Barbara Markway Ph.D.

Why Self-Confidence Is More Important Than You Think

Self-confidence is linked to almost every element involved in a happy life..

Posted September 20, 2018 | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch

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Self-confidence is linked to almost every element involved in a happy and fulfilling life. I highlight five key rewards of self-confidence below. Understanding these benefits is an important first step toward living your best life with confidence.

Photo by Michael Dam on Unsplash

Less Fear and Anxiety

The more confident you become, the more you’ll be able to calm the voice inside you that says, “I can’t do it.” You’ll be able to unhook from your thoughts and take action in line with your values.

If you’ve suffered from low self-confidence, you’re probably familiar with rumination, or the tendency to mull over worries and perceived mistakes, replaying them ad nauseam. Excessive rumination is linked to both anxiety and depression , and it can make us withdraw from the world. But by filling up your tank with confidence, you’ll be able to break the cycle of over-thinking and quiet your inner critic .

Greater Motivation

Building confidence means taking small steps that leave a lasting sense of accomplishment. If you’ve ever learned a language, mastered a skill, reached a fitness goal, or otherwise overcome setbacks to get to where you wanted to be, you’re well on your way.

You might be thinking, “Well, sure, I was proud of my ‘A’ in Calculus back in high school, but what does that have to do with anything now?” If you think back to a key accomplishment in your life, you’ll likely find that it took a lot of perseverance. If you could triumph through adversity then, you can do it in other areas of your life where you feel self-doubt.

As your confidence grows, you’ll find yourself more driven to stretch your abilities. “What-if” thoughts will still arise: “What if I fail?” “What if I embarrass myself?” But with self-assurance, those thoughts will no longer be paralyzing. Instead, you’ll be able to grin and act anyway, feeling energized by your progress in pursuing goals that mean something to you.

More Resilience

Confidence gives you the skills and coping methods to handle setbacks and failure. Self-confidence doesn’t mean you won’t sometimes fail. But you’ll know you can handle challenges and not be crippled by them. Even when things don’t turn out anywhere close to what you planned, you’ll be able to avoid beating yourself up.

As you keep pushing yourself to try new things, you’ll start to truly understand how failure and mistakes lead to growth. An acceptance that failure is part of life will start to take root. Paradoxically, by being more willing to fail, you'll actually succeed more — because you're not waiting for everything to be 100 percent perfect before you act. Taking more shots will mean making more of them.

Improved Relationships

It might seem counterintuitive, but when you have more self-confidence, you’re less focused on yourself. We’ve all been guilty of walking into a room and thinking, “They’re all looking at me. They all think I look dumpy and that every word I say is stupid.” The truth is, people are wrapped up in their own thoughts and worries. When you get out of your own head, you’ll be able to genuinely engage with others.

You'll enjoy your interactions more because you won't be so worried about the kind of impression you're making, and you won’t be comparing yourself to others. Your relaxed state will put others at ease as well, helping you forge deeper connections.

Self-confidence can also breed deeper empathy. When you’re fully present, you’re more likely to notice that your date seems to be a little down, or that a friend in the corner looks like she needs a shoulder to cry on. When you’re not preoccupied with your own self-doubt, you can be the person who reaches out to help others.

Stronger Sense of Your Authentic Self

Finally, confidence roots you in who you really are. You’ll be able to accept your weaknesses, knowing they don’t change your self-worth. You'll also be able to celebrate your strengths and use them more fully.

Your actions will be in line with your principles, giving you a greater sense of purpose. You'll know who you are and what you stand for. You’ll have the skills to show up, stand up, and speak up. In other words, you'll be able to let your best self shine through.

A Few Action Steps

  • Write down a favorite confidence quote and put it somewhere you'll see it often. My colleague Meg Selig has compiled a great list.
  • Do you have a photograph of a time you felt confident and successful? It could be a graduation photo, a picture of you as a kid after you learned to ride a bike or anything else that resonates with you. Hang it on your fridge or bathroom mirror, and reflect on all the steps it took to get to that point.
  • Try one of these self-confidence tricks from my colleague Alice Boyes.

self confidence importance essay

Excerpt from The Self-Confidence Workbook: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Improving Self-Esteem . Copyright © 2018 by Barbara Markway and Celia Ampel.

Barbara Markway Ph.D.

Barbara Markway, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience. She is the author of four psychology books and has been featured in media nationwide.

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Essay On Self Confidence

500 words essay on self confidence.

Self-confidence refers to the state of mind where a person pushes their boundaries and encourages belief within oneself. It is something which comes from self-love. In order to have confidence in yourself, one must love oneself to get freedom from constant doubt. This essay on self confidence will help you learn more about it in detail.

essay on self confidence

The Key to Success

It won’t be far-fetched to say that self-confidence is the key to success. If not, it is definitely the first step towards success. When a person has self-confidence, they are halfway through their battle.

People in school and workplaces achieve success by taking more initiatives and being more forward and active in life. Moreover, they tend to make better decisions because of having confidence in oneself.

Thus, it makes them stand out of the crowd. When you stand apart, people will definitely notice you. Thus, it increases your chances of attaining success in life. Alternatively, if there is a person who does not trust or believe in himself, it will be tough.

They will find it hard to achieve success because they will be exposed to failure as well as criticism. Thus, without self-confidence, they may not get back on their feet as fast as someone who possesses self-confidence.

In addition to gaining success, one also enjoys a variety of perks as well. For instance, you can find a job more easily. Similarly, you may find the magnitude of a difficult job lesser than it is.

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Importance of Self Confidence

Self-confidence allows us to face our failure and own up to it in a positive light. Moreover, it helps us to raise many times. This helps instil a quality in use which ensures we do not give up till we succeed.

Similarly, self-confidence instils optimism in us. People who have self-confidence are not lucky, they are smart. They do not rely on others to achieve success , they rely on their own abilities to do that.

While self-confidence is important, it is also important to not become overconfident. As we know, anything in excess can be bad for us. Similarly, overconfidence is also no exception.

When you become overconfident, you do not acknowledge the criticism. When you don’t do that, you do not work on yourself. Thus, it stops your growth. Overlooking all this will prove to be harmful.

So it is essential to have moderation which can let you attain just the right amount of self-confidence and self-love which will assure you success and happiness in life.

Conclusion of the Essay on Self Confidence

All in all, a person will gain self-confidence from their own personal experience and decision. No one speech or conversation can bring an overnight change. It is a gradual but constant process we must all participate in. It will take time but once you achieve it, nothing can stop you from conquering every height in life.

FAQ on Essay on Self Confidence

Question 1: What is the importance of self-confidence?

Answer 1: Self-confidence allows a person to free themselves from self-doubt and negative thoughts about oneself. When you are more fearless, you will have less  anxiety . This is what self-confidence can offer you. It will also help you take smart risks and get rid of social anxiety.

Question 2: How do you develop self-confidence paragraph?

Answer 2: To develop self-confidence, one must first look at what they have achieved so far. Then, never forget the things you are good at. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, so focus on your strengths. Set up some goals and get a hobby as well. Give yourself the pep talk to hype up your confidence.

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What Is Self-Confidence? (+ 9 Proven Ways to Increase It)

Self-Confidence: 9 Essential Ways to Become More Self-Confident

This movement started with a book published in 1969, in which psychologist Nathaniel Branden argued that most mental or emotional problems people faced could be traced back to low self-esteem. Branden laid the foundation for the Self-Esteem Movement with his assertion that improving an individual’s self-esteem could not only result in better performance but could even cure pathology.

Since then, there have been thousands of papers published and studies conducted on the relationship between success and self-esteem. This is a popular idea not only in literature but in more mainstream mediums as well. Before we begin exploring the complexities of self-esteem it is essential to unpack the differences between the overlapping concepts of self-efficacy , self-confidence, and self-esteem .

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”

E.E. Cummings

Before you read on, we thought you might like to download our three Self-Compassion Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will not only increase your compassion and self-esteem but will also give you the tools to help your clients, students or employees show more kindness and compassion towards themselves.

This Article Contains

Defining the difference: self-efficacy, self-confidence, and self-esteem, popular theories of self-confidence, the importance of self-confidence, too much of good thing: the consequences of self-esteem education, the benefits of fear: practicing courage and building confidence, 9 lessons for practicing self-confidence, a take-home message: it’s a process, frequently asked questions.

While most people generally think of self-esteem and self-confidence as two names for the same thing, and probably rarely think about the term “self-efficacy,” these three terms hold slightly different meanings for the psychologists who study them (Druckman & Bjork, 1994; Oney, & Oksuzoglu-Guven, 2015).

What is Self-Efficacy?

Albert Bandura is arguably the most cited author on the subject of self-efficacy, and he defines self-efficacy as an individual’s beliefs about their capacity to influence the events in their own lives (Bandura, 1977).

This differs from self-esteem in an important way: the definition of self-esteem often rests on ideas about an individual’s worth or worthiness, while self-efficacy is rooted in beliefs about an individual’s capabilities to handle future situations . In this sense, self-esteem is more of a present-focused belief while self-efficacy is more of a forward-looking belief.

What is Self-Confidence?

This is likely the most used term for these related concepts outside of psychological research, but there is still some confusion about what exactly self-confidence is. One of the most cited sources about self-confidence refers to it as simply believing in oneself (Bénabou & Tirole, 2002).

Another popular article defines self-confidence as an individual’s expectations of performance and self-evaluations of abilities and prior performance (Lenney, 1977).

Finally, Psychology Dictionary Online defines self-confidence as an individual’s trust in his or her own abilities, capacities, and judgments, or belief that he or she can successfully face day to day challenges and demands (Psychology Dictionary Online).

Self-confidence also brings about more happiness. Typically, when you are confident in your abilities, you are happier due to your successes. When you are feeling better about your capabilities, the more energized and motivated you are to take action and achieve your goals .

Self-confidence, then, is similar to self-efficacy in that it tends to focus on the individual’s future performance; however, it seems to be based on prior performance, and so in a sense, it also focuses on the past.

Many psychologists tend to refer to self-efficacy when considering an individual’s beliefs about their abilities concerning a specific task or set of tasks, while self-confidence is more often referred to as a broader and more stable trait concerning an individual’s perceptions of overall capability.

What is Self-Esteem?

The most influential voices in self-esteem research were, arguably, Morris Rosenberg and Nathaniel Branden. In his 1965 book, Society and the Adolescent Self-Image, Rosenberg discussed his take on self-esteem and introduced his widely used accepted Self-Esteem Scale.

A Free PDF of the Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale is available here .

His definition of self-esteem rested on the assumption that it was a relatively stable belief about one’s overall self-worth. This is a broad definition of self-esteem, defining it as a trait that is influenced by many different factors and is relatively difficult to change.

In contrast, Branden believes self-esteem is made up of two distinct components: self-efficacy, or the confidence we have in our ability to cope with life’s challenges, and self-respect, or the belief that we are deserving of happiness, love, and success (1969).

The definitions are similar, but it is worth noting that Rosenberg’s definition relies on beliefs about self-worth, a belief which can have wildly different meanings to different people, while Branden is more specific about which beliefs are involved in self-esteem.

What about those who have too much self-esteem? Could narcissism be the result of having too much self-esteem? A psychological definition would be that narcissism is an extreme amount of selfishness, with a grandiose view of one’s own talents and a craving for admiration.

Self-esteem at high and low levels can be damaging, so it is important to strike a balance in the middle. A realistic but positive view of the self is often ideal.

Where does self-esteem come from? What influence does it have on our lives? Self-esteem is often seen as a personality trait, which means it tends to be stable and enduring.

There are typically three components which make up self-esteem:

  • Self-esteem is an essential human need that is vital for survival and normal, healthy development
  • Self-esteem arises automatically from within based on a person’s beliefs and consciousness
  • Self-esteem occurs in conjunction with a person’s thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and actions.

Self-esteem is one of the basic human motivations in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Maslow would suggest that individuals need both esteem from other people as well as inner self-respect. These needs must be fulfilled in order for an individual to grow and thrive.

These needs must be fulfilled in order for an individual to grow and achieve self-actualization . Self-confidence and self-esteem are two closely related psychological phenomena, both based on past experiences and both looking forward at future performance.

With these definitions in hand, we can take a closer look at common beliefs and popular theories surrounding self-confidence and self-esteem.

As noted earlier, Branden’s theory of self-esteem became a widely referenced and understood theory, but there were also other theories and frameworks for understanding self-esteem in the psychological literature.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, an iconic although somewhat out-of-date framework in psychology, theorizes that there are several needs that humans must have met to be truly fulfilled, but, generally, the most basic needs must be met before more complex needs can be met (1943). In his pyramid, self-esteem is the second highest level of need, just under self-actualization.

According to Maslow, humans must have their needs of physiological stability, safety, love and belonging met before they can develop healthy self-esteem. He also noted that there are two kinds of self-esteem, a “higher” and a “lower,” the lower self-esteem derived from the respect of others, while the higher self-esteem comes from within.

In the years following his introduction of the hierarchy of needs, Maslow refined his theory to accommodate the instances of highly self-actualized people who are homeless or individuals who live in a dangerous area or war zone but are also high in self-esteem.

