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Writing a Business Plan

Team sequoia.

When Brian, Joe and Nate founded Airbnb, they had an air mattress, entrepreneurial passion, and a vision for reinventing travel and hospitality, but no clear idea how to approach VCs or how to craft a pitch deck.

They came across Sequoia’s guide for how to write a business plan and the rest is history . They made a great deck.

But it wasn’t really the slides we liked—it was their ideas, the clarity of their thinking, and the scope of their ambition. We love partnering with founders hell-bent on bringing an idea to life that conventional wisdom deems impossible. And we love to partner early— when an idea is newly formed and has the maximal room to grow.

You can find our guide to pitching below (with a few refinements from years of use).

Company purpose Start here: define your company in a single declarative sentence. This is harder than it looks. It’s easy to get caught up listing features instead of communicating your mission.

Problem Describe the pain of your customer. How is this addressed today and what are the shortcomings to current solutions.

Solution Explain your eureka moment. Why is your value prop unique and compelling? Why will it endure? And where does it go from here?

Why now? The best companies almost always have a clear why now? Nature hates a vacuum—so why hasn’t your solution been built before now?

Market potential Identify your customer and your market. Some of the best companies invent their own markets.

Competition / alternatives Who are your direct and indirect competitors. Show that you have a plan to win.

Business model How do you intend to thrive?

Team Tell the story of your founders and key team members.

Financials If you have any, please include.

Vision If all goes well, what will you have built in five years?

sequoia business plan template

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Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template

The Sequoia Pitch Deck Template has been viewed by hundreds of thousands of startup founders that are preparing their pitch deck.

It started as a simple blog post that some smart cookie turned into a very simple series of slides. Sometimes the best things in life are super simple.

Now yes, Sequoia are a big deal and yes they know what they are talking about but no… you’re not going to learn a massive amount when it comes to what to actually write and the narrative you want to tell. This is, however, a nice quick read for you to start building a framework upon which to build you frame of reference

The back story on the Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template

So what is the back story with the pitch deck template? In Sequoia’s words:

When Brian, Joe and Nate founded Airbnb, they had an air mattress, entrepreneurial passion, and a vision for reinventing travel and hospitality, but no clear idea how to approach VCs or how to craft a pitch deck. They came across Sequoia’s guide for how to write a business plan and the  rest is history . They made a great deck. But it wasn’t really the slides we liked—it was their ideas, the clarity of their thinking, and the scope of their ambition. We love partnering with founders hell-bent on bringing an idea to life that conventional wisdom deems impossible. And we love to partner early— when an idea is newly formed and has the maximal room to grow.

So they shared their guide to pitching (with a few refinements from years of use).

Investors have a short attention span

Investors will give you the most attention at the start of your pitch.

A rookie mistake is to assume that if you have scheduled an hour-long meeting, you will get an hour of attention. #fail

The typical attention span in an hour-long meeting will follow this curve most of the time.

Understand this when you think about the order and priority of the information you want to communicate to venture capitalists.

You have five minutes to earn attention for the rest of the meeting. If you can’t get them thinking ‘Ok, this might be interesting’ they may even call an end to the meeting and say ‘come back when you have more traction.’ Founders LOVE hearing that. Not.

For the love of god, make sure in the first few minutes investors are crystal clear what you actually do! It’s crazy how many founders forget to actually do that. You know your business- everyone else does not!

The flow of the Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template

  • Company Purpose
  • Market Size


  • Business Model

Company purpose

Start here: define your company in a single declarative sentence. This is harder than it looks. It’s easy to get caught up listing features instead of communicating your mission.

I personally like using and x for y (Just don’t use Uber!) and then a simple explanation.

‘Visions’ might work in America, but in most places investors might think it is naff. Investors would prefer to know the insight you identified and how you are proving that out.

Describe the pain of your customer. How is this addressed today and why the current offerings are totally inadequate.

The bigger the pain point the better!

Be very clear about the problem you are solving:

  • For consumer concepts, talk about user needs (You need to market to them)
  • For enterprise ideas, show a detailed understanding of your customer’s pain (you need to be an industry expert)

If you cannot convince an investor there’s something deeply broke, they will not be interested in what your solution is to the problem. You might have a solution looking for a problem… in which case, come back later.

There are a lot of manners to approach describing the solution. Some of the things you can address include:

  • What was your eureka moment?
  • Why is your value prop unique and compelling?
  • Why will it endure? Is there a competitive moat build in such as network effects?
  • And where does it go from here? How big can this get?

You need to figure out the key points that really communicate the big value here.

Timing matters.

The best companies almost always have a clear why now? What happened in the industry to bring your industry to being at the perfect time for you to act on it?

Nature hates a vacuum—so why hasn’t your solution been built before now? There are often good reasons for this.

Market potential

Can this be really big? How big is the market?

You have two ways to size the market:

And some sizing jargon you can use is:

Here is an example of how we have presented it.

You need to identify your customer and your market clearly. Have an avatar in your head.

‘ If we just get 1% of the market ‘ is naive. In fact, some of the best companies invent their own markets (think Airbnb).

If it’s a new market, the best way to tackle this is to explain how many users or customers there are for the product/service, how this number grows over time, and how much each of these users/customers is worth (this last part is a chance to cover pricing/revenue model).

If it’s a replacement market, for example where software is automating an existing service, then explain how big the existing market is today and how much you expect your solution to shrink it, through lower prices. You can read about shrinking a market and owning it here .

One thing not to do is to put up huge numbers from a market study such as Gartner or Forrester and not add any details behind them. Airbnb does this in their deck , albeit simply.

If you cannot prove you have a large market you will not get very far. Here is why .

EVERYONE has competitors. Inertia is always an option.

Who are your direct and indirect competitors? Typically these are mapped out in an x/y axis.

The best is to add some commentary, or at least show that you have a plan to win by talking to the slide.

Better to identify all the competitors than have the investors discover them afterwards. That way, you can proactively explain how you are different. You want to control the discussion and not undermine your credibility.

Especially for early stage where you don’t have a lot of numbers you really want to give a demo.

My recommendation is not to do this live, but to pre-record the demo. DO NOT record your voice. Talk to the video. Otherwise, why didn’t you just send them a link to watch when they want? You can also pause the video and add extra comments on the fly and answer specific questions. You never know if wifi breaks etc.

It’s not possible every time (e.g. for infrastructure software), but whenever you can, a demo is worth a thousand words. Failing that, screenshots and the workflow to bring the solution alive.

Business model

So how do you actually make money?

How you address this slide depends on your business model and the stage you are at (maybe you aren’t clear on pricing yet?).

If you have many ways to make money, don’t talk about them all! Pick one main method. It’s almost always:

  • Subscription
  • Ads (Ergh…)
  • Transactions

Ideally you can add metrics here around critical areas including CAC and LTV.

