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Here is a free business plan sample for a fruit juice bar establishment.

fruit juice bar profitability

Have you been toying with the idea of launching a fruit juice bar and bringing a splash of health to your community?

Embark on this refreshing journey with us as we present a comprehensive business plan tailored for aspiring fruit juice bar entrepreneurs.

A solid business plan is a cornerstone of any successful venture, providing a clear blueprint for your fruit juice bar's mission, objectives, and tactical approach.

To squeeze the most out of your planning process, take advantage of our fruit juice bar business plan template. Our specialists are also on standby to offer free reviews and enhancements to ensure your plan is ripe for success.

business plan juice bar

How to draft a great business plan for your fruit juice bar establishment?

A good business plan for a fruit juice bar must be tailored to the unique aspects of this type of venture.

Initially, it's important to provide a comprehensive overview of the market. This should include up-to-date statistics and an exploration of emerging trends in the juice bar industry, as illustrated in our fruit juice bar business plan template .

Your business plan should articulate your vision clearly. Define your target audience (health-conscious consumers, gym-goers, office workers, etc.) and establish your juice bar's distinctive appeal (organic, locally-sourced produce, innovative flavor combinations, dietary accommodations such as vegan or sugar-free options, etc.).

Market analysis is a critical component. You need to thoroughly understand the local competitive landscape, market dynamics, and consumer preferences specific to juice bars.

Product offerings are central to your business plan. Describe your range of juices, smoothies, and any complementary products like health snacks or supplements. Explain how these offerings cater to the tastes and health requirements of your target market.

The operational plan is vital. It should outline the location of your juice bar, the layout of the service area, sourcing of fruits and other ingredients, and the juice preparation process.

For a fruit juice bar, it is crucial to highlight the freshness and quality of the produce, the nutritional value of the offerings, and adherence to health and safety standards.

Then, delve into your marketing and sales strategies. How do you plan to attract and keep customers coming back? Discuss promotional tactics, customer loyalty programs, and potential cross-selling opportunities (like offering wellness workshops or partnering with fitness centers).

Incorporating digital strategies, such as a website or active social media engagement, is increasingly important for reaching your audience.

The financial section is another cornerstone. It should cover the initial investment, projected sales, operating expenses, and the point at which the business will become profitable.

Given that a fruit juice bar can have variable margins depending on the seasonality and cost of produce, precise financial planning and understanding your figures are imperative. For assistance, refer to our financial forecast for a fruit juice bar .

Compared to other business plans, a fruit juice bar plan must pay particular attention to the sourcing and management of perishable inventory, health-focused marketing strategies, and potentially fluctuating demand based on seasonal changes.

A well-crafted business plan not only helps you to define your strategy and approach but also serves as a tool to attract investors or secure loans.

Investors and lenders are looking for thorough market research, realistic financial projections, and a clear operational strategy for managing a fruit juice bar.

By presenting a detailed and substantiated plan, you showcase your dedication and preparedness for the successful operation of your juice bar.

To achieve these goals while saving time, you can start with our fruit juice bar business plan template .

business plan fruit juice bar establishment

A free example of business plan for a fruit juice bar establishment

Here, we will provide a concise and illustrative example of a business plan for a specific project.

This example aims to provide an overview of the essential components of a business plan. It is important to note that this version is only a summary. As it stands, this business plan is not sufficiently developed to support a profitability strategy or convince a bank to provide financing.

To be effective, the business plan should be significantly more detailed, including up-to-date market data, more persuasive arguments, a thorough market study, a three-year action plan, as well as detailed financial tables such as a projected income statement, projected balance sheet, cash flow budget, and break-even analysis.

All these elements have been thoroughly included by our experts in the business plan template they have designed for a fruit juice bar .

Here, we will follow the same structure as in our business plan template.

business plan fruit juice bar establishment

Market Opportunity

Market data and figures.

The juice bar market is a vibrant and rapidly expanding industry with significant potential for growth.

Recent estimates value the global juice market at approximately 154 billion dollars, with expectations for continued expansion as consumers seek out healthier beverage options. In the United States alone, the juice and smoothie bar industry generates around 2 billion dollars in revenue annually, indicating a strong and growing interest in health-focused drink establishments.

These statistics underscore the increasing role of juice bars in the dietary habits of health-conscious consumers and their substantial economic impact.

Current trends in the beverage industry are leaning towards natural, nutrient-rich, and wellness-promoting products.

Organic and cold-pressed juices are gaining traction, as they preserve more nutrients and enzymes, offering a higher quality product to health-aware individuals. There is also a surge in demand for superfood-infused juices, which include ingredients like acai, turmeric, and matcha, known for their health benefits.

Sustainability is another significant trend, with consumers preferring businesses that use locally sourced produce and eco-friendly packaging. This shift is leading juice bars to adopt more sustainable practices in their operations.

Technology is playing a role as well, with juice bars incorporating digital menus, online ordering, and delivery services to cater to the convenience sought by modern consumers.

Transparency in ingredient sourcing and the nutritional content of the beverages is becoming increasingly important to customers, who are more informed and interested in the specifics of what they consume.

These trends are shaping the juice bar industry, as businesses strive to align with the evolving preferences and values of 21st-century consumers.

Success Factors

Several key factors contribute to the success of a fruit juice bar.

Foremost is the quality of the juices offered. A juice bar that provides fresh, flavorful, and nutrient-packed juices can quickly develop a dedicated clientele.

Innovation in the menu, with seasonal offerings and unique blends, can set a juice bar apart in a competitive market.

The location is critical, as a juice bar situated in a high-traffic area or near fitness centers can attract more health-focused customers.

Exceptional customer service is vital for fostering a welcoming atmosphere and encouraging repeat business.

Lastly, efficient cost management, commitment to sustainability, and the ability to adapt to the latest health trends, such as incorporating superfoods and offering cleanse packages, are essential for the enduring success of a fruit juice bar.

The Project

Project presentation.

Our fruit juice bar project is designed to cater to the health-conscious consumer and those seeking refreshing, nutritious beverage options. Ideally situated in a high-traffic area such as a shopping mall, fitness center, or near health food stores, our juice bar will offer a diverse menu of freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, and health shots, all made from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.

We will emphasize the health benefits and flavor of our offerings, ensuring that each drink is not only beneficial to the body but also a delight to the palate.

Our juice bar aims to be the go-to destination for anyone looking to quench their thirst with natural, wholesome ingredients, thereby promoting a healthy lifestyle within the community.

Value Proposition

The value proposition of our fruit juice bar is centered around providing a delicious and healthful alternative to the typical sugary drinks available on the market. Our commitment to using only the freshest, organic produce guarantees that every sip delivers both exceptional taste and nutritional value.

We are dedicated to creating a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere where customers can enjoy a variety of juices and smoothies tailored to their health needs and taste preferences. Our juice bar will also serve as an educational hub, informing patrons about the benefits of incorporating fresh fruit and vegetable juices into their daily routine.

By becoming a staple in the community, we aim to foster a culture of health and wellness, making it easy and enjoyable for everyone to make nutritious choices.

Project Owner

The project owner is an entrepreneur with a passion for health and wellness, and a firm believer in the power of natural foods to enhance one's quality of life.

With a background in nutrition and experience in the food and beverage industry, the owner is well-equipped to launch a fruit juice bar that stands out for its dedication to quality, health, and flavor innovation.

Driven by a mission to educate and inspire, the owner is committed to offering a menu that supports a healthy lifestyle and provides a delicious alternative to processed beverages. The owner's enthusiasm for wellness and customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of this project, aiming to make a positive impact on the community's health habits.

The Market Study

Market segments.

The market segments for our fruit juice bar are diverse and encompass a wide range of customers.

Firstly, we cater to health-conscious individuals who prioritize natural and nutrient-rich beverages as part of their daily diet.

Additionally, we serve fitness enthusiasts and athletes looking for natural hydration and energy-boosting options without artificial additives.

Our market also includes busy professionals and students seeking quick, healthy alternatives to traditional fast food or sugary drinks.

Lastly, we appeal to parents who desire healthier drink options for their children, as well as to individuals who are simply looking for delicious, refreshing beverages made from fresh fruits.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis of our fruit juice bar project highlights several key factors.

Strengths include a focus on fresh, high-quality ingredients, a strong brand identity centered around health and wellness, and the ability to cater to dietary restrictions such as veganism and allergies.

Weaknesses may involve the seasonal availability of certain fruits, potential waste due to perishability, and the challenge of maintaining competitive pricing while using premium ingredients.

Opportunities exist in the growing trend towards health and wellness, the potential for product diversification (such as smoothie bowls and health shots), and the ability to partner with local gyms and wellness centers.

Threats could come from existing beverage chains with similar offerings, fluctuations in fruit prices, and changing consumer preferences.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis in the fruit juice market indicates a competitive landscape.

Direct competitors include other juice bars, smoothie shops, and larger chains that offer fruit-based beverages as part of their menu.

These competitors vie for the attention of health-focused consumers by emphasizing the quality and health benefits of their offerings.

Potential competitive advantages for our juice bar include the uniqueness of our juice blends, the use of locally sourced and organic fruits, and a commitment to sustainability in our operations.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors is crucial for carving out a niche in the market and ensuring customer loyalty.

Competitive Advantages

Our fruit juice bar's competitive edge lies in our unwavering dedication to freshness and nutritional value.

We offer a wide array of juices, smoothies, and other fruit-based drinks, all crafted from the finest ingredients, with no artificial flavors or preservatives.

Our focus on customer health and satisfaction allows us to foster a loyal customer base that values our commitment to providing beverages that not only taste great but also contribute to their well-being.

We are transparent about our sourcing and preparation methods, and our efforts to minimize our environmental impact resonate with eco-conscious consumers.

You can also read our articles about: - how to open a fruit juice bar establishment: a complete guide - the customer segments of a fruit juice bar establishment - the competition study for a fruit juice bar establishment

The Strategy

Development plan.

Our three-year development plan for the fruit juice bar is designed to capture the health and wellness trend.

In the first year, our goal is to establish a strong local presence and build a loyal customer base by offering fresh, high-quality juices and smoothies.

The second year will focus on expanding our reach by opening additional locations in high-traffic areas and possibly exploring franchise opportunities.

By the third year, we aim to diversify our offerings with seasonal and exotic fruit options, and to partner with local gyms and wellness centers to further solidify our position in the health market.

We will consistently prioritize the freshness of our ingredients, customer experience, and innovative practices to stay ahead in the competitive juice bar landscape.

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas for our fruit juice bar targets health-conscious individuals and those looking for nutritious, on-the-go beverage options.

Our value proposition is centered around providing freshly made, nutrient-rich juices and smoothies made from high-quality, natural ingredients.

We plan to distribute our products through our physical juice bars, online ordering, and delivery services, utilizing our key resources such as state-of-the-art juicing equipment and our knowledgeable staff.

Key activities include sourcing the freshest fruits and vegetables, juice and smoothie preparation, and customer engagement.

Our revenue streams will be generated from the sales of juices, smoothies, and related health products, while our costs will be mainly associated with ingredients, labor, and operational expenses.

Access a complete and editable real Business Model Canvas in our business plan template .

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is centered on promoting a healthy lifestyle and the benefits of natural fruit juices.

We plan to engage with our customers through educational content about the nutritional value of our ingredients and the health benefits of our juice products.

Collaborations with fitness influencers and local sports events will help us reach a wider audience and establish credibility.

We will also leverage social media platforms to showcase our vibrant juice creations, share customer testimonials, and offer promotions to encourage trial and repeat visits.

Risk Policy

The risk policy for our fruit juice bar focuses on mitigating risks associated with perishable goods, health regulations, and market fluctuations.

We will implement strict inventory management to ensure ingredient freshness and minimize waste. Adherence to health and safety standards will be paramount in our operations.

Regular market analysis will help us adapt to changing consumer preferences and seasonal availability of produce.

We will also secure comprehensive insurance to protect against potential liabilities related to our products and services. Our commitment is to deliver the highest quality juice experience while safeguarding our customers' well-being and our business interests.

Why Our Project is Viable

We are confident in the viability of our fruit juice bar as it taps into the growing demand for health-focused food and beverage options.

With our dedication to quality, customer health, and innovative offerings, we believe we can carve out a significant niche in the market.

We are excited to contribute to the wellness of our community and look forward to the growth and success of our juice bar.

Our team is prepared to make necessary adjustments to respond to market trends and customer feedback, ensuring the long-term sustainability of our business.

You can also read our articles about: - the Business Model Canvas of a fruit juice bar establishment - the marketing strategy for a fruit juice bar establishment

The Financial Plan

Of course, the text presented below is far from sufficient to serve as a solid and credible financial analysis for a bank or potential investor. They expect specific numbers, financial statements, and charts demonstrating the profitability of your project.

All these elements are available in our business plan template for a fruit juice bar and our financial plan for a fruit juice bar .

Initial expenses for our fruit juice bar include the cost of commercial juicing equipment, interior design and setup to create an inviting atmosphere, procurement of fresh, high-quality fruits and vegetables, staff training for exceptional customer service and knowledge about the health benefits of our products, as well as expenses related to branding and executing targeted marketing campaigns to attract health-conscious consumers.

Our revenue assumptions are based on a thorough analysis of the local market's demand for fresh, healthy beverage options, taking into account the increasing trend of individuals seeking nutritious and convenient alternatives to traditional fast food.

We expect a steady growth in sales, beginning with conservative estimates and expanding as our fruit juice bar gains recognition in the community.

The projected income statement outlines expected revenues from our juice sales, production costs (ingredients, labor, utilities), and operating expenses (lease, marketing, salaries, etc.).

This leads to a forecasted net profit that is essential for assessing the long-term profitability of our venture.

The projected balance sheet will display assets unique to our juice bar, such as juicing equipment, inventory of fresh produce, and liabilities including any loans and foreseeable expenses.

It will provide a snapshot of the financial condition of our fruit juice bar at the conclusion of each fiscal period.

Our projected cash flow statement will detail the inflows and outflows of cash, enabling us to predict our financial requirements at any point. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy financial status and preventing liquidity issues.

The projected financing plan will itemize the sources of funding we intend to tap into to cover our initial costs.

The working capital requirement for our fruit juice bar will be meticulously tracked to ensure we have sufficient funds to support our day-to-day operations, such as purchasing fresh produce, managing inventory, and covering payroll.

The break-even analysis for our business will pinpoint the volume of sales necessary to offset all our costs, including the initial investments, and to begin generating profits.

It will signal the point at which our fruit juice bar becomes financially sustainable.

Key performance indicators we will monitor include the profit margin on our juice sales, the current ratio to evaluate our ability to meet short-term liabilities, and the return on investment to gauge the efficiency of the capital we have deployed into our business.

These metrics will assist us in assessing the financial viability and overall success of our fruit juice bar.

If you want to know more about the financial analysis of this type of activity, please read our article about the financial plan for a fruit juice bar establishment .

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Charlie Wettlaufer

Cold-pressed juice bar business plans: the 4 basic models.

If you’re looking for a juice bar business plan, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I’ll go over the four basic business models for a cold-pressed juice bar / business:

  • Delivery Only
  • Retail Juice Bar
  • Combination

*Technically not a juice bar business, but worth considering.

I will give a high level overview of each business type and it’s pros and cons as I see them.

Note: This How to Write a Juice Business Plan PDF is a step-by-step guide to helping you write a business plan for your juice business. Download it for free!


1. Delivery Only

Delivery juice businesses have the lowest startup cost, and are an OK place to start. Some of the most successful brands today have started this way.

This business model allows you to start small. I have met several owners of successful cold-pressed juice business that started by either making juice in a rented commissary kitchen (you can usually rent by the hour), or in some cases even making juice at home and delivering your orders from there. It’s worth pointing out that it may not be totally legal under FDA regulations to run a raw juice business from home. Many people have done it successfully and continue to do so, but just be aware that the FDA may tell you to stop and make you move to a real commercial kitchen at some point.

If you want to learn more about starting a juice business from home, you can read our article here .

You can allow customers to place orders for juices and cleanses online to be delivered the next day. Or, if you have your production and inventory under control, you can deliver immediately.

You can build an ecommerce website very cheaply these days that can take order for juices and cleanses. If building an ecommerce website on a budget, I recommend starting with wix . The process really isn’t very complicated to get an ecommerce site up and running. You can also try to offer your products on local delivery apps like Uber eats .

Other than needing juice bar equipment , staff, and an ecommerce website, you will need to do some marketing. Facebook has amazingly targeted marketing these days, and it’s relatively cheap. You can, for example, advertise to people in your area who have “liked” photos and accounts related to health food, nutrition, and fitness. If your Instagram and Facebook game is on fleek  you should be able to fill a decent amount of orders, as long as the competition isn’t too high in your area.

Once you get some orders rolling you can invest in a larger production space and put some more money into a better website and marketing. Then, you can pivot to one of the more cost intensive juice bar business plans below.

2. Retail Juice Bar

Opening a brick and mortar store takes a much larger investment than a delivery only juice bar business. If you do it right though, having a retail store in a high traffic area can be great marketing for your brand. Customers can come in and “feel” what your brand is about. You can meet you customers, educate them about your products, and provide an experience beyond just selling a product.

These days, you need to do more than sell bottled juice out of a cooler. You will need to offer other beverages like smoothies and coffee, and you should offer some food items as well. The food can be simple grab-and-go items if you want to focus on the juice, but don’t take it lightly. Many of the businesses that only sell bottled juice are struggling or even closing their doors as the market has grown and customers have more options. This will continue to happen as more businesses get into fresh juice, like grocery stores and cafes.

When you grow to multiple locations, you will need to decide if you want to make your cold-pressed juice in each location, or produce it centrally in one kitchen then distribute out to your other stores. There are pros and cons with each model.

When making juice in a central location and distributing, you can reduce labor and equipment costs. With economies of scale, the more juice you can make in each batch, the cheaper it will be per ounce (there are exceptions).

The major challenge, however, is managing the inventory correctly so your stores are neither wasting juice that doesn’t sell, nor under-producing for demand. This is very difficult to do. Customers are unpredictable and something as simple as a rainy day can be devastating to a normal day of sales.

If you decide to juice in each location, you will need more equipment, and the labor costs will be slightly higher since you are making less juice per batch. There two major advantages with this method:

  • You can make juice as needed throughout the day so you will be left minimal wasted juice.
  • Customers appreciate the fact that their juice is fresh.

If the customer wonder if the juice has been sitting on a shelf for 3 days, they are less likely to buy. If they see juice being made, there is no doubt in their mind that the product they’re buying is fresh. A great example of successful juice business that makes juice fresh daily in each store is Cafe Gratitude .

3. Wholesale

( Note: This is not technically a juice bar business — it’s a juice factory business — but it is a plan worth considering.)

It’s hard to start small as a wholesale brand, so if you’re going to go wholesale, you probably need to go big out of the gate . This requires a big investment in marketing and a factory. There are a couple of major reasons for this:

When you are selling to 3rd parties for resale in the US, you must use HPP or another pasteurization method to achieve a 5 log kill, meaning you are ensuring that most of the potentially harmful pathogens have been killed. This means you either have to buy an HPP machine (expensive) or pay an HPP facility to process your juice for you, but normally they require a minimum order amount of thousands of bottles. Read more about HPP .

Another major challenge is that you must let the re-seller make 30%-40% profit, meaning you have to sell to them at a discount. On the other hand, you don’t need to invest in brick and mortar stores so you can keep your overhead relatively low compared to owning a bunch of juice bars.

The ultimate goal here is to get picked up by regional and national grocery stores. There are a lot of grocery stores in every country. In the US alone there are over 40,000 grocery stores. Kroger and Albertsons each own about 2,000 stores. Getting into the national distribution network can be tricky, and you probably have to get in through a distributor like UNFI . If you can accomplish that, then the “juice is loose” as they say.

4. Combination

The most successful cold-pressed juice companies are usually doing all of the above. At least one brick and mortar store in a nice area to help with branding and marketing, a great e-commerce website to order juice, and a large wholesale network.

Note: Whether you’re starting a juice bar, a juice delivery service, or a wholesale juice business, this How to Write a Juice Business Plan guide explores the key elements of a successful juice business plan , along with industry tips, resources, and downloadable content to help you write it. Get it for free!

Where to Start On Your Juice Bar Business Plan

There is no magic formula for a successful juice company, but it almost always starts with a passionate owner. You will run into serious challenges along the way, and if you’re not passionate about juice, it will be hard to find the energy to persevere.