This hierarchy is no longer considered as a strict theory of unidirectional growth, but a more general explanation of how basic needs being met allow individuals the freedom and ability to achieve their more complex ones.

Terror Management Theory

A darker theory that delves a bit deeper into the human experience to explain self-confidence is the Terror Management Theory .

Terror Management Theory (TMT) is based on the idea that humans hold great potential for responding with terror to the awareness of their own mortality, and that worldviews that emphasize peoples’ beliefs in their own significance as humans protect them against this terror (Greenberg & Arndt, 2011).

TMT posits that self-esteem forms as a way to protect and buffer against anxiety, and subsequently, people strive for self-confidence and react negatively to anyone or anything that could undermine their beliefs in their comforting worldview .

Sociometer Theory

Mark Leary, a social psychologist who researches self-esteem in the context of evolutionary psychology, also contributed a theory of self-esteem to the literature.

The Sociometer Theory suggests that self-esteem is an internal gauge of the degree to which one is included vs. excluded by others (Leary, 2006). This theory rests on the conception of self-esteem as an internal individual perception of social acceptance and rejection.

There is some strong evidence for the accuracy and applicability of this theory. For example, studies have shown that the outcomes of events on people’s self-esteem generally match up with their assumptions about how the same events would cause other people to accept or reject them (Leary, Tambor, Terdal, & Downs, 1995).

Finally, evidence shows that social exclusion based on personal characteristics decreases self-esteem (Leary et al., 1995).

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“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Regardless of which theory you may personally subscribe to, the outcomes of high self-confidence are generally agreed upon by researchers.

A broad review of the correlates of self-esteem found that high self-esteem is associated with better health, better social lives, protection against mental disorders and social problems, healthy coping, and mental well-being (Mann, Hosman, Schaalma, & de Vries, 2004).

Children with high self-confidence perform better at school and, later in life, have higher job satisfaction in middle age. Self-esteem is also strongly linked to happiness, with higher levels of self-esteem predicting higher levels of happiness. High self-confidence has even been found to increase the chances of survival after a serious surgical procedure (Mann et al., 2004).

As noted earlier, there have been thousands of papers published on self-confidence or self-esteem, and many of these papers connect self-confidence with success in life.

Some studies show a strong relationship between self-confidence and positive mental health (Atherton et al., 2016; Clark & Gakuru, 2014; Gloppen, David-Ferdon, & Bates, 2010; Skenderis, 2015; Stankov, 2013; Stankov & Lee, 2014). The success of individuals with high self-esteem lies in these six attributes:

  • A greater sense of self-worth
  • Greater enjoyment in life and in activities
  • Freedom from self-doubt
  • Freedom from fear and anxiety, freedom from social anxiety, and less stress
  • More energy and motivation to act
  • More enjoyable time interacting with other people at social gatherings. When you are relaxed and confident others will feel at ease around you.

In less hopeful news, some research has shown that increasing confidence does not always lead to enhanced positive outcomes (Brinkman, Tichelaar, van Agtmael, de Vries, & Richir, 2015; Forsyth, Lawrence, Burnette, & Baumeister, 2007).

Journalists in mainstream media have pointed out that there are also negative correlates with self-confidence. For example, self-confidence has steadily increased over the last 50 years, and with it, narcissism and unrealistic expectations have also increased (Kremer, 2013). Maybe there is such a thing as “too much a good thing,” when we are building our children’s self-esteem.

Self-confidence or self-esteem has been praised in Western society for the past 25 years. During this time, it was believed that a positive self-image was the key to a happy and successful life, leading to the birth of the self-esteem era of education.

Children of this generation are taught in schools and at home to consider themselves to be special, to only focus on their positive traits , and to receive praise for very little accomplishment.

Recent research, however, suggests that these practices and beliefs, rather than protecting people from depression, may contribute to low motivation and a decrease in goal-directed behavior (Dweck, 2007).

If boosting self-confidence is better at increasing narcissism and ambition than achievement and success, what should we do? Do we ditch the idea of improving self-confidence?

Baumeister and colleagues have an answer. There are certain contexts where a boost of self-confidence can improve performance, and these opportunities should not be ignored.

They recommend continuing to boost self-esteem, but in a more measured and cautious manner (Baumeister et al., 2003). They encourage parents and teachers to give children praise in order to increase their self-confidence, but only as a reward for socially desirable behavior.

This method ensures that children receive some positive attention and have the opportunity to develop healthy self-esteem, and it does not run the risk of convincing children that they are exceedingly competent whether they work hard or not.

Steve Baskin (2011) lays out another positive move parents can take: letting their children fail.  Recently, parents have taken great care in shielding their children from pain and problems and forming a protective bubble of love and esteem-building around them. This often has the unintended consequence of not only protecting children from struggle but also from growth.

Baskin suggests taking a step back as parents, and letting children figure out how to deal with disappointment and pain, an undertaking that will likely result in the development of resilience and successful coping skills. If we want to encourage all children to not only feel their best but to also do their best, these seem like good solutions.

In his TED Talk Dr. Ivan Joseph (2012), a former athletic director and soccer coach connects his dedication to building self-confidence with his subsequent career success and encourages the audience to follow some tips to build healthy self-confidence in their children.

Fear exists to protect us from physical danger; it is our instinct to prevent ourselves from being eaten by a predator. However, in the absence of such predators and with protection designed into our homes, cars and parenting styles, fear has adapted to respond instead to modern day stresses, which can trigger past negative feelings of shame , hurt or fear.

These experiences operate in the background of our psyche, taking up mental bandwidth and memory, just like mobile apps which run in the background of your phone using memory and battery power.

When we stay in our comfort zone protected from these experiences by the familiarity of routine activities, we live life unaware of our ability to grow and develop new strengths and skills. The less we experience opportunities for mistakes and failure, the more scared we become of what could happen if we were to step outside of our comfort zone.

However, when we do take that plunge, even without confidence in our abilities, courage takes over. In the realm of the known, confidence operates without any hindrance, but in the realm of fear of the unknown courage takes over.

Courage is typically a more noble attribute than confidence because it requires greater strength, and typically a courageous person is one without limits for growth and success.

We can be grateful for fear. We can learn to eagerly embrace it, understand its origin and use it as a signpost for what needs to be dealt with, a powerful tool to declutter the mental closets. And just like actually cleaning out our closets, we can sort through what we want to keep and what no longer fits us . And when it’s cleared out we can feel renewed and energized.

But fear can’t always be overcome just by crossing your fingers and hoping for the best.

We, humans, are strange creatures. We expect our fear to disappear in an instant, however, we accept that we cannot just pick up the violin and play Vivaldi in an instant.

“To build confidence, you have to practice confidence”

Martin Seligman reminds us that a positive self-image by itself does not produce anything. A sustainable sense of security in oneself arises from positive and productive behavior (Seligman, 1996).

This is not to say that feeling secure and trusting in yourself is not important for wellbeing. High self-confidence or self-efficacy has been linked to many positive physical and mental health outcomes (Pajares, 1996).

Many of us would like to have higher self-confidence but struggle to overcome insecurity, fear, and negative self-talk. With some reflection, hard work, and perhaps a shift in perception we can work towards a strong and stable belief in ourselves.

“Wellbeing cannot just exist in our own head. It is a combination of actually having meaning, good relationships, and accomplishment.”

 Martin Seligman

1. Stand or Sit in a Posture of Confidence

Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy and others have studied the positive effects of confident body postures on our hormones.

Look for the sensations of confidence and practice feeling them more in your body. Feel your feet on the ground, keep your body relaxed and open. Think regal.

Watch Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk about all about the effect of posture on self-confidence.

Her basic message in the video is that an individual’s posture does not just reflect the level of confidence or insecurity. Posture sends messages to the brain that can actually change the way you feel. So, if you want to feel more powerful, sit up straight, smile, or stand in a “power pose,” and that message will be sent to your brain.

2. Practice Presence

Mindfulness is proven to have significant benefits for your physical and psychological wellbeing. You can practice mindfulness anytime, anywhere. You can give try it right now by following these steps:

  • Become aware of your awareness; that is, begin to observe yourself and your surroundings.
  • Start with your body sensations, feeling your feet and legs, your belly and chest, your arms, neck, and head.
  • Notice your breath flowing in and out, the many sensations that you are experiencing.
  • Let your eyes notice what is in your visual field, your ears, what they are hearing. Perhaps sensations of smell and taste will come to awareness as well.
  • Go beyond these simple sensations to feel the energy, the quiet, or the noises that surround you. Feel your presence.

3. Build Your Capacity for Energy

What does this mean? A bit of stress can be useful to keep us alert and give us the extra energy needed to perform. Try reframing your nervous jitters as excitement! Knowing how to engage with these feelings in your body will expand your presence rather than shrinking it down.

4. Exercise Regularly

Exercise has a powerful effect on confidence. Regular exercise releases endorphins which in turn interact with the opiate receptors in the brain, which produces a pleasurable state of mind and, in turn, you’ll view yourself in a more positive light.

When you exercise regularly, you will not only get better physically but you will feel more motivated to act in ways that build your self-confidence.

5. Visualize: Imagine Confidence

Close your eyes and relax your body completely. Stay firmly connected to the sensation of relaxation and in your mind’s eye, see yourself speaking on camera or doing whatever activity for which you would like more confidence. Allow the feelings of a comfortable presence to pervade your body and your mind.

6. Give Yourself Permission To Be In The Process, Take Risks and Make Mistakes

From the outside, we often think, “wow, everybody else is more happy, beautiful, creative, successful, active, etc. than me. I’m just not good enough to be like them.” What we don’t tend to consider is that failure is inherent in accomplishment and that in order to pursue our goals, we have to work hard and face our weaknesses. Even those who are exceptional in some areas of life are likely struggling in others.

Allow yourself to be a learner, to be a novice. Trust that it’s okay not to be perfect; in fact, you’ll likely provide inspiration to others in similar situations.

When breaking out of your comfort zone and starting something new, you are expanding your own limitations. When you successfully complete something that is out of your confidence zone, you are building confidence in yourself.

7. Clarify Your Goals

Making progress towards personally meaningful goals is the scaffolding upon which healthy self-confidence is built. In his book, Flourish Seligman proposes PERMA , a five-factor framework for wellbeing in which the “A” stands for accomplishment.

The S.M.A.R.T goals system offers a guideline for goal-setting in which goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This system is based on research that suggests that these types of goals lead to greater and more consistent achievement (Locke, 1968).

When considering what goals you’d like to set for yourself, it may be helpful to start big considering your core values and life goals . Then you can come up with actionable steps to work toward these. Writing a personal mission statement is a great way to give yourself some direction.

“Happiness does not simply happen to us. It’s something that we make happen and it comes from doing our best.”

Mihali Csikszentmihalyi

8. Speak Well to Yourself

It’s always delightful to get good feedback from others. However, always seeking approval from outside yourself is an easy trap.

“Approve of yourself; be the one that says the words of encouragement you long to hear.”

Speak to yourself with self-compassion , kindness, and encouragement. After all, the most important relationship you have in your life is with yourself- make it a good one!

9. Ask For Help and Offer Your Help to Others

Many of us struggle to ask for help due to fear of rejection or being seen as incompetent. In Western cultures, the high value placed on self-reliance gets in the way of reaching out to others even though this is a necessary part of working toward our goals. However, conversely, a core feature of self-confidence also lies in being valued by others.

A sense of belonging within our social system is fundamental to personal wellbeing (Baumeister & Leary, 1995).

In a recent review of contemporary literature, Stephen Post, head of Case Western Reserve University Medical School, found a profound connection between giving, altruism, and happiness (2008). When we play a positive role in our families, friendships, and communities we rightly feel good about ourselves. We feel that we are fulfilling a greater more meaningful purpose in our lives.

A study by Frank Flynn, professor of organizational behavior at Stanford, revealed that people tend to grossly underestimate the willingness of others to help (2008). Flynn says “our research should encourage people to ask for help and not to assume that others are disinclined to comply” (2008).

Collaboration among people creates the most powerful results. When we reach out to others, we can see our efforts flourish in ways that we could never achieve on our own.

“Doing a kindness produces the single most reliable increase in momentary wellbeing than any other exercise we have tested.”

Martin Seligman

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The bottom line is that a healthy sense of self-confidence is not something that we achieve once and then just have for the rest of our lives. If you are a parent, teacher, or someone else who interacts with children frequently, notice whether you are trying to build children’s self-esteem through protecting and praising them.

Consider what you are encouraging the child to learn from their actions, provide them with enough opportunities to safely learn through failure and offer them space to build their courage and express their self-efficacy.

No matter how confident they are, there will be a moment when they will need to draw from a deep well of self-esteem, resilience, and problem-solving to successfully navigate a complex and challenging world.

Self-confidence waxes and wanes and takes work to build, develop and maintain. We all experience moments which challenge our confidence. However, when we understand the sources of healthy self-confidence we can always work on cultivating it within ourselves.

What do you think about the challenge of building self-confidence? How do you feel about building self-confidence in education? What is your greatest confidence maker or breaker? Let us know in the comments box below.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Self Compassion Exercises for free .

