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LaTeX beamer template for presentations with a clean and simple style


Folders and files, repository files navigation, clean and simple beamer presentation template.

This repository provides a clean and simple template for presentations made with the LaTeX beamer package . The design is based on the metropolis theme .

It is highlighted by many guides on good slide design that slides should contain no clutter and as few objects as possible. Jean-luc Doumont says the following about slide templates in his talk about Creating effective slides :

A template is a way to specify where the content should come and how the content should look once it comes there. As long as you don't have content, there should be nothing.


Simply copy all of the files into a new folder or click on "Use this template" on GitHub.

The file presentation.tex is the main file that needs to be compiled. It is recommended to use lualatex , if you want to use the Fira fonts that are the default fonts in the metropolis theme.


Make sure that you have a LaTeX installation on your computer, which includes the metropolis theme . It should be included in every popular LaTeX distribution like TeX live or MiKTeX.

If you want to use the Fira fonts , you need to install them on your machine first.


The template allows an easy customization of the colors and styles according to your needs. In particular, you only need to edit the color definitions in the setup-colors.tex file.

There are four colors in this theme which you can adjust to your needs:

accent : Accent color that is used for the progress bar and \alert{text} .

bgcolor : Main background color that is used as the background color of the slides.

bgcolorAlt : Second/alternative background color that is used as the background color of the slide titles and as the background color for boxes.

fgcolor : Foreground color that is used as the text color.

If you want to show the logo of your institution/university on the title page, you simple need to adjust the \titlegraphic command like

where logo.png refers to the image file of the logo.

The following image shows the provided example slides with an example color scheme.

example presentation

LaTeX Beamer

Your First LaTeX Presentation–Title Page

' src=

Demonstration of how to create a basic presentation and title page using the LaTeX class document: Beamer.

  • 1. Simple title page
  • 2. Add a subtitle

3. Title page with multiple authors

4. add author’s affiliation.

  • 5. Multiple affiliations
  • 6. Modify footer

1. Create a simple title page

The following code creates a simple title page in LaTeX using Beamer . It includes a title , author name and a talk date :

Compiling this code yields:

Title page in beamer latex presentations

  • We have chosen a predefined theme in Beamer, known as AnnArbor which is loaded using the command: \usetheme{AnnArbor}
  • \title{}: is used to set a title to the presentation
  • \author{}: is used to add authors’ names to the talk
  • \date{}: is used to print the date of the talk, using \today will print the compilation day of the presentation.

2. Add a subtitle to the beamer title page

This can be achieved by adding \subtitle{My-subtitle} to the document preamble. Updating the above code and compiling it, we get the following output:

Add subtitle to title page latex presentation

In the previous example, we used \author{} to add the presenter name to the title page. Using the same command, we can add more authors. Check the following code:

Using this line code in the above code, we get the following result:

Multiple authors in Beamer title page

We have three points to highlight about the above line code:

  • Point 1: We used \and command between authors names.
  • Point 2: We added ~ to keep the first name and last name of each author together, otherwise a new line is automatically created to get a sufficient space.
  • Point 3: Authors’ names, presentation title and the date are printed at the bottom of the presentation (footer). These can be modified easily which is the purpose of the “ Modify footer details ” section.

Here is an example with the affiliation “ Online Beamer Tutorials “:

Compiling this code yields the following result:

Add author affiliation in Beamer title page

5. Add several authors with different affiliations

If there are several affiliations or more than one author with different affiliations, we add the command \inst{} inside \author{} and \institute{} commands. Here is an illustrative example of two authors with different affiliations:

Here is the obtained result:

Add two affiliations to a title page in beamer

6. Modify footer details

As we mentioned above, authors names and affiliations, presentation title and date are printed at the bottom of the presentation.

If text is too long and doesn’t fit well with the footer length or If you would like to put something else, we can add brackets to the command in question with desired text . So we use:

  • \title[This one is printed in the footer]{This is original title of the talk}
  • \author[short text printed in the footer]{authors names of the talk}
  • \institute[another short text]{authors affiliation}: The text “another short text” will be added between pair of round brackets to the footer (author section).
  • \date[Anything else]{2021}: The text “Anything else” will be added at the bottom right corner of presentation.

Here is an example:

Modify footer text in beamer latex

If you would like to remove details from the footer, we can use empty brackets, eg. \author[]{Authors name} , \date[]{2021} , etc.

  • The commands \title{}, \subtitle{}, \author{}, \institute{} and \date{} allow us to add a title, subtitle, authors names and their affiliations, and the date of the talk, respectively. We should put these commands in the preamble of the document.
  • To create a title page, we need to put \titlepage command inside a frame environment.
  • Using \title[short title]{Presentation title} will print short title at the bottom of the presentation, depending on the used theme.
  • The line code \title[]{Presentation title} will remove the talk title from the footer. This applies also to \date{} , \author{} and \institute{} commands.

Next Lesson:  02 Add and Position a Logo in Beamer

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Communicating and sharing your work effectively with colleagues, supervisors and the general public often requires the preparation of a suitable presentation, tailored to that audience. These templates make it easy to create such a presentation, and the resulting set of slides is available for distribution in PDF format – perfect for sharing before or after your lecture, seminar or talk.


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