Start small, make juice for friends and family, experiment with recipes and see what they like, and try to build a loyal following. From there, you can start talking to them about your juice business and the rest will work itself out.

Want more tips and information about starting a successful juice business? Check out one of these articles:

  • 5 Tips for Starting a Cold Pressed Juice Business
  • 7 Tips for Navigating Juice Bar Regulations
  • Juice Bar Equipment List & Kitchen Layout
  • How to Increase Your Juice Bar Business Profit

Charlie Wettlaufer Portrait Photo

About The Author

President and CMO - Goodnature Host - Cold Pressed Truth and Goodnature Radio Creator - JuiceCon

I’ve been around juicing all my life. My Dad built his first hydraulic juice press in 1976 and founded the company Goodnature Products, Inc. I have incredible memories of having “cider parties” when we would invite all the people in our rural neighborhood over to make apple juice. To this day, when I taste apple juice made on a Goodnature press, a rush of nostalgia runs through my body. I pride myself on guiding our clients into the world of cold-pressed juice and showing them how much fun this industry can be. I love talking business, technology, and marketing. My missions is to carry on my Dad's goal - one day make Goodnature a house-hold name.

How much money can I make doing cold press? I have a single juice bar location.

Goodnature logo badge

Hi Jake, one of our team members will email to discuss thanks!

Hi, I need help to know how to calculate my wholesale price juice per liter. Can you help please ? Thx

Hello Adeline, the First step for calculating wholesale pricing is making sure you know how much produce is going into each bottle and then determining your exact cost per bottle, From there you can factor in your labor, bottle cost, overhead, etc. As well as your food cost. Most operations will try to run a 20-30% food cost. Then for wholesale accounts, they might raise that up to 30-35%. Please let me know if you would like to set up a quick call to discuss and answer some questions further. You can reach me at [email protected].

good information..

Hi! I’m wondering if putting fridges that we own and are partnering in shared locations near by locations can be considered a hub for our juice to be accessible in other places without having to open an additional brick and mortar? We already have one location but looking to expand without HPP

Hi Cydnie! The method your describing has been done before, and some companies do it today. It's sort of gray area. Some health departments will say that as long as the juice is not being bought and re-sold that it's ok, but others will say no. Some will say you can do it, but you need to have your own POS device at the fridge so the money goes direct to your company. Some areas will even say it's ok to Wholesale the juice. It really all depends on the local health inspectors. The best thing to do is just reach out to the local health department and ask them.

Hi, my girlfriend and I are applying for an LLC for our in home juicing business and wanted to know if we should be selecting our business as a 'Benefit Company' or should we leave both Restricted Professional and Benefit Company blank? We live in PA.

Hi Kamel, Congrats on starting a juice business!! According to what I've read, a 'Benefit Company' and a 'Restricted Professional Company' are specialized LLCs that can be formed at the time of filing or you may elect specialized status by amendment after the fact. It does not appear to me that you would elect to file with either of these statuses, but you can read more about what they entail on the Pennsylvania government site here: Hope this helps 😄

I want to start my own brand of lemonade with my own unique delicious unforgettable flavor!

Hi Carla, That's a great idea! I will have our chef and juice business consultant Ari send you an email so you have his contact info in case you have any questions 😄

Please I have started a juicing company from home. However, I don't add any preservatives to my juice so they always ought to be in a fridge. I've seen your your juice in a box outside cold storage. Whats the secret please?

If juice is shelf stable (doesn’t need to be cold) it means it has been heat pasteurized.

I have been Juicing and love it. I have been thinking of starting a business because I love the benefits juicing gives and feel people would enjoy it. I already have a name for it and a logo. My question is Where do I go to get certified to sale juice and to paten my logo name?

Miranda, you would need to speak to your local health department about meeting the requirements of selling juice on a commercial level. As far as your logo is concerned, you can file a trademark with the USPTO:

Hi! I'm from Mumbai (India) and I've a started a small business at home of cold press juices. In 3 months I've noticed a high demand and I sell almost 400-500 bottles a month now. My business is registered and I'm highly interested in expanding my business, however I need more money to make an investment in commercial cold press juicer like yours and HPP. My subscribers are increasing day by day and I wanted to get your opinion/suggestion whether I should stick to this subscription and delivery based business or should I actually find investment for my HPP machine? I'm honestly confused. Help would be appreciated. Thank you!!

Shieny, I think at 500 bottles per month you should stick to making raw juice and delivering it. HPP machines are over $500K US and are meant to extend shelf life so you can sell juice wholesale to retailers, which is a very different business model that is very competitive and hard to make profitable. Once you get to making hundreds of bottles per day, you could think abuot approaching some retailers to see if they would be interested in selling your juice, and if they are then you could consider partnering with a local facility that already owns an HPP machine to HPP your juice for you. Let me know if that helps

We sell organic lemonades with infused simple syrups. No cold-pressed. We have a storefront and have been approached by a nationwide chain to sell "ready-to-drink" lemonades in a pet beverage bottle. Would I still want to use HPP since I can't "hot water bath" them like we do in jars? Thanks and I'd love some ideas 😄

Have you considered pasteurizing the lemonade before bottling instead of after? That might be the best solution. HPP may not be necessary.

Dear sir, I want to start my cold press juice business, my idea is I will manufacture a juice in night and door delivery at early morning for daily basis. My question is must require HPP process in cold press juice ? I can't buy HPP machine my investment cost is low please any ideas.

HPP isn't necessary. HPP extends shelf life of juice from about 3 days to about 40 days. If you are delivering daily, no need for HPP!

hi. thank you for all those advices. i start my little juice factory 3 years ago in a shared kitchen. it was direct delivry but now i would like to start selling online. i need to pasteurize my product using HPP technic. So do you have any idea for small HPP machine on the market? also can you help me with the shelves for the product . thanks

HPP machines are all very big and very expensive ($500K+) due to the high pressure needed. Most companies pay a "HPP tolling facility" to process the product for them on a per bottle or per pound or product cost basis, for example $0.30 / per pound of juice.

Ever since I had a taste of the cold presses juices in BKK I have been wondering heavily how can bring such business to the Philippines, my country. I really want to begin even if a delivery only business initially. My problem is I don’t know where to start. Can you help me how to? Thanks so much.

Faye, I think a great place to start is by reading the other articles on this juicing blog, as there is a lot of useful information for somebody starting a juice business. Let me know if you have any questions along the way.

Hello GoodNature family! Love your commentary and your products. I will be starting a cold-press juice business very soon and I was hoping you could explain to me just how it's done! Do I buy from vegetable produce from the store or the farm? I buy a commercial juicer and then bottle it myself straight into the bottle? Then get the bottle labelled and FDA label approved? Then distribute and sell online or retail? I have done my research online but still do not understand the basic processes. How much money will I need at the beginning? I would really appreciate any feedback you can provide. Thanks in advance!

Do I buy from vegetable produce from the store or the farm?
I buy a commercial juicer and then bottle it myself straight into the bottle?
Then get the bottle labelled and FDA label approved?
Then distribute and sell online or retail?
How much money will I need at the beginning?

Hello! Im currently in the process of starting my own cold press business ...if possible, are there options for refurbished ct7

I will have someone reach out to you to discuss. Thanks!

looking to start my own raw juice business is just purchased a home juicer the small ones do these work good for start ups? im going to try and sell to friends and family first and maybe start at a few health fairs. im just now gaining information so i may have a long ways to go.

I do not advise using a domestic / home juicer for a business. You will experience low efficiency and extreme frustration trying to run a business this way. Home juicers are not meant for commercial use, and will often break down and take you 5-10x the time to make your juice. Additionally, warranties on home juicers do not cover commercial use.

Hi Charlie, This is Lucy from Czech. I've just discovered your amazing CT7. I'm slowly startuping my own business. As everyone else, I began at home, juicing custom cleanses for friends and family of mine and it always has a great success. The thing is slow juicer is simply too slow and hourly price doesn't work for me very well because the final price is unreasonable high. We're currently missing spots for cold pressed juicery in Czech, especially in my town. There's literally none. Food revolution still doesn't hit Czech that much. Major people are really into money here and don't give a damn for any healthier options of diet. Anyway, I feel I just need to revolt to this. I would really like to start from the lower cost, with some small fully equipped spot – and understand that equipment is everything. Can u give me some guidance to this? I feel totally in love with CT7 but also afraid I'm not able to go along with price, also really love the food processor on you videos... any thoughts on this? Is there any like refurb machines on your store? How about international shipping? Thanks for your beautiful work. Luc

Hi Luc, thanks for the comment. First of all -- really happy to hear that you are gaining a following with your business. Good for you! I understand that the initial equipment investment can be a hurdle when just getting into the business. It's important though, to realize that trying to use domestic juicers like you mentioned above will cost you more in the long run. I will check our refurbished stock and reach out to you via email. Thanks!

Great post! I recently opened my juice bar in a location where there was no supply for the high demand. I'm already receiving great feedback and hope to grow enough to be able to use you cold press machines.

That's great Josselyn! The best place to open a juice is where there's a small supply of juice. I'm sure you'll do fine.

Thanks for this website. It's the best informed as regards starting the business, it's really encouraging and motivation. You have and are doing a great job. You are really good nature! I would love to start with the CT7 ( small scale ) but I have a problem with having to crush the fruits before the extraction. Is there an alternative to the food processor as this will add to my start up cost. Can any blender serve without compromising the vitamins/ quality of the fruits or veggies.

Betty, a blender doesn't work for this purpose. You could use a smaller food processor but it takes a long time to make juice then. I really recommend getting the proper equipment if you're going to be running a juice business, as your success depends on it!

Hi Charlie, First of all, thank you for your great website and insights into the coldpress industry. I am working for a fruit juice startup and consider to buy one of your machines in the future (hopefully). One question remains for me is regarding the coldpress machines and their shredders. Aren’t shredders heating up the fruits while cutting them in helf and hence destroying vitamins and nutrients? Isn’t a shredder in a coldpress machine contrary to the whole “coldpress argument” ? Thanks for your explanations

sebastian this is a common question and here's my answer: It’s not 100% true to say there is NO heat added. Of course there is a little heat from friction, but the produce passes through the grinder blade very quickly, and any added heat is not detectable. If you put cold produce in, you will get cold juice out. Compared to other juicers like centrifugal, that noticeably heat the juice due to the process.

Hello! I really like your equipment. But I'm interested in one detail. How fast does the shredder rotate? I mean, is there no additional oxidation during grinding (of course this is less than a centrifugal juicer, but when compared with a screw juicer)? Can put the auger in X1 or use pumping air, will it be more effective?

Hello Good Nature Team, I am in the process to launch my own beverage coldpress brand, but still struggle to find the right facility to start production. Would you know if by law I am allowed to produce my juices in juiceries or does it have to be produced "professionally" with big juice manufacturers? I intent to sell in small supermarkets. Are there any differences in terms of legal requirements, hygiene requirements, desinfection etc. between a big juice manufacturer and a restaurant/juicery ? Kind Regards

Sebastien, congrats on starting a juice company! You can legally make juice in any commercial kitchen, but if you want to distribute wholesale you will need to HPP the juice by sending it to an HPP tolling facility. Read more here: the truth about HPP

Hello, Just wondering if anybody else has ever experienced their juices get thicker after storing in the fridge. Particularly carrot based juices?

How long are you storing your juice for?

Hello We are quiz juice bar here in saudi We are planning to buy big machine for our upgrading We would like to know what is fit on our shop We have product 250ml,1000ml cold pressed juice Thanks

Have you looked into the X1 or CT7?

In regards to the delivery only model and shelf life only being about 4 days, what are your thoughts on frozen juice? Does the juice preserve for extended periods of time when frozen?

I haven't experimented to much with freezing juice, but I do know some juice freezes and thaws quite well like apple juice, but others may lose some qualities. I think the best approach is to make juice daily for the deliveries, then the customer is getting raw, fresh juice.

Hi my questuon is can i use 1machine to extract cold and hot juices for exa.ple coffee i duced drinks And if yes which machine would that be and whats the cost in cdn $

Yakub, I do not know of a machine that makes coffee and juice, since t hey are very different processes. If you wanted to add juice to coffee, you could do that, but you would make the coffee on a different machine.

Good day , I am planning to produce pomegranate juice and be pack in a tetra pack --i wonder how we i could make it and have it pass and make it to groceries --i wonder how i could assigned its expiry etc

Hello Luther, Nice to meet you. Pomegranate juice works great with our cold press machines, typically, most grocery stores require the juice to be HPP or pasteurized in some form or another. We can definitely get you set up with more info if you would like. If you can, email me ([email protected]) how much juice you are looking to produce and I can give you some more info on what you might need to get started. Thanks

Nice breakdown.. I hope to open my own juicebar one day. 😉

Hi - I am struggling with my local health authority over dating raw, unpasteurized juice products. I make my juices using your X1 juicer/press. Are you able to help me get a professional who can assist me in shelf-life? Best, Brigid

Hello, We can definitely assist. You can email me your question about shelf life directly at [email protected]. Thanks

Simple and very useful blog. Thank you for sharing.

Is there a way to preserve juice?

Typically we recommend around a 4-day shelf life for raw unpasteurized juice depending on the ingredients in the blend, after this amount of time the color and flavor might start changing a little, If you wanted to go longer it would need some form of HPP and or approved by the local health department.

How to Start a Profitable Juice Business [11 Steps]


By Nick Cotter Updated Feb 02, 2024

juice business image

Business Steps:

1. perform market analysis., 2. draft a juice business plan., 3. develop a juice brand., 4. formalize your business registration., 5. acquire necessary licenses and permits for juice., 6. open a business bank account and secure funding as needed., 7. set pricing for juice services., 8. acquire juice equipment and supplies., 9. obtain business insurance for juice, if required., 10. begin marketing your juice services., 11. expand your juice business..

Starting a juice business requires a thorough understanding of the market to ensure your products meet consumer needs and stand out from the competition. A comprehensive market analysis will help you identify trends, target customers, and gauge demand. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Research current trends in the juice industry, including popular flavors, health claims, and packaging innovations.
  • Analyze your target demographic by considering factors such as age, lifestyle, dietary preferences, and income levels.
  • Examine competitors in the market to understand their product offerings, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics.
  • Identify potential suppliers for high-quality fruits and vegetables, and understand the costs and logistics involved.
  • Assess the retail landscape, including potential distribution channels like supermarkets, health food stores, or online platforms.
  • Consider regulatory requirements for food and beverage businesses, including health codes, labeling standards, and certifications.
  • Gather insights from consumer feedback on existing juice products to pinpoint gaps and opportunities in the market.

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Are Juice businesses profitable?

Yes, juice businesses can be profitable. Many juice businesses have successful business models that focus on providing customers with high-quality, fresh juices. Additionally, businesses that focus on selling juices to health-conscious customers or in high-traffic areas can be particularly profitable. Properly marketing, pricing, and managing costs can also help juice businesses stay profitable.

Embarking on a juice business requires a well-crafted plan to outline your vision, establish goals, and navigate the challenges ahead. A business plan serves as a roadmap for your venture, helping you to secure financing, understand your market, and strategize for growth. Consider the following key elements when drafting your juice business plan:

  • Executive Summary: Present an overview of your business concept, mission statement, and the products you intend to offer. Briefly highlight your goals and the need your business will fulfill.
  • Market Analysis: Research and detail the juice market trends, customer demographics, and competitive analysis to demonstrate the demand for your products and your understanding of the industry.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategy: Describe how you plan to attract customers and your approach to sales. Include pricing, advertising, and promotional plans.
  • Operations Plan: Outline the day-to-day activities, from sourcing ingredients to juice production and distribution. Detail the equipment needed and the operational workflow.
  • Management Structure: Define the organizational structure, detailing the roles and responsibilities of the management team and any staff.
  • Financial Projections: Provide financial forecasts including startup costs, projected income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets for at least three years.

How does a Juice business make money?

A juice business can make money by selling freshly-made juices to customers directly. Juice businesses typically charge a premium for their products, as they are made fresh with high-quality ingredients. The business can also make money by selling its juices to restaurants and other third-party retailers. The business can also generate revenue from online sales, delivery services, and catering services.

Developing a juice brand is a critical step in establishing your juice business identity and setting yourself apart in the market. Your brand should reflect your unique selling proposition, values, and the quality of your product. Consider the following points to ensure your brand resonates with your target audience:

  • Choose a Memorable Name: Your brand's name should be catchy, easy to remember, and reflect the essence of your juice products.
  • Design a Distinctive Logo: Create a logo that captures the spirit of your brand and is visually appealing on packaging and marketing materials.
  • Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Clearly define what makes your juice different from competitors – be it unique flavors, organic ingredients, or health benefits.
  • Develop a Brand Story: Narrate the story behind your brand to create an emotional connection with customers, such as the inspiration behind starting your juice business or your commitment to sustainability.
  • Consistent Branding: Ensure that your brand's color scheme, typography, and design elements are consistent across all platforms and packaging to build brand recognition.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Use social media and other marketing channels to communicate with your audience, get feedback, and build a community around your brand.

How to come up with a name for your Juice business?

Brainstorming is a great way to come up with a name for your juice business. Think of words that evoke the freshness of your juice, are catchy, and easy to remember. Consider incorporating puns or alliteration into the name to make it more memorable and unique. After you come up with a few potential names, consult friends and family for feedback to help you decide which one to go with.

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Once you've laid the groundwork for your juice business, it's time to make it official. Formalizing your business registration is a critical step to ensure your operation is legal and protected. Follow these guidelines to navigate through this process:

  • Choose a business structure that aligns with your goals, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation, and understand the implications of each for your juice business.
  • Register your business name with the appropriate state authorities, ensuring it is unique and meets all state regulations for business names.
  • Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax purposes, especially if you plan to hire employees.
  • Apply for the necessary business licenses and permits required to operate a juice business in your location, which may include a food handler's permit, health department permit, and a general business license.
  • Understand and comply with any zoning laws that apply to your business location, especially if you are operating from a brick-and-mortar shop or a home-based business.
  • Consider the need for insurance, such as general liability, product liability, and property insurance, to protect your business from potential risks.

Resources to help get you started:

Unlock vital resources specifically designed for juice bar entrepreneurs to gain insights into market trends, access operational best practices, and receive strategic advice for business expansion:

  • Juice & Smoothie Bars in the US - IBISWorld Report: An in-depth industry report providing statistical data and analysis on market size, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscape. View Report
  • Beverage Industry Magazine: Offers the latest news, trends, and innovations in the beverage market, including a focus on non-alcoholic segments like juice bars. Visit Magazine
  • The Juice Bar Business Plan: Discover How to Start a Successful Juice Bar Business by Simone Armstrong: A comprehensive guide that covers planning, opening, and running a juice bar. Buy on Amazon
  • The Fresh Juice Global Newsletter: A curated newsletter offering insights into the global juice market, including trends, new product launches, and expert interviews. Signup
  • Specialty Food Association: Provides resources, networking opportunities, and market data for entrepreneurs in the specialty food and beverage sector, including juice bars. Explore Resources

When starting a juice business, it's crucial to ensure you have all the necessary licenses and permits to operate legally and safely. Each country, state, and even city can have different requirements, so it's important to do thorough research and comply with all regulations. Below are the steps you'll need to take:

  • Research Local Regulations: Check with your local health department and small business administration to understand what's required in your area for a juice business.
  • Food Service License: Apply for a food service license since you will be serving food to the public. This often involves a health department inspection.
  • Business License: Obtain a general business license from your city or county clerk's office to operate legally.
  • Sales Permit: If your state collects sales tax, you'll need a sales tax permit to collect and report sales tax on your products.
  • Food Handler's Permit: You and your staff may need to be certified through a food safety course and acquire food handler's permits.
  • Food Establishment Permit: If you are processing and bottling your own juice, an additional food establishment permit may be required.
  • Zoning and Land Use Permits: Ensure your location is zoned for commercial use and that you have the proper land use permits if required.

What licenses and permits are needed to run a juice business?

Depending on the locality, licenses and permits required to run a juice business may include food service permits, a business license, health code compliance certification, and licensing to operate a commercial kitchen. In addition, the business may be subject to additional licenses and permits related to alcohol sales or other products that are sold in addition to juice.