There are many reasons why someone may lack confidence, including:

  • past experiences of failure or criticism,
  • negative self-talk or beliefs,
  • comparison to others, or
  • lack of experience or knowledge in a particular area.

The 3 types of self-confidence are:

  • Task-specific: confidence in your ability to perform a specific task or skill
  • General: overall confidence in yourself and your abilities
  • Situational: confidence that varies depending on the situation or context, such as public speaking or social situations

You can stop being insecure by:

  • Challenging negative self-talk and beliefs
  • Focusing on your strengths and accomplishments
  • Practicing self-care and self-compassion
  • Seeking out positive and supportive relationships
  • Practicing mindfulness or meditation to increase self-awareness and decrease anxiety
  • Developing new skills and knowledge to increase competence and confidence
  • Seeking professional help if necessary, such as therapy or counseling.
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  • Forsyth, D. R., Lawrence, N. K., Burnette, J. L., & Baumeister, R. R. (2007). Attempting to improve the academic performance of struggling college students by bolstering their self-esteem: An intervention that backfired. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26 , 447-459.
  • Gloppen, K. M., David-Ferdon, C., & Bates, J. (2010). Confidence as a predictor of sexual and reproductive health outcomes for youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 46 , S42-S58.
  • Greenberg, J., & Arndt, J. (2011). Terror management theory. In P. A. M. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins (Eds.) Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology: Collection: Volumes 1 & 2 , 398-415.
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  • Kremer, W. (January 4, 2013). Does confidence really breed success? BBC World Service . Retrieved from
  • Leary, M. R., Tambor, E. S., Terdal, S. K., & Downs, D. L. (1995). Self-esteem as an interpersonal monitor: The sociometer hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68 , 518-530.
  • Lenney, E. (1977). Women’s self-confidence in achievement settings. Psychological Bulletin, 84 , 1-13.
  • Mann, M., Hosman, C. M. H., Schaalma, H. P., & de Vries, N. K. (2004). Self-esteem in a broad-spectrum approach for mental health promotion. Health Education Research, 19 , 357-372.
  • Manson, M. (2015). The Confidence Conundrum. Retrieved from achievements/why-is-self-confidence-important-benefits-of-self-confidence.
  • Mobius, M. M., Niederle, M., Niehaus, P., & Rosenblat, T. S. (2011). Managing self-confidence: Theory and experimental evidence. National Bureau of Economic Research , working paper.
  • MTD Training. (2010). Personal Confidence and Motivation . London: Training and Ventus Publishing.
  • Oney, E., & Oksuzoglu-Guven, G. (2015). Confidence: A critical review of the literature and an alternative perspective for general and specific self-confidence. Psychological Reports, 116 , 149-163.
  • Rigoglioso, M. (2008) Frank Flynn: If You Want Something, Ask For It. Retrieved from
  • Self-confidence [Def. 1 and 2]. (n.d.). Psychology Dictionary . Retrieved from
  • Skenderis, V. M. (2015). Implementing a team approach to improve positive behavioral changes for 9th graders: An action research study. Capella University, ProQuest Information & Learning . UMI number 3705434
  • Stankov, L. (2013). Noncognitive predictors of intelligence and academic achievement: An important role of confidence. Personality and Individual Differences, 55 , 727-732.
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  • Weisul, K. (n.d.). 2 Quick Exercises That Will Boost Your Confidence. Retrieved from two-short-simple-exercises-that-will-boost-your-confidence.html.

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What our readers think.


Great article and I appreciate the references to other resources!

I disagree with “What about those who have too much self-esteem? Narcissism is the result of having too much self-esteem.” No, Narcissism is an extreme form of selfishness, entitlement and self-delusion – not self-esteem.

As your paragraph continues: “A psychological definition (of narcissism) would be an extreme amount of selfishness, with a grandiose view of one’s own talents and a craving for admiration.” Confident people don’t need to be selfish, and don’t need to crave admiration.

Perhaps the greater point, we can agree on, is that self-confidence needs to be aligned with reality, not self-delusion.

Aside from this one point of disagreement, thank you for a great article and the nine ways to build self-esteem.

Kristy Watts

Self confidence is so important especially in the workplace when surrounded by great talent.

Joe Magna

Hi, Dr. Nathaniel Branden and I disagree with the research involving, “too much self-esteem.” Branden ( 2011) states the following, “The question is sometimes asked, “Is it possible to have too much self-esteem?” No, it is not; no more than it is possible to have too much physical health or too powerful an immune system. Sometimes self-esteem is confused with boasting or bragging or arrogance; but such traits reflect not too much self-esteem, but too little; they reflect a lack of self-esteem. Persons of high self-esteem are not driven to make themselves superior to others; they do not seek to prove their value by measuring themselves against a comparative standard. Their joy is in being who they are, not in being better than someone else. I recall reflecting on this issue one day while watching my dog playing in the backyard. She was running about, sniffing flowers, chasing squirrels, leaping into the air, showing great joy in being alive (from my anthropomorphic perspective). She was not thinking (I am sure) that she was more glad to be alive than was the dog next door. She was simply delighting in her own existence. That image captures something essential of how I understand the experience of healthy self-esteem. People with troubled self-esteem are often uncomfortable in the presence of those with higher self-esteem and may feel resentful and declare, “They have too much self-esteem.” But what they are really making is a statement about themselves. Insecure men, for instance, often feel more insecure in the presence of self-confident women. Low-self-esteem individuals often feel irritable in the presence of people who are enthusiastic about life. If one partner in a marriage whose self-esteem is deteriorating sees that the partner’s self-esteem is growing, the response is sometimes anxiety and an attempt to sabotage the growth process. The sad truth is, whoever is successful in this world runs the risk of being a target. People of low achievement often envy and resent people of high achievement. Those who are unhappy often envy and resent those who are happy. And those of low self-esteem sometimes like to talk about the danger of having “too much self-esteem.”” (p. 33).

Branden, N. (2011). The six pillars of self-esteem. Bantam.

Nicole Celestine

Hi Joe, Thanks for sharing your thoughts and yours and Dr Branden’s thinking. I quite liked the analogy regarding the dog running amongst the flowers. You make a great point about the conceptual confusion regarding arrogance and self-esteem. Just because a person is highly content wth themselves, it doesn’t mean that will translate into comparison or arrogant behaviors. As you note, such behaviors would likely suggest underlying problems with self-esteem. – Nicole | Community Manager

Hello Nicole, thanks for your perspective! I find it somewhat upsetting that self-esteem is not clearly defined by the general sources that I have researched. I have found that the most logical and precise meaning of self-esteem has been explained by Dr. Nathaniel Branden in his book mentioned in my post.


Confidence is like an artist/journey, the more an expert one becomes, the more one can unravel: there is no limit to it. However, it’s important that one keeps a balance through the journey.

Hi there, I should have added, it was due to your article, I came up with the thought


nice one to the world


Your 9 ways made feel as if I was surfing a big long wave, (and I don’t surf) . What you have compiled here I have known about, but I enjoyed how you wrote and how you referenced. I am 64 and just beginning a bachelor of psychology course online with no prior tertiary education(scary). I’m very interested in self-confidence as in education because of how much it strangles potential, in my observations of self & the more I listen to many deprive themselves because of this

Vanessa Rondine B Teixeira

The best of learning on your new path, Rocky!! I love how you are putting yourself out there for your new educational path! 🙂

Marcus Klyne

I have been researching this subject for some time now, and I found your article to be the most comprehensive, unbiased and well researched treatment of the concept of self confidence that I have yet to come across. Hats off to you Courtney! Very well done!

Loren Wingenter

I think you have noted some very interesting points, thankyou for the post.

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  • Essay On Self Confidence

Self Confidence Essay

500 words self confidence essay.

Self-confidence is essential in achieving goals and success in your life. A person needs to have self-confidence to achieve success. Self-confidence is something that comes from within. It helps people think freely without any negativity and focus on their goals. A self-confident person has fewer chances of failure. People cannot achieve their goals without self-confidence because they are optimistic, eager, and positive by nature. It is also vital in leading a healthy and happy life. This Essay on Self Confidencewill help students know the importance of self confidence and boost their confidence.

Knowledge is the key to self-confidence. It helps you to understand your capabilities. The power of knowledge can be used to protect yourself from failure. If knowledgeable people surround you, they will support you and even advise you with good ideas and suggestions.

Definition of Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is a term defined to explain people’s state of mind that makes them push boundaries and encourages them to believe in themselves. Self-confidence has the power to motivate people to do things that seemed to be impossible for them. A self-confident person possesses an attitude that nothing is impossible, and they accomplish everything in life. It is important to have strong self-confidence, to avoid failure in life.

The concept of self-confidence is divided into three levels; self-confidence based on feeling, self-confidence based on belief and self-confidence based on knowledge. These three levels are used in different combinations, and a person who lacks these three levels would typically be less confident.

Self-confidence helps a person improve their career, as it is simple for them to follow the rules and regulations of their job. It helps them to achieve success in their life. It also helps to strengthen relationships and work on leadership and communication skills. Overall, we can say that self-confidence is necessary to become independent in life.

The Key to Success

It won’t be wrong to say that self-confidence is the key to success or the initial step towards success. People in workplaces and schools achieve success when they voluntarily take the initiative and come forward actively in life. They even participate actively in the decision-making process, as they feel confident in themselves. If a person is self-confident about himself, he has won half the battle.

People will notice you when you make yourself unique and stand apart from the crowd. Thus, it helps in attaining success in life. A person should believe in himself to gain self-confidence. Self-confidence is necessary if you want to move forward in your career, too. Success comes with lots of perks. For example, you can find your desired job efficiently.

People with less self-confidence are scared of getting criticised and exposed to failure. So, you should work on your self-confidence to get back on your feet and succeed in life.

Importance of Self Confidence

A person with self-confidence can face any kind of challenge in life. They are not scared of hurdles because they are confident that they can handle any situation. On the other hand, some people are afraid of failure, making them under-confident. A person who lacks self-confidence will get scared and leave the task midway.

Self-confidence is considered the first step towards success. In today’s society, people who lack confidence are looked down upon. They are always neglected and left behind in the race of life.

However, many people are famous because of their extraordinary achievements. Success cannot be achieved overnight. It is a long process of hard work, patience and passion towards your desired field.

Conclusion of the Essay on Self Confidence

To live a successful and healthy life, self-confidence is an essential trait. For people who keep themselves calm and compose, everything seems more straightforward. People face challenges at some point, but they remain confident enough to trust their abilities and work accordingly.

A person gains self-confidence with their own experience. No one can bring changes overnight, nor can they be obtained from others. It is a slow and constant process, and we all should participate in it. It takes time, but once you achieve it, nothing can stop you from conquering every height in life. So, to hype up your confidence, always give yourself a pep talk.

From our BYJU’S website, students can also access CBSE Essays related to different topics. It will help students to get good marks in their exams.

Frequently Asked Questions on Self confidence Essay

How to build self-confidence.

One can build self-confidence by setting achievable goals, thinking positively and through constant practice and hard work.

Why is self-confidence important?

Self-confidence helps us to move freely with other people and also improves our communication in the workplace.

How does self-confidence affect success?

People who are confident automatically spread an aura and are more likely to get hikes and promotions.

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Utah State University

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The power of self-esteem and self-confidence.

Women smiling at herself in a mirror

While self-esteem and self-confidence are distinct, both play crucial roles in shaping our mental and overall well-being. Self-esteem, in its broadest sense, signifies the value individuals assign to themselves, influencing how they perceive their worth even in challenging circumstances where external evaluation occurs (Henriksen et al., 2017). Conversely, self-confidence centers on believing in one's abilities and potential achievements (Henriksen et al., 2017; The University of Queensland Australia, 2019). When individuals experience low self-esteem or self-confidence, it can have profound effects on their mental health and overall well-being, potentially leading to feelings of inadequacy or difficulty navigating life's challenges. However, with support and strategies to foster self-esteem and confidence, individuals can cultivate a more positive self-perception and approach to life, paving the way for greater resilience and fulfillment.

While low self-esteem and self-confidence can indeed have negative impacts on various aspects of life, it's important to remember that there is hope for improvement and growth:

  • Negative Thinking Patterns: Individuals caught in a cycle of negative thinking due to low self-esteem or confidence may feel trapped, but with support and strategies, they can learn to challenge and reframe these thoughts. Through cognitive-behavioral techniques and self-compassion practices, individuals can gradually shift towards more positive and empowering beliefs about themselves.
  • Emotional Distress: Feelings of sadness, anxiety, or anger stemming from low self-esteem and confidence can be overwhelming, but seeking professional help and building a support network can provide valuable coping mechanisms and emotional validation. With time and effort, individuals can learn to manage their emotions more effectively and cultivate greater emotional resilience.
  • Interpersonal Challenges: Social anxiety and communication difficulties can make forming and maintaining relationships challenging, but with patience and practice, individuals can develop social skills and assertiveness. Seeking therapy or joining support groups can provide opportunities for learning and growth in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Avoidance Behaviors: Avoiding challenges or situations due to low self-esteem or confidence may seem like the easier option, but confronting these fears and stepping outside of one's comfort zone is essential for personal growth. With gradual exposure and support, individuals can build confidence in their ability to face challenges and seize opportunities.
  • Low Performance: Struggling academically or professionally due to low self-esteem and confidence can be discouraging, but with perseverance and support, individuals can develop skills and strategies to improve performance. Setting achievable goals, seeking mentorship, and focusing on progress rather than perfection can lead to gradual improvement and success.

