We enable developers to create  .css-b4ka5b{background-image:linear-gradient(140deg, #25B9DA 0%, #1F7FD8 100%);color:transparent;-webkit-background-clip:text;background-clip:text;-webkit-box-decoration-break:clone;} stunning presentations

Take your Code Presentations to the next level with snappify's powerful animation features.


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Create next-level presentations

Say goodbye to boring presentations created with PowerPoint or Keynote. 👋

snappify enables you to create stunning presentations, with first-class support for code snippets.

💡 Share interactive slides so your viewers can easily copy code snippets and interact with links.

Elevate your Technical Content

You’re a developer, looking to create visually engaging infographics for social media?

Use snappify to create stunning visuals of your technical concepts, that will engage your followers and take your social media presence to the next level.

Simplify your Education

Are you a teacher or course creator looking to help your students better understand technical concepts ?

snappify makes it easy to create educational content that lets your students retain information and grasp complex ideas.

Embed Interactive Infographics

snappify enables you to embed your visuals in a way that your viewers can easily copy code snippets or texts.

It’s the perfect way to bring your blog to life or spice up your internal company documentation using rich infographics.

🌈 With support for popular platforms like Hashnode, Notion, and Medium, we ensure that your infographics look great, no matter where they're posted!

Spice up your articles

This is an example article using the embedding functionality of snappify. You can hover over the infographic below and copy the code snippet to give it a try in your own IDE.

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Unleash your design potential with our powerful editor

.css-1prv3zp{-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center;display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;position:relative;margin-right:var(--chakra-space-3);} .css-wx9c1w{width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentcolor;position:absolute;font-size:0.6em;-webkit-transform:translatey(4px);-moz-transform:translatey(4px);-ms-transform:translatey(4px);transform:translatey(4px);} .css-13otjrl{width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentcolor;} add multiple code windows.

Sometimes you want to describe differences in code snippets and point out best practices by comparing them.

.css-1ttp4ht{-webkit-transform:translateY(-3px);-moz-transform:translateY(-3px);-ms-transform:translateY(-3px);transform:translateY(-3px);} .css-177wddp{width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentColor;margin-right:var(--chakra-space-3);} Annotate with Text and Arrows

Ever heard the myth of self explaining code? Pah! 😄

Place explanations (or just funny jokes) beside your snippets and style them to your needs with our powerful rich-text editor .

Additionally, you're able to add arrow elements to point at specific parts of your code.

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Your branding will be on point

If you're sharing your code snippets on social media, a little bit of branding doesn't hurt!

You can add your own avatar and specify a username for X, Github, Instagram or LinkedIn .

Add custom images

Upload custom images and arrange them per drag and drop. Push your creativity to new boundaries!

For example you can add an image of the programming language you're using or place a screenshot of the desired outcome of your code snippet.

Logo of CSS3

Highlight your code in different ways

With snappify you're able to change opacity, blur or gray-out parts of your code so the viewer can focus on what matters .

Of course it's also possible to mark specific lines as added or removed to emphasize a change in the code.

Manage your code snippets in one place

As you build an ever-growing library of code snippets, snappify helps you to keep an overview.

Because your code deserves a .css-c41erm{color:#447ED6;-webkit-animation:animation-fo40za 15s linear infinite;animation:animation-fo40za 15s linear infinite;}@-webkit-keyframes animation-fo40za{0%{color:#44D698;}25%{color:#447ED6;}50%{color:#D644A4;}75%{color:#447ED6;}100%{color:#44D698;}}@keyframes animation-fo40za{0%{color:#44D698;}25%{color:#447ED6;}50%{color:#D644A4;}75%{color:#447ED6;}100%{color:#44D698;}} stunning presentation


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We're Anki and Dominik and with snappify we want to provide you the possibility to easily create technical presentations with smooth animations.

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Posted on May 10, 2023

How to Use Visual Studio Like a Pro When Presenting Your Code

Visual Studio is great to write code and create something amazing, but sometimes, you may want to use it for a different purpose: presenting your code to an audience. Whether you are giving a demo, a workshop, a lecture, or a webinar, you want to make sure that your audience can see and understand your code clearly. That's where Presentation Mode comes in.

Presentation Mode is a feature that lets you open an instance of Visual Studio that looks like a fresh install, without any customizations, extensions, or settings synchronization. This way, you can avoid any distractions or confusion that may arise from your personal preferences or environment. You can then adjust any settings that are relevant for your presentation, such as font sizes, themes, window layouts, and keyboard shortcuts. These settings will be preserved for the next time you use Presentation Mode.

How to Enter Presentation Mode

There are two ways of entering Presentation Mode in Visual Studio: with an extension or from command prompt without extensions.

With the extension

The easy way is to install the Tweaks extension and open any solution, project, or file in Visual Studio. Now you can right-click the Visual Studio icon in the Windows task bar and select Presentation Mode .

This will launch a new instance of Visual Studio with the default settings and no extensions (other than machine-wide ones). You can then open your solution or project and start presenting.

From Command Prompt

You can do the same thing yourself if you don't want to install the extension. Open the Developer Command Prompt or Developer PowerShell and execute the following line:

This will launch a new instance of Visual Studio with the root suffix PresentationMode. You can swap the word PresentationMode with whatever other word you want to create yet another isolated instance type. This can be helpful for scenarios where you need different settings based on the kind of project you are working on. For instance, you might prefer specific extensions and window layouts only for web development. This allows you to have that versatility.

How to Customize Presentation Mode

Once you have entered Presentation Mode, you can customize any settings to configure Visual Studio for your presentation style. Here are some common settings that you may want to change:

  • Font sizes : You can change the font sizes for the Text Editor, Environment, Tooltips, Statement Completion, and more from Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors . A good rule of thumb is to use at least 18 points for the Text Editor and 12 points for the Environment.
  • Theme : You can change the theme from Tools > Options > Environment > General . You may want to choose a theme that matches your presentation slides or has good contrast for your audience.
  • Window layout : You can change the window layout from Window > Reset Window Layout . You may want to minimize or close any tool windows that are not relevant for your presentation, such as Solution Explorer, Output, Error List, etc. You can also use Window > Auto Hide All to hide all tool windows until you hover over them.
  • Keyboard shortcuts : You can change the keyboard shortcuts from Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard . You may want to use the default keyboard shortcuts or choose a scheme that matches your audience's expectations.

These settings will be saved for the next time you use Presentation Mode. If you want to reset them to the default values, you can use Tools > Import and Export Settings > Reset all settings Âč.

How to Exit Presentation Mode

To exit Presentation Mode, simply close the instance of Visual Studio that you used for presenting. This will not affect your normal instance of Visual Studio or any other instances with different root suffixes.

Presentation Mode is a handy feature that lets you use Visual Studio in a clean and distraction-free way for presenting your code to an audience. It allows you to customize any settings that are relevant for your presentation style, such as font sizes, theme, window layout, and keyboard shortcuts. These settings will be preserved for the next time you use Presentation Mode. To enter Presentation Mode, you can either use the Tweaks extension or the Developer Command Prompt or PowerShell. To exit Presentation Mode, simply close the instance of Visual Studio that you used for presenting. I hope this article has helped you learn how to use Visual Studio in Presentation Mode and how to make your code presentations more effective and engaging.