Starting a juice business requires not only a great recipe but also smart financial planning. Opening a business bank account and securing the necessary funding are critical steps in establishing a solid foundation for your company. Here's a guide to help you navigate through these financial waters:

  • Choose the right bank: Research banks that offer business accounts with low fees and good customer service. Consider also if they provide additional support for small businesses.
  • Prepare the necessary documents: You will typically need your business registration documents, EIN (Employer Identification Number), and personal identification to open an account.
  • Understand your funding needs: Calculate the startup costs for your juice business, including equipment, supplies, marketing, and operating expenses.
  • Explore funding options: Look into traditional loans, business lines of credit, investors, crowdfunding, or small business grants that might be available for food and beverage startups.
  • Build a strong business plan: A solid business plan can help convince lenders and investors that your juice business is a worthwhile investment.
  • Consider specialized lenders: Some financial institutions focus on the food and beverage industry and may offer more tailored loan products for your juice business.

Setting the right price for your juice services is a critical step in ensuring the success of your business. It involves balancing costs, understanding your target market, and aligning with the industry standards. Here are some key points to consider when establishing your pricing strategy:

  • Cost Analysis: Calculate the cost of ingredients, packaging, labor, and overhead to determine the baseline cost of your juices.
  • Competitive Pricing: Research competitor prices to set a competitive rate that still ensures a profit margin without pricing out potential customers.
  • Value-Based Pricing: Consider the perceived value of your juices. If you're using organic or high-quality ingredients, you might price higher to reflect the quality.
  • Volume Discounts: Offer discounts for larger purchases to encourage bulk sales while maintaining a healthy profit margin.
  • Dynamic Pricing: Be open to adjusting your prices based on seasonal availability of ingredients, special promotions, or changing market conditions.
  • Tiered Pricing: Provide different pricing tiers for various sizes or subscription services to cater to different customer needs and preferences.
  • Psychological Pricing: Implement pricing strategies such as charm pricing (e.g., $4.99 instead of $5) to make the cost more appealing to customers.

What does it cost to start a Juice business?

Initiating a juice business can involve substantial financial commitment, the scale of which is significantly influenced by factors such as geographical location, market dynamics, and operational expenses, among others. Nonetheless, our extensive research and hands-on experience have revealed an estimated starting cost of approximately $15000 for launching such an business. Please note, not all of these costs may be necessary to start up your juice business.

Starting a juice business requires careful selection of equipment and supplies to ensure the quality of your products and efficiency of your operations. Here are some essential items you'll need to acquire before you can start serving delicious, fresh juices to your customers.

  • Commercial Juicers: Choose high-quality juicers that can handle continuous use and are easy to clean. Consider different types such as masticating, centrifugal, or triturating juicers based on the types of juice you plan to offer.
  • Blenders: For smoothies and juices that require blending, invest in powerful commercial blenders.
  • Refrigeration Units: Ensure you have adequate refrigeration to keep your produce fresh and to store cold-pressed juices properly.
  • Produce Washers: Hygiene is crucial, so include a produce washer to thoroughly clean fruits and vegetables before juicing.
  • Containers and Bottles: Stock up on a variety of containers and bottles for serving and packaging your juices, preferably in eco-friendly materials.
  • Utensils and Cutting Boards: Get enough utensils and cutting boards to prep ingredients efficiently and maintain food safety.
  • Sanitation Supplies: Maintain cleanliness with food-safe sanitizers, soaps, and cleaning equipment.
  • POS System and Software: Invest in a point-of-sale system for processing transactions and inventory management.

List of Software, Tools and Supplies Needed to Start a Juice Business:

  • Business Plan Software
  • Bookkeeping Software
  • Accounting Software
  • Commercial Blender
  • Food Processor
  • Cutting Boards
  • Cups and Containers
  • Serving Utensils
  • Labeling and Packaging Materials
  • Website and Social Media Accounts
  • Marketing Materials
  • Point-of-Sale System
  • Refrigeration Unit

Starting a juice business involves several important steps, and one of them is ensuring your business is adequately insured. Obtaining the right business insurance can protect your company from unforeseen risks and liabilities that may arise. Here's a guide to help you understand what insurance you may need:

  • General Liability Insurance: Covers claims of bodily injury, property damage, and advertising injury. Essential for customer-facing businesses like a juice shop.
  • Product Liability Insurance: Protects against claims related to illness or injury caused by your juice products. A must-have for any business involved in food and beverage.
  • Property Insurance: Provides coverage for your equipment, inventory, and business premises in case of fire, theft, or other damages.
  • Workers' Compensation Insurance: Required in most states if you have employees. It covers medical costs and lost wages if an employee gets injured on the job.
  • Business Interruption Insurance: Helps recover lost income and pay for operating expenses if your business is temporarily unable to operate due to a covered loss.

Consult with an insurance agent specializing in food and beverage businesses to ensure you obtain the appropriate policies for your juice business.

Launching your juice business is thrilling, but attracting customers is crucial for success. A strategic marketing approach will help spread the word, build your brand, and draw in health-conscious consumers. Here’s how to kick-start your marketing efforts:

  • Identify Your Target Audience: Understand who your ideal customers are, whether they are fitness enthusiasts, busy professionals, or health-conscious families, and tailor your marketing messages to resonate with them.
  • Utilize Social Media: Create engaging content on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, where visuals of your fresh juices can entice followers and turn them into customers.
  • Offer Promotions and Discounts: Encourage first-time buyers with introductory offers or create a loyalty program to reward repeat customers.
  • Partner with Local Businesses: Collaborate with gyms, yoga studios, and health food stores to reach potential customers and gain credibility.
  • Attend Community Events: Set up a booth at local farmers' markets, fairs, and festivals to showcase your products and directly engage with the community.
  • Invest in SEO: Optimize your website for search engines to increase visibility when potential customers search for juice-related terms online.
  • Collect Customer Feedback: Use reviews and testimonials to build trust and refine your marketing strategies based on what resonates with your clientele.

Once your juice business has established a solid foundation, it's time to consider expansion to scale up and tap into new markets. Careful planning and strategic thinking are essential to successfully grow your business. Here are some key steps to guide you through the process:

  • Research new locations for physical expansion, ensuring they have a high foot traffic and a target demographic that aligns with your brand.
  • Diversify your product range to include seasonal flavors, organic options, or health-focused blends to attract a wider customer base.
  • Invest in marketing and brand awareness campaigns, utilizing social media, local events, and partnerships to reach a broader audience.
  • Consider offering delivery services or partnering with food delivery platforms to make your products more accessible to customers.
  • Investigate wholesale opportunities, providing your juices to local cafes, gyms, and health food stores to increase your reach.
  • Streamline operations and invest in more efficient equipment to boost production capabilities without compromising on quality.
  • Explore online sales channels, creating a website or using e-commerce platforms to sell your juices beyond your physical location.

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Juice Bar Business Plan

Written by Dave Lavinsky Juice Bar Business Plan Template

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their juice bars and smoothie bars. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a juice/smoothie bar business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Juice Bar Business Plan Template here >

What is a Juice Bar Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your juice or smoothie bar as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Juice Bar

If you’re looking to start a juice bar or grow your existing juice bar you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your juice bar in order to improve your chances of success. Your juice bar business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Source of Funding for Juice Bars & Smoothie Bars

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a juice bar are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable. But they will want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business.

The second most common form of funding for a juice bar is angel investors. Angel investors are wealthy individuals who will write you a check. They will either take equity in return for their funding, or, like a bank, they will give you a loan. VC funding is not appropriate for a juice bar. Venture capitalists might consider funding a chain, but never an individual location. This is because most venture capitalists are looking for millions of dollars in return when they make an investment, and an individual location could never achieve such results.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

Juice bar business plan template.

Your business plan should include 10 sections as follows:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of juice bar you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup, do you have a juice bar that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of juice bars.

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the juice bar industry. Discuss the type of juice bar you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of juice bar you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types:

  • Take-Out or Drive Through : this type of juice bar doesn’t have seating and is mostly visited by customers looking to grab a juice on their way to the gym or elsewhere.
  • Café : this type of juice bar typically has a more formal setting and will serve juice, smoothies, and some food items such as fruit bowls.

In addition to explaining the type of juice bar you operate, the Company Analysis section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to question such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include sales goals you’ve reached, new store openings, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the juice bar business.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the juice bar industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy particularly if your research identifies market trends. For example, if there was a trend towards juice cleanse regimens, it would be helpful to ensure your plan calls for plenty of juice regimen options.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your juice bar business plan:

  • How big is the juice bar business (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your juice bar. You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your juice bar business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: college students, sports enthusiasts, soccer moms, millennials, etc.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of juice bar you operate. For example, sports enthusiasts might want different product options, and would respond to different marketing promotions than soccer moms.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations and income levels of the customers you seek to serve. Because most juice bars primarily serve customers living in their same city or town, such demographic information is easy to find on government websites.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

Finish Your Juice Bar Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Juice Bar Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Juice Bar Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other juice bars.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t direct competitors. This includes restaurants, supermarkets and customers making juice themselves at home. You need to mention such competition to show you understand that not everyone who drinks juice or smoothies frequents a juice bar each day.

With regards to direct competition, you want to detail the other juice bars with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be juice bars located very close to your location.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What products do they offer?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to stand outside your competitors’ locations and ask customers as they leave what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide superior juice/smoothie products?
  • Will you provide products that your competitors don’t offer?
  • Will you make it easier or faster for customers to acquire your products?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a juice bar business plan, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : in the product section you should reiterate the type of juice bar that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering. For example, will you offer items such as protein drinks or acai bowls? Will you offer fresh baked goods? Will you offer packaged food items for sale (e.g., protein bars, cookies)? Will you offer smoothies, fresh squeezed juices or both)? Etc.

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the menu items you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your juice bar. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, is your juice bar located next to a heavily populated office building, or gym, etc. Discuss how your location might provide a steady stream of customers. Also, if you operate or plan to operate kiosks, detail the locations where the kiosks will be placed.

Promotions : the final part of your juice bar marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Making your juice bar’s storefront extra appealing to attract passing customers
  • Distributing juice samples outside the juice bar
  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Reaching out to local bloggers and websites
  • Social media marketing
  • Partnerships with local organizations (e.g., gym members get a free shot of wheatgrass with their purchase)
  • Local radio advertising
  • Banner ads at local venues

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your juice bar such as training employees, serving customers, procuring supplies, keeping the store clean, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to serve your 1,000th customer, or when you hope to reach $X in sales. It could also be when you expect to hire your Xth employee or launch a new location.

Management Team

To demonstrate your juice bar’s ability to succeed as a business, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally you and/or your team members have direct experience in the juice bar business. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in juice bars and/or successfully running retail and small businesses.

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you serve 100 customers per day or 200? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : While balance sheets include much information, to simplify them to the key items you need to know about, balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. For instance, if you spend $100,000 on building out your juice bar, that will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $100.000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a juice bar:

  • Location build-out including design fees, construction, etc.
  • Cost of equipment like blenders, refrigerators, etc.
  • Cost of fixtures like tables, chairs, a menu board, etc.
  • Cost of ingredients and maintaining an adequate amount of supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your store design blueprint or location lease.

Juice Bar Business Plan Summary

Putting together a business plan for your juice bar is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the juice bar business, your competition and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful juice bar.

Download Our Juice Bar Business Plan PDF

You can download our juice bar business plan PDF here . This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format.

Juice Bar Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my juice bar business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Juice Bar Business Plan template allows you to quickly and easily complete your Juice Bar or Smoothie Business Plan.

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You can download our juice bar business plan PDF template here . This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format.

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Writing a business plan for a small juice company

Table of Contents

Describing your business

Unique selling point, finding your audience, market research, customer profiles, swot analysis, opportunities, assuring health and safety standards, providing financial projections, countingup is the perfect ingredient for healthy finances.

Before turning your passion for fruits into a successful juice company, it may helpful to consider putting together a business plan . Having one let’s you seek funding opportunities from potential investors or approach a bank for a loan. A plan in place also allows you to compare your performance in the future with what you expected initially.

To give you the relevant information you need in your business plan for a juice company, this guide covers:

  • SWOT analysis for the company

The first section of your business plan should be used to explain what your company does. There are two main points to consider including: your unique selling point and your brand.

Your USP (unique selling point) is the reason that customers would choose to buy juice from you instead of another business. Whatever makes your product different (your flavours, ingredients or process, for example), describe it in your plan. 

When writing your business, you should also explain and display your branding . The brand should provide your business with an identity of its own. You will likely want to build loyalty from your customers for your juice company. Having a solid brand is a great way to do that.

Branding covers a few areas for your business. The name of your company, logo, fonts, colour scheme and tone of voice can all be outlined in your brand guidelines . Putting together guidelines shows potential investors the ability of the company to market itself.

Another essential section to put into your business plan is to explain who your company is going to target. To find out who would be best to target, you want to complete market research and then use a customer profile to describe them.

By carrying out market research for your business, you gain more of an understanding of the people who you would like to buy juice from you. You may have a broad or narrow audience for your product, but without research, you could miss out on critical insights that would help your brand.

To carry out the research, you can either look for first-hand knowledge by speaking directly to audiences (for example interview people and ask them how they would respond to your company) or second-hand from looking into potential competitors to see who they target (for example check other juice brands’ social media platforms and judge who is likely to use them).

Putting together customer profiles (sometimes called customer avatars) helps define your target audience in a way that is easy to imagine. This will help explain who they are in your plan and give you some insight into your future marketing. You will think about the best channels to use based on your profiles.

To put together a customer profile, detail a hypothetical person based on your market research. Write a summary about their lifestyles, including details like their name, age, location and occupation.

Your business plan needs to convince investors or lenders that your company will succeed. Using a SWOT analysis that focuses on your strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities can show that you have considered every area of your venture.

Explaining why your business should succeed provides some key points to highlight as your strengths. You may have previous experience selling juice at a stall before you set up the company, for example.

Detailing the weaknesses of your business gives the impression that you are realistic and proactive towards improvements. Mention areas you may be unfamiliar with and why you would do to overcome that. For example, if you have little experience in finance say that you plan to use an accounting tool like Countingup to make it easier.

There will likely be potential opportunities for your business to take advantage of in the future. Mentioning these in your plan shows that you are enterprising. For example, with more people working from home in 2022, you plan to trial a delivery service later in the year.

There is a likelihood of possible threats for any business that you would have to overcome. You can also mention what you will avoid or handle that situation by identifying some. For example, if the costs of getting imported fruits rise, you would bring out a new locally sourced line of juices for which you could possibly charge a higher price.

To reassure potential investors that you will meet health and safety standards, you could detail the plans you have in place following UK Government guidelines .

You should mention what your plans are for:

  • Handling your drinks
  • Preparing drinks
  • How drinks will be stored
  • Keeping the facilities clean

You can also mention other measures you intend to take to ensure that customers are safe to consume your drinks. For example, by clearly labelling all of the ingredients in each juice so that if someone has an allergy to something, they can avoid it.

Many investors and lenders will look closely at the financial information you put in your business plan. As a result, it would be helpful to include your estimated sales for the following month, quarter or year.

To display your projected sales, consider using a sales forecast . Through your market research, you may find information on how many customers other juice companies have a month. 

Estimate the number of customers to expect. Then, by multiplying this figure by the prices you intend to charge for drinks, it should leave you with a forecast for the amount of money you expect to see from sales.

To make sure that your juice company can provide financial projections in your plan, it would be useful to set up a separate account and use accounting software.

Countingup is the business current account with built-in accounting software that allows you to manage your financial data in one place. It includes expense categorisation which will automatically put relevant costs together, helpful for keeping finances organised.

When comparing your business performance with your plan later on, Countingup also provides business reports which give you all the information that you need to know. Seamless, simple and straightforward!

Start your three-month free trial today.  Find out more here .


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  • Description

Are you ready to tap into the flourishing market of refreshing and nutritious watermelon juice production in Nigeria and across Africa? Look no further, as our ready-to-use Watermelon Juice Production Business Plan is here to empower your entrepreneurial dreams!

Key Features:

✓ In-depth Market Research: Gain valuable insights into the watermelon juice market to identify growth opportunities.

✓ Business Strategy: Develop a robust business strategy tailored to the local market, from sourcing quality watermelons to distribution.

✓ Financial Projections: Accurately forecast your financial performance with our detailed financial projections, helping you secure funding and track profitability.

✓ Marketing Plan: Create a winning marketing strategy to promote your watermelon juice brand and captivate your target audience.

✓ Regulatory Compliance: Navigate the regulatory landscape with ease and ensure your business adheres to all relevant laws and standards.

✓ Ready-to-Use Templates: Save time and effort with our professionally designed templates for business plans, financial statements, and more.

With our Watermelon Juice Production Business Plan, you’ll be equipped to make informed decisions, secure funding, and turn your watermelon juice vision into a profitable reality. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a splash in the thriving watermelon juice industry in Nigeria and Africa.

Don’t wait! Get started on your journey to success today with our Watermelon Juice Production Business Plan, exclusively tailored for the Nigerian and African market.

1. Executive Summary 5 1.1 Business Name: 5 1.2 Business Location: 5 1.3 Business Capacity: 5 1.4 Business Objectives: 5 1.5 Key Success Factors: 5 1.6 Financial Summary: 5 Start-up Expenses Year 1 6 Sources of Funding 7 2. Business Description 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Business Concept and Vision 8 2.3 Mission Statement 8 2.4 Legal Structure and Ownership 8 2.5 Location Analysis 8 2.6 Market Opportunity 9 3. Market Analysis 10 3.1 Industry Overview 10 3.2 Target Market 11 3.3 Market Segmentation 12 Beverage consumption pattern among undergraduates 12 3.4 Competitor Analysis 13 3.5 SWOT Analysis 14 Strengths: 14 Weaknesses: 14 Opportunities: 14 Threats: 14 4. Marketing Strategy 15 4.1 Product Description 15 4.2 Pricing Strategy 15 4.3 Promotion and Advertising 15 4.4 Distribution Strategy 16 4.5 Sales Strategy 16 4.6 Marketing Budget 16 5. Operational Plan 17 5.1 Production Process 17 5.2 Suppliers and Raw Materials 17 5.3 Equipment and Technology 18 5.4 Quality Control 18 5.5 Inventory Management 19 5.6 Facilities and Infrastructure 19 6.7 Machine/Equipment Supplier: 19 6. Management and Organization 20 6.1 Management 20 6.2 Roles and Responsibilities 20 6.3 Organizational Structure 20 Payroll 21 Payroll Years 1-3 21 Assumptions 21 7. Financial Plan 22 7.1 Start-up Costs 22 Machine and Equipment 22 7.2 Funding Requirements 22 7.3 Revenue Projections 22 Sales Forecast Year 1-3 22 7.4 Break-even Analysis 23 Breakeven Analysis Year 1 23 7.5 Financial Statements 23 Income Statement 24 Cash Flow Statement 26 Balance Sheet 27 8. Risk Analysis 28 9.1 Market Risks 28 Mitigation Strategies: 28 9.2 Operational Risks 28 Mitigation Strategies: 28 9.3 Financial Risks 29 Mitigation Strategies: 29 9.4 Mitigation Strategies 29

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How to write a business plan for a watermelon farm?

watermelon farm business plan

Putting together a business plan for a watermelon farm can be daunting - especially if you're creating a business for the first time - but with this comprehensive guide, you'll have the necessary tools to do it confidently.

We will explore why writing one is so important in both starting up and growing an existing watermelon farm, as well as what should go into making an effective plan - from its structure to content - and what tools can be used to streamline the process and avoid errors.

Without further ado, let us begin!

In this guide:

Why write a business plan for a watermelon farm?

What information is needed to create a business plan for a watermelon farm.

  • How do I build a financial forecast for a watermelon farm?

The written part of a watermelon farm business plan

  • What tool should I use to write my watermelon farm business plan?

Having a clear understanding of why you want to write a business plan for your watermelon farm will make it simpler for you to grasp the rationale behind its structure and content. So before delving into the plan's actual details, let's take a moment to remind ourselves of the primary reasons why you'd want to create a watermelon farm business plan.

To have a clear roadmap to grow the business

It's rarely business as usual for small businesses. The economy follows cycles where years of growth are followed by recessions, and the business environment is always changing with new technologies, new regulations, new competitors, and new consumer behaviours appearing all the time...

In this context, running a business without a clear roadmap is like driving blindfolded: it's dangerous at best. That's why writing a business plan for a watermelon farm is essential to create successful and sustainable businesses.

To write an effective business plan, you will need to take stock of where you are (if you are already in business) and where you want the business to go in the next three to five years.

Once you know where you want your watermelon farm to be, you'll have to identify:

  • what resources (human, equipment, and capital) are needed to get there,
  • at what pace the business needs to progress to get there in time,
  • and what risks you'll face along the way.

