How to Write a Blog Post: A Step-by-Step Guide [+ Free Blog Post Templates]

Review a step-by-step guide plus useful templates to learn how to write an effective blog post for your target audience and customers.



Save time creating blog posts with these free templates.

Computer showing marketers how to write a blog post step by step to start a successful blog website

Updated: 04/03/24

Published: 04/03/24

→ Download Now: 6 Free Blog Post Templates

Anyone can connect with their audience through blogging and enjoy the myriad benefits that blogging provides: organic traffic from search engines, promotional content for social media, and recognition from a new audience you haven’t tapped into yet.

If you’ve heard about blogging but are a beginner and don’t know where to start, the time for excuses is over. Not only can you create an SEO-friendly blog , but I’ll cover how to write and manage your business's blog as well as provide helpful templates to simplify your blogging efforts.

What is a blog post?

How to start a blog, writing your first blog post, what makes a good blog post, blog post examples, how to write a blog post.

Let's get started with an important question.

Blogging may mean different things depending on your niche — so let’s begin with this definition.

A blog post is any article, news piece, or guide that's published in the blog section of a website. A blog post typically covers a specific topic or query, is educational in nature, ranges from 600 to 2,000+ words, and contains other media types such as images, videos, infographics, and interactive charts.

Blog posts allow you and your business to publish insights, thoughts, and stories on your website about any topic. They can help you boost brand awareness, credibility, conversions, and revenue. Most importantly, they can help you drive traffic to your website.

But in order to begin making posts for a blog — you have to learn how to start one, first. Let’s dive in.

  • Understand your audience.
  • Check out your competition.
  • Determine what topics you'll cover.
  • Identify your unique angle.
  • Name your blog.
  • Create your blog domain.
  • Choose a CMS and set up your blog.
  • Customize the look of your blog.
  • Write your first blog post.

1. Understand your audience.

Before you start writing your blog post, make sure you have a clear understanding of your target audience. To do so, take the following steps.

Ask yourself exploratory questions.

To discover your audience, ask questions like: Who are they? Are they like me, or do I know someone like them? What do they want to know about? What will resonate with them?

Jot down your notes in a notepad or a document. This is the time to brainstorm audience attributes from scratch, no matter how out of left field they may feel. You should also think about your audience's age, background, goals, and challenges at this stage.

how to write a blog essay example

6 Free Blog Post Templates

  • "How-to" Post
  • "What is" Post
  • Listicle Post

You're all set!

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Carry out market research.

Doing market research sounds like a big task, but in truth, it can be as simple as accessing a social media platform and browsing user and blog profiles that match with your potential audience.

Use market research tools to begin uncovering more specific information about your audience — or to confirm a hunch or a piece of information you already knew. For instance, if you wanted to create a blog about work-from-home hacks, you can make the reasonable assumption that your audience will be mostly Gen Zers and Millennials. But it’s important to confirm this information through research.

Create formal buyer personas.

Once you’ve brainstormed and carried out market research, it’s time to create formal buyer personas . It’s important because what you know about your buyer personas and their interests will inform the brainstorming process for blog posts.

"Buyer personas aren’t just for direct marketing. They can be a handy way to keep a human in mind while you’re writing. If you’ve got other marketing or sales teams handy, coordinate your personas," says Curtis del Principe, user acquisition manager at HubSpot. "Chances are that your existing customers are exactly the kind of people you want to attract with your writing in the first place. Your sales and service teams can also have great insight into these people’s needs and pain points."

For instance, if your readers are Millennials looking to start a business, you probably don't need to provide them with information about getting started on social media — most of them already have that down.

You might, however, want to give them information about how to adjust their social media approach (for example — from what may be a casual, personal approach to a more business-savvy, networking-focused approach). That kind of tweak is what helps you publish content about the topics your audience really wants and needs.

Don't have buyer personas in place for your business? Here are a few resources to help you get started:

  • Create Buyer Personas for Your Business [Free Template]
  • Guide: How to Create Detailed Buyer Personas for Your Business
  • [Free Tool] Make My Persona: Buyer Persona Generator

2. Check out your competition.

What better way to draw inspiration than to look at your well-established competition?

It’s worth taking a look at popular, highly reviewed blogs because their strategy and execution is what got them to grow in credibility. The purpose of doing this isn’t to copy these elements, but to gain better insight into what readers appreciate in a quality blog.

When you find a competitor’s blog, take the following steps:

Determine whether they’re actually a direct competitor.

A blog’s audience, niche, and specific slant determine whether they're actually your competitor. But the most important of these is their audience. If they serve a completely different public than you, then they’re likely not a competitor. That is why it’s important to define your buyer personas before taking other steps in the blog creation process.

Look at the blog’s branding, color palette, and theme.

Once you determine that they’re your competitor, it’s time to take note of their techniques so that you can capture a similar readership. Colors and themes play a huge role in whether you seem like part of a niche — for instance, a blog about eco-friendly products should likely use earthy tones instead of bright, unnatural colors such as neon yellow or pink.

Analyze the tone and writing style of the competition.

Take note of your competition’s copywriting. Is it something you feel like you can successfully emulate? Does it ring true to the type of blog you’d like to create? What do readers most respond to? For most, creating a tech blog might be an excellent idea, but if journalistic, review-based writing doesn’t work for you, then that might not be a good fit. Be aware of what you can feasibly execute or hire freelance writers.

3. Determine what topics you’ll cover.

Before you write anything, pick a topic you’d like to write about. The topic can be pretty general to start as you find your desired niche in blogging .

Here are some ways to choose topics to cover.

Find out which topics your competitors often cover.

One easy way to choose topics for your blog is to simply learn what other blogs are writing about. After you determine your competitors, go through their archive and category pages, and try to find out which topics they most often publish content about. From there, you can create a tentative list to explore further. You might find, for instance, that a competitor only covers surface-level information about a subject. In your blog, you can dive more deeply and offer more value to readers.

Choose topics you understand well.

No matter what type of blog you start, you want to ensure you know the topic well enough to write authoritatively about it. Rather than choosing a topic you’ll need to research as you write, think about those that come most naturally to you. What has your professional experience been like so far? What are your hobbies? What did you study in college? These can all give rise to potential topics you can cover in depth.

Ensure the topics are relevant to your readership.

You may find that you hold deep expertise in various topics, but how relevant are they to the audience you understood back in step one?

Del Principe suggests checking in with sales and service teams as well. "What kinds of things do they wish customers already knew? What kinds of questions do they get asked a thousand times? What kind of objections come up from potential customers, and how do they address them?"

If you’re not serving their needs, then you’d be shouting into a void — or, worse, attracting the wrong readership. For that reason, after identifying the topics you can feasibly write about, ask yourself whether those are subjects your audience would like to explore.

Do preliminary keyword research.

Keyword research is the process of searching for topics using a keyword research tool , then determining whether there is demand by looking at each topic’s (or keyword’s) search volume. If you found the perfect topics that are the perfect cross between your expertise and your reader’s needs, you’ve struck gold — but the gold will have no value unless people are searching for those terms. Only then can you capture the audience that is waiting out there.

4. Identify your unique angle.

What perspective do you bring that makes you stand out from the crowd? This is key to determining the trajectory of your blog’s future, and there are many avenues to choose in the process.

Here’s how you can find your unique selling proposition in crowded blogging niches:

Write a professional and personal bio.

Knowing your own history and experience is essential to determine your unique slant. To get started, write a professional bio that explains, at length, who you are and which experiences most inform your blogging efforts. While I could write a lengthy exposition about my childhood, that history isn’t essential unless I’m launching a blog about raising children.

What unique experience makes you a trusted expert or thought leader on the topic? You can use your answers to that question to find your angle. Use this information to populate your “About me” page on your blog and share more about yourself.

Determine the special problem you will solve for readers.

Your readers won’t trust you or return to you unless you actively help them solve a problem. As you try to find your angle, think about ways you can help your audience surmount challenges typically associated with the topics you’ve chosen for your blog. For instance, if you’re creating a blog about sustainability, then you might help readers learn how they can compost organic materials in their home.

Choose an editorial approach.

Will you share your opinions on trending debates? Teach your readers how to do something? Compare or share original research? The editorial approach you choose will in part be informed by the topics you cover on your blog and the problems you’re helping your readers solve. If your blog is about marketing trends and your goal is to keep marketers up-to-date on the latest changes, then your editorial approach should be journalistic in nature. This is only one example of how to choose a technique.

5. Name your blog.

This is your opportunity to get creative and make a name that gives readers an idea of what to expect from your blog. Some tips on how to choose your blog name include:

Keep your blog name easy to say and spell.

No need to get complicated at all with your name, though it might be tempting, since there are so many blogs out there. While choosing a unique name is essential, it’s also important to choose one that is easy to memorize for readers. It should also be simple to remember as an URL (which will come into play in the next step).

Link your blog name to your brand message.

The more related your blog’s name is to the topics you cover, the better. For instance, DIY MFA is all about writers doing their own Master of Fine Arts in writing at home. The brand’s message is all about delving deep into one’s writing practice without needing a formal degree. Try to do something similar for your own blog name: Alluding to your blog’s message, value proposition, and covered topics in one sweep.

Consider what your target audience is looking for.

Your blog name should tie directly into what your readers want to achieve, learn, or solve. DIY MFA is about writers who don’t have the money for graduate school, but who still want to develop their writing skills. The HubSpot Marketing blog is — you guessed it — about marketing trends and tips.

It’s okay if your blog name feels “too straightforward.” Straightforward names accurately communicate what you’re about and effectively attract the right audience.

If you still need more assistance, try using a blog name generator . One last tip: Make sure the name you come up with isn’t already taken, as it could lessen your visibility and confuse readers looking for your content.

6. Create your blog domain.

A domain is a part of the web address nomenclature someone would use to find your website or a page of your website online.

Your blog‘s domain will look like this: The name between the two periods is up to you, as long as this domain name doesn’t yet exist on the internet.

Want to create a subdomain for your blog? If you already own a cooking business at, you might create a blog that looks like this: In other words, your blog's subdomain will live in its own section of

Some CMS platforms offer subdomains as a free service, where your blog lives on the CMS, rather than your business's website. For example, it might look like this: However, to create a subdomain that belongs to your company website, register the subdomain with a website host .

Most website hosting services charge very little to host an original domain — in fact, website costs can be as inexpensive as $3 per month when you commit to a 36-month term.

Pro Tip: You can connect your custom domain to free hosting with HubSpot’s free CMS or in premium editions of Content Hub. This includes access to built-in security features and a content delivery network.

Here are five other popular web hosting services to choose from:

7. Choose a CMS and set up your blog.

A CMS (content management system) is a software application that allows users to build and maintain a website without having to code it from scratch. CMS platforms can manage domains (where you create your website) and subdomains (where you create a webpage that connects to an existing website).

HubSpot customers host web content via Content Hub . Another popular option is a self-hosted WordPress website on a hosting site such as WP Engine . Whether you create a domain or a subdomain to start your blog , you'll need to choose a web hosting service after you pick a CMS.

Pro Tip: You can get started for free with HubSpot’s free blog maker . Our free CMS offers everything you need to get started– including hosting, a visual editor, and hundreds of free and paid themes to choose from.

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 3.10.53 PM

Start using HubSpot's Free Blog Making tool to publish blog posts.  

8. customize the look of your blog..

Once you have your domain name set up, customize the appearance of your blog to reflect the theme of the content you plan on creating and your brand.

For example, if you're writing about sustainability and the environment, green might be a color to keep in mind while designing your blog.

we are wildness blog appearance

Image Source

If you already manage a website and are writing the first post for that existing website, ensure the article is consistent with the website in appearance and subject matter. Two ways to do this are including your:

  • Logo : This can be your business‘s name and logo — it will remind blog readers of who’s publishing the content. (How heavily you want to brand your blog, however, is up to you.)
  • “About” Page : You might already have an “About” blurb describing yourself or your business. Your blog‘s "About" section is an extension of this higher-level statement. Think of it as your blog’s mission statement, which serves to support your company's goals.

9. Write your first blog post.

Once you have your blog set up, the only thing missing is the content. While the design and layout are fun and functionally necessary, it's the content that will draw your readers in and keep them coming back. So how do you actually go about writing one of these engaging and informational pieces?

You’ve got the technical and practical tidbits down — now it’s time to write your very first blog post. And nope, this isn’t the space to introduce yourself and your new blog (i.e. “Welcome to my blog! This is the topic I’ll be covering. Here are my social media handles. Will you please follow?”).

Start with “low-hanging fruit,” writing about a highly specific topic that serves a small segment of your target audience.

That seems unintuitive, right? If more people are searching for a term or a topic, that should mean more readers for you.

But that’s not true. If you choose a general and highly searched topic that’s been covered by major competitors or more established brands, it’s unlikely that your post will rank on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs). Give your newly born blog a chance by choosing a topic that few bloggers have written about.

If you need help, you can also use AI to help you create a blog post quickly. 

1. Choose a topic you’re passionate and knowledgeable about.

Before you write anything, pick a topic for your blog post. The topic can be pretty general to start. For example, if you're a company that sells a CRM for small-to-enterprise businesses , your post might be about the importance of using a single software to keep your marketing, sales, and service teams aligned.

Pro tip : You may not want to jump into a “how-to” article for your first blog post.

Your credibility hasn’t been established yet. Before teaching others how to do something, you’ll first want to show that you’re a leader in your field and an authoritative source.

For instance, if you‘re a plumber writing your first post, you won’t yet write a post titled “How to Replace the Piping System in your Bathroom.” First, you’d write about modern faucet setups, or tell a particular success story you had rescuing a faucet before it flooded a customer's house.

