The HTML Presentation Framework

Created by Hakim El Hattab and contributors

html5 presentation template

Hello There

reveal.js enables you to create beautiful interactive slide decks using HTML. This presentation will show you examples of what it can do.

Vertical Slides

Slides can be nested inside of each other.

Use the Space key to navigate through all slides.

Down arrow

Basement Level 1

Nested slides are useful for adding additional detail underneath a high level horizontal slide.

Basement Level 2

That's it, time to go back up.

Up arrow

Not a coder? Not a problem. There's a fully-featured visual editor for authoring these, try it out at .

Pretty Code

Code syntax highlighting courtesy of highlight.js .

Even Prettier Animations

Point of view.

Press ESC to enter the slide overview.

Hold down the alt key ( ctrl in Linux) and click on any element to zoom towards it using zoom.js . Click again to zoom back out.

(NOTE: Use ctrl + click in Linux.)


Automatically animate matching elements across slides with Auto-Animate .

Touch Optimized

Presentations look great on touch devices, like mobile phones and tablets. Simply swipe through your slides.

Add the r-fit-text class to auto-size text

Hit the next arrow...

... to step through ...

... a fragmented slide.

Fragment Styles

There's different types of fragments, like:

fade-right, up, down, left



Highlight red blue green

Transition Styles

You can select from different transitions, like: None - Fade - Slide - Convex - Concave - Zoom

Slide Backgrounds

Set data-background="#dddddd" on a slide to change the background color. All CSS color formats are supported.

Image Backgrounds

Tiled backgrounds, video backgrounds, ... and gifs, background transitions.

Different background transitions are available via the backgroundTransition option. This one's called "zoom".

You can override background transitions per-slide.

Iframe Backgrounds

Since reveal.js runs on the web, you can easily embed other web content. Try interacting with the page in the background.

Marvelous List

  • No order here

Fantastic Ordered List

  • One is smaller than...
  • Two is smaller than...

Tabular Tables

Clever quotes.

These guys come in two forms, inline: The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from and block:

“For years there has been a theory that millions of monkeys typing at random on millions of typewriters would reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. The Internet has proven this theory to be untrue.”

Intergalactic Interconnections

You can link between slides internally, like this .

Speaker View

There's a speaker view . It includes a timer, preview of the upcoming slide as well as your speaker notes.

Press the S key to try it out.

Export to PDF

Presentations can be exported to PDF , here's an example:

Global State

Set data-state="something" on a slide and "something" will be added as a class to the document element when the slide is open. This lets you apply broader style changes, like switching the page background.

State Events

Additionally custom events can be triggered on a per slide basis by binding to the data-state name.

Take a Moment

Press B or . on your keyboard to pause the presentation. This is helpful when you're on stage and want to take distracting slides off the screen.

  • Right-to-left support
  • Extensive JavaScript API
  • Auto-progression
  • Parallax backgrounds
  • Custom keyboard bindings

- Try the online editor - Source code & documentation

Create Stunning Presentations on the Web

reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It's a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free.

Presentations made with reveal.js are built on open web technologies. That means anything you can do on the web, you can do in your presentation. Change styles with CSS, include an external web page using an <iframe> or add your own custom behavior using our JavaScript API .

The framework comes with a broad range of features including nested slides , Markdown support , Auto-Animate , PDF export , speaker notes , LaTeX support and syntax highlighted code .

Ready to Get Started?

It only takes a minute to get set up. Learn how to create your first presentation in the installation instructions !

Online Editor

If you want the benefits of reveal.js without having to write HTML or Markdown try . It's a fully-featured visual editor and platform for reveal.js, by the same creator.

Supporting reveal.js

This project was started and is maintained by @hakimel with the help of many contributions from the community . The best way to support the project is to become a paying member of —the reveal.js presentation platform that Hakim is building.

html5 presentation template — the reveal.js presentation editor.

Become a reveal.js pro in the official video course.

Create beautiful stories

WebSlides makes HTML presentations easy. Just the essentials and using lovely CSS.

WebSlides 1.5.0 Github

Why WebSlides?

Good karma & Productivity.

An opportunity to engage.

WebSlides is about good karma. This is about telling the story, and sharing it in a beautiful way. HTML and CSS as narrative elements.

Work better, faster.

Designers, marketers, and journalists can now focus on the content. Simply choose a demo and customize it in minutes.

WebSlides is really easy

Each parent <section> in the #webslides element is an individual slide.

Code is clean and scalable. It uses intuitive markup with popular naming conventions. There's no need to overuse classes or nesting. Making an HTML presentation has never been so fast .

→ Simple Navigation

Slide counter, 40 + beautiful components, vertical rhythm, 500 + svg icons, webslides demos.

Contribute on Github . View all ›

Thumbnail Netflix's Culture

If you need help, here's just some tutorials. Just a basic knowledge of HTML is required:

  • Components · Classes .
  • WebSlides on Codepen .
  • WebSlides Media: images, videos...

WebSlides Files

Built to expand

The best way to inspire with your content is to connect on a personal level:

  • Background images: Unsplash .
  • CSS animations: Animate.css .
  • Longforms: Animate on scroll .

Ready to Start?

Create your own stories instantly. 120+ premium slides ready to use.

Free Download Pay what you want.

People share content that makes them feel inspired. WebSlides is a very effective way to engage young audiences, customers, and teams.

@jlantunez , @ant_laguna , and @luissacristan .

Ivaylo Gerchev

How to Create Beautiful HTML & CSS Presentations with WebSlides

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HTML Presentations with WebSlides

Getting Started with WebSlides

Create a web presentation with webslides.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Creating Beautiful HTML & CSS Presentations with WebSlides

HTML Presentations with WebSlides

This article was peer reviewed by Ralph Mason , Giulio Mainardi , and Mikhail Romanov . Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be!

Presentations are one of the best ways to serve information to an audience. The format is short and sharp, made up of small, digestible chunks, which makes any topic under discussion engaging and easier to understand. A presentation can contain all kinds of data, represented by many different elements, such as tables, charts, diagrams, illustrations, images, videos, sounds, maps, lists, etc, all of which lends great flexibility to this medium of expression.

Particularly on the web, presentations come in handy on many occasions, and there are loads of tools at your disposal to create some nifty ones. Today, I’ll introduce you to WebSlides — a small and compact library with a nice set of ready-to-use components, which you can leverage to build well-crafted and attractive web presentations:

WebSlides “is about telling the story, and sharing it in a beautiful way.”

In fact, one of WebSlides’ main benefits is that you can share your story beautifully and in a variety of different ways. With one and the same architecture — 40+ components with semantic classes, and clean and scalable code — you can create portfolios, landings, longforms, interviews, etc.

Besides, you can also extend WebSlides’ functionality by combining it with third-party services and tools such as Unsplash , Animate.css , Animate On Scroll , and so on.

WebSlides is easy to learn and fun to use. Let’s see it in action now.

To get started, first download WebSlides . Then, in the root folder, create a new folder and call it presentation . Inside the newly created presentation folder, create a new file and call it index.html . Now, enter the following code, which contains the needed references to the WebSlides’ files (make sure the filepaths correspond to the folder structure in your setup):

In this section you’re going to create a short, but complete presentation, which explains why SVG is the future of web graphics. Note: If you are interested in SVG, please check my articles: SVG 101: What is SVG? and How to Optimize and Export SVGs in Adobe Illustrator .

You’ll be working step by step on each slide. Let’s get started with the first one.

The first slide is pretty simple. It contains only one sentence:

Each parent <section> inside <article id="webslides"> creates an individual slide. Here, you’ve used two classes from WebSlides’ arsenal, i.e., bg-gradient-r and aligncenter , to apply a radial gradient background and to align the slide content to the center respectively.

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 1

The second slide explains what SVG is:

The code above uses the content-left and content-right classes to separate the content into two columns. Also, in order to make the above classes work, you need to wrap all content by using the wrap class. On the left side, the code uses text-subtitle to make the text all caps, and text-intro to increase the font size. The right side consists of an illustrative image.

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 2

The next slide uses the grid component to create two columns:

The snippet above shows how to use the grid and column classes to create a grid with two columns. In the first column the style attribute aligns the text to the left (Note how the aligncenter class on the <section> element cascades through to its .column child element, which causes all text inside the slide to be center aligned). In the second column, the browser class makes the illustrative image look like a screenshot.

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 3

In the fourth slide, use the grid component again to split the content into two columns:

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 4

In this slide, place half of the content to the left and the other half to the right using the content-left and content-right classes respectively:

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 5

In this slide, use the background class to embed an image as a background with the Unsplash service . Put the headline on light, transparent background by using the bg-trans-light class. The text’s color appears white, because the slide uses a black background with the bg-black class, therefore the default color is inversed, i.e., white on black rather than black on white. Also, for the text to be visible in front of the image, wrap it with <div class="wrap"> :

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 6

In this slide, put the explanation text on the left and the illustrative image on the right at 40% of its default size (with the alignright and size-40 classes on the <img> element). For this and the next three slides, use slideInRight , which is one of WebSlides’ built-in CSS animations:

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 7

Do a similar thing here:

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 8

This slide also uses a similar structure:

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 9

Here, divide the content into left and right again. In the second <p> tag, use the inline style attribute to adjust the font-size and line-height properties. Doing so will override the text-intro class styles that get applied to the element by default. On the right side, use <div class="wrap size-80"> to create a container for the SVG code example:

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 10

Here, leverage some of the classes you’ve already used to illustrate browser support for SVG:

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 11

In this slide, show some of the use cases for SVG in the form of an image gallery. To this end, use an unordered list with the flexblock and gallery classes. Each item in the gallery is marked up with a li tag:

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 12

This section shows a typical SVG workflow, so you need to use the flexblock and steps classes, which show the content as a sequence of steps. Again, each step is placed inside a li tag:

For each step after the first one, you need to add the process-step-# class. This adds a triangle pointing to the next step.