Going through this process regularly is beneficial, both for startups and existing companies, as it helps make informed decisions about how best to allocate resources to ensure the long-term success of the business.

Need a convincing business plan?

The Business Plan Shop makes it easy to create a financial forecast to assess the potential profitability of your projects, and write a business plan that’ll wow investors.

To maintain visibility on future cash flows

Businesses can go for years without making a profit, but they go bust as soon as they run out of cash. That's why "cash is king", and maintaining visibility on your watermelon farm's future cash flows is critical.

How do I do that? That's simple: you need an up-to-date financial forecast.

The good news is that your watermelon farm business plan already contains a financial forecast (more on that later in this guide), so all you have to do is to keep it up-to-date.

To do this, you need to regularly compare the actual financial performance of your business to what was planned in your financial forecast, and adjust the forecast based on the current trajectory of your business.

Monitoring your watermelon farm's financial health will enable you to identify potential financial problems (such as an unexpected cash shortfall) early and to put in place corrective measures. It will also allow you to detect and capitalize on potential growth opportunities (higher demand from a given segment of customers for example).

To secure financing

Whether you are a startup or an existing business, writing a detailed watermelon farm business plan is essential when seeking financing from banks or investors.

This makes sense given what we've just seen: financiers want to ensure you have a clear roadmap and visibility on your future cash flows.

Banks will use the information included in the plan to assess your borrowing capacity (how much debt your business can support) and your ability to repay the loan before deciding whether they will extend credit to your business and on what terms.

Similarly, investors will review your plan carefully to assess if their investment can generate an attractive return on investment.

To do so, they will be looking for evidence that your watermelon farm has the potential for healthy growth, profitability, and cash flow generation over time.

Now that you understand why it is important to create a business plan for a watermelon farm, let's take a look at what information is needed to create one.

Writing a watermelon farm business plan requires research so that you can project sales, investments and cost accurately in your financial forecast.

In this section, we cover three key pieces of information you should gather before drafting your business plan!

Carrying out market research for a watermelon farm

Carrying out market research before writing a business plan for a watermelon farm is essential to ensure that the financial projections are accurate and realistic.

Market research helps you gain insight into your target customer base, competitors, pricing strategies and other key factors which can have an impact on the commercial success of your business.

In particular, it is useful in forecasting revenue as it provides valuable data regarding potential customers’ spending habits and preferences.

You might discover that customers may be more interested in buying organic watermelons, or that there could be a trend towards purchasing larger and sweeter watermelons.

This information can then be used to create more accurate financial projections which will help investors make informed decisions about investing in your watermelon farm.

Developing the sales and marketing plan for a watermelon farm

Budgeting sales and marketing expenses is essential before creating a watermelon farm business plan.

A comprehensive sales and marketing plan should provide an accurate projection of what actions need to be implemented to acquire and retain customers, how many people are needed to carry out these initiatives, and how much needs to be spent on promotions, advertising, and other aspects.

This helps ensure that the right amount of resources is allocated to these activities in order to hit the sales and growth objectives forecasted in your business plan.

The staffing and equipment needs of a watermelon farm

As you embark on starting or expanding your watermelon farm, having a clear plan for recruitment and capital expenditures (investment in equipment and real estate) is essential for ensuring your business's success.

Both the recruitment and investment plans must align with the timing and level of growth projected in your forecast, and they require appropriate funding.

A watermelon farm might incur staffing costs for farm workers to tend to the crops, harvest the watermelons, and package them for sale. They may also need to purchase or rent equipment, such as tractors, harvesting equipment, and packing equipment. Additionally, they may need to pay for fuel and maintenance costs for the equipment, as well as insurance for the equipment and the workers.

To create a realistic financial forecast, you also need to consider other operating expenses associated with the day-to-day running of your business, such as insurance and bookkeeping.

With all the necessary information at hand, you are ready to begin crafting your business plan and developing your financial forecast.

What goes into your watermelon farm's financial forecast?

The objective of the financial forecast of your watermelon farm's business plan is to show the growth, profitability, funding requirements, and cash generation potential of your business over the next 3 to 5 years.

The four key outputs of a financial forecast for a watermelon farm are:

  • The profit and loss (P&L) statement ,
  • The projected balance sheet ,
  • The cash flow forecast ,
  • And the sources and uses table .

Let's look at each of these in a bit more detail.

The projected P&L statement

The projected P&L statement for a watermelon farm shows how much revenue and profit your business is expected to make in the future.

example of projected profit and loss statement in a watermelon farm business plan

A healthy watermelon farm's P&L statement should show:

  • Sales growing at (minimum) or above (better) inflation
  • Stable (minimum) or expanding (better) profit margins
  • A healthy level of net profitability

This will of course depend on the stage of your business: numbers for a startup will look different than for an established watermelon farm.

The forecasted balance sheet of your watermelon farm

The projected balance sheet of your watermelon farm will enable the reader of your business plan to assess the overall financial health of your business.

It shows three elements: assets, liabilities and equity:

  • Assets: are productive resources owned by the business, such as equipment, cash, and accounts receivable (money owed by clients).
  • Liabilities: are debts owed to creditors, lenders, and other entities, such as accounts payable (money owed to suppliers).
  • Equity: includes the sums invested by the shareholders or business owners and the profits and losses accumulated by the business to date (which are called retained earnings). It is a proxy for the value of the owner's stake in the business.

projected balance sheet in a watermelon farm business plan example

Analysing your watermelon farm projected balance sheet provides an understanding of your watermelon farm's working capital structure, investment and financing policies.

In particular, the readers of your plan can compare the level of financial debt on the balance sheet to the equity value to measure the level of financial risk (equity doesn't need to be reimbursed, while financial debt must be repaid, making it riskier).

They can also use your balance sheet to assess your watermelon farm's liquidity and solvency:

  • A liquidity analysis: focuses on whether or not your business has sufficient cash and short-term assets to cover its liabilities due in the next 12 months.
  • A solvency analysis: takes and longer view to assess whether or not your business has the capacity to repay its debts over the medium-term.

The projected cash flow statement

A cash flow forecast for a watermelon farm shows how much cash the business is projected to generate or consume.

example of cash flow forecast in a watermelon farm business plan

The cash flow statement is divided into 3 main areas:

  • The operating cash flow shows how much cash is generated or consumed by the operations (running the business)
  • The investing cash flow shows how much cash is being invested in capital expenditure (equipment, real estate, etc.)
  • The financing cash flow shows how much cash is raised or distributed to investors and lenders

Looking at the cash flow forecast helps you to ensure that your business has enough cash to keep running, and can help you anticipate potential cash shortfalls.

It is also a best practice to include a monthly cash flow statement in the appendices of your watermelon farm business plan so that the readers can view the impact of seasonality on your business cash position and generation.

The initial financing plan

The sources and uses table or initial financing plan is a key component of your business plan when starting a watermelon farm.

It shows where the capital needed to set up the business will come from (sources) and how it will be spent (uses).

sources and uses table in a watermelon farm business plan

This table helps size the investment required to set up the watermelon farm, and understand how risks will be distributed between the business owners, and the financiers.

The sources and uses table also highlights what the starting cash position will be. This is key for startups as the business needs to have sufficient funding to sustain operations until the break-even point is reached.

Now that you have a clear understanding of what will go into the financial forecast of your watermelon farm business plan, let's have a look at the written part of the plan.

The written part of a watermelon farm business plan is composed of 7 main sections:

  • The executive summary
  • The presentation of the company
  • The products and services
  • The market analysis
  • The strategy
  • The operations
  • The financial plan

Throughout these sections, you will seek to provide the reader with the details and context needed for them to form a view on whether or not your business plan is achievable and your forecast a realistic possibility.

Let's go through the content of each section in more detail!

1. The executive summary

The executive summary, the first section of your watermelon farm's business plan, serves as an inviting snapshot of your entire plan, leaving readers eager to know more about your business.

To compose an effective executive summary, start with a concise introduction of your business, covering its name, concept, location, history, and unique aspects. Share insights about the services or products you intend to offer and your target customer base.

Subsequently, provide an overview of your watermelon farm's addressable market, highlighting current trends and potential growth opportunities.

Then, present a summary of critical financial figures, such as projected revenues, profits, and cash flows.

You should then include a summary of your key financial figures such as projected revenues, profits, and cash flows.

Lastly, address any funding needs in the "ask" section of your executive summary.

2. The presentation of the company

The second section in your watermelon farm's business plan should focus on the structure and ownership, location, and management team of the company.

The structure and ownership part provides an overview of the legal structure of the business, who the owners are and how much each has invested and owns. If you are seeking financing it is important that the reader gets a clear picture of which legal entity is receiving the funds, and who controls the business.

The location part should give an overview of the premises from which the company is operating, and why that location is of particular interest (catchment area, accessibility, amenities nearby, etc.).

When describing the location of your watermelon farm to a third party financier, you could emphasize its potential advantages. You may point out that the farm is located in a region with a temperate climate, which could provide ideal growing conditions for watermelons. You could also mention that the area has access to a regular source of water, which could be important for the health of the plants. Additionally, you could emphasize that the farm is located near a large population center, which could provide a steady market for the watermelons. Mentioning these potential benefits could help to convince a financier of the potential profitability of the farm.

Finally, you should introduce the management team. Explain each member's role, background, and experience.

It is also important to emphasize any past successes that the members of the management team have achieved, and how long they've been working together, as this will help potential lenders or investors understand why they should trust in their leadership.

3. The products and services section

The products and services section of your business plan should include a detailed description of what your company offers, who are the target customers, and what distribution channels are part of your go-to-market. 

For example, your watermelon farm could offer customers a variety of fresh watermelons, ready-to-eat watermelon slices, and watermelon juice. These products provide an easy and delicious way for customers to enjoy the sweetness of watermelons while also providing a nutritious and refreshing snack. Additionally, your watermelon farm could offer customers a unique experience such as pick-your-own watermelons, farm tours, or special events. This would give customers the opportunity to learn about the history of the farm, as well as experience the joy of picking their own watermelons.

4. The market analysis

When you present your market analysis in your watermelon farm business plan, it's crucial to include detailed information about customers' demographics and segmentation, target market, competition, barriers to entry, and any relevant regulations.

The main objective of this section is to help the reader understand the size and attractiveness of the market while demonstrating your solid understanding of the industry.

Begin with the demographics and segmentation subsection, providing an overview of the addressable market for your watermelon farm, the key trends in the marketplace, and introducing different customer segments along with their preferences in terms of purchasing habits and budgets.

Next, focus on your target market, zooming in on the specific customer segments your watermelon farm aims to serve and explaining how your products and services fulfil their distinct needs.

For example, your target market might include health conscious consumers. These people are likely to seek out organic and locally sourced produce. They are likely to be willing to pay a premium for a product that promotes their overall health and well-being.

Then proceed to the competition subsection, where you introduce your main competitors and highlight what sets you apart from them.

Finally, conclude your market analysis with an overview of the key regulations applicable to your watermelon farm.

5. The strategy section

When you write the strategy section of your watermelon farm business plan, remember to cover key elements such as your competitive edge, pricing strategy, sales & marketing plan, milestones, and risks and mitigants.

In the competitive edge subsection, elaborate on what makes your company stand out from competitors. This becomes especially important if you're a startup, aiming to carve a place for yourself amidst established players in the marketplace.

The pricing strategy subsection should demonstrate how you plan to maintain profitability while offering competitive prices to attract customers.

Outline your sales & marketing plan, detailing how you'll reach out to new customers and retain existing ones through loyalty programs or special offers.

For the milestones subsection, outline your company's achievements to date and your main objectives for the future, complete with specific dates to set clear expectations for progress.

Lastly, the risks and mitigants subsection should address the main risks that could affect your plan's execution. Explain the measures you've put in place to minimize these risks, assuring potential investors or lenders.

Your watermelon farm faces a number of risks. For example, it may be exposed to pests or disease. This could lead to a reduced yield or, in extreme cases, the complete loss of a crop. Additionally, your farm might be affected by changes in weather. A drought or too much rain could damage the watermelons, leading to a lower quality product or a significant financial loss.

6. The operations section

The operations of your watermelon farm must be presented in detail in your business plan.

The first thing you should cover in this section is your staffing team, the main roles, and the overall recruitment plan to support the growth expected in your business plan. You should also outline the qualifications and experience necessary to fulfil each role, and how you intend to recruit (using job boards, referrals, or headhunters).

You should then state the operating hours of your watermelon farm - so that the reader can check the adequacy of your staffing levels - and any plans for varying opening times during peak season. Additionally, the plan should include details on how you will handle customer queries outside of normal operating hours.

The next part of this section should focus on the key assets and IP required to operate your business. If you depend on any licenses or trademarks, physical structures (equipment or property) or lease agreements, these should all go in there.

You may have key assets such as land and water, as well as the knowledge and resources to use them efficiently to grow watermelons. Additionally, the farm might have intellectual property that includes the expertise to create innovative farming techniques and the recipes that go into the production of its watermelons.

Finally, you should include a list of suppliers that you plan to work with and a breakdown of their services and main commercial terms (price, payment terms, contract duration, etc.). Investors are always keen to know if there is a particular reason why you have chosen to work with a specific supplier (higher-quality products or past relationships for example).

7. The presentation of the financial plan

The financial plan section is where we will include the financial forecast we discussed earlier in this guide.

Now that you have a clear idea of what goes into a watermelon farm business plan, let's look at some of the tools you can use to create yours efficiently.

What tool should I use to write my watermelon farm's business plan?

There are two main ways of creating your watermelon farm business plan:

  • Using specialized business planning software,
  • Hiring a business plan writer.

Using an online business plan software for your watermelon farm's business plan

Using online business planning software is the most efficient and modern way to write a watermelon farm business plan.

There are several advantages to using specialized software:

  • You can easily create your financial forecast by letting the software take care of the financial calculations for you without errors
  • You are guided through the writing process by detailed instructions and examples for each part of the plan
  • You can access a library of dozens of complete business plan samples and templates for inspiration
  • You get a professional business plan, formatted and ready to be sent to your bank or investors
  • You can easily track your actual financial performance against your financial forecast
  • You can create scenarios to stress test your forecast's main assumptions
  • You can easily update your forecast as time goes by to maintain visibility on future cash flows
  • You have a friendly support team on standby to assist you when you are stuck

If you're interested in using this type of solution, you can try The Business Plan Shop for free by signing up here .

Hiring a business plan writer to write your watermelon farm's business plan

Outsourcing your watermelon farm business plan to a business plan writer can also be a viable option.

Business plan writers are skilled in creating error-free business plans and accurate financial forecasts. Moreover, hiring a consultant can save you valuable time, allowing you to focus on day-to-day business operations.

However, it's essential to be aware that hiring business plan writers will be expensive, as you're not only paying for their time but also the software they use and their profit margin.

Based on experience, you should budget at least £1.5k ($2.0k) excluding tax for a comprehensive business plan, and more if you require changes after initial discussions with lenders or investors.

Also, exercise caution when seeking investment. Investors prefer their funds to be directed towards business growth rather than spent on consulting fees. Therefore, the amount you spend on business plan writing services and other consulting services should be insignificant compared to the amount raised.

Keep in mind that one drawback is that you usually don't own the business plan itself; you only receive the output, while the actual document is saved in the consultant's business planning software. This can make it challenging to update the document without retaining the consultant's services.

For these reasons, carefully consider outsourcing your watermelon farm business plan to a business plan writer, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of seeking outside assistance.

Why not create your watermelon farm's business plan using Word or Excel?

Using Microsoft Excel and Word (or their Google, Apple, or open-source equivalents) to write a watermelon farm business plan is a terrible idea.

For starters, creating an accurate and error-free financial forecast on Excel (or any spreadsheet) is very technical and requires both a strong grasp of accounting principles and solid skills in financial modelling.

As a result, it is unlikely anyone will trust your numbers unless - like us at The Business Plan Shop - you hold a degree in finance and accounting and have significant financial modelling experience in your past.

The second reason is that it is inefficient. Building forecasts on spreadsheets was the only option in the 1990s and early 2000s, nowadays technology has advanced and software can do it much faster and much more accurately.

And with the rise of AI, software is also becoming smarter at helping us detect mistakes in our forecasts and helping us analyse the numbers to make better decisions.

Also, using software makes it easy to compare actuals vs. forecasts and maintain our forecasts up to date to maintain visibility on future cash flows - as we discussed earlier in this guide - whereas this is a pain to do with a spreadsheet.

That's for the forecast, but what about the written part of my watermelon farm business plan?

This part is less error-prone, but here also software brings tremendous gains in productivity:

  • Word processors don't include instructions and examples for each part of your business plan
  • Word processors don't update your numbers automatically when they change in your forecast
  • Word processors don't handle the formatting for you

Overall, while Word or Excel may be viable options for creating a watermelon farm business plan for some entrepreneurs, it is by far not the best or most efficient solution.

  • Using business plan software is a modern and cost-effective way of writing and maintaining business plans.
  • A business plan is not a one-shot exercise as maintaining it current is the only way to keep visibility on your future cash flows.
  • A business plan has 2 main parts: a financial forecast outlining the funding requirements of your watermelon farm and the expected growth, profits and cash flows for the next 3 to 5 years; and a written part which gives the reader the information needed to decide if they believe the forecast is achievable.

We hope that this in-depth guide met your expectations and that you now have a clear understanding of how to write your watermelon farm business plan. Do not hesitate to contact our friendly team if you have questions additional questions we haven't addressed here.

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  • How to write a business plan to secure a bank loan?
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  • Business plan to convince a cofounder
  • Key steps to write a business plan?
  • Top mistakes to avoid in your business plan

Do you know entrepreneurs interested in starting or growing a watermelon farm? Share this article with them!

Guillaume Le Brouster

Founder & CEO at The Business Plan Shop Ltd

Guillaume Le Brouster is a seasoned entrepreneur and financier.

Guillaume has been an entrepreneur for more than a decade and has first-hand experience of starting, running, and growing a successful business.

Prior to being a business owner, Guillaume worked in investment banking and private equity, where he spent most of his time creating complex financial forecasts, writing business plans, and analysing financial statements to make financing and investment decisions.

Guillaume holds a Master's Degree in Finance from ESCP Business School and a Bachelor of Science in Business & Management from Paris Dauphine University.

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Watermelon Juice

This easy watermelon juice recipe is perfect for hot summer days. Made with just 3 ingredients (and no added sugar!), it's cool, delicious, and refreshing.

A cold glass of this watermelon juice is everything I want on a warm summer day. When it’s blistering hot outside (or super humid, like it has been here), this hydrating juice is the best way to cool off. And, like, how gorgeous is that color?! Topped off with a sprig of fresh mint, this watermelon juice is just plain fun.

How to Make Watermelon Juice

I’m not a fan of overly sweet fruit juices, so I don’t use any added sugar in this recipe. Instead, I make it with 3 basic ingredients: watermelon, lime juice, and ginger juice. Here’s how the recipe goes:

First, blend the watermelon.  You’ll need 8 cups cubed, or about 1 small melon. If you need a refresher on how to cut a watermelon, check out this post !

Add the watermelon to a high-speed blender, and blend until smooth.

Next, strain the juice.  Technically, this step is optional. You could skip it if you don’t mind pulp in your juice. Personally, I like my juice to be nice and smooth, so I always strain mine.

Place a nut milk bag or several layers of cheesecloth over a large bowl, and pour the juice through, squeezing to get out as much liquid as you can.

Transfer the juice to a pitcher , and stir in the lime and ginger juice. Pour into glasses filled with ice cubes, and enjoy!

Watermelon Juice Recipe Variations

In its simplest form, this recipe makes a super refreshing, nourishing juice drink. You could serve it with breakfast or sip it after a workout on a hot day. However, my favorite way to serve it is as a fun, mocktail-style beverage for a gathering or happy hour. Then, I jazz it up by making one of these variations:

  • Bubbly watermelon juice.  Mixing the juice with sparkling water makes it even more refreshing and fun! Adjust the ratio of juice to sparkling water to taste, depending on how sweet or fizzy you like your drink.
  • Minty watermelon juice.  For a sweeter drink, mix the watermelon juice with mint-infused simple syrup , adjusting the ratios to taste. Again, top off your glass with sparkling water, and enjoy!

Let me know what variations you try!