By this point, if the investor is interested, they will want to know about the team, so it’s worth spending a couple of minutes on the founders’ backgrounds, highlighting any special talents or experiences that make them well-suited to building the business.

Team is critical. Everything else is sort of pointless with out the team to execute on it. Here is a guide so you know what an investible founding team looks like .

I disagree with the Sequoia Capital pitch deck template format here though. If your team is amazing, you want to put it up front. It adds credibility to everything you say.

If you are sending satellites to space, I like to know first that you worked at NASA.

If you don’t know… here is the real reason founders are not funded (that doesn’t get talked about).

I would put advisors at the bottom and very small. Most people think advisors are BS and your friend who agreed to get involved for the sole purpose of the deck. You can add credibility by saying they actually invested. That makes it real, even if it is a small amount.

I typically don’t include financials in a pitch deck, at least nothing like a P&L. What I focus on instead are your metrics and adding growth charts.

You can mention high level MRR/ARR numbers and the like depending on your business model.

It’s easy to lose yourself in the numbers. Sequoia suggest keeping it simple and just showing on a timeline how you would spend the money (e.g., headcount) to achieve specific milestones (e.g., launching the service). I however recommend making a source and use slide which shows what you are raising, how you are going to spend it, and the key milestones you will achieve with it and your defined runway.

There we go. What do you think of the Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template? Let me know in the comments and we can discuss them.

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Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck

sequoia business plan template

Pitch decks are an essential tool for startups seeking investment from venture capital firms or angel investors. A pitch deck is a presentation slideshow that helps to explain the investment opportunity being offered to potential investors. It's similar to a business plan in that it helps to answer questions that investors may have before deciding to invest in a company.

One pitch deck template that is particularly popular among startups is the Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template. Sequoia Capital is a well-known venture capital firm that has a reputation for making successful investments, so it makes sense for startups to use their pitch deck template as a guide.

The Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template includes a number of slides that are designed to build upon each other to create a comprehensive pitch. These slides include:

  • Problem: This slide explains the problem that your company is solving and how it affects your target market.
  • Solution: This slide outlines your proposed solution to the problem and how it addresses the needs of your target market.
  • Why Now?: This slide explains why now is the right time to address this problem, taking into account market trends and other factors.
  • Market Size: This slide estimates the size of the market that your product or service is targeting.
  • Competition: This slide outlines the competition that your company is facing and how your product or service is different from what's already available.
  • Product: This slide provides more detail about your product or service, including its features and benefits.
  • Business Model: This slide explains how your company plans to make money, including your revenue streams and pricing model.
  • Team: This slide introduces the key members of your team and their relevant experience and expertise.
  • Board/Advisors: This slide highlights any advisors or board members that you have, including their credentials and expertise.
  • Financial: This slide provides financial information about your company, including revenue projections and funding needs.
  • Fundraising: This slide explains how much funding you're seeking and how you plan to use it to grow your business.

Overall, the Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template is a valuable resource for startups looking to develop a pitch for potential investors. By using this template, you can ensure that you have a well-structured, comprehensive pitch that addresses all of the key points that investors will be looking for.

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Sequoia Pitch Deck Template

Sequoia Pitch Deck Template is an invaluable tool for startups looking to make a lasting impression with investors. This template provides a comprehensive guide for organizing and presenting all the key elements of your pitch, including executive summary, market analysis, product details, and financials. It is designed to help startups make the most of their limited time with investors and create a compelling story that will make them stand out from the competition.

In this blog post, you will learn:

  • What a Pitch Deck is and what to include in one
  • The benefits of using a Sequoia Pitch Deck Template
  • The components of a Sequoia Pitch Deck and how to craft a strong pitch
  • Tips for making an impressive Pitch Deck
  • Final thoughts on Sequoia Pitch Deck Templates

What is a Pitch Deck?

A pitch deck is a presentation that entrepreneurs use to give investors an overview of their business. It is typically used to get funding, as investors will use the deck to evaluate the potential of a business. The goal of a pitch deck is to explain the business concept and convince investors to invest in the startup.

Benefits of Using a Sequoia Pitch Deck Template

Sequoia Capital, one of the world's most successful venture capital firms, has developed a pitch deck template that can be used to create a successful pitch for a business. The template is designed to help entrepreneurs craft a compelling story that will convince investors to invest in their business. It includes detailed guidance on the structure of the pitch, as well as tips for crafting a strong story.

What to Include in Your Pitch Deck

When creating a pitch deck, it is important to include essential information about the business. This information should include the business concept, the target market, the competitive landscape, the team, the financials, and the milestones. Additionally, it should include a summary of the business and its goals, as well as a call to action.

Sequoia Pitch Deck Components

The Sequoia pitch deck template includes several components, including a welcome page, an introduction to the business, a product overview, a market analysis, a financial overview, a competitive analysis, a timeline, and a call to action. Each component should be included in the deck to ensure that investors have all the information they need to make an informed decision.

How to Craft a Strong Pitch

When creating a pitch deck, it is important to craft a compelling story that will convince investors to invest in the business. This can be done by highlighting the unique value proposition of the business, focusing on the customer need, and providing evidence of the market opportunity. Additionally, it is important to be concise and to focus on the most important information.

Tips for Making an Impressive Pitch Deck

When creating a pitch deck, it is important to make sure it is visually appealing and easy to understand. This can be done by including visuals, such as graphs and charts, and by using a simple font and color scheme. Additionally, it is important to keep the deck concise and to focus on the most important information.

Final Thoughts on Sequoia Pitch Deck Templates

Sequoia's pitch deck template is a great resource for entrepreneurs who are looking to create a successful pitch. The template provides detailed guidance on the structure of the pitch, as well as tips for crafting a strong story. Additionally, it includes key components that should be included in the deck, such as a welcome page, an introduction, a product overview, a market analysis, a financial overview, a competitive analysis, a timeline, and a call to action. When creating a pitch deck, it is important to make sure it is visually appealing and easy to understand, as well as concise and focused on the most important information. Below we answer common questions entrepreneurs have about these topics.

1. What is a Pitch Deck?

What information should a pitch deck contain.

The key to any pitch deck is to keep it simple and straightforward. You don't want to overcomplicate things or give the wrong impression by having a deck that's too long and is too difficult to get through. Keep it short and sweet, and make sure the key points are easy to understand. Your goal is to get your message across in a way that's clear and concise, so don't complicate things.

How can a pitch deck help to secure funding?

The pitch deck is your opportunity to help potential investors understand your company. It's your chance to highlight the benefits of your product, explain your market strategy, and show how you can scale your business. The deck is your chance to show that your business plan is strong and that you can deliver on your ambitions.