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Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.

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Code Presentation Tips

Sometimes, I need to show some code in my slides. It can be an internal presentation for 3-5 developers, an online meetup, or a live event. And many times, I have found myself trying to recover the lost code style configuration or to recreate a color palette from the previous presentation.

I’ve decided to save all the templates and share them and some tips about code in slides with you. I hope it will help you to create code slides quicker and better.

Know Your Tools #


Get familiar with the tools for code formating and syntax highlight.

Popular choices for many languages are JetBrains IDEs or VS Code . There also some useful extensions for IDEs that can help you to take screenshots directly from the editor, such as Code screenshots or Polacode .

General-purpose text editors #

I use Sublime Text . It supports syntax highlight for many languages and has a lot of helpful extensions. Mine most often used commands for work with small pieces of code are Set syntax: %language_name% to use syntax highlight for a particular language in the current file and Reindent Lines to apply auto-indentation. Both commands can be accessed through the command menu by Ctrl/Command + Shift + P shortcut.

Online tools #

The best online tool I’ve seen so far is Carbon . It supports many languages, has many color themes, modern design, and it offers a lot of options for color theme configuration.

Those are my favorite tools to create a formatted and visually appealing piece of code, but there are other products in the market. What else do you use? Please, share your setup in comments!

Prepare Format & Highlight Presets #

No Highlight

Prepare and save the configuration for your editor.

It is possible to import and export code style configurations for IntelliJ Idea. For convenience, I store them in GitHub repository: Idea Config . You can apply this code style configuration in Settings → Editor → Code Style → Scheme → Import Scheme → IntelliJ IDEA code style XML and selecting your config file. The same menu allows you to export the current scheme. Create your config, save it in a repository, and use it when you need to have your code style in IDE.

Also, I store color schemes for Carbon . Carbon has many ready-to-use themes, but you can customize and share your configurations. You can find my configs and instructions on how to apply them here: Carbon Config .

Have Dark And Light Presets #

Dark and Light

Create presets for both light and dark environments.

I like the white code on a dark background, and usually, I use this theme for personal projects. But a couple of times, I had to redo a big presentation with a lot of code just because of the requirements from event organizers. It is convenient to have presets for two themes: dark and light. This way, you can quickly rewrite all your slides and adjust your presentation.

Choose Suitable Language #


This problem may occur only when your presentation content is not about one particular technology. But if you are talking about a problem that can be solved and demonstrated in any programming language, then it is better to use a more suitable programming language.

For example, the Spark application can be written both in Java and Scala, but the Scala version almost always will be shorter and more expressive.

Keep It Short #


Long code is acceptable only when you want to demonstrate how awful the long code looks.

Respect the time and effort of your audience. Leave only the code that shows the idea. Don’t include things that do not solve the problem of your slide, such as logging, error handling, imports, comments, etc. Also, don’t hesitate to replace a long or uninteresting block of code with comment or pseudocode.

Remember that simplicity is achieved not when there is nothing to add, but when there is nothing to take away.

Useful Links #

Carbon code image share tool — https://carbon.now.sh/ .

Codestyle templates — https://github.com/smyachenkov/code-slides-config .

Top 9 JavaScript frameworks to create beautiful presentation slides

Presentation frameworks are tools or libraries that can help you create presentations using web technologies that you are familiar with, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, Vue, React, and more. You’ll have full control over the appearance and layout of your slides.

They allow you to export your slides as HTML files that can be viewed in any modern browser. You don’t need to install any software or plugin to view your slides. You can also share your slides online using platforms such as Slides.com, GitHub Pages, Netlify.

Reveal ( 64.2k ⭐) — An open source HTML presentation framework that allows you to create beautiful and interactive presentations using web technologies. You can use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, LaTeX, and more to create stunning slides with animations, transitions, code highlighting, and other features.

Impress ( 37.3k ⭐) — Another open source HTML presentation framework that is similar to reveal.js, but with a different approach, inspired by the idea behind prezi.com. It uses CSS3 3D transforms to create dynamic and spatial presentations that can zoom, rotate, and pan across the slides.

Sli dev ( 27.3k ⭐) — A web-based slides maker and presenter that is designed for developers. It allows you to create beautiful and interactive presentations using Markdown, HTML, Vue components, and other web technologies. You can also use features such as live coding, recording, drawing, LaTeX, diagrams, icons, and more to enhance your slides.

MDX Deck ( 11.1k ⭐) — A library based on MDX that allows you to create presentations using Markdown and React components. You can write your slides in a single MDX file and separate them with --- . You can also import and use any React component in your slides, as well as customize the theme and layout of your presentation.

Spectacle ( 9.5k ⭐) — A React-based library for creating sleek presentations using JSX syntax that gives you the ability to live demo your code, created and maintained by Formidable Labs. You can use it to create beautiful and interactive slides with animations, transitions, code highlighting, and other features.

Code Surfer ( 6.2k ⭐) — A library that allows you to create presentations using Markdown and React components. You can write your slides in a single MDX file and separate them with --- , add code highlighting, code zooming, code scrolling, code focusing, code morphing, and fun to MDX Deck slides.

WebSlides ( 6.1k ⭐) — A library that allows you to create beautiful HTML presentations and websites. Just choose a demo and customize it in minutes. 120+ slides ready to use. You can use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, LaTeX, and more to create stunning slides with animations, transitions, code highlighting, and other features.

Fusuma ( 5.3k ⭐) — A tool that allows you to create slides with Markdown easily. You can use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, Vue components, and other web technologies to create stunning slides with animations, transitions, code highlighting, and other features.

PptxGenJS ( 2.1k ⭐) — A JavaScript library that allows you to create presentations, compatible with PowerPoint, Keynote, and other applications that support the Open Office XML (OOXML) format. You can use it to generate PPTX files with just a few simple JavaScript commands in any modern desktop and mobile browser. You can also integrate PptxGenJS with Node, Angular, React, and Electron.

Common features

Presentation frameworks typically share several common features that aim to enhance the creation and delivery of visually engaging and interactive presentations. Here are some of the common features you can find:

Ease of use : They allow you to use web technologies that you are familiar with, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, Vue, React, and more. You don’t need to learn a new software or tool to create your slides. You can also use your favorite code editor or IDE to write and edit your slides.

Nested slides : They allow you to create sub-sections or sub-topics within your presentation. You can use nested slides to organize your content, add more details, or create interactive menus.

Markdown support : Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format text using simple syntax. You can use Markdown to write your slides in a plain text editor and then convert them to HTML. Markdown makes it easy to create headings, lists, links, images, code blocks, and more.

Auto-Animate : A feature that automatically animates the transitions between slides or elements to create smooth and dynamic effects for your presentation, detect the changes between slides and animate them accordingly.

PDF export : You can use PDF export to print your presentation, share it online, or view it offline. PDF export can also preserve the layout, fonts, and images of your presentation.

