Free 100-Word Essay Samples

57 samples of this type

A 100-word essay is a short piece. It might be assigned by a school teacher to test the student’s knowledge of the topic and their ability to formulate thoughts concisely. The most common genres for texts of 100 to 150 words are a discussion board post and a personal statement for a college application.

NDNQI Contribution to Nursing Healthcare

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Watson’s Philosophy and Caring Science in Practice

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Reducing the Occurrence of Hypothermia in Newborns

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The Sekmadienis Ltd. v. Lithuania Court Case

Sekmadienis Ltd. v. Lithuania concerned a lawsuit filed by the Lithuanian Government against the advertising company. According to the lawsuit, the religious feelings of believers were offended by promotional materials associated with Christianity. As a substantiation, the appeals of individual citizens were used. However, the plaintiff’s claims were biased under...

Communist Manifesto vs. the Capital

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How Many Pages Is a 100-Word Essay?

A 100-word text usually takes about 1 page. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

How Many Paragraphs Is a 100-Word Essay?

A 100-word essay should include 1 to 2 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

How Does a 100-Word Essay Look Like?

A 100-word essay is quite a short piece. However, it should be properly planned. Your essay should contain four to five concise paragraphs. It is to consist of an introduction paragraph, two to three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

How Long Does a 100-Word Essay Take?

It will take you about 2 to 4 minutes to type 100 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 20 minutes for 100 words.

How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 100 Word Essay?

An average 100-word essay contains 1 to 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

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Tiny Memoir Contest for Students: Write a 100-Word Personal Narrative

We invite teenagers to tell a true story about a meaningful life experience in just 100 words. Contest dates: Sept. 14 to Oct. 12.

what if essay 100 words

By The Learning Network

Update, Sept. 21, 2023: Here are the rules and guidelines for our 2023 Tiny Memoirs Contest .

Update, Dec. 7, 2022: We have announced the winning entries.

As we have since 2019 , we’re inviting students to write a short, powerful story about a meaningful experience from their lives, but this year there’s a twist: They must do it in 100 words or fewer.

If that sounds hard, the Style section’s Tiny Love Stories series can show you how. Though our version of this challenge allows students to write about any life experience, not just relationships, we’ll be looking for stories of the same quality as you can find in that collection.

We’re not asking you to write to a particular theme or to use a specific structure or style, but we are looking for short, powerful stories about a particular moment or event in your life. We want to hear your story, told in your unique voice, and we hope you’ll experiment with style and form to tell a tale that matters to you, in a way you enjoy telling it.

To help, we have a step-by-step guide full of advice that is grounded in 25 excellent 100-word mentor texts. Written to students, they can follow it alone or as a class. We also have a forum where they can practice ahead of submission in which we ask, “ What Story From Your Life Can You Tell in 100 Words? ” We hope students will use the space to experiment and encourage each other.

Take a look at the full guidelines and related resources below. Please post any questions you have in the comments and we’ll answer you there, or write to us at [email protected]. And, consider hanging this PDF one-page announcement on your class bulletin board.

Here’s what you need to know:

Resources for teachers and students, frequently asked questions, how to submit.

Please read these rules carefully before submitting an entry. You can find more details in the Frequently Asked Questions section below.

Your tiny memoir should be a short, powerful, true story about a meaningful experience from your own life.

It must be 100 words or fewer, not including the title.

You must be a student ages 13 to 19 in middle school or high school to participate, and all students must have parent or guardian permission to enter. Please see the F.A.Q. section for additional eligibility details.

Your essay must be your own work and original for this contest. That means it should not have been published anywhere else at the time of submission, such as in a school newspaper.

Keep your audience in mind. You’re writing for a family newspaper, so, for example, no curse words, please.

Submit only one entry per student.

While many of our contests allow students to work in teams, for this one you must work alone.

All entries must be submitted by Oct. 12, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time using the contest form below.

Use these resources to help you write your mini memoir:

A step-by-step guide for writing a 100-word narrative : This guide walks you through six steps, from reading examples of tiny memoirs, to brainstorming your own meaningful life moments, to writing and editing your final piece.