2. Benefits of Using a Sequoia Pitch Deck Template

How does using a sequoia pitch deck template help to improve the presentation of my pitch.

The use of a high-quality template provides an opportunity to focus on your message instead of the presentation of your message. The best salespeople and marketers in the world can create a great pitch. But they're not great because they have a great presentation. They're great because they have a great product.

If you've spent time honing your product, you have the opportunity to focus on your unique value proposition and what you bring to the market. Using a template ensures that you have a solid structure and offers the opportunity to focus on the most important aspects of your pitch.

How will using a Sequoia Pitch Deck Template help me to more effectively communicate my company's value proposition to potential investors?

The most effective pitch deck templates will allow you to create a clear and concise presentation that highlights your product's most compelling features. The more you invest in the product, the more you want to show off. It is also essential to include a clear call-to-action so that potential investors know exactly what they need to do next.

3. What to Include in Your Pitch Deck

What should be the overall message of your pitch deck.

The main takeaway that your pitch deck should leave with investors is that you are the right person with the right plan to execute a profitable business. More than anything investors want to know that they are investing in a company that is likely to succeed, and the best way to convey that is to show that you have what it takes to make it happen. Your track record, your reputation, and your plan of action should paint a clear picture of your ability to succeed, and if you can effectively communicate that to investors, the rest is in your hands.

What visual aids can you use to best communicate your message?

Whether you're presenting to a board, a client, or your team, you want to make sure you're making a strong impression. One way to do that is to use eye-catching visual aids to grab your audience's attention and keep them engaged. From infographics to colorful charts and graphs, the possibilities are endless. So whether you're presenting financial results or sharing company milestones, using visual aids is a great way to make sure your message comes across loud and clear.

4. Sequoia Pitch Deck Components

What key elements should be included in a sequoia pitch deck.

There's a fine line between being personable and being pandering. You want to come off as genuine, but you also don't want to hammer home the fact that you're trying too hard to get potential investors on your side. It's all about finding that balance between letting them see your true self and giving them enough information about your business to feel like they're making an informed decision.

How should the information in the pitch deck be structured?

The most important thing to keep in mind when creating a pitch deck is to make sure it is visually appealing and easy to understand. An entrepreneur's presentation skills are key to this, but the visuals are what the audience will remember most so it is important to make sure everything is clear and concise.

A good rule of thumb is to use a maximum of 18 slides and keep each slide under three minutes. This will ensure your audience is engaged and will make your deck easy to follow.

5. How to Craft a Strong Pitch

What elements should be included in a successful pitch.

Many investors are looking for that "wow" factor. If your idea is innovative, show them how it will captivate consumers. Demonstrate how your product is revolutionary while still staying within the realm of reality. Keep your presentation simple, straightforward, and honest. The more confident you appear, the more likely you are to impress investors.

How can I ensure that my pitch stands out from the competition?

First, don't be afraid to be yourself. Entrepreneurs are often expected to be perfect, and be "on" all the time. But the best pitch is one where you are honest, authentic, and transparent. Let your personality shine through and don't be afraid to be vulnerable.

6. Tips for Making an Impressive Pitch Deck

How can i create clear and concise visuals to effectively communicate my message.

With clear and concise visuals, you have to remember the old adage of "show, don't tell." When you're communicating with a potential customer or partner, you want to show them what you have to offer, not just tell them about it. This means using graphics and visuals in your content, and not just words.

Think about using charts, graphs, and infographics to show your information visually. This will help people understand your message more easily and quickly. You can also use video or animation to show your information in a way that is more engaging.

What techniques can I use to make sure my presentation grabs and keeps my audience's attention?

We live in a world of distractions, so you need to grab your audience's attention in the first few seconds. This can be done by using an attention-grabbing question or statement. For example, "How many of you are sick of working from home?" This statement gets people to focus on what I'm about to say.

7. Final Thoughts on Sequoia Pitch Deck Templates

How have sequoia pitch deck templates helped you develop and refine your business strategy.

As an entrepreneur, you need to be able to communicate your vision clearly and concisely. A good business plan will help you do this. A good business plan will also help you analyze various scenarios and identify potential risks. A good business plan will also help you determine how much you need to raise and how you will use that money to grow your business.

What advice do you have for other entrepreneurs who are considering using a Sequoia Pitch Deck Template?

I think the key to answering this question is to give specific examples of what went right and what went wrong. For example, you could say "We made sure to include a strong call to action at the end of each slide, which led to a 30% increase in email subscribers. And we made the mistake of using too many colors in our presentation, which led to audience members getting tired and distracted after only 20 minutes."

Key Takeaways:

  • A Pitch Deck is a presentation used to showcase the value of a business or product to potential investors.
  • Utilizing a Sequoia Pitch Deck Template can offer many advantages, such as increased clarity and a higher level of detail.
  • When crafting a Pitch Deck, key elements to include are a business overview, customer and market analysis, and a financial overview.
  • Sequoia Pitch Decks typically consist of 8-10 slides, designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the business.
  • To make an impressive Pitch Deck, ensure that the content is succinct and visually appealing, and focus on the key value proposition.

A Sequoia Pitch Deck Template is a great resource for entrepreneurs to use as they create their own pitch decks. It provides a comprehensive overview of what should be included in a pitch deck and offers guidance on how to craft a strong pitch. The template offers components to help you create a comprehensive, effective, and visually appealing pitch deck. Additionally, it provides tips for making an impressive pitch deck, such as using the Rule of Three and focusing on the key components that investors look for. By leveraging a Sequoia Pitch Deck Template, entrepreneurs can craft a compelling and professional presentation that is sure to capture the attention of investors.

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Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template

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sequoia business plan template

What is Sequoia Capital Investments?

Sequoia Capital Investments is a well-known venture capital firm that has been successful in investing globally. With a legacy spanning several decades, the firm has a reputation for identifying groundbreaking opportunities and making successful investments. They are experts in various industries, including technology, healthcare, and consumer sectors. Sequoia Capital Investments is committed to supporting exceptional entrepreneurs and driving transformative growth. They are a trusted partner and catalyst for success, shaping the future of the investment world through their vision and dedication to long-term value creation.

Sequoia successful investments

Sequoia Capital has a history of successful investments, and here are some examples of notable ones that yielded significant returns for the firm:

In 1999, Sequoia Capital made a crucial early investment in Google, providing the search engine giant with much-needed funding during its early stages. This investment has since become one of the most successful in venture capital history, contributing immensely to Sequoia Capital's reputation and financial success.

Sequoia Capital invested in Apple during the company's early days in the late 1970s. This investment proved to be highly lucrative, as Apple went on to revolutionize the technology industry with its iconic products, such as the iPhone, iPad, and Macintosh computers.