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 13

In the last slide, use another one of WebSlides’ built-in CSS animations, i.e., zoomIn :

WebSlides Presentation Demo: Slide 14

Congratulations! You’re done. You can see the final outcome here:

See the Pen HTML and CSS Presentation Demo with WebSlides by SitePoint ( @SitePoint ) on CodePen .

Et voilà! You have just created a beautiful, fully functional and responsive web presentation. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, there’s a lot more you can quickly create with WebSlides and many other WebSlides features which I didn’t cover in this short tutorial.

To learn more, explore the WebSlides Components and CSS architecture documentation , or start customizing the demos already available to you in the downloadable folder.

Then, focus on your content and let WebSlides do its job.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Creating Beautiful HTML & CSS Presentations with WebSlides

How can i customize the design of my webslides presentation.

WebSlides allows you to customize your presentation to suit your style and needs. You can change the color scheme, fonts, and layout by modifying the CSS file. If you’re familiar with CSS, you can easily tweak the styles to create a unique look. If you’re not, there are plenty of online resources and tutorials that can help you learn. Remember, the key to a great presentation is not only the content but also the design. A well-designed presentation can help keep your audience engaged and make your content more memorable.

Can I add multimedia elements to my WebSlides presentation?

How can i share my webslides presentation with others.

Once you’ve created your WebSlides presentation, you can share it with others by hosting it on a web server. You can use a free hosting service like GitHub Pages, or you can use your own web server if you have one. Once your presentation is hosted, you can share the URL with anyone you want to view your presentation. They’ll be able to view your presentation in their web browser without needing to install any special software.

Can I use WebSlides for commercial projects?

Yes, WebSlides is free to use for both personal and commercial projects. You can use it to create presentations for your business, for your clients, or for any other commercial purpose. However, please note that while WebSlides itself is free, some of the images and fonts used in the templates may be subject to copyright and may require a license for commercial use.

How can I add interactive elements to my WebSlides presentation?

You can add interactive elements to your WebSlides presentation by using JavaScript. For example, you can add buttons that the user can click to navigate to different slides, or you can add forms that the user can fill out. This can be done by adding the appropriate HTML and JavaScript code to your slides. If you’re not familiar with JavaScript, there are plenty of online resources and tutorials that can help you learn.

Can I use WebSlides offline?

Yes, you can use WebSlides offline. Once you’ve downloaded the WebSlides files, you can create and view your presentations offline. However, please note that some features may not work offline, such as loading external images or fonts. To ensure that all features work correctly, it’s recommended to host your presentation on a web server.

How can I add transitions and animations to my WebSlides presentation?

You can add transitions and animations to your WebSlides presentation by using CSS. CSS allows you to control the appearance and behavior of elements on your slides, including transitions and animations. For example, you can use the transition property to animate the change of a property from one value to another, or you can use the animation property to create more complex animations.

Can I use WebSlides on mobile devices?

Yes, WebSlides is designed to be responsive and works well on both desktop and mobile devices. However, please note that due to the smaller screen size, some elements may not display as intended on mobile devices. It’s recommended to test your presentation on different devices to ensure that it looks and works well on all platforms.

How can I add navigation controls to my WebSlides presentation?

You can add navigation controls to your WebSlides presentation by using the built-in navigation options. You can add arrows to navigate between slides, or you can add a slide counter to show the current slide number and the total number of slides. This can be done by adding the appropriate HTML and CSS code to your slides.

Can I use WebSlides with other web development tools?

Yes, you can use WebSlides with other web development tools. For example, you can use it with a text editor to write your HTML and CSS code, or you can use it with a version control system like Git to manage your project files. You can also use it with a build tool like Gulp or Grunt to automate tasks like minifying your code or compiling your CSS.

I am a web developer/designer from Bulgaria. My favorite web technologies include SVG, HTML, CSS, Tailwind, JavaScript, Node, Vue, and React. When I'm not programming the Web, I love to program my own reality ;)

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JavaScript & CSS presentation

Latest free JavaScript and CSS libraries to create professional HTML presentations on your web app.

CSS Only Presentation Library – slide.css


A CSS library for creating interactive, responsive HTML presentations, one-page scrolling websites, and vertical page sliders without JavaScript.

Advanced Presentation JavaScript Library – Presenta

Advanced Presentation JavaScript Library - Presenta

A powerful and full-featured presentation library to create responsive, touch-friendly, fully customizable presentations on the web app.

Pure CSS Presentation With Rotate Animation

Pure CSS Presentation With A Rotate Animation

A CSS only, fully responsive, print-ready HTML5 presentation template that switches between slides with a cool rotate effect.

Horizontal & Vertical One Page Scroll Plugin In JavaScript – Wholepage Slider

Horizontal & Vertical One Page Scroll Plugin In JavaScript - Wholepage Slider

A mobile-friendly fullscreen page slider JavaScript plugin that applies horizontal and vertical one-page scrolling effects to sectioned pages within the document.

Small Flexible Presentation Library – presentr.js

Small Flexible Presentation Library - presentr.js

presentr.js is a lightweight, zero-dependency JavaScript library for creating a professional presentation on the browser.

Modern Responsive Presentation Library – Hacker’s Tiny Slide Deck

Modern Responsive Presentation Library - Hacker's Tiny Slide Deck

Hacker’s Tiny Slide Deck is a pure JavaScript library that makes it easy to create a modern, responsive, professional slide deck (presentation) from a markdown document.

Minimal Clean Presentation Library For Web – make-slides

Minimal Clean Presentation Library For Web - make-slides

The make-slides JavaScript library transforms a group of content sections into a responsive, minimal, pretty clean presentation with navigation arrows and bottom progress bar.

Cool Presentation Library With JavaScript And Animate.css – Impresi.js

Cool Presentation Library With JavaScript And Animate.css - Impresi.js

Impresi.js is a JavaScript library for creating a dynamic, interactive presentation for the web.

Fullscreen Scrolling Presentation In JavaScript – Pageable


Pageable is a lightweight JavaScript library to generate a fullscreen scrolling presentation where the users are allowed to scroll through sectioned pages with drag, swipe, and mouse wheel events.

Simple Responsive Presentation Library – Talkie.js


Talkie.js is a simple yet robust JavaScript librar that lets you create responsive, accessible, customization presentation slides.

You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.

Ready to make impressive presentations?

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Learn About Strut

The Slide Editor

Learn how the Slide Editor is organized and what things are called.

The Transition Editor

Get an introduction to the transition editor. How to create simple transitions and use pre-made transitions.


Learn a little more about the difference between backgrounds and surfaces as well as how to use background images.


Store your presentations on or use Strut in offline mode.

View details »

Present on any device

All you need is a web browser. Strut presentations work on desktops, laptops, mobile devices and tablets.

Export your presentations or host them on to share with colleagues.

Multi-framework Support


Roundup of HTML-Based Slide Deck Toolkits

Updated: August 7, 2022

I recently looked into some options for building a slideshow presentation for display in the browser. While there are options like SlideShare and Speaker Deck that let you upload your slides in PowerPoint or PDF format to convert them to online slides, there are also a ton of options for libraries, toolkits, and APIs that let you create your own non-Flash, full screen, responsive presentations.

Usually these presentations are HTML5-based, use JavaScript and/or jQuery, and often require a modern browser. But some of them are simpler and offer deeper browser support. Here’s a list of all of the ones I’ve been able to find, with a brief description of each.

I haven’t used any of these, and don’t know much about them at all, but I thought it would list them here (in no particular order) for future reference for anyone looking into this sort of thing.


Fathom.js | Fathom.js on GitHub

“Write your slideshow in HTML, style it with CSS and control it with some jQuery-powered JavaScript. When you’re done, Fathom.js even lets you sync the video of your presentation quickly and easily. Fathom.js comes with mouse, keyboard and scroll bar navigation built in and provides a simple API for creating your own custom interfaces.”

CSS-based Slideshow System (CSSS)


CSS-based Slideshow System | CSSS on GitHub

“A simple framework for building presentations with modern web standards.”


impress.js | impress.js on GitHub

“Don’t you think that presentations given in modern browsers shouldn’t copy the limits of ‘classic’ slide decks? Would you like to impress your audience with stunning visualization of your talk? It’s a presentation tool inspired by the idea behind and based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers.”


reveal.js | reveal.js on GitHub

“reveal.js is an easy to use, HTML based, presentation tool. You’ll need a modern browser with support for CSS 3D transforms to see it in its full glory.”



3D-Cube-Slideshow on GitHub

“A presentation deck utilizing 3D CSS transforms and transitions to navigate between slides. Content is a presentation on JavaScript code quality.”


Slidedown | Slidedown on GitHub

“Generate syntax-highlighted slides from Markdown.”


DZSlides | DZSlides on GitHub

“DZSlides is a one-page-template to build your presentation in HTML5 and CSS3.”


deck.js | deck.js on GitHub

“A JavaScript library for building modern HTML presentations. deck.js is flexible enough to let advanced CSS and JavaScript authors craft highly customized decks, but also provides templates and themes for the HTML novice to build a standard slideshow.”



Luminescence | Luminescence on Google Code


Squeenote | Squeenote on GitHub

“A way for nerds to present to other nerds.”


Landslide | Landslide on GitHub

“Generates a slideshow using the slides that power the html5-slides presentation.”


POW | POW on GitHub

“An experimental HTML5 presentation tool. Create simple, powerful presentations using just HTML and JavaScript.”


Slides | Slides on GitHub

“I got fed up with using Keynote and Powerpoint to create and give presentations. I’m a web developer for pete’s sake, can’t I do it in HTML?”


jmpress.js | jmpress.js on GitHub

Not exactly just for presentations, but very cool. “A jQuery plugin to build a website on the infinite canvas.”