Here are four other types of blog posts you could start with:

  • List (“Listicle”) : 5 ways to fix a leaky faucet
  • Curated Collection : 10 faucet and sink brands to consider today
  • SlideShare Presentation : 5 types of faucets to replace your old one (with pictures)
  • News Piece : New study shows X% of people don't replace their faucet frequently enough

If you're having trouble coming up with topic ideas, a good topic brainstorming session should help. In the post I’ve linked, my colleague walks you through a helpful process for turning one idea into many. Similar to the “leaky faucet” examples above, you would “iterate off old topics to come up with unique and compelling new topics.”

This can be done by:

  • Changing the topic scope
  • Adjusting your time frame
  • Choosing a new audience
  • Taking a positive/negative approach
  • Introducing a new format

And if you’re still stuck, let’s take a look at some first blog post idea examples.

First Blog Post Ideas

The difference between [niche topic] and [niche topic], explained by a [niche expert].

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Want some real examples of blog posts? See what your first blog post can look like based on the topic you choose and the audience you're targeting.

2. Target a low-volume keyword to optimize around.

Finding a keyword with low searches in Google (I recommend sticking to about 10 to 150 monthly searches). These topics offer less competition and should therefore allow your new blog post to rank more easily.

To choose a topic, you can either do a traditional brainstorming session or carry out keyword research. I suggest the latter because you can actually see how many people are looking for that topic.

Now, don’t be intimidated by the term “ keyword research .” It’s not just for marketers, but for new bloggers, too. And it’s really easy to do.

To jumpstart your keyword research, first begin by identifying the general topic of your blog.

Say you’re a plumber. Your general, high-level topic might be “plumbing” (67K monthly searches).

Next, put this term into a keyword research tool such as:

  • Ubersuggest
  • Wordtracker

When you run this term through the tool, a list of related keywords will appear. Scan the list and choose one with a lower search volume. For this example, we’ll use “under sink plumbing” (1.4K monthly searches).

Run that keyword in the keyword research tool again. Look at the related keywords. Find one with a lower search volume. Do that again.

For this example, we’ll settle on “plumbing problems under kitchen sink” (10 monthly searches). That’s the topic for our first post.

TLDR ; Choose a low-volume, low-competition keyword that will ensure your first post ranks.

For more help on keyword research, here are more resources you can use:

  • How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: A Beginner's Guide
  • How to Perform Keyword Research and Rank
  • Top Tools For Finding Long-Tail Keywords

3. Google the term to understand your audience’s search intent.

You’ve got your topic — now, you need to check that the user’s search intent would be fulfilled by a blog post.

What does that mean?

If someone is looking for “plumbing problems under a kitchen sink,” they might be looking for a tutorial, a diagram, an article, or a product that can fix the issue. If they’re looking for the first three, you’re good — that can be covered in a blog post. A product, however, is different, and your blog post won’t rank.

How do you double-check search intent?

Google the term and look at the results. If other articles and blog posts rank for that term, you’re good to go. If you only find product pages or listicles from major publications, then find a new topic to cover in your first post.

Consider the term “under sink plumbing bathroom” (30 monthly searches). It seemed like a perfect fit because it had low monthly searches.

Upon Googling the term, I found product carousels, product pages from Home Depot and Lowes, and guides written by major publications. (You’ll also want to avoid topics that have been covered by major publications, at least for now.)

TLDR ; Before writing your first blog post about a low-volume topic, double-check the user intent by Googling the keyword. Also, don’t forget to take a look at who’s written about that topic so far. If you see a major brand, consider writing about another topic.

4. Find questions and terms related to that topic.

You’ve got a highly unique topic that’s been covered by just a few people so far. It’s time to flesh it out by covering related or adjacent topics.

Use the following tools:

  • Answer the Public : When you place your keyword into this tool, it will give you a list of questions related to that term.
  • Google : Google is your best friend. Search for the term and look under “People also ask” and “People also search for.” Be sure to touch upon those topics in the post.

You can also use these keyword research tools we mentioned above in step one.

5. Come up with a working title.

You might come up with a few different working titles — in other words, iterations of approaching that topic to help you focus your writing.

For example, you may decide to narrow your topic to “Tools for Fixing Leaky Faucets” or “Common Causes of Leaky Faucets.” A working title is specific and will guide your post so you can start writing.

Let's take a real post as an example: " How to Choose a Solid Topic for Your Next Blog Post ."

Appropriate, right? The topic, in this case, was probably “blogging.” Then the working title may have been something like, “The Process for Selecting a Blog Post Topic.” And the final title ended up being “How to Choose a Solid Topic for Your Next Blog Post.”

See that evolution from topic, to working title, to final title? Even though the working title may not end up being the final title (more on that in a moment), it still provides enough information so you can focus your blog post on something more specific than a generic, overwhelming topic.

6. Create an outline.

Sometimes, blog posts can have an overwhelming amount of information — for the reader and the writer. The trick is to organize the info in a way so readers aren‘t intimidated by length or amount of content. This organization can take multiple forms — sections, lists, tips — whatever’s most appropriate. But it must be organized!

Featured Resource: 6 Free Blog Post Templates

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Download These Templates for Free

Let's take a look at the post, " How to Use Snapchat: A Detailed Look Into HubSpot’s Snapchat Strategy. " There‘s a lot of content in the piece, so it’s broken up into a few sections using descriptive headers. The major sections are separated into subsections that go into more detail, making the content easier to read.

To complete this step, all you really need to do is outline your post. This way, before you start writing, you'll know which points you want to cover and the best order to do so. And to make things even easier, you can download and use our free blog post templates , which are pre-organized for six of the most common blogs. Just fill in the blanks!

7. Write an intro (and make it captivating).

We've written more specifically about writing captivating introductions in the post " How to Write an Introduction ," but let's review, shall we?

First, grab the reader‘s attention. If you lose the reader in the first few paragraphs — or even sentences — of the introduction, they’ll stop reading (even before they've given your post a fair shake). You can do this in a number of ways: tell a story or a joke, be empathetic, or grip the reader with an interesting fact or statistic.

Then, describe the purpose of your post and explain how it will address a problem the reader may be experiencing. This will give the reader a reason to continue reading and show them how the post will help them improve their work or lives.

Here‘s an example of an intro I think does a good job of attracting a reader’s attention right away:

“Blink. Blink. Blink. It's the dreaded cursor-on-a-blank-screen experience that all writers — amateur or professional, aspiring or experienced — know and dread. And of all times for it to occur, it seems to plague us the most when trying to write an introduction.”

8. Build out each section of your outline.

The next step — but not the last — is actually writing the content. We can't forget about that, of course.

Now that you have your outline or template, you're ready to fill in the blanks. Use your outline as a guide and expand on all points as needed. Write about what you already know, and if necessary, conduct additional research to gather more information, examples, and data to back up your points, while providing proper attribution when incorporating external sources. When you do, always try to find accurate and compelling data to use in your post.

If you‘re having trouble stringing sentences together, you’re not alone. Finding your “flow” can be challenging for a lot of folks. Luckily, there are a ton of tools you can lean on to help you improve your writing. Here are a few to get you started:

  • HubSpot's AI Blog Writer : Tools like HubSpot's AI Blog Writer can be a valuable asset for beginners and seasoned bloggers alike. It simplifies the process of creating SEO-friendly and engaging blog content, which is crucial for connecting with your audience and enjoying the benefits of blogging.
  • Power Thesaurus : Stuck on a word? Power Thesaurus is a crowdsourced tool that provides users with a number of alternative word choices from a community of writers.
  • ZenPen : If you're having trouble staying focused, check out this distraction-free writing tool. ZenPen creates a minimalist “writing zone” designed to help you get words down without having to fuss with formatting right away.
  • Cliché Finder : Feeling like your writing might be coming off a little cheesy? Identify instances where you can be more specific using this handy cliché tool.

You can also refer to our complete list of tools for improving your writing skills . And if you're looking for more direction, the following resources are chock-full of valuable writing advice:

  • Copywriting 101: 6 Traits of Excellent Copy Readers Will Remember
  • How to Write Compelling Copy: 7 Tips for Writing Content That Converts
  • How to Write With Clarity: 9 Tips for Simplifying Your Message
  • The Kurt Vonnegut Guide to Great Copywriting: 8 Rules That Apply to Anyone
  • Your Blog Posts Are Boring: 9 Tips for Making Your Writing More Interesting

9. Publish and promote your first post any way you can.

As a new blogger, you likely don’t have a social media following yet. Thankfully, you don’t need a huge following before you can create a promotion strategy.

A promotion strategy is your master plan for how you create, post, and engage with your social media content. It helps you take advantage of social and digital technologies to share your business, or in this case, your content. Having a solid promotional strategy offers your audience from different marketing channels more ways to find your blog posts.

Here are more blog post promotion resources:

  • 12 Tried-and-True Ways to Promote Your Blog Posts
  • 10 Sites You Can Use for Free Blog Promotion
  • 9 Link Building Email Outreach Templates That Actually Work
  • Inbound Link Building 101: 34 Ways to Build Backlinks for SEO
  • 11 Creative (But 100% White Hat!) Ways to Earn Backlinks

Before you write a blog, make sure you know the answers to questions like, “Why would someone keep reading this entire blog post?” and “What makes our audience come back for more?”

To start, a good blog post is interesting and educational. Blogs should answer questions and help readers resolve a challenge they're experiencing — and you have to do so in an interesting way.

It‘s not enough just to answer someone’s questions — you also have to provide actionable steps while being engaging. For instance, your introduction should hook the reader and make them want to continue reading your post. Then, use examples to keep your readers interested in what you have to say.

Remember, a good blog post is interesting to read and provides educational content to audience members.

Want to learn how to apply blogging and other forms of content marketing to your business?

Check out HubSpot Academy's free content marketing course .

Now, let's dive into some formatting guidelines to use before you publish your blog posts.

Blog Format Guidelines

  • Include H2s to arrange ideas.
  • Center your Images.
  • Add alt text.
  • Keep your sentences clear and concise.
  • Use media with purpose.

1. Include H2s to arrange ideas.

When you begin typing your blog content, it’s important that you divide paragraphs into sections that make it easier for the reader to find what they need.

If you’re just starting out, then focus on the overarching H2s you want to talk about, and you’ll be able to branch off into subheaders and more naturally as you continue.

2. Center your images.

This is a simple practice that can help your content look more professional with little effort. Centering your images keeps the reader’s attention drawn to the subject — not searching for elsewhere.

Centering also looks better when translating from PC to mobile devices. As formatting transitions to small screens or windows, a centered image will remain the focal point.

3. Add alt text.

So those images you centered earlier, make sure you have descriptive alt text for them, too.

Image alt text allows search engines, like Google, to crawl and rank your blog post better than pages lacking the element. It also leads readers to your blog post if the keywords included are what they searched for in the first place.

Besides SERP features, image alt text is beneficial to readers by providing more accessibility. Image alt text allows people to better visualize images when they can’t see them, and with assistive technology, can be auditorily read aloud for people to enjoy.

4. Keep your sentences short and concise.

When you begin working on the body of your blog post, make sure readers can clearly understand what you’re trying to accomplish.

You shouldn’t feel pressure to elongate your post with unnecessary details, and chances are that if you keep it concise, readers will derive more value from your work.

5. Use media with a purpose.

Break up the monotony of your blog post with some multimedia content where seen fit.

Your reader will enjoy visiting a blog page with images, videos, polls, audio or slideshows as opposed to a page of black and white text.

It also makes it more interactive and improves your on-page search engine optimization (SEO).

Now, do you want some real examples of blog posts? See what your first blog post can look like based on the topic you choose and the audience you're targeting.

  • List-Based Post
  • Thought Leadership Post
  • Curated Collection Post
  • SlideShare Presentation
  • Newsjacking Post
  • Infographic Post
  • How-to Post

1. List-Based Blog Post

List-based post example: 17 blogging mistakes to avoid in 2021, according to hubspot bloggers.

list based blog post example

List-based posts are sometimes called “listicles,” a mix of the words “list” and “article.” These are articles that deliver information in the form of a list. A listicle uses sub-headers to break down the blog post into individual pieces, helping readers skim and digest your content more easily.

As you can see in the example from our blog, listicles can offer various tips and methods for solving a problem.

2. Thought Leadership Post

Example: how hubspot's customers are shaping the next normal.

thought leadership blog post example

Thought leadership posts allow you to share your expertise on a particular subject matter and share firsthand knowledge with your readers.

These pieces — which can be written in the first person, like the post shown above — help you build trust with your audience so people take your blog seriously as you continue to write for it.

3. Curated Collection Post

Example: 8 examples of evolution in action.

An example blog blog post featuring a curated collection

Curated collections are a special type of listicle blog post. Rather than sharing tips or methods for doing something, this type of blog post shares a list of real examples that all have something in common in order to prove a larger point.

In the example post above, Listverse shares eight real examples of evolution in action among eight different animals — starting with the peppered moth.

4. Slide Presentation

Example: the hubspot culture code.

Example slides presentation, HubSpot Culture Code

HubSpot Slides is a presentation tool that helps publishers package a lot of information into easily shareable slides. Think of it like a PowerPoint, but for the web. With this in mind, SlideShare blog posts help you promote your SlideShare so that it can generate a steady stream of visitors.

Unlike blogs, slide decks don't often rank well on search engines, so they need a platform for getting their message out there to the people who are looking for it. By embedding and summarizing your SlideShare on a blog post, you can share a great deal of information and give it a chance to rank on Google at the same time.

Need some slideshow ideas? In the example above, we turned our company's “Culture Code” into a slides presentation that anyone can look through and take lessons from, and then promoted it in a blog post.

5. Newsjacking Post

Example: ivy goes mobile with new app for designers.