(Ideas from Mental Health America, n.d.; Mind, 2022; The University of Queensland Australia, 2019)  

Henriksen, I.O., Ranøyen, I., Indredavik, M.S.  et al. The role of self-esteem in the development of psychiatric problems: a three-year prospective study in a clinical sample of adolescents.  Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health   11 , 68 (2017).

How can I improve my self-esteem? Mind. (2022).

Social belonging and confidence . Mental Health America. (n.d.).

The University of Queensland Australia. (2019, November 25). Self-esteem and self-confidence .

Eva Timothy

Eva Timothy

Professional Practice Extension Assistant Professor | Millard County Director

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Self-Confidence Essay: Writing Guide, Topics, & Sample

The picture provides introductory information on a self-confidence essay.

Problems with self-confidence are relatively common, especially among teenagers and young adults. We all have experienced a lack of self-confidence in certain situations.

What can be the main factors causing low self-esteem?

  • Fear and anxiety. It comes from self-doubt and the comparison of yourself to others.
  • Lack of motivation. It happens because of criticism or other factors.
  • Lack of support. Approval or help from peers or mentors is essential.
  • No sense of authenticity. Feeling confident in who you are, gives a great source of power.

It is essential to address these issues as soon as possible. They can lead to problems with communication, personal growth, and difficulties in studies or career.

In this article, our expert team explains how to write a paper about self-confidence. You’ll find writing tips, topics, and an essay example at the end.

  • ✍️ Writing a Self-Confidence Essay
  • 🧾 82 Topics
  • ✒️ Essay Sample

✍️ Essay on Self-Confidence – How to Write

Let’s start with the basics. Follow the steps below to prepare your paper smartly.

1. Choose a Topic

When you write about self-confidence, try to make your topic more specific .

Example of a bad topic: Why is self-confidence important to every person?

Example of a good topic: The connection between self-confidence and studying performance among first-year students.

The first topic is rather general and probably very common. The second one is narrower and implies that you have researched and prepared the paper.

2. Make an Outline

Planning your essay will save you some time and help you focus on the essential aspects.

Here is how to build an outline:

3. Research

Depending on the topic, you might need to conduct research. Don’t choose sources like Wikipedia or forums in your paper; read them only to overview the issue.

Here is why research is always beneficial:

  • Information inspires, even if you don’t plan to use particular materials.
  • Sources will add your writing some quality and competence.
  • It will help you define if your topic is overused or too narrow.

Use these tips to write an essay easily:

  • Start with body paragraphs and finish with a conclusion or introduction.
  • Create several drafts or versions of your essay and choose the best one.
  • Proofread and check for plagiarism.
  • If you write a narrative essay based on personal experience, don’t forget about the academic requirements.

🧾 82 Self-Confidence Essay Topics

Here is our selection of the best self-confidence essay topics.

  • The correlation between self-confidence and career expectations. Use research to show the connection between ambitions and confidence.
  • How does stereotyping affect self-confidence in communication? Explain your opinion about popular stereotypes and people’s ability to confront them using their confidence.
  • The reasons why self-esteem is as important as intelligence in the educational sphere. Describe your experience or use statistics to prove this statement.
  • The factors that influence the formation of children’s self-esteem. Describe the aspects connected with family, peers, education, hobbies, etc.
  • What professions demand a high level of self-confidence? Choose from one to three careers and explain the role of confidence in them.
  • What are the negative sides of being too self-confident? Use something you have experienced, a real story, or a book or film plot to develop this topic.
  • Why are many people confident only in some spheres of their life ? Describe this phenomenon and connect it with your life or research data.
  • Discuss the impact of self-confidence in relationships with family members. Write about the competition that often takes place in families and how it is connected with confidence.
  • How not to let criticism harm self-confidence. Explain how to embrace problems and use criticism for your personal growth.
  • What is the difference between having high self-esteem and being selfish ? Compare these concepts and provide your readers with similarities and differences.
  • How do bullying and discrimination affect teenagers’ self-esteem?
  • Describe the situation when you wish you had more self-confidence.
  • Adolescents’ depression: Issue analysis .
  • The factors that show that a child has problems with self-confidence.
  • Teachers’ sense of self-efficacy .
  • Is it easier for self-confident people to succeed in life?
  • Low self-esteem women and their relationships with men.
  • How to prepare for a public speech if you are not confident enough?
  • Depression development and its causes .
  • How does self-esteem affect romantic relationships?
  • Digital self-harm, causes, and interventions: Annotated bibliography .
  • Define the importance of self-confidence in stressful situations.
  • Motivational strategies to enhance the student’s self-efficacy .
  • What are the best strategies to boost self-confidence as a student?
  • How does a divorce affect children’s self-esteem?
  • Digital self-harm overview: Causes and interventions .
  • How does self-confidence influence people who work in creative industries?
  • Social psychology: Group influence on the self .
  • Define the word “confidence” using your life experiences.
  • Depression in adolescents .
  • Is it possible to lose your confidence completely?
  • The developing discipline and self-concept in early to mid-adolescence .
  • The importance of counseling in educational institutions.
  • Competence and self-esteem in human relations .
  • How to define if you have issues with self-confidence?
  • Is self-confidence a character feature you have naturally or need to develop?
  • Self-harm and suicide among adolescents .
  • How to define if the person is confident based on their body language?
  • How does child neglect affect a child’s self-esteem in adulthood ?
  • Is it easier for confident people to make friends?
  • Suicide prevention: Bullying and depression .
  • Do you consider yourself a confident person?
  • What are the negative outcomes of being too self-confident?
  • Define what is meant by “child neglect becomes self-esteem.”
  • How does capitalism regard individualism and self-confident people?
  • What are the things self-confidence depends on?
  • Childhood bullying: Depression and suicidal attempts .
  • Do you need a specialist to eliminate problems with self-confidence?
  • Native American adolescent females and self-esteem concerns .
  • How does self-confidence influence life choices?
  • How would you explain the word “self-confidence” to someone who doesn’t speak English?
  • Bullying and participation in classes .
  • How does learning new things boost students’ self-confidence?
  • Instagram addiction and self-esteem in high school students .
  • Why should teachers do their best to boost their students’ self-confidence?
  • How does lack of self-confidence affect kids’ motivation to learn?
  • Childhood trauma and bullying: Adulthood effects .
  • The connection between self-confidence and social acknowledgment in high school.
  • Obesity and self-esteem in children and adolescents .
  • How does lack of self-confidence affect mental health?
  • How to embrace failures as a self-confident person?
  • The relationship between bullying and participation in physical education classes .
  • How can parents influence children’s self-esteem?
  • The role of self-confidence in nursing clinical practice .
  • How does external motivation help to build self-confidence?
  • Teenage suicide: The silent killer of the youth .
  • How do sports help to build your self-confidence?
  • Bullying in schools: History, causes, and solutions .
  • What is the difference between self-love and self-confidence?
  • Self-esteem measurement scale proposal .
  • What are the challenges underconfident teenagers face at school?
  • The influence of a toxic social environment on self-confidence.
  • Teenage suicide factors and psychological aspects .
  • The connection between stress resilience and self-confidence among young adults.
  • Risk factors for deliberate self-harm .
  • How to practice self-confidence daily?
  • The relationship between teenage suicide and depression .
  • Does overcoming challenges and solving problems make you more self-confident?
  • LGBTQ students’ bullying in schools .
  • Describe your experience when self-confidence helped you to succeed.
  • Statistics: Teachers’ self-efficacy and gender .
  • The importance of self-confidence in a highly competitive environment.

✒️ Self-Confidence and Healthy Life Essay

In the end, check our examples of a self-confidence essay.

When we start thinking about leading a healthy lifestyle, the first things that come to our minds might be nutritious food, regular sports, and getting enough sleep. It can be not so obvious, but having enough self-confidence is a reasonable basis for a healthy lifestyle. Self-confidence influences mental and physical health because it defines how you treat yourself and your relationships and enables you to enjoy your accomplishments fully. If you are self-confident, you value and treat yourself the way you deserve it. Wasting your time and effort on the things you do not need becomes redundant. It also means that you are optimistic and know what you want most of the time. Such an approach helps to reduce anxiety and stress levels. Self-confident people surround themselves with positive relationships that are beneficial for their health. They are not afraid to say “no” to those they do not like. Self-confidence also helps you establish relationships based on mutual respect and understanding each other’s self-worth. This is how you can protect yourself from toxic people and useless interactions. Knowing that you succeeded because you deserve it brings more positive emotions. When you lack self-confidence, you might undervalue your effort and think that you simply got lucky. Confident people know that they invested their resources and received a particular reward. Establishing this logical connection not only maintains but also boosts confidence. Self-confidence can be a great thing to start with if you want to improve your health. It also makes you surround yourself with the right people and experiences. Knowing your self-worth, having a positive social circle, and appreciating your achievements are always beneficial to mental health.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Confidence — The Role of Self-Confidence in a Person’s Success


The Role of Self-confidence in a Person's Success

  • Categories: Confidence Success

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Words: 1032 |

Published: Dec 3, 2020

Words: 1032 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, the power of self-confidence in leadership, self-confidence in the workplace, self-confidence in personal development.

  • Boetcker, W. J. H. (n.d.). William J.H Boetcker Quotes. Goodreads.
  • Haggard, S. (2013). The Power of Self-Confidence in Leadership. Forbes.
  • Cherry, K. (2021). How to Boost Your Confidence Levels: Tips and Strategies. Verywell Mind.
  • Hellman, N. (2018). Self-Confidence in the Workplace: Why It Matters and How to Boost It. Harvard Business Review.
  • Inc. (2018). How Self-Confidence Can Help (or Hurt) You at Work. Inc.
  • Psychology Today. (2021). Building Confidence and Self-Esteem. Psychology Today.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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self confidence importance essay

Why is Self-Confidence Important to Success: (13 Reasons)

self confidence importance essay

Sanju Pradeepa

Why is self-confidence important to success (13 Importance)

So, what is self-confidence? Self-confidence is knowing yourself, believing in your ability for success, and working on achieving that goal. Lack of self-confidence can be one of the worst things that could happen to someone who wants to achieve their goals and dreams.

Self-confidence is important to success because it keeps us from making mistakes and taking stupid risks. The majority of people don’t feel confident about themselves because they give up way too early in their efforts and careers. It’s tough to succeed when you’re defeated before you even started.

Self-confidence will keep you striving for your goals with conviction and focus instead of giving up on something because it isn’t easy.

So, in this article let’s talk about – why is self-confidence important to success

What is self-confidence

1. it makes you happier., 2. it makes you more successful., 3. it helps you build better relationships., 4. it allows you to take risks., 5. it helps you cope with failure., 6. it helps you persevere through tough times., 7. it allows you to set realistic goals and expectations., 8. it’s contagious, inspiring those around you., 1. self-confidence helps you to be more creative., 2. self-confidence helps you think more positively., 3. self-confidence makes you more resilient., 4. people with high self-confidence tend to be more productive., 5. self-confidence can challenge the fear of failure..

Self-confidence is the ability to believe in oneself and one’s abilities. When you have self-confidence, you can go out and achieve something. When you don’t have self-confidence, it’s hard to do anything.

The best way to build self-confidence is to start believing in yourself and your abilities. You need to show people you have what it takes to do whatever you want. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either.

Self-confidence is important because it helps make you feel good about yourself and gives you the strength and motivation to accomplish your goals. If there were no self-confidence, then life would be dull for everyone involved because nothing would happen.

 The more confident we are about ourselves, the more likely we try new things and get better at them over time. It allows us to grow as individuals and become successful adults in society. It allows enjoying life more than if we didn’t have any self-confidence.

Read more- Types of self confidence

Why is self-Confidence important

Why is self-Confidence important

Self-confidence is a powerful thing. It’s not just about feeling good about yourself. It’s also about being able to take risks and bettering your life. It can be learned. It also grew through having a belief in yourself – an inner sense that everything will be okay no matter what happens.

Confidence is one of the most valuable traits you can have as an adult. It’s like a superpower that allows you to achieve your goals without feeling overwhelmed or nervous about them. When you’re confident in what you’re doing, it’s easier to take action and get things done.

The first rule of self-confidence is: believe in yourself. It’s not about having unrealistic expectations for yourself; it’s about believing that you have what it takes to succeed at whatever task or challenge you set your mind to.

 You have to believe that you’re capable of achieving whatever goals you set for yourself whether they’re big or small if you want them to happen. Without this belief system, things will never get done, and we’ll always feel like failures because we don’t believe in ourselves enough.

It makes you happier

Self-confidence is a key component of happiness and success. It can help you land a job, find the right mate, and even make it through the tough times in life.

Self-confidence makes us feel better about ourselves when we’re interacting with other people, whether they are strangers or friends. When we like ourselves, it motivates us to go after what we want in life whether that’s career success or finding someone special to love.