Speaker notes : You can use speaker notes to prepare your speech, add additional information, or provide references. Speaker notes are usually hidden from the audience but visible to you in a separate window or screen.

LaTeX support : LaTeX is a document preparation system that allows you to create high-quality typesetting for mathematical and scientific expressions. You can use LaTeX to write complex formulas, equations, symbols, and diagrams in your presentation. LaTeX can also handle cross-references, citations, and bibliographies.

Syntax highlighted code : You can use syntax highlighted code to display your source code in your presentation. Syntax highlighted code can make your code more readable, understandable, and attractive.

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code presentation

You can also re-use Toggle Slides mode to deactivate Slides.

If you want to change the default shortcuts, go in VS Code Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts and search for slides . You should be able to override them.


Slides is opinionated. By default, you'll need to install:

  • The "SF Mono" font on your machine

If you don't want to use these, you can override Slides settings with the slides.vscodeSettings configuration.


Here are the default settings of Slides you can override in your VS Code settings.

In your VS Code settings.json you can set any valid VS Code setting you want to apply in presentation mode.

For example:

Have a look at Slides default settings to learn more.


  • Click on the Extensions icon (usually on the left-hand side of your editor).
  • Search for "Slides".
  • Find the extension in the list and click the install button.

How to use best

  • Create one file per "slide"
  • Name them by number: 01.md , 02.js , 03.01.md , 03.02.png , etc.
  • Toggle Slides before you start your talk 🎤
  • Prefer to keep coding files empty, or with easy content supposed to be known.
  • Leverage slides.previewMarkdownFiles setting to render Markdown files for increased readability.
  • Leverage slides.folder setting to regroup your slides into a folder for better cohesion.

The plugin seems to have screwed up my editor settings, help!

When you enter presentation mode, the plugin writes a .vscode/settings.json file in your project. If there was an existing one, it stores it in cache.

When you exit presentation mode, the plugin should restore the previous settings.json (if there was one).

If you get stuck with the presentation style, even though you're not in presentation mode anymore (e.g. you've uninstalled the plugin), you can get rid of the .vscode/settings.json file to get back to normal. You may lose the original project settings.json if that happens, but I rarely saw that happen.

Related issues:  #19 and #39

Release Notes

Have a look at our CHANGELOG to get the details of all changes between versions.

We follow SemVer convention for versionning.

That means our releases use the following format:

  • Breaking changes bump <major> (and reset <minor> & <patch> )
  • Backward compatible changes bump <minor> (and reset <patch> )
  • Bug fixes bump <patch>


Contributing guide.

Read our contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to the extension.

Good First Issues

To help you get your feet wet and become familiar with our contribution process, we have a list of good first issues that contains things with a relatively limited scope. This is a great place to get started!


Thanks goes to these wonderful people ( emoji key ):

This project follows the all-contributors specification.

Contributions of any kind are welcome!


  • Presentations

Slides for Developers

We strive to make Slides a great and flexible tool for developers. Presentations created on Slides are HTML documents under the hood, so generally anything that HTML can do, Slides can do. We make it easy to access and edit the underlying HTML and CSS through the Developer Mode .

There's also an API for creating new presentations with preset content and we're aiming to add additional APIs in the future.

Syntax Highlighted Code

Slides is the best presentation tool out there when it comes to presenting and showing code. Highlighting is provided for all common languages and you can pick from multiple different highlight themes.

Line Highlights

You can emphasize specific lines of code to direct the audience's attention. Multiple code highlight steps can be added and stepped through for the same code block. An empty highlight step means that no code is highlighted.

Developer Mode

The Slides editor has a developer mode which is useful if you know a bit of HTML and CSS. With this mode active you will be able to modify the underlying HTML of your deck, allowing you to make adjustments that the Slides editor does not provide interface options for.

To enable the developer mode open the editor settings in the bottom left corner:

code presentation

Editing HTML

The per-slide HTML editor can be accessed from the slide options area. It gives you raw access to the current slide's HTML, allowing you to change anything you like. Note that some elements, such as <script> and <link>, are not allowed for security reasons.ï»ż

code presentation

Element Classes (Requires Pro)

As a paying Slides customer you have access to the CSS editor which allows you to add custom styles to your deck. By turning on the developer mode a new "class name" field will appear for any block that you focus. This allows you to easily target a specific element with your CSS.

Here's an example that defines an "upside-down" class using custom CSS and applies it to a text block.

code presentation

Slide Classes (Requires Pro)

Just like you can add custom classes to individual elements it's also possible to add custom classes at the slide level. This can used to apply broader changes to the whole slide like inverting text and icon colors or changing the slide transition.

code presentation

Under the hood the slide background element is separate from the slide itself. Here are two examples showing how you'd target the slide contents or slide background using a custom class called "night-sky":

code presentation

Export HTML

You can access the complete HTML for all slides in your deck ï»żinside of the export panel, under "Export to reveal.js"ï»ż. This provides a way of exporting your deck markup and the core Slides styles to reveal.js. There are a few limitations with exporting this way but it should provide a good starting point.

code presentation

CSS Editor (Requires Pro)

The CSS editor lets you author custom styles for your presentation with a real-time preview of the result. It's available as an option inside of the Style panel of the presentation editor.

The editor preprocesses styles using LESS , though you're free to write plain CSS as well. We apply the styles in real-time as you type so there's no need to leave the editor or even press a refresh button to see what you're getting. Note that when your styles are saved they will be automatically wrapped in a ".reveal {}" selector to avoid conflicts with other page styles.

Custom Fonts

You can load custom fonts from Typekit and Google fonts and apply them using custom CSS. Find out more .

If you turn on the developer mode you can also add custom classes to any focused element. This is a convenient way to easily apply your CSS to specific elements.

Here's where you can access the CSS editor from inside of the Style panel:

code presentation

A screenshot of the editor:

code presentation

Define API: Create Prefilled Decks (beta)

The define API lets you create a presentation programatically and add it to the current user's Slides account. Presentations you create can include any of the content types that the Slides editor supports. You can even include live data from other sites via iframes.

For example, if you operate a web-based charting service, you can let your users create a presentation containing their fully interactive charts at the click of a button.

If the user isn't already signed in to Slides, they will automatically be prompted to authenticate or sign up. Once signed in, they are able to review the deck and confirm that they want to save it to their account. Here's what that process looks like:

The Request

To start the process you'll need to have the user submit an HTML form towards the http://slides.com/decks/define endpoint. The form needs to contain an input field with the name definition and the value of this input should be the JSON representation of a deck . Once the form is submitted, we'll automatically redirect the user to the appropriate page.

Here's a fully working example:

Deck JSON Examples

Here's the bare minimum JSON you'll need to describe a deck.

If you want to group multiple slides into one vertical stack you can nest them in an array:

The following JSON demonstrates most of the available options.

Note that there are three different ways to define slide content, blocks , HTML and Markdown . The benefit of using content blocks is that the elements you define are separately editable inside of the Slides editor. If you specify content as a string of HTML or Markdown, it will all be grouped into one element and edited as a text box.