Writing prompts: Our step-by-step guide has a related PDF full of prompts to help students brainstorm “meaningful moments” from their lives. If those aren’t enough, you can find many more questions to inspire you in our new list of 445 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing .

A “rehearsal space” for teenagers to experiment: We have posted a student forum asking, “ What Story From Your Life Can You Tell in 100 Words? ” In it, we lead students through a few questions, and provide a few examples, to show them how. We hope that as they search for topics and try out techniques, they’ll post their drafts here for others to read and comment on.

Two lesson plans inspired by Times columns that tell tiny stories: Our main inspiration for this contest is Tiny Love Stories , a series from the Modern Love column that invites readers to submit 100-word stories about relationships. Here is a lesson plan that can help you teach and learn with this column. You can also find short memoirs in the Metropolitan Diary column , where readers submit tales about New York City. Here is a lesson plan and a writing prompt you can use to teach and learn with that feature.

A personal narrative writing unit : This unit includes mentor texts, writing prompts, lesson plans, videos and on-demand webinars that teach the skills essential for any kind of narrative writing. (Yes, they were developed for our original narrative contest, but the tips for making your writing shine apply to this format too.)

Our contest rubric : These are the criteria we will use to judge this contest. Keep them handy to make sure your piece meets all of the qualifications before entering.

Below are answers to your questions about writing, judging, the rules and teaching with this contest. Please read these thoroughly and, if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, post your query in the comments or write to us at [email protected].


What is a personal narrative?

For this contest, we’re defining a personal narrative as a short, powerful, true story about a specific experience, event or incident from your real life.

Because you’re telling a story about a particular moment rather than, say, summarizing your whole life or reflecting on your feelings about a topic, there should be a clear narrative arc — a beginning, middle and end — that is driven by a conflict of some kind that is eventually resolved or spurs an attempt at an ongoing life change. Yes, this can be done even in 100 words, and our step-by-step guide can show you how.

Keep in mind, however, that any story can work. It doesn’t have to be the most dramatic thing that ever happened to you; it can, instead, be about baking brownies with your brother, or a conversation you had on Tuesday’s bus ride to school. It’s all in how you tell it.

And a good personal narrative not only tells a story but supplies a reason for telling it , so that readers come away with a sense of some larger meaning or universal message they can relate to. The best essays often do this subtly and leave room for the reader’s own interpretation.

How can I make my 100-word narrative stand out?

In addition to following the basic elements of good storytelling explained above, we suggest writing your story in your real voice — with the words and phrases you use in your everyday life and your unique sense of humor and emotion — to make your personality come across on the page.

You might also experiment with technique, such as dropping your reader into a scene , using details to show instead of tell , playing with dialogue or maybe even approaching your story as you would a poem to make sure every word (and punctuation mark) counts.

You can find examples of all of these writing moves and more in our step-by-step guide for writing a 100-word narrative, as well as in our personal narrative writing unit .

I don’t know what to write about. Where should I start?

Everyone has a story to tell. Start with our writing prompt “ What Story From Your Life Can You Tell in 100 Words? ” and this PDF of prompts taken from our step-by-step guide.

For more inspiration, scroll through our list of 445 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing that includes questions about childhood memories, friendship, travel, social media, food, sports, school and more. Try responding to a few questions or categories that interest you. You might choose one that you enjoyed writing about to turn into your piece.

Can I have someone else check my work?

You are welcome to get suggestions for revising and editing your narrative, of course, but the work you submit should be fundamentally your own.

Where can I find examples of personal narratives in The Times?

Start with our main inspiration for this contest: Tiny Love Stories , a series from the Modern Love column that invites readers to submit 100-word stories about relationships.

But you can write about any meaningful life experience, not just relationships. For ideas, you can take a look at the winning essays from our Student Personal Narrative Contest from 2019 , 2020 and 2021 . Or check out these columns that have run in The Times over the years, all of which feature personal narratives:

Lives : Powerful stories about meaningful life experiences in 800 words.

Metropolitan Diary : Short reader tales from New York City.

Rites of Passage : Essays that explore notable life transitions and events, big, small and absurd.