In 2011, Sequoia Capital made a strategic investment in WhatsApp, the popular messaging app. When Facebook acquired WhatsApp for a staggering $19 billion in 2014, Sequoia Capital generated substantial returns.

Sequoia Capital invested in Airbnb in its early stages, recognizing its disruptive potential in the travel and hospitality industry. As Airbnb grew significantly in value, Sequoia Capital's investment also grew.

Sequoia Capital backed YouTube, the world's leading video-sharing platform, in 2005. The investment played a pivotal role in YouTube's growth and eventual acquisition by Google, further solidifying Sequoia Capital's successful track record.

Sequoia Pitch Deck template

Since Sequoia Capital has quite the reputation for investments, it makes sense to take a page out of their book. This pitch deck is perfect for companies that are getting ready to develop a pitch when seeking investors. Similar to a business plan, a pitch helps to answer potential questions that an investor will have before putting up their money in your business. This presentation slideshow has slides that build upon each other to create your overall pitch.

Slides Included:

Each slide of the pitch deck will help you walk your potential investors through the investment opportunity you’re offering them. The slides included in the Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template each have a specific purpose that leads them down the path of discovery into your pitch.

This slide is your opener. You’re presenting the problem that your target market has and works to set up your pitch. This problem is what is creating the need for your service, widget, or other solution that your company offers. Often, you want this slide to be a problem that isn’t up for debate and that you can verify exists while staying away from problematic terminology.

This slide follows up the problem by showing your solution to the previous slide’s problem. Without going into technical details or too much jargon that could turn off investors, you’ll want to lay out your solution with benefits that it offers towards the problem.

The next slide covers a potential question that many investors will have in that why is now the time? Why does this problem need an answer now? Why is now the time to capitalize on this problem? This slide is the perfect opportunity to discuss the market validation that exists.

Market Size

This slide is your chance to let investors know about the scalability of this opportunity. Give your potential investors a chance to see what your share of the market can be once funded.


The competition slide is where you can show your market research skills by showing what competitors currently exist in your market, and how your solution is a better fit for consumers. This slide is where you explain how your company can create their own niche based on what other companies are currently doing.

Your product slide is where you get a chance to really get down to the meat and potatoes of the product you’re offering and what investors are putting their money into. This part is where you can go into more details about your product as the solution.

Business Model

The business model that you present to your investors can make a huge difference in how your pitch is received. Investors want your company to succeed and make money because that means their investment is going to pay them back. Most investors want to see a solid business model that will create returns for them.

This slide is your time to shine a light on all those behind the company. Highlight what each of these team members brings to the project and why they are right for the future of the company.


This one is an additional slide that can be useful for discussing others that play an essential role in the company and the potential for growth.

Your financial slide can be the basics about your company’s current financials that help to explain why you’ll need the investor’s help and why you believe that the company’s future depends on that investment to move forward to the next stage. This slide is helping to get the investor to see your current success before moving on to the final slide, fundraising where you’re giving the investor the ask of your pitch.


Your final slide is almost like your call to action. You’re laying down the terms of what you’re asking for from investors. You are breaking down what the initial investment you’re looking for, and what is predicted to happen from this investment.

The Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck can be changed to fit your particular needs, such as removing slides or revising the order of slides presented

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Killer Sequoia Pitch Deck Templates Based on Their Format

Grab a sequoia capital pitch deck template with all the required sequoia capital slides . Impress investors with interactive deck design beyond PowerPoint .

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What makes Storydoc better than PowerPoint or PDF?

With your same-old PowerPoint Sequoia pitch deck design, you’ll never stand out, let alone engage.

Sequoia investors have seen beautiful pitch deck PPTs and PDFs a thousand times before. Though pretty, they’re still static, dull, and hard to understand.

What is the goal of a sequoia capital pitch deck template?

The goal of a Sequoia Capital pitch deck template is to provide a clear, concise framework for startups to effectively communicate their business idea, vision, and strategy to potential investors.

It's designed to showcase the company's value proposition, market opportunity, and competitive advantages in a compelling and organized manner.

What makes a good sequoia capital pitch deck design?

  • Simplicity: Keep the design clean and uncluttered.
  • Clarity: Use clear, easy-to-understand language.
  • Consistency: Maintain consistent fonts, colors, and styles.
  • Visual appeal: Incorporate high-quality images and graphics.
  • Data visualization: Use charts and graphs for financials and metrics.
  • Storytelling: Craft a narrative that connects with the audience.
  • Interactivity: Include interactive elements like hyperlinks or videos.
  • Focus: Highlight key points and avoid information overload.
  • Branding: Align with your brand's look and feel.
  • Adaptability: Ensure it's easily customizable for different audiences.

Why use a Storydoc template instead of paying a design agency?

  • Stroydocs are 2x more engaging than a typical agency-made sequoia capital pitch deck
  • Our templates cost a fraction of the price you pay an agency.
  • With Storydoc you can produce content about 5x faster than using the legacy design approach.

What should a sequoia capital pitch deck template include?

  • Cover slide: Company name and logo.
  • Problem statement: Clearly define the problem your product solves.
  • Solution: Present your product or service as the solution.
  • Why now: Explain why now is the right time to launch your startup and why not acting now signifies a missed opportunity.
  • Market opportunity: Size and characteristics of your target market.
  • Product demo: Visuals or descriptions of your product in action.
  • Business model: How you plan to make money.
  • Go-to-market strategy: Your plan for market entry and growth.
  • Competitive analysis: Overview of competitors and your advantages.
  • Financials: Key financial projections and current status.
  • Team: Bios of key team members.
  • Ask: Clearly state what you're asking from investors.

What are the main types of sequoia capital pitch decks?

  • Early-stage startups: Focused on vision and potential.
  • Growth-stage companies: Emphasizing scalability and market traction.
  • Product-launch decks: Centered around a new product or feature.
  • Fundraising decks: Tailored for raising capital from investors.

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Jul 15, 2015

How to pitch to sequoia capital [business plan template].

sequoia business plan template

  • You only have 20 minutes to pitch, even if you have been allotted one hour. It is better to leave enough time for discussion.
  • Audience interest begins to fall as you start presenting. You have to engage the investor in the first 5 minutes so that you earn the attention for the coming 15.

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Blog Business 15+ Best Business Plan Examples for Entrepreneurs & Startups

15+ Best Business Plan Examples for Entrepreneurs & Startups

Written by: Jennifer Gaskin Jun 09, 2021

15+ Business Plan Examples to Win Your Next Round of Funding Blog Header

Not having a solid plan makes it unlikely for you to achieve the goals you seek, whether it’s getting your to-do list done or launching a successful organization.