Deck JSON Spec

Content block json.

Properties available for the text content block.

If no format is specified, we pick a good default based on what other blocks there are on the slide. For example, if you have two text blocks we'll use an h1 for the first block and h2 for the second.

Image block

Properties available for the image content block.

Iframe block

Properties available for the iframe content block.

Properties available for the code content block.

Table block

Properties available for the table content block.

How to absolutely ace developer presentations

A live coding class at a Codeworks bootcamp

Whatever your personality type, you can learn to present.

You don’t have to be a naturally public or outgoing person to be good at presenting. Private, quiet people make brilliant presenters too. Whatever your personality, the Codeworks program puts a lot of emphasis on transferring these soft skills to our students. Each student presents several times during our Software Engineering and Web Development courses. After they graduate, they leave campus as not only better presenters, but better communicators for life.

On average, students will present two or three times during their course. That’s a lot. Through the students that graduate from our courses every 6 weeks, we play an important role in shaping the culture of the tech industry.

Clear presentations play a vital role in making that culture more accessible to wider audiences. The need for these skills is inescapable. Hear it from Codeworks graduate Anna Collins :

‘’I used presenting skills in teaching, as a student at Bootcamp, and now in my job, talking in front of others in daily stand ups.’’

Anna works at Barcelona green energy organization, Hola Luz . At work, her code needs to be as crystal clear in person as it is on screen. There’s no escaping it, presenting is essential for life after a coding bootcamp.

“Being able to write code is one thing, but being able to explain it to someone else is another.

“Like Einstein said, if you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.”

Firstly, why do coders need to present?

Some developers might think presenting is something super senior and scary. Something for managers or ego-maniacs. But really, presentations are just one way of transmitting ideas and thoughts.

Luckily presenting is something you can improve on, with practice. Keeping it regular helps students overcome the angst so they can pitch to clients in the future. Matt Boardman, Madrid based elevator pitch consultant says:

“Your expertise, product or idea is worth nothing unless your client or investor believes in it enough to pay for it.”

A live coding class at a Codeworks bootcamp

Presenting for a better life

Even if you’re not pitching for investment, we’re going to get radical. Better presenting will quite literally make your life better. With presentation skills, you’re more likely to give a better interview and get that a decent job.

With a job that pays well, you’re better able to buy a beer for your friend, without the stress of being broke. So the cycle continues. You present. You get paid. You have a beer. Life gets better.

But more importantly, the more you present, the more your confidence continues to soar. So you get happier at work. You start to speak up more in meetings. All of a sudden, you’re getting noticed. You present a little more. Maybe you get promoted. You buy more beers. Okay, we’ll stop there, you’ve got the idea.

Our top presenting tips

1. nail your slides.

  • Slides should support what you say, not the other way around. The less things to read on slides — the more attention you get. Check out the 10/20/30 rule for more.
  • Start with the why .
  • Tell a story. If your audience can connect with your topic, you are winning! If you’re presenting your product, present the pain points that you are solving!
  • When talking about your tech stack, don’t just list the logos of frameworks and tools you used. Make your audience understand your choices and the flow between them. This shows the way you thought through the architecture of your project.
  • Know the content of your slides by heart. Never read what’s on them, just glance on them as a reminder if needed.

2. Remember your body language

  • Don’t turn towards the slides. If you need to, point at them if they support what you want to say. Never show your back to the audience!
  • Pay attention to your hands: don’t put them in your pockets or cross them in front of your body.
  • If you are nervous, keep a pen in your hands! This way you will make your hands return to a natural position holding it, and you can use it to point on your slides as well.

3. Speak to your audience

  • Don’t read the slides! People can read them by themselves.
  • Test the microphone, be aware of the volume and your voice through the speakers.
  • Keep up the energy!
  • Use pitch and volume as strokes in a paint. Don’t be monotonic. Control the pace of your speaking and avoid cutting off the end of sentences.
  • Don’t feel the urge to fill every second. Use silence to create attention when you speak. There’s nothing like the loaded pause.

4. Show your product in the best light

  • Keep it simple. It’s not necessary to show how users log in (unless it’s something special).
  • Connect the features to user stories while demoing.
  • Don’t highlight things that don’t work, are glitchy, or you didn’t have time to implement. Just focus on the parts that you’re showing.
  • If you use dummy data (which is completely fine when you are making MVPs), don’t tell it to your audience. They don’t need to know that, and it’s not important either.

Presenting at Codeworks

How to improve your presentation skills at work

  • Try to formulate the lessons you learned throughout your project, pitch, or demo so others can benefit. We use a saying at Codeworks: Stay hungry. And stay foolish.  We all make mistakes! Share your original assumptions, what mistakes you made, and how you can overcome them in the future.
  • Watch Ted talks, and take a note of presenters you respect. Ask yourself, what traits can you mirror?
  • Film yourself and ask for feedback. From colleagues, friends and even the dog. Always put yourself in your audiences’ shoes.
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code presentation

Roblox The Presentation Experience Codes

Image of Jean-Pierre van Wyk

Get your note cards ready, it's time to present! Hop into a virtual classroom inside of The Presentation Experience and be whatever kind of student you want! Are you the class clown? The attentive listener? The sleeper? The one who reminds the teacher that there's homework? The choice is yours! Interact with your peers by spending points to cheer them on while they present, or throw them off with various sounds and physical interruptions! So how do you get points quickly? With codes of course!

All of the codes below can be used to redeem a certain amount of points, or even a special point boost if you're lucky! If you're looking for even more freebies, be sure to check back with this article regularly—we update this list as soon as new codes come out! If you find a code in the  Working Codes  section that seems expired, please let us know so we can remove it as soon as possible. Keep in mind, also, that you'll need to enter each code exactly as it's written or the experience won't accept it!

If you're looking for more Roblox content to browse while you wait for new codes, check out some of our best of articles including 5 best Roblox games like Call of Duty , 5 best Roblox games like Pokémon , or Best Roblox games like The Sims !

All The Presentation Experience Codes List

The presentation experience codes (working).

  • scaryhalloween2023 —Redeem for 60 Points and 15 Gems (New)
  • spookpoints —Redeem for 100 Points (New)
  • summerboost —Redeem for a 5x Point Boost for 10 min (New)
  • OMG350KLIKES —Redeem for 50 Points
  • unexpected —Redeem for 15 Gems
  • UGC —Redeem for 30 Gems
  • coffee —Redeem for 60 Points
  • maxwellgood —Redeem for 20 Gems
  • manfacepooper —Redeem for a 5x Point Boost for 10 min
  • fartyreward —Redeem for 100 Points
  • minimalgamespro —Redeem for 25 Points
  • UwU —Redeem for 20 Gems
  • Hallway —Redeem for 10 Gems
  • pencil —Redeem for 100 Points
  • 100MVISITS —Redeem for 15 Gems
  • MILLIONMEMBERS! —Redeem for 10 Gems and 10 minutes of 5x XP
  • therearenootherteachersintheschoolbecausenobodywantstoseethebadteacher —Redeem for 10 Gems
  • nootnoot —Redeem for 75 Points
  • Megaboost —Redeem for 5x Points for mone minute
  • 5gems —Redeem for 5 Gems
  • toilet —Redeem for 50 points
  • itsaboutdriveitsaboutpower —Redeem for 150 Points
  • poop - Redeem for 100 Points
  • NikkoCoder - Redeem for 50 Points
  • bookworm - Redeem for 80 Points
  • code - Redeem for 15 Points
  • RAT - Redeem for 25 Points
  • Teachermadcuzbad - Redeem for 200 Points

The Presentation Experience Codes (Expired)

These The Presentation Experience codes no longer work.