On Campus : Dispatches from college students, professors and administrators on higher education and university life.

Disability : Essays, art and opinion exploring the lives of people living with disabilities.

Menagerie : Essays that explore the strange and diverse ways the human and animal worlds intersect.


How will my 100-word narrative be judged?

Your work will be read by New York Times journalists as well as by Learning Network staff members and educators from around the United States. We will use this rubric to judge entries.

What’s the prize?

Having your work published on The Learning Network and being eligible to be chosen to have your work published in the print editions of The New York Times.

When will the winners be announced?

About two months after the contest has closed.

My essay wasn’t selected as a winner. Can you tell me why?

We typically receive thousands of entries for our contests, so unfortunately, our team does not have the capacity to provide individual feedback on each student’s essay.


Who is eligible to participate in this contest?

This contest is open to students ages 13 to 19 who are in middle school or high school around the world. College students cannot submit an entry. However, high school students (including high school postgraduate students) who are taking one or more college classes can participate. Students attending their first year of a two-year CEGEP in Quebec Province can also participate. In addition, students age 19 or under who have completed high school but are taking a gap year or are otherwise not enrolled in college can participate.

The children and stepchildren of New York Times employees are not eligible to enter this contest. Nor are students who live in the same household as those employees.

My piece was published in my school newspaper. Can I submit it to this contest?

No. We ask that your 100-word narrative be original for this contest. Please don’t submit anything you have already had published at the time of submission, whether in a school newspaper, for another contest or anywhere else.

Whom can I contact if I have questions about this contest or am having issues submitting my entry?

Leave a comment on this post or write to us at [email protected].


I’m a teacher. What resources do you have to help me teach with this contest?

Start with our step-by-step guide for entering this contest .

We also have a full unit plan for personal narrative writing . It includes writing prompts, mentor texts, lesson plans and on-demand webinars that teach the narrative writing skills essential for this contest.

Do my students need a New York Times subscription to access these resources?

Students can get free access to Times pieces through The Learning Network . All the activities for students on our site, including mentor texts and writing prompts, plus the Times articles they link to, are free. Students can search for articles using the search tool on our home page.

However, if you are interested in learning more about school subscriptions, visit this page .

Update, Oct. 13: This contest is closed. We received over 12,000 submissions. We will announce winning entries in about two months.

100 Word Essay — Examples & Writing Tips

Composing a 100-word essay is not always as simple as it appears at first glance. The challenge lies in conveying the idea in just 100 words. Such a word limit requires you to be selective about the information you intend to cover in your writing.

A teacher may assign such a short essay to assess students’ understanding of the topic and the ability to express their thoughts clearly and concisely. A 100-word limit is common for discussion board posts and personal statements for a college application.

In this article, you’ll find a writing guide for a 100-word essay. You’ll also discover plenty of topics, prompts, and examples of 100-word papers. And if you want to see even more samples for inspiration, check out our free essay database .

⭐ 100 Words Examples

  • 📖 Essay Topics in Literature
  • 📝 Essay Examples on Social Issues
  • 👤 Examples about Historical Figures
  • 📕 Personal Narrative Topics
  • ✍️ How to Write a 100-word Essay
  • 👨‍💼 Examples on Business