Read more; 12 Simple Ways to be Happy – The Root of Happiness

It makes you more successful

Self-confidence is a key ingredient for success. It helps you to take risks, which can lead to success. It helps you to persevere through tough times and allows you to set realistic goals and expectations. 

A person with self-confidence will also be more likely to succeed because they are confident in their abilities and don’t feel like they have to prove themselves all the time (which can be stressful).

Read more: 11 Effective Secrets of Successful Lives

It helps you build better relationships

Self-confidence is the foundation of relationships. It allows you to be more open and honest with others. If you’re not confident in yourself, you may feel uncomfortable talking to someone new or being around friends (who are close enough to notice your nervousness).

 You won’t want to make small talk because even if it’s just part of a conversation, it’ll be too much for you at first. But as soon as a friend shows interest in something specific about yourself (for example, asking about one of your hobbies) you’ll have an easier time opening up and sharing what makes up who YOU are.

Self-confidence also helps build stronger relationships by allowing us all the space we need when meeting new people (even strangers). 

Let’s build better relationships – 10 Strong Ways to Makes a Good Relationship

It allows you to take risks

Having a healthy dose of self-confidence can help you take risks. It helps to be more adventurous and push your boundaries, which can be very important in life. If you’re not willing to take risks, it becomes much hard for you to experience the things that will make your life better and more meaningful.

It helps you cope with failure

A person with self-confidence can bounce back from failure . When you’re confident in yourself, you know that your mistakes are just a part of life and that they’ll help make you stronger. 

It helps you persevere through tough times

Self-confidence can be a great asset when you’re going through difficult times. Knowing that you can overcome any obstacle helps you stay strong and focused on what matters most.

It allows you to set realistic goals and expectations

The best way to set goals is to have a clear picture of what you want. If you’re not sure what your goals are, ask yourself these questions:

What do I want?

Why do I want it?

How will I know when I have achieved this?

It's contagious, inspiring those around you

Self-confidence is contagious. It’s an attractive quality that can inspire others to be more confident in their abilities. It can help people feel better about themselves, which makes them more likely to achieve their goals and build stronger relationships with others including yourself.

Self-confidence is important because it translates into having a positive self-image and a sense of self-acceptance . Confidence is the key to success in both your personal and professional life. If you don’t believe in yourself no one else will either.

Why is self-confidence important to success

Why is self-confidence important to success

Self-confidence is important to success in many ways. It allows having the courage and determination to take on tasks that are challenging, but also gives you the strength to face your fears.

It helps you deal with rejection and rejection from others, which can be very difficult for anyone, especially for someone who has low self-esteem.

Self-confidence helps you to be more creative

Creativity is an essential element in every career. Most jobs require creativity every day, but it’s often difficult to find ways to express your creativity and show others what you can do.

If you’re not confident about your abilities or think that people don’t take you seriously, this may hold you back from sharing your ideas.

The ability to share your ideas and opinions is part of self-confidence – the belief that you have something valuable to offer others. You must believe that what you say matters and that others will listen to what you have to say.

Self-confidence helps you think more positively

 When you have confidence, 

-it is easier to think positively about your situation, even when things go wrong.

-It is easier to bounce back from any setback or failure. You can see failure as an opportunity instead of something to be feared or avoided at all costs. 

– It allows you to believe that anything is possible if only your mind is open to new ideas or possibilities.

– You can also see success as something within reach rather than something out of reach and unattainable.

When people are confident in themselves, they naturally attract people who mirror their values and beliefs – which typically leads them on a positive path toward success and happiness.

Self-confidence makes you more resilient

A confident person is more resilient than an insecure person, who is more likely to crumble under pressure and fail.

If you’re confident, you’ll be able to take on new challenges without feeling overwhelmed or anxious. You’ll be able to think clearly and make decisions quickly.

And you’ll be able to deal with rejection or failure without feeling devastated or letting it throw your confidence off balance.

People with high self-confidence tend to be more productive

People with high self-confidence tend to be more productive in their work and are better at taking risks. They also tend to be more successful in life, whether they are trying to make a career change or just navigate through the complexities of everyday life.

Self-confidence can be developed over time, but it is also something that you can fall back on when needed. The right mindset can help you get through tough times and overcome obstacles.

It can also be achieved through positive thinking or having a strong belief in yourself as well as your abilities. A person with positive thoughts will have higher self-esteem than someone with negative thoughts, which leads to greater motivation and performance.

Self-confidence can challenge the fear of failure

If you don’t have self-confidence, then you may be more likely to give up when faced with difficulties. Self-confidence will help you persevere even when others around you are giving up.

Looking at it another way, if you’re afraid of failing, then it’s likely that the fear will keep you from trying new things or taking risks. But when your self-confidence is strong, even if something goes wrong, there’s a greater chance that you’ll bounce back and come out stronger than before.

So, in summary, self-confidence is important because it makes you happier and more successful and helps you build better relationships.

It also allows you to take risks and persevere through tough times. It’s contagious – inspiring those around you and giving them hope for their happiness as well. 

 For example, if someone has low self-esteem because of experiences (e.g., childhood trauma), seeing people with self-confidence can help them improve their outlook on life.

Reference – Self- Confidence ( youtube video)

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Essays About Confidence: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Confidence is an important quality everyone should have; if you are writing essays about confidence, have a look at our featured examples and writing prompts.

What is confidence? This quality shows a belief that we are enough; we are happy with who we are and proud of every part of ourselves. When we are confident, we do not doubt ourselves or others, and to an extent, we are quite brave and trusting.

We can be confident in ourselves or others; however, it is important to remember that too much confidence is detrimental. When we are too confident in others, we can fail to see their shortcomings. This applies to ourselves as well; in this case, we are also much more likely to develop negative traits such as arrogance.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. the dark side of having confidence by tomas chamorro-premuzic, 2. self confidence essay by stanley graves, 3. what real confidence looks like by jessica wildfire.

  • 4.  Where Confidence Comes From by John Gorman
  • 5. ​​Personal reflections on self-confidence by Jeremy Jordan

1. What Does it Mean to Be Confident?

2. what makes you feel confident, 3. how do you lose confidence, 4. who embodies confidence for you, 5. why is confidence important, 6. confidence vs. arrogance, 7. a time you showed confidence.

“Although Asian cultures are much more prone to foment self-criticism, humility, and self-knowledge (over self-confidence, arrogance, and narcissism), the West may be globalizing narcissism, probably not in a deliberate attempt to reduce the work ethic and humility of the East, though it may well have that effect. One of the most toxic and problematic cocktails combines high aspirations with a low work ethic—the very definition of narcissistic entitlement. The only fix is to get a reality check and risk becoming depressed, unless you distort reality forever.”

Chamorro-Premuzic discusses a phenomenon by which people have so much confidence that it transforms into narcissism and arrogance. He enumerates some of the negative effects of too much confidence, including a lack of self-awareness and humility, while commenting on society’s almost toxic obsession with confidence and self-esteem. In this essay, he stresses that not everyone needs to be super confident and that humility is a useful attribute to have as well. 

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“Self-confidence is something that cannot be taught. It is up to someone to decide how much belief that they possess inside of themselves. I am at the point where I realize that I must first believe in myself before others will believe in me. Nobody teaches us to be happy or sad. They are natural feelings that come along as we develop mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically.”

In his essay, Graves explains the aspects of self-confidence. Fake self-confidence is when people project themselves as proud and confident when in reality, this is a front to make them seem more impressive than they are. Temporary self-confidence is when an achievement of yours helps you feel confident, even if this feeling fades after a while. The author discusses that true self-confidence is when one truly believes in themselves and their capabilities. 

“Nobody forges confidence that we can just slip on like a bat suit. It would be great if it were that easy. Instead, we demonstrate confidence through actions. We perform acts of confidence, even when we’re feeling nervous. We do it every time we make a plan, take a chance, seek out solid advice, confront our faults, and handle a tough situation because others depend on us.”

Wildfire explains the difference between fake and real confidence and some ways to build the latter. She gives examples of things confident people do, such as exploring new opportunities, taking feedback, whether good or bad and admitting when they are wrong or uncertain. Rather than thinking of confidence as something possessed, Wildfire encourages readers to think of it as exercised through our actions. 

4.   Where Confidence Comes From by John Gorman

“It isn’t entirely translatable to every area of my life, but more of it exists now than there did before I’d started falling. Confidence is, in fact, a product of repetition … but not a product of success — it’s a product of failure. It’s knowing what the fall feels like and being familiar enough with it that you can be comfortable with the risk.”

Gorman discusses his idea of confidence, both what it is not and what it should be. It is not inherent, nor comes from our successes; instead, it is a product of a healthy mindset and learning from one’s mistakes, using those mistakes to improve oneself. The key to confidence, Gorman says, is to take our failures as opportunities to improve ourselves rather than defeat. You might also be interested in our list of essays about effective leadership and essays about attitude .

5. ​​ Personal reflections on self-confidence by Jeremy Jordan

“A great deal of learning takes place while you’re struggling; when you do something new, your brain is taking in a lot of information that may not be immediately processed. The way I see it is that I should load up my brain with as much information as possible so there’s more data to learn from. Rather than not seeing results and giving up, I place trust in the learning process and know that my efforts will be rewarded.”

Jordan gives readers tips on improving one’s confidence. He says to surround yourself with supportive people, have good communication skills, and sometimes take risks, among other tips. Most importantly, however, he explains the importance of understanding failure, pain, and struggle, embracing them, learning from our setbacks, and using them to improve. 

7 Writing Prompts on Essays About Confidence

What does it mean to be confident?

People have many ideas of what confidence is or should be. Define confidence in your own words, describe what it means, and discuss what you think a healthy expression of confidence is. Draw inspiration from personal experience and give anecdotes describing certain people in your life to support your position. 

What inspires confidence in you? It may be someone in your life, a personal achievement, or other factors. Reflect on what makes you feel confident and describe it in your essay. Explain how it allows you to be more confident and give tips to people looking to find their confidence. 

Confidence can be lost just as quickly, if not faster than it is built up. Especially in the 21st century, various factors cause people to lose confidence, particularly among the youth. Research some of these and discuss each one in detail. Explain how each can make someone feel less confident and how one can regain this confidence. Check out these articles about beauty .

We all have role models we look up to. Regarding confidence, reflect on who you look to when you need a boost of confidence. It may be a loved one, a public figure, or even a fictional character; no answer is bad as long as it is adequately explained.

Confidence is said to be essential for success. In your essay, explain why confidence is so important in life. Support your explanation with ample evidence from your opinions and other sources; describe some situations in which confidence would be beneficial such as in interviews, public speaking, and social situations. 

Confidence vs. Arrogance

Arrogance is often considered the “negative form” or “negative effect” of confidence; there is a strong correlation between the two. Look into their similarities and connection, then differentiate the two. Also, explain how you can express confidence without being confident to the extent that it comes off as arrogant. 

For an exciting essay, look back on a time you are proud of wherein you showed confidence. Retell the story in detail, such as the events leading up to it and what made you “behave confidently.” Explain why you felt the way you did, how exactly confidence was manifested, and the effects of your confidence or confident actions. 

If you’re looking for more ideas, check out our essays about bullying topic guide ! If you still need help, our guide to grammar and punctuation explains more.

self confidence importance essay

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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What is Self Confidence and Why is it Important?

April 25, 2019 by Aza S Leave a Comment

What is Self Confidence and Why is it Important?

Self confidence refers to how much you believe in your strengths, talents, and abilities. It refers to the attitude you have towards yourself. It means how much you believe in yourself to achieve your goals. Read on to find out the answers to the question, “What is self-confidence and why is it important?”

What is Self Confidence?

1. greater sense of achievement, 2. personal growth, 3. it helps you achieve your goals, 4. self confidence makes you positive, 5. it helps you create better relationships, do you want to have more self confidence.

I’m a person that suffered with debilitating levels of self confidence. I started a long but fruitful journey towards self love , self confidence , self esteem and self respect. I have achieved a high level of self confidence and I continue to work towards improving my personal growth everyday. The journey towards self confidence is one that takes great amounts of practice and awareness. Every day, there are opportunities for us to practice being a little more confident in ourselves.

Self confidence is a great trait to have in this day and age. It brings you a whole lot of opportunities and greater chances of success. It improves your relationships with family and friends, and helps you to form connections with new people. Read on to find out answers to the question, “What is self confidence and why is it important?”

Self confidence is quite literally the confidence you have in yourself. Everyone has unique talents, strengths, abilities, gifts, qualities, intelligence, insights and unique journeys. The summation of your experiences, actions, and circumstances is inimitable by anyone. Isn’t it amazing how we are so unique that no one is like us at all? Self confidence refers to how much you believe in yourself. It refers to appreciating all these qualities that you have and believing you are worthy of all the good things on earth.

Having self confidence.

Everyone should have self confidence. Self confidence is such an invaluable trait to have. In fact, it is an essential human need. Self confidence is necessary for normal interactions and the right reactions to all situations in life. Also, being self confident presents you with opportunities in life. If you have low self confident you need to pick up your socks, open your eyes and realize how much you are missing out by not realizing your full potential.

You need self confidence.

Why is Self Confidence Important ?