In the early stages of a company, that means developing things like pitch decks, business plans, one-sheeters and more. With Venngage’s Business Plan Builder , you can easily organize your business plan into a visually appealing format that can help you win over investors, lenders or partners.

Learn more about how to create a business plan so you can hit the ground running after reading through this list for inspirational business plan templates .

15+ Best business plan examples for entrepreneurs and startups

Simple business plan example, startup business plan example, small business plan example, nonprofit business plan example, strategic business plan example, market analysis business plan example, sales business plan example, organization and management business plan example, marketing and sales strategy business plan example, apple business plan example, airbnb business plan example, sequoia capital business plan example.

While your business plan should be supported by thorough and exhaustive research into your market and competitors, the resulting document does not have to be overwhelming for the reader. In fact, if you can boil your business plan down to a few key pages, all the better.

Simple business plan outline:

  • Table of contents : List all sections and sub-sections within the business plan.
  • Business review : Include an overview of the business’s purpose, history, and key objectives.
  • The market : Analyze the target market, including customer demographics and market needs.
  • The competition : Evaluate the main competitors and their strengths and weaknesses in the market.

sequoia business plan template

The simple, bold visual aesthetic of this  business plan template  pairs well with the straightforward approach to the content and various elements of the business plan itself.

Use Venngage’s My Brand Kit  to automatically add your brand colors and fonts to your business plan with just a few clicks.

An essential startup business plan should include a clear and compelling value proposition, market analysis, competitive analysis, target audience identification, financial projections, and a well-defined marketing and operational strategy.

For a typical startup, the need to appear disruptive in the industry is important. After all, if you’re not offering anything truly new, why would an investor turn their attention toward your organization. That means establishing a problem and the ways in which you solve it right away.

Startup business plan outline:

  • The problem : Identify the specific issue or pain point your startup aims to solve.
  • Target market & opportunity : Define your customers and the potential market size.
  • The solution : Describe the product or service that addresses the identified problem.
  • Traction and validation/roadmap : Outline the progress made so far and the future milestones and goals.

sequoia business plan template

Whether it’s a full-scale business plan or, in this case, a pitch deck, the ideal way for a startup to make a splash with its plans is to be bold. This successful business plan example is memorable and aspirational.

In the Venngage editor, you can upload images of your business. Add these images to your plans and reports to make them uniquely your own.

All businesses start out small at first, but that doesn’t mean their communications have to be small. One of the best ways to get investors, lenders and talent on board is to show that you’ve done your due diligence.

Small business plan outline:

  • Table of contents : List down of all the sections and sub-sections in the business plan.
  • Business overview : Include a quick overview of what your business is all about, including your mission and goals.
  • The market : Analyzes who your customers are, what they need, and how big the market is.
  • The competition : Look into your main competitors and what they’re good at (and not so good at).
  • Sales and marketing plan : Lay out your game plan for attracting and keeping customers.
  • Operating plan : Explain how you’ll run the day-to-day operations and manage the business.

sequoia business plan template

In this small business plan example, the content is spread over many pages, which is useful in making lengthy, in-depth research feel less like a chore than packing everyone on as few pages as possible.

Organizations that set out to solve problems rather than earning profits also benefit from creating compelling business plans that stir an emotional response in potential donors, benefactors, potential staff members or even media.

Nonprofit business plan outline:

  • Table of contents : Lists all sections and sub-sections of your nonprofit business plan.
  • Introduction : Provide an overview of your mission and purpose.
  • Goal : State the specific objectives your nonprofit organization aims to achieve.
  • Impact & strategy : Explain how you plan to create positive change and the methods you will use.

Green Tree Nonprofit Business Plan

Simplicity is the goal for nonprofits when it comes to business plans, particularly in their early days. Explain the crisis at hand and exactly how your organization will make a difference, which will help donors visualize how their money will be used to help.

Business plans are also helpful for companies that have been around for a while. Whether they’re considering new products to launch or looking for new opportunities, companies can approach business plans from the strategy side of the equation as well.

Strategic business plan outline:

  • The problem, issue, or job at hand : Define the specific challenge or task the strategic plan addresses.
  • Approach & methodology : Describe the methods and strategies that will be used to tackle the problem or achieve the objective.

sequoia business plan template

Strategic business plans or strategy infographics should be highly focused on a single area or problem to be solved rather than taking a holistic approach to the entire business. Expanding scope too much can make a strategy seem too difficult to implement.

Easily share your business plan with Venngage’s multiple download options, including PNG, PNG HD, and as an interactive PDF.

One-page business plan example

For organizations with a simple business model, often a one-page business plan is all that’s needed. This is possible in any industry, but the most common are traditional ones like retail, where few complex concepts need to be explained.

sequoia business plan template

This one-page strategic business plan example could be easily replicated for an organization that offers goods or services across multiple channels or one with three core business areas. It’s a good business plan example for companies whose plans can be easily boiled down to a few bullet points per area.

Especially when entering a saturated market, understanding the landscape and players is crucial to understanding how your organization can fit it—and stand out. That’s why centering your business plan around a market analysis is often a good idea.

Market analysis business plan outline:

  • Table of contents : Lists all sections and sub-sections of the market analysis business plan.
  • Executive summary : Provide a brief overview of the key points of the market analysis.
  • Business overview : Summarize your business’s mission, vision and core activities.
  • The market : Analyze the target market, including customer demographics and market trends.
  • The competition : Review the main competitors and their market positioning.
  • Sales & marketing plan : Outline strategies for reaching and engaging customers.
  • Operating plan : Details the day-to-day operations and management structure.

sequoia business plan template

In this example, the majority of the content and about half the pages are focused on the market analysis, including competitors, trends, pricing, demographics and more. This successful business plan example ensures the artwork and style used perfectly matches the company’s aesthetic, which further reinforces its position in the market.

You can find more memorable business plan templates to customize in the Venngage editor. Browse Venngage’s  business plan templates  to find plans that work for you and start editing.

Company description business plan example

Depending on the market, focusing on your company story and what makes you different can drive your narrative home with potential investors. By focusing your business plan on a company description, you center yourself and your organization in the minds of your audience.

Company description business plan outline:

  • Executive summary : Briefly summarize the key components and objectives of the company description section.
  • Approach & direction : Outline the company’s strategy, goals and the direction it intends to take in achieving them.

sequoia business plan template

This abbreviated plan is a good business plan example. It uses most of the content to tell the organization’s story. In addition to background about the company, potential investors or clients can see how this design firm’s process is different from their rivals.

With Venngage Business , you can collaborate with team members in real-time to create a business plan that will be effective when presenting to investors.