🌐 History of the Internet in 100 Words

  • 🎓 Essay Examples on Education
  • ⚖️ Controversial Short Essay Topics
  • McDonald’s Company: Bandwagon Technique For instance, McDonald’s company is one of the companies that have traditionally used the approach to attract more customers. This approach is quite effective in creating a positive appeal on various products because most people […]
  • “The Addict” by Anne Sexton: Poem Analysis In the poem “The Addict,” Anne Sexton vividly describes the experiences and feelings of an addicted person who is not understood by other people and struggles with the addiction. Thus, the poem creates a vivid […]
  • “Life After Death” by Ted Hughes: Poem Analysis The poem “Life After Death” by Ted Hughes is a hymn of the sharpest grief and devastation that can only appear after losing the dearest and beloved person.
  • “The Hidden Power of Smiling” TED Talk by Gutman Another peculiarity of the speech is the fact that the speaker does not get distracted when switching through the slides. He does not look at the screen, and it adds credibility to the information.
  • Analysis of Disney+ Value Proposition This format manages to grasp the very essence of the 21st-century spirit and combines high-tech solutions with the familiar methods of pastime.
  • The “Eldorado” Poem Analysis by Edgar Allan Poe The structure of the poem is AABCCB. Edgar Allan Poe vastly uses metaphors and sight sensory in the poem.
  • Precis on the “Superhero Smackdown” by Douglas Wolk Wolk compares Marvel and DC to settle the eternal dispute between the admirers of DC and Marvel once and for all.
  • Philosophical Assumptions and Interpretive Frameworks The knowledge itself that those assumptions exist and vary allows people to perceive their own biases and question whether or not these biases influence their judgment.
  • Overreaching Products, Suffering Sales The decision to rebrand the industry is always one of the hardest ones for the company, implying the scope of investment and the possibilities of recuperation in the near future.
  • “The Curve of the Bridge” Painting by Grace Cossington Smith Title: The curve of the bridge Year: 1928-1929 Medium: Oil on cardboard Location: The Art Gallery of NSW, Australia Author: Grace Cossington Smith Grace Cossington Smith is known to be one of the first […]

📖 100 Words Essay in Literature

  • Cinderella story in 100 words. In your 100-word essay, summarize the key plot points and conflicts of the story. Highlight the theme of family and love and analyze the influence of “Cinderella” on readers.
  • King Lear summary in 100 words. Describe the tragic elements of Shakespeare’s play in your writing. Then, focus on the parent-child relationship conflict to identify the social and political commentary of the author.
  • Hamlet summary in 100 words. Outline the Shakespeare’s Hamlet narrative and the major themes the author highlights in the play. You can also provide examples of symbolism and its role in understanding the story.
  • Othello summary in 100 words. Give a concise summary of pivot events in Shakespeare’s play. In addition, you can analyze the main character’s emotions and the conflict between passion and love.
  • Pride and Prejudice short summary in 100 words. Reflect on Jane Austen’s story, focusing on its perspectives on social life, particularly the institution of marriage .

The Necklace Summary in 100 Words

  • The essence of true happiness in The Necklace.
  • How does Guy de Maupassant highlight the importance of honesty in The Necklace?
  • The theme of poisonous pleasure in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant.
  • The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant and examples of symbolism.
  • The role of fate in The Necklace.

Essay on Golden Temple in 100 Words

  • The constructional peculiarities of the Golden Temple.
  • The Golden Temple: the history and architecture.
  • The Golden Tempel as the central worship place for the Sikhs.
  • What are the challenges of preserving the Golden Temple as a sacred place?
  • The historical value of the Golden Temple.

Macbeth Summary in 100 Words

  • The role of omens in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth.
  • Macbeth: the concept of betrayal.
  • Ambition as a core theme in Macbeth.
  • Supernatural elements in the play Macbeth.
  • The value of power based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

The Tempest Summary in 100 Words

  • The symbol of isolation in The Tempest by William Shakespeare.
  • The Tempest: analysis of the main characters.
  • The Tempest as a story of the magical loss and restoration of man’s power.
  • What is the purpose of the epilogue in The Tempest?
  • The primary themes of The Tempest.

Character Sketch of Othello in 100 Words

  • Othello as a tragic hero in Shakespeare’s play.
  • The peculiarities of Othello’s language and rhetoric.
  • The impact of Iago on Othello’s character development.
  • The role of Othello’s soliloquies in his revealing.
  • The romantic relationships in Othello’s life.

The Gift of the Magi Summary in 100 Words

  • The main symbols of the story The Gift of the Magi.
  • What is the positive impact of The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry?
  • The Gift of the Magi: analysis of the story structure.
  • The theme of love and sacrifice in O. Henry’s The Gift of the Magi.
  • The analysis of key characters in The Gift of the Magi.