More Favorite Summer Drinks

If you love this recipe, try one of these refreshing beverages next:

  • Watermelon Margarita
  • Mango Margarita
  • Paloma Cocktail
  • Mint Mojito
  • Classic Mimosas
  • Strawberry Banana Smoothie
  • Creamy Avocado Smoothie


  • 8 cups cubed seedless watermelon
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger juice
  • Sparkling water , optional
  • Fresh mint , optional, for garnish


  • Place the watermelon cubes in a blender and blend.
  • Place a nut milk bag or a few layers of cheesecloth over a large bowl and strain the juice.
  • Transfer to a pitcher and stir in the lime juice and ginger juice. Serve with sparkling water and garnish with fresh mint, if desired.
  • Avocado Smoothie
  • Healthy Breakfast Smoothies
  • Jalapeno Margarita
  • Berry Superfood Smoothie Bowl
  • Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies

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Made this just now but simplified and added the ginger in with the melon to strain together in the bag. No sparkling water so used kombucha instead. I love healthy elixirs like this one!! Thank you 🙂

Love all your photos! Thanks for the recipe.

absolutely loved it. but my blender wasn’t strong enough, what is the blender in the photos? Is it a Vitamix?

yep, it’s a vitamix

You can use any high speed blender

I love watermelon so much now i found a new way of using watermelon I’ll for now on and I’ll still eat it…… Thanks for sharing.

What is ginger juice

oops, I meant to link it, this is the type I get, I also find it next to the pickled ginger in the asian aisle at whole foods:

Hello, we're Jeanine and Jack.

We love to eat, travel, cook, and eat some more! We create & photograph vegetarian recipes from our home in Chicago, while our shiba pups eat the kale stems that fall on the kitchen floor.

Rate This Recipe

Financial Model, Business Plan and Dashboard Templates - FinModelsLab

How To Write a Business Plan for Watermelon Farm in 9 Steps: Checklist

By alex ryzhkov, resources on watermelon farm.

  • Financial Model
  • Business Plan
  • Value Proposition
  • One-Page Business Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Model
  • Marketing Plan

Are you considering starting a watermelon farm? With the demand for watermelons on the rise, it's an opportune time to enter the industry. According to the latest statistics , the watermelon market in the US is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2021 to 2026. Now, let's dive into the nine essential steps to write a business plan for your watermelon farm.

Firstly, conducting market research is crucial to understand the demand and potential profitability of your watermelon farm. Identify your target customers, whether it's grocery stores, farmers' markets, restaurants, or e-commerce platforms.

Next, it's crucial to analyze the competition in your area. Understand their pricing, marketing strategies, and product offerings. This will help you differentiate your watermelons and stand out in the market.

Determining the optimal location for your watermelon farm is vital. Consider factors such as soil quality, climate conditions, access to distribution channels, and proximity to target customers.

Assess the necessary resources and equipment needed to run a successful watermelon farm. This includes land, irrigation systems, farming equipment, storage facilities, and transportation.

Create a comprehensive financial plan and budget for your watermelon farm. Calculate your initial investment costs, expected revenue, and projected expenses. This will help you determine the financial feasibility of your business.

Develop a robust marketing and sales strategy to promote your watermelons. Consider online and offline marketing tactics, such as social media campaigns, collaborations with local businesses, and participation in community events.

Establish partnerships or supplier agreements with juice companies, animal feed manufacturers, or beverage producers. This can open up additional revenue streams and expand your market reach.

Outline a production and operations plan for your watermelon farm. Consider factors such as crop rotation, irrigation schedules, pest control measures, and quality control processes. Efficiency in your operations will contribute to the overall success of your business.

In conclusion, writing a business plan for your watermelon farm requires careful analysis and strategic thinking. By following these nine essential steps, you'll be well on your way to building a successful and profitable venture in the growing watermelon industry.

Conduct Market Research

Before starting any business, it is crucial to conduct thorough market research to gain a comprehensive understanding of the watermelon industry. This step will help you identify potential opportunities, determine market demand, and assess the viability of your watermelon farm business.

When conducting market research for a watermelon farm, there are several key areas to focus on:

  • Market Demand: Determine the current and future demand for watermelons in your target market. Understand the factors that drive demand, such as seasonal trends, consumer preferences, and the availability of other fruits.
  • Customer Segments: Identify the key customer segments for your watermelon products. This could include grocery stores, farmers' markets, restaurants, juice companies, and consumers looking for farm experiences or watermelon-based products, such as seeds or rinds.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analyze the existing watermelon farms and businesses in your area. Identify their strengths, weaknesses, pricing strategies, and distribution channels. This analysis will help you differentiate your farm from competitors and identify opportunities for growth.
  • Location: Determine the optimal location for your farm based on factors such as proximity to target customers, availability of water resources, climate conditions, and transportation infrastructure.
  • Trends and Opportunities: Stay up to date with the latest trends and opportunities in the watermelon industry. This could include new varieties of watermelons, emerging markets, or potential partnerships with beverage or cosmetic companies.

Tips for conducting market research for a watermelon farm:

  • Utilize online resources, such as industry reports, agricultural publications, and government data, to gather information on market trends, consumer behavior, and production techniques.
  • Reach out to local agricultural extension offices, farming associations, or trade shows to connect with experts and gain insights from experienced watermelon farmers.
  • Consider conducting surveys or focus groups with potential customers to gather feedback on their preferences and expectations for watermelon products.
  • Visit existing watermelon farms and observe their operations to gain firsthand knowledge of the challenges and best practices in the industry.

By thoroughly conducting market research, you will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions and develop a successful business plan for your watermelon farm.

Identify Target Customers

Identifying your target customers is an essential step in creating a successful business plan for your watermelon farm. By understanding who your ideal customers are, you can tailor your products and marketing strategies to meet their specific needs and preferences. Here are some important factors to consider when identifying your target customers:

  • Demographics: Consider the age, gender, income level, and location of your potential customers. This information will help you determine the size of your target market and create targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Preferences: Understand the preferences and buying behaviors of your target customers. Are they health-conscious individuals looking for organic watermelons? Or are they price-sensitive consumers who prioritize affordability? Knowing this will help you position your farm and products effectively.
  • Market Segment: Analyze the larger market and identify specific segments that align with your business goals. For example, you may choose to target health-conscious individuals, families, or even businesses in the food and beverage industry.
  • Customer Needs: Determine the needs your product can fulfill for your target customers. Are they looking for high-quality, locally sourced watermelons? Do they value convenience and timely delivery? Understanding their needs will help you establish a unique selling proposition.

Tips for Identifying Target Customers:

  • Conduct surveys or interviews with potential customers to gather insights on their preferences and purchasing habits.
  • Research industry reports and data to identify trends and opportunities within your target market.
  • Observe your competitors and analyze their customer base to discover potential gaps you can fill.
  • Consider forming partnerships or collaborations with complementary businesses to expand your reach and attract a wider customer base.

Analyze Competition

When starting a watermelon farm, it is crucial to analyze the competition in the market. This step will help you understand the existing players, their strengths, weaknesses, and the opportunities available for you to differentiate your business.

Here are some key points to consider when analyzing competition:

  • Identify direct competitors: Research and identify other watermelon farms or similar businesses in your target market. Look for farms that are selling directly to grocery stores, farmers' markets, or restaurants, as they will be your primary competitors.
  • Evaluate their products and services: Assess the quality, pricing, packaging, and variety of watermelons offered by your competitors. This will give you insights into what customers are currently getting from the market and how you can differentiate your own products.
  • Analyze their distribution channels: Understand how your competitors are reaching their customers. Determine if they have exclusive agreements with grocery stores or restaurants, or if they utilize e-commerce platforms to sell online. This analysis will help you identify potential gaps or opportunities in the market.
  • Research their marketing strategies: Investigate how your competitors are promoting their business and products. Look into their online presence, social media engagement, and any unique marketing campaigns they may be running. This will give you ideas on how to effectively market your watermelon farm.
  • Assess customer reviews and feedback: Pay attention to customer reviews about your competitors. Analyze what customers appreciate about their products and services, as well as any complaints or areas for improvement. This will help you identify areas where you can excel and provide better value to customers.
  • Visit local farmers' markets and observe the competition first-hand.
  • Engage with potential customers to understand their preferences and expectations.
  • Consider conducting a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to gain a comprehensive view of your competitors.

Remember, analyzing the competition is not about copying their strategies, but rather understanding the market landscape and finding your unique position within it. Use this information to differentiate yourself and offer something valuable to your target customers.

Determine Optimal Location For The Watermelon Farm

Determining the optimal location for your watermelon farm is a crucial step in ensuring the success of your business. Several factors should be taken into account when selecting the ideal location.

1. Climate: Watermelons thrive in warm climates with long, hot summers and mild winters. Consider regions where the climate is suitable for watermelon cultivation.

2. Soil Quality: Watermelons require well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Conduct soil tests to determine the nutrient content and pH levels to ensure the soil can support healthy watermelon growth.

3. Water Availability: Water is essential for the optimal growth and development of watermelons. Look for locations with a reliable water source, such as rivers, wells, or irrigation systems, to ensure consistent water supply.

4. Accessibility: Choose a location that is easily accessible for transportation of both inputs and harvested watermelons. This will minimize transportation costs and ensure timely delivery to your target customers.

5. Proximity to Markets: Consider the proximity to your target customers, such as grocery stores, farmers' markets, and restaurants. Being located closer to your customers can reduce transportation time and costs, allowing you to deliver fresher watermelons.

  • Consult local agricultural extension services or experts to gather information on suitable locations for watermelon farming in your area.
  • Visit potential locations and assess factors like soil quality, water availability, and accessibility before making a final decision.
  • Consider the potential impact of nearby factors such as pollution sources, neighboring farms, or environmental regulations on your watermelon farm.

Assess Resources And Equipment Needed

Once you have conducted thorough market research and identified your target customers, the next step in creating a business plan for your watermelon farm is to assess the resources and equipment needed. This step is crucial in determining the feasibility of your venture and ensuring that you have everything necessary to successfully operate your farm.

To begin, you will need to consider the land requirements for growing watermelons. Watermelons thrive in sunny locations with well-drained soil. Assess the availability of suitable land that meets these criteria and can accommodate the size of your watermelon farm.

Additionally, evaluate the equipment required for watermelon cultivation. This may include tractor equipment for land preparation, irrigation systems, planting and harvesting machinery, and storage facilities. Determine if you have access to these resources or if you need to purchase or lease them.

Tip: It is advisable to invest in high-quality equipment to ensure efficient and effective farming operations. Consider the durability, reliability, and maintenance requirements of the equipment before making any purchasing decisions.

Besides land and equipment, assessing other resources is equally important. Watermelons require a sufficient water supply, so ensure that you have access to an adequate water source, such as wells or irrigation systems. Evaluate the availability and affordability of labor, as watermelon farming often involves tasks such as planting, pruning, and harvesting that require a workforce.

Tip: You can explore partnerships with local agricultural labor agencies or communities to secure the necessary labor for your farm.

In conclusion, assessing the resources and equipment needed is a critical step in the business planning process for a watermelon farm. It helps you identify any gaps or constraints and enables you to make informed decisions regarding land, equipment, water supply, and labor. By adequately assessing your resources, you can ensure a smooth and successful operation for your watermelon farm.

Create A Financial Plan And Budget

Creating a financial plan and budget is a crucial step in establishing a successful watermelon farm business. It helps you understand the financial feasibility of your venture and ensures that you have a clear roadmap for managing your finances.

1. Determine your start-up costs: Start by identifying all the expenses involved in establishing and running your watermelon farm. This may include acquiring land, purchasing equipment, hiring labor, obtaining permits and licenses, and setting up infrastructure. Make a comprehensive list and research the approximate costs for each item.

2. Estimate your operational costs: Once you have determined your start-up costs, assess the ongoing expenses required to sustain your farm. This includes costs such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation systems, utilities, maintenance, labor, and marketing expenses. Research prices and factor them into your budget.

3. Project your revenue: Analyze the potential revenue streams for your watermelon farm. Consider the pricing of your watermelons, the demand in your target market, and any additional revenue sources such as tours, events, or partnerships. Make realistic revenue projections based on market research and industry trends.

4. Calculate your breakeven point and profitability: Determine the quantity of watermelons you need to sell in order to cover your costs and achieve profitability. This will help you understand the viability of your business and set achievable sales targets.

5. Create a cash flow forecast: Develop a cash flow forecast to analyze the inflows and outflows of your finances throughout the year. This will ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover your expenses at all times and help you plan for any contingencies.

6. Seek financial support if required: If you anticipate needing additional funding for your watermelon farm, explore options such as loans, grants, or investors. Present your financial plan and budget to potential lenders or investors to demonstrate the viability and profitability of your business.

  • Consider conducting a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of various factors – such as watermelon prices, input costs, or market demand – on your financial projections.
  • Regularly review and update your financial plan and budget to adapt to changing market dynamics and optimize your profitability.
  • Consult with financial professionals or advisors to ensure your financial plan is accurate and aligns with industry standards.

Develop A Marketing And Sales Strategy

Once you have conducted market research, identified your target customers, and analyzed your competition, the next crucial step in creating a successful watermelon farm business plan is developing a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy. This strategy will outline how you plan to promote and sell your watermelon products to your target customers.

In order to develop an effective marketing and sales strategy, consider the following:

  • Identify your unique selling points: Determine what sets your watermelon farm apart from others in the market. Is it your cultivation methods, quality of your products, or the variety of watermelon you offer? Highlight these unique features to attract customers.
  • Define your target market: Refine your target customer profile based on your market research. Consider demographics, preferences, and buying behavior to tailor your marketing messages and sales approach accordingly.
  • Create a branding strategy: Develop a strong brand identity for your watermelon farm. This includes choosing a unique and memorable brand name, designing a logo and packaging that reflects your farm's mission and values, and creating cohesive visual and verbal brand elements.
  • Implement digital marketing tactics: Leverage online platforms and channels to reach a wider audience. Create a user-friendly and visually appealing website, optimize it for search engines using relevant keywords, and engage with potential customers through social media platforms.
  • Utilize traditional marketing methods: Don't overlook the power of traditional marketing tactics. Consider distributing flyers or brochures in local communities, participating in local events and farmers' markets, and building relationships with local businesses and influencers to boost your visibility.
  • Offer incentives and promotions: Encourage potential customers to choose your watermelon farm by offering discounts, limited-time promotions, or loyalty programs. Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity to entice sales.
  • Regularly assess and analyze the effectiveness of your marketing and sales strategies and adjust them accordingly based on customer feedback and market trends.
  • Build strong relationships with your customers by providing excellent customer service and personalized experiences.
  • Stay updated on industry trends and consumer preferences to stay ahead of the competition and identify new marketing opportunities.
  • Consider collaborating with other local businesses or influencers to cross-promote your watermelon products and reach a broader audience.

Establish Partnerships Or Supplier Agreements

Establishing partnerships or supplier agreements is crucial for a watermelon farm's success and growth. These collaborations can provide additional revenue streams and access to new markets. Here are some important considerations when seeking partnerships or supplier agreements:

  • Identify potential partners: Begin by researching and identifying companies or organizations that align with your watermelon farm's goals and values. Look for potential partners who may be interested in purchasing your watermelons or utilizing by-products.
  • Reach out and build relationships: Once you have identified potential partners, reach out to them and build relationships. Attend industry trade shows or events where you can network and connect with potential partners. Make sure to highlight the unique qualities and benefits of your watermelons.
  • Negotiate terms and agreements: When entering into partnerships or supplier agreements, it's important to negotiate mutually beneficial terms. Discuss pricing, delivery schedules, and any additional services or benefits that can be offered. Ensure that the terms are favorable for both parties involved.
  • Establish clear communication channels: Communication is key in any partnership or supplier agreement. Set up clear communication channels to ensure smooth coordination and address any issues or concerns promptly.
  • Consider offering incentives: To attract potential partners, consider offering incentives such as discounts or exclusive access to specific watermelon varieties.
  • Continuously evaluate partnerships: Regularly assess the performance and effectiveness of your partnerships or supplier agreements. If a partnership is not meeting expectations, be open to reevaluating and seeking alternative collaborations.
  • Document agreements: Always ensure that agreements with partners or suppliers are documented in writing, including any agreed-upon terms and conditions. This helps avoid any misunderstandings or disputes in the future.

By establishing strong partnerships or supplier agreements, your watermelon farm can benefit from increased sales opportunities and expanded market reach. Collaboration with companies that share your values and objectives can contribute to the long-term success of your business.

Outline A Production And Operations Plan

Developing a comprehensive production and operations plan is crucial for the success of your watermelon farm. This plan will outline the processes and procedures necessary to efficiently cultivate, harvest, and distribute your watermelons to meet market demand.

Step 1: Determine planting and harvesting schedules: Begin by establishing a timeline for planting and harvesting your watermelon crops. Consider factors such as weather patterns, growing season length, and market demand to optimize your production schedule. This will help you ensure a steady supply of fresh watermelons throughout the season.

Step 2: Create a crop rotation plan: Rotate your watermelon crops annually to minimize the risk of soil-borne diseases and nutrient depletion. Plan to rotate your crops with compatible plants that benefit the soil and reduce pest pressure.

Step 3: Implement sustainable farming practices: Embrace environmentally friendly farming techniques to promote long-term sustainability. Use methods such as drip irrigation, cover cropping, and integrated pest management to conserve water, protect soil health, and minimize pesticide use.

Step 4: Establish quality control measures: Implement robust quality control procedures to ensure that only high-quality watermelons reach your customers. Inspect crops regularly for signs of disease, pests, or physical defects. Train your staff to identify and handle watermelons that do not meet your quality standards.

Step 5: Develop a distribution plan: Determine the most efficient and cost-effective ways to transport your watermelons from the farm to your customers. Consider factors such as distance, transportation costs, and delivery timelines. Explore options such as partnering with local distributors or establishing direct delivery routes.

  • Invest in proper storage and cooling facilities to maintain the freshness and quality of your harvested watermelons.
  • Train your farmworkers on proper harvesting techniques to minimize damage to the watermelons during harvest.
  • Regularly review and update your production and operations plan to adapt to changes in market conditions and address any challenges that arise.

A well-structured and comprehensive production and operations plan will enable you to effectively manage your watermelon farm, ensure high-quality produce, and meet the demands of your target customers. By implementing sustainable farming practices and efficient distribution strategies, you can position your farm for long-term success in the watermelon industry.

In conclusion, creating a business plan for a watermelon farm involves careful research, analysis, and strategic decision-making. By following the nine steps outlined in this checklist, aspiring watermelon farmers can effectively plan and execute their business venture.

First, conducting market research helps identify opportunities and potential customers for the farm's products. This information can then be used to identify target customers and analyze competition, allowing farmers to develop a competitive edge in the market.

Next, determining the optimal location for the farm takes into consideration factors such as climate, soil quality, and proximity to target customers. Assessing resources and equipment needed ensures that the farm has the necessary tools and facilities to operate efficiently.

Creating a financial plan and budget helps farmers understand the costs involved and make informed decisions about pricing, investment, and profitability. Developing a marketing and sales strategy allows the farm to reach its target customers effectively and maximize sales.

Establishing partnerships or supplier agreements can provide additional revenue streams for the farm, such as selling watermelon by-products or partnering with beverage companies. Lastly, outlining a production and operations plan ensures that the farm operates smoothly and can meet customer demand.

By following these steps and adapting the business model to cater to local communities or collaborate with relevant industries, a watermelon farm can find success in the competitive market.

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Sample Business Plan for XXXX Watermelon Juice, Kano, Nigeria

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Watermelon Farming

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Watermelon farming is very common and popular throughout the world. It is actually a highly cultivated fruit worldwide. And the fruit has both high demand and price in the market in almost everywhere around the world.

The watermelon is actually a plant species in the family Cucurbitaceae, a vine-like flowering plant originally domesticated in Africa. It is the most common and highly cultivated fruit around the world, having more than a thousand varieties.

Watermelon is a scrambling and trailing vine. There is evidence from seeds in Pharaoh tombs of watermelon cultivation in Ancient Egypt.

Watermelon plants grows well in favorable climates from tropical to temperate regions worldwide. It is grown for it’s large edible fruit, which is a berry with a hard rind and no internal divisions, and is botanically called pepo.[ 1 ]

The sweet, juicy flesh is generally deep red to pink, with many black seeds. Although, today there are seedless varieties available.

The fruit can be eaten raw or pickled, and the rind is edible after cooking. It is commonly consumed as a juice or as an ingredient in mixed beverages.

Considerable breeding effort has developed disease-resistant varieties. Today, there are many cultivars are available that produce mature fruit within 100 days of planting.

Watermelons are plants grown in climates from tropical to temperate. They require temperatures higher than about 25 °C to thrive.