  • 200MVISITS! —Redeem for 100 Points
  • CHRISTMASGIFT —Redeem for 39 Gems
  • anfisanova —Redeem for 25 Points
  • bababooeypoints —Redeem for 50 Points
  • 180klikes —Redeem for 10 Gems
  • Easter —Redeem for 8 Gems
  • 700kmembers —Redeem for 10 Gems and a 1 minute 5x Points Boost
  • 600kmembers —Redeem for 5 minutes of 2x Boost
  • 175klikes —Redeem for 10 Gems and 5x Point Boost
  • beatbox - Redeem for 30 Points
  • sus - Redeem for 30 Points

How to Redeem The Presentation Experience Codes

It's easy to redeem codes for free rewards in The Presentation Experience ! To do so, simply follow the steps below.

code presentation

  • First, launch the experience
  • Once inside, look for the Gear in the top left corner and click on it .
  • Then, select the Twitter bird icon labeled Codes.
  • Type or copy and paste a code into the new window that appears.
  • Press confirm to receive your free reward!

How do I get more The Presentation Experience codes?

Codes for The Presentation Experience are typically released each time that the experience hits a new like milestone. To stay up to date on these codes, be sure to check back with this article often, join the Minimal Community Discord server, and join the Minimal Games Roblox group . Players who join the Roblox group will also receive a bonus 500 points and 10 Gems!

Why aren't my codes working?

Not all Roblox codes are active for the same amount of time, meaning some expire exceptionally quickly and may even become inactive after 24 hours or less! If you attempt to enter a code and it says  Code Expired , that code is no longer active and, unfortunately, can no longer be redeemed. There's nothing that you can do to fix this issue, the code is simply unobtainable. If you attempt to type in a code and it says  Invalid Code , however, this means that you've likely mistyped the code or neglected to use the correct capitalization. If this happens, try to retype and re-enter the code once more, being sure to copy it exactly as it's written!

What is The Presentation Experience?

The Presentation Experience is a school-based role play experience that allows players to take turns presenting randomly selected topics that are either created by the AI teacher or other players/students in the classroom. Once the teacher calls on you to present, you better be ready—you only have a few minutes to make a great impression! During presentations, other students can clap, scream, jump out of their seat, sleep, burp, and more to interrupt or cheer on their peers. The teacher will do her best to control the class, but it's only a matter of time before things get out of hand!

If you're looking for codes for other games, we have a ton of them in our Roblox Game Codes post! You can also get a bunch of free stuff via our Roblox Promo Codes page.

Adopt Me Garden Snake Pet in the frame


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Presenting Code

reveal.js includes a powerful set of features aimed at presenting syntax highlighted code — powered by highlight.js . This functionality lives in the highlight plugin and is included in our default presentation boilerplate.

Below is an example with clojure code that will be syntax highlighted. When the data-trim attribute is present, surrounding whitespace within the <code> is automatically removed.

HTML will be escaped by default. To avoid this, add data-noescape to the <code> element.

Make sure that a syntax highlight theme is included in your document. We include Monokai by default, which is distributed with the reveal.js repo at plugin/highlight/monokai.css . A full list of available themes can be found at https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/ .

Line Numbers & Highlights

You can enable line numbers by adding data-line-numbers to your <code> tags. If you want to highlight specific lines you can provide a comma separated list of line numbers using the same attribute. For example, in the following example lines 3 and 8-10 are highlighted:

Line Number Offset 4.2.0

You can offset the line number if you want to showcase a excerpt of a longer set of code. In the example below, we set data-ln-start-from="7" to make the line numbers start from 7.

Step-by-step Highlights

You can step through multiple code highlights on the same code block. Delimit each of your highlight steps with the | character. For example data-line-numbers="1|2-3|4,6-10" will produce three steps. It will start by highlighting line 1, next step is lines 2-3, and finally line 4 and 6 through 10.

HTML Entities 4.1.0

Content added inside of a <code> block is parsed as HTML by the web browser. If you have HTML characters (<>) in your code you will need to escape them ($lt; $gt;).

To avoid having to escape these characters manually, you can wrap your code in <script type="text/template"> and we'll handle it for you.

The highlight.js API & beforeHighlight 4.2.0

If you want to interact with highlight.js before your code is highlighted you can use the beforeHighlight callback. For example, this can be useful if you want to register a new language via the highlight.js API .

Manual Highlighting

All of your code blocks are automatically syntax highlighted when reveal.js starts. If you want to disable this behavior and trigger highlighting on your own you can set the highlightOnLoad flag to false.

code presentation

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Are you an expert of Java? Yes, it's a beautiful island in Indonesia and more than half of the population of this country lives there... No! Well, yes, those facts are true, but we were talking about the programming language! We think workshops on how to code are a necessity, so introduce students to the wonderful world of programming with the help of this editable template, whose slides will remind them of an interface, and the text is written so that it uses some little conventions in programming.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 25 different slides to impress your audience
  • Available in different colors
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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How to Code Workshop Infographics

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Explore the best way to demonstrate your work..

This is the Office App you need to give a stunning code demo in your PowerPoint presentation.Packed with practical and easy-to-use tools,it is bound to give a boost to your productivity.


How-To Geek

6 ways to create more interactive powerpoint presentations.

Engage your audience with cool, actionable features.

Quick Links

  • Add a QR code
  • Embed Microsoft Forms (Education or Business Only)
  • Embed a Live Web Page
  • Add Links and Menus
  • Add Clickable Images to Give More Info
  • Add a Countdown Timer

We've all been to a presentation where the speaker bores you to death with a mundane PowerPoint presentation. Actually, the speaker could have kept you much more engaged by adding some interactive features to their slideshow. Let's look into some of these options.

1. Add a QR code

Adding a QR code can be particularly useful if you want to direct your audience to an online form, website, or video.

Some websites have in-built ways to create a QR code. For example, on Microsoft Forms , when you click "Collect Responses," you'll see the QR code option via the icon highlighted in the screenshot below. You can either right-click the QR code to copy and paste it into your presentation, or click "Download" to add it to your device gallery to insert the QR code as a picture.

In fact, you can easily add a QR code to take your viewer to any website. On Microsoft Edge, right-click anywhere on a web page where there isn't already a link, and left-click "Create QR Code For This Page."

You can also create QR codes in other browsers, such as Chrome.

You can then copy or download the QR code to use wherever you like in your presentation.