📝 100 Word Essay on Social Issues

  • Unemployment and Underemployment This decision became a major step in relieving the social strain and allowing millions of people to survive the economic hardships caused by the imposed restrictions
  • Cultural Tension Sources in the 1920s After the First World War, the US received millions of immigrants who filled the streets and parts of the country. Moreover, a growing preference for leisure and glamour in the 1920s facilitated an ever-increasing interest […]
  • Ethics of Facial-Recognition Surveillance Systems Facial-recognition surveillance violates human rights. Facial-recognition surveillance must be banned.
  • Workplace Drug Abuse Over the past years, the issue of drug abuse in the workplace, whether the issue concerns the employees or their families, has become quite significant in the global context.
  • Medical Ethics: Concealing the Truth from Patients They include patients’ condition, family situation, and the potential implications of telling the truth. However, the decision should be based on the mental well-being of patients.
  • Discrimination Against Women and Immigrants at Work The case of the newly hired employee, who faces discrimination against women and immigrants, is a subject to the violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Noble Cause Corruption and Police Misconduct However, the phenomenon is based on a misconception about the purpose of the justice system and the role that the members of the police must play in society.
  • Global Warming as Environmental Injustice A good example of environmental injustice is the issue of global warming. Developed nations should help developing nations deal with the negative effects of global warming.
  • Transatlantic Slave Trade in the Early Modern Times However, the end of this slave trade was a relief especially for the Africans, who were deprived of their rights to enjoy a life free from oppression and cruelty.
  • Racial Discrimination in Australian Society My sincerity and conviction on the issue of racial slurs convinced him that I was a champion of human rights, especially the rights of the minorities in the society.
  • Inequalities in the World Today The other inequality is in cities around the world which are thought to be well of yet there are incidences of inequality.
  • Climate Change in Canada The Harper government has done little to ensure implementation of the agreements to reduce emissions. Since governments around the globe have failed in their commitment to reduce emissions, going green remains the only option.
  • Abortion as a Constitutional Right of US Women An abortion is the termination of pregnancy with the help of medicinal drugs or surgical interventions before the birth of the fetus.
  • Gender Images Problem in Sports Films The research addresses three problems: the utilizing of traditional gender behavior in sports films; the reaction of the intended audience to the film: and the implication of sexuality of athletes.

👤 100 Words Essay Examples about Historical Figures

  • Richard Nixon and the 1968 Elections Thus, riots within the cities, protests against the Vietnam war, and assassinations within the country assisted Richard Nixon to win in the 1968 elections.
  • Loretta Perfectus Walsh: First Female Chief in the Navy According to Mosteller, born in 1896, Walsh worked at the recruiting station, when, on March 17, 1917, she was offered to join American Navy, becoming the first female to enlist in the Naval Reserve.
  • Lucius Cornelius Sulla and the Roman Senate Sulla earned the secret dislike of the senate because he ordered to kill Gaius Marius a person who once spared Sulla’s life. Sulla did several things to offend the Roman people and the senate.
  • Krishna Das (Jeffrey Kagel) He is famous for compositions and performances in a music genre known as kirtan. Das is the most famous American singer of the kirtan genre of Hindu music.

Essay on Isaac Newton in 100 Words

  • English physicist and mathematician.
  • Known for his discoveries in optics and mathematics.
  • Formulation of the three laws of motion.
  • Notable works: Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica.

Biography of Robert Frost in 100 Words

  • American poet, poet laureate (1958-1959).
  • Known for his depictions of the rural life of New England.
  • Peculiarities of writing style: realistic verse portraying ordinary people in everyday situations.
  • Notable works: A Boy’s Will, After Apple-Picking.

Hitler Essay 100 Words

  • Dictator of Germany.
  • Führer und Reichskanzler.
  • Responsible for WWII, the Holocaust, and the Nazi regime.
  • Known for aggressive expansionist policies.