Any Others?

I’d like this list to be exhaustive. If you know of any other tools for creating HTML-based presentations, please comment and I’ll add them. And if anyone owns one of these and wants to provide a quick summary of features, I’ll be happy to add your summary to the description.

Web Tools Weekly

37 Responses

' src=

WOW…reading anymore!!! thanks for resource, it’s a rock \m/

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I am currently using the DZslides at the moment on one of my website.

' src=

Mike Bostock’s stack is pretty sweet.

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Very true. Nice find.

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Is there anything out there that support formulas in latex/mathml?

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It should be fairly easy to add mathjax support

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revealjs does it already

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Dumb question.

Do any of these work with your standard remote? I seem to recall trying it some time ago with my apple remote and not being thrilled.

Also these presenter interfaces, are they capable of “really” working so you have 1 screen the the presenter notes and one that gets projected?

Ok that’s two questions.

No idea. You’d have to test them out. I collected the resources because I’m considering my options for presentations I might do in the future.

But I haven’t tried them out to be able to know their full capabilities.

' src=

Some of them do support speaker notes… and some of those do it by using the console. e.g. open the Shower demo, press F12 (or Ctrl+Shift+K or whatever opens a console in your browser). You can detach the console window and have that one in your “local screen” while the “browser screen” gets projected. This is quite unobtrusive, the disadvantage is the console’s font size.

Also Lea Verou’s CSSS let’s you open a “projector window” (Shift+P or Ctrl+P) and show speaker notes only in the presenter window. It keeps both windows synchronized, naturally. I think it’s not the only one that does this.

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Shower has a notes plugiin, and notes are visible e.g. in “slides list mode”. So you can have two windows of the slides open, one in presentation model, the other in slides list mode to see your noes, with the presentation window being sent to the beamer.

Any of these presentation systems that allow arrow navigation will work with any presenter that registers arrow presses, like my Targus presenter.

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This is an incredible roundup.

What I’m searching for is a way to take PowerPoint (PPT) files and turn it into something like one of these presenters. I need it as an API/SDK to do it repeatedly.

Did any of these address this?

I have never heard of one of these web-based ones that does this. But maybe I’m wrong…?

The only one that does something like that I think is Speaker Deck , which lets you upload a PDF. If you can convert your PPT file to a PDF, then you can use Speaker Deck to do the rest, I suppose…?

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I believe you can do that with Google Docs. Import your ppt file, and then there is a “share” button in the upper right. You can then embed your doc. Downside is that it must be hosted on Google’s servers.

best guess is to export ppt in html and fine tune it to fit the framework requirements, or if the case convert ppt -> mtml -> markdown

Here’s one that uses Deck.js:

According to the description: “The author needs nothing more than a basic understanding of HTML and CSS to make a fully featured slideshow.”

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I wrote slide-em-up, a tool to convert Markdown to HTML slides (with some of the themes listed here):

Interestingly, there’s actually a Wikipedia page on HTML-based slide shows:

Not sure I agree that this is noteworthy enough to have its own page, but the link comes thanks to this article on conference speaking by Lea Verou.

This is pretty cool, an app to help create presentations using Reveal.js:

Not sure how well it works, but it’s supposed to be able to synch slides with video.

Gotta add this one to the list, currently still in Beta:

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Interesting roundup. I have published another alternatives for HTML5 slideshow here:

This one looks really cool too:

and here is a demo:

Here’s one made with pure CSS:

Very cool, but I doubt I’d ever use it.

This one looks cool: now redirects to:

Which is new. More info here:

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Thanks a TON! Just what I was hoping for, and then some.

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Nice collection! But what about Flowtime.js ( ) from Marco Lago and SlideCaptain ( ). Slide Captain is an online HTML5 presentation tool, that helps you design, publish and share high quality online (and offline) presentations. It supports MathJax, codeintegration and a lot of more stuff.

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just noticed, that you already mentioned flowtime.js this year. Sorry. Slidecaptain ( ) based on Flowtime.js.

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EWC Presenter is another interesting tool. It is more advanced and has lot of features.

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I will you use it for my presentation project, thanks!

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It is very interesting to see how these new tools, most of them based on JS and jQuery, are grabbing attention. Well, ultimately, that’s all about presentations, engage the audience and grab their attention. Personally, I think that using these tools you can make something that looks really unique, at least compared with the presentations using ordinary or default templates like those found in Microsoft PowerPoint.

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First, thank you for the resource list!

I see you have written this post in 2012. However, even after 6 years, there is no robust non-Flash toolkit that can completely reproduce the animations and transition of Microsoft PowerPoint, at least for WordPress. We recently wanted to show previews of our PowerPoint templates at using a HTML/JS solution due to the site speed issues we are encountering currently. We tested almost every WordPress plugin out there, but none of them met our needs. Many of them are functioning just like another image gallery plugin. We decided to stick with video previews and look for a custom plugin developer when our resources are ready.

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Using these tools are really helpful but ultimately using presentations is the key tool .

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Here’s another one for the list:

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Hey, I have come across another useful website for PowerPoint presentations and blogs. It has over 1000+ ppt templates for educational as well as business purposes.

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Markdown in use! Use `backticks` for inline code snippets and triple backticks at start and end for code blocks. You can also indent a code block four spaces. And no need to escape HTML, just type it correctly but make sure it's inside code delimeters (backticks or triple backticks).

You can use these tags:

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Slides / presentation framework built with web technologies to run in modern web browsers.


Folders and files, repository files navigation, html5 slide template.

Originally from Google IO , and with an Apache 2.0 license .

Live Demo here

This is slideshow / presentation framework (built with HTML5, CSS and JS) which runs in a variety of modern web browsers. Here's a sampling of features:

  • Slides and images adjust to screen-width.
  • Keyboard control for navigation and effects.
  • In-slide revealable elements.
  • Well designed code blocks with code highlights.
  • Togglable speaker notes.

Running the slides

The slides can be run locally from file:// making development easy :)

Press Enter, space, right arrow to advance; Backspace, left arrow to go back.

Enter full-screen mode (F11 or Shift-Command-F) before presenting.

You should be able to press Ctrl+R/F5 at any time to refresh without losing your place in the presentation.

If an iframe steals your focus and you can't advance any more, please click outside the slide on the background to give the focus back to the presentation.

Configuring the slides

Much of the deck is customized by changing the settings in slide_config.js . Some of the customizations include the title, Analytics tracking ID, speaker information (name, social urls, blog), web fonts to load, themes, and other general behavior.

Customizing the slide titles

The bottom of the slides include title by default. If you'd like to change this, please update the variable $title: 'title'; in /theme/scss/default.scss or change content: "#yourhashtag"; /theme/css/default.css .

See the next section on "Editing CSS" before you go editing things.

Editing CSS

Compass is a CSS preprocessor used to compile SCSS/SASS into CSS. We chose SCSS for the new slide deck for maintainability, easier browser compatibility, and's the future!

That said, if not comfortable working with SCSS or don't want to learn something new, not a problem. The generated .css files can already be found in (see /theme/css ). You can just edit those and bypass SCSS altogether. However, our recommendation is to use Compass. It's super easy to install and use.

Installing Compass and making changes

First, install compass:

Next, you'll want to watch for changes to the exiting .scss files in /theme/scss and any new one you add:

This command automatically recompiles the .scss file when you make a change. Its corresponding .css file is output to /theme/css . Slick.

By default, config.rb in the main project folder outputs minified .css. It's a best practice after all! However, if you want unminified files, run watch with the style output flag:

Note: You should not need to edit _base.scss .

Running from a web server

If at some point you should need a web server, use . It will launch a simple one and point your default browser to http://localhost:8000/template.html :

You can also specify a custom port:

Presenter mode

The slides contain a presenter mode feature (beta) to view + control the slides from a popup window.

To enable presenter mode, add presentme=true to the URL: http://localhost:8000/template.html?presentme=true

To disable presenter mode, hit http://localhost:8000/template.html?presentme=false

Presenter mode is sticky, so refreshing the page will persist your settings.

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HTML5 Slideshow Presentations

  • Description
  • Installation

HTML5 Slideshow Presentations

With this plugin, You’ll be able to create a presentation in no time using WordPress’ familiar built-in toolset, and the best part is, You won’t need to upload to slideshare when you’re done. You’re hosting your own presentations and can share/present them anytime. The presentation template is based on html5slides by Luke Mahé and Marcin Wichary. This plugin was built with CSS3 and HTML5 and is intended to be used on modern browsers.

Feel free to contribute to this plugin on github .

Instructions for editing slides

If you view the demo , it will walk you through the styles and slide types available in this plugin. The sample presentation is available for you to download so you can see the slides in action. Just download the xml file , and import it to WordPress the way you normally import WordPress to WordPress.

Customizing the Plugin

If you want to use your own styles and completely disregard the default styles provided, add a stylesheet named html5slide-replace.css to your theme folder. If you would like to add a stylesheet in addition to the one provided, instead add a stylesheet named html5slide-style.css to your theme folder.

The plugin provides an option to enable/disable <?php wp_head(); ?> as well as <?php wp_footer(); ?> .

This plugin is intended to operate completely independent of your installed theme, so by default this option is off. You may find that when <?php wp_head(); ?> is enabled, that your theme, and other plugins stylesheets may interfere with the default stylesheet, but you may be missing other plugins functionality if you disable it.

The <?php wp_footer(); ?> option will allow the admin bar to be displayed on the slide page (if it is enabled) and will allow other plugins and your theme to add functionality. If you have a plugin that keeps track of analytics and you want it to track the slide pages, you will probably want this enabled.