An example of a newsjacking blog post

“Newsjacking” is a nickname for “hijacking” your blog to break important news related to your industry. Therefore, the newsjack post is a type of article whose sole purpose is to garner consumers' attention and, while offering them timeless professional advice, prove your blog is a trusted resource for learning about the big things that happen in your industry.

The newsjack example above was published by Houzz, a home decor merchant and interior design resource, about a new mobile app that was launched just for interior designers. Houzz didn‘t launch the app, but the news of its launching is no less important to Houzz’s audience.

6. Infographic Post

Example: the key benefits of studying online [infographic].

An example from an infographic blog post

For example, when you're looking to share a lot of statistical information (without boring or confusing your readers), building this data into a well-designed, even engaging infographic can keep your readers engaged with your content. It also helps readers remember the information long after they leave your website.

7. How-to Post

Example: how to write a blog post: a step-by-step guide.

For this example, you need not look any further than the blog post you‘re reading right now! How-to guides like this one help solve a problem for your readers. They’re like a cookbook for your industry, walking your audience through a project step by step to improve their literacy on the subject.

The more posts like this you create, the more equipped your readers will be to work with you and invest in the services you offer.

8. Guest Post

Example: your bookmarkable guide to social media image sizes in 2021 [infographic].

Example of a guest blog post

Additionally, these posts give your blog variety in topic and viewpoint. If your customer has a problem you can't solve, a guest post is a great solution.

If you begin accepting guest posts, set up editorial guidelines to ensure they're up to the same standards as your posts.

So we’ve gone through the different types of blog posts you can make, but how do you consistently make quality blog posts that your viewers will enjoy?

How to Write a Blog Post Graphic

  • Draw from your buyer personas and what you know about your audience.
  • Pull from your content strategy and/or brainstormed topics.
  • Identify what's missing from the existing discourse.
  • Choose what type of blog post you're writing.
  • Generate a few different titles and choose the best one.
  • Create your outline and designate keyword-rich H2s and H3s.
  • Write your blog post!
  • Proofread your post.
  • Add images and other media elements to support your ideas.
  • Upload your post into your CMS.
  • Determine a conversion path (what you want your audience to do next).
  • Add calls to action to guide your audience to take action.
  • Link to other relevant blog posts within your content.
  • Optimize for on-page SEO.
  • Publish and promote the blog post.
  • Track the performance of the blog post over time.

1. Draw from your buyer personas and what you know about your audience.

Before you start writing your blog post, make sure you have a clear understanding of your target audience.

Ask questions like: What do they want to know about? What will resonate with them?

This is where the process of creating buyer personas comes in handy. Consider what you know about your buyer personas and their interests while you're coming up with a topic for your blog post.

For instance, if your readers are millennials looking to start a business, you probably don't need to provide them with information about getting started in social media — most of them already have that down.

If you haven’t developed buyer personas yet, I’ve found that it’s easiest to get started by gathering the information you already have about your audience and looking for trends. Sending out feedback surveys and interviewing followers can also be helpful.

Does your blog attract a specific age group? Does your audience live in a certain region? How do readers typically discover your content? Finding answers to these questions can help you get a better idea of who your buyer persona is.

2. Pull from your content strategy and/or brainstormed topics.

If you already have a pre-existing portfolio to look back on, it would benefit you to pull from those brainstormed post ideas or previous content strategy.

One thing that’s been helpful for me is specifically looking at content performance data when brainstorming ideas. In doing this, I’ve discovered which topics tend to resonate with my audience (and which ones don’t) and created content around them.

By focusing on your core blog topics, or clusters , you can establish yourself as a thought leader, gain the trust of your audience, rank better on search engines, and attract new readers.

3. Identify what’s missing from the existing discourse.

Fill in the gaps of the existing discourse in the topic of your choosing.

You want to meet a need that hasn’t already been met in your topic cluster. Otherwise, you run the risk of writing content for topics that are already over-saturated.

It’s hard to beat saturated search queries when you’re trying to rank against high authority publications — but not impossible if your content is answering the queries the competition hasn’t.

To discover what’s missing within a topic, I conduct a competitive analysis to see what my competitors offer in their content and how I can make my blog post better. Here are some things to look out for:

  • Unanswered user queries
  • Content depth
  • Content freshness
  • Media richness
  • User experience

If your competitors are lacking in any of these areas, you can use that to your advantage and focus on them when writing your blog post.

Another way to differentiate your blog is by offering original data, quotes, or perspectives. Some of my best performing posts have come from getting a unique quote from an industry expert.

4. Choose what type of blog post you’re writing.

There are several types of blog posts you can create, and they each have different formats to follow.

Six of the most common formats include:

  • The List-Based Post
  • The “What Is” Post
  • The Pillar Page Post (“Ultimate Guide”)
  • The Newsjacking Post
  • The Infographic Post
  • The “How-To” Post

Save time and download six blog post templates for free.

5. Generate a few different titles and choose the best one.

Your blog title should tell readers what to expect, yet it should leave them wanting to know more — confusing, right?

This is why when you’re coming up with a blog post title that you should brainstorm multiple ones instead of just one. I find it helpful to share these titles with a couple coworkers to get their feedback and see which one is most engaging to them.

I’ve also enlisted the help of ChatGPT to generate sample blog post titles by inputting a prompt like, “Write a list of blog titles about [topic].” Even if it doesn’t give you exactly what you want, it can still get ideas flowing.

6. Create your outline and designate keyword-rich H2s and H3s.

When outlining, you need to center your main ideas with keyword-rich H2s and H3s. These are going to be your headers and subheaders that readers typically search for, and the information that Google crawls when indexing and ranking content.

I use keyword research tools, like Ahrefs and Semrush , to find the best words for my blog post. To find the right keywords, I focus on the following elements:

  • Relevance to topic and search intent
  • How authoritative my blog is on the topic
  • The amount of search traffic my blog could gain

Remember, your outline should serve as a guide to make writing your blog post easier, so make sure you include all the important points you want to discuss and organize them in a logical flow.

7. Write your blog post!

I already told you how to build out your outline earlier in the post, so we'll quickly go over the main points once more.

You‘ve already outlined your main headings and subheadings, so now’s the time to add the body.

Write about what you already know, and if necessary, conduct additional research to gather more information, examples, and data to back up your points, while providing proper attribution when incorporating external sources. When you do, always try to find accurate and compelling data to use in your post.

This is also your opportunity to show personality in your writing. Blog posts don‘t have to be strictly informational, they can be filled with interesting anecdotes and even humor if it serves a purpose in expressing your ideas. It also factors into creating and maintaining your blog’s brand voice .

Don‘t be discouraged if you’re having trouble stringing sentences together, you're not alone. Finding your “flow” can be challenging, but there are many tools to ease the process. Software such as HubSpot's Free AI Blog Writer can help you generate copy for your blog post. You can even use it to outline and generate title ideas.

8. Proofread your post.

The editing process is an important part of blogging — don't overlook it. I tend to self-edit while I write, but it’s essential to get a second pair of eyes on your post before publishing.

Consider enlisting the help of The Ultimate Editing Checklist and ask a grammar-conscious co-worker to copy edit and proofread your post. I also really enjoy free grammar checkers, like Grammarly , to help proofread while I’m writing.

If you're looking to brush up on your self-editing skills, turn to these helpful posts for some tips and tricks to get you started:

  • How to Become a (Better) Editor: 13 Editorial Tips
  • How to Become a More Efficient Editor: 12 Ways to Speed Up the Editorial Process
  • 10 Simple Edits That'll Instantly Improve Any Piece of Writing

9. Add images and other media elements to support your ideas.

When you're finished checking for grammar, shift your focus to adding other elements to the blog post than text. There’s much more to making a good blog post than copy, here’s some following elements to add in support of your ideas:

Featured Image

Choose a visually appealing and relevant image for your post. As social networks treat content with images more prominently, visuals are more responsible than ever for the success of your blog content.

An example of a featured image on a blog post

For help selecting an image for your post, read " How to Select the Perfect Image for Your Next Blog Post " and pay close attention to the section about copyright law.

Visual Appearance

No one likes an unattractive blog post. And it‘s not just pictures that make a post visually appealing — it’s the formatting and organization of the post, too.

In a well-formatted and visually-appealing blog post, you'll notice that header and sub-headers are used to break up large blocks of text — and those headers are styled consistently.

Here's an example of what that looks like:

Visual appearance example in a blog post

Screenshots should always have a similar, defined border so they don‘t appear as if they’re floating in space — that style should stay consistent from post to post.

Maintaining this consistency makes your content look more professional and easier on the eyes.

Topics and Tags

Tags are specific, public-facing keywords that describe a post. They also allow readers to browse for more content in the same category on your blog. Refrain from adding a laundry list of tags to each post. Instead, put some thought into a blog tagging strategy.

Think of tags as “topics” or “categories,” and choose 10-20 tags that represent all the main topics you want to cover on your blog. Then stick to those.

10. Upload your post into your CMS.

You filled out your blog post with all the optimized content you can, now is the time to publish it in your content management system.

I also use this step as an opportunity to double check my post for any errors that were potentially missed during the proofreading process. It’s especially important to preview your post before publishing to make sure there aren’t any formatting issues.

You can opt to post your content immediately, save it as a draft, or schedule when you want it to be posted live in case you adhere to a posting schedule.

11. Determine a conversion path (what you want your audience to do next).

A conversion path is a process by which an anonymous website visitor becomes a known lead. It sounds simple enough, but creating an effective conversion path requires a clear understanding of your target audience and their needs.

Having a conversion path is important because when you share your content on the web, you should have an idea of what your audience should do next, or in other words, provide them with a path forward.

The HubSpot Flywheel model is a great example of this as it shows how our organization gains and maintains leads.

HubSpot Flywheel Model

12. Add calls to action to guide your audience to take action.

Call to action (CTA) are a part of a webpage, advertisement, or piece of content that encourages the audience to do something. You can add them to your blog post to guide your reader with “next steps” or a conversion path.

Different types of call to actions include asking readers to:

  • Subscribe to your newsletter to see when you publish more content.
  • Join an online community in your blog domain.
  • Learn more about a topic with downloadable content.
  • Try something for free or discount to convert readers to customers.

To get a better idea of how to make a CTA that readers want to click, we have a whole list of effective call to action examples for you to check out.

13. Link to other relevant blog posts within your content.

When you’re completing your blog post, you should link relevant content throughout it. An effective way to do this is to link within the same content cluster.

One thing I do to make finding relevant links easier is going to my search browser and typing “ keyword.” By doing this, you can find all the posts you have published on that topic.

Keeping relevant content throughout your post can provide your readers with more helpful information, and potentially boost search engine rankings with corresponding longtail keywords .

But we’ll talk more about how to improve your ranking in the next step.

14. Optimize for on-page SEO.

After you finish writing, go back and optimize the on-page elements of your post.

Don‘t obsess over how many keywords to include. If there are opportunities to incorporate keywords you’re targeting, and it won‘t impact reader experience, do it. If you can make your URL shorter and more keyword-friendly, go for it. But don’t cram keywords or shoot for some arbitrary keyword density — Google's smarter than that!

Here's a little blog SEO reminder about what you should review and optimize:

Write your meta description.

Meta descriptions are the descriptions below the post‘s page title on Google’s search results pages. They provide searchers with a short summary of the post before clicking into it. They are ideally between 150-160 characters and start with a verb, such as “Learn,” “Read,” or “Discover.”

While meta descriptions no longer factor into Google‘s keyword ranking algorithm, they give searchers a snapshot of what they’ll get from reading the post and help improve your clickthrough rate from search.

Optimize your page title and headers.

Most blogging software uses your post title as your page title, which is the most important on-page SEO element at your disposal. But if you've followed our formula so far, you should already have a working title that will naturally include keywords or phrases your target audience is interested in.

Don‘t over-complicate your title by trying to fit in keywords where they don’t naturally belong. With that said, if there are clear opportunities to add keywords you‘re targeting to your post title and headers, feel free to take them. Also, try to keep your headlines short — ideally, under 65 characters — so they don’t get truncated in the search engine results.

"The first component of a good title is that it needs to be scannable. People aren’t reading every word of your thoughtfully crafted headline. If you’re following a search-focused strategy, make sure to include the keyword at the beginning," Del Principe says.

Consider anchor text best practices as you interlink to other pages.

Anchor text is the word or words that link to another page — either on your website or on another website. Carefully select which keywords you want to link to other pages on your site because search engines take that into consideration when ranking your page for certain keywords.

It‘s also important to consider which pages you link to. Consider linking pages that you want to rank for a specific keyword. You could end up getting it to rank on Google’s first page of results instead of its second page — and that isn’t small potatoes!

Write alt text for all of your images.

Alt text conveys the “why” of an image as it relates to the content of your blog post to Google. By adding alt text correlating to the topic clusters and keywords of the post, Google can better direct users’ searches to you.

Check that all images are compressed for page speed.

When Google crawls different websites, a page’s load speed holds weight in page ranking. Make sure the images you include throughout the page aren’t unnecessarily large to shorten the duration it takes to load.

Use apps like Squoosh to minimize the size of your images without losing the quality.

Ensure that your blog post is mobile friendly.

More than 60% of organic visits are carried out on a mobile device. As such, having a website with a responsive design is critical. In addition to making sure your website‘s visitors (including your blog’s visitors) have the best experience possible, optimizing for mobile will score your website some SEO points.

15. Publish and promote the blog post.

Share your post across all the marketing channels in your repertoire. The further the reach, the more of a possibility that readers will find it.

Channels to expand your blog post promotion strategy include:

  • Social Media Marketing : Sharing your content on the most popular social media networks like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
  • Email Marketing : Sharing the newest post with your email subscribers to find.
  • Boosted Posts or Paid Ads : Allocating budget toward advertisement on search engines inorganically.
  • Word of Mouth Marketing : Actively influencing people to read your content organically.

