does not involve conscious recollection but can include motor skill tasks that often require no thought prior to execution nor later recall upon completion. This type of memory usually involves the amygdala and other systems ( Thompson and Kim, 1996 ; Ober, 2014 ).

Working memory

Working memory is primarily associated with the prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex ( Sarnthein et al., 1998 ; Todd and Marois, 2005 ). Working memory is not localized to a single brain region, and research suggests that it is an emergent property arising from functional interactions between the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the rest of the brain ( D’Esposito, 2007 ). Neuroimaging studies have explored the neural basis for the three components proposed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974) , the Central executive, the phonological loop, and the visuospatial sketch pad; there is evidence for the existence of a fourth component called the episodic buffer ( Baddeley, 2000 ).

The central executive plays a significant role in working memory by acting as the control center ( Shallice, 2002 ). It facilitates critical functions like attention allocation and coordination between the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad ( Yu et al., 2023 ). Recent findings have illuminated the dual-functional network regulation, the cingulo-opercular network (CON) and the frontoparietal network (FPN), that underpins the central executive system ( Yu et al., 2023 ). The CON comprises the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and anterior insula (AI). In contrast, the FPN encompasses various regions, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and frontal eye field (FEF), along with the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) ( Yu et al., 2023 ). Neuroimaging research has found evidence that elucidates the neural underpinnings of the executive attention control system to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) ( Jung et al., 2022 ). The activation patterns indicate that the CON may have a broader top-down control function across the working memory process. At the same time, the FPN could be more heavily implicated in momentary control or processing at the trial level ( Yu et al., 2023 ). Evidence suggests that the central executive interacts with the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad to support working memory processes ( Baddeley, 2003 ; Buchsbaum, 2010 ; Menon and D’Esposito, 2021 ). The function, localization, and neural basis of this interaction are thought to involve the activation of specific brain regions associated with each component of working memory, as discussed in detail below.

The phonological loop is divided into two components: a storage system that maintains information (a few seconds) and a component involving subvocal rehearsal—which maintains and refreshes information in the working memory. Neuroanatomically, the phonological loop is represented in the Brodmann area (BA) 40 in the parietal cortex and the rehearsal components in BA 44 and 6, both situated in the frontal cortex ( Osaka et al., 2007 ). The left inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area) and the left posterior superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke’s area) has been proposed to play a critical role in supporting phonological and verbal working memory tasks, specifically the subvocal rehearsal system of the articulatory loop ( Paulesu et al., 1993 ; Buchsbaum et al., 2001 ; Perrachione et al., 2017 ). The phonological store in verbal short-term memory has been localized at the left supramarginal gyrus ( Graves et al., 2008 ; Perrachione et al., 2017 ).

Studies utilizing neuroimaging techniques have consistently yielded results indicating notable activation in these brain regions during phonological activities like recalling non-words and maintaining verbal information in memory ( Awh et al., 1996 ; Graves et al., 2008 ). During tasks that require phonological rehearsal, there was an increase in activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus ( Paulesu et al., 1993 ). Researchers have noted an increase in activity within the superior temporal gyrus-which plays a significant role in auditory processing-in individuals performing tasks that necessitate verbal information maintenance and manipulation ( Smith et al., 1998 ; Chein et al., 2003 ).

Additionally, lesion studies have provided further confirmation regarding the importance of these regions. These investigations have revealed that impairment in performing phonological working memory tasks can transpire following damage inflicted upon the left hemisphere, particularly on perisylvian language areas ( Koenigs et al., 2011 ). It is common for individuals with lesions affecting regions associated with the phonological loop, such as the left inferior frontal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus, to have difficulty performing verbal working memory tasks. Clinical cases involving patients diagnosed with aphasia and specific language impairments have highlighted challenges related to retaining and manipulating auditory information. For example, those who sustain damage specifically within their left inferior frontal gyrus often struggle with tasks involving phonological rehearsal and verbal working memory activities, and therefore, they tend to perform poorly in tasks that require manipulation or repetition of verbal stimuli ( Saffran, 1997 ; Caplan and Waters, 2005 ).

The visuospatial sketchpad is engaged in the temporary retention and manipulation of visuospatial facts, including mental pictures, spatial associations, and object placements ( Miyake et al., 2001 ). The visuospatial sketchpad is localized to the right hemisphere, including the occipital lobe, parietal and frontal areas ( Osaka et al., 2007 ). Ren et al. (2019) identified the localization of the visuospatial sketchpad, and these areas were the right infero-lateral prefrontal cortex, lateral pre-motor cortices, right inferior parietal cortex, and the dorsolateral occipital cortices ( Burbaud et al., 1999 ; Salvato et al., 2021 ). Moreover, the posterior parietal cortex and the intraparietal sulcus have been implicated in spatial working memory ( Xu and Chun, 2006 ). Additionally, some evidence is available for an increase in brain regions associated with the visuospatial sketchpad during tasks involving mental imagery and spatial processing. Neuroimaging studies have revealed increased neural activation in some regions of the parietal cortex, mainly the superior and posterior parietal cortex, while performing mental rotation tasks ( Cohen et al., 1996 ; Kosslyn et al., 1997 ). However, further research is needed to better understand the visuospatial working memory and its integration with other cognitive processes ( Baddeley, 2003 ). Lesions to the regions involving the visuospatial sketchpad can have detrimental effects on visuospatial working memory tasks. Individuals with lesions to the posterior parietal cortex may exhibit deficits in mental rotation tasks and may be unable to mentally manipulate the visuospatial representation ( Buiatti et al., 2011 ). Moreover, studies concerning lesions have shown that damage to the parietal cortex can result in short-term deficits in visuospatial memory ( Shafritz et al., 2002 ). Damage to the occipital cortex can lead to performance impairments in tasks that require the generation and manipulation of mental visual images ( Moro et al., 2008 ).

The fourth component of the working memory, termed episodic buffer, was proposed by Baddeley (2000) . The episodic buffer is a multidimensional but essentially passive store that can hold a limited number of chunks, store bound features, and make them available to conscious awareness ( Baddeley et al., 2010 ; Hitch et al., 2019 ). Although research has suggested that episodic buffer is localized to the hippocampus ( Berlingeri et al., 2008 ) or the inferior lateral parietal cortex, it is thought to be not dependent on a single anatomical structure but instead can be influenced by the subsystems of working memory, long term memory, and even through perception ( Vilberg and Rugg, 2008 ; Baddeley et al., 2010 ). The episodic buffer provides a crucial link between the attentional central executive and the multidimensional information necessary for the operation of working memory ( Baddeley et al., 2011 ; Gelastopoulos et al., 2019 ).

The interdependence of the working memory modules, namely the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad, co-relates with other cognitive processes, for instance, spatial cognition and attention allocation ( Repovs and Baddeley, 2006 ). It has been found that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) have a crucial role in several aspects of spatial cognition, such as the maintenance of spatially oriented attention and motor intentions ( Jerde and Curtis, 2013 ). The study by Sellers et al. (2016) and the review by Ikkai and Curtis (2011) posits that other brain areas could use the activity in PFC and PPC as a guide and manifest outputs to guide attention allocation, spatial memory, and motor planning. Moreover, research indicates that verbal information elicits an activation response in the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) when retained in the phonological loop, while visuospatial information is represented by a corresponding level of activity within the right homolog region ( Narayanan et al., 2005 ; Wolf et al., 2006 ; Emch et al., 2019 ). Specifically, the study by Yang et al. (2022) investigated the roles of two regions in the brain, the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) and the right supra-marginal gyrus (rSMG), as they relate to spatial congruency in visual working memory tasks. A change detection task with online repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation applied concurrently at both locations during high visual WM load conditions determined that rIFG is involved in actively repositioning the location of objects. At the same time, rSMG is engaged in passive perception of the stability of the location of objects.

Recent academic studies have found evidence to support the development of a new working memory model known as the state-based model ( D’Esposito and Postle, 2015 ). This theoretical model proposes that the allocation of attention toward internal representations permits short-term retention within working memory ( Ghaleh et al., 2019 ). The state-based model consists of two main categories: activated LTM models and sensorimotor recruitment models; the former largely focuses upon symbolic stimuli categorized under semantic aspects, while the latter has typically been applied to more perceptual tasks in experiments. This framework posits that prioritization through regulating cognitive processes provides insight into various characteristics across different activity types, including capacity limitations, proactive interference, etcetera ( D’Esposito and Postle, 2015 ). For example, the paper by Ghaleh et al. (2019) provides evidence for two separate mechanisms involved in maintenance of auditory information in verbal working memory: an articulatory rehearsal mechanism that relies more heavily on left sensorimotor areas and a non-articulatory maintenance mechanism that critically relies on left superior temporal gyrus (STG). These findings support the state-based model’s proposal that attentional allocation is necessary for short-term retention in working memory.

State-based models were found to be consistent with the suggested storage mechanism as they do not require representation transfer from one dedicated buffer type; research has demonstrated that any population of neurons and synapses may serve as such buffers ( Maass and Markram, 2002 ; Postle, 2006 ; Avraham et al., 2017 ). The review by D’Esposito and Postle (2015) examined the evidence to determine whether a persistent neural activity, synaptic mechanisms, or a combination thereof support representations maintained during working memory. Numerous neural mechanisms have been hypothesized to support the short-term retention of information in working memory and likely operate in parallel ( Sreenivasan et al., 2014 ; Kamiński and Rutishauser, 2019 ).

Persistent neural activity is the neural mechanism by which information is temporarily maintained ( Ikkai and Curtis, 2011 ; Panzeri et al., 2023 ). Recent review by Curtis and Sprague (2021) has focused on the notion that persistent neural activity is a fundamental mechanism for memory storage and have provided two main arcs of explanation. The first arc, mainly underpinned by empirical evidence from prefrontal cortex (PFC) neurophysiology experiments and computational models, posits that PFC neurons exhibit sustained firing during working memory tasks, enabling them to store representations in their active state ( Thuault et al., 2013 ). Intrinsic persistent firing in layer V neurons in the medial PFC has been shown to be regulated by HCN1 channels, which contribute to the executive function of the PFC during working memory episodes ( Thuault et al., 2013 ). Additionally, research has also found that persistent neural firing could possibly interact with theta periodic activity to sustain each other in the medial temporal, prefrontal, and parietal regions ( Düzel et al., 2010 ; Boran et al., 2019 ). The second arc involves advanced neuroimaging approaches which have, more recently, enabled researchers to decode content stored within working memories across distributed regions of the brain, including parts of the early visual cortex–thus extending this framework beyond just isolated cortical areas such as the PFC. There is evidence that suggests simple, stable, persistent activity among neurons in stimulus-selective populations may be a crucial mechanism for sustaining WM representations ( Mackey et al., 2016 ; Kamiński et al., 2017 ; Curtis and Sprague, 2021 ).

Badre (2008) discussed the functional organization of the PFC. The paper hypothesized that the rostro-caudal gradient of a function in PFC supported a control hierarchy, whereas posterior to anterior PFC mediated progressively abstract, higher-order controls ( Badre, 2008 ). However, this outlook proposed by Badre (2008) became outdated; the paper by Badre and Nee (2018) presented an updated look at the literature on hierarchical control. This paper supports neither a unitary model of lateral frontal function nor a unidimensional abstraction gradient. Instead, separate frontal networks interact via local and global hierarchical structures to support diverse task demands. This updated perspective is supported by recent studies on the hierarchical organization of representations within the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) and the progressively rostral areas of the LPFC that process/represent increasingly abstract information, facilitating efficient and flexible cognition ( Thomas Yeo et al., 2011 ; Nee and D’Esposito, 2016 ). This structure allows the brain to access increasingly abstract action representations as required ( Nee and D’Esposito, 2016 ). It is supported by fMRI studies showing an anterior-to-posterior activation movement when tasks become more complex. Anatomical connectivity between areas also supports this theory, such as Area 10, which has projections back down to Area 6 but not vice versa.

Finally, studies confirm that different regions serve different roles along a hierarchy leading toward goal-directed behavior ( Badre and Nee, 2018 ). The paper by Postle (2015) exhibits evidence of activity in the prefrontal cortex that reflects the maintenance of high-level representations, which act as top-down signals, and steer the circulation of neural pathways across brain networks. The PFC is a source of top-down signals that influence processing in the posterior and subcortical regions ( Braver et al., 2008 ; Friedman and Robbins, 2022 ). These signals either enhance task-relevant information or suppress irrelevant stimuli, allowing for efficient yet effective search ( D’Esposito, 2007 ; D’Esposito and Postle, 2015 ; Kerzel and Burra, 2020 ). The study by Ratcliffe et al. (2022) provides evidence of the dynamic interplay between executive control mechanisms in the frontal cortex and stimulus representations held in posterior regions for working memory tasks. Moreover, the review by Herry and Johansen (2014) discusses the neural mechanisms behind actively maintaining task-relevant information in order for a person to carry out tasks and goals effectively. This review of data and research suggests that working memory is a multi-component system allowing for both the storage and processing of temporarily active representations. Neural activity throughout the brain can be differentially enhanced or suppressed based on context through top-down signals emanating from integrative areas such as PFC, parietal cortex, or hippocampus to actively maintain task-relevant information when it is not present in the environment ( Herry and Johansen, 2014 ; Kerzel and Burra, 2020 ).

In addition, Yu et al. (2022) examined how brain regions from the ventral stream pathway to the prefrontal cortex were activated during working memory (WM) gate opening and closing. They defined gate opening as the switch from maintenance to updating and gate closing as the switch from updating to maintenance. The data suggested that cognitive branching increases during the WM gating process, thus correlating the gating process and an information approach to the PFC function. The temporal cortices, lingual gyrus (BA19), superior frontal gyri including frontopolar cortices, and middle and inferior parietal regions are involved in processes of estimating whether a response option available will be helpful for each case. During gate closing, on the other hand, medial and superior frontal regions, which have been associated with conflict monitoring, come into play, as well as orbitofrontal and dorsolateral prefrontal processing at later times when decreasing activity resembling stopping or downregulating cognitive branching has occurred, confirming earlier theories about these areas being essential for estimation of usefulness already stored within long-term memories ( Yu et al., 2022 ).

Declarative and non-declarative memory

The distinctions between declarative and non-declarative memory are often based on the anatomical features of medial temporal lobe regions, specifically those involving the hippocampus ( Squire and Zola, 1996 ; Squire and Wixted, 2011 ). In the investigation of systems implicated in the process of learning and memory formation, it has been posited that the participation of the hippocampus is essential for the acquisition of declarative memories ( Eichenbaum and Cohen, 2014 ). In contrast, a comparatively reduced level of hippocampal involvement may suffice for non-declarative memories ( Squire and Zola, 1996 ; Williams, 2020 ).

Declarative memory (explicit) pertains to knowledge about facts and events. This type of information can be consciously retrieved with effort or spontaneously recollected without conscious intention ( Dew and Cabeza, 2011 ). There are two types of declarative memory: Episodic and Semantic. Episodic memory is associated with the recollection of personal experiences. It involves detailed information about events that happened in one’s life. Semantic memory refers to knowledge stored in the brain as facts, concepts, ideas, and objects; this includes language-related information like meanings of words and mathematical symbol values along with general world knowledge (e.g., capitals of countries) ( Binder and Desai, 2011 ). The difference between episodic and semantic memory is that when one retrieves episodic memory, the experience is known as “remembering”; when one retrieves information from semantic memory, the experience is known as “knowing” ( Tulving, 1985 ; Dew and Cabeza, 2011 ). The hippocampus, medial temporal lobe, and the areas in the diencephalon are implicated in declarative memory ( Richter-Levin and Akirav, 2003 ; Derner et al., 2020 ). The ventral parietal cortex (VPC) is involved in declarative memory processes, specifically episodic memory retrieval ( Henson et al., 1999 ; Davis et al., 2018 ). The evidence suggests that VPC and hippocampus is involved in the retrieval of contextual details, such as the location and timing of the event, and the information is critical for the formation of episodic memory ( Daselaar, 2009 ; Hutchinson et al., 2009 ; Wiltgen et al., 2010 ). The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is involved in the encoding (medial PFC) and retrieval (lateral PFC) of declarative memories, specifically in the integration of information across different sensory modalities ( Blumenfeld and Ranganath, 2007 ; Li et al., 2010 ). Research also suggests that the amygdala may modulate other brain regions involved with memory processing, thus, contributing to an enhanced recall of negative or positive experiences ( Hamann, 2001 ; Ritchey et al., 2008 ; Sendi et al., 2020 ). Maintenance of the integrity of hippocampal circuitry is essential for ensuring that episodic memory, along with spatial and temporal context information, can be retained in short-term or long-term working memory beyond 15 min ( Ito et al., 2003 ; Rasch and Born, 2013 ). Moreover, studies have suggested that the amygdala plays a vital role in encoding and retrieving explicit memories, particularly those related to emotionally charged stimuli which are supported by evidence of correlations between hippocampal activity and amygdala modulation during memory formation ( Richter-Levin and Akirav, 2003 ; Qasim et al., 2023 ).

Current findings in neuroimaging studies assert that a vast array of interconnected brain regions support semantic memory ( Binder and Desai, 2011 ). This network merges information sourced from multiple senses alongside different cognitive faculties necessary for generating abstract supramodal views on various topics stored within our consciousness. Modality-specific sensory, motor, and emotional system within these brain regions serve specialized tasks like language comprehension, while larger areas of the brain, such as the inferior parietal lobe and most of the temporal lobe, participate in more generalized interpretation tasks ( Binder and Desai, 2011 ; Kuhnke et al., 2020 ). These regions lie at convergences of multiple perceptual processing streams, enabling increasingly abstract, supramodal representations of perceptual experience that support a variety of conceptual functions, including object recognition, social cognition, language, and the remarkable human capacity to remember the past and imagine the future ( Binder and Desai, 2011 ; Binney et al., 2016 ). The following section will discuss the processes underlying memory consolidation and storage within declarative memory.

Non-declarative (implicit) memories refer to unconscious learning through experience, such as habits and skills formed from practice rather than memorizing facts; these are typically acquired slowly and automatically in response to sensory input associated with reward structures or prior exposure within our daily lives ( Kesner, 2017 ). Non-declarative memory is a collection of different phenomena with different neural substrates rather than a single coherent system ( Camina and Güell, 2017 ). It operates by similar principles, depending on local changes to a circumscribed brain region, and the representation of these changes is unavailable to awareness ( Reber, 2008 ). Non-declarative memory encompasses a heterogenous collection of abilities, such as associative learning, skills, and habits (procedural memory), priming, and non-associative learning ( Squire and Zola, 1996 ; Camina and Güell, 2017 ). Studies have concluded that procedural memory for motor skills depends upon activity in diverse set areas such as the motor cortex, striatum, limbic system, and cerebellum; similarly, perceptual skill learning is thought to be associated with sensory cortical activation ( Karni et al., 1998 ; Mayes, 2002 ). Research suggests that mutual connections between brain regions that are active together recruit special cells called associative memory cells ( Wang et al., 2016 ; Wang and Cui, 2018 ). These cells help integrate, store, and remember related information. When activated, these cells trigger the recall of memories, leading to behaviors and emotional responses. This suggests that co-activated brain regions with these mutual connections are where associative memories are formed ( Wang et al., 2016 ; Wang and Cui, 2018 ). Additionally, observational data reveals that priming mechanisms within distinct networks, such as the “repetition suppression” effect observed in visual cortical areas associated with sensory processing and in the prefrontal cortex for semantic priming, are believed to be responsible for certain forms of conditioning and implicit knowledge transfer experiences exhibited by individuals throughout their daily lives ( Reber, 2008 ; Wig et al., 2009 ; Camina and Güell, 2017 ). However, further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms of consolidation in non-declarative memory ( Camina and Güell, 2017 ).

The process of transforming memory into stable, long-lasting from a temporary, labile memory is known as memory consolidation ( McGaugh, 2000 ). Memory formation is based on the change in synaptic connections of neurons representing the memory. Encoding causes synaptic Long-Term potentiation (LTP) or Long-Term depression (LTD) and induces two consolidation processes. The first is synaptic or cellular consolidation which involves remodeling synapses to produce enduring changes. Cellular consolidation is a short-term process that involves stabilizing the neural trace shortly after learning via structural brain changes in the hippocampus ( Lynch, 2004 ). The second is system consolidation, which builds on synaptic consolidation where reverberating activity leads to redistribution for long-term storage ( Mednick et al., 2011 ; Squire et al., 2015 ). System consolidation is a long-term process during which memories are gradually transferred to and integrated with cortical neurons, thus promoting their stability over time. In this way, memories are rendered less susceptible to forgetting. Hebb postulated that when two neurons are repeatedly activated simultaneously, they become more likely to exhibit a coordinated firing pattern of activity in the future ( Langille, 2019 ). This proposed enduring change in synchronized neuronal activation was consequently termed cellular consolidation ( Bermudez-Rattoni, 2010 ).

The following sections of this paper incorporate a more comprehensive investigation into various essential procedures connected with memory consolidation- namely: long-term potentiation (LTP), long-term depression (LTD), system consolidation, and cellular consolidation. Although these mechanisms have been presented briefly before this paragraph, the paper aims to offer greater insight into each process’s function within the individual capacity and their collective contribution toward memory consolidation.

Synaptic plasticity mechanisms implicated in memory stabilization

Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) and Long-Term Depression (LTP) are mechanisms that have been implicated in memory stabilization. LTP is an increase in synaptic strength, whereas LTD is a decrease in synaptic strength ( Ivanco, 2015 ; Abraham et al., 2019 ).

Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) is a phenomenon wherein synaptic strength increases persistently due to brief exposures to high-frequency stimulation ( Lynch, 2004 ). Studies of Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) have led to an understanding of the mechanisms behind synaptic strengthening phenomena and have provided a basis for explaining how and why strong connections between neurons form over time in response to stimuli.

The NMDA receptor-dependent LTP is the most commonly described LTP ( Bliss and Collingridge, 1993 ; Luscher and Malenka, 2012 ). In this type of LTP, when there is high-frequency stimulation, the presynaptic neuron releases glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter. Glutamate binds to the AMPA receptor on the postsynaptic neuron, which causes the neuron to fire while opening the NMDA receptor channel. The opening of an NMDA channel elicits a calcium ion influx into the postsynaptic neuron, thus initiating a series of phosphorylation events as part of the ensuing molecular cascade. Autonomously phosphorylated CaMKII and PKC, both actively functional through such a process, have been demonstrated to increase the conductance of pre-existing AMPA receptors in synaptic networks. Additionally, this has been shown to stimulate the introduction of additional AMPA receptors into synapses ( Malenka and Nicoll, 1999 ; Lynch, 2004 ; Luscher and Malenka, 2012 ; Bailey et al., 2015 ).

There are two phases of LTP: the early phase and the late phase. It has been established that the early phase LTP (E-LTP) does not require RNA or protein synthesis; therefore, its synaptic strength will dissipate in minutes if late LTP does not stabilize it. On the contrary, late-phase LTP (L-LTP) can sustain itself over a more extended period, from several hours to multiple days, with gene transcription and protein synthesis in the postsynaptic cell ( Frey and Morris, 1998 ; Orsini and Maren, 2012 ). The strength of presynaptic tetanic stimulation has been demonstrated to be a necessary condition for the activation of processes leading to late LTP ( Luscher and Malenka, 2012 ; Bailey et al., 2015 ). This finding is supported by research examining synaptic plasticity, notably Eric Kandel’s discovery that CREB–a transcription factor–among other cytoplasmic and nuclear molecules, are vital components in mediating molecular changes culminating in protein synthesis during this process ( Kaleem et al., 2011 ; Kandel et al., 2014 ). Further studies have shown how these shifts ultimately lead to AMPA receptor stabilization at post-synapses facilitating long-term potentiation within neurons ( Luscher and Malenka, 2012 ; Bailey et al., 2015 ).

The “synaptic tagging and capture hypothesis” explains how a weak event of tetanization at synapse A can transform to late-LTP if followed shortly by the strong tetanization of a different, nearby synapse on the same neuron ( Frey and Morris, 1998 ; Redondo and Morris, 2011 ; Okuda et al., 2020 ; Park et al., 2021 ). During this process, critical plasticity-related proteins (PRPs) are synthesized, which stabilize their own “tag” and that from the weaker synaptic activity ( Moncada et al., 2015 ). Recent evidence suggests that calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) are involved in this form of heterosynaptic metaplasticity ( Park et al., 2018 ). The authors propose that the synaptic activation of CP-AMPARs triggers the synthesis of PRPs, which are then engaged by the weak induction protocol to facilitate LTP on the independent input. The paper also suggests that CP-AMPARs are required during the induction of LTP by the weak input for the full heterosynaptic metaplastic effect to be observed ( Park et al., 2021 ). Additionally, it has been further established that catecholamines such as dopamine plays an integral part in memory persistence by inducing PRP synthesis ( Redondo and Morris, 2011 ; Vishnoi et al., 2018 ). Studies have found that dopamine release in the hippocampus can enhance LTP and improve memory consolidation ( Lisman and Grace, 2005 ; Speranza et al., 2021 ).

Investigations into neuronal plasticity have indicated that synaptic strength alterations associated with certain forms of learning and memory may be analogous to those underlying Long-Term Potentiation (LTP). Research has corroborated this notion, demonstrating a correlation between these two phenomena ( Lynch, 2004 ). The three essential properties of Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) that have been identified are associativity, synapse specificity, and cooperativity ( Kandel and Mack, 2013 ). These characteristics provide empirical evidence for the potential role of LTP in memory formation processes. Specifically, associativity denotes the amplification of connections when weak stimulus input is paired with a powerful one; synapse specificity posits that this potentiating effect only manifests on synaptic locations exhibiting coincidental activity within postsynaptic neurons, while cooperativity suggests stimulated neuron needs to attain an adequate threshold of depolarization before LTP can be induced again ( Orsini and Maren, 2012 ).

There is support for the idea that memories are encoded by modification of synaptic strengths through cellular mechanisms such as LTP and LTD ( Nabavi et al., 2014 ). The paper by Nabavi et al. (2014) shows that fear conditioning, a type of associative memory, can be inactivated and reactivated by LTD and LTP, respectively. The findings of the paper support a causal link between these synaptic processes and memory. Moreover, the paper suggests that LTP is used to form neuronal assemblies that represent a memory, and LTD could be used to disassemble them and thereby inactivate a memory ( Nabavi et al., 2014 ). Hippocampal LTD has been found to play an essential function in regulating synaptic strength and forming memories, such as long-term spatial memory ( Ge et al., 2010 ). However, it is vital to bear in mind that studies carried out on LTP exceed those done on LTD; hence the literature on it needs to be more extensive ( Malenka and Bear, 2004 ; Nabavi et al., 2014 ).

Cellular consolidation and memory

For an event to be remembered, it must form physical connections between neurons in the brain, which creates a “memory trace.” This memory trace can then be stored as long-term memory ( Langille and Brown, 2018 ). The formation of a memory engram is an intricate process requiring neuronal depolarization and the influx of intracellular calcium ( Mank and Griesbeck, 2008 ; Josselyn et al., 2015 ; Xu et al., 2017 ). This initiation leads to a cascade involving protein transcription, structural and functional changes in neural networks, and stabilization during the quiescence period, followed by complete consolidation for its success. Interference from new learning events or disruption caused due to inhibition can abort this cycle leading to incomplete consolidation ( Josselyn et al., 2015 ).

Cyclic-AMP response element binding protein (CREB) has been identified as an essential transcription factor for memory formation ( Orsini and Maren, 2012 ). It regulates the expression of PRPs and enhances neuronal excitability and plasticity, resulting in changes to the structure of cells, including the growth of dendritic spines and new synaptic connections. Blockage or enhancement of CREB in certain areas can affect subsequent consolidation at a systems level–decreasing it prevents this from occurring, while aiding its presence allows even weak learning conditions to produce successful memory formation ( Orsini and Maren, 2012 ; Kandel et al., 2014 ).

Strengthening weakly encoded memories through the synaptic tagging and capture hypothesis may play an essential role in cellular consolidation. Retroactive memory enhancement has also been demonstrated in human studies, mainly when items are initially encoded with low strength but later paired with shock after consolidation ( Dunsmoor et al., 2015 ). The synaptic tagging and capture theory (STC) and its extension, the behavioral tagging hypothesis (BT), have both been used to explain synaptic specificity and the persistence of plasticity ( Moncada et al., 2015 ). STC proposed that electrophysiological activity can induce long-term changes in synapses, while BT postulates similar effects of behaviorally relevant neuronal events on learning and memory models. This hypothesis proposes that memory consolidation relies on combining two distinct processes: setting a “learning tag” and synthesizing plasticity-related proteins ( De novo protein synthesis, increased CREB levels, and substantial inputs to nearby synapses) at those tagged sites. BT explains how it is possible for event episodes with low-strength inputs or engagements can be converted into lasting memories ( Lynch, 2004 ; Moncada et al., 2015 ). Similarly, the emotional tagging hypothesis posits that the activation of the amygdala in emotionally arousing events helps to mark experiences as necessary, thus enhancing synaptic plasticity and facilitating transformation from transient into more permanent forms for encoding long-term memories ( Richter-Levin and Akirav, 2003 ; Zhu et al., 2022 ).

Cellular consolidation, the protein synthesis-dependent processes observed in rodents that may underlie memory formation and stabilization, has been challenging to characterize in humans due to the limited ability to study it directly ( Bermudez-Rattoni, 2010 ). Additionally, multi-trial learning protocols commonly used within human tests as opposed to single-trial experiments conducted with non-human subjects suggest there could be interference from subsequent information that impedes individual memories from being consolidated reliably. This raises important questions regarding how individuals can still form strong and long-lasting memories when exposed to frequent stimuli outside controlled laboratory conditions. Although this phenomenon remains undiscovered by science, it is of utmost significance for gaining a deeper understanding of our neural capacities ( Genzel and Wixted, 2017 ).

The establishment of distributed memory traces requires a narrow temporal window following the initial encoding process, during which cellular consolidation occurs ( Nader and Hardt, 2009 ). Once this period ends and consolidation has been completed, further protein synthesis inhibition or pharmacological disruption will be less effective at altering pre-existing memories and interfering with new learning due to the stabilization of the trace in its new neuronal network connections ( Nader and Hardt, 2009 ). Thus, systems consolidation appears critical for the long-term maintenance of memory within broader brain networks over extended periods after their formation ( Bermudez-Rattoni, 2010 ).

System consolidation and memory

Information is initially stored in both the hippocampus and neocortex ( Dudai et al., 2015 ). The hippocampus subsequently guides a gradual process of reorganization and stabilization whereby information present within the neocortex becomes autonomous from that in the hippocampal store. Scholars have termed this phenomenon “standard memory consolidation model” or “system consolidation” ( Squire et al., 2015 ).

The Standard Model suggests that information acquired during learning is simultaneously stored in both the hippocampus and multiple cortical modules. Subsequently, it posits that over a period of time which may range from weeks to months or longer, the hippocampal formation directs an integration process by which these various elements become enclosed into single unified structures within the cortex ( Gilboa and Moscovitch, 2021 ; Howard et al., 2022 ). These newly learned memories are then assimilated into existing networks without interference or compression when necessary ( Frankland and Bontempi, 2005 ). It is important to note that memory engrams already exist within cortical networks during encoding. They only need strengthening through links enabled by hippocampal assistance-overtime allowing remote memory storage without reliance on the latter structure. Data appears consistent across studies indicating that both AMPA-and NMDA receptor-dependent “tagging” processes occurring within the cortex are essential components of progressive rewiring, thus enabling longer-term retention ( Takeuchi et al., 2014 ; Takehara-Nishiuchi, 2020 ).

Recent studies have additionally demonstrated that the rate of system consolidation depends on an individual’s ability to relate new information to existing networks made up of connected neurons, popularly known as “schemas” ( Robin and Moscovitch, 2017 ). In situations where prior knowledge is present and cortical modules are already connected at the outset of learning, it has been observed that a hippocampal-neocortical binding process occurs similarly to when forming new memories ( Schlichting and Preston, 2015 ). The proposed framework involves the medial temporal lobe (MTL), which is involved in acquiring new information and binds different aspects of an experience into a single memory trace. In contrast, the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) integrates this information with the existing knowledge ( Zeithamova and Preston, 2010 ; van Kesteren et al., 2012 ). During consolidation and retrieval, MTL is involved in replaying memories to the neocortex, where they are gradually integrated with existing knowledge and schemas and help retrieve memory traces. During retrieval, the mPFC is thought to use existing knowledge and schemas to guide retrieval and interpretation of memory. This may involve the assimilation of newly acquired information into existing cognitive schemata as opposed to the comparatively slow progression of creating intercortical connections ( Zeithamova and Preston, 2010 ; van Kesteren et al., 2012 , 2016 ).

Medial temporal lobe structures are essential for acquiring new information and necessary for autobiographical (episodic) memory ( Brown et al., 2018 ). The consolidation of autobiographical memories depends on a distributed network of cortical regions. Brain areas such as entorhinal, perirhinal, and parahippocampal cortices are essential for learning new information; however, they have little impact on the recollection of the past ( Squire et al., 2015 ). The hippocampus is a region of the brain that forms episodic memories by linking multiple events to create meaningful experiences ( Cooper and Ritchey, 2019 ). It receives information from all areas of the association cortex and cingulate cortex, subcortical regions via the fornix, as well as signals originating within its entorhinal cortex (EC) and amygdala regarding emotionally laden or potentially hazardous stimuli ( Sorensen, 2009 ). Such widespread connectivity facilitates the construction of an accurate narrative underpinning each remembered episode, transforming short-term into long-term recollections ( Richter-Levin and Akirav, 2003 ).

Researchers have yet to establish a consensus regarding where semantic memory information is localized within the brain ( Roldan-Valadez et al., 2012 ). Some proponents contend that such knowledge is lodged within perceptual and motor systems, triggered when we initially associate with a given object. This point of view is supported by studies highlighting how neural activity occurs initially in the occipital cortex, followed by left temporal lobe involvement during processing and pertinent contributions to word selection/retrieval via activation of left inferior frontal cortices ( Patterson et al., 2007 ). Moreover, research indicates elevated levels of fusiform gyrus engagement (a ventral surface region encompassing both temporal lobes) occurring concomitantly with verbal comprehension initiatives, including reading and naming tasks ( Patterson et al., 2007 ).

Research suggests that the hippocampus is needed for a few years after learning to support semantic memory (factual information), yet, it is not needed for the long term ( Squire et al., 2015 ). However, some forms of memory remain dependent on the hippocampus, such as the retrieval of spatial memory ( Wiltgen et al., 2010 ). Similarly, the Multiple-trace theory ( Moscovitch et al., 2006 ), also known as the transformation hypothesis ( Winocur and Moscovitch, 2011 ), posits that hippocampal engagement is necessary for memories that retain contextual detail such as episodic memories. Consolidation of memories into the neocortex is theorized to involve a loss of specific finer details, such as temporal and spatial information, in addition to contextual elements. This transition ultimately results in an evolution from episodic memory toward semantic memory, which consists mainly of gist-based facts ( Moscovitch et al., 2006 ).

Sleep and memory consolidation

Sleep is an essential physiological process crucial to memory consolidation ( Siegel, 2001 ). Sleep is divided into two stages: Non-rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep and Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. NREM sleep is divided into three stages: N1, N2, and N3 (AKA Slow Wave Sleep or SWS) ( Rasch and Born, 2013 ). Each stage displays unique oscillatory patterns and phenomena responsible for consolidating memories in distinct ways. The first stage, or N1 sleep, is when an individual transitions between wakefulness and sleep. This type of sleep is characterized by low-amplitude, mixed-frequency brain activity. N1 sleep is responsible for the initial encoding of memories ( Rasch and Born, 2013 ). The second stage, or N2 sleep, is characterized by the occurrence of distinct sleep spindles and K-complexes in EEG. N2 is responsible for the consolidation of declarative memories ( Marshall and Born, 2007 ). The third stage of sleep N3, also known as slow wave sleep (SWS), is characterized by low-frequency brain activity, slow oscillations, and high amplitude. The slow oscillations which define the deepest stage of sleep are trademark rhythms of NREM sleep. These slow oscillations are delta waves combined to indicate slow wave activity (SWA), which is implicated in memory consolidation ( Tononi and Cirelli, 2003 ; Stickgold, 2005 ; Kim et al., 2019 ). Sleep spindles are another trademark defining NREM sleep ( Stickgold, 2005 ). Ripples are high-frequency bursts, and when combined with irregularly occurring sharp waves (high amplitude), they form the sharp-wave ripple (SWR). These spindles and the SWRs coordinate the reactivation and redistribution of hippocampus-dependent memories to neocortical sites ( Ngo et al., 2020 ; Girardeau and Lopes-dos-Santos, 2021 ). The third stage is also responsible for the consolidation of procedural memories, such as habits and motor skills ( Diekelmann and Born, 2010 ). During SWS, there is minimal cholinergic activity and intermediate noradrenergic activity ( Datta and MacLean, 2007 ).

Finally, the fourth stage of sleep is REM sleep, characterized by phasic REMs and muscle atonia ( Reyes-Resina et al., 2021 ). During REM sleep, there is high cholinergic activity, serotonergic and noradrenergic activity are at a minimum, and high theta activity ( Datta and MacLean, 2007 ). REM sleep is also characterized by local increases in plasticity-related immediate-early gene activity, which might favor the subsequent synaptic consolidation of memories in the cortex ( Ribeiro, 2007 ; Diekelmann and Born, 2010 ; Reyes-Resina et al., 2021 ). The fourth stage of sleep is responsible for the consolidation of emotional memories and the integration of newly acquired memories into existing knowledge structures ( Rasch and Born, 2013 ). Studies indicate that the cholinergic system plays an imperative role in modifying these processes by toggling the entire thalamo-cortico-hippocampal network between distinct modes, namely high Ach encoding mode during active wakefulness and REM sleep and low Ach consolidation mode during quiet wakefulness and NREM sleep ( Bergmann and Staresina, 2017 ; Li et al., 2020 ). Consequently, improving neocortical hippocampal communication results in efficient memory encoding/synaptic plasticity, whereas hippocampo-neocortical interactions favor better systemic memory consolidation ( Diekelmann and Born, 2010 ).

The dual process hypothesis of memory consolidation posits that SWS facilitates declarative, hippocampus-dependent memory, whereas REM sleep facilitates non-declarative hippocampus-independent memory ( Maquet, 2001 ; Diekelmann and Born, 2010 ). On the other hand, the sequential hypothesis states that different sleep stages play a sequential role in memory consolidation. Memories are encoded during wakefulness, consolidated during NREM sleep, and further processed and integrated during REM sleep ( Rasch and Born, 2013 ). However, there is evidence present that contradicts the sequential hypothesis. A study by Goerke et al. (2013) found that declarative memories can be consolidated during REM sleep, suggesting that the relationship between sleep stages and memory consolidation is much more complex than a sequential model. Moreover, other studies indicate the importance of coordinating specific sleep phases with learning moments for optimal memory retention. This indicates that the timing of sleep has more influence than the specific sleep stages ( Gais et al., 2006 ). The active system consolidation theory suggests that an active consolidation process results from the selective reactivation of memories during sleep; the brain selectively reactivates newly encoded memories during sleep, which enhances and integrates them into the network of pre-existing long-term memories ( Born et al., 2006 ; Howard et al., 2022 ). Research has suggested that slow-wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep have complementary roles in memory consolidation. Declarative and non-declarative memories benefiting differently depending on which sleep stage they rely on ( Bergmann and Staresina, 2017 ). Specifically, during SWS, the brain actively reactivates and reorganizes hippocampo-neocortical memory traces as part of system consolidation. Following this, REM sleep is crucial for stabilizing these reactivated memory traces through synaptic consolidation. While SWS may initiate early plastic processes in hippocampo-neocortical memory traces by “tagging” relevant neocortico-neocortical synapses for later consolidation ( Frey and Morris, 1998 ), long-term plasticity requires subsequent REM sleep ( Rasch and Born, 2007 , 2013 ).

The active system consolidation hypothesis is not the only mechanism proposed for memory consolidation during sleep. The synaptic homeostasis hypothesis proposes that sleep is necessary for restoring synaptic homeostasis, which is challenged by synaptic strengthening triggered by learning during wake and synaptogenesis during development ( Tononi and Cirelli, 2014 ). The synaptic homeostasis hypothesis assumes consolidation is a by-product of the global synaptic downscaling during sleep ( Puentes-Mestril and Aton, 2017 ). The two models are not mutually exclusive, and the hypothesized processes probably act in concert to optimize the memory function of sleep ( Diekelmann and Born, 2010 ).

Non-rapid eye movement sleep plays an essential role in the systems consolidation of memories, with evidence showing that different oscillations are involved in this process ( Düzel et al., 2010 ). With an oscillatory sequence initiated by a slow frontal cortex oscillation (0.5–1 Hz) traveling to the medial temporal lobe and followed by a sharp-wave ripple (SWR) in the hippocampus (100–200 Hz). Replay activity of memories can be measured during this oscillatory sequence across various regions, including the motor cortex and visual cortex ( Ji and Wilson, 2006 ; Eichenlaub et al., 2020 ). Replay activity of memory refers to the phenomenon where the hippocampus replays previously experienced events during sharp wave ripples (SWRs) and theta oscillations ( Zielinski et al., 2018 ). During SWRs, short, transient bursts of high-frequency oscillations occur in the hippocampus. During theta oscillations, hippocampal spikes are ordered according to the locations of their place fields during behavior. These sequential activities are thought to play a role in memory consolidation and retrieval ( Zielinski et al., 2018 ). The paper by Zielinski et al. (2018) suggests that coordinated hippocampal-prefrontal representations during replay and theta sequences play complementary and overlapping roles at different stages in learning, supporting memory encoding and retrieval, deliberative decision-making, planning, and guiding future actions.

Additionally, the high-frequency oscillations of SWR reactivate groups of neurons attributed to spatial information encoding to align synchronized activity across an array of neural structures, which results in distributed memory creation ( Swanson et al., 2020 ; Girardeau and Lopes-dos-Santos, 2021 ). Parallel to this process is slow oscillation or slow-wave activity within cortical regions, which reflects synced neural firing and allows regulation of synaptic weights, which is in accordance with the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis (SHY). The SHY posits that downscaling synaptic strengths help incorporate new memories by avoiding saturation of resources during extended periods–features validated by discoveries where prolonged wakefulness boosts amplitude while it diminishes during stretches of enhanced sleep ( Girardeau and Lopes-dos-Santos, 2021 ).