That being said if you don’t want <?php wp_head(); ?> or <?php wp_footer(); ?> enabled, you can use the built-in hooks, dsgnwrks_html5_head(); and dsgnwrks_html5_footer(); to add functionality to the slide pages.

Different Slide Types

Each Slide has several options for determing the type of slide, whether it is a slide without a title, a segue slide, if you want animated revealing child elements, ect.

Different layouts

Each “Title Slide” has a few options for determining the type of presentation, including whether it’s widescreen, “Faux Widescreen,” or standard, and if the presentation will have a logo stamp on the bottom right (the featured image).

Instructions for presenting

After you create a presentation, create a page to display it on. You’ll see a new dropdown menu for choosing HTML5 Presentations. Select you presentation, save and view!

  • Press Enter, space, right arrow to advance; Backspace, left arrow to go back.
  • Enter full-screen mode (F11 or Shift-Command-F in Chrome) before presenting.
  • You should be able to press Ctrl+R/F5/Cmd+R at any time to refresh without losing your place in the presentation.
  • If an iframe steals your focus and you can’t advance any more, please click outside the slide on the background to give the focus back to the presentation.

These presentations should work on modern Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera… and generally touch devices. Your mileage in IE9 may vary.

Presentation Examples

Send me your presentations.

Send me links to presentations you make ( contact form or @jtsternberg on twitter ), and I’ll post them here, as well as on my site.

Sample Slide Show

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36 Best Html-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

With over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too" id="category_description">crystalgraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. below you’ll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 36 best html templates for powerpoint and google slides. the text you’ll see in in those slides is just example text. the html-related image or video you’ll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your html-related topics and it is included with that template. in addition to the title slides, each of our templates comes with 17 additional slide layouts that you can use to create an unlimited number of presentation slides with your own added text and images. and every template is available in both widescreen and standard formats. with over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too.

Widescreen (16:9) Presentation Templates. Change size...

 Presentation with html - Cool new PPT theme with html-inscription-coming-out backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

PPT theme with html inscription coming out from an open book digital technology concept

 Presentation with html - Colorful presentation theme enhanced with sql - printed internet html code backdrop and a white colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with printed internet html code - computer technology background

 Presentation with html - Audience pleasing slides consisting of sql - printed internet html code technology backdrop and a sky blue colored foreground

Slides consisting of printed internet html code technology background

 Presentation with html - Cool new theme with wits - html wit wooden letters backdrop and a gold colored foreground

Theme with html wit wooden letters and a red robot talking head on a wooden floor with reflection backdrop

 Presentation with html - Colorful PPT theme enhanced with sql - printed internet html code backdrop and a white colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with printed internet html code - computer technology background backdrop

 Presentation with html - Slides enhanced with printed internet html code - computer background and a white colored foreground

Slides enhanced with printed internet html code - computer technology background background

 Presentation with html - Presentation featuring female cougar kitten puma concolor background and a tawny brown colored foreground.

Presentation featuring html hypertext markup language word cloud on a digital tablet with a cup of coffee

 Presentation with html - Colorful presentation design enhanced with sql - printed internet html code backdrop and a white colored foreground

Presentation design enhanced with printed internet html code - computer technology background backdrop

 Presentation with html - Slide deck consisting of hand-holdig-futuristic-tablet background and a light blue colored foreground

Slide deck consisting of hand holdig futuristic tablet with html inscription modern technology concept

 Presentation with html - Colorful PPT layouts enhanced with design web page - printed internet html code backdrop and a white colored foreground

PPT layouts enhanced with printed internet html code - computer technology background

 Presentation with html - Presentation design featuring html computer key background and a light gray colored foreground

Presentation design featuring html computer key

 Presentation with html - Slides consisting of female-hands-holding-the-text background and a violet colored foreground

Slides consisting of female hands holding the text word for html in white capital letters isolated on a purple studio background background

 Presentation with html - Beautiful slide deck featuring businessman-drawing-colorful-light-bulb backdrop and a gray colored foreground

Slide deck featuring businessman drawing colorful light bulb with html abbreviation new technology idea concept

 Presentation with html - Colorful presentation theme enhanced with hand-touching-html-inscription-new backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with hand touching html inscription new technology concept

 Presentation with html - Slides with middle-age-latin-man-holding background and a  colored foreground

Slides with middle age latin man holding html paper message scared and amazed with open mouth for surprise disbelief face

 Presentation with html - PPT layouts with meta data - word html made with letters background and a cream colored foreground

PPT layouts with word html made with letters that are made of computer parts

 Presentation with html - Amazing PPT layouts having hand-touching-html-inscription-new backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

PPT layouts having hand touching html inscription new technology concept

 Presentation with html - Slides with hand-drawing-html-abbreviation background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slides with hand drawing html abbreviation with white chalk on blackboard background

 Presentation with html - Slide deck enhanced with hand-drawing-html-abbreviation background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide deck enhanced with hand drawing html abbreviation with white chalk on blackboard

 Presentation with html - Beautiful slide deck featuring hand-drawing-html-abbreviation backdrop and a dark gray colored foreground

Slide deck featuring hand drawing html abbreviation with white chalk on blackboard

 Presentation with html - Colorful presentation theme enhanced with close-up-of-a-hand backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with close-up of a hand holding tablet with html abbreviation modern technology concept

 Presentation with html - Slides having close-up-of-a-hand background and a coral colored foreground

Slides having close-up of a hand holding tablet with html abbreviation modern technology concept

 Presentation with html - Theme having middle-age-latin-man-holding background and a  colored foreground

Theme having middle age latin man holding html paper message celebrating achievement with happy smile and winner expression with raised hand background

 Presentation with html - Colorful PPT layouts enhanced with computer code used for web backdrop and a light gray colored foreground

PPT layouts enhanced with html computer code used for web site design

 Presentation with html - Colorful slide deck enhanced with hand holding smartphone with html backdrop and a navy blue colored foreground

Slide deck enhanced with female hand holding smartphone with html abbreviation modern technology concept

 Presentation with html - Presentation design with hand-holdig-futuristic-tablet background and a sky blue colored foreground

Presentation design with hand holdig futuristic tablet with html inscription modern technology concept

 Presentation with html - Presentation design having html-hypertext-markup-language-word background and a violet colored foreground

Presentation design having html hypertext markup language word cloud on a vintage slate blackboard

 Presentation with html - Presentation theme featuring close-up-of-a-touchscreen background and a wine colored foreground

Presentation theme featuring close-up of a touchscreen with html abbreviation modern technology concept

 Presentation with html - PPT theme having html code on screen background and a mint green colored foreground

PPT theme having html code on screen

 Presentation with html - PPT theme consisting of close-up-of-a-hand background and a soft green colored foreground

PPT theme consisting of close-up of a hand holding tablet with html abbreviation modern technology concept

 Presentation with html - Audience pleasing PPT theme consisting of magician-is-showing-magic-trick backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

PPT theme consisting of magician is showing magic trick with html abbreviation modern tech concept

 Presentation with html - Amazing presentation theme having magician-is-showing-magic-trick backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

Presentation theme having magician is showing magic trick with html abbreviation modern tech concept

 Presentation with html - Slides enhanced with pinhole camera - cat muzzle close-up the cat background and a gray colored foreground.

Slides enhanced with business man pointing to transparent board with text html 5

 Presentation with html - PPT layouts consisting of php technology - business man pointing to black background and a black colored foreground

PPT layouts consisting of business man pointing to black board with text html 5

 Presentation with html - Presentation theme having html5 background and a light gray colored foreground

Presentation theme having html5

 Presentation with html - PPT layouts featuring blue html code on black background and a navy blue colored foreground

PPT layouts featuring blue html code on black screen

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I just wanted to thank you! I learned more about slides in one day of quarantine than in my whole life

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Your slides are so unique and gorgeous! They really help me with PowerPoint presentations for school and now even my mom uses them for work

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I would like to thank to you for these amazing templates. I have never seen such service, especially free! They are very useful for my presentation.

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Thank you Slidesgo for creating amazing templates for us. It's made my presentation become much better.

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Course presentation, primary tabs.

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A free HTML5-based presentation content type which allows users to add multiple choice  questions , fill in the blanks, text, and other types of interactions to their presentations using only a web browser.  Create engaging presentations with H5P and Course Presentation  in publishing systems like Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard, Moodle and WordPress.

Would you like to create content like this on your own?

Register on to start creating H5P Interactive content. Your content can be accessed via direct link, embeded, or inserted into any learning management system that supports LTI integration.

html5 presentation template


Course presentations consist of slides with multimedia, text, and many different types of interactions like interactive summaries, multiple choice questions and interactive videos. Learners can experience new interactive learning material and test their knowledge and memory in Course Presentations. As always with H5P, content is editable in web browsers, and the Course Presentation activity type includes a WYSIWYG drag and drop based authoring tool.

A typical use of the Course Presentation activity is to use a few slides to introduce a subject and follow these with a few more slides in which the user’s knowledge is tested. Course Presentations may however be used in many different ways, including as a presentation tool for use in the classroom, or as a game where the usual navigation is replaced with navigation buttons on top of the slides to let the user make choices and see the consequences of their choices.

Learn how to create Presentations in  this tutorial .

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Amazing Tools for a Killer HTML5 Business Presentation

Create presentations & animated videos, make awesome visual experience for your audience.

For Windows10/8/7Vista/XP

Know About Employee Engagement

Tips for Awesome Presentation

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Apple Watch Video Presentation

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Professional results in just 5 minutes

Infinite canvas & unlimited zoom and pan effect

Smooth animation and transition effects

Tons of built-in templates and character library

Give record and caption to present better

Easy-to-use interaction designer

Variety of formats (e.g: MP4, Exe) can be exported

Tons of Advanced Features

How to use the Focusky

Watch the video to explore the advantages of Focusky Presentation Maker

Focusky Main Features

The best tool to create HTML5 presentations and animated videos

Easy & Intuitive

The user-friendly interface lets you create, publish and present your animated video presentation easily. Utilize pre-designed templates to get start quickly even if you are not a professional designer. Simply drag and drop the materials on canvas and then create an eye-catching video presentation effortlessly.