Before you boost your self confidence, you need to know why self confidence is important. Let’s find out why having confidence is important. Here are 5 reasons why self confidence is necessary:

Since achieving high levels of self confidence, I feel fulfilled in life. This is because it was a journey to reach here. But that’s not all; having self confidence helps you to trust in yourself. You find yourself feeling confident when meeting new people. You feel confident enough to speak up against unfairness to you. You feel worthy enough to go after your dreams. Life feels progressively brighter with high self confidence.

Why is self confidence important?

When you have self confidence, you believe in improving yourself every day. There’s always a better version of you waiting out there. There’s always something to learn. People with self confidence are always on the journey to grow. You can increase personal growth through the following activities:

  • Seek knowledge on various topics
  • Watch documentaries and informative videos
  • Improve the way you communicate with people
  • Work on your flaws
  • Eat right and work out
  • Meditate, and many others

Why is it important to have self confidence?

Self confidence gives you belief in yourself. A lot of us find it hard to throw caution to the wind and go after our wildest dreams. Your dreams don’t need to be too wild, however. Self confidence comes with passion to live your best life. It helps you to take risks and be bold enough to dream and achieve big. Come out of your shell and realize the true potential you have hiding within you. Life is waiting for you to come and juice the most out of it.

Self confidence is important. Why is having confidence important?

Here’s why we need self confidence: Self confidence helps you to maintain a positive mindset no matter the circumstance. Negativity gets you nowhere. Choose a calm, rational mind over anxiety, stress and fear. Having low self confidence subjects you to seeing the bad in every situation. You might argue that being negative keeps you skeptical and therefore less prone to getting hurt but that’s the exact opposite of what it does. Be positive and reap the rewards of believing in yourself.

Why do we need self confidence?

Why confidence is important? Self confident people have better chances of creating strategic relationships. People who stand upright, maintain eye contact and speak of themselves positively are liked by everyone. On the other hand, people who speak in self deprecating tones, have bad postures and always whine have few friends and connections. This leads to fewer opportunities presented to you. Furthermore, complaining and being negative depletes your energy faster. Decide now to improve your self confidence.

These five points are just a few insights on the importance of self confidence. I hope I answered a few of your questions on why is it important to have self-confidence?

In this article, we have answered the question: why is self-confidence important. If you’re reading this, chances are, you want to cultivate higher levels of self confidence. This is a good decision. I have written about a few of the advantages of pursuing self confidence above, and I can assure you that it would be a great improvement in your personal growth. We need to become the best versions of ourselves and achieve greatness in our lives. I hope that in this article I have answered your question: What is self confidence and why is it important?

Also read: Why is Confidence Important

What is Self Confidence and Why is it Important?

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9 Building Self-Confidence in Writing

On building self-confidence in writing.

by A. J. Ortega

  • Think About Confidence
  • Build Your Own Self-Confidence
  • Self-Confidence Within the Writing Process
  • Final Thoughts


When we are good at something, we are also confident in doing it. Sometimes it is helpful to look at examples of people who are exceptional at something and figure out why they are so confident. As you read this article, you will examine a couple of popular examples of self-confidence, understand how to develop your own, and eventually use it become a more confident writer.

One of the most confident boxers was Muhammad Ali. In this short video clip from the documentary  When We Were Kings , Muhammad Ali speaks at a press conference before fighting George Foreman. Remember that everything we study has context, so here is a little bit of history to preface the clip:

  • Almost everyone, from sports analysts and fans, had George Foreman picked to win this fight, called “The Rumble in the Jungle.”
  • Foreman had 40 fights and almost all were knockouts.
  • Foreman entered as the current champion, after defeating Joe Frazier in two rounds.
  • Ali was a 4-to-1 underdog.
  • Ali changed his name from Cassius Clay for religious reasons and thus refers to himself as such, in the third person, when referring to the past.

Now, with that context in mind, here’s the short video (the first 1:20):

Critical Thinking

What people typically take away from this, and what is perhaps most memorable and enjoyable, is the flowery language, funny rhymes, and playful attitude. Most of us think that is confidence. But, if we look closer and study the language, the more introspective Ali is revealed. The confidence is demonstrated when he says things like this:

  • “That’s when that little Cassius Clay … came up and stopped Sonny Liston. … He was gonna kill me!”
  • “I’m better now than I was when you saw that 22-year-old undeveloped kid running from Sonny Liston.”
  • “I’m experienced now.”
  • “[My] jaw’s been broke, … been knocked down a couple times.”

Without those lines, Ali could be characterized as arrogant, pompous, or cocky. But, as we can see through his language, he actually admits his faults and shortcomings. He reflects and makes no excuses for losing a couple of times in his past. In fact, he uses this as fuel to improve and build his confidence. He wasn’t born confident. He calls himself “undeveloped” at one point. As we know, he becomes quite developed in a specific skill: boxing. And he won the fight against Foreman in spectacular fashion.


But what does this have to do with writing? Muhammad Ali was a boxer and this is English class, right? In order to see the connection a bit clearer, we have another video clip. This piece is by a soccer coach. Another athlete. It may seem off topic, but these are people with high-level skills. Soccer is a skill. Boxing is a skill. And writing is a skill. These are not merely talents or gifts. And, believe it or not, self-confidence is a skill.

This piece is a bit longer, a TEDxTalk that clocks in at about thirteen minutes but is worth every second. The title is “The Skill of Self-Confidence” by Dr. Ivan Joseph. In it, Dr. Joseph explains that, as a coach, he believes self-confidence can be trained.

While Dr. Joseph says he doesn’t use note cards and warns that his talk may go all over the place, he is very well-organized. In some ways, speeches like this are verbal essays. His thesis, or argument, is that self-confidence is a skill that can be developed. He gives us four ways to do this, along with personal examples:

  • use repetition (persistence)
  • stop negative self-talk (and start positive self-talk)
  • build confidence in others (catch them when they’re good)
  • take criticism or analyze feedback (in a way that benefits you)

As you can see, confidence can be developed and improved. These tips aren’t just about soccer or student athletes. This can be applied to a multitude of tasks, goals, skills, or hobbies.


First you saw a good example of self-confidence in boxer Muhammad Ali. Then you watched Dr. Ivan Joseph explain that self-confidence is a skill that can be developed, just like any other. Now we are ready to see some of this applied to the writing process. Despite the range of writing genres out there, several of the fundamental steps in the writing process are universal. You can observe this in essayists, poets, screenwriters, songwriters, reporters, and so on.

For this example, I want to share a video from  The New York Times ’ Diary of a Song series on YouTube. This episode focuses on English musician Ed Sheeran and his writing process as he came up with “Shape of You.” I actually don’t know a ton about him except his songs are everywhere. He holds all sorts of records for album sales and song downloads, and he’s an international star for his music. He’s won awards for his singing and songwriting. Even if it is not your type of music, generally, it is undeniable that Sheeran is prolific and successful. And he is, in part, a writer.

On top of employing some of the strategies from the TEDxTalk, Ed Sheeran also reminds us of several parts of the writing process:

  • brainstorming

Sheeran has brainstorming sessions with his producers and co-writers. He even outlines the song with the beat and uses his vocal mumbling as placeholders. He drafts the song by trying lyrics, trying different lyrics, and then deciding which is better. He does revision through a type of peer review with his collaborators. He edits lyrics based on feedback.

It should be pointed out that this song was written quickly, which is unique. But with all of the practice he has at songwriting, and the confidence he’s built along the way, it should be expected that he is faster at writing a song than the average person. In other words, he’s put in the work, just like Muhammad Ali or Michael Jordan.

Even still, there are other writing tips to pick up from Sheeran’s process. For example, he even steps away from his work to play with Legos, which is imperative to big writing projects. This is why you need to take time on your writing projects—so you can get away and do something else for a while, which sometimes ignites a creative spark, or at least provides your mind a rest.


When learning the writing process, it is important to remember that you can build that skill with practice. Providing an opportunity to practice the writing process is part of what college English courses are supposed to do for you.

Similarly, the skill of self-confidence can also be developed. It isn’t an innate skill. It isn’t something you were just born with. Now you have examples of self-confidence from figures in sports and entertainment, but you also have some strategies to work on cultivating it for yourself. You can utilize this skill and continue to grow in your writing classes, subject courses, workplace, and beyond.

Building Self-Confidence in Writing Copyright © 2020 by Liza Long; Amy Minervini; and Joel Gladd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Essay on Self Confidence

Self-confidence is the inner belief in one’s own abilities and judgment. It is a vital aspect of personal development, influencing success, mental health, and overall happiness. This essay delves into the essence of self-confidence, its significance, how it can be built and maintained, and its impact on an individual’s life.


Self-confidence is not merely a trait one is born with but a quality that is nurtured over time. It involves trust in one’s capabilities, decisions, and ability to face challenges. Unlike arrogance, which may stem from an overestimation of one’s abilities, self-confidence is a balanced and realistic appraisal of one’s own worth and capabilities.

The Significance of Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is crucial for several reasons. It empowers individuals to take risks, embrace new challenges, and pursue their goals with perseverance. Confident individuals are more likely to succeed in various aspects of life, including academic achievements, careers, and personal relationships. Furthermore, self-confidence contributes to mental well-being, reducing the likelihood of issues such as anxiety and depression.

Building Self-Confidence

Building self-confidence is a process that involves various strategies:

  • Positive Self-Talk : Replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations can significantly impact self-perception and confidence levels.
  • Setting and Achieving Goals : Achieving small goals can boost confidence by providing evidence of one’s capabilities.
  • Learning New Skills : Acquiring new skills enhances self-efficacy, contributing to higher self-confidence.
  • Overcoming Challenges : Facing and overcoming challenges reinforce the belief in one’s abilities.
  • Seeking Support : Encouragement from friends, family, and mentors can bolster self-confidence.

Maintaining Self-Confidence

Maintaining self-confidence requires consistency in practicing self-affirmation, seeking new challenges, and embracing lifelong learning. It’s also essential to avoid comparing oneself to others, as this can undermine self-confidence. Instead, focusing on personal growth and achievements can help maintain a healthy level of self-confidence.

The Role of Self-Confidence in Success

Self-confidence plays a pivotal role in achieving success. It enables individuals to approach tasks with a positive mindset and resilience, significantly increasing the likelihood of success. In the academic realm, confident students are more likely to participate in class, seek help when needed, and excel in their studies. In the professional world, self-confidence facilitates effective communication, leadership, and the ability to navigate challenges.

Self-Confidence and Mental Health

There is a strong link between self-confidence and mental health. High self-confidence can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to a more fulfilling life. Conversely, low self-confidence can contribute to mental health challenges. Therefore, fostering self-confidence is not only beneficial for achieving external success but also for maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

Challenges to Self-Confidence

Despite its importance, building and maintaining self-confidence can be challenging. External factors such as failure, criticism, and societal pressures can diminish self-confidence. Internal factors, such as perfectionism and self-doubt, can also hinder its development. Recognizing and addressing these challenges is crucial for fostering a healthy level of self-confidence.

Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

To overcome challenges to self-confidence, individuals can adopt several strategies:

  • Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity : Viewing failure as a chance to learn and grow can mitigate its negative impact on self-confidence.
  • Seek Constructive Feedback : Instead of avoiding criticism, seeking and using constructive feedback can be a powerful tool for improvement and confidence-building.
  • Practice Self-Compassion : Being kind to oneself during difficult times can prevent self-criticism from eroding self-confidence.
  • Set Realistic Expectations : Setting achievable goals and acknowledging one’s limitations can prevent disappointment and bolster self-confidence.

In conclusion, self-confidence empowers individuals to face life’s challenges with resilience and optimism. It is not a fixed trait but a quality that can be developed and enhanced over time. As such, fostering self-confidence is an investment in one’s future, laying the foundation for success, well-being, and personal satisfaction.


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Turning Fear into Confidence—A Personal Essay

October 14, 2020

Facing obstacles throughout your life is inevitable, and the obstacles you overcome can define who you are as a person. Not only will this build character and self-confidence, it will show others how strong you remained and inspire them to overcome their own challenges.

But overcoming obstacles is no simple task. Most obstacles are incredibly hard and testing. Yet, by overcoming them, you will come to understand why they are important. The significance of overcoming obstacles in life is to make you more grounded, courageous, and wise. For me, one of these life-altering obstacles emerged during my undergraduate years.

I had a serious fear of public speaking. There were times where I would struggle with presentations and in-class discussions. When these sessions would take place, my fear built up in a pressure cooker of discouragement and convulsive anguish. I felt humiliated before my teachers, partners, and most of all, my close friends. I soon realized, however, that the same people who seemed to be the source of my fear became my lifeline, their inspirational words filling my mind and heart with positive thoughts.

Seeing my struggles, my peers tried to build me up, to increase my confidence in myself and convince me that anything, including overcoming my fear of public speaking, could be accomplished with enough enthusiasm and belief in oneself.

The obstacles we face in life can distort how we see ourselves and cripple our ability to face our fears. By facing these conflicts head on, though, we can completely flip their effect on us, transforming them into experiences that strengthen our resilience and push the boundaries of what we think is possible to achieve.