During REM sleep, the brain experiences “paradoxical” sleep due to the similarity in activity to wakefulness. This stage plays a significant role in memory processing. Theta oscillations which are dominant during REM sleep, are primarily observed in the hippocampus, and these are involved in memory consolidation ( Landmann et al., 2014 ). There has been evidence of coherence between theta oscillations in the hippocampus, medial frontal cortex, and amygdala, which support their involvement in memory consolidation ( Popa et al., 2010 ). During REM sleep, phasic events such as ponto-geniculo-occipital waves originating from the brainstem coordinate activity across various brain structures and may contribute to memory consolidation processes ( Rasch and Born, 2013 ). Research has suggested that sleep-associated consolidation may be mediated by the degree of overlap between new and already known material whereby, if the acquired information is similar to the information one has learned, it is more easily consolidated during sleep ( Tamminen et al., 2010 ; Sobczak, 2017 ).

In conclusion, understanding more about how the brains cycle through different stages of sleep, including specific wave patterns, offers valuable insight into the ability to store memories effectively. While NREM sleep is associated with SWRs and slow oscillations, facilitating memory consolidation and synaptic downscaling, REM sleep, characterized by theta oscillations and phasic events, contributes to memory reconsolidation and the coordination of activity across brain regions. By exploring the interactions between sleep stages, oscillations, and memory processes, one may learn more about how sleep impacts brain function and cognition in greater detail.

Century has passed since we addressed memory, and several notable findings have moved from bench-to-bedside research. Several cross-talks between multidiscipline have been encouraged. Nevertheless, further research is needed into neurobiological mechanisms of non-declarative memory, such as conditioning ( Gallistel and Balsam, 2014 ). Modern research indicates that structural change that encodes information is likely at the level of the synapse, and the computational mechanisms are implemented at the level of neural circuitry. However, it also suggests that intracellular mechanisms realized at the molecular level, such as micro RNAs, should not be discounted as potential mechanisms. However, further research is needed to study the molecular and structural changes brought on by implicit memory ( Gallistel and Balsam, 2014 ).

The contribution of non-human animal studies toward our understanding of memory processes cannot be understated; hence recognizing their value is vital for moving forward. While this paper predominantly focused on cognitive neuroscience perspectives, some articles cited within this paper were sourced from non-human animal studies providing fundamental groundwork and identification of critical mechanisms relevant to human memories. A need persists for further investigation—primarily with humans—which can validate existing findings from non-human animals. Moving forward, it is prudent for researchers to bridge the gap between animal and human investigations done while exploring parallels and exploring unique aspects of human memory processes. By integrating findings from both domains, one can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities of memory and its underlying neural mechanisms. Such investigations will broaden the horizon of our memory process and answer the complex nature of memory storage.

This paper attempted to provide an overview and summarize memory and its processes. The paper focused on bringing the cognitive neuroscience perspective on memory and its processes. This may provide the readers with the understanding, limitations, and research perspectives of memory mechanisms.

Data availability statement

Author contributions.

SS and MKA: conceptualization, framework, and manuscript writing. AK: review and editing of the manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.


We gratefully thank students and Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) office staff for their conditional and unconditional support. We also thank the Memory and Anxiety Research Group (MARG), IIT Roorkee for its constant support.

Funding Statement

MKA was supported by the F.I.G. grant (IITR/SRIC/2741). The funding agency had no role in the preparation of the manuscript.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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201 Memory Research Topics & Essay Examples

Memory is a fascinating brain function. Together with abstract thinking and empathy, memory is the thing that makes us human.

❓ Memory Research Questions

🏆 best memory topic ideas & essay examples, 💭 exciting memory research topics, 💫 interesting memory topics for essays, 👍 research topics about memory in psychology, 🕑 learning & memory research topics, 💡 easy memory essay ideas.

In your essay about memory, you might want to compare its short-term and long-term types. Another idea is to discuss the phenomenon of false memories. The connection between memory and the quality of sleep is also exciting to explore.

If you’re looking for memory topics to research & write about, you’re in the right place. In this article, you’ll find 174 memory essay topics, ideas, questions, and sample papers related to the concept of memory.

  • How does sensory memory work?
  • How is short-term memory different from long-term memory?
  • What memory-training techniques are the most effective?
  • What are the reasons for memory failures?
  • Memory and aging: what is the connection?
  • What are the key types of memory disorders?
  • How to improve memory?
  • Memory Chart Stages in Psychology For instance, the brain uses the procedural memory to encode procedural skills and tasks that an individual is involved in. The stages of memory are very complex and often pass unrecognized.
  • Computer’s Memory Management Memory management is one of the primary responsibilities of the OS, a role that is achieved by the use of the memory management unit.
  • Memory for Designs Test The examination of the functioning of the memory of an individual cannot be limited to only one memory test, and as a result, there are a variety of assessments that target the various features of […]
  • “The Sorrow of War” by Bao Ninh: Memory as a Central Idea The image of soldier Kien in The Sorrow of War demonstrates the difficulties of the Vietnamese people before, through and after this war.
  • Chocolate Consumption and Working Memory in Men and Women In this study, the independent variable was chocolate intake, while the dependent variable was the effect of chocolate on the memory of different genders.
  • Improving Memory and Study Power Study power and memory are important aspects of the learning process and improving them is necessary for success. Working the brain is important in improvement of memory and study power.
  • Free and Serial Memory Recalls in Experiments In the study, the experimenters changed the order in which the items were presented to the participants before each trial to test the ability of the subject to recognize these words it was observed that […]
  • “How Reliable Is Your Memory?” by Elizabeth Loftus Regardless of how disturbing and sorrowful it may be, and even when pointed out that this certain memory is false, a person may be unable to let it go.
  • Love and Memory From a Psychological Point of View The commonly known love types include affection, passionate love, friendship, infatuation, puppy love, sexual love, platonic love, romantic love and many other terms that could be coined out to basically describe love.
  • Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test and Cognistat Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test and the Cognistat are the assessment tools employed by the occupational therapists in order to determine the levels of impairment in their mental function that directly impact the individuals’ executive abilities […]
  • Long and Short Term Memory The procedure of conveying information from STM to LTM entails the encoding and consolidation of information: it is not a task of time; the more the data resides in STM it increases the chances of […]
  • Memory and Attention as Aspects of Cognition It has specific definitions, such as “consideration with a view to action,” “a condition of readiness involving a selective narrowing or focusing of consciousness and receptivity,” and “the act or state of applying the mind […]
  • The Effect of Sleep Quality and IQ on Memory Therefore, the major aim of sleep is to balance the energies in the body. However, the nature of the activity that an individual is exposed to determines the rate of memory capture.
  • Emotions: The Influence on Memory At the same time, the influence of positive and negative feelings on the process of memorization and reproduction is different. In conclusion, it should be said that the process of the influence of emotions on […]
  • Hippocampus: Learning and Memory The limbic cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus are considered the processing parts of the limbic system while the output part comprises the septal nuclei and the hypothalamus.
  • Concreteness of Words and Free Recall Memory The study hypothesized that the free recall mean of concrete words is not statistically significantly higher than that of abstract words.
  • Biopsychology of Learning and Memory The hippocampus is a brain region in the form of a horseshoe that plays an essential role in the transformation of information from the short-term memory to the long-term memory.
  • Conflict at Walt Disney Company: A Distant Memory? The conflict between Michael Eisner and the Weinstein brothers, the two board members, and Steve Jobs was related to a dysfunctional form of conflict.
  • Memory Test The two controversies determine the classification of memory depending on the form of information processing that occurs in the brain and the different types of memories in relation to the accessibility.
  • Amnesia and Long-Term Memory These factors interfere with the function of hippocampus, the section of the human brain that is responsible for the development of memory, storing and organizing information.
  • Review of Wordfast: Strengths and Weaknesses of This Translation Memory Tool Recognizing the variety of benefits of using Wordfast in the translation process, it should be noted that the use of this ACT program can have a number of unintended negative implications for the quality of […]
  • The Relationship Between Memory and Oblivion The purpose of this essay is to discuss the relationship between memory and oblivion, private and public recollection of events, and the way these concepts are reflected in the works of Walid Raad, Christo, and […]
  • Chauri Chaura Incident in History and Memory The book’s first half was a reconstruction, a narrative in historical view of the burning of the chowki or station and the account of the trial that focused on the testimony of the principal prosecution […]
  • Misinformation Effect and Memory Impairment It is important to determine the science behind the misinformation effect, because the implication of the study goes beyond the confines of psychology.
  • How to Improve Your Memory One of the most effective ways to memorize some information is based on the research concerning working memory. Furthermore, Sperling’s research which proves that people have photographic memory can help work out some strategy to […]
  • Memory Process: Visual Receptivity and Retentiveness For one to articulately understand the concepts of working-memory, short-term-memory, and long-term-memory in present days, he or she has to streamline the three memory types to specifics of what constitutes or makes a difference or […]
  • Music Role in Memory and Learning Processes As such, the study purposed to test the differences in visuospatial abilities between men and women bearing in mind that the former is perceived to demonstrate greater memory capabilities compared to the latter As such, […]
  • ”The Mystery of Memory” Documentary by Gray & Schwarz The documentary examines the brain’s ability to form and retrieve a memory, highlights the importance of neurobiology, and focuses on the problems of PTSD treatment and neuroscience backwardness, concluding that human memory is still a […]
  • Memory Strategies Examples and How They Work A good strategy for memory is the one that improves information encoding, necessitates storage of data in a memorable state and enables the mind to easily retrieve information. Indeed, a malfunction in retrieval of stored […]
  • Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) The first mentioning of shape memory materials was with the discovery of martensite in 1890, which was the first step for phenomenal discovery of the shape memory effect.
  • Memory Model of Teaching and Its Effectiveness The main objective of the research study was to find out the difference in the effect of the memory model and the traditional method of teaching on students’ performance.
  • Stroop Effect on Memory Function The aim of the study was to examine the Stroop effect on memory function of men and women. The aim of the study was to examine Stroop effect on men and women’s cognitive functions.
  • Working Memory in 7 &13 Years Aged Children However, it was hypothesized that children with AgCC will show similar performance improvement in verbal working memory task performance from 7 to 13 years of age as indicated in the study with CVLT.
  • Working Memory & Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum However, it was hypothesized that children with AgCC will show similar improvement in performance on verbal working memory task performance from 7 to 13 years of age as indicated in the study with CVLT.
  • Factors of Learners’ and Adults’ Working Memory An individual’s working memory refers to their ability to access and manipulate bits of data in their mind for a short period.
  • Statistics: The Self-Reference Effect and Memory After the distraction part was over, the participants were asked to recall the twelve adjectives they rated from a list of 42 words. This brings the question of whether the results would be different if […]
  • Memory Mechanisms: Cognitive Load Theory The teacher’s task is not only to give information but also to explain the principles of learning and to work with it.
  • The Self-Reference Effect and Memory Accordingly, the analysis has the following hypotheses: the SRE should enhance recognition of words that participants can relate to themselves, and people should feel more confident about their memory under the SRE.
  • Henry Molaison and Memory Lessons The case of Henry Molaison serves as a poignant reminder of the complexity of memory and the importance of understanding its various components.
  • Intergenerational Trauma and Traumatic Memory The exploration of interconnected issues of intergenerational trauma and traumatic memory in society with historical data of collective violence across the world sensitizes to the importance of acknowledging trauma.
  • The Role of Memory Cells in Cellular Immunity Therefore, when a bacterium gets into the body for a second time, the response is swift because the body has fought it before. Thus, a healthy body can recognize and get rid of chronic microorganisms […]
  • Psychological Conditions in Addition to Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory The authors, who have many papers and degrees in the field, have noted the features of the brain structure and the differences between HSAM.
  • Cognitive Psychology: The Effects of Memory Conformity The experiment’s control conditions did not allow the witnesses to discuss the event seen in the videos, while in the other condition, the witnesses were encouraged to discuss the event.
  • Survival and Memory in Music of the Ghosts by Ratner When it comes to individual memory of Teera’s childhood, the author explains the connection between her memories of her father and musical instruments: “Perhaps it’s because as a child she grew up listening to her […]
  • Concept for Teaching Memory in Primary School Students Teaching is one of the most demanding and demanding jobs in the world because it is the job that holds the future generation together.
  • Draw It or Lose It Memory and Storage Considerations Since the size of the biggest component of this data is known and the additional component can be reasonably estimated, memory for it can be assigned at load time.
  • The Multi-Storage Memory Model by Atkinson and Schiffrin The function of the is to track the stimuli in the input register and to provide a place to store the information coming from the LTS.
  • Civility, Democracy, Memory in Sophocles’ Antigone In Sophocles’ Antigone, the narrative flow makes the audience empathize with the tragic fate of the characters, deepening the emotional involvement of the readers and viewers.
  • The Psychological Nature of Memory Using the numerical representation of the participants’ results, the researchers calculated the dependence of the memory and theory of mind in the process of recalling the interlocutors.
  • Functioning of Human Memory Schemas Consecutively, the study aimed to identify the relation between the facilitation of prior knowledge schemas and memories and the ability to form new schemas and inferences in older adults.
  • Enhancing Individual and Collaborative Eyewitness Memory Considering the positive results of research utilizing category clustering recall and the reported benefits of group memory, a question arises whether the use of category clustering recall might diminish the negative effects of group inhibition.
  • Memory: Its Functions, Types, and Stages of Storage First, information is processed in sensory memory, which perceives sensory events for a couple of seconds to determine whether the information is valuable and should be kept for a longer period. As information goes through […]
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  • Repressed Memory in Childhood Experiences The suffering often affects a child’s psychological coping capacity in any respect, and one of the only ways of dealing with it is to force the memory out of conscious perception.
  • Adaptive Memory and Survival Subject Correlation The results of the study have revealed that the participants found it slightly easier to recall the words related to the notion of survival.
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  • The Essence of Context Dependent Memory The results ought to show that the context in which eyewitnesses observed an event is important in the recall memory of the participants.
  • “Neural Processing Associated With True and False Memory Retrieval” by Yoko The researchers noted that both true and distorted memories activate activities in the left parental and left frontal areas of the brain. Parahippocampal gyrus- Is the area of the brain that is responsible for processing […]
  • Dementia and Memory Retention Art therapy is an effective intervention in the management of dementia because it stimulates reminiscence and enhances memory retention among patients with dementia.
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  • Biological Psychology: Memory By and large, there is a general agreement that molecular events are involved in the storage of information in the nervous system. It is about to differentiate different kinds of memory, one which is short-term […]
  • The Memory of Silence and Lucy: A Detailed Analysis From damaging relationships to her hope to come back to the native land, Lucy has all kinds of issues to address, but the bigger issue is that Lucy’s progress is cyclical, and she has to […]
  • Two Tutorials on the Virtual Memory Subject: Studytonight and Tutorials Point The explanation of the demand paging term leads to the concept of a page fault. It is a phrase that characterizes an invalid memory reference that occurs as a result of a program addressing a […]
  • Music and Memory: Discussion Future research should focus on addressing the limitations of the study and exploring the effect of other types of music. The findings of the study are consistent with the current body of knowledge about the […]
  • Fuzzy-Trace Theory and False Memory The writers set out to show the common ground for all these varied scenarios and convincingly show that false memories are a result of an interaction between memory and the cognitive process of reasoning. The […]
  • Individual Differences in Learning and Memory In the following paper, the variety of learning styles will be evaluated in relation to theories of human learning and memory retrieval on the basis of the findings currently made by academic researchers.
  • The Difference Between Females and Males Memory The hippocampus is of importance when it comes to memory formation and preservation and is relatively larger in females than males, giving the females advantage in memory cognition.
  • The Nature of False Memory Postevent information is one of the reasons that provoke the phenomenon of misinformation. The participants watched a video of a hockey collision and were asked to estimate the speed of the players.
  • Organizational Memory and Intellectual Capital The main emphasis here concerns modalities of motivating the retrieval and use of information and experiences in the OM. The source of intellectual capital arises from the managers’ ability to welcome new information and experiences, […]
  • Advertising and Memory: Interaction and Effect An advert sticks into one’s memory when it focuses on the characteristic of the material being advertised, other advertisements competing for the same market niche, and the kind of people it targets.
  • The Internet and Autobiographical Memory Allie Young’s blog or journal is a perfect illustration of the impact that social sites and blogs have, since for her autobiographic memory; she uses a blog site to write about issues affecting her life.
  • Creativity and Memory Effects in Advertising A study was conducted in China to establish the kind of effects agency creativity has on the total outcome of the advertising campaign.
  • Memory, Thinking, and Human Intelligence As Kurt exposits, “The effects of both proactive and retroactive inferences while one is studying can be counteracted in order to maximize absorption of all the information into the long-term memory”.
  • Psychological Issues: Self-Identity and Sexual Meaning Issues, and Memory Processing Most sex surveys are run by firms dealing in other products and the motives of the surveys are for marketing of their primary products.
  • Human Memory as a Biopsychology Area This paper is going to consider the idea that electrical activity measures of the brain of a human being can be utilized as a great means for carrying out the study of the human memory.
  • Biopsychology: Learning and Memory Relationship Memorization involves an integral function of the brain which is the storage of information. Memorization is directly linked to learning through the processes of encoding, storage, and retrieval of information.
  • Apiculture: Memory in Honeybees They have a sharp memory to recall the previous locations of food, the scent, and the color where they can get the best nectar and pollen.
  • Gender and Memory Capabilities of Humans However, in the spatial memory, none of the genders outdid the other and this questioned the prevalent idea that men are more advanced in spatial memory as compared to women.
  • Collective Memory as “Time Out”: Repairing the Time-Community Link The essay will first give an account of how time helps to shape a community, various events that have been formulated in order to keep the community together and the effectiveness of these events in […]
  • Community Gatherings and Collective Memory The objective of this paper is to examine some of the gatherings that take place in the community and how these gatherings are related to time.
  • “The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci” by Jonathan D. Spence: Concept of Memory Palaces The information concerning Matteo Ricci’s concept of memory palaces presented in the book is generalized to the extent that it is necessary to search for an explanation and some clarifications in the additional sources; “His […]
  • Memory in Learning and Elapsed Time Manipulation And the longer they are subjected to presentation of stimuli, similar to a longer rehearsal, the better the learning rate. And that rats could communicate the flavor “learned”.
  • Gender Factor Affecting Memory: Critically Evaluating of Researches In the book, ‘Gender and Memory,’ the authors, Leydesdorf, Passerini, and Thompson, point out that there is a significant difference in memories for narrative speech between men and women.
  • Biologically Programmed Memory The brain, which carries the memory of the species, is a complex and delicate organ believed to carry the functions of the species.
  • Sleep Patterns and Memory Performance of Children The article presents the essence, the methods and the results of the experiment which had to show the influence of TV and computer games on German children’s sleep.
  • Psychology: Memory, Thinking, and Intelligence Information which serves as the stimuli moves from the sensory memory to the short term memory and finally to the long term memory for permanent storage.
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  • Operant Conditioning, Memory Cue and Perception Operant conditioning through the use of punishment can be used to prevent or decrease a certain negative behavior, for example, when a child is told that he/she will lose some privileges in case he/she misbehaves, […]
  • Human Memory: Serial Learning Experiment The background of the current research was stated in Ebbinghaus’ psychological study, and reveals the fact, that if e series of accidental symbols is offered for memorizing, the human memory will be able to memorize […]
  • Hot and Cold Social Cognitions and Memory What is mentioned in biology text books and journals about the human brain is so small and almost insignificant compared to the myriad functions and parts of the brain that are yet to be explored.
  • Memory Consolidation and Reconsolidation After Sleep The memory consolidation of the visual skill tasks is related to the REM sleep and the short wave component of the NREM.
  • Attention, Perception and Memory Disorders Analysis Teenage is the time for experimentation, with a desire to be independent and try new and forbidden things like drugs or indulge in indiscrete sexual activity.
  • Memory in Context of Optimal Studying Skill The focal point of the paper is to understand the different aspects of memory and find out the best method of studying.
  • Autobiographical Memory and Cognitive Development During this stage important cognitive processes take place and are fundamental towards the development of autobiographical memory in the infants. This help the infants to have important memory cues that form part of the autobiographical […]
  • Sensory and Motor Processes, Learning and Memory There are three processes involved in the sensory function of the eyes: the mechanical process, the chemical process, and the electrical process. The mechanical process starts as the stimuli passes through the cornea and […]
  • Repressed Memory and Developing Teaching Strategies The author aims to emphasize the “importance, relevance, and potential to inform the lay public as well as our future attorneys, law enforcement officers, therapists, and current or future patients of therapists” with regards to […]
  • The Implications of False Memory and Memory Distortion The former refers to the manner of impressing into our minds the memories which we have acquired while the former refers to the manner by which a person reclaims the memories which have been stored […]
  • Memory Comprehension Issue Review To sum up, studying with the background of loud music is counterproductive, as it is also an information channel that interferes with the comprehension and memorization of more important information.
  • Memory Loss Treatment in Nursing Practice The identification of clinical manifestations of the disease is an important first step toward a correct diagnosis and the development of a plan of action to improve the patient’s short-term and long-term stability.
  • The Interaction of Music and Memory Therefore, the research is of enormous significance for the understanding of individual differences in the connection between memory and music. Therefore, the research contributes to the understanding of the interaction of age with music and […]
  • The Effect of Memory, Intelligence and Personality on Employee Performance and Behaviour The present paper will seek to explain the theoretical background on memory, intelligence and personality and evaluate the influence of these factors on work performance and employee behaviours.
  • Cogmed Working Memory Training in Children The methodology of the study is strong, and the number of participants is adequate to measure the effects of the program.
  • Elderly Dementia: Holistic Approaches to Memory Care The CMAI is a nursing-rated questionnaire that evaluates the recurrence of agitation in residents with dementia. Since the research focuses on agitation, the CMAI was utilized to evaluate the occurrence of agitation at baseline.
  • The Conceptual Relationship Between Memory and Imagination In particular, the scholar draws parallels between these processes by addressing the recorded activity of specific brain structures when “remembering the past and imagining the future”.
  • Cognitive Psychology: Memory and Interferences For instance, I remember how to organize words in the right way to form a sentence and I know the capitals of countries.
  • Memory as a Topic of Modern Studies in Psychology Holt and Delvenne present a research paper on the effect of rehearsing on memorization, stating that there is a connection between “spatial” attention, repetition, and short-term memory.
  • How Memory and Intelligence Change as We Age The central argument of the paper is that intelligence and memory change considerably across the lifespan, but these alterations are different in the two concepts. The article by Ofen and Shing is a valuable contribution […]
  • Memory Acquisition and Information Processing The problem of disagreeing with memories can be explained by a closer look at the process of memory acquisition. Most part of the sensory information is not encoded due to selective attention.
  • Memory and Motivation at History Lesson Step 1: Presentation uncovering the unknown facts about the famous people Step 2: Identifying the inaccuracies in groups Step 3: Discussion of the results Step 4: in-class quiz on the presented material Step 5: working […]
  • Varlam Shalamov on Memory and Psychological Resilience The soldiers sent to therapists such as Rivers and Yealland in Regeneration had one problem in common they were unable to forget the traumatic and frightening experiences that had affected them in the past.
  • Learning Activity and Memory Improvement The easiest way to explain the difference between implicit and explicit types of learning is to think of the latter as active learning and of the former – as passive one.
  • Surrealism and Dali’s “The Persistence of Memory” Of course, The Persistence of Memory is one of the best-known works, which is often regarded as one of the most conspicuous illustrations of the movement.
  • Psychology: Short-Term and Working Memory The thing is that the term short-term memory is used to describe the capacity of the mind to hold a small piece of information within a very short period, approximately 20 seconds.
  • Dealing With the Limitations of Flash Memory Implanted medical chip technology can help to reduce the amount of medical misdiagnosis that occur in hospitals and can also address the issue of the amount of money that Jones Corp.pays out to its clients […]
  • Learning Disabilities and Memory Disorders Large amounts of phenylalanine in the blood will result in complications of the neurons in the central nervous system referred to as myelinization of the cerebral hemispheres.
  • Collective Memory and Patriotic Myth in American History However, to think that colonists and early Americans pursued a general policy of killing or driving out the native Indians is incorrect.
  • When the Desire Is Not Enough: Flash Memory As a result, a number of rather uncomfortable proposals were made to the founders of Flash, but the company’s members had to accept certain offers for the financing to continue and the firm not to […]
  • Effects of Marijuana on Memory of Long-Term Users The pivotal aim of the proposed study is to evaluate the impact of marijuana use on long-term memory of respondents. The adverse impact of marijuana after the abstinent syndrome refers to significant changes in prefrontal […]
  • Amphetamines and Their Effects on Memory The scope of the problem of stimulant abuse is quite important in nowadays medicine since the application of amphetamine is not explored in an in-depth manner.
  • Memory Retrieval, Related Processes and Secrets The resulting impression of having experienced what is portrayed in the picture leads to the creation of false memories. The authors of the study make it clear that placing one in specific visual and spatial […]
  • Mnemonics for Memory Improvement in Students The selected participants will be split into two groups that will be asked to memorize a set of words from a story with the help of the suggested technique.
  • Sociocultural Memory in European and Asian Americans The Asian perspective on the use of memory, however, suggests that a much greater emphasis should be placed on using memory as a learning resource so that it can be expanded with the help of […]
  • Emotional Memory: Negative and Positive Experiences For instance, autobiographical memory provides a chance to remember the events that shaped one’s personality and defined the further course of one’s development.
  • The Public Memory of the Holocaust In addition to his pain, Levi concerns the increasing temporal distance and habitual indifference of hundreds of millions of people towards the Holocaust and the survivors1 It causes the feeling of anxiety that was fuelled […]
  • Memory Formation and Maintenance The first similarity between working memory and long term memory is that in both cases, tasks retrieve information from secondary memory, although sometimes working memory tasks retrieve information from the primary memory. After completion of […]
  • Working Memory Training and Its Controversies As a result, a range of myths about WM has been addressed and subverted successfully, including the one stating that WM related training cannot be used to improve one’s intellectual abilities and skills.
  • Music and Human Memory Connection The effects of music on people vary considerably, and this project should help to understand the peculiar features of the connection between human memory and music.
  • Police Shooting Behaviour, Memory, and Emotions The subject of the study was limited to analyzing the shooting behavior of police officers in danger-related situations. It is supposed that officers with low capacity of working memory are more likely to shoot the […]
  • Place-Based Memory Studies and Thinking Architecture There is a need to inform the society of the history represented by the sites and educate the masses on events leading to such occurrences.
  • Working Memory Training: Benefits and Biases The research results indicate that the effects of stereotyping on the development of WM and the relevant skills are direct and rather drastic.
  • Memory, Thoughts, and Motivation in Learning Moreover, using the knowledge acquired from various sources of information, students can interpret the contents of their various environments and apply them to their advantage.
  • Working Memory Concept The central executive, as the name implies, is the primary component of the working memory system; every other component is subservient to it.
  • False Memory and Emotions Experiment The hypothesis was as follows: a list of associate words creates a false memory by remembering a critical lure when the list is presented to a subject and a recall test done shortly after that.
  • Building of Memory: Managing Creativity Through Action It could be important for the team to understand Kornfield’s vision of the project, the main and secondary tasks, the project timeline, and the general outline of it. The third technique is to ensure face-to-face […]
  • Memory Distortions Develop Over Time Memory is the ability to recall what happened in the past or the process through which one’s brain stores events and reproduce them in the future. Simpson were put on a scoreboard to analyze the […]
  • Working Memory Load and Problem Solving The present research focuses on the way working memory load affects problem solving ability and the impact working memory capacity has on problem solving ability of people.
  • Sensory Memory Duration and Stimulus Perception Cognitive psychologists argue that perceived information takes one second in the sensory memory, one minute in the short-term memory and a life-time in the long-term memory.
  • Memory Study: Mnemonics Techniques Having carried out two experiments, Oberauer comes to the conclusion that information in working memory is highly organized and has its own structure and understanding of this structure can help to improve the work of […]
  • Memory Study: Different Perspectives Having carried out two experiments, Oberauer comes to the conclusion that information in working memory is highly organized and has its own structure and understanding of this structure can help to improve the work of […]
  • Individual Recognition Decisions and Memory Strength Signal The individual recognition decision and the memory strength will be compared to determine their relation. A positive correlation between the individual recognition decisions and the aggregated memory strength will be shown.
  • Working Memory Concept: Psychological Views To begin with, the findings support the use of the Working-Memory Model because it offers a clear distinction between the subordinate memory systems and the “central executive” memory.
  • Memory Strategies and Their Effects on the Body Memory problems are a common concern in the society due to the increased rate of memory problems among the individuals. This is a strategy that uses chemicals to suppress the adverse effects of memory problems.
  • George Santayana’s Philosophy Views on Historical Memory To Plato, democracy was the worst form of governance because it was the tyranny of the multitude. Furthermore, the effects of the war were hard to take because people lost everything they had.
  • Cognitive Stimulation on Patients With Impaired Memory Cognitive stimulation therapy is effective in mitigating the effects of dementia. As a result, the researchers tested cognitive stimulation therapy in clinical trials.
  • Memory and Emotions in Personal Experience I tried to convince Sherry that the kind of life she led will not do good to her. I thought that Sherry is a grown-up person who would understand the mistakes she had done and […]
  • Face Recognition and Memory Retention It is imperative to mention that cognitive process is very significant in face recognition especially due to its role in storage and retrieval of information from long-term memory.
  • False Memory Condition: Experimental Studies It is therefore important to conduct some experiments to see the differences between the correct memory and the false memory. The distracters and words to be identified were the variables that were independent.
  • Memory Capacity and Age Correlation Since young adults have high levels of positive emotions and low levels of negative emotions, the positive emotions enable them to enhance their memory capacity for positive information.
  • Eye-Path and Memory-Prediction Framework Online marketing and advertising actively develop nowadays, and modern advertisers need to focus on the customers’ attitudes and behaviours in the context of the effectiveness of the advertisement’s location on the web page.
  • Long Term Memory and Retrieval The mode of presenting the items in sequence in the first presentation has great impact on the results and validity of the study.
  • Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory by Deborah Lipstadt The book is divided into chapters that focus on the history and methods that are used to distort the truth and the memory of the Holocaust.
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  • Definition of Storage Locations in Memory
  • Establishing False Memory in Humans
  • Constructive Nature of Memory
  • Comparison and Contrast Assignment on “Paradoxical Effects of Presentation Modality on False Memory,” Article and “Individual Differences in Learning and Remembering Music.”
  • Memory Systems of the Brain
  • Strategies of the Memory
  • Brain and Memory
  • Biology of Memory: Origins and Structures
  • Cannabis and Its Effects on Long Term Memory
  • Mental Chronometry: Response Time and Accuracy
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  • Review Article
  • Published: 24 September 2019