Amazing Transition

Take good use of transition effect to present the video presentation smoothly. Slide, rotate, zoom and pan effects make the business presentation present like an animated movie. Besides, transition effect can enhance your video presentation effectively make the presentation stand out definitely.

Animation Editor

Adding animation effects to objects can make them present on screen in the lively way. There are tons of dynamic animation effects available to display the multimedia contents in your own way. Take full advantage of entrance, exit, emphasis and action path animation effect to convey your idea better.

Path of Discovery (3D Camera)

Rather than traditional slide to slide presentation, the multimedia presentation can engage and inspire the audiences better. It can help you present your ideas in mind mapping style. And the 3D camera of Focusky can create more stunning 3D animation effect exactly to make the HTML5 presentation oustanding.

Built-in WordArt

You can use WordArt to add special text effect to multimedia presentation to beautify content design. You can convert existing text to WordArt or create your own decorative effect text by customizing the font, text color and size. Moreover, WordArt text and texture are effective way to highlight elements.

Video Backgrounds

Focusky provides tons of pre-designed and professional video background to beautify your presentation. Video background is a good way to draw audiences’ attention. Simply apply the built-in video background or your own one to wow audiences and make them have remarkable visual presentation experiences.

Rich Media Presentations

There are various multimedia contents available for enriching your HTML5 business presentation. You can add local video, audio, image, photo slideshow, shapes, hyperlink, text, animated characters and flash animation to animated presentation for delivering information in a visual and engaging way.

Built-in Dynamic Characters

Utilize the built-in animated characters to bring your video presentation to life. Take full advantage of animated characters to enhance the presentation and deliver the message easily. Besides, give a voice to the characters to make the presentation lively and help capture your audiences’ attention in seconds.

Integrated with Whiteboard Animation

Anyone can create a whiteboard animation video with Focusky even if you never make one before. Easily add the multimedia contents to create you own whiteboard-style animated video in minutes. Utilize the whiteboard animation video presentation to convey complex information easily.

Charts and Graphs

There are so many different types of charts and graphs in Focusky. Use a chart or graphs to make a comparison, show a relationship or highlight a trend easily. Just simple click to choose a chart or graph to present the data appropriately and helps audiences understand what you are talking about.

Recording Narration

Add recording or tracks to video presentation to make it become voiceover narration and persuasive. Recording narration helps explain complex information and make audiences’ understand what you are talking about easily. Anyway, ensure that you have a good microphone and script ready before you start recording.

Social and Sharing

Sharing the HTML5 presentation to social network is good for connecting with audiences. Each presentation that you publish online will have a unique URL. You can share it to individuals, social network and email to others. Additionally, you are able to embed the online presentation on your website or blog by lines of simple codes.

Integrate with Interaction Designer

There is powerful interaction function available for adding interaction elements effortlessly to animated presentation. Simply make your multimedia presentation interactive to get audiences stay focused and participate in your wonderful presentation efficiently.

5000+ Online Royalty-free Vector Resources

Focusky collects and sorts more than 5000 vector diagrams and icons in SVG format for you to create gorgeous HTML5 presentation easier. Add SVG images instead of boring text to animation presentation to express your points in a clearer way.

Unlimited Hosting Cloud Platform

Focusky is cloud-based platform which provide free and safe cloud hosting service to publishing business presentation online. Then your online business presentation can be accessed from anywhere and anytime.

Cross Platforms

You can export your animated presentation as APP & HTML & MP4 video presentation with ease. And then the animated presentation can be present in various platforms such as PC, tablet and mobile devices smoothly. In other words, your audiences can view your presentation on different platform without installing Focusky client.

User Examples Created by Focusky

Focusky is the best PowerPoint alternative for marking stunning html5 presentations!

  • HTML5 Version Demo
  • FLASH Version Demo

How to Reduce Air Pollution

5 Step to Your New Eo-friendly Office

Bookings Booster Seminar

Maker Venture

Apple Watch

How to Manage Your Time

Focusky News & Reviews

From PCWorld, 12/14/2014

" is one of the new generation of presentation apps that overturns almost every idea you have about presentations. Focusky uses Adobe's Flash and HTML5 technology to create animated presentations with a few clicks and drags. Instead of creating a series of separate slides, Make awesome ..."

From Cnet, 11/18/2014

"Focusky tries to change this by turning your presentation into a wide-open canvas on which you can draw your ideas spatially, and then present them by zooming and panning all over the canvas. Importanly, the output presentation feels cinematic and engaging in a way traditional presentations rarely are..."

@Jim M. Verns from Facebook

"Focusky is the most unique PowerPoint alternative we reviewed. We definitely appreciate the user interface and the interesting presentation style it follows. Powerful features, like interesting 3D Camera ,like transitions and object animations, are user-friendly in this presentation software! These give a new alternative to ..."

@Jackel M. Topi from Twitter

"Focusky seems to be a great option for those teachers who use concept mapping or digital story telling in the classes. It would be a good teaching tool for those visual learners who struggle to grasp the “big picture” of a topic, or how it relates to specific points you are instructing them on. Instructional designers ..."

Our customers love us as much as we love them.

We have the friends to prove it..

I have been playing around Focusky, the wonderful Prezi alternative tool. It is a cool thing that lets you create presentations that are visually different from PowerPoint. I love the characters, SVG images library and the powerful interaction feature. All of them make my presentation awesome!!

Elizabeth Terry

E-Marketing Manager

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Get 50% off on all templates until Dec 3, 11:59pm PT! Code: 1128CWWFTS123

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Responsive Product Presentation Website Templates

Browse our HTML5 responsive Product Presentation templates below. You can easily customize any of our Product Presentation website templates with Webflow's code-free design tools, then connect your new Product Presentation website to our powerful CMS, and launch it today.


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Webflow Responsive Templates

Why choose Webflow for your agency website template?

Founded in 2013, Webflow is a responsive website builder, CMS, and hosting platform. Trusted by over 1,000,000 professional designers at top companies like Pinterest, IDEO, Razorfish, Autodesk, and Salesforce.

Webflow makes it easy to build and launch the responsive, cleanly-coded, and fast-loading website you've always wanted. Get our HTML5 responsive agency website templates and easily customize your agency template with our web design tools, site builder, and CMS today.

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Transforming the design process at

... makes spiffy HTML5 site templates that are:

  • Fully Responsive
  • Built on intelligent HTML5 + CSS3
  • Super Customizable
  • 100% Free under the Creative Commons

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift


Future Imperfect

Solid State

Solid State


Big Picture


Strongly Typed



Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity


Unlimited access to 80+ responsive site templates (including everything at HTML5 UP), plus extras and support for just $19 .

  • All Access Pass
  • NextJs Templates
  • Astro Themes
  • Hugo Themes
  • Jekyll Themes
  • Bootstrap Templates
  • Tailwind Templates
  • Bulma Templates
  • Bootstrap Bundle
  • Tailwind Bundle
  • Hugo Bundle
  • Astro Bundle
  • Nextjs Bundle

Most popular themes

Agico Hugo - Agico Hugo

SAAS Landing Page Theme

Andromeda Astro - Andromeda Astro

Andromeda Astro

Astro landing page

Copper Bootstrap - Copper Bootstrap

Copper Bootstrap

SaaS website template

Docbox Astro - Docbox Astro

Docbox Astro

Astro documentation theme

50+ Free HTML5 Templates & Themes for 2024

50+ Free HTML5 Templates & Themes for 2024

Forget about looking elsewhere for the best free HTML5 templates for your website since you've already found them. We've pulled up an exceptional selection of the top HTML5 website templates that you won't find anywhere else. Even if you have a limited budget, you may develop the website of your thoughts with the help of these templates.

Our mentioned website templates are fully optimized for desktop and mobile devices with tons of Premium HTML features. On the other hand, the coding structure of these templates is well-organized and simple to comprehend. As a result, you may easily customize and create your website right away. We did some test runs and picked the ones with complete SEO optimization and security measures.

You can get these templates up and running by employing minimal tweaks. Additionally, the designs are responsive and up to date with current trends & features. So, if you are looking for business, portfolio, eCommerce, or any other templates, simply go through this article. This amazing bundle of the best website templates will surely reduce your effort in choosing the finest bootstrap-based templates for your business niche.

Discover a collection of 30,000+ high-quality Web Templates, Web Apps, Mobile UI, Webflow Templates, Coded Templates , 3D Graphics, Illustrations, and Icons on UIHUT .

Small App - Free HTML5 Mobile App Landing Page Template

Small App - HTML template for mobile app company

The Small App is another free HTML5 template that is perfect for building mobile app landing pages. It’s highly structured, nicely coded, and super easy to modify. The overall design is advanced but clean, and it was meticulously designed to ensure pixel accuracy.

This template’s hover effects, animations, and graphics are exceptional and noteworthy. You can interchange the homepage designs according to your preference. Additionally, you will get several pages such as Team, Career, Blog, Sign Up, etc. However, this template is perfect for promoting any mobile app through your official website.

Key Features:

  • Animated hero section
  • Animate on scroll effect
  • Promo video pop-up
  • Back to top button
  • Multiple home page options
  • Third level dropdown menu available
  • Career contact form
  • Login page with countdown timer
  • Google Map Integration

Spike Free Bootstrap Admin

Spike Free Bootstrap Admin

Modernize - Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Template

Modernize Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Template

Enov - Premium HTML5 Website Template

Enov - multipurpose html5 template

Enov is a premium theme that offers sleek designs but all the features to make a portfolio website. You can portray your portfolio from every angle with this theme with a variety of sections. Every single page includes eye-catching animations and effects. Besides, you can represent your blog in different design patterns and widgets.