📕 Ideas for a 100 Word Personal Narrative

  • Introduce yourself essay sample: 100 words. Briefly describe your background, interests, and aspirations, providing a glimpse into what defines you as a person.
  • 100-word essay on why I deserve a scholarship. Share your achievements, experiences, and goals and explain how they demonstrate your suitability for a scholarship.
  • Why this college: essay 100 words. Describe what specific aspects of the college resonate with you. These can be academic programs, campus culture, or unique opportunities.
  • 100-word essay on career goals examples. Outline your envisioned career path. Explain what profession you want to pursue, the skills you want to develop, and the impact you wish to make in your chosen field.
  • My favorite food essay 100 words. Share a vivid and sensory-rich description of your favorite dish, explaining what makes it so special to you.
  • My hobby essay 100 words. Describe the hobby that gives you joy and fulfillment. Provide details on why it captivates your interest and how it has enriched your life.
  • My dream house paragraph 100 words. Paint a picture of your ideal living space, detailing its location, design, and the feelings it evokes when you imagine residing there.
  • Practice makes perfect: essay 100 words. Reflect on your experience of honing a particular skill through dedicated practice. Your reflection should illustrate how you achieved growth and proficiency through persistence and determination.

✍️ How to Write a 100 Word Essay

One hundred words take approximately 6-10 sentences. Despite this limited word count, it is necessary to stick to the structure and include the most critical elements of the essay, such as the introduction, thesis statement, main body with core arguments, and conclusion. Also, planning your paragraphs in advance will help you make your essay well-composed and avoid exceeding the word limit.

Need help structuring your essay? Check out our free outline generator !

This image shows the 100-word essay structure.

100-Words Essay Thesis Statement

Writing a full-fledged introductory paragraph is challenging in such a short essay. For this reason, you have full authority to use your thesis statement as an intro for your writing. It must take around 1-2 sentences and provide the reader with information about the topic of your essay and the arguments you will present in the body.

If you need help developing a strong thesis, try our thesis statement maker ! You can also use our hook generator to capture your readers’ interest with the first sentence and the research introduction generator to get an example of a compelling introduction.

Body Paragraph in 100 Essay Words

The main body of your 100-word essay should take one separate paragraph of 4-5 sentences long. Regardless of your essay topic, your body paragraph must present only one core point, supported by 2-3 sentences. To make the most of your 100-word limit, it is also a good idea to utilize longer, descriptive words rather than filler terms.

100-Word Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of your 100-word essay should take approximately 1-2 sentences, with a smooth transition from your main body. In the last part of your writing, you should return to the thesis stated at the beginning of your essay and emphasize how you supported it with your argument.

You can use our closing sentence generator to end your essay on a high note.

How Many References Should I Use in an Essay of 100 Words?

There are no specific requirements for the number of sources in a 100-word essay, but on average, 1 reference is enough. However, if you borrow ideas or unique terms from more than one author, you must cite all of them in your paper.

Feel free to use our citation generator for help with formatting your references.

100 Words Paragraph — Writing Tips

We’ve prepared some tips that can be helpful when writing an essay in 100 words:

  • Choose the topic you are interested in to write a high-quality paper.
  • Before composing the text, ensure you have enough information to write it.
  • Remove all distractions and temptations and concentrate on the writing process.
  • Stick to the requirements and guidelines from your teacher.
  • To shorten your essay, remove unimportant or repetitive phrases.
  • Double-check the paper multiple times before submitting it to ensure clarity and avoid any potential mistakes.