The neurobiological foundation of memory retrieval

  • Paul W. Frankland   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-1395-3586 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ,
  • Sheena A. Josselyn   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-5451-489X 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 &
  • Stefan Köhler   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1905-6453 7 , 8  

Nature Neuroscience volume  22 ,  pages 1576–1585 ( 2019 ) Cite this article

20k Accesses

106 Citations

130 Altmetric

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  • Classical conditioning
  • Hippocampus
  • Learning and memory
  • Optogenetics

Memory retrieval involves the interaction between external sensory or internally generated cues and stored memory traces (or engrams) in a process termed ‘ecphory’. While ecphory has been examined in human cognitive neuroscience research, its neurobiological foundation is less understood. To the extent that ecphory involves ‘reawakening’ of engrams, leveraging recently developed technologies that can identify and manipulate engrams in rodents provides a fertile avenue for examining retrieval at the level of neuronal ensembles. Here we evaluate emerging neuroscientific research of this type, using cognitive theory as a guiding principle to organize and interpret initial findings. Our Review highlights the critical interaction between engrams and retrieval cues (environmental or artificial) for memory accessibility and retrieval success. These findings also highlight the intimate relationship between the mechanisms important in forming engrams and those important in their recovery, as captured in the cognitive notion of ‘encoding specificity’. Finally, we identify several questions that currently remain unanswered.

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We thank A.Ramsaran and A.Park for drawing the figures, and we thank T. Ryan for comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. This work was supported by Canadian Institutes of Health Research grants to P.W.F. (FDN-143227) and S.A.J. (FDN-388455) and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Discovery grant to S.K. (RGPIN-5770).

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Program in Neurosciences & Mental Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Paul W. Frankland & Sheena A. Josselyn

Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Child & Brain Development Program, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • Paul W. Frankland

Brain, Mind & Consciousness Program, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sheena A. Josselyn

Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

Stefan Köhler

The Brain and Mind Institute, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

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Frankland, P.W., Josselyn, S.A. & Köhler, S. The neurobiological foundation of memory retrieval. Nat Neurosci 22 , 1576–1585 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-019-0493-1

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Received : 21 May 2019

Accepted : 08 August 2019

Published : 24 September 2019

Issue Date : October 2019

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-019-0493-1

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Human Memory and Cognition Lab

Research topics.

  • Benjamin, A. S. (2008). Memory is more than just remembering: Strategic control of encoding, accessing memory, and making decisions. In A. S. Benjamin & B. H. Ross (Eds.),  The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Skill and Strategy in Memory Use  (Vol. 48; pp.175-223). London: Academic Press.
  • Finley, J. R., Tullis, J. G., & Benjamin, A. S. (2010). Metacognitive control of learning and remembering. In M. S. Khine & I. Saleh (Eds.),  New science of learning: cognition, computers and collaboration in education  (pp. 108-132) . New York: Springer.
  • Benjamin, A. S. & Ross, B. H. (2008). Introduction and overview. In A. S. Benjamin & B. H. Ross (Eds.),  The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Skill and Strategy in Memory Use  (Vol. 48; pp. xi-xiv). London: Academic Press.

Memory and Decision Making We use recognition memory and related tasks as a test bed for developing computational models of memory decisions. In one line of work, we extend decision models based on signal-detection theory to include variable decision noise and to describe more varied memory tasks, including multivariate tasks that involve multiple memory decisions.  For example, querying memory for an event often involves attempts at retrieving information about the event itself (item memory) as well as information about contextual details accompanying that event (source memory) — such as the gender of a speaker, the color a word was printed in, or the physical surroundings of a pictured object.  We also develop process models of recognition judgments in order to test how global deficits in memory fidelity can yield selective deficits on empirical tasks such as source memory judgments. Selected publications on this topic:

  • Benjamin, A. S., Diaz, M. L., & Wee, S. (2009). Signal detection with criterion noise: Applications to recognition memory.  Psychological Review, 116 , 84-115.
  • Benjamin, A. S. & Bawa, S. (2004). Distractor plausibility and criterion placement in recognition.  Journal of Memory & Language, 51 , 159-172.

Metacognition and metamemory Efficient memory use requires accurate metamemory: the processes that monitor states of learning, knowledge, and skill, and also control the deployment of mnemonic and other cognitive processes to achieve desired states. That is, one must be able to make accurate judgments about one’s current memory state and predictions about future states, and exercise judicious control over the various options at one’s disposal, including encoding and retrieval strategies, study time allocation, item selection, and scheduling of study repetitions. Our research investigates the monitoring and control processes that comprise metamemory by focusing on factors that moderate metamemory performance, such as: prior knowledge, task goals and expectations, time pressure, and stimulus characteristics. For example, we are interested in the conditions under which one exhibits “learning to learn”–adaptively calibrating metamemory in order to more effectively assess and deploy memory resources in the context of a specific task. Our interests also concern the development of ever more sophisticated and rigorous approaches to the analysis and measurement of metamemory. Selected publications on this topic:

  • Tullis, J. G. & Benjamin, A. S. (2011). On the effectiveness of self-paced learning.  Journal of Memory and Language ,  64 , 109-118.
  • Finley, J. R., Tullis, J. G., & Benjamin, A. S. (2010). Metacognitive control of learning and remembering. In M. S. Khine & I. Saleh (Eds.),  New science of learning: cognition, computers and collaboration in education  (pp. 108-132) . New York: Springer.

Aging and memory The human memory system is constantly changing and adapting throughout the lifespan. Some of these changes result because of the ever growing body of knowledge and experience acquired over a lifetime. The system has to adapt to maintain fluent access to an ever-growing knowledge base. Other changes occur in order to compensate for biological changes that occur with aging. The goal of our research is to understand what aspects of memory and metamemory change across the lifespan and to understand what aspects remain the same. Our basic perspective is that aging involves a global deficit in memory that reveals a landscape of the relative resistance of tasks to disruption.  Further, we investigate changes in older learners’ metamnemonic monitoring and how older learners compensate (or fail to compensate) for changes in memory ability through the use of metamnemonic strategies and behaviors. Selected publications on this topic:

  • Benjamin, A. S. (2010). Representational explanations of “process” dissociations in recognition: The DRYAD theory of aging and memory judgments.  Psychological Review, 117 , 1055-1079.
  • Benjamin, A. S. & Craik, F. I. M. (2001). Parallel effects of aging and time pressure on memory for source: Evidence from the spacing effect.  Memory & Cognition, 29,  691-697.

Reminding By bringing relevant knowledge to bear in novel circumstances, remindings allow us to thrive in a complex and ever-changing world.  Remindings play a significant role in higher cognition (e.g., problem solving, understanding, generalization, classification, and number representation), but their role in memory has largely been ignored.  We have proposed a reminding theory arguing that remindings play a fundamental role in memory, underlying the effects of both repetition and spacing (Benjamin & Tullis, 2010).  We are currently investigating hypotheses derived from reminding theory concerning remindings’ basic mnemonic effects.  Preliminary results hint that remindings enhance the memory for individual instances in associated pairs, as predicted by reminding theory.  Reminding may be an effective technique to capitalize on the innate strengths of human memory system while minimizing the efforts learners must expend. Selected publications on this topic:

  • Benjamin, A. S. & Ross, B. H. (2010). The causes and consequences of reminding. In A. S. Benjamin (Ed.),  Successful remembering and successful forgetting: A Festschrift in honor of Robert A. Bjork  (pp. 71-88). New York, NY: Psychology Press.
  • Benjamin, A. S. & Tullis, J. G. (2010). What makes distributed practice effective?  Cognitive Psychology, 61 , 228-247.

Language and memory The goal of our research in language and memory is to understand how linguistic cues can influence memory for words, sentences, or larger texts.  Words contain both semantic information (meaning) and surface form information (the letters or sounds in the words), and these different kinds of cues may remind us of different information or be forgotten at different rates.  Another important cue is the emphasis placed on particular words.  For example, if a speaker emphasizes the word “NEWSPAPER” in the sentence “The NEWSPAPER won an award for covering the fire,” we may focus our memory on different information (that the newspaper won the award, rather what the award was for) or even bring to mind different ideas (who else might have won the award instead of the newspaper?).  Our general view is that linguistic contexts can powerfully influence encoding strategies, which in turn affect memory performance. Selected publications on this topic:

  • Matzen, L. E. & Benjamin, A. S. (2009). Remembering words not presented in sentences: How study context changes patterns of false memories.  Memory & Cognition, 37 , 52-64.
  • Fraundorf, S. H., Watson, D. G., & Benjamin, A. S. (2010).  Recognition memory reveals just how CONTRASTIVE contrastive accenting really is.  Journal of Memory and Language, 63,  367-386.

Memory for Faces The ability of humans to recognize the faces of recently encountered individuals has generated a vast amount of research. Surprisingly, there is almost no research examining whether we are able to make accurate predictions about our own ability to recognize faces. A well-replicated finding is that people are better at recognizing faces more like their own–their own race, their own age–relative to faces from other groups. We are interested in examining the cognitive and metacognitive processes underlying this bias in face memory: Do people spend less time studying other-race faces relative to own-race faces? Are predictions about later recognition more accurate for own-race faces than for other-race faces? Can individuals use metacognitive information to change their encoding strategy and improve recognition of other-race faces? We are also examining how social information can bias the encoding and recognition of ambiguous race faces. Selected publications on this topic:

  • Hourihan, K. L., Benjamin, A. S., & Gronlund, S. D. (2010, November). An own-group bias in metamnemonic accuracy for faces. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, MO.

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Stanford researchers observe memory formation in real time

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By Alan Toth

Why is it that someone who hasn’t ridden a bicycle in decades can likely jump on and ride away without a wobble, but could probably not recall more than a name or two from their 3rd grade class?

This may be because physical skills — dubbed motor memories by neuroscientists — are encoded differently in our brains than our memories for names or facts.

Now, a new study by scientists with the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute is revealing exactly how motor memories are formed and why they are so persistent. It may even help illuminate the root causes of movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

“We think motor memory is unique,” said Jun Ding , an associate professor of neurosurgery and of neurology. “Some studies on Alzheimer’s disease included participants who were previously musicians and couldn’t remember their own families, but they could still play beautiful music. Clearly, there’s a huge difference in the way that motor memories are formed.”

Memories are thought to be encoded in the brain in the pattern of activity in networks of hundreds or thousands of neurons, sometimes distributed across distant brain regions. The concept of such a memory trace — sometimes called a memory engram — has been around for more than a century, but identifying exactly what an engram is and how it is encoded has proven extremely challenging. Previous studies have shown that some forms of learning activate specific neurons, which reactivate when the learned memory is recalled. However, whether memory engram neurons exist for motor skill learning remains unknown.

Ding and postdoctoral scholars Richard Roth and Fuu-Jiun Hwang wanted to know how these engram-like groups of cells get involved in learning and remembering a new motor skill.

“When you’re first learning to shoot a basketball, you use a very diverse set of neurons each time you throw, but as you get better, you use a more refined set that’s the same every time,” said Roth. “These refined neuron pathways were thought to be the basis of a memory engram, but we wanted to know exactly how these pathways emerge.”

In their new study, published July 8, 2022 in Neuron , the researchers trained mice to use their paws to reach food pellets through a small slot. Using genetic wizardry developed by the lab of Liqun Luo , a Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute colleague in the Department of Biology, the researchers were able to identify specific neurons in the brain’s motor cortex — an area responsible for controlling movements — that were activated during the learning process. The researchers tagged these potential engram cells with a fluorescent marker so they could see if they also played a role in recalling the memory later on.

When the researchers tested the animals’ memory of this new skill weeks later, they found that those mice that still remembered the skill showed increased activity in the same neurons that were first identified during the learning period, showing that these neurons were responsible for encoding the skill: the researchers had observed the formation of memory engrams.

But how do these particular groups of neurons take on responsibility for learning a new task in the first place? And how do they actually improve the animal’s performance?

To answer these questions, the researchers zoomed in closer. Using two-photon microscopy to observe these living circuits in action, they observed the so-called “engram neurons” reprogram themselves as the mice learned. Motor cortex engram cells took on new synaptic inputs — potentially reflecting information about the reaching movement — and themselves formed powerful new output connections in a distant brain region called the dorsolateral striatum — a key waystation through which the engram neurons can exert refined control over the animal’s movements. It was the first time anyone had observed the creation of new synaptic pathways on the same neuron population — both at the input and the output levels — in these two brain regions.