  • Animate on scroll available
  • Counter included in the About Us section
  • Lucrative Hover effect on Service
  • Hover and Mouseover effects on the Pricing table
  • A beautiful representation of the Amazing Team section
  • Embedded video pop-up below the Amazing Team section

Airspace - Free HTML5 Bootstrap Website Template

Airspace - bootstrap based HTML5 template

The Airspace is a unique and decent free html5 template to launch your website. It is mainly built to cater to business needs such as IT, photography, agencies, etc. But you can also use this theme for portfolio websites.

The rich typography of this template reflects a refreshing texture to its visitors. Moreover, Airspace is a super light template that loads lightning fast. The code structure is so solid that you can manage it with static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, next js, etc.

  • A Lucrative Banner image that sticks to the background
  • The Dropdown menu includes three levels on hover
  • Display your content and Projects via fun facts
  • Enhanced visual on portfolio pages
  • Display multiple portfolio images
  • Five different blog layouts
  • Filterable Portfolio pages
  • Decent Pricing table

sleek bootstrap admin template

Brandi - Responsive One Page Business Template

Brandi - htm5 Agency template

Brandi is a fine-tuned one-page website template to launch your business website right away. The power core of this fully responsive website template is Twitter Bootstrap 3. x framework. This free theme is perfectly crafted with eye-catching animations and extensive features that make it a trendy HTML5 website template.

You need to spend minimal effort in coding to make this theme functional. With this lightweight HTML template, you can design any Business, Portfolio, Agency, Corporate, or blog website. Therefore, craft your first business website and turn your business into a success with Brandi.

  • Exclusive carousel Banner with animated texts
  • Display your works according to category
  • Gallery popup images
  • Animate on scroll

Meghna - One Page Business Template

Meghna - htm5 one page agency template

Well-organized landing pages are essential for converting customers via business websites. With this in mind, Meghna's developers put forth a lot of work to assist any business to succeed. It is a lightweight and super fast template wrapped up with simple features and the latest design trends.

However, Meghna is a one-page business website template that is smooth and responsive. It comes with a modern dark color scheme with lucrative fonts and design patterns. Moreover, the astonishing graphical interface, hover, and transitional effects make it genuinely enticing. Ultimately, we can say the elements of this theme are exhilarating in nature and makes it one of the best free HTML5 templates.

  • Popup video included in the banner
  • Popup images on portfolio section
  • Smooth scroll with scroll spy
  • Fun fact counter available
  • Slidable blog thumbnail
  • Google map attached
  • Unique menu design
  • Filterable portfolio
  • Testimonial slider

Blue - One Page Responsive Corporate Template

Blue - responsive corporate html5 template

Blue is a one page responsive corporate template ideal to run a tech or IT company website. The design is minimalistic and fast enough to help web pages load quickly even with limited bandwidth. This template may be used for portfolios, photography, corporate agencies, startups, and so on.

This feature-rich template offers a tedious design. There is a transparent sticky menu, unique slider, service, featured project, pricing plan, and a contact form section. Overall, you can utilize this theme to serve multiple purposes.

  • Popup Image with description and gallery view ( Featured Projects section )
  • Exceptional Slider Banner with animated texts
  • Lucrative testimonial section
  • Smooth scroll available
  • Fun fact counter

Sulfer - Free Simple HTML Website Template

Sulfer - Html5 template for eCommerce

Sulfur is a bootstrap-powered free html5 template that offers a simple yet elegant design. Though you can use it for various purposes, it is primarily intended for crafting portfolios and business websites. The coding structure is clean and straightforward, but the well-researched user interface offers essential features.

At first glance, the social share icons in the upper right corner of the site will pique your interest. Next comes the banner section, which is not animated but lucrative. Also, you will get About Us, Team, Portfolio, Service, Testimonial, and a glossy footer section. There are dedicated pages for service, portfolio, blog, and contact.

  • The top header includes contact info and social icons
  • Google map integrated on the footer section
  • Animated progress bar in about us page
  • Slidable testimonials
  • Blog sidebar widgets

Parsa - Free HTML5 Blogging Template

Parsa - personal blog website template

Parsa is a responsive personal blog template that is swift, user-friendly, appealing and incorporates the latest web design trends. Users’ can easily create additional pages because it’s made with a component-based coding structure. The user interface is impressive due to its top-notch graphical effect with fluent animated transitions.

The sophisticated search bar of this template allows users to find their preferred blog posts effortlessly. The custom header and the featured post carousel slider are simply breathtaking. Moreover, the template offers a unique representation of blog posts. Besides, you can easily sync your Instagram and display your Instagram posts. Sounds intriguing, right?

Overall, it's an excellent design for sharing your creative thoughts on your own blog.

  • Smooth Scroll available
  • Headroom for navigation
  • Masonry js library makes the custom post
  • There are two unique and changeable homepages
  • Reading time displayed with the blog posts
  • Users can easily set up the contact form (

logbook boorstrap blog template

Navigator - Free Responsive HTML5 Template

Navigator - one page HTML5 business template

Navigator offers an elegant color scheme and design patterns visible throughout the template. All the components of this theme are placed and decorated amazingly. There are two variants of the homepage, but both of them are amazing.

Navigator is ideal for multipurpose sites, including landing page, portfolio & resume, corporate, etc. The design pattern or the hover effects didn’t affect the loading time of this lightweight theme. However, it’s an ideal website for businesses that operate with a team and want to showcase portfolios.

  • On startup, it displays a preloader
  • Beautiful banner with embedded video
  • Working process section
  • Filterable Work Showcase
  • Pop-up images in the work showcase section
  • Color matching Google Map in Contact Us page

Kross - Free html5 Portfolio Template

Kross - Html5 portfolio theme

Kross is another free HTML5 template with a sleek design that is ideal for portfolio websites. It includes smooth hover effects and animations. The user interface is simple yet effective in showcasing any portfolio.

However, Kross features skills, experience, education, service, portfolio, and testimonial section. You can display your top-rated works on “Portfolio” and your client’s feedback in the “Testimonial” section. Overall, this template will surely assist you in representing your services. As a result, it will be easier for you to achieve your next project or get hired.

  • Parallax effect on hover
  • Skill section with liquid effect
  • Client logo slider
  • Smooth sticky menu
  • Categorized portfolio page

Fame - Free Single Page HTML5 Landing Page Template

Fame - Single page HTML5 Landing Page web Template

The Fame is a free landing page template that gives your website an exquisite outlook. The template is smartly built to honor its visitors with its unique pattern. Every section of this template is so well organized that it will convince your visitors in no time.

First of all, the interface of Fame is unique due to its full-width visibility and floating header. Next comes the slider, which overlaps the menu but looks fantastic. Furthermore, you can change the site-wide color schemes in some specific elements.

The pricing section comes with a carousel slider that will stick to your visitors’ attention. However, it’s a unique template to represent a portfolio of services and get clients easily.

  • Smooth Slider Banner with animated texts
  • Six predefined color combination
  • The progress bar is animated
  • Interactive components
  • Smooth scroll with scroll-spy

Restaurant - Responsive HTML5 Restaurant Website Free Template

Restaurant - HTML5 Restaurant Website Template

From the name Restaurant, you can guess the purpose of this template. Well, you got it right. The restaurant is a responsive HTML5 template ideal for creating restaurant business websites. This template has been made by maintaining the latest restaurant business design trends.

You can use the Restaurant templates to create a website related to any food business such as bakery, coffee shop, chef portfolio, etc. The unique design pattern allows you to showcase your specialty in the food business.

  • Display your works or cooking mastery through a carousel slider
  • The sticky menu indicated based on your selected section
  • The blog section offers a beautiful animation on hover
  • The Food menu section is detailed (displays ingredients and price of the food)

Bizcraft - Pro Bootstrap HTML5 Template

Bizcraft - responsive bootstrap business website template

Logicraft - Bootstrap Business Template

logicraft bootstrap business template

Devrick - Bootstrap Portfolio Template

devrick bootstrap portfolio template

Nova - Bootstrap E-commerce Template

nova bootstrap ecommerce template

Edification - Bootstrap Education Template

edification bootstrap education template

Swift - Bootstrap Marketplace Template

swift bootstrap marketplace template

WrapKit Lite – Free Bootstrap 4 UI Kit

WrapKit Lite – free html5 4 ui kit

Wrapkit lite is a powerful yet free Bootstrap 4 Web UI Kit, which allows you to create your website, landing page, coming soon, etc in just a few hours. You can use readymade sections to build your desired design in no time. Also comes with many different options, which allows you to present some quality options in front of your customers.

WrapKit lite also has Premium Version, which is so much powerful and widely being used by customers and agencies. It comes with 25+ Niche Homepage Demos, 180+ Pre Build Sections, 500+ UI Elements, 2000+ Premium Font Icons, and lots more. It should be your one-stop destination to create your front-end projects.

HostPro – Bootstrap Hosting Template

HostPro – html5 Hosting business website template

HostPro is an awesomely designed free bootstrap template for your Hosting projects. It’s built with a responsive bootstrap Framework. You can easily create a quality website/landing page for your domain / hosting website. HostPro is carefully crafted with a modern design, which will please your users with its visual and loading time. It's also SEO friendly which allows you to rank your project faster in google search. We strongly recommend using this template for your upcoming hosting project.

Believe – Bootstrap eCommerce Template

Believe – html5 eCommerce website template

If you are looking for a Free Bootstrap eCommerce template, Believe is the best possible choice to create your eCommerce website. Believe is a powerful bootstrap eCommerce template with a modern and trendy design and lightweight code. It comes with ready-to-use page templates to help you make your website faster and easier. You can create any websites like fashion stores, grocery stores, flower stores, etc with Believe.