The seeds are generally sown in pots under cover and transplanted into well-drained sandy loam with a pH between 5.5 and 7, and medium levels of nitrogen.

China is the world’s largest producer of watermelon. And in the year of 2017, China produced about two-thirds of the world total watermelons.

Table of Contents

Watermelon Nutritional Benefits

Watermelon is very nutritious, and it is a popular fruit throughout the world. It is actually a very common and favorite food.

In a 100 grams serving, watermelon fruit supplies 125 kilojoules (30 kilocalories) of food energy and low amounts of essential nutrient. Only vitamin C is present in appreciable content at 10% of the daily value.

Watermelon fruit is about 91% water and around 6% sugar and low amount of fat. However, here we are shortly describing about the top advantages/benefits of consuming watermelons.

  • Watermelon is an excellent source of water, containing around 91% of water. This fruit will keep you hydrated. And staying hydrated will keep your body cool during high summers.
  • It will clean your body and keep your skin healthy.
  • Watermelon is a juicy fruit, and it will help your kidneys convert L-citrulline (amino acid) into L-arginine (amino acid). These two amino acids have a tendency to protect you from diabetes.
  • Watermelon consists of mostly water, so it will give you a feeling of fullness and this will curb your appetite from snacking on your favorite food. Thus it can help you in weight loss.
  • Consuming watermelon is beneficial for preventing cardiovascular disease.
  • This fruit is a good source of vitamin C. And vitamin C is responsible for reducing the effects of asthma and this could mean that you could be fighting some of the severe effects of asthma with just one cup of watermelon everyday.[ 2 ]
  • Watermelon is known for reducing dental problems. And it is also good for your kidneys.
  • Watermelon fights inflammation. You can can avoid heart disease, cancer and fibromyalgia if you consume watermelon regularly.
  • Watermelon is good for nerve function. It is a rich source of potassium that can regulate nerve function.
  • Some compounds in watermelon, including cucurbitacin E and lycopene, have been studied for their potential to prevent cancer (though study results are mixed).
  • Watermelon juice has some potential as a recovery beverage after exercise. Citrulline may be partially responsible for its effect of easing muscle soreness.
  • Regular consumption of watermelon is very good or your skin and hair. There are several nutrients in watermelon which will help your skin and hair healthy.
  • Watermelon contains fiber and water. Both are very important for healthy digestion.

Advantages of Watermelon Farming

Watermelon is very common and popular throughout the world. It is the most popular and highly cultivated fruit.

So, both demand and value are great in the market. You can easily start watermelon farming business if you want to make profits from agribusiness .

You can start commercial watermelon farming business, even if you are a beginner. Here we are shortly describing about the top advantages/benefits of watermelon farming.

  • Commercial watermelon farming is a very common and popular business idea, and many people are already doing this business.
  • Growing the watermelon plants is relatively easy. So, you can take this opportunity for making good profits.
  • Watermelon is a very popular fruit throughout the world. Both demand and price are high in the market.
  • Watermelon plants can be grown in almost everywhere around the world.
  • Commercial watermelon farming can be a good business idea, if you are an unemployed educated person.
  • Commercial watermelon farming can be a great business for creating employment source for rural unemployed people.
  • Profits are high in comparison to total expenditure. The ROI is good in this business.
  • Watermelons have very good demand in the market. So, you will be able to easily sell your products in your local or any nearest market.
  • Consuming watermelon regularly is good for health. You can enjoy fresh fruits if you start your own watermelon farming business.

How to Start Watermelon Farming Business

Starting commercial or small scale watermelon farming is very easy and simple. The plants grow well in almost everywhere and caring process is relatively easy.

watermelon, watermelon farming, watermelon farming business, commercial watermelon farming, commercial watermelon farming business, how to start watermelon farming

You can start this business, even if you are a beginner. Here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating successful watermelon farming business from planting, caring to marketing and harvesting.

Select Good Location

You have to select a very good location for starting your watermelon farming business. Watermelons grow well in rich, slightly sandy soils with pH levels from 5.5 and 7.0.

The watermelon plants do not like soggy soils. And avoid heavy clay soils with poor drainage and aeration system. Also ensure availability of full sun.

Prepare the Soil

Preparing the soil perfectly is very important for watermelon cultivation. Successful growing of watermelon plants require extensive soil preparation before planting.

The basic soil preparation starts about 5 months before transplanting watermelon seedlings. Plow the soil well at that time.

Plowing improves soil aeration and drainage. At the same time, plowing removes rocks and other undesirable materials from the soil. Till the soil perfectly, right after plowing.

Apply as much organic fertilizer as you can while preparing the soil before planting.

Climate Requirement For Watermelon Farming

Watermelon plants are grown in climates from tropical to temperate. They require temperatures higher than about 25 °C to thrive. Preferable temperature for growing watermelon plants is between 25 °C and 30 °C.

Best Time For Watermelon Farming

Watermelon plants can be grown throughout the year. Exact time vary depending on your location. In cool climates with short growing seasons, start seeds indoors 2 to 3 weeks before your last frost date. Plan to transplant seedlings into the garden about 2 weeks after that date.

In warmer climates with long growing seasons, sow seeds directly outdoors 1 to 2 weeks after your last frost date, as long as the soil temperature has warmed to at least 21 °C. Warmer soil helps prevent poor germination.

Watermelon Varieties

There are several, actually hundreds of watermelon varieties available throughout the world. Not all these varieties are good for commercial watermelon farming business. Try to determine which variety grows well in your area, and has good market demand. You can also consult with an expert in your area for having more ideas.

Purchase Seeds

The watermelon plants are grown from seeds. So, you have to purchase seeds from any of your nearest seed supply stores. Always try to purchase new and good quality seeds. Because good quality seeds always ensure good production. Today, there are some seed supply companies with online stores. So, you can also consider ordering the seeds online.

Seeds Per Acre

You will need about 1.5 to 2 kg of seeds for sowing one acre land.

Spacing: Actual spacing distance may vary depending upon sowing method. In pit method, use row to row spacing of 2-3.5 meters and 0.6 meters between 2 plants.

Sowing Depth: Plant the seeds about 2-3 cm deep.

Sowing Method: Different methods are used for sowing. Furrow method, pit method and hill method are most used. Although exact method depends upon climate and season.

Taking additional caring is very important for watermelon farming. Because the watermelon plants require good caring and other maintenance.

Although, all the caring process of watermelon plants is very easy. Here we are shortly describing about the caring process of watermelon plants.


Apply as much organic materials as you can while preparing the soil. Watermelon plants love rich soil with lots of organic materials.

Apply Nitrogen@25kg, Phosphorus@16kg and Potash@15kg in form of Urea@55kg, Single Super Phosphate@100kg and Muriate of Potash@25kg per acre. Apply whole amount of Phosphorus, Potash and one third amount of Nitrogen before sowing seed. Apply remaining dose of Nitrogen near vines base, avoid touching it and mixed well in soil during initial growth period.

During the summer season, apply irrigation every week. And give irrigation only when needed during the time of maturity.

Avoid over flooding in watermelon field. Don’t wet the vines or vegetative parts of the plants while applying irrigation (especially during flowering and fruit-set).

Avoid frequent irrigation, in heavy soil, as it will promote excessive vegetative growth. Reduce or stop watering 3-6 days before harvesting for better sweetness and flavor.

Mulching is very important for growing watermelon plants. Mulching helps to retain moisture into the soil and it also helps to prevent weeds. You can use organic materials (such as dry leaves, straw etc.) or polythene as a mulch.

Weed Control

Keeping the field weed free is very important for watermelon farming business. Weeds consume nutrients from the soil, and the plants will suffer.

Keep the bed weed free during the early stage of growth. In absence of proper control measures, weed can cause yield loss of about 30%.

Carry out intercultural operations, 15 to 20 days after sowing. 2-3 weeding are required depending upon severity and intensity of weeds.

Flowering & Fruiting

Vines produce both male and female flowers separately on the same plant. They often begin producing male flowers several weeks before the females appear.

Don’t be concerned if the male flowers fall off. The female flowers will stay on the vine and bear fruit.

Blossoms require pollination to set fruit, so be kind to the bees. As the fruit is ripening, prevent rotting by gently lifting it and putting cardboard or straw between the fruit and the soil.

Pruning generally isn’t necessary for watermelon plants. But vine productivity may be improved if you do not allow lateral vines to grow and stick to the main vine.

Pests & Diseases

The watermelon plants are susceptible to some diseases and pests. Here we are shortly describing about some common diseases and pests of watermelon plants.

Common pests that damage the watermelon plants and fruits are listed below.

Aphids & Thrips: These aphids and thrips suck the sap from the leaves. Resulting in yellowing and dropping of leaves. Thrips results in curling of leaves, and the leaves become cup shaped or curved upward.

Fruit Fly: It is a serious pest of the watermelon plants. Females lay eggs below epidermis of fruits. Later on maggots feed on pulp afterward fruits starts rotting.

Anthracnose: Anthracnose affected foliage appears scorched appearance.

You can control all these pests by applying both organic and chemical pesticides. Consult with an expert in your area.

The watermelon plants are also susceptible to some diseases. Their common diseases are listed below.

Powdery Mildew: Patchy, white powdery growth appears on upper surface of the leaves. And also on the main stem of infected plant. It parasitizes the plant using it as a food source. In severe infestation it causes defoliation and premature fruit ripening.

Leaf Miner: Maggots of leaf miner feed on leaf and make serpentine mines into leaf. It affects the photosynthesis and fruit formation.

Sudden Wilt: It can affect crop at any stage. Plant get weak and give yellow appearance at initial stage. And in severe infestation complete wilting is observed.

You can apply both organic and chemical ways for controlling these diseases. Consult with an expert in your area.

If tendril near stem gets dried also whitish color of fruit which touch to ground get yellowish then assume that fruit is ready for harvesting.

On thumping melon if it sounds hollow (usually as a dull thump or thud) then it is ready for harvest and immature fruit sounds dense. Don’t pick immature fruits as they ripe only when attached to vine.

Immature fruit don’t have rich sugar content or color. To harvest ripe fruit, cut stem 1″ from fruit with a pair of sharp pruners or knife. Fruit can be stored in a cool humid environment.

Post-Harvesting Tasks

Grade the fruit on the basis of size of fruits. Watermelons can be stored for about 2 weeks at temperature of 15 °C. But remember, do not store watermelon with apples and banana as it developed off flavor along with softening of fruit.

Exact yield is not possible to tell, because it depends on various factors. On an average, you can expect 7 to 8 tons per acre.

Marketing watermelon is very easy. You will probably be able to easily sell your products in the local market. Although, you should set your marketing strategies before starting this business.

These are the common ways and steps for starting and operating a successful watermelon farming business. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!

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How to Start a Watermelon Cultivation Business

  • April 28, 2023
  • by Next What Business Research Team

Do you want to start a watermelon cultivation business from your backyard? If so, find here in this article a sample business plan guide on the cost, process, and techniques to start the cultivation of watermelons.

Watermelon is a warm-season crop. It needs a warm temperature of up to 80°C during the daytime. If you live in a cold climate, You can grow watermelon by starting seeds indoors and choosing short-season varieties. Watermelon cultivation is a highly profitable cash crop for small-scale and part-time farm owners. Watermelon is a juicy fruit and a member of the Cucurbitaceae family.

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The botanical name of the watermelon is Citrullus Lanatus. The fruit size varies from 5 to 30 pounds, depending on the variety. China, Turkey, Iran, the United States of America, India, and Brazil are the major watermelon producer country in the world. Here in this article, we have provided basic information to start a small-scale watermelon cultivation business.

7 Steps to Start Watermelon Farming Business

1. learn the health benefits of watermelons.

It is very important to have some understanding of the benefits of consuming watermelons before starting cultivation. Find below some of the benefits.

  • Watermelon’s high levels of lycopene are very effective at protecting cells from damage and may help lower the risk of heart disease, according to a study at Purdue University.
  • Watermelons are the perfect example of a food that can help you stay hydrated.
  • The watermelon contains fibre, which encourages a healthy digestive tract and helps keep you regular.
  • Watermelon is a natural diuretic that helps increase the flow of urine but does not strain the kidneys.
  • Rich in potassium, watermelon is a great natural electrolyte and thus helps regulate the action of nerves and muscles in our body.
  • Watermelon is a wonderful source of beta-carotene which is converted in the body to vitamin A.
  • The vitamin C content in watermelon is astoundingly high. Vitamin C is great at improving our immune system by maintaining the redox integrity of cells and thereby protecting them from reactive oxygen species.

2. Understand the Best Varieties For Watermelon Cultivation

Watermelon varieties fall into three broad classes based on how the seeds were developed. These are open-pollinated, F1 hybrid, and triploid or seedless. Open-pollinated varieties are developed through several generations of selection. F1 hybrid seed will be as much as five to 10 times as costly as open-pollinated seed, and available F1 hybrid varieties will change from year to year. If you want to use your own seed next year, buy an open-pollinated heirloom variety.

Some of the popular Indian watermelon varieties are:

  • Asahi Yamato – Mid-season variety, medium-sized fruits with an average fruit weight 6-8 kg. The rind colour is light green with deep pink flesh; TSS 11 to 13%. The fruits ripen in 95 days.
  • Sugar Baby – The fruit is slightly small in size, round in shape having a bluish-black rind and deep pink flesh with small seeds. TSS 11-13%; average weight 3-5 kg. The fruits ripen in 85 days.
  • Arka Jyoti – Cross between IIHR-20 & Crimson Sweet; mid-season variety; fruits round, rind colour is light green with dark green stripes and flesh crimson colour, TSS 11-13%. Average fruit weight 6-8kg.
  • Arka Manik – The fruits are round to oval with green rind and dull green stripes. The flesh is a deep red with, a very sweet taste with TSS 12-13%. The average fruit weight is 6 kg. It stands well in transport and storage. Resistant to powdery mildew and tolerant to anthracnose disease.
  • Improved Shipper – Fruits large in size with a dark green rind, average fruit weight 8-9 kg/ha, moderately sweet with TSS 8-9%.
  • Special No.1 – Early maturing variety, Fruits are round and small with red flesh and seeds, and average TSS is slightly lower than the Shipper variety.
  • Durgapura Meetha – A late maturing variety, fruits are round rind is thick and light green in colour, flesh sweet and dark red in colour, good keeping quality, TSS 11%, average fruit weight 6-8 kg, seed with black tip and margin. The fruit ripens in 125 days.
  • Durgapura Kesar – A late maturing variety. This is green in colour with stripes; flesh yellow in colour and moderately sweet, seeds are large. The average fruit weight is 4-5 kg.

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3. Suitable Agro-Climatic Condition For Watermelon Cultivation

Watermelon seeds germinate at soil temperatures of 68° to 95° F; however, germination below 70° is very slow. At a soil temperature of 77°, watermelon plants should emerge in about five days.  Watermelons do not cope well with extreme heat or the humid, soggy conditions of our wet season/summer. Fungal diseases and bugs will wipe them out in no time.

If you live in a cooler climate, then summer is the time to grow watermelons. You do need at least three months of reliably hot, sunny weather to grow and ripen a watermelon. During that time, your average daily maximum temperature should be at least about 20-25°C or 70-80F. Warmer is even better.

4. Suitable Soil For Watermelon Cultivation

Amend soil with aged manure, seaweed, and/or compost before planting. Watermelons are heavy feeders. Watermelons prefer a soil pH between 6 and 6.8. Mulching with black plastic will serve multiple purposes: it will warm the soil, hinder weed growth and keep developing fruits clean.

In fertilization, make sure it delivers more nitrogen than phosphorus and potassium. However, after flowering begins, use a fertilizer with less nitrogen. The most recommended is a liquid seaweed extract.

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5. How to Do Watermelon Cultivation From Seed

Watermelons are grown from seed. Watermelon seed germinates easily and quickly, within a few days. Watermelon plants outgrow the seedling stage very quickly, and they don’t like transplanting. Watering is very important from planting until the fruit begins to form. While melon plants are growing, blooming, and setting fruit, they need 1 to 2 inches of water per week.

Keep soil moist but not waterlogged. Water at the vine’s base in the morning, and try to avoid wetting the leaves and avoid overhead watering. Drip irrigation is also a good alternative. Reduce watering once fruits are growing. Dry weather produces the sweetest melon.

Watermelons grow male and female flowers on the same vine. The smaller male flowers appear first. The female flowers are much larger. Watermelon flowers are insect-pollinated. Hand pollination is also possible.

6. Plant Protection System For Watermelon Cultivation

The biggest watermelon pests are the leaf-eating beetles (they damage the flowers, too) like spotted and striped cucumber beetles, and pumpkin beetles with or without dots. The other main problem with growing watermelons is mildew, a fungus that makes the leaves look as if they were coated with white powder. The fungus thrives in damp, humid conditions. You must obtain precautions to overcome these problems.

7. Best Month for Watermelon Cultivation – Harvesting & Storage Techniques

Watermelons don’t sweeten after they are picked, so harvest time is important. Watermelons are hand-harvested at full maturity for the best taste and texture. Indicators of watermelon fruit maturity include a yellow spot on the fruit surface in contact with soil or plastic mulch; a brown, dried tendril where the fruit stem is joined to the watermelon vine; and a dull surface on top of the fruit.

Cooling the watermelons after harvest to 45-50°F will remove field heat and improve shelf life and taste. Watermelons will retain good quality for approximately 21-28 days if stored at 85-90 per cent humidity and 47-55°F.

Watermelons are grown for the fresh market. Large-scale producers (more than 20 acres) generally use brokers who provide marketing services to the producers. The average US farm price for watermelons in 2014 was $13.50 per hundredweight. The national seasonal average retail price for non-organic, red-fleshed, seeded type ranged between $ 0.31 to $0.38 per pound and $0.46 to $0.55 per pound for red-fleshed seedless.

The field method of sales, whether by the acre or by the pound, is preferred by many growers because it is relatively simple. Basically, the grower finds a buyer willing to purchase the entire field. Often, the buyer does the harvesting. Watermelon cultivation is profitable even for small farm owners having 1 acre of land.

Finally, the important things to Consider in starting Watermelon Cultivation are the following:

  • According to your agro-climatic condition, choose the right variety.
  • Check the soil condition and PH balance
  • Arrange the irrigation facility
  • Start planting at the right time (season)
  • Conduct some market research for fresh fruit selling
  • You must have proper knowledge about fertilization, planting, pollination, plant protection, and harvesting.
  • Prepare a budget and make the financial resources accessible
  • In the case of export, make a contract prior to the agents or companies.

Remember, watermelons take a considerably long time to grow, around ninety days. So patience is the key to being successful in this business. If you are a beginner, it is advised to start watermelon cultivation on a smaller scale, and then when profit starts coming in, scale up your business on a larger format.

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business plan of watermelon juice

  • Business plan of watermelon juice

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Page 1: Business plan of watermelon juice

Welcome to Presentation

Page 2: Business plan of watermelon juice

Submitted To:

Noor Nahar Begum

Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submitted By:

Sharmin Sultana

Id No:M1415030

Program: MBA

Page 3: Business plan of watermelon juice

Presentation on Business Plan of Watermelon Juice

Page 4: Business plan of watermelon juice

Background (Product overview)

Product Name: Refresh Water Melon Juice

Raw Material of Product: The main raw material of this juice is fresh Watermelon.

The other materials are: Water Sugar Citric Acid Vitamin A Vitamin C Sodium Benzoate Approved Preservatives Natural Identical watermelon Flavor

Page 5: Business plan of watermelon juice

Categories of products: There are 4 size of juice we are proposed for lancing.

Junior Juice Pack (120ml) Normal Pack(250ml) Contemptible Pack (500ml) Family Pack(1ltr)

Page 6: Business plan of watermelon juice

Company Name: Refresh Beverage Ltd.Country/Territory: BangladeshBusiness Type: Manufacturer  Geographic Markets: National Year of Establishment:2014Approved by BSTI

Background (Company Details)

Page 7: Business plan of watermelon juice

Opportunity:This product is totally new & different from existing products. Our product is qualitative & good forhealth. That’s why we think that this juice will be demandable in market. There is a huge potential market for juice in Bangladesh because watermelonjuice is a new product in the marketProblem: lack of experience Shortage of capital mall scale production Consumers are unfamiliar with the product


Page 8: Business plan of watermelon juice

Competition:The direct competitors of our Product are: Pran Shezan DanishBut we are not competing our product with them because they are the competitors of the juice market and they are only providing the different flavor juices but not the watermelon juice.