2. Embed Microsoft Forms (Education or Business Only)

If you plan to send your PPT presentation to others—for example, if you're a trainer sending step-by-step instruction presentation, a teacher sending an independent learning task to your students, or a campaigner for your local councilor sending a persuasive PPT to constituents—you might want to embed a quiz, questionnaire, pole, or feedback survey in your presentation.

In PowerPoint, open the "Insert" tab on the ribbon, and in the Forms group, click "Forms". If you cannot see this option, you can add new buttons to the ribbon .

As at April 2024, this feature is only available for those using their work or school account. We're using a Microsoft 365 Personal account in the screenshot below, which is why the Forms icon is grayed out.

Then, a sidebar will appear on the right-hand side of your screen, where you can either choose a form you have already created or opt to craft a new form.

Now, you can share your PPT presentation with others , who can click the fields and submit their responses when they view the presentation.

3. Embed a Live Web Page

You could always screenshot a web page and paste that into your PPT, but that's not a very interactive addition to your presentation. Instead, you can embed a live web page into your PPT so that people with access to your presentation can interact actively with its contents.

To do this, we will need to add an add-in to our PPT account .

Add-ins are not always reliable or secure. Before installing an add-in to your Microsoft account, check that the author is a reputable company, and type the add-in's name into a search engine to read reviews and other users' experiences.

To embed a web page, add the Web Viewer add-in ( this is an add-in created by Microsoft ).

Go to the relevant slide and open the Web Viewer add-in. Then, copy and paste the secure URL into the field box, and remove https:// from the start of the address. In our example, we will add a selector wheel to our slide. Click "Preview" to see a sample of the web page's appearance in your presentation.

This is how ours will look.

When you or someone with access to your presentation views the slideshow, this web page will be live and interactive.

4. Add Links and Menus

As well as moving from one slide to the next through a keyboard action or mouse click, you can create links within your presentation to direct the audience to specific locations.

To create a link, right-click the outline of the clickable object, and click "Link."

In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click "Place In This Document," choose the landing destination, and click "OK."

What's more, to make it clear that an object is clickable, you can use action buttons. Open the "Insert" tab on the ribbon, click "Shape," and then choose an appropriate action button. Usefully, PPT will automatically prompt you to add a link to these shapes.

You might also want a menu that displays on every slide. Once you have created the menu, add the links using the method outlined above. Then, select all the items, press Ctrl+C (copy), and then use Ctrl+V to paste them in your other slides.

5. Add Clickable Images to Give More Info

Through PowerPoint's animations, you can give your viewer the power to choose what they see and when they see it. This works nicely whether you're planning to send your presentation to others to run through independently or whether you're presenting in front of a group and want your audience to decide which action they want to take.

Start by creating the objects that will be clickable (trigger) and the items that will appear (pop-up).

Then, select all the pop-ups together. When you click "Animations" on the ribbon and choose an appropriate animation for the effect you want to achieve, this will be applied to all objects you have selected.

The next step is to rename the triggers in your presentation. To do this, open the "Home" tab, and in the Editing group, click "Select", and then "Selection Pane."

With the Selection Pane open, select each trigger on your slide individually, and rename them in the Selection Pane, so that they can be easily linked to in the next step.

Finally, go back to the first pop-up. Open the "Animations" tab, and in the Advanced Animation group, click the "Trigger" drop-down arrow. Then, you can set the item to appear when a trigger is clicked in your presentation.

If you want your item to disappear when the trigger is clicked again, select the pop-up, click "Add Animation" in the Advanced Animation group, choose an Exit animation, and follow the same step to link that animation to the trigger button.

6. Add a Countdown Timer

A great way to get your audience to engage with your PPT presentation is to keep them on edge by adding a countdown timer. Whether you're leading a presentation and want to let your audience stop to discuss a topic, or running an online quiz with time-limit questions, having a countdown timer means your audience will keep their eye on your slide throughout.

To do this, you need to animate text boxes or shapes containing your countdown numbers. Choose and format a shape and type the highest number that your countdown clock will need. In our case, we're creating a 10-second timer.

Now, with your shape selected, open the "Animations" tab on the ribbon and click the animation drop-down arrow. Then, in the Exit menu, click "Disappear."

Open the Animation Pane, and click the drop-down arrow next to the animation you've just added. From there, choose "Timing."

Make sure "On Click" is selected in the Start menu, and change the Delay option to "1 second," before clicking "OK."

Then, with this shape still selected, press Ctrl+C (copy), and then Ctrl+V (paste). In the second box, type 9 . With the Animation Pane still open and this second shape selected, click the drop-down arrow and choose "Timing" again. Change the Start option to "After Previous," and make sure the Delay option is 1 second. Then, click "OK."

We can now use this second shape as our template, as when we copy and paste it again, the animations will also duplicate. With this second shape selected, press Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, type 8 into the box, and continue to do the same until you get to 0 .

Next, remove the animations from the "0" box, as you don't want this to disappear. To do this, click the shape, and in the Animation Pane drop-down, click "Remove."

You now need to layer them in order. Right-click the box containing number 1, and click "Bring To Front." You will now see that box on the top. Do the same with the other numbers in ascending order.

Finally, you need to align the objects together. Click anywhere on your slide and press Ctrl+A. Then, in the Home tab on the ribbon, click "Arrange." First click "Align Center," and then bring the menu up again, so that you can click "Align Middle."

Press Ctrl+A again to select your timer, and you can then move your timer or copy and paste it elsewhere.

Press F5 to see the presentation in action, and when you get to the slide containing the timer, click anywhere on the slide to see your countdown timer in action!

Now that your PPT presentation is more interactive, make sure you've avoided these eight common presentational mistakes before you present your slides.

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This is a demo that showcases building a PowerPoint-like web app powered by CopilotKit - with the experimental voice driven UX . For the standard non-voice example app, see https://github.com/CopilotKit/presentation-demo .

Deploy with Vercel

To deploy with Vercel, click the button below:

Deploy with Vercel

Getting Started

1. install the needed package:, 2. set the required environment variables:.

copy .env.local.example to .env.local and populate the required environment variables.

⚠ Important: Not all users have access to the GPT-4 model yet. If you don't have access, you can use GPT-3 by setting OPENAI_MODEL to gpt-3.5-turbo in the .env.local file.

If you want online research to work, you only need a tavily API key, which you can obtain here: https://tavily.com/

3. Run the app

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx . The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Voice Capabilities

Have a look at app/page.tsx to see how the voice capabilities are configured.

Zoom in on the CopilotKit code

Search for useMakeCopilotReadable to see where frontend application information is being made accessible to the Copilot engine

Search for useAppendSlide and useUpdateSlide to see where the frontend application action is made accessible to the Copilot engine.

In route.ts , see how the backend-running researchAction is defined against the research.ts agent, powered by LangChain's LangGraph and by Tavily research API.

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Hafnia’s q1 2024 financial results presentation to be held on 15 may 2024.