Graphical abstract summarizing the current study

The ability to trace new memories forming in the mouse brain allowed the research team to weigh in on a long-standing debate about how skills are stored in the brain: are they controlled from one central memory trace, or engram, or is the memory redundantly stored across many different brain areas? Though this study cannot discount the idea of centralized memory, it does lend credibility to the opposing theory. Another fascinating question is whether the activation of these engram neurons is required for the performance of already learned motor tasks. The researchers speculated that by suppressing the activity of neurons that had been identified as part of the motor cortex memory engram, the mice probably still would be able to perform the task.

“Think of memory like a highway. If 101 and 280 are both closed, you could still get to Stanford from San Francisco, it would just take a lot longer,” said Ding.   

These findings suggest that, in addition to being dispersed, motor memories are highly redundant. The researchers say that as we repeat learned skills, we are continually reinforcing the motor engrams by building new connections — refining the skill. It’s what is meant by the term muscle memory — a refined, highly redundant network of motor engrams used so frequently that the associated skill seems automatic.

Jun Ding, associate professor of neurology and of neurosurgery and Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute affiliate

Ding believes that this constant repetition is one reason for the persistence of motor memory, but it’s not the only reason. Memory persistence may also be affected by a skill being associated with a reward, perhaps through the neurotransmitter dopamine. Though the research team did not directly address it in this study, Ding’s previous work in Parkinson’s disease suggests the connection.

“Current thinking is that Parkinson’s disease is the result of these motor engrams being blocked, but what if they’re actually being lost and people are forgetting these skills?” said Ding. “Remember that even walking is a motor skill that we all learned once, and it can potentially be forgotten.”

It’s a question that the researchers hope to answer in a follow-up study, because it may be the key to developing effective treatments for motor disorders. If Parkinson’s disease is the result of blocked motor memories, then patients should be able to improve their movement abilities by practicing and reinforcing these motor skills. On the other hand, if Parkinson’s destroys motor engrams and inhibits the creation of new ones — by targeting motor engram neurons and their synaptic connection observed in the team’s new study — then a completely different approach must be taken to deliver effective treatments.

“Our next goal is to understand what’s happening in movement disorders like Parkinson’s,” Ding said. “Obviously, we’re still a long way from a cure, but understanding how motor skills form is critical if we want to understand why they’re disrupted by disease.”

The research was published July 8 in Neuron: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2022.06.006

Study authors were Fuu-Jiun Hwang, Richard H. Roth, Yu-Wei Wu, Yue Sun, Destany K. Kwon, Yu Liu, and Jun B. Ding.

The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Institute for Neurological Disease and Stroke (NINDS); the Klingenstein Foundation's Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s initiative; and GG gift fund, the Stanford School of Medicine Dean’s Postdoctoral Fellowship; and Parkinson’s Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship.

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130 Memory Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on memory, ✍️ memory essay topics for college, 👍 good research topics about memory, 🎓 most interesting memory research titles, 💡 simple memory essay ideas, ❓ research questions about memory.

  • Cognitive Processes: Perception, Attention, Memory
  • Three Components of Memory in Psychology
  • “Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali: Painting’s Description
  • Impact of Depth of Processing on Memory
  • Cache Memory and Virtual Memory: Compare-Contrast
  • Saint Augustine and His Understanding of Memory
  • Short-Term and Working Memory Measurement
  • Psychology: Working vs. Procedural Memory Memory is a complex interconnection of mechanisms serving a wide variety of purposes. This paper discusses the differences between working memory and procedural memory.
  • Memory Retention and Improvement Strategies Memory loss is caused by various factors, including psychological disorders, physical damage of the brain, and lack of ample sleep.
  • Baddeley’s Working Memory Model The paper analyzes the phonological loop is a part of the operational memory classical, the visuospatial sketchpad is a portion of the working memory model and the working memory model.
  • Traumatic Memory and Survivor Identity Trauma and identity have a direct connection, where trauma can affect identity, as identity may affect an individual’s perception and understanding of the trauma.
  • Historical Memory Discourse in Public Diplomacy The past plays a critical role in shaping the present and fostering a sense of belonging; as a result, the historical memories are the basis for social and political identities.
  • Long-Term Memory and Biblical Knowledge Plan Long-term memory can provide access to multiple opportunities for learning if understood and applied properly.
  • Influence of Sleep on Human Thinking Abilities, Emotional State, and Memory Sleep can be called one of the most critical conditions for maintaining brain performance, the violation of which can negatively affect human thinking abilities and mental state.
  • Dual Store Model of Memory The model of human memory has three main components; sensory registers, working memory, also known as short-term memory, and long-term memory.
  • Linguistic Analysis: Memory and Language Despite the decades of meticulous research, the notion of linguistic studies still has a variety of aspects that require further examination.
  • The Effect of Music on Serial Short Term Memory From the experiment carried out on the two groups it is really not clear whether the effect of short term recall is hindered in anyway by background music.
  • Cognitive Psychology Discussion: Long-Term Memory The recollection of specific Bible quotes that are personally relevant and associated with past events in my life is another method.
  • Positive Reinforcement, Classical Conditioning Learning, and Semantic Memory Positive reinforcement, classical conditioning learning, and semantic memory are the three essential concepts in understanding how the human mind works.
  • Role of Memory in Modern Human Life Memory is the capacity of the brain to retain and voluntarily restore information which allows people to recall events that have occurred.
  • Applying Psychology to One’s Life: Memory and Behavior Although stress is inevitable, one’s response to stress can be controlled to a degree through coping or stress management strategies.
  • The Concept of Involuntary Memory in Proust’s Overture The concept of involuntary memory has been illustrated in Proust’s Overture. This is a depiction of the past memory in the life of the narrator
  • Memory Drum Theory’s Projection The goal of the study was to look into memory drum theory’s projection that the increase in SRT was proportional to the complexity of the response to be instigated.
  • Sensory Perception and Memory Role in Its Processing Human beings make decisions depending on the sensory information that their brains interpret. Memory helps people to capture, analyze, and retrieve information.
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  • Trends in Children’s Memory Processes The paper explores trends in children’s memory processes in forensic contexts by evaluating and systematically representing earlier findings.
  • Experimentation to Understand Memory One can state that the positivist experimentation method can serve as a viable approach to understanding memory in real-world situations.
  • How Memory Is Largely a Matter of Reconstruction Memory is a psychological process that involves more than just remembering important facts. It is a perceptual process affected by a person’s beliefs, and expectations.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy’s Impact on Memory The bibliography evaluates the impact of cognitive-behavioral play therapy (CBPT) on working memory, short-term memory (STM), and sustained attention.
  • Hippocampal‐Dependent Learning and Memory Impairment The paper investigates Cd2+ neurotoxicity over time by simulating Cd2+ contaminated water. Chronic Cd exposure resulted in neuron death in the hippocampus.
  • Human Memory: Faults and Fixes Memory is not fixed and is inherently changeable and malleable under specific circumstances. It is malleable and prone to mistakes in its formation and recollection stages.
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  • Cognitive Neuroscience: Language Processing and Memory The statement that the left hemisphere controls language is wrong since the activity of the hemisphere is imbalanced.
  • Random-Access Memory: Training Manual The confident use of a personal computer involves not only utilizing useful functions that modern devices possess.
  • Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series: a Pictorial Memory of Black America Summing up, Eliane Elmaleh analyzed the position of Jacob Lawrence by studying the narrative of “The Migration Series”.
  • Genes and Epigenetic Regulation of Learning and Memory, Addiction, and Parkinson’s Disease A review is going to be done on scientific journals that touch on genes and epigenetic regulations of learning and memory, addiction, and Parkinson’s disease.
  • The Nature of Memory and Its Practical Aspects The central theme of this article is to explain why, despite a number of experiments, the nature of memory remains poorly determined.
  • Representations and Productions of Memory Space Architecture and sculpture from a historical perspective serve as a powerful tool for exchanging memories and expectations among individuals with various outlooks on historical facts.
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  • Memory and Awareness: Training One’s Brain This paper considers that memorization is a natural phenomenon that one cannot prevent, but improve; and it is essential to understand which techniques work specifically for you.
  • Neuropsychological Assessment of Memory Difficulties Normally negative scores in regard to these assessments do not always mean the presence serious memory problems.
  • Implicit Memory: Animal Observation The focal point of this paper is to enumerate the observation of an animal outside the class in relation to a concept of general psychology.
  • Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory for Future MRAM allows a user to just turn on the computer to have the last session immediately available, even shutting down the computer does not wipe out any data.
  • Memory and Eyewitness Identification When individuals have to choose from a lineup that consists of personalities with similar appearances, one is likely to point at the most familiar man or woman.
  • Verifying the Accuracy of Witness Memory The purpose of the study was to develop a clear understanding of the ability of eyewitnesses to remember their self-made reports, concerning choice blindness.
  • Historical Memory: The Tiananmen Incident in China The paper at hand is a case study that attempts to analyze the Tiananmen incident in China and its theoretical and practical implications.
  • The Problem of Memory Blindness and Its Impact The purpose of the study is to examine “whether people would detect alterations to their memory reports and whether such alterations could influence participants’ memories”.
  • Learning and Memory in Behavioral Neuroscience Chapter 12 “Learning and Memory” of Freberg’s “Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience” provides essential insights on the understanding of brain development and functioning.
  • Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Dysfunction Alzheimer’s disease is an untreatable condition that destroys brain cells and nerves, thus afflicting many important memory functions.
  • Learning, Memory and Sleep Connections There are numerous variables mediating the relationship between learning and memory. This paper will discuss the underlying connections between learning, memory and sleep.
  • Age Effects on Memory Among the Elderly Studies have highlighted the effects of age on memory amongst the elderly. Study results indicate that one of the major concerns about aging is the possible loss of memory.
  • Visual Short-Term Memory Capacity and Encoding Rate The article explores distinct disparities in the pace of processing as compared to K scores of VSTM capacity. This paper will provide a brief summary of the article.
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  • The Architectonics of Memory: On Built Form and Built Thought Architecture has generally been considered as the art of design and construction using unique techniques that are appealing to the eyes.
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  • Disproving the Myth of the Faults of Human Memory
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  • The Factors That Contribute or Affect Memory Retention
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  • Cultural Practices for Memory and Learning
  • The Collective Memory and Zionist’s Reconstruction of the Past
  • Classical Music and Enhance Short Term Memory
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  • Visuo-Haptic Exploration for Multimodal Memory
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  • The Human Mind: The Nature of Memory, Perception and the Theory of Mind
  • Traumatic Memory and the Development of Self
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  • The Three Main Components of Human Memory
  • Visual Working Memory Continues to Develop Through Adolescence
  • Dementia and Its Connection With Memory Loss
  • Sleep Dependent Memory and Its Effect on Children
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Memory Deficit
  • Serotonin, Neural Markers, and Memory
  • Reversing Memory Deficits Inflicted by Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Allocentric Spatial Learning and Memory Deficits in Down Syndrome
  • The Effect Stress Has on Working Memory
  • Can Concussions and Head Injuries Affect Memory?
  • Analyzing the Human Memory Organization
  • Asymmetry and Long Memory in Volatility Modeling
  • Does Females Have Better Memory Recall Than Males?
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  • How Does Sleep Affect Memory Consolidation?
  • How Font and Memory Are Connected in Psychology?
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  • What Are the Strategies for Improving Working Memory?
  • What Is the Biological and Psychological Basis of Learning and Memory?
  • What Does the Term the Collective Societal Memory of the World War II Mean?
  • What Is the Phonological Similarity Effect in Working Memory?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Working Memory Capacity and Vocabulary Learning?
  • What Are the Declarative and Non Declarative Memory Devices?
  • What Is the Description and Evaluation of the Multi Store Model of Memory?
  • How To Improve Multimodality in the Memory Artifact?
  • What Is Correlation Between Mental Health and Memory?

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Can Forgetting Help You Remember?

By Jerome Groopman

Silhouette of a person's profile with two smaller figures walking inside.

Four times a year, I attend the Yizkor service at synagogue. Yizkor in Hebrew denotes “remembrance,” and the official name of the service, Hazkarat Neshamot, means a “remembering of souls.” During the service, I call to mind loved ones who have died—parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, close friends—reliving shared times that were cherished, and some that were fraught. I think about what I learned from these people, several of whom were in my life from my first moments of awareness. I recall being taught to swim by my father, hearing my pious Russian grandmother’s tearful account of the Kishinev pogrom, standing by my father’s bedside as a medical student in an underequipped community hospital as he suffered a fatal heart attack. The Yizkor service at my synagogue ends with the Kaddish, the mourner’s prayer, and with a call to perform deeds of loving-kindness in memory of the departed.

Many religions and cultures have rituals structured around remembrance, a fact that suggests how central the ability to remember is to our sense of self, both as individuals and as communities. But how accurate are our memories, and in what ways do they truly shape us? And why does some of what we remember come to us easily, even unbidden, while other things remain maddeningly just out of reach, seeming to slip even further away the more we struggle to summon them?

In “Why We Remember” (Doubleday), Charan Ranganath, a neuropsychologist at U.C. Davis, writes that the question he always gets when he mentions that he studies memory is “Why am I so forgetful?” The title of his book is a riposte to this, a suggestion that it’s the wrong question to be asking. “The problem isn’t your memory, it’s that we have the wrong expectations for what memory is for in the first place,” he writes. “The mechanisms of memory were not cobbled together to help us remember the name of that guy we met at that thing.”

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It has never been easier to fact-check our memories against an external record and find ourselves lacking, but Ranganath is intent on giving us a new way of understanding memory. He tracks how ideas about the phenomenon have developed in the course of more than a century of scientific inquiry, and lays out the state of current research. In common with many researchers studying cognition and behavior, he takes a broadly evolutionary view. “The various mechanisms that contribute to memory have evolved to meet the challenges of survival.” It’s easy enough to imagine how being able to retain knowledge about food sources or particular dangers could be lifesaving for our ancestors—“which berries were poisonous, which people were most likely to help or betray them,” as Ranganath puts it. But thinking of memory as an adaptive trait has a less obvious and perhaps more interesting corollary: “Viewed through this lens, it is apparent that what we often see as the flaws of memory are also its features.” In the right circumstances, apparently, forgetting has been useful, too.

The earliest scientist in Ranganath’s account is the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, who, in the late nineteenth century, attempted to put the study of memory on an objective footing by quantifying its effects. Acting as his own experimental subject, he set about seeing how much data he could remember with a given amount of study. The test he used, chosen for its lack of prior associations, was a welter of meaningless three-letter syllables. Ebbinghaus found that he could memorize sixty-four of these pseudo-words in forty-five minutes before becoming exhausted. However, when he measured his retention, he observed that he had forgotten nearly half the words after twenty minutes. Graphing the rate at which information was lost, he came up with the so-called forgetting curve, a concept that is still influential—for instance, in the design of spaced-repetition learning tools. The forgetting curve starts out steep—a huge amount of information vanishes within sixty minutes—and levels off over several days. As Ranganath notes, “Much of what you are experiencing right now will be lost in less than a day.”

Ebbinghaus’s experiment drew a sharp line between remembering and forgetting, but, a generation later, Frederic Bartlett, a psychologist at the University of Cambridge, showed that the situation is more complicated. Not only do we fail to remember much of what happens to us; even things we remember are often wrong. In a famous experiment, volunteers were told a Native American folk tale called “War of the Ghosts,” selected because it contained cultural details that would be alien to British students. Later, the students recalled the core of the tale but replaced some details with more culturally familiar ones. Instead of words such as “canoe” and “paddle,” they recalled “boat” and “oar”; they replaced “seal hunting” with “fishing.”

From these results, Bartlett concluded that memories are not a simple record of the past but, rather, an “imaginative reconstruction,” in which retrieved information is fleshed out with preëxisting knowledge to compose a story that feels coherent to us. With repeated acts of recall, Ranganath later writes, further alterations creep in, making the memory “like a copy of a copy of a copy, increasingly blurry and susceptible to distortions.” Subsequent research has borne out Bartlett’s insight about the imaginative nature of memory, showing that the neural circuits associated with imagination are active during the act of remembering. Ranganath guides us through the roles of various brain regions, particularly the hippocampus and parts of the prefrontal cortex, and describes some research of his own, which has helped demonstrate the role of the perirhinal cortex in imparting a sense of familiarity. (Notably, this sense can sometimes be triggered even when we are presented with something unfamiliar, leading us to experience déjà vu.)

The picture that emerges is one in which what we call “memory” is less a single thing than a web of interrelated functions. Emotion plays a significant role, particularly in the retrieval of “episodic memories.” The term was used in 1972 by an Estonian-born Canadian psychologist named Endel Tulving, who drew a distinction between two kinds of memory, episodic and semantic. Episodic memory happens when we recall experiences. Semantic memory is the retrieval of discrete facts or knowledge that isn’t reliant on summoning the experiential context in which the information was learned. Tulving wrote that episodic memory amounted to a form of “mental time travel,” as we enter a state of consciousness similar to the one we were in when the memories were stored.

Marcel Proust’s episodic memory, famously, was triggered by the smell of madeleines. Taste can function in a similar way and, as Ranganath writes, so can music. He also speculates that nostalgia has its roots in episodic memory. According to him, research shows that, on average, people find it easier to recollect positive rather than negative memories, and this bias increases as we age. He even thinks that this “might explain older adults’ penchant for nostalgia.” But I wonder, too, whether nostalgia might have to do with the vicissitudes of the aging process, which may prompt us to recall wistfully the vitality of youth rather than the onset of arthritis in our hips or the formation of cataracts.

How can such an apparently haphazard system confer an advantage on us as a species? The answer starts to come into focus when Ranganath writes about attempts to make certain machine-learning models simulate the way that human brains learn. As information is fed in, the model gradually builds up a body of knowledge about a given area. Ranganath provides a hypothetical example:

“An eagle is a bird. It has feathers, wings, and a beak, and it flies.” “A crow is a bird. It has feathers, wings, and a beak, and it flies.” “A hawk is a bird. It has feathers, wings, and a beak, and it flies.”

Soon, he explains, the system will be able to use the examples it has been taught to deduce that a seagull, say, can fly. But it has problems making sense of information that doesn’t fit the pattern, such as “A penguin is a bird. It has feathers, wings, and a beak, and it swims .” Exceptions to the rule can cause what is known as “catastrophic interference,” in which learning the new piece of information causes the model to forget what it had previously learned. Overcoming this weakness requires training the computer on colossal amounts of data.

People, by contrast, take such contradictions in stride, something that Ranganath attributes to our ability to toggle between semantic and episodic memory. The general rule is stored in semantic memory, whereas episodic memory, not being designed to draw universals from across our experience, organizes events in a more idiosyncratic manner. The result is that our brains are much quicker to adjust to the real world. “They are wonderfully adapted to make use of the past, given the dynamic and unpredictable world in which we have evolved,” Ranganath writes. “The world around us is constantly changing, and it’s critical to update our memories to reflect these changes.”

Once we see memory as a dynamic phenomenon, rather than as a passive record, it becomes possible to understand how forgetting can also serve a purpose. “Forgetting isn’t a failure of memory; it’s a consequence of processes that allow our brains to prioritize information that helps us navigate and make sense of the world,” Ranganath writes. (It’s when we forget the wrong things, of course, that we get frustrated.) In certain circumstances, forgetting can even be part of the memorization process, and Ranganath spends a good deal of time on the power of “error-driven learning.” It seems that pushing our memory to failure can produce exactly the sort of salient experience that will then fix a piece of information in our mind.

Ranganath quotes Bartlett to the effect that “literal recall is extraordinarily unimportant” and makes clear that his book is “not a book about ‘how to remember everything.’ ’’ Nonetheless, an account of how memory works can hardly avoid giving a few tips. He advises us to think of our memories as “like a desk cluttered with crumpled-up scraps of paper. If you’d scribbled your online banking password on one of those scraps of paper, it will take a good deal of effort and luck to find it.” The key is to attach important memories to something distinctive, the equivalent of a “hot-pink Post-It note.” A related strategy is the memory-palace technique, in which one visualizes units of information as being arranged in a space that is already familiar, such as one’s childhood bedroom.

Perhaps the most useful tactic in memorization is “chunking,” a phenomenon identified by the pioneering mid-century cognitive psychologist George A. Miller. Miller noted how hard it was for us to hold more than a few pieces of information in our head simultaneously; he thought that it was impossible to keep more than seven things in mind at once, but subsequent research suggests that the situation is even worse and that the maximum is probably even lower. Fortunately, there’s what Ranganath calls a “huge loophole”: our brains are very flexible about what constitutes a single piece of information. A simple example is the way we remember telephone numbers. Breaking a ten-digit U.S. phone number into two groups of three plus a group of four reduces the number of “items” to be remembered from ten to three. At a larger scale, the most talented soccer or basketball players are able to “read” complicated arrangements of other players as single pieces of information. Likewise, many chess masters can take in the places of pieces on a board at a glance, because they are remembering not individual pieces on individual squares but larger patterns, based on their accumulated knowledge of the game. Tellingly, if the pieces are arranged randomly rather than having arisen out of actual gameplay, a chess master’s advantage in memorizing the position is dramatically reduced.

Toward the end of his book, Ranganath expands his focus from the individual to examine the social aspect of memory. He cites a startling analysis of casual conversation which found that forty per cent of the time we spend talking to one another is taken up with storytelling of some kind. Whether spilling our entire past or just quickly catching up, we are essentially engaged in exchanging memories. It should come as no surprise that communication renders our memories even more fungible. “The very act of sharing our past experiences can significantly change what we remember and the meaning we derive from it,” Ranganath writes, and distortions multiply with each telling.