Page 9: Business plan of watermelon juice

Prospects: Developing beverage market condition, A market vacated by ineffective competitor, favorable government rules and regulations, health conscious educated young people, cheap and available raw materials, low labor cost etc. will give a hope that Refresh Beverage Ltd can

create a position in market.

Page 10: Business plan of watermelon juice

Aim: To become one of the leading beverage brand in

Bangladesh within next 3 years By serving best quality product, competitive marketing

strategy, efficient management team and employees

Page 11: Business plan of watermelon juice

Resources Needed:

Skill: Technical skill for handling mechinery,ecquipment, Conceptual skill for taking managerial decision Human skill for communicating clients, suppliers,distributors.employees Physical Assets: Factory building, Machinery, equipments etc. Market: National Market Time Frame: 2014-2024 that might be expand in near future.

Page 12: Business plan of watermelon juice

Availability of Resources: Skill: Hiring employee who are experts in conceptual,

human and technological skill. And arranging training programme for them.

Physical Assets: Purchased 5 acre land in Rupganj, Narayanganj and rented a office space in Gulshan area.

Machinery: Import Necessary Machinery from Chaina. Management: Employed experienced professional for

top level management. Time Frame: 2015-2020 that might be expand in near

Page 13: Business plan of watermelon juice

Risk to be taken: As a new product or brand consumer may refuse to

accept it. Demand of our products may be adversely affected by

changes in consumer preferences and tastes. Political instability of our country

Page 14: Business plan of watermelon juice

EnvironmentLegal Environment:

This organization is started by following all act and regulation needed.

Factory building is build under building code And corporate office and factory both are insured for next 5 years. All necessary copywrite,petents,trademark license etc are taken.

Page 15: Business plan of watermelon juice

Economic Environment: Business may be affected by:

Change in income level of customer Change in consumer spending patterns

Social Environment: Religious values habits

Page 16: Business plan of watermelon juice

Vision:Establish Refresh Beverage Ltd. as one of the local leading source of healthy drinks.

Mission:The mission statement of Refresh Beverage Ltd. is to provide customers with an expansive number of quality and freshly made juices that are affordable and healthy.

Page 17: Business plan of watermelon juice

Objectives: Develop enthusiastically-satisfied customers all of the time. Turn on profit from the fist year of operation. Provision of a great work environment, treating each other

with respect and dignity. Apply high-quality standards of excellence to all business

processes. Contribute positively to our communities and our

environment. Fully commit to supporting growth and development in the

Planning (cont.)

Page 18: Business plan of watermelon juice

Strategic plan:Strategically increase ;

the number of distribution locations within a short time frame,

making the product more available to the consumer, creating

strong brand management.

Page 19: Business plan of watermelon juice

Operational Plan: Continuous improvement of juice recipe maintained by R

& D department. Take initiatives to increase production. To improve employee skills arranging training program. Ensure comfortable working environment. Launching promotional advertisement time to time. Select proper distribution channel.


Page 20: Business plan of watermelon juice

Marketing Plan Refresh Beverage Ltd. will introduce its products at 20% off regular

price during the first month.  In addition, it will co-sponsor local charitable events to raise the

visibility of the brand name.

Sales Strategy The sales strategy is to build customer loyalty in the new markets.

Pricing system: After covering the cost we set a profit margin for our pricing.  We will keep reasonable price and provide quality product for

customers’ acceptance. Moreover we will need to lower the price to hold the market share at

the time of competition.

Page 21: Business plan of watermelon juice

Marketing Plan:

Market Segmentation

•We segmented our market according to the basis of age, Income, profession.

Target Market

•After evaluating market segment, we choose two types of people as our target market. That is young people and children.

Market Positioning

•We positioned our product as 1. High quality product, 2.Reasonable price, 3.Reliable

Page 22: Business plan of watermelon juice

Promotional Strategy Television FM Radio Newspaper Billboard Personal Selling Vehicles Advertisement

Page 23: Business plan of watermelon juice

Distribution Strategy: To market our products to the targeted customers, we will

follow the level 3 of consumer marketing channel. Our channel will be like follows:


Whole seller


Page 24: Business plan of watermelon juice

Competitive Strategy:

Planning (Cont.)

Excellent value for money we offer our customer

Offer comparatively low price

Diversified menu and superior product quality

Page 25: Business plan of watermelon juice

Procurement Strategy

Though it’s a seasonal fruits, so collect best quality watermelon from different parts

of the country in it’s season. Ensure proper preservation technique to maintain

quality. Ensure transportation facility. Ensure proper utilization of raw materials

Page 26: Business plan of watermelon juice

Break-even Point:Average Price per unit, tk.40

Average Revenue =

Total Cost= Variable Cost + Fixed Cost


When I produce 19,000 unit then my production will reach break-even point.

Quantity TC

15,000 730,000 (30,000)

19,000 760,000 -

23,000 790,000 130,000

Page 27: Business plan of watermelon juice

Area Factory: Rupgange,Narayangang Corporate Office:14/7 Gulshan1,Dhaka

Size: It's a medium size business.

Resources: Time Money Human resources

Page 28: Business plan of watermelon juice


• Technical skill will be used in set up new mechinery,ecquipment etc.

• In time of adopting new technologyTechnical Skill

• Using in increasing personal selling• Maintaining relationship to customers and societyCommunication skill

• Will used in crucial and competitive decision for business

• making all kind of business planConceptual Skill

Page 29: Business plan of watermelon juice

Co-ordination Raw materials are reached on time from store house to

Production factory. Proper co-ordination between all resources are ensured. Finished goods are sent on time to all distribution

channel. Co-ordinate the works between factory and corporate

Page 31: Business plan of watermelon juice

Monitoring: In factory, for every 7 employees, there is one supervisor and all

supervisor will repot to production manager. Works of all department’s manager will be monitored by their

department head. We will have simple, decision friendly, monthly, quarterly, and

annual reports focusing on

1. Revenue and sales

2. Expenses

3. Customer feedback

4. Market log (self and competitive major activities). we have some specific standard and we will compare it with the

actual performance.

Page 32: Business plan of watermelon juice

Particulars Amount (Tk.)

Raw Materials 2200000

Processing Cost 550000

Transportation cost 330000

Rent 250000

Factory Overhead 1200000

Advertising Expense 300000

Salary Expense 1020000

Distribution 100000

Other Expenses 50000

Total 6000000

Page 33: Business plan of watermelon juice

Any Question ?????

Page 34: Business plan of watermelon juice

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Watermelon Farming in Kenya Business Plan

Watermelon Farming in Kenya Business Plan

Watermelon stands as one of Kenya’s most sought-after fruits, boasting a robust market demand and promising returns. Nevertheless, delving into watermelon cultivation demands meticulous planning, astute management, and access to premium resources. This underscores the significance of a structured watermelon farming business plan, pivotal for both budding and seasoned farmers.

At its core, a watermelon farming business plan serves as a roadmap detailing the aspirations, methodologies, strategies, and essential resources requisite for initiating and sustaining a prosperous watermelon farming enterprise. This blueprint aids in pinpointing your target demographic, assessing competitors, projecting financial inflows and outflows, and strategizing for potential hurdles.

Beyond operational guidance, a robust watermelon farming business plan becomes a potent tool when seeking external financing. Whether approaching investors, financial institutions, or potential benefactors, a comprehensive plan underscores the project’s feasibility and its potential for lucrative returns.

Importance of a Water Melon Farming Business Plan

Having a well-developed business plan is crucial for the success of your watermelon farming venture. A business plan provides a clear roadmap for your business growth and helps maintain visibility on future cash flows. It’s also essential for securing financing from banks or investors. By having a well-structured plan, you can guide your decision-making and resource allocation, ensuring long-term success and sustainability.

When creating a business plan for your watermelon farm, there are several components that you should include. These include a forecasted balance sheet, projected cash flow statement, initial financing plan, and a written part of the business plan that covers executive summary, company presentation, products and services, market analysis, strategy, operations, and financial plan.

To create an effective business plan, you’ll need to conduct market research for accurate financial projections. This will involve understanding your target customer base, competitors, and pricing strategies. By forecasting revenue based on customer spending habits and preferences, you can develop a sales and marketing plan for customer acquisition and retention. Additionally, you should plan for staffing and equipment needs aligned with growth projections.

In the market analysis section of your business plan, you should focus on demographics and segmentation, target market, competition, and key regulations. The strategy section should elaborate on the competitive edge of your watermelon farm, demonstrate your pricing strategy and profitability, outline your sales and marketing plan, set milestones and objectives for future growth, and address risks and mitigants for potential investors or lenders.

Components of a Water Melon Farming Business Plan

When creating a business plan for your watermelon farm, it’s important to include the necessary components that will provide a comprehensive overview of your venture’s financial projections, market analysis, strategy, operations, and future growth objectives.

The financial projections should include a forecasted balance sheet, projected cash flow statement, and an initial financing plan. These will help you maintain visibility on future cash flows and secure financing from banks or investors.

The market analysis section should cover demographics and segmentation, target market, competition, and key regulations. This will help you understand your target customer base, competitors, and pricing strategies.

The strategy section should elaborate on the competitive edge of your watermelon farm, demonstrate your pricing strategy and profitability, outline your sales and marketing plan, and set milestones and objectives for future growth.

Lastly, the operations section should address staffing and equipment needs aligned with growth projections.

Information Needed for a Water Melon Farming Business Plan

To create a comprehensive business plan for your watermelon farm, you’ll need to gather important information about market research, target customer base, competitors, pricing strategies, revenue projections, sales and marketing plan, staffing and equipment needs, and growth projections.

Conduct market research to understand the demand for watermelons and accurately project your financials. Determine your target customer base, identify your competitors, and develop pricing strategies to remain competitive in the market. Forecast your revenue based on customer spending habits and preferences.

Create a sales and marketing plan to acquire and retain customers. Plan for staffing and equipment needs that align with your growth projections. This will ensure that you have the necessary resources to meet demand.

Water Melon Farming Market Analysis Section

In the market analysis section of your watermelon farming business plan, you’ll delve into important aspects such as demographics and segmentation, target market, competition, and key regulations. This section is crucial for understanding the market dynamics and identifying opportunities and challenges for your watermelon farm.

Demographics and segmentation will help you determine the specific characteristics of your target customers, such as age, location, income level, and preferences. This information will guide your marketing and sales strategies.

Identifying your target market involves narrowing down your potential customers to a specific group that’s most likely to buy your watermelons. Understanding their needs and preferences will enable you to tailor your products and services to meet their demands effectively.

Analyzing the competition is essential to identify your strengths and weaknesses compared to other watermelon farmers in the market. This information will help you differentiate your farm and develop competitive strategies.

Lastly, understanding the key regulations and requirements in the watermelon farming industry will ensure that you comply with all legal and operational obligations. This knowledge will help you avoid potential penalties and disruptions to your business operations.

Water Melon Farming Strategy Section

Now that you have analyzed the market dynamics and identified opportunities and challenges for your watermelon farm, it’s time to formulate a strategic plan that will set your farm apart from the competition and ensure its long-term success.

Your strategy section should elaborate on the competitive edge of your watermelon farm, demonstrate your pricing strategy and profitability, outline your sales and marketing plan, set milestones and objectives for future growth, and address risks and mitigants for potential investors or lenders.

To differentiate your watermelon farm from competitors, consider highlighting factors such as your use of high-quality seeds or seedlings, efficient irrigation systems, and protective measures against pests and diseases.

Additionally, your pricing strategy should take into account market demand and production costs to ensure profitability.

Your sales and marketing plan should focus on acquiring and retaining customers. Identify potential buyers such as local markets, grocery stores, and restaurants, and develop a strategy to reach them effectively. Establishing relationships with buyers and negotiating favorable terms is also crucial for success.

Lastly, setting milestones and objectives will help guide your farm’s growth. These could include increasing production capacity, expanding your customer base, or diversifying your product range.

Planning and Setting up the Water Melon Farm

Start by determining the market demand for watermelons and researching the ideal growing conditions for successful cultivation. Conduct thorough market research to understand the demand for watermelons in your target market. Identify potential buyers such as local markets, grocery stores, and restaurants. This will help you determine the quantity of watermelons you need to produce to meet the market demand.

Simultaneously, research the ideal growing conditions for watermelons. Consider factors such as climate, soil type, and water availability. Watermelons thrive in temperatures between 22-28 degrees Celsius and require well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-6.8. They also need adequate water for proper growth and fruit formation, so ensure you have a reliable irrigation system in place.

Once you have gathered all the necessary information, calculate the required land area for watermelon cultivation. Develop a detailed business plan that includes financial projections, marketing strategies, and growth plans. Make sure to secure the necessary permits and licenses for operating a farm.

Next, select high-quality watermelon seeds or seedlings and prepare the soil by removing weeds and adding necessary nutrients. Set up an irrigation system to ensure proper watering of the plants and install a trellis or support system for the watermelon vines to grow on. Additionally, implement protective measures against pests and diseases to safeguard your crop.

Determining Market Demand for Water Melon

After conducting market research and understanding the ideal growing conditions for watermelons, the next step is to determine the market demand for watermelon in order to effectively plan your cultivation and sales strategies.

Market demand refers to the quantity of watermelons that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price and time. To determine market demand, you’ll need to consider factors such as the size of the target market, consumer preferences, and competition.

Conducting market surveys, analyzing consumer trends, and studying the purchasing power of potential customers will provide valuable insights into the demand for watermelons. Additionally, understanding the seasonality of the market and identifying any fluctuations in demand throughout the year will help you plan your cultivation and harvesting schedules.

Ideal Growing Conditions for Water Melon

To maximize the growth and yield of watermelons, it’s crucial to provide them with the ideal growing conditions. Watermelons thrive in a climate with an optimal temperature range of 22-28 degrees Celsius. They also prefer an altitude of 0-1500 meters above sea level and a rainfall of 400-4000mm per year. When it comes to soil, watermelons prefer well-drained soil with a pH level of 6.0-6.8, slightly acidic.

To ensure proper growth, it’s recommended to prepare the land with a spacing of 100-150cm between rows and 90-100cm between plants. Propagation can be done by sowing watermelon seeds directly in the field, after soaking the seeds in water overnight. Applying fertilizer is essential for proper root development.

Watermelon farming techniques include proper irrigation management, intercultural operations such as weeding, top dressing, pruning, and mulching. It’s important to keep the watermelon plots weed-free to avoid competition for nutrients. Care must be taken not to damage the watermelon roots while removing weeds. Additionally, proper use of manures and fertilizers is crucial for the watermelon crop.

Required Land Area for Water Melon Farming

Watermelon farming requires a specific amount of land area to ensure optimal growth and yield. The required land area for watermelon farming in Kenya depends on various factors such as the variety of watermelon, the spacing between plants, and the farming technique used. Generally, watermelons are grown in rows with a spacing of 100-150cm between rows and 90-100cm between plants. This allows enough space for the plants to spread out and receive adequate sunlight and nutrients.

The land area needed for watermelon farming also depends on the scale of the operation. For small-scale farmers, a few acres of land may be sufficient to meet their needs. However, for larger commercial farms, several hectares of land may be required to achieve higher production levels.

It is important to note that watermelons are vining plants that require ample space to grow and spread. Therefore, it’s essential to plan and allocate the necessary land area to accommodate the growth and development of the watermelon plants. By ensuring the right amount of land area, watermelon farmers can maximize their yield and profitability.

Securing Permits and Licenses Water Melon Farming

Securing permits and licenses for watermelon farming is an essential step in establishing a legal and compliant operation. Before you can start your watermelon farm, you need to ensure that you have obtained all the necessary permits and licenses required by the local authorities. These permits and licenses may include a farming license, land use permit, environmental impact assessment certificate, and water abstraction permit. Each of these permits and licenses serves a specific purpose and is designed to ensure that your farm operates in accordance with the regulations and guidelines set by the government.

To obtain these permits and licenses, you’ll need to submit various documents and fulfill certain requirements. These may include providing details about your farm’s location, size, and proposed activities, as well as demonstrating that you have taken measures to minimize any potential negative impact on the environment. It’s important to note that the specific requirements and processes for obtaining permits and licenses may vary depending on your location and the regulations in place.

Securing permits and licenses for your watermelon farm demonstrates your commitment to operating a legal and responsible business. It not only protects you from potential legal issues but also ensures that you’re following best practices and contributing to sustainable agricultural practices. Therefore, it’s crucial to research and understand the specific requirements in your area and engage with the relevant authorities to obtain the necessary permits and licenses for your watermelon farming operation.

Selecting High-Quality Water Melon Seeds

After successfully securing the necessary permits and licenses for your watermelon farm, the next crucial step is selecting high-quality watermelon seeds. The quality of the seeds you choose will directly impact the yield and quality of your watermelons. When selecting seeds, it’s important to consider factors such as disease resistance, germination rate, and fruit characteristics.

Look for reputable seed suppliers who specialize in watermelon seeds and have a good track record. Check for certification labels on the seed packets to ensure that they’ve been tested and meet quality standards.

Additionally, consider consulting with experienced watermelon farmers or agricultural experts for recommendations on the best seed varieties for your specific region and market demand. Remember that investing in high-quality seeds will set a strong foundation for your watermelon farm and increase your chances of success.

Preparing the Soil

To prepare the soil for your watermelon farm, you need to ensure that it’s free of weeds and enriched with necessary nutrients.

Start by removing any existing weeds from the soil to prevent competition for nutrients and space. This can be done manually or using appropriate weed control methods.

Once the soil is weed-free, it’s essential to enrich it with the necessary nutrients for optimal watermelon growth. Conduct a soil test to determine its nutrient content and pH level. Based on the results, you may need to add organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to improve soil fertility.

Additionally, you may need to apply appropriate fertilizers to provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Follow the recommended application rates and timings to ensure that the soil is adequately nourished.

Creating an Irrigation System

Creating an efficient irrigation system is crucial for the successful cultivation of watermelons. Watermelon plants require consistent and adequate water supply throughout their growth cycle to produce high-quality and juicy fruits.

To create an effective irrigation system, you need to consider factors such as water source, irrigation method, and scheduling.

Firstly, it’s essential to identify a reliable water source for your watermelon farm. This could be a well, borehole, or nearby water body. Make sure to test the water quality to ensure it’s suitable for irrigation purposes.

Next, choose an appropriate irrigation method that suits your farm’s size, layout, and water availability. Drip irrigation is commonly used for watermelon farming as it delivers water directly to the plant’s root zone, minimizing water wastage and weed growth.

Once you have decided on the irrigation method, develop a proper scheduling system to determine when and how much water to apply. Watermelons require more water during hot and dry periods, especially during flowering and fruiting stages. Monitoring soil moisture levels and adjusting irrigation accordingly will help prevent over or under-watering.

Installing Protective Measures

Now that you have set up a sturdy support system for your watermelon plants, it’s essential to install protective measures to safeguard them from pests and diseases. These measures are crucial for ensuring the health and productivity of your watermelon farm.

One of the first protective measures you should consider is implementing pest control strategies. Common pests that can attack watermelon plants include aphids, spider mites, and cucumber beetles. You can use organic pesticides or insecticidal soaps to control these pests. Additionally, practicing crop rotation and maintaining good hygiene in your farm can help prevent pest infestations.

Another important protective measure is disease prevention. Watermelon plants are susceptible to diseases such as powdery mildew and fusarium wilt. To prevent these diseases, ensure proper air circulation by spacing your plants adequately. You can also apply fungicides as a preventive measure.

Furthermore, consider using physical barriers like nets or row covers to protect your plants from birds and other animals that may feed on the fruits. These barriers can help reduce fruit damage and loss.

Cultivating Watermelons

Once you have prepared the soil and sown the watermelon seeds or transplanted the seedlings, it’s crucial to closely monitor and adjust the irrigation and fertilization schedule as needed.

Watermelons require adequate water for proper growth and fruit formation, so it’s important to ensure they receive enough water throughout their growing period. Regularly check the moisture level of the soil and adjust the irrigation accordingly, making sure not to overwater or underwater the plants.

Additionally, fertilization is essential for providing the necessary nutrients for healthy plant development and high-quality fruit production. Conduct soil tests to determine the nutrient levels and apply fertilizers accordingly. Monitor the plants for any signs of nutrient deficiencies or excesses, and adjust the fertilization schedule as needed.

Pruning the watermelon vines is also important to promote better fruit development and airflow, which helps reduce the risk of diseases. Keep an eye out for pests and diseases, and take appropriate action if any issues arise.

Monitoring Irrigation and Fertilization

To ensure optimal growth and fruit formation in watermelons, closely monitor and adjust the irrigation and fertilization schedule as needed.