👨‍💼 100 Words Paragraph on Business

  • Business Communication Principles One example of business communication is presented on this image, where a team of employees are discussing something. All of these considerations improve the ability of the people depicted to interact with one another in […]
  • The Management Process: Involvement of Workers Modern personnel management concepts are grounded on recognizing the increasing importance of the employee’s personality and the ability to shape and adjust them following the company’s strategic objectives.
  • Impact of Training Program on Business Job shadowing is an ideal training method because it generates interest and engagement on all three shifts. Team training is quite essential where all the members are assembled and trained.
  • Teamwork Essay 100 Words The foundation of trust is likely to be beneficial because of the manner in which different interests are going to come together and be harmonized.
  • Workforce Planning Issues and Solutions The methodology for the research data in the article was captured from a qualitative method, in that exploration of literature captured within a short timeframe was used to affect the wider exploration of development of […]
  • Sabotaging Behaviors at the Workplace I believe that the most appropriate way to address the saboteur is to be ready with both handouts and the PowerPoint for meetings with a questionable number of participants.
  • Employee Recruiting and “Fitting” the Company To ensure organizational “fit” of an employee, his or her knowledge of the company’s culture can be determined during an interview, by proposing scenarios and inviting the employee to respond to them. The two main […]
  • Top Trends Impacting Modern Companies This Business Future is relevant to the HR department, as they can ensure that the company’s practices and regulations accommodate for a variety of workers from different cultures.
  • Global Business and Just Institutions Promotion This has been attributed to the assistance they are likely to need and the lack of political background. This article has effectively described the pros and cons associated with the practice of corporate social responsibility […]
  • Intuit Company’s Innovation and Competitive Position Combined with outstanding quality of the product, the company has managed to land on the eighth spot in the list of the world’s most successful companies.
  • Baxter Robots and Company Performance This technology will impact the performance of companies by reducing the time spent on repetitive duties such as packing. In case my employers buy this robot, I will not be affected personally, but the performance […]
  • Human Resource Development: Positive and Negative Aspects The negative experience associated with my job as an accountant was related to the fact that the HRD head of the company did not regularly interact with employees.
  • Profit Maximization in the Price-Sensitive Airline Industry In addition, the challenge of fixed costs can be eliminated in case airlines increase the load factor and raise revenues for passengers.
  • Employee Performance Software and Its Benefits The implementation of Employee Performance Software may seem to increase the quality of work that employees execute. Through the inclusion of EPS in worker-evaluation rubrics, companies may obtain a more productive organizational structure that is […]
  • Entrepreneurialism and Its Characteristics in Business It is a well-known scale that measures the entrepreneurial orientation at the firm level. The cell phone is a notorious example of disruptive innovation.
  • Total Quality Management as a Development Stimulus TQM suggests a wide array of techniques and methods that could be used at different stages of the production process to enhance the quality of goods and attract consumers.
  • Organizational Culture and Its Business Definition A leader determines the behavioral patterns that have an impact on success of any organization. A leader should understand the motives and personal qualities of the members of a company.

Looking for a 100-word essay example? Check out this essay on the history of the Internet in 100 words.

Essay example:

The Internet began in the 1960s as a means for government researchers to share data. The first computers were enormous and immovable, needing personal presence or postal services to share data.

The ARPANET was the forerunner of the modern Internet. It was first restricted to a few universities and research institutions, which complicated the process of its use. On January 1, 1983, inventors introduced the TCP/IP protocol, allowing disparate computer networks to connect worldwide. This marked the formal birth of the Internet, forever transforming how people access and exchange information.

Nowadays, the Internet has become an essential aspect of modern life, linking people, businesses, and devices around the world.

Here are two more 100-word essay examples about the Internet. Check them out:

  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Internet Users In the past, the majority of studies were focused on quantitative indicators reflecting on the number of visits and similar information, whereas this approach is insufficient for predicting the outcomes of the above advancements.
  • Freedom of Expression on the Internet Randall describes the challenges regarding the freedom of speech raised by the Internet, such as anonymity and poor adaptation of mass communication to the cyber environment.