Another pioneering experiment by Frederic Bartlett examined the distortions that occur in “serial reproduction”—or what we would call a game of telephone. Bartlett showed student volunteers a drawing of an African shield and then had them redraw it from memory. He gave these drawings to another group of volunteers and asked the fresh volunteers to reproduce the new drawings from memory. As he repeated the process with group after group, he found not only that the results looked less and less like an African shield but also that they started to resemble a man’s face. Collectively, the volunteers were changing something unfamiliar into something familiar. More recent work on such serial distortions has shown that, over several iterations, elements of a story that fit common stereotypes get reinforced and elements that don’t fall away.

The psychologist Henry L. Roediger III has adopted the term “social contagion” to describe such memory distortions. He conducted an experiment in which pairs of people were given a set of photos and asked to recall what they remembered from the pictures. However, only one individual in each pair was a true volunteer; the other had been planted with instructions to deliberately “recall” things that were not in the photos. The actual volunteers became “infected” by the misinformation, often themselves remembering items that hadn’t been in the pictures at all. Furthermore, the effect persisted even if they were warned of the possibility that their partner’s recollections might be mistaken.

Our openness to influence and the tendency of serial reproduction to magnify social biases have dispiriting political implications. “Once distortions creep into our shared narratives, they can be incredibly difficult to root out,” Ranganath writes. It’s no wonder that conspiracy theories—about the 2020 election being stolen, about Barack Obama being born in Kenya—prove so resistant to repeated debunking. It also turns out that groups are disproportionately swayed by dominant members who speak confidently. Ranganath offers a crumb of comfort. Research shows that diverse groups remember more accurately than homogenous ones do, and that groups also remember more fully if a wide range of group members contribute to discussion and if contributions from less powerful members are actively encouraged.

The term “collective memory” was established not by a psychologist but by the French philosopher and sociologist Maurice Halbwachs, in a book published in 1925. Halbwachs saw shared memories as a key factor in group identity and explored how the same events might be recalled differently by people of different social classes or different religions. (As it happens, he converted from Catholicism to Judaism, and died in Buchenwald; some of his work on memory was published posthumously.) When I call to mind my forebears during the Yizkor service, I am enacting a sense of my place within my immediate family, the wider Jewish community, the medical profession, and American society as a whole. “We come to terms with the past in order to make sense of the present,” Ranganath writes, and memory shapes “everything from our perceptions of reality to the choices and plans we make, to the people we interact with, and even to our identity.”

This is true—in part. But certain past experiences, especially those of early childhood, shape us even though they are not quite remembered and instead reside in what we call the subconscious. Our memories certainly contribute to our identities, but so does their silent counterpart, the huge subliminal substrate of everything that we have forgotten. To attribute all that we are to memory bypasses what is forgotten but not lost. ♦

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Why writing by hand beats typing for thinking and learning

Jonathan Lambert

A close-up of a woman's hand writing in a notebook.

If you're like many digitally savvy Americans, it has likely been a while since you've spent much time writing by hand.

The laborious process of tracing out our thoughts, letter by letter, on the page is becoming a relic of the past in our screen-dominated world, where text messages and thumb-typed grocery lists have replaced handwritten letters and sticky notes. Electronic keyboards offer obvious efficiency benefits that have undoubtedly boosted our productivity — imagine having to write all your emails longhand.

To keep up, many schools are introducing computers as early as preschool, meaning some kids may learn the basics of typing before writing by hand.

But giving up this slower, more tactile way of expressing ourselves may come at a significant cost, according to a growing body of research that's uncovering the surprising cognitive benefits of taking pen to paper, or even stylus to iPad — for both children and adults.

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In kids, studies show that tracing out ABCs, as opposed to typing them, leads to better and longer-lasting recognition and understanding of letters. Writing by hand also improves memory and recall of words, laying down the foundations of literacy and learning. In adults, taking notes by hand during a lecture, instead of typing, can lead to better conceptual understanding of material.

"There's actually some very important things going on during the embodied experience of writing by hand," says Ramesh Balasubramaniam , a neuroscientist at the University of California, Merced. "It has important cognitive benefits."

While those benefits have long been recognized by some (for instance, many authors, including Jennifer Egan and Neil Gaiman , draft their stories by hand to stoke creativity), scientists have only recently started investigating why writing by hand has these effects.

A slew of recent brain imaging research suggests handwriting's power stems from the relative complexity of the process and how it forces different brain systems to work together to reproduce the shapes of letters in our heads onto the page.

Your brain on handwriting

Both handwriting and typing involve moving our hands and fingers to create words on a page. But handwriting, it turns out, requires a lot more fine-tuned coordination between the motor and visual systems. This seems to more deeply engage the brain in ways that support learning.

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"Handwriting is probably among the most complex motor skills that the brain is capable of," says Marieke Longcamp , a cognitive neuroscientist at Aix-Marseille Université.

Gripping a pen nimbly enough to write is a complicated task, as it requires your brain to continuously monitor the pressure that each finger exerts on the pen. Then, your motor system has to delicately modify that pressure to re-create each letter of the words in your head on the page.

"Your fingers have to each do something different to produce a recognizable letter," says Sophia Vinci-Booher , an educational neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University. Adding to the complexity, your visual system must continuously process that letter as it's formed. With each stroke, your brain compares the unfolding script with mental models of the letters and words, making adjustments to fingers in real time to create the letters' shapes, says Vinci-Booher.

That's not true for typing.

To type "tap" your fingers don't have to trace out the form of the letters — they just make three relatively simple and uniform movements. In comparison, it takes a lot more brainpower, as well as cross-talk between brain areas, to write than type.

Recent brain imaging studies bolster this idea. A study published in January found that when students write by hand, brain areas involved in motor and visual information processing " sync up " with areas crucial to memory formation, firing at frequencies associated with learning.

"We don't see that [synchronized activity] in typewriting at all," says Audrey van der Meer , a psychologist and study co-author at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She suggests that writing by hand is a neurobiologically richer process and that this richness may confer some cognitive benefits.

Other experts agree. "There seems to be something fundamental about engaging your body to produce these shapes," says Robert Wiley , a cognitive psychologist at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. "It lets you make associations between your body and what you're seeing and hearing," he says, which might give the mind more footholds for accessing a given concept or idea.

Those extra footholds are especially important for learning in kids, but they may give adults a leg up too. Wiley and others worry that ditching handwriting for typing could have serious consequences for how we all learn and think.

What might be lost as handwriting wanes

The clearest consequence of screens and keyboards replacing pen and paper might be on kids' ability to learn the building blocks of literacy — letters.

"Letter recognition in early childhood is actually one of the best predictors of later reading and math attainment," says Vinci-Booher. Her work suggests the process of learning to write letters by hand is crucial for learning to read them.

"When kids write letters, they're just messy," she says. As kids practice writing "A," each iteration is different, and that variability helps solidify their conceptual understanding of the letter.

Research suggests kids learn to recognize letters better when seeing variable handwritten examples, compared with uniform typed examples.

This helps develop areas of the brain used during reading in older children and adults, Vinci-Booher found.

"This could be one of the ways that early experiences actually translate to long-term life outcomes," she says. "These visually demanding, fine motor actions bake in neural communication patterns that are really important for learning later on."

Ditching handwriting instruction could mean that those skills don't get developed as well, which could impair kids' ability to learn down the road.

"If young children are not receiving any handwriting training, which is very good brain stimulation, then their brains simply won't reach their full potential," says van der Meer. "It's scary to think of the potential consequences."

Many states are trying to avoid these risks by mandating cursive instruction. This year, California started requiring elementary school students to learn cursive , and similar bills are moving through state legislatures in several states, including Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina and Wisconsin. (So far, evidence suggests that it's the writing by hand that matters, not whether it's print or cursive.)

Slowing down and processing information

For adults, one of the main benefits of writing by hand is that it simply forces us to slow down.

During a meeting or lecture, it's possible to type what you're hearing verbatim. But often, "you're not actually processing that information — you're just typing in the blind," says van der Meer. "If you take notes by hand, you can't write everything down," she says.

The relative slowness of the medium forces you to process the information, writing key words or phrases and using drawing or arrows to work through ideas, she says. "You make the information your own," she says, which helps it stick in the brain.

Such connections and integration are still possible when typing, but they need to be made more intentionally. And sometimes, efficiency wins out. "When you're writing a long essay, it's obviously much more practical to use a keyboard," says van der Meer.

Still, given our long history of using our hands to mark meaning in the world, some scientists worry about the more diffuse consequences of offloading our thinking to computers.

"We're foisting a lot of our knowledge, extending our cognition, to other devices, so it's only natural that we've started using these other agents to do our writing for us," says Balasubramaniam.

It's possible that this might free up our minds to do other kinds of hard thinking, he says. Or we might be sacrificing a fundamental process that's crucial for the kinds of immersive cognitive experiences that enable us to learn and think at our full potential.

Balasubramaniam stresses, however, that we don't have to ditch digital tools to harness the power of handwriting. So far, research suggests that scribbling with a stylus on a screen activates the same brain pathways as etching ink on paper. It's the movement that counts, he says, not its final form.

Jonathan Lambert is a Washington, D.C.-based freelance journalist who covers science, health and policy.

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Why writing by hand beats typing for enhancing memory, learning

Study shows electrical connections in the brain are stronger in multiple areas, including sensory processing and memory.

memory research essay

By Lois M. Collins

At a time when schools are abandoning teaching cursive, and texting and typing overtake penning notes by significant margins, science suggests that writing things down by hand set them in memory better, enhancing learning. And especially for young kids, using fine motor skills to form letters helps learning, spelling accuracy and memory recall.

A new study in Frontiers in Psychology reinforces what other studies have found: Using pen and paper or, as Scientific American puts it, “even a stylus and tablet, is still the best way to learn.” In the study, researchers from Norway examined the brain activity in students as they took notes and found that writing by hand stimulated more electrical activity in the brain across regions that control movement, vision, sensory processing and memory.

“The ongoing substitution of handwriting by typewriting in almost every educational setting may seem somewhat misguided as it could affect the learning process in a negative way,” per the study.

“We show that when writing by hand, brain connectivity patterns are far more elaborate than when typewriting on a keyboard,” said Professor Audrey van der Meer, a brain researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and co-author of the study, in a news release . “Such widespread brain connectivity is known to be crucial for memory formation and for encoding new information and, therefore, is beneficial for learning.”

It’s the writing by hand, rather than whether it’s actually cursive, that’s believed to be beneficial, the researchers reported. Printing the letters also stimulates the brain, according to van der Meer and her colleague, F.R. van der Weel, also a psychology researcher at the university.

Study mechanics

Thirty-six university students were given electroencephalograms as they were “repeatedly prompted to either write or type a word that appeared on the screen.” By hand, they wrote in cursive using a digital pen on a touchscreen. Typing involved using a single finger to press the keys. The high-density EEGs measured the brain’s electrical activity using 256 sensors sewn in a net and placed over the head, the data recorded for five seconds with each prompt.

The words were chosen at random from the game Pictionary.

When they wrote by hand, the release said, connectivity in different brain regions increased, but that did not happen when they typed. “Our findings suggest that visual movement and information obtained through precisely controlled hand movements when using a pen contribute extensively to the brain’s connectivity patterns that promote learning,” van der Meer said.

She added that “the simple movement of hitting a key with the same finger repeatedly is less stimulating for the brain. “This also explains why children who have learned to write and read on a tablet can have difficulty differentiating between letters that are mirror images of each other, such as ‘b’ and ‘d.’ They literally haven’t felt with their bodies what it feels like to produce those letters,” van der Meer said.

The release noted that cursive writing has been making a comeback in some states this year, after it was dropped.

The researchers point out that technological advances are important, too, and one value should not be dropped entirely to focus on the other. “There is some evidence that students learn more and remember better when taking handwritten lecture notes, while using a computer with a keyboard may be more practical when writing a long text or essay,” van der Meer said.

Keep using that pen

NPR summarizes the benefits of putting pen to paper in this way: “In kids, studies show that tracing out ABCs, as opposed to typing them, leads to better and longer-lasting recognition and understanding of letters. Writing by hand also improves memory and recall of words, laying down the foundations of literacy and learning. In adults, taking notes by hand during a lecture, instead of typing, can lead to better conceptual understanding of material.”

“There’s actually some very important things going on during the embodied experience of writing by hand,” Ramesh Balasubramaniam , a neuroscientist at the University of California, Merced, told NPR. “It has important cognitive benefits.”

Writing by hand is usually a lot slower, but has some real benefits, van der Meer told NPR. If you’re good at typing, you can basically transcribe a conversation, but often you hear the words, rather than learn the information. Writing notes by hand is slower, but improves the processing. “You make the information your own,” she said, using key words and arrows, underlines and other ways to encode the idea so you have the concept.


Eurasian jays can use 'mental time travel' like humans, study finds

Study finds jays remember incidental details, similar to episodic memory in humans.

Eurasian jays can remember incidental details of past events, which is characteristic of episodic memory in humans, according to a study published May 15, 2024, in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by James Davies of the University of Cambridge, UK and colleagues.

When remembering events, humans have the ability of "mental time travel," consciously reimagining past experiences and potentially recalling details that seemed unimportant at the time. Some researchers have suggested that this "episodic memory" is unique to humans. In this study, Davies and colleagues ran a memory experiment to test for episodic-like memory in seven Eurasian jays, birds that excel at remembering the location of stored food.

In the experiment, the birds watched food get placed beneath one cup in a line of four identical cups and were then rewarded for correctly selecting the baited cup. Over several trials, the birds were trained to identify the correct cup by remembering its position in line. Then, at test, the jays were given an unexpected memory assessment: they watched food get placed beneath one of the cups, which now all had unique visual characteristics, but they were then separated from the cups for 10 minutes while the cups were relocated and rearranged. Despite the changed positions of the cups and the added time delay, the birds still correctly identified the baited cup according to their visual characteristics 70% of the time.

These results suggest that even though visual differences between the cups were unimportant during training, the birds were able to notice those differences at test and recall them later, similar to episodic memory in humans. This study indicates that episodic-like memory might aid jays in finding food stores, and the researchers suggest that future studies might investigate whether the birds can perform similar feats of memory in other non-food-related scenarios.

The authors add: "As the jays were able to remember details that held no specific value or relevance at the time that the memory was created, this suggests that they are able to record, recall, and access incidental information within a remembered event. This is an ability that characterises the type of human memory through which we mentally 'relive' past events (or episodes ), known as 'episodic' memory."

  • Intelligence
  • Educational Psychology
  • Animal Learning and Intelligence
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  • Memory-prediction framework
  • Memory bias
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Materials provided by PLOS . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • James R. Davies, Elias Garcia-Pelegrin, Nicola S. Clayton. Eurasian jays (Garrulus glandarius) show episodic-like memory through the incidental encoding of information . PLOS ONE , 2024; 19 (5): e0301298 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301298

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Innovative Statistics Project Ideas for Insightful Analysis


Table of contents

  • 1.1 AP Statistics Topics for Project
  • 1.2 Statistics Project Topics for High School Students
  • 1.3 Statistical Survey Topics
  • 1.4 Statistical Experiment Ideas
  • 1.5 Easy Stats Project Ideas
  • 1.6 Business Ideas for Statistics Project
  • 1.7 Socio-Economic Easy Statistics Project Ideas
  • 1.8 Experiment Ideas for Statistics and Analysis
  • 2 Conclusion: Navigating the World of Data Through Statistics

Diving into the world of data, statistics presents a unique blend of challenges and opportunities to uncover patterns, test hypotheses, and make informed decisions. It is a fascinating field that offers many opportunities for exploration and discovery. This article is designed to inspire students, educators, and statistics enthusiasts with various project ideas. We will cover:

  • Challenging concepts suitable for advanced placement courses.
  • Accessible ideas that are engaging and educational for younger students.
  • Ideas for conducting surveys and analyzing the results.
  • Topics that explore the application of statistics in business and socio-economic areas.

Each category of topics for the statistics project provides unique insights into the world of statistics, offering opportunities for learning and application. Let’s dive into these ideas and explore the exciting world of statistical analysis.

Top Statistics Project Ideas for High School

Statistics is not only about numbers and data; it’s a unique lens for interpreting the world. Ideal for students, educators, or anyone with a curiosity about statistical analysis, these project ideas offer an interactive, hands-on approach to learning. These projects range from fundamental concepts suitable for beginners to more intricate studies for advanced learners. They are designed to ignite interest in statistics by demonstrating its real-world applications, making it accessible and enjoyable for people of all skill levels.

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AP Statistics Topics for Project

  • Analyzing Variance in Climate Data Over Decades.
  • The Correlation Between Economic Indicators and Standard of Living.
  • Statistical Analysis of Voter Behavior Patterns.
  • Probability Models in Sports: Predicting Outcomes.
  • The Effectiveness of Different Teaching Methods: A Statistical Study.
  • Analysis of Demographic Data in Public Health.
  • Time Series Analysis of Stock Market Trends.
  • Investigating the Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance.
  • Survival Analysis in Clinical Trial Data.
  • Regression Analysis on Housing Prices and Market Factors.

Statistics Project Topics for High School Students

  • The Mathematics of Personal Finance: Budgeting and Spending Habits.
  • Analysis of Class Performance: Test Scores and Study Habits.
  • A Statistical Comparison of Local Public Transportation Options.
  • Survey on Dietary Habits and Physical Health Among Teenagers.
  • Analyzing the Popularity of Various Music Genres in School.
  • The Impact of Sleep on Academic Performance: A Statistical Approach.
  • Statistical Study on the Use of Technology in Education.
  • Comparing Athletic Performance Across Different Sports.
  • Trends in Social Media Usage Among High School Students.
  • The Effect of Part-Time Jobs on Student Academic Achievement.

Statistical Survey Topics

  • Public Opinion on Environmental Conservation Efforts.
  • Consumer Preferences in the Fast Food Industry.
  • Attitudes Towards Online Learning vs. Traditional Classroom Learning.
  • Survey on Workplace Satisfaction and Productivity.
  • Public Health: Attitudes Towards Vaccination.
  • Trends in Mobile Phone Usage and Preferences.
  • Community Response to Local Government Policies.
  • Consumer Behavior in Online vs. Offline Shopping.
  • Perceptions of Public Safety and Law Enforcement.
  • Social Media Influence on Political Opinions.

Statistical Experiment Ideas

  • The Effect of Light on Plant Growth.
  • Memory Retention: Visual vs. Auditory Information.
  • Caffeine Consumption and Cognitive Performance.
  • The Impact of Exercise on Stress Levels.
  • Testing the Efficacy of Natural vs. Chemical Fertilizers.
  • The Influence of Color on Mood and Perception.
  • Sleep Patterns: Analyzing Factors Affecting Sleep Quality.
  • The Effectiveness of Different Types of Water Filters.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Room Temperature on Concentration.
  • Testing the Strength of Different Brands of Batteries.

Easy Stats Project Ideas

  • Average Daily Screen Time Among Students.
  • Analyzing the Most Common Birth Months.
  • Favorite School Subjects Among Peers.
  • Average Time Spent on Homework Weekly.
  • Frequency of Public Transport Usage.
  • Comparison of Pet Ownership in the Community.
  • Favorite Types of Movies or TV Shows.
  • Daily Water Consumption Habits.
  • Common Breakfast Choices and Their Nutritional Value.
  • Steps Count: A Week-Long Study.

Business Ideas for Statistics Project

  • Analyzing Customer Satisfaction in Retail Stores.
  • Market Analysis of a New Product Launch.
  • Employee Performance Metrics and Organizational Success.
  • Sales Data Analysis for E-commerce Websites.
  • Impact of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior.
  • Analysis of Supply Chain Efficiency.
  • Customer Loyalty and Retention Strategies.
  • Trend Analysis in Social Media Marketing.
  • Financial Risk Assessment in Investment Decisions.
  • Market Segmentation and Targeting Strategies.

Socio-Economic Easy Statistics Project Ideas

  • Income Inequality and Its Impact on Education.
  • The Correlation Between Unemployment Rates and Crime Levels.
  • Analyzing the Effects of Minimum Wage Changes.
  • The Relationship Between Public Health Expenditure and Population Health.
  • Demographic Analysis of Housing Affordability.
  • The Impact of Immigration on Local Economies.
  • Analysis of Gender Pay Gap in Different Industries.
  • Statistical Study of Homelessness Causes and Solutions.
  • Education Levels and Their Impact on Job Opportunities.
  • Analyzing Trends in Government Social Spending.

Experiment Ideas for Statistics and Analysis

  • Multivariate Analysis of Global Climate Change Data.
  • Time-Series Analysis in Predicting Economic Recessions.
  • Logistic Regression in Medical Outcome Prediction.
  • Machine Learning Applications in Statistical Modeling.
  • Network Analysis in Social Media Data.
  • Bayesian Analysis of Scientific Research Data.
  • The Use of Factor Analysis in Psychology Studies.
  • Spatial Data Analysis in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
  • Predictive Analysis in Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
  • Cluster Analysis in Market Research.

Conclusion: Navigating the World of Data Through Statistics

In this exploration of good statistics project ideas, we’ve ventured through various topics, from the straightforward to the complex, from personal finance to global climate change. These ideas are gateways to understanding the world of data and statistics, and platforms for cultivating critical thinking and analytical skills. Whether you’re a high school student, a college student, or a professional, engaging in these projects can deepen your appreciation of how statistics shapes our understanding of the world around us. These projects encourage exploration, inquiry, and a deeper engagement with the world of numbers, trends, and patterns – the essence of statistics.