Watermelon plants require adequate water for proper development, especially during the fruiting stage. Regularly check the moisture levels in the soil and adjust the irrigation schedule accordingly. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot and other problems. On the other hand, insufficient watering can result in stunted growth and poor fruit quality.

In addition to irrigation, proper fertilization is essential for watermelon farming. Conduct soil tests to determine the nutrient levels and apply fertilizers accordingly. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the key nutrients required by watermelon plants. Adjust the fertilizer application based on the specific needs of your soil and crop. Too much fertilizer can lead to excessive vegetative growth and reduce fruit production, while too little fertilizer can result in nutrient deficiencies and weak plants.

Regularly monitor the plants for any signs of nutrient deficiencies or excesses, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth. Adjust the fertilization schedule accordingly to ensure balanced nutrition for the watermelon plants.

Pruning the Vines

Pruning the watermelon vines is an essential practice for promoting optimal fruit development and overall plant health. When it comes to watermelon farming, pruning involves removing unnecessary shoots and leaves from the vines. By doing this, you allow more sunlight and air to reach the fruits, which helps them grow bigger and sweeter. Pruning also helps prevent the spread of diseases and pests, as it improves air circulation and reduces humidity around the plants.

To start pruning, identify the main vine and remove any lateral shoots that emerge from the leaf axils. These shoots divert energy away from the main vine and can result in smaller and less flavorful fruits. Additionally, remove any damaged or diseased leaves to prevent the spread of infections. It’s important to note that pruning should be done carefully to avoid damaging the vines or causing unnecessary stress to the plants.

Regular pruning throughout the growing season is recommended. As the vines continue to grow, keep an eye out for new shoots and leaves that may need to be trimmed. By consistently pruning the watermelon vines, you can ensure that the plants focus their energy on producing high-quality fruits.

Monitoring for Pests and Diseases

When monitoring for pests and diseases in your watermelon farm, it’s crucial to regularly inspect your plants for any signs of infestation or infection. Pests such as aphids, spider mites, and cucumber beetles can damage your watermelon plants and hinder their growth. Look for yellowing or wilting leaves, holes in the leaves or fruits, and the presence of insects on the plants.

Diseases like powdery mildew, fusarium wilt, and anthracnose can also affect your crop. Watch out for discoloration or spots on the leaves, stems, or fruits, as well as any signs of wilting or rotting. If you notice any suspicious symptoms, take immediate action to prevent further spread.

Use organic or chemical pesticides to control pests, and apply fungicides to combat diseases. It’s important to follow the recommended dosage and application instructions for these treatments.

Harvesting at the Right Stage

Harvesting watermelons at the optimal stage of ripeness is crucial for ensuring the best flavor and quality of the fruit. It’s important to wait until the watermelons are fully matured before harvesting them. This can be determined by observing a few key signs.

Firstly, the color of the watermelon should be a deep, uniform green. As the fruit ripens, the green color will become duller and the surface will develop a slightly waxy texture.

Secondly, the underside of the watermelon should have a creamy or yellowish appearance. This indicates that the fruit is fully ripe and ready to be harvested.

Lastly, when you tap on the watermelon, it should produce a hollow sound. If the sound is dull or muffled, it means that the fruit isn’t yet ripe and should be left to mature further.

Harvesting watermelons too early can result in a lack of sweetness and a less enjoyable eating experience. On the other hand, waiting too long to harvest can lead to over-ripeness and a loss of flavor. Therefore, it’s important to closely monitor the watermelons and harvest them at the right stage to ensure the best taste and quality.

Marketing and Selling Watermelons

After ensuring that your watermelons are harvested at the optimal stage of ripeness, it’s time to focus on effectively marketing and selling your delicious fruits.

To start, identify potential buyers such as local markets, grocery stores, and restaurants. These establishments are always on the lookout for fresh and tasty watermelons to offer their customers.

Package your watermelons attractively to enhance their market appeal. A visually appealing package can make a significant difference in attracting potential buyers.

Additionally, determine competitive pricing based on market demand and production costs. Conduct market research to understand the current pricing trends and adjust your prices accordingly.

Developing a marketing strategy is crucial for reaching potential customers. Utilize various channels such as social media, online platforms, and local advertisements to create awareness and generate interest in your watermelons.

Establish relationships with buyers and negotiate favorable terms to ensure a steady demand for your produce.

Identifying Potential Buyers

To effectively market and sell your watermelons, it’s important to first identify potential buyers such as local markets, grocery stores, and restaurants.

Local markets are a great place to start as they attract a wide range of customers looking for fresh produce. Approach market managers and inquire about their requirements for watermelon suppliers.

Grocery stores are another potential buyer, as they often source fruits and vegetables from local farmers. Contact the produce managers or buyers at different grocery stores in your area and present them with your watermelon offerings.

Restaurants are also potential buyers, especially those that focus on using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Reach out to restaurant owners or chefs and discuss the possibility of supplying them with your watermelons.

Additionally, consider targeting juice bars, smoothie shops, and other businesses that use watermelons as ingredients.

Building strong relationships with potential buyers is crucial, so make sure to provide high-quality watermelons, offer competitive pricing, and deliver on time.

Packaging and Pricing

When packaging and pricing your watermelons, it’s important to consider attractive and effective packaging designs that enhance their market appeal. The packaging shouldn’t only protect the watermelons during transportation and storage but also catch the attention of potential buyers.

Opt for packaging materials that are sturdy, environmentally friendly, and visually appealing. Consider using clear plastic or mesh bags that allow customers to see the quality of the watermelons. You can also add labels or stickers with your farm’s logo or branding to create a professional and recognizable image.

Additionally, pricing your watermelons appropriately is crucial for profitability. Take into account factors such as production costs, market demand, competition, and desired profit margins. Conduct market research to understand the prevailing prices in your target market and adjust your pricing strategy accordingly. It’s important to find a balance between competitiveness and profitability.

Developing a Marketing Strategy

Creating a targeted marketing strategy is essential for effectively promoting and selling your watermelons. To develop a successful marketing strategy, you need to identify your target market and understand their preferences and buying habits. Conduct market research to gain insight into the demand for watermelons in your area and the competition you’ll face. This will help you determine the most effective marketing channels to reach your target customers.

Consider packaging your watermelons attractively to enhance their market appeal. Determine competitive pricing based on market demand and production costs. Develop a marketing plan that includes online and offline promotion strategies to reach potential customers. Establish relationships with potential buyers such as local markets, grocery stores, and restaurants, and negotiate favorable terms.

In addition to traditional marketing methods, consider utilizing social media platforms and online marketplaces to increase your reach and visibility. Engage with your customers through social media posts, contests, and promotions. Utilize email marketing to stay connected with your customer base and encourage repeat business.

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and make adjustments as needed. By developing a targeted marketing strategy, you can maximize the visibility and profitability of your watermelon farm.

Maximizing Profit From the Farm

One effective way to maximize profit from your watermelon farm is by implementing efficient farming practices and exploring value-added opportunities.

Efficient farming practices involve minimizing production costs through the efficient use of resources. This can be achieved by optimizing irrigation schedules, using appropriate fertilization techniques, and implementing effective pest and disease control measures.

Additionally, continuously improving farming practices can help increase yield and quality, leading to higher profits.

Exploring value-added opportunities is another way to maximize profit from your watermelon farm. Consider diversifying your product range by growing different watermelon varieties. This can attract more customers and potentially increase sales.

Furthermore, you can explore value-added products such as making watermelon juice or jams. These products have a higher market value compared to selling fresh watermelons alone, allowing you to command higher prices and increase your profit margins.

To ensure effective profit maximization, it’s important to keep accurate records of expenses, sales, and profits. This will help you track your financial performance and make informed decisions for better financial management.

In conclusion, a well-crafted business plan is essential for the success of your watermelon farm in Kenya. It not only acts as a roadmap for growth but also helps secure financing and guides decision-making.

By conducting thorough market research, developing effective marketing strategies, and maximizing profits through packaging and pricing, you can establish and run a profitable watermelon farm.

Whether you’re a beginner or experienced farmer, the insights and tips provided in this article will assist you in achieving success in the world of watermelon farming.

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Lubbock drink shop offers pickle Dr Pepper: Here's what A-J staff thinks, recommends

A new question has been posed in the "does that food belong with that flavor" debate, this time pairing the beloved drink of West Texas — Dr Pepper — with pickles.

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We at the A-J, rebelling against common sense, decided we needed to try these pickle options out, along with some non-pickle drinks at Dusty Coast Sodas. Here are our thoughts:

Dr Pickle: Dr Pepper with pickle juice

Alana Edgin: When I saw this trending on social media, my first thought was why? Why would someone do this? Dr Pepper already has 23 flavors, why did it need a 24th? My answer: it does not. But, for people who love pickle juice, give it a shot. Maybe I'm missing the allure of the sour-sweet in this combination.

Annie Rice: Listen: I know there are diehard pickle-people in this world. I am sadly not one of them. This was never a drink made for me, but in the spirit of trying new things I gave it a shot. It felt like I took a sip of Dr Pepper and then immediately took a swig of pickle-jar brine. Maybe this drink is for someone, but it is absolutely not for me.

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Alana Edgin: If you are going to mix pickle juice into anything, lemonade is an acceptable choice. Surprisingly, I kind of liked this one. It reminded me of those times when I'd be trying to cool down from the 400-meter run in track, and a friend would hand me a shot of pickle juice. I'd recommend this for the athletes out there.

Annie Rice: Again, Annie Rice is not a pickle person. But I love lemonade and thought maybe this might be a sweet and sour, like a twisted Arnold Palmer. Nope. It is heavy on the dill with a whisper of lemonade. Like the Dr Pepper Pickle soda, maybe this drink is for someone, but it is not a drink made for me.

Mateo Rosiles: This was made for an athlete who needs pickle juice after a competition but doesn't want straight pickle juice. It's decent and if I was at a pool, I would definitely drink this. I would say give this one a try.

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Alana Edgin: I'm not a hardcore gamer, but I know several who love Mountain Dew. This gave the unofficial drink of gamers a pleasant fruit-flavored twist, which balanced well with the power of The Dew. Warning: This will not help you beat that one level you are stuck on. At least you'll have a nice drink in the meantime.

Annie Rice: The pineapple definitely comes through in a way that I loved. Felt so tropical, and combined with the Mountain Dew makes it feel like a Gulf Coast, Florida panhandle vacation. Had to stop myself from drinking the whole thing.

Mateo Rosiles: It's not my cup of soda, but I would definitely get it if I have a late night ahead of graduate studies and don't want to drink a Red Bull.

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Alana Edgin: Sprite is a solid choice for sodas to be mixed with different flavors. Dusty Coast's mix here gave a balanced sweet summer feel reminiscent of a Shirley Temple.

Annie Rice: Now this was my favorite. It felt like if you were light on the grenadine in a Shirley Temple, you would have this drink. Felt so refreshing, thanks to the Sprite, and fruity in an addictive way.

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Ranch Refresher: Water with cucumber, watermelon and fresh lime

Alana Edgin: Lubbock loves Chiltons. It is an inescapable fact, and not even Dusty Coast could break free of the Chilton craze. This drink met the craving a with strong cucumber flavoring. I recommend getting the sparkling water version to up the taste.

Annie Rice: To be fair, if I got this drink with bubbles instead of flat I would have liked it. I love the idea of this, but it just felt very light on flavor. I can see this being a refreshing option on a hot, summer day. But, I think adding sparkling water would have elevated my experience.

Mateo Rosiles: When I tell you if you love Chiltons or Agua Frescas, then you need to try this one. The cucumber had a crisp, fresh flavor, and the watermelon added a nice, subtle sweetness to it. This was by far my favorite, and I have already planned another trip back to get some more.

Panhandle Punch: Sugar free peach and sugar free strawberry

Alana Edgin: I do appreciate that Dusty Coast has sugar free options. The inclusivity is wonderful. As for the flavors here, it reminded me of a light version of a pink starburst. It also kind of had a banana taste, which is not my favorite. This drink could also do with a stronger flavor, but I enjoy strongly flavored drinks.

Annie Rice: On paper, this sounds great. I'm a health-conscious person and love having options wherever I go. But, there was just not as strong as a flavor compared to the other drinks. Maybe the sparkling water option would have made it better, but this is just not a drink for me.

Mateo Rosiles: If you are trying to get better at drinking more water but don't want to buy surgery-flavored water or overly carbonated water from the store, then try this one. It was refreshing, but the flavor is very light, in my opinion. It's not my cup of tea, but it's definitely something I would like to try again.



    watermelon juice business plan

  2. Business plan of watermelon juice

    watermelon juice business plan

  3. Business Plan of Watermelon Juice

    watermelon juice business plan

  4. Business Plan of Watermelon Juice

    watermelon juice business plan

  5. Business Plan of Watermelon Juice

    watermelon juice business plan

  6. Business Plan of Watermelon Juice

    watermelon juice business plan


  1. Watermelon Juice

  2. Easy Watermelon Cutting Techniques: Slice and Serve Like a Pro


  4. Watermelon juice

  5. 🍉 watermelon juice / how to prepare watermelon juice / fruit juice



  1. Business plan of watermelon juice

    The business plan outlines the company's product, competition, resources, operations, marketing, and financial plans. The main points are: 1) Refresh Beverage Ltd. plans to manufacture four sizes of watermelon juice and establish itself as a leading beverage brand in Bangladesh within three years. 2) As a new product, watermelon juice faces ...

  2. Fruit Juice Bar Business Plan Template (free)

    Your business plan should articulate your vision clearly. Define your target audience (health-conscious consumers, gym-goers, office workers, etc.) and establish your juice bar's distinctive appeal (organic, locally-sourced produce, innovative flavor combinations, dietary accommodations such as vegan or sugar-free options, etc.).

  3. Cold-Pressed Juice Bar Business Plans: The 4 Basic Models

    3. Wholesale. ( Note: This is not technically a juice bar business — it's a juice factory business — but it is a plan worth considering.) It's hard to start small as a wholesale brand, so if you're going to go wholesale, you probably need to go big out of the gate. This requires a big investment in marketing and a factory.

  4. How to Start a Profitable Juice Business [11 Steps]

    Start now. 1. Perform market analysis. Starting a juice business requires a thorough understanding of the market to ensure your products meet consumer needs and stand out from the competition. A comprehensive market analysis will help you identify trends, target customers, and gauge demand.

  5. How to write a business plan for a fruit juice brand?

    3. The products and services section. The products and services section of your business plan should include a detailed description of the offerings that your company provides to its customers. For example, your fruit juice brand could offer freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, and health shots to customers.

  6. Juice Bar Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

    Marketing Plan. Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P's: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a juice bar business plan, your marketing plan should include the following: Product: in the product section you should reiterate the type of juice bar that you documented in your Company Analysis.

  7. Business Plan for Small Juice Company

    Countingup is the perfect ingredient for healthy finances. To make sure that your juice company can provide financial projections in your plan, it would be useful to set up a separate account and use accounting software. Countingup is the business current account with built-in accounting software that allows you to manage your financial data in ...


    Get started on your journey to success today with our Watermelon Juice Production Business Plan, exclusively tailored for the Nigerian and African market. Contents. 1. Executive Summary 5 1.1 Business Name: 5 1.2 Business Location: 5 1.3 Business Capacity: 5 1.4 Business Objectives: 5

  9. The Juicy Journey: How to Launch Your Own Fresh Juice Business

    For example, watermelon-acai juice in the summer or apple-ginger juice in the fall. This not only keeps your menu fresh but also takes advantage of the availability and affordability of seasonal ingredients. ... Starting a fresh juice business requires careful planning, including developing a fresh juice business plan, understanding the juice ...

  10. Fruit Juice Production Business Plan [Sample Template]

    A Sample Fruit Juice Production Business Plan Template 1. Industry Overview. Fruit juice production business is a subsidiary of the global fruit and vegetable processing industry and players in this industry are engaged in the processing and packaging of fresh fruit and vegetables into canned, bottled, preserved, frozen, dried (except sun-dried) or otherwise processed or preserved food ...

  11. Watermelon Juice Recipe

    Instructions. Slice the watermelon in half. Using a big spoon, scoop chunks of sweet watermelon into the blender. Discard the rind. Blend the watermelon until it is totally pulverized. This shouldn't take more than a minute. For extra flavor, squeeze the juice of one small lime into the blender and blend for a few seconds.

  12. How to write a business plan for a watermelon farm?

    A business plan has 2 main parts: a financial forecast outlining the funding requirements of your watermelon farm and the expected growth, profits and cash flows for the next 3 to 5 years; and a written part which gives the reader the information needed to decide if they believe the forecast is achievable.

  13. Watermelon Juice Recipe

    Instructions. Place the watermelon cubes in a blender and blend. Place a nut milk bag or a few layers of cheesecloth over a large bowl and strain the juice. Transfer to a pitcher and stir in the lime juice and ginger juice. Serve with sparkling water and garnish with fresh mint, if desired.

  14. Mastering Watermelon Farming: Your 9-Step Business Plan Guide!

    This plan will outline the processes and procedures necessary to efficiently cultivate, harvest, and distribute your watermelons to meet market demand. Step 1: Determine planting and harvesting schedules: Begin by establishing a timeline for planting and harvesting your watermelon crops.

  15. Business Plan of Watermelon Juice

    Jul 22, 2017 • Download as PPSX, PDF •. 4 likes • 2,641 views. A. Atif Salam. Entrepreneurship. Food. 1 of 37. Download now. Business Plan of Watermelon Juice - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  16. Sample Business Plan for XXXX Watermelon Juice, Kano, Nigeria

    Abstract. XXXX Table Water Limited (TWL), a company owned by reputable promoters, the company was established since 2004 and has since been producing table water and cultivation of arable crops, LTWL has resolved to establish a 2,000 litres per hour watermelon juice processing facility that is not only modern but also efficient.

  17. Watermelon Juice Business Plan

    Watermelon Juice Business Plan quantity. Add to cart. Description; Reviews (0) Bankable business plan for setting up your Watermelon Juice business! We have ready to use and individual specifications. Reviews. There are no reviews yet. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

  18. Watermelon Farming

    It is actually a very common and favorite food. In a 100 grams serving, watermelon fruit supplies 125 kilojoules (30 kilocalories) of food energy and low amounts of essential nutrient. Only vitamin C is present in appreciable content at 10% of the daily value. Watermelon fruit is about 91% water and around 6% sugar and low amount of fat.

  19. How to Start A Watermelon Cultivation Business in 7 Steps

    Table of Contents. 7 Steps to Start Watermelon Farming Business. 1. Learn the Health Benefits of Watermelons. 2. Understand the Best Varieties For Watermelon Cultivation. Some of the popular Indian watermelon varieties are: 3. Suitable Agro-Climatic Condition For Watermelon Cultivation.

  20. Business plan

    Business plan. Oct 13, 2016 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 12 likes • 2,087 views. Sourav Das. This is the new business plan for Watermelon Juice. Business. 1 of 42. Download now. Business plan - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  21. Starting a Watermelon Farm

    The first step to take is to find the land you will need for the cultivation in a location where the watermelon plants can get six to eight hours of sunlight each day. 2. Source for Seedling. The next step to take is to source for healthy watermelon seedling. Farmers that already run their own watermelon farmers can supply you with healthy ...

  22. Business plan of watermelon juice

    Business Plan on water malon Juice TRANSCRIPT. Page 1. Welcome to Presentation. Page 2. Submitted To: Noor Nahar Begum. Lecturer. Faculty of Business Studies (FBS) ... Id No:M1415030. Program: MBA. Batch:15. Page 3. Presentation on Business Plan of Watermelon Juice. Page 4. Background (Product overview) Product Name: Refresh Water Melon Juice.

  23. Watermelon Farming in Kenya Business Plan

    Develop a detailed business plan that includes financial projections, marketing strategies, and growth plans. Make sure to secure the necessary permits and licenses for operating a farm. Next, select high-quality watermelon seeds or seedlings and prepare the soil by removing weeds and adding necessary nutrients.

  24. Pickle Dr Pepper at Lubbock Dusty Coast Sodas, staff reviews

    Lemon Dill-Lite: Pickle juice and lemonade. Alana Edgin: If you are going to mix pickle juice into anything, lemonade is an acceptable choice. Surprisingly, I kind of liked this one. It reminded ...

  25. Johns Hopkins, nonprofit team on Station North development plan

    A $350 million plan to upgrade and redevelop Station North is moving forward with plans to convert the area into a busy residential and arts and culture hub tied to Penn Station's revival.. The ...