16. Track the performance of the blog post over time.

Your post is published for the world to see, make sure you’re keeping an eye on its performance over time so you can see if your blog post strategy is working well enough for your goals.

Here are some blog KPIs I like to keep track of:

  • Total traffic per post
  • Average CTR
  • Average SERP position
  • Traffic source breakdown
  • Number of search queries per post
  • Average comments per post
  • Social shares per post
  • New blog leads
  • Conversion rate

There’s a plethora of website traffic analysis tools that you can take advantage of to better understand your audience’s behavior on your blog posts.

Quick Blog Writing Tips

If you’re feeling stuck as a new writer, don’t give up. It gets easier with practice. Whether you’re struggling with writer's block or wanting some ways to add depth to your content, here are some quick tips I compiled to help take your blog writing to the next level:

If you don’t know where to start, start by telling a story.

When you’re facing writer’s block, start with what you know. Not only will sharing personal anecdotes help you get ideas flowing, but it can also keep your readers engaged with what you’re saying.

Stories can simplify complex concepts and make your content more relatable. Plus, they add a human touch and help set the tone for the rest of your blog post.

Include interesting quotes or facts for emphasis on the subject.

When you back up your ideas with unique, expert quotes or share facts from reliable sources, it shows that your blog post is well-researched and trustworthy.

If you don’t know where to start with finding quotes, think about the people you know and their expertise. For example, I’m lucky enough to have incredibly knowledgeable coworkers here at HubSpot that I can reach out to if I need a quote.

I’ve also reached out to connections on LinkedIn to see if they can provide a quote or know someone who can. HARO can also be a great resource if you need a quote in a pinch.

Make your content skimmable; break it into digestible chunks.

There’s nothing that turns readers off more than opening an article and seeing a large wall of text. Think about it: most internet users have a short attention span and tend to skim through content rather than reading every word.

That’s why I recommend breaking up your blog post into smaller chunks to make it more digestible. You can do this by utilizing subheadings (H2s, H3s, H4s, etc.), bullet points, and short paragraphs.

Not only does breaking up your content make your blog post more visually appealing, it also helps readers quickly find the information they’re looking for without getting lost in a sea of text.

Paint a full picture with images, graphics or video.

Aside from aesthetic appeal, visuals can help convey complex ideas in an easier way and help readers remember the information you share.

I recommend reading through your blog post and putting yourself in your reader’s shoes. Is there anything you wrote about that would be better explained with the support of an image or graphic?

For instance, whenever I write about the pros and cons of something, I like to create a graphic that shows those pros and cons in a side-by-side comparison.

I also look at search engines results when determining what images to add to my post. Does the SERP for the keyword you’re targeting have an image pack? See if you can add in images and optimize them with alt text to increase the chances of appearing in those results.

Each sentence should convey a single idea.

Keep it simple, stupid. There’s no reason to write overly complex sentences that confuse your readers. Instead, opt to convey your message in a simple and accessible manner. At the end of the day, readers just want to find the answers they’re looking for, and writing in a straightforward manner can effectively meet this need.

I like to use the Hemingway App to make sure that my writing doesn’t get too dense.

Use active voice.

Although your writing should captivate the reader, you should avoid overwhelming them with fluff. Using active voice can help keep your writing clear, concise, and energetic while still getting your point across.

For example, instead of saying something like “the product was loved by customers,” write “customers loved the product.”

Ready to blog?

Blogging can help you build brand awareness, become a thought-leader and expert in your industry, attract qualified leads, and boost conversions. Follow the steps and tips we covered above to begin publishing and enhancing your blog today.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Don't forget to share this post!

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How to Write a Compelling Blog Style Essay with Engaging Content


Understanding the Basics of a Blog Style Essay

When it comes to writing, a blog style essay is a unique form of expression that combines the structure of an essay with the conversational tone of a blog post. This type of writing allows for creativity and personal voice while still maintaining informative content.

What is a Blog Style Essay?

A blog style essay is a piece of writing that blends the characteristics of a traditional essay with the engaging nature of a blog post. It typically follows a structured format with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, similar to an academic essay. However, what sets it apart is the informal and conversational tone that resonates with readers on a personal level.

Why blog style essays are popular

Blog style essays have gained popularity due to their ability to connect with readers in a more relatable manner. Unlike formal essays, blog style essays allow writers to infuse their personality and experiences into their writing, making it more engaging for the audience. Additionally, they provide an avenue for individuals to share their thoughts and insights on various topics in an accessible format.

The Importance of Choosing a Captivating Topic

Selecting an intriguing topic is crucial when crafting a blog style essay as it directly impacts reader engagement and interest. A captivating topic not only piques the curiosity of the audience but also provides ample opportunities for writers to express their unique perspectives.

How to brainstorm blog style essay topics

Survey Results : According to recent surveys, 77% of marketers agree that blogging gets results. This indicates that choosing compelling topics can significantly impact the success of your blog style essays.

When brainstorming topics, consider areas you are passionate about or have expertise in. Reflect on your experiences and interests as they often serve as excellent sources for captivating ideas.

Engage in conversations with friends or family members about potential topics. Their input can offer fresh perspectives and inspire new ideas.

Examples of engaging topics for your first blog post

Personal Experiences : Sharing personal anecdotes about overcoming challenges or achieving milestones can be inspiring for readers.

Trending Issues : Discussing current events or trending topics within your community or globally can attract attention from diverse audiences.

How-to Guides : Providing step-by-step instructions on accomplishing tasks or mastering skills offers practical value to readers.

By selecting captivating topics that resonate with your audience, you can create compelling blog style essays that leave a lasting impression.

How to Find Your Unique Voice

Finding and refining your blog style essay voice is essential for creating compelling and engaging content. Your voice sets the tone for your writing and allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level.

Why Your Voice Matters in a Blog Post

The role of personal voice in blog style essays cannot be overstated. It adds authenticity and relatability to your writing, making it more appealing to readers. When you infuse your unique perspective and experiences into your blog posts, it creates a genuine connection with your audience. Additionally, your voice sets you apart from other writers, allowing you to stand out in the crowded blogosphere .

Mack Collier: Developing a solid blogging voice requires practice .
A writing voice on your blog will strengthen your brand and give you focus. Your voice might be sincere, passionate, and vulnerable.

Tips to Discover and Develop Your Blogging Voice

Writing exercises to find your voice.

Engage in writing exercises that encourage self-expression and creativity. Write about topics that resonate with you personally , allowing your natural voice to shine through. Experiment with different styles of writing, such as narrative storytelling or reflective pieces, to discover what feels most authentic to you.

Learning from your favorite blog style essays

Take inspiration from successful bloggers who have found and refined their unique voices. Analyze their writing styles and identify elements that resonate with you. By studying diverse voices within the blogging community, you can gain valuable insights into how different approaches can effectively engage readers.

Sharing your experiences, mistakes, and learnings makes your content more authentic and relatable . It shows you’ve been in your readers’ shoes.

By actively exploring various writing exercises and drawing inspiration from established bloggers, you can cultivate a distinctive blogging voice that resonates with both yourself and your audience.

Crafting Your Blog Post

Now that you have a captivating topic and a refined voice, it's time to craft your blog post. Writing a compelling blog style essay involves creating an engaging structure, keeping your readers captivated, and polishing your content for clarity and impact.

How to Start Writing Your Blog Style Essay

Creating an outline for your blog post.

Before diving into the actual writing process, it's beneficial to create an outline for your blog post. An outline serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the key points you want to cover in your essay. It helps maintain a logical flow of ideas and ensures that all essential aspects are included.

When crafting your outline, consider the main sections of your blog style essay: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Within each section, jot down the key points or arguments you intend to present. This will provide a clear structure for your writing process and prevent you from veering off-topic.

Writing an engaging introduction

The introduction is the gateway to your blog style essay. It sets the tone for the entire piece and entices readers to continue exploring your content. To write an engaging introduction:

Pose a Thought-Provoking Question : Encourage curiosity by starting with a question that relates to your topic.

Share an Intriguing Fact : Capture attention by presenting a surprising or little-known fact about your subject matter.

Tell a Compelling Story : Draw readers in with a brief anecdote or personal experience related to the theme of your essay.

By incorporating these strategies into your introduction, you can hook readers from the outset and compel them to delve deeper into your blog style essay.

Keeping Your Readers Engaged

How to write captivating headings and subheadings.

Engaging headings and subheadings play a crucial role in maintaining reader interest throughout your blog style essay. They act as signposts, guiding readers through different sections of your content while also piquing their curiosity.

When crafting headings and subheadings:

Be Descriptive : Use clear and descriptive language that accurately reflects the content within each section.

Incorporate Keywords : Integrate relevant keywords naturally into headings to enhance search engine visibility without compromising readability.

Maintain Consistency : Ensure consistency in formatting and styling across all headings and subheadings for visual coherence.

By following these guidelines, you can create headings and subheadings that not only keep readers engaged but also optimize the overall readability of your blog style essay.

Using stories and examples to illustrate points

Incorporating stories and examples is an effective way to elucidate key points within your blog style essay. Personal anecdotes or real-life scenarios can make abstract concepts more relatable for readers while adding depth to your content.

Consider integrating stories or examples by:

Relating Personal Experiences : Share relevant personal experiences that align with the theme of each section.

Citing Case Studies : Reference specific case studies or real-world examples that support or exemplify the ideas presented in your essay.

Utilizing Visual Aids : Incorporate images or infographics where applicable to visually reinforce key points.

By weaving compelling narratives and concrete examples throughout your blog style essay, you can enrich the reading experience for your audience while reinforcing the significance of each discussed concept.

Polishing Your Blog Post

Simple editing tips for clarity and flow.

After completing the initial draft of your blog style essay, it's essential to refine it through thorough editing. Simple editing tips include:

Reviewing Sentence Structure : Ensure varied sentence structures are used throughout the essay for enhanced readability.

Checking Grammar & Punctuation : Pay close attention to grammar rules and punctuation marks to maintain coherence.

Eliminating Redundancies : Remove repetitive phrases or redundant information that may dilute the impact of your message.

By diligently applying these editing tips, you can elevate the clarity and flow of your blog style essay, ensuring that it resonates effectively with readers.

Asking for feedback before publishing

Before finalizing and publishing your blog post, seek feedback from trusted peers or mentors. Constructive criticism can offer valuable insights into areas needing improvement while affirming elements that resonate well with readers. Additionally, external perspectives can help identify blind spots or ambiguities within the content that may have been overlooked during self-editing.

By actively seeking feedback from others before publishing, you demonstrate openness to refinement while enhancing the overall quality of your blog style essay.

Free Blog Post Templates to Get You Started

As a budding blogger, leveraging Free Blog Post Templates can significantly streamline your writing process and enhance the overall quality of your content. These templates serve as valuable frameworks that provide structure and guidance, allowing you to focus on crafting engaging and informative blog style essays.

Why Use Blog Post Templates?

The benefits of using free blog post templates.

Utilizing Free Blog Post Templates offers several advantages for novice writers. These templates are designed by experienced professionals, ensuring that they adhere to best practices in formatting, organization, and content flow. By leveraging these pre-designed structures, you can save time while maintaining a cohesive and polished presentation of your ideas.

How templates can save you time

Time efficiency is a crucial aspect of blogging, especially for individuals juggling multiple responsibilities. Free Blog Post Templates expedite the initial drafting phase by providing a clear roadmap for your content. This allows you to focus on the creative aspects of writing, such as refining your voice and incorporating engaging narratives, without getting bogged down by structural considerations.

Where to Find Free Blog Post Templates

Online resources for free blog post templates.

Numerous online platforms offer a diverse array of Free Blog Post Templates , catering to various writing styles and topics. Websites like Canva , HubSpot, and WordPress provide access to an extensive library of customizable templates tailored specifically for bloggers. These resources empower you to select templates that align with your preferred aesthetic and content requirements.

How to customize templates for your blog style essay

Upon selecting a suitable template, customization options allow you to tailor the design elements to reflect your unique branding and personality. From adjusting color schemes and typography to incorporating personalized graphics or logos, these customization features enable you to infuse the template with your distinct flair while maintaining professional presentation standards.

How to Use Blog Post Templates Effectively

Tips for adapting templates to your voice.

While utilizing Free Blog Post Templates , it's essential to adapt them in a manner that reflects your individual voice and storytelling style. Customize the template's language and tone to resonate authentically with your audience while aligning with the established persona of your blog. This ensures that despite using a template as a foundation, your content remains genuine and relatable.

Examples of successful blog posts using templates

Studying successful blog posts that have utilized templates can provide valuable insights into effective adaptation strategies. Analyze how renowned bloggers have integrated Free Blog Post Templates into their writing processes while preserving their distinctive voices. By observing these examples, you can glean inspiration on effectively infusing personal narratives within structured frameworks.

Recap of Key Points

Writing a compelling blog style essay involves blending the structure of an academic essay with the engaging tone of a blog post. It allows for personal expression while delivering informative content to the audience. The key points to remember when crafting a blog style essay are:

1. Choosing Captivating Topics:

Select topics that resonate with your audience, drawing from personal experiences, current events, or practical guides.

2. Discovering Your Unique Voice:

Developing a distinct voice that reflects your personality and experiences is essential for creating relatable and engaging content.

3. Crafting Engaging Content:

Starting with a well-structured outline, writing an enticing introduction, using captivating headings and subheadings, incorporating stories and examples, and polishing the content through thorough editing are crucial steps in crafting compelling blog style essays.

4. Leveraging Free Blog Post Templates:

Utilizing free templates can streamline the writing process, save time, and provide professional frameworks for structuring your content effectively.

Encouragement to Start Writing

For young and beginner bloggers, embarking on this writing journey can be both exciting and rewarding. Remember that every successful blogger started from humble beginnings but achieved remarkable growth through dedication and perseverance.