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memory research essay

  • Open access
  • Published: 13 May 2024

What are the strengths and limitations to utilising creative methods in public and patient involvement in health and social care research? A qualitative systematic review

  • Olivia R. Phillips 1 , 2   na1 ,
  • Cerian Harries 2 , 3   na1 ,
  • Jo Leonardi-Bee 1 , 2 , 4   na1 ,
  • Holly Knight 1 , 2 ,
  • Lauren B. Sherar 2 , 3 ,
  • Veronica Varela-Mato 2 , 3 &
  • Joanne R. Morling 1 , 2 , 5  

Research Involvement and Engagement volume  10 , Article number:  48 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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There is increasing interest in using patient and public involvement (PPI) in research to improve the quality of healthcare. Ordinarily, traditional methods have been used such as interviews or focus groups. However, these methods tend to engage a similar demographic of people. Thus, creative methods are being developed to involve patients for whom traditional methods are inaccessible or non-engaging.

To determine the strengths and limitations to using creative PPI methods in health and social care research.

Electronic searches were conducted over five databases on 14th April 2023 (Web of Science, PubMed, ASSIA, CINAHL, Cochrane Library). Studies that involved traditional, non-creative PPI methods were excluded. Creative PPI methods were used to engage with people as research advisors, rather than study participants. Only primary data published in English from 2009 were accepted. Title, abstract and full text screening was undertaken by two independent reviewers before inductive thematic analysis was used to generate themes.

Twelve papers met the inclusion criteria. The creative methods used included songs, poems, drawings, photograph elicitation, drama performance, visualisations, social media, photography, prototype development, cultural animation, card sorting and persona development. Analysis identified four limitations and five strengths to the creative approaches. Limitations included the time and resource intensive nature of creative PPI, the lack of generalisation to wider populations and ethical issues. External factors, such as the lack of infrastructure to support creative PPI, also affected their implementation. Strengths included the disruption of power hierarchies and the creation of a safe space for people to express mundane or “taboo” topics. Creative methods are also engaging, inclusive of people who struggle to participate in traditional PPI and can also be cost and time efficient.

‘Creative PPI’ is an umbrella term encapsulating many different methods of engagement and there are strengths and limitations to each. The choice of which should be determined by the aims and requirements of the research, as well as the characteristics of the PPI group and practical limitations. Creative PPI can be advantageous over more traditional methods, however a hybrid approach could be considered to reap the benefits of both. Creative PPI methods are not widely used; however, this could change over time as PPI becomes embedded even more into research.

Plain English Summary

It is important that patients and public are included in the research process from initial brainstorming, through design to delivery. This is known as public and patient involvement (PPI). Their input means that research closely aligns with their wants and needs. Traditionally to get this input, interviews and group discussions are held, but this can exclude people who find these activities non-engaging or inaccessible, for example those with language challenges, learning disabilities or memory issues. Creative methods of PPI can overcome this. This is a broad term describing different (non-traditional) ways of engaging patients and public in research, such as through the use or art, animation or performance. This review investigated the reasons why creative approaches to PPI could be difficult (limitations) or helpful (strengths) in health and social care research. After searching 5 online databases, 12 studies were included in the review. PPI groups included adults, children and people with language and memory impairments. Creative methods included songs, poems, drawings, the use of photos and drama, visualisations, Facebook, creating prototypes, personas and card sorting. Limitations included the time, cost and effort associated with creative methods, the lack of application to other populations, ethical issues and buy-in from the wider research community. Strengths included the feeling of equality between academics and the public, creation of a safe space for people to express themselves, inclusivity, and that creative PPI can be cost and time efficient. Overall, this review suggests that creative PPI is worthwhile, however each method has its own strengths and limitations and the choice of which will depend on the research project, PPI group characteristics and other practical limitations, such as time and financial constraints.

Peer Review reports


Patient and public involvement (PPI) is the term used to describe the partnership between patients (including caregivers, potential patients, healthcare users etc.) or the public (a community member with no known interest in the topic) with researchers. It describes research that is done “‘with’ or ‘by’ the public, rather than ‘to,’ ‘about’ or ‘for’ them” [ 1 ]. In 2009, it became a legislative requirement for certain health and social care organisations to include patients, families, carers and communities in not only the planning of health and social care services, but the commissioning, delivery and evaluation of them too [ 2 ]. For example, funding applications for the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR), a UK funding body, mandates a demonstration of how researchers plan to include patients/service users, the public and carers at each stage of the project [ 3 ]. However, this should not simply be a tokenistic, tick-box exercise. PPI should help formulate initial ideas and should be an instrumental, continuous part of the research process. Input from PPI can provide unique insights not yet considered and can ensure that research and health services are closely aligned to the needs and requirements of service users PPI also generally makes research more relevant with clearer outcomes and impacts [ 4 ]. Although this review refers to both patients and the public using the umbrella term ‘PPI’, it is important to acknowledge that these are two different groups with different motivations, needs and interests when it comes to health research and service delivery [ 5 ].

Despite continuing recognition of the need of PPI to improve quality of healthcare, researchers have also recognised that there is no ‘one size fits all’ method for involving patients [ 4 ]. Traditionally, PPI methods invite people to take part in interviews or focus groups to facilitate discussion, or surveys and questionnaires. However, these can sometimes be inaccessible or non-engaging for certain populations. For example, someone with communication difficulties may find it difficult to engage in focus groups or interviews. If individuals lack the appropriate skills to interact in these types of scenarios, they cannot take advantage of the participation opportunities it can provide [ 6 ]. Creative methods, however, aim to resolve these issues. These are a relatively new concept whereby researchers use creative methods (e.g., artwork, animations, Lego), to make PPI more accessible and engaging for those whose voices would otherwise go unheard. They ensure that all populations can engage in research, regardless of their background or skills. Seminal work has previously been conducted in this area, which brought to light the use of creative methodologies in research. Leavy (2008) [ 7 ] discussed how traditional interviews had limits on what could be expressed due to their sterile, jargon-filled and formulaic structure, read by only a few specialised academics. It was this that called for more creative approaches, which included narrative enquiry, fiction-based research, poetry, music, dance, art, theatre, film and visual art. These practices, which can be used in any stage of the research cycle, supported greater empathy, self-reflection and longer-lasting learning experiences compared to interviews [ 7 ]. They also pushed traditional academic boundaries, which made the research accessible not only to researchers, but the public too. Leavy explains that there are similarities between arts-based approaches and scientific approaches: both attempts to investigate what it means to be human through exploration, and used together, these complimentary approaches can progress our understanding of the human experience [ 7 ]. Further, it is important to acknowledge the parallels and nuances between creative and inclusive methods of PPI. Although creative methods aim to be inclusive (this should underlie any PPI activity, whether creative or not), they do not incorporate all types of accessible, inclusive methodologies e.g., using sign language for people with hearing impairments or audio recordings for people who cannot read. Given that there was not enough scope to include an evaluation of all possible inclusive methodologies, this review will focus on creative methods of PPI only.

We aimed to conduct a qualitative systematic review to highlight the strengths of creative PPI in health and social care research, as well as the limitations, which might act as a barrier to their implementation. A qualitative systematic review “brings together research on a topic, systematically searching for research evidence from primary qualitative studies and drawing the findings together” [ 8 ]. This review can then advise researchers of the best practices when designing PPI.

Public involvement

The PHIRST-LIGHT Public Advisory Group (PAG) consists of a team of experienced public contributors with a diverse range of characteristics from across the UK. The PAG was involved in the initial question setting and study design for this review.

Search strategy

For the purpose of this review, the JBI approach for conducting qualitative systematic reviews was followed [ 9 ]. The search terms were (“creativ*” OR “innovat*” OR “authentic” OR “original” OR “inclu*”) AND (“public and patient involvement” OR “patient and public involvement” OR “public and patient involvement and engagement” OR “patient and public involvement and engagement” OR “PPI” OR “PPIE” OR “co-produc*” OR “co-creat*” OR “co-design*” OR “cooperat*” OR “co-operat*”). This search string was modified according to the requirements of each database. Papers were filtered by title, abstract and keywords (see Additional file 1 for search strings). The databases searched included Web of Science (WoS), PubMed, ASSIA and CINAHL. The Cochrane Library was also searched to identify relevant reviews which could lead to the identification of primary research. The search was conducted on 14/04/23. As our aim was to report on the use of creative PPI in research, rather than more generic public engagement, we used electronic databases of scholarly peer-reviewed literature, which represent a wide range of recognised databases. These identified studies published in general international journals (WoS, PubMed), those in social sciences journals (ASSIA), those in nursing and allied health journals (CINAHL), and trials of interventions (Cochrane Library).

Inclusion criteria

Only full-text, English language, primary research papers from 2009 to 2023 were included. This was the chosen timeframe as in 2009 the Health and Social Reform Act made it mandatory for certain Health and Social Care organisations to involve the public and patients in planning, delivering, and evaluating services [ 2 ]. Only creative methods of PPI were accepted, rather than traditional methods, such as interviews or focus groups. For the purposes of this paper, creative PPI included creative art or arts-based approaches (e.g., e.g. stories, songs, drama, drawing, painting, poetry, photography) to enhance engagement. Titles were related to health and social care and the creative PPI was used to engage with people as research advisors, not as study participants. Meta-analyses, conference abstracts, book chapters, commentaries and reviews were excluded. There were no limits concerning study location or the demographic characteristics of the PPI groups. Only qualitative data were accepted.

Quality appraisal

Quality appraisal using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) checklist [ 10 ] was conducted by the primary authors (ORP and CH). This was done independently, and discrepancies were discussed and resolved. If a consensus could not be reached, a third independent reviewer was consulted (JRM). The full list of quality appraisal questions can be found in Additional file 2 .

Data extraction

ORP extracted the study characteristics and a subset of these were checked by CH. Discrepancies were discussed and amendments made. Extracted data included author, title, location, year of publication, year study was carried out, research question/aim, creative methods used, number of participants, mean age, gender, ethnicity of participants, setting, limitations and strengths of creative PPI and main findings.

Data analysis

The included studies were analysed using inductive thematic analysis [ 11 ], where themes were determined by the data. The familiarisation stage took place during full-text reading of the included articles. Anything identified as a strength or limitation to creative PPI methods was extracted verbatim as an initial code and inputted into the data extraction Excel sheet. Similar codes were sorted into broader themes, either under ‘strengths’ or ‘limitations’ and reviewed. Themes were then assigned a name according to the codes.

The search yielded 9978 titles across the 5 databases: Web of Science (1480 results), PubMed (94 results), ASSIA (2454 results), CINAHL (5948 results) and Cochrane Library (2 results), resulting in 8553 different studies after deduplication. ORP and CH independently screened their titles and abstracts, excluding those that did not meet the criteria. After assessment, 12 studies were included (see Fig.  1 ).

figure 1

PRISMA flowchart of the study selection process

Study characteristics

The included studies were published between 2018 and 2022. Seven were conducted in the UK [ 12 , 14 , 15 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 23 ], two in Canada [ 21 , 22 ], one in Australia [ 13 ], one in Norway [ 16 ] and one in Ireland [ 20 ]. The PPI activities occurred across various settings, including a school [ 12 ], social club [ 12 ], hospital [ 17 ], university [ 22 ], theatre [ 19 ], hotel [ 20 ], or online [ 15 , 21 ], however this information was omitted in 5 studies [ 13 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 23 ]. The number of people attending the PPI sessions varied, ranging from 6 to 289, however the majority (ten studies) had less than 70 participants [ 13 , 14 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 ]. Seven studies did not provide information on the age or gender of the PPI groups. Of those that did, ages ranged from 8 to 76 and were mostly female. The ethnicities of the PPI group members were also rarely recorded (see Additional file 3 for data extraction table).

Types of creative methods

The type of creative methods used to engage the PPI groups were varied. These included songs, poems, drawings, photograph elicitation, drama performance, visualisations, Facebook, photography, prototype development, cultural animation, card sorting and creating personas (see Table  1 ). These were sometimes accompanied by traditional methods of PPI such as interviews and focus group discussions.

The 12 included studies were all deemed to be of good methodological quality, with scores ranging from 6/10 to 10/10 with the CASP critical appraisal tool [ 10 ] (Table  2 ).

Thematic analysis

Analysis identified four limitations and five strengths to creative PPI (see Fig.  2 ). Limitations included the time and resource intensity of creative PPI methods, its lack of generalisation, ethical issues and external factors. Strengths included the disruption of power hierarchies, the engaging and inclusive nature of the methods and their long-term cost and time efficiency. Creative PPI methods also allowed mundane and “taboo” topics to be discussed within a safe space.

figure 2

Theme map of strengths and limitations

Limitations of creative PPI

Creative ppi methods are time and resource intensive.

The time and resource intensive nature of creative PPI methods is a limitation, most notably for the persona-scenario methodology. Valaitis et al. [ 22 ] used 14 persona-scenario workshops with 70 participants to co-design a healthcare intervention, which aimed to promote optimal aging in Canada. Using the persona method, pairs composed of patients, healthcare providers, community service providers and volunteers developed a fictional character which they believed represented an ‘end-user’ of the healthcare intervention. Due to the depth and richness of the data produced the authors reported that it was time consuming to analyse. Further, they commented that the amount of information was difficult to disseminate to scientific leads and present at team meetings. Additionally, to ensure the production of high-quality data, to probe for details and lead group discussion there was a need for highly skilled facilitators. The resource intensive nature of the creative co-production was also noted in a study using the persona scenario and creative worksheets to develop a prototype decision support tool for individuals with malignant pleural effusion [ 17 ]. With approximately 50 people, this was also likely to yield a high volume of data to consider.

To prepare materials for populations who cannot engage in traditional methods of PPI was also timely. Kearns et al. [ 18 ] developed a feedback questionnaire for people with aphasia to evaluate ICT-delivered rehabilitation. To ensure people could participate effectively, the resources used during the workshops, such as PowerPoints, online images and photographs, had to be aphasia-accessible, which was labour and time intensive. The author warned that this time commitment should not be underestimated.

There are further practical limitations to implementing creative PPI, such as the costs of materials for activities as well as hiring a space for workshops. For example, the included studies in this review utilised pens, paper, worksheets, laptops, arts and craft supplies and magazines and took place in venues such as universities, a social club, and a hotel. Further, although not limited to creative PPI methods exclusively but rather most studies involving the public, a financial incentive was often offered for participation, as well as food, parking, transport and accommodation [ 21 , 22 ].

Creative PPI lacks generalisation

Another barrier to the use of creative PPI methods in health and social care research was the individual nature of its output. Those who participate, usually small in number, produce unique creative outputs specific to their own experiences, opinions and location. Craven et al. [ 13 ], used arts-based visualisations to develop a toolbox for adults with mental health difficulties. They commented, “such an approach might still not be worthwhile”, as the visualisations were individualised and highly personal. This indicates that the output may fail to meet the needs of its end-users. Further, these creative PPI groups were based in certain geographical regions such as Stoke-on-Trent [ 19 ] Sheffield [ 23 ], South Wales [ 12 ] or Ireland [ 20 ], which limits the extent the findings can be applied to wider populations, even within the same area due to individual nuances. Further, the study by Galler et al. [ 16 ], is specific to the Norwegian context and even then, maybe only a sub-group of the Norwegian population as the sample used was of higher socioeconomic status.

However, Grindell et al. [ 17 ], who used persona scenarios, creative worksheets and prototype development, pointed out that the purpose of this type of research is to improve a certain place, rather than apply findings across other populations and locations. Individualised output may, therefore, only be a limitation to research wanting to conduct PPI on a large scale.

If, however, greater generalisation within PPI is deemed necessary, then social media may offer a resolution. Fedorowicz et al. [ 15 ], used Facebook to gain feedback from the public on the use of video-recording methodology for an upcoming project. This had the benefit of including a more diverse range of people (289 people joined the closed group), who were spread geographically around the UK, as well as seven people from overseas.

Creative PPI has ethical issues

As with other research, ethical issues must be taken into consideration. Due to the nature of creative approaches, as well as the personal effort put into them, people often want to be recognised for their work. However, this compromises principles so heavily instilled in research such as anonymity and confidentiality. With the aim of exploring issues related to health and well-being in a town in South Wales, Byrne et al. [ 12 ], asked year 4/5 and year 10 pupils to create poems, songs, drawings and photographs. Community members also created a performance, mainly of monologues, to explore how poverty and inequalities are dealt with. Byrne noted the risks of these arts-based approaches, that being the possibility of over-disclosure and consequent emotional distress, as well as people’s desire to be named for their work. On one hand, the anonymity reduces the sense of ownership of the output as it does not portray a particular individual’s lived experience anymore. On the other hand, however, it could promote a more honest account of lived experience. Supporting this, Webber et al. [ 23 ], who used the persona method to co-design a back pain educational resource prototype, claimed that the anonymity provided by this creative technique allowed individuals to externalise and anonymise their own personal experience, thus creating a more authentic and genuine resource for future users. This implies that anonymity can be both a limitation and strength here.

The use of creative PPI methods is impeded by external factors

Despite the above limitations influencing the implementation of creative PPI techniques, perhaps the most influential is that creative methodologies are simply not mainstream [ 19 ]. This could be linked to the issues above, like time and resource intensity, generalisation and ethical issues but it is also likely to involve more systemic factors within the research community. Micsinszki et al. [ 21 ], who co-designed a hub for the health and well-being of vulnerable populations, commented that there is insufficient infrastructure to conduct meaningful co-design as well as a dominant medical model. Through a more holistic lens, there are “sociopolitical environments that privilege individualism over collectivism, self-sufficiency over collaboration, and scientific expertise over other ways of knowing based on lived experience” [ 21 ]. This, it could be suggested, renders creative co-design methodologies, which are based on the foundations of collectivism, collaboration and imagination an invalid technique in the research field, which is heavily dominated by more scientific methods offering reproducibility, objectivity and reliability.

Although we acknowledge that creative PPI techniques are not always appropriate, it may be that their main limitation is the lack of awareness of these methods or lack of willingness to use them. Further, there is always the risk that PPI, despite being a mandatory part of research, is used in a tokenistic or tick-box fashion [ 20 ], without considering the contribution that meaningful PPI could make to enhancing the research. It may be that PPI, let alone creative PPI, is not at the forefront of researchers’ minds when planning research.

Strengths of creative PPI

Creative ppi disrupts power hierarchies.

One of the main strengths of creative PPI techniques, cited most frequently in the included literature, was that they disrupt traditional power hierarchies [ 12 , 13 , 17 , 19 , 23 ]. For example, the use of theatre performance blurred the lines between professional and lay roles between the community and policy makers [ 12 ]. Individuals created a monologue to portray how poverty and inequality impact daily life and presented this to representatives of the National Assembly of Wales, Welsh Government, the Local Authority, Arts Council and Westminster. Byrne et al. [ 12 ], states how this medium allowed the community to engage with the people who make decisions about their lives in an environment of respect and understanding, where the hierarchies are not as visible as in other settings, e.g., political surgeries. Creative PPI methods have also removed traditional power hierarchies between researchers and adolescents. Cook et al. [ 13 ], used arts-based approaches to explore adolescents’ ideas about the “perfect” condom. They utilised the “Life Happens” resource, where adolescents drew and then decorated a person with their thoughts about sexual relationships, not too dissimilar from the persona-scenario method. This was then combined with hypothetical scenarios about sexuality. A condom-mapping exercise was then implemented, where groups shared the characteristics that make a condom “perfect” on large pieces of paper. Cook et al. [ 13 ], noted that usually power imbalances make it difficult to elicit information from adolescents, however these power imbalances were reduced due to the use of creative co-design techniques.

The same reduction in power hierarchies was noted by Grindell et al. [ 17 ], who used the person-scenario method and creative worksheets with individuals with malignant pleural effusion. This was with the aim of developing a prototype of a decision support tool for patients to help with treatment options. Although this process involved a variety of stakeholders, such as patients, carers and healthcare professionals, creative co-design was cited as a mechanism that worked to reduce power imbalances – a limitation of more traditional methods of research. Creative co-design blurred boundaries between end-users and clinical staff and enabled the sharing of ideas from multiple, valuable perspectives, meaning the prototype was able to suit user needs whilst addressing clinical problems.

Similarly, a specific creative method named cultural animation was also cited to dissolve hierarchies and encourage equal contributions from participants. Within this arts-based approach, Keleman et al. [ 19 ], explored the concept of “good health” with individuals from Stoke-on Trent. Members of the group created art installations using ribbons, buttons, cardboard and straws to depict their idea of a “healthy community”, which was accompanied by a poem. They also created a 3D Facebook page and produced another poem or song addressing the government to communicate their version of a “picture of health”. Public participants said that they found the process empowering, honest, democratic, valuable and practical.

This dissolving of hierarchies and levelling of power is beneficial as it increases the sense of ownership experienced by the creators/producers of the output [ 12 , 17 , 23 ]. This is advantageous as it has been suggested to improve its quality [ 23 ].