Five-year business plan example

For most startups or young companies, showing potential investors or partners exactly how and when the company will become profitable is a key aspect of presenting a business plan. Whether it’s woven into a larger presentation or stands alone, you should be sure to include your five-year business plan so investors know you’re looking far beyond the present.

sequoia business plan template

With Venngage’s Business Plan Builder , you can customize a schedule like this to quickly illustrate for investors or partners what your revenue targets are for the first three to five years your company is in operation.

The lifeblood of any company is the sales team. These are the energetic folks who bring in new business, develop leads and turn prospects into customers. Focusing your energy on creating a sales business plan would prove to investors that you understand what will make your company money.

Sales business plan outline:

  • Table of contents : List all sections and subsections within the sales business plan.
  • Target market : Identify the specific segment or segments of customers the sales efforts will focus on.
  • Customer profile : Provide detailed descriptions of the ideal customers, including demographics, preferences and needs.
  • Action plan : Outline the specific steps and strategies to be taken to reach and engage the target market and achieve sales objectives.

sequoia business plan template

In this example sales business plan, several facets of ideal buyers are detailed. These include a perfect customer profile that helps to convey to your audience that customer relationships will be at the heart of your operation.

You can include business infographics in your plan to visualize your goals. And with Venngage’s gallery of images and icons, you can customize the template to better reflect your business ethos.

Company mergers and shakeups are also major reasons for organizations to require strong business planning. Creating new departments, deciding which staff to retain and charting a course forward can be even more complex than starting a business from scratch.

Organization and management business plan outline:

  • Table of contents : List all sections and subsections within the organization and management business plan.
  • About us : Provide an overview of the organization, its mission, vision and values.
  • Project summary : Summarize the key details and objectives of the project.
  • Project timeline : Outline the milestones and schedule for completing the project.

sequoia business plan template

This organization and management business plan focuses on how the company can optimize operations through a few key organizational projects.

Executive summary for business plan example

Executive summaries give your business plan a strong human touch, and they set the tone for what’s to follow. That could mean having your executive leadership team write a personal note or singling out some huge achievements of which you’re particularly proud in a business plan infographic .

Executive summary business plan outline:

  • Table of contents : Lists all sections and subsections within the executive summary business plan.
  • Executive summary : Provide a concise overview of the entire business plan, highlighting key points and objectives.
  • Statement of problem : Clearly define the specific issue or challenge the business aims to address.
  • Approach & methodology : Outline the methods and strategies that will be employed to solve the stated problem or achieve the desired goals.

sequoia business plan template

In this executive summary for a business plan, a brief note is accompanied by a few notable achievements that signal the organization and leadership team’s authority in the industry.

Marketing and sales are two sides of the same coin, and clever companies know how they play off each other. That’s why centering your business plan around your marketing and sales strategy can pay dividends when it comes time to find investors and potential partners.

Marketing and sales strategy business plan outline:

  • Table of contents : List all sections and subsections within the marketing and sales strategy business plan.
  • Positioning : Describe how the business intends to position its products or services in the market to stand out from competitors.
  • Value prop : Highlight the unique value proposition that the business offers to its target customers, including its benefits and advantages.
  • Marketing strategy : Outline the overall approach and tactics that will be used to promote the products or services and attract customers.

sequoia business plan template

This marketing and sales business plan example is the picture of a sleek, modern aesthetic, which is appropriate across many industries and will speak volumes to numbers-obsesses sales and marketing leaders.

Do business plans really help? Well, here’s some math for you; in 1981, Apple had just gone public and was in the midst of marketing an absolute flop , the Apple III computer.  The company’s market cap, or total estimated market value,  could hit $3 trillion this year.

Did this Apple business plan make the difference? No, it’s not possible to attribute the success of Apple entirely to this business plan from July 1981, but this ancient artifact goes to show that even the most groundbreaking companies need to take an honest stock of their situation.

business plan example

Apple’s 1981 business plan example pdf covers everything from the market landscape for computing to the products that founder Steve Jobs expects to roll out over the next few years, and the advanced analysis contained in the document shows how strategic Jobs and other Apple executives were in those early days.

Inviting strangers to stay in your house for the weekend seemed like a crazy concept before Airbnb became one of the world’s biggest companies. Like all disruptive startups, Airbnb had to create a robust, active system from nothing.

Airbnb business plan outline:

  • Problem : Identify the specific challenge or need in the accommodation industry that the Airbnb business aims to address.
  • Solution : Describe how Airbnb’s platform provides a solution to the identified problem by connecting hosts with guests.
  • Market validation : Demonstrate through research or evidence that there is demand for Airbnb’s services.
  • Market size : Estimate the total addressable market for Airbnb’s accommodation services.
  • Product : Detail the features and functionalities of the Airbnb platform for both hosts and guests.
  • Business model : Explain how Airbnb generates revenue and sustains its operations.
  • Market adoption : Discuss the rate at which Airbnb’s services are being embraced by hosts and guests.
  • Competition : Identify other players in the accommodation industry offering similar services to Airbnb.
  • Competitive advantages : Highlight the unique strengths or advantages that set Airbnb apart from its competitors.

sequoia business plan template

As this Airbnb business plan pitch deck example shows, for companies that are introducing entirely new concepts, it’s helpful not to get too into the weeds. Explain the problem simply and boil down the essence of your solution into a few words; in this case, “A web platform where users can rent out their space” perfectly sums up this popular company.

Sequoia Capital is one of the most successful venture capital firms in the world, backing startups that now have a combined stock market value of more than $1 trillion, according to a Forbes analysis .

For young companies and startups that want to play in the big leagues, tailoring your pitch to something that would appeal to a company like Sequoia Capital is a good idea. That’s why the company has a standard business plan format it recommends .

Sequoia capital business plan outline:

  • Company purpose : Clarify the core reason for the business and its overarching goals.
  • Problems : Identify specific challenges or pain points that the business aims to solve.
  • Solution : Describe how the business addresses the identified problems with its products or services.
  • Market potential : Assess the size and growth opportunities within the target market for the business.
  • Competition : Analyze existing competitors and their strengths and weaknesses in the market.
  • Business model : Outline how the business plans to generate revenue and sustain its operations.
  • Our team : Introduce the key members of the team and their relevant expertise and experience.
  • Financials : Provide projections and forecasts for the financial performance of the business.
  • Vision : Articulate the long-term aspirations and goals that the business seeks to achieve.

sequoia business plan template

Using Sequoia Capital’s business plan example means being simple and clear with your content, like the above deck. Note how no slide contains much copy, and even when all slides appear on the screen at once, the text is legible.

Use Venngage to design business plans that will impress investors

Not every business plan, pitch deck or one-sheeter will net you billions in investment dollars, but every entrepreneur should be adept at crafting impressive, authoritative and informative business plans.