🎓 100 Words Essay Example on Education

  • Essay about face-to-face classes 100 words. Explore the benefits and drawbacks of face-to-face courses, considering factors like peer collaboration, student-teacher interaction, and educational outcomes.
  • Importance of homework essay 100 words. Study the role of homework in reinforcing classroom concepts and fostering a sense of responsibility in students.
  • Make a 50-100 words essay about the importance of research. Examine how research in education helps develop effective teaching methods, improve the curriculum, and enhance the learning experience.
  • The Consequences of School Cheating Cheating also leads to corrupted morals since students begin to cheat more frequently and try to rationalize their dishonesty. Academic dishonesty also affects personal relationships since friends and family can begin to question one’s honesty […]
  • Reducing Physical Education Classes The teaching process has a significant amount of waste regarding the excess number of teachers dedicated to sports training compared to math and technical subjects.
  • Physical Education Is an Academic Subject These aspects make physical activity one of the core subjects at school, including for younger students who need a surge of emotions and energy.
  • Increasing Student Interest in Social Studies An equally successful strategy for increasing a child’s interest in social studies is to create opportunities for children to learn and act from different roles in the community.
  • Schools in the UAE for Children of Expatriates Western expatriates could choose International schools and later transition to community schools after children are accustomed to the culture and language.
  • Education World: Handwriting vs. Typing It is not surprising that they prefer to use tablets, laptops, and smartphones as tools of communication. Schools should not focus on handwriting because it is no longer as necessary as it used to be […]
  • Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism Using the phrase “conflict of interest” has amounted to a plagiarism report as this is a big percentage of the sentence The rest of the errors were in the last sentence where borrowing the words […]
  • Home-Based Literacy Program and Educators The selection and training of home visitors should be based on the ability of these teachers to handle children and their families.
  • The Constructivist View of Learning The critical challenge of the constructivist view of learning was to relocate the educational emphasis and provide the students with the option of controlling their education.
  • Cross-Cultural Interactions at Wake Forest University Therefore, it is necessary to be open to the perception of other people’s cultural experiences and, at the same time, to be ready to share your own culture with other people.
  • Philosophy Teaching and Learning Motivation The best method to teach and be close to students is being receptive to their criticisms. The teacher’s goal should be to always have students understand the lesson but not its end.

⚖️ Controversial Short Essays 100 Words

Check out the list of controversial topics for a short essay (100 words) with possible arguments for and against:

Essay on Food Waste 100 Words

  • For: We should care about food waste because it contributes significantly to climate change, accounting for around 10% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Against: The war on food waste is challenging because it takes much time, resources, and company money. As a result, buyers frequently pay extra for recycled items.

Can Money Buy Happiness: Essay 100 Words

  • For: Money gives access to necessities, such as healthcare and education. It can buy safety and security for you and those you care about.
  • Against: Happiness often depends on things money cannot buy, such as love, hope, support, friendship, etc.

Organ Donation Essay 100 Words

  • For: Organ donation is vital since it saves lives and gives transplant recipients hope. It can aid a family in coping with their loss if they know their loved one is saving other people’s lives.
  • Against: Organ donation can lead to the exploitation of donors, illegal organ trafficking, and kidnapping or murder.

Dream and Reality Paragraph 100 Words

  • For: Dreams motivate people to work harder toward their goals. Also, dreaming helps improve memory and emotional healing.
  • Against: Excessive dreaming can lead to dissatisfaction with reality and impractical expectations.

Role of Volunteering in Society 100 Words

  • For: Volunteering aids in community building and addressing social problems. Volunteers can also develop valuable skills, achieve personal fulfillment, and gain health benefits.
  • Against: Volunteering can be exploited since some organizations may rely too heavily on volunteers.

📌 100 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 100 word essay is how many pages.

How long is a 100-word essay? It will typically be one page double-spaced or a half page single-spaced. The exact number of pages a 100 words essay takes will depend on the citation style you use, the number of your footnotes (if you have any), and the length of your bibliography section.

📌 How Many Paragraphs Are in a 100 Word Essay?

How many paragraphs is a 100-word essay? Since a typical paragraph in academic writing contains 50-100 words, an essay of 100 words will consist of 1 to 3 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 100 Words?

How many sentences is a 100-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 100 words is not less than 5-8 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 100-Word Essay?

When you write a 100-word essay, proper planning is the key to success. Such a short piece will consist of three to five concise paragraphs. A 100-word paper outline can contain a short introduction with background information, 1-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 100 Words?

How long does it take to write a 100-word essay? It will take you 2-4 minutes to type 100 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than 20 minutes for a 100-word paper.

📌 What Does a 100 Word Essay Look Like?

Regardless of the exact word count, a well-written essay meets several characteristics. It should cover the assigned topic, answer the research question, and follow the standard structure. A 100-word essay outline usually consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, November 23). 100 Word Essay — Examples & Writing Tips.

"100 Word Essay — Examples & Writing Tips." IvyPanda , 23 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '100 Word Essay — Examples & Writing Tips'. 23 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "100 Word Essay — Examples & Writing Tips." November 23, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "100 Word Essay — Examples & Writing Tips." November 23, 2023.


IvyPanda . "100 Word Essay — Examples & Writing Tips." November 23, 2023.


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