Creative PPI allows the unsayable to be said

Creative PPI fosters a safe space for mundane or taboo topics to be shared, which may be difficult to communicate using traditional methods of PPI. For example, the hypothetical nature of condom mapping and persona-scenarios meant that adolescents could discuss a personal topic without fear of discrimination, judgement or personal disclosure [ 13 ]. The safe space allowed a greater volume of ideas to be generated amongst peers where they might not have otherwise. Similarly, Webber et al. [ 23 ], , who used the persona method to co-design the prototype back pain educational resource, also noted how this method creates anonymity whilst allowing people the opportunity to externalise personal experiences, thoughts and feelings. Other creative methods were also used, such as drawing, collaging, role play and creating mood boards. A cardboard cube (labelled a “magic box”) was used to symbolise a physical representation of their final prototype. These creative methods levelled the playing field and made personal experiences accessible in a safe, open environment that fostered trust, as well as understanding from the researchers.

It is not only sensitive subjects that were made easier to articulate through creative PPI. The communication of mundane everyday experiences were also facilitated, which were deemed typically ‘unsayable’. This was specifically given in the context of describing intangible aspects of everyday health and wellbeing [ 11 ]. Graphic designers can also be used to visually represent the outputs of creative PPI. These captured the movement and fluidity of people and well as the relationships between them - things that cannot be spoken but can be depicted [ 21 ].

Creative PPI methods are inclusive

Another strength of creative PPI was that it is inclusive and accessible [ 17 , 19 , 21 ]. The safe space it fosters, as well as the dismantling of hierarchies, welcomed people from a diverse range of backgrounds and provided equal opportunities [ 21 ], especially for those with communication and memory difficulties who might be otherwise excluded from PPI. Kelemen et al. [ 19 ], who used creative methods to explore health and well-being in Stoke-on-Trent, discussed how people from different backgrounds came together and connected, discussed and reached a consensus over a topic which evoked strong emotions, that they all have in common. Individuals said that the techniques used “sets people to open up as they are not overwhelmed by words”. Similarly, creative activities, such as the persona method, have been stated to allow people to express themselves in an inclusive environment using a common language. Kearns et al. [ 18 ], who used aphasia-accessible material to develop a questionnaire with aphasic individuals, described how they felt comfortable in contributing to workshops (although this material was time-consuming to make, see ‘Limitations of creative PPI’ ).

Despite the general inclusivity of creative PPI, it can also be exclusive, particularly if online mediums are used. Fedorowicz et al. [ 15 ], used Facebook to create a PPI group, and although this may rectify previous drawbacks about lack of generalisation of creative methods (as Facebook can reach a greater number of people, globally), it excluded those who are not digitally active or have limited internet access or knowledge of technology. Online methods have other issues too. Maintaining the online group was cited as challenging and the volume of responses required researchers to interact outside of their working hours. Despite this, online methods like Facebook are very accessible for people who are physically disabled.

Creative PPI methods are engaging

The process of creative PPI is typically more engaging and produces more colourful data than traditional methods [ 13 ]. Individuals are permitted and encouraged to explore a creative self [ 19 ], which can lead to the exploration of new ideas and an overall increased enjoyment of the process. This increased engagement is particularly beneficial for younger PPI groups. For example, to involve children in the development of health food products, Galler et al. [ 16 ] asked 9-12-year-olds to take photos of their food and present it to other children in a “show and tell” fashion. They then created a newspaper article describing a new healthy snack. In this creative focus group, children were given lab coats to further their identity as inventors. Galler et al. [ 16 ], notes that the methods were highly engaging and facilitated teamwork and group learning. This collaborative nature of problem-solving was also observed in adults who used personas and creative worksheets to develop the resource for lower back pain [ 23 ]. Dementia patients too have been reported to enjoy the creative and informal approach to idea generation [ 20 ].

The use of cultural animation allowed people to connect with each other in a way that traditional methods do not [ 19 , 21 ]. These connections were held in place by boundary objects, such as ribbons, buttons, fabric and picture frames, which symbolised a shared meaning between people and an exchange of knowledge and emotion. Asking groups to create an art installation using these objects further fostered teamwork and collaboration, both at an individual and collective level. The exploration of a creative self increased energy levels and encouraged productive discussions and problem-solving [ 19 ]. Objects also encouraged a solution-focused approach and permitted people to think beyond their usual everyday scope [ 17 ]. They also allowed facilitators to probe deeper about the greater meanings carried by the object, which acted as a metaphor [ 21 ].

From the researcher’s point of view, co-creative methods gave rise to ideas they might not have initially considered. Valaitis et al. [ 22 ], found that over 40% of the creative outputs were novel ideas brought to light by patients, healthcare providers/community care providers, community service providers and volunteers. One researcher commented, “It [the creative methods] took me on a journey, in a way that when we do other pieces of research it can feel disconnected” [ 23 ]. Another researcher also stated they could not return to the way they used to do research, as they have learnt so much about their own health and community and how they are perceived [ 19 ]. This demonstrates that creative processes not only benefit the project outcomes and the PPI group, but also facilitators and researchers. However, although engaging, creative methods have been criticised for not demonstrating academic rigour [ 17 ]. Moreover, creative PPI may also be exclusive to people who do not like or enjoy creative activities.

Creative PPI methods are cost and time efficient

Creative PPI workshops can often produce output that is visible and tangible. This can save time and money in the long run as the output is either ready to be implemented in a healthcare setting or a first iteration has already been developed. This may also offset the time and costs it takes to implement creative PPI. For example, the prototype of the decision support tool for people with malignant pleural effusion was developed using personas and creative worksheets. The end result was two tangible prototypes to drive the initial idea forward as something to be used in practice [ 17 ]. The use of creative co-design in this case saved clinician time as well as the time it would take to develop this product without the help of its end-users. In the development of this particular prototype, analysis was iterative and informed the next stage of development, which again saved time. The same applies for the feedback questionnaire for the assessment of ICT delivered aphasia rehabilitation. The co-created questionnaire, designed with people with aphasia, was ready to be used in practice [ 18 ]. This suggests that to overcome time and resource barriers to creative PPI, researchers should aim for it to be engaging whilst also producing output.

That useable products are generated during creative workshops signals to participating patients and public members that they have been listened to and their thoughts and opinions acted upon [ 23 ]. For example, the development of the back pain resource based on patient experiences implies that their suggestions were valid and valuable. Further, those who participated in the cultural animation workshop reported that the process visualises change, and that it already feels as though the process of change has started [ 19 ].

The most cost and time efficient method of creative PPI in this review is most likely the use of Facebook to gather feedback on project methodology [ 15 ]. Although there were drawbacks to this, researchers could involve more people from a range of geographical areas at little to no cost. Feedback was instantaneous and no training was required. From the perspective of the PPI group, they could interact however much or little they wish with no time commitment.

This systematic review identified four limitations and five strengths to the use of creative PPI in health and social care research. Creative PPI is time and resource intensive, can raise ethical issues and lacks generalisability. It is also not accepted by the mainstream. These factors may act as barriers to the implementation of creative PPI. However, creative PPI disrupts traditional power hierarchies and creates a safe space for taboo or mundane topics. It is also engaging, inclusive and can be time and cost efficient in the long term.

Something that became apparent during data analysis was that these are not blanket strengths and limitations of creative PPI as a whole. The umbrella term ‘creative PPI’ is broad and encapsulates a wide range of activities, ranging from music and poems to prototype development and persona-scenarios, to more simplistic things like the use of sticky notes and ordering cards. Many different activities can be deemed ‘creative’ and the strengths and limitations of one does not necessarily apply to another. For example, cultural animation takes greater effort to prepare than the use of sticky notes and sorting cards, and the use of Facebook is cheaper and wider reaching than persona development. Researchers should use their discretion and weigh up the benefits and drawbacks of each method to decide on a technique which suits the project. What might be a limitation to creative PPI in one project may not be in another. In some cases, creative PPI may not be suitable at all.

Furthermore, the choice of creative PPI method also depends on the needs and characteristics of the PPI group. Children, adults and people living with dementia or language difficulties all have different engagement needs and capabilities. This indicates that creative PPI is not one size fits all and that the most appropriate method will change depending on the composition of the group. The choice of method will also be determined by the constraints of the research project, namely time, money and the research aim. For example, if there are time constraints, then a method which yields a lot of data and requires a lot of preparation may not be appropriate. If generalisation is important, then an online method is more suitable. Together this indicates that the choice of creative PPI method is highly individualised and dependent on multiple factors.

Although the limitations discussed in this review apply to creative PPI, they are not exclusive to creative PPI. Ethical issues are a consideration within general PPI research, especially when working with more vulnerable populations, such as children or adults living with a disability. It can also be the case that traditional PPI methods lack generalisability, as people who volunteer to be part of such a group are more likely be older, middle class and retired [ 24 ]. Most research is vulnerable to this type of bias, however, it is worth noting that generalisation is not always a goal and research remains valid and meaningful in its absence. Although online methods may somewhat combat issues related to generalisability, these methods still exclude people who do not have access to the internet/technology or who choose not to use it, implying that online PPI methods may not be wholly representative of the general population. Saying this, however, the accessibility of creative PPI techniques differs from person to person, and for some, online mediums may be more accessible (for example for those with a physical disability), and for others, this might be face-to-face. To combat this, a range of methods should be implemented. Planning multiple focus group and interviews for traditional PPI is also time and resource intensive, however the extra resources required to make this creative may be even greater. Although, the rich data provided may be worth the preparation and analysis time, which is also likely to depend on the number of participants and workshop sessions required. PPI, not just creative PPI, often requires the provision of a financial incentive, refreshments, parking and accommodation, which increase costs. These, however, are imperative and non-negotiable, as they increase the accessibility of research, especially to minority and lower-income groups less likely to participate. Adequate funding is also important for co-design studies where repeated engagement is required. One barrier to implementation, which appears to be exclusive to creative methods, however, is that creative methods are not mainstream. This cannot be said for traditional PPI as this is often a mandatory part of research applications.

Regarding the strengths of creative PPI, it could be argued that most appear to be exclusive to creative methodologies. These are inclusive by nature as multiple approaches can be taken to evoke ideas from different populations - approaches that do not necessarily rely on verbal or written communication like interviews and focus groups do. Given the anonymity provided by some creative methods, such as personas, people may be more likely to discuss their personal experiences under the guise of a general end-user, which might be more difficult to maintain when an interviewer is asking an individual questions directly. Additionally, creative methods are by nature more engaging and interactive than traditional methods, although this is a blanket statement and there may be people who find the question-and-answer/group discussion format more engaging. Creative methods have also been cited to eliminate power imbalances which exist in traditional research [ 12 , 13 , 17 , 19 , 23 ]. These imbalances exist between researchers and policy makers and adolescents, adults and the community. Lastly, although this may occur to a greater extent in creative methods like prototype development, it could be suggested that PPI in general – regardless of whether it is creative - is more time and cost efficient in the long-term than not using any PPI to guide or refine the research process. It must be noted that these are observations based on the literature. To be certain these differences exist between creative and traditional methods of PPI, direct empirical evaluation of both should be conducted.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first review to identify the strengths and limitations to creative PPI, however, similar literature has identified barriers and facilitators to PPI in general. In the context of clinical trials, recruitment difficulties were cited as a barrier, as well as finding public contributors who were free during work/school hours. Trial managers reported finding group dynamics difficult to manage and the academic environment also made some public contributors feel nervous and lacking confidence to speak. Facilitators, however, included the shared ownership of the research – something that has been identified in the current review too. In addition, planning and the provision of knowledge, information and communication were also identified as facilitators [ 25 ]. Other research on the barriers to meaningful PPI in trial oversight committees included trialist confusion or scepticism over the PPI role and the difficulties in finding PPI members who had a basic understanding of research [ 26 ]. However, it could be argued that this is not representative of the average patient or public member. The formality of oversight meetings and the technical language used also acted as a barrier, which may imply that the informal nature of creative methods and its lack of dependency on literacy skills could overcome this. Further, a review of 42 reviews on PPI in health and social care identified financial compensation, resources, training and general support as necessary to conduct PPI, much like in the current review where the resource intensiveness of creative PPI was identified as a limitation. However, others were identified too, such as recruitment and representativeness of public contributors [ 27 ]. Like in the current review, power imbalances were also noted, however this was included as both a barrier and facilitator. Collaboration seemed to diminish hierarchies but not always, as sometimes these imbalances remained between public contributors and healthcare staff, described as a ‘them and us’ culture [ 27 ]. Although these studies compliment the findings of the current review, a direct comparison cannot be made as they do not concern creative methods. However, it does suggest that some strengths and weaknesses are shared between creative and traditional methods of PPI.

Strengths and limitations of this review

Although a general definition of creative PPI exists, it was up to our discretion to decide exactly which activities were deemed as such for this review. For example, we included sorting cards, the use of interactive whiteboards and sticky notes. Other researchers may have a more or less stringent criteria. However, two reviewers were involved in this decision which aids the reliability of the included articles. Further, it may be that some of the strengths and limitations cannot fully be attributed to the creative nature of the PPI process, but rather their co-created nature, however this is hard to disentangle as the included papers involved both these aspects.

During screening, it was difficult to decide whether the article was utilising creative qualitative methodology or creative PPI , as it was often not explicitly labelled as such. Regardless, both approaches involved the public/patients refining a healthcare product/service. This implies that if this review were to be replicated, others may do it differently. This may call for greater standardisation in the reporting of the public’s involvement in research. For example, the NIHR outlines different approaches to PPI, namely “consultation”, “collaboration”, “co-production” and “user-controlled”, which each signify an increased level of public power and influence [ 28 ]. Papers with elements of PPI could use these labels to clarify the extent of public involvement, or even explicitly state that there was no PPI. Further, given our decision to include only scholarly peer-reviewed literature, it is possible that data were missed within the grey literature. Similarly, the literature search will not have identified all papers relating to different types of accessible inclusion. However, the intent of the review was to focus solely on those within the definition of creative.

This review fills a gap in the literature and helps circulate and promote the concept of creative PPI. Each stage of this review, namely screening and quality appraisal, was conducted by two independent reviewers. However, four full texts could not be accessed during the full text reading stage, meaning there are missing data that could have altered or contributed to the findings of this review.

Research recommendations

Given that creative PPI can require effort to prepare, perform and analyse, sufficient time and funding should be allocated in the research protocol to enable meaningful and continuous PPI. This is worthwhile as PPI can significantly change the research output so that it aligns closely with the needs of the group it is to benefit. Researchers should also consider prototype development as a creative PPI activity as this might reduce future time/resource constraints. Shifting from a top-down approach within research to a bottom-up can be advantageous to all stakeholders and can help move creative PPI towards the mainstream. This, however, is the collective responsibility of funding bodies, universities and researchers, as well as committees who approve research bids.

A few of the included studies used creative techniques alongside traditional methods, such as interviews, which could also be used as a hybrid method of PPI, perhaps by researchers who are unfamiliar with creative techniques or to those who wish to reap the benefits of both. Often the characteristics of the PPI group were not included, including age, gender and ethnicity. It would be useful to include such information to assess how representative the PPI group is of the population of interest.

Creative PPI is a relatively novel approach of engaging the public and patients in research and it has both advantages and disadvantages compared to more traditional methods. There are many approaches to implementing creative PPI and the choice of technique will be unique to each piece of research and is reliant on several factors. These include the age and ability of the PPI group as well as the resource limitations of the project. Each method has benefits and drawbacks, which should be considered at the protocol-writing stage. However, given adequate funding, time and planning, creative PPI is a worthwhile and engaging method of generating ideas with end-users of research – ideas which may not be otherwise generated using traditional methods.

Data availability

No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.


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With thanks to the PHIRST-LIGHT public advisory group and consortium for their thoughts and contributions to the design of this work.

The research team is supported by a National Institute for Health and Care Research grant (PHIRST-LIGHT Reference NIHR 135190).

Author information

Olivia R. Phillips and Cerian Harries share joint first authorship.

Authors and Affiliations

Nottingham Centre for Public Health and Epidemiology, Lifespan and Population Health, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Clinical Sciences Building, City Hospital Campus, Hucknall Road, Nottingham, NG5 1PB, UK

Olivia R. Phillips, Jo Leonardi-Bee, Holly Knight & Joanne R. Morling

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) PHIRST-LIGHT, Nottingham, UK

Olivia R. Phillips, Cerian Harries, Jo Leonardi-Bee, Holly Knight, Lauren B. Sherar, Veronica Varela-Mato & Joanne R. Morling

School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, Epinal Way, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK

Cerian Harries, Lauren B. Sherar & Veronica Varela-Mato

Nottingham Centre for Evidence Based Healthcare, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

Jo Leonardi-Bee

NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2UH, UK

Joanne R. Morling

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Author contributions: study design: ORP, CH, JRM, JLB, HK, LBS, VVM, literature searching and screening: ORP, CH, JRM, data curation: ORP, CH, analysis: ORP, CH, JRM, manuscript draft: ORP, CH, JRM, Plain English Summary: ORP, manuscript critical review and editing: ORP, CH, JRM, JLB, HK, LBS, VVM.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Olivia R. Phillips .

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The Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham advised that approval from the ethics committee and consent to participate was not required for systematic review studies.

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Not applicable.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Phillips, O.R., Harries, C., Leonardi-Bee, J. et al. What are the strengths and limitations to utilising creative methods in public and patient involvement in health and social care research? A qualitative systematic review. Res Involv Engagem 10 , 48 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-024-00580-4

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Received : 28 November 2023

Accepted : 25 April 2024

Published : 13 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-024-00580-4

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  • Public and patient involvement
  • Creative PPI
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Call for High School Projects

Machine learning for social impact .

The Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024) is an interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers in machine learning, neuroscience, statistics, optimization, computer vision, natural language processing, life sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, and other adjacent fields. 

This year, we invite high school students to submit research papers on the topic of machine learning for social impact.  A subset of finalists will be selected to present their projects virtually and will have their work spotlighted on the NeurIPS homepage.  In addition, the leading authors of up to five winning projects will be invited to attend an award ceremony at NeurIPS 2024 in Vancouver.  

Each submission must describe independent work wholly performed by the high school student authors.  We expect each submission to highlight either demonstrated positive social impact or the potential for positive social impact using machine learning. Application areas may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Agriculture
  • Climate change
  • Homelessness
  • Food security
  • Mental health
  • Water quality

Authors will be asked to confirm that their submissions accord with the NeurIPS code of conduct and the NeurIPS code of ethics .

Submission deadline: All submissions must be made by June 27th, 4pm EDT. The system will close after this time, and no further submissions will be possible.

We are using OpenReview to manage submissions. Papers should be submitted here . Submission will open June 1st.  Submissions under review will be visible only to their assigned program committee. We will not be soliciting comments from the general public during the reviewing process. Anyone who plans to submit a paper as an author or a co-author will need to create (or update) their OpenReview profile by the full paper submission deadline. 

Formatting instructions:   All submissions must be in PDF format. Submissions are limited to four content pages , including all figures and tables; additional pages containing only references are allowed. You must format your submission using the NeurIPS 2024 LaTeX style file using the “preprint” option for non-anonymous submission. The maximum file size for submissions is 50MB. Submissions that violate the NeurIPS style (e.g., by decreasing margins or font sizes) or page limits may be rejected without further review.  Papers may be rejected without consideration of their merits if they fail to meet the submission requirements, as described in this document. 

Mentorship and collaboration:  The submitted research can be a component of a larger research endeavor involving external collaborators, but the submission should describe only the authors’ contributions.  The authors can also have external mentors but must disclose the nature of the mentorship.  At the time of submission, the authors will be asked to describe the involvement of any mentors or external collaborators and to distinguish mentor and collaborator contributions from those of the authors.  In addition, the authors may (optionally) to include an acknowledgements section acknowledging the contributions of others following the content sections of the submission. The acknowledgements section will not count toward the submission page limit.

Proof of high school attendance: Submitting authors will also be asked to upload a signed letter, on school letterhead, from each author’s high school confirming that the author was enrolled in high school during the 2023-2024 academic year.

Supplementary artifacts:  In their submission, authors may link to supplementary artifacts including videos, working demonstrations, digital posters, websites, or source code.  Please do not link to additional text.  All such supplementary material should be wholly created by the authors and should directly support the submission content. 

Review process:   Each submission will be reviewed by anonymous referees.  The authors, however, should not be anonymous.  No written feedback will be provided to the authors.  

Use of Large Language Models (LLMs): We welcome authors to use any tool that is suitable for preparing high-quality papers and research. However, we ask authors to keep in mind two important criteria. First, we expect papers to fully describe their methodology.  Any tool that is important to that methodology, including the use of LLMs, should be described also. For example, authors should mention tools (including LLMs) that were used for data processing or filtering, visualization, facilitating or running experiments, or proving theorems. It may also be advisable to describe the use of LLMs in implementing the method (if this corresponds to an important, original, or non-standard component of the approach). Second, authors are responsible for the entire content of the paper, including all text and figures, so while authors are welcome to use any tool they wish for writing the paper, they must ensure that all text is correct and original.

Dual submissions:  Submissions that are substantially similar to papers that the authors have previously published or submitted in parallel to other peer-reviewed venues with proceedings or journals may not be submitted to NeurIPS. Papers previously presented at workshops or science fairs are permitted, so long as they did not appear in a conference proceedings (e.g., CVPRW proceedings), a journal, or a book.  However, submissions will not be published in formal proceedings, so work submitted to this call may be published elsewhere in the future. Plagiarism is prohibited by the NeurIPS Code of Conduct .

Paper checklist: In order to improve the rigor and transparency of research submitted to and published at NeurIPS, authors are required to complete a paper checklist . The paper checklist is intended to help authors reflect on a wide variety of issues relating to responsible machine learning research, including reproducibility, transparency, research ethics, and societal impact. The checklist does not count towards the page limit and will be entered in OpenReview.

Contact:   [email protected]


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