Testimonials :

Expert Blogger : Attracted a lot of subscribers, but it also helped us build trust and establish ourselves as experts in the blogging industry. We also focused on providing valuable and actionable content on our blog and social media platforms, which helped us attract and retain customers who were looking for guidance and support in starting their own successful blogs.

** Elite Blog Academy® Member**: “I was making $18/month from my small blog in September 2014 when I joined Elite Blog Academy®. By following the framework, I drastically increased every month and am now making more than $30,000 a month from my blog, and I understand how to sustain that income.”

As you embark on your blogging journey, remember that persistence pays off. Stay true to your unique voice, seek inspiration from successful bloggers, engage with your audience authentically, and continue refining your craft. Your dedication will pave the way for growth and success in the dynamic world of blogging!

About the Author : Quthor, powered by Quick Creator , is an AI writer that excels in creating high-quality articles from just a keyword or an idea. Leveraging Quick Creator 's cutting-edge writing engine, Quthor efficiently gathers up-to-date facts and data to produce engaging and informative content. The article you're reading? Crafted by Quthor, demonstrating its capability to produce compelling content. Experience the power of AI writing. Try Quick Creator for free at and start creating with Quthor today!

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Blogging Your Passion

Blog Examples for Beginners: How to Write Your First Blog Post

first blog post

Back in 2009, with fingers shaking, I hit publish on my very first blog post. I was fearful of what people would think. Would I get a negative comment? That left me with many questions.

It was hard enough figuring out how to start a blog , but now I had to find a way to share my thoughts consistently.

Would anyone find what I had to say valuable? Was I just contributing to the noise online? Did my message matter?

Maybe you have some of those same fears and doubts. If so, you’re in the right place. I have a simple first blog post template you can use. Follow these four simple steps and launch your blog to the world.

First Blog Entry Examples (with Template)

Before we get into the 4-step first blog post template, we need to answer two important questions first:

  • Question 1. What tool will I use to start writing my blog posts?
  • Question 2. How can I come up with a good idea to make a great post?

Where to Write Your Blog Posts

So, let’s talk about some blog writing tools you can use. It doesn’t matter where you write your blog posts as long as you have a simple repeatable process to follow. Here are six of my favorite writing tools.

1. Directly in WordPress

If your blog is powered by WordPress , you can always write your blog articles there. It keeps things easy and less complicated for you. Regardless of which writing tool you use, you’re going to need to eventually copy it into WordPress. Since you are just getting started, WordPress might be the best tool to begin with.

blog writing in WordPress

2. Google Docs

The nice thing about writing in Google Docs is that you have another place where your content is stored. That way if you ever lost your work , you have a backup. I also like to use Google Docs because it makes it easy to collaborate with others.

Google Docs is a great writing tool if you want to use add-on tools to make your writing easier. For example, I personally like to use two add-ons. The first one is Grammarly , which will check your grammar and spelling as you write. Even though I have an editor that combs over every blog post, it’s nice to have a built-in grammar checker as you write your draft post.

The second add-on is the SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant.

While outside the scope of this post, learning SEO (search engine optimization) is a great skill to learn as a blogger. It can give you a competitive edge over your competition. SEMrush’s add-on offers keyword suggestions I might want to include in my article to get more search engine traffic.

Using Google Docs to Write Blog Posts

3. CoSchedule

I’ve been a fan of CoSchedule for a few years now. I even wrote a blog post review on my experience with it. Basically, it’s an all-in-one calendar for content, social media, email marketing, and more.

It can be a bit expensive for bloggers just starting out, but if you want to manage all of your projects in one place, it’s a great tool.

CoSchedule writing tool

Have you heard of Kajabi ? It’s not just a blog writing tool but has many other powerful functions to support your blog business. I primarily use Kajabi to host all of my online courses, membership site, landing pages, and online store. If you want to sell digital products and build a blog, you can do both with Kajabi.

Kajabi would replace your monthly hosting cost and WordPress. Blogging on Kajabi is straight forward. As you can tell from the image below, you have a title and body section. Create your headline, write your blog entry, and hit publish.

Writing blog posts in Kajabi

5. Microsoft Word

This is the tool of choice for many bloggers when starting out. Most people are familiar with Word since it was the tool they used to write their papers in school. One word of warning: be careful about using copy and paste into WordPress. Sometimes the formatting doesn’t transfer correctly. Always paste your text into the text side (or HTML side) and not on the visual editor.

6. Evernote

Another popular writing tool is Evernote . The benefits of Evernote are two-fold. First, you can access it online and offline. If you are flying on a plane, you can work on your blog post even without internet access. Later, your document will automatically sync with the cloud.

Secondly, you can easily share it with others. Similar to Google Drive, you can share a link to your note or notebook in Evernote and collaborate together.

How to write blog posts in Evernote

Remember this. Writing your post can happen anywhere. You can start with one of the six tools mentioned above, or go with your own. It comes down to personal preference. Whatever tool helps you be consistent with your writing is what matters most.

Blog Post Ideas for Beginners

Maybe your challenge is not where to do your writing, but what to blog about . Regularly coming up with blog post topics doesn’t have to be difficult. I believe your first blog post ideas should come from a place of passion.

Set a timer for five minutes. Write out as many answers as you can think of to the following series of questions:

  • Why am I starting this blog in the first place?
  • Who do I most want to help?
  • What lessons from my own life can I share with others?
  • What are the top three to five things someone should know in my niche in order to be successful?
  • How will this blog help others?

The 4-Step Blog Post Template for Your First Blog Entry

After working with thousands of new bloggers, I’ve created a simple 4-step template to help you write your first blog post fast. Those four steps are:

  • Step 1. Create a catchy headline
  • Step 2. Write the outline before you start writing
  • Step 3: Edit your blog post draft
  • Step 4: Promote your blog post to the world

Step 1. Create a Catchy Headline

Post titles are super important for any blogger. Treat them like newspaper headlines. A headline on a newspaper makes or breaks the sale of that paper. Your headline should be catchy, interesting, and leave just a bit of curiosity.

When it comes to deciding on a headline, choose one of the following three strategies:

  • The magic of list posts
  • The power of “how-to” posts
  • The blog announcement post

The magic of list posts. It’s been proven over time that we love lists. We want to know not only what’s on the list but what didn’t get included. We click on the headline because we know the article is scannable and we can see what is included in the list.

Here are a few examples you can use to create your own headline:

  • 5 Quick Tips for __________
  • 10 Things You Should Never Do When _________
  • 5 Ways to __________ (without being pushy)
  • 5 great things to do with __________
  • 7 ways to be a ________ ninja
  • 10 Reasons Not to _____
  • 7 _____ Danger Signs
  • 7 things _____ Should Never Do
  • 21 Secrets the _____ Experts Don’t Want You to Know
  • 10 ______ Facts You Need to Know

The power of “how-to” posts . Another strategy that will give you tons of blog post ideas is to cover the most important “how-tos” in your niche. Readers love practical posts that lead them to action. It feels like time well spent if I can take concrete action on something I just learned.

A few examples might be:

  • How to recover from a _____________
  • How NOT to get ____________
  • How to Get _____ in Half the Time
  • How to Beat the Fear of _____
  • How _________ Will Save You Time, Money, and Stress
  • How to clean ____________
  • How to maintain _____________
  • How to take care of _____________
  • How to repair the __________________

The blog announcement post. The last strategy I want to share with you is a post you would typically only write once. This post will be a foundational article you will refer back to for years to come.

The two early strategies (list posts and how-to posts) are the formats I use 90% of the time week in and week out. You’re welcome to start with one of them to get your first post published if you would like.

The blog post announcement post is easy enough to write because it doesn’t require much guesswork. In a moment, I will share with you a simple writing outline you can use.

As far as a headline, go with something like: “How (name of your blog) Will Help You (insert the goal, promise or purpose of your blog).”

If you are still at a loss of how to create a catchy headline, then consider using the headline analyzer tool from CoSchedule. This tool will analyze your headline and give you a score. Don’t worry about trying to score a 100 on your headline. I usually try to get at least a 70.

Step 2. Write the Outline Before You Start Writing

Many aspiring bloggers are excited until it’s time to sit down and write. Why does it feel like all of my energy and creativity gets sucked about when it’s time to write?

See Post: 4 Proven Ways of How to Start a Blog Post

Other bloggers say they just want for inspiration to strike before they sit down to write. If that was true for me, I’d be waiting a long time.

Don’t wait till you feel like writing. Most writers I know don’t like writing, they like having written . There’s a big difference. Never forget the words of Harvard psychologist Jerome Bruner who said:

“You’re more likely to act yourself into a feeling than feel yourself into action.”

If you’ve successfully accomplished the last step of deciding on a headline, it makes writing much easier. The headline creates the outline for you. Once you’ve nailed down the outline, all that’s left is to fill in the text.

Let’s look at how to create an outline from each of our three examples above.

Create an outline for your list post. If you’ve chosen a list post headline, then you must first decide how many make your list. You can do as few as three or as many as 101. It really comes down to the purpose of the post.

I usually start by opening up my writing tool of choice and brainstorming as many examples as I can think of. Once I’ve created the list, I have my number and I have my outline.

Create an outline for your how-to post . If you decided to go with a how-to post, then the process will be slightly different. First, start with a beginner’s mind. It’s easy to skip a few steps because you think they are assumed.

We all have the curse of knowledge. We simply forget what it’s like to be a beginner.

When outlining a how-to post, you want to think in terms of steps. What’s the very first step I should take? Once I complete that step, what’s next? Repeat the same process until all of the steps are out of your head and on paper (or screen).

Now, you may end up combining steps and that’s okay. A how-to post will have a minimum of three steps. The maximum number of steps depends on the topic you have chosen.

Create an outline for your blog announcement post. If you chose option number three, then there is a specific format you should follow.

WARNING : Be careful not to make your first blog post about you .

Yes, you will be introducing yourself and maybe even sharing your story. But never forget that your blog is for others. You want to help, serve, or inspire.

The good news is that I already have an outline you should follow. The body of your blog post will include these subheadlines:

  • State the goal of your blog
  • How this blog will help
  • Who you are

The opening of your blog post should state the goal of your blog . Why are you starting this blog in the first place? Is there a mission or cause behind your desire to start this blog?

Next, talk about how your blog will help the reader. What are some of the specific ways you plan to help others? Will you be publishing a weekly blog post? Will you launch a podcast? Will your blog include videos?

Finally, fully introduce you and your story. Always remember that you are not the hero of the blog. Your target audience is the hero. You are just the guide. Because of that, we don’t lead by touting our credentials or why we are qualified to help.

Still, people will want to know who is behind the blog so feel free to share your story. But lead with serving and helping first.

Once your outline is ready, just focus on writing a paragraph or two for each point in your outline. Once you do, you have a rough draft ready to go. Now, it’s time to edit.

Step 3. Edit Your Blog Post Draft

Blogging is a different way of writing than when you were in English class. It’s more conversational for starters. Also, we break a few of the rules along the way.

Follow this list of basic guidelines and you’ll be a pro in no time:

  • Use bullets – My number one tip is to break up your content to make it easy to consume on the computer or mobile device.
  • Subheadings – We already covered this in the outline section, but add lots of subheadings
  • Short sentences – Keep your sentences short. Enough said.
  • Short paragraphs – Notice how many of the paragraphs in this blog post are two or three sentences, max. Make your content easy to scan.
  • Relevant Images – Add images to your post to make it more engaging
  • Look for grammar errors – I like to use Grammarly to help me with my grammatical construction.
  • Add a call to action – Add ways for readers to join your email list sprinkled throughout your blog posts.
  • Publish your post – Get your blog post out to the world! Don’t worry about mistakes! You can always come back and fix them later.

Step 4. Promote Your Blog Post to the World

Once your post is live, it’s time to share your post with the world. I know this can be a scary feeling when first starting out.

My best tip is to not focus on yourself, but focus on how your blog will help others.

An ideal place to start is social media. What social media accounts are you already using? Share your blog post there first. Remember, you can do it in a non-pushy way.

If you’re not sure what to write, a have a sample script below you can use:

“Hey friends, I’ve decided to start a blog with the goal of helping others. I’ve just published my first post!

It would mean the world to me if you would click the link, read this post, and then come back here and share your thoughts with me. Thanks!”

Now, you don’t want to hit up your social media newsfeed daily to push people over to your blog post. We want to be helpful, not annoying.

You can also enlist some friends to help get the word out. Come up with a list of 10-20 friends who you would consider to be supportive. Be sure this list includes friends and not just acquaintances. Otherwise, this exercise will not work.

Send them a message on Facebook Messenger. Let them know you recently launched a blog and it would mean the world to you if they would share it on social media.

To make this easy for them, you’ve already typed up a script they can post. It goes like this:

“Hey, guys! My friend Sally, just launched a blog designed to help overwhelmed moms claim back control of their lives. You should check it out here: LINK”

The point of all of this is to get referral traffic to your site. They have friends you don’t have. They can reach people you cannot reach.

Blog Post Examples

Congrats on getting your first blog post published! Would it be helpful to see a few examples? Let’s take a look at a few first blog post examples.

Example #1: CPA Career Coach

My first blog was launched in 2009 and it was designed to help accounting and finance professionals find meaning in their work. My first post had three parts.

Part 1. An Opening Story

begin with a story

Part 2. The List Post Outline (4 Major Points)

map out your outline

Part 3. How This Blog Will Help You & Who I Am

Share your bio

Let’s take a look at one more example.