Whether you use one of the inspirational templates shared here or you want to go old school and mimic Apple’s 1981 business plan, using Venngage’s Business Plan Builder helps you bring your company’s vision to life.

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One pager sequoia business plan presentation report infographic PPT PDF document

This document titled One pager sequoia business plan presentation report infographic PPT PDF document is an A4 size template designed in Powerpoint and is 100 percent editable. It displays the details in a crisp clear and digestible format while also being visually appealing. With this document you will be able to provide a comprehensive view to your audience with minimal effort. One pager sequoia business plan presentation report infographic PPT PDF document will save you precious time and help you communicate your message with your viewers.

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A business plan is a document that defines in detail a companys objectives and how it plans to achieve its goals. Grab our competent One pager for sequoia business plan includes details related to the company overview, company highlights, founder and history, tagline, mission and vision statement, business model, sequoia capital investments, key competitors, challenges faced, future plan, etc. Get access now.

One pager sequoia business plan presentation report infographic PPT PDF document with all 2 slides:

Use our One pager sequoia business plan presentation report infographic PPT PDF document to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.

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We have a huge collection of reports on various topics, both personal and professional. These report templates cater to every domain making them useful for every individual or organization that downloads it. For more information feel free to browse through our collection and select the designs that excite you!

These reports are sample representations that are Excel linked. Useful content has been added to make them look more presentable. However, they come in a fully editable format, so, all the default charts, graphs, etc. used in these templates can be modified to fit your needs and aspirations.

Yes, these reports can be exported and shared with others as they come in a downloadable format. Simply download the file, save it in the format of your choice, and share it with other members. The formats we offer are PNG, PDF, JPG, PPT, and Google Slides, making the exporting process convenient for the end-user.

Any amount of data can be imported to these reports. The design and layout will adjust itself according to the data added, making the information presented easy to retain and reinforce itself.

We offer custom design services, for which you can get in touch with our SlideTeam design professionals at [email protected] . They will help in transforming your data into valuable and informative report sets. Consequently, you can also download a few sample reports from our gallery and custom-tailor them according to your needs.

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Simply click on the “Download this Report” button to save the reports for further application. Downloading the reports will give you access to save it, update it, and share it as per your liking.

The reports can be saved and exported in various formats like PNG, PDF, PPT, JPG, and Google Slides. You can keep these folders in your system for as long as you like and use them for multiple projects.

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Founders Have Been Raising with this Since 2017

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Rebecca Glenapp

Can’t thank you enough for providing all this awesomeness - I found your deck writing support incredibly helpful. Huge Fan of Alexander Jarvis

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Paul Warren-Tape

Really efficient use of time using the deck template. It gave me time to focus on the content rather than the style.

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Sarah Beardmore

I just bought the 50Folds pitch deck template- Big thank you. Best 50 bucks I've spent in a while. Thanks for all the great resources you provide.

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Mary Beth Kyer

Love love love your content and advice. Thank you!

A Quick Overview

This is the fundraising pitch deck template you need and want, and it’s available at a crazy price, for insane value.

105 slides in Keynote and PowerPoint designed specifically for fundraising. If you suffer from ‘my deck is always ugly-itus‘ here is the cure. It’s a surefire way to knock the socks off VCs and impress with your keen eye for aesthetics.

All you need to worry about is having an awesome startup and traction to populate the pages with!

Check Out Some Slides

sequoia business plan template

99 Problems, Designing Your Deck Shouldn’t be One

Making your first deck and totally lost.

You weren’t born knowing everything- no one was. The fact you are struggling with your deck is 100% normal. The seed decks for Uber’s famous unicorns (yes, including Uber!) are total garbage!

To raise you need a deck. To make the deck you need to figure out what you do, how to grow, how much to raise, your market size,  go to market etc.. that is a tonne of work.

Then you have to make the deck!

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Want to Just Get an Attractive Deck Done with Inspiration for Slides to Use?

“Hopefully” you figured out your business, industry, strategies and all and now you need to make your deck… only how do you structure the slides, which slides to include, and how the flarkety flark can you make the deck pretty on your tiny budget!? Ergh.

tool for the job

How About Having a Tool You Can Use At a Price You Can Afford?

Designers on upwork will set you back $1k min for a deck. You can find templates on sites, but they are made by designers with no clue… so what now?

I made a template you can use now, bosh out your deck and hit the road to get investors to hand over their dosh in no time!

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It’s Worth Owning One Thing That’s Good Enough

This is designed to look good, be easy to use, and give you inspiration to create slides!


  • Enough slides on all the core pitch deck sections to get your deck done
  • Both PPT and KeyNote

sequoia business plan template

  • Flick through proven slides and see how to use them for your situation
  • Come up with ideas for new slides
  • Incredible value that anyone can afford
  • Priced low to help founders

sequoia business plan template

Easy to Use

  • Each slide is designed to be easy to edit
  • Everything can be edited, moved, resized etc

Who made this model?

Alexander Jarvis

CEO & Founder

  • I’m the #1 seller of startup financial models in the world
  • Worked in M&A (Lazard Financial Institutions Group)
  • I intimately know startups and what VCs care about having done both for over 10 years
  • TEDx, Top Quora Writer, accelerator mentor, fund advisor etc
  • I made the first version of this model for my own $20m raise

About Alexander

sequoia business plan template

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It’s a simple template but of course!

I love to help, especially if you’ve something tough to ask. Whether you think you found a bug, have ideas I should build in, or are confused about why I did something, you can email me and ask.

Absolutely. I have a pitch deck company that can help you redo your deck. Reach out!

This is a simple tool. I don’t customise it unless you really want to! I typically do high-end work, but up to you. Tell me your needs.

Track and analyse your business targets in one Google Sheet that won’t piss off your staff

What’s inside

  • 2 file types : PowerPoint and Keynote
  • Loads of slides : 115 editable slides
  • Based on real decks : All the slides you can actually use
  • Easy to edit : No complicated nonsense. Easy for anyone to edit

Check Out the Full Deck Examples

Don’t know. Will just say no.

  • The tool is provided as is
  • Every effort has been made to ensure there are no errors. If you find an error, please reach out so it can be fixed for everyone! I am happy to help you fix any errors free of charge
  • If you need support on your deck, I offer a consulting service dependent on your bespoke needs
  • You need PowerPoint or Keynote

No refunds.

These are digital goods. You can’t return them.

If you aren’t sure if this model is for you ask me your questions first.

You can email me or hit me up on live chat (If I’m around).

Hi. You’re on my site, I built the models.

I’ve worked at Lazard in FIG M&A (Top tier firm and team), and VC, I’ve built lots of startups, I mentor at lots of accelerators (And mentor some of the people who run them), TEDx talked, bla bla.