Taking everything into account everything I’ve learned from this experience and many others like it that I’ve encountered in my life, it’s clear that obstacles are impossible to avoid, and when you do encounter them, you must view them as learning opportunities. You might just surprise yourself at how easily you overcome them.

self confidence importance essay

This post was written by Duke TIP’s outgoing Marketing & Communications intern, Christina Gordon. Christina graduated from North Carolina Central University in the spring of 2020.

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The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is a nonprofit organization that has served over three million academically talented students in grades 4–12 since it was founded in 1980. Collaborating with educators and parents, TIP helps gifted students assess the extent of their academic abilities with above-grade-level testing, recognizes them for their achievements, and provides them with a variety of enrichment benefits as well as accelerated face-to-face and online educational programs. – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on Self Confidence

Being positive is a key component that can help you to achieve success in life. When you have a positive outlook on life, it can help you to set and achieve goals, while also giving you the confidence to overcome any obstacles that come your way.  Being confident allows you to recognize your own potential and take risks, while also helping you to remain resilient in the face of adversity.

With a positive attitude and confidence, you can set yourself up for success in any endeavor. Therefore, we will discuss here about self confidence in detail and know about the key to success.

Short and Long Self Confidence Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on Self Confidence in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Self Confidence will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

Self Confidence Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Self-confidence is when we believe in our abilities, talents, and strengths.

2) Self Confidence helps us believing in ourselves and our abilities.

3) Self Confidence pushes us to reach our goals.

4) Self Confidence helps us to focus on successes instead of dwelling on your mistakes.

5) Self-confidence allows us to take risks and try new things even if they make us feel uncomfortable.

6) Self Confidence allows us to celebrate our accomplishments, no matter how small.

7) If we will be self-confident, it helps us believing that we are worthy of being happy and successful.

8) With self-confidence, we can focus on the present and take action to make our dreams come true.

9) To be self-confident everytime, we must make our surrounding positive everytime.

10) Self-confidence is the key to achieve whatever we want in our life.

Short Essay on Self Confidence (250 – 300 Words)


Self-confidence is the belief in one’s ability to succeed and make decisions. It plays a huge role in how a person feels about their life, which then influences their behavior, attitude, and performance. Having self-confidence is important for succeeding in many areas of life including relationships, work, and overall happiness.

The Benefits of Self-Confidence

Having self-confidence can help an individual to make better decisions, increase their self-esteem, set clearer goals, and ultimately achieve more in life. People who have more self-confidence are often more likely to take risks, be creative, and try new things, helping them to learn more and gain new experiences.

Developing Self-Confidence

Self-confidence can be improved by being aware of one’s own strengths and setting achievable goals. One should be realistic when it comes to setting goals and figure out how to achieve them in a step by step manner. Additionally, challenge yourself and push yourself out of your comfort zone in order to gain new experiences and improve your overall confidence. 

Positive Thinking

Having positive self-talk and thinking positively can help with self-confidence. Having a positive attitude and focusing on the good in each situation can help improve the outlook on life and increase one’s self-confidence.

Self-confidence is an important tool to have in life and can help an individual to be more successful, feel happier, and open themselves up to new experiences. Developing self-confidence can be done with positive thinking, setting achievable goals, and recognizing one’s strengths. Ultimately, self-confidence will make life more enjoyable.

Long Essay on Self Confidence (500 Words)

Self-confidence is the foundation for a successful and meaningful life. It is the ability to trust in your judgement, have faith in yourself and be resilient in the face of adversity. Having a healthy level of self-confidence can open us up to possibilities and give us the courage to take on life’s challenges. It can motivate us to take risks and create opportunities for ourselves. On the other hand, a lack of self-confidence can limit us and prevent us from reaching our full potential. It’s important to recognize the importance of self-confidence and to be aware of how to build and maintain it.

What Is Self Confidence?

Self-confidence can be defined as the “belief in oneself and one’s abilities”. It is the ability to have faith in yourself and a willingness to take risks. It is the capacity to believe that you can handle any challenge or difficult situation that is presented to you. Having a healthy amount of self-confidence can help one to be courageous and take risks that might lead to success.

Signs of Low Self-Confidence

Low self confidence is a lack of faith in one’s own abilities and qualities. People with low self confidence often find it difficult to take risks and can feel inadequate in certain situations. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, depression, and a lack of social support.

A lack of self-confidence can manifest itself in various ways. Here are some common signs of low self-confidence:

• Unrealistic or negative self-talk

• Fear of failure

• Difficulty making decisions

• Low self-esteem

• Needing validation from others

• Avoiding challenges

• Seeking approval from others

• Feeling overwhelmed by tasks

Building Self-Confidence

Building self confidence involves having an optimistic outlook, challenging negative thoughts, setting achievable goals, and celebrating successes. It is an important process which can help to bring more positivity and success into life. It is possible to build and maintain a healthy amount of self-confidence. Here are some tips to help you develop and maintain self-confidence:

• Identify/work on weaknesses: Identify areas that you need to work on and take steps to improve yourself.

• Monitor your self-talk: Pay attention to your inner self-talk and challenge any negative thoughts that come up.

• Take risks: Don’t be afraid of taking risks and exploring new opportunities.

• Set goals and challenges: Set realistic goals and challenges for yourself and work to achieve them.

• Face your fears: Don’t be afraid of challenges and work to overcome your fears.

• Focus on your strengths: Pay attention to and develop your strengths, and use them to achieve goals.

Self-confidence is an important part of life and can help you reach your goals and create meaningful relationships. It is important to recognize the signs of low self-confidence and to take steps to build and maintain a healthy amount of self-confidence in order to reach your potential. There are many resources available to help you build your self-confidence and find the courage to take on life’s challenges.

I hope the above-provided essay on Self Confidence will be helpful to you in understanding the role and importance of confidence in the journey of success or in our entire life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions about Self Confidence

Ans. Developing a positive attitude involves reframing your thoughts to look for the good in every situation, practicing gratitude, and setting achievable goals.

Ans. Having too much self-confidence can lead to arrogance and an inability to accept criticism or feedback.

Ans. Maintaining self-confidence requires regular self-care, setting realistic goals, and being mindful of your thoughts and emotions.

Ans. Set yourself realistic and attainable goals, break them down into manageable steps, and reward yourself for your accomplishments.

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Essay on self confidence

Essay on self confidence 11 Models

Essay on self confidence, This topic deals with several important issues, as it shows how to gain self-confidence. And we talk through it about the importance of self-confidence for a person. And what happens when a person has a great deal of confidence.

Through what we will present to you, you will know how to gain self-confidence and what are the reasons that help a person to have self-confidence.

And we will know what is the difference between self-confidence and vanity, because they are two qualities that some believe are similar, and therefore we must know the difference between them in detail.

Essay on self confidence

When a person gets old, he knows that the real reason for success in life, whether personal or working life, is self-confidence.

The reason is that it is an attribute that makes a person strong among others, so no one can overthrow him or take his place.

Also, self-confidence makes a person strong in his decisions and quick in his reactions, which makes him a successful person who moves forward quickly and does not go back.

As for the person who is not confident in himself, he prefers to live in darkness for most of his life, so he does not go out to the light and does not participate in the battle of life because of fear of society and fear of people’s view of him.

You will find him withdrawing from any gathering or participation even if someone has good skills, but he wastes his skills and does not care to develop or use them.

And because the person who is not confident in himself escapes, he gives a great opportunity to people who are less than him in experiences but who have great self-confidence.

But how do people gain self-confidence? Why do some others lose this confidence?. The reason is the way a child is raised from an early age.

The child must be raised in a way of encouragement all the time, so that the child feels accomplished, even if it is simple achievements.

It is necessary to refrain from criticizing the child continuously, because the criticism makes the child feel weak and unable to do something right.

One of the annoying things that makes a child lose confidence in himself and cannot gain it again is that he is constantly compared to others. This conveys a message to the child that he is not important and that others are better than him in everything.

The correct way to raise a confident child is to encourage him for what he has done and motivate him to do better things next time. If the parents want to compare the child with others, they can compare the child with himself in the past, in order to motivate him to return to what he was before.

Self esteem essay

Self-esteem is one of the most important qualities that a person must have. The meaning of self-esteem is that a person loves himself and appreciates it appropriately, without underestimating or exaggerating.

If a person underestimates himself, he will develop a lack of self-confidence.If a person overestimates himself, he reaches the stage of arrogance and condescension to others.

As for the right person, he is the one who knows his own destiny and knows his weaknesses and strengths. And when he recognizes his weaknesses, he does not get frustrated and his self-confidence is not shaken, but he works intensively to strengthen his weaknesses so that he can get up and walk forward.

A person’s self-respect or appreciation helps a person to live in a successful and calm manner in various aspects of his life. The person who appreciates himself is successful in work, and you find him moving forward in a distinctive way.

And you find him successful in his personal life, whether it is a marriage relationship or his relationship with his family and relatives.

She finds him socially successful with friends and co-workers. As for the relationship with those who manage his work or the leader who gives him orders, he acts with him appropriately without clashing.

Self confidence essay in English

A person gains self-confidence from those around him, whether family or society. If the parents are very prudent, they deal with the child in a healthy way, so they do not bully or criticize him continuously. Also, parents should encourage their children in what suits their skills and abilities.

One of the things that loses the child’s self-confidence is that the parents are determined to compare him with others.

But if they can discover the talents of their children, they will direct them to a path suitable for them, which will make them successful.

After the child grows up, he begins to go out to society, which may be cruel to children, such as when his friends at school meet him with bullying terms. He may be subjected to violence and be underestimated by teachers within the school.

And when he is subjected to study and tests, he will discover that he is not smart enough and that some of his colleagues are superior to him, which causes comparisons between him and them and great frustration for him. All of these things make the child begin to feel inferior.

Low self esteem essay

Lack of self-respect or lack of self-esteem have one meaning, which is a person’s hatred of himself and looking down on him.

This happens because of the frequent criticism of this person in childhood, whether from the father, mother, or those around him.

One of the reasons is also the lack of interest in the child so that his talents are not discovered or his abilities are recognized, and he grows up without any advantage and feels frustrated and unimportant. Irresponsibility makes the person feels weak and unable to do anything on his own.

The child must be given some responsibilities, the difficulty of which varies according to his age, in order to try to perform them well, so that he can feel the strength of his personality.

Neither looking at others nor comparing yourself with them makes you stronger and more successful, but if you look at them and compare yourself to them, you will feel frustration and failure and over time you will hate yourself and look at it in an inferior way.

You must learn to look at the aspects of your life in a positive way, and to avoid negative thinking that destroys human life.

Lack of self confidence essay

Lack of self-confidence is one of the problems that destroy people’s lives, whether their personal lives or at work.

We can clearly see the characteristics of an insecure person, who keeps a low profile and prefers solitude.

If he is in a place with a number of people, he prefers to remain silent and not participate. And shows on his face traces of tension and sweating. If someone looks at him, he turns his face and avoids looking into the eyes of others.

One of the reasons why a person loses confidence is to believe that he is inferior to those around him. This belief may be implanted inside him because of an old problem he was suffering from, or because of a defect in his external appearance that he is unable to fix.

If he suffers from a problem with his weight or the shape of his face, or if he suffers an accident that leads to a certain deformity, he will not be able to maintain his confidence in himself without the help of a specialist doctor.

Narrative essay about self confidence

When I was four years old, I had an accident that broke my teeth and made it difficult to speak. When I went to nursery school, my classmates started bullying me because of the difficulty of speaking.

This bullying affected my personality, which made me afraid to speak, so I was silent and did not talk to anyone.

And the years passed and I didn’t talk, until I got new teeth.

Even though I had new teeth and was able to speak well, I was terrified and thought everyone was looking at me and waiting for me to speak until they made fun of me.

My mother told me that I should go to a doctor to help me overcome this fear. When I went to the doctor he started talking to me in successive sessions until I was able to recover and speak freely, without fear of other people’s judgment.

I have learned to trust myself and love myself as I am so that others will love me. And I learned that a person who feels inferior and insecure, sees others the same way he sees himself. If you want people to see you in a special way, you must first see yourself with this distinction.

Self esteem essay in english

Respect or love of a person for himself is how a person views himself and whether he trusts her and her capabilities or does not have confidence in her.

But there are several ways you can train yourself to trust your abilities, one of which is to learn how to reject something that is not right for you without fear.

Do not do something that you are not convinced of due to pressure from those around you. Do not do anything because you are afraid of society or criticism of others.

You must maintain your personal boundaries, which are like a wall of protection for you from violating your personal boundaries.

You must learn to make your own decisions without referring to others and the hesitation that is clear evidence of a lack of self-confidence.

It is not right to criticize and reduce yourself whenever you make a mistake or make an incorrect decision, but you can know what your mistakes are and try to learn from them for the next time.

Try to look at the words of thanks and compliments that some people say to you and not avoid them or take them as a compliment, because it can often be true and you deserve it.

Essay about self worth

If you want to value yourself, you must know the reasons that lead to the loss of self-esteem in order to avoid them.

One of the most important of these reasons is that you have an accident in your childhood that causes you to change your appearance, which leads to others bullying you.

Or you are born with something different from others, and you are classified as an abnormal person, which leads to a feeling of inferiority.