Example #2: Personal Branding Blog

A few years later, I launched The goal of the new blog was to help people discover their purpose and be more productive. Here’s the outline I used:

Part 1. Who This Blog is For

Create an opening hook

Part 2. How This Blog Will Help You

Describe how you will help in the body of the post

Part 3. Who I Am

add a conclusion to your blog post

There you have it! You should now be well on your way to blogging your passion and sharing your message with the world. You got this!

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How to Write an Essay Introduction (with Examples)   

essay introduction

The introduction of an essay plays a critical role in engaging the reader and providing contextual information about the topic. It sets the stage for the rest of the essay, establishes the tone and style, and motivates the reader to continue reading. 

Table of Contents

What is an essay introduction , what to include in an essay introduction, how to create an essay structure , step-by-step process for writing an essay introduction , how to write an introduction paragraph , how to write a hook for your essay , how to include background information , how to write a thesis statement .

  • Argumentative Essay Introduction Example: 
  • Expository Essay Introduction Example 

Literary Analysis Essay Introduction Example

Check and revise – checklist for essay introduction , key takeaways , frequently asked questions .

An introduction is the opening section of an essay, paper, or other written work. It introduces the topic and provides background information, context, and an overview of what the reader can expect from the rest of the work. 1 The key is to be concise and to the point, providing enough information to engage the reader without delving into excessive detail. 

The essay introduction is crucial as it sets the tone for the entire piece and provides the reader with a roadmap of what to expect. Here are key elements to include in your essay introduction: 

  • Hook : Start with an attention-grabbing statement or question to engage the reader. This could be a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or a compelling anecdote. 
  • Background information : Provide context and background information to help the reader understand the topic. This can include historical information, definitions of key terms, or an overview of the current state of affairs related to your topic. 
  • Thesis statement : Clearly state your main argument or position on the topic. Your thesis should be concise and specific, providing a clear direction for your essay. 

Before we get into how to write an essay introduction, we need to know how it is structured. The structure of an essay is crucial for organizing your thoughts and presenting them clearly and logically. It is divided as follows: 2  

  • Introduction:  The introduction should grab the reader’s attention with a hook, provide context, and include a thesis statement that presents the main argument or purpose of the essay.  
  • Body:  The body should consist of focused paragraphs that support your thesis statement using evidence and analysis. Each paragraph should concentrate on a single central idea or argument and provide evidence, examples, or analysis to back it up.  
  • Conclusion:  The conclusion should summarize the main points and restate the thesis differently. End with a final statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Avoid new information or arguments. 

how to write a blog essay example

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write an essay introduction: 

  • Start with a Hook : Begin your introduction paragraph with an attention-grabbing statement, question, quote, or anecdote related to your topic. The hook should pique the reader’s interest and encourage them to continue reading. 
  • Provide Background Information : This helps the reader understand the relevance and importance of the topic. 
  • State Your Thesis Statement : The last sentence is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and directly address the topic of your essay. 
  • Preview the Main Points : This gives the reader an idea of what to expect and how you will support your thesis. 
  • Keep it Concise and Clear : Avoid going into too much detail or including information not directly relevant to your topic. 
  • Revise : Revise your introduction after you’ve written the rest of your essay to ensure it aligns with your final argument. 

Here’s an example of an essay introduction paragraph about the importance of education: 

Education is often viewed as a fundamental human right and a key social and economic development driver. As Nelson Mandela once famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” It is the key to unlocking a wide range of opportunities and benefits for individuals, societies, and nations. In today’s constantly evolving world, education has become even more critical. It has expanded beyond traditional classroom learning to include digital and remote learning, making education more accessible and convenient. This essay will delve into the importance of education in empowering individuals to achieve their dreams, improving societies by promoting social justice and equality, and driving economic growth by developing a skilled workforce and promoting innovation. 

This introduction paragraph example includes a hook (the quote by Nelson Mandela), provides some background information on education, and states the thesis statement (the importance of education). 

This is one of the key steps in how to write an essay introduction. Crafting a compelling hook is vital because it sets the tone for your entire essay and determines whether your readers will stay interested. A good hook draws the reader in and sets the stage for the rest of your essay.  

  • Avoid Dry Fact : Instead of simply stating a bland fact, try to make it engaging and relevant to your topic. For example, if you’re writing about the benefits of exercise, you could start with a startling statistic like, “Did you know that regular exercise can increase your lifespan by up to seven years?” 
  • Avoid Using a Dictionary Definition : While definitions can be informative, they’re not always the most captivating way to start an essay. Instead, try to use a quote, anecdote, or provocative question to pique the reader’s interest. For instance, if you’re writing about freedom, you could begin with a quote from a famous freedom fighter or philosopher. 
  • Do Not Just State a Fact That the Reader Already Knows : This ties back to the first point—your hook should surprise or intrigue the reader. For Here’s an introduction paragraph example, if you’re writing about climate change, you could start with a thought-provoking statement like, “Despite overwhelming evidence, many people still refuse to believe in the reality of climate change.” 

Including background information in the introduction section of your essay is important to provide context and establish the relevance of your topic. When writing the background information, you can follow these steps: 

  • Start with a General Statement:  Begin with a general statement about the topic and gradually narrow it down to your specific focus. For example, when discussing the impact of social media, you can begin by making a broad statement about social media and its widespread use in today’s society, as follows: “Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with billions of users worldwide.” 
  • Define Key Terms : Define any key terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to your readers but are essential for understanding your argument. 
  • Provide Relevant Statistics:  Use statistics or facts to highlight the significance of the issue you’re discussing. For instance, “According to a report by Statista, the number of social media users is expected to reach 4.41 billion by 2025.” 
  • Discuss the Evolution:  Mention previous research or studies that have been conducted on the topic, especially those that are relevant to your argument. Mention key milestones or developments that have shaped its current impact. You can also outline some of the major effects of social media. For example, you can briefly describe how social media has evolved, including positives such as increased connectivity and issues like cyberbullying and privacy concerns. 
  • Transition to Your Thesis:  Use the background information to lead into your thesis statement, which should clearly state the main argument or purpose of your essay. For example, “Given its pervasive influence, it is crucial to examine the impact of social media on mental health.” 

how to write a blog essay example

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, or other type of academic writing. It appears near the end of the introduction. Here’s how to write a thesis statement: 

  • Identify the topic:  Start by identifying the topic of your essay. For example, if your essay is about the importance of exercise for overall health, your topic is “exercise.” 
  • State your position:  Next, state your position or claim about the topic. This is the main argument or point you want to make. For example, if you believe that regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health, your position could be: “Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health.” 
  • Support your position:  Provide a brief overview of the reasons or evidence that support your position. These will be the main points of your essay. For example, if you’re writing an essay about the importance of exercise, you could mention the physical health benefits, mental health benefits, and the role of exercise in disease prevention. 
  • Make it specific:  Ensure your thesis statement clearly states what you will discuss in your essay. For example, instead of saying, “Exercise is good for you,” you could say, “Regular exercise, including cardiovascular and strength training, can improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.” 

Examples of essay introduction 

Here are examples of essay introductions for different types of essays: 

Argumentative Essay Introduction Example:  

Topic: Should the voting age be lowered to 16? 

“The question of whether the voting age should be lowered to 16 has sparked nationwide debate. While some argue that 16-year-olds lack the requisite maturity and knowledge to make informed decisions, others argue that doing so would imbue young people with agency and give them a voice in shaping their future.” 

Expository Essay Introduction Example  

Topic: The benefits of regular exercise 

“In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of regular exercise cannot be overstated. From improving physical health to boosting mental well-being, the benefits of exercise are numerous and far-reaching. This essay will examine the various advantages of regular exercise and provide tips on incorporating it into your daily routine.” 

Text: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee 

“Harper Lee’s novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ is a timeless classic that explores themes of racism, injustice, and morality in the American South. Through the eyes of young Scout Finch, the reader is taken on a journey that challenges societal norms and forces characters to confront their prejudices. This essay will analyze the novel’s use of symbolism, character development, and narrative structure to uncover its deeper meaning and relevance to contemporary society.” 

  • Engaging and Relevant First Sentence : The opening sentence captures the reader’s attention and relates directly to the topic. 
  • Background Information : Enough background information is introduced to provide context for the thesis statement. 
  • Definition of Important Terms : Key terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to the audience or are central to the argument are defined. 
  • Clear Thesis Statement : The thesis statement presents the main point or argument of the essay. 
  • Relevance to Main Body : Everything in the introduction directly relates to and sets up the discussion in the main body of the essay. 

how to write a blog essay example

Writing a strong introduction is crucial for setting the tone and context of your essay. Here are the key takeaways for how to write essay introduction: 3  

  • Hook the Reader : Start with an engaging hook to grab the reader’s attention. This could be a compelling question, a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or an anecdote. 
  • Provide Background : Give a brief overview of the topic, setting the context and stage for the discussion. 
  • Thesis Statement : State your thesis, which is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be concise, clear, and specific. 
  • Preview the Structure : Outline the main points or arguments to help the reader understand the organization of your essay. 
  • Keep it Concise : Avoid including unnecessary details or information not directly related to your thesis. 
  • Revise and Edit : Revise your introduction to ensure clarity, coherence, and relevance. Check for grammar and spelling errors. 
  • Seek Feedback : Get feedback from peers or instructors to improve your introduction further. 

The purpose of an essay introduction is to give an overview of the topic, context, and main ideas of the essay. It is meant to engage the reader, establish the tone for the rest of the essay, and introduce the thesis statement or central argument.  

An essay introduction typically ranges from 5-10% of the total word count. For example, in a 1,000-word essay, the introduction would be roughly 50-100 words. However, the length can vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the overall length of the essay.

An essay introduction is critical in engaging the reader and providing contextual information about the topic. To ensure its effectiveness, consider incorporating these key elements: a compelling hook, background information, a clear thesis statement, an outline of the essay’s scope, a smooth transition to the body, and optional signposting sentences.  

The process of writing an essay introduction is not necessarily straightforward, but there are several strategies that can be employed to achieve this end. When experiencing difficulty initiating the process, consider the following techniques: begin with an anecdote, a quotation, an image, a question, or a startling fact to pique the reader’s interest. It may also be helpful to consider the five W’s of journalism: who, what, when, where, why, and how.   For instance, an anecdotal opening could be structured as follows: “As I ascended the stage, momentarily blinded by the intense lights, I could sense the weight of a hundred eyes upon me, anticipating my next move. The topic of discussion was climate change, a subject I was passionate about, and it was my first public speaking event. Little did I know , that pivotal moment would not only alter my perspective but also chart my life’s course.” 

Crafting a compelling thesis statement for your introduction paragraph is crucial to grab your reader’s attention. To achieve this, avoid using overused phrases such as “In this paper, I will write about” or “I will focus on” as they lack originality. Instead, strive to engage your reader by substantiating your stance or proposition with a “so what” clause. While writing your thesis statement, aim to be precise, succinct, and clear in conveying your main argument.  

To create an effective essay introduction, ensure it is clear, engaging, relevant, and contains a concise thesis statement. It should transition smoothly into the essay and be long enough to cover necessary points but not become overwhelming. Seek feedback from peers or instructors to assess its effectiveness. 


  • Cui, L. (2022). Unit 6 Essay Introduction.  Building Academic Writing Skills . 
  • West, H., Malcolm, G., Keywood, S., & Hill, J. (2019). Writing a successful essay.  Journal of Geography in Higher Education ,  43 (4), 609-617. 
  • Beavers, M. E., Thoune, D. L., & McBeth, M. (2023). Bibliographic Essay: Reading, Researching, Teaching, and Writing with Hooks: A Queer Literacy Sponsorship. College English, 85(3), 230-242. 

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Synthesis Essay Examples

Synthesis Essay Examples

A synthesis essay is another piece of academic discourse that students often find difficult to write. This assignment indeed requires a more nuanced approach to writing and performing research. It’s particularly relevant to students taking an AP English Language and Composition exam, so learning how to write a synthesis essay is crucial to getting a high score.

This article will explore the definition of a synthesis essay, its functions, and objectives, and provide a tutorial on how to write a synthesis essay.

What is a synthesis essay?

To understand how to write a synthesis essay, we first need to figure out why it is called this way.

The word “synthesis” comes from the Greek language where it means “composition” or “collection.” This means that a synthesis essay can be interpreted as a piece of writing that combines something together. But what?

The Advanced Placement (AP) Program known for developing complex courses for high-school students includes a synthesis essay as one of its Language and Composition exam questions. In it, the AP Program asks students to analyze several sources of information and write an essay that “synthesizes” (or incorporates) evidence from some of the sources.

Thus, a synthesis essay is a written text that explores a certain issue using perspectives derived from multiple different sources.

Synthesis essay: format and objectives

Unlike other types of academic analysis, synthesis questions do not aim to evaluate the overall persuasiveness of your arguments. As a writer, you should aim to analyze, evaluate, and integrate diverse ideas into a coherent whole. Here are some of the skills students need to demonstrate in their synthesis essays:

  • Analyzing sources . Before you learn how to start a synthesis essay, your task is to read and analyze the sources presented to you and understand what they’re about.
  • Assessing the arguments . After familiarizing yourself with the available sources, you are supposed to evaluate if the arguments they support are strong or weak, which will help you determine the course of your essay.
  • Identifying common positions . The next skill you must demonstrate is identifying common positions across the sources. By comparing and contrasting different viewpoints, the writer should be able to detect repeating ideas that contribute to a deeper understanding of the topic.
  • Integrating sources . Your main task in a synthesis essay is combining ideas from different authors to create a cohesive argument. This will help you show how well you can extract information from various sources.

As you see, the chief goal of synthesis questions is to show how well you can analyze sources and derive information from them.

How to start a synthesis essay: tutorial

During an AP examination, you don’t have a lot of time to write the text. It can be stressful, and it’s not rare for students to panic and forget what to do. Don’t worry, with these simple steps, you’ll be able to create a great synthesis essay and ace your exam.