SINGAPORE, May 10, 2024 --( BUSINESS WIRE )--Hafnia Limited ("Hafnia", the "Company", OSE ticker code: "HAFNI", NYSE ticker code "HAFN") will release its Q1 2024 results at approximately 07:30 CET on 15 May 2024 . In connection with this release, Hafnia will hold an investor presentation with Mikael Skov (CEO), Perry van Echtelt (CFO), Jens Christophersen (EVP), and Thomas Andersen (EVP).

The financial results presentations will be available via live video webcast via the following link: Click here to join Hafnia's Investor Presentation on 15 May 2024

Meeting ID: 364 498 305 350 Passcode: BkbxHb Download Teams | Join on the web Or Dial In (audio only): +45 32 72 66 19, 59584768 # Denmark Phone Conference ID: 595 847 68#

A recording of the presentation will be available after the live event on the Hafnia Investor Relations Page: https://investor.hafniabw.com/investing-in-hafnia/default.aspx

About Hafnia

Hafnia is one of the world's leading tanker owners, transporting oil, oil products and chemicals for major national and international oil companies, chemical companies, as well as trading and utility companies.

As Owners and Operators of over 200 vessels, we offer a fully integrated shipping platform, including technical management, commercial and chartering services, pool management, and a large-scale bunker desk. Hafnia has offices in Singapore, Copenhagen, Houston, and Dubai and currently employs over 4000 employees onshore and at sea. Hafnia is part of the BW Group, an international shipping group involved in oil and gas transportation, floating gas infrastructure, environmental technologies, and deep-water production for over 80 years.

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240509963313/en/

For further information:

Mikael Skov, CEO Hafnia Limited +65 8533 8900

Family Resource Center opens in Cleveland Heights: Press Run

  • Updated: May. 17, 2024, 11:56 a.m. |
  • Published: May. 17, 2024, 11:55 a.m.

Avery Friedman

Avery Friedman will present "Constitution on Fire: Hate Speech of Free Speech," a free program May 27 at Park Synagogue. Read more below. Avery Friedman

  • Jeff Piorkowski/special to cleveland.com

CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, Ohio -- Heights Family Resource Center opening: The new Heights Family Resource Center, located at the Delisle Options Center, 14780 Superior Road in Cleveland Heights, opened on May 17.

The HFRC is designed to provide services, support and activities that educate, develop skills and promote health and well-being in order to improve the lives of students and families in CH-UH Schools.

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BW LPG Limited: Q1 2024 Financial Report Release and Earnings Presentation on 30 May 2024

(Singapore, 16 May 2024)

BW LPG Limited ("BW LPG", the "Company", OSE ticker code: "BWLPG.OL", NYSEticker code: "BWLP") will release its Q1 2024 Financial Report atapproximately0700hrs CET/ 0100hrs EDT on 30 May 2024.

In connection with this release, BW LPG will hold an Earnings PresentationwithKristian SĂžrensen (CEO) and Samantha Xu (CFO). The details are as follows:

Date: Thursday, 30 May 2024

Location and TimeOslo, Norway (13:00 CET/ UTC + 1 hours)New York, USA (07:00 EDT/ UTC - 5 hours)Singapore, Singapore (19:00 SGT/ UTC + 8 hours)

The financial results presentation will be held live via webcast andconferencecall. To attend the webcast, please register in advance at the link below:https://events.q4inc.com/attendee/878685784

Details to dial into the conference call are as follows:Access code: 204800Norway: +47 815 03 308USA: +1 646 664 1960Singapore: +65 3163 4602Other location dial in details: https://tinyurl.com/bwlpgconcall2024

A recording of the presentation will also be available after the event on theCompany's website at https://www.investor.bwlpg.com.

For further information, please contact:

Kristian SĂžrensen, CEOSamantha Xu, CFOE-mail: [email protected]

About BW LPG

BW LPG is the world's leading owner and operator of LPG vessels, owning andoperating Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGC) with a total carrying capacity ofover3 million CBM. With five decades of operating experience in LPG shipping,experienced employees and an in-house LPG trading division, BW LPG offers anintegrated, flexible, and reliable service to customers. More informationaboutBW LPG can be found at https://www.bwlpg.com.

BW LPG is associated with BW Group, a leading global maritime company involvedin shipping, floating infrastructure, deepwater oil & gas production, and newsustainable technologies. Founded in 1955 by Sir YK Pao, BW controls a fleetofover 490 vessels transporting oil, gas and dry commodities, with its 200 LNGandLPG ships constituting the largest gas fleet in the world. In the renewablesspace, the group has investments in solar, wind, batteries, biofuels and watertreatment.

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to Section5-12of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


  • Les DĂ©codeurs
  • Élections europĂ©ennes 2024

Qui sont les candidats aux élections européennes de 2024 ?

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Décryptage Le 9 juin 2024, les électeurs français désigneront les eurodéputés au Parlement européen. Retrouvez les principaux candidats et leur liste.

Les partis qui souhaitent présenter des candidats aux élections européennes, qui se tiendront le 9 juin, doivent déposer avant vendredi 17 mai une liste présentant 81 noms.

Pour les grands partis, les tĂȘtes de liste sont le plus souvent des eurodĂ©putĂ©s sortants, comme ValĂ©rie Hayer, qui portera les couleurs de la majoritĂ© prĂ©sidentielle, mais aussi François-Xavier Bellamy, pour Les RĂ©publicains, Jordan Bardella, pour le Rassemblement national, RaphaĂ«l Glucksmann pour le Parti socialiste-Place publique, Manon Aubry pour La France insoumise (LFI) ou Marie Toussaint pour Les Ecologistes (ex-EELV).

Lors du prĂ©cĂ©dent scrutin, en 2019, trente-quatre listes s’étaient prĂ©sentĂ©es, de l’extrĂȘme droite Ă  la gauche radicale en passant par une liste « gilets jaunes ».

Ce tableau prĂ©sente les principales tĂȘtes de liste dĂ©clarĂ©es.

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  1. How to Code Presentation Template

    code presentation

  2. Coding PPT Template

    code presentation

  3. How to Code Presentation Template

    code presentation

  4. 6 Awesome Ways To Present Your Code đŸ”„

    code presentation

  5. Coding Presentations

    code presentation

  6. VSCode Tutorial: Create slide deck presentation with Markdown on Visual Studio Code

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  1. snappify

    snappify is a tool that lets you create interactive and animated code snippets for presentations, infographics, education, and social media. You can add multiple code windows, annotations, images, custom branding, and more with a simple drag and drop editor.

  2. How to Make Beautiful Code Presentations

    This video answers the most common question I get on my channel: how do I make my code animations / presentations? This video answers that question with a be...

  3. 3 Visual Studio Code Extensions for Programming/Code Presentations

    Delivering a technical presentation is hard enough, so why not let your code editor do a little heavy lifting for you. Built directly into VS Code is a great...

  4. Slidev 101: Coding presentations with Markdown

    Learn how to use Slidev, an open source project that allows you to code your presentations with Markdown and Vue.js. See examples of how to customize slides, themes, components, and more.

  5. How to Use Visual Studio Like a Pro When Presenting Your Code

    Learn how to enter and customize Presentation Mode in Visual Studio to show your code to an audience without distractions or confusion. Find out how to change font sizes, themes, window layouts, and keyboard shortcuts for your presentation style.