But these accidents and the things you were born with cannot be changed, and they could happen to anyone else.

Therefore, you must strengthen your character and not be affected by this bullying.

A person may be beautiful and not have any visible issues that require bullying, but he suffers from a loss of self-confidence due to the large number of criticism and belittling him.

Destructive criticism occurs when parents believe that the more they criticize the child, the more he maintains hygiene and excels in school.

But what happens is the opposite, as the child loses confidence in himself and falls backward, causing him to fail for the rest of his life.

My self esteem essay

I have learned that if I want to have self-respect, I must have certain qualities, one of which is to be a balanced, calm person, with a great deal of self-compassion and peace. I have to be confident in not being shaken when a sick person bullies something about me.

Bullying is different from constructive criticism. Bullying is based on the form and things that a person has no power to change.

As for constructive criticism, it is about the things that a person does, but he can change them with something better.

I also learned that I must take my decisions seriously, learn from all past mistakes, and never repeat my mistakes again.

Organizing and arranging is one of the most important things that make a person successful and self-confident, and therefore he will appreciate and love himself, because organization facilitates the tasks you perform and saves you time. A person who values ​​himself never thinks negatively, but only sees the glass as half full.

Unlike people who do not value themselves, they only look at the negatives and cannot see the positive aspects in life in general or in other matters related to work and personal life.

I want to improve my self confidence essay

If you want to improve your self-confidence, you must know what self-confidence means and why it is one of the necessities of life.

Self-confidence means loving yourself and recognizing your strengths, knowing what your weaknesses are and working to strengthen them. If you trust yourself, you will walk and sit among others without fear or hesitation.

One of the most important things that you must do in order to strengthen your confidence in yourself is to look at things in an appropriate way, and do not look at them in a huge and illogical way, such as someone who believes that those around him look at his actions and criticize his actions, and his thinking is the result of a lack of self-confidence.

Also, in order to strengthen your self-confidence, you must not be afraid of others and their criticism, but behave yourself.

You should feel from the inside that you are a strong person who can sit and talk among others, and can make good decisions without fear of error. All of these things strengthen your self-confidence and improve your personality.

Short paragraph about self confidence

When a person moves freely and be himself in front of those around him, he is confident in himself. But if a person is afraid of being in the midst of people and backs away from talking and participating, then he is a person who lacks confidence and does not have a good self-esteem.

This state of distrust appears to others noticeably, as it appears on his face and body movements that reveal the tension and fear he feels.

If a person wants to treat his lack of self-confidence, he must know what is the cause of this problem. One of the main causes of mistrust is being bullied at a young age, or being criticized excessively.

Also, if a person is very sensitive, they look at things exaggeratedly, such as believing that everyone is watching their behavior, or that they look at them critically, although sometimes people may look at you with admiration.

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English Summary

Short Essay on Self Confidence in English

Self-confidence can be defined as the belief in yourself and your abilities. It is basically freedom from doubt. It is not something that can be taught. It is something that we develop internally by ourselves. It is very important to live a healthy and happy life.

Self-confidence is very useful and important to achieve goals and fulfil your wishes. Success comes to those who have a belief in their abilities. One cannot achieve his/her goal in life without self-confidence because a self-confident person is independent, eager, optimistic, loving and positive by nature.

The person who lacks self-confidence is totally opposite. He/she is isolated, inferior, depressed, confused and sensitive to criticism and failure. It does not mean that a confident person always gets success in life but he/she takes life challenges positively. They learn from their mistakes and keep trying to achieve better in life.

There are various ways by which one can work on and improve his/her self confidence. Firstly, believe in yourself and learn to say what you feel. Most people face this problem of not saying ‘no’ to something they don’t like. It is important to say ‘no’ politely if you are not comfortable with something. Don’t feel guilty about it. There is nothing wrong with it.

Another way to improve your self-confidence is to never preassume. Many people have this habit of preassuming the negative. For example, you are going to a drawing competition and you are nervous. Do not overthink it. You are chosen for this competition because you are good at drawing. Don’t let your negative preassumption shake your confidence.

Setting realistic goals is a good practice to boost self-confidence. We should not set our goals too high or too low as both can affect your self-confidence badly. Too high goals make one under-confident as she/he may not be able to achieve and the too low goals can make one overconfident as one can achieve it easily.

Keep on learning to achieve self-confidence. Learn from your past experiences. Self- confidence does not build in one day. Believe in yourself and keep trying.

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Question on Self Confidence

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Self Confidence Essay | Importance & Short Paragraph | Download PDF

December 10, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Napoleon succeeded in his battles because of his self confidence. self confidence is the key to success. A person who has self confidence has won half of the battle. Self confidence helps to develops strong character and also a belief is oneself. What is self confidence?

It is the power of one to believe in oneself that he or she can achieve what one has ventured to do. Just like any other activity self confidence also has its pros and cons. it can build character but can sometimes destroy it as well. Too much confidence in oneself is often described as over confidence. Self confidence is a self evil.   

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Confidence is of two types 

1) The positive type of confidence.  

2) The negative type of confidence .  

 This is the type of confidence that works in our favor. Confidence is definitely needed in one’s life. Otherwise a person will face failure. He won’t have self-dependency. He will fail in every venture he undertakes. But a bit of boost of confidence can gear up his adrenaline. And move him on the path of success. History has been the eyewitness of many such stories from where it can be proved that self-confidence has helped to move small stones to big mountains.  

Coming to the story of napoleon, there is a famous story that goes about the napoleon crossing The Alps. When Napoleon and an army of sixty thousand soldiers came to the Alps they saw the towering Alps rise above them. Doubts started rising in their minds, “is it possible to cross the Alps?”

Maximum of them thought it’s impossible. But napoleon commanded “I don’t want to listen anymore”, “forward to Italy”. A long line of soldiers and horses and canons marched through twenty miles.

Self Confidence essay

Such is the power of self-confidence. It can move mountains and make way over the oceans. People with good self confidence have been great leaders. Be it Karl Marx, Alexander the conqueror, Julius ceaser or the emperor Akbar.

In each and every case we see that each of them had ample confidence in himself and they didn’t remain satisfied with just that. They strived to make their works better and correct the flaws that they have. This brought them success. Another story of self confidence that has come into limelight is the story of dasrath majhi  

Yes, he is also known as the “Mountain Man”., was a poor laborer in the gehlaur village in the district of Gaya in Bihar. He carved a path 110-meter-long and 9.1-meter-wide and 7.6-meter-deep through the hills of gehlaur with only a hammer and a chisel.

The incident started when his wife falguni devi , while crossing the gehlour hills to bring his lunch, slipped and had seriously hurt herself that eventually led to her death. Dasrath Majhi was deeply pained by this incident on that very moment he decided to cut road through that hill single -handedly so that people of that village can get better medical attention and they don’t have to die due to lack of means of access.

He completed the work in 22 years (1960 &1983). This path reduced the distance between the Atri and Wazirganj sectors of the Gaya district from 55 km to 15 km. He sadly commented,” When I started hammering the hill, people called me a lunatic but that steeled my resolve.”   Dasrath Majhi’s self-confidence was not moved even with people discouraging him.  

Although he was no big leader but for the good that he did his name will be clearly etched in the book of marvels forever.  

But not all are the successful cases of self-confidence. There are also cases where too much of self-confidence ruined the plans. Too much of confidence makes us think that we can undertake anything and that is where the problem lies. We don’t prepare ourselves well for the challenge. We think we can do it. We don’t rehearse ourselves to get ourselves ready for the showdown. Hence, we have to face failure.  

Heard of the famous story of the rabbit and the turtle? The rabbit was over confident about his success from the beginning of the race. It mocked the turtle for it slow and slack approach. But the rabbit for his over confidence goes to a tree shade and dozes off to sleep thinking that he is far ahead in the race. While in the meantime the turtle slowly and steadily wins the race.  

This is not just a childhood story. It gives us rich moral teachings of life  

Another famous story that goes is the story of the frog in the well. The frog in well was so over confident about his knowledge that he did not hear any word of the frog coming from the sea. He mocked and laughed at the stories the frog from the sea told him about.

He disbelieved the fact that there can be another world much more than his well. He then told the other frog to leave his home. He did not get to know that the world is much bigger than what he knows. He remained in the darkness of illiteracy.  

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Sign up for essence newsletters the keep the black women at the forefront of conversation., kimora lee simmons talks the importance of self-confidence at 25th annual smile train gala.

Kimora Lee Simmons Talks The Importance Of Self-Confidence At 25th Annual Smile Train Gala

Kimora Lee Simmons knows the value of confidence. The Smile Train ambassador shared why she donates her time and resources to the cleft-focused organization with ESSENCE at their 25th-anniversary gala at Cipriani. 

Smile Train supports local medical professionals with educational and material resources so that they can provide free cleft surgery and comprehensive cleft care to children globally. They take a holistic approach to care, providing aftercare to patients and supporting them through multiple surgeries in some cases. The event helped raise funds for all of their operations, including 3D-printed cleft stimulation kits. These help surgeons complete clef procedures, potentially limiting the risk of certain complications. Black patients have significantly higher complications, according to the Journal of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery . 

Smile Train announced that they had completed their two millionth free surgery at the event. The news was met with thunderous applause from paddle-raising donors prepared to lighten their pockets for the cause. 

Kimora Lee Simmons Talks The Importance Of Self-Confidence At 25th Annual Smile Train Gala

She was presented the Smile Train Goodwill Ambassador award by her daughters , Ming Lee and Aoki Lee. Lee Simmons described seeing a patient blossom and imitating the model’s runway walk after her surgery during her speech. The patient was planning her future after seeing herself in a new light. 

“I have Stephanie all on my phone doing the catwalk,” Lee Simmons said excitedly. 

“Smile Train allows these young people from infants all the way to adulthood to kind of reclaim a life that they never even knew they could have,” she continued. “These people have been transformed through these surgeries. I’ve seen it. I’ve been in the field. I’ve been with their families.” 

Lee Simons acknowledged that while inner beauty was paramount, exteriors have an undeniable impact on a person’s experience. “Beauty really does start from the inside, what’s outside really does matter a lot too.”

She stated that her work is ultimately more about how the patients feel about how they look than how they look. “There’s as many different beauties as people.” 

“All of these things are about putting your best foot forward and doing the best that you can for yourself,” she added. Lee Simmons taps into her own inner confidence to tackle life’s challenges. 

Kimora Lee Simmons Talks The Importance Of Self-Confidence At 25th Annual Smile Train Gala

“I tried on my journey right to say look, no one’s gonna have your back, if you don’t have your back,” she said. 

She wants women to harness the power of self-confidence and independence , whether they are partnered or not. “As a woman, I have to stand on my own two feet,” she said. “You cannot rely on a man for your whole life. It doesn’t matter.

Clef patients can face bullying, something Lee Simmons faced growing up in Missouri . 

She admits “it can be quite hurtful” to face judgment from people who don’t know her.” 

She advises people to “be resilient and be beautiful and be shining in all of your glory, even when you feel stepped on or looked down upon or downtrodden.” 

She shared advice for how to use confidence to improve your life in her 2006 book Fabulosity: What It Is & How to Get It . She described it as lessons for her “thirteen-year-old self.” 

Lee Simons has been a longtime supporter of organizations that center on improving people’s lives, including Dress For Success , where she has worked to help formerly incarcerated women build wardrobes as they prepare for a return to the workplace. “It’s so important for me to be able to give back. I’ve been doing it all my life, since before I had kids,” she said

Kimora Lee Simmons Talks The Importance Of Self-Confidence At 25th Annual Smile Train Gala

Host Jeanie Mai joked that she would rather see the smiles transformed by Smile Train than usual ones she encounters in Hollywood. “Those smiles are a lunch of veneers and lip fillers. I’m ready for some smiles that are really going to light up this world,” she said after climbing the podium in a peach-sculpted dress. Afterwards Jordin Sparks did an energetic set that included a cover of Frank Sinatra’s When You’re Smiling, suiting the occasion. The audience sang along to her hit before Sparks encouraged guests to head to the chapel and enjoy DJ Jazzy Jeff turning out the afterparty. 

Mai was not the only one in a playful mood. 

Lee Simmons joked that her unfiltered personality was a perfect fit for fundraising. “I have a big mouth, so the least I could do is beg people for money,” she said, flashing her own winning smile. 

You can learn more about Smile Train’s mission here . 

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    0 1{θ≥c/βδV } (δθV − c)dF (θ), where 1{·} denotes the indicator function, and note that the integrand is increasing in θ. Definition 1 An individual with distribution F over ability θ has higher self-confidence than another one with distribution G if the likelihood ratio f (θ) /g (θ) is increasing in θ.

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    Confidence is of two types. 1) The positive type of confidence. 2) The negative type of confidence. This is the type of confidence that works in our favor. Confidence is definitely needed in one's life. Otherwise a person will face failure. He won't have self-dependency. He will fail in every venture he undertakes.

  25. Kimora Lee Simmons Talks The Importance Of Self-Confidence At 25th

    NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 08: Kimora Lee Simmons, Ming Lee Simmons and Aoki Lee Simmons attend the Smile Train 25th Anniversary Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street on May 08, 2024 in New York City ...