1. Scan the given sources

At first, you will be handed six sources that you’re supposed to briefly examine. These can include academic and newspaper articles, graphs, schedules, prompts, and other documents that can be used to support your future thesis statement.

Remember that you don’t have a lot of time, so take a quick look at the documents and leave short remarks that can help you remember which source supports or argues a certain opinion.

2. Develop your stance

After you’ve studied the sources, it’s time to come up with your stance and thesis statement. Note that, unlike other essays, the stance you must take in your synthesis essay might not correlate with your actual opinion.

Your task is to choose a position that you can support with the sources provided to you. This will showcase your ability to draw an unbiased and logical conclusion from a wide range of references. However, your stance should express an original idea and cannot paraphrase the points given in the source texts.

3. Write your essay

Your essay should start with a two or three-sentence-long introduction that gives background to the topic you’re going to be writing about. It should also include your thesis – the idea based on the evidence you’ve gathered that you’re going to defend in the next part of your essay. Don’t use personal pronouns as a synthesis essay provides an overview of facts instead of your opinion

The body of your synthesis essay should be built of several arguments. Each argument should refer to a specific part of your thesis and provide evidence to support the claims. Use the sources provided to you as evidence to validate your arguments. You should use at least three sources, but the more you incorporate in your text, the better. You can draw arguments and evidence from your background knowledge or include counter-arguments from the remaining sources. When you refer to the original documents, make sure to include the number of the source in brackets at the end of a sentence.

In your conclusion, restate your original thesis and summarize what you stated before. Don’t repeat the same thoughts. Instead, include a new idea you haven’t mentioned before or a call to action to finish your essay properly.

Synthesis essay: examples

The list of sources provided as part of the examination:

  • A New York Times article about the relevance of blue-collar workers;
  • A Washington Post article about the uselessness of art degrees;
  • The Economist’s article about the decreasing wages of college graduates;
  • A New Your Times article proving that college does pay off;
  • An article about a businessman giving money to teens to start businesses instead of going to college
  • A survey on whether college education is worth it

Is college worth it?

In the current era of shifting economic landscapes and evolving societal expectations, the value of higher education has become a subject of intense scrutiny. While some decades ago, a college education was considered the only solution to a better life, nowadays this sentiment is no longer relevant. Higher education can no longer guarantee high salaries and employment, not to mention the unbearable strain it puts on a future graduate’s finances.

The modern world of employment has shifted. While decades ago society needed information-centric professionals, now the situation is different. With the Internet, employers can now find new hires from all over the world with much cheaper salary expectations, leaving local college graduates with no choice but to agree to a lower pay than they expected[3]. This demonstrates the new trend of decreasing rewards for higher education that is very likely to continue in the future.

Another issue is the lack of employment in certain areas. It is no secret that Art and Humanities graduates have a tough time finding positions with adequate pay in the field they studied[2]. Many of them have to search for employment in other fields that have nothing to do with their degrees, which further proves that higher education does not provide job security.

Furthermore, the cost of higher education in America has been the subject of many debates. Even with scholarships and financial aid, many students still find themselves facing daunting loan repayments upon graduation[6]. This financial pressure can delay important milestones such as buying a home, starting a family, or saving for retirement. Additionally, the job market may not always align with graduates' expectations, making it challenging to secure well-paying positions to effectively manage their debt. As a result, the financial impact of college can be felt long after receiving a diploma, shaping the economic landscape of young professionals for years to come.

In conclusion, higher education no longer offers guaranteed employment and financial stability benefits, often leaving graduates with an exorbitant debt they can not afford. Because of this, the governments should reevaluate their current educational and economic policies and develop other areas of education like vocational schools to provide stability to future generations.

Conclusion: Writing a synthesis essay

A synthesis essay tests your ability to conduct objective analysis and derive facts from multiple different references. It helps you learn to put aside your personal bias and provide an objective overview of information even if it contradicts your opinion. To produce a high-scoring synthesis essay, work on your analytical skills and use them to find evidence to defend your position.

If answering synthesis questions gives you trouble, use essay generator Aithor to generate sample essays, learn how to derive main information from source texts, create a plan, and express your thoughts concisely and eloquently.

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How to Write the Diversity Essay – With Examples

May 1, 2024

diversity essay examples how to write a diversity essay

The diversity essay has newfound significance in college application packages following the 2023 SCOTUS ruling against race-conscious admissions. Affirmative action began as an attempt to redress unequal access to economic and social mobility associated with higher education. But before the 2023 ruling, colleges frequently defended the policy based on their “compelling interest” in fostering diverse campuses. The reasoning goes that there are certain educational benefits that come from heterogeneous learning environments. Now, the diversity essay has become key for admissions officials in achieving their compelling interest in campus diversity. Thus, unlocking how to write a diversity essay enhances an applicant’s ability to describe their fit with a campus environment. This article describes the genre and provides diversity essay examples to help any applicant express how they conceptualize and contribute to diversity.

How to Write a Diversity Essay – Defining the Genre

Diversity essays in many ways resemble the personal statement genre. Like personal statements, they help readers get to know applicants beyond their academic and extracurricular achievements. What makes an applicant unique? Precisely what motivates or inspires them? What is their demeanor like and how do they interact with others? All these questions are useful ways of thinking about the purpose and value of the diversity essay.

It’s important to realize that the essay does not need to focus on aspects like race, religion, or sexuality. Some applicants may choose to write about their relationship to these or other protected identity categories. But applicants shouldn’t feel obligated to ‘come out’ in a diversity essay. Conversely, they should not be anxious if they feel their background doesn’t qualify them as ‘diverse.’

Instead, the diversity essay helps demonstrate broader thinking about what makes applicants unique that admissions officials can’t glean elsewhere. Usually, it also directly or indirectly indicates how an applicant will enhance the campus community they hope to join. Diversity essays can explicitly connect past experiences with future plans. Or they can offer a more general sense of how one’s background will influence their actions in college.

Thus, the diversity essay conveys both aspects that make an applicant unique and arguments for how those aspects will contribute on campus. The somewhat daunting genre is, in fact, a great opportunity for applicants to articulate how their background, identity, or formative experiences will shape their academic, intellectual, social, and professional trajectories.

Diversity College Essay Examples of Prompts – Sharing a Story

All diversity essays ask applicants to share what makes them unique and convey how that equips them for university life. However, colleges will typically ask applicants to approach this broad topic from a variety of different angles. Since it’s likely applicants will encounter some version of the genre in either required or supplemental essay assignments, it’s a good idea to have a template diversity essay ready to adapt to each specific prompt.

One of the most standard prompts is the “share a story” prompt. For example, here’s the diversity-related Common App prompt:

“Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.”

This prompt is deliberately broad, inviting applicants to articulate their distinctive qualities in myriad ways. What is unsaid, but likely expected, is some statement about how the story evidences the ability to enhance campus diversity.

Diversity College Essay Examples of Prompts – Describing Contribution

Another common prompt explicitly asks students to reflect on diversity while centering what they will contribute in college. A good example of this prompt comes from the University of Miami’s supplemental essay:

Located within one of the most dynamic cities in the world, the University of Miami is a distinctive community with a variety of cultures, traditions, histories, languages, and backgrounds. The University of Miami is a values-based and purpose-driven postsecondary institution that embraces diversity and inclusivity in all its forms and strives to create a culture of belonging, where every person feels valued and has an opportunity to contribute.

Please describe how your unique experiences, challenges overcome, or skills acquired would contribute to our distinctive University community. (250 words)

In essays responding to these kinds of prompts, its smart to more deliberately tailor your essay to what you know about the institution and its values around diversity. You’ll need a substantial part of the essay to address not only your “story” but your anticipated institutional contribution.

Diversity College Essay Examples of Prompts – Navigating Difference

The last type of diversity essay prompt worth mentioning asks applicants to explain how they experience and navigate difference. It could be a prompt about dealing with “diverse perspectives.” Or it could ask the applicant to tell a story involving someone different than them. Regardless of the framing, these types of prompts ask you to unfold a theory of diversity stemming from social encounters. Applicants might still think of how they can use the essay to frame what makes them unique. However, here colleges are also hoping for insight into how applicants will deal with the immense diversity of college life beyond their unique experiences. In these cases, it’s especially important to use a story kernel to draw attention to fundamental beliefs and values around diversity.

  How to Write a Diversity Essay – Tips for Writing

Before we get to the diversity college essay examples, some general tips for writing the diversity essay:

  • Be authentic: This is not the place to embellish, exaggerate, or overstate your experiences. Writing with humility and awareness of your own limitations can only help you with the diversity essay. So don’t write about who you think the admissions committee wants to see – write about yourself.
  • Find dynamic intersections: One effective brainstorming strategy is to think of two or more aspects of your background, identity, and interests you might combine. For example, in one of the examples below, the writer talks about their speech impediment alongside their passion for poetry. By thinking of aspects of your experience to combine, you’ll likely generate more original material than focusing on just one.
  • Include a thesis: Diversity essays follow more general conventions of personal statement writing. That means you should tell a story about yourself, but also make it double as an argumentative piece of writing. Including a thesis in the first paragraph can clearly signal the argumentative hook of the essay for your reader.
  • Include your definition of diversity: Early in the essay you should define what diversity means to you. It’s important that this definition is as original as possible, preferably connecting to the story you are narrating. To avoid cliché, you might write out a bunch of definitions of diversity. Then, review them and get rid of any that seem like something you’d see in a dictionary or an inspirational poster. Get those clichéd definitions out of your system early, so you can wow your audience with your own carefully considered definition.

How to Write a Diversity Essay – Tips for Writing (Cont.)

  • Zoom out to diversity more broadly: This tip is especially important you are not writing about protected minority identities like race, religion, and sexuality. Again, it’s fine to not focus on these aspects of diversity. But you’ll want to have some space in the essay where you connect your very specific understanding of diversity to a larger system of values that can include those identities.

Revision is another, evergreen tip for writing good diversity essays. You should also remember that you are writing in a personal and narrative-based genre. So, try to be as creative as possible! If you find enjoyment in writing it, chances are better your audience will find entertainment value in reading it.

How to Write a Diversity Essay – Diversity Essay Examples

The first example addresses the “share a story” prompt. It is written in the voice of Karim Amir, the main character of Hanif Kureishi’s novel The Buddha of Suburbia .

As a child of the suburbs, I have frequently navigated the labyrinthine alleys of identity. Born to an English mother and an Indian father, I inherited a rich blend of traditions, customs, and perspectives. From an early age, I found myself straddling two worlds, trying to reconcile the conflicting expectations of my dual heritage. Yet, it was only through the lens of acting that I began to understand the true fluidity of identity.

  • A fairly typical table setting first paragraph, foregrounding themes of identity and performance
  • Includes a “thesis” in the final sentence suggesting the essay’s narrative and argumentative arc

Diversity, to me, is more than just a buzzword describing a melting pot of ethnic backgrounds, genders, and sexual orientations. Instead, it evokes the unfathomable heterogeneity of human experience that I aim to help capture through performance. On the stage, I have often been slotted into Asian and other ethnic minority roles. I’ve had to deal with discriminatory directors who complain I am not Indian enough. Sometimes, it has even been tempting to play into established stereotypes attached to the parts I am playing. However, acting has ultimately helped me to see that the social types we imagine when we think of the word ‘diversity’ are ultimately fantastical constructions. Prescribed identities may help us to feel a sense of belonging, but they also distort what makes us radically unique.

  • Includes an original definition of diversity, which the writer compellingly contrasts with clichéd definitions
  • Good narrative dynamism, stressing how the writer has experienced growth over time

Diversity Essay Examples Continued – Example One

The main challenge for an actor is to dig beneath the “type” of character to find the real human being underneath. Rising to this challenge entails discarding with lazy stereotypes and scaling what can seem to be insurmountable differences. Bringing human drama to life, making it believable, requires us to realize a more fundamental meaning of diversity. It means locating each character at their own unique intersection of identity. My story, like all the stories I aspire to tell as an actor, can inspire others to search for and celebrate their specificity. 

  • Focuses in on the kernel of wisdom acquired over the course of the narrative
  • Indirectly suggests what the applicant can contribute to the admitted class

Acting has ultimately underlined an important takeaway of my dual heritage: all identities are, in a sense, performed. This doesn’t mean that heritage is not important, or that identities are not significant rallying points for community. Instead, it means recognizing that identity isn’t a prison, but a stage.

  • Draws the reader back to where the essay began, locating them at the intersection of two aspects of writer’s background
  • Sharply and deftly weaves a course between saying identities are fictions and saying that identities matter (rather than potentially alienating reader by picking one over the other)

Diversity Essay Examples Continued – Example Two

The second example addresses a prompt about what the applicant can contribute to a diverse campus. It is written from the perspective of Jason Taylor, David Mitchell’s protagonist in Black Swan Green .

Growing up with a stutter, each word was a hesitant step, every sentence a delicate balance between perseverance and frustration. I came to think of the written word as a sanctuary away from the staccato rhythm of my speech. In crafting melodically flowing poems, I discovered a language unfettered by the constraints of my impediment. However, diving deeper into poetry eventually made me realize how my stammer had a humanistic rhythm all its own.

  • Situates us at the intersection of two themes – a speech impediment and poetry – and uses the thesis to gesture to their synthesis
  • Nicely matches form and content. The writer uses this opportunity to demonstrate their facility with literary language.

Immersing myself in the genius of Langston Hughes, Walt Whitman, and Maya Angelou, I learned to embrace the beauty of diversity in language, rhythm, and life itself. Angelou wrote that “Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.” For me, this quote illuminates how diversity is not simply a static expression of discrete differences. Instead, diversity teaches us the beauty of a multitude of rhythms we can learn from and incorporate in a mutual dance. If “everything in the universe has a rhythm,” then it’s also possible that anything can be poetry. Even my stuttering speech can dance.