  6. GitHub

    Features. 🎹 Themable - theme can be shared and used with npm packages. 🌈 Stylish - on-demand utilities via UnoCSS. đŸ€č Interactive - embedding Vue components seamlessly. 🎙 Presenter Mode - use another window, or even your phone to control your slides. 🧼 LaTeX - built-in LaTeX math equations support.

  7. VSCode Tutorial: Create slide deck presentation with Markdown ...

    In this Visual Studio Code Tutorial, We'll learn about how to create a presentation (PDF, PPT) with Markdown on Visual Studio Code (VSCode) editor with Live ...

  8. Code Presentation Tips

    Learn how to format and highlight code in your slides using various tools and presets. Find out how to choose suitable language, keep code short, and use dark and light themes.

  9. Top 9 JavaScript frameworks to create beautiful presentation slides

    Code Surfer (6.2k ⭐) — A library that allows you to create presentations using Markdown and React components. You can write your slides in a single MDX file and separate them with --- , add code highlighting, code zooming, code scrolling, code focusing, code morphing, and fun to MDX Deck slides.

  10. Slides

    ‍ VS Code Slides. Slides is a Visual Studio Code extension that helps you use your editor as a presentation tool. Read the blog post. This is inspired from AndrĂ© Staltz's post where he explained how you can use VS Code only to give a pleasant, "live coding"-like presentation. > Give a feedback. Features. ⚡ Toggle Slides mode with a shortcut

  11. Developers

    There's also an API for creating new presentations with preset content and we're aiming to add additional APIs in the future. Syntax Highlighted Code. Slides is the best presentation tool out there when it comes to presenting and showing code. Highlighting is provided for all common languages and you can pick from multiple different highlight ...

  12. How To Format A Block of Code Within a Presentation?

    3. Just a few suggestions: Screenshots might be an easy way, but you'll have to make sure the code in the image is big enough and clear enough to read. (not the whole screenshot, just the relevant part) If you can embed html then there are lots of tools to generate syntax highlighted html.

  13. How to absolutely ace developer presentations

    2. Remember your body language. Don't turn towards the slides. If you need to, point at them if they support what you want to say. Never show your back to the audience! Pay attention to your hands: don't put them in your pockets or cross them in front of your body. If you are nervous, keep a pen in your hands!

  14. Roblox The Presentation Experience Codes

    Working Codes. scaryhalloween2023 —Redeem for 60 Points and 15 Gems (New) spookpoints —Redeem for 100 Points (New) summerboost —Redeem for a 5x Point Boost for 10 min (New) OMG350KLIKES —Redeem for 50 Points. unexpected —Redeem for 15 Gems. UGC —Redeem for 30 Gems. coffee —Redeem for 60 Points.

  15. The HTML presentation framework

    Create Stunning Presentations on the Web. reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It's a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free. Presentations made with reveal.js are built on open web technologies. That means anything you can do on the web, you can do in your ...

  16. Visual Studio Code

    Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows.

  17. Free templates about Programming for Google Slides & PPT

    Programming Language Workshop for Beginners. Go from "Hello World!" to a master in programming with this creative template that looks like code line. The amazing design works perfect for a programming workshop because it includes editable resources and a layout that makes understanding code lines a very easy and visual experience.

  18. 3D How to Code Workshop. Free Slides Template

    25+ ready-made slides to customize to your heart's content. Hundreds of charts, frames, lines and shapes to choose from. Easy downloading or sharing in a wide range of formats. With Canva, the perks get even perkier: An easy drag-and-drop tool to help you add graphics. Set-and-forget brand colors and font combinations.

  19. Presenting Code

    Presenting Code. reveal.js includes a powerful set of features aimed at presenting syntax highlighted code — powered by highlight.js. This functionality lives in the highlight plugin and is included in our default presentation boilerplate. Below is an example with clojure code that will be syntax highlighted.

  20. How to Code Workshop

    Features of this template. 100% editable and easy to modify. 25 different slides to impress your audience. Available in different colors. Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups. Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon's extension for customizing your slides. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and ...

  21. Creating a PowerPoint Presentation using ChatGPT

    You can run the code and obtain a PowerPoint file in the following steps. Firstly, open your PowerPoint application and create a new presentation. Then, you should find "Visual Basic Editor" in the "Tools" menu, under "Macro" submenu. Launching Visual Basic Editor. You should see a "VBAProject" window in the Visual Basic Editor.

  22. Presentations and slides for any occasion

    Choose a design from our presentation templates or create your own from scratch. Customize your presentation with colors, fonts, and key information. Add animations, videos, images, illustrations. Use assets and other media content from your Brand Kit (Pro) to stay consistent with your business or school brand.

  23. Code Presenter Pro

    Code Presenter Pro Explore the best way to demonstrate your work. This is the Office App you need to give a stunning code demo in your PowerPoint presentation.Packed with practical and easy-to-use tools,it is bound to give a boost to your productivity. AWESOME FEATURES!

  24. 6 Ways to Create More Interactive PowerPoint Presentations

    1. Add a QR code Adding a QR code can be particularly useful if you want to direct your audience to an online form, website, or video. Some websites have in-built ways to create a QR code. For example, on Microsoft Forms, when you click "Collect Responses," you'll see the QR code option via the icon highlighted in the screenshot below. You can ...

  25. CopilotKit/presentation-voice

    1. install the needed package: npm i. 2. Set the required environment variables: copy .env.local.example to .env.local and populate the required environment variables. ⚠ Important: Not all users have access to the GPT-4 model yet. If you don't have access, you can use GPT-3 by setting OPENAI_MODEL to gpt-3.5-turbo in the .env.local file.

  26. [Video] Paul Storm on LinkedIn: #technology #digitaltransformation #ai

    Paul Storm's Post [Video] How to use ChatGPT to write a PowerPoint presentation Employed Prompt Used Prompt -👇 "I'd like you to build VBA code for a PowerPoint presentation on the history of ...

  27. Hafnia's Q1 2024 Financial Results Presentation to Be Held on 15 May 2024

    08:30 EST. Singapore. 20:30 SGT. The financial results presentations will be available via live video webcast via the following link: Click here to join Hafnia's Investor Presentation on 15 May ...

  28. Family Resource Center opens in Cleveland Heights: Press Run

    This week's Press Run includes news about the opening of the Heights Family Resource Center in Cleveland Heights; a presentation by civil rights lawyer Avery Friedman at Park Synagogue titled ...

  29. BW LPG Limited: Q1 2024 Financial Report Release and Earnings

    A recording of the presentation will also be available after the event on theCompany's website at https://www.investor.bwlpg.com. For further information, please contact: Kristian SĂžrensen, CEOSamantha Xu, CFOE-mail: [email protected]

  30. Qui sont les candidats aux élections européennes de 2024

    listes aux europĂ©ennes 2024. Ce tableau prĂ©sente les principales tĂȘtes de liste dĂ©clarĂ©es. Cliquez sur. Touchez. les vignettes pour en savoir plus sur les candidats et les membres de leur ...