Directive - HTML5 Website Template

Directive - html5  website template

The Directive is W3C validated, bug and warning free HTML5 template developed by HTML5UP. The HTML5 CSS3 template has been shipped with a parallax background and vibrant color accent. If you are thinking to convert the theme for PHP, Nodejs, Reactjs, Angular js, JavaScript, Ruby, and Python.

Spectral - HTML5 Business Website Template

Spectral - html5 responsive business website template

Spectral is a Google material design inspired colorful HTML5 template for business, corporate, and agency websites. The bootstrap-based HTML5 website is bottled with all essential features that make your business successful and visitor loving, the feature includes a service area, an attractive above the fold area. sleek animation, optimized for conversion and social sharing.

Hyperspace - rate Website Template

Hyperspace - html5 website template

Hyperspace is two columns based HTML5 corporate template, that gives your users unique looks and a smooth feeling. The hyperspace space is created with modern technology and trend. The sidebar always sticks with site navigation and a large content area presents site content creatively. The theme is available under the creative commons license, don’t need to pay for the footer link back.

Corlate - Free Responsive Business Website HTML Template

Corlate - html5 web template

Corporate is another free responsive business HTML CSS template, best suited for those who want to kick-start their company, firm, or startup project, even for those professionals who want to share their professional work with the world.  The lightweight HTML template is powered by the bootstrap framework and comes with all the modern features of a successful website. The feature includes Font awesome, CSS3 animation, carousel slider, and shortcodes.

Triangle - Free Responsive Multipurpose Template

Triangle - html5 web template

Triangle is a marvelous piece deliberately created for the companies, agencies institutions to organize meetings or just to show their creative work for the business purpose. The template is sleek and artificially creative, bottled with creative animation, color variation, stunning design, and so on.

Marco – One Page Business Template

Marco – one page business Html5 template

Marco is a creative and stylish one-page theme, fit for the niche like freelancers, agencies, businesses, corporate to showcase their work. The theme includes features like a personal introduction, creative work showcase, service area, testimonial section, contact form, and vibrant animation.

Minimal – Bootstrap HTML5 Template

Minimal – html5 templates

You might be working for a long time but didn’t change to build your own site that attracts your targeted client. But don’t miss the change now. Grab the Minimal bootstrap-based HTML5 resume template to showcase your professional work and your expertise details. The theme has programmed with a simple, clean, lightweight, and colorful design, packed with the collapsed/hidden menu on the right side which houses the navigational handles to give to tour the one-page sections and social icons to entice your visitors to be connected with you even on social media channels.

Booster - Free HTML5 Landing page Template for Business

Booster - landing page template

Booster theme is created to boost your purpose of having a website for business or bootstrap-based landing pages. The best part of this theme having multiple variations for the blog which includes a right sidebar, a left sidebar, and other key elements of your website. Booster is clean, glutted with sleek slider base carousel,  key service of a website, product showcase, clients brand logo showcase, client endorsement, and amazing footer.

Gp - Free MultiPurpose HTML Bootstrap Template

Gp - Multipurpose html5 web template

The most impressive Google fonts and maps enabled theme has been proudly created for a big corporation, Industry, and enterprise. The theme creates the supreme popularity of your businesses, corporates, and agencies over your entire industry. Shaped with elegant color various schemes, pages like About us for details expertise showcase and team, Service, Sortable Portfolio, two-column Blog and Contact, features like contact form, spacious slider, tabs, and clean footer.

Knight – Bootstrap Landing Page Template

Knight – Landing page Template

Knight is a cutting-edge creation of Bootstraptaste. The theme has mobile and Full browser compatibility, which will help you to create websites for your client who want to hire for their website development which features with service portfolio, clients, team, contact form, stick menu, and more.

Twenty - HTML5 Business Template

Twenty - Html5 business template

Twenty is glossy and super fast theme has minimal and realistic features for your website. The theme is developed with modern technology, trend, and design. The theme is responsive can adapt automatically with the mobile, tablet, iPhone, iPad, iMac, MacBook Pro, Blackberry, and other smartphones and features.

Alpha - HTML5 Landing Page

Alpha - HTML5 Landing page template

Alpha is a multi-layout equipped app landing page template, that comes with a vibrant and elegant design and user experience. If any mobile app platform is created to distribute or sell on the android as well as IOS platforms. Alpha has great power to navigate anonymous users from sticky menus. Call To action to allure visitors give them extra information for an app and sign up button for early access to the app.

Prologue - HTML5 Portfolio Template

Prologue - Html5 Portfolio Template

The Prologue is one of the best resumes/cv templates, caught my attention when I was creating the rough list and stuck in my eyeballs. If you are a creative person, like photographers, graphic designers, freelancers, video editors, webmasters, creative writers,  website developers, and designers want to showcase and share your technical knowledge as well as experience with your site users. This is a great theme to choose from.

Basically, the template is one page, has a colorful, interactive, and incredible left sidebar that aligns your site navigation with your face photo, and take the visitors to the different section with smooth scroll animation.

Telephasic - Best HTML5 Template

Telephasic - html5 template

Telephasic is the uniquely created attention-catching and focuses grabbing template. The navigation is positioned creatively where the site logo is housed in the middle and other navigation item is placed right and left. With the Telephasic template , you can create a portfolio, resume, CV, corporate, business and agency website. The amazing feature I found helpful is a stunning footer, which features social icons and a contact form.

Sedna - one page website template

Get your work out there with Sedna . From being a graphic designer to showing off your awesome corporate setting, this HTML5 template packs a punch in the one page that is brimmed with features to the fullest. The effects and design used are beautiful and work effortlessly for almost any kind of business.

Two of the greatest features that set it apart is the fact that it keeps user-friendliness and reusability on the top of its list. It welcomes tweaking and to take it further, the Sketch file of the design is included in the package so that it can be played with.

Rage – Digital Agency Free Bootstrap Multipurpose Template

Rage – html5 template

Designed to be a creative, sleek, and beautiful expression for multipurpose, Rage is a top-notch, professionally crafted template with easy on the eyes CSS Animations and typography that really pop out to make the content speak. It is built on the Bootstrap framework giving it all the features that come with this particular version of Bootstrap. The code that it’s written in is extremely neat, prim, and proper and you don’t ever have to worry about what browsers it might be the most adaptable to. It handles browsers effortlessly.

Land UI Kit + Landing Page Template (HTML)

Land UI Kit+ HTML5 UI-kit and landing page template

Here’s a template that totally nails the combination of simplicity and performance. Rocking the Bootstrap framework and the SASS standard, you are sure to make the best use of that. The responsive template kit has clean and efficient coding and it is perfect even if you’re not a coder because you can customize the way the template looks and works without having to write a single line of code. The images used are optimized so you don’t have to put extra effort to take care of that. So bring your customers to this wonderfully crafted landing page and it will take care of the rest.

Boxify - HTML5/CSS3 Template

Boxify - HTML5 and css3 template

Boxify is one of the most exciting templates that you can lay your eyes on and comes with super sleek CSS3 animations. Whether you’re planning on upping your showcase game with a portfolio website or you’re a startup trying to make it out there, this is a super reliable website, to begin with. It prioritizes user experience and totally dawns and wins the modern look it was going for.

Color - HTML5 OnePage Bootstrap Template

Color - Html5 OnePage web template

Themeinthebox seems to have come up with an amazing theme in its box- The Color Template is a one-page template that is built on the Bootstrap framework. It is specifically made out for professionals in the business industry mainly the creative and agency sectors but the way the template looks, it can actually be used for other purposes too. The template rocks a clear and spacious look which makes the template look very clean but far from making it boring. The template also packs amazing animations that flow perfectly and are sure to impress your website visitors.

Nantes - Free Bootstrap Themes & Templates

Nantes - bootstrap templates

Mazel - Responsive Multipurpose Template (Paid)

Mazel - responsive multipurpose web template

For those who wish to create successful websites with a hint of personalization, Mazel is the one for you. You can bring your A-game with the 119+ different pages that you can use as you like. Crafted for almost any industry, the template really shines when it comes to showcasing a photo studio or a portfolio, even if you’re a freelancer, an agency, or a blogger. Don’t forget, it also has features to pack a punch if you’re an E-commerce business.

To make it easy to understand what it is that you can expect once the template itself is done, there are 2 template demos for your use. There are over 16 variations of the Homepage so you can really go to town with the looks of the homepage, and even if you’ve been using the template for a while, you can always upgrade your looks using a different variation of the homepage.

Not just the home page, there are also a lot of options for the other pages included on the website: around 22 one-page layouts, 28 portfolio pages, 15 blog pages, and much more. So there are almost more than 100 combinations that you can make using all these features that the template provides. Also, get in touch with your customers with the working AJAX and PHP contact forms and reach out to them with the newest offerings from you.

Revelo - Multipurpose HTML Template (Paid)

Revelo - multipurpose html template

Revelo is an interesting experience for users and there are perhaps no heights that you cannot achieve with this template. The template packs a lot of powerful features that you can totally use to dazzle the users who visit your website. If you can dream it, this template can do it for sure. Revelo really helps to reveal your jest of business with features like the numerous header and footer options and shortcodes that can add to the stunning look of the website.

There are about 6 color options that you can pick from with a promise of more coming soon. The sidebar is particularly promising for any website because it is where customers look for more offers and there are 3 different options at play here. Headers are also particularly important for navigation and you can construct the best experience for the customers by picking what you think goes best from the 7 options that are carefully crafted for the best navigability.

There is also a whopping almost giveaway of the revolution slider, the isotope filter, and the form validator so you get to save as much as 63 USD with this template. There are a ton of other features included in this template such as the sticky header, the masonry layout, the coming soon pages, the MailChimp integration, the Instagram feed and so much more that cannot be fit into this description so do check this template out.