  • Provides a unique definition of diversity
  • Conveys growth over time
  • Connects kernel of wisdom back to the essay’s narrative starting point

As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I bring with me the lessons learned from the interplay of rhythm and verse. I bring a perspective rooted in empathy, an unwavering commitment to inclusivity, and a belief in language as the ultimate tool of transformative social connection. I am prepared to enter your university community, adding a unique voice that refuses to be silent. 

  • Directly addresses how background and experiences will contribute to campus life
  • Conveys contributions in an analytic mode (second sentence) and more literary and personal mode (third sentence)

Additional Resources 

Diversity essays can seem intimidating because of the political baggage we bring to the word ‘diversity.’ But applicants should feel liberated by the opportunity to describe what makes them unique. It doesn’t matter if applicants choose to write about aspects of identity, life experiences, or personal challenges. What matters is telling a compelling story of personal growth. Also significant is relating that story to an original theory of the function and value of diversity in society. At the end of the day, committees want to know their applicants deeper and get a holistic sense of how they will improve the educational lives of those around them.

Additional Reading and Resources

  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples 
  • How to Write the Overcoming Challenges Essay + Example
  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • Why This College Essay – Tips for Success
  • How to Write a Body Paragraph for a College Essay
  • UC Essay Examples 
  • College Essay

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Tyler Talbott

Tyler holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Missouri and two Master of Arts degrees in English, one from the University of Maryland and another from Northwestern University. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in English at Northwestern University, where he also works as a graduate writing fellow.

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How to Use AI to Write Articles

May 9, 2024

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many industries, and the field of content creation is no exception. AI tools have emerged as powerful aids in efficiently writing detailed, well-researched articles. This guide will walk you through how to harness AI to craft articles, from the initial stages of planning to the final touches of editing.

How to Create Articles with AI: A Three-Step Guide

Leveraging AI to write articles involves a few crucial steps that can significantly improve your content’s efficiency and effectiveness. From the initial selection of a sophisticated AI writing tool to the final adjustments of your document’s complexity and tone, each step is designed to optimize your writing experience. This guide will outline how to effectively use AI to generate informative, engaging, and tailored articles to meet your audience’s needs and content goals. By following these structured steps, writers can harness the full potential of AI to produce compelling and well-crafted articles.

Step 1: Choose the Right AI Tool

The first step in leveraging AI for article writing is selecting the appropriate tool. Various AI writing assistants are available today, each designed with different capabilities. Some are geared more towards generating creative content quickly, while others excel in data analysis and technical writing. When choosing your tool, consider factors like ease of use, integration capabilities, the sophistication of language processing, and whether it can adapt to different writing styles.

Step 2: Choose a Topic

Your next step is to decide on a topic. It is a crucial step in the article-writing process. Choosing one that resonates with your audience and supports your overall content objectives is important. Here’s how AI can assist in this crucial stage:

  • Identifying Trends: AI tools can analyze current trends, helping you find hot topics that engage your readers.
  • Finding Content Gaps: AI can point out areas within your niche that haven’t been extensively covered, providing you with opportunities to create unique content.
  • Keyword Analysis: Some AI platforms utilize keyword analysis to suggest topics that are relevant and likely to perform well in search engines.

With these AI-driven strategies, you can ensure your chosen topic is both timely and targeted, keeping your content relevant and engaging for your audience.

Step 3: Select the Word Count and Academic Level

When setting up your AI writing assistant, you’ll need to specify the word count to ensure the article meets your content criteria. Additionally, consider the academic level or complexity of the article needed, whether it’s a simple blog post, a detailed report, or a scholarly article.

This will guide the AI to maintain the appropriate depth and tone across the piece. This customization helps align the content with your target audience’s expectations, whether they are general readers or academic professionals. Furthermore, specifying these parameters enables the AI to optimize its search for relevant information, ensuring the content is authoritative and accessible. It also assists in maintaining consistency across your articles, which can help build a cohesive brand voice.

Lastly, by defining these criteria, you can better manage the scope of the project, ensuring that the final product is neither too brief nor overly detailed, fitting perfectly within the desired framework.

Refine and Finalize Your Draft

Once your first draft is generated, reviewing and refining the content is crucial. AI is an excellent starting point but lacks the human touch necessary for a truly engaging article. How to manage this?

  • Provide instructions. Be specific about any unique requirements or points that must be covered in the article. The more detailed your instructions, the better the AI can tailor the content to your needs. Select the Tone of Writing. The tone should correspond to your audience and purpose. Clarify whether it’s formal, informal, persuasive, or informative so the AI can adjust the language accordingly.
  • Language. Specify the language the article should be written in, as many AI tools support multiple languages. This is particularly useful if you’re catering to a multilingual audience.
  • Point number of sources. If your article requires research, indicate how many sources the AI should consult. This is vital for ensuring the article is well-supported with credible information.
  • Choose the format. Different formats serve different purposes and audiences. AI tools can format citations and references accordingly, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago, or another style. You can refer to documentation provided by AI services or educational websites for more detailed guidance on formats.

After carefully guiding the AI through these specifics, it’s essential to undertake a thorough review and make necessary edits to ensure the content truly resonates with your intended audience. This step is where your insight and expertise come into play as you refine the nuances that AI might overlook. Remember, the ultimate goal is to enhance the draft’s quality, readability, and overall impact, ensuring that the final article not only meets but exceeds your expectations and those of your readers.

Polish Your Piece: The Revision Process

It’s essential to thoroughly read through the AI-generated content to make any necessary adjustments. While AI can produce relevant and articulate content, it might still require a human touch to ensure it resonates well with readers and flows naturally. During the revision process, it’s important to pay close attention to the coherence and logical flow of the arguments presented. You may find areas where transitions between points could be smoother or additional context could enhance interpretation.

It’s also valuable to assess the accuracy of information, especially when AI has sourced data autonomously. Ensure that the tone remains consistent all over the article, adjusting it as necessary to suit the intended audience and purpose. Lastly, consider the overall impact of the article: does it engage, inform, and prompt the reader to think or act? Adjusting these elements will polish the article into a refined piece of content.

Real Usage Essay Sample

Let’s demonstrate how this works with a practical example. Assume we need a 300-word essay on “The Impact of Renewable Energy on the Global Economy.”


Write a text due to the requirements:

Topic: The Impact of Renewable Energy on the Global Economy Word Count: 300 Tone: Informative Language: English Format: APA

Generated Text:

The adoption of renewable energy is significantly influencing the global economy. As countries increasingly invest in solar, wind, and other renewable sources, they mitigate the environmental impacts of fossil fuels and stimulate substantial economic opportunities. According to a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable energy could boost global GDP by $98 trillion by 2050. This impressive growth is anticipated to arise from several factors.

Firstly, the shift towards renewable energy is expected to create millions of new jobs, from manufacturing and installation to maintenance and engineering. These jobs help reduce unemployment and contribute to higher standards of living and economic stability. Secondly, cleaner energy sources lead to reduced healthcare costs by improving air quality. This alleviation of health-related expenses would decrease public health spending and increase societal welfare.

Additionally, as countries reduce their dependency on imported fuels, they enhance their energy security and reduce their exposure to volatile fuel prices. This shift can lead to more predictable and stable economic planning and growth. Renewable energy investments are also considered stable long-term assets in financial markets, attracting a broad spectrum of investors looking for sustainable investment opportunities. This influx of investments can further stimulate financial markets and contribute to economic resilience.

Therefore, the transition to renewable energy is not merely an environmental imperative but a strategic economic opportunity. It offers a pathway for sustainable development that countries around the world are beginning to recognize and embrace. As the technology for renewable sources becomes more advanced and cost-effective, its integration into national and global economies will likely become more pronounced, making it a pivotal element in the drive towards a greener and more prosperous future.

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Opinion Essay IELTS – Step By Step Guide On Opinion Writing Topics

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  • February 23, 2022
  • IELTS Preparation ?

While preparing for the IELTS writing test, you should regularly practice various topics that have come up in the exam in the past as IELTS reuses common and popular topics. Opinion essays is one such topic. The best part about learning how to craft an opinion essay is that you can apply these tips to a broad variety of topics as long as the structure is that of an opinion-based essay.

Table of Contents

Let us help you get a good understanding of how to ace an opinion essay in the IELTS Writing Task 2. You can also go through the well-curated samples to get a clearer view of what the essay looks like.

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Opinion Essay IELTS

Opinion-based essays are a frequent sight in the IELTS exam. An opinion essay is easily recognizable if you know the instruction words and the format in which the prompts are presented. Brushing up on opinion essay examples before the exam can help you identify the question very easily.

Opinion essays are also known as ‘agree/disagree’ essays, as these essays require you to take a stance on the topic and frame your answer accordingly. An opinion essay can be recognised through the following instruction words in the prompt:

  • Agree/disagree
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Give your opinion
  • What is your opinion?
  • Do you agree or disagree?

You should know the difference between these instruction words and other similar instruction words such as “discuss both topics and give your opinion”. These instruction words may make it seem like an opinion essay, but in actuality, it is a discussion essay. Be very careful while studying the question, as an improper observation can mislead you into writing a completely different essay altogether and cost you marks.

Essay Structure and Format of an Opinion based Essay IELTS

The format and structure followed throughout different kinds of essays in the IELTS exam are very similar. Let’s quickly go through the structure of an opinion essay:

  • Introduction – This is the opening of your essay and should ‘hook’ the reader to it. This paragraph need not be longer than three to four lines. In this section, you should paraphrase the question, state your stance in the thesis statement, and outline the idea you are going to stick with throughout the essay. You should also provide two supporting reasons for your stance.
  • Main Body Paragraph 1 – In this paragraph, state the first reason you mentioned in the introduction. Support this idea with reasons and explanations. End the paragraph on a strong note by providing relevant examples in support of your view.
  • Main Body Paragraph 2 – This paragraph works along the lines of the previous paragraph. In this one, you should outline the second reason you gave in support of your stance in the introduction. Support that idea with valid reasons and examples. In case you can’t think of an example, you can choose to expand the idea further.
  • Conclusion – Summarise your opinions and important reasons in support of those opinions. 

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Tips to Write a High Band Score IELTS Opinion Essay

Writing an opinion essay can be tricky if you are not well-versed with the concept. Opinion essays are asked in various forms, and it is necessary to keep the following tips in mind to write high band score opinion essay:

  • Pay attention to what the question is. Read it 2 to 3 times to get a clear idea of what the question is asking.
  • Before you begin to write, brainstorm the ideas for a few minutes and understand how strongly they relate to your stance. 
  • Do not list too many ideas. Choose the two strongest points and build your essay around those topics.
  • Pay utmost attention to your vocabulary. Coherence between the sentences and paragraphs is key in an opinion essay.
  • Reinforce your own opinion throughout the essay, not just the introduction or conclusion.
  • Keep the intro short and within 55 words. Write the body paragraphs within 100 words and finish up with the conclusion. This will help keep the essay within the prescribed word limits.
  • Stick to the viewpoint you’ve picked. Do not switch and flip between ideas as this will disturb cohesion and can also lead to a loss in marks.
  • Keep the conclusion short, adhering to the main idea and to the point. Do not introduce or mention new ideas in the conclusion paragraph.
  • Task response, coherence and cohesion, grammatical range and accuracy, and lexical resources are key concepts you should be familiar with before taking the IELTS Writing Test. Good knowledge about these concepts will help you secure a high score.

Opinion Essay Example with Model Answer

Sample model answer .

Question – A high salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree?

Answer – It is debated that earning lots of money is of higher significance to people than being satisfied in their work. This essay firmly disagrees with that statement. I believe that people are increasingly becoming concerned about the risks of stress-induced ill-health that is often experienced by those in well-paid positions, and they care more about feeling content at work.

Employees who earn a high income are usually under significant mental and emotional pressure to perform exceptionally well and achieve targets. This causes several individuals to suffer intense levels of stress, which can cause mental health problems. This happened to my uncle. He had a high paying job and used to brag about his huge salary, but his boss kept increasing the number of targets he had to achieve. In the end, the stress became too immense, and he had a nervous breakdown. Now he regrets chasing after money.

Having a job that people enjoy doing and in which they feel appreciated is a major concern for most modern employees. A large number of people are giving up high salary positions for jobs that are more enjoyable and less stressful. I am a living example of this. Almost a year ago, I left the field of teaching because the workload had become too much to handle. I decided to follow my passion and am a musician now. I feel highly fulfilled in this work, and I am much more relaxed and happy even though I earn comparatively less money.

In conclusion, for a large number of the population, earning a huge wage is increasingly becoming less important than job satisfaction because of the effects of work-induced stress and the desire to feel happy and fulfilled at work.

Opinion essays should be practised frequently before writing the IELTS essay as practice is the only way to ace the test. All you need to do to get a high band score is follow the structure, brush up on opinion writing topics and understand the concepts properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the most commonly asked writing task formats in the ielts exam.

Ans. The following formats are asked frequently in the IELTS exam:

1. Opinion (Agree or Disagree) 2. Advantages and Disadvantages 3. Problem and Solution 4. Discussion (Discuss both views) 5. Two-part Question

What concepts should   I learn and   practice for IELTS writing task 2?

Ans. The following concepts should be learnt and practised before sitting for the IELTS exam:

1. Proper grammar 2. Extensive vocabulary 3. Cohesion and coherence 4. Lexical resource 5. Task response 6. Grammatical accuracy

Is IELTS writing formal or informal?

Ans. IELTS writing should always be formal.

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  • Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
  • Describe an occasion when someone or something made noise
  • Describe a sportsperson that you admire
  • Describe something that you picked up that was thrown by someone else
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