I’ve got more free Excel tools on my site than any other startup site and I give the stuff away that others charge for. Get some of my free stuff and tell yourself before you buy if you aren’t sure.

Yes. If someone finds an error, or I add new functionality, I send updates to everyone.

Nothing is locked, everything is editable.

Looking for Some Recommended Reading?

Here are some blogs you can check out related to this topic:

sequoia business plan template

Cold Emailing Investors

Writing a Cold Email Template for Venture Capital Investors

sequoia business plan template

Use Dollars in Your Startup, Especially for Your Financial Model

Learn why to use USD in your model.

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    You can find our guide to pitching below (with a few refinements from years of use). Company purpose Start here: define your company in a single declarative sentence. This is harder than it looks. It's easy to get caught up listing features instead of communicating your mission. Problem Describe the pain of your customer.

  2. Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template

    Sequoia suggest keeping it simple and just showing on a timeline how you would spend the money (e.g., headcount) to achieve specific milestones (e.g., launching the service). I however recommend making a source and use slide which shows what you are raising, how you are going to spend it, and the key milestones you will achieve with it and your ...

  3. Sequoia Pitch Deck Structure Made Better (Usable Examples)

    Securing funding from Sequoia Capital is a milestone many startups dream of, given Sequoia's track record of backing industry giants. A well-crafted pitch deck is your first step on this journey, serving as a crucial tool to communicate your vision, strategy, and potential impact. The right pitch deck can fast-track your funding efforts ...

  4. Pitching Your Business Plan to Sequoia Capital

    19. If you want to raise money, pitch Sequoia Capital. They've created over $3.3 trillion dollars in value. And you can learn their exact pitch framework. Sequoia Capital, a venture capital firm, was founded in 1972. The firm has achieved significant success, thanks to its investments in numerous brands that have grown into industry giants today.

  5. Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck

    It's similar to a business plan in that it helps to answer questions that investors may have before deciding to invest in a company. One pitch deck template that is particularly popular among startups is the Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template. Sequoia Capital is a well-known venture capital firm that has a reputation for making successful ...

  6. Sequoia Pitch Deck Template

    Jan 01, 2023. Sequoia Pitch Deck Template is an invaluable tool for startups looking to make a lasting impression with investors. This template provides a comprehensive guide for organizing and presenting all the key elements of your pitch, including executive summary, market analysis, product details, and financials.

  7. Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template [Customizable]

    Sequoia Pitch Deck template. Since Sequoia Capital has quite the reputation for investments, it makes sense to take a page out of their book. This pitch deck is perfect for companies that are getting ready to develop a pitch when seeking investors. ... Similar to a business plan, a pitch helps to answer potential questions that an investor will ...

  8. Modern Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck

    Plan free; The sequoia capital pitch deck template has become a key starting point for many entrepreneurs and investors, as the venture capital firm sequoia is considered to be one of the best in the business. In addition to having a history of successful investments under their belt, which include virtually every name brand tech company from ...

  9. Killer Sequoia Pitch Deck Templates Based on Their Format

    The goal of a Sequoia Capital pitch deck template is to provide a clear, concise framework for startups to effectively communicate their business idea, vision, and strategy to potential investors. It's designed to showcase the company's value proposition, market opportunity, and competitive advantages in a compelling and organized manner.

  10. How To Write A Business Plan (Sequoia Capital's Format)

    How to Write a Business Plan (Sequoia Capital's Format) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document outlines Sequoia Capital's 10-step format for concise business plans, which can be completed in 15-20 slides. The format guides entrepreneurs to define their company purpose and value proposition, describe the customer problem and solution ...

  11. PDF Sequoia Capital

    1 Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template Reproduced by PitchDeckCoach from info presented at http://www.sequoiacap.com/grove/posts/6bzx/writing-a-business-plan

  12. Fundraising? Why you shouldn't just copy Sequoia's Pitch Deck Template

    Some time ago, Sequoia published a great piece of content: "Writing a Business Plan" and someone other than Sequoia took poetic license and subsequently turned their b-plan template into ...

  13. Writing a Business Plan. We love to partner early

    Today, we happily release version 4.0 of our Senovo B2B SaaS financial model template for early-stage B2B SaaS companies. After… 2 min read · Jan 18, 2024

  14. How to pitch to Sequoia Capital? [Business Plan Template]

    Please note the following: You only have 20 minutes to pitch, even if you have been allotted one hour. It is better to leave enough time for discussion. Audience interest begins to fall as you start presenting. You have to engage the investor in the first 5 minutes so that you earn the attention for the coming 15.

  15. PDF Sequoia PitchDeck

    Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template Reproduced by PitchDeckCoach from info presented at http://www.sequoiacap.com/grove/posts/6ba/wrtting-a-business-plan

  16. 15+ Best Business Plan Examples for Entrepreneurs & Startups

    EDIT THIS BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE This marketing and sales business plan example is the picture of a sleek, modern aesthetic, which is appropriate across many industries and will speak volumes to numbers-obsesses sales and marketing leaders. ... EDIT THIS BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE Using Sequoia Capital's business plan example means being simple ...

  17. [Sequoia Capital] Investor Friendly Business Plan Format for Startups

    Sequoia capital is one of Silicon Valley's most influential venture-capital firms. Sequoia has funded a number of enormously successful companies including Google, Yahoo, Paypal, Apple, YouTube, LinkedIn, Admob, Zappos, Airbnb and Instagram. In presenting the business plan format Sequoia said "We like business plans that present a lot of ...

  18. PDF Sequoia Capital

    Problem Describe the pain of the customer (or the customer's customer) Outline how the customer addresses the issue today 4

  19. One pager sequoia business plan presentation report ...

    This document titled One pager sequoia business plan presentation report infographic PPT PDF document is an A4 size template designed in Powerpoint and is 100 percent editable. It displays the details in a crisp clear and digestible format while also being visually appealing. With this document you will be able to provide a comprehensive view ...

  20. Write your business plan

    Common items to include are credit histories, resumes, product pictures, letters of reference, licenses, permits, patents, legal documents, and other contracts. Example traditional business plans. Before you write your business plan, read the following example business plans written by fictional business owners.

  21. Simple pitch deck template

    This is the fundraising pitch deck template you need and want, and it's available at a crazy price, for insane value. 105 slides in Keynote and PowerPoint designed specifically for fundraising. If you suffer from 'my deck is always ugly-itus' here is the cure. It's a surefire way to knock the socks off VCs and impress with your keen eye ...

  22. Sequoia Capital Business Plan Ppt Sample

    The following business plan format. within15-20 slides. is all thats needed:Company Purpose Business Model • Define the company/business in a single declarative sentence. • Revenue model • PricingProblem • Average account size and/or lifetime value • Describe the pain of the customer . . . Since Sequoia Capital has quite the ...