Atropos - Responsive Website Template (Paid)

Atropos -html website template

Here’s a template that gets updates for its entire lifetime. If not having a bloated and clunky website is what you’re looking for, this clean and intuitive template is perfect for you and your business whether it is a business, corporate, portfolio, or any other type of product. There are two color tones or modes to choose from, one dark and one light. It also ships with a Revolution slider included in the package and there are over 185 HTML files included that you can use along with the countless other features like multiple home versions, and the wide and boxed layout style which makes it so pleasing to the eyes.

You can have an image background or even a video background according to what fits you better. And if something is wrong, there is also a 404 page for your discretion. You can also create hype in your customers with a coming soon page or even a countdown option letting them know you’re up to something even more awesome.

There are a ton of other features like the sitemap page, the services page, the support page, the ajax contact form, and even a pricing table. The template also has the Google map integration to let your customers know exactly where to find you. The documentation is standard and you need not worry about understanding it.

Neomax - Multipurpose Template (Paid)

Neomax - multipurpose html template

Neomax is a beautiful website with 15 demos that you can pick from. There is a mega menu included that will display the features on the website in an organized and clean way and it is also responsive. There are 140 HTML pages to pick from with different versions of the home, blog, shop, etc. so you can pick whatever you may require.

There is a product slider with a thumbnails carousel. And when you pick it there is the hover effect so every time you put your mouse on it, there is a zoom in and out effect. The website can also have a parallax background either with an image, a Youtube, or a Vine video background. The template also makes it very easy to get in touch with your users or let them get in touch with you with the working contact forms with a JQuery validation plugin.

There is even a lightbox gallery for the beautiful display of your products and even Twitter feed integration so customers can get in touch with your social media. You can customize the website even further by picking the best icons from over 600 of the icons that it comes with along with different CSS animations to pick from.

BigBag Store - Elegant E-commerce Template (Paid)

 BigBag Store - e-commerce html template

BigBag store has big features packed into it. When you’re making an e-commerce website, you have to make sure that the template you have picked is perfect for it with all the features you may need for smooth operation. This powerful template has 46-page templates already with more on the horizon. It enables quick viewing of the products and also a countdown option for the new awesomeness you promise to bring them. The template is ready for any viewing on any device and has been tried and tested.

The crafting of the template is done very carefully and with a lot of effort and includes awesome features like the scroll animation, the brand slider, and over 700 icons to pick from. You can even guide your customers to your outlet or office with the Google map integration that you can totally customize. You do not need to sweat over cross-browser compatibility either. It is built on 3.3.7 version of Bootstrap and is created with SASS. It is fully customizable with Google fonts, 4 versions of the home page, and much more.

Constra - Free HTML5 Construction Business Website Template

Constra - html5 construction business website free template

Constra is a free HTML5 template specially made for designing a business website. Construction and building companies may simply establish an online presence with this template. The simple design and coding structure make it easy to launch your site.

However, you can customize the default black and yellow theme of the template whenever you want. The eye-catching slider of the homepage can exclusively highlight your company motto. Also, you will get a sticky menu about us, statistics, and specializations sections.

The out-of-the-box design of this template allows you to display the Testimonial and Happy Client sections side by side. Besides, highlight your finished projects according to the category on your homepage.

  • Slider banner with animated texts
  • CTA within the banner (Hero area)
  • Two distinct Home page design
  • Counter or Fun fact available
  • Filterable Project Section
  • The menu has three levels
  • Gallery popup image
  • Two blog page variant
  • Contact page with google map integration

Timer - Responsive Multi Page Business Template

Timer - responsive multipage business template

This agency website contains all the necessary information that portrays the company to its visitors.  However, if you have a clean, contemporary, and comfy design, the presentation will be compelling enough. To meet such requirements, The Timer is an ideal template for professionally displaying your web content.

The timer is a multipurpose business theme packed with site-wide animations and effects. It is well crafted to serve portfolio, business, and agency websites. You will get an animated and exclusive banner on the front page. The blog page option offers three different layouts for users’ convenience.

  • Blog action with widgets ( widget position changeable )
  • Popup images with a gallery in the latest work section
  • Animated button and text within the slider

Shield – One Page Corporate Template

Shield – one page corporate html5 template

The Shield is a one-page retina-ready bootstrap-based template built with bootstrap and elegant design. The theme is perfect for agencies, freelancers, companies, and corporate, shipped with fresh style, beautiful Icomoon fonts.

Sailor – Free Bootstrap Base HTML5 Template

Sailor – HTML5 template

A beautiful, clean, posh search-enabled theme has been created with heaps of components, features, and pages. If you ever download the theme, never feel to buy any premium for your next project. The component includes a bootstrap button, button size versions, button edge, tabs, alerts, progress bar, pagination,  breadcrumbs, and more. The page is packed with Full width, right sidebar left sidebar, coming soon, search result, 404, register, login.

Spot – Freelance & Agency Template

Spot – html template

Spot has created with starting flat design enable with  HTML5 bootstrap template, specially developed for freelancers and small as well as media agencies. The theme is equipped with cutting-edge technologies and supports that can’t conflict with older and modern browsers like iPhone, iPad, Tablet, Desktop, Windows phone, Samsung phone, and other Apple devices.

Sport is   HTML5 Bootstrap3 template is lightweight and fast loading, comes with sticky/ fixed header. The above-the-fold area is marvelous, and so does the service, portfolio, client showcase, and footer section. Either you term it a project or work section. It has awesome animation attached, can even a hasty visitor's eyes quickly for unique animation.

Agency - Start Bootstrap

Agency - html5 agency website templates

Agency is a clever piece of work for, as the name suggests, agencies and small businesses. They are inherently beautiful and posh to look at without destroying the functionalities. And speaking of functionalities, it packs quite a few of them. From being fully responsive to having a portfolio grid where the window pops up when you over so that you can have a look at the item details.

The about section has a responsive timeline along with a working PHP contact form with validation. This will help you gather data on your users or to interact with them. The fewer files are included if you want to make it look better and tweak things around. Font Awesome is at work in the Services section with SCC-only circle icons. Make your mark with a killer website and let Agency do all the work for you.

Lattes - Free One Page Bootstrap Template

Lattes - HTML5 One page theme

Dazzle your users with your website. While that seems like a daunting task to many, Lattes volunteers to help out with its minimalist and beautiful design. It is a one-page template that is rocking the Bootstrap framework and is perfect for creatives and agencies. It makes witty use of white space that makes readability a breeze on the website and the best part is, it is snappy and doesn’t even require you to spend hours pondering over how to make it work because it is extremely easy in the backend to modify. Oh, and did we mention it’s responsive?

Final Words

You must be excited to build your site now that you've studied a wide variety of free HTML5 templates. You can try out the free templates and select the one that fits your preference. We hope you’ve found the right template that matches your business objective.

We would love to know which template grabbed your attention the most. Also, you can share your experience and selection in the comment section.

Can't find what you're looking for? Take a look at these collections

  • 100+ HTML5 CSS3 eCommerce Website Templates To Build Responsive eStore
  • 40+ Best Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Templates For 2024

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Basic HTML5 Template: Use This HTML Boilerplate as a Starter for Any Web Dev Project

Jessica Wilkins

When you are building a new website, it is important to have a good starting foundation. In this article, I will explain what an HTML 5 boilerplate is and how to create a basic template to use in your projects.

What is an HTML 5 boilerplate?

According to Wikipedia ,

boilerplate code or just boilerplate are sections of code that are repeated in multiple places with little to no variation.

A boilerplate in HTML is a template you will add at the start of your project. You should add this boilerplate to all of your HTML pages.

Example of HTML 5 boilerplate

Let's take a look at a basic example.

What is a doctype in HTML?

The first line in your HTML code should be the doctype declaration. A doctype tells the browser what version of HTML the page is written in.

If you forget to include this line of code in your file, then some of the HTML 5 tags like <article> , < footer > , and <header>  may not be supported by the browser.

What is the HTML root element?

The <html> tag is the top level element of the HTML file. You will nest the <head> and <body> tags inside of it.

The lang attribute inside the opening <html> tag sets the language for the page. It is also good to include it for accessibility reasons, because screen readers will know how to properly pronounce the text.

What are head tags in HTML?

The <head> tags contain information that is processed by machines. Inside the <head> tags, you will nest metadata which is data that describes the document to the machine.

What is UTF-8 character encoding?

UTF-8 is the standard character encoding you should use in your web pages. This will usually be the first <meta> tag shown in the <head> element.

According to the World Wide Web Consortium ,

A Unicode-based encoding such as UTF-8 can support many languages and can accommodate pages and forms in any mixture of those languages. Its use also eliminates the need for server-side logic to individually determine the character encoding for each page served or each incoming form submission.

What is the viewport meta tag in HTML?

This tag renders the width of the page to the width of the device's screen size. If you have a mobile device that is 600px wide, then the browser window will also be 600px wide.

The initial-scale controls the zoom level. The value of 1 for the initial-scale prevents the default zoom by browsers.

What does X-UA-Compatible mean?

This <meta> tag specifies the document mode for Internet Explorer. IE=edge is the highest supported mode.

What are HTML title tags?

The <title> tag is the title for the web page. This text is shown in the browser's title bar.


CSS stylesheet

This code will link your custom CSS to the HTML page.   rel="stylesheet" defines the relationship between the HTML file and the external stylesheet.  

Script tags in HTML

External script tags will be placed just before the ending body tag. This is where you can link your external JavaScript code.

You should add an HTML 5 boilerplate to each of your HTML pages. This starter code contains important information like the doctype, metadata, external stylesheets and script tags.

I am a musician and a programmer.

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